Financial Management

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Even sectoral solutions call for I

A misguided restructuring of export markets
t is certainly necessary for the country to step up efforts to diversify its export mar-
kets in the face of a prolonged slump in outbound shipments. But the govern-

a broader economic outlook ment’s plan for restructuring export markets, which was unveiled last week, is
unreasonable and could erode the global competitiveness of South Korea’s export-
oriented companies. Under the plan, the proportion of four major markets—the
US, China, Japan and the EU—in the country’s total exports is set to decrease from
53.4% in 2018 to 40% in 2022.
It is a misconception that Korea excessively relies on the four largest economies
The Modi government should not limit itself to sectoral policy responses each time there is trouble in one part of the economy for its exports... It should also be noted that it is relatively easy for companies with
an established reputation in advanced countries to make inroads into developing
markets, while it is not so easy for those successful in developing nations to attract
BLOOMBERG customers in developed markets... In its current form, the government’s plan for
restructuring export markets would be not just unachievable but also detrimental
to the country’s trade competitiveness. It does not make sense to overhaul the
export structure focused on advanced markets, which has been established through
five decades of efforts by local companies to overtake world-class foreign rivals.
The Korea Herald

Trump has dug himself into a hole with Iran

is a member of the academic board of the
Meghnad Desai Academy of Economics C onflicting reports were circulating Monday about who launched the devastat-
ing attack on Saudi oil production facilities Saturday, and from where. Though
Yemen’s Houthi rebels claimed credit, Saudi Arabia and the United States said the
assault did not come from Yemen; both blamed Iran, but without providing
What is certain is that the strike represented a major escalation in the conflict
in the Persian Gulf—and that US President Donald Trump, who triggered the crisis
with his “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran, seems to have lost any ability

classic Peter Sellers movie from the to control it... The attack should not go unanswered, but the best response may not
Cold War years was based on a sur- be a military one. Mr. Trump risks compounding his strategic problems if he acts
real premise. The Mouse That Roared hastily or recklessly. The US must first work to definitively establish who was
tells the hilarious story of the tiny responsible for the operation and how it was carried out, and make that information
Duchy of Grand Fenwick, which is public. Especially since it was Saudi and not US assets that were struck, no retalia-
battling an economic crisis after its tory US military action should be undertaken without consultation with Congress.
wine exports are obliterated by an American com- Mr. Trump recently seemed to recognize the hole he had dug for himself in the
pany making a cheap imitation of Pinot Grand Middle East... Now he finds himself struggling to defend the kingdom’s most pre-
Fenwick wine. Grand Fenwick declares war on the cious economic assets—which are likely vulnerable to new attacks if the conflict
US, a war it knows it will lose. The zany plan is that continues.
the US would then offer lavish financial aid to the The Washington Post
defeated country to rebuild its economy, as it did to
Germany and Japan in the 1950s, and then all
would be well in Grand Fenwick.
Economic strategies in the real world are thank- Netanyahu’s tired election playbook
fully less whimsical. In his January 2019 lecture in
memory of Sukhamoy Chakravarty, Vijay Kelkar
noted that one of the main lessons he learnt from
the latter was that strategies for economic growth
I sraelis go to the polls on Tuesday for a second general election in six months. If
opinion polls are any guide, the vote may fail to break the deadlock that has left
the country’s politics in limbo for much of the year. The last election, in April, pro-
should begin with empirically identifying what is duced an inconclusive result. A potential coalition between security hawks and
the most dominant structural constraint faced by religious groups had a slim majority in the Knesset, but former defence minister
an economy, and then designing policies that Avigdor Lieberman, leader of the nationalist Yisrael Beiteinu party, refused to join
would alleviate that constraint. unless the government agreed to enact a law to make it harder for ultra-orthodox
The initial wave of Indian development thinking Jews to avoid military service. That put Binyamin Netanyahu in a bind: although
was focused on broadly three sets of constraints—a religious voters have long viewed the four-term Prime Minister with suspicion, they
domestic savings constraint, a foreign exchange remain a core part of his electoral base.
constraint, and a food constraint. India did not Netanyahu, who this summer overtook David Ben Gurion as Israel’s longest-
have adequate domestic savings to fund the ambi- serving leader, had every incentive to cling to power. His legal troubles have been
tious investment programmes outlined in its early mounting... Several cases involving allegations of corruption, fraud and breach of
plans. It did not earn enough foreign exchange to trust are expected to come to a head in the autumn... If he wins the election, he is
import the capital goods needed for rapid industri- expected to push through a bill granting immunity for a sitting prime minister. Net-
alization. Inadequate food supply meant that eco- anyahu, in the closing stages of the campaign, has sought to shore up his support
nomic expansion would be inflationary. whether India is in the midst of a deeper structural consistent policy framework could mean that with what has become his grimly traditional closing message: trampling on Pales-
The plans were attempts to ease these structural slowdown. There are also wider concerns about reforms in one part of the economy create distor- tinian rights and pandering to the worst inclinations of the settler movement.
constraints through investment by the public sec- risks to social stability, in case India fails to grow tions in other parts. The Irish Times
tor in capital goods industries. The mistaken at a rate that provides opportunities to a young India was staring down the economic abyss in
assumption was that food was a bargain sector that population. 1990. The worst balance of payments crisis in its
would see productivity growth with minimal There is now a strong case to think about the history was only a few months away. India is now a A constructive discourse on Japan-Korea ties
investment, as long as there were institutional economy as a whole rather than sectoral decisions different country after several decades of rapid
changes such as agricultural extension services or
cooperative farming.
All three historical constraints have significantly
in response to the latest problems dominating the
news headlines. In his forthcoming book, Subra-
maniam Swamy writes that the Narendra Modi
growth. It is not the India of 1990 and definitely not
the Duchy of Grand Fenwick in the Peter Sellers
T he Japanese news media are awash with comments about this country’s rela-
tionship with South Korea. Even though the proliferation of arguments on the
topic was triggered by new strains in bilateral ties, we welcome the active debate
eased in recent decades. The domestic savings rate government “has an unstudied familiarity with The economic strategy for the next couple of on Japan’s diplomacy with its neighbour. But there are many worrisome elements
is far higher than before, despite the recent microeconomics but not macroeconomics and its decades needs to grapple with key analytical in one increasingly pronounced trend in public discourse about South Korea. Cer-
decline. India still runs a current account deficit intricacies of inter-sectoral economic dynamics”. issues. Will the collapse of food prices help tain media outlets seem to be trying to stir up hatred toward South Korea, a senti-
but ample capital inflows have ensured that for- We need a contemporary variant of the famous industrial sector profits by capping wage growth ment often referred to as “kenkan” in Japan. Japan’s relationship with the Korean
eign exchange is not a major constraint. India has M document authored by Montek Singh Ahluwalia or reduce profits because of a collapse in rural Peninsula has a long and deep history... Inevitably, conflict between the two coun-
not had a balance of payments crisis since 1991. The in 1990 as economic reformers in the government demand? Is weak private sector investment a result tries undermines the international standing of both sides while cooperation
food constraint could be easing if one goes by had begun convincing the political leadership that of the high cost of capital or rigid factor markets? increases the chances of the two countries prospering together.
recent research that suggests that India is now into the old strategy was no longer delivering results. Are fiscal, monetary and trade policies internally With bilateral ties trapped in a downward spiral, it is the media’s role to discuss
a new era of structural food surpluses. There is still Mere tinkering at the edges would no longer work. consistent? Then there are emerging constraints how diplomacy between the two countries should be conducted. But articles simply
an energy constraint, especially given our depend- It eventually took a P.V. Narasimha Rao to junk the such as climate change and risks to globalization. designed to denounce the other side do not lead to constructive debate... Negative
ence on imported oil, but recent developments in old policies. There are no simple answers to such questions. comments about South Korea are also proliferating in television programs... The
the global energy market could offer relief over the Ahluwalia himself has clarified that his strategy The point is that the Modi government needs a media [has] every right to criticize any political or social move, either at home or
medium term. document was a blend of work done by several col- broader economic policy framework that can abroad, that deserves to be criticized. But all debate in a public space should be
Former chief economic adviser Shankar leagues in government—but its great achievement power the Indian economy towards $5 trillion and underpinned by a solid commitment to rejecting any form of discrimination and
Acharya wrote last week in Business Standard that was in the way it presented an internally consistent beyond—and not limit itself to sectoral policy offering perspectives helpful for the development of healthy diplomatic ties.
India could have entered a new period of disap- set of ideas on fiscal, industrial, trade, monetary responses each time there is trouble in one part of The Asahi Shimbun
pointing economic growth. Other economists ask and financial policies. The lack of an internally the economy.


Entrepreneurs can no longer treat debt like equity

that nominal prices always rose and the plan—as they often do—equity investors their ventures will end up owning between Tax and UPI, among others, to extend cash-
GOPAL JAIN & MANISH SABHARWAL replacement cost argument with appreciat- don’t come to collect their collateral or take 5% and 25% of their companies by their last flow-based credit. The Indian private equity
ing rather than depreciating assets became ownership, but debt investors do. The cur- round of private financing or initial public industry will grow faster in the next decade
a viable argument. Finally, the nationaliza- rent troubles for many Indian banks arise offer (think Flipkart, Ola, Quickr, Ratnakar than it has in the past—it already has $130
tion of banks and legal system choke from their acting like equity investors, but Bank, and many others) in line with global billion in assets. Initial public offer markets
ensured that debt defaults had weak conse- any returns on the principal cannot com- norms (Jack Ma owns 9% of Alibaba, Reed are already becoming more sophisticated at

istorians warn that nothing fails like quences because of slothful or unwilling len- pensate debt holders for principal losses. Hastings owns 4% of Netflix, and Jeff Bezos weighing intangible assets, rewarding sus-
success. Philosophers warn that the ders (amenable to “phone banking” and When projects fail, equity owns 16% of Amazon). Once tainable cap tables, and offering a govern-
most dangerous lies are the lies we political influence). Consequently, many investors can still be on the the current court challen- ance premium.
tell ourselves. Doctors warn that the dose Indian entrepreneurs treated debt like same side of the table as an The current pain ges of the Insolvency and The current economic slowdown has
makes the poison; anything powerful equity—payable when able. entrepreneur. But debt Bankruptcy Code are set- many reasons, but the most important one is
enough to help has the power to hurt. Syn- Debt and equity sit on the same side of any providers have no choice in corporate tled, the immediate, auto- that the old is dying faster than the new is
thesizing these three warnings is important company’s balance sheet, but are very differ- but to be on the other. matic and strong conse- being born. But this surely represents over-
for corporate India because the climate— ent species. Debt targets security, but equity The future of Indian
finance is an quences of default will due medicine: short-term pain for long-term

are, respectively, co-founders

low competition, slothful lenders, and high
inflation—that encouraged and rewarded
loves risk. Debt collects interest at periodic
and pre-agreed intervals, while equity waits
entrepreneurship looks
quite different from the
atonement for ensure that a market for
corporate control will
gain, with India emerging stronger. Entre-
preneurs cannot predict the future, but they
of Gaja Capital and Teamlease
entrepreneurs for taking huge amounts of
debt for their companies and personal finan-
for returns. Debt investors expect full princi-
pal repayment; equity investors expect to
past. Entrepreneurs will
borrow less, with lending
the past errors emerge. We expect 200
companies to change
can make themselves worthy of it. The cur-
rent round of pain in corporate finance is an
ces no longer exists. This shift is not a pass- lose their principal on some investments (a against shares and pyramid of mixing up hands. Banks and debt atonement for past mistakes around the rel-
ing shower, but a climate shift with funda- few of which typically account for most prof- structures for equity hold- markets that traditionally ative roles of debt and equity, but this churn
mental implications for how Indian entre- its in their portfolio). Equity investors think ings coming down. Entre- debt and equity lent to the rich will become is birthing a new world of financial struc-
preneurs must fund, structure and run their differently about scale (linear growth means preneurs will run less less aristocratic and more tures, leverage ratios, accountability and
businesses. Borrowing equity must end. lower risk) and transformation (lateral diversified businesses and meritocratic. This means governance. This will be good for India, the
Before looking ahead, let’s look back. The growth means greater risk); and once a busi- sharply distinguish between their three that the underleverage of retail customers country’s banks, investors and entrepre-
love affair of big entrepreneurs with debt ness model is validated, scale should be roles—as executive authorities on perform- with real incomes will blunt the overlever- neurs because money will stop looking at
that began in the 1970s was rational. The funded with debt and transformation with ance, as board members for quarterly over- age of large corporate India. The working entrepreneurs through the lens of their par-
licence raj ensured that businesses did not internal accruals and equity. Unfortunately, sight, and as shareholders pushing for capital crunch of Micro, Small and Medium ents or bank balances, but evaluate the cour-
have clients but hostages, and prices almost companies have funded both scale and accountability. These roles were tradition- Enterprises will not be solved by banks, but age in their heart, the strength of their back,
never went down. The lack of fiscal disci- transformation with debt without realizing ally concurrent, interlinked and guaranteed. a new generation of lenders that will use the and the sweat of their brow. Welcome to a
pline and formal inflation targeting ensured that when things don’t go according to First-generation entrepreneurs that scale up digital exhaust of the Goods and Services more just and meritocratic India.

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