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26 - 23
27 September 2019
Euro 1,270.00 plus VAT (without valid maintenance agreement)
Euro 381.00 plus VAT (with valid student ID)
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11:30h Grid code compliance in steady-state study Dynamic Simulation Fundamentals. Handling in PowerFactory.
The seminar introduces the participant to the tools and techniques com- Overview of typical grid code requirements specified for Get familiar with the PowerFactory dynamic models designed
monly used in practice for the analysis of grid integration of renewables renewable generation. Steady-state requirements: voltage for fully rated converter WTs, with focus on IEC models, their
in the power system with focus on wind power and photovoltaics (PV). control, P-Q and V-Q capability at point of connection. structure, control block diagrams and supported functionality.
This two-day course provides a systematic approach for performing a 12:00h Exercise: Reactive Power Capability
grid compliance study, by covering the following topics: 10:30h Coffee break
Grid code compliance in terms of reactive power provision at
• Steady-state behaviour with consideration of grid code requirements the PoC. Identification of the V-Q and P-Q Wind Farm capability 11:00h Exercise: WT with fully rated Converter
• Short-circuit calculation and comparison with given grid code requirements. Design the Use a WT (fully rated converter based) to perform a dynamic
• Harmonic analysis according to IEC61000 reactive power compensation unit. short-circuit study according to the German VDE-AR-N 41xx or
• Dynamic simulation for fault behaviour the ENTSO-E regulations. Learn how to test dynamic controllers
Each topic above includes a theoretical background and a practical 12:30h Lunch break
and apply different controller settings (e.g. K factor for LVRT).
part in which participants acquire hands-on experience in the use of 13:30h Power Quality Assessment
PowerFactory. 12:30h Lunch break
Fundamentals. Harmonic load flow according to IEC 61000-3-6.
Overview of the calculation procedure. Definition of IEC harmonic 13:30h Introduction of the Dynamic DFIG Model
Although most of the exercises are based on wind power applications, sources in PowerFactory. Voltage flicker assessment according to Get familiar with the PowerFactory dynamic models for a
due to the similiarities between wind power and photovoltaics in terms IEC 61400-21. PowerFactory: Harmonic load flow handling. doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) wind turbine, with focus
of grid connection studies, the same exercises can be tailored for solar on IEC models, their structure, control block diagrams and
power as well. 14:30h Exercise: Power Quality Assessment acc. to IEC 61400-21
supported functionality.
Evaluate the power quality of a wind farm according to IEC
61400-21, including calculation of voltage distortion due to 14:30h Exercise: DFIG with resynchronization
harmonics injections, relative change in voltage due to switching Develop an aggregated DFIG WT farm model based on IEC
The course is intended for consultants, engineers working for manufac- operations in the wind farm and the flicker severity during conti- 61400-21, connect it to a transmission network and adjust
turers or project development in the field or wind/solar power, utility nuous and switching operations. ratings. Use it to perform a short-circuit study according to the
engineers, power system operators and electrical engineers in general, German grid code and technical guidelines. Learn how a DFIG
interested in the grid integration of renewables in the power system. 15:00h Coffee break
WT reacts during a fault and adjust settings.
Participants should be familiar with the basic handling of DIgSILENT 15:30h Short-Circuit Analysis
PowerFactory. 15:00h Coffee break
Learn about the options PowerFactory offers to consider
short-circuit contribution from wind turbines according to diffe- 15:30h Photovoltaic (PV) Systems
rent standards and with focus on IEC 60909 and the proprietary Fundamentals: Solar cell technologies; P-V/I-V curves; DC system
PROGRAMME “Complete Method”. layouts; PV inverter types; PV power plant layouts. Load Flow
models for PV systems. The “Photovoltaic System” built-in model
16:00h Exercise: Short-Circuit in a Wind Farm
for steady-state analysis. Dynamic Models for PV systems. Other
Verification of equipment ratings using the IEC 60909 method
DAY 1 (worst case/planning stage behaviour). Verification of thermal
solar energy sources.
ratings of a MV cable. Verification of the dynamic voltage sup- 16:00h Exercise: Fault analysis on a LV feeder with photovoltaics
09:00h Wind Energy Basics and Turbine Generator Concepts port function of the individual wind turbine using the “Complete Learn how to use the generic PV template, add it to an LV
The various types of wind turbine generators (Type 1 to 4) Method” (operational behaviour). network. Study the steady-state voltage profile of the feeder.
are introduced. The advantages and disadvantages of each Perform a dynamic simulation and monitor the PV inverter beha-
type are explained, with focus on the active/reactive power 17:00h End of the first day
viour during faults. Adapt PV system ratings and apply various
regulation capabilities. operational settings.
10:30h Coffee break DAY 2 17:00h End of the seminar
11:00h Exercise: Building a wind farm model
09:00h Dynamic Simulation of Wind Turbines and Introduction
Setting up a 50 MW wind farm based on fully rated wind
of the Dynamic Model of a WT with fully rated converter
turbine (WT) models. Getting acquainted with the WT DIgSILENT GmbH T +49 7072 9168-0
templates in the global library. Definition of the PQ capability Heinrich-Hertz-Straße 9 F +49 7072 9168-88
of a single WT. 72810 Gomaringen

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