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Chapter II

Review on Related Literature and Studies

Related Literature

The orange is a hybrid of ancient cultivated origin, possibly between pomelo (Citrus
maxima) and mandarin (Citrus reticulata). It is an evergreenflowering tree generally growing to
9–10 m in height (although very old speciments have reached 15 m). The leaves are arranged
alternately, are ovate in shape with crenulate margins and are 4–10 cm long. The orange fruit is
a hesperidium, a type of berry.

Orange trees are widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical climates for the delicious
sweet fruit, which is peeled or cut (to avoid the bitter rind) and eaten whole, or processed to
extract orange juice, and also for the fragrant peel. In 2008, 68.5 million tons of oranges were
grown worldwide, primarily in Brazil and the state of Florida in the US.

Oranges probably originated in Southeast Asia and were cultivated in China by 2500 BC.
The fruit of Citrus sinensis is called sweet orange to distinguish it from Citrus aurantium, the bitter
orange. The name is thought to derive ultimately from the Sanskrit[ for the orange tree, with its
final form developing after passing through numerous intermediate languages.In a number of
languages, it is known as a "Chinese apple" (e.g. Dutch Sinaasappel, "China's apple", or northern
German Apfelsine). (In English, however, "Chinese apple" generally refers to the pomegranate).

Citrus (Citrus L. from Rutaceae) is one of the most popular world fruit crops, contains
active phytochemicals that can protect health. ... Citrus peel, the primary waste, is a good source
of molasses, pectin and limonene and is usually dried, mixed with dried pulps and sold as cattle
feed (Bocco et al., 1998).
Related Study
One study, published by Global Journals Inc (May, 2012), looked at five citrus fruits:
sweet orange, lemon, lime, tangerine, and grapefruit. Their peels were dried, ground into
powder, and the extract was removed. Different concentrations of the extracts were applied to
determine which was the most effective as a mosquito repellent. Concentrations of 15%, 20%,
and 25% were all found to be highly effective. Researchers also found that the higher
concentrations of extract offered longer protection against the mosquitoes. More recently, a
study published in 2017 tested extracts from three species of oranges and found them to be a
highly effective repellent against adult mosquitoes. In addition, it was also able to kill mosquito

A preceeding study has been done by the researchers of Stella Maris Academy of Davao
about making an alternative insect repellent with the use of orange peels, a spray container,
mosquitoes and extractor. The researchers peeled the peel of the oranges and put it in a
container, and we grated the orange peels to turn it into smaller pieces. After they have observed
and recorded the results of the product, it was concluded that the more concentrated the
solution is the more it is to repel or kill mosquitoes.

According to the study of the researchers Iloilo National High School they made an
alternative insect repellent out of mandarin oranges the researchers use the extract or the
mandarin orange peels and mixed it with a melted candle. The result or the observed product
was that their insect repellant candle additive from mandarin orange is a good anti mosquito
repellant because it kills mosquitoes rapidly.

In a study and experiment was conducted to know the effectiveness of the alternative
insect repellent using chili and orange peels. The chilis were pounded into pieces, and then
juice the oranges and remove its pulp.The researchers concluded that chilies and orange peel
extracts has the potential of becoming effective organic insecticide.
Chapter III



The materials used in this procedure are orange peels, lemon grass(tanglad),
garlic, and alcohol.


First peel the oranges and get the orange peels, Second peel the garlic, Third
remove the roots and dirts in the lamon grass, Fourth boil a water and put the orange
peels, garlic, and the lemon grass(tangland). Fifth after geting the extract of the
mixtures from the ingredients put a two spoon full of alcohol. Lastly put the mixture on
a empty spray container.

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