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letter sorting; by investigating all
HISTORY OF INTELLIGENCE (Intelligence his soldiers to detect discontentments
Personality) and to expose their legitimate causes.
He was able to identify those disloyal
Intelligence operation is not a new in one's by ordering the communication
our jurisdiction. Since the time letters opened and was successful in
immemorial, various prominent curtailing the decline of esprit de
personalities in their respective corps and morale of his men.
jurisdiction had already practiced
this meticulous and painstaking SUN TZU- A Chinese philosopher, who
operation; simply- for the protection created the book entitled “The Art of
of their interest and in the War”.
furtherance with their plans. Let’s
find out why during these periods Famous Lines of Sun Tzu in his book
intelligence was simply defined as entitled “The Art of War”
“knowing of things which are unknown.
1. Information must be obtained from
MOSES- And Moses sent them to spy out men who knew the enemy situation
the land of Canaan and said unto them,
get you up this way southward, and go 2. If you know your enemy and
up into the mountain; and see the yourself, you need not fear the
lands; what it is; and the people that results of a hundred battles
dwell therein; whether they are strong
or weak, few or many; and what the 3. Know your enemy and know yourself
land they dwelt in; whether in tents, you can fight a hundred battles
or in strongholds; and what land is; without defeat Know thy self, know thy
whether there are wood therein or not. enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand
And be of good courage and bring of victories
the fruit of the land.
4. If you know your enemy and
RAHAB– The Harlot of Jericho (Joshua yourself, you need not fear the
2:1-21) who sheltered and concealed results of a hundred battles.
the agents of Israel, she made a
covenant with the agents and duped 5. If ignorant both your enemy and
their pursuers. yourself, you are certain to be in
DELILAH – An impromptu intelligence
agent of the Philistines. (Judges CRESSUS OF ROME– He employed slaves
16:9). She allowed Philistine spies to and firemen to be utilized as
hide in her house and used her sex to intelligence operatives while not
gain intelligence from a powerful objectively looking for fires.
enemy. She was responsible for the
fall of Samson a known Israelite SERTORIOUS-He was the Roman Commander
leader who terrorized the Philistines in Spain who possessed a White Fawn

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and allowed it to become widely known- information. The leader of the so-
that he derived secrets and guidance called MONGOL CONQUERORS - made use of
from the fawn. His intelligence agents effective propaganda machine by
credited their information to the spreading rumors of Mongol Terror,
supernatural power of animals. they collected information on the
weaknesses of their rivalries in
AKBAR– The “Great Mogul” and the Europe. The leaders usually disguised
sagacious master of Hindustan who as merchants.
employed more than four thousand
agents for the sole purpose of RENAISSANCE PERIOD
bringing him the throne.
With the rise of Nationalism and
LORD BADEN POWELL – Though better development of modern armies,
known as founder of the Boy Scout intelligence became apparent to large
movement, he was also an active spy. states.

NINJA– From the word “ninjitsu” the In England, SIR FRANCIS WALSINGHAM,
art of making oneself invisible. They under Queen Elizabeth I, organized the
were drawn from the physical and first National Intelligence Service.
social cream of samurai youth and He employed spies on the staff of the
reputed to be able to walk on water to Admiral in Command of the Spanish Army
obtain intelligence while invisible and able to obtain information
and to appear and disappear at will. regarding Spanish Army as to their
ships, equipment, forces and stores.
BELLE BOYD – She was described by her He protected Queen Elizabeth I from
biographer as the most famous woman countless assassins.
concerned with official secret
activities in the Civil War. She is In France, RICHELIEU- introduced the
otherwise known as the “Siren of the network of covert collectors who
Shenandoah”, “Rebel Joan of Arc” and transmitted prompt and accurate
“Secesh Cleopatra” information to Paris regarding the
activities of the rebels and
BRAHMA KAUTILYA – He overthrew the dissidents of the kingdom.
NANDA dynasty and established the
first MAYURYAN king in the Indian Red Gestapo- security service
throne. He recommended that for the organized by East Germany to combat
ruler to succeed, the ruler should the covert intelligence or activities
strike at his enemy's weak points by of the West Germany when it was still
means of spies. divided by the Berlin Walls.

GENGHIS KHAN- He was known “The Great LOUIS XIV– systematized political
Mongol”, who used intelligence to policy, continuous surveillance,
conquer China and invade Cathay. He postal censorship and military
instructed his Generals to send out intelligence organization were his
spies and used prisoners as source of contributions.

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WILLIAM J DONOVAN- organized the OSS master in intelligence. He mobilized

(Office of the Strategic Service) the Free Masons of the colonies at the
Military intelligence for the US, outbreak of the American war of
whose valuable contribution was vital Independence.
to American Victory in the 2nd World
War. JULIUS CAESAR- during his time, the
staff of each Roman Legion includes
FREDERICK THE GREAT- he was known as ten “speculators” who served as an
the “Father of Organized Military information-collecting agency. The
Espionage” “speculators” were the first
intelligence personnel to appear
He has divided his agents into four definitely in a military organization.
classes: Military success of the Romans was
aided by communication system. Made
Common spies– those recruited among use of carrier pigeons, which made
poor folk, glad to earn a small sum or possible the amazing speed with which
to accommodate as military officer. intelligence of Imperial Rome was
transmitted. They also employed
Double spies– are unreliable ciphers to ensure secrecy of
renegades, chiefly involved in communications.
spreading false information to the
continued since 15th Century.
Spies of Consequences– couriers and
noblemen, staff officers, and kindred NAPOLEON BONAPARTE once said, “One Spy
conspirators, requiring a substantial in the right place is worth 20,000 men
bribe or bait, in the field”. He organized two
Bureaus of Interest:
Persons who were forced to undertake
espionage against their own will. Bureau of Intelligence– which
consolidate all incoming information
HANNIBAL- He was considered one of the regarding the enemy for presentation
brilliant military strategists in the to the emperor and to obtain
history of military intelligence. He information as desired, and
had developed an effective
intelligence system for 15 years in Topographic Bureau– which maintains a
Rome. He usually roam around the city large map which covers the latest
often disguise himself as a beggar to information regarding both enemy and
gather first-hand information. He was friendly forces.
popularly known as “father of
strategy”. He maintained Military Intelligence
and Secret Political Police Service
GEORGE WASHINGTON- Conspirator under all over Europe. His main arm was “Spy
oath abounds in the history of every against Spy” concept.
nation. George Washington was grand

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SCHULMEISTER- renowned as “Napoleon's intelligence network, he was credited

Eye”. He was credited for establishing to smashed and the neutralization of
counter intelligence conducted against the Black Society.
spies. He was a master of deceit who
used black mail to obtain vital FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION- First
information pertaining to the established in 1908 as an
personality and identity of the investigative arm of the U.S.
enemies of Napoleon during the 18th Department of Justice and became what
century. is known as the F.B.I. under its first
director John Edgar Hoover in 1924. On
STEIBER- known as Prussia's King of September 6, 1939 by a presidential
Sleuth-hounds, as minister of police directive, it came to its
he started the use of propaganda and responsibility the task of a domestic
censorship as well as utilizing intelligence. FBI headquarters is
statistical intelligence accounting. located in Washington DC; it has 56
field offices located in major cities
ALFRED REDL- he was one of the most throughout the US.
brilliant intelligent agents. Though a
homosexual, he became Chief of the CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY- The
Austro-Hungarian Secret Service. He agency was created under the US
became a double agent of Russia. National Security Act of 1947. It was
the Central Intelligence group
STATE INFORMER- Edward I, King of established during the time of
England in 1725 organized a systematic President Truman in January 1946. The
police system so called Watch and CIA was under the National Security
Ward. By Royal proclamation, the Council.
profession “State Informer” was
created in 1734 enjoining all COMMITTEE FOR STATE SECURITY- Russia-
informers to expose criminal the Intelligence agency known as the
activities and be compensated. KGB - Komitet Gosudarstvennoy
Bezopasnosti (KGB)
JOSEPH FOUCHE- “Father of Police
Intelligence Operations”. A Frenchman BRITISH SECRET SERVICE (M-I-6)– Great
born in 1759, rose to become the most Britain
feared and respected intelligence
director in French history. He created MOSSAD– Israel
a network of agent. His assistance
founded the modern system of spying on Two Branches:
spies, which later was known as
counter espionage. 1. Aman- Military Intelligence

JOSEPH PETROSINO- He was a member of 2. Shabak- Internal Security

the New York Police Department in
early 1900; he was the head of the BRITAIN: SCOTLAND YARD, LONDON
Italian Squad. Through extensive METROPOLITAN POLICE FORCE

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It was established by Sir Robert Peel Geographic Branch- produces maps,

in 1829 which signaled the beginning photographs and terrain studies.
of a colorful legendary police force
and considered one of the most Smersh or Death to Spies- was
efficient in the world today. organized during the war as counter
intelligence concerned with the
INTERPOL- known as International disaffection among Soviet Troops and
Police Organization, established after Anti-communism in any form.
World War II. It serves as the
clearinghouse of records that provides AGENTS OF BETRAYAL
communicating information from the
police force of one country to those Intelligence is sometimes described as
of another. There are currently 146 a “world of deceit and betrayal”. Some
member states, each has its own of the high personalities which
Interpol National Central Bureau. evidenced this description are:

IRON CURTAIN- No one may across the JUDITH COPLON, a political analyst of
borders of the USSR without being the Department of Justice, was accused
detected. All communications are of taking unlawful possession of
rigidly controlled. Its contribution government documents and spying for a
to modern intelligence was the foreign power.
dissemination of false information
designed to mislead and confuse DR. EMIL JULIUS KLAUS FUCHS was
opponents and prospective victims. accused of releasing American Atomic
Secrets to the Soviet in 1945 and to
Agent Provocateur- was employed by the the British in 1947. He detailed
Russians for the purpose of Internal knowledge of the construction of
Security and political repression. atomic bombs.
Spying was always been the specialty
of the Russians. ERNST HILDING ANDERSON was a Royal
Swedish Navy who provided military
US THREE BRANCHES OF INTELLIGENCE secrets to a foreign power and was
DURING WORLD WAR I found guilty and sentenced to life
imprisonment in 1951.
Positive Branch- collecting,
evaluating and disseminating ======================================
intelligence. Prepare situation
estimate and translate documents. II. INTRODUCTION TO POLICE
Negative Branch- counter intelligence
functions which involve in WHAT IS INTELLIGENCE IN GENERAL?
investigating disloyalty and sedition
investigate enemy activities;  Intelligence is the capacity for
investigate graft and fraud in understanding and for other
organization. forms of adaptive intellect of

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behavior; the mind in operation. 1. The collection or procurement of

 Knowing of things which are information
 The knowledge of an event, 2. The evaluation of the information
circumstances, etc., received or which means then become intelligence
imparted; the gathering or
distribution of information; the 3. The dissemination of intelligence
start of persons engaged in to those who need it
obtaining such information.
 Psychologically, intelligence is 4. Counter Intelligence- it is known
the capacity of a person to as “negative intelligence”
adjust to new situations through
the use of what has been It is an activity dedicated to the
previously learned. concealment and protection of one's
 It means the collection, information from the adversary
processing, collation, intelligence operation. It is a
interpretation, evaluation and defensive function of intelligence.
dissemination of information,
with reference to National INTELLIGENCE CRITERIA
 It may also mean the network or 1. Universality of Application- it
system for the collection, should apply to as many phases and
collation, interpretation, aspects of intelligence as possible.
evaluation, and dissemination of It applies also to the concomitant
information activities essential to the process,
 Intelligence is the end product as well as the organization, the
resulting from the collection, thought and actions of the individual
evaluation, analysis, composing it.
integration and interpretation
of all available information 2. It must be broad- should form the
which may have immediate or basis for a formulation of corollary
potential significance to the and subsidiary guides. It must be
development and execution of important, indeed essential, to
plans, policies and programs of intelligence.
the users.
Objective of Intelligence INTELLIGENCE

The fundamental objective of 1. Objectivity- In intelligence, only

intelligence is to ensure rational and the well guided succeed. There must be
timely decision making. unity between knowledge and action.
Action or decision is planned by
FUNCTIONS OF INTELLIGENCE knowledge and guided by it at every

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2. Interdependence- intelligence are GENERAL TYPES OF INTELLIGENCE

subdivided into component elements to
insure complete coverage , eliminate  MILITARY INTELLIGENCE- refers to
duplication and to reduce the overall the use of processed information
task or manageable sizes, however, in formulating military plans,
each subdivision remains as essential programs and policies.
part of unity.
3. Continuity- intelligence must be end product resulting from the
continuous, so that the shape of what collection, evaluation,
happens today could be studied in the analysis, integration and
light of what was happened before, interpretation of all available
which in turn would enable us to information regarding the
predict the shape of things to come. activities of a criminal and
other law violators for the
4. Communication- intelligence must be purpose of affecting criminals
communicated to all the decision and other law violators,
makers in manner that they will effecting their arrest,
understand and from that will permit obtaining evidence and
its most effective use. forestalling plan to commit
5. Usefulness- the story must be told
and it must be told well. It must be  STRATEGIC INTELLIGENCE- refers
convincing, it must not only be to the process of gathering
plausible or factual but it information designed to disturb
significance must be shown. and disrupt the enemy's state of
finances and destroy the
6. Selection- intelligence involves stability and foundation of its
the plowing through a maze of organization.
information, the considering of
innumerable number of means or of  COMBAT INTELLIGENCE- refers to
picking the most promising multitude that intelligence utilized in
of leads which are essential and designing plans and conducting
pertinent to intelligence. tactical and administrative
7. Timeless- intelligence must be
communicated to the decision maker at  COUNTER INTELLIGENCE- are
the appropriate time to permit its measures undertaken to deny the
most effective use. enemy of any information
consisting of passive and active
8. Security- achieved by the measures intelligence measures.
which intelligence takes to protect
and preserve the integrity of the Other Terms Relative to Intelligence
 Order of the Battle - concerns

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the manner in which military jurisdiction or an international

force are organized and tribunal with a view to his/her
disposed. extradition.
 Area of Operation (AO)- those
aspects of operational Blue Notice- to locate, identify or
environment exclusive of the obtain information on a person of
military forces involved. It interest in a criminal investigation.
concerns with the weather,
politics, sociology, Green Notice- to warn about a person's
hydrographic (study of seas, criminal activities if that person is
lakes, etc.) and characteristics considered to be a possible threat to
of environment of an area in public safety.
which military operations are
taking place or plan. Yellow Notice- to locate a missing
 Capabilities- form of military person or to identify a person unable
standpoint, enemy capabilities to identify himself/herself.
and courses of action which the
enemy can adopt and, which Black Notice- to seek information on
adopted, will influenced the unidentified bodies.
accomplishment of the friendly
mission, either favorable or Orange Notice- to warn of an event, a
not. person, an object or a process
 Vulnerabilities- a nation's representing an imminent threat and
vulnerabilities are those danger to persons or property.
weakness, which makes it
susceptible to any action, which Purple Notice- to provide information
reduces its war, potential and on modus operandi, procedures,
or its will to fight. objects, devices or hiding places used
by criminals.
INTELLIGENCE Diffusion- similar to the notice,
diffusion is issued for the same
1. Current- intelligence looks at day- purposes as notices but sent directly
to-day events by a member country or an
international entity to the countries
2. Estimative- intelligence looks at of their choice. Diffusions are also
what might happen recorded in the organizations police
3. Warning- intelligence gives urgent
notice that something might happen 4. Research- intelligence is an in-
depth study of an issue
Types of Notices:
5. Scientific and Technical-
Red Notice- to seek the location and intelligence information on foreign
arrest of a person wanted by a legal technologies

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The Intelligence Officer Desirable Qualities of an Intelligence

Attributes Common to Intelligence
Directors  Knowledge ability- intelligence
and mental capacity
 Exceptional organizing ability
 Perceptive about people- good
 Ability for intelligence work judge of character

 Prodigious memory and a sense of  Flexibility/Adaptability- able

history to work with others, even under
difficult conditions.
 Broad knowledge of many
subjects, to include complex technical  Can distinguish between fact and
matters. fiction; between essentials and non-
 Insatiable curiosity
 Possess inquisitiveness or an
 What might be called inquiring mind.
“intellectual ruthlessness and cold
cynicism”  Have ingenuity- able to
improvise, looks for solutions
General Qualifications of an
Intelligence Officer  Able to express ideas clearly,
briefly and interestingly
 College graduate
 Discipline- susceptibility to
 Passed prescribed test for operational control; good sense of
intelligence officer (IO) time

 Passed background investigation  Patient and hardworking

 Good memory
 Good moral character
 Integrity
 Loyal to Republic of the
Philippines  Objectivity- should not carried
away by prejudice or bias
 No undesirable traits such as
gambling, excessive, drunkenness,  Discreet- knows when to keep
indebtedness, drug addiction, etc. mouth; does not brag about what he
knows or important connections.
 Passed by screening committee

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1. Criminal Intelligence (CRIMINT)- 3. Determines the follow-up leads and

the production of intelligence helps in the solution of individual
essential to the prevention of crimes criminal cases.
and the investigation, arrest and
prosecution of criminal offenders. 4. Identify criminal elements and
other law breakers as well as their
2. Internal Security Intelligence associates.
(INSINT)- refers to the knowledge
essential to the maintenance of peace 5. Assist in the search of wanted
and order. criminals and those wanted under RA
1700 otherwise known as the Anti-
3. Public Safety Intelligence (PUSINT- Subversion Law.
refers to the knowledge essential to
ensure the protection of lives and 6. Check on the quality and
properties. effectiveness of the operation of the
Police Intelligence
7. Check on the security conditions of
It is the end product resulting from PNP Personnel
the collection, evaluation, analysis,
integration and interpretation of all 8. Help in control crime problem.
available information regarding the
activities of a criminal and other law General Activities in Police
violators for the purpose of affecting Intelligence
criminals and other law violators,
effecting their arrest, obtaining 1. Line Intelligence- immediate in
evidence and forestalling plan to nature and necessary for more
commit crime. effective police planning and
operation. It is a kind of police
PURPOSES/FUNCTIONS OF POLICE intelligence required by the commander
INTELLIGENCE to provide for planning and conduct
tactical and administrative operation
1. Check the conditions of the in counter insurgency.
community relating to crime, juvenile
delinquency and indications of Intelligence information to be
subversion and insurgency. determine in Line Intelligence are:
2. Determine through counter
intelligence applicant matters PEOPLE- living condition of the
pertaining to personnel security, people, sources of income, education
physical security and document of people, government livelihood
security of the police organization. projects, extent of enemy influence of
the people.

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WEATHER- visibility, cloudy, a. Security Intelligence- its effort

temperature, precipitation (rain), is to deny information to unauthorized
wind. person by restricting to those who are
explicitly authorized to possess it.
ENEMY- location of enemy, strength of
the enemy, disposition, tactical b. Counter Intelligence- the organized
capability, enemy vulnerability. effort to protect specific data that
might be of value to the opponent's
TERRAIN- relief and drainage system, own intelligence operation.
vegetation, surface material, man-made
features. c. Counter Espionage- its purpose is
to investigate actual or theoretical
FIVE MILITARY ASPECTS OF TERRAIN violation of espionage laws, to
enforce those laws and to apprehend
a. cover and concealment any violators. Its jobs is to catch
b. obstacle
c. critical key terrain features
1. Detection- identify the threat
d. observation and fields of fire
2. Evaluation- analyzing the data plan
e. avenues of approach
3. Counter Action and Prevention-
2. Strategic Intelligence- it does not recommend counter measures in
have an immediate operational value neutralizing the target.
but rather long range in nature that
may become relevant to future police FIVE CATEGORIES OF COUNTER
operations. INTELLIGENCE

3. National Intelligence- the 1. Military Security

integrated product of intelligence
developed by all the governmental 2. Port Frontier and Travel Security
branches and departments concerning
the broad aspect of national security 3. Civil Security
and policy.
4. Censorship
4. Counter Intelligence- covering the
activity devoted in destroying the 5. Special Operations
effectiveness of hostile foreign
activities and to the protection of What is Counter Intelligence
information against espionage, Operations?
subversion and sabotage. Also known as
“Negative Intelligence”. Negative “Counter Intelligence Operation” is
Intelligence is a generic term meaning also called “Counter Intelligence
three different things: Investigation”. It was an activity
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that constitutes the value of Counter TWO GENERAL TYPES OF COUNTER

Intelligence workload, worldwide and INTELLIGENCE
includes specific investigation of
individual and incidence which for the a. Passive Measures- are those
most part are conducted in a covert measures, which seek to conceal
and discreet manner. information from the enemy.

Three Categories of Counter b. Active Measures- are those

Intelligence Measures measures, which seek actively block
the enemy's efforts to gain
1. Denial Measure- secrecy discipline, information or engage in espionage,
document security, camouflage and subversion or sabotage.
concealment, communication security,
military censorship, counter 5. Undercover Work- an investigative
reconnaissance. process in which disguises and
pretext, cover and deception are used
2. Detection Measure- PSI, security to gain the confidence of criminal
tag or pass card, challenge or suspects for the purpose of
password, reconnaissance. determining the nature and extent of
any criminal activities that maybe
3. Deception Measures- ruse, use of contemplating or perpetuating.
scape and evasion, dummy position,
OPERATION The ideal Intelligence Agency is
generally headed by a Director General
a. Counter Human Intel (HUMINT) (DG) with three deputy directors (DD)
to head the major divisions of the
b. Counter Imagery Intel (IMENT) organization.


Three Activities of Counter
Intelligence A. Information Procurement Division
(Headed by Deputy Director) (DD)-
a. Protection of information against divided into three sub-components:
1. Intelligence Proper Unit
b. Protection of personnel against
subversion Functions of Intelligence Proper Unit

c. Protection of installations and a. research and analysis

material against sabotage
b. monitoring of foreign broadcast

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c. study of both local and foreign Philippine Intelligence Organization

printed materials
1. BID (Intelligence Units)
d. liaison with other agencies
collecting information 2. DND (Intelligence Division)

e. interrogation and debriefing 3. Intelligence Security Group

2. Secret Intelligence Unit 4. Intelligence Service of the Armed

Forces (ISAF)
Functions of Secret Intelligence Unit
5. J-2 Coordinating Staff
a. acquisition of confidential matters
6. Military Intelligence
b. undercover work and surveillance
7. NBI
c. espionage
3. Intelligence Operations Unit
9. PNP (Intelligence Unit)
Functions of Intelligence Operations
Unit ======================================
a. sabotage
III. Intelligence Cycle
b. counter intelligence operations
PHASE 1- Planning and Direction
c. dissemination of propaganda
It is necessary to decide which items
d. security of VIP's of information are more important- a
system of priority is needed; critical
B. Evaluation and Distribution importance and lesser importance; EEI-
Division (Headed by Deputy Director) highest priority Intel requirements;
(DD)- this unit takes care of the indicates the Intel requirements
publication of intelligence reports. essential to planning.
Determination of reliability and
accuracy of procured information and What is the Priority Intelligence
Transcript of investigation and its Requirement (PIR formerly Essential
evaluation. Element of Information (EEI)?

C. Administrative Division (Headed by It is an item of intelligence or

Deputy Director) (DD)- it is composed information of the characteristics of
of the management service, training the area of operations and the enemy,
and indoctrination units and which the commander feels he needs
communications maintenance. before he can reasonably arrive at a
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Information Requirement (IR) regarding Formulation of Intelligence

the enemy and its environment , which Requirements
needs to be collected and processed in
order to meet the PIR of a Chief or 1. What are their capabilities and
Head. vulnerabilities?

Categories of Intelligence 2. What are the physical

Requirements characteristics of the probable area
of operation?
A. In Relation to Use:
3. What major policies, plans and
1. Executive- intelligence required decisions must be made in the near
by executive governmental and future?
military commanders; basis for
decision making. 4. What step must be taken to preserve
the security of the nation.
2. Contributory- the intelligence
required to complete staff 5. What are the information required
process, makes staff plans by the higher, lower or adjacent
echelons within the government or
3. Operational- additional Armed Forces.
intelligence required in planning and
carrying out effectively the decision Purpose of Collection Plan
of policy announced.
1. to ensure logical and orderly
4. Collateral- higher or adjacent analysis of the intelligence
echelons of the government or requirements
military establishment may require
information. 2. to establish a workable collection
scheme based on the analysis of the
B. In Relation to its Type intelligence requirement

1. Basic- general reference materials 3. to provide definite and precise

for use in the planning regarding the directives to collecting agencies
enemies , area of operations,
capabilities static comprehensive. 4. to avoid possibility of omission,
conflict or unnecessary duplication of
2. Current- temporary in nature and collection effort.
narrower in scope. Information
required to cope with current PHASE II- Collection of Information
Information defined
3. Estimative- determine the future
courses of action required by the All evaluated materials of every
executives to plan future military description including those derived
operations and policies. from observation, reports, rumors,
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imagery and other sources from which Two General Classifications of Sources
intelligence is produced. of Information

Is a communicated knowledge to others 1. Open Sources- 99% of the

obtained by personal duty, information collected are coming from
investigation, research, analysis and open sources.
2. Close Sources- 1% of the
Five Different Collection information from close sources.
“Disciplines” of Intelligence
a. Overt Intelligence- the gathering
1. HUMINT- Human Intelligence; the of information or documents procured
collection and processing of raw openly without regard as to whether
intelligence from clandestine agent the subject or target become
working in the field. knowledgeable of the purpose.

2. IMENT- Imagery Intelligence; b. Covert Intelligence- the secret

collection, mapping and interpretation procurement of information, which is
of photographs from aerial units or obtain without the knowledge of the
satellites. Sometimes this specialty person or persons safeguarding vital
is called PHOTINT. intelligence interest.

3. MASINT- Measurement and Signature Methods of Collection of Information

Intelligence; a collective term
bringing together disparate elements A. Covert Method- this is a
that do not fit within the definitions clandestine or secret means of
of HUMINT, IMINT, SINT. obtaining information this would
include the ff. Activities:
4. OSINT- Open Source Intelligence;
involves inventories of the full range 1. Infiltration- gradual penetration
of accessible, acknowledgeable and into enemy domain and territory.
unclassified private sector
information sources. 2. Surveillance- utilizing satellite,
photo, audio electronic gadgets and
5. SIGINT- Signals Intelligence; advance communications system.
consisting of four (4) subfields:
3. Elicitation- made through
a. COMINT interview, interrogation and
Covert Equipment
1. Body wire/voice transmitter
2. Tracking device

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3. Surveillance Vans Types of Informant

4. Low Light Photography Equipment 1. Criminal Informant- give

information to the police pertaining
5. Covert Packages to the underworld about organized
criminals with the understanding that
6. Audio Electronic Devices his identity will be protected.

B. Overt Method- the collection of 2. Confidential Informant- similar to

information in the open by means of criminal informant but he gives
Government records, Census and information violate of the law to
Statistics, residential, commercial include crimes and criminals.
and business listings, other printed
materials available to the public, 3. Voluntary Informant- a type of
internet an interview. informant who give information freely
and willfully as a witness to a
Collecting Agencies certain act.

1. government agencies/offices 4. Special Informant- those who gives

information concerning specialized
2. intelligence units/agencies cases only and it is regarded a
special treatment by the operatives.
3. organizations
5. Anonymous Informant- those who
Person as Sources of Information gives information through telephone
with the hope that the informant
People are most important source of cannot be identified.
information especially in a worldwide
scale of intelligence collection. Sub-types of Informant

Informant Net- It is a collected group 1. Incidental Informant- a person who

of people who worked through the casually imparts information to an
direction of the agent handler. officer with no intention of
providing subsequent information.
Informants (assets) – people selected
as sources of information, which could 2. Recruited Informant- a person who
be voluntarily or in consideration of is selected cultivated and developed
a price. into a continuous source of
Informant- refers to a person who
gives information to the police Categories of Recruited Informant
voluntarily or involuntarily without
any consideration. 1. Spontaneous or Automatic
Informant- the nature of their work
Informer- those who give information or position in society have a certain
to the police for price or reward. legal, moral or ethical
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responsibilities to report built

information to the police.
2. Ordinary run of the Mill
Informants- under the compulsion to
report information to the police.

3. Special Employee- informants who
are of a specific operational
Techniques in Intelligence Gathering

1. Honey-traps- the use of beautiful

Basic to Informant Recruitment
women in baited or compromise
situation situations.
1. Selection- it is desirable to be
able to recruit and informant who has
2. Drone-traps- the use of good
access to many in-group or subversive
looking man in baited or compromise
2. Investigation- the investigation
3. Black-mailing- targets are
of the potential informant that has
threatened with exposure for buying
tentatively identified as a
contraband goods and services on the
“probable”must be as thorough as
black market.

4. Currency- targets are threatened

3. Approach- must be done in a
with exposure for violating currency
setting from which might include
laws of the most nations.
pleasant surroundings, perhaps a
confidential apartment, completely
5. Security violations- targets are
free from any probability of
threatened with exposure for
violating “no trespassing” zones or
being on government property of the
4. Testing- should begin, of course,
host nation.
with the limited assignment, with a
gradual integration into the more
6. Criminal Law violations- targets
important areas.
are threatened with prosecution for
various criminal offenses that they
Factors to be Considered in Informant
have been setup in.

PHASE III- Processing the Collected


health Steps in Processing Raw Information

age 1. Collation- organization of raw

data and information into usable
Compiled by: JB MIRAMBEL RCrim Page 17

form; grouping similar items of

information so that they will be
readily accessible.
F- Reliability Unknown 6- Truth canno
2. Recording- the reduction of
information into writing or some
other form of graphical
representation and the arranging 4. Interpretation- establishing the
of this information into writing meaning and significance of the
or some form of graphical information. It involves the following
representation and the arranging activities:
of this into groups of related
items. Analysis- shifting and isolating those
elements that have significance in
3. Evaluation- the determination of light of the mission or national
the pertinence of the information objective.
to the operation, reliability of
the source of or agency and the Integration- combining the elements
accuracy of the info. isolated in analysis and known
information to form a logical picture
Evaluation determines the following: or theory.

a. Pertinency- does it hold some Deduction- the formulation of

value to current operation? Is it conclusions from the theory developed,
needed immediately? tested and considered valid-
determination of effort and meaning of
b. Reliability- judging the source of the information.
information by the agency.
PHASE IV- Dissemination and Use
c. Credibility- truth of information; Criteria in Dissemination

RELIABILITY OF SOURCE 1. Timeless- must reach the users on

time to be of value. It must be
A- Completely Reliable 1- Confirmed by other disseminated in accordance with
Sources the urgency and must reach the
user in sufficient time to be use.

B- Usually Reliable 2- Probably True

2. Propriety- the message must be
clear, concise and complete, as
C- Fairly Reliable 3- Possibly True well as in the proper form for the
receiver to readily understand its
D- Not Usually Reliable 4- Doubtfully True contents.

Methods of Dissemination
E- Unreliable 5- Improbable report

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1. Fragmentary orders from top to  surveillance and liaison

bottom of command program

2. Memorandum, circulars, special  informant management

 clipping services and
3. Operations order, oral or written
4. Conference
 relevant miscellaneous
5. Other report and intelligence
 casing
6. Personal Contact
 utilization of informant for
Who are Intelligence Users planning and organizational
employment purposes
1. National leaders and military
commanders Cover and Undercover Works

2. Advisors and Staff A. Cover- the means by which an

individual group or organization
3. Friendly nations and other branches conceals the true nature of its acts
of the armed forces and or existence from the observer.

4. Processor Cover Story- a biographical data

through fictional that will portray
====================================== the personality of the agent he
=================================== assumed, a scenario to cover up the
IV. Intelligence Operations
Cover Support- an agent assigned in
The result of intelligence planning;
target areas with the primary mission
planning is always ahead of operation
of supporting the cover story.
although an operation can be made
without a plan, it is usually due to
Types of Cover
sudden an inevitable situations but
definitely this is poor intelligence
1. natural cover- using actual or true
Task involve in Police Intelligence
2. artificial- using biographical data
adopted for the purpose

 discovery and identification

3. cover with in a cover-
justification of existence

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4. multiple cover- any cover you wish  move out immediately

Importance of Cover  start new facility for operation and

develop it
 secrecy of operation against enemy
intelligence  build entirely new cover

 secrecy of operation against  use new personnel

friendly agencies who do not have the
need to know
 use circuitous routes and provide
careful counter surveillance measures
 successful accomplishment of the
 be specifically careful of former
contacts with non-intelligence
Hazards of Cover

 static or dormant opposition

 be patient, slowly and careful

 unhostile active opposition Undercover Agent

 hostile active opposition Placement- location of prospective

agent with respect to the target
Organizational Cover- is an account
consisting of biographical 1. Infiltration- the insertion of
representation which when adopted by action agent inside the target
an individual will assume the organization
personality he wants to adopt.
2. Penetration- recruitment of
B. Undercover action agent inside the target
Stages in Undercover Work
Access- the capability of a
 The Early Stages prospective agent to obtain the
desired information for the
 The Middle Stages Intelligence organization or to
perform Intelligence collection
 The Late Stages mission in the area.

The False Flag- the case officer 1. primary access- it is the access
pretends to hold a nationality or be a to the desired information
person whom the target expects to be
friendly to the target's own interest. 2. secondary access- it is the
access to the desired information
Precautions in case of Compromise

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through principal source where 2. double agents- an enemy agent who

the latter has the direct access. has been captured and sent back where
he came from as an agent of his
3. outside access- the agent is captors.
employed outside the target and merely
monitor information from a third Theory Behind the Practice of Double
person who is monitoring the area. Agent System

a. to control the enemy system or

Steps of Recruiting Infiltrators/agent
as much of it as we could get our
hands on.
First Stage
b. to catch fresh spies when they
1. Spotting- means looking for
people who have access.
c. to gain knowledge, other
2. Evaluating- means personality personalities and methods of the
profiling. enemies intelligence service

3. Recruiting- takes the form of d. to obtain information about the

meeting and getting to know the codes and cipher work of the enemy
e. to get evidence of enemy plans
Second Stage and intentions from the questions
asked from them
4. Training- involves the spy how to
used specialized equipment and f. to influence enemy plans by the
codes. answers sent to the enemy

g. to deceive the enemy regarding

5. Handling- short for psychological
plans and intentions
handling which usually involves
the passing of control from 3. expandable agent- an agent through
yourself to another, usually , whom false information is leaked to
case officer. the enemy

6. Termination- is always done by 4. agents of influence- an agent who

the agency. Common reason given uses influence to gain information
for termination is budget problem.
5. agent in place- an agent who has
Types of Agents been recruited by intelligence service
a highly sensitive target, who is just
1. penetration agent or moles-an agent beginning a career or have been long
who has such reached the enemy to get or (outside) insider.
information and would manage to get
back alive. Motivating Agents

1. ideology- believes in the principle

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2. patriotism bank to be withdrawn only after

fulfillment of condition.
3. renumeration  Blackmail

4. career development Agent Termination

5. fear Problems involve:

 amount of knowledge the agent
Basic Principles in Agent Management has in the operation and
1. agent handler must be in charge of
 his inclination to use that
the operation
knowledge to the disadvantage of
the intelligence service
2. the act ensure the agent adherence
 moral obligation to the agent-
the causes of loss incurred
3. good rapport must be established
by him as a result of his
between the agent handler and the
connection with the intelligence
4. the agent handler must constantly
Procurement as use in the intelligence
reinforce the agents motivation
parlance is the aggressive effort to
acquire certain specific information
Supervision and Control of Agents
that may not be readily available. To
this end, a number of means may be
Control- authority to direct the agent
used, these are:
to carryout task or requirement on
behalf of the clandestine organization
in an acceptable manner and security.  the Classical Intelligence such
as and which utilize human being
Two Categories of Control to gather information
 the Modern or Technical
1. Positive Control- is characterized Intelligence which employs
by professionalism and rapport. machine human such as
 Agent motivation satellites, electronic gadgets
to gather information
 Psychological control
2. Negative Control- characterized by
blackmail and threat
 Disciplinary Action- includes
verbal reprimand, withholding
V. Methods of Covert Intelligence
some material rewards, reduction
of agent salary or threat of
Distinction between Surveillance and
terminating professional
 Escrow Account- control of an Surveillance is continuous while
agent by putting high salary in Reconnaissance is intermittent. The
Compiled by: JB MIRAMBEL RCrim Page 22

latter has specific objectives while Factors to Consider in Fix

the former has general objectives. Surveillance

A. Surveillance  determine base operation

 maintain thorough, cautious
A form of clandestine investigation reconnaissance of the area
which consist of keeping persons,
 obtain necessary equipments
place or other targets under physical
 assignments of specific duties
observation in order to obtain
to each member of the team
evidence or information pertinent to
an investigation.  prepare alternative courses of
Considerations in Surveillance  provide for relief teams
Planning  arrange for communication
Pre-Surveillance Conference- held  arrange for inconspicuous
among the team members, the police arrival and departure of
intelligence unit before surveillance equipment as well as personnel
is conducted. of the base of operation

Surveillance Plan- must established Tailing or Shadowing- the observation

the required type of personnel, the of a person's movement.
general and specific instructions for
surveillance to ensure the overall  Loose Tail- shadowing will be
objective of the surveillance is employed where a general
understood. All available information impression of a suspect or
of area target study should be subject's habit and associates
collected and analyzed. are required.
 Close Tail- extreme precautions
Basic Preparations are taken against losing the
subject is employed under
 study of the target constant surveillance is
 knowledge of the area and necessary.
terrain  Shadowing by Foot, ABC Method-
 knowledge of the subject the used of three investigators
subversive organization in conducting surveillance.
 cover story
Undercover Man/Agent- person/s trained
Surveillant- person who conducts to observe and penetrate certain
surveillance with includes only organization suspected of illegal
observations. activities and later reports the
observation and information's that
Stakeout or Plant- the observation of proper operational action can be made.
places or areas from a fixed point.
Liason Program- the assignment of
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trained intelligence personnel to  Loose- applied frequently or

other agencies in order to obtain infrequently, period of
information of police intelligence observation varied on each
value. occasion.

Safe-house- place, building, enclosed According to Methods

mobile, or an apartment, where police
undercover men meet for debriefing or  Stationary/Stakeout or Plant-
reporting purposes. observation of place usually, a
bookie stall, a gambling, joint,
Drop- any person in a convenient, a residence where illegal
secure and unsuspecting place where activities are going on (fixed
police undercover men/agent meet his position).
action agent for debriefing and  Moving- surveillance follow the
reporting purposes. subject from the place to place
to maintain continuous watch of
Convoy- an accomplice or associate of his activities.
the subject used to avoid or elude
 Technical- surveillance by the
use of communications and
electronic hardware's, gadgets,
Contact- any person whom the subject
system and equipment.
picks or deals with while he is under
observation and identifies the
The Place of Surveillance
Careful survey of the surrounding area
Made- when subject under surveillance
should be made. The character of the
becomes aware that he is under
neighborhood, the residents and the
observation and identifies the
transients should be noted. The
observation point should be selected.
Two types of place surveillance are:
Lost- when the surveillant does not
know the whereabouts of his subject or
 using room in a nearby house or
the subject had eluded the
business establishment and
remaining undercover
Types of Surveillance  remaining outdoors and posing
who would normally conduct his
According to Intensify and Sensitivity business in such area, such as:
laborer, carpenter street
 Discreet- subject person to be vendor.
watch is unaware that he is
under observation. Counter Surveillance
 Close- subject is aware that he
is under observation varied on  Window shopping
each occasions.

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 Use of convoys Map Reconnaissance- may not sufficient

but it can produce a certain amount of
 Stopping immediately on blind usable information.
Research- much information can be
provide through research
 Getting out immediately on
public conveyances
Prior Info- your unit and the other
unit will have file report that they
 Retracing
may provide you with info

 Entering mobile housing Hearsay- information usually gain by

the person operating in the area and
B. Casing performing casing job.

It is reconnaissance or surveillance Information Desired in Casing

of a building place or area to
determine its suitability for
 Area Condition and Habit
intelligence use or its vulnerability
 Active Opposition
in operations. Casing is also
considered a security measure because  Disposal Plan
it offers some degree of protection  Escape and Evasion
for those operating in an area
unfamiliar to them. C. Observation and Description (ODEX)

General Principles in Casing Observation- a complete and accurate

observation by an individual of his
1. Know the best route to take surroundings and encompasses the use
get there of all the major sense to register and
recognized its operational or
2. Know to conduct yourself Intelligence significance.
without attracting attention
Description- the actual and factual
3. Know what security hazards reporting of one's observation of the
are in the area and how can reported sensory experience recounted
they avoided or minimized by another.
4. Know the best route to
extricate from the area.  85% of our knowledge is gathered
through sight
Method of Casing  13% of our hearing
 2% through the other three
Personal Reconnaissance- most senses
effective method and will produced the
most information you know just what Psychological Process for Accurate
you're looking for. Observation

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common is unaware of the specific

1. Attention- process involve in purpose of the conversation.
becoming aware of an existence of fact
Two Basic Devices in Elicitation
Types of Attention: (Approaches and Probes)

 Involuntary A. Approach- used to start

 Voluntary conversation or to shift the direction
of an existing conversation.
 Habitual
1. Flattery Approaches- appeal to the
2. Perception- involved in the
ego, self-esteem and prominence and
understanding this fact of awareness
individual to guide them into
conversation on the subject interest:
Factors involved on Perception
a. Teacher-Pupil Approaches- make the
 mental capacity person express topics about
 educational background him/herself. Most people like to talk
 occupational background about themselves.
 imperial background
b. Kindred Sole- misery loves
3. Report- involved in identifying the company; people express a need for
name in one's own mind and some fact recognition, particularly the lonely,
which has been perceive, narrated and the neglected, the vain and those
identified. with feelings of inferiority.

Factors Governing Report c. Good Samaritan- do good deeds or

favors for the source.
 Vocabulary
d. Partial-disagreement Approach-
 Time log
seek to produce talking by the word
 Recurrence of Similar Incidents
“I'm not sure if I fully agree.

4. Elicitation 2. Provocative Approaches- designed to

induce the source to defend a
Elicitation is the gaining of position, state record, or correct a
information through direct wrong impression.
communications and where one or more
of the involved parties is not aware a. Teaser-bait- make the source
of the specific purpose of the believe you know more than he/she
conversation. about the topic.

A system or plan whereby info of Intel b. Joe Blow- purposely disagree with
value is obtained through the process the source to induce anger.
of direct intercommunication in which
one or more of the parties to the
Compiled by: JB MIRAMBEL RCrim Page 26

c. Manhattan from Missouri Approach- Identification Methods:

the elicitor adopts an unbelievable
attitudes above anything. He questions a. branding and mutilation
all statements and oppositions.
b. identification parade system
d. National Pride Approach- natural
propensity of all persons to defend c. fingerprint method
their country and its policies.
Tactical Interrogation (Forms of
B. Probes- an attempt to obtain more Interrogation)
information after the subject gives a
vague, incomplete general response. Interrogation- the systematic asking
Used to sustain a conversation. of questions to elicit information in
the minimum of time. The objectives of
a. Completion- by inserting bits of interrogation varies and depend
factual information on a particular entirely on the situation in which the
topic, the source may be influenced to interrogator find himself. He must
confirm and further expand on the therefore be fully aware of the
topic. objectives for each interrogation.

b. Clarity- a request for additional Agent Provocateur- an individual from

information where the source's enemy forces who is deliberately
response is unclear. introduce in our custody with specific
mission of causing some unfavorable
c. Hypothetical- can be associated action or reaction on our part.
with a thought or idea expressed by
the source. Many people who might not Forms of Interrogation
make a comment concerning an actual
event may express an opinion on a 1. Direct- the subject is aware of the
hypothetical situation. fact that he is being interrogated,
but he may not learn the true
d. High Pressure Probe- it serves to objectives of the interrogation. This
pin down a subject in a specific area being used extensively at the tactical
or it maybe used to point out lever.
contradictions in what the subject has
said. 2. Indirect- the subject is not aware
that he is being interrogated. This is
5. Portrait Parle (P/P) used when time is not so important.

A means of using descriptive terms in Types of Interrogation:

relation to the personal features of
an individual and it can be briefly 1. Screening
described as a world description or a
spoken picture. 2. Formal Interrogation

3. Debriefing
Compiled by: JB MIRAMBEL RCrim Page 27

4. Interview for reasons of security. It is

established to;
5. Interrogation of Lay Personnel
1. provide security for an
6. Technical Interrogation installation or facilities

====================================== 2. promote efficiency of security

=================================== operations and economy in the use
of security personnel.
VI. Introduction to Security and
Threat to National Security Types of Restricted Area

a. Security defined: 1. Exclusion Area- an exclusion area

is a restricted area in which contains
The state or quality of being secured, a security interest to TOP SECRET
freedom from fear or danger, assurance importance and which requires the
or certainty. From Intelligence highest degree of protection.
viewpoints, Security includes the
protection against unauthorized 2. Limited Area Control- a limited
disclosures of classified information area is a restricted area in which a
and the determination of a person's lesser degree of control is required
suitability for access to said than in an exclusive area but which
information. the security interest would be
compromised by uncontrolled movement.
Protective security
b. Personnel Security- those measures
Those measures taken by an taken to insure that only authorized
installation or unit to protect itself personnel have access to classified
against sabotage, espionage or documents or information.
subversion and at the same time
provide freedom of action in order to c. Documentand Information Security-
provide the installation of the unit that aspect of security which
with the necessary flexibility to involves the application of security
accomplish its mission. measures for the proper protection
and safeguarding of classified
Three Aspects of Protective Security information/matters.

A. Physical Security- those measures Classification of Documents and

taken to prevent physical access or Safekeeping
entry to an installation or area by
unauthorized personnel. Document- covers any form of recorded
information either printed, written,
Designation of Restricted Area: drawn, painted, sound recording,
films, maps, etc., which are relied
Restricted Area- is any area in which
personnel or vehicles are controlled
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upon to prove or support or to be Top Secret

utilized as reference.
Information and material, the
Basic Documents in the field of unauthorized disclosure of which would
Intelligence: cause exceptionally grave damage to
the nation, politically, economically
1. Intelligence Journal- is simply a or from a security aspect. This
day book or log of the activities of category is reserve for the nation's
an intelligence officer during a closest secrets and is to be used with
particular period or specific mission. great reserve.

2. Enemy Situation Map- contains Classification Authority:

information regarding enemy
disposition, location and terrain a. Head of the Department
information and deployment.
b. May be delegated to authorized
3. Intelligence Worksheet- an indexed offices
memorandum pad for recording of
information regarding the enemy, its 2. SECRET
movement, location and anticipated
actions. Information and material matter, the
unauthorized disclosure of which would
4. Intelligence Files- it consists of endanger national security, cause
the following: serious injury to the interest or
prestige of the nation or of any
a. order of battle file governmental activity or would be of
great advantage to a foreign nation.
b. journal file
Classification Authority:
c. enemy document map
(same as top secret matter}
d. map and photo file (rouge gallery)
e. information file
Information and material matter, the
B. Security of Classified Matters- unauthorized disclosure of which,
those measures taken to prevent the while not endangering the national
unauthorized disclosures of classified security would be prejudicial to the
matter. interest or prestige of the nation or
any governmental activity, or would
Classification Categories- matter cause administrative embarrassment or
which requires protection in the unwarranted injury to an individual or
interest of national security shall be would be of advantage to a foreign
limited to four (4) categories, in nation.
descending order of importance.
Classification Authority:
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any officer authorized to assign be given to those persons to whom it

confidential classification to any is necessary for the fulfillment of
matter in the performance of his their duties.
d. Certified of Destruction- the
4. RESTRICTED certification by a witnessing officer
that the classified matters describe
Information and material matter, which therein has been disposed of in his
requires special protection other than presence, approved destruction
that determined to be TOP SECRET, methods.
e. Dissemination- restricted to
Classification Authority: properly cleared persons whose
official duties required knowledge or
(the same as for confidential matter) possession thereof.

Communication Security- the protection e. Compromise- lose of security, which

resulting from the application of results from an authorized persons
various measures which prevent or obtaining knowledge of classified
delay the enemy or unauthorized matter.
persons in gaining information through
communications. f. Compartmentation- the grant of
access to classified matter only to
Transmission Security- that component properly cleared persons in the
of communication security which performance of their official duties.
results from all measures designed to
protect transmission from g. Declassify- removal of security
interception, traffic analysis and classification from classified matter.
imitative decision.
h. Reclassifying/Regrading- act of
changing the assigned classification
of matter.
C. Operational Terms in Document and
Information Security I. Upgrading- act of assigning to a
matter of higher classification to a
a. Security Clearance- administrative classified document.
determination that an individual is
eligible for access to classified D. The Document/Information Cycle
Refers to the various stages from
b. Classified- to assign information which information passes from the time
by one of the four classification of its conception until it is finally
categories. disposed.

c. Need-to-know- the principle whereby

access to classified matter may only
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1. Creation- refers to the action of barricades, other devices to provide

causing something to exist, to give physical protection, surveillance and
rise or bring into being. intelligence.

2. Use- the consumption or utilization e. Principal- refers to the person

of information for use when needed. which is being protected and secured.

3. Retrieval- it implies recovery or f. Private individual- a member of

call to mind and use of information the society who is not involved in
contained either in documents, micro government service.
films or computer memory.
g. Protection- system of providing
4. Transfer- it is conveyance or physical safety and ensuring social
movement of information from one well-being of a person under threat.
source to another.
h. Protective security- an individual
5. Disposition- refers to putting into or a group assigned to protect a
order the documents or its call to get principal.
rid off the contents therein.
I. Threat- a type of harassment or
E. VIP Protection or Security intimidation by unidentified
individuals to VIP whom they consider
It is utilized in the protection of as burden to their ambition
personnel especially high ranking politically or economically to gain
officials, foreign dignitaries and power or influence.
prominent private individuals from
harm, kidnapping and other similar Methods of Act Against VIP
threats. It is referred as Personal
Security. 1. Physical Assault

Operational Terms 2. Coercion (undertaken by blackmail)

a. Close in Security- the working 3. Threats (grave in nature)

protective detail that provides close
physical security to the principal. 4. Assassination

b. Effectiveness- desired or decisive 5. Insult (intended to humiliate and

measurable result. ridicule the VIP)

c. Performance- execution and Motive of Assassination

achievement of a goal.
1. Political
d. Perimeter security- protective
detail that involves the placement of 2. Extortion
any of the following: such as;
security personnel, alarms, 3. Kidnapping
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4. Economic c. Destination security- security of

the place of rest or stop.
5. Hatred
d. Installation security- security of
6. Revenge buildings and facilities by use of
post and towers with guards,
7. Greed protective lighting and alarm system.

Theory of Concentrate Circle Type of Components of Ideal Convoy Vehicle for

Defense VIP Travel

States that any potential attack will 1. Escort Vehicle- usually positioned
have to penetrate layer after layer of at the front and back portion of
defenders the heaviest layer of the convoy.
defense is located at the VIP area. It
consist of the Outer Ring, Middle Ring 2. Counter Attack/Recon Vehicle-
and Inner Ring. always fronting the principal vehicle
to neutralize possible threats.
a. Outer Ring- includes personnel
posted at sidewalks, in front of 3. Decoy Vehicle- identical vehicle
residence, office and covering all tailing the back of the principal's
entrances. vehicle.

b. Middle Ring- includes security 4. Principal Vehicle- the object of

personnel deployed inside the protection where VIP may be located.
residence, office, quarters covering
all stairway and elevators. 5. Shield Vehicle- a heavily armored
vehicle located at the side of the
c. Inner Ring- composed of personnel principal's vehicle.
posted immediately outside the VIP's
door and the close-in security F. Intelligence for National Security
National Security
Kinds of Security Units for VIP
Protection The protection of the nation's people
and territories from physical assault
a. Person or close in security- two or or the protection of vital economic
three men are assigned to the and political interest, the loss of
principal wherever he is; in his car, which, could threaten the fundamental
office, residence or destination. values and the vitality of the state
b. Route security- assigned by the
roads, boulevards, or avenues where The state or condition wherein the
the VIP convoy will pass en route to people's way of life and institutions,
their destination their territorial integrity and
sovereignty, as well as their welfare
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and well-being, are protected or fiber of the people and the things
advanced. they believe in, and from the nature
and vigor of national institutions-
The Philippines National Interest: political, social, religious,
educational, scientific and cultural.
1. self-preservation
d. Military Strength- the ability of
2. freedom and independence a nation to exert pressure by armed
force in furtherance of national
3. territorial integrity policy. It consist of the strength of
all the armed forces in combination
4. political stability with other elements of national
power, depending heavily on natural
5. socio economic welfare resources, economic strength a broad
base of war industries and a vigorous
National Strategy- the art and population, military strength is
science of developing and using the influenced by the number and quality
political, economic and psychological of the nation's military, economic
powers of the nation, together with and political alliances.
its armed forces, during peace and
war, to secure national objectives. A Rank Order of National Security
It is the long range plan through Dangers
which a nation applies its strength
toward the attainment of its Annihilation- destroying whole
objectives or interest. societies

Elements of National Power Devastation- mass destruction or

a. Political Strength- stems from the
character of the people and from the Domination- controlling whole
type and stability of the government populations
and the soundness of its foreign
policy. Subversion- making weak or corrupt

b. Economic Strength- stems from a Intimidation- aggressive movements

combination of factor such as
geographic location, climate Deprivation- forcing industrial
conditions, supply of natural shortages
resources, industrial capacity,
internal and external communication Manipulation- lowering morale
systems, international trade and the
size, health and technical competence Humiliation- embarrassing leaders
of the population.
Aggravation- differences of opinion
c. Cultural Strength- stems from the
national unity, the social and moral
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G. Insurgency: A Threat to National c. Vulnerable Zone

d. Vulnerable Person
Insurgency/Insurgent- is used in
connection with any movement that e. Zone of Contentment
employs extra-legal measures in rising
up against an incumbent authority for f. Vulnerable
the purpose of obtaining some changes
in the social order. g. Vulnerable People

Subversive Insurgency- an insurgency Communist Model of Insurgency

that includes in its objectives the
destruction or under minding an STAGE 1- Clandestine Organization
incumbent authority.
STAGE 2- Psychological Offense
Insurgent War- a violent form of
subversive insurgency; and it's a STAGE 3- Expansion
deliberate effort using local
adherence with or with out external STAGE 4- Militarization
support and utilizing psychological
and military effort to weaken the STAGE 5- Conclusion
entire military, economic and
political structure of the country so =====================================
that it will fall under the rule or ====
control of an insurgent leaders.
VII. Fundamentals of Cryptography;
Basic Ingredients of Insurgency Encoding And Decoding

1. Vulnerable Population- a population Cryptography

which have the potential to protest.
Cryptography is derived from the Greek
2. Direction and leadership of an word “kryptos” that means “SECRET” and
organization- it is under a good “graphos” that means “WRITING”. The
leader who can influence the art and science of preparing coded or
vulnerable people. protected communications intended to
be intelligible only to the person
3. Association of the People with possessing a key.
insurgent movement- are in-sharing of
“ideas of the movement”. Refers to both the process or skill
of communicating in or deciphering
Reasons for Struggle and Conflict for secret writings and to the use of
Change codes to convert computerized data so
that only specific recipient will be
a. Line of Aspiration able to read it using a key. Includes
the use of concealed messages,
b. Expectation Level ciphers and codes.
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Important Terminologies in How do Codes and Codebooks Works

A codebook usually has two columns.
1. Plain text- a.k.a clear text, it is The first column is a list of all the
the original communication to be words that a military commander could
scrambled or enciphered. possibly need to use to communicate.
In the other column is a list of plain
2. Cryptogram- a.k.a cipher text, the words. To create a coded message, the
product of the enciphering process encoder writes down the actual
that usually involves an algorithm message. He then substitutes words in
and a key. the codebook by finding matches in the
second column for the words in the
3. Encryption Algorithm- is a message and using the new words
particular method of scrambling a instead.
computer program or a written set of
instructions. The key specifies the Example:
actual scrambling process.
Suppose the message is “ENGAGE ENEMY
4. Cryptanalysis- is the art of AT DUSK” and the codebook contains
analyzing cipher text to extract the the following word pairs:
plain text or the key. In other words,
cryptanalysis is the opposite of ENGAGE=COOK, ENEMY=HAMBURGER,
cryptography. It is the breaking of AT=PATTIES, AND DUSK=OCTOBER.
The encoded message would read “ Cook
Types of Cryptography hamburger patties October”

1. Codes- rely on codebooks. A well- How does Steganography Works

constructed code can represent phrases
and entire sentences with symbols, Steganography is a method of hiding
such as five-letters groups, and is the existence of a message using tools
often used more for economy than for such as invisible ink, microscopic
secrecy. writing, or hiding code words within
sentences of a message (such as making
2. Steganography- deals with hidden or every fifth word in a text part of the
secret writing, relies on different message).
ways to hide or disguise writing.
Cryptographers may apply steganography
3. Ciphers- ciphers include both to electronic communications. This
computer-generated ciphers and those application is called Transmission
created by encryption methods. The Security.
different types of ciphers depend on
alphabetical, numerical, computer- How do Ciphers Work
based, or other scrambling methods.
General Types of Ciphers:

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A. Substitution ciphers require a 2. Write the message without word

cipher alphabet to replace plain text divisions in rows of letters arranged
with other letters or symbols. in a rectangular block.

Simple Substitution Ciphers- a 3. Transpose the letters in a

particular letter or symbol is prearranged order, such as by vertical
substituted for each letter. The columns, diagonals or spirals, or by
letters are substituted in their more complicated systems, such as
normal order, usually with normal knights tour, which is based on the
word divisions. move of the knight in chess.

A substitution cipher is performed by 4. The arrangement of the letters in

reordering the letters in the the enciphered message depends upon
alphabet. Thus, when the letter “a” the size of the block of code words
is needed, a “d” is used. The letters used and upon the route followed in
wrap around at the end of the inscribing and transposing the
alphabet. So, if a person wants to letters.
encipher a “z”, it is written as a
“c”. Similarly, a “y” is written as a 5. Swapping of every pair of letters
“b”. in a plain text is called
transposition cipher.
(polyalphabetic) ciphers- a keyword Distinction between Codes and Ciphers
or number is employed. The first
message letter might be enciphered by Code is a system, which uses words as
adding to it the numerical value of the smallest element. The encoders
the first letter of the keyword; the must have key code, it cannot
second message letter is enciphered generate messages without it, and
similarly, using the second letter of impossible to break without the
the keyword, and so on, repeating the codebook.
keyword as often as necessary to
encipher the whole message. When Ciphers is a system that manipulate
adding the numerical value of a one, two, or three characters at a
keyword letter to a message letter, time.
one starts counting with the message

B. Transportation ciphers use the ---oOo---

shuffling of letters in a word to
make the word incomprehensible.

1. Changed the order of plain text

letters to derive the cipher text.

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