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Electronic Devices

Tutorial - 3

BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus

Q 1. Consider a Si sample which is doped with donor atoms having
concentration of 1016/cm3. The length and the cross sectional area of
the sample is 5 μm and 100 μm2 respectively. A voltage of magnitude
15 V is applied to the semiconductor at 300 K. Find out the drift
current as contributed by the majority charge carrier of the given
Q 2. A GaAs sample is doped with both donor and acceptor atoms
with ND = 3 X 1015/cm3 and NA = 1 X 1015/cm3. Find the equilibrium
concentrations of majority and minority carriers at 300 K and
comment on it. Also, find the resistivity of the compensated
semiconductor if μn= 8500 cm2/V-s and μp=400cm2/V-s.
Given that ni = 2.4 X 1013/cm3
Q3. To determine the majority carrier concentration and mobility.
Consider the given hall parameters and geometry shown in Figure.
Let L = 10-1 cm, W = 10-2 cm, d = 10-3 cm. Also assume that Ix = 1.0
mA, Vx = 12.5 V, Bz = 500 gauss = 5 x 10-2 Tesla and VH = −6.25 mV.
Q 4.
A silicon Hall device at T = 300 K has the following geometry:
d = 10-3 cm, W = 10-2 cm, and L = 10-1 cm.
The following parameters are measured:
Ix = 0.75 mA, Vx = 15 V, VH = +5.8 mV, and Bz= 1000 gauss = 10-1 tesla.

(a) the conductivity type of semiconductor,
(b) the majority carrier concentration, and
(c) the majority carrier mobility
(d) Find the hall coefficient
Q 5. A Si semiconductor is doped with 1015/cm3 of Boron atoms. It is
observed that the steady-state excess carrier concentration
generated in it at room temperature is 1017/cm3. Find out the
electron and hole concentrations at the non-equilibrium
condition. Find and draw the quasi-Fermi energy levels for
both the majority and minority charge carriers. Also, find out
the value of Efn−Efp
Q 6.
An n-type Si sample is doped at 1015 cm-3. Light is shone on it to
create EHPs at 1019 cm-3/s. What is the steady state concentration of
minority carriers, if the lifetime is 100 ns? How long does it take for
the hole concentration to drop 10%, after the light is switched off?

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