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Senior High School

Mapúa Senior High School envisions itself to be a world-class educational institution committed to providing
its students with learning and living environment that will equip them with global skills and knowledge and
that will imbue them with national and civic consciousness.


a. Mapúa Senior High School shall implement outcome-based education wherein students’ knowledge
is validated through measurable outcomes.
b. Mapúa Senior High School shall engage its students in a high-quality educational environment
employing modern day approaches, including digital techniques.
c. Mapúa Senior High School shall provide venues for students to gain advantage in admission to
universities and colleges and consequently have a higher chance of employment in companies.

a b c

After graduation, the graduates of Mapua University Senior High School shall
have the following characteristics:   

1. Holistically developed Filipinos with 21st century global skills.   

2. Prepared for the future, be it in pursuit of higher education or
acquisition of middle-level skills or geared towards employment or   


1. Course Code: CHM02

2. Course Title: GENERAL CHEMISTRY 2

3. Course Type: SPECIALIZED

4. Pre-requisite: GENERAL CHEMISTRY 1

5. Co-requisite: NONE

6. Course Description: This is designed for grade 12 senior high school students, which covers intermolecular forces
in liquids and solids, physical properties of solutions, thermochemistry, chemical kinetics,
thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium, acid-base equilibria, and electrochemistry.

7. Student Outcomes and Relationship to SHS Educational Objectives

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Date Effective: Approved by:
Course Title: Date Revised: I.N. Tiburcio
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GENERAL CHEMISTRY 2 1st Semester L.D. Sabino
Aug 13, 2018 Revised by:
AY 2018-2019 Principal
Senior High School
Student Outcomes Objectives
1 2
A Possesses a healthy mind and body X X
B Develop a solid moral and spiritual guiding X X
C Contributes to the development of a progressive, just, and humane society X X
D Create a caring attitude for the humanity, the world and the environment X X
Integrate knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to continuously develop
E him/her to the fullest. X X

F Employ various digital techniques in knowledge acquisition. X X

8. Course Outcomes (COs) and Relationship to Student Outcomes

Course Outcomes Students Outcomes

After completing the course, the student must be able to: A B C D E F
1. Describe the molecular forces acting on molecules,
determine the different properties of solids and liquids, R I D D D R
and to read and understand phase diagrams
2. Differentiate the different types of solutions, determine
the concentration of unknown solutions and identify the R I D D D R
different factors affecting solubility
3. Understand the Laws of Thermodynamics and how it
affects various processes in real life,
4. Describe and calculate the application of the principles
behind chemical kinetics.
5. Recognize the principles of chemical and ionic equilibria
through various problems encountered and solved, and R I D D D R
develop awareness of their applications in our lives
6. Explain and perform the different reactions and
calculations of electrochemistry. R I D D I I
* Level: I - Introduced, R - Reinforced, D – Demonstrated

9. Course Coverage

Mission and Vision of Mapúa
University SHS

Orientation and Introduction to the

Discussion on COs, TLAs, and ATs of
the course

Overview on student-centered learning

and eclectic approaches to be used in Written Work 1:
the course Seatwork 1

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Date Effective: Approved by:
Course Title: Date Revised: I.N. Tiburcio
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GENERAL CHEMISTRY 2 1st Semester L.D. Sabino
Aug 13, 2018 Revised by:
AY 2018-2019 Principal
Intermolecular Forces in Liquids Homework 1
and Solids
1. Intermolecular Forces
 Dipole-dipole forces
 Ion-dipole forces
 Dispersion forces
 Hydrogen bonds
2. Kinetic Molecular Model of
Liquids and solids
3. Properties of liquids and IMF
 Surface Tension
 Viscosity
 Vapor Pressure
 Boiling Point Interactive discussion
 Molar heat of vaporization
 Structure and properties of
4. Types and Properties of solids
 Crystalline and
2-3 Solids
o Types of crystals –ionic,
covalent, molecular,
5. Phase Changes and Phase
 Phase diagrams of Water
and Carbon Dioxide

Performance-Based Assessment 1:
Research Assignment 1
Long Quiz 1
Physical Properties of Solutions
1. Types of solutions
2. Energy of solution formation
3. Concentration Units and
comparison of concentration
units Written Work 2:
Seatwork 2
 percent by mass, percent Interactive discussion
Homework 2
by volume, and ppm
 mole fraction
 molality
 molarity CO2
4. Solutions Stoichiometry
Assessment 2:
 Experiment No. 1: Acid-Base Titrations
Laboratory Report
5. Factors affecting Solubility
Written Work 2:
6. Colligative Properties of
Interactive discussion Seatwork 2
Nonelectrolyte and Electrolyte
Homework 2
 Experiment No. 2: Determining Molar Mass of Solid from Assessment 2:
Boiling Point Elevation of a Solution Laboratory Report
Long Quiz 2
1. Energy Changes in Chemical Written Work 3:
Reactions: exothermic and Seatwork 3
7-9 Interactive discussion CO3
endothermic processes Homework 3
2. First Law of Thermodynamics
3. Enthalpy of Chemical Reactions

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Date Effective: Approved by:
Course Title: Date Revised: I.N. Tiburcio
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GENERAL CHEMISTRY 2 1st Semester L.D. Sabino
Aug 13, 2018 Revised by:
AY 2018-2019 Principal
 Thermochemical Equations
4. Calorimetry
5. Standard Enthalpy of Formation
and Reaction
 Hess Law
6. Spontaneous Processes
7. Entropy
8. Second Law of
9. Gibbs Free Energy
 Experiment No. 3: Heat of Neutralization of an Acid (E4) Assessment 3:
Laboratory Report 3
Long Quiz 3
1st Quarter Oral Presentation (CO1, CO2, and CO3)
10 Summative Assessment 1st Quarter Examination (CO1, CO2, and CO3)
Chemical Kinetics
1. The Rate of Reaction
2. Factors that Influence Reaction
Written Work 4:
Interactive discussion Seatwork 4
3. The Rate Law and its
Homework 4
11-12 4. Collision Theory CO4
5. Catalysis
 Experiment No. 4: Factors Affecting Rate of Chemical Assessment 4:
Reaction (E5) Laboratory Report 4
Long Quiz 4
Chemical Equilibrium
1. The Equilibrium Conditions
2. Writing the Reaction
Quotient/Equilibrium Constant
Written Work 5:
Interactive Discussion Seatwork 5
3. Predicting the Direction of a
Homework 5
13-14 Reaction CO5
4. Significance of the Equilibrium
5. Le Chatelier’s Principle
 Experiment No. 5: Le Chatelier’s Principle (E6) Assessment 5A:
Laboratory Report 5A
Acid-Base Equilibria and Salt
1. Bronsted Acid and Bases
2. Acid-Base Properties of Water
3. pH: A Measurement of Acidity
 Strength of Acids and
Written Work 5:
Interactive Discussion Seatwork 5
4. Weak acids/weak bases and
Homework 5
15-16 Ionization Constants
5. Relationship between
Ionization Constants of Acids
and their Conjugate Bases
6. Buffer Solutions
7. Solubility Equilibria
 Experiment No. 6: pH, Buffer, and Solubility Product
Assessment 5B:
Constant (E7)
Laboratory Report 5B
Long Quiz 5

Written Work 6:
1. Redox Reactions
17-18 Interactive Discussion Seatwork 6 CO6
2. Galvanic Cells
Homework 6
3. Standard Reduction Potentials

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Date Effective: Approved by:
Course Title: Date Revised: I.N. Tiburcio
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GENERAL CHEMISTRY 2 1st Semester L.D. Sabino
Aug 13, 2018 Revised by:
AY 2018-2019 Principal
4. Spontaneity of Redox
5. Batteries
6. Corrosion
7. Electrolysis
 Experiment No. 7: Electrochemistry (E8) Assessment 6:
Laboratory Report 6
Long Quiz 6
2nd Quarter Oral Presentation (CO4, CO5, and CO6)
19 Summative Assessment 2nd Quarter Examination (CO4, CO5, and CO6)
20 Remedial Week

10. Opportunities to Develop Lifelong Learning Skill

To help students learn the characteristics of liquids and solids and importance of intermolecular interactions to
predict trends in physical properties. The students will be able to characterize acids, bases, salts, and oxidation-reduction
equations to be able to solve titration problems. Students will be able to determine the rate of reaction and apply the
principles of equilibrium to aqueous systems using Le Chatelier’s Principle to predict the effects of concentration, pressure,
and temperature changes on equilibrium mixtures. Moreover, the students will be able to analyze and perform calculations
with the thermodynamic functions, enthalpy, entropy, and free energy. Lastly, to have a good understanding on galvanic
and electrolytic electrochemical cells to determine standard and nonstandard cell potentials.

11. Textbook:
General Chemistry with Manual
Kotz, J.C., Treichel, P. M., Townsend, J., & Treichel, D. A. (2015). Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity 9th Edition.
Pasig City, Philippines: Cengage Learning Asia Pte.

12. Course Evaluation

Minimum Average for

Assessment Tasks (AT) Weight (%)
Satisfactory Performance (%)
SW 1 1
Written Work 1 HW 1 1
CO 1 LQ 1 8 12

Performance Based
RA 1 10
Assessment 1

SW 2 0.5
Written Work 2 HW 2 0.5 12
CO 2 LQ 2 7
Performance Based LR 2A 6
Assessment 2
LR2B 6
SW 3 1
Written Work 3 HW 3 1 12
CO 3
LQ 3 8
Performance Based 10
Assessment 3
Oral Presentation: 1st Quarter OP 1 10 6
Summative Assessment
QA 1 30 18
1st Quarterly Examination
TOTAL 100 60
CO 4 Written Work 4 SW 4 1 12

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Date Effective: Approved by:
Course Title: Date Revised: I.N. Tiburcio
Page 5 of 7
GENERAL CHEMISTRY 2 1st Semester L.D. Sabino
Aug 13, 2018 Revised by:
AY 2018-2019 Principal
HW 4 1
LQ 4 8
Performance Based
LR 4 10
Assessment 4

SW 5 0.5
Written Work 5 HW 5 0.5
CO5 LQ 5 7 12

LR 5A 6
Performance Based
Assessment 5 LR 5B 6

SW 6 1
Written Work 6 HW 6 1
CO6 8 12
LQ 6
Performance Based
LR 6 10
Assessment 6

Oral Presentation: 2nd Quarter OP 2 10 6

Summative Assessment
QA 2 30 18
2nd Quarterly Examination
TOTAL 100 60

The quarterly grades will correspond to the weighted scores shown below:

Grade Grade
Raw Score (%) Raw Score (%)
Equivalent Equivalent
100 100
98.40 – 99.99 99 66.40 – 67.99 79
98.60 – 98.39 98 64.80 – 66.39 78
95.20 – 96.79 97 63.20 – 64.79 77
93.60 – 95.19 96 61.60 – 63.19 76
92.00 – 93.59 95 60.00 – 61.59 75
90.40 – 91.99 94 56.00 – 59.99 74
88.80 – 90.39 93 52.00 – 55.59 73
87.20 – 88.79 92 48.00 – 51.99 72
85.60 – 87.19 91 44.00 – 47.99 71
84.00 – 85.59 90 40.00 – 43.99 70
82.40 – 83.99 89 36.00 – 39.99 69
80.80 – 82.39 88 32.00 – 35.99 68
79.20 – 80.79 87 28.00 – 31.99 67
77.60 – 79.19 86 24.00 – 27.99 66
76.00 – 77.59 85 20.00 – 23.99 65
74.40 – 75.99 84 16.00 – 19.99 64
72.80 – 74.39 83 12.00 – 15.99 63
71.20 – 72.79 82 8.00 – 11.99 62
69.60 – 71.19 81 4.00 – 7.99 61
68.00 – 69.59 80 0 – 3.99 60

13. Other Course Policies

a. Attendance
According to CHED policy, total number of absences by the students should not be more than 20% of the
total number of meetings or 9 hours for a three-unit-course. Students incurring more than 9 hours of
unexcused absences automatically gets a failing grade regardless of class standing.

b. Submission of Assessment Tasks

Submission of students’ work should be on time. Late submittals will not be accepted.

Prepared by:
Date Effective: Approved by:
Course Title: Date Revised: I.N. Tiburcio
Page 6 of 7
GENERAL CHEMISTRY 2 1st Semester L.D. Sabino
Aug 13, 2018 Revised by:
AY 2018-2019 Principal
c. Written Examination
Long quizzes and final examination will be as scheduled. No special examination will be given unless for
valid reason subject to approval of the Department Chairman.

d. Course Portfolio
Course portfolio will be collected at the end of the term.

e. Language of Instruction
Lectures, discussion, and documentation will be in English. Written and spoken work may receive a lower
mark if it is, in the opinion of the instructor, deficient in English.

f. Honor, Dress and Grooming Codes

All of us have been instructed on the Dress and Grooming Codes of the Institute. We have all committed
to obey and sustain these codes. It will be expected in this class that each of us will honor the commitments
that we have made.
For this course the Honor Code is that there will be no plagiarizing on written work and no cheating on
exams. Proper citation must be given to authors whose works were used in the process of developing
instructional materials and learning in this course. If a student is caught cheating on an exam, he or she will
be given zero mark for the exam. If a student is caught cheating twice, the student will be referred to the
Prefect of Discipline and be given a failing grade.

g. Consultation Schedule
Consultation schedules with the instructor are posted outside the Principal’s Office. It is recommended that
the student first set an appointment to confirm the instructor’s availability.

14. Other References

14.1 Books

a. Zumdahl, S. S. & Zumdahl, S. A. (2016). Chemistry: An Atoms First Approach, 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Cengage

b. Ball, D. (2015). Physical Chemistry, 2nd Edition. Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

c. Malone, L. J. & Dolter, T.O. (2013). Basic Concepts of Chemistry, 9th Edition. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

d. Young, S. M., Vining, W. J., Day, R., & Botch, B. (2018). General Chemistry: Atoms First. Boston, MA: Cengage

e. Blackman, A.G., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., & Wille, U. (2016). Chemistry. 3rd Edition. Mildton, QLD:
John Wiley & Sons, Australia.

15. Website
Blackboard Learning Management System

16. Course Materials Made Available

Course schedules for lectures and quizzes
Assignment and problem sets of students

Prepared by:
Date Effective: Approved by:
Course Title: Date Revised: I.N. Tiburcio
Page 7 of 7
GENERAL CHEMISTRY 2 1st Semester L.D. Sabino
Aug 13, 2018 Revised by:
AY 2018-2019 Principal

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