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Library Management System




Supervisor: Ms. Choon Kwai Mui

A project report submitted to the School of Arts and Science

in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the
Bachelor of Science, Campbell University, U.S.A
Advanced Diploma in Science.

Division of Computer Science

School of Arts and Science
Tunku Abdul Rahman College
Kuala Lumpur


Copyright ©2011 by Tunku Abdul Rahman College.

All rights served. No part of this project documentation may be reproduced, stored
in retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior
permission of Tunku Abdul Rahman College.

Library Management System Declaration

The project submitted herewith is a result of my own efforts in totality and in every aspects
of the project works. All information that has been obtained from other sources had been
fully acknowledged. I understand that any plagiarism, cheating or collusion or any sorts
constitutes a breach of College rules and regulations and would be subjected to disciplinary

Student’s Name : Koh Yee Keat

Programme : Advance Diploma in Science cum Bachelor in Science (Internet Technology)

Library Management System Abstract

Title : Library Management System

Author : Koh Yee Keat

This report is all about the development of Library Management System for the
website part. It develop use to convince the member to search the book and also
ease of borrowing books from the library.

This website mainly use by member and staff. It allow member to search and
reserve book. Member allows search the book and knows what book contain in the
library. Other than that, member allows to see the book detail and also comment on
the book. Member also allow reserve the book via website so that they can save
their time and cost to travel from their destination to library. Member also can view
current book they are borrowed and also history of the book they have borrowed.
For staff user, they are able to add news and also view report with several criteria.
Staff allows to add, edit and delete the news. When new news added, the homepage
news tab will be shown the new data.

Because of the college is Microsoft partners, as a student of the college, I am able to

use Microsoft product for free. So I choose Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 as my
website development and ASP.NET with C# as my programming language.
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 as my database.

The methodology used by me is waterfall model. The report’s chapter was included
system planning, requirement analysis, system design, programming, system
testing, and evaluation of the project.

Library Management System Acknowledgement

After completed my Final Year Project, there are many people help when developing this
project. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor which is Ms. Choon
Kwai Mui who has guided me a lot throughout the project development. If Ms. Choon does
not keep on recall us to done our Final Year Project, I could not done my project in time.
With the recall, I slowly done some module, when reach due date I was just able to finish
my project. Other than that, Ms. Choon also will ask us some question to solve the logic
problem in the system. When the question could not be answered well which mean the error

Secondly, I would also thank to my family that give me mental support. They reduce my
pressure of developing of Final Year Project so that I could finish it. My family have gave
me a great support so I would very gratefully thank my family for supporting me until my
end of Final Year Project.

Lastly, I would also like to acknowledge my course-mate and house-mate which given me
help when I needed. One of my friends, Chan Cheang Hau helped me the most. When I
faced logic and coding problem, he will help me to solve. Other than that, I also have to
thank my group-mate, Tan Chaur Chuan which give some idea for me to complete my Final
Year Project.

Library Management System Table Of Contents

Table of Contents
Declaration .......................................................................................................................................... II 

Abstract .............................................................................................................................................. III 

Acknowledgment ............................................................................................................................... IV 

1. System Planning ........................................................................................................................ 1‐18 
1.0 System Planning .............................................................................................................................. 2
1.1 Project Aims and Objectives ........................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Background of Project..................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Project Scope................................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Project Schedule ............................................................................................................................ 13
1.5 Outline of Approach/ Methodology Used ..................................................................................... 14
1.6 Operation Environment ................................................................................................................. 17
1.7 Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 18

2. Requirement Analysis .............................................................................................................. 19‐40 
2.0 Requirement Analysis ................................................................................................................... 20
2.1 Software Requirement Specification (SRS) ..................................................................................20
2.2 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) ........................................................................................................... 33
2.3 Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 40

3. System Design .......................................................................................................................... 41‐67 
3.0 System Design............................................................................................................................... 42
3.1 External Interface Requirements ................................................................................................... 42
3.2 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) ............................................................................................ 57
3.3 Normalization................................................................................................................................ 58
3.4 Data Dictionary ............................................................................................................................. 61
3.5 Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 67

4. Programming ........................................................................................................................... 68‐84 
4.0 Programming ................................................................................................................................. 69
4.1 Coding ........................................................................................................................................... 69
4.2 Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 84

5. Software Testing ...................................................................................................................... 85‐90 
5.0 Software Testing ........................................................................................................................... 86
5.1 Test Plan ........................................................................................................................................ 86
5.2 Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 90

Library Management System Table Of Contents

6. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 91‐97 
6.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 92
6.2 Linkage to seminar ........................................................................................................................ 92
6.3 Evaluation of Project Objective .................................................................................................... 93
6.4 Project Management Issues ........................................................................................................... 93
6.5 Evaluation of Project Strengths and Weakness ............................................................................. 94
6.6 Suggestion for Future Enhancement ............................................................................................. 95
6.7 Personal Reflection ....................................................................................................................... 96

7. References ............................................................................................................................... 98‐99 

8. Appendices .......................................................................................................................... 100‐141 
User Manual ...................................................................................................................................... 101
Project Specification ......................................................................................................................... 123
Project Management Document ........................................................................................................ 135

Library Management System Chapter 1: System Planning

Chapter 1

System Planning

Library Management System Chapter 1: System Planning

1.0 System Planning

The developing website of the Library Management System will be carried out in this
chapter as well as the website objectives, scope and schedules.

1.1 Project Aims and Objectives

The project aims and objectives that will be achieved after completion of the website were
carried out in this sub chapter. The succession of the system also will be evaluated through
this sub chapter.
The project objectives are:
- To allow user to reserve book via online
- To convenience user borrow book by searching online
- To implement E-mail technologies into the website.
- To implement SMS technologies into system.
- To design a user friendly graphical user interface which suit the users
- To complete the website according to project schedule

1.2 Background of Project

Library Management System is an application refer to other library system and it is suitable
to use by small and medium size library. It has divided into online and offline. In this
document will only mention about online which is website and a small part of offline
system. It use by librarian and also normal user. The website develop to help convince the
normal member to allow the library facility. Example, To know this book currently exist in
library or not. For admin users they can implement the website. They can update the news
for the website and also can see some report.

SMS(Short Message Service) is implement in to the system. The user allow to sms the
message by connecting a GSM(Global System For Mobile Communication) phone. The
SMS module is created for sending message to the people who has borrow the book over
the due date. It convenience the user by clicking one button and it will send to all user.

Library Management System Chapter 1: System Planning

Staff and member maintenance module also included in Library Management Website.
Users can edit the information of their profile. The staff and member also able to get back
lost password. By matching the ID and E-mail, they will get a E-mail with their password
In additional, comment module also included inside. So each member can comment the
books which contain in the library. This module helps to recommend the book for users
which is good or bad. The comment can be delete by the member who comment it and also
any admin user.
Other than that, report module also implement inside Library Management Website. It only
can view by admin users. It has two type of report which is book comment report and also
member expired report. Book comment report allow librarian to know the popularity of the
report. So if the book is popular, the librarian may order more books. Member expired
report allow to see who is expired. It may see the member popularity of the library of
current year or month is decreasing or increasing.
Reserve module also implement in the website. Reserve module is allow user to reserve
book online so that they can borrow the book if they are far from the library. But in this
reserve, member needed to get the book in 2 week period or else the reservation will be
All these modules are able to help librarian to manage the library more convenience and
efficiency compare to those library without computerized system.

Library Management System Chapter 1: System Planning

1.3 Project Scope

In this sub chapter, project scope will carried out what modules were contains inside
the Library Management System.

For Library Management System, it is divided into online web site and library system.
For my part, I was responsible for library website and a part of system while the
system was carried out by my friend Tan Chaur Chuan.

At here, I will describe my own part which is library website which used by librarian
and member.

 Authorization and Authentication Module

Authorization and Authentication

ID / Password Password
Checking Recovery

This module is used by user and also admin user for the website. They need to
login to the website using their id and password. In order to distinguish the
user’s level, user can access to different module when successfully login. For
example, admin can implement News.

Library Management System Chapter 1: System Planning

 Member/Staff Maintenance Module


Edit Change View

Staff/Member Password Staff/Member

This module allow user and also admin to view their profile. Not only that, they
allow to edit their profile and also change their password.

 Search Module

Search module allow user or guess who visit website to search the book. Not
only that the user allow to view the detail of the book and also see the comment
of the book. There are a few of type allow users to search. They can search via
ISBN, book title, author, publisher, and category.

 Top 10 new book and recommended book Module

Top 10 new book module allow guess and member to see the top 10 new book
has brought by the library and the recommended book module only can see by
member after log in to the system. It recommended based on their category
example the user like to see action type book then it will recommend some
action book for

Library Management System Chapter 1: System Planning

 News Maintenance Module

News Maintenance

Add new Edit news Delete

news news

This module allows user to add, edit and delete the news. So when the user
visit the website the website will have shown updated news.

 Book Maintenance Module

Book Maintenance Module

View Current Reservation View Book

Book Borrowed Borrowed

Add Reservation Delete View

Reservation Reservation

Book maintenance module allows the member to view the book currently they
have borrowed and also view the book they have borrowed. Not only that, there
got reservation module which allow member to reserve book. Members are
allow to reserve book and delete the reservation and also view currently the
book they reserve.

Library Management System Chapter 1: System Planning

 E-mail Module

E-mail module has implemented in FAQ and also forget password. So when
the member forgot their password they can get back their password via
matching their ID and E-mail. Other than that, for FAQ if guess or member
have more question to ask they can ask via E-mail.

 Report Module

Report Module

Book Comment Member Expired

Report Report

Report module is the module for admin user. There is two report which is Book
Comment and Member Expired.
For Book Comment report is to view the top book that has been commented. It
allows the admin to know the popularity of the book so that they can get more
new books. It can view via day, month and year.
Member Expired report is to view the member is expired via which date, month
or year. So they can remind their member to renew the membership and also
can know the popularity of the library. So, it can be estimate the popularity of
the library currently is increasing or decreasing.

Library Management System Chapter 1: System Planning

 Comment Module

Comment Module

Add Comment Delete Command

Comment Module created is for member to comment a book. So, if the member
have opinion about the book they can actually comment on the book. Not only
that they can also delete their own comment. Admin users can delete any
comment of the book that member has already comment.

Library system
At this part I will present about my friend’s part which is the application part.
 Authorization and Authentication Module

Authorization and Authentication

ID / Password Password
Checking Recovery

This module is used by user which means librarian in the library. They need to
login to the system using their id and password. In order to distinguish the
user’s level, user can access to different module when successfully login. For
example, only admin level users are able to access the report module.

Library Management System Chapter 1: System Planning

 Member Maintenance Module

Member Maintenance

Add new Edit Print ID Search

member member card Member

This module can be accessed by either librarian or library admin to maintain

member’s profile or record such as search, add, edit and print ID card.

 Book Maintenance Module

Book Maintenance

Add new Edit book Generate Search

book information barcode book

Book Module can access by any user from all levels. This module can used
to maintain the book inventory record such as search, add and edit. In
addition, we can generate the barcode for particular book and print it out so
that librarian can stick the barcode on the book cover.

Library Management System Chapter 1: System Planning

 Publisher Maintenance Module

Publisher Maintenance

Add new Edit publisher Search

publisher information publisher

This module allows user to add and edit the book’s publisher. Publisher is used
when register a new book.

 Employee Maintenance Module

Employee Maintenance

Add new Edit Search

employee employee employee

Employee Maintenance is only can carried out by admin level user. It can use
to add the new librarian to the library which means add the new user.

Library Management System Chapter 1: System Planning

 Book Transaction Module

Book Transaction

Rental Return Lost Book

Module Module Module

Check Fine
Reservation Module

Book Transaction module is a main module in Library Management System.

When member wants to borrow books, return books or they want to register
lost book, it is all under book Transaction module. This module can be
accessed by normal user or admin user. When member wants to borrow a book,
librarian needs to scan in their member id. After that, librarian will scan their
book’s barcode id. If the book is under reservation, the book is not available to
For return module, librarian just needs to scan the book’s barcode id, and
confirm the rental detail with user. If the rental detail is correct, return module
can be complete if no any fine issued.

Library Management System Chapter 1: System Planning

 Report Module

Report Module

Transaction Top10 Book Activity

Report Report Log File

Report module is the main module for admin user. It is because normal user is
not allowed to view the report. The report divided into 3 types. First one is
transaction report which can let admin views the book transaction happen on
particular date such as rental report and return report.
Top10 Report is the top rental rate’s book. Admin can filter the information
based on book’s category and also filter by date in type of daily, monthly and
Activity Log File is a log which records every process in the Library
Management System such as login / logout activity, register new book, new
member or edit information or a member. All the activity done by every user
will be record so that when system crash, admin or system admin are able to
check the activity that may crash the system.

Library Management System Chapter 1: System Planning

1.4 Project Schedule

Library Management System Chapter 1: System Planning

1.5 Outline of approach / Methodology used

Software has been used to develop Library Management System is Visual Studio 2008,
language ASP.NET with C#, and SQL Server 2008 as the database. For methodology,
I have use waterfall method.

Waterfall is a method allow to increase the speed to complete the project but risky. So
users need to carefully design. If the current phase is complete, it will proceed to next
phase. It is risky because it does not allow to backward to previous phase.

At Royce's original waterfall model, the waterfall model originally consists of 7 phases
which is Requirement Specification, Design, Construction, Integration, Testing and
Debugging, Installation and Maintenance.

At first, we get the requirement for the library website, and then we analyzed it. After
the analyzed phase has completed, we can proceed to next phase which is design
phase. For design phase, I have design the website interface. After that, with my group
members we designed database. After that is construction phase. Construction phase
basically is to start develop the website. With the logic and coding, I use ASP.NET
with C# to develop the website. In this phase is the most time consuming phase
because there might have many problem occur and could not understanding the
function. Sometime the logic is wrong make the errors. After this phase, it comes to
integration phase. At this phase, the library management system has been share one
database because it needed to link between online and offline part. So we needed them
to integrate with each other. Then testing and debugging phase come after integration
phase. For testing phase, it is actually not suitable for programmer itself to testing. So
we given some of our friend as user to test. It has divided into few part, logic test,
validate test, and user interface test. If there are bugs is founded, it will be record down
and solve.
At last is installation and maintenance phase. In this phase, for member for that library
just have needed a web browser at home to open the website. And for library user, they

Library Management System Chapter 1: System Planning

needed to buy a address and host the website so that every member can log in to the

1.5.1 Development Environment

 Operating system: Window 7 Professional
Window 7 Professional has been selected as my operating system to develop
the website because it has the latest technology and many new functions which
only allow window 7 uses other than other windows which bring advantage to
develop a website. Website also does not have compatibility problem because
we just needed a web browser and we could see the website..

 Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2008

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 has been use ask our database because SQL 2008
is more user-friendliness than other database. It may use more process compare
to other database software but it solve some problem. Example when a
emergency happen which need to change something in database. We can
actually easily teach the user to do it on their own. Other than that, SQL may
have auto backup so that the data would not be lost easily.This is very useful
when we developing the Library Management System.

 Development tools and programming language: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008

and VB.NET
We would like to use Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 as our developing software.
Visual Studio 2008 is powerful and flexible developing software, it allows us
to build a good design application with an easy-use drag and drop controls on
our form. We can see the user-friendliness of our application once we finished
drop the control on form.

Library Management System Chapter 1: System Planning

 Processor: Intel® Core™ 2 Duo CPU T7250 @ 2.00GHz
Intel processor is a popular processor which allow comfortable to more
technology. With this processor, Intel Core 2 Duo, it help the CPU reduce the
temperature and allow us to work more longer and faster. By this technology,
we have no worry to developing a system with higher technology. It is suitable
for develop Library Management System in more advance way.

 Ram: 2.00 Gb
With the Visual Studio and SQL server open at the same time. The CPU itself
needed have more space to let the software process. So that it cannot make the
computer hang. If there are no higher Ram, the process will become slower
because the memory in the Ram maybe full. It actually delay the development

Library Management System Chapter 1: System Planning

1.6 Operation Environment

The table shown below is the minimum requirement for the Library Management
System (Website):
Client Side
- A Web browser – IE, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome.
Host Side
Processor Intel Pentium IV 3.0 Ghz or better performance
Operating System Microsoft Window XP, Vista or Window 7
Memory 512MB RAM
Screen Resolution Monitor with screen resolution minimum 1024 x 768
Hard disk Space Minimum 5GB to include database usage for future
Database Microsoft SQL Server 2008

Library Management System Chapter 1: System Planning

1.7 Summary
In this chapter, project schedule, project scope, methodology used, project background and
also the developing and operating environment has been presented.

In this chapter, I have faced a few problems. At first, the problem that we met is lack of
research and knowledge about library process. We wanted to make the library process
become computerize system but before that we does not understand the process. Not only
that, many of our friend also lack of knowledge about library process. This made us have to
go to find the solution ourselves. The solution of this problem is we have go to research the
library. Other than that, our supervisor also gives us some important advice and also the
advice from the internet. We can finally sure the process of the library.

The second problem is time management problem. We have planned to start our project
during internship start which is July 2010. During internship, because of my laziness, I did
not do the project at all. After internship, we still have not done many parts as the schedule.
After that we found out we are lack of time to do the project, with the remind of the
supervisor time to time, we rush our project daily and finally we could done it on time.

In this chapter, I have learnt that time management skill is very important because when we
do not plan our time properly it will cause us disaster when the due date come. If we start
early, if we have error we can solve it after we done but when we done it late, we have no
time to solve the error.

Library Management System Chapter 2: Requirement Analysis

Chapter 2

Requirement Analysis

Library Management System Chapter 2: Requirement Analysis

2.0 Requirement Analysis

In this chapter, Software Requirement Specification (SRS), Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
and Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) will be discus for developing process of the
Library Management System. SRS used to have overview of the system requirements
and it also included functional and non-functional requirements. Other than that, DFD
used to provide a view of business flow. It show the efficiency and effectiveness of the

2.1 Software Requirement Specification (SRS)

2.1.1 General Description

Product Description
For online website, Library Management System is a website which helps the normal
users and admin users to convince their daily jobs. It reduces the normal users travel
fees and for admin users may reduce paper work. It help both of the users save time
and costs.

Problem Statement
The problem occurred before having website includes:

 Does not have reservation

Before having website, the customer which is member of the library does could
not reserve book from the library. So when they wanted to borrow a book
without knowing there quantity still left or not, so they have to travel from their
destination to library. If the book is out of stock, they needed to wait for the
people return only they can borrow again.

Library Management System Chapter 2: Requirement Analysis

 Members/Staffs Maintenance
The website allows the member or staff to maintenance. Without website, they
needed to go to library tell the staff to change the information. Example a
member has move from Setapak to Serdang, he needed go to the library change
his address himself. But website allows them to change themselves. It is
convenience to both librarian and member. Example when a letter sends out to
the member house, it will directly send to new address.

 Difficult to search book

Without website, the member of the library could not know what book contain
in the library. They will have to go to find out at the library themselves. With
website they can search the book in the website to know that currently the book
exist in the library or not.

 SMS by handwork
Without computerizes system, the staff of the library have to send SMS to
recall member that the book that they borrow is already reach due date. They
have to check themselves and send one by one themselves. With this SMS
function, they will just need to click one button and send to all members who
are reach the due date.

 Difficult to view reports

Report need to generate manually by themselves. They have to record and
calculate themselves and generate the report. With the website and system
actually overcomes the problem. It save times.

Library Management System Chapter 2: Requirement Analysis

 Cost and Time consuming

Before the website develop, many things for member needed to travel from
their destination to library to know the information. It has already wasted their
travel fees and time to only get the information from library. With the website
help, they allow to check it at homes and it overcomes the problem.

2.1.2 System objectives

 Improvement in control and performance
The website develops to overcome the problem exists in the library. It can
validate the users, store the record and bug free. It also convenience both staff
and members.
 Save cost
The members save travelling cost which he/she need to travel from his/her
destination to library to get the information such as book available, new books
and more. The website is overcome the problem.
 Save time
Member is able to search the book in short time by using the search function.
Compare to previous time before implementing the website, member can save
a lot time to travel from their destination to library.

2.1.3 System Requirements Non-functional Requirements
 Products Requirements
Efficiency requirements
With the library management system, the librarian can process in book
transaction with faster speed. It is because by reviewing the website they can
get the information they want and they does not needed to ask the librarian. In
addition, with the SMS function, the librarian can send the SMS by clicking one
button instead they send it one by one and send it to wrong number.

Library Management System Chapter 2: Requirement Analysis

Reliability requirements
The website must immediately update. So when the member visit they could get
the latest information and also they can provide latest information to us.
Example, when the member changes the profile, the information must be
immediately update and the detail get by the librarian must be the latest. Other
than that, the pages which needed user key-in will be validate to prevent user
key-in wrongly.

Usability requirements
The website must be designed user-friendly so that the user is easy to learn
when they first get in to the website. It also must have the clear instruction so
that the user will be guided when using the website. After that, the error
message should be clear and understanding for user.

 Organizational Requirements
Implementation requirements
In implementing of the website, it uses the ASP.NET with C# as the
programming language and tools. SQL Server will be use for the database to
support with the programming language.

Delivery requirements
For the whole system, the progress is estimated done at about six months and
the documentation done in two months. Documentation will be delivers in
hardcopy and softcopy and for full system will be delivers in softcopy.

Library Management System Chapter 2: Requirement Analysis

 External Requirements
Legislative requirements
The information that use must be acknowledge by the authorized people so that
it has no violating the law. This information is copyrighted and protected by the
law. When visitors wanted to become the member of the library, he/she must
agree with the rules and regulations stated in the of library management system.

Security requirements

This system must be highly secure in the login part. It can know the
authorization of the id which belongs to member or staff. Member and staff
both can perform different.

Library Management System Chapter 2: Requirement Analysis Functional Requirements

1. Member User

1.1 User Login

Description of Feature
This feature used by the user (Librarian and Library’s member) to login into the
website. They are required to key in the user id and password to log in to the
website. The password length must not less than 8 character and user id and
password will be verified and invalid id is not allowed to enter the system.

Stimulus / Response Sequences

Stimulus : User visits the website.
Response : Center left part of the website allow user log in.
Stimulus : User enters user id and password at the textbox provided and click
the log in button..
Response : It verifies the user id and password with the data inside database. If
the user id is invalid or password not matches, there will pop up red label with
password incorrect to tell user. If valid, the user successfully log in to the website.

Functional Requirements
- User id is provided when they register as member or staff.
- The website allow guess to visit. But with member there will more
function to use and some special function for staff users.
- The website must be able to perform authorization process which
decides what the user’s level can access to.
- The user must able to logout after they finished using the website.

Library Management System Chapter 2: Requirement Analysis

1.2 Password Recovery

Description of Feature
This feature used by the user(Librarian and Library’s member) when they forget
their password.

Stimulus / Response Sequences

Stimulus : User runs the website and click forget password.
Response : Link to another page which request for ID and Email.
Stimulus : Click the submit button.
Response : It will verify the ID and Email see it is match or not. If match, the
password will be send to the user’s Email. If it does not match, a message box
will pop out to tell users it is wrong Email.

Functional Requirements
- The website must be able to send the correct password to the user’s

Library Management System Chapter 2: Requirement Analysis

1.3 FAQ ask question

Description of Feature
This feature allows anyone to the question about the library via email. It requires
user’s Email so that the staff can reply.

Stimulus / Response Sequences

Stimulus : User press FAQ below the banner.
Response : Website bring user to FAQ page.
Stimulus : User key in own Email, subject and also the question wanted to ask.
After that, click on send to proceed.
Response : System will validate the text box is empty or not. If empty, message
box will pop up to tell the user. If valid, the system will send the email to the staff
Email. If the format of the email is incorrect, message box will pop up to tell the
user that the format the email is wrong.

Functional Requirements
- Website must be able to verify the information.
- System must deliver the question to staff Email successfully.

Library Management System Chapter 2: Requirement Analysis

1.4 Search Book

Description of Feature
This feature is to search the book which contain in the library. It can search in
many categories. The categories are ISBN, Title, Author, Publisher, and Category.
So user can choose the category base on the category.

Stimulus / Response Sequences

Stimulus : User search below the banner.
Response : Website bring user to search page
Stimulus : User selects a search criteria and key in a word as keyword. After
that, press the search button.
Response : It will validate see the textbox is empty or not. If empty, it will pop
up message box said that the textbox is empty or it will search the database with
the criteria given and show it on gridview.

Functional Requirements
- Website must be able to search the database based on selected
category (ISBN, book title , etc)
- Website must able to filter the book based on the keyword entered.
- Website must able to show out the filtered book in gridview.

Library Management System Chapter 2: Requirement Analysis

1.5 Change password

Description of Feature
This feature allows the user(Librarian and Library’s member) to change their

Stimulus / Response Sequences

Stimulus : After login click on change password on left side panel.
Response : Website will bring user to change password page.
Stimulus : User need to key in the current password, new password and
confirm password. After that click on submit button to proceed.
Response : It will validate see the textbox is empty or not. If empty, it will pop
up message box said that the textbox is empty or it will check the database see the
current password is correct or not and also check the new password and confirm
password is same or not. If it is correct then the password will be change.

Functional Requirements
- Website must check the empty textbox and correctness of the
- Website able to update new password to database.
- User can use the new password to log in.

Library Management System Chapter 2: Requirement Analysis

1.6 User Profile Maintenance

Description of Feature
This feature allows user to edit and view their own profile.

Stimulus / Response Sequences

Stimulus : User press edit profile.
Response : Website will bring user to profile page. It will shows user’s profile
Stimulus : If users wish to edit their profile, users just need to click on the edit
button. After change, click on update button.
Response : If there are any errors, there will show a list of label with red colour
font show that what are the errors. If there are no errors, the data will update into

Functional Requirements
- Website must validate the errors.
- Website must retrieve the data and show it on the correct field in the
- Button edit will change to update when press.

Library Management System Chapter 2: Requirement Analysis

1.7 Borrowed Book Maintenance

Description of Feature
This feature allows the user to view current book borrowed and book has been

Stimulus / Response Sequences

Stimulus : Click on Current book borrowed to see current book borrowed.
Response : Page show with the current book borrowed in gridview.
Stimulus : Click on View borrowed book to see the history of what user have
borrow the book before.
Response : Page show with the history book borrowed in gridview.

Functional Requirements
- System must able to show the data on the gridview.

Library Management System Chapter 2: Requirement Analysis

1.8 Reservation Maintenance

Description of Feature
This feature allows the user to reserve book, cancel reserve and view reserve.

Stimulus / Response Sequences

Stimulus : Click on Reservation to reserve book
Response : Website will bring to reservation page.
Stimulus : Search the book via category and click on reserve button.
Response : Website will check the book is currently reserve or borrow by
anyone or not. If the book is not available, the message box will pop up to tell the
user. It also check see the user available to borrow book or not. If user is not
available to borrow book then he/she could not have permission to reserve book.
Stimulus : Click on Current book reserve to view current book that user
Response : It will show the reserve book in gridview.
Stimulus : If user want to cancel reserve, click on delete button in the
Response : It will find the database and delete the reserve book that user

Functional Requirements
- System must able to show data on gridview after search.
- System must able to validate that the book can be borrow or not.
- System must able to validate user have permission to borrow or not.
- System must able to show the data on the gridview.
- System able to delete the reserve book that user reserve.

Library Management System Chapter 2: Requirement Analysis

2. Admin User

2.1 View Report

Description of Feature
This feature allows the staff to view book comment and member expired report.

Stimulus / Response Sequences

Stimulus : Go to the report page. Choose which type of the report wanted to
show. Choose on Book comment.
Response : The Book comment tab show.
Stimulus : User chooses on the category wanted to see and click on submit
Response : Website will bring user to another page show the report with the
criteria given.
Stimulus : Choose member expired.
Response : The Member expired tab show.
Stimulus : Choose on the date type wanted to show. Type is date, month and
Response : Website will bring user to another page show the report with the
criteria given.

Functional Requirements
- Website must show the correct information via the criteria given.

Library Management System Chapter 2: Requirement Analysis

2.2 News Maintenance

Description of Feature
This feature allows the staff to add, edit and delete news.

Stimulus / Response Sequences

Stimulus : Click on add news page.
Response : Website will bring to news page.
Stimulus : Key-in information in textbox to add news.
Response : Website will add in to the database and show it in the gridview.
Stimulus : Choose edit to edit the news and delete to delete the news in the
Response : Website will update or delete into database due to which button is

Functional Requirements
- Website must able to show the news.
- Website must able to add, update and delete the news into database.

Library Management System Chapter 2: Requirement Analysis

2.2 Data Flow Diagram

2.2.1 Context Diagram

Member Info

Library Management System Chapter 2: Requirement Analysis

2.2.2. Level 0 DFD (Overview Diagram)

Library Management System Chapter 2: Requirement Analysis

2.2.3 Level 1DFD (Lower – Level Diagram)

1. Member Registration

2. Book Rental

Library Management System Chapter 2: Requirement Analysis

3. Return book

4. Comment

Library Management System Chapter 2: Requirement Analysis

5. Report

Library Management System Chapter 2: Requirement Analysis

2.3 Summary
In this chapter present about system objectives, system requirements and also Data Flow
Diagram (DFD) for level 0 and level 1.

In this chapter, I have met problem of constructing of DFD diagram. It is because I and my
group mate have already forgotten how to construct this diagram. We have no idea how to
draw DFD diagram. In the help of the friend and also note that borrowed from our junior
student. It reminds me back the construction of the DFD diagram.

After find the DFD diagram, the DFD has split to level 0 and level 1 DFD diagram. I could
not understand why it split it to two different diagrams. I could not continue to draw but
have to research on the diagram again. After research on internet, I finally can overcome
this problem.

In this chapter, I have gain back the knowledge of DFD diagram. It also taught me a lesson
about to keep everything that we have learnt. In my opinion, not everything that we can
memorize but we need to have a backup so that when we need it we can refer back.

Library Management System Chapter 3: System Design

Chapter 3

System Design

Library Management System Chapter 3: System Design

3.0 System Design

At this chapter is about System design phase. GUI design, database design will be
discuss in this chapter.

3.1 External Interface Requirements

3.1.1 User Interfaces

Library Management System website is used by the users and staff. It is very
important that the website should designed standard and user friendly so that
everyone who visit the website can use easily. An example, a button user to
edit thing should use EDIT word but not add or delete or just a picture.

Library Management System Chapter 3: System Design

Library Management System (Website)


1. Home Page

Figure 1.1 Home Page

Figure 1.1 above present the Library Management System website home page.
These interface design for all users. Users allow view what is new books arrival at
library and also what news happen at the library.

Library Management System Chapter 3: System Design

2. FAQ

Figure 1.2 FAQ Page

Figure 1.2 present questions that may always ask by the users. When the users see
this page, they may find out the answers that what they did not understand. If the
users have more question and the questions do not shown in FAQ page, they can use
FAQ page bottom part which is email to send the question to ask the staff.

Library Management System Chapter 3: System Design

3. Contact Us

Figure 1.3 Contact Us Page

Figure 1.3 present about contact us. It show library operating time and also phone and
e-mail. So, when users have problem they may see this page if they want to contact staff.

4. About Us

Figure 1.4 About Us Page

Figure 1.4 show the about us which about the history of the library. It show the
development time, development team, and operate in when.

Library Management System Chapter 3: System Design

5. Search

Figure 1.5 Search Page

Figure 1.5 present about search function. This function allows the users to search the
book at the website to see that what book is contains in the library. So they know what
book inside before borrow. Click on the Detail button allows user to see the book detail
and also the comment of the book.

6. Book Detail

Figure 1.6

Library Management System Chapter 3: System Design

Figure 1.6 shows the book detail after search. These page designs for book detail. At the
top has the title of the book and after that is the picture and also the detail of the
following book. After that comment design at bottom part so that user allow to see the

1. Login Page

Figure 2.1 Login

Figure 2.1 is the login page for member and also admin level users. They have to key in
the user ID and also user password to log in to the system. Different level of users have
different function.

Figure 2.1.1 Member Menu Figure 2.1.2 Staff Menu

Figure 2.1.1 and Figure 2.1.2 are the different of users menu. For member log in they
have their own menu and staff log in they also have their own menu.

Library Management System Chapter 3: System Design

2. Forget password

Figure 2.2 Forget Password Page

Figure 2.2 allows users to get back password when the user forgot their password. They
have to key-in their user ID and their e-mail. So when the e-mail and the user ID is
match then the system will send the password via e-mail to the user’s e-mail.

3. Edit Profile

Figure 2.3 Edit Profile Page

Figure 2.3 show the users profile for staff and member. If users wish to change the
profile so will just need to click on edit button to change their profile.

Library Management System Chapter 3: System Design

4. Change Password

Figure 2.4 Change Password Page

Figure 2.4 is the page which allows users to change their password. Users need to key-
in the current password and then key-in the new password. After that, users have to
retype the new password in the retype password to confirm that the new password and
retype password that user type is correct. After submit, the user can use the new
password to log in.

5. Reservation

Figure 2.5 Reservation Page

Figure 2.5 allow member of the library to reserve book from the library. After they
search the book they want to reserve, click on the Reserve button link, to reserve the
book. After click, message box will pop up and show you the barcode number which
needed member record down and go library get the book.

Library Management System Chapter 3: System Design

6. View Borrowed Book

Figure 2.6 View Borrowed Book Page

Figure 2.6 show member that the member borrowed book before. In other word, is
history of the member borrow book. Member also allows to see the book detail by
clicking the book detail.

7. Current Book Reserve

Figure 2.7 Current Book Reserve Page

Figure 2.7 shows the member current book they have reserve. When the member wish
to cancel the reserve, they can choose the delete button to cancel the reserve.

Library Management System Chapter 3: System Design

8. Current Book Borrowed

Figure 2.8 Current Book Borrowed

Figure 2.8 show that the book currently borrow by the member. Date rented stated to
show when is the user borrow the book.

1. News

Figure 3.1 News Page

Figure 3.1 is about news. It only can modify by staff. When staff add a new news at this
page, the news will be shown at the main page so that every of the user can see the
news. If the staff wish to edit the news, they will just need to click on the edit button to
edit the news and if staff wish to delete, they will just need to click on the delete button
to delete the news.
2. Member Expired Report

Library Management System Chapter 3: System Design

Figure 3.2 Report Page

Figure 3.2 is about member expired report. It show the member that are expired via date,
month, and year in this 3 category. User can only choose one category.

Figure 3.2.1 Member Expired Report By Date

If user choose date, a calendar will show up to let the user to choose the date.

Library Management System Chapter 3: System Design

Figure 3.2.2 Member Expired Report By Month

If user choose month, Figure 3.2.2 will be show.

Figure 3.2.3 Member Expired Report By Year

If user choose year, Figure 3.2.3 will be show.

Figure 3.2.4 Member Expired Report Page

Figure 3.2.4 show the report generate via year 2012.

Library Management System Chapter 3: System Design

3. Book Comment Report

Figure 3.3 Report Page

Figure 3.3 show the user see the book comment via four category which is category,
publisher, language, and all.

Figure 3.3.1 Book Comment Report Page

Figure 3.3.1 Show the user report about book comment and the date via the criteria that
the user choose.

Library Management System Chapter 3: System Design

4. Edit Profile

Figure 3.4 Edit Profile Page

Figure 3.4 is edit profile page for staff. It is same with the member but the information
is lesser compare to member. If staff wish to edit profile, click edit button to edit the

Library Management System Chapter 3: System Design

3.1.2 Hardware Interfaces

For Library Management System, the additional device for library is GSM
modem or GSM phone. This device use to tell member when they borrow
the book pass the due date SMS will remind them.

3.1.3 Software Interfaces

Library Management System requires user to install SQL Server 2008. SQL
server 2008 is support for more function and datatype. For operating system,
Library System requires Window XP or newer version.

3.1.4 Communication Interfaces

Library website is a web application. So, it required the internet connection.
With a static line and fix ip address, the library only can host their own
website at the server. So that everyone also can visit the website. HTTP
helps to transferring data between web server and web client. Our library
system will serves as web client and send the request to targeted web server.
For the application, USB cable is use to connect to a GSM phone or GSM
modem to send SMS.

Library Management System Chapter 3: System Design

3.2 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Library Management System Chapter 3: System Design

3.3 Normalization

3.3.1 1st Normalization

RentalInfo (UserID, ISBN, BookTitle, Author, PublisherID, PublisherName,

Language, Category, Description, BookCover, BarCodeID, Status, PurchasePrice,
PurchaseDate, UserName, UserAddress, UserPhone, UserIC,UserRegDate,
AvailableBook, UserPass, UserPhoto, UserEmail, UserExpiredDate, DateRented,
DateReturned, DateDue, TotalFine)

Reservation (UserID, BarCodeID, DateRented)

LibraryDetail (Libno, libname, libadd1, libadd2,libposcode,libstate, libtown,

libphone, libfax, libemail, libweb)

News(ID, date, content)

ActivityLog (LogID, LogEmp, LogContent)

LostBook (ID, BarCodeID*, UserID*, ISBN*, LostDate)

Admin (Admin_ID, AdminName, AdminLevel, Password, AdminID,

AdminContact, AdminEmail, AdminAddress)

Library Management System Chapter 3: System Design

3.3.2 2nd Normalization

RentalInfo (UserID, ISBN, BookTitle, Author, PublisherID, PublisherName,

Language, Category, Description, BookCover, BarCodeID, Status, PurchasePrice,
PurchaseDate, DateRented, DateReturned, DateDue, TotalFine)

User (UserID, UserName, UserAddress, UserPhone, UserIC,UserRegDate,

AvailableBook, UserPass, UserPhoto, UserEmail, UserExpiredDate)

Reservation (UserID, BarCodeID, DateRented)

LibraryDetail (Libno, libname, libadd1, libadd2,libposcode,libstate, libtown,

libphone, libfax, libemail, libweb)

News(ID, date, content)

ActivityLog (LogID, LogEmp, LogContent)

LostBook (ID, BarCodeID*, UserID*, ISBN*, LostDate)

Admin (Admin_ID, AdminName, AdminLevel, Password, AdminID,

AdminContact, AdminEmail, AdminAddress)

Library Management System Chapter 3: System Design

3.3.3 3rd Normalization

RentalInfo (UserID, ISBN, BarCodeID, DateRented, DateReturned, DateDue,


Book (ISBN, BookTitle, Author, PublisherID, Language, Category, Description,


Publisher (PublisherID, PublisherName)

BookCopy (BarCodeID, ISBN, Status, PurchasePrice, PurchaseDate)

User (UserID, UserName, UserAddress, UserPhone, UserIC,UserRegDate,

AvailableBook, UserPass, UserPhoto, UserEmail, UserExpiredDate)

Reservation (UserID, BarCodeID, DateRented)

LibraryDetail (Libno, libname, libadd1, libadd2,libposcode,libstate, libtown,

libphone, libfax, libemail, libweb)

News(ID, date, content)

ActivityLog (LogID, LogEmp, LogContent)

LostBook (ID, BarCodeID*, UserID*, ISBN*, LostDate)

Admin (Admin_ID, AdminName, AdminLevel, Password, AdminID,

AdminContact, AdminEmail, AdminAddress)

Library Management System Chapter 3: System Design

3.4 Data Dictionary

Table Name: ActivityLog

Description : store all the activity done by user in the system
Null/Not Default
Fields Data Type Rules
Null Value
LogId int Not null - -
LogEmp nchar(10) Not null - -
LogTime datetime Not null - -
LogActivity varchar(MAX) Not null - -

Field Example Data

LogId(PK) 113
LogEmp M0001
LogTime 2011-02-16 16:35:07.000
LogActivity Information of PublisherID P0003 has been updated

Table Name: Admin

Description : store the information of user who used the library system
Null/Not Default
Fields Data Type Rules
Null Value
Admin_ID nvarchar(50) Not null - -
Admin_Name nvarchar(50) Not null - -
Admin_Level nvarchar(50) Not null - Format : 1,0
Password nvarchar(50) Not null - -
Admin_ic nvarchar(50) Not null - -
admin_contact nvarchar(50) Not null - -
admin_email nvarchar(50) Not null - -
admin_address nvarchar(MAX) Not null - -

Field Example Data

Admin_ID M0001
Admin_Name Tan Chaur Chuan
Admin_Level 1
Password 12341234
Admin_ic 880704-35-5263
admin_contact 04-3984851
admin_address 30, lintang perai 2, taman chai leng, 34567 pahang.

Library Management System Chapter 3: System Design

Table Name: Book

Description : store the information of the books
Null/Not Default
Fields Data Type Rules
Null Value
ISBN nvarchar(50) Not null - -
BookTitle nvarchar(50) Not null - -
Author nvarchar(50) Not null - -
PublisherID nvarchar(50) Not null - -
Language nvarchar(50) Not null - -
Category nvarchar(50) Not null - -
Description nvarchar(MAX) Not null - -
BookCover nvarchar(MAX) Not null - -

Field Example Data

ISBN(PK) 9781587132049
BookTitle Handphone King
Author C.Y
PublisherID P0001
Language Chinese
Category Technology
Description A book which show the latest information of all brand handphone
BookCover Handphone.JPG

Table Name: BookComment

Description : to store the comment for particular book
Null/Not Default
Fields Data Type Rules
Null Value
CID Int Not null - -
ISBN Nvarchar(50) Not null - -
UserID Nvarchar(max) Not null - -
Comment Nvarchar(max) Not null - -

Field Example Data

CID 13
ISBN 1234567891234
UserID M0001
Comment This book is very interesting…thanks

Library Management System Chapter 3: System Design

Table Name: BookCopy

Description : to store the quantities of books and the detail of each book
Null/Not Default
Fields Data Type Rules
Null Value
BarcodeID nvarchar(50) Not null - -
ISBN nvarchar(50) Not null - -
Status nvarchar(50) Not null - Format : L, A, N
PurchasePrice Money Not null - -
purchaseDate Datetime Not null - -

Field Example Data

barcodeID 978158713204901
ISBN 9781587132049
Status L
PurchasePrice 200.0000
PurchaseDate 2011-02-16 00:00:00.000

Table Name: News

Description : to post the latest news at web site’s main page
Null/Not Default
Fields Data Type Rules
Null Value
ID Int Not null - -
Date Date Not null - -
[content] Nvarchar(50) Not null - -

Field Example Data

ID 9781587132049
Date 2011-01-13
[content] The popular book ‘The Lord of the Ring’ is now available !!!

Table Name: Book Description

Description : to store the description of particular book
Null/Not Default
Fields Data Type Rules
Null Value
ISBN Nvarchar(50) Not null - -
Description Nvarchar(max) Not null - -

Field Example Data

ISBN 9781587132049
Description This book is talk about the journey of one kids to find his parents.

Library Management System Chapter 3: System Design

Table Name: LibraryDetail

Description : to store the information of the library
Null/Not Default
Fields Data Type Rules
Null Value
libno Char(10) Not null - -
Libname varchar(50) Not null - -
Libadd1 varchar(50) Not null - -
Libadd2 varchar(50) Not null - -
Libposcode Char(5) Not null - -
Libstate varchar(50) Not null - -
Libtown varchar(50) Not null - -
Libphone varchar(50) Not null - -
Libfax varchar(50) Not null - -
Libemail varchar(50) Not null - Format :
Libweb varchar(50) Not null - -

Field Example Data

libno 001
Libname Chen Library
Libadd1 30, lintang perai 5,
Libadd2 Taman putang,
Libposcode 13506
Libstate Pulau Pinang
Libtown Butterworth
Libphone 04-3859451
Libfax 04-3225645

Table Name: Reservation

Description : to record the book reservation for the member
Null/Not Default
Fields Data Type Rules
Null Value
UserID Nvarchar(50) Not null - -
BarCodeId Nvarchar(50) Not null - -
DateReserve date Not null - -

Field Example Data

UserID M0001
BarCodeId 584961352652401
Table Name: LostBook
Description : to keep the information of lost book

Library Management System Chapter 3: System Design

Null/Not Default
Fields Data Type Rules
Null Value
ID int Not null - -
Userid varchar(50) Not null - -
Barcodeid varchar(50) Not null - -
ISBN varchar(50) Not null - -
LostDate Date Not null - -

Field Example Data

ID 3
Userid M0002
Barcodeid 978158713204901
ISBN 9781587132049
LostDate 2011-02-16

Table Name: RetalInfo

Description : to keep the book transaction detail
Null/Not Default
Fields Data Type Rules
Null Value
userID nvarchar(50) Not null - -
BarCodeID nvarchar(50) Not null - -
DateReturned Datetime - - -
DateRented Datetime Not null - -
DateDue Datetime Not null - -
Total Fine money - - -

Field Example Data

userID M0003
BarCodeID 123456789123401
DateReturned 2011-03-02 00:00:00.000
DateRented 2010-09-09 00:00:00.000
DateDue 2010-10-10 00:00:00.000
Total Fine 200.0000

Library Management System Chapter 3: System Design

Table Name: Publisher

Description : to store the publisher so it is available when register book
Null/Not Default
Fields Data Type Rules
Null Value
PublisherId Nvarchar(50) Not null - -
PublisherName nvarchar(50) Not null - -

Field Example Data

PublisherId P0001
PublisherName Tan Khen Khen

Table Name: User

Description : to store the information of the member
Null/Not Default
Fields Data Type Rules
Null Value
UserID Char(10) Not null - -
Username varchar(50) Not null - -
Useraddress varchar(50) Not null - -
UserPhone varchar(50) Not null - -
UserIC Char(5) Not null - -
UserRegDate varchar(50) Not null - -
AvailableBook varchar(50) Not null - -
Userpass varchar(50) Not null - -
Userphoto varchar(50) Not null - -
Useremail varchar(50) Not null - Format :
UserExpiredDate varchar(50) Not null - -

Field Example Data

UserID M001
Username Ooi Yee Neng
Useraddress 30 lintang talang 2, taman perai. 13600 Perai, Penang.
UserPhone 04-3568956
UserIC 880407-35-5266
UserRegDate 2011-02-16 00:00:00.000
AvailableBook 4
Userpass 12345678
Userphoto Tan_chen_khen.JPG
UserExpiredDate 2012-03-05 0:00:00.000

Library Management System Chapter 3: System Design

3.5 Summary
In this chapter discuss about normalization, Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), interface
design and also database design.

For the interface design, because it is website and it for member and librarian, the website
must design user friendly so that every user can easily learn how to use the website in a
short period of time. When I am designing this website, there are few problems occur. One
of the problems is the alignment of the website. When I design at Visual studio 2008 the lay
out should be find but when run it, the alignment is not correct. I have to readjust it. Second
problem is the browser problem. Different browser may cause different interface when run.
I faced internet explorer 7 problem. When run the website, the alignment is not correct
compare to Mozilla Firefox and also Google Chrome when run. After research and also
friend helps, I used script to control so that when it comes to different browser it will run
the particular browser alignment.

Besides that, I met a big problem on normalization. Because of the database design has
already designed, we have to normalize from 3rd to 1st normalization form. In this
normalization, I found out that some of the table does not naming properly. Example Staff
table normally for ID would be StaffID but we name it as ID. In this case, We could not
know this ID is for which table but it actually is staff id. After discuss with my group mate,
we change the naming of the database to overcome the problem.

In this chapter, a good interface design is important because it can convince the user to use
the website. A complicated website will cause the user does not want to serve the website.
Other than that, database design also important such as primary key and foreign key in the
database. If these keys do not exist, then duplicate data will happen.

Library Management System Chapter 4: Programming

Chapter 4


Library Management System Chapter 4: Programming

4.0 Programming
This chapter will discuss about coding for the system. In the development, logic and coding
skill is required. A good coding can enhance the efficiency of the system so that when other
people wanted to implement the coding they can easily understand the code. Following
would discuss the sample programming and description of the book.

4.1 Coding
1. Database Class
using System.Data.OleDb;
public class DBConnector
OleDbConnection con;

public OleDbDataReader dtr;

public DataSet DS = new DataSet();
public DBConnector(string strProvider, string strDBPath)
con = new OleDbConnection("Provider = SQLNCLI10; server = ;Database=LibrarySystem; user id = keat; Password = 1234;");

public bool con_Open()


return true;
return false;

public void con_Close()

if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open)

public bool DB_Reader(string strQuery)

OleDbCommand cmd;

Library Management System Chapter 4: Programming

cmd = new OleDbCommand(strQuery, con);

dtr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

if (dtr.HasRows)
return true;
return false;

public bool DB_Command(string strQuery)

OleDbCommand cmd;
cmd = new OleDbCommand(strQuery, con);
return true;

return false;
public bool DB_DS(string strQuery,string strTableName)
OleDbDataAdapter adp = new OleDbDataAdapter(strQuery, con);
adp.Fill(DS, strTableName);
return true;
return false;

The coding above about is a database class. At first we need to import a OLEDB class. It is
to ease to reuse this class to connect the database. In this class, it has created a few
functions which link with database and the coding. The first is the connection string that
specify where to connect to. Con_open() is open the connection to database, and
Con_close() is to close the connection. DB_Reader() is data reader use to read the data

Library Management System Chapter 4: Programming

from the database. DB_Reader() required to insert a SQL query to get the data . DB_DS() is
a dataset. It use to store the data that has been retrieve from the database. It required to
insert a SQL query and a data table name. DB_Command() is database command allow it
read the execute insert, update and delete in the database. Below is the example of the
query used.

DBConnector DBase = new DBConnector();


This code use when we want to open a connection to database. Dbase.con_Open() is to

open the connection. Dbase.con_Close(), is to close the database connection.


DBase.DB_DS("SELECT * FROM BOOK",”BookTable”);

This code use when we want to get data from database to data reader and data set. Data set
need one more parameter because data set needed table name.

DBase.DB_Command("INSERT INTO [Admin] VALUES [admin_address]='" + address + "');

DBase.DB_Command("UPDATE [Admin] SET [admin_address]='" + address + "');
DBase.DB_Command("DELETE FROM [Admin] WHERE [admin_id]=’123’ );

This code use when we want to execute a insert or update, or delete into database. It require
a insert or update or delete command at this function.

Library Management System Chapter 4: Programming

2. Search Function
DBConnector DBase = new DBConnector();
DBase.DB_DS("SELECT dbo.Book.ISBN, dbo.Book.BookTitle, dbo.Book.Author,
dbo.Book.Language, dbo.Book.Category, dbo.Publisher.PublisherName FROM dbo.Book INNER JOIN
dbo.Publisher ON dbo.Book.PublisherID = dbo.Publisher.PublisherID WHERE [" + type + "] LIKE '%"
+ search + "%'", "Book");
gvSearch.DataSource = DBase.DS;

This is the search function of the website. It will first put the data into the data set and after
that bind the data to gvSearch gridview. When the button search click, this query will be

<asp:GridView ID="gvSearch" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"

OnPageIndexChanging="gvSearch_PageIndexChanging" AllowPaging="True"
<asp:BoundField DataField="ISBN" HeaderText="ISBN" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="BookTitle" HeaderText="BookTitle" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Author" HeaderText="Author" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="PublisherName" HeaderText="PublisherName" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Category" HeaderText="Category" />
<asp:ButtonField CommandName="Detail" HeaderText="Detail" Text="Detail" />

This is a gridview called gvSearch. By putting in onselectedindexchanged= gvSearch_

SelectedIndexChanged”, it enable the gridview to put in the button. In there I have put the
detail button so that when the user search the book they can click the detail button to see the
book detail.

protected void gvSearch_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)

string command = e.CommandName.ToString();
if ((command).ToUpper() == ("detail").ToUpper())
string ISBN = gvSearch.Rows[int.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString())].Cells[0].Text;
Session["ISBN"] = ISBN;

Library Management System Chapter 4: Programming


This is the detail button which allows the user to click and transfer to another page. So
when the button is click, the id of the row will be store and transfer to other page. So that
when the book description page show they will know which the book that has to be show is.

3. Email
using System.Net.Mail;

MailMessage message = new MailMessage();

message.Subject = txtsubject.Text;
message.From = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(txtfrom.Text);
message.Body = TextArea1.Value;

SmtpClient sc = new SmtpClient();

sc.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("",
sc.Port = 587;
sc.Host = "";
sc.EnableSsl = true;

The coding above is about Email. At first we have to import Mail class in order to use
Email. This function allows us to send an email. The thing we need to prepare is a email
and find a smtp server. At here I used hotmail as my smtp server and as my hotmail. The port to hotmail server is 587 and the host
address for hotmail is After prepare, we will just have a subject, a sender
mail, a receiver mail and content. This part I have implement in the FAQ part and also
Forget Password part.

Library Management System Chapter 4: Programming

4. Log in / Log out

private bool Login(string ID, string password, string Type)
DBConnector DBase = new DBConnector();
string msg;
bool valid;
if (DBase.con_Open())
if (Type == "Admin")
if (DBase.DB_Reader("SELECT * FROM [Admin] WHERE Admin_ID='" + ID + "'"))
if (DBase.dtr["password"].ToString() == password)
msg = "Successful Login";
Session["ID"] = DBase.dtr["Admin_ID"].ToString();
Session["level"] = Type.ToString();
valid = true;
msg = "Incorrect Password.";
valid = false;
msg = "Unregistered ID.";
valid = false;
if (DBase.DB_Reader("SELECT * FROM [User] WHERE UserID='" + ID + "'"))
if (DBase.dtr["userpass"].ToString() == password)
msg = "Successful Login";
Session["ID"] = DBase.dtr["UserID"].ToString();
Session["level"] = Type.ToString();
valid = true;
msg = "Incorrect Password.";
valid = false;


Library Management System Chapter 4: Programming

msg = "Unregistered ID.";
valid = false;
msg = "Failed to connect to server";
valid = false;
if (valid)
lblError.Text = msg;
lblError.Text = msg;
return valid;

This coding is about log in and log out. Because it have two type of user which are admin
and member, the code has separate two parts. If users choose admin, it will go to admin
table to validate but if users choose member, it will go member table to validate. After log
in the type and ID will be store in the session value which is Session[“level”] and

protected void btnLogOut_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

Session["level"] = "guest";
Session["id"] = "";
mvSecurity.ActiveViewIndex = 0;
tbllogout.Visible = false;
mvMenu.ActiveViewIndex = 0;

This is the log out coding. So when the users log out the level will set become a guest.

Library Management System Chapter 4: Programming

5. Comment
DBase.DB_Reader("SELECT BookComment.CID, BookComment.ISBN, BookComment.UserID,
BookComment.Comment, [User].UserName FROM BookComment INNER JOIN [User] ON BookComment.UserID =
[User].UserID WHERE (BookComment.ISBN = '" + ISBN + "')");

Repeater1.DataSource = DBase.dtr;

This statement is to retrieve the comment from the database. It will base on the data return
row and bind in to the repeater. So if there are 2 record, it will show 2 rows.

<asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server"

onitemdatabound="Repeater1_ItemDataBound" ><ItemTemplate>
<table style=width:100%;>
<tr bgcolor = DDDDFF >
<td class=style20>
<span class=style22><%#
class=style2 />
<span class=style21><%#
((System.Data.Common.DbDataRecord)Container.DataItem)["Comment"].ToString()%></span><br />
<hr />
<div style=text-align:right;><asp:LinkButton ID="btnLinkDel" runat=server

This statement is the repeater for the comment. So when the book 3 comment, the repeater
will loop the data and put it inside the this code.

protected void Repeater1_ItemCommand(object source, RepeaterCommandEventArgs e)

string CID;
CID = e.CommandArgument.ToString();
string UserID = Session["ID"].ToString().ToUpper();

DBConnector DBase = new DBConnector();

if (DBase.DB_Reader("SELECT UserID FROM BookComment WHERE (CID = " + CID + ")"))

Library Management System Chapter 4: Programming

if (DBase.dtr["UserID"].ToString().ToUpper() == UserID ||
Session["level"].ToString().ToUpper() == "Admin".ToUpper())
if ((MessageBox.Show("Are you sure want to delete this comment ?", "Confirm",
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Warning) ==
DBase.DB_Command("DELETE FROM [BookComment] WHERE [CID]=" + CID);
Label9.Text = "";
DBase.DB_Reader("SELECT BookComment.CID, BookComment.ISBN,
BookComment.UserID, BookComment.Comment, [User].UserName FROM BookComment INNER JOIN [User] ON
BookComment.UserID = [User].UserID WHERE (BookComment.ISBN = '" + ISBN + "')");
Repeater1.DataSource = DBase.dtr;

if (!DBase.dtr.HasRows)
Label9.Text = "There is no comment on this book";
MessageBox.Show("You does not have permission to delete this comment!",
"Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Error);

This statement is to delete the comment of the book. To identify the book comment CID is
created and store the id at each row. So when delete, it can identify which comment. The
comment only can delete by admin users and the user’s own comment. If-Else statement
created to identify that which of the users have the permission to delete the comment.

Library Management System Chapter 4: Programming

6. Validation Class
Email Validation

using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

public bool ValidEmail(string validatingstring)

if (Regex.Match(validatingstring, @"^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]+@[a-zA-Z]+[.]{1}[a-zA-
return true;
return false;

This code is to validate the e-mail. We need to pass a string parameter to check the string
see if there got @ and . . So when the string does not have the two characters, it will not

Text field empty validation

static public bool isEmpty(string strTest)
if (strTest == "")
return true;
return false;

This code is to validate the field that is empty or not. So we have to also pass in a string
parameter to check the string see that the string is empty or not. If it is empty then it is not
valid. It apply at search function, edit profile, reservation and more place which does not
allow to empty field.

Library Management System Chapter 4: Programming

Check numeric validation

static public bool isNumeric(string strTest)

return true;
return false;

This code is to check numeric only which mean the particular field only allow number.
Other number such as alphabet is not allows. It apply help to check IC number and also
phone number.

Library Management System Chapter 4: Programming

7. Reservation
if (DBase.DB_Reader("SELECT TOP (20) dbo.Book.BookTitle, dbo.Book.Author, dbo.Book.Language,
dbo.Book.Category, dbo.Publisher.PublisherName, dbo.Book.ISBN FROM dbo.Book INNER JOIN
dbo.Publisher ON dbo.Book.PublisherID = dbo.Publisher.PublisherID WHERE [" + type + "] LIKE '%"
+ search + "%'"))

Label1.Visible = true;
Label1.Text = System.Environment.NewLine + "Could not find any book";
gvSearch.DataSource = DBase.dtr;

This code is to find the book and bind the data into the gridview. So that the users allow to
reserve the book.

protected void gvSearch_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)

string command = e.CommandName.ToString();
int reservecount = 0;
string ISBN = gvSearch.Rows[int.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString())].Cells[4].Text;
DBConnector DBase = new DBConnector("Microsoft.ACE.Oledb.12.0",
if ((command).ToUpper() == ("reserve").ToUpper())
if (DBase.DB_Reader("SELECT Availablebook - (SELECT COUNT(UserID) AS
Reservecount FROM Reservation WHERE (UserID = '" + Session["ID"].ToString() + "')) AS
TotalCount FROM [User] WHERE (UserID = '" + Session["ID"].ToString() + "')"))
reservecount = int.Parse(DBase.dtr["TotalCount"].ToString());

if (reservecount > 0)
if (DBase.DB_Reader("SELECT TOP (1) dbo.BookCopy.BarcodeID FROM dbo.Book INNER
JOIN dbo.BookCopy ON dbo.Book.ISBN = dbo.BookCopy.ISBN WHERE (dbo.BookCopy.Status = 'a') AND
(dbo.BookCopy.ISBN = '" + ISBN + "')"))
string Barcode;
Barcode = DBase.dtr["BarcodeID"].ToString();
DBase.DB_Command("Update Bookcopy Set Status = 'r' where BarcodeID = '" +
Barcode + "'");

Library Management System Chapter 4: Programming

DBase.DB_Command("Insert Into Reservation Values ('" +

Session["ID"].ToString() + "', '" + Barcode + "', GETDATE() + 14)");
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Reserve Succesful! Please take this
barcode to search the book : " + Barcode, "Sucess", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK,
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Sorry, the book is out of stock.",
"Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Error);
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Sorry, you cannot reserve anymore.",
"Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Error);

This code allow the user to reserve book. When the button reserve click, the id of the row
will be store into a variable so that we know which book is it. After that, by using the id,
update the database book rental status from a to r so that the book will not borrow by other

Library Management System Chapter 4: Programming

8. SMS
Set Up the connection to a GSM modem or a GSM phone
private int port;
private int baudRate;
private int timeout;

public void SetData(int port, int baudRate, int timeout)

this.port = port;
this.baudRate = baudRate;
this.timeout = timeout;
public void GetData(out int port, out int baudRate, out int timeout)
port = this.port;
baudRate = this.baudRate;
timeout = this.timeout;

This is to setting up the port, baudRate and timeout for connection a GSM modem or phone.
The port can found in control panel, Phone and Modem Setting. When we connected the
GSM modem or phone, there will show the port number such as COMM4. So we need to
find which port we are using. After that set the baud rate and timeout, it will ready to

Connect GSM modem or GSM phone

int port = GsmCommMain.DefaultPortNumber;
int baudRate = 9600;
int timeout = GsmCommMain.DefaultTimeout;

frmConnection dlg = new frmConnection();

dlg.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
dlg.SetData(port, baudRate, timeout);

if (dlg.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK)
dlg.GetData(out port, out baudRate, out timeout);

Library Management System Chapter 4: Programming

Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
CommSetting.comm = new GsmCommMain(port, baudRate, timeout);
Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
CommSetting.comm.PhoneConnected += new EventHandler(comm_PhoneConnected);

bool retry;
retry = false;
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
if (MessageBox.Show(this, "Unable to open the port.", "Error",
MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == DialogResult.Retry)
retry = true;

This part of the coding is use the data transfer from previous form which is the port, baud
rate and the timeout to make the connection to the phone. When the phone or modem is
connected there will be a status shown at the screen said the phone is connected.

Send a message
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
SmsSubmitPdu pdu;
pdu = new SmsSubmitPdu(txt_message.Text, txt_destination_numbers.Text,"");
byte dcs;
catch(Exception ex)

Library Management System Chapter 4: Programming

Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;

This is the coding to SMS. It send the coding from our connected modem or phone to the
destination. It need the destination number to put in and also the message that we want to

4.2 Summary
In this chapter discuss about programming stage. It is all about coding and how to develop
the website or system.

In this chapter, I have faced a few problems. One of the problems is sending a SMS. It is
because I did not learn before. Sending a SMS require a baud rate, port and timeout. Before
understanding these few things, I could not start to create the SMS module. Wasting a
period of time to research and also help of my friend, I finally can develop this module. The
second problem that I faced is comment module. For comment module, I have completed
the comment module and it can be shown at bottom of the book description page. When I
present at final testing, I realize I didn’t put the delete button and also found out by
moderator. So I have to add one more button but the problem occur when add this problem.
Because of using C# label to write HTML code inside, the delete button for ASP.NET
could not show out. After research, I still could not get the solution. Finally, with the help
of my friend, he teaches me to use repeater and also HTML button so that it can be shown
out dynamically. After teaches of my friend, I finally finish the comment module.

In this chapter, I have learnt some new coding that I did not learn before. This coding is
useful because when I working outside I can reuse these coding. Not only this, I also learnt
that when a thing develop, it develop by many method. Example: comment module. It can
be create in different method such as by using repeater, or using loop and add in to a string
in C# and many more.

Library Management System Chapter 5: Software Testing

Chapter 5

Software Testing

Library Management System Chapter 5: Software Testing

5.0 System Testing

This chapter will show the testing method of the system and website. This is to find the
system bug so that when the user used the system it is bug free. So it must test properly
before the system launch.

5.1 Test Plan

Tester Name : Koh Yee Keat

Module Name : Log In Module

UserID:M0003 Level : Admin, Member
Expected Result:
Error Checking = Length, Match
Correct = Login to the website

Comments from Supervisor / Moderator :

-The Forget Password function is missing.

Tester Name : Koh Yee Keat

Module Name : E-mail

UserID:- Level : Guest, Admin, Member
Expected Result:
Key in user’s E-mail and ask question.
Receive E-mail at Admin side

Comments from Supervisor / Moderator :None

Library Management System Chapter 5: Software Testing

Tester Name : Koh Yee Keat

Module Name : Search Module

UserID:- Level : Guest, Admin, Member
Expected Result:
Key in book to search via ISBN, Title, Author, Publisher Name and Category
Result return a table which all the book.
Can view the book detail.

Comments from Supervisor / Moderator :None

Tester Name : Koh Yee Keat

Module Name : Command Module

UserID:M0003 Level : Member
Expected Result:
Member allow to command the book.

Comments from Supervisor / Moderator :

-Adding one “Remove Comment ” function and button.

Tester Name : Koh Yee Keat

Module Name : Recommended Book

UserID:M0003 Level : Member
Expected Result:
It return a table which have some recommend book to user depend on the category
which user often see.

Comments from Supervisor / Moderator :None

Library Management System Chapter 5: Software Testing

Tester Name : Koh Yee Keat

Module Name : Member/Staff Management

UserID:M0003 Level : Member, Staff
Way to test:
Allow member to view their profile and can edit.
Member also allow to change their password.

Comments from Supervisor / Moderator :

-Add more information such as member email and address.

Tester Name : Koh Yee Keat

Module Name : Reservation Module

UserID:M0003 Level : Member
Way to test :
Search the book in Reservation and choose the book to reserve.
Allow to cancel reserve.
A book reserved only allow a period 14 day to collect. After 14 days the reservation
will be cancel.

Comments from Supervisor / Moderator :None

Tester Name : Koh Yee Keat

Module Name : View Borrowed Book and Current Book Borrowed

UserID:M0001 Level : Member

Expected Result:
Show Book that user borrowed before.
Show Book that user currently borrowed.

Comments from Supervisor / Moderator :None

Library Management System Chapter 5: Software Testing

Tester Name : Koh Yee Keat

Module Name : Add/Edit/Delete News

UserID:M0001 Level : Admin
Expected Result:
Allow admin level to add, edit, deleteNews

Comments from Supervisor / Moderator :

Tester Name : Koh Yee Keat

Module Name : SMS Module

UserID:M0001 Level : Admin
Expected Result:
Send sms via GSM mobile phone. SMS when the borrower book has reach their due
date. It will SMS in one week a times. Admin may send sms manually.

Comments from Supervisor / Moderator :None

Tester Name : Koh Yee Keat

Module Name : Report Module

UserID:M0001 Level : Admin
Expected Result:
Show the report that match the criteria that choose by the user.

Comments from Supervisor / Moderator :

-Does not done for last time.

Library Management System Chapter 5: Software Testing

5.2 Summary
In this chapter discuss about system testing. System testing help to reveal the bug that may
occur in the system or website. It is very important phase.

In this chapter, the problem that I face is the limitation of time. Because of we start this
project late, we do not have enough time to test the system. With the help of my friend, we
done the testing and also test plan.

I have learnt the important of this chapter. A test can make a system or website to reduce
the bug happen. Programmer always develop the system in the logic way. So, many thing
that programmer think that it will be no problem but when test by user there will be
problem. Example: a user key in his phone number with alphabet but not numbers. So
testing is important and it can be test more perfectly by user than programmer.

Library Management System Chapter 6: Conclusion

Chapter 6


Library Management System Chapter 6: Conclusion

6.0 Conclusion

6.1 Introduction
In this chapter which is final chapter, conclusion and evaluation will be shown on testing
and analyzing process that perform previously. Strengths, weakness, future enhancement
and also the seminar linkage of the Library Management System will be included. After
that personal reflection also will be included at last.

6.2 Linkage to seminar

In this final year project, I have choose GSM (Global System For Mobile Communication)
as my seminar title. The reason I choose this title because I wanted to use GSM mobile
technology to send SMS (Short Message Service). This mobile technology is the most
suitable to use compare to other technology such as CDMA. During the research on the
seminar, I found out that GSM has many advantages over than CDMA.

Major advantages I use GSM mobile technology for this time final year project is this
mobile technology is worldwide technology. GSM mobile technology used by all over the
world. With this advantage is actually win over all other mobile technology very much. So
when we wanted to develop Library Management system to all over the world, it will not

Other reason that I use GSM mobile technology one of them is, save cost. It is save cost
because it is worldwide technology and the price is standard over the world. Compare to
CDMA, GSM is cheaper. In this final year project, a public Library normally is a non profit
organization, so this system is develop to let the client save more costs. In this objective,
GSM actually achieve. Not only that, it also easy to transfer the data, GSM used SIM card
to store the phone information such as profile, phone number and more. So if the client
wanted to change phone number or move the phone number to another place, they will just
remove the SIM card or replace it.

Library Management System Chapter 6: Conclusion

6.3 Evaluation of Project Objectives

Objectives Function / Module Status
Allow user find book in the Search Module Achieved
To implement SMS SMS Module Achieved
Allow user to reserve via Reservation Module Achieved

6.4 Project Management Issues

At this project development, I have met many problems. At the very beginning, because of
lack of time management, my group mate and I decided Library Management System as
title in a very short time. After that, we found out that we are lack of knowledge about
library. We force to research the process of the library such as transaction, fine, and more in
order to develop this system. After a lot of research and refer to the reference, we only can
start work on it.

Secondly, it comes to coding part problem. The biggest problem that I face is SMS module.
I have totally no idea how to write coding by using GSM mobile technology to send a SMS.
Many of my friends do not implement this module to their system. Although there are some
of my friend implement this module but all of them also do not have the idea to create it.
After the research with my friend and the comment from the internet, I finally able to create
this module.

Although I created SMS module, but I borrowed my friend GSM modem. Because of the
presentation in the same day, the GSM modem will be use by my friend. I could not afford
to buy a GSM modem because I only use it for one time. After research from the internet
and suggestion from my friend, I found out that a GSM phone with contain modem

Library Management System Chapter 6: Conclusion

function also allows to send SMS with the coding that created in the computer. At first, it
does not work, while I connected my phone to my computer. The reason is the phone
modem driver does not install in my computer so that I am unable to send SMS via my
phone. In the researching of the internet, I finally found the driver in the internet and install
into my computer and I work well by sending the SMS via my phone.

Lastly I met some problem in documentation. With the lack of time management, I could
need to rush my document in short time. Besides that, the guide line given also has to
follow correctly. Especially the reference part because it need to use Harvard referencing.

6.5 Evaluation of Projects Strengths and Weaknesses


 System response fast enough when the users perform some action.
 Interface is user friendly and easy to use.
 Allow to keep track member expire date
 Allow user to instantly change their profile via internet
 Allow to comment the book which is good or bad.
 System will auto send SMS to all user when they borrow the book over the due
 Allow user reserve book online.
 Allow user ask question via email
 Member allow to see history of borrowed book
 Member allow to see current book borrowed
 Admin user allow to add, edit and delete news

Library Management System Chapter 6: Conclusion

 User does not allow borrow book directly from the website.
 The website does not support older version of the web browser such as IE 6.
 The recommended book will still recommend users via category. When the
book borrowed by the member before it will still recommended the member.
 Does not have security checking. Any guess may use FAQ page to spam email
to user’s email.
 Does not use any instant update function such as ajax.
 Does not have rating on the book.

6.6 Suggestion for Future Enhancement

In the future, there are few things there might be improve. First, is to enhance the browser
compatibility. Users may use different platform and also different browser to visit the
website. Every book may be having link to a worldwide page for example people on
facebook. So, users may know the book well and also rating and comment of the book.

Second, there may have much more function such as borrow book online or delivery. In
future, there a function like delivery exists in library system So users can stay at home
order the book and wait for the delivery of the book. It may have charge of each book
delivery. Such as RM3.00 per book.

Third, SMS change to MMS, SMS only allow send text only but MMS can send
multimedia such as pictures, music, text and more. When the book is over the due date and
have to remind the users, They can send the remind message with pictures and also voice.

Lastly, at the validation part, AJAX technology implement so that it can be instantly
checking but not after a button press only checking. It save the time of the users when there
is some false information has been key-in.

Library Management System Chapter 6: Conclusion

6.7 Personal Reflection

In this final year project, I have learned a lot of thing. I have gain a lot of knowledge and
also regain back what I have forgotten knowledge. When the problem occur, we have to
research on the solution. On the researching stage, I have learned a lot.

When I am developing the website, the website always have post back problem. When we
perform a button event such as click, the website will reload again. It make many problems.
By the helping of my friend’s explanation and the research of the internet, I slowly
understand how a button click event performs. A simple click looks simple but sometimes
it is occur some unknown problem such as when we add a book in to a list view but after
click add the list view does not show the book that has been added just now. After research
only know that click event will run only after page load. When the page load the data
already bind into the list view and it only add to the database. So the data will not show out.
By solving this problem, we have to bind the data into the list view again after click event

Other than that, I also learn about SQL query. In this development, my SQL query skill is
improved because many thing I use SQL query to generate more than the coding. Example
is the recommended book function which link many database to get the recommend book
for that particular person. In coding part, I will just need to put on the database command to
run the query and I can get all the data.

I have also recall back the knowledge that I have lost which is Data Flow Diagram (DFD),
Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) and normalization. I have to refer back the note from
diploma in order to do ERD,DFD and normalization.

Library Management System Chapter 6: Conclusion

Lastly, I found out that teamwork is very important to a team. A team will need good
communication with teammate. In this project, I do website and my teammate do system
application. We share database together. We discuss to each other so that the database
design can use by both of us. When there are some changes of the database, we will inform
to each other so that there will no error when we do our part. If a team have a bad
communication, then when the system have changes and the teammate does not inform to
each other. When the system combine many error will be occur and it wasted a lot of time.

Library Management System Chapter 7: Reference

Chapter 7


Library Management System Chapter 7: Reference

7. References

 Code Project. 2003. Effective Email Address Validation. Viewed on 11 Feb

2011. Available From <
Email_ Addresses.aspx>
 Nokia.2010.Ovi By Nokia. Viewed on 12 Feb 2011. Available From <>
 David Margrave. GSM Security and Encryption. View On 12 Feb 2011.
Available From
 Gyula Rabai. Code Project. 2007. How to send SMS Message from C# using an
SQL database. View On 12 Feb 2011. Available From <>
 Art Branch Inc. 2004. SQL Tutorial. View on 13 March 2011. Available From
 James Holan. Sitepoint. 2011. Using the ASP.NET repeater control. View On 6
Feb 2011. Available From <
 Wikipedia. 2010. System Development Life Cycle. Viewed on 7 Feb 2011.
Available from
 2011. Connection String For SQL Server. Viewed on 1
Feb 2011 Available from <>

Library Management System Appendices

Setup Project Environment
In order to host the website, users must setup some folder so that the website can
work perfectly. User must create a folder in the C drive and name the folder pictures.
Example C:\Pictures. User must put all the pictures into this folder for application
and for website, user must copy all the picture into the website folder. That folder
uses to host the website and inside got Pictures folder. Copy all the pictures from
the C drive folder to that folder.

Library Management System Appendices

User Manual
1. Home Page
Purpose: Allow user to view new arrival books and also news of library.
User: Admin, Member, Guess


Figure 1.1 Home Page

- In section number 1 is a bar which allows user to link to 5 pages. The 5

pages are home page, faq page, contact page, about us page, and search page.
- In section number 2 is log in function. It is an authorization and
authentication security to differentiate that which user allow to perform what
- In section number 3 is the new arrival books for the library. For new book
that arrive to the library, the staff will key in to the system which the offline
application. After they key-in, the website will be updated from getting

Library Management System Appendices

latest data from database. Other than that, click on the detail link button
allow user to see the detail of the book.
- In section number 4 is the news of the library. It only can insert by the
admin users. After the admin users insert the news to the database, all of the
user can see the message to the homepage.

2. FAQ page
Purpose: Allow users to ask question and find answer about library.
User: Admin, Member, Guess

Figure 2.1 FAQ page

- By default there will have few question state in the page. The questions are
commonly asks by public.

Library Management System Appendices

- User allows send e-mail to ask more question by filling in the question in the
textbox provided in the diagram.
- Your Email text box needs the user’s e-mail so that the staff can reply the
answer to the user. The field cannot be empty.
- Subject is the header of the email. Example a subject writes ABC. When the
e-mail receives, the e-mail header will be ABC. The field cannot be empty.
- Question text box is to let user to key-in the question to ask. The field cannot
be empty.

Figure 2.2 Error Message for empty field

- The error message will be pop up when the user let the field empty.
- Figure 2.2 is a example error message for empty e-mail field.

Library Management System Appendices

3. Search Function
Purpose: Allow user to search the book contain in the library.
User: Member, Admin, and guess

1 3

Figure 3.1 Search Page

- In section number 1 is for user to key in the key word to search the book
such as the lord of the ring.
- In section number 2 is for user chooses the category to search. User can
choose for 5 categories.
- In section number 3 is for user to click after they have finish key-in the key
word and choose the search category.

Figure 3.2 After search, result show in grid view

Library Management System Appendices

- In section number 1, the detail link button allows to link the users to the
book detail page.

4. Log in & Log Out

Purpose: To provide authentication and authorization for member and staff.
User: Member & Admin

Figure 4.1 Before Log in Figure 4.2 After Log in

- In figure 4.1, user must key-in the user id and password to each text box.
- After that, user must choose the type of the user. Is either Member or Admin.
- Press Login button to log in.
- In figure 4.2, user may press the Log Out button to log out.

5. Forget Password
Purpose: Enable user to get back the their password
User: Member and Admin
- In figure 4.1, press forget password link button to link to forget password

Library Management System Appendices

Figure 5.1 Forget Password Page

- In figure 5.1, user needed to key-in user ID and also their e-mail to get back
their password.
- After key-in user ID and e-mail, user need to choose the type and lastly click
on the submit button to perform the action.

Figure 5.1.2 User ID and E-mail does not match

- If the E-mail and the user ID does not match, an error message will pop out.

Figure 5.1.3 The E-mail has successfully sent to user’s E-mail

- After successfully validate, a message box will pop out to tell user.

Library Management System Appendices

6. Member Page
Purpose: Enable user to use member function that provided.
User: Member

Figure 6.1 After Log in (Member Home Page)

- In section number 1 is member menu. It is the function for only member

level use only.
- In section number 2 is the recommend books for the particular member. It
recommend based on the book category that user always borrow.

Library Management System Appendices

7. Book Detail & Comment Book

Purpose: Allow user to view the book detail and also comment the book.
User: Member – Book Detail & Comment Book
User: Guess and Admin – Book Detail

Figure 7.1 Book Detail Page (For Guess and Admin)

- Guess and admin do not allow to comment the book.

- For admin can delete any comment that user comment.

Library Management System Appendices

Figure 7.2 Book Detail Page (For Member)

- Member allows view the detail of the book and also comment of the book.
- Member also allows comment the book by filling in the text box below and
press the comment button to comment the book.

Library Management System Appendices

8. Member’s Profile
Purpose: Allow member to view their profile and edit their profile.
User: Member

Figure 8.1 Member’s Profile Page

- This page allow member to view their profile. They also allow edit their
- Click on the my profile at member menu to link to this page.
- By clicking the edit button, the field will be enable to let the user edit.
- For all field is not allow to empty.
- IC and Contact field is only can enter number only.
- For email field will verify whether the string got @ and . or not.

Library Management System Appendices

Figure 8.2 Error to update profile

- Figure 8.2 shows the error when users key-in the data wrongly.
- The red word describe the error that user made.

Figure 8.3 Update successful for update profile

- Figure 8.3 will be shown when the profile is updated successfully.

Library Management System Appendices

9. Change Password
Purpose: Allow user to change their password.
User: Admin, Member

Figure 9.1 Change Password Page

- Figure 9.1 is change password page which allow user to change password.
- Click on the change password at member menu to link to this page.
- In current password text box field, key-in the current password that the user
ID using.
- In new password text box field, user need to key-in his/her new password.
- In retype password text box field, user has to retype the new password again
to confirm the new and retype password is the same.
- Press submit button to submit the new password.
- The field cannot be empty.
- Error message will show out in red color word. Example: Figure 9.2

Figure 9.2 Change Password Page (Error)

Library Management System Appendices

10. Reservation
Purpose: Allow user to reserve book.
User: Member

Figure 10.1 Reservation Page

- At first, click on the reservation at member menu.

- Second, member has to search the book in order to reserve the book.
- After search a gridview will be shown just like figure 10.1.
- Click reserve to reserve the book.

Figure 10.2 Reserve Successful

Library Management System Appendices

- After reserve, a message box will pop out the let the user know the reserve is
- In the message box there will have the barcode number. The user needed to
record down this barcode because when they go to library to get this book,
they have to find themselves.
- There will be two condition that the reservation might be fail which is the
book is out of stock or the user himself does has permission to borrow any
book. Example message will be shown in Figure 10.3 and 10.4

Figure 10.3 Error message for reservation

Figure 10.4 Error message for book out of stock

Library Management System Appendices

Figure 10.5 Current Reserve Book Page

- Figure 10.5 show the member what books have member reserve.
- Click on current reserve book at member menu to link to this page.
- If member forgot their barcode they can view at this page.
- If member wish to delete their reservation, they can delete it by clicking the
delete link button at this page.

11. Current Book Borrowed & View Book Borrowed

Purpose: Allow users to view the book currently they borrow and also view their
history that they have borrowed what book before.
User: Member

Figure 11.1 View Book Borrowed Page

- This page allows user see the book they borrow before.
- By clicking View Book Borrowed link button at member menu to link to
this page.

Library Management System Appendices

Figure 11.2 Current Book Borrowed Page

- This page allow user to view currently the book they have borrow.
- By clicking the member menu’s current book borrowed link button, it will
link to this page.

12. Staff Profile

Purpose: Allow staff to change their profile
User: Admin

Figure 12.1 Staff Profile Page

- Figure 12.1 enable admin user to view their profile.

- Click on my profile on staff menu to link to this page.

Library Management System Appendices

- They also allow edit their profile.

- For all field is not allow to empty.
- IC and Contact field is only can enter number only.
- For email field will verify whether the string got @ and . or not.

Figure 12.2 Error occur while update

- Figure 12.2 shows the error when users key-in the data wrongly.
- The red word describe the error that user made.

Library Management System Appendices

13. News
Purpose: Allow the admin user to maintain news.
User: Admin

2 3
Figure 13.1 News Page

- Figure 13.1 enable admin user to maintain news.

- Click add news at member menu to link to this page.
- In section number 1, allow the admin user to add news.
- By filling in text to the text box and click the add button and the news will
be added to database and show at homepage.
- In section number 2, if user wishes to edit the news click on the edit button
to edit the news.
- In section number 3, if user wishes to delete the news click on the delete
button to delete the news.

Library Management System Appendices

14. Report
Purpose: Enable admin users to view report.
User: Admin

Figure 14.1 Book Comment Report Menu

- Click on the report in staff menu to link to this page.

- In section number 1, user need to choose book command in order to view
the book comment report and the book comment tab will show out.
- In section number 2, user need to choose on the category he/she want to
generate report.
- In section number 3, after choose the category, user need to choose for the
criteria for each category. Example for language chooses on English.

Library Management System Appendices

Figure 14.2 Book Comment Report

- This is a sample report generate by the criteria that given by users. It is on

the date 3/10/2011.
- If the user wishes to print the report out, press on the print button at bottom
left of the page.
- If user wishes to back to previous page, press on the back button at bottom
left of the page.

Library Management System Appendices

Figure 14.3 Member Expired Report Menu

- In section number 1, choose on the expired at choose report radio button

there to enable the member expired report tab show out.
- In section number 2, choose on the option that user wishes to show.
- Click on date will pop up a calendar to let user choose date. Example Figure

Figure 14.4 Month Option

- Click on month option will pop up a combo box to select the month.
Example: Figure 14.4

Library Management System Appendices

Figure 14.5 Year Option

- Click on the year option will pop up a text box to let user key-in year.
Example: 14.5

Figure 14.6 Member Expired Report

- This is a sample report generate by the criteria that given by users. It is on

the year 2012.
- If the user wishes to print the report out, press on the print button at bottom
left of the page.
- If user wishes to back to previous page, press on the back button at bottom
left of the page.

Library Management System Appendices

Project Specification
A. Company Background
This system does not related to any company. We created the system which suits small size
library. Most of the function we refer to other library system.
B. Project Objectives
The purpose we creating this project are to let those small library have an electronic library
management system. A lot small size library was using paper-based management system.
But followed by the increase of visitors and member, librarian was suffered because there
are a lot of records. When need to search for particular member record, the librarian need a
lot of time.

In addition, they are suffered from a lot paper-based problem such as lost of member’s
record. Some record was missing because they failed to take good care of it. For example,
the librarians forget to put back the record into cupboard when they are busy.
Since my last visit to that library, I found that they need a computer management system so
I think of this idea to developing a system for small size library. This is to avoid some
paper-based problem such as lost of record and etc.

With the library system, librarians are able to record all the new books and new
transactions. We implement the use of bar code in this project so that librarian can process
the book transaction faster when a lot of members want to make a transaction. They can
save a lot of time without writing the book id.

Library Management System Appendices

C. Project Scope

Library Management System Appendices

The project scope is to show the system and website feature and function that we are
going to develop. In this system, we have separated into online and offline. In our
group, there is 2 member which are my group mate , Tan Chaur Chuan and me , Koh
Yee Keat. So in here I in charge of online side and the other side which is offline will
be in charge by my group mate , Tan Chaur Chuan.

1. Security Login Module

 We provide Login in our website so as a normal member that has already
registered in our library can log in to the website.
 We have also provide password recovery for the member. If the member
forgot his/her own password they can use the password recovery function by
providing their secret question and answer it with their correct answer and a
new temporary password will be send to their email.

2. Search Module
 There is several search function, search book location, search book, search
book availability.
 Book location Searching – Is to search the book is locate at where for
example the book is at which value. This function mainly is provide for
normal member which in the library which could not find the book and we
will provide a few of the computer to let the user to search the book there so
that they could find the book location.
 Book Searching – Is to search the particular book. The user may need to
know what book that our library have so they can use this function to search
the book we have. And we also provide search by categories, name, author,
publisher, ISBN, and publish year.
 Book availability searching – Is to find the book currently is available to
rent or reserve.

Library Management System Appendices

3. Reservation Module
 This module allow a member to reserve book by online. In online they need
to login their id and they can reserve a book by searching the book. If the
book is less then 3 unit the book is not allow to reserve by anyone but if
there is more then 3 then the book is allow to reserve. For offline mode
there appear that which book is currently wanted by the member and the
librarian will take the book for the member. So if the before take and the
book is borrow by other people the reservation will be cancel.

4. Book recommendation module

 This module is to recommend some book for the normal member. We know
that some of the member like to cook and he/she always borrow some
cooking category book only.
 So when there are some new arrival book and the category is cooking we
may recommended to the member whether the member is interest in this
book or not.

5. Check history/current transaction module

 For this module, we allow the user to login to see currently or pass
 Which mean they can know currently what book he/she are renting and also
he/she has already rent before.

6. Command Module
 In this module, the user allow to commend the book.
 Allow other user to such as guest to view the command and they might
know the book is nice or not.

Library Management System Appendices

7. SMS Module
 This module which allow to remind member that the book that he/she rent
already expired.
 If the book that the person rent is expired for 1 day, the system will
automatic send a SMS to the member said that the book is already expired
remind him/her that please pass up early

D. Non-functional Requirements
i) Product Requirements
a) Efficiency requirements
In the online side, we are able to make the customer save some time to searching
some book locate at and also we can let the customer reserve book through online
instead of coming to the library to rent the book without knowing the book is
currently available or not.

b) Reliability requirements
In the online side, the website provide search book availability function so that the
user will know the book currently is available or not instead running from home to
library to borrow a book by not knowing the book is still available to rent or not.
Besides that when the book is rent by a person and expired, he/she will receive mail
and also sms that remind him/her that the book that him/her rent is already expired.
Compare to handwork, the librarian has to look the record to find that who is current
renting expired book and some time they may miss out some people.

c) Usability requirements
This website is designed with user-friendly and easy to use by the member so that
the user can easily to learn how to use and know exactly how to use it. There is
instruction and guide that provided to let the user know how to use it correctly.

Library Management System Appendices

ii) Organizational Requirements

a) Implementation requirements
In implementing the system, it uses the with c# as the main programming
language and tools. Besides that, the SQL language will be use to maintain the
information in the database. On the other hand, SQL Server 2008 need to be

b) Delivery requirements
The whole system is estimate to be done around 6 months time and the
documentation will be done in 2 months. The full system will be delivers in a
softcopy method while the documentation will be delivers in hardcopy and

iii) External Requirements

a) Legislative requirements
The information that use must be acknowledge by the authorized people so that it
has no violating the law. This information is copyrighted and protected by the law.
Besides that, when visitors wants to become the member of the library, he or she
must agree with the rules stated in the system.

b) Security requirements

This system is secure must prevent to let people log in to the admin site to change
the content of the webpage. The content is only the administrator can change.

E. General Description
This section generally describes the overall system’s functionalities and other

Library Management System Appendices

a) Product Functions
This Library Management system is mainly create for the library near my group
mate house in butterworth. This product was developed to let the librarian have
electronic management system to replace paper-based system. The online part will
be describe by me and the offline part will be present by my group mate, Tan Chaur

b) Similar System Information

c) The library management system, for the webpage is quite similar to TAR College
developed website, , which I think I have
to improve it. I hope I can enhance become similar to

d) User Problem Statement

Currently, the library was using paper-based system. When a customer want to
reserve a book they need to telephone in to the library and ask for the book but with
the online website the customer able to use their own id to request the book reserve
for him/her so that he/she no need to waste their phone credit to telephone to get the
e) Users Objectives
Across the development of the city, people are increase day by day. People who
study, working, and more will also come to library often to search their own
knowledge. With this system and the website we can ease the staffs and also visitors
to convince their daily work. At the online side, we can ease the customer to rent the
book and also ease the staff from finding expired person to remind them.

f) General Constraints
i) Limited time to complete the project
The estimated duration to complete this project is about 8 month, and we
need to complete it while still on the way in industry training. The time limit
is determined by the time that need to:

Library Management System Appendices

 Plan how and what the system should look like

 Review and analyze the requirement on the system
 Designed the system based on the project specification
 Code the program up with the complete documentation
 Having system testing
 Implement the system to the website
 Evaluate the system

ii) Hard to get secure in the system

Nowadays technology is improving, the hacker is increase day by day. The
website is hard to get 100% secure and I have also lack of knowledge about
security and I need to waste some time to do research on the security of the

F. External Interface Requirements

a) User Interface
For the user interface, the system will contain the standard Graphic User Interface
(GUI) which is:
 It will be created to be full screen so that user can view the system clearly.
 The background colour will not be too bright because too bright will cause
user’s eye not comfortable.
 The background colour for the entire page in the system will be consistent.
 The book image or member photo size will be compress into small size so that
librarian can know how the book’s cover looks like or librarian can know the
member’s outlook.
 When customer login into the system, his or her name will appear in top right
corner of the main page following by the current time and “logout” word.
 The size of the button will be standard in some size to avoid customer

Library Management System Appendices

 The button label would be easier to understand. For example, delete a record
using “Delete” button but not “Destroy” or “Drop”.
 The design for each browser should be standardize.

b) Hardware Interface
 This website can use in any type of computer with the web browser such as
Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google chrome and more.

c) Software Interface
 All the operating system can be use as long as there is web browser in the
particular OS.
 Adobe Reader and also Adobe flash may be needed to install.
 SQL server 2008 will be the database.

d) Communication Interface
 The website allows communication between customer and the system and also
staff and the system.

G. Development Environment
In developing an e-commerce system, the things that will be used are hardware, software
tools, and other resources such as programming languages.
 Hardware
The hardware that use to develop the project include standard personal computer. It
is the basic requirement for developing a website.

 Software tools
The following is the software and tools that use to develop the project because these
can help the project to be build.
i) Microsoft Visual Studio 2008

Library Management System Appendices

- This software use to design the website and publish to Internet. It contains
the web server and can link with database to retrieve the needed information
from the database system.
ii) SQL server 2008
- This software is our main database software. It can do basic and also some
standard advance query. And it is user friendly.

 Programming language
Programming language that use includes CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), and C#
to develop the website for the Library Management system through visual studio
software. While for the database, SQL language uses to maintain database.

H. Operation Environment

Library Management System Appendices

1) Customer site
Hardware Requirement Function
RAM Above 256MB Additional RAM allows a computer work with
more information at the same time.
Modem Above 56Mbps Allow the client to connect to the Internet and the
output displayed will depend on the speed
Hard Disk Above 80GB Allow operating system, software titles and other
files stored in this device.
Software Requirement Function
OS Window XP Basic requirement for computer to maintain all the
(Operating process

1) Web hosting service
A service that allows us to post or upload the website which let the customer to use by

Library Management System Appendices

I. Project Schedule

Project Schedule

Library Management System Appendices

J. Project Team
In this project team there are 2 people. The system also break in two part which is
online and offline. My group mate, Tan Chaur Chuan will in charge of offline part
meanwhile I in charge of online part.

Project Management Document

Project Progress Report 1

Report No. : 1 Date : 06 October 2010

From : 3.30pm To : 4.30pm

Project Title : Library Management System

1. Progress Made (since the last meeting)

At this meeting, I pass up my project specification.

2. Critical Evaluation

a. Problems Encountered

For this project specification, the modules that I and my group mate write are
not enough. There are too few modules for both of us to done the module.
Supervisor asks us to add more modules.

b. Steps You Have Taken To Resolve Them

After discussing with supervisor and also my group mate, we decided to add
module form offline system become online website and offline application.

Library Management System Appendices

Project Progress Report 2

Report No. : 2 Date : 20 October 2010

From : 4pm To : 4.55pm

Project Title : Library Management System

1. Progress Made (since the last meeting)

At this meeting, I pass up my project specification.

2. Critical Evaluation

a. Problems Encountered

For this project specification, the new module has been added but for the
company background, we could not create the system for a targeted library.

b. Steps You Have Taken To Resolve Them

After discussing with supervisor and also my group mate, we decided to done it
in other way which is for a small or medium library only and it is for every
library but not specify library.

Library Management System Appendices

Project Progress Report 3

Report No. : 3 Date : 17 December 2010

From : 11.30am To : 12pm

Project Title : Library Management System

1. Progress Made (since the last meeting)

At this meeting, we hand in system and website to our supervisor.

2. Critical Evaluation

a. Problems Encountered

This system preview, I have done very less module and many parts still have not
done. Some of the basic functions done such as insert update delete function.
Interface also does not design properly.

b. Steps You Have Taken To Resolve Them

Due to time management problem for the pass, I speed up the process of making
the system.

Library Management System Appendices

Project Progress Report 4

Report No. : 4 Date : 25 January 2011

From : 3.00pm To : 4.00pm

Project Title : Library Management System

1. Progress Made (since the last meeting)

At this meeting, I pass up my full system website to let supervisor to check on

the error.

2. Critical Evaluation

a. Problems Encountered

At this meeting, I have done 70% of the system. Left some of the module I
could not done it in time which is SMS module. Some of the comment that
given from supervisor to add more module in the system.

b. Steps You Have Taken To Resolve Them

After discussing with supervisor, I start to complete my module that haven done
and also the module given by supervisor so that when the preview on next time I
could show it to supervisor.

Library Management System Appendices

Project Progress Report 5

Report No. : 5 Date : 09 February 2011

From : 11am To : 12pm

Project Title : Library Management System

1. Progress Made (since the last meeting)

At this meeting, I pass up my remaining module to let supervisor to check on

the error.

2. Critical Evaluation

a. Problems Encountered

At this meeting, I left e-mail and comment module haven done. It is because I
used many time to research on SMS module.

b. Steps You Have Taken To Resolve Them

After discussing with supervisor, I start to complete my modules that have not
done so that I could pass up full system to let the modulator see.

Library Management System Appendices

Project Progress Report 6

Report No. : 6 Date : 16 February 2011

From : 3pm To : 5pm

Project Title : Library Management System

1. Progress Made (since the last meeting)

At this meeting, I pass up my full system and to testing with moderator.

2. Critical Evaluation

a. Problems Encountered

At this meeting, I done all of the system. Some of the problems have been
discover by moderator and ask me to change such as comment does not have
delete button.

b. Steps You Have Taken To Resolve Them

After the testing, I go back home to complete my module and will show
supervisor after a week.

Library Management System Appendices

Project Progress Report 7

Report No. : 1 Date : 25 February 2011

From : 3pm To : 5pm

Project Title : Library Management System

1. Progress Made (since the last meeting)

At this meeting, I pass up full system to supervisor.

2. Critical Evaluation

a. Problems Encountered

There are some report problems that have to solve that comment by supervisor.

b. Steps You Have Taken To Resolve Them

After done it, show it at the final document.


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