Signaling Using: Network

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Supporting interconnection with the PSTN

PCS Network Signaling

Using SS7


ersonal Communications Services

(PCS) facilitates the exchange of information (voice, data, video,
image, etc.) for mobile users independent of time, location,
and access arrangement. To support PCS, mobile communications
protocols such as E I W I A Interim Standard 41 (IS-41) 112-161
or Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) [20]
have been defined for PCS Network (PCN) inter-system oper-
ations. To support interconnection between a PCN and the
Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), it is essential
this article is based on EIA,TIA IS-41 Revision B. We also describe
some potential extensions of the IS-41 protocol based on a
draft of IS-41RevisionC. In this article, “IS-41.C”refers to EIAlTIA
PN-2991,the Baseline Text Draft 3 9-2-94of IS-41 Revision C 1191.

Signaling System No. 7

ommon Channel Signaling (CCS) is a signaling method

that the mobile communicationsprotocol interactswith the PSTN

signaling system for mobility management and call control.
This article describes the interactions between a PCN and
C which provides control and management in the telephone
network. CCS consists of supervisory functions, address-
ing, and providing call information. A CCS channel conveys
the PSTN in four aspects: messages to initiate and terminate calls, check on the status of some
Interconnection Interfaces -What are the network inter- part of the network, and control the amount of traffic allowed.
faces between a PCN and the PSTN? CCS uses a separate out-of-band signaling network to carry
Message Routing - How is the information exchanged signaling messages. In all figures of this article, the signal links
among the PCNPSTN network elements? will be represented by dashed lines, and the trunks will be
Mobility Management - How d0es.a PCN recognize the represented by solid links. SS7 is a CCS system developed to
locations of the mobile users? satisfy the telephone operating companies’ requirements for an
Call Control - How are the calls set up between the mobile improvement to the earlier signaling systems (which lacked the
users and the wireline users? sophistication required to deliver much more than Plain Old
Mobility management merits further discussion. In a PCN Telephone Service or POTS).
the current location of a mobile user is usually maintained by a This section provides a brief introduction to the SS7 network
two-level hierarchical strategy with two types of databases. The architecture and protocol from the perspective of PCN inter-
Home Location Register (HLR) is the location register to which connection. The reader is referred to [ 11 for a more complete
a mobile user identity is assigned for record purposes such as mobile SS7 tutorial.
user information (e.g., directory number, profile information, cur-
rent location,validationperiod).The Visitor LocationRegister(VLR) The SS7 Network Architecture
is the location register other than the HLR used to retrieve infor- Figure 1 illustrates an example of the SS7 signaling network.
mation for handling of calls to or from a visiting mobile user [14]. The figure only shows the parts that involve the interconnec-
When a mobile moves from the home PCN to a visited PCN, its tion between a PCN and the PSTN. The network consists of
location is registered at the VLR of the visited PCN. The VLR then three distinct components.
informs the mobile’s HLR of its current location. The details of the *Service Switching Point (SSP) is a telephone switch inter-
registration processwill be discussed in asubsequent section. When connectedbySS7links.TheSSPsperformcallprocessingoncalls that
a call is delivered to a mobile, the HLR is first queried to find originate, tandem, or terminate at that node. In this article, an SSP
its location (i.e., the VLR corresponding to its current location). in a PCN are called a Mobile Switching Center (MSC).
The details of location tracking can be found in 1121, and the call *Signal Transfer Point (STP) is a switch that relays SS7 mes-
setuphelease process is discussed in the section on PCN/PSTN sagesbetween network switches and databases. Based on the address
call control using ISUP. Since it is likely that two PCNs are fields of the SS7 messages, the STPs route the messages to the
connected through the PSTN, it is important to understand correct outgoing signaling links. To meet the stringent reliability
how the PSTN is involved in PCS mobility management. requirements, STPs are provisioned in mated pairs.
To address these four aspects, we consider IS-41 as the mobile Service Control Point (SCP) contains databases for pro-
communications protocol and Signaling System No. 7 (SS7) [2-51 viding enhanced services. An SCP accepts queries from an SSP
as the PSTN signaling protocol. The IS-41 protocol considered in and returns the requested information to the SSP. In mobile

44 1070-9916/95/$04.000 1995 IEEE IEEE Personal Communications June 1995

1 ,

applications,an SCP may contain an HLRor a VLR.

There are six types of SS7 signaling links. Two
types of the linksare introduced in this article. Other
types of links can be found in [7].
Each SSP and SCP will have a minimum of
one signal link to each STP pair. The signal link
is referred to as the Access Link (A-link). The
number of A-links between an SSP and an STP
pair can be up to 128 though most switch suppli-
ers have limited the number to 16.
I A-Link

Signaling links that connect STPs of different

networks (e.g., PCN and PSTN in our example)
are called Diagonal Links (D-links). D-links are
deployedin a quad arrangement with three-waypath
diversity. The maximum link set size is 64.
I 1

The SS7 Protocol ~~------ ~- ~~

The basic parts of the SS7 protocol and the cor- W Figure 1. An example of the SS7 network architecture.
responding OS1 layers are shown in Fig. 2. In the
protocol hierarchy, the Operations, Maintenance,
and AdministrationPart ( O W ) and Mobile Appli-
cation Part (MAP) are TCAP (i.e., Transaction OS1 layers The SS7 layers
Capabilities Application Part; to be defined)
applications. The details of the OMAP are omit-
ted and can be found in [7].
The MAP will be elaborated based on the IS- * I I
41 protocol. The other parts of the SS7 protocol
are described below.
*The Message Transfer Part (MTP) consists of ISDN-UP
three levels corresponding to the OS1physical layer, session
data link layer, and network layer, respectively. transport
The MTP Level 1 defines the physical, electrical,
and functional characteristics of the signaling links
connecting SS7 components. The MTP Level 2
provides reliable transfer of signaling messages
between two directly connected signalingpoints. The
MTP Level 3 provides the functions and procedures
related to message routing and network manage-
* T h e Signaling Connection Control Part
I MTP level 3
(SCCP) provides additional functions such as
Global Title Translation to the MTP to transfer
non-circuit-related signaling information such as
Data link
I MTP level 2
PCS registration and cancellation.
*The Transaction Capabilities Application
Physical I MTP level 1 I
Part (TCAP) provides the ability t o exchange
.~ _ . ~
information between applications using non-circuit
related signaling. W Figure 2. The SS7signalingprotocol.~ ~

*Integrated Services Digital Network User

Part (ISUP) establishes circuit-switched network
connections (e.g., call setupirelease). Pass-alongsig- two for SS7 signaling, and two for trunk (voice
naling service sends the signalinginformationto each circuit)connections [8].The signaling interfacesrep-
switching point involved in a call connection. resentsthe physical signalinglink connectionbetween
The IS-41 protocol [12, 1.51 is implemented in a PCN and the PSTN. The SS7 signaling inter-
the MAP as an application of the TCAP. The connection methods are described as follows:
wireless call setup/release is completed by using A-link signaling interface involvesA-linksfrom
the ISUP. The MTP and the SCCP provide rout- an MSC to a PSTN STP pair (Figs. 3a and c).
ing services between a PCN and the PSTN. OD-linksignaling interface involves D-links
from a PCN STP pair to a PSTN STP pair (Figs.
3b and d).
lnterconnection and Message The trunk interfaces represents a physical SS7-
Routing between supported trunkconnection between aPCN and the
PSTN. The types of the SS7 trunk interconnections
PCN and PSTN are described as follows:
*Type 2A with SS7 trunk interface provides
everal types of interconnections between a connection between a PCN and a PSTN tandem

S PCN and the PSTN have been described in

[8, 171. We describe four types of SS7 inter-
connection between a PCN and the PSTN (specif-
switch. The Type 2A with SS7 interfaces are shown
in Figs. 3a and b.
*Type 2B with SS7 trunk interface provides
ically, the local telephone networks) using SS7: connection between a PCN and a PSTN end office

IEEE Personal Communications June 1995 45

IS-41 Revisions B and C, but not in IS-41 Revision
A. The ISUP messages for wireless call control
(see the section on PCN/PSTN call control using
ISUP) are not delivered with GTT. Details of IS-
FacilitiesDirective REJECT RESPONSE
41 message routing can be found in Appendix B. The
- appendix describes the fields of an IS-41 message
HandoffMeasurementRequest INVOKE(Last) QUERYWITHPERMISSION which are used for the routing purpose and how
HandoffMeasurementRequest RETURN RESULT(Last) RESPONSE the routing procedure is performed.
HandoffMeasurementRequest RETURN ERROR RESPONSE
HandoffMeasurementReauest REJECT RESPONSE
Mobility Management

Using TCAP
wenty six TCAP operations2 are defined in

QualificationRequest RETURN RESULT(Last) RESPONSE
QualificationRequest RETURN ERROR RESPONSE IS-41.B [ 131 for three purposes: Inter-MSC
QualificationRequest REJECT RESPONSE Handoff [15], Automatic Roaming [12], and
Operations, Administration, and Maintenance
RegistrationCancellation INVOKE(Last) QUERYWITHPERMISSION [16]. The details of handoff and automatic roam-
RegistrationCancellation RETURN RESULT(Last) RESPONSE ing (mobility management) alternatives can be
RegistrationCancellation RETURN ERROR RESPONSE found in [21-271.
RegistrattonCancellation REJECT RESPONSE A TCAP message consists of two portions: the
RegistrationNotification INVOKE(Last) QUERYWITHPERMISSION Transaction Portion and the Component Portion.
RegistrationNotification RElllRN RESULT(Last) RESPONSE The Transaction Portion specifies the Package
RegistrationNotification RETURN ERROR RESPONSE Type. Four of the seven Package Types [5, 131 are
RegistrationNotification REJECT RESPONSE defined in IS-41.5-B.3
~YwI~PEREIIssIoNNnitiates aTCAP transaction
ServiceProfileRequest INVOKE(Last) QUERYWITHPERMISSION and informs the terminating node that it may ~

ServiceProfileRequest RETURN RESULT(La5t) RESPONSE end the TCAP transaction.

ServiceProfileRequest RETURN ERROR RESPONSE RESPONSEends the TCAP transaction.
- - ~ - ~
transaction and informs the destination node that
it may end the TCAP transaction.
UNIDIRECTIONAL sends information in one direction
switch. The Type 2B with SS7 interfaces are shown only with no reply expected.
in Figs. 3 c and d. The Component Portion specifies the number
Several applications that require calls to be and the types of components (operations) to be
tandemed (e.g., operator services and 800 call performed. Four of the six Component Types are
setup) are supported by Type 2A with SS7 inter- defined in IS-41 Revision B.4
face, but are not available to Type 2B with SS7 INVOKE (Last)is used to invoke an operation
interface. (such as location registration). “Last”indi-
Both Types 2A and 2B were originally support- cates that the operation is the last component
ed by multi-frequency (MF) signaling protocols in the Component Part.
[8]. Other interfaces supported by MF signaling RE”RESULT ( u st ) is used to retum the results
are Type 1, Type 2C for 911 emergency service of an invoked operation. If a node receives an
calls, and Type 2D for operator services. Both 911 INVOKE and the operation is executed success-
I A mobile user may also calls (Type 2C) and operator services (Type 2D) fully, the node shall respond with a RETURN
be assigned a Universal could be handled along with other types of calls RESULT.
Personal Telecommunica- on a Type 2A with SS7 interface. The details of RETURN ERROR is used to report the unsuccess-
tion (UPT) number. The MF signaling for PCN can be found in [SI. ful completion of an invoked operation. For
relationship between the We will show how signaling messages a r e example, the MIN in the INVOKE message is
UPT number and the deliveredwith the configurationsin Fig. 3. Basically, not currently serviced by the HLR.
MIN is illustrated in 1221. SS7 message routing is performed at the MTP REJECT is used to report the receipt and rejec-
This article assumes that and the SCCP of a node (SSP, STP, or SCP). At the tion of an incorrect Package or Component
a mobile user is identified MTP level, the signaling messages are delivered (e.g., ill-formatted). When a node receives a
by the MIN. with the actual destination address. The MTP level REJECT message, it stops its timer, exits the
receives messages from an adjacent node (SSP, current task, and performs error recovery.
In IS-41.C, 28 new oper- STP, or SCP) or from the TCAP (and thus the SCCP) Note that an SS7 transaction alwavs begins
< . ,

ations are expected to be layer or the ISUP layer of the same node. The with a query message (QueryWithPermission
included. Destination Point Code (DPC) of the message in IS-41), and ends with a response message
uniquely identifies the destination node. Routing to (Responsein IS-41). In IS-41,both the INVOKE and
In IS-41.C, another the destination node is determined by the MTP using the RETURN RESULT types are “Last”which
Package Type called Con- look-up tables. imply that every IS-41 TCAP message performs
versationWithoutPer- In the mobile application, every handset is exactly one operation. In an IS-41 implementa-
mission will be assigned a Mobile Identification Number (MIN).l tion, we may expect that operations such as
introduced. When an MIN is dialed, the originating node may authentication and registration notificationare com-
not have enough knowledge to identify the actual bined into a TCAPmessage. In the remainder of this
Same number of the address of the destination. In this case, the actual article, we omit the notation “Last.”All IS-41.B
Cvmponent Types are destinationaddress is translated by a technique called transactions are two-message (a query and a response)
expected in IS-41 Global Title Translation (GTT) performed at the transactions except for two cases.
Revision C. SCCP level of the protocol. GTT is supported in *A TCAP message with the operation FlashRe-

46 IEEE Personal Communications June 1995

._I_.^._ - -. ~
I /1 r- I /L I A

U 1427 Type S (D links)

Tandem MSC Tandem


(a) Type 2A with 557 trunk interface (b) Type 2A with 557 trunk interface
supported by a Type 5 A-link supported by a Type 5 D-link
signaling interface signaling interface


(d) Type 2B with 557 trunk interface

(c) Type 2B with 557 trunk interface supported by a Type S D-link
supported by a Type 5 A-link signaling interface
signaling interface
Figure 3. Types of interconnection between a PCN and the PSTN.

quest has a PackageType UNIDIRECTIONAL.Thismes- flows of IS-41 TCAP transactions. The TCAP mes-
sage is sent from the serving MSC to the anchor MSC sages described in these examples are summa-
to convey information for call control. No response rized in Table 1.
is expected from the anchor MSC, and no TCAP
transaction is established. This message is defined Inter-MSC Handoff
in IS-41 Revisions B and C, but is not supported The inter-MSC handoff procedures are defined
in IS-41 Revision A [12]. in IS-41.2 [15]. We assume that the inter-MSC
* A TCAP transaction including the operation handoff occurs within a PCN, and the SS7 mes-
FacilitiesDirective consists of three messages sages are not delivered t o the PSTN. Figure 4
exchanges. We will elaborate on this transaction illustrates the IS-41 TCAP message flow for
later. handoff-forward. In this figure, a communicating
(In IS-41.C,other transactionssuch as “inter-MSC handset (mobile user) moves out of the base sta-
setup” also involve more than two messages.) IS-41 tion servedby MSC A. Two transactionsare required
TCAP uses SCCP Class 0 connectionless service to perform inter-MSC handoff.
[4] that provides efficient routing without main-
taining message sequencing between two or more Transaction 7 - MSC A sends a HandoffMea-
messages from the same originating node. Message surementRequest (INVOKE) to the candidate
sequencing is implied in the two-message IS-41 MSC B, and waits for the response from MSC B.
transactions. For the three-message IS-41 transac- When MSC B receives the HandoffMeasure-
tions described above, message sequencing is also mentRequest (INVOKE),it selectsacandidate base For simplicity, we
guaranteed (to be elaborated). station BS2for handoff. If nocandidate base station express an IS-41 TCAP
Every IS-41 TCAP transaction accompaniesa time- is found, MSC B may exit this transaction. Other- message as a pair “Opera-
out constraint. Typically, recovery procedures wise, MSC B sends a HandoffMeasurementRe- tion (Package Type)” or
(definedinIS-41.4B [16]) areexecutedwhen a timer quest (RETURN RESULT) to MSC A.6 “Component Type.”
expires. For most IS-41 transactions timer expira-
..tion is considered as an error (i.e., the arrival of a Transadeon2 - Before this transaction is started, The result includes the
RETURN ERROR TCAP message). MSC A checks if the handset has made too many signal quality parameter
We use two examples to illustrate the message handoffs or if inter-MSC trunks are not available. values.

IEEE Personal Communications June 1995 47

Transaction 2 is a three-message transaction.
Like Transaction 1,Transaction 2is initiated bythe
QUERYWITHPERMISSION message FacilitiesDirective
(INVOKE)from MSC A. MSC B replies with a
Channel (INVOKE)sent from MSC B to MSC A
has a Package Type RESPONSE,which terminates
the transaction. Note that the FacilitiesDirective
(RETURN)and the MobileOnChannel (INVOKE)
must be received by MSC A in the order they are
sent. The communication between MSC A, the
handset, and MSC B through the air interface
guaranteesthat MSCBwillnotsendthe MobileOn-
/ _ _ _ _ _ _ ......____._......~~....~~~~~..~~~~.....~~~~.~...~,
C h a n n e l (INVOKE) message before MSC A
HandoffMeasurementRequest (INVOKE) receives the FacilitiesDirective (RETURN)mes-
sage. Thus, number sequencing is achieved with
@+ HandoffMeasurementRequest (RETURN RESULT) the connectionless service.
At the beginning of Transaction 1, MSC A
sets a 7-second timer ( L M M R T ) . I f L M M R T
FacilitiesDirective (INVOKE) expires before the HandoffMeasurementRe-
c quest (RETURN)arrives, MSC A exits this trans-

FacilitiesDirective (RETURN RESULT) action and performs some actions (e.g., blocks
the handoff call). If MSC A receives the Hand-
OffMeasurementRequest (RETURN) afterLMMRT
has expired, then it sends a HandoffMeasure-
MobileOnChannel (INVOKE) mentRequest (REJECT) message to inform MSC
B that Transaction 1 has been terminated without
completion. At the beginning of Transaction 2,
MSC A sets a 12-second timer HOT. If H O T
expires before the FacilitiesDirective (RETURN)
arrives, MSC A exits Transaction 2 and releases
associated inter-MSC facilities (see Section 4.3
in [15]). If MSC A receives the RETURN message
MSC A exits this transaction, and the hand-off call from MSC B, it stops HOT. MSC A expects to
maybeforcedterminatedif there are toomanyhand- receive subsequent messages from MSC B, and
offs or if there are no trunks. Otherwise, MSC A another 7-second timer HMOT is set. If HMOT
sends a FacilitiesDirective (INVOKE) to MSC B. expires before the MobileOnChannel (INVOKE)
When MSC B receives the FacilitiesDirective arrives,then MSCAexitsTransaction 2 and reclaims
(INVOKE),it replies with a FacilitiesDirective the resources.
(RETURN ERROR) if no voice channel is available
in BS2.' If BS2 is available to accommodate the Mobile Registration
call, MSC B replies with a FacilitiesDirective Figure 5 illustrates the message flow for the regis-
( R E T " RESULT) to MSC A. tration and validation process as a mobile user
When MSC A receives the FacilitiesDirective roams from PCN 1 to PCN 2. This figure assumes
(RETURN), one of the following two events occurs. that an MSC and the corresponding VLR are
If the message is a RETURN ERROR,then MSC A connected by an STP. In reality, it is more likely
executes recovery procedures and exits the trans- that the VLR is collocated with the MSC. The
action. If the message is a R E T " RESULT,then process consists of six two-message TCAP trans-
MSC A sends the handset a handoff order. actions. When MSC 2 detects that the mobile
After the handset is connected to BS2, MSC B user is in its service area, it initiates Transaction 1
sends a MobileOnChannel (INVOKE)to MSCAand witha RegistrationNotification (INVOKE) toitsVLR
exits this transaction. (VLR 2).
When MSC A receives the MobileOnChannel If both MSCs 1 and 2 are served by VLR2,
(INVOKE),it connects the call path (trunk) to VLR 2 finds that the mobile user had previously
MSC B and exits this transaction. registered with an MSC within the domain of
VLR 2. In this case, VLR 2 may take no further
T h e IS-41 TCAP messages are delivered action other than to record the identity of MSC 1.
through the PCN SS7 signaling links. (See dashed Otherwise, VLR 2 initiates Transaction 2 by
links 1 and 2 in Fig. 4. In this example, an STP is sending a RegistrationNotification (INVOKE)to

in the signaling path.) Before the handoff, the the mobile user's HLR. Note that this TCAP
voice path is (3) ++ (4) ++ (5). If the handoff is message is likely to be routed by using the global
successful, the new voice path is ( 3 ) H (4) H (6) title translation because VLR 2 may not recog-
(7). nize the actual address of the HLR by the mobile
The error code of the Transaction 1is a typical two-message IS-41trans- user's MIN. Thus, the mobile user's MIN is used
message is resource action . T h e H a n d off Me a s u r e m e nt Req u est as the global title address, and the translation
shortage[13]. (INVOKE)is of type QUERYWITHPERMISSION. With type of the message is marked "3"for CellularNation-
this Package Type, MSC A implies that MSC B wide Roaming Services (see Appendix B for more
The result includes the may end this transaction after the response is details). Our example assumes that STP 3 will per-
parameters of the selected sent. The message replied from MSC B is of type formGTT(i.e.,theDPCof themessage points to STP
voice channel. RESPONSE,which terminates the transaction. 3). After global title translation,the actual destination

48 IEEE Personal Communications June 1995


RegistrationNotifica‘ion (INVOKE)

t 6- RegistrationNotification (RETURN RESULT)

Registrationcancellat o n (INVOKE)

RegistrationCancellat on (RETURN RESULT)

Registrationcan dlation (INVOKE)

d Registrationcan illation (RETURN RESULT)

QualificationRequest (INVOKE)

d‘ QualificationReques’ (RETURN RESULT)


ServiceProfileReques: (INVOKE)

ServiceProfileRequesI(RETURN RESULT

W Figure 5.7s-41 TCAP message flow for mobile registration.

address is found. STP 3 forwards this message to STF’ a registration record for the mobile user, and
2 and thus to the HLR. The HLR confirms the reg- may send a QualificationRequest (INVOKE)to
istration by sending a Registration N o t if ica t i o n the HLR in order to authenticate the mobile user
(RETURN RESULT) to VLR 2. This message may (see Transaction 5) [18].
be delivered without global title translation VLR 2 may also send a ServiceProfileRequest
because the actual address of VLR 2 is included (INVOKE)to the HLR to obtain the service pro-
as part of the SCCP in the previous Registra- file for the roaming mobile user (see Transaction 6).
tionNotification (INVOKE)sent from VLR 2 to the Transaction 6 is required in some call delivery
HLR. Note that Transaction 2 is nested within schemes [21,24].
Transaction 1.
The HLR sends a RegistrationCancellation
(INVOKE)to the mobile user’s previously visited PCNIPSTN Call Control
VLR (VLR 1) to cancel the obsolete registration
record (see Transaction 3). T h e cancellation Using I S U P
propagates to MSC 1 (see Transaction 4). Since
the actual address of VLR 1 has been recorded in he ISUP messages a r e used for call
the HLR (in the previous registration operation),
the cancellation message may be delivered by
using the actual HLR address (Le., no GTT is
T setuphelease between the PSTN and a PCN
in the interconnection networks using Type
2A or Type 2B with SS7 trunk interfaces (see the
required). Note that the cancellation process (see section, “Interconnection and Message Routing
Transactions 3 and 4) can be performed at any between PCN and PSTN”). Nine of the 57 ISUP
time after Transaction 2. message types [2] are discussed in this section for
After Transaction 2 is completed, VLR 2creates basic call setup. Figure 6 illustrates the typical

IEEE Personal Communications June 1995 49

. .
Note that if the called party is a wireline user,
the busy line situation is not detected until Step 3.

Step I - After the mobile user’s TLDN is known,

the EO sends an Initial Address Message (IAM)9
to the PCN MSC to initiate signalingfor trunk setup.
The EO marks the circuit busy, and the informa-
tion is carried by the IAM. The IAM also indi-
cates whether a contimi9 check is required (to be
described in the next step). The IAM progresses
switch-to-switch via the STPs to the PCN MSC
(the message follows the path (1) 4 (2) + (3) +
(4) + (5) in Fig. 6). When the IAM is sent, an
IAM timer is set at the EO. The EO expectsto receive
a response from the MSC within the timeout
ACM ACM period.
+ Step 3
Step 4 Step 2 (if necessary) - If the IAM sent from the
E O to the tandem specifies a continuity check,
the selected trunk from the tandem to the EO is

Step 5 - REL
checked to ensure a satisfactory transmission
path. After the continuity check is successfully
completed, a Continuity Message (COT) is sent
from the E O to the tandem, and the trunk is set
up. The same procedure could be performed
when the MSC receives the IAM from the tan-

Signaling path from Step3 - When the IAM arrivesat the MSC, the MSC
PSTN to PCN pages the mobile user. One of the following three
Signaling path from
PCN to PSTN e4bQ+e-.9 events occurs:
-The mobile user is connected with another
call (the call setup occurs between the end of
m g K 6 . Typical message flowfor Type 24 with Sfiland-to-mobile call setup

Step 0 and the end of Step 2). This situation is

and release involving a tandem switch. referred to as Call Collision in Fig. 8, IS-41.3 [12].
Either the call is processed with call forwarding
or callwaiting.Or the MSCreturns an RELmessage
message flow for Type 2A with SS7 land-to-mobile to the EO (to be described in Step 5) with a cause
call setuphelease involving a tandem switch (see Fig. indicating the busy line.
3b). For other interconnection configurations, the *If the mobile user is idle, an Address Com- I
message flows between the originating switch and plete Message (ACM) is sent from the MSC to
the terminating switch are the same although the sig- the EO. The message indicatesthat the routing infor-
naling and trunk paths may be different. mation required to complete the call has been
The call setup procedure is described in the received by the MSC. The message also informs
following steps [2, 7, 101. the E O of the mobile user information, charge
Note that Steps 1-6 of the call setup procedure indications, and end-to-end protocol requirements.
is general and is not unique to the mobile appli- The MSC provides an audible ring through the
cations. These steps are presented to provide the setup trunk to the calling party. When the EO receives
reader a complete message flow of wireline-to- the ACM, the IAM timer is stopped. The ACM
wireless call setup. (and other ISUP messages) sent from the MSC
to the EO follows the path (5) + (4) + (2) + (3)
Step 0 - When an MIN is dialed, the E O notices --;r (1) in Fig. 6.
that the number is for wireless service. The EO *Ifthemobileuserdoesnot answerthe page, the
sends a query message to obtain the mobile user’s MSC may redirect the call based on an appropri-
Temporary Local Directory Number (TLDN) ate procedure or return an REL message to the
[14]. The messages exchanged among switches, EO (see Fig. 7 in IS-41.3 [12]).
VLR, and HLR are TCAP messages described in
Fig. 2, IS-41.3 [12]. These messages may be deliv- Step 4 - When the mobile user answers the call,
ered with or without GTT. This example assumes an Answer Message (ANM) is sent from t h e
that the EO has the capability to query the HLR. MSC to the EO to indicate that the call has been
(Otherwise, the MIN must be routed from the EO answered. At this moment, the call is established
to a specific switch for location query and call (through the trunk path (6) and (7) in Fig. 6) and
setup [9].) the conversation begins.
If the called party (mobile user) is busy,
the situation is detected at this stage and a busy Step 5 - After the conversation is finished, the
indication is returned to the calling party (see call can be disconnected with procedures depend-
The ISUP messages Fig. 3 in IS-41.3 [12]). If the mobile user has call ing upon who hangs up first. Figure 6 assumes
akcn‘bed in thefollowing forwarding or call waiting services, the busy line that the calling party hangs up first. (In the next
steps are delivered by situation is handled differently (see Figs. 6 and 9 example, we will illustrate the case when the
MTP routing. in [12]). called party hangs up first.) T h e EO sends a

50 IEEE Personal Communications June 1995

__ __ --
Release Message ( R E L ) t o indicate that the
specified trunk is being released from the con-
nection. The specified trunk is released before
the R E L is sent, but the trunk is not set idle at
the EO until a RLC message (see the next step) is

Step 6 - When the MSC receives the REL prop-

agated from the EO, it replies with a Release
Complete Message (RLC) to confirm that the
indicated trunk has been placed in an idle state. After
the RLC is sent, the E O (the tandem) waits for
0.5 to 1second before it seizes the released trunk for
the next call.

Figure 7 illustrates the message flow for a call 1 I

setup from a mobile user to a wireline user. The
PSTNiPCN interconnection follows the configu-
ration in Fig. 3a. In this example, two Local
Exchange Carriers LEC1, LEC2, (local telephone
companies) and an Interexchange Carrier IXC (a
long distance telephone company) are in the call
setup path. I Conversation I
The message flow for call setup is very similar
to the previous example except that an Exit mes-
sage (EXM) is sent from Tandem 1 to the MSC to
indicate that SS7 call setup information has suc-
cessfully progressed to the IXC. The EXM is sent
to the MSC when Tandem 1 has received an ACM,
ANM or R E L from the IXC or when an EXM -~ _ _ - _ _ _ _ -. ____
timer expires at Tandem 1. (Our example assumes Figure 7.Typical messageflow for Type 2A with SS7mobile-to-land call setup
that the EXM timer expires first.) The timer is and release involving a tandem switch.
set after an IAM is sent from Tandem 1 to the IXC.
The sending of the EXM does not affect the com-
pletion of any continuity check required on the
trunkbetween theMSCandTandem 1 . 0 n theother
Conclusions and Further
hand, if a COT code “continuity check failed” is Reading
received for this trunk, the EXM is not sent to
the MSC. e have discussed the SS7-supported
The call release procedure in this example
assumes that t h e called party hangs up first,
which is different from the previous example.
W interactions between PSTN and PCN.
Specifically,we assumed that the mobile
communications protocol is IS-41. The purpose
When the called party (the wireline user in this of this article is to provide a quick overview of
example) hangs up the phone, a Suspend Mes- the wireless-related signaling.
sage (SUS) is sent from the E O at LEC2 to the We described two types of SS7-supported
MSC to indicate that the called party has discon- trunk connections, and two types of signaling
nected. The EO expects one of the following two links between a PCN and the PSTN. If the trunk
events to occur within a timeout period (14-16 is connected from the PCN to a PSTN end office,
seconds). then 911 calls and operator services may not be
An RELfrom the MSCis received by the EO. The supported. These servicesonly are supportedvia the
EO disconnects the trunk. PCN trunkconnected to a PSTN access tandem. The
T h e called party goes back off-hook. T h e reader is referred to [8, 171 for more details.
connection continues, and a Resume Mes- All messages for mobility management are
sage ( R E S ) is s e n t f r o m t h e E O t o t h e implemented by the TCAP of SS7. Signaling mes-
MSC (not shown in Fig. 7). The SUS timer is sages related to call setupirelease are implement-
stopped. ed by the ISUP of SS7. All signaling messages are
If the SUS timer expires, the E O disconnects routed between PCN and PSTN by the MTP and
the trunk, and an REL is sent to the MSC. Upon SCCP of the SS7 protocols.
the receipt of the SUS, the MSC expects one of If the actual destination address is known, the
the following three events to occur within a time- IS-41 TCAP messages a r e delivered without
out period (10-32 seconds). global title translation. All ISUP messages for
The calling party hangs up. The MSC sends an call control are delivered without global title
REL to the EO and disconnects the trunk. translation. For IS-41TCAP messagesusing the mobile
An R E L (from the EO) arrives at the MSC. users’ MINs, the actual destination addresses
The MSC disconnects the trunk. may not be known. The destination addresses are
An RES (from the EO) arrives at the MSC. translated by the SCCP using global title transla-
The SUS timer is stopped and the connection con- tion. The reader is referred to [6,9, 111 for fur-
.. tinues. ther reading.
If the SUS timer expires, the MSC disconnects IS-41 mobility management is implemented by
the trunk. TCAP with efficient connectionless service (i.e.,

IEEE Personal Communications June 1995 51

out-of-order message delivery). Message sequenc- Automatic roaming, Technical Report 15-41.3-8. EIAITIA. 1991.
[131 EIAITIA. Cellular radio-telecommunications intersystem opera-
ing is guaranteed by the simple two-message (a query tions: Data communications.Technica1ReportlS-41.5-6,EIMIA, 1991
and a response) TCAP transactions. The reader is [14] ElMIA. Cellular radio-telecommunications intersystem operations:
Functional overview. Technical Report IS-41 1-6, EIMIA. 1991
referred to [ 12, 15, 19) for further reading. [151 EIAITIA, Cellular radio-telecommunications intersystem operations:
Call setup/release between a PCN and the Intersystem handoff, Technical Report IS-41.2-E. EIAITIA, 1991
1161 EIAITIA, Cellular radio-telecommunications intersystem opera-
PSTN follows standard ISUP procedures. tions Operations. administration. and maintenance. TechnicalReport
In the PSTN’s view, PCN call control is similar IS-41.4-6. EIMIA. 1991
to other applications such as 800 service. The 1171 EIMIA. Cellular radio telecommunications interfacesstandard. Tech-
nical Report 15-93, EIAITIA. 1993
reader is referred to [6, 101 for further reading. [181 EIAITIA. Cellular radiotelecommunications intersystem operations
authentication. signaling message encryption and voice privacy.
Acknowledgment Technical Report TSB-51, EIAITIA, 1993.
[191 EIAITIA, Cellular Intersystem Operations - Baseline Text Draft 3
The professional review process provided by 9-2-94 (15-41 Rev. C ) . Technical Report PN-2991, EIAITIA, 1994
[201 M. Mouly and M.-B. Pautet. The GSM System for Mobile Communi-
Hamid Ahmadi is highly appreciated. Li-Fung Chang, cations, M Mouly. 49 rue Louise Bruneau, Palaiseau, France, 1992.
Zheng Chen, Robert Ephraim, Dipak Ghosal, Chris [211 R. Jain e t al.. “A caching strategy t o reduce network impacts of
Holmgren, Don Lukacs, Bob Schaefer, Howard PCS.”lEEEJSAC,vol. 12, no.8. 1994, pp. 1434-1445.
1221 5 Mohan and R Jain, Two user location strategies for personal
Sherry, Ding G. Wang, Fu-Lin Wu, and the anony- communications services IPCS). IEEE Personal Commun.. vol. 1.
mous reviewer provided valuable comments to no. 1, 1Q 1994, pp. 42-50
[231S. Tekinaty and B. Ja bbari, ”Handover policies and channel assignment
improve the quality of this article. strategiesin mobilecellularnetworks.”IEEECommun.Mag., vol 29, no
11, Nov. 1991.
References I241 YB: . Lin. “Determining the user locations for personal communi-
cations networks,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol.. vol. 43, no. 3, 1994.
[11 A. R. Modarressi. and R. A. Skoog. Signaling System No. 7: A Tutorial,
pp. 466-473.
IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 28, no 7, July 1990.
1251Y -B. Lin, and A Noerpel. “Implicit Deregistration in a PCS Network.”
[21 ANSI, American national standard for telecommunications - Signaling
IEEE Trans Veh Technol , vol 43. no. 4, 1994, pp. 1006-1010.
system number 7: Integrated services digital network (ISDN) user
[26]Y -6. Lin. S Mohan, and A Noerpel. “Queueing Priority ChannelAssign-
part, Issue 2, Rev. 2, Technical Report ANSI 11.1 13, ANSI, 1992.
ment Strategiesfor Handoff and Initial Access fora PCS Network.” IEEE
[31 ANSI, American national standard for telecommunications - Sig-
Trans. Veh Technol , vol 43. no. 3, 1994. pp. 704-712
naling system number 7: Message transfer part (MTP), Issue 2,
[27] Y -B. Lin, S . Mohan,and A. Noerpel. “Channel Assignment Strate-
Rev. 2, Technical Report ANSI 11.111, ANSI, 1992.
gies for Hand-off and Initial Access for a PCS Network.” IEEE Pers.
(41 ANSI, American national standard for telecommunications - Sig-
Commun , vol 1, no. 3. 3 0 1994, pp. 47-56
naling system number 7: Signaling connection control part
(SCCP). Issue 2, Rev. 2, Technical Report ANSI 11.112, ANSI, 1992
151 ANSI, American national standard for telecommunications - Sig-
naling system number 7. Transaction capabilities application part
(TUP). Issue 2, Rev. 2, Technical Report ANSI T1.114. ANSI, 1992. YI-BING LIN received a B S E E. from National Cheng Kung University in
161 Bellcore Bell Communications Research specification of signaling 1983. and a Ph.D in computer science from the University of Wash-
system number 7, Issue 2, Technical Report TR-NWT-000246, ington in 1990. Since then, he has been w i t h the Applied Research
Bellcore. 1991 Area at Bellcore. Morristown. New Jersey. His current research inter-
[71 Bellcore. Common channel signaling network interface specifica- ests include design and analysis of personal communications services
tion supporting network interconnection, message transfer part, network, distributed simulation, and performance modeling. He i s a
and integrated services digital network user part, Issue 2, Techni- subject area editor of the Journal o f Parallel and Distributed Computing,
cal Report TR-TSV-000905,Bellcore, 1993. an associateeditor of the International Journal in Computer Simulation, an
181 Bellcore. Compatibility information for interconnection of a wireless associateeditor of SIMULATION magazine.a memberof theeditorial board
services provider and a local exchange carrier network, Issue 2, of the lnternationallournalof Communications, a member of the editorial
Technical Report TR-NPL-000145.Bellcore, 1993. board of Computer Simulation Modeling and Analysis, program chair
[91 Bellcore, PCS Access services interface specification i n support of for the 8th Workshop on Distributed and Parallel Simulation, and Gen-
PCS routing service. PCS home database service, and PCS IS-41 eral Chair for the 9th Workshop on Distributed and Parallel Simula-
message transport service. Issue 1, Technical Report TA-TSV- tion. Heis an adjunct researchfellow at the Centerforlelecommunications
001411, Bellcore. 1993. Research, National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan. R. 0. C.
[ l o 1 Bellcore. CCS Network Interface Specification Supporting Wireless
Services Providers, Issue 1, Technical Report GR-1434-CORE. STEVEN K. DEVRIEShas been involved with the 557 protocol since 1985
Bellcore, 1994. as a technical manager and a network planner for Illinois Bell. Since
1111 Bellcore. LSSGR: Common Channel Signaling Section 6.5. Techni- 1991 he has been an instructor in the Intelligent Network district at
cal Report GR-606-CORE, Bellcore. 1994. Bellcore TEC in Lisle. Illinois, where he teaches various 557, network,
I121 ElAITlA Cellular radio-telecommunications intersystem operations: and wireless courses.

Appendix A - Acronym List

AC Authentication Center IXC Interexchange Carrier SIC Service Indicator Code
ACM Address Complete Message LEC Local Exchange Carrier SCCP Signaling Connection Control
ANM Answer Message MAP Mobile Application Part Part
CCS Common Channel Signaling MF Multi-frequency Signaling SCP Service Control Point
COT Continuity Message MSC Mobile Switching Center SLS Signaling Link Selection
DPC Destination Point Code MTP Message Transfer Part SPC Signaling Point Code
EIR Equipment Identification OMAP Operations, Maintenance, SSP Service Switching Point
Register Administration Part OPC ss7 Signaling System No. 7
EO End Office Originating Point Code SSN Subsystem Number
EXM Exit Message OS1 Open System Interconnection STP Signaling Transfer Point
GT Global Title PCN PCS Network sus Suspend Message
G7T Global Title Translation PCS Personal Communications TCAP Transaction Capabilities
HLR Home Location Register Services Application Part
IAM Initial Address Message PSTN Public Switched Telephone TLDN Temporary Local Directory
IS-41 EIA/TIA Interim Standard: Network Number
Cellular Radio- REL Release Message UDT UnitData
Telecommunications RES Resume Message UDTS UnitData Service
Inter-System Operations RI Routing Indicator Code UPT Universal Personal
ISUP Integrated Services Digital RLC Release Complete Message Telecommunication
Network User Part SAC Service Access Code VLR Visitor Location Register

52 IEEE Personal Communications June 1995

1 .

Appendix B - IS-47 Message Routing

lS-47 MTPISCCP Destination Point Code (DPC) - A 9-digit
number that uniquely identifies the node that
Message Format the message is bound for.
Figure 8a illustrates the fields of the IS-41 message Originating Point Code (OPC) - A 9-digit
that will be processed in the MTP. The fields are number that uniquely identifies the node that
described below. the message came from.
Signaling Link Selection (SLS) - This field is
Priority - There are four priority levels (levels 0-3
with 3 as the highest) with each message signal unit
(MSU). Priorities are only used during periods of S-41 mobility management is implemented
congestion and only priority levels 0 through 2 by TCAP with ejficient connectionless service. Message
can be discarded. Normally this field is ignored.
IS-41 message priority levels are either 0 or 1. sequencing is guaranteed by the simple two-message (a
Priority 0 is for information and status such as
RegistrationNotificationand Registrationcancel-
quely and a response) TCAP transactions.
lation (see section on mobility management using
TCAP). Priority 1 is for establishing calls (e.g., used for load sharing. SLS selects an outgoing
trunk or radio channel reservation/release) such linkset and link to the next node.
as FacilitiesDirective and MobileOnChannel In the U. S., DPC/OPC is structured in three
(see section on interMSC handoff). levels (network identifier, network cluster, and
network cluster member) to hierarchically specify
S e m k e lndicator Code (SKI - This field indicates the destinationiorigination node.
the upper SS7 layer that will process the message.
There are 12 SIC values. Among them, a value of 3 Besides DPC and OPC, the following fields of
represents SCCP (e.g., the IS-41 TCAP message), an IS-41 message are processed by the SCCP
and a value of 5 represents ISUP (e.g., the wire- (Fig. 8b).
lesdwireline call setuphelease message).
Message Type - This field uniquely defines the
Routing Label- This field contains the information function and format of each SCCP message.
necessary to deliver the message to its destination Eighteen message typeswere defined for the SCCP.
point. There are three sub-fields. Two message types are introduced in this article.

-,,' Priority = 0 or 1
SIC = 3

[ T I
(a) The MTP message (b) The SCCP message

- .1

i RI = 0

RI = 1 Address GT ind. = 2
GT ind. = 0
SPC ind. = 0
SPC ind. = 1
SSN ind. = 1
SSN ind. = 1


GT translation type
GT address Address

(c) Calledlcalling party address format (d) Called/calling party address format
(without global title translation) (with global title translation)

~ _- ~
~- -
W Figure 8 The IS-41message format (only SCCPMTP-related fields are shown).

IEEE Personal Communications June 1995 53

do not require in-sequence delivery.We have shown
how in-sequencedelivery is guaranteed in IS-41 trans-
myeY Pointers - These fields point to the beginning of
the called, calling, and data fields.

CalZed/CallingParty Address - These fields have

and set
a length indicator and the following sub-fields
return (Figs. 8 c and d).
Address Indicator -This field indicates the type
of addressinformationcontained in the called/call-
ing party, as follows:
National/International - indicates whether
the address coding is based on the U.S. stan-
dard or the international standard.
RoutingIndicator-(RI) identifieswhichaddress
RI=l element should be used for routing. If RI = 0,
the routing uses the global title in the address.
No If RI = 1, the routing uses DPC (in the routing
Yes label) and the subsystem number (to be elabo-
rated) in the called party.
Global Title Indicator - There are four num-
U bers assigned for U.S. networks. IS-41 messages
use two of the four types: Code 0 indicates that
no global title is included, and Code 2 indicates
that global title includestranslation type only (i.e.,
the GTT is performed by using the GT translation
type and the GT address; see the address field).
Point CodeIndicator-Thevalue 1indicates that
the address contains a signaling point code.
Subsystem Indicator-Thevalue 1 indicates that
the address contains a subsystem number.
When aglobal title is used, the address should also
W Figure 9. The SCCP routingprocedures for IS-41messages. contain a subsystem number, and thus the sub-
system indicator is 1.

Address - This field is of variable length. The

The normal IS-41 messages are of type 9 (Unit- various elements,when provided, occur in the order
DaTa or UDT). The SCCP returns a UnitDaTa described below.
Service message (UDTS; SCCP message type 10)
when a received UDT message cannot be deliv- 7 ) Signaling Point Code (SPC) - The code has
ered to the specified destination and has the the same format as OPCIDPC. When an originat-
“return message on error” option set. (See the Option ing node sends an IS-41 message with a global
field.) title, the OPC of the message is replaced by the
address of the STP that performs the G’IT. Thus, the
Option - This field is used to decide whether to SCCP calling party address field should include
“return” on error or not. Rulesfor selectingthe option the SPC and the SSN of the originating node.
values are not defined in IS-41.
2) Global Title - The IS-41 messages use type 2
Protocol Class - The SCCP provides four classes (see global title indicator field) global title trans-
of connection/connectionless service. The IS-41 lation, and the global title consists of two ele-
messages are supported by the basic connection- ments.
less service (Class 0 service). This service does GT translation type-The translation type isused
not provide for segmenting/reassembling, flow to direct the message to the appropriate global
control or in-sequence delivery. title translation table. It may also provide the
Note that with the segmenting/reassembling context under which the global title digits are
function, a message exceeding 255 bytes is seg- to be interpreted. For example, Code 254 rep-
mented into more than one SCCP data transfer resents 800 service translation. Code 003 (cel-
message.When the destination SCCP receivesthese lular nationwide roaming) is used for the IS-41
messages, it reassembles the original message for messages.
deliveryto the destination SCCP user. Although the GT address - The global title address in an IS-
segmentindreassembling function is not used in the 41 message is the 10-digit MIN, or the dialed
IS-41 standard, we expect that this function (i.e., mobile number.
Class 1service)maybe required in some IS-41 imple- Global title may be used in a calling party address.
mentations where long user profile messages are This is optional depending on the security require-
exchanged. ments of network interconnections.
With in-sequence delivery, the SCCP sets the
signallink selection (SLS) code to the samevalue for 3) Subsystem Number (SSN) - This field identifies
all messages in the message stream. IS-41 messages an SCCPapplication functionat the destinationnode.

54 IEEE Personal Communications June 1995

Six of the fourteen SSNs are described in IS-41.
SSN 5 Mobile Application Part (MAP) all setuplrelease between a PCN and the
SSN 6 Home Location Register (HLR)
SSN 7 Visitor Location Register (VLR) PSTN follows standard ISUP procedures. In the P S T N s
SSN 8 Mobile Switching Center (MSC) view, PCN call control is similar to other applications such
SSN 9 Equipment Identification Register
(EIR). This code is reserved in IS-41. as 800 service.
SSN 10 Authentication Center (AC). This code
is reserved in IS-41 B but will be accommodated Case 1.1.2 (Step 10)The DPC is not the node itself.
in IS-41 C. There are two possibilities.
If GTT is required, the address of an IS-41 *Case (Step 1l)] If the DPC cannot be
message always contains a subsystem number. used to deliver the message, an error occurs.
Before GTT, the SSN is encoded 0. After the The Return procedure is invoked (Step 5).
translation, the actual SSN is given. *Case (Step 11) If the DPC is appro-
priate, the message will be sent to the MTP
for delivery. If RI = 1 (Step 12),it implies that
The Routing Procedure G'IT will not be performed. In this case, an
appropriate SSN is required (Step 14) before
igure 9 illustrates the SCCP routing for an the message is sent to the MTP (Step 17).
IS-41 message. We note that this procedure If R I = 0 at Step 12, GTT is necessary.
is ageneral routing procedure and is not unique Since the actual SSN is not expected before
to IS-41. The message processed by the SCCP may the GTT, the message is sent directly to the
came from the MTP layer or the TCAP layer. MTP without checking the SSN status.
Case 7 Case 7.2 (the DPC is not specified at Step 7)- A
The IS-41 message is transferred from the TCAP GTT is required to find the DPC (and the SSN).
to the SCCP (Step 1 in Fig. 9). A UDT message This case occurs when an MIN is used to access
is constructed based on the information provid- theHLR.IfRI= 1atStep8(noGTTrequired),then
ed by the MAP/TCAP (Step 4). One of the fol- an error occurs. If RI = 0, GTT is performed at
lowing two events occurs. Step 6. Before the translation, the SSN is 0, the
translation type is 3 (Cellular Nationwide Roaming
Case 1 . 7 - (the DPC is specified at Step 7). There Services), and the global title is the 10-digit MIN.
are two possibilities. Since the G T indicator is 2 for an IS-41 message,
Case 1.1.1 (Step 10) The DPC is the node itself. the 10-digitMIN and the translation type are used for
In this case, no G7T is required. Next, the Called the translation. After the translation, both the
Party Field is examined. If RI = 0, it must be a DPC and the SSN are specified, and the routingpro-
mistake and the Return procedure is invoked cedure proceeds to Step 10 (see Case 1.1). If the
(Step 5). The Return procedure returns or dis- translation fails (e.g., the MIN is not recognized
cards IS-41 messages (based on the option field) at Step 9), the Return procedure is invoked.
which encounter routing failures and cannot
be delivered to their final destination. Case 2
If RI = 1, the SSN in the SCCP field is used The IS-41 message is transferred from the MTP to
to determine the local subsystem (e.g., HLR, the SCCP (Step 2 in Fig. 9). If RI = 1 (Step 3), then
VLR, and so on). If an appropriate subsystem the receiving SCCP is the termination point of
number is indicated in the message (Step 15), the message. The action taken is the same as Step
then the message is forwarded to that SSN 15 at Case 1.1.1 (with RI = 1). If RI = 0, then the
TCAP layer (e.g., a query is sent to the HLR to G 7 T is required. The Steps 6 and 9 are performed
access the user profile) at Step 16. Otherwise, as in Case 1.2. After the GTT is performed, the
an error occurs, and the Return procedure is situation is the same as Case 1.1 except that RI = 0
invoked (Step 5). when the message is processed at Steps 12 or 13.

IEEE Personal Communications June 1995 55

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