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D0099-01 Newtown 2010 ELRA


Only enter values in GREEN Boxes

I Table 1 1. Refer to EPA DREAM enforcement category for risk category at

II Table 2 1. Identify the key risks associated with the operation of your agloomeration
2. Assign Each risk associated with your operation a Risk Code Number (e.g Risk VII)
3. Pick a Severity Rating and Occurrence Rating for each Risk Code Number (refer to tables 2a and 2b)
4. In Table 5 "Risk Classifictaion Table - Severity" include estimated costs for Cost of Remediation
5. This is now the completed "Table 2 Risk Assessment Form" & "Table 5 Risk Classification Table - Severity"

III Table 3 1. Note the Risk Scores for each Risk Code Number in Summary of Table 2
2. Place Each Risk Code in the Appropriate Box using the Severity and Occurrence ratings
3. This is now the completed "Table 3 Risk Matrix" and is used to identify the issues to beincluded in your Statement of Measures

IV (Table 4) Statement of Measures

1. Include meaures to reduce/elimenate risks as identified for action in Table 3 Risk Matrix
2. This is now the completed "Programme of Measures"

V Printing
Highlight All the Table worksheets and Print on Single Sided output
Or Alternatively Cut and Paste the tables (using the defined "Print Area" into your report.

VI The appropriate Officer should sign the Programme of Measures

D0099-01 Newtown 2010 ELRA

Table 2 Risk Assessment Form

Risk ID Process* Potential Hazards Environmental effect Severity Basis of Severity Occurrence Basis of Occurrence Risk Score
Rating Rating

I Receives 135 m3/day of High BOD/COD shock loading. Possibility of 4 Could have significant impact 5 No high level alarms on 20
Leachate during high rainfall. Possibel Haz substances not Eutrophication/toxic on local watercourse site. Previous poor
Plant has capacity for 50 metabolised by plant. effects handling of leachate.

II Underground leachate storage Tank failure Groundwater pollution - 4 Contamination could be 1 Regular inspection and 4
tank 50 m3 baseflow to river ongoing for a period of time if maintenance of tanks
leak not detected. Possible
need to pump and treat

III Above Ground Pipework Failure of pipe Spill on site, groundwater 2 Would be noticed. Duration 2 Pipework inspected 4
transporting effluent between contamination, of event would be very short regularly. Performance
tanks subsequent impact on management in place.

IV Chemical dosing Ferric Spill during deliveries Spill on site, groundwater 3 Ferric Sulphate, high toxicity 3 Valves outside bunds, 9
Sulphate contamination, no high level alarms
subsequent impact on

V Use of aerator with no High BOD discharge Fishkill potential 4 Previous fishkill 2 Poor 8
redundancy maintenance/training
VI Operation of palnt without Flooding overwhelms plant High BOD Fishkill 4 Potential for Fishkill due to 3 1 in 5 year storm could 12
adequate flood protection leading to discharge of all sludge low assimilative capacity overwhelm plant as
measures bypass system
inadequate and plant
has flooded in past 3

1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
D0099-01 Newtown 2010 ELRA

Table 5 Risk Classification Table – Severity

Rating Severity

Category Description Cost of Remediation

No damage or negligible change
1 Trivial €1,000
to the environment.
Minor impact/localised or
2 Minor €5,000
Moderate damage to
3 Moderate €10,000
Severe damage to local
4 Major €100,000
Massive damage to a large area,
5 Massive irreversible in medium term €1,000,000
D0099-01 Newtown 2010 ELRA

Table 3 Risk Matrix

V. High 5

High 4

Medium 3


Low 2


V. Low 1

Trivial Minor Moderate Major Massive

1 2 3 4 5

These are considered to be high-level risks requiring priority attention. These risks have the potential to be
catastrophic and as such should be addressed quickly.

These are medium-level risks requiring action, but are not as critical as a red coded risk.

Green (light and dark green) – These are lowest-level risks and indicate a need for continuing awareness and
monitoring on a regular basis. Whilst they are currently low or minor risks, some have the potential to increase
to medium or even high-level risks and must therefore be regularly monitored and if cost effective mitigation
can be carried out to reduce the risk even further this should be pursued.
D0099-01 Newtown 2010 ELRA

Table 4 Statement of Measures

Risk I.D. Risk Score Mitigation measure to be taken Outcome Action Date for completion Owner/Contact Person
Training of staff in leachate handling Reduced risk from High level alarms and Mech Work completed January 2011 John Murphy. Chief Sevice Engineer
and improve infrastructure leachate handling and & Elec contract out for 067 12234 j.murphy
and storage Procurement. Tenders
being assess August.
I 20 Training course organized
for July 2010

Continue Regular maintenance. Ensure Reduced risk from Training Course Organised July 2010 John Murphy. Chief Service Engineer
all staff training up to date leachate handling for July 2010 067 12234 j.murphy
II 4 and storage Brid O' Connor
Training Officer 067 12234

Continue regular inspections Reduced risk of Institute formal checklists May 2010 John Murphy. Chief Service Engineer
III 4 effluent spills and daily e-mailed report 067 12234 j.murphy
from site

Improve Bunding and containment and Reduced risk of Changes flanges/valves so July 2010 John Murphy. Chief Service Engineer
procedures spills they are inside bund. Write 067 12234 j.murphy
Formal SOP for delivery of K. Foley H&S Officer
IV 9 chemicals and oblige 084 98873
contractors to use

Install redundant aerator and improve Reliable Aeration New aerator contract in August 2010 John Murphy. Chief Service Engineer
maintenance of basin place. Schedule for 067 12234 j.murphy
V 8 servicing agreed with fitter Liam Healy Fitter
087 3445667

Reduce risk of flooding at plant Reduce risk of Undertake flood study and February 2011 John Murphy. Chief Service Engineer
washout suggested engineering 067 12234 j.murphy
VI 12 works. Raise tank walls by Liam Healy Fitter
0.5 m 087 3445667

I confirm the above are the measures which will be taken by the Local Authority in 2010/2011


Name Date

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