Oscillating Theory

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Oscillating means forward and backwards motion or expansion and contraction of the Universe. The Oscillating
Universe Theory is a cosmological model that combines both the Big Bang (Expansion of the Universe) and the Big
Crunch (Universe collapses under its own weight) as part of a cyclic event. That is, if this theory holds true, then the
Universe in which we live in exists between a Big Bang and a Big Crunch. In other words, our universe can be the first of
a possible series of universes or it can be the Nth universe in the series.

What is the oscillating universe theory?

It is the cosmological theory that combines the Big Bang and Big Crunch theory as part of the universe formation, which
has no end and goes through a series of different processes for its formation and accelerated expansion, in which the
universe is empty, smooth and flat.

What does the oscillating universe theory say?

This scientific and cosmological theory, also known as the Cyclic Model or Oscillating Models, explains that the universe
in which we live is the last one that was created in the past and that occurred as a result of a series of explosions and
different contractions because the universe did not have a common origin, but on the contrary, underwent a process or
a cycle of creation and continuous destruction, going through a great phase of expansion and another of contraction,
which is what we know as Big Crunch.
In this way, after the Big Bang, the universe can expand so much that it causes a collapse, and here intervenes the Big
Crunch, which causes a condensation that generates the whole cycle again.

Who proposed the oscillating universe theory?

The oscillating universe theory or Cyclical Model, as it is also known, was introduced by the Russian scientist A.
Friedmann, during the years 1922 and 1924. Three years after the article was published by Friedmann, a new article on
the same subject was published by the Hungarian physicist Cornelius Lanczos. Later, in 1934, Richard C. Tolman’s work
showed that the oscillating model is hardly possible due to the cyclical problem: according to the Second Law of
Thermodynamics, which indicates that entropy can only increase.

According to the antecedents we had about the universe, scientists were based to start from the premise that the
universe is closed and that it has a radius of curvature which will oscillate. Alexander Friedman was a mathematician
who established mathematical precedents for this theory development. Richard Tolman, raised the theory in 1934
based on the background of George Gamow, who said that a big explosion had been responsible for creating the stars
and galaxies of the universe, introducing for the first time the Big Bang theory.

History of the oscillating universe theory

The theory of the oscillating universe was a hypothesis that was quite accepted for a while by cosmologists and
scientists who thought that some force should prevent the formation of some gravitational forms which joined the Big
Bang theory with an earlier Big Crunch: the mathematical characteristics that appeared in the calculations were the
result of mathematical ideas and calculations. In theory, it explained that the universe is not closed.

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