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Human Resource Management

1. Which of the following is not an organizational process asset that is used during the
Plan Human Resource Management process?
A. Template for organizational charts
B. Template for position descriptions
C. Standardized role descriptions
D. Standardized stakeholder list

2. Negotiate with to obtain these resources? You are the project manager in your
organization. You have very little authority over the projects you manage, and you are
mainly engaged in project coordination ctivities. You are currently struggling with
obtaining the required human resources for your project during the Acquire Project
Team process. Who you need to
A. The functional managers
B. The project sponsor
C. The customer
D. Your line manager

3. Why is it important to have a staff release plan for people within the project team?
A. It helps people manage their time.
B. The project protects itself from lawsuit.
C. It is not important.
D. The project saves money by releasing people from the project at the right time and
morale is also improved.

4. Which of the following is a tool or technique for the Develop Project Team
A. Organizational charts
B. Colocation
C. Acquisition
D. Conflict management

5. On obtaining the project charter, the Project Manager of a project immediately starts
acquiring the project team. Is this correct?
A. Yes. Acquisition of the project team is primarily an Initiating Process Group activity.
B. Yes. The project manager needs to get the team together as soon as the project
C. No. It is the responsibility of the project sponsor to provide the team for execution.
D. No. Acquisition of the project team is primarily an Executing Process Group
6. You have a team of engineers working on your project. Two of the engineers have
frequent disagreements. You ask them to resolve their differences through a discussion.
However, that does not yield any results. Subsequently, you get involved and based on
an analysis of the situation, suggest some changes in the way they work with each
other. This still does not yield results and you find that the project schedule is beginning
to suffer. What is you next course of action?

A. Take Disciplinary action, if required, since the needs of the project are not being met.
B. Don't do anything. Differences of opinion amongst the team members is a healthy
C. Speak to the two team members and ask them to resolve their conflict
D. Ensure that they work in different shifts so that they don't clash with
each other.

7. A project manager wishes to illustrate the connections between the work that needs
to be done and the project team members. According to the PMBOK, the resulting
document would be called:
A. Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)
B. Resource Planning Chart (RPC)
C. Task Assignment Model (TAM)
D. Resource Assignment Chart (RAC)

9. A project team is currently inspecting the recent project deliverables. The team is
recording the number and the nature of defects found in these deliverables. The defect
details list in this case is an example of?
A. Quality control checklist
B. Work performance data
C. Change request

10. You have recently started working at a company as a senior project manager. The
company has no employee training programs in place for junior project managers.
Some junior project managers have been asking you for assistance in dealing with
some work related issues. You feel that they could benefit from some guidance. Which
courses of action would NOT fulfill your responsibility?
A. Do nothing; it was not in your job description to mentor other employees.
B. Suggest that you and other senior project managers develop a mentoring program.
C. Develop a training program for junior project managers.
D. Offer to conduct periodic coaching sessions for the employees seeking
11. You have been assigned as a project manager of a new project to be executed out
of New York. However, you determine that the project requires a Global Positioning
Systems Expert who is not available within the company in New York. On doing a little
checking, you determine that the company has an expert based in London, who is
suitable for the project. However, the London based employee is not willing to relocate
to New York for the project. In such a case:
A. Write to the manager of the London based employee and inform him that the
employee needs to be convinced to relocate to New York due to project requirements.
B. You would look at the option of moving ahead with the project by using a virtual team.
C. Manage the project without the key resource and flag this as a risk.
D. Co-location of resources is a key factor for the success of projects. As per PMI
guidelines, you will not be able to proceed with the project since the resources is
not available in New York.

12. When writing the roles and responsibilities for team members, you should
document the role, authority, responsibility and competency for each team member.
Where must this information be documented?
A. Human resource management plan
B. RACI chart
C. Resource calendar
D. Resource Breakdown Structure (RBS)

13. Which of the following is a control tool that helps the project management team
quantify and categorize defects according to sources?
A. Scatter chart
B. Pareto diagram
C. Control chart
D. Cause and effect diagram

14. While performing an audit on a project run by another project manager, a certified
PMP, you find that project processes have not been followed, and that company
procurement policies have been repeatedly violated. What do you do?
A. Develop a plan to deal with the associated problems.
B. Ask the project manager to explain why these things have happened.
C. Notify the appropriate management immediately.
D. File a complaint with PMI

15. You are meeting with your team, early in the project, and would like to address all
the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats the project is facing. What tool
should be used?
A. SWOT Analysis
B. Interviewing
C. Delphi Technique
D. Brainstorming
16. Two of your team members played the Mega Millions lottery and won! As much as
they like working on your team, they have decided to retire. What plan should be
A. Retirement Plan
B. Resource Availability Document
C. Communications Plan

17. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

A. Developing project team is the responsibility of the project manager.
B. A project manager must not acquire resources needed to develop effective project
C. High team performance can be achieved using open and effective communications.
D. Teamwork is a critical success factor for a project.

18. A project manager of a project that was contracted on a Time and Material basis
finds that some of the tasks have been taking lesser time than planned. On average
each team member has required only 30 hours to accomplish work which was planned
for 40 hours during the week. The project manager should:
A. Report the accurate status to your manager and send a separate report stating that
each team member was busy for 40 hours
B. Report this accurately on the status report and ensure that activities are re-planned
as necessary, to keep the team completely occupied.
C. Report on the status report that each team member was busy for 40 hours, and use
the time saved for other activities not related to the project.
D. Avoid mentioning these kinds of savings on status reports.

19. A project manager of a project that was contracted on a Time and Material basis
finds that some of the tasks have been taking lesser time than planned. On average
each team member has required only 30 hours to accomplish work which was planned
for 40 hours during the week. The project manager should:
A. Report the accurate status to your manager and send a separate report stating that
each team member was busy for 40 hours
B. Report this accurately on the status report and ensure that activities are re-planned
as necessary, to keep the team completely occupied.
C. Report on the status report that each team member was busy for 40 hours, and
use the time saved for other activities not related to the project.
D. Avoid mentioning these kinds of savings on status reports.
20. A project team is participating in a brainstorming meeting for a project. The project
is in the planning phase. The team is trying to determine the current and preferred
project stakeholder engagement levels and analyzing the gaps between these two
states. They are also discussing different approaches and strategies that can be
adopted to close these gaps. This relates to which of
the following processes?
A. Develop project charter
B. Control stakeholder engagement
C. Identify stakeholders
D. Plan stakeholder management

21. As the project manager of a project, you have needed to estimate certain activity
durations before all project team members were acquired. On acquisition of the project
team, you find that the actual competency levels of the acquired team members are
much lower than what you had anticipated. In such a case, you will:
A. Make no changes to the schedule.
B. Ask the project team members to meet the original schedule by putting in overtime if
C. Make changes to activity duration and schedule incorporating the changed
competency levels.
D. Inform the customer that the project is behind schedule.

22. Project performance appraisals are different from team performance assessment in
that project performance appraisals focus on?
A. Reducing staff turnover
B. A Team building effort
C. How each team member is performing on the project
D. An evaluation of the project team's effectiveness

23. You have overheard two functional managers arguing about the impacts that your
project will have on their departments. What is your best response?
A. Do nothing.
B. Analyze and report to each manager the impact your project will have on their
departments in terms of time and resources required, and the relative enterprise
priority of your project.
C. Inform the managers that the project sponsors had already considered this impact
when they decided to implement the project.
D. Put in advance requests for resources from each department.
24. Organizational process assets are key inputs to the Manage Stakeholder
Engagement process. The key elements of the organizational process assets utilized
during this process are organizational communication requirements, issue management
procedures and the change control procedures. Which of the following is also a key
organizational process asset that must be considered during this process?
A. Process audit procedures
B. Human resource policies
C. Historical information about previous projects
D. Project document templates

25. You find out that a project team member has been stealing some material from the
work place. You accidentally discover this and he says that he is very sorry about it, and
will not repeat it again. You will:
A. Get a statement in writing from the project team member saying that he will not
repeat such an activity.
B. Document the matter for your archives.
C. Inform your HR department about the matter
D. Keep quiet until it repeats for a second time

26. As part of the Develop Team process, the project manager of a project has planned
for some Team Building activities. Team Building Activities should take place throughout
the project life cycle, but have greater benefit when conducted:
A. On a need-basis.
B. At the end of the project life cycle
C. Early in the project life cycle
D. In the middle of the project life cycle.

27. You have the project management responsibility of a virtual team comprising team
members from the same company who live in widespread geographic areas; employees
who work from home-offices and employees with mobility handicaps. Virtual teams are
formed as a result of which of the following processes?
A. Acquire Project Team
B. Plan Human Resource Management
C. Estimate Activity Resources
D. Develop Schedule

28. A Responsibility Assignment Matrix illustrates the connections between the work
that needs to be done and the project team members. A RACI chart is a type of
Responsibility Assignment matrix where the names of the roles being documented are:
A. Responsible, Administration, Check and Inform
B. Reportable, Actionable, Check and Inform
C. Responsible, Accountable, Consult and Inform
D. Reportable, Actionable, Consult and Implement
29. 1. You are a non-technical project manager. Two highly skilled and knowledgeable
resources on your project are in conflict over the best technical solution to meet a
project requirement. It is not impacting the project schedule, however. Who is initially
responsible for the conflict resolution?
A. The project sponsor is initially responsible for the conflict resolution.
B. The project manager is initially responsible for the conflict resolution.
C. Both team members are initially responsible for the conflict resolution.
D. Either of team members is responsible for the conflict resolution.

30. Barbara is managing an educational program design project. The project is in a

very early phase of the project lifecycle. This is a multi-million dollar project and active
involvement of the project key stakeholders is critical for the success of the project.
Barbara has formed a board of project stakeholders so that all the key stakeholders can
be kept engaged. Most of the key stakeholders have been conflicting with each other in
the recent past. Most of the times, the nature of these conflicts have been personal
rather than professional. However, no conflicts have yet arisen on the current project.
Which of the following management skills must be applied by Barbara during the initial
board meetings?
A. Change management
B. Active listening
C. Conflict resolution
D. Trust building

31. Long hours to meet a looming deadline and immense pressure for success from
management is causing a downturn in team morale. Occasionally there are conflicts
between team members over priorities and resources. How should these non-disruptive
conflicts be handled?
A. Use of disciplinary actions
B. Private, direct and collaborative approach should be used first
C. Escalation to senior management
D. Arbitration

32. Your manager is presenting a status report of all projects being run in his division.
He reports that all projects are showing a positive CV. However, you know that your
status reports for the last several weeks have been reporting a negative CV. What do
you do?
A. Do nothing.
B. Offer to review all your manager's combined status reports before he presents them.
C. Notify the appropriate management immediately.
D. Ask your manager if that information was simply a typographical error.
33. Your project team is having a dispute with a vendor about whether a specific task is
within the scope of the project. The scope statement does not provide implementation
level details that would resolve this discussion. There is not a WBS however, because
the project sponsor insisted that the project be started right away, without pausing to
create standard project planning documentation. Who is at fault?
A. The project manager
B. The project sponsor
C. The project stakeholders
D. The project vendor.

34. You are forming a virtual project team that includes members from four different
countries around the world. What is NOT an obstacle that you must overcome to build
an effective team?
A. Different time zones
B. Communication issues
C. Cultural differences
D. Members wanting to work from home

35. A company is looking for an experienced Project Manager to manage a large

construction project. You meet all of the requirements for the position except
for one. The organization is looking for a certified PMP with five years of
experience and you have four years of experience managing similar projects.
What is the BEST way to fill out your application?
A. Show how you meet the requirements but include your actual years of
B. Do not fill out that particular section.
C. Explain why years of experience should not matter.
D. Since you have plenty of experience, embellish your actual years of

36. The most effective method of resolving conflict or other issues with
stakeholders is____________.
A. Ignore
B. Arbitrate
C. Collaborate
D. Avoid
Answers Set 9

37. Jonathan has recently been hired in a company as a business improvement

manager. Jonathan has been asked to reorganize the company's meetings and
reporting structure. Jonathan is currently identifying all key project stakeholders. Which
of the following enterprise environmental factors is least likely to be used as an input to
this process?
A. Organizational culture and structure
B. Existing human resources
C. Project management information system.
D. Industry standards

38. Skills such as empathy, influence, creativity, and group facilitation are valuable
assets when managing the project team. These skills are often referred to as
A. Effort based management
B. Feedback based skills
C. Ad hoc skills
D. Soft skills

39. Which of the following enterprise environmental factors is not applicable to the Plan
Human Resource Management process?
A. Organizational culture and structure
B. Existing human resources
C. Personnel administration policies
D. Lessons learned

40. Elizabeth is managing a software development project. During one of the project
update meetings, one of the key stakeholders raised a serious concern about the new
project management approach being applied on the project. The rest of the
stakeholders are comfortable with the new project management approach being used.
What should Elizabeth do?
A. Use coercive power to convince the stakeholder to accept the new approach.
B. Request stakeholders to vote for the right approach.
C. Have a separate one-to-one meeting with the stakeholder if the issue is not resolved
during the update meeting.
D. Remove the troublesome stakeholder from the stakeholder register

41. You are assisting another project manager interview candidates for a resource
position on his project. While reviewing your interview notes together, the other project
manager sorts the candidate's resumes into two
groups: one for further interviews, the other for candidates that did not meet the
requirements for the position. You notice that he has placed several of the highly
qualified candidates in the second pile, stating that those interviewees "did not fit the
corporate profile." Upon further review, you discover that these candidates are all of the
same ethnic group. What do you do?
A. Excuse yourself from the interviewing process.
B. Report this to the appropriate management.
C. File a complaint with PMI
D. Do nothing
42. A project comprises of a virtual team with team members located in different offices
in the same city as well as across different cities. The project manager wishes to built
trust and good working relationships. One of the best ways to do this is:
A. To use team-building strategies.
B. Write a memo to the team, detailing out the need for good working relationships.
C. Plan for job-rotation on a weekly basis.
D. To encourage the use of telephonic conversations as much as possible.

43. Gene is the project manager of a large highway expansion project. He has a
number of stakeholders with competing priorities and agendas, and often has to resolve
conflicts between stakeholders. Which knowledge area manages communications with
the project stakeholders?
A. Project Quality Management
B. Project Stakeholder Management
C. Project Communications Management
D. Project Human Resource Management

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