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Steven Rosati Runge ​203.246.

New York City


INVESCO, ​New York, NY

Conference Center Manager, 2/2019-Present 

▪ Assemble clients, stakeholders, Board members, employees in adaptive, custom designed conference rooms across five floors to accomplish virtually
any gathering request, in-person and remotely. Examples, include: C-Executive Board meetings, Board of Directors, guest lectures, trainings, and
▪ Manage several teams - audio/visual, security, multimedia, facilities, catering, space management - to accomplish host/stakeholder desired outcomes
▪ Developed organizational best practises policies and procedures to enhance compliance, overall satisfaction and client-forwardness with the creation of
a Playbook


Executive Assistant, ​9/2017-3/2019 

▪ Supported CEO, Founder, and directors on all administrative tasks related to the energy, security, multimedia and technology domains
▪ Responded to all client inquiries, conducted new business research and data entry to assist in further sector expansion
▪ Interfaced with client CEOs, executive assistants to coordinate meetings; A/V, Zoom, Skype coordination; out-of-state conferences, travel management

YMCA OF THE USA, ​Fairfield County, CT, New York, NY

Safety and Administration Director, 4/​2004-12/2017  

▪ Coordinated and led tours of the facility and campus; Facilitated emergency trainings; Conducted community presentations
▪ Liaison to guests successfully facilitating positive, courteous, ethical and mission-invested executive, concierge services; greeting all employees,
guests, tending to
▪ Energetically able to articulate information providing outstanding guest experiences
▪ Managed front desk switchboard, monitored employee safety database, vendor outreach pertaining to office supplies, beverage/food catering


Executive Assistant, 7/2015-1/2016 

▪ Gatekeeper to several advisors and internal employees. Front desk, reception and concierge services included managing switch board, daily calendar
▪ Actively coordinated travel arrangements, car service, food/beverage orders, face-to-face meetings, A/V conference room setup, Skype meetings
▪ Daily data entry using DealCloud, assist with expense governance, reconciliation and receipt tracking organization
▪ Assisted marketing director to coordinate projects and events; oversight and expansion of employee conference attendance; responsible for
researching and organizing of a Conferences Master List spreadsheet to be used by all advisors, employees and marketing team members


Membership Director, 6​ /2013–6/2015 
▪ Initiated recruiting methods by individually meeting hundreds of small business and corporate leaders to encourage traction into the YMCA
▪ Collaborated with VP of Operations and Director of Facilities on successful installation of a new HVAC for Olympic-size pool; implemented monthly
mentoring youth groups; Coordinated various stages in the complete-renovation of health and wellness center; encouraged additional mind and spirit
branded conferences, programs and classes
▪ Responsible for signing up new members, and answered questions; mastering all program descriptions and school-age content offered at YMCA
▪ Coordinated, organized and scheduled various functions into the LMS necessary for membership, sports, fitness, child-care, massage departments


Bachelor of Arts​, P
​ sychology ​| M
​ ay 2007

▪ Editor of R.W.V. Campus Publication

▪ Studied business, macro/micro economics, and marketing

Skills: ​ CVENT, Skype Business, RAM, Dealcloud, Salesforce, LeadTrac, Global Client Solutions, MacOS, Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook,
PowerPoint, Daxko, and Trinexum
Continued Education: B
​ uenos Aires, Argentina: Español studies at International Bureau of Language School.

Employment​:​ Gravatai, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: ESL Teacher at CCAA English Language School.​ Extensive travel:​ Australia, Europe, South

Volunteer:​ Empire State Pride Agenda, NYC; OutSpoken Support Group, Norwalk, CT; Triangle Community Center, Circle Medical, Norwalk, CT

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