Lattice Parameter Local Determination For Trigonal, Hexagonal, and Tetragonal Crystal Systems Using Several Coplanar X-Ray Reflections

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Lattice Parameter Local Determination for Trigonal, Hexagonal, and Tetragonal Crystal
Systems Using Several Coplanar X-Ray Reflections
Article in Crystallography Reports · November 2010
DOI: 10.1134/S106377451006026X

3 802

6 authors, including:

A. E. Blagov Valentin Lider

Russian Academy of Sciences Russian Academy of Sciences



Pavel Prosekov
Russian Academy of Sciences


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ISSN 1063 7745, Crystallography Reports, 2010, Vol. 55, No. 6, pp. 1074–1078. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2010.
Original Russian Text © A.E. Blagov, M.V. Dekapoltsev, M.V. Kovalchuk, V.V. Lider, Yu.V. Pisarevsky, P.A. Prosekov, 2010, published in Kristallografiya, 2010, Vol. 55, No. 6,
pp. 1133–1138.


Dedicated to the memory of B.N. Grechushnikov

Lattice Parameter Local Determination for Trigonal,

Hexagonal, and Tetragonal Crystal Systems Using Several
Coplanar X Ray Reflections
A. E. Blagov, M. V. Dekapoltsev, M. V. Kovalchuk, V. V. Lider,
Yu. V. Pisarevsky, and P. A. Prosekov
Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiі pr. 59, Moscow, 119333 Russia e mail:
Received July 1, 2010

Abstract—The method for determining the local lattice parameters using quasi multiple X ray diffraction
(which was proposed and used only for crystals of the cubic system) has been expanded to measure the local
crystal lattice parameters for the trigonal, hexagonal, and tetragonal systems. Local variations in the lattice
parameters in the tetragonal paratellurite (TeO 2) and trigonal lanthanum–gallium tantalate
(La3Ga5.5Ta0.5O14) crystals have been investigated. Reflections necessary for implementing the quasi multi
ple X ray diffraction scheme are found for these crystals. The pairs of reflections that were found were used
to complete quasi multiple X ray diffraction schemes on a laboratory X ray source and determine the varia

tion in the lattice parameter a along the surface of these crystals. The relative measurement error was 4 × 10
at a spatial resolution of 140 μm. The accuracy of the method and the parameters determining this
characteristic were analyzed based on the results. The locality of the method and the limits of the spatial
resolution of an X ray diffraction measurement of lattice parameters are estimated.
DOI: 10.1134/S106377451006026X

INTRODUCTION reflections that satisfy (at least approximately) the

The experimental determination of lattice param condition of coplanar multiple X ray diffraction. One
eters is one of the conventional problems solved by X significant advantage of this method is the possibility
ray diffractometry. To study the real crystal struc ture, of determining local variations in lattice parameters
i.e., obtain information about defects, the vari ation of with a high spatial resolution (to a few tens of a
the composition throughout the crystal, the micrometer) using a laboratory source. In view of the
distribution and concentrations of impurity atoms and
inclusions of other phases, etc., one needs meth ods aforementioned features, quasi multiple X ray dif
for determining the local lattice parameters and their fraction is of interest for a number of technical prob
variations [1–3]. Recently, great interest has been lems related to crystal growth technology and an anal
shown in superstructural nanoaggregates, which often ysis of the defect crystal structure. This method was
impart crystals with new qualities. Thus, accurately proposed in [1] and then successfully developed in [2,
(with an error of ~10 ) measuring local parameters 3] for measuring the parameters of cubic crystals. At
with a high spatial resolution has become particularly the same time, the restriction of this method to cubic
crystals significantly narrowed the range of its applica
Some well known methods for accurately deter
mining lattice parameters (the Kossel method [4], the tion.
method of highly divergent beam [5], and the Bond In this paper we report the results of studying the
method [6]) allow one to determine lattice parameters features of this method and developing it for the trigo
with a high accuracy (reaching 10 –4–10–5). However, nal, hexagonal, and tetragonal crystal systems. We
these techniques are either invalid or require a special experimentally investigated the local variations in the
technique for local measurements.
There is an efficient and convenient method for lattice parameter in tetragonal paratellurite (TeO 2)
accurately determining lattice parameters which is and trigonal lanthanum–gallium tantalate
based on measuring the angular distance between two (La3Ga5.5Ta0.5O14; langatate, LGT) crystals.

(а) (b) h1k1l1

XS 90°– θ1

(h2k2l2) A1 A2
O1 O2
90°– θ2

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of coplanar diffraction for the reflection pair: (a) XS–X ray source Ψ0 is the angular distance between the
(h1k1l1) and (h2k2l2) reflection peaks; (b) О 1О2 = ϕ, А1А2 = Ψ0, θ1 and θ2—Bragg angles corresponding to (h1k1l1) and (h2k2l2)

SPECIFIC FEATURES OF MEASURING LOCAL of the reflection pair used; and the X ray wavelength λ.
LATTICE PARAMETERS OF CRYSTALS For the crystals belonging to the trigonal, hexagonal,
BELONGING TO THE TRIGONAL, and tetragonal systems, the search for reflections is
HEXAGONAL, AND TETRAGONAL SYSTEMS reduced to a cyclic enumeration of the h1k1l1 and h2k2l2
USING QUASI MULTIPLE X RAY indices and a calculation of Ψ0 at a specified wave
DIFFRACTION length λ and reference values of a and с. The reflection
The method under consideration is based on mea pairs for which Ψ0 does not exceed 500″ are assumed
suring the angle between two diffraction peaks corre to be suitable for further analysis.
sponding to two previously chosen reflections satisfy For arbitrary pairs of reflections, the angular dis
ing conditions similar to multiple X ray diffraction tance Ψ0 makes it possible to study the ratio of the
(the so called quasi multiple X ray diffraction) in the parameters c and a along the sample surface. In some
coplanar geometry. cases this is sufficient to analyze crystal homogeneity.
In the case of the coplanar geometry of quasi mul Under the condition l1 = l2 = 0, the parameter с is
tiple X ray diffraction (Fig. 1), the angle between the excluded from calculations. In this case, pairs of
crystal orientations at which the (h1k1l1) and (h2k2l2) coplanar reflections of the (h k 0) and (h k 0) type
1 1 2 2

reflection peaks can be observed obeys the relation make it possible to unambiguously determine the lat
Ψ0 = ϕ – |θ1 – θ2|, (1) tice parameter а and study its change along the sur
where θ1 and θ2 are the Bragg angles corresponding to face. A similar situation can be implemented by
the (h1k1l1) and (h2k2l2) crystallographic planes and choosing a pair of reflections for which the angular
distance between the diffraction peaks is sensitive to a
ϕ is the angle between these planes. change in one of the parameters and is not very sensi
When recording the rocking curves in the vicinity tive to a change in the other one.
of ∼Ψ0, one can detect (h1k1l1) and (h2k2l2) diffraction The relative error of the method is given by the for
reflections with a high angular resolution and thus
mula δа/а = εδΨ, where δΨ is the experimental error
accurately measure the desired angle Ψ0 between the –1
corresponding diffraction peaks. The error in deter in determining Ψ0 and ε = tan θ1 – tan θ2 is a coef
mining the lattice parameter can be as small as 10 – ficient characterizing the sensitivity of Ψ0 for the cho
10–6, as was demonstrated in [2] for cubic crystals. sen pair of reflections to small changes in the lattice
Note that crystal rotation by a small angle Ψ0 during parameter [1, 2]. Thus, pairs of reflections with a max
measurements barely affects the method locality, due imum difference in the tangents of Bragg angles ensure
to which measurements can be performed with a spa the highest measurement accuracy.
tial resolution equal to the width of the beam projec
tion on the sample. SAMPLES FOR STUDY
This method is generally accurate and convenient
to use at Ψ0 < 300–500″. For much larger angles, the The objects of this study were paratellurite (TeO ) 2

instrumental error and measurement time increase. and lanthanum–gallium tantalate (La3Ga5.5Ta0.5O14)
In the diffraction geometry under consideration crystals. Langatate crystals belong to the trigonal sys
(Fig. 1), Ψ0 is a function of the unit cell parameters of tem, group 32. They are widely used in various piezo
the crystal analyzed: a, b, с, α, β, and γ; the indices hkl electric devices based on surface and bulk acoustic


1076 BLAGOV et al.
Calculated reflection pairs for LGT and TeO2 crystals, λ[MoKα1]

(h1k1l1) (h2k2l2) ΘB1 , deg ΘB2, deg | Ψ0 |, '' ε Beam projection, μm

(for a 100 μm slit)
(260) (110) 21.03 4.95 54.7 3.4 1160
(260) (770) 21.03 37.11 68.4 2.7 170
(699) (440) 64.3 20.17 81.8 0.6 290
(442) (880) 21.81 43.6 340.5 1.8 150
(521) (770) 18.57 37.11 364.9 2.4 160
(220) (370) 12.04 34.16 1164.8 2.1 270
(770) (250) 46.88 23.40 1032.1 1.6 250
(440) (585) 24.65 47.19 170.3 1.6 260
(220) (464) 12.04 34.29 63.1 2.1 260
(220) (371) 12.04 34.30 100.9 2.1 260

waves. Paratellurite crystals belong to the tetragonal A change in Ψ0 by one arcsec (ΔΨ0 = 1″) corre
system, group 422. They are most widely used in vari sponds to the following relative changes in the lattice
ous acousto optic devices: modulators, filters, deflec –4 5
tors, etc. Modern technology makes it possible to parameters c and a: c/c = 4 × 10 and a/a = 10 . In
grow both LGT and TeO2 crystals that are large in size other words, with a relative change a/a = 10 in the
and high quality. We used LGT samples in the form of lattice parameter a, the angular distance between the
plates with a normal oriented in the 1 1 2 0 direction reflections (220–371) changes by one arcsec (ΔΨ0 =
and TeO2 samples in the form of plates normally ori 1″), while the same change in the parameter с ( с/с =
ented in the [110] direction (this cut is characterized 10 ) corresponds to the change ΔΨ0 = 0.025″. Thus,
by a bright reflection (220)). one can neglect the contribution of the variation in с
The table contains the reflection pairs for both and use this pair to study the variation in only а. The
crystals, the calculated angular distances between the calculations for the pair (220–464) show that the sen
reflections, the sensitivity coefficients of the pairs sitivity to variation in а is comparable with the sen
found to changes in the lattice parameter, and the sizes sitivity to variation in с, and this pair cannot be used
of the beam projection on the sample. to study the variation in the parameter а inde pendent
of с.
For the langatate crystal we could find several pairs
satisfying the condition l1 = l2 = 0, Ψ0 < 300″. We chose In [7] the reflection pair (220–371) was chosen to
the pair (260–770) because it provided the min imum investigate the features of multiple X ray diffraction in
spatial resolution. For the paratellurite crystal, the found TeO2 crystals. We used these reflections to analyze the
pairs with l1 = l2 = 0 had an angular distance Ψ0 variation in the lattice parameter а along the sample
significantly exceeding 300″. The reflection pairs (220– surface.
464) and (220–371) turned out to be the most
appropriate. The pairs with l1 ≠ l2 ≠ 0 make it possible to
study only the ratio of the parameters а and с, but for the EXPERIMENTAL SETUP
reflections (220–371) the angular distance Ψ0 is barely AND MEASUREMENT RESULTS
sensitive to changes in the parameter с.
Experiments were performed on a standard TRS K
X ray spectrometer (Fig. 2) within the double crystal
System for signal processing θ
МоКα source nonparallel geometry. The radiation source was an X
and recording rocking curves 80 μm slit ray tube with a molybdenum anode. An X ray beam,
Detector 1
which was formed based on single symmetric
Si (440)
reflection from a Si(440) monochromator, was limited
Sample Monochromator 0.1 mm slit by a slit installed before the sample; this allowed us to
Detector 2 use the MoKα1 line in the experiments. The reflection
intensity was measured by two scintillation NaI detec
Fig. 2. X ray optical scheme of the experiment. tors with independent counting channels.


Ψ ,′′ a/a × 10

150 3

50 2

– 50

– 100 0

– 150

– 200 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

X, mm
–2 –1 0 1 2
Azimuthal angle φ, deg
Fig. 4. Change in the lattice parameter a measured in the
Fig. 3. Experimental dependence of the angular distance Y(10 10 ) direction in the langatate
Ψ0 between the (260)–(770) reflections on the azimuthal crystal plate of the
position of the crystal (angle ϕ). 11 20 Х cut using the (260)–(770) reflection pair. The scan
step is 140 μm and the scanned area size is 3 mm.

Measurements of Langatate Lattice Local Parameters projection on the sample of 140 μm (slit size 80 μm).
It can be seen in Fig. 1b that the angular distance Series of rocking curves were measured with X ray
beam scanning over the sample. In Fig. 4 the scan step
Ψ0 reaches a maximum when the reflection diffraction was 140 μm and the scanned area was 3 mm. In Fig. 5
vectors and the vectors of the incident and diffracted the corresponding values were 660 μm and 13 mm,
waves are in an exact coplanar position. To satisfy the respectively. Under the measurement conditions used,
experimental conditions, the reflection diffraction the relative error in determining the lattice parameter
vectors must lie in the diffraction plane set by the –6
monochromator. The crystal position corresponding to a was δa/а ~ 4 × 10 .
the aligned coplanar scheme and the corresponding
Ψ0 value (the position of the peak in the curve in Fig. Measurements of Paratellurite Lattice Local Parameters
3) were determined by measuring a series of rock ing As was shown above, the angular distance between
curves of the reflections at azimuthal crystal scan ning the (220–371) reflection peaks of paratellurite is
(rotation) within ±2° with a step of 5'. The scheme almost insensitive to small variations in the parameter
was additionally aligned after each azimuthal rotation с; its relative changes, up to 10–4, do not exceed the
step (crystal inclination). This additional alignment error in determining Ψ0.
compensated for the deviation of the dif fraction –5
vector of symmetric reflection from the scat tering a/a × 10
plane, which occurred at azimuthal crystal rota tion, 5
when the rotation axis of the crystal did not exactly Step 660 μm
coincide with the diffraction vector of sym metric 4 Step 140 μm
reflection. 3
The aligned coplanar scheme makes it possible to
determine the lattice parameter magnitude. The mea 2
surement error, provided that the coplanar scheme is
exactly aligned, is determined by the error in measur 1
ing Ψ0 and the instrumental error. Ways to introduce
corrections for the error in aligning the crystal sample 0
were considered in detail in [8]. Along with the correc
tions for the alignment error, one must also take into –1
account the effect of temperature, the refraction
induced change in the Bragg angles, etc. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
X, mm
The relative change in the lattice parameter a along
Fig. 5. Change in the lattice parameter а measured in the
the (1 1 2 0 ) face of the sample in the ( 1 0 1 0) direction Y(10 10 ) direction in the langatate crystal plate of the
is shown in Figs. 4 and 5. When detecting Ψ0, rocking 11 20 Х cut using the (260)–(770) reflection pair. The scan
curves were recorded at the width of the X ray beam step is 660 μm and the scanned area size is 13 mm.


1078 BLAGOV et al.

96.2 1.2 shown that only one lattice parameter can be indepen
1.0 dently measured using one pair of reflections.
96.0 All measurements were performed on a standard
95.8 0.8 double crystal spectrometer. Schemes of quasi multi
ple X ray diffraction were implemented using the
Ψ , ′′

095.6 0.610 (260–770) and (220–371) reflection pairs for lan
gatate and paratellurite crystals, respectively. The rela

95.4 0.4
tive error in measuring the variation in the lattice

95.2 0.2 parameter a along the sample surface was δa/а ~ 4 ×
95.0 0 10 . A spatial resolution of 140 μm was reached at a
94.8 – 0.2 slit width of 80 μm. The intensities of diffracted X ray
beams indicate that the spatial resolution can be
0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50
X, mm improved several times. The increase in resolution is
Fig. 6. Experimental dependence of the angular distance limited by the relatively low intensity of laboratory
X ray sources (according to our estimates, the limiting
Ψ0 between the (220)–(371) reflections of paratellurite resolution for a laboratory source is 10–20 μm). These
(left ordinate axis) and the relative change in the lattice
parameter a (right ordinate axis) at X ray beam scanning limitations can be partially removed using brighter
over the (110) face. sources, especially synchronization radiation beams.
For bright sources the spatial resolution is limited by
Figure 6 shows the results of measuring the angular the diffraction divergence, which is significant at sub
micron beam sizes.
distance between the (220–371) reflections of paratel The approach discussed in this study can also be
lurite (left ordinate axis) and the corresponding rela used to measure local inhomogeneities in crystals of
tive change in the lattice parameter a (right ordinate lower order systems, which have a larger number of
axis) at an X ray beam displacement over the (220) independent unit cell parameters. In the simplest case
surface in the [100] direction with a step of 150 μm. of an orthorhombic system with three independent
The X ray beam projection on the sample surface was parameters, it is sufficient to choose three pairs of
150 μm and the scanned area size was 1.5 mm. quasi multiple X ray reflections and develop algo
The angular positions of the peaks in the experi rithms for numerical calculations of the lattice param
mental rocking curves were determined using the eters from the measured angular distances between the
Lorentzian approximation. The error in determining positions of reflection peaks.
the peak position using the analytical approximation
of experimental rocking curves did not exceed 0.1″. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
The most important factors for the measurement
accuracy were the collection time at a point, the angu This study was supported by the Ministry of Educa
lar scan step, and the diffracted beam intensity. Multi tion and Science of the Russian Federation (GK
ple measurements of a series of rocking curves of 16.740.11.0095), and grant MK 156.2010.2 of the
reflections at the same point were performed for sev President of the Russian Federation.
eral hours to determine the instrumental error in mea
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