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Someone that I want to Meet

Most of the people in the world thinks family is everything for them. It is caused family
will always stand besides us when we are facing any kind of problems. They will help us to find
the best way to solve our problems. But as ahuman being, we never know when our beloved
people will leave us to another world. Just as my family is not complete anymore because my
mother already passed away a year ago. It makes me really miss her. If I have a chance I wish I
could meet her and have time to talk even for a while.

I would like to tell my mom about my feeling when she was still with me and not. When
my mom was with me, my life was full of happiness. It was caused my family always support
each other and have good relationship. Especially for my mom, she always share her love for
my brother and I. She always did almost the outwork by herself, such as cooking food, washing
clothes, cleaning our house, and etc. But after her death, my life has changed. I think I still in a
dream. I feel my life is empty even I still have my father and brother. I have to handle everything
that my mom used to do in the past. I also have to take care my father and brother because I do
not want to lose my beloved peopple anymore.

I want to know about her condition in her new world because I believe that there will be a
new life after a death. Based on my religion and tradition, a dead people will get a place which is
related to his or her karma and traditional ceremony procession that has been carried out.
Actually, I have done a traditional ceremony procession for my mom which is called as
“Megenah ring Geni”. In my mind, my mom was a good person and care to others. Therefore, I
hope my mom will get a better place on her new world. I also believe my mom will gather with
other relatives that was died too. I would like ask her which relatives that she has met there.
When my mom was alive, she told me that she really missed her sister that already passed away
5 years ago and wanted to meet her.

However, I wish I could meet my mom and have time to talk even for awhile. I really
miss her because she passed away last year. And it makes my family is not complete anymore. I
know as a human being that we will die any time. But, we can share our love to our family and
take care of them. Therefore, family is everything because family will always support us to face
any problem.

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