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emo: free issue #7,000,015

Feb. 11 -Feb. 17
XemoXcoreX: $3

Carnegie Melton's leading source of really big paper airplanes since 1895 -brought to you by the Activities Board

The Term "Blogger" Replaced by "Whin

Pussy Bitch"
Online journal sites, which have referred to too. . .more soy~Yan. i do, because i -don't real
their users as "bloggers," recently changed ly know him at all. i just look at him :out of
the term they use to "Whiney PusstiT the corner of my eye in class. i wonder what
Bitches." ~ kyle michelitis is
spokesperson for doing right now. . .i know he has a gi
said that they "just 111.:1 ~~••
~• ~1V:::J}•:%
friend, i hate that r.~

wanted to more :~:;~~ bitch, sometimes i

accurately describe
:1:.,:~: ride myT bike past his Valentine's Day Replaced
our users so that house on my way to by Sit Alone In Your Room
there's no confusion the vegan co ffee-
over whether or not llouse and i think,
and Cry Day
they are actually whatever happens to Members of the " CMU community are
bitches or just mis- love? it dies, just like expected to respond in large numbers to a
understood." everything else in my new holida~T which may eventually replace
life and this will die Valentine's DatiT. Sit Alone in Your Room
To prove this, here is too, this crush on and Cry Day (SAYRC Day), originally creat-
an excerpt from Bryan o'douche. ..i ed for poor orphans and sick children, is a
XxPaTxTrAnSiTxX's wish i could drink day people can set aside to remember how
blog. my way out of this nobody loves them and theyT are alone in the
depression, but ian world.
i am the world's old- mckaye tells me that i
est living 15 year old :should be strong and The official SAYRC Day slogan, "Down,
girl stay xxs- Not Across" represents the spirit of the
traightxedgexx. ilove holiday. "People are sad and alone these
i am such a girl. today fugazi. Bryan days, and suicide is a real option," says
i was skateboarding o'douche has a Frank Johnson, owner of the Sadness
and i fell down. it felt good, it made me feel fugazi patch on his messenger bag and it Valleyr Orphanage, where the holiday is said
really alive and i was all really just struck bjT really makes me think that he's the true love to have its origins. "We want them to know
how alive i felt. it reminded me of that one of my life, even though i've never spoken to that Sit Alone in Your Room and Cry Day
song by weezer. . .hash pipe. when i got up, him. i think he drives a jetta. i just get all is the perfect day to slit their wrists and
i saw my insides running red on the pave- sweaty whenever i see him and. . .and I don't mean it. Our slogan is instructive as well as
ment. it made me fell even more alive and know what to do, so i just got on my skate- catchyT we want them to know which way
reminded me of that one song by weezer. . . board and rode away. . .away from love. . to slice, so they get it right the first time. We
crab. i thought, i could be taken from this .away from life. . .away from happiness. here at Sadness Valley believe in efficiency."
earth right now and it would not be a crime,
because my worthless flesh didn't deserve (read more. . .) The new holiday has incredible commercial

the rush of happiness that i experienced potential. Sponsors such as Kleenex and
while skateboarding. after i dusted myself mood: it's up and down not straight across American Line single edge razors have
off. . .you guys, this is huge, i was standing listening to: thru being cool by saves the day already jumped on the bandwagon. "We
face to face with the Bryan o'douche. my eating: vegan soy fake bacon patties want to sec peop'~.:~ all over the country cry-
heart totally lept out of my chest and sud- drinking: my soul. ing alone in their rooms for a day," said Alf
denly iwas transported back to my eighth Peterson, spokesman for Kleenex. "And
grade dance where i was standing against the when that happens, we want to be the facial
wall and kyle mitchelitis came over and tissue catching their snot and excess blood."
asked me to dance to stairway to heaven. i Thousands of shirts and self-addressed
was totally paralysed and cursed myself for SAYRC Day cards have already been sold.
being such a fucking wallflower. all i wanted
to do was go home _and read kafka. and now, Students are encouraged to celebrate
again, here i vas faced with the boy i've had SAYRC, and to not be ashamed of their
a huge crush on for like eternity or the year loneliness. However, campus police have
or so he's been with me here at school. i feel politely asked that, if you do attempt sui-
like i've talked about him so much in my cide, to please do it in the bathroom, for
blog, you guys must feel like you know him (this spot left blank so dour emo tears don't smear the ink) ease of cleaning.
Issue 7,000,015 - readme p. 2 - February 11 -February 1~

Old People Slow at Driving, Everything Else valentine's Day Cards

time his second quarter went in the slot, the xoxo, readme
~ v=~v
first quarter ; already expired. Slowass."

Torand4:a~so:.~oi~.ted out that,. in addition to

driving-related tbir~gs, old people are slow at
paying for stuff at stores, wa:Lkin.g; tivnking,
dying, playing cads, eating2 ,,and every=thing
else they do. "Oh you know~what else I bet
they're slow at? Disgusting gr .dparent sex,
. ._ . . T covered in ma~~onnaise. Gross."
`. ~~ ~. ~~~
S•. . .
..::: CMU researchers once tried to figure out

whether old people are _show at things, but


the s tud~T never got finis~i~d.~ ~In an unrelat-

1 bet they don't fall slowly ed story, most CMU researchers are old. In
Old people are slow drivers. grid talkers. another unrelated story, there are old people
.~1nd well, actually, they're slow at prettyT having sex somewhere now Made ~Tou think
much everything. about it! Thanks a lot Viagra.

"So I'm on the highway, right, and there's readme tried to interview some old people
this big old Cadillac going like 30," said jun- for this article, but they started takng about
ior Mike Torando. "I think thejT were look- )
how theyT were in the war and how readme
ing for the Country Kitchen Buffet or some- should respect them, but they took about 2
thing." hours to get through the first sentence so
readme went off to play with our Segways,
"Then later I see the same car parking at the listen to our OutKast, surf the Intarweb,
meters. I went to the O and got some food, and a bunch of other young things.
`cause the~T're always so fast, and when I
come out the Sr'iME DUDE is putting If you were an old person, yTou'd only be on
money- iiz the meter," said Torando. "ByT the the second paragraph byT now

Iceberg Sinks 61C, Fare Hike to Follow

Tragedy occurred on Forbes has been quickly pushed
Avenue Monday night when through city council, requir-
an iceberg struck a 61C bus. ing bus drivers to be more
The iceberg ripped a hole careful, called the "watch
into ti~~ bus's side, causing it where you're fucking going,
to f~.~ Frith water. r1ll pas- yTou ass" act, which narrow-
sengers on board drowned ly beat the "stop leaving
or froze to death. The ice- your damn icebergs in the
;~> road" act.
berg received a citation for ;3~5:~:~i:"t:

riznning a stop sign. Still gonna be late

buses with life boats. Public response to the new
City officials have been ~CCOYding t0 POrt ~UthorlttiT safety measures has been
spokesperson Mark Helby,

quick to point fingers about supportive. Local resident

the cause of the accident "I guess the~T could some- and frequent bus rider l~nna
and if it could have been how ride a boat to Potts can't wait for the new
avoided, including one offi- the street... I laws to take effect. "If this
cial who blamed ice pirates guess? I don't know, it's will keep us safe from ice
and another who suggested kind of a retarded idea." pirates, I'm all for it," she
that the driver, "should have said. Others surve~Ted were
listened to his mama and The mayor has supported similarly supportive. P.~T
drank his milk." ~Uhile at this plan and will require all passenger Jared Evergreen
this point it is not known buses to be made out of of Wilkinsburg agreed,
how the accident could have lifeboats. Opponents of "While ejection seats would
been avoided, officials are this plan favor mandatory be cool, they'd probably
interested in avoiding future ejection seats for all passen- hurt more than lifeboats,
tragedies like this one. One gers. and it's harder to go fishing
proposal that has gained a in an ejection seat."
lot of support is to equip all ~ new set of bus safety laws

Issue 7,000,015 - readme p. 3 - February 11 -February 17

Emo Kid Declares Love for "Hey Ya!" The Emocore re-mix
Sadness; Everyone My parents don't understand me
So I slit my wrists
Shocked And listen to Weezer.. .
~:.,,:.>::::v~ ::: :~:r
(clad clad clad)
I used to have a girlfriend
But I'm just too deep
And I cou~cl iiot please her.:.

(clad clad clad) 4,

:._ ~......... .. r... . _...... .:~'~

My poetry exprt~ins "

It's a good shirt... The true depfli"o~f mg pains
I sit alone and cry...
The world was shocked yesterday when Steve
Drawsflowers, known emo kid, publicly
(clad clad clad) This is the last 4utKast joke in readme,
announced his love for sadness.
ever... I swear
My soul is just too deep Are we so in denial
He was wearing a t-shirt that said "I (heart)
I'm alone in the world When we know we're not happy here.
Sadness." And he kept telling people that he
And I just want to die.. .
loved sadness. And then the pope blessed these
breakdancers and this guy on VH1 was all like, Hey Ya! x4
(clad clad clad)
p-p-p-pope unit! rind I a11, like, laughed my ass
off. Because that story is way more entertaining Okay now fella.s, what's cooler than bein'
Hey Ya! x4 cool?
than some dumb article about some emo kid.
My tears!
~:: You think you got it, Yeah, what's cooler, than bein' cool?
I keedi I keed!
Oh, you think you got it, My heart!
But you don't understand right alright alright alright alright alright
I heard about these kids that ate dinner over
The s~rirliiig spiral of alright alright alright
their friend's house and they had chicken and
Paaaar~►.r1r'~.r'~aaaatlr~rlaaa~-1t1r1aaaa~-1t1r~I Now ladies, we gonna break this down in.
carrots and mashed potatoes. After they were
N just a few seconds.
done eating, the girl remembered that the bowl
they used to make the mashed potatoes in was Now don't make be break this thing down
I write my weblog, for nothin'.
the same bowl she uses to wash her panties.
Oh, I write my weblog, Now I wanna see y'all on your saddest
And she had that day. GROSS!
But no one understands me behavior.
And I cannot Lend me some self-esteem,
Explaa aaaaArl~Arlaaar~r~AAaaaA I am s~rirling in a spiral of eternal pain!
Okay now slit it, slit, slit it, slit it, slit, slit it,
And what I say is, slit it, slit, slit it, slit it, slit it, slit slit it, slit
"Nothing is forever,' it with a Polaroid picture! (etc.)
And nothing, nothing, nothing
(nothing) nothing (nothhing) is an excep- Hev Ya!
{this spot left blank so your emo blood doesn't smear the ink) So whya whya, whya whya whya,

Ec~ting & WritingStaff

Pooper: Chris Rotella
SCOOper: Muffin, Aileen D'Esposito, Dana Vinson, Greg Modzelewski, Brian Leahy, Ashley Holtgraver,
Esteban Bowles-Martinez, '~, Andrey "3000" Dolgov, Alison Lauer, AB Hair Chris Smoak, Fred Merkle,
Alisa Brown, James Troup, Katie Wallat, Mike Blain, Jake Portnoff, Glenn Willen, Kevin Chang, Agata
Frankenberry, and Zack Hiwiller
moo:_ Ceci Westbrook, Alayna
What is,.readme? Well, it's funny and it's useful. And free. So it's better than sliced bread.
e w.
activities board
Who makes it? readme is printed by the .Activities Board, sponsored by your student activities fee
Where d0 I get it? readme is handed out at AB events and left in stacks around campus
Online: (but it hasn't been updated)
How d0 I help? Email We need fiuuzy writers, non-fi~.nny writers, and Pliotoshopers
And remember: readme comes out Wednesdays. Usl~ally.
Issue 7,000,015 - readme p. 4 - February 11 -February 17
This is the True section, where we tell you how to live your life

T~Ik Dirrty to Me Cheap Movies at

with Dana and (Not) Fred McConomy
If nothing lasts forever, then what Death Metal Band Extravaganza 2000. All the nights, brought to you by AB, except
makes, then what makes, then what Dana: No, maybe I'll just put on some old Saturday which is SDC. 1 Buck.
makes, then what makes (what episodes of South Park. .get it, because
makes, what makes) love the excep- with that goatee, Fred looks like South Park Wednesday: Out of Sight 7:30, 10,
tion? Jesus. Anyway, this has totally turned into a 12:30
column where noth;ng of value is discussed.
Benjamin Andre 3000 Brian: So, either people start sending us Bank robber gets it on with the US Marshal
more questions, or we can just answer ques- he kidnapped. The moral: you may have to
Dana: I'm so glad that you asked that ques- tions from OutKa,st songs. for the rest of do time, but came DOES pay... in sweet
tion Andre 3000! Congratulations on your the semester. I hear roses ~~ea11y smell like sweet pooh.
Grammy wins! Nice suit! poo poo p000000.
Brian: I'm cooler than Fred so I'm writing Dana: Wait, what was that? You're going to Thursday: Clockwork Orange 7;30,
this week in his place because Fred hates have to tell me twice. Wow, this reads like a 10, 12:30 and that's why we kicked him in laundry list of inside jokes.
the beanbag. Brian: Laundry is for Communists and Well, if you've seen it, try sitting in the front
Dana: I'm going to treat you the same as I Chris Rotella.. Have you smelled him today?! row, so it's all distorted and stuff and your
treat Fred. Brian, you're an asshole. Good Lord! neck hurts afterwards. If you haven't seen it,
Brian: Fred would probably reply with an Dana: I know, it's true. Are we doing some- you've heard of it, and you really ought to
entirely un-clever, "Fuck you!" But I'm thing for Valentine's Day?! see it for cultural reasons. I mean, dude.
cooler than that and all I want is some Brian: Yeah, probably, we could go see That's why we show movies like this on
sugar... I am your neighbor. '1'.~XAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE BEST campus.
Dana: Wow, you're just like C>landler from VALENTINES DAY MOVIE EVER
Friends. OMG LOL! Friday: Love Actually 5, 7:30, 10,
Brian: Could I BE wearing any more Dana: Yeah, great. 12:30
clothes? Brian: That's it? That's classic cinema right
Dana: Probably, but I don't see what that there. Yeah, everyone loved this movie, but I'm
has to do with Andre 3000's question. Dana: Yeah, great. not gonna go see it, because I don't really
Brian: t~lright, alright, alright, alright, Brian: Did you hear, Brenda's got a baby! care too much about it. However, everyone
alright, alright, alright, alright, we'll answer But damn, she's barely got a brain. A damn *else loves it when silly love-story plots
the question. shame. The girl can hardly spell her name. interrelate and then ever~tlling makes sense
Dana: I would argue that love is not an Dana: I hate you so much. in. the end, right? I like how Magnolia made
exception. I mean,'though it is true that you Brian: I <3 sadness. sense in the end, and 1Vlemento, too, and
might still love a person after the relation- Dana: No, you know what... just no. Fight Club. But this movie isn't like those,
ship has ended, it doesn't necessarily mean Brian: Can this be done now so I can go it's the floofy version. So, you'll like it, if
that you're "in love" with them. home? you like that sort of thing.
Brian: Oh wait, we're actually answering Dana: Yes, this can be done now, so you
this? I used to being fiulny. G can go home alone and rot. Happy Saturday: Texas Chainsaw
ROX~i~~~111i! Valentine's Day PUCKERS. Massacre 8, 10, 12
Dana: God, I never thought I would say Brian: Maybe Fred will be back next week.
this, but I miss Fred. Dana: I still hate you. But hey, send your Come on. Could YOU think of a better
Brian: Well, if you want Fred back, you can questions to dbv@ or reaclmecmu on AIM. movie to show for Vday?
just turn off and put on some
Sunday: Pee-Wee's Big Adventure
8, 10, 12

OK, look. If YOU were living the life of a

child, as an adult, decorating your house like
you want to and setting yourself up with a
Really Cool Bike, you'd Michael
Jackson, or something. But forget that. The
point is that if your supercool bike was
stolen by the bully down the road, you'd
probably have some huge movie made
about the crazy antics of getting it back.
Watch out for "Tequila," and the crazy
Issue 7,000,015 -readme p. 5 - Febru°ary 11 -February 17
This is the True section, where we tell you how to live your life

From the Desk of

:.::.::::.::.:::::::.:::.::.:.::.:::.::.:.:::.::.::.:...e......................e...... SDC President
Two shows, both reasonably priced, both Mark Roboff
with people named Hank. You reall~T can't
go wrong. I sa~r go to both if jTou can, I'd like to take this opporturiityT to update
they're both going to be worth yTour while. eve~.-~-one on a large project SDC has been
workitzg on this year.
On Friday night, one of the most eclectic
people in countr~~ music comes to town, as The D VD Lending Library in Hunt, which was
Hank III puts on a show at Laga. There introduced in a late September readme col-
are a number of reasons for going to this umn, is now up and runningl The librar~T cur-
depending on your interests. First of all, in rently- has 130 titles, which are mostly current
the event that you're unaware, the Hank III hits and popular classics. The selection will
is as in Hank Williams the Third, so he's grow continuously throughout the semester.
part of that legendary family of outlaw Furthermore, SDC will maintain the library in
royTalty. For those of you more on the years to come, keeping it current and enjoy-
metal boat, he balances his solo honky able!
tonking career byT playing bass in
Superjoint Ritual, Phil ~-lnselmo's post- The collection is open to all CMU students
Pantera monster of rage. For those of you Henry Rollins with a valid ID. It's searchable online via
who just appreciate good music, this is a simply takng. It's a combination of a Cameo, and actual titles are available for check
show to check out. Hank III runs the full political discussion, an intellectual lecture, out at the video collection on the lower level of
gamut, from his own original composi and stand up comedy. He makes ~Tou Hunt Librar~T. The rental period is three days,
bons, to covers of old-fashioned country a little differently about virtually every and any late fees will be charged directly to stu-
tunes like "Wreck of the Old 97" and a thing, from the Mars Rovers to thieves trti~ dent accounts. SDC still welcomes anyT sugges-
wonderful rendition of "Cocaine Blues," ing to break in to W~lljam Shatner. rind if tions for titles. Please e-mail any you have to
to the occasional punk tune, such as the you've seen him in the past, that's no
Black Flag classic "No Values," which he excuse — he has a completely different set
contributed to Rise ~.bove: 24 Black Flag of issues to rant about each year, and with Besides the DVD lending library, SDC is help-
Songs to Benefit the West Memphis 3. It's this being an election year, the fun just ing to improve campus life in a great number
variety, it's fun, and it's a little off the beat- doesn't stop! There's really not much else of ways. Our movies for the semester include
en path for most rock and alternative fans. that can be said, other than what's not to LOTR: Return of the King, `Matrix:
Check him out. love about a former punk singer doing Revolutions, and Big Fish! Our Progranuning
politically-charged spoken-word/stand-up. committee just had an extremely successful ski
On Monday night, the greater of two .r'1nd seriously; how else will you find out trip and is working hard to fill up the remain-
Hanks comes to town: the one and only the true story of what happened between ing months with tons of fun events. Our
Henry Rollins. Don't be mistaken —this Mr. Rollins and a certain Sher~71 Crow? H&SL committee is working on improve-
isn't Rollins Band, it's spoken word. But Check out his show —you might learn ments to laundry and dorm security, and
it's spoken word like none other, where he something that's more applicable to the they're getting feedback on implementing pos-
carries the energy of a punk concert while real world than physics or computers. sible legal file-sharing systems. Lastly, Dining
Actual Movie Reviews -Brought to you by CMUty continues to poll resident opinion on the pro-
posed changes to the di~,tng plans, mal~ng sure
Win a Date with Tad organ donation. Not drugs. submitting me to this tor- the residents' have a voice in the future of din-
Hamilton Personally, it made me ture.
Didn't use nearly as many want to gouge my eyes out
overused cliches as it could and pour boiling hot water Big Fish If you ever have any questions about what
have, which would be a on my brain. That Sean That guy is really tall. With SDC is doing to help improve your life at
compliment if that was Penn...always doing the the Coen production com- CMU, feel free to drop us a line at
saying anything. Points for upbeat family films, that pany producing a Tim
subliminal humor that one... Burton film, one can only
went over the head o f expect visually beautiful
every teenage girl in the Against the Ropes film with a good deal of
theater. ~~Iuch respect. I would feel bad for my imagination. This movie
neighbors for having been delivers both, but is sadly
21 Grams so vocally displeased with lacking in
This is the kind of movie this film, but even Christ ~storytelling...which is sad,
had justifiable anger. I did-
a ~.,~. ,:
that people who would go bec~x~e this is a movie
see this kind of movie n't pay to see this film...but R
about storyTtelling. Still
would be sure to enjoy. Oh, I am currently working on worth a watch, if on~ye
and warning, it's about a civil suit against because, come on, that guy
Paramount Pictures for is RE.~LLY tall.
Events and Things On and Off Campus
readme <3's events
Wednesday, February 11 concert: Terrance Simien ~~ Rex Theatre, 7:30 pm,
movie: Out of Sight. McConomy. 7:30, 10, 12:30. X15, 21+
concert: Mark Stuart, Stacey Earle ~~ Club Cafe, Monday, February 16
7:30pm, ~10-12. skiing: Ski Club trip to Seven Springs ticket sales,
Thursday, February 12 lecture/comedy: Henry Rollins @ Byham
movie: Clockwork Orange. McConomy. 7:30, 10, Theatre, $20
12:30. ~1
concert: Steve Forbert ~~ Club Cafe, 7:30 pm, ~12, Tuesday, February 17
21+ skiing: Ski Club trip to Seven Springs ticket sales,
concert: Kenny Rankin ~~ Rex Theatre, 7:30 pm, UC
X20, 21+ concert: eastmountainsouth @Club Cafe, 7:30
pm, $12, 21+
Friday, February 13 concert: Method Man @Club Laga, 8 pm, $20
movie: Love .Actually. McConomy. 5, 7:30, 10,
12:30. ~1 Wednesday, February 18
concert: Auto the Band ~~ Kiva Han, 8pm, ~2 skiing: Ski Club trip to Seven Springs ticket sales,
event: Valentine's Day Date Auction. UC Connan UC
Room. 8pm concert: Auto the Band ~~ Skibo Coffeehouse,
concert: Townhall ~~ Club Cafe, 10 pm, ~6, 21+ 8pm, Free
concert: Hank III, Scott Biram ~~ Club Laga, 8 concert: The Big Wu ~ Hard Rock Cafe, 9 pm,
pm, ~15 X10
concert: Kenny Lattimore & Chante Moore ~~ concert: Buckwheat Zydeco ~~ Rex Theatre, 7:30
Hilton Hotel pm,~17,21+
concert: Diamond Rio ~~ Pepsi Cola Roadhouse, 8
pm, ~~1-81 /table of four

Saturday, February 14
movie: Texas Chainsaw Massacre. McConomy. 8,
10, 12. ~1
event: Valentines Day Dance. Rangos. 6:30-10pm.
Lessons at 7pm, show at 8;30. ~5
concert: The Black Keys ~~ 31st Street Pub, 10
pm, ~8
Do you have events?
concert: Johnson's Big Band C~ Club Cafe, Do you like FREE advertising?
10:30pm, ~7 YOU DO?!
a ~~'

concert: Science Fiction Idols ~~ Gooski's Email with your event informa-
tion.~.r~~nclude a description, the time, date, location and
cost. .' drill include it in this event listing ABSOLUTELY
Sunday, February 15 FREES Believe it or not, people actually read this thing.
movie: Pee-Wee's Big Adve~.ture:~ cConomy. 8, I mean, you are, right?
10; 12. 1 ~. -~
~' ~~~

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