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Transcript 1

(No role clarity) (team coordination) (Power distance relation ) (team involvement)
(scientific management) (self -regulation Golman’s theory) (self regulation and correction ) .

(self regulation and (self awareness) (communication skills )

(Theory Y) (acceptance) (confrontation -communication skills) (human skills )

The respondent C showcased a personality who is open to change and accepting and agreeable as we
can infer from the categories Issues of dislike , Cross func. And inter departmental issues and work
life balance. According to the OCEAN framework or Big five Factor theory of personality , given
by Mcrae and Costa a personality trait is a characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, or behaving
that tends to be consistent over time and across relevant situations , the Big Five—Extraversion,
Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism and Openness to Experience—are a set of five
broad, bipolar trait dimensions that constitute the most widely used model of personality structure.
The respondent potrayed an ideal type of Johari window as he gives and takes negative feedback
and works upon them equally both and thus have a reduced blind self and more of real self. The
managerial skills portrayed by respondent C are – human skills as he is good at communicating his
feelings and understanding the feelings of others and acting accordingly. He displayed working by
the idea of Theory Y of motivation which views people as humans and not machines and thus as a
product of feelings , environment and situations. The respondent however has no role clarity about
his role as he performs varied tasks and one merges into another at times as described in Job
characteristics model n role clarity can lead to negative consequences. He also portrayed Taylor’s
scientific management principle when he describes about training in specific field. He also displayed
Emotional stability through self-regulation , self-awareness , motivating employees under him at
several occasions where the theory is provided by Golman. The respondent also showcased
important managerial skills such as communication skills , team involvement , team coordination etc.

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