Explaination Wa Cashier Mantappp Week 3

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Definition of Front Office Cashier

Cashier is an outlet that is operationally under the Front Office Department and structurally under the
Accounting Department in charge of the income and expenditure in the restaurant.

Job Description Front Office Cashier

1. Being able to handle the operation of Food & Beverage.
2. Being able to make a summary list by using paradox system (computerize) or manually.
3. Can work with Food & Beverage Department, Kitchen, Pastry.

Kinds of Form in Cashier

1. Guest Check : Proof that the guest have been booked.
2. Order Slip : Slip to write orders from guest.
3. Remitance of Funds : The brown envelope to save money earnings together with summary bill.
4. Summary of Sales : Form to record revenue usually at the end shift.
5. Bevarege Bill : Bill for the payment of beverage.
6. Food Summary : To record all the result of transaction food.
7. Food Bill : Bill for the payment of food.
8. History of Sales : Bill used to detemine the amount of food sold and favorite foods.

Kinds of Menu
1. Ala Carte : Menu that have a diffrent prices of each item and we can choose for ourselves.
2. Table D’Hote : Packages of food in one price and serve on table (Appetizer, soup, main course,
and dessert).
3. Buffet : Set of menu that not served on the table so the guest can choose according their
Kinds of Stamp

1. Cashier : Sign that has been approved.

2. Cash : Sign that the bill has been paid.

3. House Charge : Bill charged to company.

Kinds of Plan
1. Europian Plan : Room Only.
2. Continental Plan : Room + Breakfast.
3. Modified American : Room + Breakfast + Lunch/Dinner.
4. Full American Plan : Room + Breakfast + Lunch + Dinner.

Kinds od Order Slip

1. White : Kitchen.
2. Red : Cashier.
3. Yellow : Waiter/es.
4. Green : Pastry.
Qualification of Good Cashier
1. Mastering the work of employeement.
2. Have a mental and high skill.
3. Carefully and can rely on email.
4. Able to work well.

How to Handle Transaction by Manual

1. Prepare all the forms needed.
2. After the waiter gives the order slip, copy it to food bill (stamp the order slip and take the red).
3. After copy to the food bill.
4. After the bill signed by the guest, coppied it to sumary of sales.
5. Calculate all the total then balance summary of sales and the food summary.

How to Handle Transaction by Computerize System

1. Opening
Nusantara training >> Password >> Enter >> Wait >> Sign in >> Press “code” Choose Code F2 F1.
2. Posting Menu
New , Fill (table number, numberof cover, degustation name : F1, F2) F2 >> Complete the bll menu.
3. Shuttle Bill
Close>> Fill the amount ofcharge>> enter 3 times.
4. Summary
Info >> Summary of sales >> Choose screen (view summary) >> Print.
5. Closing
Sign Out >> Quit shutdown the computer.

Kinds of Payment
1. Cash : Payment with money or debit.
2. Credit : Payment with credit card.
3. Compliment : a. Full = All payment borne by company.
b. Half = A few of transaction borne by company.
c. Due to = Payment half credit, half cash.
d. House charge = Payment by management with salary deduction.

Definition of City Ledger

Payment Which handled by Company or Travel Agency.

Kinds of Currency
1. Local Currency : Cash Payment in accordance with applicable currency.
2. Foreign Exchange : Cash payment in foreign currency.
3. Traveller Cheque : Payment must be made with travel check and must be calculated.

Kinds of Bill
1. Master Bill : Summary of total transaction carried out guests and is payable at check out.
2. Extra Bill : Bill addition to record transaction ofguest to be paid.
3. Cheat Bill : Bill combination of extra and master bill.
4. Active Bill : Bill is still running because the guest are still conducting transaction.
5. Hanging Bill : Bill pending because guest still conduct the transaction.
6. Bill Company : Bill from hotel which aimed to company.
7. Skip Bill : Bill prepared but missing.
8. Miss Bill : Bill were swapped.
9. Split Bill : Transaction conducted y two people or more with the same amount of bill.
10. Separated Bill : Bill seperated but carried out 2 in 1 table.
11. Pending Bill : Bill pending because the transaction has not completed yet.
12. Late Charge Bill : Bill provided but not paid because the guest had check out.
13. Supporting Bill : Bill supporter.
14. Running Bill : Bill pending since guest haven’t paid and the guest already check out.

Cause of Pending Bill

1. Bill is not yet in stamp
2. Bill that has not been sign
3. Bill unpaid.
4. Bill which has not been taken.
5. The addition or reduction of order guest if the guest is not yet finished eating.

Kinds of Void
1. Direct Void : Mistakes made when the transaction or the time before pressing the price lookup.
2. Indirect Void : The mistake was not made at the time of the transactio or after pressing the price look
3. Sub total Void : Error after the transaction.
4. Void after : Error after entering tax & service.
tendering key
5. Structural void : Error after pressing subtotals.
6. Void before : Error before entering tax & service.
tendering key
7. Void amount : Error amount of money that at the time of the transaction.

Causes of void
1. Wrong item : Caused by a waiter/es.
2. Wrong Post : Caused by cashier.
3. Miss Understand : Caused by mistake.
4. Human Error : Human error due to sliphod.
5. Machine Error : Broken of Machine.
6. Nervous : Nervous.

Electronic Data Capture.

Kinds Of E.D.C
1. Insert.
2. Swipe.
3. Scan.

Kinds of Credit Card

- Amex (American Express).
- JCB (Japanese Card Bureau).
- Carte blanche.
- Dinner Club.
- Visa Card.
- Master Card.

Types of Credit Card

- Bank Card (Visa, Master).
- Commercial Card (Amex, JCB).
- Intersale Card (Member Card)/ Silver or Gold.
- Private Card (Company).
Status of Credit Card
1. Please try again : To Fast swipe card.
2. Decline : There is a problem with the card.
3. Do not Honour : Denied because there is no balance.
4. Hold on please : Suspected counterfeit cards.
5. Error : Denied because the card can not be used.
6. Line Busy : Network is busy.

Differences between Master Card & Visa Card

Visa : 1. Hologram image pigeon.
2. Panel signature colorful printed.
3. Credit card number embossed.
4. The first digit of te number 4.
5. Visa and Master card together have 16 digit.

Master : 1. Holoram image globes.

2. Signature Panel.
3. The number of credit card cards in addition to a hologram.
4. The first digit of the number 5.
5. Visa and Master card together have 16 digit.

Kinds of Voucher
1. Miscellaneous : Form used to record transaction of goods that’s not in hotel.
2. Currency Voucher : Form to record foreign exchange.
3. Paid of Voucher : Form to record in case of expenditure cashier for unexpected needs.
4. Correction : Form to fix when there is a mistake in guest account directly.
5. Adjustment : Form used for if there any additional charges.

Kinds of Folio
1. Usual Folio : The bill that have to be paid by guest who have used hotel facilities in one bank
2. Master Folio : Folio that used to recap all the guest transaction or group that paid by voucher.
3. Extra Folio : Form that used for guest who use hotel facilities which not borne by voucher.
4. Guest Folio : Recapitulation of all guest transaction.

Kinds of Sales Draft

- Bank Copy.
- Customer Copy.
- Merchant Copy.

Kinds of Due
- Due to : Payment with half cash, half credit.
- Due back : Income is smaller than outcome.
- Due me : Cashier borrows money from staff for operational.
- Due in : Preparation before operational.
- Due out : Preparation after Operational.

Function of Sales History

To determine the amount of food ordered and favorite food.

Kinds of Paid Out

- Paid out refund : Returning the guest money that left.
- Paid out : The guest borrows money from house bank with a guarantee.
Kinds of Settlement
- Cash of Settlement : Direct payment like debit.
- Credit of Settlement : Indirect payment like voucher or credit.

Kinds of Rate
- Rack rate : Basic price.
- Corporate rate : Price for entrepreneur or employee from company corporates with hotel.
- Commercial rate : Price for entrepreneur doesn’t over flow price because guest seldom travelling.
- Group rate : Price for group that have agreement contract with hotel.
- Military rate : Price for military person/education price is cheaper.
- Individual rate : Price based on person who will stay.
- Overflow rate : Special price given to the guest that sent to another hotel.
- Half day rate : Room price given to the guest that use the room just a few hours in a day.

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