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12/4/2013 PNCCMCD0001:

Magi Development

PNCCMCD0001: Magi Development

By: Ezio

pg. 1
PNCCMCD0001: Magi Development

Table of Contents
MDCH001: Basic Healing ............ 4
What is Basic Healing? ........... 4
How to perform Basic Healing?
.................................................. 4
Exercises ................................. 5
Assessment.............................. 5
MDCH002: Three Fold Healing ... 7
What is Three Fold Healing? ... 7
How to Perform Three Fold
Healing? ................................... 8
Divine Healing...................... 8
Earth Healing ..................... 12
Spirit Healing ..................... 15
Exercises ............................... 18
Assessment............................ 18
MDCH003: Poison Drawing ...... 19
What is Poison Drawing? ...... 19

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How to do a Poison Drawing?

................................................ 19
Exercises ............................... 20
Assessment............................ 20
MDCH004: Quick Burst
Regeneration ............................. 22
What is Quick Burst
Regeneration? ....................... 22
How to do a Quick Burst
Regeneration? ....................... 22
Effects of Quick Burst
Regeneration ......................... 23
Exercises ............................... 23
Assessment............................ 24

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MDCH001: Basic
This unit seeks to impart students
the necessary knowledge and
skills in performing Basic

What is Basic Healing?

Basic Healing or Healing Hands
is a simple technique that utilizes
the hand to direct energy into the
wounded, injured, or point of
illness on the body.

How to perform Basic

Do a Quick Scan on the person
that you are treating to pick up
any affliction they may have.
After narrowing down places of
affliction, do a Diagnostic
Reading to check out the type of
treatments needed. Place hand

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above afflicted area and pulsated

positive healing energy into area
to calm and heal the affliction.
You may also touch around the
area to massage around the
bruises, while pulsating energy to
ease their pain and increase
blood flow. Do another quick
scan to check if the affliction is
still in effect.

1. Do Basic Healing on 5
different people and note
personal and patients’
2. Note progress and
improvements on
techniques, as well as
energy usage.

 Submit to me your
answers in a private inbox

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with the subject line:

MDCH001: Basic Healing
(Round X) X being the
round that you are in.
 I will then grade you as
pass or fail base on your

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MDCH002: Three Fold

This unit seeks to impart students
the necessary knowledge and
skills in performing Three Fold

What is Three Fold Healing?

Three Fold Healing is a healing
technique I developed to give a
full treatment to the patient. It
aims to heal or assist in healing
the patient’s Divine, Earth, and
Spirit’s Aspect.
Divine concentrating on healing
the chakra points and higher Self.

Earth concentrating on the

healing of mental, emotional and
physical pain and/or trauma.

Spirit concentrating on the

healing of the Soul and Aura of
the patient.

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How to Perform Three Fold

Concentrate first on Divine,
follow by Earth, then Spirit.

Divine Healing
Divine healing concentrates on
healing the chakra points,
especially that of the higher
self. You first start off by
visualizing clearing out the
negative energy away from the
chakra centres in this order.

1. Solar Plexus
2. Heart Chakra
3. Third Eye
4. Throat Chakra
5. Sacral Chakra
6. Crown Chakra
7. Root Chakra

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Solar Plexus
The centre of self, willpower,
confidence, and self belief
Heart Chakra
Love, emotions, and compassion
Third Eye
Mental realm, seeing, logic, and
Throat Chakra
Expression, creativity, and
Sacral Chakra
Sex, passion, and desire
Crown Chakra
Dreams, imagination, foresight, and
the higher self

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Root Chakra
Ground, discipline, and

Once you have cleanse the chakra

centres, it is time to go to the next
phase, balancing it.

Balancing the Chakra Centres

To balance it you need to sense out
each chakra centre and see if it’s
off balance or not, If for example
the sacral chakra is overactive,
you will feel more lustful when
studying that chakra point. So you
need to just adjust the flow of
energy. You will know when it is
balanced, when you feel at ease
and at one with self.

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Healing the Chakra Centres

Next step is to heal the Chakra
Centres, upon studying each
individual chakra centres you will
notice pangs of injuries or pain
within the centres. If any of the
centre feels off, you may then
either balance it, or send healing or
regenerative energy into it. If you
send healing energy you have
more control of the healing and
can choose to heal whatever part
of the chakra centre. This is good
for testing out things like why that
centre is affected, you can then
trace it back to the cause of the
injury. If however you choose to
send regenerative energy into the
chakra centre the centre will then
heal itself, good for moving on to

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the next centre without

concentrating too much on the
previous centre.
Healing the Higher Self
Sometimes your higher self will
need healing too, your higher self
is basically your consciousness
that resides in the upper planes of
existence. Just like here you will
eventually encounter scratch
marks and such, so its good to heal
that part too.
Earth Healing
Healing physical, mental and
emotional pain.
Physical Healing
Best method of physical healing is
to treat it with medicines, or band
aids or in worst case scenarios go

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see a doctor or hospital. But

physical healing can be done with
slight massages around tender
areas, on nerves leading to that
area, and following the blood
vessels to that area. Alternatively
you could use a bit of healing
energy and pouring it into affected
area while massaging around that
area. The other good form of
healing is to take a bath. A clean
body boosts your immune systems,
so if your body is clean it is less
likely you will be affected by any
Mental Healing
When your mind is confused or
having too much inside, you will be
unable to make a clear
decision. So the best course of

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action to take is if someone is

affected by this, tell them to sit
down, and listen to their worries
and fears and maybe give them
support where they need it. Once
they have rid themself of these
worries, fears and unconfused
themselves they will be able to
move on with life.
Emotional Healing
Everyone is affected by their
emotions one time or another in
their life, whether it be depression,
feeling of loneliness or
unloved. Everyone just need to
talk it out with someone. If you can
be that someone, then you can
begin the process of healing their

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Spirit Healing
This concentrate on two aspects,
Soul and Aura Healing. There are
two phases, cleaning and healing.
First Phase: Spirit Cleaning
In the first phase, we cleanse the
spirit from outside in, starting with
the aura and working in to the Soul
Aura Cleaning

The aura is the energy field

surrounding us, if it is affected by
anything, we may feel unsafe,
paranoid, or agitated. So we begin
by touching and sensing the aura
of the person, and then slowly
removing any negative energy from
it until we are at the soul itself.

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Soul Cleaning

Now that we are at the soul, you

can see how bright it is, if it is
sickly, or injured the person could
feel unjust pain in that affected
area without actually having
physical marks or scratches, so
remove whatever it is that's
affecting it, and destroy or keep it
somewhere, where it is under your
watchful eye to be dealt at a later
Second Phase: Spirit Healing
In the second phase, we heal the
spirit, we are now at the soul, so we
heal from inside out.
Soul Healing

After removing those nasty things

from the soul, you should now be

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able to see that the soul will heal

itself, you can boost that speed up
more by sending positive healing
or regenerative energy inside the
soul, and the soul will be
healed. Once heal the pain should
disappear and they can function
normally again.
Aura Healing

Now that we healed the soul, we

can move on to the Aura, with a
strong foundation, the Aura itself
should be stronger as well, touch
affected area, and send healing or
regenerative energy into the Aura
and watch the aura close its
wounds. Once gone, the person
will feel less irritated, at ease, and
safe as they use to be.

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1. Do Three Fold Healing on
5 different people and
note personal and
patients’ experiences.
2. Note progress and
improvements on
techniques, as well as
energy usage.

 Submit to me your
answers in a private inbox
with the subject line:
MDCH002: Three Fold
Healing (Round X) X being
the round that you are in.
 I will then grade you as
pass or fail base on your

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MDCH003: Poison
This unit seeks to impart students
the necessary knowledge and
skills in performing Poison

What is Poison Drawing?

Poison Drawing is the act of
removing physical or spiritual
poison from the body’s system.

How to do a Poison
Places your palm on the back of
the subject, and feel out where
lies the poison in the body
system, then either push in with
all your positive energy to drive
out the poison or slowly draws
and drags out the poison. The
first method is faster but could
leave unwanted poison in the

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system, the second method is

slower but can put your body
under a lot of strain.

1. Do Three Fold Healing on
5 different people and
note personal and
patients’ experiences.
2. Note progress and
improvements on
techniques, as well as
energy usage.

 Submit to me your
answers in a private inbox
with the subject line:
MDCH003: Poison
Drawing (Round X) X
being the round that you
are in.

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 I will then grade you as

pass or fail base on your

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MDCH004: Quick Burst

This unit seeks to impart students
with the necessary knowledge
and skills in performing Quick
Burst Regeneration.

What is Quick Burst

Quick Burst Regeneration is a
self-targeted technique use to do
a quick heal on yourself. You
may use remaining energy in
your system to do a Quick Burst
Regeneration or by accessing
Emergency Energy Storage.

How to do a Quick Burst

Tap into all your remaining
energy or in your Emergency
Energy Storage, and flood your
entire system or body with it, with

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intent to heal, restore or

reconstruct whatever you can in
your body. Note: Only use when
in an Emergency.

Effects of Quick Burst

 Quickly regenerate,
restore or reconstruct
whatever you can, may
end up missing minor to
major points on your
 Drains you, and may
suffer backlashes
resulting in headaches,
light-headedness, and in
some case passing out.

1. Do 5 sparring matches,
and after every matches
do 1 Quick Burst
Regeneration and note

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personal experiences with

this. Note: Use only a
small amount of energy to
do this, or you will suffer

 Submit to me your
answers in a private inbox
with the subject line:
MDCH004: Quick Burst
Regeneration (Round X) X
being the round that you
are in.
 I will then grade you as
pass or fail base on your

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