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meta-analysis n.

a quantitative technique for synthesizing the results of multiple studies of a

phenomenon into a single result by combining the effect size estimates from each study into a
single estimate of the combined effect size or into a distribution of effect sizes. For example, a re-
searcher could conduct a meta-analysis of several studies on the association between self-
efficacy and achievement, integrating the findings into an overall correlation. Al- though meta-
analysis is ideally suited for summarizing a body of literature in terms of its impact, limitations,
and implications, there are conditions that limit its applicability. For example, there is no
minimum number of studies nor participants required, and information of potential interest may
be missing from the original research reports upon which the procedure must rely.

theory n. 1. a principle or body of interrelated principles that purports to explain or predict a

number of interrelated phenomena. 2. in the philosophy of science, a set of logically related
explanatory hypotheses that are consistent with a body of empirical facts and that may suggest
more empirical relationships. 3. in general usage, abstract or speculative thought as opposed to

construct n. 1. a complex idea or concept formed from a synthesis of simpler ideas. 2. an

explanatory model based on empirically verifiable and measurable events or processes—an
empirical construct—or on processes inferred from data of this kind but not themselves directly
observable—a hypothetical construct. Many of the models used in psychology are hypothetical
constructs. 3. in the study of social cognition, an element of knowledge (a cognitive construct).

concept n. 1. an idea that represents a class of objects or events or their properties, such as cats,
walking, honesty, blue, or fast. 2. in conditioning, a class of stimuli to which an organism
responds in a similar or identical manner (see stimulus gen-eralization) and that the organism
discriminates from other classes. —conceptual adj.

model n. 1. a graphic, theoretical, or other type of representation of a concept or of basic

behavioral or bodily pro- cesses (e.g., a disorder) that can be used for various investigative and
demonstrative purposes, such as enhancing understanding of the concept or process, proposing
hypotheses, showing relationships, or identifying epidemiological patterns. 2. see modeling.

Bruno D. Zumbo, Ph.D.

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