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Structural design of block pavements

for ports
by S.D. Barber and J. Knapton
University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK

Introduction This list is by no means exhaustive. analysis techniques has been the
The use of concrete block paving for With so many design parameters it multi-layer elastic model. Several
ports is becoming accepted is virtually impossible to put forward programs of varying degrees of
throughout the world. The relatively a comprehensive design method complexity have been developed,
low cost of construction and which would cover all plausible and this work uses a simplified
maintenance of concrete block conditions; the graphical and tabular analytical technique developed by
paving makes it an attractive presentation required would be Ullidtz and Peattie l • This has been
proposition to the port engineer. formidable. adopted because of its speed of
However, there is as yet no method This paper describes the execution, particularly when several
whereby the port engineer can development and use of a series of hundred pavement structures are
specify the strength and thickness of design charts which have been being analysed, as is the case for each
the layers of the pavement to provide derived from a basic design design chart.
a specified design life. From a philosophy; each chart covers a The pavement model is shown in
study of the performance of particular subgrade CBR value and Figure I. The contact area between
pavements constructed from various sub-base thickness. It has not been the tyre and the pavement is assumed
materials in many ports and by using possible to include a full set of charts to be circular with a contact stress
established theoretical load - in this paper due to the large number equal to the tyre pressure. The
deformation relationships, the of variables and the limited space analysis program gives the vertical
authors have developed a method available. However, since all the data stress and strain, and the radial strain
whereby port engineers can design is generated and plotted by at each interface. Two design criteria
concrete block pavements rationally. computer, different design situations have been established and generally
The method presented in this paper can be accommodated readily by applied to pavements:
can be used to prod uce a series of varying the input. The data presented I. Fatigue cracking of base
pavement designs for specific should be regarded as typical rather material.
operating and subgrade conditions. than comprehensive. 2. Progressive vertical deform-
In recognition of the fact that each ation of the subgrade.
design situation is a special case, the Pavement design and analysis
authors have formulated the design methods Thus the two design parameters in
method in a way which preserves the Pavement design has been, indeed the structure are the tensile radial
engineers' freedom to specify sub- still is, empirical. The variability of strain at the bottom of the bound
base and base material types and the materials making up the layer and the compressive vertical
thicknesses in the pavement. pavement structure has, until strain at the top of the subgrade.
recently, made it difficult to develop Relationships have been developed
Definition of requirements a suitable analytical design between these two strains and the
There are four primary require- philosophy. However, the wide use design life, ie number of load
ments for a pavement: of computers has brought a semi- repetitions to failure of the
analytical approach to highway pavement.
I. Low cost of construction. design in the past few years, and this Thus with computer analysis it is
2. Low maintenance costs. has also made it possible to extend possible to establish these critical
3. High reliability. the empirical design rules beyond strains for a whole range of pavement
4. Known design life. their original bounds of develop- structures and plot the results as a
Although no material meets all of ment to include motorways and design chart. The design charts are
these requirements perfectly, it is industrial pavements. positioned on a single sheet for ease
believed by the authors that a The most successful of these of interpretation and three examples
concrete block surfacing with a
cement bound base is the best
solution available today.
A successful design must take
the following parameters into
port layout and operation
future uses and development
type of trafficking (vehicle
surfacing - concrete blocks layer 1
circular contact area
contact stress equal
to lyre pressure


speeds; wheel loadings; base - cement bound layer 2 h,

number of loadings) ER,
static loading (point loads; *'"
sub-base granular layer 3
impact loading) h,

surface pollution (hydraulic oil;

de-icing salts)
t EZ 4
subgrade layer 4
strength of subgrade
anticipated settlement (short
term; long term)
climate Figure J: The pavement model. ER, is the critical strain in the base. EZ4 is the critical compressive
availability of local materials strain in the sub-base.

Concrete Block Paving 141

tructural design of block pavements for ports

Ire given in this paper, Figures 2, 3 lar; thickness; elastic been drawn showing how the graphs
md 4. modulus) are related:
Subgrade (CBR California (i) The strength of the basecourse, ie.
For each chart the following Bearing Ratio)
variables are held constant: its elastic modulus, is the starting
point on the ordinate of the bottom
The variables for each chart are: graph. Project horizontally to the
Surfacing (material type
80 mm thick concrete blocks) Base (thickness; elastic intercept of the curve representing
Base (material type cement modulus) base thickness and then vertically to
bound material) Loading (magnitude of loading) the centre graph.
Subbase (material type, granu- On each chart an example line has (ii) This graph has two ordinate
igure 2: (tensile) STRAIN
ubgrade CBR 5%. ER, ______________~EZ.
-150 ,.-"cn:T'''..--
Lean Concrete Base
Character IsUe Strength N/mm;<>


12·0 2·0-

I ' C
10 7 106 10 5 104 105 106 10 7 10 8
DESIGN LIFE (No of Repetitions) DESIGN LIFE (No oj Repetitions)

(tensile) STRAIN
'igure 3:
.ubgrade CBR JI}%. r----l-e'-n~c-on-'-'e--'e~B-,-'e----------~E~~o r-.."rnrrrT-.------------------~E~~o ,----------.---------------,

Characteristic Strength N/mm2

compresSIve fleJl:ural

~ ~ ~:~i~ ~ : ~i~ ~ ~1ic~ ,I ~l~ I~_50

10 7 10 6 10' '0' '0' '0' 10'


(tensile) STRAIN
r---~--~~~~------------iE~~o ~Tnrnr-______________________~EZ'
Lean Concrete Base Wheel
Characteristic Strength N/mm2 -- - - -Loading - - - - - - - - - --
compresSive fle:o.urat Pawls 500

rrl:=tllillII ::~:==-:~~1U
igure 4:
'ubgrade CBR 20%. :H
6·0 \\'r.t's.\~~-;;::~~ g.~

o o L__---.l..,---.l-L.,--_..L_---'
10' 10' 10' 10 4 108
DESIGN LIFE (No 01 Repelillons) DESIGN LIFE (No of Repetiltons)
E2 10000
N/ '
1000 ' ~~,'~
' " , ......
" '" '

base mm
o~150' "200' "250
~300,,~ ~~
350 400 450 500

42 Concrete Block Paving

..,.,t•• ; the one on lhe Idl is thelen,ile
radial ,,,"in at lh. bonom of Ike 101 AI! AsoMI ' 'pn. !rye t joD
bound 11)'0' and the f i,M hud ""'k
.. the cornp<es:iivoe •• nieal su" in al
, b. su. bce of 1h•• u."rade (both .no SlIrlociflg
••• Ied ; n mic rou •• in) . Unlike
highway desi,n. whe", th.", is a
" >'''Iory maximum uk for
pavcnw:nu in pon • •eas ,h.
mum )G;\d i. variable. Henee: the
central graph has a ,..;., of ell""" Sub-b.u.
,.pr... n'in~ Ih. m.~nilud.. of
loading. whloh arc ,i.en In Pon Aru Sub'l'Q~'
Wheel Load. increasing in multiple.
of two.
(iii) The (1'10 Qu t.. a"phs rtpresent Lb.LRjajd 'gOi!ryctjgo
the fatigue en. racte."l;es of lh.
l'il".mem b3se. on tile Itn. ~nd Ih.
,ub~r.d.. on' Ih. ri8hl. Thus".~
prOJCcting ho,i.ontally aCrOSs bolh Slob
outer vaphs and descendin, 10 the
ab$eiuae "va IMUli<:iplINdui,"
life fo r each co nstraint . The actual
duign lift is lite 10",•• of Ihe ''''0
value •.
The ....... of lite vehicle
loading is an imporlam p"" of 'he
desi~ proced l.lre, A survey of .he I e! 'g!QRijt. CgntlryUjon
load,n, eharacteristics of container
h;ondlinK vehicles made by ,he
aUlho"r WI. r.tlt published in 1979,
and <ub ..quently up.bled' in 1980.
The wheel load ing is characleri,ed in
term, of the Port IIrca Wheel Load ,
Or 'P AWt., which is defined '.. a 12
tonne wheel load with a damaging
faClor of unity. The complete theory
is not presented in 'his p.>]>< •. but
Table I ,ives Iyp;"al valnes for
handling e<juipmenl in OOmmon u ...
The des.,n ch;oru ,i"en in .hi,
ld l Purpi! Bprr CM"UlrtuHl
1>0]><' cove. a range of .nb,•• de
<Iren,.h$. CDR's of S. 10. and 20%.
with a .urfacing of SO mm conc ... e Rollo
Table 2 gi.... s typical vllues for lhe
clasti. moduli of varion. ""..
material. nea:UJ.' Y fo' ll>e input in
(il". The....e ;ntend.d for Ult a. a
lIuide; if possible lhe , Ifue vllue,
<hould be utlbl ish.d f.Qm
labo .. tory lem since lhey ore
de]><ndent On lhe cha,acte,i"ic. of 1' 1 BI"1' (ooll[u<ljoo
locally available male.ial •.
porro,m""r. (If po.'l n, mllO,;al, BIOI' SU".II09
Since no universal pavemenl recom- !IUd;.; S.nd
mendat;onl 0 . dui,n melhod. ha""
been proposed 0 ..... the ye .... I
whok ranl. of diffe,ent con,l. ue.Oon
techniques h IS been de""lo]><d, Subgroat
1••",ly IhrouSh Inal In" .nO •.
Dupil. 11M: dl ""tI;' Ymos. l"uel U~
]I) hek _Cg.1 [ •• ",.ehoo
an be divid«l inu> one of six b.oad
alel\<l.ies. as shown in fllme S.
Tk.e ... two prineip"1 elt"",n"
;n a pavement :

Su'J~d"lI, Mu>! be of ~ high dura- Gro"ulur Motorl.1

bilily.nd "ren,lh 10 resist the $e,'e."
,".fac. load S and high conlact
st,e, ..s,

Bos~, The" incip. l sltuc'u •• 1 com·

ponenl 0 lhe pnVemenl which

St"''' . .. ' .... i." o( bIoxk ".... m.n" rOf pt,,"

_ot _... _ n o. ...

.. .... _ -
,~. -

" -"''" ....

-,- -•• --'"
- ,~

,~. l' Typlnl _ , fo< II., "";,,
. .... ,. ,, _....-.. ••
".--.. ,......

" - ,.-.
" ,, - ,...... ••
,,_.- ••••••
•. .
••' -- ."'• "
_ 'a


"'.;:;:I" .... 'M

••• ..
•• ,
-,. -'" . •• ••".
" "" -'~-
•• •• '
--- -•, • -..--
' .-

"" ,-
.. •• • •
".... ,, -'" ••
, II ••
.....,_ ........ •• "
" .-,,-
.'-- •••• ••,. .••.
:It .• ' - " "
• '.-
•• .. '. .., "" .-
-~'" ,, ..\'-
. p=d. Ih. lnod SO the lu bgnde is The dura bility of asphalt ."rfacing N/ mm' (50 Pcn. bitumen, Ss-6S%
not oversn . ... d . can be gN:ae ly im p' ovod if . high <lone conlent ). and th i, IIi.... much
, co ne co nten, and I low penet""i"n J ,ea'e, du,abi l i ty . , a i n s '
A """'!\dory e1<m.n, i. Ihe SUs. bitume n is used . In thi' caM: the miA 'ndenta , ion. , uning and o il dIm"!,.
BASE which i. providod wheN: lhe Ililfnu. il mOre likely 10 be 4500 Ho"",'.r. 'he stiffer m,xes geMr. Iy
pavernenl i, con , tmct.d ov« a "",ak
,ubgrade to gi~'. extra strenglh at low
cost and to provOde a good working
su rface for su bsequent con , truction., e a ch component i.
select.d for ils .uitabilitr and the
combination, shown in F,gure 5 are
by no mean s comprehen , ive. The
performance of ,he variou, m..eriab
available is now di ""u"ed in detail.
Asphaltic Malnia/J
A.phaltic material, have been used
exten,i,.. ly fo r both hiKhway and ai,_
c,al! pavemenl . a nd thei,application
to mduse,i;>1 pa,';ng see med logical.
Howc"", th,.e Chlrl cee,;,,'" of the
.'phallie mil< have ,e, uited in a n
overall }'oor perf"rma nce in pon
I. "The stiIfDe ... '" strengt h. of a
bituminous rna,er;,,1 decre..,., a$ Ih.
tempera.u,e , ises.
2. The iliffness of a bi.u minous mi~
dtt"".... n 'he load ,n, .;"""
dttT<a$<$; i."_ ,be $10 ..... ' eh. vehiele
.he 10 ..... ' .he strength .
3. Surface oil pollution slowly
dissol.... 'he bi' umino us bindu,
lea . ing i. more s... oep. ible Co lCuff
~nd frost all.d .


lIot rolled aspha lt , . imil ar 10 ',,"I
us<:d in the UK f.,.. highway plI ve-
men", i. generally tno .oft to a ny
the large wheel load s. high eOn,aC!
SUesse. and low vehicle , pr;<:d , n ,<x-
;.. ed with con'aine, handlin, aN:1I.
For low .pe«I•.• typiell m,~ stiff_
ne" for. 100 Pco. bitumen mix il
appro~im.lely 2300 N/mm'. com ·
pored 10 7000 N/mm' ",ed in high .
way design "" Ieulation , when: the
,peed i, nearer 80k01/h,. Thl, i,
reflected directly by ,utting and
in dentation , p'rlicula,ly in the
,ummer mon,h, . >C< Figu,e. 6 and 7.

Co",,,," HI"" , p ...i " ~

S"U<,""' ....'I" ~r bro<, p."m,"" r....."

• • hibit poore r f.,iIU. charaeter-

iuics and are mo,. prOM to ,uue,u",l
.,:ocking. AlSO low birole, conlen"
are mo", Ju o«plible 10 lUna..,
d ...... g. from "ve", tyre ""'.... ing.
Fali,... cnlek ing. U will be Ottn
."only, c;IIn be o .... "'ome by Ihe use
of I ce .... nt bound base.
Alth.,.,gh .n uphillic ])llvemenl is """ ",,,,,,",,,,,.
_ ' . . . .,,11.1 .,"".

consid.",d 10 be ne~ible t uc:esoiyc

diffcrenti.l >eUl.menl .... n lead 10 ' - l i e ....... 1 . . .....
crackin! and .ubKquent b",.kdown
of tbe ""und tayer. The .urfoce can
'70 "'.",,'ro'.
.. """0.' .r...... '

", .~ _,
be patch.d easHy. bUI Ihi s i, r"""y ... "'0",.' .... '
,ati.factory as pneumatic tyre,
rapidly pullllle n.w mal.rial ouL In senl."""nl area., Ih ...fore.
a'phillie .urfadng is oflen rejco'ed
in favour of I mOre dur.blt m.terial.


In .;..... of lhe low . , iffnen and the
p<>O< f&,,,... clunIC,e.Qria. bilumen
bound bases hit .... no' been .... ed
widely. A nOl. ble u..,,,,ion is in
Denmark, where lhe,. i•• "",nesl.1>-
lished uphIll ind us, '1. and 'wo Con,
I'n"",io n I«hniquu h."" be.n u..d.
l1>e lim. Figu," 8, "'"' ","sed on ..... " . ... ,';1 .,ro'.
,. "'<1'00''''',
...... ..
highway de,i.n m.thod. with mo<li·
fled Ihiekn ..... to aecommodale
Ihe i""rn ,ed loading. The muetu ..', """""""',
" , " ..,.
",<""" .."
p.normanee waJ nOI comple'ely
nli, faCIOry and when a furlher area
waJ loid th ,pecif"'. lion wa,
cha nged 10 Ihal .hown in Fiil~r. 9.
Ihi, proved 10 be satisfaclory. Til<
differ.""" in performan<:<: can be
C1plained ",lien llIe lwo IIIuclure.
are a..aI}'5Cd. ",. , wo crilical .. rains
in til< fi r1' SIru(l ure a •• much g«:ller
IlLan Ihme in lhe second. II _. also
found Ihal l~ Ia".r wu quiete" .!o
cOlier and le$l expenSIve 10
conlllUCI .
Anon"r pon U,inl an a!la'phaltie
cons'Nction. Ihi.,ime in lhe UK. ha, -
experienced ""'1 .."" ... problem.
wilh critiell pav ..... nl damage. An
anal)""i. of Iho "'uc ,ur. in Fiiure 10
clearly show. whr; I!Olh lhe crilieal
• train • • re ve ry hlah and well above
,he male rial', ultimate , train.
,_". """., ."",
:..a ....-.".

""""""..,'"' ..,II" , ....,•

"'" "«"''',,.
Th. performance of In ..e lhree
,I ruc,ur.' should be co ntr.sted Wilh
Ihll of • compooil • • Irue,ur•. ie
asphaltic $urflL(,nl 0"". a lean mi ~
CODCr.'. bu•• Figure I I . II."" with
a hi'" stren&l h ba ... lhe Itosil."rain
in ,II< U phal , is verr
become comprell'v( in so me
low and may
S" UCIUrt::S; ' he . rilical strain is lhen
Ihal a'lhe baK oflhe«menl bou nd

, _ , .. - . . , .. noI •
laye, . l1>e "ertieal $ub,rad. ' ''ain is • "'0_ .....
also "".~ low . It is SC .... atly found
lila, lhi. fo,m of cONINe,ion Kive. a
much more durable pav.menl.
Two of Ihe struCture. ii"en .bo""
have u<cd. ",.t mix macadam a, lhe 1 """" ......, ...".
base m.teri.l; Ihi , ha, AI.o been u,ed
under a eoncrele bloc k l u,focing for
an indumi,,1 paVem(nl in lhe UK. 11
. . ",«..,." . , .

., "

i. a felativel~ wcol< """cri.1 being

almo," analaaool 10 .oil cemenl b"1

Structural design of block pavements for ports

is claimed to be more tolerant to sub- provides a very durable surface that 3. Little plant needed for laying.
grade settlement. However the per- can withstand high contact stresses, 4. Immediate trafficking.
formance in the structures analysed and gives an excellent riding quality.
in this paper does not seem to justify There are, however, two problems 5. Easy relaying as settlement takes
the higher cost of use, although the which make the use of rigid pave- place.
performance under block paving has ment construction impracticable: Rafts, or slabs, are generally 2
yet to be proved. I. Subgrade settlement cannot be metres square, reinforced and
Traditionally, asphaltic materials accommodated without excessive usually have a protective steel angle
have been one of the most econo- cracking. surround. Some do not have the
mical forms of paving, but the recent angle but provide a chamfer around
increases in the cost of oil based 2. Some provision for thermal the top edge instead, this is to
products has, in the UK at least expansion / contraction must be prevent spalling of the concrete
made it comparable to other mor~ made. under local stress concentrations.
expensive surfacing materials, e.g. In the older port developments con- Various thicknesses are available but
concrete blocks. In some European crete paving was commonly used, the heavy duty 150 mm thick slabs
countries, where the alternatives are either unreinforced or with a single are recommended. Few requirements
better established and less expensive, layer of mesh reinforcement and on the suitability of the underlaying
asphalt no longer has an initial cost regular expansion joints. Reinforced subgrade are made, providing it is
advantage. concrete is adequate for all but the well compacted and free draining.
~eaviest of loading providing the site The slabs are bedded on a layer of
SPECIAL ASPHALT MIXES IS not prone to settlement. compacted coarse sand, the only
It is possible to improve the surface Unfortunately this is rarely the case plant required is a front lift truck and
durability of asphalt with a cement in a modern development and if a laying is straightforward.
based grout. This is available under a concrete structure is laid cracking Although the required preparation
number of trade names, but all use must be expected. of the subgrade is minimal, and of
essentially the same technique. A sur- Unreinforced concrete is com- low cost, the cost of the rafts them-
face layer of approximately 40 mm pletely unsuitable, and even at sites selves is high. This is aggravated by
thickness of open textured, bitumen where extensive top and bottom steel the large size of the units, weighing
coated aggregate (no fines) is laid. reinforcement have been used around 1.25 tonnes, and haulage is
Into this is rolled/vibrated a resin problems with cracking have not expensive. This can be overcome in
cement grout which is left to harden ~e.en overcome. Regular expansion very large and remote areas by
it takes around 28 days to develop it'~ Jomts are necessary, but these are s~tting up a manufacturing plant on
full strength. expensive to install and form inherent site.
The final stiffness of the surfacing weaknesses within the structure; The high cost of construction has,
is high, about 12,000 N/mm2, and cracking usually manifests itself unfortunately, not been reflected by
gives much greater resistance to sur- across the corners and along the a good performance record in the
face loa.ds: !l0wever, high strength, joints, see Figure 12. Port environment. The principle
or semI-rIgid, surfacings are very The problem associated with problem seems to be settlement of the
susceptible to cracking due to the expansion joints can be overcome subgrade. Uneven settlement leads to
high tensile stresses developed under with a continuously reinforced pave- steps developing between adjacent
loading. The strength of the support- ment. Here sufficient reinforcement units and pumping. This has to be
ing base material is critical, and the is included to distribute the stresses rectified as quickly as possible as
manufacturers have carried out evenly through the concrete. Thus surface water and rocking washes out
design research based on the multi- instead of large .cracks developing at the supporting sand, aggravating the
layer elastic model. intervals of 5 to 7 metres, transverse problem.
Since the material is not as flexible cracking is fine and closely spaced, I The units are large and, being
as a true asphalt, experience has to 2 metres. In view of the increased greater than the trackwidth of the
shown that, under conditions of steel reinforcement needed the cost handling vehicles, very large hogging
modest differential settlement, sur- of construction is high and it is still bending moments are induced in the
face cracking will occur whereas a prone to subgrade settlement. rafts. If the supporting subgrade has
traditional asphalt mix would roll In general rigid construction is settled, this can cause cracking across
out. However these cracks are fine viable only in established areas where the corners. The problems of hogging
and widely spaced and do not affect settlement is negligible and access to and high wheel loads make the
the overall integrity of the pavement. underground services is not required, precast rafts unsuitable for use in
An alternative to cement resin is an or where an extremely hard and areas operated by rubber tyred
epoxy asphalt mix. These special impact resistant surface is specified. terminal trailers.
mixes are highly resistant to oil Should rehabilitation be necessary Not all ex perience with the rafts
attack which makes them highly costs will be high as it is virtually has been bad, some ports find it an
suited for maintenance areas etc. impossible to construct an overlay ideal form of construction and use it
Construction has to be fast and and the whole structure has to be extensively. However, overall costs
efficient as the thermosetting mix broken out. are significantly greater than the
hardens in about 90 minutes. Its use A hard concrete surface is ideal alternative precast concrete
in port areas is not very widespread and the necessary flexibility can be surfacing, concrete' blocks.
and where it is used it is restricted to achieved by using a precast concrete
heavily polluted areas such as surfacing material which can be
relaid as settlement takes place. Concrete block surfacing
loading bays. Concrete blocks offer the same
Both these methods give increased advantages as the raft system a
durability, but at a higher cost of highly durable and hard surface, but
construction. This makes the Precast concrete rafts
Precast concrete surfacing offer they also possess the flexibility assoc-
adoption of these materials for iated with asphaltic construction.
extensive parkmg and operating several advantages
The individ ual units are small,
areas unlikely on the grounds of cost. I. Good quality control in 100 mm by 200 mm, and providing
manufacture. they have sufficient thickness tensile
Rigid pavement construction 2. Full strength achieved in off-site cracking does not occur. Since the
An ·in-situ concrete pavement curing. structure is already "cracked" the

146 Concrete Block Paving,

80 mm bl<xk, arc mo.e co mmn n and conta iner <lac!;ing a nd f." opc,OIion.
",fac ing can accommodalc The usual con>!rDclion is a b..e of
~I . n .iv. ddo r mOlion Wilho~1 performa nce has be.n perfcclly sali,-
(aCIOry. Construction is obviously I. an m i~ cone ",I•.
a ma,•. At some sma ller porI> Ih •• apid
Th. blocks ar. laid b~ hand on • laboour in tenlive but in large opcn
.rcas. I IlCh ., a port. high laying d~velopment of large parking neal
,yer nf ..,,,,.ded bUI uncnmp;>eled doe, not ,ake pi.... The original
and. Thoe .un.ce "vibrated '0 give rales can be achievffi ",ilh .. veral
.... n "'orking on .ach fa .., placing flllge r pi .... ",.re eon"rueted with
h. final pror.k and tb. force. the m"".l1aneollS lill and Itfl to cOn-
and up into.he j ninl>. on conv •• ling block. t"'O M a lim •. Tbe iniltal e<><1
of CONM ... tion may be .lightly .olidale oveT the y...... Wilh recenl
h. indivi d ual uni l! Into •
higher Ihan an .. phallie coRS""'- d.""lopmcnl lhe qDoy-sid •• h.~""
10moS'""n" •• urfacina. Si...:. lhoe b«n cleared and Ihe docb I"'niflily
>lock.< are mad. of hi&h q .... lily (o n- lion. bul • • i"ing block pav ..... nl$
have requir'" lillie mainl..... ne •. The bad filled with rubble 10 give •
:",1. .he ,mrace durabililY is
ove",n eMI •. Ih.refo ••• a •• 10,"",," suaig'" q •. Differ'Dl ial
:~a:Ll.nt. il can "';I hsland th. very
Allhou,h Ihis form of su.faein, is $CIlI.menl OC<:D'" and in Ihis sitDalton
,arsh loading f,om traikr dolley a C"nc.. lc block mat .. an
.. heds "';IhOUi any problem •• figurc very 101.,8n110 .. delo. mallon
lhe p.ov"''''n of a ,"uclu",1 bas< is ;.Jeal su.facin, mat.rUtI. If Ihe back-
O. Abn. 0""" 1M blocks have been fill i. . .ahle. ie largely building
~ocked 10000eth., "';Ih lbe sand. i.•. ..",nIUtI fo r .xl. c .... ly heavy loading.
In so .... a~as ••""h a$ lorry pa. !;•• f1,Jbble. lhere is usually no reaSO D 10
inl.rlock~, 1M: s,,,,nglh of thoe
",he •• lhe,. is ... very .trongJ uba.ude provide ... base II all. Surface IIIllltf
,unace Layer is hip and ,hu. a Large will d .... in Ihrough ,be backfill and if
dasti. modul ... is uoed in ,he design or ,ravel or fil1. lhe blocks ha"" bc<:n
usal JUC«S$fully wit~ a g",nula. settlemen, around an y .of. spots
.harl. base. lie.. lhe ,esullin, JU,face bttomes .......,..,. the blocks can be
Sc",ral ,hick nes",s of block a",
a ndulali"n i, of mino< imporlance. lifted and ~laid in. f.w hou .... This
a~aiLabl •. 100 mm thick have been
but this i. unli~dy to be sUlloble fnr make; for one oflhe most """t.rfcc-
used in wme ports but lhe IhinM' Ii"" fo."" of p",,;ng a~ailable for
I'orl . rus.

C~m~m bound Ix"~ m~",iQI.

C ..... n' boundb..!i< male.ial, are lhe
moSl ,ueees, ru l fo,m of con.l rDetlen.
It has already been shown 'hal Ihe
i\igh Iliffness of the matcrial l ~rgc\y
.lmm, lt> Ihe ten, ile " rain, wit hin
Ih. sUIfacin~. Ihe t.n, ile me nKlh of
the cem.nlO1iou, mate.i"1 is Ih.
de,ign criterion. Cemenl bound
male ria ls arc u, uaUy divid.d inlo
thr •• broad gro~p "
roll.d dry lun conerele
cemenl bound g.anu la r mal.rial
$ Iabili~d '01\ cement
G.nerally Ih. ccm.M cOnlenl
increa ... down lbe g. oup. wh • •• ilS
Ih. aggregate changes from" gra d.d
con<;r.t. a"regllie down 10 nall,1f11
soi1. Thi, division "f ,he ,emenl
bo"nd mate , iab i. s.n.ra ll y
reprd.d as Dnsali<faCiory d"" 1(> lhe
varia bilily wil~in each grou p .
charaCl.risti. strcngohs and CO> l of
.0 ... lruttion folio", n" singLe rule
a Dd laboralory 1<:$ling is I ~e only
sali.fa<:loty form of ",ltctton Ind
Wh ich. if any_ of Ihcse malerial. is
Ih. m<m . " ilabl. dcl"'nd. on
mal.rials and plan. ava,lable; loil
stabilisation of a saDdy g",,,,,1 ."b-
grade can be si",iftcamly kli c~lXn­
s;"" than lea n IXIncrcte. dtspite lhe
,realer Ihickne .. aDd higher cemen l
con lent rC<] ui red .
The malerial . Un be mixed in-silu
or b .. chffi: tll<y can be lipped, lkd and roll.d .as ily. All oe
bouDd mo .. r; . ls requIre a curing
pedDd ' lo develOp fun Slrcngth. bul
'hIS rarely cau,e. a dela~ as Ihe
"urf.cing can Il< laid during Ihi. lim •.
II i. gentrally Ihal the
highe r Ihe Strenglh the belter,
allhough Ihi' ag~rav.l<. of
shrinkage erackmg. Lean ~om:rc'c;,
generally regard.d •• a non_l1exible

co"'..« ~,,",' ,·..inl ",

Structural design of block pavements for ports


- - Barton RoAo20/CH /"

- - - - Knapper RoR040/CH // - - Barton RoRo20/CH
9 - - - - Knapper RoR040/CH

25 I


20 lIl0 5 I
"",,,' I
15 I



----- -- 12 15 18

(a) (b)


- - Barton RoRo20/CH ,,'",, - - Barton RoRo20/CH

- - - - Knapper RoRo40/CH i :-_--- Kna~per RoRo40/CH
,, ,, -,:
,,, rJ ,
: :,
:, rJ ,,
,,, r' :
, , [' i
r. . J 1,,,
r-" ,,
r' -,
,r'" ".r1-,
30 33
33 cnoss WEIGHT OF CONTAINER - lonnes

(c) (d)

Figure 14: Graphs of wheel loads (a); damaging factors (b); frequency distribution of weight (c); and proportional damaging power (d).

material, but it has proved to ~e anticipated that 600 x 20 ft units will about 80% of their time on the 40 ft
sufficiently flexible to follow site be unloaded and driven along this units.
settlement to a remarkable degree. In roadway per ship, with two ships per The subgrade is a reasonably well
areas of settlement, an angular aggre- week. These will be handled by 3 graded sand / gravel, no substantial
gate will give better durability ~s similar front lift trucks, Barton settlement is anticipated, CBR 20%.
frictional interlock across cracks IS RoRo/20CH, the vehicles returning Design life 15 years.
very high. on the opposite side of the roadway The basic dimensions of the two
with a container for export. In two FL Ts are given in Table 3. The
Design example years' time there is expected to be a damaging powers are found from the
The use of the design charts is best 50% increase in throughput, when series of four graphs shown in Figure
explained by a simple example. It is 40 ft containers will be introduced. It 14 (a) to (d). These give the axle
proposed to construct a roadway is planned to operate two larger loads (a) and relative damaging
between the ship's loading ramp and FLTs, Knapper RoRoj40CH, to power (b) for both axles against the
the container stacking area. It is handle these and they will spend weight of the container. The distri-

148 Concrete Block Paving

Structural design of block pavements for ports

bution of the container weights for TABLE 3: Load ratings

each truck is given in (c), thus multi-
plying (b) by (c) gives the pro- Model Darton RoR020/CH Knapper flolbl0/C11
portional distribution of the damag-
ing powers, (d). From this it is clear LiIting capaci t.y (tonnes) 24.000 37.500
that the most critical loading con- Unladen Wt •• including
dition is a 22 tonne container carried taplift (tonnes) 40.000 55.000
by the Knapper, this is the design WbLoel base (m) 4.750 5.250
load which, from (b), is equal to a Lifting centre (m) 2.250 2.500
PAWL rating of 36.7. Also, the area
under the histograms in (d) repre- Unladen axle loads (tomes)
Front 22.000
sents the total number of PAWLs per 18.000 24.750
100 movements, hence the average
rating can be calculated. These load Tyrc pressures (N/rrm2 ) O.B O.B

ratings are included in Table 3.

Proportion of 20 ft/40 it.
It is assumed imports equal boxes handled 100/0 20/80
exports, thus the outward and return
pavements are identical. Unladen PAWL rating 1.06 3.50

In the first two years: Most da.w.ging PAWL rating 19.45 36.70

Vehicle movements: PAWL rating 10.77 24.56

Barton 20 = 2 x 600 x 52 x 2
= 124,800
drawn vertically from the required reduced to 300, 350 and 500 mm
Throughput after 1982 will be 900 respectively. It can be seen that for'
containers per ship divided into: design life, 0.58 million, to intersect
all curves. From each intersection, a a given operational situation, the
60% Barton 20 line is drawn horizontally to the charts can be used to produce a series
40% Knapper 40 centre graph, the next intersection of designs permitting the engineer
Vehicle movements: being taken at the design PAWL to choose the one he favours. It
Barton 20 = 2 x 900 x 0.60x 52x 13 rating (36.7 PAWLs). From here drop would be wrong to remove this
=730,080 vertically to the bottom graph. choice from the engineer whose local
Knapper 40 = 2 x 900 x 0.40 x 52 x 13 Here the starting point is the experience must always be the final
= 486,720 abscissa, the elastic modulus of mediator in selecting a form of
the base. This is taken from the data construction.
Thus, total loading: in Table I. The design thickness is
Barton 20 = 854,880 movements found from the intersection of the
Knapper 40 = 486,720 movements References
elastic modulus with the relevant I. ULLlDTZ P. and PEATTIE K.R.
To establish the total number of line from above. Care must be taken "Pavement Analysis by Pro-
PA WLs the pavement has to carry, to correlate the correct base modulus grammable Calculator". Paper
multiply by the respective average with the characteristic strength used submitted for publication to
PAWL rating for the trucks. in the first graph. American Society of Civil
Total No. PAWLs The following designs for the base Engineers.
= 854,880 x 10.77 + 486,720 x 24.56 course are obtained:
= 21.16 million 2. BARBER S.D. and KNAPTON J.
Compressive Elastic Thickness "Port Pavement Loading". The
For the design, a single wheel load is strength modulus required Dock and Harbour Authority,
adopted. This is assumed to be the (N/mm2) (N/mm 2) (mm) April 1979, pp 379-386.
most damaging wheel load for the
whole load spectrum, 36.7 PAWLs in 3. KNAPTON J. and BARBER S.D.
24 48000 350
this case. "Pavement Loading in Ro-Ro
Design wheel load and Lo-Lo Areas". The Dock
= 36.7 PAWLs 18 42000 400
and Harbour Authority, March
Design life required 1980.
= 21.16 / 36.7 million 35000
= 0.58 million repetitions 12 500 4 .. WILLIAMS R.I.T. "Cement
Referring to the design chart for a Stabilised Materials". Develop-
subgrade CBR of20%, Figure 4, it is From another design chart it is ments in Highway Pavement
clear that for this design the vertical found that if a 150 mm granular Engineering - 1. Ed. P.S. Pel!.
subgrade strain on the right hand side subbase, Type I material, is used, Chap. 5 pp 163-217, Applied
is not critical. On the left, a line is then the base thicknesses can be Science, 1978.

Concrete Block Paving

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