English Story

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Can you see it? Can you hear it? The beauty of a world were everything is possible. A world on were
you can be just who you wanted to be. A world on were you are free. A world free from everyone’s judgement.
A world in camouflage wearing its best disguise.

I stared at my feet blankly, frozen in my place. Why, you ask? It’s them once again. Every morning,
everyday, every week, It’s them. Two silhouettes which I call mom and dad with their words cutting through
me like a sharp knife. You have to be like this. You should always be on top. Be the best, they uttered. Words
that rings repeatedly in my ears. Words that I am used to in hearing and familiar with. I slowly lowered my head
as I bit down my lower lips. Unmindful of my surroundings I unwillingly nodded my head as a sign of
agreement. It hurts. The pain, struggles, misery that I am feeling right now, And here I am wishing that a simple
snapping of my finger will do the trick on washing it all away.

There it is! I looked at the signage along the entrance way. School. A place which we can call as our
second home. This place is always busy just like a bee in their hives working. I scanned the whole area and
there they are! Our mentors with their usual stride and aura. I slowly turned around. Wait, who was it? Black
figures looking at my way with their hands waving. Ohhh.. It’s them. My classmates. Classmates who eagerly
greets me every morning with their big bright smile. I am surely happy. Am I?

I am free. I used to be free. I love this world but then you asked me if I am loved? I took a step forward
and walked slowly along the long hallway. I can clearly see or rather feel it. Their eyes piercing right through,
me. Whispers from the left then murmurs from the right, that’s all I can hear but one thing is for sure, I am the
main character on each of their stories. Stories of their own? You mean compliments? Greetings? Or maybe
amazement towards me? That seemed wrong. Gossip. Yes that’s it! People who with their eyes sharply looking
at you. Assessing and judging you carefully from head to toe. How funny, searching as if they can see your soul
within. Scavengers, yes it is! They scavenge every mistakes in every little move you make. How vivid I can see
the disgust in their eyes without even knowing me and here I am, scared of being different I made a fool out of
me. I am not weird! I am simply unique, how I wanted to yell those words. And of course my stupidity strike
once again, trying to fulfill their so called standards I changed my self completely. Self? Is that really you? No!
No! I don’t know you! You’re a stranger! Stop! I said stop!

I lost myself. I quietly sighed as I saw a huge dark pit right in front of me. I tripped. I am falling.
Deeper. Deeper. Deeper. Wait what? I opened my eyes as I heard the bells ringing loudly. It’s the end of our
first subject. It was only a dream but it felt so real. So real that I breathed so heavily until now. My hand’s are
shaking but it’s not fear, it would never be fear. But then, what is it? Am I worried? But of what?

The door creaks loudly signaling that the next teacher has arrived. I opened my eyes widely as I
remembered about the quiz. It was supposed to be today. I wasn’t even able to lift even a single page of my
notes. What am I going to do? I felt so restless and at the same time nervous. Everyone in the room was
chattering continuously and here I am turning as pale as a ghost. Thoughts are running through my mind, a lot
of them and then something popped up. Cheating. Should I? I mean it can’t hurt anyone, Right? Just this once
won’t hurt but … I shook my head vigorously. Left. Right. Left. Right. I did it again and again as I gain
consciousness of my surroundings then I slapped myself a couple of times to clear up my mind. No. I won’t do
it. I quietly but firmly whispered to myself. Cheating won’t do me any good. I took a deep breathe. Let’s just do
the right things, I told myself while smiling which boosted my confidence.

Humans keep on complaining about life when animals want to have their life. The glowing moon wants
to be a bright sun emitting its own light but without the moon there will never be an overwhelming starry night.
A girl with dark skin tone wants to have the pale skin of her friend without realizing that she is beautiful just the
way she is. She wanted to be an actress just like them but she doesn’t know that she was born to perform on a
different stage with much greater opportunities. How devastating. I… Just wanted to be like her. She’s so good
at it. I envy them. I wish I was her. Words that I think when I compare myself to others. An individual
performance for our next subject is currently on going. I hate this so much. Don’t misunderstood it please. It is
not because I hated doing it, it’s just that I hated seeing myself being left behind by the others. I mean look at
them go then look at me… I am amazing, Right? I quietly asked myself as my fingers intertwined below the
desk. Just I was about to stand the subject teacher suddenly called my name. It was my turn. I tried my best on
calming myself down but it’s not working. Then, that’s when I realized that I am standing right in front of the
whole class. Be proud. Be confident. Be yourself. As I uttered those words I confidently look up and began
speaking. I felt the chills as I was reciting. My heartbeat began slowing down and turned normal. What? I am
not afraid nor overwhelmed by the crowd. It was great to be honest. It was amazing. I was smiling. I was
enjoying it so much, I couldn’t believe it. I got so carried away that I was shocked as I recited slowly the last
three words. I smiled softly. I did it.

Ringing of the bell suddenly filled the whole hallway. It was the end of an another day. I stood up and
walked out through the door. It was time to go home. The wind blew strongly giving me the chills. The sun was
about to go down resulting to the dimmed yet amazing scenery I’m witnessing right now. I closed my eyes once
again feeling the breeze. It is amazingly soothing. Then… I realize how blessed I am and that I will always be. I
am happy. I am loved by many then, that’s when reality hits me. I am blessed to be who I am. I am happy on
who I am. I am loved because of who I am. I am the one to decide on who I am going to be. I don’t need live up
the society’s expectation but rather exceed it and create my own goals to live up to. Now… Can I ask you? Can
you see it? Can you hear it? The beauty of a world were everything is possible. The beauty of the world were
you are standing right now.

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