El Abecedario

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El abecedario

la letra el nombre de la letra

a a
b be, be grande, be alta
c ce
ch che
d de
e e
f efe
g ge
h hache
i i
j jota
k ka
l ele
ll elle, doble ele
m eme
n ene
ñ eñe
o o
p pe
q cu
r ere
rr erre, doble ere
s ese
t te
u u
v uve, ve, ve chica, ve baja
w doble u, doble uve, doble ve
x equis
y i griega
z zeta

*In 1994, la Real Academia Española decided that ch, ll, and rr are no longer single
letters. I have included the traditional alphabet here for your information.

*The letters b and v sound the same; therefore there are several names for those

*To practice the names of las letras del abecedario, go to


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