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Rabbits are small mammals in the family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha, found in

several parts of the world. There are eight different genera in the family classified as rabbits,
including the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), cottontail rabbits (genus Sylvilagus; 13
species), and the Amami rabbit (Pentalagus furnessi, an endangered species on Amami Oshima,
Japan). There are many other species of rabbit, and these, along with pikas and hares, make up
the order Lagomorpha. The male is called a buck and the female is a doe; a young rabbit is a
kitten or kit.
Rabbit habitats include meadows, woods, forests, grasslands, deserts and wetlands. Rabbits
live in groups, and the best known species, the European rabbit, lives in underground burrows, or
rabbits holes. A group of burrows is called warren.
More than half the world’s rabbits population resides in North America. They are also native
to southwestern Europe, Southeast Asia, Sumatra, some islands of Japan, and in parts of Africa
and South America. They are not naturally found in most Eurasia, where a number of species of
hares are present. Rabbits first entered South America relatively recently, as part of the Great
American Interchange. Much of the continent has just one species of rabbit, the tapeti, while
most of South America’s southern cone is without rabbits.

1. What can we infer from the text above?

A. The rabbit is a natural animal in Eurasia.
B. The number of rabbits in the world is limited.
C. Rabbits are small mammals found in all over the world.
D. The population of the Amami rabbit is going to be extinct.

Physics examination cannot be done on Tuesday because all the question sheets had been
flooded. The school decides to delay the examination and it will be held on Monday next week.
All the students who will take the exam are required to bring a ruler with a length of 30 cm.
Thank you for attention.

2. The topic of the above text is…

A. The size of a ruler
B. The question sheets
C. The change of exam day
D. The cancelation of the exam

3. What can be inferred from the text?

A. The principal will get a meeting
B. The question sheets are very wet
C. Some students join a competition
D. Students do not pay the school fee
1 tb margarine, dairy free
1 tb Vegetables oil
1 c onion – chopped
8 oz Mushrooms – sliced
1 lg Garlic clove – minced
1/3 celery – thinly sliced
3 c Soybean milk
4 c Potatoes – cubed ½ inch
¼ ts Black pepper
1 ts Salt, or to taste
1 tb Parsley – chopped
1. Saute onion, garlic, celery, and green pepper in hot oil and margarine about 3 minutes. Add
sliced mushrooms and sauté 3 more minutes.
2. Add soybean milk, black pepper, salt and potatoes. Bring mixture almost to a boil; reduce heat
and simmer 25 minutes, stirring occasionally.
3. Make about 6 cups. Thin with extra soybean milk if soup is too thick.
4. Garnish with parsley and serve with the veal.

4. The text states that …

A. extra soybean milk must be added if the soup is too thick
B. six cups of soy bean milk must be added to the soup
D. extra cups must be provided for everybody
C. soybean milk is used merely for garnish

In daily life, every person faces many kinds of problems. He/she must find ways to solve the
problems. One of the ways is compromise. A compromise is an agreement in which people
involved in an argument reduce their demands or changes their opinion in order to agree with
each other. In other word, They can make a win-win solution.
In the traditional market, a seller and a buyer meet to do a trading process. They discuss to get
the deal for the price of some goods. The buyer usually bargains for the low prices until the seller
agrees. If there is a deal between two sides, a compromise has done. Compromise makes both the
seller and the buyer solve the problems without any disappointment.
A compromise is also necessary for people to work in group to discuss a we know,
they may have different opinions and ideas to solve the problems. For example, while they are
discussing the problem, they sometimes argue to each other. By having a compromise, they can
accept the agreement.
In conclusion, compromise makes the problem solved in a simple way and also gives benefits to
both sides.
5. We know that from the text that a compromise ….
A. Can lead to a simple and useful solution
B. Forces someone to make an agreement
C. Makes people argue with each other
D. Faces many kinds of problems

Dear Sir,
I understand that my payment is three weeks late, but that does not justify your collections
office’s actions. During the past five days I have received three telephone calls and four letters.
In addition, one of your representatives has contacted two of my relatives who have nothing to
do with my finances. By anyone’s definition this is harassment. I expect you to stop contacting
me every day and to stop calling my relatives.
In the meantime, please know that I plan to send you a payment within the next few days. The
money will reach your office in about a week.
Sincerely yours

Andrew Barkley

6. What does the letter tell us about?

A. A complaint about the harassment done by the writer’s relatives.
B. A complaint about improper actions of payment collection
C. A complaint about the late payment over something.
D. An apology for being late of payment.

The cause of tooth decay is acid, which is produced by bacteria in the mouth. The acid removes
minerals from tooth enamel, allowing tooth decay to begin; the saliva in your mouth encourages
remineralization and Line neutralizes the acid. The rate at which bacteria in the mouth
produce acid depends on the amount of plaque on the teeth, the composition of the microbial
flora, and whether the bacteria of the plaque have been “primed” by frequent exposure to sugar.
To keep your teeth healthy, a regular dental hygiene program should be followed.
Removing plaque with a toothbrush and dental floss temporarily reduces the numbers of bacteria
in the mouth and thus reduces tooth decay. It also makes the surfaces of the teeth more
accessible, enabling saliva to neutralize acid and remineralise lesions. If fluoride is present in
drinking water when teeth are forming, some fluoride is incorporated into the enamel of the
teeth, making them more resistant to attack by acid. Fluoride toothpaste seems to act in another
way, by promoting the remineralization of early carious lesions.
In addition to a regular dental hygiene program, a good way to keep your teeth healthy is to
reduce your intake of sweet food. The least cavity- causing way to eat sweets is to have them
with meals and not between. The number of times you eat sweets rather than the total amount
determines how much harmful acid the bacteria in your saliva produce. But the amount of sweets
influences the quality of your saliva. Avoid, if you can, sticky sweets that stay in your mouth a
long time. Also try to brush and floss your teeth after eating sugary foods. Even rinsing your
mouth with water is effective. Whenever possible, eat foods with fiber, such as raw carrot sticks,
apples, celery sticks, etc., that scrape off plaque, acting as a toothbrush. Cavities can be greatly
reduced if these rules are followed when eating sweets.

7. What does this passage mainly discuss?

A. Ways to keep your teeth healthy
B. Fluoridization and cavities
C. Food with fiber
D. Good nutrition

8. We can infer from the passage that one benefit of fluoride to healthy teeth is…
A. it is a replacement for brushing and flossing in dental care
B. it stimulates saliva production
C. it strengthens tooth enamel
D. it makes teeth whiter

9. The word “scrape off” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to…

A. rub together with
B. remove
C. dissolve
D. repel

10. According to the passage, the value of eating foods with fiber is that …
A. they are able to remove the plaque from your teeth
B. they are less expensive than a toothbrush
C. they contain Vitamin A
D. they contain no sugar

If someone is having a nose bleed, your priority is to control the bleeding and keep their
airway open.
Get them to sit down (not lie down) as keeping the nose above the heart will reduce bleeding.
Get them to lean forward (not backwards), to make sure the blood drains out through their nose
every ten minutes, until the bleeding stops.
Encourage them not to speak, swallow, cough, spit or sniff because this may break blood
clots that may have started to form in the nose.
If the bleeding is severe, or if it lasts more than 30 minutes, call for medical help.
11. The text is mostly useful in a condition ....
A. when the bleeding cannot be controlled
B. when the patient’s airway is blocked
C. when the nose bleed occurs regularly
D. when the nose bleed just occurred

12. In case of nose bleeding, if the person speaks, ....

A. he/she will suffer from severe bleeding
B. his/her throat will block the airway
C. his/her blood clot will not form
D. his/her nose bleeds again

13. “… to make sure the blood drains out …” (paragraph 3).

The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....
A. travel
B. portray
C. remark
D. stream

14. Anita: I heard you’ve been appointed the school football team captain
Daren: Yes. It’s a big responsibility I have to keep my team’s solidity.
Anita: Wow!....
Daren: Thank you. It’s nice of you to say so
A. I hope our school team will win the League 1 Trophy
B. You are really a responsible and skillful captain
C. We will be responsible for our appointment
D. I appreciate your team solidity

15. Oscar: Why do I keep getting stalled text messages?

James: Have you checked the internet connection?
Oscar: I did. It’s active
James: …?
Oscar: That’s a good idea. He’s the expert.
A. Why don’t you call Kelly and see if she knows how to fix it
B. Don’t you think it’s a good idea to install messenger
C. What about asking for a new one to your father
D. How about another application

16. Guest: Can I get more amenities, like soap and shampoo for souvenirs?
Room boy: if it’s souvenirs you want, Sir, just visit our souvenirs shop. It has everything
Guest: That’s not the same thing…..
Room boy: I understand now, Sir. I’ll talk to my supervisor and see what we can do about it
A. My friends expect me to bring home souvenirs
B. Souvenirs that I can take home and add to my collection
C. I’ve got enough soap for my use, but no extra for souvenirs
D. If you buy hotel souvenirs, they have no sentimental value

This text is for questions no 17-18

Travel agent : Freedom Travel. How may I help you?
Caller : Yes. I would like to make a flight reservation for the 23rd of this month
Travel agent : Okay. What is your destination?
Caller : Well, I’m flying to Helsinki, Finland
Travel agent : Let me check what flights are available, okay? And when will you be
Caller : Uh, well, I would like to catch a return flight on the 29th. Oh and I would
like the cheapest flight available
Travel agent : Okay, Let me see. Um…
Caller : Yeah?
Travel agent : Well, the price for the flight on the day you want is almost double the
price you would pay if you could leave the day before
Caller : Whooo.. Let’s go with the cheaper flight. By the way, how much is it?
Travel agent : It’s only $980
Caller : Alright. Well, let’s go with that
Travel agent : Okay, That’s flight 1070 from Salt Lake City to New York, Kennedy
Airport, transferring to flight 90 from Kennedy to Helsinki
Caller : And what are the departure and arrival times for those flights?
Travel agent : The first flight leave Salt Lake City at 10 a.m, arrive in New York at 4.35
p.m., then you transfer to flight 90 at 5:55 p.m., and arrive in Helsinki at
8:30 p.m., the next day
Caller : Alright, and I would like to request a vegetarian meal
Travel agent : Sure, no problem. And could I have your name, please?
17. “I would like to catch a return flight on the 29th”
The closest meaning to the word “catch” is…
A. Get
B. Reach
C. Perceive
D. Pay
18. The more informal way to say, “I would like to request a vegetarian meal” is…
A. I want to request a vegetarian meal
B. I like to request a vegetarian meal
C. I will request a vegetarian meal
D. I want a vegetarian meal
19. I am studying medicine, …
A. I will be a doctor
B. I would like to be a doctor
C. I am going to be a doctor
D. I prefer to be a doctor
20. Woman : I’ve just heard that my PhD proposal’s been accepted! I’m going to start my
research next year .
Man : How exciting!..........
A. How long is it going to take?
B. How long will it take?
C. How long would it going to take?
D. How long is it to take?

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