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TM-1830 Everything3D™ 2.1

AVEVA Everything3D™ Bulletin
AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1
User Bulletin

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Copyright © 2015. 2
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1
User Bulletin

Revision Log

Date Revision Description Author Reviewed Approved

16.10.2015 0.1 Issued for Review SB - -

26.11.2015 0.2 Reviewed SB P.Dev -
27.11.2015 1.0 Released with AVEVA E3D™ 2.1 SB P.Dev P.Dev

Change highlighting will be employed for all revisions. Where new or changed information is presented section
headings will be highlighted in Yellow.

Suggestion / Problems
This manual provides documentation relating to products to which you may not have access or which may not
be licensed to you. For further information on which products are licensed to you please refer to your licence

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1.1 AVEVA does not warrant that the use of the AVEVA software will be uninterrupted, error-free or free from

1.2 AVEVA shall not be liable for: loss of profits; loss of business; depletion of goodwill and/or similar losses;
loss of anticipated savings; loss of goods; loss of contract; loss of use; loss or corruption of data or information;
any special, indirect, consequential or pure economic loss, costs, damages, charges or expenses which may
be suffered by the user, including any loss suffered by the user resulting from the inaccuracy or invalidity of
any data created by the AVEVA software, irrespective of whether such losses are suffered directly or indirectly,
or arise in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise.

1.3 AVEVA's total liability in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise, arising in connection with the
performance of the AVEVA software shall be limited to 100% of the licence fees paid in the year in which the
user's claim is brought.

1.4 Clauses 1.1 to 1.3 shall apply to the fullest extent permissible at law.

1.5 In the event of any conflict between the above clauses and the analogous clauses in the software licence
under which the AVEVA software was purchased, the clauses in the software licence shall take precedence.

Copyright © 2015.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1
User Bulletin

Copyright Notice
All intellectual property rights, including but not limited to, copyright in this Training Guide and the associated
documentation belongs to or is licensed to AVEVA Solutions Limited or its affiliates.

All rights are reserved to AVEVA Solutions Limited and its affiliates companies. The information contained in
this Training Guide and associated documentation is commercially sensitive, and shall not be adapted, copied,
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or medium by any means (including
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If any unauthorised acts are carried out in relation to this copyright work, a civil claim for damages may be
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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its affiliate companies shall not be liable for any breach or infringement of a
third party's intellectual property rights arising from the use of this Training Guide and associated

@AVEVA Solutions Limited 2015

Trademark Notice
AVEVA™, AVEVA Everything3D™, AVEVA E3D™, [AVEVA Tags], Tribon and all AVEVA product and service
names are trademarks of AVEVA Group plc or its subsidiaries

Use of these trademarks, product and service names belonging to AVEVA Group plc or its subsidiaries is
strictly forbidden, without the prior written permission of AVEVA Group plc or AVEVA Solutions Limited. Any
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Fluent is a trade mark of Microsoft Corporation. The Fluent user interface is licensed from Microsoft
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All other trademarks belong to their respective owners and cannot be used without the permission of the

Copyright © 2015. 4
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 11
Introducing AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1 ....................................................................................... 11
The User Bulletin ............................................................................................................................ 13
Using this Bulletin ...................................................................................................................... 13
AVEVA Experience ......................................................................................................................... 13
2 AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1 ................................................................................................. 15
Workstation Configuration ............................................................................................................ 15
Graphics Cards ............................................................................................................................... 16
Graphical Performance .............................................................................................................. 17
Server Configuration ...................................................................................................................... 17
Prerequisite for this Release (Products) ...................................................................................... 18
AVEVA Licensing™ 2.0.0 .......................................................................................................... 18
AVEVA Client Cache Service™ 1.0.5 ....................................................................................... 18
AVEVA Catalogue 2.1.0 ............................................................................................................ 19
Microsoft® Software .................................................................................................................. 19
Compatibility with other AVEVA Products ................................................................................... 20
Environment Variables ................................................................................................................... 21
Network ............................................................................................................................................ 21
Install ................................................................................................................................................ 21
AVEVA Everything3D™ – Projects 2.1 ......................................................................................... 22
AVEVA Sample Laser Data 1.1 ................................................................................................. 22
AVEVA Everything3D™ – Documentation 2.1 .......................................................................... 23
Entering AVEVA Everything3D 2.1 ............................................................................................ 23
3 Model .................................................................................................................................... 25
The Model User Interface ............................................................................................................... 25
Ribbon Layout & Disciplines ......................................................................................................... 27
Home ......................................................................................................................................... 27
Project ........................................................................................................................................ 27
View ........................................................................................................................................... 28
Tools .......................................................................................................................................... 28
Manage ...................................................................................................................................... 28
Design Aids ................................................................................................................................ 29
General ...................................................................................................................................... 29
Admin ......................................................................................................................................... 29
Equipment.................................................................................................................................. 29
Piping ......................................................................................................................................... 30
HVAC ......................................................................................................................................... 30
Cabling System.......................................................................................................................... 30
Cable Tray ................................................................................................................................. 30
Structures .................................................................................................................................. 31
Supports .................................................................................................................................... 31
Design Templates ...................................................................................................................... 31
Forms ............................................................................................................................................... 31
Message & Status Bar .................................................................................................................... 33
Notifications ............................................................................................................................... 33
Messages .................................................................................................................................. 33
Status Bar .................................................................................................................................. 33
AVEVA PowerWheel™.................................................................................................................... 34
AVEVA PowerCompass™ .............................................................................................................. 35
In Canvas Commands & Shortcuts ............................................................................................... 36
Contextual Editor ............................................................................................................................ 36
Configurable Tool-Tips................................................................................................................... 37
4 Model: General Interactions ................................................................................................ 39
3D View Controls ............................................................................................................................ 39
View Limits................................................................................................................................. 39
Zooming ..................................................................................................................................... 39
Rotating the 3D View ................................................................................................................. 39
View Direction ............................................................................................................................ 40

Copyright © 2015
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1
User Bulletin

Panning ...................................................................................................................................... 41
Centre View ............................................................................................................................... 41
Walk & Fly Modes ...................................................................................................................... 41
Clipping the View ............................................................................................................................ 43
Selecting Elements ......................................................................................................................... 44
Selecting Individual Elements .................................................................................................... 44
Using a Selection Window ......................................................................................................... 44
Grips & Feedback ........................................................................................................................... 45
Properties Grid ................................................................................................................................ 45
Positioning Elements ..................................................................................................................... 46
Setting the Local Coordinate System ........................................................................................ 47
Object Snapping ........................................................................................................................ 48
Contextual Editor ....................................................................................................................... 49
Combining Object Snapping and Contextual Editor .................................................................. 51
Using the Editor ......................................................................................................................... 51
Using the Move command ......................................................................................................... 53
Positioning aids.......................................................................................................................... 54
Rotating Elements .......................................................................................................................... 54
Using the Editor ......................................................................................................................... 54
Using the Rotate command ....................................................................................................... 55
Creating Additional Views ............................................................................................................. 55
Grid Plane View ......................................................................................................................... 56
5 Model: Geometry Modelling ................................................................................................ 57
Modelling Methods ......................................................................................................................... 57
Creating the Primitives .............................................................................................................. 57
Navigation .................................................................................................................................. 58
Modification of Equipment via Grips ............................................................................................ 60
The Mechanical Equipment Interface ........................................................................................... 61
Importing Equipment with MEI ................................................................................................... 61
6 Model: Structural .................................................................................................................. 63
Migration of Structural Data .......................................................................................................... 64
Structural Catalogues..................................................................................................................... 64
Profiles ....................................................................................................................................... 64
Joints & Fittings ......................................................................................................................... 66
Structural Defaults .......................................................................................................................... 66
Structural Elements ........................................................................................................................ 66
Modelling Principles ....................................................................................................................... 67
Graphic-centred Modelling ........................................................................................................ 67
PowerWheel .............................................................................................................................. 67
Current Selection & Properties Grid .......................................................................................... 68
Object Snap Points .................................................................................................................... 68
Preserved Input ......................................................................................................................... 69
Storage & Hierarchy .................................................................................................................. 69
Structural Classification ............................................................................................................. 69
Dynamic Connectivity ................................................................................................................ 70
Sections ........................................................................................................................................... 70
Default Section Specification ..................................................................................................... 71
Section Storage ......................................................................................................................... 71
Create Sections ......................................................................................................................... 71
Section Connectivity .................................................................................................................. 73
Section Fittings .......................................................................................................................... 77
Modify Sections ......................................................................................................................... 78
Plates ............................................................................................................................................... 80
Default Plate Specification ......................................................................................................... 80
Panel Storage ............................................................................................................................ 80
Create Panels ............................................................................................................................ 81
Create Panel Fittings ................................................................................................................. 82
Modify Panels ............................................................................................................................ 82
Walls & Floors ................................................................................................................................. 84
Stairs, Ladders & Handrails ........................................................................................................... 84

Copyright © 2015. 6
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1
User Bulletin

Stair Flight Creation – Calculate Mode ...................................................................................... 84

7 Model: Reference Grids & Design Aids .............................................................................. 87
Reference Grids .............................................................................................................................. 87
Migration of Grids ...................................................................................................................... 87
Reference Grid Hierarchy .......................................................................................................... 88
Create Reference Grids ............................................................................................................. 88
Main Reference Grid ................................................................................................................. 90
Grid Modification ........................................................................................................................ 90
Reference Grid Annotation ........................................................................................................ 90
Construction Aids & Annotation ................................................................................................... 91
Design Aid Hierarchy ................................................................................................................. 91
Annotation Hierarchy ................................................................................................................. 92
8 Model: Supports ................................................................................................................... 93
Supports Administration ................................................................................................................ 93
Migration of Supports ................................................................................................................ 93
Database Design ....................................................................................................................... 94
Supports Ancillary Data Form .................................................................................................... 95
Dimension Control Designer – Support Implementation ........................................................... 96
Framework Supports ...................................................................................................................... 98
Supports Autonaming ................................................................................................................ 99
Creating a Framework Support ................................................................................................. 99
Ancillary Selection ..................................................................................................................... 99
Support Editor Form ................................................................................................................ 100
Modify Connections ................................................................................................................. 103
Health Check Utility ................................................................................................................. 104
Deleting a Support ................................................................................................................... 104
Bracing (GENSEC) .................................................................................................................. 104
Stand Alone Supports .................................................................................................................. 105
Trunnion Support.......................................................................................................................... 106
Hanger Support ............................................................................................................................. 109
Special Supports ........................................................................................................................... 111
Preliminary Supports.................................................................................................................... 111
Supports Tools .............................................................................................................................. 113
Supports Browser .................................................................................................................... 113
Copy Support ........................................................................................................................... 113
Health Check Utility ................................................................................................................. 113
Additional Tools ....................................................................................................................... 114
Display Annotation & Rest Positions ......................................................................................... 114
IsoDraft ....................................................................................................................................... 115
Draw ............................................................................................................................................ 115
Functional Limitations .............................................................................................................. 116
9 Model: General Features ................................................................................................... 117
Piping ............................................................................................................................................. 117
Sloping Pipes ........................................................................................................................... 117
Design Checker ............................................................................................................................. 118
Autocolour Rules .......................................................................................................................... 119
10 Laser ................................................................................................................................ 121
User Interface ............................................................................................................................ 122
Importing the Laser Model ....................................................................................................... 122
Area Management ..................................................................................................................... 123
Region of Interest .................................................................................................................... 123
Save & Manage Region of Interests ........................................................................................ 124
Demolition of Laser Data .......................................................................................................... 126
Demolition Hierarchy ............................................................................................................... 127
Apply Demolition Package ....................................................................................................... 128
Demolition Browser ................................................................................................................. 129
BubbleView™ ............................................................................................................................ 129
HyperBubble™ .......................................................................................................................... 131
Exact Clashing........................................................................................................................... 132

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1
User Bulletin

Clash - Interoperability ............................................................................................................. 133

Pipework Modelling .................................................................................................................. 133
Laser in Draw ............................................................................................................................. 134
Represestation of Laser Data .................................................................................................. 135
Print & Export ........................................................................................................................... 136
11 Draw ................................................................................................................................. 137
Draw Transformation ................................................................................................................ 137
User Interface & Concepts ....................................................................................................... 138
Project Menu............................................................................................................................ 138
Active Properties & Current Owner ......................................................................................... 138
Visual Layers ........................................................................................................................... 139
Visual Styles ............................................................................................................................ 139
Draw PowerWheel™ ............................................................................................................... 140
View Definition & Drawlist Management ................................................................................. 140
General View Features ............................................................................................................ 141
Drawlist Management .............................................................................................................. 144
Hull View .................................................................................................................................... 146
Hull View Creation ................................................................................................................... 147
Hull View Modification ............................................................................................................. 147
Drawing & Annotating Reference Grids ................................................................................. 148
Automatic Grid Annotation ....................................................................................................... 148
Modify Grid Annotation ............................................................................................................ 149
Visual Styles ............................................................................................................................ 149
Quick View using a Grid Plane ................................................................................................ 150
Grid Section View .................................................................................................................... 150
Update Grid Annotation ........................................................................................................... 151
Grid Ruler Annotation .............................................................................................................. 152
Section Planes ........................................................................................................................... 153
Section View ............................................................................................................................ 153
Section Planes - Draw Canvas ................................................................................................ 155
Section Planes – Limits-Defined.............................................................................................. 157
Section Planes – 3D View ....................................................................................................... 157
Clipping ...................................................................................................................................... 158
View Representation ................................................................................................................. 159
Display Pipe Geometry & Insulation ........................................................................................ 159
Dimensions ................................................................................................................................ 160
General Dimension Features ................................................................................................... 160
Labels ......................................................................................................................................... 162
General Label Features ....................................................................................................... 162
PowerSelector ........................................................................................................................... 165
2D Drawing................................................................................................................................. 167
General 2D Drawing Features ............................................................................................. 167
Revision Management .............................................................................................................. 167
Display Revision................................................................................................................... 168
Revision Intelligent Text. ...................................................................................................... 168
Draw Administration ................................................................................................................. 169
Text Template Form ............................................................................................................. 169
Visual Styles ......................................................................................................................... 170
General Draw Administration Features ................................................................................ 171
Import ......................................................................................................................................... 173
CAD Import .......................................................................................................................... 173
Excel Import ......................................................................................................................... 173
Export ......................................................................................................................................... 174
DGN Export .......................................................................................................................... 174
Image Export ........................................................................................................................ 175
DXF/DWG Export ................................................................................................................. 175
Plot Styles ............................................................................................................................ 175
12 Integration ....................................................................................................................... 177
Hull Data ..................................................................................................................................... 177
Integrator .................................................................................................................................... 178

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1
User Bulletin

Limit Points .............................................................................................................................. 179

Options for the Designer .......................................................................................................... 179
Integrator Advanced Functions ................................................................................................ 180
Integrator Administration ......................................................................................................... 180
Compare/Update Links ............................................................................................................ 180
Compare / Update...................................................................................................................... 181
Scope by Destination ............................................................................................................... 181
View Datasheet in Compare / Update ..................................................................................... 182
Manage Configurations & Groups ........................................................................................... 182
Taking Source Data from the AVEVA Integration Service ...................................................... 183
Multiple Configurations with the Same Source and Destination Types................................... 183
Compare Parent / Child Hierarchy........................................................................................... 183
Advanced Rules Settings ........................................................................................................ 184
Owner Expression Step in Configuration Wizard .................................................................... 185
Attribute Mapping Expressions and Allow Update Settings .................................................... 185
Display Summary of Selected Configuration ....................................................................... 185
Import of Instruments to Instrument, Equipment and Sub-Equipment................................. 186
Update Database dialogue changes .................................................................................... 186
New “Accept All” Options ..................................................................................................... 186
PML Callbacks ..................................................................................................................... 187
Integrator & Compare / Update links become No Claim ...................................................... 187
Merging of partially populated links ..................................................................................... 188
Integration with AVEVA E3D Insight™ 2.1 ............................................................................. 188
Comments .................................................................................................................................. 189
Comment Threads in the Database......................................................................................... 191
Design in Context - AVEVA NET Workhub & Dashboard™ 5.0.1 ......................................... 192
13 Additional Information .................................................................................................... 195
General issues ........................................................................................................................... 195
PML Applications (Appware) ................................................................................................... 195
Appendix A Details of Sample Project Changes .................................................................. 197
ACP Project .............................................................................................................................................. 197
APS Project .............................................................................................................................................. 201
AMS Project .............................................................................................................................................. 206
Appendix B Keyboard Shortcuts & Commands ................................................................... 209
Function Keys .......................................................................................................................................... 209
General Keys ............................................................................................................................................ 209
In Canvas Commands (Model) ............................................................................................................... 210
In Canvas Commands (Primitives) ........................................................................................................ 213
In Canvas Commands (Draw) ................................................................................................................. 214
Appendix C Project Options .................................................................................................. 219
Configuration ........................................................................................................................................... 219
Setting the Project Units ......................................................................................................................... 219
View options ............................................................................................................................................. 220
Discipline Options ................................................................................................................................... 221
Appendix D Structural Profile Catalogue .............................................................................. 223
Standard Profile Catalogue Hierarchy ................................................................................................... 223
Standard Profiles – Naming & Descriptions ......................................................................................... 223
Standard Profiles – Gtypes ..................................................................................................................... 223
Standard Profiles – Parameters ............................................................................................................. 224
Orientation of Angle Profiles (Gtype: ANGL) ........................................................................................ 225
Design Parameter Profiles – Catalogue Hierarchy ............................................................................... 226
Design Parameter Profiles – Gtypes ...................................................................................................... 226
Design Parameter Profiles – Parameters .............................................................................................. 227
Geometry Set & Pline Set Syntax ........................................................................................................... 227
Plines ........................................................................................................................................................ 228
Display Levels & Obstruction Values .................................................................................................... 229
Appendix E Structural Joint & Fitting Catalogue ................................................................. 231
Joint Catalogue Hierarchy ...................................................................................................................... 231

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1
User Bulletin

Joint Groups ............................................................................................................................................ 231

Joint Names ............................................................................................................................................. 232
Joint Type Codes ..................................................................................................................................... 232
Section & Panel Fitting Catalogue Hierarchy ....................................................................................... 234
Fitting Groups .......................................................................................................................................... 235
Fitting Names ........................................................................................................................................... 235
Fitting Type Codes .................................................................................................................................. 236

Copyright © 2015. 10
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.

1 Introduction

This document is intended to provide an overview of AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1 and the capabilities

Introducing AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1

AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1 (AVEVA E3D™ 2.1) is an innovative new flagship 3D design product from AVEVA
covering the needs of Plant industries. AVEVA E3D 2.1 also introduces the capability to display, interact with
and draw Hull models produced in AVEVA Marine.

AVEVA E3D 2.1 provides a platform that enables lean construction principles to be adopted, increasing quality
and speed of execution throughout the entire project. This is achieved through advanced usability for all design
tasks which improves productivity by utilising latest technologies and best in class User Experience to enable
innovative and ever more efficient project execution processes. This is demonstrated by the clean and intuitive
user interface of the product that encourages graphical centric modelling and interaction.

: Hull Model in AVEVA E3D 2.1.

Copyright © 2015
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1
User Bulletin

AVEVA E3D 2.1 is based upon a proven platform of technologies used to support a wider family of products;
supporting common capabilities such as multi-user, distributed and concurrent access to the design model,
and the comparison and update of information. This allows global teams to collaborate in building fully detailed
models, from which construction-ready drawings and BOMs can be automatically generated

AVEVA E3D 2.1 contains the following principal modules:

 Model - An interactive 3D design environment.

 Draw - Facilitates the production of scaled, annotated drawings from the 3D Model.

 IsoDraft - Used in the production of piping isometrics.

As part of an integrated product solution, AVEVA E3D 2.1 may integrate with AVEVA Engineering and
Schematics products. The Piping Integrator feature has been redesigned to bring the 3D Design - P&ID
checking task to the daily workflow of a Piping designer. Further, AVEVA E3D 2,1 may be integrated with
AVEVA NET, epitomised by the Design in Context feature that allows the direct interrogation of the AVEVA
NET Dashboard in the Model and Draw environment.

The Model module provides enhanced access to project Design database and functions. The 3D graphics,
introduced at AVEVA E3D 1.1 are based on Microsoft DirectX, delivering a faster and clear graphic. AVEVA
E3D 2.1 introduces a redesigned structural application that places the model at the centre of design workflows.
Another primary development at AVEVA E3D 2.1 is the provision of a redesigned Supports application that
promotes an efficient and intuitive design workflow across different locations.

New innovation with laser data, utilising the immersive living Point Cloud capability of AVEVA HyperBubble™
will deliver project benefits, especially in brownfield projects. Powerful 2D drafting also allows the inclusion of
Laser data, removing the need to remodel existing Digital Assets.

System administration and configuration, together with catalogue and specification capabilities, are provided
by the separate AVEVA Administration™ and AVEVA Catalogue™ products respectively. AVEVA Catalogue
has been updated at this latest release and introduces a new user interface that is aligned in design with
AVEVA E3D 2.1.

Copyright © 2015. 12
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1
User Bulletin

AVEVA E3D 2.1 has been designed from the outset to be compatible with AVEVA PDMS and Hull & Outfitting
12.1.SP4 and it uses the same database and data management technology, enabling the two to be used in
conjunction on operational projects.

The User Bulletin

The aim of the User Bulletin is to provide an overview of the main functional differences between AVEVA E3D
2.1 and AVEVA E3D 1.1.

 Please refer to the AVEVA E3D 1.1 release documentation and collateral for further information on the
capabilities introduced by the AVEVA E3D 1.1 product.

Using this Bulletin

Certain text styles are used to indicate special situations throughout this document.

Button clicks are indicated by bold turquoise text.

Additional information notes and references to other documentation will be indicated in the styles below.

 Additional information

 Refer to other documentation

Example files or inputs will be in the courier new font.

AVEVA Experience

In addition to the User Bulletin, AVEVA Experience™ ( provides an

effective and easily accessible way to gain hands-on experience of AVEVA E3D, wherever the user is located.
For employers, it makes it easier to train and upskill your engineers and designers.

Once registered, the user will have the opportunity to go through an extensive set of training modules on core
aspects of AVEVA E3D, including training exercises and 'how-to' videos. These modules will highlight the key
differences between AVEVA PDMS and AVEVA E3D. The user will also be able to work with a Cloud-hosted
deployment of AVEVA E3D, including a sample set of project data.

Copyright © 2015.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1
User Bulletin

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Copyright © 2015. 14
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.

2 AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1

The AVEVA Everything3D 2.1 (AVEVA E3D 2.1) release, usually supplied by download from a secure website,
self-installs using standard Microsoft installation procedures. Please contact your local AVEVA office if a DVD
installation is required. As found with other AVEVA products, the release is typically installed to individual PCs
with a Microsoft Windows operating system, with the license server and file installed to a networked Microsoft
Windows server. In addition, the project data is typically located on a separate server.

AVEVA E3D 2.1 is a full release that may be run alongside and in conjunction with AVEVA PDMS and Hull &
Outfitting 12.1.SP4 (Fix Release 28 onwards).

 AVEVA E3D 2.1 may also be used in conjunction with other products in the AVEVA product portfolio –
please refer to Section 2.5 Compatibility with other AVEVA Products.

AVEVA E3D 2.1 requires the use of AVEVA Catalogue and AVEVA Administration: these are distributed and
may be installed with it, but are licensed separately and may also be used for AVEVA PDMS, Hull & Outfitting,
Engineering and Schematics products.

Workstation Configuration

The following configuration is recommended in the use of AVEVA E3D 2.1. A 64 bit operating system is
required for the installation of AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1 and for the visualisation and use of laser data in the

 Windows® 7 Professional or Enterprise + Service Pack 1 *1.

 Windows® 8.1*2.
Operating System(s)
 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0*3.
(Supplied with AVEVA E3D 2.1 and installed if necessary).

Processor Type / Speed Intel x86 or x64 compatible - CPU with high performance in each processor core.

Memory 8 GB of high speed RAM

A full installation requires approximately 1GB of drive space.

In addition, extra capacity is usually required for local storage and data; this may be
Hard Disk Storage used for the database cache where the Database Cache Service is employed.

The use of two SATA-300 RAID HDDs is recommended where projects are stored on
the local machine. The product has also been verified with solid state HDDs.

High resolution widescreen display recommended (1920 x 1200); dual screens also
supported. Minimum resolution 1280 x 1024.

NVIDIA Quadro, AMD FirePro™ or similar.

Graphics Card
 Please refer to Section 2.2 Graphics Cards for further information.

File System For information on conversion to NTFS, please see

*1 Please note that a Windows Platform Update (Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1) is a pre-requisite for accurate 2D
rendering (for example Text graphics) in the 3D canvas ( ).
*2 AVEVA does not support the installation of E3D 2.1 software and\or Projects on to disk volumes with Short\8.3 file name format disabled.
Please ensure that Short\8.3 file name format is enabled on all relevant volumes before installation. Please refer to Knowledge Base item
5702 for details.

Copyright © 2015
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1
User Bulletin

*2 AVEVA E3D 2.1 has been tested with Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 with the following fix:
us/download/details.aspx?id=3556. This fix is mandatory for the use of the Design in Context Feature.
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 Fix 2 has been tested with AVEVA E3D 2.1. The fix release is required to ensure the correct visualisation
of AVEVA E3D Draw 2.1 print dialog.

 For further information regarding IT Configuration please contact the local AVEVA Support Office.
Recommended / supported hardware and software configurations are constantly subject to review;
please consult the AVEVA support web pages for the latest recommendations.

Graphics Cards

AVEVA E3D 2.1 requires 3D graphics hardware, capable of running DirectX 11, to ensure optimum
performance for both design and drafting. DirectX 11 is included as an integral part of the Windows 7 & 8.1
operating systems.

AVEVA strongly recommends that appropriate hardware is used for AVEVA E3D 2.1. If appropriate graphics
hardware is not detected on entry, AVEVA E3D 2.1 may still be used but a warning will be given and certain
graphical effects, including use of laser data, limited.

Following extensive testing of current market Graphics Cards and AVEVA E3D 2.1, a recommended
configuration is summarised in the table below.

Desktop Laptop

 NVIDIA® Quadro® K2000 or K2200.  NVIDIA® Quadro® K2000M or K2100M.

Graphics Card
 AMD FirePro™ W4100.  AMD FirePro™ 4000M.

DirectX Support  DirectX 11 (Shader Model 5.0).  DirectX 11 (Shader Model 5.0).

 Users using only AVEVA Catalogue or AVEVA Administration could consider a lower specification
graphics card such as a NVIDIA Quadro K620 (Desktop) or NVIDIA® Quadro® K1100M (Laptop).

 Where laser data is utilised, the Graphics Card memory allocation is an important consideration as this
is further exploited in the visualization and manipulation of laser data (incl. HyperBubble™). Note that the
system will post an error message on entering the HyperBubble where the GPU memory is less than

 AVEVA strongly recommends that clients should test their chosen card or laptop in their own environment
before purchase.

 Availability and support of graphics cards changes frequently; a full updated list of graphics cards that
have been verified with AVEVA E3D 2.1 is available via the IT Configuration area of the AVEVA Support
Site (

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User Bulletin

To ensure the optimal performance of the graphical memory, i.e. when utilising laser data, it is recommended
that the Physical Processor is altered (where employing a NVIDIA graphics card).

Using the NVIDIA Control Panel, setting a

GPU allows an increase in PhysX
processing and may improve overall

In the example here the PhysX processor

has been set to the NVIDIA Quadro
K2100M graphics card.

Graphical Performance

To ensure optimum graphical performance, and in addition to any Graphics Card specified, the workstation
used for AVEVA E3D 2.1 must conform to a reasonably high specification. To aid this specification, AVEVA
E3D 2.1 has been verified with 3DMark® ( A measure of overall system performance, the
score includes CPU, RAM etc.

Following verification with AVEVA E3D 2.1, a recommended 3DMark score is summarised in the table below.
Please note that the rating may vary from machine to machine depending on hardware specification and
software installed. The recommended scores are therefore indicative.

Desktop Laptop

130,000 70,000
Combined Score

Note: Laptop score is an average score across a number of laptop hardware specifications. Desktop score based on System information:
Processor Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1603 v3 @ 2.80GHz, Installed Memory 8.00GB, 64-bit Operating System.

Server Configuration

The following configuration is recommended in the use of AVEVA E3D 2.1 with a server configuration. A 64
bit operating system is required for the installation of AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1.

 Windows Server 2008 R2 + Service Pack 1.

 Windows Server 2012 R2.
Operating System(s)
 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0*1.
(Supplied with AVEVA E3D 2.1 and installed if necessary).

Intel x86 or x64 compatible - Modern architecture multiple core processors

Processor Type / Speed recommended (AVEVA E3D 2.1 has been verified using a Server Machine with 4 core
16 GB RAM.
Additional RAM increases the caching capability and thereby the performance.

The amount of disk space should be configured according to the customer's

requirement based on the number and size of projects (incl. supporting laser data).
Hard Disk Requirements
To secure data and improve performance, the use of RAID 0+1 or 5 storage is
recommended; 15k rpm drives are preferred.

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User Bulletin

File System For information on conversion to NTFS, please see

Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) LAN. 64-bit capable network adapter. The network should
Network provide at least 1 Gb/sec for each workstation. Two or more network cards are
recommended for increased performance and redundancy.

*1 AVEVA E3D 2.1 has been tested with Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 with the following fix:
us/download/details.aspx?id=3556. This fix is mandatory for the use of the Design in Context Feature.
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 Fix 2 has been tested with AVEVA E3D 2.1. The fix release is required to ensure the correct visualisation
of AVEVA E3D Draw 2.1 print dialog.

Prerequisite for this Release (Products)

The following products are required for the use of AVEVA E3D 2.1.

AVEVA Licensing™ 2.0.0

AVEVA Licensing™ 2.0 or later and an appropriate License File is required for the operation of AVEVA E3D
2.1. AVEVA Licensing 2.0 provides the following improvements:

 Support for Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 thereby allowing customers to move their
Licensing Server to these later versions of the Microsoft operating systems.

 Improved support facilities to help customers when reporting licensing issues. This support
bundle will enable the Customer to gather all relevant files and information in a zip file so that
AVEVA can investigate problems and provide an improved support response.

 Error messaging has been improved to aid AVEVA Support to investigate and respond to issues
reported by our customers.

As a consequence of the enhancements it is required that when migrating to AVEVA Licensing 2.0 a new
format license file is installed. It is an important consideration that the new license is requested and received
prior to updating the license server.

 AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1 does NOT operate with AVEVA Flexman.

 If upgrading from AVEVA Licensing System 1.1.1, please install Fix release in order to correct an
uninstall defect in that release. Once this has been done version can be uninstalled and replaced
with later versions.

AVEVA Client Cache Service™ 1.0.5

The AVEVA Client Cache Service is designed for use on a LAN or WLAN network with full connectivity to the
Database files and can make a considerable improvement to Dabacon database performance. The use of the
Service is strongly recommended for all multi-user projects. The AVEVA Client Cache Service has been
developed to produce an improved performance when reading data over ‘high’ latency networks by minimizing

The AVEVA Client Cache Service stores a copy of the read project data on the local disk which improves
performance where there is repeated reading of project data across a computer network. The service operates
by a data request being sent to the local Cache folder to retrieve the required Data (Database Page). If the
data is not within the Cache folder, a Data Request is sent across the network to the central server to retrieve
the required data. Likewise, data that is unchanged since it was previously read is retrieved from the local
Cache whereas Data that has changed in the Database must be read again from the central Database file.
Similarly, data that must be written to a Database file must still be written to that identified file.

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The AVEVA Client Cache Service is installed with AVEVA E3D 2.1 and may be configured or disabled using
the AVEVA Cache Service Configuration application. The prompted form, seen above, enables an
Administrator to configure the caching threshold level to avoid the local hard drive being filled.

 The Default is to stop caching on the Hard Drive on becoming 80% full. When full, data is continued to
be delivered where already cached but no further data is cached until more space is made available. The
Cache persists data locally between sessions – thereby, very often, the start-up will be quicker.

 To ensure the performance benefits of the service are realised, Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ)
must be enabled. This is achieved using the Windows Components feature of Windows Control Panel
> Add or Remove Programs.

 For full details, please refer to the AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1 Installation Guide.

AVEVA Catalogue 2.1.0

AVEVA Catalogue™ 2.1 is installed as part of the AVEVA E3D 2.1 install and is fully compatible.

Microsoft® Software

The following Microsoft products are required to support the operation of AVEVA E3D 2.1.

Microsoft Office & Fonts

Microsoft Office 2010 (and later) is required for some functions:

 Optimum operation of the AVEVA Design Platform GUI requires Arial Unicode MS font, supplied
with Microsoft Office and also with Microsoft Office Visio.

 The layout and display of forms and the general user interface may also be adversely affected
if the screen font size is not set to the smallest size.

 Microsoft Office Excel import utilities in AVEVA E3D 2.1 require “.NET Programmability Support”
enabled when Office is installed. This can be found under “Advanced customization of
applications” and installs the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll.

 AVEVA E3D 2.1 has been verified with Microsoft® Office 365.

Microsoft Office Visio 2010 (Standard edition, 32-bit) or later is required where AVEVA Schematic Model
Viewer is used in conjunction with AVEVA E3D 2.1.

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User Bulletin

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer 8 or later is required to support AVEVA E3D 2.1 e.g. the Model and Draw Design in Context

Microsoft .NET Framework

AVEVA E3D™ 2.1 uses Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4.0 SP1 for .NET Customisation.

Please note that serialized settings (of the user interface configuration) are now saved in the following location
on Windows 7 and 8.1:

C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Aveva\AVEVA Everything3D\2.1

Compatibility with other AVEVA Products

For full compatibility details, and for information about AVEVA E3D 2.1 compatibility with any later versions,
please refer to the compatibility matrix. A full and up to date compatibility matrix can be found via

The following AVEVA products are compatible with AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1.0:

 AVEVA Administration™ 1.4.0.

Note: This release supersedes all previous AVEVA Administration versions delivered with other AVEVA products.

 AVEVA Applications Service™ 1.3.0 & 2.1.0.

Note: For customers who use AVEVA E3D Insight™ 2.1: AVEVA Applications Service 2.1 or higher must be
used. Earlier versions are incompatible.

 AVEVA Bocad™ 2.2.1 & 2.30.

Note: The supporting AVEVA Bocad Steel Interface is not included in the first release of AVEVA E3D 2.1.0
and is to be provided in a forthcoming Fix Release.
 AVEVA Catalogue™ 2.1.0.
 AVEVA Client Cache Service™ 1.0.5.
 AVEVA Clash Manager™ 2.1.0.
Note: This is a planned compatibility on the release of the AVEVA Clash Manager product.

 AVEVA Design Checker™ 1.1.0.

 AVEVA Diagrams™ 14.1.0 (Fix Release 4).

 AVEVA E3D Documentation™ 2.1.0.

 AVEVA Electrical™ 12.1.3 (Fix Release 8).

 AVEVA Engineering™ 14.1.1 (Fix Release 4).

 AVEVA Global Server™ 3.2.1.

Note: Includes separately licensed products AVEVA Global Hub and AVEVA Global Satellite.

 AVEVA Hull & Outfitting™ 12.1.4 & associated products (Fix Release 28).

 AVEVA Instrumentation™ 12.1.3 (Fix Release 6).

 AVEVA Integration Service

Note: This is the primary route for compatibility with AVEVA P&ID™ 12.1.2 (Fix Release 9). The service also supports
compatibility with AVEVA Electrical™ 12.1.3 and AVEVA Instrumentation™ 12.1.3.

 AVEVA NET Workhub & Dashboard™ 5.0.1.

 AVEVA PDMS™ 12.1.4 & associated products (Fix Release 28).

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 AVEVA PDMS-VPRM Gateway™ 5.6.0.

 AVEVA Plot Utilities™ 12.1.5.

 AVEVA Pipe Stress Interface™ 2.1.0.

 AVEVA PML Publisher™ 2.2.0

 AVEVA Review™ 12.2.0 (Fix Release 10).

 AVEVA Shared Services™ 3.3.0.

The following LFM products are compatible with AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1:

 LFM Server™ 4.4.0.

Environment Variables

AVEVA E3D 2.1 relies on the use of environment variables for various aspects of configuration, notably the
location of folders for project databases and user workspace.

When setting up a user’s environment, please bear in mind that Write access is required for folders such as
AVEVA_DESIGN_USER and AVEVA_DESIGN_WORK. The installer uses default locations, for both the
program files and these data folders, that are different from those used for PDMS. These were chosen to work
better on Windows 7 and 8.1; additional dialogs enable the user to control them better.

The defaults are:

Work files C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\

User files C:\Users\Public\Documents\AVEVA\USERDATA\

Environment variables are usually set up for AVEVA E3D by the program initialisation (.INIT) file when running
interactively or by using a batch (.BAT) file.

 Note that at AVEVA E3D 2.1 an optional feature is available whereby a customer may remove all the
Project evars from the corresponding bat files apart from <proj>000 and ID (required to display project in
Login form). On selecting the project and entering AVEVA E3D 2.1, the start-up process will look to the
project and set up any required environment variables. Where an evar is already set, the start-up process
will leave that untouched, thus avoiding any unnecessary changes.


AVEVA E3D 2.1 is best run on a network offering Internet access.

The system will by default be set up to access the latest online version of the documentation from the AVEVA
website. It is possible instead to install the documentation locally. It may be downloaded from the AVEVA
Support website, currently: AVEVA Everything3D - Documentation 2.1.


Installations using setup.exe will install to C:\Program Files (x86)\AVEVA\Everything3D2.1.0 by

default. The individual .msi files will use the drive with most free space by default.

It is important that any files, including configuration files or sample data, that need to be updated by users are
accessible for read, write etc. so they are not by default installed with the software. This is particularly important
when installing in Program Files due to the introduction of User Account Control (UAC). In particular, this
makes it important to ensure that files that need to be written are accessible by users without Administrator
privileges. This applies to folders specified by environment variables such as AVEVA_DESIGN_WORK and

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User Bulletin

AVEVA_DESIGN_USER. The AVEVA Everything3D™ installer has been designed to allow the separate
definition of suitable folders, with different defaults.

 It is not recommended that any combination of AVEVA products are installed in the same folder because
AVEVA does not guarantee runtime compatibility between Separate Products on different release cycles,
and the uninstall of one of them subsequently damaging the other.

 For further details, please refer to the AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1 Installation Guide. This may be
accessed from the start screen of the installation process or found within the E3D210 release folder.

AVEVA Everything3D™ – Projects 2.1

As part of the install process for AVEVA E3D 2.1, a variety of standard model projects may be installed and
thereafter used in the product. The projects are also available as a separate download available here: AVEVA
Everything3D™ - Projects.

The sample projects have been extended, enhanced and renamed but wherever data matches the
previous (AVEVA PDMS and Hull & Outfitting) sample model data, the same reference numbers and
database numbers are used to ensure compatibility.

 Note that all databases are in Unicode format (as found in the AVEVA 12.1 Series) so are not compatible
with the AVEVA 12.0 series or earlier.

A file, for example APS_Project_description.pdf, is included in each project folder giving brief details of the
purpose and data included in that project. The Catalogue Project (ACP) provides example component data
and specifications (Component Data). All data in the projects are provided as sample data only and should be
verified prior to production use.

Major project differences at AVEVA E3D 2.1 include:

 The main catalogue sample project (formerly MAS) is now called ACP (AVEVA Catalogue

 The main sample data projects (formerly SAM and MAR) are now called APS (AVEVA Plant
Sample) and AMS (AVEVA Marine Sample).

 Sample drawings are in the new Draw format and Draw project libraries have been extended to
support new Draw capabilities.

 The catalogue has been enhanced for structural, supports and bolt holes

 Additional data has been added to support the use and demonstration of Supports, Structural
and Laser.

The AVEVA sample projects are regularly revised. Please check the AVEVA Support Site (AVEVA
Everything3D™ Fix Release History) frequently for updates.

 A detailed list of changes is included in Appendix A Details of Sample Project Changes.

AVEVA Sample Laser Data 1.1

AVEVA Laser Sample Data 1.1 is available for use with AVEVA E3D 1.1 for the purpose of familiarisation with
the extensive laser functionality available, including the new HyperBubble technology.

 The data was captured during a project to survey the Eaton Training Centre in Houston utilizing the latest
laser scanning technology from Dot Product, FARO, Leica, Riegl, Trimble and Z+F. The various datasets
have been prepared for consumption using LFM Software technology, the only laser scan data
processing solution available that is able to combine such a broad selection of data formats into a single

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User Bulletin

AVEVA and LFM would like to thank Eaton for granting permission to utilize this data with our customers.
Eaton’s training facility focuses on industrial applications with over 5000 products installed on the mock-
up site and is available for a variety of training applications year-round.

AVEVA Everything3D™ – Documentation 2.1

The AVEVA E3D 2.1 documentation includes the AVEVA Administration, Catalogue and Global product user

Documentation is available online so that it may be continually updated and remain current for any new
functionality introduced through the life of the product. AVEVA Documentation 2.1 may also be downloaded
separately for local installation.

The documentation may be accessed via the top of the main product window, via the Project tab or
via the context sensitive F1 key.

The Documentation is presented via a Help Viewer, which comprises an Explorer style Contents list complete
with Search function and a reading pane.

Entering AVEVA Everything3D 2.1

AVEVA Everything3D 2.1 may be accessed via the Windows Start menu or Start screen depending on the
Windows Operating System being used.

AVEVA Plant > Design > Everything3D 2.1.0 from the Windows Start Menu.

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The Login form is displayed.

From the Login form a project may be accessed by selecting the identified Project tile prior to entering the
required login information and clicking on the desired module.

The Project search Tile allows the user to search for a project and to display
masked project tiles.

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Chapter 3
3 Model

The AVEVA E3D 2.1 Model module facilitates the creation, modification and checking of the full sized
design model in a fully interactive 3D environment. The model can be formed using imported geometry,
reference laser data and discipline specific design functions and tools. Component selection is provided
through Specifications that dictate which Catalogue Components can be used. A wide variety of diagnostic
tools, such as clash and design checkers are available and a flexible reporting capability can be used to
produce a wide variety of design documents.

The following sections outline the Model user interface and key developments at AVEVA E3D 2.1.

 Please refer to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 User Documentation for detailed information on the new features
described and existing functionality introduced at AVEVA E3D 1.1.

The Model User Interface

The AVEVA E3D 2.1 user interface is based on the Microsoft® Office Fluent™ user interface i.e. it is formed
by a series of general and discipline specific tabs.

 A number of the key features of the Model user interface described in the following sections are also
shared with the Draw module (the Draw 2D Canvas and 3D View).

AVEVA E3D 2.1 makes allowance for both Plant design and Marine outfitting operations by adapting the
user interface to suit the project environment. This is done by interrogating the Project Type and setting
any project specific requirements, for example, the setting of a default XYZ co-ordinate system and ship
grid positioning control for marine users.

On entering the Model module for the first time, the user will be presented with the default user interface
layout as shown below:

Quick Access Toolbar Tabs Group

Prompt Area

Sliding Forms

3D View (Canvas)



Notification Area
Status Bar
View Tab Group
Message Area

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User Bulletin

 The default layout may be modified to suit individual preferences, e.g. additional forms may be
displayed in the layout, forms may be moved and ‘docked’ and pinned/unpinned as required. The
layout is thereafter serialized between sessions for the user.

The principal user interface components are outlined below:

Quick Access Toolbar: provides a shortcut to commonly used

commands and may be appended by the user.

Tabs: group similar general and discipline specific tasks and tools.

Groups: each tab is divided into Groups to organise key functions by


Prompt Area: provides instructions while performing an action

3D View (Canvas): The principal window in the application,

this area is used to view, create and modify the 3D Model.

The canvas may be tabbed to aid the navigation of multiple

3D Views.

 Please refer to Chapter 4 Model: General Interactions

for further information related to the use and
manipulation of the 3D View.

Sliding Form Sets or Panels: forms may be docked and tabbed to

both sides of the 3D View and can be temporarily hidden to provide
a maximised graphical modelling view (the Model & Draw canvases
are not resized).

 Please refer to Section 3.3 Forms for more information.

PowerWheel™: provides accelerated access to common commands

directly in the 3D View via a right-click context.

 Please refer to Section 3.5 PowerWheel for more information.

PowerCompass™: provides intuitive tools to orientate the view and

select different Coordinate Systems.

 Please refer to Section 3.6 PowerCompass for more information.

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Status Bar: provides access to commonly used modelling options.

Message Area: displays the last information, warning, or error


Notification Area: displays information about the status of a global


Ribbon Layout & Disciplines

Introduced at AVEVA E3D 1.1, Model (and Draw) utilises a series of tabs displayed at the top of the
application window.

The layout of the tabs have been modified at AVEVA E3D 2.1 to support new functionality and to promote
an intuitive, efficient workflow. For example, the organisation of the discipline tabs offers user friendly
access by presenting the same groups in the same order for common tasks like Create, Modify and Delete:

Group Create Group Modify Group Delete

A brief description of each general and discipline tab follows:


The HOME tab is the starting point on entry to Model and provides access to commonly used tools to modify
elements and to check model data.

 Please refer to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 User Documentation for further details of the available options.


The Project menu or ‘backstage area’

provides access to a number of key
commands and facilities including the
common AVEVA E3D 2.1 commands Save
Work, Get Work, Help, Modules and Exit.

The Options menu option updates the Project area to display an Options area. This area may be utilised
to tailor the Model application to the user’s preference by specifying general Display, View, Modelling and
Discipline options.

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 Please refer to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 User Documentation and Appendix C Project Options for
further details of available options.


The VIEW tab allows the user to define the parameters (colours, view direction etc.) and content of each
3D View; controlling model content through clipping and laser data manipulation.

 Please refer to Chapter 4 Model: General Interactions for further information on the use of the VIEW
tab, including the use of clipping and the local coordinate system in modelling.

 Please refer to Chapter 10 Laser for further information on the use of the laser functionality.


The TOOLS tab provides methods to check the meta-data of the 3D model, such as volume and weight,
and produce reports. The tab also offers integration with AVEVA NET™ through the Design in Context
feature and a number of export/import utilities.

 Please refer to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 User Documentation for further information on the use of Model


The MANAGE tab contains functionality for the management of the project and Model. Model management
is aided by the control and management of Database elements together with Status Control management
and Compare / Update integration.

 Please refer to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 User Documentation for further information on the use of the
Model management functions.


The COMPARE/UPDATE tab is prompted on clicking the Compare/Update/Link button from the
Integration group of the MANAGE tab.

The COMPARE/UPDATE tab enables the comparison of the 3D model with data in the Schematic (P&ID)
and Engineering domains, including AVEVA Instrumentation and AVEVA Electrical. It enables users to
understand the changes made by other disciplines and departments, which affect their own scope of work
with selected changes accepted or rejected.

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 Please refer to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 User Documentation and Section 12.3 Compare & Update for
further information on Compare/Update.

Design Aids

The Design Aids tab assists the E3D user by offering the ability to utilise Reference Grids of various forms,
Construction Aids and directly annotate the grid and model to aid the overall design.

 Please refer to Chapter 7 Model: Reference Grids & Aids for further information.


The GENERAL tab allows the user to create the owning Model hierarchy elements and general elements
such as Volumes and Areas. The tab also contains newly introduced Laser demolition functionality that can
be applied to laser data across model disciplines.

 Please refer to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 User Documentation and Chapter 10 Laser for further
information on the general functions and the use of demolition in the Laser workflow.


The ADMIN tab enables selected users, who have been granted access to the Admin team, to set up
various modelling tools such as tool-tips (for the Explorer and 3D graphics), auto-naming, design checker
and the Schematic 3D Integrator. It can also be utilised to set up administrative data such as system
hierarchies, object purpose and links between objects.

 Please refer to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 User Documentation for further information on the use of Model
Administrative functionality.


The discipline specific EQUIPMENT tab allows the creation and modification of Equipment elements
including the management of Penetrations and Associations.

 Please refer to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 User Documentation and Chapter 5 Model: Geometry
Modelling for further information.

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The discipline specific PIPING tab (displayed in conjunction with the EQUIPMENT tab) allows the user to
create and modify piping elements. Further, the user is able to check the modelled pipework using data
consistency tools and in an Integrator mode.

 Please note that the Pipe Fabrication group is not active. Pipe Fabrication will be made available in
a forthcoming AVEVA E3D 2.1 fix release.

 Please refer to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 User Documentation and Section 12.2 Integrator for further
information on the Piping discipline and the use of Integrator respectively.


The discipline specific HVAC tab (displayed in conjunction with the EQUIPMENT tab) allows the user to
create and modify HVAC elements including the management of Penetrations and Spools.

 Please refer to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 User Documentation for further information on the use of HVAC.

Cabling System

The discipline specific CABLING SYSTEM tab (displayed in conjunction with the EQUIPMENT tab) allows
the user to create and modify Cableway elements including the management of Penetrations and Cable

 Please refer to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 User Documentation for further information on the use of

Cable Tray

The discipline specific CABLE TRAY tab (displayed in conjunction with the EQUIPMENT tab) allows the
user to create and modify Cable Tray elements including the management of Penetrations and the import
of Cable Tray.

 Please refer to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 User Documentation for further information on the use of Cable

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The discipline specific Structures tabs: SECTIONS, PLATES, WALLS AND FLOORS and STAIRS
LADDERS AND HANDRAILS allow the user to create and modify a series of structural elements.

 Please refer to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 User Documentation and Chapter 6 Model: Structural for
further information on the new Sections and Plates applications.


The discipline specific SUPPORTS tab allows the user to create and modify Support elements.

 Please refer to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 User Documentation and Chapter 6 Model: Supports for further

Design Templates

The discipline specific DESIGN TEMPLATES tab allows the user to create and modify Design Templates
and the supporting hierarchy.

 Please refer to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 User Documentation for further information on the use of Design


In addition to direct graphical model interaction, forms such as the Properties Grid allow the input of
supporting data. Forms in AVEVA E3D 2.1 are translucent by default, allowing the model elements in the
3D View to be seen through a form and thus increase the visibility of the design. However to aid input, the
form becomes opaque on becoming active and used.

The transparency of the forms can

be configured in the Project
Options area of the PROJECT

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User Bulletin

The introduction of sliding forms at AVEVA E3D 2.1 maximises the 3D View and places the Model at the
forefront of user actions. A number of forms may be docked, i.e. can be arranged in a fixed position, in two
areas located to the left and the right hand side of the 3D View. These two areas, called Sliding Form
Sets, have a different mechanism in their display and arrangement to standard forms found elsewhere.

 Tabs have been minimised in the above model view by a double-click on the tab or via the button in
the top-right corner of the application.

A Sliding Form Set allows the following:

Tabs  Multiple forms to be opened in multiple tabs.

 May be collapsed (and expanded) to enlarge the

Splitting Bar working area by clicking the active tab.

 May be docked to one side of the 3D View, or

made Floating via the active tab right-click option

Hiding (and restoring) all the forms on the canvas is achieved by clicking the Clear
Canvas button located at the top right hand corner of the application window (<F2> key).

The Sliding Form panels consist of two areas, the top and the bottom segment, and allow the visibility of
two forms simultaneously.

The size of the bottom segment, which is collapsed by

default, may be adjusted by dragging the splitting bar
upward or downward.

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The segment may be collapsed (and restored) by clicking

the arrow at the centre of the splitting bar.

With multiple forms opened and docked, it is

possible to change the order of the forms in
one segment, or to move a form from one
segment to another, or to move a form from
one Panel to another, by a left mouse button
select and drag.

Message & Status Bar

Positioned at the bottom of the user interface, the Status and Message bar displays message information,
global notifications and a number of view, and selection, options.


When using AVEVA Global and extract databases in AVEVA E3D 2.1, by adding AVEVA Shared
Services, designers now get a visual (red flag) notification that an extract claim has completed.

Clicking the indicating Flag will display the notification window for further information.


As actions are carried out, messages relating to these actions display within the Message bar.

For example, errors or warnings may be presented.

Clicking on the current message displays a record
of all the messages issued in a session.

Messages can contain general user, warning or

error information and display as green, amber and
red to reflect the status.

Status Bar

The Status Bar offers a designer quick access (and feedback) to 3D View and modelling aids. For example,
the user is able to display the 3D View Grid and select a variety of positioning snap options.

 Please refer to 4.6.7 Positioning Aids for further


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AVEVA PowerWheel™

A number of Model (and Draw) operations may be accelerated to and initiated through the use of the
PowerWheel™; invoked by right-clicking within the 3D View.

A function is selected from the PowerWheel by a left-click on the required tile – this may prompt a secondary
PowerWheel for refined selection. For instance selecting the View Direction tile from the primary Power
Wheel prompts a secondary PowerWheel to specify the direction of the 3D View.

Alternatively, by clicking and holding the right mouse button, a required tile can be indicated by moving the
cursor in the appropriate direction (gesture) and selection confirmed on release of the mouse button. The
direction of selection is aided by an indicating line.

The PowerWheel may also be used in context during a Modelling action. A context menu is presented on
selecting the Context option in the PowerWheel for use with the currently selected element.

 The Discipline tile on the primary PowerWheel (9 o’clock position) is bespoke to the current discipline
i.e. when in Structures, the secondary PowerWheel prompted contains structural specific actions.

On performing an action requiring the designer to specify points in the 3D

View, the Object Snap PowerWheel can be invoked by a right-click while
holding the <Shift> key.

This PowerWheel allows the user to filter to a specific Object Snap

temporarily for the current action.

 Please refer to Section 4.6.2 Object Snapping for further information

on the use of Object Snaps in Model.

As an extension to the primary PowerWheel, pressing the <Ctrl> key on

clicking the right mouse button prompts an alternative layout with general
Model functions e.g. Savework, Getwork, Search and Project Options.

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AVEVA PowerCompass™

The PowerCompass is an intuitive design that allows the user to control

the view direction, the working plane and to select different coordinate

The PowerCompass can be moved to another area of the 3D view by

using the central blue grip below the compass.

 The size / directional sense of the PowerCompass may be controlled via the PROJECT tab Options..

The circles on the outer ring of the PowerCompass can be selected to alter the View Direction to orthogonal
and isometric directions. The PowerCompass updates to reflect the current View Direction.

AVEVA E3D keeps a record of all the successive view directions and
positions used during the current session. At any time, the user may step
back to a previous view state, or step forward to a later view state via the
arrow buttons below the PowerCompass.

The World button below the compass sets a World co-ordinate system for

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The Box button sets a local co-ordinate system (based on current selection)
for the purpose of local modelling of elements.

 Note the change to U, V and W notation.

 Please refer to Section 4.6.1 Setting the Local Coordinate System

for further information.

The discs within the PowerCompass can be used to set the working plane to aid modelling in the 3D View.

 Note that the Disc colour reflects the colour of the Crosshair Axis and the 3D View Grid is aligned.

In Canvas Commands & Shortcuts

Additionally to forms and buttons for user input, it is possible

to invoke specific commands by entering them directly to the
3D View. These commands are referred to as In Canvas

Alternatively, a shortcut can be used to invoke a command e.g.

<Ctrl+A> prompts a Select All action. The shortcut actions
are, where appropriate, aligned with Microsoft Windows
standard shortcuts e.g. <Ctrl+S> prompts a Savework.

 A list of the In Canvas Commands is presented in Appendix B Keyboard Shortcuts & Commands.

Contextual Editor

Many commands in AVEVA E3D 2.1 require a user input and the Contextual Editor aids this process by
allowing a canvas input within a graphical or workflow context.

For example, when the MOVE command is used, the Contextual Editor is prompted beside the cursor in
the 3D View to allow a position to be input:

Current Option Textboxes

Absolute / Relative mode

Additional Options

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When the command is invoked, the default option for this command will be the current option. But the user
may select alternative options by pressing the <down-arrow> key and selecting an appropriate option.

 A Context Editor option may be directly accessed via the corresponding key indicated on the tile.

Navigation between text boxes is via the <tab> key, and a textbox value locked by the <space> key.

When coordinates are to be entered, depending on the workflow, it may be possible to switch the Absolute
mode to Relative mode by pressing the <@> key (<Shift> and <@> keys on UK keyboard).

Also, it is possible to switch between Cartesian, Cylindrical or Polar coordinates by pressing the <’> key.

Configurable Tool-Tips

The tooltips provide the user a quick access to essential information by displaying a table containing the
data related to an element in the 3D View or the Model Explorer. The tooltips are configurable and the
content varies depending on the element type.

The Tool-tip is prompted on pressing the <Shift> key while the

cursor is over the object to be identified.

An Administrative user is able to configure the rules

governing the details of the information available for
the various different element types by using the
Tooltips Editor within the Configure group of the
ADMIN tab.

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Chapter 4

4 Model: General Interactions

AVEVA E3D 2.1 introduces a new set of common interactions that ensure the designer’s focus in on the
design Model and allow design tasks to be completed in an efficient and accurate manner.

The following Chapter will outline general interactions in the Model 3D View; describing how the View
content may be manipulated and controlled.

 The key Model interactions described in the following sections are also often shared with the Draw
module (Draw 2D Canvas and 3D View).

3D View Controls

The majority of the controls to manipulate the 3D View may be accessed via mouse action, including the
PowerWheel, and through the VIEW tab user interface.

View Limits

Model elements may be present in the Drawlist but not visible in the 3D View. The 3D View has invisible
limits which clip and hide all elements outside these limits. By default, the view limits are automatically
adjusted to hold the first elements added to the 3D View.

To view the elements that are outside the view, the Limits Extents action
can be invoked from the PowerWheel or VIEW tab.


 Rolling the mouse wheel forward will zoom in and

scrolling the wheel backwards zooms out with the zoom
action centred at the point of the cursor.

 Additional zoom options can be found in the Control

group of the VIEW tab and the ZOOM command.

Rotating the 3D View

The Rotation of the model is achieved by holding the

middle mouse button down and moving the mouse in a
direction. By default, the rotation mode is set about the

The centre of rotation is determined when the button is

pressed. Its position is set where the crosshair touches
an element in the 3D View. The centre of rotation will be
indicated by a pink pin while rotating.

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View Direction

It is also possible to set the view direction by using a preset, like an isometric direction, an orthogonal
direction, or a plan direction.

The View direction may be set via the VIEW tab, the PowerWheel, or by using the PowerCompass.

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Panning enables the contents of the 3D View to be moved

across the view in any direction.

In the 3D View, holding the <Ctrl> key down and holding

the middle mouse button whist moving the cursor will pan
the view.

Centre View

Clicking the Centre View button in the Control group of the VIEW
tab will move the view so that it is centred on the Current Element.

The View may also be centred by a middle mouse button click.

Walk & Fly Modes

In addition to the classic View Controls, the Walk and Fly Modes allow the user to visualise the 3D Model
from a moving observer point of view and in perspective mode (with a 90 degree field of view). These
functions are ideally suited for the navigation of the laser environment on activating the HyperBubble™.

To activate or deactivate the modes, the Walk

Mode or the Fly Mode toggles can be selected
from the Control group of the VIEW tab.

 Pressing <Esc> or clicking the (Walk Mode) button will exit the mode and restore the view.

In Walk Mode, the cursor will appear as a walking man.

In Fly Mode, the cursor will appear as a paper airplane.

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When Laser Models are displayed, enabling the Walk or Fly Modes will activate the HyperBubble™ mode
for a photorealistic rendering of the laser data.

 For more information about displaying Laser Data, please refer to Chapter 10 Laser.

When the cursor is above the crosshair, the observer will rotate upward, and
when the cursor is below the crosshair the observer will rotate downward.

When the cursor is on the right of the crosshair the observer will turn right,
and when the cursor is on the left of the crosshair the observer will turn left.

The distance between the cursor and the crosshair will determine the speed
of the rotation. The further the cursor is from the crosshair, the faster the
rotation will be.

 Holding the <Shift> key down will increase the walking speed, holding the <Ctrl> key down will
decrease the walking speed

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Clipping the View

Clipping allows the user to isolate a region of the model by hiding all parts of the model falling outside a
user-defined clipping box.

The tools and options for clipping are located in the Clip
group of the VIEW tab.

Create: Presents two options to create a clipping box: about a graphical selection, or to the
Current Element.

Clip: Toggle to enable or disable the clipping by hiding or showing the parts of the model
outside the clipping box.

Add Within: Populates the 3D View with elements that are wholly or partially within the clipping

Modify: Toggle to show or hide the graphical clipping box aid for modification.

Once the clipping box has been created, its position and dimensions can be adjusted by double
clicking on the box and manipulating the grips.

Cap: Toggle to enable or disable the capping, i.e. closing the sides of the elements that are
cut by the clipping box.

 The capping colour may be changed from the View Settings form.

 It should be noted that where using Laser Models, clipping does not apply to laser data.

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Selecting Elements

Visible items in a 3D View may be grouped together to form a Graphical Selection which may then be
used in conjunction with an AVEVA E3D function or task (and also populate the Properties Grid).

 Elements included in a Graphical Selection are highlighted with a solid green line around the
extremities of the constituent parts of the item(s).

A graphical selection may be created by:

 Selecting elements individually.

 Using a selection window.

The graphical selection will consists of significant elements, i.e. elements that contain a geometric
definition. For example, elements of type EQUIPMENT, VALVE, or FLANGE, may be part of a graphical
selection but administrative elements such as SITE or ZONE will not be included in a selection.

Selecting Individual Elements

Clicking on an element in the 3D View makes it the Current Element and creates a new graphical selection
containing that single item.

The <Ctrl> key may be used to add an item to the current selection or remove it where already selected.

 The <Ctrl> keys will not have any effect if the multiple selection mode is enabled via the Properties

Navigating to an element in the Model Explorer will cancel the current selection. The Current Element will
be highlighted in blue in the 3D View and populate the Properties Grid but will not be part of a selection.

 It is possible to make a graphical selection from the Model Explorer by a right click on an element
and choose 3D View > Select. All the element’s members will be included in the selection if they are
significant. This will also add them to the 3D View if they are not already displayed.

Using a Selection Window

A graphical selection may be created by holding the left mouse button down in the 3D View and creating a
window selection.

The selection window can be defined by two methods:

 To select all the elements that are wholly within the selection window is formed from the left to
the right.

The window will be coloured blue.

 To select elements that are wholly within and cross the window boundary, the selection window
is formed from the right to the left.

The window will be coloured green.

 Using the window while holding the <Ctrl> key will add or remove elements to the current graphical

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Grips & Feedback

The use of grips in the creation and modification of the 3D model together with the immediate feedback of
the preview ghost image are integral to an efficient AVEVA E3D 2.1 modelling workflow. In the example
above the Pump position grip (located at the pump origin) has been selected (denoted by red highlight)
and the intended new position is shown by a ghost preview of the pump (and the updated Contextual

 Grips are only made available where the user has write access to modify the selected element.

Properties Grid

Further to the Attributes form, AVEVA E3D 2.1 introduces the Properties Grid to the Model module.

The Properties Grid displays Element properties (attribute information) in an accessible and user friendly
format, allowing attributes to be directly edited where permissible.

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 The Properties Grid should be used in conjunction with any discipline specific user interface where
appropriate to the task i.e. it is recommended to use the extensive Piping user interface to modify
specific piping element properties such as Bore and Specification, whereas Structural elements can
be extensively modified via the Properties Grid.

The Properties Grid supports the multiple selection of elements and the modification of common
properties; allowing the selection to be filtered using the Element options list in the form.

 By default, the Properties Grid is docked in the right Panel. If not opened, it can be displayed by
clicking the Properties toggle in the HOME tab, group Display.

It is possible to control the graphical selection mode from the Properties Grid by two presented options:

Single to select only one object at a time

Multiple to append the current selection.

When the graphical selection includes multiple elements of

different types, the displayed properties will only be those
common to all the selected types. The Selection List will
initially display the number of elements of All types in
brackets. It is then possible to refine the selection by
selecting a specific type.

After selecting a type in the list, the display will be updated with all the properties for the selected type. It
will be then possible to modify the value of a property to update all the elements of the selected type at

Positioning Elements

The recommended method to modify the position of elements is to move them in the 3D View by either:

 Using the Editor mode to reposition elements from their origin

 Using the Move command to specify a start and end position

Both these methods will require the user to specify positions. It can be just one position for an absolute
displacement, two positions or a vector for a relative displacement. In all scenarios, the user is able to
specify the position by either:

 Entering coordinates directly to the Canvas Contextual Editor.

 Using the existing geometry of the model by Snapping to graphical objects.

 Using a combination of Canvas entries and Snapping.

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Setting the Local Coordinate System

When considering the element position, it is important to understand how the 3D View coordinates are
expressed and how they may be controlled to be appropriate to the design task at hand.

By default, the coordinates are expressed relatively to the World, i.e. the origin is set to (0, 0, 0), and the
axis are set to East/West (E/W), North/South (N/S) and Up/Down (U/D).

 Note that the World axes may be changed to XYZ axes in the Project Options area and are the default
for Marine projects.

AVEVA E3D 2.1 includes a set of tools to modify the coordinate system in which the positions are expressed
in the 3D View. This is done my manipulating the Local Coordinate System or LCS.

The LCS is defined by an origin and three axis, U, V and W. The LCS plane defined by the U and V axes
is called the Working Plane and will be used to project the cursor’s position in 2D to facilitate the positioning
and creation of primitives.

The status of the LCS is indicated by the PowerCompass, and other visual indicators in the Canvas e.g.
the orientation of the Grid.

 PowerCompass: shows the orientation of the LCS axes and the selected Working Plane. Three
orthogonal planes are identified by three discs of different colour: blue for the EN or UV plane, green
for the NU or UW plane, and red for the EU or VW plane.

Axes: The LCS axes are represented in the 3D View by three coloured lines passing through the origin
of the LCS. The red line is the U axis, the Green line is the V axis and the blue line is the W axis.

The tools to modify the LCS are available from the Local
Coordinate System group of the VIEW tab.

Also, some of these options are available directly in the 3D View from the PowerCompass:

World mode – sets the LCS origin and orientation according to the World
and changing the axis labels to E/W, N/S and U/D.

Local mode – sets the LCS origin and orientation according to a selected
object. The axis labels are updated to U/-U, V/-V and W/-W.

Clicking on one of the three discs representing the three orthogonal planes will redefine the orientation of
the Working plane:

In World mode, clicking on the discs will set the working plane to
either the EN, NU or EU plane.

In Local mode, each disc is divided into four quarters, clicking on

one quarter will set the positive U and V axes along the sides of the
selected quarter.

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Object Snapping

To activate or deactivate the object snapping, press the

<F3> key or click on the correspondent toggle in the Status

The object snapping filters man be configured using the Object Snapping Settings form.

In the Object Snap tab, the Elements tab

offers filter options to activate the snapping to
database elements e.g. Item or P-Point.

The Graphics tab offers filter options to

activate graphical snaps e.g. Endpoint or

Each snapping filter is associated with a specific snap icon as represented on the Object Snapping
Settings form. When the system prompts the user to specify a point, hovering the mouse close to an
item included in the selected snap filters will display the associated snap icon on the item.

In the example here, the item object snap has been


Left clicking when the snap icon is displayed will validate

the position at the exact location of the Snapping

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Also, it is possible to invoke a specific snap filter temporarily to define a specific position regardless of
Object Snapping being active. This is achieved by right clicking in the 3D View while holding the <Shift>
key to invoke the Object Snap PowerWheel and selecting an appropriate Object Snap option.

The PowerWheel presents the principal Element Object Snap options

such as Item or P-Point.

Gesturing to the More tile will open a secondary


The secondary PowerWheel presents the principal Graphics Object Snap

options such as Endpoint or Midpoint.

 Pressing the <Esc> key will display the previous PowerWheel.

Selection of Co-Incident P-Points

Where Object Snap P-Points are aligned, for example when viewing a Reference Grid in an orthogonal
direction, an indicating arrow appears adjacent to the object snap feedback.

The <Page Up> and <Page Down> keys can be used to cycle through the available P-Points to achieve
the required object snap result.

Contextual Editor

The user may enter coordinate values directly to the text boxes of the Contextual Editor when prompted:

Depending on the command, the coordinates may be expressed in Relative or Absolute mode. In Relative
mode, the coordinates will be expressed with respect to the previous specified position. In Absolute mode,
the coordinates will be expressed with respect to the current coordinate system.

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When permitted, it is possible to switch between Relative and Absolute mode by pressing the @ key
(<Shift> + <@> on a UK keyboard).

Previous Position
(Equipment Origin) : Relative mode.

: Absolute mode.

LCS Origin

 To validate an entry and move to the next text box, the <Tab> key may be used.

Any validated entry will lock the correspondent textbox with the entered value. By locking, the positioning
action can be constrained along a plane or a single axis. Snapping to a graphical item will not modify the
value in a locked text box.

For example:

In this case, the displacement is constrained on the UV plane:

In this case, the displacement is constrained on the U axis:

At any time, the value in a text box can be locked or unlocked by pressing the <Space> key while it is

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By default, the coordinates in the Contextual Editor are Cartesian coordinates. But it is also possible to
switch to Cylindrical or Spherical coordinates by pressing the <`> (apostrophe) key.

Cartesian: ENU or XYZ or UVW axes

Cylindrical: Distance (D), Angle (A) and Height (U)

Spherical : Distance (D), Angle (A) and Angle (A)

Combining Object Snapping and Contextual Editor

The use of the Contextual Editor may be combined with the Object Snapping. In this case, it is important
to note that any value entered in the Contextual Editor’s text boxes will lock the corresponding axis to this

This will then constrain the displacement along the plane or the axis defined by the unlocked textboxes.
Snapping to any object afterwards will only modify the coordinates of the unlocked textboxes.

This method is particularly efficient for aligning elements with others along one axis or one plane.

Using the Editor

The Editor mode allows different kind of modification on model elements like moving, rotating or modifying

To activate the Editor mode either:

 Double click on a model element in the 3D View

 Click the Editor button from the Modify group of the HOME tab.

While the Editor mode is active, the Editor button will remain
highlighted in the HOME tab.

The Editor consists of blue modification grips that will appear at the elements’ origin and orientated
according to the elements’ orientation.

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Initially, the modification grips will be displayed

on every significant element included in the
current Graphical Selection.

For example, an EQUI element is significant

because it can contain primitives. Therefore
the Editor will be effective on the whole
equipment for positioning and rotating.

 Selecting Routed Items like Piping or HVAC elements, while the Editor mode is active, will display
the Router. The Editor or the Router will not be displayed if a selection includes both Routed and
Non-Routed items.

Positioning one element

To modify the position of the element using the Editor, click on the square grip representing the origin of
the equipment. This will temporarily change the LCS position to the selected grip.

Moving the mouse will display a translucent preview of the new position. The displacement is constrained
to be parallel to the Working. Plane, which may be changed whilst in the command.

The Contextual Editor will be displayed, and Dynamic Hints will indicate the displacement values along
the Working Plane axes when in Relative Coordinates.

 The new position may be using the object snapping, the Contextual Editor or a combination of both.
Note that, by default, the coordinates in the Contextual Editor are expressed relatively to the selected
grip. Also, the snapping discards the Working Plane constraint.

Positioning multiple elements

As the Editor is activated for the current graphical selection, it may be used to reposition multiple elements
at once. In this case, when the selection includes several elements, the square grip will appear on each

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Holding the <Ctrl> key allows the

user to select the grips of the required
elements to be moved.

The grips can then be subjected to the

displacement command. The LCS will
be positioned on the clicked grip.

Editing Sub-Elements
As described previously, the Editor will be initially effective on a significant element. However, the Editor
allows the modification of sub-elements and primitives by navigating through to the lower Selection Levels.

Navigation to the sub-elements may be achieved through a double-click action on the element or via the

 To exit the Editor and navigate to the upper levels, the <Esc> key is used.

On selecting an identified element, a right-click prompts the PowerWheel with the presented ability to
gesture to the Navigation option. On selection, a gallery is displayed to allow selection of the navigation

 Please refer to Chapter 5 Model: Geometry Modelling for further information on the creation and
modification of primitives.

Using the Move command

The move command allows the user to modify the position of the elements included in the current Graphical
Selection by specifying a displacement vector.

By default, the displacement is defined by a base point and a destination point but other options are
available via the Contextual Editor menu. The Move operation can be invoked by direct command entry
to the Canvas, via the HOME tab or through the PowerWheel Context menu.

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Positioning aids

Other drawing tools available from the Status Bar toggles, or pressing the <F#> keys, will help the user to
position elements.

- Displays of the Grid (<F7>)

- Activates Snapping to the Grid (<F9>)

- Displays polar coordinate feedback and snaps the displacement to a radial alignment (<F10>)

- Locks the displacement along the U axis or the V axis (<F8>)

- Displays the dynamic hints (<F12>)

- Projects the snaps onto the working plane

Rotating Elements

Orientation in AVEVA E3D is expressed in terms of axes direction and as per any other attribute, the
orientation may be modified using the Properties Grid or through direct manipulation in the 3D View.
Elements may be rotated in the 3D View by either:

 Using the Editor mode to rotate elements about their origin.

 Using the Rotate command to specify a rotation base point.

Using the Editor

Unlike the position method, rotating using the Editor can only be
applied to a single element selection.

Selecting and activating the Editor on a Non-Routed element will

display rotation grips about the three axes of the element.

 Activating the Editor on Routed elements such as HVAC or Piping components will display the Router.

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To rotate the element, the correspondent Grip is selected and

an angle value is entered in the Contextual Editor or a rotation
point is defined using an Object Snap.

 Rotating using this method is restricted to the three axis of the element’s LCS

Using the Rotate command

The Rotate command allows the rotation of all the elements in a graphical selection, in any direction and
from any rotation origin.

Selected elements may be any significant element displayed in the 3D View; alternatively, several Sub-
Elements or primitives below a significant element may be selected.

The Rotate operation can be invoked by direct command entry to the Canvas, via the HOME tab or through
the PowerWheel Context menu.

Creating Additional Views

AVEVA E3D 2.1 provides the ability to view the model, or parts of the model, in multiple 3D Views.

 AVEVA E3D has a default 3D View, named 3D View(1) – Drawlist(1), which cannot be deleted or

New 3D Views with the same or different Drawlists can be created and displayed simultaneously. The
content of the 3D Views can be linked or separate, depending on the associated Drawlist. Each View can
be manipulated separately.

New views may be created via the Views group of the VIEW tab.

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Grid Plane View

When working with Reference Grids, it is possible to create a new view based on a selected Grid Plane.

Selecting a Grid Plane element and clicking the Grid Plane

button in the Views group of the VIEW tab creates a new view
- orientated parallel to the Grid Plane and clipped to an offset
of the plane

 Please refer to Chapter 7 Model: Reference Grids & Design Aids for further information.

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Chapter 5

5 Model: Geometry Modelling

Further to the general Model interactions described in the previous Chapter, the following Sections will
outline the new Geometry Modelling functionality introduced at AVEVA E3D 2.1.

On selecting the Equipment discipline, the Model User Interface updates to include the EQUIPMENT tab.
This is the main interface for the creation and modification of Equipment objects (and their owned

Modelling Methods

Equipment may be modelled in three ways using AVEVA E3D 2.1.

 Basic principles using primitives – this method is generally used for one-off equipment items or
where the size of the equipment doesn’t change. Repeat copies of equipment can be used in the
model by using the Standard Model Library.

 Please refer to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 User Documentation for further information on the use of
the Standard Model Library.

 Design templates – this method uses primitives and other elements in a design template. The
templates are generally parameterised such that the equipment may be re-sized for each instance of
the template in the design.

 Please refer to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 User Documentation for further information on the use of
Design Templates.

 Importing models – equipment models may be imported using the Mechanical Equipment Interface
or from different file formats.

Creating the Primitives

Equipment creation is instigated on selecting the

Equipment button in the Create group of the

Thereafter a Primitive option may be selected from the primitive gallery.

 Primitive creation may also be prompted through direct Canvas commands e.g. CYLI or BOX. Please
refer to Appendix B Keyboard Shortcuts & Commands for a full list of Primitive commands.

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The selection of a Primitive will activate the Contextual Editor in the 3D View, which will guide the user
though the creation stages and offer specific property definitions via the Contextual Editor menu.

Primitives may be positioned to a World or Local Coordinate system and object snapping utilised to ensure
accurate connection between the primitives in forming the required Equipment.


As described in the previous chapter, the initial creation of a primitive element or the modification of a
primitive through the Editor requires the user to be at the correct modelling level.

The creation of a primitive automatically places the user at the significant element, the Equipment or Sub-
Equipment. At this point the significant Element dominates and the remaining model becomes ghosted.

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Prior to the creation of a primitive or the prompting of the Editor the user may direct the action to the lower
levels of the Equipment by navigating to the lower Selection Levels.

Navigation to the sub-elements may be achieved

through a double-click action on the element or via
the PowerWheel.

 To exit the Editor and navigate to the upper

levels, the <Esc> key is used.

Alternatively, on selecting an identified element, a right-click prompts the PowerWheel with the ability to
gesture to the Navigation option. On selection, a gallery is displayed to allow selection of the navigation

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Modification of Equipment via Grips

The use of grips in the modification of the equipment / sub-equipment / primitives, together with the
immediate feedback of the preview ghost image, are integral to the efficient primitive modelling workflow.

: Equipment level.

The designer is able to utilise the rotate (three

directions) and position grips to modify the
position and orientation of the Equipment.

The Properties Grid may also be used to alter

the Equipment properties.

 Note that multiple Equipment elements

may be selected to filter only the Position
grip. Multiple Position grips may be
selected via the <CTRL> key and the
multiple Equipment elements repositioned.

: Sub-Equipment level.

On navigation, the designer is able to utilise the

rotate (three directions) and position grips to
modify the position and orientation of the Sub-

The Properties Grid may also be used to alter

the properties.

: Primitive level.

On navigation to a specific Primitive, the

designer is able to utilise the rotate (three
directions), stretch (six directions for BOX) and
position grips to modify the position and
orientation of the Primitive.

The Properties Grid may also be used to alter

the Primitive properties.

 Note that multiple primitive elements may

be selected to prompt grips for selection
via the <CTRL> key prior to adjustment.

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The Mechanical Equipment Interface

The Mechanical Equipment Interface (MEI) enables STEP (.stp) files generated by mechanical modelling
software to be imported into AVEVA E3D 2.1. Whilst the resultant equipment items are not ‘intelligent’,
Nozzles may be created to overlay the imported model so that pipework may be connected to the

The Mechanical Equipment Interface has been improved at AVEVA E3D 2.1 and may be accessed via the
TOOLS tab and the Import or Export groups.

Importing Equipment with MEI

The prompted MEI Import form allows the user to

set the storage location for the imported model.

 The model may be imported below a SITE,

ZONE or EQUI or into an Application Data
World (APPLDW) structure.

The model may be imported as an Equipment

(EQUI) element or a Volume Model (VOLM)

If required, a user may, at AVEVA E3D 2.1, select

the Create SUBE level check box to create a sub-
equipment level in the Model hierarchy.

When re-importing the same model into the same area, the option to Save Facet Data along with a
Tolerance in that area is available at AVEVA E3D 2.1.

If required, imported models can be shared between projects by putting databases containing imported
data storage areas into shared foreign projects. A utility is provided to manage imported model storage

Once processed, the imported model is displayed in the 3D View

and may be manipulated.

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Chapter 6

6 Model: Structural

A key feature of the AVEVA E3D 2.1 product, the structural application places the model at the centre of
design workflows.

Highlights of the structural application include the following:

 Less reliance on forms and menus with direct graphic input and interaction; supported by a
gesture based PowerWheel™, the PowerCompass™ and the powerful Properties Grid.

 Automated storage of elements and a grid related structural model reduces the reliance on
the Model Explorer.

 Preservation of user input to ensure data persists and is easily retrieved.

 Automatic connection between elements at creation and a connectivity model that is

dynamically maintained.

 An updated and more comprehensive structural profile catalogue based on the latest National

Structures is an umbrella to four applications supplied within AVEVA E3D 2.1. The applications within
structures allows the user to build up detailed and complex structures within a full 3D environment.

The Structures application comprises four applications:

 Sections

 Plates

 Walls and Floors

 Stairs, Ladders and Handrails

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Migration of Structural Data

When migrating from AVEVA PDMS or AVEVA Hull & Outfitting 12.1.SP4 and to enable the use of the
AVEVA E3D 2.1 structural application functionality, it is necessary to convert all Section (SCTN) elements
to GENSEC elements and for the Structural Catalogues to be updated.

A new profile catalogue, based on the latest National standards, has been introduced alongside the AVEVA
E3D 2.1 structural capability. The new profiles have common Gtype geometry and P-line sets, together with
a common data set. Therefore Joints and Fittings, developed for and used with the previous profile
catalogue (AVEVA PDMS and Hull & Outfitting 12.1.SP4 / AVEVA E3D 1.1), will not work with the new
catalogue at AVEVA E3D 2.1.

In addition, Angle profiles have been re-orientated to conform to National Standards and to be aligned with
the typical orientation used by other software packages.

 Please refer to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 Migration & Interoperability Guide for an outline of the Structural
Migration Process.

Structural Catalogues

At AVEVA E3D 2.1 new structural catalogues based on the latest National Standards have been formed.


The new structural profile catalogue only contains profiles detailed in the National Standards or other
recognised national bodies, e.g. Institutes of Steel Construction.

The scope of the Profile Catalogue changes at AVEVA Catalogue 2.1 include the following considerations:

 Other profile sizes produced by individual manufacturers that may not conform to National
Standards are not included.

 Cold formed profiles are included where they occur in the standards. Proprietary cold
formed profiles from different manufacturers are not included.

 Solid bars of various cross section, e.g. flat bar, circular bar, etc., which occur in the
majority of referenced standards are included in a common separate category.

Profiles from the following national standards are included:

 Australia/New  China*  Russia*

Zealand  Europe  South Africa*
 Canada  India*  UK
 Chile*  Japan  USA

* Not found in the previous AVEVA E3D 1.1 Catalogue.

The following significant changes have been made to the Profile Catalogue at AVEVA E3D 2.1:

 New Generic Types (Gtypes) that more accurately reflect the profile shape.

 Orientation of ANG, now ANGL (Angle) Gtype.

 Reduction of the number of Plines for some Gtypes and introduction of standard Plines for all

 A standard set of parameters with common Dkey attributes for all Gtypes with a common
Data Set used by all Gtypes.

 A single Geometry and Pline set for each Gtype used by all profiles from all Standards.

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 Use of property syntax in geometry sets and Pline sets.

 Use of SPRF Description attribute for local variations of profile names for MTO’s and drawing

 Please refer to Appendix D Structural Profile Catalogue for further information.

Preferred Profile
In addition to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 Catalogue update, AVEVA E3D 2.1 introduces the ability to define a
preferred profile via the AVEVA Catalogue 2.1 product.

The Preferred Structural Profile Specifications Manager form allows an administrator to create a list of
preferred or allowable profiles for use in a project i.e. only the selected specification will be available in the
Model Structural application (Section Defaults).

 A flag Preferred Specification has been introduced to the GENSEC element to determine if the
Specification of the element is listed in the preferred list.

 If an element is created by a Datal, a warning will be prompted if the Specification is not defined in the
preferred list.

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Joints & Fittings

Due to the new profile catalogue developed for AVEVA Catalogue 2.1 the translation of Joints and Fittings
is required to ensure compatibility with the P-line and Profile parameters (DKEY) of the specification and
the new profile catalogue.

Where Joint and Fitting catalogues are to be translated, this should be done prior to updating the
Specification Reference of existing GENSECs to use the new catalogue profiles.

 Please refer to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 Migration & Interoperability Guide for an outline of the Structural
Migration Process.

The scope of the Joints and Fittings Catalogue changes at AVEVA Catalogue 2.1 include the following

 The new joints and fittings sample catalogue provides useful examples of profile joints,
section fittings and panel fittings, however, due to the diverse requirements of customers
it is not intended to be a comprehensive catalogue.

 It is envisaged that the new catalogue will be of use for small/medium size companies who
may wish to apply joints and fittings out-of-the-box without creating their own catalogue.

 The new joints and section fitting will only work with the profiles from the new steel profile
catalogue. This is due to parameter sequence and Dkey changes.

 Supplied samples include catalogue and template joints.

 Please refer to Appendix E Structural Joint & Fitting Catalogue for further information.

Structural Defaults

Accessed via the PROJECT tab, the Structural discipline default options allow the user to set the default
connectivity tolerances, mitre tolerance, joint dominance and connection colours.

Structural Elements

The Structural administrative hierarchy is formed by the Structure and Framework elements, the latter
allowing structures to be separated for ease of modelling and reporting.

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The AVEVA E3D 2.1 structural development has seen the following elements enhanced:

Linear profiles
Planar elements.
(Straight and Curved).

Simple nodal connection Simple Fittings

representations (Pad-Eyes, Stiffener Plates and Baseplates).

Modelling Principles

The following modelling principles and methodologies are integral to the structural discipline workflows.

Graphic-centred Modelling

AVEVA E3D 2.1 removes the reliance on the Model Explorer (and Command Window) for structural design
by centering the design workflow in the 3D graphical View. This method of modelling is facilitated by general
model interactions such as in-canvas commands, PowerWheel, and direct model manipulation through
grips and the Contextual Editor.

 Please refer to Chapter 4 Model: General Interactions for further information on the use and benefits
of in-canvas modelling.


On switching to the Structures application, the PowerWheel updates to include a Structures specific
secondary PowerWheel providing accelerated access to commonly used structural functions.

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 Please refer to Section 3.5 PowerWheel for further information on the use of the PowerWheel

Current Selection & Properties Grid

The Properties Grid is a powerful tool to the structural designer and when harnessed with a multiple canvas
selection and grip interaction, the efficiency of a design workflow is maximised.

 Please refer to Section 4.5 Properties Grid for further information on the use of the Properties Grid.

Object Snap Points

Object Snap points allow the structural designer to position the

start point or end point of a created section.

For example, a user may wish to connect to a node, item, Pline

or grid. Object Snap points can also be directional, for example,
enabling a designer to create a section perpendicular to an
existing element.

The Structural design process is further aided by the following Object Snap
Aids accessed via the Status Bar.

Distance Snap

Used to turn Distance snapping on/off in order that a distance can be applied from an identified
object snap point.

The required distance can be set via the Object Snap form (default) or during an Editor action
via the Context Editor.

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Project Start / End

Turns projected snap mode on or off.

If projected snap mode is on, the cursor snaps to the connection node of a GENSEC or to the
item start/end point if not connected.

Midpoint snapping is measured between the midpoint of the connection nodes if a GENSEC is
connected or the item start/end points if not connected.

Significant Snaps

Turns significant snap mode on or off.

If significant snap mode is on, the cursor snaps to the connection node of a GENSEC.

Midpoint snapping is measured between the midpoints of the connection nodes of a GENSEC.

 Please refer to Section 4.6.7 Positioning Aids for further information on the use of the Status Bar

Preserved Input

The structural application ensures that the input of data is

persisted and easily retrieved to improve design efficiency.

Storage & Hierarchy

 Reference Grids are used for positioning and

as a reference for structural storage.

 Automatic storage of elements positioned

on grid planes.

 A Framework referring to a Grid Plane is

created automatically.

Structural Classification

Structural Classification is a new attribute introduced in AVEVA E3D 2.1 for Structural elements. The aim
of the Structural Classification attribute is to facilitate the search / grouping / organisation of structural

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The list of default (allowed) Structural Classifications that may be selected is defined in the Lexicon module
of AVEVA Administration.

Dynamic Connectivity

A key principal of the structural application is the concept of Dynamic

Connectivity. This concept ensures:

 Automatic connection between elements at creation.

 Connectivity model is dynamically maintained.

 Tidy / Align nodes operations not required.

 Changes occurring on elements trigger connection updates.

 Please refer to Section 6.6.4 Section Connectivity for further



The Sections application allows a designer to create and modify structural sections. Fittings and joints can
be specified and section connections defined.

Before a structure can be designed, various settings must be defined to determine, for example, the default
structural components for creation of structural sections.

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Default Section Specification

The following default structural defaults can be defined:

 Specification.
 Structural Classification.
 Type.
 Material.
 Profile.
 Justification.
 Properties.

Section Storage

AVEVA E3D 2.1 stores structural sections or panels in a

specific area of the hierarchy. Structural sections or panels
can be associated with a grid plane or a framework/sub-
framework element.

 If a storage area is not defined prior to creation of a section or panel, an error message is displayed.

The structural storage area can be defined in two ways:

 Grid Storage
Sets the structure and grid plane that sections and panels are associated with.

Grid storage is an automatic mode with which the element section (or panel) are created in
the appropriate framework associated with a grid plane on which the element is created.

Associated frameworks are created automatically if not existing.

The Structures and Grid Plane options lists are populated with the association properties of
the currently selected section or panel.

 If a section or panel is moved or copied to another grid plane, the section or panel will be
stored in the appropriate framework associated with the grid plane. If multiple sections or
panels are moved or copied and one of the grid storage areas is locked, the moved/new
sections/panels are all associated with the locked grid storage area.

 Manual Storage

Sets the structure and framework/sub-framework elements that sections or panels are
associated with.

A FRMW or SBFR element is selected in the Model Explorer to populate the Structure and
Storage options lists. Selecting a section or a panel also populate the Structure and
Framework with the owners of the element. The structure and framework/sub-framework
elements list can be used to quickly select a storage area

 If a section or panel is moved, the associated manual storage area is unchanged. If a

section or panel is copied, the new section is associated with the same manual storage
area as the original section. If multiple sections or panels are moved or copied the
manual storage areas is locked, the moved/new sections/panels are all associated with
the locked manual storage area.

Create Sections

Each structural column or beam displays in the 3D model as a section (GENSEC) element with a geometry
defined by extruding a 2D catalogue profile along a path.

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The path lies on a plane and is represented by a SPINE element, owned by the
GENSEC, whose route is specified by a sequence of Spine Points (POINSP).

POINSPs are created at the start, the end and at each change of direction. Each
segment linking adjacent spine points can be a straight line or circular arc
achieved by inserting Curve (CURVE) elements.

Sections may be created via the functions available

in the Create group of the SECTIONS tab (and via
the secondary discipline PowerWheel).

GENSECs can be connected to other GENSEC elements with Fittings and Joints also potentially applied
to them.

A GENSEC element can be owned by a FRMW or a SBFR element and each element which makes up a
GENSEC element has attributes unique to each of them.

The geometry of a section is defined by two types of

properties setting:

 Its cross-section is defined by reference to a

Specification Reference (SPREF) element (for
example, I-beam, T-section and Channel).

 All other aspects of its geometry are defined by

setting specific design properties (in most cases
these are set automatically by AVEVA E3D™ as the
3D model is manipulated graphically). Two of the
most important properties are the Start Position and
the End Position, since the positions of these points
effectively determine the length and orientation of the

In addition to Plines, AVEVA E3D 2.1 uses the concept of Nodes to represent basic analytical points within
a structure. Nodes have two main functions:

 To identify the points at which logical connections are made between adjoining sections.

 To define how applied stresses can affect individual points in the structure (for passing design
data to separate stress analysis programs).

Straight Sections
There are three different modes to create straight section:

 Single Straight Section

Create a single section with a given start and end position.

 Continuous Straight Section

Create multiple straight sections where the start point of each newly created section is
positioned at the end point of the previously created section.

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 Multiple Straight Sections

Create multiple straight sections through a repeat command. The start and end position must
be defined for each Section.

Curved Sections
There are three different modes to create curved section, each have specific sub-modes depending on the
geometric input required:

 Free Definition Curved Section (Fixed Angle Curved Section).

 Arc Section (Centre-Point & Sweep Angle, End Points & Radius or Three Points, Semi-Circle
Arc Section).

 Ring Section (Centre-Point, Three Points and Two Points).

Section Connectivity

When sections (GENSEC) are connected, the connection between the two sections is represented on the
owning section as justification line datum (JLDATU), positioning line datum (PLDATU) and fixing (FIXING)
elements in the Model Explorer.

 In the structural hierarchy, JLDATU, PLDATU and FIXING elements are created each time an owning
and attached section are connected. By default, the JLDATU, PLDATU and FIXING elements are
deleted if a connected GENSEC is deleted.

 Justification Line Datum (JLDATU)

The JLDATU element contains the justification line datum for the connection. The justification
line datum represents the connection distance measured from the start of the owning
The Properties Grid allows the user to view and modify the properties of the JLDATU. The
general properties of JLDATU elements are identical to GENSEC properties.

 Positioning Line Datum (PLDATU)

By default, a PLDATU element is created for each connection. The PLDATU element contains
the positioning line datum for the connection. The positioning line datum represents the Pline
that the attached section is trimmed to.
The Properties Grid allows the user to view and modify the properties of the PLDATU. The
general properties of PLDATU elements are identical to GENSEC properties.

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 Fixing (FIXING)
FIXING elements are owned by PLDATU elements and have the same position as a PLDATU.
FIXING elements contain properties for:
 Connectivity to the structural 3D model.
 Trimming attached members.
 Specification Reference (SPREF) for the joint / fitting.

The Properties Grid allows the user to view and modify the properties of the FIXING. The general
properties of FIXING elements are identical to GENSEC properties.

The Properties Grid allows the designer to view the connection status of the attached section.

The Start joint and End joint properties display the

name of the fixing which is attached to the owning section
together with the name of the owning section to which the
attached section is connected.

The Start cut and End cut properties indicate the

direction of the cut at the start and end of the attached

The Properties Grid allows the designer to edit key properties of the FIXING (joint).

The Specification Reference which if set associate a

catalogue joint and a geometry to the fixing

The Distance from Start defines the distance from the

start of the owning GENSEC of the JLDATU.

The Positioning line represents the Pline that the

attached section is trimmed to.

The Joint dominance has an effect on positioning

update of the joint.

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Dominant & Subordinate Connections

When a connected section is repositioned, the effect on the owning and attached sections depends upon
whether or not the joint dominance property of the FIXING element is defined as dominant (dominance =
TRUE) or subordinate (dominance = FALSE).

 The default joint dominance property for a connection can be defined via the Structural Defaults.

Dynamic Connectivity Rules

The connectivity between structural section elements is maintained automatically by the connection
manager. Connectivity tolerances are used by the clash check facility to determine if an attached section
should be disconnected.

 Connectivity tolerances may be defined via the Structural Defaults section of the Options area in the
PROJECT tab via the PROJECT tab.

Modifications to GENSEC element properties can affect connectivity or geometry between the owning and
attached sections. If any of the following properties are modified, the connection manager uses a set of
dynamic connectivity rules to determine the effect on existing connections between owning and attached
sections that have been modified. The most important property to consider when modifications are made
is the joint dominance property of a FIXING.

 Position  Parameters
 Start Position  Justification
 End Position  Mirror
 Beta Angle  Member Line
 Specification Reference

 Dynamic connectivity is active by default, but is inactive when running in a Datal.

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Section Connections

Automatic section connection can be enabled as the default

connection status when a new section is created via the
Connections group.

The Connect and Disconnect buttons may be used to manually select Sections to be connected or
disconnected through graphical picks. Feedback in the 3D View confirms the connection status of the

The Trim Connected Section Ends command forces the section end trimming to an alternative Pline.

 When a connection is modified, the connection manager uses a set of dynamic connectivity rules to
trim the attached section to the most appropriate Pline of the owning section. When a section end is
trimmed to an alternative Pline the Positioning line lock property of the PLDATU is set to True which
stops the connection manager from trimming to a different Pline if further modifications are made.

The End Datum function creates an un-connected joint at a specified section end. An End Datum
(ENDATU) element has two main functions:

 Acts as an analytical point when using AVEVA E3D 2.1 data for structural analysis.

 Owns a Joint (FIXING) to reference a Catalogue joint element at an un-connected Section


On clicking the button and subsequent to selecting a Section end, the Create End Datum form is prompted
to allow the designer to reference a catalogue specification with the currently selected joint and modify the
dimension of the joint component parts.

The Check utility in the Connections group allows a Designer to review the section end connection status
for all structural sections in the 3D View through a colour highlight and text feedback.

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 Both Ends Connected: Green.

 Neither End Connected: Red.

 One End Connected: Blue.

 The end connection status is highlighted in the 3D view using default colours. The default colours for
each connection type can be modified via the Structural Defaults via the PROJECT tab.

Section Fittings

The Fitting button in the Create group allows a

designer to create a Fitting (FIXING) element
which can be used to represent any item which is
attached to the structure but which does not form
an integral part of it.

A Fixing may be used to indicate such things as the presence of a connected implied load, such as a pipe
hanger attachment, or an ancillary item such as a web stiffener or a flange plate.

Section fittings are auxiliary structural catalogue items that display in the Model Explorer as JLDATU,
PLDATU and FIXING elements owned by GENSEC elements.

 Each section fitting is designed to be associated with one or more Plines for the section profile it is
attached to. One section fitting type can be applied to all sizes of a profile category.

On clicking the Fitting button, the Section Fitting form is

prompted to allow the designer to reference a catalogue
specification with the fitting and modify the dimensions of
the fitting component parts.

On clicking on the Apply button, the user will be guided to

position the Fitting on along the section.

The Detail button displays a detailed image of the fitting.

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Modify Sections

Once a section has been completed, it may be necessary to modify the section, fixings or joints. A section
can be modified, the type, geometry and position of fixings and joints can be modified and bracing gaps

Modification functions can be invoked from the Modify group

of the SECTIONS tab e.g. Extend, Mitre and Split Sections.

Element properties may also be directly modified using the

Properties Grid.

Editor is a mode of operation in AVEVA E3D 2.1 Model which allows a designer to reposition selected items
using grips.

 Please refer to Chapter 4 Model: General Operations for further information on Model modification
and the use of the Editor.

Modify Joints

The modify Joint function allows the designer to modify the

catalogue specification associated with each joint in the

Each joint in the 3D View that may be modified is highlighted by a joint spherical marker.

The connection type and selection status of each

joint is indicated by the joint pin colour.

 Cyan = Subordinate joint.

 Orange = Dominant joint.

 Red = Selected joint.

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On selection a joint, the Modify Joint form is prompted.

The form allows the designer to reference a catalogue

specification with the currently selected joints and modify the
dimensions of the joint component parts.

Modify Fitting

The modify Fitting function allows the designer to modify the

catalogue specification associated with each fitting in the
model and to facilitate the graphical positioning of a Fitting.

Each fitting in the 3D View that may be modified is

highlighted by a fitting marker.

On selection of a Fitting, the Section Fitting form is


The form allows the designer to associate a catalogue

specification with the currently selected fittings and modify
the dimensions of the fitting component parts.

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A bracing gap can be created to define the gap between the bracing connection and a reference element.

Bracing Configurations are created as GENSEC elements and operate with any structural classification.

A number of bracing configurations with appropriate connections at the end

of the bracing sections can be created between GENSEC elements.

The supported bracing configurations are: Diagonal, Knee, Cross (pictured),

K and, Diamond.

As part of the design process, once bracing configurations

have been created the bracing gaps may require adjusting.
The bracing gap distance is measured from the bracing
connection to a reference element.


The Plates application allows a designer to create and modify floor plates and panels. Fittings can also be
created and modified.

Default Plate Specification

The following default structural defaults can be defined:

 Panel Classification.  Specification.

 Material  Panel Thickness.

Panel Storage

Stores structural sections or panels in a specific area of the

hierarchy. Structural sections or panels can be associated
with a grid plane or a framework/sub-framework element.

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 If a storage area is not defined prior to creation of a section or panel, an error message is displayed.

The structural storage area can be defined in two ways:

 Grid Storage
Sets the structure and grid plane that sections and panels are associated with.

The Structures and Grid Plane options lists are populated with the association properties of
the currently selected section or panel.

Grid storage is an automatic mode with which the element section (or panel) are created in
the appropriate framework associated with a grid plane on which the element is created.

Associated frameworks are created automatically if not existing.

 If a section or panel is moved or copied to another grid plane, the section or panel will
be stored in the appropriate framework associated with the grid plane. If multiple
sections or panels are moved or copied and one of the grid storage areas is locked, the
moved/new sections/panels are all associated with the locked grid storage area.

 Manual Storage

Sets the structure and framework/sub-framework elements that sections or panels are
associated with.

A FRMW or SBFR element is selected in the Model Explorer to populate the Structure and
Storage options lists. Selecting a section or a panel also populate the Structure and
Framework with the owners of the element. The structure and framework/sub-framework
elements list can be used to quickly select a storage area.

 If a section or panel is moved, the associated manual storage area is unchanged. If a

section or panel is copied, the new section is associated with the same manual storage
area as the original section. If multiple sections or panels are moved or copied and
manual storage areas is locked, the moved/new sections/panels are all associated with
the locked manual storage area.

Create Panels

The Create group of the PLATES tab offers a

number of methods to create a Panel (PANE)
element which can be used to represent any sheet
material used to clad a structural model.

With a similar principle to that for representing a Section (which is an extruded 2D catalogue Profile), a
Panel is represented by extruding a user-defined 2D shape. Its geometry is defined by two types of data:

 The panel’s planar area is defined by a Panel Loop (PLOO) element, which is itself defined
by a linked set of Panel Vertex (PAVE) elements, each of which has a specific position in the
panel’s 2D coordinate system. Each panel Edge is defined by a line that joins adjacent

 The panel thickness is defined by setting the Height (HEIG) attribute of the Panel Loop, the
distance through which the 2D Panel Loop is extruded to form the 3D panel.

The designer has the option to define a rectangular, multiple point or arc, disc or ring shaped panels with
different modes depending on the requirements and geometric information.

 The justification of a panel that results may be dependent upon the clockwise/anticlockwise direction
of creation for the panel.

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Negatives in Panels
A negative extrusion is formed by positioning PAVE elements to form a Loop (LOOP) and then extruding
them to form a negative volume.

A negative extrusion is owned by the Panel through which the hole is positioned

A negative may be created via the Create

group of the PLATES tab.

The designer has the option to define a

rectangular, multiple point or disc shaped

Create Panel Fittings

A Panel Fitting (PFIT) is a catalogue item which can be used to represent any type of geometric entity which
is to be owned by, and positioned relative to, a panel.

The Fitting button in the Create group of the

PLATES tab creates a Panel Fitting element e.g.
Hatch or Inspection Cover.

 A PFIT is positioned relative to the origin of its owning panel.

On selection of an appropriate Panel in the 3D View, the

Panel Fitting form is displayed. The form allows the designer
to associate a catalogue specification with the fitting and
modify the dimensions of the fitting component parts.

On clicking Apply button the user will be guided to position

the panel fitting.

Modify Panels

Once a Panel has been completed, it may be necessary to modify the Panel or Fittings.

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Modification functions can be invoked from the Modify group

e.g. Split, Merge and Offset.

Element properties (PANEL, PLOO or PAVE) may be directly

modified using the Properties Grid.

Alternatively, Editor is a mode of operation in AVEVA E3D 2.1 Model which allows a designer to reposition
selected items using grips.

 Please refer to Chapter 4 Model: General Operations for further information on Model modification
and the use of the Editor.

Modify Fitting

The modify Fitting function allows the designer to modify the

catalogue specification associated with each panel fitting in
the model.

Each fitting in the 3D View that may be modified is highlighted by a fitting pin.

On selection of a fitting in the 3D View, the Panel Fitting

form is populated.

The form allows the designer to associate a catalogue

specification with the currently selected fittings and modify
the dimensions of the fitting component parts.

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Walls & Floors

The Walls and Floors application allows a designer to create and modify walls and floors; including the
management of connections.

The User Interface has been aligned with the Structural applications at AVEVA E3D 2.1. There a no
significant developments to report at AVEVA E3D 2.1.

 Please refer to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 User Documentation for further information on the use of the
Walls & Floors application.

Stairs, Ladders & Handrails

The Stair, Ladders & Handrails application allows a designer to create and modify these structural elements.

The User Interface has been aligned with the other Structural applications at AVEVA E3D 2.1. The following
Section describes a notable development at AVEVA E3D 2.1.

 Please refer to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 User Documentation for further information on the use of the
Stairs, Ladders & Handrails application.

Stair Flight Creation – Calculate Mode

In addition to the Edge to Edge and Edge to Plane creation options for Stair Flights, AVEVA E3D 2.1
introduces the ability for the Stair Flight to be created in Calculate mode.

Stair Flight creation is instigated by the Stair

Flight button from the Create group of the

The new Calculate mode is prompted on selecting the Calculate

radio button in the Reference Points page of the Create Stair
Flight form.

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Calculate mode will allow a stair flight to be created

from an edge, and terminate in space at a point defined
by specifying the stair flight parameters (within the
constraints of the default being used).

Since only one edge is defined, the user has the option
of selecting if the stair flight is to run up or down using
the Up and Down Direction radio buttons.

As with stair flights defined to a plane, the Flip

Direction button will change the direction of the stair
flight by 180°.

The Stair Configuration page of the Create Stair Flight form

differs when in Calculate mode to allow for the termination
position of the stair flight to be defined manually.

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The Overall Rise, Rise, Pitch and Going can be locked

by checking the adjacent Lock check boxes to ensure
the parameters will not change when other parameters
are modified.

Use Default buttons are available adjacent to Rise,

Pitch and Going which, when clicked, set the parameter
to the Default value.

 When a value is entered which is outside the allowable range or causes another parameter to fall
outside an allowable range, an error is displayed and the value remains unchanged.

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Chapter 7

7 Model: Reference Grids & Design Aids

The designer in AVEVA E3D 2.1 is aided by the Design Aid functionality available in the DESIGN AIDS
tab. The designer is able to utilise Reference Grids of various forms, Construction Aids and directly
annotate the grid and model to aid the overall design.

: Clipped Model Graphic along a Grid Plane with Model

annotation (Elevations and Grid Labels).

Reference Grids

A principal aid to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 Model Designer is the provision of new Grid elements called
Reference Grids. Reference Grids are formed in the Model Database, may be used across an entire project
and added, with automated annotation, to project drawings in AVEVA E3D 2.1 Draw.

Reference grids are used as a pre-configured layout tool for modelling and can be used to control the
position of elements. Reference grids are particularly important for the layout of structures and for relating
piping to them.

In regards to the integration between the AVEVA products, the Reference Grids will line up exactly with the
grid elements used in AVEVA Bocad. Models and grids started in either product can be passed between
the two seamlessly.

Migration of Grids

Where migrating from AVEVA PDMS or AVEVA Hull & Outfitting 12.1.SP4 or AVEVA E3D 1.1 the former
Grid Systems may be migrated to the new Reference Grids.

 Please refer to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 Migration & Interoperability Guide for an outline of the
Reference Grid migration process.

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Reference Grid Hierarchy

Grid World (GRDWL) elements can own Reference Grid (REFGRD) elements
and Identification Information (IDINFO) elements.

If a GRDWL element is not available when a reference grid is created, Model

creates a GRDWL element, by default.

 GRDWL elements can be created by an administrator.

The Reference Grid hierarchy is formed by the following:

 Reference Grid (REFGRD)

REFGRD elements are administrative and can own Grid Face (GRIDFA) and Grid Elevation
(GRIDEL) elements. By default, a REFGRD element is created for each grid.

 Grid Face (GRIDFA)

By default, a GRIDFA element is created for each horizontal face of the reference grid. For
example, on a rectangular reference grid, a GRIDFA element is created for the X axis and
the Y axis.

 Grid Elevation (GRIDEL)

By default, a GRIDEL element is created for each vertical face of the reference grid. For
example, on a rectangular reference grid, a GRIDEL element is created for the Z axis.

 Grid Plane (GRIDPL)

By default, a GRIDPL element is created for each specified plane upon grid creation. These
elements dictate the shape and geometry of the reference grid.

Create Reference Grids

The Reference Grids may be created via the Grids

group of the DESIGN AIDS tab.

The Reference Grid may be rectangular, cylindrical or triangular in form.

: A rectangular reference grid which contains two

horizontal faces (on the X and Y axis) and an
optional additional vertical face (on the Z axis).

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: A cylindrical reference grid which contains

multiple cylindrical, grid and elevation planes.

: A rectangular tower reference grid which contains

two horizontal faces (on the X and Y axis) and an
additional vertical face (on the Z axis).

: A triangular tower reference grid which contains

three horizontal faces and an additional vertical
face (on the Z axis).

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Main Reference Grid

Additional functionality becomes available where a Reference Grid is defined as a main Reference Grid.

The following functionality is available:

 A main Reference Grid is the default Reference Grid for a Grid Ruler in the Draw module.

 A Hull View location can be defined in the Draw module.

To distinguish the main Reference Grid from other Reference Grids, the Purpose property of the REFGRD
is set to PLNT (in a Plant project) or SHIP (in a Marine project).

Query Element Position

The position of an element, relative to the main reference grid, can be queried.

 If more than one reference grid is populated with the Purpose value PLNT or SHIP, the element
position is measured from the nearest reference grid.

q gridx For example, the following could be used to query the position of the currently selected
element relative to the nearest grid plane along the X axis.

The Command Window returns:

GRIDX AxisES.1 + 1830mm

This indicates that the position of the element is +1830mm from the grid plane ES.1 along
the X axis.

Grid Modification

In addition to modification via the Properties Grid, the Reference Grid may be directly modified in the 3D
View when in Grid Edit Mode.

The Grid Edit Mode is entered by a double-click

on the identified Grid Plane (or linked
annotation), through the in-canvas command IN
(reversal via the command OUT) or the Navigator
option via the PowerWheel (where the cursor is
above the identified plane).

Selection, and access to Edit Mode, is confirmed

by the Model graphic turning translucent with a
focus on the Grid Plane.

Reference Grid Annotation

A Reference Grid may be annotated to provide a context to the design process. The annotation is held
within a hierarchy structure below the Reference Grid.

 Identification Information (IDINFO)

IDINFO elements are administrative and can own Face Label (FACELB) and Elevation Label
(ELEVLB) elements. By default, an IDINFO element is created for each GRIDWL element.

 Face Label (FACELB)

By default, a FACELB element is created for each horizontal face of the reference grid. The
FACELB elements contain properties that define the default grid label settings for all
reference grids in the GRDWL.

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 Elevation Label (ELEVLB)

ELEVLB elements are owned by IDINFO elements. By default, an ELEVLB element is created
for the vertical face of the reference grid. The ELEVLB element contains properties that define
the default grid label settings for all reference grids in the GRDWL.

Using the Properties Grid, the annotation properties of the Reference Grid may be altered for new and
existing grids.

The Grids group in the VIEW tab allow the user to alter the display of the Grid
annotation in the 3D View. The following may be altered:

 Annotation Text Size.

 The visibility of Label and Dimension annotation.

 Define whether the grid plane elevation annotation is measured from

the grid origin, World co-ordinates or as a Grid Plane identifier.

Construction Aids & Annotation

Construction Aids and Annotation aid the designer(s) in providing context and are reusable across a Project
as they are stored in the Database.

Design Aids allow the user to define 2D primitives to aid the modelling process. Annotations can be added
to the 3D model in the form of text labels and linear dimensions. Text labels allow the designer to associate
text with an element. Linear dimensions can be created to indicate the distance between two specified
points in the 3D model. Annotations can be associated with a model position, a Ppoint or a Pline.

The creation and modification of the

elements is aligned with the workflows seen
in the AVEVA E3D Draw module.

Design Aid Hierarchy

Aid Group (AIDGRO) elements can be owned by SITE, ZONE and

GRDWL elements in addition to discipline specific elements, for example,
STRU, FRMW and EQUI elements.

AIDGRO elements can own Aid Point (AIDPOI), Aid Line (AIDLIN), Aid Arc
(AIDARC), Aid Circle (AIDCIR), and Aid Text (AIDTEX).

If an AIDGRO element is not available when a construction aid is created,

MODEL creates an AIDGRO element, by default.

 AIDGRO elements can be created by an administrator.

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Annotation Hierarchy

Dimension Group (DIMGRO) elements can be owned by SITE,

ZONE and GRDWL elements in addition to discipline specific
elements, for example, STRU, FRMW and EQUI elements.

DIMGROU elements can own Line Dimension (LINDIM) and Model

Label (MLABEL) elements.

If a DIMGRO element is not available when an annotation is

created, MODEL creates a DIMGRO element, by default.

 DIMGRO elements can be created by an administrator.

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Chapter 8

8 Model: Supports

A key development in AVEVA E3D 2.1, the Supports application enables users to create multi-discipline
supports using an efficient and intuitive workflow that does not require write access to Piping, Cable, HVAC
or the supporting Steelwork elements. Extending existing configuration capabilities, AVEVA E3D 2.1 allows
the user to create standard supports and to configure various support types available within the Supports
application to meet project requirements.

 AVEVA Outfitting Supports is not available in AVEVA E3D 2.1.

Supports Administration

The Supports application is highly configurable allowing the administrator to define project related defaults,
to control the design of supports, and to determine the range and types of ancillary support components
that can be used on the project.

Migration of Supports

In order to use the new Supports application with AVEVA PDMS or Hull & Outfitting 12.1.SP4 or AVEVA
E3D 1.1 version model data, a number of conversion steps are necessary to make existing model data
compatible with the new application.

Before project data can be successfully upgraded to function within the AVEVA E3D 2.1 environment the
Administrator must ensure that all product updates have been performed to align it with the update
requirements for AVEVA E3D 2.1. The conversion process requires that the customer project utilises either
AVEVA PDMS or Hull & Outfitting12.1.SP4 Fix.28 (earliest compatible fix with AVEVA E3D 2.1) or AVEVA
E3D 1.1.

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 Please refer to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 Migration & Interoperability Guide for an outline of the Supports
Migration Process.

Database Design

The AVEVA E3D 2.1 Supports application uses a workflow that will NOT require write access to the Piping,
Cable Tray HVAC or main Steelwork elements. The following illustration shows how a Support Ancillary
points at a Branch or piping component and a Pseudo attribute is used on the piping component or branch
to point to the Support, thus requiring no write access on the piping hierarchy. The following is an example
of a typical Framework.

Database Design Consequences

 The SUPPO element does not appear in the member list for the branch, a Support Explorer
is included to help the Designer Navigate, Browse, Modify, Delete and Display Supports.

 Isodraft has been enhancing to take into account the SUPP elements.

 Datacon has been modified to check SUPP elements in the same way that ATTAs are

 Moving pipe (By, Drag etc.) will not move supports.

Advantage of Design

 No write access to branch or components required.

 Support is contained under one SUPPO element.

 New engineering related Elements created for example Trunnion, Ancillary etc.

 Better for deleting, adding to Drawlist (model and draw), reporting, flushing/issuing etc.

 SUPPO is the primary element i.e. fewer elements claimed.

 All additive to DB, no upgrade required.

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Supports Ancillary Data Form

In AVEVA E3D 2.1 the method to select Ancillaries on Supports has been updated to allow a greater degree
of control to the user.

The Supports Ancillary Data form contains the design parameter definitions for all the ancillary support
components that can be modelled using design parameters in the AVEVA E3D™ Supports catalogue. It
allows the administrator to define the physical dimensions of all the ancillaries to match a given vendor.

The Support Ancillary Data form has been improved at AVEVA E3D 2.1 with the inclusion of the Support
Compatibility and Selection Configuration tabs.

 Support Compatibility

The Support Compatibility tab defines which ancillaries can be used alongside other ancillaries within a
single support.

Each ancillary belongs to a class which indicates its role within the support. i.e. Welded Shoe, Stop etc. So
if we make an ancillary (i.e. Welded Shoe) compatible with another class (i.e. Stop) then we are able to
collect all corresponding items tagged with the compatible class (i.e. Stop) and make them available for
use with the owning ancillary (such items appear in the compatible standards list). Administrators are able
to restrict the use of certain ancillaries by placing compatible standards in the restricted standards list. Such
items will not be presented to users in the design environment.

The new tab can be summarised as follows:

 Selection Configuration

The Selection Configuration tab contains checks and restrictions for each ancillary. These are intended to
allow configuration of where an ancillary is both available for use and can be correctly used.

So for example if a component is ticked as Primary and Available on Framework then the
ancillary will be available as a standalone ancillary type as well as being available for use as an
ancillary selection when either creating a framework or using the Support additional Pipe,
HVAC or Cable Tray function in the support editor.

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 The Common part of the Selection Configuration tab applies to all ancillaries. The Trunnion Ancillary
part of the tab applies only to Trunnion ancillaries and becomes active if the support class of the
selected ancillary contains the word TRUNNION.

Dimension Control Designer – Support Implementation

The Dimension Control is a .NET based control that can be used within PML forms to enhance them with
a joined up graphical and textual user input experience. This control has been used within the supports
application to provide a more intuitive experience when designing a support.

As we can see above the control allows us to show a configurable graphical representation of a support as
well as enabling us to align input boxes with the graphics. Such configuration is undertaken in the
Dimension Control Designer.

The Dimension Control Designer (installed into the AVEVA E3D™ installation directory) allows us to
configure any instance of the Dimension Control graphically.

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In the case of the Supports user interface (as seen in the Support Editor). All configuration data for each
support type is stored within an XML file named SupportConfiguration.xml which is also installed into the
AVEVA E3D™ installation directory.

The Dimension Control Designer window allows an Administrator to apply custom configuration to
support dimensions.

The File menu can be used to open the SupportsConfiguration.xml file and populate the form.

When a configuration file has been loaded then we are presented with the designer window as below.

 The left hand part of the Dimension Control Designer window displays the content of the
SupportConfiguration.xml which is located in the AVEVA E3D™ installation directory. The xml text can
be modified directly.

The Mappings part of the SupportConfiguration.xml displays all of the configured supports. The support is
configured by a representation of the same name.

 Multiple supports can use the same representation.

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The Representation part of the SupportConfiguration.xml displays the filename of the image file used for
the support and each of the specified dimension nodes.

Each representation contains an image (.png file format), the standard images supplied with AVEVA E3D™
do not require a file extension. To apply a custom png image, the image must be located in a custom
support configuration directory, and the file name specified in the Image id attribute.

 The .png image may be formed in any Drawing package and should be 300px x 300px in size.

Any support type can be mapped to any other existing representation. For example you may have multiple
ancillaries that look almost identical and could therefore use a single representation. For example the
following ancillary mappings are all identical to the AT01 shoe type and therefore use the AT01

<Mapping name="AT12" representationId="at01" />

<Mapping name="AT13" representationId="at01" />

<Mapping name="AT14" representationId="at01" />

<Mapping name="AT15" representationId="at01" />

Dimension boxes can be added to the control to enable further user input. Dimensions can only be used to
control data element definitions by use of a DKEY attribute in the catalogue dataset. So for example if a
component has a defined parameter with DKEY hei, we would be able to allow a user to control this attribute
value by adding a dimension box to the component representation. This is achieved by entering the DKEY
of the property you wish to be able to control into the Add Dimension field and press Add.

Only items that are included within the user defined despar section of the Supports Ancillary Data form with
a valid range will be available for editing. Items that are not included here will be shown but the input box
will be inactive for user modification.

Framework Supports

The following sections describe the use of Frameworks in

the new AVEVA E3D 2.1 Supports application.

In principle, each framework support (SUPPO) owns a

structure (STRU) and at least one component (SUPC)
which in turn owns an ancillary (ANCI).

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Supports Autonaming

The Supports AutoNaming facility is a project wide facility enabling multiple users to
create supports in sequential order. On support creation the Autoname is automatically
applied, but if necessary can be modified within the Support Editor form.

The default file DES-SUPP-NAMES is selected by default on entry to the application.

 The Supports module does not allow the use of a full stop within the name. This is because
subsequent members are named by Supports as <Support Name>. Integer.

Creating a Framework Support

To create a Multi Discipline Framework Support,

from the SUPPORTS tab, the Framework button
is selected from the Create group to display the
Frameworks gallery.

The gallery displays thumbnails of all the framework types available within the project and places them into
categories of Cable Tray Frameworks, HVAC Frameworks, Multi Discipline Frameworks and Guide

 The list of Supports presented in the gallery is controlled via the active state of the Support type.

On identifying the tube of datum or support, the Ancillary Selection form is prompted.

Ancillary Selection

The Ancillary Selection form allows the user to select an individual Ancillary; the form is populated with
all available and unavailable ancillaries for the selected pipe specification.

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The specification properties of the selected pipe such as Bore, Material, Insulation, Temperature and
Elevation are displayed at the bottom of the form.

On selection of the required Ancillary the Support Editor Form is displayed for use.

Support Editor Form

The Support Editor form is used to define the properties of the framework.

The buttons and options, which appear for each support type,
are dependent on its usage and orientation. Consequently not
all buttons and options appear on every Support Editor form
or can be used in every orientation. Any buttons that are not
required by the particular standard will be deactivated, i.e.
greyed out.

 The name field at the top of the Support Editor form is

automatically populated with the next available sequence
name. Manual renaming is possible via the available

The 3D View button may be used to visualise the Support.

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 The created support may be modified and the Support Editor form reopened on clicking the Support
button in Modify group from the SUPPORTS tab.

The support can be positioned by using the Position

Through button in the Common section of the Support
Editor form.

The Position Through control form will now become visible

on the Support Editor form and the positioning can be fine
adjusted by either Align With or by Move by Distance

The support can be adjusted by using the Dimension Control section of the Support Editor form.

The support can be adjusted by using the Dimension Control

section of the Support Editor form.

Here aspects of the support frame can be adjusted by entering

specific dimensions into the text fields controlling each leg height,
Leg position relative to the support ancillary and distance between
vertical legs.

Build by Cursor and Build by Clearance are two methods of

building a support framework and creating the connection

On Selecting the required (steelwork), the framework connections

will now be built and the dimensions on the form will be calculated
and their values updated on the framework creation form.

The Clearance option allows the user to identify a single element

and the Supports module will calculate the clearance required
and build the framework.

 The clearance values between the vertical support GENSECs and the pipes being supported are
obtained from the Pipe Clearance field in the Supports Application Defaults form.

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User Bulletin

As there is no need to the write access to other databases,

ENDATUs are created under the support framework in the
hierarchy and no longer underneath the connecting steel.

The ENDATU element has a FIXING member.

The FIXING element contains key information about the

steelwork that the support framework is connecting to and
holds information about where the physical joint is positioned
and can hold a SPREF if a physical joint exists.

 On using Build by Cursor or Build by Clearance a

connection is established with the supporting
Steeelwork. This has the effect that the dimension
inputs become inactive on the Support Editor form to
ensure this connection is maintained.

Where elements have been added to the support on a different

level to the datum component, the Create Crossbar button can
be used.

Additional tabs on the form allow the user to modify the ancillary
and its components. An additional tab is created for every
ancillary used on the created framework.

As per the framework tab, the modifiable elements have editable

fields adjacent to them.

 Other ancillaries may have differing editable attributes.

 Each ancillary tab may allow further ancillaries to be created.

Such ancillaries are termed Associated Ancillaries and are
appropriate only to the Ancillary being displayed in the
current tab. Associated Ancillary selection criteria is
determined in the Support Compatibility Tab of the Supports
Ancillary Data form in catalogue.

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Steelwork Template Selection

The framework steel template can be modified from the Set Steelwork Template form.

This form is displayed by clicking the Set

Steelwork Template button in the Common
group on the Support Editor form.

Modify Connections

The Joint Specification form may be utilised to select a required joint (and define any settings) where a
physical joint is required

The Joint Specification form is prompted on selecting the

Modify Connection option from the Support Editor form.

 This button is disabled until building by cursor or

clearance has taken place and established the
connection hierarchy.

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Health Check Utility

The support Health Check Utility is automatically applied every time a support is completed. The utility will
run checks on the support and interrogates the following:

 Maximum steelwork sizes.

 Valid references to bedplates, guides etc.

 Checks to see if the maximum packing distance has been exceeded, as per the maximum
packing distance value on the Application Default form.

 Whether all the pipes are supported on the steelwork.

 Checks to see if any of the support attachments are NOT positioned along the length of the
associated cross bar.

 Checks to see if any of the dimensions values associated with the support ancillaries i.e.
shoes, do not exceed the values defined in the Catalogue Application Defaults.

There are two levels of responses:

 Errors
If any errors are detected then the Support is considered to be incomplete and the Support
Editor Form cannot be closed. Therefore the user is forced to return to the Support Editor
form to rectify the reported errors before being allowed to exit the creation form.

 Warnings
Any warnings that compromise the Health check of the support should be rectified in order
for the support to be considered as complete. However, the user has the option in this case
to exit the support creation form and return at a later date to modify the support.

Deleting a Support

To delete a support select Delete Support from the Delete group on the SUPPORTS tab.

There are two methods of selecting the support to be deleted similar to those in the modification process.

 Make the support the Current Element and then clicking on the Delete Support button.

 Clicking on the Delete Support button. The user will be prompted to ‘Pick support or <ESC>
to finish’ by graphical selection.

Bracing (GENSEC)

Creation of a framework bracing is invoked from the Support Editor form. Bracing steelwork sizes may be
selected from the available list displayed in the Size option gadget on the form. The bracing configuration
required is selected by clicking one of the seven Style buttons displayed on the form (these indicate the
location and direction of the bracing required).

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 There are two support bracing standard types available, XFB01 (FB01) and XFB02 (FB02).

Stand Alone Supports

A Stand Alone Support is a support aligned on a single line with no associated steelwork. For instance a
U-bolt on a line positioned on a piece of main steelwork belonging to a pipe rack.

To create an Ancillary Support, the Ancillary button

is selected from the Create group.

The Stand Alone Supports gallery will be displayed as follows: in the example below Ancillary is selected.

After selecting a pipe to be supported, the Ancillary Selection form is displayed containing a list of
available ancillaries matching the selected pipe specification (plus any that may be unavailable).

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The ancillary is created on the selected pipe and the

Support Editor form is displayed.

 It can be seen that most of the buttons are greyed out

as they are not appropriate for use on a Stand Alone
Ancillary support.

Trunnion Support

To create a Trunnion Support, the Trunnion

button is selected from the Create group.

The Trunnions gallery will be displayed as follows.

After selecting the pipe to be supported, the trunnion will be created and the Support Editor form will be

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 It can be seen that most of the buttons have

been greyed out as they are not appropriate
for use on a Trunnion support.

The following Trunnion properties may be set via the Support Editor form:

 Trunnion Height

Design geometry such as Steelwork and Walls/Floors may be

identified in the 3D View to determine a height adjustment.

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 Trunnion Material

By default the Trunnion material is as per the owning pipe material and can be manually configured by the
Select Trunnion Material form.

 Adding a Reinforce Pad to the Trunnion

If a reinforcing pad is required at the head of a trunnion it can be added with the Select Head Component
button as below. Available selections will be presented within the ancillary selection form.

 Adding a Guide to the Trunnion

It is possible to add Guides and other ancillaries to the base of the Trunnion. Available (and unavailable)
Ancillaries are displayed in the Ancillary Selection form.

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 Position Trunnion on a Pipe

For certain Trunnion types the user may set whether the Trunnion is
positioned on the Pipe or the previous component if it is an ELBO,

The toggle button reflects whether the component or pipe is


Component Support

Pipe Support

Hanger Support

To create a Hanger Support the Hanger button is

selected from the Create group.

The Hanger gallery with available standards will be displayed as follows.

After identifying the steelwork, the Template Hanger Creation form will be displayed as shown below
and displays all Fixed and Variable Hangers configurations available to the user

On selection of a Template Hanger, the hanger will be created and the Support Editor form will be

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 While the hanger is being created a check is performed to ensure the hanger can fit between the pipe
and steelwork member.

The hanger rod size can be modified through the

Change hanger rod Size button shown on the
Support Editor form.

 The buttons and options, which appear on the

Support Editor form, depend on the support
usage and orientation, therefore not all buttons
and options appear on every support form.

A Variable hanger is very similar to creating a fixed

hanger and the Support Editor form reflects this.

In addition to the variable hanger rod size can be

modified through the Change hanger rod Size

To change the spring type, click on the Select spring

for hanger button (shown below) on the Support
Editor form.

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Special Supports

A Special support is one of the following:

 A support that does not conform to any available framework template shape.

 A support that uses a different steelwork size to those available via default creation.

A Special Support may be created by selecting the

Special Support button from the Create category
located on the SUPPORTS tab.

The following options are available to create a special support:

 Multi Discipline Support

 HVAC Support

 Racking Support

 From Existing Supports

A Special Support can be created in two ways, the first with support ancillary only and the second from an
existing support.

An ancillary only will be created if below type is used initially.

 Multi Discipline Support

 HVAC Support

 Racking Support

The support frame can then be created using other methods such as Copy Project Special and Include
Section into Special.

Preliminary Supports

A piping designer can create a required Preliminary Support within an accessible Support Zone prior to a
Support Designer converting the Preliminary Support to an Ancillary Support.

The image here shows a typical Preliminary

Support representation in the 3D View.

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A Preliminary Support is created by clicking the

Preliminary button in the Create group on the

The Preliminary gallery will be displayed as follows:

Preliminary Supports are created in exactly the same way as typical supports by the identification of the
element to be supported and through the Support Editor form.

The designer may align the support with the

steelwork via the Position Through option.

A preliminary support can be converted at any time to a standard support type available in the Supports

In order to convert a preliminary support, the 3D View representation (cross) must be selected prior to
invoking a standard support from the SUPPORT tab. The creation process results in the preliminary support
altering in type but maintains the defined reference.

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Supports Tools

There are a number of Supports Tools in the SUPPORTS tab, a few examples are shown below:

Supports Browser

The Support Browser button in the Tools group opens

the bespoke Support Browser.

Support designers are able to navigate and interact with the

Supports Hierarchy via a bespoke discipline browser e.g. add to
3D View and perform actions via the right-click menu.

Each node within the Browser contains contextual information

with respect to all of the Supports in the Project. For example,
the designer is able to view supported Pipes in the model.

 This tool is particularly useful with AVEVA E3D 2.1 not requiring write access (and thereby direct
hierarchy association) to Piping, Cable, HVAC or supporting Steelwork elements.

Copy Support

A support may be copied (with an optional offset) via

the Copy Support button from the Tools group.

By default, the Supports application defines the support name for the copied support. The support name
can then be modified through the Support Editor form.

 This functionality is not available for Hangers or Trunnions. This is because the module completes
various checks while creating the support which may be bypassed in the copy process.

Health Check Utility

As a standalone tool the health check utility checks for the existence of any problems with separate checks
performed for ancillaries, structural supports, hangers and trunnions. Due to the multi-discipline nature of
the Supports application it is possible that design changes occur as the project continues that may invalidate
the support. The Health Check utility can be run on multiple support entities (check is made at Current

The Health Check can be run via the Health Check

button in the Tools group.

 The support Health Check Utility will also run automatically when clicking Apply on the Support Editor
form to finish the support creation procedure

After the health check is carried out, the results can be displayed on the screen or exported to an excel file.

 For a complete list of the checks performed by the Health Check Utility please refer to the AVEVA
E3D 2.1 Supports User Documentation.

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Additional Tools

A number of Supports utilities and tools have been collected together and are available via the Additional
Tools button in the Tools group e.g. Supports Drawing settings, Ancillary material definition, a Snipe tool,
Framework Spooling and a Support Standard Viewer.

 For a complete list of the functionality available via the Additional Tools options please refer to the
AVEVA E3D 2.1 Supports User Documentation.

Display Annotation & Rest Positions

The Display group allows the user to control the display of Dimension
annotations and Rests.

The Dimensions display option updates the 3D View

for the selected Support.

The Rests display option updates the 3D View for the

location of Pipe Rests.

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The Pipe Dimensions display option updates the 3D

View to display dimension tags for Pipes and Branches
on the selection of a Branch.


AVEVA E3D 2.1 Supports appear on the Isometric with the same representation as found in AVEVA E3D
1.1 and AVEVA PDMS / Hull & Outfitting 12.1.SP4.

In addition, any failures are printed to the Isometric rather than within a generated log file which enables
any issues to be highlighted and rectified efficiently.

 Please note that the Fail notation is also available in the AVEVA PDMS / Hull & Outfitting 12.1.SP4
IsoDraft module.


The Draw module has been updated to draw the new Supports at AVEVA E3D 2.1. Specific updates have
been made to the Area-Based Supports ADP application.

Updates have been made to the Isometric ADP application to visualise the new support locations relative
to the HVAC and Cable Tray elements drawn.

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Functional Limitations

The following features (available in AVEVA E3D 1.1 and AVEVA PDMS / Hull & Outfitting 12.1.SP4) are
not available in the first release of AVEVA E3D 2.1 and will be made available in future Fix Releases.

 At AVEVA E3D 2.1 manufacturer hanger support interfaces (LICAD, Witch Hanger and Pipe
Designer) cannot be used with the Supports application.

 Vessel supports.

 Branch Reinforcement.

 Lighting Supports.

 Please refer to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 Fix Release documentation for further updates.

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Chapter 9

9 Model: General Features

In addition to the principal development areas of AVEVA E3D 2.1 a number of improvements have been
made across the Model disciplines, the following Sections outline a few such improvements.


AVEVA E3D 1.1 introduced an enhanced graphical user interface and functional workflow for Pipe
modelling and modification.

The Piping tab includes all the tools required to create, modify
and check piping elements. The creation and modification of
piping elements is further supported by a series of intuitive
forms, such as the Piping Component Editor, that combine
a number of modelling tasks into one logical user interface.

 To ensure compatibility with AVEVA PDMS and Hull & Outfitting 12.1.SP4 the piping application has
been extended at AVEVA E3D 2.1 to account for functionality introduced in 12.1.SP4 e.g. Non-
Standard Branch Connections.

Sloping Pipes

The Piping application sloping pipe capability has been

extended at AVEVA E3D 2.1 to allow for multiple sloping
pipes at a piping component (plus the representation
thereof in IsoDraft and Draw).

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Setting the OFFTOL allows the piping designer to directly

slope away from the identified P-Point using the Piping user

Design Checker

Checker enables designers to execute rapid but sophisticated quality and integrity checks across all
disciplines. These checks can be built into designers’ everyday work processes or operated on bulk data
to validate larger parts of the design.

An initial set of checks, available with AVEVA E3D, allows a very rapid start – but the checker is fully
configurable, so users can develop further checks to suit business and project requirements.

The Check Results form has been updated at AVEVA E3D 2.1. The form is aligned with the product as a
new Sliding Form and may persist during design tasks. The results are held in a clear grid format with the
test, result and reason listed for each checked item

An item is navigated to (with label if option selected) if selected in the form. This facility is useful in locating
a failed element in order to correct the reason for the failure before repeating the checks.

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The form also offers useful functionality via the right-click menu when the cursor is over an item entry.

The right-click menu offers the ability to navigate/zoom to an item and add the
item to the 3D View.

The facility to Print or export the results to Excel format is particularly useful
for reporting purposes.

Autocolour Rules

Autocolour rules by default operate only on Drawlist items in the graphical view i.e. elements such as
Equipment, Branches and GENSECs. The Autocolour rules do not operate on their components, for
example Nozzles, Valves and Fixings.

At AVEVA E3D 2.1 rules can be defined for these

items (or a mix of these items and Drawlist items).
This can be defined on checking the Auto Colour
Components checkbox in the Graphics
Settings form.

 This ability to control the behaviour has been

implemented to avoid any unnecessary
processing overhead for components that
are not being autocoloured.

For reference, processing can be initiated via the command:


Or turned off by:


 There is no requirement to initiate this command for EXPORT as these rules are always processed
for all items.

In addition the number of AUTOCOLOUR rules that the user can specify has been increased at AVEVA
E3D 2.1 to 500 (previous limit was 200).

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Chapter 10

10 Laser

Laser scan data, including photo-realistic Bubble Views™, can be shown with the design model in the 3D
views allowing designers to take account of the latest information from the construction site. Breaking free
of the scanner position, HyperBubble™ technology also allows the user to walk or fly though a combined
Model and BubbleView quality environment.

A key facet of the AVEVA E3D 2.1 product is the use of, and interaction with, laser data in the Model and
Draw environments. Key laser features improved upon and introduced in AVEVA E3D 2.1 include:

 Integrated Laser User Interface.

 Laser data area management & Demolition.

 HyperBubble™ technology allowing the user to walk or fly though a combined Model and
BubbleView quality environment.

 Exact Clashing with intuitive object-centric reporting.

 Integrated and simplified Pipework Modelling.

 Incorporation of Laser Data in E3D Draw Drawings.

Laser data reproduced with the kind permission of Eaton Corporation Plc. This data has
been collected from a mock up facility at Eaton’s training centre in Houston that focuses on
industrial applications with over 5,000 products installed.

 Please refer to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 User Documentation for further information on laser capabilities
in AVEVA E3D 2.1.

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User Interface

AVEVA E3D 2.1 has fully integrated the Laser interface and functionality (removing the previous Laser tab)
into the Model and Draw user interfaces.

Laser functions associated with the 3D View and the

representation of data therein are located in the Laser
group of the VIEW tab.

Operations linked to the forming of the

Laser hierarchy and modelling functions
are located within the GENERAL tab.

Administrative laser actions are located in the Laser group of the ADMIN tab.

Importing the Laser Model

Laser Data may be imported to AVEVA E3D 2.1 via the Create Laser Model
option from the Access Laser options button in the Laser group of the ADMIN

On clicking the button, the user is prompted to select the location of the Laser Model Dataset (.lfd file) via
the displayed browser.

An XGEOM element is created beneath an identified Zone in the Model hierarchy and added to the 3D
View. It is possible to import more than one Laser Data Set as a XGEOM to AVEVA E3D 2.1.

 Please refer to the LFM Server 4.4 user documentation for further information on the preparation of
the laser data for import to AVEVA E3D 2.1, including the rendering process for HyperBubble™.

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Area Management

By classifying regions of the laser survey and persisting this storage within the database, multiple users are
able to efficiently access this data in a consistent and repeatable manner.

AVEVA E3D 2.1 allows the designer to:

 The regions of a laser data set can be created as a temporary Region of Interest to enhance
the Point Cloud locally or as a user-defined volume (Area Definition) which may be created,
edited, saved and classified for use across a Project.

 Enhance, Highlight or Mask multiple Laser Data Areas.

Region of Interest

The Display options in the Laser group of the VIEW tab

allow a designer to increase the resolution of points inside
a defined volume (Region of Interest) and set Edge

The temporary volume to be defined as the Region of Interest

can be defined by three methods: a Current Element Volume,
a Pick Volume or by Explicit Extents.

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Once the volume has been defined, it can be adjusted

graphically by entering the Edit Mode i.e. a double click on
the primitive volume to prompt the modification grips for

After the dimensions of the box have been adjusted as

desired, the quality of the points can be enhanced by clicking
the Set View Quality button on the Laser – Region of
Interest form. The density of points will be increased inside
the selected volume to optimise the visibility / performance

In the example here the Low Density toggle has been

applied from the Laser group of the VIEW tab to hide the low
density outside the defined volume.

Save & Manage Region of Interests

To support multiple users being able to efficiently access classified laser survey subsets in a consistent
and repeatable manner, multiple Regions Of Interest may be organised into an administrative database
hierarchy and thereafter used to clip and modify the representation of the Laser Data locally i.e. enhance,
highlight and mask the Laser Data subsets.

 The hierarchy may also be used in the management of Drawlists in the AVEVA E3D Draw module.

Regions of Interests can be defined using Area Primitives and stored beneath the database element Area
Definition (AREADE) and its administrative hierarchy.

The tools to create Area Elements and Primitives are located in

the Area and Primitives groups of the GENERAL tab.

On forming the administrative hierarchy, the primitives are formed as described for general Equipment
Primitives to contain the required laser data volume.

 Note that object snapping can be used to specify the primitive geometry including the snapping to the
laser data.

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On forming a Primitive-defined Region of Interest within an

Area hierarchy, it possible to affect the laser data through
representation toggles in the Laser group of the VIEW tab:
Detail, Highlight and Mask.

Selecting one of these options will modify the representation status of the points inside the Area
Primitives defined in one or all the Area definitions below the CE.

Detail: a toggle to optimise the density of the laser data points within the area definition
(or demolition package).

Highlight: a toggle to alter the colour of the visible points in the Area Definition volume
(or Demolition Package) when in Detail mode e.g. the Area Definition about the Pipe
in the below dataset has been coloured Purple.

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Mask: a toggle to remove detailed laser survey data within the Area Definition volume
(or Demolition Package).

Demolition of Laser Data

To ensure the as-built condition of the asset and extend the life of the laser Point Cloud, it is necessary to
remove demolished items from the laser survey through an auditable process. Not only is it necessary to
ensure the laser survey is kept up to date, it is necessary to ensure all users accessing the laser survey
can see demolished laser data at all sites.

Laser demolition tasks can be performed on the Laser data model after it has been loaded in AVEVA E3D
2.1. This process is typically used to remove:

 Interferences created during the Laser survey like personal, moving objects, reflections, etc.

 Temporary equipment like vehicles, scaffolding, etc.

 Demolished equipment or piping.

The demolition of laser survey data is managed by storing the geometric definition of the demolition in
conjunction with a reference to the laser survey (XGEOM) together with a demolition package stored in the
Design database.

 The demolition package can be transmitted between offices using AVEVA Global, ensuring that when
a demolition is applied, the demolition package becomes available to all other offices. Using AVEVA
Global to transfer the demolition package saves considerable time and bandwidth by removing the
need to transfer the laser survey.

The demolition package does not delete the laser survey data, allowing it to be restored if required.

Additionally, during the construction process it will be necessary to demolish items, this does not necessarily
have to be a destructive process, for example the relocation of a facility from one location to another. The
demolition or removal of items needs to be tracked at all times with an audit trail of the items removed. By
using a classified laser survey the demolition of the data from a survey can use the tagged engineering
items in the definition and not an arbitrary volume definition.

The process of replacement of existing components would be as follows:

 Modelling the new components to replace existing - the process of modelling the new
components will determine the laser components to be removed.

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 The classification of the laser components to be removed.

 The definition of the demolition package or packages to determine the sequencing of the
removal of items.

Demolition Hierarchy

Demolition tasks can be organised in a demolition hierarchy consisting of two
DEMOSE types of administrative elements: the Demolition World (DEMOWL), and
Demolition Sets (DEMOSE).
DEMOPA The volume for a demolition task is defined by Primitives created in a Demolition
Package (DEMOPA).

The Demolition elements can be created from the group

Laser Demolition within the GENERAL tab.

A demolition package element is a container element that

can own the primitives that define the demolition volume.

The Demolition Creation form allows a user to define the

general properties of the demolition package e.g. the
origin and position (via 3D View pick), Name and

On validating the Demolition Package, the user

is prompted to select the laser model to

the Select laser survey to reference form is

displayed when:

 If no laser model is displayed in the 3D


 Multiple laser models are displayed.

 The user does not wish to use the current

laser data in the 3D View.

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Once the demolition Package is created a

demolition volume can be formed using

Apply Demolition Package

This process removes laser survey data within a demolition package, ensuring that the 3D model is
consistent with the as-built condition of the asset.

The demolition package status must be set to demolition ready

before the demolition process can be completed.

 The representation tools from the Laser group of the VIEW tab - i.e. Detail, Highlight and Mask – can
also be applied on Demolition Set and Demolition Package elements.

Ready A Ready status is first applied to the currently selected Demolition Package or
Demolition Set (multiple packages).

 A Savework is required prior to the demolition.

Demolition Next, to apply the demolition, select the ready Demolition Package or Demolition
Set element, and click the Demolition toggle. The toggle will remain enabled for
this element to indicate that it has been demolished.

 Repeat the command to restore the laser survey data within the currently
selected demolition package or demolition set.

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Demolition Browser

If the demolition package is modified, status information displays on the Demolition Browser and the
Messages window.

The Demolition Browser allows the user to

manage the demolition elements.

The Browser consists of an explorer tree showing

the demolition hierarchy along with the status of
any elements: detailed, highlighted, masked,
ready, demolished.

The Browser allows the designer to create, delete,

change the representation and apply the
demolition for a selected element in the explorer

 The Browser supports multiple selection.


Introduced at AVEVA E3D 1.1, a BubbleView allows a designer to view the design model in a photorealistic
laser environment.

The BubbleView is prompted by selecting the Pick option from the

Bubble options button in the Laser group of the VIEW tab.

The user is then able to select a required point in the laser data.

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The BubbleView is then displayed within the 3D View.

The Bubble option opens the Available BubbleViews form and

displays the representative red spheres in the 3D View or BubbleView.

Thereafter the spheres (and form) may be used to navigate between


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By enabling the HyperBubble mode, the user will be able to navigate freely inside the Laser model, keeping
the same photorealistic environment as found with the BubbleView.

The HyperBubble technology uses textured polygon tiles that are projected on the laser points and
dynamically updated depending on the point of view.

It is possible to activate the HyperBubble at any point in the

modelling process by clicking the HyperBubble toggle from
the Laser group within the VIEW tab.

The HyperBubble is also instigated on navigating away from the fixed BubbleView position.

This is achieved on prompting the Fly or Walk Modes

from the Control group of the VIEW tab.

In the HyperBubble, measurements can be

performed between Laser Data and modelled

 Please refer to the LFM Server 4.4 user documentation for further information on the preparation of
the laser data for import to AVEVA E3D 2.1, including the rendering process for HyperBubble™.

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Exact Clashing

An important reason for capturing an existing facility as a

laser survey is to generate a clash free models and the
reporting of laser clashes has been improved at AVEVA
E3D 2.1.

As part of the AVEVA E3D 2.1 development clashing performance has been improved due to the special
occupancy map no longer being required.

At AVEVA E3D 2.1 AVEVA LFM referenced XGEOM elements are clash checked in a similar manner to
other AVEVA E3D elements. The results are reported as a clash between the AVEVA E3D™ primitive and
the laser survey at a specified position. The specified clash position is the centre of a cluster of laser points
about which there is a clash. If multiple clashes occur, for example when a pipe intersects with a number
of bulkheads, each clash is reported individually.

The updated mechanism of clashing AVEVA model element with the laser survey has simplified the
interface in that the user no longer needs to specify if the clash report is to be CELL or EXACT (as found
in AVEVA E3D 1.1) and the potential clash results will be reduced without compromising the accuracy of
the clash report. This simplification has the added benefit of improving the performance of running a clash

A Clash as shown in the


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Clash - Interoperability

When working in mixed modelling environment where AVEVA E3D 2.1 and AVEVA PDMS LMI are to be
used and clash reports need to be shared, it will be necessary to use the old style spatial occupancy
hierarchy. AVEVA E3D 2.1, when using the XGEOM element in the clashing process, will check for the
existence of the spatial occupancy hierarchy in the Design database and will automatically revert to the old
style clash reporting. As a result, the simplest way to ensure comparability of clash results is to generate
the XGEOM element in the AVEVA PDMS product and it can be used in AVEVA E3D 2.1 as it is.

Pipework Modelling

A single tool is now used to define the Branch Head or Tail based on the laser data, and is accessed in the
Pipe Editor form during the creation or modification of a Pipe Branch.

The Pick Branch in Laser Data button is available in both

the Branch Head and the Branch Tail tabs of the Pipe
Editor: Modify Pipe form.

Clicking this button will prompt the user to pick a point in

the Laser Data. This can be done in the standard 3D View,
the BubbleView, or the HyperBubble. The snapping to
Laser will automatically be enabled for this operation

A design aid will be displayed to show a preview of the

Head position.

 The direction may be reversed if required.

 Three Head / Tail attributes will be determined based on the Laser Data: Position (centre of cylinder),
Bore (calculated if the unset option is selected in the Bore list) and Direction (rounded to nearest
orthogonal direction). The latter can be controlled via a tolerance defined via the Piping Settings form
(accessed via the Piping Application Defaults button on the PIPING tab.

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Laser in Draw

AVEVA E3D 2.1 allows the creation and production of 2D drawings including laser data, by using the
standard Draw module tools like View creation, plus the Area elements created in Model.

Once a drawing has been created the rendered laser data is stored in the Draw database allowing users to
annotate drawings e.g. creation of dimensions utilising a laser object snap. The Drawing below
demonstrates the annotation of a drawing and the integrated display of laser and model graphic.

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Represestation of Laser Data

On populating a View, it is possible to modify the representation of the laser data by utilising Laser Volumes
defined within the Area and Demolition elements created in AVEVA E3D Model.

Laser Display options are available from the FORMAT 2D and

FORMAT 3D tabs.

The Display button opens the Laser Volumes form to

manage the Laser representation using the Areas created in

The Low Density Points toggle turns on or off the low

resolution preview of the Laser Data.

Different configurations of Laser Volume Representations can be applied for different Views in the same
Sheet or View may share a single representation. These configurations are stored in the Draw (PADD)
database via Laser Volume Representation Set elements (LAVOST), which are referenced by the Draw
View. Therefore, one LAVOST can be created for a single View or shared by a number of different Views.

The Laser Volumes form can be used to create

and edit Laser Volume Representations.

Once a LAVOST element has been selected for

the View, the Area and Demolition elements can
be selected in order to change the representation
of the Laser data.

 Clicking the Select LAVOST button allows

the user to change or create a linked

On selecting one or multiple Area or Demolition elements the following toggles can be (activated) to alter
the laser data representation

Detail Laser Data - optimize the resolution of Laser Data inside a volume.

Mask Laser Data - hides Laser Data inside a volume, where the points are
already visible in high resolution.

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Highlight Laser Data – colours Laser Data inside a volume, where the points
are already visible in high resolution.

 Note that it is possible to snap to laser data but this does not produce an “intelligent” snap, i.e. the
primitives and dimensions snapped to Laser points will not be linked to any Model data.

Print & Export

In addition to the standard print and export, the user has the ability to control the resolution of the Laser
Data in the final output deliverable. This setting, referred to as DPI, is contained in the Laser Drawing
Resolution property of a View element (allows different Laser resolution for different views).

The DPI setting controls the size of the laser points within the output – increasing the DPI will result in Laser
points being drawn smaller. This can have the effect of making edges of Laser Data more prominent and
increasing the clarity of the output.

 The Default DPI in Draw is 50. It is recommended that customers evaluate the required DPI for project
deliverables and set via the Options area of the PROJECT tab.

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Chapter 11

11 Draw

The Draw module was introduced at AVEVA E3D 1.1 and has been further improved at AVEVA E3D 2.1.
The module covers the generation and management of drawings, primarily those of the 3D model. As found
with the Model module the main features of the user interface are based on the Microsoft® Office Fluent™
user interface with a ribbon bar, status bar and Properties Grid.

Drawing generation is efficient, with rapid generation of views of the 3D model and highly interactive
annotation and dimensioning. Drawings may easily be output in various formats such as .DXF, .DGN and

The Draw development at AVEVA E3D 2.1 can be summarised as:

 Laser in Draw
Provide the ability to utilise Laser data in production Drawings.

 Reference Grids in Draw

Provide the ability to produce annotated Grid based structural drawings

 General Improvements
‘Small’ Improvements across the product = Greater Efficiency for the user.

 Common Interaction
Alignment of Draw Canvas interaction to Model interactions.

 Marine Features
Ability to form Hull Views and use a Grid Ruler annotation.

 Section Planes
Section Plane workflow (creation & modification).

 Export Deliverables
Provision of DGN and Image deliverable plus an extension to DXF export functionality.

Draw Transformation

Visual elements originally created by AVEVA PDMS Draft or AVEVA Marine Drafting must be transformed
before being viewed or modified by a Draw user in AVEVA E3D 2.1.

The transformation of visual elements such as Sheets, Backing Sheets, Symbol Templates and Sheet
Templates is only necessary when migrating AVEVA PDMS or Hull & Outfitting 12.1.SP4 project data to
AVEVA E3D 2.1 Draw. Transformation is not required for new projects created with AVEVA E3D, or for
new visual elements created in AVEVA E3D Draw.

Once transformation is complete and a Save Work has been applied, it is no longer possible to view
or modify the sheet using AVEVA PDMS Draft or AVEVA Marine Drafting. Similarly, new sheets
created in Draw will not be accessible.

One exception to the transformation of Sheets ‘on-the-fly’ is the requirement to ‘refresh’ Overlays. This is
not required where Overlays are to be transformed as part of a bulk up-front transformation process.
Refreshing is necessary in order for Overlays to appear correctly in AVEVA E3D Draw sheets. Unlike
transformation, a refresh does not affect the use of overlays in AVEVA PDMS Draft or AVEVA Marine
Drafting in any way. This is important when using AVEVA E3D Draw in a mixed project environment.

 Please refer to the AVEVA Migration & Interoperability Guide for further information on the
transformation process from AVEVA PDMS Draft and Marine Drafting 12.1.SP4 to AVEVA E3D 2.1.

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User Interface & Concepts

In general terms there is a consistent approach to Canvas and 3D View interaction with the Model module.
The following sections highlight key concepts introduced at AVEVA E3D 1.1 and are included here as a
context to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 developments outlined in the remainder of the Chapter.

 Please refer to Chapter 4 Model: General Interactions for further information.

Project Menu

The Project menu or ‘backstage area’ provides access to a number of key

commands and facilities including the common AVEVA E3D commands
Save Work, Get Work, Help, Modules and Exit.

Active Properties & Current Owner

The Active Properties form is used to view and change the

default properties that will be applied to new objects when they
are created, and to subsequently apply these properties to
selected objects if required.

Current Owner (CO) allows Draw to

interpret the user action in the Draw
Canvas and automatically place the
element within the Draw database

A Draw Sheet, View and Region are all

classified as being a Current Owner.

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Visual Layers

Draw utilises a system of Visual Layers to group 2D geometry objects in the Sheet to aid the management
and editing of a drawing (design geometry is grouped in Layer 0).

Visual Styles

A Visual Style contains preset representation properties for the Draw elements View, Text, Label and
Dimension. An element adopts a Visual Style either through definition on creation or by modification.

The use of a Visual Style ensures the consistency of element creation within the Sheet and across a series
of Drawings. The properties of the Visual Style are determined by the Draw Administrator and any further
alterations to the View Visual Style are reflected in each instance the style has been referenced.

The Visual Style may be specified prior to element creation by setting the style within the Active Visual
Styles group of the Annotate tab.

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Draw PowerWheel™

Introduced at AVEVA E3D 1.1, the Draw module PowerWheel has been
redesigned and extended to be aligned with the Model PowerWheel(s)
where appropriate.

 Please refer to Section 3.5 PowerWheel for further information on the use of the PowerWheel.

View Definition & Drawlist Management

The following methods of View creation may be

utilised from the View group of the Home tab.

Quick view creation allows the user to produce a View directly from the
Model Explorer to a default representation, scale and format.

From Model view creation allows the user to produce a View from the
Model Model Explorer using a 3D view. The View is created to a custom
representation, scale and format.

Projection view creation allows the user to quickly form a projection of a

defined orthogonal View.

Region view creation allows the user to define a scaled area of the Draw
Canvas for 2D drawing.

A Hull View is a symbolic cross-section view of the 3D model that details

the hull structure and outfitting elements from a specified location.
 Please refer to Section 11.8 Hull View for further details.

Detail view creation allows the user to identify a View and select an area to
form a Detail View of differing scale and representation.

Section view creation allows the user to quickly form a projection of a

defined orthogonal view and form a section plane therein.

Basic view creation allows the user to define a simple View for population
Basic at a later stage by any method e.g. the reference of a pre-defined project

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General View Features

The following features have been introduced at AVEVA E3D 2.1 to aid view creation and definition.

 3D View

The 3D View in Draw has been developed at AVEVA E3D 2.1 to be consistent with the 3D View found in
the Model module. The improved 3D View offers the same view interactions as experienced in Model e.g.
zoom, pan, and the use of the PowerWheel and PowerCompass.

 Note that the Status Bar updates on entering the 3D View to include appropriate Model options.

 View Frame detachment from Limits-Defined Content

Previously, a limits-defined view equally defined the content of the View and the View Frame size and
position. Consequently, a manipulation of the View Frame followed by an Update Design led to the Frame
‘snapping’ to the defined limits of the View.

If the view frame is unlocked, the frame becomes independent of the view limits and is unaffected by any
alteration to the view content or limits via 3D view or update commands.

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 It should be noted that where a limits-defined view (locked to Frame) has been defined the 2D View
manipulation grips are limited to the Scale grips only i.e. the Stretch grips are not available to the user.

The View Limits form, accessed from the Modify group of the Format 2D tab, supports the creation of
limits-defined views in the Draw 2D Canvas (including the View Frame lock feature described above).

 The View Limits button combined with the FORMAT 2D / FORMAT 3D tabs and the extensive in-
canvas view creation methods replaces the former limits-defined and user-defined view forms.

 Projection & Section View (First or Third Angle Projection)

A Projection View may be formed as a First or Third Angle projection. The user has
the ability to choose via the Projection option in the Options area of the PROJECT

 Element Selection via the Draw Explorer

In addition to direct Canvas selection, a user may drive a

selection through the Draw Explorer via the new option
Select Element.

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 View Centre on Stretch

On stretching a View via a corner grip, the use of the <CTRL> key will ensure the centre position of the
View graphic is not altered.

Grip Selection and Stretch Grip Selection (with <CTRL>) and Stretch

 Selection of Elements based on Current Owner

Where a Current Owner has been selected, it is now possible to select only elements owned by the Current
Owner when forming a selection window. This is achieved by the use of the <CTRL> key on clicking to
form the selection window – any elements not owned by the Current Owner are excluded.

 OLAY Visibility via Properties Grid

The OLAY Visibility property (Oslvisibility) is now available via

the Properties Grid when an OLAY has been selected. This
ensures the user has control over the representation of the
Overlay in the Sheet without the need to resort to the Command

 P-Line Visibility via Properties Grid

The P-Line Visibility property is now available via the Properties

Grid when a View has been selected. This ensures that user is able
to utilise P-Lines for annotation where required.

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Drawlist Management

The Drawlist Management form has been redesigned for AVEVA E3D 2.1 with extended functionality that
aligns the workflow with the Drawlist population in the 3D View.

 The Drawlist Name character limits has been extended from 50 characters to 120.

Selection of Drawlist & Drawlist Library

DLLB and IDLI options lists are auto-populated with the

data associated with selected item.

Able to Update form from the current View.

With respect to the available Drawlist tools:

Associate to View: Sets the selected Drawlist as the Drawlist to use for the view
selected on the canvas.

View Population

Add/Remove CE: Appends an Add/Remove item to the current Drawlist for

the selected element in the explorer

Add/Remove Rule: Appends an Add/Remove rule based on a criterion to

the current Drawlist.

Add within Limits: Clicking the button appends Add item for all elements
under the selected element, which lie completely within the defined Drawlist

An ADDE can be added quickly by dragging elements from the Explorer(s) to the Drawlist Management

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 Holding <SHIFT> during the drag, creates a REME on adding to the Drawlist Management grid.

Drawlist Members

 Action: indicates if the rule is an Add rule or a Remove rule. This may be altered via the
options list.

 Member: displays the name of the element encapsulated by the rule or the criterion to be

 Type: If Member is a Database element, this column displays the element type. If Member is
a criterion the word “Criteria” is displayed.

 Status: Indicates if the entry is valid in the context of the current Drawlist. An entry is invalid,
for example, if:

 It has REME action and the Member has not previously been added.

 It duplicates a previously existing rule that has not been undone by a subsequent rule of
the opposite action-type.

 When row(s) are selected in the Drawlist Grid, the following keys can be used to speed-up input:

+ New ADDE.

- New REME.

Drawlist Actions

Multiple row selection is possible by using the CTRL

and/or SHIFT keys. Multiple rows can also be
selected by dragging over the selection tabs on the
left-hand side of each row.

The Clean Up button is used to remove all invalid entries from the Drawlist.

Drawlist entries can be deleted using the Delete button.

Using the Update Design button, it is possible to update the current sheet.

A Drawlist may be saved using the Save button.

Drawlist Limits

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Limits can be set from:

 Current Drawlist within the Drawlist Management form.

 Current Element selected in the Model/Draw Explorer (must be either a model element or
an IDLI).

 Selected View in the Draw Canvas.

The Drawlist limits are used by the Add within limits function.

Hull View

A Hull View is a symbolic cross-section view of the 3D model that details the hull structure and outfitting
elements from a specified location.

A Hull View can be defined using a plane, an existing View, the Model Explorer or a Reference Grid.

 An X plane view is a transverse section, typically on a frame. For example, input FR172 to
create the view plane using Frame 172.

 A Y plane view is a longitudinal elevation. For example, input LP0 to create an elevation on
the centreline.

 A Z plane view is a plan view, For example, input Z=5000 to create a plan view at 5 metres
above base.

 The name of a panel or reference surface object can be input to define the view plane.

 A reference surface object, panel or panel component can be selected in an existing view to
define the hull view. The view direction is defined by the location of the selected element.

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Hull View Creation

The Hull View is available (only) in a marine

project and may be created via the Hull button in
the View group of the HOME tab.

On clicking the Hull button the user is prompted to reference a plane name via
an input or Model Explorer selection. Alternatively, the user may select the option
‘From View’ and select an existing Hull element in the Draw Canvas.

Thereafter the user is prompted to define the extent of

the View in the Draw Canvas by positioning two
corners or by a centre-point and dimension.

Hull View Modification

The Properties Grid can be used to modify the general and

Hull View specific properties of the Hull View including the
addition of outfitting elements.

The Hull View specific properties can be summarised as:

 Annotation Scale
Scale used for annotations automatically added to the

 Hull Content
Select to display outline or detailed hull content in the

 Limits
Defines the View minimum and maximum limits in X, Y,
Z directions.

 Location
View plane and looking direction.

 Outfitting Content
Allows the addition of outfitting elements to the View.

 Show RSO
Displays reference surfaces in the View.

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The Hull View can be modified as a Draw View i.e. be manipulated by grips and modified via the View User

 User Interface actions that are not currently applicable to the Hull View are not active in the Drawlist
Manager form and the FORMAT 2D and FORMAT 3D tabs e.g. Section functions, Projection View and
View Limits.

Drawing & Annotating Reference Grids

A principal aid to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 Model Designer is the provision of new Grid elements called
Reference Grids. Reference Grids are formed in the Model Database and may be used across an entire
project and added, with automated annotation, to project drawings in AVEVA E3D 2.1 Draw.

Automatic Grid Annotation

Automatic Grid annotation (labels and dimensions) is achieved by simply adding a Reference Grid to the
Drawlist with or without any other model data where a suitable Representation Rule is referenced.

 Reference Grids may also be annotated manually through the normal use of dimensions and labels
(in conjunction with object snapping).

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Modify Grid Annotation

Grid annotation may be controlled via the Annotation option within the
Format 2D tab.

Depending on the View direction, Orthogonal or Isometric annotation

options are presented.

 Clicking the top-level button toggles all sides on and off.

Visual Styles

The system generated annotation is fully configurable using the View Visual Style and the View Properties,
which allow the Draw user to set such things as which annotation is generated with what visual styles and
using which symbolic templates for labels.

The Visual Style is defined by the Administrator via the Visual Styles
group within the ADMIN tab.

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View Properties View Visual Style

Quick View using a Grid Plane

On selecting a Structure and using the Quick View method,

associated Reference Grid is automatically added to the View
Drawlist and annotated.

Grid Section View

In many cases, structural drawings are created from structural frames that lie on a particular grid plane.

To facilitate the creating of a View along a Grid Plane the Set View
button in the Grid group of the FORMAT 3D tab may be clicked
ensuring a Grid Plane has been selected in the 3D View.

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On clicking the Set View button, the View is adjusted to set the selected view parameters to the identified
Grid Plane. Through the addition of Section Planes a slice is created about the Reference Grid Plane.

Update Grid Annotation

Grid annotation may be updated or regenerated via the Grid

Annotations group within the UPDATE tab.

 Generates any missing annotation as defined by the View properties.

 Any modified system annotation or user created annotation is unchanged.

 Generates any missing annotation as defined by the View properties.

 Repositions & resets any modified system annotation as defined by the View

 User created annotation is unchanged.

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Grid Ruler Annotation

The Grid Ruler (GRDRLR)

annotation allows the user to mark
the grid planes of a Reference Grid
via an axial line adjacent to the View.

The annotation consist of axial line drawn along

particular world coordinate axis (X, Y or Z) and ticks
generated at intersections of this axis with design
grid planes.

The properties of the Grid Ruler may be pre-defined via a Ruler Visual Style.

The Grid Ruler is aligned with a default Reference Grid as defined by a Purpose SHIP or PLANT and is
automatically aligned with the appropriate axis on canvas placement.

 Please refer to Chapter 7 Reference Grids & Design Aids for further information on the use of
Reference Grids.

The Grid Ruler is defined by the following properties:

 Axial Line
The length of axial line is controlled by RULAOF (start offset) and RULBOF (end offset)
attributes. It is also possible to control axial line colour (LLColour) and line style (LLStyle).

 Ruler Ticks
Ruler ticks are generated automatically at intersection points between Reference Grid planes
and ruler axis. For each type of tick (Long, Medium and Short), the user can control the length,
colour and side.

The period at which a Long Tick occurs (RULTCKS) is defined by a value e.g. RULTCKS 5 =
every fifth tick or RULTCKS -5 defines the occurrence By Style. The system assumes that
the first intersection with the Grid Plane along a given axis shall be marked with long tick,
even if this intersection is not visible (not in ruler range).

 Labels
Each long tick can be equipped with a label complete with intelligent text.

 Blanking
As per other Draw annotations, the Grid Ruler supports blanking. The blanking margin is
applied separately to all the elements forming the Grid Ruler: axial line, ticks and labels.

 Centre-Line & Base-Line options

Marine users are able to use the Grid Ruler as a centre line or base line annotation within a
Hull View.

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Section Planes

Draw presents the ability to construct sections through specified design Model elements at the View level
using intersecting planes. All Section Planes are database elements and can therefore be used with more
than one View.

There are broadly three types of Section Plane that may be defined: Flat Planes, Perpendicular Planes and
Stepped Planes.

Sections may be created using the following methods:

 Section View
Produces a Section Plane in tandem with the creation of a Projection View and is defined
using the orthogonal source view.
 Limits-Defined Section
Produces a Section Plane by the definition of View Limits and is specified on selection of
Limits Box side(s).
 Explicit Section
Produces a Section Plane by explicit definition via the Draw Canvas or 3D View using an
existing View.

Section View

AVEVA E3D 2.1 introduces the automatic annotation of a Section Plane where created via the Section
View function.

Where a View has been selected in the Draw Canvas, Section View creation may
be initiated via the Section button in the View group of the View: Format 2D tab.

The definition of the section is formed by canvas placement (with object snapping) in the source view and
may be a flat or stepped section plane. The process allows for a single plane or double plane definition;
the latter would effectively form a slice through the View.

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On the Section View being confirmed, automatic section marks, referred to as View Section Indicators
(VSI), are assigned to display in both the source and the section views. The VSI indicates the position,
identity and direction of the section plane together with a reciprocal title on the created section view.

 Where a double section has been defined, only the front section plane will be indicated.

There is an inherent link between the Section and View Section Indicator. A modification to the
Section in either View is reflected in the other e.g. moving the position of the VSI will result in the
Section placement altering in the Section View and vice-versa.

Administration of the View Section Indicator and the forming

Symbols is controlled via the Section Symbol button in the
Templates group of the ADMIN tab.

The View Section Indication form allows the Draw Administrator to define the Properties of the View
Section Indicator.

The VSI Library (VSINLB) is previewed by the first tab and consists of five attributes that may be set:

 VSILSTYLE: determines the Linestyle of the Section line.

 VSILCOLOUR: determines the Colour of the Section line.

 VSITIT: intelligent text for the title created for the Section View.

 #VSICH defines the section character as part of the View Title & Symbol.

 VSITSR: title text Visual Style reference.

 VSICHS: the Sequence of single characters to be used as the section character for Sheet.

 Note that Visual Styles can be referenced in the above properties where appropriate.

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The SYTM 1 and SYTM 2

tabs allow the administrator
to define and modify the
symbol template that form
the symbol indicators.

The VSI Library (VSINLB) is set via the

System Defaults form.

On creation of the Section & View Section Indicator the following attribute is set:

 VSINRF: Reference linking Section in created Section View to VSI in Source View.

The Reference allows:

 Creation of VSI for the created Section in multiple Views (direction dependent).

 Deletion of the VSI on deletion of the Section Plane.

 Modification of VSI position and type (stepped or flat plane) in tandem with modification in
Section View.

Section Planes - Draw Canvas

AVEVA E3D 2.1 introduces the ability to define Section Planes (stepped, flat and perpendicular) in the
Draw Canvas through a canvas click or object snap.

The Section group in the FORMAT 2D tab allows

the creation and definition of Section Planes.

In addition, a Section Cutting List may be defined

and assigned to an identified Section (via mouse

On selection of the Create Section Plane button the Contextual Editor updates to allow the user to define
a Section Type and specify a position in the 2D Draw Canvas.

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A Section Plane vertex position may be associated

with a Model element in the Draw Canvas through
an intelligent object snap. Thereafter the Section
Plane/Vertex position will be modified on
modification to identified model snap position.

As per annotation, the intelligent position is denoted

by a yellow circular grip (as opposed to the non-
intelligent blue square grip).

On clicking the Display button, modification of the Section Plane in the Draw Canvas is achieved through
the use of grip manipulation.

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For Stepped Sections, the Additional Grip toggle (Status Bar) displays
Vertex Addition grips.

 A Section Vertex may be deleted by the selection of a Vertex and clicking the <delete> key or using
the Bin in the bottom corner of the Draw Canvas.

Section Planes – Limits-Defined

The Limits group within the FORMAT 3D tab allows the definition of limits defined Views and the creation
of associated Section Planes via the adjacent Section Plane toggle buttons.

Section Planes – 3D View

The Section group in the FORMAT 3D tab allows

the creation, display and definition of Section
Planes in the 3D View.

A Section Cutting List may be defined and

assigned to an identified Section (via Section

The creation and modification of the Section (flat, perpendicular or stepped) is consistent with the 2D Draw
Canvas in regards to the ability to place a Section (with the use of Object Snaps) and manipulate via the
available grips (prompted by a double-click on the Section Plane).

 On first entering the 3D view the LCS is set perpendicular to the view direction to support the creation
of the Section.

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Where the view direction is altered within the 3D view the LCS will require realignment prior to section
creation. This can be controlled by the PowerCompass (prompted via the PowerWheel).


Further to the provision of the new Clipping feature in Model, Clipping is available in the Draw 3D View.
Clipping has been provided in the Draw 3D View to aid the Draw user in previewing the application of a
Section Plane prior to an Update Design and to isolate a region of the model by hiding all parts of the model
falling outside the user defined clipping box.

The Clipping user interface is split between the Limits and Clipping groups of the FORMAT 3D tab.

The Draw clipping functions are available in the Clipping group

and allow the Draw user to clip a Section Plane or the View
Limits box.

The Limits group allows the user to add the Current

Element (as defined by the Model Explorer) within the
View Limits to the 3D View.
The Display button enables the user to hide the limits
box to visualise the effect of the clipping action.

 Please refer to Section 4.2 Clipping the View for further information on the use of clipping functions.

The screenshot below illustrates a Draw user being able to preview the effect of a Section Plane on the
View content by selecting the Clip Plane button and selecting an individual clip plane in the 3D View.

 The Section Plane representation has been hidden in the 3D View above via the Display button in the
Section group. Capping has been applied via the Cap button in the Section group.

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View Representation

Display Pipe Geometry & Insulation

AVEVA E3D 2.1 (and AVEVA PDMS introduces a change to how the attribute ‘Insulation’ of the
Representation Style is used for the Piping Insulation.

 The Insulation flag does not now solely toggle Pipe Insulation On and Off

 The insulation flag continues to work as it did for all other insulation types

 There are two new Representation Style attributes that are used solely for Pipe Insulation.

PINSSTYLE integer/line_pattern the default value is OFF

PINSCOLOUR integer/colour_name

The result of using these new Representation Style attributes is as follows:

The Tube Flag is ON, the FFSTYLE is set to Solid, the Insulation
flag is OFF and PINSSTYLE is OFF. The result would be the same
if the PINSSTYLE was set because the Insulation flag still controls
the toggling of all insulation.

The Tube Flag is ON, the FFSTYLE is set to Solid, the Insulation
flag is ON, the PINSSTYLE is set to Dashed and the
PINSCOLOUR is set to Blue

The Tube Flag is ON, the FFSTYLE is set to Dashed, Insulation

flag is ON, the PINSSTYLE is set to Solid and the PINSCOLOUR
is set to Blue.

Notice that the tube is dashed for only those that have insulation. To produce this type of display, you will
need to use two rules, one for the dashed tube and another for the solid tube. The rule for the dashed tube
shown here would contain a criterion such as the following;


Otherwise, the result would be that all tube were displayed dashed.

 Drawing both Pipe and Pipe Insulation in the same view means more graphics processing and it will
take longer to produce such a view compared to one that contains just Pipe or just Pipe Insulation.

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Dimensions are calculated directly from the model with the user able to control the format, content and
appearance of the created dimension. There are four generic dimension types available in AVEVA E3D
Draw that allow intelligent dimensions to be created.

Linear Radial Angular Pitch Circle

Dimension Dimension Dimension Dimension

General Dimension Features

The following features have been introduced at AVEVA E3D 2.1.

 Vertex Editor Improvements

As an extension to the Properties Grid, an individual

dimension vertex may be modified by the use of the Vertex

The Vertex Editor form allows the selection of an individual

dimension vertex (dimension point) through selection from
the Vertices list.

The selected vertex is highlighted in the Draw Canvas and

the Selected Vertex Properties Grid is updated.

 Projection Line Clearance / Overshoot by Canvas Pick

The Dimension Projection Line Overshoot and

Clearance properties may be altered via the
Properties Grid or by direct canvas interaction
using the Dimension grips.

Individual Projection lines may be altered in the

same manner via the Vertex Editor.

 In order to view the Overshoot and Clearance

grips, the Additional Grips option must be on
in the Status Bar / Properties Grid.

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 Dimension Vertex Additions

To promote an efficient dimension modification, when

creating additional Dimension vertices via the plus
grip, the action persists until dismissed.

 External Dimension Line Lengths

The addition of the Dimension Text property Extended Dimension

Line allows the user to automatically control the extension of the
external dimension line by the placement of the Dimension Text.

 Definition of Before / After Dimension Points

For supporting element types, it is possible to define a Dimension (before/after/point) at each vertex position
of a dimension during creation.

 Labels & Dimensions - Resolving of Intelligent Text prior to placement

Intelligent text, for example #name, is resolved in the annotation preview to allow the accurate first-time
placement of the label or dimension.

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 Rotation property for Dimension Text.

The Dimension Text property Dimension line text rotation angle (and the associated text rotation grip)
can be used to orientate dimension texts.

 Dimension Line Continuation with Multiple Line Text

The Dimension Line property Dim Line Continuous can be used to define whether the dimension line
should be broken by multiple line dimension text or remain continuous.


Labels are a form of drawing annotation associated with model elements and comprise text and/or graphics.
AVEVA E3D Draw principally uses template labels, of which there are two variations:

General Template Label (GLAB) User is able to adapt the label content and format to a specific
purpose. This may include the use of Intelligent Text to derive
the label content from the model.

Symbolic Template Label (SLAB). The label is formed by a pre-defined label template often
containing a symbol and/or Intelligent Text for a specific

Labels can be attached to a model element and used to display any attribute of the element. Direct
reference to the model data, combined with a simple update annotation operation, ensures the annotation
reflects the current state of the 3D model.

General Label Features

The following features have been introduced at AVEVA E3D 2.1 to aid label creation and definition.

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 Labels (and Symbols) - Resolved Text within Draw Browser

To aid the Draw user, the thumbnail preview of a Label or Symbol in the Draw browser may be altered to
avoid confusion where intelligent text is referenced. The development makes use of the Example Text
property for the Text Primitive (TEXP) owned by the Text Template (TXTM) or Symbol Template (SYTM).

 Label Alignment in the Draw Canvas

The Label Align feature in the Annotate group of the

ANNOTATE tab allows the user to align labels in the horizontal
or vertical direction to a reference label in the Draw Canvas.

Labels may be aligned in a Standard mode or Extend mode (angle of leader line is preserved).

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 Border Sides

The frame border of a general label may be

controlled using the Frame Sides Visibility
options list in the Frame group of the LABEL

 Automatic Tagging

Labels created by the Automatic Tagging utility respect the current Visual Layer and Visual Style on creation
at AVEVA E3D 2.1.

In addition, improvements have been made to the Automatic tagging form to allow LAYE elements to be
created directly from the form and for Labels to be selected from the Draw Browser.

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The PowerSelector has been introduced at AVEVA E3D

2.1 to allow Draw users to quickly and efficiently make a
canvas selection and thereafter alter the properties of the
selection via the Properties Grid. The feature may be
summarised as:

 Criteria based selection of Primitives (incl. Text).

 Criteria based selection of Annotation (Labels &

Dimensions) including the ability to select an
annotation based on the connected Model
Element Name and/or Type.

The PowerSelector form can be explained as follows:

A Draw user is able to quickly select Primitives or

Annotation in the Draw Canvas based on filter criteria.

Elements may be selected across the entire Sheet (All)

or by the Current Owner.

The user is able to define Starting Filters or Individual

Filters based on an element selection in the Draw

Selection can be defined through filters i.e. the type of

Primitive and a property filter.

 As filters are applied, the canvas dynamically

updates with a current selection based on the
defined criteria.

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The user may alter the context of a filter by using

qualifiers: equals, not equals, starts with, ends with,
contains and does not contain.

Where two filters are applied referencing the same

property an ‘or’ statement is applied i.e. Colour = Red or
Colour = Blue.

For Annotation it is possible to select elements based on their intelligent link to the E3D Model.

Able to define selection based upon the Name of

the connected element.

Able to define selection based upon the Type of

the connected element…

…including the use of any With criteria e.g. select

Labels attached to Branches with a HBOR greater
than 100mm.

On the definition of a selection, the user may alter the elements via the Properties Grid, Draw Canvas or
save the selection as a Collection. The Collections form has been enhanced in Draw to allow the user to
select any formerly saved Draw elements in the Draw Canvas via the Select on Canvas button.

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2D Drawing

The Draw tab contains functionality pertaining to the creation, measurement and modification of 2D drawing

2D Primitives may be created at the Sheet level or within a Region. A Region is a type of View and defines
a scaled area of the Drawing Sheet which can be used for drafting. A Region has a pre-defined, independent
scale and can be created at any point in the drawing process.

A Region is a Current Owner and may be created

by clicking the Region button from the View group
of the Home tab.

General 2D Drawing Features

The following features have been introduced at AVEVA E3D 2.1 to aid the 2D Drawing process.

 Region Intelligent Text

The following intelligent texts have been introduced:

Scale Region: #VRAT<FR REGION>

Scale Region Num: #VRAT(1)<FR REGION>

Scale Region Den: #VRAT(2)<FR REGION>

 Merge Function

A Merge tool is now available in the Modify

group of the DRAW tab for use in the Draw
Canvas e.g. to merge multiple STRA to form an

Revision Management

Introduced in AVEVA E3D 1.1 Draw allows the management of drawing versions by a Revision Control
utility and, further, presents the opportunity to compare revisions and highlight any changes.

To add or edit a drawing revision, the Editor button is

clicked in the Revision group of the Manage tab.

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Display Revision

Previously created revisions can be viewed using the Display Revision button on selection of a Revision
in the Revision Control form.

The Revision Viewer window

allows the user to view, print and
export a revision to a PDF file.

The sheet name displays at the

bottom left, and the current
revision status displays at the
bottom right.

 The Revision can only be

displayed in black & white.

Revision Intelligent Text.

Special functionality is provided for the intelligent text that extracts revision data:
 #APPR Approve
 #APDT Approval date
 #RVSN Revision
 #RVDT Revision date
 #RVAU Revision author

At AVEVA E3D 2.1, a user is able to make use of new intelligent text to extract data from a past revision
and last revision.

 #RVSN<FR SREVAY[-1]> Generates the revision from the sheet's last revision.

 #APDT<FR DREVAY[-2]> Generates the approval date from the drawing's second from
last revision.

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Draw Administration

Text Template Form

A new user interface has been introduced in AVEVA E3D 2.1 to define a Text Template (TXTM).

The existing text templates display in the Available Templates list and on selection of a text template the
preview and Properties Grid updates to allow modification. The form includes the following interface actions:
Create a new template Displays the Create Text Label Template window.

Delete selected templates Deletes the selected text template from the Available
Templates list.
If a text template which has been assigned to objects is
deleted, those objects are automatically assigned to the
AVEVA Default style.
Copy values from TEXP Allows an administrator to copy the values from an existing
text string (TEXP) element.

Explore the template hierarchy Displays the Hierarchy Browser window, indicating the
location of the default text template hierarchy.

Create a new template with Allows an administrator to copy an existing text template.
starting values created from the

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Visual Styles

The following features have been introduced at AVEVA E3D 2.1 to aid the definition of Visual Styles.

 Default Visual Styles

The Check Boxes adjacent to available Visual

Styles in the Visual Styles administration form
allow an administrator to define a default Visual
Style to be used by the Draw user.

The default Visual Style selection is reflected in the System Defaults form:

 Visual Style and Position Format

The Position Format (POSFORMAT) can now be set for each Visual Style. The Position Format may be
set to ENU, XYZ, Ship or Numbers formats.

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 Dimension Units and Precision

A Draw administrator is able to set units (UCODE)

and precision (PCODE) via the Dimension Visual

 Also now able to remove trailing zeros as part of

the Precision Code property.

General Draw Administration Features

The following features have been introduced at AVEVA E3D 2.1 to aid Draw administration.

 PML Expressions in Intelligent Text

Intelligent text now supports the calling of a global PML function (or a global string variable) as part of the
Intelligent Text expression, using the #PML syntax. The PML function must return a string.

Example 1:

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Example 2 (including calculation):

-- PML Function to calculate the number of rungs on a CWAY component
define function !!getRungs(!component is DBREF) is STRING

-- Check for a valid component type

if (!component.type.neq('CTRAY')) then

-- Not a valid component type so provide suitable message

!string = 'Invalid Component Type'


-- Get component data

!owner = !component.owne
!catref = !component.catref
!rungSpacing = !catref.para[12]

-- For a straight piece of cable tray

if (!catref.gtype.eq('FTUB')) then

-- Read the start and the end of the straight piece

VAR !posPA POS PA OF $!owner
VAR !posPL POS PL OF $!owner

-- Turn the start and end points into position objects

!posPAObj = object POSITION(!posPA)
!posPLObj = object POSITION(!posPL)

-- Calculate the length

!length = !posPAObj.distance(!posPLObj)

!numberOfRungs = !length / !rungSpacing

-- Build the output string

!string = 'Number of rungs: ' & !


-- Every other component cannot be calculated yet

!string = 'Cannot Calculate'



return !string


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 New Symbol & Symbolic Label Attributes:

Symbolic labels now include the fill colour attribute FCOLOU which makes it possible to override the
template fill colour on individual labels.

Symbols now include the linestyle and colour attributes TXCOLO, LFSTYL, LFCOLO, FCOLOU which bring
them into line with symbolic labels, making it possible to override the symbol text colour, primitive line style
and colour and fill style.

For all these attributes the default is ‘by template’. They also support ‘by (SHEEt) visual layer’, explicit
values and (for symbolic labels only) ‘by visual style’

 Line Widths

The user-defined maximum line width in Draw has been increased to 10mm from the previous 2mm.

 Line Style with a Central Glyph

A user-defined Line Style may contain one or more Glyphs. A code number (DECMOD) may be assigned
to a Line Style to signify how the glyphs in respect to the line style are to be distributed.

AVEVA E3D 2.1 introduces DECMOD 7 to place one glyph at the centre of the line.


CAD Import

Introduced at AVEVA E3D 1.1, the CAD import tool in the Import group of the
TOOLS tab allows a drawing sheet or symbol template to be formed from an
imported CAD (.dwg or .dxf) file.

For example, the tool may be used to import a Backing Sheet or simple Overlay.

AVEVA E3D 2.1 has extended the tool to allow the direct import of CAD (.dwg or .dxf) Symbols to an E3D
Draw Symbol Template.

 The user must be located at a Symbol Library for the Import utility to recognise the intent of the import.

The import tool has been further extended to import images, and for imported sheet layers to be translated
to created Draw Visual Layers.

Excel Import

An Excel Table may be inserted to the Sheet on selection of the Excel

button from the Import group of the Tools tab.

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Further to the ability to include an Excel image in the Draw Canvas, AVEVA E3D 2.1 introduces the ability
to double-click the Excel image to invoke Microsoft Excel. On saving the Excel file, the Draw Excel image
is updated to reflect the new information.

 Note that there is no direct link between the Draw Excel image and the original document i.e. any
direct changes to the original document will not be reflected in the Draw Excel image.


DGN Export

AVEVA E3D 2.1 introduces the ability to export to DGN format (v8 format).

 The LIEXEC supporting export syntax has also been implemented alongside the User Interface.

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Image Export

AVEVA E3D 2.1 introduces the ability to export to Image (.PNG, .JPEG, .TIFF, .BMP and .GIF formats).

 Supporting Command Line Syntax: PLOT CE IMAGE /C:\Outputfile.png ‘IMAGE PNG’

DXF/DWG Export

The following features have been introduced at AVEVA E3D 2.1 to aid Draw export to DXF/DWG (now
including AutoCAD 2014).

 Blanking

Blanking is respected in the export process and is observed in the output deliverable.

Plot Styles

At AVEVA E3D 2.1 changes have been made to the storage mechanism for Plot Styles. Plot Styles are
now accessed and stored in the database.

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The Plot Style is stored beneath a Style World (STYWL) and

Plot Style Table (PSTYTB) and defined by a series of Action
Types (PLTACT).

Available Action Types include:

 Colour

 Line Type

 Fill Type

 As highlighted by the screenshot here, updates to Plot Styles have been made to the Draw sample

A new user interface has been provided at AVEVA E3D 2.1 to create and administer Plot Styles.

To create or modify Plot Styles, the Plot Styles button is clicked in the
Settings group of the ADMIN tab.

The Plot Styles form is displayed; listing the existing Plot Styles. The list(s) of actions that comprise the
Plot Style are displayed in the Plot Style Actions area of the form. In the example below colours in the Sheet
are to be transformed to a shade of grey (Monochrome) through a colour Action Type.

 Please refer to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 Migration & Interoperability Guide for advice on the migration
of Plot Styles to the Draw database.

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Chapter 12

12 Integration

Hull Data

AVEVA E3D 2.1 introduces the ability to display Hull data in the Model environment.

The hull project setup must be made available to AVEVA E3D 2.1. This is achieved by a function in AVEVA
Marine 12.1 Inithull, which transfers the hull system defaults into the hull database.

 Please refer to the AVEVA E3D 2.1 Migration & Interoperability Guide for advice on the inclusion
of Hull data in AVEVA E3D 2.1.

Hull design data is made available in AVEVA E3D 2.1 to support outfitting design users working in marine
or mixed projects. The access to hull objects is not complete and the following hull objects are not visualized
in the current version:

 Initial Design compartments  Hull seam

 Hull blocks  Hull plane

 Hull Marks  Hull point

 Welds  Hull cylinder

 Spaces and space arrangements  Pin Jigs

 Hull curve  FE-Images

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Integrator can be used directly in the Model 3D canvas

in the Piping and Equipment applications by
selection of the Integrator Mode button in the TOOLS

Integrator Mode sets the canvas to monochrome and provides contextual options to compare the selected
pipe or equipment, and to view it on its P&ID.

Comparison results are displayed in the Integrator panel and on the 3D canvas. The panel acts as a task
hub to step through each issue at pipe, branch and component level. From the panel the designer can:

 Accept differences

 Copy data from the P&ID

 Zoom to the item in the 3D canvas

 View the item on the P&ID and build it if missing from the 3D model

 Redo comparison to see the effect of changes

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Issues at pipe or branch level will result in colouring of the whole pipe or branch respectively, so these must
be fixed or accepted before redo comparison in order to see the next level of issues at branch or component

Limit Points

Piping designers can place Integrator Limit Points on the P&ID to indicate where a pipeline should be
divided into multiple pipes in the 3D model.

Options for the Designer

Integrator options allow the designer to control some aspects of the process, including:

 Simple selection of configurations (all the more complex rule configuration has moved to the
Administrator’s scope)

 Selection of storage locations for limit points and accepted differences data

 Build zone for equipment and pipes

 Whether to auto-route when building missing branches

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Integrator Advanced Functions

Other Integrator functions remain available from the Check

group on the HOME tab and the prompted INTEGRATOR
tab and Main Table.

Integrator Administration

Administrative functions are provided from the Integrator group on the

Admin tab.

At AVEVA E3D 2.1 Integrator allows an Administrator to setup multiple Configurations for use on the project,
but hides their definition from end users. A Configuration brings together Compare Colours, Comparison
Categories and Rule Sets inside the Configuration Explorer. For Integrator, an administrator is either a free
user or a member of team CUADMIN (this team is also used by Compare/Update).

End users always access the default configuration file (ProjectConfiguration.xml in the appropriate project
folder) so you need to save to this file to make any changes available to the project. Administrators can
work with any filename, since any project configuration file opened in the Configuration Explorer becomes
their current file (and is remembered across sessions). Thus you can test using a different file and save to
the default filename when ready to deploy the changes.

 A new rule has been added to determine the corresponding pipeline for a pipe when in Integrator

Compare/Update Links

The Integrator link references have been made no claim. The reference attributes DesLnk, SchLnk and
EngLnk are set on the CYMLNK object which is normally hidden from the end user, and these appear as
pseudo attributes on the individual 3D, schematic and engineering objects.

This enhancement resolves the scenario such as where the engineering user links their object to the
schematic object and then the 3D designer links their object to the schematic object, only to find this rejected
because the CYMLNK was claimed by the other user. The second link action no longer require a claim of
the CYMLNK, and the 3D object will now be linked to both the schematic and engineering objects. The first
user will have the CYMLNK in their claim list since they created it, but this does not prevent the second
user from also linking.

 Note that it is still necessary for the concurrent users to save and get work in order to see each other’s

When used in a global project, AVEVA recommends that the project administrator creates a variant extract
of the Ref-DESI database for the CYMWRL (Integrator link world) at each location. This will remove the
global extract claim for linking.

The impact with linking is that the last update wins. Following consultation with representative users this
was accepted as reasonable, given that real world scopes of work were unlikely to result in a conflict from
this change.

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 For more information refer to the Integrator Mode, Options and Administration sections of the AVEVA
E3D 2.1 User Guide.

Compare / Update

Compare / Update supports an integrated engineering and design strategy and continues to be improved
at AVEVA E3D 2.1 to align its functionality with AVEVA Engineering 14.1.SP1, AVEVA Diagrams 14.1 and
AVEVA PDMS 12.1.SP4 to support integrated projects.

Compare / Update has a dedicated tab (and form) accessed via the

 For more information on the general functionality of Compare / Update please refer to the
Compare/Update User Documentation.

 For further information on the migration of Compare / Update configurations please refer to the Section
4.6 Compare / Update of the AVEVA E3D 2.1 Migration & Interoperability guide.

The following sections describe specific improvements made at AVEVA E3D 2.1.

Scope by Destination

Compare/Update provides a Scope by Destination capability, the previous scope being renamed Scope by
Source. Scope by Source provides the capability to synchronise populations of objects. It takes as its
scope the set of objects of chosen type from the source database and looks for matching objects in the
destination database.

Scope by Destination provides the capability to verify the objects in the user's current scope of work. This
can be the current Drawlist in 3D, the current diagram view in Diagrams or Schematic Model Manager, or
the current list in Tags. If a graphical selection has been made in the 3D view, diagram view or list, then the
scope is further reduced to those objects that have been selected. The scope can also be the Current
Element. Compare/Update will report any objects that are not present in the source database and any
differences on those objects for which a match has been found. The user can then choose which objects
to update, automatically copying over attribute data.

 Note that Compare/Update will not carry out object deletions but the comparison results can be used
to trigger a manual process.

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User Bulletin

View Datasheet in Compare / Update

The Compare / Update Elements grid has a right

click View Datasheet option when the source is
Engineering Database and the selected source
item has an associated datasheet.

Manage Configurations & Groups

Compare/Update has functionality to help an administrative user manage its configurations. Management
of configurations and groups of configurations is accessed from the Manage button on the Options form.

Selecting New Configuration or Edit (via a

right-click on a Configuration node) will
display the Configuration Wizard to allow
the configuration to be completed.

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Selecting New Group or Edit (via a right-click

on a Group node) will display the Manage
Groups form to define groups of configurations.

 A configuration can be in more than one


A setting on the Define Rule Set page of

the Configuration Wizard allows the
administrator to define if a configuration
can be run standalone or run as part of a

Taking Source Data from the AVEVA Integration Service

Compare/Update has the option to take source data from the AVEVA Integration Service. This service can
be configured to access data from AVEVA Instrumentation, AVEVA Electrical and AVEVA P&ID, thus
allowing access to those products’ data without the need to have them installed on the same computer. In
the Configuration Wizard a new option to use Service Mode has been introduced.

 Set Mode to Local if the source data is to be from a product installed on the same computer.

 Set Mode to Service if the source data is to be from the AVEVA Integration Service. The
window changes to show fields for Server Name, Port and Source. These should be set
according to the Service configuration.

 AVEVA Integration Service is available as a separate install. For more information please refer to its
Installation and User Guides.

Multiple Configurations with the Same Source and Destination Types

The earlier restriction of a single configuration for any given combination of source and destination type has
been removed. This means it is possible to define multiple configurations to cover different subsets or
attribute selections of the same types, or to allow configuration with and without member hierarchies.

Compare Parent / Child Hierarchy

Compare / Update can compare a parent/child hierarchy, such as equipment and nozzles. Each level of
the hierarchy is controlled by a separate configuration.

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A step in the Configuration Wizard allows

child configurations to be included with a

Where the comparison includes a parent/child hierarchy, individual levels can be expanded or collapsed:

Advanced Rules Settings

The settings to Use advanced configuration have been moved into the Configuration Wizard so that they
are visible to and controlled only by the Administrator to ensure consistent use on the project.

If advanced rules are required for this

particular configuration, select a Project
Configuration File.

This will usually be the default filename for

the project, e.g. for Sample project this
would be:


 The option Restrict the Configuration

to Admin Users only allows the testing
of the configuration before publishing it
for general use on the project.

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Owner Expression Step in Configuration Wizard

An optional Owner Expression can be entered in the Configuration Wizard. This will be evaluated against
the appropriate source object during the Update Database process to determine the owner for an inserted

During the Update Database process, the

precedence of determining the owner for an
inserted object will be:

1. From the parent / child hierarchy if

updating using a child configuration

2. From a PML callback if defined

3. From the owner expression if defined

4. From the setting in the Update

Database dialogue.

Attribute Mapping Expressions and Allow Update Settings

In the Configuration Wizard, attribute mapping can include PML expressions in place of source attributes.
On the Attribute Mapping screen the source side can now consist of:

 Select an attribute from the dropdown list.

 Type the name of a pseudo attribute.

 Type a PML expression, enclosed in brackets, e.g. (DESC of OWNE). The expression will
not be evaluated at this point but will be evaluated at comparison time against the source

 Type a static value, to set a default value onto a target attribute. Any value entered in this
way will not be validated at this point.

 Attribute mapping may be restricted to comparison only. Each attribute has its own setting to allow

Display Summary of Selected Configuration

In the Configuration Group the Summary button allows a user to display the main details of the currently
selected configuration.

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Import of Instruments to Instrument, Equipment and Sub-Equipment

Compare / Update now supports the compare and import of Instruments from AVEVA Instrumentation to
Design element types Instrument, Equipment and Sub-Equipment. This provides the capability, for
example, to separate instruments into inline, offline mounted, and offline non-mounted.

 The integration UDA pmg-design-ai should have its element list extended to include types Cable,
Equipment, Instrument and Sub-Equipment.

Update Database dialogue changes

On the Update Database form, the defaults for the two check boxes labelled “Update attributes for linked
items” have been changed to be on, so attributes will be updated by default.

The Update Database dialogue hides sections not relevant to the current results. For example if there are
only unmatched items to be inserted, it will hide the section for linked or matched items to be updated.

New “Accept All” Options

Where a Fluent UI is available, the options to accept objects for update have been expanded:

 Accept All Displayed accepts all displayed rows and is used to insert new objects and
update attribute values.

 Accept All Linked accepts all linked objects and is useful in order to unlink.

 Accept All Matched accepts all matched objects and is useful to link objects and/or update
attribute values.

 Accept All Unmatched accepts all unmatched objects and is useful to insert new objects.

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 Accept None clears the current acceptance selection.

Note that the older UI style retains the simple Accept All button.

The PML methods have been expanded to be consistent with the accept options:

 acceptAllDisplayed() accepts all available changes.

 acceptAllLinked() accepts all linked objects.

 acceptAllMatched() accepts all matched objects.

 acceptAllUnmatched() accepts all unmatched objects.

 updateLink() now updates attributes for linked objects for consistency with the Update
Database dialogue default settings.

 Note: Existing macros require modification

An Accept method is now required prior to an Update in PML. Previously there was an implicit
acceptance of available changes. This is no longer the case.

The acceptAllLink() method has been renamed to acceptAllLinked() for consistency with the User

PML Callbacks

Specific company and project customisations can be implemented using PML callbacks and a framework
is provided for this purpose. Methods are provided in the cuProjectHandler PML object to enable additional
checks and actions:

 Switch PML events on or off.

 Switch debug mode on or off.

 Perform checks before starting the comparison; can abort the whole run.

 Perform checks before comparing each object; can skip that object.

 Carry out actions after comparing each object.

 Carry out actions at the end of the comparison; save comparison results grid to file.

 Perform checks before starting the update; can abort the whole update.

 Perform checks before updating each object; can skip that object; can set an owner for
inserted object to override the owner from the Update dialogue.

 Carry out actions after updating each object.

 Carry out actions at the end of the update; save update results grid to file.

Integrator & Compare / Update links become No Claim

The Integrator link references have been made no claim. The reference attributes DesLnk, SchLnk and
EngLnk are set on the CYMLNK object which is normally hidden from the end user, and these appear as
pseudo attributes on the individual 3D, schematic and engineering objects.

This enhancement resolves the scenario such as where the engineering user links their object to the
schematic object and then the 3D designer links their object to the schematic object, only to find this rejected
because the CYMLNK was claimed by the other user. The second link action no longer require a claim of

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AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1
User Bulletin

the CYMLNK, and the 3D object will now be linked to both the schematic and engineering objects. The first
user will have the CYMLNK in their claim list since they created it, but this does not prevent the second
user from also linking.

 Note that it is still necessary for the concurrent users to save and get work in order to see each other’s

When used in a global project, AVEVA recommends that the project administrator creates a variant extract
of the Ref-DESI database for the CYMWRL (Integrator link world) at each location. This will remove the
global extract claim for linking.

 The impact with linking is that the last update wins. Following consultation with representative users
this was accepted as reasonable, given that real world scopes of work were unlikely to result in a
conflict from this change.

Merging of partially populated links

In Compare / Update and Schematic 3D Integrator, the Manage Links function to validate links will now
merge partially populated links, e.g. 3D object “A” is linked to schematic object “A” by one link and schematic
object “A” is linked to engineering object “A” by another link, as can occur when links are created in separate
extract databases.

A new PML method has been provided so that links can also be validated from the command line.

Integration with AVEVA E3D Insight™ 2.1

The integration and symbiotic relationship of AVEVA E3D Insight 2.1 and AVEVA E3D 2.1 is a key facet of
the AVEVA E3D 2.1 product.

AVEVA E3D Insight has always had the ability for users to add comments which can be annotated, or
complimented with files or photos.

By adding this same capability to AVEVA E3D 2.1 a round tripping of full Comment Threads is now possible.

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The ability for the AVEVA E3D Insight user to have significant dialogues directly with the E3D designer on
projects will undoubtedly aid the design and construction process by driving out errors in design or the
mismatch of information of physical elements on the construction site.

 Please refer to the AVEVA E3D Insight 2.1 Release Documentation for further information on the
install, use and compatibility of AVEVA E3D Insight 2.1.


Comments allow a designer to inspect and review the design in real time and provide comments and
suggestions for improvements or changes.

Comments are created and administered via the Comments

form, prompted by the Comments button in the Display group of
the HOME tab.

The organisation and display of comments is aided by the following:

 Comment Thread
A comment thread is linked to one or more elements in a DESI database and contains the following
data: Subject, Date & Time, Creator, State, Comment Posts, associated user-defined Attributes, and a
list of Elements the comment thread is linked to.

 Comment Post
An individual comment post within a Comment Thread contains the following data: Comment Text, Date
& Time, Creator, Comment Captures and Attachments.
 Please note that attachments are limited to 20MB.

 Comment Capture
A comment capture is a snapshot of the 3D View with additional mark-up and is formed as an image
with view information.

 Please note that it is the Windows user that is registered as the Creator of Comment Threads/Posts.

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The Comments form consists of two main pages: Threads

and Posts.

 Threads
The Threads page displays all the comment threads linked
to at least one of the elements in the selected scope.

The scope is selected from the available options list e.g.

comment threads may be displayed for the Current Element,
Current Selection or a Collection (incl. search results).

The comment threads may be filtered:

Filter Accesses Filter information.

Highlight Highlights all elements with at least

one Comment Thread.

Refresh When scope is changed the list of

comment threads is refreshed

Button is used to refresh cases

exempt from auto-refresh e.g. a new
or updated My Collection.

To create a new Comment Thread the plus is clicked to

display a list of options for the basis of the thread i.e. Current

On selection, elements are displayed that may be selected

as the basis for the scope of the thread.

On confirmation of the selected elements, the user may form

the Comment Post; adding a Subject and Comment together
with a UDA Value, Capture and/or Attachment.

A Comment Capture may be edited using the CAPTURE tab – prompted on selecting the Capture button
in the Comments form.

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Comment Threads in the Database

The Comments functionality was first introduced with AVEVA E3D Insight™ 1.1. Initially the Comment
information was stored in a Comment World in the DESI database. With the introduction of Commenting in
AVEVA Everything3D 2.1 Comment Threads are now stored in a Cross Product (XPRD) database. When
upgrading an AVEVA E3D 1.1 project with Comment Threads to E3D 2.1 it is important to migrate Comment
Threads from the DESI to XPRD databases.

 Please refer to the Upgrade manual for further information on how to migrate Comment Threads from
an E3D 1.1 project.

Comment Captures include information to make it possible to recreate the model view, as shown in the
Comment Capture, in AVEVA E3D or AVEVA E3D Insight. This allows for inspection of the current state of
the model. The Comment Capture model view information is stored in a Model View World (MVIWLD) that
must be present in the Cross Product database.

There are a few aspects to setup before Commenting can be used.

 Make sure at least one Cross Product (XPRD) database is available in the MDB
Comment Threads, Comment Posts and everything related are stored in Cross Product databases.

 Create Comment Worlds (CMTWLD)

There must be at least one writable Comment World but there can be as many Comment Worlds as
needed. Different locations should have their own Comment World.

 Please refer to the AVEVA Lexicon User Guide for further information on how to create Comment
Worlds for different scenarios.

 Create Model View Worlds (MVIWLD)

There must be at least one writable Model View World in the Cross Product database.

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Design in Context - AVEVA NET Workhub & Dashboard™ 5.0.1

This release of AVEVA E3D 2.1 incorporates the Design in Context features introduced in AVEVA E3D 1.1
(Fix Release 23). The development facilitates the easy access to information available within AVEVA NET
from AVEVA’s Design and Engineering applications. This ensures Schematic, Engineering and 2D/3D
Design data is placed into the context of a wider range of information; potentially originating from different
data sources and delivered to the user via AVEVA NET.

As an example, a designer working on a particular piece of equipment in AVEVA E3D 2.1 will be able to
retrieve and view relevant AVEVA NET information for the equipment; viewing the results without leaving
the AVEVA E3D 2.1 Model or Draw applications.

Example: E3D 2.1 Draw & Design in Context

Example: E3D 2.1 Model & Design in Context

The Design in Context capability supports flexible configuration of the project setup; making sure that the
right information is available for any type of data. In order to utilise the Design in Context features and to
access the required data, a server connection is required with AVEVA NET Workhub & Dashboard™.

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A server may be setup from the ADMIN tab (in both Model and Draw) via
the Dashboard Server Selection form prompted on clicking the Add
Server button within the AVEVA NET group.

 On configuration of the server connection to AVEVA NET Workhub & Dashboard™, two configuration
files are placed within the Project Defaults folder i.e. …\<Project >\<Project>DFLTS\DC\…

A user can access the new Design in Context functionality from the
Context group found within the TOOLS tab of the Model and Draw

Alternatively, the AVEVA NET Dashboard may be prompted from the

AVEVA PowerWheel (<Ctrl> + right-click).

The user may instantly access associated AVEVA NET documents to the current design
element by clicking the Browse button to prompt the Associated Documents form. To
aid document retrieval, a user may define a set of documents as a Collection, mark a
document as a Favourite and display recently viewed documents.

: Associated Documents form

The user may configure the presentation of data within the Associated Documents form via
the Configure button. The prompted Configuration form allows the user to stipulate
whether the Current Element is tracked and to control how the results are grouped – by
Tag or by Document Type.

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On clicking the AVEVA NET Dashboard button, the full AVEVA NET Dashboard
application is launched in a web browser for the currently selected object.

 Further information as to the use of the Design in Context feature in AVEVA E3D 2.1 Model and Draw
applications can be found within the AVEVA E3D 2.1 User Guide.

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Chapter 13

13 Additional Information

Please refer also to the Product Release letter included with the release.

General issues

 Unicode filenames

AVEVA recommends the use of ASCII (Basic Latin) filenames for two reasons: compatibility with other
systems and various specific issues, which are not yet resolved. This applies to some of the systems to
which AVEVA E3D is interfaced, and even to some of the interfaces where AVEVA E3D makes use of third
party software such as output of DXF and DGN. PML Publisher 2.2 does not fully support Unicode

PML Applications (Appware)

These are supplied as standard text files, not as UTF-8 files with a BOM. They are therefore subject to
interpretation according to the CADC_LANG environment variable. Most of them adhere to the ASCII
character set so will work correctly for all supported languages. However, one file has been amended to
use a new function, which must be UTF-8 in order to work correctly in non-Latin languages:


If this is the case, incorrect characters may be displayed or the PML file aborted with unpredictable results,
after a console error message such as:

FHSTRC file-read transcoding error: Could not convert from specified encoding CP949 to Unicode

****** USCNVR error 1, at byte 1 of 2, value 146

****** while converting substring {)}"

Command was: {-- (panels’)}

The data file \pmllib\isometricadp\data\Hvac_Paragon.dat also needs to be UTF-8 to read in successfully.

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This page is left intentionally blank,

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Appendix A Details of Sample Project Changes

The following tables highlight the significant changes made to sample projects between AVEVA PDMS and
Hull & Outfitting 12.1.SP4 and AVEVA E3D 2.1.

 Please note that further improvements will be made to the sample projects in subsequent releases.
Details of these changes will be given in the accompanying release letters.

Major project differences at AVEVA E3D 2.1 include:

 The main catalogue sample project (formerly MAS) is now called ACP (AVEVA Catalogue

 The main sample data projects (formerly SAM and MAR) are now called APS (AVEVA Plant
Sample) and AMS (AVEVA Marine Sample).

 Reference numbers have been preserved in the forming of the ACP project from the MAS
project. This will ensure that any Project references are maintained on migration to use the ACP

 Sample drawings are in the new Draw format and Draw project libraries have been extended to
support new Draw capabilities.

 The catalogue has been enhanced for structural, supports and bolt holes.

 Additional data has been added to support the use and demonstration of Supports, Structural
and Laser data.

The AVEVA sample projects are regularly revised. Please check the AVEVA Support Site (AVEVA
Everything3D™ Fix Release History) frequently for updates.

ACP Project


Origin Ref. Project Change Description
1.1 ( 2.1 (
SI 39911 COCO Table in New Database  
DFN P-45252 Extra HVAC Joint sizes  
DFN P-45442 Update CCTA with COCDES description  
DFN P-45528 UDAs for AI and AE Integration  
TFS 67925 MASKED_PROJECTS' evar added to evars.bat  
DFN P-45524 UDAs and Plines for AVEVA OpenSteel Interface  
SI 41769 AISC rectangular tube depth and width correction  
AVEVA Flat Bar OBST value changed from 0 to 2  
AVEVA Add default mdb /ALL to supplied ACP project  
AVEVA Legrand Cable Tray Data  
AVEVA HVAC Catalogue element rename to satisfy  
AVEVA Version Number in Project Number (not  
AVEVA Rem db MASTER/UNIT from /ALL mdb  
AVEVA Add 2 additional MASTER dbs to mdb /ALL  
AVEVA Relief Valve Update  
AVEVA Bolt holes for ANSI, DIN and BS flanges  

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User Bulletin


Origin Ref. Project Change Description
1.1 ( 2.1 (
AVEVA Update to SLH catalogue data  
TFS 79366 MDS Naming Files Update  
AVEVA Incorrect elbos/tee in /AAEC and /AATC  
AVEVA /TEE-ELBO Para out of range (6) correction  
AVEVA Updated Bolt holes for ANSI, DIN and BS flanges  
AVEVA Structural joint - Standard_Clearance_Cutback  
AVEVA COCO Table Update  
AVEVA Add MDS Default files to ACPDFLTS folder  
AVEVA PPROP modifications to AVEVAHVAC CATA  
TFS 81668 PTYP DIST on all SLH profile for Imperial  
TFS 81779 Update of MDS Cross SKEY  
TFS 81225 E3D Update to Pipe Data Table for Wall Thickness  
TFS 81680 Parameter Error in catalogue category /ABCF360  
SI 51229 Bolting Catalogue Updates  
TFS 84190 Extra COCO for screwed fittings  
TFS 78548 Filter out SDNF plines  
AVEVA PDMSPIPE.COCO requires Purpose set to PIPE  
AVEVA COCO Modifications  
TFS 79366 MDS Naming Files Update  
AVEVA SLH Catalogue Data Update  
TFS 87563 /TT/DRA/MAS/BACKS/MET Revision Text  
TFS 87847 Change Rung Ladder Hoops to ref  
AVEVA Adjustment to mdb /ALL structure  
TFS 87786 Cabling - Legrand & Cablofil catalogue corrections  
TFS 87847 / Re-structure Structural Dbs + hide/remove ASL  
TFS 88566 dbs
AVEVA MDS Forward port  
AVEVA Marine Endcut Data  
TFS 69684 UDA with ALLP can refer to TUBI  
AVEVA Legrand 'Salamandre' Cable Trunking Range  
TFS 64974 HVAC TUBI to use LBOR of PREV  
TFS 91807 Integration Status addition  
AVEVA UDA modification to resolve compile warnings  
AVEVA Hole Management for cable tray and floor fittings  
TFS 82253 Globe Valve /AAVHBCR correction  
AVEVA Pipe Tapping SPEC additions to /SP/DR07C  
TFS 95202 Lexicon update for PBS  
TFS 95040 Correction to MDS CATA DATA/DEFAULTS  
TFS 94705 MDS New cata data in MDS/APPDEFAULTS  
TFS 95168 Standalone fixings to support 'Create Fixings'  
TFS 95244 CATA Data for Pipe Fabrication  

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User Bulletin


Origin Ref. Project Change Description
1.1 ( 2.1 (
AVEVA MDS Compensation Plate SPREF reset (/MDS/CP-  
TFS 97389 Rename UDA /Type to /PumpType  
TFS 97414 Update SP/DR07C SHOP Flag  
TFS 95636 TAGS Datasheet UDA modification  
AVEVA UDA modifications to remove validation errors  
TFS 97378 COUP Additions to SPWL plus Weights  
TFS 97389 Rename UDNAME TYPE to PUMPTYPE  
AVEVA Loff Selector added to spec /SP/DR07C  
AVEVA Reset Spref on Standalone LUG fixings  
AVEVA UDA modifications to resolve Integrator issue  
TFS 99271 Remove obst value from flange bolt holes  
TFS 100838 Restore Session 2 to db MASTER/DICT  
TFS 99496 Fix to /SP/DR07C SHOP Question  
TFS 105913 Major OGLAEND and CABL Update with Part  
TFS 102550 MDS Unique Naming turned off after install  
TFS 105021 A3B Spec Update with Spectacle Plates  
TFS 104741 Correct MDS templates for FT30 standards (BS  
and AISC)
TFS 105089 / Sample data for Cable Enhancements (E3D 1.1)  
SI 60012
AVEVA Pipe Tapping Spec for E3D  
TFS 110887 Remove DB MDU/CATA7360-OLD from /ALL mdb  
TFS 111785 Hole Management Description Correction  
AVEVA E3D2 Struc CATA dbs + top level elements 
TFS 117910 Integrator UDAs  
TFS 121260 Change HVAC UDA value from Bore to Length  
TFS 121587 Flat Oval PZ axis settings  
AVEVA SKEY Data for Legrand 'Salamandre' Cable  
TFS 101960 Mod to PTCDIR for MDS PTSE-AT09-P13 & P14  
AVEVA Add DB Descriptions to supplied dbs 
TFS 118828 Add FLTH prop to DIN valves  
TFS 129724 /AATA200-P3-4 & /DATA200-P3-4 OFTOL addition 
TFS 139227 Spec Update to /A3B Spectacle Plates PCOM50  
AVEVA CATR and DETR Fix to Support Data (MDS) 
AVEVA Initiate Supports Data major upgrade 
AVEVA Add MET Marine Backing Sheets (Master) 
TFS 129316 Extend VVALs for STRUCL on GENSECs and 
TFS 146365 DESPAR correction to Channel Profiles  
TFS 135915 Rename Pipesketch UDA world 
AVEVA Plot Style Data in PSTYTB 
AVEVA Oglaend FOE Specs 

Copyright © 2015.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1
User Bulletin


Origin Ref. Project Change Description
1.1 ( 2.1 (
SI 76519 / TFS Oglaend RZE Specs 
AVEVA Steelwork Template DESI DB 
AVEVA Oglaend FTE Specs 
AVEVA Steel Profile Pline Mods for Supports 
AVEVA ABSI UDAs (AVEVA Bocad Steel Interface) 
AVEVA Add Pvifilter to Plines of PFC, PFI, & PLTG Gtypes 
AVEVA Oglaend FOE-FTE Specs 
AVEVA Steel Profile PLINE mod additions 
AVEVA Commenting UDAs with set REFNO and UKEY 
AVEVA Angle PLINE Additions 
AVEVA Empty and unnamed UWRL deleted 
AVEVA Miscellaneous E3D2 Steel Catalogue changes 
AVEVA Remove rogue SPWL in DB 
AVEVA Steelwork Profile Joints & Fittings Catalogue 
TFS 164182 Delete empty Status definition 
AVEVA Structural Catalogue TFI Profile Model Changes 
SI 37182 / TFS Material TXT name changes in MASTER/PIPECATA 
69334 DB
AVEVA Un-hide UDA/MDS-Uda-MDSPipeMat 
TFS 177908 Include MDU/CATA in MDB /ALL from APS as 
TFS 154991 Elliptical holes catalogue data 
TFS 178243 Wall Spec MATREF Correction 
AVEVA Corrections to /OGLAEND-SPB-RF SPEC 
TFS 146586 Unset P2 for FLAN elements & PTREF additions 
AVEVA Structural Catalogue Update 
AVEVA Finalise Supports Data major upgrade (Started 
with MC 1461)
TFS 164644 Re-order TMPLs DPSE + DDSE in 
AVEVA Steelwork Cata PANE/FITT modifications 
AVEVA Hide Panel fittings with no geometry / design 
AVEVA Further Steelwork Cata PANE/FITT modifications 
AVEVA Ring Plate and Bracing Modification 
AVEVA Remove PPM (Production Prep Model) Panel 
TFS 146586 Unset P2 for FLAN elements & PTREF additions 
AVEVA Add MDS and related projects into Standard  
Sample Data
AVEVA Version Number format changed to suit product  
AVEVA Major Sample Data Overhaul for E3D 1.1 (Create  
AVEVA Create DRAW Module Definition  

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
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User Bulletin


Origin Ref. Project Change Description
1.1 ( 2.1 (
TFS 80631 Piping Catalogue and Piping Design Sample Data  
AVEVA Project Description PDF files  
TFS 81139 E3D Bolt Weight Update including STD ISO opt file  
AVEVA Relocate MDS dbs  
AVEVA Move MDU/CATA db from ACP to APS  
AVEVA Apply Optional Upgrade to project dbs  
TFS 142894 Status data for subset of pipes 
AVEVA Removal of xxxMAR Folder 
TFS 162761 Admin Team and User for Structures UI  
TFS 68017 ACP Supports PR SCOM parameter reorder  
TFS 185450 ACP CATE /F1_SQR_PFI_8H Joint 6 holes not 8  
TFS 185610 ACP Joint TMPL and Joint SPCO TMPR/efs change  

APS Project


Origin Ref. Project Change Description
1.1 ( 2.1 (
AVEVA AVEVA OpenSteel Interface MDB for Sample Project  
AVEVA  
AVEVA Transform on DRAFT data to enable DRAW  
AVEVA Sheet and reference updates  
AVEVA Additional Sheet and Ref updates  
AVEVA Relief Valve Correction - VALV is now INST  
TFS 78211 Fabrication Machine Additions  
SCTN Tidy Nodes/Joints/Chk Conn Refs/Assign
AVEVA  
TFS 81362 Design Checker Rules  
SI 50220 Piping Update AREA01  
SI 50292 /
2D Data for E3D 1.1  
TFS 80262
TFS 77632 Add db PPROJECT/SYSTEMS  
TFS 79012 Add ASSOC/ASSOC and new db PPROJECT/HMLINKS  
AVEVA Modifications to workshop portal frame  
TFS 80350 2 x SECT elements in MDS/MDSAPPDEFAULTS db  
TFS 78047 Add SLHADMIN Team  
AVEVA Model update for MDS UDA: TREF  
Correct 'Name too long' error in CWAY definitions
TFS 81229  
TFS 81519 Layout Spec Update  
TFS 81605 Add Valve Numbers  

Copyright © 2015.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1
User Bulletin


Origin Ref. Project Change Description
1.1 ( 2.1 (
APP Tutorial Data Removal / Rename sample mdb to
AVEVA  
AVEVA APP Grid Systems  
AVEVA DRAW Library Data  
AVEVA Area02 Steelwork Plinths L10 and L11  
SI 51337 AREA01 Piping Sample Data  
SI 51340 APP Updates E3D Schematic Data  
SI 51337 Drawing repairs  
AVEVA Remove Training Refs from Example Sheets  
AREA01 Piping Sample Data - Correct COCOs/
SI 51337  
AVEVA Add Functions to DRAW elements  
AVEVA Area02 - Connection Modifications  
AVEVA Area02 (Workshop) Cref recon on FITT elements  
AVEVA Addition of DESIGN-Pipe MTO report  
AVEVA Design Data changes and reports  
TFS 85472 Valve /V150 Leave Tube  
TFS 85183 Diagram SVG files  
TFS 84727 Tagrule IDLN reset  
AVEVA LIBYs, Drawings and additional PSPOOL data  
TFS 85981 Change desc of the APPLDW /DesignChecker/Rules  
AVEVA GTYP additions for Schematic Elements  
TFS 85980 Reset HVAC Href Connections  
AVEVA Add Imperial MDB /ALLIMP  
AVEVA Isodraft option files to display pdf plotfile  
AVEVA Drawing Libys - Set Mstyid to 0 for all liby MRKP  
AVEVA Multiple Piping mods - Areas 02 and 03  
AVEVA Update to the SLH catalogue  
AVEVA Re-modeled SLH in Area 1  
AVEVA Cable Corrections  
AVEVA Add new termination to SLH assembly  
AVEVA SLH re-modeled SLH in Area 2  
AVEVA Structural Joints update (All Areas)  
AVEVA Extend status control data model  
AVEVA Apply status control values to Model elements  
TFS 85979 Include db SDNF/DICTSDNF in the ALL MDB.  
AVEVA Reset SHEET TITL attribute on template drawings  
AVEVA Re-set MDS-ABA template idli refs  
AVEVA Reset backing sheet on /APS-1001/1 to A1  
AVEVA Idli fix for Tags  
AVEVA Additional APS Libys - Set Mstyid to 0 for liby MRKP  

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1
User Bulletin


Origin Ref. Project Change Description
1.1 ( 2.1 (
TFS 65856
Add New Air Cooler TMPL - AVEVA Std Equi  
/ 84913
AVEVA Reset MDS References  
AVEVA Piping Re-connections  
AVEVA SLH data to refer to MASTER/SLHCATA  
AVEVA Set MDSYSF attribute for HVAC Systems  
TFS 87689 Pipe Tasks & Tasks for Spools for default Pipe  
AVEVA Re-reference for supports dbs  
TFS 69993 Create HVAC defaults for min fill length  
TFS 87689 Resolve DATACON errors  
TFS 66403  
AVEVA Set HREF for Branch trunnions  
SI 32916 / Resolve D880 error for Circular branch on Circular
 
TFS 61515 main
TFS 92615 Pipe Fabrication Data modifications  
TFS 76765 Populating the PBOR3 for fabricated OLET  
TFS 93254 New version of the DBSCATALOGUE file for DFLTS  
TFS 95636 TAGS Datasheets  
TFS 95217 Detail plot file for non-standard-branch connections  
TFS 95339
/ TFS Unset PURP on Pipe Fabrication Data  
TFS 95617 DDATA Setting for Pipe Fabrication  
TFS 96617 Data for Pipe Fabrication fix to 94898  
TFS 95636 Replacement Datasheet Templates  
TFS 96919 Pipe Fabrication fix to 96856 Iso/Sketch types  
TFS 95482 BEND End Connection Correction  
TFS 97455 Replacement Datasheet Settings XML file  
BEND End Connection Correction BWD should be
TFS 95482  
AVEVA Equipment associations update  
TFS 101110 Add Tube on drain for /80-B-14  
AVEVA Add sample MEI Data  
Styles & Representation Rulesets for Piping +
TFS 64297  
TFS 110330 NSBC and sloping pipes 
Additional HVAC Sketch backing sheet column
TFS 89552  
TFS 107368
Add DESC to Area 03 Skids for GPSET use  
/ SI 60593
TFS 113588 Equipment C1101 Nozzle Elevation Change  
TFS 112167 Structural PBS Examples 
TFS 114109
Comment Database  
/ SI 62723
TFS 110168 Sample Sheet SLABs set to LVIS True  
TFS 111478 Spectacle blind corrections for schematic data  

Copyright © 2015.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1
User Bulletin


Origin Ref. Project Change Description
1.1 ( 2.1 (
AVEVA Add ENGI dbs to /ALL mdb  
TFS 117945
Team Membership for DB ASSOC/ASSOC  
/SI 64209
TFS 118930 Integrator Redesign data 
TFS 85183
/ TFS Diagram File realignment for Cable and HVAC  
TFS 122573 Pipe Fabrication Sample Data 
TFS 57069 CU Config Default Mapping Files  
TFS 123714 PIPER & EQUIPMAN R/W access to Links and Groups  
AVEVA Reset Integrator Links  
TFS 120297 Isometric ADP MDS Symbol & Label  
TFS 124375 Project Liby update for Pipe Fabrication  
Ex of User Defined Fitt - Strt Bran Conn off End of
TFS 126553  
AVEVA Lib Update Structural DRWGs with REFGRIDs 
AVEVA Renumber DBNOs for Imperial DBs  
TFS 136671 Norsok sample datasheets and data  
TFS 95675 Convert SCTN to GENSEC 
AVEVA Flexible Explorer Structural PBS changes 
TFS139949 Commenting Database Additions (XPRD DB) 
TFS139953 Lexicon Data for Cross Product Databases (DICT) 
TFS 95675 Convert Refs to new Cata Profiles for GENSECs 
TFS 129316 Replace GRDSYS elements with GRDREF elements 
AVEVA Unset Badrefs on Area03 Zone and two pipes  
TFS 129316 Structural FRMW GRDREF setting and name changes 
Set GRDAXE on Grid faces & elevations GRIDX GRIDY
TFS 129316 
TFS 112167 Structural PBS USDA - Usysty correction to STRUCL 
AVEVA Correction to FRMW names 
AVEVA CABLE, HAVC and PIPING Diagrams Update  
TFS 146534 Area01 /100-B-1A Branch Href reset 
AVEVA Revision Control Config for Diagrams  
TFS 139099 Sample Bolt Reports  
TFS 146462 Set STRUCLASS on structural elements 
TFS 146534 Area01 /100-B-1A Branch Href reset  
AVEVA Addition of /SCHEMATIC and /ENGINEERING mdbs  
AVEVA Multi-sloping Pipe for Area 03 
AVEVA Single SCSTEN removal 
AVEVA Name unnamed REFGLN elements 
TFS 157458 IDLN setting removal for DRWG and SHEE 
TFS 156290 Major Sample Drawings Update to reflect REFGRD 

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1
User Bulletin


Origin Ref. Project Change Description
1.1 ( 2.1 (
AVEVA Visual Style Addition (AVEVA-BLACK & AVEVA-DIM) 
TFS 159606 Reorder Pipe /150-B-6 in Hierarchy 
TFS 101075 Break-In (Tie-In) Assemblies for Laser Data 
AVEVA Report Template for Pipe Spool List 
TFS 164256 Change STEPID on INFO1 of GRIDWL 
TFS 164886 ISO Default option files are missing in E3D2.1 Test12 
TFS 164920 PPROJECT/DICT Access change to be Multiwrite 
TFS 164257 Grid Elevation Modifications 
AVEVA Library Automatic Grid Annotation Modify SYTM 
AVEVA Set :CDLIMITS on View /APS-1000/1/V2 
AVEVA Re-clad Area02 Workshop with BPANEL 
TFS 168312 Remove SUPPORTMAN from the Design TEAMs 
TFS 143575 Pipe Fabrication Templates and Backing Sheets 
SI 81584 /
Sample Project Update to Users and Teams 
TFS 173810
SI 81414 /
TFS 173360
Users & Teams Update to Project Document .PDF
AVEVA Re-Instate 2 MDS UDAs 
PPROJECT/MACHINE data moved to
TFS 176544 
TFS 164920 Change all local DICT DBs to Multiwrite Access 
AVEVA Re-apply status control values 
AVEVA Area02 Workshop CWAY BPANEL Hole 
TFS 173613 TE/US DRAFTADMIN removed, DRAWADMIN added. 
AVEVA Reset Support :MDSConn / :MDSAttaRef Area 03 
AVEVA Add Trap Weights: Reset GPART Steam Trap Weights 
AVEVA Supports Sample Design Data 
AVEVA Unset Invalid Refs 
AVEVA Remove Spurious SYLB from DB MDS/DRAFT 
AVEVA Structural Joint and Fitting (Design) update 
TFS 170771 Isometric ADP MDS Supports Drawing Update 
AVEVA Rework for Area02 AHU to remove Zone within Zone 
AVEVA New format Project Description document 
TFS 183047 Correction to spelling error in APPLDATA Function 
AVEVA Rework Area 02 (B01) HVAC Bran 
AVEVA HVAC AISC Support Specials Template Modification 
AVEVA Support Template Sample Data Updates 
AVEVA Project Library AVEVA Plant Rulers 
170773/95 DRAW DRWG Update and Associated LIBYs 

Copyright © 2015.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1
User Bulletin


Origin Ref. Project Change Description
1.1 ( 2.1 (
Add MDS and related projects into Standard Sample
AVEVA  
AVEVA Version Number format changed to suit product  
Major Sample Data Overhaul for E3D 1.1 (Create
AVEVA  
AVEVA Create DRAW Module Definition  
Piping Catalogue and Piping Design Sample Data
TFS 80631  
AVEVA Project Description PDF files  
TFS 81139 E3D Bolt Weight Update including STD ISO opt file  
AVEVA Relocate MDS dbs  
AVEVA Move MDU/CATA db from ACP to APS  
AVEVA Apply Optional Upgrade to project dbs  
TFS 142894 Status data for subset of pipes 
AVEVA Removal of xxxMAR Folder 
SI 151262 Linkdoc XPRD dbs 
TFS 158073 VSI (View Section Indicator) DRAW Libraries 
TFS 164854 Set Isometric preview to PDF 
AVEVA Support Reports in DFLTS/DATA 
TFS 180161 Supports Symbol File added to ISO OPT Files 
TFS 181499 Commenting Report Templates 
TFS 162761 Admin Team and User for Structures UI  
TFS 182706 APS Support Template Sample Data Updates Rev2  
TFS 184896 APS Rebuild HVAC DRAW sheets  

AMS Project


Origin Ref. Project Change Description
1.1 ( 2.1 (
AVEVA AVEVA Marine Sample (Create AMS project) 
AVEVA Path correction in d065 file 
Add AMSDRG evar to
TFS 163736 
TFS 164870 Multiple Updates to Project 
AVEVA APPLDW re-reference to AMS not MTP 
AVEVA dra-gen-system file addition to AMSDFLTS 
AVEVA Add Steelwork CATA DBs to all MDBs 
AVEVA SUPPORTS MDBs modification 
/ALL_ADMIN MDB modification to fix spatial
AVEVA Multiple Updates and Corrections 

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1
User Bulletin


Origin Ref. Project Change Description
1.1 ( 2.1 (
TFS 176513 Power_system diagram released for 3D 
Change DB MPROJECT/DICT to Multiwrite
TFS 176542 
Replace AvevaNetExportConfigAddin.xml
TFS 176621 
AVEVA Multiple Updates and Corrections 
Project Description document updated to Rev
AVEVA New format Project Description document 
TFS 168886 BSHEE Update and ILP Defect Text Enable 
TFS 183081 BSHEE Versioning 
SI 151262 Linkdoc XPRD dbs 
TFS 158073 VSI (View Section Indicator) DRAW Libraries 
TFS 164854 Set Isometric preview to PDF 
AVEVA Support Reports in DFLTS/DATA 
TFS 180161 Supports Symbol File added to ISO OPT Files 
TFS 181499 Commenting Report Templates 
TFS 162761 Admin Team and User for Structures UI  
AMS Master reconfigure to remove
TFS 185203  
compatibility issue

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1
User Bulletin

This page is left intentionally blank,

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.

Appendix B Keyboard Shortcuts & Commands

The following shortcut keys and commands may be used in AVEVA E3D 2.1.

Function Keys

F2 Clear Canvas
F3 Object Snap On/Off
F4 Object Snap Projection On/Off
F5 Toggle Walk Mode On/Off
F6 Toggle Fly Mode On/Off
F7 Grid On/Off
F8 Orthogonal drawing On/Off
F9 Grid Snap On/Off
F10 Polar Tracking On/Off
F11 Toggle Shaded/Wireline mode
F12 Dynamic hints On/Off

General Keys

Delete Deletes selected elements in 3D View with confirmation

Tab Navigates between in-canvas input boxes

Space Locks value in the in canvas input boxes / Repeat Command

Home or Page Up Navigates to WORL* level in any Explorer

End or Page Down Navigates to Bottom Level in any Explorer

Exits current CIE Operation / cancels position input/ removes selection/exits edit

Arrow UP Shows In-Canvas command of last used CIE Operation

Arrow Down Shows available Tile Icons during CIE Operation

Insert Toggle Feature Highlight function On/Off

Backspace Removes selection from 3D view

Enter Confirms position, selects default option, executes command, etc.

Ctrl + A Select All Elements in the View

Ctrl + C Copies via Mid Position of all selected element(s)(Clipboard operation)

Ctrl + E Toggles Distance Snap Mode On/Off

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Ctrl + F Triggers Find/Search form


Ctrl + I Toggles Property Grid On/Off

Ctrl + P Print


Ctrl + T Toggles Pick Through Translucency On/Off

Ctrl + V Paste Clipped

Ctrl + Y Redo

Ctrl + Z Undo

Shift + F4 Toggles between Perspective and Parallel modes

Shift + F7 Toggles between About Model and About an Eye modes

Shift + Insert Paste Clipped

Ctrl + Shift + C Copies element(s) with basepoint(Clipboard operation)

Alt + Left Arrow Pans 3D view towards Left

Alt + Right Arrow Pans 3D view towards Right

Alt + Up Arrow Pans 3D view towards Up

Alt + Down Arrow Pans 3D view towards Down

Alt + F4 Quit Application

In Canvas Commands (Model)

Command Description
AIDARC Invokes function to create AID type Arc
AIDBIS Invokes function to create an AIDLIN bisecting between two non-parallel AIDLINs

AIDCIR Invokes function to create AID type Circle

AIDFIL Invokes function to create filleting AIDARC connecting two non-parallel AIDLINs
AIDLIN or L Invokes function to create AID type Line

AIDPOI Invokes function to create AID type Point

Invokes function to create an AIDLIN tangential to two circles which are non-
AIDTEXT Invokes function to create AID type Text

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Command Description
ANGLE To calculate angle between any two entities

BRACING To specify bracing gaps for existing diagonal elements or members

Enables to lock view wrt an object. Also disables 3D orbit mode when it is
CANCEL Cancels any current operation in-progress
Invokes function to copy selected entities with respect to a base point selected
and also paste them at required locations in a loop
COPYBASE Invokes function to copy selected entities with respect to a base point selected

COPYCLIP Invokes function to copy selected entities without any base point
CONNECT Enables function to connect any two GENSECs
Invokes function to CUT/PASTE selected entities with respect to a base point
CUTCLIP Invokes function to CUT/PASTE selected entities
D or LINDIM Invokes function to create db type Linear Dimension
DELETE To delete selected entities
DISCONNECT Enables function to disconnect any two connected GENSECs

DIST or DI To calculate distance between any two entities

EM or EDITMODE Triggers Edit Mode

Create an ENDATU Fixing at selected End of GENSEC. Specs can be set only
for old BS Column and Beam type profiles
Enables function to extend the end of a structural element to a reference
FILLET To create a Fillet between two non-connected structural elements
FLY Enable FLY mode operation

FORCETRIM To trim an attached GENSEC to selective Pline of Owning GENSEC

Enables option to enter new Vertical field-of-view angle(Projection mode should
be in Perspective to enable this option)
GENSECDEF Triggers function to set default specification wrt. existing GENSEC
GFITT_CRE Enable function to create a GENSEC Fitting

GFITT_MOD Enable function to modify a GENSEC Fitting

Invokes function to create a new GRID CYLINCER for Radial Grid only in In-

Invokes function to create a new GRID PLANE for REFGRD in IN-

Mode(Currently works for a single REFGRD)

ID Queries Coordinate Positions at snapped position

IN Triggers IN or Include mode

JMOD Enables user to modify joints on a SECTION

LCS Invokes operation to change Coordinate system between Local and World

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Command Description
LINDIMA Invokes function to create db type Aligned Dimensions

Enables 3D Orbit mode option to look around a locked view in Perspective


Invokes function to move entities with respect to a base point selected and also
paste them at required locations in a loop
MERGE To merge two members of same element type

MI or MIRROR To mirror any selected Structural Elements by defining a Mirror Plane

MITRE Enables option to Mitre two ends of GENSECs

MLABEL Invokes a function that creates a Label in 3D Canvas

MREDO Enables user to REDO all previous actions or to desired no. of actions
NEXT To go Forwards through Views
OUT Trigger OUT mode by exiting IN mode
OUTALL takes user all the way out

OSNAPD Triggers Distance Snap Mode function

P or PAN Enables REALTIME PAN option
PANARC Enables function to Create a ARC PANEL using three point or two point methods
PANCIRC Enables function to Create a CIRCULAR PANEL with multiple options
PANDIR Pans View towards selected PLAN VIEW directions
PANDISC Enables function to Create a DISC PANEL using Centre+ or two point methods
PANELNXTRDISC Creates a Negative extrusion of a PANEL in Circular Shape in 3 different Modes

Creates a Negative extrusion of a PANEL in Rectangular Shape using Multiple

Creates a Negative extrusion of a PANEL in Rectangular Shape using Two
PANMULT Enables function to Create a RECTANGULAR PANEL with multiple points

PANOFFSET Enables function to Create a an Offset Perimeter of PANEL with multiple points
PANRECT Enables function to Create a RECTANGULAR PANEL using two points
Enables function to Create a RING PANEL using three point to two point
PASTECLIP To paste any copied or cut elements that are available in current session
PFITT_CRE Enable function to create a PANEL Fitting
PFITT_MOD Enable function to modify a PANEL Fitting
PL or PLINE Enables function to create a Polyline

PLAN Set the current View to Plan View mode

PR or PROPERTIES Open Property Window if not opened already in the application

PREV To go Back through Views

PROJMODE Toggles between Projection modes Orthogonal or Perspective

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Command Description
RADIAL Enables option to create a Radial Grid

REDO Redo any operation that was previously called back(Performed Undo)
REFGRD Enables option to create a Reference Grid
RO or ROTATE Invokes function to rotate any object around any defined axis
SCALE To Scale a Structural Element by selecting a Base Point

Creates an ARC GENSEC and also gives multiple options to choose the way
they are created

Creates a Curved GENSEC and also gives multiple options to choose the way
they are created

Creates a RING GENSEC and also gives multiple options to choose the way they
are created

Creates a Straight GENSEC and gives multiple options to choose the way they
are created
SELALL To select all the elements in 3D View

SPLICE To Splice any Structural Element(s) in multiple ways

SPLIT To split any Structural Element(s) in multiple ways
STRETCH To Stretch any Structural Element along a defined path

TOWER Enables option to create a Rectangular Tower Grid

TOWERT Enables option to create a Triangular Tower Grid
U To Undo any current operation
UNDO Enables user to UNDO all operation or to desired no. of counts

WALK Enables user to WALK around a Model

Z or ZOOM Enables Zoom options
-VIEW or -V To change any View between Isometric or Orthographic or Plan View

-PAN or -P PANs view wrt base point selection

3DO or 3DORBIT Enables 3D Orbit mode

In Canvas Commands (Primitives)

Command Description

BOX Invokes function to create BOX

CYLI Invokes function to create CYLINDER
CONE Invokes function to create CONE
CTOR Invokes function to create CIRCULAR TORUS
DISH Invokes function to create DISH
EXTR Invokes function to create EXTRUSION

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Command Description

PYRA Invokes function to create PYRAMID

RTOR Invokes function to create RECTANGULAR TORUS
REVO Invokes function to create REVOLUTION PRIMITIVE
SLCY Invokes function to create SLOPING CYLINDER
SNOU Invokes function to create SNOUT
NBOX Invokes function to create BOX
NCYL Invokes function to create CYLINDER
NCON Invokes function to create CONE
NCTO Invokes function to create CIRCULAR TORUS
NDIS Invokes function to create DISH
NPYR Invokes function to create PYRAMID
NRTO Invokes function to create RECTANGULAR TORUS
NREV Invokes function to create REVOLUTION PRIMITIVE
NSLC Invokes function to create SLOPING CYLINDER
NSNO Invokes function to create SNOUT
NXTR Invokes function to create EXTRUSION

In Canvas Commands (Draw)

Command Description

ADIM Prompts the Annotate > Angular Dimension action.

ALIGN Prompts Label Alignment operation
ANGLE Prompts the Draw > Angle Measure action.
ARC Prompts the Draw > Draw Arc action.
ARRAY Prompts the Draw > Array Form.
CANCEL Cancels the current action.
CHAMFER Prompts the Draw > Modify Chamfer action.
CIRC Prompts the Draw > Draw Circle action.
CLOSE Closes the current Drawing.
CLOSEALL Closes All open Drawings.
COPYBASE Prompts the Home > Copy with Base Point action.
COPYCLIP Prompts the Home > Copy to Clipboard action.
CUTBASE Prompts the Home > Cut with Base Point action.
CUTCLIP Prompts the Home > Cut to Clipboard action.
DELETE Prompts the Draw > Delete action.

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Command Description

DIST Prompts the Draw > Distance Measure action.

DMND Prompts the Draw > Draw Diamond action.
ELLI Prompts the Draw > Draw Ellipse action.
ETRI Prompts the Draw > Draw Equilateral Triangle action.
EXCEL Prompts the Annotate > Import Excel Sheet browser.
EXPLODE Prompts the Draw > Modify Explode action.
EXTEND Prompts the Draw > Modify Extend action.
FILLET Prompts the Draw > Modify Fillet action.
FILLETR Prompts the Draw > Modify Fillet with Radius/Trim action.
FLY Prompts to set Fly mode in 3D view
GAP Prompts the Annotate > Insert Gap in Dimension / Label action.
GRIDRULER Prompts Grid Ruler creation operation
HEXA Prompts the Draw > Draw Hexagon action.
ID Allows identification of Sheet Position.
IMAGE Prompts the Annotate > Insert Image browser.
LABEL Prompts the Annotate > Insert Label browser.
LAYER Prompts the Home > Layers form.
LDIM Prompts the Annotate > Linear Dimension action.
LENGTHEN Prompts the Draw > Modify Lengthen action.
LWT Toggles Canvas Line Width Thickness. STYLWLB
MERGE Prompts the Draw > Modify Merge action.
MIRROR Prompts the Draw > Modify Mirror action.
MOVE Prompts the Draw > Modify Move action.
MREDO Prompts the Home > Redo of Multiple actions.
MRKP Prompts the Annotate > Marker Point action.
NAVIGATOR Prompts the Navigation Window
NEWVIEW Prompts tooltip to create a basic view
OFFSET Prompts Draw > Modify Offset action.
OLAY Prompts the Annotate > Insert Overlay form.
OUTL Prompts the Draw > Draw Outline action.
PAN Allows Pan Navigation of Sheet.
PANDIR Allows Directional Pan Navigation of Sheet.
PASTECLIP Prompts the Home > Paste from Clipboard action.
PASTEORIG Prompts the Home > Paste to Original Coordinates action.

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Command Description

PDIM Prompts Pitch Circular Dimensions

PICK Prompts the Pick action.
PLOTSTYLES Prompts the Home > Plot Styles form.
PREV Returns Canvas to previous view.
PRINT Prompts the Project > Print area.
PROPERTIES Prompts the Home > Property Grid.
QUIT Quits the application.
QVPROJ Prompts the Home > Create Quick Projection View action.
RAY Prompts the Draw > Draw Ray Line action.
RDIM Prompts the Annotate > Radial Dimension action.
RECT Prompts Draw > Draw Rectangle action.
REDO Prompts the Home > Redo of an action.
REGION Prompts the Home > Create Region action.
REVISION REVISION Prompts the Manage > Revision Control form.
ROTATE Prompts the Draw > Modify Rotate about Base Point action.
SCALE Prompts the Draw > Modify Scale action.
SECV Prompts the Home > Create Section View action.
SELALL Selects all elements in canvas.
SETCOLOUR Sets the Current Colour in the Active Properties.
SETLT Sets the Current Line Type in the Active Properties.
STRA Prompts the Draw > Draw Straight action.
STYLES Prompts the Visual Styles form.
SYMB Prompts the Annotate > Symbol Selection browser.
TABL Prompts the Annotate > Add Table action.
TANGENT Prompts the Draw > Draw Tangent action.
TEXP Prompts the Annotate > Add Text action.
TOTLENGTH Prompts the Draw > Cumulative Length Measure action.
TRIM Prompts the Draw > Modify Trim action.
STRETCH Prompts the Draw > Modify Stretch action.
U Prompts the Home > Undo action.
UNDO Prompts the Home > Undo of Multiple actions.
UPDATEDESI Prompts the Update > Update Design action.
VDETAIL VDETAIL Prompts the Home > Create Detail View action.
VIEW Prompts the Home > Create View action.

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Command Description

VMODIFY Prompts the 3D View Tools Tab.

VPROJ Prompts the Home > Create Projection View action.
VSEC Prompts the Home > Create View Section action.
WALK Prompts to set Walk mode in 3D view
XLINE Prompts the Draw > Construct XLine action.
ZOOM Allows Zoom Navigation of Sheet.
3DORBIT Prompts a 3D Orbit operation in 3D View Mode

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This page is left intentionally blank.

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Appendix C Project Options

The project Options are available from the PROJECT tab:

The Project Options contains three groups:

 Configuration : offers general settings to configure the user interface.

 View : configure the appearance and behaviour of the 3D View.

 Discipline : offer specific settings for Integrator, Piping and Structural.


Coordinates : option to set the world axes to ENU or XYZ.

Explorer Settings: opens the Explorer Settings form.

Forms : sets the transparency, tabs appearance and confirmation dialog.

Properties : configures the Properties form.

Units : configures the default units for the current session.

Setting the Project Units

Session Units enable the user to display the output of values on forms and input values in forms in a unit other
than the system units. For example, AVEVA E3D works internally in millimetres, however, distance and bore
input and display units can be modified to suit the user during a session.

Attribute values are stored in databases in the system units and are converted on input and output to the
current session units.

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On the PROJECT tab, selecting Options >

Systems > Units displays the Session Units form.

The left pane of the form displays a list of the

available unit types that can be modified and their
current setting.

Clicking on a unit type in this list displays a list of

the available session units in the pane to the right.
The current unit is denoted by the notation > unit

Clicking one of the other available units and then

clicking the Set <unit type> Unit button, where
<unit type> is the selected type, makes the
selected unit the current session unit for that type
and updates the left pane list.

By default, Distance units are metric whilst other unit types have a mixture of Metric and Imperial units to
relevant to industry practice. For example, Bore has Millimetres and Inch available. Some unit types, e.g.
Current, Voltage and Impedance have only one unit available.

Imperial distance units can be made the default by including a UNIT element in a Catalogue database.

The Save / Restore frame enables the current session units to be set to current project defaults and saved
and restored by clicking appropriate button.

Session Units enable the user to display the output of values on forms and input values in forms in a unit
other than the system units. For example, AVEVA E3D works internally in millimetres, however, distance and
bore input and display units can be modified to suit the user during a session.

Attribute values are stored in databases in the system units and are converted on input and output to the
current session units.

View options

Animations & Colours : sets the zoom animations speed, the colours of the
3D View items, the display of the Axes and the Crosshair

Selection & Snaps : sets the appearance and behaviour of grips and snap

Configuration : sets the mouse navigation controls sensibility

Picking Control: sets the picking offset when using EDG.

Elements : selection of an element filter for the picking using EDG

Ppoints : selection of filters for picking Ppoints using EDG

Controls : sets the colour of the Route Editor

PowerCompass : set the projection mode and the size of the PowerCompass

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Discipline Options

Integrator : configuration options for Integrator

Piping : Piping application defaults

Structural : Structural application defaults

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Appendix D Structural Profile Catalogue

Standard Profile Catalogue Hierarchy

For Standard profiles there is one Geometry Set and Pline Set per Gtype used by all profiles from any Standard
and one common Data Set for all profiles.

Standard Profiles – Naming & Descriptions

All Standard profiles are named in accordance with the nomenclature given in the appropriate standard and
prefixed by an abbreviation for the standard and the profile type, e.g. BS_UB254x46x37. This avoids name
clashes where similar profiles, e.g. L100x100x10, that are in two or more standards.

The Description attribute of the SPRF element is populated with the name given in the appropriate standard
or local convention, e.g. 254x146UB37

The SPRF Description attribute is used for profile selection. If the Description attribute is unset, the SPRF
Name attribute is displayed.

Standard Profiles – Gtypes

The new Standard Profile Gtypes in the AVEVA E3D 2.1 Catalogue are:

 PFI Parallel Flange I  CTUB Circular Tube

 PFC Parallel Flange Channel  ZED Z Profile

 PFT Parallel Flange Tee  CEE C Profile

 TFI Tapered Flange I  PLTG Asymmetric Plate Girder

 TFC Tapered Flange Channel  BOXG Box Girder

 TFC Tapered Flange Tee  FBAR Flat Bar

 TFTW Tapered Flange Tapered Web Tee  CBAR Circular Bar

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 ANGL Angle  HBAR Hexagonal Bar

 RTUB Rectangular Tube

Standard Profiles – Parameters

The standard parameter list for all Gtypes is:

No. Parameter Description Dkey Data Type

1 Depth DPTH Geometry
2 Width A WIDA Geometry
3 Width B WIDB Geometry
4 Width C WIDC Geometry
5 Web Thickness WTHK Geometry
6 Flange Thickness A FTKA Geometry
7 Flange Thickness B FTKB Geometry
8 Radius A RADA Geometry
9 Radius B RAD B Geometry
10 Radius C RAD C Geometry
11 CofG X Axis Offset CGXO Geometry
12 CofG Y Axis Offset CGYO Geometry
13 Flange Thickness Centre Offset FTCO Geometry
14 Flange Slope (degrees) FSLO Geometry
15 Web Slope (degrees) WSLO Geometry
16 Gage Line A GLNA Data
17 Gage Line B GLNB Data
18 Gage Line C GLNC Data
19 Maximum Bolt Diameter A MBDA Data
20 Maximum Bolt Diameter B MBDB Data
21 Mass per Unit Length MAUL Data
22 Surface Area per metre SAPM Data
23 Cross Sectional Area XSAR Data

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Gtype PFI Gtype PFC

Orientation of Angle Profiles (Gtype: ANGL)

The new ANGL Gtype is orientated to comply with all standards, i.e. it has been mirrored and rotated by 180°
from the old ANG Gtype.

Orientation of ANGL Gtype Orientation of ANG Gtype

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Design Parameter Profiles – Catalogue Hierarchy

For Design Parameter profiles the STCA contains the Data Set, Geometry Set and Pline Set applicable to the
profile Gtype.

Design Parameter Profiles – Gtypes

The Design Parameter Gtypes in the AVEVA E3D 2.1 Catalogue are:

 DPFI Design Parameter Parallel Flange I

 DPFC Design Parallel Flange Channel

 DPFT Design Parameter Parallel Flange Tee

 DANG Design Parameter Angle

 DRTU Design Parameter Rectangular Tube

 DCTU Design Parameter Circular Tube

 DZED Design Parameter Z Profile

 DCEE Design Parameter C Profile

 DPLG Design Parameter Asymmetric Plate Girder

 DBXG Design Parameter Box Girder

 DFBA Design Parameter Flat Bar

 DRBA Design Parameter Round Bar

 DHBA Design Parameter Hexagonal Bar

 DCON Design Parameter Cone

 DTWI Design Parameter Tapered Web I

 Design Parameter equivalent of all Standard Profiles are available with the exception of tapered flange

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Design Parameter Profiles – Parameters

Design Parameters have the same Dkey and Descriptions as the equivalent Standard profiles, however, only
those parameters required for the profile are included in the Data Set.

DP No. Design Parameter Description Dkey Data Type

DESP 1 Depth DPTH Geometry
DESP 2 Width WIDA Geometry
DESP 3 Web Thickness WTHK Geometry
DESP 4 Flange Thickness A FTKA Geometry
DESP 5 Root Radius RADA Geometry
DESP 6 Gage Line A GLNA Data
DESP 6 Gage Line B GLNB Data
DESP 7 Gage Line C GLNC Data
DESP 8 Mass per Unit Length MAUL Data
DESP 9 Surface Area per metre SAPM Data
DESP 10 Cross Sectional Area XSAR Data

Geometry Set & Pline Set Syntax

Instead of using syntax with direct reference to parameter numbers, for example:

Py = PARA [1] / 2 – PARA [4])

In geometry and Pline sets, the use of property syntax with reference to the parameter’s Dkey attribute is
used, for example:

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This removes reliance on the parameter number order and enables additional parameters to be added, if
required, in the future.


All Gtypes will have a common set of 14 Plines.

9 of these Plines are positioned at the corners and centrelines

of a bounding box drawn around the profile.

The remaining 5 Plines are positioned at the Neutral Axis (NA)

and on the bounding box where lines drawn through the NA in
X and Y directions intersect the bounding box

For symmetrical profiles some Plines are coincident, however, for asymmetrical profiles no Plines are

Gtype specific Plines have been added to ensure trimming functionality is maintained.

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Extra Plines on bolt gage lines have been added recently (backmarks/cross centres).

Relevant Plines will have their Cconnect attribute set to ‘ANY’ to maintain trimming functionality.

Display Levels & Obstruction Values

Generally profile geometry sets have two representations, Simple and Actual, whilst enclosed shapes have
internal obstruction volumes.

The Display Levels and Obstruction values are as follows:

Representation Drawing Levels
Simple 0-3 0

Actual 4-8 2

Obstruction 9 - 10 1

Gtype Simple Actual Obstruction

PFI None

PFC None


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Gtype Simple Actual Obstruction





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Appendix E Structural Joint & Fitting Catalogue

Joint Catalogue Hierarchy

For joints the Geometry Sets, Pline Set, Point Set and Data Set are contained in the same STCA as the joint.

Joint Groups

The Joint Groups and Sub-types are as follows:

Beam to Column Joints

 Beam to column web

 Beam to column flange

Beam to Beam Joints

 Equal size beams

 Small beams to large beams

 Large beams to small beams

Splice Joints

 Equal sections

 Unequal sections

Bracing Joints

 Bolted connections

Welded connections

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Joint Names

Joint are named from a simple coding system comprising of:

 Joint group code

 Sub-type code

 Joint type code

 Owning Gtype

 Attached Gtype

 Additional information

 Suffix

For example: J1S1_WEL_PFC_PFC_001 and J2S6_FPL_CTUB_PFI_4H_001.

Additional information may be included, for example:

 4H, i.e. 4 holes

 8H, i.e. 8 holes

 Etc.

The suffix is either a sequential number or VAR (meaning the joint has no parameters, only Design Parameters
and is variable).

Joint Type Codes

The following table summarises the Joint Type Codes found in AVEVA Catalogue 2.1:

Joint Joint Group Sub-type Joint Type

Sub-Type Joint Type
Group Description Code Code

J1 Beam to Beam S1 Equal Size WEL Welded

Joints Beams
BWC Bolted Web Cleats

BEP Bolted End Plate

BFP Bolted Fin Plate

S2 WEL Welded

BWC Bolted Web Cleats

BEP Bolted End Plates

BFP Bolted Fin Plate

PLH Plated Haunch

SNS Snipe and Stiffeners

SNG Snipe and Gusset

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Joint Joint Group Sub-type Joint Type

Sub-Type Joint Type
Group Description Code Code

S3 Large to WEL Welded

Beam BWC Bolted Web Cleats

BEC Bolted End Plates

BFP Bolted Fin Plate

PLH Plated Haunch

J2 Beam to S4 Column FPL Fin Plate

Column Joints Flange
FEP Flexible End Plate

FDE Full Depth End Plate

BWC Bolted Web Cleat

S5 Column FPL Fin Plate

FEP Flexible End Plate

FDE Full Depth End Plate

BWC Bolted Web Cleat

TOE Toe Plate and Stiffener

S6 Tubular WEL Welded

DOP Doubler Plate

FPL Fin Plate

SEP Stub Brkt End Plate

J3 Splice Joints S7 Equal APE Apex Haunch (Moment)

BSP Bolted Splice Plates

DPL Division Plate

EPL End Plates

S8 Unequal BSP Bolted Splice Plates

DPL Division Plate

EPL End Plates

J4 Bracing Joints S9 Bolted Bolted Connection x 2

Connection Holes

Bolted Connection x 4

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Joint Joint Group Sub-type Joint Type

Sub-Type Joint Type
Group Description Code Code

S10 Welded WN1 Wing Plate - 1 x Stiff

WN3 Wing Plate - 3 x Stiff

J5 Baseplate S11 Baseplate Sqr./Rect.4 x Holes

Joints SQR_4H Sqr./Rect.4 x Holes -

Sqr./Rect.6 x Holes
SQR_6H Sqr./Rect.6 x Holes -

Circular 4 x Holes
CIR_4H Circular 4 x Holes -

Circular 6 x Holes
CIR_6H Circular 6 x Holes -

Section & Panel Fitting Catalogue Hierarchy

For section and panel fittings the Geometry Sets, Point Set and Data Set are contained in the same STCA as
the fitting.

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Fitting Groups

The Fitting Groups (Section and Panel) are as follows:

The Section Fitting Groups are:

 Baseplates

 Stiffeners

 Lifting Lugs

 Padeyes

 Shear Studs

 Scaffold Clip

The Panel Fitting Groups are:

 Manways

 Hatches

Fitting Names

Section Fittings are named using a simple coding system comprising of:

 Fitting group code

 Fitting type code

 Owning Gtype

 Additional information

 Suffix

For example: F1_SQR_ANGL_001 and F1_CIR_CTUB_4H_STIFF_VAR.

Additional information may be included, for example:

 4H, i.e. 4 holes

 8H, i.e. 8 holes

 STIFF, i.e. has stiffeners

 4H_STIFF, i.e. has 4 holes and stiffeners

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ 2.1
User Bulletin

A Suffix is either a sequential number or VARIABLE (meaning the joint has no parameters, only Design

Fitting Type Codes

The following table summarises the Fitting Type Codes found in AVEVA Catalogue 2.1:

Fitting Group Description Fitting Type Code Fitting Type

SQR Square/Rectangular

SWS Square with Snipe

F1 Baseplates
TRI Triangular

CIR Circular

WFS Web Full Depth Single

WFD Web Full Depth Double

Web Partial Depth


Web Partial Depth

F2 Stiffeners WPD

FLS Flange Single

FLD Flange Double

TES Tee Single

TED Tee Double

BLT Bolted
F3 Lifting Lugs
WEL Welded

WEB Web Padeye

F4 Padeyes
FPP Flat Plate Padeye

F5 Shear Studs SST Shear Stud

F6 Scaffold Clips SCC Scaffold Clip

F7 Fireproofing/Insulation FPI Fireproofing/Insulation

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.

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