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Discrete Reviewer

Number Theory
- is a branch of pure mathematics that deals with with the study of the integers


Counting Numbers
-are positive whole numbers excluding zero ex,(1,2,3,4,5,6….)

Whole Numbers
-are positive integers including zero ex.(0,1,2,3,4….)

-are numbers formed by the natural numbers including zero with the negatives of the
non zero natural numbers

Rational Numbers
-are numbers that can be written as a fraction

Irrational Numbers
-are numbers that can be written as nonterminating and nonrepeating decimals

Real Numbers
-are numbers comprised of rational and irrational numbers

Imaginary Numbers
- is the square root of negative one. Any real number times “i” is an imaginary number
Complex Numbers
-are the combination of real numbers and imaginary numbers ex. 1+3i

Odd Numbers
-is a number when divided by 2 contains a remainder of 1

Even Numbers
-is a number divisible by 2

Prime Numbers
-is a natural numbers greater than 1 that has no positive divisor ex. 2,3,5,7,11

Composite Numbers
-is a positive integer which has a positive divisor other than 1 or itself ex. 4,6,8,9,10

Perfect Numbers
-is a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its proper positive divisor that is the sum
of its positive divisors excluding the number itself ex. 6,28,496,8,128,33,550,336

In Symbols
R - real numbers Z-integers
Q - rational numbers Z+ - positive integers
N - counting numbers Z- - negative integers
W -whole numbers


quotient = q
remainder = r
Dividend = a
Divisor = b

Euclidean algorithm formula -> a=b(q) + r

2 - quotient
divisor -16/36 - dividend
4 - remainder

Written -> 36 = 16(2) + 4

Solving for the GCD or Greatest Common Divisor

Ex#1 (144,43) Ex#2 (108,87)
a=b(q)+r a=b(q)+r
144 = 3(43) + 15 108 = 1(87) + 21
43 = 2(15) + 13 87 = 4(21) + 3
15 = 1(13) + 2 21 = 7(3) + 0
13 = 6(2) + 1*
2 = 2(1*) + 0 stop when there is no
remainder left
*the GCD is always the last quotient or
the second last remainder

LCM or Least Common Multiple

a. [12,18] b. [90,108] Triangle method for [90]
12 = 2 . 2 . 3 or 22* . 3 90 = or 2.32.5 90
18 = 2 . 3 . 3 or 2 . 32* 108 = or 22.33 /\
lcm = 22* . 32* = 36* lcm = 22.33.5 = 540 10 9
*squared or cubed /\ /\
*the number w the 2* 5* 3* 3*
highest exponent in each
given are the lcm
90 = or 2.32.5
*the final lcm

Decimal to Binary , Octal and Hexadecimal apply euclidean algorithm
3510 to binary 3510 to octal 3510 to hexadecimal
35 = 2*(17) + 1 35 = 8*(4) + 3 35 = 16*(2) + 3
17 = 2(8) + 1 4 = 8(0) + 4 2 = 16(0) + 2
8 = 2(4) + 0
4 = 2(2) + 0 3510 = 438 3510 = 2316
2 = 2(1) + 0
1 = 2(0*) + 1 *since we’re converting to since we’re converting to
octal the divisor is always hexadecimal the divisor
8 is always 16
3510 = 1000112*
* since we’re
converting to binary the
divisor is always 2
*stop when the quotient
reaches zero
*start from the bottom
when writing the final

Converting Binary , Decimal and Hexadecimal into Decimal

a. 1504030211102 = (1 x 25) + (0 x 24) + (0 x 23) + (0 x 22) + (1 x 21) + (1 x 20)

= (1 x 32) + (0 x 16) + (0 x 8) + (0 x 4) + (1 x 2) + (1x1)
= 32 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 3510
b. 1241708 = (1 x 82) + (4 x 81) + (7 x 80)
= (1 x 64) + (4 x 8) + (7 x 1)
= 64 + 32 + 7 = 10310
c. B33201E016 = (B x 163) + (3 x 162) + (0 x 161) + (E x 160)
=(11 x 4,096) + (3 x 256) + (0 x 16) + (14 x 1)
=45,056 + 768 + 0 + 14 =45,83810

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