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Mid Semester Examination (MST) – September 2019
Class: BA (Tourism & Hospitality), Subject: BTH-010; Principles of Tourism

Total Time: 1:30 Hrs Max. Marks: 30

Section - A
Q.1. Multiple Choice Questions, True/False, Fill in the blanks: (10*1 marks each)
1. A traveler, who visits Amrtisar Golden Temple for the purpose of performing religious activities, is a /
a) Excursionist b) Religious Tourist c) Tourist d) Both A & B
2. International tourism embraces those travelling:
a) Within their own country b) Outside their own country c) To overseas islands d) On overseas
3. Kdarnath is dedicated to:
a) Lord Shiva b) Lord Vishnu c) Goddess Durga d) Lord Brahma
4. Bandhavgarh National Park is in:
a) Madhya Pradesh b) Assam c) Uttar Pradesh d) West Bengal
5. Which of the following plays an important role in Tourism Industry?
a) Attraction b) Accommodation c) Transportation d) all of these

6. Heritage Tourism is the biggest segment, which attracts foreign tourists to India’s archaeological and
historical sites.
7. Tourism is World’s fastest growing industry of the World.

Fill in the blanks:

8. Mandu in Madhya Pradesh is famous for.....................................
9. International tourism can be divided into …………… types.
10. Tourism is a movement of tourists for not more than…………… and less than……………...

Section - B
Q.2. Short / Medium answer question (Attempt any Four): [4*5 marks each]
1. What is Tourism ? Differentiate among various types of tourism with example.
2. Write a detailed note on historical perspective of tourism with special reference to India.
3. Differentiate among tourist, excursionist, traveler, visitor etc.
4. Explain the different concepts of tourism.
5. Write any FIVE forms of tourism in detail.

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