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Hypertensive heart disease beyond left ventricular

hypertrophy: are we ready for echocardiographic
strain evaluation in everyday clinical practice?
Marijana Tadic a, Cesare Cuspidi b, Michele Bombelli c, and Guido Grassi c,d

The purpose of this review is to summarize the current

Hypertension-induced left ventricular (LV) remodeling is a knowledge regarding new echocardiographic methods that
well known entity that has usually been studied with could provide us valuable and comprehensive information
traditional echocardiographic techniques. In the last about early phase cardiac remodeling, which occurs
decade echocardiographic methods are focused on significantly before LV hypertrophy and symptomatic LV
evaluation of heart mechanics. The strain assessment is dysfunction.
considered as part of comprehensive echocardiographic
examination. Nevertheless, LV strain and particularly
longitudinal strain was proofed as a significant
independent predictor of cardiovascular and total VENTRICULAR STRUCTURE ON
morbidity and mortality, stronger than LV ejection fraction. MECHANICS
Considering the fact that hypertensive heart disease
represents one of the most important risk factors for the
There are many theories regarding LV anatomical structure.
development of heart failure with preserved ejection
However, widely accepted theory recognizes three LV
fraction, one should be careful and accurate in identifying
myocardial layers: endocardial, mid-myocardial and epicar-
subtle signs of cardiac dysfunction. The early detection of
dial. The prime orientation of the LV free wall myocytes
cardiac dysfunction by conventional echocardiographic
characterizes by increasing rotation in the epicardium–
methods is often not possible. The aim of the current
endocardium direction. Therefore, subepicardial fibers
article is to overview the main principles of LV mechanics
are lying at an angle about 608 to the horizontal plane
and summarize the current knowledge and clinical
making a clockwise helix, the mid-wall fibres are practically
significance of LV strain in hypertensive patients.
horizontal and they do not exist at the LV apex, whereas the
subendocardial myocytes with an angle of nearly þ608 form
Keywords: arterial hypertension, left ventricle, strain, the counterclockwise helix [3]. Both helixes are forming LV
torsion, twist free wall and interventricular septum; subepicardial clock-
Abbreviations: 2DE, two-dimensional echocardiography; wise helix is forming the right half of the septum, whereas
LV, left ventricle counterclockwise right-handed helix forms the left septal
half [3]. However, there is no sharp border between differ-
ent layers and helixes. Both epicardial and endocardial
INTRODUCTION layers consist of clockwise and counterclockwise helix

n the latest European guidelines for the management of For LV function is even more important the angle
arterial hypertension echocardiographic examination between different myocytes, layers and helices. The
was recommended as class IIa and level B [1]. Routine mathematical model demonstrated that contraction of
echocardiographic examination is not recommended in all
hypertensive patients, but only in order to confirm ECG
diagnosis of left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy or left atrial Journal of Hypertension 2017, 35:000–000
dilatation [1]. On the other hand, echocardiographic exami- a
Department of Internal Medicine and Cardiology, Charité – Universitätsmedizin
nation represents the most available, widespread and afford- Berlin, Berlin, Germany, bClinical Research Unit, University of Milan-Bicocca and
able method of cardiac structure and function assessment. Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Meda, cDepartment of Health Science, University
of Milano-Bicocca and dDepartment of Clinical Sciences and Community Health,
The question in focus is should echocardiographic examina- University of Milano and Fondazione Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico di Milano,
tion be performed in all hypertensive patients and which kind Milano, Italy
of information modern echocardiography could provide us? Correspondence to Marijana Tadic, MD, PhD, Department of Internal Medicine and
Cardiology, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Augustenburgerplatz 1, 13353
As the incidence of hypertensive patients with diagnosis Berlin, Germany. E-mail: marijana_tadic@hotmail.com.
of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction is constantly Received 7 August 2017 Revised 1 October 2017 Accepted 31 October 2017
increasing [2], the interest for noninvasive techniques that J Hypertens 35:000–000 Copyright ß 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights
would discover subtle changes in LV function and mechan- reserved.
ics significantly increased. DOI:10.1097/HJH.0000000000001632

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CE: Tripti; JH-D-17-00804; Total nos of Pages: 10;

Tadic et al.

function assessment during the whole cardiac cycle (systole

and diastole). Most frequently used pulsed Doppler param-
eter (E/A) has very important disadvantages: significant
age-dependence, load-dependence and angle-depen-
dence, as well as dependence of sample volume position
(below or above mitral valve), relatively low reproducibil-
ity. Tissue Doppler imaging overcame some disadvantages
of pulsed Doppler, but it is faced with several important
limitations: angle-dependence and load-dependence, eval-
uation of only small portion of myocardium and significant
inter-observer variability.
The first strain technique was derived from tissue Dopp-
ler, which is the reason why tissue Doppler-based strain
was still angle-dependent and limited with significant noise
[5]. The appearance of speckle tracking imaging signifi-
cantly improved the quality and amount of information that
FIGURE 1 Multilayer structure of LV wall and main principle of longitudinal, cir- is obtained from myocardium.
cumferential and radial strain, LV basal and apical rotation.
Two-dimensional speckle tracking-derived strain is
angle-independent and significantly less load-dependent
longitudinal or circumferential fibers would result with and provides mechanical analysis of the whole thickness of
ejection fraction of approximately 15 and 28%, respectively myocardium seen in one echocardiographic view. In this
[4]. On the other hand, myocytes that make an angle of 608 way longitudinal, circumferential and radial strains were
with the horizontal plane generate ejection fractions higher obtained. Two-dimensional strain rates are strain-derived
than 60% [4]. parameters that provide the information about cardiac
Myofibrils have the ability to stretch, shorten and mechanics during the whole cardiac cycle, similar as tissue
thicken. The combination of these movements in different Doppler indices (early and late diastole and systole veloci-
myocardial layers enables the stretching, shortening and ties).
thickening of the LV, which could be measured in percent- Three-dimensional speckle tracking imaging went one
age of longitudinal, circumferential and radial strain [5]. step further and provided information regarding mechanics
Subendocardial and subepicardial layers are mainly in the full thickness of myocardium. Additionally, this
responsible for longitudinal strain; mid-myocardial layer method provides assessment of area strain that represents
is mostly accountable for circumferential strain and thick- a combination of longitudinal and circumferential strain
ening of all fibers in all three layers is responsible for radial and excellent parameter of LV systolic function [6]. Table 1
strain. However, it should be emphasized that the distribu- represents the main advantages and disadvantages of LV
tion and angulation of myofibers in all layers contribute to strain derived by tissue Doppler, 2D and 3D speckle track-
all kinds of strain (longitudinal, circumferential and radial). ing imaging.
In order to accumulate energy for efficient cardiac contrac- The most important limitation of strain remains inter-
tion two more cardiac motions are necessary: rotation and observer and inter-vendor variability, which is the lowest
twist [5]. for the longitudinal strain [7], but still worth mentioning.
The LV basal rotation occurs in clockwise direction, However, even with this variability of global longitudinal
whereas apical rotation represents more prominent motion strain was superior in comparison with other conventional
that occurs counterclockwise. LV twist is a result of interac- echocardiographic parameters [7]. The variability is signifi-
tion between individual myofiber contraction and their 3D cantly higher for global circumferential and the highest
architecture, and it represents the summation of absolute for global radial strain. The recent study showed that LV
values of LV basal and apical rotation [5]. Figure 1 shows the segmental longitudinal strain, in contrast to global LV
multilayer structure of the LV wall and principle of longi- longitudinal strain, has significantly higher variability [8].
tudinal, circumferential and radial strain, as well as LV basal Intra-observer variability for 2D LV global longitudinal,
and apical rotation. circumferential and radial strains ranged from 1.6 to
11.5%, whereas inter-observer variability ranged from 2.6
ECHOCARDIOGRAPHIC ASSESSMENT OF to 23% for coefficients of variation [9]. The same variability
LEFT VENTRICULAR FUNCTION coefficients for 3D LV global longitudinal, circumferential
and radial strains ranged from 5.0  4.3 to 10.1  8.5%, and
LV ejection fraction (LVEF) remains the gold standard for for inter-observer variability ranged from 6.9  6.1 to
evaluation of LV systolic function for decades. Two-dimen- 17.0  16.2% for coefficients of variation [10].
sional (2D) echocardiographic evaluation of LVEF is faced It should be emphasized that strain could provide valu-
with many limitations: foreshortening, geometry assump- able information about both systolic and diastolic functions.
tion, moderate accuracy and reproducibility, average inter- It is widely accepted that LV longitudinal function repre-
observer and intra-observer variability. sents excellent parameter of LV systolic function because of
The first evaluation of LV diastolic function was per- its high correlation with LV ejection fraction [6–11]. Inves-
formed by pulsed Doppler, which was replaced by tissue tigations even showed that LV global longitudinal strain
Doppler imaging that enables better and more accurate LV represented a better predictor of cardiovascular and total

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Arterial hypertension and strain

TABLE 1. Strengths and limitations of the various modalities in LV strain assessment

Two-dimensional speckle Three-dimensional
TDI tracking imaging speckle tracking imaging
Technical aspects
Availability þþ þþ þ
Costs þ þþ þþþ
Typical scan duration (minutes) 3 3 1
Typical analysis duration (minutes) 15–20 3–5 3–5
Safety þþþ þþþ þþþ
Imaging window dependence þ þþ þþþ
Temporal resolution þþþ þþ þ
Spatial resolution þþþ þþ þ
Angle dependency þþþ - -
Strain rate assessment þþþ þþþ
Variability þþþ þ þþ
Clinical utility þ þþþ þþ
Major limitations Deformation evaluation in one dimension Strain assessment in only one plane Stable cardiac rhythm
Strain derived from tissue Doppler velocities Low temporal resolution
Assessment of only regional strain Low availability
Time consuming (only for research)

(þ) Low; (þþ) moderate; (þþþ) high; (-) not associated.

morbidity and mortality in general population, as well as in clinical utility. Recent studies showed that LV global lon-
patients with heart failure or other cardiovascular condi- gitudinal strain represents a good predictor of cardiovascu-
tions [12–14]. However, LV multidirectional strain is also lar and total morbidity and mortality in hypertensive
associated with LV diastolic function indices such as E/e0 population [18] or in the large group of patients with large
and E/A ratios [15–17], which enables information regard- prevalence of different cardiovascular risk factors of which
ing LV filling pressure and Hayashi et al. even reported that arterial hypertension was present in more than 40% [12,19].
the ratio between E (early LV filling velocity) and longitu- Kuznetsova et al. [19] succeeded to show that layer-specific
dinal strain might be more accurate than E/e for evaluation longitudinal strains (endocardal, midcardial and epicardial)
of LV filling pressure [17]. Furthermore, strain rates (early were independent predictors of cardiovascular, coronary
and late diastolic and systolic) represent strain equivalent and cardiac events. Interestingly, authors used sex-specific
for tissue Doppler-derived parameters and correspond well cut-off values for LV longitudinal strain that has not been yet
with indices of LV diastolic function. The limitation is still proposed by guidelines. Strain analysis is not completely
relatively high inter-observer and intra-observer variability, load-independent, age-independent, sex-independent and
as well as inter-vendor variability. race-independent [5], however, it shows higher consistency
Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) remains the gold than other conventional echocardiographic parameters.
standard for evaluation of LV function and strain because Table 2 summarizes findings regarding the predictive
of its high spatial and temporal resolution. However, value of LV global longitudinal and circumferential strains.
because of relatively low availability, high costs, long scan Studies included in this table are the only follow-up inves-
duration and long analysis, it is not suitable for evaluation of tigations in the hypertensive patients or in the global
LV mechanics in hypertensive population without comor- population with a significant percentage of hypertensive
bidities that would demand this sophisticated method. patients published in PubMed and Medline. Data regarding
Furthermore, CMR is not used for evaluation of LV diastolic predictive value of LV radial strain in hypertensive patients
function. were not found.
Nowadays, cost-effectiveness ratio represents an impor- The relationship between peak oxygen consumption –
tant precondition for wide clinical usage of some technique. functional capacity and global longitudinal strain in hyper-
Comparing CMR and echocardiographic strain assessment, tensive population [20] could be significant in the follow-up
it is obvious that the latter technique is significantly more of hypertensive patients and possibly those with heart
available with considerably better cost-effectiveness ratio failure with preserved ejection fraction. Interestingly, the
than CMR. There are no data that compare cost-effective- similar findings were reported in the patients with high–
ness between conventional echocardiographic parameters normal blood pressure [21], which only confirms the signif-
and strain. However, echocardiographic machines from icance of evaluation of LV longitudinal strain even in
practically all vendors are equipped with software for strain patients with prehypertension and especially in those with
assessment or have possibility for its installation, which is additional risk factors such as obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia,
an affordable investment. and so on.
Recently published investigations, for the first time
LONGITUDINAL STRAIN IN ARTERIAL reported the beneficial effect of pharmacotherapy on LV
HYPERTENSION global longitudinal strain in hypertensive patients followed
6 and 12 months, respectively, after introduction of antihy-
Of all available strain parameters, LV global longitudinal pertensive therapy [22,23]. The authors reported significant
strain certainly has the major importance and the largest improvement of LV global longitudinal strain, as well as

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TABLE 2. The predictive value of LV longitudinal and circumferential strain

Sample size and individuals Follow-up
Reference included in the study Method period Main findings
LV longitudinal strain
Biering-Sørensen 1296 participants in a general 2D STI 11 years Lower GLS was associated with a higher risk of incident heart
et al. [12] population (mean age 57  16 failure, acute myocardial infarction, or cardiovascular death
years, 42% men, 38% independently of age, sex, heart rate, hypertension, SBP,
hypertension, 9% diabetes, 5% left ventricular ejection fraction, left ventricular mass index,
ishemic heart disease) left ventricular dimension, deceleration time, left atrium
dimension, and pro B-type natriuretic peptide. GLS is a
stronger predictor in men than in women
Saito et al. [18] 388 asymptomatic nonischemic 2D STI 4 years GLS and its reduction (>16%) are related with major adverse
patients with hypertension who cardiac events in asymptomatic hypertensive heart disease.
had abnormal LV geometry A risk score that used age more than 70, atrial fibrillation,
(mean age 66 years, 47% men, concentric hypertrophy, and baseline GLS 16% was very
21% diabetes, 25% atrial useful for predicting risk of major adverse cardiac events
Kuznetsova et al. [19] 791 participants in a general 2D STI 7.9 years Decreased global GLS (>18.8% in women and > 17.4% in
population (mean age 51 years, men) increased risk for cardiovascular (128%, P<0.001) and
48% men, 41% hypertension, cardiac (94%, P<0.001) events. The risk for cardiovascular
4% diabetes) events increased with higher number of left ventricular
impairments (low GLS, diastolic dysfunction, and
Layers-specific longitudinal strains (endocardial, mid-
myocardial and epicardial) are independent predictors of
cardiovascular, cardiac and coronary events
Lee et al. [33] 95 hypertensive patients (mean age 2D STI 7.3  2.0 years Epicardial longitudinal strain (>17.6%) was the only
65.5  12.0 years, 60% men). independent prognostic factor in regularly treated
hypertensive patients
LV circumferential strain
Choi et al. [39] 1768 asymptomatic individuals CMR 5.5  1.3 years Circumferential strain predicted incident heart failure
(mean age 65 years, 53% men, independent of age, diabetes status, hypertension,
47% hypertension) myocardial infarction, left ventricular mass index, and left
ventricular ejection fraction. Circumferential strain was also
significantly associated to the composite atherosclerotic
cardiovascular events, but its relationship was decreased
after including left ventricular mass index in the model

2D STI, two-dimensional speckle tracking imaging; CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; GLS, global longitudinal strain; LV, left ventricular.

parameters of LV diastolic function, and in this way showed night-time hypertension [29] and hypertensive patients with
that mild deterioration of LV function is reversible with different 24-h blood pressure patterns (dippers and non-
appropriate and timely introduced therapy. However, the dippers) [30,31]. Figure 2 demonstrates the assessment of
reduction in longitudinal strain with antihypertensive treat- LV global and layer-specific longitudinal strain in normo-
ment was mostly mediated via reduction of afterload and tensive, prehypertensive and hypertensive individuals.
did not occur independently of peripheral BP values. The Arterial hypertension has impact on all myocardial
evidence on BP-independent strain improvement after layers. Kim et al. [32] showed that all endocardial, mid-
antihypertensive treatment (e.g. via remodeling) is still cardial and epicardial longitudinal strains were lower in
lacking. hypertensive patients than in controls. Our results showed
LV hypertrophy has been considered as one of the most that mostly endocardial and mid-myocardial layers are
responsible factors for deterioration of LV multidirectional affected by white-coat, masked and sustained hypertension
strain in arterial hypertension [15,24]. Our study group [27,28], Lee et al. [33] interestingly showed that only epicar-
showed that geometry pattern had significant impact on dial longitudinal strain has predictive value in hypertensive
LV longitudinal strain [25]. Global longitudinal strain grad- population, whereas Kuznetsova et al. [19] reported that
ually decreased from hypertensive patients with normal LV longitudinal strains of all three myocardial layers were
geometry and concentric remodeling, across hypertensive important predictors in this population of patients.
individuals with eccentric nondilated LV hypertrophy, to One should not forget that any additional risk factor,
the patients with concentric and dilated LV hypertrophy such as diabetes, overweight or obesity, dyslipidemia,
patterns [25]. Galderisi et al. [6] showed that young hyper- smoking, or renal failure significantly contributes to deteri-
tensive patients with normal LV mass index also had sig- oration of LV longitudinal mechanics [34–36]. Additional
nificantly lower 3D longitudinal, area and radial strain than risk factors have not additive, but unfortunately cumulative
normotensives. However, LV mass was still significantly effect.
higher, although in normal range, in hypertensive patients
The association between blood pressure values and LV ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION
longitudinal strain in arterial hypertension was confirmed in
many previous studies [6,15,23]. This association was dem- The recent article showed that all strain parameters corre-
onstrated in patients with high-normal blood pressure [26], lated well to LV ejection fraction [37]. However, the stron-
white-coat hypertension [27], masked hypertension [28], gest correlation with LV ejection fraction demonstrated

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Arterial hypertension and strain

FIGURE 2 The assessment of LV global and layer-specific longitudinal strain in normotensive, prehypertensive and hypertensive individuals. The gradual reduction in LV
longitudinal strain from normotensive to hypertensive individuals should be noticed. (a and b) Global and layer-specific longitudinal strain in normotensive controls; (c and d)
global and layer-specific longitudinal strain in prehypertensive controls and (e and f) global and layer-specific longitudinal strain in hypertensive patient.

global circumferential strain (r ¼ 0.82, P < 0.001) and found significantly lower values of LV circumferential strain
longitudinal strain (r ¼ 0.76, P < 0.001) [37]. Similar find- [24,37–41], whereas others disagreed [6,42–44]. Most of the
ings were found in study that used magnetic resonance for circumferential changes found in hypertensive patients
assessment of LV ejection fraction and strains [38]. Further- were ascribed to LV hypertrophy. However, our findings
more, longitudinal and circumferential strains obtained by in prehypertensive and white-coat hypertensive patients
echocardiography and CMR closely correlated with ejection showed that LV hypertrophy is not crucial for deterioration
fraction assessed by magnetic resonance (r ¼ 0.85 and of circumferential strain [26,27]. On the other hand,
r ¼ 0.95, respectively, P < 0.001). researches also demonstrated that LV geometry and partic-
The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis showed that ularly concentric and concentric-dilated LV hypertrophy
LV circumferential strain represents robust, and indepen- patterns are responsible for worsening of LV circumferen-
dent predictor for heart failure occurrence in asymptomatic tial mechanics [25,41].
individuals without evidence of prior cardiovascular dis- Layer assessment of circumferential function showed
ease [39]. that hypertension impacts circumferential strain in the same
The findings regarding LV circumferential strain in direction as longitudinal strain: from endocardium to epi-
hypertensive population are not concurrent. Some authors cardium. Huang et al. [45] showed that only endocardial

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FIGURE 3 The evaluation of LV global and multilayer circumferential strain in control and hypertensive individuals. The gradual reduction in LV circumferential strain from
normotensive to hypertensive individuals should be noted. (a and b) Global and layer-specific circumferential strain in normotensive controls; (c and d) global and layer-specific
longitudinal strain in hypertensive individuals.

circumferential strain was reduced in hypertensive patients, One should also not forget the cumulative negative
whereas mid-myocardial and epicardial were similar with effect of different cardiovascular risk factors on LV circum-
controls. Our research group showed that white-coat and ferential strain, similarly as on longitudinal strain, as we
masked hypertension affected both LV endocardial and reported in patients with the metabolic syndrome, obesity
mid-myocardial circumferential strain, but not epicardial or diabetes [35,36,46].
strain [27,28]. Figure 3 shows the evaluation of LV global
and multilayer circumferential strain in controls and RADIAL STRAIN IN ARTERIAL
hypertensive patients. HYPERTENSION
Considering the fact that long follow-up studies are not
available, we could only hypothesize that longitudinal LV radial strain represents the percentage of LV thickening
function deteriorates prior circumferential function during systole and although it is the easiest for explanation,
impairment, which is a probable mechanism of maintaining it is the most difficult for interpretation primarily because of
LV ejection fraction in hypertensive patients for a long time. high inter-observer and intra-observer variability and even
This could also be the rational reason for development of higher inter-vendor variability. This inconsistency makes
heart failure with preserved ejection fraction in hyper- radial strain impractical for everyday clinical usage. How-
tensive individuals. ever, investigations showed that it might be a useful param-
Szelényi et al. [44] showed that the pathological process eter in the assessment of subclinical LV damage.
in the hypertensive patients probably begins from the There are several important limitations of radial strain.
longitudinally arranged subendocardial myofibres, which Radial strain does not correlate that well as longitudinal
consequently decreases LV longitudinal systolic function. strain with ultrasonomicrometry, a gold standard for LV
The mid-myocardial myocytes responsible mostly for deformation assessment that could not be used in human
circumferential and radial mechanics remained preserved population because of its invasive nature [47,48]. This
for a longer time, which enables the maintenance of variance is the result of inability of echocardiographic beam
normal LV ejection fraction. Our investigations demon- to be perpendicular on the major part of LV in short-axis
strated that circumferential strain is also deteriorated in view. Additional problem is the large amplitude of cardiac
different subgroups of hypertensive patients [25–30], but motions in transversal plane during cardiac cycle, which
possibly this reduction is still lower than for longitudinal makes the tracking of myocardium more difficult.
strain resulting with similar ejection fraction preservation The association between arterial hypertension and
over time. LV radial strain is less investigated than the relationship

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Arterial hypertension and strain

FIGURE 4 The assessment of LV global radial strain in control and hypertensive individuals. The reduction in LV radial strain from normotensive to hypertensive individuals
should be noticed. (a) Global radial strain in normotensive controls; (b) global radial strain in hypertensive patient.

between hypertension and longitudinal and circumferential TWIST AND TORSION IN ARTERIAL
strain. The majority of authors found significantly decreased
LV radial strain in hypertensive patients [6,20,24,25,43]. In
our studies, even when we could not detect radial mechanic LV twist and untwist represent complex cardiac motions
changes in prehypertension or white-coat hypertension by that resulted from the dynamic interaction between clock-
2D speckle tracking, we succeeded with 3D strain [26,27]. wise and counterclockwise epicardial and endocardial
Huang et al. [37] recently reported that LV radial strain myocytes. LV twist is caused by the opposed LV basal
gradually decreased with reduction of LV ejection fraction and apical rotation and it is calculated as the mathematical
in hypertensive population. Figure 4 reveals the assessment difference between apical and basal rotation, whereas
of LV global radial strain in control and hypertensive torsion is calculated as the ratio between twisting and
individuals. the LV length in end-diastole. LV twist represents parameter
The deterioration of LV radial strain is usually attributed of systolic and diastolic function at the same time [49,50],
to LV hypertrophy. However, studies showed that hyper- whereas untwist is mostly related with LV diastolic function
tensive patients (young hypertensive patients or prehyper- because it promotes blood suction during early diastole.
tensive patients) even in circumstances of normal LV mass Speckle tracking-derived LV twist correlates well with
had lower values of LV radial strain. CMR-derived twist [51]. The largest limitation of speckle

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FIGURE 5 The calculation of LV basal and apical rotation and twist in control and patient with long-lasting hypertension. The gradual increase in LV rotation and twist
from control to hypertensive individuals should be noticed. (a) Normotensive control; (b) hypertensive patient.

tracking-derived twist is determination of the true LV apex, mechanisms weaken and LV twist becomes reduced.
which is not easy to detect with echocardiography, unlike Figure 5 demonstrates the calculation of LV basal and apical
magnetic resonance that could easily define any part of rotation and twist in control and patient with long-lasting
the heart. hypertension.
There is no agreement regarding the influence of arterial
hypertension on LV twist. Some investigators, including our
study group, found increased LV twist in hypertensive LEFT VENTRICULAR MECHANICS IN
patients [25,26,30,50,52]. Shin et al. [53] reported the inverse OTHER CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES
relationship between LV longitudinal strain and LV twist, as
well as good correlation with ventriculoatrial coupling in The importance of LV mechanics evaluation and particu-
hypertensive population. The authors demonstrated that LV larly longitudinal strain has been assessed in many cardio-
twist and ventriculoatrial coupling were increased during vascular conditions such as diabetes, ischemic heart
the well compensated phase of arterial hypertension and disease, heart failure with preserved and reduced LVEF,
reduced progressively as LV systolic function worsened in and valvular heart disease [55–58]. The investigations
more advance stage of hypertension [53]. This decrement in showed significantly reduced LV longitudinal strain in these
LV twist was also revealed in the hypertensive population conditions and revealed its predictive value in cardiovas-
with decreased LV ejection fraction [48]. Deteriorated LV cular and overall morbidity and mortality [59–62]. In most
untwisting is related with elevated arterial stiffness and of these investigations LV longitudinal strain was proved to
coronary microcirculatory dysfunction, as well as decreased be a better predictor of morbidity and mortality than LVEF.
exercise capacity and neurohumoral activation (increased
pro-BNP) in hypertensive patients [54]. CONCLUSION
Investigations also showed the association between LV
geometry and LV twisting in hypertensive patients. Namely, Arterial hypertension is a well known cardiovascular risk
Cameli et al. [52] showed that LV twist and untwist gradually factor that is related with increased cardiovascular and total
increased from eccentric geometry, throughout concentric morbidity and mortality. Hypertensive heart disease is an
remodeling to concentric LV hypertrophy. Our findings old entity, which after all needs reassessment in terms of
showed that only hypertensive individuals with dilated criteria and methods of evaluation. New echocardiographic
and concentric-dilated LV hypertrophy had significantly techniques allow the detection of subclinical and subtle
higher LV twist than patients with normal geometry [25]. cardiac changes and could be successfully used in the
Mizuguchi et al. did not find statistical difference between follow-up of hypertensive patients and evaluation of effi-
hypertensive individuals with different LV geometry pat- cacy of therapy. LV longitudinal strain has the greatest
terns, however, there was a tendency of LV twist and importance because of its simple assessment, low costs,
untwist increase from normal LV geometry, across eccen- high predictive value, high sensitivity and specificity, as
tric, to concentric LV hypertrophy [24]. well as reasonable low variability. On account of all these
Increased twist and untwist might be a very useful advantages, LV longitudinal strain represents a better
compensatory mechanism for maintaining LV systolic func- parameter for detection of hypertensive heart remodeling
tion and LV diastolic filling in the condition of reduced than conventional echocardiographic parameters used
longitudinal strain in the initial stage of hypertensive heart nowadays. The modern approach to the hypertensive
disease. However, in the later stage these compensatory patients should involve an echocardiographic examination

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CE: Tripti; JH-D-17-00804; Total nos of Pages: 10;

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Prognostic implications of LV strain risk score in asymptomatic patients
with hypertensive heart disease. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 2016;
Conflicts of interest 9:911–921.
There are no conflicts of interest. 19. Kuznetsova T, Cauwenberghs N, Knez J, Yang WY, Herbots L, D’hooge
J, et al. Additive prognostic value of left ventricular systolic dysfunction
in a population-based cohort. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging 2016; 9:;
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Reviewer’s Summary Evaluations indeed have the necessary software on board and that no
supplementary costs should be made. They illustrate the
Reviewer 2 higher capacity of the technique to better define the dam-
This paper nicely summarizes the actual state of the art in age on the ventricular wall caused by hypertension, espe-
echocardiography to define the ‘‘strain’’ imposed on the cially in an early stage. The remaining question is to define
different layers of the ventricular wall. The authors make the golden standard to which the techniques available ’ad
clear that the instruments actually used by cardiologists hoc’ can be compared.

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