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Pubic Accounts program

Format Formative Research


Subject Cost processes 1 Subject code 1224021
Student names Student code Institutional mail
Angie Carolina Sanchez Guaje 1223467
teacher Jose Antonio Alvarez trillos Semester 2018 -2
Linear programming


Linear programming is the field of programmingmathematicsdedicated to maximize or minimize

(optimize) Alineal funtionCalled objective function, such that the variables of the function are subject
to a number of constraints expressed by a system of equations orinequalitiesalso linear. The method
traditionally used to solve linear programming problems is the Simplex Method.

Linear programming models for their simplicity are often used to address a variety of problems real
nature of engineering and social sciences, which has allowed companies and organizations significant
benefits and savings associated with its use.
Linear programming is a tool that helps managers in decision-making, in the case of model
PERT_PCPM, gives us the degree or percentage of feasibility in performing a task or activity in a
certain time and in turn the degree of probability which takes place in time and cost. Importantly, these
results can study the internal rate of return IRR, and know the time of investment return or likely to
invest or not.


Linear programming is not only an integral part of mathematics, its importance is that it is a financial
tool that can provide help in decision-making, because it allows to efficiently allocate resources
limitados.La are in the era of the Industrial Revolution, when production machines appeared, growing
plants until World War II, where the need to allocate scarce resources to military operations, forced to
find a mechanism that could solve the problems arising from these. It is then, when the simplex method
for solving linear regression, helping to maximize profits or minimize costs appears.


Pubic Accounts program
Format Formative Research

The problem of solving a system of linear inequalities goes back at least toJoseph FourierAfter those
born removal method Fourier-Motzkin. Linear programming is presented as a mathematical model
developed during theWWIIto plan costs and returns, to reduce costs and increase the army of the enemy
losses. I was kept secret until 1947. After the war, many industries used it in their daily planning.
Linear programming is an important field of optimization for several reasons, many practical problems
in operations research can arise as linear programming problems.
Linear programming is a tool used in some special cases linear, such as flow problems and network
flow problems merchandise programming were considered in the development of mathematics
important enough to generate for themselves a lot of research on algorithms specialized in their solution.
A series of algorithms designed to solve other types of optimization problems are particular cases of
the broader technique of linear programming. Historically, linear programming ideas have inspired
many of the central concepts of optimization theory such as duality, decomposition and the importance
of convexity and its generalizations. In the same way, Linear programming is widely used in
microeconomics and business administration, either to maximize revenues and minimize costs of a
production system. Examples include food mix, inventory management, portfolio management and
finance, human resource allocation and machine resources, planning advertising campaigns, etc.
Linear programming uses a mathematical model to reveal the problem. Cost linear programming is
another tool used in decision making and in turn are useful in financial management.
Among others, this tool allows determining the maximum benefit or usefulness as the minimum cost
target is subject to certain limitations called constraints.
Financial management have to optimize the use of limited financial resources, in linear programming
n many decisions taken by management and serves mostly for short term.
Cost, using linear programming is given in order to decide what kind or type of product and quantity
of product or service must produce and sell to maximize profit and / or minimize the cost to a given
situation income and I cost behavior data based on limited resources and considering that the
company has limited to a certain fixed cost resources.
In other words, with the use of linear programming it comes to finding a solution and achieve as you
can with what you have as you can, means optimizing the objective function.
Although the allocation of resources to activities is the most common application of linear programming
it has many other possibilities. In fact, any problem whose mathematical model fits the general format
of linear programming model is a linear programming problem. Furthermore, there is an extremely
efficient solution procedure called simple method to solve these problems even large. These are some
causes of the tremendous effect of linear programming in the last décadas.Es a procedure or
mathematical algorithm by which an undetermined problem is solved; It is to optimize (minimize or
maximize) a linear function that is called objective function.
Within the overall level administration seeks to propose solutions to different problems within the
organization. In this financial problems, material, technological, among others arise. One of the
generators contributions of solutions is given in the form of models matemáticos.Según expressed
Chiavenato (2006) many administrative decisions are made based on mathematical equations contained
solutions that simulate real situations. This is the fundamental application of the above mathematical
Pubic Accounts program
Format Formative Research

models, try to give answers to requirement well be scheduled or unscheduled, within

organizaciones.Cuando these mathematical theories are used to provide solutions to administrative
problems known as Operations Research. It addresses issues such as services, quality, operations
strategy and technology.The operations research develops from formulation of the problem, then a
mathematical model is constructed to represent the system in which is contained the problem. From
there it proceeds to deduce the possible solution by a numerical process. Then test the model of the
solution and controls over misma.Dentro Operations Research Several techniques are established. One
is the linear programming, where values of variables having to do with optimization d a target, within
a defined set of constraints. This technique seeks to maximize profits and minimize costs. According
Chiavenato (2006) linear programming seeks the optimal position relative to the object, involves
choosing one or more alternatives, considering the limits and restrictions of the decision, taking into
account variables must be measurable and have a linear relationship between sí.Todos these
mathematical methods, including linear programming, have certain limitations, because they are
calculated in ideal situations that do not match always with reality. They should not be considered as
the solution to all problems, but they can be very useful, provided they are used with caution and a lot
of intelligence.




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