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Effect of water desorption on the rheology

and dynamic response of human hair to a
non-contact impact
J. Jamart, M. Djaghloul, J.M. Bergheau, H.

PII: S1751-6161(15)00072-7
Reference: JMBBM1406

To appear in: Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials

Received date:7 January 2015

Revised date: 24 February 2015
Accepted date:
26 February 2015

Cite this article as: J. Jamart, M. Djaghloul, J.M. Bergheau, H. Zahouani,

Effect of water desorption on the rheology and dynamic response of
human hair to a non-contact impact, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of
Biomedical Materials,

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Eect of water desorption on the rheology and dynamic
response of human hair to a non-contact impact
J. Jamarta,b,∗, M. Djaghloula , JM. Bergheaua , H. Zahouania
a Université de Lyon, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, ENISE, LTDS, CNRS-UMR5513, 69134 Ecully, France
b Société Calor/Groupe Seb, Département Soins de la Personne, 38780 Pont Eveque, France

Human hair is a non-homogeneous complex material made of keratin bers oriented
along the longitudinal axis which oer anisotropic mechanical properties. Nowadays, it
is possible to measure the mechanical properties of hairs with the classical tests, but
most often, these tests are destructive and make hard to measure the inuence of some
external factors or treatments on the behavior of a same hair ber. In the current paper,
vibrations induced by a non-contact impact have been utilized as a representative response
of the mechanical behavior of hair. The characteristics of the vibratory response allow
measuring the variation in the mechanical properties and the instantaneous eect of an
external factor on the properties of a same sample. First, load relaxation tests have been
performed on hair samples after moisturization and for dierent times of an air-drying
process in order to characterize the change in the visco-elastic behavior of hair during
the water desorption. Other hair samples have been tested with our non-contact impact
and vibration technique in order to observe the change in the vibratory response during
the water desorption. The vibratory response has then been correlated to the mechanical
properties of the hair ber.
Keywords: Human hair, Water desorption, Induced vibration, Impact test

1. Introduction outer part and presents a multilayer orga-

nization made of attened cells, the scales.
As a biological composite material, hu- The inner part is called the cortex and rep-
man hair has a complex multi-scale struc- resents more than 90 % of the whole hair
ture extremely sensitive to several exter- weight (Zviak, 1988; Bouillon and Wilkin-
nal factors such as humidity, temperature, son, 2005). While the cuticle plays a pro-
chemical treatments, etc. To better un- tection role, the cortex is responsible for
derstand the eect of these factors, it is the mechanical properties of hair. Indeed,
important to study and characterize the the cortex is composed of bril proteins
bio-mechanical properties of hairs. With organized in helicoidal polypeptide chains,
a diameter of 60 to 100 µm, human hair the alpha-chains. The shape of the alpha
is made of a sulfur rich protein, the ker- chains is maintained by hydrogen bonds
atin molecule. It's structure is composed located between the coils of the helices.
of two concentric parts. The cuticle is the The alpha-chains are also linked together
by other types of bonds, the salt bridges

Email address: and stronger covalent bonds, the disulde
Phone number: +33 472186558
Preprint submitted to Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials March 5, 2015
bridges, in order to form the rst bril ature. As for all the keratin bers such
structure of hair : the intermediate la- as wool, the tensile properties of hair are
ments (IFs) (Jones et al., 1997). Then the changing with relative humidity (Hearle
IFs are embedded in an amorphous ma- and Morton, 2008). When hair is wet,
trix with a high sulfur content to form the the Yield region starts for a lower level of
macrobrils and the cortical cells (Leon, stress due to the breaking of the hydro-
1972; Wolfram, 2003). Previous studies gen bonds. Kreplak et al. (2002) explain
have shown that this multi-scale organi- the eect of water by showing the coex-
zation did not dier according to the type istence of two deformation mechanisms in
of hair studied or the ethnic origin (Wilk the cortex, the sliding of the alpha-chains
et al., 1995; Franbourg et al., 2003). The inside the microbrils and their stretching.
ber-matrix composite structure and the The presence of water in the matrix would
orientation of the IFs along the longitudi- make the sliding of the IFs easier whereas
nal axis is responsible for the anisotropic for a dry hair under standard conditions
mechanical properties of hairs (Robbins, of humidity, the macroscopic deformation
2012). Moreover, the presence of dierent would be due to the combination of both
types of bonds and particularly of weak phenomena.
bonds such as the hydrogen bonds makes In this general context, one of the main
hair extremely sensitive to environmental tasks is to better understand the change
factors such as temperature and humidity. in the mechanical behavior of hair bers
The eect of water on the structure and during a variation of water content. Var-
the mechanical properties of keratin bers ious dierent techniques can be used to
have been the subject of various previous determine the mechanical properties of
studies. The sorption-desorption hystere- hair. The most common are the destruc-
sis curve shows that hair bers are able tive techniques such as tensile tests (Ve-
to absorb a large quantity of water, reach- lasco and Dias, 2009; Thibaut et al., 2010;
ing a maximum water regain of 26 % for Benzarti et al., 2011) and nanoindentation
100 % of relative humidity (Chamberlain tests (Wei et al., 2005). Huck and Baddiel
and Speakman Leeds, 1931; Barba et al., (1971) used a non-destructive method and
2010). Concerning the hair structure, measured the dynamic response of hair
Popescu and Höcker (2007) have shown bers using an oscillating beam method in
that water sorption resulted in swelling order to characterize the elastic and loss
and emphasized an anisotropy of swelling moduli. The study presented here is ex-
with a radial swelling much more impor- perimental. It uses relaxation tests per-
tant than the longitudinal swelling. In formed on several segments of a hair ber
another study, Feughelman (1994) built a in order to determine the global variation
two-phase model where the intermediate in the visco-elastic properties of hair dur-
laments are considered to be water im- ing the water desorption kinetic. Then,
penetrable rods embedded in a hydrophilic a new mechanical approach based on the
matrix. This model is in accordance with propagation of a vibration on a hair ber
the swelling behavior of hair and can rep- has been developed. This approach uses
resent an explanation to the dependence of a non solid-solid contact impact in order
the mechanical behavior of hair to relative to have a non-destructive solicitation and
humidity. perform several tests on a same sample un-
The variation in the mechanical behav- der dierent conditions. Another advan-
ior of hair as a function of relative hu- tage of this method is the extremely brief
midity has also been studied in the liter- solicitation time which allows measuring
the instantaneous mechanical behavior of 2.3. Vibration measurement system
the ber. A new mechanical system based on the
The present paper is organized as fol- vibration signature of hair was employed.
low : in Section 2, the samples and the This system consists in creating an im-
dierent devices used for this study are pact without any solid-solid contact on the
described. Section 3 presents the relax- hair sample and measuring its dynamic re-
ation tests performed and the associated sponse.
results. Section 4 is dedicated to the vi- Fig.2 gives a description of the vibration
bration study. Finally, some conclusions measurement system. The association of a
are drawn in Section 5. compressed air container, a pressure regu-
lator and a solenoid valve produces open-
2. Materials ing/closing cycles of 3 ms creating an air
ux at a pressure of 1 bar in the pneumatic
2.1. Hair samples system. Then, the air goes through a noz-
For this study, virgin Caucasian hair zle with an exit diameter of 2 mm in order
samples of type 2 were used. Before any to produce extremely brief impacts on the
measurement, hair samples were washed sample to generate a vibration. The dis-
with a clarifying shampoo, rinsed with dis- tance between the exit of the nozzle and
tilled water and stored during 48 hours the sample has been set to 10 mm. The
in a room at a temperature of 22C and laser (LK-G82 Keyence) is used to mea-
40 %RH. sure the instantaneous deection at the
impact point located at 20 mm from the
2.2. Tensile testing machine rst clamp. The vibration is followed by
Relaxation tests on single hair bers monitoring the wave propagation with a
were performed with a tensile testing ma- second laser (PDV-100 Polytec) placed at
chine. The machine is made of the same 40 mm from the impact point. A program
components as the classical testing devices implemented on Labview is used to con-
with a sample holder, a translation module trol the solenoid valve and the data acqui-
to pull up the sample and a force sensor sition. To control the measurement, hair
to compute the applied force on the ber, samples are initially placed in the tensile
as described in Fig.1. testing machine described previously (Sec-
The translation module used is a Poly- tion 2.2) in order to apply a preload.
tec Instruments stepper motor and can
reach a maximum speed of 1.5 mm/s over 3. Eect of water desorption mea-
a distance of 25 mm with a very high res- sured by load relaxation tests
olution lower than 1/100 µm. The speed
and the displacement are controlled by a 3.1. Load relaxation tests
card connected to the engine control. The 3.1.1. Measurement
force sensor which can load a maximum Load relaxation tests are often used to
of 3N with a resolution of 1 mN enables analyze the mechanical behavior of visco-
the measurement of the force. The ap- elastic materials. It consists in applying
plied stress on the sensor is transmitted to and maintaining a constant deformation
a computer via a National Instrument cap- and observing a decrease of the normal
ture card and an amplier. Finally, a pro- force due to the viscosity of the mate-
gram, implemented on Labview, is used to rial. In order to observe the eect of wa-
control the engine movement and the data ter desorption on the visco-elastic proper-
acquisition. ties of human hair, load relaxation tests
were performed on 7 segments of 30 mm of the springs and n1 and n2 the coe-
of a same hair ber. First, the clos- cients of the viscous dampers.
est segment to the root was placed be- All the experimental load relaxation
tween the clamps of the tensile testing curves were tted with the generalized
machine with an initial length between two-branches Maxwell model using the
the clamps of 10 mm. A rst relaxation simplex method. Fig.4 shows an example
test of 600 seconds was performed at an of one experimental load relaxation curve
ambient temperature of 22C and a rela- and its optimized t.
tive humidity of 40 %RH, in order to ob- The initial stiness Kt=0 and innite
tain the properties under dry conditions. stiness Kt=∞ can be estimated using the
The other segments were immersed in dis- parameters obtained from the optimized
tilled water for 15 minutes and succes- t, equation 2a and equation 2b.
sively tested with the same relaxation test
to represent the dierent times of an air- Kt=0 = K0 + K1 + K2 (2a)
drying process, at intervals of 20 minutes. Kt=∞ = K0 (2b)
The selected desorption times were :
0 minute (t0 ), 20 minutes (t1 ), 40 minutes Another parameter can be estimated :
(t2), 60 minutes (t3), 80 minutes (t4) and the relaxation time tr . This time corre-
100 minutes (t5 ). For each test, the ap- sponds to the intersection point of the two
plied deformation was 2 % and the loading asymptotes of the relaxation curve and is
speed was 1 mm/s. This experiment was obtained from the optimized t and equa-
reproduced with 5 dierent virgin Cau- tion 3.
casian hair samples.
K1 + K2
tr = K12 K22
3.1.2. Rheological model and estimated η1
+ η2
A rheological model was employed to 3.2. Results
analyze the experimental load relaxation An example of the experimental load re-
curves. Our previous work (Benzarti laxation curves obtained on the 7 segments
et al., 2014) has shown that the general- of a same hair ber in the dry state, just
ized two-branches Maxwell model allowed after the wetting phase and for the dif-
describing the visco-elastic mechanical be- ferent desorption times is represented in
havior of hair. This model consists in the Fig.5. This graph emphasizes the eect
association of a spring connected in par- of water content on the relaxation behav-
allel with 2 branches each containing a ior. The comparison of the dry and the
spring and a viscous damper connected in wet curve highlights a change in the initial
series (Fig.3). and nal force and of the curvature of the
The relaxation function Φ(t) resulting curve. The initial force decreases from 249
from this model is : to 137 mN from the dry to the wet state
and the nal force decreases from 181 to
  111 mN. The curvature of the wet curve is
Φ(t) = K0 + K1 exp
t also sharper than for the dry curve.

 (1) Besides, the curves obtained for the dif-
+K2 exp
−K2 ferent desorption times are located be-
tween the dry and the wet curve. The
longer the desorption time is, the closer to
where K0, K1 and K2 are the coecients the dry state the relaxation curve is. This
means that there is a progressive increase correlated to the elastic moduli Et=0 and
of both initial and nal force as the sam- Et=∞ of the hair ber by equation 4, where
ple gets dry. The curvature becomes also S is the hair ber section and l its length.
This progressive recovery is also ob- K(t) =
served on the stinesses Kt=0 and Kt=∞ l(t)
estimated with the generalized two- The stinesses depend on geometrical
branches Maxwell model and on the re- (S and l) and mechanical (E ) parameters.
laxation time tr . The swelling curve represented by Ben-
Fig.6 represents the variation in each zarti et al. (2014) shows that the swelling
parameter along the air-drying process for of the section S is less than 15 % from
the 5 hair bers studied. The values of the dry to the wet state. Moreover, the
each relaxation parameter normalized by swelling in the longitudinal direction is
the values obtained for the dry sample are less than 2 % (Popescu and Höcker, 2007).
represented on the graphs. For both sti- Therefore, the change in both stinesses
nesses, the ratio of the wet (0 minute) to is not only due to the swelling behavior
the dry state is close to 0.6 whereas for the of hair but also to a change in the elas-
relaxation time tr , it is equal to 0.1, show- tic moduli. Taking into account a 15 %
ing that the eect of the water content on swelling of the section and a 1 % longitudi-
the latter is more signicant. These three nal swelling of the sample after the wetting
parameters increase with time. However, phase, the ratio between Ewet and Edry can
their kinetic of change are dierent. The be estimated by equation 5.
relaxation time tr represented in Fig.6c is
the parameter reaching its maximum value Ewet
= 0.87 ∗
fastest. The value at 20 minutes is equal to Edry Kdry
80 % of the dry value. In contrast, the in- The initial modulus Et=0 decreases by
nite stiness Kt=∞ represented in Fig.6b 48 % just after the wetting phase. This
has the slowest variation. Fig.6a shows result is in accordance with the results ob-
that the change in the initial stiness Kt=0 tained by Wolfram (2003); Bouillon and
can be split into two parts. As for the re- Wilkinson (2005) who have shown that an
laxation time, a fast variation is observed increase of relative humidity created a de-
between the wet state and 20 minutes then crease of the elastic modulus due to the
a more progressive change is observed from breaking of the hydrogen bonds caused by
20 minutes to 100 minutes. the presence of water in the ber. The
increase of Et=0 and Et=∞ during the air
3.3. Discussion drying process can also be explained by
During a load relaxation test, the de- the creation of new hydrogen-bonds due
crease of the measured force is due to to the water desorption.
the progressive rearrangement of the ma- The change in the relaxation time tr is
terial micro-structure. The several relax- in accordance with the results found by
ation tests performed for dierent desorp- Wortmann et al. (2009) who studied hair
tion times permit to observe the change bending properties. The lower the wa-
in the visco-elastic behavior of a hair ber ter content is, the slower the relaxation
according to its water content. As the re- is. This behavior variation emphasizes the
laxation tests were performed in the elas- ability of the keratin molecules to rear-
tic region, the initial stiness Kt=0 and the range each other. The low relaxation time
innite stiness Kt=∞ can be respectively obtained just after the wetting phase is
due to the fact that keratin molecules are Four parameters have been selected and
more able to rearrange, the sliding mech- estimated to characterize the vibration re-
anism of these molecules being facilitated sponse of the signal (Fig.7):
by the presence of water inside the ber
(Kreplak et al., 2002). • The wave propagation delay WPD
The relaxation curves and parameters corresponds to the time between the
obtained show that water content has a maximal deection at the impact
big impact on the visco-elastic properties point (A) and the start of the damp-
of human hair. However, these tests were ing part of the induced vibration at
performed on several segments of a same the point (B).
hair ber and not on a same sample. In-
• The damping coecient α is deter-
deed, the rearrangement of the keratin
molecules which occurs during the relax- mined by tting the envelope of the
ation changes the micro-structure organi- damping part of the vibration sig-
zation. Thus, the results obtained in this nal with an exponential decay func-
rst part give only access to the global tion. α corresponds to the exponen-
change of the mechanical properties of hair tial decay coecient. A peak de-
during the air-drying process. tection function is used on Matlab
and the associated exponential decay
function is found by the method of the
4. Eect of water content on the least square.
propagation of an induced vibra-
tion • The vibratory level Lv is estimated by
the following equation :
4.1. Measurement  
The eect of water desorption on the Lv = 20 log10 (6)
vibration signature of hair bers was fol-
lowed by the impact test described in 2.3. where VRM S is the root mean square
First, a segment of 60 mm of a hair sample value of the attenuation part of the
was xed between the clamps of the tensile vibration signal and V0 the reference
testing machine. A rst test consisting in value of the vibratory level.
applying a preload of 30 mN and 20 air jets
to the sample was performed. Then, the • The natural frequency fn of the signal
sample was moisturized with 4 impulses is obtained by performing the Power
of a distilled water spray and the same Spectral Density PSD of the damping
test was performed on the sample just af- part of the signal.
ter moisturization (0 minute) and after the
same desorption times as in 3.1. This ex- 4.3. Results
periment was reproduced on 5 dierent
An example of the deection measure-
virgin Caucasian hair samples of type 2.
ments at the impact point (A) and of the
vibration signal measured at the point (B)
4.2. Selection of parameters
are given in Fig.8 for the same hair sam-
The measurements of deection at the ple under dry conditions and just after
impact point (A) and of the velocity mea- the wetting phase. The dierence between
sured at 40 mm from the impact point both vibration signals shows the eect of
(B) normalized by its maximum value are water content on the propagation of the
given in Fig.7. induced wave.
The graph shows that the wave propa- important radial swelling that occurs dur-
gation delay WPD increases when the hair ing the sorption creates a global constancy
sample gets wet meaning that the longitu- of the density ρ (Popescu and Höcker,
dinal speed of the induced wave is slower. 2007). As an example, King (1926) have
The attenuation part is also dierent and shown that the density of wool bers in-
seems slower for the wet state than for the creases by only 3 % from 0 % to 100 %
dry state. of relative humidity . Thus, the change
The variation over time of the four esti- in the WPD after the wetting phase and
mated parameters for the 5 samples stud- after dierent desorption times gives di-
ied is represented in Fig.9. Figures 9a, rectly the change in the elastic modulus
9b, 9c and 9d give respectively the change E . The estimated ratios are given in Ta-
in the WPD, fn, α and Lv . For all the ble 1.
parameters, an important variation is ob- At 0 minutes and 20 minutes, the WPD
served just after the wetting phase, then, increases. The lowest ratio between E(t)
a progressive recovery to the initial value and Edry is obtained at 20 minutes and is
is observed as the sample gets dry. The equal to 0.52. This result is in accordance
change in the selected parameters can be with the results found with the previous
classied into two categories: the WPD relaxation tests presented in Section 3.3.
and the vibratory level Lv decrease when The elastic modulus is also linked to the
the desorption time increases whereas the natural frequency fn by the equation 8.
damping coecient α and the natural fre-
quency fn increase. The natural frequency E∝
fn .ρ.l4
fn is the only parameter which reaches its d2
maximal dierence from its dry value just This equation takes into account a ge-
after the wetting phase, at 0 minute. For ometrical parameter: the ber diameter
the other three parameters, the maximum d. The radial swelling RS(t) can be es-
dierence is reached 20 minutes after the timated considering the previous values of
wetting phase. elastic moduli and the measured values of
natural frequencies with equation 9.
4.4. Discussion
In this conguration, the hair sam- 
ple can be considered to be a clamped- d(t) fn (t).Edry
RS(t) = −1  −1 (9)
clamped circular beam in simple bend- ddry fndry .E(t)
ing. The propagation of the induced vi-
bration can therefore be correlated to the The highest value of radial swelling
mechanical properties of the sample using RS of 19.89 % is obtained at 20 minutes.
the Oberst method (Oberst, 1952). This value is close to the maximal radial
For instance, the WPD which is pro- swelling of hair obtained at 100 % of rela-
portional to the inverse of the longitudinal tive humidity (Popescu and Höcker, 2007).
propagation speed vL is directly linked to The maximum of radial swelling and the
the elastic modulus by equation 7 where ρ minimal elastic modulus are not obtained
is the ber density. just after the wetting phase ( 0 minute) but
20 minutes after. This delay of 20 minutes
E = ρ.vL 2 (7) can be considered to be the time neces-
sary for the water to penetrate into the
The water sorption creates an impor- hair ber. As the sample has been super-
tant increase of the linear density but the cially wet, the water is rst in contact
with the cuticle and has not an instan- correlated to the mechanical properties.
taneous eect on the mechanical proper- The wave propagation delay, is directly
ties. When the diusion of the water in linked to the elastic modulus such as the
the cortex begins, the swelling of the ma- natural frequency which depends also on
trix starts and the eect on the mechanical the hair diameter. When the hair ber
properties gets visible. gets wet, the hair diameter increases by
The change in the damping coecient α 19.89 % and the elastic modulus decreases
also conrms the values of the estimated by 48 %. This decrease does not occur just
elastic moduli. The stier the material is, after the supercial wetting phase high-
the faster the damping of the induced vi- lighting the fact that several minutes are
bration is. The same interpretation can necessary for water to go through the cu-
be performed for the vibratory level Lv ticle and penetrate into the cortex. The
that follows exactly the same tendency as same tendency was also measured on the
the wave propagation delay WPD. The de- radial swelling. Thus, the results obtained
crease of the elastic modulus produces an by this new measurement system are in
increase of the vibration amplitude. accordance with the results obtained by
performing load relaxation tests conrm-
5. Conclusion ing the reliability of this method. This
method also has several advantages: the
In the present paper, an experimental measurement is non-destructive and quick,
study has been performed to better under- thus making it possible to have several in-
stand the change in the mechanical behav- stantaneous responses for a same sample,
ior of hair bers during a variation of water giving access to the controlled change of
content due to an air-drying process. The its mechanical properties.
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Experimental curve
Maxwell 2-branches model 1
Normal Force [mN]



K t=0 / Kt=0

200 0.6

180 0.5
t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5
0 tr 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time [s]
Figure 4: Example of an experimental load relax-
ation curve (solid line), its optimized generalized
two-branches Maxwell model t (dashed line) and
the intersection point of its two asymptotes used
to determine the relaxation time tr

t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5


tr / trdry

Normal Force [mN]

200 0.2
t4 0
t3 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5
150 t2
t1 (c)
100 Figure 6: Change over time in the three estimated
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time [s] relaxation parameters normalized by there dry
values. (a) Change in the initial stiness Kt=0 ,(b)
Figure 5: Example of the experimental relaxation Change in the innite stiness Kt=∞ , (c) Change
curves obtained on the same sample in the dry in the relaxation time tr
state, just after the wetting phase and for dierent
desorption times

Deflection [mm]

WPD [s]

A 0.5
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
dry 0min 20min 40min 60min 80min 100min
Normalized Velocity

e-tt (2)


B 0

-1 400
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
time [s]

Spectral Magnitude


0.6 200
dry 0min 20min 40min 60min 80min 100min


0 200 400 600 800 1000 8
Frequency [Hz]

dry 0min 20min 40min 60min 80min 100min



Deflection [mm]

0 176

-2 wet
dry dry 0min 20min 40min 60min 80min 100min
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4



0 0.2 0.4 0.6
time [s]
0.8 1 1.2 1.4
State 0 min 20 min 40 min 60 min 80 min 100 min
W P D(t)/W P Ddry 1.29 1.41 1.26 1.07 1.07 0.99
E(t)/Edry 0.62 0.52 0.65 0.86 0.87 1.01
fn (t)/fndry 0.63 0.75 0.77 0.86 0.88 1.03
RS (%) 0.60 19.89 8.92 0.33 0.50 1.26
Table 1: Change over time in the WPD, E , fn and RS normalized by their dry values


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