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Gate Cycle™

GateCycle™ Version 5.4 is here!

GateCycle™ software accurately predicts the effects of:

 changing fuel types

 ambient variations
 guide-vane settings
 multiple-pressure HRSG
 sliding pressureoperation
 component fouling
 part-load operation
 pressure losses
 parallel HRSG sections
 steam injection
 fossil boiler operations
 hardware modifications
 cooling tower operations

The easiest and fastest way to evaluate GateCycle™ Models

GateCycle™ software also equips the user with CycleLink™
for running GateCycle™ software models from within Microsoft
GateCycle™ software includes a reference library of over 50 plant models, and
libraries of data for standard gas turbines and routines for detailed analysis of
new, advanced gas turbine designs.
Join the growing list of users
GateCycle™ software is used by hundreds of power plant architects and
engineers throughout the world. They have chosen GateCycle™ software for
its ability to model complex modern plants accurately, quickly and affordably.
GE Enter Software stands behind GateCycle™ software with superior technical
support, and frequent upgrades. Join the hundreds of users worldwide who
use GateCycle™ software for simulating accurate and flexible power and
steam plant heat balances.
General Information
GateCycle™ software has been specifically developed to help you design and
analyze combined-cycle and fossil boiler power plants. The flexibility of
GateCycle™ software is what makes it different from other heat balance
software. It offers design options which simply don 抰 exist in other packages.
GateCycle™ software's built-in off-design correlations enable you to quickly
and accurately predict component and system performance at various
operating points. GateCycle™ software is the premiere application for power
plant design, and analysis of combined-cycle and cogeneration systems.
GateCycle™ software predicts design and off-design performance of
combined-cycles, fossil boiler plants, cogeneration systems, combined heat-
and-power plants, advanced gas turbine cycles and many other energy
systems in one package.
GateCycle™ software is used for quick assessments, detailed engineering,
design, retrofitting, repowering and acceptance testing applications.
GateCycle™ software's component-by-component approach, together with its
advanced macro capabilities, enables modeling of virtually any type of system.
GateCycle™ software is a very powerful tool for both the gas and steam side
of power plant design and analysis. You can model a gas turbine by selecting
one from the library of gas turbines, or you can model it on a component by
component basis. By "building" your turbine with compressor spools,
combustor and expander spools, you can easily model inter-cooling, reheat,
compressed air storage, and even cascading gas turbines. As for the steam
side, we have included all of the component icons you need to accurately
model HRSG's with multiple-pressure levels, parallel sections, pressure losses
etc. You can even create plant models that have several different gas
turbines, and multiple HRSG's even if each one has a different configurations.
Building GateCycle™ Models is Easy!
Building GateCycle™ software models in its intuitive Windows interface has
never been easier or faster. You can start by editing one of the 50 models in
the model library. Or you can start from scratch. Select components from the
unit list and drop them onto your model diagram. Drag the connections from
one component to the next, and you are then ready to enter data.
Entering Component Data
The color coded guided data entry shows exactly which data needs to be
entered. Data fields in red need to be input, data fields in blue have been
changed by the user and green data fields show which data has been
automatically defaulted. Each input can be entered in any unit of
measurement: SI, British, or even a unit set made up by the user. An on-line
steam table helps you with your modeling decisions.
The user has the option of choosing which method to use for determining the
performance of each component. In this example, the user chose Steam
Outlet Temperature, and set that value at 1000 degrees F. He/she could have
chosen Surface Area, Effectiveness, Approach Temperature, Steam Outlet
Enthalpy, Degrees of Superheat, or Bypass.

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