Training Profile 3. Training Description 4. Summary: Table of Content

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Table of content

1. Introduction
2. Training profile
3. Training description
4. Summary
We six member were nominated for Product engineering workshop at JNTU
Hyderabad under TEQIP III. We have done our summer internship at J-HUB JNTU
Hyderabad during 22 May 2019 to 30 June 2019.
The objective of the training was to develop a product prototype from a basic
innovative idea and build a complete product to sell in the market according to
observations obtained from market research.
Product engineering refers to the process of designing and developing a device,
assembly, or system such that it be produced as an item for sale through some
production manufacturing process. Product engineering usually entails activity
dealing with issues of cost, producibility, quality, performance, reliability,
serviceability, intended lifespan and user features.
We have developed a product from a basic prototype and prepared a product
profile to launch it in market. We have done market research, product
development and business pitching in our training period. We have presented
our product prototype to technical experts, industrialist and business experts.

Training and institution profile-

J-HUB JNTU Hyderabad-
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad has launched a University
wide Innovation and R&D initiative J-Hub- JNTUH Innovation Hub, from the
academic year 2017-18. J-Hub is envisioned to provide a unique platform for the
graduating engineers, faculty, research scholars and alumni to pursue
innovation, Applied Research and tech-entrepreneurship. The initiative will
impact the quality, confidence and competitiveness of the students and prepare
them for 21st century Knowledge Economy.
Leveraging its momentum to improve teaching, research, skill development and
entrepreneurship the University has planned to create a unique space in the
form of J-Hub for its stakeholders. The Innovation Hub offers access to its
stakeholders, a spectrum of programs, experts, labs, equipment, collaborators,
networks and spaces to catalyse innovation, knowledge intensive businesses
and tech-enterprises. The University with its strategic position as the largest
technological University in the Telangana State believes that the University
Innovation Hub would become the focal point for creating technology start-up
companies and technology solutions critically relevant to the social and
economic challenges of the state.

EXCITE 2019-
EXCITE is the 6 week product engineering workshop where students ideas are
mentored by industry experts to convert in to prototypes. Teams may comprise
of 6 members they may be drawn from B. Tech III/II year (any branch).The ideas
may be from any of the following themes- AL/Ml, AR/VR, IOT, Cyber Physical
Systems/ Avionics / Block chain and Robotics / Automation.
Product engineering refers to the process of designing and developing a
device, assembly, or system such that it be produced as an item for sale
through some production manufacturing process. Product engineering usually
entails activity dealing with issues of cost, producibility, quality, performance,
reliability, serviceability, intended lifespan and user features. These product
characteristics are generally all sought in the attempt to make the resulting
product attractive to its intended market and a successful contributor to the
business of the organization that intends to offer the product to that market. It
includes design, development and transitioning to manufacturing of the
product. The term encompasses developing the concept of the product and
the design and development of its mechanical, electronics
and software components. After the initial design and development is done,
transitioning the product to manufacture it in volumes is considered part of
product engineering.
For example, the engineering of a digital camera would include defining the
feature set, design of the optics, the mechanical and ergonomic design of the
packaging, developing the electronics that control the various component and
developing the software that allows the user to see the pictures, store them in
memory and download them to a computer.
Product engineering is an engineering discipline that deals with both design
and manufacturing aspects of a product.
Training description-
A. Idea
B. Market research
C. Product prototype
D. Ablation study
E. Pitching

A. Idea-
In the field of agriculture, water plays a vital role and is termed as an important
climatic factor. It is majorly responsible for the growth of plants and its
development. One the one end its availability can make successful harvest while
on the other end it can deteriorate it also.
But it is troublesome for farmers to analyse the need of water for particular
crop and for particular soil .For this, we will use sensors and NodesMCU for
deciding the factors like moisture content , temperature ,humidity and other
geological strata.
It will work accordingly to some standards like as follow-
 Field capacity: Maximum value of moisture content.
 OMC (Optimum moisture content): value above threshold value of

The data will be sent to web/mobile app with 24 hours analysis and
NodeMCU will control the entire system as per the feedbacks displayed
on WebPages by sending notifications to users.

We will collect all the data of deciding factors for irrigation like -moisture
content, humidity, temperature with the help of NodeMCU 8266 and respective
sensors every hour
These all data will be sent to website/mobile appfor analysis. Data will be
analysed after each 24 hours and then NodeMCU will command irrigation
system according to results sent by website/mobile app.
A notification will also to be send at users mobile.
Roots of plants absorb water from the soil. Main source of water for plants is
moisture content store in pores of soil known as capillary water in soil.
If the depth of the root of plant is D then the pattern for the water absorption
will be as follows-

0-D/4 40%
D/4-D/2 30%
D/2-3D/4 20%
3D/4-D 10%


Yield of crops depend on water available for root plants in soil through the
growth of crop plant. For maximum yield the moisture content in soil should not
be less than a threshold value of moisture content known as OMC (optimum
moisture content). Soil can hold a maximum value of moisture content; this
maximum value is known as FC (field capacity).
Purpose of the irrigation should be keeping moisture content more than OMC
and moisture content should not exceed FC for prevention of wastage of water
during irrigation for maximum yield of crop.
Values of FC for different type of soil is as given below-
PWP (permanent wilting point) is the minimum moisture content required to at
least survival of the crop plant. If the moisture of soil falls down then PWP the
crop will ruined permanently.

Crop name Required water (cm)

Kharif crop
Maize, high yielding 45
Bajra 30
Juar 30
Ground-nuts 45
Cotton 25-40
Pulses like Arhar , etc 30
Transplanted rice (peddy) 125-150
Til -
Rabi crops
Wheat(ordinary) 37.5
High yielding wheat 45
Gram (high yielding) 30
Barley 30
Potatoes 60-90
Tobacco 60
Linseed(alsi,etc) 45-50
Mustered 45
Sugarcane 90

NodeMCU 8266
Soil moisture sensor
Humidity and temperature sensor
Website/mobile app
Relay system
Irrigation system

We will set the moisture sensors, temperature sensor, humidity sensor, solar
radiation detection sensor at their respective areas (soil, surrounding).
These sensors will give the respective data values to microcontroller
The microcontroller, connected with Wi-Fi, will send respective data to cloud
server which is connected with a global access website.
The machine learning will collect all the data from cloud & analyse the data with
already available trained data for prediction of required irrigation.
On the basis of analysis result by machine learning, the cloud server will give
command to microcontroller connected with irrigation system (pump-sets,
valves, etc) & irrigation will start or stop accordingly.

Machine learning part-

We build models on pre-processed data set based on five data mining

techniques namely decision tree, artificial neural network (ANN), decision forest
( such as SysFor), support vector machine (SVM), logistic regression, and
traditional Etc. based method. Our experimental results indicate that as a result
of data pre-processing the quality of our dataset increases significantly.
While preparing the dataset we also face a couple of challenges as follows. Our
first data source is Water Delivery Statement, which only provides us with the
information on the date and amount of water supplied/delivered to a farm. Note
that a farm does not take water supply every day. Instead, it takes a delivery of
water on a day and uses the water for a period of time. Therefore, from the
water delivery statement we only get information on the amount of water
delivered on any particular date. From the water delivery statement it is not
possible to estimate the exact amount of crop water usage for a particular day.
However, in order to obtain an accurate relationship between the moisture in
soil and the required moisture for crop .we need daily crop water usage for each
record of the training data set. We propose a data pre-processing approach
called Reference Evapotranspiration based Pre-processing (REP) for estimating
the daily crop water usage of a farm. Moreover, we compare the proposed REP
technique with another possible approach called Equal Water Distribution based
pre-processing (EWD). Both the approaches are explained as follows. In Equal
Water Distribution technique (EWD), we divide the volume of water delivered
to a farm by the number of days between two consecutive deliveries. Therefore,
we get an average water usage per day. However, if we divide the water usage
evenly, then water usage remains the same for each day regardless of the
weather conditions. Since actual crop water usage has a strong relationship with
the weather condition, we need more accurate water usage data in our dataset.
Application of classification models on precise dataset will explore accurate
relationship between the moisture content in soil and the required Crop Water.
In Reference Evapotranspiration based Pre-processing (REP), we estimate daily
water usage more accurately than EWD. Here, we take Reference
Evapotranspiration (ETo) factor into consideration. Crop water usage can be
calculated through Evapotranspiration (ET) which is the product of crop
coefficient Kc and reference evapotranspiration (ETo). Each crop has a constant
crop coefficient value for a specific growth stage. We calculate the crop water
usage of a particular day as follows. Let, n be the number of days between two
consecutive water deliveries for a farm, WT be the amount of water delivered
during the delivery at the beginning of the n days, and Wi be the water usage in
the ith day. We obtain the daily ETo values, for all n days, from our automatic
weather stations (AWS) placed in different parts of the irrigation area. We next
calculate the coefficient xi for the ith day, where .EToi is the ETo of the ith day.
Finally, Wi is calculate by multiplying xi and WT, i.e. Wi = xi ×WT. This
preprocessing approach is superior to the earlier approach. Unlike EWD
approach here we do not use the average water usage for the days having
different weather conditions. It estimates water usage as accurate as possible
for each day and thereby uses each record of the training dataset.
Internet of things portion
In this portion, we use microcontroller NodeMCU 8266, Soil moisture sensor,
temperature sensor DHT11.
A soil sensor measures the value of moisture in soil and DHT11 sensor
measure the value of temperature, and humidity then that value received
by NodeMCU 8266 using SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) protocols.
According to algorithm NodeMCU sent the value of different parameter
to cloud server (MySQL database server) by HTTP (hypertext transfer
protocol). It shows the data on global access website/mobile app. Then
data is analysed with machine learning algorithm and result will be sent
to NodeMCU by HTTP. NodeMCU will command the irrigation system
Using I2C protocol accordingly received data.

B. Market research-
Village name – chinnamangalaram ,Hyderabad
We visited chinnamangalaram village and met with the farmers and we
introduced our product to them and asked their review
Observation –
We asked some question to farmers and on the basis of their answers. We
observed –
1. Due to scarcity of water they cannot irrigate their crop properly and not
having accurate idea of when and how much the crop should irrigated
makes the problem of scarcity bigger.
2. Over irrigation and under irrigation leads to loss in yield and farmers do
not have any accurate method to scale the irrigation.
3. farmers are enthusiast about our product and they give us positive
response about our product.
Conclusion :
On the basis of observation we concluded
1. our product is competent and relevant for the farmers and they need it.
2. Farmer can manage the irrigation better and can use his water resource
for irrigation effectively.
3. Farmer can also plane the crop map on the basis of water resource and
can get maximum yield with limited water.
Prospective Customers-

• Farmers
• Agricultural Researchers
• Gardeners
• Commercial farms
• Flower farms
households still depend primarily on agriculture
• Up to May 2018, 9.87 million farmers were registered on e-NAM
Available product-
• ET gauge (spectrum technologies)
• Cropin

ET gauge – this is mainly a research product. It measures the moisture value

but does not predict the irrigation Time left. Where as our product predict
irrigation time accurately
Cropin – cropin provide irrigation solution by manual feedback from farmers
and geological data of particular location. Where as we predict with real time
data from field.

C. Product prototype-
We have developed a product prototype, features and services
of the product is described below.
Facilities & Features-
 Real time data:-
Smart irrigation system is an online setup and outfit to make our
irrigation system trouble free, unchallenging and effortless. It provides
real time entities or data of target farm like temperature, humidity,
moisture content, water requirement and other geological standards.

 Easily accessible:-
The real time data is collected through sensors from the farm and goes
to NodeMCU which acts as a mediator and finally uploaded on the cloud
or web. This analysed data is totally available on website/ mobile app and
can be accessible directly from any part of the world through controller

 Security:-
Our system has a security features also which supports individual account
for the users and a sign up/ login setup to control the system.

 User Friendly:-
This automation has made the irrigation system uncomplicated and as
easy as falling off a log. It eradicates all stress and farm issues of farmers
who are the backbones of Indian economy.

 Manual and Automatic controller:-

There is also a plus point in this outfit like the users will get the
notifications regarding their respective real time entities and they can
manipulate accordingly. Despite of not having responses by the users,
Sensors and controllers automatically control the farms.

Use case
An auto respond system for operating the pump for irrigation according
to need of irrigation. And also a notification to the farmer for informing
the status of irrigation.
D. Ablation study-
We implemented eight sensor in the garden and observe the data in
different condition successfully. We also observed the variance in
moisture content after irrigating the garden.

We conducted ablation study over one hectare area of field to locate the
critical position of field sensor

We concluded on the basis of data observed through this study that we

required three sensor to collect accurate data throughout the one
hectare area


1. The moisture content shows very little almost negligible spatial variance
throughout the area after uniform irrigation.
2. The variance in moisture content is observed due to local topography
like- if a tree is nearer then it will show variance ,at the entrance of
water in channel irrigation etc


1. Generally farmer irrigate crop uniformly so there will be no moisture

content variance observed throughout the area.
2. Some special local patches may show variance due to different local
topography that may be removed by some treatment or ignored.

Pitching –

More broadly put, a pitch is a presentation of a business idea to potential

investors. People pitch a business because they need resources. If the goal is
to raise startup cash, the target of the pitch is an investor. Other businesses
pitch to potential customers to sell their product.

The Importance of Pitching

In 1920, an aspiring young illustrator was fired from his job at a newspaper.
'You lack any form of creativity!' his boss told him. Over the next seven years,
the artist took on odd jobs to pay the bills, all while continuing to pursue his
dream of becoming an animator. During this time, he pitched, or presented, his
cartoons countless times to banks, motion picture companies, and other
potential supporters. Despite delivering over 300 pitches, he was rejected
every single time.
Instead of giving up, the young artist took every rejection to heart and poured
over the reasons his pitches were not securing investments. Each time, he
adjusted his pitch and tried again. In 1928, he finally made a successful pitch to
a motion picture company who agreed to use his animations in a film
synchronized to music.
The film was a success and jump-started the career of the young artist, who
was none other than Walt Disney. Through practice and persistence, Disney
was able to turn his 300 rejections into what would ultimately become one of
the most valuable brands in the world. That is the power of a great pitch.
More broadly put, a pitch is a presentation of a business idea to potential
investors. People pitch a business because they need resources. If the goal is to
raise startup cash, the target of the pitch is an investor. Other businesses pitch
to potential customers to sell their product. Finally, some organizations pitch
because they need a partner or resource to help them accomplish their
It's important to remember that a pitch to an investor may not strictly seek
startup capital. For example, a business may need an investment when it has
an unexpected but very profitable order beyond its current capacity. Such a
pitch is easier to make because investors feel far more secure with the
purchase order in hand.
In this lesson, we'll explore different types of pitches you can use.

Elevator & Live Plan Pitches

While it's perfectly acceptable, and even encouraged, to have more than one
business pitch ready to deliver, the most important pitch to bring to your first
meeting with a potential customer is the elevator pitch. The idea of
an elevator pitch is that it's short, just like an elevator ride. If executed well,
this short pitch will spark the curiosity of the client and encourage them to ask
more questions. Because of its brevity, an elevator pitch works great when
seeking investors.
Another type of pitch is the live plan pitch, which relies more on visual aids
than on speaking. The general idea of this pitch is to hand all of the customer's
representatives a neatly formatted single page containing relevant information
such as a market summary, financial information, or related legislation. This
type of pitch is particularly effective when meeting with individuals and
organizations who value empirical data, such as accounting firms, financial
planners, and banks. With a bit of customization, this type of pitch can be
delivered to a variety of investors or customers.

One-Word & Interrogative Pitches

Here are some mini slogans. For how many can you quickly identify the brand?

1. Just do it!
2. Think different.
3. Got milk?
4. I'm lovin' it.
5. Imagination at work.

Slogans like these are great tools for pitching to customers because they are
catchy and easy to remember. Although they often have more than one word,
they are referred to as the one-word sales pitch because they are short,
focused, and memorable pitches.
Another type of business pitch is interrogative. These types of pitches, usually
made to customers, are characterized by a few questions during the first part
of the pitch. This hook works by getting the customers to anticipate the
solution before you even describe it. The questions can be abstract or
concrete. Here are a few examples:

We have developed a product prototype from a basic innovative idea. We have
gone through a complete journey of product development. We have done
market research, market survey and business analysis of the product. We have
presented our product to the experts in their respective field.

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