See TWOT On 1895 @@ '1895d'

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04689 qwum matsowq maw-tsoke'

from 06693; n m; {See TWOT on 1895 @@ '1895d'}

AV-straitness 4, distress 1, anguish 1; 6
1) straitness, straits, distress, stress, anguish
Oc straitness Oc Distress Oc aanguish Total
De 3 28:53,55,57 3
1Sa 1 22:2 1
Ps 1 119:43 1
Jer 1 19:9 1
Total 4 1 1 6

De 28:53 And thou shalt eat <0398> (8804) the fruit <06529> of thine own body <0990>, the flesh <01320> of thy sons <01121> and of thy daughters <01323>, which the LORD <03068> thy God
<0430> hath given <05414> (8804) thee, in the siege <04692>, and in the straitness <04689>, wherewith thine enemies <0341> (8802) shall distress <06693> (8686) thee:
De 28:55 So that he will not give <05414> (8800) to any <0259> of them of the flesh <01320> of his children <01121> whom he shall eat <0398> (8799): because he hath nothing left <07604> (8689)
him in the siege <04692>, and in the straitness <04689>, wherewith thine enemies <0341> (8802) shall distress <06693> (8686) thee in all thy gates <08179>.
De 28:57 And toward her young one <07988> that cometh out <03318> (8802) from between her feet <07272>, and toward her children <01121> which she shall bear <03205> (8799): for she shall eat
<0398> (8799) them for want <02640> of all things secretly <05643> in the siege <04692> and straitness <04689>, wherewith thine enemy <0341> (8802) shall distress <06693> (8686) thee in
thy gates <08179>.
1Sa 22:2 And every one <0376> that was in distress <04689>, and every one <0376> that was in debt <05378> (8801), and every one <0376> that was discontented <04751> <05315>, gathered
<06908> (8691) themselves unto him; and he became a captain <08269> over them: and there were with him about four <0702> hundred <03967> men <0376>.
Ps 119:143 Trouble <06862> and anguish <04689> have taken hold <04672> (8804) on me: yet thy commandments <04687> are my delights <08191>.
Jer 19:9 And I will cause them to eat <0398> (8689) the flesh <01320> of their sons <01121> and the flesh <01320> of their daughters <01323>, and they shall eat <0398> (8799) every one <0376> the
flesh <01320> of his friend <07453> in the siege <04692> and straitness <04689>, wherewith their enemies <0341> (8802), and they that seek <01245> (8764) their lives <05315>, shall straiten
<06693> (8686) them.
06693 qwu tsuwq tsook
a primitive root; v; {See TWOT on 1895}
AV-distress 5, oppressor 2, sore 1, press 1, straiten 1; 11
1) (Hiphil) to constrain, press, bring into straits, straiten, oppress

Oc distress Oc sore Oc press Oc to constrain Oc oppress Oc straiten Total

De 3 28:53,55,57 3
Jud 1 14:17 1 16:16 2
Job 1 32:18 2 51:13,13 3
Isa 2 29:2,7 2
Jer 1 19:9 1
Total 5 1 1 1 2 1 11

De 28:53 And thou shalt eat <0398> (8804) the fruit <06529> of thine own body <0990>, the flesh <01320> of thy sons <01121> and of thy daughters <01323>, which the LORD <03068> thy God
<0430> hath given <05414> (8804) thee, in the siege <04692>, and in the straitness <04689>, wherewith thine enemies <0341> (8802) shall distress <06693> (8686) thee:
De 28:55 So that he will not give <05414> (8800) to any <0259> of them of the flesh <01320> of his children <01121> whom he shall eat <0398> (8799): because he hath nothing left <07604> (8689)
him in the siege <04692>, and in the straitness <04689>, wherewith thine enemies <0341> (8802) shall distress <06693> (8686) thee in all thy gates <08179>.
De 28:57 And toward her young one <07988> that cometh out <03318> (8802) from between her feet <07272>, and toward her children <01121> which she shall bear <03205> (8799): for she shall eat
<0398> (8799) them for want <02640> of all things secretly <05643> in the siege <04692> and straitness <04689>, wherewith thine enemy <0341> (8802) shall distress <06693> (8686) thee in
thy gates <08179>.
Jud 14:17 And she wept <01058> (8799) before him the seven <07651> days <03117>, while their feast <04960> lasted <01961> (8804): and it came to pass on the seventh <07637> day <03117>, that
he told <05046> (8686) her, because she lay sore <06693> (8689) upon him: and she told <05046> (8686) the riddle <02420> to the children <01121> of her people <05971>.
Jud 16:16 And it came to pass, when she pressed <06693> (8689) him daily <03117> with her words <01697>, and urged <0509> (8762) him, so that his soul <05315> was vexed <07114> (8799) unto
death <04191> (8800);
Job 32:18 For I am full <04390> (8804) of matter <04405>, the spirit <07307> within <0990> me constraineth <06693> (8689) me.
Isa 29:2 Yet I will distress <06693> (8689) Ariel <0740>, and there shall be heaviness <08386> and sorrow <0592>: and it shall be unto me as Ariel <0740>.
Isa 29:7 And the multitude <01995> of all the nations <01471> that fight <06633> (8802) against Ariel <0740>, even all that fight <06638> (8802) against her and her munition <04685>, and that
distress <06693> (8688) her, shall be as a dream <02472> of a night <03915> vision <02377>.
Isa 51:13 And forgettest <07911> (8799) the LORD <03068> thy maker <06213> (8802), that hath stretched forth <05186> (8802) the heavens <08064>, and laid the foundations <03245> (8801) of
the earth <0776>; and hast feared <06342> (8762) continually <08548> every day <03117> because <06440> of the fury <02534> of the oppressor <06693> (8688), as if <0834> he were ready
<03559> (8790) to destroy <07843> (8687)? and where is the fury <02534> of the oppressor <06693> (8688)?
Jer 19:9 And I will cause them to eat <0398> (8689) the flesh <01320> of their sons <01121> and the flesh <01320> of their daughters <01323>, and they shall eat <0398> (8799) every one <0376> the
flesh <01320> of his friend <07453> in the siege <04692> and straitness <04689>, wherewith their enemies <0341> (8802), and they that seek <01245> (8764) their lives <05315>, shall straiten
<06693> (8686) them.
05378 avn nasha' naw-shaw'
a primitive root [perhaps identical with 05377, through the idea of imposition]; v; {See TWOT on 1424}
AV-exact 2, debt 1, giver of usury 1; 4
1) to lend on interest or usury, be a creditor
1a) (Qal) creditor (participle)
1b) (Hiphil) to act as a creditor

Oc debt Oc Exact Oc Giver of usury Total

1Sa 1 22:2 1
Ne 1 5:7 1
Ps 1 89:22 1
Is 1 24:2 1
1 2 1 4

1Sa 22:2 And every one <0376> that was in distress <04689>, and every one <0376> that was in debt <05378> (8801), and every one <0376> that was discontented <04751> <05315>, gathered
<06908> (8691) themselves unto him; and he became a captain <08269> over them: and there were with him about four <0702> hundred <03967> men <0376>.
Ne 5:7 Then I consulted <04427> (8735) with myself <03820>, and I rebuked <07378> (8799) the nobles <02715>, and the rulers <05461>, and said <0559> (8799) unto them, Ye exact <05378>
(8801) (8678) <05383> (8802) (8675) <05375> (8802) usury <04855>, every one <0376> of his brother <0251>. And I set <05414> (8799) a great <01419> assembly <06952> against them.
Ps 89:22 The enemy <0341> (8802) shall not exact <05378> (8686) upon him; nor the son <01121> of wickedness <05766> afflict <06031> (8762) him.
Isa 24:2 And it shall be, as with the people <05971>, so with the priest <03548>; as with the servant <05650>, so with his master <0113>; as with the maid <08198>, so with her mistress <01404>; as
with the buyer <07069> (8802), so with the seller <04376> (8802); as with the lender <03867> (8688), so with the borrower <03867> (8801); as with the taker of usury <05383> (8802), so
<0834> with the giver of usury <05378> (8801) to him.
04751 rm mar mar or (fem.) hrm marah maw-raw'
from 04843; ;{ See TWOT on 1248 @@ '1248a'} {See TWOT on 1248 @@ '1248c'}
AV-bitter 20, bitterness 10, bitterly 3, chafed 1, angry 1, discontented 1, heavy 1, bitter thing 1; 38
1) bitter, bitterness
1a) of water or food
1b) of harlot's end, end of wickedness, cry (fig.)
1c) of pain (subst)
2) bitterly
Oc bitter Oc angry Oc bitterness Oc Discontented Oc chafed Oc bitterness Oc Bitter thing Oc heavy Oc bitterly
Ge 1 27:34
Ex 1 15:23
Nu 5 5:18,19,
Jud 1 18:25
1Sa 2 1:10;15:32 1 22:2
2Sa 1 2:26 1 17:8
Es 1 4:1
Job 1 3:20 2 7:11;10:1
Ps 1 64:3
Prv 1 5:4 1 27:7 1 31:6
Ec 1 7:26
Is 1 5:20 2 38:15,17 1 33:7
Jer 2 2:9;4:18
Ez 1 27:31 1 3:14 1 27:30
Amos 1 8:10 1 27:31
Hab 1 1:6
Zep 1 1:14
Total 18 1 5 1 1 4 1 1 3

Ge 27:34 And when Esau <06215> heard <08085> (8800) the words <01697> of his father <01>, he cried <06817> (8799) with a great <01419> and exceeding <03966> bitter <04751> cry <06818>,
and said <0559> (8799) unto his father <01>, Bless <01288> (8761) me, even me also, O my father <01>.
Ex 15:23 And when they came <0935> (8799) to Marah <04785>, they could <03201> (8804) not drink <08354> (8800) of the waters <04325> of Marah <04785>, for they were bitter <04751>:
therefore the name <08034> of it was called <07121> (8804) Marah <04785>.
Nu 5:18 And the priest <03548> shall set <05975> (8689) the woman <0802> before <06440> the LORD <03068>, and uncover <06544> (8804) the woman’s <0802> head <07218>, and put <05414>
(8804) the offering <04503> of memorial <02146> in her hands <03709>, which is the jealousy <07068> offering <04503>: and the priest <03548> shall have in his hand <03027> the bitter
<04751> water <04325> that causeth the curse <0779> (8764):
Nu 5:19 And the priest <03548> shall charge her by an oath <07650> (8689), and say <0559> (8804) unto the woman <0802>, If no man <0376> have lain <07901> (8804) with thee, and if thou hast
not gone aside <07847> (8804) to uncleanness <02932> with another instead of thy husband <0376>, be thou free <05352> (8734) from this bitter <04751> water <04325> that causeth the curse
<0779> (8764):
Nu 5:23 And the priest <03548> shall write <03789> (8804) these curses <0423> in a book <05612>, and he shall blot <04229> (8804) them out with the bitter <04751> water <04325>:
Nu 5:24 And he shall cause the woman <0802> to drink <08248> (8689) the bitter <04751> water <04325> that causeth the curse <0779> (8764): and the water <04325> that causeth the curse <0779>
(8764) shall enter <0935> (8804) into her, and become bitter <04751>.
Nu 5:27 And when he hath made her to drink <08248> (8689) the water <04325>, then it shall come to pass, that, if she be defiled <02930> (8738), and have done <04603> (8799) trespass <04604>
against her husband <0376>, that the water <04325> that causeth the curse <0779> (8764) shall enter <0935> (8804) into her, and become bitter <04751>, and her belly <0990> shall swell
<06638> (8804), and her thigh <03409> shall rot <05307> (8804): and the woman <0802> shall be a curse <0423> among <07130> her people <05971>.
Jud 18:25 And the children <01121> of Dan <01835> said <0559> (8799) unto him, Let not thy voice <06963> be heard <08085> (8686) among us, lest angry <04751> <05315> fellows <0582> run
<06293> (8799) upon thee, and thou lose <0622> (8804) thy life <05315>, with the lives <05315> of thy household <01004>.
1Sa 1:10 And she was in bitterness <04751> of soul <05315>, and prayed <06419> (8691) unto the LORD <03068>, and wept <01058> (8799) sore <01058> (8800).
1Sa 15:32 Then said <0559> (8799) Samuel <08050>, Bring ye hither <05066> (8685) to me Agag <090> the king <04428> of the Amalekites <06002>. And Agag <090> came <03212> (8799) unto
him delicately <04574>. And Agag <090> said <0559> (8799), Surely <0403> the bitterness <04751> of death <04194> is past <05493> (8804).
1Sa 22:2 And every one <0376> that was in distress <04689>, and every one <0376> that was in debt <05378> (8801), and every one <0376> that was discontented <04751> <05315>, gathered
<06908> (8691) themselves unto him; and he became a captain <08269> over them: and there were with him about four <0702> hundred <03967> men <0376>.
2Sa 2:26 Then Abner <074> called <07121> (8799) to Joab <03097>, and said <0559> (8799), Shall the sword <02719> devour <0398> (8799) for ever <05331>? knowest <03045> (8804) thou not
that it will be bitterness <04751> in the latter end <0314>? how long shall it be then, ere thou bid <0559> (8799) the people <05971> return <07725> (8800) from following <0310> their brethren
2Sa 17:8 For, said <0559> (8799) Hushai <02365>, thou knowest <03045> (8804) thy father <01> and his men <0582>, that they be mighty men <01368>, and they be chafed <04751> in their minds
<05315>, as a bear <01677> robbed <07909> of her whelps in the field <07704>: and thy father <01> is a man <0376> of war <04421>, and will not lodge <03885> (8799) with the people
Es 4:1 When Mordecai <04782> perceived <03045> (8804) all that was done <06213> (8738), Mordecai <04782> rent <07167> (8799) his clothes <0899>, and put on <03847> (8799) sackcloth
<08242> with ashes <0665>, and went out <03318> (8799) into the midst <08432> of the city <05892>, and cried <02199> (8799) with a loud <01419> and a bitter <04751> cry <02201>;
Job 3:20 Wherefore is light <0216> given <05414> (8799) to him that is in misery <06001>, and life <02416> unto the bitter <04751> in soul <05315>;
Job 7:11 Therefore I will not refrain <02820> (8799) my mouth <06310>; I will speak <01696> (8762) in the anguish <06862> of my spirit <07307>; I will complain <07878> (8799) in the bitterness
<04751> of my soul <05315>.
Job 10:1 My soul <05315> is weary <05354> (8804) of my life <02416>; I will leave <05800> (8799) my complaint <07879> upon myself; I will speak <01696> (8762) in the bitterness <04751> of
my soul <05315>.
Job 21:25 And another dieth <04191> (8799) in the bitterness <04751> of his soul <05315>, and never eateth <0398> (8804) with pleasure <02896>.
Ps 64:3 Who whet <08150> (8804) their tongue <03956> like a sword <02719>, and bend <01869> (8804) their bows to shoot their arrows <02671>, even bitter <04751> words <01697>:
Pr 5:4 But her end <0319> is bitter <04751> as wormwood <03939>, sharp <02299> as a twoedged <06310> sword <02719>.
Pr 27:7 The full <07649> soul <05315> loatheth <0947> (8799) an honeycomb <05317>; but to the hungry <07457> soul <05315> every bitter thing <04751> is sweet <04966>.
Pr 31:6 Give <05414> (8798) strong drink <07941> unto him that is ready to perish <06> (8802), and wine <03196> unto those that be of heavy <04751> hearts <05315>.
Ec 7:26 And I find <04672> (8802) more bitter <04751> than death <04194> the woman <0802>, whose heart <03820> is snares <04685> and nets <02764>, and her hands <03027> as bands <0612>:
whoso pleaseth <02896> <06440> God <0430> shall escape <04422> (8735) from her; but the sinner <02398> (8802) shall be taken <03920> (8735) by her.
Isa 5:20 Woe <01945> unto them that call <0559> (8802) evil <07451> good <02896>, and good <02896> evil <07451>; that put <07760> (8802) darkness <02822> for light <0216>, and light
<0216> for darkness <02822>; that put <07760> (8802) bitter <04751> for sweet <04966>, and sweet <04966> for bitter <04751>!
Isa 33:7 Behold, their valiant ones <0691> shall cry <06817> (8804) without <02351>: the ambassadors <04397> of peace <07965> shall weep <01058> (8799) bitterly <04751>.
Isa 38:15 What shall I say <01696> (8762)? he hath both spoken <0559> (8804) unto me, and himself hath done <06213> (8804) it: I shall go softly <01718> (8691) all my years <08141> in the
bitterness <04751> of my soul <05315>.
Isa 38:17 Behold, for peace <07965> I had great bitterness <04751> <04843> (8804): but thou hast in love <02836> (8804) to my soul <05315> delivered it from the pit <07845> of corruption
<01097>: for thou hast cast <07993> (8689) all my sins <02399> behind <0310> thy back <01460>.
Jer 2:19 Thine own wickedness <07451> shall correct <03256> (8762) thee, and thy backslidings <04878> shall reprove <03198> (8686) thee: know <03045> (8798) therefore and see <07200> (8798)
that it is an evil <07451> thing and bitter <04751>, that thou hast forsaken <05800> (8800) the LORD <03068> thy God <0430>, and that my fear <06345> is not in thee, saith <05002> (8803)
the Lord <0136> GOD <03069> of hosts <06635>.
Jer 4:18 Thy way <01870> and thy doings <04611> have procured <06213> (8804) these things unto thee; this is thy wickedness <07451>, because it is bitter <04751>, because it reacheth <05060>
(8804) unto thine heart <03820>.
Eze 3:14 So the spirit <07307> lifted me up <05375> (8804), and took me away <03947> (8799), and I went <03212> (8799) in bitterness <04751>, in the heat <02534> of my spirit <07307>; but the
hand <03027> of the LORD <03068> was strong <02388> (8804) upon me.
Eze 27:30 And shall cause their voice <06963> to be heard <08085> (8689) against thee, and shall cry <02199> (8799) bitterly <04751>, and shall cast up <05927> (8686) dust <06083> upon their
heads <07218>, they shall wallow <06428> (8691) themselves in the ashes <0665>:
Eze 27:31 And they shall make themselves utterly <07144> bald <07139> (8689) for thee, and gird <02296> (8804) them with sackcloth <08242>, and they shall weep <01058> (8804) for thee with
bitterness <04751> of heart <05315> and bitter <04751> wailing <04553>.
Am 8:10 And I will turn <02015> (8804) your feasts <02282> into mourning <060>, and all your songs <07892> into lamentation <07015>; and I will bring up <05927> (8689) sackcloth <08242>
upon all loins <04975>, and baldness <07144> upon every head <07218>; and I will make <07760> (8804) it as the mourning <060> of an only <03173> son, and the end <0319> thereof as a
bitter <04751> day <03117>.
Hab 1:6 For, lo, I raise up <06965> (8688) the Chaldeans <03778>, that bitter <04751> and hasty <04116> (8737) nation <01471>, which shall march <01980> (8802) through the breadth <04800> of
the land <0776>, to possess <03423> (8800) the dwellingplaces <04908> that are not theirs.
Zep 1:14 The great <01419> day <03117> of the LORD <03068> is near <07138>, it is near <07138>, and hasteth <04118> greatly <03966>, even the voice <06963> of the day <03117> of the LORD
<03068>: the mighty man <01368> shall cry <06873> (8802) there bitterly <04751>.

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