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1.0 Purpose

These procedures describe the correct methode to use bomb calorimeter in coal

2.0 Scope

These procedures apply to all students, lab assistants and instructors who
perform experimental work in the coal laboratory.

3.0 Responsibility

Everyone who conducts experimental work in the coal laboratory is responsible

for understanding and implemanting these procedure when using bomb
calorimeter instrumen.

4.0 Materials and Procedure

4.1 Material

4.1.1 Bomb calorimeter

4.1.2 Cruicible

4.1.3 Ignite wire

4.1.4 Water

4.1.5 Sample

4.2 Procedures

4.2.1 Turn on calorimeter bomb and press F1 to active the pump, heater and drain

4.2.2 Weight 1 gram of the sample to be analyzed for it’s calorie value in a special

4.2.3 Connect a piece of wire to a room called BOMB

4.2.4 place sample into the “bomb” and pull the wire until it almost touches the

4.2.5 cover the bomb and fill it with oxygen gas until its full

4.2.6 Fill water in a special bucket of approximately 2 liters.

4.2.7 Insert the bucket into the tool jacket then put the bomb into the bucket.
4.2.8 Connect the calorie bomb with the electrode

4.2.9 Close the calorimeter bomb, then press F5 to start the analysis.

5.0 Refrence

Sultan S,Si. 2019. Modul Kimia Analisis kelas 4. SMK SMAK Makassar. Makassar

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