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Nicole Newman

Professor Brandee Craig

3 August 2015
1) By law when driving past a cyclist you are required to leave them three feet.
2) About 3,500 calories are in one pound
3) One way to find your resting heart rate is measure it when you first wake up in the
morning. Get a stopwatch or look at the clock for 60 seconds while having your
fingers on your ceratoid artery on your neck and count the number of beats.
Another way is with a heart rate monitor on while lying down and fully relaxed
for 10-15 minutes. This electronic pulse meter automatically checks your pulse in
your finger, wrist, or chest.
4) A few ways to best recover after a difficult workout are light movement, foam
rolling to help stretch, eat omega 3’s to reduce inflammation and delay onset
muscle soreness, drink lots of fluid, contrast bath or ice and heat packs, sleep, and
consume protein post workout snacks or shakes.

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