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CBSE Class 3 Maths Worksheet- 1

(Basic Maths)

Q1. Arrange the following numbers in ascending order.

a. 123, 423, 563, 856
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________
b. 890, 234, 999, 901
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________
c. 902, 234, 312, 299
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________
d. 535, 590, 435, 425
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________
e. 898, 989, 998, 898
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________

Q2. Fill in the blanks:

a. The number name for 892 is eight __________ __________ two.
b. 1 Kilometre = _____________ meter.
c. In a leap year, total days are _______.
d. In a clock, the hour hand completes _________ rounds in a day.
e. Dividend = Divisor x ___________.

Q3. Write the expanded form of the following numbers.

Example: 213 = 200 + 10 + 3.
a. 312
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________
b. 522
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________
c. 111
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________
d. 888
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________
e. 239
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________

Q4.Match the following:

a. Rectangle

b. Square

c. Triangle

d. Circle

Q5. Tick true or false for the following sentences:

a. Ninety thousand and ninety is 9090.
True False

b. The place value of 4 in 2439 is tens.

True False

c. 1 hour is 60 minutes.
True False

d. Litre is used as a measuring unit for distance.

True False
e. A triangle has 3 lines.
True False

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