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Modi’s decision to buy 36 Rafales shot the price of each jet up by 41%

Big increase in price came because a deal bypassing mandated procedures and made in the face of official objections resulted in €1.3 billion
‘non-recurring’ cost attributed to the ‘Design and Development’ of 13 India Specific Enhancements being spread over 36 instead of 126 aircraft
N. Ram craft, contending that its government for the 36 Ra-
Prime Minister Narendra Mo- agreement with France on fales it was buying from
di’s decision, announced out the ‘Exchange and Recipro- France through an Inter-Go-
of the blue in Paris on April cal Protection of Classified or vernmental Agreement
10, 2015, to buy 36 Rafale Protected Information’ brought this per-aircraft
fighter jets from France in- stands in the way of such dis- price down to €91.75 million.
stead of the 126 asked for by closure. The French govern- But that is not even half
the Indian Air Force for six ment, however, has made it the story. Dassault claimed a
squadrons pushed the price clear that this inter-govern- €1.4 billion cost for the ‘de-
of each fully fitted, combat- mental agreement is there sign and development’ of 13
ready aircraft up by 41.42%. only “to protect the classified India Specific Enhance-
It was the National Demo- information provided by the ments, that is, additional
cratic Alliance government’s partner, which could, in par- capabilities in the form of
acceptance of the cost of €1.3 ticular, impact the security hardware as well as software
billion claimed for the ‘de- that had been specified by
sign and development’ of 13 EXCLUSIVE the Indian Air Force all
India Specific Enhancements along, and this cost was ne-
(ISE), and the distribution of and operational capabilities gotiated down to €1.3 billion.
this ‘non-recurring cost’ over of the defence equipment.” tive details of the deal and ble to The Hindu, focusses M/s Dassault Aviation was de- tan Aeronautics Limited), What it meant was that the
36 instead of 126 bare-bones The restriction clearly does that these briefings have on the interesting question clared the L1 vendor, that is, the price quoted by the ven- design and development
aircraft, that was the major not apply to the disclosure of helped answer some, but not of how and why the price per the Lowest Bidder and the dor for one flyaway bare- cost, now distributed over 36
reason for the big increase in pricing details. In fact, a scan all the critical questions be- Rafale fighter jet of the F3-R presumptive winner of the bones aircraft was €79.3 mil- Rafale fighter jets, shot up
price. of news media coverage re- ing asked about the Rafale standard, with practically tender floated by the United lion. By 2011, the escalation from €11.11 million per air-
The NDA government has veals that there has been se- deal, chiefly on the pricing of the same configuration and Progressive Alliance govern- cost factor had taken this craft in 2007 to €36.11 mil-
refused to disclose even to a lective background briefing these medium multi-role capabilities, changed sub- ment for the supply of 126 per-aircraft price up to lion when the deal was
privileged committee of Par- by military and civilian de- combat aircraft (MMRCA). stantially over three points, Rafales (18 flyaway plus 108 €100.85 million. In 2016, the struck in 2016.
liament full information on fence officials on technical This article, based on in- in 2007, 2011, and 2016. to be manufactured, under 9% discount on the 2011
the pricing of a Rafale air- and other supposedly sensi- formation exclusively availa- In 2007, five years before licence, in India by Hindus- price obtained by the NDA CONTINUED ON A PAGE 11

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