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B. Castrillón Gutiérrez 1 N. Muñoz Rodríguez 1
1 UECCI. Student. Engineering Biomedical. Bogotá DC

Abstract — The high prevalence and acquisition mortality in the world, which in the coming years can
of type 1 diabetes in Colombia and worldwide, are become the seventh cause of death more frequent.
problems that need medical and scientific advances
that provide ways for approach this pathology, The objective of the present study is to model a
focused on finding solutions that assume the functional pancreatic system and another one
function of correcting or supplementing the affected by type 1 diabetes, with which it is sought
imbalance generated by the pancreas , Caused by to understand and analyze its functioning with and
immune processes. This is how a model and the without this pathology to try to find a form of
imitation of a healthy system are presented, prevention that decreases incidence rates in
describing the behavior of the pancreas and the populations that are more vulnerable to this type
events that occur after the ingest calories, besides pathology.
presenting a model of a system with type 1 For which we will rely on different existing
diabetes, in order to be able to Idealize the mathematical models which represent the dynamic
Variations generated in this. Such models are behavior of blood glucose and the dynamic
implemented and analyzed using Matlab and behavior and functionality of the insulin in the
simscape, models that can be conceived pancreatic system, this model will be implemented
contributions for the generation and creation of by means of a technology call platform that uses the
artificial organs, in this case an artificial pancreas simulation and simscape libraries that will enable us
that can give solution to this type of diabetes. to simulate the electrical, thermal and hydraulic part
of the system.
The classification of diabetes mellitus and the
tests used for its diagnosis were brought into order The pancreatic system presents two types of
by the National Diabetes Data Group of the USA functions: an exocrine and an endocrine, the first
and the second World Health Organization Expert focuses on the digestion processes with
Committee on Diabetes Mellitus in 1979 and carbohydrates and fat at the time of producing the
1980.[1]. Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases pancreatic juice, the second on which the model will
characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from be based, is in charge of the Regulation of glucose
defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. levels in the blood, is composed of: Langerhans
The chronic hyperglycemia of diabetes is cells which secrete two fundamental hormones
associated with long-term damage, dysfunction, such as insulin and glucagon, the first is responsible
and failure of different organs, especially the eyes,
for lowering blood sugar levels and The second to
kidneys, nerves, heart, and blood vessels. [2].
increase them in the bloodstream.

The main problem that is presented today is This type of system is characterized anatomically
diabetes is a pathology that has no cure, but is by having a length that can reach 23 centimeters
controlled, depending on the type of diabetes of the (although usually is between 15 to 23), a thickness
person to be treated, there are several options, of 5 centimeters, a width of 4 centimeters and a
among the most common is the hormone known as weight that oscillates between 70 and 150 grams.
Insulin which is administered in the subcutaneous
tissue by means of a hypodermic syringe and is also
accompanied by a respective diet given by the In a person with type 1 diabetes, a hydraulic
health professional a charge of the patient, in 2014, model is presented that represents the blood by
8.5% of adults (18 and higher) had diabetes, this means of a custom hydraulic fluid block, said block
disease has a prevalence of 382 million in the world. is adjusted to the proper characteristics of the fluid
as the density, the bloodstream is shown as a
hydraulic orifice of Constant area, interconnected
In 2012, 1.5 million people died as a direct
with a system that allows opening or closing the
consequence of diabetes and high blood sugar was
calorie intake step, and a linear hydraulic resistance
the cause of 2.2 million deaths, extracted from
representing insulin resistance, in addition there is
WHO data. To cause of this there is a high rate of

a source that has as purpose to provide hydraulic as a therapeutic strategy, glucose control is
power powerful enough to maintain the flow rate of generated in the Blood levels (Figure 4), thus
the blood and a device that converts the volumetric avoiding a decline in the lack or excess of sugar in
flow through a hydraulic line into a control signal the body. In the absence of food and / or calorie
proportional to this flow. intake, the action of insulin was lower (figure 5). The
different signals with respect to the simulation time
reflect in the prediction of the model, important
disorders in both glucose and insulin concentration.

Figure 1. Model in person with diabetes type 1

Source. Author.

In a person without diabetes there is a hydraulic Figure 3. Signals of glucose in person without
model similar to that presented previously in a diabetes type 1
person with diabetes, the fluid is represented by Source: Author.
means of a custom hydraulic fluid block, which
assigns the properties and / or characteristics of the
blood, the bloodstream is Shows as a hydraulic
orifice of constant area, and includes a linear
hydraulic resistance representing the value of
stable resistance to insulin, which allows the patient
regulation system to be accepted and no alterations
are generated in glucose levels , In addition there is
a source that has as purpose to provide hydraulic
power sufficiently powerful to maintain the flow of
the blood and a device that converts the volumetric
flow through a hydraulic line in a physical control
signal proportional to this flow, Which is converted
into a Simulink output signal without unity, by
means of the block And called PS-Simulink
converter, said signal is displayed graphically with Figure 4. Signals of glucose in person with diabetes
respect to the simulation time through the scope type 1 and healthy food consumption.
block. Source: Author.

Figure 2. Model in person without diabetes

Source. Author.


Figure 5. Signals of glucose in person with diabetes

In a person without diabetes, it is possible to type 1 and without food and/or calories
predict the effect of the various control signals on consumption.
glucose production (figure 3) and in a person with Source: Author.
type 1 diabetes who has implemented a healthy diet


The main problem presented in this type of

disease is that the exact cause is unknown,
however the most likely is an autoimmune disorder
that occurs when the immune system mistakenly
attacks the insulin producing cells in the pancreas,
resulting in the presence of symptoms of diabetes,
there is no possibility of avoiding acquiring this
pathology, no matter how advanced this is, as
finding cures has become a scientific challenge,
and it has been tried to suppress the effect of this
disease by means of external administration of
insulin, but the real purpose is to propose solutions
from an engineering point of view, such as building
an organ or system through synthetic biology, which
can perform all the functions of the pancreas within
which is the regulation of glucose, an organ that
would replace or replace the function that the organ,
in this case the pancreas cannot perform for
autoimmune disorders, and this way you could
achieve a better quality of life.


Controlling glucose in patients with diabetes is a

complex problem and challenge, since it is a
pathology that has no cure, and is suppressed by
the administration of insulin in addition to requiring
compensation with activities such as ingestion and
physical activity, it is so as the best solution
proposed is to generate an artificial pancreas, which
supplements or replaces the functions for which the
natural organ is provided, greatly improving the life
forms of patients with diabetes, obviating the need
for manual injections, and making the Control diet a
little less rigorous.

The proposed model allows to know the variations

of glucose presented by a healthy person and a
person with type 1 diabetes with ingestion and
without food intake, variations that can contribute
for the validation in the design of artificial pancreas,
the future work implies a greater sensitivity by
factorizing specific aspects of body physiology in
artificial pancreatic software, and using patient
statistics to fine tune the parameters used.


[1] K.G.M.M Alberti. P.Z. Zimmet. Diabetic

medicine, 1998.V 15 Issue 7 pages 539-553.

[2] American Diabetes Association. Standards of

medical care in diabetes. Diabetes Care, 2014, V
37 (suppl 1), s81.

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