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Javier Jbara


Period 6

The Great Gatsby is a piece of literature that represents the embodiment of the modern

person. He is flawed, but he longs to improve himself and to have the life he wants. In Adam

Cohen’s “ Jay Gatsby, Dreamer, Criminal, Jazz Age Rogue, Is a Man of our Times”, he uses the

rhetorical devices of symbolism, allusion, and theme to make the case for Gatsby being the

epitome of the modern American.

The theme of trying to better oneself is one that is the main argument of Cohen as to why

Gatsby is the representation of American business practices and our society as a whole. Cohen

refers to the notion that self-improvement is a trend of the digital age, but in Gatsby’s notebook

he created a disciplined schedule for himself that looks like it would be from a self-help book or

a talk show. Through the demonstration of this theme in Gatsby and in the modern era, the

reader is persuaded that the connection between the two is valid.

The usage of allusions in the article helps the reader connect Gatsby’s world to the current

world. When Cohen describes how Gatsby’s dealings in corruption and fraud , he also refers to

modern corruption and lobbying. This shows how Gatsby is similar to modern businessmen who

would believe that doing anything to succeed or improve is necessary. Also, the symbolism in

The Great Gatsby​ is used , such as the green light being a symbol for envy, greed and desire.

By using these rhetorical devices, the reader is further convinced that Gatsby represents


In “Jay Gatsby, Dreamer, Criminal, Jazz Age Rogue, Is a Man for our Times”, the usage of

theme , allusion , and symbolism to show how Gatsby is the representation of our time, as well
as the 1920s. By using rhetoric devices , the author is able to persuade the reader how Gatsby

is not just a man of that time period but others.

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