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REVIEW ARTICLE Drugs 2012; 72 (12): 1645-1669


Adis ª 2012 Springer International Publishing AG. All rights reserved.

Analgesics in Patients with Hepatic

Pharmacology and Clinical Implications
Marija Bosilkovska,1 Bernhard Walder,2 Marie Besson,1 Youssef Daali1 and Jules Desmeules1
1 Division of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Geneva University Hospitals, Geneva, Switzerland
2 Division of Anesthesiology, Geneva University Hospitals, Geneva, Switzerland

Abstract. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1646
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1646
2. Hepatic Dysfunction and Drug Pharmacokinetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1647
2.1 Hepatic Clearance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1647
2.2 Pharmacokinetic Changes in Liver Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1648
3. Analgesics in Patients with Hepatic Impairment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1649
3.1 Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1649
3.1.1 Hepatotoxicity and Safety Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1649
3.1.2 Pharmacokinetic Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1652
3.1.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1652
3.2 Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1652
3.2.1 Pharmacodynamic Complications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1652
3.2.2 NSAID-Induced Liver Injury. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1653
3.2.3 Pharmacokinetics of Specific NSAIDs in Hepatic Impairment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1654
3.3 Opioids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1655
3.3.1 Codeine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1655
3.3.2 Tramadol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1656
3.3.3 Tapentadol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1656
3.3.4 Oxycodone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1657
3.3.5 Morphine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1657
3.3.6 Hydromorphone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1658
3.3.7 Pethidine (Meperidine) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1658
3.3.8 Methadone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1659
3.3.9 Buprenorphine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1659
3.3.10 Fentanyl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1660
3.3.11 Sufentanil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1660
3.3.12 Alfentanil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1661
3.3.13 Remifentanil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1661
3.4 Neuropathic Pain Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1662
3.4.1 Antidepressants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1662
3.4.2 Anticonvulsants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1662
3.4.3 Opioids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1663
4. Conclusion and Clinical Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1663
1646 Bosilkovska et al.

Abstract The physiological changes that accompany hepatic impairment alter drug
disposition. Porto-systemic shunting might decrease the first-pass metabo-
lism of a drug and lead to increased oral bioavailability of highly extracted
drugs. Distribution can also be altered as a result of impaired production of
drug-binding proteins or changes in body composition. Furthermore, the
activity and capacity of hepatic drug metabolizing enzymes might be affected
to various degrees in patients with chronic liver disease. These changes would
result in increased concentrations and reduced plasma clearance of drugs,
which is often difficult to predict.
The pharmacology of analgesics is also altered in liver disease. Pain manage-
ment in hepatically impaired patients is challenging owing to a lack of evidence-
based guidelines for the use of analgesics in this population. Complications such
as bleeding due to antiplatelet activity, gastrointestinal irritation, and renal
failure are more likely to occur with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in
patients with severe hepatic impairment. Thus, this analgesic class should be
avoided in this population.
The pharmacokinetic parameters of paracetamol (acetaminophen) are
altered in patients with severe liver disease, but the short-term use of this drug
at reduced doses (2 grams daily) appears to be safe in patients with non-
alcoholic liver disease.
The disposition of a large number of opioid drugs is affected in the pre-
sence of hepatic impairment. Certain opioids such as codeine or tramadol, for
instance, rely on hepatic biotransformation to active metabolites. A possible
reduction of their analgesic effect would be the expected pharmacodynamic
consequence of hepatic impairment. Some opioids, such as pethidine (me-
peridine), have toxic metabolites. The slower elimination of these metabolites
can result in an increased risk of toxicity in patients with liver disease, and
these drugs should be avoided in this population.
The drug clearance of a number of opioids, such as morphine, oxycodone,
tramadol and alfentanil, might be decreased in moderate or severe hepatic
impairment. For the highly excreted morphine, hydromorphone and oxycodone,
an important increase in bioavailability occurs after oral administration in
patients with hepatic impairment. Lower doses and/or longer administration
intervals should be used when these opioids are administered to patients with
liver disease to avoid the risk of accumulation and the potential increase of
adverse effects. Finally, the pharmacokinetics of phenylpiperidine opioids
such as fentanyl, sufentanil and remifentanil appear to be unaffected in he-
patic disease. All opioid drugs can precipitate or aggravate hepatic en-
cephalopathy in patients with severe liver disease, thus requiring cautious use
and careful monitoring.

1. Introduction with the increase in liver dysfunction. In patients

with certain types of hepatic dysfunction, such as
The liver has a predominant role in the pharm- chronic active hepatitis or liver cancer without
acokinetics of most drugs. Therefore, drug dis- cirrhosis, drug elimination is altered only to a
position may be altered in patients with hepatic small extent.[1,2]
impairment. Liver dysfunction is often progressive, Unlike estimates of glomerular filtration rate
and drug elimination impairment increases along (GFR; creatinine or inulin clearance), which are

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Analgesics in Hepatic Impairment 1647

useful for determining the pharmacokinetic pa- Liver disease alters pharmacokinetics, but drugs
rameters of drug elimination in renal impairment, themselves can also impair liver function. Drug-
no adequate biomarkers relating to hepatic func- induced liver injury is a potential complication of
tion and drug elimination capacity are available. most drugs, including analgesics.[7] Acute liver
Various classification schemes and dynamic liver failure is a well known adverse effect of high-
function tests have been developed to predict drug doses of paracetamol, one of the most widely used
handling in patients with liver disease. The most analgesics.[8] Hepatotoxicity has also been de-
commonly used systems to scale the severity of scribed in patients using acetylsalicylic acid or
hepatic impairment are the Child-Pugh classifi- NSAIDs.[9] Some drugs in this class, such as ni-
cation and the Model for End-Stage Liver Dis- mesulide or diclofenac, are more likely to provoke
ease (MELD) system.[3] The Child-Pugh system hepatic injury than others.[10,11] The new more
incorporates three measurable laboratory vari- selective cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitors, such
ables (serum bilirubin, albumin and prothrombin as lumiracoxib, were also associated with hepato-
time) and two clinical variables (the presence of toxicity.[12] Although rare, NSAID-induced liver
ascites and encephalopathy). Disease severity is injury should not be underestimated owing to the
classified as mild, moderate or severe (Child-Pugh common and widespread use of these drugs in the
classes A, B and C, respectively). The MELD sys- population.
tem is based on serum bilirubin and creatinine A paucity of evidence exists regarding the safety
concentrations, the international normalized ratio and efficacy of pharmacological pain therapies
of prothrombin time, and the underlying cause of in patients with hepatic impairment.[13] Physicians
liver disease.[3] display significant variability in their recommend-
The US Food and Drug Administration and ations for the use of analgesics in this population.
the European Medicines Agency have issued Healthcare providers often consider the use of an-
directives encouraging industries to conduct algesics in patients with cirrhosis as unsafe, leading
pharmacokinetic studies in patients with hepatic to under-treatment of pain in this population.[14]
impairment for drugs likely to be used in these The aim of this review is to resume and analyse the
patients or for drugs for which hepatic impairment published data on various analgesics in patients
might significantly affect pharmacokinetics.[4,5] with hepatic impairment and provide evidence for
Despite these directives, dosage adjustment recom- the safe use of these drugs in this population.
mendations in patients with hepatic impairment are
often lacking for older drugs, which is the case for 2. Hepatic Dysfunction and
most of the commonly used analgesics. Drug Pharmacokinetics
Pain relief is central to improving the quality
of life of every patient, including patients with 2.1 Hepatic Clearance
liver disease. Thus, analgesics are likely to be used
frequently in patients with hepatic impairment. Hepatic metabolism is the main elimination
The metabolism and elimination of the majority of pathway for most lipophilic drugs. The efficiency
analgesics, including paracetamol (acetaminophen), of drug removal by the liver, so-called hepatic
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) clearance, is determined by hepatic blood flow,
and opioids, can be impaired in patients with liver plasma protein binding and intrinsic clearance,
disease. Drug accumulation and increased side which represent the metabolic activity of hepatic
effects might occur as a consequence of this im- enzymes. Hepatic clearance may be described
pairment. In addition to modifying pharmaco- with equation 1:
kinetics, liver disease can also substantially alter CLH ¼ QH " EH (Eq: 1Þ
pharmacodynamic effects. An example detailed
later in this review is increased sensitivity to opi- where QH is the hepatic blood flow and EH is the
oids, which can cause cerebral dysfunction or hepatic extraction ratio, which depends on liver
aggravate pre-existing hepatic encephalopathy.[6] blood flow (QH), intrinsic clearance (CLint) and

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1648 Bosilkovska et al.

unbound drug fraction (fu). Thus, equation 1 can drug can enter or leave tissue compartments, de-
be presented as equation 2: creases in plasma protein binding influence drug
fu " CLint distribution, increasing the distribution volume
CLH ¼ QH " (Vd) of certain drugs.[3,15] The difference between
QH þ fu " CLint ðEq: 2Þ
total plasma clearance and plasma clearance of
The hepatic clearance of drugs with high ex- the unbound fraction is crucial in interpretations
traction ratios (EH > 0.7) depends largely on liver of pharmacokinetic data for highly bound drugs
blood flow. A decrease in liver blood flow or in patients with liver disease. In some cases, total
the presence of intra- and extrahepatic porto- drug clearance may appear to be unimpaired in
systemic shunting may strongly affect the clear- these patients even though clearance of the un-
ance of these drugs. In contrast to that of highly bound fraction is markedly reduced. In fact, the
extracted drugs, the hepatic clearance of poorly decrease in metabolic capacity present in liver
extracted drugs (EH < 0.3) is mainly influenced by disease is counterbalanced by the increase of free
changes in the plasma protein binding and in- drug fraction, leading to the false conclusion that
trinsic metabolic clearance, as shown in equation drug metabolism is unaffected. The values for
2. The effect of liver disease on these parameters total drug plasma concentrations and clearance
is discussed below. Hepatic clearance for drugs are normal, but the clearance of the unbound
with an intermediate extraction ratio may be af- fraction is reduced because more of the free drug
fected by liver blood flow, plasma protein bind- enters the tissues (increased distribution).[3,19,20]
ing and metabolic activity.[3,15] With the progression of liver disease, changes in
body composition such as increased extracellular
2.2 Pharmacokinetic Changes in Liver Disease
fluid (ascites, oedema) and decreased muscle
mass occur, altering the Vd.[6]
Orally administered drugs absorbed from the The hepatic metabolism of drugs is divided
gastrointestinal tract pass into the portal vein and into two types and steps of biotransformations:
can undergo substantial metabolism in the liver phase I and phase II. Phase I reactions are oxido-
before reaching the systemic circulation, a phe- reductive processes mainly catalysed by monooxy-
nomenon known as the first-pass effect. Cirrhosis genases such as cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes,
may lead to porto-systemic shunts and develop- whereas phase II reactions are catalysed by con-
ment of collateral circulation. A substantial frac- jugating enzymes. The function and expression
tion of the blood, which should normally reach of these enzymes can be altered in patients with
the portal vein, may flow through this collateral liver disease. Phase I enzymes are generally con-
circulation, reducing mesenteric blood flow through sidered to be more affected in liver disease than
the liver. Drugs with intermediate or high hepatic are phase II enzymes, likely owing to the higher
extraction ratios have increased oral bioavailability sensitivity of phase I enzymes to hypoxia caused
in patients with cirrhosis as a result of reduced first- by shunting, sinusoidal capillarisation and reduced
pass metabolism.[16,17] Increased bioavailability perfusion.[21,22] Isoforms of CYP are affected to vari-
combined with the decreased hepatic clearance able degrees depending on the severity of liver dis-
discussed below can cause an important increase ease. Frye et al.[23] have found a strong decrease in
in the area under the plasma concentration-time the metabolic activity of CYP2C19 in patients with
curve (AUC).[18] mild liver disease, whereas CYP1A2, CYP2D6
One characteristic of liver disease, especially and CYP2E1 activity in these patients seemed
cirrhosis, is impaired production of drug-binding relatively preserved. However, patients with mod-
proteins such as albumin and a1-acid glycopro- erate to severe liver disease displayed decreased
tein. Decreased levels of these proteins cause an metabolic activity for all of the CYP isoforms
increase in the free fraction of drugs, which is studied. The type of liver disease (cholestatic, hepa-
particularly important for highly bound drugs tocellular or metastatic) also influences the degree
(fu < 0.1). Because only the unbound fraction of a of CYP metabolic activity impairment.[19]

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Analgesics in Hepatic Impairment 1649

As previously mentioned, phase II reactions, 3. Analgesics in Patients with Hepatic

especially glucuronidation, are affected by liver Impairment
impairment to a lesser extent. Possible explana-
tions for this difference may be the up-regulation Pain management in hepatically impaired pa-
of uridine 50 -diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase tients is challenging because evidence-based guide-
(UGT) activity in the remaining hepatocytes,[24] a lines for the use of analgesics in this population are
favourable localization of the glucuronyltransferases lacking. Table I summarizes the findings on the
in the microsomes,[20] or increased extrahepatic disposition of analgesics in hepatic impairment and
metabolism.[25] With some drugs, however, glu- provides practical recommendations on the use of
curoconjugation can be preserved in the presence these drugs in this population.
of mild or moderate liver disease but altered in
patients with severe disease.[20] The biliary clear- 3.1 Paracetamol (Acetaminophen)
ance of some drugs or metabolites eliminated by 3.1.1 Hepatotoxicity and Safety Issues
biliary excretion can be reduced in patients with Paracetamol is commonly recommended as a
liver disease, requiring dose reduction or avoid- first-choice analgesic for various nociceptive
ance of these drugs. However, studies of this effect acute or chronic pain conditions and remains one
are rather limited.[1,3] of the safest accessible analgesics for multimorbid
Renal function often becomes impaired in pa- patients. However, the use of paracetamol in pa-
tients with severe liver disease. The renal impair- tients with hepatic disease is often avoided, prob-
ment that occurs in severe liver disease without ably owing to the well known association between
any laboratory, anatomical or clinical evidence of paracetamol overdose and hepatotoxicity. Para-
another cause is called hepatorenal syndrome.[26] cetamol is mainly metabolized to glucuronide and
Patients with this syndrome can display sig- sulphate conjugates, and a small proportion (<5%)
nificantly diminished renal drug clearance. Im- is oxidized via CYP, mostly CYP2E1, to a hepato-
paired renal function and drug clearance can also toxic intermediate, N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine
occur in patients with mild to moderate liver dis- (NAPQI). This metabolite is rendered nontoxic
ease and is often underestimated because serum by conjugation to glutathione (figure 1).[62] Some
creatinine levels in these patients do not rise studies have shown that patients with alcoholic or
even when the GFR is very low.[27] This pheno- non-alcoholic liver disease have lower levels of
menon might occur due to the underproduction glutathione.[63,64] However, in a review of the lit-
of creatinine when muscular mass is diminished erature, Lauterburg[65] stated that, with the ex-
or as a result of decreased hepatic production of ception of findings in chronic alcoholic patients,
creatine, the substrate for creatinine produc- no evidence exists of a higher risk for adverse
tion.[28] Besides the serum creatinine level, both effects from paracetamol in patients in which
the measured and the calculated creatinine clear- low glutathione has been observed, for example,
ance (using the Cockcroft and Gault method[29]) patients with chronic hepatitis C or non-alcoholic
predict GFR adequately in cirrhotic patients with cirrhosis.
normal renal function but overestimate GFR in Retrospective studies analysing hospital ad-
cirrhotic patients with renal impairment.[30] This missions for paracetamol overdose found an in-
information must be considered when assessing creased risk of acute liver injury in patients with
renal function and prescribing drugs with pre- pre-existing liver disease. Alcoholic liver disease,
dominantly renal elimination in hepatically im- non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and hepatitis C
paired patients. virus infection were detected as risk factors for
The pharmacokinetic changes described above the development of acute liver injury, severe liver
are mostly observed in cirrhotic patients. In patients failure or increased mortality following parace-
with chronic liver disease, but without significant tamol overdose.[66,67] These studies render atten-
fibrosis, drug pharmacokinetics are unchanged or tive to the higher vulnerability of this population
modified only to a small extent.[2] in case of paracetamol overdose but state that it

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1650 Bosilkovska et al.

Table I. Pharmacokinetic alterations and recommendations for the use of analgesics in hepatic impairment
Analgesic Pharmacokinetics changes in patients with liver Recommendations and dose adjustmentsa
Paracetamol 50–100% › t½; › AUC; fl CL[31-34] Reduce doses to 2 g/daily
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugsc
Aspirin 2-fold › AUC of salicylic acid fu; higher risk of
(acetylsalicylic acid) salicylate toxicity[35]
Naproxen fl CLU by 60%[36] Reduce doses by 50%
Ibuprofen No significant changes[37] No adjustment
Etodolac No significant changes[38] No adjustment
Sulindac 3-fold › AUC for sulindac and 4-fold › AUC for Reduce doses
sulindac sulfide (active metabolite)[37]
Diclofenac No changes or possible › AUC in alcoholic cirrhosis No adjustment
Celecoxib 40% › AUC in mild and 140% › AUC in moderate Moderate liver disease: reduce doses by 50%
liver disease[39]
Codeine Reduced transformation to morphine Avoid use, possible lack of analgesic effects
Tramadol 3.2-fold › AUC and 2.6-fold › t½, lack of Prolong dosage intervals or reduce doses. Analgesic effects
transformation to O-demethyl tramadol[40] not evaluated in this population
Tapentadolb 1.7- and 4.2- fold › AUC and 1.2- and 1.4-fold › t½ in Moderate liver disease: low doses and prolonged dosing
mild and moderate liver disease, respectively[41] interval
Severe liver disease: no data available
Morphineb › Oral bioavailability; › t½; fl CL[42-45] 2-fold prolongation in dosage intervals. If administered orally
also reduce doses
Oxycodone › AUC; › t½; fl CL[46,47] Use lower doses with prolonged dosage intervals
Hydromorphoneb › Oral bioavailability; no changes in t½ in moderate liver Reduce doses, consider dosage interval prolongation only in
disease[48] severe liver disease
Pethidine › oral bioavailability; 2-fold › t½; 2-fold fl CL[49-52] Avoid repeated use, risk of neurotoxic metabolite
Methadone › t½; possible risk of accumulation[53,54] No changes needed in mild and moderate liver disease
Careful titration in severe liver disease
Buprenorphine No data. Possible fl of its metabolism No recommendations
Fentanyl No changes after single IV dose in moderate Dose adjustment usually not needed, might be necessary if
liver disease[55] continuous infusion or transdermal patches are used
Sufentanil No changes after single IV dose in moderate Dose adjustment usually not needed, might be necessary in
liver disease[56] continuous infusion
Alfentanil fl Protein binding; › t½; fl CL even in patients with mild Reduce dose and prolong dosing interval
liver disease[57-59] Prefer another phenylpiperidine opioid
Remifentanil No changes[60,61] No adjustment
a Refers to dose adjustment in severe liver disease unless indicated otherwise.
b Analgesics metabolized by conjugation.
c Dose adjustments refer to patients with mild to moderate liver disease. In patients with severe liver disease NSAIDs should be avoided due
to their antiplatelet activity, gastrointestinal irritation and increased renal toxicity.
AUC = area under the plasma concentration-time curve; CL = total plasma clearance; CLU = clearance of the unbound drug fraction;
fu = unbound drug fraction; IV = intravenous; t½ = elimination half-life; › indicates increase; fl indicates decrease.

remains unclear whether therapeutic doses of A double-blind, two-period, crossover study

paracetamol would be more toxic in patients with was conducted in 20 patients with chronic liver
chronic liver disease or cirrhosis.[66,68] disease to analyse the development of adverse

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Analgesics in Hepatic Impairment 1651

NHCOCH3 NHCOCH3 NHCOCH3 gested no association between the occasional

use of low-dose paracetamol (2–3 g/day) and the
UGT SULT decompensation of cirrhosis.[70] The number of
60% 30% studies evaluating the safety of paracetamol in
patients with liver disease without cirrhosis is
O-Glucuronide OH O-Sulfate rather limited. In a randomized controlled trial,
Acetaminophen Dargere et al.[71] found no difference in the varia-
tion of serum levels of alanine transaminase (ALT)
between patients with non-cirrhotic chronic hepa-
titis C receiving paracetamol 3 g/day or placebo for
7 days.
An especially delicate and often controversial
question is the use and hepatotoxicity of ther-
apeutic doses of paracetamol in chronic alcohol
users. Glutathione levels are known to be reduced in
O chronic alcohol consumers or fasting subjects.[72,73]
NAPQI It is also known that the CYP2E1 isoenzyme re-
GST sponsible for the metabolism of paracetamol to
the toxic intermediate NAPQI is induced by
NHCOCH3 chronic alcohol consumption.[74] It is therefore
not surprising that the production of NAPQI,
estimated from the urinary concentration of cys-
teine and N-acetylcysteine conjugates, is higher
S-Glutathione in non-cirrhotic chronic alcohol users than in
subjects who do not consume alcohol.[75] This
makes chronic alcohol users (cirrhotic or not)
more vulnerable to elevated doses of paraceta-
mol. Many reports, mostly retrospective studies
Cysteine and N-acetyl
cysteine conjugates
or case reports, have found an association between
alcohol use and enhanced paracetamol toxicity in
Fig. 1. Simplified presentation of paracetamol (acetaminophen) major cases of overdose but also when paracetamol was
metabolic pathways. CYP = cytochrome P450; GST = glutathione
S-transferase; NAPQI = N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine, toxic inter- used at therapeutic doses.[76-79] A randomized
mediate metabolite; SULT = sulfotransferase; UGT = uridine 50 -di- placebo-controlled study demonstrated no increase
phosphate glucuronosyltransferase.
in serum aminotransferases or international normal-
ized ratio in alcoholic subjects receiving therapeutic
reactions and the deterioration of liver-related doses of paracetamol (4 g/day) for 48 hours.[80]
laboratory tests (e.g. levels of bilirubin, alkaline Nevertheless, a more recent randomized placebo-
phosphatase, serum bile acids, creatinine, albumin controlled study has shown a small but signif-
and prothrombin time). Patients were randomly icant increase in ALT at the end of treatment
assigned to either paracetamol 4 g or placebo daily in moderate alcohol consumers taking paraceta-
for 13 days, after which they were crossed over to mol 4 g daily for 10 days. Serum ALT levels in-
the alternate treatment for 13 days. Compared creased from 21.3 – 7.6 IU/L before treatment to
with placebo, the use of paracetamol during this 30.0 – 19.6 IU/L at the end of the 10-day treat-
period appeared to have no significant effect on ment period.[81] Although the clinical implica-
clinical features or laboratory tests.[69] The find- tions of this elevation are unclear, precautions
ings of a case-control study evaluating the im- should be taken if paracetamol is used in alco-
plication of over-the-counter analgesics in acute holic patients, especially long term. The US Food
decompensation in patients with cirrhosis sug- and Drug Administration requires a warning

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1652 Bosilkovska et al.

label for paracetamol-containing products stat- glucuronide were observed, although they did not
ing that individuals who consume three or more seem to affect the rate of paracetamol elimination
alcoholic beverages per day should consult their because no difference in the pharmacokinetic
physician before using paracetamol. parameters for paracetamol itself was observed
between children with non-alcoholic fatty liver
3.1.2 Pharmacokinetic Changes disease and healthy children. The cysteine and
Pharmacokinetic studies in patients with liver mercapturic acid conjugate concentrations were
cirrhosis have shown an increase in the elimina- not determined; therefore, it is difficult to evalu-
tion half-life (t½) of paracetamol ranging from ate whether the use of paracetamol in this pop-
50% to 100% compared with that in control sub- ulation increases the risk of hepatic injury.[83]
jects. The AUC was significantly higher and plas- The pharmacokinetics of paracetamol in patients
ma clearance of the drug was reduced, whereas the with acute viral hepatitis without cirrhosis were
mean values for maximum plasma drug concen- not significantly altered compared with that in
tration (Cmax) and the time to Cmax (tmax) did not control subjects. However, the t½ and the AUC
differ.[31-34] In two of these studies, a correlation increased, and the plasma clearance decreased, in
was found between the t½ of the drug[34] or plasma subjects during the acute hepatitis phase com-
clearance[31] and prothrombin time as well as the pared with that during convalescence. The au-
plasma albumin levels. In one of these studies, the thors suggest that patients with hepatitis can take
t½ was doubled in patients with both low albu- conventional doses of paracetamol, and prolonged
min levels (<35 g/L) and high prothrombin time dosage intervals are necessary only in serious cases
ratios (>1.4).[34] The other study showed that a in which prothrombin time is prolonged.[84]
10% decrease in prothrombin level decreased plas-
3.1.3 Summary
ma clearance by 10%.[31] The correlation with al-
bumin levels was statistically less important. In summary, the few available studies suggest
None of the studies showed correlation between that the use of short-term therapeutic doses of
drug t½ or plasma clearance and plasma bilirubin paracetamol in patients with non-alcoholic cir-
levels. rhotic liver disease cause no accumulation or
The possible accumulation of repeatedly ad- deterioration of liver-related laboratory tests, in-
ministered paracetamol in subjects with chronic dicating that this drug can be used in these
liver disease has been evaluated in two stud- patients at normal doses. However, owing to the
ies.[31,69] In both studies, six subjects received changes in the pharmacokinetics and the vulner-
paracetamol 1 g four times per day over 5 days. ability of this population, it seems reasonable to
No progressive accumulation of paracetamol was limit the adult daily dose to 2 g, half the suggested
apparent in the plasma of cirrhotic patients, de- therapeutic dose. Physicians should remain atten-
spite a slight prolongation of its t½. tive to any symptoms indicating a possible ag-
The production of the reactive hepatotoxic gravation of the hepatic function. Doses should
intermediate NAPQI, estimated from the urinary be reduced to 2 g/day, or paracetamol should be
concentration of cysteine and N-acetylcysteine avoided as much as possible in chronic alcohol
conjugates, is enhanced in alcoholic subjects with- users.
out cirrhosis but unaffected in cirrhotic subjects
abstaining from alcohol.[75] Another study con- 3.2 Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
firmed that the metabolic pattern in blood and
urinary excretion did not differ between cirrhotic 3.2.1 Pharmacodynamic Complications
and healthy subjects after administration of a Patients with severe liver disease, especially
single dose of paracetamol 1 g.[82] those with cirrhosis and ascites, display unstable
In a study evaluating the pharmacokinetics of renal haemodynamics. Even with normal GFR
paracetamol in children with non-alcoholic fatty and renal blood flow, renal perfusion in these
liver disease, higher concentrations of paracetamol patients is sensitive to modest reductions in plas-

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Analgesics in Hepatic Impairment 1653

ma volume. The impairment of renal function patients who received celecoxib for 4 days, no
and the effects of vasoconstrictive hormones are significant changes were observed in the mean
countered by the increased production of vaso- values for serum creatinine, GFR, prostaglandin
dilatory renal prostaglandins in these patients.[85] E2, urinary volume or sodium excretion before or
NSAIDs inhibit the compensatory actions of after drug administration. However, four patients
prostaglandins by inhibiting their synthesis. This displayed a decrease in GFR greater than 20%.[96]
inhibition decreases GFR and renal blood flow. Experimental evidence of the expression of COX-
These agents also reduce the capability of the 2 in the kidney and their importance in renal
kidneys to excrete sodium and water and can thus homeostasis were clearly established.[97] There-
be responsible for the formation of ascites.[86-88] fore, it is difficult to imagine that COX-2 inhib-
Renal impairment with reduced GFR, renal blood itors would present fewer renal problems than
flow, and sodium and water excretion occurs in non-selective NSAIDs in cirrhotic patients. These
patients with liver disease when ibuprofen,[89,90] findings, together with the decrease of GFR in
indomethacin,[91] aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid),[92] several patients and the lack of studies of long-term
naproxen[93] and sulindac are administered.[94] use, lead to the conclusion that the prescription of
The subjects most sensitive to acute renal impair- COX-2 inhibitors should be particularly restrictive
ment after NSAID use were those with ascites in patients with hepatic disease.
and significant sodium retention. An important The haemostatic abnormalities and coagula-
reduction in natriuresis after the administration tion disorders present in liver disease increase
of diuretics was observed in patients with ascites the risk of bleeding in these patients.[98] One of
who received two doses (with a 6-hour interval) the mechanisms leading to this coagulopathy is
of indomethacin 50 mg, naproxen 250 mg or as- the reduced platelet synthesis of proaggregatory
pirin 900 mg. Urine sodium levels were 78% lower thromboxane A2. NSAIDs inhibit the platelet
in cirrhotic patients receiving furosemide (fruse- production of thromboxane A2, thus increasing
mide) and indomethacin than those in patients the risk of bleeding.[99]
receiving only furosemide. The reduction in urine Acute bleeding from oesophageal varices is a
sodium levels was 49% for those receiving na- major complication of hepatic cirrhosis. A case-
proxen and 17% for patients who took aspirin. control study found significant association be-
This reduction did not occur or occurred to a very tween the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and the
small extent in healthy subjects, confirming the first bleeding episodes associated with oesophageal
increased vulnerability of cirrhotic patients to the or cardiac varices in cirrhotic patients. The study
adverse effects of NSAIDs.[95] In the previous suggested that cirrhotic patients using NSAIDs
studies, the decrease in natriuresis was reversed by are approximately three times more likely to
drug cessation. However, in these studies, NSAIDs present with this complication than are cirrhotic
were usually administered for a very short time. patients who do not use these drugs.[100] Owing to
Whether renal impairment is also reversible in cir- selective COX inhibition, the risk of acute bleed-
rhotic patients treated with NSAIDs for longer ing from oesophageal varices might be lower if
periods is unknown. COX-2 inhibitors are used. However, the effect of
Limited information is available on the use these drugs on the first bleeding episodes asso-
and effect of COX-2 selective inhibitors on renal ciated with oesophageal or cardiac varices in cir-
function in cirrhotic patients. A double-blind, rhotic patients has not been investigated yet.
randomized, controlled study showed no appar-
ent impairment in the renal function of patients 3.2.2 NSAID-Induced Liver Injury
with cirrhosis and ascites when celecoxib was ad- Hepatotoxicity is considered a class character-
ministered for 2.5 days. Neither the mean values istic of NSAIDs. Approximately 10% of all drug-
of GFR, renal plasma flow, and prostaglandin E2 induced liver injuries are NSAID related.[101] With
excretion nor the response to furosemide were most NSAIDs, the mechanism of hepatic injury is
reduced.[93] In a pilot study in nine cirrhotic considered idiosyncratic, dose independent and

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1654 Bosilkovska et al.

dependent on individual susceptibility. An excep- concentration determines pharmacological effect,

tion is aspirin, which has intrinsic dose-dependent naproxen doses in alcoholic cirrhotic patients should
hepatotoxicity.[9] Although hepatotoxicity is listed be reduced by at least 50%.[36]
as a class warning for NSAIDs, the risk of liver
injury differs among substances. NSAIDs such as
Pharmacokinetic studies with ibuprofen have
bromfenac, ibufenac and benoxaprofen have been
suggested that hepatic impairment has only a
withdrawn from the market due to their hepato-
minimal effect on the disposition of the drug.
toxicity. This serious adverse effect was also the
Alcoholic liver disease had a small but not sta-
reason for the withdrawal or lack of approval
tistically significant influence on the t½ and the
of nimesulide and lumiracoxib in several coun-
AUC of ibuprofen.[37] Another study has dem-
tries.[101,102] Higher drug-related hepatotoxicity
onstrated that the t½ is nearly doubled after the
has also been observed with aspirin, diclofenac
administration of a single oral dose of ibuprofen
and sulindac.[103] Although the risk of hepato-
toxicity has not been evaluated in patients with
underlying liver disease, the use of these NSAIDs Etodolac
should be avoided in this population. Despite the high protein binding and extensive
hepatic metabolism of etodolac, no significant
3.2.3 Pharmacokinetics of Specific NSAIDs
differences in the pharmacokinetics of this drug
in Hepatic Impairment
have been found in patients with stable cirrhosis
Most NSAIDs are eliminated via hepatic metab- and healthy volunteers after administration of a
olism involving oxidative (predominantly CYP2C9- single oral dose.[38]
catalysed) and conjugation reactions. The decreased
enzymatic activity in liver disease might result in Sulindac
modification of the disposition of these drugs. Sulindac is a pro-drug, the bioactivation of
Pharmacokinetic studies for several NSAIDs in he- which leads to the active metabolite sulindac
patic impairment have been conducted in the past sulfide. One study showed that absorption was
decades. delayed in patients with poor hepatic function.
The patients in the study displayed 3- and 4-fold
Aspirin increases in the AUC for sulindac and sulindac
The pharmacokinetic properties of aspirin are sulfide, respectively, indicating the necessity for
unaffected in alcoholic patients with liver disease. dose reduction of this drug in patients with he-
However, the unbound fraction of its hydrolysed patic impairment.[37]
metabolite, salicylic acid, is increased owing to
decreased plasma protein binding. This decrease
results in doubled AUC values of the free salicy- Diclofenac undergoes significant hepatic me-
late, indicating a higher risk for salicylate toxicity tabolism and is highly protein bound. Thus, a
in these patients.[35] modification in its pharmacokinetics might be
expected in the context of hepatic impairment.
Naproxen However, the pharmacokinetics of diclofenac
Similarly, no differences in the total plasma were unaffected after a single oral dose of diclo-
clearance of naproxen have been observed between fenac 100 mg in ten patients with chronic hepati-
individuals with alcoholic cirrhosis and healthy tis or compensated hepatic cirrhosis.[105] A more
controls after single or multiple dose adminis- recent study has demonstrated a 3-fold increase
tration. The plasma protein binding of the drug in the AUC in alcoholic cirrhotic patients but no
has been significantly reduced in cirrhotic sub- change in patients with chronic hepatitis com-
jects, resulting in a 2- to 4-fold increase of plasma pared with healthy subjects.[106] Because phar-
free drug concentration. A reduction of approxi- macodynamic measurements were not made and
mately 60% has been observed for the unbound no increase in side effects was observed in the
drug clearance. Assuming that unbound drug study, the authors suggested that doses should be

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Analgesics in Hepatic Impairment 1655

titrated to patient response instead of according Main metabolic pathway

Minor metabolic pathway
to the severity of hepatic impairment. ! Metabolic pathway leading
to active metabolite formation
The pharmacokinetic properties of celecoxib

are highly influenced by hepatic disease. A 22%
increase in Cmax and a 40% increase in the AUC



have been observed in patients with mild hepatic

disease. In patients with moderate hepatic dis- Opioid
ease, the increases were 63% and 140% for Cmax Codeine !
and AUC, respectively.[39] The metabolism rate
Tramadol !
is correlated with serum albumin levels. Half the
usual dose is recommended in patients with Tapentadol
moderate hepatic disease (serum albumin levels Oxycodone !
between 25 and 35 g/L). Studies in patients with Morphine !
severe liver disease have not been conducted
because celecoxib is contraindicated in this
population.[107] (meperidine)
Although the pharmacokinetic properties of Methadone
certain NSAIDs appear to be unaltered in the
presence of mild to moderate liver disease, these
substances should be avoided in patients with Fentanyl

advanced liver disease owing to the increased risk Sufentanil

of adverse effects. If used in patients with mild to Alfentanil
moderate liver disease, ibuprofen, etodolac and Remifentanil
diclofenac can be administered at normal doses,
whereas dose reduction is necessary for napro- Fig. 2. Major enzymes involved in opioid drug metabolism. CYP =
xen, sulindac and celecoxib. cytochrome P450; UGT = uridine 50 -diphosphate glucuronosyl-

3.3 Opioids

Opioids are largely used in the treatment of brain barrier in patients with severe liver disease
moderate to severe pain in a diverse patient can lead to increased drug concentrations within
population. If used in patients with severe liver the central nervous system.[111]
disease or history of hepatic encephalopathy, Although the risk of precipitating encephalo-
opioids may precipitate or aggravate encephalo- pathy cannot be neglected, suitable pain manage-
pathy.[108] This common and serious complication ment is important in patients with liver disease.
in patients with severe liver disease is character- When alternative analgesia is unavailable or in-
ized by abnormal mental status, ranging from sufficient, cautious use of opioids should be
slight cognitive alterations to coma.[109] An increase considered in these patients.[112,113] The pharm-
in GABAergic inhibitory neurotransmission occurs acokinetics of these drugs in patients with hepatic
in hepatic encephalopathy. This increase has been impairment are presented below to guide the
found to decrease brain expression of proenke- choice of suitable opioids. The major pathways
phalin messenger RNA and thus decrease MET- and enzymes involved in the metabolism of each
enkephalin release. The decrease in endogenous opioid are shown in figure 2.
opioid levels leads to compensatory up-regulation
of m-opioid receptors in the brain and increased 3.3.1 Codeine
sensitivity to exogenous opioid analgesics.[110] In Codeine is a weak opioid analgesic chemically
addition to these changes, alterations in the blood- related to morphine. It is metabolized by the liver

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1656 Bosilkovska et al.

mainly to codeine-6-glucuronide and norcode- adol might be lower than expected in this group
ine, and a small fraction (approximately 10%) is of patients. However, this theory has not been
O-demethylated to morphine.[114] Codeine itself has demonstrated in liver disease so far. Moreover,
a very weak affinity for m-opioid receptors.[115] Its the monoaminergic effect of tramadol itself seems
analgesic activity is mainly due to the conversion to have analgesic effects because the pain toler-
to morphine, as several studies have demonstra- ance thresholds to sural nerve stimulation in poor
ted.[116-118] CYP2D6 is the enzyme implicated in metabolizers were significantly increased after
the biotransformation of codeine to morphine. tramadol injection.[125] Significant differences were
As previously described, oxidative enzyme capa- observed between healthy subjects and patients
city is reduced in patients with hepatic impair- with hepatic impairment in a study comparing
ment. In this case, the result will be a reduced the pharmacokinetics of tramadol.[40] In patients
production of morphine and, in turn, a decrease with liver cirrhosis, the AUC was increased by a
or lack of analgesia after codeine administration. factor of 3.2 and the t½ by a factor of 2.6, on
Although a relative preservation of CYP2D6 ac- average. These changes are principally due to re-
tivity may occur in mild liver disease, this preser- duced hepatic clearance. Similar changes in the
vation diminishes as impairment progresses.[23] pharmacokinetics of tramadol were observed in
For instance, diminution of approximately 80% patients with primary liver carcinoma on top of
of the CYP2D6 metabolic activity is observed in chronic hepatitis C. The bioavailability and AUC
chronic hepatitis C patients with liver kidney of tramadol were also increased but to a lesser
microsomal type 1 antibodies.[119] extent in patients with secondary metastatic liver
Currently, no clinical studies demonstrate the malignancy.[126] Owing to these metabolic changes
analgesic effect or the metabolism of codeine in and in order to prevent potential drug accumula-
patients with hepatic impairment. Due to the lack tion, prolonging the dosing intervals in patients
of studies and the possible lack of analgesic ef- with hepatic impairment is recommended.
fects, codeine appears to be a sub-optimal pain
treatment choice in patients with liver disease. 3.3.3 Tapentadol
Tapentadol is a new centrally acting analgesic,
3.3.2 Tramadol the mechanism of action of which is a combina-
More than 80% of tramadol is metabolized by tion of m-opioid receptor agonism and inhibition
the liver.[120] The biotransformation of tramadol of noradrenaline (norepinephrine) reuptake.[127]
to its main metabolite, O-demethyl tramadol, is It undergoes important first-pass metabolism,
catalysed by CYP2D6. Tramadol is characterized explaining the bioavailability of only 32%. This
by a bimodal mechanism of action: modulation analgesic is extensively metabolized, mainly by
of the central monoaminergic pathways and ac- conjugation to tapentadol-O-glucuronide (55%)
tivation of m-opioid receptors. Tramadol itself and tapentadol sulphate (15%).[41] Phase I enzymes
has higher monoaminergic activity, whereas its CYP2C9, CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 are responsible
metabolite O-demethyl tramadol has higher affi- for 15% of the metabolism of tapentadol.
nity and activates m-opioid receptors more po- In a study conducted by the manufacturer,
tently.[121-123] In patients with liver disease and, higher serum concentrations of tapentadol were
hence, lowered CYP2D6 activity, tramadol is ex- observed in subjects with mild and moderate liver
pected to act more as a monoaminergic mod- disease than in subjects with normal hepatic
ulator than as an opioid agonist. One prospective function. AUC was increased by a factor of 1.7
randomized controlled study has shown that, and 4.2 and t½ was increased by a factor of 1.2
compared with extensive CYP2D6 metabolisers, and 1.4 in subjects with mild and moderate liver
poor metabolisers consume more tramadol and disease, respectively. These changes are probably
experience less postoperative pain relief.[124] Be- due to an increase in the bioavailability of the
cause metabolizing capacity is reduced in patients drug. Although glucuronidation is somewhat pre-
with liver disease, the analgesic effects of tram- served in liver disease, the rate of formation of

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Analgesics in Hepatic Impairment 1657

tapentadol-O-glucuronide was lower in subjects transplantation in end-stage cirrhotic patients

with increased liver impairment. It was suggested when oxycodone was administered intravenously.
that no dose adjustment was necessary in patients The median t½ was 13.9 hours (range 4.6–24.4
with mild liver disease. For patients with moder- hours) before transplantation and 3.4 hours (range
ate liver disease, it was recommended that the 2.6–5.1 hours) after transplantation, and the clear-
treatment should be initiated with the lowest ance increased from 0.26 L/min before to 1.13 L/min
available dose (50 mg) and increased dosing in- after transplantation. In these patients, higher
tervals (maximum of three doses in 24 hours). No ventilatory depression was observed before trans-
studies were conducted in subjects with severe he- plantation, which was believed to be the result of
patic impairment and therefore the use of tapenta- the increased sensitivity to the adverse effects of
dol is not recommended in this population.[41,128] opioids in cirrhotic patients.[47] Because of the
Currently, there are no recommendations on important increase in median t½ and AUC, the
the use of this substance in patients with hepa- dosage interval of oxycodone should be increased
torenal syndrome. More investigation and ex- and/or doses should be reduced in patients with
perience in the use of this drug is needed in order severe liver cirrhosis.
to confirm its safety in this population.
3.3.5 Morphine
3.3.4 Oxycodone Morphine undergoes significant first-pass me-
Oxycodone is a semi-synthetic m-opioid ago- tabolism after oral administration, and its aver-
nist that has pharmacodynamic potency similar age bioavailability is 30–40%. The drug is weakly
to that of morphine. Compared with morphine, bound to plasma proteins (20–40%).[132] Metabolism
oxycodone displays similar protein binding ca- of morphine to the active morphine-6-glucuronide
pacity but a higher oral bioavailability (60–87%). and the inactive but neurotoxic morphine-3-glu-
The metabolism of oxycodone depends on oxi- curonide occurs mainly in the liver.[132] Morphine
dative enzymes – notably CYP3A4 and CYP2D6 is an intermediately to highly extracted drug with
– which transform oxycodone to noroxycodone a hepatic extraction ratio of approximately 0.7.[133]
and the active metabolite oxymorphone, respec- Hence, the possible decreased clearance of mor-
tively.[129] An impairment in oxycodone metabo- phine in cirrhotic patients should be mostly due
lism in liver disease might occur as a result of to a decrease in hepatic blood flow and, to a
decreased hepatic blood flow and/or decreased smaller extent, a decrease in intrinsic metaboliz-
intrinsic clearance, since the metabolising activity ing capacity. Although the plasma protein bind-
of oxidative enzymes is reduced in chronic liver ing of morphine is decreased in hepatic disease,[134]
disease. In this case, the formation of the active the higher amount of the free fraction is expected
metabolite oxymorphone would be reduced, lead- to have no significant impact on the Vd because
ing to potentially lower analgesic effects as ob- morphine is only weakly protein bound.
served in poor CYP2D6 metabolizers.[130,131] Several studies have investigated the disposi-
In patients with hepatic impairment, the Cmax tion of morphine in patients with hepatic impair-
of oxycodone was increased by 40% and the AUC ment. Patwardhan et al.[135] found no significant
by 90% after administration of a 20 mg control- alteration in morphine elimination and plasma
led-release oxycodone tablet. Reductions of 15% clearance in cirrhotic patients (Child-Pugh A or B)
of the Cmax and 50% of the AUC of the active after intravenous administration. In contrast, few
metabolite oxymorphone also occurred. The t½ other studies have shown impairment in the me-
of oxycodone was prolonged by 2 hours.[46] These tabolism of intravenous morphine in patients
data suggest that oral oxycodone should be in- with liver disease.[42-44] In a study by Mazoit
itiated at lower doses in patients with hepatic et al.,[44] the terminal t½ in cirrhotic patients was
impairment. 2-fold greater and the clearance decreased by 37%
Important differences in pharmacokinetic pa- compared with that in normal subjects. The au-
rameters have been observed before and after liver thors suggest that the dosing interval of morphine

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1658 Bosilkovska et al.

should be increased 1.5- to 2-fold in cirrhotic The data presented above indicate that if
patients in order to avoid accumulation of the morphine is given intravenously to patients with
drug. The change in these pharmacokinetic pa- severe liver disease, the dosage interval should be
rameters was even more pronounced in a study increased. In the case of oral administration, not
by Hasselström et al.[43] that included patients only should the administration interval be pro-
with Child-Pugh B or C hepatic impairment. Crotty longed but the dose should also be reduced.
at al.[42] have reported a reduction of 25% in the Morphine should be avoided in patients with
extraction ratio of morphine in cirrhotic patients. hepatorenal syndrome because of the increased
They conclude that this reduction is due to di- risk of neurotoxicity resulting from morphine-3-
minished intrinsic hepatic clearance (reduction in glucuronide and morphine 6-glucuronide accu-
the enzyme activity or intrahepatic shunting) be- mulation in severe renal impairment.
cause no differences in hepatic blood flow were
observed. Their study also demonstrated that 3.3.6 Hydromorphone
systemic clearance was significantly higher than Hydromorphone is a semi-synthetic opioid
hepatic clearance, furnishing some indirect sup- that undergoes important first-pass metabolism,
port for the possible extra-hepatic metabolism of resulting in low oral bioavailability.[137] It is pre-
morphine. The extrahepatic conjugases found in dominantly metabolized by glucuroconjugation
the kidneys or intestines might assume a greater to hydromorphone-3-glucuronide. Several other
role in morphine elimination in liver failure.[19] metabolites are formed in smaller amounts: hydro-
The differences in morphine elimination values morphone-3-glucoside, dihydromorphine, and un-
in the study by Patwardhan et al.[135] compared conjugated and conjugated dihydroisomorphine.
with those in other studies[42-44] are principally In patients with moderate hepatic impair-
due to differences in the severity of the liver dis- ment, Cmax and AUC were increased 4-fold after
ease of the subjects studied. As mentioned in single-dose administration of oral immediate-release
section 2.2, glucuronidation, which is relatively hydromorphone. This increase was probably a
preserved in mild to moderate liver disease, might consequence of reduced first-pass metabolism.
be impaired in severe liver disease.[20] The t½ of the drug in patients with hepatic im-
As a result of decreased first-pass metabolism, pairment was the same as that in controls.[48]
the oral bioavailability of morphine in patients with According to the results, a reduction of hydro-
hepatic impairment is likely to be increased. This morphone dose with maintenance of the standard
has been demonstrated in a study by Hasselström dosing interval is necessary in patients with mod-
et al.[43] in which the oral bioavailability of mor- erate liver disease. Possible decreases in the meta-
phine in cirrhotic patients was 100% compared bolizing capacity of conjugating enzymes with
with 47% in control subjects after a single oral the advancement of liver disease may lead to an
dose. In another study, the bioavailability after increase in the t½ in patients with severe liver
administration of controlled-release morphine disease. However, no studies investigating the
tablets to cirrhotic patients was 27.7%, whereas pharmacokinetics of hydromorphone in patients
that in controls was 16%.[45] These studies also with severe liver disease are currently being
showed prolongation of the t½ and a decrease in undertaken. In the presence of renal impairment,
morphine clearance in cirrhotic patients. an accumulation of the neuroexcitatory metabo-
An important increase in the bioavailability of lite hydromorphone-3-glucuronide has been ob-
controlled-release morphine was also noted in a served.[138,139] Therefore, hydromorphone should
study of patients with liver carcinoma. Bioavaila- be avoided in patients with hepatorenal syndrome.
bility was 64.8% in patients with primary liver car-
cinoma, 62.1% in patients with secondary metastatic 3.3.7 Pethidine (Meperidine)
carcinoma, and 16.8% in controls. Consequently, Pethidine (meperidine) was the first synthetic
the AUC was increased 4-fold in primary carci- opioid analgesic.[140] It is predominantly meta-
noma and 3-fold in metastatic carcinoma.[136] bolized by hydrolysis to meperidinic acid, which

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Analgesics in Hepatic Impairment 1659

is conjugated and excreted, but it is also with chronic opioid addiction. A significant pro-
N-demethylated by CYP3A4 to normeperidine portion of these patients have chronic hepatitis C
(norpethidine). This metabolite has neurotoxic that can progress to cirrhosis. The prevalence of
effects and has been implicated in the develop- hepatitis C virus antibodies in patients enrolled
ment of neuromuscular irritability and sei- in methadone maintenance programmes is very
zures.[141,142] The oral bioavailability of pethidine high, ranging from 67% to 96%.[145,146] In a study
is approximately 50%.[49,50] Thus, to obtain of 14 methadone-maintenance patients, the dis-
equianalgesia, oral doses should be twice as high position of methadone was unaltered in subjects
as intravenous doses, generating plasma con- with mild to moderate chronic liver disease. In
centrations of normeperidine that are higher after patients with more severe liver disease, the t½ was
oral than those after intravenous administration. prolonged from 19 to 35 hours, but drug clear-
In cirrhotic patients, a 60–80% increase in bio- ance and AUC were not significantly altered.[53]
availability was observed after oral administra- Similar results have been observed in patients
tion.[49,50] Significant impairment in pethidine with severe alcoholic cirrhosis,[54] leading to the
disposition also occurred after intravenous ad- suggestion that no dose adjustment is necessary
ministration, with a decrease of approximately in these patients. Moreover, a CYP3A4 induction
50% in the plasma clearance and a 2-fold increase has been suggested as an explanation for the re-
in the t½.[50,51] The decreased formation of nor- quirement of higher doses of methadone in pa-
pethidine in cirrhotic patients might lead to the tients with hepatitis C.[147] The use of methadone
conclusion that these patients are relatively pro- for analgesia and not as maintenance treatment
tected from its toxicity. However, the slower in patients with hepatic impairment has not been
elimination of the metabolite might lead to an investigated. Methadone disposition seems to be
increased risk of cumulative toxicity if repeated relatively unaffected in renal impairment;[148]
doses are administered.[50,52] In conclusion, if thus, its clearance should not be decreased fur-
administered to patients with hepatic impair- ther in the presence of hepatorenal syndrome.
ment, oral doses of pethidine should be reduced. However, due to the important interindividual
Repeated doses of pethidine should be avoided variability in the pharmacokinetics of methadone
because of the risk of norpethidine accumulation as well as its long t½, this drug should not be used
and neurotoxicity. Further accumulation of nor- as a first-line analgesic treatment in patients with
pethidine occurs in patients with renal impair- liver disease.
ment; thus, this analgesic should be avoided in
patients with hepatorenal syndrome.[142] 3.3.9 Buprenorphine
Buprenorphine is a partial agonist at the m-opioid
3.3.8 Methadone receptors. It has very high first-pass clearance
Methadone is a synthetic opioid predominantly and is therefore not administered orally but only
used as maintenance treatment in individuals with using sublingual, parenteral or transdermal routes.
opioid dependence. It has high average bioavaila- The bioavailability of sublingually administered
bility of approximately 70–80%, but large variabil- buprenorphine is 50–55%, with important inter-
ity has been reported (36–100%).[143] The protein individual variability.[149,150] This drug is highly
binding of methadone is high (60–90%). It is mainly protein bound (96%), primarily to a- and b-glo-
bound to a1-acid glycoprotein, and its distribution is bulin.[151] Buprenorphine is partially metabolized
not significantly altered by hypoalbuminaemia.[143] by the liver, with the main metabolic pathway being
Methadone is metabolized by oxidation, with oxidation to norbuprenorphine by CYP3A4.[152]
principal involvement of CYP3A4 and CYP2B6. Both buprenorphine and norbuprenorphine are
The elimination of methadone and its metabolites further glucuronidated.[153] The elimination is
is urinary and faecal.[144] mainly through the faeces (80–90%), mostly as
As previously mentioned, methadone is lar- free buprenorphine and norbuprenorphine. The
gely used as maintenance treatment in patients remaining 10–20% is eliminated in the urine as

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1660 Bosilkovska et al.

metabolites.[154,155] Enterohepatic recirculation 3.3.10 Fentanyl

probably occurs, resulting in an apparent pro- Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid from the phenyl-
longation of the t½.[151] piperidine class. Similar to the other drugs of this
Buprenorphine pharmacokinetics were not class, it exhibits multiple-compartment pharmaco-
studied in patients with hepatic impairment. kinetics. It is highly protein bound (85%), mainly
Sublingually administered buprenorphine theo- to albumin. Fentanyl is largely metabolized in the
retically bypasses the liver; however, the drug liver by CYP3A4. Its t½ is approximately 3.6 hours,
might be partially swallowed and thus subjected with large interindividual variability. Important
to hepatic first-pass metabolism, which might prolongation of the t½ was observed in patients
explain the average bioavailability (50–55%) and receiving continuous infusion of fentanyl.[164]
large variability. Decreased CYP3A4 enzymatic Since the hepatic extraction ratio of fentanyl is
activity in liver disease might result in an increase high (0.8), its clearance would mainly be affected
of the bioavailability and decrease of the clear- by changes in hepatic blood flow, not by a re-
ance of buprenorphine. However, owing to the duction in intrinsic enzyme activity or protein
partial buprenorphine metabolism and the partial binding.[165]
bypass of the liver with the sublingual adminis- The pharmacokinetics of fentanyl were unaltered
tration, these changes might be of low clinical in patients with biopsy-confirmed cirrhosis after a
relevance. single intravenous dose of fentanyl.[55] However,
Several cases of buprenorphine hepatic toxi- none of these patients had profound hepatic in-
city have been described, most frequently after sufficiency, and their hepatic blood flow was not
intravenous use of the drug.[156-158] Contra- markedly diminished compared with that in healthy
dictory results exist regarding the hepatotoxicity subjects. These results should be interpreted with
of buprenorphine in patients already presenting caution if fentanyl is administered to patients
liver disease, particularly hepatitis C. One study with hepatic shunting or reduced hepatic blood
demonstrated elevated transaminases in patients flow.
with a history of hepatitis who were treated with The pharmacokinetics of transdermal fentanyl
therapeutic doses of sublingual buprenorphine. matrix patches in cirrhotic patients have been
The increase in aspartate aminotransferase (AST) studied by their manufacturer. The Cmax and
was dependent on buprenorphine dose.[159] No AUC were increased by 35% and 73%, respectively,
evidence of buprenorphine hepatotoxicity was and the t½ remained unchanged after application of
found in another study that included adolescents a fentanyl matrix patch (50 mg/hour).[166]
and young adults, among whom 19% were he- The pharmacokinetics of continuously infused
patitis C positive.[160] Safe use of buprenorphine fentanyl in cirrhotic patients have not been est-
in patients with active hepatitis C has been sug- ablished, and whether the accumulation of fen-
gested in a case series study in which no increase tanyl is more pronounced in these patients than in
was observed in the transaminases of four patients patients with normal liver function is unknown.
treated with buprenorphine.[161] The authors of Fentanyl has often been reported as a first-choice
this study have suggested that patients with he- opioid in renal impairment,[167-169] although its
patitis C should not be excluded from treatment clearance might be reduced in the presence of
with buprenorphine. A more prudent course, high blood urea nitrogen levels.[170] This opioid
however, would be to monitor liver enzyme levels appears to be a good choice in patients with he-
carefully if buprenorphine is administered to this patorenal syndrome, but dose reduction might be
group of patients. Buprenorphine appears to be a necessary to avoid accumulation, especially with
safe option for pain treatment in patients with continuous administration.
renal disease.[162,163] Although the pharmaco-
kinetics of the drug might be relatively unchanged 3.3.11 Sufentanil
in liver disease, no studies confirming this hypo- Sufentanil is another drug in the piperidine
thesis are currently available. opioid class. Compared with fentanyl, it is more

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Analgesics in Hepatic Impairment 1661

lipophilic, but has a slightly smaller Vd and shorter tion in anaesthetised patients with hepatic pa-
t½. It is highly protein bound (92%), mainly to thology.[58] The disposition of alfentanil in children
a1-acid glycoprotein. Sufentanil is extensively with cholestatic hepatic disease was found to be
metabolized by CYP3A4 in the liver and has a unaltered.[173] The discrepancy between the results
hepatic extraction ratio approaching 1.[164] of this study in children and those of previous
Similar to that of fentanyl, the pharmaco- studies might be due to differences in underlying
kinetics of sufentanil are not influenced by liver pathology or patient age. Moreover, the length of
disease after a single intravenous dose.[56] The pro- plasma sampling in this study was only 2 hours,
posed explanations for the unaffected pharm- which might explain the lack of detection of the
acokinetics in patients with mild liver disease are potential pharmacokinetic alterations.
a possible sparing of liver blood flow or the in- A more recent study, in which a 3-fold increase
capacity to detect the differences in elimination in AUC in patients with mild liver cirrhosis was
kinetics owing to the large Vd. A 30% prolonga- observed, confirmed the important alterations of
tion of the t½, slight increase in the Vd, and in- alfentanil disposition even in patients with minor
crease in the clearance in cirrhotic patients have hepatic impairment.[59] Thus, alfentanil seems to
been reported by the manufacturer.[171] be a poor analgesic choice in patients with liver
Like that of fentanyl, the t½ of continuously disease because its effects may be both prolonged
infused sufentanil is increased in patients with and enhanced.
normal liver function.[164] No studies have been
performed to determine the degree of possible 3.3.13 Remifentanil
accumulation of continuously infused sufentanil Remifentanil is a phenylpiperidine opioid,
in patients with hepatic disease. Sufentanil pharm- which differs considerably from other opioids in
acokinetics are not significantly altered in renal its class because of its ester linkages that lead to a
impairment,[164] and this opioid, like fentanyl, specific metabolic pathway. As an ester, remifentanil
may be used in patients with hepatorenal syndrome. is predominantly and rapidly hydrolysed by blood
and tissue esterases to a carboxylic acid metabolite,
3.3.12 Alfentanil which has been found to have only 1/4600 of the
Alfentanil is a short-acting opioid that has a parent compound potency in animal models.[174,175]
rapid onset but an analgesic effect that lasts no This particular metabolic pathway explains its very
longer than 5–10 minutes. It has a significantly short duration of action and rapid elimination.
smaller Vd and shorter t½ than fentanyl and su- A study of the pharmacokinetic parameters
fentanil. The a1-acid glycoprotein binding of al- of remifentanil demonstrated no change after a
fentanil is approximately 92%.[164] It is extensively 4-hour infusion in subjects with severe hepatic
and almost exclusively metabolized by the CYP3A impairment. Patients with liver disease seemed to
enzymes.[172] Owing to the intermediate hepatic be more sensitive to the ventilatory depressant
extraction ratio of alfentanil (0.3–0.6),[57,164] its effects of remifentanil. Owing to the short dura-
total hepatic clearance could be influenced by all of tion of action of this drug, the increased sensi-
the following: hepatic blood flow, intrinsic hepatic tivity in this population is unlikely to have clinical
enzyme activity and protein binding. significance.[60]
A substantial increase in the t½ (219 vs 90 min- The clearance of remifentanil in the anhepatic
utes), and a 50% decrease in total clearance have phase of liver transplantation is similar to that of
been reported in patients with moderate liver healthy volunteers, confirming the extrahepatic
disease. Moreover, protein binding decreased metabolism of the drug and its independence
from 88.5% to 81.4%. When corrected to protein from hepatic function.[61] The pharmacokinetics
binding, a decrease of 70% in the plasma clear- of remifentanil in patients with renal failure are
ance of the unbound fraction has been observed also unaltered.[176] These results suggest that dose
in hepatically impaired patients.[57] Another study adjustment is unnecessary in patients with liver
has shown similar results for alfentanil disposi- disease or hepatorenal syndrome.

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1662 Bosilkovska et al.

3.4 Neuropathic Pain Treatment in venlafaxine clearance. An important inter-

individual variability exists, making dosage adjust-
Neuropathic pain is a medical challenge as it is ments difficult in this population.[181] Significant
poorly responsive to classical anti-inflammatory alterations in the disposition of duloxetine (85%
or powerful centrally acting analgesics, such as clearance decrease) were observed in patients
opioids.[177] Evidence-based guidelines suggest with moderate liver disease.[182] Moreover, du-
the use of antidepressants and anticonvulsants as loxetine hepatotoxicity has been evidenced. Patients
first-line neuropathic pain treatment.[178,179] Stud- with pre-existing liver disease appear to be at higher
ies evaluating the disposition, safety and efficacy of risk of duloxetine-induced liver injury. These find-
neuropathic pain drugs in patients with hepatic ings prompted the manufacturer to include a
impairment are often lacking. In this population, warning in the product label stating that dulox-
alternative, non-pharmacological interventions etine ‘‘should ordinarily not be prescribed to a
should be encouraged whenever possible. How- patient with substantial alcohol use or evidence of
ever, in some cases when neuropathic pain is not chronic liver disease.’’[183]
sufficiently relieved by non-pharmacological inter-
ventions, drug administration could be considered. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
3.4.1 Antidepressants show lower efficacy than TCAs in the treatment
of neuropathic pain.[177] Moreover, these drugs
Tricyclic Antidepressants
might increase the risk of gastrointestinal bleed-
Several randomized controlled clinical studies
ing from varices in patients with hepatic impair-
have demonstrated the efficacy of tricyclic anti-
ment and thus are not the first-choice treatment
depressants (TCAs) as neuropathic pain treat-
for neuropathic pain in this population.[184]
ment.[180] These drugs are largely metabolized
by liver cytochromes, CYP2D6 in particular. In 3.4.2 Anticonvulsants
patients with liver disease where a decrease of
cytochrome activity is expected, an accumulation Calcium Channel a2d Ligands
of these drugs is possible. In this population, Anticonvulsants are the second drug class
treatment with TCAs should be started at low largely used in the treatment of neuropathic pain.
doses with slow titration. Nortriptyline and de- Among them, calcium channel a2d ligands such
sipramine could offer the same efficacy and as gabapentin and pregabalin are currently often
should be preferred over amitriptyline and imip- used as first-line medications. The disposition of
ramine when available since they appear to be less gabapentin and pregabalin is probably unaltered
sedating and better tolerated. in patients with hepatic impairment since both
drugs are excreted renally without previous metab-
Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors olism and are not bound to plasma proteins.[185]
The use of serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake Moreover, gabapentin was not found to be clearly
inhibitors (SNRIs) such as venlafaxine and du- associated with hepatic injury, and thus probably
loxetine for the treatment of neuropathic pain is represents the safest choice for the treatment of
increasing. Venlafaxine undergoes significant hepa- neuropathic pain in patients with liver disease.
tic biotransformation to several inactive and one Several cases of pregabalin hepatotoxicity have
active metabolite mediated primarily by CYP2D6 been reported. In one of the reported cases,
and to a lesser extent by CYP3A4. In patients with pregabalin hepatotoxicity occurred in a patient
moderate hepatic impairment, significant altera- with underlying liver disease.[186] Physicians must
tions were observed in the t½ (30% and 60% be aware of the possible, although rare, occur-
prolongation) and clearance (50% and 30% de- rence of pregabalin-induced or -aggravated liver
crease) of venlafaxine and its active metabolite, injury. As for other patients, in the case of hepa-
respectively. In patients with severe hepatic im- tic impairment, these drugs should be started
pairment, a decrease of up to 90% was observed at low doses and titrated cautiously in order

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Analgesics in Hepatic Impairment 1663

to minimize the dose-dependent dizziness and drugs that could impair glomerular filtration, such
sedation.[187] as angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, should
be avoided in this particularly vulnerable popula-
Other Anticonvulsants
tion. Furthermore, opioids should not be com-
Other anticonvulsants used in the treatment of
bined with any other sedative or anxiolytic drugs
neuropathic pain such as carbamazepine are con-
to reduce the risk of precipitating hepatic en-
traindicated in patients with hepatic impairment
cephalopathy. From a pharmacokinetic point of
due to the important risk of hepatotoxicity.[176]
view, in this population, physicians should avoid
3.4.3 Opioids the prescription of drugs altering CYP activity
Neuropathic pain states were, for a long time, which can further modify the metabolism and
considered resistant to opioid analgesia. How- elimination of other hepatically cleared drugs,
ever, some randomized controlled trails have analgesics included.
shown a decrease in neuropathic pain after opioid When choosing an analgesic, physicians should
treatment.[188] The use of opioids in patients with follow the guidelines for the type of pain and then
hepatic impairment is discussed in section 3.3. select an analgesic within these guidelines that
Due to the potential risk of development of tol- would be suitable and safe in patients with he-
erance or addiction with the long-term use of patic impairment.
these drugs and the risk of aggravating hepatic Paracetamol at low doses (maximum 2 g/day)
encephalopathy, opioids should be used cau- and for a short duration can be used in patients
tiously and only as second- or third-line neuro- with hepatic impairment for the treatment of weak
pathic pain treatment in this population. nociceptive pain. When paracetamol is prescribed,
informing the patient about the maximal daily
4. Conclusion and Clinical dose and the presence of this drug in many over-
Recommendations the-counter medications is important. NSAIDs
should be avoided in patients with liver disease
The fear of aggravating pre-existing liver disease because of their antiplatelet activity, gastro-
often leads to undertreatment of pain in patients intestinal irritation, the increased risk of acute
with hepatic impairment. Ideally, analgesics as well renal failure, and the potential and unpredictable
as other hepatically cleared or hepatotoxic drugs, risk of drug-induced liver injury (e.g. with diclo-
should be avoided in this population and non- fenac, lumiracoxib and nimesulide).
pharmacological interventions should be preferred The disposition of most opioids is affected in
whenever possible. However, in some situations, severe liver disease. The efficacy of some of them,
such as postoperative pain, avoiding the use of such as codeine and possibly tramadol and oxy-
analgesics would be unethical. Analgesic drugs codone, might be compromised because their
can be used in patients with hepatic impairment, biotransformation to active opioids is decreased.
but the choice of drug and its dose must be made Other opioids, such as pethidine, should be avoi-
carefully. ded because of possible accumulation of toxic
In the limited number of studies existing on metabolites.
this subject, the very young and very elderly po- When using opioids in patients with hepatic
pulations have often been left out. The selection impairment, the dosing regimen should be care-
of suitable drug or dose is even more difficult for fully established. For highly extracted drugs, such
this extreme age population or for patients with as morphine or hydromorphone, the initial oral
other co-morbidities. dose must be reduced owing to increased bio-
Drug-drug interactions are another concern in availability. For drugs with decreased clearance,
patients with hepatic impairment. For example, repeated doses should be decreased, or dosing in-
the co-administration of NSAIDs with other tervals increased in order to avoid drug accumu-
drugs that could provoke gastrointestinal bleed- lation. The best approach in hepatically impaired
ing, such as low-dose aspirin or SSRIs, or with patients is individual titration with short-acting

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1664 Bosilkovska et al.

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