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Inhomogeneous Broadening and the Mean-field

Approximation for Optical Bistability in a Fabry-
Perot Interferometer

To cite this article: (1980) Inhomogeneous Broadening and the Mean-field Approximation for
Optical Bistability in a Fabry-Perot Interferometer, Optica Acta: International Journal of Optics, 27:5,
651-660, DOI: 10.1080/713820290

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OPTICA ACTA, 1980, VOL . 27, NO . 5, 651-660

Inhomogeneous broadening and the mean-field approximation

for optical bistability in a Fabry-Perot interferometert

Physics Department,
The City College of the City University of New York,
New York 10031, U.S .A.
Center for Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics,
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712, U .S .A .

(Received 30 July 1979)

Abstract . A formulation of absorptive and dispersive bistability in a Fabry-

Perot interferometer is presented which includes spatial effects and non-Doppler
inhomogeneous broadening . For the mean-field limit a new state equation
including standing waves is derived . Deviations from the mean-field approxima-
tion and features of both gaussian and lorentzian inhomogeneous broadening are
illustrated by explicit numerical results .

1. Introduction
Following the experimental demonstration of bistable transmission for a
Fabry-Perot interferometer filled with sodium vapour [1], optical bistability has
attracted considerable attention from theoretical circles . Various treatments for
both absorptive [2-5] and dispersive [6-10] effects have been presented and both
Fabry-Perot [2, 4, 8, 10-12] and ring-cavity [5-7] geometries have been discussed .
Much of this theoretical work is developed in the context of the saturable non-
linear response of a two-level medium and it is in this framework that our present
discussion will be set .
A common device leading to simple analytic models is the adoption of the
mean-field approximation (MFA) . However, in general the question of spatially
varying field amplitudes must be addressed . Justification for the MFA was
first demonstrated in the context of absorptive bistability in a ring cavity [5] .
More recently this feature has been considered in the absorptive case using a
Fabry-Perot interferometer [11, 12] . Here in addition to the slow variation of
the field due to absorption there are also rapid spatial oscillations arising in
standing wave effects . Carmichael [12] has derived a non-cubic state equation
which adequately accounts for standing waves and then corresponds to a MFA
solely in the sense of spatially averaging the slow absorptive variations . This is
the counterpart of the MFA as encountered in the ring cavity [5] . The state
equation becomes exact in the mean-field limit (M FL) aL -*0, (1 - R) -*0, with
aL/(1-R) constant . Here a is the absorption coefficient, L is the cavity length
and R is the mirror reflection coefficient.
t Supported in part by a grant from the Robert A . Welch Foundation and a grant from
the Army Research Office .
0030-3909/80/2705 0651 802 . 00 - 1980 'Taylor & Francis Ltd

652 G. P . Agrawal and H. J. Carmichael

In a recent paper [10], hereafter cited as I, we presented an analysis of optical

bistability in a Fabry-Perot cavity using the MFA, and with both absorptive and
dispersive effects included . Particular emphasis was laid on the role of adjust-
able experimental parameters controlling atomic and cavity detuning and
absorption strength . Our objective in the present paper is to extend this analysis,
first by lifting the restriction of the MFA and secondly by including non-Doppler
inhomogeneous broadening. Doppler broadening for the Fabry-Perot inter-
ferometer must be treatedd in the presence of standing waves and new complica-
tions are introduced in this respect . We have investigated this also, however, as
a topic of separate interest, it has been reserved for publication elsewhere .
While the treatment in I was made in the context of a Fabry-Perot inter-
ferometer, in the MFA we averaged all spatial effects, including those due to
standing waves . Thus our cubic state equation is more correctly applicable to
the ring cavityt . In this context it becomes exact for the MFL taken with the
added restriction 0 --0 with q = 0/(1- R) constant, where 0 designates cavity
detuning . Here we will derive a non-cubic state equation for a homogeneously
broadened medium in a Fabry-Perot interferometer without averaging standing
waves . This then remains an MFA only in the sense of averaged amplitude
variations due to absorption, and generalizes the state equation given by
Carmichael [12] to a dispersive medium . Again it is exact in the MFL . To
treat conditions outside the MFL and include either gaussian or lorentzian in-
homogeneous broadening we introduce a full numerical scheme . We combine
integration of cavity field amplitudes and phase, as used by Gibbs et al . [1] in a
homogeneously broadened case, with distributed atomic detuning . In the MFA,
the latter has been included for a ring cavity in lorentzian form by Bonifacio and
Lugiato [6] while Hassan et al . [7] have adopted a gaussian form . Here we
discuss the influence of cavity Q on bistability in the presence of both absorption
and dispersion. For a high-Q cavity, gaussian and lorentzian broadened lines
are constrasted and found to differ considerably in terms of features in the bistable
region . We show that inhomogeneous broadening may retune a cavity to
achieve a dispersive bistability where none existed for the homogeneous case .
In § § 2 and 3 we develop the theoretical background to a description of
optical bistability in a Fabry-Perot interferometer . Section 2 deals with aspects
of the medium and an intensity dependent complex susceptibility is obtained for
an inhomogeneously broadened two-level system . Both gaussian and lorentzian
broadening are considered . Propagation within the cavity is discussed in § 3 .
Three equations are derived coupling forwards and backwards wave amplitudes
and their relative phase . Integration of this system determines transmission
characteristics . In § 4 we discuss the MFL and derive a non-cubic state equation
for the homogeneously broadened case . Finally, in § 5 results outside the MFL
and with inhomogeneous broadening are reported .

2. A two-level inhomogeneously broadened medium

We treat a medium of N two-level atoms uniformly distributed in a volume V
within a Fabry-Perot cavity, and interacting with an injected signal of frequency

f There must be a simple modification by a factor \/2 in the normalization of incident

and transmitted amplitudes . This arises in averaging the squared mode function sine k o z ;
replacing it by J . Also C becomes one-half of that taken in I since a single round trip
traverses the medium just once in a ring cavity and twice in a Fabry-Perot.

Optical bistability in a Fabry-Perot interferometer 653

coo . For stationary, homogeneously broadened atoms, having resonant frequency

w, a complex dielectric susceptibility Xg has been derived in I with
_ ac O+i
X$(0' I) Coo 1+A2+I(r)' (1)

Here, a=Nµ 2 wo /eof Vy l c is the absorption coefficient, A=(w-w o )/y 1 specifies

atomic detuning, and I(r)= I E(r) 1 2 /Es 2, with the saturation field Es =
(h/2µ)(Y ii Y1)112, is the dimensionless field intensity inside the cavity . Further µ
is the atomic dipole moment, y u and y1 are longitudinal and transverse relaxation
rates and eo is the vacuum permittivity . We will adopt m .k .s . units throughout .
For a gaseous medium inhomogeneous broadening arises through the Doppler
effect . In a Fabry-Perot interferometer this requires special consideration
due to the presence of both forwards and backwards waves and hence simul-
taneous positive and negative frequency shifts . As mentioned in the introduc-
tion, a study of these features in relation to optical bistability will be published
separately . Here we introduce inhomogeneous broadening in a form appropriate
for stationary active centres such as Cr 3+ ions in ruby . The generalization of
equation (1) is in this instance standard [13] and proceeds from the distribution
of atomic frequencies about some central frequency w,, . If we write
A=(wa-wo)/Y1 and consider a distribution g(A) in atomic detuning, with
I dig(A)=1, for the complex susceptibility X we have

X(I) = ! dAg(A)Xs(A, I), (2)


where XH is given in equation (1) . This formulation is applicable to Doppler

broadening in a ring cavity where fields propagate in a single direction . For the
Doppler case in a Fabry-Perot interferometer it should give approximate descrip-
tion in the limit of low Q or high absorption where the forwards wave dominates .
For the g(0) in equation (2), gaussian [7] and lorentzian [6] distributions have
been adopted by previous authors and we will consider both .

2.1 . Gaussian inhomogeneous broadening

If P is the inhomogeneous linewidth, on setting a= 17/y, the distribution in
atomic detuning is taken as

g(A) d A _ -0270a exp (3)

I - ( A2a2)2j dA,
where 0 = ( cu .- coo )/y, is an average detuning . From equations (1)-(3) it may
be shown that
Re X(I)
= coo \12a -\12a
ac 1 1
m X(I)
(I) = Coo (1+I(r)) 1 12 .~/2a IM Z - (4)
( -%12a
where Z(f) is a tabulated function, common to plasma physics, and known as the
plasma dispersion function [14] . It is simply expressed in terms of the error
Z(e) =i-\/lr exp (-62) [1 + erf (ie)] . (5)

654 G. P . Agrawal and H . J. Carmichael

2.2 . Lorentzian inhomogeneous broadening

Here, for g(0) we take a lorentzian of comparable linewidth

g(A}d 0=a
a 1
a 2 +(t1- A) 2 dA. (6)

The integrals arising in equation (2) lead in this case to a complex susceptibility
in the form
Re X(I)= ac
W0 [(1+I(r))1f2+a]2+02'
cxc 1 (1+I(r))112+ a
Im X(I) _- a]2 + Q2' ( 7)
WO (1 + I( r )) 1 f 2 [(1 + I(r))112 +

3 . Coupled equations for cavity fields

For our discussion here we take a Fabry-Perot interferometer axial to the z
direction with plane mirrors having reflection coefficient R set at z=0 and z = L .
An injected signal is incident at z=0 and propagates within the cavity in the
presence of a saturable medium described by either equation (4) or (7) . All
fields are taken monochromatic and linearly polarized and will be treated in the
plane-wave approximation .
For the dimensionless cavity field we write

E.(z, t)/E
.=E(z, t) exp (-iw0t)+c .c . (8)

where for simplicity the polarization is suppressed . Then in the steady state
there arises a stationary cavity amplitude E(z) satisfying the Helmholtz equation
02 E(z)= -k 0 2 X(z)E(z), (9)
d- +k
with ko =w0 /c . After expanding X(z) and E(z) in even and odd powers of
exp (iko z) respectively it may be argued [15] that only lowest order field contribu-
tions need be retained . These correspond to usual forwards and backwards
waves and we write
E(z) = E f exp (ik oz) + Eb exp (-iko z) . (10)

From equation (9) we then have the coupled field equations [12, 15]

dEf=i 2c (Xo E f + Xl Eb ), (11)

-z X-lEf),
deb= -- (XoEb+ ( 12 )

where the Fourier components X0 and X ±1 are given by

exp[in(Of-0b)] I
X.= d9 exp in 0) X(I(O)), n=0, ± 1 (13)
I(8)=If +Ib +2(I f Ib ) 112 cos 0 . (14)

Optical bistability in a Fabry-Perot interferometer 655

Here we have introduced phases Of and Y'b with

Ef= IEfi exp (iqf), Eb= IEbI eXp (ZY'b)

and dimensionless intensities I f = I Ef 12 and Ib = I Eb 12 . It is convenient to
transform equations (11) and (12) for complex amplitudes into equations in
phase and intensity and we readily find
- J, Im A(If , Ib ), (15)
-«Ib Im A(Ib , If), (16)

Re (A(If, Ib)+A(Ib, If)),

w I 112
A(If, Ia0+aj
Ib)= «c I)
f ]
an =- f dB X(I(O)) cos (n B), n=0, 1 .

We include here only a single equation for the phase where we have defined
P=Y'f 9 b • This phase difference is all that is called for further on .
The mathematical description is completed with the provision of boundary
conditions for the mirrors at z = 0 and z = L. If in the manner of equation (8)
incident and transmitted amplitudes E; and Et are taken normalized by the
saturation amplitude E ., we may write
Et =(1-R) 1 ' 2 eXp. (z#T) Ef(L), Eb(L) = R 1l2 eXp (i R) exp (2ikO L)Ef(L), (20)

Ef( 0 ) - R1/2 exp (iOR )Eb (0) = (1 - R)112 exp ('OT)Ei, ( 21 )

where OT and OR are phase changes introduced on transmission and reflection
respectively. Then introducing P0 and Pt with
PO Pt ( 22 )
1-R' 1-R'
we have
Pt =2If(L), Ib (L) = RIf(L), (23)

PO = ( 1 2R)2 [I f (O) +RIb( 0 ) -2 R 112(If(0 )Ib( 0 ))112 cos( 0 +fl(0 ) - fl(L))], ( 24 )

where 0 = 2m7r - (2k0L + 2qR ) is an initial cavity detuning .

Transmission characteristics are now available using equations (15)-(19),
(23) and (24) . For any choice of Pt we integrate from the exit mirror to the input
mirror and determine PO via equation (24) . We might note that P(L) may be
chosen at will, corresponding to any arbitrary choice of OR, since results depend
only on P(0)-P(L) .

656 G . P. Agrawal and H. J. Carmichael

4. State equation for the mean-field limit

Sections 2 and 3 provide a full description of optical bistability for any choice
of the parameters aL, R, 0, 0 and a. We have implemented this numerically
and results are given in the following section . It is useful, however, to consider
limiting cases in which analytic state equations may be derived .
First we might consider the limit aL << 1 for which integration throughout the
cavity is simply accomplished . We treat the right-hand side of equations
(15)-(17) as constant, using equation (23) to replace I f and Ib by Pt/2 and RPt/2
respectively . It follows that
2t R2 t
if (0) = 1 +ocL Im A 2t, j, (25)
Ib(0)= RPtt 1-aL Im A t, 2t I , (26)
P(O) -fl(L)= A 2t, R2 tl +A ~R2 t,
Re .
[ C

Further, rewriting equation (24) in the form

PO =(1 2R)2 {[ If( 0)1'2- R112 Ib( 0)112 ]2

-2R112(If( 0 )Ib( 0)) 1J2[cos(0 +/3(0) - P(L)) -1]}, (28)

two terms separately associated with absorptive and dispersive effects may be
identified, and treating each to lowest order in aL we find the state equation

t, RPt
P.=Pt + 2(R- R) Im A
{C1 (1 (Z
(RZ -, 2t))] 2
R) Re A C2t,R2tl+A(c))] j(29)
+RCS (\ R2t, t 2
Here we have defined

= 1R R (30)

and impose the additional requirement 0 << 1 . For aL << 1 this latter restriction is
necessary to achieve significant non-linearity in the dispersive contribution .
Equation (29) is quite general and retains both inhomogeneous broadening
and standing wave effects in a cavity of arbitrary Q . In going to the MFL we
let a -->-O, (1 - R) --->.0, with aL/(1- R) constant. Supplemented by 0 ->0 with
0= OR/(l-R) constant, this leads to the state equation

PO =Pt R1+2CImA 2t, 2t l l 2 + ~¢-2C Re A 2t, Zt))2 (31)


C= 2( 1LR) . ( 32)

Optical bistability in a Fabry-Perot interferometer 657

Generally, for the inhomogeneously broadened case this is as far as we may go

analytically. We do not have a closed expression for A(Pt/2, Pt /2) . However,
for homogeneous broadening (a=0) the integrals in equation (19) are manage-
able . Setting g(0)=8(0-0) in equation (2) and using equations (14), (18) and
(19) we find
Pt Pt 1 1 + D2
A ( 2' 2)=(4+i)Pt
1- (1+A 2 +2Pt ) 1 (33)

Thus, for a homogeneously broadened medium, in the MFL we find a state

equation for bistability in a Fabry-Perot interferometer given by
)] 2

Pt 1C 1+ Pt ( 1- ( 1+1 2++2Pt)112
( 1- (t+o2 2K2Pt ) 1'2 )] 2 } (34)

This generalizes the equation derived for absorptive bistability by Carmichael

[12] and setting i = 0 = 0 we regain this earlier re sult .
We note that well below saturation (2Pt << 1 + 0 2 ) equation (34) may be written
2CJ+_ 2C0 2
° t 1+ (35)
C( 1+o2+1+o 2 +P t ) ]
This is just the state equation obtained in I by averaging standing-wave effects .
As noted earlier, apart from a simple renormalization, P 0 -->1/2P° , Pt ->1/2Pt , this
also corresponds to the form obtained for a ring cavity [6, 7] .

5. Discussion and numerical results

In this section we will illustrate various features of optical bistability in a
Fabry-Perot interferometer which arise with the introduction of inhomogeneous
broadening and removal of the MFA . A general scheme has been implemented
numerically using equations (4) and (7) to describe the medium, equations
(15)-(19) for integration through the cavity, together with boundary conditions
equations (23) and (24). For a given Pt , equation (23) determines If(L) and
Ib (L) . Equations (15)-(17) are then integrated to z=0 where equation (24)
provides the corresponding P0 . Following this procedure, transmission charac-
teristics may be generated for an arbitrary choice of the parameters R, C, 2i, 0 and
a (we use R, C and 0 to facilitate comparison with the results of I ; the indepen-
dent parameters are R, aL and 0) . In limiting cases of low absorption and high
Q we may resort to the state equations of the previous section .
Our attention is first turned to the effects of standing waves and propagation,
and for this purpose we treat only homogeneous broadening . Rather than
presenting bistability curves themselves we plot turning points P o -i" and P.-ax
in a fashion suggested by an identification with the cusp catastrophe [10] . These
correspond to switching intensities in the sense of a delay convention - [ . In
figure 1 we plot P°-in and P° max against cavity detuning 0 for C = 20, 0=1 and

t True switching characteristics must be determined from an analysis of fluctuations .

658 G . P. Agrawal and H. J. Carmichael --



-4 i i i
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Figure 1 . Effects of propagation and standing waves for C = 20, z=1, 0=0, illustrated by
the variation of switching intensities with cavity detuning 0 for a high-Q (R=0 . 99)
and low-Q (R=0 .8) cavity . The dashed curve corresponds to state equation (35)
obtained in the MFL by averaging standing-wave effects .

two different values of R. At R = 0 . 99 (aL = 0 . 4) the numerical result is in-

distinguishable from that given by the state equation (34) obtained in the MFL .
It differs markedly, however, from the corresponding result derived from equation
(35) which averages standing-wave effects . The latter is displayed as the
dashed curve in figure 1 . Moving to a lower value of R, with R=0 . 8 (aL=8) we
find a significant reduction in the bistable region indicating a trend towards
eventual elimination of bistability in a low-Q cavity . This generalizes earlier
observations for the purely absorptive case [11, 12] and emphasizes again the
requirement of a high-Q cavity for achieving bistable effects .
For R = 0 . 99, C = 20 (aL = 0 . 4) and 0 = 0 (0 = 0) we have compared the effects
of gaussian and lorentzian inhomogeneous broadening in figure 2 . Here we plot
Po 111" and p0lnax as a function of mean atomic detuning 0 . It is easily verified
that the plotted curves are symmetric with respect to the reflection A -k- A . In
both cases, for sufficiently large v bistability with these parameters is lost . This
elimination of absorptive bistability at fixed C has been noted for the ring cavity
by Bonifacio and Lugiato [6] and Hassan et al . [7] . Figures 2 (a) and (b) provide
an interesting comparison between gaussian and lorentzian cases . The differ-
ences here may be attributed to the influence of atoms represented by the wings of
the atomic detuning distribution g(0) . A lorentzian falls off much more slowly
than the exponential decay in .the wings of a gaussian . Deviations from homo-
geneously broadened results are contributed to by atoms for which (A-0)/A
comprises a significant change in detuning . While for A=0 atoms represented
by the peak of g(A) modify P 0 I"'ll and P0 111ax, at larger values of 0(A >o) the
wings become important . The relatively small contribution in the wings of a
Optical bistability in a Fabry-Perot interferometer 659

(a) (b)

I 2 3
Po (102 )

Figure 2. Effects of inhomogeneous broadening on the variation of the switching in-

tensities with 0 for R=0 .99, C=20, 0=0 : (a) gaussian broadening, and (b)
lorentzian broadening.

0 2 0 0 10 12

Figure 3 . Transmission curves for R=0-99, C=20 : (a) Ti=10, 0=3, a = 0 ; (b) 2i=10,
0=3, a=4 ; and (c) 0=0, 0=0, a=4.

gaussian then explains the reduced changes in switching intensities occurring for
A > 0 in the gaussian case . This has the interesting consequence that for values
of a larger than those plotted, bistability disappears at 0 = 0 while remaining over
a range of A # 0 . The curves in figure 2 (a) reduce to an ` island ' with no
bistability at A = 0, before bistability vanishes for all A with a further increase in
inhomogeneous broadening. This is contrasted by the lorentzian case . Here,
when bistability is eliminated at 0=0, it has also vanished for larger I .
We have not attempted a full coverage of bistable features as a function of the
five adjustable parameters R, C, 0, 0 and a, as the required investment of com-
puting time seems unjustified . However, in addition to the effects described

660 Optical bistability in a Fabry-Perot interferometer

above we will mention a few further features, illustrating these by individual

transmission characteristics . Three such curves are presented in figure 3 .
Here, in the comparison between curves (a) and (b) we demonstrate that a homo-
geneously broadened medium may become bistable following the introduction of
inhomogeneous broadening . In this case gaussian inhomogeneous broadening
is involved . The parameters R=0-99, C= 20(aL = 0 .4), 2K=10 and 0=3
(0=0-033) are selected to give a dominant dispersive contribution . However,
there is no bistability for a = 0 (curve (a)) . The onset of bistability with a=4
(curve (b)) may be attributed to a retuning of sufficient atoms by the distribution
g(0) to give the required non-linear phase shift . Curves (b) and (c) serve as a
demonstration of the effect, noted in relation to figure 2 (a), that in the presence
of inhomogeneous broadening a dispersive bistability may exist where absorptive
bistability has been destroyed . This feature was illustrated for a ring cavity by
Hassan et al. [7] .

The authors gratefully acknowledge helpful discussions with Professor
Melvin Lax .

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