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Typical Canadian foods include:

Tourtière which is a meatloaf.
Macaroni and Cheese.
Fiddleheads (Ferns and vegetables)
Poutine (Potatoes, cheese, corn)
Calgary Beef Hash (Beans with meat)
Smoked Meat Sandwich.

The most requested technical profiles in the Canadian

labor market are: (construction, sales, banking, finance,
real estate, insurance).
The professions with the most demand are: Engineers,
administrators, nurses, physiotherapists, psychologists,
accountants, financial services, educators and translators. YERALDIN IGLESIA
Among the folk dances the gang and the round of
couples stand out, both of European origin, as NILSON YEPEZ
well as the ritual dances of the indigenous
peoples. 8º Teacher’s

Ana María Arrieta


Canada Culture
Canada Climate
Located in North America, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean
Wet Continental Canadian culture has received influences from other
to the Pacific Ocean to the west, and north to the Arctic
Ocean. cultures such as British, French and English.
This climate in Canada is characterized by abundant rainfall,
cold and contrasted temperatures. Winters are cold or very Some symbols of Canadian culture are the maple leaf,
It shares a border with the United States to the south, and to
cold and relatively dry. Summers tend to be warm and rainy. used in its flag, and its coat of arms.
the northwest with Alaska.

Language Places
Population is 37.536.328
The official languages spoken in Canada are English The form of government of Canada is the federal The most significant places in Canada are:
and French. monarchy. Its territory is organized in ten provinces
Other languages spoken are: Chinese, Spanish, and three territories. Prince Edward Island, Alberta, Vancouver,
Arabic, Mandarin, Italian and German. Its capital is Ottawa and the most populous city is Quebec, Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Whistler,
Toronto Jasper.
There are also 65 native languages among which are: The population increase has been accelerated in Stand out in them: Lakes, mountain parks, islands,
Cree, the Inuit and the Ojibwa. recent decades, thanks to immigration and the natural glaciers and the Niagara waterfalls.
population growth

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