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Date: July 2013, FNIAN, Time: 3 Hrs., Full Marks: 50, No. ofStudents :80 (Non-ECE branches); Supplementary Examination,
Sub. No.: EC21101, Sub. Name: Basic Electronics
• All waveform sketches I diagrams must be neatly drawn and clearly labeled. Answers must be brief and to the point.
• I
The final answers (numericahalues with unit) should be underlined or enclosed within jbox with unit.
• For every Question No., start your answer from a new page .
• Avoid writing answers of the various parts of a single question at different locations in your answer-script.
• Given parameters which you might require: mass of electron: 9.llxl0-3lkg, Boltzmann constant: 1.38x I 0-23 J/K, charge of
electron : 1.6x 10-19 C
• For any value related to any device parameter or circuit parameter, which ·you may find not given with a problem, assume
suitable value for such parameter.
• Answer all FIVE questions

1. Assume n-type silicon bar of length L I 0 mm and

= L
cross-sectional area A = 0.5 mm . Resistance of the
bar is 100 n and intrinsic carrier concentration is ni = Si
1.5x10 10/cm • Find out the hole and electron
-concentration in the bar. Assume, mobility of electrons
in silicon= 1400 cm /V.sec. and mobility of holes in + -
silicon= 450 cm N.sec.

(10 marks) v
Fig. I

2.For the circuit shown in Fig. 2,

Given: v5 = 10sin (2nxl00t) volt, R 1 = 1 KO, R2 = 100
n, VI= 2V, v2
= 2V, cut in voltage for both the diodes +
Vy= 0.7V.
(i) Draw v5 and v0 with time.
(ii) Plot v0 vs v5 .

(5+5=10 marks) Fig.2

3. Assume that Vee= lOY,~= 100, early voltage VA

is infinity, R1 = 7 Kn, R2 = 3 Kn, R3 = 2 Kn, and ·R..t =
1 KO for the circuit in Fig. 3. Given, v 5 = 1 sin
(2n.l OOt) mV. Both the capacitances are coupling
capacitances for ac signal.

(i) Find out Ie, IB and k

(ii) Find out Vout and vc (large signal).
(iii) Plot v5 , Vout and Vc (large signal) with time.

(10 marks)
Fig. 3
4. For the circuit shown in Fig. 4,
Given: Threshold voltage of both the MOSFETs Vrh =
IV, 1mCox(for M1) = l00J1AN2, W/L(for M 1) = 50,
JlnCox(for M2) = IOOJ1A/V2, W/L(for M2) = I 00,
early voltage of both the MOSFETs VA is infinite, R 1
= 100 Q, R2= lkn, Von= 5V, Ir= 5mA.
(i) Find V0 and 11.

(5+5=10 marks)

Fig. 4
5. For the circuit shown in Fig. 5,
Given, R1 = 10 KQ, C1 = 100 11F, R2 = 100 K.O. C2 =
I 0 J1F, v 1N= I sin (2nxl00t) volt.
Find out
(i) For A= oc, (a) expression for Vout (b) plot v 1 :- .~ and
Vout with time.
(ii) For A= 200, (a) expression for vout (b) plot v,N
and Vout with time.

(5+5=10 marks)

Fig. 5

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