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Classroom Rules Contract

The Rules
1. Listen carefully.
2. Follow directions when the teacher gives them.
3. Work quietly. Do not disturb others who are working.
4. Respect others. Be kind with your words and actions.
5. Respect school and personal property (such as science equipment).
6. Never use any science equipment, chemicals, or other materials
without the teacher’s permission.

Failure to comply with these rules or other procedures will result in the
appropriate disciplinary action outlined below.
 1st time- Warning
 2nd time- Seat change or sent to office or hallway
 3rd time- Meeting with teacher
 4th time- Call home to parent or guardian
 5th time- Detention
 6th time- Further administrative action

Laboratory Rules
1. Only use the equipment as indicated by the teacher.
2. There is no horseplay allowed in the lab or class due to the
presence of potentially dangerous lab equipment and chemicals.
3. Wear your safety goggles at all times in the lab.

Failure to comply with these laboratory rules will result in the consequences
described above as well as half-credit or a possible zero for that
particular lab depending on how severe the incident is.

I have examined the classroom rules and know that failure to comply with
these rules will result in the appropriate disciplinary action outlined above. I
promise to make every attempt to obey these classroom rules.

X ______________________________________ ______________
Signature Date

Name (print please)

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