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M.AMIR ASLAM (0301-3111161) Msc ( Phy ) , WAQAS JAVED (0301-4487569) BSc (Math,Phy)

Encircle the right answer carefully.

1. The branch of science which deal with study of matter , energy and their interaction called
Physics Chemistry Geology Metrology
2. The most suitable instrument use to measure internal diameter of test tube is
Screw gauge meter rule vernier calliper measuring tape
3. One Giga is equal to ……………………………………………. Nano.
1018 10-18 109 10-9

4. Unit for the amount of matter in a substance

Mole meter ampere candela

5. Base unit is

Watt Newton kilo gram Pascal

6. 200ns is equal to

2×10-5 2×10-6 2×10-7 2×10-8

7. A measuring cylinder is used to measure

Mass Length volume area
8. The number of base quantities in SI system

3 4 5 7

9. Refrigerator is base on the principal of

Mechanics heat light thermodynamics

10. The number of significant figures in 0.00020170 is

5 6 7 8

11. The number of division on vernier scale is

0.9 9 0.1 10

12. A screw gauge has 150 divisions on its circular scale, its patch is

0.5mm 1mm 1.5mm 2mm

13. Kinematics is the branch of

Heat mechanics sound light

14. The unit of acceleration is

ms2 ms-2 ms1 ms-1

15. By dividing displacement of moving body with time, we obtain

Speed velocity acceleration deceleration

16. A straight line parallel to time axis on the distance time graph tell the object is

At rest moving with constant speed in motion moving with variable speed

17. A ball is thrown vertically upward its velocity at the highest point is

Zero 10ms-2 9.8 ms-2 10ms-1

18. A falcon can fly at maximum speed of ………………….. kmh-1

200 150 120 70

19. For body freely falling down, value of gravitational acceleration is

Positive negative zero none of these

20. If a body has equal change in velocity with equal interval of time then acceleration will be

Irregular regular uniform variable

21. A train is moving at the speed of 36 kmh-1. Its speed expressed in ms-1 is

36 3.6 10 1.0

22. A body has translatory motion if it moves

Line without rotation in circle straight line all correct

23. …………………. Is a vector quantity.

Power energy work momentum

24. The motion of rider of ferries wheel is

Translatory motion rotatory motion vibratory motion none of these

25. Graphically a vector can be represented by

Line segment with arrow head bold letter a bar arrow over their symbol

26. A car starts from rest. Its velocity becomes 20ms-1 in 8s. its acceleration is

2.5ms-2 -1.5ms-2 1.5 ms-2 -2.5ms-2

27. Centripetal acceleration of a body is given by the formula.

ac=v/r ac=r/v ac=mv2/r ac=v2/r

28. When cyclist stops peddling, bicycle stops due to

Mass net force momentum friction

29. A boy jumps out of a moving bus. There is danger for him to fall.

Away from the bus towards moving bus

Opposite to the direction of Motion in the direction of motion

30. Rate of change of momentum is equal to

Displacement force acceleration velocity

31. The force that oppose the motion of moving object is called

Work Power friction net force

32. The unit of momentum is kgms-1 that is equal to

Ns Nm kgms-2 N

33. Newton 1st law valid in the absence of

Work Power friction net force

34. The force that keep a body to move in a circle

Work centripetal force friction power

35. The force needed to prevent a body from falling of mass 10kg

100N 50N 1000N 10N

36. According to Newton 3rd law of motion magnitude of action and reaction is

Zero Equal Three Time Two times

37. One Newton is equals

1kgms-2 1gms 1gNs 1Ns

38. Inertia depend upon

Mass net force momentum friction

39. A string is stretched by two equal but opposite forces 10N each. The tention in the string is

10N 20N 0N 5N

40. The mass of the body

Decrease when accelerate increase when accelerate

increase moving with high velocity constant

41. The unit of coefficient of friction

Ns Nm kgms-2 No unit

42. The resultant of all the forces acting on a body is called

Resultant force net force force of friction none of these

43. A bullet of mass 20g is fired from a gun with muzzle velocity 100. The recoil of gun if mass of its 5kg

0.4ms-1 -0.4ms-1 4ms-1 -4ms-1

44. The coefficient of friction between rubber and concrete

6 0.6 0.06 0.006

45. When horse pulls a cart, the action is on the:

Cart earth horse earth and cart

46. Racing car are made stable by

Decreasing their mass increasing their mass

Decreasing their width lowering their centre of gravity

47. When centre of gravity at the highest position, body will be

Stable unstable neutral none of these

48. A force of 10N is making an angle of 300 with the horizontal. Its horizontal component will be

8.7N 7N 5N 4N

49. Number of forces that can be added by head to tail rule are

4 any number 3 2

50. The forces that are parallel to each other and have same direction are called

Unlike like net forces resultant

51. Two equal but unlike parallel forces having different line of action produce

Neutral equilibrium couple torque

52. In a right angle triangle length of base is 4cm and length of perpendicular is 3cm. the value of tanᶿ

4/3 ¾ ¼ 1/3

53. The point where whole weight of body act is called

Centre of mass centre of gravity axis of rotation couple

54. Perpendicular components of a vector are

4 3 2 1
55. The SI unit of torque is Nm that is equal to

Joule watt Pascal Newton

56. The turning effect of force called

Axis of rotation line of action of force moment of force equilibrium

57. A body is in equilibrium when its acceleration

Acceleration is uniform speed is uniform

speed & acceleration are uniform acceleration is zero

58. The value of gravitational constant G is …………….. Nm2kg-2

6.673×10-11 6.673×10-08 6.673×10-09 6.673×10-10

59. Earth gravitational force of attraction vanishes at

1000km 42300km infinity 6400km

60. The orbital speed of a low orbit satellite is ………………… kms-1

800 80 8 zero

61. Gravitational field strength near the surface of earth is …………………… Nkg-1

10 1.62 25 1

62. The value of g on the surface of moon is 1.62ms-2. The weight of the body of 100kg on the surface of
moon will be

160N 1000N 100N 1600N

63. with increasing height from the surface of earth, value of gravitational acceleration

Infinite remain constant increase decrease

64. The mass of earth is

6×1024g 6×1024kg 6×10-24g 6×10-24kg

65. The value of g increase with

Increase with altitude increase of mass of body decrease in altitude none of these

66. The altitude of geostationary orbit in which communication satellite are launched above the surface
of earth

42300km 6400km 1000km 850km

67. The value of g at a height equal to one earth radius above the surface of earth

1/4g 1/3g 1/2g 2g

68. The value of g on the surface of Venus is ………………………….. ms-2

8 8.2 8.8 8.87

69. Global positioning system is a satellite navigation system that consists …………. Earth satellite

20 21 22 24

70. Moon is nearly …………….. km from the earth

6400 38000 380000 3800000

71. The velocity of geostationary satellite with respect to earth is ……………….. ms-1

27.3 3.87 zero 7.3

72. The earth attracts a body with a force equal to its ……………………………

Mass weight internal energy external energy

73. Kinetics energy of a body of mass 2kg is 36J. its speed is ………………………. ms-1

15 10 6 5

74. The energy stored in coal

Heat energy kinetic energy chemical energy nuclear energy

75. Capability to do work is called

Momentum Torque Power Energy

76. A man lifts 200N weight up to height of 10m. its work is ………………………

20 200 2000 20000

77. The rate of doing work is called

Energy power torque momentum

78. The power of a pump is …………….. Watt which can lifts 200kg of water through height of 6m in 10s.

12 1.2 120 1200

79. Energy stored in a dam

Potential energy nuclear energy chemical energy light energy

80. The work done in lifting a brick of mass 2kg through a height of 5m above the ground will be ……… J.

2.5 10 50 100
81. A stone of mass 500g strikes the ground with a velocity of 20ms-1 . Its K.E will be ………….. J.

20 50 70 100

82. Work done will be zero when the angle between force and the distance is

300 600 900 1800

83. Types of mechanical energy are

2 3 4 5

84. In Einstein mass energy equation C represent

Speed of sound speed of light speed of electron speed of earth

85. Which one of the following convert light energy into electrical energy?

Electric bulb electric generator photocell electric cell

86. If the velocity of the body becomes double then K.E will be

Remain same become double become four time become half

87. A device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy is

Electric bulb electric generator electric motor all of these

88. The efficiency of petrol engine is …………………………. %

20 25 30 35

89. 1hp is equal to …………………………….. Watt

740 746 756 776

90. SI unit of pressure is Pascal that is equal to

1Nm-2 10Nm-2 100Nm-2 1000Nm-2

91. Which of the substance is lightest one?

Mercury copper lead aluminum

92. If force will be applied on smaller area, pressure will become

Much smaller zero less large

93. The state in which molecules don’t leave their position is

Solid liquid gas plasma

94. The mass of lead is 200g and density is 11300kgm-3 the volume is

565 56500 0.0000017699 0.000017699

95. What should be the approximate length of a glass tube to construct a water barometer?

11m 2.5m 1m 0.5m

96. Which colour is a good absorber?

Black white shiny colored

97. Which of the following is a bad conductor?

Gold wood iron none of these

98. Thermal conductivity of brick is …………………. Wm-1k-1

0.2 1.7 0.8 0.6

99. In solid heat is transferred by

Absorption convection conduction radiation

100. Ways of transfer of heat are

1 2 3 4

101. Room is heated using gas heater by

Convection & radiation radiation conduction

102. A wooden cube of sides 10cm each dip in water the up thrust act on it is

10N 10P 1OW 10J

103. The unit of strain is

Nm-2 N W no unit

104. Rising currents of hot air called

Thermal green house radiation convection

105. The force that change the shape, length or volume of substance is

Negative force positive force permanent force deforming force

106. One liter is equal to ……………………………… m3

103 10-6 106 10-3

107. The density of cooking oil is …………………………… kgm-3

900 800 920 820

108. 1000Kgm-3 is equal to ……………………………. gcm-3

1 10 100 1000

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