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Companion Guide to the

ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code
Criteria and Commentary on Select Aspects of the
Boiler & Pressure Vessel and Piping Codes
Third Edition


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© 2009 by ASME, Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016, USA (

ISBN 978-0-7918-0271-7

All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this
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The Library of Congress has cataloged the previous edition as follows:

Companion guide to the ASME boiler & pressure vessel code/editor,

K. R. Rao. — 2nd ed
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index
ISBN 0-7918-0218-3 (v. 1) — ISBN 0-7918-0219-1 (v. 2) — ISBN 0-7918-0220-5 (v. 3)
1. Steam-boilers—Standards. 2. Pressure vessels—Standards. I. Rao, K. R., 1933–

TJ289.R36 2006
621.1 83021873–dc22

Cover photos:
Volumes 1 & 2: Cover designer: Paul Moran
Paul Nehrenz, photographer; Courtesy of Entergy Corporation:
Volume 1: Ninemile Point; Volume 2: Waterford Nuclear Plant
Volume 3: Cover designer: Rorshach Design.
Background image: Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Station, Courtesy of Tokyo Electric Power Company, Japan. Foreground image: UK
Slugcatcher Vessel Complex, Courtesy of Whessoe Oil and Gas Ltd, Darlington, UK, Top left: Pt. Lepreau plant Provided by NB Power Nuclear,
Canada. Bottom left: Column Pressure Vessel (10 bar), Courtesy of Richard Ducros Corporation, France.
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THIS MONUMENTAL EFFORT IS DEDICATED TO THE need eventually led to the formation of an ASME technical divi-
ASME PRESSURE VESSELS AND PIPING DIVISION AND sion, the Pressure Vessel and Piping (PVP) Division, in 1966.
TO TWO SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTORS TO THE DEVEL- Many of us who became involved in the PVP Division in the
OPMENT OF THE DESIGN-BY-ANALYSIS CON-STRUCTION early years were drafted by the leaders in the field to help pre-
RULES IN THE MODERN ASME CODE. pare a compendium of the technical information on pressure ves-
This two-volume compendium dedication is not the first recog- sel and piping technology. The Decade of Progress volumes, as
nition of the achievements of Bernard F. Langer and William E. they were known then, were published by ASME in the early
Cooper. The Bernard F. Langer Nuclear Codes and Standards 1970s, covering the most significant contributions to pressure
Award, established in 1977, provides a posthumous and lasting vessel and piping design and analysis; materials and fabrication;
tribute to one of these contributors, an intellectual giant who was and operations, applications, and components. The Decade of
instrumental in providing the leadership and statesmanship that Progress volumes should be considered the antecedents of these
was essential to the creation of construction rules for nuclear ves- two volumes. Both sets of volumes should be considered as inte-
sels and related equipment. William E. Cooper, the first recipient gral parts of the technical literature supporting the Code and the
of the Bernard F. Langer Nuclear Codes and Standards Award, is Criteria document.
another intellectual giant instrumental in the creation of the mod- The PVP Division has acted with great vigor over the years to
ern ASME Code. In addition, Dr. Cooper acted in a number of continue to provide the technical forums needed to support
ASME Codes and Standards leadership positions. It was my plea- improvements in the modern ASME Code. This year marks the
sure to join many of my colleagues in April 2001 for the presenta- Division's 35th anniversary. When I first became involved in PVP
tion to Dr. Cooper of the ASME President's Award from the 120th Division activities, the second year had just been completed, with
President of ASME International, William A. Weiblen. That most Vito Salerno as the second Chair of the Division Executive Com-
prestigious award recognized a lifetime of achievement in ASME mittee. Dana Young had been the first Chair, during 1966–1967,
and, in particular, in ASME Code activities. and Gunther Eschenbrenner was ready to become the third Chair,
Bernie Langer and Bill Cooper were essential in both the devel- for the 1968–1969 year. Planning was well underway for the first
opment of the modern ASME Code and in the creation of the International Conference on Pressure Vessel Technology
forums for technical information exchange that support the Code (ICPVT), scheduled for Delft, the Netherlands, in the following
rules. The publication of these two volumes by ASME Interna- year. The plan was to hold such an international conference every
tional is a legacy of that duality. These volumes continue a long four years, with the Secretariat rotating between Europe (1969),
and productive relationship between the development of the mod- the United States (San Antonio, 1973), and Asia (Tokyo, 1977).
ern ASME Code and the technical exchanges on pressure vessel Nine of these international conferences have now been held, the
and piping technology sponsored by the ASME Pressure Vessels most recent in Sydney, Australia, in April 2000.
and Piping Technical Division. This process of technical informa- At the same time, initial planning for the First U.S. National
tion exchange, through conference paper and panel presentations, Congress on Pressure Vessels and Piping, to be held every four
and through refereed paper publication, is an essential step in the years in the United States, was also underway. It was my privilege
reduction to standard practice, standard practice that is eventually to be the Technical Program Chair for the Second U.S. National
embodied in the rules of the ASME Code. Information exchange Congress on PVP in 1975 in San Francisco, and the Conference
at technical conferences and in technical publications goes hand Chair for the Third U.S. National Congress on PVP in 1979, also
in hand with the deliberations of ASME Code bodies. in San Francisco. In addition, the activity within the PVP Divi-
This relationship goes back to the pivotal events leading up to sion was such that we cosponsored ASME technical conferences
the development of the modern ASME Code — the appointment with the Materials Division, the Nuclear Engineering Division,
of the Special Committee to Review Code Stress Basis in the late and the Petroleum Division in alternate years. This has since led
1950s. The principles formulated by that group became the basis to the annual PVP Conference, the most recent being PVP 2001
for Section III and Section VIII, Division 2 (design by analysis) in Atlanta, Georgia, in July 2001.
of the Code. These basic principles were published by ASME in The paper flow from the technical conferences and the network
1968 under the title “Criteria of the ASME Boiler and Pressure of contributors for the Decade of Progress volumes eventually led
Vessel Code for Design by Analysis in Sections III and VIII, to the creation of the ASME Transactions Journal of Pressure
Division 2.” At the same time that the work of the Special Vessel Technology in late 1973, only seven years after formation
Committee to Review Code Stress Basis was nearing fruition, of the Pressure Vessel and Piping Technical Division. Dr. Irwin
leaders in the field of pressure vessel design, including Bernie Berman was its first Senior Technical Editor, with two Technical
Langer and Bill Cooper, recognized that an improved forum for Editors representing the PVP Division and the Petroleum Divi-
fundamental technical information exchange was needed. The sion. Once again, I consider it a privilege to have been selected as
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iv • Dedication

the Technical Editor for the PVP Division, later becoming the Where to Next.” Both articles clearly identified the additional
Senior Technical Editor in 1978. The Journal and the technical commitment that we all share to bring sound information to the
conferences have provided robust mechanisms for the needed attention of the general public and to policymakers in federal,
technical information exchange. state, and local jurisdictions. In the almost three decades since the
But ASME Code rules and the associated technical information publication of those two articles, this commitment has been
exchange is not enough. In one of the very early issues (Novem- extended, as the reach of ASME International, the ASME Boiler
ber 1974) of the Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, two arti- and Pressure Vessel Code, and the PVP Division covers the entire
cles were published on the duty and responsibility of engineers world. We owe a debt of gratitude to these two giants, and these
and their engineering societies to address public concerns about two volumes represent a “down payment” on that debt.
the safety and reliability of power plants. One, by Bernie Langer,
was titled “The Role of the Engineering Societies in Obtaining Robert E. Nickell, Ph.D. William E. Cooper, Ph.D, P.E.
Public Acceptance of Power Plants.” The other, by Bill Cooper, 1999–2000 President
was titled “Nuclear — Pressure Vessels and Piping — Materials: ASME International
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The editor is indebted to several individuals and organiza- S. Lewis, Jaishanker S. Brihmadesam, Brian C. Gray, and Paul
tions in the preparation of this two-volume book. Some of them H. Nehrenz.
are identified for their assistance in completion of this effort. My special thanks to Professor Dr. Robert T. Norman,
My thanks are to all of the thirty-nine contributors whose dedi- University of Pittsburgh, for the untiring pains he had taken in
cated efforts made this possible by their singular attention to training me to undertake efforts such as these — from their very
detail, even while they succinctly conveyed the voluminous initiation to their logical conclusion.
information. This unique two-volume publication, which Dr. Frederick
I wish to thank Dr. Jack Ware, Pressure Vessels and Piping Moody aptly called a “monumental effort,” would have never
Division who suggested this effort. My thanks are in particular to taken off had it not been for the vision and sustained support pro-
Martin D. Bernstein who had from the start of this project been vided by the staff of ASME Technical Publishing. My thanks to
my inspiration to rally around during several ups and downs. I them for their support.
also thank Dr. Robert E. Nickell for his encouragement to see the Finally, all of this saga-type effort, spread over three years, would
end of the tunnel. have never been possible had it not been for the constant encourage-
This effort would not have been possible but for the encourage- ment and untiring support provided by my wife, Dr. Indira Rao, that
ment and support provided by my employer, Entergy Operations included all of the sundry chores associated with this project. In
Inc., and in particular by Frederick W. Titus, William R. addition, I wish to thank other members of my family, Uma and
Campbell, John R. Hamilton, Willis F. Mashburn, Raymond Sunder Sashti, and Dr. Ishu V. Rao, for their zealous support.


This second edition following the success of the first edition Editor intends to once again thank Entergy Operations for their
has an enlarged scope including the addition of a third volume. continued support. Thanks are especially due to Dr. Indira Rao
This warranted the addition of several contributors who are all whose support in several capacities made this voluminous effort
experts in their respective specialties. The editor appreciates their possible. My thanks are to the staff of ASME publishing for their
contributions, as well as the continued support of the contributors continued zeal and support.
from the first edition.
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This third edition follows the unprecedented success of the pre- Rodgers, Sampath Ranganath, Roger F. Reedy, Wolf Reinhardt,
vious two editions. Peter C. Riccardella, Everett C. Rodabaugh, Robert J. Sims Jr.,
As mentioned in the first edition, this effort was initiated with James E. Staffiera, Stanley Staniszewski, Richard W. Swayne
the ‘end user’ in mind. Several individuals and a few organiza- (Rick), Anibal L.Taboas, Elmar Upitis and Nicholas C. Van Den
tions had provided support ever since this effort started. Brekel.
In the second edition the success of the first edition was Similarly the editor thanks the contribution of authors who
enlarged in scope with the addition of a third volume, with joined this effort in this third edition. Sincerity and dedication of
experts in their respective specialties to contribute chapters they the authors who joined in this effort is evident from two instances
authored. — in one case, a contributor hastened to complete his manuscript
In response to the changing priorities of Boiler and Pressure before going for his appointment for heart surgery! In another
Vessel (B&PV) industry and global use of ASME B&PV Codes case, when I missed repeatedly a correction made by a contribu-
and Standards the scope and extent of this edition has increased. tor, he never failed to draw my attention to the corrections that I
The result of the current effort is in a 2,550 page book spread in missed!
three volumes. Thus, the editor wishes to appreciate efforts of authors who joined
The editor pays homage to the authors Yasuhide Asada, Martin in this edition and worked zealously to contribute their best for the
D. Bernstein, Toshiki Karasawa, Douglas B. Nickerson and completion of this ‘saga’. The authors are Joseph F. Artuso, Hansraj
Robert F. Sammataro who passed away and whose expertise G.Ashar, Peter Pal Babics, Paul Brinkhurst, Neil Broom, Robert G.
enriched the chapters they authored in the previous editions. Brown, Milan Brumovsky, Anne Chaudouet, Shin Chang, Yi-Bin
This comprehensive Companion Guide with multiple editions Chen, Ting Chow, Howard H. Chung, Russell C. Cipolla, Carlos
spanning over several years has several authors contributing to this Cueto-Felgueroso, K. B. Dixit, Malcolm Europa, John Fletcher, Luc
effort. The editor thanks authors who had contributed to the previ- H. Geraets, Stephen Gosselin (Steve), Donald S. Griffin, Kunio
ous editions but did not participate in the current edition and they Hasegawa, Philip A. Henry, Ralph S. Hill III, Kaihwa Robert Hsu,
are Tom Ahl, Domenic A. Canonico, Arthur E. Deardorff, Guy H. D. P. Jones, Toshio Isomura, Jong Chull Jo, Masahiko Kaneda,
Deboo, Jeffrey A. Gorman, Harold C. Graber, John Hechmer, Dieter Kreckel, Victor V. Kostarev, H. S. Kushwaha, Donald Wayne
Stephen Hunt, Yoshinori Kajimura, Pao-Tsin Kuo, M. A. Malek, Lewis, John R. Mac Kay, Rafael G. Mora, Dana Keith Morton,
Robert J. Masterson, Urey R. Miller, Kamran Mokhtarian, Dennis Edwin A. Nordstrom, Dave A. Osage, Daniel Pappone, Marty
Rahoi, Frederick A. Simonen, John D. Stevenson, Stephen V. Parece, Michael A. Porter, Clay D. Rodery, Wesley C. Rowley,
Voorhees, John I. Woodworth and Lloyd W. Yoder. Barry Scott, Kaisa Simola, K. P. Singh (Kris), Alexander V
The editor appreciates the effort of the continuing contributors Sudakov, Peter Trampus, K. K. Vaze, Reino Virolainen, Raymond
from the previous editions, who had a remarkable influence on (Ray) A. West, Glenn A. White, Tony Williams.
shaping this mammoth effort, few of them from the very begin- The editor thanks Steve Brown of Entergy Operations for his
ning to this stage. The editor gratefully acknowledges the follow- help in the search for expert contributors for this edition.
ing authors Kenneth Balkey, Warren Bamford, Uma This edition was initiated by me in August 2006 and has taken
Bandyopadhyay, Jon E. Batey, Charles Becht IV (Chuck), Sidney over 3000 hours of computer connection time. My thanks are
A. Bernsen, Alain Bonnefoy, Marcus N. Bressler, Marvin L. especially to my wife, Dr. Indira Rao whose sustained support for
Carpenter, Edmund W. K. Chang, Kenneth C. Chang, Peter this effort and participation in several chores related to editing. In
Conlisk, Joel G. Feldstein, Richard E. Gimple, Jean-Marie addition, I appreciate her tolerating my working on it during a
Grandemange, Timothy J. Greisbach, Ronald S. Hafner, Geoffrey 4-month overseas vacation.
M. Halley, Peter J. Hanmore, Owen F. Hedden, Greg L. The editor thanks the staff of ASME Technical Publications for
Hollinger, Robert I. Jetter, Guido G. Karcher, William J. Koves, their unstinted zeal and support in aiming at this publication’s
John T. Land, Donald F. Landers, Hardayal S. Mehta, Richard A. target of ‘zero tolerance’ for ‘errors and omissions’.
Moen, Frederick J. Moody, Alan Murray, David N. Nash, W. J. Finally, the editor thanks all of you, readers and users of
O’Donnell, David E. Olson, Frances Osweiller, Thomas P. Pastor, this ‘Companion Guide’ and hopes it serves the purpose of this
Gerard Perraudin, Bernard Pitrou, Mahendra D. Rana, Douglas K. publication.
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AHL, THOMAS J. (Committee on Concrete Pressure Components for Nuclear
Service), ASTM, and NRMCA. He was a contributing editor of
Thomas J. Ahl earned a B.S.C.E. in 1960 McGraw-Hill “Concrete Construction Handbook”. Mr. Artuso
and M.S.C.E. in 1961 from University of was the Director of Site Quality Control for the Duquesne Light
Wisconsin. He is a Registered Structural and Company, Beaver Valley, Unit 2. He also supervised construc-
Professional Engineer in Illinois. He held tion quality control activities on many nuclear power plants dur-
the position of Principal Engineer in Nuclear ing the period of high construction activity from the 1970’s to
& Pressure Vessel Design Department, 1980’s.
Chicago Bridge & Iron Co., Plainfield, IL,
(1961–1998), and was engaged in design
and analysis of nuclear related vessels and
structural components. Ahl was a Member of ANSI Working Group
ANS-56.8 that prepared the ANSI/ANS-56.8-1981—Containment Late Dr. Yasuhide Asada was Professor
System Leakage Testing Requirements standard. Emeritus of The The University of Tokyo.
Ahl is a Member of ASCE, Member of ASCE Hydropower Deve- He has been an internationally renowned
lopment Committee, and Conventional Hydropower Subcommittee. scientist in the area of Elevated Temperature
He served as Co-Chair of the Task Committee preparing the publi- Design technology as well as plasticity,
cation “Manual of Practice for Steel Penstocks ASCE Manual No. creep and creep and fatigue. He was an
79,” Vice-Chair-ASCE Committee preparing the “Guidelines for author of over 150 scientific/technical pub-
Evaluating Aging Penstocks,” and member of ASCE Hydropower lications with respect to the technical area
Committee preparing “Civil Engineering Guidelines for Planning of his specialty. His contributions have
and Design of Hydroelectric Developments.” been awarded by JSME, ASME, ASTM and other engineering
Two of these publications received the ASCE Rickey Award organizations.
Medal in 1990 and 1994. Thomas Ahl is a member of the Peer After six years of field experience at Mitsubishi Heavy
Review Group to Sandia National Laboratories and the U.S. Industries Ltd., he was invited to be a faculty member of School
Nuclear Regulatory Structural Engineering Branch for the Safety of Engineering, The University of Tokyo in 1969. He has been a
Margins for Containment’s Research Program, 1980–2001. Professor of Applied Mechanics in the Mechanical Engineering
Department since 1980 and retired from the university in 1999
due to the university retirement age of 60.
ARTUSO, JOSEPH F. He was a leader of structural integrity administration at METI
on Japanese Nuclear Power plants and components and a leader
Joseph F. Artuso is the CEO of Construc- of Japanese Codes and Standards activity for nuclear and non-
tion Engineering Consultants, Inc. He has nuclear facilities and Japanese representative for ISO/TC11
over 40 years experience in developing and Boilers and Pressure Vessels where he proposed a new concept of
managing quality control inspection and IPEC for international standards.
testing programs for construction materi- He has been contributing in international codes and standards
als. He is also actively involved in the activity and was a member of SC. III of ASME B&PV Code
Code and Standards writing bodies of ACI Committee, Board on Nuclear Codes and standards of ASME and
and ASME. Mr. Artuso earned a B.S. in was a member of ASME Council on Codes and Standards as well
Civil Engineering at Carnegie Institute of as to the Board on Codes and Standards Technology Institute. He
Technology in 1948 and became a Level III Inspection Engineer has contributed to JSME Power generation Code Committee was
at the National Council of Engineering Examiners in 1975. He is a member since 1998 and was chair for first four years.
a registered Professional Engineer in the states of Pennsylvania, In scientific activity, he chaired International Council on
Ohio, New York, Florida, Maryland and West Virginia, as well Pressure Vessel Technology (ICPVT) for 1996 to 2000 and chaired
as being registered as Quality Control Engineer in state of Asian and Oceanic regional Committee (AORC) of ICPVT since
California. His memberships in national committees include 1996. He was a Japanese representative member of International
A.S.C.E. (Task committee on Inspection Agencies), A.C.I Creep Conference and chaired 7th International creep Conference
(Committees 214, 304 and 311), A.N.S.I (N-45-3.5 Structural 2000. Dr. Asada was the recipient of Bernard F. Langer Award and
Concrete and Steel), A.S.M.E. (Committee 359 (ASME Sec. III, the ASME Dedication Service Award. Professor Emeritus
Div. 2) Construction Materials and Exam.), ACI-ASME Yasuhide Asada passed away on Nov. 23rd, 2005.
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viii • Contributor Biographies

ASHAR, HANSRAJ, G. six-month training at the US NRC to study the ASME B&PV
CODE Section XI regulatory application and practice. Since 2003
Mr. Ashar has a Master of Science degree he has been responsible for the ISI System Qualification of the
in Civil Engineering from the University of NSD. Since March 2007 he works as leader of Section of
Michigan. He has been working with the Component Supervision in Licensing Department of NSD.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission for the Since 1996 he has been member of the Hungarian Association
last 35 years as a Sr. Structural Engineer. of Welding and Non-destructive Testing Organisation and his duty
Prior to that Mr. Ashar has worked with a is the education, training and examination of metal welders. He
number of consultants in the U.S. and has taken part and given presentations in more than 30 confer-
Germany designing Bridges and Buildings. ences and workshop. He is the author of several Hungarian
Mr. Ashar has authored 30 papers related Regulatory Guides.
to structures in nuclear power plants.
Mr. Ashar’s participation in National and International
Standards Organization includes Membership of the NSO and
INSO Committees such as American Institute of Steel BALKEY, KENNETH R.
Construction (AISC), Chairman of Nuclear Specification Kenneth R. Balkey is currently a Con-
Committe (January 1996 to March 2008), (AISC/ANSI N690); sulting Engineer in Nuclear Services, with
Member of Building Specification Committee, and Corresponding Westinghouse Electric Company in
of Seismic Provisions Committee. Pittsburgh, PA with over 36 years of ser-
Mr. Ashar’s professional activities with The American vice in the nuclear power industry. Mr.
Concrete Institute (ACI) 349 Committees include Member of the Balkey provides consultation and advises
Main committee, Subcommittee 1 on General Requirements, technology developments related to Codes
Materials and QA, and Subcommittee 2 on Design. His profes- and Standards and critical asset protection
sional activities also include American Society of Mechanical initiatives. He performed and directed reli-
Engineers (ASME), Corresponding Member, Working Group on ability and risk evaluations for nuclear and non-nuclear structures,
lnservice Inspection of Concrete and Steel Containments systems and components over his lengthy career. He has produced
(Subsections IWE and IWL of ASME Section XI Code), more than 100 publications and documents relating to risk evalua-
Member, ASME/ACI Joint Committee on Design, Construction, tions of the integrity of piping, vessels and structures, and the per-
Testing and Inspection of Concrete Containments and Pressure formance of components using state-of-the-art probabilistic
Vessels; Member, RILEM Task Committee 160-MLN: assessment techniques.
Methodology for Life Prediction of Concrete Structures in Mr. Balkey is vice chair, ASME Codes and Standards Board of
Nuclear Power Plants; Member, Federation Internationale du Directors (June 2008 – June 2011), a member of the ASME
Beton (FIB) Task Group 1.3: Containment Structures, and Board on Nuclear Codes and Standards, past vice president,
Consultant to IAEA on Concrete Containment Database (2001 to Nuclear Codes and Standards (June 2005 – June 2008), and past
2005). chair, ASME Board on Nuclear Codes and Standards (June 2005 –
Mr Ashar is a Professional Engineer in the State of Ohio and June 2008). Mr. Balkey also served as a senior technical advisor
State of Maryland; Fellow, American Concrete Institute; Fellow, to the ASME Innovative Technologies Institute LLC, providing
American Society of Civil Engineers; Professional Meer – consultation on the development of guidance for Risk Analysis
Posttensioning Institute. Mr. Ashar is a Peer Reviewer of the Papers and Management for Critical Asset Protection (RAMCAPTM) and
to be published in ASCE Material Journal, Nuclear Engineering and working with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. His
Design (NED) Periodicals and ACI Material Journal. honors include ASME’s Dedicated Service Award (1991), the
Bernard F. Langer Nuclear Codes and Standards Award (2002),
the Melvin R. Green Codes and Standards Medal (2008), and sev-
BABICS, PETER PAL eral other awards from ASME, Westinghouse, and other institu-
tions. Mr. Balkey earned B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mechanical
Peter Pal Babics graduated as Mechanical Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh. Mr. Kenneth R.
Engineer from Bánki Donát Polytechnic Balkey is a Registered Professional Engineer.
Institute (BDPI) of Budapest, Hungary in
1975 and obtained an MSc equivalent
degree in 1980 as ME at the Technical BAMFORD, WARREN
University of Miskolc. He post graduated
as Welding Engineer at the Technical Warren Bamford has been a member of
University of Budapest, and European Section XI since 1974, and now serves as
Welding Engineer (EWE) at the Austrian Chairman of the Subgroup on Evaluation
Institute of Material Science and Welding Technology (SZA), Standards, whose charter is to develop and
Wien. After graduating he worked as pressure vessel designer and maintain flaw evaluation procedures and
technologist of welding material production (1975–80). From acceptance criteria. He is a member of the
1980 he directed pressure vessel and pipelines construction in the Executive Committee of Section XI, and
oil refinery and gas industry. Since 1990 he has been working as was also a charter member of the ASME
member of the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority (HAEA). His Post Construction Committee, whose goal
main activity is licensing ISI programs, welding procedures, is to develop inspection, evaluation and repair criteria for non-
repairs and replacements of safety related equipment of NPP of nuclear plants. He has taught a course on the Background and
the Nuclear Safety Directorate (NSD). In 1997 he took part in a Technical Basis of the ASME Code, Section III and Section XI.
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Warren has been educated at Virginia Tech, Carnegie Mellon for inspection performed by Dow or third-party inspectors at sup-
University, and the University of Pittsburgh. plier fabrication shops. He received a B.S. in Physics from Texas
Warren’s research interests include environmental fatigue crack State University. His certifications include ASNT Level III
growth and stress corrosion cracking of pressure boundary materi- Certificates in Radiography, Ultrasound, Liquid Penetrant,
als, and he has been the lead investigator for two major programs Magnetic Particle, Visual and Leak Test Methods.
in this area. He was a charter member of the International
Cooperative Group for Environmentally Assisted Cracking, which
has been functioning since 1977. BECHT 1V, CHARLES
Warren Bamford has been employed by Westinghouse Electric
since 1972, and now serves as a consulting Engineer. He special- Dr. Becht is a recognized authority in pres-
izes in applications of fracture mechanics to operating power sure vessels, piping, expansion joints, and
plants, with special interest in probabilistic applications. Over 80 elevated temperature design. He is President
technical papers have been published in journals and conference of Becht Engineering Co. Inc, a consulting
proceedings. engineering company providing services to
the process and power industries
(, for the
nuclear services division, and
BANDYOPADHYAY, UMA S. for technical training);
Bandyopadhyay received his BSME from President of Becht Engineering Canada Ltd.; President of Helidex,
Jadavpur University (1970), Calcutta, LLC (; and Director of Sonomatic Ltd. (also dba
India, MSME from the Polytechnic Becht Sonomatic, a NDE company that
Institute of Brooklyn (1974). He is a regis- provides advanced ultrasonic imaging. Chuck was previously with
tered Professional Engineer in the states of Energy Systems Group, Rockwell International and Exxon
New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Research and Engineering where he was a pressure equipment spe-
Massachusetts, Virginia, Wyoming and cialist. He received a PhD from Memorial University in Mechanical
District of Columbia. He has 28 years of Engineering (dissertation: Behavior of Bellows), a MS from
extensive experience in design, engineer- Stanford University in Structural Engineering and BSCE from
ing and manufacturing of pipe supports and pipe support products Union College, New York. Chuck is a licensed professional engi-
for Water Treatment and Waste Water Treatment Facilities, Oil neer in 16 states and provinces, an ASME Fellow since 1996, recip-
Refineries, Co-generation, Fossil and Nuclear Power Plants. ient of the ASME Dedicated Service Award in 2001, and has more
Bandyopadhyay is currently employed by Carpenter and Paterson, than 60 publications including the book, Process Piping: The
Inc. as Chief Engineer and works as a consultant and Registered Complete Guide to ASME B31.3, and five patents.
Professional Engineer for affiliate Bergen-Power Pipe Supports, Dr. Becht is Chair of the ASME B31.3, Process Piping
Inc. Prior to his current employment, he held the positions of Committee; Chair (founding) of the Post Construction
Design Engineer (1977–1980), Project Engineer (1980–1986) and Subcommittee on Repair and Testing (PCC), and member of other
Chief Engineer (1986–1992) with Bergen-Paterson Pipesupport ASME Committees including the Post Construction Standards
Corp. Bandyopadhyay is a member, Working Group on Supports Committee (past Chair); Post Construction Executive Committee
(Subsection NF), since 1993; was an alternate member, (past Chair); B&PV Code Subcommittee on Transport Tanks;
Subsection NF (1986–1993). He is also an alternate member, B&PV Code Subgroup on Elevated Temperature Design (past
Manufacturer’s Standardization Society (MSS), Committee 403- Chair); B31 Code for Pressure Piping Standards Committee; B31
Pipe hangers (MSS-SP-58, 69, 89, 90 and 127) since 1992. Mechanical Design Committee; B31 Executive Committee; and is
a past member of the Board on Pressure Technology Codes and
Standards; the B&PV Code Subcommittee on Design; and the
BATEY, JON E. B&PV Code TG on Class 1 Expansion Joints for liquid metal ser-
vice. He is a member of ASTM Committee F-17, Plastic Piping
Jon Batey has been a member of ASME Systems Main Committee; and the ASME PVP Division, Design
Subcommittee V since 1995 and has and Analysis Committee.
served as Chairman since 2002. Jon has
served on various sub-tier committees of
Subcommittee V since 1990 and currently
is a member of the Subgroup on
Volumetric Examination Methods, the Dr. Bernsen, earned his B.S.M.E in 1950,
Subgroup on General Requirements, M.S.M.E in 1951, and Ph.D. in 1953, from
Personnel Qualifications and Interpreta- Purdue University. He has been involved in
tions, the Working Group on Radiography, and the Working nuclear power activities for over 50 years,
Group on Acoustic Emission. He is also a member of the ASME initially at Argonne National Laboratory and
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Standards Committee plus its Honors subsequently with Bechtel Corporation. At
and Awards Committee, and the ASME Post Construction Bechtel he held a variety of positions includ-
Standards Committee and its Subcommittee on Inspection ing Chief Nuclear Engineer and Manager
Planning. Jon was also a member of the ASME B-16 Standards of Quality Assurance for Bechtel Power
Committee from 1979 to 1993. Corporation. Since retirement from Bechtel, after more than
Jon is the Global Inspection Leader for The Dow Chemical 30 years, he has provided consulting services and has remained
Company in Freeport, TX. In his current role, Jon is responsible active in ASME Nuclear Codes and Standards. Dr. Bernsen
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x • Contributor Biographies

served as the initial Chair of the ASME Committee on Nuclear 20 papers in structural design particularly seismic analysis,
Quality Assurance (NQA) and is now an honorary member of mounded vessels and buried piping areas. Since 2001 he is the
the NQA committee. Technical Manager of the SNCT (French Pressure Equipment
Dr. Bernsen, was a founding member of the ASME Board on Manufacturer’s Association) that publishes the French Codes of
Nuclear Codes and Standards (BNCS) and has continuously Construction such as CODAP (Vessels), CODETI (Piping),
served on BNCS since its inception. He was the initial Chair of COVAP (Boilers). Alain Bonnefoy is also in charge of the French
the ASME Committee on Nuclear Risk Management and com- version of the ASME Section VIII Division 1, currently under
pleted his second term in 2004. During his tenure, the committee preparation.
completed and published the first issue of this Standard in April Mr. Bonnefoy is a Member of the different working groups
2002 and the first addendum was published in December 2003. preparing these codes and is also active in European standardiza-
Through his long career, including extensive involvement in tion in the field of piping.
licensing and safety, as well as his work in coordinating the devel-
opment and approval of the Nuclear Risk Management Standard,
he has obtained valuable insight into nuclear risk related activities
and how they are being and may be applied in the future to
ASME Codes and Standards. Dr. Bernsen, an ASME Fellow, has
been involved in Codes and Standards for over 35 years. Mr. Bressler is President of M. N.
BRESSLER, PE, INC., an engineering
consulting firm founded in 1977, specializ-
BERNSTEIN, MARTIN D. ing in codes and standards, quality assur-
ance, design, fabrication, inspection and
Mr. Bernstein was involved in the design
failure analysis for the piping, power,
and analysis of steam power equipment
petroleum and chemical industries. He has
since joining Foster Wheeler Energy
over 54 years of experience. He joined
Corporation in 1960. Retired in 1996, he
TVA in 1971 as Principal Engineer and
continued to serve as a consultant to Foster
was promoted in 1979 to Senior Engineering Specialist, Codes
Wheeler and as their representative on the
Standards and Materials. He took early retirement in 1988 to open
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
up a private consulting practice. His previous experience was with
Committee, on which he had served for
the US Army (1952) where he served as an Industrial Hygiene
more than 25 years. He was Vice Chair,
Engineer; the Babcock & Wilcox Company(1955), where he held
Subcommittee on Power Boilers, Chair, Subcommittee on Safety
the positions of Engineering Draftsman, Stress Analyst, and
Valve Requirements, a member of the Main Committee
Boiler Division Materials Engineer; Gulf & Western Lenape
(Standards Committee) and past Chair of Subgroup General
Forge Division (1966) where he became Senior Design Engineer,
Requirements and the Subgroup Design of the Subcommittee on
and Taylor Forge Division (1970) as Product Development
Power Boilers. Since 1986 he and Lloyd Yoder taught a two-day
Manager. At Lenape Forge he developed a design for a quick-
course on Power Boilers for the ASME Professional Development
opening manway for pressure vessels and piping that was granted
Department. In 1998, ASME Press published Power Boilers—A
a patent in 1971.
Guide to Section I of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
Mr. Bressler began his activities in Codes, Standards and
that Bernstein and Yoder developed from their course notes.
Materials in 1960. He has been a member of the ASME B&PV
Mr. Bernstein was active for many years in ASME’s PVP
Standards Committee since 1979 to 2009, and is now a member
Division. He was also author and editor of numerous ASME pub-
of the Technical Oversight Management Commitee. He is a
lications, including journal articles on ASME design criteria,
member and past Vice Chair of the Committee on Nuclear
ASME rules for safety valves, flow-induced vibration in safety
Certification. He is a member of the Standards Committees on
valve nozzles, and tubesheet design. Mr. Bernstein obtained a
Materials and on Nuclear Power, the subgroup on Design
B.S. and M.S. in civil engineering from the Columbia School of
(SCIII), the special working group on Editing and Review
Engineering and Applied Science. He was elected an ASME
(SC III), the Boards on Nuclear Codes and Standards and on
Fellow in 1992, received the ASME Dedicated Service Award in
Conformity Assessment. He is the Chair of the Honors
1994, and was awarded the ASME J. Hall Taylor Medal in 1998.
and Awards Committee (BNCS). Mr. Bressler is a member of
He was a Registered Professional Engineer in New York State.
the ASTM Committees A-01 and B-02 and many of their
Mr. Bernstein passed away in 2002.
Mr. Bressler holds a BME degree from Cornell University
BONNEFOY, ALAIN (1952) and an MSME degree from Case Institute of Technology
(1960). In 1989 he received a Certificate of Achievement from
Alain Bonnefoy graduated from the INSA Cornell University for having pursued a course that, under today’s
in Lyon-France. He began his career at requirements, would have resulted in a Master of Engineering
CETIM (French Technical Center of degree. He was awarded the ASME Century Medallion (1980),
Mechanical Industries) in R & D in the and became a Fellow of ASME in 1983. He is now a Life Fellow.
field of Pressure Vessel, Piping and He received the 1992 ASME Bernard F. Langer Nuclear Codes
Boilers. In 1976 he held the position of and Standards Award. and is the 1996 recipient of the ASME J.
Department manager for the design and Hall Taylor Medal. He received the 2001 ASME Dedicated
analysis of structure and components. Service Award. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in the
Mr. Bonnefoy has published more than State of Tennessee (Retired).
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Mr. Brinkhurst graduated from the Dr. Milan Brumovsky finished his M.S. in
University of the South Bank, London in nuclear physics and RNDr. in experimental
1971 with a BSc (Hons) in Chemical physics in Charles University in Prague,
Technology. After spending a number of Czech Republic, and his PhD. in experimen-
years in the Chemical and Mining indus- tal physics at the Moscow Engineering
tries he has worked predominately in the Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia Fede-
nuclear power generation industry since ration. Then he joined Research and
1983. Mr. Brinkhurst has been employed Development Centre of SKODA Nuclear
by the South African electricity utility Machinery in Pilsen, Czech Republic
Eskom since 1993, working mainly in the areas of inservice (head of Reactor Component Integrity and Safety) – manufacturer
inspection, integrity and licensing. of WWER type reactors for Central Europe. After 35 years he
Mr. Brinkhurst’s specific activities included application of moved to the Nuclear Research Institute Rez in Rez, Czech
Sections III and XI of the ASME B&PV Code at Koeberg Republic as project manager. Thus, last year he celebrated 50
Nuclear Power Station. His current position is Chief Engineer in years in the nuclear power area.
the Eskom Nuclear Safety Assurance department. During his career he was involved in many projects connected
with the material and integrity research projects, mainly in the
field of material qualification for WWER reactors pressure ves-
sels, radiation damage in structural materials, material testing by
BROOM, NEIL standard and large scale test specimens and components, fracture
mechanics study and application to components integrity. He
Neil Broom has been involved with heat worked also in preparation of many regulatory documents within
exchanger and pressure vessel design and the Interatomenergo organization as well as in the Czech nuclear
manufacture for the power generation codes. He was also co-ordinator of several IAEA Co-ordinated
industry for over 30 years. He is currently research projects in the field of radiation damage and fracture
employed at PBMR with responsibility for mechanics. He is also an active member in the ASTM E-10
Code related activities. Committee as well as in ASME PVP O&C Committee. Finally,
He serves as a member of Subgroup he served as a co-ordinator of the European project for prepara-
Strategy and Management Divisions 1 and tion of VERLIFE- “Unified Procedure for Lifetime Assessment of
2 (SC III), Member of Special Working Components and Piping in WWER NPPs during Operation”.
Group High Temperature Gas Cooled
Reactors (SC XI).


BROWN, ROBERT G. Dr. Canonico received his B. S. from

Michigan Technological University, M.S.
Mr. Brown is a Principal Engineer and and Ph.D. from Lehigh University. He has
Director of Consulting for the Equity over 40 years experience in pressure parts
Engineering Group in Shaker Heights, manufacturing. Dr. Canonico is currently
Ohio. He has experience as both an employed by ALSTOM POWER facilities
owner-user and consultant providing in Chattanooga, Tennessee. He is Past
engineering support to refineries and Chair of the ASME Boiler Pressure Vessel
chemical plants worldwide. Mr. Brown (BPV) Code Main Committee and a mem-
uses advanced skills in Finite Element ber of the ASME Council on C. & S. and Vice President-elect
Analysis to provide practical and cost Pressure Technology, C&S. He is a Fellow in ASME, the
effective solutions to solve design and operational issues relat- American Welding Society (AWS) and the American Society for
ed to fixed equipment. Metals (ASM). In 1999 Dr. Canonico received the ASME Melvin
Mr. Brown assisted with the development of API 579 R. Green C&S Medal. He was the 1994 recipient of the ASME J.
Fitness-For-Service and has been a consultant for the PVRC Hall Taylor Medal, in 1996 and 1999 respectively he was awarded
effort to develop the new ASME, Section VIII, Division 2, the Dedicated Service Award., and the ASME Region XI Industry
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, taking into consideration the Executive Award. In 1978, 1979, and 1985 respectively AWS
latest developments in materials, design, fabrication, and awarded him the Dr. Rene Wasserman Award, the James F.
inspection technologies. Lincoln Gold Medal, and the William H. Hobart Memorial
Mr. Brown is an active member of the Battelle International Medal; he was the 1983 Adams Lecturer. He is a member of the
Joint Industry Project on the Structural Stress Method for Fatigue State of Tennessee Boiler Rules Board.
Assessment of Welded Structures and performs fatigue assess- He has written over 100 technical papers and given technical
ments/reviews of equipment in cyclic service. Mr. Brown also talks in U.S., Canada, Mexico, Europe and Asia. He is named in
serves on the ASME Subgroup on Design Analysis and performs Who’s Who in Engineering and Men and Women of Science. Dr.
code compliance calculations and interpretations for pressure ves- Canonico is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Tennessee,
sels. Mr. Brown is a registered Professional Engineer in the States Knoxville and on the Advisory Committee of the School of
of Ohio and Pennsylvania. Engineering, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga.
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xii • Contributor Biographies


Marvin L. Carpenter graduated with honors Dr. Chang is a registered professional engi-
from Michigan Technological University neer and received his Ph.D. in applied
(MTU) with a B.S. in Metallurgical mechanics from the Department of
Engineering. He continued at MTU and Mechanical Engineering, University of
received his Masters in Metallurgical California, Berkeley. Through his technical
Engineering in 1974. Since graduating, his and management career at Westinghouse, he
career has been focused on welding fabrica- has been involved in the design, analysis,
tion and testing in accordance with the and construction of nuclear power plant sys-
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. tems, structures and components, and ASME
ASME Code Committees first caught his attention in the late seven- Section Code development for more than 34 years. Dr. Chang is a
ties and he has remained active in the Code ever since. He serves on renowned professional in the field of fatigue design, structural
the Subcommittee on Welding (IX), Chaired the Subgroup on dynamics, and aging managing for ASME Class 1 components, and
Brazing (IX) and currently Chairs the Subgroup on Materials (IX). authored over twenty-five technical papers and professional presenta-
Mr. Carpenter gained expertise in production welding, brazing, tions. He is a key participant in the development of the new review
failure analysis, coatings, and material testing while working for and audit process for aging management reviews (AMRs) and aging
major corporations including Westinghouse Electric Corporation, management programs (AMPs) for license renewal applications
The Trane Company, and Bechtel. His experience ranges from (LRAs) at USNRC and conducted several training on the subject.
supervising a Welding Engineering Develop group to setting up Dd. Chang retired as a branch chief of License Renewal Division
and operating a materials testing laboratory that performed chem- responsible for performing on-site audits and reviews for the new
ical analysis, mechanical testing, metallography, and welding LRAs. In that capacity he was also a staff member planning for the
qualification. guidance documents update, involving industry participation, for
In addition to his extensive materials and welding background, more efficient preparation and review of LRAs.
he was granted a patent in 1995 for a GTAW-HW circular weld-
ing system. His current position is as a Principal Engineer with a
major U.S. company that provides power plant equipment. Mr. CHANG, SHIN
Carpenter resides in Pittsburgh, PA with his wife, Denise, and two Dr. Chang received her B.S. in 1983 from
children, Scott and Michelle. the National Tsing Hua University in
Taiwan. She continued her study in the
USA and earned her MS and Ph.D. in
Nuclear Engineering from the University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois.
Edmund W.K. Chang, P.E., received his After graduation in 1991, she was
BSME from the University of Hawaii employed by the Atomic Energy Council
(UHM), 1969. Mr. Chang is currently at Taiwan (TAEC). Since then, she has
employed as the Boiler & Welding been working at the Department of Nuclear Regulation of TAEC
Maintenance Engineer with Hawaiian for more than 15 years.
Electric Company, Inc., Power Supply During Dr. Chang’s career at TAEC, she has been involved in
Engineering Department, Honolulu, Hawaii. various regulatory safety reviews and inspection works related to
Mr. Chang’s responsibilities include being nuclear power plants. She has been section chief of the License
in-charge of all company boiler condition Review Section and section chief of the Kuosheng Regulatory
assessments, and National Board (NB) “R” and “VR” Symbol Task Force of the Nuclear Regulation Department of TAEC. She
Stamp repair programs. Mr. Chang is also a NB commissioned O/U is currently the section chief of Chinshan Regulatory Task Force
Inspector, in charge of in-service and acceptance inspections. He is a of the Nuclear Regulation Department of TAEC. In this role,
AWS Certified Welding Inspector (CWI), in charge of welding pro- she is now responsible for all the regulatory activities, which
gram, and the company’s NDT Level III in PT and MT in charge of include resident inspections, periodic inspections, maintenance
the NDT program. quality inspections, safety review of measurement recapture
Mr. Chang’s professional affiliations include ASME power uprate application, safety review of the aging management
Membership since 1971; association with ASME Hawaii Section program that includes Chinshan NPP operational safety.
as Chairman 2008–2009, Honors & Awards Committee Chair,
Webmaster, Newsletter Editor, and Section Chair 1993–1994; CHAUDOUET, ANNE
ASNT Hawaii Section Director and Webmaster; AWS Hawaii
Section Webmaster; and Chair 1996 of Hawaii Council of Ms Chaudouet earned a Master of Pure
Engineering Societies. Mr. Chang is a member of the Department Maths at Paris XIII University in 1974 and
of Mechanical Engineering, UHM, Industry Advisory Board. then obtained a Mechanical Engineering
Mr. Chang’s professional publications include as a lead author Degree from ENSMP (Mines) in Paris,
of “T91 Secondary Superheater Tube Failures Investigation,” France in 1976. The same year, she started
1997, ASME PVP Conference, Orlando, Florida; and her career at Cetim (French Technical
“Tangential-Fired Boiler Tube Failures, A Case Study,” 2007, Center of Mechanical Industries) in R&D
EPRI International Conference on Boiler & HRSG Tube Failures, in the field of solid mechanics analysed by
Calgary, Alberta, Canada. the Boundary Element Method (BEM).
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Soon after, she became in charge of the team responsible for and issues including USI A-46 issue, Chapter 3 of Final Safety
the development of all software developed at Cetim in the domain Analysis Report of Maanshan PWR NPP, design earthquake
of 2D and 3D heat transfer and solid mechanics. In that role she review of Lungmen ABWR NPP FSAR, (4) Seismic shake table
had the direct responsibility for the analyses of components by system for seismic qualification of safety related component (5)
BEM and of fracture mechanics. In 1984, she became head of the INER’s seismic shake table set up, (6) Commercial Grade Item’s
Long Term Research Service involved in more theoretical studies Seismic Dedication, and (7) Soil structure interaction analysis for
and development of design rules for pressure vessels. In the same the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation.
year she initiated Cetim’s participation in PVRC (Pressure Vessel Mr. Chow had also been adjunct associate professor in Chun-
Research Council). Yuan Christian University, Taiwan from 1997–2003. Mr. Chow,
Since 2003, Ms Chaudouet has been actively involved in born in 1955, joined INER right after his MS degree in Civil-
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code organization where she Structural Engineering from National Taiwan University in 1979.
became a member of the Subcommittee on Materials, of SC He also holds MS degree from Massachusetts Institute of
II/International Material Specifications (currently, Chair) and of .Technology (1987) and a Ph.D candidate from Rensselaer
SC D/Bolted Flanged Joints. She is also an active member of the Polytechnic Institute (1990).
ASME/API Joint Committee on Fitness for Service. Ms
Chaudouet has published over 30 papers in French and in English
in the domain of Boundary Elements, Fracture Mechanics and
more recently on Fitness-For-Service. Most of these were present-
ed at International Conferences. Dr. Howard H. Chung has over 35 years
Ms Chaudouet has developed professional courses on these of diversified technical and managerial
topics. In the domain of pressure equipment she has also given experience in the nuclear, pressure vessel,
courses on the PED (European Directive). and aerospace industries in the areas of
analytical and experimental structural
mechanics, fluid transport phenomena,
CHEN YI-BIN flow-induced vibrations, shock and vibra-
tion isolation, seismic engineering, haz-
Dr. Chen received his B.S. in Nuclear ardous radioactive wastes transportation
Engineering from National Tsing-Hua technologies, pressure vessels and piping design, computer codes
University (Taiwan), M.S. and his Ph.D. in development, and nuclear facility configuration management.
Nuclear Engineering from Massachusetts Currently, he is the President of Structural System Integrity in
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. Naperville, Illinois. He previously worked as a Research Engineer
Dr. Chen has spent his entire career in and Project Manager on nuclear reactor and nuclear fuel process-
the field of nuclear energy, beginning in ing facility R&D programs at Argonne National Laboratory,
research and development of thermal Argonne, Illinois for twenty-five years (1994–1999). Prior to join-
hydraulics and safety for light water reac- ing Argonne, he was a technical research staff at MIT Lincoln
tors, and then with regulatory body conducting safety inspection, Laboratory, Lexington, Massachusetts working on U.S. Air Force
audit and review of design, construction and operation of nuclear satellite R&D program for two years (1992–1994).
power plants in Taiwan. Howard Chung received BS in Naval Architecture and Marine
Dr. Chen has held a number of senior management positions Engineering from Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea in 1966,
including Deputy Director of the Institute of Nuclear Energy MS and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Tufts University,
Research (INER) and Department Directors of Planning, Nuclear Medford, Massachusetts in 1971 and 1974, respectively. In addi-
Technology, Radiation Protection and Nuclear Regulation at tion, he received his MBA degree from University of Chicago in
Atomic Energy Council (AEC). He has also taught graduate 1983. Dr. Chung has published over 60 technical papers and
courses in the Nuclear Engineering Department of National reports in his fields of expertise and served as an Associate Editor
Tsing-Hua University for more than 10 years. of the ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines. Dr. Chung
served as a member of the ASME Board on Nuclear Codes and
Standards (BNCS) for ten years (1987–1997) and as a member of
CHOW, TING the ASME B&PV Section III Subgroup on Containment Systems
for Nuclear Spent Fuel and High Level Waste Transportation
Mr. Ting Chow, specialized in earthquake Packaging (SG-NUPACK) for more than ten years. In addition, he
engineering application to nuclear power has been serving as a member of the Committee on Design and
facilities, and has been acting head of Fabrication of Nuclear Structures (N690) of the American Institute
Seismic Test/Research Laboratory of of Steel Construction (AISC) since 1991.
Institute of Nuclear Energy Research (INER) Dr. Chung has been also active on serving various professional
of Atomic Energy Council of Taiwan since organizations including the Chair (2002–2003) of the ASME
the Lab.’s establishment in 1995. Pressure Vessels and Piping, the Vice-Chair (1995–1996) of
Mr. Ting Chow has been working on the ASME Nuclear Engineering Division and the Vice-Chair
varieties of seismic safety related topics, (2003–2005) of the Anti-Seismic Systems International Society
such as: (1) Seismic Probabilistic Risk assessment at Kuosheng (ASSISi). He also chaired many international conferences, includ-
Nuclear Power Plant, (2) Study on Necessity of Installing ing the 2002 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference in
Earthquake Auto-Scram System for NPPs in Taiwan, (3) Vancouver, Canada. Dr. Chung is an ASME Fellow and received
Principal review of several NPP’s seismic/structural related topics the ASME Dedicated Service Award in 1999.
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xiv • Contributor Biographies

CIPOLLA, RUSSELL C. and vessels in the chemical industry. From 1960 until 1968, he
worked in the Aerospace industry and from 1968 until his early
Mr. Russell Cipolla is Vice President, retirement in 1993, Dr. Conlisk worked for the Monsanto
Nuclear Power Generation, and Principal Corporation, the last 19 years in the Engineering Department. He
Engineer for APTECH Engineering Ser- was a key member in a team at Monsanto that developed acoustic
vices, Inc., Sunnyvale, California (USA). emission examination for fiberglass and metal tanks and vessels.
Mr. Cipolla received his B.S. degree His services are now available through Conlisk Engineering
in Mechanical Engineering from Mechanics, Inc., a consulting firm he formed in 1994. He has con-
Northeastern University in 1970, and his centrated on design of tanks and pressure vessel, especially fiber-
M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from glass composite (FRP) vessels. Dr. Conlisk is a nationally recog-
Massachusetts Institute of Technology nized authority in FRP equipment design and analysis. He is a
Mechanics in 1972. He has been active in the Nuclear Power member of the ASME committee that developed the ASME/ANSI
Industry since the early 1970s having worked at the nuclear divi- Standard: “Reinforced Thermosetting Plastic Corrosion Resistant
sions of Babcock & Wilcox and General Electric in the area of Equipment, RTP-1.”
ASME Section III design associated with both naval and commer- Dr. Conlisk is past chairman and current vice-chairman of the
cial power plants systems. ASME B&PV Code subcommittee, Section X, governing FRP
Russ has specialized in stress analysis and fatigue and fracture pressure vessels. He is also a past member of the main committee
mechanics evaluations of power plant components in operating of the ASME B&PV Code. Dr. Conlisk is a registered profession-
plants. He has applied his skills to many service problems to al engineer in Missouri.
include stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of J-groove attachments
welds in reactor vessel head penetrations and pressurizer heater
sleeves, mechanical and thermal fatigue in piping, SCC in low
pressure steam turbine rotors and blades, and fitness-for-service CUETO-FELGUEROSO, CARLOS
of components supports. Russ was also involved in resolving
the NRC Generic Safety Issues A-11 and A-12 regarding fracture Carlos Cueto-Felgueroso obtained a
toughness and bolted joint integrity. He is well versed in the Naval Engineer (M.Sc.) degree in the
integrity of threaded fasteners for both structural joints and pres- Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros
sure boundary closures. Navales of the Polytechnic University of
In recent years, Russ has been active in both deterministic Madrid in 1977. He worked for four years
and probabilistic methods and acceptance criteria for nuclear in the Structural Mechanics Section of
steam generators (SG) regarding pressure boundary integrity in AESA, the major shipbuilding company
compliance with NEI 97-06 requirements. In support of indus- in Spain. Carlos moved to IBM Spain,
try group efforts, he has made significant contributions to the and in 1985 joined the Integrity of
industry guidelines for the assessment of tube integrity and Components Group (now Materials and Life Management Unit)
leakage performance for various degradation mechanisms of Tecnatom S.A. He specializes in the stress and fracture
affecting Alloy 600 and 690 tubing materials. He has develop- mechanics analyses of components and piping, in both nuclear
ment methods for predicting tube burst and leak rates under and fossil plants. Main activities to date have been in the analyt-
various service conditions, which have become part of the ical evaluation of flaws of major components (reactor pressure
industry standards. vessels, turbines, etc.) and piping. He developed Flaw
Russ has been very active in ASME Section XI since joining the Evaluation Handbooks for streamlining the evaluation of NDE
Working Group on Flaw Evaluation in 1975, for which he is current- flaw indications. Carlos was involved in the development of
ly Chairman. Russ is also a member of the Subgroup on Evaluation Steam Generator tubes plugging criteria for several types of
Standards and Subcommittee Section XI, and has participated in degradation (PWSCC, IGA/ODSCC, etc.). He has expertise in
many ad hoc committees on such topics as environmental fatigue, the development of acceptance criteria for PWSCC defects in
SCC of austenitic materials, and fracture toughness reference curves the CRDM penetrations of vessel heads, and in the Bottom
for pressure vessels and piping, and SG tube examination. Russ has Mounted Instrumentation penetrations.
authored/coauthored over 80 technical papers on various subjects Carlos has experience in the evaluation of piping failure proba-
and assessments from his past work. bilities for the development of Risk-Informed ISI programs. He
participated in the Working Group on Codes and Standards
(WGCS) organized by the European Commission and he is mem-
CONLISK, PETER J. ber of the ENIQ Task Group on Risk (TGR) dedicated to RI-ISI
activities in Europe.
Dr. Conlisk’s has a B.S. in Mechanical In recent years Carlos participated in several European projects
Engineering and M.S. in Engineering such as the benchmarking of Structural Reliability Models for RI-
Science from the University of Notre ISI applications (NURBIM project) and the comparison of struc-
Dame and Ph.D. in Engineering Mechanics tural evaluation methodologies for Thermal Fatigue in piping
from the University of Michigan. He has (THERFAT project) both in the 5th Framework Program of the
forty years experience applying engineer- European Commission. Carlos is a member of the ASME B&PV
ing principles, com-puters, experimental Section XI Working Groups on Implementation on Risk Based
techniques, and Codes and Standards to Examination and of the Working Group and on Inspection on
solving design of processing equipment Systems and Components.
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DEARDORFF, ARTHUR F. His industry participation includes PVRC Technical Committee

on Piping Systems; publications include “Position Paper on
Arthur F. Deardorff has a Mechanical Nuclear Plant Pipe Supports,” WRC Bulletin 353, May 1990, and
Engineering B.S, from Oregon State a Tutorial on “An Integrated Approach to Address Engineering of
University (1964) and MS, University of Operating Nuclear Power Plants Functionality and Operability
Arizona (1966). He is a Registered Criteria,” 1994, ASME PV&P Conference.
Mechanical Engineer, State of California.
He is a Vice President, Structural
Integrity Associates, San Jose, California. DIXIT, K. B.
His professional experience includes 1987
to present with Structural Integrity K.B. Dixit graduated from the Indian
Associates, San Jose, CA, 1976–1987 with NUTECH, San Jose, Institute of Technology, Bombay (IITB)
CA, 1970–1976 with General Atomic Company, San Diego, CA with a B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering
and 1966–1970 with The Boeing Company, Seattle, WA. His in 1972. After completion from the 16th
professional associations include American Society of Batch of Training School of Bhabha Atomic
Mechanical Engineers and American Nuclear Society. He is a Research Centre in 1973, he joined Nuclear
Past Member of the ASME Code Section XI Subgroup Water Power Corporation of India Limited
Cooled Systems, Working Group on Implementation of Risk- (NPCIL), Mumbai. His initial field of work
Based Inspection, Task Group on Erosion-Corrosion Acceptance was in the area of Structural Analysis and
Criteria, Task Group on Fatigue in Operating Plants, and Task Design of Reactor Components of Indian Pressurized Heavy Water
Group on Operating Plant Fatigue Assessment, and the ASME Reactors, using Finite Element Method and ASME Boiler &
Code Post Construction Committee, Subgroup on Crack-Like Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, Nuclear Vessels.
Flaws. Mr. Dixit was involved in design of nuclear components of
Mr. Deardorff has expertise in fracture mechanics, stress Narora Atomic power station, which has India’s first indigenous
analysis and reactor systems evaluation, with a strong academic Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors. He has made significant
background in thermal-hydraulics and fluid system. His exper- contributions in evolving technology, for design and manufac-
tise includes PWR and BWR systems and fossil-fired power ture, of nuclear components. He was also involved in Design
plants. Art is known internationally for providing ASME Code of coolant channel components of PHWRs and development of
training in Section III design and analysis and Section XI flaw shutdown systems of Indian PHWRs. He has also made impor-
evaluation. tant contributions in resolution of problems associated with core
components where remotely operated toolings had to be devel-
oped indigenously.
In addition to design and analysis, Mr. Dixit has also gained
DEBOO, GUY H. expertise in Ageing Management, Equipment Qualification and
Seismic Revaluation. He has also participated in regulatory
Guy DeBoo has a B.S., Mechanical Engi- reviews for operating reactors as well as those under various
neering from Northwestern University, stages of design/construction. Publications by him include papers
1976 and M.S. Mechanical Engineering presented at Conferences for Structural Mechanics in Reactor
from University of Illinois, 1986. His pro- Technology, International conference on Pressure Vessels technol-
fessional experience from 1995 to present ogy etc. Presently he is working as Executive Director for engi-
is as Senior Staff Engineer, Common- neering group of NPCIL and is in charge of all design activities
wealth Edison, Senior Staff Engineer with for all systems and components of Indian PHWR plants.
Exelon Nuclear and with Sargent & Lundy
Engineers 1976 to 1995. During his
24 years in nuclear power generation, DeBoo has worked on EUROPA MALCOLM
major nuclear design projects including design, inspection and
testing phases. Malcolm Europa is a Senior Engineer with
Mr. DeBoo’s recent experience includes fatigue, crack the South African National Nuclear
growth, flaw stability analyses and operability for power plant Regulator where he carries responsibility
components. He supervised functionality and operability evalu- for coordination of safety and technical
ations of systems and components to address unanticipated assessment of nuclear facilities and nuclear
operating events or conditions, which do not meet inspection or equipment under South African nuclear
test requirements. Mr. DeBoo provides engineering direction regulations. He has participated in regulato-
for design and operability evaluations of pressure vessels, ry reviews of the Koeberg nuclear reactors
piping and components and provides technical responses as well as design reviews of pressurized
to NRC. components of the PBMR plant. His background includes nuclear
He is a Member ASME B&PV Code Section XI, Secretary, power industry operations experience which includes planning,
WG Flaw Evaluation, and WG Pipe Flaw Evaluations. Guy is a engineering design, safety reviews and mechanical integrity
PE (Illinois), Member of National Society of Professional assessment of pressurised equipment for both nuclear and conven-
Engineers. tional service.
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xvi • Contributor Biographies

He currently represents the South African National Nuclear John Fletcher is currently employed at PBMR, with the
Regulator at the Multinational Design Evaluation Programme responsibility for the development and implementation of an
(MDEP) on both the Codes and Standards and Vendor Inspection ISI program for PBMR. John Fletcher serves as the Chair of
Cooperation working groups. the Special Working Group HTGRs established in February
Malcolm is a Mechanical Engineering graduate from the 2004.
Peninsula Technikon (1986) and the University of Southern The SWG has the charter to rewrite SC XI Division 2 Rules
California (1993). He is a Registered Professional Engineer in the for Inspection and Testing of Gas-cooled plants. This SWG has
Republic of South Africa. produced a first complete draft of a rewritten SC XI Div 2 for
Gas Reactors. The draft introduces the concept of Reliability
and Integrity Management (RIM) program that provides the
FELDSTEIN, JOEL G. rules and requirements for the creation of the RIM Program for
the Modular High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (MHR)
Joel Feldstein has a Metallurgical Engi- type.
neering B.S. (1967) and M.S. (1969) from
Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. He has
more than 30 years experience in the weld- GERAETS, LUC H.
ing field, ranging from welding research
for a filler metal manufacturer to welding Dr. Geraets has an M.S. Degree and a
engineering in the aerospace and power Ph. D. in Mechanical Engineering from the
generation industries. He began his career University of Louvain in Belgium. He also
in power generation with Babcock & holds an MBA from the Mons Poly-
Wilcox in 1972 at their R&D Division working on manufactur- technical Institute (Mons, Belgium). He is
ing-related projects and moved into plant manufacturing in 1984 an expert in the design of mechanical
as the Manager of Welding. There he became familiar with the equipment and piping, seismic engineer-
construction of components for both nuclear and fossil applica- ing, and the ASME Section III pressure
tions. His first assignment on coming to Foster Wheeler in 1993 component code. His fields of expertise
was in the Technical Center as Manager of Metallurgical Services include thermal transient, fatigue, water hammer, vibration,
later taking on the additional responsibility of the Welding pipe rupture, dynamic analysis, finite element stress analysis,
Laboratory. In 1998 Joel Feldstein assumed the responsibility of inelastic analysis, code compliance, inelastic response of piping,
Chief Welding Engineer. and fitness-for-service criteria. Dr. Geraets’ extensive background
Joel Feldstein, who is currently Chairman of the ASME B&PV in engineering mechanics in the areas of analysis, design, criteria
Code Standards Committee and a member of the Board on development, and management of projects rest on 35 years of
Pressure Technology Codes & Standards began his ASME Code engineering experience with the various metamorphisms
involvement with the Subcommittee on Welding (the responsible (Tractionel, Tractebel, SUEZ) of GDF SUEZ, including 20 years
subcommittee for Section IX) in 1986. In 1992 he became in the analysis and design of power plant buildings, mechanical
Chairman of the Subcommittee on Welding and became a mem- equipment, and supports. He has participated in all phases of
ber of the B&PVC Standards Committee. He is a recipient of the power projects including conceptual studies, licensing, design,
J Hall Taylor Medal from ASME for the advancement of stan- construction, as-built, modifications, and resolution of operating
dards for welding in pressure vessel and piping construction. He problems. Based in Brussels (Belgium), Dr. Geraets is now in
has also been an active member of the Subcommittee on Boilers charge of Strategy, Business Development and Research for the
(Section I). Nuclear Activities Division of GDF SUEZ.
Joel Feldstein is also active in other professional societies Dr. Geraets joined the ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping
including AWS and the Welding Research Council where he Division in 1983. He has published several Conference papers. A
served as Chairman of the Stainless Steel Subcommittee, the High founding member of the Seismic Engineering Technical Committee,
Alloys Committee and a member of their Board of Directors. of which he has occupied various Offices, including Chairmanship
(1995–1999), he has been the first International Coordinator of PVP
between 2001 and 2004. In 2004, Dr. Geraets became a member of
FLETCHER, JOHN the Executive Committee of the PVP Division, in charge of Honors
and Awards from 2004 to 2008, and Vice Chair and Secretary for
John Fletcher earned a masters degree in 2008–2009. He served as Technical Program Chair of the 2008
Plasma Physics and spent the early part of Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference in Chicago, and will be the
his career as a researcher on the South Conference Chair for the 2009 PVP Conference in Prague, Czech
African Tokomak, Tokoloshe. He spent Republic.
13 years in a Research & Development Dr. Geraets is a Fellow of ASME. He has been extensively
environment and during this period involved with ASME Code activities, strongly promoting the
authored and co authored five papers in development of Code knowledge in Belgium, through various
international research journals and thirteen means including participation to Section III Code Committees; he
contributions to international conferences. has been a member of both the Working Group on Piping and the
He then spent 10 years as project manager in the South African Working Group on Components Supports between 1984 and
power generation industry, managing projects on fossil plants 1994. Dr. Geraets has been awarded the Calvin W. Rice Lecture
and the Koeberg nuclear power plant. Award in 2008.
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Richard Gimple has a BSME from Kansas Steve Gosselin is a Senior Principal Con-
State University (1974) and is a Registered sultant at Scandpower Risk Management
Professional Engineer. Since 1982 he has (SRM) with over 30 years nuclear power
been employed by the Wolf Creek Nuclear industry experience. Prior to joining the
Operating Corporation. Previous employ- SRM team in 2008, Mr. Gosselin was Chief
ment was with Sauder Custom Fabrication Engineer in the Pacific Northwest National
(1979–1982) and Fluor Engineers and Laboratory (PNNL) Materials and Engi-
Constructors (1974–1979). neering Mechanics Group (1998–2008) and
As a nuclear utility employee, he has a Project Manager at Electric Power
primarily been involved in implementation of ASME’s Boiler Research Institute (EPRI) from 1993–1998. His work has focused
& Pressure Vessel Code Section III and Section XI during primarily on fitness-for-service, structural integrity, safety, and relia-
construction and operation activities. Previous non-nuclear bility of pressure vessels and piping components. He has made sig-
experience involved Section VIII pressure vessel and heat nificant contributions in the areas of fatigue analyses and flaw toler-
exchanger design and construction. At present, as a Principal ance methodologies for nuclear pressure vessel and piping
Engineer, Mr. Gimple provides company wide assistance in components, environmental fatigue computational methods, fatigue
the use of ASME Codes, with emphasis on Section III and crack flaw detection probability, on-line fatigue monitoring, and the
Section XI. development of risk-informed inservice inspection and reliability
Mr. Gimple has been active in the Codes and Standards devel- integrity management programs for nuclear power plant vessel and
opment process since 1984. Mr. Gimple was the 2005 recipient of piping components.
the ASME Bernard F. Langer Nuclear Codes and Standards Mr. Gosselin’s computational expertise is complemented by
Award. He is currently a member of the B&PV Standards over 13 years experience in system engineering and mechanical
Committee (since 2000), the Subcommittee on Inservice design analyses at Westinghouse and Combustion Engineering
Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components (since 1994, serv- PWR commercial nuclear power plants and 8 years operating
ing 5 years as Chairman of Subcommittee XI during 2000–2004), experience on U.S. Navy SIC, S5W, and S3G submarine nuclear
the Section XI Executive Committee (since 1992), and the power plant designs.
Subgroup on Repair/Replacement Activities (since 1987, serving Mr. Gosselin is an ASME Fellow (2009) and is a member of the
as Chairman for 7 of those years). Past Codes and Standards par- ASME Section XI Working Group on Operating Plant Criteria,
ticipation included 6 years on the Board on Nuclear Codes and ASME Section XI Special Working Group on High Temperature
Standards and memberships on the Subcommittee on Nuclear Gas Cooled Reactors, and the ASME Committee on Nuclear Risk
Accreditation, Subgroup on Design (in Section III), and three Management (CNRM) Subcommittee on Applications. His work
Section XI Working Groups. has resulted in improved Code rules for operating nuclear power
plant piping and vessel component fitness-for-service (ASME
Section XI Non-mandatory Appendices E and L) and risk-informed
GORMAN, JEFFREY A. inservice inspection (Code Case N-578).
Mr. Gosselin has a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering
Jeff Gorman has been working on materials from the California State Polytechnic University (1980) and a
issues related to nuclear power since 1959, M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of
when he was assigned to Naval Reactors. He North Carolina at Charlotte (1998). He is a registered professional
studied civil engineering at Cornell before engineer in California. Mr. Gosselin has published 45 papers, arti-
working for Naval Reactors. After leaving cles, and reports in the open literature and is a consulting expert
the Navy, he did graduate work in engineer- to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in the areas of
ing science, with emphasis on materials sci- plant life extension, design reconciliation and risk-informed inser-
ence, at CalTech. Since 1968 he has worked vice inspection.
as a consulting engineer in the civilian
nuclear power program, with most of his work involving materials,
corrosion, stress analysis and fracture mechanics. GRABER, HAROLD C.
In 1980, Dr. Gorman was a co-founder of Dominion
Engineering, Inc., and is still actively working for the company. A Harold Graber works as an Independent
significant part of his consulting work has been for EPRI. His Consultant. Previously he was with the
work for EPRI has included preparation of many workshop pro- Babcock Wilcox Company in the Nuclear
ceedings involving PWR steam generator technology, preparation Equipment Division for 34 years. He was
of topical reports on materials and corrosion issues, and assisting Manager of NDT Operations and Manager
in revision of water chemistry guidelines. He has also worked of Quality Assurance Engineering. Harold
extensively for utilities and other industrial organizations on Graber is a Member of ASME for 15 years.
materials and corrosion issues, such as evaluation of the causes of He is an active participant on the B&PV
failures of pressure vessels and piping, and developing predictions Code, Subcommittee V on Nondestructive
of the probable rate of failure of PWR steam generator tubes. Dr. Examination. He was Vice Chair Subcommittee V; Chair,
Gorman is a registered professional engineer and is a member of Subgroup on Surface Examination. He was Member of
AMS, NACE and ANS. Subcommittee V on Nondestructive Examination, Subgroup of
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xviii • Contributor Biographies

Volumetric Examination, Subgroup on Personnel Qualification Consulting. Mr. Griesbach was a Project Manager with the Electric
and Inquiries. Power Research Institute (EPRI) from 1982 to 1993 where he
Harold Graber is a Member, American Society for Testing managed programs on reactor vessel integrity, research on neutron
Materials (ASTM) for 26 years. He was Chairman, Subcommittee irradiation embrittlement, vessel material toughness properties,
E7.01 on Radiology. His Committee memberships include Com- fracture mechanics methods, and management of reactor vessel
mittee E-7 on Nondestructive Examination, Subcommittee integrity issues including pressurized thermal shock. From 1977 to
E7.02—Reference Radiological Images, Subcommittee E7.06– 1982 he was a Principal Engineer at Combustion Engineering
Ultrasonic Method. He is a Member, American Society for responsible for evaluating the response of nuclear systems and
Nondestructive Testing (ASNT). He is a Past Chair, Cleveland, components to severe loading conditions using advanced finite ele-
Ohio Section—1971. ment techniques. From 1974 to 1977 Mr. Griesbach was a
Harold Graber is the recipient of ASTM Merit Fellow Award Materials Engineer with Pratt & Whitney Aircraft where he was a
(1992); ASTM Committee E-7—C.W Briggs Award (1989); member of a select research team developing a unique process to
ASNT Fellow Award (1978). His Certifications include ASNT; produce diffusion bonded jet turbine blades.
Level III certificates in Radiography, Ultrasonic, Liquid Penetrant Mr. Griesbach is a member of ASME and the American
and Magnetic Particle Methods. Nuclear Society, and he has been a member of Section XI since
1989. He is chairman of the Working Group on Operating Criteria
whose charter is to develop and maintain the Code criteria for
operating pressure vs. temperature limits, operating plant fatigue
After graduating in 1972 from the Applied assessment, and related operating plant issues. He is also a mem-
Physics Department of the Institut National ber of the Working Group on Flaw Evaluation and Subgroup on
Des Science Appliquées in Lyon (France), Evaluation Standards.
Jean-Marie Grandemange was a research Mr. Griesbach specializes in evaluation of aging degradation
engineer at the Ecole des Mines research mechanisms for nuclear components, including developing data-
laboratory in Paris, where for three years he bases and modeling predictions on irradiated materials behavior.
worked in the field of fractures mechanics. He has taught courses on managing the integrity of reactor pres-
He joined the Framatome Group in 1976, sure vessels for extended vessel life, and he has written numerous
working initially in the Safety Dept. on the technical papers on these topics.
safety of mechanical components (design assumptions and criteria).
He then moved on to the Primary Components Division, working in
the Materials and Technology Dept., where he was in charge of the
“Design” section from 1981 to 1997, and later Assistant to the head
of department. He was named Senior Consultant in 1996. Dr. Don Griffin has 30 years of experience
Since 1978 he has led the Editorial Group in charge of writing in the structural design, development, and
the RCC-M design rules. He became a member of the RCC-M evaluation of nuclear reactor systems. At
Sub-Committee in 1984 and was appointed Chairman of the com- Westinghouse he developed computer-
mittee in 1989. Since 1989 he has been responsible for oriented methods of analysis, structural
Framatome’s contribution to the preparatory work for the con- design criteria, and design procedures for
struction joint rules for use in the EPR project. naval, PWR, and fast breeder reactors. He
He led the Framatome Structural Analysis Group during the has directed structural analysis of static
period 1989–1995, representing the company in the Cetim and dynamic systems including effects of
Boilerwork Commission, the RSE-M sub-committee responsible fatigue, fracture, thermal shock, seismic, fluid-solid interactions,
for in-service component inspection rules, and the Working and non linear and creep response of materials. He has personal
Group on Codes and Standards (WGCS) organized by the expertise in buckling and instability, inelastic analysis, and elevated-
European Commission. temperature structural design. Current ASME Boiler and Pressure
Since 1986, he has been the manufacturer’s designated expert Vessel Code activities include development of design limits for
both to the CCAP (French Central Commission for Pressure- high-temperature and creep buckling, and participation in the
Retaining Equipment) and its Permanent Nuclear Section (SPN) in Subgroup for Elevated-Temperature Design. Responsible for pre-
charge of regulatory text discussion and application. He has lectured sentation and resolution of elevated-temperature structural design
in several courses organized by Framatome, EDF, various French issues raised during NRC licensing review of CRBRP.
Institutes and run seminars in South Korea, Taiwan and China. Key relevant experience of Dr. Griffin includes Support of
integrity evaluation of the CRBRP Containment Vessel during
NRC licensing review; Responsibility for evaluation of Hanford
N Reactor pressure tube integrity and pressure tube rupture propa-
Timothy J. Griesbach earned a B.S. in 1972 gation; Provided structures, seismic, and materials input to the
and M.S. in 1974 in Metallurgy and Westinghouse Independent Safety Review of Savannah River
Materials Science from Case Western Production Reactors; and In-depth review of the Loss of Coolant
Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. He Accident Design Basis for the Savannah River Production
is currently an Associate with Structural Reactors – Leak Before Break Report.
Integrity Associates (SI) in San Jose, Dr. Griffin is a Fellow of ASME, past Associate Editor of the
California. Before joining Structural Journal of Applied Mechanics, past Chairman of the ASME
Integrity Associates, Mr. Griesbach was the Pressure Vessel and Piping Division, a recipient of the ASME
Director of Technical Services for ATI PVP Medal, and author of 26 publications in applied mechanics,
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computer methods, and elevated-temperature design. He has been advisory groups to the USEPA and USDOE. He currently is ABMA
an active contributor to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Director of Technical Affairs, and was Editor of ABMA Packaged
Section III, Subsection NH for elevated-temperature nuclear appli- Boiler Engineering Manual. He has been an Instructor at boiler
cations. Griffin earned his BME, Cornell University (1952), MS industry technician training schools offered by ABMA/NBBI, and
(1953) and PhD (1959), at Stanford University. boiler manufacturers. He has authored a number of papers on boiler
related topics, published in The National Board Bulletin, Boiler
Systems Engineering, and Maintenance Management.
HAFNER, RONALD S. Geoffrey Halley currently is a member of the ASME CSD-1
Committee, and the National Board Inspection Code Sub-committee
Ronald S. Hafner has more than 40 years
on Installation.
experience in a variety of disciplines ranging
from radar systems and nuclear instru-
mentation, to non-destructive testing using HANMORE, PETER
gamma-ray sources and electronic devices,
to nuclear reactor- and tritium facility- Peter has worked within the engineering
operations, to regulatory issues associated inspection industry since 1972. After joining
with Department of Energy facilities and the Commercial Union Assurance Company as
transportation, storage, and disposal of a metallurgist in the engineering laboratory
radioactive materials. After a seven-and-a-half year enlistment in the he moved into the New Construction
U.S. Air Force, he went to work at Sandia National Laboratories, in Department in 1984 and has been continu-
Livermore, CA, in 1974, where he specialized in tritium operations ously associated with inspection during the
and tritium health physics. While at Sandia, he went back to school manufacture of many types of work equip-
and received his Bachelor of Science Degree from California State ment. Although qualified as a metallurgist he
University, Hayward, CA, in 1983, with a major in Physical has been involved in many related aspects of work equipment. He is
Sciences and a minor in Physics. In 1987, he moved to Lawrence an Authorized Inspector Supervisor for the provision of ASME
Livermore National Laboratory where, for the first four years, he Code services and maintains close links with that organization. Peter
worked in tritium operations and tritium facility management. In is currently a member at Large of the Board of Directors of Codes
1991, he moved to the Mechanical Engineering Division, where he and Standards. His career within the inspection industry is extremely
has been part of an engineering consulting organization. varied and includes experience such as; Health and Safety Manager,
His ASME activities started in 1993, with the Operations, Quality Manager as well Project Manager for the obtaining notifica-
Applications, and Components Committee of the PVP Division. tion and subsequent implementation of services associated with the
Since that time, he has been involved with the development of Machinery, Lift and Pressure Equipment Directives.
more than 90 PVPD Conference sessions on the Transportation, Peter Hanmore has been associated with the Pressure
Storage, and Disposal of radioactive materials. He is currently a Equipment Directive for many years even before its publication
member of the Executive Committee of ASME’s Pressure Vessels and represents the UK Inspection Bodies on many national and
& Piping Division. European Committees. Peter represents Bureau Veritas (Notified
Body) at the European and UK Conformity Assessment Body
Forums for both machinery and pressure equipment. He is a Past-
Chairman of the European Conformity Assessment Body Forum
(CABF), for pressure equipment and currently Chairman of the
Geoffrey M Halley, P.E. holds degrees in UK Notified Body Forum for machinery. During his period as
Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engi- Chairman of the CABF he represented the notified bodies at
neering, and Engineering Administration member states working group meetings; Working Group Pressure,
(Masters). He is a Registered Professional Working Party Guidelines and Working Party Materials, and is
Engineer in Illinois. From 1993 to the pre- still an active member of the latter.
sent he is the President of Sji Consultants, Peter has provided numerous training courses on European
Inc., a technical consulting company, provid- Directives and related topics throughout the world for various
ing services to the boiler industry in the organisations, e.g. ASME, IMechE, BSI, JSME, European
areas of product design, development, trou- Commission as well as many workshops tailored to individual
ble shooting and forensic investigation/expert witness work. He has manufacturers/users requirements.
40 years of boiler industry experience, ranging from research/prod-
uct development, design and applications/installation., primarily in
the institutional and industrial segments of the marketplace. He held
various positions at Kewanee Boiler Corporation from 1968 to 1986, Dr. Kunio Hasegawa graduated from
initially as Supervisor of Research and Development, and as Vice Tohoku University with a Doctor of
President – Technical Director from 1979 onwards. From 1986 Engineering degree in 1973. He joined
through 1992 he was president of Halcam Associates a Mechanical Hitachi Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd.,
Contracting Company specializing in commercial, institutional and over 30 years back. During his term at
industrial design/build/service and repair of boiler and HVAC sys- Hitachi, he was also visiting professors of
tems. From 1959 through 1968 he was employed in the Aerospace Yokohama National University and
and the Nuclear Engineering industries. Kanazawa University for several years.
Geoffrey Halley was Chair of ABMA Joint Technical Committee Since 2006, Dr. Hasegawa serves as a princi-
(1981–1986), and has been a member of several boiler industry pal staff in Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization (JNES).
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xx • Contributor Biographies

Dr. Kunio Hasegawa is a member of Japan Society of program. Since 1968 Mr. Hedden has been active in the Section
Mechanical Engineers (JSME), and is a past member of the JSME XI Code Committee, Secretary (1976–1978), Chair (1991–2000).
Fitness-for-Service Committee for nuclear facilities. He is also a In addition to Section XI, Owen has been a member of the ASME
member of ASME and is involved in ASME Boiler and Pressure C&S Board on Nuclear Codes and Standards, the Boiler and
Vessel Code Section XI Working Group, Subgroup and Pressure Vessel Committee, and B&PV Subcommittees on Power
Subcommittee activities. He has been active for three years as a Boilers, Design, and Nondestructive Examination. He is active in
Technical Program Representative of Codes and Standards ASME’s PVP Division. Mr Hedden was the first Chair of the
Technical Committee in ASME PVP Division. NDE Engineering Division 1982–1984. He has presented ASME
He has been involved with structural integrity for nuclear Code short courses in the US and overseas. He was educated at
power components, particularly, leak-before-break, fracture and Antioch College and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
fatigue strengths for pipes with cracks and wall thinning, and flaw His publications are in the ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel
characterizations for fitness-for-service procedures. Dr, Hasegawa Technology, WRC Bulletins and in the Proceedings of ASME
has published for over 100 technical papers in journals and con- PVP, ICONE, IIW, ASM, and SPIE. He is an ASME Fellow
ference proceedings. (1985), received the Dedicated Service Award (1991), and the
ASME Bernard F. Langer Nuclear Codes and Standards Award in
Mr. John Hechmer has a degree in I HENRY, PHILIP A.
Mechanical Engineering from the
University I of Notre Dame (1957). He Mr. Henry, Principal Engineer for the
joined the I Babcock & Wilcox Co. (now Equity Engineering Group in Shaker
owned by I McDermott, Inc.) for design Heights, Ohio, is a specialist in the design,
and analysis I work for pressure vessels. installation, sizing and selection of pressure
His work was I primarily for the power relief devices and relieving systems. He is
generation and I defense industries. His currently chairman of the API Pressure
experience included project and engineer- Relieving System Subcommittee’s Task
ing management, technology development, and management. His Force on RP 520 related to the design and
Power Generation products were for both BWR and PWR nuclear installation of pressure relieving systems.
electric plants. Defense Industries work addressed Class 1 pres- He conducts audits of pressure relieving systems to ensure compli-
sure vessels for the nuclear navy program, primarily nuclear reac- ance with OSHA PSM legislation and ASME, API and DIERs
tors and steam generators for aircraft carriers and submarines. standards, codes and publications. He also teaches the official API
Research products included Breeder Reactor Program, Sodium- Pressure Relieving Systems course.
steam Generator, Molten Salt Steam Generator. Technology Mr. Henry is actively involved in the development of technolo-
Development was spent in developing tools and procedures for gy for the API Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) methodology. He is
design-analysis interfacing with the Research Center and co-author of the re-write of API 581, Risked-Based Inspection
Engineering Fabrication of Babcock & Wilcox Co. This was Base Resource Document and is responsible for the development
enhanced by many years of participation in ASME B&PV and implementation of Risk-Based Inspection programs for pres-
Committees, PVRC, and PV&P Conferences. These engineering sure relief valves and heat exchanger bundles at refining and
efforts occurred for 40 years. petrochemical plants. He also teaches the official API 580/581
Mr. John Hechmer has more than 25 publications, addressing Risk-Based Inspection course.
primary and secondary stress evaluation, stress intensity factors, Mr. Henry provides technical support and engineering consulting
finite element methods and its applications, brittle fracture, weld- to all levels of refinery capital projects. He has been responsible for
ing capability for fatigue, and material’s characteristic, examples the preparation of purchase specifications, bid tabulations, design
of this are PVRC Bulletins #429 (3D Stress Criteria Guidelines reviews and the development and validation of approved vendors
For Application) and #432 (Fatigue-Strength-Reduction Factors lists. He conducts project safety reviews for construction and pre-
for Welds Based on NDE). startup phases of major capital projects. His responsibilities include
developing and maintaining engineering specifications in the pres-
sure relief and heat transfer areas and providing overall coordination.
HEDDEN, OWEN F. Mr. Henry is a registered Professional Engineer in the States of
Ohio and Texas.
Owen F. Hedden retired from ABB
Combustion Engineering in 1994 after over
25 years of ASME B&PV Committee HILL III, RALPH S.
activities with company support. His res- Ralph S. Hill III is a Consulting Engineer
ponsibilities included reactor vessel speci- with Westinghouse Electric Company in
fications, safety codes and standards, and Pittsburgh, PA. He has over 30 years of
interpretation of the B&PV Code and other technical and management experience
industry standards. He Continued working including more than eighteen years in
part-time for that organization into 2002. planning, engineering design, construction,
Subsequently, he has been a part-time consultant to the ITER pro- and modification for the nuclear power
ject and several other organizations. Prior to joining ABB he was industry and fourteen years providing
with Foster Wheeler Corporation (1956–1967), Naval Nuclear
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strategic planning, system engineering, risk management, process Greg is an Registered Professional Engineer (Ohio) with
evaluation, and project management consulting services to the 30 years of engineering practice in power-related industries.
U.S. Department of Energy in spent nuclear fuel, radioactive
waste management, and nuclear materials disposition-related HUNT, STEPHEN
Mr. Hill is a Member of the ASME Board on Nuclear Codes Since receiving his BSME from Purdue
and Standards where he serves as Chairman of the Risk University in 1995, Steve Hunt has been
Management Task Group. Mr. Hill is actively involved in bringing involved in equipment design, stress analy-
risk-informed probabilistic design methods into the ASME Code sis and root cause failure analysis of
and initiatives to support both advanced and next-generation mechanical equipment primarily for the
nuclear reactors. commercial nuclear power and offshore oil
industries. This work has included com-
mercial and research nuclear power plants,
fossil power plants, floating and fixed off-
shore oil/gas production facilities, deep diving submersibles, large
Kaihwa Robert Hsu earned a B.S. in Civil optical telescopes, tower cranes, paper mills, and chemical plants.
Engineering from Chung Yuan Christian In 1980, Steve Hunt was a co-founder of Dominion
College, and an M.S. from University of Engineering, Inc., and he is currently a Principal Officer. A signif-
South Carolina. He has thirty years experi- icant part of Mr. Hunt’s recent consulting work has been for the
ence applying engineering principles, devel- Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). Major areas of effort
oping computer codes of corrosion erosion have included primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC)
monitoring system, fatigue cycle monitoring of Alloy 600 material, boric acid corrosion, leakage reduction
system, fatigue crack growth, and fracture technology, and life cycle management. Publications for EPRI
mechanics evaluation for nuclear industry. have included many documents related to Alloy 600 PWSCC, the
From 1981 until 2003, he worked in Westinghouse and has been Boric Acid Corrosion Guidebook, and most of the Sealing
involved in the areas of stress analysis, fatigue, fracture mechanics, Technology and Plant Leakage Reduction Series reports. Mr.
leak before break, residual stress, primary water stress corrosion Hunt also works extensively for electric utilities in the areas of
crack, and ASME Code related analyses pertaining to PWR. Alloy 600 PWSCC failure analysis and strategic planning, life
Mr. Hsu is currently a senior engineer with U.S. Nuclear Regulatory cycle management, and root cause failure analysis. Mr. Hunt also
Commission (NRC). He is a key member in the development of provides technical consulting in the areas of offshore oil produc-
the review and audit process improvement for aging management tion facilities, high pressure sealing technology, large diameter
reviews. He is an audit team leader for license renewal application, bearings, and pressure vessel failure analysis. Mr. Hunt has
responsible for metal fatigue time-limited aging analyses (TLAA) authored several hundred reports for a wide range of clients and
and aging management programs (AMPs) audit and review. holds several patents. Mr. Hunt is a registered professional engi-
Publications of Kaihwa Robert Hsu are in the Proceedings of neer and is a member of ASME and IEEE.
ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, the Proceedings
of 10th Environmental Degradation Conference, and the Proceedings
of 8th International Conference of Nuclear Engineering. ISOMURA, TOSHIO

HOLLINGER, GREG L. Toshio Isomura is a mechanical engineer

with over 30 years of experience in all of the
Greg L. Hollinger is a Senior Principal aspects of pressure vessels for petro and
Engineer for BWX Technologies, Inc. in petrochemical plants. After graduating from
Barberton, Ohio. He has responsibility Mechanical Engineering of Osaka Uni-
for Mechanical/Structural Technology App- versity in 1972, he joined Chiyoda
lications and Design Analysis of Navy Chemical Engineering and Construction Co.
Nuclear Pressure Vessel Components Ltd, and was engaged in the design and
and use of the ASME Boiler & Pressure development works of pressure vessels.
Vessel Code. He chairs the Engineering He started his new career in the High Pressure Gas Safety
Department’s Technical Support Team res- Institute of Japan at their Inspection and Certification Department
ponsible for developing technology procedures. He is involved with in 2000, and is a manager of technical assessment division from
both nuclear and non-nuclear ASME Certificates of Authorization 2006 succeeding Mr. Kajimura. At present, his main work is tech-
for BWXT’s Nuclear Equipment Division. nical assessments of the technologies of non-standard pressure
Greg is a Fellow Member of ASME, and was the 2004 recipi- vessels for the special appraisal under the High Pressure Gas
ent of the ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Medal. He is the Safety Laws and the standardization tasks for technologies of
Chairman of the Subgroup on Design Analysis of the Sub- pressure vessel designs, including Fitness-for-Service code.
committee on Design of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel He is also a member of the JIS (Japanese Industrial Standards)
Code. Greg is a member of the Pressure Vessel Research Council Pressure Vessels Technical Committee and contributes to the main-
(PVRC) and the International Council on Pressure Vessel tenance of existing JIS codes and development of new JIS codes.
Technology (ICPVT). He has served on several Boards within the He has also been involved with ISO/TC11 activities and
ASME Council on Codes and Standards, and he served as Chair Japanese committees and is the secretary of ISO/TC11/WG10
of the ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division in 1995. since 2006
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xxii • Contributor Biographies

JETTER, ROBERT I. fatigue, fatigue crack growth, fracture mechanics, perforated plate
technology, computational structural mechanics methods, non-
Mr. Jetter has over 40 years experience in linear structural analysis methods, finite element code development
the design and structural evaluation of for fracture mechanics applications, finite element applications for
nuclear components and systems for ele- perforated plate analysis (elastic and elastic-plastic), post-
vated temperature service where the effects processing finite element results for ASME Boiler and Pressure
of creep are significant. He was a contribu- Vessel Code Section III assessment, limit load technology, and
tor to the original ASME Code Cases elastic-plastic fracture mechanics. He has been awarded ASME
eventually leading to Subsection NH. For PVP Literature Award – Outstanding Survey Paper of 1992 in
over 20 years he was Chair of the ASME Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping and ASME PVPD
Subgroup on Elevated Temperature Design Conference Award – Outstanding Technical Paper form Codes &
responsible for the design criteria for elevated temperature Standards – July 26, 2000. Dr. Jones received his BS and MS
nuclear components. He was Chair of the Subgroup on Elevated degrees from the University of Toledo in 1967 and 1968 and his
Temperature Construction, Vice Chairman of the Subcommittee PhD from Carnegie Mellon University in 1972. Dr. Jones is a
on Design and a member of the Subcommittee on Nuclear Power. member of ASME and has worked at the Bettis Atomic Power
He currently again chairs the SG-ETD. Mr. Jetter has participated Laboratory in West Mifflin, Pennsylvania since 1968 where he
in domestic and international symposia on the elevated tempera- currently holds the position of Consultant Engineer.
ture design criteria. He was a member of a Department of Energy
(DOE) steering committee responsible for the design criteria, and
was a consultant and reviewer on various DOE projects. As a long JO, JONG CHULL
time employee of Rockwell International/Atomics International,
he was associated from the early sodium cooled reactors and Dr. Jong Chull Jo is a mechanical engineer
space power plants through all the US LMFBR programs. who graduated from Hanyang University,
Recently he was an International Fellow for the Power Reactor Seoul, Korea in 1979, and obtained his M.S.
and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation at the Monju Fast and Ph. D. degrees from the same university
Breeder Reactor site in Japan. He is a graduate in Mechanical in 1981 and 1985, respectively. Currently, he
Engineering from Cal Tech (BS) and Stanford (MS) and has a is a technical consultant of the Organisation
degree from UCLA in Executive Management. He is a fellow of for Economic Cooperation and Development
the ASME. (OECD), Nuclear Energy Agency in the area
of Nuclear Safety and Regulation and con-
currently is affiliated as a principal researcher with the Korea Institute
JONES, DAVID P. of Nuclear Safety (KINS) Daejon, Korea for which he has been
working since 1986. Before that, he worked as a full-time lecturer
Dr. Jones has 40 years experience in struc- and subsequently an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
tural design analysis and is lead consultant Department at Induk College, Seoul for 5 years.
and developer on structural design proce- Dr. Jo’s job for over the past two decades relates to the safety
dures for SDB-63 (Structural Design Basis, regulation of nuclear reactors including safety inspection and
Bureau of Ships, Navy Dept., Washington, licensing review, preparing regulatory requirements and guides,
D.C.). Dr. Jones is an expert on brittle frac- and developing nuclear regulatory technology.
ture, fatigue crack growth, fatigue crack ini- Dr. Jo was Head of Safety Issue Research Department at KINS
tiation, elastic and elastic-plastic finite ele- and concurrently Project Manager of the Regulatory Framework
ment methods, elastic and elastic-plastic Development for an Integral–Type Pressurized Water Reactor
perforated plate methods, limit load technology, linear and non-lin- Licensing. He served as a member of the Korean National
ear computational methods and computer applications for structural Technology Road Map Committee and a member of the National
mechanics. Dr. Jones’s key contributions have been developing com- R&D Projects Evaluation Committee. He lectured extensively on
puter programs that allow use of complex three-dimensional finite the technologies for evaluation and resolution of nuclear reactor
element stress and strain results for the evaluation of ASME struc- safety issues at National Research Institutions, Academic
tural design stress limits. He introduced numerical methods to com- Conferences, Engineering Companies and Universities in Korea,
pute fatigue usage factors, fatigue crack growth, brittle fracture and served as a lecturer from 2003–2005 at the Graduate School
design margins and the like that have now become standards for use of Jeonju University, Korea.
in naval nuclear design. He is currently working on using finite ele- Dr. Jo has been a member of the ASME Pressure Vessels and
ment elastic-plastic analysis tools for evaluation of limit load, Piping Division (PVPD) since 1999 and has been serving as Chair
fatigue, shakedown, and ratchet failure modes. of the PVPD Fluid-Structure Interaction Technical Committee since
Dr. Jones has been an active contributor to the ASME Boiler July of 2008. He has also been serving as Chair of the Fluid-
and Pressure Vessel Code Committees; secretary and member of Structure Interaction Division of the Korean Society of Pressure
Subgroup on Fatigue strength, Member and chairman of the Vessels and Piping since 2004. He has been a member of the Korean
Subgroup on Design Analysis, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Society of Mechanical Engineers since 1981, a member of the
Design, and Chairman of the Task Force on Elastic-Plastic FEA. Korean Nuclear Society since 1986, and a member of the Korea
Dr. Jones was Chairman of Metal Properties Council Task Force Foundation of Science and Technology since 2003. He has pub-
on Fatigue Crack Growth Technology. He has also served as lished about 50 technical journal papers and over 100 conference
Associate Editor of the ASME Journal of Pressure Vessels and proceeding papers. He has also co-authored or co-edited many
Piping. He has published over thirty papers on the topics of monographs and books. He has been invited as a peer reviewer of
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contributing papers for several archival journals such as ASME Water Reactor Engineering Department and he established the
Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Journal of Numerical Heat department’s annual operational goals, and planned the budget and
Transfer, Journal of Numerical Heat and Mass Transfer, Journal of resources needed for the achievement of annual operation goals.
Nuclear Engineering and Design. Thus, Mr. Masahiko Kaneda has nearly three decades of expe-
Dr. Jo received ‘Korean Prime Ministerial Citation’ for recog- rience related to plant design for nuclear power plants such as
nizing contribution to the promotion of science and technology in Japanese prototype FBR, Monju and many commercial PWRs in
1994 and ‘Korean Presidential Citation’ for contribution to devel- Japan. He is not only a specialist for plant layout design but seis-
opment of science and technology in 2004. mic design as well. Currently, as the General Manager of APWR
Promoting Department, Nuclear Energy Systems Headquarters in
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, LTD Japan, he is responsible for the
Yoshinori Kajimura has a Mechanical
Engineering B.S. (1966) from Hiroshima KARASAWA, TOSHIKI
University. He has more than 30 years of
experience in the design of all kinds of The late Toshiki Karasawa graduated with
pressure vessels including multi-layered honors form Yamanashi University with a
pressure vessels for oil refinery, petro- B.E in Mechanical Engineering in 1973.
chemical industries and so on for Mitsubishi Since graduating, his career had focused on
Heavy Industries, Hiroshima Works as a nuclear power technology in Tokyo Electric
manager of design. Power Company (TEPCO). He had more
He began his career in The High Pressure Gas Safety Institutes than 30 years of broad experience in Design,
of Japan (called KHK) at their Inspection and Certification Manufacturing, Inspection, Quality Assu-
Department in 1995. He responsible as the manager of technical rance (QA) and Nuclear Fuel. He was the
assessment and special appraisal for the pressure vessels under general manager of QA of Nuclear Division at the time of his pass-
the High Pressure Gas Safety Law and their regulations. ing away in March 2008.
He also has been an active member of the committee of JIS During 1980’s, Mr. Karasawa demonstrated excellent leader-
(Japanese Industrials Standards) for pressure vessels since 1990 ship to introduce ASME Boiler and Pressure Code Sec. III to
and also contributes to the development and restructuring of the METI (Ministry on Economy, trade and Industry) Notification
standards for pressure vessels in Japan. No.501, which regulated the detail design and manufacturing of
He has also been involved in ISO/TC11 activities and Japanese equipment for nuclear power plant in Japan. Following that, he
committee since 1997 at the restart of ISO/TC11 activities and he had been contributing to develop Codes and Standards (C&S) in
began to be the secretariat of ISO/TCI11/WG10 since 2003. Japan and ASME.
Mr. Karasawa was a member of ASME, a Member-at-large of
Board on International Standards (BIS) of CCS, since 1997. His
KANEDA, MASAHIKO report entitled “ASME Success Story in Japan” was favorably
received at BIS meeting in June 2003.
Masahiko Kaneda is Senior Vice President Mr. Karasawa was a member of Japan Society of Mechanical
of Mitsubishi Nuclear Energy Systems, Inc. Engineers (JSME) and serves as a Secretary of C&S Main
He has more than thirty years of experience Committee since 2001. He was a member of Nuclear C&S Main
in development and management of nuclear Committee of Japan Electric Association (JEA) and he served as
power plant design in Japan. Mr. Kaneda Vice Chair of QA committee and Chair QA Sub-committee. He
received a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering was a member of Structural Design Sub-committee in Thermal
from Seikei Univ. in Tokyo, Japan in 1978. and Nuclear Power Engineering Society (TENPES). He was a
From September 2006 to March 2008, he member of The Japan Welding Engineering Society (JWES) and
was employed by MHI in Tokyo, Japan as served as Secretary of Codes and Accreditation Committee since
the General Manager of Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor 2001. He was an Executive member of Atomic Energy Society of
Promoting Department, Nuclear Energy Systems Headquarters. He Japan (AESJ) since 1999 up untill his passing away.
directed all aspects of the APWR Promoting Department’s opera- Mr. Karasawa resided in Yokohama City Kanagawa Prefecture,
tions to control activities such as Design Certification of US-APWR, with his wife, Chiharu, and two daughters, Mayumi and Hanae.
Luminant Project and Potential Customer Engineering. From
October 2005 to August 2006, he was employed by MHI in Hyogo,
Japan as the General Manager of the Water Reactor Engineering KARCHER, GUIDO G.
Department, Nuclear Energy Systems Engineering Center, Nuclear
Energy Systems Headquarters. Guido G. Karcher, P.E. is a consulting engi-
Under the direction of Mr. Kaneda, The Water Reactor neer with over 48 years of experience in the
Engineering Department got involved in the conceptual and basic mechanical engineering aspects of pressure
design of the entire nuclear power plant facility, and consisted of containing equipment. He retired from the
various sections specialized in the system design, layout design, Exxon Research and Engineering Co. after
structural and seismic design, electrical design, instrumentation and serving 30 years as an internationally recog-
control design, turbine system design, and water reactor engineer- nized engineering advisor on pressure ves-
ing. In this position, Mr. Kaneda directed the entire operations of the sel, heat exchangers, piping and tankage
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xxiv • Contributor Biographies

design, construction and maintenance. On retire from Exxon KOVES, WILLIAM J.

Research & Engineering Co. in 1994; he became a Consulting
Engineer on fixed equipment for the petrochemical industry and William Koves, Ph.D., P.E., ASME Fellow,
related industry codes and standards. Guido has also functioned as is a Senior Engineering Fellow at UOP, a
the Technical Director of the Pressure Vessel Manufactures high technology company that develops
Association, for 15 years, in the areas of mass produced pressure and licenses process and related equipment
vessel construction and inspection requirements. technology in the petrochemical, process
Guido’s code activities include over 35 years of participation and related industries.
in ASME, PVRC and API Codes and Standards activities serv- Dr. Koves has 40 years of experience in
ing on numerous committees and technical development task the design, analysis and troubleshooting of
groups. He was elected to the position of Chairman of the equipment and structures including air-
ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Standards Committee for two craft, nuclear reactors, and petrochemical equipment. His special-
terms of office (2001–2007) and was elected to the office of ties include stress analysis, fracture, elevated temperature design,
Vice President Pressure Technology Codes and Standards heat transfer, stability, vibration, fatigue, fluid mechanics, and
(2005–2008). Guido also served as Chairman of the Pressure mechanics of granular solids.
Vessel Research Council and the American Petroleum Institute Dr. Koves is author of numerous publications in the field and
Subcommittee on Pressure Vessels and Tanks. He has written holder of 24 US and 3 European patents. He has been very
numerous technical papers on subjects related to pressure con- involved with numerous ASME and PVRC committees includ-
taining equipment. ing, Past Chair of ASME B31.3 Process Piping Committee,
Guido is an ASME Life Fellow and a recipient of the J. Hall Chair of ASME B31 Mechanical Design Committee, Member
Taylor Medal for outstanding contributions in the development of of the B31 Standards Committee, Member of ASME Boiler and
ASME Pressure Technology Codes and Standards. Guido was Pressure Vessel Subcommittee on Design Analysis, Elevated
also recently awarded the 2007 Melvin R. Green Codes and Temperature Design, Special Working Group on Design of
Standards Medal for outstanding contributions to the development Bolted Flange Joints and member of the Post Construction
and promulgation of ASME Codes and Standards within the USA Standards Committee and Subcommittee on Repair.
and Internationally. Other awards include the API Resolution of Dr. Koves was Vice-Chair of the Pressure Vessel Research
Appreciation and Honorary Emeritus Membership of Pressure Council (PVRC), Member of PVRC Committee on Piping and
Vessel Research Council. He earned a B.S.M.E. from Pratt Nozzles, Chair of PVRC Committee on Elevated Temperature
Institute and M.S.M.E. from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Design, Chair of PVRC Subcommittee on Shell Intersections,
is a registered Professional Engineer in the States of New York and Past the Chair of the Post Construction Flaw Evaluation
and New Jersey. Committee and Member of the Main and Executive

Dieter Kreckel graduated in 1968 from the
Victor V. Kostarev is a Mechanical FH Bingen, Germany with a Dipl.-Ing.
Engineering (Gas and Steam Turbines) (FH) specializing in mechanical/chemical
graduate of Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic engineering. Dieter Kreckel started his
University, Russia. He earned his Ph.D. active profession in 1968 within the
degree in 1979 for investigation of self- Department of Engineering and Lay out,
excited vibration of high speed rotors of piping and components of the UHDE
supercritical steam turbines. GmbH Company. The nuclear activities
His professional career includes over that he started in 1971 continue to this
35 years experience in analysis and date. He is with AREVA NP GmbH (ex. Framatome ANP GmbH,
qualification of structures, systems, piping and components for ex. Siemens NP, and ex. KWU).
vibration, operational, seismic loads and design basis Dieter Kreckel’s work experience includes Engineering compo-
accidental loads of nuclear power plants and other facilities in nents of BWR and PWR, Co-ordination of equipment specifica-
different industries. Dr. Kostarev is a founder of the State tions, QM- Engineering (ENACE Argentina 1981 to 1985), QM-
Laboratory for seismic and external events protection of SSC in Engineering in various Projects, International co-operation on
CKTI Institute (1977). Then he established in 1992 a private Design Codes e.g. for EPR Development (GERMAN/ FRENCH),
Structural – Mechanical Engineering Company located in EU DG TREN, WGCS (Working Group “Codes and Standards”).
Saint-Petersburg, Russia ( where he is the Dieter Kreckel has immense experience in the field of
president up to date. He is an author of more than 50 papers European Nuclear Code activities that include Collaboration with-
and 10 inventions. in the French REP 2000 Programme, Comparison of German and
V.Kostarev is a consultant for International Atomic Energy French Nuclear Codes and their application as a basis for the joint
Agency. He is a member of ASME BPVC Nuclear Section III proposals to the European Pressure Water Reactor Technical
Subcommittee on Nuclear Power and Section III ASME BPVC Code for Mechanical Equipment (ETC-M), Elaboration of ETC-
Working Group on Piping. Victor Kostarev has been the volunteer M Class 1 to 3 together with partner Framatome ANP SAS,
ASME corresponding author/representative in Russia. Review of ETC-M Class 1 to 3 proposal together with German
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Utilities and EDF, NPP upgrading of RUSSIAN NPP and compli- (AERB). He has published more than 600 technical papers. He is
ance of the Russian Code analysis for applying to European recipient of prestigious Indian Nuclear Society award. He is a
Codes and Standards. Fellow of the National Academy of Engineering.
Dieter Kreckel organized various Seminars for the implementa-
tion of the PED and Harmonized EN Standards to Nuclear Codes
in Europe. Since 2003 Dieter Kreckel is assigned and acts as LAND, JOHN T.
Quality Manager for the Olkiluto 3 Project in Finland.
John T. Land, P.E., has been involved in the
design, analyses and manufacturing of
Westinghouse’s PWR nuclear primary
equip-ment products for almost thirty years.
KUO, PAO-TSIN His product design experience includes reac-
Dr. Kuo earned an engineering diploma tor internals, steam generators, presurizers,
from Taipei Institute of Technology, a MS valves, and heat exchangers. Mr. Land also
from North Dakota State University and a contributed to the design and development
PhD from Rice University. He is a of the AP600 and AP1000 MWe Advanced
Registered Professional Engineer in the Power Plants, the Westinghouse/Mitsubishi APWR 4500 MWt
State of Maryland. He has been employed Reactor Internals, and many of the currently operating
by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory commis- Westinghouse PWR domestic and international reactor internals
sion (NRC) since 1975. He held various components. In addition, he has directed and reviewed the design
positions in the NRC during this period. and analysis efforts of engineers from Italy (FIAT and ANSALDO),
He is currently the Program Director for the License Renewal Spain (ENSA), Czech Republic, and Japan (MHI) on several collab-
and Environmental Impacts Program in the Office of Nuclear orative Westinghouse international efforts. His experience included
Reactor Regulation, responsible for guidance development and five years with Westinghouse as a stress analyst on nuclear valves in
licensing activities of the license renewal programme as well as support of the Navy’s Nuclear Reactor Program. Prior to working
environmental reviews of application for license renewal, licens- for Westinghouse, Mr. Land spent eleven years with the General
ing amendments and early site permits. Electric Company on the design and development of Cruise Fan and
Dr. Kuo is a member of the ASME Section XI Special Working XV-5A Vertical Take-Off and Landing aircraft propulsion systems.
Group on Plant Life Extension and former member of the ASME He also holds eleven patents from General Electric, and
Section III Working Group of Piping Design as well as Task Westinghouse. Mr. Land received his BS in Mechanical Engineering
Group on Dynamic Stress Limits. Currently, he is the chairman of from Drexel University and his MS in Applied Mechanics from the
Working Group I, General Long Term Operation Framework, University of Cincinnati.
IAEA Extra Budgetary Program on Safety Aspects of Long Term Over the past thirty years, John has been active in ASME
Operation of Water Moderated Reactors. B&PV Code work. Mr. Land is currently member of the Working
Group Core Support Structures and participates in the rule mak-
ing and maintenance of Sub-Section NG. John is also a member
of Sub-Group Design that oversees Section III and Section VIII
Design Rules.
Mr. H.S. Kushwaha, M.Tech. (Mechanical
Engineering), is Director, Health Safety LANDERS, DONALD F.
and Environment Group at Bhabha Atomic
Research Centre, Mumbai, India. He Donald F. Landers, P.E., is currently Chief
joined Reactor Engineering Division, Engineer of Landers and Associates. He was
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) General Manager and President of Teledyne
in 1971. Since then, he has been engaged Engineering Services where he was
in R&D activities for Structural Design employed from 1961 to 1999. Mr. Landers,
and Safety Analysis of Indian Heavy Water an ASME Fellow, has been involved in
Reactor program. He contributed significantly in the area of com- ASME Code activities since 1965 serving as
putational Mechanics, Pressure Vessel and Piping Design and a Member of B31.7 and Chairman of their
Analysis and Leak-Before-Break (LBB) study of high energy pip- Task Group on Design, Section III Working
ing system. Mr. Kushwaha has been associated with Seismic Group on Piping Design and Subgroup on Design. He continues as a
Design, Analysis and Testing of major components of 540 MW(e) member of these Section III groups as well as Subcommittee III and
Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor built at Tarapur, Maharashtra. also served as a member of section XI and the BPVC Standards
He is currently steering the research activities in the field of Committee.
structural reliability, radiological risk assessment and uncertainty Mr. Landers also served as a member of the Board on
analysis. Mr. Kushwaha is Chairman of BARC Safety Council Nuclear Codes and Standards and as Vice Chairman. He has
and President of Indian Association for Radiation Protection. Mr. served on PVRC committees and was heavily involved in the
Kushwaha is a member of Safety Review Committee for PVRC research that led to the new seismic design rules in
Operating Plants (SARCOP) of Atomic Energy Regulatory Board Section III.
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xxvi • Contributor Biographies

He is an internationally recognized expert in piping design and reactors, boilers for waste/refuse mass burn disposal systems and
analysis and application of ASME Code and regulatory require- design and maintenance of API Storage Tanks. John has extensive
ments. Mr. Landers has authored over 20 technical papers related experience in the design and construction of heat recovery boilers
to design and analysis of pressure components. for the metallurgical industry. John is recognized as one of the
He is currently involved in providing consulting services to the leading practitioners of his specialties in Canada.
utility industry in the areas of Life Extension, Code compliance, Mr. John Mackay has been a member of ASME for over 40 years,
and Operability issues. Don continues to provide training and during which he has served on a variety of committees engaged in
seminars on Code Criteria and application internationally. He is updating existing Codes, introduction of new Codes, and the investi-
recipient of the Bernard F. Langer Award, J. Hall Taylor Award, gation and resolution of questions referred to these committees. He
and ASME Dedicated Service Award. has been a member of Section I Power Boiler Subcommittee since
1968 to present time, Chaired it 1989–2004; Member Standards
Committee, 1971–present; Subgroup Electric Boilers (SCI) and
chaired it in 1978–84; Member & Chairman Adhoc Task group on
Acceptance Criteria. John was a Member and Chair of the Section V
Mr. Donald Wayne Lewis is a Project Subcommittee on Nondestructive Examination; Joint Task group
Engineer for Shaw Stone & Webster B31.1/SCI. John is a member of Subgroup on General requirements
Nuclear with over 27 years of experience & Surface Examination (SCV); and is a member of Subgroup on
in commercial nuclear power and Materials (SCI). John was a member of Honors & Awards
Department of Energy (DOE) nuclear Committee (B&PV) from 1989–2006, and chaired in 1995–2006.
related projects. He has worked on a vari- He was a Member Executive Committee (B&PV Main Committee)
ety of Mechanical/Structural engineering from 1992–2004. In addition to ASME John is affiliated with sever-
applications including nuclear power sys- al professional organizations including Engineering Institute of
tem design and construction, MOX fuel Canada and Quebec Order of Engineers.
assembly design, spent fuel management and related NRC John Mackay has several publications and has given lectures on
licensing. He has spent 17 years in his primary area of expertise engineering topics both in Canada and USA. John was a partici-
which is related to dry spent nuclear fuel storage and is current- pant of several PVP conferences and ASHRAE. He has several
ly Project Engineer for several Independent Spent Fuel Storage hobbies that include Contract Bridge and John is happily married
Installation (ISFSI) projects. He has also served as a design with adult children.
reviewer for the DOE Yucca Mountain Project concerning spent
fuel processing and disposal. MALEK, M. A.
Mr. Lewis is a Member of the ASME Subgroup on Containment
Systems for Spent Fuel and High-Level Waste Transport M. A. Malek is a Professional Engineer
Packagings. He is the author of two publications related to spent (P.E.) registered in the state of Maine,
fuel storage which are in the 2003 and 2005 proceedings of the P.Eng. Canada registered in the Province of
International Conference on Environmental Remediation and I New Brunswick and Prince Edward
Radioactive Waste Management (ICEM) sponsored by ASME. Island. Mohammad is a Certified Plant
Mr. Lewis received a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Montana Engineer, CPE, U.S.A., and has more than
State University in 1980. He is a Registered Professional 27 years experience in boiler and pressure
Engineer in New York, Maine, Iowa, Utah and Colorado. vessel technology. Presently he is the Chief
Boiler Inspector for the state of Florida.
Prior to his present position, he was Chief Boiler, Elevator and
MAC KAY, JOHN R. Tramway Inspector for the state of Maine, Deputy Chief Inspector
of state of Louisiana and Chief Boiler Inspector, Bangladesh.
Mr. John Mackay has over 50 years experi- Mr. Malek has demonstrated leadership in B&PV boiler and
ence as a mechanical engineering specialist pressure vessel industry. His achievements include developing
in boilers, pressure vessels, steam accu- and designing a special husk-fired, fire-tube boiler of capacity
mulators, ASME Code construction, 500 lbs/hr at 50 psi for developing countries. He has vast knowl-
Nondestructive examination, heat transfer edge and experience in writing, and enforcing boiler and pressure
systems, combustion and municipal incin- vessel laws, rules, and regulations. He has written numerous arti-
erator design and construction. John has a cles and published in several technical journals. Malek obtained his
Bachelor of Engineering (Mech.), 1951 BSME degree from Bangladesh Engineering and Technology,
from McGill University, Montreal and fol- Dhaka (1972) and MBA from Institute of Business Admini-
lowed it by numerous courses over the years in Management, stration, University of Dhaka (1979).
Management Techniques, and Post-graduate engineering and Malek has been a member of ASME since 1980 and Fellow of
management courses at Concordia University. Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh. He is an instructor of
Mr. John Mackay was an employee of Dominion Bridge ASME Professional Development courses, and serves on three
Company Limited in Montreal from 1951 to 1984 and has since ASME Committees including CSD-1 Committee, QFO-1
continued to work as a private consultant in his field. His major Committee, and Conference Committee of the ASME B&PV
accomplishments of the hundreds of projects he has been involved Committee. Malek has been a member of the National Board of
include the Primary System Feeder Pipes for the CANDU nuclear Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors since 1997.
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MASTERSON, ROBERT J. session developer. His professional participation also included

several committees of the PVRC, specially the Steering
Masterson has a BSME from University of Committee on Cyclic Life and Environmental Effects in Nuclear
Rhode Island (1969) and course work for Applications. He had a key role in the development of environ-
MSME, University of Rhode Island mental fatigue initiation rules that are currently under considera-
(1973). He is a Registered Professional tion for adoption by various ASME Code Groups.
Engineer in states of RI, MA, IL, NE, MI
and AK, and is currently self-employed at
RJM Associates in Fall River, MA.
Masterson is a retired Captain, U.S. Army MILLER, UREY R.
Corp of Engineers (1986). His professional Mr. Miller is an ASME Fellow and has
experience included New England Electric System (1969–1970), more than 30 years of experience in the
ITT Grinnell Corporation, Pipe Hanger Division, Providence, RI pressure vessel industry. He has participat-
(1972–1979). With ITT Grinnell he was a Manager of Piping and ed in ASME Pressure Vessel Code
Structural Analysis for the Pipe Hanger Division (1974) and Committee activity for well more than
developed stress analysis, and testing for ASME Section III 20 years. He is a Registered Professional
Subsection NF and provided training in Subsection NF for Engineer in Indiana and Texas. He is cur-
ITT Grinnell, several Utilities, AEs and support for NRC Audit. rently a member of the following ASME
In 1978 he became Manager Research, Development and Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committees:
Engineering. He was Manager of Engineering (1979) at Boiler and Pressure Vessel Standards Committee
Engineering Analysis Services, Inc. East Greenwich RI later in Subcommittee Pressure Vessels—Section VIII
1990 called EAS Energy Services. He was Vice President of Subgroup Design—Section VIII (Chairman)
Operations (1984) and tasks included NRC audit support, turnkey Special Working Group for Heat Transfer Equipment (past
projects and valve qualification. Chairman)
Masterson was an alternate member, Working Group on Special Committee on Interpretations—Section VIII
Component Supports (Subsection NF), 1973–1979; Member Subcommittee Design.
Subsection NF 1979 to the present. Chaired Task Groups for Mr. Miller has been the Chief Engineer with the Kellogg
Subsection NF jurisdiction; Chair of Working Group on Supports Brown & Root Company (KBR), a major international engineer-
(SG-D) (SC III) since May, 2000 and Member of Committee for ing and construction company for the petrochemical industry,
the First Symposium on Inservice Testing of Pumps and Valves, since 1992. In this position, he consults on a wide array of sub-
1989, Washington, DC, NUREG/CP-0111. jects including pressure vessesl, heat exchanger, and piping
design issues, including application and interpretation of all
ASME Code requirements. He has had extensive experience with
international projects. He has provided significant engineering
Dr. Mehta received his B.S. in Mechanical support and advice to KBR projects throughout the world. In the
Engineering from Jodhpur University role as Chief Engineer, he has traveled extensively providing
(India), M.S. and Ph.D. from University of engineering support for projects in Brazil, Malaysia, Egypt,
California, Berkeley. He was elected an Algeria, Nigeria, Philippine Islands, South Africa, United
ASME Fellow in 1999 and is a Registered Kingdom, Mexico, etc. in addition to a variety of projects in
Professional Engineer in the State of United States. He has experience in refinery, petrochemical, lique-
California. fied natural gas, ammonia, phenol, and other types of projects.
Dr. Mehta has been with GE Nuclear Previously, he held responsible positions related to process pres-
Division (now, GE-Hitachi Nuclear sure equipment at Union Carbide Corporation and Foster Wheeler
Energy) since 1978 and currently holds the position of Chief Energy Corporation. In addition, he has had over eight years
Consulting Engineer. He has over 35 years of experience in the experience in designing pressure vessels for nuclear power gener-
areas of stress analysis, linear-elastic and elastic-plastic fracture ation applications with the Babcock and Wilcox Co. Mr. Miller
mechanics, residual stress evaluation, and ASME Code related has a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering (cum laud)
analyses pertaining to BWR components. He has also participated from the University of Evansville (Indiana).
as principal investigator or project-manager for several BWRVIP,
BWROG and EPRI sponsored programs at GE, including the
Large Diameter Piping Crack Assessment, IHSI, Carbon Steel MOEN, RICHARD A.
Environmental Fatigue Rules, RPV Upper Shelf margin
Assessment and Shroud Integrity Assessment. He is the Richard (Dick) Moen has been a member of
author/coauthor of over 40 ASME Journal/Volume papers. Prior to numerous Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
joining GE, he was with Impell Corporation where he directed vari- committees since 1969. Richard (Dick)
ous piping and structural analyses. Moen was an active member of various
For more than 25 years, Dr. Mehta has been an active member Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code committees
of the Section XI Subgroup on Evaluation Standards and associat- from 1969, until his retirement in 2005.
ed working an task groups. He also has been active for many During that time span, he served on the
years in ASME’s PVP Division as a member of the Material & Standards Committee, the Subcommittee on
Fabrication Committee and as conference volume editor and Materials, the Subcommittee on Nuclear
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xxviii • Contributor Biographies

Power, and additional Subgroups and Task Groups serving in those U. S. universities and national labs, Rome, Israel, Holland, Japan,
areas. He is a life member of ASM International. India, Germany, Spain, and Taiwan on unsteady thermofluid behav-
Richard Moen earned a BS degree in Metallurgical Engineering ior. National Academy of Engineering, 2001, Induction into Silicon
from South Dakota School of Mines and Technology in 1962, Valley Engineers Hall of Fame, 2000, ASME PV&PD Award
with additional graduate studies through the University of Idaho (1999), ASME Fellow (1981); George Westinghouse Gold Medal
and the University of Washington. He has spent his entire profes- Award (1980), and Alfred Noble Award for technical paper (1967).
sional career in the field of nuclear energy, beginning in research Has been Committee chair and co-chair, ASME Fluids Engineering
and development, and then with commercial power plant con- Division, PV&P Division and Associate Editor of ASME Journals.
struction, operation support, and maintenance. He now consults Participated on NRC-appointed peer review groups, and ongo-
and teaches through Meon Technical Services. ing consulting assignments with several NRC studies and panels.
Richard Moen’s primary area of expertise is in materials behav- Publications include Introduction to Unsteady Thermofluid
ior and applications. He has authored numerous papers and has Mechanics, Wiley, and The Thermal-Hydraulics of a Boiling
been involved in several national materials handbook programs. Water Nuclear Reactor, ANS (co-author), and more than 50 pub-
And with his long-time involvement in the ASME Boiler and lications in technical journals, and symposium volumes.
Pressure Vessel Code, he has authored a popular book entitled
“Guidebook to ASME Section II, B31.1, and B31.3—Materials
Index”. His classes are built around that book. MORA, RAFAEL G.
Mr. Rafael Mora is a graduate in Civil
Engineering from the University of La
MOKHTARIAN, KAMRAN Gran Colombia, and holds a Master of
Kam Mokhtarian graduated from the Business Administration, UNET-UFPS,
Northwestern University with a Master of Venezuela-Colombia. He is a registered
Science degree, in 1964. He worked for professional engineer in Canada.
Chicago Bridge and Iron Company from Mr. Mora has been working for the
1964 through 2000, in a variety of assign- pipeline industry for over seventeen years
ments. He was responsible for design and that include pipeline operating; integrity
analysis of nuclear vessels and pressure ves- consulting and in-line inspection service companies. He recently
sels for a number of years. He also provided joined the National Energy Board as a Technical Leader,
technical consulting to the engineering staff. Engineering within the Compliance Planning and Analysis Team.
Mr. Mokhtarian has been involved with the ASME B&PV Mr. Mora is currently also a professor in the Pipeline
Code Committee, since 1980. He has served as member and Engineering Master Degree program at the University of Calgary.
chairman of several committees. He was Chairman of Subgroup He has taught courses in pipeline integrity extensively within
Design of Subcommittee VIII and the Vice-chairman of Subgroup North and South America and has authored a number of technical
Fabrication and Inspection. He is presently the Vice-chairman of papers on this subject.
Subcommittee VIII.
Mr. Mokhtarian is also a member of the Post Construction
Standards Committee and the Vice-chairman of the Subcommittee
on Flaw Evaluation. He has also served as an associate editor of the Mr. D. Keith Morton is a Consulting
ASME’s Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology for several years. Engineer at the Department of Energy’s
Mr. Mokhtarian has been an active member of the Pressure (DOE) Idaho National Laboratory, operated
Vessel Research Council (PVRC) since 1980 and has served as by Battelle Energy Alliance. He has worked
Chairman of several committees. He is presently the Chairman of in the Applied Mechanics Department for
the PVRC. He has authored several WRC Bulletins, including nearly 33 years. Mr. Morton has gained a
Bulletin 297 that has become a major resource for pressure vessel wide variety of structural engineering experi-
designers. He has also been teaching a number of pressure vessel ence in many areas, including performing
related ASME courses. nuclear piping and power piping stress analy-
ses, completing plant walkdowns, consulting with the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, developing life extension strategies for the
MOODY, FREDERICK J. Advanced Test Reactor, performing full-scale seismic and impact
testing, and helping to develop the DOE standardized spent nuclear
Ph.D., M.S., B.S., Mechanical Engineering fuel canister. His most recent work activities include performing full-
(Stanford, Stanford, U. of Colorado) scale drop tests of DOE spent nuclear fuel canisters and developing a
Consulting Engineer, Thermal-Hydraulics, test methodology that allows for the quantification of true stress-
GE Nuclear Energy, 41 years with emphasis strain curves that reflect strain rate effects.
on fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, heat Mr. Morton is a Member of the ASME Working Group on the
transfer, and coupled fluid-structure interac- Design of Division 3 Containments, is the Secretary for the ASME
tion, pertaining to reactor and containment Subgroup on Containment Systems for Spent Fuel and High-Level
technology. Adjunct Professor, Thermo- Waste Transport Packagings, and is a Member of the ASME Section
sciences, San Jose State University, 28 years, III Subcommittee. He has co-authored over twenty-five conference
Instructor, GE Advanced Engineering Programs. Instructor for papers, one journal article, and recently co-authored an article on
ASME Continuing Education courses. Invited courses, lectures in DOE spent nuclear fuel canisters for Radwaste Solutions.
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Mr. Morton received a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from pump application. He was active in dynamic analyses of pumps
California Polytechnic State University in 1975 and a Masters of and valves as a consultant to most of the commercial pump manu-
Engineering in Mechanical Engineering from the University of facturers including those manufacturing nuclear pumps.
Idaho in 1979. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in the state As a corollary to the dynamic analysis of pumps and valves Mr.
of Idaho. Nickerson developed a number of computer programs to carry out
these analyses. Some of these programs were successfully mar-
keted. Not only active in Engineering he helped organize the
MURRAY, ALAN Fluid Machinery Section of the Local ASME Section. In recogni-
tion of his activities he was made “Engineer of the Month” of
Dr. Alan Murray is the Professional Leader
Southern California for August 1973.
Engineering at the National Energy Board
Mr. Nickerson was on the SURF Board of CalTech and was
in Calgary and an Adjunct Professor in the
formerly its Chairman.
Chemical Engineering Department of the
Douglas Nickerson had served on a number of ASME Section III
University of Calgary.
Committees and was Chairman of QR Subcommittee of QME.
He is a graduate of The Queen’s Uni-
Mr. Douglas B. Nickerson passed away since the completion of
versity of Belfast, Northern Ireland in Civil
the first edition.
Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
and has spent most of his career in Design
and Development activities mostly in heavy engineering. He has held
a number of senior management positions with a major North NORDSTROM, EDWIN A.
American pipeline company and was founding chair of the ASME On the personal side, Ed is a native of
Pipeline Systems Division. He is the co—author of the ASME book Kansas who was educated at the University
Pipeline Design and Construction: A Practical Approach, and has of Kansas as an undergraduate and the
published over 50 papers on a variety of engineering topics. Massachusetts Institute of Technology where
he earned graduate degrees in both
Chemistry and Management – the latter from
the Sloan School. He served in administrative
Dr. Nash is the Vice-Dean of Engineering positions for 16 years on school boards and
and a Reader in Mechanical Engineering at 40 years in the Episcopal Church.
the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Without an engineering degree, Ed rose to be Manager of
Scotland. After spending several years with Process Engineering for a chemical company and then to VP
a vessel fabricator, Dr Nash joined the Engineering for A O Smith Water Products Division. In the latter
Department as a researcher where he gained post, he became active in ASME where he has served on Section
an MSc and PhD working on local load and IV for 25 years. This activity continued across job changes to
saddle support contact problems. His Amtrol [Manager, Hot Water Maker Sales]; Viessmann
research interests lie broadly in the area of Manufacturing [COO for US operations]; Gas Appliance
pressure equipment design procedures, and most recently in the area Manufacturers Association; and Heat Transfer Products.
of bolted joints and sealing technology. He has written over
90 papers and authored and contributed to several books. He has co-
written and organised a suite of pressure equipment design courses O’DONNELL, WILLIAM J.
for industry and these have been run on an annual basis since 1986.
Dr Nash is a Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Bill O’Donnell has Engineering Degrees
Engineering and a Chartered Engineer and has been an ASME from Carnegie Mellon University and the
member since 1987. He was made an ASME Fellow in 2006. He University of Pittsburgh. He began his career
is the present Vice-Chairman of the Pressure Systems Group of at Westinghouse Research and Bettis where
the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, is a member of the he became an Advisory Engineer. In 1970
British Standards Committee for Design Methods (BSi PVE- Bill founded O’Donnell and Associates, an
1–15) and is the current UK national representative to EPERC, engineering consulting firm specializing in
the European Equipment Research Council. design and analysis of structures and compo-
nents. The firm has done extensive work in
the evaluation of structural integrity, including corrosion fatigue,
NICKERSON, DOUGLAS B. flaw sensitivity, crack propagation, creep rupture and brittle fracture.
Dr. O’Donnell has published 96 papers in engineering mechanics,
Douglas B. Nickerson graduated from Cal- elastic-plastic fracture mechanics, strain limits and damage evalua-
Tech with a BSME. He was a registered tion methods. He is Chairman of the Subgroup on Fatigue Strength
Engineer in the State of California and is a and a Member of the Subcommittee on Design of the ASME Code.
Fellow of ASME. He worked in the He has patents on mechanical processes and devices used in plants
Aerospace Industry until 1965 when he worldwide. He is recognized expert in Failure Causation Analyses.
founded his consulting business, Stress Dr. O’Donnell has given invited lectures at many R&D laboratories,
Analysis Associates. During his tenure design firms and universities. He is a registered Professional
in the Aerospace Industry he developed Engineer. He received the National Pi Tau Sigma Gold Medal
the Hi-V/L ® pump for aerocraft booster Award “For Outstanding Achievement in Mechanical Engineering”
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xxx • Contributor Biographies

and the ASME Award for “Best Conference Technical Paper” in Code, he developed a new organization and writing style for this
1973 and 1988. The Pittsburgh Section of ASME named Bill code and was responsible for introducing the latest developments
“Engineer of the Year.” (1988) He was awarded the ASME PVP in materials, design, fabrication and inspection technologies.
Medal (1994) and received the University of Pittsburgh ME These technologies include a new brittle fracture evaluation
Department’s Distinguished Alumni Award (1996) and Carnegie method, new design-by-analysis procedures including the intro-
Mellon University’s 2004 Distinguished Achievement Award for duction of elastic-plastic analysis methods, and a new fatigue
distinguished service and accomplishments in any field of human method for welded joints. Mr. Osage has delivered lectures on the
endeavor. He is a Fellow of the ASME and is listed in the Engineers new pressure vessel code in Europe and Japan and will be offer-
Joint Council “Engineers of Distinction,” Marquis “Who’s Who in ing a training course highlighting advantages of the new code for
Science and Engineering” and “Who’s Who in the World.” use with refinery and petrochemical equipment.
Mr. Osage was a lead investigator in revamping the API Risk-
Based Inspection (RBI) technology and software. The main focus of
OLSON, DAVID E. this effort was a clean sheet re-write of API 581 Risk-Based
Inspection and the development of a new version of the API RBI
David Olson, as part of his career at software. He is currently working on the next generation of RBI tech-
Sargent & Lundy LLC, has been involved nology where Fitness-For-Service assessment procedures will be
in solving piping and rotating equipment used to compute the Probability of Failure for Risk-Based Inspection.
vibration problems at over 50 nuclear and As an Adjunct Visiting Assistant Professor at Stevens Institute
fossil power plants. He has managed the of Technology, Mr. Osage has taught graduate level courses in
design and successful implementation of strength of materials and elasticity, structural analysis and finite
preoperational and initial startup piping element methods, and structural optimization.
test programs at BWR and PWR plants.
Throughout his career has been responsible
for diagnosing and solving field problems with piping systems at
both nuclear and fossil power plants. Mr. Olson has also been
responsible for initial design, backfits and modifications of both Francis Osweiller got international recogni-
nuclear and fossil power plants. As part of this experience he has tion for his expertise in French, European
developed expertise in vibration analysis, testing and field prob- and ASME Pressure Vessel Codes &
lem resolution. Mr. Olson is the current and long standing Standards. He has been the head of the
Chairman of ASME Operation and Maintenance Subgroup on French delegation to CEN/TC 54 (European
Piping Systems, the group responsible for writing the OM-3 stan- Technical Committee for Unfired Pressure
dard on piping vibration. Mr. Olson has published numerous tech- Vessels) for several years and has chaired
nical papers on vibration and piping dynamics, testing and design several committees such as Simple Pressure
and has also given numerous training seminars. Vessels, Testing & Inspection, Tubesheets
Mr. Olson has also managed various industry initiatives includ- and Bellows. Mr. Osweiller has been actively involved in Europe
ing the development of improved guidance for piping design and with the development of the Pressure Equipment Directive and the
analysis, piping operability criteria, the development of risk new CEN Standard for Unfired Pressure Vessels. He gave several
informed methods to reduce seismic loads, and the patented courses on these issues in France UK and USA. As member of the
design of radiation shielding pipe insulation. University of Illinois – Main Committee of CODAP, he developed several design rules for
B.S. Engineering, University of Chicago – MBA, Registered the French Pressure Vessel Code (CODAP). His main contribution
Professional Engineer. was the development of Tubesheet Heat-exchanger rules to replace
the existing (TEMA) rules.
Francis Osweiller obtained a Mechanical Engineering degree in
OSAGE, DAVID A. Paris, France. He started his career at CETIM-France with FEM
analysis applied to pressure vessels. He has published more than
Mr. Osage, President and CEO of the 40 papers in France, UK, Germany and US on European Codes,
Equity Engineering Group in Shaker ASME Code and Pressure Equipment Directive and gave lectures
Heights, Ohio, is internationally recog- at AFIAP, ICPVT (International Conference of Pressure Vessel
nized as an industry expert and leader in Technology) and ASME-PVP (Pressure Vessel & Piping
the development and use of FFS technolo- Conference). He has been the representative for France at ICPVT
gy. As the architect and principal author of andISO/TC11.
API 579 Fitness-For-Service, he developed Since 1985 Osweiller has been actively involved in ASME
many of the assessment methodologies and Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code organization where he is mem-
supporting technical information. As the ber of SCII/International Material Specifications, SCSVIII/SWG
chairperson for the API/ASME Joint Committee on Fitness-For- on Heat Transfer Equipment, Post Construction Main Committee,
Service, he was instrumental in completing the update to API 579 Board on Pressure Vessel Technology and Council on Codes and
entitled API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 Fitness-For-Service. Mr. Osage Standards. His principal accomplishment is his role for the publi-
provides instruction on Fitness-For-Service technology to the cation of common rules in ASME Code, European Code and
international community under the API University Program. French Code for the design of tube-sheets and expansion bellows.
Mr. Osage is also a recognized expert in the design of new Osweiller is the recipient of several awards and certificates from
equipment. As the lead investigator and principal author of the ASME and PVP and was elevated to the grade of Fellow by
new ASME, Section VIII, Division 2, Boiler and Pressure Vessel ASME in 2001 and is listed in the Who’s Who in the World.
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PAPPONE, DAN seismic and LOCA events. Over nine years he developed signifi-
cant expertise in performing finite element analyses and scientific
Mr. Daniel Pappone is Chief Consulting programming.
Engineer in Plant Performance at GE- In 1986 Mr. Pastor joined the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection
Hitachi Nuclear Energy. He joined GE in and Insurance Co. (HSB) working in the Codes and Standards
1978. Mr. Pappone has extensive experi- Group in Hartford, Ct. During his 22 year tenure at HSB, Mr.
ence in safety evaluations for BWR acci- Pastor rose from staff engineer, to Manager Codes & Standards,
dent conditions with a primary focus Director, and presently Vice-President Code Services. He has
on the vessel and containment response to managed the Codes & Standards (C&S) Group for over 17 years,
Loss-of-Coolant Accidents. He is involved and led the development of several knowledge based databases
in the ongoing development of the generic which are used today to provide Code technical support to over
extended power uprate programs and has held lead technical posi- 3000 ASME Certificate Holders and Inspectors worldwide. Mr.
tions in several stretch and extended power uprate projects. Pastor’s ASME code expertise is in pressure vessels, and he has
Currently, Mr. Pappone has been leading research into under- taught basic to advanced seminars on Section VIII, Division 1
standing the fatigue loading acting on BWR steam dryers. His past over 100 times to audiences around the world. He has authored
responsibilities have included degraded core cooling studies, numerous technical papers on the subject of stress analysis and
Emergency Procedure Guideline development, and the design, plant ASME Code developments,
application and installation of safety parameter display and plant Mr. Pastor is a licensed Professional Engineer in the states of
monitoring computer systems. He brings an overall integrated per- Connecticut and Indiana. He is currently serves on several ASME
spective to the projects, including analysis, system design, opera- Committees such as Codes & Standards Board of Directors, Board
tions, and regulatory aspects. Mr. Pappone holds a BS degree in on Hearings and Appeals, Continuous Improvement Committee,
Nuclear Engineering from the University of California, Los Board on Pressure Vessel Technology, BPV Technical Oversight
Angeles. Management Committee (Vice-Chairman), Standards Committee
on Pressure Vessels – Section VIII (Chairman), Subgroup Design –
Section VIII, and Special Committee on Interpretations –

Martin Parece is Chief Engineer and Vice

President, Technology for AREVA NP, Inc.
He is responsible for technical oversight PERRAUDIN, GERARD
and configuration control of pressurized Gerard Perraudin is a recognized authority
water reactor and high temperature gas on materials in pressure vessel technology.
reactor designs planned for deployment in Initially he worked on a variety of assign-
North America. ments for the French Technical Center of
Mr. Parece has B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mechanical industries from 1970 through
Nuclear Engineering from the University of 1980. There on he has been the supervisor
Illinois and is a member of the American Nuclear Society. During of inspectors on a refinery of Exxon
the last 26 years with Babcock & Wilcox, Framatome and AREVA Chemical (1980–1983) and later was
NP, he has gained extensive experience in safety analysis, core employed by TECHNIP, a major interna-
reload analysis, plant performance analysis, plant simulation, com- tional engineering and construction company. He has been active-
puter code development, accident mitigation, operator guidance, ly involved in various petroleum and chemical industries over the
thermal-hydraulics, plant auxiliary and control systems, Class 1 world (Exxon, BP, Elf). Mr. Perraudin is the Chairman of CODAP
component design, and licensing. Mr. Parece is the author of Committee responsible for French Pressure Vessel Code. Based
numerous papers and topical reports, he also holds a patent on a on his expertise of Codes he is actively involved in several French
method and system for emergency core cooling. Mr. Parece is a and European Code working committees.
highly regarded speaker on reactor power uprates, nuclear power
plant safety and new reactors.

PASTOR, THOMAS P. Bernard Pitrou has more than 40 years of

experience in the piping industry. He held
Mr. Pastor has over thirty one years experi- the position of manager in Design and
ence working in the areas of stress analysis Calculations Department, ENTREPOSE
and pressure vessel design. He holds a (currently called ENDEL). He was engaged
Bachelors and Masters degree in Civil in design and analysis of power and process
Engineering from the University of piping as well as nuclear and transportation
Connecticut, with emphasis on structural piping. He is a member of the Pressure
design and analysis. Vessel and Piping Committee of the
Mr. Pastor began his career with Technical Center of Mechanical Industries and was responsible for
Combustion Engineering in 1977, where several new theoretical developments in the field of piping such as
he was a member of the structural analysis group, responsible for flanges and large openings. Mr. Pitrou served on the first French
performing load analyses of nuclear reactor inernals subject to Piping Committee (1970) created by the SNCT (French Pressure
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xxxii • Contributor Biographies

Equipment Manufacturer’s Association) and is now the Chairman of Practice by Edison Electric Institute for work published on solv-
CODETI Committee responsible for French Piping Code. He has ing problems in high pressure feedwater heaters. He currently
been active in the European Standardization and is currently consults in material selections, failure analysis and does other
Chairman of Working Group 1 (General) and 3 (Design) of the forensic metallurgical work. Mr. Rahoi is also the current editor
European Technical Committee 267 in charge of Industrial Piping. of Alloy Digest (an ASM International, Inc. publication) and is an
active consultant to the Nickel Institute. Mr. Rahoi was the first
PORTER, MICHAEL (MIKE) A. chairman of NACE’s Power Committee and is active on many
stainless steel ASTM and ASME (including B31) materials com-
Michael (Mike) A. Porter is the Principal mittees. He is the current chairman of the ASME Sub-Group
Engineer of Porter McGuffie, Inc. In the 40 Non-Ferrous Materials for Section II and holds a master’s degree
years since he obtained a Mechanical in metallurgical engineering from Michigan Technological
Engineering degree from the University of University.
Illinois at Champaign/Urbana, he has Mr. Rahoi’s work on writing many new ASTM specifications,
worked in the natural gas industry, man- his active sponsoring of 10 pipe and tube specifications and his
aged a construction firm and served as a active involvement in Welding Research Council and EPRI
consultant to numerous industries in the research proposals on welding and repair keep him in constant
fields of vibration, thermal and stress touch with the needs of industry. This, combined with his other
analysis. He has published more than 30 ASME conference and experiences and consulting, allow him to contribute to the current
journal publications, most of which have been for the Piping and chapter in this book with authority.
Pressure Vessel Division. His most recent PVP Journal paper “A
Suggested Shell/Plate Finite Element Nozzle Model Evaluation
Procedure” provides guidance for the application of Finite
Element (FE) analysis as it applies to the Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code. He has also authored papers for the Acoustical
Society of America and published two books on the application of
the FE method of analysis. RANA, MAHENDRA D.
Mike has extensive experience in the diagnosis and solution of Mahendra, an ASME Fellow has a bach-
stress and vibration problems. Much of this experience stems from elor’s degree in mechanical engineering
his work as a technical services engineer at Panhandle Eastern from M.S. University in Baroda, India,
Pipeline Company and as a consultant with Bolt Beranek and and a master’s degree in mechanical
Newman. Building on this base, Mr. Porter has established an inte- engineering from the Illinois Institute of
grated computational facility for the analysis of mechanical systems Technology, Chicago, Illinois. He is a
and their interaction with fluids. These capabilities include the codes registered professional engineer in New
for linear and non-linear stress analysis, computational fluid dynam- York State. He is an Engineering Fellow
ics and gas/liquid pulsation FE analyses. For the past 15 years, Mike working in the Global Supply System
has served as a member of the Design and Analysis Committee of Engineering Department of Praxair, Inc. for the last 34 years.
the Piping and Pressure Vessel Division of ASME. He has served as He is involved in the areas of fracture mechanics, pressure ves-
the Technical Program Representative for this committee as well as sel design, pressure vessel development, and materials testing.
developing and chairing numerous conference sessions on the sub- He is also involved in the structural integrity assessment, and
jects of vibration, water hammer, pulsation and stress. fracture control programs of pressure vessels and the member
The projects overseen by Mr. Porter cover a broad range of of Board on Pressure Technology, Codes and Standards.
industries and topics. Representative examples include the petro- Mahendra became the Chairman of the Subgroup on Design
chemical industry (analyses of numerous pressure vessels and and Materials of Subcommittee XII when it was formed in
components); the aerospace industry (analyses for the 1996. He is a member of several other ASME Boiler and
International Space Station and FEA training for NASA person- Pressure Vessel Code committees: member of Subcommittee
nel); and building dynamics (design review and analysis of multi- VIII, member of joint API/ASME Fitness- for Service
storied structures for the Environmental Protection Agency and Committee and the member of the Main Committee of the
the National Ocean Service, among others). These projects have Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and the member of Board on
included linear and non-linear stress analyses as well as computa- Pressure Technology, Codes and Standards. Mahendra is also
tional fluid dynamics, structural dynamics and thermal analyses. a member of several ISO, ASTM and CGA (Compress Gas
Association) standards committees. He is a Chairman of the
Codes and Standards Technical Committee of Pressure Vessel
RAHOI, DENNIS and Piping Division of ASME. He has received several awards
D. W (Dennis) Rahoi is an authority on from the Pressure Vessel and Piping Division for his contribu-
materials used in the pharmaceutical-/ tion in organizing Codes and Standards sessions in Pressure
biotechnology, chemical process, fossil Vessel and Piping Conferences. He has given several lectures
fuel, and nuclear power industries. The in the pressure vessel technology topics in the USA and
author of more than 50 papers on materi- abroad. He has taught a course on ASME Section VIII,
als, corrosion and oxidation, he received Division 1 to ASME section of Buffalo New York. He is the
the Prime Movers Award in Thermal co-recipient of two patents and the co-author of 25 technical
Electric Generating Equipment and papers. He also has written several technical reports for his
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Dr. Sam Ranganath is the Founder and Roger F. Reedy has a B.S. Civil
Pricipal at XGEN engineering, Sam Jose, Engineering from Illinois Institute of
CA. XGEN, founded in 2003, provides Technology (1953). His professional
consulting services in fracture mechanics, career includes the US Navy Civil
materials, ASME Code applications and Engineering Corps, Chicago Bridge and
structural analysis to the power plant Iron Company (1956–1976). Then he
industry. Before that he held various lead- established himself as a consultant and is
ership positions at General Electric for an acknowledged expert in design of pres-
28 years. Dr. Ranganath is a Fellow of the sure vessels and nuclear components
ASME and has been active in the development of Section III meeting the requirements of the ASME B&PV Code. His expe-
and Section XI, ASME Code rules for the evaluation and inspec- rience includes design, analysis, fabrication, and erection of
tion of nuclear pressure vessel components. Sam has a Ph.D. in pressure vessels and piping components for nuclear reactors and
Engineering from Brown University, Providence, RI and an containment vessels. He has expertise in components for fossil
MBA from Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA. He has also fuel power plants, and pressure vessels and storage tanks for
taught Graduate Courses in Mechanical Engineering at Santa petroleum, chemical, and other energy industries. Mr. Reedy has
Clara University and Cal State University, San Jose for over been involved in licensing, engineering reviews, welding
15 years. evaluations, quality programs, project coordination and ASME
Code training of personnel. He testified as an expert witness in
litigations and before regulatory groups.
RAO, K. R. Mr. Reedy has written a summary of all changes made to the
KR Rao retired as a Senior Staff Engineer ASME B&PV Code in each Addenda published since 1950 which
with Entergy Operations Inc. and was previ- is maintained in a computer database, RA-search.
ously with Westinghouse Electric Cor- Mr. Reedy served on ASME BP&V Code Committees for
poration at Pittsburgh, PA and Pullman more than 40 years being Chair of several of them, including
Swindell Inc., Pittsburgh, PA. KR got his Section III for 15 years. Mr. Reedy was one of the founding
Bachelors in Engineering from Banaras members of the ASME PV&P Division. Mr. Reedy is registered
University, India with a Masters Diploma in Engineer in seven states. He is a recipient of the ASME
Planning from School of Planning & Bernard F. Langer Award and the ASME Centennial Medal and
Architecture, New Delhi, India. He complet- is a Life Fellow of ASME.
ed Post Graduate Engineering courses in Seismic Engineering,
Finite Element and Stress Analysis, and other engineering subjects
at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. He earned his Ph.D.,
from University of Pittsburgh, PA. He is a Registered Professional Wolf D. Reinhardt earned a Dipl. Ing.
Engineer in Pennsylvania and Texas. He is past Member of Degree in Mechanical Engineering from
Operations Research Society of America, (ORSA). the Technical University in Braunschweig,
KR was Vice President, Southeastern Region, ASME Inter- Germany, and a Ph.D. from the University
national. He is a Fellow of ASME, active in National, Regional, of Waterloo, Canada. He is a registered
Section and Technical Divisions of ASME. He has been the Chair, Professional Engineer in Ontario.
Director and Founder of ASME EXPO(s) at Mississippi Section. He His current position as Senior Section
was a member of General Awards Committee of ASME Inter- Head, Computational Mechanics Develop-
national. He was Chair of Codes & Standards Technical Committee, ment, at Atomic Energy of Canada encom-
ASME PV&PD. He developed an ASME Tutorial for PVP Division passes the application of numerical analysis to problems in the
covering select aspects of Code. KR is a Member, Special Working design, analysis and fitness-for-service evaluation of reactor com-
Group on Editing and Review (ASME B&PV Code Section XI) for ponents. He is also engaged in performing applied research pro-
September 2007 – June 2012 term. grams for the Canadian nuclear industry.
Dr. Rao is a recipient of several Cash, Recognition and Service Previously, he worked as a Lead Engineer in Nuclear
Awards from Entergy Operations, Inc., and Westinghouse Electric Engineering at Babcock & Wilcox Canada on the design and
Corporation. He is also the recipient of several awards, analysis of nuclear components, principally steam generators and
Certificates and Plaques from ASME PV&P Division including heat exchangers, and in the in-service assessment of steam gener-
Outstanding Service Award (2001) and Certificate for “Vision and ator tubes.
Leadership” in Mississippi and Dick Duncan Award, Southeastern Wolf is holding an appointment as adjunct professor at Memorial
Region, ASME. Dr. Rao is the recipient of the prestigious ASME University in Newfoundland. He has published over 50 technical
Society Level Dedicated Service Award. papers in the fields of nonlinear vibration, metal plasticity, computa-
Dr. Rao is a Fellow of American Society of Mechanical tional methods for the nonlinear analysis of pressure vessels, elastic-
Engineers, Fellow of Institution of Engineers, India and a plastic pressure vessel design and fracture mechanics. He received
Chartered Engineer, India. Dr. Rao was recognized as a ‘Life various Best Paper Awards at ASME PVP conferences and at the
Time Member’ for inclusion in the Cambridge “Who’s Who” reg- ASTM National Symposium on Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics.
istry of executives and professionals. Dr. Rao was listed in the His current research interests include plastic shakedown analysis as
Marquis 25th Silver Anniversary Edition of “Who’s Who in the well as structural performance criteria and in-service assessment of
World” as ‘one of the leading achievers from around the globe’. piping and reactor components.
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xxxiv • Contributor Biographies

Wolf Reinhardt is a member of the ASME B&PV Code duPont, U.S. Maritime Service (1943–1946). He was with Tube
Subgroup Design Analysis and participates in the Task Group Turns in Louisville, Kentucky (1946–1961). Mr. Rodabaugh was
Elastic-Plastic FEA. He is also contributing to the PVPD with Bat-telle-Columbus Laboratories, Columbus, Ohio
Computer Technology Technical Committee and acted as (1961–1981).
Technical Program Representative at PVP Conferences for this In 1981 he started his own consulting firm and since 1991 he
committee. He taught courses on elastic-plastic design using has continued his work on piping and pressure vessels as a
Section III and Section VIII rules, on methods for fitness-for-ser- consultant.
vice assessment, and on the design, analysis and fabrication rules Mr. Rodabaugh was a member of the original ASME Design
of Section III. Group that prepared ANSI B31.7. He was a member of several
ASME Code committees including Section III Committees and
Subgroup on Design and Working Group on Piping. Everret
Rodabaugh was Chairman of ANSI B16 and its Subcommittees.
RICCARDELLA, PETER C. Mr. Rodabaugh is also a member of the Pressure Vessel
Research Council, Design Division and its Subcommittee on
Pete Riccardella received his Ph.D. from Piping, Nozzles and Vessels. Mr. Rodabaugh published over
Carnegie Mellon University in 1973 and is 60 articles and has written over 100 reports. Everret Rodabaugh is
an expert in the area of structural integrity a Fellow in the ASME and received the ASME Bernard F. Langer
of nuclear power plant components. He co- award in 1998.
founded Structural Integrity Associates in
1983, and has contributed to the diagnosis
and correction of several critical industry
problems, including:
• Feedwater nozzle cracking in boiling water reactors RODERY, CLAY D.
• Stress corrosion cracking in boiling water reactor piping &
internals Clay Rodery is Technical Authority/
• Irradiation embrittlement of nuclear reactor vessels Fixed Equipment for BP North American
• Primary water stress corrosion cracking in pressurized water Products. He has over 27 years of experi-
reactors ence consulting in the areas of pressure
• Turbine-generator cracking and failures. vessels and piping to Amoco and BP
refining, chemicals, and upstream facili-
ties and projects worldwide. After receiv-
Dr. Riccardella has been principal investigator for a number of
ing his BSCE from Purdue University in
EPRI projects that led to advancements and cost savings for the
1981, he joined Amoco Oil Company’s
industry. These include the FatiguePro fatigue monitoring sys-
Texas City Refinery, where he was involved in project, mainte-
tem, the RRingLife software for turbine-generator retaining ring
nance, and inspection engineering. In 1990, he moved to Amoco
evaluation, Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection methodology
Oil’s Refining & Transportation Engineering Department as
for nuclear power plants, and several Probabilistic Fracture
pressure vessel specialist. In 1995, he became the principal ves-
Mechanics applications to plant cracking issues. He has led major
sel specialist within Amoco Corporation’s Worldwide
failure analysis efforts on electric utility equipment ranging from
Engineering & Construction Department. In 1999, he moved to
transmission towers to turbine-generator components and has testi-
BP Chemicals’ Technology & Engineering Department as pres-
fied as an expert witness in litigation related to such failures.
sure vessel and piping specialist. He became BP Chemicals’
He has also been a prime mover on the ASME Nuclear Inservice
Pressure Vessel and Piping Advisor in 2004, until moving to his
Inspection Code in the development of evaluation procedures and
current role in 2006.
acceptance standards for flaws detected during inspections. In 2002
Clay began participating in ASME Boiler and Pressure
he became an honorary member of the ASME Section XI
Vessel Code activity in 1993. He joined the Subgroup on
Subcommittee on Inservice Inspection, after serving for over twen-
Fabrication & Inspection (Section VIII) in 1997, and the
ty years as a member of that committee. In 2003, Dr. Riccardella
Subgroup on Design in 1999. In May 2000, he was appointed
was elected a Fellow of ASME International.
Chairman of the Subgroup on Fabrication & Inspection and
member of the Subcommittee on Pressure Vessels. Clay is a
member of the ASME Post Construction Standards Committee,
and Vice Chair of the Subcommittee on Repair and Testing. He
is also a member of the Special Working Group on Flange
Mr. Rodabaugh has B.S. from Iowa State Joint Assembly.
College, Ames, Iowa (1939) and M.S. As a member of the Design & Analysis Technical
from the University of Louisville, Committee of the ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division,
Kentucky (1959). He is a Registered Clay has served as an Author, Session Developer/Chair, Editor,
Professional Engineer in the State of Ohio. Technical Program Representative, and Tutorial Presenter.
He has extensive experience in power Clay is a member of the API Subcommittee on Inspection and
plant operations and the design of piping the Task Group on Inspection Codes. He is former Team
and pressure vessels. His previous experi- Leader of the Process Industry Practices (PIP) Vessel Function
ence was with Joseph E. Seagram Co., E.I. Team.
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RODGERS, DOUGLAS K. Mr. Rowley is a retired Submarine Captain in the U. S. Naval

Reserve. He has a M.A. degree in International Relations and
Doug Rodgers earned a B.A.Sc (1982) in Strategic Studies from the Naval War College (1986). He also has
Engineering Science, with a specialization a B.S. in General Engineering (1965) and M.S. in Nuclear
in Material Science from the University of Engineering from the University of Illinois (1967). Mr. Rowley is
Toronto and an M.A.Sc (1992) in a Registered Professional Engineer.
Mechanical Engineering from the
University of Ottawa. Doug has been a
member of the ASM International (former- SAMMATARO, ROBERT F.
ly the American Society for Metals) since
1982 and is currently a Chapter Sustaining The late Mr. Sammataro was Proto-Power’s
Member of the Ottawa Valley Chapter. Doug is a registered pro- Program Manager — ISI/IST Projects. He
fessional engineer in the Canadian provinces of Ontario and New was responsible for Proto-Power’s Inservice
Brunswick, and has been a member of ASME since 1999. Inspection (ISI) and Inservice Testing (IST)
Doug has worked for Atomic Energy of Canada Limited for programs. These programs included devel-
more than 20 years, specializing in performance characteristics opment and implementation of programs
of CANDU power reactor materials. Initially with the engineer- involving ISI, IST, design integrity, design
ing design group, Doug transferred to the Metallurgical reconciliation, 10CFR50, Appendix J, inte-
Engineering Branch of the Reactor Materials Division where he grated leakage rate testing, and in-plant and
was responsible for failure analysis and material surveillance out-plant training and consulting services.
testing of CANDU fuel channel components. With a well- Mr. Sammataro was also responsible for Proto-Power’s ISI and
established interest in fracture phenomena, Doug spent several IST Training Programs has developed Proto-Power’s three-day
years studying delayed hydride cracking in Zr-2.5Nb pressure Workshop on Containment Inservice Inspection, Repair, Testing,
tube materials, later becoming the manager of the Materials and and Aging Management. He was recognized as an expert in con-
Mechanics Branch, responsible for research and development tainment inservice inspection and testing.
programs relevant to metal fracture. Doug is currently Director Mr. Sammataro was the past Chair of the ASME PV&P
of the Fuel Channels Division, incorporating material expertise, Division (1999–2000), General Chair of PVP Conference (1999)
varying from computational mechanics, metallurgy, surface sci- and was the Technical Program Chair (1998).
ence, corrosion, deformation, and fracture, as it is applied to He was a member and chair of an ASME Section XI Subgroup
design, research & development, and services for CANDU and a member of an ASME Section XI Subgroup Subcommittee.
nuclear reactor systems. He was a past member of the ASME BP&V Code Main
Committee (1989-1994). Mr. Sammataro was an ASME Fellow.
Mr. Sammataro earned BSCE and MSCE from Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute.
C. Wesley Rowley is Vice President, SCOTT, BARRY
Engineering & Technical Services, with
The Wesley Corporation in Tucson, AZ. Barry Scott is currently Director of Quality
He has been with TWC since 1985. Mr. Assurance Department (Power) with
Rowley manages engineering and non- responsibility to provide QA/QC support
metallic structural repair activities for for the engineering, procurement and con-
nuclear power plants. He has published struction phases of Power projects. Barry
numerous reports and technical papers for has experience in the development, imple-
EPRI, ASME, ICONE Conferences, Pump mentation and auditing of Quality
& Valve Symposiums, and other nuclear industry events. He is a Programs. He has considerable knowledge
recognized expert on risk-informed Inservice Testing, as well as of industry Quality Standards, including
non-metallic materials and non-metallic structural repairs. ISO 9000, 10CFR50 Appendix B, NQA 1 and Government
Mr. Rowley has been a member of the ASME Board on (DOE, DOD) requirements. Barry has extensive experience with
Nuclear Codes and Standards for over fifteen years. He is also a projects and project engineering management with special exper-
member of the ASME Post Construction Committee, the tise in the structural design of Nuclear Power Plant structures
Subcommittee on Repair & Testing, and the Chairman of including design of reinforced concrete Containment structures.
the Non-metallic Repair Project Team. Additionally he has been the Barry has been a Member of various ASME Section III commit-
Chairman of the ASME BPV/Subcommittee II, Materials/Special tees including Subgroup on General Requirements, Subcommittee
Working Group, Nonmetallic Material since 2002. He is the past on Nuclear Power and Joint ASME-ACI Committee on Concrete
Chairman of the ASME BPV Joint Subcommittee III/XI Project Components for Nuclear Service for more than 30 years.
Team for Plastic Pipe. ASME past Vice President, Nuclear Codes Barry has a Master of Science in Civil Engineering from Drexel
& Standards and past Chairman, Board on Nuclear Codes & University and is a licensed PE (Civil Engineering) in the states of
Standards. He is currently a member of the ASME BPV/ Pennsylvania, California and Washington. He is a certified Lead
Subcommittee III/Special Working Group on Polyethylene Pipe. Auditor in accordance with the requirements of ASME NQA-1 and
ASME, Member, Operations & Maintenance Committee (and previously held certification as an ACI Level III Concrete Inspector
Sub-group ISTE, Risk-Informed Inservice Testing). as required by the ASME Section III Division 2 Code.
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xxxvi • Contributor Biographies

SIMOLA, KAISA decision-making tools, led a multi-disciplinary team in development

of the flaw evaluation guide that was used as the basis for the API-
Dr. Kaisa Simola is a senior research scien- 579 Standard on Fitness for Service, and designed a 30,000 psi reac-
tist with 20 years research experience in risk tor vessel. Other positions within Exxon included design and opera-
and reliability analysis, analyses of nuclear tion of high pressure equipment used in the production of low
power plant operating experience, ageing density polyethylene at facilities worldwide.
analyses, and risk-informed decision mak- Bob is the current Senior Vice President of Codes and
ing. Presently her main area of interest is Standards of ASME. He is a member of several ASME
risk-informed in-service inspections at Committees, such as the Council on Codes and Standards, the
nuclear power plants. She has worked for the B&PV Code Subcommittee VIII for Pressure Vessels, and he
Technical Research Centre of Finland, VTT, chairs the Special Working Group on High Pressure Vessels.
since 1987. In 2004–2006 she was a Visiting Scientist at the Joint Bob is also the past Chair of the ASME Post Construction
Research Centre of the European Commission in Petten, the Committee, and chair of the Pressure Vessel Research Council
Netherlands. She is the chairperson of the Task Group on Risk of the Committee on Continued Operation of Equipment. He was previous-
European Network for Inspection and Qualification (ENIQ). She is ly a member of ASME B31.3 Process Piping Code Committee and
also a member of the board of directors of the European Safety, Chair of the B31.3 Task Group on High Pressure Piping. He is an
Reliability and Data Association (ESReDA). ASME Fellow and has more than 20 publications and two patents.

Fredric A. Simonen earned B.SM.E in
1963 from Michigan Technology Dr. K.P. (Kris) Singh is the President and
University and a Ph.D. in Engineering Chief Executive Officer of Holtec
Mechanics form Stanford University in International, an energy technology com-
1966. Since joining Pacific Northwest pany that he established in 1986. Dr.
Laboratory in 1976, and before that at the Singh received his Ph.D. in Mechanical
Battelle Columbus Division, Dr. Simonen Engineering from the University of
has worked in the areas of fracture Pennsylvania in 1972, a Masters in
mechanics and structural integrity. His Engineering Mechanics, also from Penn
research has addressed the safety and reliability of nuclear pres- in 1969, and a B.S. in Mechanical
sure vessels and piping as well as other industrial and aerospace Engineering from the Ranchi University in India in 1967.
structural components. Since the mid-1980s, Dr. Singh has endeavored to develop inno-
Since the early 1980’s he has been the lead for several studies for vative design concepts and inventions that have been translated by
the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) of the effects of the able technology team of Holtec International into equipment
pressurized thermal shock on the failure probability of reactor pres- and systems that improve the safety and reliability of nuclear and
sure vessels. This work has advanced the technology of probabilistic fossil power plants. Dr. Singh holds numerous patents on storage
fracture mechanics and has developed methods for estimating the and transport technologies for used nuclear fuel, and on heat
number and sizes of flaws in vessel piping welds. During the 1990’s exchangers/pressure vessels used in nuclear and fossil power plants.
Dr. Simonen was a leader on the behalf of NRC and the American Active for over thirty years in the academic aspects of the technolo-
Society of Mechanical Engineers in developing the technology and gies underlying the power generation industry, Dr. Singh has
furthering the implementation of risk-informed methods for the published over 60 technical papers in the permanent literature in
inspection of nuclear piping systems. various disciplines of mechanical engineering and applied mechan-
Dr. Simonen is a member of the Section XI Working Groups on ics. He has edited, authored, or co-authored numerous monographs
Implementation of Risk-Based Inspection, Flaw Evaluation, and and books, including the widely used text “Mechanical Design of
Operating Plant Criteria. He is also a member of the ASME Heat Exchangers and Pressure Vessel Components”, published in
Committee on Nuclear Risk Management and the ASME 1984. In 1987, he was elected a Fellow of the American Society of
Research Committee on Risk-Based Technology. He has pub- Mechanical Engineers. He is a Registered Professional Engineer
lished over 200 papers, articles and reports in the open literature. in Pennsylvania and Michigan, and has been a member of the
American Nuclear Society since 1979, and a member of the
American Society of Mechanical Engineers since 1974.
SIMS, J. ROBERT, J. Over the decades, Dr. Singh has participated in technology
development roles in a number of national organizations, includ-
Mr. Sims is a recognized authority in the ing the Tubular Exchange Manufacturers Association, the Heat
field of pressure equipment, with over years Exchange Institute, and the American Society of Mechanical
experience in risk based technologies for Engineers. Dr. Singh has lectured extensively on nuclear technol-
optimizing inspection and maintenance deci- ogy issues in the U.S. and abroad, providing continuing education
sions, high pressure equipment, and courses to practicing engineers, and served as an Adjunct
mechanical integrity evaluation of existing Professor at the University of Pennsylvania (1986–92).
equipment. He has been with Becht Dr. Singh serves on several corporate boards including the
Engineering since 1998. Prior to that, he Nuclear Energy Institute and the Board of Overseers, School of
worked for more than thirty years with Engineering and Applied Science (University of Pennsylvania),
Exxon as a pressure equipment specialist, developed risk based Holtec International, and several other industrial companies.
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STAFFIERA, JIM E. He has 10 years of varied experience in the private sector span-
ning tool & die, manufacturing, research and product develop-
Jim E. Staffiera earned a BS in Mechanical ment, design, construction and inspection. Within the federal
Engineering from Drexel University in 1971 government he has spent 20 years in the areas of mechanical/
and a Masters in Business from Old electrical/chemical project engineering, management, inspection
Dominion University in 1975. He has been and enforcement issues that affect hazardous materials/dangerous
involved with nuclear power plant contain- goods in national and international commerce.
ment vessel and steel structure design, fabri-
cation, construction, and operation since
1971. Originally employed by Newport SUDAKOV, ALEXANDER V.
News Industrial Corporation (a subsidiary
Alexander V. Sudakov was born in 1944 in
of Newport News Shipbuilding), he assisted with development of
Rybinsk, Russia. In 1962 after high school
commercial nuclear fabrication programs for ASME Code N-type
graduation he entered Saint Petersburg
Certificate authorization. This progressed into nuclear component
Polytechnic University, Division of Nuclear
fabrication and construction activities, resulting in his current
Power Stations and graduated in 1968 as a
employment with FirstEnergy Corporation at the Perry Nuclear
NPP engineer. The same year he started his
Power Plant, where he works in the Structural Mechanics Unit and
professional engineering activity in the
is frequently involved with ASME Code Section XI-related issues.
Central Boiler and Turbine Institute. He held
Jim has been a member of ASME since 1972 and is involved in
positions from scientific researcher (1968)
numerous ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Committee
up to Deputy Director General of the Institute (current position).
activities, including holding positions as Chair, Secretary, and
Dr. Sudakov obtained a Doctor of Science in 1994 and subse-
Member of various Section XI committees on inservice require-
quently held a position as Professor of Saint Petersburg
ments for operating nuclear power plants. He currently chairs the
Polytechnic University. Dr Sudakov has authored 10 books and
Working Group on Containment and is also a member of the
published over 100 papers and manuscripts on thermodynamics,
Section XI Subcommittee, the Subgroup on Water-Cooled
strength analysis and life extension of NPPs components and pip-
Systems, and the Special Working Group on Editing and Review.
ing. Dr Sudakov is a Member of a number of Russian scientific
Jim is an active member of the ASME Pressure Vessels and
committees and nuclear power associations. He was honored with
Piping Division, having chaired the Codes and Standards (C&S)
the Russian Federation Government Prize in 1995.
Technical Committee and been C&S Technical Program
Representative for the annual ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping
Conference. He has also been a member of the American Society STEVENSON, JOHN D.
for Quality (ASQ) since 1975.
Jim has been involved in several nuclear industry initiatives, the Dr. John D. Stevenson is a Senior
most recent of which was as a member of the Expert Panel for the Consultant for J.D. Stevenson, Consulting
EPRI Containment Integrated Leak-Rate Test (ILRT) Interval Engineer Co. He has extensive experience
Extension Project. worldwide in the nuclear power field
where he served as a consultant to the
IAEA and several non U.S. utilities and
STANISZEWSKI, STANLEY (STAN) consulting firms. He holds a Ph.D. in Civil
Engineering from Case Western Reserve
Stanley Staniszewski is a senior Mechanical University. He has provided structural-
Engineer with the U.S. Department of mechanical consulting services to the nuclear power industry in
Transportation, Pipelines and Hazardous the U.S. and abroad for the past 35 years and has been a member
Materials Safety Administration. He is a ‘76 of various committees of ASME and B&PVC Section III for the
Alumni of the Fenn College of Engineering, past 35 years. He is currently also a member of several of
from Cleveland State University of Ohio and American Society of Civil Engineers, American Nuclear Society,
has completed graduate level course work in and American Concrete Institute committees and consultant to
Business Administration at Johns Hopkins government agencies dealing with the structural-mechanical safety
University and advanced engineering degree of nuclear facilities.
work at the University of Virginia. Mr. Staniszewski has been a
member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, since SWAYNE, RICHARD W.
joining as a student. He currently serves on the ASME Section XII
SubCommittee on Transport Tanks, Vice Chairs the Sub Group Mr. Swayne has worked as a metallurgist,
on General Requirements, and is a member of the ASME welding engineer, quality assurance manag-
Hydrogen Steering Committee, and various taskgroups. Mr. er, and consultant, in the pressure vessel and
Staniszewski is also a member of the National Board Inspection piping industry, since 1975. He has experi-
Code, Main Committee, Subgroups RB, and Nonmandatory ence in design, fabrication, and operation of
Appendices. He has experience in the international standards various power and refinery plant compo-
arena through membership and participation as a governmental nents, including valve design and applica-
technical expert to the United Nations and International tion, welding and materials engineering, and
Standards Organizations on various Technical Committees, Sub- quality assurance program management for
Committees and Work-Groups on gas cylinders, cryogenic construction and operation. He is an expert and well-known instruc-
vessels and Hydrogen technologies. tor in inservice inspection, inservice testing, and repair/replacement
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xxxviii • Contributor Biographies

programs in operating power plants. He has assisted many organiza- Trampus joined the Csepel Iron and Steel Works, where he
tions in preparation for new and renewal ASME Certificates of worked as research engineer and, then, head of laboratory. In
Accreditation and has participated in many ASME National Board 1982, Peter Trampus moved to the Paks NPP, where he was in
Accreditation Surveys. Mr. Swayne has been an active participant charge of the Material Testing and Evaluation Section (1982 to
since 1977 as a member of ASME and ASTM Codes and Standards 92) being responsible for in-service inspection and RPV sur-
Committees. He is a member of the ASME Board on Nuclear Codes veillance, basically all structural integrity related issues of the
and Standards and the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Standards pressurized components, and later (1992 to 95) he was the
Committee and is the Vice Chair of the ASME Subcommittee on Head of the Advisory Board to the General Director.
Nuclear Inservice Inspection. Mr. Swayne is also a past member of From 1996 to 2003, he worked for the International Atomic
the Subcommittee on Materials and several working groups under Energy Agency (IAEA), a member of the United Nations family,
the Subcommittee on Nuclear Power. Vienna. He headed projects on managerial and engineering
He has served as a consultant to utilities, architect/engineers, aspects of nuclear power program development, implementation
manufacturers, and material manufacturers and suppliers. He is a and performance improvement. From 2003 to 2004 he was a visit-
Qualified Lead Auditor, and was a Qualified Level II Examiner in ing scientist at the Institute for Energy, Petten, The Netherlands,
several nondestructive examination methods. He has been one of the seven institutes of the European Commission’s Joint
involved in engineering reviews, material selection and applica- Research Center. Here, he was dealing with nuclear safety issues
tion, and quality assurance auditing. in Central and Eastern European countries. In 2003, Peter
Trampus established his own consultant company and now works
as principal consultant. Currently, the major focus of his activity
TABOAS, ANÍBAL L. is on nuclear power plant life management.
Peter Trampus is a Founding Member of the Hungarian
Aníbal L. Taboas is an executive generalist Academy of Engineering (1990), recipient of the IAEA’s
who consults on environment, governance, Distinguished Service Award (2002), the Hungarian delegate of
and strategic risk management. His back- IIW Commission V “Quality control and quality assurance of
ground ranges from nuclear CONOPS, to welded products” (since 2006), President of the Hungarian
line management of national laboratories Association for Nondestructive Testing (since 2005). He is the
and programs, and conflict resolution. He author of more than 100 papers in technical journals and confer-
led various regulatory and legislative initia- ence proceedings, several of which are in English.
tives, including changing the disposal limits
for transuranic waste. Accomplishments in
the federal Senior Executive Service have been recognized by the
Vice President’s Hammer Award, Secretary of Energy Gold Medal,
the University of Chicago Medal for Distinguished Performance,
and several Exceptional and Distinguished Service Awards. Taboas Elmar Upitis received a B.S. degree in Civil
has a solid reputation for innovative resolution of regulatory and leg- Engineering from University of Illinois in
islative issues, project management, diversity, and independent peer 1955 and did postgraduate studies at the
review. Aníbal actively participates in pro-bono activities, such as Illinois Institute of Technology. He served in
the Board of Directors of the Center of Excellence for Hazardous the US Army and was employed by Chicago
Materials Management, and of the Institute for Regulatory Science, Bridge & Iron Company from 1955 to 1995
editorial boards, and peer review (e.g., National Science Foundation in various capacities, including Chief Design
and International Atomic Energy Agency). Dr. Taboas has a BS in Engineer, Manager of Metals Engineering,
Physics/Theology (Univ. of Dayton), MS in Physics (Indiana State and Senior Principal Engineer–Materials.
Univ.), MS in Mechanical & Nuclear Engineering (Northwestern He was also responsible for oversight of CBI engineering in
Univ.), a PhD honoris causa in Environmental Policy (UPAEP), and South America, Europe and Africa and Middle East. Mr. Upitis
numerous peer-reviewed publications. Aníbal is Fellow of the provides engineering consulting services in the areas of codes and
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, edited The standards (ASME, API, ASTM, etc.), design of plate structures,
Decommissioning Handbook, and has served multiple times as fitness-for-service evaluation, and materials related issues. He is a
Chair of the International Conference on Environmental licensed professional and structural engineer in the State of
Management. Aníbal L. Taboas can be reached via electronic mail Illinois, ASME Fellow and a member of various technical com-
at: mittees in the ASME B&P Vessel Code, ASTM Fellow and a
member of several ASTM technical committees, former Chair of
Pressure Vessel Research Council (PVRC) and an active partici-
TRAMPUS, PETER pant in the PVRC, and a member of AWS and WRC. He is
involved in the development of the new B&PV Code to replace
Peter Trampus earned his MSc in 1972 in the present Section VIII, Division 2 and several other projects
Mechanical Engineering from the Technical related to the ASME B & PV Code.
University of Budapest, Hungary. He Mr. Upitis is a co-author of WRC Bulletin 435 on design mar-
obtained his second degree as Specialized gins in ASME Section VIII, Divisions 1 and 2, WRC Bulletin 447
Engineer on Plastic Deformation from the on evaluation of operating margins for in-service pressure equip-
same university in 1979. He earned his PhD ment, WRC Bulletin 453 on minimum weld spacing requirements
in Materials Science in 1985 from the for API Standard 653, PVRC report on the European Pressure
Technical University of Dresden, former Equipment Directive, and several other published papers on
East Germany. After graduating, Peter Cr-Mo steel pressure vessels.
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VAN DEN BREKEL, NICHOLAS C. design/construction. He has 24 publications in Journals and over
60 papers in International Conferences. His current position is Head,
Nicholas C. van den Brekel is a recognized Reactor Structures Section, in Reactor Safety Division of Bhabha
authority on Periodic Inspection for Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai. Mr. Vaze resides in Mumbai
CANDU Nuclear Power Plants (the with his wife, Ashlesha and two daughters, Anuja and Manasi.
CANDU equivalent to ASME XI In-Service
Inspection requirements). Over the last 16
years, Nick has been a major contributor to VIROLAINEN, REINO
the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Mr. Virolainen graduated from Helsinki
N285B Technical Committee on Periodic University of Technology (Material
Inspeciton of CANDU NPPs. Nick has Engineering) in 1972. In 1973–1982, he
served as an Executive Member and Secretary of this committee for worked at VTT, Electrical engineering lab-
the last 5 years (1999 onwards). oratory, as a research scientist. Since 1982
Nick has 23 years of experience in the Inspection and he has been working for STUK (Radiation
Maintenance of CANDU Nuclear Power Plants. Much of Nick’s and Nuclear Safety Authority) as inspector,
experience has been in dealing with the unique inspection and fit- section leader and head of office of risk
ness for service evaluation challenges posed by the zirconium alloy assessment. His main topics at VTT and
fuel channels and other reactor internals at the heart of the CANDU STUK have been method development for level 1 PRA, CCFs,
reactor design. Many of these components are subjected to irradia- reviews of PRA applications for the Finnish NPPs and develop-
tion damage, damage that can result in physical changes to the mate- ment of Risk Informed Regulation procedures including Risk-
rial and material properties, conditions that must be monitored in Informed Inservice Inspection (RI-ISI). Mr. Virolainen has been a
accordance with Canadian nuclear standards. Nick has been long term member of Working Group RISK at OECD/NEA/
involved in development of new non-destructive evaluation tech- CSNI, Vice Chairman in 1991–1992 and Chairman 1992–1996.
niques to assess the material condition of zirconium alloy pressure He is a member of IAPSAM Board since 2006.
tubes. Nick’s experience extends to inspection and maintenance of Mr. Virolainen is a special lecturer on systems reliability and
all CANDU reactor components, including nuclear fuel, fuel chan- risk assessment at Lappeenranta University of Technology. He has
nel feeder pipes, steam generator tubes, nuclear piping and vessels, several technical publications in U.S., European and International
as well as conventional side heat exchangers and steam turbines. Journals covering PRA, Risk-Informed Regulation and Nuclear
Nick is currently employed as the Technical Advisor to Engineering and Design.
Inspection Services Division of Ontario Power Generation, which
provides specialized inspection services to all CANDU reactor
units, including 16 operating units in Canada. Nick’s experience VOORHEES, STEPHEN V.
includes consultation to the international CANDU community on Employed in the Authorized Inspection
inspection and maintenance related issues. Agency sector since 1976 with Factory
Mutual, Commercial Union Insurance Com-
VAZE, K.K. pany, Hartford Steam Boiler I and I, and
OneBeacon America Insurance Company.
K.K. Vaze graduated from Indian Institute Duties have included inspection of all types
of Technology, Bombay (IITB) with a B. of boilers, pressure vessels, heat exchangers,
Tech. in Mechanical Engineering in 1973. nuclear components as well as supervision of
After completion of the 17th Batch of these activities and finally management of
Training School of Bhabha Atomic same.
Research Centre in 1974, he joined the Currently serves on Section IV Heating Boilers as Vice Chair,
Nuclear Systems Division of Indira Gandhi Section XII, Transport Tanks as a member and Chair of Sub-
Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam. Group Fabrication and Inspection, and serve as member of the
He worked in the area of Structural Standards Committee.
Analysis and Design of Fast Reactor Components using Finite From 1970 to 1974 served in the US Navy in the Western
Element Method and ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Pacific on destroyers as a boiler technician.
Section III, Nuclear Vessels. Married to Louise for 25 years with two sons. Reside in
In 1989, he joined the Reactor Safety Division of Bhabha Allentown, PA. Hobbies include hunting, shooting and golf.
Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai. Mr. Vaze was involved in the
Structural analysis and design of Pressurized Heavy Water WEST, RAYMOND (RAY) A.
Reactor (PHWR) Components. The scope of work included
Fatigue and Fracture Analysis, Experimental Stress Analysis, Mr. West began his nuclear career in the US
Fracture Mechanics, Seismic analysis, Fitness-for-Purpose Navy in 1971 and then proceeded into its
Evaluation, Residual Life Estimation and Life Extension. He Nuclear Power Program in 1976. He has
piloted a project on “Leak before Break evaluation of Primary been a welder, a Level III in several Non-
Heat Transport piping of PHWR”. destructive Examination (NDE) methods,
In addition to design and analysis, Mr. Vaze has expertise in and has developed Inservice Inspection (ISI)
Ageing Management, Equipment Qualification and Seismic programs for both Pressured Water Reactors
Revaluation. He is a member of many committees formed by and Boiling Water Reactors. In 1979 he
Atomic Energy Regulatory Board to look into the safety aspects of began work in the commercial nuclear
operating reactors as well as those under various stages of industry and he continues to do so today.
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xl • Contributor Biographies

His major accomplishments include ASME Engineer of the WILLIAMS, TONY

Year in 1997 in the State of Connecticut for Northeast Utilities,
and several other ASME awards including one for the develop- Tony Williams is head of the nuclear fuel
ment of the Section XI, Nonmandatory Appendix R, “Risk- department of the Nordostschweizerische
Informed Inspection Requirements For Piping,” where he served Kraftwerke AG (NOK), the company
as the ASME Technical Project Manager Responsible for responsible for the general management
Development and Approval of this Appendix (a 14 year effort), and fueling of the two Beznau PWR units
Approved for Publication in the 2005 Addenda of Section XI, and the Leibstadt BWR in Switzerland.
October 2004. He has also authored or co-authored many Both plants are renowned for their pro-
technical papers centering on ISI and Risk-Informed Inservice gressive fuel burnup strategies as well as
Inspection (RI-ISI) and the latest was for the ASME 16th extensive use of MOX and Reprocessed
International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE16) in Uranium fuels.
May 2008 that was related to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory In addition to fuel procurement, his responsibilities include in-
Commission’s Rulemaking Process and its effects on the house fuel assembly and core design, administration of reprocess-
Endorsement of ASME Nuclear Codes and Standards in the ing contracts, planning of interim off-site storage, flask procure-
USA. ment and transport as well as some aspects of final disposal. He is
Ray is currently the Vice Chair of the ASME Board on Nuclear a member of the Swiss nuclear fuel commission and a board
Codes and Standards (BNCS), the Co-Chair of the BNCS Task member of ZWILAG, the facility responsible for interim dry fuel
Group on Regulatory Endorsement (TG-RE), a member of the storage and waste conditioning in Switzerland. In previous posi-
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel (BPV) Code Subcommittee XI tions he was manager of a research program investigating fuel and
on Nuclear Inservice Inspection ISI, a member of the Section XI core issues related to Pebble Bed Modular Reactors as well as
Executive Committee, and several of its lower level BPV Code working as a reactor physicist for the British commercial nuclear
writing groups. He has been involved with nuclear power for over industry.
30 years. His experience has been focused on welding, NDE, and Dr. Williams holds a diploma in Business Management, has an
ISI and he is currently a Technical Consultant and the senior ASME honors degree in Physics from Durham University (1981) as well
representative for his company Dominion Resources, Inc. at the as an M.Sc. and Doctors degree in neutron physics from
Millstone Power Station in Waterford, Connecticut. Birmingham University (1984).

Glenn White is a principal engineer and
principal officer at Dominion Engineering, John I. Woodworth has BSME from Univ.
Inc. in Reston, Virginia. Mr. White man- of Buffalo, 1948. He is engaged in consult-
ages consulting and analysis projects ing on Steam and Hot Water (hydronic)
primarily for the nuclear power industry heating systems and Codes and Standards.
and often related to aging degradation of He provides information for legal proceed-
materials, boric acid corrosion, or thermal ings of hydronic heating systems and
performance. equipment. He was previously with
Mr. White was the principal author of Fedders Corp. (1948–1959), as Technical
the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) safety assessment Director of Hydronics Institute (predeces-
report for primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC) of sor Institute of Boiler and Radiator Manufacturers.), 1959–1990.
U.S. PWR Alloy 600 reactor vessel closure head penetrations. Woodworth’s professional activities 1990 to date are supported by
In 2007, he was the principal investigator for EPRI’s crack Hydronics Institute Division, GAMA.
growth and leak-before-break evaluation of PWSCC of PWR He is a member of ASME, and a member of several ASME
pressurizer nozzle dissimilar metal welds in response to indica- Code Committees such as Section IV, (1967–date), Cast-Iron
tions of circumferentially oriented PWSCC at one plant. Mr. Subgroup; Chair, ASME Section VI; Vice-Chair Controls and
White’s projects to evaluate materials degradation include Safety Devices for Automatically-Fired Boilers Standards
nuclear safety and economic risk assessments and apply analyti- Committee (1973–2000). He was a consultant with the National
cal tools such as probabilistic Monte Carlo simulation, net pre- Institute of Science and Technology (formerly the National
sent value analysis, Weibull statistical modeling, and stress and Bureau of Standards). Woodworth is a Life Member of ASHRAE,
fracture analyses. Member of several of its Technical Committees, Secretary, Vice
In the area of thermal performance degradation of nuclear Chair and Chair of SPC. He has written numerous technical
steam generators, Mr. White investigates the sources of steam articles for trade magazines.
pressure loss, the fouling deposition process, and the effects of John received ASME Distinguished Service Award (1991),
tube deposits on boiling heat transfer and corrosion. Dedicated Service Award (2000) and ASHRAE Standards
Before joining Dominion Engineering, Inc. in 1993, Mr. White Achievement Award (1996). He was a Member, National Fuel
received BS (summa cum laude) and MS degrees in mechanical Gas Code Committee, VP, Uniform Boiler and Pressure Vessel
engineering from the University of Maryland at College Park. Mr. Laws Society and Liaison to Building Energy Codes & Standards
White is a registered professional engineer and is a member of Committee. He was a Member of technical advisory committees
NACE. for Brook-haven National Laboratories.
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YODER, LLOYD W. Company standards. It was during this time in 1971, that Mr.
Yoder became a committee member of the Subcommittee on
Mr. Yoder is a Mechanical Engineering Power Boilers of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
graduate (BSME) of the University of He continued this membership and is now an honorary member
Pittsburgh (1952). He joined ASME as a stu- of that Subcommittee. Mr. Yoder later became an engineering
dent member and continued membership manager in Babcock & Wilcox’s marketing department and
until now as an honorary life member. Upon with the Company’s international business growing he subse-
graduation from college, he joined Babcock quently joined the International Division as Technical
and Wilcox Company as a graduate student Operations Manager of Licensee and Joint Venture Companies.
that provided intense training in the opera- After retirement in 1996, he became a consultant for several
tions of all divisions of the Company. Upon engineering companies on various problems and served as an
graduation from this program, he joined the Company’s research expert witness in a number of litigations. For fourteen consecu-
center as a test and research engineer. During six years at the tive years, he and the late Martin D. Bernstein taught a continu-
research center, he worked on both fossil and nuclear projects and ing education course for the ASME on Section I of the ASME
was awarded several patents for fossil boiler inventions. Boiler and Pressure Code. In 1999 the ASME published a book,
Mr. Yoder later transferred to the Company’s main office, ini- Power Boilers: A Guide to Section I of the ASME Boiler and
tially as a functional performance contact engineer and later as a Pressure Vessel Code, which was co-authored by Lloyd W.
design engineer responsible for developing utility boiler Yoder and the late Martin D. Bernstein.
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Dedication to the First Edition CHAPTER 42 License Renewal and Aging Management
Robert E. Nickell and William E. Cooper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii Kenneth C, Chang, P.T. Kuo and Kaihwa R. Hsu . . . . . . . 29
42.1 Introduction 29
Acknowledgements (to the First Edition) . . . . . . . . . . . v
42.2 Historical Background 29
42.3 License Renewal Review Process 30
Acknowledgements (to the Second Edition) . . . . . . . . . v 42.4 LRA 31
42.5 Interim Staff Guidance (ISG) Process 40
Acknowledgements (to the Third Edition) . . . . . . . . . . vi 42.6 Guidance Documents 40
42.7 International Activities 42
Contributor Biographies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii 42.8 References 42

Preface (to the First Edition)

K. R. Rao and Robert E. Nickell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xlix CHAPTER 43 PWR Reactor Vessel Integrity and
Internals Aging Management
Preface (to the Second Edition) Timothy J. Griesbach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
K. R. Rao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 43.1 Introduction 43
43.2 Codes and Regulations for the Prevention of
Preface (to the Third Edition) Brittle Fracture 44
K. R. Rao. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . li 43.3 Reference Toughness Curves 50
43.4 Margin Studies for Operating P-T Limits 55
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . liii 43.5 Areas for Future Improvements to Section XI,
Appendix G 56
Organization and Operation of the ASME Boiler 43.6 Aging Management of PWR Vessel Internals 57
and Pressure Vessel Committee lxxvii 43.7 References 60


CHAPTER 44 PWR Reactor Vessel Alloy 600 Issues
Jeff Gorman, Steve Hunt, Pete Riccardella, and
Glenn A. White . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
CHAPTER 41 BWR Reactor Internals and
Other BWR Issues 44.1 Introduction 63
Hardayal S. Mehta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 44.2 Alloy 600 Applications 63
44.3 PWSCC 66
41.1 Introduction 1 44.4 Operating Experience 68
41.2 BWR Internals 1 44.5 Inspection Methods and Requirements 71
41.3 BWR Pressure Vessel 6 44.6 Safety Considerations 73
41.4 Reactor Pressure Boundary Piping 16 44.7 Degradation Predictions 76
41.5 Crack Initiation, Growth Relationships, 44.8 Repairs 80
and Plant Monitoring 20 44.9 Remedial Measures 82
41.6 Summary 24 44.10 Strategic Planning 84
41.7 References 25 44.11 References 85
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xliv • Contents

CHAPTER 45 PRA and Risk-Informed Analysis 48.6 Acknowledgments 188

Sidney A. Bernsen, Fredric A. Simonen, 48.7 References 188
Kenneth R. Balkey, Raymond A.West, and
Ralph S. Hill III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 CHAPTER 49 French Codes Dealing with
45.1 Introduction 89 Pressure Equipment
45.2 Background 89 Francis Osweiller, Alain Bonnefoy, Jean-Marie
45.3 ASME PRA Standard ASME/ANS RA-S-2008 90 Grandemange, Gerard Perraudin, and
45.4 ASME B&PV Section Xi In-Service Inspection 94 Bernard Pitrou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
45.5 ASME B&PV Section Xi Repair and Replacement 98
45.6 ASME Operation and Maintenance Code 103 49.1 Introduction 191
45.7 Regulatory and Industry Interactions 106 49.2 Overview of French Codes Devoted to the
45.8 Future Plans for Risk-Informed Activities 107 Non-Nuclear Sector 191
45.9 Summary and Conclusions 110 49.3 Overview of French Codes Devoted to the
45.10 References 111 Nuclear Sector 193
49.4 Presentation of CODAP® 198
49.5 Presentation of CODETI® 208
CHAPTER 46 Applications of Elastic-Plastic 49.6 Presentation of COVAP® 217
Fracture Mechanics in Section XI, ASME Code 49.7 Presentation of RCC-M 226
Evaluations 49.8 Conclusions 254
Hardayal S. Mehta and Sampath Ranganath . . . . . . . . . 113 49.9 Abbreviations used in this Chapter 255

46.1 Introduction 113

46.2 Early Progress in the Development of EPFM 113 CHAPTER 50 Recent Development of Codes and
46.3 Engineering Approach to EPFM and Piping Standards of Boiler and Pressure Vessels in Japan
Applications 114 Kunio Hasegawa, Toshio Isomura, Yoshinori Kajimura,
46.4 Application to RPV Evaluation 121 Yasuhide Asada and Toshiki Karasawa . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
46.5 References 126
50.1 Introduction 257
50.2 B&PV Codes and Standards System in Japan 259
PART 13: INTERNATIONAL CODES & STANDARDS 50.3 Status of B&PV Codes and Standards in Japan 260
RELATED TO ASME B&PV CODE 50.4 Recent Topics 294
50.5 Considerations for Design Factor 307
CHAPTER 47 Perspectives of the Pressure
Equipment Directive with Respect to ASME BPVC CHAPTER 51 UK Rules for Unfired Pressure
Anne Chaudouet, Francis Osweiller, Peter Hanmore, Vessels
and Guido G. Karcher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 David H. Nash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
47.1 Introduction 129 51.1 Introduction 309
47.2 The European Context 129 51.2 PD 5500 311
47.3 Development of the PED 129 51.3 EN 13445 324
47.4 The PED 131 51.4 References 330
47.5 Guidelines 144
47.6 Link of PED With Codes and Standards 147
47.7 Points of Comparisons with the ASME Code 147 PART 14: OTHER ONGOING ISSUES OF
47.8 Conclusions 149 PUBLIC SAFETY
47.9 References 150
CHAPTER 52 The Evolution of U.S. Transportation
CHAPTER 48 Canadian Boiler and Pressure Regulations for Radioactive Materials—A
Vessel Standards Retrospective
Wolf Reinhardt, Nick van den Brekel, Ronald S. Hafner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
and Douglas Rodgers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
52.1 Introduction 333
48.0 Introduction 159 52.2 Background 333
48.1 Overview of Canadian Standards Governing 52.3 Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations,
Boilers and Pressure Vessels 160 Part 71 (10 CFR 71) 334
48.2 CSA Non-Nuclear Boiler, Pressure Vessel, 52.4 Major Changes — 1968 338
and Piping Design and Construction Standards 168 52.5 Transfer of Licensing Responsibilities
48.3 CSA Nuclear Boiler and Pressure Vessel From DOT to AEC 341
Design and Construction Standards 171 52.6 Double Containment for Plutonium, and Quality
48.4 CSA Nuclear Boiler and Pressure Vessel Assurance Requirements — 1973 to 1978 343
Inservice Inspection Standards 181 52.7 NRC Regulatory Guide 7.6 345
48.5 Conclusions and Outlook 187 52.8 1979 Proposed Rule, 10 CFR 71 346
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52.9 NUREG/CR-1815, 1981 346 55.2 National Efforts 425

52.10 1983 Final Rule, 10 CFR 71 346 55.3 Managing Risk 428
52.11 Additional Regulatory Guidance, NRC, 1985 346 55.4 Applied D&D Engineering Management 428
52.12 Major Changes, 10 CFR 71, 1988 55.5 Technology Development Needs 428
Proposed Rule 347 55.6 Conclusions 431
52.13 Reg. Guides 7.11 and 7.12, 1991 348 55.7 References 431
52.14 10 CFR 71, 1995 Final Rule 348
52.15 Double Containment Issues Revisited 349
52.16 10 CFR 71, 2002 Proposed Rule 349
52.17 10 CFR 71, 2004 Final Rule 350
52.18 Conclusions 355
52.19 Acknowledgements 355 CHAPTER 56 Spent Nuclear Fuel
52.20 References 355 Tony Williams and K.P. Singh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
56.1 Introduction 433
CHAPTER 53 Description of Rules of Section XII 56.2 The Origins of Reprocessing 433
Transport Tank Code 56.3 The Reprocessing Process: Plutonium and
Mahendra D. Rana, Stanley Staniszewski and Uranium Extraction 435
Stephen V. Voorhees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357 56.4 Wastes and Resources: Mass and Volume
Balance 436
53.1 Introduction 357 56.5 Reprocessing: From the Microscopic to the
53.2 Rules on General Requirements, Macroscopic Scale 438
Pressure Relief Devices, Stamping, Marking 56.6 The Future of Reprocessing 439
Certification, Reports and Records 358 56.7 Wet Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel:
53.3 Rules for Materials and Design 359 Selected Case Studies 440
53.4 Rules on Fabrication and Inspection 364 56.8 Aboveground Ventilated Storage
53.5 Additional Rules in Modal Appendix 1 on Technologies: Selected Case Studies 443
Categories 406, 407, 412, 331 and 338 56.9 Underground Ventilated Storage Module
Cargo Tanks 367 (HI-Storm 100 U): Study of a Unique Technology 448
53.6 Conclusions 370 56.10 Metal Casks: Selected Case Studies 449
53.7 Acknowledgment 370 56.11 Design Basis Threat 450
53.8 References 370 56.12 References 452

CHAPTER 54 Pipeline Integrity and Security CHAPTER 57 Generation III ⴙ PWRs

Alan Murray and Rafael G. Mora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371 Part A: AP1000 John T. Land
54.1 Introduction 371 Part B: EPR Marty Parece
54.2 Purpose and Cost-Effectiveness of Pipeline Part C: US-APWR Masahiko Kaneda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
Transportation 371
57.1 Introduction 455
54.3 Brief Overview of Pipeline Systems 372
57.2 Scope of Commentary 455
54.4 Pipeline Systems—Safety and Environmental
57a AP1000 456
Protection 372
57a.1 Introduction 456
54.5 Pipeline Integrity Management Programs 375
57a.2 AP1000 Plant Design 456
54.6 Elements of an Integrity Management
57a.3 Operational Technology 456
Program 378
57a.4 Safety Features 458
54.7 Risk Assessment and Risk Mitigation 381
57a.5 Containment Design 460
54.8 Integrity Assessment Methods 386
57a.6 Modularization and Construction 462
54.9 Defect Assessment Methods 395
57a.7 Operation and Maintenance 462
54.10 Pipeline Repair 402
57a.8 ASME Code Aspects 462
54.11 Pipeline Corrosion Control 405
57a.9 Future Direction on the AP1000 463
54.12 Pipeline Protection—Coatings, Cathodic
57a.10 References 463
Protection, Inhibition 409
57a.11 Nomenclature 463
54.13 Third Party Damage Awareness and
57b EPR 464
Control 416
57b.1 Introduction 464
54.14 Security Management Programs 418
57b.2 EPR Development 464
54.15 References 421
57b.3 Plant Design 464
57b.4 EPR Safety 468
CHAPTER 55 Decommissioning Technology 57b.5 Containment Design 471
Development 57b.6 Construction 471
57b.7 Operation and Maintenance 471
Anibal L.Taboas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
57b.8 Code Aspects 472
55.1 Introduction 425 57b.9 Building Now 472
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xlvi • Contents

57b.10 References 472 60.5 Experiences of Olkiluoto 3 NPP Risk-Informed

57c US-APWR 473 Licencing 527
57c.1 Introduction 473 60.6 European Orientation to Risk-Informed
57c.2 US-APWR Plant Design Concept 473 Inspections- ENIQ 529
57c.3 Operational Technology 473 60.7 Extension of Risk-Informed Activities 532
57c.4 Safety Features 476 60.8 Summary and Conclusions 532
57c.5 Building Configuration 478 60.9 References 533
57c.6 Modularization and Construction 479 Acronyms 534
57c.7 Operation and Maintenance 480
57c.8 ASME Code Aspects 480
57c.9 Future Direction on the US-APWR 480 CHAPTER 61 Belgium Pressure Equipment Regulation
57c.10 References 480 Luc H. Geraets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
57c.11 Nomenclature 481
61.1 Introduction 535
61.2 Belgium Pressure Equipment Regulation 535
CHAPTER 58 New Generation of BWRs 61.3 The Derogation 537
Hardayal S. Mehta and Daniel C. Pappone. . . . . . . . . . . 483 61.4 Quality Groups, Classes, and Applicable
Codes 538
58.1 Introduction 483 61.5 Repairs, Replacements, and Modifications 539
58.2 Evolution of BWR Product Line from BWR/1 61.6 Subsection IWA – General Requirements 539
Through ESBWR 483 61.7 Subsection IWB – Requirements for Class 1
58.3 Key Features of ESBWR 491 Components of Light-Water Cooled Plants 542
58.4 Materials, Fabrication, and Applicable 61.8 Subsection IWC – Requirements for Class 2
ASME Code Edition 498 Components of Light-Water Cooled Plants 542
58.5 Future Direction – Fabrication and 61.9 Subsection IWE – Requirements for Class
Modularization 502 MC and Metallic Liners of Class CC
58.6 Summary 502 Components of Light-Water Cooled Plants 543
58.7 References 502 61.10 Subsection IWL – Requirements for Class
CC Concrete Components of Light-Water
CHAPTER 59 Future Code Needs for Very High Cooled Plants 543
Temperature Generation IV Reactors 61.11 Appendix II – Owner’s Reports for In-Service
Inspections 543
William J. O’Donnell and Donald S. Griffin . . . . . . . . . . . 505
61.12 Appendix IX – Application Rules of the ASME
Abstract 505
Code Section III or Other Regulations for
59.1 Background 505
Repair or Replacement of Components in
59.2 Summary 505
Operating Nuclear Units 543
59.3 Structural Integrity Evaluation Approach 507
61.13 Appendix X – An Independent Body Distinct
59.4 Structural Integrity Evaluation Methods 507
from the Mandated Organization Performing
59.5 Regulatory Issues 508
the AIA Role 545
59.6 Current Regulatory Issues for Structural
61.14 Evolution of the Rules 545
Design of VHTR and Gen IV Systems 511
61.15 Acknowledgment 546
59.7 How Structural Integrity Issues are Addressed
61.16 References 547
by Current ASME Code? Including Code Cases
61.17 Appendices 548
and Section IIII, Subsection NH, “Class 1
Components in Elevated Temperature Service” 515
59.8 Material Models Design Criteria and Analysis CHAPTER 62 Boiler and Pressure Vessels in Germany
Methods Needed in the ASME Code for Very
Dieter Kreckel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
High-Temperature Service 516
59.9 Acknowledgement 517 62.1 Introduction 553
59.10 References 517 62.2 European Directive (PED) and German Legal
Adaptations 553
62.3 Nuclear Regulations of Pressure Vessels
PART 16: GLOBAL PV&P ISSUES of WESTERN Applicable to German NPP 554
EUROPEAN COUNTRIES 62.4 Nuclear Regulations for Pressure Vessels
Applicable to New NPP for Potential Export 555
CHAPTER 60 Risk-informed Licensing, Regulation, 62.5 Conclusions 557
and Safety Management of NPPs in Finland 62.6 References 561
Reino Virolainen and Kaisa Simola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519 62.7 Further Readings 561

60.1 Introduction 519

60.2 Risk-Informed Regulatory Frame 519 CHAPTER 63 Pressure Equipment Regulations,
60.3 PRA in the Regulatory Process 520 Codes, and Standards in Spain
60.4 Examples of Risk-Informed Applications 524 Carlos Cueto-Felgueroso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563
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63.1 Introduction 563 66.3 Development and Actual State of Nuclear

63.2 Spanish Regulation in the Nonnuclear Codes for Design and Analysis of NPPs
Industry 563 Equipment and Piping 603
63.3 Codes and Standards in the Nuclear Industry 567 66.4 Comparison of Russian Nuclear Standard PNAE
63.4 Conclusions 574 With ASME BPVC in Application to Seismic
References 574 Analysis of a Primary Loop of PWR (VVER)
Reactor 605
66.5 European High Viscous Dampers Approach
PART 17: GLOBAL PV&P ISSUES of EASTERN EURO- in Protecting NPP Primary and Secondary
PEAN COUNTRIES Systems from Seismic Loads and Operational
Vibration 614
CHAPTER 64 Czech and Slovakian Codes 66.6 Conclusion 617
66.7 Nomenclature 619
Milan Brumovsky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577
66.8 Glossary 621
64.1 Short History and Introduction 577 66.9 References 622
64.2 SONS Requirements for Lifetime Evaluation 577
64.3 NTD ASI Code for WWER Reactor
Components 577
64.4 VERLIFE Procedure 580
64.5 Covers Continuation 582
64.6 Conclusion 583 CHAPTER 67 Codes and Standards Used in the
64.7 Comments 583 Nuclear Industry in the Republic of South Africa
64.8 References 583 Malcolm J. Europa, Paul J. Brinkhurst,
64.9 Structure of NTD ASI 584 John Fletcher, and Neil Broom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625
Section I – Welding of Components and
67.1 Introduction 625
Piping in WWER Type NPPs 584
67.2 Regulatory Control of Pressurized Equipment
Section II – Characteristics of Materials and
used in the Nuclear Industry 625
Welds for Components and Piping in WWER
67.3 Nuclear Code and Standards Usage in
Type NPPs 585
Republic of South Africa 627
Section III – Evaluation of Strength of Components
67.4 Future Outlook 633
and Piping in WWER-Type NPPs 585
67.5 References 633
Section IV – Evaluation FO Residual Lifetime of
Components and Piping In WWER – Type
Section V — Material Testing 587 of ASIAN COUNTRIES

CHAPTER 65 Comprehensive Adaptation CHAPTER 68 Design of Indian Pressurized

of the ASME Code at Paks NPP, Hungary Heavy Water Reactor Components
Peter Trampus and Peter Pal Babics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589 H.S. Kushwaha, K.K. Vaze, and K.B. Dixit. . . . . . . . . . . . 635
65.1 Introduction 589 68.1 Introduction 635
65.2 Motivation of the ASME Code Adaptation in 68.2 Indian PHWR 635
Hungary 589 68.3 Design of Indian Pressurized Heavy Water
65.3 Main Features of the Current Hungarian ISI Reactor Components 638
System 591 68.4 Deviations from ASME Code 642
65.4 International Experiences 592 68.5 Seismic Qualification, Leak-Before-Break, ISI,
65.5 Comparative Assessment of the U.S. and Containment Design 643
Hungarian Legislative/Regulatory Framework 594 68.6 Organization of Design, Fabrication,
65.6 Analysis and Evaluation of Individual Documents 594 Construction, Operation, and ISI of NPPs
65.7 Design Review of Selected Components 596 in India 651
65.8 Conclusions 598 68.7 Conclusions 653
65.9 References 598 68.8 Acknowledgments 653
68.9 References 653
CHAPTER 66 Some Aspects of Russian
Regulation and Codes in Nuclear Power CHAPTER 69 Korean Regulatory System and
Victor V. Kostarev and Alexander V. Sudakov . . . . . . . . . 601 Codes of Nuclear Boiler and Pressure Vessels
Jong C. Jo and Howard H. Chung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 655
66.1 Brief History of Regulatory Activity and Boiler
Codes in Russia 601 69.1 Introduction 655
66.2 System and a List of Standards Relevant to 69.2 Nuclear Regulatory Organizations 656
the State Safety Regulation in Nuclear Power 602 69.3 Legislation System 657
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xlviii • Contributor Biographies

69.4 Licensing System and Safety Assessment 658 69.9 Conclusions 677
69.5 Locations of the Nuclear Power Plants in 69.10 References 677
Korea 663
69.6 Introduction to the Notices of the Minister of the CHAPTER 70 Development of Nuclear Boiler and
Education, Science and Technology Related to Pressure Vessels in Taiwan
Nuclear Power Reactor Boiler and Pressure
Yi-Bin Chen, Shin Chang, and Ting Chow . . . . . . . . . . . 679
Vessels in Korea 663
69.7 Guidelines for the Application of the Korea 70.1 Introduction 679
Electric Power Industry Codes to the Technical 70.2 Role of Regulatory Authority 680
Standards of Reactor Facilities (Notice of the 70.3 Seismic Design 681
Minister of Education, Science and Technology 70.4 Pressure Boundary Integrity 684
No. 05-04) 664 70.5 Power Uprate and License Renewal 685
69.8 Industrial Code In Korea: Korea Electric Power 70.6 Radioactive Waste Management of NPPs 685
Industry Code (KEPIC) 674 70.7 References 685
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This book provides “The Criteria and Commentary on Select text, tables, and graphics, it is not easy to decipher the criteria
Aspects of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel and Piping Codes” and the basis of these Codes.
in two volumes. The intent of this book is to serve as a “Primer” Thus, given the importance of these ASME Codes related to
to help the user weave through varied aspects of the ASME Codes the industry and the attendant technological advances, it becomes
and B31.1 and B31.3 Piping Codes and present a summary of a professional expediency to assimilate and appropriately apply
specific aspects of interest to users. In essence, this Primer will the wealth of information contained in the Codes. The first step,
enable users to understand the basic rationale of the Codes as then, is to ask, “Where is what?” The Code is spread over eleven
deliberated and disseminated by the ASME Code Committees. Sections; attending the tutorials is one way to understand first-
This book is different from the Code Cases or Interpretations of hand the various Sections of the Code. However, this is not within
the Code, issued periodically by these ASME Code Committees, the reach of all of the engineers in the industry. The next best
although these are referred in the book. It is meant for a varied solution is to have expert authors, versatile in the individual
spectrum of users of Boiler and Pressure Vessel (B&PV) and Sections and Subsections, to make the subject matter understand-
B31.1 and B31.3 Piping Codes in United States and elsewhere in able to the practicing engineers in a book format such as “A
the world. This book should be considered as a comprehensive PRIMER.”
guide for ASME B&PV Code Sections I through XI, B31.1 and In this book, all of the Sections I through XI of the B&PV and
B31.3 Piping Codes. The contents of these two volumes can be B31.1 and B31.3 Piping Codes are summarily addressed with
considered as a companion book—a criteria document—for the examples, explanatory text, tables, graphics, references, and anno-
latest editions of the Code, written by thirty-six professionals with tated bibliographical notes. This permits engineers to more easily
expertise in its preparation and use. refer to the material requirements and the acceptance criteria
ASME and the industry volunteers have invested immense whether they are in the design basis or in an operability situation
resources in developing Codes and Standards for the Power and of a nuclear plant or process piping. In addition, certain special
Petrochemical Industry, including nuclear, non-nuclear, fossil, topics of interest to engineers are explicitly addressed. These
and related. The industry has been relying on these documents, include Rules for Accreditation and Certification; Perspective on
collectively referred to as the ASME Code, on a day-today Cyclic, Impact, and Dynamic Loads; Functionality and
basis, and regulators consult them for enforcing the rules. Operability Criteria; Fluids; Pipe Vibration; Stress Intensification
Research and development, in both the material science and ana- Factors, Stress Indices, and Flexibility Factors; Code Design and
lytical areas, find their results in the revisions and updates of the Evaluation for Cyclic Loading; and Bolted-Flange Joints and
Codes. Over a period of time, these B&PV and Piping Codes, Connections. Important is the inclusion of unique Sections such
encompassing several disciplines and topics, have become volu- as Sections I, II, IV through VII, IX, and X that enriches the value
minous Standards that belie the intent and expectations of the of the book as a comprehensive companion guide for B&PV and
authors of the Codes. In a word, the B&PV Codes can become a Piping Codes. Of considerable value is the inclusion of an in-
“labyrinth” for an occasional user not conversant with the infor- depth treatment of Sections III, VIII, and XI. A unique aspect of
mation contained in the Code. Thus, given the wealth of infor- the book chapters related to the Codes is the treatment of the ori-
mation contained in the Code, these cannot be easily discerned. gins and the historical background unraveling the original intent
For example, the B&PV Code, even though it is literally an of the writers of the Criteria of the Codes and Standards. Thus,
encyclopedia of rules and standards to be followed by engineers the current users of these Codes and Standards can apply their
in the nuclear or fossil or related industries, is not easy to com- engineering knowledge and judgment intelligently in their use of
prehend and conform to. Alphanumeric text and graphics are these Codes and Standards.
loaded with information, arrived at by a consensus process from Although these two volumes cannot be considered to be a per-
the deliberations of practicing engineers, professionals, acade- fect symphony, the subject matter orchestrates around a central
mia, and regulators meeting several times a year. A lack of theme, that is, “The Use of B&PV and Piping Codes and
understanding of the Code, therefore, can cause not only profes- Standards.” Special effort is made by the contributors, who are
sional errors but also misplaced confidence and reliance on the experts in their respective fields, to cross-reference other Sections;
engineer’s interpretation that could lead to serious public safety this facilitates identifying the interconnection between various
hazards. Spread over several volumes and thousands of pages of B&PV Code Sections, as well as the B31.1 and B31.3 Piping
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l • Preface

Codes. The Table of Contents, indexing, and annotated notes for to provide in-depth discussion, with examples to elucidate the
individual Chapters are provided to identify the connection points citing the Code Subsections and Articles.
between varied topics. It is worth mentioning that despite the
chapters not being of equal length, comprehensive coverage is K. R. Rao, Ph.D., P. E. Robert E. Nickell, Ph.D.
ensured. The coverage of some sections is intentionally increased Editor 1999–2000 President
ASME International


This edition continues to address the purpose of the first edition volume has a chapter contributed by recognized authorities. With
to serve as a “Primer” to help the user weave through varied aspects the increased use of computer–related analytical tools and with
of the ASME Codes and B31.1 and B31.3 Piping Codes and pres- ASME Codes explicitly addressing them, a chapter has been
ent a summary of specific aspects of interest to users. In providing devoted to the Applications of Elastic Plastic Fracture Mechanics
the “end user” all of these aspects, the first edition has been revised in ASME Section XI Code.
appropriately to be consistent with the current 2004 Codes. ASME Codes are literally used around the world. More impor-
Contributors of the first and second volumes had taken tantly the European Community, Canada, Japan and UK have
immense pains to carefully update their write-ups to include as been increasingly sensitive to the relevance of ASME Codes. In
much of the details that they could provide. Significant changes this second edition, experts conversant with these country Codes
can be seen in Sections II, III, VIII and XI with repercussions on had been invited to detail the specifics of their Codes and cross-
Sections I, IV, V, VII, IX and X. Thus, these consequences had been reference these to the ASME Codes.
picked up by the contributors to bring their write-up up-to-date. Public Safety, more so than ever before, has become extremely
Similarly changes of Power Piping (B31.1 Code) and B31.3 relevant in today’s power generation. Experts hade been invited to
(Process Piping) have also been updated. provide a perspective of the regulations as they emerged as well
Included in this edition is a third volume that addresses the crit- as discuss the salient points of their current use. These include the
ical issues faced by the BWR and PWR Nuclear facilities such as transportation of radioactive materials and the new ASME
BWR Internals, PWR Reactor Integrity, and Alloy 600 related Section XII Code, Pipe Line Integrity and pertinent topics
issues. With the aging of the Nuclear Plants, the regulators per- involved in decommissioning of nuclear facilities.
spective can be meaningful, and this has been addressed by
experts in this area. In today’s industrial spectrum the role of K. R. Rao, Ph.D., P.E.
Probabilistic Risk Analysis has taken an important role and this Editor
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This edition continues to address the purpose of the previ- effort has been captured in Volume 2 by several experts
ous editions to serve as a “Primer” to help the user weave conversant with this effort. Volume 2 has chapters address-
through varied aspects of the ASME Codes and B31.1 and ing Code Sections VIII through XI, refurbished with addition-
B31.3 Piping Codes, in addition to a discussion of “The al code material consistent with the current 2007 Code edi-
Criteria and Commentary on Select Aspects of ASME tion. Notable updates included in this Volume relate to
Boiler and Pressure Vessel and Piping Codes” of interest to maintenance rule; accreditation and certification; perspec-
“end users”. This publication has been revised in providing tives on cyclic, impact and dynamic loads; functionality and
all of the aspects of the previous editions, while updating to operability criteria; fluids; pipe vibration testing and analysis;
the current 2007 Codes, unless otherwise mentioned. This stress intensification factors, stress indices and flexibility
book in three volumes strives to be a comprehensive factors; Code design and evaluation for cyclic loading; and
‘Companion Guide to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel bolted-flange joints, connections, code design and evalua-
Code’. tion for cyclic loading for Code Sections III, VIII and a new
Since the first edition, a total of 140 authors have con- chapter that discusses Safety of Personnel using Quick-
tributed to this publication, and in this edition there are 107 actuating Closures on Pressure Vessels and associated liti-
contributors of which 51 are new authors. Several of the gation issues. While few chapters have been addressed by
new contributors are from countries around the world that new authors who added fresh perspective, the efforts of
use ASME B&PV Codes, with knowledge of ASME Codes, continuing authors have provided their insights with addi-
in addition to expertise of their own countries’ B&PV tional equations, figures and tables in addition to extensive
Codes. All of these authors who contributed to this third textual matter.
edition considerably updated, revised or added to the con- The third volume of this edition is considerably enlarged
tent matter covered in the second edition to address the to expand the items addressing changing priorities of
current and futuristic trend as well as dramatic changes in Codes and Standards. Continuing authors who addressed
the industry. these topics in the previous edition have discussed these
The first two volumes covering Code Sections I through XI with respect to the ASME 2007 Code Edition. The discus-
address organizational changes of B&PV Code Committees sions include chapters on BWR and PWR Reactor
and Special topics relating to the application of the Code. Internals; License Renewal and Aging Management; Alloy
Considering significant organizational changes are taking 600 Issues; PRA and Risk-Informed Analysis; Elastic-
place in ASME that reflect the industry’s demands both in Plastic Fracture Mechanics; and ASME Code Rules of
USA and internationally, the salient points of these have Section XII Transport Tank Code. Chapters covering ‘U.S.
been captured in this publication by experts who have first Transportation Regulations for Radioactive Materials’;
hand information about these. ‘Pipeline Integrity and Security’, and ‘Decommissioning of
Volume 1 covers ASME Code Sections I through VII, Nuclear Facilities’ have been considerably revised.
B31.1 and B31.3 Piping Codes. Continuing authors have In Volume 3 experts around the world capture ‘Issues
considerably updated the text, tables, and figures of the pre- Critical for the Next Generation of Nuclear Facilities’ such as
vious edition to be in line with the 2007 Code, bringing the Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel, Generation III⫹ PWRs,
insight knowledge of these experts in updating this Volume. New Generation of BWRs and VERY High Temperature
Fresh look has been provided by new authors, who in Generation IV Reactors.
replacing previous contributors of few chapters, have pro- The impact of globalization and inter-dependency of
vided an added perspectives rendered in the earlier edi- ASME B&PV Codes had been examined in the previous
tions. In one case, the chapter had been entirely rewritten edition in European Community, Canada, France, Japan
by new experts, with a new title but addressing the same and United Kingdom. Contributors who authored these
subject matter while updating the information to the 2007 country chapters revisited their write-up and updated to
ASME Code Edition. capture the current scenario.
ASME Code Committees have spent time and consider- Significant contribution in the third volume is the inclusion
able resources to update Section VIII Division 2 that was of additional countries with changing priorities of their
completely rewritten in the 2007 Code Edition, and this Nuclear Facilities. In-depth discussions cover the international
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lii • Preface

experts of these countries which own and operate nuclear A unique feature of this publication is once again, as in
reactors or have nuclear steam supply vendors and fabrica- the previous editions, the inclusion of all author biographies
tors that use ASME B&PV Code Sections I through XII. This and an introduction that synthesizes every chapter, along
information is meant to benefit international users of ASME with an alphabetical listing of indexed terms
Codes in Finland, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Czech and
Slovakia, Russia, South Africa, India, Korea and Taiwan that K. R. Rao, Ph.D., P.E.
have been added in this third edition. Editor
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This third edition is in three volumes composed of 19 Parts, with including Divisions 1, 2, and 3; Part 8 covering welding and braz-
Parts 1–5 in Volume 1, Parts 6–11 in Volume 2 and Parts 12–19 in ing qualifications of Code Section IX; Part 9 covering Code
Volume 3. Common to all three volumes is the front matter, Section X and pertaining to fiber-reinforced plastic pressure ves-
including the Organization of the Code. Organization and sels; Part 10 providing in-depth discussions of Code Section XI;
Operation of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel (B&PV) and Part 11 covering special topics of interest to ASME Boiler
Committee has been initially authored by Martin D. Bernstein for and Pressure Vessel (B&PV) Code Users and Practicing
the first edition but considerably updated in the previous second Engineers.
edition by Guido G. Karcher. However, the current dramatic The scope of Volume 3 that contains Parts 12 to 19 has consid-
changes in the ASME B&PV organization these have been cap- erably expanded from the previous edition. This volume has in
tured by Guido Karcher in this current third edition. Included are addition to aspects with critical bearing on ASME Boiler &
detailed discussions pertaining to the “Research Projects for the Pressure Vessels addresses countries that have become increasingly
Maintenance and Development of Codes and Standards” and important with ASME Codes being applicable to them. Part 12
“Realignment Activities of the ASME B&PV Code Committee addresses Current BWR Reactor Internals & Other BWR Issues in
Structures”. An index is provided at the end of each volume as a chapters that cover License Renewal and Aging Management
quick reference to topics occurring in different Code Sections of (NRC), PWR Reactor Vessel Integrity, PWR Reactor Vessel Alloy
that volume. In addition to indexing several topics covered in 600 Related Issues, PRA & Risk Based Analysis, and Applications
this publication, it is also meant to assist in reviewing the inter- of Elastic Plastic Fracture Mechanics in ASME Section XI Code
connection of the ASME Boilers & Pressure Vessel Code Applications. In Part 13 International Codes & Standards Related
Sections/Subsections/Paragraphs occurring in the particular vol- to ASME B&PV Code are addressed, which include Pressure
ume. In each chapter, all discussions generally pertain to the latest Equipment Directive used by the European Community, Canadian
2007 Code Edition unless noted otherwise by the chapter B&PV Codes & Standards, French Pressure Equipment Codes,
author(s). The ASME Code is generally accepted in the United Recent Development of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes in
States (and in many foreign countries) as the recognized mini- Japan, and British Codes & Standards. With the recent trends to
mum safety standard for the construction of pressure vessels and pay particular attention to Public Safety, more so than previously,
piping. Toward that end, the first two volumes can be considered Part 14 focuses on Other Ongoing Issues of Public Safety with
“a primer.” Although this primer is authored by several Code chapters covering 40-Year Retrospective on the Transportation
Committee members who are considered experts in their respec- Regulations for Radioactive Materials, Description of Rules of
tive fields, the comments and interpretations of the rules con- Section XII Transport Tank Code, Pipe Line Integrity & Security,
tained in this book are strictly the opinions of the individual and Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities. In Part 15 issues criti-
authors; they are not to be considered official ASME Code cal for the next generation of nuclear facilities is addressed. In this
Committee positions. Part, topics deal with Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel,
Since the first edition, a total of 140 authors contributed to this Generation III+ PWRs, New Generation of BWRs and very High
publication and in this edition there are 107 contributors of which Temperature Generation IV Reactors. Global Pressure Vessel and
51 are new authors. Several of the new contributors are from coun- Piping Issues of several countries of Western and Eastern Europe,
tries around the world that use ASME Boiler & Pressure Codes, Africa and Asia are dealt with in Parts 16 to 19. In each of these
with knowledge of ASME Codes in addition to expertise of their Chapters authors with expertise in their Country Codes and con-
own country Boiler & Pressure Vessel Codes. All of these authors versant with ASME Pressure Vessel Codes provided the write-up.
who contributed to this third edition considerably updated, revised In Part 16 PV&P Codes of West European Countries covered are
or added to the content matter covered in the second edition. Finland, Belgium, Germany and Spain. In Part 17 the PV&P
Volume 1 has five Parts, each addressing a unique aspect of the Codes of East European Countries included are Czech and
Code. Part 1 covers Power Boilers (Code Sections I and VII); Part Slovakian Codes, Hungary and Russia. Codes and standards used
2 covers Materials and Specifications (Code Section II); Part 3 in the nuclear industry in the Republic of South Africa are covered
provides an in-depth commentary on Rules for Construction of in Part 18. Pressure & Vessel Issues of Asian countries such as
Nuclear Power Plant Components (Code Section III, Divisions 1, India, Korea and Taiwan are included in Part 19.
2, and 3); Part 4 covers Power Piping (B31.1 Code) and Process
Piping (B31.3 Code); and Part 5 covers Heating Boilers (Code
Sections IV and VI).
Volume 2 covers Parts 6–11, with Part 6 covering Chapter 1 of the 1st edition was authored by the late Martin D.
Nondestructive Examination (NDE) (Code Section V); Part 7 pro- Bernstein. It discussed Power Boilers, Section I of the ASME
viding in-depth criteria and commentary of Code Section VIII, Code. His objective was to provide an overview of the intent,
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liv • Introduction

application and enforcement of Section I rules for the construc- Control of Internal Chemical Conditions; Preventing Boiler
tion of power boilers. This chapter is an abbreviated version of Failures; and Guidelines for Safe and Reliable Operation of the
the book Power boilers, A Guide to Section I of the ASME Boiler Power Boilers.
and Pressure Vessel Code, used as the textbook for a two day The authors present the commentary in Chapter 2 from the per-
ASME professional developement course on Section I developed spective of Owner–Operator personnel with experience in operat-
and taught for many years by Martin D. Bernstein and Lloyd W. ing, maintaining, and inspecting industrial and utility power boil-
Yoder. Mr. Yoder has reviewed and updated the 1st edition ers. In some instances, although certain paragraphs are
Chapter 1 for this 2nd edition to commemorate his close friend reiterations of Section VII, they, combined with additional infor-
and associate. In doing so, he found that only minor changes and mation, stress the importance of the aspects covered. It is suggest-
updating were required because the 1st edition Chapter 1 was so ed that the reader review existing literature, such as manufactur-
well crafted by Mr. Bernstein, like all of the many things he was er’s instructions or existing company procedures, for additional
known to have written. details. Section VII is a Nonmandatory Standard, and it, along
Chapter 1 was reviewed and updated by John R. Mackay, long- with Section VI (Chapter 19 of Volume 1) provides recommended
time member and past chairman of Subcommittee I. The current practices and serves as a guideline. However, Section VII touches
edition of this Chapter covers revisions to Section I, Power on many activities that the Owner–Operator personnel must be
Boilers through the 2007 Edition. Significant additions are includ- aware of before a power boiler is commissioned. New personnel
ed in this update that pertain to Code changes regarding Cold who are not familiar with boiler operation, maintenance, and
Forming of Austenitic Materials, Hydrostatic Test, increased inspection can use Section VII as an introduction to these activi-
allowable stresses of many materials, and a new Part PHRSG, ties. Experienced personnel will find Chapter 2 to be a good
Requirements for Heat Recovery Steam Generators. review of the essentials of operation, maintenance, and inspection,
Chapter 1 covers some of the more important aspects of Section with useful figures and references. In the “Summary of Changes”
I construction, including the history and philosophy of Section I: of the 2007 Edition, it was written that “No revisions are con-
how the ASME Code works; the organization and scope of Section tained in Section VII of this Edition.” However, there were a few
I; the distinction between boiler proper piping and boiler external minor corrections made that were not listed. It is the authors’
piping; how and where Section I is enforced; and the fundamentals opinion that more effort should be made by the committee to
of Section I construction. These fundamentals include permitted update and expand Section VII as recommended in the Chapter 2
materials; design; fabrication; welding and postweld heat treat- commentary. Like the other Sections, Section VII should also be a
ment; NDE; hydrostatic testing; third-party inspection; and living document providing the latest information in this ever-
certification by stamping and the use of data reports. A number of changing world. If the committee does not put in any effort in
design examples also have been included in this chapter. revising Section VII, they should at least alert prospective pur-
The design and construction of power boiler involves the use of chasers that no changes were made so that holders of the previous
other sections of the ASME Code besides Section I, such as Edition do not have to buy it.
Section II, Materials; Section V, Nondestructive Examination; Chapter 3 has multiple authors, and in Chapter 3.1, History of
and Section IX, Welding and Brazing Qualifications. In a rather Materials in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,
unusual arrangement, the construction rules for boiler piping are Domenic Canonico traces the chronological evolution of materi-
found partly in Section I and partly in the B31.1 Power Piping als and associated technologies, from the need for materials to
Code. This arrangement has led to considerable misunderstanding accommodate riveted construction to the acceptance of fusion
and confusion, as explained in Chapter 1, Section 1.5, where the welding as a fabrication process. Included in this discussion are
distinction between boiler proper piping and boiler external pip- the application of advanced materials, the revisions to the basis
ing is discussed. for setting allowable stress values, and the acceptance of Material
In the 1st edition Mr. Bernstein stated “The ASME B&PV Code Specifications other than those approved by ASTM. Also covered
changes very slowly but continuously. Thus, although this chapter is the evolution of materials, from their humble beginning as a
provides a substantial body of information and explanation of the 35-page inclusion in the 1914 Edition of the Boiler Code to the
rules as they now exist, it can never provide the last word. 3994-page, four-Part 2001 Edition of Section II of the ASME
Nevertheless, the chapter should provide the User with a very B&PV Code. Chapter 3.1 provides some insight not only into the
useful introduction and guide to Section I and its application.” materials needed for the design and fabrication of power boilers
His words are still true for the reason that Chapter 1, as updated, but also into the determination of the Maximum Allowable
retains the philosophy and intent of the original author, Martin D. Working Pressure. With the aid of tables, Domenic discusses the
Bernstein. Material Specifications from the 1914 through the present Code
Chapter 2, authored by Edmund W. K. Chang and Geoffrey M. Editions.
Halley, covers ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Section VII, Chapter 3.2, authored by Richard Moen and Elmar Upitis, dis-
Recommended Guidelines for the Care of Power Boilers. This cusses Code Section II, Part A—Ferrous Material Specifications,
Section is very useful for operators of power boilers, as stated in adopted by ASME for the construction of boiler, pressure vessel,
the Preamble of Section VII, “The purpose of these recommended and nuclear power plant components. They note that all materials
guidelines is to promote safety in the use of power boilers. These accepted by the various Code Sections and used for construction
guidelines are intended for use by those directly responsible for within the scope of the Code Sections’ rules must be furnished in
operating, maintaining, and inspecting power boilers.” In line accordance with the Material Specifications contained in Section
with the other Code Sections, the nine Subsections, C1–C9, are II, Parts A, B, or C, or referenced in Appendix A of Part A—
addressed by the authors, including Fundamentals such as Boilers except where otherwise provided in the ASME Code Cases or in
Types, Combustion, and Boiler Efficiency; Boiler Operation; the applicable Code Section. Discussions in Chapter 3.2 include
Boiler Auxiliaries; Appurtenances; Instrumentation, Controls, and The Organization of Section II, Part A, Guideline on the Approval
Interlocks; Inspection; Repairs, Alterations, and Maintenance; of New Materials, Appendices, and Interpretations.
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In Chapter 3.3, Dennis W. Rahoi provides the basis of and com- He emphasizes that “the Code is not a handbook and cannot sub-
mentary on Section II, Part B—Nonferrous Material Specifications, stitute for the use of engineering judgment.” Also, Roger empha-
adopted by ASME for the construction of boiler, pressure vessel, sizes the need for a better understanding of the basic principles of
and nuclear power plant components. He notes that all materials the Code Interpretations in the application of safety factors for the
allowed by the various Code Sections and used for construction Section III Nuclear Code, the Section VIII Pressure Vessels, and
within the scope of the Code Sections’ rules must be furnished in the Section I Boiler Code. Roger states that the term safety factor
accordance with the Material Specifications contained in Section II, is both incorrect and misleading, because a reduction in the factor
Part B or referenced in Appendix A of Part B-except where other- seems to indicate a reduction in safety. In fact, when the Code
wise provided in the ASME Code Cases or in the applicable Code Committee considers a reduction in design factor, it allows the
Section. Dennis discusses alloy definitions; the organization of reduction only after it determines that other changes in Code
Section II, Part B Appendices; the acceptable ASTM Editions; requirements have compensated for the reduction.
Nonmandatory guidelines; the guideline on the Approval of New Chapter 5, authored by Richard W. Swayne, describes the gen-
Materials; the allowable stresses for alloys; and the basis for materi- eral requirements of Section III applicable to all Construction
al acceptance for Code Construction. Dennis also provides cross- Classes, including concrete structures and steel vessels, piping,
references to weldability; ASME Code Sections I, III, IV, VIII, and pumps, and valves. It identifies how to classify components and
IX; and Piping Codes B31.1 and B31.3. describes how the jurisdictional boundaries of Section III define
Chapter 3.4, authored by Marvin Carpenter, discusses Section what is within and what is outside the scope of the Code. This
II, Part C—Specification for Welding Rods, Electrodes, and Filler chapter includes coverage of Subsection NCA, which pertains to
Metals. Welding plays a major role in the fabrication of pressure general requirements for Divisions 1, 2, and 3 of Section III.
vessels and related components to the requirements of the ASME Division 1 includes steel items such as vessels, storage tanks, pip-
B&PV Code. Marvin provides the basis for the Specifications and ing systems, pumps, valves, supports, and core support structures
Standards enveloped by Section II, Part C and their relations to for use at commercial nuclear power plants; Division 2 includes
the ANSI/AWS specifications. Marvin indicates that Section II, concrete reactor vessels and concrete containment vessels; and
Part C does not include all the welding and brazing materials Division 3 includes requirements for the construction of contain-
available to the industry—only those Specifications applicable to ment vessels for transportation of spent nuclear fuel. The scope of
ASME Code Construction. Discussions also include Code Cases Division 3 now also includes recently-published requirements for
pertinent to this chapter. Chapter 3.4 highlights the major features construction of storage canisters for spent nuclear fuel and spent-
of the Welding Material Specifications contained in Section II, fuel transportation-containment vessels.
Part C and the relationship of these Specifications to other Chapter 5 also explains the use of Code Editions, Addenda, and
Sections of the Code, including Section IX. Included are the elec- Code Cases. The requirements for design basis, design and con-
trode classification system, material descriptions, welding material struction specifications, and design reports are described, and the
applications, welding material procurement, and filler-metal responsibilities and quality assurance program requirements of
certification. Chapter 3.4 should prove useful for one to gain a the different entities involved in nuclear power plant construc-
basic understanding of ASME/AWS Welding Material Classification tion—from the Material Manufacturer to the Owner—are
and Specification. addressed. Requirements for ASME accreditation, application of
Chapter 3.5, authored by Richard Moen and Elmar Upitis, cov- the ASME Code Symbol Stamp, and use of Code Data Reports are
ers Section II, Part D—Properties. The coverage includes proper- described. With in-depth information, Mr. Swayne outlines the
ties of ferrous and nonferrous materials adopted by the Code for basis for exemptions, component classification, load combina-
design of B&PV and nuclear power plant components. This cov- tions, responsi-bilities, Certificate of Authorization Holders and
erage includes tables of maximum allowable stresses and design- Quality System Certificate Holders. Also, Mr. Swayne provides
stress intensities for the materials adopted by the various Code cross-referencing to other Code Sections and Subsections, such as
Sections, as well as a discussion of yield strength and tensile Sections III and XI, as well as to pertinent Regulatory Guides,
strength at various temperatures, external-pressure charts, and such as the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
other properties for the design of items covered by the various Chapter 6 originally authored by John Hechmer for the first
Code Sections. With the aid of several tables, they provide in- edition and updated by Greg Hollinger for the second edition has
depth information about “where is what” in Section II, Part D, been largely revised by David Jones for the current third edition.
and in addition, they note that although much of the information Authors cover Subsection NB, Class 1 Components. In present-
in the various Subparts and Appendices of Section II, Part D was ing the rules and requirements for Section III, Subsection NB, the
compiled in several places in earlier Code Section Editions, in authors discuss the theories, on which the rules and requirements
current editions it is compiled entirely in Section II, Part D to are based, the appropriate application for applying the rules and
reduce the length of, avoid the duplication of, and facilitate the requirements, and the interfaces for design, analysis, and con-
use of the Code Sections. Thus their commentary can be a useful struction. The chapter emphasizes the analytical rules and require-
“road map” even for Users of earlier Code Sections, because it ments, and makes reference to the Criteria of the ASME Boiler
encapsulates—all in one place-information crucial to Designers and Pressure Vessel Code for Design by Analysis in Sections III
and Practicing Engineers. and VIII, Division 2, 1968 that is considered the basis document
In Chapter 4, Roger Reedy provides commentary for the under- for Sections III and VIII. John provided the design theory and
standing and application of the principles of the ASME B&PV ramifications of the key considerations, with cross-references to
Code. Roger traces the history of the Code, from its initial charter other Code Sections discussing the subtle differences between the
and the voluntary effort of engineers for establishing a Code with Section III design criteria and the Section I and Section VIII,
a safety record to the current Code developed by a consensus Division 1 design criteria.
process. Roger suggests that Code Users apply common sense In addition, commentary is provided on the Code requirements
when using the Code and for understanding Code requirements. of Class 1 for design by analysis “because of the prominent role
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lvi • Introduction

played by stress analysis in designing vessels by the rules of NB, NC and ND Piping. He provides the stress requirements for
Section III . . . and because of the necessity to integrate the design Nuclear Classes 1, 2, and 3 Piping and the corresponding design
and analysis efforts.”—The authors emphasize that the design by processes and Design Specifications, with pertinent references,
analysis theme of NB is to provide high assurance that the failure tables, and figures. His commentary provides insight into load
modes of burst, plastic collapse, excessive plastic deformation, classifications and the responsibility of Owners. The Code rules
fatigue, ratcheting, brittle fracture, elastic instability (buckling), ensure that violation of the pressure boundary will not occur if the
stress corrosion, and corrosion fatigue. The intent of the rules of Design Specification satisfactorily addresses all issues necessary
NB is to provide assurance that high quality is reached; therefore, for Code compliance. In his commentary, Donald shows the sub-
stress analysis is added to the “NB rules for all of the disciplines tle differences between the piping rules and design by analysis,
and their interaction” in an effort to reach high quality. Chapter 6 and he explains what items the analyst should be concerned with
has been updated by Greg Hollinger and David Jones to the 2007 in satisfying Code requirements. He provides cross-references to
version of the Code including discussions of the differences B31.7 Code techniques and discusses the current controversy
between Section VIII Division 2 and Section III NB. Discussions regarding seismic requirements in the piping rules in Section III,
have been added on the Section VIII Division 2 rules dealing with Division 1, along with the anticipated revisions that will resolve
Limit Analysis, Finite Element Analysis and Environmental the controversy.
Fatigue, and new methods for fatigue of weldments. Chapter 9, has been authored by Kamran Mokhtarian for the
Chapter 7, authored by Thomas J. Ahl for the first Edition, and previous two editions and now updated considerably by Roger F.
co-authored by Marcus N. Bressler for the second Edition, pro- Reedy continues the discussion of Subsection NE, Class MC
vides commentary on Section III, Subsections NC and ND. This Components. This chapter summarizes some of the more
commentary addresses pressure atmospheric tanks, and 0–15 psig significant requirements of Section III, Subsection NE and pro-
tanks as presented in the ASME B&PV Code, Section III, vides a commentary on such requirements. Kamran’s comments
Division 1, Subsection NC, Class 2 Components and Subsection and interpretations of the rules are based on his several years of
ND, Class 3 Components. This chapter does not address piping, experience in design, analysis, and construction of containment
pumps, and valves; these are addressed in Chapter 8 for Class 2 vessels, as well as his participation in various ASME Code
and Class 3 Piping, and in Chapter 13 for Nuclear Pumps and Committees. Some comparisons of the rules of Section VIII are
Valves. This chapter discusses, in order, each of the eight major included for information. The analysis procedures are not dealt
Code Articles: Introduction; Materials; Design, Fabrication and with in any great detail, for they are similar to those of Subsection
Installation; Examination; Testing; Overpressure Protection and NB and Section VIII, Division 2; more emphasis is placed on the
Name Plates; and Stamping and Reports. In the 1971 Edition, unique features of Subsection NE. A number of Code Cases and
Subsection NB was fully developed in the evolution of the references regarding the rules of Subsection NE are cited, with
Nuclear Codes; all other were written by using the outline estab- cross-references to other Code Sections and Subsections. This
lished for NB. Consequently, many of the basic paragraphs con- chapter is based on the 2007 Edition of the Code.
tained in Subsection NB and other reference documents were The items covered in Chapter 9 include Scope of Subsection NE;
included verbatim in both Subsections NC and ND, when the sub- Boundaries of Jurisdiction of Subsection NE; General Material
sections were published as separate volumes in the 1974 Edition. Requirements; Certified Material Test Reports; Material Toughness
Subsections NC and ND are a combination of rules and require- Requirements; General Design Requirements; Qualifications of
ments taken from Section III, Subsection NB and Section VIII. In Professional Engineers; Owner’s Design Specifications; Certified
Chapter 7, Thomas has referenced all of these Codes and meticu- Design Report; Design by Analysis; Appendix F; Fatigue Analysis;
lously identified both obvious and subtle differences between Buckling; Reinforcement of Cone-to-Cylinder Junctions; Plastic
Subsection NB, the parent Code, and Subsections NC and ND. Analysis; Design by Formula; Openings; Bolted Flange Connections;
Thus, because Thomas addresses the Articles of Subsections NC Welded Connections; General Fabrication Requirements; Tolerances;
and ND in this part of the commentary, he presents comparisons, Requirements for Weld Joints; Welding Qualifications; Rules for
the most probable source of origin of the Code requirements, cer- Making, Examining, and Repairing Welds; Heat Treatment;
tain insights as well as contradictions that seem to exist, and the Examination; Qualification and Certification of NDE Personnel;
specific source document and some of the underlying theory. He Testing; Overpressure Protection; and Nameplates, Stamping, and
provides cross-references to other Code Sections/Subsections/ Reports.
Paragraphs where applicable. Marcus has taken this work and Chapter 10 was authored for the first edition by Robert J.
simplified it where possible, and updated it to the 2007 Edition. Masterson, who covered Subsection NF (Supports). The second
Chapter 8, authored by Donald Landers, discusses Section III, and third editions had been updated by Uma S. Bandyopadhyay
Division 1 (Piping). Chapter 7 indicates that the requirements of with the current third edition addressing the changes of the 2007
Section III, Division 1 provide for three classes of components. Code Edition. Robert traced the historical background of this
Chapter 8 indicates that each Class can be considered a quality Subsection, which provides a single source of rules for the design,
level, with Class 1 the highest and Class 3 the lowest. These qual- construction, fabrication, and examination of supports for the
ity levels exist because of the various requirements for each Class nuclear industry. Section III, Division 1, Subsection NF was
in Section III related to materials, fabrication, installation, exami- developed to provide rules for the estimated 10,000 piping and
nation, and design. Design was placed last on the list because component supports existing in a typical nuclear power plant. The
sufficient evidence exists to indicate that the other considerations criteria and commentary of Chapter 10 provides information on
listed are more important than (or, at best, equal to) the design the origin and evolution of design rules and is intended to allow
requirements. designers, engineers, and fabricators to make better use of
In Chapter 8, Donald mentions the foregoing list in his discus- Subsection NF. Topics of greatest interest are discussed from both
sions leading to the Code requirements and his commentary a technical and a historical viewpoint. However, it is not the intent
regarding the criteria and basis for requirements of Subsections to address every detail associated with the use of Subsection NF.
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Subsection NF rules have evolved dramatically over the past 25 service. In Section III, elevated temperature is defined as 700°F
years so that today’s support rules seldom resemble the original for ferritic steels and 800°F for austenitic stainless steels and
rules of 1973. In Chapter 10, commentary is provided to explain nickel-base alloys. Elevated temperature behavior and associated
how the criteria are used, the source and technical basis for equa- failure modes are discussed to provide background for the unique
tions and rationale, and the reasons for change. Robert covers the features of the Subsection NH rules. Robert presumes that readers
scope and classification of the types of supports and attachments. have a basic familiarity with the rules for construction of Classes
Subsection NF contains rules for the material, design, fabrication, 1, 2, and 3 components and core-support structures contained in
examination, testing, and stamping of supports for Classes 1, 2, 3, Subsections NB, NC, ND, and NG, respectively, that are dis-
and MC construction. Robert provides cross-referencing to cussed in other chapters of this book. Thus Robert provides cross-
Subsections NB, NC, ND, NE, and NG, as well as to the B31.1 referencing to these Code Subsections. Based on 40-plus years in
and B31.3 Codes, and he also addresses Code Cases and the development and implementation of elevated temperature
Interpretations. Discussions include Subsection NF Appendices design and construction rules, Robert, with the aid of figures,
and with the help of figures, tables, and references, it is anticipat- tables, and references, provides a historical perspective to estab-
ed that the reader will develop a better understanding of lish the criteria for the rules contained in Subsection NH. Also
Subsection NF and appreciate its complexities and usefulness. discussed are current and future needs.
Chapter 11, authored by John T. Land, deals with Subsection Chapter 13 was authored for the first edition by the late
NG (Core-Support Structures). This chapter provides commen- Douglas B. Nickerson, who held several memberships on Code
tary and practical examples on the materials, design, fabrication, Committees spread over several decades. He was associated with
installation, and examination requirements for core-support struc- the design and qualification of pumps and valves, a topic that he
tures in Section III, Division 1, Subsection NG. In addition, com- covers in this chapter. Marcus Bressler agreed to undertake the
mentary on Section XI as it applies to core-support structure updating of this chapter for the Second Edition. Douglas discuss-
repair, replacement, examination, and inspection requirements is es those items that are the driving and controlling forces in
presented. In the first edition, the 1998 Edition of the Code was hydraulic systems for nuclear power plants. The pump in each
used to provide examples and discussion points. In this edition, system drives the flow through the piping to provide the transfer
the 2001 Edition of the Code up to and including July 2003 of energy from one component to another. The valves control the
Addenda is used to provide examples and discussion points. The flow through these fluid systems and thus the operation of the sys-
objective of the Subsection NG rules is to provide a Code for the tems. Fluid systems have varying degrees of criticality, depending
design and manufacture of structures that support the core in pres- on their function. This commentary explains the relevancy of the
surized water reactors (PWRs) and boiling water reactors ASME Code requirements for safety-related nuclear pumps and
(BWRs). John indicates the subtle differences and overlaps valves using the latest issue of the Code. The Code is limited to
between this Subsection and other Code Subsections. With the aid pressure-boundary requirements. Douglas states that because of
of figures, tables, and examples, John discusses important consid- this limitation of the scope of the Code, most conditions neces-
erations in the design of core-support structures, the Owner’s sary to the satisfactory design of a nuclear pump or valve are not
Design Specification, and the jurisdictional boundaries between subjected to Code rules. The Design Specification specifies opera-
core-support structures and reactor pressure vessels (RPVs). John tional requirements and thus is the most important element in
explains the differences between core-support structures and their function and approval. This commentary not only defines the
internal structures, threaded structural fasteners, and temporary applicable Code but also explains how these components function
attachments. Discussions also include unique conditions of serv- in their applications.
ice; construction materials; special materials; fabrication and Chapter 13 also discusses the role of system design and com-
installation rules; examination and repair; general design rules; ponent design engineers, as well as the integrity of the
design by analysis; testing and overpressure protection; and Manufacturer. Douglas provides a historical perspective for the
examples of load combinations for core-support structures. Code rules, cross-referencing other Subsections of the Code. He
The third edition of this chapter has been updated to the 2007 notes that Owner’s Responsibilities for system design plays an
Edition of the ASME B&PV Code with new or additional com- important part in establishing the rules applicable to the Design
mentary covering: Background on Subsection NG Development; Specification for each safety-related pump and valve. Drawing
Discussion of Typical Materials Used in CSS, IS, and TSFs; upon considerable practical experience, Douglas covers opera-
Owner’s Design Specification and Design Reports; Environmental tional and qualification requirements for the procurement of these
Effects; CSS Code Cases; Improvements in Subsection NG; items from the Manufacturer. He discusses these items for differ-
Material Degradation Issues; Compatibility of Subsection NG ent service conditions with the aid of schematics and references.
with Other International Codes; Trends Towards Realistic Design Marcus, a member of the subgroup on Design since 1974, and
Loads in Reactor Internals; and Summary of Changes to 2007 Chairman of the working group on Valves from 1974 to 1977, pro-
Edition of the ASME Code for CSS. vides the background to the development of the design rules for
Chapter 12, authored by Robert I. Jetter, discusses Subsection valves, and updates the Chapter to the 2007 Edition of the Code.
NH, 2007 Edition, (Class 1 Components in Elevated Temperature Chapter 14 describes the bases and provisions of the Code for
Service). The purpose of this chapter is to provide background Concrete Reactor Vessels and Containments updating to 2007 Code
information on the development and application of the rules for Edition. After a short description of the provisions for Concrete
construction of elevated temperature components for nuclear serv- Reactor Vessels, the Chapter describes the concrete containment
ice. Also discussed are the rules for Class 2 and 3 components general environment, types of existing containments, future con-
and core-support structures that are contained in a series of Code tainment configurations, and background development including
Cases. Robert covers all aspects of construction: materials, the regulatory bases of concrete containment construction code
design, fabrication, inspection, overpressure protection, testing, requirements. The description covers sequentially the following
and marking for Class 1 components in elevated temperature topics: Introduction, Concrete Reactor Vessels, Concrete Reactor
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lviii • Introduction

Containments, Types of Containments, Future Containments, B31.1 Power Piping should be aware of, and he also discusses the
Regulatory Bases for the Code Development, Background applicability of this Code to various applications and systems. His
Development of the Code, Reinforced Concrete Containment coverage includes cross-references to ASME B&PV Code
Behavior, Containment Design Analysis and Related Testing, Code Sections and to other B31 Codes, as well as to API, AWWA,
Design Requirements, Fabrication and Construction, Construction ASTM, and other pertinent Standards and publications. Also
Testing and Examination, Containment Structural Integrity Testing, included is the balance of plant piping beyond the block valve(s)
Containment Overpressure Protection, Stamping and Reports, that defines the boundary of the boiler, the rules of which fall
Containment Structure and Aircraft Impact, Containment and entirely within the scope of the B 31.1 Power Piping Code.
Severe Accident Considerations, Other Relevant Information, Charles distinguishes this Code from Process Piping, the ASME
Summary and Conclusion. B31.3 Code, as well as from other B31 Codes.
The previous editions of this Chapter were developed by John Chapter 16 provides a commentary, discussing the historical
D. Stevenson, and it has been expanded by the current authors, perspective of, information about, and sources of the B31.1 Code.
utilizing the expertise of their respective fields. The basic format of With the aid of equations, schematics, figures, tables, and appen-
this chapter is kept the same as in the previous editions. The dices, Charles elaborates on the basics of the B31.1 Code. Topics
updates and additional information relating to the regulatory bases include design conditions and criteria, including thermal expan-
for the code requirements, future containments and considerations sion; design for pressure; flexibility analysis; supports and
for future revisions of the Code included in this update are based on restraints; an overview of materials; components and joints;
contributions from Hansraj Ashar, Barry Scott, and Joseph Artuso. requirements for specific piping systems; fabrication, assembly,
In Chapter 15, authored by D. Keith Morton and D. Wayne and erection; pressure testing; and nonmetallic piping systems.
Lewis, a commentary is provided regarding the containments used References are included for each of these topics.
for the transportation and storage packaging of spent fuel and Chapter 17, also authored by Charles Becht, IV, covers Process
high-level radioactive material and waste. John D. Stevenson was Piping, the ASME B31.3 Code. This Code has the broadest scope
the author of this chapter for the earlier two editions of this publi- of application of any B31 Code for pressure piping. This chapter
cation. However, this is a complete rewrite of the Chapter, includ- covers essentially the entire B31.3 Code, including design, mate-
ing a slightly different Chapter title. rials, fabrication, assembly, erection, examination, and testing,
In 1997, ASME issued the initial version of Division 3 of and includes special topics, such as nonmetallic piping and piping
Section III. Before the publication of Division 3, Section III, the for Category M and high-pressure fluid services. This chapter is
Section applicable to the construction of nuclear pressure-retaining based on the 2006 edition of ASME B31.3, Process Piping Code.
components and supports had only two divisions: Division 1, for Changes—some very significant—are made to this Code every
metal construction, and Division 2, for concrete construction. year, for which reason the reader should refer to it for any
Division 3 was added to cover the containments of packaging for specific requirements. Charles cross-references Sections I, II, III,
nuclear materials. Currently, the scope for Division 3 is limited to V, VIII, and IX of the ASME B&PV Code, and he also cross-
transportation and storage containments for only the most haz- references API, AWWA, ASTM, and other pertinent Standards
ardous radioactive materials—namely, spent fuel and other highly and publications.
radioactive materials, such as high-level waste. Division 3 contains Charles provides the history of the B31.3 Code and the over-laps
three published subsections: Subsection WA providing general of and differences between this Code and other B31 Codes. The
requirements, Subsection WB addressing rules for transportation B31.3 Code was written specifically for process piping; Chapter 17
containments, and Subsection WC addressing storage containment provides examples of the typical facilities for which the Code is
rules. Under active development is Subsection WD, which will intended to cover. The exclusions for the applications with the
provide the construction rules applicable to internal support struc- B31.3 Code are discussed, and with the aid of examples, figures,
tures (baskets) for the transportation and storage containments tables, appendices, and references for each topic, a detailed com-
covered by Subsections WB and WC. mentary is provided for the following topics: design conditions and
Consistent with current Code practice, the primary concern of criteria; design for pressure; flexibility analysis; supports and
Division 3 is the integrity of these containments under design, restraints, limitations on components and joints; requirements for
operating conditions (including normal, off-normal, and accident), materials; fabrication, assembly, and erection; examinations;
and test conditions. In particular, the structural and leak-integrity pressure testing; nonmetallic piping systems; Category M piping;
of these containments is the focus of the ASME B&PV Code high-pressure piping; and the organization of the B31.3 Code.
rules. Division 3 is also concerned with certain aspects of contain- Chapter 18, was authored by M. A. Malek and John I.
ment-closure functionality because of the potential for leakage, Woodworth for the first edition, and co-authored by Geoffrey M.
which is a key consideration in the containment function. Division Halley for the Second edition. The current third edition has been
3 covers all construction aspects of the containment, including revised by Edwin A. Nordstrom. In the first edition, the chapter
administrative requirements, material selection, material qualifica- covered Section IV, Rules for Construction of Heating Boilers,
tion, design, fabrication, examination, inspection, testing, quality using the 1998 Edition, 1999 Addenda, and Interpretations and has
assurance, and documentation. now been updated to the 2007 edition. To assist the reader in under-
Chapter 16, authored by Charles Becht, IV, covers Power standing and using the Code, this chapter is presented in a simpli-
Piping, the ASME B31.1 Code. This chapter is based on the 2007 fied manner, with the understanding that it is not a Code book and
edition of ASME B31.1, Power Piping Code. This Code was writ- is not written to replace the Code book published by ASME. A his-
ten specifically for power piping; it is intended to cover fuel-gas torical perspective of Section IV is provided to trace the criteria
and fuel-oil systems in power plants (downstream of the meters), covered by the Code. The authors define the boilers that fall within
central- and district-heating systems; and water and steam sys- the jurisdiction of this Section and provide a detailed discussion of
tems in power plants. Charles provides exhaustive coverage of the the minimum requirements for the safe design, construction, instal-
overlapping and interfacing Codes and Standards that Users of the lation, and inspection of low-pressure-steam boilers and hot-water
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boilers, which are directly fired with oil, gas, electricity, or other develop and maintain Code rules for NDE methodology and
solid or liquid fuels. However, the authors do not cover the opera- equipment involved with the performance of surface and volumet-
tion, repair, alteration, rerating, and maintenance of such boilers, ric testing methods. These test methods are used for the detection
but they do cover potable-water heaters and water-storage tanks for and sizing of defects, dis-continuities, and flaws in materials and
operation at pressures not exceeding 160 psi and water tempera- weldments during the manufacture, fabrication and construction of
tures not exceeding 210°F. parts, components, and vessels in accordance with the ASME
In the first edition, Chapter 18 addressed the Code Interpretations, B&PV Code and other ASME Codes, such as B31.1 (Power
the Addenda, and the Code Inquiry procedure as they relate to Piping)
Section IV. The authors mentioned that the format used for this Harold and Jon provide commentary on the contents of Section V,
chapter is compatible with the format used in Section IV (1998 including Subsection A, which contains Articles and both
Edition, 1999 Addenda, and Interpretations). For the current edition Mandatory and Nonmandatory Appendices that address general
using the 2007 Code, this is still valid. For easy identification, the requirements, test methods, and specific Code requirements and
exact numbers of paragraphs, figures, and tables from the Code acceptance criteria; and Subsection B, which contains the ASTM
book have been used in the running text. The appendices include Standards adopted by the ASME B&PV Code. This chapter address-
Method of Checking Safety Valve and Safety Relief Valve Capacity; es an audience that includes manufacturers (including equipment
Examples of Methods of Calculating a Welded Ring Reinforced manufacturers), insurance companies, architect-engineers, research
Furnace; Examples of Methods of Computation of Openings in organizations, utilities, consultants, and the National Board. The
Boiler Shells; Glossary; and two examples of Manufacturer’s Data authors address additions, revisions, inquires, interpretations, and
Report Forms. Code Cases relevant to Section V. An important aspect of this chap-
Chapter 19 provides criteria and commentary for ASME ter is its coverage of the inter-connection of Section V with other
Section VI, Recommended Rules for the Care and Operation of Code Sections and Subsections. This coverage provides insight into
Heating Boilers. This chapter that had been initially authored by how the rela-tionships of the Code Sections are integrated.
M. A. Malek was updated for the second edition by Geoffrey M. Chapter 21 initially authored by Urey R. Miller for the previous
Halley with Edwin A. Nordstrom as the author of the current edi- first and second editions is revised by Thomas P. Pastor for the
tion. While heating boilers are designed and constructed safely current third edition. This chapter covers Section VIII—Division
under Section IV, the rules of this Section are nonmandatory 1, Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels. The author discuss-
guidelines for the safe and efficient operation of steam-heating es the historical background of this Section in relation to the con-
boilers, hot-water-supply boilers, and hot-water-heating boilers struction and safe operation of boilers and pressure vessels.
after installation. These rules, however, are not applicable to Section VIII Division 1 is written to cover a wide range of indus-
potable-water heaters. This chapter is divided into nine parts, trial and commercial pressure vessel applications. This Section is
along with the necessary figures and tables for each part: General, applicable to small compressed air receivers as well as to very
covering the scope, use of illustrations, manufacturer’s informa- large pressure vessels needed by the petrochemical and refining
tion, references to Section IV, and glossary of terms; Types of industry. Section VIII Division 1 is intended for the construction
Boilers; Accessories and Installation; Fuels; Fuel-Burning of new pressure vessels. Miller discusses the applicability of Code
Equipment and Fuel-Burning Controls; Boiler-Room Facilities; and Code jurisdictions, as well as situations of the inapplicability
Operation, Maintenance, and Repair of Steam Boilers and Hot- and exemptions from this Section.
Water Boilers; and Water Treatment. The authors have several This chapter provides an overview to each of the parts of Section
years of professional field experience in overseeing Code imple- VIII Division 1 Code. The commentary includes Subsection A—
mentation and are conversant with regulatory practice; as such, General Requirements for All Methods of Construction and
they discuss the juris-dictional responsibilities and role of licens- Materials; Subsection B—Requirements Pertaining to Methods of
ing agencies. Fabrication of Pressure Vessels; Subsection C—Requirements
The authors note that the format used for this chapter is com- Pertaining to Classes of Material; Mandatory Appendices; Non-
patible with the format used in Section VI 2007 Code Edition. For Mandatory Appendices; and Bibliography. The intent of the author
easy identification, the exact numbers of paragraphs, figures, and is to provide a broad per-spective for the reader to have better
tables from the Code book have been used in the running text. The understanding of the Code’s intent, and to point out, by example,
Exhibits include the maintenance, testing, and inspection log for some of the sub-tleties that may not be evident. It is not the objec-
steam-heating boilers and the maintenance, testing, and inspection tive of this Chapter to provide the reader with a detailed “how to”
log for hot-water-heating boilers and tests. Bibliographical refer- hand-book. The user of the equipment must define the requirements
ences and notes are also provided. that are needed for a specific application. With the help of equa-
tions, tables, figures and examples Miller provides detailed com-
mentary of Section VIII, Division 1. He comments about several
VOLUME 2 pertinent Code Interpretations and Code Cases pertaining to this
The first edition of Chapter 20, was authored by Harold C. Graber, There have been a number of significant changes to Section VIII
and the subsequent second edition as well as the current third edi- Division 1 since the First Edition of this Guidebook. The most
tion have been revised by Jon Batey. The authors discuss Section significant is that the previously non-mandatory rules for
V, Nondestructive Examination (NDE). The purpose of this chap- tubesheets (Appendix AA) and flanged and flued expansion joints
ter is to provide Users of Section V insight into the significant (Appendix CC) are now mandatory and are in Part UHX and
requirements, the NDE methods, the NDE methodology, the rela- Appendix 5 respectively. Also, a new mandatory appendix
tionship of Section V with other Code Sections, and the use of (Appendix 32) has been added to the Code to allow consideration
ASTM Standards. The information provided is based on the 2007 of local thin spots in shells and heads, and Appendix 33 has been
Edition of Section V. The charter and scope of this Section is to added to define the standard units to be used in Code equations.
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lx • Introduction

The 2nd Edition of the Guidebook was updated to cover the ongo- fatigue evaluation; pressure-relief devices; examination, fabrica-
ing Code revisions (that affect shell-to-tubesheet joints, Appendix 26 tion, and testing requirements; marking, stamping, reports, and
expansion joints, and Appendix M. records; and Mandatory and Nonmandatory appendices.
The Third Edition of the Guidebook covers revisions to Section Appendix to Part 7 has been authored by Roger Reedy and is a
VIII, Division 1 from the 2004 Edition through the 2007 Edition. new chapter included in this volume 2 of the third edition. Part 7
Included are detailed descriptions of several new Nonmandatory covers ASME Section VIII—Rules for Construction of Pressure
Appendices, including Appendix FF: “Guide for the Design and Vessels with chapters dealing with Section VIII Division 1- Rules
Operation of Quick-Actuating (Quick Opening) Closures, and for Construction of Pressure Vessels, Section VIII: Division
Appendix GG: “Guidance for the Use of U. S. Customary and SI 2-Alternative Rules, and Section VIII, Division 3—Alternative
Units in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code”. This Rules for Construction of High-Pressure Vessels. This Chapter
Chapter also includes extensive updating of referenced figures and written by Roger F. Reedy deals with items pertaining to Part 7
tables from the 2007 Edition of Section VIII, Division 1. Safety of Personnel Using Quick-Actuating Closures on Pressure
Chapter 22, initially authored by Kamran Mokhtarian for the Vessels and Associated Litigation Issues.
previous two editions has been revised in its entirety by David A. The Appendix to Part 7 is new and was written because of the
Osage, Clay D. Roldery, Guido G. Karcher, Thomas P. Pastor, number of lawsuits against manufacturers of quick-actuating clo-
Robert G. Brown and Philip A. Henry. This revision covers the sures on pressure vessels. Often manufacturers are sued even
2007 Edition of Section VIII, Division 2. The 2007 Edition is a though the closures had been operating with no accidents for 20
complete rewrite of the standard, a project that began in 1998 and or 30 years. Because of Worker’s Compensation rules, the owner
took nine years to complete. The decision to completely rewrite of the equipment often cannot be sued, so the lawyers search for
VIII-2 was made so that the standard could be modernized with “deep pockets” to compensate their clients and themselves. In
regard to the latest technical advances and pressure vessel construc- order to bring forth litigation, these lawyers would skillfully take
tion, and also be structured in a way to make it more user-friendly words in the Code completely out of context. The Appendix is
for both users and the committees that maintain it. The 2007 based on Roger’s personal experience in a number of litigations
Edition of Section VIII, Division 2 is the result of an extensive col- involving quick-actuating closures during the last 25 years. He
laborative effort involving ASME Volunteers and Staff, the Pressure identifies each of the changes made to the Code rules in Section VIII,
Vessel Research Council and The Equity Engineering Group. Division 1, from 1952 to the 2007 Edition of the ASME Code. In
Mr. David A. Osage was the lead author for the new standard, and every case where Roger has testified as an expert witness, the
he made significant contributions to the design by rule and design by manufacturer of the quick-actuating closure was not at fault, and
analysis chapters (Parts 4 and 5). He also had responsibility for the the ASME Code rules had been properly followed. However, the
assembly of all material that ultimately made up the 9 parts of the attorneys for the injured party often misinterpret the Code rules to
new standard: 1. General Requirements, 2. Responsibility and accuse the manufacturer of not having complied with the Code
Duties, 3. Materials Requirements, 4. Design by Rule Requirements, when the closure was made. Based on experience, Roger warns
5. Design by Analysis Requirements, 6. Fabrication Requirements 7. the writers of the ASME Code to assure that the rules are clear,
Inspection and Examination Requirements, 8. Pressure Testing concise and understandable to the common man. The most impor-
Requirements, 9. Pressure Vessel Overpressure Protection. tant point however, is for everyone to understand that in order to
This chapter provides an overview of the development of the avoid severe accidents, users of quick-actuating closures must
new standard, its organization, and a detailed description of each maintain the equipment and ensure that inferior components are
of the nine parts. Emphasis is given to those areas of the standard not used as replacement parts, and that the design is not modified
where new technology was introduced. or changed. The other key element for safety is that owners of
Chapter 23, authored by J. Robert Sims, Jr., discusses Section pressure vessels that have quick-actuating closures are responsible
VIII, Division 3 (Alternative Rules for the Construction of High- for training all employees regarding the proper care and use of the
Pressure Vessels). It is intended to be used as a companion to the equipment. This training has been neglected by the employer in
Code by Manufacturers and Users of high-pressure vessels and also most accidents.
provides guidance to Inspectors, materials suppliers, and others. The Chapter 24, authored by Joel G. Feldstein, discusses Section IX,
chapter’s text is generally presented in the same order in which it Welding and Brazing Qualifications. As the title indicates, this chap-
appears in the Code. Comments are not given about each Paragraph, ter deals with the qualification of welding and brazing proce-dures as
but Paragraph numbers are referenced as appro priate. The com- well as the qualification of individuals performing those procedures
ments apply to the 2007 Edition. The ASME Subgroup on High- as required by the Construction Codes of the ASME B&PV and
Pressure Vessels (SG-HPV) of Subcommittee VIII developed the Piping Codes. Joel discusses the two-Part organization of the 2007
Code. The comments herein are Bob’s opinions; they should not be Edition of Section IX: Part QW, covering welding, and Part QB, cov-
considered Code Interpretations or the opinions of the Subgroup on ering brazing. Each Part is divided into four Articles. The coverage
High-Pressure Vessels or any other ASME Committee. for Part QW includes general requirements for both welding proce-
This chapter provides commentary that is intended to aid indi- dure and welder performance qualification and the variables applica-
viduals involved in the construction of high-pressure vessels, but ble to welding procedure and welder per-formance qualification.
it cannot substitute for experience and judgment. Bob covers gen- Part QB has a similar format: general requirements for brazing pro-
eral, material, and design requirements; supplementary require- cedure and brazer performance qualification and the variables applic-
ments for bolting; special design requirements for layered vessels; able to brazing procedure and brazer performance qualification.
design requirements for attachments, supports, and heating and Commentary is provided on all of the Articles with aid of figures and
cooling jackets; fracture mechanics evaluation; design using aut- tables, and Code Interpretations are used to provide the Code User
ofrettage; special design requirements for wirewound vessels and with some insight into the requirements of Section IX.
frames; design requirements for openings, closures, heads, bolt- Joel provides a description of the more common welding
ing, and seals; scope, jurisdiction and organization of Division 3; processes used in Code construction, reviews the qualification
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rules, provides commentary on those requirements, and covers the includes Class 2 and Class 3 sys-tems, metal and concrete contain-
historical background leading to the increased use of welding in ment, and liquid metalcooled reactor plants. With his association
manufacturing operations. Where comments are provided, they with Section XI Code Committee activities since their beginning,
represent Joel’s opinions and should not be regarded as the posi- Owen is in a good posi-tion to comment on important areas that
tions of the ASME Code or its Subcommittee on Welding. should not be overlooked as well as unimportant areas that should not
In Chapter 25, Peter J. Conlisk covers Section X, Fiber- distract attention.
Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels, and ASME RTP-1, Reinforced In Chapter 27, Richard E. Gimple addresses the repair/replace-
Thermoset Plastic Corrosion-Resistant Equipment. Peter mentions ment (R/R) activities for nuclear power plant items. Article IWA-
that this chapter is tailored for engineers and designers whose expe- 4000 of Section XI contains the requirements for performing R/R
rience with vessels is primarily with metal equipment, although he activities on nuclear power plant items. Richard examines the back-
adds that those with experience using fiberglass equipment but not ground of these R/R activities and the changes in R/R activity
using Section X or RTP-1 will also find this chapter useful, espe- requirements since the original 1970 Edition, and he reviews in
cially its discussions on fiber-rein-forced plastic (FRP) technology. detail the requirements in IWA-4000 in the 2007 Edition of Section
Section X has been enacted into law in 37 jurisdictions in the XI. This information is beneficial to personnel performing R/R
United States and Canada, whereas RTP-1, although usable as a activities (e.g., designing plant modifications, obtaining replace-
Code, has not been enacted into law anywhere; therefore, at pre- ment items, and performing welding, brazing, defect removal,
sent, it is a voluntary Standard. Both Standards govern vessels con- installation, examination, and pressure-testing activi-ties). Although
structed of thermosetting resin rein-forced with glass fibers, but the 2007 Edition is used to discuss IWA-4000 requirements, discus-
Section X addresses vessels rein-forced with carbon or aramid sions involving earlier editions and addenda of Section XI have
fibers as well. The pressure scope of Section X is 15 psig internal been retained from previous editions of the Companion Guide. The
pressure and greater, the upper limit depending on the size and con- thorough discussion of changes from earlier editions and addenda
struction of the vessel. RTP-1 cov-ers tanks and vessels with design will be very beneficial to personnel using other editions and addenda,
pressures of 0 to 15 psig. Both Standards have provisions for especially those updating their Repair/Replacement Programs.
vessels with external pressures of 0 to 15 psig. In Chapter 27, Richard uses his unique professional expertise
Neither RTP-1 nor Section X is meant to be a handbook or text- to discuss R/R activity requirements and provides the basis and
book on FRP vessel design. Chapter 25 is intended to be a manual pertinent explanations for the requirements. The discussion of the
on the use of these documents. An engineer who specifies an FRP scope and applicability of Section XI R/R activities is informative
vessel does not need to understand FRP to the same extent that a to both new and longtime Users. Richard notes that Section XI is
vessel designer does; however, in specifying the vessel, an engi- used in many countries, that it is often recognized as an interna-
neer necessarily makes many design choices. Peter discusses the tional Standard, and has written Chapter 27 such that it applies
basics of FRP technology; the fabrication methods and stress regardless of the country where the Section is used. To benefit the
analysis of FRP vessels; the scope of Section X and RTP-1; the reader, numerous Code Interpretations and Code Cases are
design qualification of Section X, Class I, Class II, and RTP-1 ves- included in this chapter to help clarify and implement R/R activi-
sels; the design qualification overview; Section X example of a ties. Commentary is provided regarding Interpretations that might
Design Specification and its calculations; RTP-1 design examples; be of great benefit in understanding the Code. With over 20 years
and quality assurance of Section X and RTP-1. He provides equa- of association with Code Committee activities, Richard provides
tions, tables, and figures as well as annotated bibliographical notes clarity and in-depth understanding of Section XI.
indicating the relevance of the cited references. Chapter 28, authored by Richard W. Swayne, discusses the
In Chapter 26, Owen F. Hedden provides an overview of the Section XI rules for inservice inspection and testing of nuclear
stipulations of Section XI, Rules for Inservice Inspection of power plant components. This chapter covers the general require-
Nuclear Power Plant Components. A chronological overview of ments of Section XI applicable to all Classes of components,
the development of Section XI is presented, from its inception in including concrete structures and steel vessels, piping, pumps,
1968 up to the 2004 Edition including 2006 Addenda. The chapter and valves. It identifies the limits of applicability of Section XI,
traces the development, Edition-by-Edition, of important elements that is, what is within and outside the scope of the Code.
of the Code, including the philosophy behind many of the revi- Interfaces with applicable regulatory requirements are addressed,
sions. Emphasis is placed on the 1989 through 2004 Editions, for and the use of Code Editions, Addenda, and Cases is explained.
they apply to the majority of plants in the United States and else- Mr. Swayne comments on the periodic NDE and pressure testing
where. Through an extensive tabulation of Code Interpretations, to ensure the integrity of components, other than containment ves-
this chapter also attempts to give the Code User some insight into sels, within the scope of jurisdiction of this Code. These require-
clarification of many Section XI requirements. ments include NDE, from personnel qualification to conduct of
In the current revisions of Section XI, feedback from operating the NDE. They also include the type and frequency of NDE
plants has resulted in new requirements to address stress corro- required, including sample expansion and increased frequency
sion cracking mechanisms, weld overlay piping repair techniques, required because of defect detection.
and a program for risk-informed piping inspections. Mr. Swayne also addresses periodic pressure testing and pres-
Owen notes that subsequent chapters of this book address the sure testing following R/R activities. Responsibilities and quality
major areas of Section XI: inservice inspection examination and test assurance program requirements of the different entities involved
programs, repairs and replacements, acceptance and evaluation crite- in examination and testing of a nuclear power plant are discussed.
ria, containment programs, and fatigue crack growth. Nondestructive This chapter addresses many controversial issues and topics of
examination (NDE) is addressed in this chapter, as its requirements current concern, including the applicability of recent U.S. Nuclear
evolve. Owen mentions that Section XI initially had only 24 pages in Regulatory Commission (NRC) Generic Letters and Information
1970 but that it now has over 700 pages. Although originally it cov- Notices, and describes ways in which readers can use recent revi-
ered only light-water reactor Class 1 components and piping, now it sions of Section XI to their advantage. References to ASME
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lxii • Introduction

Interpretations are included to explain how the Code requirements examination/inspection, repair/replacement activities, and testing
can be applied to common problems. This Edition contains new of Class MC (metal containment) pressure-retaining components
information from Mr. Swayne on risk-informed inservice inspec- and their integral attachments and repair/replacement activities
tion and reliability integrity management programs for high- and testing of Class CC (concrete containment) pressure-retaining
temperature gas-cooled reactors. components and their integral attachments for BWRs and PWRs.
In Chapter 29, which was originally written by Arthur F. Similarly, Subsection IWL, Requirements for Class CC Concrete
Deardorff, and updated and expanded by Russell C. Cipolla, the Components of Light-Water Cooled Plants, specifies require-
flaw acceptance criteria and evaluation methods specified in the ments for preservice and inservice examination/inspection,
2007 Edition of ASME Section XI Code are discussed. Coverage repair/replacement activities, and testing of the reinforced con-
includes the evaluation of flaws in nuclear power plant compo- crete and the post-tensioning systems of Class CC (concrete con-
nents and piping using ASME Section XI procedures. The authors tainment) components for BWRs and PWRs. Together with
discuss flaw acceptance criteria based on the use of predefined Subsection IWA, General Requirements, a comprehensive basis is
acceptance standards and of detailed fracture-mechanics evalua- provided for ensuring the continued structural and leak-tight
tions of flaws. Commentary is provided on flaw characterization integrity of containments in nuclear power facilities.
and acceptance standards, Class 1 vessel flaw evaluation, piping Subsections IWE and IWL also provide requirements to ensure
flaw evaluation (for austenitic and ferritic materials), and evalua- that critical areas of primary containment structures/components
tion of piping thinned by flow-assisted corrosion. The authors dis- are inspected to detect degradation that could compromise struc-
cuss the background and philosophy of the Section XI approach tural integrity. These two Subsections have received significant
for evaluating inservice degradation, including the rules for inser- attention in recent years since the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
vice inspection of nuclear power plant components and piping as (NRC) mandated nuclear-industry compliance with these two
they relate to the criteria, to determine if flaws are acceptable for Subsections of the Code through publication of revised Paragraph
continued operation without the need for repair. 55(a) of Title 10, Part 50, of the Code of Federal Regulations [10
Drawing upon their participation in Code Committees and pro- CFR 50.55(a)] in September, 1996. In incorporat-ing these two
fessional experience with both domestic and international nuclear Subsections into the Regulations, the NRC identi-fied its concern
plants, the authors discuss step-by-step procedures for the evalua- with the increasing extent and rate of occurrence of containment
tion of flaws in austenitic and ferritic components and piping. The corrosion and degradation. Since that time, numerous additional
underlying philosophy of Section XI evaluation of degraded com- changes have taken place in all aspects of nuclear power plant
ponents is to provide a structural margin consistent with that inservice inspection requirements, not the least of which have been
which existed in the original design and construction code. Russ those for nuclear containment vessels. With increasing emphasis in
has expanded the chapter to describe the updated flaw evaluation the nuclear industry on plant life-extension, these changes have
procedures for piping, which were added to Section XI in 2002. resulted in several initiatives cur-rently moving through the ASME
Also discussed are revised flaw acceptance criteria for Class 1 fer- Code ‘consensus-committee’ process, including action items
ritic vessels in IWB-3610, updated structural factors for austenitic addressing the need for more appropriate and effective examina-
and ferritic piping in Appendix C, and revised fatigue crack tions/inspections and the expanded use of risk-informed inservice
growth reference curves, along with the technical basis for these inspection activities.
changes. This updated Chapter 30 introduces the latest Commentaries
Russ has also added the historical development and technical for Subsections IWE and IWL, important documents for users of
basis for Appendices E, G and K, which deal with evaluations for the Code because of the background information and technical
fracture prevention during operating plant events/conditions in the justification provided regarding the reasons for changes made to
fracture-toughness transition temperature region, and at upper these two subsections over the years. As noted in the Introduction
shelf. Further, recent Code Cases N-513 and N-705 to Section XI to this book, the user is cautioned that these documents are the
are described, which cover the requirements and procedures for opinions of individuals only. These documents are not products of
temporary acceptance of service induced degradation in piping the ASME Code Committee consensus process, and thus do not
and vessels in moderate energy Class 2 and 3 systems. The degra- represent ASME Code Committee positions.
dation can be associated with various mechanisms (cracking, pit- In Chapter 31, Warren H. Bamford discusses the Code evalua-
ting, general wall thinning, etc.) and can include through-wall tion of fatigue crack growth, consistent with the evaluation meth-
degradation where leakage can be adequately managed via moni- ods of Section XI. Fatigue has often been described as the most
toring. These Cases provide the basis for continued operation common cause of failure in engineering structures, and designers
until repair can be implemented at a later time. of pressure vessels and piping have incorporated fatigue consider-
Wherever possible, the authors cite references to published ations since the first Edition of Section III in 1963. The develop-
documents and papers to aid the reader in understanding the tech- ment of this technology and its application in Section III is dis-
nical bases of the specified Code flaw evaluation methods and cussed in Chapter 39; its application in Section XI is discussed in
acceptance criteria. The authors also cite related Section XI Chapter 31. With the advancement of the state of the art has come
requirements that are discussed in Chapters 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 35, the capability for allowing the presence of a crack, for predicting
and 39 of this book. crack growth, and for calculating the crack size that could lead to
Chapter 30 originally authored by the late Robert F. Sammataro failure. This capability has been a key aspect of the Section XI
(a well-known and respected colleague well-versed in ASME flaw evaluation procedures since the 1974 edition of Section XI; it
Codes and Standards) and now updated by Jim E. Staffiera, is discussed thoroughly in Chapter 31.
addresses Subsections IWE and IWL for nuclear containment Warren discusses the background of the criteria for fatigue
vessels. Subsection IWE, Requirements for Class MC and crack growth analyses and crack growth evaluation methods.
Metallic Liners of Class CC Components of Light-Water Cooled Drawing upon his considerable experience in formulating these
Plants, specifies requirements for preservice and inservice criteria and his professional expertise in these analyses and
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evaluations, Warren provides commentary on the calculation of and the use of newer Codes are discussed, including the need for
crack shape changes; calculation of elastic–plastic crack growth Code reconciliation and commercial grade dedication. The devel-
with the aid of crack growth rate reference curves for ferritic and opment of certification and accreditation is covered, with empha-
austenitic steels in air environments; and crack growth rate curves sis on the new requirements for organizations seeking ASME
for ferritic and austenitic steels in water environments. He also accreditation. The globalization of the ASME cer-tificates and
discusses operating plant fatigue assessment with the aid of stamps is described thoroughly.
Appendix L of Section XI. Also included are discussions pertain- Marcus, based on his experience working with many Code
ing to Appendix A, fatigue evaluation, and flaw toler-ance evalua- Committees, is justly the right person to provide in-depth cover-
tion. He provides extensive bibliographical notes and references. age of the various aspects of the Code and connecting these with
the topic of this chapter. A discussion is provided regarding the
role of regulators, and the commentary includes accreditation for
PART 11: SPECIAL TOPICS RELATED nuclear construction, Code stamping, the role of the Registered
TO ASME B&PV AND PIPING CODES Professional Engineer and Authorized Nuclear Inspector (ANI),
and the related Mandatory and Nonmandatory Appendices in the
Part 11, unlike Parts 1–10, discusses topics that are not covered Code. Marcus details two examples of the use of Code reconcilia-
exclusively by specific Code Sections/Subsections/Paragraphs. tion: repair of steam-generator feedwater-nozzle cracks at a 1970s
Even when the topics are covered, their usage is so overwhelming nuclear plant and the support material requirements of an
that a detailed discussion about them is warranted. Thus the Example Nuclear Plant (ENP).
chapters of Part 11, written by recognized authorities in their Marcus Bressler has provided in this revised script his thoughts
respective fields, not only clarify subtle points of professional on Future Developments in the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel
interest to the Practicing Engineers but also elaborate on the basic Code, as well as ASME’s emphasis on Globalization of its Codes
information of the criteria of the subjects discussed. and Standards. In addition, applicable Code references, descrip-
In Chapter 32, John D. Stevenson covered in first and second tion of a typical nuclear survey, and an annotated bibliography are
edition the Maintenance Rule. In this edition this has been updat- also provided.
ed by C. Wesley Rowley. July 10, 1991, a Maintenance Rule titled John D. Stevenson initially authored Chapter 34 for the first
Requirements for Monitoring the Effectiveness of Maintenance at and second editions of this publication. This update of this chap-
Nuclear Power Plants was published by the NRC in the Federal ter is covered by Michael A. Porter.
Register (56 Fed. Reg. 31324) as 10 CFR 50.65. The rule was In the previous editions John Stevenson dealt with perspectives
developed for the NRC to have an established regulatory frame- on cyclic, impact, and impulse dynamic loads. John notes that
work to provide the means for evaluating the administrative effec- dynamic loads applied to the design of mechanical systems and
tiveness of nuclear power plant licensees’ maintenance programs. components are of three basic types: cyclic, impulse, and impact.
The NRC’s overall objective is that structures, systems, and com- In addition, there is a fourth potential cyclic-type load in the
ponents important to nuclear power plant safety be maintained vibratory motion category. Although vibratory motion is not usu-
properly so that plant equipment perform its intended safety func- ally considered in the original design basis, it may be observed
tions reliably when required. The Maintenance Rule is perfor- during steady-state or transient operations to cause premature
mance-based, providing focus on results rather than on program- fatigue or ratchet failure of metal components. The original
matic prescriptive requirements. Section III definition of a plant’s operating life includes design-
With his experience in domestic and international nuclear basis normal, abnormal, emergency, and faulted plant- or system-
power plants, Wes updates the discussions pertaining to the rudi- operating conditions, as defined in the Design Specification. John
ments of the Maintenance Rule and the criteria on which the Rule notes that these operating conditions should not be confused with
is based. Wes also updates historical background, purpose and Service Levels A, B, C, and D currently defined in the Code for
scope, and expectations of the license holder to abide by the stip- design purposes. It is possible to have different Service Level
ulations dictated in the Maintenance Rule. His commentary design conditions for the same operating condition, depending on
includes requirements; the methodology to select plant structures, the required response of a component.
systems, and components (SSCs); the use of existing Standards John covered in-depth Nonmandatory Appendix N (Dynamic
and programs; establishing risk and performance criteria, goal set- Analysis Methods) of Section III. For completeness, he covers
ting, and monitoring; SSCs subject to effective program mainte- other types of dynamic loads not addressed explicitly by
nance programs; the evaluation of systems to be removed from Appendix N that the designer of pressure-retaining nuclear com-
service; periodic maintenance effectiveness assessments; docu- ponents must consider. He also discusses the ASCE Standard
mentation; and references. used for defining earthquake motions to a building foundation and
In Chapter 33, Marcus N. Bressler discusses the rules for for supporting the mechanical system or component; these two
accreditation and certification and similar issues. This chapter has references deal primarily with earthquake cyclic–type dynamic
been revised to address the current 2007 Code revisions and to loads. In addition, commentary is provided on the guidelines used
up-date several accompanying graphics. This chapter is intended for dynamic impulse and impact loadings provided in the ANS,
to provide an overview of the history of the ASME B&PV Code ASME Appendix B, and B31.1 Code Standards. A discussion is
from its inception through the incorporation of nuclear compo- provided about the ASME Operation and Maintenance (O&M)
nents to the present. Accordingly the title of the Chapter has also Standard, used for determining the effect of operational vibratory
been revised to reflect the scope of the discussions contained in motion independent of the cause of vibration.
the chapter. From earlier coverage of boilers and pressure vessels, In past editions of the handbook, this chapter has primarily
the nuclear initiative required coverage for piping, pumps, valves, addressed issues as they pertained to Section III of the ASME
storage tanks, vessel internals, and compo-nent and piping sup- B&PV Code. In particular, it has addressed issues concerning the
ports. Rules for repairs and replacements of nuclear components seismic response of nuclear facilities. Currently, many other
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lxiv • Introduction

facilities covered by the ASME B&PV Code have had to address depending on the system geometry. The nature of bulk-flow and
these same issues, often with little guidance from the appropriate waterhammer responses is significantly different, making it essen-
Code section. Modern LNG terminals, for example, have had to tial to identify the specific fluid response before calculating the
undergo extensive seismic reviews. These facilities contain equip- resulting forces.
ment covered by Section VIII and B31.3 of the Code. Neither of With appropriate equations and references, Frederick covers the
these Code section give any guidance to the designer concerning basic formulations resulting in fluid forces. He describes the nature
seismic analysis, other than to require that seismic loads be of such fluid forces as hydrostatic forces and pressure, as well as
addressed. In this revision of the chapter by Michael A. Porter, shear forces from fluid motion. Predictions made of fluid forces of
some of these issues will be addressed. In addition, a new section concern in boiler and piping design are from pressure and shear
discussing the use of computer software for analysis has been within internal-flow systems. However, fluid forces are of
included. This section will address some of the issues associated significant concern in external-flow systems as well, where struc-
with different computer codes used for different parts of a plant. tures are sub-merged in fluids. Frederick discusses disturbance
In addition, the Code references have been revised to reflect the sources, including motor- or manual-operated valves, safety-relief
current (2007) Code provisions. valves, check-valve closures, pipe ruptures, liquid-column impact
Chapter 35, the functionality was initially authored by Guy at area contractions, liquid-column separation, condensation-
Deboo for the previous two editions. This third edition has been induced waterhammer, centrifugal pumps, pipe movements, posi-
updated by Stephen R. Gosselin who revised the discussions per- tive-displacement pumps, gas cushions, and vortex shedding.
taining to and operability criteria, which address evaluations for Frederick also addresses bulk-flow and propagative-flow modeling
operating plant systems, structures, or components (SSCs) found in pipes, the estimation of fluid-flow forces in pipes, and fluid
to be degraded, nonconforming, or subjected to unanalyzed con- forces, such as acceleration and standard drag forces, on sub-
ditions during nuclear plant operation. This revision discusses the merged structures.
methodologies and acceptance criteria applicable to these evalua- Chapter 37 has been revised for this edition by David E. Olson
tions. Gosselin introduces typical SSCs that may require operabil- who authored this chapter for the previous two editions. David E.
ity assessments and functionality evaluations and discuss methods Olson discusses pipe vibration testing and qualification. The discus-
and assessments, failure modes, functionality and operability, and sions center on how piping vibration is typically monitored, quanti-
as-built conditions divergent from design. He covers, with the aid fied and qualified in the power industry. The methods presented for
of figures, tables, and references, Code requirements as well as addressing piping vibration are in compliance with the relevant
short-term and long-term operability acceptance criteria for industry codes, standards and regulations, including the 2007 edi-
valves, pumps, snubbers, piping, reactor vessels, tanks, heat tions of the ASME B&PV Code, the B31.1 Power Piping Code and
exchangers and supports (including component standard and lin- relevant NRC NUREG’s and Regulatory Guides. The chapter
ear supports as well as spring hangers), structural bolts, concrete addresses the cause and effects of both steady state (e.g. flow
expansion anchors, and integral welded attachments. induced vibration) and dynamic transient (e.g. water hammer). The
The current practice involves a process of consensus among the development of testing acceptance criteria are discussed along with
regulator viewpoints; plant-specific Technical Specification (TS) data acquisition and reduction techniques. Also discussed are vibra-
requirements; and applicable Codes, Standards, rules, and other tion prevention and control techniques along with problem resolu-
licensing-basis compliance requirements. Guy discusses the role of tion examples. The methods presented in this chapter comply with
related agencies and committees, such as the U.S. NRC, the ASME the requirements of ASME O&M-3 “Vibration Testing of Piping
Code Committees, and the ASME O&M Code Committees. This Systems”.
chapter includes basic concepts, definitions, evaluation methods, In Chapter 38, Everett C. Rodabaugh discusses stress intensifi-
and acceptance criteria from these docu-ments. In this chapter, the cation factors, stress indices, and flexibility factors with the aid of
scope of SSCs is limited to mechanical systems and their compo- equations, references, and tables. Everett, a well-recognized author-
nents and supporting structures. Authors discuss the role of the ity on the aforementioned topics, notes that piping systems tend to
CFR-facility TSs as they relate to the topics of this chapter. Authors be rather complex structures that include straight pipe and a variety
provide examples of specified safety func-tions, operating condi- of complex components, such as elbows and tees. A typical piping
tions, and events to be considered for some SSCs and piping. The system might include about 50 components along with many inter-
discussions elucidate the often complex, and sometimes nonuni- vening lengths of straight pipe. Each component is subjected to a
form nature of operability concepts and criteria. complex set of loadings. The evaluation of any one component by
Chapter 36, authored by Frederick J. Moody, covers fluids. the detailed analysis methods prescribed in Subsection NB-3200 is
Frederick is a recognized authority in the field of fluids; he explains an onerous task. The complexity of analyses of piping components
briefly the force predictions from fluid phenomena and behavior, and the “standard” aspect of piping components has led to use of
which are significant in the formulations and criteria employed in stress intensification factors (also called i-factors), stress indices,
the ASME B&PV Code. He focuses on the nature of fluid forces and flexibility factors for evaluations of piping systems. In this
imposed on vessels and piping systems from the standpoint of chapter, the general concepts behind the development of i-factors,
designers, who require guidelines for both the design and opera- stress indices, and flexibility factors are discussed briefly, with ref-
tional recommendations of fluid-transport systems. Fluid forces are erences to details of developments.
the result of pressure and shear phenomena and are caused by the Everett discusses strain control and stress control as design
energy transfer at pumps or turbines or by disturbances arising from considerations. Chapter 38 is replete with scholastic discussions
sources such as valve operation, pipe rupture, vapor-void collapse, and references to substantiate the use of indices. The discussions
and the motion of the frame to which the system in question is are provided for the nominal design margin and tests to support
anchored. A fluid disturbance generally occurs over a pre-dictable these. Stress intensification factors are discussed for girth butt
time period, and the fluid may respond simultaneously (bulk-flow welds; C and K stress indices are discussed for internal-pressure
response) or in a propagation sense (waterhammer response), loading, elbows, and butt-welding tees; moment loading; and
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thermal-gradient loadings (including branch connections). Fatigue In Chapter 40, William J. Koves addresses the design of bolted-
evaluations, ASME Class 2 or 3 piping, and Class 1 Codes for flange joints and connections, perhaps one of the crucial safety
straight pipe, elbows, and seismic analysis are also addressed. aspects of the power and petrochemical industries because entire
Everett provides examples to cover piping systems; moments; piping systems and components are ultimately held together by
Code equations; girth butt welds; elbows; branch connections for connections and welded joints. Addressed in this chapter are
Class 2 or 3 piping with branches; best estimates for Class 1 pip- flanged joints, which are essential and complex components in
ing; and ASME B31.1 and B31.3 Codes. These examples illus- nearly all pressurized systems. Many factors determine the suc-
trate how i-factors and stress indices are used to check Code com- cessful design and operation of a flange joint in service. William
pliance and, for a branch connection, to illustrate the quantitative notes that the bolted-flange joint involves the interaction between
significance of flexibility factors. the bolting, flange, and gasket, with important nonlinear variables
In Chapter 39, William J. O’Donnell, whose consulting ser- such as friction and gasket properties considered. The Code design
vices have covered all aspects of fatigue evaluations, covers Code rules provide a method for sizing the flange and bolts to be struc-
design and evaluation for cyclic loading in Sections III and VIII. turally adequate for the specified design conditions; however, these
The author notes that fatigue “is recognized as one of the most rules do not address assembly or special requirements, nor do they
frequent causes of failure in pressure vessels and piping compo- guarantee a leak-tight joint for all transient-operating conditions.
nents ... for fatigue strength is sensitive to design details, such as The purpose of Chapter 40 is to provide the background and
stress raisers, and to a myriad of material and fabrication factors, basis for the bolted-flange joint design rules contained in the
including welding imperfections. Fatigue is also sensitive to such ASME Codes in addition to a discussion of how the rules are
unforeseen operating conditions as flow-induced vibrations, high- applied. Considering this topic’s interaction with several ASME
cycle thermal mixing, thermal striations, and environmental Code Sections and Piping and related Codes, William, who has
effects. What is somewhat surprising is the number of fatigue fail- several years of experience serving in ASME Code Committees,
ures that are directly related to poorly chosen design and fabrica- translates his professional and Code experience in the writing of
tion details.” The ASME B&PV Code was one of the first Codes this chapter by providing cross-references to the various Codes
and Standards to treat the design for fatigue explicitly. and Standards. He discusses Codes that address flange-joint
Dr. O’Donnell covers the historical background of fatigue fail- design, including design requirements and applicability, and he
ures. He notes that Section III was the first to include fatigue in its discusses flange standards as well as flange design for pressure
1963 Edition; Section VIII, Division 2 (Alternate Rules for vessels and piping. He provides an in-depth discussion of flange-
Pressure Vessels). Section VIII, Division 1 (Rules for Construction stress design methods, including the ASME design methodology;
of Pressure Vessels) still does not include explicit fatigue design the historical background and technical basis; the scope and
life-evaluation methods. Fatigue in pressure vessels and piping is design philosophy; and the flange types. He comments on flange
of considerable importance. They frequently operate in the low- designs not addressed by ASME: design for external loads, leak-
cycle regime where local stresses are far in excess of yield. This tightness-based design, and flange joint assembly, including
chapter covers the use of strain-controlled fatigue data; stress- ASME Appendix S, bolting and gasket considerations.
strain concentration effects; the effects of mean stress; fatigue fail-
ure data; the procedure for fatigue evaluation; cumulative damage;
exemption from fatigue analyses; experimental verification of VOLUME 3
design fatigue curves; and fatigue data for pressure vessel alloys.
More than half of this updated Chapter is devoted to Current Chapter 41, authored by Hardayal Mehta, presents a review of
and Future Code fatigue design evaluation developments. High the applications of many and sometimes unique ways in which the
temperature water environmental effects are shown to be very provisions of Section III and Section XI of the ASME Boiler &
important, and the available data is presented in numerous plots. Pressure Vessel Code have been used in addressing the service
New fatigue design curves proposed by the ASME Code Subgroup induced degradation in the BWR vessels, internals and pressure
on Fatigue are included. Environmental fatigue is expected to be a boundary piping. The vessel internals addressed included steam
major Code issue for decades. dryer, shroud and jet pumps. The vessel components considered
Fig. 39.18 presents a new fatigue design curve for austenitic were feedwater nozzle, stub tube welds, attachment and shroud
stainless steels in air, revised from the 2006 Second Edition of the support welds. Review of pressure boundary piping flaw evalua-
Companion Guide to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. tion methods also included consideration of weld overlay repairs.
Figure 39.40 is the corresponding fatigue design curves for The service related degradation mechanisms considered were
austenitic stainless steels in reactor water, also revised from the environmental fatigue crack initiation and growth, and stress cor-
Second Edition of the Companion Guide. rosion cracking. The most form of service-induced cracking in the
The environmental fatigue design curves in the Second Edition stainless steel and Ni-Cr-Fe components in the BWR pressure
of the Companion Guide are independent of temperature. The tem- boundary is typically due to intergranular stress corrosion crack-
perature dependence of reactor water environmental effects on ing (IGSCC).
fatigue degradation have recently been determined to be quite sig- Dr. Mehta has included extensive bibliographical references
nificant for carbon, low alloy and stainless steels. Their effects from his own publications, research journals, related EPRI,
decrease with decreasing temperature below 350ºC (662ºF). ASME, and other international publications. Accompanying
Methods of taking credit for such temperature effects have been tables, several figures and examples are used for supporting the
developed and are included in this new Third Edition of the detailed discussions regarding several topics he touched upon
Guidelines. Section 39.15 describes these new temperature correc- including BWR Internals, Pressure Vessel, Reactor Pressure
tions and Figs. 39.41 and 39.42 show their comparison with data Boundary Piping and Crack Initiation & Growth relationships and
for austenitic stainless steels and A333-Gr. 6 carbon steels, respec- Plant Monitoring. In the discussions of BWR Internals the inspec-
tively. The Chapter includes a comprehensive bibliography. tion, evaluation and repair methods are covered. Dr. Mehta has
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lxvi • Introduction

included in his discussions about BWR Pressure Vessel topics of the guidance documents singularly and in combination—to
such as the application of probabilistic fracture mechanics for facilitate the renewal process from application development to
inspection exemption, and low upper shelf energy evaluations. NRC staff review including its audits and inspections of on-site
Discussing about Reactor Pressure Boundary Piping, Dr. Mehta supporting technical documentation. This chapter also provides a
expounds the causes of cracking, and remedial/mitigation/repair brief description of the NEI’s environmental review process for
measures. Fatigue initiation, Relationships for Fatigue and Stress license renewal.
Corrosion Cracking and Crack Growth Monitoring are covered in Chapter 43, authored by Timothy J. Griesbach, covers PWR
the last part of this chapter. The updated chapter includes consider- Reactor Vessel Integrity and the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
ation of developments pertaining to the 2007 ASME Code, the Code. The authors’s objective is to provide an overview of the
NRC actions and EPRI reports. codes and regulations for prevention of brittle fracture of reactor
Chapter 42, initially authored by Drs. Kenneth Chang and Pao- pressure vessels. The background and bases for the original
Tsin Kuo for the second edition is currently updated by Robert Section III, Appendix G Code requirements are discussed along
Kaiwaha Hsu. This provides a detailed description of the NRC’s with a description of the recent improvements that have been
license renewal process and its guidance documents developed for implemented in the Code in Section XI, Appendix G using more
ensuring a uniform format and technical content of a license up-to-date technology. The changes and improvements are detailed
renewal application and a consistent review of the application by such as the method for determining stress intensity factors, struc-
the NRC staff. The authors also provide a clear synopsis of the tural factors to account for uncertainties in the analytical methods,
NRC’s technical requirements for license renewal of current oper- and material reference toughness curves. While the Code has
ating licenses. In addition, this chapter provides a summary of the incorporated these technical changes, the philosophy of protecting
emerging issues at the present time and the NRC’s interim staff the vessel against brittle fracture has remained the same. The chap-
guidance process to capture early any lessons learned from oper- ter also discusses ongoing efforts to incorporate the Master Curve
ating experience and/or past license renewal application reviews. approach for vessel toughness into the ASME Code, it considers
Authors address the License Renewal and Aging Management. areas for future improvements in the Code method for brittle frac-
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) license renewal ture prevention of PWR reactor vessels, and it summarizes the
process establishes the technical and administrative requirements aging management of PWR reactor vessel internals.
for renewal of operating nuclear power plant licenses. Reactor Jeffrey Gorman, Steve Hunt, Pete Riccardella authored Chapter
operating licenses were originally issued for 40 years and are 44 for the previous edition that has been updated by Pete
allowed to be renewed for up to an additional 20 years. The Riccardella and Glenn White for this edition. They have consider-
review process for license renewal applications (LRAs) provides able expertise and experience in handling PWR Reactor Vessel
continued assurance that the level of safety provided by an appli- Alloy 600 and related issues confronted by the industry.
cant’s current licensing basis is maintained for the period of Considering the extreme importance of this topic the authors have
extended operation. The license renewal review focuses on pas- covered concerns pertinent to several ramifications of the problem.
sive, long-lived structures and components of the plant that are Primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC) of Alloy 600
subject to the effects of aging. The applicant must demonstrate nickel-chromium-iron base metal and related Alloy 82/132/182
that programs are in place to manage those aging effects. The weld metal has become an increasing concern to commercial pres-
review also verifies that analyses that are based on the current surized water nuclear power plants. Cracks and leaks have been
operating term have been evaluated and shown to be valid for the discovered in Alloy 600/82/182 materials at a number of locations
period of extended operation. As of July 1, 2005, the NRC has in PWR reactor vessels and other reactor coolant loop components
renewed the licenses for 33 reactors licenses. Applications to worldwide. These locations include control rod drive mechanism
renew the licenses of 15 additional reactors are under review. If (CRDM) nozzles, bottom head instrument nozzles, reactor vessel
the applications currently under review are approved, approxi- nozzle butt welds, and pressurizer nozzle welds. The consequences
mately 50 percent of the licensed operating reactors will have of PWSCC have been significant including numerous leaks, many
extended their life span by up to 20 years. As license renewal is cracked nozzles and welds, expensive inspections, more than 60
voluntary, the decision to seek license renewal and the timing of reactor vessel heads replaced, and extensive repair and mitigation
the application is made by the licensee. However, the NRC activities on reactor coolant loop butt welds. A number of plants
expects that, over time, essentially all U.S. operating reactors will experienced months-long outage extensions to repair leaks, and
request license renewal. one plant was down for over two years as a result of regulatory
Authors recognize the growing interest in License Renewal and action following the detection of extensive corrosion to the vessel
mention that to meet this demand, the NRC has established a head resulting from a leaking CRDM nozzle. This chapter address-
streamlined process for reviewing applications in a consistent and es Alloy 600/82/182 material locations in reactor vessels, operat-
timely manner. Likewise, the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) has ing experience, causes of PWSCC, inspection methods and find-
developed guidance for the industry on how to prepare an applica- ings, safety considerations, degradation predictions, repair
tion for renewal. This chapter describes a number of license methods, remedial measures, and strategic planning to address
renewal guidance documents that have been developed to describe PWSCC at the lowest possible net present value cost. Recent
interrelated aspects of preparing and reviewing license renewal industry and ASME Code activities to address these concerns are
applications: Standard Review Plan for License Renewal (SRP- also discussed.
LR), Generic Aging Lessons Learned (GALL) Report, Regulatory Chapter 45, authored by Sidney A. Bernsen, Fredric A. Simonen,
Guide for License Renewal (RG-LR) which endorses NEI’s Kenneth R. Balkey, Raymond A. West and Ralph S. Hill III, traces
industry guideline for implementing the requirements of 10 CFR the development of nuclear power plant probabilistic risk assess-
Part 54—The License Renewal Rule (NEI 95-10). The objective ment (PRA) from its initial evolution as a means for evaluation of
of the chapter is to provide back-ground information on the devel- public safety through the recognition of its use to identify important
opment of these documents and to briefly explain the intended use safety concerns. This chapter ultimately addresses the PRA’s use in
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Codes and Standards through the 2007 Edition of the Boiler and Having accumulated considerable experience in the implemen-
Pressure Vessel (BPV) Code and its associated Nuclear Code Cases tation of the directive since its application in November 1999, the
in helping to determine risk importance and the appropriate alloca- authors have provided details of how to design and build pressure
tion of resources, and inservice activities under Section XI of the equipment to meet the European requirements and thus permit its
BPV Code. CE marking and its free movement throughout Europe. After
It discusses the current status of related Codes and Standards that describing the system used to categorize pressure equipment and
provide rules and guidance for the development of the PRA and the the conformity assessment requirements that are linked to them the
risk analysis needed to support nuclear power plant applications. authors go on to explain the routes that can be followed to meet the
The chapter also addresses several specific activities in place or directive including an explanation of “harmonized stan-dards” and
underway to risk-inform the Operation and Maintenance (OM) “Notified Bodies”. Each of the essential safety requirements relat-
Code requirements for inservice testing and Code design rules ing to design, manufacture and testing is dis-cussed and guidance
being developed under Section III of the BPV Code. The authors provided to assist manufacturers to comply, thus providing the
were all active participants in the development and implementation potential exporter to Europe with a wealth of valuable information.
of risk-informed methods for ASME Codes and Standards. A special attention has been given in this revision to material
Chapter 46, authored by Hardayal Mehta and Sampath aspects and to the use of ASME Codes with PED. The areas of
Ranganath, recognized authorities on the Elastic-Plastic Fracture compliance of the new Section VIII Division 2 with PED are also
Mechanics (EPFM), are providing in this chapter a review of highlighted. The authors close with a brief look into a crystal ball
EPFM applications in ASME Section XI Code. The early ASME and consider the possibility of these “performance based” require-
Section XI flaw evaluation procedures have been typically based ments becoming the basis of global trade.
on LEFM. Early progress in the development of EPFM methodol- Chapter 48, authored by Wolf Reinhardt, Nick van den Brekel
ogy is first reviewed. A key element in the application of EPFM and Douglas Rodgers, introduces the Canadian pressure vessel
to flaw evaluation is the estimation of the fracture parameter J- standards and explains their relationship to the ASME Code.
Integral. Therefore, the applied J-Integral estimation methods Distinct features of the Canadian approach to standard develop-
developed by EPRI/GE are first reviewed. Basics of the J-T stabil- ment are discussed. The chapter provides the reader with an out-
ity evaluation are then discussed. The first application of EPFM line of the Canadian standards and an appreciation of some of their
methodology to flaw evaluation of austenitic piping welds is dis- important characteristics. Generally, the Canadian pressure vessel
cussed. The extension of EPFM techniques to flaw evaluations in standards adopt the applicable ASME Code sections as the base
ferritic piping is then covered. Technical background and evolu- documents, and then supplement these rules for specific applica-
tion of Section XI Code Cases (N-463, N-494) and non-mandatory tions as needed. Beyond the ASME Code, the Canadian non-
Appendices (C and H) related to pipe flaw evaluation is then nuclear pressure vessels and piping standard addresses mostly reg-
provided. Another EPFM based pipe flaw evaluation procedure istration and classification of components, and the require-ments
using the so-called DPFAD approach is also covered. for specialized systems such as liquefied natural and petroleum gas
Drs. Mehta and Ranganath then describe the application of systems. The Canadian nuclear construction and in-service inspec-
EPFM methods to the flaw evaluations of reactor pressure vessel. tion standards are based on the corresponding Sections of the
An early application has been the evaluation of RPVs with pro- ASME Code, but many unique features of the Canadian CANDU
jected upper shelf energy less than that required by 10CFR50. The (heavy-water) reactor design and licensing basis necessitate addi-
technical background of Section XI Code Case N-512 and non- tional or modified requirements. In this edition authors added valu-
mandatory Appendix K is provided. Finally, a proposed Code Case able text and graphics to address the ‘Future CANDU
currently under consideration by appropriate Section XI Working Developments’ in the Advanced CANDU Reactor technology as
Groups, is discussed in detail that would permit the use of EPFM an evolution of the CANDU® 6 reactor with improvements to
methodology for RPV flaw evaluations per IWB-3610. The updat- deliver enhanced safety margins, lower capital and operating costs,
ed chapter considers the developments up to 2007 ASME Code as improved maintenance and high operating performance. They pro-
they relate to EPFM flaw evaluation methods discussed. vide a detailed discussion about the distinctive Canadian nuclear
The authors have included extensive bibliographical refer- seismic standards. A typical CANDU reactor design is illustrated
ences from their own publications, research publications, inter- to allow readers to appreci-ate the background of these rules.
national journals and related EPRI and ASME publications. Generation III and Generation IV CANDU designs are outlined. A
Chapter 47 has been updated with Anne Chaudouet as the lead brief outlook to expected future developments in Canadian stan-
for this revision with other authors Peter Hanmore and Guido dards in the international context concludes the chapter.
Karcher from the previous editions continuing to be co-authors for Chapter 49 was authored by Francis Osweiller, Alain Bonnefoy,
this edition, as well. The authors, Francis Osweiller, Peter Jean-Marie Grandemange, Gerard Perraudin and Bernard Pitrou in
Hanmore and Guido Karcher all have considerable experience of the second edition to address “French Codes Dealing with
the US pressure equipment market as well as that in Europe. They Pressure Equipment”. In the current edition authors have updated
have provided a background to the methodology and objectives of the Chapter to be consistent with the current ASME Codes in USA
the pressure equipment directive and CE marking in general before as well as the French Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes. In France
attempting to portray the detail. The directive is a document of two important organizations SNCT (Pressure Vessel and Piping
only 55 pages, yet it is applicable to all equipment that can oper- Manufacturer’s Association) and AFCEN (French Association for
ate at a pressure greater than 0.5 bar and is a mandatory require- Design, Construction and In-Service Inspection) are responsible
ment for all pressure equipment to be put into service in the for the implementation of pressure equipment Codes. SNCT devel-
European Union. In common with other European directives the ops Codes such as CODAP for Unfired Pressure Vessels, CODETI
pressure equipment directive specifies general safety objectives for Industrial Piping and COVAP for Steam Boilers and Super-
which the manufacturer must meet and this leaves considerable heated Water Boilers, with Thermal Fluid Boilers to be included in
scope for interpretation. 2005. AFCEN develops Codes for die nuclear sector namely
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lxviii • Introduction

RCCM and RCCMR. Chapter 49 deals with pressure equipment Serie NF E 32-100 which was withdrawn when the new European
covered by the above Codes that deal particularly with the case of regulation (Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23 EC) came in
a boiler falling within the scope of the PED in which case it shall force. Then main requirements relating to Materials, Design,
be considered as an “assembly” i.e. “several pieces of pressure Fabrication and Installation, Testing and Inspection as well as
equipment assembled by a Manufacturer to constitute an integrat- those for Water Quality are presented and significant differences
ed and functional whole”. In Chapter 49 Francis Osweiller assem- with ASME Section I and Section VIII provided where relevant.
bles contributions of four experts conversant with these Codes, RCCM addresses Inspection rules for Nuclear Island
explains the outlines of the organizations and development of these Components and safety related pressure equipment. As indicated
Codes. CODAP is covered by Gerrarand.Perraudin, Barnard.Pitrou in 49.3, the RCC-M was initially based on the ASME III design
covers CODETI, Alain. Bonnefoy discusses COVAP and RCCM rules and the French industrial experience. Procurement, manu-
is addressed by Jean-.Marie Grandemange. facturing, and examination practices have since evolved according
Originally published in 1943 and updated and republished eight to the evolution of European and international standards. Design
times, the CODAP has been fully revised in 2000 by the French rules applicable to class 1 and 2 components have been updated to
organization of Pressure Vessel and Piping Manufacturers in order comply with applicable regulations and in order to take account of
to comply with the new European regulation (Pressure Equipment service experience. Less specific work was dedicated to class 3
Directive 97/23 EC). The Code is composed of the following components, and it is anticipated that more and more reference
Sections: Generals, Materials, Design, Fabrication and Testing and will be done to applicable non-nuclear industrial standards, and
Inspection. The last Section, Testing and Inspection, covers also more particularly European harmonized standards, in the near
the task concerning Assessment of conformity to the PED when future, as agreed in particular for application to the Finland proj-
applicable. The different rules of the 2000 edition are related to the ect. For this reason, the discussions are more particularly dedicated
concept of Construction Category which appeared in the 1980 edi- to class 1 and 2 pressure components, with additional information
tion. This concept enables the construction quality of a vessel to be being provided for specific components, such as reactor pressure
adapted and consistent within its future working condition. In this vessel internals, supports and storage tanks. Additional comments
chapter CODAP scope is first detailed both for application in com- are given in 49.7.10 on construction rules applicable to fast
pliance with the PED and for application in accordance with other breeder reactor components and in-service surveillance of pres-
regulations. Main requirements relating to Materials, Design, surized water reactor equipment.
Fabrication, Testing and Inspection are presented and significant Chapter 49 provides the basic philosophy of the Codes and dis-
differences widi ASME VIII Division 1 or 2 are outlined. cusses with the help of several tables and graphics General rules,
CODETI that applies to Industrial Piping i.e., piping intended Materials, Design (including flexibility analysis), Fabrication and
for industrial plant and covers the same scope as ASME B31-1 and Installation rules, Testing and Inspection. The authors also discuss
B31.3. CODAP and CODETI are based on the concept of “con- their link with the Pressure Equipment Directive or other regula-
struction category”, which enables the construction quality of a tions in addition to a comparison with the relevant ASME Codes.
piping to be adapted and consistent with its future working con- The authors conclude with futuristic ideas and the chapter is
ditions. Originally published in 1974 and updated and republished replete with pertinent references.
four times (‘79, ‘82, ‘91, ‘95), CODETI has been entirely revised Chapter 50, authored by Kunio Hasegawa, Toshio Isomura,
in 2001 by SNCT (French Pressure Equipment Manufacturer’s Yoshinori Kajimura, the late Yasuhide Asada and the late Toshiki
Association) in order to comply with the new European regulation Karasawa, deals with recent developments of Japanese Codes and
(Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23 EC). Originally CODETI Standards for boiler and pressure vessels. This Chapter is revised
had two sections, the first covering low and medium pressures based on the Second Edition (2006).
(P 25 bar; T 350°C), the second covering high pressures. This Authors provide a brief review of historical background that
structure based on early European developments in the field of pip- includes a discussion of the Japan Industrial Standards (JIS) and
ing was replaced by the concept of Construction Category which endorsement of Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME)
enables the construction quality of a piping to be adapted and con- Boiler and Pressure Vessel (B&PV) codes. Authors describe the
sistent with its future working conditions. This concept has been current situation of B&PV Code, including the developments of
maintained for the 2001 edition. Division 1 applies to industrial codes and standards by private sectors such as JSME and its rela-
metallic piping (i.e. intended for an industrial plant) above ground, tion to regulation. As a sample of governmental regulation, they
ducted or buried. Division 2 and 3 will cover pipeline transporta- cover the situation of High Pressure Gas Safety Law (HPGSL)
tion and water transportation and steel penstock respectively. and Japan Industrial Standard JIS. The authors provide a summary
Scope of Division 1 is detailed both for application in compliance of HPGSL, Designated Equipment Inspection Regulation (DEIR)
with the PED and for application in accordance with other regula- and Detailed Technical Criteria. In addition, new fitness-for-service
tions. Main requirements relating to Materials, Design, Fabrication rules for pressure vessels published by High Pressure Institute
and Installation, Testing and Inspection are presented. Relevant (HPI) are explained briefly.
significant differences with ASME B31.1 and B31.3 are provided. As part of new trends and deregulation, codes and standards
COVAP applies to steam boilers, super-heated water boilers activities of the JSME are discussed covering code and standards
and thermal fluid boilers and covers the scope as ASME Section I. for thermal power, nuclear power and fusion power plant compo-
This code covers all the pressure equipment, which can be assem- nents including materials, design and construction, inspection,
bled by a manufacturer to constitute an integrated and functional welding, wall thinning managements, and fitness-for-service. The
whole. The rules of this Code have been established first in order Fundamental Policy and Organization of the Codes are addressed
to cover equipment, which shall meet the requirements of the with the help of several tables and figures. Furthermore, recent
PED, but also to be used where other regulations shall be applied. trends such as technical developments, upgrading of codes and
This Code published by the French organization of Pressure standards, modification of seismic design standards for nuclear
Vessel and Piping Manufacturers is based on the French Standard piping, and wall thinning pipes under seismic events are described.
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Chapter 51 has been authored by David H. Nash and deals with Presented in a chronological format, the information provided in
UK Rules for Unfired Pressure Vessels. The author provides a this chapter clearly shows how the current system was developed.
brief introduction to the UK scene tracing the background and ori- Chapter 53, initially authored by Mahendra D. Rana, Stanley
gins of the current Code PD5500 published in 2006 with 2008 Staniszewski and Stephen V. Voorhees provide a Description of
updates and its relationship to the European Standard EN 13445 Rules of ASME Section XII covering Transport Tank Code of the
for Unfired Pressure Vessels and the Pressure Equipment Directive 2004 edition. This chapter was revised by Mahendra D. Rana and
(PED) addressed in Chapter 47 of this publication. Dr. Nash points Stanley Staniszewski to incorporate the latest Code changes in the
out several issues of PED that have a bear-ing on PD5500. The 2007 edition. The first edition of ASME Section XII Transport
author thereafter discusses in detail each of the salient design Tank Code was published in July 2004. This newly developed
items contained within PD5500. The role of materi-als and design Code provides rules for construction and continued service of
strength for low and high temperature application is included and pressure vessels used in transportation of dangerous goods via
with the aid of several graphics he discusses the design aspects for highway, rail, air or water. The authors provide an overview of
shells under internal and external pressure, and buckling related Section XII while covering specific topics such as the scope and
issues. In addition, other vessel component items such as nozzle general requirements, materials and design, fabrication, inspec-
reinforcements, bolted flanged joints, flat plates and covers, jacketed tion and testing requirements. The need for a pressure vessel code
vessels are also presented. The author also addresses briefly rules dealing with the whole spectrum of tanks to transport dangerous
for welded joints and inspection and testing. The procedures for goods was a result of the review of USDOT (U.S. Department of
design of vessel supports, attachments and other local loading Transportation) regulations. The regulations had become cumber-
problems are covered and the author discusses the ramifications of some to use, and in a global market without compromising safety
these approach especially where failure by fatigue is a possibility. the need to make the rules for transport tanks acceptable interna-
The UK approach for fatigue design is also included and compar- tionally became urgent. Hence the inaugural edition of ASME’s
isons with the 2007 edition of the ASME codes are made. Design Section XII focus was Portable Tanks. The subcommittee pre-
by Analysis is mentioned by the author again cross referencing to pared the Code to be transparent with existing ASME Code
the efforts of ASME Codes. Finally a brief overview of the new requirements such as Section VIII, Div.1, while including the
European code EN13445 is given, this in the light of the PED; existing DOT requirements that impacted the scope of the charter
Dr. Nash, with the help graphs and tables discusses the various to prepare the Section XII Code.
parts and Sections that comprise this Code. Dr. Nash provides This chapter had been coordinated by Mahendra Rana with the
exhaustive list of references cited in this chapter. help of experts covering topics in their respective fields. Stan
Chapter 52, authored by Ronald S. Hafner, covers the historical Staniszewski dealt with the scope and general requirements of the
Development of U.S. Regulations for the Transportation of Code including rules on pressure relief devices, stamping, mark-
Radioactive Materials. The discussion in this Chapter is a highly ing certification, reports and records. The scope of the new Code
condensed version of the information presented previously in applies to pressure vessels 450L and above, including additional
Chapter 52 of the Second Edition of the Companion Guide to the components and criteria addressed in Modal Appendices that are
ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code. This Chapter offers a high- to be used along with applicable regulations and laws. Steve
level overview of the information presented previously, including Voorhees initially handled the sections on fabrication, inspection
all of the appropriate references. Primarily based on the require- and testing requirements of Code Section XII. These sections
ments for Type B quantities of radioactive material, the informa- have been further revised by Mahendra Rana to incorporate the
tion present-ed in this chapter includes a number of citations that 2007 Code changes. From the perspective of fabrication and
describe the detailed interactions that have taken place between a inspection, Section XII is a mixture of familiar and new concepts
variety of U.S. governmental agencies, commissions, and depart- to the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Mahendra Rana covered
ments, such as, the Department of Transportation and its prede- the sections on materials and design rules. The coverage included
cessor, the Interstate Commerce Commission, the Department of Design Conditions and Allowable Stresses, Design Temperatures,
Energy and its predecessors, the Energy Resource and Design and Allowable Working Pressures, Loadings, Design of
Development Agency and the Atomic Energy Commission, and Formed Heads, Torispherical Heads, External Pressure Design,
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, etc. The information pre- Flat Heads and Covers, Openings and Reinforcements, Design of
sented also includes numer-ous citations from the interactions that Welded Joints, and Articles covering Portable Cryogenic Tanks
have also taken place between these governmental agencies and including Materials and Design. The rules for fatigue design are
the International Atomic Energy Agency. also given in the article covering Portable Cryogenic Tanks.
From a regulatory perspective, the information presented cov- Chapter 54 on Pipeline Integrity and Security Pipelines had ini-
ers the time period from 1965 through 2004, or about 40 years. tially been authored by Alan Murray for the second edition, and
Starting in 1978, however, the information also begins to look coauthored by Alan Murray and Rafael Mora in this current third
into the interactions that have taken place between the regulatory edition. The authors note that pipelines are an economic and com-
requirements for transportation packages specified in 10 CFR 71 paratively safe means of transporting hydrocarbons and many
and the regulatory guidance for transportation packages provided other fluids over great distances. Incidents, while relatively rare,
by the NRC in the form of Reg. Guides, NUREGs, and can have serious consequences, so protecting the public, and the
NUREG/CRs. As is shown throughout the chapter, the regulatory environment, is paramount. This is achieved through a combina-
guidance provided by the NRC specifically notes that the regula- tion of regulatory oversight, prudent pipeline integrity management
tory requirements of 10 CFR 71 can be met using the additional and the use of appropriate technology. Regulatory requirements
requirements defined in specific sections of the ASME’s Boiler & vary greatly throughout the world and are reflective of an underly-
Vessel Pressure Code as a metric for the design, fabrication, ing safety philosophy, ranging from the prescriptive approach
assembly, testing, use, and maintenance of packagings used for adopted in the United States to the performance-based methods
the transport of Type B quantities of radioactive materials. favored in the United Kingdom. These various approaches are
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lxx • Introduction

compared before addressing how they, and accompanying codes critical assessment of their strengths and weaknesses. For this pur-
and standards, are used to formulate the essential elements needed pose, spent fuel management technologies are divided into (1)
in a sound integrity management plan. The finite resources avail- reprocessing, which consists of reclaiming the fissionable portion
able for maintaining a pipeline means that, a risk-based approach of the spent fuel for reuse as an energy source and (2) passive stor-
must be followed, so as to prudently allocate expenditures. age in either deep pools or in an inert gas environment.
Accordingly both qualitative and quantitative methods of assigning The essential characteristics of the reprocessing technology,
risk are described. The four main methods of undertaking integrity namely, the PUREX process, are described in the context of its
assessments are outlined and a detailed approach to assessing historical origins and its dependence on chemical separation tech-
defects is provided including several worked examples. niques since the very beginning in the 1940s. The authors explain
A number of relatively simple means of protecting a pipeline how the continuance of reprocessing in Europe and its abandon-
asset are available, ranging from coatings and cathodic protection ment in the U.S. because of proliferation concerns over thirty
to preventing third-party damage. These are described, before years ago led to profound differences in fuel management paths
addressing a relatively new threat stemming from willful targeting taken by the U.S. and oversea nuclear operators.
a pipeline operation either through physical or cyber attack. Williams and Singh provide a concise description of the wet
Chapter 55, authored by Anibal L. Taboas for the second edition storage technology that advanced in the U.S. in the wake of the
has been completely revised for the current third edition. In this ban on reprocessing in the U.S, but has remained a largely
edition, author presents an editorial view of Decommissioning untapped option in those countries that rely on reprocessing
Technology Development within a context that energy, environ- and/or dry storage. The evolution of dry storage technologies in
ment, education, and economy are inextricably linked. The author the U.S. (ventilated systems) and overseas (metal casks) is also
highlights related approaches by the US Department of Energy discussed with respect to their technical attributes, safety, reliabil-
and the UK Nuclear Decommissioning Authority. The causes and ity, and maintainability. In particular, the role of the ASME Codes
contributing factors to significantly increased cost estimates are in providing a sound platform for the mechanical design and
discussed, as well as the cost of delay (missed regulatory oppor- stress analysis of the systems, components, and structures used in
tunities, reluctance to cut back non-productive expenditures, a wet and dry storage technologies is explained.
bias against innovation, and lack of incentives for transition to The special demands on the used fuel transport packages
other significant missions after the completion of environmental imposed by the regulations of the USNRC and the guidelines of
remediation). IAEA to ensure safety in fuel transportation are explained along
A compendium of technology challenges and needs is presented, with the latest developments in the field. Finally, the authors also
along with an overall program performance rating. The author provide a succinct summary of the methodology to analyze the
observes that (1) funding for basic, long, and medium term com- effect of a postulated aircraft crash on a storage or transport cask
ponents, has dwindled as to support primarily paper [or desk] to deal with what is an unmistakably unique design consideration
studies, (2) fiduciary responsibility requires demonstrating in the twenty-first century. (The authors wish to recognize the
whether the resources consumed by industry and government in valuable contribution of Dr. David McGinnes in the preparation
the safe and compliant environmental remediation of radiological of Chapter 56.)
and nuclear facilities remains commensurate with the risks avert- In Chapter 57 Generation III+ PWRS has been addressed in
ed, and that (3) reverting the funding trend in D&D technology three distinct parts: in Part A: AP1000 by John T. Land, in Part B:
development requires integrated planning, strategic action, and EPR by Marty Parece and in Part C: U.S. APWR by Masahiko
effective communication. Kaneda. From the commissioning of the first commercial nuclear
The chapter concludes with a call for a plan to (1) develop the reactor more than 50 years ago, the nuclear power industry has
business case for investment; (2) invest in high visibility projects been developing and improving reactor technology with particular
of demonstrably high return for investment; (3) meet customer- emphasis on reliability and safety. There are several generations
identified expectations; (4) track leading indicators and contractu- of reactors that have been developed or are being developed.
al incentives; (5) resolve key policy issues; and (6) transparent These reactors are generally categorized as Generation I, II, III,
independent peer review. III+, and IV reactors. The authors illustrate with the help of
Drs. K.P. (Kris) Singh and Tony Williams collaborate in schematics the development and the technology distilled from 50
Chapter 56 to present a comprehensive assay of the backend of years of successful nuclear operating experience that has led to
the commercial nuclear power cycle. The management of the the Generation III+ pressurized water reactors (PWRs).
spent nuclear fuel removed from the reactor after a period of Generation I reactors were developed in the 1950s and 1960s,
power generation in the reactor core by nuclear fission has been Generation II reactors were developed in the 1970s through the
described as the Achilles heel of the commercial nuclear industry 1990s, and Generation III reactors were developed in the 1990s and
and the source of much of the disparate political opposition to its 2000s. Generation III reactors are considered to be evolutionary
use, despite its evidently sterling credentials as a non-polluting reactors such as the System 80+, and advanced pressurized water
and commercially viable alternative to fossil power. reactor (APWR). Generation III+ reactors are based on the nomen-
The perceived undesirability of the spent nuclear fuel derives clature from the Department of Energy, that is, Generation III reac-
from the transmutation of uranium into an array of isotopes (known tors with improved economics and safety. Generation IV reactors
as actinides and fission products) that produce copious quantities of are new technologies that are being developed for future reactors.
radiation for thousands of years after the fuel has been removed The Generation III+ PWR reactors discussed in this chapter
from the reactor. Although the rate of dose accretion gradually have design features with more robust design improvements,
attenuates with the passage of time, a spent nuclear fuel assembly higher availability and longer operating life, extended fuel life,
remains a highly radioactive material for millennia. The technolo- and improved and innovative safety features over the currently
gies developed to manage this unavoidable byproduct of commer- operating reactors. The Generation III+ Boiling Water Reactors
cial nuclear power generation are discussed in this chapter with a (BWRs) are discussed in Chapter 58.
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The scope of this commentary is to describe in some detail the Materials with more creep and corrosion resistance are needed
Generation III+ PWR plant design features, technology, safety for these higher operating temperatures. Material models are
and reliability features, and the elimination or mitigation of degra- required for cyclic design analyses. Allowable strains, creep
dation issues associated with Generation I, and II PWR designs. fatigue and creep rupture interaction evaluation methods are need-
This chapter provides commentary on the following Generation ed to provide assurance of structural integrity for very high tem-
III+ PWRs that have received Design Certification approval or are perature applications. These criteria intended to prevent through-
in the process of receiving certification approval from the U.S. wall cracking and leaking.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC): AP1000, EPR and U.S. The detailed material properties needed for cyclic finite ele-
APWR. Authors have with the help of illustrations, graphs, charts ment creep design analyses are generally not provided in the
and figures provided in addition to the historical background and Code. Chapter 59 describes the material models, design criteria
futuristic scope covered the current practices covering each of the and analysis methods which NRC has indicated are remaining
three topics of the Generation III+ PWRs. needs in the ASME Code to cover Regulatory Issues for Very
The coverage for each of these three parts are: In Section 57A High Temperature Service:
the coverage of AP1000 included AP1000 Plant Design, AP1000
Operational Technology, Safety Features, Containment Design, 1. Material cyclic creep behavior, creep-rupture, creep-fatigue
Modularization and Construction, Operation and Maintenance, interaction and environmental effects.
ASME Code Aspects, Future Direction, References and 2. The structural integrity of welds.
Nomenclature; In Section 57B discussions regarding EPR covered 3. The development of extended simplified analysis methods (to
EPR Development, EPR Plant Design, EPR Safety, Containment avoid dependence on “black box” finite element analyses
Design, Construction, Operation and Maintenance, Code Aspects, (FEA) for cyclic creep).
Building Now and References were addressed; In Section 57C 4. Test verification of 1, 2 and 3.
coverage of U.S. APWR included U.S. APWR Plant Design,
Operational Technology, Safety Features, Containment Design, Chapter 60 authored by Reino Virolainen and Kaisa Simola cover
Modularization and Construction, operation and Maintenance, Risk-Informed Licensing, Regulation and Safety Management of
ASME Code Aspects, Future Direction on the U.S. APWR, NPPS in Finland. The authors discuss the four operating nuclear
References and Nomenclature. power plant units in Finland. The TVO power company has two 840
Chapter 58 authored by Hardayal Mehta and Daniel Pappone, MWe BWR units supplied by Asea-Atom at the Olkiluoto site. The
provides details of the development of boiling water reactor FORTUM corporation (formerly IVO) has two 500 MWe VVER
(BWR) based nuclear steam supply system (NSSS) and the role 440/213 units at the Loviisa site. All the units were commissioned
of ASME Code in its design, material selection, fabrication and between 1977 and 1982. In addition a 1600 MWe European
in-service inspections. A general background of the development Pressurized Water Reactor (EPR) supplied by the Framatome
of the BWR product line is first provided including the current ANP—Siemens Consortium is under construction at the Olkiluoto
offerings (the Advanced Boiler Water Reactor, ABWR, and the site. Current international safety requirements and especially French
Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor, ESBWR). This and German operating experience have been used in the design.
includes the description of the reactor and reactor system design, Finnish requirements and operating experience have also been used,
safety system design and the containment design. The authors especially regarding site-specific features. Severe accident manage-
next describe the key features of the ESBWR including the natur- ment and protection against collision of a large passenger airplane
al circulation design, operating domain and passive safety fea- are implemented in the plant design.
tures. The ESBWR core and containment cooling systems repre- In Finland, risk-informed applications are formally integrated
sent a radical departure from those of the earlier BWR product in the regulatory process of NPPs that are already in the early
lines in that the cooling systems are passive and do not rely on design phase, run through the construction and operation phases
electrically driven pumps. The ASME Code aspects covered through the entire plant service-time-living PRA models have
include the ASME Code versions used in the construction, treat- been developed for both the Olkiluoto 1/2 and Loviisa 1/2 NPPs.
ment of environmental fatigue issues, material selection, and oth- The PRA studies include level 1 and level 2 models. Level 1 com-
ers. Future directions in terms of fabrications, modularization, and prises the calculation of severe core damage frequency (probabili-
others are lastly discussed. ty per year) and level 2 the determination of the size and frequen-
Chapter 59, authored by William J. O’Donnell and Donald S. cy of the release of radioactive substances to the environment. At
Griffin, describes the structural integrity issues in Section II, VIII, the moment, level 1 studies for full power operation cover internal
III, and Subsection NH (Class 1 Components in Elevated events, area events (fires, floods), and external events such as
Temperature Service), and Code Cases that must be covered to harsh weather conditions, and seismic events. The shutdown and
support the licensing of High Temperature Generation IV low power states of level 1 PRA cover internal events, floods,
Reactors. It also describes how the Code addresses these issues, fires, harsh weather conditions and seismic events. Special atten-
and the need for additional criteria to cover unresolved structural tion is devoted to the use of various risk informed PRA applica-
issues for very high temperature reactors. tions in the licensing of Olkiluoto 3 project, such as RI-ISI, RI-
Since the 1980s, the ASME Code has made numerous improve- TechSpecs, RI-IST and safety classification of SSCs. In this
ments in elevated temperature structural integrity design criteria. context this chapter makes several references to the ASME stan-
These advances have been incorporated into Subsection NH of dards on RI-ISI and the European Network for Inspection and
Section III of the Code. The current need for designs for very Qualification, ENIQ and its RI-ISI related activities. The chapter
high temperature and for GEN IV systems requires the extension is has several tables and schematics in addition to references and
of operating temperature from about 1400ºF (760ºC) to about acronyms to explain the terminology used in this chapter.
1742ºF (950ºF) where creep effects limit structural integrity, safe The scope of the coverage includes Risk- Informed Regulatory
allowable operating conditions, and design life. Frame with discussions about PRA in Nuclear Safety Legislation
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lxxii • Introduction

and Risk Informed Regulation Policy sequences. The authors also beverage industry), high temperature process industry (glass,
dwell on PRA IN THE REGULATORY PROCESS and address paper, and board), energy production utilities, heating, air-condi-
Development of PRA Requirements for Nuclear Power Plants, tioning, and gas storage and transportation.
and PRA in the Licensing Process of New Designs with tables to Dieter Kreckel also discusses exclusions from the scope of the
support their presentation. Risk-Informed Applications for a PED such as Article 1 that has Items specifically designed for
Construction License, for Operating License, Risk- Informed nuclear use, failure of which may cause an emission of radioac-
Applications during operation control and Review Process of tivity. For Nuclear Power Plant Licensing in Europe the applica-
PRA also discussed with the help of schematics, examples and tion limits of the PED and the Nuclear Codes have to be agreed
experiences of Olkiluoto 3 NPP Risk Informed Licensing along with the National Nuclear Licensing Authorities, there is no har-
with EPR safety features. The authors dwell on the European ori- monization process agreed in the European Union. The German
entation to risk and cover European network for inspection and Nuclear Power Plants in operation are licensed by the German
qualification, ENIQ task group risk, ENIQ documents supporting Codes and Standards for Pressure Vessels effective from the con-
the RI-ISI framework document, and ENIQ recommended prac- struction time as defined in the operation license. These identify
tices. As a part of the extension of risk-informed activities authors the potentials for the application of the Codes and Standard, as
dwell on analysis of oil spills, and probabilistic fire simulation, the state of the art. The effort spent in Germany for the develop-
risk-informed regulatory inspections. The authors close the chap- ment of the new Generation 3 of NPP, for example, the European
ter with summary and conclusions. Pressurized Water Reactor (EPR) or the SWR1000 with respect to
Chapter 61, authored by Dr. Luc H. Geraets, introduces Belgium the code and standard evolvement is introduced in the AREVA
as an important actor in the applications of nuclear energy. The NP engineering process.
author provides a short historical summary of the development of Carlos Cueto-Felgueroso discusses, in Chapter 63, pressure
nuclear power in Belgium. He explains the choice made by equipment regulations, codes, and standards in Spain, in the nonnu-
Belgium to follow the USNRC rules for the construction of its clear industry as well as in the nuclear field. In both cases, empha-
nuclear units, and details how the design and safety analysis of sis is placed on periodic inspections and testing. The basic Spanish
these units have been done by applying the US rules and all the regulation on pressurized equipment in the nonnuclear industry
associated documentation (regulatory guides, standard review may be found in the Regulation on Pressurized Apparatus, pub-
plans, ASME Code, IEEE standards, ANSI, ANS, etc.). The practi- lished by the Ministry of Industry and Energy in 1979. The regula-
cal transposition of the ASME Code to the Belgian environment is tion consists of a set of general standards and leaves the specifics to
then presented; in particular, the use of Section XI for repairs and a set of Complementary Technical Instructions. After Spain joined
replacements is analyzed in full detail. the European Community in 1986, a process of modification of the
This system has proven its workability and efficiency. However, Pressure Equipment Regulation began, with a view to bring it in
in 2003, Belgium voted a nuclear phase-out law, which provides line with those of the other Member States to facilitate the trade of
for abandoning the use of fissile nuclear energy for industrial goods and services within the European Union.
electricity production; until new legislation happens, there will be Carlos Cueto-Felgueroso discusses the implications in the
no reason to question the rules that would be imposed for design process of European harmonization and the Pressure Equipment
and construction. If it happens, and new plants are built in Directives issued by the European Parliament and Council that
Belgium, it is likely that the same philosophy as for the currently became obligatory, regarding the design, manufacture, testing,
operating plants would be applied, with the selection of a “fresh- and conformity assessment of pressure equipment and assemblies
er” version of ASME Code Section III (and the other Sections of pressure equipment. In the nuclear field, in the absence of a
called upon by ASME III) and Section VIII Div. 1. Transpositions national regulation, the codes and standards of the countries of
would be revised, but the general framework and the actors would origin of the design of each reactor are applied. The Spanish
remain the same. nuclear fleet is currently made up of seven pressurized water reac-
In Chapter 62, authored by Dieter Kreckel an overview of the tors (PWR) and boiling water reactors (BWR) of U.S. design and
Codes and Standards for Pressure Equipment to be applied in one German designed PWR.
Germany is presented. Dieter Kreckel provides an overview of Carlos Cueto-Felgueroso’s association with ASME Code
the historical perspective of Pressure Equipment Directive Committees is reflected in his discussions pertaining to the several
(PED). The Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) (97/23/EC) was Sections of the ASME B&PV Code. He mentions the application
adopted by the European Parliament and the European Council of Section III of the ASME Code in the design and construction of
in May 1997. Initially it came into force on November 29, 1999, the Spanish nuclear power plants, except in the case of the German
and from May 29, 2002 the Pressure Equipment Directive was designed PWR, for which the KTA rules were used. He indicates
obligatory throughout the European Union. Germany as a mem- that on the other hand, the rules of Section XI of the ASME Code
ber of the European Union had to respect the Directives issued are applied to all the plants for In-Service Inspection (ISI).
by the EU and to transfer these to national law, so the PED came The author discusses Spanish Regulation in the Nonnuclear
into effect. Industry that pertains to Design and Construction, including
Dieter Kreckel discusses several aspects of the pressure equip- design, fabrication, and conformity assessment of pressure equip-
ment directive including series of technical harmonization direc- ment that is currently regulated in Spain according to PED. The
tives for machinery, electrical equipment, medical devices, simple main provisions of the PED are summarized with reference to
pressure vessels, gas appliances, and so on. The Directive con- Spain. He discusses the basic requirements regarding the inspec-
cerns manufacturers of items such as vessels pressurized storage tion and testing, including regulation on Pressurised Apparatus
containers, heat exchangers, steam generators, boilers, industrial and its Complementary Technical Instructions, with particular ref-
piping, safety devices, and pressure accessories. Such pressure erence to boilers, economizers, water preheaters, steam reheaters
equipment is widely used in the process industries (oil and gas, and piping for fluids. The author shows his expertise relating to
chemical, pharmaceutical, plastics and rubber, and the food and oil refineries and petrochemical plants. He discusses regulations
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covering cryogenic tanks and thermal power generation plants regulatory requirements for lifetime evaluation of reactor compo-
using solid, liquid or gaseous fossil fuels. The presentation nents, including all aspects of integrity and degrading processes
includes inspection and testing requirements for fossil fuel power of these components, was performed. Responsibility of this pro-
generation plants, and oil refineries and petrochemical plants. ject was given to the NRI Rez, which focused on reactor pressure
Carlos Cueto-Felgueroso’s familiarity with ASME Codes and vessel (RPV) and reactor internals and issued as a SONS docu-
Standards, Section XI is evident from a detailed discussion about ment with recommendations that included Operational Safety
Nuclear Industry as it relates to Qualification of NDT for ISI and Reports. In this document, no practical procedure for lifetime
accounts the U.S. developments regarding Risk-Informed ISI. The evaluation was given; only general and some detailed technical
author mentions the role of the Nuclear Regulator (CSN) and requirements for evaluation of these two components were
UNESA (Spanish Utilities Group) and an increasing interest in described.
possible optimization of the ISI programs. There is also a discus- Dr. Brumovsky discusses the NTD ASI Code for VVER Reactor
sion of the international Programme for the Inspection of Steel Components. He mentions that approximately during the same
Components (PISC). In addition, a description of the Spanish time, a second activity was initiated by the Czech Association of
NDE Qualification Methodology is described with a mention of Mechanical Engineers (ASI), which decided that a set of codes for
the objectives, scope, principles of qualification, functions, and reactor components, namely, Normative Technical Documentation
responsibilities of the parties. (NTD) was needed for Czech nuclear industry. A plan for prepara-
The chapter has several tables, graphics and references, includ- tion of such codes was discussed, accepted, and put into action,
ing ASME Code Cases, US NUREGs, NRC and PED publica- details of which are presented in the chapter.
tions used in the chapter. Next is a discussion of the VERLIFE PROCEDURE which is a
In Chapter 64 Dr. Milan Brumovsky discusses the Czech and proposal for the European Union 5th Framework Programmes that
Slovakian Codes with respect to the Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) was prepared and accepted with the aim to use proposals of the
Jaslovske Bohunice (440 MW) in Slovakia, Dukovany (440 MW) Section IV as the first document to be discussed, changed, upgraded,
and Temelín (1000 MW) in the Czech Republic (both in former enlarged, and finally accepted. The main goal of the project was in
Czechoslovakia). Dr. Brumovsky mentions the agreement between the preparation, evaluation, and mutual agreement of a “Unified
the former Czechoslovakia and Soviet Union in context of mutual Procedure for Lifetime Assessment of Components and Piping in
cooperation in building NPPs. The author traces the Government VVER Type Nuclear Power Plants.” The author thereon discusses
decisions regarding an extended project of the technical standard the COVERS CONTINUATION. In 2005, a new project within the
documentation of NPPs organized by the International Economic EU 6th Framework Programmes was opened: COVERS—VVER
Association “Interatomenergo” in Moscow. The association was set Safety Research that is also coordinated by the NRI. In this pro-
up to cooperate in the field of nuclear power between individual ject, WP 4 deals with the upgrading and updating of the VERLIFE
member states of the Council of Mutual Economical Co-operation procedure to assure that the experience obtained as well as new
(CMEA).. The entire complex of technical standard documentation developments will be appropriately included in the new version.
ended in 1990, when GAEN finished the whole project at interna- Experts from nine countries are taking part in this project, in addi-
tional level and consequently also in the Soviet Union. tion to VVER-operating countries such as Czech Republic, Slovak
Dr. Brumovsky mentions that the fundamental problem of the Republic, Hungary, Finland, Spain, The Netherlands, Germany,
project was a question of legal obligation to CMEA standards. Russia, and Ukraine, as well as from EU-JRC IE (Joint Research
Elaboration of obligatory position of state regulatory bodies Center—Institute of Energy in Petten, The Netherlands) and ISTC
among the members of the CMEA was done. This facilitated in (Institute for Scientific and Technical Cooperation).
determining the documentation of technical standards in the form Dr. Brumovsky concludes that The VERLIFE procedure is now
of a legal-agreement. From the point of international relations, the fully accepted as a main regulatory document for lifetime assess-
procedure could be considered as sufficient; but from the stand- ment of VVER components in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
point of Czech NPPs, the effectiveness of utilizing these standards and partially in Hungary and Finland. Negotiations are now in
was at zero point, since effective steps were not organized to progress for its use in Ukraine and China.
bring them into action. The CMEA rules resulted in merely The chapter has information about several manufacturing com-
upgrading of the Soviet rules and standards incorporated into new panies in the Czech Republic, Slovakia that obtained ASME
set of Soviet rules and standards issued around 1989. These rules Certification for manufacturing reactor (and also nonreactor com-
and standards existed for service lifetime assessment of reactor ponents in accordance with ASME Section VIII) components for
components and were limited only to design and manufacturing; export to other countries where ASME Codes are required. The
in very special cases these rules were for operation also but not author provides References with annotated bibiliography and
from the lifetime evaluation point of view. Thus, assessment of author’s publications pertinent to this chapter.
defects, found during in-service inspection, has to be based on Dr. Brumovsky provides detailed information about the
acceptance levels valid for manufacturing and on special proce- Structure of NTD ASI. The final version of the VERLIFE proce-
dures, prepared by the Nuclear Research Institute (NRI) Rez and dure in Czech was accepted as a new version of the Section IV of
manufacturers of components; for case by case application, these the NTD ASI. Czech SONS accepted NTD ASI Sections I, II, III,
had to be accepted by the Czech State Office for Nuclear Safety and IV in 2005 and recommended them for their use in the chosen
(SONS). safety important components in NPPs. Similarly in the Slovak
SONS requirements for Lifetime Evaluation and mentions that Republic, Sections I and II, prepared by the Welding Institute of
in 1993, the SONS initiated a project “Requirements for Lifetime Slovakia in cooperation with the Welding Institute of the Czech
Evaluation of VVER Main Components” (VVER: Water—Water Republic were accepted by Slovak Office for Nuclear Regulation.
Energetical Reactor is of pressurized water reactor type but Structure of the Sections I, II, and III is similar to the appropriate
designed and manufactured in accordance with former Soviet Sections of the ASME Code Sections I, II, and III, where as the
codes and rules). Within the scope of this project, preparation of structure of Sections IV and V is fully new. The author provides
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lxxiv • Introduction

detailed comparison of each of the Czech Codes with ASME tional vibration are discussed in this chapter. Using bibliographi-
B&PV Code Sections I, II, III, IV and V. cal notations, schmatics and analytical information, the authors
Chapter 65, co-authored by Peter Trampus and Peter Pal discuss Viscoelastic Piping Dampers, also known as High Viscous
Babics, provides an overview on the recent activity in Hungary Dampers (HVD) extensively used since the mid-1980s in the seis-
concerning comprehensive adaptation of the ASME Code. The mic upgrading of nuclear power stations in Europe and currently
owner of Paks NPP, Hungary’s sole nuclear generating facility, is used in new nuclear power plant installations in China and India.
aiming at adjusting the ISI and IST program to meet ASME Code General operational characteristics of HVDs as a dynamic
requirements. The objective is to achieve an internationally restraint are discussed in this chapter. The authors discuss their
acceptable level in structural and functional integrity assessment expertise with HVD, as a device that works in a softer manner
of long-lived and passive as well as of active components, and to than snubbers do, providing to the system essential additional
create the basis for a proper aging management program in the damping rather than stiffness. High damping in the device is a
operations period beyond the design life of the units. Apart from result of deformation of a special extremely high viscous liquid
this, it will extend the current four-year inspection interval for that is located in the space between damper’s piston and housing.
Class 1 components up to an eight-year one, which will contribute The chapter includes a glossary of several terms used in this
to a more cost-efficient operation and maintenance. The chapter and has 61 references from scholastic publications includ-
Hungarian nuclear regulatory regime gives an opportunity for this ing Dr. Kostarev’s own contributions to international conferences.
because the nuclear safety rules do not determine explicitly the Chapter 67, co-authored by Malcolm Europa, Paul Brinkhurst,
applicable codes neither for the design nor for the ISI / IST. Neil Broom, and John Fletcher, provides an overview of the
The Chapter briefly describes the background of the Paks life codes and standards for pressurized equipment as used in the
extension project and its regulatory aspects. The basic regulatory South African nuclear industry. The applicable legislation, regu-
principles related to ASME adaptation are summarized. The latory requirements, and the roles of the respective regulatory
authors focus on aspects of maintaining the current licensing basis bodies governing the use of pressurized equipment are discussed.
as well as on the necessity to demonstrate the compliance with A historical perspective of the construction, licensing, and opera-
Section III requirements. The substantial part of the work is the tional phases of two pressurized water reactor (PWR) units of
design review of Class 1 and 2 components and, if needed, a re- Westinghouse design but constructed under license from
design of selected components to comply with the Section III Framatome is given, with emphasis on the design and quality
requirements. As an example for the ongoing design review rules used and risk considerations allowed by the licensing
process, the comparison of Fatigue Strength Reduction Factors framework.
for welds in pressure vessels and piping is presented. Furthermore a description is given of the pebble bed modular
Chapter 66 deals with some aspects of Russian Regulation and reactor (PBMR) to be constructed for Eskom, the owner and
Codes in nuclear power and is authored by Victor V. Kostarev and licensee, by PBMR (Pty) Ltd, a largely state-owned and funded
Alexander V. Sudakov. Authors with vast domestic and internation- nuclear design company. The PBMR is a high-temperature gas-
al experience discuss the Code perspective covering Russia, with cooled reactor (HTGR) and is one of the next- generation nuclear
appropriate comparisons of Codes of the USA, Canada, Japan, power plants (NGNP). The PBMR is designed according to the
China, India and several European countires. Dr. Kostarev’s interac- ASME Section III Codes, utilizing light water reactor (LWR) ser-
tion with ASME is in evidence in detailed discussions presented in vice conditions and materials. This has imposed certain con-
this chapter with tables and graphics about Code allowables, straints on the design and required innovative design features
Seismic regulations and on-going applications of seismic excitation which are discussed.
studies. In conclusion, the paper discusses the stated intentions of the
The authors present a brief history of regulatory activity and Boiler South African Government in terms of the expansion of the nuclear
Codes in Russia and continue with a write-up about System and a list industry and the implications thereof. It also reviews the changes
of Standards relevant to the State Safety Regulation in nuclear power. being made to the regulatory frameworks, the need for change, and
Development of Nuclear Codes for design and analysis of NPPS the implications with respect to code and standards usage in the
equipment and piping have been presented along with a comparison industry.
of Russian nuclear standard PNAE (Rules and Standards in Atomic At present, the Nuclear Power Program in India (Chapter 68,
Energy Industry of Russia), with ASME BPVC (Boiler Pressure by H.S. Kushwaha, K.K. Vaze, and K.B. Dixit) is based mainly
Vessel Code) in application to seismic analysis of a primary loop on a series of Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRs). This
of PWR (VVER) reactor. Documentation of Guidelines for the chapter first provides a general overview of the Indian PHWR
Seismic Analysis of NPP (Nuclear Power Plant) Systems, require- design and its evolution. The design approach, material selection,
ments for seismic analysis and capacity, Equipment Classification of and fabrication practices are described for major components
the PCLS according to different codes including PNAE, ASME, such as calandria, headers, steam generators, and piping.
JEAG, PCLS (Primary Coolant Loop System) have been presented. In Indian PHWRs, the design, fabrication, testing, and inspec-
The authors through several tables, schematics and graphics tion of all mechanical components basically follow the require-
have compared the Russian Codes with Codes of Japan and ments of appropriate sections of the ASME Boiler & Pressure
Europe. These include definition of stresses and array of materi- Vessel Code (ASME B&PV Code). In a few cases, where it was
als, allowable of stresses, formulas for Piping Stress Analaysis, not possible to meet the code criteria, it is the intent of the code
definition of Seismic Loads, Seismic and Dynamic Analysis, and that is met.
results of Comparative Analysis of PLCS by PNAE and ASME Other international codes used are (1) Canadian Code
BPVC. Authors also used the Finite Element Analysis results to CAN/CSA N285.4-05 and IAEA Safety Guide 50-SG-02 for ISI
reinforce their presentation. and (2) French Code RCC-G for containment design.
European high viscous dampers approach in protecting NPP Details are provided of the development and the use of leak-
primary and secondary systems from seismic loads and opera- before-break (LBB) criterion to eliminate the need for installation
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of pipe whip restraints. Results of experiments conducted to ment in Taiwan, which includes historical background of the devel-
determine load-carrying capacity of cracked pipes and the results opment, role of the regulatory authority and current status of nuclear
of fatigue crack growth rate tests in support of LBB criteria are facilities. This chapter also addresses important issues such as seis-
discussed. As a further example of the research and development mic design features of the nuclear power plants (NPPs), PWR/BWR
work conducted in India related to nuclear power plant applica- pressure boundary integrity, power uprate and license renewal, and
tions, the development of a modified B2 stress index (used in radioactive waste management of NPPs in Taiwan.
NB-3600-type stress analyses) for pipe elbows and curved pipes Taiwan is located at a complex juncture between the Eurasian
and quantification of additional safety factors to account cyclic plate and Philippine Sea plate, where earthquakes occur frequently.
tearing in LBB assessment are discussed. Hence, seismic design/qualification of structures, systems and com-
Chapter 69, authored by Jong Chull Jo and Howard H. Chung, ponents (SSC) of NPPs in Taiwan is an important issue. Although
provides an overview of the Korean nuclear safety regulatory sys- Taiwan is prone to earthquake strikes, up to now Taiwan’s NPPs
tem and codes for design, manufacturing, operation, and mainte- have never experienced any earthquakes that challenged the seismic
nance of nuclear boiler and pressure vessels. design of the plants. However, the disastrous Chi-Chi earthquake
Since the 1970s, Korea has been promoting the nuclear energy prompted Taiwan’s nuclear regulatory authority Atomic Energy
industry to produce electricity needed for rapidly expanding indus- Council (AEC) to request the largest and only nuclear utility,
try and for enhancing the quality of human life. In the early stages Taiwan Power Company (TPC), to install the Automatic Seismic
of the introduction of reactors into Korea, due to lack of a well- Trip System in all six operating nuclear units to further enhance the
established domestic regulatory framework for the safety regula- plant safety.
tion of operating reactors, the technical safety requirements and N-service inspections (ISI) followed the ASME Section XI for
safety standards of the countries that supplied the reactors were the operating units are conducted during each scheduled outage to
applied. However, after a while, the Korean regulatory authority ensure the integrity of the SSCs. Recently, more attention has been
streamlined the regulatory framework and applied these rules and focused on the inter-granular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) in
regulations to domestic nuclear installations. Furthermore, for BWRs and primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC) in
strengthening the level of safety of nuclear installations Korea has PWRs especially at the dissimilar metal (DM) welds connecting
been making every effort to improve the nuclear safety regulatory vessel nozzle to austenitic stainless steel piping according to both
system and to continuously update the codes and standards, based foreign or domestic operating experiences. More details of the
on the up-to-date knowledge and experience. inspection results are discussed in this Chapter.
This chapter describes Korean nuclear regulatory organizations, To improve the performance of the NPPs, a power uprate pro-
aspects of the regulatory authority including licensing, status of ject has been launched for the NPPs in operation. The power
nuclear installations, nuclear reactor regulatory framework and uprate considered is the Measurement Uncertainty Recapture
regulations referring to domestic and/or international industrial (MUR) type and up to 1.7% rated thermal power increase for
codes and standards in the area of pressure vessels and piping. license application. Submission of operating license renewal
The chapter also describes the status of Korean Electric Power applications for all the operating units is under planning and
Industry Codes (KEPIC) that covers standards for design, manu- preparation. Preliminary feasibility study of stretch power uprate
facturing, operation, maintenance, and testing and inspection of (~5%) is also ongoing. Besides the aforementioned activities,
nuclear and non-nuclear mechanical components, including pres- radioactive waste management is also an issue receiving more
sure vessels and piping. A comparative assessment of U.S. and attention. Right now, the application submitted by TPC for con-
Korean codes is also addressed. Besides, a comparison between struction permit of independent spent fuel storage installations
the KEPIC code and its reference to codes of other foreign coun- (ISFSI) at Chinshan site is still under review. Before any ISFSI is
tries is also provided. allowed to be constructed, the on-site spent fuel storage pools are
Chapter 70, co-authored by Y. B. Chen, S. Chang, and T. Chow, the only available facilities for the spent fuel management of the
provides an overview of the nuclear energy application and develop- nuclear power plants.
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ORGANIZATION AND RESPONSIBILITY Conference committee. An analogous committee is the Marine
Conference Group, composed of representatives of marine inter-
In 1911 the ASME set up a committee for the purpose of formu- ests who promulgate and enforce regulations based on the ASME
lating standard rules for the construction of steam boilers and other Code. The five members of the Marine Conference Group repre-
pressure vessels. The committee is now known as the ASME sent the American Bureau of Shipping, the U.S. Coast Guard, the
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee. From one small group of U.S. Department of the Navy, Lloyds Register of Shipping, and the
seven members in 1911, the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee Canadian Coast Guard. All these advisory functions have direct
has grown to a 2008 membership of about 800 volunteers in the access to the Standards Committee, and can bring to it any prob-
overall committee structure. This consists of the Standards lems with respect to implementation of Code requirements. They
Committee the Executive Committee, 14 subcommittees, and vari- are all entitled to participate in discussion at the Standards
ous sub-tier committees called subgroups, working groups, and Committee and in voting by letter ballot for items that are receiv-
special committees. Recent figures show a membership breakdown ing first consideration (explained below under Voting by the
as follows: there are 30 members of the Standards Committee, Standards Committee). On items receiving reconsideration, such
about 300 on subcommittees, and over 1200 on related subordinate advisory Committee members’ participation is limited to discus-
committees. (The total number of committee positions is larger sion, without vote. This participation by the regulatory authorities
than the volunteer membership of 800 because many individuals fosters their willingness to accept Code rules in their jurisdictions
serve on more than one committee.) and assists in uniform administration of the Code.
At the foundation of the committee structure are the subgroups As noted above both the International Interest Review Group
and working groups. Typically, these groups are responsible for a (IIRG) and the ASME Delegate programs are recent additions to
specific technical field or a specific part of a section of the Code, the Boiler and pressure Vessel Code Committee. The principal
for example, the Subgroup on Radiography (a Section V sub- objectives of these new additions is improved international commu-
group) or the Subgroup on Design (a Section I subgroup). At the nications and to reduce the barriers to participation in ASME stan-
subcommittee level, the responsibilities broaden to include a com- dards development activities by people living outside the U.S. and
plete section of the Code, such as Section I, or a complete techni- Canada. A delegate is an individual appointed to a committee or
cal field, such as Section V, Nondestructive Examination. The subtier group who represents an organization that is outside the
Standards Committee, consisting of a maximum of 30 members U.S. and Canada, and that is recognized within its country.
satisfies the ANSI requirements as the official “consensus com- Members of the group could work in their native language, and des-
mittee”, and is responsible for every technical action taken by the ignate an English-speaking representative as a voting member of an
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee. It deals with all sections ASME codes and standards committee. These groups could be
of the Code, Code Cases, and Accreditation. It also hears appeals trade organizations such as manufacturers’ associations or user
arising from technical or accreditation activities when these mat- groups, national standards committees, or organizations responsible
ters cannot be resolved at the subcommittee level. for oversight of a particular industry. Delegates may be appointed
There are four other functions that act in an advisory capacity to to any committee, group, or project team needed to support the
the Standards Committee. These are called the Conference development, update and maintenance of ASME codes and stan-
Committee, the Marine Conference Group, and the recently intro- dards. The IIRG consists of appointed representatives from any
duced International Interest Review Group (IIRG) and the ASME national agency that accepts one or more Sections of the ASME
Delegate program described below. These committees represent Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code as a means of meeting regulatory
legal jurisdictions or other authorities that have made the Code a requirements for which they have responsibility. Not only does par-
legal requirement. Each state in the U.S., each province in Canada, ticipation give national jurisdictional authorities knowledge of pro-
and certain large cities that have adopted one or more sections of posed changes to the ASME Code, it also gives them an opportunity
the ASME Code and maintain a department that enforces the Code to contribute to the process based on the needs of their industry and
is invited to appoint a representative to act on the Conference their organization’s responsibility to protect the safety of the public.
Committee. There are about 60 such representatives on the The balloting and advisory privileges of a Delegate and the
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lxxviii • Organization and Operation of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee

members of the IIRG are essentially identical to the members of the (meetings are open to the public), by indicating their desire to join,
Conference Committee and the Marine Conference Group. by participating in discussions, and assisting in the technical activi-
Many members of ASME and Code Users may not have a clear ties of the committee. There is a practical limit to the size of these
picture of its overall organizational structure and just how and various active committees, and as openings arise, the chairman
where the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee fit in. In this chooses members to maintain a balance of interests on the commit-
regard, the top ASME level of authority is the Board of Governors tees and, also, seeks out individuals with particular expertise. New
(BOG). The ASME Codes and Standards Board of Directors members usually start by joining a subgroup or working group, and
reports directly to the BOG. The ASME Boiler and Pressure as they gain experience in committee operations and demonstrate
Vessel Code reports to the Codes and Standards BOD via the their abili-ty by contributing their own expertise, they eventually
Board on Pressure Technology Codes and Standards. Major poli- move up within the committee organization. Prospective members
cy and organizational decisions and directions are developed at should be aware that they need employer or personal support for
the Board level and they also serve as the highest levels for committee participation, to cover the travel and time expenses
appeals. However the majority of the technical development and required to participate and attend meetings.
balloting occurs at the subcommittee and Standards committee In addition to the many volunteer members of the committee,
levels. who are supported in these activities by their companies, the ASME
The personnel of the Boiler and Pressure Committees, maintains a staff of directors and secretaries who facilitate the work
Subcommittees, Subgroups, and Working Groups are listed in the of the committees by managing meeting arrangements, preparation
front of all book sections. The majority of the subgroup members of meeting agenda and minutes, arrangements for publication of the
are also members of their parent subcommittees. The Standards Code, scheduling, record keeping, correspondence, and telephone
Committee is made up of a few members from each of the sub- inquires from the public. Staff secretaries prepare the agenda and
committees, usually the chairman, and some subgroup chairmen take minutes at the Standards Committee and subcommittee level.
or other senior members of the subcommittee. This arrangement At the subgroup and working group level, one of the volunteer
of overlapping membership facilitates the work of the Standards members of the committee usually serves as secretary.
Committee since certain members of the Standards Committee
are quite familiar with items originating in their respective sub-
committees, and can thus explain and answer questions about the THE CODE SECTIONS AND THEIR
items when the Standards Committee considers them. RELATED SUBCOMMITTEES
The formulation of “standard rules for the construction of
steam boilers and other pressure vessels” on which the commit-
A BALANCE OF INTERESTS tee started in 1911 eventually became the first edition of Section I
of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, in 1915. That first
Since its inception in 1911 when the Committee was established,
edition actually dealt only with boilers. Section VIII, covering
it has been ASME policy that the members should represent a bal-
pressure vessels for other than steam, was added later, in 1925, as
ance of interests, to avoid domination by any one interest group.
part of the expanding coverage of the Code. (Section VIII now
This is one of the ways by which the ASME tries to ensure that
covers all kinds of vessels, including those containing steam.)
actions of the Committee represent a valid Technical consensus, fair
There are now twelve sections of the Code, designated by Roman
to all and free of any commercial bias. Above all, the goal of the
Numerals I through XII. Section XII is the most recent with the
Committee is to promote the welfare and safety of the public. In fur-
initial publication issue in 2004 and it covers the design, construc-
therance of this goal, each committee member must sign an agree-
tion, and continued operation of tanks used to carry dangerous
ment to adhere to the ASME policy on avoidance of conflict of
materials by all means of transport. The twelve Sections of the
interest and to conform to the ASME Canon of Ethics. The ASME
Code can be divided into two basic categories which are “product
has also established procedures to provide for due process in
Sections” (i.e., components are constructed to the rules), and “ref-
Committee operation (e.g. hearings and appeals), thus safeguarding
erence Sections” (i.e., the rules are used via reference by the
the members and the ASME against any charges of unfairness.
product Sections) as shown in Table 1. The various sections of the
Members of the Committee are categorized according to the
ASME Code (sometimes called the book sections) and the com-
interests they represent. ASME has designated 14 categories of
mittees directly responsible for each are shown in Table 1.
interest involved in codes and standards activities. Eight of these
categories are represented on the Boiler and Pressure Vessel
1 Designer/Constructor
2 General Interest, such as consulting engineers and educators. In addition to the ten subcommittees governing the various
3 Insurance/Inspection book sections, there are two subcommittees under the Standards
4 Manufacturer Committee, called the service committees because they serve the
5 Material Manufacturer book sections.
6 Regulatory, e.g., representatives of local, state, or federal The Subcommittee on Safety Valve Requirements (SC-SVR)
jurisdictions deals with the design, construction, testing, and certification of the
7 User, i.e., a user/owner of the products to which the Code pressure relief devices. There is no separate book section on safety
applies valves; each of the product Sections provide appropriate rules for
8 Utility, e.g., power plant user/operator these devices. Inquiries that pertain to safety valves are usually
referred by these book committees to the Subcommittee on Safety
Individuals typically become members of the Boiler and Pressure Valve Requirements. Actions approved by that committee are
Vessel Committee by attending committee meetings as guests returned to the book committees for further approval and action.
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Code Section* Governing Committee
Section I (1915), P Subcommittee on Power Boilers
Rules for the Construction of Power Boilers (Subcommittee I)
Section II (1924), R Subcommittee on Materials
Materials (Subcommittee II)
Section III (1963), p Subcommittee on Nuclear Power
Nuclear Power Plant Components (Subcommittee III)
Section IV (1923), p Subcommittee on Heating Boilers
Heating Boilers (Subcommittee IV)
Section V (1971), R Subcommittee on Nondestructive Examination
Nondestructive Examination (Subcommittee V)
Section VI (1971), R Subgroup on Care and Operation of Heating Boilers (A
Recommended Rules for Care and Operation of subgroup of Subcommittee IV)
Heating Boilers
Section VII (1926), R Subgroup on General Requirements
Recommended Guidelines for the Care of Power Boilers (A subgroup of Subcommittee I)
Section VIII (1925), p Subcommittee on Pressure Vessels
Rules for the Construction of Pressure Vessels (Subcommittee VIII)
Section IX (1941), R Subcommittee on Welding
Welding and Brazing Qualifications (Subcommittee IX)
Section X (1961), P Subcommittee on Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels
Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels (Subcommittee X)
Section XI (1970), R Subcommittee on Nuclear Inservice Inspection
Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power (Subcommittee XI)
Plant Components
Section XII, Transport Tanks (2004), P Subcommittee on Transport Tanks
(Subcommittee XII)
Year shown is first publication as a separate Code Section
P denotes a product Code
R denotes a reference Code

Until 1989, a service committee known as the Subcommittee mittees issue these certificates to applicants found to be qualified by
on Properties of Metals (SC-P) established the allowable stress ASME review teams. The Subcommittee on Boiler & Pressure
for all the materials used throughout the Code. In 1989, this com- Vessel Accreditation (SC-BPVA) handles this work for boiler and
mittee was merged with Subcommittee on Material specifications pressure vessel activities. The Subcommittee on Nuclear
(SC II) into a new committee called the Subcommittee on Accreditation (SC-NA) does the same for nuclear activities. Any
Materials (SC II), which carries out all the duties formerly han- disagreements as to the qualifications of applicants and any allega-
dled by the two separate committees. tions of Code violations are dealt with by one or the other of these
The Subcommittee on Design (SC-D) deals with special design two accreditation committees, in deliberations that are not open to
problems and advises the other subcommittees in formulating design the general public. An ASME Certificate of Authorization can be
rules. Among the many subjects covered by this subcommittee are revoked by cause, following hearing and appeal procedures.
the design of openings, design for external pressure, elevated-
temperature design, creep, fatigue, and the interaction of creep and
fatigue. The reference Sections are also used by other pressure COMMITTEE OPERATIONS
equipment Codes and Standards such as the B31 Piping Code, B16
Components Standards and Bioprocessing Equipment Code. Since 1986, the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee has had
four major meetings a year, during four weeks known as Code-
weeks. The Committee used to meet six times a year, but decided to
THE ACCREDITATION COMMITTEES reduce the number of meetings as an economy measure. The four
meetings are scheduled to result in approximately equal time inter-
As explained in the discussion of the various Code symbol vals between meetings (i.e., February, May, August and November).
stamps in section, no organization may do Code work The May meeting (sometimes called the out-of-town meeting) is
without first receiving from the ASME a Certificate of authoriza- held jointly with the annual meeting of the National Board of Boiler
tion to use one of the Code symbol stamps. The accreditation com- and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. The chief inspectors of the various
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lxxx • Organization and Operation of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee

states and provinces of Canada who comprise the membership Committee, asking for guidance in the application of specific pro-
of the National Board are the top officials who enforce those visions of the Code.
sections of the Code that are adopted into the laws of their jurisdic- The ASME has established procedures and controls on
tions. This meeting also provides an opportunity for them to observe responding to inquiries and publishes the questions and replies for
and participate as guests or conference committee members at the the guidance of all users of the Code. These procedures are
various Code committee meetings. The Standards Committee intended to protect the committee members and the ASME from
always meets on Friday; the subcommittees meet earlier in the any inference that a specific industry or company has an undue
week. Section II, IX, XII and the Accreditation Subcommittees meet influence in the formulation of the questions or replies, or may
on Tuesday, Section IV on Wednesday, and Sections I, III, VIII, benefit to the detriment of others. Sometimes inquirers ask ques-
and XI meet on Thursdays of a Code week. Subgroups and working tions that the Committee can’t answer, for various reasons. The
groups usually meet earlier in the week than their parent subcom- Committee is not in the business of consulting engineering. It
mittees. This arrangement facilitates an orderly and timely flow of does not have the resources to study plans and details sent in by
information from the sub-tier commit-tees upward to the Standards inquirers and pass judgment on those designs. It also is in no posi-
Committee. tion to undertake the potential liability for making such judg-
ments. Accordingly, the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee
Operating and Administrative Procedures provide four form let-
HOW THE COMMITTEE DOES ITS WORK ters for responding to the most common types of questions con-
sidered inappropriate: Indefinite questions that don’t address
The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee administers the some particular Code requirement; semi-commercial questions;
Code. The major technical work of the Committee falls into four questions that would involve review or approval of a specific
categories; providing interpretations of the Code in response to design; and questions that ask for the basis or rationale of Code
inquiries, developing Code Cases, revising the Code, and adding rules. These form letters explain that the Committee cannot or
new provisions to it. This work usually starts at the sub-tier levels does not answer such questions and advises the inquirer to pose
of the committee structure (i.e., the subgroups and working only general questions that pertain to existing wording and
groups). Proposals developed there are then considered at the sub- addressing particular Code requirements, or to make specific rec-
committee level. Many items (Code changes for instance) require ommendations for any proposed Code changes with supporting
consideration by the Standards Committee. Actions of the technical reasons or data. The committee also issues “intent inter-
Standards Committee are subject to approval by one or the other pretations” as described below.
of the two Boards above the Standards Committee (one for In 1983, to reduce the work involved in replying to inquiries,
nuclear and the other for non-nuclear items). All proposed, mandatory appendices that give instructions on how to prepare
revised or withdrawn standards shall be announced on the ASME technical inquiries were added to the various book sections. (See,
Web site for public review. A notification shall also be included in for example, Appendix I of Section I). Inquiries are supposed to
Mechanical Engineering that, at a minimum, directs interested be sent to the Secretary of the Standards Committee, but in actual
parties to the ASME Web site for public review announcements, practice they are often sent to an Assistant Secretary, who is the
and provides instructions on obtaining hard copies of the public secretary of the subcommittee involved. That secretary gives the
review proposals. Since all proposed Code revisions also require inquiry an item number and usually reviews the files of previous
ANSI approval, they are also announced in ANSI Standards inquiries to see if the same question or a similar one has previous-
Action. ly been answered. If such a reply is found, it is sent to the new
Following the spirit of redesign summarized below, these inquirer. If not, there are three ways to handle an interpretation of
approval actions are conducted concurrently with the Standards a inquiry as follows:
Committee voting following the respective Standards Committee
meetings. Thus these items have received very careful technical • Standards Committee or Cognizant Subcommittee:
consideration within the Committee and are also open to review Interpretations are approved by a vote of the Standards
by the public to avoid any inequity, hardship, or other problem Committee or cognizant subcommittee. No member interest
that might result from a Committee action. Any comments category shall have a majority on the cognizant subcommittee.
received during public review delay an item until the originating • Special Committee: Interpretations may be approved by the
subcommittee considers those comments. The several categories unanimous vote of a special committee. Members of the spe-
of the committee work are now described. cial committee shall be members of the Standards committee
or a sub-tier group responsible for the standard. No member
interest category shall have a majority on the special commit-
CODE INQUIRES AND INTERPRETATIONS tee. The special committee shall have at least five members,
one of which shall be the ASME staff secretary responsible
Anyone who has used the Code knows the aptness of the sec- for the subject standard. Special committee members shall be
ond paragraph of the preamble to Section I and similar statements appointed by the Chair of the Standards Committee or cog-
in Sections IV and VIII, Div. 1 & Div. 2: “The Code does not con- nizant subcommittee.
tain rules to cover all details of design and construction.” What it • Intent Interpretations: The basic objective of an interpretation
contains rather are many rules for what might be called standard is to clarify words or requirements that exist in the Code.
construction covering most typical and common construction However in some cases technical inquiries that cannot be
details. This has evolved over the past 90 plus years as modern answered on the basis of existing wording of the pertinent
boiler and pressure vessel construction have evolved, presenting standard and these may be answerable by an “intent” inter-
new situations, new arrangements, and new equipment. It is thus pretation. Intent interpretations can answer questions about
not surprising that so many inquiries are received by the subjects that address industry construction practices not
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specifically covered in the Code or clarify conflicting or “an action box” for the item. This explanation may include other
incorrect wording. An intent interpretation shall be submitted technical information supporting the proposed action, such as a
to the consensus committee for approval along with a pro- paper from an ASME conference describing a new or improved
posed revision(s) to the standard that support the intent inter- design method. If there were negative notes on the item at the sub-
pretation. Both the intent interpretation and the revision(s) to committee, those voters have to provide their objections in writing,
the standard must be approved for the interpretation to be and the secretary summarizes these objections as part of the expla-
issued. nation sent to the Standards Committee. This explanation is very
helpful since the first time a Standards Committee member sees an
ASME staff and/or volunteers may also offer informal responses item that hasn’t come from his own subcommittee is when it
to inquiries, as a means of providing guidance. Such individual appears on the Standards Committee letter ballot. Voting on
responses are not published and are accompanied by a statement Standards Committee items is explained below. Code Cases are
making it clear that they are the opinion of the individual, and not issued to clarify the intent of existing requirements or provide,
an official interpretation. These responses may be either verbal or when the need is urgent, rules for materials or constructions not
written. If written, the response shall not be on ASME interpreta- covered by existing Code rules. It is a common practice to issue a
tion letterhead. After approval, all inquiries and replies are pub- Code Case for new or enhanced materials, testing practices, or
lished, twice a year, as further explained in section 1.3.2 in design methods and then after a trial period the Code Case require-
Chapter 1 of this volume. ments are incorporated into the Code book requirements and the
Code Case annulled. Code Cases and their use are explained in
more detail in section 1.3.3 of Chapter 1 of this volume.
The code is subject to continuous change-some provisions are REDESIGNING THE ASME BOILER AND
revised, others deleted, still others added. Although some changes PRESSURE VESSEL COMMITTEE PROCESS
originate high in the committee structure (e.g., the mandatory
appendices in each book section on preparation of technical It should be evident that the committee work required to
inquiries), most start at the subgroup level, in response to an answer inquiries, to approve Code Cases, and to make revisions to
inquirer’s request for a change or a request by members of the sub- the Code can sometimes by a very complex and time-consuming
committee to clarify, update, or expand existing Code provisions. process, especially when, as is often the case, many different
The development of a Code change follows a path similar to committees are involved. In 1996, the ASME established a task
that of a technical inquiry. The cognizant subgroup chairman force to study the process by which codes and standards are
assigns a task group to do the work. Often, more than one sub- approved with a view to redesigning and streamlining it. The task
group may be involved, and the task group may include members force identified over 85 aspects of the system where improvement
from more than one subgroup. In appointing the task group, the might be achieved. Among the task force proposals was one to
chairman tries to maintain a balance of interests while making maximize the simultaneous consideration of items when several
sure to include members with the specific expertise appropriate committees are involved. Another was to appoint a project man-
for the task. If and when the subgroup approves the change pro- ager who would be responsible for facilitating the efficient flow of
posed by the task group, the proposal is forwarded to the sub- individual work items, so that the information necessary for their
committee for consideration, with documentation giving the consideration by the various committees could be available in a
background of the proposed change. timely fashion. In 1998 the task force started pilot improvement
During deliberation on the item at subcommittee level, the item programs involving several committees, to test its recommenda-
may be approved, or further changes may be suggested, or strenu- tions. The pilot program was then extended to the operation of the
ous objections may be raised, in which case the chairman may Standards Committee and the Board of Pressure Technology
accept the presentation as a so-called “progress report” and return Codes and Standards, by changing the way they vote. Until that
the item to the subgroup for further work. The subgroup then time items approved by subcommittees during one Code week
attempts to modify the proposal to overcome objections raised at were put on the Standards Committee agenda for consideration
the subcommittee level. Usually, this process of refinement leads during the next Code week. A voice vote was taken at the
to a proposal that is eventually approved by the subcommittee and Standards Committee meeting on every agenda item. A member
the secretary forwards the item for inclusion in the next Standards who cast a negative ballot in the voice vote was required to write
Committee letter ballot. That ballot contains all items approved by a letter to the secretary explaining the reason for his negative vote
the subcommittees that require further approval by the Standards within a short time after the meeting; otherwise the negative bal-
Committee, and is placed on the ASME Website and mailed to the lot was considered void. This permitted the ASME staff secretary
members about a month after Codeweek. The ballots must be to include those negative written ballots within the minutes of the
returned either by mail or electronically within a few weeks so that meeting, and to forward them to the next higher committees, the
the results are available to all committees before the next BPTCS and the BNCS. Those committees were given several
Codeweek. The letter ballot is also sent to the Board on Pressure weeks to review the minutes before they met to conduct a further
Technology Codes and Standards, for technical consideration. A vote. Under the new redesigned procedures the cycle of approval
member of the Board can offer a comment or cast a negative ballot has been shortened considerably, by providing simultaneous con-
on any agenda item, and that comment or negative would delay the sideration of Standards Committee items by the Standards
item until the originating subcommittee responds to it. Committee, the Conference Committee, the BPTCS, and the
The secretary or one of the Subcommittee members also writes BNCS, by letter ballot shortly after each Code week, as described
a paragraph of background explanation that accompanies each under Voting by the Standards Committee. This has reduced the
item on the Standards Committee letter ballot, in what is called time to approve Code revisions by one or two meeting cycles.
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lxxxii • Organization and Operation of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee

It was also recommended that more extensive use of the Internet bers through a section known as the Volunteer Contact Center. In
be considered to improve the efficiency of Code activities to take this center, members can send emails to specific members or
advantage of electronic voting procedures and the data base man- entire committees. Because this center is connected to the ASME
agement systems. Membership Database, email addresses are always updated; elim-
inating the need to keep personal address books for committee
use. Within the email communication piece are a series of trig-
ASME WEB SITE TOOLS AND “CODES & gered automatic email notifications alerting members of numer-
STANDARDS CONNECT” ous committee actions.
The ANSI Form Processing piece’s main role is the manage-
About eight years ago and following the spirit of redesign ASME ment of all forms submitted to the American National Standards
started an intensive program to use the Internet for managing and Institute. Its secondary role is to work with the C&S Committee
coordination C&S activities and balloting. This started very basi- web pages to publicly notify and list records available for review
cally with what was called the WBPMS (Web-Based project or public review.
Management System. The WBPMS began by supporting Standards Finally, the data reporting piece slices and dices all of the data
Committee balloting and has since grown into a major tool in the found in C&S Connect to create hundreds of reports and tracking
development, coordination and balloting of C&S actions. In lists. Reports produced by this piece are often used to generate
September 2004 the WBPMS was changed to “Codes & Standards Minutes, Agendas, Tracking Lists, Publication Checklists, Mem-
Connect” (formerly the Web-based Process Management System) bership reports, Committee Rosters and Balance of Interest
and is an electronic tool used by both Staff and Volunteers to process Reports. There are currently 750 reports used by 700⫹ commit-
many committee functions. C&S Connect is a subset of the Codes & tees in the Data Reporting piece. The C&S Connect site can be
Standards Electronic Tools Website that provides access to: reached at for tracking of Standards
Committee actions and ANSI public review items.
• Committee Pages
• Leadership and Training Modules
• The AS-11 Electronic Personnel Directory
• Public Review Drafts The Standards Committee letter ballot contains all items
• Public Review of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Proposed approved by the subcommittees that require further approval by
Revisions the Standards Committee, and is placed on the ASME Web-site
• Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Case Review and mailed to the members about a month after each Codeweek.
• Code Case Database download of approved “to be published” This letter ballot is also distributed to the Conference Committee
code cases for technical comment. The boiler and pressure vessel items are
• Boiler and Nuclear Pressure Vessel Certificate Holder Search sent to the Board on Pressure Technology Codes and Standards
(BPTCS)and the nuclear items are sent to the Board on Nuclear
C&S Connect is currently composed of five main pieces: Codes and Standards (BNCS) for technical comment. The ballots
Record Storage, Ballot Processing, Email Communication, ANSI must be returned either by mail or electronically within a few
Form Processing and Data Reporting. Together with the Codes & weeks so that the results are available to all committees before the
Standards Committee Web Pages (which constitute the public side next Codeweek. After the letter ballot closes the Secretary col-
of C&S work) they form a dynamic web-enabled tool that can be lects and mails (by e-mail and regular mail) copies of all com-
accessed by Staff, Committee Volunteers and Interested Public ments and negative ballots to the Standards Committee members
Viewers. and to the subcommittees from which the items came, where any
Record Storage forms the backbone of C&S Connect. Records comments and negative ballots can be considered. This informa-
found on C&S Connect are proposals (approved, pending or dis- tion is also posted on the ASME Web-site. Negative voters are
approved) and are classified as Revisions, Code Cases, required to explain their objections so that the originating sub-
Interpretations, Entire Codes or Standards, Addenda, White committee has something to work on as it reconsiders the item.
Papers, Scopes, Membership, Charters or Errata. The entire histo- Items coming before the Standards Committee are considered
ry of the proposal and its details can be found on each record in within two categories: first consideration and reconsideration,
C&S Connect. usually called second consideration. A new item appearing for the
The Ballot Processing piece uses a connection to both the first time on a letter ballot is given “first consideration” by the
Record Storage piece and the ASME Membership Database to Committee. Items that did not receive negatives from members of
process all committee-related ballots. Over fifteen different ballot the Standards Committee or objections from the Conference
types with a combination of ten different voting options are avail- Committee, BPTCS and BNCS are reported as “approved” at the
able to staff when creating a ballot. Once created, balloted com- Standards Committee meeting and require no further action. A
mittee members are notified via email of a ballots creation, single negative vote cast by e-mail or on the ASME Web-site
reminded of a vote not posted and notified of a ballots closure. within a specified time is sufficient to stop a first consideration
Voters are provided with electronic access to a listing of ballots item and return it to the originating subcommittee for reconsidera-
they are eligible to vote on. Project managers and staff are provided tion. Technical objections from the Conference Committee,
with the ability to respond to comments and negatives posted by BPTCS, and BNCS are treated like negative votes received from
voters. members of the Standards Committee and responses must be pro-
The email communication piece provides both staff and volun- vided to those objections. When a negatively voted item is
teers with the opportunity to communicate with other C&S mem- returned to a subcommittee, several different actions may be
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taken. The item may be held in abeyance for the time being, with Section IV stipulates that boilers must have an automatic low-
no action taken at the subcommittee level, pending further work. water fuel cutoff that stops the fuel supply when the surface of the
Another possibility is that the subcommittee is not persuaded water falls to the lowest visible part of the water gage glass.
by the reasons given by the negative voter, and at its meeting dur- Hydrolevel had developed a new probe-type low-water fuel cutoff
ing the Codeweek following the letter ballot the subcommittee that relied on an electrode on the probe. Water covering the elec-
responds to that effect, perhaps with rebuttal arguments, and reaf- trode completed a circuit that maintained fuel flow. When the
firms its earlier action. In that case the item proceeds to the water level fell below the electrode and uncovered it, the circuit
Standards Committee meeting on Friday of that same Codeweek, was broken and the fuel was stopped.
where it is then given what is considered “second consideration” At that time, another manufacturer dominated the low-water
(since this is the second time the Standards Committee has seen fuel cutoff market with a float-operated device. That rival manu-
the item). The subcommittee also has the option of delaying facturer happened to have a representative serving as vice-chair-
action for one meeting and reaffirming at the next meeting. (If the man of the Section IV committee. Court records subsequently
item is delayed longer than one meeting it reverts to first consid- showed that three officers of the rival manufacturer, including that
eration status). During second consideration, four negative ballots vice-chairman, met with the chairman of the committee to draft
are required to stop and, in effect, kill the item. If the originating an inquiry to the committee. The inquiry asked whether a low-
subcommittee wants to pursue the matter further, it must start all water cutoff with a time-delay feature met the Code. The
over, usually by making sufficient revision to satisfy the objec- Subcommittee chairman at that time had the authority to respond
tions raised. A subsequent appearance of the item would be a new to the inquiry on the ASME’s behalf without the endorsement of
first consideration. On the other hand, if on second consideration the full committee. His letter of response implied that the device
an item receives less than four negative votes, it is considered did not meet Section IV requirements and would not provide ade-
approved by the Standards Committee, and it proceeds to the next quate safety. Hydolevel subsequently alleged that the inquiry was
two approval levels, the BPTCS for boiler and pressure vessel deliberately intended to put the probe-type of device in a bad light
items and the BNCS for nuclear items, and public review. At this and that copies of the ASME response were used by the rival
stage, the only basis for a negative vote at the Board is an asser- manufacturer’s sales force to discredit Hydrolevel’s device. When
tion that proper procedures had not been followed by the lower a former Hydolevel customer reported this to Hydrolevel in 1972,
committees. Hydrolevel complained to the ASME and asked for a clarification
Yet another way that an item receiving a negative vote at the of the ruling. This time the ruling was put before the entire
Standards Committee may be handled at subcommittee level is Section IV subcommittee (the vice president of the rival manufac-
that the subcommittee may make a technical change to the item to turer had by this time become chairman of the committee), where
satisfy the negative voter. In that case the item would revert to it was reconfirmed, perhaps because of the subcommittee’s belief
first consideration status and proceed once again to the Standards that the Code required the fuel to be cut off as soon as the water
Committee on the next letter ballot. However, if the change were level was no longer visible in the water gage glass (and not after a
considered merely editorial, the item would also proceed to the time delay). However, the Standards Committee reversed the rul-
Standards Committee on the next letter ballot, but this time with ing and issued an official communication to Hydrolevel saying
second consideration status. that the Section IV paragraph in question did not prohibit the use
Most of the items considered by the Standards Committee are of low-water cutoff with a time delay.
proposed changes in the various book sections of the Code. Fairly In 1975 Hydrolevel sued the parties, including the ASME,
regularly, some items fail to pass because of strong objections by alleging conspiracy in restraint of trade. The other parties settled,
other Standards Committee members who perceive the change as but the ASME contested the charge, in the understandable belief
having negative consequences to safety or representing an that it had done no wrong. A district court judge awarded
unworkable situation when applied to other comparable circum- Hydrolevel 47.5 million in damages. The ASME appealed, lost
stances. This is part of the give-and-take of committee actions, that appeal, and then appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, which
which are intended to achieve a technical consensus of the mem- affirmed the appellate court’s decision. The essence of the court’s
bership, but with concern for safety always being paramount. finding was that the ASME had put certain committee members in
positions where they appeared to represent the ASME and had
thereby conferred on those agents the ASME’s so-called apparent
DUE PROCESS authority. Even thought the ASME is a nonprofit professional
organization, it was found liable for the willful, anticompetitive,
Persons who consider themselves injured by an action of the wrongful conduct of its agents. With interest on the triple dam-
Committee regarding a technical revision, response to an inquiry, ages called for by the antitrust act, ASME had to pay almost 10
or the refusal to issue a certificate of authorization, can request a million dollars (in addition, of course, to legal fees). This was a
hearing to present their side of the story. Such hearings start at the heavy price for an educational nonprofit organization that gets
subcommittee that originated the item. Appeals that can’t be much of its financial support from the dues of its members. In an
resolved at the subcommittee level may be referred to the ironic twist of fate, the principal owner of Hydrolevel died of a
Standards Committee. If the Standards Committee can’t reach a heart attack shortly after hearing the news of the Supreme Court
mutually acceptable solution, the appeal may be submitted to the decision. Following that decision, the ASME developed improved
appropriate supervisory board and, if necessary, to the Board on procedures in an attempt to ensure the fairness of interpretations
Hearings and Appeals of the Codes and Standards Board of and to provide for hearings and appeals for anyone who considers
Directors. This careful attention to due process is the result of an himself injured by an action of the Code committee, such as an
unfortunate event that happened in 1971, the infamous Hydrolevel Interpretation or a proposed Code change. These procedures
Corporation case. Here is the essence of that case. should prevent any further cases like the Hydrolevel case.
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lxxxiv • Organization and Operation of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee

RESEARCH PROJECTS FOR THE ASME ST-LLC publishes project deliverables as Standards
MAINTENANCE AND DEVELOPMENT Technology Publications (STPs), which are available through the
OF CODES AND STANDARDS ASME Catalog and Digital Store. (

ASME formed the Codes and Standards Technology Institute

(CSTI) in November 2001 to ensure that ASME codes and stan- REALIGNMENT ACTIVITIES OF THE
dards committees are provided with a continuing source of ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL
research in the technologies that they cover. In August 2004 the
ASME Standards Technology, LLC (ASME ST-LLC) was
formed, replacing CSTI. ASME ST-LLC is a not-for-profit In February 2007 the BNCS and BPTCS approved motions to
Limited Liability Company with ASME as the sole member, move forward with the concept of realigning the BPV Standards
formed to carry out work related to newly commercialized tech- Committees. The need for such realignment was based on the
nology. The ASME ST-LLC mission includes meeting the needs observations that the organization is strained considering the cur-
of industry and government by providing new standards-related rent climate and projected future work loads in both the nuclear
products and services, which advance the application of emerging and non-nuclear areas and the need to prepare for the future.
and newly commercialized science and technology and providing Considering this the following Code and Standards vision and
the research and technology development needed to establish and mission statements were developed for guidance:
maintain the technical relevance of codes and standards. Visit Vision: To be the world leader in mechanical and multidiscipli- for more information. nary engineering codes, standards, conformity assessment pro-
Historically, ASME has periodically identified needs for specific grams, and related products and services.
research projects to support the codes and standards development Mission: Develop the preeminent, universally applicable codes,
process. This research was previously performed by outside standards, conformity assessment programs, and related products
organizations with ASME support. ASME ST-LLC has helped and services for the benefit of humanity. Involve the best and
enhanced the coordination and long range planning and manage- brightest people from around the world to develop, maintain, pro-
ment of codes and standards development activities while strength- mote, and employ ASME products and services globally.
ening volunteer participation in developing the technology for In addition to these global guidance statements the following
codes and standards. specific categories were also addressed:
ASME’s approach to standards development for emerging tech-
nologies recognizes the important role of technically relevant stan- • Volunteer work loads
dards in advancing the commercialization, enhancing consumer con- • Responsiveness to Industry-Specific Needs
fidence, and protecting public health and safety. ASME ST-LLC • Global Acceptance
research and development (R&D) projects strive to bridge the gaps • Integrity/Credibility of Standards
between technology advancement and standards development. • Turnaround/Cycle Time
ASME’s involvement in R&D projects helps produce results that • Volunteer Recruitment and Retention
respond to the needs of voluntary consensus committees in develop-
ing technically relevant codes and standards. ASME identifies and Using the above as metrics a facilitated workshop meeting was
prioritizes R&D needs to help focus the use of limited resources in held in January 2008 with the participation of a broad cross-
these priority areas. Collaboration in R&D projects helps to mini- section of Volunteer, Regulatory, ASME Staff and International
mize individual investment while maximizing benefits. participation. The outcome of that workshop and subsequent
As of early 2008, ASME ST-LLC was managing over 40 sepa- deliberations by the BPTC&S, BNCS and BOD Codes &
rate development projects. Some examples of ASME ST-LLC pro- Standards resulted in the formulation of an initial plan that would
jects include the rewrite of ASME Pressure Vessel Code, Section essentially transition BPV Subcommittees that currently produce
VIII, Division 2, hydrogen infrastructure standards development, ASME BPV Code book sections into Standards Committees.
high temperature materials for Generation IV reactors, probabilistic Implementation planning is proceeding. The bottom line objec-
risk assessment (PRA) training development, and fusion magnet tives of assuring safe pressure containing structures via ASME
code development. Projects can be initiated by anyone, but require C&S and ANSI consensus requirements for the Codes and
a clear scope definition, a legitimate business need, establishment Standards will be maintained. In addition, technical interchanges
of any funding requirements, and identification of applicable code, and liaisons between the nuclear and non-nuclear Codes and regu-
standard or committee. Project Initiation Requests can be submitted latory organizations (e.g., NRC, National Board, Jurisdictions,
online at etc.) will also be assured.
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Hardayal S. Mehta
41.1 INTRODUCTION cause the initiation of cracking (irradiation-assisted stress-corrosion
cracking or IASCC), accelerated crack growth rate, and a reduc-
The objective of this Chapter is to provide some details of tion in fracture toughness. Typically, the components affected by
many and sometimes unique ways in which the provisions of irradiation are the shroud and the top guide.
Section III and Section XI have been used in addressing the
service-induced degradations in the BWR vessels, internals, and 41.2.1 Inspection, Evaluation, and Repair Methods
pressure boundary piping. Among the items covered are reactor In the Section XI space, the reactor internals fall under category
internals, weld overlays, and reactor vessel. The most common B-N-2 core support structures. However, Section XI does not have
form of service-induced cracking in the stainless steel and Ni-Cr-Fe evaluation standards or repair/replacement guidelines available for
components in the BWR pressure boundary is typically due to this category for the following reason [4]: “A Subgroup of SC XI
intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC). was established to develop a complete program, including evalua-
tion standards and repair/replacement techniques. After several
years of work to establish generic requirements and, later, to sepa-
41.2 BWR INTERNALS rate PWR and BWR requirements, the Subcommittee failed to
reach a consensus on its approach, and because industry interest
The BWR reactor internals fall into two categories. The first and support had diminished, the effort was terminated. The power
category includes components constituting the core support plants and the NRC now resolve problems on an individual basis.”
structure that are important to safe shutdown of the reactor. The In the wake of the observed cracking in the shroud of an over-
components in this category include the shroud, shroud support seas reactor followed by several in the United States, an urgent
structure, core plate, jet pumps, and such. Most of the BWR need was identified to develop inspection, evaluation, and, if nec-
internals were designed using the guidance of Class 1 component essary, repair techniques. The BWR Vessels and Internals Project
design by analysis rules of Subsection NB in Section III. Only in (BWRVIP) was formed in 1994 with the following objectives
some of the newer BWRs was Subsection NG formally used. The [5–7]: to lead the BWR industry towards generic resolution of
second category includes internal components (e.g., steam dryer) reactor pressure vessel and internals materials condition issues; to
that are not safety related (i.e., not important to safe shutdown of identify or develop generic cost-effective material management
the reactor). Only some recently observed cracking in steam dry- strategies from which each operating plant will select the most
ers under increased steam flows due to extended power uprate appropriate alternative; to serve as the focal point for the regulato-
has drawn some attention to the need for inspection and detailed ry interface with the industry on BWR vessel and internals issues;
stress evaluation of this component to assure its structural and to share information and promote communication and coop-
integrity [1]. The discussion in this section is mostly focused on eration among participating utilities. The first BWR internal com-
the first category of components; the steam dryer issues are cov- ponent addressed was the shroud. Since then, over 100 reports
ered at the end of this section. Figure 41.1 shows a schematic of have been published by the BWRVIP on the various internals and
the BWR internal components. RPV issues. Key reports have been approved by the NRC for use
Most of the BWR RPV internals are fabricated from either by utilities on a generic basis. This obviates the need for an indi-
stainless steel or Ni-Cr-Fe to avoid the presence of corrosion vidual submittal and its review/approval by the NRC for a specific
products in the reactor water. In view of the earlier IGSCC experi- technical evaluation. Most of the BWRVIP reports are proprietary.
ence with Type 304 and 316 stainless steels in external piping, the However, technical details from the published technical papers are
material for later-constructed BWR internals was replaced by provided in this Section to illustrate the use of flaw evaluation
lower carbon (L grade, carbon 0.035%) stainless steels [2,3]. procedures of IWB-3600 in flaw disposition.
For some of the replacement external piping, low carbon stainless
steel with added nitrogen (LN grade) for structural strength (i.e., 41.2.2 Shroud
higher Sm value) was used. An additional degradation mechanism One of the first BWR internal components to show cracking was
for the reactor internals is the irradiation. The irradiation can the shroud, and the observed cracking was in the heat-affected
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2 • Chapter 41


zones (HAZs) of the circumferential welds. The BWR shroud is a rate under BWR water environment, inspection uncertainty, and
cylindrical structure surrounding the core. The shroud material is the fracture toughness considering irradiation effects.
Type 304 or 304L grade stainless steel. It is typically 200 in. in
diameter and 1.5–2 in. thick. It is constructed by welding together SCC Growth Rate Relationships. The crack growth
several cylindrical sections (see Fig. 41.2). rate relationship for stainless steels included in the current Section
The limit load methodology for cylindrical geometries outlined XI is for fatigue mechanism in air environment only. For a crack
in Appendix C of Section XI has been used as a flaw evaluation exposed to BWR water environment, the crack growth rate due to
guideline for the shroud [8]. However, several additional consid- stress corrosion cracking (SCC) essentially overwhelms that due to
erations were required to complete an analytical evaluation of fatigue. The Section XI Committee is currently in the process of
flaws per IWB-3600. These considerations include crack growth developing SCC growth rate relationships for austenitic materials.
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0.472 in. and 0.108 in., respectively, for the purpose of the struc-
tural evaluation. Irradiated Stainless Steel Fracture Toughness. Data

showing trends in yield strength, reduction in area, and uniform
elongation as a function of fluence at irradiation and test tempera-
ture of 550 F have been published previously [16,17]. A review of
this data indicated that the yield strength increases occur at a
significant rate beyond 3  5  1020 n/cm2. Based on this and
other ductility data, the limit load flaw evaluation for the shroud is
also supplemented by a LEFM/EPFM analysis where the fluence
exceeds 3  1020 n/cm2. Based on the irradiated fracture toughness
tests reported [1820], a KIc value of 150 ksi 1in. has been used
in the shroud flaw evaluations [15]. Additional irradiated stainless
steel fracture toughness data in the fluence range of BWR shrouds
have also recently become available [21]. The BWRVIP has devel-
oped fracture toughness relationships for irradiation levels cover-
ing fluences in excess of 1  1021 n/cm2 [22] that have been
reviewed and approved by the NRC.

FIG. 41.2 BWR CORE SHROUD WELD DESIGNATIONS Evaluation With Multiple Indications. When multi-
ple indications are involved, which is generally the case, a conser-
vative approach is to stack all of the indications (after adding crack
In the crack length direction, the evaluations use a bounding crack growth, inspection uncertainty, and the application of proximity
growth rate of 5  105 in./hr approved by the USNRC [9,10]. criteria) into one continuous flaw and compare it with the allow-
The detailed guidance for the crack growth rates (CGRs) used in able flaw length calculated using the limit load equation of
the evaluation of BWR stainless steel internals is provided in Appendix C. However, this approach is too conservative and,
BWRVIP-14 [11], as modified by the stipulations given in the therefore, an alternative approach has generally been followed.
NRC’s final safety evaluation (SE) [12] on this report. The SE stat- Figure 41.3 shows a schematic representative plan view of an
ed, in part, “. . . by using an appropriately reduced value for the asymmetrically distributed uncracked ligament. It is assumed that
CGR from the 5  105 in./hr value found in NUREG-0313, Rev. there are 1, 2,...i,...n ligament lengths and that the i length is of
2, it would be possible for licensees to get credit for improved thickness ti and extends from an azimuth of
i1 to
i2. The liga-
water chemistry and other measures to mitigate cracking, e.g., ment length li of the i ligament is related to azimuth angles
i1 and
hydrogen water chemistries (HWC) and/or noble metal additions.
i2 by the following relationship:
The revised CGR of 2.2  105 in./hr corresponds to water
chemistries with a conductivity of  0.15 S/cm and an electro- li (D/2)(
i2) (1)
chemical potential (ECP) of 200 mV. The BWRVIP-14 correla-
tion indicates that this bounding CGR could be reduced for HWC where
with ECP  230 mV. The staff finds acceptable a reduction in the
CGR from 2.2  105 in./hr to 1.1  105 in./hr for plants with D the diameter of the shroud
HWC. The crack growth rates stated are only applicable to compo-
nents with uences  5  1020 n/cm2 (E  1 MeV), since the CGR
database is presently based only on unirradiated materials.”
In many of the inspected shrouds, the fluence at the midcore
weld such as the H4 weld in Fig. 41.2 is greater than 5  1020
n/cm2. For such cases, the approach used is to take no structural
credit for the material that is expected to exceed the preceding
value during the evaluation period [13]. The BWRVIP proposed
SCC growth rate relationships [14] are currently under review by
the NRC. Inspection Uncertainty. The shroud inspections are

typically conducted by either the visual testing (VT) or ultrasonic
testing (UT) means. Since the VT cannot provide the crack depth,
the VT-detected flaws are assumed as through-wall for the purpos-
es of the shroud structural evaluation. The indication length and/or
depth measurement uncertainties are a function of NDE delivery
system that may vary by the vendor. The BWRVIP conducted an
extensive program to document these uncertainties as a function of
internal component, NDE method, vendor, and other variables
[15]. For example, in one typical case [13], each nominally report-
ed indication length and depth in the shroud was increased by FIG. 41.3 A DISTRIBUTED LIGAMENT LENGTH EXAMPLE
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4 • Chapter 41

The calculation of moment M that this ligament configuration Repair/Replacement. BWR utilities have taken a vari-
can resist is somewhat complicated, because it is not a priori clear ety of approaches to addressing shroud cracking, ranging from a
as to which azimuthal orientation of the neutral/central axis would proactive implementation of a preemptive repair to an inspection
produce the least value of bending moment, M. Therefore, the value based approach in which a repair is installed only when warranted
of M is calculated for various orientations of the central axis from by periodic inspection results. The approach selected by a utility is
0 to 360 . This calculation is performed in the following two steps: based on many factors, including a plant-specific assessment of the
potential for significant cracking. The design, fabrication, and
(a) In this step, a central axis orientation, is first selected. The installation of a shroud repair implemented at a BWR plant has
location of the neutral axis, which is parallel to the central been described [23]. An example of the shroud replacement (along
axis, at a distance from the central axis is determined with other internals such as jet pumps) has been given [24]. The
using the following (see Fig. 41.3): replacement shroud material was chosen as Type 316L stainless
steel to ensure higher IGSCC resistance.
a + b - (p - a + b)

Rt(u) du - Rt n du = (sm/sf)(2pRt n) (2) 41.2.3 Jet Pumps

3 3 The jet pump recirculation system provides forced circulation
- (p - a + b) a+b
flow through the BWR core. During the normal operation of the
where plant, the jet pump structure is subjected to flow-induced vibration
(FIV) and exposed to a high-temperature (approximately 530 F)
assumed azimuth angle of the central axis
reactor water environment. The FIV loading could produce fatigue
 angle of the neutral axis with respect to central axis, or
crack growth in a flaw if the applied stress intensity factor range
sin1( /R)
exceeds the fatigue threshold (cyclic stress intensity factor range,
distance between the central axis and the neutral axis
Kth) below which cracks do not propagate (i.e., virtually no crack
R mean radius of the shroud
growth) under cyclic stress. The magnitude of the FIV stresses is
) ti (thickness of the i ligament), if angle
is such that
proportional to the square of the flow rate in the riser. The power


i2, or 0 otherwise
produced by the reactor is typically proportional to the core flow
tn nominal thickness of shroud
rate. Thus, the predicted fatigue crack growth at a flaw would
m membrane stress
depend on the operating scenario (i.e., core flow) assumed.
f material flow stress 3Sm
An example of the flaw evaluation at one of the locations in a jet
Thus, this step helps define the location of the neutral axis when pump where inservice inspection (ISI) detected an indication has
the central axis is assumed to be at an azimuth angle of . been provided [25]. The flaw was approximately 13 in. long, ori-
ented circumferentially, and located in a 10-in. diameter schedule
(b) Once the location of the neutral axis relative to the central axis 40 section. Figure 41.4 shows the BWR jet pump geometry. For
is determined, the moment M is then obtained by integrating the analysis purposes, the flaw was assumed to be through-wall.
the bending moment contributions from individual ligament Since it is not a pressure boundary, a through-wall flaw in a reactor
lengths. The mathematical expression used is the following: internal is acceptable for continued operation as long as the safety
margins of either the original Code of construction or ASME
a + b
BPVC Section XI are satisfied. Allowable circumferential flaw
Ma = sf R2t(u) sin(a - u) du length was determined as approximately 18 in. using the limit load
3 equations (with a/t assumed to be 1.0) in Appendix C of Section
- (p - a + b)
XI. The SCC growth rate was assumed to be 5  105 in./hr.
- (p - a + b) The flaw length at inspection was such that crack growth due to
- sf R2t n sin(a - u) du (3) fatigue during next cycle of operation could not be ruled out. A
3 key input in the fatigue crack growth evaluation was the relation-
ship between the applied stress intensity range (K) and the crack
growth rate per cycle (da/dN). The fatigue crack propagation
The orientation that produces the least value of M is called
behavior above Kth can be represented by the following equation:
min and defines the axis capable of resisting the limiting
moment. Whether the specified set of uncraked ligament lengths
provides the required structural margin is verified by the following: da/dN C(K)n (5)

M min/Z  Pm  SF(Pm  Pb) (4) where

where da increment in crack length, a

N number of cycles
Z section modulus of the shroud based on uncracked cross- K mode I stress intensity factor range(C and n are constants)
Pm applied membrane stress The K is equal to the maximum value of K (Kmax) minus the
Pb applied bending stress minimum value of K (Kmin). When a mean stress or load is pre-
SF safety factor sent, the value of Kmin is different from the negative of Kmax. An
indication of the relative magnitudes of the mean and the fluctuat-
The current approach uses a safety factor of 2.78 for normal/ ing stresses is the R ratio or R, defined as Kmin/Kmax. The cyclic fre-
upset (Level A/B) conditions and 1.39 for emergency/faulted (Level quency of the FIV stresses is on the order of 32 Hertz. This cyclic
C/D) conditions. frequency is high enough that the reactor water environmental
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(b) Using a finite element model of the jet pump, determine the
natural frequencies, mode shapes, and modal stresses of all
structural modes of interest. Compare the results to the startup
test results to ensure applicability of strain measurements.
(c) From the modal stresses, determine the mode shape factor
for each mode of interest to relate the strain at the riser brace
to the stress at the crack location.
(d) Decompose the riser brace strain-time history into individ-
ual modal strain-time histories for each mode of interest.
The jet pump riser brace-time history is from the startup test
data for the lead plant, whose jet pump was identical in
design to that for the plant with cracked thermal sleeve.
(e) Multiply these individual modal strain-time histories by
their corresponding mode shape factors to arrive at the crack
location modal stress–time histories.
(f) Algebraically sum (recombine) the modal stress–time histo-
ries at the crack location to arrive at the resultant stress–time
history. Care was taken in the decomposition (d) and recom-
bination processes to ensure that the phase relationships
among the modal components were maintained. Figure 41.5
shows the plot of a small segment of the stress-time history.
(g) Using the resultant stress-time history at the crack location,
rank the stress amplitudes from maximum to minimum.
(h) Combine the largest positive and negative amplitudes to
determine the maximum stress ranges.
(i) Group the stress ranges in increments of 50 psi and count the
number of cycles in each group. Assign the median stress
value to that group. For example, the cycles grouped in the
700–750 psi range were assigned a stress range of 725 psi.
(j) Scale the cycle numbers from the 128-sec test data sample
to equivalent numbers for 100 hr of operation. The 100-hr
interval was chosen to correspond to the time increment
used in the crack growth calculation to update the crack
effects are expected to be negligible. Therefore, the fatigue crack length. Table 41.1 shows the resulting cycle numbers for
growth rate relationship developed in air environment was used in each stress range determined.
the evaluation. ASME Section XI, Fig. C-3210-1 of Appendix C (k) The K values from the FIV stress cycles were determined
shows air fatigue crack growth rate curves for austenitic stainless using the mathematical expressions provided by Zahoor [27].
steels. The exponent n of the curve is given as 3.3. The dotted-line
curves in this figure are at 550F. The R ratio for the subject flaw When the calculated value of K for an FIV stress cycle
configurations was determined to be of the order of 0.5. exceeds the assumed threshold value of 5 ksi 1in., crack growth
Interpolation between R values of 0.0 and 0.79 was used to obtain due to fatigue is predicted. Because the subject crack is also
the curve for R  0.5. expected to experience crack growth due to SCC, the crack
A review of the GE test data [26] and those available in the growth due to both mechanisms was linearly added. A small time
open literature indicated that 5 ksi 1in. is a reasonably conserva- interval of 100 hr was chosen to calculate the SCC and fatigue
tive value for Kth at R  0.5. Thus, the fatigue crack growth rate crack growth. The calculated value of crack growth from these
relationship used in this evaluation was mathematically represent- two mechanisms was then added together and the crack length a
ed as the following: at the beginning of the interval was updated to a 2a. The fac-
tor of 2 accounts for crack growth at each end of the postulated
da/dN  2.705  1010 (K)3.3 for K  5 ksi 1in. (6)
 0.0 for K  5 ksi 1in.

During startup testing, the riser brace is instrumented with

strain gages and, thus, the strain/stress ranges at that location are
available. The key task is to infer the stress-time history at the
cracked location given the stress-time history at the riser brace.
The steps involved in calculating the vibration stress ranges at the
cracked section from the test data are summarized as follows:
(a) Review the startup vibration data for the applicable lead
plant to determine the primary structural modes of interest
for the jet pump. A 128-sec trace of the startup test data was FIG. 41.5 SAMPLE OF STRESS TIME HISTORY AT
available for this purpose. CRACKED LOCATION
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6 • Chapter 41

tube/housing instrument penetrations, and vessel ID brackets. The

flaw evaluation guidelines for most of these components are
essentially based on the limit load methods described in Appendix
C of ASME BPVC Section XI.
Recently observed fatigue failure in the steam dryer of a BWR
plant has focused attention on this component [1]. Although per-
forming a nonsafety-related function, the steam dryer in a BWR
plant must maintain its structural integrity to avoid loose dryer
parts from entering the reactor vessel or steam lines and adverse-
ly affecting plant operation. Figure 41.7 shows the details of a
BWR steam flow path and the steam dryer assembly. The steam
dryer assembly is mounted in the reactor vessel above the steam
separator assembly and forms the top and the sides of the wet
through-wall indication. This time-integration process was contin- steam plenum. Vertical guides on the inside of the vessel provide
ued for operation intervals of interest. alignment for the dryer assembly during installation. The dryer
Figure 41.6 shows the results of crack growth calculations for assembly is supported by pads extending inward from the vessel
two core flow scenarios. The FIV stresses are proportional to the wall. Steam from the separators flows upward and outward
square of the core flow and, thus, the fatigue crack growth is sensi- through the drying vanes. These vanes are attached to a top and
tive to the assumed core flow. Typically, the power produced by the bottom supporting member forming a rigid, integral unit.
plant is directly proportional to core flow. At 80% core flow, the Moisture is removed and carried by a system of troughs and
crack is predicted to grow to allowable crack length in 2,000 hours drains to the pool surrounding the separators and then into the
(~3 months) of operation. On the other hand, at 80% core flow recirculation down-comer annulus between the core shroud and
level, the crack is predicted to grow to allowable value in excess of RPV wall.
8,000 hours or approximately 1 year of operation. The difference Figure 41.8 shows the failure locations in a steam dryer [28].
between the two scenarios is essentially the crack growth rate dif- Extensive metallurgical and analytical evaluations (e.g., detailed
ference due to fatigue. Similar curves were generated for other core finite element analyses, flow-induced vibration analyses, compu-
flow levels for use by the plant operator; this allowed for flexibility tational fluid dynamics analyses, 1:16 scale model testing, and
in operating at different core flow (power) levels while ensuring acoustic circuit analyses) concluded that the root cause of this
that predicted total crack length is less than the allowable value. steam dryer failure was high cycle fatigue driven by flow-
Following approximately 4 months of operation at 80% core induced vibrations associated with the higher steam flows during
flow, the plant was shut down for the installation of repair hard- extended power uprate (EPU) conditions (~18% above the origi-
ware at the cracked weld. UT ultrasonic examination of the crack nal rated power). It is noted that no significant fatigue failures
prior to the installation of the repair showed virtually no crack were observed in this dryer during the rated thermal power oper-
growth since the last examination. This confirmed the conserva- ation for more than 20 years. Most of the plant start-up FIV data
tive nature of the fracture mechanics and crack growth evaluations are at the original rated power level or less, and the sensors, such
to justify continued operation in the as-is condition for a limited as strain gages, on the dryer were not necessarily located where
period. The repair consisted of installing a tongue-and-groove the fatigue failures were observed during EPU operation. The
type of clamp to replace the cracked weld. repairs at the failure locations were designed to provide a
significant relative improvement (e.g., a factor of improvement in
41.2.4 Other BWR Internals and Steam Dryers excess of 3) in the cyclic fatigue stress compared to that in the
Other internal components covered by the BWRVIP reports are previous configuration. This technical approach was necessary in
core shroud support, top guide, core plate, core spray view of significant uncertainty in the fatigue loading during
piping/spargers, standby liquid control system, CRD guide/stub uprated condition operation. A recommended action was, among
others, a VT-1 inspection of susceptible locations as determined
by a dryer stress analysis [28]. Subsequently, the BWRVIP has
developed an inspection and evaluation guidelines document [29]
for the BWR steam dryers. The current stress analyses are
conducted using the ASME BPVC Section III, Class 1 rules as
guidance. Some of the activities currently in progress include
extensive subscale model testing and acoustic circuit analysis.
Also, some of the replacement steam dryers are being instru-
mented with strain gages and accelerometers to validate the
analytically calculated vibratory stress magnitudes.


41.3.1 Application of Probabilistic Fracture
Mechanics for Inspection Exemption
The ISI of pressure-retaining RPV shell welds (Category B-A
welds in Table IWB-2500-1) is an important element of ASME
FIG. 41.6 PREDICTED CRACK LENGTHS FOR VARIOUS BPVC Section XI inspection requirements. Examination of the
CORE FLOW LEVELS BWR vessel beltline region in early design BWRs posed problems
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because of the limited access on the outside surface between the Federal Regulations [10 CFR 50.55a], ‘Code and Standards’ [33].
vessel and the biological shield. Also, interference from jet pumps One purpose of this amendment was to incorporate by reference a
and the complication of inspecting through the clad made inspec- later edition and addendum to ASME BPVC Section XI, Division 1,
tion from the inside surface difficult. For the older plants with and Addenda through 1988. Also, the rule proposed to create
access problems, the NRC had granted exemption from the inspec- Section 50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(A) to 10 CFR 50.55a, “Augmented
tion requirement. In the early 1990s, the NRC changed its position Examination of Reactor Vessel,” which required that all licensees
and required inside diameter (ID) examinations of the older perform volumetric examinations of “essentially 100%” of the
BWRs. This has led to the development of new inspection systems RPVs pressure-retaining shell welds during all inspection inter-
to meet the challenge of ID inspections [30]. Over the past several vals in accordance with ASME BPVC Section XI on an “expedit-
years, BWRVIP has developed [31] and successfully completed a ed” schedule, and revoked all previously granted reliefs for RPV
program to assess the reliability of BWR vessels, specifically weld examinations. Expedited in this context effectively meant
focusing on the effect of not inspecting the RPV circumferential during the inspection interval when the rule was approved or the
welds [32]. The technical approach is based on probabilistic frac- first period of the next inspection interval. The final rule was pub-
ture mechanics (PFM) [33]. lished in the Federal Register on August 6, 1992.
“In January 1991, the NRC published in the Federal Register a By letter dated September 28, 1995, as supplemented, the
proposed Rule to amend Section 50.55a to Title 10 of the Code of BWRVIP submitted EPRI proprietary report BWRVIP-05 [31].
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The BWRVIP-05 report evaluated the current inspection require- The alternate PFM analysis of the NRC also considered a low-
ments for the RPV shell welds in BWRs, formulated recommen- temperature overpressure (LTOP) transient at a non-U.S. BWR
dations for alternative inspection requirements, and provided a [34]. During this transient, the RPV was subjected to high pres-
technical basis for these recommended requirements. As sure (7.9 MPa or 1,150 psig) at a low temperature (26–31⬚C or
modified, it proposed to perform ISI on “essentially 100% of the 79⬚–88⬚F). An Appendix E–based deterministic fracture mechan-
RPV axial shell weld, and eliminate the inspection of all but ics analysis and corrective actions that justified plant startup
approximately 2–3% of the circumferential welds at the intersec- following the transient are documented [34].
tion of the axial and circumferential welds.” The PFM analysis can also be used to justify inspecting less
The NRC’s technical bases for granting this exemption are sum- than 100% of the vertical welds due to the local inaccessibility of
marized. “Regulatory Guide 1.174 provides guidelines as to how the RPV and equipment issues. During a refueling outage, a U.S.
defense-in-depth and safety margins are maintained, and states that BWR found that only 89.9% of the total length of the beltline ver-
a risk assessment should be used to address the principle that pro- tical welds and 91.8% of the total vessel vertical weld length
posed increases in risk, and their cumulative effect, are small and could be inspected. In the case of one particular vertical weld, the
do not cause the NRC Safety Goals to be exceeded. The estimated entire length was not accessible. Part of this weld was in the belt-
failure frequency of the BWR RPV circumferential welds is well line region. A PFM evaluation [35] concluded that the resultant
below the acceptable core damage frequency (CDF) and large early increase in the vessel failure probability was very small, even
release frequency (LERF) criteria discussed in RG 1.174. Although after factoring in the contribution of a postulated LTOP event.
the frequency of RPV weld failure cannot be directly compared to Thus, a less than 100% inspection of the welds was technically
the frequencies of core damage or large early release, the staff justified.
believes the estimated frequency of RPV circumferential weld fail-
ure bounds the corresponding CDF and LERF that may result from 41.3.2 Feedwater Nozzle
a vessel weld failure. On the above bases, the NRC staff concluded Cracking was observed in BWR feedwater nozzles and control
that the BWRVIP-05 proposal, as modified, to eliminate BWR ves- rod drive (CRD) return line nozzles during the 1970s. Since then,
sel circumferential weld examinations, was acceptable.” the CRD return lines in most BWRs have been rerouted and the
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leak-before-break analyses concluded that even a through-wall

flaw is structurally acceptable at the cracking location [37]. Thus,
the critical flaw depth at this location is the through-wall dimen-
sion, typically 10 in. in most BWRs. If the approach of ASME
BPVC IWB-3611 (for normal/upset conditions) is taken in setting
the allowable flaw depth to be one-tenth of the critical flaw depth,
one obtains the value of 1 in. as the allowable flaw depth.
The initial flaw depth is assumed to be 0.25 in.; this is consid-
ered to be a reasonable depth detectable with a high degree of
confidence. The fatigue crack growth rate relationship used is that
provided in Appendix A of ASME BPVC Section XI for water
environment. This fracture mechanics analysis is essentially simi-
lar to a flaw tolerance evaluation per Appendix L of ASME
BPVC Section XI. Figure 41.11 shows the results of fracture
mechanics calculations for some of the BWRs. The results show a
fairly large interval (in excess of 25 years) before the projected
crack depth reaches 1 in.
Improvements in UT capability and the acceptable crack
growth results seen in a majority of the fracture mechanics analy-
ses provided justification to revise the inspection frequency and
allow an alternate method. In fact, it was the intent of the NRC to
eliminate penetrant testing (PT) requirements when improved UT
techniques were available. The revised inspection schedules (see
nozzles capped. In the case of the feedwater nozzle, an extensive Table 41.2) were developed [38] and were approved by the NRC
study of the problem attributed the cracking to relatively cooler [39] for use by the BWR owners. The inspection zones referred to
feedwater leaking past loosely fitted sparger thermal sleeves in Table 41.2 are shown in Fig. 41.12. The inspection intervals
installed inside the nozzle. The bypass leakage from around the based on Table 41.2 provide considerable relief in inspection
loose thermal sleeves caused fluctuations in nozzle metal temper- efforts without sacrificing safety.
atures, which resulted in metal fatigue and crack initiation (see Several BWR plants have implemented thermal sleeve bypass
Fig. 41.9). These cracks were then driven deeper by the larger leakage detection systems since the time NUREG-0619 was pub-
temperature and pressure cycles associated with startups, shut- lished. Such systems were still under development at that time,
downs, and certain operational transients. The NRC issued its but preliminary testing and implementation of the systems sug-
findings and resolutions of the cracking problem in NUREG-0619 gested them to be feasible and practical. The intent of these sys-
[36] in which it recommended that licensees take the following tems was to detect significant leakage through degraded thermal
six actions to reduce the potential for initiating and growing sleeve seals or cracks in thermal sleeve welds. This detection was
cracks in the inner nozzle areas: accomplished by relating exterior surface metal temperatures
(from newly installed thermocouples) to leakage flow. Leakage
(a) remove the cladding from the inner radii
monitoring was expected to be a beneficial system to employ,
(b) replace loose-fitting or interference-fitting sparger thermal
because it might provide the most direct assessment of conditions
known to lead to nozzle fatigue cracking.
(c) evaluate flow controllers for acceptability
Leakage monitoring systems have not been implemented as
(d) modify operating procedures to reduce thermal fluctuations
consistently as anticipated when NUREG-0619 was published.
(e) reroute reactor water clean-up system to both feedwater
This has been primarily due to high installation and maintenance
costs as well as field experience suggesting that the cracking
(f) conform to the inspection interval specified in Table 41.2 of
problem had been eliminated. Also, erroneous leakage readings
can be common with these systems due to sensor movement,
Most of the BWRs adopted a triple thermal sleeve design as which has led to unnecessary leakage concerns. Systems that have
replacement for the original loose-fitting design. This design was continued to operate properly have shown leakage to be
developed as a part of an extensive experimental and analytical insignificant; these results have further verified observations of no
program [37] conducted to address feedwater nozzle cracking. sparger cracking.
Figure 41.5 shows this design and the temperature variations with Based on these results, leakage monitoring does not possess the
and without bypass. necessity and promise it once had. Nevertheless, for those instal-
In 1981, the NRC issued Generic Letter 81-11 amending the lations that continue to operate properly, it does remain a viable
recommendations in NUREG-0619. The generic letter allowed method for further assessing the presence of fatigue cracking in
plant-specific fracture mechanics analysis in lieu of hardware nozzles. Therefore, for those plants that have such systems, leak-
modifications. To be acceptable to the NRC, such analysis had to age data obtained from these systems can be used to enhance the
analytically demonstrate that stresses from conservative controller technical argument used to establish inspection frequency.
temperature and flow profiles, when added to those resulting from
the other crack growth phenomena such as startup/shutdown 41.3.3 Inspections of Other Vessel Nozzles and Welds
cycles, did not result in the growth of an assumed crack to greater
than the allowable value of 1 in. during the 40-year life of the Alternate Inspection Method for Nozzle Inner
plant. The BWR feedwater nozzles have large flaw tolerance. The Radii. Other than the feedwater nozzles and the operational CRD
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return line nozzles in BWRs, the ISI inspections of inner radii of nozzle types in boiling water reactor (BWR) nozzle, both the
the other RPV nozzles, including PWR vessel nozzles, have not other nozzle types have the same flawless history as the PWRs. In
found any indications. This led to the adoption of Code Case 1999, a project was begun to eliminate this inspection from the
N-648-1 [40]. This Code Case allows a VT-1 examination of the requirements of ASME BPVC Section XI; the following three
inner radii surface [surface M-N in Figs. IWB-2500-7(a) independent arguments were advanced:
through(d)] in lieu of the volumetric examination required by
(a) a good inspection history (the nozzles that had cracked in
Table IWB-2500-1, Examination Category B-D, Item B3.20 or
service were eliminated)
B3.100, for ISI of reactor vessel nozzles other than BWR feedwa-
(b) a very large flaw tolerance
ter nozzles and operational CRD return line nozzles. If crack-like
(c) a risk argument that was based on the finding that elimina-
surface flaws exceeding the acceptance criteria of Table IWB-
tion of the inspection resulted in negligible change in core
3510-3 are found, acceptability for continued service can be shown
damage frequency
by meeting the requirements of ASME BPVC IWB-3142.2, IWB-
3142.3, or IWB-3142.4. These arguments were accepted by the ASME Code, as well as
Briefly, the technical bases [41] for this Code Case are as fol- the NRC, and Code Case N-648-1 was approved by ASME in
lows: volumetric inspections have been required for the nozzle December of 2000 [41].
inner radius regions of reactor vessels since the inception of The NRC, in a conditional acceptance of this Code Case, stated
Section XI of the ASME Code in 1970. In over 30 years of the following [42]: “In place of a UT examination, licensees may
inspections, no indications have been found in any pressurized perform a visual examination with enhanced magnification that
water reactor (PWR) nozzles. Indications have been found in two has a resolution sensitivity to detect a 1-mil width wire or crack,
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AQ: Please provide

Fig.41.10 Callout.


utilizing the allowable flaw length criteria of Table IWB-3512-1 high reliability of detecting flaws that can challenge the structural
with limiting assumptions on the flaw aspect ratio. The provi- integrity of BWR nozzles and their associated welds. Code Case
sions of Table IWB-2500-1, Examination Category B-D, contin- 702 [43], approved at the December 2003 meeting of the Section
ue to apply except that, in place of examination volumes, the XI Main Committee, allows a reduction of the nozzle-to-shell
surfaces to be examined are the external surfaces shown in welds and nozzle blend radii from 100% to 25% of the nozzles
the figures applicable to this table.” Thus, the NRC requires a every 10 years, 25% inspection each 10-year interval.
more sensitive visual examination technique than that specified BWRVIP-108 [44], which provided the technical basis for this
in the Code Case. Code Case, described the technical approach as follows: “The pro-
ject team evaluated the available field inspection data and perfor- Alternate Inspection Frequency. Currently, BWR mance demonstration data for BWR nozzles. They selected repre-
RPV nozzle inner radius and nozzle-to-shell welds are inspected sentative nozzles for the evaluation, including core spray, main
per ASME BPVC Section XI requirements (Table IWB-3500-1, steam, and recirculation inlet and outlet nozzles. PFM and deter-
Examination Category B-D), which requires 100% inspection for ministic fracture mechanics (DFM) calculations were performed to
each 10-year interval. These examinations are costly and result in assess the reliability of the nozzles after implementing the revised
significant radiation exposure to examiners. Since 1990, the per- inspection approach. The PFM code, VIPER, developed by the
formance of NDE has improved substantially such that there is a BWRVIP with a successful first use in BWRVIP-05, employs
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12 • Chapter 41

Cracking and, in some case, leakage has been observed in BWR

plants with furnace-sensitized stub tubes. The observed leakage
has been well within the system leakage limits and has been a
small fraction of the system makeup capability. Unlike the PWRs
where the coolant uses borated water, there is no boron in the
BWR water and leakage from the stub tube cracking does not lead
to boron corrosion concerns. Stub tube cracking by itself does not
pose a direct safety issue. Limiting the leakage has been the focus
of the corrective action prior to plant startup. Roll expansion of the
housing against the vessel penetration has been used to address the
leakage concern. The plastic deformation of the housing against
the vessel results in an effective leakage barrier.
The stub tube roll expansion repair has been used successfully
in several BWRs and has been reviewed by the NRC staff. For
FIG. 41.11 FRACTURE MECHANICS RESULTS FOR the domestic BWR plants, the NRC typically approved the
SEVERAL BWRs repair process as an alternative to the requirements of ASME
BPVC Section XI, para. IWA-5250(a)(3) pursuant to 10 CFR
50.55a(a)(3)(I) on a case-by-case basis. Recently, the NRC
allowed continued plant operation for the second cycle following
discovery of CRD stub tube leakage in a BWR/2 plant [45].
Summary of the NRC’s safety evaluation follows.

The NRC staff concluded that, based on industry experience,

roll expansion of the CRD housing to the RPV is an appropri-
ate alternative repair for use at the BWR/2 plant. The roll
expansion process will eliminate, or reduce to an acceptable



Monte Carlo methods to assess the reliability of a BWR RPV hav-

ing flaw distributions, material properties, fluence distributions,
and several other parameters, which are assumed to be randomly
distributed. A DFM evaluation was also performed to demonstrate
that expected flaws, based on field experience, would not jeopar-
dize the structural integrity of the vessel. A flaw is selected that
bounds any expected flaws based on field inspection results. Using
appropriate material properties, a deterministic LEFM evaluation
is performed to demonstrate that failure is not expected.”

41.3.4 Stub Tube Cracking

The CRD and In-Core Housing penetrations in a BWR are on
the bottom head of the vessel. The earlier BWR CRD penetrations
used a stub tube to which the CRD housing is welded. The typical
CRD housing is 6 in. in diameter and is made of either Type 304
stainless steel or Alloy 600. The use of the stub tube allows the
stainless steel housing to be welded to the stub tube after post-
weld heat treatment (PWHT) of the vessel. Figure 41.13 shows
the typical CRD stub tube penetration in a BWR/2 bottom head.
This is referred to as a set-in stub tube design since the stub tube
is in a socket in the bottom head prior to welding. In some BWRs,
the stub tube was made of Type 304 stainless steel and was weld-
ed to the bottom head before PWHT. The subsequent PWHT
caused furnace sensitization of the stub tube making it susceptible
to IGSCC with the exposure to a high-temperature, water environ-
ment. The cracking could occur in the HAZs of the welds and FIG. 41.13 A TYPICAL BWR SET-IN CRD STUB TUBE
anywhere along the length of the sensitized stub tube. DESIGN
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level, leakage from CRD housings. The housings will be plas-

tically expanded within the RPV lower head bore to create a
radial contact pressure between the housing and the vessel
bore. Proper contact pressure is achieved by controlling the
radial expansion of the housing and by utilizing additional
passes to increase the contact length. The process will have no
harmful effects on the CRD housing, stub tubes, or the reactor
vessel. Potential failures, which could occur as a result of this
repair, have been evaluated. The roll repair will meet the
qualification criteria, without exception, and the nominal 3–5%
minimum thinning to achieve continuous contact. Additionally,
the alternative provides for the pre-repair and post-repair
inspections to ensure the adequacy of this proposed repair.
Thus, the proposed alternative will provide assurance of struc-
tural integrity for the approval period requested.

Imposition of the Code repair would require that the plant

remain in a shutdown condition for an extended period in order
to disassemble and remove fuel from the reactor to determine
the exact leak location and to perform an in-vessel repair involv-
ing additional personnel exposure. Because use of the alterna-
tive repair (roll expansion) until the next refueling outage will
provide adequate assurance of structural integrity, compliance
with the specified requirements of the Code (a weld repair) FIG. 41.14 STUB TUBE NARROW GROOVE WELDED
would result in hardship or unusual difficulty without a com- PARTIAL DESIGN
pensating increase in the level of quality and safety.

The NRC staff has evaluated the licensee’s proposed alterna- 41.3.5 Vessel Attachment Weld Cracking
tive for the plant. The staff finds that the proposed roll expan-
There are numerous internal attachments to the BWR RPV that
sion repair, as described above, is acceptable until the next
are welded using the alloy 182 that is known to be susceptible to
refueling outage. The NRC staff does not approve the roll-
SCC. Also, some attachments such as the jet pump riser brace are
expansion process as a permanent repair in lieu of meeting
fatigue sensitive. One of the aspects that needs to be considered
the ASME Code repair criteria. The NRC staff recommends
when field cracking is detected at an attachment weld is the
that if the licensee intends to use this alternative as a perma-
potential for crack growth into the vessel material during future
nent repair, it should pursue this alternative repair of the CRD
housings with the Code Committee to accept this as a perma-
nent repair through a Code Case on an expedited basis. Vessel-to–Shroud Support Weld Cracking. In late
Should this prove to be not successful, the NRC staff recom-
1999, stress corrosion cracks were discovered in alloy 182 welds
mends that the licensee follow up with a schedule for a per-
in the shroud support structure of Tsuruga-1, a BWR-2 located in
manent Code repair. The implementation of the alternative is
Japan (see Fig. 41.15). This weld material was used in the con-
subject to inspection by the NRC.
struction of the conical support structure as well as to attach the
Based on the NRC’s recommendation, the plant owner helped support structure to the RPV. These cracks were detected visually
develop Code Case N-730 [46], the technical basis of which is docu- and confirmed with penetrant inspection as well as by metallogra-
mented in [47]. Reference 47 builds on the BWRVIP roll repair doc- phy during core shroud replacement activities. The number of
ument [48] that was part of a full-scale effort to develop and qualify crack indications was more extensive than had been seen previ-
the roll repair process and equipment. A Code Case (tentatively ously in BWRs and the cracks were located on the underside of the
assigned the number N-769) is currently under development for the core support structure; thus, they could not be detected during rou-
roll repair of BWR bottom head in-core housing penetrations. tine visual inservice inspection from the top.
Other types of stub tube repair concepts include the following: Following this finding, BWR owners were advised to review
their inservice inspection programs and consider performing an
(a) a mechanical seal forming a pressure boundary around examination of the RPV-to–shroud support plate weld [51].
the weld Somewhat similar cracking on the underside of the H9 weld was
(b) a welded sleeve forming a pressure boundary and weld load detected at a U.S. BWR-2 plant though UT inspection conducted
path (see Fig. 41.14 for a typical example for a set-on stub from outside the vessel. A fracture mechanics evaluation [52] was
tube [49]) performed to address the following two issues:
(c) a replacement of the stub tube and housing
(a) What is the structural margin during future operation at the
The replacement option involves welding close to the P3 vessel shroud support in the presence of observed cracking?
material where preheat or PWHT may not be feasible. Code Case (b) What is the number of years of plant operation until an
N-606-1 [50] was specifically developed to permit the use of assumed flaw at the clad base metal interface would be pro-
ambient temperature machine GTAW temper bead technique for jected to grow into the base metal to allowable flaw depth
BWR CRD housing/stub tube repairs. calculated by the rules of ASME BPVC IWB-3600?
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14 • Chapter 41



da/dt 2.8  106 in./hr for K  50 ksi 1in. (7)

6.82  1012 (K)4 in./hr for transient condition,
FIG. 41.15 BWR-2 SHROUD SUPPORT GEOMETRY or K  ksi 1in. (8)

For the purpose of the crack growth calculation, it was assumed

that there would be approximately 800 hr of transient condition
The evaluations conducted to address both of these issues con- operation during a 2-year (approximately 16,000 hr) cycle of
sidered projected crack growth from at least 80,000 hr (approxi- operation. The results of crack growth prediction are shown in
mately 10 years) of future operation. Fig. 41.17. The allowable crack depth was determined to be 2 in.
The detailed examinations during shroud replacement activi- based on normal/upset conditions. Figure 41.17 indicates that this
ties at the Japanese BWR-2 confirmed that none of the cracks value of crack depth is reached in excess of 200,000 hours of
entered the vessel low-alloy steel base metal adjacent to the weld operation. This flaw evaluation provided technical justification for
metal. This clearly indicated that the cracking was confined to continued operation of the RPV with the observed H9 weld
alloy 182 even though the plant had operated for over 25 years. cracks for at least 5 additional operating cycles, equivalent to 10
Therefore, the fracture mechanics approach to quantify the years of operation.
allowable operating time conservatively considered a long axial
flaw (aspect ratio of 0.1) placed at the depth of the clad low-alloy Steam-Dryer-Support-Bracket Cracking. Steam
steel interface. dryer support brackets are four stubby projections from the ID of
The stresses considered in the evaluation were those due to the vessel that support the steam dryer. They are 3  5  11-in.
internal pressure, thermal expansion, cladding, and weld residual. tall forgings, full penetration welded to alloy 182 pads about 10 ft
The values of total applied stress intensity factor K as a function below the closure flange. Figure 41.18 shows the geometry of the
of crack depth a are shown in Fig. 41.16. The fatigue crack cracked bracket [54]. A metallurgical analysis indicated that the
growth using the Appendix A curves was found to be bracket failed by a fatigue mechanism. During normal operation,
insignificant. However, the potential crack growth due to stress the only design loads transferred between the steam dryer and the
corrosion cracking was taken into account using the following K support brackets are vertical. The loads are transferred to the
versus da/dt relationship [53]: bracket through a seismic block, which provides horizontal
restraint during earthquake loading. Examination of the failed
bracket on the upper surface showed that the dryer support ring
was in direct contact with the edge of the bracket farthest from the
reactor wall due to an improperly positioned seismic block. This
was different from the other three identical brackets that showed
contact with the seismic block attached to the support ring. The
point of application of the load on the failed bracket was 80% far-
ther away from the crack initiation edge than was the load appli-
cation point on the uncracked bracket 180 away from it. This
meant 56% higher cyclic bending stresses at the failed bracket.
Therefore, the corrective action for the cracked bracket was to
replace it exactly as in the original design (same bracket material,
configuration, and weld material) and to ensure that the seismic
block was in contact with the bracket rather than the dryer support
ring. A review of the ASME BPVC Section III fatigue design
curve for Ni-Cr-Fe materials (ASME BPVC Section III, Fig. 19.2)
FIG. 41.16 CALCULATED VALUES OF TOTAL K AND THE indicated that a 56% improvement in stress would translate into a
POLYNOMIAL FIT fatigue life improvement by a factor of at least 25. This meant that
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simplified evaluation procedures for Service Level A and B con-

ditions. The NRC published Regulatory Guide 1.161 [60] to pro-
vide additional guidance to include analysis procedures for
Service Levels C and D, guidance on selecting the transients for
evaluation, and details on temperature-dependent material proper-
ties. The low USE analysis also has been called equivalent mar-
gin analysis.
For the evaluation of Level A and B service conditions, a 1/4 t
surface flaw with an aspect ratio of 6:1 oriented axially or circum-
ferentially (whichever direction is relevant) is postulated. The two
criteria to be satisfied are the following.

(a) The applied J-integral, evaluated at a pressure that is 1.15

times the accumulation pressure as defined in the plant-
specific Overpressure Protection Report, with a factor of
safety of 1.0 on thermal loading for the plant-specified heat-
up/cool-down conditions, shall be shown to be less than J0.1,
the J-integral characteristic of the material resistance to duc-
tile tearing at a flaw growth of 0.1 in.
(b) The flaw shall be shown to be stable, with the possibility of
ductile flaw growth at a pressure that is 1.25 times the accu-
mulation pressure defined in (a), with a safety factor of 1.0
on thermal loading.
The J-R curve shall be a conservative representation for the
vessel material under evaluation. The criteria for the evaluation of
Level C service conditions are essentially the same, except that
the repair extended the life of the bracket significantly past the ves- the postulated flaw is 10 t deep and the safety factor on the pres-
sel design life. A VT examination after 1 year of service revealed sure loading is 1.0. Additional relaxation in the criteria for Level
that this bracket was free of cracks. D service conditions is that a best estimate J-R curve can be used.

41.3.6 Low Upper Shelf Energy Evaluation Generic BWR Evaluation. In September 1992, the
NRC, in discussing the preliminary review of the responses to Background. Appendix G of 10 CFR50 [52] states Generic Letter 92-01, strongly recommended that equivalent mar-
that the RPV must maintain upper-shelf energy (USE) throughout gin analyses be done by the Owners Group. The BWR Owners
its life of no less than 50 ft-lb, unless it is demonstrated, in a man- Group developed a generic analysis in the form of a topical report
ner approved by the director of the office of Nuclear Reactor [61]. The objective was to provide a safety net analysis for plants
Regulation, that lower values of USE will provide margins of that could not quantitatively demonstrate, using NRC-approved
safety against fracture equivalent to those required by Appendix methods, that USE would remain above 50 ft-lb and might, there-
G of ASME BPVC Section XI. Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision fore, be subject to regulatory action. A second objective, which
2 [56] provides a method to estimate the decrease in USE as a developed within the BWR Owners Group in the process of per-
function of fluence and copper content. It was recognized in the forming the analysis, was to provide a topical report, which could
early 1980s that some RPVs have materials for which the USE be referenced by utilities as part of their licensing basis, to address
may fall below 50 ft-lb due to irradiation embrittlement. In 1982, compliance with the 50 ft-lb requirement on USE in 10 CFR50
the NRC published proposed procedures for the analyses required Appendix G.
by 10 CFR50 for operating RPVs as NUREG-0744 [57]. At the Both the axial and circumferential flaws in plate material, with
time of publication of this document, the NRC officially request- the corresponding longitudinal and transverse USE data, were
ed that the ASME Code recommend criteria, analysis methods, considered in the analysis. For welds, only the more limiting axial
and suitable specifications for material properties to be used for flaw case was evaluated. The analysis addressed BWR/2 plates
the assessment of reactor vessels that do not meet the Charpy USE separately from BWR/3–6 plates, due to differences in geome-
requirements. As a result of this request, the Section XI Working tries, material properties, and availability of USE data. The welds
Group (WG) on Flaw Evaluation developed, through an approxi- were addressed together for BWR/2–6 vessels but were grouped
mately 10-year effort, acceptance criteria and acceptable analysis by weld type, specifically shielded metal arc, electroslag, and sub-
methods to address this issue. The WG also developed simplified merged arc welding.
evaluation procedures applicable for use in evaluations of Service Figure 41.19 shows the Level C condition transient used in
Level A and B conditions. WRC Bulletin 413 [58] documents the the analysis, and Figure 41.20 shows the results for J0.1 assess-
results of the WG’s effort; Part 1 of the Bulletin contains the basis ment also for Level C conditions. Topical report was reviewed
for the recommendations sent from the WG to the NRC, dated and approved by the NRC [62]. Table 41.3 (Table 1 [62]) pro-
January 11, 1991. These recommendations included the accep- vides a summary of the results. Equivalent margin was demon-
tance criteria that were subsequently implemented as Code Case strated for 35 ft-lb USE values, except in the longitudinal plate
N-512 [59] and later as Nonmandatory Appendix K in ASME direction where the results were 50 ft-lb for BWR/2 plates and
BPVC Section XI. Part 2 of the Bulletin contains the basis for the 59 ft-lb for BWR/3 – 6 plates. The analysis results for Levels C
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16 • Chapter 41

and D conditions were less limiting than Levels A and B condi-

tions. The material property projections used 32 effective full-
power years (EFPY), which is taken to be the equivalent to
40 years of operation. Table 41.3 also shows the NRC-predicted
end-of-life USE values.
Specific BWR plants can compare their USE surveillance
results to the predictions of Regulatory Guide 1.99 to verify that
the comparisons of 32 EFPY USE with the equivalent margin
analysis are bounding for their vessel beltline, using a worksheet
[61]. Once the bounding nature of the BWR Owners Group analy-
sis has been established, the plant can reference the analysis [61]
to demonstrate compliance with the USE requirements of 10
CFR50 Appendix G for 32 EFPY of operation.


AUTOMATIC BLOWDOWN TRANSIENT (LEVEL C The BWR reactor pressure boundary piping material is typically
CONDITION) either carbon steel (SA-106, Grade B, SA-333, Grade 6, and
SA-516 Grade 70) or stainless steel (Type 304 or 316, regular car-
bon, L grade, or LN grade). The safe end material could also be
Ni-Cr-Fe material (SB-166). The experience with the BWR carbon
steel piping has been excellent and there is no field degradation
incidents attributed to it. On the other hand, the BWR stainless
steel piping (made of Type 304/316) has experienced cracking dur-
ing service [63–65]. As discussed later, the development of
Appendix C of ASME BPVC Section XI in the early 1980s and
several Code Cases were intended to provide guidance in the eval-
uation and repair of this type of stainless steel pipe cracking.

41.4.1 Cause of Cracking

Cracking in weld-sensitized Type 304 stainless steel piping has
been mainly due to IGSCC. The IGSCC mechanism requires a
combination of sensitized material condition, high-sustained
stress, and susceptible environment. Weld sensitization results in
carbide precipitation in the HAZ leaving a region of IGSCC sus-
ceptible material. Applied stress coupled with weld residual
FIG. 41.20 J0.1 ASSESSMENT FOR LEVEL C CONDITIONS stresses provide conditions that could cause cracking. Finally, the


Summary on results from equivalent margin analysis for eight types of beltline material
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high-temperature oxygenated water provides the environmental however, sometimes deep cracks were observed, particularly in
conditions needed for IGSCC. The IGSCC is explained by the the alloy 182 butter at the low-alloy steel nozzles. The dissimilar
presence of the three necessary conditions for cracking. metal weldment joining the BWR nozzles to safe ends is one of
the more complex configurations in the entire recirculation sys-
41.4.2 Remedial/Mitigation/Repair Measures tem. Field installation techniques typically specify that a special
In October 1979, in response to the increased number of inci- shop weld deposit (butter) be placed on the end of the nozzle prior
dents of IGSCC of austenitic stainless steel piping in BWRs and to final shop PWHT to facilitate field welding without PWHT.
the appearance of cracking in large-diameter (24–28 in.) recircu- Many BWR vessels used Inconel 182 manual shielded metal arc
lation system piping, a group of BWR utilities organized an electrodes to weld deposit the butter. Later laboratory studies
Owners Group to provide the R&D resources necessary to solve determined that alloy 182 was susceptible to IGSCC, especially
the pipe-cracking problem. EPRI was given the responsibility of under severe conditions such as crevices and/or cold work.
integrating these resources into ongoing research and develop- Repair/replacement activities at two BWRs, where axially orient-
ment efforts funded by EPRI, the BWR Owners, and GE so as to ed IGSCC from the butter progressed into the low-alloy steel
establish a single, unified industry program addressing pipe crack- nozzle, have been described [70]. Many BWR plant owners
ing in BWRs. Most overseas BWR Owners also participated in proactively undertook repair/replacement/mitigation activities to
the resulting program, known as the BWR Owners Group IGSCC address potential IGSCC of alloy 182 butters [71].
Research Program, which began in 1979 and was completed in Weld overlay type of repair is also a very attractive remedy and
1988 [66–68]. has been used extensively in the field. It is applicable both at the
The initial set of IGSCC remedies was referred to as near term. pipe-to-pipe welds and at pipe-to-nozzle or safe-end welds.
These remedies could be applied to susceptible Type 304 stainless
steel components in the short term to field repairs and replace- 41.4.3 Weld Overlay Repairs
ments and to plants under construction that were committed to the Weld overlays were first applied in 1982 as a repair for IGSCC
use of Type 304 stainless steel piping. The near-term remedies in stainless steel piping [72]. As shown in Fig. 41.21, the repair
included solution heat treatment (SHT), corrosion-resistant technique is based on the application of weld metal to the outside
cladding (CRC), and heat-sink welding (HSW). Following welding, pipe surface over and to either side of the flawed location, extend-
SHT redissolves grain-boundary carbides and restores the grain- ing circumferentially 360 . The weld overlay repair performs the
boundary chromium concentration. CRC consists of cladding the following functions:
susceptible part of the pipe inside the surface adjacent to the girth
weld with SCC-resistant duplex weld metal. HSW is designed to (a) It provides structural reinforcement of the flawed location,
generate compressive residual stresses at the ID of the HAZ such that adequate load-carrying capability is provided,
through the use of carefully controlled welding parameters in either in the overlay by itself or in some combination of the
conjunction with water cooling of the inside of the pipe during overlay and the original pipe wall thickness.
welding. (b) It provides a barrier of IGSCC-resistant material to prevent
To mitigate IGSCC in operating piping, induction heating IGSCC propagation into the overlay weld metal.
stress improvement (IHSI) and last-pass heat sink welding (c) It introduces a compressive residual stress distribution in at
(LPHSW) were also qualified in the early 1980s. IHSI modifies least the inner portion of the pipe wall, which will inhibit
the as-welded residual stresses by inducing small amounts of IGSCC initiation and propagation in the original pipe joint.
plastic deformation in the HAZ. This is accomplished by generat- (d) It prevents local leakage from small axial flaws.
ing a through-wall temperature gradient (by induction heating the Although these repairs were accepted by the NRC, the early reg-
outside of the pipe and water cooling the inside) that is sufficient ulatory position was that such repairs were only interim measures.
to cause a small amount of yielding. The LPHSW is essentially The utilities were allowed to operate for two fuel cycles with weld
similar to HSW except that it only involves remelting the weld overlay repairs to enable them to develop and adequately plan for
crown while providing a heat sink and, therefore, can be applied replacement activities. In NUREG-0313, Revision 2 [9], the NRC
to existing welds. Mechanical stress improvement (MSIP) has
also been used to favorably modify the weld residual stresses in
HAZ [69]. In MSIP, a similar result as IHSI is obtained by
hydraulically squeezing the pipe adjacent to the HAZ to induce a
small amount of plasticity.
IGSCC-resistant piping materials (Type 316 nuclear grade and
Type 304 nuclear grade stainless steel) were also developed as the
materials remedy for replacement piping. All stress- and sensiti-
zation-related remedies are limited to the specific component to
which they are applied. In contrast, environment-related remedies
have the potential of protecting the whole coolant system.
Laboratory and field studies demonstrated that electrochemical
corrosion potential (ECP) of stainless steel in the recirculation
systems of operating BWRs can be reduced to low values by
injecting hydrogen into the feedwater (hence the name hydrogen
water chemistry) and that IGSCC is suppressed when the ECP is
below 230 mV SHE.
Stress improvement remedies and hydrogen water chemistry
were effective in retarding the further growth of shallow cracks; FIG. 41.21 WELD OVERLAY REPAIR
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18 • Chapter 41

indicated that, “If it is desired to operate for more than two fuel ASME BPVC IWB-3640 rules require the a/t value to be
cycles with overlay reinforcement repair, the overlayed weldments  0.75. In many cases, this criterion would require an increase
should be inspected to ensure that the overlays will continue to in the calculated thickness. Although not explicitly stated in the
provide the necessary safety margin.” The BWR Owners Group rules of ASME BPVC IWB-3640, the weld overlay design
and EPRI in the meanwhile conducted several inspections, weld thickness is also typically evaluated against the primary stress
residual stress measurement, and fracture toughness studies on limits of the Code of Construction. For Class 1 components such
weld overlays [73–75] to justify their long-term operation. In as piping, ASME BPVC IWB-3610(d)(2) states that a compo-
1992, the ASME BPVC Code published Code Case 504 [76] nent containing the flaw is acceptable for continued service dur-
specifically addressing the weld-overlay-type repair of cracked ing the evaluated time period if the primary stress limits of
austenitic stainless steel piping. ASME BPVC NB-3000, assuming a local area reduction of the
pressure-retaining membrane that is equal to the area of the Code Case 504. The Code Case specifies various detected flaw.
requirements for implementing weld overlay repairs, such as weld The Code Case also provides guidance for overlay thickness
metal composition, surface preparation, design, pressure testing, determination when fewer than five axial flaws and/or short cir-
and examination. Some of these requirements are discussed. cumferential flaws (less than 10% of circumference) are present
The requirement (e) specifies that the first layer of weld metal at a weld. The specified overlay length is at least 0.75 (Rt)
with delta ferrite content of at least 7.5 FN shall constitute the beyond each end of the observed flaws, where R and t are the
first layer of the weld reinforcement design thickness. Generally, outer radius and nominal wall thickness of the pipe prior to
ferrite readings are taken at the weld center and edge of the weld depositing the weld overlay. The circumferential cracks are gen-
crown in the overlay layer at each of the quadrants. The values are erally assumed to be located axially at the end of the HAZ. If
averaged for comparison with the minimum required value. the cracked weld has on one side a larger thickness component
Lower values, but no less than 5 FN, may be acceptable based on such as a valve, the overlay can be terminated in the length
evaluation. direction where the valve section thickness is equal to the pipe
The design considered in (f)(1) is what is called as the full thickness plus overlay thickness.
structural or standard weld overlay. The flaw is assumed to be The results of experiments conducted to assess the adequacy of
100% through the original pipe wall thickness for the entire cir- the thickness design equations for the weld overlay repairs
cumference of the pipe. The advantage of this design is that any (WORs) are documented [79]. The maximum stress from each of
uncertainty in the sizing of the original crack(s) is unimportant the four WOR pipe experiments conducted was significantly high-
for this case. The thickness of the full structural weld overlay can er than that predicted by the ASME BPVC IWB-3640 analysis for
be based on either the Tables given in ASME BPVC IWB-3640 a full structural overlay. The calculated safety factors were 30%
or the source equations in Appendix C of ASME BPVC Section higher than those used in the Code. The margins were slightly
XI. The source equations in Appendix C [77,78] typically pro- lower when actual flaw dimensions were used.
vide smaller thickness. The reason is that the membrane stress Application of weld overlays typically is performed with water
(Pm) used in the source equations is the calculated value and is backing on the inside of the weld to be repaired, which produces a
typically smaller than the assumed Pm of 0.5 Sm in the Tables. through-wall gradient. The temperature difference, coupled with
The source equations applicable to full structural weld overlay the normally occurring shrinkage of the overlay weld metal, has
are the following: been shown to produce a highly favorable residual stress distribu-
tion in the pipe wall [80]. A favorable stress distribution is the one
   (1  a 兾t  Pm 兾f )/(2  a兾t) (9) when combined with the applied stress distribution produces a
Pbc  (2f 兾)(2  a兾t) sin () (10) nonpositive calculated value of stress intensity factor at a crack
Pbc  Pm  SF (Pm  Pb) (11) depth equal to the pipe thickness. This ensures nonpropagation of
the IGSCC cracking during future operation. In some cases, the
where structural configuration may be such that water backing is not fea-
f  material flow stress  3Sm sible; then, typically an application-specific finite element residual
Sm  material design stress intensity stress analysis is conducted to demonstrate that a favorable resid-
Pm  primary membrane stress ual stress distribution is produced following the weld overlay.
Pb  primary bending stress Weld overlay application results in both radial and axial
Pbc  failure bending stress shrinkage at the repaired weld. Axial shrinkage magnitude is a
a  crack depth (equal to pipe thickness) function of the pipe diameter, weld overlay length, and the num-
t  total thickness (pipe wall  weld overlay thickness) ber of weld layers applied. Field measurements suggest that the
SF  safety factor bulk of the shrinkage occurs as a result of application of the first
 2.77 for normal/upset conditions two layers. Generally, a finite element model of the piping sys-
 1.39 for emergency/faulted conditions tem is required to calculate the shrinkage stresses at the various
locations in the system. These shrinkage stresses are steady state
The weld overlays are typically applied using gas tungsten arc secondary stresses of the cold-spring type and are not explicitly
welding (GTAW), a nonflux welding process. Therefore, only factored into the equations of ASME BPVC Section III,
the primary stresses are used in the above equations. The prima- NB-3650; NB-3672.8 limits the cold springing stress to 2Sm.
ry loading is typically the internal pressure, weight, and seismic However, the shrinkage stresses due to weld overlay are typically
inertia. The membrane and bending stresses are calculated on limited to a smaller value equal to the yield strength at tempera-
the basis of overall thickness including the weld overlay thick- ture. In the evaluation of other flawed locations in the piping sys-
ness. Therefore, an iterative solution of Eqs. (9) through (11) is tem, the calculated axial shrinkage stress shall be included as an
necessary to calculate the required weld overlay thickness. The expansion stress (Pe).
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The axial shrinkage may result in changed air gaps of pipe primary concern when welding ferritic materials. Preheat is
whip restraints, the normal set points of variable spring hangers, intended to eliminate moisture and contaminants that could be
and so on. Therefore, the Code Case requires the evaluation of introduced into the molten metal during welding. PWHT allows
system restraints, supports, and snubbers to determine whether the hydrogen potentially trapped in the HAZ and weld metal to
design tolerances are exceeded. The non-mandatory Appendix O diffuse out.
[81] of ASME Section XI also provides additional design, exami- A later Code Case, N-638 [84], allowed an ambient tempera-
nation and inspection guidance for austenitic stainless steel weld ture temper bead welding without the use of preheat or PWHT for
overlay repairs. implementation. This technique is applicable to both the similar
(e.g., austenitic pipe to pipe) and dissimilar (e.g., safe end to noz- Dissimilar Metal Weld Overlays. With the develop- zle) metal weld overlay repairs.
ment of the weld overlay repair as an acceptable long-term repair Figure 41.22 shows an example of the dissimilar metal weld
measure to primary system austenitic stainless steel pressure overlay. Code Case 504 currently does not cover dissimilar weld
boundary piping, industry attention had expanded to those pres- overlays; therefore, this Code Case was used only as a guide in
sure boundary joints that do not fall within this family of accept- the design of this weld overlay. The provision regarding ferrite
able joints for weld overlay repair. In a BWR recirculation system, number does not apply to alloy 82 weld overlays. The weld over-
the inlet and outlet nozzle joints, where the low-alloy steel nozzle lay thickness was determined using the source equations in
is welded to an austenitic safe-end material, represent a special ASME BPVC Appendix C using Sm value for alloy 600 materials.
weld overlay repair case not covered by Code Case 504. IGSCC Note that the length of the weld overlay in Fig. 41.22 is slightly
had been observed in the Inconel 182 butter to the low-alloy steel larger (by the shaded length) to facilitate its inspection. Except for
nozzles. As a result, an Inconel 82 weld overlay repair technique the flat surface requirement for UT inspection, the minimum
was developed for application to a low-alloy steel nozzle to stain- thickness requirement is optional in the shaded area. At the safe
less steel or Inconel 600 safe end [82]. The alloy 82 weld overlay end side, the weld overlay was terminated where the pipe plus
repair could also be used at a weld joint between an austenitic overlay thickness exceeds the safe-end thickness. Alloy 82 weld
stainless steel pipe and alloy 600 safe end. metal has been used in some early dissimilar metal weld overlay
The repair approach consisted of a full structural weld overlay, repairs; nevertheless, more recently, Alloy 52 has been used in
using automatic GTAW technique deposited in accordance with a most applications.
temper-bead-welding approach similar to that presented in Code The ASME Code has now developed the Code Case N-740
Case N-432 [83]. The temper bead technique generally requires [85] to cover the application of dissimilar metal weld overlay
the application of elevated preheat, specific bead/layer formation, repairs.
heat input controls, and a postweld heat treatment (PWHT). The
preheat and PWHT requirements are specified primarily to pre- Impact of Revised ASME BPVC Section XI,
clude the introduction of hydrogen into the final weld. Hydrogen, Appendix C (2002 Addenda). Prior to the 2002 Addenda of
the source of delayed cracking in the base material HAZ, is of ASME BPVC Section XI, the safety factors for the evaluation of

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20 • Chapter 41

flawed austenitic piping, specified in Appendix C and referenced to have cracking, the appropriate crack growth rate relationship is
in ASME BPVC IWB-3640, were 2.77 for normal and upset con- an essential element in the flaw evaluation to justify continued
ditions and 1.39 for emergency and faulted conditions [see Eq. operation. The cyclic loading aspects are covered in Chapter 39.
(11)]. These safety factors were revised when a revised Appendix Some of the unique aspects of fatigue evaluations for BWRs and
C was included in the 2002 Addenda [86]. Example calculations to the SCC growth rate relationships are discussed. A comprehen-
assess the impact of the revised safety factors on existing evalua- sive review of the fatigue and SCC crack growth rate relationships
tions of weld overlay repairs were performed [87,88]. The pipe in BWR water environment in provided in Reference 89.
material was Type 304 austenitic stainless steel, and the service
temperature was assumed as 550⬚F. A summary of the calculations 41.5.1 Fatigue Initiation
of the required weld overlay thickness values for three welds is The scope and intent of the ASME BPVC Section III fatigue
given in Table 41.4. Required weld overlay thickness values from design procedure was articulated in a presentation by Dr. William
acceptance criteria on (␴m ⫹ ␴b) in the 2001 Edition of Section XI Cooper to the PVRC Workshop on the Environmental Effects on
were governed by Service Level B (upset condition). Required weld Fatigue Performance in January 1992 [90]. Some of the points of
overlay thickness values from acceptance criterion on (␴m ⫹␴b) in this presentation are summarized.
the 2002 Addenda to Section XI were governed either by Service
Level B or C (emergency) condition, while required weld overlay (a) The Design-by-Analysis procedure included several relat-
thickness values from the separate acceptance criterion on 6m in ed considerations; however, the purpose for adding fatigue
the 2002 Addenda were governed by Service Level B. The as one of the failure modes was to ensure that the reduc-
required weld overlay thickness values from the governing criteri- tion of the nominal safety factor from four to three did not
on for each weld are highlighted in bold italic in Table 41.4, and result in a decrease in reliability if the vessel was expect-
these are governed by the ASME BPVC Section III, NB-3200, pri- ed to be subjected to cyclic operating conditions. The
mary stress intensity limits. Based on these results, it was con- fatigue design procedures were intended to provide
cluded that there is no significant impact of the revised safety fac- confidence that the component could be placed in service
tors in the 2002 Addenda to Section XI on the required thickness safely, not necessarily to provide a valid measure of actu-
of the weld overlay repairs. al component service life.
The revised safety factors in Section XI, Appendix C, of the (b) The cyclic loading conditions defined in the Owner’s
2002 Addenda are also applicable Ni-Cr-Fe materials (Alloy 600 Design Specification were not intended to represent a com-
base metal and Alloy 82 or 52 welding materials). mitment on how the vessel was to be operated, only that the
design transient definitions should provide useful informa-
tion. For example, if an Owner were able to show the
41.5 CRACK INITIATION, GROWTH Design Specification included a cyclic event more severe
RELATIONSHIPS, AND PLANT than an event actually experienced, this would verify that
MONITORING the vessel was not subjected to an unevaluated condition.

Protection against fatigue crack initiation through an explicit Actual Versus Design Cyclic Duty. As pointed out in
calculation of cumulative fatigue usage factor, is one of the design the preceding, the number and severity of cyclic events may differ
criteria for ASME Code Sections III and VIII (Division 2) pres- from those specified in the design specification. Figure 41.23
sure-retaining components. Protection against SCC type of crack shows a comparison of the actual number of transient events com-
initiation is not currently covered in the Code. However, several pared to the design basis for a typical BWR plant [91]. It is seen
mitigation measures have been used by the BWR plant owners as that the actual number of transients (such as startup and shutdown or
indicated by the discussion in earlier paragraphs (e.g., para. 4.2 SCRAM events) experienced at some operating reactors may be
for BWR NSSS piping). When a component is inspected and found higher than that expected in the design basis. However, the severity


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steel laboratory specimen could be considerably shorter than that

predicted by the Code S-N curves when exposed to high-tempera-
ture reactor water. Since then extensive laboratory testing has been
conducted both in Japan [95,96] and the United States, principally
at Argonne National Laboratory [97,98]. One of the earliest pro-
posed methodologies to incorporate environmental effects in the
Code fatigue analyses was the so-called EPRI/GE methodology
[99]. This methodology was adopted by the PVRC with some
modifications [100] and was forwarded to the BNCS for potential
implementation into the ASME Code [101]. The NRC also wrote
a letter to the BNCS requesting ASME action to address issues
related to the effects of the reactor water environment on the reduc-
tion of fatigue life of light-water reactor (LWR) components [102].
In Japan, the Thermal and Nuclear Power Engineering Society
(TENPES) Committee for Environmental Fatigue Evaluation
FIG. 41.23 DESIGN VERSUS ACTUAL NUMBER OF Guidelines also has issued a document [103] providing procedures
TRANSIENT EVENTS FOR A TYPICAL BWR PLANT for the evaluation of environmental fatigue effects. Section III has
formed a special Task Group to address the issue; the Task Group
of the actual transient events (i.e., temperature and pressure fluctu- plans to consider input [100,103] to develop a recommended pro-
ations) is typically significantly lower than that assumed in the cedure in the form of a Code Case.
design basis. Figure 41.24 shows a comparison of the assumed Examples of application of EPRI/GE methodology at critical
design basis event and the actual transient based on measured tem- locations in the RPV and main piping in a BWR have been pro-
peratures; the number of actual transients may be higher but they vided [104,105], as identified elsewhere [106]. The results of
are often less severe than the design basis, and the overall fatigue environmental fatigue evaluations for one BWR and two PWRs
usage may be lower. In this respect, online, continuous monitoring for 60-year operation have been reported [107], and they showed
of system transients and keeping track of the resulting fatigue the CUF to be less than 1.0.
usage in critical plant components offer important benefits in Based on the probabilistic analyses and associated sensitivity
meeting plant licensing basis. The technical basis and the results of studies, the NRC concluded that no generic regulatory action was
online fatigue usage monitoring at some BWR plants has been required for the 40-year operating life. However, for the 60-year
described [92,93]. In most cases, the calculated fatigue usage by operation (i.e., an additional 20-year license renewal operation),
the fatigue monitor was an order of magnitude lower than that cal- the Generic Aging Lessons Learned (GALL) Report [108] pro-
culated by design basis transient. vides the regulatory guidance to address issues related to metal
ASME BPVC Section XI, IWB-3740 and Nonmandatory fatigue of reactor coolant pressure boundary components for
Appendix L permit the fatigue usage factor reevaluation for a license renewal. “The aging management program (AMP)
component in service. If the recalculated fatigue usage is greater addresses the effects of the coolant environment on component
than 1.0, flaw tolerance evaluation procedures can be used to fatigue life by assessing the impact of the reactor coolant environ-
demonstrate acceptance of a component for service. ment on a sample of critical components, as a minimum, those
components selected in NUREG/CR-6260. The sample of critical Environmental Fatigue Effects. The current Section components can be evaluated by applying environmental correc-
III fatigue design curves were based primarily on strain-controlled tion factors to the existing ASME Code fatigue analyses.
fatigue tests of small polished specimen at room temperature in air. Formulas for calculating the environmental life correction factors
Higuchi and Iida [94] demonstrated that the fatigue life of carbon are contained in NUREG/CR-6583 for carbon and low-alloy
steels and in NUREG/CR-5704 for austenitic stainless steels.”
The GALL report also lists ten desirable characteristics of an
AMP on metal fatigue.
The NRC issued Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1144 [109], later
issued as Regulatory Guide 1.207 in March 2007, which includes
guidelines for evaluating fatigue analyses incorporating the life
reduction of metal components due to the effects of the light
water reactor environment for new reactors. The technical basis
for the guidelines is contained in NUREG/CR-6909 [110]. The
results of the application of DG-1144 guidelines to a BWR feed-
water piping system are reported in Reference 111.

41.5.2 Crack Growth Rate Relationships for Fatigue

Fatigue crack growth rates for air environment for austenitic
stainless steels is included in ASME BPVC Section XI, Appendix
C, and for ferritic materials in Appendix A. Crack growth rela-
tionships in the BWR water environment are discussed.
RATURE CHANGE VERSUS PERCENTAGE OF DESIGN Austenitic Stainless Steels. Some of the early fatigue
BASIS crack growth data in the BWR environment are documented
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22 • Chapter 41

[112,113]. In 1986, a Section XI task group reviewed the available and cessation of environmentally assisted crack growth, Code
data for both PWR and BWR environment [78]. It recommended Case N-643 [121] has been developed for PWR applications.
that the fatigue crack growth rate for BWR environment be higher Some recent data [122] indicate that, under certain conditions
than the air rate by a factor of 10. Argonne researchers have pro- (such as very high R-ratio and long rise time), environmentally
posed the following relationship of the form [114]: assisted fatigue crack growth under a BWR environment could be
significantly higher than that predicted by the current ASME
da兾dNenv  (da兾dN)air  A(da兾dN)air0.5 (12) BPVC Section XI, Appendix A curves (see Fig. 41.25). A review
of available relevant BWR data is in progress under a joint
where (da/dN)air is that given by the equations in ASME BPVC EPRI/GE-sponsored program; the outcome of this program is
Section XI, Appendix C. Recently, Argonne researchers have pro- expected to be a proposed Code Case, similar to Code Case
posed that the first term on the right-hand side of Eq. (12) be mul- N-643, applicable to BWR environments.
tiplied by a factor of two [115]. Japanese researchers also have
proposed the following relationship [116]: 41.5.3 Crack Growth Rate Relationships for SCC
Key drivers in the crack growth rate due to SCC are the sus-
da兾dNenv  (8.17  1012)(Tr 0.5)(K)3.0兾(1  R)2.12 (13) tained stresses that include not only the externally applied stresses
 (R  0, 1  K  50 MPa 1m) but also residual stresses from sources such as welding.
Therefore, the crack growth rate relationships are of the following
where, da/dN is in m/cycle, Tr is the rise time in seconds, and form:
K is in MPa 1m. Tr should be assumed to be 1 sec when rise
time is less than 1 sec; Tr should be assumed to be 1,000 seconds da兾dt  C(K)n (14)
if rise time is unknown. This relationship has been incorporated in
the draft Japan Maintenance Standard [117]. where C and n are constants dependent on material and environ-
An EPRI-funded effort [118] is currently underway to review mental conditions. ASME BPVC Section XI does not provide any
the available literature to develop austenitic stainless steel fatigue guidance in this area. Efforts are currently underway in the
crack growth relationships in a water environment for inclusion in Working Group on Flaw Evaluation to review the available infor-
ASME BPVC Section XI, Appendix C. It may be noted that the mation and develop SCC growth rate relationship for incorpora-
fatigue crack growth is typically insignificant compared to SCC tion into ASME BPVC Section XI. The BWR Owners have gen-
growth rate in the evaluation of cracked stainless steel compo- erally used the NRC-approved bounding crack growth rates for
nents subjected to a BWR water environment. flaw evaluation purposes (e.g., see discussion in para.
regarding shroud). For piping, NUREG-0313, Revision 2 [9] pro- Ferritic Steels. ASME BPVC Section XI, Appendix A, vides crack growth rate relationship in the Eq. (14) format. Some
contains the environmental fatigue crack growth rates. These rela- of the other available BWR SCC growth rate correlations are
tionships are presently used in BWR applications such as the frac- reviewed.
ture mechanics evaluation of postulated nozzle corner crack.
Based on more recent data on the LWR environment, a new rise-
time-based model has been proposed [119]. Based on this work
and the work by James [120] on conditions that lead to the initiation

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COMPANION GUIDE TO THE ASME BOILER & PRESSURE VESSEL CODE • 23 Austenitic and Nickel-Based Materials. A crack

growth rate prediction model based on slip dissolution/film rup-
ture mechanism [123] has correlated well with the measured
crack growth rates in widely varying BWR environmental condi-
tions (e.g., NWC and HWC). In this model (Fig. 41.26), crack
advance is related to the oxidation reactions that occur at the
crack tip as the protective film is ruptured by increasing strain in
the underlying matrix. This rupture event occurs with a periodic-
ity, tf , which is determined by the fracture strain of the oxide and
the strain rate at the crack tip. The extent of the crack advance is
related by Faraday’s Law to the oxidation charge density associ-
ated with dissolution and oxide growth (passivation) on the bare
metal surface, as represented in Fig. 41.26. These relations vary
with time in a complex manner for different environment and FIG. 41.27 COMPARISON OF BWRVIP-14 AND JAPAN
material chemistries; however, the resultant growth rate, VT , rela- MAINTENANCE CODE PREDICTIONS
tionship shown in Fig. 41.26 can be restated in a general form as
The units of da/dt and K are the same as those in Eq. (17). The
draft Japan Maintenance Standard [117] provides the following
VT f (n)(ct)n
(15) crack growth rate relationship for BWR NWC conditions [units
the same as in Eq. (19)]:
where ct ’, the crack tip strain rate, embodies the mechanical
contributions and n is a parameter that represents the effects of the da兾dt 2.27  1007 K 2.161 (20)
environment (ECP, water conductivity) and material chemistries
(EPR, a measure of sensitization of stainless steel) on environ-
Figure 41.27, [125] shows a comparison of the predictions of
mentally assisted crack growth. For NWC conditions (conductivi-
Eqs. (19) and (20). It is seen that the crack growth predictions
ty 0.1 S/cm, ECP 200 mV), and EPR 15.0 (weld-sensi-
based on the BWRVIP and draft Japan Maintenance Standard are
tized condition), n 0.61 and the crack growth rate relationship
very close. However, the factors of reduction in crack growth rate
is the following:
in going from NWC to HWC are different. The BWRVIP correla-
tion predicts a reduction factor of 4.7 and the draft Maintenance
da兾dt 2.93  1007 K 2.455 (16) Standard allows a factor of 7.9. The NRC has, however, allowed
only a credit of factor of 2 in BWR flaw evaluations [126].
For HWC conditions (conductivity 0.1 S/cm, ECP 230 For the nickel-based alloys (such as alloy 600, weld metals
mV), and EPR 15.0 (weld-sensitized condition), n 0.97 and alloys 182 and 82), several relationships have been proposed. The
the crack growth rate relationship is the following: relationships based on the film/rupture model have been given
[127], including the BWRVIP-59 relationships [125]. Lastly, the
da兾dt 2.53  1011 K 3.884 (17) crack growth relationships proposed by the Argonne researchers
have also been described [115].
where Ferritic Steels. ASME BPVC Section XI does not con-
da兾dt crack growth rate in mm/hr
tain SCC growth rate relationship for the ferritic materials in BWR
K sustained stress intensity factor, MPa 2m
environment. Reference 128 provides an assessment of SCC crack
The BWRVIP has also developed an SCC growth rate relation-
growth rate algorithms for low alloy steels under BWR conditions.
ship for use by the participating members [124] and represented
Figure 41.28 shows the BWRVIP-proposed relationship [122].
by the following:
The basic crack growth rate is 2  1011 mm/sec. The DL2 line is
given by the following:
Ln(da/dt) C1[ln (K)]  C2(Cond )m  C3(ECP)
 C4兾TABS C5 (18)
da兾dt 3.29  1014 (K)4 (21)
da兾dt crack growth rate
K sustained stress intensity factor
Cond water conductivity
TABS temperature, K
C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, and m are constants
For BWR NWC conditions, the appropriate values are as follows
Cond 0.1 S/cm, ECP 200 mV (SHE), and TABS tempera-
ture, K, 561 K ( 550 F). Using a specified factor of 10.3 to
obtain 95th percentile curve, the relationship is the following:

da/dt 2.135  1007 K 2.181 (19)

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24 • Chapter 41

where K is in MPa 1m and the crack growth rate is in mm/sec.

The vertical line in Fig. 41.28 is at 55 MPa 1m.
Field experience [129,52] has shown that even when SCC initi-
ated in the cladding, the cracks did not progress into the low-alloy
steel base metal or beyond HAZ. However, the proposed
BWRVIP relationship was used in flaw evaluation [52].
The data that formed the basis of the BWRVIP SCC relation-
ship and the fatigue crack growth rate data, such as that shown in
Fig. 41.25, will be reviewed as a part of a joint EPRI/GE project
discussed in para.

41.5.4 Crack Growth Rate Monitoring

Online monitoring of crack growth rates on a fracture mechan-
ics specimen under actual reactor environment may provide extra
confidence in the crack growth rate used in the flaw evaluation.
One such monitoring system is called crack arrest/advance
verification system (CAVS); an example of the successful applica-
tion of CAVS for monitoring crack indications in the recirculation
inlet safe end at an operating BWR has been presented [130]. Use
of CAVS confirmed the benefit of water chemistry improvements
implemented at this plant and, subsequently, led to the elimination
of a special midcycle UT examination required by the NRC.
During a routine scheduled ISI, UT indications were discov-
ered in certain recirculation inlet safe ends at an operating BWR
plant. The indications were located in the region of the thermal
sleeve to safe-end weld. Since immediate replacement of the safe
end would have caused an unanticipated extended outage and
very high costs, a fracture mechanics crack growth analysis was
performed to demonstrate that continued operation for the next
fuel cycle could be justified while maintaining acceptable struc-
tural margins required by ASME BPVC Section XI. The analysis
considered the indication in the limiting safe end and assumed
conservative residual stresses for crack growth analysis. Also, the
plant owner agreed to complete the maintenance of plant chemi-
cal equipment and to implement improved water quality proce-
dure, along with the installation of CAVS, to monitor the expected
improvements in crack growth during the following operating
cycle. Although the NRC accepted the technical arguments con-
cerning structural integrity, they also requested a midcycle UT to FIG. 41.30 PREDICTED CRACK GROWTH IN SAFE END
provide further assurance that sufficient structural margins were
being maintained.
The CAVS installed at the plant consisted of a crack growth below the bounding crack growth evaluation based on plant
monitor and a water quality module. The crack growth monitor water chemistry history. In turn, the final crack depth at the end
used reversing DC potential technology for accurate measurement of the fuel cycle was well below the allowable depth based on
of the growth of pre-existing cracks in fracture mechanics speci- providing the nominal ASME Code margin of 3 on stress and an
mens. The water chemistry module monitored the bulk water additional factor of 1.5 on crack depth imposed by the NRC.
chemistry (dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, and ECP) of the These results confirmed that sufficient structural margins were
water being supplied to CAVS; 1 in. thick compact tension speci- maintained and that a special midcycle examination was unnec-
mens with heat treatment similar to that of the safe end were test- essary. The NRC concurred, and the midcycle inspection require-
ed in an autoclave connected to the reactor recirculation line. ment was eliminated.
Because CAVS used the actual plant recirculation water, the crack
growth specimens were subjected to the same water chemistry
exposure as recirculation safe ends and piping. 41.6 SUMMARY
Figure 41.29 shows typical results from CAVS for a 304 stain-
less steel specimen. It is seen that the monitoring system is A review of the applications of many and sometimes unique
extremely sensitive and that the observed crack growth rates cor- ways in which the provisions of ASME BPVC Sections III and
relate with conductivity [i.e., the crack growth rate is higher XI have been used in addressing the service-induced degrada-
when the conductivity is high over a period of time (such as dur- tion in the BWR vessels, internals, and pressure boundary pip-
ing startup) and is lower when the average conductivity is lower]. ing. The vessel internals addressed included steam dryer,
Using the CAVS specimen data, plant-specific growth rates were shroud, and jet pumps. The vessel components considered were
established and used to predict crack growth in the safe end feedwater nozzle, stub tube welds, and attachment and shroud
(Fig. 41.30). It is seen that the CAVS growth prediction was well support welds. A review of pressure boundary piping flaw
ASME_Ch41_p001-028.qxd 6/3/09 9:25 AM Page 25


evaluation methods also included consideration of weld overlay 17. Evaluation of BWR Top-Guide Integrity (EPRI Report NP-4767).
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(ASTM STP 1046). West Conshohocken, PA: American Society for
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41.7 REFERENCES 19. Herrera ML, Ranganath S. Fracture Toughness Assessment of
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2). Washington, DC: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; 2002, 1991.
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2. Alexander JE, et al. Alternate Alloys for BWR Piping Applications Fracture Toughness of BWR Internal Components, 4th International
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5. Bilanin W, Dyle R. Boiling Water Reactor and Internals Project Institute; 2001.
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8. BWR Core Shroud Inspection and Flaw Evaluation Guidelines 26. Liaw PK, Peck MG, Mehta HS. Fatigue Crack Propagation
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9. Technical Report on Material Selection and Processing Guidelines 52988B860X; 1990 .
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Kenneth C, Chang, P.T. Kuo and Kaihwa R. Hsu
42.1 INTRODUCTION documentation. This chapter also provides a brief description of
the NRC’s environmental review process for license renewal.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) license
renewal process establishes the technical and administrative
requirements for renewal of operating power plant licenses. 42.2 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND
Reactor operating licenses were originally issued for 40 years and
are allowed to be renewed for up to an additional 20 years. The Based on the Atomic Energy Act as amended [7], the NRC
review process for license renewal applications (LRAs) provides issues licenses for commercial power reactors to operate for up to
continued assurance that the level of safety provided by an appli- 40 years and allows these licenses to be renewed. A 40-year
cant’s current licensing basis is maintained for the period of license term was selected on the basis of economic and antitrust
extended operation. The license renewal review focuses on pas- considerations, not technical limitations. However, once the
sive, long-lived structures and components of the plant that are license term was selected, individual plant designs may have been
subject to the effects of aging. The applicant must demonstrate engineered on the basis of an expected 40-year service life.
that programs are in place to manage those aging effects. The There are currently 104 licensed, operating commercial nuclear
review also verifies that analyses that are based on the current power plant reactors in the United States. The first 40-year operat-
operating term have been evaluated and shown to be valid for the ing licenses will expire for four reactors in the year 2009; 36 of the
period of extended operation. As of April 1, 2008, the NRC has remaining operating reactors have licenses that will expire by the
renewed the licenses for 48 reactors, applications to renew the year 2015. License renewal is voluntary and the decision whether
licenses of 15 additional reactors are under review. If the applica- to seek license renewal rests entirely with nuclear power plant
tions currently under review are approved, approximately 60% of owners. This decision is typically based on the plant’s economic
the licensed operating reactors will have extended their life span situation and whether it can continue to meet NRC’s requirements.
by up to 20 years. As license renewal is voluntary, the decision to The NRC has established a license renewal process that can be
seek license renewal and the timing of the application is made by completed in a reasonable period of time with clear requirements
the licensee. However, the NRC expects that, over time, essential- to ensure safe nuclear plant operation for up to an additional 20
ly all U.S. operating reactors will request license renewal. years of plant life. Currently, nuclear power provides approxi-
To meet this growing interest, the NRC has established a vigor- mately 20% of the electricity generated in the United States and is
ous process for reviewing applications in a consistent and timely the second largest source of electrical generation.
manner. Likewise, the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) has devel- In the 1980s, the NRC established a comprehensive program
oped guidance for the industry on how to prepare an application for nuclear plant aging research. Based on the results of that
for renewal. This chapter describes several license renewal guid- research, a technical review group concluded that, although many
ance documents that have been developed to describe interrelated aging phenomena were identified, they do not pose technical
aspects of preparing and reviewing LRAs, including the following: issues that would preclude life extension for nuclear power plants.
the Standard Review Plan for review of License Renewal In 1991, the NRC first published safety requirements for
Applications for nuclear power plants [22], the Generic Aging license renewal as Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10
Lessons Learned (GALL) Report [29], and the regulatory guide for CFR) Part 54 (the license renewal rule). To establish a scope of
license renewal [24], which endorses NEI’s industry guideline review, the rule defined age-related degradation unique to license
for implementing the requirements of 10 CFR Part 54, the license renewal. The NRC participated in an industry-sponsored demon-
renewal rule (NEI 95-10) [5]. The objective of this chapter is to stration program to apply the rule to a pilot plant and develop
provide background information on the development of these doc- experience to establish implementation guidance. However, dur-
uments and to briefly explain the intended use of the guidance ing the demonstration program, the NRC found that many aging
documents, singularly and in combination, to facilitate the renew- effects are dealt with adequately during the initial license period
al process from application development to NRC staff review, and that no aging unique to the period of extended operation was
including its audits and inspections of onsite supporting technical identified. Also, the NRC found that the review did not allow
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30 • Chapter 42

sufficient credit for existing programs, particularly the mainte- maintains an acceptable level of safety so that operation will
nance rule (10 CFR 50.65) [9]. not be inimical to public health and safety or common
As a result, the NRC amended the license renewal rule in 1995 defense and security. A possible exception may be the
[8]; the amended Part 54 established a regulatory process that is detrimental effects of aging on the functionality of certain
more efficient, more stable, and more predictable than the previous systems, structures, and components, and possibly a few
license renewal rule. In particular, Part 54 was clarified to focus on other issues that arise only during the period of extended
managing the adverse effects of aging on passive, long-lived struc- operation.
tures and components instead of age-related degradation unique to (b) Each plant’s licensing basis must be maintained during the
license renewal. The rule changes were intended to ensure that renewal term in the same manner and to the same extent as
important systems, structures, and components continue to perform during the original licensing term.
their intended function during the 20-year period of extended opera-
tion. In parallel, the staff initiated a first-ever attempt to consolidate The NRC’s regulatory process ensures the safety of operating
aging information from various sources; in 1996, the result of this plants through a variety of methods. These methods include the
effort in the “Generic Aging Lessons Learned (GALL) Report” [6]. issuance of NRC bulletins, generic letters, information notices,
To provide credit for existing plant programs and to increase the orders, and new or revised regulations that require action by
effectiveness and efficiency of the license renewal review process, licensees. These activities are supported by numerous special
the Commission completed and published a second GALL Report NRC inspections that are performed in addition to the continuous
[23] in July 2001. The second GALL Report [23] built on the first oversight and routine inspection activities performed by the NRC
one [6] and updated the database to include all aging-related events onsite inspectors. Because of this comprehensive regulatory
reported in the licensee event reports (LERs) up to 1998. It also process, compilation of the current licensing basis or reverifica-
expanded the scope to include evaluation of existing plant programs tion of the current licensing basis is not considered necessary for
to determine whether any of the existing plant programs can be license renewal.
acceptable as adequate aging management programs for the iden- The license renewal rule defines the technical and administra-
tified aging effects. The third GALL Report [29], builds on the sec- tive process for evaluating the effects of aging on system, struc-
ond GALL Report [23], but updates the database to include NRC- ture, and component performance, and for developing an LRA.
endorsed past precedents, approved interim staff guidance (ISGs), There are two major safety assessments that an applicant must
and aging related events reported in the LERs up to 2004. perform and submit in an LRA.
The NRC’s responsibilities under the U.S. National Environ- (a) an integrated plant assessment
mental Policy Act of 1969 [10] require a review of the impact of (b) an assessment of time-limited aging analyses (TLAA)
license renewal on the environment. In parallel with aging review
efforts, the NRC pursued a separate rule making to revise its envi- These assessments are in addition to the requirement to update
ronmental regulation, 10 CFR Part 51 [11], to focus the scope of the plant’s final safety analysis report (FSAR) to include a sum-
review of environmental issues. mary description of the programs and activities for managing the
effects of aging, the evaluation of TLAA, and any revisions to the
plant’s operating technical specifications that may be required.
42.3 LICENSE RENEWAL REVIEW Integrated Plant Assessment. The applicant’s inte-
grated plant assessment must demonstrate that the structures and
The license renewal process proceeds along two tracks: one for components within the nuclear power plant requiring aging man-
review of safety issues (10 CFR Part 54) and another for environ- agement review (AMR) have been identified, and that the effects
mental issues (10 CFR Part 51). An applicant must provide the NRC of aging on the functionality of such structures and components
with an evaluation that addresses the technical aspects of plant aging will be managed for the current licensing basis and to ensure that
and describes the ways those effects will be managed. It must also an acceptable level of safety will be maintained for the period of
prepare an evaluation of the potential impact on the environment if extended operation. The first step in the process is to identify all
the plant operates for another 20 years. The NRC staff reviews the plant systems, structures, and components that are within the
application and verifies the safety evaluations through inspections. scope of the license renewal rule. The scope of the rule is defined
as those systems, structures, and components that meet the follow-
42.3.1 Safety Reviews ing criteria: Principles and Process. The license renewal rule rests (a) safety-related and relied upon to ensure the following
on the determination that current operating plants continue to functions:
maintain an adequate level of safety, and, over the lives of the (1) maintain the integrity of the reactor coolant pressure
plants, this level has been enhanced through maintenance of the boundary
current licensing basis, with appropriate adjustments to address (2) ensure the capability to shut down the reactor and main-
new information from industry operating experience. Also, regula- tain it in a safe shutdown condition
tory activities have provided ongoing assurance that the current (3) prevent or mitigate off-site radioactive exposures com-
licensing basis will continue to provide an acceptable level of parable to limits specified in the regulations
safety. Based on this determination, the NRC established two
fundamental principles for license renewal. (b) Non-safety-related and whose failure could prevent satis-
factory accomplishment of safety-related functions
(a) The regulatory process is adequate to ensure that the licens- (c) Relied upon to perform a function that demonstrates com-
ing basis of all currently operating plants provides and pliance with the NRC’s regulations for fire protection
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(10 CFR 50.48) [17], environmental qualification (10 CFR (e) Involve conclusions or provide the basis for conclusions
50.49) [18], pressurized thermal shock (10 CFR 50.61) [19], related to the capability of a system, structure, or compo-
anticipated transients without scram (10 CFR 50.62) [20], nent to perform its intended functions.
and station blackout (10 CFR 50.63) [21] (f) Are contained or incorporated by reference in the plant’s
current licensing basis.
Once the systems, structures, and components that are within the
scope of the license renewal rule are identified, the applicant must The LRA must contain a list of all TLAAs that were identified.
identify those structures and components that are subject to an The LRA must also contain a demonstration that each analysis
AMR. Structures and components subject to an AMR are those that remains valid for the period of extended operation, has been pro-
are passive and long-lived. Passive structures and components per- jected to the end of the period of extended operation, or that the
form their intended function without moving parts or without a effects of aging on the intended functions will be adequately man-
change in configuration or properties. Long-lived structures and aged for the period of extended operation.
components are those that are not subject to replacement based on a Typical TLAAs that must be evaluated include reactor vessel
qualified life or a specified time period. Passive and long-lived struc- neutron embrittlement, metal fatigue, environmental qualification
tures and components include the reactor vessel, reactor coolant sys- of electrical equipment, concrete containment tendon prestress,
tem piping, steam generators, pressurizer, pump casings, valve bod- and containment liner plate and penetration sleeve fatigue.
ies, containment building, electrical cables, and electrical cabinets.
The NRC determined that structures and components with only 42.3.2 Environmental Reviews
active functions could be generically excluded from a license Environmental protection regulations were revised in December
renewal review, because functional degradation resulting from the 1996 to facilitate the environmental review for LRAs. Certain
detrimental effects of aging in active components is more readily issues are evaluated generically for all plants rather than separately
detected and corrected by routine surveillance, performance indi- in each plant’s LRA. The Generic Environmental Impact Statement
cators, and maintenance. Surveillance and maintenance programs (GEIS) for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants [14] assesses the
for active components are required throughout the period of scope and impact of environmental effects that would be associated
extended operation. Active components include equipment such with license renewal at any nuclear power plant site. A plant-
as motors, diesel generators, control rod drives, cooling fans, specific supplement to the generic environmental impact statement
switchgear, breakers, batteries, relays, and switches. is required for each licensee who applies for license renewal.
The LRA must contain a list of all structures and components The NRC performs plant-specific reviews of the environmental
subject to an AMR and a description of the methodology used to impacts of license renewal in accordance with the National
identify them. The application must also identify the materials of Environmental Policy Act [10] and the requirements of 10 CFR
construction, the environment in which the structure or compo- Part 51 [11]. A public meeting is held near the nuclear power
nent must function, and all potential aging effects. The applicant plant seeking renewal to scope out or identify environmental
is then required to demonstrate that aging management programs issues specific to the plant for the license renewal action. The
(AMPs) exist such that the effects of aging are managed so that result is an NRC recommendation on whether or not the environ-
the intended functions of those structures and components will be mental impacts are so great that they should preclude license
maintained for the period of extended operation. renewal. This recommendation is presented in a plant-specific
For some passive structures and components within the scope draft supplement to the GEIS and is published for comment and
of the renewal evaluation, no additional action may be required discussed at a separate public meeting. After consideration of
where an applicant can demonstrate that the existing programs comments on the draft, the NRC prepares and publishes a final
provide adequate aging management throughout the period of plant-specific supplement to the GEIS.
extended operation. However, if additional aging management The NRC issued a supplement to the Environmental Standard
activities are warranted for a structure or component within the Review Plan [15], which provides guidance on how to review the
scope of the rule, applicants will have the flexibility to determine environmental portions of renewal applications. The NRC also
appropriate actions. These activities could include, for example, issued a supplement to the Environmental Regulatory Guide [16],
adding new monitoring programs or increasing inspections. identifying the format and content of environmental reports that
must accompany LRAs. TLAA. Another requirement for license renewal is the
identification and update of TLAA. During the design phase for a 42.4 LRA
plant, certain assumptions about the length of time the plant would
be operated are made and incorporated into design calculations of LRAs are prepared to provide the administrative, technical, and
certain plant systems, structures, and components. Under a environmental information required by 10 CFR Part 54 [8] and 10
renewed license, these calculations must be shown to be valid for CFR Part 51 [11] to support the renewal of the operating license
the period of extended operation. for nuclear power plants.
TLAA are defined as those licensee calculations and analyses The format and content of the LRA follows the recommenda-
that meet all six of the following criteria: tion of the Regulatory Guide [24], which endorses the NEI guid-
ance document [5]. The following sections and appendices are the
(a) Involve systems, structures, and components within the essential portions of the LRA:
scope of the license renewal rule.
(b) Consider the effects of aging. (a) Section 2.0 of the LRA, “Scoping and Screening
(c) Involve time-limited assumptions defined by the current Methodology for Identifying the Structures and
operating term (40 years). Components Subject to Aging Management Review
(d) Are determined to be relevant by the licensee in making a Implementation Results,” provides the scoping and screen-
safety determination. ing results for those components, structural members, and
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commodity groups that are subject to AMR. Tables are nor- license renewal. Rather, those SSCs governed by an applicant’s
mally provided in the LRA to identify those plant systems technical specifications that are relied upon to remain functional
and structures that are and are not in the scope of license during a DBE, as identified within the applicant’s updated FSAR,
renewal. applicable NRC regulations, license conditions, NRC orders, and
(b) Section 3.0 of the LRA, “Aging Management Review exemptions, need to be included within the scope of license renewal.
Results,” describes the results of the aging management For licensee responses to NRC bulletins, generic letters, or
reviews (AMRs) for the components and structures requir- enforcement actions; those documented in staff SEs or LERs; and
ing them and includes a comparison of these results with the those that make up the remainder of an applicant’s CLB, many of
evaluation in the GALL Report [29]. the associated SSCs need not be considered under license renew-
(c) Section 4.0 of the LRA, “Time-Limited Aging Analyses,” al. However, any generic communication, safety evaluation, or
includes a list of TLAAs, as defined by 10 CFR 54.3. Also, licensee commitment that specifically identifies or describes a
it includes the identification of the component or subject, function associated with an SSC necessary to fulfill the require-
and an explanation of the time-dependent aspects of the ment of a particular regulation, order, license condition, and/or
calculation or analysis. exemption may need to be considered when scoping for license
(d) Appendix A of the LRA, “Final Safety Analysis Report renewal. An applicant may take an approach in scoping and
Supplement,” contains a summary description of the pro- screening that combines similar components from various systems.
grams for managing the effects of aging for the period
of extended operation. A summary description of the evalu- Screening. Once the SSCs within the scope of license
ation of TLAAs for the period of extended operation is also renewal have been identified, the next step is to determine which
included. The license renewal commitments are identified structures and components are subject to an AMR.
in a license renewal commitment table.
(e) Appendix B of the LRA, “Aging Management Programs Passive. The applicant’s methodology shall ensure
and Activities,” describes the aging management programs that passive structures and components are identified as those that
(AMPs) used for managing the aging effects on structures perform their intended functions without moving parts or a change
and components within the scope of license renewal and in configuration or properties. The description of passive may also
demonstrates that the aging effects are managed such that be interpreted to include structures and components that do not
the structures and components continue to perform their display a change in state. The reviewer verifies that the applicant’s
intended functions consistent with the current licensing screening methodology includes consideration of the intended
basis for the period of extended operation. Where the AMPs functions of structures and components consistent with the plant
are consistent with corresponding programs in the GALL CLB. The license renewal rule focuses on passive structures and
Report [29], the appropriate GALL Report program is components because they generally do not have performance and
referenced. condition characteristics that are as readily observable.

42.4.1 Scoping and Screening Methodology Long-Lived. The applicant’s methodology shall
The applicant, in the integrated plant assessment (IPA), ensure that long-lived structures and components are identified as
describes and justifies methods used to identify those passive, those that are not subject to periodic replacement based on a
long-lived structures and components subject to an AMR. The qualified life or specified time period. Passive structures and com-
identification of the systems, structures, and components (SSCs) ponents that are not replaced on the basis of a qualified life or
within the scope of license renewal is called “scoping.” For those specified time period require an AMR. Replacement programs
SSCs within the scope of license renewal, the identification of may be based on vendor recommendations, plant experience, or
passive, long-lived structures and components that are subject to any means that establishes a specific replacement frequency under
an AMR is called “screening.” To verify that the applicant has a controlled program. Structures and components that are replaced
properly implemented scoping and screening methodology, the on the basis of performance or condition are not generically
staff reviews the implementation results. excluded from an AMR. Rather, performance or condition moni-
toring may be evaluated later in the integrated plant assessment as Scoping. To determine the safety-related SSCs that are programs to ensure functionality during the period of extended
within the scope of the rule under 10 CFR 54.4 (a)(1), the applicant operation.
must identify those SSCs that are relied upon to remain functional
during and following DBEs, consistent with the CLB to ensure the Review Process
required functions defined in para. Most licensees have
developed lists or a database that identify SSCs relied upon for com- Scoping. The scoping methodology used by the
pliance with other regulations in a manner consistent with the CLB. applicant should be consistent with the process described in
Under the rule of 10 CFR 54.4 (a)(2), all non-safety-related SSCs Section 3.0, “Identify the SSCs Within the Scope of License
whose failure could prevent satisfactory accomplishment of any of Renewal and Their Intended Functions,” of the NEI guideline doc-
the functions identified in 10 CFR 54.4 (a)(1) are within the scope ument [5], endorsed by the license renewal regulatory guide [24],
of license renewal. By rule 10 CFR 54.4 (a)(3), all SSCs relied upon or the justification provided by the applicant for any exceptions.
in safety analysis to perform a function that demonstrates compli-
ance with the regulations for fire protection, environmental Screening. The screening methodology used by the
qualification, pressurized thermal shock, anticipated transients with- applicant should be consistent with the process described in
out scram, and station blackout are also within the scope. Section 4.1, “Identification of Structures and Components Subject
The applicant need not consider technical specifications and to an Aging Management Review and Intended Functions,” of the
applicable limiting conditions of operation when scoping for NEI guidance document [5].
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COMPANION GUIDE TO THE ASME BOILER & PRESSURE VESSEL CODE • 33 Review Procedures. Preparation for the review of the (c) cumulative fatigue damage
scoping and screening methodology should include the following: (d) crack initiation and growth due to cracking or stress corro-
sion cracking
(a) Review of the NRC’s safety evaluation report (SER) for (e) loss of material due to general, microbiologically influenced
the initial operating license for the purpose of familiar- pitting and crevice corrosion
ization with the principal design criteria for the facility (f) loss of material due to general, galvanic, pitting, and crevice
and its CLB. corrosion
(b) Review of Chapters 1 through 12 of the updated FSAR and (g) loss of material due to general, pitting, crevice, and micro-
the facility’s technical specifications for the purposes of biologically influenced corrosion and biofouling
familiarization with the facility design and the nomenclature. (h) quality assurance for aging management of non-safetyrelat-
(c) Review of Chapter 15 (or equivalent) of the updated FSAR ed components
to identify the anticipated operational occurrences and pos- (i) crack initiation and growth due to stress corrosion cracking
tulated accidents that are explicitly evaluated in the accident and cyclic loading
analyses for the facility. (j) reduction of neutron-absorbing capacity and loss of materi-
(d) Review of the set of design basis events as defined in the al due to general corrosion
rule is not limited to Chapter 15 (or equivalent) of the (k) loss of material due to general, pitting, crevice, and micro-
updated FSAR. biologically influenced corrosion
(e) Review of the facility’s probabilistic risk analysis (PRA)
summary report that was prepared by the licensee in AMRs. The staff verifies that the AMRs reported by
response to Generic Letter (GL) 88-20 “Individual Plant
the applicant to be consistent with the GALL Report are consistent
Examination (IPE) for Severe Accident Vulnerabilities – 10
with the GALL Report, and verifies that the plant-specific AMRs
CFR 50.54(f),” November 23, 1988 [13].
reported to be justified on the basis of an NRC-approved precedent
(f) Review of the results of facility’s individual plant examina-
are technically acceptable and applicable. For component groups
tion of external events (IPEEE) study conducted as a follow-
evaluated in the GALL Report for which the applicant claimed
up to the IPE to identify any changes or modifications made
consistency with the GALL Report, and for which the GALL
to the facility.
Report recommended further evaluation, the staff reviews the fur-
(g) Review of the applicant’s docketed correspondence related
ther evaluation summarized in the LRA to determine whether or
to the following:
not it adequately addressed these issues. The AMRs reviewed by
(1) fire protection the staff are either consistent with the GALL Report, justified by
(2) environmental qualification of electric equipment the applicant on the basis of an NRC-approved precedent, or
(3) fracture toughness requirements for protection against justified by the applicant on a plant-specific basis.
pressurized thermal shocks The applicant is required to provide a summary of AMRs for
(4) requirements for reduction of risk from anticipated tran- the applicable systems, which include structures and components,
sients without scram associated materials, environment, aging effects requiring man-
(5) loss of all alternating current power (applicable to PWR agement, and an AMP for each line item in LRA tables. Notes in
plants only) the table describe how the information in the LRA aligns with the
information in the GALL Report. Those AMRs that are defined in
42.4.2 AMR Process and AMPs the GALL Report are assigned standard notes with letters A
The methodology used by the applicant should be consistent through J (described in Table 42.1) consistent with the GALL
with the process described in the latest revision of the NEI guid- Report classification. Those notes defined by the applicant are
ance document [5], which is endorsed by the NRC in its regula- assigned numbers and are defined in the LRA. For any discrepan-
tory guide [24]. Justifications shall be provided by the applicant cies or issues discovered by the staff during the audit and review
and accepted by the reviewers for any exceptions. process that require a response on the docket are documented in
AMRs reported by the applicant in the LRA are structured in an audit and review report a request for additional information
three component groups: aging management evaluations that are (RAI) is to be prepared by the staff describing the issue and the
consistent with the GALL Report, for which no further evaluation information needed to disposition the issue. The RAI will be
is required; aging management evaluations that are consistent with included and dispositioned in the SER related to the plant LRA.
the GALL Report, for which further evaluation is recommended;
and AMR results that are not consistent with the GALL Report. AMP. For those AMPs for which the applicant claims
The staff reviews the applicant’s evaluation for each component consistency with the GALL AMPs, the staff conducts an audit to
group to determine whether conclusions are accurate and justified. verify that the applicant’s AMPs are consistent with the AMPs in
For aging management evaluations that are consistent with the the GALL Report. For each AMP that has one or more deviations,
GALL Report and for which further evaluation is recommended, the staff evaluates each deviation to determine the following:
the staff verifies whether or not it adequately addressed the issues
for which the GALL Report recommended further evaluation. The (a) whether the deviation is acceptable
following demonstrate typical aging management evaluations of (b) whether the AMP, as modified, would adequately manage
auxiliary systems for which further evaluation is recommended: the aging effect(s) for which it is credited

(a) loss of material due to general, pitting, and crevice For AMPs that are not evaluated in the GALL Report, the staff
corrosion must fully justify the adequacy of the plant-specific AMPs. The
(b) hardening and cracking or loss of strength due to elastomer applicant evaluates the AMPs against the ten program elements
degradation or loss of material due to wear defined in SRP-LR Appendix A (see Table 42.2).
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TABLE 42.1 CONSISTENT WITH GALL REPORT CLASSIFICATION AMP/AMR Audits. A significant portion of the plate and penetration sleeve fatigue. This section focuses on the
review and audit of AMPs and AMRs are performed at the plant discussion of metal fatigue.
site with the intention to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness
of the LRA review process. In addition to the review of consisten- Metal Fatigue. Fatigue protection for SSCs of
cy with the GALL Report, consistency with previously approved nuclear power plants is provided either through explicit rules
AMPs/AMRs is also reviewed onsite. For those AMPs that the defined in the ASME BPVC Section III [1] or through implicit
applicant claims are consistent with the GALL Report, an audit rules defined in the USAS B31.1 Code [25]. Fatigue damage, mea-
team of NRC staff and contractors review and audit the appli- sured in terms of cumulative usage factor (CUF), is calculated
cant’s work and conclusions onsite. The audits are performed in using the design fatigue curves defined in the ASME Code.
accordance with the procedure and methodology described in a NUREG/CR-6260 [26] provides an environmental fatigue evalua-
plant-specific audit plan. The applicant’s internal documents, tion of select components for representative plants using the inter-
including the basis document, engineering calculations, condition im fatigue curves presented in NUREG/CR-5999 [4]. The GALL
reports, corrective actions, and other supporting references, are Report recommends the assessment of the reactor coolant environ-
reviewed onsite. The applicant’s staff involved in the preparation mental impact on a sample of critical components that includes, as
of the basis document and the LRA are interviewed by the audit a minimum, those presented in NUREG/CR-6260. The assessment
team members. The face-to-face discussions between the applicant applies the correction factors (Fen) to obtain the environmentally
and NRC staff enable the staff to resolve most of the questions adjusted fatigue usage. Acceptable means for calculating Fen are
which, in turn, minimizes the number of requests for additional contained in NUREG/CR-6583 [2] and NUREG/CR-5704 [3].
information and expedites the review process. The Fen method includes using the results of existing Code
The audit results are documented in an audit report that is refer- fatigue analysis. For plants where explicit fatigue analyses were
enced in a plant-specific SER. The AMP/AMR review and audit performed, the application of the Fen is straightforward. However,
logic is showed in Figs. 42.1 through 42.4. when pressure boundary piping was designed to the implicit rules
of the ASME B31.1 Code, a process needs to be established to
42.4.3 TLAA assess or calculate fatigue usage factors at critical locations.
The requirement for the identification and update of TLAAs is
discussed in Section 2.1.3 of the SRP-LR. Typical TLAAs that (a) Critical Locations. The GALL Report contains an AMP to
must be evaluated include reactor vessel neutron embrittlement, monitor and track the number of critical temperature and pres-
metal fatigue, environmental qualification of electrical equipment, sure transients for the effects of the coolant environment on the
concrete containment tendon prestress, and containment liner fatigue life for a sample of critical components that includes,
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as a minimum, those components presented in NUREG/ transients in the fatigue analysis are not exceeded. If a
CR-6260. Also, a review should be performed to identify addi- specified alarm limit is reached, a correct action program
tional locations for which transient monitoring may be will be initiated. The stress-based FMP has the ability to
necessary to ensure that the fatigue design limit is not exceed- compute a real time stress history for a given components
ed during the period of extended operation. from actual temperature, pressure transient data. Fatigue
(b) Operating Transients. CLB fatigue analysis was performed usage is then evaluated from the stress history. The stress-
using design transients and the associated cycles. TLAA based method involves developing transfer function/
fatigue analysis may use the actual operating transients to Green’s function to convert plant data to stress versus time
perform its CUF evaluation. The operating transient experi- for a given component.
ence has to be review to ensure that all transients, including In one of the NRC’s safety evaluation reports (SERs) of
those unanticipated transients during design stage, has to be License Renewal, the SER describes that applicant using a
addressed. specific stress-based FMP software could underestimate the
Some applicant’s TLAA used current operating transient CUF. This specific stress-based software implement Green’s
CUF result to project CUF for early operation. This function input which assumes that shear stress components
approach has to provide adequate justification, since opera- are negligible. This specific implementation is simplified
tion procedures may have been modified. For example, NB-3200 analysis for regular piping as stated in NB-3653.2
PWR surge line stratification transients are changed due to of ASME Code Section III. It is numerically adequate for
modification of operation procedures. pipe/safe-end when non-axisymmetric loading not applica-
(c) Fatigue Monitoring. Each plant may have to implement a ble. This implementation may not be valid for those loca-
fatigue monitoring program (FMP) for all significant plant tions with geometric discontinuity or non-axisymmetric
transients. The GALL Report recommended FMP is an load cases (e.g, thermal stratifications), which may cause
acceptable aging management program to address metal significant shear stress. Moreover, it is difficult to determine
fatigue of the reactor coolant system components accord- the threshold for when shear stresses are negligible. The
ing to 10 CFR 54.21(c) (1) (iii). Cycle-based FMP and SER stated that the way of this specific software calculated
stress-based FMP are most commonly presented by LRA stress intensity is inconsistent with the ASME Code.
applicants. The cycle based FMP tracks and monitors tran- Therefore, it is very important to ensure that the method
sient cycles to ensure that the assumed cycles of design used in stress-based software is adequate.
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(d) Environmentally Assisted Fatigue (EAF) Evaluation. The Option (2) is the most economical way to address the effects of
GALL Report addresses the effects of the reactor coolant reactor coolant environment.
environment on component fatigue life by applying a fatigue Discussions on using an FMP to address the environmental
life correction factor Fen, which is the ratio of life in water at effects on high-CUF components have been presented in many
the service temperature to that in air at room temperature. The LRAs. A reevaluation of the fatigue usage factors at critical
usage factor for a specific load pair is multiplied by the cor- locations will be performed prior to the period of extended oper-
rection factor Fen. Formulas for calculating Fen are contained ation to determine the bounding locations that will be included
in NUREG/CR-6583 [2] and NUREG/CR-5704 [3]. in the FMP.
The aging management approach developed for the locations
The following three options are identified for calculating Fen:
with CUF exceeding design limit of 1.0 could include one or
(1) single-factor multiplication to the CUF more of the following options:
(2) simplified method (using average strain rate to calculate Fen
for each load pair) (1) further refinement of the fatigue analysis to lower the
(3) detailed method (using average strain rate to calculate Fen CUF(s) below 1.0
for each time interval) (2) repair of the affected locations
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(3) replacement of the affected locations 42.4.4 FSAR Supplement

(4) management of the effects of fatigue through an inspection The application for a renewed operating license is required by
program that has been reviewed and approved by the NRC 10 CFR 54.21(d) to include an FSAR supplement that provides a
(e.g., periodic nondestructive examination of affected loca- summary description of the programs and activities for managing
tions at inspection intervals to be determined by a method the effects of aging for the period of extended operation. A sum-
accepted by the NRC) mary description of the evaluation of TLAAs for the period of
extended operation must also be included, as well as a list of the
If option (4) is selected, the inspection details, including scope,
license renewal commitments.
qualification, method, and frequency, must be provided to the
NRC for review and approval prior to the commencement of the
period of extended operation. Several recently submitted LRAs 42.4.5 Issues of Interest
applied the combination of FMP, online CUF calculations, and the License renewal permits the applicant to operate a facility up to
environmental correction factor Fen to CUF. All high-fatigue loca- 20 years beyond the initial 40-year license term. Although the
tions are to be qualified to the Code limit of 1.0 for 60-year life license renewal process and staff’s review relies on the principle
considering the environmental effect. Some programs included that the CLB is adequate to ensure safe operation, additional
plant-specific locations beyond those defined in NUREG/CR- aging management issues could be identified based on operating
6260 [26]. When option (1) alone does the job, the more costly experience that warrant consideration for license renewal. During
and time-consuming options (2) through (4) are not required. the review of LRAs, issues may be identified affecting current as
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well as future operation (for the period of extended operation). (c) medium voltage underground cable testing
The following are some examples: (d) steam Generator tube integrity
(e) small bore piping ISI
(a) environmental impact on fatigue (f) fuse holder AMP
(b) alloy 600/PWSCC issues (g) reactor internal loose-parts-monitoring program
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42.6.1 Standard Review Plan for License Renewal
The objective of the ISG process is to capture lessons learned The NRC uses standard review plans to process licensing
from license renewal reviews and communicate them to stake- actions. Standard review plans specify the quality requirements for
holders. The process (see Fig. 42.5) includes interaction with stake- performing licensing review activities and provide the framework
holders during the development of the ISG, including publishing of to ensure that staff reviews are uniformly conducted. Standard
a Federal Register notice for comment. If the ISG is approved, review plans provide guidance to NRC staff performing applica-
then an applicant for a renewed license needs to address the issue. tion reviews. This standardized guidance ensures that the staff
Also, the ISG will be incorporated into the next revision of the reviews are consistently applied to all applicants for renewal. It
license renewal guidance (LRG) documents. defines how the review of an application should be and presents a
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well-defined approach for evaluating AMPs and similar activities. without change. Therefore, the NRC staff undertook a generic
The SRP-LR also serves as a source of information to the nuclear review and a technical evaluation of existing plant programs to
power industry and members of the public who are interested in determine which ones would adequately manage aging effects
the regulatory review process governing license renewal. It is not a without change and which ones would need to be augmented.
requirement for the applicant to follow the SRP-LR format or sug- These existing AMPs were evaluated against a set of ten element
gestions, but the guidance facilitates staff reviews. The SRP-LR criteria as defined in Branch Technical Position RLSB-1 in the
incorporates the GALL Report by reference and focuses the NRC SRP-LR. Only those programs that passed the 10-element test
review on areas where existing programs need to be augmented or were accepted as adequate AMPs.
further evaluated for license renewal as recommended in the The GALL Report evaluates existing programs generically to
GALL Report. document the following:
The SRP-LR is divided into the following four major chapters:
(a) the conditions under which existing programs are considered
(a) administrative information adequate to manage identified aging effects without change.
(b) scoping and screening methodology (b) the conditions under which existing programs should be
(c) AMR results augmented for this purpose.
(d) TLAAs
The GALL Report is referenced in the SRP-LR as the technical
The administrative information chapter provides criteria for basis for identifying those programs that warrant particular attention
determining the sufficiency of an application for docketing. The during the NRC’s review of an LRA. The principal purposes of the
scoping and screening chapter focuses the staff’s review on the GALL Report are to ensure the quality and uniformity of reviews
applicant’s identification of passive and long-lived structures and and to present a well-defined base from which to evaluate renewal
components. It also directs the staff to determine if the applicant applicant programs and activities for the period of extended opera-
properly implemented a methodology to identify structures and tion. The GALL Report is also intended to make information about
components subject to an AMR. The AMR chapter directs the regulatory matters widely available to enhance communication with
review staff to perform a consistent and thorough evaluation of interested members of the public and the nuclear power industry.
aging effects and AMPs provided in the application. The TLAA The GALL Report is treated as an approved topical report.
chapter directs the staff to verify that all applicable TLAAs have Because the AMPs are already reviewed generically, the NRC
been included in an application and have been adequately evaluat- reviewers need not repeat their review of a matter described as
ed for the period of extended operation. acceptable in the GALL Report, but would ensure that the materi-
An appendix to the SRP-LR contains branch technical positions, al presented in the GALL Report is applicable to the specific plant
which document the staff’s resolution of specific regulatory issues. involved. The reviewer would also ensure that the applicant-iden-
The SRP-LR can be applied to a wide variety of plant designs and tified AMPs are consistent with the AMPs evaluated in the GALL
site conditions. It consists of multiple sections, each of which con- Report, if they rely on the report for license renewal.
tains complete procedures for performing staff reviews. For any
specific application, the staff may focus its review on particular 42.6.3 Regulatory Guide
aspects of an SRP-LR section as appropriate to ensure an adequate The NRC also issued the license renewal regulatory guide [24],
level of staff understanding to support a licensing decision. which provides applicants with the format and content for an
Each SRP-LR section is organized into six subsections. LRA. The regulatory guide endorses the NEI guidance document
Subsection 1 governs the areas of review; it describes the SSCs, [5]. The SRP-LR sections are numbered consistently using the
analyses, data, or other information in the application that should be regulatory guide standard format.
reviewed. Subsection 2 identifies the acceptance criteria (applicable
NRC requirements) and defines the technical basis (e.g., by refer- 42.6.4 License Renewal Guidance Documents
encing NRC regulatory guides, codes and standards, and branch Updates
technical positions) for determining if an applicant’s proposal is Since the publication of the guidance documents in July 2001, the
acceptable. Subsection 3 contains step-by-step review procedures NRC staff has completed a significant number of LRA reviews.
for verifying that applicable acceptance criteria have been met. During the course of its evaluation, both the NRC staff and applicants
Subsection 4 governs evaluation findings and presents alternative have gained valuable lessons in preparing and reviewing LRAs. The
staff conclusions that may apply to a particular review area. lessons learned have been in both technical and procedural areas. To
Subsection 5 addresses implementation of the SRP-LR by specify- document these lessons learned and to incorporate additional staff
ing the conditions under which the SRP-LR can be applied as guid- positions established on current issues of interest, an update of these
ance for the review of LRAs. Subsection 6 contains references. guidance documents was initiated. A draft of the revised documents
was published for public comment in January 2005. The revised final
42.6.2 GALL Report guidance documents were published in 2005; two companion docu-
The GALL Report evaluates existing programs generically to ments were published at the same time. The first document, Analysis
document the conditions under which existing programs are con- of Public Comments on the Revised License Renewal Guidance
sidered adequate to manage identified aging effects without Documents (NUREG-1832) [28], addresses all comments received
change and the conditions under which existing programs should during the public comment period for the revised guidance docu-
be augmented for this purpose. ments. The second document, Technical Bases for Revision to the
During the review of the first renewal application, the NRC and License Renewal Guidance Documents (NUREG-1833) [27], pro-
industry recognized that many of the existing programs at the vides staff positions and technical justifications that provide the bases
plants could adequately manage aging effects for license renewal for the changes to the guidance documents.
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42 • Chapter 42

42.7 INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES 14. U.S. NRC Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License
Renewal of Nuclear Plants (NUREG-1437). Washington, DC: U.S.
With the success of U.S. license renewal programs, the interest Nuclear Regulatory Commission; 1996, 1999.
on the program has increased among the international nuclear 15. U.S. NRC Standard Review Plans for Environmental Reviews for
utilities. The International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA) Nuclear Power Plants, Supplement 1 (NUREG-1555). Washington,
has taken the lead to organize the international efforts to generate DC: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; 2000.
guidance documents for its member states. Working groups were
16. U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 4.2, Preparation of Supplemental
set up to collect ideas and recommendations on safety aspects of
Environmental Reports for Applications to Renew Nuclear Power
long-term operation of water-moderated reactors. The NRC staff Plant Operating Licenses, Supplement 1. Washington, DC: U.S.
has been supporting IAEA at all levels and sharing the U.S. expe- Nuclear Regulatory Commission; 2000.
rience by placing license renewal–related documents on the
NRC’s Web site 17. CFR Title 10, Part 50, Section 50.48, Fire Protection. In: Code of
Federal Regulations. Washington, DC: National Archives and
The opinions expressed in this paper are those of the Authors
Records Administration’s (NARA) Office of the Federal Register
and do not represent the position of USNRC. (OFR)/Government Printing Office (GPO); 2005.
18. CFR Title 10, Part 50, Section 50.49, Environmental Qualification of
Electric Equipment Important to Safety for Nuclear Power Plants. In:
42.8 REFERENCES Code of Federal Regulations. Washington, DC: National Archives and
Records Administration’s (NARA) Office of the Federal Register
1. ASME BPVC Section III, Nuclear Power Plant Components. In: (OFR)/Government Printing Office (GPO); 2005.
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. New York: American Society
of Mechanical Engineers; 1989. 19. CFR Title 10, Part 50, Section 50.61, Fracture Toughness
Requirements for Protection Against Pressurized Thermal Shock
2. Chopra O, Shack WJ. Effects of LWR Coolant Environments on Events. In: Code of Federal Regulations. Washington, DC: National
Fatigue Design Curves of Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels Archives and Records Administration’s (NARA) Office of the Federal
(NUREG/CR-6583). Washington, DC: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Register (OFR)/Government Printing Office (GPO); 2005.
Commission; 1998.
20. CFR Title 10, Part 50, Section 50.62, Requirements for Reduction of
3. Chopra O. Effects of LWR Coolant Environments on Fatigue Design Risk from Anticipated Transients Without Scram (ATWS) Events for
Curves of Austenitic Stainless Steels (NUREG/CR-5704). Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants. In: Code of Federal
Washington, DC: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; 1999. Regulations. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records
4. Majumdar S, Chopra O, Shack WJ. Interim Fatigue Design Curves for Administration’s (NARA) Office of the Federal Register
Carbon, Low-Alloy, and Austenitic Stainless Steels in LWR (OFR)/Government Printing Office (GPO); 2005.
Environments (NUREG/CR-5999). Washington, DC: U.S. Nuclear 21. CFR Title 10, Part 50, Section 50.63, Loss of All Alternating
Regulatory Commission; 1993. Current Power. In: Code of Federal Regulations. Washington, DC:
5. Nuclear Energy Institute Industry Guideline for Implementing the National Archives and Records Administration’s (NARA) Office of
Requirements of 10 CFR Part 54: The License Renewal Rule (NEI the Federal Register (OFR)/Government Printing Office (GPO);
95–10). 2005.
6. Nuclear Power Plant Generic Aging Lessons Learned (GALL), 22. U.S. NRC Standard Review Plan for Review of License Renewal
Volumes 1 and 2 (NUREG/CR-6490). Washington, DC: U.S. Nuclear Applications for Nuclear Power Plants (NUREG-1800), Revision 1.
Regulatory Commission; 1996. Washington, DC: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; 2005.
7. U.S. Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended. 23. U.S. NRC Generic Aging Lessons Learned (GALL) Report
(NUREG1801). Washington, DC: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
8. CFR Title 10, Part 54, Requirements for Renewal of Operating Commission; 2001.
Licenses for Nuclear Power Plants. In: Code of Federal Regulations.
Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration’s 24. U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.188, Standard Format and Content
(NARA) Office of the Federal Register (OFR)/Government Printing for Applications to Renew Nuclear Power Plant Operating
Office (GPO); 2005. Licenses. Washington, DC: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission;
9. CFR Title 10, Part 50, Section 50.65, Requirements for Monitoring
the Effectiveness of Maintenance at Nuclear Power Plants. In: Code of 25. USAS B31.1, Power Piping Code. New York: American Society of
Federal Regulations. Washington, DC: National Archives and Mechanical Engineers; 1967.
Records Administration’s (NARA) Office of the Federal Register 26. Ware AG, Morton DK, Nitzel ME. Application of NUREG/CR-5999
(OFR)/Government Printing Office (GPO); 2005. Interim Fatigue Curves to Selected Nuclear Power Plant Components
10. U.S. National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. (NUREG/CR-6260). Washington, DC: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission; 1995.
11. CFR Title 10, Part 51, Environmental Protection Regulations for
Domestic Licensing and Related Regulatory Functions. In: Code of 27. US NRC Technical Bases for Revision to the License Renewal
Federal Regulations. Washington, DC: National Archives and Guidance Documents (NUREG-1833). Washington, D.C: U.S.
Records Administration’s (NARA) Office of the Federal Register Nuclear Regulatory Commission; 2005.
(OFR)/Government Printing Office (GPO); 2005. 28. US NRC Analysis of Public Comments on the Revised License
12. U.S. NRC Bulletin 88-11, Pressurizer Surge Line Thermal Stratification. Renewal Guidance Documents (NUREG-1832). Washington, D.C:
Washington, DC: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; 1988. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; 2005.
13. U.S. NRC Generic Letter (GL) 88-20, Individual Plant Examination 29. U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION, Generic Aging
(IPE) for Severe Accident Vulnerabilities: 10 CFR 50.54(f). Lessons Learned (GALL) Report, NUREG-1801, Revision 1,
Washington, DC: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; 1988. September 2005.
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Timothy J. Griesbach
43.1 INTRODUCTION [2] for heatup and cooldown limits in operating plants when it
became mandatory according to 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix G,
The integrity of the reactor pressure vessel is critical to plant Fracture Toughness Requirements [3]. Since the inclusion of
safety. A failure of the vessel is beyond the design basis. Appendix G in ASME BPVC Section XI, the appendix has been
Therefore, the design requirements for vessels have significant updated several times to use more up-to-date technology for
margins to prevent brittle or ductile failure under all anticipated determining stress intensity factors, safety margins, and material
operating conditions. The early vessels in the United States were reference fracture toughness. While incorporating these technical
designed to meet the requirements of ASME BPVC Section VIII. changes, the philosophy of protecting the vessel against brittle
The design requirements for these vessels were supplemented by fracture has remained the same.
special requirements based on earlier U.S. Navy design experi- As plants age, the effect of radiation damage on vessel materi-
ences. In general, the allowable stress limits were lower than ves- als has caused a narrowing of operating heatup and cooldown lim-
sels designed to later ASME BPVC Section III requirements. The its for PWRs and an increase of the hydrostatic test temperatures
early design codes did not include the rigorous fracture toughness for BWRs, which may cause hardships for plant operation. The
requirements found in today’s codes. Section VIII relied on a requirements for low-temperature overpressure protection (LTOP)
“fracture-safe” design approach, which sought to ensure that pres- systems for PWRs also reduce the operating window for plants.
sure vessels were operated in a temperature regime (upper-shelf Improvements in the Code methods for determining the heatup
region) where small flaws or cracks would not affect the load- and cooldown limit curves have provided some relief from the
carrying capacity of the structure. narrowing window of operation. However, the possible future
As Section III of the ASME Code was developed, many of the changes to embrittlement trend curves based on new embrittle-
early special requirements were incorporated and used to update ment data may negate the benefits obtained from the improve-
the earlier requirements of Section VIII. Section III included ments in Section XI, Appendix G.
requirements for more detailed design stress analyses than did For example, the NRC is planning to issue draft Revision 3 of
Section VIII. Thus, the explicit design safety factor could be Regulatory Guide 1.99 in 2009. Preliminary versions of the
reduced without reducing the actual margin against vessel failure. revised embrittlement trend curve model show higher predicted
Section III also included a fracture mechanics approach to estab- RTNDT shifts than Regulatory Guide 1.99, Rev. 2 for the limiting
lish operating pressure-temperature heat up and cooldown curves materials in many BWR vessels. The corresponding increase in
and to ensure adequate margins of safety against brittle or ductile Adjusted Reference Temperature (ART) causes a change in the
failure incorporating the nil-ductility reference temperature index, P-T limit curves for heatup/cooldown and hydrotest conditions. In
RTNDT, that was correlated to the material reference toughness. some cases, plants may have to perform the system hydrotest at
Radiation embrittlement is a known degradation mechanism in temperatures exceeding 212°F (i.e., boiling at atmospheric pres-
ferritic steels, and the beltline region of reactor pressure vessels is sure) in order to maintain the ASME Code safety margins for
particularly susceptible to irradiation damage. To predict the level prevention of vessel brittle fracture. This issue will need to be
of embrittlement in a reactor pressure vessel, trend curve predic- revisited by the ASME Code Section XI Working Group on
tion methods are used for projecting the shift in RTNDT as a func- Operating Plant Criteria.
tion of material chemistry and fluence at the vessel wall. Because Another aspect of ensuring reactor vessel integrity is character-
the ASME Code does not include trend curves for prediction of izing the actual toughness of the reactor vessel materials. Because
embrittlement, the NRC issued Regulatory Guide 1.99. Revision sampling of the vessel is not a realistic option, using surveillance
2 of this Regulatory Guide is being used by all plants for predict- sample coupons to measure a toughness may be the best available
ing RTNDT shift in determining heatup and cooldown limits and source for irradiated vessel material data. However, small speci-
hydrostatic test limits. mens do not provide a representative constraint for large speci-
In 1988, the ASME Code approved the Section XI Nonmandatory mens or structures, so the data must be characterized according to
Appendix G, Fracture Toughness Criteria for Protection Against a Master Toughness curve. The alternative Master Curve
Failure [1]. This appendix replaced the Section III, Appendix G approach, recently approved by ASTM and the ASME BPVC,
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44 • Chapter 43

provides a measured To value that relates the measured fracture specimen are correlated to a dynamic or static reference toughness
toughness data directly to the Master Curve reference toughness. curve. In particular, the temperature to achieve either 30 ft-lb or 50
The ASTM test method was specifically developed to provide a ft-lb of energy are the results determined from a series of Charpy
reliable measure of fracture toughness transition temperature, To, test specimens that are then correlated to the vessel material refer-
that is independent of specimen size. This will have direct ence toughness. When adequate Code margins were included, this
benefits for determining plant heatup and cooldown limits. approach permitted the safe design and operation of pressure ves-
Related discussions of pressure vessel integrity margins in the sels for all anticipated normal and abnormal events.
French and Japanese Codes are given in Chapters 49 and 50, This was the first time that a fracture mechanics – based
respectively. approach was used in the ASME Code, and it represented a sig-
nificant change in the design procedure for nuclear pressure ves-
sels, which is still being used today. It also provided a method for
43.2 CODES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE establishing acceptable plant operating criteria for the prevention
PREVENTION OF BRITTLE of brittle fracture of the vessel. The Section III, Appendix G
approach established margins against failure in three areas:
(a) A reference toughness curve was adopted from a conserva-
43.2.1 10 CFR 50, Appendix G tive lower bound of available fracture toughness data, desig-
The rules and regulations governing the licensing of nuclear nated as KIR, which is a function of temperature, for reactor
facilities are contained in Title 10, Part 50 of the U.S. Code vessel steels.
of Federal Regulations. In particular, Appendix G, Fracture (b) A very large (quarter-thickness) postulated reference flaw
Toughness Requirements for Nuclear Power Reactors [3], and was to be used in the analysis.
Appendix H, Reactor Vessel Surveillance Program Requirements (c) A safety factor of 2 was applied to the calculated stress
[4], define applicable rules and reference the Codes and Standards intensity factor for pressure loading.
that determine the methods of compliance and margins to be
maintained for prevention of vessel fracture. The requirements of Each of these assumptions and procedures of the traditional
Appendices G and H became effective on August 16, 1973, when Appendix G method are discussed here in more detail.
the fracture mechanics concepts for prevention of brittle fracture
were fully adopted. KIR Index and Temperature Indexing. The basis for
The basis for these regulations first came from the recommen- the KIR curve was the available unirradiated dynamic and crack
dations of the PVRC Task Group on Toughness Requirements arrest fracture toughness data from three heats of SA-533-B1 and
that was formed in 1971. The charter of the PVRC Task Group SA-508-2 steels. The KIR curve was established as an empirical
was as follows: lower bound to the data that were normalized on a (T-RTNDT) scale.
To recommend, on the basis of current knowledge, criteria for RTNDT is intended to be a heat-normalizing parameter, and the pro-
ferritic material toughness requirements for pressure-retaining cedure for obtaining the initial RTNDT is contained in ASME
components of the reactor pressure boundary, which will permit BPVC, Section III, NB-2300 [6]. With the establishment of the KIR
the establishment of safe procedures for operating nuclear reactor curve for the lower-bound material toughness, the RTNDT for all
components below 700F. vessel materials was required to be measured in vessels that were
designed or fabricated to Code requirements after 1972. The same
requirements were not in place for those vessels prior to 1972, so
43.2.2 Section III, Appendix G and WRC 175 the initial RTNDT for those vessels had to be inferred from limited
The Task Group completed a draft report and delivered it to the data or bounded conservatively from generic data sets. The RTNDT
PVRC, ASME, and AEC on August 13, 1971. The delivery to reference temperature index, adjusted to include the effects of radi-
the AEC was, in part, a response to their proposal for new ation damage, has become the single most important parameter in
toughness requirements, which had been published in July 1971 determining the allowable (P-T) limits for plant operation and for
in the Federal Register. The ASME Code approved, with some evaluation of reactor vessel integrity form severe events such as
modifications, the new requirements proposed by the PVRC Task pressurized thermal shock (PTS) transients.
Group in January 1972, which were then issued, first as Code
Case 1514, and subsequently as revisions to ASME BPVC Postulated Flaw Size and Location. For locations
Section III, NB-2330 and a new Appendix G in the Summer 1972 away from discontinuities (e.g., the vessel beltline region), the
Addenda of the Code. The PVRC Task Group draft report was maximum postulated reference flaw is a semi-elliptical surface
modified to be consistent with the ASME Code modifications and crack oriented in the axial direction. This postulated flaw has a
the final draft was published as WRC 175 [5] in August 1972. depth of one-fourth of the section thickness and a length of 1.5
The key to this new approach was the establishment of the times the thickness. For sections less than 4-in. thick, a 1-in. deep
fracture mechanics term of crack tip “stress intensity factor” (KI), flaw is postulated. Smaller flaw sizes may be used on an individ-
which can be compared to the measured material toughness ual case basis if a smaller size of maximum postulated flaw can be
(Kcritical) as a function of reference temperature, RTNDT, to deter- ensured. However, no plants to date have been able to take credit
mine crack stability. The initial RTNDT values for all reactor vessel for smaller than a 14 -t flaw.
beltline materials had to be measured or estimated from test data. The relatively large quarter-thickness reference flaw size was
Critical values of K are determined from precracked specimen selected because a database did not exist at that time to assess
tests loaded to failure, and the Charpy test specimens were stan- NDE reliability, and it was thought that the chosen reference flaw
dardized as the method of establishing an initial RTNDT and was the largest flaw that could be missed by the inspection meth-
changes in RTNDT due to irradiation. While not a true measure of ods in use at that time. Another determining factor was the on-site
toughness, the Charpy test specimen results for energy to break the preservice hydrotest failure of a fossil vessel. In this instance,
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failure resulted from a 3.5-in. deep by 13-in. long flaw that was 43.2.3 ASME BPVC Section XI, Appendix G
produced after weld repair. Although no NDE was performed on In the mid-1980s it became obvious that the original Section
this vessel after the repair, the failure was used as evidence that III, Appendix G method needed to be revised. ASME BPVC
large flaws could exist in vessels. Finally, the reference flaw was Section XI, Appendix G was first introduced into the Code in
considered to be an end-of-life flaw size that supposedly would 1987 as a duplication of ASME BPVC Section III, Appendix G
include any (unspecified) environment-induced subcritical crack with the addition of toughness shift due to irradiation embrittle-
growth. ment for plant operating pressure-temperature limit curves. The
adoption of Appendix G into Section XI provided a vehicle to Factor of Safety. For normal and upset events (Levels review the Appendix and update it to current technology. The
A and B), Appendix G to Section III of the Code adopted safety ASME Section XI Working Group on Operating Plant Criteria
factors within the range included in WRC 175, a safety factor of has responsibility for this section of the Code; there is no equiva-
2.0 on the stress intensity factor due to pressure (KIM) and a factor lent group in Section III that meets to review the Section III,
of 1.0 on the thermal stress intensity factor (KIT). A safety factor of Appendix G. While Section XI, Appendix G is considered to be a
2.0 for pressure is consistent with the Code margins for other nonmandatory appendix, it became mandatory by reference in 10
allowable loadings. The PVRC Task Group recommended the CFR50, Appendix G, officially replacing ASME BPVC Section
lower factor of 1.0 on KIT in WRC 175 “due to its secondary and III, Appendix G for operating plants.
self-relieving nature.” The Section XI, Appendix G method is used as the basis for
ASME BPVC Section III, Appendix III became mandatory by calculating pressure-temperature operating limits and tempera-
reference in Appendix G of 10 CFR Part 50; the BPVC appendix ture limits for cold hydrostatic testing and leak testing. However,
defines the pressure-temperature requirements for vessel heatup in the implementation of the Appendix G method, there are
and cooldown when the core is critical. Supplemental require- numerous additional technical and administrative requirements
ments were added to 10 CFR Part 50 for the flange region and for that, in essence, add to the margins for protection against brittle
critical and noncritical core operation. For example, when the fracture of the vessel. One such requirement for pressurized water
core is not critical and when pressure exceeds 20% of the presser- reactors (PWRs) is to have a LTOP system. These LTOP system
vice hydrostatic test pressure, the temperature of the closure requirements came about as part of the resolution of a generic
flange regions that are highly stressed by the bolt preload must safety issue (USI-A26) in the 1970s. The recommendations were
exceed the reference temperature of the material in those regions documented in NUREG-0224, Reactor Vessel Pressure Transient
by at least 120°F for normal operation and by 90F for hydrostat- Protection for Pressurized Water Reactors, and the results were a
ic pressure tests and leak tests. When the core is critical (other revision to NRC’s Standard Review Plan Section 5.2.2 [7] and the
than for the purpose of low-level physics tests), the temperature of establishment of Branch Technical Position RSB 5-2 [8].
the reactor vessel must not be lower than 40F above the mini- Following these regulatory actions, PWRs have implemented
mum permissible temperature established for noncritical opera- procedures and modified equipment to protect the Appendix G
tion, nor lower than the minimum permissible temperature for the heatup and cooldown limit curves. This was accomplished by
inservice system hydrostatic pressure test. installing or enabling relief valves with fixed or variable setpoints
An exception was made for boiling-water reactor (BWR) ves- that would function during low-temperature operation to mitigate
sels when the water level is within the normal range for power the severity of inadvertent pressure excursions. The fact that these
operation and the pressure is less than 20% of the service system valves are set below the limits of the calculated Appendix G curve
hydrostatic test pressure. In this case, the minimum permissible means that additional margin was added for protection against brit-
temperature is 60F above the adjusted reference temperature of tle fracture in the implementation of the LTOP systems. The imple-
the reactor vessel material in the region that is controlling. If there mentation of the LTOP systems causes restrictions in the operating
is fuel in the reactor during hydrostatic pressure test or leak test, window for heatup and cooldown. The LTOP setpoint limits may
the preceding requirements apply, depending on whether the core come close to the minimum required pressure to achieve pump seal
is critical during the test. or the net positive suction head (NPSH) limit for prevention of
In July 1973, the NRC established specific material surveil- pump cavitation. These restrictions become even more severe for
lance requirements by adding Appendix H, Reactor Vessel plants with a significant amount of vessel embrittlement.
Material Surveillance Program Requirements, to 10 CFR Part 50.
Appendix H requires a material surveillance program to monitor Revisions to ASME BPVC Section XI, Appendix G.
changes in the fracture toughness properties of ferritic materials The stress intensity factors of Appendix G are based on an
in the reactor vessel beltline region. Appendix H applies to all assumed semi-elliptical surface flaw oriented in the axial direction,
light-water reactors (LWRs) and the fracture toughness degrada- i.e., normal to the direction of maximum principal stress. The orig-
tion is directly related to the exposure of the beltline materials to inal methods used for computing KI for pressure and thermal load-
neutron irradiation and thermal environments. Charpy impact ing are described in Welding Research Council Bulletin 175 [6].
specimens are exposed to the neutron flux in surveillance capsules The methods included classical stress function methods, boundary
and withdrawn periodically from the reactor vessel. The impact collocation methods, and the (then emerging) finite element
specimens are tested and the Charpy shift data used in accordance method. For the KI due to pressure, the particular expression cho-
with trend curve prediction methods and 10 CFR Part 50, sen was based on the collective work of many experts at that time,
Appendix G. For reactor vessels that can conclusively show the and the general expression is given as follows:
peak neutron fluence (E  1 Mev) at the end of the vessel design
life is below 1  1017 n/cm2, Appendix H specifies that no materi- K Im = Mmsm (1)
al surveillance program is required. For vessels projected to be
above this fluence, surveillance programs must be in place in where sm is the membrane pressure stress and the M m factor was
accordance with Appendix H. based was based on a semi-elliptical surface crack solution in a
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46 • Chapter 43


plate under uniform tension. The M m factor combined flaw shape Revised Stress Intensity Factors. In 1993, the ASME
correction factors and included corrections for plastic zone size for Section XI Working Group on Flaw Evaluation approved changes
the 14 -thickness reference flaw. A plot of the M m factor as a func- to the Appendix A flaw evaluation method including revisions for
tion of wall thickness and stress ratio is given in Fig 43.1. determination of the applied stress intensity factor, KI, in Article
For the KI due to thermal loading, a simplified stress function A-3000 [10]. This Article provides a method for calculating KI
was used that related the thermal stress intensity factor to the ther-
mal gradient as follows:

K lt = M t ¢Tw (2)

where Tw is the temperature difference through the wall due

to heatup or cooldown. The Mt factor was based on a plate solu-
tion for an infinitely long flaw assuming a typical (parabolic) tem-
perature distribution across the vessel wall. A plot of the Mt factor
vs. wall thickness is given in Fig 43.2. This method was judged to
be conservative for the full range of heatup or cooldown rates in
the range of 0 to 100F/hr.
The postulated reference flaw adopted in WRC 175, and later
in Appendix G of ASME BPVC Section III, has a semi-elliptical
surface geometry with a 14 thickness depth and a surface length
equal to six times the depth. The basis for this reference flaw is
discussed in the EPRI White Paper on Reactor Vessel Integrity
Requirements for Levels A and B Conditions [9].
Prior to 1993, the general approach for flaw evaluation (given in
ASME BPVC Section XI, Appendix A) was a simplified method for
calculating stress intensity factor whereby stresses at the flaw loca-
tion are resolved into membrane and bending stresses using a lin-
earization technique. The equivalent linear representation of stress
distribution is shown in Fig. 43.3. This figure demonstrates the dif-
ferences between the actual stress distribution and the equivalent lin-
ear stress distribution through the vessel wall. This same approxima- FIG. 43.2. Mt FACTOR vs. THICKNESS FOR BENDING
tion applies to the simplified method of stress intensity factors used STRESS INTENSITY FACTOR FROM ASME SECTION XI,
in ASME BPVC Section XI, Appendix G. APPENDIX G
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finite element analyses were used to determine the specific G

coefficients as a function of crack depth for semi-elliptical cracks.
Ultimately, the Appendix A coefficients were determined from
several sources, and the tabulated coefficients in Table A-3320-1
were chosen for applicability to surface flaws of various depths,
flaw aspect ratios, and crack tip positions [11].
This same approach was applied for the 14 -thickness reference
flaw of Appendix G (with a 6:1 aspect ratio), which is a special
case of the general solutions provided in Appendix A. The revi-
sion to Appendix G in 1996 incorporated the most recent elastic
solutions for KI due to pressure and radial thermal gradients dur-
ing heatup and cooldown of reactor vessels. The new solutions
were based on finite element analyses for inside surface flaws per-
formed by ORNL [11] and other research published by EPRI for
outside surface flaws [12]. These solutions provided results that
were essentially the same as those obtained by Raju and Newman
These solutions are determined to be a more accurate method
for implementation in Appendix G that provides consistent com-
putational methods for both pressure and thermal stress intensity
factors. In addition, the revisions to Appendix G provide a
method to calculate the thermal stress intensity factor, KIT, for any
thermal gradient through the vessel wall and at any time during
the transient. Consistent with the original version of Appendix G,
no contribution for crack face pressure is included in the KI due to
membrane tension (i.e., pressure) loading terms. Also, the revised
solutions do not include plastic zone size correction, because
plastic zone size is negligible during normal heatup and cooldown
conditions. Pressure Stress Intensity Factors. The variation in

hoop stress due to internal pressure in a hollow cylinder can be
expressed as follows:

R2i p R2o
su u(r) = a1 + b (5)
R2o - Ri 2

p  internal pressure
r  radial distance through the vessel wall
using a representative third-order polynomial stress distribution at
Ri  vessel inner radius
the flaw location of the following form:
Ro  vessel outer radius
s = Co + C1 (x/a) + C2(x/a)2 + C3 (x/a)3 (3)
While the through-wall stress varies, the revised pressure stress
where, intensity factor determination in ASME BPVC Section XI,
Appendix G was simplified by using a stress formula (pRi/t) and a
x  distance through the wall from the flawed surface constant (Mm) such that the membrane stress intensity factor, KIm,
a  maximum flaw depth is given by the following:
Co, C1, C2, C3  curve-fitted constants.
The stress intensity factor, KI, is calculated using an equation of K Im = M m * (pRi/t), (6)
the following form:
where Mm for a postulated inside surface axial reference flaw is
K 1 = [C0G0 + C1G1a + C2G2a 2 + C3G3a 3]2pa/Q (4) given by the following:
where G0, G1, G2, and G3 are stress intensity factor influence
coefficients and Q is a flaw shape parameter. Mm = 1.85 for 2t 6 2
This methodology of stress intensity factor influence coeffi-
Mm = 0.926 2t for 2 … 2t … 3.464
cients was proposed by Raju and Newman for internal and external
surface cracks in cylindrical vessels [6], and three-dimensional Mm = 3.21 for 2t 7 3.464.
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Similarly, Mm for a postulated outside surface axial reference

flaw is given by the following:

Mm = 1.77 for 2t 6 2
Mm = 0.893 2t for 2  2t  3.464
Mm = 3.09 for 2t  3.464


p = internal pressure (psi)

Ri = vessel inner radius (in.)
t = vessel wall thickness (in.)

These Mm factors were calculated for the 41 -thickness, semi-

elliptical (6:1 aspect ratio) surface flaws in cylindrical vessels,
and are determined to be exact solutions for a vessel mean radius-
to-thickness ratio of 10. Thermal Stress Intensity Factors. A general solution

for stress thermal stress intensity factor was provided in the revi-
sion to ASME BPVC Section XI, Appendix G for any thermal
stress distribution at any specified time during heatup or cooldown FIG. 43.4. EXAMPLES OF 50F/hr. COOLDOWN CURVES
for assumed 14 -thickness surface flaws [7]. The new Appendix G USING THE ORIGINAL AND REVISED APPENDIX G
method used the same polynomial form of the radial thermal gra- STRESS INTENSITY FACTOR METHODS
dient at the reference flaw location as given by Eq. (3). Then, the
KIt value can be determined for an axial inside surface flaw during
cooldown from the equation following: influence coefficients for the outside surface flaw were deter-
mined from closed-form solutions by Zahoor given in the EPRI
K It = [1.0359C0 + 0.6322C1 + 0.4753C2 + 0.3855C3] 2pa (7) Ductile Fracture Handbook [13].
These new solutions are elastic solutions that do not include a
Similarly, the Klt value can be determined for an axial outside plastic zone size correction. The new stress intensity factor solutions
surface flaw during heatup from the following equation: better characterize the conditions for irradiated vessels in the low-
temperature region where the thermal stresses and allowable pres-
sure are low. For these conditions, the plastic zone size is negligible,
K It = [1.043C0 + 0.630C1 + 0.481C2 + 0.401C3] 2pa (8) and the elastic solutions are the technically correct solutions. This
new method will provide some relief in the allowable operating
pressure curve, as shown in Fig. 43.4 for a sample 50°F/hr cooldown
where C0, C1, C2, and C3 are the curve-fitted constants determined
limit curve. The benefit is approximately a 70 psi increase in allow-
from the thermal stress distribution at a particular time in the hea-
able pressure at the low-temperature portion of the curve. Although
tup or cooldown transient.
the relief may be relatively small in terms of absolute pressure, the
Note that these equations differ slightly from the form of Eq. (5);
benefits to plant operators are substantial because even a small
the term ( 2Q) representing the flaw shape parameter is included in
increase in allowable pressure can be a significant increase in the
the influence factor terms since Q is a constant based on the 14 thick-
operating window at the low temperatures.
ness reference flaw. The flaw shape factor for an elliptical crack is
approximated by the following equation: Circumferential Reference Flaw. The traditional
1.65 Appendix G reference flaw is assumed to be axially oriented. This
Q = 1 + 1.464 (a/c) (9) came about from the words in Article G-2120 as follows:
“The postulated defect used in this recommended procedure is
where a is the depth and c is the half-crack length. For the refer- a sharp, surface defect normal to the direction of maximum stress.
ence flaw geometry (a/2c  1/6), the shape factor is the following: For section thicknesses of 4 in. to 12 in., it has a depth of one-
fourth of the section thickness and a length of 112 times the section
Q = 1 + 1.464 (1/3)1.65 = 1.239 (10) thickness.”
The basis for this reference flaw is documented in WRC 175.
The 3-D influence coefficients for the inside surface flaw were The axial orientation was assumed because it is normal to the
generated from finite element stress analyses conducted at Oak maximum (membrane) stress in the vessel. The flaw is assumed to
Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Detailed finite element be in the vessel beltline weld or plate material with the highest
analyses were performed for a range of crack depths and aspect RTNDT. Even if there are no longitudinal welds in the vessel, it has
ratios, and the results were used to determine the exact traditionally been the interpretation of WRC 175 and Appendix G
coefficients used in Eq. (7) [12]. The ORNL analyses were com- that a longitudinal flaw must be assumed. While this is clearly
pared to the Raju and Newman solutions and other published conservative, it is unrealistic for vessels with only circumferen-
results that showed good agreement in all cases. The 3-D tially oriented welds.
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KIm  the applied pressure stress intensity factor
KIt  the applied thermal stress intensity factor
KIR  the material reference toughness of the limiting vessel
beltline material
The corresponding changes for calculation of applied pressure
and thermal stress intensities have been incorporated into ASME
BPVC Section XI, Appendix G and are now standard practice for
determining allowable pressure-temperature limits. When using
the circumferential reference flaw for girth welds, the other
regions of the vessel must still assume an axial reference flaw and
similar pressure-temperature limits calculated for these regions.
The final set of operating heatup and cooldown limit curves is
then a composite of the lowest allowable pressure as a function of
temperature for all conditions.
43.2.4 LTOP Setpoints
Reactors must operate within the specified pressure-tempera-
ture limits to maintain adequate safety margins against brittle
fracture. However, LTOP transients sometimes cause reactors to
operate beyond those limits. In the implementation of the require-
FIG. 43.5. ASSUMED AXIAL FLAWS IN CIRCUMFEREN- ments for prevention against brittle fracture reactor vessels, one
TIAL WELDS such requirement for PWRs is to have LTOP. This came about in
the 1970s when the NRC conducted a review of 30 reported over-
pressure transients that exceeded the Appendix G pressure-tem-
perature (P-T) limits. Because of the frequency and severity of
Historically, vessels made from ring forgings have had to LTOP occurrences, the LTOP issue became an Unresolved Safety
assume long axial flaws at the vessel I.D. and O.D. extending out- Issue in 1978. This was resolved in 1979 by the NRC recom-
side the weld region as well as the toughness properties of the mending that all PWRs must implement procedures and install
weld occuring at the deepest point of the crack front as shown in LTOP systems to mitigate such events.
Fig. 43.5. Although physically unrealistic, this assumption was Prior to 1992, the ASME Code did not provide guidelines for
generally agreed to be conservative because the margins and setpoints for the LTOP systems. The regulatory
guidelines at that time required plants with LTOP systems to
(a) the flaw is projected to occur well outside the girth weld region. have LTOP P-T limits that precluded exceeding the P-T limits
(b) the weld thickness is small compared to the total reference for normal heatup and cooldown at temperatures less than
flaw length. RTNDT  90°F, where RTNDT is the adjusted reference tempera-
(c) no credit is given for the toughness of the adjacent heat- ture, including margin, at the vessel 1/4-thickness location.
affected zone or base metal. This was accomplished by plants installing or enabling pressure
(d) worst-case girth weld properties are used with the assumed relief valves to limit the pressure at low-temperature operation.
axial flaw orientation. The fact that the pressure settings for the LTOP valves were set
(e) there is no evidence of transverse-oriented defects occurring below the limits of the Appendix G curve meant that the margin
in welds. against brittle fracture of the vessel had been added by the
LTOP systems.
In 1996, the Section XI Working Group on Operating Plant These requirements for LTOP protection create further restric-
Criteria approved a Code Case [15] and a Code Change to tions in plant operability, as shown in Fig. 43.7.
Appendix G to permit the assumed orientation of circumferential
reference flaws for vessels with circumferential welds. As shown
in Fig. 43.6, these assumed circumferentially oriented reference
flaws would remain within the plane of the girth weld.
This is a more physically realistic assumption for a reference
flaw for vessels fabricated from ring forgings, and it results in
improved pressure-temperature operating limits. The applied
stress intensity factor for pressure loading on a circumferential
flaw is half as large as that for an axial flaw because the vessel
membrane stresses normal to the circumferential reference flaw
are half as large. This results is an increase in the allowable pres-
sure vs. temperature for heatup and cooldown.
The allowable pressure is determined from the following


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sponding LTOP pressure setpoint criterion is only 100% of the

pressure to satisfy the Appendix G limits.
An alternative method for determining the LTOP enable tem-
perature setpoint was approved in Code Case N-641. This Code
Case allows an enable temperature of RTNDT ⫹ 40°F for assumed
axial surface flaws in axial welds and plates, and RTNDT ⫺85°F
for assumed flaws in circumferential welds. Use of this Code
Case increases the plant operating window when determining the
LTOP enable temperature setpoints.


43.3.1 Initial RTNDT and Shift Due to Irradiation
The toughness levels of reactor vessel plates, ring forgings, and
welds must be established to perform a vessel integrity analysis or
to establish pressure-temperature operating limits. The fracture
toughness of ferritic steels is very temperature dependent, as noted
by distinct changes in fracture behavior from brittle to ductile, with
characteristic changes in fracture toughness from low to high values
as temperature increases. This transition behavior is most apparent
when the specimen contains a sharp notch or a crack. The Charpy
V-notch (ASTM E 370-88a) and the drop weight tests (ASTM E
208-87a) are the most commonly used specimens for this purpose.
The temperature at which the material changes from ductile to brit-
tle behavior, as measured in the drop weight test, is often referred to
FIG. 43.7. FIXED LTOP SETPOINT AFFECTS OPERATING as the nil-ductility transition temperature, or NDTT. The initial
WINDOW RTNDT for vessel materials must be established in accordance with
ASME BPVC Section III, NB2331 requirements. The reference
nil-ductility transition temperature, RTNDT, is the higher of either the
The LTOP setpoint limits may come close to the minimum NDTT or the temperature, obtained from Charpy tests, at which the
required pressure to achieve pump seal or the NPSH for preven- material exhibits at least 50 ft-lb of impact energy and 35 mils lat-
tion of pump cavitation. Part of the restriction in implementation eral expansion, minus 60°F.
of these systems has to do with additional administrative mar- Reactor vessel surveillance programs, using actual vessel
gins that are added to account for pressure overshoot during an steel samples loaded in surveillance capsules and placed in or
LTOP event and to account for instrument error uncertainty. The near the core region, monitor neutron embrittlement of reactor
net effect of these administrative margins is to make the plant vessel materials. Embrittlement is measured by an upward shift
operating window narrower. These restrictions become even in the RTNDT temperature of the materials. This shift is equated
more severe for plants with a significant amount of vessel to the change in temperature of the Charpy 30 ft-lb energy level
embrittlement. between unirradiated and irradiated material, as shown in
In 1992, the Section XI Working Group on Operating Plant Fig. 43.8.
Criteria approved a Code Case and a Code change to incorporate Prediction of embrittlement in reactor vessel welds, plates, and
the method for determining LTOP setpoints into ASME BPVC forgings is determined according to the methods in Regulatory
Section XI, Appendix G. There are two setpoints involved: Guide 1.99, Rev. 2 [13], which provides trend curves as a function
the enable temperature below which LTOP systems must be
active and the LTOP pressure setpoint limiting the maximum
pressure during a low temperature overpressurization event. The
change addressed both of these setpoints by incorporating the
following words into Appendix G:
“LTOP systems shall be effective at coolant temperatures less
than 200°F or at coolant temperatures corresponding to a reactor
metal temperature less than RTNDT ⫹ 50°F, whichever is greater.
LTOP systems shall limit the maximum pressure in the vessel to
110% of the pressure determined to satisfy Appendix G of
Section XI, Article G-2215.”
The criteria for the pressure setpoint of 110% of the Appendix
G curve pressure at the lowest temperature applies only if the
curve is based on the KIR reference toughness, as given in eq. (11).
Subsequent changes to Appendix G allowed the use of the KIC
reference toughness curve instead of KIR. When the KIC curve is
used in place of KIR, the resulting heatup and cooldown plant limit FIG. 43.8. CHARPY V-NOTCH SURVEILLANCE DATA
curves provide a larger window of operation; however, the corre- SHOWING RTNDT SHIFT DUE TO IRRADIATION
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of copper and nickel content and fluence or determines projec- Use of KIC Is More Technically Correct. The heatup
tions of embrittlement (for the same heat of material) from the and cooldown processes for nuclear plants are very slow, with the
fitted results to actual Charpy surveillance data. fastest rate allowed typically being 100°F/h. For this rate of tem-
perature change, the rate of change of pressure and temperature is
43.3.2 KIC Versus KIR Reference Toughness often constant, so the resulting stresses are essentially constant.
There are two lower bound fracture toughness curves available Therefore, both the heatup and cooldown processes, as well as
in ASME BPVC Section Xl, as shown in Fig. 43.9. KIA (also pressure test conditions that have little or no thermal stress, are
known as KIR) is lower bound on all static, dynamic, and arrest essentially static processes. In fact, with regard to fracture tough-
fracture toughnesses and KIC is lower bound on static fracture ness, all operating transients (levels A, B, C, and D) correspond to
toughness only. static loading conditions.
Code Case N-640 [17], which was approved in 1999, changed The only time when dynamic loading can occur and where the
the fracture toughness curve used for development of P-T limit dynamic/arrest fracture toughness, KIA, should be used for the
curves from KIR to KIC. The other margins involved with the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) is when a crack is propagating.
process remained unchanged. The justification for this change is This situation may be postulated during a PTS transient event, but
as follows. The methodology defined in Appendix G of ASME is not a credible scenario during the heatup or cooldown process-
BPVC Section XI incorporates four specific safety margins as es. Therefore, use of the static lower bound fracture toughness,
follows: KIC, is more technically correct for development of P-T limit
(a) large postulated flaw, 14 thickness (14 T)
(b) safety factor  2 on pressure stress Use of Historically Large Margin Is No Longer
(c) lower bound fracture toughness (KIA) Necessary. In 1974, when the Appendix G methodology was first
(d) upper bound adjusted reference temperature (RTNDT) approved for use and implemented into the ASME Code, the use
Although the four safety margins were originally included in of KIA (KIR in the terminology of the time) to provide an addition-
the methodology used to develop P-T limit curves and hydrotest al margin was thought to be necessary to cover uncertainties and
temperatures, some sources of stress were not considered in the several postulated (but unquantified) effects. Almost 25 years later,
original methodology. These include weld residual stresses and significantly more information was known about these uncertain-
stresses due to clad-base metal differential thermal expansion. ties and effects.
Furthermore, the original methodology assumed that the maxi-
mum value of the computed stress intensity factor occurred at the Flaw Size. With regard to flaw indications in RPVs,
deepest point of the flaw. Therefore, these elements required con- there have been no indications found at the inside surface of any
sideration to assess their effects on safety margins and justify the operating reactor in the core region that exceed the acceptance
use of KIC. standards of ASME BPVC Section XI in the entire 28-year histo-
There are several reasons for the limiting toughness in the ry of Section XI. This is a particularly impressive conclusion con-
Appendix G P-T limits being changed from KIA to KIC. Each of sidering that core region inspections have been required to con-
these is described in the following paragraphs. centrate on the inner surface and near inner surface region since
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the implementation of U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.150 in 1983. the original database [2]. Also, the temperature range over which
Flaws have been found, but all have been qualified as buried or the data have been obtained has been extended to both higher and
embedded. lower temperatures than the original database. It can be seen from
There are many reasons why no surface flaws exist, and these Fig. 10 that there are a few data points falling just below the KIC
are related to the fabrication and inspection practices for vessels. curve. Consideration of these points, as well as the many (over
For the base metal and full penetration welds, a full volumetric 1,500) points above the curve, leads to the conclusion that the KIC
examination and surface exam are required before cladding is curve is a lower bound for a large percentage of the data. An exam-
applied, and these exams are repeated after cladding deposition. ple set, of carefully screened data in the extreme range of lower
Further confirmation of the lack of any surface indications has temperatures, is shown in Fig. 43.12 [3]. Data in Figs. 43.11 and
recently been obtained by the destructive examination of portions 43.12 satisfy KIC validity limits in ASTM E 399 standard for cleav-
of several commercial RPVs, such as the Midland vessel and the age fracture toughness, whereas KJC data in Fig. 43.10 include
PVRUF vessel. significant ductile tearing in higher toughness data points. Fracture Toughness. Since the original formulation of Local Brittle Zones. Another argument for the use of
the KIA and KIC fracture toughness curves in 1972, the fracture KIA in the original version of Appendix G was based on the con-
toughness database has increased by more than an order of magni- cern that there could be a small, local brittle zone in the weld or
tude, and both KIA and KIC remain lower bound curves. This is heat-affected zone of the base material that could pop-in and
shown in Fig. 43.10 for KIC [1], compared to Fig. 43.11, which is produce a dynamically moving cleavage crack. Therefore, the

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toughness property used to assess the moving crack should be 2m (91 ksi 2in.) is defined as the fracture toughness reference
related to dynamic or crack arrest conditions, especially for a fer- temperature, To. Because it is a statistical methodology, the
ritic RPV steel showing distinct temperature and loading-rate Master Curve approach might also be used to construct a bound-
(strain-rate) dependence. The dynamic crack should arrest at a 14 ing curve for the data, with a corresponding degree of confidence.
thickness depth (14 T), and any reinitiation should consider the Typically a bounding curve with a 95% degree of confidence is
effects of a minimum toughness associated with dynamic loading. used as a lower bound on the fracture toughness; a lower toler-
This argument provided a rationale for assuming a 14 T postulated ance bound noted as 5% is most commonly used. This implies
flaw size and a lower bound fracture toughness curve considering that 95% of all fracture toughness measurements should fall
dynamic and crack arrest loading. The KIR curve in Appendix G of above the confidence/tolerance bound.
Section III and the equivalent KIA curve in Appendices A and G of The statistical basis of the ASTM E 1921 procedure allows a
Section XI provide this lower bound curve for high-rate loading consistent level of conservatism to be set by selecting an appro-
(above any realistic rates in RPVs during any accident condition) priate level of confidence. The ASTM procedure incorporates
and crack arrest conditions. This argument, of course, relied on the advances in fracture mechanics technology that were not available
existence of a local brittle zone. when the ASME reference curve was adopted. The ASME KIC
After over 30 years of research on RPV steels fabricated under reference toughness curve and the 5% bounding curve from the
tight controls, microcleavage pop-in has not been found to be sig- ASTM test method are both lower limits to the fracture toughness
nificant. This means that researchers have not produced cata- data. However, the manner in which these lower limits to the frac-
strophic failure of a vessel, component, or even a fracture tough- ture toughness data leads to some significant differences. The KIC
ness test specimen in the transition temperature regime. Testing of curve is a lower limit to all data on a series of pressure vessel
some specimens at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) [4] steels, while the Master Curve bound is a statistically derived
has shown some evidence of early pop-ins for some simulated bound based on measurements for a specific material. The shape
production weld metals. However, the level of fracture toughness and location of the KIC reference curve is actually set by a rela-
for these possible early initiations is within the data scatter for tively small sampling of materials. By comparison, the distribu-
other ASTM-defined fracture toughness values (KIC and/or KJC). tion of measurements with respect to the ASTM bounding curve
Therefore, there is excess conservatism associated with this pos- is predictable and described by the Weibull parameters.
tulated condition and the use of the lower bound KIA curve to The procedure used to determine To is based on measurements
assess fracture initiation. This conservatism leads to the unneces- of fracture toughness, and a lower bound toughness curve can be
sary margin that could reduce overall plant safety. constructed with a specified level of confidence. Wallin performed
a statistical analysis of the empirical relationship between RTNDT Overall Plant Safety Is Improved. The primary rea- and fracture toughness by treating the horizontal shift temperature
son for developing Code Case N-640 was to reduce the excess con- between the data and the KIC curve as a statistical variable [23].
servatism in the current Appendix G approach that could in fact Figure 43.13 shows how the new variable TKIC T, is defined for
reduce overall plant safety. Considering the impact of the change the plate and forging data used for the KIC curve.
on other systems (such as pumps) and also on personnel exposure, The average shift between the measured data and the KIC curve
a strong argument was made that the change increases plant safe- is 40.4°C (72.7°F); the standard deviation of this population is
ty and reduces personnel exposure for both PWRs and BWRs. 20.2°C (36.4°F). Therefore, the KIC curve appears to represent a
lower bound of the original KIC data. Wallin then performed a
43.3.3 Master Curve Reference Toughness similar analysis by size-adjusting the same fracture toughness
During the late 1990s, industry research focused on the direct data to 1T equivalent values and comparing the results to the 5%
use of measures fracture toughness properties in the assessment of lower confidence bound to the corresponding Master Curve, as
RPV integrity. These efforts were initiated to develop procedures shown in Fig. 43.14.
for determining a material transition temperature, designated as
To, based on measured fracture toughness testing using the Master
Curve approach [21]. The ASME Code endorsed this new tech-
nology by adopting two Code Cases in 1998, Code Cases N-629
and N-631. In these Code Cases, the fracture toughness curves are
not changed from the reference fracture toughness curves, KIC and
KIA, but the indexing parameter RTNDT is determined from the ref-
erence temperature To from the Master Curve method of ASTM E
1921 [22]. In contrast to RTNDT, To is determined by performing
fracture toughness tests on the material of interest. This procedure
was made possible by the development of J-integral fracture
toughness test techniques generally used on 1-in. (2.54 cm) (or
less) thick specimens. By testing multiple specimens at a single
temperature, it is possible to use Weibull statistics to determine
the median fracture toughness.
The development of the Master Curve is based on the observa-
tion that fracture toughness transition curves for all ferritic steels
have a characteristic shape. Therefore, one Master Curve is used
for all ferritic steels and the curve is shifted along the temperature
axis to match a measured mean fracture toughness. The tempera- FIG. 43.13. ORIGINAL ASME KIC DATA AND NEW VARIABLE
ture at which the mean fracture toughness curve equals 100 Mpa TKIC -T
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43.3.4 Alternative Shift Prediction Method: E900

Trend Curves
The embrittlement correlation described in ASTM E 900-87,
Standard Guide for Predicting Neutron Radiation Damage to
Reactor Vessel Materials [24], was derived from Regulatory
Guide 1.99, Rev. 2 [16], and was based on 216 Charpy V-notch
surveillance data points that were available in the mid-1980s
[25,26]. Since that time, the database of Charpy surveillance test
data has increased by a factor of about five. A reevaluation of
these data produced draft radiation embrittlement trend equations,
which were submitted for ASTM Subcommittee E 10.02 consid-
eration [27,28]. These draft trend equations were developed using
mechanistic modeling of the embrittlement process and statistical
Following this, EPRI sponsored work to independently evaluate
the mechanistic and statistical bases for these draft trend equa-
tions and, in particular, provide further statistical basis [29],
T - TO which contains several additional correlation parameters. The
EPRI correlation agreed with the general form of the draft NRC
There is a fundamental relationship between the KIC curve and correlation parameters; the primary difference between the EPRI
the Master Curve: both curves bound the static crack initiation study and the NRC studies was in the interpretation of the statisti-
toughness results. Thus, it should be possible to use the parameter cal results. This EPRI correlation was subsequently accepted for
To to define a value of reference temperature, RTTo, such that the use in ASTM E 900-02, Guide for Predicting Radiation-Induced
KIC curve appropriately bounds the fracture toughness data. The Transition Temperature Shift in Reactor Vessel Materials [30].
KIC curve is an empirical lower bound curve, whereas the Master The revised transition temperature shift correlation has the fol-
Curve method fits the median of the measured fracture toughness lowing form:
The key parameters required to determine the Master Curve-
based lower bound structural curve are To and the appropriate sta- Shift  A exp[20,730/(Tc  460) (ft)0.5076
tistical lower tolerance bound level. The bounding curve for the  B[12.106 Ni1.173] F(Cu) G (ft) (13)
Master Curve technique is defined for a specific specimen size. In
determining To, it is common practice to adjust all fracture tough- where
ness data to the 1-in. (2.54 cm) thickness (1T) equivalent value, A  6.70  10 18
even though the actual test specimens might be larger or smaller. Tc  the cold leg (irradiation) temperature (F)
The method for applying the Master Curve as given in Code (ft)  the fluence (n/cm2 for E > 1MeV)
Cases N-629 and N-631 is to determine To and then add an appro-
priate temperature shift to the KIC curve using the following equa-
tion: 234, weld

B = μ ∂
128, forging
RTTO  To35F (12)
208, plates in CE vessels
where the value of R0TTo replaces the initial RTNDT. Figure 43.15 156, other plates
shows how this applies to three large data sets evaluated in the
PVRC Task Group activities. These toughness data were first nor-
malized to 1T size and the corresponding alternate KIC curve Ni is the measured nickel content in wt%
indexed using To  35F is shown relative to data.

F(Cu) = e f
0, Cu … 0.072 wt%
(Cu - 0.072)0.577, Cu 7 0.072 wt%

and subject to the following:

Cu max = e f
0.25, for welds with Linde 80 or Linde 0091 flux
0.305, for other welds

and G(ft) is a fluence function term as follows:

+ tanh c d
1 1 log(ft) - 18.24
G(ft) =
2 2 1.052

This correlation showed improvement over previous trend

FIG. 43.15. FRACTURE TOUGHNESS DATA NORMALIZED curve prediction methods, and the overall fit to the latest database
TO 1T AND COMPARED TO CODE CASE N-629 CURVE has a standard error of 22.0F. In using the ASTM E 900-02
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At the time the method was developed, there were no good

inspection techniques that could detect and characterize actual
flaws or indications in a reactor vessel, so a large reference flaw
was assumed. Today, we have the technology to use focused NDE
techniques to detect the presence or absence of vessel flaws and to
measure the toughness of the vessel irradiated vessel materials,
which enables a best estimate determination of the vessel integrity
limits. Using the state-of-the-art technologies, much can be
learned about the margins or degree of conservatism in the
Appendix G method. In fact, these analyses formed part of the
technical basis for changing from the KIa toughness to the KIC ref-
erence toughness curve for P-T limits.
A probabilistic fracture mechanics analysis that quantifies the
conditional probability of failure for a PWR vessel as a function
of temperature and pressure was performed by Gamble [31]. This
probabilistic analysis used LEFM to predict conditions for which
brittle failure would occur in the embrittled vessel beltline region.
Four stress components were considered: pressure stress, stress
due to a difference in thermal expansion between the clad and
FIG. 43.16. COMPARISON OF RESIDUALS FROM ASTM base metal, residual stress associated with the pressure boundary
E900-02 AND RECENT NRC EMBRITTLEMENT TREND welds, and thermal stress due to the heatup or cooldown of the
CURVE EQUATIONS vessel. Probability distributions were used for many of the
correlation, a proper understanding of uncertainties is required. unknown variables including flaw depth, copper and nickel con-
The past regulatory practice in using Regulatory Guide 1.99, tents, initial RTNDT, neutron fluence, shift in RTNDT, initiation
Rev. 2, applies a two-standard deviation approach, where 2
 toughness (KIC), and arrest toughness (KIa). The analyses assumed
34F for base metal and 2s  56F for welds. a cooldown rate of 100F/hr from 500F to 410F and a rate of
This newly adopted ASTM E 900-02 trend equation is a 20F/hr from 415F to 100F. An adjusted RTNDT of 320F was
simplified version of the general form originally developed by the selected because it approximates the highest end-of-life value cur-
NRC [27]. There is a general consensus that this form of the trend rently predicted for U.S. reactors. The results of the evaluation are
equation provides an improvement over the current Regulatory shown in Fig. 43.17. The Appendix G P-T limits for a 20°F/hr
Guide 1.99, Rev. 2 equations [16]. However, there remains some cooldown based on the KIa curve is also shown.
controversy over the significance and importance of some of the A deterministic crack initiation limit was also calculated to
terms in a later version of the draft NRC equation [28], which has compare with these results for conditional failure probability of
not been openly published. A comparison of the two differing trend the vessel. The deterministic analysis used similar vessel model
curve forms shows much similarity. Evidence supporting the similar-
ity of the approaches is given in Fig. 43.16, which shows a compari-
son of the residual (actual/predicted) results for the two methods.
A form of these new trend curves may be included in a future
revision to Regulatory Guide 1.99, but until the NRC decides to
make the change, Rev. 2 of the Regulatory Guide is to be used for
developing P-T limits and for performing vessel integrity analyses.


Several studies to evaluate margin in the P-T operating limit
curves have been performed to support the activities of the ASME
Section XI Working Group on Operating Criteria. Analyses were
performed using both deterministic and probabilistic methods to
assess the true margins in the Appendix G heatup and cooldown
limit curves. These analyses are discussed in the White Paper on
Reactor Vessel Integrity Requirements for Levels A and B
Conditions [9]. The Appendix G approach uses a deterministic
fracture mechanics method with defined assumptions (e.g., 14 t ref-
erence flaw) and safety factors, such as the factor of 2 on pressure
stress to establish allowable pressure as a function of temperature
that ensures no brittle fracture of the vessel. The built-in assump-
tions and safety factors are intended to bound the uncertainties in
the analysis without knowing the exact condition of the vessel. They
also allowed the simplification of the Appendix G method, because FIG. 43.17. ESTIMATES OF CRACK INITIATION COMPARED
they were generally regarded to have adequate conservatism. TO P-T LIMITS FOR NORMAL COOLDOWN TRANSIENT
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assumptions (including cladding), with an assumed semi elliptical 43.5.2 Consider Probabilistic P-T Limit Curves
surface flaw at the I.D. of the vessel with a depth through the clad Probabilistic fracture mechanics analyses have been considered
and 10% into the base metal thickness (1.17 in.). A comparative as an alternative means for assessing margins in the Appendix G
evaluation of these curves estimated the conditional failure proba- method. The probabilistic analyses have several advantages.
bility associated with the deterministic crack initiation limit as Firstly, the results can be directly compared to safety levels estab-
approximately 10 4 at the low temperatures. The comparison of lished for the nuclear industry, such as what vessel conditions are
conditional failure probability with the Appendix G cooldown needed to ensure a probability of less than 1  10 6 that a large
limit (based on KIa toughness) shows that the probability of vessel release will occur. Secondly, the event frequencies, as well as fail-
failure during a normal vessel cooldown is less than 10 6. While ure probabilities, can be included in the evaluation to better define
attempts were made to ensure compatibility between the analyses margins associated with normal operation and postulated events.
(i.e., the same cooldown rate and vessel RTNDT), identical fracture Finally, because distributed variables are used, sensitivity studies
mechanics algorithms and identical assumptions were not entirely can be performed to more accurately assess the effect of uncer-
possible. Consequently, the above evaluation only provides a tainties on the overall failure margin. The probabilistic methods
rough estimate of conditional failure probability associated with a provide a useful tool for evaluating vessel integrity margins and
crack initiation limit. Nevertheless, it provides another benchmark developing an alternative means to assess the acceptable level of
for comparison of the margin embedded in the Appendix G protection against vessel failure.
method. It is recognized that, because of the interaction between the
More recently, ORNL, under NRC funding, has developed an variables in the Code method (e.g., toughness, reference flaw size,
improved version 3.1 of the FAVOR Code [32]. As part of the and safety factors), there are trade-offs to consider in the selection
ongoing pressurized thermal shock (PTS) reevaluation effort by of the individual values or assumptions used to establish the P-T
the NRC, the updated FAVOR code has been used to analyze the limit curves. This is where the probabilistic analyses can be used
risk of vessel failure during PTS events. The results of the NRC most effectively to assess the level of protection against nonductile
PTS reevaluation study from the NRC draft NUREG state that the failure of the vessel. Because the inputs for the variables are given
risk of vessel failure due to PTS is very low, and the same method as distributions rather than single values, the uncertainties can be
could be applied to evaluate vessel integrity during normal heatup built into the method. In fact, curves of allowable PT can be con-
and cooldown events. structed without having to assume conservative values for each of
the variables for a specific reactor vessel.


Several areas for improvement to the Section XI, Appendix G
method have been identified [9]; two of the key areas are dis-
cussed here.

43.5.1 Reduce the Reference Flaw Size

The postulated flaw size used in determining the allowable P-T
curves has a great effect on the margin associated with the
Appendix G limits. The 41 t flaw was intentionally chosen to be a
conservative bound to any existing flaws in the vessel. At the time
it was selected, a database did not exist to assess NDE reliability,
and it was thought that a 14 t flaw was the largest flaw that could be
missed by then current ASME inspection methods. UT inspection
methods were not yet available, and reliable volumetric examina-
tion techniques were not expected to be used inservice. An addi-
tional factor to note is the relationship between the allowable sur-
face indications in ASME BPVC Section XI (Table IWB-3510)
and the Appendix G reference flaw. This relationship was estab-
lished to maintain a factor of 10 on the allowable flaw size in the
flaw acceptance standards, as noted in Fig. 43.18.
Appendix G (Article G-2120) states that, in choosing a refer-
ence flaw size, “smaller defect sizes may be used on an individual
case basis if a smaller size of maximum postulated defect can be
ensured.” Unfortunately, there is no guidance on how to justify a
smaller reference flaw in the ASME Code. With the improve-
ments in NDE technology, and with the current requirements of
Appendix VIII of Section XI for demonstration of near-surface
flaw detection capabilities, it may be appropriate to evaluate the
new inspection reliability in light of the credit that may be derived FIG. 43.18. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MAXIMUM POSTU-
for adjusting the Appendix G reference flaw size if certain accep- LATED DEFECT (ASME BPVC SECTION III) AND ALLOW-
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Options for managing the increase in hydrotest temperature in to manage reactor internals aging and associated potential degra-
BWRs (i.e., performing effective leak detection and minimizing dation.
costs and personnel risks while maintaining fracture margin) are
needed to avoid the additional burden caused by increases in flu- 43.6.1 Overview
ence and changes in Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 3. One The reactor internals assembly in a PWR is part of the reactor
promising option is the use of a risk-informed approach for devel- coolant system (RCS) and is located inside the reactor vessel. The
oping P-T limit curves, including an alternative method for calcu- reactor internals are long-lived, passive structural components that
lating the hydrostatic pressure test curve limits that would reduce support the RCS functions of core cooling, provide guidance and
the hydrotest temperature. This EPRI-funded study is one or more protection (for insertion) of the rod control cluster assemblies,
years from completion and submission to the ASME Code for and ensure integrity of the fuel and the surrounding vessel pres-
approval, but it may offer the best hope for managing the difficul- sure boundary. There are some differences in the internals designs
ties associated with the increasing hydrotest temperatures in among the three different NSSS vendor types of plants. However,
BWRs. Another option may be to justify the use of a smaller flaw many similarities exist in the overall means of structural support
for the Appendix G analysis. Both options will reduce the and guidance and in the flow of coolant through the reactor vessel
hydrotest temperature to manageable levels while assuring suffi- and internals.
cient fracture margins. Several aging mechanisms have been identified that may affect
the reactor internals components, such as irradiation embrittle-
ment, thermal embrittlement, stress corrosion cracking (SCC),
43.6 AGING MANAGEMENT OF PWR irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking (IASCC), irradia-
VESSEL INTERNALS1 tion-enhanced stress relaxation (i.e., loss of preload), and irradia-
tion-induced void swelling. Demonstration that these potential
Management of materials aging effects, such as loss of materi- aging effects do not lead to the loss of component function is an
al, reduction in fracture toughness, or cracking, depends on the important part of a plant LRA. Several industry programs and
demonstrated capability to detect, evaluate, and potentially correct Owners Group programs are being conducted to examine these
conditions that could affect function of the internals during the effects in more detail, gather data for improved understanding of
license renewal term. License renewal applicants in their submit- the aging mechanisms, recommend aging management strategies
tals to the NRC have identified the general elements of AMP for for plants considering license renewal, and ensure component
PWR reactor internals, including the use of inservice inspection function of the PWR vessel internals.
and monitoring with the possibility of enhancement or augmenta- As more PWR plants are submitting LRAs, several utilities
tion if a relevant condition is discovered. As plants near the have committed to performing inspections for detecting and man-
license renewal term, plant-specific AMP are implemented, focus- aging cracking and loss of toughness of susceptible reactor inter-
ing on those regions most susceptible to aging degradation. A nals components. The NRC has either approved these applications
framework for the implementation of an AMP is proposed in this or has required additional utility commitments to perform inspec-
paper. This proposed framework is based on currently available tions for managing the aging effects in reactor internals. Void
research results and the state of knowledge, and uses inspections swelling appears to be an issue that may require additional data to
and flaw tolerance evaluations to manage the degradation issues. demonstrate that it is not a concern through the end of the license
The important elements of this framework are as follows: renewal period for PWR plants.
(a) the screening of components for susceptibility to the aging 43.6.2 Aging Management Review
mechanisms An LRA has to consider the effects of aging on SSCs within
(b) performing functionality analyses of the components with the scope of license renewal. The subcomponents of the reactor
representative material toughness properties under PWR internals are subject to an AMR to identify any potential age-
conditions related degradation. When these analyses indicate that aging
(c) evaluating flaw tolerance of lead components or regions of mechanisms exist that may affect the function of the internals dur-
greatest susceptibility to cracking, loss of toughness, or ing the license renewal term, an AMP has to be in place to effec-
swelling tively manage the potential aging effects.
(d) using focused inspections to demonstrate no loss of integri- The potential for significant age-related degradation of specific
ty in the lead components or regions of the vessel internals PWR vessel internals components depends on their design fea-
The EPRI Material Reliability Program (MRP) Reactor tures, materials, operation and maintenance histories including
Internals Issue Task Group (RI-ITG) is actively working to devel- fluence and temperature environments, and the extent to which
op the data and methods to quantify understanding regarding they are susceptible to the age-related degradation mechanisms. If
aging and potential degradation of reactor vessel internals and to it can be shown that the internals components are either not sus-
develop materials/components performance criteria, providing ceptible, or are susceptible but to such a degree that the specific
tools for utilities to implement for extended plant operation. component safety function is not affected throughout the license
Under this MRP, the technical basis for the framework will be renewal term, then the component/degradation mechanism is not
documented. Then, based on that technical basis, PWR internals significant. Similarly, future advances in technology and evalua-
Inspection and Evaluation Guidelines will be developed for plants tion methodology may be able to show the adequacy of compo-
nents to avert further measures. Otherwise, an AMP must be
defined to address these potential conditions.
The author acknowledges the contributions of coauthors for this In 2001 the NRC issued the Standard Review Plan for Review
section: Robert E. Nickell (Consultant), H.T. Tang (EPRI), and Jeff of License Renewal Applications for Nuclear Power Plants
D. Gilreath III (Duke Energy). (NUREG-1800) [33], and the Generic Aging Lessons Learned
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(GALL) Report (NUREG-1801) [34], which provided the NRC adequate to detect the aging effects before a loss of structure/com-
staff’s evaluation of existing plant AMPs and documented the ponent intended function.
technical basis for determining where existing programs are ade- When sampling is used to inspect a group of structures/compo-
quate without modification and where existing programs should nents, provide the basis for the inspection population and sample
be augmented for extended plant operation. size. The inspection population should be based on such aspects
According to these documents, a license renewal applicant is of the structures/components as a similarity of materials of con-
required to demonstrate that the effects of aging on structures and struction, fabrication, procurement, design, installation, operating
components subject to an AMR will be adequately managed so that environment, or aging effects. The sample size should be based
their intended functions will be maintained consistent with the cur- on such aspects of the structures/components as the specific aging
rent licensing basis (CLB) for the period of extended operation. effect, location, existing technical information, system and struc-
ture design, materials of construction, service environment, or
43.6.3 Aging Management Program Attributes previous failure history. The samples should be biased toward
AMPs are generally of four types: prevention, mitigation, con- locations most susceptible to the specific aging effect of concern
dition monitoring, and performance monitoring. Prevention pro- in the period of extended operation. Provisions should also be
grams preclude the effects of aging. Mitigation programs attempt included on expanding the sample size when degradation is
to slow the effects of aging. Condition monitoring programs detected in the initial sample.
inspect for the presence and extent of aging effects. Performance
monitoring programs test the ability of a structure or component Monitoring and Trending. Monitoring and trending
to perform its intended function(s). In defining an AMP, it is not activities should be described, and they should provide pre-
necessary to demonstrate absolute assurance that structures and dictability of the extent of degradation and, thus, affect timely cor-
components will not fail, but rather that there is reasonable assur- rective or mitigative actions. Plant-specific and/or industry-wide
ance that they will perform the intended functions through the operating experience may be considered in evaluating the appro-
period of extended operation. An acceptable AMP should consist priateness of the technique and frequency.
of the 10 elements described in the GALL Report [34] and here. This program element describes “how” the data collected are
evaluated and may also include trending for a forward look. This Scope of Program. The specific program necessary for includes an evaluation of the results against the acceptance crite-
license renewal should be identified. The scope of the program ria and a prediction regarding the rate of degradation to confirm
should include the specific structures/components of which the that timing of the next scheduled inspection will occur before a
program manages the aging. loss of structure/component intended function. Although aging
indicators may be quantitative or qualitative, aging indicators Preventive Actions. The activities for prevention and should be quantified, to the extent possible, to allow trending. The
mitigation programs should be described. These actions should parameter or indicator trended should be described. The method-
mitigate or prevent aging degradation. ology for analyzing the inspection or test results against the
acceptance criteria should be described. Trending is a comparison Parameters Monitored or Inspected. The parame- of the current monitoring results with previous monitoring results
ters to be monitored or inspected should be identified and linked to make predictions for the future.
to the degradation of the particular structure/component intended
function(s). Acceptance Criteria. The acceptance criteria of the
program and its basis should be described. The acceptance criteria, Detection of Aging Effects. Detection of aging effects against which the need for corrective actions will be evaluated,
should occur before there is a loss of the structure/component should ensure that the structure and component intended func-
intended function(s). The parameters to be monitored or inspected tion(s) are maintained under all CLB design conditions during the
should be appropriate to ensure that the structure/component period of extended operation. The program should include a
intended function(s) will be adequately maintained for license methodology for analyzing the results against applicable accep-
renewal under all CLB design conditions. This includes aspects tance criteria.
such as method or technique (e.g., visual, volumetric, surface Acceptance criteria could be specific numerical values or could
inspection), frequency, sample size, data collection, and timing of consist of a discussion of the process for calculating specific
new/one-time inspections to ensure timely detection of aging numerical values of conditional acceptance criteria to ensure that
effects. Information should be provided that links the parameters the structure and component intended function(s) will be main-
to be monitored or inspected to the aging effects being managed. tained under all CLB design conditions. Information from avail-
Nuclear power plants are licensed based on redundancy, diversi- able references may be cited.
ty, and defense-in-depth principles. A degraded or failed compo- It is not necessary to justify any acceptance criteria taken
nent might reduce the reliability of the system, challenge safety directly from the design basis information that is included in the
systems, and contribute to plant risk. Thus, the effects of aging on a FSAR because that is a part of the CLB. Also, it is not necessary
structure or component should be managed to ensure its availability to discuss CLB design loads if the acceptance criteria do not per-
to perform its intended function(s) as designed when called upon. mit degradation because a structure and component without
This program element describes “when,” “where,” and “how” degradation should continue to function as originally designed.
program data are collected (i.e., all aspects of activities to collect Acceptance criteria, which do permit degradation, are based on
data as part of the program). The method or technique and fre- maintaining the intended function under all CLB design loads.
quency may be linked to plant-specific or industry-wide operating
experience. Justification should be provided, including codes Corrective Actions. Actions to be taken when the
and standards referenced, that the technique and frequency are acceptance criteria are not met should be described. Corrective
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actions, including root cause determination and prevention of Thermal Aging Embrittlement. Thermal aging
recurrence, should be timely. embrittlement is a potential age-related degradation mechanism
If corrective actions permit analysis without repair or replace- for cast austenitic stainless steel (CASS) PWR vessel internals
ment, the analysis should ensure that the structure and component components (predominantly for materials with high delta ferrite
intended function(s) will be maintained consistent with the CLB. content). The synergistic effect of thermal aging and irradiation
embrittlement is a particular concern for CASS materials. Confirmation Process. The confirmation process
should be described. It should ensure that preventive actions are Stress Corrosion Cracking. Stress corrosion cracking
adequate and that appropriate corrective actions have been com- (SCC) is a potential age-related degradation mechanism for PWR
pleted and are effective. The effectiveness of prevention and miti- reactor internals components that are fabricated from alloy 286 or
gation programs should be verified periodically. For example, in Alloy X-750 materials. A limited number of A 286 core barrel bolt
managing internal corrosion of piping, a mitigation program failures have been observed that may be attributable to SCC.
(water chemistry) may be used to minimize susceptibility to cor-
rosion. However, it may also be necessary to have a condition- Irradiation-Assisted Stress Corrosion Cracking.
monitoring program (ultrasonic inspection) to verify that corrosion Irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking is a potential age-
is indeed insignificant. related degradation mechanism for PWR internals components
When corrective actions are necessary, there should be follow-up with combinations of high accumulated neutron fluence and oper-
activities to confirm that the corrective actions were completed, ating stress above some prescribed thresholds.
the root cause determination was performed, and recurrence is
prevented. Stress Relaxation. Irradiation-enhanced stress relax-
ation is a potential age-related degradation mechanism for PWR Administrative Controls. The administrative controls internals components that require adequate preload to perform
of the program should be described. They should provide a formal their intended function. This is a concern only for those compo-
review and approval process. nents with substantial preloads, such as torqued bolts, because
Any AMPs to be relied on for license renewal should have reg- adequate preload may be required to their functionality.
ulatory and administrative controls. That is the basis for 10 CFR
54.21(d) to require that the FSAR supplement includes a summa- Void Swelling. Irradiation-induced void swelling has
ry description of the programs and activities for managing the been identified as a potential age-related degradation mechanism
effects of aging for license renewal. Thus, any informal programs under the combination of high fluence neutron exposure and high
relied on to manage aging for license renewal must be administra- temperatures. Swelling generally proceeds at a very low rate dur-
tively controlled and included in the FSAR supplement. ing an incubation period before accelerating to a higher rate.
Almost all of the currently available data are from non-PWRs Operating Experience. Operating experience with (e.g., fast reactors).
existing programs should be discussed. The operating experience
of AMPs, including past corrective actions resulting in program 43.6.5 Aging Management Strategies The EPRI Materials
enhancements or additional programs, should be considered. A Reliability Program (MRP) Reactor Internals Issue Task Group
past failure would not necessarily invalidate an AMP, because the (RI-ITG) has been sponsoring research to obtain data for improved
feedback from operating experience should have resulted in understanding of the degradation mechanisms and develop recom-
appropriate program enhancements or new programs. This infor- mended strategies and guidelines for managing the effects of aging
mation can show where an existing program has succeeded and in PWR internals.
where it has failed (if at all) in intercepting aging degradation in Inservice inspection and flaw tolerance evaluation are key ele-
a timely manner. This information should provide objective evi- ments of the overall process for managing aging effects for PWR
dence to support the conclusion that the effects of aging will be internals components. A proposed framework for the implementa-
managed adequately so that the structure and component intend- tion of an AMP incorporating these research results and using
ed function(s) will be maintained during the period of extended inspections and flaw tolerance evaluations to manage these issues
operation. is given in Fig. 43.19.
An applicant may have to commit to providing operating experi- A key element in this framework is the reliance on focused
ence in the future for new programs to confirm their effectiveness. inspections to detect the presence (or absence) of degradation in the
lead components. Enhanced visual examinations, along with screen-
43.6.4 Aging Concerns in PWR Vessel Internals ing to identify lead components and flaw evaluation criteria, may be
necessary for certain components in certain regions. The procedure Irradiation Embrittlement. Irradiation embrittlement will use screening and categorization of components to eliminate
is a potential age-related degradation mechanism for PWR reactor those regions that are not susceptible to aging degradation.
vessel internals fabricated from austenitic stainless steel and Visual examinations using VT-3 and enhanced VT-1 techniques
nickel-base alloys, which experience neutron fluences in excess of are being considered along with flaw tolerance evaluations assum-
1  1020 n/cm2 (E  1 MeV). Irradiation embrittlement is a well- ing postulated reference flaws. Also being evaluated are flaw
documented effect that is known to increase strength and reduce tolerance, or fitness-for-service, demonstrations that rely on the
toughness properties. The internals components most susceptible relationship between frequency/coverage of inservice examina-
to irradiation embrittlement are those located nearest to the reactor tions; the reference flaw location, orientation and size; service
core. The main concern related to irradiation embrittlement is that loads expected to occur during the period of operation between
cracked or fractured parts may be the result of a reduced toughness inspections; and the critical flaw size that serves as a surrogate for
material toughness and a lower resistance to crack initiation. component failure.
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The NRC staff have stated that ASME Subsection IWB in PWR internals. The research and development will provide data
Examination Category B-N-3 is inadequate, in part, as a program and tools for evaluating aging effects in the internals components
for managing some of the effects of aging during the license and will form the technical basis to recommend strategies and
renewal term. They questioned the capabilities of current VT-3 approaches for managing these aging effects. In particular, the
inspections to detect the effects of cracking. The ostensible rea- EPRI MRP is planning to issue IRE Guidelines for PWR internals
sons for this question are the relevant conditions cited in IWB- in 2008. These Guidelines will include “mandatory” or “needed”
3520.2 (compared with those of IWB-3520.1 for VT-1 visual actions under the NEI 03-08 materials initiative for managing the
examination) together with the differences between maximum effects of aging degradation in PWR vessel internals.
examination distance and character recognition height for VT-1
and VT-3 inspections, as given in Table IWA-2210-1. Both the
maximum direct examination distance and the character recogni- 43.7 REFERENCES
tion height are essentially twice as large for VT-3 as for VT-1. 1. ASME BPVC Section XI, Appendix G, Fracture Toughness Criteria
For the accessible surfaces of removable PWR internals compo- for Protection Against Failure. In: ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
nents subject to relatively high service or residual stresses, includ- Code. New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
ing relatively high preload stresses, enhanced VT-3 visual examina-
2. ASME BPVC Section III, Appendix G, Protection Against
tion may not be capable of surface-breaking crack detection and Nonductile Failure. In: ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. New
sizing without excessive uncertainty. For such cases, VT-1 visual York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
examination may be an acceptable alternative for PWR internals.
Another key aspect of the aging management strategy is per- 3. CFR Title 10, Part 50, Appendix G, Fracture Toughness Requirements
for Nuclear Power Reactors. In: Code of Federal Regulations.
forming functionality analyses of the components to assure no loss
Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration’s
of component function throughout the period of extended plant (NARA) Office of the Federal Register (OFR)/Government Printing
operation. Standard fracture mechanics methods may be used along Office (GPO).
with bounding assumptions for crack growth due to IASCC and
loss of toughness due to irradiation. Research data and predictive 4. CFR Title 10, Part 50, Appendix H, Reactor Vessel Materials
Surveillance Program Requirements. In: Code of Federal Regulations.
models can be useful in determining the performance of these com-
Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration’s
ponents in the PWR environment. These models will be based on (NARA) Office of the Federal Register (OFR)/Government Printing
irradiated materials data obtained in hot cell tests. Office (GPO).
5. WRC 175, PVRC Recommendations on Toughness Requirements for
43.6.6 Status Ferritic Materials. Welding Research Council; 1972.
Radiation effect on materials behavior and reactor internals
components performance is a complex phenomenon. The EPRI 6. ASME BPVC Section III, NB-2300, Fracture Toughness
Requirements for Materials. In: ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Materials Reliability Program (MRP) Reactor Internals Focus
Code. New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Group (RI-FG), guided by its utility advisors, is working with
utilities, vendors, and owners groups sponsors to coordinate the 7. U.S. NRC Standard Review Plan 5.2.2, Overpressure Protection.
industry research and development related to PWR vessel inter- Washington, DC: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
nals. The objectives are to better understand aging and the poten- 8. Branch Technical Position RSB 5-2, Overpressure Protection of
tial degradation mechanisms and to quantify the effects of aging Pressurized Water Reactors While Operating at Low Temperatures.
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9. EPRI Technical Report TR-100251, White Paper on Reactor Vessel 22. ASTM E 1921-97, Test Method for the Determination of Reference
Integrity Requirements for Levels A and B Conditions. Palo Alto, CA: Temperature, To, for Ferritic Steels in the Transition Range. In:
Electric Power Research Institute; 1993. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 03.01. West Conshohocken,
PA: American Society for Testing and Materials; 1998.
10. ASME BPVC Section XI, Article A-3000, Method for KI
Determination. In: ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. New 23. Wallin K. Statistical Aspects of Fracture Toughness Estimates. Notes
York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. for the Short Course for Background and Use of the Master Curve
Method, Denver, CO, June 1997.
11. Marston TU. Flaw Evaluation Procedures, Background and
Application of ASME Section XI, Appendix A (EPRI Special 24. ASTM E 900-87, Guide for Predicting Neutron Radiation Damage to
Report NP-719-SR). Palo Alto, CA: Electric Power Research Reactor Vessel Materials, E706 (IIF). In: Annual Book of ASTM
Institute; 1978. Standards, Vol. 12.02. West Conshohocken, PA: American Society for
Testing and Materials.
12. Keeney JA, Dickson TL. Stress Intensity Factor Influence Coefficients
for Axially Oriented Semielliptical Inner-Surface Flaws in Clad 25. Randall PN. Basis for Revision 2 of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Pressure Vessels (R/t = 10), ORNL/NRC/LTR-93/33, Revision 1, Commission’s Regulatory Guide 1.99, Radiation Embrittlement of
September 30, 1995. Nuclear Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels: An International Review (Vol.
2), ASTM STP 909, L. E. Steele, Ed., pp 149-162.
13. Zahoor A. Ductile Fracture Handbook, Vol. 3 (published jointly:
EPRI, NP-6301-D and Novetech, N14-3). Palo Alto, CA: Electric 26. EPRI NP-3319, Physically Based Regression Correlations of
Power Research Institute; 1991. Embrittlement Data From Reactor Pressure Vessel Surveillance
Programs. Palo Alto, CA: Electric Power Research Institute; 1984.
14. Raju IS, Newman Jr JC. Stress Intensity Factors for Internal and
External Surface Cracks in Cylindrical Vessels. Journal of Pressure 27. Eason ED, Wright JE, Odette GR. Improved Embrittlement
Vessel Technology 1982;104:283-298. Correlations for Reactor Vessel Steels (NUREG/CR-6551).
Washington, DC: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; 1998.
15. ASME BPVC Code Case N-588, Alternative to Reference Flaw
Orientation of Appendix G for Circumferential Welds in Reactor 28. Kirk M. Revision of _T30 Embrittlement Trend Curves. Presented at
Vessels. In: ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. New York: the EPRI MRP/NRC PTS Re-Evaluation Meeting in Rockville, MD,
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. August 30, 2000.

16. U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.99, Radiation Embrittlement of 29. Materials Reliability Program: Validation and Use of ASTM E 900-02
Reactor Vessel Materials (Revision 2). Washington, DC: U.S. Nuclear for Reactor Pressure Vessel Integrity (MRP-86). Palo Alto, CA:
Regulatory Commission; 1988. Electric Power Research Institute; 2003.

17. ASME BPVC Code Case N-640, Alternative Reference Fracture 30. ASTM E 900-02, Guide for Predicting Neutron Radiation Damage to
Toughness for Development of P-T Limit Curves, Section XI, Reactor Vessel Materials, E706 (IIF). In: Annual Book of ASTM
Division 1. In: ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. New York: Standards, Vol. 12.02. West Conshohocken, PA: American Society for
American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 1999. Testing and Materials; 2002.

18. VanderSluys WA, Yoon KK. Transition Temperature Range Fracture 31. Gamble RM. Evaluation of Reactor Vessel Beltline Integrity
Toughness in Ferritic Steels and Reference Temperature of ASTM; Following Unanticipated Operating Events (EPRI NP-5151). Palo
prepared for PVRC and BWOG, BAW 2318, Framatome Alto, CA: Electric Power Research Institute; 1987.
Technologies, April 1998. 32. NUREG/CR-XXX, Fracture Analysis of Vessels – Oak Ridge,
19. Nanstad RK, Keeney JA, McCabe DE. Preliminary Review of the FAVOR, v 03.1, Computer Code: User’s Guide (draft). Washington,
Bases for the KIC Curve in the ASME Code. Oak Ridge National DC: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2003.
Laboratory Report ORNL/NRC/LTR-93/15, July 12, 1993. 33. Standard Review Plan for Review of License Renewal Applications
20. McCabe DE. Assessment of Metallurgical Effects that Impact for Nuclear Power Plants (NUREG-1800). Washington, DC: U.S.
Pressure Vessel Safe Margin Issues. Oak Ridge National Laboratory Nuclear Regulatory Commission; 2001.
Report ORNL/NRC/LTR-94/26, October 1994. 34. U.S. NRC Generic Aging Lessons Learned (GALL) Report (NUREG-
1801). Washington, DC: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; 2001.
21. EPRI Technical Report TR-108390-R1, Application of Master Curve
Fracture Toughness Methodology for Ferritic Steels (PWRMRP-01). 35. Materials Initiative Guidance: Addenda to NEI 03–08 Guideline for the
Palo Alto, CA: Electric Power Research Institute; 1999. Management of Materials Issues, Nuclear Energy Institute, July 2005.
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Jeff Gorman, Steve Hunt, Pete Riccardella, and Glenn A. White
44.1 INTRODUCTION 44.2.1 Alloy 600 Base Metal
Alloy 600 is a nickel-based alloy (72% Ni minimum, 14–17%
Primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC) of alloy 600 Cr, 6–10% Fe) with high general corrosion resistance that has
nickel-chromium-iron base metal and related alloys 82 and 182 been widely used in light water reactor (LWR) power plants, i.e.,
weld metal has become an increasing concern for commercial in PWRs and boiling water reactors (BWRs). In PWR plants,
pressurized water reactor (PWR) plants. Cracks and leaks have alloy 600 has been used for steam generator tubes, CRDM
been discovered in alloys 600/82/182 materials at numerous PWR nozzles, pressurizer heater sleeves, instrument nozzles, and simi-
plant primary coolant system locations, including at several loca- lar applications. The alloy was originally developed by the
tions in the reactor vessels. The reactor vessel locations include top International Nickel Corporation (INCO) and is also known as
head control rod drive mechanism (CRDM) nozzles, top head ther- Inconel 600, which is a trademark now held by the Special Metals
mocouple nozzles, bottom head instrument nozzles, and reactor Corporation [1]. The reasons that alloy 600 was selected for use
vessel outlet and inlet nozzle butt welds. The consequences of this in LWRs in the 1950s and 1960s include the following [2–7]:
PWSCC have been significant worldwide with 72 leaks through
May 2004 (56 CRDM nozzles, 13 reactor vessel closure head (a) It has good mechanical properties, similar to those of
thermocouple nozzles, 2 reactor pressure vessel bottom-mounted austenitic stainless steels.
instrument nozzles, and 1 piping butt weld), many cracked noz- (b) It can be formed into tubes, pipes, bars, forgings, and cast-
zles and welds, expensive inspections, more than 60 heads ings suitable for use in power plant equipment.
replaced, several plants with several-month outage extensions to (c) It is weldable to itself and can also be welded to carbon,
repair leaks, and a plant shutdown for more than 2 years due to low-alloy, and austenitic stainless steels.
extensive corrosion of the vessel head resulting from leak-age (d) It is a single-phase alloy that does not require postweld heat
from a PWSCC crack in a CRDM nozzle. This chapter addresses treatment. Also, when subjected to postweld heat treatments
alloys 600/82/182 material locations in reactor vessels, operating that are required for low-alloy steel parts to which it is weld-
experience, causes of PWSCC, inspection methods and findings, ed, the resulting sensitization (decreased chromium levels at
safety considerations, degradation predictions, repair methods, grain boundaries associated with deposition of chromium
remedial measures, and strategic planning to address PWSCC at carbides at the boundaries) does not result in the high sus-
the lowest possible net present value cost. ceptibility to chloride attack exhibited by austenitic stain-
Several example cases of PWSCC, and resulting boric acid cor- less steels that are exposed to such heat treatments.
rosion, are described in the following paragraphs of this chapter (e) It has good general corrosion resistance in high temperature
and, in some cases, the remedial or repair measures are described. water environments, resulting in low levels of corrosion
It is important to note that the repairs and remedial measures products entering the coolant and resulting in low rates of
described may not apply to all situations. Accordingly, it is wall thinning.
important to review each new incident on a case-by-case basis to (f) It is highly resistant to chloride stress corrosion cracking
ensure that the appropriate corrective measures are applied, (SCC), and has better resistance to caustic SCC than
including the need for inspections of other similar locations that austenitic stainless steels.
may also be affected. (g) Its thermal expansion properties lie between those of car-
bon/low-alloy steels and austenitic stainless steels, making
it a good transition metal between these materials.
It was alloy 600’s high resistance to SCC, especially chloride-
Figure 44.1 shows locations where alloy 600 base metal and induced SCC, that led to its selection for steam generator tubing
alloy 82 or 182 weld metal are used in PWR plant reactor ves- in PWRs in the 1950s and 1960s. Several early PWRs had experi-
sels. It should be noted that not all PWR reactor vessels have enced SCC of austenitic stainless steel steam generator tubing,
alloys 600/82/182 materials at each of the locations shown in variously attributed to chlorides and caustics, and this had led to a
Fig. 44.1. desire to use a tubing alloy with increased resistance to these
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environments. Similarly, some early cases of SCC of stainless susceptibility in noncontaminated PWR primary coolant environ-
steel nozzle materials in BWRs during initial plant construction ments. However, by the early 1970s, it had been confirmed by sever-
and startup, which was attributed to exposure to chlorides and al organizations in addition to Coriou that PWSCC of highly
fluorides, led to the wide-scale adoption of alloy 600 and its relat- stressed alloy 600 could occur in noncontaminated high-temperature
ed weld materials for use in BWR vessel nozzles and similar pure and primary water environments after long periods of time
applications [8]. [13–15]. Starting with Siemens in the late 1960s, some designers
The first report of SCC of alloy 600 in high-temperature pure or began to move away from use of alloy 600 to other alloys, such
primary water environments was that of Coriou and colleagues in as alloy 800 for steam generator tubes and austenitic stainless
1959 [9] at a test temperature of 350C (662F). This type of crack- steels for structural applications [15]. By the mid-1980s, alloy 690,
ing came to be known as pure water or primary water SCC an alternate nickel-based alloy with about twice as much chromium
(PWSCC) or, more recently, as low potential SCC (LPSCC). In as alloy 600 (~30% vs. ~15%), had been developed and began to
response to Coriou’s 1959 report of PWSCC, research was conduct- be used in lieu of alloy 600 for steam generator tubing [16]. By the
ed to assess alloy 600’s susceptibility to SCC in high-temperature early 1990s, alloy 690 began to be used for structural applications
pure and primary water. Most of the results of this research in the such as CRDM nozzles and steam generator divider plates.
1960s indicated that alloy 600 was not susceptible unless specific
contaminants were present [10–12]. The conditions leading to sus- 44.2.2 Alloys 82 and 182 Weld Metal
ceptibility included the presence of crevices and the presence of Weld alloys 82 and 182 have been commonly used to weld
oxygen. Most of the test results of the 1960s did not indicate alloy 600 to itself and to other materials. These alloys are also
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used for nickel-based alloy weld deposit (buttering) on weld vessels had eight 1.0-in. outside diameter alloy 600 thermocouple
preparations and for cladding on areas such as the insides of reac- nozzles welded to the periphery of the head by J-groove welds.
tor vessel nozzles and steam generator tubesheets. Alloy 82 is bare Most of the Combustion Engineering vessels have alloy 600
electrode material and is used for gas tungsten arc welding incore instrument (ICI) nozzles welded to the periphery of the top
(GTAW), also known as tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding. Alloy head by J-groove welds. These ICI nozzles are similar to CEDM
182 is a coated electrode material and is used in shielded metal arc nozzles except that they range from 4.5 to 6.6 in. outside diame-
welding (SMAW). The compositions of the two alloys are some- ter. Several Westinghouse plants have 3.5 to 5.4 in. outside diame-
what different, leading to different susceptibilities to PWSCC. ter alloy 600 auxiliary head adapters and de-gas line nozzles
Alloy 182 has lower chromium (13–17%) than alloy 82 (18–22%) attached to the top head by J-groove welds. Several Westinghouse
and has higher susceptibility to PWSCC, apparently as a result of plants have 5.3 to 6.5 in. outside diameter internals support hous-
the lower chromium content. Most welds, even if initiated or com- ings and auxiliary head adapters attached to the vessel top head
pleted with alloy 82 material, have some alloy 182 material. surface by alloy 82/182 butt welds.
In recent years, alloys 52 and 152, which have about 30% In summary, PWR reactor vessels have 38 to 102 alloy 600 noz-
chromium and are thus highly resistant to PWSCC, have been zles welded to the top head, with most of these attached to the
used in lieu of alloys 82 and 182, respectively, for repairs and for heads after stress relief of the head by alloy 82/182 J-groove welds.
new parts such as replacement reactor vessel heads.
44.2.4 BMI Penetrations
44.2.3 RPV Top-Head Penetrations All of the Westinghouse and Babcock & Wilcox–designed reac-
CRDMs in Westinghouse- and Babcock & Wilcox–designed tor vessels in the United States and three of the Combustion
PWR plants and control element drive mechanisms (CEDMs) in Engineering–designed reactor vessels in the United States have
Combustion Engineering–designed PWR plants are mounted on alloy 600 instrument nozzles mounted to the vessel bottom heads.
the top surface of the removable reactor vessel head. Figure 44.2 These are often referred to as bottom-mounted instrument (BMI)
shows a typical CRDM nozzle in a Babcock & Wilcox-designed nozzles. These nozzles range from 1.5 to 3.5 in. outside diameter.
plant. Early vintage Westinghouse PWR plants have as few as 37 As shown in Fig. 44.3, a typical BMI nozzle is welded to the bot-
CRDM nozzles and later vintage Combustion Engineering plants tom head by a J-groove weld. In the case of the Westinghouse and
have as many as 97 CEDM nozzles. These nozzles are machined Combustion Engineering plants, the J-groove welds were made
from alloy 600 base metal with finished outside diameters ranging after stress relieving the vessel. In the case of the Babcock &
from 3.5 to 4.3 in. and with wall thicknesses ranging from about Wilcox–designed plants, the J-groove welds were made prior to
0.4 to 0.8 in. In some cases, a stainless steel flange is welded to vessel stress relief. Early test experience at a Babcock & Wilcox-
the alloy 600 nozzle with an alloy 82/182 butt weld. The nozzles designed plant showed a flow vibration concern with the portions
are installed in the reactor vessel head with a small clearance or of the BMI nozzles inside the bottom head plenum. Accordingly,
interference fit (0.004 in. maximum interference on the diameter) all of the Babcock & Wilcock plant BMI nozzles were modified
and are then welded to the vessel head by an alloy 82/182 after initial installation to increase the diameter of the portion of
J-groove weld. The surface of the J-groove weld preparation is the nozzle extending into the lower plenum. The new extension
coated with a thin butter layer of alloy 182 weld metal before was alloy 600 and the modification weld was made using alloy
stress relieving the vessel head so that the nozzles can be installed 82/182 weld metal, with no subsequent stress relief heat treatment.
and the final J-groove weld can be made after vessel stress relief.
This avoids possible distortion that could occur if the CRDM noz- 44.2.5 Butt Welds
zles were welded into the vessel head before vessel stress relief. Many Westinghouse reactor vessels have alloy 82/182 butt
Most vessels have a single 1.0–1.3 in. outside diameter alloy welds between the low-alloy steel reactor vessel inlet and outlet
600 head vent nozzle welded to a point near the top of the head by nozzles and the stainless steel reactor coolant pipe, as shown in
a J-groove weld. Two of the early Babcock & Wilcox–designed Fig. 44.4. In most cases, these welds include alloy 182 cladding
on the inside of the nozzle and an alloy 182 butter layer applied to
the end of the low-alloy steel nozzle prior to vessel stress relief.

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82/182 welds. In most cases, the vessel cladding in the area of the
lugs is also alloy 182 weld metal.

44.2.7 Miscellaneous Alloy 600 Parts

Most reactor vessel lower closure flanges have alloy 600 leak-
age monitor tubes welded to the flange surface by alloys 82/182
weld metal. These are not discussed further since the leakage
monitor tubes are not normally filled with water and, therefore,
are not normally subjected to conditions that contribute to

44.3 PWSCC
44.3.1 Description of PWSCC
PWSCC is the initiation and propagation of intergranular
cracks through the material in a seemingly brittle manner, with
little or no plastic deformation of the bulk material and without
FIG. 44.4 TYPICAL REACTOR VESSEL INLET/OUTLET the need for cyclic loading. It generally occurs at stress levels
NOZZLE close to the yield strength of the bulk material, but does not
involve significant material yielding.
PWSCC occurs when three controlling factors, material sus-
Babcock & Wilcox–designed plants, and all but one ceptibility, tensile stress, and the environment, are sufficiently
Combustion–Engineering-designed plant, do not have alloy 82/182 severe. Increasing the severity of any one or two of the three
butt welds at reactor vessel inlet and outlet nozzles since the reac- factors can result in PWSCC occurring, even if the severity of the
tor coolant piping is low-alloy steel as opposed to stainless steel. remaining factor or factors is not especially high. The three
Reactor vessel core flood line nozzles in Babcock & Wilcox– factors are discussed separately in the following sections.
designed plants have alloy 182 cladding and alloy 82/182 butt While mechanistic theories for PWSCC have been proposed, a
welds between the low-alloy steel nozzle and stainless steel core firm understanding of the underlying mechanism of PWSCC has
flood pipe. not been developed. Accordingly, the influence of material
susceptibility, stresses, and environment must be treated on an
44.2.6 Core Support Attachments empirical basis, without much support from theoretical models.
Most PWR vessels have alloy 600 lugs attached to the inside
surface of the vessel, as shown in Fig. 44.5, to guide the reactor 44.3.2 Causes of PWSCC: Material Susceptibility
internals laterally or to support the reactor internals in the event of Based on laboratory test data and plant experience, the follow-
structural failure of the internals. These lugs are attached to ing main factors influence the susceptibility of alloy 600 base
cladding on the inside of the vessel by full penetration alloy metal and its weld alloys to PWSCC:
(a) Microstructure. Resistance to PWSCC tends to increase as
the fraction of the grain boundaries that are decorated by
chromium carbides increases. Various models have been
proposed to explain this effect such as one where the car-
bides act as dislocation sources and enhance plastic defor-
mation at crack tips, thereby blunting the cracks and imped-
ing their growth [17]. The absence of carbides in the matrix
of grains also correlates with higher resistance to PWSCC,
as does larger grain size [18].
(b) Yield Strength. Susceptibility to PWSCC appears to increase
as the yield strength increases. However, this is considered to
be a result of higher yield strength material supporting high-
er residual stress levels and is, therefore, more of a stress
than a material effect. As discussed in para. 44.3.3, tests indi-
cate that the time to PWSCC initiation varies inversely with
the fourth to seventh power of the total (applied plus resid-
ual) tensile stress [19–21].
(c) Chromium Concentration. Tests of wrought materials and
weld materials in the nickel–chromium–iron alloy group of
materials consistently indicate that susceptibility to PWSCC
decreases as the chromium content increases [22,23].
Materials with 30% chromium or more are highly resistant
to PWSCC. The improved resistance of alloy 82 vs. alloy
FIG. 44.5 TYPICAL CORE SUPPORT LUG 182 weld metal is attributed to the higher chromium
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concentration of alloy 82 (18–22%) vs. that of alloy 182 However, axial stresses can also be high and circumferential
(13–17%). Alloy 690 base metal and alloys, 52 and 152 cracks have occurred in a few cases.
weld metal, with about 30% chromium, have been found to For the case of butt welds, the weld shrinkage that occurs as
be highly resistant to PWSCC in numerous tests. progressive passes are applied from the outside surface produces
(d) Concentrations of Other Species and Weld Flaws. No clear tensile hoop stresses throughout the weld, axial tensile stresses on
trends in PWSCC susceptibility have been observed as a the outside weld surface (and often also the inside weld surface),
function of the concentration of other species in the alloy and a region of axial compressive stress near midwall thickness.
such as carbon, boron, sulfur, phosphorous, or niobium. The hoop stresses can contribute to axial PWSCC cracks in the
However, to the extent that these species, in combination weld and the axial stresses can contribute to circumferential
with the thermomechanical processing to which the part is cracks. Finite element analyses show that the hoop stresses on the
subjected, affect the carbide microstructure, they can have wetted inside surface of a butt weld are typically higher than the
an indirect influence on susceptibility to PWSCC. Also, hot axial stresses at high stress locations, such that cracks are predict-
cracks caused by some of these species (e.g., sulfur and ed to be primarily axial in orientation. However, if welds are
phosphorous) can act as PWSCC initiators and, thus, repaired on the inside surface, or subjected to deep repairs from
increase PWSCC susceptibility. the outside surface, the residual hoop and axial stresses on the
wetted inside surface can both approach the yield strength of the
44.3.3 Causes of PWSCC: Tensile Stresses weld metal and can cause circumferential as well as axial cracks.
Industry design requirements, such as ASME BPVC Section
III, specify the allowable stresses for reactor vessel components 44.3.4 Causes of PWSCC: Environment
and attachments. The requirements typically apply to operating
Several environmental parameters affect the rate of PWSCC
condition loadings such as internal pressure, differential thermal
initiation and growth. Temperature has a very strong effect. The
expansion, dead weight, and seismic conditions. However, the
effects of water chemistry variations are not very strong, assum-
industry design standards do not typically address residual stress-
ing that the range of chemistry variables is limited to those that
es that can be induced in the parts during fabrication. These resid-
are practical for PWR primary coolant, i.e., with the coolant con-
ual stresses are often much higher than the operating condition
taining an alkali to raise pH above neutral and hydrogen to scav-
stresses and are ignored by the standards since they are secondary
enge oxygen.
(self-relieving) in nature. It is the combination of operating condi-
tion stresses and residual stresses that lead to PWSCC. (a) Temperature. PWSCC is strongly temperature dependent.
For the case of penetrations attached to the vessel heads by par- The activation energy for crack initiation is about 44
tial penetration J-groove welds, high residual stresses are caused kcal/mole for thick section nozzle materials [24] and 50
by two main factors. Firstly, the surfaces of nozzles are typically kcal/mole for thinner cold-worked steam generator tubing
machined prior to installation in the vessel. This machining cold material [25]. The activation energy for crack growth is
works a thin layer (up to about 0.005 in. thick) on the surface, about 31 kcal/mole [26]. Using these values, the relative
thereby significantly increasing the material yield and tensile factors for crack initiation and growth at typical pressuriz-
strength near the surface. Secondly, weld shrinkage, which occurs er and cold leg temperatures of 653F and 555F relative to
when welding the nozzle into the high restraint vessel shell, pulls an assumed hot leg temperature of 600F are given in
the nozzle wall outward, thereby creating yield strength level Table 44.1.
residual hoop stresses in the nozzle base metal and higher (b) Hydrogen Concentration. Tests using crack growth rate
strength cold-worked surface layers. These high residual hoop specimens have shown that crack growth tends to be a max-
stresses contribute to the initiation of axial PWSCC cracks in the imum when the hydrogen concentration results in the elec-
cold-worked surface layer and to the subsequent growth of the trochemical potential being at or close to the potential where
axial cracks in the lower strength nozzle base material. The lower the Ni/NiO phase transition occurs [27]. Higher or lower
frequency of cracking in weld metal relative to base metal may values of hydrogen decrease crack growth rates. This effect
result from the fact that welds tend not to be cold worked and can be substantial, with peak crack growth rates in some
then subjected to high strains after the cold work. cases being up to four times faster when the hydrogen con-
Residual stresses in the nozzles and welds can lead to crack ini- centration is at the value causing peak growth rate as com-
tiation from the inside surface of the nozzle opposite from the pared to conditions with hydrogen values well away from
weld, from the outside surface of the nozzle near the J-groove the peak growth rate value, as shown in Fig. 44.6 [27]. Tests
weld, or from the surface of the J-groove weld. at various temperatures show that the hydrogen concentra-
Most PWSCC cracks have been axially oriented. This is consis- tion for the Ni/NiO transition varies systematically with
tent with results of finite element stress analyses, which predict temperature, and that the hydrogen concentration causing
that the hoop stresses exceed the axial stresses at most locations. the peak growth rate exhibits a similar trend, with the
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concentration causing the peak crack growth rate becoming While tests of crack growth rate indicate increases in pH and
lower as temperature decreases (e.g., 10 cc/kg at 320C, 17 lithium concentration within the normal ranges used for PWRs
cc/kg at 330ºC, 24 cc/kg at 338C, and 27.5 cc/kg at 360C). have minimal effects on crack growth rate, some evaluations of
Crack initiation may depend on hydrogen concentration in a crack initiation data indicate that increases in pH and lithium
similar manner. However, enough testing to determine the cause moderate increases in the rate of crack initiation, e.g., in the
effect of hydrogen on time to crack initiation has only been range of 10–15% for increases in cycle pHT from 6.9 to 7.2 [29].
performed at 330C, where it resulted in the most rapid However, recent tests sponsored by the Westinghouse Owners
crack initiation in alloy 600 tubing at about 32 cc/kg vs. Group (WOG) indicate that the effect may be stronger, such as an
about 17 cc/kg for peak crack growth rate. Reported data increase by a factor of two for an increase in cycle pHT from 6.9
regarding effects of hydrogen concentration on PWSCC ini- to 7.2. Further tests under EPRI sponsorship are underway (as of
tiation and growth are shown in Fig. 44.7 [28]. The reasons 2004) to clarify this situation.
that the hydrogen concentration for peak aggressivity
appears to be about twice as high for crack initiation vs.
crack growth rate (32 cc/kg vs. 17 cc/kg) are not known; the 44.4 OPERATING EXPERIENCE
difference may be real or may be an artifact of data scatter
or imprecision. 44.4.1 Precursor PWSCC at Other RCS Locations
(c) Lithium Concentration and pH. Tests indicate that the PWSCC of alloy 600 material has been an increasing concern
effects of changes in pH on crack growth rate, once the pH in PWR plants since cracks were discovered in the U-bend region
is well above neutral, are minimal and cannot be distin- of the original Obrigheim steam generators in 1971. The history
guished from the effects of data scatter [28]. However, when of PWSCC occurrences around the full reactor coolant system up
considering the full pH range from acid to neutral to caus- though 1993, i.e., not limited to the reactor vessel, is documented
tic, several tests indicate that crack growth rates decrease as in an EPRI report [31]. Between 1971 and 1981, PWSCC cracks
pH is lowered to the neutral range and below, but is essen- were detected at additional locations in steam generator tubes
tially constant for pHT of about 6 to 8 [29,30]. (e.g., at dents and at roll transitions), and in an increasing number
of tubes. This experience showed that alloy 600 in the metallurgi-
cal condition used for steam generator tubes was quite susceptible
to PWSCC, with susceptibility increasing as stress, cold work,
and temperature increase. It was found that susceptibility was also
strongly affected by the microstructure of the material, with sus-
ceptibility tending to decrease as the density of carbides on the
grain boundaries increases.
The first case of PWSCC of alloy 600 in a non–steam generator
tube application was reported in 1982. This incident involved
PWSCC of an alloy 600 pressurizer heater sleeve [31]. Swelling
of a failed electric heater element inside this sleeve was identified
as a contributing cause. Subsequent to this occurrence, an increas-
ing number of alloy 600 instrument nozzles and heater sleeves in
pres-surizers have been detected with PWSCC. Also, increasing
numbers of instrument nozzles in reactor coolant system hot legs
and steam generator heads have also been detected with PWSCC.
FIG. 44.7 HYDROGEN CONCENTRATION VS. TEMPERA- Many of the susceptible nozzles and sleeves have (as of May
TURE FOR N2/N2O PHASE TRANSITION, PEAK PWSCC 2005) been repaired or replaced on a corrective or preventive
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PWSCC in alloys 182 and 82 weld metals was first detected in The cracking discussed above was mainly related to PWSCC of
October 2000 in a reactor vessel hot leg nozzle weld [32]. This alloy 600 base materials. Starting in November 2000, some plants
was only a month before the first detection of PWSCC in a reac- found PWSCC primarily in the J-groove weld metal, e.g., in
tor vessel head penetration weld, as discussed in para. 44.4.2. CRDM nozzle-to-vessel alloy 182 J-groove welds [37]. Since that
time, several other cases of PWSCC of CRDM nozzle-to-head
44.4.2 RPV Top-Head Penetrations welds have been detected. Also, detection of PWSCC in alloys
The first reported occurrence of PWSCC in a PWR reactor 182 and 82 welds appears to be increasing in frequency at other
vessel application involved a leak from a CRDM nozzle at Bugey non–reactor vessel locations around the reactor coolant system.
3 in France that was detected during a 10-year inservice inspec- However, the frequency of PWSCC in welds remains lower than
tion program hydrostatic test conducted in 1991 [33]. This initial in alloy 600 base material. For example, after the detection of
occurrence, and the occurrences detected during the next few PWSCC in the weld metal of a CRDM nozzle at a PWR in the
years, involved PWSCC of alloy 600 base material at locations United States in November 2000, and the detection of PWSCC in
with high residual stresses resulting from fabrication. The high the alloy 182 weld metal at reactor vessel outlet nozzles in the
residual stresses were mainly the result of weld-induced defor- United States and Sweden in late 2000, EDF inspected 754 welds
mation being imposed on nozzles with cold-worked machined in 11 replaced reactor vessel heads without detecting any cracks
surfaces. [24].
Subsequent to the initial detection of PWSCC in a CRDM
nozzle in 1991, increasing numbers of plants detected similar 44.4.3 RPV Nozzle Butt Welds
types of PWSCC, typically resulting in small volumes of leak- In October 2000, a visual inspection showed a leak from an
age and boric acid deposits on the head surface as shown in alloys 82/182 butt weld between a low-alloy steel reactor vessel
Fig. 44.8. In 2000, circumferential cracks were detected on the hot-leg outlet nozzle and stainless steel hot-leg pipe at the V.C.
outside diameter of some CRDM nozzles. In 2002, significant Summer plant. Destructive failure analysis showed that the leak
wastage of the low-alloy steel Davis-Besse reactor vessel head was from a through-wall axial crack in the alloys 82/182 butt
occurred adjacent to an axial PWSCC crack in an alloy 600 weld, as shown in Fig. 44.10. The axial crack arrested when it
CRDM nozzle. The wastage was attributed to corrosion by boric reached the low-alloy steel nozzle on one side and stainless steel
acid in the leaking primary coolant that concentrated on the pipe on the other side, since PWSCC does not occur in these
vessel head. Figure 44.9 shows a photograph of the corroded materials. The axial crack can propagate into the low-alloy steel
surface at Davis-Besse. The Davis-Besse plant was shut down and stainless steel by fatigue, but the fatigue crack growth rates
for approximately 2 years for installation of a new head and will be low due to the small number of fatigue cycles. The
incorporation of changes to preclude similar corrosion in the destructive examination also showed a short-shallow circumferen-
future. The NRC issued several bulletins describing these events tial crack intersecting the through-wall axial crack that grew
and requiring utilities to document their inspection plans for this through alloy 182 cladding and terminated when it reached the
type of cracking [34–36]. low-alloy steel nozzle base metal. Examination of fabrication


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records showed that the leaking butt weld had been extensively In the 2005–2008 time period, the industry has begun imple-
repaired during fabrication, including repairs made from the menting a massive inspection program for PWSCC in primary
inside surface. Nondestructive examinations of other reactor ves- coolant loop Alloy 82/182 butt welds (In accordance with
sel outlet and inlet nozzles at V.C. Summer showed some addi- Industry Guideline MRP-139 [58] – see Section 44.5.6 below
tional shallow axial cracks. for complete discussion). Considering the temperature sensitivi-
Shortly before the leak was discovered at V.C. Summer, part- ty of the PWSCC phenomenon discussed above, this program
depth axial cracks were discovered in alloys 82/182 reactor vessel started with the highest temperature welds in the system: those
outlet nozzle butt welds at Ringhals 3 and 4. Some of these cracks at pressurizer nozzles. To date, essentially all pressurizer nozzle
were removed and two were left in place to allow a determination dissimilar metal butt welds (typically five or six per plant) have
of the crack growth rate. The crack growth rate is discussed in been inspected, mitigated, or both. Approximately 50 nozzles
para. 44.7.2. were inspected (many more were mitigated using weld overlays
In addition to the PWSCC cracks in alloys 82 and 182 weld with no pre-inspections), resulting in PWSCC-like indications
metal in reactor vessel CRDM nozzles and inlet and outlet nozzle being detected in nine nozzles, as documented in Table 44.2
butt welds, a leak was found from a pressurizer nozzle butt weld below.
at Tsuruga 2 in Japan and a part-depth crack was detected in a Through mid-2008, inspections of reactor vessel nozzle butt
hot-leg pressurizer surge line nozzle butt weld at TMI-1. Both of welds have not yet been performed; hot leg nozzle inspections
these cases occurred in 2003. Cracks were also detected in alloys under MRP-139 are slated to begin in Fall 2008. Given the above
82 and 182 cladding in steam generator heads that had been ham- pressurizer nozzle experience, it would not be surprising if at least
mered and cold worked by a loose part [24]. some welds with PWSCC-like indications are discovered.
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2005 THROUGH MID-2008

Inspection Type of Indication OD Indication a/ l/

Plant Date Nozzle Indication Depth (a, in) Length (l, in) thickness circumference

Calvert Cliffs 2 2005 CL Drain Circ 0.056 0.628 10% 10%

Calvert Cliffs 2 2005 HL Drain Axial 0.392 0.000 70% 0%
DC Cook 2005 Safety Axial 1.232 0.000 88% 0%
Calvert Cliffs 1 2006 HL Drain Circ 0.100 0.450 19% 5%
Calvert Cliffs 1 2006 Relief Axial 0.100 0.000 8% 0%
Calvert Cliffs 1 2006 Surge Circ 0.400 2.400 25% 6%
Davis Besse 2006 CL Drain Axial 0.056 0.000 7% 0%
San Onofre 2 2006 Safety Axial 0.420 0.000 30% 0%
San Onofre 2 2006 Safety Axial 0.420 0.000 30% 0%
Wolf Creek 2006 Relief Circ 0.340 11.500 25.8% 46%
Wolf Creek 2006 Safety Circ 0.297 2.500 22.5% 10%
Wolf Creek 2006 Surge Circ 0.465 8.750 32.1% 19%
Farley 2 2007 Surge Circ 0.500 3.000 33% 6%
Davis Besse 2008 Axial
Crystal River 3 2008 Circ

44.4.4 RPV Bottom-Head Penetrations PWSCC in BMI nozzles at South Texas 1 may be related to a com-
In 2003, bare metal visual inspections of the reactor vessel bot- bination of high material susceptibility and welding flaws.
tom head at South Texas 1 showed small leaks from two BMI noz-
zles, as shown in Fig. 44.11. These leaks were traced to PWSCC
cracks in the nozzles that initiated at small regions of lack- 44.5 INSPECTION METHODS AND
of-fusion in the J-groove welds between the nozzles and vessel REQUIREMENTS
head [38]. The nozzles were repaired. Examinations of the other
BMI nozzles at South Texas 1 showed no additional cracks. As a result of the increasing frequency of PWSCC cracks and
Essentially all other U.S. plants have performed bare metal visual leaks identified in important PWR reactor vessel alloys 600, 82,
inspections of RPV bottom-head nozzles without any evidence of and 182 materials since 2000, significant efforts are in progress by
leaks. At least a dozen U.S. plants have completed volumetric the nuclear industry and the NRC to improve inspection capabilities
examinations of the BMI nozzles, representing more than 20% of and develop appropriate long-term inspection requirements. The
the total population of RPV bottom-head nozzles in the U.S., with following summarizes the status of inspection methods and require-
no reported cracking. Similarly, no indications of in-service degra- ments as of May 2005. It is recommended that users check with the
dation have been identified in volumetric inspections of RPV bot- NRC and industry programs to remain abreast of the latest changes
tom-head nozzles performed in other countries. PWSCC of BMI in inspection methods and requirements.
nozzles that operate at the plant cold-leg temperature is generally
considered to be less likely than PWSCC at locations operating at
44.5.1 Visual Inspections
hot-leg or pressurizer temperatures. The earlier-than-expected
Bare metal visual inspections have proven to be an effective
way of detecting very small leaks, as shown by Figs. 44.8 and
44.11, and, therefore, should play an important role in any inspec-
tion program. A key prerequisite for these inspections is that the
surface should be free of preexisting boric acid deposits from other
sources, because the presence of preexisting boric acid deposits can
mask the small volumes of deposits shown in Figs. 44.8 and
44.11. Visual inspections with insulation in place can provide a
useful backup to bare metal visual inspections but will be inca-
pable of detecting small volumes of leakage, as shown in Figs.
44.8 and 44.11.
In many cases, it has been necessary to modify insulation pack-
ages on the vessel top and bottom heads to facilitate performing
bare metal visual inspections. As of May 2005, most of these
modifications have been completed for PWR plants in the United
ASME Code Case N-722, Additional Examinations for PWR
Pressure-Retaining Welds in Class 1 Components Fabricated with
Alloys 600/82/182 Materials, Section XI, Division 1, was
approved in 2005 to provide for increased visual inspections of
FIG. 44.11 LEAK FROM SOUTH TEXAS 1 BMI NOZZLE potentially susceptible welds for boric acid leakage.
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72 • Chapter 44

44.5.2 Nondestructive Examinations Nozzle-to-safe end butt welds less than NPS 4 must be exam-
Technology exists as of May 2005 to nondestructively examine ined by surface methods every inspection interval. Nozzle-
all of the alloys 600, 82, and 182 locations in the reactor vessel. to-safe end butt welds NPS 4 and larger must be examined by
Partial penetration nozzles (CRDM, CEDM, ICI) are typically volumetric and surface examination methods every inspection
examined using one of two methods. The nozzle base metal can interval. Some deferrals of these inspections are permitted.
be examined volumetrically from the inside surface by ultrasonics (e) As of May 2005, the ASME Code did not require nonde-
to confirm that the nozzle base material is free of internal axial or structive examination of the partial penetration welds for the
circumferential cracks. Alternatively, the wetted surfaces of the CRDM and BMI nozzles. However, Code Case N-729-1
alloy 600 base metal and alloys 82 and 182 weld metal can be [63] was published later in 2005 that contained alternative
examined by eddy current probes to ensure that there are no sur- examination requirements for PWR closure heads with noz-
face cracks. If there are no surface cracks on wetted alloy 600 sur- zles having pressure-retaining partial-penetration welds.
faces, then it can be inferred that there will also be no internal This Code Case included visual, surface and volumetric
cracks. Nozzles in the reactor vessel top head can be examined examinations for PWR closure heads with Alloy 600 noz-
when the head is on the storage stand during refueling. Nozzles in zles and Alloy 82/182 partial-penetration welds at inspec-
the reactor vessel bottom head can be examined ultrasonically or tion intervals that are based on the temperature dependence
by eddy current when the lower internals are removed from the of the PWSCC phenomenon described in para. 44.3.4.
vessel during a 10-year in-service inspection outage. In some (Since RPV closure heads operate at varying temperatures,
cases, the inside surfaces of BMI instrument nozzles can be there are significant head-to-head temperature differences
examined by tooling inserted through holes in the lower internals. between plants.) Code Case N-729-1 also contains inspec-
Reactor vessel inlet and outlet nozzle butt welds are normally tion requirements for PWR closure head with nozzles and
inspected ultrasonically from the inside surface using automated partial-penetration welds of PWSCC resistant materials to
equipment. These inspections are typically performed during address new and replacement heads.
10-year in-service inspection outages when the lower internals are (f) As noted in para. 44.5.1, Code Case N-722 [64] for visual
removed from the reactor vessel. Eddy current methods are also inspections of alloys 82/182 welds was approved in 2005.
being used in some cases for examining the inside surfaces of (g) As of May 2008, the ASME Code is working on a new
these welds for cracks, although eddy current inspection sensitivi- Section XI Code Case that contains alternate inspection
ty is a function of the condition of the weld surface. For example, requirements Alloys 82/182 welds butt welds. ASME Code
discontinuities in the weld profile can cause the eddy current actions are also in progress addressing various repair and
probes to lift off of the surface being examined and, thereby, mitigation options for dealing with PWSCC. These are
adversely affect the inspection sensitivity. discussed below in para. 44.9.
CRDM nozzle butt welds can be examined from the outside
surface by standard ultrasonic methods.
A key to obtaining good nondestructive examinations is to have 44.5.4 NRC Inspection Requirements for RPV
the process and the operators qualified on mockups containing Top-Head Nozzles
prototypical axial and circumferential flaws. The EPRI NDE Subsequent to the discovery of significant corrosion to the
Center in Charlotte, NC, is coordinating qualification efforts for Davis-Besse reactor vessel head, the NRC issued NRC Order
inspection methods and inspectors in the United States. EA-03-009 [39]. This order specifies inspection requirements for
RPV head nozzles based on the effective degradation years of
44.5.3 ASME BPVC Reactor Vessel Inspection operation. Effective degradation years (EDYs) are the effective
Requirements full-power years (EFPYs) adjusted to a common 600F tempera-
ASME BPVC Section XI specifies inservice inspection require- ture using an activation energy model. For plants with 600F head
ments for operating nuclear power plants in the United States. temperatures, the EDYs are the same as the EFPYs. For plants
Portions of these requirements that apply to PWSCC susceptible with head temperatures, greater than 600F, the EDYs are greater
components in the RPV are summarized as follows: than the EFPYs. For plants with head temperatures less than
600F, the EDYs are less than the EFPYs. The NRC order
(a) Table IWB-2500-1, Examination Category B-P, requires a specifies two types of inspections:
VT-2 visual examination of the reactor vessel pressure-
retaining boundary during the system leak test after every (a) bare metal visual inspections of the RPV head surface
refueling outage. No leakage is permitted. including 360 around each RPV head penetration nozzle
(b) Table IWB-2500-1, Examination Category B-O, requires (b) nondestructive examinations of the RPV nozzles by one of
that 10% of the CRDM nozzle-to-flange welds be inspected the two following methods:
by volumetric or surface methods each inspection interval. (1) ultrasonic testing of each RPV head penetration nozzle
(c) Table IWB-2500-1, Examination Category B-N-1, requires (i.e., base metal material) from 2 in. above the J-groove
that attachment welds to the inside surface of the reactor weld to the bottom of the nozzle plus an assessment to
vessel be examined visually each inspection interval. Welds determine if leakage has occurred through the interfer-
in the beltline region must be inspected by VT-1 methods ence fit zone
while welds outside the beltline region must be inspected by (2) eddy current testing or dye penetrant testing of the wetted
VT-3 methods. surface of each J-groove weld and RPV head penetration
(d) Table IWB-2500-1, Examination Category B-F, specifies nozzle base material to at least 2 in. above the J-groove weld
examination requirements for dissimilar metal welds in
reactor vessels. Nozzle-to–safe end socket welds must be The first of the nondestructive examinations is to show that
examined by surface methods every inspection interval. there are no axial or circumferential cracks in the nozzle base
ASME_Ch44_p063-088.qxd 6/3/09 9:44 AM Page 73


metal or leak paths past the J-groove weld. The second of the categories requiring augmented inspection intervals and/or sample
nondestructive examinations is to show that there are no axial or size. Category A is the lowest category, consisting of piping that
circumferential cracks in the nozzle base metal by confirming the has been replaced (or originally fabricated) with PWSCC resistant
absence of surface breaking indications on the nozzle and weld material. These weldments are to be inspected at their normal
wetted surfaces. ASME Code frequency, as defined in ASME Section XI, Table
The order specifies inspection intervals for three categories of IWB-2500-1. Category D refers to unmitigated PWSCC suscepti-
plants: high susceptibility plants with greater than 12 EDY or ble weld in high temperature locations (e.g. pressurizer or hot leg
where PWSCC cracks have already been detected, moderate sus- nozzles). These require an early initial inspection (before end of
ceptibility plants less than or equal to 12 EDY and greater than or 2008 for pressurizer nozzles and before 2010 for hot leg nozzles),
equal to 8 EDY, and low susceptibility plants with less than 8 EDY. followed by more frequent inspections if they are not treated with
As of June 2008, the U.S. NRC is expected shortly to transition some form of mitigation. Other categories (thru Category K)
the requirements for inspection of RPV top-head nozzles based on address susceptible welds that have been mitigated (B and C),
NRC Order EA-03-009 [39] to a set based on ASME Code Case welds that have been inspected and found cracked, with or with-
N-729-1 [63], with caveats. The inspection schedules in this code out mitigation, and welds for which geometric or material condi-
case are generally based on the RIY (reinspection years) concept, tions limit volumetric inspectability. For the latter group, by the
which normalizes operating time between inspections for the time the examination is due, plant owners are required to have a
effect of head operating temperature using the thermal activation plan in place to address either the susceptibility of the weld or the
energy appropriate to crack growth in thick-wall alloy 600 material inspectability of the weld.
(31 kcal/mol (130 kJ/mol)). The basis for this approach to nor- At the time of this writing, inspections are well under the
malizing for the effect of head temperature is that the time for a MRP-139 guidelines are well underway in U.S. plants. Essentially
flaw just below detectable size to grow to through-wall (and leak- all pressurizer nozzles have been inspected and or mitigated, and
age) is dependent on the crack growth process. The requirements plans are in place to perform the other initial inspections required
in ASME Code Case N-729-1 [63] were developed by ASME, by MRP-169. Plans include mitigation of most susceptible weld-
with extensive technical input provided by a U.S. industry group ments in high temperature locations, thus moving the weldments
(Materials Reliability Program) managed by EPRI [68]. into Categories A, B or C. Work is also currently underway to
develop an ASME Section XI Code Case (N-790, alternative
44.5.5 NRC Inspection Requirements for examination requirements for PWSCC pressure-retaining butt
RPV BMI Nozzles welds in PWRs) which will eventually replace MRP-139 and
NRC Bulletin 2003-02, Leakage from Reactor Pressure Vessel place the augmented examination requirements for PWSCC sus-
Lower Head Penetrations and Reactor Coolant Pressure ceptible butt welds back under the ASME Section XI Code.
Boundary Integrity [40], summarizes the leakage from BMI noz-
zles at South Texas 1 and requires utilities to describe the results
of BMI nozzle inspections that have been performed at their 44.6 SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS
plants in the past and that will be performed during the next and
following refueling outages. If it is not possible to perform bare 44.6.1 Small Leaks
metal visual examinations, utilities should describe actions that Small leaks due to axial cracks such as shown in Figs. 44.8 and
are being made to allow bare metal visual inspections during sub- 44.11 do not pose significant safety risk. The leak rates are low
sequent outages. If no plans are being made for bare metal visual enough that the leaking primary coolant water will quickly evapo-
or nonvisual surface or volumetric examinations, then utilities rate leaving behind a residue of dry boric acid. Most of the leaks
must provide the bases for concluding that the inspections that detected to date have resulted in these relatively benign condi-
have been performed will ensure that applicable regulatory tions. As shown in the figures, very small leaks are easily detected
requirements are met and will continue to be met. On September by visual inspections of the bare metal surfaces provided that the
5, 2003, the NRC issued Temporary Instruction 2515/152 [41], surfaces are free from boric acid deposits from other sources. One
which provides guidance for NRC staff in reviewing utility sub- explanation for the extremely low leak rates is that short tight
mittals relative to Bulletin 2003-02. While the Temporary PWSCC cracks can become plugged with crud in the primary
Instruction does not represent NRC requirements, it does indicate coolant, thereby preventing leakage under normal operating con-
the type of information that the NRC is expecting to receive in ditions. It is hypothesized that distortions, which occur during
response to the bulletin. plant transients, allow small amounts of leakage through the crack
before it becomes plugged again. Regardless, these small leaks do
44.5.6 Industry Inspection Requirements for not pose a significant safety concern.
Dissimilar Metal Butt Welds
The industry in the United States has developed a set of manda- 44.6.2 Rupture of Critical Size Flaws
tory inspection guidelines for PWSCC susceptible. Alloy 82/182 Initially, leaking RPV top-head nozzles were thought to be
butt welds, which are documented in the report MRP-139 [58]. exclusively the result of axial cracks in the nozzles, and it was
MRP-139 defines examination requirements in terms of categories thus believed that they did not represent a significant safety con-
of weldments that are based on 1) the IGSCC resistance of the cern. However, as more examinations were performed, findings
materials in the original weldment, 2) whether or not mitigation arose that called this hypothesis into question.
has been performed on the original weldment, 3) whether or not a
pre-mitigation UT examination has been performed, 4) the exis- (a) Relatively long circumferential cracks were observed in two
tence (or not) of cracking in the original weldment, and 5) the nozzles in the Oconee Unit 2 RPV head, and several other
likelihood of undetected cracking in the original weldment. The plants also discovered shorter circumferentially oriented
categories range from A through K, with the higher letter cracks.
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74 • Chapter 44

Because of the concern for PWSCC in PWR piping dissimilar

metal butt welds, methods for predicting the critical crack size for
rupture in such welds have received recent attention [59]. Axial
PWSCC flaws in these welds are limited to the width of the alloy
82/182/132 weld material. Experience has confirmed that the
PWSCC cracks arrest when they reach the PWSCC-resistant low-
alloy steel and stainless steel materials [50]. Therefore, the maxi-
mum axial crack lengths are limited to a few inches at most
(much less than the critical axial flaw length), except for the small
number of cases involving alloy 600 safe ends or alloy 600
pipe/tube (CRDM and BMI nozzles), where axial cracks initiating
in the weld could potentially propagate into the alloy 600 base
metal. Thus, critical crack size calculations for PWR piping dis-
similar metal butt welds typically assume one or more circumfer-
entially oriented PWSCC flaws.
In 2007, EPRI sponsored a detailed investigation of the growth
of circumferential PWSCC flaws in PWR pressurizer nozzle dis-
similar metal butt welds [59]. Using finite-element methods, this
study examined the effect of an arbitrary crack profile on crack
FIG. 44.12 SCHEMATIC OF RPV TOP-HEAD NOZZLE growth and subsequent crack stability and leak rate versus the
GEOMETRY AND NATURE OF OBSERVED CRACKING standard assumption of a semi-elliptical crack profile. The crack
stability (i.e., critical crack size) modeling of the EPRI study was
(b) Circumferential NDE indications were discovered in the based on a standard limit load (i.e., net section collapse)
North Anna Unit 2 head in nozzles that showed no apparent approach as applied to an arbitrary crack profile around the weld
signs of boric acid deposits due to leakage. circumference [65]. The potential for an EPFM failure mode was
considered using a Z-factor approach specific to piping dissimilar
Figure 44.12 presents a schematic of a top-head CRDM nozzle metal welds [66]. Finally, the role of secondary piping thermal
and J-groove weld and the nature of the cracking that has been constraint stresses in the rupture process was investigated on the
observed. There is some uncertainty as to whether circumferential basis of available experimental pipe rupture data [67], elastic-
cracks arise as a result of axial cracks growing through the weld plastic finite-element analyses of a pipe with an idealized
or nozzle and causing leakage into the annular region between the through-thickness crack [59], and pressurizer surge line piping
nozzle and head, ultimately leading to reinitiation of circumferen- models applied to evaluate the maximum capacity of the
tial cracking on the outside surface of the tube, or if they are due secondary loads to produce rotation at a cracked pressurizer
to the axial cracks branching and reorienting themselves in a surge nozzle [59].
circumferential direction, as depicted on the right-hand side of
Fig. 44.12. A destructive examination program has been per- 44.6.3 Boric Acid Wastage Due to Larger Leaks
formed on several of the North Anna Unit 2 nozzles, indicating Small concentrations of boron are added to the primary coolant
that the circumferential nozzle defects found there were in fact the water in PWR plants in the form of boric acid to aid in controlling
result of grinding during fabrication rather than service-related core reactivity. At the start of an operating cycle with new fuel,
cracking. Nevertheless, the occurrence of circumferential crack- the boron concentration is typically about 2,000 ppm or less. The
ing adds a new safety perspective to the RPV top-head nozzle concentration of boron is reduced with fuel burnup to about
cracking problem, because of the potential for such cracks to 0 ppm at the end of an operating cycle when fuel is ready to be
grow to a critical length and ultimately lead to ejection of a nozzle replaced. Work by EPRI and others to determine the probable rate
from the vessel, although a large circumferential flaw covering of corrosion of low-alloy steel by boric acid is documented in the
more than 90% of the wall cross section is typically calculated for EPRI Boric Acid Corrosion Guidebook [43]. This document
nozzle ejection to occur because of the relatively thick wall typical shows that the corrosion rate of low-alloy steel by deareated pri-
of RPV top-head nozzles. mary coolant (inside the pressure vessel and piping) with 2,000
PWSCC in PWR RPV inlet/outlet nozzles could also potentially ppm boron is negligible. The corrosion rate for low concentration
develop circumferentially oriented flaws, which could lead to pipe (2,000 ppm) aerated boric acid is also very low. However, when
rupture. To date, observed cracking has been primarily axial with high-temperature borated water leaks onto a hot surface, the water
only very small circumferential components. With time, however, can boil off leaving concentrated aerated boric acid. The corro-
PWSCC in large piping butt welds might be expected to follow sion rate of low-alloy steel by hot concentrated aerated boric acid
trends similar to the IGSCC cracking issue in BWRs [42]. In the can be as high as 10 in./year under some conditions.
BWR case, cracking and leakage were initially seen only as axial- As evidenced by the significant volume of material corroded
ly oriented cracks in smaller diameter piping. With time, however, from the Davis-Besse reactor vessel head, boric acid corrosion
axial and circumferential cracking were observed in pipe sizes up has the potential to create significant safety risk. Figure 44.13
to and including the largest diameter pipes in the system. shows cross-section and plan views of the corroded region of the
Considering the potential existence of weld repairs during initial Davis-Besse head shown in Fig. 44.9. As indicated, a large vol-
construction of the plants and the associated high residual stresses ume of the low-alloy head material was corroded, leaving the
that they produce in both axial and circumferential directions, stainless steel cladding on the inside of the vessel head to resist
significant circumferential cracking may eventually be observed the internal pressure. Part-depth cracks were discovered in the
in large-diameter PWR pipe-to-nozzle butt welds. unsupported section of cladding.
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Based on available evidence, it was determined that the leakage of the nozzles frequently enough to catch PWSCC cracks before
that caused the corrosion had been occurring for at least 6 years. they grow through wall. Secondly, clean the external surfaces of
While it was known that boric acid deposits were accumulating preexisting boric acid deposits from other sources and perform bare
on the vessel top head surface, the utility attributed the accumula- metal visual inspections at frequent enough intervals to detect leaks
tions to leakage from spiral-wound gaskets at the flanged joints at an early benign stage. Thirdly, if the risk is believed high or
between the CRDM nozzles and the CRDMs. The accumulations
of boric acid had not been removed due to poor access to the
enclosed plenum between the top of the vessel head and the bot-
tom of the insulation, as shown in Fig. 44.14.
The transition from relatively benign conditions, such as shown
in Figs. 44.8 and 44.11, to severe conditions, which created the cav-
ity shown in Figs. 44.9 and 44.13, is believed to be a function of the
leakage rate. A PWSCC crack that first breaks through the nozzle
wall or weld will initially be small (short), resulting in a low leak
rate. It is believed that the small leak rate will not lower the metal
surface temperature enough to allow liquid conditions to exist. As
the crack grows in length above the J-groove weld, the leak rate is
expected to increase to the point where boric acid on the surface
near the leak remains moist or where the leaking borated water
locally cools the low-alloy steel material to the point where the sur-
face will remain wetted and allow boric acid to concentrate.
Preliminary models of these conditions have been developed, and
test work was started by EPRI in 2004 to more accurately deter-
mine the conditions where the leakage produces wetted conditions
that can cause high boric acid corrosion rates and where the leakage
results in essentially benign dry boric acid deposits.
Conditions such as occurred at Davis-Besse can be prevented by FIG. 44.14 CROSS-SECTION THROUGH DAVIS-BESSE
a three-step approach. Firstly, perform nondestructive examinations REACTOR VESSEL HEAD
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76 • Chapter 44

inspections are difficult or costly, replace the susceptible parts or R  universal gas constant
apply a remedial measure to reduce the risk of PWSCC leaks.  8.314  10–3 kJ/mole • K (1.103  10–3 kcal/mole • R)
T  absolute operating temperature at location of crack,
K (or R)
44.7 DEGRADATION PREDICTIONS Tref  absolute reference temperature used to normalize data
 325C  598.15 K (617F  1076.67 R)
44.7.1 Crack Initiation   crack growth amplitude
Initiation of PWSCC in laboratory test samples and in PWR K  crack tip stress intensity factor, Mpa 1m (or ksi 1in)
steam generator tubing has been found to follow standard statisti- Kth  crack tip stress intensity factor threshold
cal distributions such as Weibull and log-normal distributions  9 Mpa 1m (8.19 ksi 1in)
[44–47]. These distributions have been widely used for modeling
and predicting the occurrence of PWSCC in PWRs since about
1988, and continue to be used for this purpose.
The parameters of a statistical distribution used to model a Temperature dependence is modeled in this crack growth rate
given mode of PWSCC, such as axial cracks in CRDM nozzles, equation via an Arrhenius-type relationship using the aforemen-
only apply to the homogeneous set of similar items that are tioned activation energy of 31 kcal/mole. The stress intensity
exposed to the same environmental and stress conditions, and factor dependence is of power law form with exponent 1.16.
only to the given crack orientation being modeled. For example, Figure 44.15 presents the distribution of the coefficient () in the
axial and circumferential cracking are modeled separately since power law relationship at constant temperature (617F). The data
the stresses acting on the two crack orientations are different. in this figure exhibit considerable scatter, with the highest and
In general, two parameter Weibull or log-normal models are used lowest data points deviating by more than an order of magnitude
to model and predict the future occurrence of PWSCC. An initia- from the mean. The 75th percentile curve (see Figure 44.15a) was
tion time, which sometimes is used as a third parameter, is not gen- recommended for use in deterministic crack growth analyses
erally modeled, because use of a third parameter has been found to [26,48], and this curve is now included in Section XI for disposi-
result in too much flexibility and uncertainty in the predictions. tion of PWSCC flaws in RPV top-head nozzles. In addition, prob-
PWSCC predictions are most reliable when the mode of crack- abilistic crack growth rate studies have been performed of top
ing is well developed with results for detected cracking available head nozzles using the complete distribution [49]. An additional
for three or more inspections. In this situation, the fitted parameters factor of 2 has been applied to the 75th percentile value when
to the inspection data are used to project into the future. When no analyzing crack growth exposed to leakage in the annular gap
cracking has been detected in a plant, rough predictions can still be between the nozzle and the head, to allow for possible abnormal
developed using industry data. This is generally done using a two- water chemistry conditions that might exist there [26,48].
step process. The first step involves developing a statistical distribu- Similar crack growth rate testing has been conducted for
tion of times to occurrence of PWSCC at a selected threshold level alloys 82 and 182 weld metals. The weld metal crack growth
(such as 0.1%) for a set of plants with similar designs. Data for data are sparser and exhibit similar statistical variability. A
plants with different temperatures are adjusted to a common tem- review of weld metal PWSCC crack growth data has also been
perature using the Arrhenius equation (see Table 44.1). The distrib- completed under EPRI sponsorship [61,62]. This study (MRP-
ution of times to the threshold level is used to determine a best esti- 115) showed that Alloy 182/132 weld metal crack growth obeys
mate time for the plant being modeled to develop PWSCC at that a similar relationship to that shown above for alloy 600 base
threshold level. Techniques are available to adjust the prediction to metal, but with crack growth rates about four times higher than
account for the time already passed at the plant without detecting the alloy 600 curve for stress intensity factors greater than about
the mode being evaluated. Once the best estimate time for occur- 20 ksi 1in (see Figure 44.15a). Similar to the heat-by-heat
rence at the threshold level is determined, future cracking is pro- analysis for the wrought material, a weld-by-weld analysis was
jected from that point forward using the median rate of increase performed on the available worldwide laboratory crack growth
(Weibull slope or log-normal standard deviation) in the industry for rate data for the weld materials (see Figure 44.15b). The EPRI
the mode of PWSCC being evaluated. study (MRP-115) concluded that PWSCC crack growth rates for
alloy 82/182/132 weld metal behave in accordance with the fol-
44.7.2 Crack Growth lowing relationship, where no credit for a stress intensity factor
Numerous PWSCC crack growth studies have been performed threshold greater than zero was taken because of insufficient
on thick-wall alloy 600 material in PWR environments at test tem- data on this parameter:
peratures that span the range of typical PWR operating tempera-
tures. In 2002, these tests were reviewed and summarized under Qg 1
a = exp c- a - b da falloy forient K b
sponsorship of EPRI [26,48]. The EPRI study (MRP-55) conclud- . 1
ed that PWSCC crack growth rates for thick-wall alloy 600 base R T Tref
metal behave in accordance with the following relationship:
Qg 1 .
a  crack growth rate at temperature T in m/s (or in/h)
a = exp c- a - b da(K - K th)b
. 1
R T Tref Qg  thermal activation energy for crack growth
where  130 kJ/mole (31.0 kcal/mole)
. R  universal gas constant
a  crack growth rate at temperature T in m/sec (or in./hr)  8.314  10–3 kJ/mole-K (1.103  10–3 kcal/mole-°R)
Qg  thermal activation energy for crack growth T  absolute operating temperature at location of crack, K
 130 kJ/mole (31.0 kcal/mole) (or °R)
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182/132 AND ALLOY 82 WELD MATERIALS [61,62]



Tref  absolute reference temperature used to normalize data then inserted into the appropriate crack growth relationship (alloy
 598.15 K (1076.67°R) 600, 82, or 182) at the component operating temperature and inte-
  power-law constant grated with time to predict crack size versus operating time at the
. applicable temperature.
 1.5  10–12 at 325°C for a in units of m/s and K in
. Figure 44.16 shows typical crack growth predictions for a cir-
units of MPa 1m (2.47  10–7 at 617°F for a in units
cumferential crack in a steep angle RPV top-head (CRDM) noz-
of in/h and K in units of ksi 1in) zle. (Nozzles in the outer rings of vessel heads having the steepest
falloy  1.0 for Alloy 182 or 132 and 1/2.6  0.385 for Alloy 82 angles between the nozzle and the head have been found to be
forient  1.0 except 0.5 for crack propagation that is clearly controlling in terms of predicted growth rates for circumferential
perpendicular to the dendrite solidification direction cracks). The analysis depicted in Fig. 44.16 assumed a through-
K  crack-tip stress intensity factor, MPa 1m (or ksi 1in) wall, 30 of circumference crack in the most limiting azimuthal
  exponent location of the nozzle at time zero, and predicted the operating time
 1.6 for it to grow to a size that would violate ASME Section XI flaw
evaluation margins with respect to nozzle ejection (~300). It is
Deterministic crack growth rate predictions have been per- seen that, even for relatively high RPV temperatures, operating
formed for axial and circumferential cracking in RPV top- and times on the order of 8 years or greater are predicted for circumfer-
bottom-head nozzles and in large-diameter butt welds [49,50]. ential nozzle cracks to propagate to a size that would violate
Welding residual stresses are a primary factor contributing to ASME Section XI safety margins.
crack growth in all these analyses. Stress intensity factors versus Figure 44.17 shows similar crack growth predictions for a
crack size, considering residual stresses plus operating pressure postulated circumferential crack in a large-diameter nozzle butt
and thermal stresses are first computed in these studies. These are weld. Stress intensity factors were computed in this analysis for
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a 6-to-1 aspect ratio crack in a large-diameter RPV inlet/outlet repair were assumed, little or no crack growth would be predict-
nozzle, ranging in depths from 0.1 in. to 2.2 in. The nozzle was ed over the plant lifetime. For this same crack, including the
conservatively assumed to have a large, inside surface repair, effect of the repair, the predicted time for a 0.1 in. deep crack to
and the crack was assumed to reside in the center of that repair grow to 75% through-wall at a typical inlet nozzle temperature
(i.e., in the most unfavorable residual stress region of the weld). (555F) is about 11 years.
The predicted crack growth in this case is fairly rapid for a typi- The strong effect of operating temperature is apparent in both
cal outlet nozzle temperature, 602F, propagating to 75% crack growth analyses. The outlet nozzle analysis also demon-
through-wall (the upper bound of ASME Section XI allowable strates the detrimental effect of weld repairs that were performed
flaw sizes in piping) in about 3 years. Conversely, if no weld during construction at some plants.


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44.7.3 Probabilistic Analysis (e) modeling of the effects of inspections, including inspection
Because of the large degree of statistical scatter in both the type, frequency, and effectiveness
crack initiation and crack growth behavior of PWSCC in alloy
600 base metal and associated weld metals, probabilistic fracture A series of PFM analysis results is presented in [49], which cov-
mechanics (PFM) analyses have been used to characterize the ers a wide variety of conditions and assumptions. These include
phenomenon in terms of the probabilities of leakage and failure base cases, with and without inspections, and sensitivity studies to
[49] for RPV top head nozzles. The analysis incorporates the fol- evaluate the effects of various statistical and deterministic assump-
lowing major elements: tions. The model was benchmarked with respect to field experience,
considering the occurrence of cracking and leakage and of circum-
(a) computation of applied stress intensity factors for circum- ferential cracks of various sizes. The benchmarked parameters were
ferential cracks in various nozzle geometries as a function then used to evaluate the effects of various assumed inspection pro-
of crack length and stresses grams on probability of nozzle failure and leakage in actual plants.
(b) determination of critical circumferential flaw sizes for noz- A sample of the results is presented in Figs. 44.18 and 44.19.
zle failure Figure 44.18 shows the effect of inspections on probability of
(c) an empirical (Weibull) analysis of the probability of nozzle nozzle failure (Net Section Collapse, or ejection of a nozzle) for
cracking or leakage as a function of operating time and tem- head operating temperatures ranging from 580F to 600F. A no-
perature of the RPV head inspection curve is shown for each temperature. Runs were then
(d) statistical analysis of PWSCC crack growth rates in the made assuming NDE inspections of the nozzles. Inspections were
PWR primary water environment as a function of applied assumed to be performed at intervals related to head operating tem-
stress intensity factor and service temperature perature (more frequent inspections for higher head temperatures,


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less frequent for lower temperatures). It is seen from the figure seen from this figure that all of the flaw indications detected were
that the assumed inspection regimen is sufficient to maintain the far short of the sizes needed to cause a rupture. The probabilistic
nozzle failure probability (per plant year) below a generally analysis also addressed the small but finite probability that larger
accepted target value of 1  103 for loss of coolant accidents flaws may exist in uninspected nozzles, plus the potential for crack
due to nozzle ejection. growth during future operating time until all the nozzles are
Figure 44.19 shows similar results for the probability of leak- inspected (or mitigated) under MRP-139 [58] guidelines.
age from a top-head nozzle. It is seen from this figure that the
same assumed inspection regimen maintains the probability of
leakage at or about 6% for the cases analyzed. Analyses similar to
those reported in Figs. 44.18 and 44.19 have been used, in conjunc-
tion with deterministic analyses, to define an industry-recommended When cracking or leakage is detected in operating nuclear
inspection and corrective action program for PWR top heads that power plant pressure boundary components, including the reactor
results in acceptable probabilities of leakage and failure. This vessel, repair or replacement may be performed in accordance
work also constituted the basis for the inspection requirements with ASME BPVC Section XI [51]. Section XI specifies that the
incorporated in ASME Code Case N-729-1 [63]. flaws must be removed or reduced to an acceptable size in accor-
Similar probabilistic analyses have been performed for PWSCC dance with Code-accepted procedures. For PWSCC in RPV alloy
susceptible butt welds in pressurizer nozzles, as part of the effort 600 components, several approaches have been used.
documented in MRP-216 [59]. Analyses established the current
expected flaw distribution based on pressurizer nozzle DMW 44.8.1 Flaw Removal
inspections to date, (Table 44.1), estimates were made of the prob- For relatively shallow or minor cracking, flaws may be
ability of cracking versus flaw size, and of crack growth rate ver- removed by minor machining or grinding. This approach is per-
sus time. A plot of the flaw indications found to date, in terms of mitted by the ASME Code to eliminate flaws and return the com-
crack length as percentage of circumference (abscissa) versus ponent to ASME Code compliance. However, this approach gen-
crack depth as percentage of wall thickness (ordinate) is illustrated erally does not eliminate the underlying cause of the cracking.
in Figure 44.19a. Axial indications plot along the vertical axis There will still be susceptible material exposed to the PWR envi-
(l/circumference = 0) in this plot, with leaking flaws plotted at a/t ronment that caused the cracking originally, and in some cases the
= 100%. Circumferential indications plot at non-zero values of susceptibility might be aggravated by surface residual stresses
l/circumference, at the appropriate a/t. Clean inspections are plot- caused by the machining or grinding process. Simple flaw
ted randomly in a 10% box near the origin, to give some indication removal is thus not considered to be a long-term repair, unless
of inspection uncertainty. Also shown on this plot are loci of criti- combined with some other form of mitigation. However, in the
cal flaw sizes based on an evaluation of critical flaw sizes present- short term, for example, where future component replacement is
ed in Ref. [59]. 50th and 99.9th percentile plots are shown. It is planned, it may be a viable approach for interim operation.
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problem. Although WOLs, shown in Fig. 44.21, do not eliminate

the PWSCC environment from the flaw as in the flaw embedment
process, the repair has been shown to offer multiple improve-
ments to the original pipe welds, including the following:
(a) structural reinforcement
(b) resistant material
(c) favorable residual stress reversal
Weld overlays also offer a significant improvement in inspec-
44.8.2 Flaw Embedment tion capability, because once a weld overlay is applied, the
Surface flaws are much more significant than embedded flaws required inspection coverage reduces to just the weld overlay
from a PWSCC perspective, because they continue to be exposed material plus the outer 25% of the original pipe wall, often a
to the PWR primary water environment that caused the crack and much easier inspection than the original dissimilar metal weld
that can lead to continued PWSCC flaw growth after initiation. (DMW) inspection.
Accordingly, one form of repair is to embed the flaw under a Weld overlay repairs have been recognized as a Code-accept-
PWSCC-resistant material. Figure 44.20 shows an embedment able repair in an ASME Section XI Code Case [52] and accepted
approach used by one vendor to repair PWSCC cracks or leaks in by the U.S. NRC as a long-term repair. They have also been used,
top-head nozzles and welds. The PWSCC-susceptible material, albeit less extensively, to repair dissimilar metal welds at nozzles
shown as the cross-hatched region in the figure, is assumed to be in BWRs.
entirely cracked (or just about to crack). PWSCC-resistant material, The weld overlay repair process was first applied to a PWR
typically alloy 52 weld metal, is deposited over the susceptible large-diameter pipe weld (on the Three Mile Island 1 pressurizer
material. The assumed crack is shown to satisfy all ASME BPVC to hot-leg nozzle) in the fall of 2003. Since that time, as part of
Section XI flaw evaluation requirements, in the absence of any the MRP-139 inspection effort described in para. 44.5.6, over 200
growth due to PWSCC, since the crack is completely isolated weld overlays have been applied to pressurizer nozzle dissimilar
from the PWR environment by the resistant material. Note that metal butt welds. Part of the reason for this trend is that many
the resistant material in this repair must overlap the susceptible pressurizer nozzles were unable to be volumetrically inspected to
material by enough length in all directions to preclude new cracks achieve the required examination coverage in their original con-
growing around the repair and causing the original crack to be figuration. By applying weld overlays, in addition to mitigating
reexposed to the PWR environment. Although this repair the welds, their inspectability was enhanced such that post over-
approach has been used successfully in several plants, there have lay ultrasonic exams could be performed in accordance with
been many incidents in which nozzles repaired by this approach applicable requirements. Technical justification for the WOL
during one refueling outage have been found to be leaking at the process as a long-term repair is documented in Ref. [53].
subsequent outage. These occurrences were attributed to lack of Requirements for weld overlays in PWR systems, including their
sufficient overlap of the repair, because it is sometimes difficult to use as mitigation as well as repair, is documented in Ref. [60].
distinguish the exact point at which the susceptible material ends
(for instance the end of the J-groove weld butter and the begin- 44.8.4 Weld Replacement
ning of the RPV cladding in Fig. 44.20). Finally, the flawed weld may be replaced in its entirety. In PWR
top-head nozzles, this process has been implemented extensively by
44.8.3 Weld Overlay relocating the pressure boundary from the original PWSCC-
Another form of repair that has been used extensively to repair susceptible J-groove weld at the inside surface to a new weld at the
cracked and leaking pipe welds is the weld overlay (WOL). midwall of the RPV head (see Fig. 44.22). With this repair
Illustrated schematically in Fig. 44.21, WOLs were first con- approach, the PWSCC-susceptible portion of the original J-groove
ceived in the early 1970s as a repair for IGSCC cracking and weld and buttering is left in the vessel, but it is no longer part of
leakage in BWR main coolant piping. Over 500 such repairs have the pressure-retaining load path for the nozzle. The lower portion of
been applied in BWR piping ranging from 4 in. to 28 in. in diam- the original nozzle is first removed by machining to a horizontal ele-
eter, and some weld overlay repairs have been in service for over vation above the J-groove weld (left-hand side of Fig. 44.22). A
20 years, with no evidence of any resumption of the IGSCC weld prep is produced on the bottom of the remaining portion of
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the nozzle, and a new, horizontal weld is made between the original (a) Zinc Additions to Reactor Coolant. Laboratory tests indicate
nozzle and the bore of the RPV head (righthand side of Fig. 44.22). that the addition of zinc to reactor coolant significantly slows
The new weld is made with PWSCC-resistant material (generally down the rate of PWSCC initiation, with the improvement
alloy 52 weld metal), and the surface of the weld is machined for factor increasing as the zinc concentration increases [29].
NDE. The repair process still leaves some portion of the original The improvement factor (slowdown in rate of new crack ini-
PWSCC-susceptible alloy 600 nozzle in place, potentially in a high tiation) shown by tests varies from a factor of two for 20 ppb
residual stress region at the interface with the new weld. However, a zinc in the coolant to over a factor of ten for 120 ppb zinc.
surface treatment process, such as roll peening or burnishing, has The effect of zinc on crack growth rate is not as certain, with
been applied to this interface in many applications to reduce poten- some tests indicating a significant reduction in crack growth
tial PWSCC concerns. Experience with this repair process has been rate but others indicating no change. Further testing is under-
good, in terms of subsequent leakage from repaired nozzles, and in way under EPRI sponsorship (as of 2004) to clarify the
most cases the repair need only survive for one or two fuel cycles, effects of zinc on crack growth rate. As of mid-2004, evalu-
because, once PWSCC leakage is detected in an RPV head, com- ation of plant data, especially the data for a two-unit station
mon industry practice has been to schedule a future head replace- with PWSCC at dented steam generator tube support plates,
ment (not because of the repaired nozzle, but because of concerns is encouraging but not conclusive with regard to whether use
that other nozzles are likely to be affected by the problem leading to of zinc is reducing the rate of PWSCC. The uncertainty is the
costly future inspections, repairs, and outage extensions). result of changes in inspection methods simultaneously with
changes in zinc concentration.
(b) Adjustments of Hydrogen Concentration. The EPRI PWR
44.9 REMEDIAL MEASURES Primary Water Chemistry Guidelines require the hydrogen
concentration in the primary coolant to be kept between 25
44.9.1 Water Chemistry Changes and 50 cc/kg [28]. As discussed in the Guidelines and sum-
Three types of water chemistry changes that could affect the marized above in para. 44.3.4, the rate of PWSCC initiation
rate of PWSCC are zinc additions to the reactor coolant, adjust- and rate of PWSCC crack growth both seem to be affected
ments to hydrogen concentration, and adjustments to lithium by the hydrogen concentration, with lower concentrations
concentration and pH. The factors are described below. being more aggressive at lower temperature and higher
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concentrations at higher temperature. Depending on the not all of the specimens were fabricated from the same heat of
plant situation as far as which parts are at most risk of material. Therefore, there were differences in material PWSCC
PWSCC, and depending on the temperature at those parts, susceptibility in addition to differences in remedial measure effec-
there may be some benefit, such as an improvement factor tiveness. The methods used to correct for differences in specimen
of about 1.2, in operating at hydrogen concentrations at PWSCC susceptibility are discussed in the paper.
either end of the allowed range. In the longer term, The remedial measures fell into three main effectiveness groups.
increased benefit may be achieved by operating slightly
outside of the allowed range (e.g., at 60 cc/kg), although (a) most effective
this will require confirmation that the change does not (1) waterjet conditioning
result in some other undesirable effects. (2) electro mechanical nickel brush plating
(c) Adjustments of Lithium Concentration and pH. As dis- (3) shot peening
cussed in para. 44.3.4, some tests indicate that the rate of
PWSCC initiation is increased by increases in lithium con- (b) intermediate effectiveness
centration and pH, e.g., by factors ranging from about 1.15 (1) electroless nickel plating
to 2.0. On the other hand, increases in lithium and pH pro- (2) GTAW weld repair
vide proven benefits for reducing the potential harmful (3) laser weld repair
deposit buildup on fuel cladding surfaces and for reducing
shutdown dose rates [28]. Based on these opposing trends, (c) least effective
plants can select a lithium/pH regime that best suits their (1) EDM skim cutting
needs, i.e., does not involve substantial risks of aggravating (2) laser cladding
PWSCC, while still providing benefits for reducing fuel (3) flapper wheel surface polishing
deposits and shutdown dose rates. When evaluating the pos-
sible risks to PWSCC of increasing lithium and pH, it As of May 2005, it is not believed that any of these remedial
should be noted that crack growth rate tests show no harm- measures had actually been applied to a reactor vessel in the field.
ful effect while crack initiation tests do. The data from crack
growth rate tests are considered to be more reliable, and it is 44.9.4 Stress Improvement
recommended that they be given greater weight than the To mitigate against the IGSCC problem in BWR piping, many
results from crack initiation tests. An additional considera- plants implemented residual stress improvement processes. These
tion is that the use of zinc can provide a stronger benefit were performed both thermally (induction heating stress improve-
than the possible deficit associated with increases in lithium ment or IHSI) and by mechanical means (mechanical stress
and pH, and, thus, can make use of a combined zinc adjust- improvement process or MSIP). As described above, residual
ment and increase in lithium and pH attractive. stresses play a major role in susceptibility to both IGSCC and
PWSCC, because large piping butt welds tend to leave significant
44.9.2 Temperature Reduction residual stresses at the inside surfaces of the pipes, especially
when field repairs were performed during construction. Both
To date, a main remedial measure applied in the field for RPV
stress improvement processes have been demonstrated to reverse
top-head PWSCC has been modification of the reactor internals
the unfavorable residual stresses, leaving compressive stresses on
package to increase bypass flow through the internals flange
the inside surface of the pipe, which is exposed to the reactor
region and, thereby, reduce the head temperature. The lower head
environment. MSIP has also been applied to PWSCC-susceptible
temperature is predicted to reduce the rates of crack initiation and
butt welds in PWR piping, primarily dissimilar metal welds at
growth based on the thermal activation energy model, as shown in
vessel nozzles, such as the V.C. Summer outlet nozzle cracking
Table 44.1. However, experience in France suggests that PWSCC
problem described above. As long as the stress improvement
may occur at head temperatures close to the reactor cold-leg tem-
process is applied relatively early in life, when cracking has not
perature. This is especially significant given PWSCC of two
initiated or grown to significant depths, it clearly constitutes a
South Texas Project Unit 1 BMI nozzles at a temperature of about
useful remedial measure that can be applied to vessel nozzles,
565⬚F. The South Texas Project experience shows that materials
eliminating one of the major factors that contribute to PWSCC.
and fabrication-related factors can result in PWSCC at tempera-
One of the benefits of the weld overlay process described above
tures lower than otherwise expected.
to repair PWSCC-cracked butt welds is that it reverses the resid-
ual stress pattern in the weld, resulting in compressive stresses on
44.9.3 Surface Treatment the inside surface. Thus, a novel mitigation approach that is being
EPRI has sponsored tests of a range of mechanical remedial explored at several plants is the application of weld overlays pre-
measures for PWSCC of alloy 600 nozzles. Results of these tests emptively, before cracking is discovered. Applying a preemptive
were reported by Rao at the Fontevraud 5 Symposium [54]. The WOL in this manner produces the same remedial benefits
remedial measures test program consisted of soliciting remedial described above for the stress improvement processes, but also
measures from vendors, fabricating full-diameter and wall-thickness places a PWSCC-resistant structural reinforcement on the outer
ring specimens from archive CRDM nozzle material, installing surface of the pipe. So, if the favorable residual stresses were to
specimens in rings that locked in high residual stresses on the relax in service, or for some reason be ineffective in arresting the
specimen inside surface, applying the remedial measures to the PWSCC phenomenon, the PWSCC-resistant overlay would still
stressed surface, and then testing the specimens in doped steam provide an effective barrier against leakage and potential pipe
with hydrogen overpressure at 400⬚C (750⬚F). The specimens rupture. Moreover, the revised inspection coverage requirements
were removed from the autoclave at intervals and inspected for specified for WOLs apply to such preemptive overlays, providing
SCC. A complicating factor in interpreting the test results is that the added benefit of enhanced inspectability [52].
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84 • Chapter 44

44.9.5 Head Replacement 44.10.3 Assessing Risk of Rupture and Core Damage
The most obvious way to address RPV top-head cracking Due to Nozzle Ejection
issues is head replacement. Approximately one-third of operating The risk of nozzle ejection (net section collapse) is determined
PWRs in the United States have replaced their heads or have using methods such as described in para. 44.6.2.
scheduled head replacements in the near future. Such head
replacements take advantage of the lessons learned to date regard- 44.10.4 Assessing Risk of Rupture and Core Damage
ing the PWSCC phenomenon, and the new heads are generally Due to Boric Acid Wastage
produced so as to eliminate all PWSCC-susceptible materials, The risk of failure of the carbon or low-alloy steel reactor ves-
replacing them with resistant materials (alloy 690 and associated sel head by boric acid wastage is determined using methods such
weld metals alloys 52 and 152). RPV head replacement is a key as described in para. 44.6.3.
aspect of strategic planning to address the alloy 600 problem in
PWRs, and is performed as part of a coordinated alloy 600 main- 44.10.5 Identifying Alternative Life Cycle
tenance program that addresses steam generator, pressurizer, and Management Approaches
piping issues as well as the RPV. An important step in developing a life cycle management plan
is to identify the alternative approaches that can be considered.
These alternatives can include the following:
(a) continue to inspect and repair indefinitely without applying
Within constraints posed by regulatory requirements, utilities
remedial measures.
are free to develop a strategic plan that ensures a low risk of leak-
(b) apply remedial measures, such as lowering the vessel head
age, ensures an extremely low risk of core damage, and results in
temperature by increasing bypass flow through the vessel
the lowest net present value (NPV) cost consistent with the first
internals flange, adding zinc to the primary coolant, and
two criteria. Development of a strategic plan for RPV top-head
water-jet conditioning the wetted surface of nozzles and
nozzles was described by White, Hunt, and Nordmann at the 2004
welds to remove small flaws and leave the material surface
ICONE-12 conference [55]. The strategic planning process was
with a compressive residual stress.
based on life cycle management approaches and NPV economic
(c) replace the vessel head as quickly as possible.
modeling software developed by EPRI [56,57].
(d) replace the vessel head shortly after detecting the first
The main steps in the strategic planning process are as follows:
PWSCC cracks.
(a) predicting time to PWSCC (e) use other approaches identified.
(b) assessing risk of leaks
Each of these alternatives must be studied to determine the
(c) assessing risk of rupture and core damage due to nozzle
difficulty of application, the likely effectiveness, and the effect of
the change on required inspections. For example, head replace-
(d) assessing risk of rupture and core damage due to boric acid
ment may involve the need to cut an access opening in the con-
tainment structure or to procure a new set of CRDMs to allow the
(e) identifying alternative life cycle management approaches
head changeout to be performed quickly, so as to not adversely
(f) evaluating economically the alternative management
affect the refueling outage time. If openings must be cut in con-
tainment, consideration should also be given to the possible need
While the paper and following discussion are based on RPV to cut other openings in the future, such as for steam generator or
top-head nozzles, the same basic approach can be applied to BMI pressurizer replacements. Consideration must also be given to the
nozzles and butt welds. disposal of a head after it is replaced.

44.10.1 Predicting Time to PWSCC 44.10.6 Economic Evaluations of Alternative

Predictions of the time to PWSCC crack initiation are Management Approaches
described in para. 44.7.1. The predictions are typically based on a Most life cycle management evaluations include economic
statistical distribution such as a two-parameter Weibull or log- analyses to determine the NPV cost of each alternative. The NPV
normal model. Predictions are most accurate if based on plant- cost is the amount of money that is required today to pay all pre-
specific repeat inspections showing increasing numbers of dicted future costs, including the effects of inflation and the dis-
cracked nozzles. If such data are not available, then predictions count rate. Inputs to an LCM economic analysis typically include
are typically based on data for other similar plants (e.g., design, the following:
material, operating conditions) with corrections for differences in
operating time and temperature. (a) costs of planned preventive activities including inspections,
remedial measures, and replacements.
44.10.2 Assessing Risk of Leaks (b) predicted failure mechanisms (e.g., cracks, leaks, and rup-
The risk of leakage at a particular point in time (typically refu- ture) and failure rates.
eling outage number) is typically determined by a probabilistic (c) costs for corrective maintenance in the event of a failure
(Monte-Carlo) analysis using the distribution of predicted time to including the cost to make the repair, the estimated value of
crack initiation (para. 44.7.1), crack growth (para. 44.7.2), and lost production, and an allowance for consequential costs such
other probabilistic modeling techniques (para. 44.7.3). The proba- as increased regulatory scrutiny. Consideration should be
bilistic analysis should include a sensitivity study to identify the given to the fact that a major incident such as the Davis-Besse
most important analysis input parameters, and these important RPV head wastage can result in lost production and conse-
parameters should be reviewed to ensure that they can be substan- quential costs far higher than the cost to replace the affected
tiated by available data. component.
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life, potential power uprates, budget constraints, and the availability 1962;18:21t–26t.
of replacement heads. In many cases, the alternative with the low- 11. Copson HR, Dean SW. Effect of Contaminants on Resistance to Stress
est predicted NPV cost may not represent the best choice. Corrosion Cracking of Ni-Cr Alloy 600 in Pressurized Water.
Corrosion 1965;21(1):1–8.
12. Copson HR, Economy G. Effect of Some Environmental Variables on
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14. Hübner W, Johansson B, de Pourbaix M. Studies of the Tendency to
3. Howells E, McNary TA, White DE. Boiler Model Tests of Materials Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking of Austenitic Fe-Cr-Ni
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4. Copson HR, Berry WE. Qualification of Inconel for Nuclear Power 15. Debray W, Stieding L. Materials in the Primary Circuit of Water-
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Proceedings: 1991 EPRI Workshop on PWSCC of Alloy 600 in PWRs, 38. Thomas S. PWSCC of Bottom-Mounted Instrument Nozzles at South
Palo Alto, CA: Electric Power Research Institute; 1992: 1–18. Texas Project (Paper 49521). Proceedings of 12th International
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With Various Chromium Contents (EPRI TR-105406). Proceedings:
1994 EPRI Workshop on PWSCC of Alloy 600 in PWRs. Palo Alto, 40. U.S. NRC Leakage from Reactor Pressure Vessel Lower Head
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24. Amzallag C, et al. Stress Corrosion Life Assessment of 182 and 82 (Bulletin 2003-02). Washington, DC: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Welds Used in PWR Components. Proceedings of the 10th Commission; 2003.
International Symposium on Environmental Degradation of Materials 41. U.S. NRC Reactor Pressure Vessel Lower Head Penetration Nozzles
in Nuclear Power Systems–Water Reactors, NACE, 2001. (Bulletin 2003-02), Temporary Instruction 2515/152. Washington,
25. Hunt ES, et al. Primary Water Stress Corrosion Cracking (TR-103824). DC: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; 2003.
In: Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1. Palo Alto, CA: 42. U.S. NRC Technical Report on Material Selection and Processing
Electric Power Research Institute; 1994. Guidelines for BWR Coolant Pressure Boundary Piping (NUREG-
26. White GA, Hickling J, Mathews LK. Crack Growth Rates for 0313, Rev. 2). Washington, DC: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Evaluating PWSCC of Thick-Wall Alloy 600 Material. Proceedings Commission; 1988.
of the 11th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of 43. Managing Boric Acid Corrosion Issues at PWR Power Stations. In:
Materials in Nuclear Power Systems–Water Reactors, ANS, 2003. Boric Acid Corrosion Guidebook, Rev. 1. Palo Alto, CA: Electric
27. Attanasio S, Morton D, Ando M. Measurement and Calculation of Power Research Institute; 2001.
Electrochemical Potentials in Hydrogenated High Temperature Water, 44. Staehle RW, Stavropoulos KD, Gorman JA. Statistical Analysis of
Including an Evaluation of the Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia/Iron-Iron Steam Generator Tube Degradation (NP-7493). Palo Alto, CA:
Oxide (Fe/Fe3O4) Probe as a Reference Electrode. Corrosion 2002, Electric Power Research Institute; 1991.
Paper 02517, NACE, 2002.
45. Turner APL, Gorman JA, et al. Statistical Analysis of Steam
28. Pressurized Water Reactor Primary Water Chemistry Guidelines, Generator Tube Degradation: Additional Topics (TR-103566). Palo
Revision 5, Section 2.3. Palo Alto, CA: Electric Power Research Alto, CA: Electric Power Research Institute; 1994.
Institute; 2003.
46. Stavropoulos KD, Gorman JA, et al. Selection of Statistical
29. Morton DS, Hansen M. The Effect of pH on Nickel Alloy SCC and Distributions for Prediction of Steam Generator Tube Degradation.
Corrosion Performance. Corrosion 2003, Paper 03675, NACE, 2003. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Environmental
30 Rebak RB, McIlree AR, Szklarska-Smialowska Z. Effects of pH and Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems – Water
Stress Intensity on Crack Growth Rate in Alloy 600 in Lithiated and Reactors, pp. 731–738, ANS, 1992.
Borated Water at High Temperature. Proceedings of the 5th 47. Gorman JA, et al. PWSCC Prediction Guidelines (TR-104030). Palo
International Symposium on Environmental Degradation of Materials Alto, CA: Electric Power Research Institute; 1994.
in Nuclear Power Systems – Water Reactors, pp. 511–517, ANS,
1992. 48. Materials Reliability Program (MRP) Crack Growth Rates for
Evaluating Primary Water Stress Corrosion Cracking (PWSCC) of
31. Hunt ES, Gross DJ. PWSCC of Alloy 600 Materials in PWR Primary Thick-Wall Alloy 600 Materials (MRP-55NP) Revision 1, EPRI, Palo
System Penetrations (TR-103696). Palo Alto, CA: Electric Power Alto, CA: 2002. 1006695-NP.
Research Institute; 1994.
49. Riccardella P, Cofie N, Miessi A, Tang S, Templeton B.
32. U.S. NRC Crack in Weld Area of Reactor Coolant System Hot Leg Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics Analysis to Support Inspection
Piping at V. C. Summer (Information Notice 2000-017, 2000; Intervals for RPV Top Head Nozzles. U.S. NRC/Argonne National
Supplement 1, 2000; Supplement 2, 2001). Washington, DC: U.S. Laboratory Conference on Vessel Head Penetration Inspection,
Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Cracking, and Repairs, September 29-October 2, 2003, Gaithersburg,
33. Hunt ES, Gross DJ. PWSCC of Alloy 600 Materials in PWR Primary Maryland.
System Penetrations (TR-103696). Palo Alto, CA: Electric Power 50. Materials Reliability Program (MRP-113NP): Alloy 82/182 Pipe Butt
Research Institute; 1994. Weld Safety Assessment for U.S. PWR Plant Designs (1007029-NP).
34. U.S. NRC Circumferential Cracking of Reactor Vessel Head Palo Alto, CA: Electric Power Research Institute; 2004.
Penetration Nozzles (Bulletin 2001-01). Washington, DC: U.S. 51. ASME BPVC Section XI, Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear
Nuclear Regulatory Commission; 2001. Power Plant Components. In: ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
35. U.S. NRC Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Degradation and Reactor Code. New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers;
Coolant Pressure Boundary Integrity (Bulletin 2002-01). Washington, 2002.
DC: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; 2002. 52. ASME BPVC Code Case N-504-2, Alternative Rules for Repair of
36. U.S. NRC Reactor Pressure Vessel Head and Vessel Head Penetration Classes 1, 2, and 3 Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping, Section XI,
Nozzle Inspection Programs (Bulletin 2002-02). Washington, DC: Division 1. In: ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. New York:
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; 2002. American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 1997.
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53. Riccardella PC, Pitcairn DR, Giannuzzi AJ, Gerber TL. Weld Overlay 62. G. A. White, N. S. Nordmann, J. Hickling, and C. D. Harrington,
Repairs From Conception to Long-Term Qualification. International “Development of Crack Growth Rate Disposition Curves for Primary
Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 1988;34:59–82. Water Stress Corrosion Cracking (PWSCC) of Alloy 82, 182, and 132
Weldments,” Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on
54. Rao GV, Jacko RJ, McIlree AR. An Assessment of the CRDM Alloy
Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems -
600 Reactor Vessel Head Penetration PWSCC Remedial Techniques.
Water Reactors, TMS, 2005.
Proceedings of Fontevraud 5 International Symposium, September
23–27, 2002. 63. ASME Code Case N-729-1, Section XI, Division 1, “Alternative
Examination Requirements for PWR Reactor Vessel Upper Heads
55. White GA, Hunt ES, Nordmann NS. Strategic Planning for RPV Head
With Nozzles Having Pressure-Retaining Partial-Penetration Welds,”
Nozzle PWSCC. Proceedings of ICONE12, 12th International Conference
approved March 28, 2006.
on Nuclear Engineering, April 25–29, 2004, Arlington, Virginia.
64. ASME Code Case N-722, Section XI, Division 1, “Additional
56. Demonstration of Life Cycle Management Planning for Systems, Inspections for PWR Pressure Retaining Welds in Class 1 Pressure
Structures and Components: With Applications at Oconee and Prairie Boundary Components Fabricated with Alloy 60/82/182 Materials,”
Island Nuclear Stations, Palo Alto, CA: Electric Power Research approved July 5, 2005.
Institute; Charlotte, NC: Duke Power; East Welch, MN: Northern
States Power (now Xcel Energy); 2001. 65. S. Rahman and G. Wilkowski, “Net-Section-Collapse Analysis of
Circumferentially Cracked Cylinders—Part I: Arbitrary-Shaped
57. Demonstration of Life Cycle Management Planning for Systems, Cracks and Generalized Equations,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics,
Structures and Components – Lcm VALUE User Manual and Tutorial. Vol. 61, pp. 191–211, 1998.
Palo Alto, CA: Electric Power Research Institute; 2000.
66. G. Wilkowski, H. Xu, D.-J. Shim, and D. Rudland, “Determination of
58. Materials Reliability Program: Primary System Piping Butt Weld the Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics Z-factor for Alloy 82/182 Weld
Inspection and Evaluation Guidelines (MRP-139), EPRI, Palo Alto, Metal Flaws for Use in the ASME Section XI Appendix C Flaw
CA: 2005. 1010087. Evaluation Procedures,” PVP2007 26733, Proceedings of ASME-
59. Materials Reliability Program: Advanced FEA Evaluation of Growth PVP 2007: 2007 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division
of Postulated Circumferential PWSCC Flaws in Pressurizer Nozzle Conference, San Antonio, TX, 2007.
Dissimilar Metal Welds (MRP-216, Rev. 1), EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 67. G. M. Wilkowski, et al., Degraded Piping Program-Phase II,
2007. 1015400.s Summary of Technical Results and Their Significance to Leak-
60. Materials Reliability Program: Technical Basis for Preemptive Weld Before-Break and In-Service Flaw Acceptance Criteria, NUREG/CR-
Overlays for Alloy 82/182 Butt Welds in PWRs (MRP-169), EPRI, 4082, Vol. 1–8, January 1985 to March 1989.
Palo Alto, CA: 2005. 1012843. 68. Materials Reliability Program Reactor Vessel Closure Head
61. Materials Reliability Program Crack Growth Rates for Evaluating Penetration Safety Assessment for U.S. PWR Plants (MRP-110NP):
Primary Water Stress Corrosion Cracking (PWSCC) of Alloy 82, 182, Evaluations Supporting the MRP Inspection Plan, EPRI, Palo Alto,
and 132 Welds (MRP-115NP), EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2004. 1006696-NP. CA: 2004. 1009807-NP.
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Sidney A. Bernsen, Fredric A. Simonen, Kenneth R. Balkey,
Raymond A. West, and Ralph S. Hill III

45.1 INTRODUCTION involved a general comparison of the public risk from nuclear power
with risks from other natural phenomenon and industrial accidents,
Over the past 20 years, nuclear power plant design and operating which indicated that risks from potential U.S. nuclear power plant
practices have entered into an evolutionary period of change from accidents were small compared to other risks encountered in a com-
the experience-based, deterministic requirements established by plex technological society. The study did conclude that for the plants
expert opinion to one that also includes a formalized application of analyzed, accidents initiated by transients or small loss of coolant
risk importance determinations. This chapter traces the development accidents (LOCAs) were more likely to cause a core meltdown than
of nuclear power plant probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) from its the traditional large break design-basis LOCAs. The Reactor Safety
initial evolution as a means for evaluation of public safety through Study also identified a wide variety of accident sequences and ensu-
the recognition of its use to identify important safety concerns and ing equipment failures (initiators and/or operator errors) that have
ultimately to its use in helping to determine risk importance and the the potential to cause core meltdown.
appropriate allocation of resources and in-service activities. It also While it was evident to the authors of the WASH-1400 [1]
discusses the current status of Codes and Standards that provide study that the methodology and results had a large potential to
rules and guidance for the development of probabilistic risk analysis improve, the regulation and licensing of nuclear power plants by
to support nuclear power plant applications. focusing attention on significant safety issues, it was unclear
The chapter addresses several specific topics of interest to how the methodology should be integrated into the regulations
Section XI and also covers related activities in place or underway [2]. In addition, an independent review group appointed by the
to risk inform Code requirements for in-service testing and Code U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued a report in
design rules. Also included is a discussion of how the risk- September 1978 [3] that concurred that the risks from nuclear
informed methods developed for nuclear activities are now being power appeared to be very low, but questioned many of the
used to help allocate resources for the protection of critical assumptions and conclusions of the study. This report and other
national assets to enhance homeland security. public controversies surrounding the use of nuclear power caused
the NRC commissioners to withdraw endorsement of the
45.2 BACKGROUND Executive Summary of the Reactor Safety Study. It was not until
the accident at Three Mile Island (TMI) and subsequent plant risk
The consideration of risk has always been implicitly or explic- evaluations that the importance of the PRA methodology in iden-
itly a part of ASME’s development of Codes and Standards. With tifying vulnerabilities and the relative safety importance of plant
traditional engineering methods, design factors are incorporated systems and components was appreciated.
into Codes and Standards to manage this risk based on expert As a result of the TMI accident, follow-up investigations were
judgment. The emergence of PRA technology now provides the performed by various groups, including a Presidential Commission
opportunity to better focus Codes and Standards requirements on [4] and a special group appointed by the NRC commissioners [5].
the most important risks. Also, the Industry Degraded Core Rulemaking (IDCOR) pro-
Application of PRA technology to nuclear power safety consider- gram was initiated by the industry through the Atomic Industrial
ations began over 30 years ago, when the Atomic Energy Forum to respond to the question of whether existing nuclear
Commission initiated the Reactor Safety Study that was reported in plants met severe accident safety goals and if specific plants
WASH 1400 [1]. This study adapted methods previously used by the had unrecognized vulnerabilities. These studies identified some
Department of Defense and by National Aeronautics and Space unique vulnerabilities to severe accidents. Generally, the undesir-
Administration (NASA) to predict the effect of failures of small able risk from these unique features was reduced by low-cost
components in large, complex systems. Two plants were analyzed in changes in procedures or minor design modifications. All these
detail to predict the effect of failures of small components in large studies confirmed the general insights of the Reactor Safety
and complex nuclear systems. Initial use of the results of this study Study [1].
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90 • Chapter 45

The next major effort was the NRC’s evaluation of five light Subsequent sections of this chapter discuss the ASME risk-
water reactor (LWR) designs in the NUREG-1150 study [6] pub- informed Codes and Standards in more detail.
lished in 1990. This study assessed the health risks to the public
from not only internal initiators but also from earthquakes and
fires. It also examined the uncertainties in the estimated risks by
assigning uncertainties to input parameters and models and then 45.3 ASME PRA STANDARD ASME/ANS
propagating them to uncertainties in core damage frequency, mag- RA-S-2008
nitudes of radioactive releases, and public health effects. NUREG-
All of the risk-informed applications rely to a great extent, but
1150 [6] concluded that commercial nuclear power plants imposed
not entirely, upon the results of a Probabilistic Risk Assessment
even smaller risks on the public than had been predicted in
applicable to the facility being evaluated. As noted above, PRAs
WASH-1400 [1]. A significant conclusion from these risk studies
have evolved over a period of more than 30 years from relatively
was that only a relatively small number of safety-related plant
simple limited scope evaluations to rather complex, full scope
components (as defined by deterministic regulatory criteria) are
modeling of the plant. During this time, there was no standard to
significant contributors to risk. For example, Specter in a briefing
determine the technical capability, fidelity, and adequacy of the
to the NRC commissioners in 1992 [7] pointed out that after rank-
PRA. As codes, standards, and regulatory applications evolved,
ing components according to their contribution to core damage fre-
there was clearly a need to develop standards for the adequacy of
quency, of ' 100,000 active components in a power plant, “50 to
a PRA to support these applications. As a result, a new standard
500 or ⱕ0.5% of the total number control/determine about 90% of
project to develop an appropriate PRA Standard was initiated by
the Core Damage Frequency (CDF).” By focusing more resources,
the ASME Board on Nuclear Codes and Standards (BNCS) in
for example, quality assurance, regular testing, preventive mainte-
1998 The initial standard, ASME RA-S-2002, was published in
nance, on these 500 components and by allocating less resources
2002 [14] and the first Addendum was issued in 2003 as ASME
to the other 99,500 components, utilities could simultaneously
RA-Sa-2003 [15]. A second addendum was issued in 2005 as
enhance the safety of their power plants and reduce Operating and
ASME RA-Sb-2005 [16] and a third addendum was issued as
Maintenance costs.
ASME RA-Sc-2007 [17] in August 2007.
Observations of this nature also served as the motivation for
Revision 1 of this standard was issued in early 2008. As dis-
work by ASME initiated in the late 1980s to factor risk informa-
cussed in Section 45.3.1, this revision, designated ASME/ANS
tion into the requirements of Codes and Standards. Recognizing
RA-S1-2008 [18], combines the requirements of ASME RA-S-2002
the need for risk-informed methods in the formulation of policies,
and its three addenda with the requirements of two related stan-
codes, standards, and guides, ASME organized multidisciplinary
dards initially issued by the American Nuclear Society.
research task forces on risk-informed in-service inspection (RI-ISI)
and in-service testing (IST). These research groups, financially
supported by both domestic and international organizations from
industry and government, including the U.S. NRC, worked to 45.3.1 Evolution and Objectives of PRA Standard
determine appropriate risk-informed methods for developing The ASME Board on Nuclear Codes and Standards began con-
inspection and testing guidelines for several applications. sidering the development of a consensus standard for the use of
Initial pilot plant applications were used to demonstrate the pro- PRA in risk-informed decision-making in the summer of 1997.
posed methods. A series of ASME publications [8–13] presents this The BNCS and the ASME Council on Codes and Standards eval-
work for nuclear and industrial applications. From this work, uated this consideration with regard to ASME safety criteria and
ASME was able to demonstrate that risk-informed methods offered activities associated with risk-informed applications. Given the
the potential to technically enhance existing in-service inspection advancements in developing risk-informed Code Cases issued by
(ISI) and IST programs by relating inspection and test requirements the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee and the Operations and
to the failure modes of a component and associated risks. Maintenance Committee, it was determined that a need existed for
Development of Codes and Standards using these new insights a Standard to address the PRA capability necessary to support
could provide alternative requirements that were more attractive to ASME applications of this emerging technology. After approval
users when compared to the prescriptive set of general require- by the ASME Council on Codes and Standards, an initial Project
ments that had been developed using traditional engineering judg- Team was formed in early 1998 to develop a PRA Standard that
ment based on some implicit risk considerations. Risk-informed would provide a foundation for existing and future risk-informed
strategies could be structured to enhance the examinations and tests applications for commercial LWR nuclear power plants. In paral-
for high safety significant (HSS) components and to reduce unnec- lel, a Standards Committee, the Committee on Nuclear Risk
essary requirements for the low safety significant (LSS) compo- Management (CNRM),1 was formed to direct the work, provide
nents. The ASME determined that these enhancements could be for consensus approval, and manage maintenance and future
performed using a plant’s existing PRA blended with appropriate development.
expert judgment and operational experience. Implementation of The Project Team was comprised of key individuals with the
these methods would offer the ability for industry and the regulator direct knowledge and experience needed to produce a technically
to better focus and allocate limited resources to the high safety sig- adequate document under the ASME Codes and Standards
nificant components thereby enhancing overall plant safety. ISI and Redesign Process. A unique part of this process was the review of
IST programs would also now be better correlated with PRA results
and risk insights for each nuclear plant.
Given these promising results, ASME worked with the NRC,
owners, and industry groups during the last decade to implement 1
CNRM has the following approved charter. “To develop, revise and
risk-informed ISI and IST approaches into ASME Codes and maintain standards and guides on risk management techniques,
Standards, NRC Regulatory Guides, and industry documents. including PRA for nuclear power plants and other nuclear facilities.”
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two drafts of the Standard by experts inside and outside the content. It includes acronyms and definitions, as specifically used
ASME Committee structure. Several thousand comments were in the standard, and requirements that are essentially applicable to
addressed by the Project Team and incorporated within the all parts of the standard such as the elements of a risk assessment
Standard where they were considered to be appropriate. application process, configuration control, and general require-
Concurrent with the development of the standard, the U.S. ments for performing a PRA and peer reviews.
nuclear industry developed a peer review process for assessing the The objectives of the standard are to provide requirements for
technical capability and adequacy of a PRA to support risk- probabilistic risk assessments used to support risk-informed deci-
informed regulatory licensing applications [19]. The guidelines of sions for commercial nuclear power plants, and to prescribe meth-
NEI 00-02 were considered in the development of the PRA ods for applying these requirements for specific applications. In
Standard to facilitate application to facilities that had already been addition, it provides requirements for configuration control of the
reviewed to the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) guidelines. PRA and a peer-review process to assess how well a PRA meets
Subsequent to the publication of RA S-2002 intensive reviews the requirements of the standard. The scope is limited to commer-
by industry teams, the NRC identified numerous areas where clar- cial light water nuclear power plants. It establishes requirements
ification or qualification of its requirements was considered desir- for Level 1 analysis2 and a limited Level 2 analysis sufficient to
able. As a result, a significant effort was undertaken to consider evaluate the large early release3 frequency, and is intended for a
this input and adopt suggestions considered necessary or desir- wide range of applications that require a corresponding range of
able. The result was Addendum “a” published in December 2003 PRA capabilities.
as ASME RA-Sa-2003. PRA applications vary with respect to which risk metrics are
During the later part of 2003, the PRA Standard was subject to employed, which decision criteria are used, the extent of reliance
trial use during review of existing PRAs. This experience identi- on the PRA results in supporting a decision, and the degree of reso-
fied a number of additional areas where clarification or formatting lution required of the factors that determine the risk significance of
changes would help in its application. As a result, a Project Team the proposed changes. Furthermore, existing PRAs differ in terms
was formed, including members who had been involved in these of their scope and level of detail. To support these variations, the
applications, to develop proposed changes for incorporation in standard provides requirements for three capability categories, as
Addendum “b” of the Standard issued in 2005 and Addendum “c” shown in Table 45.1 (Table 1.3-1 of ASME/ANS RA-S1-2008),
issued in August 2007. each representing an increasing level of fidelity and detail.
The initial scope of ASME RA-S addressed the determination
of core damage frequency and large early release only for inter- 45.3.3 Application of the PRA Standard
nal events (excluding fire) occurring at full power, since this Section 3 of Part 1 of the PRA Standard covers the methodolo-
was the most highly developed and used area of PRA applica- gy for applying PRA information to risk-informed decision-
tion. Concurrent with the ASME development of RA-S, the making and is located in the standard preceding the delineation of
American Nuclear Society was preparing comparable standards specific PRA requirements provided in Section 4 to emphasize
covering external events, internal fires, and low power and shut- several points such as follows:
down conditions. Over the last few years, the two societies as
well as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and industry recog- • Risk-informed decision-making involves more than compar-
nized the value of combining the requirements in a single stan- ing PRA results.
dard, and agreements were reached to develop this document as • Different risk-informed decisions can require PRAs of differ-
a revision to RA-S that is designated ASME/ANS RA-S1-2008 ing scope, level of detail, and fidelity of results.
[18]. The initial issue of this revision adds internal fire and • PRAs that do not meet all the technical requirements of the
external events to the scope. Low power and shutdown require- standard may be used to support risk-informed decisions.
ments will be added in a future addendum, scheduled for release • A PRA meeting all the technical requirements of the standard
in 2009. may not be sufficient for some risk-informed decision-making.
45.3.2 Introduction and Scope
Section 3 describes the activities to determine the capability of
The Standard is organized into parts as follows:
a PRA needed to support a particular risk-informed application
(1) General Requirements for Level 1 and large early release and identifies actions to be taken when a PRA is found deficient.
frequency (LERF) PRA at power, including internal events, This process is outlined in the flowchart of Figure.45.1 (Fig. 3.1-1
internal fire, and external events; a Level 1/LERF PRA at from the standard). The process recognizes that many PRAs are
low power and shutdown, including internal and external incomplete and even those complying with the standard may not
events (except internal fires). adequately model or analyze conditions necessary to fully evalu-
(2) Technical and Peer Review Requirements for Level 1 and ate the risk impact of a proposed application. Hence methods for
LERF PRA for at power, internal events.
(3) Technical and Peer Review Requirements for Level 1 and
LERF PRA for at power, internal fire events.
(4) Technical and Peer Review Requirements for Level 1 and 2
A Level 1 analysis includes the identification and quantification of
LERF PRA for at power, external events. the sequences of events leading to the onset of core damage, for
example, core damage frequency.
Technical and Peer Review Requirements for Level 1 and LERF 3
Large early release is the rapid, unmitigated release of airborne
PRA for low power and shutdown, including internal and external fission products from the containment to the environment occurring
events (except internal fires) will be included at a future date. before the effective implementation of off-site emergency response
Part 1 of the PRA Standard provides an introduction defining and protective actions such that there is a potential for early health
scope and applicability and a brief overview of the remaining effects.
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1. Scope and level of detail: Resolution and specificity sufficient Resolution and specificity sufficient Resolution and specificity
The de gree to which to identify the relative importance to identify the relative importance sufficient to identify the relative
resolution and specificity are of the contributors at the system or of the contributors at the SSC importance of the contributors at
incorporated such that the train level (and for Fire PRA, at component level (and for Fire the component level(and for
technical issues are a fire area level), including PRA , at a physical analysis unit Fi re PRA , for specific
addressed associated human actions [Notes level including fir e protection locations within fire areas or
(4) and (5)] program and design elements) physical analysis units,
including associated human actions, including fire protection
as necessary [see Note (1) (3), (4) program and design elements)
and (5) ]. including associated human
] actions, as necessary [see Note (1)
(3), (4) and (5) ].
2. Plant-specificity : Use of generic data/models Use of plant-specific data/models to Use of plant -specific data/models
The degree to which plant- acceptable except for the need to capture to the extent practical all to capture to the extent practical all
specific information is account for the unique design and significant features represented in significant features represented in
incorporated such that the operational features of the pla
nt the scope of the PRA model the scope of the PRA model
as-built and as-operated
plant is addressed
3. Realism: Departures from realism will have Departures from realism will have Departures from realism will have
The degree to which realism moderate impact on the conclusions small impact on the conclusions negligible impact on the
is incorporated such that the and risk insights as sup ported by and risk insights as supported by conclusions and risk insi ghts as
expected response of the good practices [see Note (2)] good practices [see Note (2)] supported by good practices [see
plant is addressed Note (2)]

(1) The definition for Capability Category II is not meant to imply that the resolution and specificity is to a level to identify every SSC and human action;
only those necessary for the specific SR. Similarly for Capability Category III, it is not meant to imply that the resolution and specificity is to a level
to identify every sub-component for every component.
(2) Differentiation from moderate (conservative or acknowledged, potential non-
which the impact on the conclusions and risk insights could affect a decision under consideration. This differentiation recognizes that the PRA would
generally not be the sole input to a decision. A moderate impact implies that the impact (of the departure from realism) is of sufficient size that it is
likely that a decision could be affected; a small impact implies that it is unlikely that a decision could be affected, and anegligible impact implies that
a decision would not be affected.
(3) The term “fire protection program and design elements” as used here is intended to broadly encompass fire protection systems,
features, and program provisions implemented in support of fire protection defense-in-depth. The term is intended to encompass
active systems such as fire detection and suppression systems, passive features such as fire barriers, and programmatic elements such
as administrative controls, as well as other aspects of the fire protection program such as the manual fire brigade and postfire safe

(4) The terms “fire area” and “physical analysis unit” are defined in Section 1-2.2. Fire areas are defined in the context of regulatory
compliance documentation. Physical analysis units are subdivisions of a fire area used for the purposes of the Fire PRA.
(5) The Fire PRA capability categories are distinguished, in part, based on the level of resolution provided in the analysis results. There is
a gradation in resolution from fire areas for Capability Category I to specific locations within a fire area or physical analysis unit for
Capability Category III. This distinction should not be confused with the task of plant partitioning (see Section 3-1.7.1 A Capability
Category III Fire PRA could, for example, partition the plant at a fire area level and yet resolve fire risk contributions to the level of
specific fire scenarios within each fire area. This approach would satisfy the intent of the Capability Category III basis inthis regard.
The term “Fire Protection Program and Design Elements” as used here is intended to broadly encompass fire protection systems,
features, and program provisions implemented in support of fire protection defense-in-depth. The term is intended to encompass
active syst ems such as fire detection and suppression systems, passive features such as fire barriers, programmatic elements such as
administrative controls, as well as other aspects of the fire protection program such as the manual fire brigade and post-fire safe

assessing the risk importance of those elements not included in (4) maintaining configuration control of computer codes used
the PRA are identified. to support PRA quantification, and
(5) documentation of the Configuration Control Program.
45.3.4 Technical Requirements
Section 4 of Part 1 of the PRA Standard contains the general
45.3.6 Peer Reviews of PRAs
technical requirements for PRAs used to support risk-informed
A unique part of the standard is the requirement in Section 6 of
decision-making. It also includes general requirements for the use
Part 1 for Peer Reviews of the PRA to independently assess
of expert judgment to resolve specific technical issues for verifica-
whether the methodology and its implementation meet the
tion of analyses and calculations. The detailed technical require-
requirements of the standard. Requirements for the qualifications
ments of PRAs constitute the major portion of Section 4 and these
and independence of the peer review teams are enumerated and a
are delineated in the subsequent parts of the standard.
typical scope for the content of the review is provided. The
45.3.5 Configuration Control Section contains requirements for documenting Peer Review
Section 5 of Part 1 of the PRA Standard provides requirements Team results, including exceptions and deficiencies with respect
for configuration control. It includes requirements for to the requirements of the Standard, and identification of strengths
and weaknesses in the PRA. Provisions for follow-up peer
(1) monitoring PRA inputs and collecting new information, reviews of significant changes in the PRA are also included.
(2) maintaining the PRA consistent with the as-built, as-operated
plant, Content of Other Parts Each of the other parts of the
(3) considering the cumulative impact of pending changes standard contains a brief introduction followed by sections defin-
when applying the PRA, ing the detailed technical requirements and peer review scope for
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1 Evaluate the plant or operational

A change being assessed

2 Identify SSCs and activities affected

by the plant change including the
cause-effect relationship

3 Identify hazard groups,PRA model

scope,and risk metrics needed to
evaluate plant changes and to
support application

For each relevant Hazard Group

Portions irrelevant to application
4 Determine Capability Category Portions needing Capability Category I
needed for each portion of PRA to
support application Portions needing Capability Category II
Portions needing Capability Category III

B 5 PRA scope and risk metrics sufficient N N

6a Upgrade
to evaluate plant change?

C 8 Supporting Requirements of N Are absent

9 Y
Standard are sufficient for requirements
application? relevant?

D 10 PRA satisfies Supporting 12 Are differences

N Y 6b Upgrade N
Requirements for significant for
application? this application?

14 For each hazard

7 Use supplementary
group, characterize Analyses and require-
E 11 PRA has sufficient 13 Use PRA to risk contributors ments to support
capability support application and associated application

15 Provide risk
input to
decision maker


the area covered. Since many of the technical requirements are (5) Human reliability analysis
essentially the same for each part, Part 2 contains this material, and (6) Data analysis
the requirements sections of the other parts refer to those in Part 2 (7) Internal flooding
with amplification, amendment or clarification, as necessary. (8) Quantification
The technical requirements of Part 2 include the following: (9) Large early release analysis
(1) Initiating event analysis For each of these elements, a set of objectives is presented
(2) Accident sequence analysis defining its scope. These are followed by a set of high-level
(3) Success criteria requirements (HLRs) that apply to all PRAs covered by the stan-
(4) Systems analysis dard, and these, in turn, are followed by supporting requirements
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94 • Chapter 45

(SRs) that fully implement the related HLRs. Differentiation of approaches, relative to application of the Code. Thus, they tend to
the requirements for the three PRA capability categories is pro- be significantly longer, so that sufficient detail can be provided
vided at the SR level. regarding requirements for the technical approach to be used,
The SRs are defined in terms of action statements that are such as the acceptance metrics and metric target values, PRA
intended to identify what is required. In general, however, they do capability, and use of expert decision-making panels. However,
not define or prescribe how to accomplish the requirement. In the Code Cases did not include a strategy for dealing with exist-
some cases, examples are provided or acceptable methods are ref- ing augmented and other programs such as IGSCC, PWSCC,
erenced. It is recognized that a diversity of acceptable approaches FAC, and pitting. None of these Code Cases provided system-
have been used to develop existing PRAs and that the standard level guidelines for change-in-risk evaluations to ensure that the
should neither preclude these nor prevent the development of risk from individual system failures would be kept small and
technological innovations in the future. dominant risk contributors would not be created. This situation
has now been resolved within the Code by the publication of rules
contained in Nonmandatory Appendix R [28].
45.4 ASME B&PV SECTION XI IN-SERVICE As of now, Nonmandatory Appendix R [28] has not been
INSPECTION endorsed by the NRC and another Code Case N-716 [31] has
been developed to continue the implementation of operating expe-
45.4.1 Overview rience that has been gained through all the efforts described
The ASME BNCS chose Code Cases to incorporate risk- above. It contains a less rigorous dependence on the plant-specific
informed research results for ISI requirements in Section XI of the PRA in the development of a risk-informed in-service inspection
Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code [20]. In the case of ISI, three Code program and has established streamlined criteria for two pilot
Cases for inspection of piping systems and their revisions, Code plant applications, which have been approved by the NRC.
Case N-560, N-560-1, and N-560-2 [21–23]; Code Case N-577
and N-577-1 [24, 25]; and Code Case N-578 and N-578-1 [26, 27], 45.4.2 Development of Code Cases and Code Rules
have been approved through the efforts of Section XI of the ASME for In-Service Inspection
Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code. These Cases and their revisions ASME Section XI formed a Task Group on Risk-Based
were subsequently combined for incorporation as Nonmandatory Examination in 1992 to follow-up on the developments of the
Appendix R, “Risk-Informed Inspection Requirements for Piping” ASME Research Task Force on Risk-Based Inspection, which
[28], in the 2005 Addenda of ASME Section XI. The results of were described in guidance documents and by results of some ini-
research programs, industry developments, and pilot plant applica- tial pilot studies. After review of the early research results, ASME
tions on risk-informed technology have formed the technical bases Section XI formed the Working Group on Implementation of
for initiating the Code changes. Risk-Based Examination in 1993. The initial efforts developed
The current U.S. efforts on risk-informed in-service inspection three Code Cases related to risk-informed ISI requirements for
are focused so far on the selection of welds (and other locations) piping as follows:
for Section XI in-service inspections. Changes to Section XI
inspection frequencies and nondestructive examination (NDE) • Case N-560, Alternative Examination Requirements in Class 1
methods could be addressed in the future. The intent of RI-ISI B-J Piping Welds, Section XI, Division 1 [21]
has been to make no changes to augmented ISI programs such as • Case N-577, Risk-Informed Requirements for Class 1, 2, and
for inner granular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC), primary 3 Piping, Method A, Section XI, Division 1 [24]
water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC), and for flow-assisted • Case N-578, Risk-Informed Requirements for Class 1, 2, or 3
corrosion (FAC). The selection of components for Section XI Piping, Method B, Section XI, Division 1 [26]
inspections can cover all piping systems in a plant or can be par-
tial in scope such as only for Class 1 systems. Systems not These Cases included both the methods for selecting the exami-
addressed by RI-ISI continue to be inspected by the traditional nation locations in nuclear plant piping systems and provided the
ASME Section XI requirements. Other provisions of Section XI, applicable examination requirements. The Cases brought forward
including visual examinations and leak tests, are generally not two key insights: (1) the identification of the potential sites for
impacted by the RI-ISI process. degradation in piping systems based on operating experience and
The pilot plants for ISI began to receive NRC approval in 1998. on probabilistic fracture mechanics (PFM) evaluations, and (2) the
The majority of the industry has now developed plant-specific identification of areas of high consequences (e.g., core damage)
programs with at least one of the methodologies contained in the given a pipe failure using insights gained from plant PRA models.
Code Cases, their revisions, or in Nonmandatory Appendix R A key feature of RI-ISI is the team effort aspect of the process.
cited above. To support obtaining NRC approval of these risk- The team is drawn from the plant/utility staff with first-hand
informed in-service inspection programs, the industry, represented knowledge of the plant, typically consisting of (1) an ISI engi-
by the NEI, developed program submittal templates. These tem- neer, (2) a piping system engineer, (3) a materials engineer, (4)
plates were used to meet the guidance contained in NRC system engineers, and (5) PRA specialists. The PRA aspects of
Regulatory Guide 1.178 [29] that was developed for plant-specific, RI-ISI are an essential part of the process and are usually covered
risk-informed decision-making for ISI. The above ASME infor- by PRA specialists from the utility. Steps of the RI-ISI Code
mation and results were utilized by the NRC in the development Cases that require PRA applications are similar to procedures
of this guidance document and its revision, and these ASME used for other PRA-based activities such as compliance with
applications provided useful examples during the development requirements of the NRC Maintenance Rule [32] and thus involve
and revision of NRC Regulatory Guide 1.174 [30]. familiar types of calculations for a PRA specialist. Applications
The set of risk-informed Code Cases differ from the majority of of the RI-ISI Code Cases have also benefited from the use of out-
Code Cases in that these Cases generally define substantially new side facilitators from owners groups or consulting organizations
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that contribute their knowledge of the RI-ISI process to compli- individual systems subject to Category B-J examination require-
ment the plant-specific knowledge of the utility staff. ments. It should be emphasized that Code Cases N-577 [24] and
The Section XI Code Cases presume that a suitable PRA exists N-578 [26] can be applied to all of the piping systems of a plant
for the plant being addressed. NRC staff reviews have considered or alternatively to limited scope applications such as to only
potential shortcomings of the plant’s PRA. The ASME PRA address particular piping systems or classes of piping systems.
Standard can also serve to ensure that PRAs are of sufficient qual- The piping not addressed by RI-ISI continues to be inspected by
ity. There are no known cases where the PRA has not been of a the usual Section XI requirements. Code Case N-560 was devel-
quality that would not support the RI-ISI applications. An expert oped to respond to utility interest in gaining the benefits of RI-ISI
panel process is included in one method to review the selection of (reduced inspection costs and reduced worker radiation expo-
components for ISI and to address concerns where a PRA may sures) without the full costs of performing the extensive evalua-
not adequately deal with components of interest. tions needed to develop a full-scope RI-ISI program.
While the Code Cases themselves provide all the requirements The examination program of Code Case N-560 is based on a
and procedures needed to develop a Section XI inspection pro- total number of inspected elements (e.g., welds) consisting of not
gram, there are topical reports [33, 34] for all the three RI-ISI less than 10% of Category B-J piping welds in each system,
Code Cases that provide more detailed guidance that can con- excluding socket welds, which are to be inspected during each
tribute to the successful application of the Code Cases. inspection interval. Structural elements of the piping systems cor-
Figure 45.2 shows the essential elements of a RI-ISI process respond to welds, fittings, or other specific piping locations. Each
(specifically for Code Case N-577, but generally applicable to the element contains an examination volume determined in accor-
other Code Cases) that begins with a definition of scope of the dance with the requirements of this Case.
program to be covered by the risk-informed process (i.e., piping A key feature of Code Case N-560 is the risk-informed process
systems to be addressed). There is then a detailed breakdown of (known as Method B) that is used for the selection of piping seg-
each piping system into segments that are to be subjected to a ments and piping structural elements in systems that will be
ranking process. The ranking process begins with two types of scheduled for ISI. Elements are selected based on results of a rel-
evaluations that are performed in parallel. Consequences are eval- ative ranking process that identifies the more risk-important seg-
uated by application of the PRA for the plant being addressed. ments in the system with regard to failure probabilities and conse-
Structural failure probabilities for the piping segments are evalu- quences of failure. Elements are selected from the pipe segments
ated based on service experience and from applications of struc- that fall into the highest risk group.
tural reliability models. The risk evaluation then combines results The piping within a system is divided into segments that have
from the consequence and failure probability calculations, and common failure consequences and susceptibility to common
provides input to the assignment of each pipe segment to a risk degradation mechanisms. Potential failure modes for each pipe
categorization. The process includes a high-level review (e.g., segment are identified, and the failure effects for each mode are
expert panel) that addresses other factors, as listed on Figure 45.2 evaluated. The evaluations consider potential break sizes, isolabil-
(e.g., defense in depth, consideration of uncertainties, limitations ity of the breaks, indirect effects, initiating events, system
in the scope of the PRA, and so on). The final step is the selection impact/recovery, and system redundancies. A failure modes and
of structural elements (e.g., welds) for inspections and the imple- effects analysis assigns each pipe segment to one of the three
mentation of the ISI program. A feedback loop is included to impact groups: initiating event, system degradation, or combina-
guide periodic updates to the RI-ISI program to reflect new infor- tion of these two impacts. The consequence categories (high,
mation from plant operating experience and changes to the esti- medium, or low) are selected using PRA-based impact group
mated consequences coming from revisions to the plant PRA. tables that perform an initiating event impact group assessment, a
system impact group assessment, and a combination impact group
45.4.3 Code Case N-560 assessment. Containment performance is also assessed, particularly
Code Case N-560, “Alternative Examination Requirements for to address potential pipe failures that can increase the potential
Class 1, Category B-J Piping, Section XI, Division 1,” was first for an unisolated loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) outside con-
issued in 1996 [21]. This Case provides risk-informed require- tainment. The plant PRA is used with the impact group tables to
ments for ISI that may be applied to all Class 1 piping or to determine the consequence categories. No specific requirements
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96 • Chapter 45

are provided in Code Case N-560 to evaluate the adequacy of the the examination of some Class 3 piping. Piping in systems evaluated
PRA. However, the ASME Standard for PRA adequacy can be as part of the plant PRA, but outside the current ASME Section XI
applied, or it can be established that the PRA meets PRA adequacy examination boundaries, may also be included.
requirements approved by the regulatory authority having juris- A key feature of this Code Case N-577 [24] is a risk-informed
diction over the plant site. selection process, known as Method A and described in Appendix I
The ranking process addresses relevant degradation mecha- of the Case. This process establishes the piping segments and pip-
nisms and industry failure experience with the systems and com- ing structural elements in systems that will be scheduled for ISI.
ponents. The following factors are considered for the identifica- The Owner’s Level 1 PRA and its evaluated safety function
tion of degradation mechanisms: piping design characteristics, (i.e., core damage protection) and the numerical risk measure asso-
fabrication practices, operating conditions, industry-wide service ciated with that safety function (core damage frequency) provide
experience, results of prior examinations, and presence of prior the necessary information for the system boundaries to be used in
repairs. The Code Case provides a table of degradation mecha- this process. If a piping system, or portions thereof, provides an
nisms and outlines attributes and susceptible piping regions asso- additional safety function such as containment integrity, then
ciated with thermal fatigue, stress corrosion cracking, localized insights from the Owner’s Level 2 PRA may be used along with its
corrosion, flow-sensitive areas, and water hammer. associated risk measure and safety function (large early release
Further information is provided to categorize the degradation frequency). Use of PRA insights beyond the Level 1 PRA for the
mechanisms (high, medium, or low) in accordance with their determination of system boundaries are documented, reviewed,
potential to cause large pipe breaks or small leaks. and approved by a plant expert panel. The scope and quality of the
Using the results of the consequence and degradation mecha- PRA should realistically reflect the as-built, as-operated, and
nism categorizations, a risk matrix is used to combine the results as-maintained plant and should reflect operating experience at the
to assign each pipe segment to one of the seven risk categories plant. As per Code Case N-577 [24], the PRA shall meet the
that are then grouped into high, medium, and low risk groups. guidelines of the “PSA Applications Guide” [35]. Alternatively,
Elements are selected starting with the elements in the high risk the PRA may meet the regulatory requirements of a document
group and working toward the low risk group, until a total number approved by the regulatory authority having jurisdiction over the
of elements equal to 10% of the category B-J piping welds, plant site that provides requirements for PRA adequacy.
excluding socket welds, has been selected. Examinations may be Estimates of the failure probability of piping segments are
concentrated on systems with more high-risk segments as per required inputs to the risk calculations. Piping failure rates are
guidance given in the Case with additional consideration given to analogous to the active component failure rates used in the PRA,
access, radiation exposure, and other attributes. where the rate is the number of observed failures divided by the
Once the structural elements have been selected for examina- number of years. Historical or service data, expert judgment, or
tion, a change-in-risk calculation is performed to ensure that the validated PFM calculations are used to estimate the piping seg-
proposed change in the inspection program reduces risk or is risk ment failure probabilities. The PFM calculations are the primary
neutral. The examination methods and techniques are determined method used to estimate failure probabilities for Code Case
in accordance with a Table of Examination Categories for N-577 [24] unless the piping materials and operating characteris-
Category B-J, Class 1 Piping. In general, the ASME Section XI tics assessed are not compatible.
standards for inspection schedules, acceptance standards, The core damage frequencies and large early release frequency
repair/replacement, system pressure tests, record, and report values are estimated for each piping segment, by combining the
requirements are directly utilized by reference to the appropriate PRA consequence and the failure probability estimates. The values
Code paragraphs. The selected elements are examined during sub- are then summed to obtain a total pressure boundary risk for the
sequent examination intervals. Any modifications to the list of piping systems of interest. Risk importance measures are applied
selected elements are based on changes in industry operating to identify piping segments as being high or low safety significant.
experience, changes in plant design or operation, new metallurgi- The risk evaluation is reviewed by a plant expert panel, along with
cal knowledge, or prior examination results. other deterministic and safety insights to make the final determina-
Further details on this application of Method B are provided in tion of the safety significance of each piping segment.
EPRI TR-112657 Revision B-A by the Electric Power Research Structural elements in the HSS segments are selected for
Institute (EPRI) [34], which has been approved by the U.S. examination. Structural elements (e.g., welds) in HSS segments
Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Code Case N-560-2 [23], which with known or postulated degradation mechanisms are subject to
was approved in 2000, reflects the revision to the original Case to 100% examination. Structural elements in the HSS systems or
incorporate the lessons learned from the pilot plant and follow-on portions of the HSS systems with low failure potential are selected
applications. A second Code Case N-560-1 [22] was also pub- using a sampling plan that achieves at least a 95% confidence of
lished to incorporate a Method A for performing the risk ranking not exceeding an estimated leak frequency defined from industry
of pipe segments. However, this version of the Case has never been operating experience based upon the best estimate failure proba-
used because a later revision to Code Case N-577-1 [25], which is bilities. All piping segments, including LSS segments, are sub-
discussed next, superseded the need for this alternative Code Case. ject to system pressure tests and visual VT-2 examinations. Once
the structural elements have been selected for examination, a
45.4.4 Code Case N-577 change-in-risk evaluation is performed to ensure that the piping
Code Case N-577, “Risk-Informed Requirements for Class 1, 2, risk is reduced or remains neutral when the plant moves from the
and 3 Piping, Method A, Section XI, Division 1” was first issued current ISI program to a risk-informed program. The examina-
in 1997 [24]. This Case provides risk-informed requirements for tion methods and techniques that are to be used for the inspec-
ISI of Class 1, 2, and 3 piping. For Class 1 and 2 piping, the tions of areas or volumes are determined in accordance with the
requirements are an alternative to the requirements of Categories requirements provided in a Table of Risk-Informed Piping
B-F, B-J, C-F-1, and C-F-2. Application of the Case may result in Examinations provided in the Code Case. In general, the ASME
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Section XI standards for inspection schedules, acceptance stan- Piping Examinations in the Case. In general, the ASME Section
dards, repair/replacement, system pressure tests, and record and XI standards for inspection schedules, acceptance standards,
report requirements are directly utilized by reference to the repair/replacement, system pressure tests, and record and report
appropriate Code paragraphs. requirements are directly utilized by reference to the appropriate
The selected elements are examined during subsequent exami- Code paragraphs.
nation intervals. Examinations that reveal flaws or other relevant The selected elements are examined during subsequent exami-
conditions exceeding the acceptance standards result in additional nation intervals. Examinations that reveal flaws or other relevant
inspections. The additional examinations include piping structural conditions exceeding the acceptance standards are extended to
elements with the same postulated failure mode and the same or include additional examinations. The additional examinations
higher failure potential. The number of additional elements equals address piping structural elements with the same postulated fail-
the number of piping structural elements with the same postulated ure mode and the same or higher failure potential. The number of
failure mode originally scheduled for inspection for that fuel cycle. additional inspected elements equals the number of piping struc-
Risk-informed ISI selections are reevaluated each inspection tural elements with the same postulated failure mode originally
period to account for new information that could alter the pro- scheduled for that fuel cycle.
gram. Such information includes changes to the PRA, inspection The affected portions of the risk-informed in-service inspection
results, new failure modes experienced by the industry, repair/ program are reevaluated, as new information effecting implemen-
replacement activities, or operational changes. tation of the program becomes available. Examples include piping
The Code Case N-577 [24] was approved in 1997 with the system design changes, industry-wide failure notifications, and
understanding that it would be revised to incorporate the lessons prior examination results.
learned from a pilot application to the Surry Unit 1 nuclear power The Code Case was originally approved in 1997 with the under-
plant and other follow-on plant applications. Further details on standing that it would be revised to incorporate the lessons learned
this application of Method A to Surry Unit 1 are provided in from pilot application to the James A. Fitzpatrick and Arkansas
WCAP-14572, Revision 1-NP-A by Westinghouse [33], which Nuclear One–Unit 2 nuclear power plants and other follow-on
has been approved by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. plant applications. Further information on the detailed application
Code Case N-577-1 [25], which was approved in 2000, reflects of Method B is provided in EPRI TR-112657 Revision B-A by the
the revision to the original Case to incorporate the lessons learned Electric Power Research Institute [34], which has been approved
from the pilot plant and follow-on applications. by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Code Case N-578-1
[27], which was approved in 2000, reflects the revision to the orig-
45.4.5 Code Case N-578 inal Case to incorporate the lessons learned from the pilot plant
Code Case N-578, “Risk-Informed Requirements for Class 1, and follow-on applications.
2, and 3 Piping, Method B, Section XI, Division 1” was also first
issued in 1997 [26]. Like Code Case N-577 [24], this Case pro- 45.4.6 Nonmandatory Appendix R
vides risk-informed ISI requirements for Class 1, 2, and 3 piping. Nonmandatory Appendix R, Risk-Informed Inspection
For Class 1 and 2 piping, these requirements are an alternative to Requirements for Piping, ASME Section XI, 2005 Addenda [28],
the requirements of Categories B-F, B-J, C-F-1, and C-F-2. was developed from the operating experience of the plants that
Application of this Case may result in a requirement for examina- have implemented Code Cases N-560, N-560-2, N-577, N-577-1,
tion of some Class 3 piping. This Case may be applied to all Class N-578, and N-578-1 [21, 23–27]. Some of the significant differ-
1, 2, and 3 piping systems, an individual Class of piping (e.g., ences between the Code Cases and the Appendix are the addition
Class 1 piping), or to individual systems. Piping in systems evalu- of the following requirements:
ated as part of the plant PRA, but outside the current ASME
Section XI examination boundaries, may also be included. (1) Adequacy of the PRA (e.g., reference to the ASME PRA
This Case uses exactly the same risk-informed process, known Standard RA-Sb-2005) [16].
as Method B, as previously presented for Code Case N-560 [21]. (2) Preservice examination requirements related to high and
The only additional clarification in Appendix I to Code Case low safety significant items and specific criteria for these
N-578 [26] is related to the inspection sample sizes to address all examinations when conducted as part of repair/replacement
classes of piping. activities.
For piping segments determined to have degradation mecha- (3) Additional examination requirements related to high and
nisms other than those included in the existing plant FAC and low safety significant items.
IGSCC Inspection Programs, a prescribed number of locations are (4) How to credit augmented examinations.
examined as part of the risk-informed program. For those seg- (5) Consistent change in risk evaluations.
ments in Risk Category 6 or 7, volumetric and surface element
examinations are not required. All elements, regardless of risk The Section XI, Working Group on Implementation of Risk-
category, are pressure and leak tested. The elements within each Based Examination included all of these requirements into the
risk category are further ranked for examination as per guidance Appendix to resolve NRC conditions that had been placed on
in the Case with considerations of access, radiation exposure, and individual plant programs based on the use of the Code Cases.
other attributes.
Once the structural elements have been selected for examina- 45.4.7 Code Case N-711
tion, a change-in-risk evaluation is performed to ensure that the Code Case N-711, “Alternative Examination Coverage
change in piping risk is a risk reduction or is risk neutral. Like Requirements for Examination Category B-F, B-J, C-F-1, C-F-2,
Code Case N-577 [24], the examination methods and techniques and R-A, Piping Welds, Section XI, Division 1,” was approved by
for the examination areas or volumes are determined in accordance ASME in 2006 [36]. This Case uses risk insights to define alter-
with the requirements provided in a Table for Risk-Informed native examination coverage requirements to Table IWB-2500-1
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(examination categories B-F and B-J) and Table IWC-2500-1 45.5 ASME B&PV SECTION XI REPAIR
(examination categories C-F-1 and C-F-2) and to examination cat- AND REPLACEMENT
egory R-A as used in risk-informed ISI programs.
The existing examination figures of IWB and IWC were devel- ASME Code Case N-660, “Risk-Informed Safety Classification
oped over 30 years ago and are reflective of the state of knowl- for Use in Risk-Informed Repair/Replacement Activities” [38], and
edge at the time. There has been minimal or no change to these Code Case N-662 “Alternative Repair/Replacement Requirements
figures since that time. Advances in fracture mechanics and evalu- for Items Classified in Accordance with Risk-Informed Processes”
ations, material susceptibility, operating experience, as well as [39] were developed to expand the breadth of risk-informed
insights from risk-informed technology all lead to a more com- requirements for pressure-retaining items. The Code Cases,
plete understanding of piping system integrity, putting the Code in which were built from the prior ASME Section XI risk-informed
a position to identify more informed examination requirements. ISI developments, were undertaken in conjunction with NRC’s
Code Case N-711 provides a technically justified means for risk-informed regulation efforts. The NRC has worked with the
taking the first step in evaluating limited coverage examinations. industry on risk-informing Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations
It establishes criteria based on risk-informed principles to deter- Part 50 (10 CFR 50) as outlined in SECY-98-300 by the NRC
mine if the limited Code examination captured the volume of [40]. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s basic proposal has
primary interest, thus assuring component reliability. As such, it been to allow modification of some of the special treatment
provides a more robust means of determining the most prudent requirements of 10 CFR 50. Background information is given
examination locations, volumes, and areas. From an administra- in a technical paper published and presented at the 10th
tive standpoint, this Case uses a prescriptive process for the evalu- International Conference on Nuclear Engineering [41]. The dis-
ation of limited coverage while focusing relief requests on those cussion below also summarizes the technical basis for the two
locations that merit them. The Case provides the technical justifi- Code Cases.
cation for establishing that an acceptable level of quality and safety
are being met as required by 10 CFR 50.55a. 45.5.1 Background on Risk-Informed Regulation
Initiative–Option 2
45.4.8 Code Case N-716 The Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s basic proposal was to
Code Case N-716, “Alternative Piping Classification and allow modification of some of the special treatment requirements
Examination Requirements, Section XI, Division 1,” was approved of 10 CFR 50 using a risk-informed approach. This proposed
by ASME in 2006 [31]. The Case represents the next step in the approach is defined as Option 2 in the SECY-98-300 NRC paper.
use of risk-informed insights, design basis principles, and operat- Option 1 continues risk-informed changes on a case-by-case
ing experience for defining Section XI requirements. The Case basis, and Option 3 proposes to directly risk-inform the technical
builds upon the experience gained within ASME, the industry, requirements in 10 CFR 50. Special treatment requirements are
and the NRC in developing and performing risk-informed and current requirements imposed on structures, systems, and compo-
treatment activities. Because of this experience, an increased nents (SSCs) that go beyond industry-established requirements
emphasis, in this Case, has been laid on each individual plant’s for equipment classified as commercial grade. The requirements
flooding analysis for determining the safety significance of those provide additional confidence that the equipment is capable of
items selected for examination. Two pilot plants that have applied meeting its functional requirements under design basis conditions.
the Code Case are Grand Gulf BWR and DC Cook PWR. Both of Special treatments include additional design considerations,
these pilot plants submitted their programs to the NRC, and they qualification, change control, documentation, reporting, mainte-
have been approved. A revision of this Code Case is now being nance, testing, surveillance, and quality assurance requirements
developed within ASME to incorporate the experience gained above those that occur with typical industry practices. Some of
from these successful pilot plant programs. the requirements of ASME Section XI are considered special
treatment (e.g., Repair/Replacement Program meeting Appendix B
45.4.9 Code Case N-747 of 10 CFR 50). Following earlier NRC efforts via an Advanced
Code Case N-747, “Reactor Vessel Head-to-Flange Weld Notice of Public Rulemaking in 2000 and issuance of a Proposed
Examinations, Section XI, Division 1,” was approved by ASME in Rule for Public Comment in 2003, the NRC issued a final new
2006 [37]. This Case provides an alternative to the volumetric and sur- rule 10 CFR 50.69, “Risk-Informed Categorization and Treatment
face examination requirements for the reactor vessel head-to-flange of Structures, Systems, and Components for Nuclear Power
weld contained in Section XI, Table IWB-2500-1, Examination Plants” [42] in the Federal Register in November 2004. A parallel
Category B-A, Item No. B1.40. This alternative requires that after a task by the NEI to develop guidance on how to perform the risk-
preservice or in-service ultrasonic examination has been performed informed safety classification process portion of the rulemaking
with no defect found, only the surface examination requirements of has proceeded via NEI 00-04, Revision 0, “10 CFR 50.69 SSC
B1.40 need to be met. The Category B-P pressure tests and visual Categorization Guideline” [43]. The NRC has also issued
examinations normally conducted in conjunction with refueling out- Regulatory Guide 1.201 [44] for trial use that endorses the NEI
ages will also continue. Note that this weld is not a dissimilar metal or 00-04 document and provides additional guidance for categoriz-
Alloy 600 weld, and is full penetration. ing SSCs to meet the requirement of Section 50.69. The ASME
This Case provides an option to reduce undue burden while Code Cases are discussed in these documents. Since the incep-
maintaining plant safety by eliminating the requirement for con- tion of commercial electrical generation by nuclear power,
current surface and volumetric examination of the reactor vessel SSCs have been classified on a deterministic basis. The first
head-to-flange weld. This alternative is based on nearly 40 years criterion is related to whether the SSC is safety related (requir-
of plant operation experience, analytical results that indicate that ing special treatment) or not safety related (commercial quality
flaw initiation, growth, and fracture are unlikely, and evaluations requirements apply). The definition of safety related in 10 CFR
that show risk is extremely low. 50 is those structures, systems, and components that are relied
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upon to remain functional during and following design basis not been demonstrated with the proposed risk-informed safety
events to assure classification process. Therefore, as experience is gained in classi-
fying passive items related to the Class MC and CC boundary, the
(1) the integrity of the reactor coolant pressure boundary, scope of the Case will be expanded when appropriate.
(2) the capability to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a
safe shutdown condition; or, 45.5.3 Code Case N-660
(3) the capability to prevent or mitigate the consequences of The Code Cases for risk-informed in-service inspection of pip-
accidents that could result in potential off-site exposures ing describe two approaches to determine safety significance. Each
comparable to applicable guideline exposures. Code Case addresses the consequence of component failure and its
failure potential. While in-service inspection programs have been
These criteria led to the applicable ASME Code classification successfully developed using both techniques, the long-range
for the SSC. The classification requirements are defined in 10 CFR objective is to provide a single process that can be applied univer-
50 and Regulatory Guide 1.26. In brief, if the SSC is part of the sally. As such, the two existing techniques were analyzed for com-
reactor coolant pressure boundary, it is Class 1. If the SSC has monality. The object is to allow the Owner to utilize as much of an
functions that add makeup to the reactor coolant system, it is Class 2. existing risk-informed in-service inspection analyses as possible.
Finally, if the SSC has functions that remove heat directly or from Because of limitations in the methods for estimating failure
support systems critical to the reactor coolant system (e.g., auxil- probabilities, a decision was made by ASME Section XI to base
iary feedwater removes heat from the reactor core via the steam the process on conditional consequence given a failure, which
generators, emergency diesel heat exchangers), it is Class 3. removed the concern with large uncertainties regarding failure
These deterministic rules do not factor the probability of the estimates. Essentially, the proposed process initially sets the fail-
SSC being required to function, nor its reliability. For instance, ure probability of any component to unity (1.0). The conclusion
the containment spray system in a pressurized water reactor does not contradict the previous risk-informed ISI work, as it is
(PWR) plant provides a source of cooled water to the atmosphere acknowledged for inspection purposes that a failure assessment is
of the containment. This is typically, in turn, injected into the necessary to allow examination resources to be allocated to the
reactor coolant system via high-pressure safety injection pumps. areas most likely to fail. As such, future risk-informed ISI work
The containment spray system is only credited for large break on nonpiping components will require the development of new
LOCAs and for keeping the containment pressure within design failure estimate techniques or new component failure databases
limits for main steam and feedwater breaks inside containment. for each component type. The process has been limited specifically
The primary means of heat removal for a small break LOCA are to considerations of Code repairs and replacements, and has been
the steam generators. Therefore, the containment spray system is refined to eliminate consideration of failure probability.
only required for highly unlikely events. In contrast, the auxiliary The goal of the consequence assessment is to provide a method
feedwater system provides makeup to the steam generators when- to consistently rank the consequences of failure. The ranking phi-
ever the normal main feedwater system is no longer available. losophy uses four “bins” to rank the effect of the failure as either
The main feedwater system can be lost by a number of means. high, medium, low, or none. The high category represents events
Loss of main feedwater is a much more likely event than a large with significant impact on plant safety and the low category repre-
break loss-of-coolant accident. Therefore, a demand for the auxil- sents those events with minimal impact on plant safety. The none
iary feedwater system is more likely than for the containment category represents those locations that are typically defined as
spray system. Despite this, in the current deterministic methodol- “abandoned in place.” The consequence ranking methodology can
ogy, the containment spray system is Class 2 while the auxiliary be summarized as follows:
feedwater system is Class 3. In contrast, the risk-informed process
utilizes an integrated decision-making process that uses both risk • High Consequence Pressure boundary failures resulting in
insights and traditional engineering insights. This is possible due events that are important contributors to plant risk and/or
to recent advances in technology and compilations of operating pressure boundary failures that significantly degrade the
reactor experience. An Owner can determine the safety signifi- plant’s mitigation ability.
cance of each of their SSCs using plant-specific PRA models • Low Consequence Pressure boundary failures resulting in
combined with operating and industry experience. anticipated operational events and/or pressure boundary fail-
ures, which do not significantly impact the plant’s mitigation
45.5.2 Scope of Code Cases ability.
• Medium Consequence This category is included to accom-
The risk-informed repair/replacement activities are currently
modate pressure boundary failures that fall between high and
addressed in Code Cases N-660 and N-662. Case N-660 provides
low rank.
the requirements to determine the safety significance for pressure-
• None Consequence This category includes failures that have
retaining items and their associated supports subjected to
no effect on risk.
repair/replacement activities. Case N-662 provides the requirements
for how to treat items that have been classified by Case N-660. Using this approach, the consequences that an Owner may have
The scope of the Code Cases covers both items and their asso- previously determined via Code Cases N-577 and N-578 to develop
ciated supports currently classified as Code Class 1, 2, or 3, and their risk-informed ISI piping programs can be directly mapped to
items that are currently non-Section XI in accordance with the the above consequence bins. (Owners who only did a Code Case
risk-informed safety classification requirements established by the N-560 application will have limited benefit since Class 1 items
regulatory authority having jurisdiction over the plant site. Core are usually high safety significant, and the new structural integrity
support structures and Class MC (metal containment) and CC requirements in Code Case N-662 will not be applicable.) In
(concrete containment) items are not currently included in the instances where quantitative PRA consequence results are avail-
scope of the Code Cases since a basis to evaluate these items has able for either Code Case N-577 or N-578 programs, a Table is
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provided in Code Case N-660 that provides guidance to be used terms of other risk metrics or conditions. Therefore, the following
for this assignment related to conditional core damage probability conditions shall be evaluated:
(CCDP). Conditional large early release probability (CLERP) val-
ues have been determined to be 0.1 of the CCDP values. (1) The piping segment is a part of a system that acts as a bar-
These CCDP and CLERP ranges are specified in an EPRI rier to fission product release during severe accidents.
Topical Report [34] and are determined based on the estimates of (2) The piping segment supports a significant mitigating or
the total risk associated with the failure. Using a conservative esti- diagnosis function as addressed in the Emergency Operating
mate of total pressure boundary failure frequency for the plant of Procedures or the Severe Accident Management Guidelines.
1E-2 per year, CCDP and CLERP ranges were selected to guaran- (3) Failure of the piping segment will result in unintentional
tee that all locations ranked in the low consequence category do releases of radioactive material in excess of plant off-site
not have a potential CDF impact greater than 1E-8 per year or a dose limits as defined by 10 CFR Part 100.
potential LERF impact greater than 1E-9 per year. The boundaries
A review is also performed to ensure that defense-in-depth and
between the high and medium consequence categories are set to
safety margins are maintained.
correspond to the definitions of small CDF and LERF values of
Components classified in accordance with Code Case N-660
1E-6 and 1E-7 per year. The assumption that these are suitably
are classified as either HSS or LSS. Piping segments determined
small values is consistent with the decision criteria for acceptable
to be a high consequence category by ranking shall be considered
changes in CDF and LERF found in Regulatory Guide 1.174 [30].
HSS. The Owner may further refine the classification ranking by
The medium category covers the area between the high and low
more extensive application of the process. These analyses are
categories. The consequence evaluation in Code Case N-660,
required to be documented.
which is compatible with either Code Case N-577 or N-578, can
Piping segments assigned to the medium consequence category
be applied for piping segments that may not have been included in
by the consequence evaluation are determined as HSS or LSS by
an Owner’s risk-informed ISI program. However, some new
considering the classification evaluation and the other relevant
requirements are included in Code Case N-660 that go beyond the
information provided for determining classification. Any piping
respective evaluations in Code Cases N-577 and N-578 dealing
segment initially determined to be a medium consequence category
with piping segments, functions, and design, operational, or risk
and that is subject to a known active degradation mechanism is
considerations not modeled in the PRA.
classified HSS.
Each PRA model inherently has some limitation with regard to
Piping segments determined to be as consequence category low
its use in any application. Certain components may not be specifi-
or none (no change to base case by the consequence evaluation),
cally modeled or the model may not address certain safety func-
or not modeled, shall be determined HSS or LSS using the other
tions (e.g., shutdown risk). These limitations need to be addressed
relevant information.
to allow a more complete decision-making process with regard to
A component support or snubber is assigned the same classifica-
risk-informed classification. Fortunately, considerable work in
tion as the highest ranked piping segment within the piping analyt-
this regard was performed for the South Texas Project’s exemp-
ical model in which the support is included. A trial application of
tion request from special treatment requirements. The Code Case
the risk-informed safety significance process of proposed ASME
adapts excerpts from a letter dated July 19, 2000 to STP Nuclear
Code Case N-660 was completed for the Chemical Volume &
Operating Company from the NRC [45]. The corresponding Code
Control System (CVCS) and the Feedwater (FW) System at the
Case sections are designed to be used in conjunction with the
Surry Power Station Unit 1. In this application the CVCS and FW
analysis provided by a PRA or as a stand-alone insight for the
systems were chosen to represent one system where a significant
integrated decision-making process. If any of the conditions in (a)
number of safety-related items are expected to be LSS and another
or (b) below are true, the piping is classified HSS.
system where a number of nonsafety-related items are expected to
For piping segments, functions, and design, operational, or risk
be HSS. More than 50% of the items in the CVCS were deter-
considerations that are not explicitly modeled in the PRA, the fol-
mined to be LSS following a review of additional considerations
lowing are evaluated:
(piping segments not modeled, defense-in-depth, and adequacy of
safety margins) by the Surry Unit 1 integrated decision-making
(1) Failure of the piping segment will significantly increase the
panel (IDP). As expected, a significant number of nonsafety-related
frequency of an initiating event, including those initiating
items in the FW system were determined to be HSS. This result
events originally screened out in the PRA, such that the
was consistent with the Surry Unit 1 risk-informed ISI program
CDF or LERF would be estimated to increase more than
where nondestructive exams have been added to these piping seg-
1E-6/year or 1E-7/year, respectively.
ments (see previously cited Westinghouse Topical Report [33]. It
(2) Failure of the component will compromise the integrity of
was concluded that application of the process across many plant
the reactor coolant pressure boundary.
systems should result in more than 50% of safety-related items
(3) Failure of the component will fail a high safety significant
being determined to be LSS with a few isolated cases of nonsafe-
function, including consideration of operator actions used to
ty-related items being HSS.
mitigate an accident.
In summary, ASME Code Case N-660 offers the opportunity to
(4) Failure of the component will result in failure of other safety
define the risk-informed safety classification for pressure-retaining
significant piping segments (e.g., through indirect effects)
items and then to apply appropriate treatment for repair/replacement
(5) Failure of the piping segment will prevent or adversely
affect the plant’s capability to reach and/or maintain safe
shutdown conditions.
45.5.4 Code Case N-662
In addition to being high safety significant in terms of their To establish treatment options for the Risk-Informed Safety
contribution to CDF or LERF, components might also be HSS in Classifications determined by ASME Code Case N-660, the early
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versions of the Case N-662 simplistically addressed two classifi- New Structural Integrity treatment requirements for repair/
cations, Section XI Code versus nonclass and HSS versus LSS. replacement activities have been developed, which represent the
During committee work, it was determined that the vast majority main purpose of Code Case N-662. These new requirements obvi-
of systems that are classified as Section XI Code are also safety ously apply for HSS nonclass items because the risk-informed
related and that nonclass systems are typically nonsafety related. process has demonstrated that they are important to plant safety.
Nevertheless, many plants had some minor overlap between The Code Case, however, represents a significant reduction in
Section XI Code and nonsafety related and nonclass and safety both technical and administrative requirements for the LSS
related. For the special treatment requirements of 10 CFR 50 sys- Section XI Code safety-related items.
tems not covered by ASME Codes (e.g., electrical, instrumenta- The following paragraphs summarize the key elements of the new
tion items), there are two classifications of concern, namely, safety structural integrity treatment requirements in relation to the respec-
related versus nonsafety related, and HSS versus LSS. tive ASME Section XI subarticles for repair/replacement activities:
The requirements ensure that items will meet their functional IWA-4110 Scope These requirements are invoked because they
design requirements. For Section XI Code items, the revised define the scope of what work is covered by repair/replacement
approach represents a decrease in requirements. However, for activities (e.g., welding, brazing, defect removal). It also defines
HSS nonclass items, they represent an increase in requirements the range of items that the requirements apply to, that is, the pres-
beyond how the Owner is probably technically treating the items sure boundary, or component support function. Code Case N-662
at the present time. Although these are increased requirements, requirements do not apply to active functions such as opening and
the “Structural Integrity” requirements of the Code Case match closing of valves or development of pump head, or to nonmechan-
those of commercial practices. Therefore, in most applications, ical functions such as electrical supply or instrumentation and
the only increase in requirements for HSS nonclass items will be control.
related to documentation of the repair/replacement activities, IWA-4120 Applicability This subarticle provides a list of
Authorized Inspector involvement, and possibly more rigorous items that are not covered by the rules of Section XI (e.g., valve
failure analyses. operators, instruments).
HSS nonclass items are in the scope of structural integrity IWA-4130 Alternative Requirements These requirements
requirements because they were deterministically classified as were derived from the current Small Item Applicability rules in
nonsafety related or non-Section XI, but such that the risk- IWA-4131 such as tubing, sleeves, and welded plugs. For LSS
informed process concludes that they make a significant contribu- items, the key is to provide a reasonable assurance of functional
tion to plant safety. Examples of these items could include the sta- adequacy. This is accomplished by requiring the items to meet the
tion blackout emergency diesel, start-up feedwater pumps, or technical requirements of the Construction Code selected for use
those items that function for PWR “feed and bleed” capability. in the repair/replacement activity. Administrative requirements
Based on their safety significance, some additional Code require- are not to be met because, for this scope of items, they have been
ments are appropriate to ensure that over the life of the plant, they typically lessened in the Construction Codes (e.g., NDE, mark-
maintain their function or are evaluated for impact on plant safety ing). Consideration of their small size along with their LSS classi-
and possible increased requirements when they fail. fication leads to a reasonable requirement of only meeting techni-
LSS Section XI Code safety-related items were included in the cal requirements. For HSS items, the user must meet the
scope of structural integrity requirements because they were requirements of the Code Case, but as with existing Section XI
deterministically determined to be safety related or Section XI requirements, the use of an Authorized Inspection Agency (AIA)
Code Class, and thus had importance in deterministic space. The and administrative requirements of the Construction Code are
risk-informed process has determined the items to be of low safety exempted.
significance, but they must be given special treatment so as to IWA-4140 Responsibilities For Code Case N-662, the Owner
remain functional. Examples would be the previously mentioned does not need to comply with IWA-4142, in that their
containment spray system for a PWR or the hydrogen recombin- Repair/Replacement Program need not comply with 10 CFR 50
ers installed in large dry containments. The principle of this Code Appendix B or ASME NQA-1 Quality Assurance Program. This
Case is to ensure that these items have sufficient Code require- approach is deemed acceptable because the HSS non-Section XI
ments such that they are still expected to meet functional require- items have been performing for years without the benefit of an
ments, albeit at a reduced level of assurance. Appendix B or NQA-1 program. Their existing performance
HSS items have minimal coverage in Code Case N-662. HSS results will be the input for the risk classification process. An
items and their associated supports classified as Code Class 1, 2, Appendix B or NQA-1 program has controlled the LSS items
or 3 have no exclusions. They must meet the full requirements of within the scope of Section XI, but their low safety significance
IWA-1400(n) for documentation of a Quality Assurance Program, allows them to simply comply with the Owner’s procedure devel-
IWA-4000 Repair/Replacement Activities, and IWA-6210(e) opment requirements. Despite not having to comply with
Owner’s Report for Repair/Replacement Activities of ASME Appendix B or NQA-1, the Owner is required to apply a graded
Section XI. These requirements apply because both the determin- approach to Quality Assurance based on the safety significance of
istic and risk-informed processes classify these items as important the item. This is required in paragraph (3)(a) of the Case. Specific
for reactor safety. No reductions in the special treatment require- controls will be developed in Owner’s programs subject, as
ments for these items are appropriate. always, to be reviewed by the jurisdictional and regulatory author-
Nonclass LSS and nonsafety-related LSS Class 1, 2, or 3 items ities. A specific plan for each repair/replacement activity is to
are exempt from IWA-1400(n), IWA-4000, and IWA-6210(e) ensure that critical Code-related actions (e.g., specifying
requirements because both the deterministic and risk-informed Construction Code, defect removal requirements, and examina-
processes have classified them as low safety significant. Code Case tion acceptance criteria) are performed and documented.
N-662 does require the Owner to meet a nationally recognized Functionality of the items is ensured because the critical Code
code or standard and Owner’s Requirements for these items. requirements are met. Nevertheless, the level of pedigree (i.e., full
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102 • Chapter 45

compliance with Appendix B or NQA-1) is not quite as high, and that meets ASME Section III nuclear requirements could be
thus the cost to the Owner can be lower. The Owner is not replaced with an industrial vessel that meets ASME Section
required to use a unique repair/replacement plan document for VIII requirements. If this option is selected, the Owner must
each repair/replacement activity. The requirements may be meet all of the technical and administrative requirements of
embedded in work control documents. The Owner and the the nationally recognized Code. Structural Integrity
Authorized Nuclear In-service Inspector (ANII) must work Requirements ensure that the item will meet its design basis
together to determine what documentation is signed by the ANII and the assumptions used in the associated risk-informed
to signify their acceptance of the activity. process. To ensure that there are no “technical gaps”
IWA-4150 Repair/Replacement Program The Repair/ between the original Construction Code and the alternative
Replacement Program is not necessary because the Code Case Code, a reconciliation of material, fabrication, and exami-
defines the minimum set of requirements the Owner must meet. nation requirements, as compared to the design require-
Although no specific program requirements are established, the ments, must be performed because of the wide range of
Owner does need to ensure that for each repair/replacement activity available Construction Code options. This reconciliation is
performed under the scope of this Case, all requirements are met. not required for components because they are constructed to
Alternative Provisions (Similar to) Verification of a consistent set of comprehensive rules.
Acceptability The failure analysis intent of IWA-4160 is met in (3) Allow material, parts, piping subassemblies, appurtenances,
principle by requirements in the Code Case. If the repair/replace- complete valves or pumps, and component supports (i.e., no
ment activity is being performed due to the item having failed to vessels or complete piping systems) to meet the technical
satisfy structural integrity requirements, the Owner must perform requirements of the Construction Code for the item being
an evaluation to determine suitability of the item subjected to the replaced. Administrative requirements of the Construction
repair/replacement activity. The Code Case further requires that Code need not be met. The purpose of this option is to allow
corrective provisions be instituted if the requirements of the origi- the Owner to procure materials to technical Code require-
nal item are determined to be deficient (e.g., improper material, ments, but avoid the costly NCA-3800 material procure-
inadequate provisions for erosion or fatigue failure). The Owner ment controls. This option allows for less administrative
must correct the deficiency and not just replace the item in kind. requirements, while not reperforming design analyses,
In addition, U.S. Owners are required to monitor system perfor- which would be required in the second option when select-
mance at a much more aggressive level. The Owner’s normal ing an alternative Code or Standard.
maintenance and operations process was augmented with the
implementation of 10 CFR 50.65, “Requirements for Monitoring There are two final requirements for replacement items.
the Effectiveness of Maintenance at Nuclear Power Plants” [32]. Deletion or revision of original loading requirements (e.g., seis-
IWA-4170 Inspection Third party inspection is required for all mic, wind, tornado) reflected in the Owner’s Requirements, via
repair/replacement activities. The committee had mixed thoughts reconciliation, based solely on a change in classification of the
on this issue, particularly given that secondary plant work is not item is not allowed. Under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.69 [42],
covered by an ANII and there is no significant personnel or Owners are not allowed to revise their design bases (e.g., seismic,
nuclear safety issues arising from this work. However, after much environmental qualification inputs). They can only use alternative
discussion, the committee voted to include ANII requirements special treatment provisions to implement those requirements.
because it provides an effective level of oversight for this new The second requirement is to meet the fracture toughness require-
process of risk-informing repair/replacement requirements. ments of the original Construction Code, or later Edition or
IWA-4180 Documentation Although not contained in the list Addenda of the Construction Code, to meet functional adequacy.
of mandatory IWA-4000 subarticles and sub-subarticles, IWA- IWA-4300 Design These provisions cover configuration con-
4180 is invoked at appropriate places in Code Case N-662. trol of specifications and design reports, analysis, or evaluations;
Generic application of IWA-4180 is not required. Use of Form Class 1 mechanical joints; and rerating requirements. The Case
NIS-2–Owner’s Report for Repair/Replacement Activity is not requires that the Owner conform to design control provisions to
required because it was deemed not to provide sufficient value to ensure that changes will not impact the ability of the item to meet
warrant the cost. its function assumed in the risk analysis.
IWA-4200 Items Used for Repair/Replacement Activities IWA-4400 Welding, Brazing, Defect Removal, and
Items used for repair/replacement activities, alternative provisions Installation Inclusion of these requirements is vital to ensure that
for IWA-4200, follow the pattern established throughout the Code well-controlled fabrication processes are used for these activities.
Case N-662. The Case allows items used for repair/replacement Studies have shown that most failures occur due to poor practices
activities for which structural integrity requirements apply to meet during construction or installation of items that result in defects
commercial practices using three options: being left in weld joints. In many instances, this Case reduces
NDE requirements; therefore, it is important that the fabrication
(1) Comply with the original Construction Code and Owner’s processes are sound. As an alternative to the Construction Code
Requirements as required by IWA-4220 Code Applicability. requirements of IWA-4411, the Owner may meet the require-
Included within the Owner’s Requirements are the original ments of other nationally recognized Codes or Standards with the
temperature, pressure, mechanical loads, and other loading following considerations:
conditions that are the basis for the design. It is expected that
the item will still meet seismic requirements if they were • The Owner must comply with all the provisions of IWA-4400
required for the original item, but the level of documentation except for alternatives to the Construction Code contained in
of the analyses or qualifications does not have to be as high. IWA-4411. These provisions provide a minimum set of
(2) Meet the requirements of the applicable nationally recog- requirements to ensure that welding, brazing, defect removal,
nized Code or Standard for that item. For example, a vessel and installation processes are adequately controlled.
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• The Owner may still use the provisions of IWA-4211(b) to Code Cases: OMN-3 [47], OMN-4 [48], OMN-7 [49], OMN-10
revise Owner’s Requirements. [50], OMN-11 [51], and OMN-12 [52]. Code Case OMN-3 is cur-
• The IWA-4460 requirements for mechanical and thermal rently being incorporated into a new Subsection ISTE of the ASME
metal removal and the IWA-4422 examination requirements OM Code. The results of research programs, industry develop-
for defect removal areas must still be met. ments, and pilot plant applications on risk-informed technology
• The Owner can still use IWA-4600 alternative welding meth- have formed the technical bases for initiating the Code changes.
ods as allowed by IWA-4411(e) and (f). The requirements for The intent of risk-informed IST is to change the ASME
tube plugging were only invoked on reactor coolant pressure requirements for testing mechanical components mandated by 10
boundary plugs (e.g., steam generators) due to the fact that CFR 50.55 using risk insights in combination with traditional
Owners have been routinely plugging other types of heat engineering deterministic information. Risk-informed IST focuses
exchangers (e.g., service water, nonessential cooling water) testing on those components determined to be HSS and relaxes
outside of Code requirements with reasonable success. the testing requirements for those components identified as LSS.
The various pump and valve ASME OM working groups were
Another option is defined in Code Case N-662 with practicality assigned a task to develop testing strategies for HSS and LSS com-
provisions for nonclass RISC-2 items for the IWA-4400 require- ponents under their jurisdiction. Primarily, the task was assigned to
ments. The Owner is allowed to use alternative design techniques the pump, motor-operated valve, and check valve working groups.
and materials than those proscribed in existing nationally recog- The concept of risk-informed application to differentiate compo-
nized Codes and Standards. This approach provides the freedom nents into two populations was a new concept to those groups.
to use unique design concepts and a wide range of available mate- Given the short time frame requested of the task, the working
rials. The Owner must demonstrate the acceptability of the final groups approached the task by utilizing existing Code and/or
design by analysis, evaluation, or testing, and document this in Code Cases as the basis with only minimal changes in methods
accordance with IWA-4300. With this provision, the requirements and/or frequency. A summary of these Code Cases is provided
on RISC-2 items are still being increased, yet flexibility is provided below.
where Code repairs could lead to significant unavailability. This The pilot plants for IST began to receive NRC approval in
improvement in safety offsets the risk of allowing Owners to con- 1998. The remainder of the industry has developed plant-specific
duct repairs outside of Code provisions. programs or is budgeting resources to initiate work on at least one
IWA 4500 Examination and Test This subarticle invokes the of these applications at the present time. To support this major ini-
requirements that are selected in accordance with this Case. In tiative, the NRC has developed Regulatory Guide 1.175 [53] for
other words, if the Owner used B31.1 for the repair/replacement plant specific, risk-informed decision-making for IST. NRC uti-
activity, they must use B31.1 for the NDE. The Case does not lized the above ASME information and results in the development
remove the option in IWA-4520(c), allowing alternative examina- of these guidance documents, and these ASME applications pro-
tion methods provided the Inspector is satisfied that the results are vided useful examples during the development of NRC
demonstrated to be equivalent or superior to the specified method, Regulatory Guide 1.174 [30].
because the Case invokes IWA-4500 with exceptions, but not dis- In-service testing programs are intended to identify potential
allowing this option. Preservice examinations depend on what malfunctions of equipment before they can lead to unanticipated
requirements currently exist in the Owner’s program. This situa- incidents or accidents. All aspects of in-service testing, including
tion invokes examination requirements for items that may never where, when, and how to test, affect the benefits of the test in
have had required examinations based on the item now being enhancing equipment and plant reliability. In-service tests are cur-
included in the plan due to risk-informed examinations. It also rently based on mandated requirements, such as those for nuclear
provides for not examining an item when the risk-informed power plant components in the ASME Section XI Code (devel-
process has excluded it. There are no risk-informed preservice oped by the ASME OM Code Committee), technical specification
requirements for pumps, valves, and vessels. Consistent with requirements, and NRC regulations. Most in-service test require-
existing Code requirements, the Owner only performs preservice ments are based on past experience and engineering judgment and
examinations when the item has been selected for in-service have only an implicit consideration of risk-informed insights, such
inspection in that interval. A system leakage test is required, in as component failure rates and consequence impacts for the specific
lieu of a hydrostatic pressure test. The system leakage test will operating conditions, equipment functions, and environment.
typically be as effective in demonstrating functional performance The ASME OM committee sponsored a major risk-informed
as a hydrostatic pressure test and can be performed at significantly initiative in the area of IST over the last several years. This initia-
lower cost. tive was intended to lead to the development of a number of code
In summary, ASME Code Case N-662 offers the opportunity to cases providing alternative requirements to the ASME OM Code.
define the risk-informed safety classification for pressure-retaining Initial emphasis during 1993 through 1995 was on the establish-
items and then to apply appropriate treatment for repair/replace- ment of a methodology by an ASME research effort that led to the
ment activities. publication of ASME CRTD Vol. 40-2 [11]. During 1996 and
1997, this research methodology was converted into a series of
Code Cases.
45.6 ASME OPERATION AND The ASME OM Committee formed a Task Group on Component
MAINTENANCE CODE Importance Ranking in 1996 to follow the developments of the
ASME Research Task Force on Risk-Based In-service Testing
The ASME BNCS chose Code Cases to incorporate risk- Guidelines that included issuance of guidance documents and some
informed research results as alternative IST requirements for the initial pilot studies. The Task Group’s focus was on categorization
ASME OM Code [46]. In the IST area, the ASME Operation and of ASME components. The individual component organizations of
Maintenance Committee has developed the following series of ASME OM (check valves, motor-operated valves, and pumps) were
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104 • Chapter 45

responsible for the development of test methods and frequencies for IST program may be identified as high safety significant
the high safety significant components and the low safety signifi- components; in such cases, those components should also be
cant components. This resulted in the initial development of the included in the IST program or other testing and maintenance
following Code Cases: programs.
The overall risk-informed IST process in Code Case OMN-3 is
• Case OMN-3, Requirements for Safety Significance consistent with the NRC RG-1.175 [53]. The process includes the
Categorization of Components Using Risk Insights for following:
In-service Testing of LWR Power Plants [47]
• Case OMN-4, Requirements for Risk Insights for In-service • Component Risk Determination–using the PRA to categorize
Testing of Check Valves at LWR Power Plants [48] components
• Case OMN-7, Alternative Requirements for Pump Testing [49] • Component Safety Categorization–to blend probabilistic,
• Case OMN-11, Risk-Informed Testing for Motor-Operated deterministic, and operational insights into the process using
Valves [51] a plant expert panel
• Test Strategy Formulation–determination of appropriate test
Following completion of these primary Code Cases, two addi- methods and frequencies for the two categories of components
tional Code Cases were initiated: • Evaluation of Aggregate Risk–requantification of the PRA to
determine the impact on safety from the revised IST program
• Case OMN-12, Alternative Requirements for In-service • Testing Program–guidance for IST programs, implementa-
Testing Using Risk Insights for Pneumatically and tion, and update process
Hydraulically Operated Valve Assemblies in Light Water • Performance Monitoring–review and evaluation of tests and
Reactor Power Plants [52] component performance
• Case OMN-10, Requirements for Safety Significance • Feedback and Corrective Actions review of IST program for
Categorization of Snubbers Using Risk Insights and Testing potential program changes and corrective action for each of
Strategies for In-service Testing of LWR Power Plants [50]. the above programmatic elements, as appropriate.
Code Cases OMN-4, OMN-7, OMN-11, and OMN-12 refer- For component risk categorization using a plant-specific
ence the categorization requirements of OMN-3, whereas Code PRA, there are a number of probabilistic risk ranking measures
Case OMN-10 is unique in that it includes both the categorization that are available to the industry. The final safety classification
process as well as the testing requirements. The major elements of of components into HSS and LSS categories is performed by the
each Code Case are described below. plant expert panel using additional deterministic insights and
45.6.1 Code Case OMN-3 for Risk Categorization Sensitivity studies are performed to ensure that the risk
The component importance ranking Code Case was designated changes are insensitive to the reliability of the components
OMN-3 and published in the 1998 Edition of the ASME OM included in the low safety significant category. The sensitivity
Code. The Code Case provides the methodology for ranking com- studies performed are identified in Regulatory Guide 1.175 and
ponents into the high and low safety significant categories and the ASME Code Case OMN-3. Sensitivity studies are performed
evaluating the change-in-risk from the proposed testing program. to provide additional clarification and justification and to consider
Code Case OMN-3 discusses the use of the plant-specific PRA (1) data and uncertainties, (2) human factors, (3) test and mainte-
for component ranking, the use of a plant expert panel, the philos- nance unavailability variations, (4) low safety significant failure
ophy of the testing strategies for high and low safety significant rates, (5) PRA truncation limits, and (6) common cause failure
components, the evaluation of the aggregate risk, and the use of considerations.
feedback and corrective actions. The risk importance measures provide a sound basis for deter-
Regarding the scope of the program, the current IST program mining the plant risk for normal power operation and the required
requirements use ASME Code Class 1, 2, and 3 as the bounding response to internal initiating events. However, a blended process
scope, because those requirements are referenced via 10 CFR of traditional engineering analysis and judgment with the PRA is
50.55a and ASME Section XI. The scope of the current ASME part of the risk-informed IST methodology. Considerations that
Code for IST includes those components that are required to per- also need to be incorporated into the component safety signifi-
form a specific function in cance assessment, for a final risk-informed IST determination,
(1) shutting down the reactor to the safe shutdown condition, include the segment importance for external events (seismic, fire,
(2) maintaining the safe shutdown condition, or and external flood), performance of safety functions during shut-
(3) mitigating the consequences of an accident. down modes, the importance to design basis analysis and other
accident scenarios, and operation and maintenance insights that
The pump and valve components addressed in a risk-informed should be taken into account.
IST application include all components currently incorporated In the risk-informed IST process, a plant expert panel (such as
within the existing IST program. Any components (pumps and the expert panel used for the Maintenance Rule) makes the final
valves) modeled within the PRA should also be included in the determination of the risk significance of components. Two safety
scope. Components included in a shutdown analysis (either a significance categories (HSS and LSS) are defined. The plant
shutdown PRA or other analysis) and those that are necessary to expert panel is responsible for the review and approval of all risk-
ensure the maintenance of the reactor primary coolant system informed categorization results by utilizing their expertise
pressure boundary may also be included in the scope. (including knowledge of plant operations, design and licensing
During implementation of the risk-informed IST program, basis, plant-specific and industry data) and PRA insights to develop
additional pumps or valves not already included in the current the final list of categorized components.
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The plant expert panel is trained and indoctrinated in the spe- 45.6.3 Code Case OMN-7 for Treatment of Pumps
cific requirements of the Code Case and of the PRA analysis. The Code Case OMN-7, “Alternative Requirements for Pump
panel includes expertise in the following areas: Testing,” which provides testing requirements for pumps, was
issued in 1999. For pumps categorized as HSS, the frequencies
• Plant operation and improved test methods of the ASME OMN-Code 1995
• Safety analysis Edition through 1996 Addenda are required. The HSS pumps are
• Probabilistic risk assessment further divided into Group A and Group B pumps. Group A
• Maintenance pumps are pumps that are operated continuously or routinely dur-
• Licensing ing normal operation, cold shutdown, or refueling operations.
• ASME in-service testing Group B pumps are pumps in standby systems that are not operated
• Quality Assurance routinely except for testing. The testing requirements and inter-
vals are based on these groups.
Meetings are held with the plant expert panel to review the For LSS pumps, these same Code requirements are specified.
available information and to make the final determination of However, the frequency of testing may be reduced for these com-
safety significance. Once the determinations of safety signifi- ponents. In addition, comprehensive pump testing is not required,
cance are made and the testing strategies are defined for the high although the other improved requirements of the Code are applic-
and low safety significant components, the overall risk change able. An additional requirement for testing LSS pumps at high
(the aggregate effect) of relaxing all testing strategies for low flow once every 5 years or three refueling outages was included to
safety significant components is calculated using the PRA help ensure that hydraulic degradation does not go undetected.
model. The final selection of test intervals for the component
groups depends on additional qualitative arguments (including 45.6.4 Code Case OMN-11 for Treatment
any compensatory measures) and the NRC Regulatory Guide of Motor-Operated Valves
requirements. Code Case OMN-11, “Risk-Informed Testing for Motor-
A performance monitoring plan is developed to ensure that the Operated Valves,” which provides the testing requirements for
following criteria are met: motor-operated valves, was issued in 2001 [51]. Code Case
OMN-11 establishes the requirements for MOV testing based on
• Sufficient tests are conducted to provide meaningful data. the component design basis requirements and functional margin.
• The in-service tests are conducted such that incipient degra- All MOVs are exercised on an interval not to exceed 1 year or one
dation can reasonably be expected to be detected. refueling cycle. Changes in functional margin over time are evalu-
• The Owner will trend appropriate parameters to provide rea- ated to determine the test intervals. Code Case OMN-11 had
sonable assurance that the component will remain operable already included a section on risk-informed criteria for MOV test-
over the test interval. ing, but was not prescriptive in how this was to be accomplished.
The HSS motor-operated valves in OMN-11 are tested in
A performance monitoring plan is sufficient to ensure that accordance with Code Case OMN-11 using a mix of static and
degradation is not significant for components placed on an dynamic MOV performance testing using the established frequen-
extended test interval, and that failure rates assumed for these cies of OMN-1. LSS motor-operated valves are grouped and test-
components will not be significantly compromised. The plant- ed as per Code Case OMN-11 with an initial test frequency of
specific feedback and corrective action process are also modified three refueling cycles or 5 years until sufficient data exist to deter-
as part of the program to ensure component performance is cap- mine a more appropriate test frequency.
tured and any changes in ranking are considered. Periodic evalua-
tions of the program are recommended. 45.6.5 Code Case OMN-12 for Treatment
of Pneumatic and Hydraulic Valves
45.6.2 Code Case OMN-4 for Treatment of Check Code Case OMN-12, “Alternative Requirements for In-service
Valves Testing Using Risk Insights for Pneumatically and Hydraulically
Code Case OMN-4, “Requirements for Risk Insights for In-service Operated Valve Assemblies in Light Water Reactor Power
Testing of Check Valves at LWR Power Plants,” was first issued in Plants,” was also issued in 2001. It took much longer to develop
1998. This Code Case uses the features of the check valve Condition this Code Case since there was no specific guidance in the ASME
Monitoring Program Mandatory Appendix (ASME OMN Code- OMN Code on these types of valves.
1996, Appendix II, Check Valve Condition Monitoring Program) to The Code Case requires that the test frequencies for HSS
define the testing strategy for the high safety significant check valves be determined based on an evaluation of the data or should
valves. For the LSS check valves, the Code Case recommends be every two refueling cycles or 3 years, whichever is longer.
either a code test as per Subsection ISTC or a Condition Valve exercising is to occur once each fuel cycle. For LSS valves,
Monitoring Program. No specifics on test intervals are provided in the test frequency is based on component history, safety function,
the Code Case. However, through the use of the Condition and manufacturer recommendations. Valve exercising is to occur
Monitoring Appendix, the HSS population will be arranged into once each fuel cycle.
groups that determine the test intervals. For the LSS components,
ISTC recommends a bidirectional exercise test with the intervals 45.6.6 Code Case OMN-10 for Snubbers
specified in the ASME Subsection ISTC as either quarterly, at Cold Code Case OMN-10, “Requirements for Safety Significance
Shutdown, or at the maximum, at refueling outages. Categorization of Snubbers Using Risk Insights and Testing
As stated in the ASME OMN-4 white paper [54], the coupling Strategies for In-service Testing of LWR Power Plants,” was
of OMN-3 with OMN-4 “results in a good mix of requirements issued in 2001. In late 1996, the major risk-informed IST initia-
that actually complement each other.” tive was broadened to include snubbers. An EPRI risk-informed
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106 • Chapter 45

IST pilot project for snubbers was established with seven pilot has provided guidance consistent with the provisions of the rele-
plants. This group of pilot plants tested the draft categorization vant Code Cases. For example, the NRC has developed
methodology and provided feedback that was incorporated into Regulatory Guides 1.175 [53] and 1.178 [29] for plant-specific,
the Code Case OMN-10. risk-informed decision-making for IST and ISI, respectively, that
This Code Case did not use the categorization of OMN-3 but have provisions consistent with OMN-3 [47] and B&PV Code
provided another process for the categorization of snubbers. First, Cases N-577, N-577-1 [24, 25], and N-578, N-578-1 [26, 27]. In
for all the systems in the plant in which there are safety-related addition, NRC has not generically endorsed any of the ASME
snubbers, the systems are classified as high or low risk systems B&PV Code Cases related to risk-informed in-service inspection.
based on quantitative or qualitative analysis. An expert panel is These Code Cases N-560, N-560-1, N-560-2, N-577, N-577-1,
also employed in the process similar to OMN-3. N-578, and N-578-1 are listed as unacceptable in Regulatory
The criteria for categorizing snubbers differ from those in Code Guide 1.193 [55]. The conditions cited in the Regulatory Guide
Case OMN-3. The decision criteria are set up as mandatory inclu- that make these Cases unacceptable are as follows:
sion criteria and nonmandatory exclusion criteria. The inclusion
(1) The Code Cases do not address inspection strategy for exist-
criteria (Level A) for HSS snubbers are as follows:
ing augmented and other inspection programs such as
IGSCC, FAC, MIC, and pitting.
• All snubbers protecting the following components: steam
(2) The Code Case does not provide system-level guidelines for
generators and reactor coolant pumps in PWRs and recircula-
change-in-risk evaluation to ensure that the risk from indi-
tion pumps in boiling water reactors (BWRs).
vidual system failures will be kept small and dominant risk
• All snubbers protecting components in systems with PRA
contributors will not be created.
importance ranking Fussell-Vesely (FV) >0.05 or, if evaluat-
ed at the component/train level, all snubbers supporting the Understanding these conditions, plant owners developed their
components in trains with PRA importance ranking FV risk-informed in-service inspection programs using one of the
>0.005 or risk achievement worth (RAW) >2. Code Cases listed above. These conditions were addressed by the
owners on a plant-specific basis to the satisfaction of the NRC.
The exclusion criteria (Level B) for LSS snubbers are as follows: The fact that almost 95% of the plants in the United States now
have some type of NRC approved risk-informed in-service
• All snubbers that support the component with an importance inspection programs in place set the direction for ASME to solve
ranking FV 60.005 and a RAW 6 2. the issue. ASME decided that the best approach was to address
• All snubbers associated with unmodeled components and these limitations in their development of Nonmandatory
associated with components that would likely be unmodeled Appendix R [28] to ASME B&PV Code Section XI. Because of
in Levels 1, 2, 3, and shutdown PRAs, including both internal this decision, the only complete set of requirements that ASME
and external events. now has for a risk-informed in-service inspection program is con-
tained in the Appendix. ASME has no plans to further revise the
Testing strategies and frequencies are then developed based not existing Code Cases listed above and they will remain as generi-
only on the ranking of HSS or LSS snubbers, but also on the type cally unacceptable to the NRC. Nonmandatory Appendix R is
of environment for the snubber. A harsh environment is defined expected to be approved by the NRC in its next rulemaking that
for those operating environments where the snubber is exposed to will update the Code of Federal Regulations, specifically Title 10,
higher temperatures, vibration, or other service condition vari- Part 50, Section 55a Codes and Standards, by endorsing the 2007
ables that would result in a predicted service life of more than Edition of the ASME B&PV Code Section XI, Division 1. It is
10 years. A benign environment is defined for those operating also anticipated that Code Case N-716 [31] will be the first
environments where the snubber is exposed to lower tempera- Section XI Code Case to be approved for use conditionally in
tures, minimal vibration, or other service condition variables that Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 16 [56], which is currently
would result in a predicted service life of less than 10 years. under development by the NRC.
The frequencies of testing are then based on the two categories For the OM risk-informed Code Cases, the NRC has divided
and use a sampling plan, similar to the current ISTD Code sam- them into several different levels of approval. Only one Code
pling plan, based on the population of snubbers. For HSS snub- Case OMN-10 [50] is listed as unacceptable in Regulatory Guide
bers in a harsh environment, all snubbers must be either tested or 1.193 [55] and Code Case OMN-7 is approved without conditions
replaced every 6 years, whereas for HSS snubbers in a benign in Regulatory Guide 1.192 [57]. All the other OM risk-informed
environment and for LSS snubbers in a harsh environment, all Code Cases, OMN-3, OMN-4, OMN-11, and OMN-12, are con-
snubbers must either be tested or replaced every 10 years. No ditionally approved in Regulatory Guide 1.192 [57].
requirement is made for LSS snubbers in a benign environment. NRC’s endorsement of ASME-RA-S-2002 and the 2003 and
2005 Addenda has been timely and explicit through the develop-
ment of Regulatory Guide 1.200 [58]. This Regulatory Guide
describes one acceptable approach for determining whether the
INTERACTIONS quality of the PRA, in total or the parts that are used to support an
Risk-informed activities have involved extensive interactions application, is sufficient to provide confidence in the results, such
between regulatory staff and industry organizations as described that the PRA can be used in regulatory decision-making for light
in the sections below. water reactors. The guidance is intended to be consistent with the
NRC’s PRA Policy Statement and subsequent, more detailed,
45.7.1 Regulatory Acceptance and Recognition guidance in Regulatory Guide 1.174 [30]. It is also intended to
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has been supportive of reflect and endorse guidance provided by standards setting and
the risk-informed activities of ASME Codes and Standards and nuclear industry organizations.
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This Guide contains an Appendix that identifies the acceptability • Nuclear Air & Gas Treatment Committee
of the standard with a number of clarifications and a limited num- • Nuclear Quality Assurance Committee
ber of qualifications. Clarifications are essentially items where the • Nuclear Risk Management Committee
NRC staff has no objection to the provisions of the standard but has • Qualification of Mechanical Equipment Committee
offered comments to clarify the requirement. Qualifications are
cases where the staff does not object to the requirement if the quali- Besides, the responsibility also includes technical supervision
fications identified are addressed in following the standard. RG of the following three Subcommittees of the B&PV Committee
1.200 also includes an Appendix endorsing, with qualifications, the that administratively report to the Board on Pressure Technology
industry peer-review process in NEI 00-02 and subsequent plans for Codes and Standards (BPTCS):
self-assessments against the criteria in the ASME PRA Standard
that were not addressed during the NEI peer review. • Subcommittee III, Nuclear Power
The NRC issued this regulatory guide for trial use in February • Subcommittee XI, In-service Inspection
2004, and five trial applications were conducted. The NRC subse- • Subcommittee, Nuclear Accreditation
quently revised the guide to incorporate lessons learned from the
Risk-informed activities related to nuclear power have been
pilot applications. The NRC also revised the appendices to address
underway for several decades. Specific ASME Codes and
the changes made in the professional society PRA Standards and
Standards products came under development in the early 1990s.
industry PRA guidance documents. The NRC then issued the
In recent years the pace of development has quickened with new
revised guide (including its associated appendices) for public
products being developed by ASME, the nuclear industry, and
review and comment as Draft Guide-1161 in September 2006. The
NRC to support broader and more pervasive applications of the
staff subsequently reviewed the stakeholder comments and, where
technology. A key driver has been NRC’s plans to risk inform the
appropriate, revised the guide accordingly. Revision 1 of RG 1.200
nuclear power plant safety regulations in 10 CFR Part 50. These
was issued in January 2007. Subsequently, “Clarification to RG
and future activities are discussed in next section.
1.200, Rev.1,” was issued by the NRC to provide additional expla-
nation to clarify the staff’s regulatory position on the treatment of 45.8.1 BNCS Risk Management Strategic Plan
sources of uncertainty and assumptions as stated in Revision 1. In January 2000, the BNCS set up a task group to assist the
As discussed in Section 45.5.1, the NRC issued rule 10 CFR Board in responding to the NRC’s plans for a multiphased pro-
50.69, “Risk-Informed Categorization and Treatment of gram to increasingly risk inform the rules for licensing nuclear
Structures, Systems, and Components for Nuclear Power Plants,” power plants contained in 10 CFR 50 (Code of Federal
on November 22, 2004 [42]. ASME Code Cases that provide Regulations Title 10–Part 50). The task group was originally
requirements related to this initiative are addressed in the state- named the Risk-Informed Part 50 Task Group (RIP-50 TG). Over
ment of considerations for rule 10 CFR 50.69. the next 2 years, the task group was increasingly assigned the role
45.7.2 Related Industry Developments of developing a coordinated BNCS approach to respond to NRC
and nuclear industry risk-informed initiatives. In early 2002, the
The nuclear industry has provided extensive support in the devel-
task group was renamed the Risk Management Task Group, and
opment of risk-informed Codes and Standards, not only through the
its membership was expanded to include one or more representa-
commitment of knowledgeable individuals to participate in the
tives for all committees under the technical supervision of BNCS
standards committees, but by providing support of technical investi-
that were involved in risk-informed activities. Development of a
gations, pilot activities, and production of implementing docu-
Risk Management Strategic plan became an important activity.
ments. Through the Electric Power Research Institute, industry pro-
An initial BNCS approved version was completed in early 2002.
vided guidance on the use of a PRA (PSA) in risk-informed
This plan was adopted as a part of the overall BNCS Operational
applications [35]. Also, industry, through the NEI, published guid-
Plan and is maintained as a living document that is reviewed and
ance on peer reviews [19] that contained useful input on PRA tech-
updated prior to each BNCS meeting. The latest version of the
nical elements and peer-review practices for the development of
BNCS Risk Management Strategic Plan can be always obtained
ASME RA-S-2002. Industry has conducted numerous pilot tests of
from the ASME BNCS website– The high-level
the various risk-informed codes and standards and these tests have
mission and goal of the planning effort are as follows:
provided valuable feedback and improvements. These pilot activi-
ties have demonstrated that application of risk-informed techniques Mission Factor risk as well as performance in all ASME
is an iterative process requiring cooperative efforts of the industry, Nuclear Codes and Standards as appropriate to further ensure,
regulatory body, and the Codes and Standards community to arrive on a worldwide basis, that they protect public health and safety
at practical and cost-effective methods. and meet the needs of users.
Goal To determine the need and provide risk-informed, per-
45.8 FUTURE PLANS FOR formance-based ASME Nuclear Codes and Standards for the
The Board on Nuclear Codes and Standards has full responsi- The February 2008 version of this plan, as summarized in this
bility for managing ASME activities related to codes, standards, section, has the following short- and long-term initiatives:
and accreditation programs directly applicable to nuclear facilities
and technology. This effort includes full administrative and tech- Short-Term Initiatives (2008–2009)
nical responsibility for the following Standards Committees:
• Incorporate air-operated valves into approved risk-informed
• Operations & Maintenance Committee ASME OM Code, Subsection IST, which will be published in
• Nuclear Cranes Committee 2008 Code Addenda of the ASME OM Code.
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108 • Chapter 45

• Ensure that ASME risk-informed Code Cases and Codes and N-660, “Risk-Informed Safety Classification for Use in Risk-
Standards are properly integrated with risk-informed regula- Informed Repair/Replacement Activities,” as a basis for develop-
tion initiatives. ment of this Section III Case. Code Case N-720 will be consistent
• Integrate application of PRA Standard into other ASME risk- with the recently issued NRC Rule 10 CFR 50.69 and will reflect
informed Codes and Standards, as appropriate. lessons learned from implementation of Code Case N-660 in
• Work with Nuclear Risk Management Coordinating Committee commercial nuclear pilot plant repair and replacement projects.
to coordinate risk management development activities by SDOs, Similar risk-informed safety classification efforts are also being
regulators, and industry, where appropriate. initiated by the American Nuclear Society to address nuclear
• Support ASME research effort to develop reliability-based plant safety classification criteria, and both the ASME and ANS
load and resistance factor design (LRFD) methods for piping work is being reviewed by the Nuclear Risk Management
in ASME Section III. Coordinating Committee.
• Adapt similar provisions of the risk-informed safety classifi- Reliability-Based Load and Resistance Factor Design
cation Code Case for ISI repair/ replacement activities (Case Methods for Piping A research project was initiated in late 2002
N-660) for a new classification Code Case (Case N-720) for with the objective of developing the technical basis for reliability-
Section III design. based load and resistance factor design of ASME Section III,
• Investigate use of load and resistance factor design and risk- Class 2/3 piping. Intermediate results from this project were pub-
informed methods for concrete components for nuclear ser- lished in ASME research report, CRTD-86, “Development of
vice for Section III, Division 2. Reliability-Based Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD)
• Complete risk-informed initiatives on minimum exam cover- Methods for Piping,” in 2007 [59]. This report provides the tech-
age, pressure testing and leakage, and heat exchanger exams. nical basis for LRFD methods for Class 2/3 piping for primary
• Using experience from risk-informed ISI applications and loading that include pressure, deadweight, seismic, and accidental
trial risk-informed repair/replacement applications, develop loading. The outcomes of the project include design models and
alternative piping risk-informed classification and exam equations and partial safety factors that can be used to compose
requirements, revise Code Case N-660 to address service LRFD guidelines and criteria. The research provides a proof of
water systems, and revise Code Case N-660 for all plant sys- concept of the LRFD for the design of piping. Such design meth-
tems to support 10 CFR 50.69 initiative. ods should lead to consistent reliability levels and can initially be
• Develop an Appendix that risk informs the requirements of used in parallel with current design procedures. However, further
NQA-1. work is needed and the report makes seven specific recommenda-
• Investigate approaches for the development of a life-cycle tions for project completion:
risk-informed nuclear code and make decision regarding
(1) The project has only evaluated stresses in a pipe due to
nuclear system code development.
internal pressure, sustained weight, and seismic and
• Develop an OM Standard on treatment of LSSC pumps and
mechanical loading and their combinations. Fatigue and
valves excluded from OM Code requirements through 10
thermal loads, in combination with the primary loads, need
CFR 50.69.
to be included in the LRFD formats.
• Identify actions necessary to respond to Commission paper
(2) The probabilistic characteristics of the basic random vari-
COMNJD-03-0002 on PRA quality.
ables for both the load and the strength play a vital role in
reliability assessment and reliability-based design for pip-
Long-Term Initiatives (2010–Beyond)
ing components. Quantification of the probabilistic char-
acteristics of these variables is an essential element for
• Expand risk-informed, performance-based approaches into developing LRFD rules. The characteristics can be devel-
new ASME Nuclear Codes and Standards to support next oped from laboratory testing of mechanical properties of
generation reactors. materials and measurements in plants for dimensions and
• Implement and complete scope additions to the PRA tolerances.
Standard. (3) Sensitivity analysis and the effect of correlation between the
• Develop risk-informed safety classification Code Case(s) for load and strength random variables.
use across all ASME Nuclear Codes and Standards. (4) Identification of a target range for reliability levels to com-
pute the partial safety factors.
The BNCS Risk Management Strategic Plan summarizes the (5) Computations of partial safety factors for use in LRFD
status of work being performed by the Code Committees to design formats.
achieve the above short- and long-term initiatives. Updates to the (6) Sample LRFD guidelines and rules for piping summarizing
BNCS Risk Management Strategic Plan are prepared by the Task target reliability levels, strength factors, and load factors.
Group on Risk Management and approved by the BNCS at each (7) Comparative design examples from actual nuclear plant
of its meetings, which are held thrice a year. The next section configurations to illustrate the use of load and strength fac-
briefly discusses some of the actions that may be incorporated in tors in selected LRFD-based design equations.
specific codes.
Section XI A number of activities are underway in Section XI
45.8.2 B&PV Code Initiatives to extend risk-informed in-service inspection requirements to
Safety Classification An activity has been initiated, in con- cover all Section XI systems, components, and their supports. In
junction with the ASME Committee on Nuclear Risk addition, Code Case N-716 [31] is being revised to incorporate
Management, to develop a Section III Code Case N-720 that pro- the lessons learned from the pilot plant applications and to extend
vides requirements for risk-informed safety classification and the scope of the Case to include piping supports and other compo-
treatment for design. This Case uses Section XI Code Case nents connected to the piping. Ultimately, all this new experience
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will be added into Nonmandatory Appendix R [28]. There is also The concept of code margin exchange or “Systems-Based Code”
an effort to consider how to develop requirements for new plants has been initiated and promoted by Japanese nuclear experts. This
to use risk-informed in-service inspection program requirements approach recognizes that the current material, design, construction,
in the future. inspection, and maintenance codes are well established, indepen-
dent, and self-complete. Each code provides safety margins to
45.8.3 Systems-Based Code assure integrity. Through the current design process, margins accu-
Current ASME Nuclear Codes and Standards rely primarily on mulate and can become excessive resulting in overly conservative
deterministic and mechanistic approaches to design of compo- and costly designs. The Systems-Based Code concept introduced
nents, including piping systems. The design code is a separate by Professor Asada [62, 63] and further developed by Asayama
volume from the code for ISI and both are separate from the code et al. [64, 65], proposes to resolve this problem. The Systems-
for IST. Work is in progress to develop an ASME Nuclear Based Code is a design process that reduces the excessive level of
Systems-Based Code, which would include a planned evolution margins for passive (pressure boundary and structural integrity)
that integrates the various nuclear codes and standards and adopts functions to appropriate levels based on design to target reliability.
a risk-informed approach across a facility life cycle, encompass- It embraces expansion of technical options beyond what current
ing design, construction, operation, maintenance, and closure. codes and standards allow and exchange of margin among the tech-
Figure 45.3 offers a conceptual development. nical options. Margin exchange utilizes the flexible structure of
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is considering devel- codes and standards and optimizes both reliability and cost.
opment of a risk-informed performance-based and technology
neutral alternative licensing process for new reactor designs [60]. 45.8.4 Related ASME Standards
A dynamic or “living” facility-specific PRA is integral to a tech- As shown in the BNCS Risk Management Strategic Plan,
nology neutral risk-informed performance-based licensing ASME has identified a number of current and planned risk-
process. The design processes used today are predominately informed standards activities. In addition, the American Nuclear
deterministic and not risk informed. Revised design processes, Society has issued one standard and has two others under devel-
reflecting risk insights derived from a “living” PRA, that evolves opment that relate to these activities. Now that the concept of
along with the design are needed. grading the treatment of structures, systems, and components
It is envisioned that a Systems-Based Code design process using their risk importance has achieved general acceptance, there
would be based on risk-informed probabilistic methodologies that is an apparent need to define the treatment requirements for SSCs
cover a facility’s life cycle from the start of conceptual design of lower importance. While this has been a primary objective of
through decontamination and decommissioning [61]. The method- the ISI and IST risk-informed Code Cases, to date no other codes
ology would use a “living” PRA to identify target reliabilities for and standards have developed similar graded treatment approaches.
facility systems and components. Target reliabilities would be used The ASME Nuclear Quality Assurance (NQA) Committee has
in system and subsystem simulation analyses to determine the prepared a draft standard addressing this need and plans to com-
optimum combination of initial system and component construc- plete it in 2008. To date, no other ASME nuclear standards com-
tion reliability, maintenance frequency, and inspection frequency mittees have initiated similar action.
for both active and passive components. The target reliabilities
would also be used for systems-based code margin exchange for 45.8.5 Other Standards Development Organizations
passive components to reduce excessive level of margins to appro- As discussed in Section 45.3.1, the American Nuclear Society’s
priate levels resulting in a more flexible structure of codes and (ANS) Risk-Informed Standards Committee (RISC) has devel-
standards that improves facility reliability and cost. oped or is developing the following PRA standards:

Load and Resistance

Factor Design (LRFD) Risk-Informed Design
• Cold piping
• Direct use of plant PRA
• Hot piping ASME III ASME III Life-Cycle Process/ Alternative
Code Cases • Develop risk criteria Code System-Based Code Code
Current classification
• • Piping application Changes Framework
• Plant PRA insights
• Other components
• Current risk criteria

Prior ASME 2-3 years 3-5 years 5-10 years

Research &
Code Risk-
Informed Other ASME
Work Nuclear C&S

Risk-Informed Safety
Classification ASME O&M
• Risk-Informed IST
Plant Review and adapt ASME
PRA risk-informed safety Code Case
classification Code ASME Section XI
Case N-660 for
repair/ replacement to • Risk-Informed ISI
ASME III design • Risk-Informed RRM


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110 • Chapter 45

• PRA methodology for treatment of earthquake and other • Define appropriate training and qualification initiatives for
external events (ANSI/ANS-58.21-2007) initially published users of risk-informed standards, including Integrated
in 2003 and revised in 2007 [66]. Decision-Making Panels.
• PRA methodology for internal fire (ANSI/ANS-58.22-2007) • Identify needs, priorities, and timing for development of new
published in 2007 [67]. or modification of existing standard(s) to address unique PRA
• Low Power and Shutdown–under development. requirements for new reactors.
• Determine the need for a standard to develop a risk-informed
All of these are intended to be compatible with the ASME safety classification scheme, particularly to assist the
Standard and rely on its generic requirements, and these standards advanced and new reactor designs.
are in the process of being incorporated into the ASME/ANS
combined PRA standard, ASME/ANS RA-S1-2008 [18]. Other
Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs) are considering 45.8.6 Emerging Security Applications
development of standards to support risk-informed approaches, Used for many years by the nuclear power as well as other
although specific projects have not yet been identified. industries, risk analysis is now being used to assist in determin-
ANS has also initiated work of standards addressing full Level ing measures to protect the nation’s critical assets against acts of
2 and Level 3 PRA scopes. These involve evaluation of long-term terrorism. Several key critical infrastructure sectors, such as
containment following core damage and release of radioactive nuclear reactors and spent fuel storage, chemical plants, refiner-
materials to the containment and beyond. It is expected that these ies, and liquefied natural gas tanks, are being evaluated in an
standards will also be issued as joint undertakings of ANS and initial phase of work involving risk analysis via the ASME
ASME. Innovative Technologies Institute, LLC with the U.S.
However, to assure coordinated development and consistency Department of Homeland Security. The project will provide par-
of content and use, ASME and ANS assisted in the formation of a ticular guidelines for risk analysis in each of these areas.
Nuclear Risk Management Coordinating Committee. This Chapter 56, “Post 9–11 Related Issues” provides more informa-
Committee coordinates the development and maintenance of tion on these developments.
codes and standards that address risk management and risk-
informed decision-making for nuclear power plants and other
nuclear facilities, and the transportation and storage of spent 45.9 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
nuclear fuel. This coordination is established to avoid redundancy
and facilitate utilization of the resulting codes and standards. The As a result of significant efforts over the past 20 years, PRA
current membership includes the following: and risk-informed technology have been significantly incorporat-
ed into ASME Nuclear Codes and Standards, as also summarized
• American Nuclear Society in “Risk Initiatives in ASME Nuclear Codes and Standards”
• ASME [68]. An ASME PRA Standard–ASME RA-S-2002 along with
• Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Addenda RA-Sa-2003, RA-Sb-2005, and RA-Sc-2007 provides
• U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission a standard to determine the technical capability, fidelity, and
• U.S. Department of Energy adequacy of plant PRAs for use in nuclear power plant applica-
• Nuclear Energy Institute tions. A combined ASME/ANS RA-S1-2008 was approved in
February 2008 incorporating internal fire and external events and
Other interested SDOs will be invited to join as they become will add low power and shutdown considerations within a year. It
involved in the development of related standards. Among the cur- is expected that this combined standard will be endorsed by the
rently proposed strategic actions for this group are the following:4 U.S. NRC in Regulatory Guide 1.200, Revision 2. The combined
Standard represents a truly international effort as committee
• Assure that current and emerging standards are developed and members included knowledgeable individuals from Japan, the
maintained to meet the needs of the user and are consistent International Atomic Energy Agency, United Kingdom, and
and compatible so that they can be readily applied. Mexico. More than 10 ASME Code Cases have been completed,
• Integrate the risk-informed methodology set forth in PRA approved, and implemented to support the application and use of
Standards into other application-specific codes and standards, risk-informed technology for plant inservice inspection and
as appropriate. in-service testing programs that reduce unnecessary burden
• Facilitate the implementation and use of nuclear risk-related while maintaining or enhancing safety. These efforts continue
standards required to meet the identified needs of the user to be coordinated with corresponding regulatory and industry
community. initiatives, including those of other standards development
• Evaluate alternatives and recommend actions intended to organizations. Future plans are outlined to expand the applica-
optimize the number and mix of separate standards necessary tion of risk-informed methods to new areas such as design,
to implement a full scope of risk-informed applications and to risk-informed safety classification, and consideration of a sys-
avoid redundancy. tems-based code. The use of risk-informed technology will
• Work with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in the develop- continue to provide benefits to support the safe operation of
ment of its plans to implement 10 CFR 50.69 and future plans today’s reactors and to provide more effective processes for the
for risk-informed regulation of the nuclear power industry. design, construction, and operation of advanced reactors.

Edited selections from the NMRCC Strategic Plan dated May 5, 2005.
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45.10 REFERENCES 18. ASME/ANS, Standard for Probabilistic Risk Assessment for Nuclear
Power Plant Applications, ASME/ANS RA-S1-2008, American
1. USNRC, Reactor Safety Study WASH-1400 (NUREQ-75/014), Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY, 2008.
Initiated in 1972, Final Report in 1975.
19. NEI, Probabilistic Risk Assessment Peer Review Process Guidance,
2. Wall, I.B., Haugh, J.J., and Worledge, D.H., Recent Applications of NEI-00-02, Revision A3, Nuclear Energy Institute, Washington, DC
PSA for Managing Nuclear Power Plant Safety, Progress in Nuclear 20006-3708, 2000.
Energy, Vol. 39, No. 34, pp. 367425, 2001.
20. ASME, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI Rules for
3. Lewis, H.W. et al., Risk Assessment Review Group Report to the U.S. In-Service Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components, American
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NUREG/CR-0400, 1978. Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY, 2007.
4. Kemeny, President’s Commission on the Accident at Three Mile 21. ASME, Code Case N-560, Alternative Examination Requirements for
Island, Pergamon Press, 1979. Class 1, Category B-J Welds, Section XI, Division 1, American
5. USNRC, Nuclear Regulatory Commission Special Inquiry Group, Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY, 1996.
Three Mile Island: A Report to the Commissioners and to the Public, 22. ASME, Code Case N-560-1, Alternative Examination Requirements
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National Technical Information Service. Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY, 1999.
6. USNRC, Severe Accident Risks: An Assessment of Five U.S. Nuclear 23. ASME, Code Case N-560-2, Alternative Examination Requirements
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7. Brons, J.C., Rasin, W.H., and Specter, H., Public Briefing of NRC Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY, 2000.
Commissioners, March 10, 1992. Transcript Available from U.S. 24. ASME, Code Case N-577, Risk-Informed Requirements for Class 1,
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8. ASME, Risk-Based Inspection: Development of Guidelines, Volume 1, of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY, 1997.
General Document, CRTD–Vol. 20-1, ASME Research Task Force on 25. ASME, Code Case N-577-1, Risk-Informed Requirements for Class
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13. ASME, Risk-Based Testing: Development of Guidelines, Volume 1, Washington, DC, 1998–2002.
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of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY, 2006.
14. ASME, Standard for Probabilistic Risk Assessment for Nuclear
Power Plant Applications, ASME RA-S-2002, American Society of 32. USNRC, Requirements for Monitoring the Effectiveness of
Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY, 2002. Maintenance at Nuclear Power Plants, 10 CFR 50.65, U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, 1991.
15. ASME, “Addendum a” to ASME RA-S-2002, Standard for
Probabilistic Risk Assessment for Nuclear Power Plant Applications, 33. Westinghouse Electric, Westinghouse Owners Group Application of
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New York, NY, 2003. Report, WCAP-14572, Westinghouse Electric Company, Revision 1-
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16. ASME, “Addendum b” to ASME RA-S-2002, Standard for
Probabilistic Risk Assessment for Nuclear Power Plant Applications, 34. EPRI, Revised Risk-Informed In-Service Inspection Evaluation
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17. ASME, “Addendum c” to ASME RA-S-2002, Standard for
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112 • Chapter 45

36. ASME, Code Case N-711, Alternative Examination Coverage 52. ASME, Code Case OMN-12, Alternative Rules for In-Service Testing
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38. ASME, Code Case N-660, Risk-Informed Safety Classification for
Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, 1998.
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Division 1, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, 54. ASME, Risk Insight Check Valve Code Case, White Paper OMN-4,
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39. ASME, Code Case N-662, Alternative Repair/Replacement 55. USNRC, Guide 1.193, ASME Code Cases Not Approved for Use,
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56. USNRC, Regulatory Guide 1.147, In-Service Inspection Code Case
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57. USNRC, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Guide
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Risk-Informed Repair/Replacement Activities in Support of Risk- 58. USNRC, Regulatory Guide 1.200, An Approach for Determining the
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42. CFR, Risk-Informed Categorization and Treatment of Systems, 59. ASME, Development of Reliability-Based Load and Resistance
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Power Plants, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, Nuclear Engineering, ICONE10, American Society of Mechanical
NY, 2004. Engineers, 2002.
47. ASME, Code Case OMN-3, Requirements for Safety Significance 64. Asayama, T., Morishita, M., and Tashimo, M., Development of
Categorization of Components Using Risk Insights for In-Service System-Based Code, Methodologies for Life-Cycle Margin
Testing of LWR Power Plants, New York, American Society of Evaluation, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on
Mechanical Engineers, NY, 1998. Nuclear Engineering, ICONE14-89393, American Society of
48. ASME, Code Case OMN-4, Requirements for Risk Insights for Mechanical Engineers, 2006.
In-Service Testing of Check Valves at LWR Power Plants, American 65. Asayama, T., Morishita, M., and Tashimo, M., Development of
Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY, 1998. System-Based Code, Case Study of Life-Cycle Margin Evaluation,
49. ASME, Code Case OMN-7, Alternative Requirements for Pump Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Nuclear
Testing, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY, Engineering, ICONE14-89397, American Society of Mechanical
1999. Engineers, 2006.

50. ASME, Code Case OMN-10, Requirements for Safety Significance 66. ANS, External Events in PRA Methodology, ANSI/ANS-58.21-2007,
Categorization of Snubbers Using Risk Insights and Testing Strategies Available from American Nuclear Society,
for In-Service Testing of LWR Power Plants, American Society of store/vi-240265.
Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY, 2001. 67. ANS, Fire PRA Methodology, ANSI/ANS-58.22-2007, Available
51. ASME, Code Case OMN-11, Risk-Informed Testing for Motor- from American Nuclear Society,
Operated Valves, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New 68. ASME Standards Technology, LLC, Risk Initiatives in ASME
York, NY, 2001. Nuclear Codes and Standards, 2005.
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Hardayal S. Mehta and Sampath Ranganath
46.1 INTRODUCTION LEFM is no longer valid and failure (or collapse by limit load) is
governed by the flow properties of the material. Fracture mechan-
The role of fracture mechanics in Section XI applications ics ceases to be relevant to the problem because the failure stress
comes in the form of evaluation of indications or flaws detected is insensitive to toughness; a simple limit load analysis is all that
during inservice inspection of nuclear components. The early is required to predict failure stress. The appropriate material prop-
ASME BPVC Section XI evaluation procedures have been typi- erty in this case is the flow stress that may be generally taken as
cally based on linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM). For the average of the material yield and ultimate stress or a suitable
example, the vessel flaw evaluation procedure in IWB-3600 in the multiple (e.g., a factor of 3) of the Code allowable stress, Sm. At
1977 edition was based on the LEFM analyses described else- intermediate toughness levels, there is transition between brittle
where [1,2]. Appendix G of Section XI (essentially the same as fracture under linear elastic conditions and ductile overload or
Appendix G of Section III) also is an example of the first use of collapse. Nonlinear or EPFM bridges the gap between LEFM and
LEFM in Section XI applications. The background of Appendix collapse. When the plasticity is limited to a small zone surround-
G LEFM technology is provided in WRC-175 [3]. The current ing the crack tip, an LEFM solution modified by a plastic zone
Section XI flaw evaluation procedures (Appendix A) have some size is adequate; this zone is called the SSY zone. Some of the
provision for loading with limited plasticity in the form of plastic ferritic materials used in the nuclear pressure vessel applications
zone size correction. LEFM is limited by the small-scale yielding at the upper-shelf temperatures are analyzed using this approach
(SSY) condition that the plastic zone around the crack tip be with the material fracture resistance determined through appropri-
small compared to the size of the K-dominant region and any rel- ate J integral testing.
evant geometric dimension. It is virtually impossible to satisfy
this condition for high-toughness, low-strength materials, which
generally undergo extensive plastic deformation and crack tip 46.2 EARLY PROGRESS IN THE
blunting prior to the initiation of crack growth. Crack initiation in
these materials is usually followed by stable crack growth or tear-
ing. The need to include the influence of significant plastic defor- The movement toward the use of EPFM started in the 1960s; the
mation, which may accompany crack initiation and the subse- progress through 1980s is summarized elsewhere [4]. Extracts [4]
quent stable growth, has been the main driving force for the are presented here to provide the reader a brief background on the
development of the field of elastic-plastic fracture mechanics development of EPFM. LEFM ceases to be valid when significant
(EPFM). Furthermore, higher load capability (over that predicted plastic deformation precedes failure. During a relatively short time
by LEFM) can be demonstrated in ductile materials by allowing period (1960–1961), several researchers, including Irvin [5],
limited stable crack extension using EPFM techniques. Figure Dugdale [6], Barenblatt [7], and Wells [8], developed analytical
46.1 [4] shows the role of elastic-plastic or nonlinear fracture methods to correct for yielding at the crack tip. The Irwin plastic
mechanics; a center-cracked plate loaded to failure is considered. zone correction was a relatively simple extension of LEFM, while
This figure shows a schematic plot of failure stress versus fracture Dugdale and Barenblatt each developed somewhat more elaborate
toughness (KIc). For low toughness materials (such as ferritic models based on a narrow strip of yielded material at the crack tip.
steels at lower shelf), brittle fracture is the governing failure Wells proposed the displacement of the crack faces, the parameter
mechanism and the critical stress is predicted by the usual LEFM now known as crack tip opening displacement (CTOD), as an alter-
equations and the material KIc. At very high toughness values, native fracture criterion when significant plasticity precedes failure.
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114 • Chapter 46

components covered were the basic fracture test specimen

geometries; this was followed by solutions for geometries (e.g.,
reactor pressure vessels and piping) typical in nuclear industry
applications [17,18]. The applied J integral values were
obtained through an estimation scheme that used material stress
strain characteristics and a tabulated set of coefficients. This is
discussed further in the next section. In the United Kingdom, the
CTOD parameter was applied extensively to fracture analysis of
welded structures beginning in the late 1960s. While fracture
research in the United States was driven primarily by the nuclear
power industry during the 1970s, fracture research in the United
Kingdom was motivated largely by the development of oil
resources in the North Sea. In 1971, Burdekin and Dawes [19]
applied ideas proposed by Wells [20] several years earlier and
developed the CTOD design curve, a semiempirical fracture
mechanics methodology for welded steel structures. The nuclear
power industry in the United Kingdom developed their own
FIG. 46.1 EFFECT OF FRACTURE TOUGHNESS ON THE fracture design analysis [21], based on the strip yield model of
GOVERNING FAILURE MECHANISM Dugdale and Barenblatt. Shih [22] demonstrated a relationship
between the J integral and CTOD, implying that both parame-
ters are equally valid for characterizing fracture. The J-based
In 1968, Rice [9] developed another parameter to characterize material testing and the flaw evaluation methodologies devel-
nonlinear material behavior ahead of a crack. By idealizing plas- oped in the United States and the British CTOD methodology
tic deformation as nonlinear elastic, Rice was able to generalize have begun to merge in recent years, with positive aspects of
the energy release rate to nonlinear materials. He showed that each approach combined to yield improved analyses. Both para-
this nonlinear energy release rate can be expressed as a line inte- meters are currently applied throughout the world to a range of
gral, which he called the J integral, evaluated along an arbitrary materials. A survey paper [23] and another publication [24] pro-
contour around the crack. At the time his work was being pub- vide an excellent description of the advances made in EPFM
lished, Rice discovered that Eshelby [10] had previously pub- through 1980.
lished several so called conservation integrals, one of which was
equivalent to Rice’s J integral. Eshelby, however, did not apply
his integrals to crack problems. That same year, Hutchinson [11]
and Rice and Rosengren [12] related the J integral to crack tip
stress fields in nonlinear materials. These analyses showed that AND PIPING APPLICATIONS
the J integral can be viewed as a nonlinear stress intensity para- There are essentially three approaches considered in the
meter as well as an energy release rate. Rice’s work might have application of EPFM in flaw evaluations. These approaches are
been relegated to obscurity had it not been for the active the following: (a) J-integral tearing modulus–based approach
research effort by the nuclear power industry in the United or J-T methodology (b) deformation plasticity failure assess-
States in the early 1970s. Because of legitimate concerns for ment diagram (DPFAD) methodology (c) R-6 methodology
safety, as well as political and public relations considerations, ASME BPVC Section XI has considered the first two approaches
the nuclear power industry endeavored to apply state-of-the-art in the flaw evaluations. All three methodologies consider the
technology, including fracture mechanics, to the design and con- calculation of the J integral, directly or indirectly. Therefore,
struction of nuclear power plants. The difficulty with applying the engineering estimation of the applied J integral is dis-
fracture mechanics in this instance was that most nuclear pres- cussed next.
sure vessel steels were too tough to be characterized with LEFM
without resorting to enormous laboratory specimens. In 1971, 46.3.1 J Integral Estimation Method
Begley and Landes [13], who were research engineers at As one would guess, many of the problems of practical inter-
Westinghouse, came across Rice’s article and decided, despite est are in the elastic-plastic regime requiring an estimation
skepticism from their coworkers, to characterize fracture tough- scheme to calculate the J integral. The elastic-plastic estimation
ness of these steels with the J integral. Their experiments were procedure derives from the work of Shih and Hutchinson [15]
very successful and led to the publication of a standard proce- and others [25,26]. The elastic and plastic components of J inte-
dure for J testing of metals 10 years later [14]. Material tough- gral are computed separately and added to obtain the total J as
ness characterization is only one aspect of fracture mechanics. follows:
To apply fracture mechanics concepts to design or flaw evalua-
tion, one must have a mathematical relationship between tough- Jtotal  Jel  Jpl (1)
ness, stress, and flaw size. Although these relationships were
well established for linear elastic problems, a fracture design Figure 46.2 [4] schematically illustrates a plot of J versus
analysis based on the J integral was not available until Shih and applied load. The material stress-strain behavior in the estima-
Hutchinson [15] provided the theoretical framework for such an tion scheme is characterized in the Ramberg-Osgood form as
approach in 1976. A few years later, the Electric Power follows:
Research Institute (EPRI) published a fracture design handbook
[16] based on the Shih and Hutchinson methodology. The (/0)  (/0)  ((/0)n (2)
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b  the uncracked ligament length
a  the crack length
h1, h2, and h3  dimensionless parameters that depend on
geometry and strain-hardening exponent; the h
factors for various geometries and n values
have been tabulated in several EPRI reports
P  the applied load

The reference load, P0, is usually defined by a limit load solu-

tion for the geometry of interest; P0 normally corresponds to the
load at which the net cross-section yields. It should be noted that
the plastic load line displacement, p, is only that component of
plastic displacement that is due to the crack. The total displace-
ment in a structure is the sum of the elastic and plastic crack and
no-crack components.
Figure 46.4 shows the analytical expression for the calculation
of Jpl for a pipe with a through-wall circumferential crack subject-
FIG. 46.2 THE EPRI J ESTIMATION SCHEME ed to axial load and/or bending moment. The specific values for
dimensionless parameter h1 are given in Table 46.1.
The elastic component of J is computed from the elastic stress
intensity factor for an effective crack size as follows:
0  a reference stress value that is usually equal to the yield Jel  {KI 2 (aeff)}/E (6)
strength, 0  0 /E
E  Young’s modulus where
  a dimensionless constantn
n  the strain-hardening exponent E  E for plane stress and E  E/(1 v2) for plane strain
condition; v is the Position’s ratio and is typically assumed
Figure 46.3 [27] shows a typical Ramberg-Osgood fit for a car- equal to 0.3.
bon steel material typically used in nuclear applications. Typical
fully plastic equations for J, crack mouth opening displacement The parentheses in the preceding equation indicate that KI is a
(Vp), and load line displacement (p) would have the following function of aeff rather than a multiplication product. The effective
form in the estimation scheme: crack size is determined from the Irwin correction modified to
Jpl   0 0 b h1 (a/W, n) (P/P0)n1 (3) account for strain hardening as follows:

Vp   0 a h2 (a/W, n) (P/P0)n (4) aeff  a  {1/[1 (P/P0)2]}{1/(

p   0 a h3 (a/W, n) (P/P0) n
(5) {(n 1)/(n 1)}{KI(a)/0}2 (7)


 2 for plane stress

 6 for plane strain conditions
The analytical expressions for KI are available from fracture
mechanics handbooks [27]. When J-controlled crack growth is
applicable, the condition for continued crack growth is [28,29] as

J(a, P)  JR(a a0) (8)

For any given configuration, the crack driving force J is a func-

tion of crack length a and load per unit thickness P. The JR curve
is a function of the amount of crack growth, a  (a a0), and is
obtained experimentally. Therefore, crack growth is unstable if
the following applies:

(0 J/0 a)T dJR/da (9)

FIG. 46.3 TRUE-STRESS TRUE-STRAIN CURVE FOR A333 The subscript in the preceding equation denotes a partial deriv-
GRADE 6 BASE MATERIAL IN NRC/BCL 4111-1 PIPE ative with the total displacement ¢ T held fixed. It is convenient in
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116 • Chapter 46


examining stability to introduce nondimensional tearing moduli failure and only primary membrane and bending stresses were used
[28] as follows: when performing flaw evaluations in accordance with IWB-3640. A
J-T analysis for assumed through-wall flaw geometries [30] showed
TJ  {E/02}(0 J/0 a)T and TJR  {E/02}(dJR/da) (10) that the predicted instability loads essentially reach those predicted
by limit load and, thus, provided additional technical basis for the
The instability criterion is then simply phrased in terms of
these moduli as follows:

TJ  TJR (11)

Figure 46.5 shows the J-T diagram. The predicted instability

load is shown in Fig. 46.5b.

46.3.2 Application of J-T Approach to Austenitic

Stainless Steel Piping Flaw Evaluations
Prior to the publication of the BPVC 1983 Addenda, flaw eval-
uation procedures in IWB-3600 were applicable to ferritic steel
components 4 in. or greater in thickness (based on LEFM). Flaw
evaluation procedures and allowable flaw sizes for LWR austenitic
piping first appeared in IWB-3640 in that Addenda. The evaluation
was based on a plastic collapse failure mechanism and allowable
flaw sizes were developed using limit load analysis. Because plastic
collapse is the anticipated failure mechanism, secondary stress, such FIG. 46.5 DETERMINATION OF INSTABILITY J, T, AND
as bending due to thermal expansion, is assumed to be relaxed at ASSOCIATED LOAD FOR LOAD CONTROL EPFM ANALYSIS
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limit load approach. Figure 46.6 shows an example of this predic- austenitic material, and certain lower toughness flux welds, which
tion. For limit load comparison, the flow stress was assumed as 3Sm, include shielded metal arc welds (SMAW) and submerged arc welds
where the Sm is the Code-specified allowable stress for the pipe (SAW). This distinction became necessary because some small
material. Through-wall flaw geometries were assumed. A similar specimen experimental data suggested that the applicable failure
EPFM evaluation for a weld overlay geometry, where a 360 flaw mechanism for the flux welds is unstable crack extension that would
with depth equal to the original pipe thickness was assumed, was occur at loads lower than the plastic collapse load [32,33]. The
reported [31] with the conclusion that limit load conditions are approach used was to develop some penalty factors or so-called Z
achieved at the cracked section. Subsequently, the need arose to dis- factors to reduce the allowable flaw size at any specified load for
tinguish between high-toughness materials, such as the wrought flux welds relative to the high-toughness materials. An EPFM
approach was used to develop these factors. Figure 46.7 [32] shows
an example of this evaluation. The analysis considered a pipe with a
through-wall flaw subjected to a bending moment.
The ratio of the limit load to the calculated instability load pro-
vided the Z factor value. By taking conservative bounds of the
instability load results, the following expressions for Z factors
were developed:
for SMAW, Z  1.15 [1  0.013 (OD-4)] (12)
for SAW, Z  1.30 [1  0.010 (OD-4)] (13)


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where change was to bring consistency with ASME BPVC Section III.
The technical basis for these changes is provided elsewhere [35].
OD  the pipe outer diameter in inches Table 46.2 gives the revised SFs; these SFs are applicable to
Subsequent experimental work by Battelle [34] indicated that Classes 1, 2, and 3 piping and to both the austenitic and ferritic
there was no statistically significant difference between the SAW materials. The flow stress was also redefined from 3Sm to the aver-
and SMAW J-R curves and, therefore, the 2004 Edition of age of yield and ultimate stress. Also, the use of actual material
Appendix C specifies the SAW Z factor for SMAW also. properties was allowed where such information is available.
For Ni-Cr-Fe base metal welds, the load multipliers are The revision of SFs and the definition of flow stress do not
given by: directly affect the Z factors, because they are based on the ratio to
limit load; however, the allowable flaw depth would be affected
(U.S. Customary Units) by these changes.

46.3.3 Application of J-T Approach to Ferritic Piping

Z  6.5 10 4 D 3 0.01386D 2  0.1034D  0.902
Flaw Evaluations
for 2 in.  D  8 in.
In 1983, the Working Group on Flaw Evaluation of Section XI
Z  2.2 10 6 D 3 2.0 10 4 D 2  0.0064 D  1.1355 initiated work on the development of flaw evaluation procedures for
for 8 in.  D  40 in. ASME Class 1 ferritic piping. Flawed ferritic piping was recog-
nized to have possible failure mechanisms, which, depending on
(SI Units)
operating temperature, could range from linear elastic fracture to
elastic-plastic ductile tearing to plastic collapse. This wide variation
Z  3.967 10 8 D 3 2.148 10 5D 2  0.004071D  0.902 of failure mechanisms necessitated an evaluation procedure that
for 51 mm  D  203 mm could account for all possible failure modes. The ASME Section XI
Z  1.343 10 10 D 3 3.10 10 7 D2  2.52 10 4 D  1.1355 Working Group on Flaw Evaluation approached this problem
for 203 mm  D  1016 mm through the development of two separate approaches to address the
region where EPFM is applicable. The first approach was similar to
the J-T approach used for austenitic piping [36,37]. This resulted in
Where, D is pipe nominal diameter. the introduction of Code Case N-463 [38] in the 1988 Addenda and
The flow stress shall be that of the austenitic piping material Nonmandatory Appendix H in the 1989 Edition [39]. The other
Because limit load may not be reached prior to failure, it was approach, based on the DPFAD, is described in the next section.
recommended that the expansion stresses with a margin of 1.0 be As a minimum, the EPFM approach requires JIC data of the
included along with primary membrane and bending stress when material. The evaluation methodology also developed a correla-
evaluating flaws in flux welds. The allowable flaw sizes (e.g., in tion between JIC and the more generally available Charpy V-notch
ASME BPVC Section XI, Appendix C, 2004 Edition) are present- (CVN) absorbed energy. A screening procedure based on DPFAD
ed in tabular form as a function of stress ratio. When using the method is provided to identify the appropriate failure mode.
EPFM approach, the stress ratio for a circumferentially flawed Figure 46.8 shows the screening procedure used; the parame-
pipe is defined as the following: ters are the same as those used in DPFAD. Simply, the parameters
Kr and Sr are defined as follows:
stress ratio  Z[(m  b  e / SFb)/f (14)
Kr  [KI2/(EJIC)]0.5 (15)
Sr  (b  e)/b (16)
The stress intensity factor KI is the sum of the LEFM contribu-
m  primary membrane stress
tions from applied membrane and bending stresses including e.
b  primary bending stress
The Code Case and the Nonmandatory Appendix of the Section
e  secondary bending stress
XI Code provide the appropriate mathematical expressions to cal-
f  material flow stress
culate the values. JIC is the measure of toughness at the onset of
SFb  structural factor for bending
crack extension. The reference limit load bending stress is sb ¿
Note that the preceding definition of stress ratio is consistent calculated using y as the flow stress. For circumferential flaws, the
with the 2002 Addenda of ASME BPVC Section XI. Prior to that, JIC and y values (if user-specified values are unavailable) are
Sm was used instead of  f in developing tables. The structural fac-
tor (SF) has the same meaning as the safety factor. The Code is TABLE 46.2 SAFETY/STRUCTURAL FACTORS FOR CIR-
currently transitioning from safety factor terminology to structural CUMFERENTIAL AND AXIAL FLAWS
factor to specify the required structural margins.
It should also be noted that, prior to the 2002 Addenda, the
allowable circumferential flaws were developed using an SF of
2.77 (for normal/upset or Levels A/B conditions) and 1.39 (for
emergency/faulted or Levels C/D conditions) on the sum of the
primary membrane and bending stresses. Allowable longitudi-
nal flaw sizes were developed using an SF of 3.0 and 1.5 on pri-
mary membrane stress for normal/upset and emergency/faulted
conditions, respectively. Separate SFs for primary membrane
and primary bending and separate SFs for various service levels
were incorporated in the 2002 Addenda. The rationale for this
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shown in Table 46.3. The DPFAD assessment curve was generat- TABLE 46.3 DEFAULT MATERIAL PROPERTIES AND Z
ed using a lower-bound, stress-strain curve with the following FACTORS FOR FERRITIC PIPING WITH CIRCUMFEREN-
values of Ramberg-Osgood parameters:   2.51, n  4.2, TIAL FLAWS
0  27.1 ksi, and E  26000 ksi.
A high Kr value at failure (a point on the failure assessment
curve) in Fig. 46.8 implies that the associated Sr value is small, indi-
cating small-scale yielding. If a low Kr value is calculated at initia-
tion, it is an indication that fracture would be predicted near limit
load. Based on this concept, the applicability range of limit load and
LEFM were defined by the ratio of Kr to Sr, as shown in Fig. 46.8.
The flow diagram leading to EPFM evaluation option is shown
in Fig. 46.9. The default material properties used in the evaluation
and the corresponding Z factor expressions are shown in Table
46.3. Figure 46.10 [37] shows the J-T curves associated with two
JIC that were used to generate the mathematical expressions for Z
factors. When user-specified JIC values are available, the resulting
Z factors expressions are provided in Table 46.4.
In the ASME BPVC 2002 Addenda, Appendices H and C were
combined into a revised Appendix C. The revision also included
the incorporation of separate SFs for membrane and bending
loading into the screening criteria evaluations and the mathemati-
cal expressions for the calculation of allowable stresses [40].

46.3.4 DPFAD Method

The DPFAD procedure uses deformation plasticity solutions
[16,17] for cracked structures in the format of the British Central
Electricity Generating Board’s (CEGB) R-6 two-criteria failure
assessment diagram (FAD). In 1990, the Code approved Code
Case N-494 [41] as an alternative procedure for evaluating flaws
in light-water reactor (LWR) ferritic piping. The approach was an
alternate to then Appendix H of Section XI and allowed the user
to remove some conservatism in the existing procedure by allow-
ing the use of pipe-specific material properties. The technical
basis was documented in several technical papers authored by
J.M. Bloom and coworkers [42-45].
The general DPFAD procedure involves the following three
steps [45]:
(a) The generation of the DPFAD curve from elastic-plastic
analysis of a flawed structure using deformation plasticity
solutions for a simple power law strain hardening material
based on the Ramberg-Osgood stress-strain equation. If the

J-integral response of the structure can be represented by

the following:

Japplied  JIe  Jp (17)

then the following applies:

[Japplied/G]  1Kr2  (JIe  Jp)/G

K r = 2(G/Japplied) = f(Sr)

Sr  the ratio of applied stress to net section plastic col-
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The difference between JIe and G is that JIe includes the

small-scale, yielding plastic zone correction while G does
not. The resulting expression defines a curve in the Kr  Sr
plane, which is a function of flaw geometry, structural
configuration, and stress-strain behavior of the material
defined uniquely by  and n. Because both Kr and Sr are lin-
FIG. 46.9 FLOW CHART FOR SCREENING CRITERIA TO ear in applied stress, the DPFAD curve is independent of
ESTABLISH THE ANALYSIS METHOD the magnitude of the applied loading.

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(b) The determination of assessment points based the ratio of 46.3.5 R-6 Method and EPFM in Non-U.S. Codes and
KI or 1JI of the structure divided by the relevant material Standards
property 1KIC or 1JIC at flaw initiation or for stable crack The British R-6 method was used as the initial framework of
growth, 1Jg(¢a), the tearing resistance of the material for the DPFAD method. The first R-6 document [21] emerged in
the ordinate, Kr, and the ratio of the applied stress (load) 1976 as a result of a requirement of the Central Electricity
to net section plastic collapse (limit load) for the abscissa, Generating Board in the United Kingdom to include the assess-
Sr. For flaw initiation, a single assessment point is calcu- ment of fracture resistance in the design of steam-generating
lated. For stable crack growth, a locus of assessment points heavy-water reactor (SGHWR), which was being considered at
are determined by incrementing the crack size a by a  a that time for commercial operation. The last major revision of R-6
in the calculation of JI for a constant applied load. The was in 1986 [48]. Recently, developments in fracture mechanics
resulting locus is shown in Fig. 46.11 in the shape of a methodology, in particular the procedure resulting from the
candy cane. European project SINTAP, the British Standards Guide BS7910,
(c) Crack initiation or tearing instability can be determined and the American Petroleum Institute document API 579, stimu-
graphically by plotting the calculated assessment point(s) lated the decision to revise R-6 in its entirety as the new Revision
on the FAD. For crack initiation, the single assessment 4 [49]. Other work of interest related to EPFM is the Swedish SKI
point must fall on the DPFAD curve or inside the curve. For work [50,51].
tearing instability, the critical instability load is determined
by the tangency of the assessment locus with the DPFAD
curve, as shown in Fig. 46.11. Any assessment point on a
line from the origin of the diagram is directly proportional 46.4 APPLICATION TO RPV EVALUATION
to load with any other point on that same line, and only one The EPFM has been applied to RPV evaluation in three distinct
load level is needed to determine the instability load. The ways: upper-shelf energy evaluation, the new Section XI flaw
instability load is determined by multiplying the applied evaluation approach, and a probabilistic approach.
load by the ratio of the distance from the origin to the point
of intersection of the line with the DPFAD curve to the dis-
tance from the origin of the diagram to the applied load
point. Work is in progress to revise the Sr cut-off to be con- 46.4.1 LOW UPPER-SHELF ENERGY
sistent with Appendix C. EVALUATION
The original Code Case N-494 was further revised in 1994 to One of the first applications of EPFM for pressure vessels was
include assessment of austenitic piping where the material stress- in addressing the resolution of the low upper-shelf toughness
strain behavior cannot be fit to the Ramberg-Osgood model issue. Appendix G of 10 CFR Part 50 [52] requires that “reactor
[46,47]. This Code Case has been revised in 2007 to incorporate vessel beltline materials must have Charpy upper-shelf energy of
the impact of separate safety factors for membrane and bending no less than 75 ft-lb (102 J) initially and must maintain upper-
stresses. The 2002 Addenda to ASME BPVC Section XI also cre- shelf energy (USE) throughout the life of the vessel of no less
ated a new Nonmandatory Appendix H covering the DPFAD than 50 ft-lb (68 J),” unless it is demonstrated that lower upper-
methodology (the old Appendix H was folded into a revised shelf energy will provide safety margins equivalent to those
Appendix C). required by ASME BPVC Appendix G [53]. It was found that
vessels welded with the Linde 80 weld material did not always
meet the regulatory requirement of 50 ft-lb. The problem of evalu-
ating materials that did not meet the regulatory requirement of 50
ft-lb was designated as Unresolved Safety Issue A-11. The resolu-
tion of USI A-11 was documented by the U.S. NRC in NUREG-
0744, Resolution of the Task A-11 Reactor Vessel Materials
Toughness Safety Issue [54]. Although NUREG-0744 provided
methods for evaluating the fracture behavior of these materials, it
did not provide specific criteria for demonstrating the equivalence
of margins with Appendix G of the ASME Code. This was subse-
quently developed by the ASME Section XI Subgroup on
Evaluation Standards and then issued as Appendix K of Section
XI [55]. The U.S. NRC approved Appendix K but provided guid-
ance acceptable to the NRC staff for evaluating pressure vessels
that did not meet the 50 ft-lb regulatory requirement in
Regulatory Guide 1.61 [56]. Appendix K Criteria. Appendix K specifies different

requirements for Levels A/B conditions and Levels C and D con-
ditions, as summarized below:
(a) Level A/B Conditions. When the upper-shelf Charpy energy
of the base metal is less than 50 ft-lb, both axial and cir-
FIG. 46.11 INSTABILITY POINT DETERMINATION IN cumferential interior flaws are postulated. These are evalu-
DPFAD SPACE ated using the toughness properties for the corresponding
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122 • Chapter 46

orientation. A semielliptical surface flaw with an a/t  0.25 calculated for the governing Level C loading conditions
and with an aspect ratio of 6-to-1 surface length to flaw (i.e., factor one on pressure and thermal stresses). The
depth is postulated. A smaller flaw size may be used on an lower factor is justified based on the fact that Level C rep-
individual case if the basis is justified. Two criteria must be resents lower probability events. Also, the J-R curve used
satisfied as described below: the crack driving force must in the analysis must be a “conservative representation” of
be shown to be less than the material toughness, as given by the vessel material.
the following equations: (c) Level D Conditions. For Level D conditions, the postulated
flaw is the same as that for Level C: 0.1 times the thickness
Japplied  J0.1 (18) plus clad thickness but not more than 1 in. and aspect ratio
a/ᐉ 1/6. There is no criterion for ductile crack extension
where (initiation) but there is a criterion for crack stability. The
stability requirement of Eq. (19) applies with Japplied being
Japplied  the J-integral value calculated for the postulated flaw calculated for the governing Level D loading conditions
under pressure and thermal loading, where the (i.e., factor one on pressure and thermal stresses). The
assumed pressure is 1.15 times the maximum accumu- lower factor is justified based on the fact that Level D rep-
lation pressure, with thermal loading using the plant- resents the lowest probability events. Also, the J-R curve
specific heatup and cooldown conditions. used in the analysis must be a “best estimate representa-
J0.1  the J-integral characteristic of the material’s resis- tion” of the vessel material. In addition to the flaw stability
tance to ductile tearing (Jmaterial), as denoted by a J-R requirement, the stable flaw depth must not exceed 0.75
curve test at a crack extension of 0.1 in. times the wall thickness and the remaining ligament must
Japplied/a  Jmaterial/a, with load held be safe from tensile instability.
constant at Japplied  Jmaterial (19) Table 46.5 summarizes the different requirements for the differ-
ent conditions: Levels A/B, Level C, and Level D for the low
where upper-shelf evaluation.
Japplied  the J-integral value calculated for the postulated flaw The technical basis for Appendix K is described in detail in
under pressure and thermal loading, where the assumed pressure WRC Bulletin 413 [57]. Specifically, it describes the procedure for
is 1.25 times the maximum accumulation pressure, with thermal calculating Japplied and three methods for the stability evaluation.
loading. Evaluation Procedure for the Calculation of Japplied.
The first criterion is based solely on limited ductile crack The calculation of Japplied assumes small-scale yielding. The first
extension (initiation). The second criterion is based on flaw stabil- step is the calculation of K for pressure {KIp(a)} and thermal
ity, in which case ductile stable tearing is considered. The J-R {KIt(a)} loading for the postulated flaw. The elastic K calculations
curve used in the analysis must be a conservative bound of the J-R can be performed using the equations in Appendix K or other frac-
data representative of the vessel material. ture mechanics solutions. The effective flaw depth, ae, for small-
scale yielding is determined by adding the plastic zone size to the
(b) Level C Conditions. For Level C conditions, the postulat-
postulated flaw size as follows:
ed flaw is somewhat smaller: 0.1 times the thickness plus
clad thickness but not more than 1 in. and aspect ratio a/ᐉ ae  a  (1/(6 ))[(KIp(a)  KIt(a))/y]2 (20)
 1/6. The initiation and stability criteria are the same as
those in Eqs. (1) and (2), except that the Japplied is where


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a  the postulated flaw depth (inches)

KIp and KIt  ksi 1inch
y  the yield strength (ksi)
The effective stress intensity factor Ke  KIp(ae)  KIt(ae) is
determined by substituting ae in place of a. The applied J for
small-scale yielding is given by the following:

J  1000 Ke2 / [E/(1 v2)] (21)

J  in.-lb/in.2
E  Young’s modulus (ksi)
v  Poisson’s ratio
The J integral (JI) for the 0.1-in. flaw extension is given by using
Eq. (4) and the appropriate factor on stress (e.g., 1.15 on pressure
stress and 1 on thermal stress for Levels A/B conditions). The flaw FIG. 46.13 DPFAD FOR A 1/4 T FLAW
depth is set at 0.25t  0.1 in. for Levels A/B conditions; the appro-
priate acceptance criterion for ductile crack extension is JI  J0.1. the origin and the assessment point. The pressure is multi-
plied by 1.25 when the assessment points are calculated and Evaluation Procedure for Flaw Stability Analysis. plotted on the DPFAD. The acceptance criterion for flaw
WRC Bulletin 413 describes three ways to perform the stability stability is satisfied when the assessment points lie inside
analysis. the DPFAD curve.
(c) J-Integral/Tearing Modulus (J-T) Procedure. Figure 46.14
(a) J-R Curve-Crack Driving Force Diagram Procedure. shows a schematic plot of the J-T curve. The J-T procedure
Figure 46.12 shows the concept of ductile crack extension consists of the following steps:
and crack stability evaluation. The applied J is calculated
for a series of crack depths corresponding to increasing lev-
els of crack extension. For Levels A/B conditions, a factor
of 1.25 on pressure is used. The applied J is plotted against
crack depth. As shown in Fig. 46.12, the material J-R curve
is superposed. Flaw stability at a given applied load is
demonstrated when the slope of the applied J curve is less
than the slope of J-R curve at the point where the two
curves intersect.
(b) Failure Assessment Diagram Procedure. The DPFAD for a
quarter T flaw is shown in Fig. 46.13. The DPFAD plots the
relationship between Kr (square root of the ratio of the elas-
tic J and the elastic-plastic J) and Sr (ratio of the actual
pressure to the limit pressure). The structural factor on pres-
sure is determined by scaling distances along a line through

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124 • Chapter 46

(1) Determine the material J-T curve. 46.4.2 New Section XI Approaches for EPFM
(2) Calculate the value of J at the onset of instability (intersec- Evaluation
tion of the applied J-T and material J-T curve). ASME BPVC Section XI procedures for vessel flaw assess-
(3) Calculate the internal pressure at the point of flaw insta- ment are based on LEFM evaluation. The LEFM methods may be
bility. sometimes overly conservative and may underestimate the actual
(4) Apply the acceptance criteria. margin, particularly for upper-shelf condition when the deforma-
tion behavior is ductile. ASME BPVC Section III recognizes the Guidance on the Material J-R Curve. The generic inherent ductile nature of pressure vessel behavior by excluding
J-integral fracture resistance curve equation is given in RG 1.161 secondary stresses (displacement-governed stresses such as ther-
[56] as follows: mal and discontinuity stresses) from explicit stress limits (the 3Sm
limit on secondary stress range is related to shakedown and
JR  (MF){C1(a)C2 exp[C3(a)C4]} (22) fatigue, not to ductile failure.) Appendix G and the recent
Appendix K also recognize the inherent differences between ther-
The values for C1, C2, C3, and C4 are based on correlations mal and pressure stresses by assigning structural lower factors for
developed by Eason et al [58]. For generic reactor pressure welds, thermal stresses. ASME is in the process of developing alternate
RG 1.161 provides the values of various constants in the preced- acceptance criteria based on EPFM techniques. The proposed
ing equation. For analyses addressing Service Levels A, B, and C, Code Case N-XXX, Alternative Acceptance Criteria and
the factor MF was set as 0.629. For analyses addressing Service Evaluation Procedure for Flaws in Ferritic Steel Components
Level D, the value of MF was set as 1.0. Table 46.6 gives the val- Operating in the Upper Shelf Range [62], has been approved by
ues for other materials such as the Linde 80 flux welds and reac- the ASME Section Subgroup on Evaluation Standards and is now
tor pressure vessel plate materials. being considered by the Section XI Subcommittee. Because of the
C1  exp[ 4.12  1.49 ln (CVN) 0.00249T] (23) importance of this Code Case and the fact that it represents a
significant change in the technical approach to flaw evaluation,
C2  0.077  0.116 ln C1 (24) the Code Case criteria and the technical basis are described in
C3  0.0812 0.0092 ln C1 (25) detail here.
C4  0.5 (26) Background. The ASME Section XI flaw evaluation
CVN is the Charpy USE in ft-lb and T is the crack tip tempera- rules for vessels (IWB-3600 plus Appendix A) are based on LEFM
ture in F. Note that the equations for C2, C3, and C4 are the same techniques and were developed primarily for the irradiated RPV
for all materials. In the application of the JR formulation in Eq. belt-line region and other low-temperature carbon and low-alloy
(5), CVN is the irradiated USE. This may be available from sur- steel applications in which the material exhibits limited or no duc-
veillance specimen testing or, alternatively, the values can be esti- tility. There are situations in which ferritic steel components
mated from RG 1.99, Revision 2 [59], which provides the rela- operate at the upper-shelf region and, therefore, exhibit ample duc-
tionship of USE to crack tip fluence. The alternative relationship tility. Application of LEFM techniques to these Cases is very
between the irradiated USE and the unirradiated USE and fluence conservative. This Code Case proposes alternate acceptance
is provided elswhere [7]. criteria for situations in which the component is operating in the
Mehta [60] and Griesbach and Smith [61] provided examples upper-shelf temperature region and, therefore, possesses adequate
for the use of Appendix K in evaluating reactor vessels with low ductility to allow the use of EPFM techniques.
upper-shelf toughness. An important thing to remember is that
Appendix K considers postulated flaws not actual flaws. Its intent Technical Approach. EPFM is a more appropriate
is only to determine whether adequate structural factors can be fracture mechanics technology than LEFM for nonirradiated mate-
maintained even in the low USE condition and with rather large rials at higher temperatures, such as normal operating conditions
flaw postulates. for both PWRs and BWRs. In the proposed Code Case, both stable


JR  (MF){C1(a)C2 exp[C3(a)C4]}
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ductile crack extension and flaw stability due to ductile tearing are Acceptance Criteria. Two alternate acceptance criteria
considered to ensure that crack extension, even for a stable flaw, is are proposed in this proposed Code Case. The first criterion is
limited. based solely on limited ductile crack extension (initiation). This
criterion does not consider stable ductile tearing and, therefore, is
(a) Basis for the Use of EPFM. Ample precedent exists in conservative. It does offer simplicity in the evaluation process for
ASME BPVC Section XI for the application of EPFM to cases where the material is relatively tough or the applied loads are
materials that exhibit some ductility. Such precedent may relatively small. The second criterion is based on flaw stability, in
be seen in Appendix C for evaluation of flaws in austenitic which case ductile stable tearing is considered. A flaw is accept-
piping and ferritic piping and in Appendix K for the assess- able for continued operation if the J integral (J) satisfies either of
ment of RPVs with low upper-shelf toughness. Appendix C the criteria below. For all evaluations, the J-integral resistance ver-
includes a screening criterion to determine which regime a sus flaw extension curve must be a conservative representation for
ferritic piping flaw evaluation must consider (LEFM, EPFM, the vessel material at the flaw location.
or limit load), and, for the problems that fall into the EPFM (a) Acceptance Criteria Based Solely on Limited Ductile Crack
regime, specifies different structural factors for primary Extension
stresses ( ' 3) than for secondary loadings (1). An even
more appropriate approach is presented in Appendix K; in (1) Normal/Upset Conditions. J must be evaluated at loads
addition to different structural factors for primary versus equal to 3.0 times the primary loads and 1.0 times the
secondary loadings, this appendix also provides an approx- secondary loads, including thermal and residual stress-
imate procedure for performing flaw instability analysis for es. The applied J must be less than the J integral of the
flaws in RPV materials operating at the upper shelf. The material at a ductile flaw extension of 0.10 in.
EPFM approach proposed in this Code Case is very similar (2) Emergency and Faulted Conditions. J must be evaluated
to that in Appendix K of Section XI, and, in that sense, the at loads equal to 1.5 times the primary loads and 1.0
use of the EPFM techniques proposed for this Code Case is times the secondary loads, including thermal and resid-
not unprecedented, except that these techniques are applied ual stresses. The applied J must be less than the J inte-
to actual flaws rather than hypothetical flaws. gral of the material at a ductile flaw extension of 0.10 in.
(b) Determination of Upper-Shelf Temperature. For use of this
Code Case, it must be demonstrated that the vessel materi- (b) Acceptance Criteria Based Solely on Limited Ductile
al is operating within the upper-shelf range of its Charpy Crack Extension and Instability
energy curve. This Code Case requires that the operating (1) Normal/Upset Conditions
temperature must exceed the upper-shelf, trigger-point
temperature, Tc, defined as RTNDT  105F. The definition (a) For ductile crack extension, J must be evaluated at
ensures that the material exhibits ample ductility in thick loads equal to 1.5 times the primary loads and 1.0
sections and, under applied loading, allows the use of times the secondary loads, including thermal and
EPFM techniques. residual stresses. The applied J must be less than
(c) Loads and Stresses. All primary stresses (i.e., from pres- the J integral of the material at a ductile flaw exten-
sure and mechanical loads) and secondary and peak stress- sion of 0.10 in.
es (i.e., thermal, residual, and highly localized stresses) are (b) For flaw instability due to ductile tearing, the
to be considered in applying this Code Case. This is con- applied J must be evaluated at loads equal to 3
sistent with the present procedure for flaw evaluation in times primary loads and 1.0 times secondary
vessels in Section XI, IWB-3600, and Appendix A. loads, including thermal and residual stresses. The
applied J must be less than the predicted instability Evaluation Procedure. The following analytical pro- point, as shown in Fig. 46.14.
cedure must be used:
(2) Emergency/Faulted Conditions
(a) Applicability of this procedure and acceptance criteria
is limited to ferritic steel components on the upper shelf (a) For ductile crack extension, J must be evaluated at
of the Charpy energy curve. The temperature of the loads equal to 1.25 times the primary loads and 1.0
operating condition must exceed the upper-shelf trigger times the secondary loads, including thermal and
temperature, defined as Tc  RTNDT  105F. The effect of residual stresses. The applied J must be less than
radiation embrittlement must be considered in determin- the J integral of the material at a ductile flaw
ing RTNDT. extension of 0.10 in.
(b) The flaws must be characterized in accordance with the (b) For flaw instability due to ductile tearing, the
requirements of IWA-3300, including the proximity rules applied J must be evaluated at loads equal to 1.5
of IWA-3300. The flaws must be projected in both axial times primary loads and 1.0 times secondary
and circumferential orientations, and each orientation eval- loads, including thermal and residual stresses. The
uated. applied J must be less than the predicted instability
(c) A flaw growth analysis must be performed to determine point determined as shown in Fig. 46.14.
the maximum amount of crack propagation due to fatigue,
stress corrosion cracking, or both mechanisms when Justification for the Structural Factors. The LEFM
applicable, during a specified evaluation period. methodology treats all loadings on the vessel equivalently, apply-
(d) All applicable loading (primary and secondary) must be ing equal structural factors ( ' 3 for normal and upset loads) to both
evaluated, including weld residual stresses, in calculating primary stresses due to internal pressure and mechanical loads as
the crack growth and determining flaw acceptability. well as to secondary and peak stresses, such as those caused by
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126 • Chapter 46

differential thermal expansion and residual stresses. These load- procedures; it may be generated from a J-integral database
ings are equivalent in their potential to produce fracture in only the obtained from the same class of material with the same orientation;
most brittle of materials, such as glass; RPV beltline materials at or an indirect method of estimating the J-R curve may be used,
low temperatures after significant irradiation embrittlement; and provided the method is justified for the material. This Case pro-
thick, ferritic materials at very low temperatures. poses the same three methods for determining the J-R curve as in
In the EPFM evaluation in Appendix K, structural factors of 3 on Section XI, Appendix K.
primary loads and 1 on secondary loads are applied. However, it
must be recognized that Appendix K is not dealing with flaw evalu- Conclusion. The proposed Code Case provides alternate
ations, rather with demonstrating adequate levels of toughness, and, criteria for using EPFM methodology for the evaluation of flaws dis-
in so doing, it postulates very large hypothetical flaw sizes. This covered in ferritic steel components, which have been clearly
Code Case deals with realistic flaw sizes that might potentially be demonstrated to operate in the upper-shelf temperature range. The
expected to occur in vessels. Therefore, more conservative structur- technical requirements in this Code Case are very similar to those in
al factors, paralleling those in ASME BPVC Section XI, Appendix Section XI, Appendix K, which allows the use of EPFM techniques
C, are deemed appropriate. Similar to Section XI, Appendix C, this for RPVs with low upper-shelf toughness. Structural factors consis-
Code Case proposes different structural factors for normal/upset tent with other provisions in Section XI, which allow the use of
conditions and emergency/faulted conditions. EPFM for actual flaws, are proposed in this Code Case.
Different structural factors are also proposed for flaw instability It is expected that the proposed Code Case will reduce the
and limited ductile crack extension. Because in an EPFM evalua- excess conservatisms inherent in present flaw evaluation method-
tion, failure is predicted at instability, higher structural factors are ologies in Section XI and allow for more appropriate flaw evalua-
applied for this condition and lower structural factors are applied tion procedures for vessels that operate in the upper-shelf temper-
when considering limited ductile crack extension. ature range.
(a) Normal/Upset Conditions. For the acceptance criterion 46.4.3 Probabilistic EPFM
based solely on limited ductile crack extension, structural
The nuclear industry is increasingly using probabilistic analysis
factors of 3 for primary loads and 1.0 for secondary and
and risk-informed evaluation to optimize inspections of pressure
peak loads (including residual stresses) are proposed. Note
vessel and piping inspections. The risk-informed analysis methodol-
that these are more conservative than the structural factors
ogy and application have been defined and approved by the ASME
actually specified for primary and secondary loads in
Code and the U.S. NRC. Most of the risk-informed fracture
Appendix K of 1.5 for primary loads and 1.0 for secondary
mechanics evaluations have been based on LEFM analysis. With
loads. The proposed structural factor of 1.0 on secondary
greater acceptance of EPFM and risk-informed analysis, it is reason-
loads is also consistent with that specified in Section XI,
able to expect that, at some point in the future, probabilistic EPFM
Appendix C for secondary loads.
evaluations will be used to assess the effectiveness of inspections.
For the acceptance criterion based on flaw instability,
Rahman [63] described a probabilistic model for predicting
structural factors of 3 for primary loads and 1.0 for sec-
elastic-plastic fracture initiation in piping with part through finite
ondary and peak loads (including residual stresses) are
length circumferential cracks in piping, using J-integral–based
proposed. For this Code Case also, a check is made on lim-
EPFM methods and standard methods of structural reliability the-
ited ductile crack extension with structural factors of 1.5
ory. The model uses a deformation plasticity–based J-integral
for primary loads and 1.0 for secondary loads to ensure
analysis and incorporates a local reduced thickness analogy for
that crack extension is not excessive. Because failure is not
simulating system compliance due to the presence of a crack.
associated with ductile crack extension, these structural
Analytical equations are developed to predict the J integral for a
factors are deemed to be appropriate.
surface-cracked pipe under pure bending. The models were
(b) Emergency/Faulted Conditions. For the acceptance criterion
qualified by comparison with finite element calculations of the J
based solely on limited ductile crack extension, structural fac-
integral. Statistical representation of the uncertainties in loads,
tors of 1.5 on primary loads and 1.0 on secondary and peak
crack size, loads, and material properties, were used in conjunc-
loads are proposed. This is consistent with the structural fac-
tion with first- and second-order reliability methods. The statisti-
tors for EPFM evaluations in Appendix C of Section XI.
cal distribution of the initial flaw was not based on in-service
For the acceptance criterion based on flaw instability,
inspection data. Instead, it was assumed that the crack length and
structural factors of 1.5 for primary loads and 1.0 for sec-
depth would follow a Gaussian probability distribution. The sta-
ondary and peak loads (including residual stresses) are
tistical parameters and their probability distribution were arbitrary
proposed. For this Code Case also, limited ductile flaw
and the intent was to illustrate the methodology. For a given
extension, structural factors of 1.25 on primary loads and
applied moment, the J distribution was calculated both by the
1.0 on secondary loads are proposed. Once again, these
application of the second-order reliability method and by Monte
lower safety factors for limited ductile crack extension are
Carlo simulation. The results indicated that the reliability theory
justified because limited stable ductile extension does not
was consistent with the Monte Carlo simulation.
constitute failure. J-Integral Material Resistance Curve. The use of

EPFM as a basis for acceptance criteria requires adequate charac- 46.5 REFERENCES
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for Nuclear Piping in ASME Code Section XI (ASME PVP Vol. 463). Requirements. In: Code of Federal Regulations. Washington, DC:
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and Acceptance Criteria for Flaws in Class 1 Ferritic Piping That 53. ASME BPVC Section XI, Appendix G, Fracture Toughness Criteria
Exceed the Acceptance Standards of IWB-3514.2, Section XI, for Protection Against Failure. In: ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
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42. Bloom JM, Malik SN. A Procedure for the Assessment of Integrity of Toughness Safety Issue (NUREG-0744). Washington, DC: U.S.
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Diagram Approach to Flaw Evaluation (ASTM Special Technical ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. New York: American Society
Publication 803). West Conshohocken, PA: American Society for of Mechanical Engineers; 1993: pp. 482.1–482.15.
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56. U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.161, Evaluation of Reactor Pressure
44. Bloom JM. Deformation Plasticity Failure Assessment Diagram. In: Vessels with Charpy Upper-Shelf Energy Less Than 50 ft-lb.
Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics Technology (ASTM Special Washington, DC: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; 1995.
Technical Publication 896). West Conshohocken, PA: American
57. WRC Bulletin 413, Development of Criteria for Assessment of
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Reactor Vessels with Low Upper Shelf Fracture Toughness. New
45. Bloom JM. Evaluation of Flaws in Ferritic Piping, Appendix J: York: Welding Research Council; 1996.
Deformation Plasticity Failure Assessment Diagram (DPFAD) (EPRI
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Vessel and Piping J-R Data (NUREG/CR-5729). Washington, DC:
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46. Bloom JM. DPFAD for Materials with Non-Ramberg-Osgood Stress-
59. U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.99, Radiation Embrittlement of
Strain Curves. In: ASME PVP Vol. 287, Fracture Mechanics
Reactor Vessel Materials (Revision 2). Washington, DC: U.S. Nuclear
Applications. New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers;
Regulatory Commission; 1988.
60. Mehta HS. A Low Upper Shelf Energy Fracture Mechanics
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Evaluation for a Reactor Pressure Vessel. In: ASME PVP Vol. 260,
N-494 for Assessment of Austenitic Piping. In: ASME PVP Vol. 304,
Fracture Mechanics-Applications and New Materials New York:
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62. Cofie N, Riccardella PC, Yoon K. Technical Basis for Proposed Code
49. Dowling AR, et al. An Overview of R6 Revision 4. In; ASME PVP
Case N-xxx Alternative Acceptance Criteria and Evaluation
Vol. 423, Fracture and Fitness. New York: American Society of
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50. Nilsson F, et al. Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics for Pressure Vessel Evaluation, Orlando, FL, May 10, 2005.
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63. Rahman S. Probabilistic Elastic-Plastic Fracture Analysis of
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Anne Chaudouet, Francis Osweiller, Peter Hanmore,
and Guido G. Karcher
47.1 INTRODUCTION (b) Directives contain essential safety requirements (ESRs) that
are defined in terms of general safety objectives, which will
Pressure equipment presents inherent hazards due to the poten- ensure a high level of protection from the hazards of the
tial energy of its content, especially for gases. Consequently most products.
industrialized countries have, for many decades, regulated these (c) Harmonized standards lay down and quantify these ESRs to
products. In European countries, each national authority devel- achieve the general safety objectives. The use of these
oped regulations that were significantly different from each other: harmonized standards is not mandatory, but products com-
some were very detailed (e.g., in France), some contained only plying with these Standards are presumed to comply with the
general requirements (e.g., in the UK), and others included very ESRs of the Directive.
detailed conformity assessment procedures (e.g., in Germany). (d) Each Directive sets out conformity assessment procedures,
These different regulations naturally led to trade barriers caused by which are the steps to be taken by the manufacturer to
various technical requirements (to export to a certain European coun- demonstrate that the product complies with the requirements
try, the manufacturer was obliged to meet the specific regulations of the Directive and are proportionate to the level of risk
applicable to that country). As one of the cornerstones of the single posed by that equipment.
market was to establish the free movement of goods among the (e) Notified Bodies (NB) are the independent bodies involved with
member states, it became evident that the technical barriers to trade the conformity assessment of equipment and, as required by the
for pressure equipment had to be removed. In 1989, the European applicable conformity assessment procedure, verify and certify
Community agreed to develop a Pressure Equipment Directive that the pressure equipment complies with the requirements of
(PED) based on the New Approach concept, which is the basis of the the PED.
regulatory system in the European Union (EU) for promoting free- (f) CE Marking is affixed to the equipment to indicate that it
dom of movement of goods; the PED was implemented in 2002. complies with the applicable provisions of all the relevant
directives. The presence of the CE marking ensures free
47.2 THE EUROPEAN CONTEXT movement throughout the EU, the EEA (European Economic
Area) and countries that have adopted the directive such as
47.2.1 New Approach Directives Switzerland and Turkey.
The PED is part of the regulatory system that was set up in the
EU in 1985, known as the New Approach to Technical
Harmonization and Standards. The main objectives of this New 47.3 DEVELOPMENT OF THE PED
Approach are the following:
47.3.1 Historical Background
(a) remove technical barriers to trade to permit free movement
Before 1985, the main barrier to trade across the 15 European
of goods throughout the EU
countries in the pressure equipment sector was the coexistence of
(b) implement common regulations and common standards
the following:
throughout the EU
(a) different mandatory requirements given by national regula-
47.2.2 Fundamental Principles
tory authorities
The fundamental principles of the New Approach are as follows: (b) different codes and standards developed by private or
(a) Directives are European regulations that must be imple- national organizations
mented in national law in each member state and supersede (c) different testing and certification practices to ensure equip-
the National Regulations. ment compliance with the relevant regulations and standards
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The EU responded to this challenge by agreeing, in 1989, to (b) Classification. Equipment falling into the scope of the
develop a common European regulation (the PED) covering all PED and above specific thresholds are classified in four cat-
pressure-containing equipment, which is now mandatory through- egories (I, II, III, and IV) according to the level of risk
out the EU. The PED has been developed by the European resulting from the nature of the fluid contained (more or less
Commission with the participation of official representatives of dangerous), the internal pressure (more or less high), and
the 15 countries who voted on it, using the weighted vote rule. A the internal volume (more or less important).
first draft was issued in 1991 and a final draft was presented to the (c) Conformity Assessment Procedures. Each item of equipment
European Council in 1993. After several modifications, the PED must be subject to a conformity assessment procedure to
was finally adopted on May 29, 1997 and published in the Official demonstrate that it complies with the requirements of the
Journal of European Communities on July 9, 1997 under the directive. For each category, one or several procedures are pro-
reference 97/23/EC. posed to the manufacturer. These procedures are more
The inclusion of the PED by each member state into its national demanding for the higher categories. The modules are stan-
regulations was achieved in May of 1999. After a transitional peri- dardized and must be selected for use in each directive from
od of 2 12 years, the PED became fully mandatory throughout the the list established in the Modules Decision (93/475/EEC).
15 EU countries on May 29, 2002, superseding the current nation- (d) Notified Body. The conformity assessment is performed
al regulations. Equipment that falls within the scope of the PED by an independent inspection organization, notified by a
must comply with it and bear the CE marking. For countries join- member state to the European Commission.
ing the EU after this date, the inclusion of PED into their national (e) CE Marking. The CE marking must be affixed to each item
regulations must have been performed prior to their effective entry of equipment that falls within the scope of the directive and
in the EU. The directive only applies to equipment placed on the complies with its requirements, thus ensuring the benefit of
market or put into service in Europe for the first time; equipment free movement throughout the EU.
already in service is not subject to the PED but must continue to (f) Essential Safety Requirements. Each item of equipment clas-
meet the National Regulations. The text of the PED can be sified in one of the four categories must fulfill the ESRs spec-
found on the Web site of the European Commission at: http:// ified in Annex I of the PED. These technical requirements cover design, material, fabrication, testing, and inspection
aspects relating to the equipment.
47.3.2 Objectives and Requirements
47.3.4 Structure
(a) The PED has three objectives. The PED has 21 articles, which are listed in Table 47.1.
(1) Adopt a common regulation for pressure equipment
throughout the EU. TABLE 47.1 PED CONTENTS
(2) Remove the technical barriers to trade for this industri-
al sector and permit free movement of products
throughout the EU.
(3) Maintain or improve the current levels of safety in pres-
sure equipment in the EU.
This third objective is important as the PED is based on the
concept of identifying the applicable health and safety hazards
and taking proportionate action to bring these to an acceptable
level. This is addressed by the adoption of different safety levels
and the identification of four categories, each with increasing
technical and conformity assessment requirements as risk rises.
The PED covers only the hazards due to pressure; other directives
may be applicable where other hazards are identified.
(b) The PED, like other European directives, lays down three
types of requirements.
(1) requirements of a legislative nature, which are con-
tained in Articles 1 to 21
(2) requirements devoted to conformity assessment proce-
dures (detailed in Annex III), which concern the
responsibilities of manufacturers and NB
(3) requirements devoted to the equipment itself, which
are the ESRs (detailed in Annex I)
47.3.3 Main Concepts
The PED has been mandatory in the EU since May 29, 2002.
(a) Scope. The Directive applies to all pressure equipment
(vessels, piping, boilers, pressure accessories, safety acces-
sories, and assemblies) subject to a pressure greater than 0.5
bar. Despite many exclusions, this scope is very wide; it
covers individual items of pressure equipment such as ves-
sels as well as large industrial equipment and assemblies.
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(a) About half of the articles are legal or administrative in (a) Vessel. This is a housing designed and built to contain a fluid
nature and are common to all New Approach directives. (gas or liquid) under pressure. This covers what are known as
pressure vessels and includes, for example, heat exchangers.
(1) Articles devoted to the Member States are the following: (b) Piping. These are piping components, when connected
(a) Article 2 (Market Surveillance) together for integration into a pressure system, intended for
(b) Article 4 (Free Movement) the transport of fluids.
(c) Article 5 (Presumption of Conformity) (c) Safety Accessories. These are devices designed to protect
(d) Article 8 (Safeguard Clause) the equipment from exceeding safe operating limits.
(e) Articles 16 to 21 (Administration) (d) Pressure Accessories. These are devices with an operational
function and having a pressure bearing housing (such as
(2) Articles 6 and 7 are devoted to the Committees to assist valves, pressure regulators, pressure gauges, filters, and
in implementation. expansion joints).
(b) Other articles form the cornerstone of the PED. The PED also covers assemblies consisting of several pieces of
pressure equipment assembled by the manufacturer to constitute
(1) Article 1 defines the scope of the PED and includes an integrated and functional whole (e.g., boilers).
definitions and exclusions. Only these types of pressure equipment can bear the CE mark-
(2) Article 3 defines the thresholds (pressure and volume) ing and are covered by the PED. Components, such as covers,
above which the pressure equipment will have to be collars, gaskets, flanges, bolts, and nozzles, are not considered as
classified in categories and subject to ESRs (listed in pressure equipment and must not bear a CE marking. Equipment
Annex I). that is 0.5 bar and below is not within the scope of the PED
(3) Article 9 defines the four categories (I, II, III, and IV) because it does not present a significant hazard and there should
that are obtained from tables (given in Annex II). not be a barrier to trade.
(4) Article 10 defines which conformity assessment mod-
ules are applied for the different categories (detailed in Exclusions. Due to the fact that the PED scope is very
Annex III). wide, numerous exclusions are provided, (21 in total); they are of
(5) Article 11 defines the European Approval for Materials. three types as follows:
(6) Article 12 defines the role of the NB. (a) specific equipment (e.g., pipelines, water networks, and
(7) Article 20 defines the transitional provisions. nuclear sector well control equipment) where there are issues
(c) These articles are completed by seven Annexes, listed in beyond the free movement of goods that must be considered.
Table 47.1, which are technical (Annexes I, II, and III) and (b) equipment already covered by other pressure Directives
administrative (Annexes IV to VII). A flowchart of the PED (e.g., simple pressure vessels, aerosol dispensers, and trans-
is also provided in Fig. 47.1. portation of dangerous goods) and equipment covered by
non pressure Directives for equipment classified no higher
than Category I in PED (i.e, machinery, low voltage equip-
47.3.5 Operation ment, lifts, medical devices, . . .)
The implementation of the PED is monitored by the Commi- (c) equipment that does not present significant hazards due to
ssion, which is assisted by a Standing Committee [Working Group pressure (e.g., equipment for the functioning of motor vehi-
Pressure (WGP)] composed of representatives of member states. cles, tires, and cans/bottles for carbonated drinks).
Making a revision to the PED is a difficult task; it requires the
votes of the member states and the approval of the European A list of these exclusions is provided in Table 47.2.
Parliament and Council of the EU. Up to now, no revision has 47.4.2 Classification of Pressure Equipment
been made. Accordingly, clarifications of the PED are made via Level of Hazard in Pressure Equipment. Pressure
Guidelines issued by the WGP (see para. 47.5).
equipment is classified into one of four categories based on an
ascending level of hazard. This has practical consequences for the
equipment, as both its compliance with the ESRs and the required
47.4 THE PED conformity assessment procedures will be affected. Generally, the
47.4.1 Scope higher the category, the higher the level of risk, the greater the
technical requirements, and the more comprehensive the conformi-
The PED embraces all equipment subject to an internal pressure
ty assessment procedure.
greater than 0.5 bar (1 bar ⫽ approximately 14.5 psi). It applies to
all pressure equipment placed on the market or put into service in (a) The pressure is 0.5 bar or below: the legislators deemed
Europe for the first time; it applies whether the equipment is there to be no significant hazard due to pressure and, there-
manufactured inside or outside the EU and for any material fore, excluded such equipment from the scope of the PED.
(metallic or nonmetallic). Also, within the scope of the PED is the (b) The pressure is above 0.5 bar but the equipment presents
assembly of pressure equipment on site, unless this assembly is only a minor pressure hazard: this equipment falls below the
performed under the responsibility of the User and does not create level at which conformity assessment is required and is
new pressure equipment. Inservice inspection of pressure equip- called Category 0; such equipment is within the scope of the
ment is covered by the national regulations of each EU member PED but is not subject to its requirements.
state. However the need to develop an EU directive covering inser- (c) The pressure hazard level is low: the equipment is classified
vice inspection is presently under study. as Category I. The manufacturer self-declares conformity
with the directive and there is no intervention by a NB. Types of Equipment Covered. In the context of the (d) The pressure hazard level is moderate: the equipment is clas-
PED, pressure equipment means the following: sified as Category II. The manufacturer declares conformity
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TABLE 47.2 PED EXCLUSIONS (Article 1, para. 3) Equipment in Hazard Categories I to IV (Article
3 - para. 1).
(a) Equipment that is above the thresholds, is classified as
Category I to IV, depending on the level of hazard; such
equipment is
(1) required to conform to relevant ESRs
(2) required to be subject to the applicable conformity
assessment procedure
(3) required to be supported by an EC Declaration of
(4) required to exhibit CE marking
(5) ensured free movement throughout the EU
(b) The category depends on the following factors:
(1) the type of equipment: vessel (fired or unfired), piping,
safety accessory, or pressure accessory
(2) the nature of the fluid
(a) gas in the sense of the PED (Article 3, para. 1.1a):
gas, liquefied gas, gas dissolved under pressure,
vapors, and so forth
(b) liquid in the sense of the PED (Article 3, para.
1.1b): liquids having a vapor pressure ⬍0.5 bar
(3) properties of the fluids that are classified into two groups
(Article 9, para. 2):
(a) group 1: dangerous fluids; defined in 67/548/EEC (clas-
sification, packaging and labeling of dangerous sub-
stances) as explosive, extremely flammable, highly
flammable, flammable, very toxic, toxic, and oxidizing
(b) group 2: all fluids not in group 1
the directive and the NB participates in some of the final (4) operating conditions characterized by the maximum allowable
inspections. PS and the internal V (for vessels) or the DN (for piping)
(e) The pressure hazard level is high: the equipment is classi-
fied as Category III. Various options are available to the The hazard categories are defined in the PED by graphs (Tables 1
manufacturer; however, the NB will be involved in either to 9 of Annex II); determination of the category is explained
the approval of the manufacturer’s quality system or in below for each type of equipment.
checking the design and the fabrication.
(f) The pressure hazard level is very high: the equipment is Unfired vessels (Article 3, para. 1.1). Figure 47.2,
classified as Category IV. The same rules apply as for reproduced from Table 1 of the PED, enables the determination of
Category III and the NB will perform an increased check of the Category of a vessel containing a group 1 (dangerous) gas, as
the design and fabrication. a function of its internal V and maximum allowable PS. Three
additional tables are provided in the PED to cover the following:
Two main cases appear depending on if the equipment is below
or above the thresholds of Category 0. (a) vessels containing a group 2 nondangerous gas (Table 2 of
the PED). Equipment in Category 0 (Article 3.3). This concerns (b) vessels containing a group 1 dangerous liquid (Table 3 of
all the equipment that is below the thresholds defined in Article 3.3. the PED).
The thresholds depend on the type of the equipment, the nature and (c) vessels containing a group 2 nondangerous liquid (Table 4
type of the fluid, and the pressure (PS) and volume (V) or nominal of the PED).
diameter (DN). Such equipment is NOT Fired or Otherwise Heated Pressure Equipment
(a) required to comply with the ESR; it must be constructed in (Article 3, para. 1.2). Vessels subject to direct or indirect heating,
accordance with the sound engineering practice of a mem- where there is a risk of overheating, that are intended for the gen-
ber state. eration of steam or superheated water (at T ⬎ 110⬚C; e.g., boilers
(b) subject to the conformity assessment procedures. and pressure cookers) are treated separately. Steam is a group 2
(c) subject to the EC Declaration of Conformity; it must only fluid; only one graph (Table 5 of the PED) is required to specify
bear the identification of the manufacturer and be accompa- the Category.
nied by instructions for use.
(d) marked with the CE marking; however, it does have the Piping (Article 3, para. 1.3). As with unfired vessels,
benefit of free movement throughout the EU. four graphs are necessary to determine the Category of a piping
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(Tables 6 through 9 of the PED). See Fig. 47.3 (Table 6 of the (a) The equipment is in Category 0 (Article 3, para. 3): the
PED), where DN is the nominal diameter of the piping in mm. pressure accessory is in Category 0, which means use of
sound engineering practice (instead of ESR), no conformity Safety Accessories (Article 3, para. 1.4; Annex II, assessment, and no CE marking.
para. 2). Generally, safety accessories are classified as Category (b) The equipment is in Category I, II, III, or IV: the accessory
IV. This is because the original manufacturer probably does not is classified using its PS and V (using Table 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
know where it will be put into service and the safety accessory of the PED, as appropriate) or its DN (using Table 6, 7, 8,
should be at least equal to the highest category of the equipment it or 9 of the PED, as appropriate). If both V and DN are con-
is protecting. It is possible, however, that where the safety acces- sidered appropriate to define the accessory, it is classified in
sory is designed for use on a particular piece of equipment, it may the higher category.
be classified at the category of the equipment concerned.
According to the category of the equipment on which the safety
accessory is fitted, two cases are possible. Conclusion. The categorization of pressure equipment
forms the cornerstone of the PED on the technical and legal
(a) The equipment is in Category 0 (Article 3, para. 3): the aspects. The category has a significant impact on the technical
safety accessory is classified as Category 0, which means requirements in the ESRs applicable to the equipment and the
use of sound engineering practice (instead of ESR), no con- extent of conformity assessment to be performed by the NB and
formity assessment, and no CE marking. the Manufacturer. Finally, nine tables are proposed in Annex II of
(b) The equipment is in Category I, II, III, or IV (Annex II, the PED, which are listed below.
para. 2): two cases are possible.
(1) The accessory is fabricated specifically for the equip- (a) Table 1: Vessels Containing a Group 1 Dangerous Gas
ment: the accessory is in the same category as the (b) Table 2: Vessels Containing a Group 2 Nondangerous Gas
equipment. (c) Table 3: Vessels Containing a Group 1 Dangerous Liquid
(2) The accessory is not fabricated specifically for the (d) Table 4: Vessels Containing a Group 2 Nondangerous Liquid
equipment: the accessory is classified as Category IV. (e) Table 5: Fired or Otherwise Heated Equipment
(f) Table 6: Piping Containing a Group 1 Dangerous Gas Pressure Accessories (Article 3, para. 1.4; Annex II, (g) Table 7: Piping Containing a Group 2 Nondangerous Gas
para. 3). According to the category of the equipment on which the (h) Table 8: Piping Containing a Group 1 Dangerous Liquid
pressure accessory is fitted, two cases are possible (Annex II, para. 2). (i) Table 9: Piping Containing a Group 2 Nondangerous Liquid
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47.4.3 Conformity Assessment Procedures (Article 10; TABLE 47.3 LIST OF CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT
Annex III) MODULES Basic Principles. The PED proposes 13 conformity

assessment procedures from which the manufacturer may select
one that is appropriate, based on the category of the equipment, the
type of production envisaged, and the manufacturer’s preference.
These procedures may involve a single module or a combination
of modules covering the design and manufacturing phases. A man-
ufacturer may always apply a procedure from a higher category
than required for the particular equipment, with the exception of
pressure equipment within the scope of Article 3, para. 3, which
must not be CE marked.
The multiplicity of conformity assessment procedures in pres-
sure equipment is justified by the following:

(a) the wide range of pressure equipment covered by the directive

(b) the different production systems used in manufacturing
pressure equipment (unit production, series production)
(c) the requirement to offer the manufacturer the option of fol-
lowing a quality system approach if he so chooses
(d) the different hazard levels (categories) identified for pressure
equipment, and the need to provide proportionate solutions

Each conformity assessment module is described in detail in

Annex III of the PED and specifies the respective tasks and
responsibilities of the Manufacturer and of the NB. The
Manufacturer selects the conformity assessment module applica-
ble to the category of the equipment from Table 47.3. Choice of Conformity Assessment Procedures.

Although at first glance there appears to be a bewildering choice of
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modules, once the manufacturer takes account of the actual cate- as described for Module B1. Upon successful completion of
gory of the equipment, the type of manufacturing system, and this phase, the NB arranges to attend the site to perform
whether to follow a quality assurance (QA) route or not, the choic- examinations and tests to verify that the equipment has been
es are diminished. Table 47.4 indicates the various options avail- manufactured in accordance with the approved design and
able and the most suitable options. One can see immediately that, satisfies the other provisions of the PED that apply to it.
if the manufacturer does not wish to follow the QA route, 50% of Where satisfied that the design and the sample of produc-
the options disappear immediately. tion meet the requirements, the NB issues an EC-type
examination certificate. The manufacturer must communi- Conformity Assessment Modules Without QA. cate any proposed changes to the approved type, even of a
Various modules are available to a manufacturer that does not wish minor nature, so that the NB can evaluate their effect and
to follow the quality assurance route; these vary from self certifi- take appropriate action to approve the proposal.
cation by the manufacturer for the low risk Category 1 equipment, (e) Module C1: Conformity to Type. This module is applicable
to design examination and inspection during all phases of manu- to pressure equipment in Category III and can only be used
facture by a NB. in conjunction with Module B (EC-type examination). After
obtaining an EC-type examination certificate, the manufac-
(a) Module A: Internal Production Control. This module is turer produces pressure equipment in accordance with the
applicable to pressure equipment in Category I. The manu- approved design. The manufacturer must enter into an
facturer must design and manufacture the equipment, pre- agreement with a NB to monitor the final testing, which is
pare technical documentation that demonstrates how the performed as per module A1.
requirements of the directive have been met, apply the CE (f) Module F: Product Verification. This module is used for
marking, and declare conformity with the PED. There is no pressure equipment in conjunction with Module B1 for
requirement for participation by a NB in this procedure. Category III equipment or Module B for Category IV equip-
(b) Module A1: Internal Manufacturing Checks With Monitoring ment. The NB carries out the appropriate examinations and
of the Final Examination. This module is applicable to pres- tests during the final assessment of each item of pressure
sure equipment in Category II. This procedure requires the equipment to verify that it conforms to the relevant EC
manufacturer to follow the requirements in Module A and Design Examination Certificate or EC Type Examination
the NB must monitor the final testing performed by the Certificate. Where the NB is satisfied that the pressure
manufacturer. The frequency of NB monitoring is estab- equipment meets the requirements, a Certificate of
lished by taking into account the production frequency and Conformity for the tests carried out is issued and submitted
lot size/batch size. Generally, this frequency will be not less to the manufacturer.
than two visits per year. Although the directive does not (g) Module G: EC Unit Verification. This module is applicable
foresee the issue of a certificate for this category, a NB nor- to pressure equipment in Category IV. The manufacturer
mally issues some form of a report. submits an application and technical documentation to the
(c) Module B1: EC-Design Examination. This module is applica- NB of choice for unit verification. The NB assesses the
ble to pressure equipment in Category III when used in technical documentation, as per module B1, and subse-
conjunction with Module F or D. The manufacturer submits quently carries out examinations and tests during all phases
an application for EC-design examination together with the of manufacture, as defined in the relevant construction code
technical documentation to a NB of choice. The NB exam- or in accordance with a quality plan prepared by the manu-
ines the documentation to assess conformance with the facturer and marked up by the NB.
requirements and, where satisfied as to the conformance
with the PED, issues an EC-design examination certificate Conformity Assessment Modules With QA.
to the applicant. Manufacturers that choose to demonstrate conformity by the qual-
(d) Module B: EC-Type Examination.This module is applicable ity assurance route must have their quality assurance system
to pressure equipment in Category III when used in conjunc- approved by a NB and then be subject to ongoing surveillance and
tion with Module C1 or E or in Category IV when used in unexpected visits. Although the quality system requirements are
conjunction with Module F or D. The manufacturer submits based on those of ISO 9000, manufacturers who currently hold
an application for EC-type examination together with the ISO 9000 certification still require approval by a NB. If their ISO
technical documentation and makes available an item(s) of Registrar is also a NB, there will still be a need for an assessment
the envisaged (type). The NB examines the documentation that the quality system contains all the elements that will ensure
consistent conformance to the PED. However, manufacturers with
TABLE 47.4 SELECTION OF CONFORMITY an existing ISO 9000 approval will be given a presumption of con-
ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES formity for those aspects that are covered by ISO 9000, thus reduc-
ing the scope of the assessment.
There are several subtle differences between traditional ISO
9000 certification from an accredited Registrar and approval by
the NB. The ISO 9000 certification system is voluntary, but once
approved by a NB, the manufacturer is under an obligation to dili-
gently apply the quality system. All products resulting from the
approved quality system and destined to be put into service in
Europe must display the NB’s unique identification number after
the CE marking. This means that the NB is participating far more
closely with the manufacturer in bringing safe equipment to the
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market than an ISO Registrar. It is for these reasons that many tion certificate is issued. Any modifications to the design
different requirements for the quality assurance documentation must be similarly appraised and the certificate amended to
compared to that for the normal registration. include the additions where they may affect conformity with
The quality system documentation is required to specify all the the requirements or the prescribed conditions for use of the
requirements that ensure that the equipment will consistently equipment. Final assessment is subject to increased surveil-
comply with the PED in all respects. Because of this, certain lance by unexpected visits; at these visits, examinations are
detailed information is required to be in the documented system carried out on the pressure equipment. Generally, final
and disseminated to the appropriate staff. Also, the NB must have assessment of all one-off Category IV equipment is wit-
full confidence that there are sufficient numbers of staff perform- nessed by the NB.
ing the critical activities, who are appropriately trained and expe-
rienced and, where necessary, independent and impartial.
Proposed changes to the quality system must first be submitted to Application to NB. At the time manufacturers apply
the NB for assessment prior to implementation. to a NB for a service, they are required to make a declaration
The quality system documentation may consist of ISO 9000 that they have not applied to another NB for the same scope of
documentation revised to include the various aspects required (not activity. This is not to prevent the manufacturer from shopping
appropriate for manufacturers that manufacture only some of their around to obtain the best quote, rather to prevent the manufactur-
products for putting into service in Europe); ISO 9000 documen- er from trying to change NBs if he does not like the outcome of a
tation supplemented by a PED quality plan called up at contract particular assessment. Once the particular activity is completed,
review (suitable for manufacturers with markets inside and out- the manufacturer may then apply to a different NB for subsequent
side Europe); or A stand-alone document that only addresses the activities.
requirements of the PED (appropriate for manufacturers who do
not wish to embrace all the ISO 9000 requirements). Technical Documentation. Manufacturers are always
required to prepare technical documentation to support pressure
(a) Module E: Product Quality Assurance. This procedure is equipment that they place on the market or put into service. The
applicable to pressure equipment in Category III when used purpose of this documentation is to demonstrate that the pressure
in conjunction with Module B. The manufacturer must equipment meets the requirements of the PED that are applicable to
operate a quality system for final inspection and testing of it. The technical documentation does not have to exist in a physical
the pressure equipment, and must submit to an initial assess- form, but it must be able to be assembled within a reasonable time
ment by a NB and subsequent surveillance and unexpected when a duly substantiated request from an enforcement authority is
visits. received. It is, therefore, essential that the manufacturer identifies
(b) Module E1: Product Quality Assurance. This procedure is all that makes up the technical documentation and prepares any
applicable to pressure equipment in Category II when the required justifications at the time the equipment is manufactured.
manufacturer also prepares the applicable technical docu- Various documents may then be listed on an index and assembled
mentation. The requirements of this module are the same as as and when required. Some modules, of course, require the sub-
for Module E; additionally, the manufacturer must draw up mission of the technical documents to the NB; in such cases, they
the technical documentation. will have to be assembled before manufacture to comply.
(c) Module D: Production Quality Assurance. This procedure (a) The technical documents consist of the following:
is applicable to pressure equipment in Category III when
used in conjunction with Module B1 or in Category IV (1) hazard analysis
when used in conjunction with Module B. The manufactur- (2) a general description of the pressure equipment
er must operate a quality system for production, final (3) conceptual design and manufacturing drawings
inspection, and testing of the pressure equipment, and must (4) descriptions and explanations necessary for under-
submit to an initial assessment by a NB and subsequent sur- standing the drawings and operation of the equipment
veillance and unexpected visits. (5) details of materials conformance with accepted specifi-
(d) Module D1: Production Quality Assurance. This procedure cations (harmonized standards, EAMs, PMAs)
is applicable to pressure equipment in Category II when the (6) a list of harmonized standards used in full or in part
manufacturer also prepares the applicable technical docu- (7) where harmonized standards are not used, a description
mentation. The requirements of this module are the same as of the solutions adopted to meet the ESRs
for Module D; additionally, the manufacturer must draw up (8) results of design calculations made and examinations
the technical documentation. carried out
(e) Module H: Full-Quality Assurance. This procedure is applic- (9) test reports
able to pressure equipment in Category III. The manufactur-
(b) For certain pressure equipment, the following may also be
er must operate a quality system for design, manufacture,
and final inspection and testing of pressure equipment, and
must submit to an initial assessment by a NB and subse- (1) information concerning tests in manufacture
quent surveillance and unexpected visits. (2) information concerning both the qualification of joining
(f) Module H1: Full-Quality Assurance With Design Examination procedures and joining/nondestructive testing (NDT)
and Special Surveillance of the Final Assessment. This proce- personnel
dure is applicable to pressure equipment in Category IV. In
addition to the requirements of Module H, the manufacturer 47.4.4 Notified Bodies
must apply to the NB to carry out design examination as out- Where third-party inspection is required in conformity assess-
lined in Module B1. If acceptable, an EC design examina- ment procedures in the context of a New Approach directive, this
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138 • Chapter 47

is performed by notified bodies. Member states are responsible The PED is not a technical code and does not provide the
for establishing the competence of a candidate NB and, where details of how to meet these requirements; this is the role of
they are found to meet the requirements, their details are advised the harmonized standards. However, some specific quantita-
to the European Commission and published in the Official tive requirements have been noted in Annex 1, para. 7 that
Journal of the European Communities. apply as a general rule. Manufacturers can, therefore, depart
Each member state may inform the Commission of a NB once from these quantitative requirements; but, they must convince
it has established that the NB meets the requirements set down in the NB that they have taken appropriate measures to achieve
Annex IV of the PED. Generally, the member state will appoint a an equivalent overall level of safety. These specific quantita-
competent authority, e.g., National Accreditation Body, to assess tive requirements must not be considered as optional.
the applicant against these criteria and make recommendations as (c) It is the role of the harmonized standards to provide practi-
to their suitability. Although it is not compulsory for the NB to be cal advice as how the requirements can be met. These stan-
accredited, the assessment is normally carried out against the gen- dards have been written on a mandate from the Commission
eral requirements of the applicable accreditation standard (e.g., with the specific aim to meet the ESRs of the PED.
EN 45004 (ISO 17020) and EN 45012). Consequently, they provide a presumption of conformity to
Once notified, a NB may offer its services in any country and the PED (see Article 5, para. 2) for manufacturers that fol-
its services must be equally accepted as work carried out by any low their requirements.
other NB. A NB may subcontract some of its activities but must The use of harmonized standards, however, is not compulso-
retain overall control and all certificates issued must be in its ry; the legal requirement is simply to meet the ESRs. This
name. Lists of NB and their scope of approval are available at: can be achieved by the manufacturer designing and building pressure equipment using any code or standard, but such a
The approval of joining procedures, joining operators (particu- route does not provide a presumption of conformity and the
larly welders), and nondestructive testing personnel may, in some manufacturer must be able to demonstrate to the NB that the
cases, be performed by recognized third-party organizations. vessel complies with each of the applicable ESR of Annex I.
These entities are similarly assessed by the member states and (d The manufacturer may use one of the following options to
must comply with criteria similar to those of the NB. demonstrate compliance of his equipment with the ESR:
(1) using the harmonized standard that give a presumption
47.4.5 CE Marking of conformity
(2) using a recognized code like ASME, PD 5500, or CODAP
(a) The CE marking is the physical symbol affixed to the (3) applying directly the ESRs.
item of pressure equipment that is placed on the EU mar-
ket. It attests that the equipment complies with all the pro- For (2) and (3), the manufacturer must justify the solutions
visions of the PED and any other relevant directives. This adopted to meet the ESRs to the NB involved.
passport allows the equipment free movement throughout
the EU. Design (Annex I, paras. 1 and 2)
(b) The CE marking is affixed by the manufacturer, who takes
the responsibility for declaring that the equipment complies (a) General (Annex I, para. 1). All equipment classified in haz-
with all the requirements of the PED. ard Categories I, II, III, and IV must meet each of the ESRs,
(c) An item of equipment may be subject simultaneously to as far as they are applicable to the equipment. A list of ESRs
various New Approach directives, such as the machinery is provided in para. 47.10.
directive (if including moving parts) or the low voltage (b) Hazard Identification. The manufacturer is obliged to ana-
directive (if electrical energy is involved). In such cases, a lyze the hazards due to pressure and then design the equip-
single CE marking must be affixed, which symbolizes the ment taking this into account. This assessment should be
compliance with all applicable directives. It is, therefore, proportional to the level of hazard and its documentation
the responsibility of the manufacturer to verify the list of kept with the technical documents.
directives to which the equipment may be subject. (c) Design for Adequate Strength. Pressure equipment is designed
by taking all relevant factors into account, including the
47.4.6 Essential Safety Requirements (Annex I) (a) internal/external pressures Basic Principles. The technical requirements concern- (b) ambient and operational temperatures
ing the pressure equipment itself are listed in Annex I of the PED. (c) static pressure and mass of contents in operating and
The following principles apply: test conditions
(d) traffic, wind, and earthquake loading
(a) All pressure equipment that is above the thresholds men- (e) reaction forces and moments that result from the
tioned in Article 3 (i.e., classified in Category I, II, III, or supports, attachments, and piping
IV) must comply with the ESRs. They concern the various (f) corrosion and erosion, fatigue
steps of the construction including design, material selec- (g) decomposition of unstable fluid
tion, manufacturing, inspection, safety devices, and other
aspects to ensure that the equipment can be put into service The pressure equipment must be designed for adequate strength
and operate safely. based on a calculation method. Where necessary, this is supple-
(b) The ESRs are generally formulated in terms of safety mented by an experimental design method.
objectives (e.g., pressure equipment must be constructed An experimental design method may also be used without cal-
in such a way to ensure its safety in reasonable foreseeable culation but only when the product of PS.V is less than 6000
conditions). bar.L or the product of PS.DN is less than 3000 bar. It should be
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noted that the use of the experimental design method is not per- sufficient strength. Many national product standards specify
mitted in the context of Module B1 (EC design examination). the allowable stresses to be used for calculation purposes;
The calculation method may be based on either the Harmonized this is not acceptable to PED, as the properties used in cal-
European Product Standard or ASME Section I or Section VIII, PD culation must be those assured by the material manufacturer
5500, CODAP, AD 2000, (ASME B31.1 or B31.3, CODETI for and not those established by a separate committee.
piping) or another recognized standard.
Where standards other than the Harmonized European Product The designer is also required to verify that the maximum mem-
Standard are used, the designer must ensure that the variations brane stress for predominately static loads for temperatures out-
needed to comply with the PED are incorporated. side the creep range must not exceed the smaller of:
Where an appropriate code is not followed, the Designer may (1) For ferritic steels, 32 of Re/t and 125 of Rm/20
use one of the following calculation methods as appropriate and if (2) In the case of austenitic steels
necessary to supplement or use in combination with another (a) if its elongation after rupture exceeds 30%, 23 of Re/t
method: design by formula, design by analysis, or design by frac- (b) if its elongation after rupture exceeds 35%, 56 of Re/t
ture mechanics. and 31 of Rm/t
(d) Calculation Method. The designer must prepare a full set of (3) In the case of aluminum, 23 of Re/t
design calculations to demonstrate the adequacy of the (4) In the case of aluminum alloys (excluding precipitation
equipment. The calculation pressures used must not be less hardening alloys), 32 of Re/t and 125 of Rm/20
than the maximum allowable pressure and due account (g) Joint Coefficients. For welded joints, the joint coefficient
taken of the following: must not exceed the following values:
(1) static head. (1) for equipment subject to destructive and nondestructive
(2) dynamic fluid pressures. tests that confirm the whole series of joints show no sig-
(3) decomposition of unstable fluids. nificant defects: 1.0
(4) multichamber vessels must consider the worst case of (2) for equipment subject to random (sample) testing: 0.85
pressure loading. (3) for equipment not subject to nondestructive testing
(5) calculation temperatures must allow an appropriate other than visual inspection: 0.7
safety margin. (h) Other Considerations. The manufacturer is required to con-
(6) all possible combinations of temperature and pressure sider the following and adopt suitable solutions:
must be considered.
(7) maximum stress and peak stress must be kept within (1) provisions to ensure safe handling and operation
safe limits. (2) means of examination
(8) appropriate safety factors must be applied. (3) means of draining and venting
(9) material properties used must be based on the data (4) corrosion or other chemical attack
specified in the appropriate harmonized standard, (5) wear
EAM or PMA. (6) assemblies are suitable and adequately integrated
(10) material characteristics to be considered (where (7) provisions for filling and discharge
appropriate) include the following: (8) protection against exceeding allowable limits of pres-
sure equipment
(a) yield strength, 0.2 % or 1.0 % proof strength (9) specific requirements for safety accessories
as appropriate for the material at calculation tem- (10) ability to withstand external fire
(b) tensile strength Where the manufacturer designs and manufactures pressure
(c) time-dependent strength (creep) equipment and offers it for sale, the above aspects must be
(d) fatigue data addressed and suitable solutions adopted, either by inclusion in
(e) Young’s modulus the product or by providing appropriate information in the operat-
(f) appropriate amount of plastic strain ing instructions. Frequently, however, pressure equipment is pro-
(g) impact strength duced to a specification provided by the User or an engineering
(h) fracture toughness contractor who has made many of the decisions that the manufac-
turer must declare as conforming to the PED. The manufacturer
(11) appropriate joint factors. must still declare conformity of all aspects with the PED even if
(12) foreseeable degradation mechanisms. the manufacturer was not directly responsible for some of the
(13) stability. decisions (e.g., selection of material). As the PED makes no
(e) Experimental Design. Where an experimental design method allowance for sharing responsibility, the manufacturer must satis-
is adopted, it is carried out in accordance with an appropriate fy himself that the decisions made by others actually comply with
test program. The test program is prepared by the manufac- the applicable ESRs and that certification of this is available in
turer, defines the test conditions and criteria for acceptance writing from the applicable source.
and refusal, and is submitted to the NB for approval.
(f) Allowable Stresses. In keeping with the European philosophy, Manufacturing (Annex I, para. 3)
the harmonized standards do not specify allowable stresses
for materials. The materials accepted for use in these stan- Preparation of Component Parts. The PED speci-
dards all have properties assured by material manufacturers, fies “the preparation of component parts (e.g., forming and cham-
and it is these properties that are used in calculations for fering) must not give rise to defects or cracks or changes in the
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140 • Chapter 47

mechanical characteristics likely to be detrimental to the safety of Welding procedures may be qualified to EN ISO 15614, with
the pressure equipment.” This requires the designer to consider the welders qualified to EN 287. It is permissible to use other welding
manufacturing techniques and materials to be used to ensure qualifications if the tests are equivalent or can be supplemented to
compatibility. To verify that the selected combinations have been be equivalent. There are no specific rules relating to prolongation
successful, the formed and chamfered material must be inspected of certification, and guidance should be taken from the applicable
and, to demonstrate this to the NB, appropriately documented. EN standard.
Effectively, this paragraph requires a quality plan that details the
operations associated with the preparation of materials and Nondestructive Tests. Nondestructive tests must be
requires them to be inspected and signed off as complying. carried out by appropriately approved personnel. Where the equip-
ment falls within Categories III or IV, the personnel must be qual- Permanent Joining. Permanent joints and adjacent ified by an RTPO. The PED does not specify any particular
zones must be free from any surface or internal defects detrimental requirements for certification of NDT personnel, although there is
to the safety of the equipment. Permanent joints are those that can- a harmonized standard (EN 473) that may be followed. NDT per-
not be disconnected, except by destructive methods; this includes sonnel may be certified under systems other than the harmonized
welded and brazed joints. The requirement indicates that all com- standard, provided the RTPO is satisfied that certification criteria
pleted welds shall be examined. It is not unreasonable to require a equivalent to the harmonized standards have been met and that the
visual examination of all permanent joints and an appropriate scope of certification is relevant to the testing of permanent joints
amount of volumetric testing. The hazard analysis combined with in pressure equipment. Individuals holding an EN 473 or ISO 9712
the requirements for joint coefficients determines the appropriate certificate issued by a certification body which is not an RTPO, but
amount of volumetric testing. It would be helpful to use the quality which has a formal contractual arrangement with an RTPO to carry
plan referred to above to specify the extent of volumetric testing to out assessments as a sub-contractor may also be approved by the
be carried out and provide a means of recording the examination. RTPO upon receipt of satisfactory documented evidence of quali-
fication and certification only. Joining Procedure Qualifications. All welding of An RTPO may subcontract part of its work but retains full
components that contributes to pressure-retaining capability of the responsibility for the issue and approval of the personnel on an
equipment or components joined directly to them must be carried individual basis. Approval of an individual solely on the basis of
out using suitably qualified personnel according to suitable operat- a certificate issued by another body, where no contractual
ing procedures. Where the pressure equipment is in Category II, arrangement exists with the RTPO, does not fulfill the require-
III, or IV, the procedures and personnel must be approved by a NB ment of the PED.
or a recognized third-party organization (RTPO), recognized by a All these principles are detailed in a Technical Report pub-
member state. lished by CEN (European Standardization Body for mechanical
NBs and RTPOs, involved with the approval of procedures, must equipment): CEN/TR 15589:2007.
perform (or have performed) the examinations and tests specified in The extent of testing is determined according to the joint coeffi-
the harmonized standard. As the harmonized product standards cient chosen and the hazard analysis. The joint coefficient may be
specify EN ISO 15614 for procedures and EN 287 for personnel, determined by a requirement for the thinnest possible vessel (joint
the appropriate tests specified in these standards are applicable. coefficient 1), in which case full NDT is required; if the manufac-
Manufacturers that have welding procedures qualified to other turer does not wish to perform NDT, a coefficient of 0.7 must be
standards would not necessarily have to requalify the procedure, selected. Where sample NDT is used, a joint coefficient of 0.85
rather to perform the additional required tests. may be applied. There is no guidance as to what sample NDT
The properties of permanent joints must meet the minimum prop- consists of (2%, 5%, 10%); the hazard analysis or the product
erties specified for the materials to be joined unless other relevant standard may be used for guidance.
property values are specifically taken into account in the design cal- Records of NDT (e.g., reports, radiographs, charts, personnel
culations. To comply with this requirement, welding procedure tests qualifications) must be kept to demonstrate to the NB full
must be certified as meeting the appropriate requirements of the compliance with the requirements and as part of the technical
base material, tensile, elongation, impact, and such. This require- documentation.
ment includes the deposited metal and the heat-affected zone, where
applicable, and so would apply to, for instance, welded pipe. As the Heat Treatment. The manufacturer is obliged to
PED has specific requirements for strength, ductility, and toughness identify the need for heat treatment and to perform or have per-
for certain materials, these requirements are transferred to the weld- formed the appropriate treatment. The need may arise as a result of
ing procedure testing for the weld and heat-affected zone. the following:
If the material or joining process is unable to meet the proper-
(a) restoring original mechanical properties after forming
ties of the base material specified, e.g., brazed joints, the PED
(b) restoring material properties after welding
permits the use of actual results obtained from the joint in the
(c) reducing residual stress in welds
design calculations.
(d) reducing potential to specific cracking mechanisms (e.g.,
stress corrosion and hydrogen-induced cracking) Joining Personnel. Suitably qualified personnel
must perform welds and brazed joints in pressure-retaining mater- Traceability. Material incorporated in pressure
ial and components joined to them. Where the pressure equipment equipment must be traceable to an acceptable specification from
falls within Category II, III, or IV, these personnel must be certi- receipt through production up to the final test. There is no specific
fied by a NB or RTPO. The body that approves the personnel must requirement as to how this must be achieved, but it must be suit-
perform the examinations and tests set out in the appropriate able. Manufacturers may choose between physical marking on the
harmonized standard (or equivalent examinations and tests). components or recording details on an appropriate map.
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COMPANION GUIDE TO THE ASME BOILER & PRESSURE VESSEL CODE • 141 Final Assessment. All pressure equipment must be marking must be followed by the identification number of the NB
subject to a final assessment that consists of a final inspection and involved with the conformity assessment program.
a proof test.
(a) Additional information must be provided, depending on the Final Inspection. The final inspection consists of type of equipment, but may be on a separate plate. This
the following: information includes the following:

(a) internal and external visual examination (1) identification of manufacturer/authorized representative
(b) examination of accompanying documents (2) year of manufacture
(3) identification of pressure equipment
The purpose of this inspection is to verify that the equipment has (4) essential maximum and minimum limits
been manufactured in accordance with the applicable design docu-
ments and the regulations. Tests carried out during manufacture (b) Depending on the type of equipment, the following may
may be taken into account. Where examination during the final also be required:
inspection would not be possible (e.g., internal examination of a
(1) volume of the equipment (L)
fixed tube heat exchanger), the inspection must be carried out at
(2) the nominal size for piping
an appropriate time during manufacture.
(3) the test pressure applied (bar and date) Proof Test. Pressure equipment must undergo a test (4) safety device set pressure (bar)
for the pressure containment aspect. The PED envisages that this (5) output of the pressure equipment (kW)
will normally be a hydrostatic test. The pressure for the hydrosta- (6) supply voltage (V)
tic test must be the greater of the following: (7) intended use
(8) filling ratio (kg/L)
(a) the maximum allowable pressure, taking into account the (9) maximum filling mass (kg)
maximum operating temperature multiplied by the coeffi- (10) tare mass (kg)
cient 1.25. (11) the product group
fa The CE marking indicates that the equipment complies with all
Pt = 1.25 PS applicable essential requirements and also all applicable directive.
where Designers of safety accessories may also need to consider confor-
Pt ⫽ test pressure mance with other directive, such as the low-voltage directive and
PS ⫽ maximum allowable pressure the electromagnetic compatibility directive. Manufacturers of
fa ⫽ nominal design stress for design conditions at test tem- pressure equipment that incorporates stirrers or mixers may need
perature to consider the machinery directive as well.
ft ⫽ nominal design stress for design conditions at design
temperature Operating Instructions. Pressure equipment may
(b) the maximum allowable pressure times 1.43 be designed and fabricated by the manufacturer and offered for
sale to a purchaser who will determine if this equipment is suitable
Pt ⫽ 1.43 PS for their purposes. Such equipment is placed on the market and
must be accompanied by instructions in the language of the final
Although the test pressure is one of the quantitative requirements user. Such instructions must include the necessary safety informa-
specified in Annex I, para. 7, the values specified must be used tion relating to the following:
unless there is clear justification that an equivalent overall level of
safety can be achieved. The values to be used for proof test were (a) mounting including assembling different pieces of pressure
established in a research project and offer the optimum fatigue life. equipment
Series-produced pressure equipment in Category I does not need (b) putting into service
an individual test; the test may be performed on a statistical basis. (c) use
There are times when a hydrostatic test is impractical or harmful (d) maintenance, including checks by the user
to the equipment under test. In such cases, the PED allows another
Other pressure equipment is manufactured to specific instruc-
test of recognized value to be performed. The PED clearly envisages
tions provided by the user or engineering contractor for a specific
the alternative to be a pneumatic test, as it requires such a test to be
application. Such equipment is not placed on the market but goes
preceded by additional measurers such as NDT. There is no direct
directly into service. It would not be appropriate for the manufac-
reference in the PED to replacing a proof test with NDT alone.
turer of equipment that is put into service to provide comprehen-
sive instructions to the user who knows far more about the Inspection of Safety Devices. In the case of assem-
process than the manufacturer. In these circumstances, the manu-
blies, the final inspection must include the verification that appropri-
facturer is obliged to provide the user with such information of
ate devices for protection against exceeding the allowable limits of
which the user may not be aware.
the pressure equipment have been fitted. For pressure-limiting
devices, particularly for pressure vessels, the momentary surge of 47.4.7 Material Specifications
pressure must be limited to 10% of the maximum allowable pressure. Introduction. The requirements for materials in the Marking and Labeling. The CE marking must be PED are based on the clear separation of responsibilities between
affixed to the equipment or assembly in a clearly visible position. the pressure equipment manufacturer and the material manufacturer.
It may be directly on the equipment or on a data plate. The CE The pressure equipment manufacturer is responsible for designing
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equipment using appropriate properties that have been assured by specified in a harmonized standard cannot be issued with an
the material manufacturer. The material manufacturer is responsi- EAM. There are numerous widely used materials where this inter-
ble for providing certification that the material provided meets a pretation will prevent the issue of an EAM (e.g., ASME SA-312
particular specification. Although the supply of material is not and SA-240).
covered by the PED, the pressure equipment manufacturer must When the NB is satisfied that the properties assured in the
ensure that the requirements for materials have been met. material specification meet the ESRs, a data sheet is prepared
that provides full details of the material and its properties and Choice of Material. Irrespective of category, the PED may indicate variations and/or restrictions. It is important that
requires pressure equipment manufacturers to select material that the NB follows the Guiding Principles issued by the Commission
is suitable for the intended application and envisaged lifetime. relating to preparation of the data sheet, as this will maximize the
The materials used must conform to one of the following speci- chances of success. This data sheet and relevant supporting infor-
fications: mation is sent to the member states’ permanent representatives
(a) materials listed in harmonized standards and the Commission, who must comment within 3 months. The
(b) materials covered by a European Approval of pressure Commission together with representatives from the member
equipment Materials states formed the Working Group Materials (WGM) to provide a
(c) materials covered by a Particular Material Appraisal and critical assessment of candidate EAMs before the NB submits
supported by documentation that demonstrates its confor- through the official channels.
mance Approved EAMs are sent to the member states, NB and the
Commission. The Commission publishes details of approved Materials Listed in Harmonized Standards. There EAMs in the Official Journal of the European Communities. Once
are several product standards that have been harmonized in the the reference has been published, any manufacturer anywhere in the
context of the PED. These include the unfired pressure vessel stan- world may use that material to manufacture pressure equipment.
dard EN 13445, industrial piping EN 13480, water tube boilers EN The list of published EAMs (as of January 2008, includes only
12952, and shell boilers EN 12953. These product standards each nickel alloys) can be found at:
have a table that lists acceptable materials for use in the manufac- pressure_equipment/ped/materials/index_en.html.
ture of that product. The materials in these standards have been EAMs prepared with the financial assistance of the European
selected from European standards for materials such as EN 10028, Commission can also be downloaded from this website. Original
EN 10216, and so on. The lists currently consist of materials copies of EAMs can also be obtained from the NB that obtained
exclusively from European standards; however, the product stan- approval.
dard has not necessarily adopted all grades of a given material and Guiding Principles for the contents of EAM drafts are pub-
in some cases restrictions are applied. lished in the European document PE-01-01 which is available
Any material listed in such a product standard may be used in from the same web page.
the manufacture of that product, but not necessarily for products
covered by another product standard. Materials listed in a Particular Material Appraisal (PMA). This option is
European material standard that is not listed in the appropriate intended for material that is not referenced in a harmonized stan-
table of the harmonized product standard may not be used for fab- dard or for which an EAM has not been issued; generally, any
ricating pressure equipment by this route. material that meets the requirements can be issued with a PMA
The Commission has agreed to the harmonization of many EN and used in pressure equipment. The PMA is the assessment of the
material standards, even though they do not meet some of the material’s suitability and its conformance with the ESRs, and is
conditions for harmonization and, in some instances, do not meet performed by the pressure equipment manufacturer. Where the
the ESRs. These materials, whose details have been published in pressure equipment has been determined to fall into category III or
the Official Journal, may be used for pressure equipment; but, the IV, the NB in charge of the conformity assessment procedure of
manufacturer must ensure they are suitable and meet the applica- the pressure equipment also performs the assessment. In either
ble ESRs. case, the pressure equipment manufacturer or the NB reviews the
assured properties in the material specification for compliance European Approval of Material (PED Article 11). with the ESRs and documents this appraisal in a suitable form.
The legislators foresaw the need to have a fast track for the approval Materials may only be approved for conditions for which they
of a new material intended for repeated use by pressure equipment have properties assured by the material manufacturer. Decisions
manufacturers. The process is known as the European Approval of made concerning a specific material for use in a specific sets of
Materials (EAM) and, when issued, provides that material specifi- conditions, do not need to be repeated. However, manufacturers
cation with a presumption of conformity with the ESRs. The and where applicable notified bodies must ensure the PMA is suit-
process is available to manufacturers of materials and manufactur- able for its application and that this is recorded in the technical
ers of pressure equipment and can be applied to new or existing documentation.
materials that have not been included in the harmonized standard Pressure equipment manufacturers may utilize PMAs prepared
(e.g., foreign materials). The applicant requests approval for a and supplied by another manufacturer, e.g. the manufacturer of an
material (grade not specification) from a NB that has been approved assembly, on condition that the PMA is reviewed and adopted by
for the task. The NB performs tests (or has tests performed) to ver- the pressure equipment manufacturer and where applicable the
ify that the material conforms to the ESRs of the PED. NB in charge of the conformity assessment procedure, to ensure
Materials that were used for pressure equipment manufacture accuracy of the document and suitability for the application.
prior to the implementation of the PED may not need to be Guiding Principles for the contents of PMA are published in the
retested, as existing test data may be taken into account. It has European document PE-03-28 which is available from the same web
been determined that materials that are of a similar type to one page as the one referencing document PE-01-01 on EAM.
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COMPANION GUIDE TO THE ASME BOILER & PRESSURE VESSEL CODE • 143 Material Requirements. Before a material can be at WGP meeting of April 07 now also permits the use of materi-
accepted into a harmonized standard or issued with an EAM or als where the Code of construction has specific rules to assess the
PMA, it must comply with the applicable ESRs. use of the material for the specific conditions envisaged, e.g.
actual material and heat treatment, thickness, temperature. This ESRs for Material (FED Annex 1, para. 4). The means that the rules for the avoidance of brittle fracture in the
ESRs for materials are the following: ASME Codes can be used to justify the use of materials that do
not have assured impact properties within the specification, e.g.
(a) Appropriate properties for all foreseeable operating and test
SA-516 Gr 70.
conditions. The material must have properties assured by
Guideline WGP 7/24 indicates that the values used in the calcu-
the material manufacturer appropriate for the operating con-
lations for establishing the required thickness of pressure equip-
ditions of the equipment. For example, if the equipment is
ment should be those “assured” by the material manufacturer. The
to be used at elevated temperatures, the manufacturer must
European Standards (ENs) for materials suitable for elevated
either declare conformance of the material with a specifica-
temperature include values of minimum yield strength at various
tion that has assured properties at the relevant temperature
temperatures. Where the material manufacturer certifies compli-
or must affirm compliance with specified properties on the
ance with one of these specifications, he is certifying that the
material certificate. Under the philosophy adopted by the
material will meet the minimum yield strength values at the vari-
PED, it is not acceptable for the pressure equipment manu-
ous temperatures. The Equations in the European Pressure Vessel
facturer to perform tests to establish values or use values
Codes used for establishing adequate strength, require the input of
established elsewhere.
the minimum yield strength value at the operating temperature.
(b) Sufficiently chemically resistant to fluid contained. The
The ASME Codes on the other hand utilise values that are consid-
manufacturer must select materials that will be suitable for
ered to be suitable for use in calculations for establishing the
the environment envisaged; this may include coatings,
required thickness. These values have been established by the
lining, cladding, as well as corrosion-resistant material.
Code committee for various temperatures and are based on trend
(c) Not significantly affected by aging. As many materials suf-
curves and experience. The ASTM/ASME material specifications
fer aging even at room temperature with a corresponding
indicate only room temperature properties, hence certification by
loss of ductility, manufacturers must select material that will
the material manufacturer assures only those properties.
be suitable for the intended life and envisaged operating
To address this issue ASME have issued Code Case 2556. The
conditions. This may include specifying materials with min-
Code Case indicates that the method by which material manufac-
imum Al/N2 ratios.
turers certify materials is essentially the same whether the specifi-
(d) Suitable for intended processing procedures (e.g., welding
cation includes elevated temperature properties or not. The
and forming). Manufacturers must select material that has
European material standards call for the material manufacturer to
appropriate properties for the envisaged processing activi-
certify the elevated temperature properties not by testing the
ties. Consideration should be given to ensuring that the
material at the temperature but by ensuring a test at any tempera-
material has appropriate properties after the intended
ture meets the requirements specified in a trend curve. To prepare
the trend curve the material manufacturer performs tensile tests at
(e) Selected to avoid undesirable effects when various materi-
different temperatures (see EN 10314). A trend curve is then
als are put together. Care should be exercised to ensure that
established using a recognised statistical procedure and once
materials are not put together in such a way as to cause gal-
established the material manufacturers need only perform one test
vanic effects.
at any temperature on the curve and if it exceeds the value in the
(f) Sufficiently ductile (in steel, minimum 14%).
trend curve for that temperature, the material manufacturer may
(g) Sufficiently tough (in steel, 27 J at the minimum of 20 ⬚C
declare conformance with all elevated temperature values. In
and of lowest operating temperature).
practice this temperature is often room temperature.
The quantitative requirements in (f) and (g) apply “as a general
rule”. Other figures can be used provided an equivalent overall Material Certification. Documentation must be
level of safety is maintained [PED Annex I (7)]. Any deviation issued by the material manufacturer confirming compliance with
from these figures must be fully justified for each case and record- an appropriate specification and must be obtained by the pressure
ed in the technical file. equipment manufacturer for all material. Where the component is
Many materials traditionally used in manufacture of pressure a main pressure-bearing part of equipment in Category II, III, or
equipment do not have specifications that assure the properties IV, this must be a certificate of specific product control [e.g., EN
required by the PED, either for elevated temperature or impact 10204: 2004–3.1]. Certificates issued by a body other than the
properties. These materials cannot appear in a harmonized stan- material manufacturer are not acceptable alternatives. Certificates
dard or be issued with an EAM, as they could not be presumed to of Conformity issued by the material manufacturer are adequate
conform to the essential requirements in the PED. They may, only for equipment in Category I and for joining materials, bolting,
however, be used in PED equipment if the material manufacturer and welding consumables [e.g., EN 10204: 2004–2.2].
certifies the properties on the material certification. Certificates issued by material manufacturers that hold quality
There are two WGP Guidelines in the field of materials that are system certification issued by a competent body established in
of particular importance, WGP 7/17 and 7/24. The former con- Europe can be presumed to provide accurate information. Where the
cerns impact properties of the material and has been revised sev- material manufacturer does not hold such certification, his certifi-
eral times by the Member States. The original versions required cates are not presumed to comply with the relevant requirements
assured impact properties in the material specification but provid- and, therefore, the pressure equipment manufacturer requires addi-
ed for exemptions for materials that do not undergo ductile/brittle tional confidence in its validity, e.g. by independent inspection of the
transition and are naturally tough and ductile. The revision agreed testing (and the issue of an EN 10204:2004 - 3.2 Inspection Report).
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144 • Chapter 47 Allowable Stresses. The pressure equipment manu- (c) draw up an EC Declaration of Conformity (per Annex VII)
facturer is responsible for determining the values to be used in (d) affix the CE marking to the equipment
design calculations; this must be based on properties assured by
the material manufacturer. He is also responsible for identifying The manufacturer is also responsible for ensuring that his
and providing any required treatments to the materials selected to equipment complies with the requirements of all directives that
restore properties after the manufacturing process. Limits for the may apply to it. By affixing the CE marking, the manufacturer
allowable membrane stress are given in PED Annex I (para. 7.1) officially declares that his equipment complies with all the rele-
for certain materials. When harmonized product standards are not vant directives.
followed, designers should provide a calculation that demonstrates Table 47.5 gives the list (as of January 2008) of all New
that this maximum allowable membrane stress has not been Approach directives that may be applicable to pressure equip-
exceeded. ment. An updated list can be obtained from the Web site of the
In the case of ferritic steel including normalized steel and Commission at:
excluding fine-grained steel and specially heat treated steel: 23 of or at
Re/t and 12 of Rm/20.
ch/index_en.html. Welding Consumables and Joining Materials
(PED Annex 1, para. 4). Welding consumables and other joining 47.5 GUIDELINES
materials, such as bolting, are required to meet only some of the
requirements specified for materials. In particular, the requirement To manage and monitor the implementation of the PED, the
to be sufficiently tough and ductile applies to both the weld metal European Commission has set up the Standing Committee,
and the joint in which it is deposited. The same criteria for the the Working Group Pressure (WGP). The WGP is chaired by the
selection of suitable consumables for the application are valid, but Commission and consists of representatives from the enforcement
there is no specific requirement for the source of the consumable authorities of all member states, together with representatives of
(harmonized standard, EAM, PMA) or for approval of the con- NB, European Federations, and CEN. The WGP meets two or three
sumable manufacturer. Pressure equipment manufacturers must, times per year and generally discusses specific questions raised by
therefore, purchase suitable consumables with appropriate proper- manufacturers or NBs; answers are published on the Commission’s
ties. Consumables must be supplied with documentation in Web site as Guidelines. The WGP also discusses other areas of
the form of a manufacturer’s Certificate of Conformity. When the implementation, such as safeguard action and market surveillance.
pressure equipment manufacturer performs welding procedure The Guidelines approved by the WGP have no legal authority;
qualifications, impacts tests of the weld and heat-affected zone that must be left to the European Court. However, they represent
must be carried out and meet the same quantitative requirements as the best opinion available, being the unanimous view of the
the material. enforcing authorities of the member states, and as such should be
respected. Guidelines take the form of question and answer
47.4.8 Manufacturer’s Responsibility sheets, similar to those issued for the ASME Code, and they are
grouped according to subject. Those Guidelines that deal with
In the New Approach, “the manufacturer is the person who is
issues concerning the scope are prefixed with 1/followed by a
responsible for design, manufacture and conformity assessment of
consecutive number. The prefixes are as follows:
a product with a view of placing it on the European Market on his
behalf.” (a) 1: scope
The manufacturer must take full responsibility for the product, (b) 2: classification in categories
but he may subcontract any or all of the design and manufacturing (c) 3: assemblies
activities, provided he maintains overall control and has the nec- (d) 4: conformity assessment procedure
essary competence to take responsibility for the product. No (e) 5: ESR concerning design
allowance is made for sharing responsibility with the user, engi- (f) 6: ESR concerning manufacturing
neering contractor, or designer. There may only be one manufac- (g) 7: ESR concerning materials
turer for pressure equipment, although there may be more than (h) 8: other ESR
one NB. (i) 9: miscellaneous
Pressure equipment is frequently engineered by the user or (j) 10: general
engineering contractor and a specification submitted to a pressure
equipment manufacturer to perform the Code calculations and The Guidelines can be found on the Commission’s Web site at:
fabricate the equipment. The manufacturer may only declare con-
formity with the PED after obtaining confirmation that the deci- lines/index_en.html, which also contains the text of the PED with
sions taken meet the applicable ESRs. One way to achieve this is hyperlinks that cross-reference applicable Guidelines. A typical
for the decision-maker to provide the manufacturer with a certi- Guideline is provided below.
fied design specification confirming that the relevant ESRs have
Guideline 72
been respected.
Whichever conformity assessment procedure is selected, the Original version as adopted on: 29 Jan 1999 and modified on
manufacturer must: 31 Mar 2006.
Pressure equipment directive 97/23/EC
(a) ensure that the pressure equipment satisfies the essential Commission’s Working Group Pressure
requirements given in the PED Guideline related to Annex I, Section 4.3
(b) carry out conformity assessment in accordance with the Question: What is a competent body for the certification of the
procedures given by the PED quality (assurance) systems of material manufacturers?
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146 • Chapter 47

TABLE 47.5 (Continued)

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Answer: A “competent body” for certification of the quality the applicable requirement. It is an insufficient argument to state
systems of material manufacturers can be any third party body that following any particular code alone, offers an equivalent overall
established as a legal entity within the Community which has rec- level of safety.
ognized competence in the assessment of quality (assurance) sys-
tems for the manufacture of materials and in the technology of the
materials concerned. Competence can be demonstrated, for exam- 47.7 POINTS OF COMPARISONS WITH
ple, by accreditation. THE ASME CODE
See also guideline 7/7.
Note 1: A body not established as a legal entity within the 47.7.1 General Aspects of the PED Vs the ASME
Community, even if it has a recognition agreement through Codes
the International Accreditation Forum, does not comply with the It is important to recognize that the PED is not a construction
requirements of Annex I Section 4.3. code. It is a set of safety objectives that will ensure a minimum
Note 2: A notified body may perform this task only if it has a safety level, which, in turn, will facilitate the removal of barriers to
recognized competence in the field of quality assurance, materials trade in pressure equipment within Europe. The New Approach
and related process technology. For this certification, the possible indicates the ESRs for the particular product, then supports this
use of the notification number for PED is irrelevant. with a set of standards that are written specifically to address the
Note 3: The certificate of quality system shall make reference identified requirements. The use of these harmonized standards is
to the legal entity established in the Community and its address. not mandatory, but, if they are followed, the manufacturer is
Accepted by WPG on: 28 Nov 2005 Accepted by Working Group assured that the requirements are met. On the whole, the safety
“pressure”: 31 Mar 2006. requirements are generic in nature and may be satisfactorily
addressed by following many of the recognized pressure equipment
standards in regular use throughout the world, including the ASME
47.6 LINK OF PED WITH CODES Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (ASME Code). The scope of the
AND STANDARDS PED, however, is far broader than traditional construction codes
and requires solutions to potential hazards that are not covered in
The PED, like other New Approach directives, requires confor- current codes.
mance to the ESRs. This may be achieved by following harmo- In principle, pressure equipment manufacturers may use any
nized standards or by addressing the ESRs directly. As part of the pressure vessel construction code as a basis for meeting the PED. It
development of the PED, a program was put in place by the CEN must be remembered, however, that only the harmonized standard
to prepare a suite of standards to enable manufacturers to meet the gives a presumption of conformity; therefore, any other code used
requirements for all aspects associated with design, manufacture, must be supported by technical documentation that justifies the
examination, and testing of pressure equipment. conformance with each of the PED’s requirements. This process
Harmonized standards are European standards that have been is relatively straightforward for most ESRs, but there are a few
written on a mandate from the Commission, specifically to that are based on the European philosophy, which sometimes dif-
address one or more ESRs applicable to a particular directive. fers markedly to that adopted in the ASME Codes.
Each candidate for a harmonized standard must contain an To determine the acceptance of the ASME Codes in the context
Annex, known as Annex Z, that lists the ESRs addressed and pro- of the PED, it is necessary to compare each ESR with the solu-
vides cross-references to where in the standard the solution can be tions adopted by the applicable ASME Code Section. This activi-
found. Where a standard addresses more than one directive, it will ty has already been performed and published by ASME, for
have an Annex Z for each directive (e.g., Annex ZA and Annex Section VIII Div 1 and Section I and the documents provide valu-
ZB, in the case of a standard that addresses ERS of two different able guidance as to the acceptance and other wise of the ASME
directives). The term Annex Z is specifically associated with har- solutions. But, there is no presumption of conformity, and the
monized European standards and its use outside this context may solutions adopted must be acceptable to the NB involved with the
be misleading, as the presumption of conformity is available only conformity assessment, where appropriate.
where the harmonized European standard is used. In general, the ASME Codes provide appropriate design calcu-
Once the standard has been completed, it is checked by the lations to ensure adequate strength. The main difficulty comes
CEN consultant to ensure it meets its objectives; it is then with the materials for construction. The ASME Codes require that
approved by a Europe-wide voting process. Once this is complet- only material permitted by the particular section, and for which
ed, its number is published in the Official Journal of the European allowable stresses are quoted in the applicable tables, may be
Community and, subsequently, equipment that conforms to its used in construction. With only a few exceptions, these are ASTM
provisions is presumed to comply with the PED. (ASME) materials and are certified by their manufacturers as con-
Where manufacturers choose not to use a harmonized standard, forming to those specifications. In many instances, the specifica-
they may address the ESRs directly. This is most usually achieved tion only indicates room temperature tensile properties and does
by the manufacturer basing the design and manufacture on exist- not provide assured properties at elevated temperatures. The val-
ing codes and standards that have a history of providing safe pres- ues to be used in the calculations are specified by the Code com-
sure equipment. mittee and are based on experience and trend curves. This is in
Any code or standard may be used as the basis for meeting the conflict with the European philosophy, which requires the materi-
PED, but because there is no presumption of conformity with any al manufacturer to provide assured properties for the material so
standard other than the harmonized standard, the manufacturer will that the pressure equipment manufacturer can use assured figures
need to justify the solutions he has adopted for each ESR. This jus- in calculations.
tification must be recorded in the technical documentation. Care This problem also exists with toughness requirements for mate-
must be taken to ensure that the solutions adopted actually meet rials. Specifications for many familiar ASTM (ASME) steels in
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148 • Chapter 47

common use throughout the world do not assure minimum tough- put directly into service, it is likely that the operator will know
ness in terms of impact properties. In many instances, the con- more about the safe operation of the equipment than the manufac-
struction codes provide rules for the use of these materials to turer. Thus, the manufacturer need only provide the information
ensure absence from brittle fracture. Although arguments have of which he is aware that the customer is not.
been used by manufacturers that such an approach provides an In addition to the problems previously described with materi-
equivalent overall level of safety, various Guidelines have been als, there are some more differences between PED and ASME.
issued that establish that this does not conform with the PED. The Materials must be selected from one of three sources: harmonized
PED and the European codes in general permit higher allowable standard, EAM, or PMA. As there are still very few EN materials
stresses in materials than those permitted in the ASME Codes. In in ASME Codes and very few materials have been issued with
these circumstances, it is appropriate that the greater level of con- EAMs, the manufacturers widely use the PMA option. Details
fidence is obtained in the material and its performance under dif- have been provided in para. The certification of the
ferent conditions. To this end, the PED requires the material man- materials is also rather different, requiring the manufacturer to
ufacturer to assure the properties of the material at different certify conformance with the applicable specification and only
temperatures that the pressure equipment manufacturer may use accepting the manufacturers results if he has an appropriate quali-
in design calculations. It is not sufficient for the pressure equip- ty system.
ment manufacturer to perform a test on a particular piece of mate- Table 47.6 provides a broad comparison between the EU sys-
rial and base the calculations on the results obtained. tem and the U.S. system, which shows that the two systems are
The design aspects of the ASME Codes generally meet the quite different.
PED; however, they need to be supplemented to demonstrate con-
formance to the requirements that ensure that the equipment will 47.7.2 Section VIII, Division 2 Rewrite and ASME
operate safely in service (e.g., safe handling and operation, means PED Guides.
of draining and venting, provision for filling and discharge). A clean sheet rewrite of the ASME Section VIII, Division 2
Manufacturers that have been accredited by ASME will have was initiated in 1998 and approved by the ASME BPV Standards
systems in place that will meet most of the PED requirements for Committee in February 2007 resulting in the first publication of
manufacture. The requirements in the ASME Codes meet the the new Code in July of 2007. This completely new and more
PED for preparation of component parts, traceability of materials, user-friendly organizational structure has been introduced along
heat treatment, and most of the requirements for joining, NDT, with the adoption of the latest technology available for construc-
and final assembly. Both ASME and PED require joining proce- tion of pressure vessels. A comprehensive summary along with
dures and personnel to be approved; for ASME, these approvals background references and future directions of the new Division 2
are performed by the manufacturer. This is also true for PED for code are provided in Chapter 22 of this guide. However it is also
pressure equipment in Category I; however, the procedures and noted here to highlight the following major revisions that result in
personnel involved with pressure equipment in Categories II, III, increased compliance with the PED. The following highlights
and IV must be approved by a NB or RTPO. The manufacturer those areas of compliance:
must invite a NB to witness the welding of the coupon plates and
have appropriate tests performed. The PED is specific that the (a) Facilitates NB approval and acceptance of requirements by
tests performed are those specified in the harmonized standard. In now satisfying the minimum required pressure testing,
the case of steel welding, this refers to the tests specified in EN toughness and materials manufacturer guaranteed proper-
ISO 15614-1 and EN 287 (for welders), which are more compre- ties requirements.
hensive than requirements of ASME BPVC Section IX. (b) The test pressure limits specified in the new Code are sim-
A similar problem exists with NDT personnel; there is no ilar to the values used in the European Pressure Equipment
requirement in PED to approve procedures, but personnel must be Directive (PED). The ratio ST/S shall be lowest ratio for the
approved for all NDT examinations. For equipment in Categories pressure-boundary materials, excluding bolting materials,
I and II, the personnel could be approved by the manufacturer per of which the vessel is constructed.
ASNT TC 1A; however, for equipment in Categories III and IV, (c) The new toughness requirements are based on 20 ft-lbs
the NDT examiners must be approved by an RTPO. It is possible and the exemption curves were derived on a model that
to use the ASNT scheme, but a representative of the RTPO must requires 20 ft-lbs. Therefore the PED 27 J toughness
be in attendance to invigilate the testing. requirements at 20ºC (68ºF) is complied with under these
The requirements for final assessment are very similar between new rules.
PED and ASME; the only significant difference is the test pres- (d) Code Case 2556 has been recently approved which proves
sure of the proof test. The PED gives a minimum pressure, some- a “Method for Basing Design Values on Material Properties
what higher than the minimum pressure specified in the ASME Affirmed by Material Manufacturers Section I and Section
Code, which has been established to provide the maximum level VIII, Divisions 1, 2 and 3”. This will permit the construc-
of confidence together with optimum fatigue properties. This tion of ASME pressure vessels with SA/SB material speci-
higher value should be adopted by manufacturers using the fications that satisfy the PED material manufacturers
ASME Code as the basis of satisfying PED. affirmed property requirements.
The PED requires operating instructions to be provided with (e) Section II, Part D, Appendix 5 provides requirements for
the equipment in a language appropriate to where it is to be put requests for ASME acceptance of material specifications of
into service. Generally, where a manufacturer offers equipment recognized national or international organizations other
for sale to an open market, he must provide appropriate instruc- than ASTM or AWS. This process has been used to accept
tion for the safe installation operation, maintenance, and such. AS, CSA, EN and JIS materials in Section II, Part A and
Where equipment is manufactured specifically for a customer and provides a means for ASME acceptance of EAM in the
ASME_Ch47_p129-158.qxd 6/5/09 12:34 PM Page 149


construction of ASME pressure vessels that are also 450 million population) and the one set of requirements to
required to have CE marking. access the entire market. The main problem with their use
(f) In addition to the above, it was intended to publish a cross in PED is concerned with the different philosophies for
reference between ASME materials and materials used in materials. This makes it difficult to use many of the famil-
the construction of pressure vessels to EN materials to iar materials and, in case of equipment operating at temper-
facilitate PED acceptance of pressure vessels constructed to atures above 50°C, it makes it very difficult to use the
VIII-2. This work was not completed in time for publica- ASME Codes. In light of the development of ASME BPVC
tion, and will be added in later addenda. Section VIII Division 2 with much higher allowable stress-
es than previously permitted by ASME Codes, there is like-
The changes described should NOT be considered as satisfying ly to be a similar need for greater confidence in material
the PED requirements of an Annex Z, but the revisions and practices properties. Assistance could be provided to manufacturers
will assist in the construction and installation of ASME pressure who wish to use the ASME Code by:
vessels in the countries requiring the CE marking. In addition to the
recent ASME Code additions outlined above reference should be
(1) revising the Codes to permit the widespread use of EN
made to the ASME Guides on satisfying the PED requirements for
materials in ASME Code construction. A small number
Section VIII and Section I constructions [2], [3] & [4].
of EN material grades are already permitted by ASME. It
is necessary to provide a means to use materials that are
not specifically listed in the Code but meet certain crite-
47.8 CONCLUSIONS ria. Allowable stresses could then be based on the assured
(a) The liberal principles of the New Approach applied to the properties but subject to the ASME safety factor.
PED will lead to more freedom than before for the (2) confirmation on material certificates issued by material
Manufacturers, who will be free to select the following: manufacturers that the material supplied has appropri-
(1) their NB: anywhere in the EU ate properties to justify the use of the allowable stress-
(2) the conformity assessment procedure, adapted to es quoted in the Codes. In this way, the requirement to
their fabrication assure elevated temperature and impact properties can
(3) compliance with the ESRs: use of the European har- be achieved.
monized standard or national code (3) developing new ASTM specifications with tighter con-
trol of composition and assured properties for elevated
(b) The ASME BPVC as well as piping codes offer a reason- temperature and impact strength. Modern steelmaking
able basis for meeting the PED. There are several small dif- techniques make it much easier to control the
ferences in the approval of welding procedures and chemistry of the material and, hence, its properties.
welders, the approval of NDT personnel, requirements for Many materials are supplied with dual certification, to
material certification, and test pressure. These differences ASTM (ASME) and EN specifications, so that, in
can be easily accommodated and the inconvenience is more practice, there should be very little difference between
than made up for by the size of the European market (over them.


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150 • Chapter 47

The principles of the New Approach are a possible blueprint 47.9 REFERENCES
for global trade in the future. There is already considerable interest
in the approach in the Far East, and, with the rapidly expanding 1. Pressure Equipment Directive (adopted on May 29, 1997). Official
Journal of the European Communities. 1997;40.
European Union, it is already a major trading tool.
The New Approach obviously addresses European interests and Web site of the European Commission. For general information:
was not intended to facilitate global trade. It is our opinion, how-; for PED information:
ever, that the principles could be adapted to a wider market. The prise/pressure_equipment/ped/index_en.html.
essential requirements are logical and necessary; but, they could 2. “Guide for ASME Stamp Holders, Use of ASME Section VIII,
be reviewed in light of a global instead of just European market. Division 1 to Meet the EC Pressure Equipment Directive (97/23/EC)”,
The means of conformance could be revised to incorporate har- ASME, (2001).
monized standards from sources other than CEN (e.g., ASME). 3. “ASME SECTION I PED GUIDE - Supplement to Guide for ASME
The conformity assessment requirements are sensible, adapting Stamp Holders Use of ASME Section I to Meet the EC Pressure
the inspection to the level of risk; however, the current definition Equipment Directive (97/23/EC)”, STP/PT-002, ASME, (2005).
of NB would need to be changed to allow all countries that sign
4. “Comparison of Pressure Vessel Codes ASME Section VIII and EN
up to the global solution to appoint NBs. Another issue would be 13445”, STP-PT-007, (2006).
agreement as to which marking to put on the equipment.
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The first column gives the reference number of the ESR as specified in Annex I of the PED. Mandatory words are in bold characters.


1. The obligations arising from the essential requirements listed in this Annex for pressure equipment also apply to assemblies where
the corresponding hazard exists.
2. The essential requirements laid down in the Directive are compulsory. The obligations laid down in these essential requirements
apply only if the corresponding hazard exists for the pressure equipment in question when it is used under conditions which are
reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer.
3. The manufacturer is under an obligation to analyze the hazards in order to identify those which apply to his equipment on
account of pressure; he must then design and construct it taking account of his analysis.
4. The essential requirements are to be interpreted and applied in such a way as to take account of the state of the art and current
practice at the time of design and manufacture as well as of technical and economic considerations which are consistent with a
high degree of health and safety protection.
1.1 Pressure equipment must be designed, manufactured and checked, and if applicable equipped and installed, in such a way as to
ensure its safety when put into service in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, or in reasonably foreseeable conditions.
1.2 In choosing the most appropriate solutions, the manufacturer must apply the principles set out below in the following order:
– eliminate or reduce hazards as far as is reasonably practicable,
– apply appropriate protection measures against hazards which cannot be eliminated,
– where appropriate, inform users of residual hazards and indicate whether it is necessary to take appropriate special measures to
reduce the risks at the time of installation and/or use.
1.3 Where the potential for misuse is known or can be clearly foreseen, the pressure equipment must be designed to prevent danger
from such misuse or, if that is not possible, adequate warning given that the pressure equipment must not be used in that way.
2.1 General
The pressure equipment must be properly designed taking all relevant factors into account in order to ensure that the equipment
will be safe throughout its intended life.
The design must incorporate appropriate safety coefficients using comprehensive methods which are known to incorporate ade-
quate safety margins against all relevant failure modes in a consistent manner.
2.2 Design for adequate strength
2.2.1 The pressure equipment must be designed for loadings appropriate to its intended use and other reasonably foreseeable operating
conditions. In-particular, the following factors must be taken into account:
– internal/external pressure,
– ambient and operational temperatures,
– static pressure and mass of contents in operating and test conditions,
– traffic, wind, earthquake loading,
– reaction forces and moments which result from the supports, attachments, piping, etc.,
– corrosion and erosion, fatigue, etc.,
– decomposition of unstable fluids.
Various loadings which can occur at the same time must be considered, taking into account the probability of their simultaneous
2.2.2 Design for adequate strength must be based on:
– as a general rule, a calculation method, as described in 2.2.3, and supplemented if necessary by an experimental design method as
described in 2.2.4, or
– an experimental design method without calculation, as described in 2.2.4, when the product of the maximum allowable pressure
PS and the volume V is less than 6 000 bar.L or the product PS.DN less than 3 000 bar.
2.2.3 Calculation method:
a) Pressure containment and other loading aspects:
The allowable stresses for pressure equipment must be limited having regard to reasonably foreseeable failure modes under operat-
ing conditions. To this end, safety factors must be applied to eliminate fully any uncertainty arising out of manufacture, actual oper-
ational conditions, stresses, calculation models and the properties and behaviour of the material.
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These calculation methods must provide sufficient safety margins consistent, where applicable, with the requirements of section 7.
The requirements set out above may be met by applying one of the following methods, as appropriate, if necessary as a supplement
to or in combination with another method:
– design by formula,
– design by analysis,
– design by fracture mechanics.
b) Resistance:
Appropriate joint factors must be applied to the material properties depending, for example, on the type of non-destructive testing,
the materials joined and the operating conditions envisaged,
– the design must take appropriate account of all reasonably foreseeable degradation mechanisms (e.g. corrosion, creep, fatigue)
commensurate with the intended use of the equipment. Attention must be drawn, in the instructions referred to in section 3.4,
to particular features of the design which are relevant to the life of the equipment, for example:
• for creep: design hours of operation at specified temperatures,
• for fatigue: design number of cycles at specified stress levels,
• for corrosion: design corrosion allowance.
c) Stability aspects:
– Where the calculated thickness does not allow for adequate structural stability, the necessary measures must be taken to remedy
the situation taking into account the risks from transport and handling.
2.2.4 Experimental design method:
The design of the equipment may be validated, in all or in part, by an appropriate test programme carried out on a sample represen-
tative of the equipment or the category of equipment.
The test programme must be clearly defined prior to testing and accepted by the notified body responsible for the design conformity
assessment module, where it exists.
This programme must define test conditions and criteria for acceptance or refusal. The actual values of the essential dimensions and
characteristics of the materials which constitute the equipment tested, shall be measured before the test.
Where appropriate, during tests, it must be possible to observe the critical zones of the pressure equipment with adequate instrumen-
tation capable of registering strains and stresses with sufficient precision.
The test programme must include:
a) A pressure strength test, the purpose of which is to check that, at a pressure with a defined safety margin in relation to the max-
imum allowable pressure, the equipment does not exhibit significant leaks or deformation exceeding a determined threshold.
The test pressure must be determined on the basis of the differences between the values of the geometrical and material char-
acteristics measures under test conditions and the values used for design purposes; it must take into account the differences
between the test and design temperatures.
b) where the risk of creep or fatigue exists, appropriate tests determined on the basis of the service conditions laid down for the
equipment, for instance hold time at specified temperatures, number of cycles at specified stress-levels, etc.
c) where necessary, additional tests concerning other factors referred to in 2.2.1 such as corrosion, external damage, etc.
2.3 Provisions to ensure safe handling and operation:
The method of operation specified for pressure equipment must be such as to preclude any reasonably foreseeable risk in operation
of the equipment. Particular attention must be paid, where appropriate, to:
– closures and openings,
– dangerous discharge of pressure relief blow-off,
– devices to prevent physical access whilst pressure or a vacuum exists,
– surface temperature taking into consideration the intended use,
– decomposition of unstable fluids.
In particular, pressure equipment fitted with an access door must be equipped with an automatic or manual device enabling the user
easily to ascertain that the opening will not present any hazard. Furthermore, where the opening can be operated quickly, the pressure
equipment must be fitted with a device to prevent it being opened whenever the pressure or temperature of the fluid presents a hazard.
2.4 Means of examination:
a) Pressure equipment must be designed and constructed so that all necessary examinations to ensure safety can be carried out.
b) Means of determining the internal condition of the equipment must be available, where it is necessary to ensure the continued
safety of the equipment, such as access openings allowing physical access to the inside of the pressure equipment so that appro-
priate examinations can be carried out safely and ergonomically.
c) Other means of ensuring the safe condition of the pressure equipment may be applied:
– where it is too small for physical internal access, or
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– where opening the pressure equipment would adversely affect the inside, or
– where the substance contained has been shown not to be harmful to the material from which the pressure equipment is made
and no other internal degradation mechanisms are reasonably foreseeable.
2.5 Means of draining and venting:
Adequate means must be provided for the draining and venting of pressure equipment where necessary:
– to avoid harmful effects such as water hammer, vacuum collapse, corrosion and uncontrolled chemical reactions. All stages of
operation and testing, particularly pressure testing, must be considered,
– to permit cleaning, inspection and maintenance in a safe manner.
2.6 Corrosion or other chemical attack:
Where necessary, adequate allowance or protection against corrosion or other chemical attack must be provided, taking due
account of the intended and reasonably foreseeable use.
2.7 Wear:
Where severe conditions of erosion or abrasion may arise, adequate measures must be taken to:
– minimize that effect by appropriate design, e.g. additional material thickness, or by the use of liners or cladding materials,
– permit replacement of parts which are most affected,
– draw attention, in the instructions referred to in 3.4, to measures necessary for continued safe use.
2.8 Assemblies:
Assemblies must be so designed that:
– the components to be assembled together are suitable and reliable for their duty,
– all the components are properly integrated and assembled in an appropriate manner.
2.9 Provisions for filling and discharge:
Where appropriate, the pressure equipment must be so designed and provided with accessories, or provision made for their fitting,
as to ensure safe filling and discharge in particular with respect to hazards such as:
a) on filling:
– overfilling or over pressurization having regard in particular to the filling ratio and to vapour pressure at the reference tem-
– instability of the pressure equipment.
b) on discharge: the uncontrolled release of the pressurized fluid.
c) on filling or discharge: unsafe connection and disconnection.
2.10 Protection against exceeding the allowable limits of pressure equipment:
Where, under reasonably foreseeable conditions, the allowable limits could be exceeded, the pressure equipment must be fitted
with, or provision made for the fitting of, suitable protective devices, unless the equipment is intended to be protected by other pro-
tective devices within an assembly.
The suitable device or combination of such devices must be determined on the basis of the particular characteristics of the equip-
ment or assembly.
Suitable protective devices and combinations thereof comprise:
a) safety accessories as defined in Article 1, section 2.1.3,
b) where appropriate, adequate monitoring devices such as indicators and/or alarms which enable adequate action to be taken
either automatically or manually to keep the pressure equipment within the allowable limits.
2.11 Safety accessories
2.11.1 Safety accessories must:
– be so designed and constructed as to be reliable and suitable for their intended duty and take into account the maintenance and
testing requirements of the devices, where applicable,
– be independent of other functions, unless their safety function cannot be affected by such other functions,
– comply with appropriate design principles in order to obtain suitable and reliable protection. These principles, include, in partic-
ular, fail-safe modes, redundancy, diversity and self-diagnosis.
2.11.2 Pressure limiting devices:
These devices must be so designed that the pressure will not permanently exceed the maximum allowable pressure PS; however a
short duration pressure surge in keeping with the specifications laid down in 7.3 is allowable, where appropriate.
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2.11.3 Temperature monitoring devices:

These devices must have an adequate response time on safety grounds, consistent with the measurement function.
2.12 External fire:
Where necessary, pressure equipment must be so designed and, where appropriate, fitted with suitable accessories, or provi-
sion made for their fitting, to meet damage-limitation requirements in the event of external fire, having particular regard to its
intended use.
3.1 Manufacturing procedures:
The manufacturer must ensure the competent execution of the provisions set out at the design stage by applying the appropriate
techniques and relevant procedures, especially with a view to the aspects set out below.
3.1.1 Preparation of the component parts:
Preparation of the component parts (e.g. forming and chamfering) must not give rise to defects or cracks or changes in the
mechanical characteristics likely to be detrimental to the safety of the pressure equipment.
3.1.2 Permanent joining:
Permanent joints and adjacent zones must be free of any surface or internal defects detrimental to the safety of the equipment.
The properties of permanent joints must meet the minimum properties specified for the materials to be joined unless other relevant
property values are specifically taken into account in the design calculations.
For pressure equipment, permanent joining of components which contribute to the pressure resistance of equipment and components
which are directly attached to them must be carried out by suitably qualified personnel according to suitable operating procedures.
For pressure equipment in categories II, III and IV, operating procedures and personnel must be approved by a competent third
party which, at the manufacturer’s discretion, may be:
- a notified body,
- a third-party organization recognized by a Member State as provided for in Article 13.
To carry out these approvals the third party must perform examinations and tests as set out in the appropriate harmonized standards
or equivalent examinations and tests or must have them performed.

3.1.3 Non-destructive tests:

For pressure equipment, non-destructive tests of permanent joints must be carried out by suitable qualified personnel. For pres-
sure equipment in categories III and IV, the personnel must be approved by a third-parry organization recognized by a Member
State pursuant to Article 13.
3.1.4 Heat treatment:
Where there is a risk that the manufacturing process will change the material properties to an extent which would impair the safety
of the pressure equipment, suitable heat treatment must be applied at the appropriate stage of manufacture.
3.1.5 Traceability:
Suitable procedures must be established and maintained for identifying the material making up the components of the equipment
which contribute to pressure resistance by suitable means from receipt, through production, up to the final test of the manufactured
pressure equipment.
3.2 Final assessment:
Pressure equipment must be subject to final assessment as described below.
3.2.1 Final inspection:
Pressure equipment must undergo a final inspection to assess visually and by examination of the accompanying documents compli-
ance with the requirements of the Directive. Test carried out during manufacture may be taken into account. As far as is necessary
on safety grounds, the final inspection must be carried out, internally and externally on every part of the equipment, where appro-
priate in the course of manufacture (e.g. where examination during the final inspection is no longer possible).
3.2.2 Proof test:
Final assessment of pressure equipment must include a test for the pressure containment aspect, which will normally take the form
of a hydrostatic pressure test at a pressure at least equal, where appropriate, to the value laid down in 7.4.
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For category I series-produced pressure equipment, this test. may be performed on a statistical basis.
Where the hydrostatic pressure test is harmful or impractical, other tests of a recognized value may be carried out. For tests other
than the hydrostatic pressure test, additional measures, such as non-destructive tests or other methods of equivalent validity, must be
applied before those tests are carried out.
3.2.3. Inspection of safety devices:
For assemblies, the final assessment must also include a check of the safety devices intended to check full compliance with the
requirements referred to in 2.10.
3.3 Marking and labelling:
In addition to the CE marking referred to in Article 15, the following information must be provided:
a) for all pressure equipment:
– the name and address or other means of identification of the manufacturer and, where appropriate, of his authorized representa-
tive established within the Community,
– the year of manufacture,
– identification of the pressure equipment according to its nature, such as type, series or batch identification and serial number,
– essential maximum/minimum allowable limits.
b) depending on the type of pressure equipment, further information necessary for safe installation, operation or use and, where
applicable, maintenance and periodic inspection such as:
– the volume V of the pressure equipment in L,
– the nominal size for piping DN,
– the test pressure PT applied in bar and date,
– safety device set pressure in bar,
– output of the pressure equipment in kW,
– supply voltage in V (volts),
– intended use,
– filling ratio kg/L,
– maximum filling mass in kg,
– tare mass in kg,
– the product group.
c) where necessary, warnings fixed to the pressure equipment drawing attention to misuse which experience has shown might occur.
The CE marking and the required information must be given on the pressure equipment or on a data plate firmly attached to it, with
the following exceptions:
– where applicable, appropriate documentation may be used to avoid repetitive marking of individual parts such as piping compo-
nents, intended for the same assembly. This applies to ~ CE > marking and other marking and labelling referred to in this Annex,
– where the pressure equipment is too small, e.g. accessories, the information referred to in b) may be given on a label attached to
that pressure equipment,
– labelling or other adequate means may be used for the mass to be filled and the warnings referred to in (c), provided it remains
legible for the appropriate period of time.
3.4 Operating Instructions
a) When pressure equipment is placed on the market, it must be accompanied, as far as relevant, with instructions for the user,
containing all the necessary safety information relating to:
– mounting, including assembling of different pieces of pressure equipment,
– putting into service,
– use,
– maintenance including checks by the user;
b) Instructions must cover information affixed to the pressure equipment in accordance with 3.3, with the exception of serial identi-
fication, and must be accompanied, where appropriate, by the technical documents, drawings and diagrams necessary for a full
understanding of these instructions.
c) If appropriate, these instructions must also refer to hazards arising from misuse in accordance with 1.3 and particular features of
the design in accordance with 2.2.3.
Materials used for the manufacture of pressure equipment must be suitable for such application during the scheduled lifetime unless
replacement is foreseen.
Welding consumables and other joining materials need fulfil only the relevant requirements of 4.1, 4.2 (a) and the first paragraph of
4.3, in an appropriate way, both individually and in a joined structure.
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4.1 Materials for pressurized parts must:

a) have appropriate properties for all operating conditions which are reasonably foreseeable and for all test conditions, and in par-
ticular they should be sufficiently ductile and tough. Where appropriate the characteristics of the materials must comply with
the requirements of 7.5. Moreover, due care should be exercised in particular in selecting materials in order to prevent brittle-
type fracture where necessary; where for specific reasons brittle material has to be used appropriate measures must be taken,
b) be sufficiently chemically resistant to the fluid contained in the pressure equipment; the chemical and physical properties neces-
sary for operational safety must not be significantly affected within the scheduled lifetime of the equipment,
c) not be significantly affected by ageing,
d) be suitable for the intended processing procedures,
e) be selected in order to avoid significant undesirable effects when the various materials are put together.
4.2 a) the pressure equipment manufacturer must define in an appropriate manner the values necessary for the design calculations
referred to in 2.2.3 and the essential characteristics of the materials and their treatment referred to in 4.1.
b) the manufacturer must provide in his technical documentation elements relating to compliance with the materials specifications of
the Directive in one of the following forms:
– by using materials which comply with harmonized standards,
– by using materials covered by a European approval of pressure equipment materials in accordance with Article 11,
– by a particular material appraisal.
c) for pressure equipment in categories III and IV, particular appraisal as referred to in the third indent of (b) must be performed by
the notified body in charge of conformity assessment procedures for the pressure equipment.
4.3 The equipment manufacturer must take appropriate measures to ensure that the material used conforms with the required speci-
fication. In particular, documentation prepared by the material manufacturer affirming compliance with a specification must be
obtained for all materials.
For the main pressure-bearing parts of equipment in categories II, III and IV, this must take the form of a certificate of specific
product control.
Where a material manufacturer has an appropriate quality-assurance system, certified by a competent body established within the
Community and having undergone a specific assessment for materials, certificates issued by the manufacturer are presumed to certi-
fy conformity with the relevant requirements of this section.


In addition to the applicable requirements of sections 1 to 4, the following requirements apply to the pressure equipment covered by sec-
tions 5 and 6.
This pressure equipment includes:
– steam and hot-water generators as referred to in Article 3, section 1.2, such as fired steam and hot-water boilers, super-heaters and
re-heaters, waste-heat boilers, waste incineration boilers, electrode or immersion-type electrically heated boilers, pressure cook-
ers, together with their accessories and where applicable their systems for treatment of feed water and for fuel supply,
– process-heating equipment for other than steam and hot-water generation falling under Article 3, section 1.1, such as heaters for
chemical and other similar processes and pressurized food-processing equipment.
This pressure equipment must be calculated, designed and constructed so as to avoid or to minimize risks of a significant loss of
containment from overheating. In particular it must be ensured, where applicable, that:
a)appropriate means of protection are provided to restrict operating parameters such as heat input, heat take-off and, where applica-
ble, fluid level so as to avoid any risk of local and general overheating,
b) sampling points are provided where required to allow evaluation of the properties of the fluid so as to avoid risks related to
deposits and/or corrosion,
c) adequate provisions are made to eliminate risks of damage from deposits,
d) means of safe removal of residual heat after shutdown are provided,
e) steps are taken to avoid a dangerous accumulation of ignitable mixtures of combustible substances and air, or flame blowback.
Design and construction must ensure:
a) that the risk of overstressing from inadmissible free movement or excessive forces being produced, e.g. on flanges, connections,
bellows or hoses, is adequately controlled by means such as support, constraint, anchoring, alignment and pre-tension,
b) that where there is a possibility of condensation occurring inside pipes for gaseous fluids, means are provided for drainage and
removal of deposits from low areas to avoid damage from water hammer or corrosion,
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c) that due consideration is given to the potential damage from turbulence and formation of vortices; the relevant parts of 2.7 are
d) that due consideration is given to the risk of fatigue due to vibrations in pipes,
e) that, where fluids of Group 1 are contained in the piping, appropriate means are provided to isolate take-off pipes the size of
which represents a significant risk,
f) that the risk of inadvertent discharge is minimized; the take-off points must be clearly marked on the permanent side, indicating
the fluid contained,
g) that the position and route of underground piping is at least recorded in the technical documentation to facilitate safe mainte-
nance, inspection or repair.
The following provisions apply as a general rule. However, where they are not applied, including in cases where materials are not
specifically referred to and no harmonized standards are applied, the manufacturer must demonstrate that appropriate mea-
sures have been taken to achieve an equivalent overall level of safety.
This section is an integral part of Annex I. The provisions laid down in this section supplement the essential requirements of sec-
tions 1 to 6 for the pressure equipment to which they apply.
7.1 Allowable stresses
7.1.1 Symbols:
e/t yield limit, indicates the value at the calculation temperature of:
– the upper flow limit for a material presenting upper and lower flow limits,
– the 1.0% proof strength of austenitic steel and non-alloyed aluminium,
– the 0.2% proof strength in other cases.
m/20 indicates the minimum value of the ultimate strength at 20°C.
m/t designates the ultimate strength at the calculation temperature.

7.1.2 The permissible general membrane stress for predominantly static loads and for temperatures outside the range in which creep is
significant must not exceed the smaller of the following values, according to the material used:
– in the case of ferritic steel including normalized (normalized rolled) steel and excluding fine-grained steel and specially heat-
treated steel, 2/3 of Re/t and 5/12 of Rm/20
– in the case of austenitic steel:
– if its elongation after rupture exceeds 30%, 2/3 of Re/t
– or, alternatively, and if its elongation after rupture exceeds 35%, 5/6 of Re/t, and 1/3 of Rm/t
– in the case of non-alloy or low-alloy cast steel, 10/19 of Re/t and 1/3 of Rm/20
– in the case of aluminium, 2/3 of Re/t
– in the case of aluminium alloys excluding precipitation hardening alloys 2/3 of Re/t and 5/12 of Rm/20
7.2 Joint coefficients:
For welded joints, the joint coefficient must not exceed the following values:
– for equipment subject to destructive and non-destructive tests which confirm that the whole series of joints show no significant
defects: 1,
– for equipment subject to random non-destructive testing: 0.85,
– for equipment not subject to non-destructive testing other than visual inspection: 0.7;
If necessary, the type of stress and the mechanical and technological properties of the joint must also be taken into account.
7.3 Pressure limiting devices, particularly for pressure vessels.
The momentary pressure surge referred to in 2.11.2 must be kept to 10% of the maximum allowable pressure.
7.4 Hydrostatic test pressure:
For pressure vessels, the hydrostatic test pressure referred to in 3.2.2 must be no less than:
– that corresponding to the maximum loading to which the pressure equipment may be subject in service taking into account its
maximum allowable pressure and its maximum allowable temperature, multiplied by the coefficient 1.25, or
– the maximum allowable pressure multiplied by the coefficient 1.43, whichever is the greater.
7.5 Material characteristics:
Unless other values are required in accordance with other criteria that must be taken into account, a steel is considered as sufficient-
ly ductile to satisfy 4.1 (a) if, in a tensile test carried out by a standard procedure, its elongation after rupture is no less than
14% and its bending rupture energy measured on an ISO V test-piece is not less than 27 J, at a temperature not greater than 20°C
but not higher than the lowest scheduled operating temperature.
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Wolf Reinhardt, Nick van den Brekel, and Douglas Rodgers

48.0 INTRODUCTION safety. The CANDU® reactor core internals use many specialized
components fabricated from high-strength, low-neutron-absorption
Chapter 48 introduces the Canadian boiler and pressure vessel zirconium alloys. The CSA-N285.6-series of standards provide
standards and discusses their relationship to the ASME Code. The material fabrication and testing requirements for these specialized
chapter provides the reader with an outline of the Canadian stan- components. The CANDU® containment systems, which include
dards and an appreciation of some of their important characteris- negative-pressure containment systems for multi-unit power plants
tics, without going into every detail of these publications. For fur- and pressure suppression systems, have design requirements
ther information, interested readers should consult the text of the defined in the CAN/CSA-N285.3 and CAN/CSA-N287.1 stan-
applicable standard(s). dards. The N287 series of standards provides requirements for the
Generally, the Canadian boiler and pressure vessel standards design, construction, and testing of concrete containment struc-
adopt the applicable ASME BPVC Sections as the base docu- tures. Seismic qualification requirements are defined in the CSA
ments, and then supplement these rules for specific applications N289 series of standards; quality assurance program requirements
as needed. Also, the standards give the Canada-specific require- are provided in the CSA N286 series of standards. Brief sum-
ments for the registration of pressurized components with provincial maries of these standards are presented.
or territorial authorities and specific requirements for documenta- The Canadian approach to inservice inspection of nuclear plants
tion, quality control, and inspection. has distinctive characteristics and is, therefore, outlined in some
Non-nuclear pressure vessels and piping are addressed by the detail. Periodic inspection requirements for CANDU® plants, the
Canadian standard CAN/CSA-B51. A brief outline of the general CANDU® equivalent to ASME BPVC Section XI Inservice
rules in Part 1 of this standard is included to give readers a gener- Inspection requirements, are defined in a series of separate stan-
al sense of the publication. The standard adopts the non-nuclear dards. The CAN/CSA-N285.4 standard governs periodic inspec-
construction sections of the ASME Code as well as the ASME tion of primary nuclear systems. Selection of components for peri-
B31 series of standards for piping. An important part of the odic inspection and inspection sample sizes are established using
Canadian standard deals with registration and assigning of simplified risk-based criteria. This standard includes specialized
Canadian Registration Numbers (CRNs); there are also special inspection requirements, including material property surveillance,
rules for unfired vessels, boilers, pipes, and fittings. Parts 2 and 3 for the zirconium alloy pressure tubes that undergo significant
of the standard give more detailed rules for liquid natural gas sys- material and dimensional changes as a result of irradiation. These
tems and filling stations; due to their specialized nature, these pressure tubes are also subject to potential delayed hydride crack-
rules are not addressed here. A separate standard exists for ing and hydride blister formation and to creep degradation mecha-
pipeline systems (CAN/CSA Z 662), for which only a brief out- nisms, corrosion and deuterium ingress. Complementing the N285.4
line is given. standard is the new CSA-N285.8 standard that provides detailed
The nuclear construction standards generally refer to ASME requirements for evaluating flaws and material properties of
BPVC Section III. However, unique features of the Canada CANDU® zirconium alloy pressure tubes. Periodic inspection of
Deuterium Uranium (CANDU®; a registered trademark of Atomic containment components is addressed in the CSA-N285.5 (for
Energy of Canada Limited) reactor design and licensing basis metallic and plastic containment components, including extensions
necessitate additional or modified requirements. A typical to the containment boundary) and CSA-N287.7 standards (con-
CANDU® reactor design is described in general terms in this chap- crete and structural containment boundary). The requirements in
ter to give the reader the opportunity to appreciate the background each of these standards are briefly outlined with interfaces and par-
of the Canadian nuclear standards. General requirements, classifi- allels to the ASME Code.
cation, registration, and reporting are addressed in the Canadian The approach taken by the Canadian boiler and pressure vessel
standard CAN/CSA-N285.0. For some special components of the standards avoids needless duplication of normative efforts and
CANDU® system, the rules of Section III are not directly applica- achieves a high degree of harmonization with the ASME Code.
ble (such as the mobile online refueling machines), and Also, the presence of the national standards creates a fair and
CAN/CSA-N285.2provides guidelines to ensure a similar level of uniform regulatory environment throughout Canada, although the
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160 • Chapter 48

regulatory jurisdiction for non-nuclear applications lies in the 48.1.2 Organization of CSA Standards Committees
provincial or territorial domain. For nuclear facilities, the federal The CSA technical committees (TCs) are made up of a mem-
government has assigned regulatory authority to the Canadian bership selected to achieve a required balanced matrix of experts
Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC). Due to ongoing efforts for and interests that represent a cross-section of interests for the
further harmonization, both within CSA standards and with inter- field. The matrix for a typical committee includes representation
national standards, it seems likely that the codes and standards from the following groups:
will continue to converge more in the future.
Additional information on the CSA standards can be obtained (a) owner/operator/producer
from the Canadian Standards Association, 5060 Spectrum Way, (b) government/regulatory authority
Suite 100, Mississauga, ON, Canada L4W 5N6 or at (c) service industry
(d) supplier/fabricator
(e) general interest (including public interest groups like
48.1 OVERVIEW OF CANADIAN environmental groups and members of the general public)
AND PRESSURE VESSELS Each TC has an executive consisting of a chair, vice chair, and
secretary, all of whom must be approved by the Standards
48.1.1 Standards Development in Canada Steering Committee (SSC). The committee executives are charged
In Canada, the development and implementation of national with the organization of all TC work and are the primary interface
standards is overseen by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) with the CSA staff. A full-time project manager from the CSA
[1]. The SCC is a federal Crown corporation with the mandate to supports each technical committee; CSA provides the full range
promote efficient and effective standardization. Located in Ottawa, of services to support the development and publication of stan-
the SCC has a 15-member governing council and a staff of approx- dards.
imately 80. The organization reports to Parliament through the
Minister of Industry. The SCC carries out a variety of functions 48.1.3 CSA Standards-Developing Process
intended to ensure the effective and coordinated operation of stan- The standards-developing process under which CSA and other
dardization in Canada. It also represents Canada’s interests in stan- SDOs operate is well developed and formally documented and
dards-related matters in foreign and international forums. The SCC controlled [3,4]. This process includes eight distinct stages, which
is an approximate Canadian equivalent of the American National are consistent with international standards development practice
Standards Institute (ANSI) and the National Institute for Standards (Fig. 48.1).
and Technology (NIST) in the United States.
The SCC accredits organizations that develop standards in (a) Preliminary Stage. Upon receipt of a request for the devel-
Canada. Accreditation is the verification that an organization has opment of a standard, an evaluation is conducted and the
the competence necessary to carry out a specific function. The project is submitted for authorization by the SSC. The SSC
SCC’s accreditation programs are based on internationally recog- considerations include the ability to adopt existing codes
nized guides and standards. and standards and the business or societal needs for a new
Accredited standards-developing organizations (SDOs) may standard.
submit their standards for approval as National Standards of (b) Proposal Stage. Public notice of intent to proceed is pub-
Canada. This designation indicates that a standard is the official lished and a TC is formed or the project is assigned to an
Canadian Standard on a particular subject. It also shows that the existing TC.
development process met certain specified criteria. National (c) Preparatory Stage. A working draft is prepared and a pro-
Standards of Canada may be developed in Canada or adopted, ject schedule is established.
with or without changes, from international standards. The SCC (d) Committee Stage. The TC or technical subcommittee, facil-
has accredited four SDOs in Canada. itated by CSA staff, develops the draft through an iterative
process that typically involves several committee meetings.
(a) Bureau de normalisation du Québec (BNQ) (e) Inquiry Stage. The draft is offered to the public for review
(b) Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) and comment, the TC reaches consensus, CSA staff conduct
(c) Canadian Standards Association (CSA) a quality review, and a preapproval edit is completed.
(d) Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada (ULC) (f) Approval Stage. The TC approves the technical content by
letter ballot or recorded vote. A second-level review verifies
The four Canadian SDOs may develop standards in any subject that standards-developing procedures were followed.
area; however, they have generally agreed upon areas of specialty (g) Publication Stage. CSA staff conduct a final edit to verify
that reflect the expertise of their technical committees. The conformity with the applicable editorial and procedural
Canadian Standards Association (CSA) [2] is the independent pri- requirements, and then publishes and disseminates the
vate organization that develops standards in the field of boilers standard.
and pressure vessels. (h) Maintenance Stage. The standard is maintained with the
Internationally, the SCC manages Canada’s participation in the objective of keeping it up to date and technically valid. This
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the may include the publication of amendments, the interpreta-
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), and regional tion of a standard or clause, and the systematic (5-year)
standards organizations. It also encourages the adoption and review of all standards.
application of international standards in Canada, and reviews
standards submitted by SDOs for approval as National Standards In the process of developing or updating a standard, CSA com-
of Canada. mittee members aim for substantial agreement among the interest
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groups represented on the committee. The committee matrix is bal- (1) developed by consensus of a balanced committee of stake-
anced such that no interest group has a control of committee votes. holders
The committee considers the views of all participants and develops (2) subjected to public scrutiny
the content by a consensus process but not necessarily unanimity. If (3) published in both official languages (English and French)
an issue is complex, special working groups are set up to discuss (4) consistent with or incorporates existing international and
the issues and recommend the wording of a clause that states the pertinent foreign standards
technical requirement. The TC members review and discuss the (5) does not act as a barrier to trade
working group’s recommendation. Once the wording is finalized, a
formal ballot and/or recorded vote is taken. All negative votes must National Standards of Canada can be submitted to international
be resolved before the clause/standard can be adopted. The second- SDOs for consideration and adoption as international standards.
level reviews, completed in the approval stage, confirm that all
recorded votes (which may occur over an extended time period) 48.1.4 Format and Structure of CSA standards
were compliant with the established committee matrix to ensure CSA Canadian standards are given a unique standard
balanced substantial agreement has been achieved. letter/number combination. Nuclear standards are designated
Once a new standard has been developed, it may be sent to the with the letter N (e.g., N285). The year of the latest issue is
SCC where it will evaluated to see if it meets the criteria of a appended to the standard number; for example, B51-03 is the
National Standard of Canada. Key criteria for designation as a 2003 edition of the B51 boiler and pressure vessel standard.
National Standard of Canada include the following: Similarly, N285.0.06 is the 2006 edition of the nuclear standard
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N285.0. The standards are grouped into clauses (paragraphs) and supplement them with additional requirements for specific
and subclauses (subpara-graphs) and supplemented with addi- applications and with detailed governing regulatory require-
tional material and forms in annexes. The annexes are designated ments, such as registration and documentation. A summary of
either as informative (non-mandatory) or normative (mandato- the standards applicable for various pressurized systems is given
ry). Each clause or subclause is uniquely identified by a numeri- in the following:
cal scheme indicating the relation-ship of each clause to general
subject matter areas and indicating the hierarchy of specified (a) Pressure Vessels: General
requirements. (1) CAN/CSA-B51, Boilers, Pressure Vessels, and Pressure
Canadian standards are typically written as a standard; that is, Piping (also contains specific regulations for onboard
the required end product is defined, but the specific means of how storage and filling stations for automotive compressed
to achieve the end product may not be defined in detail. This natural gas and hydrogen fuel)
approach to developing a standard is different than other codes
that typically provide much more detailed requirements. It should (b) Pressure Vessels: Special
be noted that recent updates to CSA standards have tended to (1) CAN/CSA-Z662, Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems
include more detailed requirements so as to minimize discussions (2) CSA-B52, Mechanical Refrigeration Code
with regulatory authorities on how to demonstrate compliance (3) CAN/CSA-B149.1, Natural Gas and Propane Installation
with the requirements of a standard. Code
(4) CAN/CSA-B149.2, Propane Storage and Handling Code
48.1.5 CSA Publications and Updates Frequency: (5) CAN/CSA-B149.5, Installation Code for Propane Fuel
Standards, Interpretations, and Inquiries Systems and Tanks on Highway Vehicles
CSA has the formal requirement for every standard to be (6) CAN/CSA-Z180.1, Compressed Breathing Air and
reviewed periodically (on a 5-year cycle) to consider if the stan- Systems
dard should be reaffirmed or withdrawn. At this review, the con- (7) CAN/CSA-Z305.1, Nonflammable Medical Gas Piping
tinued need for the standard’s ongoing existence is questioned and Systems
addressed. A formal ballot process is used to record the decisions
of the SSC and the TC regarding reaffirmation or withdrawal of The present outline will focus on the general parts of the
existing standards. CAN/CSA-B51 standard. The development of this standard is
The scope of all new standards, or a revision to an existing pursued by a TC (main committee) and four subcommittees. The
standards is approved by the SSC. The SSC provides oversight subcommittees each have a specific area of expertise and develop
from the major stakeholders to ensure a high-level focus on the standard in their domain. The subcommittees are the
potential overlaps among standards, ability to harmonize with Association of Chief Inspectors Subcommittee, Subcommittee on
other standards, and ability to streamline complexity and costs of Boilers and Related Components, Editorial Subcommittee, and
standards (including implementation costs for new requirements). Subcommittee on Parts 2 and 3 of CSA Standard B51.
Addenda or errata to CSA standards can be issued via publica- The TC has volunteer members from the pressure vessel manu-
tion of a General Instruction or Update. The issue of a General facturers, consultants, provincial regulators, insurers, and CSA
Instruction/Update must satisfy all the process requirements for staff members. Members of the subcommittees are typically also
development of a new standard. If the extent of the General members of the TC, which convenes once per year to vote on rec-
Instruction/Update is sufficiently large, CSA practice has been to ommendations advanced by the subcommittees.
issue a new edition of the standard. Registered owners of CSA CAN/CSA-B51 refers to other Canadian standards that supple-
standards are notified directly of the issuance of General ment its broader requirements, such as the Quality Assurance
Instructions/Updates. The CSA publication CSA Info Update, Program (Z series), Quality Management Systems (CAN/CSA-
available on the CSA Web site, is used for public notification of ISO-9001-00), and Welding Specifications (W series).
addenda and errata. In addition to the CSA series of standards, several international
Inquiries and interpretations may be submitted to the CSA staff standards are used by the B51 standard. Standards, codes, and
for formal action. The CSA staff project manager refers the specifications in this category include those from the following
request to the chair of the TC for consideration and response. All organizations:
interpretations are approved by the TC via the formal balloting
process. Following a decision, the CSA project manager sends a (1) American National Standards Institute (ANSI) [5,6]
copy of the interpretation to the requester and publishes the inter- (2) American Petroleum Institute (API) [7]
pretation in a CSA publication, normally CSA Info Update. In (3) ASME [8-21]
some cases, an interpretation may warrant an amendment to a (4) Copper Development Association (CDA) [22]
standard, and such amendments are issued as a General (5) Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB; for testing) [23]
Instruction/Updates. (6) International Organization for Standardization (ISO) [24]
The CSA does not have a process that results in the generation (7) Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valves and
of Code Cases in a manner similar to ASME BPV Code Cases. Fitting Industry (MSS) [25]
When the TC has determined that the requirements of a standard (8) National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors
should be modified (including provision of alternative require- (Canada) [26,27]
ments), a General Instruction/Update is prepared. (9) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) [28]
(10) Petroleum Association for the Conservation of the
48.1.6 Canadian Non-Nuclear Standards Canadian Environment (PACE) [29]
The Canadian non-nuclear standards for boilers, pressure ves- (11) Rubber Manufacturers Association (RMA) [30]
sels, and piping largely adopt the applicable ASME standards (12) Underwriters Laboratories of Canada (ULC) [31]
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48.1.7 Canadian Nuclear Standards Standards, codes, and specifications in this category
In addition to formal Canadian licensing requirements the include those from the following organizations:
design, construction and inspection/maintenance of CANDU®
nuclear reactors follow a prescribed set of standards. The (1) Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (cooling
Canadian suite of standards consists of regulatory and jurisdic- equipment)
tional documents, which are normally produced by formal licens- (2) Aerospace Material Specifications (materials)
ing bodies, and a set of standards that are produced jointly by (3) American National Standards Institute (mechanical
industry stakeholders. The general approach of the industry is to equipment)
adopt existing international/industrial standards, wherever possi- (4) American Welding Society
ble, to draw upon the vast industrial experience and to maintain a (5) ASME [32 – 34]
large pool of qualified suppliers and support industry. In large (6) ASTM
part, the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code [32,33] has been (7) Canadian General Standards Board (testing and
adopted or referenced in the Canadian suite of nuclear standards. construction materials)
Specific Canadian standards have been developed where needed (8) IEEE
to address the unique features of the CANDU® design and (9) Instrument Society of America
specific Canadian licensing requirements. The Canadian standards (10) National Building Code (Canada) [35]
specify the application of or complement the use of other interna- (11) National Fire Code (Canada) [36]
tionally accepted codes and standards wherever practical. (12) National Fire Protection Association Fire Code
(a) The CSA Nuclear Strategic Steering Committee (NSSC) Further information and background on the Canadian approach
consists largely of senior executives and managers from the to standardization in the nuclear field are available elsewhere [37].
industry and regulators, it operates under the auspices of
the CSA and its Board of Directors and Standards Policy 48.1.8 CANDU® Reactor Design Description
Board. The NSSC’s primary role is to set the long-term In Canada, all nuclear reactors for power production are of the
strategic direction for Canadian nuclear standards, and to CANDU® design. The CANDU® reactor is a pressurized heavy
provide guidance and sup-port to the TC structure. water reactor (PHWR), using heavy water as both moderator and
There are 11 TCs reporting to the NSSC, each covering distinct as the primary heat transport system (PHTS) coolant. Because
functional areas. Each TC is headed by a chair and consists of tech- heavy water is an extremely efficient moderator, relatively few
nical experts drawn from across the industry and relevant public neutrons are lost from the nuclear reaction. The design emphasis
interest groups. The TCs generate standards in the following areas: on neutron economy enables the use of natural uranium fuel. This
design feature eliminates the need for uranium enrichment pro-
(1) N285 (A), pressure-retaining components cessing, although the CANDU® design is adaptable to other fuel
(2) N285 (B), periodic inspection cycles [e.g., the direct use of spent pressurized water reactor
(3) N286, quality assurance/quality management (PWR) fuel in CANDU® (DUPIC)]. The CANDU® design makes
(4) N287, concrete containment structures use of multiple horizontal fuel channels that contain the pressur-
(5) N288, environmental radiation protection ized coolant in a pressure tubes rather than the large pressure ves-
(6) N289, seismic design sels of PWR and boiling-water reactor (BWR) reactor designs.
(7) N290, safety and safety-related systems The use of natural uranium results in a generally shorter fuel
(8) N291, safety-related structures cycle than in PWRs or BWRs. However, without the need for ura-
(9) N292, waste management nium-enrichment technology, and combined with the relatively
(10) N293, fire protection simple fuel bundle design and on-power refuelling (an exchange
(11) N294, decommissioning of some of the fuel bundles in a specific fuel channel without a
These 11 TCs, supported by more than 50 subcommittees and reactor shutdown), an economically favorable and flexible fuel
working groups, maintain a suite of 38 published standards and are cycle is achieved.
working on the development of draft versions for 12 new standards. The CANDU® reactor core is a large cylindrical vessel (the
calandria) fabricated from austenitic stainless steel and containing
(b) In addition to the N series of the CSA standards, CANDU® the heavy-water moderator at relatively low temperatures (less
reactors use many CSA standards that are developed for than about 80⬚C) and low pressure. Each end of the calandria ves-
other industrial applications [37]. The key CSA standards sel is closed with an end shield consisting of two parallel plates
that are applied to CANDU® reactors from these series and shielding balls filling the space between the plates. The end-
include the following: shield plates are perforated with a square array of holes and
joined by lattice tubes to allow the fuel channels to penetrate the
(1) construction and structural specifications (S series)
core. Calandria tubes, made from Zircaloy-2, are connected to the
(2) construction materials (A series)
inner plates of the end shields at each side of the reactor and serve
(3) electrical codes and standards (C series)
to isolate the cool moderator from the much hotter reactor cooling
(4) quality assurance program (Z series)
system. The coolant circulates inside a zirconium-alloy pressure
(5) structural steel specification (G series)
tube inside each calandria tube.
(6) tolerance specifications and pressure boundary stan-
The PHTS (reactor cooling system) of a CANDU® 6 reactor
dards (B series)
consists of two loops. Each loop has two pumps in series causing
(7) welding specifications (W series)
the coolant to pass through the fuel channels of the reactor core
(c) In addition to the CSA series of standards, numerous other (at about 10 MPa/1,500 psi). The coolant flows from one pump to
standards are used in the CANDU® reactor design. the inlet header at one side of the reactor (at about 250⬚C) and
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then through feeder pipes to each of the fuel channels. At the out- and is approximately 6.3 m long (20 ft) with an inside diameter of
let end of the fuel channel, an outlet feeder pipe carries the 103 mm (about 4 in.). Zirconium alloys are commonly used in
coolant to an outlet header (at about 300⬚C) and then to one of nuclear reactor cores, for purposes of reactor control mechanisms
two steam generators in the loop. The coolant exiting the steam and fuel cladding, because of their low neutron capture cross-sec-
generator passes through the second pump of the loop before tion, i.e., high neutron efficiency. As the primary pressure bound-
returning through the reactor core to the steam generator in ary, the high strength and corrosion resistance of the Zr-2.5Nb
advance of the first pump (Fig. 48.2). A simplified three- alloy are advantageous for pressure tubes. The pressure tube is
dimensional view of the PHTS is shown in Fig. 48.3. connected to the martensitic stain-less steel end fittings by a
The CANDU® fuel channel assembly is the portion of the rolled joint formed by internal roll expansion of the pressure tube
PHTS that passes through the reactor core. The number of fuel into grooves on the inside bore of the end fitting.
channels varies depending on the size (MWe) of the specific reac- Each fuel channel is axially positioned within the core by the
tor; for example, a CANDU® 6 reactor has 380 fuel channels (in positioning assemblies at each end of the fuel channel. Each of the
lieu of one large pressure vessel). The major components of this end fittings is supported within the end shield on two bearings.
assembly are the pressure tube and the end fittings, with one at The pressure tube and surrounding calandria tube are separated by
each end of the fuel channel (Figs. 48.4 and 48.5). The pressure a gap that is maintained by the use of annulus spacers, which allow
tube is fabricated from a zirconium alloy, containing 2.5% by for relative displacements of the concentric tubes during reactor
weight niobium as the principal alloying element (UNS R60901), startups and shutdowns. The annulus is sealed at the outer end-shield


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of which are exchanged during each refueling. On-power refueling

is accomplished using fueling machines that connect to the out-
board end of the end fittings. The channel closure, seal, and shield
plug are retracted into the fueling machine to permit the new fuel to
be inserted at one end of the fuel channel and spent fuel to be
simultaneously removed at the other end. The fueling machine and
fuel channel components are all designed as part of the PHTS.
FIG. 48.3 THREE-DIMENSIONAL REPRESENTATION OF Reactivity mechanisms are located within the calandria vessel,
THE CANDU® PRIMARY HEAT TRANSPORT SYSTEM between adjacent fuel channels. Two independent shutdown sys-
SHOWING CALANDRIA VESSEL (BOTTOM), PRIMARY tems exist to automatically terminate reactor operation, if neces-
PUMPS, AND REPRESENTATIVE STEAM GENERATORS sary. The first system consists of vertical rods, containing neu-
(UPPER LEVEL) AND INTERCONNECTING PIPING tron-absorbing material, that are inserted into the reactor to shut
down the reaction if specified abnormal conditions are detected.
The second system consists of horizontal nozzles, which are at
plates by metallic bellows. The closed annulus is filled with circu- right angles to the fuel channels, through which a neutron-absorb-
lating dry CO2 that makes it possible to detect any moisture leak- ing solution is injected into the moderator water to halt the chain
ing into the annulus from either the moderator or the PHTS. reaction (liquid injection system). The two systems have indepen-
The feeder pipes are bolted to the outside of the end fitting to dent instrumentation and in-reactor components.
enable access to the end of the end fitting for on-power refueling of The reactor core and PHTS of a CANDU® reactor are located
the reactor. Each fuel channel contains 12 or 13 fuel bundles, some within the reactor building (also called a containment building).


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The purposes of the reactor building are to protect workers from ACR-1000 retains many essential features of the CANDU® plant
the radiation of the reactor and to contain releases of radioactivity design, such as a modular, horizontal fuel channel core, a low-
to the atmosphere in the unlikely event of a release from the core. temperature heavy-water moderator, water-filled shield tank
The reactor building is designed to withstand the pressurization around the calandria vessel, two independent diverse shutdown
resulting from a major break of one of the high-temperature, high- systems, on-power fuelling and a reactor building accessible for
pressure water systems. The structure is leak-tight, with sealed on-power maintenance.
penetrations for cables, piping, and airlock entry doors. In multi- One major objective of the design was to reduce the heavy
unit stations, the reactor buildings are interconnected by a com- water inventory. Therefore, light water coolant was selected while
mon system using a single vacuum building to prevent pressuriza- the moderator is still heavy water. This reduces the operational
tion of the reactor building. Many further details on the CANDU® loss of heavy water, since the entire inventory is now at low pres-
design can be found on the CANTEACH Web site [38]. sure and temperature. The use of light water coolant requires the
reactor to use low-enriched uranium (the level of enrichment
48.1.9 Future CANDU® Developments being lower than what light water reactors require). This fuel
The Advanced CANDU® Reactor (ACR®, Fig. 48.6) technolo- results however in improved burnup. The CANFLEX® fuel will
gy is an evolution of the CANDU® 6 reactor with improvements also offer less variation in reactivity during burnup, and makes it
to deliver enhanced safety margins, lower capital and operating ideally suited to mixed-oxide (MOX) and thorium fuels.
costs, improved maintenance and high operating performance. The core size was decreased through a reduced fuel channel
The ACR-1000® is a Generation III+, 1200 megawatt electrical lattice pitch. Besides reducing the heavy water inventory still fur-
(MWe) class pressure tube reactor, with a 60-year design life. The ther, it was possible to achieve a flat core neutron flux with

FIG. 48.6 CUTAWAY VIEW OF THE ADVANCED CANDU® REACTOR (ACR) (Source: Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd):
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FIG. 48.7 SCHEMATIC OF GENERATION IV CANDU® SCWR (Source: Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd):

increased stability and increased safety margins due to an opti- The SCWR development is expected to result in a feasible
mized power profile and negative power coefficient. design before the VHTR. The following remarks will therefore
As is used for current CANDU® reactors, the ACR® pressure concentrate on the SCWR. The SCWR would use light water
tube material remains the zirconium 2.5wt% niobium alloy. coolant that is heated above the critical temperature where the dis-
ACR® fuel channel improvements include an increased pressure tinction between liquid and vapor vanishes. The intended outlet
tube wall thickness to allow a longer operational life and an temperature would be 650⬚C at an operating pressure of 25 MPa.
increased pressure for slightly better thermal efficiency. The These process parameters would allow a thermal cycle efficiency
ACR® calandria tube was designed to be thicker and stronger than of 45% or more, and would also be sufficient for some processes
in the present CANDU® 6 design providing additional confidence that generate hydrogen from water. Electricity generation would
that it will contain a pressure tube rupture. be direct cycle, as the process parameters would be not unlike
Due to the large amount of cool moderator in the calandria ves- those found in current fossil generation plants (Figure 48.7).
sel, which is again surrounded by a large shield tank, the passive The SCWR design would be based on a further development of
safety characteristics of the present CANDU® design are very the ACR. The advantages of the CANDU® concept for SCWR
favourable. For ACR®, a long-term cooling system and a reserve would include that the substantial density changes in the core as
water tank were added. The reserve water tank can add cooling the supercritical water gets heated are not expected to be a prob-
water by gravity alone. lem since the moderator is separated. The coolant would be inside
Other improvements include an enhanced state-of-the-art con- the relatively small-diameter pressure tubes, which offers advan-
trol room design with better monitoring and alarm recognition tages over a larger size vessel at high pressures and temperatures.
abilities and human/machine interfaces, and the use of innovative A multipass core for higher temperatures could be achieved rela-
construction techniques such as modular design to minimize pro- tively easily. For passive safety, the moderator would be cooled by
ject cost and schedule. natural circulation, which might eliminate the risk of core melting.
Generation IV CANDU® designs are currently in the early The key feature of the SCWR CANDU®-type design would be
development stages. Generation IV refers to the development and a pressure-tube fuel channel with an internal ceramic insulator
demonstration of new nuclear energy systems that offer advantages and liner. The insulator and liner would separate the pressure tube
in the areas of sustainability, economics, safety and reliability, pro- from the hot supercritical water, such that the pressure boundary
liferation resistance and physical protection. The effort involves (tube) would be at the low moderator temperature. A calandria
international cooperation on longer-term or higher-risk research tube would then not be necessary. Obviously, the described con-
and development activities. Of the various technologies that were cept relies heavily on the integrity of the insulting layers, which is
selected for the cooperative program, Canada will focus on devel- one important area of ongoing research.
oping the Supercritical Water Cooled Reactor (SCWR) and also Other important research topics include the selection of materi-
contribute to the development of the Very High Temperature als and design of components that need to withstand the high
Reactor (VHTR). In conjunction with the development effort for temperatures and pressures. Reactor physics, chemistry and
the reactors itself, there are also projects exploring their applica- required fuel characteristics need to be explored. Development is
tion to generate hydrogen fuel and other process heat applications. also needed for the control mechanisms and instrumentation of
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168 • Chapter 48

the reactor. Given the high energy content of the coolant, safety inspection, testing, and repair practices, and to facilitate the
issues would have to be considered. adoption of uniform requirements by Canadian jurisdictions.
Finally, design and acceptance standards will be developed, as (b) Parts 2 and 3 give more detailed rules for automotive liquid
the current Canadian standards do not address high-temperature natural gas and hydrogen systems and filling stations. Due
issues. Additional details of the matter presented here can be to their specialized nature, these rules are not addressed in
found in the literature, e.g. [47]. this chapter. The Standard also includes eight appendices/
annexes, seven of which are informative (non-mandatory)
PRESSURE VESSEL, AND PIPING Structure of the Standard
(a) Part 1: Boilers, Pressure Vessels, and Pressure Piping
(1) Scope
48.2.1 CAN/CSA-B51 Boiler, Pressure Vessel and (2) Reference Publications
Pressure Piping Code (3) Definitions
(4) General Requirements Introduction. CSA-B51-03 is currently in its sixteenth
(5) Identification
edition since the original issue in 1939. The standard applies to all
(6) Boilers and Related Components
pressure vessels except pressure-retaining systems in hydraulic
(7) Pressure Vessels
elevators, pressure containment systems for gas-filled switch gear
(8) Piping and Fittings
and control gear, and pressure vessels for the trans-portation of
(9) Refrigeration Equipment
dangerous goods regulated by Transport Canada. The standard is
(10) Fired-Heater Pressure Coils in Petroleum and
not applicable to vessels with a maximum working pressure of 103
Chemical Plant Service
kPa (15 psig). The primary units of the standard are metric.
(11) Repairs and Alterations
The latest issue of the B51 standard is designated as B51-03
and was published in March of 2003. The standard is revised
(b) Annexes
and reissued as the need arises, not on a fixed schedule. In prac-
tice, the period between editions has been between 2 and 6 (1) A (informative): Burial of Pressure Vessels
years. Revisions to the standard are the responsibility of the TC (2) B (informative): Quality Control Program for Defect
and its subcommittees, which address specific issues. The sub- Prevention and Inservice Reliability
committees advance recommendations for changes and addi- (3) C (informative): Guidelines for Safety Valve, Relief
tions to the standard at the annual meeting of the TC for Valve, and Safety-Relief Valve Repair
ballot/recorded vote; the final adoption is by letter ballot. (4) D (informative): Sample Forms
Subsequently, each province or territory must adopt the latest (5) E (informative): Inspection of Welds in Pressure Coils
edition of the standard to give it the force of law. Each province Exposed to Direct Radiant Heat
designates a governmental or independent agency that acts as (6) F (informative): Quality Control Program Manufacturers
regulator and performs the registration of components. For of Fittings
example, in New Brunswick, the Department of Public Safety of (7) G (normative): Automotive Propane Vessel Standards
the provincial government oversees the inspection and registra- (8) H (informative): Overpressure Protection Devices
tion of pressure vessels, whereas in Ontario, the provincial gov-
ernment has delegated this task to the Technical Standards and (c) Part 2: High-Pressure Cylinders for the On-Board Storage
Safety Authority (TSSA). of Natural Gas and hydrogen as Fuels for Automotive
Formal inquiries and requests for interpretation can be Vehicles
addressed to the B51 TC, which refers each one to the appropriate (d) Part 3: Compressed Natural Gas and Hydrogen Refueling
subcommittee. The latter decides on a proposed response and Station Pressure Piping Systems and Ground Storage Vessels
returns it to the TC. The final reply is issued after the annual
meeting of that committee. The following provides only an overview of important regula-
The philosophy of the B51 standard is to adopt the ASME tions of the standard. For details, the reader is referred to the orig-
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code as a proven basis for the design, inal text. The standard can be obtained from the CSA, 5060
fabrication, and inspection of pressure vessels and piping. Where Spectrum Way, Suite 100, Mississauga, ON, Canada L4W 5N6,
necessary, this is supplemented with Canada-specific additional or at
requirements. This has the additional advantage of ensuring a
large degree of harmonization between the U.S. and Canadian Registration. CSA-B51 requires all boilers, pres-sure
approaches to pressure vessel safety. In developing the standard, vessels, fittings, fire-heated pressure coils, and pressure piping to
the CSA TC has worked closely with the National Board of be registered with the (provincial) regulatory authority. For regis-
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors in the United States and tration, drawings, specifications, and calculations must be submit-
with the ASME BPVC committees. ted and the working medium (substance) must be identified. Once
The standard has three parts as follows: a design has been registered, it can be fabricated in any numbers
unless it is later found defective, or relevant changes in the applic-
(a) Part 1 contains requirements for boilers, pressure vessels, able standards occur. Designs that do not conform to the B51 stan-
pressure piping, and fittings. Its primary objectives are to dard may only be used with a complete review and written per-
promote safe design, construction, installation, operation, mission from the regulatory authority.
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Fittings are categorized into categories A – H depending on Identification. Boilers, other pressure vessels, and
their function, as given in Table 48.1. pressure-relief devices must be equipped with a nameplate in
Each category (but not each fitting) must be registered separately accordance with the appropriate section of the ASME Code; the
by the manufacturer with the provincial regulator, or, if permitted nameplate must also indicate the CRN. Additional nameplates are
in the specific province of application, with a nationally recog- required for alterations, rerating, and such. Boilers, pressure ves-
nized organization such as the CSA. The registration of fittings sels, and safety/relief devices must also be stamped as described in
requires proper identification and either conformance to national the ASME Code (or equivalent if another construction standard is
standards, such as ASME BPVC Section VIII, Division 1 (UG44) used).
[12] or ASME B31.3 (Table 326.1) [16], or a proof test. Quality
programs for fittings must be validated every 5 years. Boilers. For boilers, the Canadian standard requires
Upon registration of pressure component designs and construction according to the applicable sections of the ASME
specifications, a registration number is assigned by the regulatory Code. In particular, the standard references Section I [8]; Section
authority. This task lies with specific provincial agencies, and the II, Parts A, B, C, and D [9]; Section IV [10]; Section V [11];
design is registered for a specific province or territory. The regis- Section VIII, Division 1, 2, and 3 [12]; and Section IX [13]. Along
tration number is appended with a number or letter designating with the provisions of the ASME Code, the standard has an age
the province in which the design was registered (e.g., a number limitation for lag-seam riveted boilers and supplementary require-
could be assigned as CRN 357.5, where the appended 5 stands for ments for the visibility of water gauges in boiler installations. It
the province of Ontario). If the design is subsequently registered gives requirements for low water cut-off (i.e., interruption of the
in another province, the appropriate additional number is appended. fuel supply at low water level), dampers, accessibility of boiler
A design that has been registered in a single province may be sub- installations, and minimum manhole sizing. Additional require-
mitted subsequently to all other provinces and territories simulta- ments concern the discharge from blowoff systems and thermal
neously, upon which a C would be appended to its registration fluid heaters and piping. Finally, a proof test is required for cast
number (e.g., 357.5C). iron boilers.
Beside the pressure components themselves, welding or braz-
ing procedures need to be registered as well. Registration is Pressure Vessels. Unfired pressure vessels are to be
required in the province where the operation is to be performed, constructed in accordance with ASME BPVC Section II, Parts A,
or at the place of installation if the equipment is manufactured B, C, and D [9]; Section V [11]; Section VIII, Division 1, 2, or 3
outside Canada. Procedures and qualifications must be in accor- [12]; Section IX [13]; Section X [14]; and ASME PVHO-1 [21].
dance with ASME BPVC Section IX [13] or the code to which In addition to ASME requirements, impact tests are required for
the equipment is manufactured or installed. carbon steel components of vessels with a minimum design metal
When the construction of a pressurized component has been temperature below ⫺46⬚C (⫺50⬚F).
completed, inspections must be performed as required by the The standard requires adequate clearances around the vessel for
ASME construction code, and a manufacturer’s data report, coun- maintenance and operation, including access aids such as walk-
tersigned by the inspector, must be submitted to the regulatory ways or ladders.
authority. Fabrication inspections are required for any equipment For buried propane tanks, the use of CAN/CSA-B149.2 is man-
above the sizes specified in the standard. dated. For other buried pressure vessels, the regulations give guid-
Any inservice repairs or alterations must be approved by the ance to ensure adequate corrosion protection through sacrificial
regulatory authority that has the jurisdiction at the installation cathodic systems (following CAN/ULC-S603.1 [31] or other sim-
site. The owner is responsible for keeping the equipment in safe ilar protective measures). The effectiveness of the protection must
working order. Manufacturers and organizations that modify or be monitored. Minimum manhole sizing requirements are as for
repair pressurized equipment must demonstrate to the regulatory boilers.
authority that they have a quality control program. Valid quality
control programs may follow CSA-Z299 or ISO 9001 [24]. A Other Vessels. Some special rules are provided for
Certificate of Authorization from ASME is considered sufficient water heaters, hot-water tanks, hydropneumatic tanks, and cush-
proof of an acceptable quality control system. ion tanks. Mostly, the rules of ASME BPVC Section VIII,
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170 • Chapter 48

Division 1 [12] are required, but equipment below certain sizes Conclusions and Comparison to ASME Code. The
and performance limits is exempted from the rules of the B51 standard adopts the ASME Code as the primary document
CSAB51 standard. governing the construction of pressure vessels. For specific appli-
Blowoff vessels of specified minimum size and rating are cations, the ASME Code rules are supplemented with additional
required to collect blowoff from boiler installations. Handholes Canadian requirements. Additional rules are specified to a greater
and drains are required for these blowoff vessels. Special rules extent for compressed fuel gas (natural and petroleum gas and hro-
apply to vessels in anhydrous ammonia service and in liquefied gen) for auto-motive applications (content of B51-03 Parts 2 and 3)
petroleum gas and natural gas liquids service. and for pipeline systems, for which a separate detailed standard
exists (CAN/CSA-Z662; see below for a short summary of the Piping. For piping and fittings, the standards governing contents). The B51 standard also goes beyond the ASME Code in
design, material, construction, installation, inspection, testing, and specifying details for regulatory purposes like registration num-
repair are as follows: bers and Canadian inspection requirements.

(a) ASME B31.1 [15] Future Developments

(b) ASME B31.3 [16] Updates to the 2003 B51 standard were issued in 2004 and
(c) ASME B31.4 [17] 2005. Substantial changes in these concerned mainly Part 2 and
(d) ASME B31.5 [18] Part 3 of the standard, where rules for hydrogen as an automotive
(e) ASME B31.9 [19], except for the use of soldered joints for fuel have been developed. These updates will be incorporated into
air piping the new edition of the standard, which will be published in 2008.
(f) CAN/CSA-B149.1, Natural Gas and Propane Installation Part 1 of the standard, which addresses boilers and pressure ves-
Guide sels, has only undergone minor changes. No significant further
(g) CAN/CSA-B149.2, Propane Storage and Handling Code developments are expected in the near term in this part. Further
(h) CAN/CSA-Z180.1, Compressed Breathing Air and Systems developments in Parts 2 and 3 are likely if the use of hydrogen as
(i) CAN/CSA-Z305.1, Nonflammable Medical Gas Piping an automotive fuel becomes more widespread.
(j) CAN/CSA-Z305.3, Pressure Regulators, Gauges, and Flow- 48.2.2 CSA-Z662, Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems
Metering Devices for Medical Gases
(a) This standard will not be discussed in detail because of the
(k) CAN3-Z305.4, Qualification Requirements for Agencies
more specialized nature of the topic. However, the organi-
Testing Nonflammable Gas Piping Systems
zation of the contents is reproduced here to provide a topi-
(l) CAN/CSA-Z662, Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems
cal outline of the 2003 edition. The interested reader is
(m) RMA IP-2, (Rubber Manufacturer’s Association) The 1996
referred to the full text of the standard.
Hose Handbook [30]
(1) Scope
Design, construction, installation, inspection, testing, and repair (2) Reference Publications
of refrigeration equipment should follow the CSA B52 standard (3) Definitions
(Mechanical Refrigeration Code). (4) Design: design conditions; design criteria; valve loca-
Fired-heater pressure coils in petroleum and chemical plant ser- tion and spacing; selection and limitation of piping
vice are to be constructed according to ASME BPVC Section I joints; flexibility and stress analysis; cover and clear-
[8], ASME B31.1 [15], or ASME B31.3 [16] and API 530 [7]. ance; crossings; requirements for pipelines in proximi-
The design and service conditions must be identified by the ty to electrical transmission lines and associated facili-
owner. Full inspection is required for welds that are exposed to ties; design of compressor stations and pump stations;
direct radiant heat. liquid storage in oil pipeline pump stations, tank farms,
and terminals; gas storage in pipe-type and bottle-type Special Issues. The standard acknowledges that repairs holders; vaults; pressure control and overpressure pro-
and inservice alterations may not be fully covered by the specified tection of piping; instrument, control, and sampling pip-
construction codes. However, the factor of safety specified in the ing; leak detection capability; odorization
applicable ASME Code section shall be maintained. (5) Materials: qualification of materials, steel materials and
Part 2 of the B51-03 standard contains requirements for high- gaskets, other materials, sour service, oilfield water ser-
pressure cylinders for the on-board storage of natural gas as a vice, cement-mortar linings, reuse of materials, records
fuel for automotive vehicles. It has been harmonized with ISO of materials
11439:2000, Gas Cylinders-High-Pressure Cylinders for the (6) Installation: activities and pipeline rights-of-way, pipe
On-Board Storage of Natural Gas as a Fuel for Automotive surface requirements applicable to steel piping, electri-
Vehicles. In addition, the CSA subcommittee responsible for cal test leads on pipeline systems, inspection, precau-
developing Part 2 has consulted with the ANSI committee tions to avoid the explosion of gas-air mixtures and
responsible for developing ANSI NGV2-2000, Basic Require- uncontrolled fires during installation
ments for Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) Fuel (7) Joining: arc and gas welding: classification, welding
Containers. equipment, materials, qualification of welding proce-
Part 3 contains requirements for compressed natural gas refuel- dure specification, testing for qualification of welding
ing station pressure piping systems and ground storage vessels. procedure specification and qualification of welders,
These requirements have been allotted a separate part of the stan- qualification of welders, production welding, inspection
dard to emphasize the differences between them and the require- and testing of production welds, standards of accept-
ments of Part 1, and thus to facilitate their application. ability for nondestructive evaluation, repair of welds
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containing repairable defects, materials and equipment 48.3 CSA NUCLEAR BOILER AND
for radiographic inspection, production of radiographs, PRESSURE VESSEL DESIGN AND
ultrasonic inspection of circumferential butt welds in CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS
piping, explosion welding, mechanical interference fit
joints 48.3.1 Overview
(8) Pressure Testing: strength and leak tests, testing of fab- CSA-N285.0 incorporates the general requirements for the
ricated items, tie-ins, maximum operating pressure, design, fabrication, and installation of pressure-retaining systems,
pressure-test records, safety during pressure test, dis- components, and their supports in CANDU® nuclear power
posal of pressure test mediums, test head assemblies, plants. The standard makes extensive reference to ASME BPVC
testing procedures and techniques Section III. CSA N285.2 addresses requirements for CANDU®-
(9) Corrosion Control: external corrosion control of buried specific components for which the rules of the ASME Code [32]
or submerged piping systems, external corrosion con- are insufficient or nonexistent. Rules for containment system
trol of piping exposed to the atmosphere, internal cor- components are contained in CSA-N285.3, which largely refer-
rosion control, corrosion control records ences ASME BPVC Section III, Subsection NE [32]. The CSA-
(10) Operating, Maintenance, and Upgrading: operating N285.1 standard addressing Classes 1, 2, and 3 components was
and maintenance procedures, records, safety, right-of- abandoned; it predominantly cross referenced the applicable sec-
way inspection and maintenance, operation and main- tions of the ASME Code and was included in CSA-N285.0.
tenance of facilities and equipment, change of class The following gives an overview of the N285 standards that
location and crossings of existing pipelines, evaluation provide design and construction requirements:
of imperfections and repair of piping containing
defects, maintenance welding, pipeline hot tabs, (1) N285.0 General Requirements for Pressure-Retaining
integrity of pipeline systems, odorization, abandon- Systems and Components in CANDU® Nuclear
ment of piping Power Plants
(11) Offshore Steel Pipelines: design, materials, installation, (2) N285.2 Requirements for Class 1C, 2C, and 3C
joining, pressure testing, corrosion control, operating Pressure-Retaining Components and Supports in
and maintenance CANDU® Nuclear Power Plants
(12) Gas Distribution Systems: applicability; gas containing (3) N285.3 Requirements for Containment System
hydrogen sulphide; design; materials; installation; join- Components in CANDU® Nuclear Power Plants
ing; pressure testing; corrosion control; operating, (4) N285.6 Material Standards for Reactor Components for
maintenance, and upgrading CANDU® Nuclear Power Plants
(13) Plastic Pipelines: fibre-reinforced composite pipeline;
thermoplastic-lined pipeline; polyethylene pipeline for The motivation for the Canadian nuclear standards comes mostly
gathering, multiphase, LVP, and oilfield water services from special features of the CANDU® reactor system, which is dif-
(14) Oilfield Steam Distribution Pipelines: design, materials, ferent from U.S. nuclear plants in several important ways. See
joining, pressure testing, corrosion control, commis- para. 48.1.8 for a brief overview of the CANDU® system.
sioning and operation Specifically, the objectives of the CSA N285 standards are to
(15) Aluminium Piping: applicability; specific definition- do the following:
sour service; design; materials; installation; joining;
pressure testing; corrosion control; operating, mainte- (a) Establish technical requirements for pressure boundary
nance, and upgrading; offshore pipelines; gas distribution items of CANDU® power reactors in a format that regulato-
pipelines ry authorities can reference.
(b) Establish requirements for each class of system or compo-
(b) Annexes (informative) nent consistent with the regulations of the CNSC.
(c) Reference applicable requirements of the ASME Boiler and
(1) A, Reference Organizations Pressure Vessel Code when they are appropriate to
(2) B, Guidelines for Risk Assessment of Pipelines CANDU® power reactors.
(3) C, Limit States Design (d) Specify requirements for materials and modified rules for
(4) D, Guidelines for Inservice Inspection of Piping for design, fabrication, installation, quality assurance, and
Corrosion Imperfections inspection of pressure-retaining components and supports
(5) E, Recommended Practice for Liquid Hydrocarbon when the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Pipeline System Leak Detection Vessel Code are not established for CANDU® power reactors.
(6) F, Slurry Pipeline Systems (e) Establish rules for the periodic inservice inspection of
(7) G, Precautions to Avoid Explosions of Gas-Air CANDU® nuclear power plants.
Mixtures and Uncontrolled Fires During Construction
Operations The N286 series of standards provides quality assurance pro-
(8) H, Pipeline Risk Dictionary gram requirements for all phases of CANDU® nuclear power plant
(9) J, Recommended Practice for Determining the design, fabrication, and operation. The N287 series of standards
Acceptability of Imperfections in Fusion Welds Using provides requirements for the design, construction, and testing of
Engineering Critical Assessment CANDU® concrete containment structures and systems. The N289
(10) K, Standards of Acceptability for Circumferential Pipe series of standards addresses requirements for seismic qualification
Butt Welds Based on Fracture Mechanics Principles of CANDU® plant structures and systems. Brief overviews of each
(11) L, Test Methods for Coating Property Evaluation of these standards are provided in the following sections.
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48.3.2 CSA-N285.0, General Requirements for are similar to those defined in ASME BPVC Section III, Subsection
Pressure-Reetaining Systems and Components NCA [32], but more detailed.
in CANDU® Nuclear Power Plants The licensee is responsible for obtaining the required site and
operating licenses, the overall plant quality assurance system, and Nuclear Classification. In the classification of nuclear the operation of the plant.
systems, the CSA-N285.0 standard goes beyond the ASME Code The plant designer prepares the design specifications and has to
in defining the following classes: get the systems classification approved by the regulatory authority.
Another responsibility is the preparation of an overpressure
(a) Class 1: components of the systems that directly remove protection report and the review of documents from the providers
heat from the nuclear fuel, the failure of which would cause of the other functions.
a loss of coolant accident (LOCA); ASME BPVC Section The system designer prepares flowsheets, specifications, and
III, Subsection NB [32] applies. related documents for a particular system (e.g., steam generation
(b) Class 2: sections of pressure-retaining systems that penetrate system or shutdown system). The preparation of a design report
the containment and form part of the containment boundary; and registration of the design with the authorized inspection
ASME BPVC Section III, Subsection NC [32] applies. agency of the province of installation is also within the responsi-
(c) Class 3: sections of systems that are not Class 1 or 2 and bility of this function.
contain radioactive material with an activity exceeding the The component designer must prepare the drawings, calcula-
equivalent of 74 GBq/kg (2 Ci/kg) tritium concentration; tions, and design reports. The component design must be regis-
ASME BPVC Section III, Subsection ND [32] applies. tered with the authorized inspection agency of the province of
(d) Class 4: containment system components; the standard installation. Finally, oversight of the fabricator falls into the com-
CSA-N285.3 and, through it, ASME, BPVC Section III, ponent designer’s responsibilities.
Subsection NE (Class MC components) [32] apply. The fabricator must create the shop fabrication documents and
(e) Class 6: sections of systems that do not contain radioactive drawings, and establish the fabrication quality assurance program.
material with an activity above the equivalent of 74 GBq/kg Records of the required tests and examinations must be provided,
(2 Ci/kg) tritium concentration and components other than and the required permanent record that will become part of the
registered vessels with an inlet nominal diameter of NPS 3/4 history docket must be forwarded to the licensee.
or less; the standard CAN/CSA-B51 and, through it, ASME The installer’s task is to prepare the installation documents and
BPVC Section VIII, Division 1 or 2 [12], or, for piping, drawings, notify and apply for approval if systems need to be
ASME B31.1 [15], apply, with slight changes in the formal changed, and prepare an inspection and test plan for each system.
documentation of inspection. Where necessary, the piping installation records of the required
(f) Classes 1C, 2C, and 3C: components that should be Class 1, tests and examinations must be provided, and the required perma-
2, or 3 from their function, but for which requirements are nent record that will become part of the history docket must be
not given in CSA-N285.0 or for which these requirements forwarded to the licensee owner.
cannot be applied. These are special CANDU® components
for which, due to their function or design, the rules of the Registration
ASME Code are insufficient. CSA-N285.2 describes the
components and applicable rules for Classes 1C, 2C, and 3C. (a) Registration of specific designs is required, generally in the
province (or territory) of installation. In particular, registra-
The classification system gives rise to the question, why is there tion is required for the following:
no Class 5? The original intent was to define a Class 5, Special, for
components with such specialized functions in the CANDU® sys- (1) piping systems, vessels, supports, pumps, and fittings
tem that application of the ASME Code rules was not feasible. (2) Class 1/2/3 or 1C/2C/3C systems and components with
However, it was later decided to drop Class 5 in favor of Classes a design pressure greater than 103 kPa
1C, 2C, and 3C, because it seemed more logical to classify and reg- (3) Class 2, 2C, or 4 containment systems and components
ulate these components according to the same function-al system as with a design pressure greater then 35 kPa
all other components. Furthermore, it was felt that a single class of (4) Class 6 systems and components in accordance with
its own might be used to relax the stringency of the rules compared CSA B51
to the ASME Code rules for other components. (5) welding procedures, to be registered in the province of
Generally, adjoining systems with different classifications must fabrication (except for fabrication outside Canada)
be separated by a valve that is normally closed or closes automati-
cally or by a flow restrictor. The only exceptions are adjoining (b) A system registration requires the following documents:
Class 6 systems with nominal diameter NPS 3/4 or smaller.
Multicompartment vessels such as heat exchangers can have dif- (1) list of documents submitted
ferent classifications for different compartments. Emergency (2) certified system design specification
coolant injection and shutdown systems must generally be Class 1. (3) system classification and record of acceptance by the
Normally, the standards to be used are those in effect at the regulatory authority
time of construction or modification. Code Cases of the ASME (4) certified system flowsheet
Code may be used if agreed to by the regulatory authority. (5) certified design report, when required by the ASME
Code Responsibilities. The CSA N285.0 standard defines the (6) overpressure protection report
responsibilities of the licensee, plant designer, system designer, (7) the Licensee’s review and acceptance of the design
component designer, fabricator, and installer. The responsibilities report
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(8) for manufacture outside of Canada, the name of an The piping system design specification must define the basic
authorized inspection agency requirements of the system, like functional and performance
requirements, safety requirements, environmental conditions, and
(c) A component registration requires the following documents: material requirements, among others. It must give a design
description and the derived requirements. The envisioned operat-
(1) list of documents submitted ing conditions must be described and specified. The standard
(2) certified component design specification mandates a categorization, following para. NCA-2142 of ASME
(3) component classification and record of acceptance by BPVC Section III, Subsection NCA [32], into four classes. Level
the regulatory authority A service loading encompasses the normal and planned operating
(4) general arrangement and shop drawing to prove com- conditions that occur frequently. For safety systems, this includes
pliance with the N285 Standard the designed response to abnormal plant conditions as well as the
(5) certified design report, if required in the N285 standard normal standby condition. Level B loading consists of deviations
(6) the Licensee’s review and acceptance of the design from the intended Level A conditions that occur frequently
report, general arrangement drawing, and load capacity enough to be relevant for the evaluation of cyclic effects. Level C
data sheets for supports conditions are unplanned events that are anticipated to occur no
(7) for manufacture outside of Canada, the name of an more than 25 times during the design life of the component. The
authorized inspection agency design basis earthquake is to be included in this level. Local per-
manent deformation of components is acceptable. Level D condi-
(d) The registration of a fitting requires less elaborate docu- tions are unplanned anticipated events with an expected frequency
mentation. Overpressure protection fittings require a capac- of no more than two times over the design life. Structural integrity
ity certification test report. See para. 48.2.1 on the B51 stan- must be maintained, but gross deformation is acceptable.
dard for categories of fittings. For Class 1, the design specification must contain detailed
descriptions of service loading and cycles; for Classes 2 and 3,
The applicant for system registration is the system designer. the service cycles need not be described in detail. Design and test
For components, the component designer submits the application loadings must also be specified. Load combinations for each ser-
for registration. Welding procedures are to be submitted by the vice loading category must be defined. Acceptance criteria are to
fabricator or installer. be given as required by para. NCA-2143 of ASME BPVC Section
Provisional registration can be obtained if a required design III, Subsection NCA [32].
report or final drawing is not complete at the time of application. The piping system design report demonstrates that the applica-
Manufacturing or installation shall not begin before the ble acceptance criteria are satisfied for a specific system.
Authorized Inspection Agency has accepted at least a provisional Loadings applied to supports and adjacent components must be
registration. An application for provisional registration requires determined and evaluated.
only a certified provisional report and general arrangement draw- For each system, a system flowsheet must be produced. The
ings showing materials and thicknesses of the external boundary. flowsheet provides reference for system information such as sys-
Any modifications or repairs to the design require approval from tem boundaries; the design, operating, and test pressures; con-
the regulatory authority. tained fluids; and containment penetrations.
The Authorized Inspection Agency will assign a registration Each component must have a design specification, a design
number for each registration. The registration number contains report, and a general arrangement drawing.
information about the type of registration (e.g., system, vessel, The component design specification should be in accordance
welding procedure) and the province(s) of registration. For exam- with para. NCA-3250 and Appendix B of ASME BPVC Section III
ple, a Class 1 vessel might be registered as NV-1-123 45, where [32]. Its objectives and contents are similar to those of the system
NV denotes a nuclear vessel, -1 is the classification, -123 is the design specification, which can be referenced to avoid duplication.
registration number, and 45 represents the two provinces in which The component design report demonstrates that the specified
the design was registered. service limits and acceptance criteria are satisfied following the
guidelines contained in para. NCA-3550 and Appendix C of Design Documentation. For an entire plant, a system ASME BPVC Section III [32].
classification list and an overpressure protection report must be For standard supports, a general arrangement drawing and a
produced. load capacity data sheet must be supplied. Nonstandard supports
The system classification list identifies all the nuclear and non- require a certified design specification, a certified design report,
nuclear, pressure-retaining systems and provides the classification and a general arrangement drawing.
of these systems. It also specifies the effective dates for standards Depending on the individual requirements, which are discussed
and the seismic category. It contains the formal identification of in more detail in the standard, the following processes may be
the systems with flowsheet number, registration number, and required in conjunction with the document preparation:
such, and is continually updated during construction of the plant
and thereafter whenever changes are made. (a) certification of documents
The overpressure protection report lists, for each system and (b) review of design report
component, its function, and the report describes the types of (c) design verification
overpressure protection devices, set pressures, and capacities. It
addresses the system fluids that could be discharged, isolatability, Design specifications, design reports, and overpressure protec-
and testability. tion reports must be certified, when required by ASME BPVC
For each (piping) system, a system design specification, system Section III [32], as meeting the requirements of the standard by a
design report, and system flowsheet is required. registered engineer competent in the applicable field of design.
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Certification confirms that the methodology, modeling, assump- Similarly, for example, the Code year for the replacement item
tions, data, and accuracy of the document are acceptable. may be chosen as the same or newer than that of the original item.
The design report review is performed to confirm that the Subject to these and some additional requirements regarding com-
report addresses the service conditions from the design patibility with the remaining system and installation and welding
specification and that the applicable ASME Code service limits procedures, the replacement item is considered acceptable with-
and acceptance criteria are satisfied. out further approval by the regulatory authority. A modification of
Designs and documentation are to be subject to verification. an existing system, on the other hand, requires approval and an
CSA-N285.0-06 gives sample forms that provide evidence of authorized inspection.
the above processes in the design documents. Supports. Generally, the rules of ASME BPVC Fabrication-Related Issues. In addition to the ASME Section III, Subsection NF [32], apply for the design of supports.
Code materials applicable to the class of system or component, the Like in the ASME Code, supports are classified into plate-/shell-
standard permits the use of materials from CAN/CSA-N285.6. The type (such as pipe anchors, vessel skirts, and saddles), linear (such
identification of materials follows the ASME Code. as trusses, struts, frames, rings, cables beams, and columns), and
The fabrication and installation guidelines of the ASME Code component standard supports (typically mass-produced items with
apply. Components, piping systems, and welding procedures need load ratings as for pipe hangers, snubbers, and such). Component
to be registered. supports must be registered separately and a certified design report
A quality assurance program is required for both the licensee is required. Any intervening elements between the component and
and suppliers; the licensee’s quality assurance program shall fol- the support need not be registered, but it must be demonstrated by
low N286.0. Procurement shall follow CSA-N286.1 and the analysis or test that they are capable of withstanding the support
ASME Code; design and fabrication activities and installation and loads. The material for supports may be taken either from the
commissioning shall meet the ASME Code requirements. ASME Code or from CSA-N285.6. Note that component supports
Material supply is regulated according to ASME BPVC Section are subject to inservice inspection requirements as required by
III, Division 1 [32]. A contractor’s quality assurance program CSA-N285.4 and -N285.5.
shall meet the requirements of the ASME Code.
An inspection of all items is required before acceptance by the 48.3.3 CSA-N285.2, Requirements for Class IC, 2C,
licensee. The inspections extend to the registration requirements, and 3C Pressure-Retaining Components and
operator qualifications, materials, tests, examinations, as-built Supports in CANDU® Nuclear Power Plants
dimensions and tolerances, and compliance with quality assur-
ance requirements. Intention and Content. CSA-N285.2 addresses
Items must be examined and tested in accordance with the CANDU®-specific components for which the rules of the ASME
requirements of the applicable standard. The nondestructive Code are insufficient or nonexistent. The rules concern mainly the
examination methods must conform to the requirements defined components related to the reactor vessel, which has a completely
in ASME BPVC Section III [32], and the procedures must be different structure than those of the typical PWR. The main reactor
acceptable to the client and to the regulatory authority. The exam- vessel (known as the calandria vessel) is subject to a low pressure,
ination personnel must be qualified according to the applicable but contains many zirconium alloy tubes (fuel channel pressure
Canadian standard, or, for fabrication outside of Canada, to a tubes) that form the main pressure boundary of the primary heat
standard acceptable to the licensee and the regulatory authority. transport system in the reactor. Various other components, such as
removable end plugs (known as a closure plugs) for the fuel chan- Certification. The standard declares certain documents nels and the fueling machine, are required for online refueling in the
from the fabrication and installation processes as permanent and natural (unenriched or low-enriched) uranium fuel reactor design.
others as nonpermanent. The permanent records are to be assem-
bled into a history docket for a system, subassembly, component, Fuel Channels. The pressure tube to end-fitting joint is
or part. The history docket remains with the Licensee for the life a mechanical rolled joint that connects the zirconium pressure tube
of the plant. Nonpermanent records may be destroyed after a peri- to the stainless steel end fitting. Since this is a Class 1 component,
od defined in the standard. the ASME Code would require either a full penetration welded
Each registered vessel, pump, or fitting must be identified with joint or a flanged and bolted connection. However, welding is not
a nameplate or with directly applied markings. The required possible due to the dissimilar materials, and the geometry does not
information and suggested layout are given in the standard. permit a flanged and bolted connection. A similar design margin as
A formal data report must be submitted for each system, sub- required by the ASME Code is achieved by qualifying the joint by
assembly, component, or part. The data report is completed after replicate tests at design temperature, which must show a pull-out
fabrication when all required tests have been completed. load of three times the design condition axial load.
The pressure tubes are made from zirconium and form part of Inservice Requirements. Inaugural inspections and the pressure boundary of the PHTS. Material requirements and
periodic inservice inspections of systems, components, and items design material properties are contained in CAN/CSA-N285.6. In
under the scope of CSA-N285.0 are covered in CSA-N285.4 and - addition to the regular material testing as required by the ASME
N285.5 (see paras. 48.4.1 and 48.4.2). Code, the effect of irradiation on the material must be considered.
A replacement item, defined as an item that replaces another Irradiated fatigue curves must be obtained, and the (adverse)
with unchanged design conditions, can be purchased to the same effect on ductility must be considered. For the mechanical proper-
or an updated design specification, provided that the original ties, credit may be taken for an experimentally supported radia-
design requirements are met. The intent is always to allow more tion-induced enhancement of the properties. The design of the
stringent requirements than for the original item but not less. tubes must include the following:
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(a) design against delayed hydride cracking that occurs in zir- demonstrated by analysis or test, that there is an interference fit
conium under certain conditions. between tube and tubesheet bore, and that the root and final pass-
(b) a leak detection system and demonstration of leak- es are examined by the liquid-penetrant method.
beforebreak. The ASME Code requires components to be radiographed
(c) an evaluation of creep deformations (sagging) of the tubes; within 20% of their final dimensions. For the lattice tubes, a con-
adequate support against sagging must be provided. siderable amount of machining must be performed in their final
assembled position, which precludes radiography at that time.
The fuel channel closures are removable but locked into place The present standard allows radiography of centrifugally cast lat-
by closure safety locks. Self-energizing flexible seal disks prevent tice tubes in a partially machined condition if the penetrameter
leakage of the coolant. The closure body must be designed such size is based on the final machined thickness.
that a failure of the seal disk will not result in a loss of coolant
accident, i.e., leakage beyond the makeup capacity of the system. Reactivity Control Units. The CANDU® reactor has
Misaligned installation must not lead to progressive distortion or two independent shutdown systems: one uses the common control
failure of the pressure boundary. The closures are classified as rod system and the other uses a liquid-injection shutdown system
Class 1 components. that distributes a neutron poison in the core. The requirements of
ASME BPVC Section III, subsection NCA, para. NCA-1271 [32], Calandria Assembly. The calandria tubes are connected are not applicable to CANDU® control rod drive housings, because
to the calandria vessel tubesheets by rolled joints. The ASME Code these do not form part of the PHTS pressure boundary. The liquid-
does not address rolled joints in vessels. Therefore, CSA N285.2 injection shutdown system nozzles are made from Zircaloy and are
adopts the (piping) rules of paras. ND-3671.2 and NC-3671.2 of threaded into stainless steel tubes. This connection is not covered
ASME BPVC Section III [32] for the design of these joints, if the by Class 1 requirements.
calandria vessel is registered as a Class 3C or 2C component
(designed to ASME BPVC Section III, Subsection NC, NC-3300), Fuel-Handling Equipment. The CANDU® reactor
respectively. If the calandria is registered as a Class 1C or 2C com- requires relatively frequent refueling and, therefore, is equipped with
ponent designed to ASME BPVC Section III, Subsection NC, NC- online fueling equipment. In refueling, a fuel channel of the reactor
3200, then the rolled joint should be designed according to ASME needs to be accessed while the reactor continues to operate. This
BPVC Section III, Subsection NB, NB-3200 (design by analysis) requires a removable fuel channel closure plug and a fueling machine
rules, or testing should be used to justify the joint. that will provide a temporary closure while the fuel is being
The calandria tubes have diametral internal supports (spacers) refreshed, thereby ensuring continuous cooling of the reactor fuel. A
onto the pressure tubes inside them; the ASME Code has no pro- schematic overview of the refueling process is given in Fig. 48.8.
visions for such a situation. CSA-N285.2 requires that the poten- Parts of the refueling equipment are not addressed in the ASME
tial deformation of a calandria tube under external pressure from Code. The fuel channel closure plug must be secured with a safety
any service condition should not cause rupture of the tube. The lock that prevents an inadvertent opening of the channel. The safety
satisfaction of this condition may be shown by test or analysis. lock must have a positive mechanical locking device. Materials,
The geometry of the assembly near the calandria end shields is design, and examination of the pressure-retaining parts of the safety
fairly complicated. The lattice tube–to–calandria tubesheet joint lock shall follow the applicable ASME Code rules. When the pres-
requires hubs, in which case the ASME Code would require that sure tube is being refueled, the fueling machine is attached to the
forged hubs be used; however, this is impractical because the channel and the channel closure plug is removed. An accidental
large number of welds would cause excessive distortion. uncoupling from the fueling machine must be prevented with anoth-
Therefore, CSA-N285.2 allows the hubs to be machined directly er safety lock, also of the positive mechanical locking type, and a
onto the tubesheet and fully ultrasonically examined, subject to manual override of the safety lock must be impossible. The fueling
ASME acceptance criteria with a more stringent limit on the machine safety lock must be engaged before the channel closure plug
largest permissible indication. After welding, the tubesheet bores is removed, and it must remain engaged until the channel closure
must be ultrasonically examined from one side (there is no access plug has been replaced and secured. The safety locks must be remote-
from the other) and liquid-penetrant examined in accordance with ly monitored. Functional tests on a test channel are required.
the ASME Code. The Canadian experience has shown the Materials, design, and examination of the pressure-retaining parts of
machined hubs to be adequate for the present application. the safety lock shall follow the applicable ASME Code rules.
Using the ASME Code, the lattice tube–to–calandria welds The fueling machine requires movable parts to enable it to be
would have to be 100% radiographically inspected; due to acces- positioned at all fuel channel locations. Movable supports are
sibility restrictions, this is not possible for this particular joint. required, and the rules and limits of ASME BPVC Section III,
CSA-N285.2 permits that only a statistical sampling of joints be Subsection NF, NF-3200 and NF-3300 [32], are extended to be
radiographed if the joints are machine welded, as the repeatability applicable to the design of these mechanisms. Also, controls and
and quality of such welds was found to be high. In addition to interlocks need to be provided to prevent inadvertent movements
fully radiographically examining one of every ten joints made that could overstress the pressure-retaining components or their sup-
with a fixed set of process parameters, rigorous sample testing ports in operation. It must be possible to verify the actuation of these
and liquid-penetrant testing of all root and final passes ensures the controls and interlocks. Movable pressure-retaining parts are permit-
required high overall weld quality. ted to use reinforced elastomeric hose assemblies; the use of these
The lattice tube – to – calandria tubesheet joint would have to materials is permitted only for Classes 2 and 3 systems if no alterna-
be a full-penetration joint according to the ASME Code (para. tive designs exist. Safety-relevant consequences of failure of the
NC-3352.4(d), [32]); however, this is not possible due to access hose assembly must be considered, and the released dose must be
restrictions. The present standard allows a partial penetration limited, e.g., by a quick-acting closure system. End fittings must
weld under the condition that the necessary joint strength is comply with the appropriate ASME Code Subsection of Section III
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[32], and the materials must be from either the ASME Code or designs, some major components (e.g., steam generators, PHTS
CSA-N285.6. Environmental effects must be considered in the pump motors, and the reactivity control mechanism deck) pene-
design of the hose and reinforcement. Each hose must be subjected trate the containment boundary using a flexible seal (bellows).
to hydrostatic tests, and burst and fatigue tests must be performed on
samples from each production batch. A replacement schedule must Overview. Except in special cases, components that
be established based on the aging of the hose material. form the containment boundary are deemed Class 4. Components
of a system that penetrates the containment boundary are deemed
48.3.4 CSA-N285.3, Requirements for Containment Class 2, except if they are otherwise deemed Class 1.
System Components in CANDU® Nuclear Containment components must be registered and receive their
Power Plants own registration number. Mostly, the rules for design, fabrication,
installation, and testing reference the applicable sections of Intention and Content. CSA-N285.3 establishes the ASME BPVC Section III, Subsection NE [32]. The standard has
rules for the design, fabrication, and installation of containment specific rules for overpressure protection, vessels, airlocks and
system components, excluding concrete containment systems transfer chambers, isolation bulkheads (which could, for example,
(which are addressed by the N287 series of standards). The be installed temporarily between the containment areas of differ-
CANDU® containment system differs from that of U.S. PWRs: ent reactor units), seal plates, flexible bellows and seals, and
single-unit reactor designs use a dousing tank and spray system inflatable seal assemblies.
with-in the main containment structure. In some multi-unit power Construction materials may be chosen from the appropriate
plant designs, a common vacuum building structure (under nega- section of the ASME Code [32] (i.e., Subsection NE for Class 4
tive pressure), connected to each of the individual unit contain- components, Subsection NC for Class 2, and so on) or from CSA-
ment structures, is used to remove containment atmosphere in the N285.6. Containment components are subject to inservice inspec-
event of a small pressure rise (approximately 6 psig) in a reactor tions as required by CSA-N285.5 (see para. 48.4.2).
unit. The main vacuum building structure contains the main dous-
ing tank and spray systems for pressure suppression. In some mul- 48.3.5 CSA-N285.6, Material Standards for Reactor
tireactor unit CANDU® designs, where the reactor unit contain- Components for CANDU® Nuclear Power Plants
ments are typically connected, the design minimizes the reactor
unit containment volume consistent with the vacuum building Materials Standards for CANDU® Zirconium Alloy
structure and pressure suppressions system capacity. In these plant Components. The CANDU® reactor design, which uses natural
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uranium fuel (with no enrichment), requires use of materials with Material Standard for Pressure-Retaining Item
low-neutron-absorption cross-sections to maximize overall Supports. CSA-N285.6.9, Materials for Supports for Pressure-
process efficiency. Many key pressure boundary components in the Retaining Items, provides material requirements for supports of
reactor core (e.g., fuel channel pressure tubes) have been manu- pressure-retaining items in addition to the materials permitted by
factured from zirconium alloys that provide both high-strength and ASME BPVC Section III, Subsection NF, NF-2000 [32]. Material
low-neutron-absorption properties. Because zirconium is not a rec- specifications including material composition, processing, and
ognized ASME Code material [9] for pressure-retaining compo- inspection and test requirements are provided.
nents, specific requirements had to be defined for zirconium alloy
material use in CANDU® reactor designs. The specific standards Material Standard for Nickel Based Alloy Fuel
addressing material requirements for CANDU® zirconium alloy Channel Spacers
components include the following: The current fuel channel spacer design is based on nickel based
alloy wire (AMS 5698). The material requirements, including
(a) CSA-N285.6.1, Pressures Tubes for Use in CANDU® Fuel material composition, processing and test requirements are
Channels defined in CSA N285.6.10.
(b) CSA-N285.6.2, Seamless Zirconium Alloy Tubing for
Reactivity Control Units Second Edition and Future Work. The second edition
(c) CSA-N285.6.3, Annealed Seamless Zirconium Alloy of the entire CSA-N285.6 series of standards was published in 2005.
Tubing for Liquid-Injection System (LISS) Nozzles The 2005 edition is a major revision and streamlining of the N285.6
(d) CSA-N285.6.4, Thin-Walled, Large-Diameter Zirconium standards that focuses requirements on the properties and inspec-
Alloy Tubing (e.g., calandria tubes) tions of the final product. Thus, many of the inspections defined for
(e) CSA-N285.6.5, Zirconium Alloy Wire for Fuel Channel intermediate stages of product processing, as included in the 1988
Spacers (note; the N285.6.5 standard was withdrawn in the edition, have been removed in the 2005 edition. Also, CSA-N285.6
2005 edition, as the heat treated zirconium spacer design is Series-05 provides increased harmonization with existing material
no longer used in new or refurbished racotors) standards by including more references to ASTM standards (e.g.,
(f) CSA-N285.6.6, Nondestructive Examination Criteria for ASTM B 350 and B 353 for zirconium alloy products), with sup-
Zirconium Alloys plementary CANDU®-specific requirements identified.
(g) CSA-N285.6.7, Zirconium Alloy Design Data
(h) CSA-N285.6.11, Zirconium Alloy Wire (newly added in 48.3.6 CSA N286 Series of Standards, Quality
2005 edition, to provide rules for wire used in welding of Assurance Program Requirements for
zirconium alloy components and for use in some fuel chan- Nuclear Power Plants
nel spacer designs) Quality Assurance From Plant Design to
The basic material requirements, including material composi- Decommissioning Activities. The standards of the N286 series on
tion, processing, and inspection and test requirements for zirconi- quality assurance were prepared as the industry increasingly rec-
um alloy components are defined in CSA-N285.6.1 through- ognized that quality assurance standards were needed throughout
N285.6.5., and in -N285.6.11. Each standard addresses the specific the life cycle of a nuclear power plant. The CSA N286 standards
needs for unique CANDU® components, and requires that materi- are based on a set of common quality assurance principles. These
al satisfies both ASTM B 350/B 350M and B351/B351M, as well principles define the essentials to ensure that items and services
as B 352/B 352M or B353/B 343M, in addition to the require- will be of the required quality, and they are consistent with good
ment of the N285.6 standards. management practice.
The nondestructive examination requirements for all zirconium
alloy components are summarized in CSA-N285.6.6. The (a) The CSA N286 series consists of two tiers. The first-tier
specified inspection methods include visual, liquid-penetrant, standard, CSA-N286.0, is addressed to the nuclear power
radiographic, ultrasonic, and eddy current inspection methods. In plant owner/licensee. It contains the requirements for the
general terms, inspection methods and procedural requirements overall quality assurance program that applies to the com-
reference ASME BPVC Section V [11] requirements. Inspection plete life cycle of a nuclear power plant, from site assess-
acceptance criteria, geared to specific design needs for the ment and conceptual design to decommissioning.
CANDU® component, are provided.
The material design data used for all CANDU® zirconium alloy The CSA-N286.0 standard
components is provided in CSA-N285.6.7.
(1) states the principles for assuring the achievement of quality Material Standard for CANDU® Fuel Channel (2) defines the requirements for an overall quality assurance
End-Fitting Assemblies. The CANDU® fuel channel design program, including the following:
includes an end fitting at each end of the fuel channel. The end
fitting is connected to the zirconium alloy pressure tube in the reac- (a) corporate activities associated with specifying, direct-
tor core, provides a connection to the PHTS feeders (ferritic pip- ing, and administering work in all phases of the power
ing), and provides an attachment point on the fuel channel for the plant’s life cycle
on-power refueling machine. As a result, the end fitting has many (b) the evaluation and integration of the activities and pro-
challenging and unique design requirements. The basic material grams of all participants.
requirements, including material composition, processing, and
inspection and test requirements, are defined in CSA-N285.6.8, (b) Each second-tier standard embodies the principles set forth
Martensitic Stainless Steel for Fuel Channel End Fittings. in the first-tier CSA-N286.0 standard. Each one includes
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178 • Chapter 48

specific program requirements, limits of responsibility, (1999) CSA-N286.7 standard provides a major improvement in the
authority, and application of criteria as they apply to the standardization of computer program quality assurance.
specific needs of each of the constituent phases of a nuclear CSA-N286.7 applies to the design, development, maintenance,
power plant life cycle. Each is complete in establishing the modification, and use of computer programs that are used in nuclear
quality assurance requirements for a particular phase of the power plant applications to perform or support the following:
nuclear power plant’s life cycle, and is structured such that
the activities addressed may be performed by organizations (a) design and analysis of safety-related equipment, systems,
other the plant owner/licensee. The plant owner/licensee structures, and components, as identified by the owner/
may directly perform activities covered by the second-tier licensee
standards. In this event, the owner must meet the require- (b) deterministic and probabilistic safety analyses and reliabil-
ments of the relevant second-tier standard in addition to ity studies
those stated in the first-tier standard, CSA-N286.0. The sec- (c) reactor physics and fuel management calculations
ond-tier N286 Standards are as follows: (d) transfer of data between computer programs or pre- or post-
processing calculations associated with (a), (b), and (c) above.
(1) CSA-N286.1, Procurement Quality Assurance Program
Requirements for Nuclear Power Plants CSA-N286.7 incorporates all of the fundamental quality princi-
(2) CSA-N286.2, Design Quality Assurance for Nuclear ples used as the basis of the CSA N286 standards. The interested
Power Plants reader is referred to the text of the CSA N286 standards for addi-
(3) CSA-N286.3, Construction Quality Assurance for tional detail.
Nuclear Power Plants
(4) CSA-N286.4, Commissioning Quality Assurance for 48.3.7 CSA N287 Series of Standards, Requirements
Nuclear Power Plants for Concrete Containment Structures for
(5) CSA-N286.5, Operations Quality Assurance for CANDU® Nuclear Power Plants
Nuclear Power Plants
(6) CSA-N286.6, Decommissioning Quality Assurance for (a) The CSA N287 series of standards for concrete contain-
Nuclear Power Plants ment structures for CANDU® nuclear power plants pro-
vides general requirements that ensure that the design,
A new edition of the CSA N286 standards was published in construction, and testing of concrete containment struc-
2005. The 2005 edition has integrated the first- and second-tier tures meets a quality and standard commensurate with the
standards into one N286.0 standard. The restructuring of the 2005 safety principles necessary to comply with the Canadian
edition is aimed at streamlining the quality assurance programs, nuclear safety philosophy. The N287 series of standards
in recognition, of industry restructuring needs. Also, the revision includes the following:
aims to increase harmonization with other quality assurance stan-
dards, so as to increase flexibility in obtaining qualified suppliers (1) CSA-N287.1, General Requirements
of parts and services. (2) CSA-N287.2, Material Requirements
Since the 2005 edition (with its major streamlining) has been (3) CSA-N287.3, Design Requirements
issued, there has been much industry debate about how to (4) CSA-N287.4, Construction, Fabrication, and Installation
mange the transition from the original CSA N286 series of Requirements
standards (which is referenced in legislation and reactor (5) CSA-N287.5, Examination and Testing Requirements
operating licences) to adoption of the 2005 edition. The chal- (6) CSA-N287.6, Pre-Operational Proof and Leakage Rate
lenges are being dealt with, in the short term, by referencing Testing Requirements
withdrawn (superseded) standards within updated standards, (7) CSA-N287.7, In-Service Examination and Testing
legislation, and reactor operating licences. The long term chal- Requirements
lenges are being addressed via improved industry coordination
of priorities through the CSA Nuclear Standards Steering (b) The N287 series of CSA standards applies to the compo-
Committee. nents, parts, and materials of the CANDU® concrete con-
The original CSA N286 series of standards focused on tainment structures, including the following:
owner/licensee activities and was complemented by the CSA
Z299 series of quality assurance standards, which addressed man- (1) reinforcing systems of the components
ufacturing activities. In recognition of the fact that ISO-9001 has (2) concrete used in the construction of the components
since been widely adopted by manufacturing and service indus- (3) steel
tries, a recent (2007) update to CSA-N286-05 has provided a (4) anchorage systems
mandatory appendix (Annex G) detailing supplementary require- (5) metallic and nonmetallic materials that perform sealing
ments for vendors no longer use CSA-Z299 programs. Quality functions, such as waterstops, concrete sealants, joint
Assurance programs in accordance with U.S. 10 Code of Federal filler materials, and expansion seals connecting por-
Regulations, Part 50, Appendix B are considered to satisfy the tions of class containment, but excluding seals that con-
requirements of CSA-N286-05 Annex G. nect class containment with nuclear Class 1, 2, 3, 1C,
2C, or 3C components Analytical, Scientific, and Design Computer (6) metallic and nonmetallic liners
Programs. There are very few standards that address quality (7) nonpenetration embedded parts
assurance of critical computer programs used in the design and (8) penetration embedded parts, except those that are con-
ongoing analysis of nuclear reactors. The recently developed tinuations of the following:
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(a) nuclear Classes 1, 2, 3, 1C, 2C, and 3C, in which case the (c) CSA Standard CAN3-N289.3, Design Procedures for
provisions of CSA-N285.0 and -N285.2 shall apply Seismic Qualification of CANDU® Nuclear Power Plants,
(b) non-nuclear systems, in which case the provisions of the covers methods used to design for seismic events. It covers
codes and standards applicable to the non-nuclear systems methods to obtain the ground response for application to
shall apply engineering design, i.e. ground spectra and time histories.
Requirements are given for foundation seismic analysis,
The N287 standards make extensive use of existing standards, such as analysis for soil-structure interaction, ground failure
codes, and other reference material wherever possible, supple- and stability of structures. Thirdly, the standard focuses on
menting or modifying the requirements of referenced standards seismic qualification by analytical methods. The standard
where needed to address CANDU®-specific issues. The CSA presents various acceptable methods of seismic analysis
N287 standards generally exceed the requirements of the National (not unlike ASME BPVC Section III, Appendix N). Finally,
Building Code of Canada [35]. The interested reader is referred to CAN3-N289.3 stipulates seismic design criteria for struc-
the text of the N287 standards for further detail; more information tures (like the containment structure), components (in par-
on the CSA-N287.7 standard, which covers inservice inspection, ticular, pressure boundary components) and component
is provided in para 48.4.3. supports.
At the time of this writing, the N287 TC, has been re-estab- (d) CSA Standard CAN3-N289.4, Testing Procedures for
lished. Work on updating the N287 series of standards is in Seismic Qualification of CANDU® Nuclear Power Plants,
progress, with a focus to address recent updates to the National provides design requirements and methods for seismic qual-
Building Code of Canada [35] and identify opportunities for ification of specific structures and systems by test, provides
improved harmonization with the other standards. a basis for the development of specifications for seismic
qualification by testing, and aids in selecting appropriate
48.3.8 CSA N289 Series of Standards, Requirements test methods for performing acceptable seismic qualifica-
for Seismic Qualification of CANDU® Nuclear tion tests commensurate with the Canadian nuclear safety
Power Plant Structures and Systems principles.
(e) CSA Standard CAN3-N289.5, Instrumentation, Inspection Outline The Canadian seismic philosophy is distinctly and Records for Seismic Qualification of CANDU®
different from the approach followed in the US, which has strongly Nuclear Power Plants, establishes the requirements for
shaped the design rules of the ASME Code that are applicable to seis- seismic instrumentation and for seismic-related inspec-
mic design. The Canadian seismic standards, consisting of 5 docu- tion of structures and systems before and after a seismic
ments of the N289 series, has much more comprehensive guidance event.
on the seismic evaluation of nuclear plants than the ASME Code.
In 1976, the Canadian Nuclear Association’s Codes, Standards, A brief overview of the Canadian seismic philosophy as laid
and Practice Committee sponsored the development of the N289 out in these documents, as well as an abstract of expected future
Standards. In 1977, efforts began to publish the documents as developments, is given in the following.
CSA Standards. The intent in developing the standards was to
document technical and regulatory guidelines applicable to the Canadian Seismic Approach In the US, the typical
seismic qualification of nuclear structures and components of a approach is to design pressure boundary components for two sep-
CANDU® nuclear power plant. arate seismic events of different severity level. The lower level
The main focus of the standards is the nuclear safety aspects of event, or operational basis earthquake (OBE), is postulated to
CANDU® Nuclear Power Plants. However, if specified by the occur several times during the plant life, and a cyclic analysis is
owner, these standards may be applied to other non-safety-related performed in addition to a primary stress assessment for Design
structures or systems necessary for the operation of the plant. stress limits. For the higher level event, the safe shutdown earth-
Otherwise, non-safety related structures and equipment can be quake (SSE), only a single occurrence is postulated and only pri-
designed in accordance with the National Building Code of mary stresses are evaluated to accident (Level D) limits.
Canada [35]. Similarly, CAN3-N289.1 and CAN3-N289.3 define two earth-
The following is a brief overview of the five standards: quakes with different severity levels, the site design earthquake
(SDE) and the more severe design basis earthquake (DBE). The
(a) CSA Standard CAN3-N289.1, General Requirements for SDE is intended to have a probability of exceedance of about
Seismic Qualification of CANDU® Nuclear Power Plants, 10⫺2 per year, while the DBE is currently defined as having “suf-
provides guidelines for the applicability of the N289 stan- ficiently low probability”. The upcoming 2008 edition of N-289.1
dards. It also contains seismic classification and lays out the will specify the mean probability of exceedance as 10⫺4 per year,
responsibility with respect to seismic qualification of the applicable to new construction. Only one of these two events is
parties involved in the design, construction and operation of used in the design of each component.
nuclear plants. The basic requirements following a DBE are that the reactor
(b) CSA Standard CAN3-N289.2, Ground Motion can be shut down safely, that decay heat can be removed, that the
Determination for Seismic Qualification of CANDU® pressure boundary does not fail, and that the reactor building and
Nuclear Power Plants, details requirements for site and other critical structures will not allow a radiation release above
regional seismic investigations. These investigations have regulatory limits. In addition, an SDE event following a loss of
the purpose to collect historical data that allow the design coolant event must leave the emergency core cooling (ECC) sys-
seismic events to be defined, as well as identifying hazards tem and systems supporting ECC intact.
such as faults, tsunamis, seiches or dam failures. Guidelines The SDE has historically been employed to design some rarely-
are given for establishing the design seismic ground motion. used systems, but most pressure boundary is designed for the DBE
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as a single event. Unlike SSE, the DBE is classified as a Level C compared to those in Section III, Appendix N of the 2007 BPVC
event, and a primary stress as well as cyclic evaluation needs to be or in recent NRC guidance. N289.3 permits the use of higher
performed. This approach agrees quite well with the results of damping if justified by tests that are relevant to the component
recent tests on piping systems, which suggest that the failure of that is being analyzed. An update of seismic damping level is
such systems under seismic loading is by fatigue or ratchet-fatigue expected for the upcoming new issue of the N289.3 standard.
in the vast majority of cases. Furthermore, for low-strength materi- The interested reader is referred to the text of the N289 stan-
als, the level C primary stress limit provides a nominal margin of dards for additional details.
roughly two against the ultimate load, which is consistent with the Overall, the N289 standards are mainly aimed at the assess-
finding [44] that for seismic events, a margin of two against burst ment of moderate to medium level seismic zones. For high-level
means the event has a negligible effect on the core damage fre- seismic zones, the considerations may not be sufficient to
quency. Of course, the seismic Level D limits in ASME BPVC address all possible concerns. At the same time, the targeted
Section III, Subsection NB, NB-3600 are meant to provide the seismic level may also explain the relatively high level of con-
same actual margin of two against burst, and in consequence servatism in the design methods. The use of only a single level
imposing Level C limits must provide significantly more margin. of seismic event, not two as in the US approach, may also work
In the analysis of components that would be within the scope of best for such a target seismic level. The question is how opera-
the ASME BPVC, N289 therefore requires the following tion after a significant seismic event can be justified. If the seis-
mic level reached or exceeded the bounding DBE or SSE level,
(a) An analysis of primary stress from a combination of seismic it is clear that an assessment, and possibly repair, is needed
and sustained loads. Seismic loads must be combined with before the plant can be restarted. If the seismic event was only a
specified operating conditions that occur with a total expo- significant fraction of the DBE, the question may arise how
sure time (time to complete one transient times number of much of the cyclic life has been exhausted. With OBE, the effect
specified cycles) of more than 1% of the total operating of several such events has been analyzed in the design phase,
time, or with transients that may be caused by the earth- thus giving the required justification. With just one DBE ana-
quake. Level C limits apply. lyzed, it may be more difficult to argue that the remaining cyclic
(b) An analysis of the primary plus secondary stress range due life is still sufficient for the required cycles including a possible
to seismic loads (inertial and anchor motions) alone. If this future DBE.
range exceeds 3 Sm, plastic cycling is expected and a
fatigue analysis is required for Class 1 components. In some cases, seismic events were not part of the original
Otherwise, the fatigue analysis is waived because the usage design basis. In this case, seismic margin assessments (SMA) have
factor is expected to be low. been performed. This assessment method has been developed and
(c) If required from above, a fatigue analysis is to be performed documented, e.g. in [45] and [46]. The starting point of an SMA is
that accounts for the effect of plasticity (e.g. simplified elas- an analysis to identify components that are critical to perform and
tic-plastic). The usage factor from seismic alone is to be maintain a safe shutdown of the plant. Once these systems are
combined with the cumulative usage factor due to Level A/B identified, a plant walkdown by qualified engineers is performed.
events. The required cycles for the single seismic event are During the walkdown, systems and components are classified.
15 for ground supported components and 25 for floor sup- Some components are known by experience to be seismically
ported components. If a fatigue curve based on deformation rugged and are screened out. The basis for screening is a review
controlled tests is used (as the ones given in ASME BPVC level earthquake that is typically set at a higher level than the DBE.
Section III, Appendix I), CAN3-N289.3 considers 200 On the other hand, components that are considered as the weakest
cycles as “adequate”. The reason for the larger number of link (have the lowest seismic capacity) are also identified. All
cycles are concerns about the high level of seismic load con- components that were not screened out are subjected to a simpli-
trolled load due to the use of Level C limits on primary fied analytical analysis or testing to determine the seismic margin.
stress, which would allow net section plasticity. In a static In addition to assessing seismic capacity and likely failure modes
system under load control with net section plasticity, a lin- of components, seismic walkdowns also serve to observe and iden-
ear-elastic analysis can severely underestimate the strains tify system deficiencies, such as detrimental interactions between
and, therefore, the fatigue damage. However, this concern is components, fire hazards, potential for seismic induced flooding
erroneous because, unlike static analysis, an elastic dynamic due to piping failures, and other similar risks. The new issue of
analysis does not underestimate the gross deformation CSA N289.1 will formalize approaches for seismic margin assess-
(amplitude) relative to an elastic-plastic (nonlinear) analysis. ments.
In an elastic dynamic analysis, viscous damping is selected
to represent the energy dissipation, which is usually due to Future Developments At the time of its writing, the
nonlinear effects, such as plasticity, frictional effects, and Canadian seismic standard was quite an advanced set of rules,
such. The level of damping is set such that the vibration which is reflected in the fact that no significant changes were made
amplitude of the linear-elastic system matches (or typically for about 20 years since the initial issuing of the documents.
overestimates) that of the nonlinear system. When the ampli- However, over the years, many advances have been made in the
tude of the elastic-plastic and linear-elastic system are equiv- areas of seismic design and qualification. In response, the N289
alent, the ASME fatigue analysis approach is directly applic- TC has been re-established recently. The goal is to update the
able and will estimate the strains conservatively. The N289 series of standards, with a focus on addressing recent
N289.3 analysis becomes, therefore, very conservative. updates to the National Building Code of Canada [35], and also to
identify opportunities for improved harmonization with the N287
Seismic structural damping levels are taken from the 1983 edi- series of standards (which has many areas of commonality in
tion of the BPVC, and are therefore very low for piping systems design of plant structures).
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A new edition of CSA-N289.1 has been created, and has passed plant/system has been subject to a Service Level C or D operating
through the public comment phase. It is expected that the new condition, additional inspection (beyond the minimum specified
CSA-N289.1 standard will be published in 2008. The scope of the in the standards) shall be considered.
document has been broadened from being mainly an introduction Currently, there are three primary CSA standards that define
to the N289 series of Standards to supplementing the existing the CANDU® periodic inspection requirements. These
N289 standards with current seismic qualification concepts. For Standards, described in more detail in the subsequent para-
example, guidelines for seismic margin assessments have been graphs, are as follows:
developed, and the derivation of ground motion input from uni-
form hazard spectra has been incorporated. The responsibilities (a) CAN/CSA-N285.4, Periodic Inspection of CANDU®
and duties now include rules for the operator response to seismic Nuclear Power Plant Components (which governs periodic
events, e.g. under what conditions plant shutdown is required. inspection of primary nuclear pressure boundary systems)
Means of demonstrating that nuclear power plant safety-related (b) CAN/CSA-N285.5, Periodic Inspection of CANDU®
structures, systems and components possess seismic capacity at Nuclear Power Plant Containment Components (which
very low probabilities of exceedance have been developed. governs periodic inspection of penetrations and extensions
The TC will start work on revising the CSA-N289.3 standard in to the nuclear containment boundary and inspection of sys-
2008. It is expected that the scope will include reconciliation of tems required for suppressing/reducing pressure within the
damping levels in the current standards with new experimental evi- containment boundary during the functional mode, i.e.,
dence, particularly for piping, and revisiting the question of seis- when the containment system is activated)
mic cycles for fatigue analysis. Consideration is being given to (c) CAN/CSA-N287.7, Inservice Examination and Testing
including methods of probabilistic seismic design in the standard. Requirements for Concrete Containment Structures for
CANDU® Nuclear Power Plants (which addresses the struc-
48.3.9 Summary tural integrity of all concrete components and leak tightness
The CSA N285, N286, N287, and N289 design standards have of the containment boundary through inservice inspections
provided the basis for the successful construction of CANDU® and leakage rate testing)
reactors in Canada and internationally. Generally, the ASME
Code is followed closely, being put into the Canadian regulatory The CSA N285B TC on periodic inspection is evaluating the
context. Special Canadian experience with design features and need for a new standard geared at periodic inspection of conven-
materials beyond the ASME Code context is also incorporated. tional plant systems and components whose failure may negative-
Future efforts will continue to work on continual improvement, ly affect nuclear safety. The initial evaluation is aimed at defining
publishing amendments/updates, or new editions, as agreement is the specific goals and needs for such a standard, followed by an
reached on key topics. Priorities include addressing issue related assessment of what can be provided by existing codes and stan-
to implementation issues, life extension and refurbishment of dards (e.g., ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code) The N285B
existing plants, and needs for new build reactors. Harmonization TC is also monitoring international efforts on the topic of risk-
and integration with international standards, specifically the informed inspection programs, and assessing how to take best
ASME Code, will also be pursued. advantage of risk informed processes to provide a more effective
periodic inspection program that enhances nuclear safety, plant
reliability, and plant economics.
48.4 CSA NUCLEAR BOILER AND In addition, new CSA standards are under development to
PRESSURE VESSEL INSERVICE supplement the periodic inspection requirements with standard
methodologies for assessment and evaluation of periodic inspec-
tion results. In particular, CSA-N285.8 has been specifically
In the Canadian nuclear standards, the requirement for routine developed to provide uniform rules for the evaluation of detect-
mandatory inspections of pressure boundary and containment ed (or postulated) flaws and material surveillance test results in
components is referred to as periodic inspection, which is the zirconium alloy pressure tubes, which are subject to unique
CANDU® equivalent to the ASME BPVC Section XI [33] inser- degradation mechanisms. (Additional information on CSA-
vice inspection requirements. Given the unique design of the N285.8 is provided in the para. 48.4.4). The CSA N285B TC on
CANDU® nuclear power plant, the inherent safety features periodic inspection is evaluating the need for other new stan-
included in the plant design, and the Canadian regulatory/licens- dards for the assessment and evaluation of results from steam
ing framework a direct adoption of ASME BPVC Section XI is generator tubing and fuel channel feeder piping inspections.
neither practical nor feasible. For these reasons, the CSA has These new standards will be pursued only if there are major
developed a series of nuclear standards unique to periodic inspec- CANDU®-specific needs that are not addressed by existing
tion of CANDU® nuclear power plants. codes and standards (e.g., ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
The purpose of periodic inspection is to provide assurance that Code [33] or EPRI Steam Generator Guidelines [39]).
the likelihood of failure that could endanger health and safety of
the general public has not increased significantly since the plant 48.4.1 CSA-N285.4, Periodic Inspection of CANDU®
was put into service. The primary concern is the accidental Nuclear Power Plant Components
release of radioactive materials. CAN/CSA-N285.4 governs periodic inspection of primary
The fundamental postulates used in developing the periodic nuclear pressure boundary systems. Selection of components for
inspection requirements are that the plants are properly designed, periodic inspection and inspection sample sizes are established using
fabricated, and operated, in accordance with their design intent. In simplified risk-based criteria. Throughout the process of determin-
the case where compliance with these postulates is questioned ing the extent of periodic inspection, CSA-N285.4 attempts to strike
(via operating experience, inspection results, and such) or the a balance between the nuclear safety and radiological consequences
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182 • Chapter 48

of component failure and worker radiation dose expenditure Inspection Sample Sizes
required to perform the mandated inspections.
To date, there have been four published editions of CSA- (a) The number of components to be inspected is determined on
N285.4, published in 1978, 1983, 1994 and 2005. The fourth edi- a sampling basis, allowing for grouping of similar compo-
tion is a major update of the standard to account for operating nents. For multi-unit stations, smaller inspection sample
experience and changes in the Canadian nuclear regulatory frame- sizes are permitted for units that can be shown to be essen-
work. The operating experience reviews have led to increased tially identical to the lead unit (first unit in service). The
inspection requirements for fuel channel pressure tubes, fuel basic guidelines applied to the selection of inspection sites
channel feeder pipes, and steam generator tubes (see para. include the following: and 48.1.8).
(1) Provision of sufficient coverage to ensure that any gen- Systems/Components Subject to Inspection eral deterioration from corrosion, erosion, or wear is
(a) The periodic inspection program focuses on health and safe- (2) Components whose failure may severely tax the capa-
ty issues, with an emphasis on the accidental release of bility of reactor safety systems are addressed.
radioactive substances. The systems and components sub- (3) Components whose failure could lead to the impair-
ject to inspection include the following: ment of a safety system or lead to major damage of a
process system are addressed.
(1) systems containing fluid that directly transports heat
from the nuclear fuel (e.g., PHTS) (b) In addition to these requirements, the site selection process
(2) systems essential for safe shutdown of the reactor or includes consideration of the following:
safe cooling of the fuel (e.g., shutdown systems and
shut-down cooling systems) (1) component design (applied stress intensity and cyclic
(3) other systems or components whose failure could jeop- loading)
ardize the function of the systems identified in (1) and (2) operating environment
(2) (3) failure size and consequences of failure
(4) materials or components used beyond proven engineer- (4) inspection site accessibility
ing experience (e.g., zirconium alloy fuel channel pres- (5) inspection personnel radiation dose expenditure
sure tubes and fuel channel feeder pipes) (6) previous operating experience (internal and world
(b) CSA-N285.4 uses several simple risk-informed criteria for (7) results of previous inspection results (including manu-
reducing the extent of inspection on systems or portions there- facturing inspection results)
of. For example, a system can be exempted from periodic
inspection if it contains fluid that directly transports heat from In general, the number of components selected for inspection is
the nuclear fuel and satisfies any of the following conditions: less than what is typically required by ASME BPVC Section XI
[33]. The lower sample size requirements are based on the unique
(1) The system has two or more credited barriers between design and safety features of the CANDU® reactor. For the high-
the fluid and the external atmosphere. est inspection category, Category A requirements, the sample size
(2) Failure of the system, without operation of the contain- for the lead reactor unit is defined by the following relation:
ment system, would result in a release of radioactive
material to the public less than the defined regulatory
NiA ⫽ 1 ⫹ 2.2*log10Nic (valid for Nic ⬍ 100)
limits for a serious process failure.

The reader is encouraged to study CSA-N285.4 to better under- where

stand the full process for identifying the systems subject to peri- NiA ⫽ the number of components to be inspected for Category
odic inspection and the subsequent means of focusing inspection A components
efforts on the high-risk areas. Nic ⫽ the number of identical components in a system
Through the process of applying the criteria for determining the
extent of periodic inspection, some vital components may be As can be seen by the sample size relation, the inspection sample
exempt from periodic inspection. Normally, systems/components size can be a high percentage for small groups of identical compo-
can be exempted from inspection on the basis that failure of a sin- nents and relatively small for large groups of identical components.
gle component (e.g., a fuel channel pressure tube) does not result Typically, in a CANDU® plant the groups of identical components
in a release of radioactive material to the public above the regula- range from 2 to 16 identical components per group.
tory limits for a serious process failure. CSA-N285.4, recognizing The extent of inspection is reduced even further for lower inspec-
that these vital components may be present in large numbers (e.g., tion categories. Inspection categories are defined using a combina-
thousands of steam generator tubes) or that these components are tion of failure size, consequence of failure, applied stress intensity,
being used beyond the proven engineering experience (e.g., fuel and cyclic loading (fatigue usage) factors. Inspection requirements
channel pressure tubes), have developed supplementary periodic in a given category may be increased when there is potential for
inspection requirements for such components. The supplementary erosion/corrosion or welds are made of dissimilar metals.
periodic inspection requirements for fuel channel pressure tubes,
fuel channel feeder pipes, and steam generator tubes are defined Inspection Frequency/Intervals. An inaugural inspec-
separately (see para. tion is required to establish a baseline for future comparisons and
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determination of inservice degradation rates. Inaugural inspec- wall thickness measurements in those areas most susceptible to
tions are typically performed in the fabrication/assembly stage erosion/corrosion. In response to recent experience at one
of the reactor construction. When such inaugural inspections are CANDU® plant, the fourth edition of CSA-N285.4 includes addi-
performed prior to the component hydrostatic pressure test, a tional requirements to assess the potential for cracking (including
confirmatory inspection (of a 10% sample) is required post- base material) and to establish appropriate inspection programs
hydrostatic test. based on these assessments.
The inservice inspection frequency is defined by industry stan- Steam generator tube inspection requirements are also expand-
dards and is updated based on operating experience feedback. ed to include examination of tubes for flaws using conventional
Periodic inspections for ferritic components are generally per- inspection methods, visual inspection of the tube bundle support
formed on a 10-year interval. For other components, primarily structures, and removal of selected tubes for metallographic
fuel channel pressure tubes, inspection frequency for the lead unit examination (to provide early indications of active degradation
(for multi-unit stations) was increased to a 6-year interval in the mechanisms).
third edition of CSA-N285.4.
Recent operating experience and the development of new tech- Assessment of Inspection Results. CSA-N285.4 pro-
nologies that permit increased inspection with minimal radiation vides acceptance criteria for all inspections. The inspection accep-
dose expenditure for workers have led to significant increases in tance criteria are based on original component manufacturing
periodic inspection requirements for fuel channel pressure tubes, acceptance criteria and the level of inservice degradation expected
fuel channel feeders, and steam generator tubes. The fourth edi- (consistent with the design basis). Where appropriate, ASME
tion of CSA-N285.4 includes significant increases in the extent BPVC Section XI [33] acceptance criteria are applied. Update 1 to
and frequency of inspection for these components, typically CSA-N285.4-05 has provided an acceptable flaw size look-up
resulting in a 6-year inspection interval for these components table for fuel channel pressure tube inspections, providing a much
(para. simplified assessment procedure that eliminates unnecessary eval-
uation work. Inspection Methods. Inspection procedures can use Clear actions are defined for cases where inspection results
any methods that can be categorized as one of the following: exceed acceptance criteria, which include the following:

(a) visual (a) Notify regulatory authorities of inspection findings.

(b) dimensional (b) Perform additional inspection, using alternate inspection
(c) surface and volumetric (including but not limited to meth- techniques, to better characterize the detected flaw.
ods such as liquid-penetrant, magnetic-particle, ultrasonic, (c) Assess flaw acceptability and determine potential compo-
radiographic, or eddy current methods) nent impairment.
(d) integrative (including but not limited to monitoring overall (d) If required, submit a disposition request (i.e., request to
component integrity such as leak detection, acoustic emis- amend the operating license) to the regulatory authority.
sion, and strain measurement) (e) Revise inspection program to address the need to expand the
inspection sample (including inspection of other units) and
Unless otherwise specified by the standard, inspection methods increase inspection frequency.
and procedures are to comply with ASME BPVC Section V [11].
Where inspection procedures are not addressed by Section V or do Program Management. To ensure that the periodic
not meet or exceed Section V requirements, regulatory approval is inspection program remains effective, the program is reviewed on
required prior to procedure usage. a routine basis. The program is modified as required to address
operating experience, previous inspection results, updated engi- Supplementary Periodic Inspection Requirements. neering and safety assessments, plant modifications, new operating
As discussed in para., supplementary periodic inspection conditions, and new regulatory requirements.
requirements have been developed for those vital components that A quality management system is employed to ensure that all
are exempted under the normal criteria of CSA-N285.4 but may be periodic inspection activities comply with CSA-N285.4 require-
present in large numbers (i.e., have potential increased risk of mul- ments and that all activities are auditable.
tiple component failures) or are being used beyond the proven Periodic inspection documentation that is required includes the
engineering experience. Specifically, supplementary periodic following:
inspection requirements have been defined for fuel channel pres-
sure tubes, fuel channel feeder pipes, and steam generator tubes. (a) periodic inspection programs
The fuel channel pressure tubes, which are fabricated from a (b) periodic inspection schedules
Zr-2.5Nb alloy, are tubes that undergo significant material and (c) periodic inspection procedures
dimensional changes as a result of irradiation. These pressure (d) periodic inspection records
tubes are also subject to delayed hydride cracking, hydride blister (e) periodic inspection reports (including disposition requests)
formation and creep degradation mechanisms. The inspection
requirements for pressure tubes include volumetric flaw detection Future Work. Improvements being evaluated for
and sizing, dimensional measurements (length, diameter, wall future amendments/editions include the following:
thickness, and sag), measurements of material hydrogen isotope
concentration, and material property testing. (a) fundamental review of erosion/corrosion inspection require-
The fuel channel feeder pipes, fabricated from bent ferritic pip- ments for PHTS and shutdown cooling systems
ing, are subject to inspections of the numerous feeder hangers and (b) review of lead unit concept and its implications on inspection
supports (including seismic dampers and restraints), as well as sample sizes
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184 • Chapter 48

(c) improved clarification of performance demonstration/ increased harmonization with CSA-N287.7, and will also address
inspection qualification requirements changes in the Canadian nuclear regulatory framework that have
(d) addition of simplified acceptable flaw sizes for fuel channel been introduced since the standard was last revised (in 1990).
pressure tube inspection
(e) inclusion of a more robust, risk-informed approach to Systems/Components Subject to Inspection. CSA-
defining inspection requirements for PHTS and shutdown
N285.5 addresses the structural integrity of all metallic and plastic
cooling systems
components of the containment boundary. The containment bound-
(f) harmonization with fabrication and construction standards
ary is defined as the outer that prevents the release of radioactive
to integrate inaugural/baseline inspection requirements so as
materials to the general public. Operability of these components is
to minimize overall life cycle inspection costs
addressed through routine testing programs. Leak tightness of the
containment boundary is addressed in CSA-N287.7.
48.4.2 CSA-N285.5, Periodic Inspection of CANDU®
As the periodic inspection program focuses on components
Nuclear Power Plant Containment Components forming the credited containment boundary, the systems and com-
The CSA-N285.5 and CSA-N287.7 standards govern periodic ponents subject to inspection, as per CSA-N285.5 requirements,
inspection of nuclear containment boundary systems. The inter- include the following:
face between these standards is summarized in Table 48.2 (which
is extracted from CSA-N285.5). CSA-N285.5 primarily addresses (a) penetrations in the containment structure equivalent to, or
inspection of metallic and plastic containment boundary compo- greater than, a 1-in. diameter pipe
nents; CSA-N287.7 addresses inspection of concrete containment (b) components required for suppressing or reducing pressure
and embedded parts and containment leakage testing. within the containment boundary during the functional
Selection of containment boundary components for CSA- mode (i.e., when the containment system is activated)
N285.5 periodic inspection and inspection sample sizes are estab- (c) other systems or components that form extensions to the
lished using simplified risk-based criteria. Throughout the process containment boundary, up to and including the credited iso-
of determining the extent of periodic inspection, CSA-N285.5 lation barrier
attempts to strike a balance between the nuclear safety and radio-
logical consequences of component failure and worker radiation
dose expenditure required to perform the mandated inspections. Inspection Sample Sizes. The number of components
There are numerous parallels between the CSA-N285.4 and CSA- to be inspected is determined on a sampling basis, allowing for
N285.5 standards, as both focus on inspections to assess the extent grouping of similar components. In multi-unit stations, smaller
of inservice degradation of pressure-retaining components, using inspection sample sizes are permitted for units that can be shown
similar inspection methods. In application of these two standards, to be essentially identical to the lead unit (first unit in service). The
there are cases where specific components may require inspection inspection sample size rules are based on the same sampling crite-
under both. In such cases, only the most onerous inspection require- ria used in CSA-N285.4.
ments need be applied. Typically, such cases require full volumetric The inspection site selection process incorporates the following:
inspection of the component, as per CSA-N285.4 requirements.
To date, there have been two published editions of CSA- (a) applied component loadings during normal operation and in
N285.5: a preliminary standard first edition published in 1988 and the functional mode (i.e., when the containment system is
a second edition published in 1990. The second edition included activated)
many improvements based on lessons learned through a pilot pro- (b) operating environment
gram with the first edition applied to a multi-unit CANDU® sta- (c) inspection site accessibility
tion. The CSA-N285.5-M90 standard was reaffirmed in 2005. At (d) inspection personnel radiation dose expenditure
the time of this writing, development of the third edition is well (e) previous operating experience (internal and world experience)
underway way with publication planned for late 2008. The third (f) previous inspection results (including manufacturing
edition will include updates based on operating experience, inspection results)

Approved Operating Practice
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COMPANION GUIDE TO THE ASME BOILER & PRESSURE VESSEL CODE • 185 Type and Extent of Inspection. The type and extent of Assessment of Inspection Results. CSA-N285.5 pro-
inspections to be performed are determined by the component vides acceptance criteria for all inspections. Clear actions are
loading and the potential degradation mechanisms for each com- defined for cases where inspection results exceed acceptance crite-
ponent. Components that are subject to their most severe loadings ria. CSA-N285.5 follows the same basic approach to the assessment
under normal reactor operating conditions (i.e., loads are equiva- of inspection results as defined in CSA-N285.4 (see para.
lent or lower under accident conditions) require visual inspection
only. Failure of any of these components could occur at any time Program Management. To ensure that the periodic
(not necessarily during accident conditions), and would be readily inspection program remains effective, the program is reviewed on
detected through routine system monitoring. a routine basis. The program is modified as needed to address
Where components could be subjected to more severe load- operating experience, previous inspection results, updated engi-
ings under accident scenarios, it is essential to provide addi- neering and safety assessments, plant modifications, new operating
tional assurance that no degradation occurs, which could impair conditions, and new regulatory requirements. CSA-N285.5 fol-
system integrity during the functional mode (when the contain- lows the same basic approach to program management as defined
ment system is activated). In many cases, degradation of this in CSA-N285.4 (see para.
nature would not be detected by routine system monitoring.
Therefore, CSA-N285.5 requires that, for all components where Future Work. Future work will incorporate operating
the functional loads exceed routine service loads, the potential experience feedback. Since the issuance of the second edition of
for loss of material (e.g., corrosion), corrosion-related cracking, CSA-N285.5 in 1990, all CANDU® stations have developed CSA-
and discontinuity formation (e.g., fatigue cracking) must be N285.5 periodic inspection programs, and many units have now
assessed. When conditions for any of these degradation mecha- completed a full 10-year cycle of inspections. A future focus will
nisms exist, the type and extent of inspections to be performed be the need to increase alignment and harmonization with the
are designed to be capable of detecting the degradation mecha- CSA-N287.7 requirements. A task force has been set up to find
nism(s) identified. ways to optimize CSA-N285.5 and CSA-N287.7 requirements,
The graded approach to the type and extent of inspection is which have many interfaces (see Table 48.2), so as to minimize
designed to focus inspection resources (including inspection per- implementation costs (money, staff, and radiation dose expenditure
sonnel radiation dose expenditure) on those areas that pose the costs). At the time of writing, development of the third edition is
greatest threat to structural integrity of the containment boundary well underway, with publication expected in late 2008. The TC is
in the event of an accident. evaluating the need to establish more detailed requirements for
material surveillance programs for the fibre reinforced materials Inspection Frequency/Intervals. The inspection fre- used in the pressure suppression system at some CANDU® plants.
quency is defined by industry standards and is updated based on
operating experience feedback. Periodic inspections are generally
48.4.3 CSA-N287.7, Inservice Examination and
performed at a 10-year interval. For components that are poten-
tially subject to corrosive conditions, inspections are generally per-
Testing Requirements for Concrete
formed at intervals less than 10 years until such time that there is Containment Structures for CANDU® Nuclear
sufficient operating experience to support a 10-year inspection Power Plants
interval. The CSA-N287.7 and CSA-N285.5 standards govern periodic
inspection of nuclear containment boundary systems; the interface Inspection Methods. For most CANDU® plants, the between these standards is summarized in Table 48.2. CSA-
vast majority of CSA-N285.5 – required inspections are performed N285.5 primarily addresses inspection of metallic and plastic con-
using visual inspection methods. Visual inspection, within the con- tainment boundary components; CSA-N287.7 addresses inspec-
text of CSA-N285.5, is used to do the following: tion of concrete containment and embedded parts and
containment leakage testing.
(a) determine the surface condition of a component for corro- The purpose of CSA-N287.7 is to provide uniform rules to
sion, erosion, wear, and condition of protective coatings ensure that the structural and leak-tight integrity of containment
(b) detect and locate evidence of leakage boundary components is reaffirmed through periodic inspections
(c) determine the mechanical and structural condition of a and the likelihood of failure has not increased significantly since
component the plant was put into service. The containment boundary is
defined as the outer barrier that prevents the release of radioactive
Surface inspection methods, liquid penetrant or magnetic parti- materials to the general public.
cle, are used to inspect accessible surfaces for the presence of To date, there have been three editions of CSA-N287.7, the most
cracks or material discontinuities. Volumetric inspection methods, recent of which was published in 1996, and reaffirmed in 2005. At
including ultrasonics, eddy current, and radiography, are used to the time of this writing, the N287 TC has been re-established and
inspect material for the presence of discontinuities caused by cor- work is in progress to focus on updating and harmonizing the N287
rosion-related cracking and service loadings. Required thickness series of standards.
measurements can be performed using direct (e.g., gauge) or indi-
rect methods (e.g., ultrasonics). Systems/Components Subject to Inspection. CSA-
Unless otherwise specified by the standard, inspection methods N287.7 addresses the structural integrity of all concrete compo-
and procedures are to comply with ASME BPVC Section V [11]. nents of the containment boundary. Inservice inspections, testing,
Where inspection procedures are not addressed by Section V or and leak tightness of the containment boundary are addressed
do not meet or exceed Section V requirements, regulatory through periodic inspection programs. CSA-N287.7 does not use a
approval is required prior to procedure usage. lead component approach as is used in CSA-N285.5.
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186 • Chapter 48

The systems and components subject to inspection include the (c) impact/rebound hammer tests (ASTM C 805 [40]) or pulse
following: velocity measurements (ASTM C 597 [41]) to assess con-
crete quality.
(a) concrete (including pre-stressing and post-tensioning sys- (d) thickness measurement of metal liners using ultrasonic
tems, where applicable) thickness measurement devices, depth dial gauge, or
(b) metal liner Vernier calipers.
(c) protective coatings (e) inspections of metal liner welds using magnetic particle,
(d) embedded parts liquid-penetrant, vacuum box, eddy current, radiographic,
or ultrasonic methods. Inspection Sample Sizes. The number of components
(f) hardness (durometer) testing of the condition of sealants
to be inspected is determined on a sampling basis, allowing for the
and elastomers.
grouping of similar components. The inspection site selection
(g) film thickness measurement of protective coatings and
process incorporates the following:
epoxy liners.
(a) applied component loadings during normal operation and in
the functional mode (i.e., when the containment system is Appendix (Annex) A of the standard provides guidelines for
activated) using test beams for evaluating bonded prestressing systems,
(b) operating environment including beam flexural tests, beam lift-off tests, and destructive
(c) inspection site accessibility examination of the test beam. (Note: these tests are not intended
(d) inspection personnel radiation dose expenditure to simulate the structural behavior of the containment structure
(e) previous operating experience (internal and world experience) under loads, but it is aimed at the detection of deterioration in the
(f) results of previous inspection results (including manufac- materials used.)
turing inspection results) Appendix (Annex) B provides guidelines for evaluating unbond-
ed post-tensioned systems including measurement of tendon forces, Type and Extent of Inspection. The component load- examination of tendon wires or strands, assessment of tendon-
ing and the potential degradation mechanisms for each component corrosion-prevention media, and inspection of anchor regions.
determine the type and extent of inspections to be performed. All Leakage rate tests require closure of the containment envelope
structures are visually inspected where applicable. Areas consid- and monitoring of containment pressure over extended periods of
ered critical with regard to structural integrity and leak tightness time, under specified temperature, pressure and humidity levels.
must take into consideration the following: The instrumentation for leakage rate testing shall employ the
instrument selection guide (ISG) approach given in ANSI/ANS-
(a) areas deemed to be subject to high stress 56.8 [42] or its equivalent, as defined in Appendix (Annex) D of
(b) seals and embedded parts CSA-N287.7. Appendix (Annex) C provides containment leakage
(c) areas where pipes are anchored against thermal expansion/ rate analysis methodology.
(d) areas exposed to corrosive or severe atmospheric conditions Assessment of Inspection Results. Inspection proce-
(e) components or parts with materials that exhibit high creep dure standards provide acceptance criteria for all visual and quan-
or brittle characteristics titative inspections. Test results within 10% of time-dependent the-
(f) areas covered by a nonmetallic liner oretical results are generally considered acceptable for prestress
measurements. Test results less than or equal to the operational tar-
Prestressed and post-tensioning systems are tested to determine get value in leakage rate test specifications are considered accept-
and confirm that the measurements of the time-related changes able. Major repairs or replacements require a leakage test per
are within the predicted ranges. Leakage rate testing is used on all CSA-N287.6.
components classified as Class Containment. Program Management. To ensure that the periodic Inspection Frequency/Intervals. The inspection fre- inspection program remains effective, the program is reviewed on
quency is defined by industry standards and is updated based on a routine basis. The program is modified as needed to address
operating experience feedback. Periodic visual inspections are gen- operating experience, previous inspection results, updated engi-
erally performed at a 5-year interval. The leakage rate testing fre- neering and safety assessments, plant modifications, new operating
quency is agreed upon between the licensee and regulatory authority. conditions, and new regulatory requirements.
For multi-unit stations, station-wide leakage rate tests and inspection A quality management system is employed to ensure that all
of the vacuum-building structures historically have been performed periodic inspection activities comply with CSA-N287.7 require-
at 10-year intervals. For components exhibiting design deficiencies ments and that all activities are auditable.
or inservice deterioration, inspections are generally performed at Periodic inspection documentation that is required includes the
shorter inspection intervals until such time that there is sufficient following:
operating experience to support the normal inspection interval.
(a) inspection and test programs Inspection/Test Methods. Most inspections of the (b) inspection and test specifications
containment structure are performed by direct visual examina- (c) inspection and test procedures
tion methods. In practice, the following additional methods are (d) inspection and test records
employed to assess the condition of the containment boundary: (e) inspection and test reports (including disposition requests)

(a) visual inspection aids, including binoculars and cameras. Future Work. Future work will incorporate operating
(b) gauges to evaluate concrete crack dimensions. experience feedback. A future focus will be the need to increase
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alignment and harmonization with the CSA-N285.5 requirements. Section XI [33]. Because the ASME Code does not provide spe-
A task force is being set up to find ways to optimize CSA-N285.5 cific requirements for CANDU® reactors, additional rules were
and CSA-N287.7 requirements, which have many interfaces (see developed in the COG guidelines to address the delayed hydride-
Table 48.2), so as to minimize implementation costs (money, staff, cracking and hydride-blister-formation mechanisms in CANDU®
and radiation dose expenditure costs). pressure tubes. The COG guidelines were first published in 1991
on a trial basis by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, with
48.4.4 CSA-N285.8, Technical Requirements for the updates issued in 1994 and 1996 to incorporate advances in
Inservice Evaluation of Zirconium Alloy research. The new CSA-N285.8 standard includes a new process-
Pressure Tubes in CANDU® Reactors zone flaw assessment methodology that better describes experi-
This new standard, which addresses the technical requirements mental test data and operating experience with the delayed
for the inservice evaluation of zirconium alloy pressure tubes in hydride cracking mechanism.
CANDU® reactors, is only applicable to pressure tubes manufac- CSA-N285.8 has been developed with the extensive participa-
tured in accordance with the requirements of CSA-N285.6.1. tion of industry experts. Industry-funded assessments of indepen-
Pressure tubes in Canadian CANDU® nuclear power plants are dent external reviewers were used to increase industry and regula-
inspected in accordance with CSA-N285.4. When a detected flaw tory acceptance of the new requirements provided in the standard.
indication does not satisfy the criteria of acceptance by examina- CSA-N285.8 has been developed with a fully documented techni-
tion or a pressure tube to calandria tube contact is detected or pre- cal basis for all requirements.
dicted, CSA-N285.4 permits a fitness-for-service assessment to An Update to CSA_N285.8-05 has been published in 2007,
determine acceptability. Also, CSA-N285.4 requires evaluation of implementing minor enhancements to flaw evaluation procedures.
the results of specified material property surveillance measure- Additional updates will be issued as industry agreement is
ments. CSA-N285.8 specifies mandatory technical requirements achieved. Significant improvement initiatives under way include:
and nonmandatory evaluation procedures for fitness-for-service new flaw root radius dependent fatigue crack initiation evaluation
assessments. curves; flaw evaluation procedures for DHC initiation under con-
stant loading for hydride non-ratchetting conditions and for crack
(a) CSA-N285.8 consists of a mandatory main body and five initiation due to a hydrided region overload; and use of partial
nonmandatory annexes. The main body contains the manda- safety factors for deterministic Leak-Before-Break evaluations.
tory rules and acceptance criteria for inservice evaluation of
zirconium alloy pressure tubes in CANDU® reactors. The
nonmandatory annexes are as follows: 48.5 CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOK
(1) Annex A, Procedures for Evaluation of Pressure Tube The development of Canadian standards has certainly been
Flaws influenced by the United States, which is both a large market and
(2) Annex B, Procedures for Evaluation of Pressure Tube to a much larger pool of suppliers than the Canadian market.
Calandria Tube Contact Therefore, it has been necessary to include some degree of flexi
(3) Annex C, Procedures for Assessment of a Reactor Core bility to and give the regulating authorities some latitude to accept
(4) Annex D, Material Properties and Derived Quantities goods manufactured to standards other than the Canadian ones.
(5) Annex E, Notification of Inservice Evaluation Form Also, in the field of pressure vessels, the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code exists as a mature document; therefore, it
Annexes A through C contain evaluation procedures that may was decided to make use of it to a large degree. This approach
be used to demonstrate compliance with the acceptance criteria in avoided a duplication of effort, avoided an unnecessary trade bar-
the main body of the standard. Annex D contains the material rier, and still addressed specific Canadian needs by amending the
properties and derived quantities that are required when perform- existing rules where the necessity arose. Furthermore, Canadian
ing an evaluation. Annex E contains a form for providing organizations and individuals have participated in many ASME
notification of the evaluation to the regulatory authority. Code commit-tees and, thus, had input to the content of the
ASME Code as well.
(b) Throughout the course of applying the contents of the The CSA nuclear standards are presently in a cycle of signifi-
N285.8 Standard it is assumed that the typical process con- cant updates to do the following:
sists of the following:
(a) To address changes in the Canadian nuclear regulatory
(1) pressure tube inspection framework.
(2) evaluation of the inspection results (b) To incorporate lessons learned from operating experience and
(3) documentation of the inspection and evaluation results implementation of new requirements of updated standards.
(4) notification to the regulatory authority of the inspection (c) To support life extension for existing plants, including impacts
and evaluation of refurbishment of selected systems or major components.
(5) acceptance by the regulatory authority of the disposition
of pressure tubes prior to returning the reactor to service Challenges arose regarding the synchronization of the updates
to standards referenced in legislation and reactor operation
CSA-N285.8 is the culmination of the best historical industry licences (issued by the regulatory authority). The challenges are
practices and includes recent advances in delayed hydride crack- being dealt with, in the short term, by referencing withdrawn
ing flaw assessment methodology. This standard is based in part (superseded) standards within updated standards, legislation, and
on fitness-for-service guidelines developed by a technical task reactor operating licences. The long-term challenges are being
team formed by the CANDU® Owners Group (COG) [43]. The addressed via improved industry coordination of priorities
COG guidelines used the applicable rules of ASME BPVC through the CSA Nuclear Standards Steering Committee.
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188 • Chapter 48

Future needs for CSA standards development include harmo- 48.7 REFERENCES
nization of CSA’s standards with international standards where
practical, and enhanced input from international CANDU® plants. 1. Standards Council of Canada (SCC):
CSA will address emerging or evolving disciplines, while enhanc- 2. Canadian Standards Association (CSA):;
ing public input and supporting a competitive industry.
Technology developments continue to bring new products and 3. CSA-SDP-2.1-99, CSA Directives and Guidelines Governing
processes to the marketplace, many of which the public will Standardization, Part 1: Participants and Organizational Structure.
expect to be standardized. As a specific example, the CANDU® Canadian Standards Association; 1998.
reactor type is evolving with new conceptual designs, such as the
4. CSA-SDP-2.2-98, CSA Directives and Guidelines Governing
Advanced CANDU® Reactor (ACR®; a registered trademark of Standardization, Part 2: Development Process. Canadian Standards
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited-see also para. 48.1.9), that Association; 1999.
include advanced technologies and a blending of best-proven fea-
tures from other reactor designs. These new reactor designs may 5. ANSI/ASQC Z1.4, Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by
Attributes. New York: American National Standards Institute.
require updating of existing standards and, in some cases, may
require unique new standards. 6. ANSI K61.1/CGA G-2.1, Safety Requirements for the Storage and
The public expectations for continual improvement in safety and Handling of Anhydrous Ammonia. New York: American National
a lessening of environmental impacts from industrial processes will Standards Institute.
continue to push the need for improved standards. Industry is fac- 7. API 530. Calculation of Heater Tube Thickness in Petroleum Refiner-
ing ever-increasing challenges to maintain viability and profitability ies. American Petroleum Institute; 1996.
with increased globalization (the impact of free trade agreements), 8. ASME BPVC Section I, Power Boilers. In: ASME Boiler and
increased deregulation and decontrol of previously government- Pressure Vessel Code. New York: American Society of Mechanical
regulated industries (e.g., Canadian nuclear industry), and the need Engineers.
to have a variety of qualified suppliers to enhance competition.
9. ASME BPVC Section II, Materials: Part A, Ferrous Material
Industry will require rationalization and harmonization of standards
Specifications; Part B, Nonferrous Material Specifications; Part C,
to improve safety performance and reduce costs. The various code Specifications for Welding Rods, Electrodes and Filler Materials; Part
committees need to find improved ways of working together to D, Properties. In: ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. New York:
integrate the requirements from all disciplines in a way that results American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
in smarter and more cost-effective requirements. To achieve ratio-
10. ASME BPVC Section IV, Heating Boilers. In: ASME Boiler and
nalization, harmonization, and optimization of standards require-
Pressure Vessel Code. New York: American Society of Mechanical
ments, industry will have to support codes and standards commit- Engineers.
tees with additional resources, particularly with the dedicated
assignment of industry’s most knowledgeable experts and strategic 11. ASME BPVC Section V, Nondestructive Examination. In: ASME
thinkers. With many projects underway (or in the planning stages) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. New York: The American Society of
Mechanical Engineers.
for major refurbishment and life extension of some CANDU®
plants, and the assessment of new build options, there are even 12. ASME BPVC Section VIII, Divisions 1, 2, and 3, Pressure Vessels.
greater challenges for industry to assign its most knowledgeable In: ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. New York: American
experts and strategic thinkers to enhance the CSA standards. Society of Mechanical Engineers.
13. ASME BPVC Section IX, Welding and Brazing Qualifications. In:
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. New York: American Society
of Mechanical Engineers.
14. ASME BPVC Section X, Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels.
The authors wish to acknowledge the contributions of the many In: ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. New York: American
members, past and present, of the numerous CSA TC, subcom- Society of Mechanical Engineers.
mittees, and working groups, who have given their time and 15. ASME B31.1, Power Piping. New York: American Society of
expertise to developing and maintaining a comprehensive suite of Mechanical Engineers.
standards that have contributed to public safety. In particular, the
16. ASME B31.3, Process Piping. New York: American Society of
authors wish to thank the following individuals for their guidance,
Mechanical Engineers.
information provided, and expert review during the development
of this chapter: 17. ASME B31.4, Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid
Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids. New York: American Society of
(a) Ted Shin, Canadian Standards Association, CSA Project Mechanical Engineers.
Manager for Nuclear Standards. 18. ASME B31.5, Refrigeration Piping and Heat Transfer Components.
(b) Dennis Dueck, Babcock & Wilcox Canada (retired), Chair New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
of the CSA N285A TC. 19. ASME B31.9, Building Services Piping. New York: American
(c) Douglas Scarth, Kinectrics Inc., member of CSA N285B TC Society of Mechanical Engineers.
on periodic inspection and the driving force behind CSA-
20. ASME CSD-1, Controls and Safety Devices for Automatically Fired
Boilers. New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
(d) John Graham, Babcock & Wilcox Canada, member of the
CSA B51 TC on boilers and pressure vessels and the sub- 21. ASME PVHO-1, Safety Standard for Pressure Vessels for Human
committee on boilers and related components. Occupancy. New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
(e) Tarek Aziz, Atomic Energy of Canada, Chair of the CSA 22. CDA A401S, Copper Tube Handbook. Copper Development
N289 TC. Association ; 1994, 1995.
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23. CAN/CGSB-48.9712, Qualification and Certification for Nondestructive 35. NRCC 38726, National Building Code of Canada. National Research
Testing Personnel. Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB). Council; 1995.
24. ISO 9001, Quality Management Systems - Requirements. Geneva: 36. NRCC 38727, National Fire Code of Canada. National Research
International Organization for Standardization. Council; 1995.
25. SP-25, Standard Marking System for Valves, Fittings, Flanges and 37. Azeez S, Dua S, Shin T. The Canadian Approach to Nuclear Codes
Unions. Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valves and and Standards, presented at Pacific Nuclear Basin Conference, in
Fittings Industry. Hawaii, March 2004.
26. NB-18, National Board Pressure Relief Device Certification. Columbus, 38. CANTEACH Reference Library. Available at: http://canteach.candu®
OH: National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. .org.

27. NB-23, National Board Inspection Code. Columbus, OH: National 39. EPRI TR-106589-V1, PWR Steam Generator Examination
Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. Guidelines, Revision 4, Vol. 1: Guidelines. Palo Alto, CA: Electric
Power Research Institute; 1996.
28. NFPA-58, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code. Quincy, MA: National Fire
Protection Association. 40. ASTM C 805-02, Standard Test Method for Rebound Number of
Hardened Concrete. West Conshohocken, PA: American Society for
29. Report No. 87-1, Guideline Specification for the Impressed Current Testing and Materials; 2003.
Method of Cathodic Protection of Underground Petroleum Storage
Tanks. Petroleum Association for the Conservation of the Canadian 41. ASTM C 597-02, Standard Test Method for Pulse Velocity Through
Environment (PACE; now Canadian Petroleum Products Institute). Concrete. West Conshohocken, PA: American Society for Testing and
Materials; 2003.
30. IP-2, The 1996 Hose Handbook Rubber Manufacturer’s Association
(RMA); 1996. 42. ANSI/ANS-56.8-2002, Containment System Leakage Testing
Requirements. La Grange Park, IL: American Nuclear Society; 2002.
31. CAN/ULC-S603.1, Galvanic Corrosion Protection Systems for
Underground Steel Tanks. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Underwriters’ 43. COG - CANDU® Owners Group, Inc. Available at: www.candu®.org.
Laboratories of Canada. 44. Slagis, G. “Piping Seismic Stress Limits – a Critical Review”, ASME
PVP Vol. 445-1, Seismic Engineering, ASME, 2002, p. 240.
32. ASME BPVC Section III, Divisions 1, 2, and 3, Rules for Construction
of Nuclear Facility Components. In: ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel 45. Electric Power Research Institute, “A Methodology for Assessment of
Code. New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Nuclear Power Plants Seismic Margin”, EPRI NP-6041 Revision 1, 1991.
33. ASME BPVC Section XI, Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear 46. US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, “An Approach to the
Power Plant Components. In: ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Quantification of Seismic Margins in NPPs”, NUREG/CR-4334,
New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Washington, DC, 1985.
34. ASME OM Code-1995, Appendix I, Testing of Pressure-Relief 47. D.F. Torgerson, B.A. Shalaby, S. Pang, “CANDU® Technology for
Device in Light-Water Reactor Power Plants. New York: American Generation III+ and IV Reactors”, Nuclear Engineering and Design,
Society of Mechanical Engineers. Vol. 236, Issue 14–16, Aug. 2006, pp. 1565–1576.
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Francis Osweiller, Alain Bonnefoy, Jean-Marie Grandemange,
Gerard Perraudin, and Bernard Pitrou


This Chapter presents the basic philosophy of the French Codes
listed below and explains how they are linked to the Pressure SECTOR
Equipment Directive (PED), which is mandatory in the European 49.2.1 General
Union (see Chapter 47); a comparison with the ASME Boiler and SNCT [1] is a private organization that is supported and man-
Pressure Vessel Code is provided. The presentation of nuclear aged by French pressure equipment manufacturers who pay a fee
codes will be limited to those applicable to pressure equipment. to be a member of the organization. SNCT develops and publishes
All of the acronyms used are provided at the end of this Chapter. pressure equipment Codes for the non-nuclear sector. Other activ-
In France, two important organizations are responsible for the ities are devoted to training courses and consulting.
implementation of pressure equipment Codes:
49.2.2 Scope
(a) SNCT, which stands for Syndicat National de la
Chaudronnerie, Tolerie et Tuyauterie (pressure vessel and CODAP applies to unfired pressure vessels and covers the same
piping manufacturers association), develops codes for the scope as ASME BPVC Section VIII, Division 2. CODAP is based
non-nuclear sector. on the concept of construction category, which enables the con-
struction quality of a vessel to be adapted and consistent with its
(1) CODAP (Code de construction des Appareils à future working conditions. CODAP is structured in six.
Pression) for pressure vessels CODETI applies to industrial piping (i.e., piping intended for
(2) CODETI (Code de construction des Tuyauteries industrial plants) and covers the same scope as ASME B31.1 and
Industrielles) for industrial piping B31.3. CODETI is based on the concept of construction category,
(3) COVAP (Code de construction des generateurs de which enables the construction quality of a piping to be adapted
Vapeur) for boilers and consistent with its future working conditions. The structure of
the Code is similar to that of the CODAP with five parts: general
(b) AFCEN, which stands for French association for design, rules, material, design (including flexibility analysis), fabrication
construction, and inservice inspection rules for nuclear and installation, and testing and inspection.
island components, develops codes for the nuclear sector. COVAP applies to steam boilers, superheated water boilers, and
thermal fluid boilers and covers approximately the same scope as
(1) RCC-M (design and construction rules for mechanical ASME BPVC Section I. This Code Covers any pressure equip-
components of PWR nuclear islands) ment that can be assembled by a manufacturer to constitute an
(2) RCC-MR (design and construction rules for mechanical integrated and functional whole subject to overheating risk. In
components of FBR nuclear islands) addition to chapters covering material, design, and fabrication and
(3) RCC-E (design and construction rules for electrical testing, specific chapters have been developed to cover water
equipment of nuclear islands) quality and repairs and modifications.
(4) RCC-C (design and construction for fuel assemblies of
nuclear power plants)
49.2.3 Organization
(5) RSE-M (in-service inspection rules for mechanical
components of PWR nuclear islands) CODAP, CODETI, and COVAP are developed by SNCT. Each
(6) RCC-G (design and construction rules for civil works Code is under the responsibility of a Management Board who has
of PWR nuclear islands) representatives from manufacturers, material producers, third-
party organizations, customers, and French regulatory authorities.
The French Codes pertinent to the current discussion are pre- They make all the decisions concerning the strategic aspects of
sented in Table 49.1. the Code. The technical development of the Code is devoted to
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192 • Chapter 49


Technical Committees (General, Design, Material, Fabrication, 49.2.4 Link With PED and European Harmonized
Testing-Inspection, and Safety Devices) who are each in charge of Standards
one part of the Code. CODAP, CODETI, and COVAP have been reviewed in 2000 to
All decisions are made by consensus in these committees and comply with the requirements of Pressure Equipment Directive
must be endorsed by the Management Board. When a new text is 97/23/EC. These Codes are private Codes, developed by a private
ready, it is reviewed by a reading committee of about 25 members. organization, contrary to French Standards, which are developed by
The comments are reviewed by the relevant Technical Committee the French Standardization Organization (AFNOR–Association
and the text is finalized for publication. Française de Normalisation). AFNOR publishes the French ver-
The duration for this process can extend from 1 to 2 years, sion of the European Standards, known as EN Standards.
depending on the importance on the text. Figure 49.1 shows this Manufacturers are free to use for the fabrication of their pressure
organization for CODAP. equipment either the relevant SNCT Code or the EN Standard.



(15 members)





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49.2.5 Structure US regulations, codes French and European

CODAP, CODETI, and COVAP are generally divided into six and standards for the rules, regulations and
main parts as follows: general design of systems practices for the
and components construction of plants
(a) Part G: the general outlines of the Code (scope, conditions
of applicability, general requirements, link with PED, and
main concepts) PWR technology progressively
adapted to French industrial and
(b) Part M: material requirements
regulatory context
(c) Part C design rules (design by formula and design by analysis)
(d) Part F: fabrication requirements
(e) Part I: testing and inspection requirements RCC-M
(f) Part S: safety devices requirements
Each Part is divided in to Sections and Chapters. Appendices ESTABLISHING RCC-M
may fall into one of three categories: mandatory, nonmandatory,
or informative. These Codes comply with the European
Regulations (PED) and provide an Annex Z, which states how the A first edition was ready in 1980 for the construction of the sec-
PED requirements are satisfied in the Code. The Codes rely on ond French 1300 MWe series. From the end of 1978 and before
the concept of construction categories, which is based on the official issuing by AFCEN in 1981, the text was submitted to the
assessment of the potential risks of failure of the vessel and the main manufacturers of nuclear-related products and discussed in
consequences of a failure. Each category is based on a severity parallel with the French Safety Authority, leading to the first issue
level for the vessel, which has consequences on the level of of the Fundamental Safety Rule RFS V.2.c (in 1981, later revised
requirements contained in the various Parts of the Codes. in 1986 [2]) approving the use of the RCC-M. The 1981 adden-
dum of the RCC-M was applied to the Korean Ulchin 9-10 project.
Successive editions of the RCC-M followed in 1983 (1984 adden-
49.2.6 Publications, Updates, Interpretations, dum referred to for N4 series contract), 1985 (edition applied to
and Inquiries the Chinese Daya Bay 1 and 2 contract), 1988, 1993 (1994 adden-
CODAP, CODETI, and COVAP are published by SNCT every dum referred to for Ling Ao 1 and 2 contract), and 2000 (2002
5 years in a loose-leaf edition. Addenda are generally published addendum applied for Finland Olkiluoto 3 project). Following the
every year on January 1. Errata may be published at any time as issue of PED and leading to a new 2007 edition, updating of
necessary. Interpretations and inquiries must be forwarded to RCC-M did continue to incorporate answers to project needs and
SNCT (SNCT : Syndicat National de la Chaudronnerie, Tôlerie, consequences of regulatory evolutions in the nuclear field.
Tuyauterie Industrielle 92038 Paris La DÈfense Cedex France. When developing the EPR in the context of a French-German
Web site: collaboration, a comparison of the French RCC-M and German
KTA provisions was conducted and the bases of an ETC-M (EPR
Technical Code – Mechanical Components) were prepared [3].
This work did lead to modification requests to update the RCC-M
49.3 OVERVIEW OF FRENCH CODES practices, which are proposed for the EPR project.
DEVOTED TO THE NUCLEAR In the case of fast breeder reactors, the process was similar.
SECTOR Following recommendations from the RAMSES committee created
by the French CEA (Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique) in
49.3.1 General 1977, the work conducted for the RCC-M preparation as well as
In the early 1970s, France had decided to launch an important the ASME III BPVC Section III and N-47 Code Case for high-
construction program of PWRs under a Westinghouse licence. temperature application were considered in addition to specific
From 1971 to 1974, when preparing the regulatory requirements developments managed within a tripartite committee grouping
that had to be imposed on the main primary system of these plants CEA, EDF (ElectricitÈ de France), and Novatome (now a division
[1], the group in charge of the writing of these requirements took of Areva-NP). The RCC-MR Code was first issued in 1985 for
the precaution to ensure that they were globally compatible with application to replacement parts and future LMFBR reactors. A
the American license, considering at the same time the French second edition was issued in 1993. In the context of the European
regulatory and industrial practices. Fast Reactor (EFR) studies, a Design and Construction Rules
Thus, the 900 MWe and the first series of 1300 MWe plants Committee (DCRC) was constituted to conduct precodification
were built according to the ASME III code as far as design was studies, which did lead to a compendium of DCRC recommenda-
concerned, completed by additional rules to comply with the reg- tions that constituted valuable inputs for the preparation of modi-
ulation and according to the French EDF electricity utility manu- fication requests to be evaluated by the tripartite committee and
facturing and examination requirements. When building the South then within the AFCEN organization. After the cancelling of the
African Koeberg 900 MWe plant, it appeared necessary for for- FBR projects in Europe, the decision was made by AFCEN to
eign applications to gather in a self-contained document all the issue a 2002 edition of the RCC-MR, to record the result of this
design and construction rules that were applied according to the huge development effort [16]. This edition constituted a sound
above rules. Acceptance from EDF to refer to these new prescrip- basis for developments of new applications in the high tempera-
tions as well as a strong incentive from the French Administration ture field. It was then updated to conform with the regulatory evo-
constituted favorable conditions for the preparation of this Code, lutions and completed to cover evolutionary projects needs, in
which started beginning of 1978. The process leading to RCC-M particular ITER vacuum vessel construction, leading to a new
is shown in Fig. 49.2. 2007 edition [16], [38].
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Nuclear Islands
Mechanical components

Fire Protection System Design Safety

RCC-I classification

Safety related Components

PWR: RCC-M Civil Works



In 1985, after initial operating experience based on ASME writing committee, and dedicated writing subcommittees in
BPVC Section XI–inspired programs, adapted to French context charge of the various codes covered by AFCEN (Fig. 49.4).
and taking into account risk and consequences for equipment sur- Below the RCC-M Subcommittee, working groups are estab-
veillance and periodic inspection, EDF developed the first RSE-M lished covering design and analysis, materials and procurement,
rules for inservice surveillance with the support of Framatome. welding and manufacturing, and nondestructive examination. The
This had the objective of following the French practice, which general parts (QA, general organization) are handled directly by
could also be used in the preparation of the inspection programs the subcommittee. Similar groups are established for the RCC-
for the Daya Bay Chinese plants. The result was the first 1990 MR and working groups within the SE-M subcommittee cover the
edition, quickly edited by AFCEN and then updated within the following:
framework of the AFCEN organization, the AFCEN society
extending its scope and organization to cover the inservice sur- (a) Group 1: field of application, hydraulic testing, inspection
veillance aspects. The RSE-M was then updated and adopted in programs and quality
the 1997 edition [17] and subsequently updated by the December (b) Group 2: nondestructive examinations
1998 and 2005 addenda. (c) Group 3: mechanical analyses and tables of defect accep-
49.3.2 Scope (d) Group 4: interventions on the plants, including repairs
During the period from 1978 to 1980, Framatome-EDF teams
prepared the RCC rules. In October 1980 AFCEN was established
The global sharing of responsibilities within AFCEN organiza-
among Framatome, Novatome (now a division of Areva-NP), and
tion is defined as follows: the chairman of the board is from EDF
and the general secretary is from Areva-NP. The chairman of the
The AFCEN scope covers the following codes:
editorial committee is from EDF and the secretaries of the sub-
(a) RCC-M for mechanical components of light-water reactors committees are from Areva-NP for fuel and construction and from
(b) RCC-E for electrical components EDF for the inservice surveillance and electrical equipment. Each
(c) RCC-C for nuclear fuel working group is managed by two group leaders, one from EDF
(d) RCC-MR for mechanical components of fast breeder reactors and one from Areva-NP.
(e) RSE-M for inservice surveillance of mechanical compo-
nents of light-water reactors
49.3.4 Structure
AFCEN is also in charge of the edition of the RCC-G on civil The general structure of the RCC-M is presented in Table 49.2.
works, although its content is not prepared within the organization. In compiling the RCC-M, an analogy was deliberately created
Other codes on fire protection (RCC-I) and system design between its structure and that of the ASME BPVC Section III,
(RCC-P) are issued by Areva-NP and EDF teams but are not pub- Division 1 (and related sections), so that persons working with
lic documents and are not edited by AFCEN. The general organi- either of these codes could find the correspondence between them
zation of RCCs is shown on Fig. 49.3. with a minimum of confusion. Differences come essentially from
the fact that the RCC-M scope is reduced compared to the ASME
49.3.3 Organization Code. The ASME Code scope includes components outside the
AFCEN is established according to the French 1901 law on nuclear island as mentioned in Table 49.3, which addresses the
associations, with a board of directors, a general secretary, a correspondence with non-nuclear codes applicable to conventional
boilers and pressure components in France.
AFCEN mailing address: Tour Areva, 92084 Paris La Défense When correspondence is given with RCC-M sections (for mate-
Cedex, France. rials, welding, and NDE) in Table 49.3, this applies only for
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BOARD General Secretary

Editorial committee

committee committee committee committee committee

WG General Design General Inspection

Qualification Material Design NDE

Design Technology Material Flaw Analysis

Softwares Examination Fabrication Repair




equipment of nuclear islands. For other components (conventional 49.3.5 Publications, Updates, Interpretations, and
boilers, pressure vessels, and piping), these topics are covered in Inquiries
the applicable non-nuclear AFNOR/SNCT Codes (EN, COVAP, The RCCs were initially based on the photography of the
CODAP, or CODETI). industrial practice as applied to the PWR or FBR nuclear islands,
The various subsections of RCC-M Section I have the same taking into account design and construction and inservice experi-
general structure and refer to applicable provisions on procure- ence. Modification requests may be issued by every user or by the
ment, manufacturing, examination, or technical appendices, as AFCEN members themselves depending on industrial needs.
shown in Fig. 49.5. In preparing the code evolutions, the AFCEN committees rely
The RCC-MR structure is very similar to the RCC-M structure, on development results [4] and integrate plant experience feed-
as shown in Table 49.4. back, taking advantage of the centralized organization of the
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French nuclear industry [5]. The CEA was associated to the Updating the Code is a continual process. In particular, the
developments through the AFCEN consultative scientific commit- RCC-M refers to more than 200 covering materials, processes,
tee [6], more particularly as far as fast breeder rules development qualifications, tests, and examination. These standards are con-
was concerned. The role of this committee was to give its mem- stantly evolving, with more and more standards becoming
bers a general overview of the research and development pro- European or International. Codes shall evolve in parallel to
grams, undertaken with respect to RCC codification activities, to remain consistent with the industrial needs, while keeping the
help them examine the correspondence between these programs overall consistency of the rules.
and the needs and, consequently, make recommendations on the Codes also evolve following regulatory evolution. In particular,
programs that should be initiated, so that AFCEN can be provided the issuing of the European PED [7] has led to updating the regu-
with the results it needs to perform its task correctly. lation in the various European countries. Even if the nuclear

1000 chapters Subsection A

. Scope
. Documentation
. Identification
2000 chapters
. Prevention of corrosion Section 2Materials
. Applicable procurement
Subsection Z
3000 chapters
. Sizing
. Analysis
Section 3 Examination
4000 chapters
. Manufacturing and Section 4 Welding
examination Section 5 Fabrication
5000 chapters
. Hydrostatic tests

6000 chapters
. Overpressure Protection


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equipment is not addressed in this directive, the nuclear industry (which means by the successive modification sheets). Addenda
uses practices based on the approach; the nuclear regulations are issued with a periodicity that depends on the contract needs
issued in the various European countries generally refer to these and the amount of modifications. RCC-M addenda were issued
practices as minimum requirements to which specific nuclear pro- every 6 months in the 1980s; the frequency progressively
visions may be added. In France, this approach was followed decreased to one every 2 years for the 2000 Edition. Modification
under the form of a specific Order referring to PED provisions frequency is likely to increase with projects needs for the 2007
and completing them depending on safety aspects and potential edition.
radioactive releases [34], [35]. All these processes are conducted in the French language; con-
Modification requests or interpretation may be prepared by sequently, the only official AFCEN version is the French edition,
Code users or at the initiative of AFCEN working group mem- as mentioned in the first page of the English edition. The transla-
bers. Requests are first analyzed by the dedicated working group tion of the RCC editions and of every subsequent modification
depending on the topic (design, procurement, manufacturing, sheet is done according to the AFCEN procedure. In case of
examination) addressed, then discussed and approved by the RCC doubts, the French edition shall be considered; in case of transla-
subcommittee. In case an agreement is not reached on the work- tion error, the appropriate approach is to correct the RCC-M fol-
ing group proposal, a revised instruction sheet is issued and ana- lowing the erratum process. Errata are applicable retroactively.
lyzed again by the working group. These revisions are presented periodically to the French Safety
When an agreement is reached in the RCC subcommittee, a Authority, leading to an update of the Fundamental Safety Rule
modification sheet to the code is prepared by the technical secre- dedicated to each code or to the issuing of a Safety Authority
tary of the subcommittee on the basis of this agreement. This Decision, as was the case on July 10, 2001 [8], for the use of the
sheet is verified by the working group leaders and the subcommit- RCC-M 2000 Edition. Eventual conditions expressed in these
tee secretary and then approved by the president of the writing decisions are taken into account in the next addendum, as was the
committee; it is issued by the general secretary by delegation of case in the 2002 addendum to the RCC-M for the above decision.
the AFCEN board of directors. Discussion by the board is only Conditions for code evaluation in the context of the new regula-
needed in cases of significant revisions (e.g., the issuing of a new tion is still under discussion.
section). The working groups discuss interpretation requests; they issue
All these activities are conducted according to rules described an answer directly to the requestor. Instructions are periodically
in the AFCEN Quality Manual. Each modification sheet issued is presented a posteriori to the RCC subcommittee. Interpretations
distributed to concerned users and can be applied to projects sub- are not edited, although this may be necessitated depending on
jected to the condition that an agreement among the subcontrac- user needs. There are no RCC Code cases in case of new materi-
tor, the contractor, and the client is obtained. Sets of modification als or processes, because a specific agreement may be reached
sheets are transmitted for information and remarks to the Safety through the equipment specification. Nevertheless, the concept of
Authority. a transitory modification sheet was integrated in the AFCEN pro-
Periodically, the set of issued modification sheets are gathered cedures to anticipate the need for a code case approach for foreign
in an addendum that is published. The addendum lists the modifi- applications. It was used only once to allow a new procurement
cation sheets that are included as well as the concerned chapters. possibility.
There cannot be a single modification, even on details, included in Some modification requests may necessitate an evaluation of
RCC addenda unless it has been subjected to the complete their consequences. This is particularly time when a reference to a
process of modification request/modification sheet instruction. new standard is proposed, or for the development of a new rule. In
From time to time, where judged appropriate by the AFCEN such a case, a specific inquiry may be addressed to potential sup-
board, a new edition of the code is issued. A new edition is the pliers and, where appropriate, an AFCEN development study may
sum of the previous one as modified by the successive addenda be decided according to the provisions discussed above.
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49.4 PRESENTATION OF CODAP® (1) nature of the fluid (gas or liquid)

(2) dangers of the fluid (flammable, explosive, toxic,
49.4.1 Scope oxidizing)
Originally published in 1980, CODAP is reissued every 5 years (3) volume of the vessel, V (liters)
(1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, and 2005). (4) operating pressure, P (bar)
CODAP® was entirely revised in 2000 by the French organiza-
tion of pressure vessel and piping manufacturers association Determination of the hazard category of a vessel should not be
(SNCT) to comply with the new common regulation adopted in considered as a hazard analysis, which, in other respects, is
the European Union in May 2002 (PED). However, the rules of required by Annex I of the PED.
the Code can also be applied to construction of vessels which are-
structured in two Divisions (see Table below): 49.4.3 Main Concepts Failure Modes. The failure modes to which the vessels

are likely to be subjected are classified into two types.
(a) Failure Modes of the Primary Type. Failure modes of the
primary type are modes for which the failure results from
the application or maintenance of a loading of a given inten-
sity as follows:
(1) gross plastic deformation
(2) plastic instability (bursting)
(3) elastic and elastic-plastic instability (buckling)
(4) creep rupture
(5) brittle fracture
(b) Failure Modes of the Secondary Type. Failure modes of the
secondary type are modes for which the failure results from
repeated variations in loadings as follows:
(1) incremental collapse
However, the rules of CODAP can also be applied to construc-
(2) fatigue cracking
tion of vessels which are structured in tow disvisons as shown in
the following table: Construction Categories. The concept of construction
categories enables the construction quality of a vessel to be adapted
49.4.2 Links With PED and consistent with its future working conditions.
This concept, already used in the earlier editions of the Code,
(a) CODAP® 2000 is in full conformity with the PED due to the
has been significantly modified to be consistent with the concept
of PED hazard categories.
(1) Integration of PED hazard categories (Article 9, Article
(a) In CODAP® 2000, the determination of the construction
10, and Annex II) in Part General
category of a vessel is based on the following:
(2) Integration of PED conformity assessment procedures
(Article 10 and Annex III) in part Testing and Inspection (1) The hazard category of the vessel obtained from the
(3) Conformity with the PED essential safety requirements PED (I, II, III, or IV).
(Annex I) in the relevant parts of CODAP® (2) The assessment of the potential hazards of failure that
are governed by eight criteria; this assessment is com-
(b) Regarding hazard categories, Figs. 1 to 4 given in Annex II
pleted by the assessment of the consequence of a failure
of the PED for unfired pressure vessels have been included
that are governed by five criteria.
in § G6 of CODAP Division 1 & 2 (see Fig. 49.6.). These
figures show four hazard categories (I, II, III, IV in ascend- These 13 risk assessment criteria (listed in Table 49.5 for a ves-
ing order) depending on the following four parameters: sel falling within the scope of the PED) must be evaluated one by
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one by the customer, who is the only one to know how the vessel 49.4.4 Part Material
will be operated. From these individual evaluations, a global level
of risk assessment is obtained for the vessel, which may be low, (a) This part is devoted to the materials that are covered in the
moderate, high, or very high. following sections:
For a vessel beyond the scope of the PED, in addition to the 13 (1) M2: rules applicable to nonaustenitic and nonstainless
criteria listed in Table 49.5, the four criteria given in Table 49.6 steels
shall be assessed. (2) M3: rules applicable to austenitic stainless steels
Table 49.7 shows how the combination of hazard category and (3) M4: rules applicable to austenitic-ferritic stainless steels
global level of risk assessment determines the construction cate- (4) M5: rules applicable to ferrous and nonferrous material
gory A, B1, B2 or C (where applicable). Each construction cate- clad steel plates
gory is associated with a severity level of the various technical (5) M6: rules applicable to martensitic stainless steels
requirements of the Code (e.g., material, design, and fabrication). (6) M7: rules applicable to ferritic and semiferritic stainless
Category A corresponds to the highest severity level implying a steels
high level of quality. The fourth lowest, construction category D, (7) M9: rules applicable to steel bolting
has been added in CODAP® 2000 to cover vessels falling below (8) M12: rules applicable to nickel and nickel alloys
hazard category I (covered by Article 3.3 of PED). All categories’ (9) M13: rules applicable to aluminum and aluminum alloys
A, B1, B2 or C (where applicable) ensure the same reliability for (10) M14–Rules applicable to titanium and titanium alloys.
the pressure vessel. Category Ex (for exceptional) is the same as
category A with additional requirements from the Customer. (b) The rules of these sections must be applied in addition to the
following general rules:
(b) The selection of the construction category has significant
consequences on the construction of the vessel, the most (1) M1: rules applicable to all ferrous materials
important being the following: (2) M11: rules applicable to all nonferrous materials

(1) The type of certificate for the material (r1 ⫽ specific (c) Section 10 covers welding consumables. According to the
testing; r2 ⫽ nonspecific testing) grouping of materials defined in EN ISO/TR 15608: 2000,
(2) The safety factors applied on tensile strength and on the selection of a material and acceptance criteria depends on
yield strength to obtain the nominal design stresses (see the construction category and on the maximum permissible
Table 49.8). thickness (see Table 49.11). Materials covered in European
Standard as well Materials covered by other specification
(3) The weld joint efficiency: z ⫽ 1.0 (implying 100% (i.e., ASTM) are considered by this new issues of CODAP.
NDT); z ⫽ 0.85 (implying 20% NDT including nodes These rules are completed by the following annexes:
or 10% including nodes); and z ⫽ 0.7 (implying visual
examination). (1) MA1: aging of nonstainless and nonaustenitic steels
(2) MA2: prevention of risk of brittle fracture based on
These requirements are summarized in Table 49.9. frac-ture mechanics
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(3) MA3: behavior of steels in the presence of pressurized and general design rules (DBA ⫽ design by analysis; Division 2
hydrogen only).
(4) MA4: prevention of risks of corrosion
(5) MA5: product specification (a) The specific design rules cover the most usual components
(6) MA6: particular material appraisal for material recog- and welded joints subject to common loadings (i.e. pres-
nized as being safe sure). The thickness of each component is determined by a
direct formula or the strength of the component is checked by
This Annex allows the use of materials not covered in formulas or graphs. Only static loadings are taken into
European Standards but covered in other recognized standards account in the specific design rules, except for Section C8
(i.e., ASTM/ASME standards, French standards). dealing with expansion bellows. No other justification is
necessary if these rules are used in accordance with their
49.4.5 Part Design conditions of applicability.
The Code provides two complementary types of design rules: The following components are covered by specific
specific design rules (DBF ⫽ design by formula; Division 1 and 2) design rules listed in Table 49.12.
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(Category C is not applicable in Division 2 and the “greyish” grades are permitted only in division 2)
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(b) The general design rules are intended to be used when the spe- Annexes complete these sections; Annex FA1 defines the per-
cific design rules do not apply. In these rules, which are cov- missible welded joints, which depend on the construction catego-
ered in Section 10, the check of the strength is carried out by ry of the vessel (see Table 49.14).
complying with criteria regarding stresses or stress ranges.
Section C10 deals with stress analysis and permit the check of 49.4.6 Part Fabrication
the strength of the various components of a vessel subjected to This part deals with fabrication of pressure vessels or vessel
loadings mainly of static nature. Sections C11 permit the components made from ferrous or nonferrous materials according
check of the strength of the various components of a vessel to the following sections:
subject to variable loadings likely to lead to failure by fatigue
cracking. Sub-section C11.2 provides rules for simplified (a) F1: rules applicable to all ferrous materials
fatigue analysis, sub-section C11.3 provides rules for detailed (b) F2: rules applicable to nonaustenitic and nonstainless steel
fatigue analysis (Division 2 only). Use of rules C11.2 and constructions
C12.3 need to perform the determination of the stresses either (c) F3: rules applicable to austenitic stainless steel construc-
numerically, analytically or experimentally. tions


(Category C is not applicable in Division 2 and the “greyish” grades are permitted only in Division 2)
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(d) F4: rules applicable to austeniticferritic stainless steel con- Each section is divided into chapters that cover design of welded
structions joints, forming, welding, tolerances (see Table 49.13), and post-
(e) F5: rules applicable to fabrication of ferrous and nonferrous welded heat treatment.
metal clad steel plates
(f) F6: rules applicable to martensitic stainless steel construc- 49.4.7 Testing and Inspection
tions The sections of this part define the testing and inspection oper-
(g) F7: rules applicable to ferritic and semiferritic stainless steel ations to which the vessels must be subjected.
constructions Testing. The testing shall be carried out by a testing
(h) F1 1: rules applicable to all nonferrous metals body or department independent of the production department of
(i) F12: rules applicable to nickel and nickel alloy construc- the Manufacturer. The Manufacturer, under his responsibility, shall
tions define the testing type and extent, which shall meet as a minimum
(j) F13: rules applicable to aluminum and aluminum alloy con- the requirements provided for in the Code for the construction cat-
structions egory under consideration (see Table 49.15).
(k) F14: Rules applicable to titanium and titanium alloy con-
(l) F20: construction rules for tube sheet heat exchangers Inspection. The construction supervision shall be car
ried out by an inspection body appointed by the customer (named
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Principal in CODAP). (c) a department of the Manufacturer in charge of performing

The inspection body may be any of the following: all or part of the supervision of the construction, under the
responsibility of the Manufacturer when a certified quality
(a) the inspection department of the Principal system of the Manufacturer is implemented and after agree-
(b) a specialized body selected by the Principal ment between the parties involved
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208 • Chapter 49

The procedure regarding the activities of the inspection body (b) A new subsection C10.3 in Part Design is in the course of
shall be specified by the Principal in the order. development to cover detailed fatigue analysis, which will
be partially based on EN 13445. Conformity Assessment. The Code defines the spe- (c) Design rules concerning tubesheet heat exchangers
cific requirements applicable to vessels that fall within the scope of (Subsection C7.1) will be updated to be consistent with Part
the PED. The conformity must be performed according to UHX-12 of ASME BPVC Section VIII Division 1 and EN
Table IA5.9.2 of the Code (see excerpt Table 49.16). 13445-3 Chapter 13. Subsection C8 covering expansion bel-
Depending on the hazard category of the vessel, the conformity lows will be reviewed to be in line with Appendix 26 of
assessment may be carried out by the Manufacturer or by a Notified ASME BPVC Section VIII Division 1 and EN 13445-3
Body in accordance with one of the procedures given in Table 49.17. Chapter 14.
(d) New rules covering the effects of supports (e.g., saddle,
49.4.8 Comparison to ASME BPVC Section VIII shirt, and bracket) are in the course of preparation.
CODAP® rules were originally based on a compromise (e) Alternative procedure for checking bolted flange connec
between Divisions 1 and 2 of ASME BPVC Section VIII. This tions: this new method, based on European Standard NF
concept has changed in the 2000s with the enforcement of the EN 1591, will account for tightness criteria and loads due
PED and the issuance of the Harmonized Standard EN 13445. to each operating condition including external loading.
Contrary to ASME, CODAP® classifies pressure vessels in (f) Regarding NDT, criteria for acoustic emission will be
construction categories linked to the essential safety require- included.
ments of the PED. A pressure vessel built in accordance with
CODAP® has a unique weld joint efficiency, contrary to ASME, 49.4.10 References
which allows for different weld joint efficiencies for the differ- 1. F. Osweiller: “Design criteria of the French Pressure Vessel CODAP
ent components of the vessel. Safety factors in CODAP® are Code’’—6th ICPVT/ Session on “Design Criteria’’—Beijing-Sept. 1988.
lower than in ASME, which leads to higher maximum allowable 2. F. Osweiller: “CODAP 2000: adaptation of the French Pressure Vessel
stresses in CODAP. Code to the PED requirements’’ —9th ICPVT–Sydney-April 2000.
CODAP® design rules devoted to Tubesheet Heat Exchangers
3. F. Osweiller, J.Desse, L. Poupet: “Mise en confomité du CODAP
(Section C7) and Expansion Bellows (Section 8) have been devel-
2000 avec les spécifications de la DESP’’–ESOPE 2001-
oped in collaboration with ASME Subcommittee VIII. Accordingly, Paris-October 2001.
they are in conformity with Part UHX and Appendix 26 of ASME
Section VIII Division 1.
49.4.9 Future Developments
49.5.1 Scope
(a) Specifications covering nickel and titanium alloys will be Originally published in 1947, CODETI® has been reissued four
added to meet PED criteria. times (in 1979, 1982, 1991, and 1995).
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This concept was maintained in the 2001 edition but new

European developments contained in the new European
Harmonized Standard for piping (EN 13480) were taken into con-
sideration to comply with PED requirements.
Division 1 applies to industrial metallic piping (i.e., intended
for an industrial plant) that is aboveground, ducted, or buried and-
covers the range of temperature below 800°C. This Division does
not contain the operation and maintenance rules intended to
ensure the required safety, which must be met by the user durin-
piping operation and which complete the construction rules. It
also does not provide rules regarding thermal exchange, thermo-
dynamics, and fluid mechanics.

49.5.2 Links with PED

(a) CODETI® 2001 is in full conformity with the PED due to
the following:
(1) Integration of PED hazard categories (Article 9, Article
10, and Annex II) in General
(2) Integration of PED conformity assessment procedures
(Article 10 and Annex III) in Testing and Inspection
(3) Conformity with PED essential safety requirements
(Annex I) in the relevant parts of CODETI®
CODETI® was entirely revised in 2001 by SNCT to comply (b) Regarding hazard categories, Figs. 6 to 9 given in Annex II
with the new common regulation adopted in the European Union of the PED for piping have been included in § G6 of CODE-
in May 2002 (PED). However, the rules of the Code apply also to TI® (see Fig. 49.7).
construction of vessels that are outside the scope of the directive These figures define three hazard categories (I, II, and III in
and subject to other regulations. ascending order) depending on the following four parameters:
CODETI® has two sections: the first covers low and medium
pressures and the second covers high pressures. This structure, (1) Nature of fluid (gas or liquid)
based on earlier European developments (1951) in the field of (2) Dangers of fluid (flammable, explosive, toxic, oxidizing)
piping and on ASME B31.1 and B31.3, has been completed by (3) Nominal diameter, DN, of the piping (mm)
the concept of construction category (see para. 49.5.4). (4) Operating pressure, P (bar)
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Determination of the hazard category should not be considered sponds to the highest severity level implying a high level
as a hazard analysis, which, in other respects, is required by of quality. In any case, all categories ensure the same
Annex I of the PED. reliability for the piping. Category Ex (for exceptional)
is the same as Category A with additional requirements
49.5.3 Main Concepts from the Customer.
(b) The selection of the construction category has significant Failure Modes. The following failure modes are taken consequences on the construction of the piping, the most
into account in the Code: important being the following:
(a) brittle fracture (1) the type of certificate for the material (specific testing,
(b) gross plastic deformation nonspecific testing)
(c) plastic instability (2) the safety factors applied on tensile strength and yield
(d) elastic and elastic-plastic instability (buckling), either local strength (Table 49.21)
or general (3) the weld joint efficiency (z ⫽ 1.0; 0.85; 0.7)
(e) creep rupture
These requirements are summarized in Tables 49.22 and 49.23.
(f) incremental collapse
(g) fatigue cracking
49.5.4 Part Material Construction Categories. The concept of construction Part M defines the minimum conditions to be fulfilled for the
categories enables the construction quality of a piping to be adapt- selection of materials, conditions regarding the use of the prod-
ed and consistent with its future working conditions. This concept, ucts, drawing up of orders, supplying, possibilities of using prod-
already used in the earlier editions of the Code, has been signifi- ucts taken from stock, testing, and marking of products.
cantly modified to be consistent with the concept of PED hazard (a) Piping Within the Scope of the PED. The products intended
categories. for the fabrication of piping or piping components shall be
(a) In CODETI® 2001, the determination of the Construction defined by one of the following documents:
Category of a piping is based on the following:
(1) a supporting harmonized European standard for materials.
(1) the hazard category of the piping obtained from the PED (2) a material data sheet resulting from a European approval
(I, II, III) for materials for pressure equipment.
(2) the assessment of the potential hazards of failure (nine (3) a particular material appraisal. For piping falling within
criteria), completed by the assessment of the conse hazard category III, the particular appraisal shall be per-
quence of a failure (five criteria). formed by the Notified Body in charge of the conformity
assessment procedures for the piping.
These 14 risk assessment criteria (listed in Table 49.18
for a piping falling within the scope of the PED) must be For the products intended for the fabrication of a piping not
evaluated one by one by the Customer, who is the only subject to the essential safety requirements of the above-
one to know how the piping will be operated. From mentioned documents (piping not within the hazard cate-
these individual evaluations, a global level of risk gories), the rules of para. (b) apply.
assessment is obtained for the piping which may be low,
moderate, high, or very high. (b) Piping Beyond the Scope of the PED. The products intend
ed for the fabrication of piping or piping components shall
be defined by referring to a standard or, in the absence of
such a standard, to a particular specification that attests that
these products are suitable for the intended use.
According to the grouping of materials listed in Table 49.24
(taken from EN 288-3), the selection of a material and
acceptance criteria are related to the construction category
and the maximum permissible thickness (see Table 49.25).
The following six annexes complete these rules:

(1) MA1: aging of nonstainless and nonaustenitic steels.

(2) MA2: prevention of risk of brittle fracture based on
fracture mechanics.
(3) MA3: behavior of steels in the presence of pressurized
For a piping out of the scope of the PED, in addition (4) MA4: prevention of corrosion risks.
to the 14 criteria listed Table 49.18, the four criteria (5) MA5: product specification.
given in Table 49.19 shall be assessed. (6) MA6: safe products intended for the manufacture of
Table 49.20 shows how the combination of hazard piping subject to the essential safety requirements of the
category and global level of risk assessment determines European PED or the relevant French transposing regu-
the construction category A, B, C, or D of a piping. Each lations (Decree 99-1046). This Annex allows the use of
construction category is associated with a severity level materials that are not covered by European Standards
of the various technical requirements of the Code (e.g., but that are covered by other recognized standards (i.e.,
material, design, and fabrication). Category A corre- French standards).
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49.5.5 Part Design the dispersion band of the results does not deviate by more than
20% from the mean value. Section C1, General, deals with elementary loads, load-
ing conditions, and nominal design stresses (see Table 49.21). Section C2, Design, deals with calculations of pressure
In addition to time-independent nominal design stress, time- components (see Table 49.27) subject to internal or external pres-
dependent nominal design stress is defined in Chapter C1 as sure. Cyclic loading is also covered (⬎ 1000 full amplitude pres-
follows: sure cycles).
S tRh Section C3, Analysis and acceptance criteria, covers
fF =
Cs the design of piping intended to withstand all thermal or mechan-
where ical loadings during their required lifetime.
CS-safety factor that depends on the lifetime corresponding to In addition to the design requirements for pressure in Sections
the stress specified by the material specification (Table 49.26; see C1 and C2, each piping system must be designed to withstand the
also (4) Table 49.23). effects due to other thermal or mechanical loads during the
StR, h-the mean value of creep rupture strength, as indicated by required lifetime. For this purpose, Section C3 deals with the stress
the standards, for the material in question at the considered tem- analysis to be performed and the corresponding criteria to be met
perature, t, and for the considered lifetime h (in hours), whereby and states the requirements related to flexibility (Fig. 49.8).

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The following annexes complete this Section: category Ex, the testing shall be at least the testing provided
for in this Division for the construction category A.
(a) Physical and mechanical properties of materials (b) Inspection. The construction supervision shall be carried out
(b) Recommendations for the installation of expansion joints by a body or a department appointed by the Purchaser and
(Table 49.28) in charge of performing the contractual activities related to
(c) Recommendation for checking of metallic piping against the construction supervision that are required in the
seismic events Division 1 of the Code and in the construction technical data
(d) Allowable forces and moments on branches of pumps specified by the Purchaser. Regarding construction category
Ex, the tasks to be carried out by the inspector shall be at Section C4, Supports, deals with design of the support- least those related to construction category A.
ing system and with the calculation of supports (Fig. 49.9). (c) Conformity Assessment. The specific requirements for pip-
ing that are within the scope of the PED and the conformity General annexes covering buried piping complete the of which must be assessed according to the procedures are
design chapter (Fig. 49.10). detailed (see Table 49.31).
49.5.6 Part Fabrication 49.5.8 Comparison to ASME B31.1 and B31.3
This part provides fabrication rules for the various materials The main differences between CODETI® and ASME B 31.1
covered by the Code according to the following sections: are as follows:
(a) F1, rules applicable to all ferrous materials (a) The categories of piping are different.
(b) F2, rules applicable to nonaustenitic and nonstainless steel (b) Guarantied properties given without additional require-
constructions ments by the product standard (i.e., ASTM) are lower than
(c) F3, rules applicable to austenitic stainless steel construc- those given by European standards.
tions (c) Safety factors used in B31.1/B31.3 are higher than those
(d) F4, rules applicable to fabrication of supports used in CODETI® (for time-independent conditions).
Each section is divided into chapters that cover design of (d) Testing during and after fabrication is different in some
–welded joints, forming, welding, tolerances (see Fig. 49.11 and cases.
Table 49.29) and postwelded heat treatment.
Annexes complete these sections; Annex FA1 defines the per- 49.5.9 Future Developments
missible welded joints that depend on the construction category of The principal development of Division 1 will address an alter-
the piping (see Fig. 49.12). native procedure for checking bolted flange connections. This
new method, based on the European Standard NF EN 1591, will
49.5.7 Part Testing and Inspection account for tightness criteria and loads due to each operating con-
The chapters of this part define all the testing and inspection dition including external loading.
operations to which piping is designed and manufactured in Divisions 2 and 3 are in the course of preparation and will
accordance with Division 1 of the Code. cover the following:

(a) Testing. The Manufacturer, under his responsibility, must (a) Division 2: pipeline transportation (aboveground or buried)
define the testing type and extent, which must meet the (b) Division 3: water transportation and steel penstock
requirements provided for in this Division of the Code for the
construction category under consideration (see Table 49.30).
Testing shall be carried out by a testing body or depart-
ment, independent of the production department of the
Manufacturer, in charge of performing the testing required by
the Division 1 of the Code and by the Technical Construction
data specified by the Purchaser. Regarding construction
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Code deals with steam boiler and superheated water boilers and
covers the two basic types of boilers. (firetube and watertube).
According to the Code, a boiler consists of all parts subject to
pressure from water inlet (including valves) to the steam or super
heated water header (including outlet valves, where relevant, or
the last welded joint or flange at outlet of the header). This covers
all reheaters, economizers, piping, and safety accessories connected
directly to the boiler without intervening valves (i.e., subject to
the risk of overheating).
The rules of this Code have been developed to cover equipment
that must comply with the requirements of the PED. They can
also be applied to boilers subject to other regulations.
In addition, specifications covering composite materials falling
or not within the scope of the PED are being prepared. 49.6.2 Links with PED
COVAP® 2003 is in full conformity with the PED due to the
(a) Integration of PED hazard categories (Article 9, Article 10,
49.6.1 Scope and Annex II) in General
COVAP® (Code for construction of steam boilers and super (b) Integration of PED conformity assessment procedures
heated water boilers) is published by SNCT. COVAP is based on (Article 10 and Annex III) in Testing and Inspection
the French Standard Series NF E 32-100, which was withdrawn (c) Conformity with PED essential safety requirements (Annex I)
when the new European regulation (PED) came into being. This in the relevant parts of COVAP®
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Regarding hazard categories, Fig. 5 given in Annex II of the (3) volume of the vessel, V (liters)
PED for “fired or otherwise heated pressure equipment with the (4) operating pressure, P (bar)
risk of overheating intended for generation of steam or superheat-
ing water” has been included in Part G of COVAP(see Fig. 49.13). Determination of the hazard category of a boiler should not be
Part G also provides figures for vessels and piping to cover considered as a hazard analysis (which, in other respects, is
other equipment included in the concept of “assembly” defined by required by Annex I of the PED).
the PED (“several pieces of pressure equipment assembled by a 49.6.3 Main Concepts
Manufacturer to constitute an integrated and functional whole”).
These figures define four hazard categories (I, II, III, and IV in Failure Modes. The failure modes to which the ves-
ascending order) depending on four parameters as follows: sels are likely to be subjected are classified into two types.
(1) nature of fluid (gas or liquid) (a) Failure Modes of Primary Type. Failure modes of primary
(2) dangers from fluid (flammable, explosive, toxic, oxidizing) type are modes for which the failure results from the
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application or maintenance of a loading of a given intensity (1) incremental collapse

as follows: (2) fatigue cracking
(1) gross plastic deformation
(2) plastic instability (bursting) Construction Categories. The concept of construc
(3) elastic and elastic-plastic instability (buckling) tion categories enables the construction quality of a boiler to be
(4) creep rupture adapted and consistent with its future working conditions. This
(5) brittle fracture concept has been significantly modified to be consistent with the
concept of PED hazard categories.
(b) Failure Modes of the Secondary Type. Failure modes of the
secondary type are modes for which the failure results from (a) In COVAP® 2003, the determination of the construction cat-
repeated variations in loadings as follows: egory of a boiler is based on the following:
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(1) hazard category of the boiler (I, II, III, or IV) obtained The rules of this part are completed by the following six
from the PED Annexes:
(2) assessment of the potential hazard of failure
(3) the consequence of a failure (1) prevention of risk of brittle fracture based on fracture
(b) The selection of the construction category has significant (2) prevention of risks of corrosion.
consequences on the construction of the boiler. The most (3) safe products intended for the manufacture of piping
important are the following: subject to the essential safety requirements of the
European PED or the relevant French transposing regu-
(1) the type of certificate for the material (specific testing or lations (Decree 99-1046). This Annex allows the use of
nonspecific testing) materials that are not covered by European standards
(2) the safety factors applied on tensile strength and on but that are covered by other recognized standards (i.e.,
yield strength (see Table 49.32) French or German standards).
(3) the weld joint efficiency (z ⫽ 1.0; 0.85; 0.7)
These requirements are summarized in Table 49.33. 49.6.5 Part Design
The Code provides two complementary types of design rules:
49.6.4 Part Material specific design rules (DBF ⫽ design by formula) and general
Part M defines the minimum conditions to be fulfilled for the design rules (DBA ⫽ design by analysis).
selection of materials, conditions regarding the use of the
products, drawing up of orders, supplying, possibilities of using (a) The specific design rules cover the most usual components
products taken from stock, testing, and marking of products. and welded joints subject to common loadings (i.e., pressure).
In these rules, the thickness of the component is determined by
(a) Boilers Falling Within the Scope of the PED. The products a direct formula, or the strength of the component is checked
intended for the fabrication of boilers or boilers components by formulas or graphs. Due to this type of pressure equipment,
must be defined by one of the following documents: special attention is paid to the determination of design temper-
atures. No other justification is necessary if these rules are
(1) a supporting harmonized European standard for materials. used in accordance with their conditions of applicability. The
(2) a material data sheet resulting from a European following is covered by the specific design rules:
approval for materials for pressure equipment;
(3) a particular material appraisal. For piping falling within (1) cylindrical shell
hazard category III, the particular appraisal shall be per (2) spherical shell
formed by the Notified Body in charge of the conformi- (3) rectangular header
ty assessment procedures for the piping. (4) formed ends
(5) flat ends
For the products intended for the fabrication of a (6) openings in cylindrical or spherical shells and in formed
boiler not subject to the essential safety requirements ends
of the above-mentioned documents, the rules of para. (7) water or steam pipes
(b) below apply.
In addition to the above rules, specific rules regarding fire-tube
(b) Boilers Beyond the Scope of the PED. The products intend boilers are provided (e.g., for tubesheet and furnace; see Fig. 49.14).
ed for the fabrication of boilers or boilers components shall
be defined by referring to a standard or, in the absence of (b) The general design rules are intended to be used when the spe-
such a standard, to a particular specification that attests that cific rule do not apply. In these rules, which are covered in
these products are suitable for the intended use. Annexes CA1 and CA2, the check of the strength is performed
According to the grouping of materials listed in Table 49.34 by complying with criteria regarding stresses or stress ranges.
(taken from EN 288-3), the selection of a material and acceptance Determination of the required stresses shall be performed
criteria are related to construction category. either numerically, analytically, or experimentally.
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49.6.6 Part Fabrication Each section covers the following topics: design of welded
This part deals with the fabrication of boilers or boiler compo- joints, forming, welding, tolerances, and postweld heat treatment
nents. Two complementary sets of design rules are provided in the (see Table 49.35).
following sections: Annexes complete these sections; Annex FA1 defines the per-
missible joints according to the construction category of the boiler
(a) F1, rules applicable to all ferrous materials (see Table 49.36).
(b) F2, rules applicable to nonaustenitic and nonstainless steel
constructions 49.6.7 Testing and Inspection
(c) F3, rules applicable to austenitic stainless steel construc- The various sections of this part define the testing and inspec-
tions tion operations to which boilers must be subjected.
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Depending on the hazard category of the vessel, conformity

assessment may be carried out by the Manufacturer or by a
Notified Body, in accordance with one of the given procedures
(see Table 49.39).
The inspection body may be any of the following: Testing. A testing body or department independent of (a) the inspection department of the Principal.
the production department of the Manufacturer shall carry out the (b) a specialized body selected by the Principal.
testing. The Manufacturer, under his responsibility, shall define (c) a department of the Manufacturer in charge of performing
the testing type and extent, which shall meet as a minimum the all or part of the supervision of the construction; after agree-
requirements provided for in the Code for the construction catego ment between the parties involved, a certified quality system
ry under consideration (see Table 49.37). of the Manufacturer is implemented under the responsibili-
ty of the Manufacturer. Inspection. The construction supervision shall be car
ried out by a body department appointed by the Customer (named The Principal in the order shall specify the procedure regarding
“Principal”) in COVAP. the activities of the inspection body. Conformity Assessment. The Code defines the specif- 49.6.8 Comparison to ASME BPVC Section I
ic requirements for boilers that are within the scope of the PED The scope of COVAP® 2003 is similar to the scope of ASME
The conformity assessment must be performed according to Table BPVC Section I, except that miniature boilers are not specifically
I. of the Code (see excerpt, Table 49.38). addressed and locomotive, portable, and traction service boilers
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TABLE 49.27 (Continued )

Section C2 is completed by Annexes. Annex C2.A1 provides

an alternative method to check large openings (d/D ⫽ 1) based on
recent developments (Elastic Compensation Method)

are not covered. Also, COVAP® 2003 covers only boilers fabricated anticipated that more and more will be done to applicable non-
by welding. A specific part (Part E) deals with water quality. nuclear industrial standards (and more particularly European har-
monized standards) in the near future, as agreed for application to
49.6.9 Future Developments the Finland project. For this reason, the following paragraphs are
Specific rules regarding thermal fluid boilers are in the course dedicated to classes 1 and 2 pressure components, with additional
of preparation. Also, repairs and modifications will be covered in information being provided for specific components such as reac-
a specific part. tor pressure vessel internals, supports, and storage tanks. Further
comments are given in para. 49.7.10 on construction rules applic-
49.7 PRESENTATION OF RCC-M able to fast breeder reactor components and inservice surveillance
of pressurized water reactor equipment.
49.7.1 Introduction and Scope
As indicated in para. 49.3, the RCC-M was initially based on 49.7.2 General Requirements
the ASME BPVC Section III design rules and the French industri-
al experience. Procurement, manufacturing, and examination RCC-M Section A. General requirements are covered
practices have since changed according to the evolution of in Section A of the code, which defines the following:
European and international standards. Design rules applicable to
classes 1 and 2 components have been updated to comply with (a) In A. 1000, the structure of the Code, presented in para.
applicable regulations and to take into account service experience. 49.3, and a list of standards given in A. 1300 with their
Less specific work was dedicated to class 3 components, and it is applicable editions; Code paragraphs with references to



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longer maintained, and the current practice is to refer to the

Safety Report for the component safety classification.
(e) In A.5000, the Quality Assurance rules, which are based on
the ISO 9000 set of standards and supplemented where
The RCC-M does not include provisions for certification and
stamping of parts and components as the ASME Code does. It is
focused on technical aspects. Surveillance of activities by or for
the owner and the contractor or suppliers shall be covered in the
contractual documents.
Each time a technical regulatory demand may be generalized
independently of the context, it has been integrated in the main sec-
tions of the code. This is in particular the case for minimum (or
maximum) material properties. Each time a given demand is con-
text dependent, it has been integrated in non-mandatory appendices,
FIG. 49.9 EXAMPLES OF SUPPORTS allowing, should the case arise, to issue equivalent provisions
standards are identified in A. 1400 to facilitate the updating adapted to different regulatory contexts. This approach allows flexi-
of the Code in case of standard evolution. Conditions of use bility in adapting a RCC-M practice to various frameworks.
of components and materials procured under different edi- Some of A.1000 and A.2000 definitions have a regulatory char-
tions of the Code are also covered in A. 1500. acter and shall apply in conformance with Appendices ZU or ZT
(b) In A.2000, the responsibilities and the handling of non- depending if the PED apply (in Europe), or the PED plus ESPN
conformances; according to the Code, the applicable order [34] (in France). A list of RCC-M appendices is given in
edition, addenda, and modification sheets shall be indi cated Table 49.7.6.
in the equipment specification. This may evolve through the
course of the project, subject to contractual agreement. Provisions Related to Inservice Surveillance
(c) In A.3000, the documents to be prepared in application of Constructive requirements related to inservice inspections are pro-
the requirements of this Code (see Table 49.40); follow-up vided in Appendix ZS of the RCC-M. This nonmandatory appen-
documents are defined both in their initial production, and dix is to be applied where required by the equipment specification,
final phases. The end of manufacturing report together with as far as its application depends on the surveillance program to be
the RCC-M applicable edition constitute a self-supported applied. The definition of the surveillance program of irradiation
documentation delivered to the owner. effects on RPV material properties is not yet covered in the
(d) In A.4000, the components subject to the Code and the clas- RCC-M, although a modification request is under review for the
sification rules presented in para. 49.7.4 below; the RCC-M integration of a future annex ZK, based on the ETC-M studies con-
2002 edition refers to the RCC-P, which deals with system ducted for the EPR project. Before it is included in the Code, the
design and is not a public document. The RCC-P is no program is covered by the equipment specification.


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Some of A.1000 and A.2000 definitions have a regulatory char-

acter and shall apply in conformance with Appendices ZU or ZT
depending if the PED apply (in Europe), or the PED plus ESPN
order [34] (in France). A list of RCC-M appendices is given in
Table 49.7.6. Main Differences From the ASME Code.

Differences from the ASME Code on organization result essen-
tially from the RCC-M Code’s more specific scope, allowing
more self-contained provisions and more explicit correspondence
between parts and applicable specifications. Welding and fabrica-
tion aspects are grouped in specific sections (4 and 5) in the RCC-
M. Tank design rules are grouped in one specific subsection (J)
and small components are identified and covered in another spe-
cific subsection (E). Structures of the RCC-M Code sections are,
nevertheless, similar to ASME BPVC Section III.

49.7.3 Links With PED

The European PED [7] has been issued to harmonize the regula-
tions applicable in the various European countries to pressure
equipment. According to the European agreements, Article 1, part
3.8 excludes “items specifically designed for nuclear use, failure of
which may cause an emission of radioactivity.” The interpretation
of this sentence is under the responsibility of the various European
countries, until other European directives cover this scope.
Consequently, the consequences of the PED transposition in the
national regulations may be different as far as nuclear equipment is
concerned. In France, it was decided to integrate nuclear equipment
The RCC-M shall be compatible with different inservice sur- in the December 13, 1999 PED transposition decree, which covers
veillance practices. The surveillance programs for the French and construction and operation, and to indicate in this decree that Part 2
Chinese plants were based on the RSE-M, whereas the Korean of the decree covering design and construction is not applicable to
and Finland projects refer to the ASME BPVC section XI. Any nuclear components defined by a specific order.
specific condition necessary to fulfill the corresponding needs are The order, called “ESPN Order” was issued in France in
integrated in specific complementary documents. December 12, 2005. It defines those components which have to be
Each time a technical regulatory demand may be generalized considered as nuclear-specific according to the PED. These com-
independently of the context, it has been integrated in the main sec- ponents are classified in three categories:
tions of the code. This is in particular the case for minimum (or
maximum) material properties. Each time a given demand is • N1 category includes equipment the failure of which is not
context dependent, it has been integrated in non-mandatory appen- considered in the safety reports, and in any case the Main
dices, allowing, should the case arise, to issue equivalent provisions Primary and Secondary Systems of light water reactors.
adapted to different regulatory contexts. This approach allows flexi- • N2 category includes equipments the failure of which would
bility in adapting a RCC-M practice to various frameworks. lead to an activity release above a given threshold of 370 GBq.


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Small N1 primary (ⱕ DN50) and secondary (ⱕ DN100) piping • Surface and volumetric examinations, which shall cover
are subjected to the same technical requirements, 100% of surface and volume of N1 and N2 equipment,
• N3 category includes nuclear equipment not classified N1 or As it is the case for the non-nuclear codes, specific appen-
N2, which could lead to a radioactivity release larger than 370 dices have been included in the RCC-M to make the link
MBq. between each essential requirement of the PED or ESPN Order,
Nuclear specific requirements may be technical, such as mini- and the corresponding code provision. The appendix ZY is dedi-
mum material properties, or organizational, such as third parties cated to ESPN order and appendix ZZ to PED.
being agreed by the French Safety Authority. The order is still under discussion in France. It will define those
For the application of the above rules, the order provides guid- components that have to be considered as nuclear-specific accord-
ance, in particular taking into account the nature of the radioac- ing to the PED. These components will be classified in three cate-
tive inventory. Inside these three groups, the PED categories, gories as follows:
which depend on fluid, pressure, diameter of pipe or vessel vol- (a) One covering the main primary and secondary systems,
ume, apply. This means that the general method for conformance above diameter thresholds; for these components, additional
evaluation applies also for nuclear pressure equipment, with the essential requirements will be added to those of the PED.
following differences: (b) One covering small piping of main primary and secondary
systems, plus other components important from the radioac-
• ASN (the French Nuclear Safety Authority) plays the role of tive release prevention point of view; a reference to PED
the notified body for N1 equipment. ASN may nevertheless provisions will be included, plus a limited number of
ask for the intervention of a third party at its initiative. nuclear-specific provisions.
• For N2 and N3 equipment, the PED approach is referred to, (c) One covering less important nuclear-specific equipment,
except for a limitation of the applicable conformance evalua- with essentially a reference to PED requirements.
tion modules.
Nuclear-specific requirements may be technical, such as mini-
The December 12, 2005 Order covers construction and opera- mum material properties, or organizational, such as third parties
tion, referring for Main Primary and Secondary Systems operation being agreed by the French Safety Authority.
surveillance to the November 10, 1999 Order. The applicable tech- An evaluation of RCC-M conformance to PED requirements is
nical prescriptions are the essential requirements of the PED, with being conducted. Topics not covered by the Code, for example on
additional requirements resulting from the safety and radioactive inspection, are identified and covered by dedicated directives
release objectives, which are significant for N1 equipment and issued by the Manufacturer. Technical aspects covered by the
more limited for N2 and N3 equipment. Provisions cover: Code are considered equivalent to those of the PED. Potential
evolutions resulting from the new nuclear-specific regulatory texts
• The hazards analysis, which has to be consistent with the will only be implemented in the Code after official issuing of this
Safety Report, regulation. As it is the case for the non-nuclear codes, a specific
• The design, which shall cover the various damage risks, appendix will then be included in the RCC-M to make the link
including irradiation effects, between each essential requirement of the PED, plus nuclear-
• Material properties, which shall meet minimum (elongation at specific regulation, and the corresponding Code provision.
fracture, toughness) or maximum (ultimate tensile strength)
values given for various material grades in appendices specif- 49.7.4 Structure and Construction Categories
ic to each equipment group, A general presentation of the RCC-M structure and content is
• Manufacturing which shall meet in particular stringent given in para. 49.3. Some points are recalled in the following
requirements for N1 large part technical qualifications, in paragraphs, with the goal of identifying differences between the
order to provide guarantees on material properties, in case RCC-M and ASME Codes.
risks of heterogeneity of chemical and mechanical properties Classification of components is covered in A.4000. It takes into
are identified, consideration the component’s ESPN Safety class and safety

(a) e2
g x


A, B, C, D

x et

(a) The corner shall remain visible locally g ≥ 0,25 e2 ; x ≥ 0,5 e2

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function through the safety classification appearing in the Safety include general rules on selection of grades according to inter-
Report (as it is the case where the ASME Code is applied). As a granular corrosion susceptibility and cobalt content limitation,
consequence of the regulatory evolutions, classification rules in and provide lists of applicable procurement specifications in
the RCC-M have been updated to refer only to safety report Section 2.
classification, and loading considerations (more particularly RCC-M-specified chemical compositions are generally in con-
fatigue risks) are now integrated where appropriate in the con- formance with ASME BPVC Section II requirements for equiva-
cerned subsections, in C.3100 for class 2 components. The Main lent grades. The differences concern essentially complementary
Secondary Systems (MSS), which are generally classified Safety analyses and additional restrictions that are required by the
class 2, and which are grouped in N1 category according to ESPN RCC-M to improve, in particular, the following properties:
order, may be built according to RCC-M Class 1 or to Class 2
(a) Ageing prevention and r corrosion resistance: limitation on
rules, depending on the regulatory context.
carbon content, increase of chromium minimum content,
The scope of Subsection E covering small equipment is
and limi tation of delta ferrite content in castings.
changed in the 2007 addendum to deal with equipments not cov-
(b) product toughness (limitation on S, P, and Si contents); a
ered by the PED, which are called “Category 0” by the ESPN
min imum KV notch impact energy is required by the
order. The scope of such set of components is defined in A.4000,
RCC-M, which necessitates sufficiently low inclusions
but additional provisions are given in appendices ZU and ZT.
(c) weldability of stainless steels through a limitation of boron
49.7.5 Part Material and Procurement content. General. Material provisions are covered in chapters From the mechanical properties point of view, the requirements
2000 of the various subsections of Section I. These chapters of the RCC-M are equivalent to those of the ASME Code for
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equivalent grades. The RCC-M specifies, in addition, the verifica- needs less complements and includes more self-contained pro-
tion at temperature of mechanical properties consistent with curement specifications, avoiding the need for cross-references.
ASME-tabulated values for design use. The RCC-M also speci-
fies, for low alloy steels, a verification of mechanical properties Structure of Section 2. Section II of the RCC-M
after heat treatment for mechanical properties at room and elevat- includes the following two parts:
ed temperatures and not only after simulated stress-relief treat-
ment. Charpy KV tests are also specified for stainless steels when (a) General provisions including part qualification according to
the elongation at fracture is less than 45%. M.140; general provisions also cover prototype series of
Notably, the RCC-M, being dedicated to specific applications, exchanger tubes, with a view to compiling a defect cata
includes provisions that may be specified by the US contractors in logue and defining the final production specification
their equipment specifications. In particular, it is the only code (M.145), and prototype casting according to M.160 to more
where product procurement specifications, are completed by dedi- precisely adjust the examinations to be conducted during
cated part specifications, with a precise correspondence between manufacturing of the series parts.
parts and applicable specifications given in chapter 2000 tables of (b) Specifications classified in M.1000 to M.6000, depending
the applicable subsections. From this point of view, the RCC-M on material grades, as developed in Table 49.41. Every
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specification follows the same general structure, covering weight and type of ingot, discard percentage, manufacturing
melting process, chemical requirements, manufacture, operations, ratio of reduction, thermal treatments, position of test
mechanical properties, surface examination, volumetric samples in the part, and position of test specimens within test
examination, dimensional checks, marking, cleanliness, samples.
packaging, transportation, and test reports. Original Features Compared with ASME Code. As
For new materials and important pressure-retaining parts, with mentioned above, the RCC-M includes complete sets of rules gath-
a volume or weight above given thresholds, M.140 part qualifica- ered in dedicated procurement specifications, with fewer require-
tions intent to cover risks of heterogeneity of material properties ments to be added in the equipment specification. Tables 49.42A
and consequently differences between actual part properties and and 49.43A provide a comparison of specified chemical composi-
measurements made on procurement samples. The objective is to tion and impact tests for reactor vessel steel in RCC-M and ASME
ensure that acceptance operations and criteria are well selected for Codes.
quality surveillance. RCC-M mechanical properties are equivalent to those in the
The chemical composition values stated in this table corre- ASME Code for equivalent material grades, with some additional
spond to the maximum values specified for ladle analysis in the verification at temperature, consistent with ASME-tabulated val-
relevant standard or specification defining the grade considered. ues for design use and verification of properties after heat treat-
(2) Steels with a ferritic grain size index at least equal to 6 in ment for mechanical properties.
accordance with tests made to Euronorm 103. Specified material grades evolve following return of experi-
Qualification is obtained according to a supplier’s workshop ence. This includes the introduction of NC 30 Fe (690 alloy), the
qualification and a detailed manufacturing program, with fixed limited use of NC 15 Fe (600 alloy), and the limited use of
major parameters, such as melting process, chemical composition, molybdenum stainless steel casting grades to temperatures lower
than 250°C. Parts and products procurement refers more to
European standards (e.g., EN 10028 for plates, EN 10222 for
forgings, and EN 10213 for castings).
The 2007 edition was updated where necessary to be consistent
with the regulatory requirements in [34], which are given in Table

49.7.6 Part Design Structure of Design Rules. RCC-M design rules were

first derived from the ASME Code provisions; the basic philoso-
phy of the ASME Code was kept. This means that RCC-M design
is generally compatible with ASME design. Simplifications in
structure and complementary requirements were introduced for
adaptation to French needs and regulation. This does not change
the above orientation.
The structure of Class 1 rules is given in Fig. 49.16; the list of
mandatory appendices is given in Table 49.42B.
Examples of simplification in structure include the following:
FIG. 49.14 FIRETUBE BOILER: TUBESHEET (a) the introduction in RCC-M 3000 chapters of weld design
ARRANGEMENTS provisions covered in ASME BPVC 4000 chapters
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TABLE 49.35

(b) the integration in C.3200 rules for design by analysis of Code was based on the discussion of these proposals with
class 2 pressure vessels of ASME BPVC Section III rules the Safety Authority.
covered in NC-3200 and Appendices XIII and XIV Firstly the B.3100 general chapter more explicitly introduces
(c) the modification of B.3500, C.3500, and C.3600 structures the relation between the loading condition categories and the
to have a more harmonized and clear correspondence various damage preventions, according to the requirements of
between loading condition categories and applicable criteria the 1974 Order [1]. It also groups in the same “Second
(d) the grouping of external pressure design in a dedicated Category Conditions” the ASME normal and upset condi-
appendix (Z.IV) tions, with the same “level 0” criteria being specified. This
(e) the integration of storage tanks design rules in a specific means that the 10% increase in allowable primary stresses
subsection (J) under pressure loading during upset conditions is not allowed
by the RCC-M Code. The design pressure shall not be Class 1 Pressure Components. exceeded during normal and upset conditions according to
the 1974 Order; consequently, exceeding the design pressure
(a) General. When the ASME BPVC Section III was applica- is a third category (emergency) condition. An allowance
ble to the first French 900 MWe and 1300 MWe plants, appears, nevertheless, in the 1974 circular, which permits
documents were prepared to justify that these provisions did exceeding the order of 20 occurrences for third-category con-
fulfill the 1974 Order demands and, where necessary, com- ditions during plant life, if this excess is only due to over-
plements to ASME provisions were prepared. The RCC-M pressure less than 5% of design pressure.
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Sizing methods are similar in the RCC-M and ASME criteria level corresponds to the prevention of a given set of
Codes. ASME BPVC Section III, NB-4000 provisions on damages, with appropriate safety margins.
weld design are covered in RCC-M B 3000, with ASME The correspondence between criteria levels and corre-
requirements completed to conform to the French regula- sponding damage prevention is also given in Table 49.43.
tion. Reinforcement of opening rules are similar in the Due to the fact that level 0 criteria apply in design condi-
RCC-M and ASME Codes; they are covered in Appendix tion, envelope of normal and upset conditions, level A
ZA of the RCC-M, with a nonmandatory status, the proof of criteria specified in normal and upset conditions are
reinforcement being given by analysis in all cases. As a restricted to damages, other than excessive deformation
result, the application of reinforcement rules does not and instability that may result from the cyclic nature of the
exempt the designer from calculating pressure stresses in applied loading.
openings, as is the case in the ASME Code. (c) Prevention of Excessive Deformation and Plastic
(b) Loading Conditions, Damage Prevention, and Stress Instability. The allowable stresses in ASME B-3200 were
Criteria. The correspondence between loading conditions, evaluated ahead of the above requirements, leading to limited
damage prevention, and safety margins in the 1974 Order is evolutions integrated in the RCC-M Code.
given in Table 49.43. To satisfy this damage prevention,
appropriate criteria levels are specified in the various (1) Upset condition criteria are those applicable under nor-
loading conditions. As developed in RCC-M B.3100, each mal conditions, as discussed above, leading to not using
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the ASME level B service limits. The variation in the in piping systems, the 2.25 Sm limit is replaced by a 1.9
ASME Code is a potential 10% difference on allowable Sm criterion, providing the additional 20% margin
pressure stresses in upset conditions. needed.
(2) A 20% margin against excessive deformation is The approach followed for establishing criteria is presented
required in third-category conditions (emergency), elsewhere [9]. It starts from the definition of com-ponent
whereas ASME criteria allow nearly reaching the damages, from which stress classification results. The stress
excessive deformation threshold. Due to this 1.2 safety limitations are justified in front of the safety objectives,
margin, RCC-M criteria are more stringent. For exam- expressed as safety margins against damages. Stress classi-
ple, in ASME BPVC Section III, NB-3600 Eq. (9) for fication shall consequently be justified according to the
limitation of primary membrane plus bending stresses RCC-M Code, taking into account the prevention of the
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concerned damages, according to the following correspon- for class 1 components. For example, the classification of
dence: primary stresses are limited to prevent excessive expansion stresses in piping as secondary shall be substan-
deformation and instability damages; primary plus sec- tiated; nevertheless, these guidance rules are kept in C.3000
ondary stresses are limited to prevent progressive deforma- for class 2 components. Also, contrary to ASME BPVC
tion; and total stresses and total stress ranges are considered Section III, the sizing rules are not considered to be suffi-
for fast fracture and fatigue prevention, respectively. cient demonstration for the regulatory requirements for
This justification necessity has led to suppressing the ASME class 1 components, leading to — as said above for the par-
Code guidance rules for stress classification in the RCC-M ticular case of opening reinforcement — a nonmandatory


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Class 1
Class 1
Section 1, Subsection B
Secondary part of
steam generators
Class 2
Class 2 Section 1, Subsection C

Pressure > 50 bar Small components

Temperature > 250°C Section 1, Subsection E
Cyclic loadings
Section 1, Subsection J

Class 3 Class 3
Section 1, Subsection D
Pressure > 50 bar
Temperature > 250°C
Cyclic loadings

Pressure > 20 bar

Temperature > 110°C
Not safety Not subject to RCC-M


status (Appendix ZA), the proof of resistance being provid- roughly equivalent to ASME rules and applicable dia-
ed in all cases by the stress analysis. grams are similar for materials of equivalent grades. For
Faulted conditions are similar in both Codes. In case of materials for which diagrams are not available, and more
elastic-plastic analyses, a direct verification of the regulatory generally to facilitate numerical applications, analytical
safety margins against plastic instability has been included expressions have been added to permit external pressure
in B 3243 of the RCC-M Code. design using specified mechanical properties.
(d) Prevention of Elastic and Elastic-Plastic Instability. The These provisions have been presented [9]. For the partic-
prevention of buckling under compressive loads is covered ular case of shells characterized by a D/t ratio less than 10,
in Appendix Z IV of the RCC-M Code. This Appendix is the formula giving the allowable pressure is modified and a
applicable to classes 1, 2, and 3 pressure components and second condition is applied to limit the value of the com-
includes criteria for all loading conditions. Provisions are pressive stresses to an allowable value equal to the smaller


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of 0.5 times the ultimate tensile strength and 0.9 times the Eq. (10) in piping systems). This is not strictly speaking
yield strength. linked to the prevention of progressive deformation damage,
The Appendix Z IV also covers conical and spherical but it is related to plastic strain correction determination in
shells and elliptical and torispherical heads, using equiva- fatigue analyses. Where limits applicable to the range of the
lences with cylindrical shells and spherical shells, respec- sum of primary and secondary stresses (the 3 Sm rule) are
tively. Cylinders under axial compression are also dealt with exceeded, a simplified elastoplastic analysis is permitted in
and provisions relating to stiffening rings are included. a similar way as in ASME Section III code, except for the
In case of elastic-plastic analyses, the possibility for a specific correction defined for thermal stresses [Eqs. (12)
direct verification of the safety margins against elastic or and (13) in piping analysis rules are similar]. The thermal
elastic-plastic instability has been included in B 3243 of the stress ratchet rule (verification of Bree diagram) is also sim-
RCC-M Code. ilar in both Codes and shall be verified in any case accord-
(e) Prevention of Progressive Deformation and Rachetting. ing to the RCC-M Code.
Progressive deformation criteria are similar in the ASME (f) Fatigue Prevention. Fatigue analysis requirements in the
and RCC-M Codes. The main difference between Codes RCC-M Code are basically similar to those of the ASME
concerns the integration of the through-thickness thermal BPVC Section III, with differences on transients combinations
gradient (corresponding to the so-called ATI term in (which are more developed in the RCC-M) and alternative
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B.3100 General
B.3200 General rules Appendix ZD: Analysis of the fatigue behaviour of zones
for analyzing with geometric discontinuities
component Appendix ZF: Rules associated with level D criteria
behaviour Appendix ZG: Fast fracture resistance
Appendix ZH: Acceptable rules for determining usage factor

B.3300 Vessel design Appendix ZA: Rule for determining reinforcement of openings
in class 1 vessels
B.3400 Pump design
B.3500 Valve design
Appendix ZE: Other rules acceptable for analyzing class 1
B.3600 Piping design piping under conditions requiring compliance
with level A criteria
Appendix ZF: Rules associated with level D criteria

: Mandatory referenc
: Non mandatory reference


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practices given in Appendix Z.H. Fatigue exemption rules analysis of local discontinuities. Following this comparison
do not exist in the RCC-M class 1 section as a result of these between RCC-M and RCC-MR methods, specific material
transient combinations rules; a transient that can be negligi- fatigue curves applicable in crack-like discontinuities have
ble when considered alone can become significant when been included in the 2007 edition and an alternative approach
combined with another transient. It is agreed in practice that referring to conventional S-N curves is also permitted provid-
fatigue exemption rules can be applied to subcycles that are ed a plastic correction and a reduction factor are applied to
not likely to be combined with other transients. local stress ranges calculated near the discontinuity.
The fatigue exemption rules shall not be confused with (g) Fast Fracture Prevention. Fast fracture is defined in the
RCC-M B.3624.4 provisions on rapid temperature fluctua- 1974 Order as covering not only brittle failure but also duc-
tion effects in zones where fluids at different temperatures tile tearing. The rules in RCC-M Appendix ZG cover the
can mix. These additional precautions result from the ser- brittle to ductile transition and the upper shelf; general
vice experience. Where temperature differences between requirements are given in B 3260 and acceptable methods
fluids before mixing exceed given thresholds, additional are in Appendix Z.G.
precautions shall be considered to reduce the fatigue risk, The previous edition of Appendix Z.G did include two
such as design changes, roughness and residual stress level approaches:
reduction, or improved inservice surveillance. This
approach results from the RCC-M philosophy, which is • A first method, which takes into account a 1/4-thickness
based on fatigue usage factor determination in the low-cycle defect, margins and toughness reference curve similar to
fatigue range, and on avoiding (as far as possible stress) the ASME III Appendix G approach.
fluctuations in the high-cycle fatigue region where calculat-
ed usage factors are of less significance. • A second approach considering an envelope defect and
Where the simplified elastoplastic analysis is applied, a the potential fatigue growth during plant life. Criteria
plastic strain correction factor Ke shall be applied to the were defined so as to prevent the fast fracture risk with a
elastically calculated stress range to take account the lesser safety margin consistent with the margins against plastic
degree of confinement of the plastic zones. The correction is instability. This was developed as an answer to the lack of
calculated from the primary plus secondary stress ranges guidance in the ASME code in faulted conditions.
and applied to the total stress range. The integration of The general orientations of this approach were presented in [12].
through-thickness thermal gradient in this stress range is Following N4 and EPR studies, and taking into account European
likely to lead to too-severe corrections if the ASME Code comparisons [13], fast fracture prevention rules have been updat-
Ke correction of the “elastic follow-up” type is applied to ed in the 2007 edition. Based on experience, criteria are given
the complete mechanical plus thermal stresses. This has led which allow avoiding an explicit evaluation at design stages when
to improving the fatigue strain correction factors in the thresholds on materials and/or loadings are met. When an analysis
RCC-M, with a correction function of the mechanical and is conducted, criteria applied are consistent with those in the
thermal parts of the primary plus secondary stress ranges November 10, 1999 order, i.e. 2 on instability risks in normal and
and corrections dedicated to each of these parts [10]. upset conditions, 1.6 in emergency conditions, 1.2 in faulted con-
Similar proposals are known and discussed by ASME com- ditions, these criteria being verified considering conventional
mittees. 1 1
defects with a depth of 2 or 4 the wall thickness depending on wall
Another particular aspect of the RCC-M Code is the thickness, with an upper limit of 20 mm on defect depth. No
fatigue analysis of crack-like discontinuities (e.g., partial crack arrest is allowed at design stage following Decision [8].
penetration welds), where a special approach was developed
that establishes a relation between the stress range very (h) Design of Specific Components. Rules for valves and piping
close to the discontinuity tip and the number of allowable are covered in B 3500 and 3600, respectively. The analysis
cycles given by dedicated curves developed on representa- requirements are applicable to all piping and valves with an
tive configurations. Appendix ZD was prepared to cover this internal diameter exceeding 25 mm. The correspondence
approach. The development of this method was the result of between damages, B 3200 criteria and B 3500 and B 3600
a lack of guidance in para. NB-3222.4 of the ASME Code, equations, is given in Table 49.44. The consistency between
which states “except for the case of crack-like defects... no piping and vessel criteria has been highlighted in particular
fatigue strength reduction factor greater than five need be [9]. Further studies on the survey of conditions for cyclic
used.” Also, compared to ASME NB 3661.2 limitation of loading in shells, valves, and piping analyses have been pre-
Socket Weld joints up to DN50, the corresponding RCC-M sented [14, 15].
B 3661.2 limits its use to inside diameters less than 25 mm, The consideration of seismic loads is discussed in [36].
which are not subjected to the 1974 Order requirements. The approach introduced in the RCC-M by the 2002 adden-
In the previous editions, Appendix ZD only provided the dum is the following. Before seismic (or other specified
principle for such a fatigue evaluation in crack-like disconti- reversible dynamic) loads are introduced in equation (9) of
nuities. A European synthesis [11] has compared the RCC-M B.3652 for class 1 and equation (10) of C.3654 for class 2
specific approach with the RCC-MR method, which uses a components, the primary part of the inertial part of the
Neuber correction in the singularity for the determination of resulting moments shall be identified. This primary part
the local strain range to be used for the determination of a may be directly taken as equal to the computed moment
usage factor (using standard S-N curves determined with a when the damping ratio is higher than 10%, and a reduction
corrected 2/1.5 margin on stress range instead of the normal factor may be applied to the computed moment subject to
2 factor). This reduction takes into account the fact that some justification if the damping ratio is lower. There is conse-
effects covered by the factor 2 are considered in the detailed quently a balance between the developments which may be
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undertaken to justify a higher value for the damping ratio Classes 2 and 3 Pressure Components Rules for
and the developments which can justify a less severe stress classes 2 and 3 components cover the same general provisions as
classification rule. The two points of views are linked. class 1 components, except they do not explicitly express the
This applies if a linear response spectrum analysis is objectives in terms of damage prevention. In the same way as in
used, as stress classification has only a meaning in the con- ASME BPVC Section III, design by rules approaches may be
text of elastic analyses. Another condition is given in the used. A difference with the ASME Code lies in the fact that, where
code: such analysis shall use widely broadened spectra. If fatigue loading is considered significant according to C.3112
the damping ratio ␰ is between 2 and 5%, the primary por- rules, a design by analysis shall be employed where applicable (in
tion ME of dynamic earthquake MDyn moment can be deter- the alternative C.3200 subchapter applies to vessels and heat
mined as follows: exchangers). For class 2 valves and piping, a reference to class 1
provisions is included to cover complementary analyses where
M E = tM Dyn, with t = 20.1j, where ␰ is expressed in %. required by the equipment specification.
Following the N4 return of experience, recommendations rel-
The limitation of this rule to 5% was retained to be consistent ative to the fatigue risk in mixing zones of fluids at different
with designer needs, but it could be extended in the future to 10%, temperatures have also been included in the RCC-M 2000 edi-
as far as this rule leads to a correction factor of 1 for a damping tion for class 2 piping (C.3625). These recommendations are
ratio of 10%, thus providing a continuity with the general rule also similar to those applicable to class 1 piping as mentioned
allowing applying a reduction factor below this threshold value. previously.
One shall note that in case the damping ratio is close to 4 – 5%, Following a comparative evaluation of manufacturing criteria
the above formula leads to a reduction factor applied to the loads in RCC-M and ANSI B16.34 standard, the ANSI special class
close to the factor on stress indices included in the ASME code, has been retained for classes 1 and 2, and the standard class for
thus providing similar guarantees. class 3 for establishing the pressure-temperature rating of valves.
In addition to the comments on piping rules given above, one Every useful provision was introduced in RCC-M C.3500, which
shall note the existence of an Appendix ZE, which provides an is more self-contained than the corresponding ASME BPVC
alternative method for the verification of level A criteria (progres- Section III subsection.
sive deformation and fatigue) with the possibility of combining Concerning pump sizing, a dedicated study has been conducted
results obtained through detailed analyses and simplified analysis. in the context of an agreement between AFCEN and the French
The applied stress indices are basically similar in the RCC-M and Association of Pump Manufacturers, leading to pressure sizing
ASME Codes. Provisions for rapid temperature fluctuations in rules and consideration of external loads on pump casings, which
B.3624 and crack-like discontinuities have already been mentioned. are specific to the RCC-M Code. The bases of the pressure sizing
Compared to the ASME Code, the structure of the RCC-M rules were presented previously [18]. These rules did involve the
valve design rules was harmonized with the one for piping design consideration of manufacturer’s practices, finite element analyses,
rules. The technical bases of both rules are similar, the considera- and experimental extensometric measurements on pumps subjected
tion of external loads on valves being slightly more severe in the to pressurization cycles.
RCC-M Code following safety authority request. Detailed analy- Class 2 piping rules are similar to those of ASME B31.1 and do
sis is required for valves with an internal diameter larger than not take into account recent ASME BPVC Section III, NB-3600
25 mm (compared to the ASME Code’s 4” ND), due to the scope changes to equations [29]. It is expected that future development
of the French 1974 Order. A critical examination of valve design will lead to the RCC-M being closer to the current ASME BPVC
rules has been published [28]. Section III.
Class 1 pumps covered in the RCC-M Code are restricted to the Class 3 design rules refer to class 2 rules, a 0.85 factor being
type used for the primary pump. For this type, the RCC-M refers included for the determination of allowable stresses in welded
to the rules applicable to vessels with limited supplementary pro- joints other than girth weld joints between a cylindrical or conical
visions, which are in practice equivalent to those in the ASME part, connection of a nozzle or branch, and joints subjected to
Code. compressive stresses. This factor constitutes a weld efficiency
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factor, which is consistent with the quality level achieved accord- (c) more detailed fatigue requirements, including the consider
ing to the applicable manufacturing and examination rules. It cor- ation of plastic strain correction factors, and crack-like dis
responds to the fact that these welds are not 100% examined for continuities
class 3 components. This is different from the ASME Code; as (d) weld design requirements conforming to French regulation
manufacturing examination criteria are defined in the RCC-M, so (e) detailed analysis required for valves above 25 mm ID
are the applicable weld efficiency factors. (f) pressure test conditions, which conform to European regu-
lation Supports Supports are covered in Subsection H. ASME (g) linear behavior specified for supports in faulted conditions
provisions were considered together with AISC rules on which (h) rules for pressure sizing and consideration of external loads
ASME rules were based. NRC Regulatory Guides 1.124 and 1.130 introduced for Classes 2 and 3 pumps
were also considered for establishing stress criteria. Also, as a (i) precautions specified in zones with mixing fluids
general rule, a linear behavior is required for supports in accident (j) complements on fast fracture prevention
conditions. This constitutes a condition of validity of elastic sys-
tem analyses. Standard supports are covered by a specific chapter The general approach and basic criteria are nevertheless similar
(H.5000) permitting justification by tests. in the RCC-M Code and ASME BPVC Section III. Storage Tanks Storage tanks are covered by a specific 49.7.7 Part Fabrication
subsection (J), whereas the corresponding ASME design provi-
sions are included in Subsections NC and ND (3800 and 3900). General. Manufacturing is covered in the 4000 chap-
The objective was to obtain a more simplified structure. Provisions ters of the applicable subsections. Chapters 4000 refer to Sections
are technically equivalent in the RCC-M Code and ASME BPVC IV and V. They cover the general requirements in chronological
Section III. order according to component manufacturing and include eventu-
al provisions specific to the type and class of component covered Reactor Pressure Vessel Internals Internals can be by the subsection, or requirements specific to particular sets of
justified either by the RCC-M rules or by reference to the ASME components, such as for class 2 components which are part of the
Section III Code. It’s the only place where a direct reference to the Main Secondary System.
ASME Code is included in the RCC-M. The RCC-M provisions
are restricted to weld configurations used in the projects. Taking Welding Section IV of the RCC-M deals with welding
into account design evolutions in the EPR project, complements and Section V to other manufacturing processes. As welding is a
are being examined, which will lead to a subsection closer to the key operation in manufacturing mechanical components, all aspects
ASME Code. of the welding process are presented. The scope of Section IV is
consequently wider than the one of Section IX of the ASME Code, Original Features Compared with ASME Code covering aspects contained in other ASME BPVC sections
Differences between RCC-M and ASME Section III Code on (Sections II and III). The global logic for welding qualification and
design rules concern mainly the consideration of loading condi- acceptance criteria is shown in Fig. 49.17.
tions in component design approach, simplification in structure, The objective in the RCC-M Code was to provide a single, homo-
and the integration of constructive requirements related to ISI in geneous, and complete text including specific processes such as
Appendix ZS. weld overlay or friction welding. This Section covers the following:
Differences on technical requirements include the following:
(a) S.1000 gives the weldability and heat treatments of materi
(a) a more explicit reference to damages for stress classifica als and the description of the Welding Data Package, which
tion in class 1 components is of prime importance in the use of the RCC-M Code,
(b) primary stress criteria slightly more stringent in upset and because it contains all the welding procedures that are to be
emergency conditions applied to the manufacture of a given component.

Base metal Base metal acceptance


qualification Welders &
S 6000 operators
procedure Production welds
qualification qualifications S 7000
Welding Data S 3000 S 4000
S 1000

Filler materials Filler materials

qualification acceptance
S 5000 S 2000


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248 • Chapter 49

(b) S.2000 gives procurement and acceptance of filler materials. included in the subsubsections 4000 of the NB, NC, and ND sub
This chapter defines standardized acceptance condi tions sections of ASME BPVC Section III. RCC-M Section V provi
and includes a collection of filler material data sheets. It sions are minimum requirements that shall be completed by the
makes reference to NF EN ISO 14344 standard. Manufacturer where necessary. Aspects covered are the following:
(c) S.3000 gives the qualification of welding procedures. In the
2007 edition, RCC-M self-contained provisions have been (a) marking procedures (chapter F.2000); this chapter describes
replaced by a reference to NF EN ISO 15614-1 standard, sup- the precautions to be taken for marking, the gen eral rules
plemented where needed by additional prescriptions to reach about identification being covered in B, C, or D.1300 chap-
an equivalent level of guarantee as the one obtained according ters.
to the previous provisions. Qualification provisions based on (b) cutting and repair without welding (chapter F.3000).
industrial experience have been maintained in the code on (c) forming and dimensional tolerances (chapter F.4000),
aspects not currently covered by harmonized standards, in par- including requirements for the qualification of forming pro
ticular on cladding, tube to tube plate welding, canopy or cedures above given thresholds, and tolerances for parts to
omega joints, socket welds in piping and friction welding. be joined by welding. Tube expanding qualification is also
(d) S.4000 gives the qualification of welders and operators, here covered in particular.
also referring to applicable EN 287-1 or EN ISO 9606-4 (d) surface treatment (chapter F.5000), including electrolytic
standards. thin-plating and diffusion treatment (F.5500) and cadmium
(e) S.5000 gives the qualification of filler materials with aspects coating (F.5600).
to be covered by the material supplier and others covered by (e) cleanliness (chapter F.6000), with cleanliness classes
the manufacturer who uses the material. defined according to the types of systems and process flu
(f) pressure test conditions, which conform to European regu- ids, and requirements defined on work areas, corrosion pre
lation. vention, cleaning methods, and preservation of cleanliness,
(g) S.6000 gives the technical qualification of production work taking into account feedback experience.
shops, with the aim of evaluating their capacity and techni (f) mechanical joints (chapter F.7000).
cal resources for performing welding operations. (g) heat treatments (parts and components, chapter F.8000); this
(h) S.7000 gives production welds, with all associated rules. chapter includes periodic checks of thermocouples and
One difference with the ASME Code is the requirement to inspections of heating and control systems. Measurements and
manufacture production weld test coupons, which is a com recordings are prescribed with time and temperature continu-
mon practice in Europe. ously recorded, at least two thermocouples used, and temper-
(i) S.8000 gives weld-deposited hardfacing. A complete revi- atures measured on the load unless justification is provided.
sion of S.8000 was necessary to cover Cobalt-free process-
es, and was integrated in the 2005 addendum. The previous
edition did refer to the NF M 64-100 standard. The new edi- 49.7.8 Part Testing/Inspection
tion is self-contained and integrates new Iron-based and
Nickel-based alloys grades, thus avoiding the risk of Cobalt Inspection Inspections by the contractor, owner, or
and consequently radioactive release during operation. third parties are not covered by the RCC-M Code, which is essen-
tially restricted to technical provisions. Consequently, these
Also, appendices are included that cover mechanical tests aspects shall be covered by separate quality procedures.
(Appendix S.I), classification of defects in welds (Appendix S.II Intervention of independent organizations should in any case be
referring to EN 2650 standard), and recommended welded assem- covered in separate quality requirement appendices to the equip-
blies for pipes (Appendix S.III). ment specification, as far as they are country dependent.
The non mandatory appendices covering the evaluation of con- Original Features Compared with the ASME Code sistency with the PED and eventual supplementary regulatory
Welding and brazing qualifications are covered in ASME requirements will identify aspects covered by the Code and the
BPVC Section IX (part QW) but not in the RCC-M Code. Section need for any additional provision.
IX of the ASME Code primarily deals with qualifications, addi-
tional aspects being covered in the dedicated sections. In compari- Examination Methods and Associated Criteria
son, the RCC-M Section IV constitutes a more self-contained set
of rules and includes every requirement related to welding. (a) Nondestructive examination methods are covered in
In particular, the RCC-M S.7000 chapter precisely defines the RCC- M Section III. This section covers the following:
following: (1) MC.1000 gives the mechanical, physical, physicochem-
(a) the examinations to be made ical and chemical tests.
(b) the stage where they shall be conducted (before, during, and (2) MC.2000 gives the ultrasonic examination methods.
after welding) (3) MC.3000 gives the radiographic examination methods.
(c) the methods to be used (4) MC.4000 gives the liquid penetrant examination
(d) the extent of examination methods.
(e) the acceptance criteria (5) MC.5000 gives the magnetic particle examination
As a result, the RCC-M necessitates fewer complementary (6) MC.6000 gives the eddy current examination of tubular
requirements in the specifications. products.
(7) MC.7000 gives the other examination methods (visual Other Fabrication Operations Section V of the RCC- examination, determination of surface conditions, leak
M Code is devoted to manufacturing. Some requirements are testing methods).
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(8) In MC.8000 gives the qualification and certification of being adjusted to reach an equivalent level of quality.
nondestructive examination personnel. European standards used include:
(9) In MC.9000 gives the terminology.
(1) EN 571-1 for penetrant testing
The MC1000 chapter includes mechanical tests such as tensile (2) EN ISO 3452-2 for testing of penetrant materials
test, impact test, Pellini test, RTNDT brittle to ductile transition (3) EN 583 1-2-5 for UT examination, General principles
temperature determination, bend, flaring and flattening tests, and (4) EN 12668 1-2-3 for UT, characterization and verifica-
physico-chemical tests such as ferrite content, accelerated inter- tion of equipment
granular corrosion, examination of metal structure, grain size, and (5) EN 12223 for UT, calibration blocs
residual stress evaluation. (6) EN 10160 and EN 10307 for UT of flat products
(reflec tion method)
(b) Differences from the ASME Code are as follows:
(7) EN 10246 6-7 for UT of tubes; detection of transverse
(1) Impact testing machines that are consistent the Afnor and longitudinal defects
EN standard in the RCC-M Code, with a slightly small- (8) EN 1713 for characterization of the volumetric or
er radius leading to similar results but with less scat- non-volumetric character of UT indications in welded
tered values according to the Afnor EN standard. joints
(2) The introduction in the RCC-M Code of European (9) EN 584-1 for film systems used for radiographic
stan dards for tensile and hardness tests, such as EN examination,
10002-1 and EN 895 (tensile tests), EN ISO 6506 (10) EN 464 1-2 for penetrameters used for radiographic
1-2-3 (HB test), EN ISO 6507 1-2-3 (HV test), EN examinations
ISO 6508 1-2-3 (HRC test), and EN 1043-1 (HV 10
Specific studies have led to definition of thickness ranges of use
for welds).
for linear accelerators in relation with the energy of radiation, to
(c) The examination to be made on products, parts, and compo- the requirement of using stainless steel intensifying screens for
nents (where, when, and criteria to be met) are included in welded joint examination using Co-60 radiation source [30], and
Section II for product and part procurement and in Section IV to the introduction of rules for the classification of the range of
for welding. The RCC-M approach for NDE is the following: liquid penetrant products by means of sensitivity tests [31]. Also,
following feedback of experience, examination of the processing
(1) The manufacturing conditions shall provide an appropri quality of radiographic films is conducted by the evaluation of the
ate quality level through precautions taken to limit the thiosulfate ion content to ensure optimum storage conditions.
risk of defect creation. Qualification of nondestructive examination personnel refers to
(2) The NDE are targeted to assess the required quality European EN 473 practices. Nevertheless, the RCC-M Code
level and to detect any deviation in manufacturing allows Manufacturers abroad to use personnel certification in
process. force in their own country, if it is delivered by an independent
(3) In case unexpected defects appear, a three-step organization and following an equivalent standard. The ASME
approach is applied: understanding why such defects Code refers to recommended practice SNT-TC-1A (certification
appear, modifying affected manufacturing parameters, delivered by the employer).
and carrying dedicated NDE to ensure that these defects
don’t appear anymore. Pressure Tests Pressure tests are conducted according
(d) In the area of volumetric nondestructive examination, the to the Regulation. They constitute some “verification” of design
RCC-M Code gives a greater importance to ultrasonic and construction. They should not have an impact on the sizing of
examination and asks for a double volumetric examination equipment. Test pressures and associated criteria in each code are
(ultrasonic plus radiographic examination) for main class 1 consistent from this point of view. In case different test pressure
primary components. UT and RT chapters structure include could be applied, the code stress criteria should be re-evaluated
the following: accordingly.
Pressure test provisions have been updated in the 2007 adden-
(1) general provisions including certification of inspec- dum. Compared to the previous provisions, the minimum pressure
tors, examination documents, examination equip- test value is increased (for class 1) and decreased (for class 2 and 3)
ment, perfor mance conditions such as surface prepa- to 1.43 times the design pressure, according to European PED.
ration or time of examination, examination report, The second regulatory factor to be applied is equal to 1.25 multi-
and special require ments (e.g., for UT automated plied by the ratio of the allowable stress at test temperature over
procedures) the allowable stress at design temperature. This second condition
(2) specific provisions on examination of specific parts: may potentially lead to high test pressure values. In case of diffi-
castings (UT and RT), forgings (UT), and welds (UT culty, where the pressure test could govern the dimensioning of
and RT) the equipment, the consensus found in the context of the
European harmonized standards is applied, allowing reducing
Criteria may also be different; for example, in the case of the test pressure at a value consistent with the allowable stress of
UT of plates, the ASME Code refers to back-wall echo for the material.
calibration and acceptance criteria, whereas the RCC-M
Code refers to equivalent flat-bottom hole. RCC-M criteria
49.7.9 Part Safety Devices
can be considered equivalent or more stringent.
Safety devices were not covered previously by the RCC-M
(e) Each time a European standard appears, the RCC-M Code Code, overpressure protection being considered an aspect to be
is updated to refer to such standards, the associated criteria dealt with at a system level, with particular consideration of the
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250 • Chapter 49

automatic safety systems and operation procedures. The RCC-M (2) Adaptation of the code to the European and interna-
Code did limit itself to imposing allowable criteria in the various tional standards evolution,
loading conditions without indicating how these criteria may be (3) Improvement of the creep-fatigue rules for shells and
fulfilled at the system level. pipes,
In the 2007 edition of the RCC-M, new chapters B, C and (4) Development of the “Class 2 Box” structures directly
D.6000 on overpressure protection have been introduced. These applicable to the ITER vacuum vessel,
chapters cover a scope equivalent to the one in the ASME III (5) Introduction of a specific appendix dealing with specif-
code, and are consistent with the French and European regula- ic fabrication requirements of the ITER vacuum vessel,
tions, referring where appropriate to European standards. (6) Extension of the scope of subsections devoted to bolts,
(7) Development of the chapter on laser welding,
49.7.10 Fast Breeder and ITER Applications and Introduction of provisions conforming to the new
Inservice Surveillance European Pressure Equipment Directive and its French
declination to nuclear pressure equipment (ESPN Order). Presenting and Emphasizing Recent RCC-MR (b) Structure of RCC-MR. The general structure of the RCC-
Developments The fourth edition of the French RCC-MR Code MR Code was presented have in section 49.3. The general
for Fast Reactors (FRs) that includes design rules for elevated tem- organizational logic is similar to the one of the RCC-M
peratures (⬎ 425°C) has been issued in 2007 [37]. This new edi- Code. Specific aspects are Subsection K on control and han-
tion (available in French and English) covers improvements result- dling mechanisms and specific technical appendices listed
ing from more than 10 years of R&D activities in the domain of in Table 49.45.
fast reactors. The rules and requirements provided by this Code (c) Improvement of Material Properties to Be Used in Design.
are, however, not limited to FRs; RCC-MR is, therefore, the most The RCC-MR Code provides in Appendix A3 consistent
consistent set of rules applicable in the high-temperature domain. sets of material properties that are needed for the applica
It also covers the needs for design and construction of the ITER tion of the design rules of Section I. Appendix A3 covers in
vacuum vessel. particular the following groups of materials:
(a) The modifications of the 2002 edition are presented in [16]. (1) austenitic stainless steels: 316 or 316L(N), 304, 316L,
The progresses achieved since 2002 are presented in [38] and 304L
and may be summarized as follows: (2) nickel iron alloy (alloy 800)
(1) Enlargement of the scope of the code to be applicable (3) carbon manganese steels
not only to high temperature structures, but also to the (4) chromium molybdenum steels: 2.25 Cr 1 Mo and 9 Cr
ITER vacuum vessel, 1 Mo V Nb grades

A18 Complementary and particular provisions for equipment subject to


A19 Specific provisions for ITER vacuum vessel

A20 Constructive requirements linked to in-service inspection

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(5) precipitation-hardened austenitic steel for bolting (25 Harmonization of design rules between classes 1 and 2
Ni 15 Cr Mo V Ti Al) piping was introduced in the 2002 edition of the RCC-MR
Code, on the basis of class 1 (RB 3600) rules. Rules have
The material properties of Appendix A3 are applicable to been modified to simplify the determination of elastic fol-
the base material. The allowable stresses of the welded low-up factors, and class 1 criteria related to plastic insta-
joints depend on the quality of the weld (type of joint, extent bility and buckling replaced class 2 buckling rules. An
of control) and on the material properties of the base and important parameter of buckling analyses is the value of
weld metal. Appendix A9 provides weld factors that can be imperfection. The definition of imperfection for buckling
used to determine the material properties of the welded analysis can be based either on tolerances indicated on
joints on the basis of the properties of the base material. drawings (as before) or tolerances defined in chapter RF
New definitions of mean and minimum values of charac- 4200 (maximum values of shape tolerances for typical com-
teristics and allowable stresses have been introduced. ponents). A design method for creep buckling analysis of
Consistency with European standards has also been estab- 316 austenitic stainless steel components was given [22].
lished for physical and mechanical properties. Another improvement of the RCC-MR Code in relation
Two sets of material data for carbon steels corresponding to buckling concerns Appendix A12, which provides rules
to A42 and A48 materials (A3.11S and A3.12S, respective- to determine minimum thicknesses for shells submitted to
ly) are provided, with conventional yield strength at 0.2% external pressure or cylinders under axial compression.
offset (Rp0.2), ultimate tensile strength (Rm), and values of These diagrams are identical to the corresponding ones in
allowable stresses (Sm and S). The new values take into the RCC-M Code. A method for evaluating B factor from
account the new definitions of Sm and S for ferritic steels. any particular tensile curve is provided.
These consider at temperature a margin on Rm of 2.7 and Appendices A10 and A11, related to elastoplastic and
3.6 instead of 3 and 4, respectively, as in the previous edi- elasto-viscoplastic analysis of a structure subjected to cyclic
tion. This corresponds to replacing Su (which may reach loading, have been rewritten to provide recommendations
110% of Rm according to the ASME Code) by Rm. Also, for inelastic Analyses. These appendices provide informa-
these sets of material data have been completed by the addi- tion on general principles for modeling and give a descrip-
tion of all the data needed for design against fatigue: cyclic tion of the most commonly used constitutive laws, from the
stress-strain curves and associated parameters Ke and Kv, most simple one to the most sophisticated one with com-
and design fatigue curves. Furthermore, a new set of mater- bined strain hardening. They also provide recommendations
ial data is given A37 type materials. to engineers on the use of models according to the failure
The new edition of the RCC MR Code also provides mode analyzed. Also, Appendix A10 provides rules against
updated values for high chromium alloy steel 9Cr 1MoVNb, progressive deformation using simplified elastoplastic
known as modified 9 Cr 1 Mo. methods. Two methods are proposed based on other publi-
cations [20, 21].
(d) Modifications Resulting From a Larger Use of References to
New rules on creep-fatigue have been introduced in the
European Standards. RCC-MR reference material speci fica-
2007 edition, based on several non linear calculations on
tions have been modified to take into account European stan-
simple and realistic cases [39]. They remain in line with the
dards. In particular, provisions have been updated regarding
previous ones, but the designer has now the possibility of
location, direction of sampling and specified values in tensile
choosing two different routes according to the relative posi-
tests. Specified chemical contents have also been updated.
tion of the dwell time with the maximum of the loading
Sections related to welding procedure qualification and
cycle. Application of these modifications to realistic cases
qualification of welders and operators have also been updated
have demonstrated the gain brought on damage evaluation.
following the same approach as in the RCC-M, i.e. under
the form of complementary requirements to European or (f) Guide for Leak Before Break Analysis. Appendix A16 pro-
international standards. vides a guide for leak-before-break (LBB) analysis and
Sections describing testing and examinations have been mod- defect assessment. The purpose of LBB analysis is to deter-
ified to introduce European or international standards on mine if it is possible to detect under inservice conditions the
methods, equipment and calibration methods. Criteria and leak flow of a structure containing a fluid (vessel, pipe) prior
thresholds of acceptable defects have also been updated. to the defect that is at the origin of the leak leading to the
rupture of this structure. The LBB approach has been
(e) Improvement of Design Rules. Ratchetting (progressive defor- revised to include the most recent improvements; an exten-
mation) rules (RB 3260) have been significantly modified in sive test program is to validate the A16 procedures on the
the 2002 edition to include the most recent results from R&D following aspects [23]: crack propagation and instability
work. The rules are still based on the efficiency diagram under high cyclic load, leak rate and crack opening area, and
method, but modifications are introduced to cover the special crack shape change up to and after wall penetration.
case of an overstress of short duration, making the ratchetting Appendix A16 provides a comprehensive set of formulas
assess ment less conservative than if the overload was consid- for defect assessment and gives stress intensity and refer-
ered as permanent [20]. The special case of structures present- ence stress solutions for a wide range of geometry. The
ing secondary membrane stresses (e.g., cylinders subjected to defect assessment rules and associated material data are
axial thermal gradients that vary with time and in space) has consistent with those of the RSE-M Code.
also changed, primary stresses being calculated not only on
the basis of dead weight, pressure, or moment loads, but also (g) Specific ITER vacuum vessel development
taking into account that a fraction of the secondary membrane Special rules for box type structures were developed for
stresses acts as a primary stress [21]. special components of Fast Reactors: the carbon steel
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252 • Chapter 49

reactor roof and the austenitic steel core support structures, Code was given here in section 49.3. This Code integrates the French
both classified class 1. The geometry of the ITER vacuum operation practice, which presents the following particularities:
vessel with an inner shell and an outer shell suggested also
a subsection devoted to class 2 box structures. (a) It is consistent with a construction referring to a RCC-M
Welded joints are classified in four categories, with dif- design and construction practice.
ferent design and non destructive examination requirements. (b) It integrates the consequences of the French pressure equip-
Ultrasonic inspection is introduced as an alternative to radi- ment regulation.
ographic inspection. Photo Thermal Cameras surface exam- (c) It uses the consequences of the standardization of the
inations may be proposed by the manufacturer instead of French nuclear plants used by a single operator, allowing for
liquid penetrant testing following R&D results. a national experience feedback system leading to stan dard
A specific appendix A19 has been introduced in the 2007 files on inspection programs, repair techniques, or the inves-
edition to provide complementary requirements specific for tigation on repetitive deviations.
the design of the vacuum vessel. Classification of welded The content of the RSE-M Code is presented elsewhere [17].
assemblies is developed and special requirements are The Code includes four sections dedicated to general rules applic-
defined for permanent attachments which are non-pressure able to various component classes (volume A), the particular
retaining and low load-carrying welds. aspects being developed in volumes B, C, and D, corresponding
Modifications have been done on section 4 to introduce a respectively to safety classes 1, 2, and 3 components. Mandatory
special chapter devoted to laser welding, with the following and nonmandatory appendices provide complements or accept-
sections: able practices on aspects listed in Table 49.46. The first number of
the appendix reference is related to the numbering of volumes A,
• Specification of laser welding procedures, B, C, and D developed hereafter.
• Test for qualification of laser welding, The main aspects of the RSE-M Code are discussed below:
• Inspection, examination and tests, The general (A B C D 1000 chapters) parts of the Code deal
• Range of validity of the qualification. with the scope, which includes the safety classified systems
(according to the unit’s safety report) and defines technical scope Inservice Inspection Rules for Mechanical and responsibilities. Relationship with safety authorities is not
Components (RSE-M). An historical introduction to the RSE-M addressed.


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Chapters A B C D 2000 deal with hydrotests according to the (b) The integration of the technical choices used for the EPR
regulation. project and prepared within the French-German ETC-M
Chapters A B C D 3000 cover inservice inspection programs, rule preparatory work
referring to detailed sets of inspection programs included in (c) the preparation of equivalences to cover the possibility of
Appendices 3.1 I, II, and III, depending on component safety using other international procurement practices, including
class 1, 2, or 3. ASME, with appropriate complements to maintain the
Chapters A B C D 4000 deal with inservice inspection exami- appropriate quality level
nation methods. These chapters may refer to RCC-M Section III (d) the continuous integration of industrial and operation expe-
examination methods or to specific methods given in series 4 rience
appendices. Three types of qualifications are defined for NDE
applications: conventional, general, or specific, depending on if The regulatory aspects depend on context and different appen-
there is no defect suspicion, suspicion of having defects present- dices may be prepared to cover complementary provisions to be
ing a safety risk, or if real defects were observed in the zone added to the RCC-M through the Equipment specification.
under consideration. These provisions are consistent with recom-
mendations issued for the European countries and correspond to 49.7.12 RCC-M References
Appendix VIII of ASME BPVC Section XI. 1. Ministerial Order on Main Primary System of Light Water Nuclear
Boilers. Journal Officiel de la République Française, 1974.
Chapters A B C D 5000 cover processing of indications. The
methodology in the RSE-M Code is quite detailed and has been 2. RFS: Règle Fondamentale de Sûreté N°V.2.c. Rules Applicable to the
extensively discussed with the Safety Authority. A large impor- Construction of Mechanical Components. Ministry of Industry,
tance is given to the comparison with previous examinations, the Revision 1, June 12, 1986.
diagnoses of a defect’s nature and origin, and the verification of 3. Grandemange JM, Kreckel D, Frank HJ. Design and Construction Rules
safety margins consistent with regulatory demands. An important Applied to the EPR Project: ETC-M (Paper 2488). 5th International
work was conducted on the choice of the safety margins to be Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE5), Nice, 1997.
applied, depending on the parameters to which they are applied 4. Slama G, Valibus L. Continuous Improvement of French Design and
(defect size, load, or material properties) to be at a certain dis- Construction Rules for PWR Components (RCC-M). International
tance of the damage risk [24]. Consistent values of material prop- Meeting on Pressure Vessel Technology and Nuclear Codes and
erties have been integrated in Appendix 5.6 depending on materi- Standards. Seoul, April 26 – 28, 1989.
al, component, and associated margins. 5. Journet J, O’Donnell WJ. Operating Nuclear Plant Feedback to
Chapters A B C D 6000 and 7000 cover in-operation monitor- ASME and French Codes. ASME PVP-Vol. 339.
ing and methods used during operation monitoring, respectively.
Chapters A B C D 8000 deal with the implementation of a 6. Hoffmann A. The AFCEN Consultative Scientific Committee. SFEN
Symposium on Nuclear Mechanical Components – French
maintenance task. Two aspects are more particularly covered: the
Codification – European Prospects, Paris, November 23, 1989.
classification of maintenance operations to define the inspection
requirements and the need for a renewal of regulatory pressure 7. Directive 97/23/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of
test and the technical requirements to be applied, which refer to 29 May 1997 on the Approximation of the Laws of the Member States
the RCC-M Code with any necessary adaptation for use on exist- Concerning Pressure Equipment. Official Journal of the European
ing plants. Qualifications of operations and operators are covered.
Chapter A 9000 deals with quality system and is in compliance 8. Décision DSIN-GRE/BCCN N° 01-0297 appended to DSIN Letter
with the French 1984 Order on Quality and ISO 9000 (or DSIN-GRE/BCCN N°0820, July 10, 2001.
European EN 29001) series of standards. 9. Heng C, Grandemange JM, Morel A. RCC-M (Rules for Design and
Current work mainly deals with risk-based maintenance opti- Construction of Nuclear Components). Nuclear Engineering and
mization methods, qualification of nondestructive examination Design 1987;98:265 – 277.
methods, statistical knowledge of the mechanical properties of 10. Grandemange JM, Héliot J, Morel A. Improvements on Fatigue
base materials and welds, simplified methods of fracture mechan- Analysis Methods for the Design of Nuclear Components Subjected
ics, and the validation of acceptable defect tables. to the French RCC-M Code (WRC Bulletin 361). Welding Research
Council; 1991.
49.7.11 Current Status and Committee Work Programs 11. Framatome EE/S 98.317 Report, Reevaluation of Fatigue Analysis
A general presentation of the RCC-M Code was presented [19], Criteria. Common European report prepared by Framatome, Siemens,
including comments on differences between the RCC-M and AEA Technology, VTT, Ansaldo, Tecnatom.
ASME Codes. Recent developments included in the 2000 edition 12. Pellissier-Tanon A, Grandemange JM. Considerations on the Manner
of the RCC-M Code were presented [32], and a detailed presenta- of Accounting for Fast Fracture Risk in the Design of PWR Vessels.
tion of the experience in applying French regulation and RCC-M International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 1986;25:
Code to the construction of LWRs has been given [33]. The 2007 217 – 229.
edition is presented in [35]. 13. Grandemange JM, Guichard D, Keim E, Schöpper A, Hooton DG,
The current Committee work program is governed by the appli- France CC, Sharples JK. European Comparison of Fast Fracture
cation needs and the consequences of the regulatory evolutions Analysis Rules. Application on PWR Reactor Pressure Vessel Case.
under discussion. SMIRT 14, 1997.
The industrial needs include in particular the following:
14. Heng C, Pellissier-Tanon A. A coherent approach of light water reac
(a) The updating of the Code to integrate the consequences of tor piping Analysis. 7th ICPVT, Dusseldorf, 1992.
the evolution of more than 200 standards, while maintain 15. Heng C, Champomier F. Survey of Conditions for Cyclic Loading in
ing an overall technical consistency Shell, Valve, and Piping Analyses. 8th ICPVT, Montreal, 1996.
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254 • Chapter 49

16. Riou B, et al. RCC-MR Code for Years 2000: Presentation 37. RCC-MR. Design and Construction Rules for Mechanical compo-
Emphasising Recent Design Improvements. SMIRT Conference, nents of FBR Nuclear Islands and ITER Projects. AFCEN, 2007
August 17 – 18, 2003. Edition.
17. Remond A, et al. RSE-M Inservice Inspection Rules for the 38. C. Escaravage, D. Bonne, O. Gelineau, M. Sperandio, B. Drubay, V.
Mechanical Components of PWR Nuclear Islands. Presentation of the Barabash “Recent developments of RCC-MR code for high temperature
1997 Edition (Paper 2487). 5th International Conference on Nuclear reactor and ITER projects, PVP2008, July 27–31, 2008, Chicago, USA.
Engineering (ICONE5), May 26 – 30, 1997.
39. MN. Berton, MT. Cabrillat, O. Ancelet, S. Chapuliot “Propositions
18. Aflalo C, Barbarulo R, Courcot M, de Marolles M, Douarin M, of improvements of RCC-MR Creep-Fatigue Rules”, PVP2007,
Grandemange JM, Martin R. Sizing Rules for the Pressure Design of July 22–26, 2007, San Antonio, USA.
Pump Casings. Nuclear Engineering and Design 1987;98:411 – 420.
19. Baylac G, Grandemange JM. The French Code RCC-M: Design and
Construction Rules for the Mechanical Components of PWR Nuclear
Islands. Nuclear Engineering and Design 1991;129:239 – 254. 49.8 CONCLUSIONS
20. Taleb L. Metallic Structures Subjected to Cyclic Loadings. II. A New 49.8.1 CODAP®, CODETI®, and COVAP® Codes
Approach to Assess the Steady State. International Journal of CODAP , CODETI®, and COVAP® Codes are issued by SNCT

Pressure Vessels and Piping 1997;759. as private codes. They have been developed using the concept of
21. Cabrillat MT, Gatt JM, Lejeail Y. A New Approach for Primary construction Categories.
Overloads Allowance in Ratchetting Evaluation. SMIRT 13, Porto Since 2000, they comply with the requirement of the PED.
Alegre, 1995. These Codes incorporate several parts of EN 13445 dealing with
22. Combescure A. Creep Buckling Design Methodology: Application to materials, design, fabrication, and testing inspection.
316 SPH Steel, Internal Report n° 219. LMT-Cachan, 1998. These Codes will still be updated to incorporate new industrial
practices so as to satisfy the user’s needs. The evolution of NDT,
23. Deschanels H, Drubay B, Michel B, Cambefort P, Marie S. Leak such as TOFD or acoustic emission, will enable, as a complement
Before Break Procedure for High Temperature Applications —
to design rules development, significant improvement of reliability
Improvements and Validation. ICAPP, Cordoba, 2003.
and safety of pressure component, while maintaining an accept-
24. Héliot J, Meister E. Ajustement des coefficients partiels de sécurité able economical cost.
dans les analyses de nocivité des défauts. SFM Bulletin. Revue
Française de Mécanique N° 1999 – 4.
25. RCC-M Design and Construction Rules for Mechanical Components
49.8.2 RCC-M Code
of PWR Nuclear Islands. AFCEN, 2002. The RCC-M Code is a complete set of rules for the design and
construction of mechanical components of PWR nuclear islands.
26. Inservice Inspection Rules for Mechanical Components of PWR Its general objectives and technical scope are similar to those of
Nuclear Islands. AFCEN, 2000.
the ASME BPVC Section III, Division 1 and related sections. The
27. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. New York: American Society comparison made shows that the RCC-M Code follows the gener-
of Mechanical Engineers; 2003. al structure of the ASME Code. Both Codes give minimum
28. Huet M, Dabrowski JF, Maurin N, Quere M. Critical Examination of requirements that have to be supplemented by provisions specific
Valve Design According to Subsection B 3500 of the French Design to the application. Due to its more specific scope, the RCC-M
and Construction Rules for Mechanical Components of PWR Nuclear Code may include more detailed technical requirements that are
Islands (RCC-M January 1985 Edition). International Journal of part of the component specification in the US practice.
Pressure Vessels and Piping 1989;37:279 – 299. On the other hand, the ASME Code includes provisions that are
29. Heng C, Grandemange JM. Framatome View on the Comparison out of the RCC-M Code and, consequently, shall be addressed in
Between Class 1 and Class 2 RCC-M Piping Design Rules (WRC an another context, such as requirements applicable to the owner,
Bulletin 361). Welding Research Council. contractor agreement by ASME and verification by registered
30. Rigaud N, Tchilian JM, Relet JP. Optimization of Screens Used With professional engineers, ASME quality system certificates for
Linear Accelerator. 15th WCNDT, Rome, 2000. material manufacturers, and certification by Authorized
Inspectors. The emphasis placed in the RCC-M Code on technical
31. Rigaud N, Tchilian JM. The Difficult Choice of Liquid Penetrant aspects allows its adaptation for use in countries with different
Range of Products. 7th ECNDT, Copenhagen, 1998.
administrative and/or regulatory systems.
32. Lambs R, Grandemange JM, Paris D, Faidy C. Recent Evolutions of Some differences with the ASME Code have been highlighted.
French Design and Construction Rules. ICONE9 Conference, Nice, 2001. The RCC-M Code uses some ASME material, particularly on the
33. Pellissier-Tanon A. Experience in Applying French Regulation and design part, with the permission of ASME. Differences concern
the RCC-M Code to the Construction of the Reactor Coolant System changes in organization and some additional requirements coming
of Pressurized Water Reactors. 7 ICPVT, Dusseldorf, 1992. from discussions with clients and safety authorities. More precisely:
34. Order dated December 12, 2005 applying to Nuclear Pressure (a) From the design point of view, ASME requirements are cov
Equipment (ESPN). Official Journal of the French Republic N° 19, ered in the RCC-M Code, which also includes additional
January 22, 2006.
requirements resulting from the applicable French Pressure
35. JM. Grandemange “The RCC-M Code 2007 Edition: Emphasis on Vessel Regulation.
new technical and regulatory aspects”, Proceedings of PVP2008, July (b) Requirements on procurement are more precise, with addi
27 – 31, 2008, Chicago, Illinois, USA. tional restrictions on chemical content, provisions on quali
36. C. Pétesch, JM. Grandemange, F. Le Breton, Y Gourdon “Stress clas- fication of first important parts, defined in relation with
sification in piping: case of seismic and thermal expansion loads”. manufacturers, and verification of material properties at
ESOPE 2007 Conference, AFIAP, October 2007, Paris. temperature.
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(c) Requirements on welding procedure or welders qualifica 49.9 ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS
tions are generally more restrictive in the RCCs, which refer CHAPTER
to the European standards.
(d) Testing and examination methods are similar or equivalent, AFCEN French association for design, construction and
RCCs being based on European standards. inservice inspection rules for nuclear island compo-
(e) Requirements on fabrication and examination criteria are nents (develops codes for the nuclear sector)
more self-contained in the RCC-M Code. AFIAP Association Française des Ingenieurs en Appareils
a Pression
The RCC-MR Code is a complete set of design and construc- AISC American Institute of Steel Construction
tion rules for fast breeder reactor components and ITER vacuum CODAP Code de construction des Appareils à Pression
vessel. The changes to the RCC-MR in the 2007 edition are sup- CODETI Code de construction des Tuyauteries Industrielles
ported by more than 10 years of R&D work in France and COVAP Code de construction des générateurs de VAPeur
Europe, and this edition provides to the engineers a modern set of EC European Community
rules applicable not only to fast reactors but more generally to EN Euro Norm
components either operating at elevated temperature or having EPR Evolutionary Pressurized water Reactor
geometrical features close to those of FRs (thin shells). PED Pressure Equipment Directive
The RSE-M Code is used in France for the operation and main- RCC-C Design and Construction Rules for Fuel Assemblies
tenance of 58 PWR units in operation. It is also used for the Daya of Nuclear Power Plants
Bay and Ling Ao units in China. It is also used as an information RCC-E Design and Construction Rules for Electrical
reference for prenormative activities in the European Union. Equipment of Nuclear Islands
Like the ASME Code, changes to RCC and RSE continual fol- RCC-G Design and Construction Rules for Civil Works of
low the evolution of industrial experience (new products or PWR Nuclear Islands
processes), related standards, and R&D work and operational RCC-M Design and Construction Rules for Mechanical
experience. To summarize, French nuclear codes are adaptations Components of PWR Nuclear Islands
of and ASME type of approach to the French and European RCC-MR Design and Construction Rules for Mechanical
standardization context, with organizational aspects excluded to Components of FBR Nuclear Islands
permit their adaptation to projects abroad. Although the RCC and RSE-M Inservice Inspection Rules for Mechanical
ASME Codes may retain different sets of requirements, they lead Components of PWR Nuclear Islands
to components of equivalent quality. SNCT Syndicat National de la Chaudronnerie, Tôlerie et
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Anibal L. Taboas

“Energy, environment, education, and economy are inextrica- Unintended contractual biases against innovative technology
bly linked.” include (1) the assurance of profit, particularly when fixed as a
percentage of level of effort, and (2) the loss of competitive
advantage through early disclosure of innovative technology and
55.1 INTRODUCTION methods.
Funding for each component of D&D technology development
This chapter presents an editorial view of essential elements for (basic, applied, short and long term) has dwindled as to primarily
an effective D&D technology development program, and a com- support desk-type study. Fiduciary responsibility calls for contin-
pendium of challenges and needs from the perspective of technol- uously demonstrating that resources consumed by industry and
ogy end-users. The term “D&D” is used herein to describe a government in the safe and compliant environmental remediation
formal project management process that involves removal of real of radiological and nuclear facilities remain commensurate with
property from active or standby status and transition to a long- the risks averted.
term end state (such as an industrial brown-field or an unrestricted Reverting the funding trend requires integrated planning, strate-
green-field). Interim steps depend on the actual facility, and gic action, and effective communication. This includes: (1) devel-
include characterization, deactivation, decommissioning, deconta- oping and presenting the business case; (2) investing in high visi-
mination, demolition, waste management, and disposition or recy- bility projects of demonstrably high return for investment (ROI);
cling of excess facilities and equipment. Life-cycle-cost analyses (3) meeting customer-identified expectations; (4) tracking leading
include surveillance and maintenance (S&M) while awaiting indicators and contractual incentives; (5) addressing key policy
completion of D&D. issues; and (6) transparency of action.
The Environmental Management Program (EM) of the In a global economy, demonstrating a compelling ROI requires
Department of Energy (DOE) in the United States, and the Nuclear leveraging resources, such as through partnerships between DOE,
Decommissioning Authority (NDA) in the United Kingdom, NDA, and other funding sources, as well as with regulators,
manage the largest D&D programs in the world. Specific issue industry, and competing stakeholders.
programs, such as disposition of submarines, have technology Descriptions of D&D processes and of the state of the art on
development components. Blurred lines of responsibility technology are readily available. [ASME 2004] After much repe-
[S&T 2004] contribute to negligible effort to remediate inten- tition, little has actually changed [ITRC 2008] in the implementa-
tional contamination. tion of “authoritative” regulatory guidance.
The estimated cost to remediate the initial set of 19 facilities
for which the NDA is responsible, increased from £55.8 B in
2005, to £73.6 B in 2008. [NDA 2008a] 55.2 NATIONAL EFFORTS
EM indicates similar uncertainty in its ability to deliver as
expected. The total estimated life cycle cost is envisioned to DOE issued a Cleanup Technology Roadmap identifying five
increase by $50 B, of which $40 B is associated with existing program areas for strategic R&D initiatives. [DOE 2008] These
scope. [DOE 2007] are presented as Table 1: DEACTIVATION & DECOMMIS-
Programmatic risk, regulatory issues, litigation, expanding SIONING STRATEGIC INITIATIVES OF THE US DEPART-
scope, and unexpected technical complexity, all contribute to the MENT OF ENERGY. The roadmap emphasizes timely insertion
increasing cost estimates. At the NDA as well as at EM, forgone of existing commercially available technologies, buy-before-make
opportunity is also a major contributing factor to the cost of delay. approach to innovative technology, and local case-by-case justifi-
Other influencing factors include non-productive expenditures, cation for procurement. The designation of Savannah River
bias against innovation, and limited incentives to accelerate tran- National Laboratory as “EM corporate laboratory” might be
sition to future missions. indicative of renewed interest in interdisciplinary approaches.
D&D represents an increasing fraction of the cost of environ- A panel of the National Research Council (NRC), part of the
mental remediation, but progress has been disappointingly slow. Academy of Sciences, provides technical and strategic advice in
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426 • Chapter 55



the development of a roadmap that identifies technology gaps in Preliminary observations of the NRC panel include:
the DOE program and a strategy to address them. [NRC 2008] In
an interim report, the highly credible panel indicated that is gener- (1) The complexity and enormity of EM’s cleanup task require
ally agreeable to the ongoing DOE effort, but that it does not rep- the results from a significant, ongoing R&D program so
resent an appropriate sense of urgency in resolving increasing that EM can complete its cleanup mission safely, cost-
technological challenges to effective D&D. effectively, and expeditiously.
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(2) By identifying the highest cost and/or risk aspects of the In the UK, the NDA issued a draft Proposed Research and
site cleanup program, the EM roadmap can be an impor- Development Strategy [NDA 2008a], which includes considera-
tant tool for guiding DOE headquarters investments in tion of concepts such as a National Nuclear Laboratory, coopera-
longer-term R&D to support efficient and safe cleanup. tion with the British Geological Survey, relationships with organi-
zations in other countries (including EM, Electricité de France,
In its conclusions, the committee highlighted that: and others), and the recent launching a National Nuclear Skills
. . . According to the range of technology needs presented . . . Academy. Direct application to D&D technology development is
the committee judges that existing knowledge and technologies evident in Table 2: FOCUS OF R&D ON THE VARIOUS
are inadequate for EM to meet all of its cleanup responsibilities PHAZES OF THE PROVISIONAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN.
in a safe, timely, and cost-effective way. Meeting current and [NDA 2008b]
future EM challenges will require the results of a significant, Technology development appears to have a greater role in pro-
ongoing R&D program. [and] . . . the medium- and long-term curement competitions in NDA than in EM. NDA, however, tracks
research component of EM’s program has largely disappeared. private funding, which enables transparency in evaluating liabilities
Implementing the roadmap will require substantial and continu- and the costs of delay. The environmental mission of the NDA is
ing federal support for medium- and long-term R&D for tech- simpler than the EM mission, which contributes to the ability to
nologies focused on high-priority cleanup problems. focus technology development and interaction with stakeholders.
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428 • Chapter 55

55.3 MANAGING RISK quantified through valuation and tracking of changes in opera-
tional safety, schedule and cost, and averted risk. Influencing fac-
A common presumption that baring special circumstances such tors include:
as “one-of-a-kind” facilities that require specific consideration,
the tried and true construction management processes are appro- • Technology development role in critical decisions
priate for D&D projects is without merit. The applicability of • Input to all D&D activities and funding priorities
rules originally established for construction-type projects merits • Countering the tendency to maintain infrastructure
review. For example, the appropriate level of safety basis docu- • Accelerate/incentivize the disposition of real estate
mentation for indefinite continued facility operation is intuitively • Investing in selective high payoff technology needs
different than during short term de-construction. • Application of Best Practices & Lessons Learned
Characteristics of exceptional projects include capture of best • Transparency of action
management and practical lessons-learned, a well-supported base- • Independent assessment using Best Available Science
line, and strong scientific and regulatory competence. The voice of • Tracking few leading performance indicators
science remains largely unheard in risk-management. For example, • Increased emphasis on overall risk management
significant investment to remediate small levels of tritium contami- • Re-capture missed regulatory opportunities
nation to current drinking water standards [EPA 2008] might be • Realize the economies of scale, e.g., conceptual design
fully compliant, but hardly a high-risk aversion or good science. • Implement appropriate contractual incentives
Therefore, developing technology to capture minute quantities of tri- • Encourage multi-disciplinary approaches
tium absorbed in reinforced concrete would not be of high priority.
On occasion, regulatory trends conflict with site-specific reality.
The emerging trend for mercury, for example, is to establish tar-
get levels for total maximum daily load (TMDL) in surface water
— the greatest risk being contaminant transport to surface water, NEEDS
and uptake of methyl mercury by fish, plants, and other animal A logical grouping of challenges and needs, as indicated by
life. The logic is remarkably simple and sound; meeting TMDL various sources of technology end-users appears in Table 3: A
eventually leads to a safe and clean environment. Reality at the COMPENDIUM OF PROJECTED D&D TECHNOLOGY
Y-12 National Security Complex, in Oak Ridge, TN, includes DEVELOPMENT NEEDS. Previous similar surveys indicate that
~900 tons of mercury unaccounted for in buildings, soils, and the stated needs have changed little over the last decade.
other facilities. It is advisable for D&D planners to understand Expectations, however, change rapidly. There is a growing real-
that remediation does not eliminate environmental liabilities, and ization that some policies need revision based on changing tech-
that the linkage between source reduction and emerging TMDL nology and better understanding of risk. Some sites require use of
stream protection standards exists only in a geological timeframe. web-based portals for hazards analyses that assure consideration
A comprehensive regulatory strategy is of utmost importance in of facility characteristics based on historical archives.
managing risk. A sampling of the type of issues whose resolution would facili-
Mechanisms to identify and reduce technical risk and uncer- tate an effective D&D program is presented as Table 4: OTHER
tainty, presuming timely and effective follow-up, include: RELATED FACTORS AND POLICY ISSUES. The following
section highlights sample hypothetical development tasks, as illus-
• Ground Truth—Disciplined local self assessment, documen- trations of the intended interdisciplinary context of Tables 3 and 4.
tation, and tracking of risk management actions
• Sponsor Assessments—readiness reviews that enable com- 55.5.1 Hypothetical Task: Asbestos
mitment to a defined baseline (including overall approaches A large number of asbestos-containing buildings remain with-
and technology gaps) out characterization because of the lack of fast and easy easily
• Independent (external) Peer Review—Aimed at facilitating methods to detect asbestos in air, surfaces, and building materials.
capture of best practices and lessons learned, and timely Current approaches include sampling and microscopic characteri-
incorporation of strategic decision-making zation for qualitative determinations.
• External Assistance—Preferably, by best in class experts with The aim is to develop instrumentation and fixatives for reliable
applicable execution experience in similar projects, and dedi- field detection and or passivation of asbestos contamination.
cated to project enhancement. Portable detection equipment would allow early determination on
trigger abatement methods. One concept for such detection would
The process of assessing technology needs and gaps, however, be similar to spraying lumisol in order to detect the presence of
is susceptible to myopic and self-serving influence. Review by human blood under ultraviolet light.
non-implementing independent peers is invaluable [TECH 2008], Potential innovative technologies include conjugating an
particularly when appropriately involving regulators. Risk reduc- asbestos binding small molecule [BIOTCH 2008] with simple
tion through strategic application of innovative products requires dyeing methods to detect chrysotile, [ENVRS&T 2008] the most
a demonstrable corporate level or “top down” commitment. commonly used form of asbestos.

55.5.2 Hypothetical Task: Work Sequencing

55.4 APPLIED D&D ENGINEERING Nearly all D&D activities require tradeoffs. The removal of an
MANAGEMENT intense source of radiation deep inside a facility may require trad-
ing varying levels of cumulative dose among different sets of
Securing a corporate commitment for long-range investment in workers. Early removal may result in a cumulative dose, at the
D&D technology development requires demonstrated strategic expense of re-contamination of a clean zone. Insertion of tempo-
management. Effectiveness of technology development can be rary shielding may be effective in lowering dose, but at the
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430 • Chapter 55


expense of increased waste volume. A few established radiation parameters (e.g., geometry, radiation and contamination levels,
dose and shielding calculation models have demonstrated useful- pathways, and shielding) could be leveraged into evaluating
ness in sequencing work by helping to minimize overall dose and options for sequencing, timing, and scheduling D&D, in a manner
maximize the continued availability of the workforce through that minimizes cost and maximizes sieverts averted.
individualized limits. Expanded potential applications include merging with existing
Commercially available project management software are stan- characterization tools [MARSIM], dynamic process hazard identi-
dard tools in work force loading, scheduling, and cost estimating, fication and analysis, and confirmation of successful completion
and for defining a critical path to completion. Availability of decontamination, through an electronic process guide that
includes models to create and manipulate virtual images that results in appropriate radiological instrumentation choices and
replicate a facility’s geometry, structure, composition, and other points for final status survey.
physical factors. Applications range from landscaping and kitchen
design, to finite-element stress analysis of three-dimensional 55.5.3 Hypothetical Task: Roofing Systems
structures, including airplanes. Innovative application of low-technology concepts may add
The aim is to integrate software applications (shielding/dose value. Numerous deactivated facilities awaiting D&D have not
calculation models, project management software, and modeling been subject of adequate S&M – including many arched metal
of facility conditions) into a predictive tool. A few site-specific buildings, or “quansa” huts. Due to vintage, circa 1945, these
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facilities frequently involve peeling lead paint, PCB, and electrical Developing an integrated D&D technology development
wiring containing lead, asbestos, and other radioactive and/or roadmap is a useful component of a disciplined management
chemical contamination. Some locations curtail respirator type approach. Technology needs have not changed significantly; how-
work at these facilities to limit heat stress. Weather exposure accel- ever, opportunities and expectations change rapidly.
erates emissions, which complicates environmental compliance. Reverting the funding trend requires integrated planning, strate-
The aim is to develop temporary roofing systems, and other gic action, and effective communication. This includes: (1) devel-
engineered caps and barriers that contribute to S&M perfor- oping and presenting the business case; (2) investing in high visi-
mance and minimization of effluents. Options to examine bility projects of demonstrably high return for investment (ROI);
include air filled/ pressure controlled shelters similar to those (3) meeting customer-identified expectations; (4) tracking leading
used in winter for indoor golf courses, and tarps and other indicators and contractual incentives; (5) addressing key policy
weather shields, to mitigate weather exposure and related issues; and (6) transparency of action.
migration. Large-scale temporary roofing may enable sequenc- Society needs to know that it is getting is a reasonable ROI on
ing of demolition without maintaining the structural integrity of it’s investment in governance. The NDA planning effort yielded
pre-existing roofs, and simplify containment of dust and other greater understanding of the underlying cost and vulnerabilities,
particulate emissions. but the effect of resulting management changes remains unclear;
therefore it maintains a current rating of “peer perform.” For vari-
ous reasons, the EM D&D Technology Development effort is
55.6 CONCLUSIONS poised for optimism and greater efficiency; therefore, the current
rating changes from “underperform” to “perform.”
While basic and applied D&D engineering and technology It is neither complicated nor counter-intuitive: globalization causes
development have played a crucial role in many past successes, a energy, environment, education, and economy to remain inextricably
decade of cost creep and funding cuts has decimated ongoing linked; and an earned corporate level “top down” commitment
national programs. remains essential for successful strategic R&D investment.

[ASME 2004] “The Decommissioning Handbook,” Edited by A. L. N. Yamasaki, GY Amamoto, K. Sasaki, N. Maeta,
Taboas, A. A. Moghissi, and T. S. LaGuardia, H. Fujimaki, and T. Hashida, Environmental
ASME Press, Three Park Ave., New York, NY Science, and Technology, 42(5), March 2008.
10016. December, 2004. ISBN 0-7918-0224-8.
[ITRC 2008] Decontamination and Decommissioning of
[BIOTCH 2008] “Detection of chrysotile asbestos by using a Radiologically Contaminated Facilities, RAD-5,
chrysotile-binding protein,” A. Kuroda, T. Nishimura, Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council,
T. Ishida, R. Hirota, and K. Nomura, Biotechnology Radionuclides Team, ITRC, Washington, D.C.,
and Bioengineering, Vol. 99, No. 2, 2008. 2008.
[DOE 2007] Department of Energy Five Year Plan, FY 2008 - FY [MARSIM] Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site
2012, Environmental Management, Office of the Investigation Manual, US Environmental Protection
Chief Financial Officer, Washington, D.C., February Agency.
[NDA 2008a] The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority – Annual
Report 2007/08, August 2008.
[DOE 2008] Engineering and Technology Roadmap: Reducing .uk/news/arac-0708.cfm.
Technical Risk and Uncertainty in the EM Program,
[NDA 2008b] NDA Radioactive Waste Management Directorate,
US Department of Energy, Office of Environmental
Proposed Research and Development Strategy, The
Management, Washington, D.C., March 2008.
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, May 2008.
%20_3-5-08_.pdf. [NRC 2008] “Technical and Strategic Advice for the Department
of Energy, Office of Environmental Management’s
[EPA 2008] U S Environmental Protection Agency, National
Development of a Cleanup Technology Roadmap:
Primary Drinking Water Regulations, 40 CFR 141,
Interim Report,” E. Przybylowicz and A. Croff,
Code of Federal Regulations, Government Printing
Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board, letter to M.
Office, Washington, DC, 2008.
Gilbertson, National Research Council, February
[ES&T 2004] “Establishing Remediation Levels in Response to a 14, 2008.
Radiological Dispersal Event (or “Dirty Bomb”),”
[TECH 2008] “An Independent Peer Review Process Developed
D. Elcock, G. Klemic, G., and A. L. Taboas,
by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 38, No.
for the US Department of Energy,” C. O. Velzy, E.
9, March 2004.
L. Daman, N. H. Hurt, A. L. Taboas, Y. Collazo, A.
[ES&T 2008] “Novel selective dyeing method for chrysotile A. Moghissi, B. R. Love, and S. R. Straja,
asbestos detection in concrete materials,” Y. Oke, Technology, Vol. 11, 2008.
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Tony Williams and K.P. Singh
56.1 INTRODUCTION While both routes represent feasible long-term solutions, the
industry must eventually find a means to sustainably dispose of
Spent nuclear fuel has been accumulating at power generation the waste (either in the form of spent fuel or as waste from repro-
sites for over a half a century; with an estimated 300,000 tons of cessing) in a permanent repository in order to gain sustained pub-
heavy metal discharged globally to-date. Spent fuel is highly lic support. Undoubtedly, the technical challenges that confront
radioactive and contains isotopes having half-lives that span over the global nuclear power industry to manage its spent nuclear fuel
millennia, and management thereof requires a robust long-term lie at the heart of the industry’s recrudescence after decades of
planning. There are principally two approaches available, namely, stagnation.
(i) reprocessing and (ii) storage in a wet or dry state.
Reprocessing and recycling the spent nuclear fuel to save
resources and to generate well-conditioned waste products, a 56.2 THE ORIGINS OF REPROCESSING
naturally attractive idea has thus far been met with a mixed
reception. As a result, storing fuel in a safe and durable long- Reprocessing is as old as nuclear energy itself, although not
term configuration has developed into a strong alternative. very old at all. The first nuclear reactor in the world (Chicago
Management of spent nuclear fuel across the globe has fol- Pile-1), which came into operation in 1942, was built in the
lowed different paths, guided by the socio-technical environment United States to “breed” plutonium for nuclear weapons. To sep-
in each country. Thus, while fuel reprocessing and fuel transport arate the resulting plutonium from the rest of the fuel, a simple
has been a centerpiece of spent fuel management in several chemical process was developed, which formed the basis for pre-
European states and Japan, on-site storage has been virtually the sent-day civilian reprocessing technology. In other words, the
sole option available to the U.S. plants. technology used today was not developed for civilian needs; for
In this chapter, a basic overview of current fuel reprocessing tech- instance, ease of recycling or optimization of waste streams were
nology is provided, followed by a critical appraisal of the issues and not considered. Despite this somewhat accidental beginning,
challenges that confront the industry in making reprocessing a civilian reprocessing became increasingly important in the 1960s
viable and economical solution. This chapter also contains a concise and 1970s. At that time, a pioneering spirit suffused the nuclear
discussion of the evolution of storage technologies beginning with energy program – the plan was to construct a large number of
storage in deepwater pools, followed by the increasing use of “dry” reactors in the coming years and it was uncertain how long the
passive storage in an inert gas environment over the past 20 years. then known uranium resources would last. It was also taken for
granted that the future of nuclear energy lay with fast breeder
technology, for which large amounts of plutonium were needed,
* Editor’s Note: This chapter describes one company’s experience
with the management of spent fuel, and is not intended to be a com- and which initially could only be derived from the reprocessing
plete overview of the topic.
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434 • Chapter 56


Owner/ Design capacity

Country Location operator Facility Fuel tHM/yr Years of operation
Belgium Mol Eurochemic Eurochemic oxide ⫹ metal 30 1966 – 1975
France Marcoule Cogema UP1 metal 400 1958 – 1997
CEA APM/TOR oxide (FBR) 6 1988 –
La Hague Cogema UP2 metal 400 1966 – 1987
oxide 400 1976 – 1993
UP2/HAO oxide (FBR) … 1979 – 1984
UP2-800 oxide 800 1994 –
UP3 oxide 800 1990 –
Germany Karlsruhe KfK/DWK WAK oxide 35 1971 – 1990
India Tarapur DAE PREFRE oxide 100 1982 –
Kalpakkam DAE KARP oxide 100 – 200 1996 –
Japan Tokai-mura PNC Tokai oxide 100 1977 –
Rokkasho-mura JNFS Rokkasho oxide 800 2007?
Russia Chelyabinsk-65 Minatom RT-1 oxide 600 1976 –
Krasnoyarsk-26 Minatom RT-2 oxide 1000 2015?
UK Windscale/ BNFL B205 metal 1500 1964 – 2014?
Sellafield B204/B205 oxide 300 1969 – 1973
THORP oxide 700 1994 –
Dounreay UKAEA D1206 oxide (FBR) 7 1958 – 1997
D1204 oxide (MTR) ⬍1 1959– 1997
USA West Valley NFS West Valley oxide ⫹ metal 300 1966 – 1972

of light water reactor (LWR) fuel.1 Plutonium was expected to only way out being reracking of storage pools, costly construction
become a very valuable commodity and it was the intention of of new pools, or eventually dry storage facilities.
many LWR operators to reprocess all spent fuel and market the In particular, Western Europe and Japan chose the reprocessing
resulting plutonium, thereby financing their own operations. In route. In Europe, Germany, Holland, Italy, Switzerland, Sweden,
any case, there was originally no intention on the part of the Belgium, Spain, France, and the United Kingdom all decided in
operators to use the plutonium as mixed oxide (MOX)2 fuel in favor of reprocessing their spent fuel. This ultimately led to the
their own reactors. situation where the two European countries, namely France and
Based on this forward-looking ideology, fast breeder programs the United Kingdom, with much experience in reprocessing were
were launched in Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States, put under pressure to construct and operate large commercial
France, Germany, India, Japan, and Belgium; reprocessing plants reprocessing plants. Potential customers were prepared to meet all
were constructed in all these countries (see Table 56.1). development, investment, and operating costs, in addition to
Because of the belief in reprocessing that prevailed in the paying a sizable fee. The result, between 1979 and 1983, was the
1970s, there was no need to construct large storage pools for signing of the so-called baseload contracts which today still
spent fuel in nuclear power plants (NPPs). This meant that sav- regulate the commercial conditions applying to reprocessing.
ings could be made on investments; the fuel was in any case to be Although at that time it was clear to the operators that the com-
transported for reprocessing after a brief cooling period. However, mercial conditions were far from optimum,3 the hope was for so-
the result was that most operators had thus ruled out the only called post-baseload contracts, which would have reduced the
alternative to reprocessing and they were obliged to continue costs to a much lower level.
down this road even after the “reprocessing bubble” later burst. Of the approximately 300,000 tons of nuclear fuel burned in and
The signals given out in the 1970s led many into a dead end, the discharged from nuclear power plants since the 1950s, 70% of this,
or 200,000 tons, is currently being held in dry storage facilities or
storage pools. The remaining 30%, equivalent to 100,000 tons, has
been reprocessed (see Fig. 56.1).
The ‘Start-up’ of a 1000-MWe fast breeder requires around 15,000
kg of plutonium, which in turn requires the reprocessing of around
1,500 tons (equivalent to the fuel discharges over 7 years!) of LWR
2 3
MOX: Mixed Oxide Fuel, a mixture of uranium and plutionium The several hundred million dollar facilities had to be amortized
oxide. after 10 years or after 7000 tons of reprocessed fuel.
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separated from waste materials. As mentioned above, this

process was developed in the United States in the 1940s (see
Fig. 56.2). The individual steps are described in roughly chrono-
logical order in the following.

56.3.1 Transport of the Spent Fuel to the

Reprocessing Plant
After around three-years’ residence in the reactor storage pools,
the spent fuel can be transported for reprocessing. Compared with
dry storage,4 this very short time requires smaller transport con-
tainers for higher specific thermal loading than the containers
used for dry storage, which aim to accommodate a maximum
number of fuel elements. Fuel elements can also be transported in
a wet condition, which further increases the thermal dissipation
FIG. 56.1 SPENT FUEL ARISINGS AND STRATEGIES [2] rate and hence the loading capacity.
The customer transports the agreed amount of irradiated fuel to
the reprocessing plant. The fuel is described and characterized in
56.3 THE REPROCESSING PROCESS: detail, for example, weight, burnup, irradiation history in the reac-
PLUTONIUM AND URANIUM tor, residual amounts of uranium and plutonium produced in the
EXTRACTION reactor (so-called shipper’s data) and so on.

Reprocessing in Europe, Japan and around the world has been 56.3.2 Unloading of the Spent Fuel
based on the so-called Plutonium and Uranium Extraction Following unloading in the reprocessing plant, the fuel ele-
(PUREX) process, whereby reusable plutonium and uranium are ments are held for 4 – 5 years in large cooling pools. For example,


UO2 fuel elements typically have to be cooled for at least five years before they can be loaded into a dry storage container.
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436 • Chapter 56

the pool at La Hague has a capacity of 7500 tons or around 375 loaded into containers similar to those for high-level waste
reactor operating years. The purpose of this storage period is not (HLW), or are mixed with concrete and filled into suitably engi-
to allow further cooling of the fuel elements (according to a neered drums.
French law, the fuel elements must be delivered in a condition Other secondary wastes such as contaminated protective cloth-
that would allow immediate reprocessing), but to provide a suffi- ing, ion exchangers, slurries, and so on arise in various facilities
cient buffer in terms of various fuel types and burnups, which and are either cemented or bitumenized and allocated to cus-
ensures smooth operation of the reprocessing plant. tomers on a pro rata basis for the purpose of repatriation.
In theory, all materials can be transported back to the customer
56.3.3 Shearing and Dissolution of the Fuel 6 – 9 years after delivery and 7 – 12 years after unloading from the
During reprocessing, the fuel is handled in campaigns, with the reactor.
volume of one campaign being several tons of heavy metal (tHM)
to more than 100 tHM, depending on operating conditions.

• The fuel elements are first “sheared” (removal of tops and 56.4 WASTES AND RESOURCES: MASS
ends and chopping of the fuel rods into pieces around 5 cm AND VOLUME BALANCE
long) and then moved to the dissolver. As already mentioned, the process known today as civilian
• The fuel is leached out of the cladding using boiling nitric reprocessing was inherited from the military sector. Military
acid. reprocessing serves only one purpose, namely, isolating plutoni-
• The clarified solution with uranium, plutonium and, fission um from the irradiated fuel, and the fact that uranium and a series
products is transferred to a so-called “accountancy tank” and of waste products are generated is of secondary interest. When
samples are collected and measured (volume, density, con- reprocessing appeared in the commercial world, these issues still
centration of uranium and plutonium). This gives an accurate needed to be solved. The detailed specifications and the allocation
inventory of the fission products that can be compared with of materials as resources and wastes were foreseen as part of the
the shipper’s data and can also be used for the requirements of baseload contracts. Even today, almost 30 years following the
the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Safeguards signing of the reprocessing contracts, development in this area
Regime. continues.

56.3.4 Chemical Separation of Reusable 56.4.1 Allocation of Wastes

Materials The reallocation of waste and resources to the customer is not a
In the PUREX process, an organic solvent with 30% tributyl trivial subject. Customers deliver fuel over a wide time range with
phosphate (TBP) in kerosene is used to separate the uranium and a range of initial enrichments and discharge burnups. This fuel is
plutonium from the fission products. The latter remain in the then reprocessed in mixed batches, and the resulting product
aqueous phase (nitric acid), while the uranium and the plutonium streams continue to decay and change their composition. The
enter the organic phase. After this first separation, there is a fur- development of an allocation process was therefore not trivial.
ther step to separate the uranium and plutonium from one another, Since different reprocessing companies have somewhat different
followed in each case by a cleaning cycle. These separation approaches, the description given here has been kept general to
processes are called liquid – liquid extractions. The joint extrac- avoid specificities.
tion of UPu in the organic phase is done using a high concentra-
tion of nitric acid (4M). The back extraction is carried out at a Highly Active Vitrified Waste A procedure has
lower concentration, whereby the plutonium is first changed to a been developed for specifying glass (high-level vitrified waste)
lower oxidation state using a suitable reagent and enters the aque- allocation – Neodymium (a fission product), which is in a fixed
ous phase. The uranium is then extracted from the organic phase ratio to the total amount of fission products, is used to represent the
(solvent) and transferred to the aqueous phase. amount of fission products. The basic glass volume, that is, the
volume equivalent to the amount of fission products contained in
56.3.5 Products and Resources the fuel, is calculated by assuming the average fission product vol-
ume (Nd volume) in the produced blend glasses.
Finally, there are two products: uranyl nitrate, which is convert-
ed into uranium oxide and stored in the same way as normal nat- Intermediate and Low-Level Waste Besides highly
ural uranium oxide (yellowcake), and plutonium dioxide that is active glasses, cemented, compacted, or bituminized intermediate-
sealed in batches of 6 – 7 kg in special containers and stored in a and low-level waste are generated on the one hand for the struc-
secure building. Both products are stored until the customer in tural (nonfuel) components and for the technological or process
question decides how and where the material should be further waste (contaminated protective clothing, ion exchangers, slurries,
processed. etc.) generated within the facility on the other. For most of these
wastes, there are now specifications that have been approved by
56.3.6 Waste the customers and the relevant safety authorities.
The separated highly active fission product solutions (in nitric
acid) are initially stored in cooled tanks. The solutions are then Other Waste Streams This section would not be com-
heated and reduced to a powder by evaporation. This is then plete without considering the other waste streams and emissions
mixed with molten borosilicate glass and poured into stainless arising from reprocessing. It is a known criticism of the process
steel containers with a capacity of around 0.18 m3. that besides the wastes that are returned to the customers, it
The structural components remaining after the dissolution of releases an additional amount of radiotoxicity into the environ-
the fuel are either compacted using ultra-high pressure and ment surrounding the reprocessing plant. It is not disputed that
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radioactive emissions are released into the environment. Mainly 56.4.4 Using Plutonium from Reprocessing as
volatile fission products such as iodine and tritium that are MOX in LWRs
released during the dissolution process cannot be fully retained As the name implies, MOX is a mixture of PuO2 und UO2.
and therefore have to be released in controlled amounts. These While UO2 fuel can, to some extent, be processed manually to
emissions have however been reduced steadily over the years and produce fuel elements in open facilities without particular radia-
are well below official limits. tion protection measures, MOX has to be fabricated in a closed
system with remote handling in shielded glove boxes. The result
56.4.2 Material Flows: Beznau NPP is that the necessary investments are orders of magnitude higher
as an Example than for conventional UO2 fabrication. Due to the complexity and
The Beznau NPP, a 2365 MWe PWR plant, located in restricted spatial conditions, the capacity of MOX facilities is also
Switzerland is taken as an example. Since 1973, the plant has dis- smaller than for UO2 facilities. These factors lead to the specific
patched 433 tons of heavy metal or 1,329 fuel elements to repro- costs for MOX being significantly higher than for UO2 fuel. To
cessing and has already recycled practically all of the resulting achieve breakeven or parity with UO2, the savings on uranium
uranium and plutonium. For this example, we take the annual fuel costs have to be sufficiently high to compensate for this cost
requirement for one of the two 365 MWe Beznau reactors. This difference – a situation that is reached only when uranium prices
corresponds to around 32 fuel elements or 10.75 tons of heavy are several hundred dollars a pound. There are also other details
metal (valid for the first 20 years of operation; today, with higher that need to be taken into consideration, apart from costs (see
burnup, only 24 fuel elements per year are required). The corre- Figs. 56.4 and 56.5):
sponding volumes of delivered fuel, conditioned waste, and recy-
clable materials are shown in Fig. 56.3. • The trend toward higher burnups means that the plutonium
It can clearly be seen from Fig. 56.3 that reprocessing reduces the customer receives back contains increasingly smaller
conditioned waste volumes. In particular, the volume of condi- amounts of fissile plutonium. Because MOX fuel is very
tioned highly active waste is reduced by two thirds (30 m3 of expensive, this is a welcome trend as less MOX fuel elements
spent fuel compared with 10 m3 of vitrified waste). need to be fabricated per kg of available Pu per reprocessed
fuel assembly. However, from the viewpoint of conserving
56.4.3 Recycling Uranium and Plutonium resources, it is not particularly advantageous.
It was expected in the early days of reprocessing that the valu-
able reusable materials (uranium (RepU) and plutonium (MOX))
would indeed be valuable. During the 1980s and 1990s, however,
Percentage of Isotopic in Pu

when these recycled materials first became available and the dream
of fast breeders collapsed, the operators had no choice but to use
these resources in their own reactors. The possibility of saving con- 70.00%
ventional fuel (natural uranium) by using MOX and reprocessed 60.00% Pu-238
Pu-239 (fiss.)
uranium (RepU) fuel elements is very welcome from an idealistic 50.00% Pu-240
viewpoint. However, with a uranium price of less than $10 per 40.00% Pu-241 (fiss.)
pound – as it was at that time – and taking into account the costly 30.00%
and complex processing required for MOX and RepU, this has not 20.00%
been worthwhile to date. Not only the complex processes involved, 10.00%
but also the natural monopolies of the providers led to a dislike of 0.00%
RepU, and even more so of MOX. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Discharge Burnup GWd/Te



Volume in m3

5000 Decay Heat 1tUO2
15 Decay Heat 1tMOX

10 3000
5 2000

0 1000
m3 m3 m3
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
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438 • Chapter 56

• Because of the higher components of actinides (Cm, Am, Np) diluted at the same time. This evidently good technical solution,
in spent MOX fuel, the decay heat is a factor of 2 – 3 higher however, has a very limited availability at this time.
for the same burnup history. This can have an influence on
interim storage and final disposal and the associated costs.
56.4.5 Using Uranium from Reprocessing in LWRs THE MICROSCOPIC TO
Reprocessed uranium should be a valuable resource. With a fuel THE MACROSCOPIC SCALE
discharge burnup of 40 GWd/tHM, the residual enrichment of RepU Without doubt, reprocessing has not become what it should
from reprocessing is still more than 1% 235U (see Fig. 56.6). Higher have become. As already mentioned, the high expectations of the
than natural uranium and free – is it? Not entirely. The composition 1970s regarding fast breeders were not realized and the available
of RepU is not exactly the same as that of natural uranium. During alternatives, namely, the use of MOX fuel in light water reactors,
reactor operation, further uranium isotopes are produced that are were more in the nature of a palliative to close the circle and use
either not present in nature or are only in very small amounts, and the plutonium rather than a conscious strategic decision. The
they cannot be separated by the chemical treatment of 235U (see Fig. result was that, in parallel with the commercial contracts, exten-
56.6). Of particular interest are 232U and 236U, which make up an sive research and development work was necessary. Taking a
increasing component as burnup increases and have a significant microscopic view of reprocessing, the daily challenges, the addi-
influence on the further possibilities for using RepU. 236U is a strong tional costs, the endless dealings, and the irksome details were a
neutron absorber and influences the reactivity of the fuel, whereas considerable burden for the NPP operators. Also, because of the
U is a strong gamma emitter and thus has a negative influence on somewhat one-sided contractual relationship between reprocessor
the fabrication process in terms of radiation protection. and NPP operator, and the correspondingly small room for negoti-
The problem of impurities becomes important only after enrich- ation, the total costs could neither be predicted nor influenced.
ment of the uranium. The component of 235U in RepU has to be As said above , such “small” problems are perhaps the price that
increased to 4 – 5% before it can be used in the reactor. In current has to be paid for a sustainable fuel cycle because from the techni-
enrichment processes, mainly the lighter isotopes (235U) are enriched cal standpoint, reprocessing is a real alternative to direct disposal
and the heavier ones, namely, 238U, are depleted. However, 232U is and, from a global perspective, a meritorious solution, which
even lighter than 235U and is therefore more strongly enriched than
U itself. This means that the component of 232U is increased not • allows reduction of the waste volumes for disposal by a factor
only in absolute terms, but also in a relative sense. This effect is even of up to 4,
stronger with a lower original enrichment of the RepU, which is a • produces highly active glass that, compared with spent fuel,
function of unloading burnup of the reprocessed fuel. Although 236U does not fall under IAEA safeguards and presents no prolifer-
is less enriched than 235U, it is nevertheless present in considerable ation risk,
amounts (see Fig. 56.6) and leads to a situation in which the RepU • saves resources; per 100 fuel elements that undergo repro-
fuel elements are less reactive and can achieve lower burnup levels cessing, sufficient resources are released to fabricate a further
than “normal” fuel elements. 12 MOX and 12 uranium fuel elements – a saving of about
For very high burnups and residual enrichments of 0.6%, one-fourth of the required resources.
conventional enrichment of RepU is practically impossible for the
above reasons. In such cases, there is only one solution, namely, However, there are still the costs that have been the Achilles’
“blending” with highly enriched uranium (HEU). This is a type of heel of reprocessing. Although the situation looks somewhat bet-
indirect enrichment as it uses the stored enrichment in the HEU. ter for the future, there are still financial considerations that can-
This allows enrichments of 4–5% to be reached and, because HEU not be ignored.
contains no impurities, the undesirable isotopes 232U and 236U are Comparing reprocessing with direct geological disposal requires
a global perspective. On the one hand, there is a saving of space
and therefore costs in terms of interim storage and final disposal of
spent fuel and a reduction in required resources. On the other
hand, expensive international transport campaigns are necessary
1.00E+01 for reprocessing and expensive MOX has to be fabricated. This
1.00E+00 comparison is not straightforward rather based on many assump-
1.00E-01 U-232 tions regarding the timing and nature of final disposal.
1.00E-02 U-233
• Compared with direct disposal, the lion’s share of reprocess-
1.00E-03 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
ing costs is payable in the short term. This means losing the
U-235 (f)
1.00E-04 significant accumulation of interest on the reserves in the
1.00E-05 waste management fund in the case of disposal.
• Reprocessing today is not a replacement for deep geological
disposal because the long-lived, highly active vitrified waste
1.00E-07 will anyway have to be emplaced in a deep repository.
1.00E-08 • The reprocessing cost structure is variable, with a very low
Discharge Buildup fixed cost component. On the contrary, because of the signif-
icant costs of generic development, direct disposal involves a
FIG. 56.6 BUILD-UP OF 236U AND 232U AND OTHER URA- large fixed component. This firstly makes a cost comparison
NIUM ISOTOPES DURING REACTOR OPERATION with reprocessing difficult and, secondly, leads to the point of
(10 YEARS AFTER UNLOADING FROM THE REACTOR) no return, where so much in the way of fixed costs has been
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given out that competitive reprocessing cannot be financially [3], the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) comes to
justified. the conclusion that it would be financially more prudent to
• For direct disposal, certain centralized facilities need to be keep the stocks for an unspecified time until use in a fast
constructed (e.g., a fuel conditioning plant), the costs of breeder becomes possible rather than using them now in light
which are almost independent of the volume of fuel for dis- water reactors.
posal. It could therefore be that reprocessing is viable only if • The separation of plutonium by reprocessing today can be a
the entire spent fuel of a country is destined for reprocessing. proliferation issue under certain circumstances, despite the
fact that the isotopic composition of plutonium from civilian
reactors is not suitable for weapons production.
Operators have learned to live with these flaws and the
Much has been said in this chapter about the drawbacks of PUREX process has become a practicable technology. However,
reprocessing. However, it has also been stated that reprocessing is it cannot be assumed that development of reprocessing has to
a relatively young technology. Is there any hope that there will be come to a standstill with the present-day situation. In the context
development of new generations of reprocessing technology that of the Generation IV International Forum Initiative, for exam-
are better? From a technical viewpoint, the PUREX process has ple, which is promoting the development of six advanced reactor
several flaws that have already been discussed. systems of the next generation, the use of advanced reprocessing
technologies is considered a necessity. Without this leap in
• The high-level wastes are very well conditioned and contain development, the ambitious GEN IV objectives in terms of pre-
very little plutonium, but because of the presence of so-called serving resources and nonproliferation cannot be achieved.
minor actinides (Am, Cm, Np) that come from neutron cap- Much is being said, for example, about the so-called UREX
ture and not from fission, they still have a half-life far above process, in which only uranium is extracted. Pu is not isolated
the average of 30 years for the fission products. This leads to but fabricated directly in the fuel together with the actinides
the situation that the glasses are radiotoxic for around 10 – (Np, Am, Cm) and this can be used in the fourth generation
100 times longer than if the glass had contained pure fission reactors. Another variant allows separation of long-lived fission
products (see Fig. 56.7). products from short-lived ones. The long-lived isotopes are then
• Uranium with a typical residual enrichment of around 0.6% is transmutated in special fourth generation reactors until they also
difficult to use today and, under certain circumstances, can have much shorter half-lives. This would reduce the half-life of
even have a negative value. In a study on the exploitation of the vitrified waste to 30 years, which requires a monitoring time
British stocks of uranium and plutonium from reprocessing of only around 300 years. It would theoretically be possible to


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440 • Chapter 56

do without deep geological disposal, which would have a signif- buckles, and the like. These restrained racks were typically of the
icant impact on acceptance of nuclear energy and the competi- so-called end connected construction (ECC) [4]. These restrained
tiveness of reprocessing. racks suffered from two key drawbacks: (i) nonoptimal as low as
As the foregoing discussion makes it abundantly clear, repro- reasonably achievable (ALARA) during installation and (ii) risk
cessing does not entirely eliminate the need for storage of high- of damage to a pool’s “container” (in contrast to structural)
level waste. In the remainder of this chapter, the methods to store integrity. Installing and anchoring racks into flooded pools with
fuel (or its reprocessed by-product) are discussed. stored active fuel required deployment of divers and the operation
usually entailed considerable radiation dose to the personnel. The
anchoring and lateral restraint placement operations in fuel pools
56.7 WET STORAGE OF SPENT NUCLEAR containing irradiated fuel were intrinsically at variance with the
From the operational point of view, the anchors at the pool base
56.7.1 Overview necessitated that they penetrate the pool liner. Anchoring the
Spent fuel assemblies discharged from nuclear reactors have metallic rack structures (aluminum or stainless steel) to a rein-
been stored in pools since the inception of the nuclear power forced concrete pool set up the classical condition of differential
industry. Every operating reactor has at least one adjacent spent thermal induced state of thermal stress. The thermal stresses
fuel pool filled with water, typically to a depth of approximately threatened the integrity of the liner, in particular, the sealworthi-
40 ft. (13 m). The pressurized water reactor (PWR) installations ness of the anchor penetrations, and in the case of laterally
maintain a certain minimum boron (boric acid) concentration in restrained racks, imposed considerable loadings on the pool as
the pool to serve as a redundant neutron absorber source for the well. A few fuel pools even experienced liner leakage problems.
(relatively large) PWR fuel assemblies. The boiling water reactor The above drawbacks of the first generation racks were over-
(BWR) pools utilize only demineralized water. come with the advent of the “poisoned” freestanding racks. The
The preeminent role of water as the storage environment for neutron poison was used to bring the storage cells closer togeth-
nuclear fuel is not merely due to its natural abundance. The ther- er, thus increasing the storage capacity in the fuel pool. For a
mophysical and neutronic properties of water are ideally suited typical PWR fuel pool, use of the neutron absorber allowed the
for its use in the storage of spent nuclear fuel. The hydrogen center-to-center distance (pitch) to be reduced from (approxi-
in the water molecule is an excellent decelerator of neutrons. mately) 13 – 10.5 in.. This implied a capacity increase of over
Shielding against gamma radiation is accomplished with no more 50% [(13/10.5)2  1) * 100  53.3%]. Freestanding racks with
than 8 – 10 ft. of water coverage. Finally, water provides an order minimized cell-to-cell spacings began to be referred to as “high
of magnitude (indeed, over 100 times) with more efficient removal density racks” – a terminology that has taken firm hold in the
of decay heat produced by the spent fuel than air or an inert gas. industry in the past three decades.
As a consequence, fuel assemblies can be stored in a very tightly The freestanding high-density racks accrued many benefits,
packed array in compact fuel pools without the danger of over- not the least of which was the facility to install and remove them
heating the fuel rods. In fact, the spacing between the adjacent from the pool without much encumbrance. The racks could now
fuel assemblies in the latest generation spent fuel racks approxi- be treated as just another container in the pool, which could be
mates those in the reactor vessel. Largely because of the versatility lifted out of the pool or emplaced in the pool with remotely actu-
and safety afforded by in-water storage, typical spent fuel pools ated rigging.
originally sized to store less than two cores worth of fuel now are Unfettered from the burden of in-pool burning, grinding, fitting,
equipped to store more than 10 cores. This increase in storage welding, bolting, and other time-consuming operations, the
capacity has largely come about without diminishing the margins nuclear plants began to view reracking as a routine procedure.
of safety. Rather, in many cases the key margins of safety have There was no longer the need to plan a major “plant mod” to
been increased. In the wake of the U.S. government’s ban on fuel install a fuel rack. In fact the plant added racks to the pool as they
reprocessing in 1977, the nuclear power industry discovered the needed them, extending the budget outlays over a length of time.
huge additional storage potential available in the fuel pools. Most In other words, reracking did not have to be a one-time major capi-
nuclear plants in the United States have exploited this in-pool tal expense. Several U.S. utilities have taken advantage of this fact
reserve to a considerable extent through reracking of their pools. by carrying out pool capacity expansions in multiple campaigns.
By an informal count, the nuclear power industry worldwide has Even countries that have opted for reprocessing find wet stor-
carried out over 120 rerackings (defined as replacing existing low age capacity expansion to be an essential component of their fuel
capacity rack arrays with a high capacity one) in the past three management program. This is mainly due to the ongoing shift to
decades. The technology breakthroughs that made such a signifi- extended fuel burnups, which requires that the fuel be “aged” in
cant increase in storage capacity possible are briefly summarized wet storage for a longer period before it can be loaded in a trans-
below. port cask for shipment to the reprocessing facility. Thus, the high-
The initial generation of replacement racks in the spent fuel density fuel storage racks are expected to continue to be a valuable
pools were of the fully restrained “nonpoison” variety. These option for the nuclear power plants in their backend fuel manage-
racks relied exclusively on water and their structural members as ment plan.
the guarantor of subcriticality. Early on, neutron absorber materi-
als were seldom utilized to reduce the neutron multiplication 56.7.2 Design Considerations Germane to
factor. (The neutron multiplication factor is the ratio of the rate of High-Density Storage Racks
neutron generation to the rate of neutron capture.) Further, the A high-density storage rack is a cellular structure with an array
rack modules were anchored to the pool slab (through anchor of vertical storage cells arranged as closely to each other as possi-
bolts or welds). Additionally, support against lateral sidesway was ble (hence, the term high density). A typical high-density rack of
provided through lateral restraints in the form of snubbers, turn- contemporary design for storing BWR fuel or well-burned PWR
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fuel racks to be made of the “nonflux trap” (maximum density)

genre except for a small quantity of flux-trap-type storage cells to
store unirradiated fresh fuel (such as a reload batch for refueling).
Most PWR pools reracked since the early 1980s feature a layout
wherein all storage cells, except for a certain number needed to
support reactor refueling, are of the nonflux trap variety. Certain
U.S. plants (notably, Waterford, Sequoyah, D.C. Cook, Callaway,
and Wolf Creek) employ an even more advanced fuel manage-
ment strategy termed “Mixed Zone Three Region” storage to
achieve maximum storage densification in their pools.
Virtually all nuclear plants in the United States and a majority
of the spent fuel pools in South Korea, Brazil, Mexico, Taiwan,
and the United Kingdom have been reracked by Holtec
International in the past 30 years. This warrants an overview of
the technology underpinning their design.
Both flux trap and nonflux trap module Holtec designs share
certain essential attributes, namely,
(1) The storage cells are supported by a common “baseplate”
that is elevated above the pool liner to create a “bottom
plenum.” The support pedestals that elevate the baseplate
are typically equipped with the capability to remotely
adjust their height so that the rack can be leveled after
(2) A lightweight, aluminum material containing finely dis-
persed boron carbide is used for reactivity control.
(3) The storage cells are connected to each other along their
contiguous corners to create a honeycomb construction
(HCC). The extent of connectivity between the cells has
been utilized by the rack designers to reduce the kinematic
response of the racks under seismic events [4].
Minimizing the kinematic displacement of the rack modules
during an earthquake is a central challenge in freestanding fuel
rack design because it directly affects the intermodule spacings
and hence the total number of cells that can be installed in a pool.
Prognosticating the response of fuel racks under an earthquake event
is an extremely complicated problem, made more so by the sub-
mergence in water. Under an earthquake, each freestanding rack
fuel is illustrated in Fig. 56.8. As can be seen from Fig. 56.8, the module is free to execute a wide range of motions, including par-
storage cavities in the rack are separated by a single multilay- tial lift-off, lateral translation, bending, twisting, bowing, while
ered wall. It is clearly not possible to pack the storage cells any the stored fuel assemblies standing loosely in each storage cavity
closer. These so-called nonflux trap racks feature fuel storage rattle against their cell walls. The rattling forces, the shear forces
spacings that rival those in the nuclear reactor, and as a result transmitted to the rack at the rack pedestal/pool slab interface, and
must rely on an unfailingly effective “neutron absorber” to guar- the fluid coupling forces produced by the swirling of water
antee a permanently subcritical state of storage under all potential around the modules as they move relative to each other produce a
scenarios. The neutron absorber, installed in the storage cavity complex brew of loadings that determine the structural response
walls, is an indispensable component of a high-density fuel of the rack modules. The fluid coupling effect, in particular, effec-
rack: A rack’s ability to render its intended function hinges on tively entwines the movement of all of the racks in the pool,
the continued integrity of the neutron absorber. The subject of requiring the seismic analysis of all rack modules to be carried
reliability of the neutron absorber in fuel rack applications is out in one coupled model. This whole pool multirack (WPMR)
taken up later in the chapter. analysis lies at the heart of fuel rack qualifications [7]. The signif-
A single panel of neutron absorber, unfortunately, is not suffi- icant role of fluid-coupling forces in shaping the dynamic motion
cient to ensure subcriticality of fresh or slightly burned PWR of racks was experimentally validated for an accurate WPMR
nuclear fuel of a high initial enrichment (say, over 4% w/o). In analysis [5].
such cases, it is necessary to place two panels of neutron absorbers The design and stress analysis of spent fuel racks is guided by
with a water gap between them. These so-called flux trap racks an obscure USNRC publication dating back to 1978 [6], portions
evidently permit a relatively low density of storage. of which are incorporated in NUREG-0800 (Appendix D to SRP
The expansion of densified wet storage in PWR pools was 3.8.4) [8]. The reference ASME Code for the spent fuel racks
made possible by the USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.13 (1982), is Subsection NF of Section III of the ASME Code. Racks are
which permitted the designer to recognize the depletion of 235U treated as a “Class 3 linear structure” within the purview of
and generation of actinides and fission products as the fuel burned Subsection NF. The governing load combination for stress analy-
in the reactor. The so-called burnup credit allowed the PWR sis purposes is invariably the so-called Level D service condition
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442 • Chapter 56

that corresponds to the safe shutdown earthquake for the nuclear loads from the oscillation of the racks and rattling of the fuel
plant. within the storage cells. The WPMR analysis also provides the
In addition to the Whole Pool Multi-Rack analysis and ASME fluid coupling loadings on the pool’s walls. While the fluid cou-
Code qualification mentioned above, the licensing of a high density pling loads are limited to the bottom region of the pool’s walls
fuel rack entails a whole array of analyses to demonstrate (where the racks are located), the top region is subject to slosh-
thermal-hydraulic, subcriticality, radiological, mechanical, and ing loads. Finally, the radiant (gamma) heating of the pool walls
structural compliance with regulatory requirements, as summarized due to fuel stored in close proximity must also be included as a
below. loading, in addition to the normal thermal gradient from the dif-
Thermal-Hydraulic Compliance: The plant’s spent fuel pool ference in the fluid medium temperatures across the pool’s struc-
cooling and clean-up system must be capable of maintaining the tural members. The stress analysis of the pool structure must
bulk temperature of the pool water below its licensed maximum consider the ACI “factored” load combinations that include all
value under the scenario of increased fuel inventory in the pool inertial, mechanical, and hydrodynamic loads. A finite element
due to the in-pool capacity expansion. Operationally speaking, code such as ANSYS is typically used to perform the stress
the limit on the bulk pool water temperature is the most signifi- analysis.
cant constraint to the plant, often setting the minimum number of
hours that the fuel must decay in the core before it can be trans- 56.7.3 Neutron Absorber
ferred to the pool. In a few (exceptional) cases, nuclear plant The neutron absorber is the heart of a spent fuel storage system
owners have had to upgrade the plant’s cooling system to deal because its continued regulatory compliance with respect to reac-
with the increased heat load in the pool. tivity control relies on the neutron absorber. The neutron absorbers
Maintaining the stored fuel in a cooled state in the pool is, of used in the wet storage have traditionally employed fine boron car-
course, a principal function of the fuel rack. Fuel racks are typi- bide powder uniformly dispersed in a “carrier” material. The B-10
cally equipped with appropriate flow passages to ensure that there isotope in boron carbide captures the thermalized neutrons, the
is no localized boiling around the fuel cladding. Secondary flow balance of the material in the neutron absorber serves to keep the
passages are also incorporated to maintain cooling if the primary boron carbide in place. A competent material to serve as the carrier
flow path is blocked for any reason (such an accumulated pool is austenitic stainless steel. Unfortunately, the ability of stainless
debris). The cooling of the fuel cladding is also required to be steel to hold boron in the matrix is rather limited: Boron carbide
demonstrated under the hypothetical scenario that a fuel assembly concentration in excess of 1.7% causes excessive drop in ductility.
is (accidentally) laid on top of a rack, partially blocking the circu- Because of its high density and low level of boron concentration,
lation of water. To predict the temperature fields in the fuel pool, a the Borated stainless steel presents a weight problem for fuel
3-D simulation of the physical problem using a computational racks, which must be kept as light as possible to prevent overload-
fluid dynamics code is required. Special attention must be paid to ing of the pool slab. The low boron concentration in stainless steel
evaluating the thermal state of the water in the rack’s flux trap also forces the neutron absorber panels to be made thick, resulting
spaces which tend to be regions of relative stagnation. in increased storage pitch or conversely, reduction in the total stor-
Subcriticality Compliance: The fuel racks must be equipped age capacity. Borated stainless steel is also known to be consider-
with sufficient quantity of the B-10 isotope in a suitably distrib- ably more susceptible to corrosion than pure austenitic stainless
uted and stable configuration to ensure that the maximum neutron steel. Because of the above limitations, Borated stainless steel has
multiplication factor of the stored fuel array is less than 0.95 not been approved as a structural material in the ASME Codes,
under the condition of optimal moderation. In PWRs, the credit and its low boron content has precluded its wide use for reactivity
for boron in the pool water is permitted to a limited extent. control in high-density fuel racks.
Likewise, limited credit for the gadolinia integral to the fuel is The material widely used to serve as the boron carrier in the
allowed. Non-integral control components may not be credited for neutron absorbers is aluminum. The early method to impregnate
criticality control. boron carbide into aluminum relied on heating a well-mixed
Radiological Compliance: The impact of the increased han- mixture of boron carbide and aluminum inside an “aluminum
dling of fuel in the pool, of a larger fuel inventory leading to the box” to approximately 1000 °F and hot rolling it. Successive
increased potential of fuel handling accidents, accumulation of a heating and rolling cycles converted the box into a sandwich of a
greater quantity of activated matter in the pool crud, effectiveness compressed aluminum/ B4C matrix flanked by thin (0.007 – 0.012
of the fuel building’s charcoal filters, etc., are among the radiolog- in. thick) veneers of aluminum. This material, developed by the
ical considerations that must be addressed as a pre-condition to U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) over 50 years ago and sold
the regulatory approval of reracking a fuel pool. commercially under the tradename Boral™, suffered from occa-
Mechanical Compliance: The regulatory guidance documents sional reports of hydrogen generation, swelling, and matrix
define a number of plausible mechanical accidents in the fuel degradation problems since its introduction in the 1970s in oper-
pool. These include an accidental drop of a fuel assembly over the ating nuclear plants. These deficiencies remain an unsatisfactory
top of the rack or a through-cell vertical free fall hitting the rack’s aspect of its performance even today. The rise of powder metal-
baseplate. It is necessary to show that the criticality control capac- lurgy in the 1980s and its application to the manufacture of neu-
ity of the rack module is not impaired. tron absorbers over the past 20 years has successfully eliminated
The mechanical integrity analyses are typically performed the above deficiencies of the compressed aluminum cermet, lead-
using an elasto-plastic dynamics code such as LS-DYNA. ing to the introduction of aluminum metal matrix composites
Structural Compliance: The increased dead load on the pool (MMCs) that have the consistency and properties of a solid metal
slab and walls due to the increased quantity of fuel stored in the and contain essentially no porosities. This latest generation neu-
pool is a principal area of concern, especially under seismic tron absorbers, typified by the aluminum metal matrix composite,
events. The Whole Pool Multi-Rack (WPMR) analysis, discussed sold under the tradename Metamic® [9], have become the main-
in the foregoing, provides the means to quantify the mechanical stay of the wet and dry storage industries in recent years.
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Metamic has been manufactured and successfully used with a The DOE MPC specification had a profound effect on the course
B4C content of up to 33%, making it an effective neutron of dry storage development in the United States. By the year 2000,
absorber. In light of the trouble-free performance of Metamic in development of storage-only systems had become rare in the
the United States (and other equivalent MMCs in Europe and United States. At present, virtually all U.S. plants are loading multi-
Japan), it is likely that fuel rack designs that use Metamic for purpose canisters. The ventilated casks, in which the MPCs are
both structural and criticality control function will be introduced stored at the site, are principally of two varieties, namely,
in the near future to further reduce the overall weight of the fuel
rack modules. (1) the configuration in which the canister is stored with its
axis horizontal (see Fig. 56.9(a)) and
56.7.4 Evolution of the Dry Storage Industry (2) the configuration in which the canister is stored in the ver-
Storing spent nuclear fuel in dry storage begun in the mid-1980s tical orientation (illustrated in Fig. 56.9(b)).
in the United States and underwent a complete transformation a While the ventilated casks have dominated the U.S. spent fuel
decade later. The first generation of dry storage casks was storage- management industry, their application outside the United States
only or transport-only devices. The storage-only casks came in two thus far has been rather sparse, where metal casks housed in over-
types – metal and concrete. A metal cask with a fuel basket could head crane-bearing ventilated buildings have been heavily favored.
be taken into the fuel pool loaded with fuel, dewatered, vacuum This is due to the fact that cask shipment for reprocessing and
dried, backfilled with helium, and placed on a reinforced concrete away-from-reactor (AFR) storage has been an enduring element of
pad in a relatively straightforward set of operations. The metal European and Japanese spent fuel management programs. In the
casks, however, had to be less than 125 tons in total weight (in United States, large-scale shipment of commercial fuel has been a
some cases, even lighter) to meet the lifting capacity of the plant’s nonexistent due to the halting progress of the Yucca Mountain
crane, which meant that they afforded limited shielding protection repository program and stifled achievements of the industry initia-
against the stored fuel. They also relied on a bolted cover to main- tives, notably the Private Fuel Storage, LLC’s project to build an
tain isolation, an operational weakness that could develop as a AFR in Skull Valley, Utah [10].5 As a result, there has been little
problem as the gaskets in the bolted joint aged with time (as they incentive to package fuel in ready-to-transport metal casks that
did at a Virginia site in the late 1990s). Because of this, coupled cost three times (or more) as much as a ventilated cask system of
with cost and mediocre dose attenuation ability, the metal storage- equal capacity.
only casks saw sparse use in the United States. The bulk of the dry
storage in the United States utilized the so-called ventilated casks.
The ventilated casks were massive concrete structures that could
not be taken to the pool. Their large mass guaranteed that they
provided considerably better shielding than metal casks. They were STORAGE TECHNOLOGIES:
also relatively cheap. Their only drawback was that a “transfer SELECTED CASE STUDIES
cask” was needed to move the “fuel canister” from the spent fuel 56.8.1 Aboveground Ventilated Storage Modules
pool to the cask. The concrete casks, unlike the metal casks,
The selection of a storage system at a nuclear site is essentially
required that the fuel basket be contained in a welded-shut contain-
a two-step process for the user. In the first step, the user must
er. This way, the cask itself could be made with openings to permit
determine whether the Technical Specification for the candidate
cooling air to ventilate past the stored canister. As a result, the ven-
storage system fulfills the plant’s requirements. Among the principal
tilated casks were more effective at keeping the spent fuel cooler
criteria that a user considers to determine the prima facie usability
than the metal casks, which had to be made in the form of closed
of a storage system at a site consist of comparing the site’s essen-
pressure vessels (because the cask closure lid was also the sole clo-
sure for the fuel basket). The ventilated system had the advantage
of significantly greater shielding because the ventilated cask could
be made as thick-walled as necessary to absorb the radiation emit-
ted by the fuel; they essentially had no weight restrictions. Early
on, ventilated casks were the overwhelming choice of U.S. utilities.
Then came the 1990s when the U.S. Department of Energy began
to realize that storage pads across the country would be loaded with
tons of spent nuclear fuel in storage-only devices. All of this fuel
would have to be repackaged at a huge expense in radiation dose
and money at a later date. Cask designers could not develop a dual-
purpose (storage and transport) system unless clear acceptance cri-
teria were defined by the government. The DOE had the long-
standing federal assignment to develop a suitable specification for
multipurpose (storage, transport, and disposal) canisters (MPCs). In
1992, the DOE issued its long planned multipurpose canister speci-
(a) Horizontal storage (b) Vertical storage
fication, setting down requirements on welded canisters to make
them suitable for on-site storage, off-site transport, and eventually, FIG. 56.9 TYPICAL HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL VENTI-
permanent disposal in a repository. LATED MODULES

The PFS, LLC initiative to build an away-from-reactor dry storage facility in Utah’s Skull Valley remains administratively stymied despite regulatory
wins [10].
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444 • Chapter 56

tial parameters with the allowables set down by the USNRC in the all conditions of storage and is therefore a crucial safety matter
storage system’s Technical Specification. Typically, the compari- for a ventilated storage system.
son consists of ensuring that the Technical Specification: In the second step of qualifying a certified storage system for
use at a site, the user must contend with an array of qualification
i. Explicitly permits the storage of the plant’s spent fuel. criteria which must be satisfied to make its deployment possible.
ii. Provides for the storage of fuel with maximum and mini- Common criteria in this category are:
mum initial enrichment needed by the user.
iii. Permits the storage of the plant’s inventory of “damaged” i. Is the plant’s cask crane rated to handle the payload of the
fuel or fuel debris (damaged fuel and fuel debris are transfer cask licensed with the storage system?
containerized for dry storage to prevent uncontrolled ii. Is the storage system capable of withstanding the extreme
dispersion of fuel particulates inside the canister). environmental phenomena loadings postulated for the site?
iv. Permits free standing deployment of the storage system,
which requires that the seismic accelerations on the storage The typical environmental loadings that warrant consideration are:
pad (including the effect of soil/structure interaction) in the
i. High wind, tornado, and tornado-borne missiles
vertical and horizontal directions must be bounded by their
ii. Lightning
respective allowables in the Technical Specification.
iii. Snow
v. The allowable heat load is greater than the heat generated
iv. Flood and Tsunami
by the fuel to be stored in each system.
v. Earthquake
In addition to the above, it is necessary to ensure that the cross vi. Burial under debris
sectional opening of the storage cells in the fuel basket is suffi-
U.S. regulations require the licensee to perform a safety evalua-
ciently large to enable fuel distorted by irradiation in the reactor
tion in accordance with the provisions of 10CFR72.212 to ensure
to be stored. The minimum recommended cell opening for the
that the storage system will maintain the stored fuel in a safe and
most commonly used PWR fuel (8.424” array cross section) is 8.8
retrievable configuration. In particular, the MPC must remain
inch. For storing BWR fuel, a minimum cross sectional opening
leaktight and the fuel basket inside it must not be subject to sig-
of 6.00 inch should be used.
nificant plastic deformation (which may alter its criticality control
Of the above criteria, the heat load limitation is the one that
determines whether a spent fuel has decayed sufficiently in the
Given the critically important role of the MPC as the confine-
fuel pool to be eligible for dry storage.
ment device, it is not surprising that the canisters for ventilated
Thus a major challenge in the storage of spent nuclear fuel is
storage are designed to meet the highest pedigree of the ASME
the substantial quantity of decay heat that the system must expel
B&PV Code (Section III, Division 3). Certain countries such as
to maintain the stored fuel below the threshold temperature Tmax
Ukraine require the canister to be double-walled.
at which the fuel rods may suffer permanent damage. The latest
The loaded multi-purpose canister is treated as “leaktight” by
USNRC guideline for Tmax for Zircaloy clad fuel is 400 °C [11].
the USNRC (see Interim Staff Guidance #18), whether it is stored
In the ventilated system, the cooling of the storage canister,
in the vertical or horizontal orientation. It is intuitively obvious,
required to be entirely passive under the rules of the 10 CFR 72,
however, that a horizontally oriented canister would produce more
occurs by the gravity-induced flow of ventilation air, as illustrated
“skyshine” than a vertically oriented one. Furthermore, the act of
in Fig. 56.10 for a vertical system. Therefore, the canister is the
installing or removing a horizontally disposed canister must con-
sole barrier against the leakage of the radiological contents under
tend with friction forces. Because of these factors, most world
suppliers of fuel storage systems offer some form of vertical
storage technology. The first vertical ventilated MPC storage
device licensed by the USNRC is the HI-STORM 100 system
(USNRC Docket No. 72-1014).
In the vertical ventilated storage (VVS) system, the canister
upright in the cask, providing a convective contact of the ventila-
tion air over the full height of the canister. The canister is
installed in the vertical ventilated module using a container fit-
tingly known as the “transfer cask”. The transfer cask, shown in
Figure 56.11, is typically a cylindrical weldment of steel and lead.
To provide adequate shielding protection, a modern loaded trans-
fer cask often weighs in excess of 100 tons. The transfer cask has
a retractable bottom lid that is secured to the bottom flange of the
cask to make a watertight joint. It is the transfer cask that carries
the empty MPC into the pool for loading the fuel. During its brief
visit to the pool, the external surfaces of the MPC must be pro-
tected against contamination by suitable means. An annular gas-
ket placed around the top of the MPC to close the annulus, along
with a well-sealed bottom plate, provide the assurance that the lat-
eral and bottom surfaces of the MPC will not be wetted by the
FIG. 56.10 VENTILATION AIR FLOW IN A VERTICAL STOR- contaminated pool water. Evidently, the reliability of the bottom
AGE SYSTEM (VIZ., HI-STORM MPC SYSTEM BY HOLTEC lid seal and of the annular gasket is critical to prevent spread of
INTERNATIONAL) contamination.
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Upon completion of fuel loading, the transfer cask is lifted structural competence under a larger, more energetic missile than
from the pool and staged at a suitable location where the top lid is an F-16.
welded, followed by dewatering, drying, and inertizing (by heli- The VVS module also features inlet ducts near the bottom of
um backfill) of the canister. The loaded welded canister is next the module and, therefore, is susceptible to blockage of the venti-
carried by the transfer cask to the location where it can be trans- lation air by flood water at a site located in a flood plain. The
ferred to the recipient storage module. The canister is installed in HI-STORM system overcomes this problem by ensuring that the
the storage cask by stacking the canister-bearing transfer cask and bottom end of the canister is wetted by the floodwater before the
lowering the canister in it. Thanks to gravity, there is no risk of inlet duct is fully blocked by the floodwater.
the canister’s rubbing or binding during the canister transfer in a
vertical ventilated module (Fig. 56.12).
Figure 56.12 shows a typical MPC transfer operation inside a
plant’s controlled radiological boundary (typically, the plant’s
truck bay).
The outdoors transfer of a loaded canister, if desired, can be
carried out using an in-ground canister transfer facility (Holtec
Patent No. 7,139,358B2), as illustrated in Fig. 56.13.
The VVS module design partially addresses the 9/11-loading
(i.e., a crashing aircraft) by utilizing a dual shell steel structure
and a dual plate steel lid structure (both filled with concrete), fas-
tened together by large bolts. An Atomic Safety Licensing Board
panel in Reference [10] found Holtec’s HI-STORM system (the
most widely used VVS in the world) to be capable of maintain-
ing canister integrity if hit by a crashing fuel-laden F-16.
However, there is no published demonstration of HI-STORM’s6

HI-STORM™, an acronym for Holtec International Storage
Module, is a registered trademark of Holtec International, 555 FIG. 56.13 MPC TRANSFER AT THE ISFSI USING THE
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446 • Chapter 56

duced in BWRs in the near future. Therefore, the fuel baskets for
dry storage casks must be designed to meet the dual requirement
of high initial enrichment and high heat load. The latest generation
of casks designed to meet the above needs is the
HI-STORM FW system [56.18] shown in Figure 56.15 herein. The
fuel baskets used in HI-STORM FW are made entirely of
Metamic-HT, a nano-technology product that has over ten times
the thermal conductivity of stainless steel and contains a far
greater areal density of the B-10 isotope than is available in con-
temporary fuel baskets (the B-10 isotope captures thermalized
neutrons and maintains reactivity control). As a result, the HI-
STORM FW fuel basket is qualifiable to store fuel of initial
enrichment as high as 5%. The high thermal conductivity of
Metamic-HT also boosts the heat rejection capacity of the canister
by more than 50% over its stainless steel counterpart. MPC-37,
containing 37 storage slots, is the canister used to store PWR fuel.
Each storage cavity has 8.94 inch (nominal) square opening, which
is adequate to store used spent fuel distorted by extended irradia-
tion in the reactor or canisterized damaged fuel and fuel debris.
MPC-89, containing 89 square cavities, each 6.05 inch square,
is the BWR counterpart of MPC-37. Both MPC-37 and MPC-89,
thanks to the Metamic-HT basket and the thermosiphon-enabled
FIG. 56.14 THERMOSIPHON DRIVEN FLOW OF HELIUM IN design mentioned previously, can reject over 50 kilowatt of heat
A HI-STORM MPC while meeting USNRC’s cladding temperature limit when stored
in the HI-STORM FW overpack. Thus, spent nuclear fuel with
PCDT as little as three years can be packaged and placed in dry
The canister used in the HI-STORM module is also designed to storage in HI-STORM FW.
promote internal convection of contained helium by thermosiphon It is reasonable to expect that a new generation of high enrich-
action in the manner of a recirculating flow system generator in a ment and high heat load capable storage systems, typified by HI-
PWR (see Fig. 56.14). The heat in the helium sweeping past the STORM FW, will emerge in the coming decade to meet the
bottom region of the canister is extracted by the floodwater on the evolving needs of the commercial nuclear industry.
outside, thus preventing overheating of the stored fuel. Quite evi-
dently, a proper design of the canister is crucial to a safe and 56.8.2 Portability of Spent Nuclear Fuel
robust ventilated storage system, and as such a subject that will Storing the fuel in a welded canister at a nuclear plant site with
engage our attention later in this chapter. full knowledge that the fuel will have to be retrieved and repack-
As matters stand at this time, the dry storage systems certified aged for off-site transport is a transparently unappetizing prospect
by the USNRC are generally capable of handling the fuel previ- for any nuclear utility. Beginning in the early 1990s, the utilities
ously discharged into the domestic PWR and BWR pools.
However, the presently licensed systems will not be able to deal
with the fuel being discharged at many sites because of two emerg-
ing trends, namely: (i) storage of newly discharged fuel assemblies
and (ii) storage of used fuel with high initial enrichment.
Because the radioactive decay and the concomitant heat gener-
ation rate in the fuel upon a reactor’s shutdown reduces rapidly
with increasing post-core decay time (PCDT), the U.S. utilities
are keen to move the high “specific heat” fuel assemblies from
their reinforced concrete fuel pools into the even more structural-
ly robust dry storage casks. The ability to transfer the high specif-
ic heat fuel to dry storage requires that the storage system be
capable of rejection a larger quantity of heat emitted by the fuel
than hitherto fore required. While the high heat rejection require-
ment is prompted by considerations of increased security, the
need to store fuel with ever higher initial enrichment is driven by
the trend in the industry towards longer fuel cycles by burning
high enrichment fuel.
The USNRC, however, does not recognize reduction in a fuel’s
reactivity due to accumulated burnup for on-site storage (one of
several technical anomalies in the state-of-the-art regulatory regi-
men). Therefore, the canister’s fuel basket must be designed to sat-
isfy the long established subcriticality limit (keff ⱕ 0.95) under the
assumption of zero burnup. Initial enrichments approaching 5% FIG. 56.15 THE HI-STORM FW VERTICAL VENTILATED
are increasingly commonplace in PWRs and expected to be intro- MODULE
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began to insist that the cask suppliers provide “transportable” the shifting requirements of corrosion resistance, DOE’s initial tech-
storage canisters, a theme that rose to become a national policy as nical guidance of triple duty for the MPC had to be stripped of its
the U.S. Department of Energy proposed a unified set of require- long-term in-repository mission, making the MPC a de facto dual-
ments for a new breed of canisters that it called the multipurpose purpose canister. The term MPC, however, endures in the contempo-
canister or MPC. The evolution of the MPC concept and its rary technical literature and is accordingly used herein to refer to the
consequences to the United States and by extension, to the global canisters licensed to store and transport spent nuclear fuel.
dry storage and transport industry, which have been decidedly The MPC consists of two major components, namely, the enclo-
profound, can be summarized as the rise of three principal imper- sure vessel and the fuel basket. The enclosure vessel is essentially
atives in the management of spent nuclear fuel: a pressure vessel with the unambiguous mission of providing an
absolute protection against the release of its contents, including
(1) The storage system must bottle up the radiation emanating gaseous matter, under all potential storage and transport modes.
from the fuel to the maximum extent possible; The material procurement, design, fabrication, inspection, and test-
(2) The fuel must be stored in a leaktight container such that no ing of the MPC enclosure vessel is accordingly carried out under a
interaction of the environment in the container with the suitably rigorous ASME Code (Section III, Subsection NB). All
external environment is possible. butt welds are volumetrically examined and a high-ductility, high-
(3) The container must be transportable. fracture resistant, and corrosion-resistant material (typically
austenitic stainless steel) is used as the pressure part material.
In the United States, the preferred means to achieve the above Utmost structural ruggedness is an important goal in an MPC
objectives, as stated previously, has been to package the fuel in an design, which has been demonstrated to withstand a free fall from
all-welded canister and to store it inside a massive biological 25 ft. onto an essentially rigid target [14] without yielding its con-
shield (storage overpack described in the foregoing). The absence tents despite the enormous mass (over 45 tons).
of any gasketed joint in the canister and use of corrosion-resistant The Fuel Basket’s role as a component within the MPC is to
alloy materials in the canister enclosure ensure that the confine- (i) provide locational certainty to the stored fuel, (ii) provide an
ment space inside the canister is completely sequestered from the effective means to dissipate the fuel’s decay heat, (iii) ensure a
surrounding environment. subcritical configuration in the worst case scenario of modera-
The last criterion – transportability – is much more arduous to tion, and (iv) maintain structural integrity during all normal and
meet as USNRC’s 10 CFR 71 (and its international counterpart, postulated accident scenarios.
IAEA TSR-1), places stringent requirements on the transport To achieve maximum structural rigidity, state-of-the-art fuel
package that do not apply to the storage system. Table 56.2 con- basket designs typically employ “egg-crate” configurations, as
trasts some of the key requirements under 10 CFR 71 (transport) illustrated by the PWR and BWR basket in the HI-STORM VVS
and 10 CFR 72 (storage) to illustrate the significantly greater (USNRC Docket No. 72-1014) in Figs. 15 and 16, respectively.
severity of requirements for mustering transport certification in Incidence of hydrogen ignition in certain painted carbon steel
comparison to that for storage. As a result, several storage sys- baskets (due to zinc/borated water reactions) [12] eliminated
tems that have been certified for storage by the USNRC cannot be painted steel as a candidate basket material. Stainless steel, now
licensed for transport [20]. widely used, at merely one-third the thermal conductivity of car-
bon steel, presents the designer with a heat dissipation problem.
56.8.3 The Multipurpose Canister In the HI-STORM MPCs, the reduced conduction heat transfer
As mentioned above, the MPC was conceived by the U.S. rate through the body of the stainless steel basket is overcome by
Department of Energy in the early 1990s as a single waste package actuating a strong convective heat transfer through the ther-
engineered to serve as a reliable confinement boundary during mosiphon feature discussed earlier. Another approach to enhance
interim dry storage, as a robust package during transport, and as an heat transfer is to make the basket entirely out of a borated
environmentally rugged container in a long-term repository. Under aluminum nano-alloy, such as Metamic-HT [13], which became



Area Storage (10 CFR 72) Transport (10 CFR 71)

1. Dose limit in the No specific limit on the cask; a limit on the dose received by an 200 mrem/h on the external surface
proximity of the individual at the “controlled area” boundary is specified in §72.104 of the package; 10 mrem/h at 2 m
loaded cask and §72.106; the regulator exercises discretion based on ALARA (§71.47).
in certifying the cask.
2. Structural strength Regulations limit the structural requirement to providing a The fuel basket must maintain
reasonable demonstration that the storage system will maintain criticality safety in the aftermath of
confinement of radioactive material under normal, off-normal, and a free fall of the cask from a height
credible accident conditions (§72.236). In practice, the USNRC has of 9 m onto an essentially rigid
required that the fuel basket satisfy an ASME Code stress limit or a surface (10 CFR 71.73).
deflection limit under a nonmechanistic tipover event at the storage pad.
3. Criticality Safety Based on the canister’s design features, the designer is permitted to Moderator intrusion is postulated
assume that moderator intrusion is precluded during storage. during normal transport.
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448 • Chapter 56


DOCKET NO. 71-9325) [13]

Item Value
1. Minimum yield strength, y (ksi)
at 37 °C 26
at 200 °C 21
at 300 °C 15
2. Minimum tensile strength, u (ksi)
at 37 °C 30
at 200 s 22.5
at 300 °C 17
3. Minimum Young’s Modulus (elastic), Y (ksi)
FUEL (HOLTEC PATENT NO. 5,898,747) USED IN HOLTEC’S at 400 °C 8,000
MPC-32 4. Minimum elongation, (%)
at 37 °C 8
available in the last decade. The minimum certified thermophysi- at 200 °C 7
cal properties of Metamic-HT (see Table 56.3) have opened the at 300 °C 7
possibility of nanotechnology-based borated aluminum becoming
5. Minimum thermal conductivity, k (W/m-oK) 173
the material of choice for fuel baskets.
Combining the role of storage and transport in one canister has 6. Maximum creep rate as a function of stress , See Note 1
had a most direct effect on its size. The constraints that limit a temperature T, and time
canister’s size are as follows: 7. Minimum emissivity, . (dimensionless) 0.5
(1) The transport package diameter is controlled by the 8. B4C Content (wt. %) 9 (min.)
impact limiter (see Fig. 56.17), which must be less than 10 (max.)
128 diameter (IAEA rules) and also must be large enough E
to have sufficient crush stroke to absorb the impact energy Note 1: Creep Equation c  exp( )sinh( )

in the 9 m free drop event (see Table 56.2) without
permitting any part of the cask proper to be subject to a where: c is Creep Strain (%),  is stress (psi), T is temperature
direct impact. (K),
is time (h), and the constants are as follows:
(2) The transfer cask must not be more than 8 ft. in diameter to 1.7E03%/h 1E-04 psi1
fit in the open space in many existing fuel pools. E 50,000 J/gmol-K  0.5
(3) The transport cask must have a sufficient amount of shield- R 8.31 J/gmol-K
ing (i.e., mass and spatial extent) to meet the dose limits in
Table 56.2, especially with rising fuel burnups that now
exceed  60 GWD/MTU for PWR fuel. in Fig. 56.18, was developed by Holtec International with the
An MPC loaded with well-burned 32 PWR or 68 RWR, even objective of fulfilling the emerging industry’s need to harden
after 5 – 7 years of decay, may emit as much as 40 kW of heat spent fuel storage systems against threats on industrial targets
energy, which is intolerably high for the Yucca Mountain reposi- that are unique to the new century. As discussed in References
tory, even if the MPC were to be “aged” for a decade or more out- [15,17], its huge advantages are conspicuous, such as follows:
side the repository before its interment. The heat load concern has (1) Stored fuel is virtually inaccessible to attack from an air-
led the DOE to redefine its canister specification with PWR and craft or a conventional missile.
BWR fuel populations fixed at 21 and 44, respectively. The new (2) Extremely robust against a direct hit from a projectile of
canisters, referred to as Transport, Aging and Disposal (TAD), are any kind, making release of radiological matter virtually
not yet designed. Their licensing schedule is intertwined with the impossible.
course of the repository program. (3) Flood does not challenge the thermal performance of the
storage system.
(4) Natural hazards such as hurricanes, tsunami, or tornados do
56.9 UNDERGROUND VENTILATED not challenge the integrity of the storage system.
STORAGE MODULE (HI-STORM (5) Because the storage cavity is a closed bottom container,
100 U): STUDY OF A UNIQUE combustion of flammable material placed in the cavity can-
TECHNOLOGY not be sustained.
(6) Underground placement of fuel renders the dose from the
The heightened sense of safety in the wake of 9/11 gave a storage cavities to negligible values.
renewed impetus to the industry’s long sought goal of storing (7) Less occupational dose in loading the canister into the stor-
fuel in underground modules. The HI-STORM 100U vertical age cavity because of improved human factors and work
ventilated module [17], shown arrayed in a rectangular grid durations.
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NOS. 71-9261, 71-9325, AND 71-9336)

FIG. 56.17 THE BWR FUEL BASKET FOR BWR FUEL manently immersed in wet subgrade. A cathodic protection
USED IN MPC-68 (HOLTEC PATENT NO. 5,898,747) system may be required at all sites except those with nonag-
gressive subgrades.
(4) Unlike the aboveground HI-STORM 100S overpack [16],
(8) Loading and shipment of canister out of storage is conve- which is made of steel, and hence can in principle be
nient and efficient. The Part 50 infrastructure (crane, truck transported from one site to another for use, the under-
bay, etc.) is not needed to package and ship the loaded ground storage module (save for its closure lid) is immov-
canisters. able.
(9) Surveillance of the storage facility to inspect the duct open- (5) Unlike the aboveground overpack that can be loaded in the
ings is a physically trivial effort because the ducts are near nuclear plant’s truck bay or at the storage facility, the under-
ground level and thus are readily visible by a person from ground storage system must be loaded at the storage facility.
any location around the storage facility. As said above, it should be noted that the vertical ventilated
(10) The storage facility is essentially invulnerable to earth- underground module design is not canister-specific; it can, in
quake even under soil liquefaction scenarios. principle, be used to store a variety of canisters in use around the
For a balanced understanding, the above statements of merit world. In other words, the underground storage system can serve
must be weighed against certain demerits, namely, as the universal vessel for storing all canisterized fuel produced
by reactors across the world, making it a meritorious candidate
(1) If floodwaters rise enough to enter the storage cavity, then for large autonomous storage sites such as the U.S. Department of
cleaning the debris washed in by floodwater will take more Energy’s planned Aging Facility.
work than in an aboveground system. The underground storage technology may also be suitable for
(2) Substantial on-site construction work is required, in high seismic zone regions such as the Western United States,
contrast to the aboveground HI-STORM modules that Japan, and Taiwan, and in regions where nuclear plant sites are
require little in the way of on-site resources (up to four constrained by paucity of excess land or those located close to
aboveground HI-STORMs have been filled with concrete population centers, such as many in Europe.
in one day).
(3) Sites with a high water table will require design measures
to keep the steel container of storage cavity from being per-
A metal cask combines the functions of both the storage
module and the transfer cask in a ventilated storage system:
The storage cask is also the cask that is submerged in the pool
and loaded with fuel. Upon completion of fuel loading in the
pool, the cask is moved to a location where the fuel cavity is
dewatered, dehydrated (dried), and filled with inert gas. Then
the cask can be either stored locally in the premises of the plant
or shipped off-site (if it is certified for transport). Most metal
casks are typically designed to provide both on-site storage and
off-site transport. Dual-purpose metal casks are offered with
both canisterized fuel (viz., HI-STAR 100 in USNRC Docket
Nos. 72-1008 and 71-9261) and with uncanisterized (bare bas-
FIG. 56.18 PERSPECTIVE VIEW OF A TYPICAL HI-STORM ket) fuel (viz., TN-68 in USNRC Docket Nos. 72-1027 and 71-
100U INSTALLATION (Courtesy of HOLTEC International) 9293) and HI-STAR 180 (USNRC Docket No. 71-9325). In the
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450 • Chapter 56

uncanisterized metal cask, the gasketed lid is the sole barrier acquiescence of other national regulatory authorities to limited
against leakage. As a result, certain regulatory authorities burnup credit is likely to occur in the coming years as (and if) the
require a dual lid system for bare basket metal casks in the record of safe shipment of transportation industry, already quite
transport mode. substantial, continues to grow to provide an irrefutable evidence
A metal cask that stores fuel in a bare basket (uncanisterized) of utmost safety.
is the sole confinement and containment vessel for the radiologi- To ensure that the transport cask will maintain its cargo (spent
cal matter. Therefore, it is required to be designed to the most fuel) in a safe configuration under a mechanical accident, the NRC
rigorous section of the ASME Code (ASME Code Section III, and IAEA regulations require that the package withstand a free fall
Subsection NB). More recently, the ASME has published a trans- for 9 m (30 ft.) onto an “essentially rigid” surface. To meet this
port cask focused code (Division 3, Subsection “WB”) that paral- requirement, the transport cask is equipped with “impact limiters”
lels Subsection NB. that are engineered to limit the inertia forces sustained by the con-
The major benefit of an uncanisterized cask is the ease and con- tained fuel basket. Figure 56.17 shows a typical AL-STAR impact
venience with which the fuel can be loaded. Two factors reduce limiter used in the HI-STAR 100 transport cask [19]. The outer
the time of loading of a bare basket metal cask: diameter of the impact limiter is limited to 128⬙ in most jurisdic-
tions for rail transport. This, as discussed in Section 56.8.3, con-
(1) There is no canister lid to be welded.
trols the maximum fuel payload capacity of the cask. Until now,
(2) There is no need of transfer of canister from the transfer cask
maximum capacities achieved in licensed designs are 32 and 68
to the storage cask because the metal cask itself can be taken
fuel assemblies for PWR and BWR fuel types, respectively. More
to the pool and loaded with fuel.
efficient designs that utilize the high-strength Metamic® (see Table
Reduced time for fuel loading is a major ALARA benefit associ- 56.3) have been developed that feature payload capacities of 37
ated with metal casks. However, this benefit must be weighed (PWR) and 82 (BWR) fuel assemblies. Increasing the payload of
against the risk of spread of contamination as the cask submerged the transport cask is a key design imperative because of its evident
in the (contaminated) pool water is cleaned and taken outside the effect on the number of shipments required and the occupational
plant’s radiologically isolated and controlled environment. However, dose sustained by the personnel involved in the loading, transport,
once the cask is packaged and loaded, it can be transported to an off- and unloading operations.
site location without any further packaging or handling of fuel. The
ease and simplicity of use has been the principal reason for the
widespread use of metal casks in Europe and Japan, where utilities 56.11 DESIGN BASIS THREAT
prefer to store them inside a ventilated building. The building helps
further attenuate the dose from the metal casks, which tends to be Crashing of an aircraft on a nuclear plant’s containment has
considerably more than their storage-only (ventilated) counterparts. been postulated in some countries since the early days of com-
The increased dose accretion from a metal cask is unavoidable mercial nuclear energy. As a result, technical interest in predicting
because unlike a storage-only ventilated cask, the weight of the the response of large and massive nuclear structures under the
metal cask must not exceed the plant’s crane capacity or the allow- impact of aircraft predates 9/11 by several decades. In 1968, Riera
able payload on the transport vehicle. [21] developed a theoretical formulation to predict the impulse of
The dose issue becomes more acute for metal casks as the fuel impact from the frontal normal collision of aircraft with a large
burnup at discharge increases and MOX fuel joins the inventory structure using the data from Haley et al. [22]. Riera’s formula-
of used fuel. Because the rate of decrease of neutron and gamma tion, endorsed in a 1977 paper [23], became the foundation on
fluence from a high-burnup fuel decreases monotonically with which the correlation of subsequent full-scale F-4 crash tests
burnup, waiting for the fuel to decay sufficiently to get the dose sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy [24] were carried
within transport limits (Table 56.2) can be a long one. As a result, out by other researchers [25]. Using DOE full-scale F-4 crash
designers have been forced to develop ever more artful designs tests, methodology for scaling test data to produce appropriate
[13] to meet the regulatory dose limits in casks intended to trans- interface force-time histories for different aircraft geometries, and
port high burnup (i.e., high-dose emitting fuel) and MOX fuel. velocity was developed in a 1996 DOE report [26], which remains
Until recently, the concomitant benefit of “high” burnup, the authoritative reference for quantifying the impact impulse
namely, reduced reactivity, was denied to transport packages. from the frontal collision of an aircraft with a globally rigid and
Further, under normal transport conditions, the regulations massive target that is anchored to the ground.
(10 CFR 71.55) require that the cask be assumed to be filled with In what follows, the Riera formulation [21] and DOE correla-
pure water at the optimal temperature to maximize reactivity tion [26] are extended to the case where the target is massive but
(4 °C). These onerous requirements forced the transport casks to unfixed (viz., a freestanding cask) and the aircraft may sustain a
utilize baskets with a relatively low storage capacity. Figure loss of mass through dismemberment (say, severing of its wing(s))
56.15 shows a “high capacity” PWR fuel basket for the HI-STAR or accretion (the crushed portion of the aircraft becomes dynami-
100 dual-purpose cask [19]. To achieve this capacity, it was nec- cally attached to the target cask).
essary to recognize the fact that a used fuel is substantially less The mathematical formulation of the aircraft crash problem,
reactive than a fresh, unburned fuel. Until recently, the NRC’s presented below, is based on the following assumptions:
modus operandi (not grounded in any regulation) had been to
require all fuel to be treated as fresh. Quite naturally, the issue of (1) The impact is normal to the target, which is assumed to be
recognition of fuel’s burnup has been the subject of an intense rigid, and an order (or more) magnitude more massive than
technical activity in recent years. The certification of the MPC- the aircraft.
32 high-capacity canister for transport in the HI-STAR 100 trans- (2) The aircraft crashes at the location of impact; the crushed
port cask (USNRC Docket No. 71-9261) (see basket in Fig. mass moves with the impacted target, while the uncrushed
56.15) in 2006 was a milestone development in this matter. The portion of the aircraft steadily decelerates.
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56.11.1 Equations of Motion case, the impact force acts to oppose the motion of the uncrushed
Let us consider a collection of mass particles that add up to the portion of the aircraft. Equating the momentum change to the
total mass of the impacting aircraft plus the target. The impacting impulse over the time t gives
aircraft is assumed to advance toward a rigid target orthogonal to # #
the target’s surface. At any time t, the mass of this collection of [(m(t)  m(t)t)(v(t)  v)  m(t)t(vT(t)
particles can be represented in terms of three quantities:  vT)] – m(t)v(t)  F(t)t

m(t)  uncrushed mass of aircraft or after canceling terms, dividing by t, and taking the limit,
mc(t)  crushed mass of aircraft
M  mass of target # #
m(t) v  m(t)(v(t)  vT (t))  F(t) (56.2)
Let m (t)  rate of decrease in uncrushed aircraft mass m(t) at
Equation (56.2) is the equation of motion for the aircraft
time t
uncrushed portion. Using Eq. (56.2) in Eq. (56.1) produces the
v(t)  velocity of uncrushed mass at time t equation for the target (plus crushed mass) as
vT (t)  velocity of target plus crushed mass at time t
(M  mc (t))vT  F(t) (56.3)
Total aircraft mass  MA  m(t)  mc(t)  constant (so that
# #
m  mc) Should the target be fixed or subject to frictional resistance, the
F(t)  Impact force at interface between target and aircraft right-hand side of Eq. (56.3) would include the additional resis-
uncrushed portion at time t tive force (which would come from its appearance in Eq. (56.1)).
To establish the appropriate equations of motion for the aircraft In conclusion, for an unrestrained target, the target is acceler-
uncrushed portion and for the target, first calculate the system ated by F(t), and the target mass is continually increased by the
momentum at time t, and at time t  t. crushed mass from the aircraft. The motion of the uncrushed por-
tion of the aircraft is decelerated by the interface impact force, but
At time t there is a “psuedo thrust force” that tends to accelerate the aircraft
Momentum(t)  m(t)v(t)  (mc(t)  M)vT(t) of magnitude m(t)(v(t)  vT (t)).
The interface impact force F(t) has been postulated in
At time t  t Reference [21], and verified in Reference [22] by full-scale crash
Momentum(t  t)  (m  m t)(v  v)  (mc  M) testing of an F4 jet fighter, to have the form
 (vT  vT)  mt(vT  vT) #
F(t)  Fc(t)  m(t)(v(t)  vT (t)) (56.4)
To determine the desired equations of motion, we invoke an
overall system momentum balance for the system consisting of Where Fc(t) is the force required to statically crush the aircraft
the impactor and the target. Neglecting any current engine thrust at a specific location along the aircraft. Fc(t) is time varying
from the aircraft or any other external force, such as restraint because the aircraft crush position, measured from the aircraft
forces applied to the target, the net change in momentum for the nose, is a function of time.
total system is zero over the interval t since the interface impact Using Eq. (56.4) in Eq. (56.2) implies that the uncrushed air-
force F(t) is internal to the system being considered. craft (having time varying mass) is decelerated in accordance with
the equation:
# m(t)v  Fc(t) (56.5)
[(m  mt)(v  v)  (mc  M)(vT  vT)
 mt(vT  vT)]  [mv  (mcM)vT]  0 Equations (56.3) and (56.5) are the final equations of motion
for the target and the aircraft, respectively, with the interface force
is the equation for preservation of total linear momentum acting on as given by Eq. (56.4). If (x(t)) is the mass per unit
length of the aircraft at the current location of crushing (measured
Canceling appropriate terms gives from the aircraft nose), then the experimental work [24] correlates
# # with
mv  mtv  mtv  (mc  M)vT
# # #
 mt vT  mtvT  0 m(t)  (x(t))(v(t)  vT (t)) (56.6)

Divide by t and go to the limit t, v, vT : 0 to obtain where is defined as an effective mass coefficient defined to
# # # reproduce the total impulse of F(t) as determined by integrating
m(t)v  (mc(t)  M) v T  m(t)(v(t)  vT (t))  0 (56.1) the force-time history. Based on the comparison in Reference
[25], the DOE Standard [26] suggests that need not exceed 0.9.
Equation (56.1) is the consequence of conserving total system However, that choice was simply based on matching the total
momentum in the absence of any external force that produces an impulse from the applied force, and not from the solution of any
impulse on the total system of aircraft plus target. If the target dynamic problem.
were fixed to the ground or subject to friction forces, the right- The preceding development has been based on the assumption
hand side would not be zero but would have a term representing that all of the crushed mass of the aircraft attaches to and remains
the impulsive reaction due to the external effects. To obtain a sec- with the target for the remaining duration. If we look at the cross
ond differential equation, it is necessary to isolate the uncrushed sections of aircraft and casks, it is likely that only a small portion
mass of the aircraft and formulate the momentum balance. In this of mass acts to influence the cask motion and any cask damage.
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452 • Chapter 56

For example, much of the post 9/11 studies consider only engines 2. AEA Nuclear Technology Review, Annex II, p. 57, 2006.
of large aircraft as having any significant influence on cask dam- 3. Uranium and Plutonium: Macro-Economic Study, Final Report, Nuclear
age and subsequent motion. However, for small military “fast Decommissioning Authority Report Ref: KP000040, June 2007.
movers,” it is likely that cask damage and subsequent motion may
4. Soler, A.I. and Singh, K.P., Seismic Responses of Free Standing Fuel
be influenced by more than just the engine mass. Therefore, it
Rack Constructions to 3-D Motions, Nuclear Engineering and
could be surmized that during the initial stages of the impact, all Design, Vol. 80, pp. 315 – 329, 1984.
of the mass of the aircraft participates, but at some instant, the air-
craft wings separate from the main body and do not participate in 5. Paul, B., Fluid Coupling in Fuel Racks: Correlation of Theory and
any subsequent dynamics simulation. To consider this, while still Experiment, Holtec Report HI-88243, 1988.
focusing on uncrushed aircraft and target plus crushed aircraft 6. USNRC, OT Position for Review and Acceptance of Spent Fuel
behavior, we consider that the aircraft wings, plus any stores Storage and Handling Applications, dated April 14, 1978, and January
attached to the wings that are outside the expected impact inter- 18,1979 amendment thereto.
face area, become detached at some instant during the impact 7. Singh, K.P. and Soler, A.I., Seismic Qualification of Free Standing
process, but do not suffer any instantaneous change in velocity. Nuclear Fuel Storage Racks – the Chin Shan Experience, Nuclear
Based on this assumption, the aircraft mass distribution is broken Engineering International, UK, 1991.
down as follows: 8. Standard Review Plan (SRP) Section 3.8.4, Other Seismic Category
MA  m(t)  mc(t)  Mwing  constant I Structures, Appendix D, Technical Position on Spent Fuel Racks.
9. EPRI Report 1003137, Qualification of Metamic for Spent Fuel
It is assumed that when separation occurs, the wing mass con- Storage Applications, The Electric Power Research Institute, Palo
tinues on with no change in velocity. Note that m(t) now repre- Alto, CA, October 2001.
sents the uncrushed mass of the aircraft exclusive of any mass
10. USNRC ASLB, Final Partial Initial Decision on F-16 Aircraft
that may later separate from the aircraft and not become attached Accident Consequences, Docket No. 72-22-ISFSI, ASLB# 97-732-
to the target. For all times t, prior to the wings separating from 02-ISFSI, dated 2/24/2005.
the main body of the aircraft, m(t) is replaced by [m(t)  Mwing]
in Eqns. (56.1) and (56.2), and consequently, in Eqns. 11. SFPO-ISG-11, Revision 3, Cladding Considerations for the
Transportation and Storage of Spent Fuel, USNRC, Washington, DC,
(56.3) – (56.5). For time t greater than the separation time, Eqns.
(56.3) – (56.6) have the form given above, with the proviso that
m(t) and (x(t)) do not include effect of the separated wing mass. 12. USNRC Bulletin 96-04, Chemical, Galvanic or Other Reactions in
Therefore, the equations of motion must be formulated in two Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation Casks, July 5, 1996.
distinct regimes; the same form of the equations apply, but m(t) 13. Safety Analysis Report, HI-STAR 180 Package, Holtec Report No.
and the mass per unit length (x(t)) do not include the separated HI-2073681, USNRC Docket No. 71-9325, 2007.
mass. 14. Singh, K.P. and Zhai, J., The Multi-Purpose Canister: A Bulwark of
The above formulation is an efficient means to quantify the Safety in the Post-9/11 Age, International High-Level Radioactive Waste
impact impulse from crashing of airplanes with casks in recent Management Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 30 – April 2, 2003.
years [10].
15. Singh, K.P., On the Essential Characteristics of Underground Storage
Finally, it should be emphasized that the above analysis
of Spent Nuclear Fuel in the HI-STORM 100 System, PATRAM
assumes that the target, except for some (inevitable) localized 2007, Miami, FL, USA, 10/2007.
deformation, remains intact. The solution provides the impact
impulse and the velocity time-history of the target. To determine 16. USNRC Docket No. 72-1014, The HI-STORM 100 MPC System,
the extent of damage to the cask, it would be necessary to use a USNRC, Washington, DC, 1996.
suitable finite element code with the impulse computed from 17. Singh, K.P., HI-STORM 100U, , Patent No. 7,330,526B2, February
above as the input. 12, 2008.
A direct solution of the impact problem, wherein the entire 18. The HI-STORM FW Vertical Ventilated MPC Storage System,
aircraft and the cask are modeled on a suitable elasto-plastic USNRC document N. 72–1032.
impact code (a significantly more expansive technical effort),
19. HI-STAR 100 Dual Purpose Cask, USNRC Docket Nos. 72-1008
has been carried out at the Sandia National Laboratory.
(originally licensed 10/4/1999)and 71-9261, (originally licensed
Unfortunately, much of the work remains unavailable to the 3/31/1999.
open literature.
Given the abiding imprint of 9/11 on the public psyche, it is 20. Shipping and Storage Cask Data for Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel,
inevitable that additional research on prognosticating the response JAI-582, JAI Corporation, Fairfax, VA, March 2005.
of fuel storage and transport systems to impactive and impulsive 21. Riera, J.D., On the Stress Analysis of Structures Subjected to Aircraft
events will continue in the future, and simplified techniques to Impact Forces, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 8, North
design casks against postulated design basis threats of various Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1968.
kinds will become available. 22. Haley, J.L. and Turnbow, J.W., Total Reaction Force due to an Aircraft
Impact into a Rigid Barrier, AVSER Final Report 68-3, Report pre-
pared by Dynamic Science, Pheonix, Arizona, for Gilbert Associates,
Inc., April 1968.
56.12 REFERENCES 23. Wolf, J.P., Bucher, K.M., and Skrikerud, P.E., Response of Equipment
to Aircraft Impact, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 47, North
1. Albright, D., Berkhout, F., and Walker, W., Plutonium and Highly
Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, pp. 169 – 193, 1978.
Enriched Uranium 1996 – World Inventories, Capabilities
and Policies, International Affairs, Vol. 74, No. 2, pp. 423 – 424, 24. von Riesemann, W.A., Parrish, R.L., Bickel, D.C., Heffelfinger, S.R.,
1998. Muto, K., Sugano, T., Tsubota, H., Koshika, N., Suzuki, M., and
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Ohrui, S., Full-Scale Aircraft Impact Test for Evaluation of Impact Scale Aircraft Impact Test for Evaluation of Impact Forces, Part 2:
Forces, Part 1: Test Plan, Test Methods, and Test Results, in: Hadjian, Analysis of the Results, in: Hadjian, A.H. (Ed.), 10th Structural
A.H. (Ed.), 10th Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology Mechanics in Reactor Technology Proceedings, Vol. J, pp. 293 – 299,
Proceedings, Vol. J, pp. 285 – 292, 1989. 1989. 26. DOE Standard, Accident Analysis for Aircraft Crash into
Hazardous Facilities, DOE-STD-3014-96, U.S. Department of
25. Muto, K., Sugano, T., Tsubota, H., Kasia, Y., Koshika, N., Suzuki, M.,
Energy, 1996.
Ohrui, S., von Riesemann, W.A., Bickel, D.C., and Parrish, R.L., Full-
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Part A: AP1000 John T. Land
Part B: EPR Marty Parece
Part C: US-APWR Masahiko Kaneda
From the commissioning of the first commercial nuclear reac- • US-APWR
tor more than 50 years ago, the nuclear power industry has been
developing and improving reactor technology with particular The outlines of these sections are as follows:
emphasis on reliability and safety. There are several generations
Section 57A AP1000
of reactors that have been developed or are being developed.
These reactors are generally categorized as Generation I, II, III, • AP1000 Plant Design
III+, and IV reactors. Figure 57.1 illustrates the technology dis- • AP1000 Operational Technology
tilled from 50 years of successful nuclear operating experience • Safety Features
that has led to the Generation III+ pressurized water reactors • Containment Design
(PWRs). • Modularization and Construction
Generation I reactors were developed in the 1950s and 1960s, • Operation and Maintenance
Generation II reactors were developed in the 1970s through the • ASME Code Aspects
1990s, and Generation III reactors were developed in the 1990s • Future Direction
and 2000s. Generation III reactors are considered to be evolution- • References
ary reactors such as the System 80+, and advanced pressurized • Nomenclature
water reactor (APWR). Generation III+ reactors are based on the
nomenclature from the Department of Energy, that is, Generation Section 57B EPR
III reactors with improved economics and safety. Generation IV • EPR Development
reactors are new technologies that are being developed for future • EPR Plant Design
reactors. • EPR Safety
The Generation III+ PWR reactors discussed in this chapter • Containment Design
have design features with more robust design improvements, • Construction
higher availability and longer operating life, extended fuel life, • Operation and Maintenance
and improved and innovative safety features over the currently • Code Aspects
operating reactors. The Generation III+ Boiling Water Reactors • Building Now
(BWRs) are discussed in Chapter 58. • References
Section 57C US-APWR


• Operational Technology
The scope of this commentary is to describe in some detail the • Safety Features
Generation III+ PWR plant design features, technology, safety and • Containment Design
reliability features, and the elimination or mitigation of degrada- • Modularization and Construction
tion issues associated with Generation I, and II PWR designs. • Operation and Maintenance
This chapter provides commentary on the following Generation • ASME Code Aspects
III+ PWRs that have received Design Certification approval or are • Future Direction on the US-APWR
in the process of receiving certification approval from the U.S. • References
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC): • Nomenclature
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456 • Chapter 57



Plant Simplification Yield Fewer Components, Cable,

and Building Volume
Component Reference Plant AP1000
Pumps 280 180
Safety class valves 2,800 1,400
Safety class piping 110,000 19,000
Cable, million ft. 9.1 1.2
Seismic building
volume, million ft.3 12.7 5.6


(Source: Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC)
features were addressed during the Design Certification process.
The AP1000 is currently undergoing the Combined Operating
License (COL) process.
Simplification was a major design objective for both the AP600
57A AP1000 and AP1000 plants. Simplifications in overall safety systems, normal
operating systems, the control room, construction techniques, and
57A.1 INTRODUCTION instrumentation and control (I&C) systems are expected to provide
The commentary in this section on the AP1000 PWR is based reduced costs over current operating plants. Plant simplification
on public information documents [1–3]. yields fewer components, cable, and seismic building volume, which
The major design objectives of AP1000 are simplification of increases savings in capital investment and lowers operational and
the overall safety systems, improved reliability, and reduced costs maintenance costs. Table 57A.1 summarizes the component differ-
over Generations I, II, and III reactors. ences between an existing 1000-MWe plant and the AP1000. Table
The simplification of the safety systems is accomplished by 57A.1 shows that there are significant reductions in the number of
reductions in the number of components such as valves, cable, components between the AP1000 and a reference plant with about
and the seismic building volume. The reliability is accomplished the same electrical output power rating.
by improved technology with concomitant increases in safety In addition to plant simplification improvements, the reactor
margins. The reduced costs are accomplished by minimizing the vessel and internals, steam generator (SG), fuel, and pressurizer
number of components requiring inspection and modularization designs are improved versions of those found in currently operat-
and construction techniques that shorten construction and conse- ing Westinghouse-designed PWRs. Table 57A.2 summarizes the
quent costs. operational technology incorporated into the AP1000.


The AP1000 was the second PWR plant to receive Design The AP1000 is a two-loop PWR with a power rating of 3415
Certification from the NRC. The Design Certification process for MWt and a nominal net electrical output of 1117 MWe with a 157-
the AP1000 was assisted by the fact that a similar design, the fuel assembly core for base load generation. The AP1000 is
AP600, was previously certified by the NRC. The AP1000 was an designed for 24-month fuel cycles, with current plans to operate on
upgrade in power and consequently, the differences in the design 16 to 20-month alternating fuel cycles for optimum economics, with



Component Prior Use of Technology

Reactor vessel and internals Doel 4, Tihange 3
CRDMs Westinghouse plants worldwide
Fuel South Texas 1&2, Doel 4, Tihange 3
Large Model F steam generators ANO-2, San Onofre, Waterford, Palo Verde
Canned motor reactor coolant pumps Fossil boilers and other industrial applications (inverted canned motor pumps)
Pressurizer 70 Westinghouse plants worldwide
ASME_Ch57_p455-482.qxd 6/5/09 2:16 PM Page 457


Reactor Pressure Vessel

• Four inlet nozzles and two outlet nozzles
• Hot leg outlet nozzle located below the cold leg inlet nozzles
• Two safety injection nozzles
• Shortened hemispherical bottom head
• Penetrations for top-mounted in-core and T/C conduits

Reactor Internals
• Two hot leg outlet nozzles 180apart
• Two safety injection diverters 180apart
• Guide tubes with improved rodlet wear mitigation features
• Reduced-worth control rods (gray rods) to achieve daily load
follow without requiring changes to the soluble boron con-
• Accommodation hardware for in-core and T/C instrumenta-
• Welded core shroud to eliminate the concern for baffle–barrel
bolt cracking
• Bottom-head flow skirt to improve flow distribution into fuel

CRDMs and Driveline

• CRDMs and driveline similar to 4XL design

Steam Generators
• Two large SGs with Delta-125 designation and triangular
pitch tubing
FIG. 57A.1 AP1000 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEMS • Single vertical support column for SG
(Source: Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC) • Full-depth hydraulic expansion of tubes in tube sheets
• Stainless steel broached tube support plates
• Inconel 690 tubing to minimize stress corrosion cracking
• Upgraded antivibration bars to reduce wear
an expected availability goal of 93% over a 60-year design basis. • Upgraded primary and secondary moisture separators
Refueling outage capability is estimated to be around 17 days.
Figure 57A.1 illustrates a rendering of the AP1000 reactor Pumps
coolant system (RCS) design and layout. Figure. 57A.1 shows the • Two seamless pumps for each SG mounted under cold leg
primary equipment consisting of the reactor pressure vessel outlet nozzle of each SG
(RPV), SGs, reactor coolant pumps (RCPs), and pressurizer. • Elimination of pump shaft seals simplifies the auxiliary fluid
Each loop consists of one hot leg outlet pipe and two cold leg systems that support a canned motor pump, reduces mainte-
inlet pipes. Each SG has two seal-less RCPs mounted below the nance, and eliminates possible accidents involving seal fail-
cold leg outlet channel head of the SG. The reactor vessel and ures
reactor internals are similar in design to Westinghouse 3XL and • Integration of pump suction at cold leg channel head elimi-
4XL 14-ft. fuel assemblies, with the core closest to the bottom of nates the crossover leg of coolant loop piping, reduces the
the RPV. loop pressure drop, simplifies the foundation and support sys-
The RCS flow rate and fluid temperatures are similar to oper- tem for the SG, and eliminates the potential for uncovering
ating Westinghouse plants. The cold leg temperature in the RPV the core during a small LOCA.
nozzle is 535F (279C) and the hot leg temperature at the RPV
outlet nozzle is 612F (322C). The AP1000 fluid system incor- Pressurizer
porates a low boron core design to increase safety margins for
accident scenarios such as anticipated transients without scram • Larger than other Westinghouse designs with a volume of
(i.e., anticipated transients with the added failure of the reactor 59.5 cu m. (2100 cu ft.)
trip function). • Elimination of PORVs (pressure-operated relief valves)
The AP1000 primary equipment and fuel are mostly evolved
from Westinghouse PWR designs but with some innovative Fuel
design features. Many of these improved design features are a • 157 Fuel assemblies with zircaloy grids and removable top
result of solving material degradation issues in existing nozzles
Generation I and II PWR plants. These material degradations • 17  17 fuel assembly with 14-ft. core
issues are discussed in Chapters 11, 43, and 44. • Longer burn up features
The AP1000 major primary equipment, fuel, and instrumenta- • Improved core hold-down spring design w/o bolts
tion design features are summarized below from Refs [1–3]: • Margin of more than 15% from nuclear boiling limit
ASME_Ch57_p455-482.qxd 6/5/09 2:17 PM Page 458

458 • Chapter 57

In-core Instrumentation
• Fixed top-mounted in-core instrumentation

Thermocouple Instrumentation
• Thermocouples mounted in reactor internals similar to exist-
ing Westinghouse configuration with an improved sealing

Balance of plant (BOP) equipment features are discussed in

Section 57A.4.


The AP1000 provides multiple levels of defense for accident miti-
gation (defense-in-depth), resulting in extremely low core-damage
probabilities while minimizing the occurrences of containment
(Source: Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC)
flooding, pressurization, and heat up. The AP1000 submitted a prob-
abilistic risk assessment (PRA) in accordance with NRC regulatory
requirements. Accident mitigation is reflected in the PRA results
from the benefits of both safety and nonsafety systems that actuate 57A.4.1.1 Passive Safety Safety-Related Systems The passive
following an event. Table 57A.3 compares the calculated AP1000 safety-related systems include the passive core cooling system
core damage frequency (CDF) events per year with the NRC goal, (PXS), containment isolation, passive containment cooling system
current plant estimate, and the Utility Requirements Document (PCS), and the main control room (MRC) emergency habitability
(URD) goals. The PRA was acceptable for certification purposes. system.
The mean estimates of the risk metrics are shown in Table 57A.3.
The unique safety feature of the AP1000 is the use of a passive Passive Core Cooling System (PXS) The PXS is designed to
safety system. In the event of an accident, the use of natural perform two major functions: safety injection and reactor coolant
forces such as natural circulation, gravity flow, convection flow, makeup and passive residual heat removal (PRHR). The safety
and compressed gas are used to maintain core cooling and con- injection and reactor coolant makeup are used for the following
tainment integrity. The major design feature of the passive safety- conditions: high-pressure safety injection with CMTs, intermedi-
related system for the AP1000 is to provide safety injection from ate pressure safety injection with accumulators, low-pressure reac-
the core makeup tanks (CMTs), accumulators, and in-containment tor coolant makeup from the IRWST, and long-term cooling for
refueling water storage tank (IRWST) illustrated in Fig. 57A.2. containment recirculation.
Heat removal is accomplished by the passive residual heat The high-pressure safety injection with CMTs is used following
exchanger removal system (PRHR HX) and the IRWST, as illus- transients where the normal makeup system is inadequate or is
trated in Fig. 57A.3. unavailable. Figure 57A.2 illustrates the CMTs and accumulator
In addition, the RCS automatic depressurization system (ADS)
is located above the pressurizer, as illustrated in Fig. 57A.4.

57A.4.1 Discussion of Safety Features

The following safety features contribute to the defense-in-depth
of the AP1000:

• Passive Safety-Related Systems

• In-Vessel Retention of Core Damage
• Fission Product Release



NRC Current URD AP1000

PRA requirement plants requirement
CDFa 1  104 5  105 1  105 5  107
LRFb — — — 6  108
CDF – core damage frequency events per year FIG. 57A.3 AP1000 PASSIVE RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL
LRF – large release frequency per year SYSTEM (Source: Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC)
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IRWST is sufficient to overcome the small RCS pressure loss in

the injection lines.

Passive Residual Heat Removal System The PRHR system is

illustrated in Fig. 57A.3. The system includes the passive RHR
heat exchanger consisting of banks of tubes that are connected to
a natural circulation loop. The difference in water temperature
between the hot inlet water and the cold outlet water of the heat
exchanger drives the natural circulation loop. If the RCPs are run-
ning, the passive RHR heat exchange flow will be increased. The
IRWST is the heat sink for the passive RHR heat exchanger. The
IRWST water volume is sufficient to absorb decay heat for about
2 h before the water starts to boil. Thereafter, the steam from the
boiling IRWST condenses on the steel containment vessel walls
and then drains back into the IRWST.

Passive Containment Cooling System The function of the

AP1000 PCS is to prevent the containment from overheating and
exceeding the design pressure, which could result in a breach of the
containment and the loss of the final barrier to radioactive release.
The PCS is shown in Fig. 57A.5. The steel containment vessel
provides the heat transfer surface that allows heat to be removed
from inside the containment and rejected to the atmosphere. Heat
is removed from the steel containment vessel by a natural circula-
tion of air through the annulus formed by the outer shield building
and the steel containment vessel it houses. Outside air is pulled in
FIG. 57A.4 AP1000 AUTOMATIC DUS-DEPRESSURIZA- through orifices near the top of the shield building and pulled
TION SYTEMS (ADS) (Source: Westinghouse Electric down around the baffle and then it flows upward out of the shield
Company, LLC) building. The flow of air is driven by the chimney effect of air
heated in the containment vessel annulus and is exhausted up
through the central opening in the shield building roof. If needed,
additional air cooling can be supplemented by water evaporation
piping configuration for the AP1000. Two CMTs filled with borat- on the outside of the containment shell. The water is drained by
ed water in two parallel trains are designed to function at any RCS gravity from a tank located on top of the containment shield
pressure using gravity, with the temperature and height differences building. Three normally closed, fail-open valves will automati-
from the RCS cold leg as the driving force. The tanks are designed cally open if a high containment pressure is reached. The water
for full RCS pressure and are located above the RCS loop piping.
If the water level or pressure in the pressurizer reaches a set low
level, the reactor as well as the RCPs is tripped and the CMT dis-
charge isolation valves open automatically. The water from the
CMTs then flows naturally into the reactor vessel.
The intermediate pressure safety injection with the accumula-
tors, as with the current PWRs, requires accumulators for large
loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCA) to meet the immediate need for
higher initial makeup flows to refill the reactor vessel lower
plenum and downcomer and reflood the core following the RCS
blowdown. The accumulators are pressurized to 700 psig with
nitrogen gas. The pressure differential between the pressurized
accumulators and the dropping RCS pressure ultimately forces
open check valves that normally isolate the accumulators from the
RCS. Two accumulators in two parallel trains are sized to respond
to the complete severance of the largest RCS pipe by rapidly
refilling the vessel downcomer and lower plenum and reflooding
the core. The accumulators continue delivery to supplement the
CMTs in rapidly reflooding the core.
Low pressure reactor coolant makeup from the IRWST is sup-
plied by gravity from the large IRWST (see Fig. 57A.3), which is
located inside the containment at a height above the RCS loops.
This tank is at atmospheric pressure and, as a result, the RCS must
be depressurized before injection can occur. The AP1000 automat-
ically controls depressurization of the RCS to reduce its pressure FIG. 57A.5 AP1000 PASSIVE CONTAINMENT COOLING
near atmospheric pressure, at which point the head elevation in the SYSTEM (Source: Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC)
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460 • Chapter 57

flows from the top, outside, domed surface of the containment 57A.4.1.3 Fission Product Release Fuel cladding is the first
shell and down the sidewalls allowing heat to be transferred and barrier that prevents the release of radiation in the event of an acci-
removed from the containment by evaporation. The water tank dent. The second barrier is the reactor pressure boundary that
has sufficient capacity for three days of operation, after which includes the reactor pressure vessel and the reactor coolant piping.
time the tank could be refilled. Furthermore, in conjunction with the surrounding shield building,
the steel containment vessel provides the third additional protec-
Containment Isolation Containment isolation is provided to tion barrier by establishing natural convection air currents to cool
prevent or limit the escape of fission products that may result from the steel containment. The natural convection cooling is enhanced
postulated accidents. In the event of an accident, the containment with evaporative cooling by allowing water to drain from a large
isolation provisions are designed so that fluid lines penetrating the tank located at the top of the shield building.
containment boundary are isolated. The containment isolation sys-
tem consists of the piping, valves, and actuators that isolate the 57A.4.2 Nonsafety Active Systems
containment. Containment isolation is improved in the AP1000 Many of the active safety-related systems in existing and evolu-
because the number of normally open penetrations is reduced by tionary PWR designs are retained in the AP1000 but are designat-
50%; penetrations that are normally opened are fail safe (fail in the ed as nonsafety related. Examples of nonsafety-related systems
closed position); there is no recirculation of irradiated water out- that provide defense-in-depth capabilities are as follows:
side of containment for design-basis accidents; and the steel con-
tainment is a high-integrity (steel) pressure vessel surrounded by a • Chemical and Volume Control System (CVCS)
concrete vessel. • Normal RHRS
• Start-up (Back-up) Feedwater System
Main Control Room Emergency Habitability System The
MCR can be isolated in case of high airborne radiation levels. The These systems utilize nonsafety support systems such as the
MCR emergency habitability system is comprised of a set of com- standby diesel generators (DGs), the component cooling water
pressed air tanks connected to a main and an alternate air delivery system (CCWS), and the service water system. The AP1000 also
line. Components common to both lines include a manual isolation includes other active nonsafety-related systems, such as the heat-
valve, a pressure regulating valve, and a flow metering orifice. This ing, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) system, which
system is designed to provide the ventilation and pressurization removes heat from the I&C, cabinet rooms, and the MCR.
needed to maintain a habitable environment for up to 11 people in Although these are familiar systems that are used in current
the MCR for 72 h following the design basis accident. PWRs for safety systems, the AP1000 uses these systems as sim-
plified nonsafety related first line of defense, which are backed up
57A.4.1.2 In-Vessel Retention of Core Damage The AP1000 by the passive safety grade systems already described.
is designed to mitigate a postulated severe accident such as core
melt. Figure 57A.6 is used in the explanation of this event. In this 57A.5 CONTAINMENT DESIGN
event, the reactor cavity can be submerged with water from the
IRWST, submerging the reactor vessel. An insulating structure One of the major cost and safety improvements for the AP1000
surrounds the reactor vessel to provide the pathway for water is the use of a passive safety system. The economic benefit is that
cooling to reach the vessel, flow around the bottom vessel head less seismic category 1 building volume is required to house the
and up the vessel insulation wall annulus, and to vent steam that safety equipment (approximately 45% less than the typical reactor).
results from cooling the vessel from the reactor cavity. The cool- The modular construction design of AP1000 further reduces cost
ing is sufficient to prevent molten core debris in the lower head with work shifted to factories with their better quality and cost con-
from melting the steel vessel wall and spilling into the contain- trol as well as labor costs that are less than those at the construction
ment. Retaining the debris in the reactor vessel protects the site. This also allows more work to be done in parallel. The devel-
containment integrity by simply avoiding the uncertainties asso- opment of heavy lift cranes enable an “open top” construction
ciated with ex-vessel severe accident phenomena, such as ex- approach, which is effective in reducing construction time.
vessel steam explosion and core concrete interaction with the The AP1000 by design has a smaller footprint than existing
molten core material. nuclear power plants with similar generating capacity. Figure
57A.7 illustrates a comparison between the AP1000 and a
Generation II PWR nuclear island building configurations.
The AP1000 plant arrangement provides separation between
safety-related and nonsafety related equipment. Separation
between redundant, safety-related equipment trains and systems
provides confidence that the safety design functions can be per-
formed. In general, this separation is achieved by partitioning an
area with concrete walls.
The AP1000 plant, illustrated in Fig. 57A.8, is arranged with the
following principal building structures, each on its own base mat:

• Nuclear island (the only Seismic 1 Category structure)

• Turbine island
• Annex building
DAMAGE (Source: Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC) • Radwaste building
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The AP1000 containment contains a 16-ft. (4.9 m) diameter

main equipment hatch and a personnel airlock at the operating
deck level, and a 16-ft. (4.9 m) diameter maintenance hatch and a
personnel airlock at grade level. These large hatches significantly
improve accessibility to the containment during outages. The con-
tainment hatches are located at two different levels, thereby
allowing activities occurring above the operating deck to be unaf-
fected by activities occurring below the operating deck.
The containment arrangement provides significantly larger lay-
down areas than most conventional plants at both the operating
deck level and the maintenance floor level. Ample laydown space
is provided for staging of equipment and personnel, equipment
removal paths, and space to accommodate remotely operated ser-
vice equipment and mobile units. Access platforms and lifting
devices are provided at key locations, as are service provisions
such as electrical power, demineralized water, breathing and ser-
vice air, ventilations, and lighting.

57A.5.2 Concrete Shield Building

The AP1000 containment design incorporates a shield building
FIG. 57A.7 COMPARISON OF NUCLEAR ISLAND that surrounds the primary containment vessel and forms the natural
BUILDINGS (Source: Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC) convection annulus for containment cooling. This building is a
cylindrical, reinforce, concrete structure with a conical roof that a
supports the water storage tank and air diffuser of the PCS. It shares
The nuclear island consists of the steel containment, the con- a common base mat with the primary containment and auxiliary
crete shield building, and the auxiliary building. The nuclear building, and is designed as a seismic category 1 structure.
island is designed to withstand the effects of postulated internal The two primary functions of the shield building during normal
events such as fires and flooding without loss of capability to per- operation are (1) to provide an additional radiological barrier for
form safety functions. A description of the nuclear island struc- radioactive systems and components inside the containment ves-
tures and buildings are discussed below. sel and (2) to protect the containment vessel from external events,
such as tornados and tornado-driven objects that might impinge
57A.5.1 Steel Containment on it. Under design basis accident conditions, the shield building
The containment vessel is a freestanding steel structure with a serves as a key component of the PCS by aiding in the natural
wall thickness of 1.75 in. (4 cm) and a diameter of 130 ft. (40 m). convection cooling of the containment.
Ring sections and vessel heads are constructed at an off-site facili-
ty and shipped to the site for assembly and installation using a 57A.5.3 Auxiliary Building
large-capacity crane. The auxiliary building is designed to provide protection and
The primary containment prevents the uncontrolled release of separation for the seismic category 1 mechanical and electrical
radioactivity to the environment. It has design leakage rate of 0.10 equipment located outside the containment building. The build-
wt % per day of the containment air mass that was present at the ing also provides protection for safety-related equipment against
start of a design basis accident and the resulting containment the consequences of internal and external events. Specifically, the
isolation. auxiliary building houses the MCR, I&C systems, batteries, fuel
handling and spent fuel area, mechanical equipment areas, liquid
and gas radwaste areas, containment penetration areas, and main
steam and feedwater isolation valve compartments. Large staging
and laydown areas are provided outside the two equipment

57A.5.4 Nonseismic Buildings

The nonseismic category structures contain no safety-related
equipment. They are designed for wind and seismic loads in
accordance with the Uniform Building Code (UBC). The follow-
ing are the nonseismic buildings:
(1) Annex Building. The annex building serves as the main per-
sonnel entrance to the power generation complex and houses the
health physics area, the nonclass AC and DC electric power system,
the ancillary DGs and their fuel supply, the technical support cen-
ter, and various HVAC systems. The annex building also provides a
large staging and laydown area outside the equipment hatches.
(2) Turbine Building. The turbine building houses the main
FIG. 57A.8 AP1000 PLANT (Source: Westinghouse Electric turbine, generator, and associated fluid and electrical system. It
Company, LLC) also houses the makeup water purification system.
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462 • Chapter 57

(3) Diesel Generator Building. The DG building houses the TABLE 57A.5 AP1000 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE
two diesel generators and their associated HVAC equipment. (SOURCE: WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC COMPANY LLC)
(4) Radwaste Building. The radwaste building contains facili-
ties for segregated storage of various categories of solid waste Site Preparation Site Start-Up and
prior to processing, for processing mobile systems, and for storing Construction Testing
processed solid waste in shipping and disposal containers.
18 months 36 months 6 months


The AP1000 has been designed to make use of modern, modu- The AP1000 design philosophy is to focus on plant operability
lar construction techniques. Modularization allows construction and maintainability. The passive safety features use a much small-
tasks that were traditionally performed in sequence to be complet- er number of valves than do the multiple trains of active pump-
ed in parallel. Factory-built modules can be assembled at the site driven systems, and therefore there are no safety pumps at all; so,
in a planned construction schedule from first concrete pour to fuel there is less in-service testing to perform. Also, the simplified
load. Table 57A.4 illustrates the number of AP1000 modules for safety systems are designed to reduce surveillance requirements,
the containment and auxiliary buildings. simplify technical specifications, and reduce the potential for
forced shutdowns.
TABLE 57A.4 ILLUSTRATION OF AP1000 BUILDING The variable speed canned motor RCPs mounted on the bottom
MODULES (SOURCE: WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC of the SGs are designed to simplify plant start-up and shutdown
COMPANY LLC) operations. They are to be capable in providing varying RCP
speed to better control operating mode transitions. The RCPs
Typical Breakdown of AP1000 Modules operate at constant speed during power operation, thereby simpli-
Mechanical fying control actions during load shifts.
Structural Piping Equipment The digital I&C design should require less I&C surveillance
Location Mechanics Modules Modules Total testing and should simplify troubleshooting, repair, and postmain-
Containment 41 20 12 73 tenance testing. The plant includes automation of some cooldown
operations. The advanced control room is designed to improve
Auxiliary 42 34 29 105
operator interfaces and plant operation capabilities.
Plant layout ensures adequate access for inspection and mainte-
Turbine 29 45 14 88 nance. Laydown space provides for staging of equipment and per-
building sonnel, equipment removal paths, and space to accommodate
Annex 10 — — 10 remotely operated service equipment and mobile units. Access
building platforms and lifting devices are provided at key locations as are
Total 122 99 55 276 service provisions, such as electrical power, demineralized water,
breathing and service air, ventilation and lighting, and computer
data highway connections.
AP1000 modularization reduces the calendar time for plant The AP1000 incorporates radiation exposure reduction princi-
construction, thereby reducing the cost of money and the expo- ples to keep worker dose ALARA. Exposure length, distance,
sure risks associated with plant financing. Furthermore, the labor shielding, and source reduction are fundamental criteria that are
and specialized equipment costs are also greatly reduced because incorporated into the design, thereby resulting in the following
of the reduced amount of work required at the site. To achieve radiation protection improvements:
proper interfaces with the rest of the plant systems and structures,
interconnected piping between modules is represented in computer- • Minimized operational radiation releases
designed three-dimensional (3D) models. This eliminates the • Reduction in worker radiation exposure
interference concerns of typical field installations. Figure 57A.9 • Total radwaste volume minimized
illustrates modularization to reduce construction time and costs.
The AP1000 is designed for rated performance with up to 10%
The AP1000 construction schedule is estimated to be 5 years
of the SG tubes plugged and with a maximum hot leg temperature
from order placement with a goal of 3 years from the first con-
of 321°C (612°F). The plant is designed to accept a step-load
crete pour to fuel loading. Table 57A.5 illustrates the AP1000
increase or decrease of 10% between 25 and 100 % power with-
construction schedule.
out reactor trip or steam-dump system actuation, provided that the
rated power level is not exceeded. The AP1000 is designed to
accept 100% load rejection from full power to house loads with-
out a reactor trip or operation of the pressurizer or SG safety


FIG. 57A.9 ILLUSTRATION OF AP1000 BUILDING The AP1000 is designed as per the 1998 Edition of the ASME
MODULARIZATION (Source: Westinghouse Electric Code up to and including the 2000 Addenda. The AP1000
Company, LLC) Design Certification Document (DCD) [4] and the ASME Code
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Service Vessel/tanks/ Core Component

level pumps Pipe supports Valves support
NB-3221 NG-3222 NB-3520
A NB-3652 NF
NB-3222 NG-3231 NB-3525
B NB-3223 NB-3654 NB-3525 NF
C NB-3224 NB-3655 NB-3526 NF
D NB-3225 NB-3656 special NF

[5] correlation with primary equipment and piping components 57A.11 NOMENCLATURE
requirements are summarized in Table 57A.6.
ADS automatic depressurization system
ALARA as low as reasonably achievable
57A.9 FUTURE DIRECTION ON THE AP1000 ALWR advanced light water reactor
Future work on the AP1000 will involve submittal of the COL AP1000 Advance Passive 1000 MWe
to the NRC, release of drawings for manufacture, and some test- ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ing to qualify the design. The AP1000 complies with most of the CMF core melt frequency
requirements in the URD [6]. For those requirements where CMT core makeup tank
exceptions are taken, technical justification has been provided. In COL combined operating license
addition, Westinghouse’s European Passive Plant based on the DCD design certification document
AP1000 has received formal certification of compliance from the EPRI Electric Power Research Institute
European Utilities Requirements (EUR) organization [7]. ESP early site permit
Regulatory design approval in each country is underway. As of EUR European Utilities Requirements
the date of this revision, the AP1000 has received several orders I&C instrumentation and control
for domestic and international plants. The first international order HV&AC heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning
received was from China for four plants. The main challenges that IRWST in-containment refueling water storage tank
remain ahead for the AP1000 are additional plant orders and LRF large release frequency
achieving the design goals for a safe, reliable, and cost-effective LOCA loss of coolant accident
nuclear power plant. LWRs light water reactors
MCR main control room
MWe megawatt electrical
57A.10 REFERENCES MWt megawatt thermal
NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission
1. AP1000 Brochure Issued by Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC.
PCS passive containment cooling system
2. Cummins, W.E, Corletti, M.M, and Shulz, T.L., Westinghouse PRA probabilistic risk assessment
AP1000 Advanced Passive Plant, Proceedings of ICAPP ‘03, Paper PRHR passive residual heat removal system
3235, Cordoba, Spain, May 4-7, 2003. PRHR HX passive residual heat removal heat exchanger
3. Saiu, G. and Frogheri, M.L., AP1000 Nuclear Power Plant Overview, PWR pressurized water reactors
ANSALDO Energia S.p.A – Nuclear Division. PXS passive core cooling system
4. Westinghouse AP1000 Design Control Document RCP reactor coolant pumps
5. ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, 1998 Edition up to and includ- RPV reactor pressure vessel
ing the 2000 Addenda. SG steam generator
6. Electric Power Research Institutes, Utilities Requirements Document: SGTR steam generator tube rupture accident
Advanced Light Water Reactor Utilities Requirements Document T/C thermocouples
(URD), Volume 1, 1990. UBD uniform building code
7. European Utilities Requirements Document. URD Utilities Requirement Document
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464 • Chapter 57

The EPR is an evolutionary, 1600+ MWe (net) PWR design
based on experience from several thousand reactor years of opera-
tion of LWRs worldwide, primarily incorporating features of the
N4 and KONVOI reactors currently operating in France and
Germany, respectively. The design integrates the results of
decades of research and development programs performed around
the world. The EPR is safer and more economical to operate than
previous reactors, and it is being built now in Finland and France.
The EPR design is described in this chapter using information
predominantly from published sources [1, 2].


The French–German cooperation set up to develop the EPR FIG. 57B.1 LAYOUT OF EPR POWER (Source: AREVA NP)
brought together power plant vendors, major utilities, and the safety
authorities from both countries. The design objectives for what was reactor building, spent fuel building, and two of the four safe-
to become the EPR were set early in the project by the collaborators: guard buildings are protected by a shield building made of rein-
forced concrete. The other two safeguard buildings are protected
• Evolutionary: The design should be based on existing PWR by geographical separation. Similarly, the emergency DGs are in
construction experience, research and development, operating two geographically separate buildings to avoid common failures.
experience, and “lessons learned.” The footprint of the EPR is similar to a typical four-loop PWR.
• Improved economics: Generation cost should be reduced by Of course, the power output of the EPR is significantly greater for
at least 10% as compared with the latest operating reactors. In the same land use. The general site layout of the EPR power
addition, operations and maintenance should be simplified. block is shown in Fig. 57B.1.
• Safer: Increase design margins, reduce reliance on operator
actions, increase diversity of safety functions, and significantly 57B.3.1.1 Reactor Building The reactor building, located in
reduce CDF. Furthermore, severe accidents (core melt scenar- the center of the nuclear island, houses the main equipment of the
ios) and external hazards (including explosions and aircraft nuclear steam supply system (NSSS). It consists of a cylindrical,
hazards) must be accommodated with no long-term local pop- post-tensioned concrete containment with a steel liner surrounded
ulation effect. by a reinforced concrete shield building.
• Sustainability: Reduce occupational radiation exposure, ura-
nium usage, and generation of low-level radioactive waste. 57B.3.1.2 Fuel Building The fuel building, located on the same
The EPR design meets these development goals and more. The common base mat as the reactor building and the safeguard buildings,
designers considered the expectations of utilities as stated in the EUR houses the fresh fuel, the spent fuel in an interim fuel storage pool, and
[3] document and the URD [4] issued EPRI. The U.S. version of associated handling equipment. The fuel building is surrounded by a
EPR has been assessed against operating experience compiled by reinforced concrete shield building to protect the spent fuel and fuel
the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations in Report 06-001 [5] building systems from external explosives or aircraft hazards.
and the relevant lessons learned have been incorporated.
57B.3.1.3 Safeguard Buildings Four safeguard buildings
house the safeguard systems, such as the safety injection system
57B.3 PLANT DESIGN (SIS) and emergency feedwater system, and their support systems.
Each safeguard building contains a separate, redundant safety divi-
The EPR is a four-loop PWR with a power rating of 4300–4590 sion that includes a medium-head SIS, a combined low-head SIS
MWt and a nominal net electrical output of 1600–1650 MWe. The and RHRS, CCWS, emergency feedwater system, and all support-
net output depends largely on the type of condenser cooling and the ing electrical supplies, instrumentation/controls, and HVAC. This
local ambient temperatures of the plant site. Plant structures and separation ensures that internal hazards, such as fire or flood, in
components have a 60-year design life. As an evolutionary design, one building cannot propagate to the other buildings.
a combination of active and passive safety systems is employed. Two safeguard buildings are surrounded by a reinforced con-
The availability factor over the life of the plant is expected to be crete shield building to protect the systems, structures, and com-
92–94 %, which is dependent upon whether a 12-month, 18-month, ponents (SSCs) from external explosions or aircraft hazard. The
or 24-month cycle length is employed by the owner. MCR is in one of the shielded safeguard buildings. The safe shut-
down facility is in the other shielded safeguard building.
57B.3.1 EPR Layout
Layout of the EPR offers unique resistance to external hazards, 57B.3.1.4 Diesel Buildings The two diesel buildings shelter the
especially earthquakes and airplane crashes. To withstand a major four emergency DGs and their support systems, which supply elec-
earthquake, the entire nuclear island stands on a single, thick, tricity to each safeguard train in the event of a complete loss of off-
reinforced concrete base mat. Building heights have been mini- site electrical power. Each building is placed on opposite side of the
mized and heavy components and water tanks are located at the nuclear island to minimize the likelihood that an external event
lowest possible levels. To withstand a large airplane crash, the could affect the emergency power supplies of all the four divisions.
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57B.3.1.5 Nuclear Auxiliary Building The nuclear auxiliary

building (NAB) primarily houses systems that maintain reactor TABLE 57B.1 NSSS CHARACTERISTICS [4] (SOURCE:
coolant chemistry, dissolved gas content, and concentrations of AREVA NP)
radioactive species within limits. Special laboratories for sampling Parameter Value
systems are at the lowest level. Upper levels, designed as a radio- Design life, yr 60
logical noncontrolled areas, provide maintenance and setdown
areas used during refueling outages. Reactor power, MWt 4590
Hot leg temperature, F 624.5
57B.3.1.6 Waste Building The waste building is used to col- Cold leg temperature, F 563.5
lect, store, and treat liquid and solid radioactive waste. Reactor coolant flow per loop, gpm 124,730
Primary system operating pressure, psia 2250
57B.3.1.7 Turbine Building The turbine building houses all the
main components of the steam-condensate feedwater cycle. It con- Primary system design pressure, psia 2550
tains the turbine-generator set, the condenser, and their auxiliary Steam generator exit pressure, psia 1109
systems. The turbine/generator (T/G) design is optimized based on Steam generator design pressure, psia 1450
regional variations in grid frequency and condenser cooling water
Steam flow per loop, mLb/HR 5.11
Reactor coolant system volume, cu. ft. 16,245
57B.3.1.8 Essential Service Water System Cooling Structures Pressurizer volume, cu. ft. 2649
The standard EPR design uses once-through cooling to remove the Steam generator secondary inventory, LBM 182,000
heat from the CCWS. However, the EPR design employs safety-
related mechanical-draft cooling towers as the ultimate heat sink for
the essential service water. Each division has a dedicated cooling
tower and basin located within the protected area. The cooling tow- 57B.3.2.1 Reactor Pressure Vessel and Internal Structures
ers are grouped in divisional pairs, with each pair located on oppo- The RPV contains the core. The closure head is fastened to the top
site sides of the power block to minimize the likelihood an external of the RPV by a set of studs, which allows removal of the closure
event could affect the cooling of all the four divisions. head for refueling the reactor.
The RPV is comprised of a number of large forgings of low
57B.3.2 Nuclear Steam Supply System alloy carbon steel. This minimizes the number of welds, which
The EPR NSSS is of the well-proven four-loop design (see reduces the manufacturing cost and the time required for in-service
Fig. 57B.2). EPR main reactor components – RPV, pressurizer, inspections. In-core instrumentation is introduced through the
and SGs – feature larger volumes than similar components from closure head at the top of the RPV. Consequently, there are no pen-
previous designs to provide additional operational and safety mar- etrations through the lower head of the RPV.
gins. Larger water and steam volumes in the pressurizer smooth The RPV and its closure head are made of forged ferritic
the response of the plant to normal and abnormal operating tran- steel – SA 508, Gr. 3, Cl. 1 – a material that combines adequate
sients, allowing extended time to counteract transients. The larger tensile strength, toughness, and weldability. The internal sur-
volume of the SG secondary side results in an increased sec- faces of the RPV and the closure head are clad with stainless
ondary water inventory, providing up to 30 min of core decay heat steel for corrosion resistance. All materials are specified with a
removal in the event of total loss of feedwater. Some characteris- low cobalt content to minimize the radiation source term from
tics of the EPR NSSS are listed in Table 57B.1. corrosion products.
Significant safety margin against the risk of brittle fracture (due
to material aging under irradiation) is ensured over the entire
60-year design life. The ductile-brittle transition temperature
(RTNDT) of the RPV material remains lower than 86°F at the end
of the design life, thanks to a stainless steel neutron reflector sur-
rounding the core that reduces the fast neutron flux at the RPV.
The reactor pressure vessel internals (RPVI) support the fuel
assemblies and keep them properly aligned and spaced to ensure
free motion of the control rods and core cooling by the primary
coolant under any circumstances, including postulated accidents.
The RPVI allow insertion and positioning of the in-core instru-
mentation as well as protection against flow-induced vibrations
during reactor operation.
The base material of the internals is a low carbon–chromium-
nickel stainless steel. The various connectors (bolts, pins, tie rods,
etc.) are made of cold-worked chromium–nickel–molybdenum
stainless steel. At some locations, hard-facing materials are used
to prevent fretting wear.

57B.3.2.2 Reactor Core The reactor core contains the fuel

material in which the fission reaction takes place, releasing energy.
The core is cooled and moderated by light water at a pressure of
FIG. 57B.2 EPR NUCLEAR STEAM SUPPLY 2250 psia and a temperature of approximately 594°F.
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466 • Chapter 57

The EPR core consists of 241 fuel assemblies. Fuel cycle length
can vary from 12 to 24 months, with UO2 fuel and mixed oxide
fuel. The main features of the core and its operating conditions
have been selected to obtain not only high thermal efficiency of the
plant and low fuel cycle costs, but also extended flexibility for dif-
ferent fuel cycle lengths and a high level of maneuverability.
Each fuel rod bundle consists of bottom and top nozzles, 24
guide thimbles, 10 spacer grids, and 265 fuel pins. The spacer
grids are vertically distributed along the assembly structure. Inside
the assembly, the fuel rods are vertically arranged in a square lat-
tice with a 17  17 array. The bottom nozzle is equipped with an
antidebris device that almost eliminates debris-related fuel failures.
The guide thimbles are used as locations for the absorber rods
of the rod cluster control assemblies (RCCAs) and, when
required, for fixed or moveable in-core instrumentation and neu-
tron source assemblies.
The EPR fuel design benefits from years of experience. Each
feature is currently in use in operator reactors.

57B.3.2.3 Core Instrumentation Core instrumentation con-

sists of ex-core , fixed in-core, and movable in-core instrumenta-
tion. Core power is measured using ex-core instrumentation that
measures the neutron flux outside the reactor vessel. The fixed in-
core instrumentation consists of self-powered neutron detectors
and thermocouples that measure the neutron flux distribution in
the core and the temperature distribution at the core outlet, respec-
tively. The output of the self-powered neutron detectors is cali-
brated to a reference 3D power distribution generated using the
movable in-core instrumentation or “aeroball” system. The in- FIG. 57B.3 STEAM GENERATOR (Source: AREVA NP)
core instrumentation is inserted into the core through the RPV
closure head, eliminating instrument nozzle penetrations in the EPR SG is a vertical, U-tube, natural circulation heat exchanger
lower RPV head. equipped with an axial economizer (Fig. 57B.3). It is an enhanced
version of the SG currently operating in the N4 units in France.
57B.3.2.4 Control Assemblies The core has a fast shutdown The EPR SG is comprised of two subassemblies:
control system comprising 89 RCCAs. All RCCAs are of the same
type. Each RCCA consists of 24 identical absorber rods, fastened • A lower section, or boiler, where the heat exchange process
to a common head assembly. These rods contain neutron-absorb- between the primary water and the secondary water takes place
ing materials, and when fully inserted in the core, ensure shutdown • An upper section where the steam–water mixture is mechani-
of the fission chain reaction. cally dried before it is routed to the turbine via the main steam
The U.S. EPR is equipped with HarmoniTM RCCAs, a proven lines
AREVA NP design. The neutron-absorbing components are bars
made of an Ag-In-Cd alloy. Each rod is composed of a stack of Increased heat exchange area as compared with existing PWRs,
Ag-In-Cd bars contained in a stainless steel cladding under a heli- in conjunction with the axial economizer, make it possible to
um atmosphere (for efficient cooling of the absorbing materials). reach an SG exit pressure of 1109–1120 psia. Heat transfer effi-
ciency is increased by an axial economizer that directs 100% of
57B.3.2.5 Control Rod Drive Mechanisms The control rod the cold feedwater to the cold leg of the tube bundle and about
drive mechanisms (CRDMs) insert and withdraw the 89 RCCAs 90% of the hot recirculated water to the hot leg. This increases
over the entire height of the core and hold them in any selected steam pressure by about 43 psi compared to a conventional SG,
position so that core power may be controlled by the control sys- while avoiding tube wear and water hammer experienced by early
tem or the operator. The other function of the CRDMs is to drop PWRs with preheat-type SGs.
the RCCAs into the core to shut down the reactor in a few seconds The tube bundle is made of thermally treated alloy-690, a
by stopping the chain reaction, particularly in the case of an abnor- proven alloy resistant to stress corrosion. Tube support plates and
mal situation. The CRDMs are of the same type as those used in antivibration bars are made of stainless steel and meticulously
the KONVOI reactors, which have an excellent operating history. assembled such that significant tube wear is eliminated. The SG
The CRDMs are bolted to adapters welded to the reactor vessel bundle wrapper and shell are made of SA-508 steel. Extensive use
closure head. Each CRDM is self-contained and can be fitted or of forgings for the SG shell sections reduces the number of welds
removed independently of the others. The CRDMs do not need requiring in-service inspection.
forced ventilation of the coils, which saves space on the reactor head.
57B.3.2.7 Reactor Coolant Pumps The RCPs provide forced
57B.3.2.6 Steam Generators The SGs are the interface circulation of water through the RCS. This circulation removes
between the primary water heated by the nuclear fuel and the sec- heat from the reactor core to the SGs, where it is transferred to the
ondary water, which provides steam to the turbine generator. The secondary system.
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The RCP design is an enhanced version of the model used in the layers of stainless steel cladding. The steel grade is the same as
N4 reactors. This pump model is characterized by the very low that for the reactor pressure vessel. Heater penetrations are made
vibration level of its shaft line due to the hydrostatic bearing of stainless steel.
installed at the end of the impeller. The pump capacity has been
increased to match the EPR operating point. In addition, a new safe- 57B.3.3 Anciliary Systems
ty device called a standstill seal has been added as shaft seal backup. 57B.3.3.1 Chemical Volume and Control System The CVCS
The pump contains three dynamic shaft seals made of advanced performs several operational functions similar to existing PWRs:
face materials to minimize wear and extend seal life. The seals are
cooled by seal injection or by a low pressure water coil, each capa- • Continuously controls the water inventory of the RCS.
ble by itself to cool the seals. The standstill seal is a new design that • Adjusts the RCS boron concentration to control power varia-
prevents leakage from the pump seals if there is a total loss of cool- tions, start-up or shutdown the plant, or to compensate for
ing water, that is, seal injection and thermal barrier cooling are lost. core burnup.
All parts of the RCP are replaceable. Pump internals can be • Monitors the boron concentration of all fluids injected into the
easily removed from the casing. The spool piece between the RCS and controls the concentration of dissolved gases in the
pump shaft and the motor shaft enables rapid maintenance of the reactor coolant.
controlled leakage seal with the motor in place. • Enables the adjustment of the RCS water chemistry.
• Provides seal injection to the RCP seal system.
57B.3.2.8 Main Coolant Lines The reactor main coolant lines • Provides a pressurizer auxiliary spray, if the normal system
convey the reactor coolant from the RPV to the SGs and then to the cannot perform its function
RCPs, which discharge it back to the reactor pressure vessel.
Materials and manufacturing processes were selected to yield a 57B.3.3.2 Safety Injection System/Residual Heat Removal
high-quality tough product, improve inspectability, and signifi- System The SIS/residual heat removal system (RHRS) comprises
cantly reduce the number of welds. Already in use on the N4 reac- medium-head safety injection (MHSI) system , accumulators, low-
tors at the Civaux site, the material is forged austenitic steel, which head safety injection system (LHSI) and the IRWST. The system
exhibits excellent resistance to thermal aging and permeability for performs a dual function, both during the normal operating condi-
ultrasonic testing. The hot leg is forged, with separate forged tions in RHR mode and in the event of an accident.
elbows. The cold leg is made using “one-piece technology” with The system consists of four separate and independent trains,
an elbow machined out of the forging. The surge line also consists each providing the capability for injection into the RCS by an
of several segments. The surge line routing was designed to avoid accumulator, an MHSI pump, and an LHSI pump, with a heat
thermal stratification during steady-state operation. exchanger at the pump outlet. While operating in residual heat
Major advances in welding processes are being implemented. removal (RHR) mode, the system
For example, the homogeneous circumferential welds are made
using orbital narrow gap TIG welding technology. The weld is • provides the capability for heat transfer from the RCS to the
made with an automatic TIG machine, which enables a large CCWS,
reduction of the volume of weld metal and an enhanced quality • transfers heat continuously from the RCS or the reactor refu-
level. The bimetallic weld joining austenitic to ferritic parts (such eling pool to the CCWS during cold shutdown and refueling
as RPV or SG nozzles) is made by direct automatic narrow gap shutdown, and
welding of alloy-52. Large nozzles are integral with the main • in the event of a postulated accident and in conjunction with
coolant lines and are machined from the forging of the piping, the CCWS and the essential service water system (ESWS),
which improves resistance to thermal fatigue. the SIS in RHR mode maintains core cooling at RCS temper-
atures less than 350°F.
57B.3.2.9 Pressurizer The pressurizer maintains the pressure
of the primary circuit within prescribed limits. It is part of the pri- The four redundant and independent SIS/RHRS trains are
mary circuit and is connected through a surge line to the hot leg of arranged in separate divisions in the safeguard buildings. Each
one of the four loops of that circuit. train is connected to one dedicated RCS loop and is designed to
The pressurizer contains primary water in the lower part and provide the injection capability required to mitigate accident con-
steam in the upper part. Compared to previous designs, the vol- ditions. This configuration greatly simplifies the system design. In
ume of the EPR pressurizer is significantly increased to smooth addition, the four divisions allow extended periods of online pre-
the response to operational transients. This improvement increases ventive maintenance or repairs because preventive maintenance
equipment life duration and time available to counteract potential may be carried out on one safety train during power operation.
abnormal situations in operation. In safety injection mode, the main function of the SIS is to
Relief and safety valves at the top of the pressurizer protect the inject water into the reactor core following a postulated LOCA. It
primary circuit against overpressure. Compared to previous designs, would be also activated during a SG tube rupture or during loss of
the EPR features an additional set of motorized valves. In case of a a secondary side heat removal function. The MHSI system injects
postulated accident with a risk of core melting, these valves provide water into the RCS at a pressure (1400 psia) set to prevent lift
the operator an additional efficient means of rapidly depressurizing of the secondary side safety valves in the event of SG tube leaks.
the primary circuit and avoiding a high-pressure core melt situation. The accumulators and the LHSI system also inject water into the
A number of design features have been incorporated to improve RCS cold legs when the primary pressure is sufficiently low (650
maintainability. In particular, a platform between the pressurizer psia and 305 psia, respectively).
head and the relief valves reduces radiological dose during valve
service. All the pressurizer boundary parts, with the exception of 57B.3.3.3 In-Containment Refueling Water Storage Tank
the heater penetrations, are made of forged ferritic steel with two The IRWST contains a large amount of borated water and collects
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468 • Chapter 57

water that might be discharged from the RCS to the containment. system, which is also used to purify the water in the in-contain-
Its main function is to supply water to the SIS, severe accident heat ment refueling water tank, as needed.
removal system, and CVCS pumps and to flood the spreading area
in the event of a severe accident. 57B.3.5 Instrumentation & and Control System
The tank is located at the bottom of the containment below the A nuclear power plant, like any other industrial facility, requires
operating floor, between the reactor cavity and the missile shield. a means of monitoring and controlling processes and equipment.
During the management of a postulated accident, the IRWST con- This is performed by the plant I&C system, which is comprised of
tent is cooled by the LHSI system. several systems and their electrical and electronic equipment.
Screens are provided to protect the SIS, CHRS, and CVCS The I&C system is composed of sensors to transform physical
pumps from debris that might be entrained with the IRWST fluid data into electrical signals, programmable controllers to process
under accident conditions. these signals, and the control actuators, monitors, and other
means of control by plant operators.
57B.3.3.4 Emergency Feedwater System The emergency feed- The EPR I&C system is completely computerized and supported
water system (EFWS) ensures that water is supplied to the SGs when by the most modern digital technologies to provide operational flexi-
all other feedwater supply systems are unavailable. This system con- bility. However, the technology is far from first-of-a-kind. AREVA
sists of four separate and independent trains, each providing injection NP uses a proven TELEPERM-XSTM technology for safety-related
capability through an emergency pump that takes suction from an applications and a diverse technology for standard plant controls that
EFWS tank housed in the safeguard building. As the name denotes, is validated through use on industrial plants throughout the world.
this system is only used for emergency conditions. For start-up and
operation of the plant, dedicated feedwater systems, separate from 57B.3.5.1 I&C Design Philosophy The I&C systems act in
EFWS, are provided for plant start-up and normal operation. accordance with the “defense-in-depth” concept:

57B.3.3.5 Extra Borating System The extra borating system • The control system maintains the plant parameters within
(EBS) is a safety-related source of borated water to maintain shut- their normal operating ranges.
down of the reactor chain reaction as the plant is cooled to cold • In case a parameter leaves normal range, the limitation system
shutdown. This system consists of two separate and independent generates appropriate actions to prevent protective actions
trains, each capable of injecting the total amount of concentrated from having to be initiated.
boric acid required to reach the cold shutdown condition from any • If a parameter exceeds a protection threshold, the reactor pro-
steady-state power operation. tection system generates the appropriate safety actions (reac-
tor trip and safeguard system actuation).
57B.3.3.6 Component Cooling Water The CCWS transfers
heat from the safety-related systems, operational auxiliary sys- 57B.3.5.2 EPR I&C Architecture A multilevel I&C structure
tems, and other reactor equipment to the ultimate heat sink via the is implemented that considers the different roles played by differ-
ESWS. The CCWS consists of four separate safety trains corre- ent I&C systems. Level 0 is Process Interface, which comprises the
sponding to the four divisions of the safeguard buildings. sensors and the switchgears. Level 1, or System Automation,
includes I&C systems that perform
57B.3.3.7 Essential Service Water System The ESWS consists
of four separate safety trains that cool the CCWS heat exchangers • reactor protection,
with water from the ultimate heat sink during all normal plant oper- • reactor control, surveillance, and limitation functions,
ating conditions and during incidents and accidents. This system • safety automation, and
also includes two trains of the dedicated cooling chain for conditions • process automation.
associated with the mitigation of postulated severe accidents.
Level 2, Process Supervision and Control, consists of
57B.3.3.8 Other Systems The nuclear sampling system takes
samples of gases and liquids from systems and equipment inside • workstations and display panels, which are also called the
reactor containment. The vent and drain system collects gaseous man-machine interface (MMI), and
and liquid waste from systems and equipment so that it can be • I&C systems that act as a link between the MMI and the “sys-
treated. The steam generator blowdown system prevents build-up tem automation” level.
of contaminants in the secondary side water and the waste treat-
ment system ensures the treatment of solid, gaseous, and liquid The I&C systems and equipment comply with the principles of
wastes. redundancy, division, and diversity applied to all of the EPR safety-
related systems. There are four redundant and independent I&C
57B.3.4 Fuel Handling and Storage channels, including power supplies and sensors. Processing
The reactor core is periodically reloaded with fresh fuel assem- equipment for the I&C in each division is contained within the
blies. The spent fuel assemblies are moved to and stored under water corresponding safeguard building.
in the spent fuel pool, which resides in the fuel building. These oper-
ations are carried out using several handling devices and systems and
a fuel transfer tube that connects the containment and fuel buildings. 57B.4 EPR SAFETY
The temperature of the fuel pool water is controlled by the fuel
pool cooling system, which has two independent trains that All light water reactors (LWRs) rely on well-established princi-
remove heat from the pool and transfers it to the CCWS. Water ples of protective barriers and defense-in-depth to safeguard the
quality of the fuel pool is maintained by the fuel pool purification health and safety of the public from radiological consequences.
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This is also true for EPR because the most important design con- quakes and explosions. This protection is further enhanced against
sideration was to base the EPR on experience feedback from the an airplane crash. The containment building, fuel building, and two
96 reactors built by AREVA NP around the world and avoid the safeguard buildings are surrounded by a reinforced concrete shield
risk of unproven technologies. building with sufficient strength to absorb the impact of a military or
However, additional goals were applied to the design to signifi- large commercial aircraft. The shielded safeguard buildings contain
cantly enhance the safety of the EPR as compared with previous the MCR and remote shutdown station, which are only used if the
generations of LWRs: MCR is not habitable. The other two safeguard buildings that are not
protected by a shield wall are remote from each other and separated
• Enhance the defense-in-depth approach, including redundancy by the reactor building, which shelters them from simultaneous
and diversity of safety functions, to significantly reduce the damage. In this way, should an aircraft crash occur, at least three of
probability of core melt the four divisions of the safeguard systems would be preserved.
• Provide protection of critical systems from external hazards
such as tornado missiles, explosions, or military airplane 57B.4.2 Simplification, Redundancy, and Diversity
crash (recently extended to large commercial aircraft) The main safety systems and their support systems feature four
• Provide design features to mitigate severe accident scenarios trains, each train in a separate division. Emergency power is assured
and limit potential consequences by use of emergency diesel generartors, one for each division.
Quadruple redundancy allows each train to connect to a single reac-
57B.4.1 Internal and External Hazards tor coolant loop (RCL), minimizing cross-connects and reducing the
The design of safeguard systems and civil works minimize the length of pipe and number of valves compared with earlier PWRs.
risks arising from various hazards (earthquake, flooding, fire, air- Furthermore, emergency feedwater and MHSI are only called
craft crash, or explosion). to operate during accidents or incidents, which simplifies operation
The safeguard systems are generally designed on the basis of (only one operating mode) and reduces maintenance (reduced
quadruple redundancy for mechanical systems, electrical sup- wear and tear). Operation of SISs during postulated loss of
plies, and the I&C that actuate and control the systems. This coolant accidents is simplified by use of the in-containment refu-
means that each system is comprised of four subsystems or eling water storage tank, which is the sole source of injection
“trains,” each capable of fulfilling the safeguard function. The water. This eliminates the need for the operator to switch suction
four redundant trains are physically separated, each contained sources when an external tank is dry, which is the case for
within a separate safeguard building (Fig. 57B.4). Each division Generation II PWRs.
includes the following: RHR is provided by the four trains of the low-head portion of
the SIS, which are configured to remove the residual heat in a
• LHSI and MHSI for borated water safety injection into the closed loop (suction via the hot legs, discharge via the cold legs).
reactor vessel in case of LOCA Safety injection remains available for action in the event of a leak
• An SG emergency feedwater system, including water tank or break occurring in the RCS.
inside the safeguard building The design of the EPR provides diverse, backup functions in
• The electrical systems and I&C linked to these systems the case of total loss of the redundant safety systems. Some exam-
ples of this approach are as follows:
The containment building, fuel building, and safeguard buildings
are given special protection against external hazards such as earth- • In the event of a loss of all feedwater sources, RCS cooling
can be performed by “feed and bleed” cooling, using primary
depressurization valves and safety injection.
• In the event MHSI is not available to mitigate loss of reactor
coolant, SG heat removal, accumulator injection, and LHSI
can replace MHSI.
• Similarly, complete loss of the LHSI system is backed up by
the MHSI system and containment heat removal system.
• Loss of off-site power with coincident failure of the emer-
gency DGs (Station Blackout or SBO) is backed up by two
diverse SBO DGs that provide power to critical loads in two
safeguard divisions.

57B.4.3 Increased Reliability of Operator Action

Safety enhancements at all levels are included in the U.S. EPR,
and the MMI is a primary example. Advanced digital I&C systems
are used to automate most plant functions and reduce the burdens
on the plant operators. The designs of the control and protection
systems are such that no operator action is required prior to 30 min
to mitigate any plant upsets. Furthermore, the plant components
have been sized to slow the response to upset conditions, support-
ing this design objective. Relieving the time pressure from the
operator significantly enhances the overall safety of the plant
FIG. 57B.4 QUADRUPLE REDUNDANCY WITH PHYSICAL by reducing error-likely situations. Furthermore, unlike other
SEPARATION OF DIVISIONS (Source: AREVA NP) Generation III reactors that use passive safety features that cannot
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470 • Chapter 57

TABLE 57B.2 EPR PROBABILISTIC RISK ASSESSMENT 57B.4.5.2 Prevention of High-Energy Corium/Water
(SOURCE: AREVA NP) Interaction Design of the corium retention and cooling systems
preclude the possibility of an energetic corium water interaction.
Requirement 57B.4.5.3 Containment Design with Respect to the Hydrogen
Risk In the unlikely case of a severe accident, hydrogen could be
CDF 1  104 5  105 1  106 6  107 released in large quantities inside containment. Consequently, the
CDF, Core damage frequency, events per year
post-tensioned concrete containment building is designed to with-
stand the pressure that could result from the combustion of hydro-
gen. In addition, passive autocatalytic hydrogen recombiners are
installed inside the containment to keep the average concentration
be turned off once they actuate, the operator maintains a certain below 10% at all times to avoid any risk of detonation.
level of control in EPR to recover the plant from complex events
through use of emergency operating procedures. 57B.4.5.4 Corium Retention and Stabilization The reactor pit
is designed to collect the corium in case of ex-vessel progression and
57B.4.4 Reduced Probability of Core Melt to transfer it to the corium spreading and cooling area. The reactor
Although the probability of core melt for Generation II reactors pit surface is protected by “sacrificial” concrete, which mixes with
is extremely small (approximately 5  105 per reactor year), a the corium, cooling it and decreasing the viscosity of the melt.
primary design objective for EPR is to significantly reduce this Transfer of the corium from the reactor pit to the spreading
value. This is consistent with the EPRI URD and IAEA [6] area would be initiated by a passive melt “plug” that opens the
requirements for advanced reactors. Specifically, the design goal channel between the two areas. After the corium spreads in the
for EPR is CDF less than 106 per reactor year for all internal spreading area, the corium is passively cooled by gravity injec-
events, which is a significant reduction compared with most mod- tion of water from the in-containment refueling water storage
ern reactors in operation. tank. The containment base mat remains cool because the cool-
Accomplishing this goal requires detailed probabilistic safety ing water is directed under the spreading area before it is directed
assessments that to cooling the corium by direct contact. The arrangement of the
reactor pit and corium spreading area are shown in Fig. 57B.5.
• consider a broad range of at-power and shutdown events, with
special attention paid to shutdown states, 57B.4.5.5 Containment Heat Removal Steam generated by
• augment deterministic defense-in-depth evaluations to add or cooling the corium during a postulated severe accident would cause
modify equipment capabilities to reduce the likelihood that the containment building pressure to increase. To prevent the con-
abnormal conditions deteriorate into a core damage scenario, tainment from losing long-term integrity, a dedicated spray system
leading to many of the plant features described previously in is provided with heat exchangers and dedicated heat sink. This
this chapter, and spray can cool the containment atmosphere and prevent pressure
• include enhanced reliability of operator actions due to increase. Passive containment design features, such as the large
increased automation and improved grace periods. containment air volume and concrete heat sinks, allow a long grace
period of at least 12 h before operators must start the spray system.
The detailed Level 1 PRA (Table 57B.2) shows that the design A second mode of operation for the containment heat removal
objective was obtained and that the EPR design represents a sig- system enables the water to flow into the spreading area instead of
nificant safety improvement compared with operating Generation into the spray system, providing active, forced cooling of the cori-
II LWRs. Furthermore, the sum of the CDFs for all events occur- um in the spreading area.
ring during shutdown states is only 10% of the total CDF.

57B.4.5 Mitigation of Severe Accidents

As early as 1993, French and German safety authorities intro-
duced a new safety model for future nuclear power plants.
Notwithstanding the extremely low likelihood of core melt scenar-
ios, the safety authorities require features to mitigate consequences
of a core melt accident. Therefore, features were incorporated into
the EPR design to practically eliminate situations that could lead
to large early radiological releases. Furthermore, even if a low-
pressure core melt is postulated with ex-vessel progression, the
approach ensures the integrity of the reactor containment by
retaining and stabilizing the corium inside containment and by
cooling the corium.

57B.4.5.1 Prevention of High-Pressure Core Melt In addition

to the usual RCS depressurization systems in other reactors, the
EPR is equipped with valves dedicated to preventing high-pressure
core melt in the event of a severe accident. The relieving capacity FIG. 57B.5 GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF RV, IRWST,
ensures the primary system is depressurized long before the corium REACTOR PIT AND CORIUM RETENTION (Source:
can melt through the vessel. AREVA NP)
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57B.5 CONTAINMENT DESIGN ways. First, improve the capacity factor of the unit to maximize
power generation. Second, reduce the operation and maintenance
The EPR containment building is a post-tensioned concrete costs.
building, approximately 4.3 ft. thick, surrounded by a reinforced Extensive operating experience was used to ensure that design
concrete shield building that protects the containment building features were incorporated in the U.S. EPR to improve reliability
and all internal systems from external hazards such as explosions of systems and components, reduce unwanted reactor trips,
or aircraft hazards. A 0.25-in. thick steel liner covers the internal reduce refueling outage duration, and improve the overall plant
wall of the containment building to ensure a leak-tight barrier in availability goal to greater than 94% average.
case of radiation release from the reactor. The design pressure of Single-point vulnerabilities that can lead to power reductions or
the containment building is 62 psig, ensuring structural integrity reactor trips have been eliminated by increasing redundancy or
following postulated design basis accidents or severe accident diversity. EPR can accommodate a wide range of plant upsets,
(core melt) scenarios. including partial or full load rejection, without tripping the reac-
A “two-room” concept is used to separate the NSSS equipment tor. Self-diagnostic features of the digital I&C reduce spurious
from the rest of containment. The major NSSS components inside reactor trips from sensor or controls failures. Use of the latest
the equipment space reside in separate compartments. In fact, materials and technologies, proven by operation in reactors, elimi-
concrete walls are erected between the individual coolant loops nates the degradation, breakdowns, or failures that require long
and between the hot leg and cold leg piping of each loop. shutdowns experienced by Generation II reactors for augmented
Other equipment is contained in the service compartments. inspection and repairs.
Locating ancillary equipment separate from the equipment space Most important, quadruple redundancy of the safeguard sys-
allows personnel entry to the containment at any time during tems allows online maintenance and testing of the equipment in
power operation to perform maintenance or prepare for refueling each division, one division at a time. Eliminating maintenance of
outages. Personnel hatches are provided for that purpose. emergency DG, emergency feedwater pumps, SISs, and support-
Air temperatures and air quality are maintained by a nonsafety ing systems from the refueling outage window allows a standard
related HVAC system during normal operation. During postulated refueling outage of less than 15 days.
pipe rupture scenarios, the containment pressure is maintained by With respect to plant maintenance, several features were incor-
way of passive condensation of vapor on concrete and steel struc- porated to simplify activities and reduce costs. The majority of
tures and by long-term cooling by the RHRS. There are no safety- the cost to maintain the plant resides in the nonsafety-related
related fan coolers or spray systems inside containment. steam conversion systems; so, the following principles were
Nonsafety related sprays are available for containment cooling in applied to both the nuclear island and turbine island buildings.
case of a severe accident scenarios. A number of other features, The first principle is to procure reliable equipment, with a
including the reactor pit, corium retention area, and passive auto- proven track record, to eliminate the time and expense of perform-
catalytic hydrogen recombiners already described in this chapter, ing corrective maintenance (repairs) and to minimize preventative
were incorporated into the containment design to mitigate severe maintenance. Furthermore, equipment or technology that mini-
accident scenarios without a breach of containment. mizes the time to perform necessary inspections is incorporated
into the design. For example, welds in Class 1 and 2 systems are
minimized to reduce in-service inspection time and self-checking
57B.6 CONSTRUCTION digital I&C will reduce manual testing and troubleshooting.
EPRs are currently under construction in Finland and France. Second, plant layout ensures adequate access for inspection and
Experience gained from those projects regarding construction, pro- maintenance of all plant equipment. Floors or permanent platforms
curement, and engineering are factored into the standard EPR are provided at key locations. All components except the reactor
approach such that the construction time of EPR rivals the top decile vessel can be removed and replaced using pre-engineered haul
performance of Generation II and III reactors worldwide. This pro- paths and lifting devices for that purpose. Regardless, laydown
vides certainty necessary for investors in such large projects. space is provided for in situ maintenance or repairs of equipment,
Generally, several techniques may be employed to construct an including space to allow temporary storage of components.
EPR, including “open-top” construction. Modular construction is The largest portion of the nonfuel operating and maintenance
employed where there is a clear advantage to the construction (O&M) costs of a plant is salaries and benefits for the operating
schedule. Other labor-saving techniques are employed such as staff, which include operations, maintenance, testing, training,
bending pipe to fabricate a piping system, which eliminates a chemistry, human resources, radiation protection, procurement,
large number of welds. Because EPRs are under construction engineering, security, and administration personnel. Staffing for
now, a well-established supply chain is in place, which ensures an EPR is projected to be significantly less than that for an exist-
the certainty of equipment and commodities for future EPR pro- ing 1000-MWe unit. Of course, due to the large output of EPR
jects. The latest engineering processes, including detailed 3D lay- (1600 MWe), O&M costs will be significantly less than the previ-
out tools and associated equipment catalogs and part lists, stream- ous generation of reactors when based on a per MWe basis.
line construction by eliminating layout conflicts and allowing for The ALARA principle was applied to the EPR design to reduce
pre-engineered time-saving construction techniques. radiation exposure to workers and to maintain operational radia-
tion releases well within limits. Significant reductions in cobalt
content of components, strict design rules to eliminate hideouts or
57B.7 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE deposits within equipment, permanent shielding of key process
components, and separation of “harsh” and “mild” environments
A main objective of the EPR design process was to provide a inside buildings allow EPR to meet a safety goal on average year-
plant with an electricity generation cost at least 10% less than the ly collective dose to plant personnel of less than 0.5 man-Sv
current generation of operating units. This is approached in two (50 man-Rem).
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472 • Chapter 57

57B.8 CODE ASPECTS An application for design certification has been submitted to the
U.S. NRC and four applications for combined construction and
The EPR design accommodates various mechanical, electri- operating licenses are under preparation using the EPR technolo-
cal, and civil codes and standards around the world. For exam- gy. Commercial operation of the first EPR in the United States is
ple, EPR nuclear steam supply components have been designed targeted for 2015. In addition, the design is being reviewed by the
to the French RCC-M and ASME Codes. The U.S. version of safety authority in the United Kingdom under its generic design
the EPR is designed to the 2004 Edition of the ASME Code, assessment process.
with no addenda.


As of the time of this writing, EPRs are under construction in 1. U.S. EPR, ©February 2007, AREVA NP.
Finland (Olkiluoto 3, shown in Fig. 57B.6) and France (Flammanville
2. U.S. EPR Final Safety Analysis Report, Revision 0, ©2007, AREVA
3), and two EPRs are under contract for the Taishan site in China.
NP, Inc.
3. European Utilities Requirements (EUR) Document, ©1994–2004,
British Energy plc, Electricité de France, Fortum, Iberdrola, NRG,
Rosenergoatom, SOGIN (Società Gestione Impianti Nucleari),
Swissnuclear, Teollisuuden Voima Oy, Tractebel, Vattenfall, VGB
4. Electric Power Research Institute, Advanced Light Water Reactor
Utilities Requirements Document (URD), Volume 1, 1990.
5. Institute of Nuclear Power Operations, Operating Experience To
Apply To Advanced Light Water Reactor Designs Report 06-001,
September 2006.
6. International Atomic Energy Commission, Safety Series No. 110,
Safety of Nuclear Installations, 1993.

Photo Courtesy of Teollisudden Voima Oy


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57C US-APWR bines, and other minor modifications to meet the U.S. utility
requirements. With an increased plant safety, reliability, and per-
57C.1 INTRODUCTION formance, construction costs are being reduced due to the benefit
of economy of scale resulting from an increase in capacity. The
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) has designed the US-
Japanese APWR output of 1538 MWe is produced from the large
APWR as an APWR, which meets U.S. regulatory requirements.
capacities of the reactor core and other major components such as
Basic design of the US-APWR is the same as that of the
the SG, RCP, and turbines. The US-APWR plant performance
Japanese APWR whose design has completed. The design of the
exceeds that of the Japanese APWR plant by 10%, that is, a 1700
Japanese APWR is based on the conventional four-loop plant
MWe output, due to its high performance and larger capacity SG
technologies, with which MHI has accumulated significant oper-
and the higher performance turbine system with the low pressure
ating experience, scaled up to achieve higher electrical outputs in
turbines having 70-in. class last stage blades.
Japan. In addition to adopting these proven technologies, modifi-
Table 57C.1 shows the main differences between the current four-
cations are also made on the Japanese APWR to improve econo-
loop (1180 MWe) plant, the Japanese APWR (1538 MWe) plant,
my, safety, reliability, operability, and maintainability. The US-
and US-APWR (1700 MWe) plant features. The major differences
APWR has been developed as a larger-scale version of the
between the US-APWR and current four-loop plant are the thermal
Japanese APWR, aiming at higher electrical outputs and
and electrical outputs, the number of fuel assemblies and trains of
improved economics, by modifying some design features of the
safety systems, and the active fuel lengths. The major differences
Japanese APWR without increasing core thermal output.
between the US-APWR and the Japanese APWR are the electric
The US-APWR DCD [1] was submitted on December 31, 2007
outputs, the active fuel lengths, and the number of electrical trains of
and docketed on February 29, 2008.
safety systems. The adoption of the four-train safety system aims to
perform online maintenance assuming single failure criteria.
For the advancement of the nuclear power technology in Japan, 57C.3 OPERATIONAL TECHNOLOGY
the Japanese APWR has been developed. Newly developed
Japanese APWR technologies are fully tested, well verified, and The US-APWR is a four-loop PWR with a power rating of
well established. 4451 MWt and a nominal gross electrical output of 1700 MWe.
The US-APWR is fundamentally based on the established The US-APWR core consists of 257 fuel assemblies and has the
Japanese APWR plant with its latest technologies to improve active fuel length of approximately 14 ft. The fuel assemblies
plant efficiency, such as the employment of large SGs and tur- are surrounded by a stainless steel radial reflector designed to


Current Four-
Design Parameter Loop PWR Japanese APWR US-APWR
Electric output 1,180 MWe 1,538 MWe 1,700 MWe class
Thermal output 3,411 MWt 4,451 MWt 4,451 MWt
Core 12 ft. Fuel 12 ft. Fuel 14 ft. Fuel
193 Assys 257 Asseys 257 Assys
SG heat 52,400 ft.2/SG 70,000 ft.2/SG 91,500 ft.2/SG
transfer area
Thermal design flow 88,500 GPM 113,000 GPM 112,000 GPM
rate per loop
Turbine last 44 in. 54 in. 70 in.class
Stage blades
Containment vessel PCCV PCCV PCCV
Safety systems Electrical: Electrical: Electrical:
2 trains 2 trains 4 trains
Mechanical: Mechanical: Mechanical:
2 trains 4 trains 4 trains
Accumulator  4 Advanced Advanced
Accumulator  4 Accumulator  4
I&C Safety System analog Full digital Full digital
Control system:
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474 • Chapter 57

U.S current
four loop plant APWR U.S. APWR

193 F/As 257 F/As 257 F/As

Large Low
output power
12 ft. 12 ft. 14 ft.

3565 MWt 4451 MWt 4451 MWt

5.7 kW/ft. 5.3 kW/ft. 4.6 kW/ft.


(Source: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.)

improve neutron utilization, which reduces fuel cycle cost and

reactor vessel irradiation compared to the conventional PWRs.
Figure 57C.1 shows a comparison of the core size for different
type PWRs. Both the US-APWR and the Japanese APWR have FIG. 57C.3 US-APWR REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEMS
much larger thermal outputs than the conventional PWRs. The (Source: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.)
introduction of 14-ft. fuel to the US-APWR is achieved without
changing the reactor vessel size of the Japanese APWR. The
resulting low linear power density, 4.6 kW/ft., allows 24-month reliability. The main components of the RCS are enlarged in size
operation with 2-batch fuel management as an equilibrium cycle corresponding to the large thermal output and improved plant
under constraints of 5 wt% U-235 enrichment at the maximum efficiency. The pressurizer volume is increased with a larger mar-
and also at the well-proven maximum fuel rod burnup of 62 gin to achieve a more efficient transient response. The SG design
GWd/t. is also improved, thus realizing high efficiency and reliability.
The US-APWR employs the top-mounted in-core instrumenta- The tubes are 3/4 in. in diameter, smaller than the 7/8-in. tubes
tion system instead of the bottom-mounted in-core instrumentation used in the existing plants. This results in a more compact SG
system used in the conventional plants to eliminate nozzles with resistance to earthquakes, and so on The SG tubes are made
attached on the reactor vessel bottom dome. Sensors are inserted of thermally treated alloy 690. The design of the antivibration
using peripheral nozzles attached on the reactor vessel closure bars in the U-bend area has also been improved to reduce the
head by thimble guide assemblies. The illustration of top-mounted flow-induced vibration risk of the tubes. Water and steam separa-
in-core instrumentation is depicted in Fig. 57C.2. tion efficiency with the high-performance moisture separators is
The basic configuration of RCS, described in Fig. 57C.3, is the less than 0.1%.
same as a currently operating four-loop plant that has been One HP turbine and three LP turbines are provided in the
proven through long-term operating experience and enhanced US-APWR secondary system. Longer blades with 70 in. class for
the LP turbines contribute to improvement in higher turbine
efficiency. Figure 57C.4 depicts the US-APWRs turbine generator.
The moisture separator and reheater is adopted to remove the
moisture and to reheat the steam between the HP turbines and the
LP turbines. Seven-stage feedwater heaters are provided to heat
the feedwater to the SGs.

Top-mounted in-core
instrumentation guide

Eliminate nozzles on the

reactor vessel bottom dome


(Source: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.) Heavy Industries, Ltd.)
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• ZIRLOTM* cladding tube demonstrates high corrosion resis-

Large display panel tance under demanding conditions. *ZIRLOTM is trademark
of Westinghouse Electric COMPANY, LLC.
• An antidebris bottom nozzle with a built-in filter enhances
debris-trapping capability.
Conventional Operator The fuel assembly design for the US-APWR adopts the above
HSI console features to ensure high reliability.

57C.3.2 Enhanced Fuel Economy

Pellet density of 97% theoretical density (TD) greater than the
Safety VDU conventional 95% TD improves fuel cycle cost by increasing the
Alarm VDU Operational VDU
amount of uranium in the core.

57C.3.3 Flexible Core Operation

A higher gadolinia content of up to 10 wt% enables flexible
ROOM (Source: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.)
core operation to achieve higher burnup. Furthermore, a larger rod
plenum volume can produce potential margin for a rod internal
The fully digital system is applied to the I&C system of the
pressure increase caused by FP gas release, especially under high
US-APWR, including both safety and nonsafety systems. The
power operation at high burnup.
same digital platform has been developed and applied to PWR
The main design features of the RCS major components are
plants with excellent experiences in Japan, including the Japanese
listed below:
APWR. Figure 57C.5 shows the picture of MCR employing fully
digital I&C system. • Reactor Pressure Vessel:
This proven digital system provides significant benefits to the 1. Support and encloses the reactor core internals
safety of nuclear power, such as reduction of operations and main- 2. Four inlet nozzles
tenance workload, which reduces the potential for human error. 3. Four outlet nozzles
The design features of the I&C system includes redundancy, 4. Four direct vessel injection (DVI) nozzles
defense-in-depth and diversity, self-diagnosis, and online 5. Upper-mounted in-core instrumentation penetrations to
maintenance. eliminate penetration below the top of the reactor core
The major design modifications of fuel assembly, depicted in
Fig. 57C.6, from the Japanese APWR to the US-APWR are the • Reactor Internals:
fuel active length from 12 ft. to14 ft. and the number of grids 1. Four hot leg outlet nozzles similar to the conventional
from 9 to 11. All the advanced technologies incorporated into the plants
current 17  17 fuel assembly for higher burnup are applied to 2. Integrated lower core support plate similar to the conven-
the US-APWR fuel assembly. The fuel assembly design for the tional 14-ft. fuel plants
US-APWR is based on the Mitsubishi 17  17 fuel assembly that 3. Perforated metal ring blocks neutron reflector to eliminate
has demonstrated high reliability through significant irradiation bolts in high fluency region
experience in Japan. This fuel design improves reliability, 4. Top-mounted in-core instrumentation system to eliminate
enhances fuel economy, and enables flexible core operation. reactor vessel bottom dome nozzles
5. Diffuser plates in lower plenum to stabilize core inlet flow
57C.3.1 Improved Reliability
• Grid spring design and adoption of an 11-grid design result in • CRDMs and Driveline:
high grid fretting resistance. This grid design concept has 1. CRDMs are proven magnetic jack type
been proven with long-term no-leakage records in Japanese 2. Travel length of the RCCA complies with 14-ft. fuel
PWRs for approximately13 years.
• Steam Generators
1. Four SGs employing triangular pitch tubing
2. Alloy 690 thermally treated tube material to improve cor-
Improved fuel economics Higher reliability rosion resistance
3. Hydraulically expanded tubes in the tube sheet to reduce
Higher density pellet cladding material stress
(97%TD*) 4. Stainless steel broached tube supports to minimize corro-
Grid fretting-resistance design sion and denting
(Grid design and arrangement)
Enable flexible core 5. Advanced antivibration bar design in U-bends to minimize
vibration and wear
Higher gadolinia content Debris filter 6. Improved moisture separators
pellet (10 wt%) (Higher debris trapping
Larger plenum volume
• Reactor Coolant Pumps
(reduction of internal TD; Theoretical density 1. The US-APWR RCP has achieved a larger capacity and
pressure) higher efficiency (over 85%) by improving the impeller
and diffuser configuration.
FIG. 57C.6 US-APWR FUEL ASSEMBLY 2. Leakage along the RCP shaft is normally controlled by
(Source: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.) three shaft seals arranged in series so that any reactor
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476 • Chapter 57

coolant leakage to the containment is essentially reduced 3. Containment isolation (in-containment refueling water stor-
to zero. age pit)
3. The advanced seal design of the US-APWR RCP con- 4. Full digital I&C system
tributes to its longer life and stabilization of No.1 seal 5. MCR emergency habitability system
leakage characteristics. 6. Core debris cooling under severe accident condition
4. The pump shaft, seal housing, thermal barrier, main flange, 7. Fission product release
and impeller of the RCP can be removed from the casing
as a unit without disturbing the reactor coolant piping. 57C.4.1 Four-Train Safety Injection with Advanced
5. All parts of the pump in contact with the reactor coolant Accumulator
are made of stainless steel except for the seals, bearings,
and special parts. 57C.4.1.1 Four Mechanical Trains The engineered safeguard
features of the US-APWR employs the four-train system to per-
• Pressurizer
form required safety functions following an accident assuming a
1. The largest type of the Mitsubishi design (2900 cu ft.)
single failure in one train with a second train out of service for
2. Enhanced plant control with greater margin for transients
maintenance. The four-train DVI system configuration increases
• Fuel redundancy and independency and enhances safety and reliability.
1. 257 fuel assemblies with zircaloy grids The DVI system brings about a simple and compact safety system,
2. 14-ft. 17  17 fuel assembly enabling it to reduce the capacity of each train from 100% to 50%.
3. Higher burnup features Interconnecting piping between each train is also eliminated.
4. Antidebris bottom nozzle
57C.4.2 Advanced Accumulator System and
• In-core Instrumentation Elimination of Low-Head Safety Injection
1. Top-mounted in-core instrumentation System
The accumulator system consists of four advanced accumulators
• Thermocouple Instrumentation and the associated valves and piping, one for each RCS loop. Figure
1. Thermocouples provided in reactor internals similar to 57C.8 illustrates the US-APWR advanced accumulator. The system
conventional Westinghouse plants. is connected to the cold legs of the reactor coolant piping and injects
borated water when the RCS pressure falls below the accumulator
operating pressure. The system is passive. Pressurized nitrogen gas
forces borated water from the tanks into the RCS. The advanced
The US-APWR incorporates the following safety features (Fig. accumulators incorporate internal passive flow dampers, which
57C.7): function to inject a large flow to refill the reactor vessel in the first
stage of injection and then reduce the flow as the water level in the
1. Four independent safety trains, both mechanical and electrical accumulator drops. When the water level is above the top of the
2. Advanced accumulator system and elimination of LHSI standpipe, water enters the flow damper through both the top of
pumps the standpipe and the side of the flow damper and thus water is
injected at high flow rates. When the water level drops below the top
SIP SIP of the standpipe, water enters the damper only through the side inlet
and water is injected at relatively low flow rates. The advanced accu-
mulators perform large flow injection to refill the reactor vessel and
a succeeding small flow injection during core reflooding in associa-
RWSP tion with the safety injection pumps. The refueling water storage pit
C/L C/L (RWSP) in the containment acts as a continuous suction source for
Spray Spray Nitrogen Nitrogen
RV header

H/L H/L Injection Main stand pipe Injection
water water
Side inlet

Flow damper Flow damper

CS/RHRP CS/RHRP Side inlet


REACTOR VESSEL; SG, STEAM GENERATOR; ACC, Large flow rate Reduced flow rate
REMOVAL PUMP; (Source: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.) (Source: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.)
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the safety injection pumps. The combined performance of the accu- lation valves. Each line that is neither part of the reactor pressure
mulator system and the high-head injection system eliminates the boundary nor connected directly to the containment atmosphere
need for a conventional LHSI. and is not closed outside containment is provided with one con-
tainment isolation valve inside and outside containment. Each line
57C.4.2.1 Containment Spray System The containment spray that is neither part of the reactor pressure boundary nor connected
(CS) system consists of four independent trains, each containing a directly to the containment atmosphere is provided with one con-
CS/ RHR heat exchanger, a CS/RHR pump, spray nozzle, and tainment isolation valve outside containment.
valves. The CS/RHR heat exchangers and the CS/RHR pumps are The containment isolation valves are designed not to fail open
used for both CSS and RHRS functions. The CSS is automatical- upon loss of actuating power after closing. In addition, the con-
ly actuated on receipt of a containment spray signal. When the sig- tainment isolation valves that close automatically upon receiving
nal is received, the CS/RHR heat exchanger outlet valves open and an isolation signal are designed not to open automatically if the
the CS/RHR pumps start. The CS/RHR pump motor is connected isolation signal is removed. Containment isolation valves are
to a safety bus, so that the gas turbine generator (GTG)can supply designed for both functional and leakage tests.
electrical power in case of a loss of off-site power. The CS/RHR The RWSP of the US-APWR is located at the lowest part of
pumps take suction from the RWSP and the stop valve at the inlet containment and four recirculation sumps are installed at the bot-
line is always open during reactor operation. The water in the pit tom of the RWSP. This configuration provides a continuous suc-
is cooled by the CS/RHR heat exchangers and is delivered to the tion source for the SI pumps and CS/RHR pumps, thus eliminat-
spray headers located at the top of the containment vessel. ing the conventional realignment from the RWSP (outside
The refueling water storage pit in the containment provides a containment) to the containment recirculation sump.
continuous suction source for the CS/RHR pumps, thus eliminat-
ing the conventional realignment from the RWSP to the contain- 57C.4.4 Full Digital I&C
ment sump. The US-APWR utilizes a fully digital I&C system with design
features that improve the plant reliability and operability.
57C.4.2.2 Four-Train Electrical Safety System and Gas
Turbine Generator Safety-related electrical systems consist of • Four-train separation is completely applied to the safety and
four 50% systems. That is, only two trains are required for safely safety-related systems.
shutdown the plant. Each safety-related load is connected to a • Nonsafety visual display units (VDUs) are used for control of
Class 1E bus. This configuration with four Class 1E systems safety systems and components (multichannel operator station).
allows online maintenance of the GTG. • Defense-in-depth and diversity features include systems,
There are several advantages to select a GTG in lieu of a DG, which provide the countermeasures for common mode fail-
which include easy maintenance, small footprint, and fewer auxil- ures (CMF) of the digital safety systems as necessary to meet
iary systems. The GTG can be applied to US-APWR because the the U.S. regulations.
advanced accumulator with LHSI allows a starting time consistent
57C.4.5 Main Control Room Emergency Habitability
with GTG performance.
57C.4.3 Containment Isolation The MCR HVAC system that includes MCR emergency filtration
Containment isolation is needed to decrease and limit the system allows an operator to stay safe inside the control room enve-
release of fission products following LOCA. Figure 57C.9 illus- lope (CRE) both in the normal and accident conditions. In the emer-
trates the US-APWR RWSP. The fluid lines that penetrate the gency pressurization mode, this system establishes the CRE pressure
containment vessel are in general provided with containment iso- higher than that of adjacent areas during a radiological accident.
Depending on the radiological concentration in the air intake, the
MCR operator may select the train of MCR emergency system that
would minimize exposure to the CRE. The CRE consists of leak-
tight equipment, so that unfiltered leakage is restricted to a low value.
57C.4.6 Core Debris Cooling under Severe Accident
RWSP The US-APWR is designed to mitigate hypothetical severe acci-
dents such as reactor vessel failure. The fundamental concept of
the US-APWR for severe accident mitigation is to flood the reactor
cavity with coolant water and to keep the molten fuel within the
reactor cavity. To achieve this, the US-APWR provides reliable
reactor cavity flooding system, which consists of two diverse inde-
pendent coolant water supply systems. Molten fuel behavior under
postulated reactor vessel failure was analyzed using a computa-
tional code. The calculation result shows that the molten fuel
spreads out on the flooded reactor cavity floor and the debris
Recirculation sump deposition is adequately thin and evenly distributed. It can there-
fore be considered that the core debris coolability is sufficient for
FIG. 57C.9 US-APWR IN CONTAINMENT REFUELING severe accident mitigation. Analysis was also made on the chal-
WATER STORAGE PIT (RWSP) (Source: Mitsubishi Heavy lenge to containment integrity due to a postulated ex-vessel steam
Industries, Ltd.) explosion. It is concluded through the study that containment
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478 • Chapter 57


INDUSTRIES, LTD.) Reactor building
Requirement NRC URD US-APWR (Containment building
CDF 1  104 1  105 1  105

integrity is maintained with a considerable safety margin and the

risk associated with the challenge to containment integrity is negli-
gibly small and acceptable.
Auxiliary building
57C.4.7 Fission Product Release
The US-APWR has many functions provided by fuel pellet, Access control building Power source building
fuel cladding, and reactor coolant boundary and containment to
prevent fission product release in the event of an accident and also FIG. 57C.10 US-APWR COMPACT ARRANGEMENT OF
have equipment to reduce fission product release. POWER BLOCK (Source: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.)
When an accident that involves a large release of radioactive
materials into the containment (ex-LOCA) occurs, some radioac- be removed or deployed after initial installation. Where required,
tive nuclides in the containment atmosphere are removed by the lay-down space is provided for disassembling large pieces of
CS system. equipment to facilitate the removal or installation process.
Numerous NaTB (sodium tetraborate decahydrate) baskets are Adequate space is provided for equipment maintenance, laydown,
placed in the containment to maintain the desired postaccident pH removal, and inspection. Hatches, monorails, hoists, and remov-
conditions in the recirculation water. This equipment helps to pre- able shield walls are provided to facilitate maintenance.
vent resuspension of iodine. The containment facility is comprised of the prestressed con-
Furthermore, if containment leakage occurs, fission products crete containment vessel (PCCV) and the annulus enclosing the
will be filtered as they are released through the annulus emer- containment penetration area, and provides an efficient leak-tight
gency exhaust system. barrier and radiation protection under all postulated conditions
The result of calculation for the US-APWR CDF meets the including LOCA. The PCCV is designed to withstand the peak
NRC goal and the URD goal (Table 57C.2). pressure under LOCA conditions. Access galleries are provided
for periodic inspection and testing of circumferential and axial
prestressing tendons. Figure 57C.11 shows a sectional view of the
57C.5 BUILDING CONFIGURATION US-APWR power block buildings.
The equipment layout within the US-APWR buildings is deter- For ease of access during operation, maintenance, repair, and
mined to facilitate plant operation and maintenance and minimize refueling, the following means to access the PCCV are also estab-
personnel radiation exposure. Provisions including redundant lished: two personnel airlocks at different elevations and a large
train separation and segregation barriers have been made to assure equipment hatch on the operating floor of the containment. The
that the functions of the safety-related systems are maintained in dimensions of the equipment hatch are determined to allow the
the event of postulated incidents such as fires, floods, and high- future replacement of SGs without cutting through the contain-
energy pipe break events. Within the buildings, access control ment. These features significantly improve the maintainability of
zonings are established to restrict access to radiation areas and to equipment and accessibility to the containment during outages.
define the required radiation shielding and monitoring during The US-APWR safety-related structures, systems, and compo-
operation, shutdown, and accident conditions. nents (SSCs) are designed as required by GDC 2 of 10 CFR 50,
The US-APWR plant has the following principal buildings, as Appendix A [3] to withstand the effects of natural phenomena,
shown in Fig. 57C.10. including earthquakes, without jeopardizing the plant safety. The
SSCs are assigned to one of the three seismic categories (seismic
• Reactor building (seismic category I)
• Power source buildings (seismic category I)
• Auxiliary building
• Access building
• Turbine building

Only the reactor building and the small power source buildings are
designed and constructed as safety-related structures to the require-
ments of seismic category I, as defined in RG 1.29 [2]. The symmetri-
cal arrangement for safety equipment efficiently reduces the required
space in the buildings. These design features provide less building vol-
ume and cost improvement compared to conventional PWR plants.
Radioactive equipment and piping in all buildings is arranged
and shielded to minimize radiation exposure. Pathways through
the plant are designed to accommodate equipment maintenance
and equipment removal from the plant. The size of the pathways FIG. 57C.11 US-APWR PLANT
is determined by the largest piece of equipment that may have to (Source: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.)
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category I, seismic category II, or nonseismic) depending on the 57C.5.1 Reactor Building
nuclear safety function of the particular SSC. The US-APWR The building contains the PCCV and equipment important to
standard plant seismic design is based on the SSE and the OBE. safety, except the emergency power sources. The equipment
The certified seismic design response spectra (CSDRS) define the includes safety-related pumps, heat exchangers, control room, and
site-independent SSE for the seismic design of the US-APWR associated electrical, I&C panels.
standard plant. The PGA of the CSDRS is 0.3 g ground accelera-
tion for the two horizontal directions and the vertical direction. 57C.5.2 Power Source Buildings
The PGA of the OBE is set at 1/3 of the SSE (CSDRS), and then
These buildings are freestanding on reinforced concrete mats,
no design analysis is required to address the OBE loads for the
and each building contains two identical emergency power
seismic category I SSCs.
sources, which are separated from each other by physical barriers.
The CSDRS are derived from RG 1.60 [4] spectra by scaling
The electrical, I&C and heating, ventilation and air-conditioning
the spectra contained in RG 1.60 from 1.0 g to 0.3 g zero period
equipment related to the emergency power sources are also con-
acceleration (ZPA) values. The RG 1.60 spectral values are based
tained in these buildings.
on deterministic values for earthquakes in the western United.
States. However, recent seismic research, including recently pub-
lished attenuation relations, indicate that earthquakes in the 57C.5.3 Auxiliary Building
central and eastern United States have more energy in the higher The building contains the main components of the waste dis-
frequency range than those in the western United States. Thus, the posal systems and the nonsafety-related electrical area. This area
RG 1.60 spectra control points have been modified by shifting the is normally a nonradioactive zone and is completely separated
control points at 9 Hz and 33 Hz to 12 Hz and 50 Hz, respective- from the radioactive zones of the building.
ly, for both the horizontal and the vertical spectra, as shown in
Fig. 57C.12. The modified RG 1.60 spectra used for the CSDRS 57C.5.4 Access Building
are expected to cover many sites in the central and the eastern The building houses the access control facilities, the chemical
United States to apply the US-APWR standard plant design as sampling, and laboratory area.
widely as possible.
The seismic analysis and design of the reactor building, PCCV,
57C.5.5 Turbine Building
containment internal structure, and their common base mat are
based on a model that couples a detailed RCL system lumped mass The building houses the nonsafety-related equipment of the
stick model with a combined reactor building-PCCV-containment turbine generator and its auxiliary systems (main condenser,
internal structure lumped mass stick model. The site-independent feedwater heaters, moisture separator reheaters, etc.). The build-
soil-structure Interaction (SSI) analyses are conducted considering ing is principally made of steel structure, which is designed to
four generic subgrade conditions: (1) Soft soil site with shear wave withstand all loads including the load of the overhead traveling
velocity Vs ⫽ 1000 ft./sec, (2) rock site (medium 1) with Vs ⫽ 3500 crane. The foundation of the building is a reinforced concrete
ft/sec, (3) rock site (medium 2) with Vs ⫽ 6500 ft./sec, and (4) hard structure.
rock site with Vs ⫽ 8,000 ft./sec (as a fixed base condition). For each
one of the subgrade conditions, the analyses are performed where
each one of the three components of the earthquake horizontal (H1, 57C.6 MODULARIZATION AND
H2) and vertical (V) are applied separately to the model in the stan- CONSTRUCTION
dard plant in N–S, E–W, and vertical direction, respectively, and are
combined using the direct integration time history method. MHI has constructed 23 PWR nuclear plants over a period of
For seismic analysis of seismic category I subsystems, modal the last 30 years in Japan. MHI was responsible for the construc-
response spectra analysis, time history analysis, or equivalent stat- tion of both the nuclear island and the conventional island. MHI
ic load analysis methods are used. has gained valuable experience, which has enabled us to reduce
The functions of each building are described herein. the construction period target to 41 months from the first concrete
to the first core loading.
The construction period of Ohi Unit 3 commercial operation
(C/O: Dec, 1991) was less than 42.5 months from the first con-
U.S. - APWR crete to fuel loading.
RG 1.60 The main features of these innovative construction methods to
be used at the Japanese APWR are as follows:
Acceleration (g)

• Use of super heavy duty crane (1000 ton class)

0.5 • Application of SC structure in all parts of internal concrete
• Large PCCV liner block (one piece for dome liner and two
pieces for cylinder liner)
• Direct carry-in of heavy components inside CV by super
0.0 heavy duty crane
0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 • Large equipment module
Frequency ( Hz )
The construction period of the US-APWR is expected to be 41
FIG. 57C.12 THE CSDRS (HORIZONTAL. DAMPING 5%) months from the first concrete to the first core loading by applica-
(Source: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.) tion of these innovative construction methods.
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480 • Chapter 57



Service tanks/ Core Component
level pumps Piping supports Valves supports
A NB- NB- NG-3221 NB- NF
3221 3652 NG-3222 3520
NB- NG-3231 NB-
3222 NG-3232 3525
B NB- NB- NG-3223 NB- NF
3223 3654 NG-3233 3535
C NB- NB- NG-3224 NB-
3224 3655 NG-3234 3526
Heavy Industries, Ltd.) D NB- NB- NG-3225 special NF
3225 3656 NG-3235

(b) SG-MR III, a robot tube eddy current test (ECT)

machine, the inspection speed becomes twice compared
with the conventional type machine.

It is estimated that these US-APWR’s O&M features will reduce

occupational radiation exposure to approximately half of that in
the current PWRs.


The US-APWR is designed to the 2001 Edition, Section III of
the ASME Code up to and including the 2003 Addenda. The cor-
relation of the US-APWR Design Control Document [1] stress
criteria with the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code [5] stress
criteria is summarized in Table 57C.3.
MENT MODULE (Source: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.)
Examples of steel concrete structures for the inner concrete and US-APWR
large equipment module for the main steam line and feedwater The US-APWR technology, with its emphasis on proven evolu-
line piping are in Figs. 57C.13 and 57C.14, respectively. tionary improvements in safety, economics, and reliability should
The US-APWR offers features as described below to improve have broad appeal in the United States. The future direction cur-
plant operability and maintainability. rently being pursued involves obtaining Design Certification from
the U.S. NRC and applying the standard design to as large a fleet
of power stations as possible. In the longer term, there may be
57C.7 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE minor variations driven by specific site conditions through the
1. Online maintenance afforded by 4  50% safety trains. It COL process and continuing careful evolution may lead to further
results in about a 30% reduction in total work hours during improvements in the standard design.
refueling outage.
2. Fully digital I&C contains redundancy, diversity, self-diag-
nostics, and online repair capabilities. These will substan-
tially reduce I&C maintenance costs. 57C.10 REFERENCES
3. The US-APWR adopts the unique ISI devices described 1. US-APWR Design Certification Document (US-APWR DCD).
below and these can shorten the ISI work time.
2. Regulatory Guide 1.29, Seismic Design Classification.
(a) A-UT machine, an advanced ultrasonic testing machine 3. 10CFR Part50 Appendix A General Design Criteria for Nuclear
for reactor vessel. Power Plants, Criterion 2.
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4. Regulatory Guide 1.60, Design Response Spectra for Seismic Design I&C instrumentation and control
of Nuclear Power Plants. LOCA loss-of-coolant accident
5. ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, 2001 Edition up to and includ- LP low pressure
ing the 2003 Addenda MCR main control room
MHI Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
NaTB sodium tetraborate decahydrate
57C.11 NOMENCLATURE O&M operation and maintenance
APWR advanced pressurized water reactor OBE operating-basis earthquake
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers PCCV prestressed concrete containment vessel
BOL beginning-of-life PGA peak ground acceleration
CDF core damage frequency PWR pressurized water reactor
C/O Commercial operation RCCA rod cluster control assembly
COL Combined license RCL reactor coolant loop
CRDM control rod drive mechanism RCP reactor coolant pump
CRE control room envelope RCS reactor coolant system
CS containment spray RG Regulatory Guide
CS/RHR containment spray/residual heat removal RHR residual heat removal
CSDRS certified seismic design response spectra RWSP refueling water storage pit
CSS containment spray system
CV control valve SG steam generator
DCD Design Control Document SI safety injection
DG diesel generator SSC structure, system, and component
DVI direct vessel injection TD theoretical density
ETC eddy current test URD Utility Requirement Document
GTG gas turbine generator UT ultrasonic examination method
HP high pressure VDU visual display unit
HVAC heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning ZPA zero period acceleration
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Hardayal S. Mehta and Daniel C. Pappone
Nuclear energy plays a major role in meeting the world’s
energy needs. At the end of 2005, there were 443 nuclear power The BWR nuclear plant, like the PWR, has its origins in the
plants operating in 32 countries, with 25 more units under con- technology developed in the 1950s for the U.S. Navy’s nuclear
struction. These plants account for 17% of world’s electricity. In submarine program. The first commercial BWR nuclear plant to
a nuclear power plant, steam to turn the turbine and in turn the be built was the 5-MWe Vallecitos plant (1957) located near San
generator to produce electricity is produced through a controlled Jose, California. The Vallecitos plant confirmed the ability of the
nuclear fission reaction. The steam producing part of a nuclear BWR concept to successfully and safely produce electricity for a
power plant, including the supporting systems, is called the grid. The first large-scale BWR, Dresden 1 (1960), then followed.
nuclear steam supply system (NSSS). Beyond the NSSS, the The BWR design has subsequently undergone a series of evolu-
remaining part of a nuclear power plant, the turbine/generator tionary changes with one purpose in mind – simplify.
and remainder of the steam cycle, is called the balance of plant The BWR design has been simplified in two key areas – the
(BOP). In a boiling water reactor (BWR) NSSS, the steam is reactor systems and the containment design. Table 58.1 chronicles
directly produced in the reactor pressure vessel (RPV). In the the development of the BWR.
pressurized water reactors (PWRs), the steam is produced in
steam generators that are connected to RPV. Both the BWRs and
PWRs are classed as light water reactors (LWRs) since they use 58.2.1 General Progression of BWR Designs
light water (as opposed to heavy water, D2O) as coolant and Figure 58.1 illustrates the evolution of the reactor system
moderator. In the United States and many countries of the design. Interestingly enough, Dresden 1 was not a true BWR. The
world, the RPV and the most of the NSSS components are design was based upon dual steam cycle, not the direct steam
designed, fabricated, tested, and inspected during service using cycle that characterizes BWRs. Steam was generated in the reac-
the rules of ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code. Specifically, tor but then flowed to an elevated steam drum and a secondary
Section II (for material selection and allowable stresses), steam generator before making its way to the turbine. The first
Section III (for design and analysis), Section IX (for welding), step down the path of simplicity that ultimately led to the
and Section XI (for in-service inspection) of the Code are used. ESBWR was the elimination of the external steam drum by intro-
The overall objective of this chapter is to provide a description ducing two technical innovations – the internal steam separator
of the evolution of the BWR product line, including the current and the steam dryer (KRB, 1962). The first large direct cycle
offerings (the Advanced Boiling Water Reactor, ABWR, and the BWRs (Oyster Creek and Nine Mile Point Unit 1) appeared in the
Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor, ESBWR), along mid-1960s and were characterized by the elimination of the steam
with the discussion on the role of ASME Code in the material generators and the use of five external recirculation loops to pro-
selection, fabrication, design, and in-service inspection (ISI) of vide forced circulation flow through the core. Later, reactor sys-
the BWR NSSS system. tems were further simplified by the introduction of jet pumps
The first section provides a general background of the devel- inside the vessel for driving the core flow. The use of internal jet
opment of the BWR product lines. This includes the description pumps allowed two external recirculation loops to drive the core
of the reactor and reactor system design, safety system design, flow, down from the five loops used in the large BWR/2 plants,
and the containment design [1, 2]. The next section deals with thus reducing the associated piping, valves, pumps, and large
the key features of the ESBWR, including the natural circulation vessel nozzles. This change first appeared in the Dresden 2
design, operating domain, and passive safety features [3]. The BWR/3 plant.
ASME Code aspects are covered next, including the ASME Code The use of reactor internal pumps in the ABWR design took this
versions, treatment of environmental fatigue issues, material process of simplification another step further. By using internal
selection, and others. Future directions in terms of fabrications, pumps attached directly to the vessel itself, the jet pumps and the
modularization, and others are discussed next. The last section external recirculation systems, with all the associated large pumps,
provides a summary. valves, piping, and snubbers, have been eliminated altogether. The
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484 • Chapter 58


First Commercial Representative Plant/

Product Line Operation date Characteristics

BWR/1 1960 Dresden 1

Initial commercial-size BWR
Dual cycle

BWR/2 1969 Oyster Creek

Plants purchased solely on economics
Large direct cycle
Forced circulation
Variable speed pumps for recirculation
flow control

BWR/3 1971 Dresden 2

Internal jet pump application
Improved ECCS: spray and flood capability

BWR/4 1972 Vermont Yankee

Increased power density (20%)

BWR/5 1977 Tokai 2

Improved ECCS
Valve flow control

BWR/6 1978 Cofrentes

Compact control room
Solid-state nuclear system protection system

ABWR 1996 Kashiwazaki-Kariwa 6

Reactor internal pumps
Fine-motion control rod drives
Advanced control room, digital and
fiber optic technology
Improved ECCS: high/low pressure flooders

ESBWR Under review Natural circulation

Passive ECCS

development of the ABWR took place during the 1980s under the have a certified design that is 90% engineered prior to the start of
sponsorship of Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO). In 1988, construction. The ABWR Design Certification was signed into law
TEPCO announced that the next Kashiwazaki-Kariwa units (K-6 on May 2, 1997 by the then Chair of the NRC, Shirley M. Jackson.
and 7) to be constructed would be ABWRs. The licensing activi- In September 2007, NRG Energy submitted to the NRC a combined
ties for the K-6 and 7 were conducted with the Japanese regulatory construction permit – operating license application (COLA) to build
agency, Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), in two ABWR units at the South Texas Project site in Texas.
parallel with the review of the ABWR in the United States by the The ESBWR and its smaller predecessor, the Simplified Boiling
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). K-6 entered commercial Water Reactor (SBWR), took the process of simplification to its
operation in 1996 and K-7 in 1997. Two more ABWRs entered logical conclusion with the use of a taller vessel and a shorter core
commercial operation in Japan – Hamaoka-5 in 2005 and Shika-2 to achieve natural recirculation without the use of any pumps.
in 2006. In addition to these four units in Japan, two more ABWRs Following the Three Mile Island accident in 1979, there was sig-
are being constructed for the Taiwan Power Company (TPC) at nificant interest in developing a reactor with passive safety features
TPC’s Lungmen site. and less dependence on operator actions. Utilities also took this
In the United States, the ABWR First-of-a-Kind Engineering opportunity to request a reactor that was simpler to operate, had
(FOAKE) program was completed in September 1996. FOAKE rep- fewer components, and no dependence on diesel generators for
resented a major step toward one of the U.S. industry’s goals - to safety actions. GE began an internal study of a new BWR concept
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Dresden 1

Oyster Creek

Dresden 2



based on these principles and the SBWR was developed in the ticipating in the U.S. Department of Energy’s Nuclear Power
early 1980s. This concept attracted development support from the 2010 program, which was established by the DOE to act as a cata-
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), EPRI, and a number of U.S. lyst for the newly built nuclear energy in the United States.
utilities. Key new features, such as the gravity-driven cooling sys-
tem (GDCS), depressurization valves (DPV), and leak-tight wet 58.2.2 Reactor System Design
well/dry well vacuum breakers were tested. As interest grew, an The first LWRs were pressurized to prevent the water from
international team was formed to complete the design, and addi- boiling in the core or turning to steam. The conventional wisdom
tional separate effects, component and integrated system tests, par- was that steam bubbles would somehow affect the behavior of the
ticularly of the innovative new feature, the passive containment neutrons and cause the reactor to behave erratically and possibly
cooling system (PCCS), were run in Europe and Japan. A Design overheat. Samuel Untermyer, a scientist at Argonne National
Certification Program was begun in the late 1980s with the objec- Laboratory, postulated that if water bubbled or steamed in an
tive of obtaining a standardized license, similar to that obtained for overheating reactor core, the chain reaction would slow down [4].
ABWR. However, as more of the design details became known, it This concept of a negative void reactivity coefficient proved to be
became clear that at 670 Mwe, the SBWR was too small to gener- fundamental to the successful design and operation of the BWRs.
ate the right economics for a newly build project. The certification Untermyer initiated the Boiling Water Reactor Experiment
program was stopped, but efforts continued to make the SBWR (BORAX) series of test reactors at the National Reactor Testing
attractive for power generation. With European utility support, the Station in Idaho. In 1953, the first test reactor in the series,
SBWR was uprated gradually to its current power level of approxi- BORAX-1, demonstrated two theories: (1) boiling water in a
mately 1550 Mwe. This was made possible by staying within the reactor was a stable condition, and (2) the void coefficient can
RPV size limit established by the ABWR and by taking advantage control the power increases. Argonne modified the BORAX reac-
of the modular approach to passive safety afforded by isolation tor design several times while conducting experiments to develop
condensers (ICs) and PCCS. an understanding of the parameters necessary for operating a
The Design Certification application for the ESBWR was sub- BWR safely.
mitted to the U.S. NRC in August 2005 and was formally accepted Argonne’s ultimate goal was to evolve a reactor useful for
for docketing in 3 months. The NRC’s new plant review and electrical generation. The early experiments with the BORAX
licensing process has been improved, including allowance for par- reactors demonstrated the inherent safety and stability of the
allel review of both the Design Certification and the COLA, with BWR. Using a turbine generator scrounged from an old sawmill,
a focus on standardization and reducing and eliminating re- the BORAX-III reactor lit the town of Arco, Idaho, on July 17,
reviews of the same open items. GE is working with a number of 1955 with nuclear power for the first time in history. The first
customers who have selected the ESBWR technology and is par- BWR power plant, EBWR (Experimental BWR), built by
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486 • Chapter 58

Argonne Laboratory, was designed for 20 MWe. The plant ran • The RPV is much larger than that of a PWR of similar power.
from 1956 to 1967, gradually increasing its power level and reli- However, the overall cost is reduced because a modern BWR
ability from the point where it supplied electricity to the entire has no main steam generators or pressurizers.
Argonne Lab. • The primary coolant passes through the turbine, contaminat-
The main characteristic of the BWR is the fact that bulk boiling ing it with short-lived activation products. Therefore, radia-
takes place in the reactor core. Three configurations have been tion exposure must be managed in the vicinity of the steam
used for the power cycle design of the BWR plant. In the direct piping and turbine.
cycle BWR, the simplest design, the steam is passed directly from
the reactor vessel to the turbine. In the indirect cycle design, the The first commercial BWRs were small demonstration plants
steam–water mixture passes through a steam generator; the steam for evaluating various approaches to reactor and containment
produced on the secondary side of the steam generator is then design and for demonstrating key system design features. These
passed to the turbine. The indirect cycle design has the advantage plants are referred to as the BWR/1 product line, even though
of isolating the radioactive contaminants within the primary sys- they were custom designs. Dresden 1 was the first commercial
tem; however, this advantage is offset by the increased cost and BWR. Dresden 1 was based upon dual cycle design and used
maintenance associated with the steam generators. The dual cycle forced circulation. The plant used a spherical dry containment.
design is a combination of both the direct and indirect cycles, with Steam was generated in the reactor but then flowed to an elevated
high-pressure steam being passed directly to the high-pressure end steam drum and a secondary steam generator before making its
of the turbine and lower pressure steam from the steam generator way to the turbine. The dual steam cycle system was employed to
entering the turbine at an intermediate stage. The dual cycle com- assure overall plant stability between the reactor and turbine gen-
bined reliability, stability, a fairly high power density, and a well- erator during normal operation and operational transients.
controlled reactor response to changes in load demand. The BWR Dresden 1 was the model for several other dual cycle plants
designs can be further classified by the means used to drive the (Garigliano, KRB, Tarapur). Humboldt Bay and Big Rock Point
coolant through the core. In a forced circulation design, the core were the first commercial direct cycle plants.
flow is driven by pumps external or internal to the reactor vessel. Table 58.2 provides a comparison of the key features of the
In a natural circulation design, the difference in density between commercial BWRs. The first standardized BWR design was the
the single-phase fluid in the downcomer region and the two-phase BWR/2 (Oyster Creek and Nine Mile Point 1). The BWR/2 direct
mixture in the core provides the driving force [5]. cycle design used the internal steam separator and steam dryer
GE selected the BWR as the most promising nuclear power demonstrated at KRB. This simplified the reactor design by elimi-
concept because of its inherent advantages in control and design nating the external steam drum and steam generator pressure ves-
simplicity. GE established an atomic power equipment business in sels. The steam separator and dryer assemblies are removed to
1955 to offer the BWR commercially. The first GE BWR, the allow access to the core during refueling. The control blades enter
Vallecitos BWR, was built in 1957. This 1000-psi reactor pow- the core from the bottom of the vessel. Control rod entry from the
ered a 5-MWe generator and provided power to the Pacific Gas bottom of the core provides the best axial flux shaping and resul-
and Electric Company grid through 1963. The VBWR was con- tant fuel economy for the BWR. The bottom entry drives do not
structed so that it could be operated in either a direct cycle mode interfere with refueling operations. The piston drive and high-
or a dual cycle mode using either forced or natural circulation. pressure scram accumulators provide high scram forces and
The advantages of the BWR compared to the PWR are as ensures rapid rod insertion.
follows: The BWR/2 design also standardized the use of forced recircu-
lation core flow. Oyster Creek and Nine Mile Point 1 passed the
• The reactor vessel and associated components operate at a entire core flow through five external recirculation loops with
substantially lower pressure (about 1000 psig) compared to a pumps. Forced recirculation core flow provides a second means of
PWR (about 2200 psig). controlling core power in addition to the control rods. Forced
• There are no steam generators and no pressurizer vessel. recirculation allows the core power to be controlled by changing
• Lower risk (probability) of a rupture causing loss of coolant recirculation flow by exploiting the negative void reactivity char-
compared to a PWR, and lower risk of a severe accident acteristics of the BWR core design. An increase in the core flow
should such a rupture occur. This is due to fewer pipes, fewer increases the liquid in the core, which increases the neutron mod-
large diameter pipes, fewer welds, and no steam generator eration and power generation. The core stabilizes at a higher
tubes. power level. The ability to change power gradually by using core
• The distance between the core and the vessel wall is greater; flow also reduces the thermal mechanical duty on the fuel. The
therefore, the pressure vessel is subject to significantly less control rod drives (CRDs) move the control blades in finite incre-
irradiation compared to a PWR and so does not become as ments, which may result in a significant local power increase near
brittle with age. the tip of the control blade. Varying the core flow also varies the
• The fuel operates at a lower temperature. boiling boundary in the core. This allows spectral shift core man-
• The single reactor vessel makes emergency conditions sim- agement schemes to be employed. Early in the cycle, the core
pler to diagnose and emergency actions simpler to execute. flow is kept at low, lowering the axial flux shape and boiling
• A BWR may be designed to operate using only natural circu- boundary in the core, which increases the voiding in the top of the
lation so that recirculation pumps are eliminated entirely. core. This voiding hardens the neutron spectrum in the upper part
of the core resulting in the breeding of plutonium. At the end of
The disadvantages of a BWR are as follows: the cycle when the reactivity in the lower part of the core is
exhausted, the core flow is increased, shifting the axial flux shape
• The core nuclear and thermal hydraulic calculations are more upward and burning the plutonium generated in the upper part of
complex when considering two-phase flow. the core early in the cycle. Thus, the ability to control core power
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Parameter BWR/2 BWR/4 BWR/6 ABWR ESBWR

Power (MWt/MWe) 1930/670 3293/1098 3900/1360 3926/1350 4500/1550

Vessel height/diameter (m) 19.5/5.4 21.9/6.4 21.8/6.4 21.1/7.1 27.7/7.1

Fuel bundles, number 560 764 800 872 1132

Active fuel height (m) 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.0

Power density (kW/L) 40.5 50 54.2 51 54

Recirculation pumps 5 (external) 2 (external) 2 (external) 10 (internal) 0

Number/type of CRDs 137/LP 185/LP 193/LP 205/FM 269/FM

Safety system pumps 12 9 9 18 0

Safety diesel generators 2 2 3 3 0

Alternate shutdown 2 SLC 2 SLC 2 SLC 2 SLC 2 SLC

pumps pumps pumps pumps accumulators

Control and Analog Analog Analog Digital Digital

instrumentation single single single multiple multiple channel
channel channel channel channel

Core damage (freq/yr) 105 105 106 2  107 3  108

Safety bldg vol (m3/Mwe) 110 120 170 180 130

using recirculation flow ultimately results in better fuel cycle eco- five-hole nozzle design in the jet pump that increased the pump-
nomics for the plant. ing efficiency and allowed the use of smaller jet pumps. With
The next significant simplification introduced in the reactor smaller jet pumps, the size of the core could be increased, increas-
system was the internal jet pump in the BWR/3 design. These ing the reactor output for the same size vessel.
pumps sufficiently boosted recirculation flow so that only two The ABWR design (Kashiwazaki-Kariwa 6) incorporated reactor
external recirculation loops were needed. This change was first internal pumps to drive the core flow. By using pumps attached direct-
incorporated in the Dresden 2 plant. The use of internal jet pumps ly to the vessel itself, the jet pumps and the external recirculation
resulted in the elimination of several of the recirculation lines and systems, with all their pumps, valves, piping, and snubbers, have
pumps used previously in the BWR/2 reactors. Savings in invest- been eliminated altogether. With the elimination of the large external
ment for recirculation lines and pumps were partially offset by the recirculation piping, there were no large pipes attached to the vessel
higher power requirements due to the lower efficiency of the jet below the top of the core. This allowed the ABWR to be designed to
pump. More notably, the use of jet pumps gives some safety keep the core submerged and cooled during the break of any pipe
advantages in that the number and size of major nozzle penetra- forming the reactor coolant pressure boundary. Fine motion CRDs
tions on the vessel is reduced and the reactor internal arrangement permit small power changes, improved start-up times, and improved
allows the capability of reflooding the vessel and maintaining power maneuvering.
coolant level in the core even if there is a complete severance of The ESBWR design uses natural circulation to provide the dri-
the recirculation line. Increased natural circulation capability was ving force for the core flow, eliminating the recirculation pumps
also gained with the jet pump system. altogether. Building on the basic ABWR vessel design, the height
The basic jet pump BWR design was carried through most of of the vessel has been increased to provide the additional driving
the plants comprising today’s BWR operating fleet. The BWR/4 head necessary to achieve the core flows and power levels neces-
design (Browns Ferry and Peach Bottom) introduced improved sary for a modern reactor. Variable feedwater temperature control
ECCS and higher core power densities. The BWR/5 design (Tokai 2) has been added to provide a second means of reactivity control in
introduced constant speed recirculation pumps and flow control addition to the fine motion CRDs. Figure 58.2 shows the direct
valves used to control the reactor core flow and improved ECCS. cycle power conversion system used in most BWRs.
The change from variable speed recirculation pumps to constant
speed pumps with valve control allowed the plants to follow more 58.2.3 Safety System Design
rapid load variations and reduced the capital cost of the overall The loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) has dominated the design
control system. The BWR/6 design (Cofrentes) incorporated a of the safety systems for BWRs. A LOCA is defined as a breach in
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the primary coolant system pressure boundary. The design basis requirement that all nuclear plants must have ECCS [6]. Some
accident (DBA) was specified to be the instantaneous double-ended forms of emergency core cooling, typically a core spray and high-
guillotine break of the largest pipe attached to the RPV. However, pressure coolant injection (HPCI), were retrofit to the BWR/1s.
the safety systems must also be designed to mitigate the conse- The BWR/2s, BWR/3s, and BWR/4s were under design and con-
quences of the full spectrum of potential break sizes and locations struction during this time frame and a separate ECCS were incor-
anywhere in the primary coolant piping, as well as equipment fail- porated into those reactor designs.
ures such as a stuck-open relief valve that result in a an uncon- The BWR/2 recirculation loop design took water from the
trolled loss of primary system coolant. The emergency core cooling downcomer region and pumped it into the lower plenum region of
system (ECCS) is designed to provide cooling water to the core ter- the vessel. The limiting pipe break LOCA for the BWR/2 was in
minating any heat up of the core and to provide long-term removal the recirculation discharge pipe where it attached to the vessel. A
of the core decay heat. The containment provides the final barrier to break at this location would leave a large rupture in the bottom of
prevent the release of fission products from the fuel. The suppres- the system that would prevent reflooding the vessel. Therefore, it
sion pool in the containment provides a heat sink and internal water was decided that the best means of cooling the core would be
source for core cooling. The containment heat removal systems with a spray system that would wet and cool the fuel from above.
transfer the decay heat to the ultimate heat sink. In addition to pro- The core spray consisted of ring spargers around the periphery of
viding for core and containment cooling, the incorporation of the the core, just above the top of the fuel bundles. The ring spargers
LOCA affected the structural design of the plant. The vessel and do not interfere with the core flow during normal operation or fuel
piping structures had to be designed to withstand the jet reaction bundle movement during refueling. Two completely separate sys-
and pipe whip forces from the broken pipe. Structures and systems tems (electrical power, pumps, valves, piping, etc.) were provided
had to be protected against the impingement of the jet from the bro- for redundancy. Because the core spray system was designed for
ken pipe. Systems had to be designed to mitigate the hydrogen gen- the large break LOCA, the core spray pumps are low-pressure,
erated by the reaction of the zirconium fuel cladding with steam at high-flow capacity pumps. These pumps cannot inject into the
high temperatures. The ECCS, containment, and supporting sys- vessel at normal operating pressures. To address breaks that are so
tems designed for mitigating the consequences of a LOCA have small that the vessel will not depressurize through the break, logic
resulted in a network of safety system with the capacity and redun- was added to some of the vessel pressure relief valves. When the
dancy to handle a wide range of transient and accident events. logic detected the LOCA conditions, low reactor water level and
The BWR ECCS design has evolved along with the BWR high containment drywell pressure, and sensed that the core spray
product generations. The first generation of BWRs were designed pumps were running, the logic would open the relief valves and
without ECCS, but rather made use of highly reliable feedwater depressurize the vessel, effectively making the small break into a
systems. With the increase in core power associated with the first large break. This logic is known as the automatic depressurization
commercial scale reactors (the BWR/2 design), concerns were system (ADS). For the long-term recovery from the accident, provi-
raised with respect to providing adequate core cooling during a sions were made to flood the containment to a level above the top
LOCA and preventing a core meltdown that would threaten con- of the core. In addition to the ECCS network, the BWR/2 design
tainment integrity. In the late 1960s, the Report of the Advisory includes ICs to provide decay heat removal from the vessel in the
Task Force on Power Reactor Emergency Cooling led to the event that the main steam line isolation valves are closed and the


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main condenser is unavailable as a heat sink. The ICs are simply network incorporated in the BWR/5 product line improved the
passive heat exchangers located in pools of water above the vessel performance and reliability of the ECCS over the BWR/3 and
and outside the containment. Steam from the reactor vessel is BWR/4 designs. The network consists of three electrical divi-
passed through the heat exchanger tubes, condensed, and the con- sions, of which two divisions contain two ECCS pumps each, an
densate is returned to the vessel. The water on the shell side of the RHR pump that can be used for LPCI injection or containment
heat exchange is boiled and vented to the atmosphere. cooling and either a low-pressure core spray system or a second
The BWR/2 plant design also marked the standardization of the LPCI pump dedicated to vessel injection. The third electrical divi-
pressure suppression containment design. In the pressure suppres- sion has a high-pressure core spray (HPCS) system powered by a
sion containment design, steam released from the reactor vessel is dedicated diesel generator, which replaces the turbine-driven
directed into the suppression pool where it is condensed. The con- HPCI. The HPCI turbine would trip off when the vessel depres-
tainment cooling system, which takes water from the suppression surized below about 100 psi, whereas the electrically driven
pool, passes it through a heat exchanger where it is cooled, then HPCS operates through the full vessel pressure range. Also, the
returns the cooled water to the containment, either back to the pool HPCI injects water through the feedwater line into the vessel
or through sprays in the drywell and suppression chamber airspace. downcomer region. With a large recirculation line break, the
The ECCS network design used for the BWR/3 and BWR/4 water injected by the HPCI would be lost through the break and
product lines are similar. The two core spray systems and the not reach the core region. The HPCS injects directly into the core
ADS system were carried forward from the BWR/2. The jet pump region through one of the two core spray spargers. The LPCI flow
design introduced in the BWR/3 eliminated the large recirculation path was rerouted from the recirculation discharge line to dedicat-
pipe connection to the bottom head of the vessel. It now became ed lines allowing the LPCI to inject directly into the core region
possible to reflood the core region of the vessel up to the top of inside the core shroud. In the earlier BWR/3 and BWR/4 designs,
the jet pumps. The containment cooling system described above a break of the recirculation discharge line also disabled the injec-
grew in scope and became the residual heat removal (RHR) sys- tion flow path for the LPCI injecting into that division. The RCIC
tem. The RHR system was connected to the reactor vessel to pro- was retained to provide makeup when the vessel is isolated and
vide decay heat removal when the reactor is shut down. During for station blackout events. The BWR/5 design was carried for-
the beginning portion of the accident, the flow from the four RHR ward into the BWR/6 product line with the capacities increased to
pumps is directed into the recirculation discharge lines and inject- accommodate the higher BWR/6 core power levels. The ECCS
ed through the jet pumps into the core shroud region of the vessel. network design was able to meet the requirements imposed by
This mode is called the low pressure coolant injection (LPCI) 10CFR50.46 without any impact on plant operations.
mode. Once the core is reflooded, the RHR pumps are realigned The internal recirculation pumps in the ABWR eliminated the
into the containment cooling mode. The two core spray systems large external recirculation loop piping. The ABWR was the first
are dedicated to core cooling. In addition, a turbine-driven large- BWR designed after the adoption of the 10CFR50.46 limits. With
capacity HPCI pump was added to the ECCS network. This pump the elimination of the large pipes attached to the lower section of
provides inventory makeup for small breaks with the vessel at the vessel, it was now possible to design the ECCS so that the
operating pressure. The improved core cooling provided by the core would remain covered during the design basis LOCA, thus
ECCS network allowed larger plants with higher power cores to assuring adequate core cooling throughout the event. It was possi-
be designed. With the higher core powers, however, the size of the ble to significantly downsize ECCS equipment as a result of elim-
IC became impractical. In place of the ICs, the later BWR/3s and inating large vessel nozzles below the top of the core. Capacity
all the BWR/4s used a second nonsafety turbine-driven injection requirements are sized based on operating requirements – tran-
pump to provide inventory makeup when the vessel is isolated. sient response and shutdown cooling – rather than on the need for
The reactor core isolation cooling (RCIC) system is similar to the large reflood capability. Inside the reactor vessel, core spray
HPCI but smaller in capacity because it is sized to make up only spargers were eliminated, since no postulated LOCA would lead
the boiloff due to decay heat. The control valves and instrumenta- to core uncovery. For transient response, the initiation water levels
tion for the HPCI and RCIC systems are powered from the station for RCIC and the high-pressure core flooder were separated so
emergency batteries, allowing them to function in station blackout that there is reduced duty on the equipment relative to earlier
situations where no power is available from off-site or the station BWRs. There are three complete shutdown cooling loops, includ-
emergency diesel generators. ing dedicated vessel nozzles. Complex operating modes of the
At the time the BWR/2, BWR/3, and BWR/4 ECCS were RHR systems, such as steam condensing, were eliminated.
designed, there were no regulations defining the ECCS perfor- Finally, heat removal, in addition to core injection, was automated
mance acceptance criteria. The design intent of the ECCS was to so that the operator no longer needs to choose which mode to per-
prevent the fuel cladding from melting and to keep the core in a form during transients and accidents.
coolable geometry during a LOCA. GE designed the ECCS for Like the ABWR, the ESBWR is designed to keep the core cov-
these plants to limit the peak cladding temperature below 2700 °F, ered and cooled during a LOCA. However, the ESBWR core and
which provided some margin to the melting point of approximately containment cooling systems represent a radical departure from
3400 °F. In 1973, 10CFR50.46 was issued, which defined the those of the earlier BWR product lines in that the cooling systems
ECCS performance acceptance criteria. In these new regulations, are passive and do not rely on electrically driven pumps. The
the peak cladding temperature was limited to 2200 °F. More ESBWR passive safety systems are discussed in more detail in
sophisticated analytical models, combined with a transition in fuel Section 58.3.3.
design from a 7  7 lattice to an 8  8 lattice with the fuel rods
operating at lower powers, allowed the plants to minimize the 58.2.4 Containment Design
impact of the new regulations on the plant power output. The containment is essentially a pressure vessel housing the reac-
The BWR/5 product line was designed during the time frame tor that provides a safety barrier to protect personnel and the public in
when the ECCS performance issues were being raised. The ECCS the event of a reactor accident. Figure 58.3 illustrates the evolution of
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Mark I

Mark II
Mark III




the BWR containment from the earliest versions to today’s ESBWR The Mark I containment was the first of the pressure suppres-
design. Most of the initial BWR/1 plants used spherical dry contain- sion containment designs. The Mark I design has a characteristic
ments. The containment vessel was sized to be able to hold the sensi- light bulb configuration for the drywell, surrounded by a steel
ble energy content of the steam and hot water in the reactor coolant torus that houses a large water pressure suppression pool. The
system and limit the pressure rise to within the design value of the light bulb design came from the need to have a removable clo-
vessel. Larger reactor sizes could be accommodated by increasing the sure at the top for reactor servicing and refueling and sufficient
volume of the containment vessel and by increasing the pressure rat- room at the bottom for the recirculation piping. The torus design
ing of the vessel. However, because of the higher energy content in provided a large surface area for the vents. The structural analy-
the BWR vessel as compared to a similar PWR, dry containments ses of the drywell and the torus were also simplified because
could not be designed that were economically competitive with closed-form solutions were available for these simple shapes (the
PWRs. Therefore, GE selected the pressure suppression containment Mark I design was developed in an era of limited computing
for the standard BWR plants [7]. power). The drawbacks of the Mark I design was the difficulty of
Table 58.3 provides a comparison of the key features of the its construction and the construction of the reactor building
pressure suppression containments used in the BWR plants. In around it and the limited room inside the drywell for construc-
a pressure suppression containment, the reactor and primary sys- tion of the primary system piping and maintenance of compo-
tem piping are contained in one chamber, the drywell, and the sup- nents. The Mark I containment was used with the BWR/2,
pression pool is contained in a separate chamber, the wetwell. A BWR/3, and BWR/4 product lines.
system of vents provides a flow path from the drywell to the The Mark II over-under configuration was designed to address
wetwell, with the vents discharging below the surface of the sup- the construction issues associated with the Mark I design. The
pression pool. In the event of a LOCA, the steam and water from main advantages of the Mark II design were (1) more volume in
the vessel, as well as the air in the drywell, are driven through the the drywell to allow better access to the steam and ECCS piping,
vents into the suppression pool where the water in the pool (2) simpler vent configuration using straight pipes, (3) the poten-
quenches the steam. The advantages of a pressure suppression tial to use different construction materials, and (4) a smaller reac-
containment are as follows: tor building. The Mark II containment design was introduced with
the BWR/5 product line but was also used for a couple of the late
• High heat capacity BWR/4 plants.
• Lower design pressure The Mark III containment design, introduced with the BWR/6
• Superior ability to accommodate rapid depressurization product line, represented a major improvement in simplicity. Its
• The pool has the ability to filter and retain fission products containment structure is a right circular cylinder that is easy to con-
• A large source of readily available makeup water in the case struct, and provides access to equipment and ample space for main-
of accidents tenance activities. The large volume allowed a reduction in the
• Simplified, compact design design pressure. Other features of the Mark III include horizontal
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Parameter Mark I Mark II Mark III ABWR ESBWR

Power level (MWe) 1100 1100 1220 1371 1600

Reactor pressure vessel

inside diameter (m) 6.4 6.4 6.0 7.1 7.1

Free volume (m3) 4672 7872 7929 7350 7206
Design pressure (MPa) 0.43 0.31 0.17 0.31 0.31

Free volume (m3) 4834 5318 32904 5960 5467
Water volume (m3) 3480 3268 4332 3580 4383
Design pressure (MPa) 0.43 0.31 0.10 0.31 0.31

Orientation Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal
Size (m) 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7
Number 76 70 117 30 30

vents to reduce overall loss-of-coolant (LOCA) dynamic loads and The ESBWR builds on the design features of operating BWRs.
a freestanding all-steel structure to ensure leak tightness. Figure 58.4 shows a cutaway of the ESBWR RPV. Most compo-
The ABWR containment is significantly smaller than the Mark nents in the ESBWR are standard BWR components that have
III containment because the elimination of the recirculation loops been operating in the field for years (steam separators, control rods
translates into a significantly more compact containment and and guide tubes, core support structure, etc.). The core consists of
reactor building. The structure itself is made of reinforced con- conventional BWR fuel bundles, shortened from 12 ft. to 10 ft. to
crete with a steel liner from which it derives its name – reinforced improve pressure drop and stability characteristics. The absence of
concrete containment vessel (RCCV). The ESBWR containment hardware in the downcomer (jet pumps or internal pumps) reduces
is similar in construction to the ABWR, but slightly larger to flow losses and further enhances natural circulation. The main dif-
accommodate the passive ECCS systems. ference is the taller reactor vessel with the addition of a partitioned
chimney above the core and a correspondingly taller downcomer
annulus. The fluid in the taller downcomer provides the additional
58.3 KEY FEATURES OF ESBWR driving head for natural circulation flow through the core, as well
as a large water inventory for a LOCA. Steam in the chimney also
58.3.1 Natural Circulation Design provides a cushion to dampen void collapse in the core during
Natural circulation in BWRs is a proven technology [8, 9]. Some pressurization transients, leading to a softer response with no SRV
of the early GE BWRs employed natural circulation. These were discharges.
small plants (e.g., Dodewaard at 183 MWt and Humboldt Bay at
165 MWt), but they clearly demonstrated the feasibility of the 58.3.2 Operating Domain
BWR and provided valuable operating data and experience. GE Valuable operating experience was gained from the early nat-
moved to forced circulation plants to achieve higher power ratings ural circulation BWRs. It was demonstrated that BWRs could
in a compact pressure vessel. Pressure vessel fabrication capability operate in natural circulation without problems. The plants were
at the time was a factor in this decision. Now, after several decades, extremely stable and presented no unusual characteristics relative
GE is returning to natural circulation for the ESBWR. to noise in the instrumentation. Power was raised by control rod
Natural circulation provides major simplification by removal withdrawal. The ESBWR will also adjust output using control
of the recirculation pumps and associated piping and heat rods, but with electrically driven CRDs that move slower and
exchangers and controls. It is also synergistic with two other have finer positioning capability than the locking piston design
requirements that GE considered to be important in the design of for conventional BWRs. Because of its size, ESBWR will not
a new reactor: large safety margins with a very reliable passive normally be operated in a load follow mode. The FMCRDs can
ECCS and avoidance of safety/relief valve (SRV) opening for accommodate a duty corresponding to daily load following
pressurization transients such as turbine trips or main steam line cycles for 10 years. Variable feedwater temperature control has
isolation events. Both of these features need a tall pressure vessel been added to provide a second means of reactivity control in
with large water volumes. The tall vessel leads to enhanced nat- addition to the fine motion CRDs.
ural circulation flow, so the natural circulation capability comes The present-day BWRs can operate at about 50% of rated power
with no additional cost. in natural circulation; however, stability considerations prevent
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steady operation in this region. There have been recirculation the ECCS function is stored in the containment upper drywell,
pump trip events in operating plants, which led to a natural circula- with sufficient water to insure core coverage to 1 m above the top
tion state at around 50% of rated power. The operating conditions of active fuel as well as flooding the lower drywell.
in the present-day BWRs (power, flow, power distribution) in nat- The PCCS heat exchangers are located above and immediately
ural circulation following the pump trip were well predicted by the outside of containment. There is sufficient water in the external
calculational models used for ESBWR performance analysis. pools to remove decay heat for at least 72 h following a postulated
The operating parameters for the ESBWR, such as the power design basis accident, and provisions exist for external makeup
density, steam quality, void fraction, and void coefficient are within beyond that, if necessary.
the range of operating plant data. Figure 58.5 shows a comparison As a result of these simplifications in the ESBWR safety sys-
of the ESBWR power–flow operating map with those of operating tems, there is an increase in the calculated safety performance
BWRs. This figure is based on the power per bundle and flow per margin of the ESBWR over earlier BWRs. This has been con-
bundle so that a meaningful comparison can be made. The power firmed by a Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) for the
per bundle and flow per bundle for the ESBWR are both lower ESBWR, which shows that the ESBWR is a calculated factor of
than for a modern jet pump plant at rated operating conditions, about 5 lower than ABWR and 50 better than BWR/6 in avoiding
but the ratio of power to flow is similar to that for an uprated possible core damage from degraded events.
BWR at Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis Plus
(MELLLA+) conditions. This means that the core exit steam Gravity-Driven Core Cooling System The GDCS is
quality (ratio of steam flow to core flow) is also similar. composed of four divisions. A single division of the GDCS con-
sists of three independent subsystems: a short-term cooling (injec-
58.3.3 Passive Safety Features tion) system, a long-term cooling (equalizing) system, and a del-
The ESBWR safety systems design incorporates four redundant uge line. The short-term and long-term systems provide cooling
and independent divisions of the passive GDCS, the ADS and a water under force of gravity to replace RPV water inventory lost
PCCS. These systems are shown in Fig. 58.6. Heat removal and during a postulated LOCA and subsequent decay heat boiloff. The
inventory addition are also provided by the isolation condenser deluge line connects the GDCS pool to the lower drywell. A
system (ICS) and the standby liquid control system (SLCS). schematic of the GDCS is shown in Fig. 58.7.
The RPV has no external recirculation loops or large pipe noz- Each division of the GDCS injection system consists of one
zles below the top of the core region. This, together with a high 200-mm pipe exiting from the GDCS pool. A 100-mm deluge line
capacity ADS, allowed the incorporation of an ECCS driven solely branches off and is terminated with three 50-mm squib valves and
by gravity, not needing any pumps. The water source needed for deluge line tailpipes to flood the lower drywell. The injection line
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continues after the deluge line connection from the upper drywell require the actuation of squib-actuated valves on the injection
region through the drywell annulus where the line branches into lines of the GDCS piping to perform their function.
two 150-mm branch lines, each containing a biased-open check The deluge valves are opened based on very high temperatures
valve and a squib valve. in the lower drywell, indicative of a severe accident. Once the del-
Each division of the long-term system consists of one 150-mm uge valve is actuated, it provides a permanent open flow path
equalizing line with a check valve and a squib valve, routed from the GDCS pools to the lower drywell region. Flow then
between the suppression pool and the RPV. All piping is of stain- drains to the lower drywell via permanently open drywell lines.
less steel and rated for reactor pressure and temperature. The RPV This supports the BiMAC core catcher function.
injection line nozzles and the equalizing line nozzles all contain The GDCS check valves remain partially open when zero dif-
integral flow limiters. ferential pressure exists across the valve. This is to minimize the
In the injection lines and the equalizing lines, there exists a potential for sticking in the closed position during long periods of
biased-open check valve located upstream of the squib-actuated nonuse.
valve. The GDCS squib valves are gas propellant-type shear valves Suppression pool equalization lines have an intake strainer to
that are normally closed and which open when a pyrotechnic boost- prevent the entry of debris material into the system that might be
er charge is ignited. During normal reactor operation, the squib carried into the pool during a large break LOCA. The GDCS
valve is designed to provide zero leakage. Once the squib valve is pool airspace opening to DW is covered by a mesh screen or
actuated, it provides a permanent open flow path to the vessel. equivalent to prevent debris from entering pool and potentially
The check valves mitigate the consequences of spurious GDCS blocking the coolant flow through the fuel. A slosh guard is
squib valve operation and minimize the loss of RPV inventory added to the opening to minimize any sloshing of GDCS pool
after the squib valves are actuated and the vessel pressure is still water into the drywell following dynamic events.
higher than the GDCS pool pressure including (its gravity head). The GDCS equalizing lines perform the RPV inventory control
Once the vessel has depressurized below the GDCS pool surface function in the long term. By closing the loop between the sup-
pressure and its gravity head, the differential pressure opens the pression pool and the RPV, liquid inventory that is transferred to
check valve and allow water to begin flowing into the vessel. the suppression pool either by PCCS condensation shortfall or by
The GDCS deluge lines provide a means of flooding the lower steam condensation in the drywell (which eventually spills back
drywell region with GDCS pool water in the event of a postulated to the suppression pool) can be added back to the RPV.
core melt sequence that causes failure of the lower vessel head
and allows the molten fuel to reach the lower drywell floor. A Passive Containment Cooling System The PCCS
core melt sequence would result from a common mode failure of maintains the containment within its pressure limits for DBAs. The
the short-term and long-term systems, which prevents them from system is designed as a passive system with no components that
performing their intended function. Deluge line flow is initiated must actively function, and it is also designed for conditions that
by thermocouples, which sense high lower drywell region base- equal or exceed the upper limits of containment severe accident
mat temperature indicative of molten fuel on the lower drywell capability. The PCCS consists of six low-pressure, totally inde-
floor. Squib-type valves in the deluge lines are actuated upon pendent loops, each containing a steam condenser (passive con-
detection of high basemat temperatures. The deluge lines do not tainment cooling condenser), as shown in Fig. 58.8. Each PCCS
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condenser loop is designed for 11-MWt capacity and is made of Spectacle flanges are included in the drain line and in the vent
two identical modules. Together with the pressure suppression line to conduct postmaintenance leakage tests separately from
containment, the PCCS condensers limit containment pressure to Type A containment leakage tests. Located on the drain line and
less than its design pressure for at least 72 h after a LOCA without submerged in the GDCS pool, just upstream of the discharge
makeup to the IC/PCC pool and beyond 72 h with pool makeup. point, is a loop seal. It prevents backflow of steam and gas mix-
The PCCS condensers are located in a large pool (IC/PCC pool) ture from the DW to the vent line, which would otherwise short
positioned above, and outside, the ESBWR containment (DW). circuit the flow through the PCCS condenser to the vent line. It
Each PCCS condenser loop is configured as follows. A central also provides long-term operational assurance that the PCCS con-
steam supply pipe is provided, which is open to the containment denser is fed via the steam supply line.
at its lower end and it feeds two horizontal headers through two Each PCCS condenser is located in a subcompartment of the
branch pipes at its upper end. Steam is condensed inside vertical IC/PCC pool, and all pool subcompartments communicate at their
tubes and the condensate is collected in two lower headers. The lower ends to enable full use of the collective water inventory inde-
vent and drain lines from each lower header are routed to the DW pendent of the operational status of any given IC/PCCS subloop. A
through a single containment penetration per condenser module valve is provided at the bottom of each PCC subcompartment that
as shown in the diagram. The condensate drains into an annular can be closed so that the subcompartment can be emptied of water
duct around the vent pipe and then flows in a line that connects to to allow PCCS condenser maintenance.
a large common drain line, which also receives flow from the Pool water can heat up to about 101 °C (214 °F); steam formed,
other header, ending in a GDCS pool. being nonradioactive and having a slight positive pressure relative
The noncondensable vent line is the pathway by which drywell to station ambient, vents from the steam space above each PCCS
noncondensables are transferred to the wetwell. This ensures a condenser where it is released to the atmosphere through large-
low noncondensable concentration in the steam in the condenser, diameter discharge vents. A moisture separator is installed at the
necessary for good heat transfer. During the periods in which entrance to the discharge vent lines to preclude excessive mois-
PCCS heat removal is less than decay heat, excess steam also ture carryover and loss of IC/PCC pool water. IC/PCC pool make-
flows to the suppression pool via this pathway. up clean water supply for replenishing level is normally provided
The PCCS loops receive a steam–gas mixture supply directly from the makeup water system.
from the DW. The PCCS loops are initially driven by the pressure Level control is accomplished by using an air-operated valve in
between the containment DW and the suppression pool during a the makeup water supply line. The valve opening and closing is
LOCA and then by gravity drainage of steam condensed in the controlled by water level signal sent by a level transmitter sensing
tubes, so they require no sensing, control, logic, or power- water level in the IC/PCC pool. Cooling and cleanup of IC/PCC
actuated devices to function. The PCCS loops are an extension of pool water is performed by the fuel and auxiliary pools cooling
the safety-related containment and do not have isolation valves. system (FAPCS). The FAPCS provides safety-related, dedicated
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496 • Chapter 58

makeup piping, independent of any other piping, which provides possible to make the reactor critical, the SLCS will be able to
an attachment connection at grade elevation in the station yard deliver enough sodium pentaborate solution into the reactor to
outside the reactor building, whereby a post-LOCA water supply assure reactor shutdown.
can be connected. There have been extensive qualification tests of Upon completion of injecting the boron solution, redundant
the PCCS, including full-scale component tests and full height accumulator level measurement instrumentation using two out of
scaled integral tests. four logic closes the injection line shut-off valve in each SLCS
division. Closure of these valves prevents injection of nitrogen Standby Liquid Control System The SLCS provides from the accumulator into the reactor vessel that could interfere
a backup method to bring the nuclear reactor to subcriticality and with ICS operation or cause additional containment pressuriza-
to maintain subcriticality as the reactor cools. The system makes tion. As a backup, the accumulator vent valves are also opened at
possible an orderly and safe shutdown in the event that not enough the same time.
control rods can be inserted into the reactor core to accomplish
shutdown in the normal manner. The SLCS is sized to counteract Isolation Condenser System The primary function of
the positive reactivity effect of shutting down from rated power to the ICS is to limit reactor pressure and prevent SRV operation fol-
cold shutdown condition. It also adds additional inventory to the lowing an isolation of the main steam lines. The ICS, together with
RPV after confirmation of a LOCA. the water stored in the RPV, conserves sufficient reactor coolant
The SLCS is automatically initiated in case of signals indica- volumes to avoid automatic depressurization caused by low reac-
tive of LOCA or anticipated trips without scram (ATWS). It can tor water level. The ICS removes excess sensible and core decay
also be manually initiated from the main control room to inject heat from the reactor, in a passive way and with minimal loss of
the neutron-absorbing solution into the reactor. coolant inventory from the reactor, when the normal heat removal
The SLCS is a two-division passive system using pressurized system is unavailable. The ICS is designed as a safety-related sys-
accumulators to inject borated water rapidly and directly into the tem to remove reactor decay heat following reactor shutdown and
bypass area of the core. Each division is of 50% capacity. isolation. It also prevents unnecessary reactor depressurization and
Injection will take place after either of two squib valves in each operation of ECCS, which can also perform this function.
division fires upon actuation signal from the SSLC. Figure 58.9 The ICS consists of four totally independent trains, each con-
illustrates the SLCS configuration. taining an IC that condenses steam on the tube side and transfers
In addition to the accumulators and injection valves, supporting heat to a large IC/PCCS pool positioned immediately outside the
nonsafety grade equipment includes a high-pressure nitrogen containment, which is vented to the atmosphere as shown in
charging system for pressurization and to make up for losses and the ICS schematic (Fig. 58.10). The IC, connected by piping to
a mixing and boron solution makeup system. The boron absorbs the RPV, is placed at an elevation above the source of steam
thermal neutrons and thereby terminates the nuclear fission chain (vessel) and, when the steam is condensed, the condensate is
reaction in the fuel. The specified neutron absorber solution is returned to the vessel via a condensate return pipe. The steam
sodium pentaborate using 94% of the isotope B10 at a concentra- side connection between the vessel and the IC is normally open
tion of 12.5%. This combination not only minimizes the quantity and the condensate line is normally closed. This allows the IC
of liquid to be injected, but also assures no auxiliary heating is and drain piping to fill with condensate, which is maintained at
needed to prevent precipitation of the sodium pentaborate out of a subcooled temperature by the pool water during normal reac-
solution in the accumulator and piping. At all times, when it is tor operation. The IC is brought into operation by opening


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condensate return valves and draining the condensate to the open). These two valves are closed during normal station power
reactor, thus causing steam from the reactor to fill the tubes that operations. Because the steam supply line valves are normally
transfer heat to the cooler pool water. Each IC is made of two open, condensate forms in the IC and develops a level up to the
identical modules. steam distributor, above the upper headers. To bring an IC into
The steam supply line (properly insulated and enclosed in a operation, the motor-operated condensate return valve is opened,
guard pipe that penetrates the containment roof slab) is vertical whereupon the standing condensate drains into the reactor and the
and feeds two horizontal headers through four branch pipes. Each steam—water interface in the IC tube bundle moves downward
pipe is provided with a built-in flow limiter, sized to allow natural below the lower headers to a point in the main condensate return
circulation operation of the IC at its maximum heat transfer line. The fail-open nitrogen piston-operated condensate return
capacity while addressing the concern of IC breaks downstream bypass valve opens if power is lost or on low reactor water level
of the steam supply pipe. Steam is condensed inside vertical tubes signal.
and condensate is collected in two lower headers. Two pipes, one The loop seal assures that condensate valves do not have hot
from each lower header, take the condensate to the common drain water on one side of the disk and ambient temperature water on
line that vertically penetrates the containment roof slab. the other side during normal plant operation, thus affecting leakage
A vent line is provided for both upper and lower headers to during system standby conditions. Furthermore, the loop seal
remove the noncondensable gases away from the unit during the assures that steam continues to enter the IC preferentially through
IC operation. The vent lines are routed to the containment through the steam riser, irrespective of water level inside the reactor, and
a single penetration. does not move countercurrent back up the condensate return line.
A purge line is provided to assure that during the normal plant During ICS normal operation, any noncondensable gases col-
operation (IC system standby conditions), the excess of hydrogen lected in the IC are vented from the IC top and bottom headers to
(from hydrogen water chemistry control additions) or air from the the suppression pool. During ICS standby operation, discharge of
feedwater does not accumulate in the IC steam supply line, thus noncondensable gases is accomplished by a purge line that takes a
assuring that the IC tubes are not be blanketed with noncondens- small stream of gas from the top of the IC and vents it downstream
ables when the system is first started. The purge line penetrates of the RPV on the main steam line upstream of the MSIVs.
the containment roof slab. Radiation monitors are provided in the IC/PCC pool steam
Containment isolation valves are provided on the steam supply atmospheric exhaust passages for each IC loop. The radiation
piping and the condensate return piping. monitors are used to detect IC loop leakage outside the contain-
Located on the condensate return piping just upstream of the ment and cause either alarms or automatic isolation of a leaking
reactor entry point is a loop seal and a parallel-connected pair of IC. The IC has undergone engineering development testing using
valves: (1) a condensate return valve (motor-operated, fail as is) and a prototype to demonstrate the proper operability, reliability, and
(2) a condensate return bypass valve (nitrogen piston-operated, fail heat removal capability of the design.
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498 • Chapter 58

58.4 MATERIALS, FABRICATION, AND • openings to permit water to pass from the upper to lower
• access for ISI of the bottom head weld
This section describes the thought process and the technical
basis used in selecting materials and fabrication processes used in The vessel bottom head consists of a spherical bottom cap,
GE-designed ABWR and ESBWR. Additionally, the ASME Code made from a single forging, extending to the toroidal knuckle
edition applicability is briefly discussed. between the head and the vessel cylinder and encompassing the
CRD penetrations. With a thickness of approximately 260 mm, the
58.4.1 RPV Design bottom head meets the ASME Code allowables for the specified
Figure 58.4 shows the ESBWR reactor assembly. The materials design loads. The main advantage of using a single forging for the
and fabrication techniques mostly are common for ABWR and bottom head is that it eliminates all RPV welds within the CRD
ESBWR. The RPV closure head is elliptical in shape and is fabri- pattern, thus reducing future ASME Section XI ISI requirements.
cated of low alloy steel, as per ASME SA-508, Grade 3, Class 1. Both the ABWR and ESBWR RPVs utilize rings forged from
It is secured to the RPV by 80 sets of fasteners (studs and nuts). low alloy steel, adjacent to and below the core belt line region. The
The studs are fabricated from SA-540 B23 or B24. The nuts are flanges and large nozzles are also low alloy steel. The shell rings
tightened in groups of (typically) four at a time, using an automatic above the core belt line region and the RPV closure head are made
or semiautomatic four-stud tensioner device. from low alloy steel forgings or plate as per ASME SA-533, Type B,
There are three feedwater nozzles for each of the two feedwater Class1. The required reference nil ductility temperature, RTNDT, of
lines, which utilize double thermal sleeves welded to the nozzle. the vessel material is 20 C. Figure 58.12 shows one of the forged
The double thermal sleeve protects the vessel nozzle inner blend RPV shell rings during fabrication of an ABWR vessel.
radius from the effects of high frequency thermal cycling. A
schematic of the feedwater nozzle is shown in Fig. 58.11. 58.4.2 Materials Selection and Water Chemistry
The vessel supports are of the sliding block-type geometry and Controls
are provided at a number of positions around the periphery of the From the experience gained from the operating BWR fleet, the
vessel. Multiple vessel supports along with the corresponding understanding of both the materials of construction and the degra-
pedestal RPV support brackets provide dation mechanisms has increased significantly. This understanding


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has been used to make ABWR/ESBWR materials selection. The The extensive understanding has now thoroughly demonstrated
ABWR/ESBWR makes use of austenitic stainless steels and that reduction of carbon content in austenitic stainless steel
nickel-base alloys as well as low alloy and carbon steel for all the reduces susceptibility to IGSCC. Three main austenitic materials
major components. The plant design takes into account the poten- are being used: Type 316NG/316L wrought material, CF3M cast
tial effects of stress corrosion cracking (SCC), irradiation embrit- materials, and XM-19 high strength stainless steel.
tlement, erosion/corrosion, and radiation buildup in the careful For the majority of the reactor internal structures, resistance to
application of these materials. This application of materials is sensitization for the ABWR is achieved by using a special Type
made in conjunction with good fabrication practice and strict 316NG (nuclear grade). This alloy has carbon restricted to a max-
operating control of the coolant environment chemistry to mini- imum 0.020% by weight to prevent sensitization, has nitrogen
mize the potential for long-term degradation and radiation additions up to a maximum of 0.12% to maintain the desired
buildup. A more detailed explanation of each area is given in the strength levels, and has specific fabrication and processing con-
next section. trols to increase the resistance to any crack initiation. Alternately,
where design does not need the mechanical strength of Type 316, Austenitic Stainless Steel Materials for Internals and Type 316L is used with the same carbon limit and controls on fab-
Components Austenitic stainless steels, because of high general rication processes.
corrosion resistance, high toughness, ease of fabrication, and accept- Types 308L/316L weld metal and CF3M austenitic stainless
able strength, have been commonly used for reactor internals and steel castings are also used in the reactor as well as for many of
some piping systems. In the ABWR, the primary consideration in the complex-shaped components such as valve body castings.
the use of these materials is the development of resistance to inter- These alloys have a duplex microstructure that has been found to
granular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) both in low and high flu- have very high resistance to IGSCC. Their resistance is maxi-
ence locations. Based on field and laboratory efforts, this resistance mized by again limiting carbon content to less than 0.03%, while
is tied to the control of the material’s composition, control of the fab- requiring a minimum ferrite levels (greater than 8%) to assure
rication processes, and control of the coolant environment. adequate resistance to IGSCC.
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500 • Chapter 58

For any highly irradiated stainless steel in-core components A final consideration in control of IGSCC is the design itself.
such as control blades and instrument tubes, it is desirable to pro- Crevices have been eliminated where possible and the number of
vide additional potential for the component to reach the intended welds has been reduced. The top grid structure, for example, is
design life. Consequently, for the ABWR, both the component manufactured from a single solution annealed plate, thereby
design and materials of construction have been altered to provide eliminating the risk of IGSCC. The core shroud is constructed
this higher resistance against irradiation-assisted stress corrosion in a manner to locate all welds away from the highest fluence
cracking for IASCC. The ABWR designs are crevice-free and locations.
incorporate control of trace element chemistry such as sulfur and
phosphorus that provide this resistance. Water Chemistry Control With respect to materials
The final material selected for specialized ABWR applications is performance in the BWR, a substantial body of data now exists that
XM-19. This is a high chromium, high manganese austenitic stain- shows that water chemistry is a key factor in material degradation as
less steel alloy that is strengthened with specific nitrogen addition well as radiation buildup processes, especially for core internal com-
(as opposed to carbon). It has an established record of excellent ponents. It has become very clear that the presence of oxidizing
performance in very demanding applications in BWR service species in the high purity coolant (such as oxygen and hydrogen per-
where both high strength and extremely high resistance to IGSCC oxide), as well as anionic species that contribute to the coolant con-
are required. Example applications in the ABWR include compo- ductivity, can be correlated with incidence of IGSCC cracking as
nents in the FMCRD as well as core plate and top guide bolting. well as the rate of progression of any initiated cracks. Events such as
resin intrusions can also reduce the resistance to SCC initiation. The Nickel Base Alloys for ABWR/ESBWR Application benefits of operating with good water chemistry are very clear and
Nickel base alloys, particularly Alloy 600 and X-750, are also the owners of operating BWRs (even plants that have not experi-
used extensively in BWRs. In addition to their excellent corrosion enced severe degradation in water chemistry such as resin intru-
resistance, nickel alloys have a thermal expansion coefficient sions) have adopted practices to obtain low conductivity. Thus, the
more similar to the low alloy steel used in the construction of the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has developed guidelines
RPV and nozzles. This feature has led to the application of Alloy for water chemistry control that provide specific recommended lim-
600 for several parts of the core internals, including the shroud its on overall conductivity as well as specific species. For the
support structure as a transition material placed between the alloy ABWR, recommended water chemistry is applied such that the units
steel reactor vessel and the stainless steel internals. The other operate at or below a target conductivity of 0.1 S/cm whenever the
desirable feature of Alloy 600 is that it is resistant to stress corro- reactor system is greater than 200F (93C).
sion crack initiation in the postweld heat-treated condition, thereby These guidelines also recommend the application of hydrogen
allowing attachment to low alloy steel prior to stress relief. For water chemistry (HWC) when possible. The main function of
the ABWR, to add margin against IGSCC, these alloys and their HWC is to inject sufficient hydrogen into the condensate to
weld metals have been modified with stabilizing additions of nio- reduce oxidizing species and maintain the electrochemical poten-
bium to reduce the potential for chromium depletion. For the tial (ECP) of the reactor water below –0.23 V standard hydrogen
wrought structures, the ABWR employs an Alloy 600 (designated electrode (SHE). The addition of hydrogen has been documented
as 600M) that has a niobium content on the order of 1-3%. For to effectively control SCC. Although HWC can result in additional
weld metal, Alloy 82 with high stabilizing ratios is used, leading main steam line radiation, the use of noble metal technology such
to high IGSCC resistance as well. as noble metal chemical addition (NobleChemTM) can reduce the
Alloy X-750 is also used to a limited extent in the ABWR hydrogen needed for SCC control through catalytic action while
where high strength is required. Alloy X-750 is a precipitation limiting any steam line radiation issues.
hardening high strength nickel-base alloy that will perform well
in the ABWR environment under the proper application. To Material Considerations for 60-Year Design Life
improve SCC resistance for the ABWR, both the heat treatment The reactor vessel is also a very important component where 30
and stresses of Alloy X-750 are controlled, based on the extensive years of BWR operating experience and materials understanding
operating plant experience and material understanding. have been used in the ABWR. The vessel draws from the under-
standing of material degradation mechanisms and fabrication Component Fabrication and Design Considerations experience. Of key interest are the effects of neutron irradiation
Aside from selection of materials that are intrinsically resistant to over the life of a reactor vessel beltline region (the region imme-
IGSCC, the fabrication of components will be controlled to ensure diately around the core), which results in a progressive loss of
that this high resistance is maintained in the finished part. Low fracture toughness. This shift in NDT to higher temperatures can
heat input welding processes are used to decrease the likelihood of influence reactor operation with respect to such items as bolt-up
any sensitization due to the welding process. The margin of temperature and hydrostatic test temperature. Consequently, it is
IGSCC resistance will be reduced even for the intrinsically resis- advisable to start with a low NDT and use material resistant to
tant materials by abusive fabrication practices such as excessive neutron radiation damage. Copper and phosphorus have been
cold working. Postmanufacturing surface processing such as pol- identified as detrimental elements in alloys steels with respect to
ishing can be applied to the weld heat-affected zones to remove neutron damage, and nickel is considered to also be a factor. The
surface cold work and residual stresses and strains, thereby further corrosion behavior of reactor vessel steels is also well understood.
increasing the resistance to IGSCC initiation. Contamination with There is significant experience with these steels to assure that
in-process materials having high levels of species such as chlorine, there is high resistance to any SCC processes under the ABWR
fluorine, and sulfur can degrade performance. Consequently, to operating coolant environment.
protect the high level of resistance obtained by using materials For the ABWR reactor vessel, high toughness and retention of
such as described above for the ABWR, the entire fabrication and that toughness in service is provided. Strict controls are specified
installation process is controlled to prevent detrimental practices. on initial fracture toughness of vessel components. Reactor vessel
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shell courses are required to have RTNDT of –20°C or less. In addi- not mandatory. However, the NRC is likely to ask applicants for
tion, copper content is controlled to 0.05% maximum for base certification of new reactor designs for the technical approach
metal and weld metal. Phosphorus is limited to 0.006 and they plan to follow to address environmental fatigue effects.
0.008%, respectively. With these very low levels of copper, the Reference [15] describes the results of the application of
shift in NDT for the ABWR vessels is expected to be very small Regulatory Guide 1.207 methodology to an ABWR plant piping
over the operating life of the units. The estimated shift in RTNDT is system. The system chosen was feedwater piping inside the con-
estimated to be less than 11°C over a 60-year operating life. tainment. This system is typically classified as Class 1 as per the
Low alloy steels are also used in many piping applications. The ASME Code classification.
reduced corrosion rates make it attractive for several systems. Figure 58.13 schematically shows the feedwater piping system.
However, the ABWR also employs carbon steel piping in some The piping system delivers the feedwater to the reactor. It also
systems. This selection has been made to aid in plant fabrication receives water from RHR and RCIC systems. The portion of the
while taking advantage of the steel’s inherent toughness. piping between the reactor nozzle and the header at the contain-
Although erosion–corrosion in carbon steel power plant piping ment penetration is designed as per ASME Class 1 requirements.
systems has been experienced in some units, oxygen injection is Piping thickness is as per Schedule 80. The specified design pres-
used for the ABWR to minimize this concern. Corrosion sure and temperature for this piping are 1250 psi and 550°F,
allowances for 60 years operation are included in the piping respectively. The feedwater temperature during normal operation
design. is 420°F.
Table 58.4 provides a summary of the calculated values of
58.4.3 Environmental Fatigue Rules cumulative fatigue usage factors at two locations. For the feedwa-
Since the early 1980s, the effects of high temperature water on ter nozzle location, usage factors are provided for both the nozzle
the fatigue cyclic life of LWR components have been extensively side (low alloy steel) and the safe end side (carbon steel). It is
discussed by numerous researchers. References [10]–[12] are seen that there is a modest impact on the calculated fatigue usage
some of the examples. The Subgroup on Fatigue Strength of the factors when reactor water environmental effects are factored in.
ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code is currently working on a At the safe end location, the reduction in air fatigue usage through
Code Case that would provide procedures for incorporating the the use of NUREG/CR-6909 S–N curves essentially offset the
reactor water environmental effects in the fatigue evaluation con- increase due to the use of Fen.
ducted as per the guidelines in Section III Paragraphs NB-3200 The increase in calculated fatigue usage when environmental
and NB-3600 [13]. fatigue effects are taken into account was modest for the feedwater
Recently, the NRC has published Regulatory Guide 1.207 to piping considered in this evaluation. One of the reasons is that the
provide guidance for determining the acceptable fatigue life of normal operating temperature for the feedwater line (240C) is
ASME pressure boundary components, with consideration of comparatively lower than the typical operating temperatures for the
LWR environment [14]. The associated detailed guidance docu- primary piping in LWRs. In the case of carbon and low alloy steel
ment is NUREG/CR-6909 [12]. NUREG/CR-6909 adopted the piping systems, the increase due to the use of Fen is significantly
environmental fatigue correction factor method or Fen method to offset by the advantage gained through the use of air S–N curves
account for the environmental fatigue effects. Fen is defined as the provided in NUREG/CR-6909. This would not be the case for
ratio of fatigue initiation life in air at room temperature to that in stainless steel piping systems where the air S–N curves in
reactor water at the service temperature. The regulatory guides are NUREG/CR-6909 predict higher usage factor than the Code curve.


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502 • Chapter 58



Node/location/material Fatigue usage by Fatigue usage by

current code NUREG/CR-6909

Node 26/header/CS 0.083 0.117

Node 48/nozzle/LAS 0.085 0.302

Node 48/safe end/CS 0.085 0.086

In general, one would expect several fold increase in the calcu- 58.6 SUMMARY
lated fatigue usage factor when Fen is used. This would have
implications in terms of number of locations where hypothetical The ESBWR represents an entirely new approach to the way
pipe breaks need to be postulated. Currently, the NRC Branch nuclear plant projects are undertaken, modeled after the successful
Technical Position MEB 3–1 [16] is used for postulation of process used for ABWR. The ABWR was licensed and designed in
breaks in high energy lines. MEB 3–1 requires postulation of a detail even before construction began. Once construction did begin,
break at an intermediate locations if the fatigue usage at a loca- it proceeded smoothly from start to finish in just 4 years.
tion exceeds 0.1 or the primary plus secondary stress range Natural circulation is a proven technology that provides numer-
exceeds 2.4 Sm. The calculated primary plus secondary stress ous benefits. Natural circulation allows the elimination of several
range is not impacted by the use of Fen but the fatigue usage fac- systems, including recirculation pumps and associated piping,
tor is. The use of Fen results in more locations where cumulative valves, heat exchangers, motors, adjustable speed drives, and con-
fatigue usage factor would exceed 0.1. More break locations trollers. The larger RPV employed for natural circulation provides
means more pipe whip restraints to meet the requirements of synergy with the use of passive ECCS and improves the response
General Design Criterion 4 of 10CFR50 [17]. However, the pres- to operational transients and increased safety margins. Flow tran-
ence of more pipe whip restraints adversely affects the ability to sients resulting from recirculation pump anomalies are not pre-
conduct piping ISIs and thus have a negative impact on piping sent; that is, no runbacks or trips that would challenge stability.
reliability during operation. The 0.1 fatigue usage threshold was The successful design, licensing, construction, and operation of
based on engineering judgment and perhaps can be revised the ESBWR nuclear power plant will usher in a new era of safe,
upward to say 0.4 or 0.6 to avoid this situation. The revision economic, and environment-friendly nuclear electricity. The
could be justified through a piping reliability analysis somewhat ESBWR is the first of a new generation of nuclear plants
similar to that conducted in support of revised Appendix L in equipped with advanced technologies and features that raise plant
ASME Section XI Code [18]. safety to new levels, which significantly improve the economic
competitiveness of this form of generation.

58.4.4 Applicable ASME Code Edition

For ABWR, 1989 Edition of Section III of ASME Code was 58.7 REFERENCES
used for plant design and fabrication. The ESBWR uses two dif-
ferent Editions of Section III. The 2001 Edition including 1. The ABWR Plant General Description, GE Brochure, October
Addenda through 2003 Edition is used for all of the plant designs 2006.
except for building construction. For building construction, 2004 2. The ESBWR Plant General Description, GE Brochure,
Edition is used. October 2006.
The ASME Section XI Edition committed to the ESBWR
3. Hinds, D. and C. Maslak, Next-Generation Nuclear Energy:
Design Certification Document (DCD) is 2001 Edition with The ESBWR, Nuclear News, Vol. 49, No. 1 2006, pp. 35–40.
Addenda through 2003. For licensing for specific site, the plant
owner would select based on the permit date. 4. Stacy, S.M., Proving the Principle, U.S. Department of Energy,
5. Lahey, R.T., Jr. and Moody, F.J., The Thermal-Hydraulics of a
Boiling Water Nuclear Reactor, American Nuclear Society, 1977.
58.5 FUTURE DIRECTION – FABRICATION 6. Levy, S., 50 Years in Nuclear Power, A Retrospective,
AND MODULARIZATION American Nuclear Society, 2007.
Modularization techniques are implemented to reduce costs and 7. Wade, G.E., Evolution and Current Status of the BWR
improve construction schedules. These techniques are applied to Containment System, Nuclear Safety, Vol. 15, No. 2, 1974, pp.
such reactor fuel building items as (1) building reinforcing bar 163–173.
assemblies, (2) structural steel assemblies, (3) steel liners for the 8. Nissen, W.H.M., van der Voet, J., and Karuza, J., The Startup
containment and associated water pools, (4) selected equipment of the Dodewaard Natural Circulation BWR – Experiences,
assemblies, and (5) drywell platform and piping supports. Nuclear Technology, Vol. 107, 1994, pp. 93–102.
ASME_Ch58_p483-504.qxd 6/3/09 12:14 PM Page 503


9. Shiralkar, B., Marquino, W., Klebanov, L., and Cheung, Y.K. 14. Regulatory Guide 1.207 (Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1144),
Natural Circulation in ESBWR, Paper No. ICONE15-10439, Guidelines for Evaluating Fatigue Analyses Incorporating the
Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Nuclear Life Reduction of Metal Components Due to the Effects of the
Engineering, Nagoya, Japan, April 2007. Light Water Reactor Environment for New Reactors; U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, March 2007.
10. Mehta, H.S. and Gosselin, S.R., Environmental Factor
Approach to Account for Water Effects in Pressure Vessel and 15. Mehta, H.S. and Hwang, H.L., Application of Draft
Piping Fatigue Evaluations, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Regulatory Guide DG-1144 Guidelines for Environmental
Vol. 181, 1998, pp. 175–197. Fatigue Evaluation to a BWR Feedwater Piping System, Paper
No. PVP2007-26143, ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping
11. Mehta, H.S., An Update on the Consideration of Reactor
Division Conference, San Antonio, Texas, July 2007.
Water Effects in Code Fatigue Initiation Evaluations for
Pressure Vessels and Piping, ASME PVP, Vol. 410(2), 2000, 16. Standard Review Plan Section 3.6.2 of NUREG-0800, Branch
pp. 45–51. Technical Position MEB 3-1, Postulated Rupture Locations in
Fluid System Piping Inside and Outside Containment,
12. Chopra, O.K. and Shack, W.J., Effect of LWR Coolant
Revision 2, June 1987.
Environments on the Fatigue Life of Reactor Materials,
NUREG/CR-6909, Final Report, February 2007. 17. 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix A, General Design Criterion 4,
Environmental and Missile Design Basis.
13. Letter from Subcommittee on Nuclear Power (Bill O’Donnell)
to Richard Barnes, Chairman Subcommittee III, dated February 18. Materials Reliability Program: Recommended Improvements
9, 2007, Subject: Implementation of February 1, ’07 Plan to to ASME Section XI Appendix L (MRP-82), EPRI, Palo Alto,
Resolve Environmental Fatigue Issue for Nuclear Power Plants. CA, and U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C., 2002.
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William J. O’Donnell and Donald S. Griffin
ABSTRACT prior to issuance of a plant operating license. The review, which
included input from U.S. national laboratories, manufacturers, and
This chapter: (1) identifies the structural integrity issues in the independent consultants, represented essentially an open forum
ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, including Section II, assessment of the state-of-the-art elevated temperature structural
Section III, Subsection NH (Class 1 Components in Elevated design. As a result of the extensive review and with a plan agreed
Temperature Service), Section VIII, and Code Cases that must be upon for resolution of the NRC concerns, NRC and Advisory
resolved to support licensing of Generation IV (Gen IV) nuclear Committee for Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) formally recommend-
reactors, particularly very high temperature gas-cooled reactors; ed issuance of a construction permit for CRBR.
(2) describes how the Code addresses these issues; and (3) identi- Subsection NH [1] of Section III was originally developed to
fies the needs for additional criteria to cover unresolved structural provide structural design criteria and limits for elevated tempera-
integrity concerns for very high temperature service. ture design of LMFBR systems and some gas-cooled systems.
The U.S. NRC and its ACRS reviewed the design limits and pro-
cedures in the process of reviewing the CRBR for a construction
59.1 BACKGROUND permit in the late 1970s and early 1980s and identified issues that
needed resolution. Since then, the NRC, DOE, and various con-
In the late 1960s, the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) rec- tractors have evaluated the applicability of the ASME Code and
ognized that structural design methods used for light water reactor Code Cases to high-temperature reactor designs, such as the very
(LWR) systems would not be adequate for the licensing of high- high temperature gas-cooled reactors (VHTGRs), and identified
temperature liquid metal reactor systems. Although non-nuclear issues that need to be resolved to provide a regulatory basis for
systems such as chemical process plants operate routinely at high licensing.
temperatures, they do not have the demonstrated reliability
required for long-term nuclear service with limited inspection. A
program was thus initiated by the DOE and continued for about 59.2 SUMMARY
15 years to develop the basis for high-temperature structural
design and licensing of liquid metal fast breeder reactor Since the 1980s, the ASME Code has made numerous improve-
(LMFBR) systems. ments in elevated temperature structural integrity technology.
A key feature of the program is that it was carried out simulta- These advances have been incorporated into Section II, Section
neously with design and construction of the fast flux test facility VIII, Code Cases, and particularly Subsection NH of Section III
(FFTF) plant and with design of the Clinch River breeder reactor of the Code, “Components in Elevated Temperature Service” [1].
(CRBR) plant. Project design needs were factored into the devel- The current need for designs for very high temperature reactors
opment program continuously and the results were used in ongo- and for Gen IV systems requires the extension of operating tem-
ing design and evaluation. peratures from about 1400⬚F (760⬚C) to about 1742⬚F (950⬚C),
Since design temperatures of LMFBR systems are significantly where creep effects limit structural integrity, safe allowable oper-
above those of the LWR systems more familiar to the Nuclear ating conditions, and design life.
Regulatory Commission (NRC), close scrutiny was given to ele- Materials that are more creep and corrosive-resistant are need-
vated temperature effects as they relate to structural integrity and ed for these higher operating temperatures. Material models are
safety. The NRC identified a number of concerns in two major required for cyclic design analyses. Allowable strains, creep-
areas: (1) Code design limits and (2) design evaluation procedures. fatigue and creep-rupture interaction evaluation methods are
Specific development programs were identified to be completed needed to provide assurance of structural integrity for such very
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506 • Chapter 59

high temperature applications. Current ASME Section III design • Sensitization of austenitic steels
criteria for lower operating temperature reactors are intended to • Alloy aging behavior at elevated temperatures
prevent through-wall cracking and leaking. • The adequacy of in-service inspection
Section 59.7 describes the U.S. NRC and ACRS work on ele- • The applicability/adequacy of the ASME Code database
vated temperature structural integrity licensing issues subsequent
to CRBR. Source documents for the NRC and NRC sponsored The design lifetime of Gen IV Reactors is expected to be
work are References [15]–[21], [23], and [24] of this chapter. 60 years. Additional materials including Alloy 617 and Hastelloy
NRC has issued a number of definitive reports (see References X need to be fully characterized. Environmental degradation
[16]–[19], [23], and [24]). Oak Ridge National Laboratory effects, especially impure helium and those noted herein, need to
(ORNL), Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), and Idaho be adequately considered. Since cyclic finite element creep
National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL)1 analyses will be used to quantify creep rupture, creep fatigue,
have performed the other studies and evaluations cited herein. creep ratcheting, and strain accumulations, creep behavior mod-
DOE sponsored an Independent Technical Review Group (ITRG) els and constitutive relations are needed for cyclic creep loading.
of Technology alternatives for meeting the functional objectives Such strain- and time-hardening models must account for the
of the next generation nuclear plant (NGNP)[22]. A list of materi- interaction between the time-independent and time-dependent
als and design basis issues cited in a 1993 ORNL Report [15] is material response.
given in Section 59.6.1. The manner in which structural integrity and licensing issues
ANL provided two reports in 2003, describing a review and for the structural design of VHTR and Gen IV systems are
assessment of the material behavior issues, and the Codes and addressed in the current ASME Subsection NH and Code Cases
Procedures for high-temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGRs). is described in Section 59.7. The material creep behavior, creep
They state that Subsection NH is considered to be applicable to fatigue, and environmental effects are addressed in Subsection
HTGR components that will operate at relatively low tempera- NH and Code Cases largely in terms of design criteria and allow-
tures, and that the scope of Subsection NH needs to be expanded able stress and strain values. The detailed material properties
to include materials with higher allowable temperatures and other needed for cyclic finite element creep design analyses are gener-
materials of interest. They cite Alloy 617, 9 Cr-1M0-V steel, and ally not provided in the Code. The minimum strength properties
Hastelloy X as candidates for core support structures and vessel given in the Code are used as anchor values for the more
internals. Their major findings are given in Sections 59.6.4 and comprehensive material suppliers’ average properties. The NRC
59.6.5. perspective is that the Code and/or Code Cases currently do not
DOE authorized INEEL to conduct a review of technology alter- adequately cover the material behavior under cyclic loads in the
natives for the NGNP. Their report-Reference–[22]–was published creep regime and creep-fatigue-creep-rupture damage interaction
on June 30, 2004. Their recommendations are relevant to structural effects.
design criteria and code development. The NGNP is to be designed, Subsection NH has rules for the design of welded joints sepa-
constructed, licensed, and operated by no later than 2020, with a rated into Categories A–D. The permissible types of welded joints
target date for initial operation of 2017. INEEL believes that meet- and their dimensional requirements are specified. Paragraph NH-
ing these objectives will require technology stretch, and warns 3353 provides analysis requirements for the design and location
against attempting too great a stretch. Several nuclear system con- of all pressure-retaining welds operating at temperatures where
cepts for a very high temperature reactor (VHTR) for the NGNP creep effects are significant. Reduction factors for creep stress
were reviewed. These include the helium-cooled prismatic reactor, rupture are given as a function of time and temperature.
the helium-cooled pebble bed reactor, and the molten salt-cooled Permissible weld metals are limited and special examination
prismatic reactor. Based on construction time objectives and mater- requirements are imposed.
ial development requirements, INEEL recommended that maxi- Probably the most restrictive Subsection NH requirements for
mum metal temperatures be limited to 900⬚C (1652⬚F). This corre- welds are that the inelastic accumulated strains are limited to one-
sponds to a maximum core average outlet temperature of half the allowable strain limits for the base metal. This has forced
900-950⬚C (1652-1742⬚F). Even at 900⬚F (1652⬚F) metal tempera- designers to keep welds out of high-stress areas. The allowable
ture, they state that some reactor core subassemblies might require fatigue at weldments is limited to one-half the design cycles
replacement during the 60-year design plant life. allowed for the base metal. The allowable creep rupture damage
The NRC prepared a presentation on “NGNP Technical Issues at weldments is limited in NH by requiring that the rupture
Safety Research Needs” in June 2006 [23]. This presentation, strength be reduced by the weld strength reduction factor when
described in Section 59.6.7, discusses the licensing framework determining the time to rupture. The Code also imposes addition-
and related components, qualifications, fabrication, and testing al examination requirements on Categories A–D welded joints.
issues. The major metallic component technical issues, as quoted, The adequacy of these and other Code weldment structural design
still requiring resolution include the following: requirements, and even for the temperatures currently covered,
which are lower than the VHTR and Gen IV high-temperature
• Fatigue, creep, and creep-fatigue interaction systems, has been questioned by the NRC.
• Coolant impurities and crevice concentration impacts Section 59.8 herein describes the material models, design crite-
• Metal carburization, decarburization, and oxidation ria, and analyses methods, which the NRC has indicated need to
be covered in the ASME Code under Regulatory Issues for Very
High Temperature Service. These needs for which Code technical
committees must be involved are listed hereunder—:
On February 1, 2005, the Idaho National Engineering and
Environmental Laboratory and Argonne National Laboratory-West 1. Material cyclic creep behavior, creep-rupture–creep-fatigue
became the Idaho National Laboratory (INL). interaction, and environmental effects
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2. The structural integrity of welds & Technology (RDT) Standard F9-5T [3]. The constitutive rela-
3. The development of extended simplified design analysis tions [4] are based on observations largely from uniaxial test data
methods (to avoid dependence on “black box” finite element for Type 304 stainless steel and are applicable to 304 SS, 316 SS,
analysis (FEA) for cyclic creep) and 21⁄4 Cr-1 Mo steel. For time-independent, elastic-plastic calcula-
4. Test verification of 1, 2, and 3 tions, the von Mises yield criterion, its associated flow rule, and the
linear kinematic hardening rule were used. For consistency, this
requires use of an assumed bilinear uniaxial stress-strain relation-
59.3 STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY ship. Creep behavior is represented in the form of a creep law that
EVALUATION APPROACH includes both primary and secondary creep. This includes all the
basic elements (elastic, plastic, primary, and secondary creep
59.3.1 Modes of Failure strains) and the effects of plastic yielding and flow, cyclic plasticity,
Elevated temperature CRBR systems and components were plastic strain hardening, creep strain hardening, and creep load
designed to meet the limits of the ASME Boiler & Pressure reversal.
Vessel Code, Section III, Case N-47 (1981) [2], the forerunner Small strain theory was used since the Code strain limits essen-
of Subsection NH, which applies for ferritic steels at tempera- tially limit design strains to the range where small strain theory is
tures above 700⬚F (371⬚C) and for austenitic stainless steels valid. The effects of prior plastic deformation on subsequent
above 800⬚F (427⬚C). Failure is prevented by (1) identifying creep were neglected, and, except for hardening due to prior creep
each possible failure mode, (2) determining the damage criterion strains, the effects of prior creep deformation on subsequent elas-
for each failure mode, and (3) establishing design rules that tic-plastic behavior were neglected.
appropriately separate design limits from initiation of failure.
Other rules rely on control of geometry, design rules to specify
details, and design factors based on experience to avoid failure, 59.4 STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY
but do not treat each failure mode explicitly. EVALUATION METHODS
Code Case N-47 is based primarily on design by analysis since it
was not possible to develop simple, generally applicable formulas At the time the CRBR was designed, the finite element method
to represent the time-dependent response of complex structures. of structural analysis was already well established. Solutions for
However, it did include a number of simplified limits and bounding linear elastic problems could be obtained readily and accurately
methods. The latter were based on elastic and short-time plastic for relatively complex (three-dimensional) geometries and load-
analyses, which, although generally conservative, if satisfied, could ing conditions. The solution of nonlinear elastic–plastic creep
avoid more detailed, time-dependent, inelastic, and creep analyses. problems was less well established. It was impractical to do a full
The cost of analysis was a consideration. The modes of structural three-dimensional inelastic analysis of a complete reactor system.
failure considered in CRBR design include the following: However, neither was it necessary to do detailed analysis over
extended regions of the system. Only part of the system operates
• Ductile rupture from short-term loads at elevated temperatures, and many components see elevated tem-
• Creep rupture from long-term loads peratures only for brief periods. Also, for the components that
• Creep fatigue failure operate at elevated temperatures, the magnitude of inelastic strain
• Gross distortion due to incremental collapse and ratcheting accumulation is critical only in local regions, such as nozzles,
• Loss of function due to excessive deformation elbows, flanges, connections, and so on. So the general approach
• Buckling due to short-term loads to design analysis was to determine interaction loads by equilibri-
• Creep buckling due to long-term loads um and compatibility considerations, and then analyze the highly
stressed local regions in significant detail.
59.3.2 Stress Categories
In Code Case N-47, stresses and strains are categorized as pri- 59.4.1 Simplified Analysis Method
mary (P), secondary (Q), or peak (F), and in applying the limits, Simplification in structural analyses took the form of simplifi-
distinction is made between two types of quantities: (1) load-con- cation of geometry, material model, loading conditions, or some
trolled and (2) deformation-controlled. The load-controlled quanti- combinations thereof. For the solution of nonlinear, elastic-plastic
ties result from equilibrium with applied loads during plant opera- creep problems, a number of special purpose computer programs
tion. Primary stress intensities are load-controlled quantities. were written to implement the ORNL materials models for specific
Deformation-controlled quantities are stresses, strains, and defor- geometries such as one-dimensional and plane (two-dimensional)
mations that result from deflection and/or strain compatibility. thick cylinders and axisymmetric and two-dimensional nozzles [5,
These quantities generally vary both with time and applied loads, 6]. Programs were written using simplified material models to
and creep effects may be a major influence. Thus, accurate, analyt- address specific failure modes such as creep ratcheting and creep
ical evaluation of deformation-controlled quantities generally buckling. The ORNL materials models were also incorporated into
requires inelastic stress analysis when creep effects are significant. the general purpose finite element programs, MARC and ANSYS,
to address more complex geometries and loading conditions [7].
59.3.3 Materials Representations
Modeling of time-dependent materials behavior in multidimen- 59.4.2 Detailed Analysis of Localized Areas
sional states of stress is fundamental to the accurate prediction of For CRBR, the design evaluation process proceeded from sim-
component response to service loads and to comparison with ple to complex. The design Code Case N-47 includes the so-
design limits. called screening rules that give limits for controlled quantities cal-
For CRBR, the materials models (constitutive equations) were culated elastically. The rules are very conservative in most cases
developed by the ORNL and are described in Reactor Development but if they can be met, more detailed inelastic analysis is not
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508 • Chapter 59

required. A large part of the design was confirmed using the 6. Elastic follow-up in piping
screening rules. If the screening rules cannot be met, then inelas- 7. Creep fatigue evaluation
tic analysis is required. However, a “simplified” inelastic analysis 8. Plastic strain concentration factors
may suffice. It may be possible to show, using simplified repre- 9. Intermediate piping transition weld.
sentations of the structure, that stresses or strains are bounded and
within design limits. If “simplified” methods fail, a “detailed” Weldment Cracking Weldment cracking, particularly
analysis is necessary. But the detailed analysis could generally be in components subjected to repeated thermal transient loads, was
limited to very localized regions when proper account was taken identified by the NRC as the foremost structural integrity concern
of the gross behavior of the structure. It is not necessary, for for CRBR. It is well known that when structural failure occurs, it
example, to do an inelastic analysis of a complete pipeline when is generally at weldments.
only the elbows are loaded inelastically [8]. The design approach to weldment integrity was primarily to
ensure that weldments are at least as strong as the parent metal.
59.4.3 Models and Tests Weldment configuration and processes were controlled, and the
To validate the combination of material model, geometrical amount of delta ferrite that may transform into a brittle sigma
approximation, and computer implementation, a number of model phase was limited. In addition, reduced strain limits were speci-
and full-scale tests were run and analyzed using simplified and fied that encouraged the placement of weldments in lower
detailed analyses [9]. Full-scale tests were run on piping elbows, stressed regions. Code Case N-47 specified the use of parent
nozzle to cylinder attachments, and cylinders rotated between two metal properties to represent weldment behavior in life assess-
opposing sodium jets [10]. The elbows were loaded to measure ment procedures, the complex interaction between stress and
time-dependent plastic buckling, creep deformation, creep ratch- strain at weldments was not taken into consideration.
eting, creep relaxation, and creep buckling. The nozzle [FFTF The NRC assessment was that because of the importance of
intermediate heat exchanger (IHX) nozzle] was loaded to measure weldment cracking as a failure mode, the designer should have a
creep ratcheting and creep rupture. The rotating cylinder was also better understanding of the metallurgical interactions that take
loaded to measure response to thermal striping. Tests on models place in weldments and their effects on weldment life.
included nozzles, cylinders, spheres, and plates (thermal striping). Specifically, the NRC was concerned with (1) early crack initia-
The test results were used to sharpen the analytical techniques tion at the inside wall surface in the heat-affected zone (HAZ)
and to gain expertise with their use in structural analysis of where the weldment is exposed to thermal cycling; (2) the effects
CRBR. of large variations in material properties within the weldment on
creep-fatigue and creep-rupture damage; and (3) the effects of
time rate, cycle rate, and hold time on the propagation of long
59.5 REGULATORY ISSUES shallow cracks in the HAZ of a weldment. The NRC was also
concerned about creep enhancement of crack growth in a cracked
59.5.1 NRC Licensing Review weldment, specifically, enhanced creep in the remaining
In the Safety Evaluation Report, NUREG-0968 [11], related to uncracked wall caused by residual stress and thermal cycling, and
construction of the CRBR, the NRC described the complicating effects of creep on stability of the remaining uncracked wall liga-
effects of elevated temperature service as follows: ment. The NRC felt that as a minimum, these effects must be con-
Systems and components in service at elevated temperatures sidered and quantitatively evaluated to determine the safety mar-
are subjected to larger temperature variations and differen- gins of weldments in elevated temperature components.
tials than LWR hardware. Moreover, the materials have lower The basic requirements identified by NRC were as follows:
strength at elevated temperatures. The resulting higher ther-
mal strain ranges and increased inelastic strain concentra- • Evaluate potential for premature crack initiation at weld-
tions tend to accelerate fatigue damage. In addition, the ments due to thermal fatigue, residual stresses, and damage
materials are susceptible to creep-rupture damage that caused by the welding process.
results from both applied and residual stresses persisting • Confirm adequacy of creep rupture and creep fatigue damage
after transient conditions. Relaxation of such stresses tends to evaluation procedures at weldments.
cause ratcheting on subsequent load cycles. The effective • Assess growth behavior of cracks in the HAZ of weldments.
microscopic ductility of many of the materials and product • Evaluate consequences of enhanced creep in uncracked liga-
forms is reduced by concentration of creep strains in grain ments.
boundaries. Consequently, cracking can occur at accumulat- • Assess stability of uncracked ligaments for creep conditions.
ed strain levels that would cause no problems at temperatures • Define effects of long-term elevated temperature service on
below the creep regime. crack initiation.
• Evaluate effects of loading sequence on creep fatigue behavior.
59.5.2 Structural Integrity Licensing Concerns It was required that these investigations be completed prior to
Based on a review of the material presented by the CRBR issuance of a plant operating license.
Project, the NRC (with ACRS) identified concerns in nine areas: Notch Weakening Cracking at notches and other local
1. Weldment cracking structural discontinuities in components was another area of major
2. Notch weakening concern to the NRC. The situation is similar to that at weldments
3. Material property representation for inelastic analysis where material discontinuities lead to high local stresses. In the
4. Steam generator tube sheet evaluation case of notches, the geometrical configurations lead to local stress
5. Elevated temperature seismic effects concentrations and the potential for inelastic strain concentrations
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that may exhaust material ductility. Notches, small radius fillets, verification of computer programs for use in inelastic analysis, and
and localized structural discontinuities are regions observed in use of alternative strain limits in the DOE Office of Nuclear
practice, besides weldments, where cracks tend to initiate. Energy (NE) Standard F9-5T. These were resolved by project
The CRBR approach to avoid cracking was to avoid use of commitments to assess the potential CRBR safety implications of
sharp geometrical discontinuities and to place structural transi- new developments, provide verification and qualification of com-
tions in low stress regions. There were no special rules in Code puter programs used in the design, and to avoid the use of strain
Case N-47 that apply to notches. They were not considered in limits based on elastic analysis in the final design justification.
application of the load-controlled limits but were considered in An NRC issue that required a confirmatory program to be
application of the Appendix T Strain Limits (T-1300) and the completed prior to application for an operating license concerned
Creep Fatigue Limits (T-1400). Separate limits were provided for the suitability of using material average properties for inelastic
elastic and inelastic analysis. If the elastic limits could be met, analysis.
then inelastic analysis was unnecessary. However, for the CRBR, The CRBR project approach to inelastic analysis followed the
most regions with significant structural discontinuities had to be guidance provided by NE Standard F9-4T, which states that
modeled inelastically. In fact, most of the inelastic analysis per-
When inelastic analysis is used in preparation for a creep-
formed for the CRBR plant was to ensure compliance with Code
fatigue or inelastic strain evaluation, the plasticity and ther-
Case N-47 Appendix T rules at structural discontinuities.
mal creep properties used in the analysis shall be average (or
The major concern of the NRC was that the design limits for
conservative). It is intended that the results of analysis based
fatigue and creep rupture were based on tests of smooth-sided
on “average” properties be compared to the Code supplied
specimens that did not include possible effects of stress gradients
stress-rupture and fatigue limits.
in notches. The NRC was also concerned about loss of ductility
under long-term loads due to prior cyclic and monotonic strain- This applies to the strain and creep fatigue limits of Code Case
ing. The NRC concerns are described as follows in the Safety N-47, but not to the buckling limits where the use of minimum
Evaluation Report, NUREG-0968 [11]: strength properties is required. The rationale, which was estab-
lished and affirmed by a strong national consensus, was that it is
The basic allowable stress limits of the Code are based on
impractical to determine the worst case combination of minimum
unnotched creep specimen test data. Stress raisers influence
and/or maximum strength and deformation properties for each
the creep behavior of the entire wall in two basic ways. They
load combination. Nor would it be representative of actual materi-
introduce a constraint against inelastic flow by inhibiting slip
al behavior because worst case combinations are not physically
line development. This is manifested in a reduction in the
consistent. It was considered that material variations from the
average stress intensity in the net section (a notch strength-
“average” are covered by Code design margins.
ening effect). Stress raisers also introduce a site where creep-
The NRC concern was that creep rupture damage calculated
rupture damage could cause early crack initiation and more
using average properties may be too low when compared to the
rapid crack propagation (a notch weakening effect). Although
considerable strain and cyclic hardening that occurs during fabri-
the combined effect is notch strengthening in most cases, an
cation and operation, and that the fatigue damage and accumulat-
evaluation is needed to determine what geometric, loading,
ed strains may be too low if the actual yield strength is below the
and material parameters could cause significant notch weak-
average value used in design analysis.
ening, particularly for long-term loads at elevated tempera-
The confirmatory program identified to resolve these concerns
tures. Loading conditions such as transverse shear do not
required an evaluation of the significance of material property
introduce any notch strengthening and have contributed to
variations, where inelastic analysis is used to evaluate elevated
weldment cracking at structural discontinuities.
temperature components containing radioactive sodium. The fol-
A confirmatory program was developed jointly between the lowing requirements were imposed:
NRC and the CRBR project to address these concerns. The basic
elements of the program are summarized as follows: • Minimum yield strength and minimum creep deformation
strength (80% of the average isochronous plots) properties
• Extend the elastic-constraint damage evaluation method to shall be used to evaluate fatigue damage, as represented by
include cyclic and bending loads. the use fraction, and the accumulated inelastic strains.
• Implement effects of material ductility in the damage evalua- • The fatigue damage fraction and the creep rupture damage,
tion procedure. represented by the time fraction, are to be reported to the
• Apply the extended method to “worst case” geometric notch- NRC for both minimum and average material properties
es in CRBR components. using the method of Code Case N-47.
• Compare effects of tensile stress versus stress intensity on • The creep portions of the total accumulated inelastic strains
creep rupture. (membrane, bending, and peak) are to be reported using the
• Develop cyclic creep strain concentration factors for notches method of Code Case N-47.
in creep fatigue and perform trial applications. • Structural adequacy of the components shall be demonstrated
using these calculated values of damage and inelastic strain.
It was required that these investigations be completed prior to • Minimum and average properties shall be considered in per-
issuance of a plant operating license. forming the other confirmatory programs on Weldment
Safety Evaluation, Notch Weakening, and the Steam Material Property Representation for Inelastic Generator.
Analysis The NRC reviewed analysis methods and applicable
design criteria used for CRBR design. Concerns were expressed Steam Generator Tube Sheet Evaluation The NRC
on the impact of new technology developments on safety, the review of the CRBR steam generator design procedures was
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510 • Chapter 59

conducted prior to project completion of design evaluation. The • Perform detailed tube-to-tube sheet joint analysis for tubes in
planned evaluation included mechanical property, feature, and pro- the high radial thermal gradient region at the periphery of the
totypic tests to verify and supplement analysis methods and Code perforated region and include local thermal effects.
design procedures. As part of the confirmatory program, the pro-
ject committed to completion of the planned test program, includ- This extensive program was to be completed prior to issuance
ing an hydraulic test model, large leak tests, tube tests, departure of a plant operating license.
from nuclear boiling tests, tube support wear tests, modular steam
generator tests, single-tube performance tests, stability and inter- Elevated Temperature Seismic Effects This issue
action tests, tube-to-tube sheet weld tests, scaled hydraulic model concerns the possible enhancement of creep strain accumulation
feature tests, and flow-induced vibration tests. and creep rupture damage resulting from seismic events.
The major NRC concern relative to the steam generator was Code Case N-47 imposed limits on accumulated inelastic strain
assurance of adequacy of the tube sheet for the design life of the and creep fatigue damage, but did not provide guidance on cyclic
component. Specifically, the concern was adequate calculation of load history modeling of combined events. Seismic events impose
the highly localized, inelastic stress in the outer row of ligaments short-term primary stresses on structures that affect the inelastic
due to radial thermal gradients and bulk temperature difference strain accumulation by changing residual stress distributions.
between the perforated and unperforated regions. Section III of Seismic loads may also produce plastic strain accumulation by
the ASME Code provides a simplified method of analysis based ratcheting if the event is sufficiently severe. Relaxation of the
on the equivalent solid plate concept. However, this method was increased residual stresses that exist after a seismic event may
not applicable for the CRBR steam generator tube sheet, where produce enhanced creep during subsequent service at elevated
the loading is dominated by large thermal gradients and deforma- temperatures. Consequently, the sequence of loading becomes
tions are inelastic. The CRBR project plan was to use detailed important in the creep regime.
inelastic finite element analysis of sectors of the tube sheet in con- This issue was resolved by a project commitment to take into
junction with the strain and creep fatigue limits for inelastic account any enhanced creep (ratcheting) and any creep rupture
analysis in Code Case N-47 for elevated temperature design. damage resulting from residual stresses at local stress raisers fol-
The NRC had concerns with this approach because of the diffi- lowing seismic events. This was accomplished practically using an
culties in modeling ligaments and the complex thermal-structural approximate procedure to simulate dynamic seismic loading as an
interaction with the rim and the tubes. Their approach essentially equivalent static load for inelastic analysis. The procedure, devel-
was to extend the Section III design procedure based on the oped under the LMFBR Program and reported in ASME Paper 82-
equivalent solid plate concept to include the effects of thermal PVP-28 [13], utilizes the results of a linear seismic response spec-
gradients, plasticity, and creep. trum analysis to calculate external loads. These statically
The specific confirmatory program that the project agreed to equivalent loads are selected such that they produce internal forces
carry out was stated as follows: and moments comparable to those predicted by the linear response
spectrum analysis. The equivalent static load for the seismic event
• Develop effective properties of the perforated region for use is applied after the first system heat-up, when it is most damaging
in design inelastic analysis. because the stresses have not yet relaxed during creep hold time.
• Evaluate the effects of thermal gradients and equivalent mate- This procedure accounts conservatively for enhancement of accu-
rial property variations on ligaments near the periphery of the mulated strain and creep rupture damage due to seismic loads.
perforated region.
• Extend existing Appendix A-8000 Code methods for calcu- Elastic Follow-Up in Piping This issue concerns cate-
lating the linearized membrane, shear, and in-plane bending gorization of thermal expansion stresses as secondary for evalua-
stresses in the ligaments using the equivalent solid plate tion of hot leg piping. During creep relaxation, a portion of the
stresses. Include all of these nominal stresses in the compari- elastic strain is converted to creep strain. Areas of piping that are
son with allowable primary membrane plus bending and pri- more highly stressed are subjected to additional cyclic strain and
mary plus secondary allowables. strain accumulation resulting from elastic follow-up. To provide
• Develop methods of evaluating local cyclic plastic and creep adequate safety margins, Code Case N-47 required that secondary
strain concentration effects based on equivalent solid plate stresses with a large amount of elastic follow-up be treated as load-
stresses for use in the fatigue evaluation. controlled quantities. However, Code Case N-47 did not provide
• Evaluate elastic follow-up in the outermost ligaments: (1) criteria that determine when elastic follow-up is considered large.
reclassify the portion of the discontinuity stresses caused by This issue was resolved by agreement between the NRC and
pressure and mechanical loads as “primary” in accordance the project on a method for quantifying elastic follow-up and a
with the associated amount of elastic follow-up that occurs criterion for determining the portion of thermal expansion stress
during thermal transients, and (2) reclassify the portion of to be treated as primary. A simplified elastic analysis procedure to
thermal stresses as “primary” in accordance with the amount estimate the amount of elastic follow-up due to thermal expansion
of elastic follow-up that occurs during thermal transients. stress in a thin-walled piping system was developed under the
• Develop ratcheting evaluation methods for the outermost lig- LMFBR program and reported in Reference [14]. The reduced
aments based on elastic equivalent solid plate stresses reclas- elastic modulus concept was used to represent creep, and elastic
sified as above and including nominal membrane, shear, and follow-up was quantified relative to the Code Case N-47 primary
in-plane bending stresses. stress limit. The simplified method was validated by comparison
• Develop creep rupture damage evaluation methods for the with results of detailed inelastic analysis.
outermost ligaments based on equivalent solid plate stresses.
The effects of elastic follow-up will reduce the amount of Creep Fatigue Evaluation The NRC identified three
stress relaxation and increase the creep rupture damage. concerns relative to creep fatigue evaluations. The first was a
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modification of the creep fatigue damage rule of Code Case N-47 59.6 CURRENT REGULATORY ISSUES
when applied to austenitic stainless steel types 304 and 316 for FOR STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF VHTR
components not to be Code stamped. The Code required that AND GEN IV SYSTEMS
creep damage during compressive hold periods be taken equal to
the creep damage during tensile hold periods for stresses of equal Since the NRC and DOE licensing review of the CRBR during
magnitude. The project modification took creep damage in com- the late 1970s and early 1980s, NRC and DOE have continued to
pressive hold to be 20% of that in tensile hold. This was accepted identify and investigate safety issues relative to structural design
by NRC upon proper documentation of the experimentally based of high-temperature advanced reactor systems.
The second NRC concern was the treatment of high-cycle 59.6.1 Materials and Design Bases in ASME Code
fatigue due to thermal fluctuations and flow-induced vibrations Case N-47, NUREG/CR-5955
that require evaluation beyond the Code Case N-47 design curve In anticipation of next generation advanced power reactors for
limit of 106 cycles for stainless steels. The project extrapolated utilities, NRC sponsored an ORNL evaluation of the design
the fatigue curve beyond 106 cycles using a slope of ⫺0.12 on bases (principally ASME Code Case N-47) for the design and
cycles for load-controlled situations and developed a special pur- operation of reactors at elevated temperatures where the time-
pose high-cycle fatigue criterion for strain-controlled situations. dependent effects of creep are significant and must be consid-
The concern was resolved by demonstration that the extrapolation ered in the design process [15]. The reactor systems contemplat-
is more conservative at 800⬚F (427⬚C) than the high-cycle fatigue ed include advanced liquid-metal reactors, gas-cooled reactors,
design curve up to 1011 cycles adopted by the Code in 1982 and and possibly the Canada Deuterium Uranium (CANDU) reac-
by implication from additional elevated temperature data. The tors. This evaluation was not design specific, nor did it address
project also provided data to support the special limit used for specific reactor components such as transition joints, tube
strain-controlled situations. sheets, and bellows. Its main objective was to identify and sum-
The third concern was fatigue design limits for 21⁄4 Cr-1 Mo marize the issues that must be resolved to avoid the creep-
steel, which was resolved by a commitment to meet the elevated induced failure modes of creep rupture, creep fatigue, creep
temperature fatigue design limits that had been recently approved ratcheting, and creep buckling.
by the ASME Code Committees. A total of 23 issues were identified and described. They are
characterized and classified by (1) type–safety or economical; (2) Plastic Strain Concentration Factors For simplified bases–material and database, design bases, or both; and (3) level—
elastic-plastic analysis, Section III of the Code allows the plastic used to further delineate the issues into six categories based on a
strain concentration factor, Ke, to be taken as unity until the range number of factors, depending on considerations of plant safety,
of primary plus secondary stress intensity exceeds 3 Sm. The NRC plant economics, expected cost to resolve the issue, expected cal-
concern was that this factor actually begins to exceed unity when endar time required to resolve the issue, whether Code rules must
the local maximum stress range, including the elastic stress con- be extended if they are to be used as the design bases for future 60-
centration factor, exceeds 2 Sy. Also, strain multipliers for the year high-temperature plants, and so on. All but two of the issues
concentration of plastic strain on the weaker side of a product were safety related. The 23 issues are listed here, and the 10 con-
form or material interface are not included in formulas for Ke in sidered most important are identified by an asterisk:
the Code.
This concern was resolved by a commitment to determine the 1. Lack of material property allowable design data/curves for
actual plastic strain concentration, or to use a conservative 60-year design life*
approximation of concentration effects and the resulting fatigue 2. Degradation of material properties at high temperatures due
design life when the local maximum stress range exceeds 2 Sy . to long-term irradiation*
3. Degradation of material properties due to long-term ther- Intermediate Piping Transition Weld The intermedi- mal aging
ate heat transport system transition weld reference design was a 4. Degradation of material properties due to corrosion phe-
trimetallic joint consisting of Type 316H stainless steel, Alloy nomena*
800H, and 21⁄4 Cr-1 Mo steel. Due to its complexity, the transition 5. Lack of property allowables based on current melting and
weld was evaluated in detail using the procedures of Code Case N- fabrication practices
47 and applicable DOE Standards. The effects of creep, residual 6. Degradation effect of small cyclic stresses
stress, and differences in properties between the component mate- 7. Creep-induced failures at temperatures below Code Case
rials were modeled using inelastic analysis. N-47 limits
Although demonstration of design life had not been completed, 8. Use of average versus minimum material properties in
the NRC was concerned about the minimum expected carbon design
content of 0.05% at 936⬚F (502⬚C), the importance of variation in 9. Lack of a design methodology for Modified 9 Cr-1 Mo steel
properties between the different materials, and the possible 10. Lack of understanding/validation of effects of short-term
increase in creep rupture damage resulting from the higher yield overload events on subsequent material properties
strength properties produced by hardening in a multipass welding 11. Lack of validated thermal striping materials and design
process. methodology*
Resolution of the NRC concern was achieved by commitment 12. Lack of reliable creep fatigue design rules*
to perform analyses using the methods and criteria to be devel- 13. Difficult, overly conservative ratcheting design rules
oped under the confirmatory programs to address issues relating 14. Lack of a validated weldment design methodology*
to weldment cracking and material property representation for 15. Lack of flaw assessment procedures*
inelastic analysis. 16. Uncertainty of multiaxial stress state effects
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512 • Chapter 59

17. Uncertainty of nonradial (non-proportional) loading effects and property changes can decrease time-independent and time-
18. Lack of understanding/validation of notch weakening dependent strength properties. Neutron embrittlement was a con-
effects* cern because the reactor vessel is designed for a 60-year lifetime
19. Lack of conservatism in Code rules for simplified fatigue and exposed to neutron irradiation, which decreases ductility and
evaluation based on plastic strain concentration factors fracture resistance.
20. Lack of validated rules/guidelines to account for seismic To meet a design life of 60 years, the elevated temperature
effects at elevated temperatures* Code Cases N-47, N-201, and perhaps N-48, N-49, N-50, and N-
21. Lack of inelastic design procedures for piping* 51, will have to be extrapolated from the present 34-year lifetime.
22. Overly conservative buckling rules
23. Need for thermal stratification design guidelines 59.6.3 Material Engineering Research Needs for
Advanced Reactors—ACRS, USNRC/RES,
All issues except numbers 9 and 13 are considered to be safety
related. The issues were described and elaborated but detailed
and ORNL
plans for their resolution were not offered. Several presentations were made by Dr. Joseph Muscara of NRC
in 2002 at coordination meetings with ACRS, USNRC Office of
59.6.2 Safety Evaluation of the Power Reactor Nuclear Regulatory Research (USNRC/RES), and ORNL to review
Innovative Small Module (PRISM) material engineering needs for advanced (high-temperature) reactor
Liquid-Metal Reactor design [17–19]. The major issues concern the applicability of struc-
The PRISM reactor design proposed by DOE was for a small, tural design codes–Section III, Subsection NH, and Code Cases N-
modular, pool-type, liquid-metal (sodium)-cooled reactor produc- 201 and N-499—to high-temperature applications. These Codes are
ing 471 MWt power. The standard plant design consists of three based primarily on studies and data gathered in the 1970s and
PRISM modules with a total electrical output rating of 1395 1980s for design of LMFBRs with maximum temperatures in the
MWe. The primary and intermediate sodium outlet temperatures range of 1100⬚F (593⬚C) to 1500⬚F (816⬚C). There is a need to
are 905⬚F (485⬚C) and 830⬚F (443⬚C), respectively, but under cer- extend these Codes, particularly in the areas of creep, creep fatigue,
tain transient conditions, the reactor vessel wall may reach core and environmental effects, to cover higher temperatures and include
outlet temperatures that increase to between 1100⬚F (593⬚C) and databases developed in recent years.
1300⬚F (704⬚C). Thus, the design temperatures are not signifi- Safety issues identified for high-temperature (unspecified)
cantly greater than for CRBR. However, the design life was for 60 structural design of metallic components include the following:
years compared to 30 years for CRBR, which introduced some
additional material degradation issues. • Lack of appropriate databases for calculating fatigue, creep,
The NRC staff performed a preapplication safety evaluation of creep fatigue, and SCC lifetimes, including environmental
PRISM and published their findings in NUREG-1368 [16] dated effects
February 1994. The objective was to provide at least the level of • Effects of impurities including oxygen on degradation
safety that is required for current generation LWRs. The • Aging behavior of alloys
Preapplication Safety Evaluation Report did not result in design • Sensitization of austenitic alloys and weldments
approval, but identified key safety issues and assessed the adequa- • Degradation by carburization, decarburization, and oxidation
cy of the applicant’s research and development programs. The • Treatment of connecting pipe as a vessel for code application
overall conclusion was that there are no major impediments to
licensing of the design. NRC research under way in 2002 included the following:
Safety issues identified by NRC requiring resolution concerned
primarily inelastic and limit analysis, Code Case N-47 (forerunner • Review and evaluation of current national and international
of Subsection NH) and other elevated temperature Code Cases, engineering design codes for components in HTGRs, includ-
load combinations, and environmental effects associated with ing Codes and methodology developed in Germany, Japan,
extrapolation of Code Case N-47 applicability from 34 to 60 China, the United Kingdom, and France
years. It was pointed out that the NRC staff has not endorsed • Review of existing literature and studies on HTGR materials
Code Case N-47 and, in general, has not accepted the application and environmental effects on various degradation mechanisms
of inelastic stress and deformation limits in the initial design eval- • Development of NUREG/CR-6824 [21], Material Behavior in
uations. Further review and justification are needed for the defini- HTGR Environments
tion of load combinations, the application of inelastic and limit
analysis in conjunction with the dynamic analysis, and the consid- 59.6.4 Review and Assessment of Codes and
eration of all types of time-dependent failure modes detailed in Procedures for HTGR Components,
Code Case N-47. NUREG/CR-6816, June 2003 [20]
Environmental effect issues included stress corrosion, flowing The objective of this work was to review and evaluate currently
sodium effects, and neutron embrittlement. Stress corrosion was available national and international Codes and procedures to be
considered an issue because Type 316, used for the reactor vessel, used in the design of HTGRs, including, but not limited to, the
is an austenitic sensitized stainless steel and subject to stress corro- pebble bed modular reactor (PBMR) and the gas turbine-modular
sion cracking (SCC) at the higher temperatures associated with cer- helium reactor (GT-MHR) designs. The evaluation is based on the
tain transients. An area of particular concern was the weld between materials that have been used or recommended for HTGRs, taking
the core support structure and the reactor vessel. In a dynamic sodi- into account the HTGR operating environments. The ASME
um environment, the concern was that the vessel could experience B&PV Code sections review included Section III, Subsections
two types of degradation: erosion-corrosion and property changes. NB and NH, Code Cases N-499-1 and N-201-4, and a Draft Code
Erosion-corrosion decreases the effective load-carrying thickness Case for Alloy 617 for very high-temperature design.
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The major findings of the evaluation were as follows: (1400⬚F). Since the GT-MHR core support structures may experi-
ence temperatures of 850⬚C (1562⬚F) or higher, the scope of the
• Most of the materials needed for HTGR are not included in Code Case needs to be expanded to include materials with higher
the Code Cases. New code cases will be needed. allowable temperatures. The candidate materials for core support
• The maximum temperature permitted by the Code and Code structures and vessel internals are Alloy 617 and 9Cr-1Mo-V
Cases for materials acceptable for HTGR components is lower steel. As with Subsection NH, the deleterious effects of primary
(760⬚C/1400⬚F) than the maximum temperature (ⱖ850⬚C/ coolant and nuclear radiation need to be considered.
1562⬚F) that these components may experience during opera- The Draft Code Case for Alloy 617 was patterned after relevant
tion. The Code therefore needs to be expanded to include portions of Subsection NH and limited to Alloy 617, a temperature
materials and limits for higher temperatures. of 1800⬚F (982⬚C), and a maximum service life at temperatures
• The Codes and Code Cases do not provide specific guidelines above 800⬚F (427⬚C) of 100,000 h. Most of the design rules
for environmental effects, especially the effect of impure heli- addressed by the Draft Code Case are similar to those provided by
um on the high-temperature behavior (e.g., fatigue, creep, and NH. Some design rules are different because the Code Case con-
creep fatigue) of the materials considered. High-temperature siders higher temperature and a different material. At the very high
fatigue life may be influenced more by environment than by temperatures of interest, Alloy 617 exhibits unique material behav-
creep damage for some materials. ior that includes (1) lack of clear distinction between time-inde-
pendent and time-dependent behavior, (2) high dependence of flow
Subsection NB is considered to be applicable to those HTGR stress on strain rate, and (3) softening with time, temperature, and
components (e.g., pressure vessel) that will operate at relatively strain. One result is that the Case specifies that inelastic analysis
low temperatures. for temperatures above 1200⬚F (649⬚C) must be based on unified
Subsection NH provides design rules for construction of out- constitutive equations that do not distinguish between time-inde-
of-core nuclear structures fabricated from only five materials. pendent plasticity and time-dependent creep.
This is potentially the biggest obstacle to its use in the design of The Draft Code Case for Alloy 617 is a work in progress and
HTGR components. The scope of Subsection NH needs to be its completion requires further development of the Code Case,
expanded to include materials with higher allowable temperatures material database and structural design methodology. In the Code
and other materials of interest. The candidate materials for core area, Alloy 617 must be added to the low-temperature rules of
support structure and vessel internals include Alloy 617, 9Cr- Section III; and weldment stress rupture factors, thermal expan-
1Mo-V steel, and Hastelloy X. sion coefficients, and isochronous stress-strain curves for the tem-
There are other concerns with the use of Subsection NH for perature range 427⬚C (800⬚F)–649⬚C (1200⬚F) must be added to
design of HTGR components. Its rules are written for materials the Code Case. In the material area, weldment fatigue data and a
that follow a classical creep curve consisting of primary, sec- more complete creep fatigue database are needed. Also, the syner-
ondary, and tertiary creep. However, many of the materials being gistic effects of aging, environment, loading, and temperature
considered (e.g., Alloy 617) do not show any evidence of primary need to be better understood and the effects of aging on toughness
or secondary creep. New rules are needed for such materials. must be characterized. Relative to structural design methodology,
Subsection NH does not require inelastic stress analysis to be the unified constitutive model needs to be further developed, sim-
conducted with rate-dependent, high-temperature unified constitu- plified ratcheting evaluation procedures are needed at tempera-
tive equations (no distinction between creep and plastic strain), tures above 649⬚C (1200⬚F), and very high-temperature structural
which are necessary when components operate at temperatures model tests are needed to validate the design methodology.
above 1200 ⬚F (649 ⬚C). At the higher temperatures, the tensile Probably the greatest need is to develop a more suitable damage
stress-strain relations depend on strain rate and the classical dis- theory to replace the use of the linear damage fractions as the
tinction between plasticity and creep becomes untenable. Thus, basis for the creep fatigue rules.
strain rate effects need to be included in Code design analyses for
very high temperatures. Subsection NH states that the combined 59.6.5 Material Behavior in HTGR Environments,
effects of exposure to elevated temperature, contacting fluid, and NUREG/CR-6824, July 2003 [21]
nuclear radiation on material properties shall be considered. The objective of this work was to review and evaluate available
However, the Code does not provide specific guidelines for con- information on performance and long-term behavior of materials
sidering environmental effects. The conclusion is that more mech- in environments that are typical of high-temperature helium-
anistically based predictive methods are needed to handle the var- cooled reactors. The availability and adequacy of design codes,
ious material-specific damage mechanisms in different rules, and procedures for component structural design are dis-
environments. cussed in the companion report, NUREG/CR-6816 [20], described
The scope of Code Case N-499-1 should be expanded to include previously. However, the results presented here are pertinent
9 Cr-1 Mo-V steel, which is specified for an uninsulated reactor because they provide the current state of knowledge on candidate
vessel with an operating temperature of about 500⬚C (932 ⬚F). The structural materials that must be treated in the Code for nuclear
effects of helium environment, including impurities, on the elevat- structural design.
ed temperature fatigue design curve, isochronous stress-strain The primary helium coolant in the gas turbine-based HTGRs is
curves, stress rupture curves, and the creep fatigue damage enve- expected to be at temperatures in the range of 850-900⬚C (1562-
lope need to be evaluated to further assess the applicability of this 1652⬚F), and the selected materials should have adequate perfor-
Code Case to low-alloy steel pressure vessel materials. mance over the long service life at temperatures in the range of
Code Case N-201-4 provides design rules for construction of 900-950⬚C (1652-1742⬚F). Among the materials, 21⁄4 Cr-1 Mo and
core support structures fabricated from the same five materials modified 9 Cr-1 Mo ferritic steels are considered for application
covered in Subsection NH. The maximum temperature permitted in reactor pressure vessels. Fe-Cr-Ni alloys such as Alloy 800H
by this case for the materials acceptable for use in HTGR is 760 ⬚C and austenitic stainless steels are considered for recuperators and
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514 • Chapter 59

reactor internals. Alloy 617, Hastelloy X, and Hastelloy XR are The ITGR reviewed several nuclear system concepts for a
considered for components that will be exposed to helium coolant VHTR for the NGNP including the helium-cooled prismatic reac-
at temperatures up to 900⬚C (1652⬚F). The key technical issues tor, the helium-cooled pebble bed reactor, and the molten salt-
addressed were: cooled prismatic reactor. Results and recommendations of the
review that are pertinent to structural design code development
• Baseline mechanical property data are summarized here:
• Effects of helium coolant chemistry on material degradation
• Corrosion effects on mechanical properties of candidate mate- • Few choices exist for metals for use at VHTR design condi-
rials tions, and lifetime requirements may restrict the maximum
• Fission product release and its effect on materials operating temperature. The development of new materials
• Corrosion–erosion due to particulate-laden gas flow. (e.g., oxide dispersion-strengthened metals or refractory met-
als, or ceramics and carbon-based materials) would not be
The major findings of this task concern environmental effects compatible with construction time objectives.
on material properties. Some pertinent conclusions are as follows: • For high-temperature applications, there are several undevel-
oped components, including the IHX, the hot gas isolation
• The primary materials for high-temperature application in valves, the reactor pressure vessel, selected reactor internals, the
HTGRs that have been studied in detail are Alloys 800H and reactor inlet/outlet pipes, the helium circulator, the insulation
617 and Hastelloy X. Among them, Alloy 800H is Code cer- systems, and instrumentation for high-temperature application.
tified for temperatures up to 760⬚C (1400⬚F) for use in nuclear • Definition of design basis conditions for a helium-cooled
systems. A substantial database has been developed for both reactor system.
Alloys 800H and 617 and a limited database exists for • Based on material development considerations, it is recom-
Hastelloy X. mended that maximum metal temperature be limited to 900⬚C
• Even though helium by itself is inert toward the materials, it (1652⬚F). This corresponds to a maximum core average out-
is often contaminated by small amounts of gaseous impuri- let temperature of 900-950⬚C (1652–1742⬚F). Even at this
ties. The gas chemistry and the thermodynamic activity for metal temperature, some reactor core subassemblies might
carbon and oxygen in the gas phase are difficult to ascertain require replacement during the 60-year design plant life. A
because of the nonequilibrium nature of the gas mixture. reactor outlet temperature of 1000⬚C (1832⬚F) would require
Also, most studies on gas chemistry simulations were per- material development and testing well beyond the metals cur-
formed close to atmospheric pressure, whereas the system rently used in high-temperature design.
pressure in the reactor is on the order of 7 MPa. • It is recommended that the temperature of the irreplaceable
• Structural alloys can be significantly corroded by the primary reactor coolant pressure boundary be limited such
gaseous impurities in helium at elevated temperatures. that time-dependent (creep) deformation is insignificant.
Corrosion of heat-resistant materials such as austenitic Creep deformation and configuration change would cause
stainless steels and Alloys 800H and 617 may involve oxi- excessive uncertainty and risk over a 60 year design life.
dation, carburization, and decarburization. Furthermore, the
corrosion process is “dynamic” in that it is dictated by the 59.6.7 NGNP Technical Issues Safety Research
exposure time, gas chemistry variations, integrity of the cor- Needs, June 2006 [23]
rosion product scales, and pressure of particulates in the gas This USNRC presentation provided an overall summary of
phase. research and application needs for licensing of the NGNP project.
It includes safety R&D arenas, licensing framework, probability
risk assessment, nuclear analysis, thermal-fluid analysis, metallic
59.6.6 Design Features and Technology Uncertainties components, nuclear graphite, fuel performance, qualification,
for the Next Generation Nuclear Plant, fabrication, and testing.
INEEL/Ext-04-01816, June 30, 2004 [22] Technical issues identified for metallic components that need
The U.S. DOE authorized the INEEL to have the ITRG con- resolution include the following:
duct a review of technology alternatives for meeting the function-
al objectives of the NGNP. • Fatigue, creep, and creep–fatigue interaction
The results of the review do not necessarily represent the con- • Coolant impurities and crevice concentration impacts
cerns of NRC. However, the ITRG is a broadly experienced group • Metal carburization, decarburization, and oxidation
and has offered conclusions, observations, and recommendations • Sensitization of austenitic steels
that are relevant to structural design code development. • Alloy aging behavior at elevated temperatures
The high-level functional objectives of NGNP include demon- • Adequacy of in-service inspection plans and methods
strating an economically viable nuclear system, licensable in the • ASME Code Case and database applicability/adequacy
United States, with commercially attractive production capabili- • PRA failure probabilities for vessels, pipes, and components.
ties including high-efficiency power conversion, effective utiliza-
tion of process heat (e.g., for production of hydrogen), and intrin-
sic safety. The NGNP is to be designed, constructed, licensed, and 59.6.8 Framework for Development of a Risk-
operated by no later than 2020, with a target date of 2017 for ini- Informed, Performance-Based Alternative to
tial operations. Meeting these objectives will require technology 10 CFR Part 50, NUREG-1860, July 2006 [24]
stretch, but if the stretch is too great, the NGNP may become The purpose of this report is to document the technical basis to
solely an exercise in research and development and would fail to support the development of a risk-informed and performance-based
accomplish the broader demonstration mission. process for the licensing of future nuclear power plants (NPPs). As
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such it documents an approach, scope, and criteria that could be dated to handle the additional materials, higher temperatures, and
used by the NRC staff to develop a set of regulations that would creep damage mechanisms anticipated for these reactors.
serve as an alternative to 10 CFR 50 for licensing future plants.
This report provides very broad guidance for safety review. It 59.7.1 Material Creep Behavior, Creep Fatigue, and
does not provide specific guidance for codes and standards because Environmental Effects
it is expected that most codes and standards will be associated with Section III, Subsection NH, and the Code Cases for elevated
design-specific features. However, the evaluation approach temperature design require further development to make them
described in this report relies heavily on probabilistic risk assess- applicable for structural design and evaluation of HTGR and Gen
ment (PRA), which could have implications to high-temperature IV systems. The temperature limits of code applicability need to
structural design codes. For example, the barrier integrity strategy be extended from 760⬚C (1400⬚F) to a maximum temperature of
provides isolation features that protect the primary radionuclide 950⬚C (1742⬚F). The design lifetime limit of 34 years needs to be
inventory from release. One feature is barrier structural integrity. extended to 60 years. Subsection NH currently provides design
PRAs are used to demonstrate that the frequency of radionuclide limits for five materials up to 760⬚C (1400⬚F). Additional materi-
release is low enough, with adequate consideration of uncertainty. als such as Alloy 617, 9 Cr-1 Mo-V steel, and Hastelloys X and
Therefore, uncertainties associated with barrier degradation, for XR need to be added for temperatures up to 950⬚C (1742⬚F).
example, corrosion, erosion, aging, chemical interactions, and other Mitigating solutions are needed for environmental effects, includ-
material issues need to be modeled. This does not necessarily imply ing the degradation effects of impure helium, and the constitutive
that the structural design code must be based on PRA, but it models for predicting inelastic and creep behavior of materials
appears that the code assessment results should be in a form that need to be developed. This must include the tertiary creep behav-
will allow PRA of barrier structural failure. ior exhibited very early by Alloy 617, and cyclic creep behavior at
operating temperatures.
NRC foresees the need for increased focus on VHTR Licensing
structural integrity issues not currently covered by the ASME
59.7 HOW STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY Code and Code Cases, including
CURRENT ASME CODE? INCLUDING • Material behavior characterization for cyclic loads at very
CODE CASES AND SECTION III, high temperatures
SUBSECTION NH, “CLASS 1 • Adequacy of structural analysis methods for cyclic loads at
COMPONENTS IN ELEVATED very high temperatures.
TEMPERATURE SERVICE” • Fatigue, creep, and creep-fatigue interaction
• Coolant impurities and crevice concentration impacts
Subsection NH of Section III evolved from prior Code Cases • Metal carburization, decarburization, and oxidation
originally intended for CRBR. The CRBR was designed to operate • Sensitization of austenitic steels
at temperatures in the range of 1000⬚F (538⬚C)–1100⬚F (593⬚C) • Alloy aging behavior at elevated temperatures
with low-pressure, relatively thin-walled sodium-containing com-
ponents–reactor vessel, tanks, piping, heat exchangers, steam gen-
erators, pumps, and valves. At these temperatures and loading con- 59.7.2 The Structural Integrity of Welds
ditions, the structural materials exhibited limited creep. As a result, The structural integrity of welds in elevated temperature ser-
it was possible to make extensive use of simplified analysis and vice is a major regulatory concern requiring increased attention at
bounding methods such as the O’Donnell-Porowski bounds for elevated temperatures. Details of the regulatory concerns are
creep ratcheting. The major thrust of the confirmatory programs described in Section Subsection NH has rules for design
was to insure that the effects of creep were bounded. Although a of welded joints that are separated into Categories A–D. The per-
great deal of detailed inelastic analysis was performed, basically missible types of welded joints and their dimensional require-
they were used to confirm the validity of simplified analysis meth- ments are also described.
ods for conditions dominated by cyclic thermal stresses. NRC has expressed concern for the limited ductility of weldments
While Subsection NH has evolved substantially since CRBR, at elevated temperatures and strain concentrations (both metallurgi-
the design and operating conditions of VHTR and Gen IV systems cal and geometric) in the HAZs. Paragraph NH-3353 provides
are quite different. There are a number of different design concepts analysis requirements for the design and location of all pressure-
being considered and temperatures of interest are in the range of retaining and other primary structural welds subjected to metal tem-
1600⬚F (870⬚C)–1700⬚F (925⬚C). Although there will be an effort peratures where creep effects are significant. Special examination
to put the more highly stressed structural elements in cooler requirements are included for welded joints. Permissible weld mate-
regions, the primary loads for many of the components will be rials are limited. Creep stress rupture reduction factors for weld-
higher than those encountered in CRBR. At these very high tem- ments are given as a function of temperature and time.
peratures, there will be a significant change in material behavior as Subsection NH contains special limits on inelastic strains accu-
well as structural response. Environmental effects will be more mulated in the weld regions. These weld strain limits are one-half
significant. Creep and the effects of creep on component integrity the strain values permitted for the parent material. The weldment
are expected to be limited and will have to be analyzed in detail. strain limits are as follows:
Creep rupture damage, creep fatigue, and potential creep crack
growth are of particular concern. Material models will probably 1. Strains averaged through the thickness ⫽ 0.5%
have to include tertiary creep as well as multiaxial states of stress. 2. Strains at the surface due to an equivalent linear distribution
Although Subsection NH has the basic structure to handle elevated of strain through the thickness ⫽ 1%
temperature structural design, it will have to be extended and vali- 3. Maximum local strains at any point ⫽ 2.5%
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516 • Chapter 59

Subsection NH also reduces the allowable number of design generic materials coverage Code needs, there are more specific
cycles for weldments to one-half of the parent metal. It reduces needs related to weldments, the development and verification of
the allowable time for creep rupture damage by multiplying the simplified design methods, and test verification of material
stress by the weld strength reduction factor when determining the models and representative structural features. These needs are dis-
time to rupture. cussed in the following paragraphs.
Subsection NH also imposes additional examination require-
ments on Categories A–D vessel weld joints. 59.8.2 The Structural Integrity of Welds
The adequacy of these and other weldment structural design Because of the importance of potential elevated temperature
requirements in Subsection NH has been questioned by the NRC cracking of weldments, NRC wants the designer to account for
even for the temperatures currently covered, which are lower than potential creep strain concentrations due to metallurgical notch
VHTR and Gen IV high-temperature systems. Accordingly, effects. Subsection NH does not include methods for analyzing
Section 59.8, which covers the material models, design criteria, the effects of varying properties between the base metal, weld
and analysis methods needed in the ASME Code to cover regula- metal, and HAZ, or even how to determine these properties after
tory issues for very high-temperature service, includes further dis- welding and postweld heat treating. Moreover, NRC expressed
cussion of these weldment issues. concern with potential early crack initiation at the inside wall sur-
face in the HAZ, how crack propagation can be quantified, and
59.7.3 Development and Verification of Simplified the stability of the remaining uncracked wall section. Methods of
Design Analysis Methods evaluating such weldment integrity issues and the corresponding
The NRC sees the use of simplified methods of performing safety margins are needed in the ASME Code to satisfy regulatory
creep ratcheting, creep fatigue, and creep rupture damage analy- concerns. These methods will require material models, cyclic
ses, such as the O’Donnell-Porowski bounds, as a way of verify- creep analysis methods, crack growth analyses, and remaining lig-
ing the “black box” of cyclic creep finite element analyses. The ament-enhanced creep stability analysis methods. Such methods
latter have not seen extensive safety-related applications. essentially parallel Section XI flaw evaluation methods, which are
Simplified methods are now used extensively in Subsection NH. only applicable below the creep regime. The NRC has also
However, their derivation and verifications are based on simplifi- requested confirmation of the creep rupture, creep fatigue, and
cations and approximations such as thermal through-wall stresses interaction evaluation procedures at weldments, accounting for
being essentially linear, bending stresses being essentially sec- load sequence effects. These confirmations were required by
ondary, weldments having essentially homogeneous properties, no ACRS before they would issue a plant operating license for
metallurgical notches, and so on. CRBR, a matter that became mute when Congress terminated this
demonstration project.
59.7.4 Verification Testing These issues involve the Subcommittee on Nuclear Power
Because VHTR design analysis methods do not have a long (SC-III), the Subcommittee on Materials (SC-II), the Subcommittee
history of successful application and require complex thermal on Welding (SC-IX), the Subcommittee on Pressure Vessels
cyclic finite element creep analysis, the NRC would like to see (SC-VIII), and the Subcommittee on Nondestructive Examination
confirming tests verifying the material models and structural fea- (SC-V), as well as the Subgroup on Elevated Temperature Design.
tures analyses. Cyclic material models including strain hardening
and time hardening require verification. Is primary creep repeated 59.8.3 Development and Verification of Simplified
under cyclic load conditions and is it recoverable? The cyclic Design Analysis Methods
behavior of representative key structural features is also an issue. Existing simplified design analysis methods have proven to be
The Code does not explicitly require verification testing, but as valuable in providing assurance of structural integrity in the mod-
an American National Standard Safety Code, the Code Committees erate creep regime and have been used in France, Germany,
have an obligation to meet the verification criteria thereof and to Japan, and the United States for this purpose. These methods can
satisfy NRC licensing requirements to prevent the need for supple- be further developed to include higher temperatures, where creep
mentary NRC requirements. effects control the design margins and where structural disconti-
nuity notches, and defects need to be evaluated. Cyclic finite ele-
ment creep analysis results are difficult to trust without having
59.8 MATERIAL MODELS DESIGN comparative results of simplified design analysis methods.
CRITERIA AND ANALYSIS METHODS These needs involve the Subcommittee on Nuclear Power
(SC-III), the Subcommittee on Pressure Vessels (SC-VIII), and
NEEDED IN THE ASME CODE FOR the Subcommittee on Design (SC-D), and are focused in the
VERY HIGH-TEMPERATURE Subgroup on Elevated Temperature Design. The TF Elastic-
SERVICE Plastic Finite Element Analyses could be expanded to include
59.8.1 Material Creep Behavior, Creep Fatigue, and creep, the SG Design Analysis could verify and develop these
Environmental Effects rules, and/or the SG Elevated Temperature Design could reinstate
Refer to Sections 59.6.1–59.6.5 for descriptions of current their TF on creep analyses.
Code coverage of regulatory needs for very high-temperature ser-
vice. These needs are heavily material-oriented and involve the 59.8.4 Verification Testing
Subcommittee on Materials (SC-II), the Subcommittee on Verification testing was carried out on representative structural
Nuclear Power (SC-III), Subcommittee on Pressure Vessels (SC- features of CRBR as part of the licensing effort. VHTR tempera-
VIII), and Subcommittee on Design (SC-D), as well as the tures are much higher than the CRBR temperatures, as previously
Subgroup on Elevated Temperature Design. In addition to these discussed. Consequently, additional verification testing is desired
ASME_Ch59_p505-518.qxd 6/3/09 12:20 PM Page 517


by ACRS and NRC to validate the elevated temperature designs 11. Safety Evaluation Report Related to the Construction of the Clinch
of VHTRs. Such tests include validation of the material models River Breeder Reactor Plant, NUREG-0968, Vol. 1, Main Report,
needed to perform cyclic creep analyses, validation of the finite U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington D.C., March
element software capabilities to handle cyclic creep at structural 1983.
discontinuities, elastic follow-up, creep rupture at notches, weld- 12. Griffin, D.S., Elevated-Temperature Structural Design Evaluation
ment behavior, and possibly flaw tolerance evaluation methods. Issues in LMFBR Licensing, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol.
The development and delineation of such test needs come 90, North Holland, Amsterdam, 1985, pp. 299–306.
under the purview of the Subgroup on Elevated Temperature 13. Dhalla, K. and Rotoloni, D.F. A Procedure to Incorporate Effects of
Design. However, material testings are generally in the domain of Seismic Events in a Quasi-Static Piping System Inelastic Analysis,
the Subcommittee on Materials (SC-II). The testing of NPP com- ASME Paper 82-PVP-28, ASME, New York, NY, 1982.
ponents is under Subcommittee III and design adequacy comes 14. Dhalla, K. Verification of an Elastic Procedure to Estimate Elastic
under the Subcommittee on Design (SC-D). Follow-up in Design of Elevated-Temperature Piping, PVP, Vol. 86,
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY, June
1984, pp. 81–96.
59.9 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 15. Huddleston, R.L., and Swindeman, R.W., Material and Design Bases
Issues in ASME Code Case N-47, NUREG/CR-5955 ORNL/TM-
This chapter is part of work sponsored by the U. S. Department 12266, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, April 1993.
of Energy via the ASME Standards Technology, LLC (ASME ST-
LLC) for the Generation IV (Gen IV) Reactor Materials Project. 16. Preapplication Safety Evaluation Report for the Power Reactor
Innovative Small Module (PRISM) Liquid-Metal Reactor, Final
Report, NUREG- 1368, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation,
USNRC, Washington D.C., February 1994.
17. Muscara, J., Codes and Standards Needs for New Construction/
1. ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, Division 1— Advanced Reactors, presented at the Coordination Meeting—NRC,
Subsection NH, Class 1 Components in Elevated Temperature Design, DOE, and Standards Development Organizations, Rockville, MD,
2007 ed., The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, February 20, 2002.
NY, July 2004.
18. Muscara, J., Advanced Reactor Research Plan—Materials Analysis,
2. ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Cases, Case N-47, Class 1 presented for the ACRS Future Plant Designs Subcommittee,
Components in Elevated Temperature Service, Section III, Division 1, Rockville, MD, July 8, 2002.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY, 1981.
19. Muscara, J., Interaction on Materials Engineering Research Needs for
3. RDT Standard F9-5T, Guidelines and Procedures for Design of Advanced Reactors between USNRC/RES and ORNL, Oak Ridge,
Nuclear System Components at Elevated Temperature, September TN, November 14, 2003.
20. Shaw, V.N., Majumdar, S., and Natesan, K., Review and Assessment
4. Pugh, C.E., Constitutive Equations for Creep Analysis of LMFBR of Codes and Procedures for HTGR Components, NUREG/CR-6816
Components, in: Zamrik, S.Y. and Jetter, R.I. (Ed.), Advances in (ANL-02/36), Argonne National Laboratory, prepared for the Office
Design for Elevated-Temperature Environment, ASME, New York, of Nuclear Regulatory Research, USNRC, Washington D.C., June
NY, 1975. 2003.
5. Clinard, J.A. and Crowell, J.S. ORNL User’s Manual for CREEP- 21. Natesan, K., Purohit, A., and Tam, S.W., Materials Behavior in HTGR
PLAST Computer Program, ORNL-TM-4062, November 1973. Environments, NUREG/CR-6824 (ANL-02/37), Argonne National
Laboratory, prepared for the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research,
6. Sartory, W.K., PLACRE User’s Manual, ORNL/TM-5626, February
USNRC, Washington D.C., July 2003.
1977, Oak Ridge, TN (available from U.S. DOE Technical
Information Center). 22. Design Features and Technology Uncertainties for the Next
Generation Nuclear Plant, INEEL/EXT-04-01816, Independent
7. Dhalla, A.K. (Ed.), Recommended Practices in Elevated-Temperature
Technology Review Group, Coordinator J.M. Ryskamp, Idaho
Design: A Compendium of Breeder Reactor Experiences (1970–1987),
National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID,
Vol. III—Inelastic Analysis, PVRC, October 1990.
June 30, 2004.
8. Griffin, D.S., Structural Analysis for Elevated-Temperature Design of
23. Rubin, S.D., NGNP Technical Issues Safety Research Needs, Office
the LMFBR, 1976 ASME-ANS International Conference on Advanced
of Nuclear Regulatory Research, USNRC, Washington D.C., June 7,
Nuclear Energy Systems, Pittsburgh, PA, March 1976, pp. 237–249.
9. Clinard, J.A., et al. Comparison of Typical Inelastic Analysis
24. Framework for Development of a Risk-Informed, Performance-Based
Predictions with Benchmark Problem Experimental Results, in:
Alternative to 10 CFR Part 50, NUREG-1860, Working Draft and
Pressure Vessels and Piping—Verification and Qualification of
Appendices, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, USNRC,
Inelastic Analysis Computer Programs, ASME, New York, NY, 1975,
Washington D.C., July 2006.
pp. 79–98.
25. Natesan, K., Majumdar, S., Shankar, P.S., and Shah, V.N., Preliminary
10. Griffin, D.S., Dhalla, A.K., and Woodward, W.S. Validation of
Materials Selection Issues for the Next Generation Nuclear Plant
Inelastic Analysis by Full-Scale Component Testing, Journal of
Reactor Pressure Vessel, ANL/EXT-06-45, September 2006.
Pressure Vessel Technology, Vol. 109, ASME, New York, NY, 1987.
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Reino Virolainen and Kaisa Simola
There are four operating nuclear power plant units in Finland.
The TVO power company has two 840 MWe BWR units sup- 60.2.1 PRA in Nuclear Safety Legislation
plied by Asea-Atom at the Olkiluoto site. The Fortum corpora- In Finland, the structure of the legal pyramid for the regulation
tion (formerly IVO) has two 500 MWe VVER 440/213 units at of the nuclear power plants (NPPs) is comprised of the following
the Loviisa site. Seawater is used as the ultimate heat sink at levels:
both plants. All the units were commissioned between 1977 and
1982. • Nuclear Energy Act
In addition a 1600 MWe European Pressurized Water Reactor • Nuclear Energy Decree
(EPR) supplied by AREVA NP (formerly the Framatome ANP – • Government Decree on nuclear safety requirements
Siemens AG Consortium) is under construction at the Olkiluoto site. • Nuclear regulatory guides
Current international safety requirements and especially French and • Other regulatory requirements to the licensee.
German operating experience have been used in the design. Finnish
requirements and operating experience have also been used, espe- The Nuclear Energy Act deals with the nuclear energy at
cially regarding site-specific features. Severe accident management high, nontechnical level. The Nuclear Energy Decree provides
and protection against collision of a large passenger airplane are the major technical requirements on how to ensure an adequate
implemented in the plant design. safety level of the use of nuclear energy. Accordingly it requires
In Finland, risk-informed applications are formally integrated that the licensee has to submit PSAR/FSAR and PRA in con-
in the regulatory process of NPPs that are already in the early junction with the application for the construction and operating
design phase and these are to run through the construction and licensees. The Government Decision sets forth the basic, high
operation phases through the entire plant service time. level requirements for the use of safety analysis tools like
Living probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) models have been design basis analysis and probabilistic analysis. Finally the
developed for both the Olkiluoto 1/2 and Loviisa 1/2 NPPs. The nuclear regulatory guides set forth the detailed requirements of
PRA studies include level 1 and level 2 models. Level 1 com- specific applications and how these applications have to be
prises the calculation of severe core damage frequency (proba- applied.
bility per year) and level 2 the determination of the size and The general objective of acts and decrees is to provide regula-
frequency of the release of radioactive substances to the envi- tion on the responsibilities and set forth the requirements to fulfill
ronment. At the moment, level 1 studies for full power operation those responsibilities. The nuclear regulatory guides are formally
cover internal events, area events (fires, floods), and external less obligatory than the acts and decrees. Accordingly the licensee
events such as harsh weather conditions and seismic events. can choose an optional solution for the safety requirements set
The shutdown and low power states of level 1 PRA cover inter- forth in the regulatory guides.
nal events, floods, fires, harsh weather conditions, and seismic
events. 60.2.2 Risk-Informed Regulation – General Policy
Special attention is devoted to the use of various risk-informed The essence of the risk-informed regulation and safety man-
PRA applications in the licensing of Olkiluoto 3 project such as agement is that PRA works as an interactive communication plat-
RI-ISI, RI-TechSpecs, RI-IST, and safety classification of SSCs. form between the licensee and STUK. Accordingly a PRA
In this context this chapter makes several references to the ASME model, prepared by the licensee and reviewed by STUK, is used
standards on RI-ISI and the European Network for Inspection and for resolution of safety issues by both parties. For this purpose
Qualification, (ENIQ) and its RI-ISI related activities. the licensees provide STUK with the PRA model in electronic
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520 • Chapter 60

form and regularly maintain and update it. STUK accepts the issues. A prerequisite for the use of a common model is a thor-
models after a thorough review process. ough in-house review of the PRA models by the authority.
In the regulatory process the deterministic and probabilistic The risk-informing of regulatory and risk management activi-
approaches work in parallel. In addition, the deterministic and ties is a step by step process. STUK has promoted the use of PRA
probabilistic approaches interact. First of all, the results of deter- in regulation and safety management of NPPs since 1987 when
ministic assessment provide necessary input for models and data the regulatory guide [5] on the use of PRA was issued. The first
used in PRA. Secondly, PRA provides insights on adequacy of edition of the guide set forth several requirements to the licensees
design requirements and design basis and thirdly, PRA provides on how to use PRA in the safety management of the NPPs. The
assessment on the need to improve the reliability of safety func- 1996 edition of guide YVL 2.8 [3] extended the use of PRA to
tions and plant systems. further applications and the 2003 edition extended its scope [1].
Examples of safety issues for which the PRA insights give an The regulatory guide YVL 2.8 [1] includes general guidelines for
improved basis for decisions are approvals of plant modifications ensuring the quality of PRA. A condensed scheme of the require-
and resolution of testing, in-service inspection, and maintenance ments set forth in the guide YVL 2.8 is given in Table 60.1.
programs. PRA insights are of value in assessing requirements As a preparation for further regulatory requirements in the reg-
based on traditional engineering judgment and do not form an ulatory guide YVL 2.8 (for edition 2003), STUK conducted a
essential part of the defense-in-depth concept. Examples of such pilot study on risk-informed in-service inspection (RI-ISI) in
requirements are details of safety classification and many 1999 [15, 18]. The pilot study included two safety systems both
Technical Specification requirements. from Loviisa (VVER-440) and Olkiluoto (BWR) NPPs. The
In the course of the years, the use of risk information has study discusses the findings obtained during the pilot study on
evolved with experiences accumulated over time, and today the RI-ISI of piping and produced essential insights of the applied
use of PRA is aimed at running through the design, construction method. Furthermore, the study gave guidance to extract items for
and operation phases over the entire service period of a NPP. further development. Based on these results and overall experi-
STUK is in progress of training inspectors to make them under- ence the general suitability of the method for further applications
stand and use the PRA insights while planning the regulatory is evaluated. As a consequence, the revised regulatory guide YVL
inspection programs and conducting the inspections at site. A spe- 2.8 “Probabilistic safety analysis in safety management of nuclear
cial PRA Info system was developed to provide a selected, well power plants” (issued in 2003) [1] set forth a new requirement
organized PRA information package to non-PRA experts. PRA such that RI-ISI applications are mandatory while drawing up the
Info system is aimed to provide the inspectors with qualified PRA ISI programs for piping of operating NPPs and new designs. The
insights to upgrade their risk perception and demonstrate the ASME XI code cases [12, 13, 14] and ENIQ’s development work
importance of most significant accident sequences. on RI-ISI and Risk-Informed Qualification practices [24] formed
a well-established basis for those requirements. Finnish licensees
are running RI-ISI projects for their risk-informing in-service
60.3 PRA IN THE REGULATORY PROCESS inspection programs. RI-ISI approach is also being used in the
context of the ongoing Olkiluoto 3 NPP project.
60.3.1 Development of PRA Requirements for NPPs In the same way as with the RI-ISI pilot application, STUK
In Finland, the regulatory authority (STUK) and licensees have also conducted a pilot study on risk-informed graded quality
introduced PRA as a widely used method in the nuclear safety assurance (Graded QA) [35] in cooperation with the licensees and
regulation and safety management. The possibilities of probabilis- backed up by VTT [36] before STUK set forth such a regulatory
tic methods in nuclear safety management were recognized by the requirement to the licensees in the regulatory guide YVL 2.8
Finnish authorities and licensees in the early 1970s while the (edition 2003).
Loviisa and Olkiluoto NPPs were under construction. STUK for-
mally required the Finnish licensees to perform PRA studies in 60.3.2 PRA in the Licensing Process of New Designs
1984. The first PRA studies were submitted to STUK in 1989. In the Finnish regulatory guides the Living PRA is formally
STUK’s requirement included that the licensee personnel per- integrated in the regulatory process of NPPs (that are) already in
forms the PRA studies as an in-house project. External consul- the early design phase as a part of the licensing documentation; it
tants were to be utilized only in support of methodological issues. is to run throughout the construction and operation phases of the
The goal was a living PRA model, which is easy to use and keep plant service time, as shown in Table 60.2.
constantly up-to-date. The underlying idea of this approach was In Finland, a necessary prerequisite for the construction of a
to make the plant personnel well committed to the efficient use of new NPP unit is that an applicant submits a decision in principle
PRAs. These decisions laid the foundation for the present use of to the Government. The “decision in principle” is to be made by
PRA in risk-informed regulation by the authority (STUK) and in the Government and ratified by the Parliament. The “decision in
risk-informed safety management by the licensees. Risk-informed principle” is a statement by the Government that a nuclear facility
regulation implies an approach in which both the PRA results and is “in line with the overall good of the society”. Two important
the deterministic criteria combined with engineering judgment are prerequisites for making the “decision in principle” are (1) the
considered and they complement each other in the regulatory municipality where the nuclear facility is planned to be located is
decision making. The general aim of the risk-informed methods is in favor of the facility in its statement and (2) no factors indicat-
to use the available resources in the most efficient way to main- ing a lack of sufficient compliance with the safety requirements
tain and increase the nuclear safety. have arisen. The requirement (2) is judged mainly on the basis of
Accordingly, an identical, reviewed PRA model is used for res- a preliminary safety assessment made by STUK.
olution of safety issues both by the licensee and by STUK. The A plant specific, design phase level 1 and level 2 PRA is
use of the identical PRA model gives a common basis for discus- required as a prerequisite for issuing a positive statement for an
sions between the authority and the licensees on risk-related application of the construction license for a new NPP design and
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(SOURCE: refs [1, 8, and 29])

Risk-informed Regulation Risk-informed Safety

(STUK) Management


Utilization of living PRA

Use of PRA for design and construction Plant operation and maintenance Strategic SAM Planning
(PRA level 1) (PRA level 2)

Design and construction Issues Long term issues • Uncertainty issue

• Assurance of adequacy of Design Basis e.g. against • Main risk contributors Quantification Techniques
External Hazards • Recognition of critical
• Compliance with safety objectives
• Compliance with safety objectives sequences and phenomena
• Personnel training
• Safety classification of SSC • Evaluation of significance
• Plant changes and backfitting of critical phenomena and
• Program for Technical Specifications human factor
• Disturbance and emergency operat-
• Program for In-service Testing/Inspection ing procedure improvements • Evaluation of mitigation
• Program for On-Line PM • Analysis of Technical measures
• D&EO Procedures
• In-service Inspection (RI-ISI)
• In-service Testing (RI-IST)
• Maintenance planning
• Graded QA
Short term issues
• Exemption from Technical
• Analysis of Safety Margins during
Precursor studies
• PRA based event analysis (incl.
risk follow-up of licensee events
and precursor studies)

a complete level 1 and level 2 PRA for issuing a positive state- The vendor (AREVA) and the applicant for the license (TVO)
ment for an application of a operating license. The plant-specific submitted the level 1 and level 2 design phase PRA to STUK in
level 1 and level 2 PRA includes internal initiators, fires, flooding, conjunction with the application of the construction license of OL
harsh weather conditions, and seismic events for full power 3 NPP, European pressurized water reactor (EPR) 1600. The
operation mode and for low power and shutdown mode. The regu- development work continues for the construction phase level 1
latory guide YVL 2.8 includes general guidelines for ensuring the and level 2 PRA, which is to be submitted to STUK in conjunc-
quality of PRA. STUK will review the PRA and makes an assess- tion with the application of the operating license.
ment of the acceptability of the design phase and construction
phase PRAs prior to giving a statement about the construction Risk-Informed Applications for a Construction
license and operating license applications, respectively. License For building a new plant unit the applicant for a construc-
Table 60.2 gives an idea of the conceptual licensing process. tion license has to submit level 1 and level 2 design phase PRAs to
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522 • Chapter 60


Decision in Principle on the Construction of a Nuclear Power Plant

Performing of Design phase PRA

Application for a Construction Licence

Submission of level 1 and level 2 design phase PRA to STUK (incl. safety classification of SSCs)
Evaluation of the acceptability of design phase PRA by STUK
(Upgrade of PRA and/or the plant design)

Construction License and construction

Supplementation of design phase PRA (Applications such as RI-ISI, RI-IST, RI-TS, RI-PM, Training,
Procedures, Safety classification of SSC)

Application for an Operating License

Submission of level 1 and level 2 PRA to STUK
Evaluation of the acceptability
(Upgrade of PRA and/or the plant)

Operating Licence
Utilization of PRA during operation (Plant modifications, RI-ISI, RI-IST, RI-TS, RI-PM, Training, Procedures,
Incident, and Event Analysis)

STUK. These analyses have to meet the requirements for PRA license. The purpose of the level 1 and level 2 construction phase
scope, methods, and quality set forth in the regulatory guide. PRAs is to ensure the conclusions made in the design phase PRA
One purpose of a design phase PRA is to ensure that the plant on the plant safety and to set a basis for the risk-informed safety
safety is in compliance with the numerical design objectives. The management during the operation phase of the plant.
following high level design objectives are set forth in the The technical specifications must be reviewed by the aid of PRA
Regulatory Guide [1]: in such a way that the coverage and balance of technical specifica-
tions are ensured. The review must cover all operating states of the
– mean value of a core damage frequency, as estimated from a plant. Especially such failure states, in which the change of operat-
comprehensive Level 1 PSA, is less than 1.0E-5/yr ing state of the plant may result in a greater risk than the repair of
– mean value of a large radioactive release frequency (more the plant during operation, should be reviewed with PRA. The
than 100 TBq Cs-137), as estimated from a comprehensive results of review must be submitted to STUK in conjunction with
level 2 PSA, is less than 5.0E-7/yr. the application for an acceptance of technical specifications.
The results of PRA must be applied in the review of safety
The safety classification document has to be submitted to STUK classification as in the design phase, if extensive changes are
in conjunction with the application for a construction license. The performed in the plant design in the construction phase. Further
safety classification has to be assessed with the help of PRA. The the results of PRA must be applied in outlining programs of
probabilistic review of the safety classification has to be submitted safety significant systems relating to testing and preventive
to STUK in conjunction with the safety classification document. maintenance during operation, and in addressing disturbance
The safety classification document is an integral part of the appli- and emergency operating procedures. Further the insights from
cation for a construction license to be submitted to STUK. PRA must be used in outlining and developing the inspection
In addition, the licensee has to indicate by means of the design programs of piping. Combining the information from PRA and
phase PRA that the foundation of the plant design and the design the damage mechanisms of pipes and the secondary impacts of
requirements used are adequate. This is especially applicable to damages, the inspections are focused in such a way that those
events such as harsh weather or other exceptional environmental are weighted on those pipes whose risk significance is greatest.
conditions and seismic events, the frequencies and consequences Although working up the risk informed inspection program, the
of which may comprise large uncertainties. systems 1,2,3,4 and noncode safety classes must be considered
TVO submitted the OL3 EPR design phase PRA to STUK in comprehensively. Similarly, the extent radiation doses can be
conjunction with the application for the construction license. reduced by focusing on inspections and optimizing inspection
STUK reviewed the design phase PRA and made the assessment periods must be considered.
of the acceptability of the design phase PRA prior to giving a pos- TVO in cooperation with AREVA is in process of conducting
itive statement about the application for the construction licence. the aforementioned PRA applications for the operating license of
OL3 EPR. Risk-Informed Applications for Operating License
The applicant has to submit a level 1 and level 2 construction phase Risk-Informed Applications During Operation
PRA to STUK in conjunction with the application for an operating Plant-specific level-l and level-2 PRA studies are a regulatory
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requirement for the operating nuclear power plants. These studies conclusion that in all faulted states the shutdown of the plant
are being used in the living models, both at the utilities and STUK. would be the safest course of action. If systems used for decay
Plant-specific living PRAs have been completed for all operating heat removal are seriously degraded (CCF), it may be safer to
Finnish plants, including internal initiators, fires, flooding, harsh continue plant operation than to shut down the plant immedi-
weather conditions, seismic events for operation mode, and inter- ately. Hence, the licensees have to reevaluate the relevance of
nal events, fire and flooding for low power mode. allowed outage times (AOT) of the most important front line
Applications for Risk-Informed Safety Management safety systems and to figure out those failure states of the plant
During Operation The licensee has to prepare and regularly when it is safer to continue operation than to shut down the
update the level 1 and level 2 PRA corresponding to the operat- plant immediately.
ing experience. In addition, the PRA model must be always Exemption of Tech Specs If a licensee applies for an exemp-
updated when a substantial change is made in the plant design or tion of Tech Specs the licensee has to submit a risk analysis to
in the procedures or when a new substantial risk factor is found. STUK and indicate that the risk from the exemption is insignifi-
The licensee has to provide the PRA model in a computerized cant. STUK reviews the licensees’ analysis and makes its own
form for the use of regulator. The licensee has to maintain a data- risk assessment using comparisons as needed. The licensees have
base of the reliability of safety related components, initiating applied for an exemption of Tech Specs, typically two or three
events and human errors. STUK reviews the updates of PRA and times a year.
evaluates their acceptability. Condition of Systems, Structures, and Components PRA
Living PRA models have been developed for both the can be used to effectively optimize the test intervals and proce-
Olkiluoto and Loviisa NPPs. The PRA studies include level 1 and dures of those components and systems that contain the major
level 2 models. Level 1 comprises the calculation of severe core risk reduction potential. PRA can also be used for the identifica-
damage frequency (probability per year) and level 2 the determi- tion of potential failures and common cause failures.
nation of the size and frequency of the release of radioactive sub- The testing program of safety significant systems and compo-
stances to the environment. At the moment, level 1 studies for full nents that is set forth in context of technical specifications must
power operation cover internal events, area events (fires, floods), be argued by the aid of risk assessment and the results of analysis
and external events such as harsh weather conditions and seismic have to be submitted to STUK for information. The testing pro-
events. The shutdown and low power states of level 1 PRA cover gram must be regularly evaluated on risk basis during operation
internal events, and area and external events. The Level 2 studies of the plant.
include internal initiating events, flooding and harsh weather con- The online maintenance of safety significant systems and com-
ditions in full power state. ponents is allowed during operation in accordance with the
Plant Changes PRA insights have to be applied to the upgrade restrictions set by the technical specifications. If the preventive
of safety and to the demonstration of needs for plant changes and maintenance is performed during operation, an estimate of risk
to the evaluation of their priority. Accordingly the licensee has to significance of the maintenance must be analyzed and submitted
submit to STUK a probabilistic assessment of the impact of the to STUK.
change on the plant safety in conjunction with the preliminary STUK accepts online preventive maintenance during power
inspection document. A proposal for a safety class has to be sub- operation provided that the deterministic safety criteria are ful-
mitted to STUK in conjunction with the preliminary inspection filled (e.g., single failure criterion) and the risk contribution is
document of a system modification. In conjunction with extensive small. According to the first Olkiluoto PRA study in 1989, the
changes concerning the entire systems, the safety class has to be risk contribution of online preventive maintenance was about 5%
re-evaluated with PRA, as in the design phase. of the total core damage frequency. When the maintenance sched-
PRA has got an important role in the evaluation of needs for ule was optimized with PRA, the risk contribution of online pre-
plants modifications of operating plant units. The licensees have ventive maintenance could be reduced to 1% of the total core
provided STUK with the assessment of safety significance of each damage frequency [8].
proposed modification. The risk assessment has to be submitted to The basis of PRA must be outlined and developed in the
STUK independent of the safety class of the systems to be inspection programs of piping. While drawing up the risk
changed. For example, in the course of past several years the esti- informed inspection program, the systems of classes 1,2,3,4 and
mate of the core damage frequency of the Loviisa plant has noncode must be regarded as a whole. Extent of radiation doses
decreased by a factor of ten, thanks to a number of plant modifi- can be reduced by focusing on inspections and optimizing inspec-
cations conducted. tion periods. Pilot projects on in-service inspections of piping
Technical Specifications The insights of PRA must be applied both in a pressurized water reactor plant (Loviisa) and a boiling
to the assessment of needs for changes in the technical specifica- water reactor plant (Olkiluoto) have been completed by STUK in
tions in conjunction with extensive plant changes, in a way cooperation with the licensees. Risk-informed procedure of
corresponding to the construction phase. In similar manner, the STUK combines both the plant-specific PRA information and the
needs for changes of technical specifications must be evaluated, if traditional insights in support of the system specific detailed in-
new unidentified risk factors are found. Further, the PRA has to service inspection program planning. Finnish licensees have
be used for identifying such situations in which the plant shut shown progress in RI-ISI programs. RI-ISI approach is also used
down may cause higher risk than continuing power operation and in the context of the ongoing EPR project.
fixing the failures. The preliminary inspection document for a Reporting of Operating Events The regulatory guide YVL
plant modification should include a preliminary proposal for the 2.8 [1] does not require the licensee to set up a special program
change of Technical Specifications. for analyzing operational events with PRA techniques. Instead the
Certain inconsistency of AOTs in comparison with the licensee has to provide qualified information of the operational
respective risk impact has been identified between various safety events and submit the information to STUK. STUK performs the
systems. Risk assessment has also questioned the traditional PRA based event analyses itself.
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524 • Chapter 60

In the area of operational events, PRA is a standard tool to – PRA specialists to address the modeling and quantifica-
assess the safety significance of component failures and inci- tion of the analysis and the associated uncertainties
dents. Today risk follow-up studies are a common practice at – HRA expert: EOPs, severe accident management mea-
STUK. Since 1995 STUK has performed systematic risk follow- sures, off-site emergency arrangements (Level 3 PRA)
up studies on the annual basis for each Finnish nuclear power and so on
plant unit. – Fire protection expert and expert in layout issues.
Disturbance and Emergency Operation Procedures In order
to ensure the coverage of disturbance and emergency operating Review process is documented in a review report, the aim of
procedures PRA must be used to determine those situations for which is to provide a concise presentation of major findings and
which the procedures shall be drawn up. Accordingly, should all open issues. Background information and recalculations are
shortages in the coverage appear, the licensees have to write new usually described in separate documents. Results and open issues
Disturbance and Emergency Operation Procedures (DEOP) to are dealt with an official review meeting together with licensee’s
better manage the accident sequences of high risk importance. experts. Once the open issues are discussed in the review meeting,
Personnel Training The results of PRA must be taken into STUK will decide if further actions or reanalyses are required.
account in the planning of personnel training. In the training of The necessary actions are recorded in the final report, which is
control room crew, the most important accident sequences and sent to the licensee as a supplement to an official letter. The offi-
significant operator actions, in terms of risk, have to be at least in cial letter includes the requirements of necessary improvements to
a period of three years used in planning. In the planning of main- the PRA model or to the plant (Fig. 60.1).
tenance crew training, attention needs to be paid to risk significant
measures identified in context of PRA. STUK evaluates the train-
ing programs of the personnel inter alia in context of the inspec- 60.4 EXAMPLES OF RISK-INFORMED
tion program of operation control. APPLICATIONS
60.4.1 Examples of Risk-Informed Applications of
60.3.3 Review Process of PRA Operating Plants
A thorough Regulatory Review is a regulatory requirement for Examples of safety issues, for which the PRA insights give
using Living PRA for decision making in Finland. STUK reviews an improved basis for decisions, are approvals of plant modifi-
the in-house PRAs and makes an assessment of the acceptability cations and resolution of testing, in-service inspection, and
of the PRA. STUK uses its own review guide for internal events maintenance programs. PRA insights are also of value in
PRA reviews that are mainly based on “PRA Review Manual” assessing meaningfulness of requirements that are based on tra-
NUREG/CR 3485 [37]. In addition to the review guide, it is a ditional engineering judgment but do not form an essential part
standard practice to also apply other state-of-the-art guides such of defense-in-depth concept. Examples of such requirements
as IAEA Regulatory review of Level 1 PRA TEC-DOC 1135 are details of safety classification and many Technical
[38], IAEA Regulatory review of Level 2 PSA, TEC-DOC 1229 Specification requirements [2, 4, 6, 7, 8]. As a part of the
[39], Swiss regulatory guidelines for the Regulatory Review of preparation for further regulatory requirements, STUK conduct-
Human Reliability Analysis in PRA [40], in addition to STUK’s ed a pilot study on risk-informed in-service inspection (RI-ISI)
own experience and expertise. in cooperation with the licen-sees in 1998–1999 [15] The pilot
Current practice is to divide the review into two main parts: study included two safety systems both from Loviisa (VVER-
1. General Review (conducted by 1–2 experts) 440) and Olkiluoto (BWR) NPPs. The paper discusses the find-
• assess the scope and adequacy of documentation ings obtained during the pilot study on risk-informed ISI of
• verify if the documentation and quality of PRA is adequate pipes. The study produced essential insights of the applied
for the detailed review method. Furthermore, the study gave guidance to extract items
2. Detailed Review for further development. Based on these results and overall
• set up a review team and identify need for external experts experience the general suitability of the method for further
• set the objectives and details of review depending on pre- applications is evaluated [18, 19]. As a consequence, the
vious reviews and the scope of PRA (revised) current regulatory guide YVL 2.8 “Probabilistic safe-
• describe the scope of review, prioritization of review ty analysis in safety management of nuclear power plants”
issues, and resource allocation in the review plan (issued in 2003) set forth a new requirement such that RI-ISI
• main objective is to assess PRA’s scope, validity, and lim- methods are mandatory while working out the ISI programs
itations both for operating NPPs and new designs. The ASME Section
• The review team should be comprised of an extensive set XI related code cases and ENIQ`s development work on RI-ISI
of experts such as and RI-Qualification practices provided a well established basis
– Systems analyst, familiar with the design of reactor for RI-ISI application. Finnish licensees Fortum and TVO are
safety systems, containment systems, and Level 1 and running RI-ISI projects for their risk informing in-service
Level 2 interface inspection programs. RI-ISI approach is also used in the con-
– Accident analyst (thermal-hydraulic etc.) and expert in text of the ongoing EPR project.
accident progression and plant response to various IEs
– Experts in severe accident phenomena and analyses 60.4.2 Experiences of Loviisa RI-ISI Project
– Structural specialists, for example, performance of the At the VVER-440 Loviisa Unit 1, the existing ISI program for
containment following the loadings imposed by a severe 10 year period from1998 to 2007 is based on rules and guide-
accident and the failure modes that could occur lines given in ASME Code Section XI. The new Finnish regu-
– I&C expert latory guides, however, require that the licensees shall utilize
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Other technical units

review Review
Modifications request
inspections PRA Plant
report Final
Other technical units

PRA Other technical units

application: Analysis
Quick review

STUK Decision
Comments PRA Plant
modifications modification
PRA process

PRA revision PSA-application

Licensee PRA-process, Living PRA: Safety improvements, Plant modifications...


risk-informed methodology while planning ISI- programs for in the PRA model. The existing PRA model was comprehensive
the next period. and detailed enough for this work, because the consequences of
A pilot project for risk-informed in-service inspection method- different kinds of leakages have been studied in the flood and inter-
ology was launched during the spring, 2005. In the pilot project nal event PRA. Accordingly the first screening and selection of the
two systems, one primary and one secondary system were consid- piping segments was made on the basis of the existing PRA, which
ered. A plan for utilizing the risk-informed methodology for covers internal and external events and full, low and nonpower
Loviisa Unit 1 piping was prepared during the summer and states. The flood PRA covers leakages that submerge equipment in
autumn, 2005 and was submitted to the Finnish Nuclear large areas causing an initiating event and also failing safety com-
Regulatory Authority (STUK) for review and approval. STUK ponents that would be needed in case of such an initiating event.
accepted the supplemental plan in July, 2006. The internal event PRA covers small leakages, water, and steam
In the Loviisa RI-ISI project the risk assessment is applied for jets that can cause localized wetting of single electric equipment.
the whole unit, that is, for safety classes 1, 2, 3, 4 as well as for A systematic identification and mapping of flood sources and
nonnuclear safety class classified piping [21]. The risk-informed spreading routes as well as equipment vulnerabilities to external
selection process as described in ASME XI Supplement R, effects have been done in the PRA. As required, secondary effects
Method B was chosen as a basic approach for the new ISI of increase in temperature and humidity have been analyzed in the
program. PRA.
An independent expert panel evaluates all selected systems and Systems and piping segments, which can cause a core damage
reviews the basis of the risk classification in order to guarantee probability larger than 10⫺6 or a large early release probability
that the final RI-ISI program will be planned in a proper way. The larger than 10⫺7 are selected for further studies. The other sys-
panel is also to review the final ISI program. tems and piping have only minor effect on the core damage risk
and are screened out. The ratio between these probabilities was Consequence Categorization System risk assess- selected to be 10 because such a ratio has been used in other safe-
ments are based on the Loviisa full scope level 1 and level 2 PRA ty related decisions made at the plant.
models and the failure consequences (side effects from pipe fail- The consequence assessment is based on the Conditional Core
ures) to other systems are considered as they are taken into account Damage Probability (CCDP) and Conditional Large Early Release
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526 • Chapter 60

Probability (CLERP) received from the Loviisa full scope level 1 approach will bring several new features compared to the existing
and level 2 PRA. The failure assessment is performed on a qualita- ISI program. New aspects can be seen in the scope of new program:
tive basis by a group of company experts familiar with Loviisa
NPP associated materials integrity and in-service activities. Pipe – Many totally new systems and new portions of the systems of
seg-ments that exceed the screening level are divided into three the existing program are included.
categories on the basis of their CCDP or CLERP values: – Small diameter instrumentation piping of the primary systems
to be inspected (new methods and techniques to be devel-
low: 1.0E-6  CCDP  1.0E-5, oped).
medium: 1.0E-5  CCDP  1.0E-4 and – Consequence differences of parallel redundant safety system
high: CCDP  1.0E-4. and system portions can often be discovered (mostly due to
fire and flood).
The high limit value was selected to be the same as in the The new Risk-Informed ISI program will include a wide range
ASME Section XI Supplement R. The CLERP limits are one of different inspection objects with different degradation mecha-
order of magnitude lower than the CCDP limits. nisms and inspection targets. This will be managed by separate
and different programs (such as earlier at the site with ASME, Failure Potential Categorization As given in the piping condition monitoring, and site walk down program):
method B of the ASME Section XI Supplement R the failure
potential categorization is performed on the qualitative basis. On – The systems with postulated cracking failures will be includ-
the contrary, there were long operation histories from both Loviisa ed into Risk-Informed ISI program. Inspection system (pro-
units, experiences with failures from own plant and other VVER- cedure, personnel, equipment) shall be qualified according to
plants and experience with similar work during many years relat- regulatory guide YVL 3.8 [28]. Inspection Company and
ed to PLIM (Plant Life Management). NDE examiners shall have the acceptance of Finnish
For determination of the potential failure mechanisms the sys- Regulator. Ultrasonic examiners and data analysts will be
tems of the plant were divided into three parts: qualified using blind test pieces with cracks in addition to
level 2 qualification of EN 473.
(1) structures and components in contact with primary coolant – The systems with erosion corrosion, corrosion and outside
(2) secondary circuit systems surface failures will be included in the piping condition mon-
(3) seawater cooled systems. itoring program. Inspection Company shall have EN accredi-
tation and NDE examiners shall be qualified to level 2 of EN
Potential failure mechanisms for the Austenitic Stainless Steel 473.
piping in contact with primary water are Fatigue and Stress – The systems with possible impact of outside failures and leak-
Corrosion Cracking (SCC). ages (typically small size piping) will be included in the walk
Potential failure mechanisms for the piping in contact with sec- down program of the power plant with typical VT-2 and VT-
ondary water is Fatigue in case of Austenitic Stainless Steel and 3 visual examination.
Erosion Corrosion in case of CS and LA Steel piping.
In the seawater systems failure mechanisms vary depending on As a practical example of the comparison between old ISI and
piping materials and coatings applied. Thermal fatigue and new RI-ISI risk categorization is the main coolant piping. The
mechanical fatigue including vibrations are also considered. main coolant piping with six loops is totally included in the old
Other possible cyclic loadings are evaluated on a case by case program with pipe size rules of ASME Section XI (full scope
basis. If the validity of the LBB concept is justified the reliability instead of 25% requirement). Piping blocks are made of stabilized
of existing leak detection system is considered. austenitic stainless steel. The total amount of objects of main
The most important secondary systems at Unit 1 have been coolant piping (DN500) (a) in the existing ISI program and (b) in
modeled on the computer software predicting wall thinning of the the new RI-ISI program, with selected scope and different risk
piping. Predicted wall thinning is used as a failure classification categories (RC) are as follows:
criterion for the systems modeled. Parameters affecting erosion
corrosion like pH, temperature, geometry, and material are used – (a) 12 circular butt welds to RPV in the existing ISI program
as classification criteria for those systems, which are not modeled. and (b) 3 butt welds (RC2 - thermal transients, mechanical
SCC is considered to be a potential failure mechanism only in fatigue) in the new RI-ISI program.
case of leakage or wetting of the outside surface of the piping. – (a) 86 circular butt welds and (b) 9 circular butt welds (RC4–
thermal transients, mechanical fatigue). Risk Categorization and the New RI-ISI Program – (a) 24 longitudinal welds of elbow and (b) 6 longitudinal
for the Main Coolant Piping After risk categorization of the seg- welds (RC2– thermal transients, mechanical fatigue).
mented systems, an internal RI-ISI Review Team consisting of – (a) 34 nozzle welds and (b) 10 nozzle welds (RC2– thermal
PRA, materials integrity, ISI and process experts reviews results of fatigue).
risk categorization before presenting them to the Advisory Panel. – (a) 55 small size pressure measurement piping and (b) 7 lines
Results of the risk categorization are saved on the excel files con- (RC4– vibration, damages caused during outage).
taining the sheets of consequence and risk categorization, includ- – (a) 48 small size temperature measurement nozzles and (b) 8
ing failure potential categorization nozzles (RC4– crevice corrosion). Comparison of the New Risk-informed ISI Program The reduction of inspection scope can be seen especially in the
for Piping with the Existing Program The new Risk-Informed amount of circular butt welds of the coolant piping to be inspected.
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Small size temperature measurement nozzles and pressure mea- Systematic physical separation has been applied in the EPR
surement piping are the new objects in the program. design. Each of the four trains of the safety systems is located in a
Selection of structural elements for inspection for the new separate safeguards building. Olkiluoto 3will be protected against
Risk-Informed ISI program will be completed by the end of 2007. a collision of a large passenger jet and a fighter plane. The reactor
The selection of inspection areas of the main coolant piping building, fuel building, and two out of four safety system build-
(DN500) has been carried out so far. New potential failure areas ings are protected by thick double concrete walls. The other two
confirmed by online measurements will be considered and added safety system buildings and some support system buildings are
into program if necessary. Risk-informed approach is one of tools protected by distance separation.
to reduce the risk of through inspections.
60.5.2 Risk-Informing Construction and Operating
In Finland, PRA is formally integrated in the regulatory
process of NPPs already in the early design phase and it is to run
RISK-INFORMED LICENCING through the construction and operation phases through the entire
60.5.1 EPR Safety Features plant service time. A plant specific, design phase level 1 and
Olkiluoto 3 NPP is the first unit to be built according to the level 2 PRA is required as a prerequisite for issuing the construc-
French-German EPR concept. The planned thermal power is 4300 tion license and a complete level 1 and level 2 PRA for issuing
MW and net electric power output is approximately 1600 MW. the operating license. The plant specific level 1 and level 2 PRA
Olkiluoto 3 has been designed to comply with the current interna- includes internal initiators, fires, flooding, harsh weather condi-
tional safety principles, the Finnish regulatory requirements and tions, and seismic events for full power operation mode and for
the European utility requirements, including a management strategy low power and shutdown mode. In each licensing phase, PRA
for core melt accidents [20]. has to be used to demonstrate that the following probabilistic
The EPR design is based on experience from French and German design objectives will be met:
PWRs, especially the N4 and Konvoi designs. Systematic use of the
well-known design principles of redundancy, diversity, and separa- – mean value of the core damage frequency is less than
tion is an essential factor to meet the safety goals. Probabilistic 1.0E-5/yr
insights have been used to support the design of safety systems and – mean value of a large radioactive release frequency (more
to improve the provisions against internal and external hazards. than 100 TBq Cs-137) is less than 5.0E-7/yr.
The safety systems design is based mainly on four redundant
subsystems with 100% nominal capacity. Regarding emergency The design has to be improved in case these objectives are not
cooling systems the use of four redundancies is compatible with met. The role of PRA in the licensing of NPPs in Finland is pre-
the N2 design criterion. Design criterion N2 implies that one sented in Table 60.2.
redundancy may be in maintenance and another out of order and
still two operative redundancies left provide adequate system 60.5.3 Design Phase PRA
function. To minimize the effect of common cause failures, diver- The plant supplier conducted a design phase PRA for OL3. The
sity is used for both the most important safety systems and the level 1 analyses for full power operation covered internal events,
safety functions. Some examples of functional diversity are given fires, floods, and external events. However, there were some short-
below in Table 60.3. ages in the scope of the analysis. For example, seismic risks were


Safety-grade Systems Diverse System Functions

Emergency feedwater Primary side  Feed with medium

system bleed via head safety
 secondary relief pressurizer injection system
safety valves

Emergency core cooling Fast  Accumulator  Low head

with the medium head depressurization injection safety
safety Injection system via secondary system injection
side system

Emergency diesel SBO diesels On-site gas

generators turbines
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528 • Chapter 60

not included in the design phase PRA. In addition, low power and detailed design information was not yet available. However, the
shutdown states risk analysis and level 2 PRA covered only inter- plant supplier presented an assessment claiming that it will be
nal events. Therefore, the plant supplier was required to provide possible to demonstrate that the plant unit meets probabilistic
credible qualitative justification that the risks associated with the design objectives with adequate safety margin for earthquake
missing parts will not increase significantly the total results. PRA risks, provided the plant unit is implemented according to the
and a qualitative justification together demonstrated that safety principles of earthquake design stated in the Preliminary Safety
objectives will be met. Analysis Report.
The frequency of occurrence of the design response spectrum is PRA Review Findings Although the design phase 1.0E-5/yr and the quantitative requirements are less than 1.0E-
PRA was in progress the detailed design of SSCs was still incom- 5/yr for core damage frequency, and 5.0E-7/yr for a large release.
plete. Hence the comprehensive analyses concerning system Therefore, a detailed seismic risk analysis with fragility curves is
dependencies and common cause failures for all systems, particu- required to demonstrate that the quantitative risk targets will be
larly electrical and I & C systems were lacking. There were also reached.
deficiencies in the coverage of plant-specific initiating events, Level 2 PRA analyzed the physical progression of sequences
which are natural at the design stage when detailed information of leading to severe reactor accident and the timing of release in acci-
structures, systems, and components is lacking. dents that threaten the structural integrity of the containment or its
The risk from fire and flood was assessed in the design phase functional tightness, or in which a release from the primary circuit
analysis. The analysis demonstrated that the contribution of fires occurs through systems located outside the containment building
and floods to the total core damage frequency is small and that (containment bypass). The results of level 2 PRA indicated that the
there are no remarkable design flaws left in the plant design that frequency of exceeding the release limit for a severe accident is
would dominate the risk. While performing the design phase smaller than 5E-7/yr, which is set forth as a safety objective in the
PRA, not all design details were known that means that expert regulatory Guide.
judgment and conservative assumptions were used. Detailed fire
and flood risk analysis is to be made in the construction stage of Some Examples of Plant Design Changes Several
OL3 when the design is finalized. modifications to the original EPR design were made during the
The design phase PRA has been used to ensure the adequacy licensing process based on the Finnish regulatory requirements
of the plant design basis and adequacy of the design require- and local conditions, and as a result of the regulatory review of
ments related to external events (weather phenomena etc.). The construction license documentation (PRA and PSAR). Many safety
OL3 PRA includes a screening analysis of external phenomena significant design modifications were based on PRA insights. The
covering weather phenomena (wind, temperature, lightning, design modifications required were mostly related to the improve-
rain) and seawater-related phenomena, such as variations in sea- ment of the reliability of safety significant systems by adding
water level, temperature of seawater, and blockage-causing phe- diversity, redundancy, or separation.
nomena (algae, mussels, frazil ice, oil spills). The analysis of Regarding the separation requirements of the electrical sys-
external events also covers risks connected with industrial activ- tems, safety classified electrical cables were to be physically sep-
ities, transport, and other normal human activities in the vicinity arated from the nonsafety cables. Separations of electric supply of
of the plant site, but not activities deliberately aimed at damag- the design basis accident (DBA systems from systems dedicated
ing the plant. to severe accidents were improved. In addition, a gas turbine plant
To withstand a blockage of the essential service water system to be built on site will provide independent AC power to all units.
(loss of ultimate heat sink) and a loss of residual heat removal and Some modifications were required due to Finnish weather phe-
component cooling functions some precautions have been made. nomena. For example, the air intakes of the emergency diesel
These include a design of cleaning systems and return of warm generator and the cooling systems had to be protected against
main cooling water to the intake to avoid frazil ice. The plant snow blocking and external fire. In addition alternative air intake
design is to withstand a total loss of ultimate heat sink for 72 h. for station blackout (SBO diesels (diverse diesel generators for
Since the emergency diesel generators are air cooled, the loss of two safety trains) has to be designed. Further seawater intake
seawater systems does not endanger emergency AC power supply. coarse bar screens have to be protected with electrical heating
Two safety trains of the emergency feedwater system and emer- against frazil ice blocking.
gency core cooling systems are also equipped with air cooled For reducing fire risks, cables of different redundancies will be
chillers to ensure cooling during a loss of seawater cooling. separated by fire barriers in all safety critical locations and verti-
Snowstorm has the potential to cause simultaneously a loss of off- cal and horizontal additional fire walls have to be constructed in
site power and blockage of diesel generator cooling and/or com- the annulus area of the containment to separate redundancies from
bustion air intakes. The prevention of a blockage of air intakes each other.
with snow has been taken into account while redesigning the In the containment separation by distance, structures and insu-
diesel generator systems. lation are improved and Main Coolant Pump (MCP) design
Seismic activity in Finland is quite low. During the construc- changes are implemented to limit oil leak volume. Cable spread-
tion of the operating Finnish NPP units there were no specific reg- ing space below the main control room (MCR) is to be equipped
ulatory requirements on seismic design. Later, however, seismic with a fire extinguishing system (manual from the MCR).
PRA revealed significant seismic risks due to inadequate supports The flooding risk is reduced by preventing flood spreading in
of electric cabinets and batteries, so that some improvements had safety buildings and from service water pumping station between
to be implemented. redundant rooms. Watertight walls and doors between trains,
No quantitative seismic risk analysis was submitted in connec- drainage, leak detection sensors, and pump trip and isolation sig-
tion with the OL3 construction licence application as sufficiently nals are supposed to reduce the additional flooding risk.
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The capacity of filtered venting system will be increased in on inspections and optimizing inspection periods must be
order to provide more diversity to decay heat removal in case of considered.
accident situations. Acceptable RI-ISI methods are described in a standard, ASME
Some changes were made for the safety classification of com- Code, Section XI Nonmandatory Appendix R [34]. Acceptable
ponents and systems based on PRA insights. The component application guidelines are given in a European Union report,
cooling water system and essential seawater system safety classi- ENIQ Report nr23. European Framework Document for Risk-
fication were upgraded from SC3 to SC2 and reactor coolant informed In-service Inspection [24].
pump trip breakers from SC4 to SC2. The safety classification While drawing up the risk-informed in-service inspection pro-
document was reviewed previously in conjunction with the appli- gram, the results must be evaluated by an expert panel. In addition
cation for a construction licence. However if substantial design to power operation, low power and shutdown states and the trans-
modifications are performed, the safety classification has to be fers between them shall be considered in the RI-ISI approach.
assessed with PRA also in the construction phase. While determining the degradation class the fatigue, stress corro-
sion and erosion corrosion must be regarded as degradation mech-
60.5.4 Risk-Informed Applications for Operating anisms. Water hammer and other exceptional loading situations
Licence must also be regarded (ASME Section XI, “Non-mandatory
Several PRA applications are required in Regulatory Guides in Appendix R, Risk-informed Inspection Requirements for Piping,
conjunction with the application for a construction and operating Table R-S2-1, and Degradation Mechanisms”). If application of
licenses. The insights of PRA must be applied in drawing up a LBB criterion is claimed, existence of a leak detection system is
program for Technical Specifications. The testing program of required.
safety significant systems and components, which is set forth in If computer programs of structural reliability are used for esti-
the context of technical specifications, shall be argued with the mating the failure probability of piping [structural reliability
aid of PRA. Accordingly, PRA has to be used to effectively opti- model (SRM)codes, ENIQ RP9, EUR 22228 EN], the results
mize the test intervals and procedures of components and sys- must be evaluated by expert judgment methods. The incomplete-
tems that contain the major risk reduction potential. The rele- ness and possible unanticipated and unknown degradation mech-
vance of AOT of safety systems has to be evaluated with PRA as anisms associated with RI-ISI methods must be taken into
well. For example, if systems used for decay heat removal are account in the uncertainty analysis. Uncertainty analyses must be
degraded, it may be safer to continue operation than to shut down used in context of expert judgments and SRM codes. Screening
the plant immediately. Accordingly, the PRA has to be used for of very small failure frequencies is unacceptable if the conse-
identifying such situations in which the plant shut down may quences of failures are severe. Such situations must be regarded
cause higher risk than that of continuing power operation and fix- on a case-by-case basis. In such cases the uncertainty analyses
ing the failures. are of importance.
The insights of PRA must be applied in drawing up a program The qualification of nondestructive testing (NDT) methods
for the online preventive maintenance. Accordingly, if the aimed at ensuring the integrity (levels of qualification) must be
licensee wants to perform preventive maintenance work during evaluated by risk-informed methods and the uncertainty associat-
operation, an acceptable estimate of risk significance of preven- ed with the NDT inspections must be taken into account as well.
tive maintenance must be completed. While drawing up a risk-informed in-service inspection pro-
In order to ensure the coverage of disturbance and emergency gram for new designs without earlier inspection program, the risk
operating procedures PRA must be used to determine those resulted from pipe failures must be used as the basis for the selec-
situations for which the procedures shall be drawn up.Accordingly, tion of structural elements for inspection. Preservice inspections
should shortages in the coverage appear, the licensees have to write (PSI) must be utilized while drawing up the risk-informed in-
new Emergency Operation Procedures (EOP) to provide guidance service inspection program.
for operators to better manage certain accident sequences that the While outlining (drawing up) the risk-informed in-service
PRA indicated to be of high importance to risk. inspection program, the traceability of selection of the struc-
The results of PRA must be taken into account in the planning tural elements for inspection must be ensured with a detailed
of personnel training. The most important accident sequences and documentation.
significant operator actions in terms of risk have to be trained at
least in a three year period. In the planning of training of mainte-
nance crew, attention needs to be paid to risk significant measures 60.6 EUROPEAN ORIENTATION TO RISK-
that are identified in context of PRA. INFORMED INSPECTIONS- ENIQ
The applicant has submitted to STUK their risk-informed plan-
ning methods on the programs of the Technical Specifications, The Finnish regulatory guides setting requirements for risk-
RI-IST, online Preventive Maintenance, RI-ISI and is drawing up informed inspections (YVL 2.8 and YVL 3.8) make several refer-
corresponding risk-informed programs. ences to the work of the ENIQ. This section describes in more
The insights of PRA must be used in outlining and developing detail the ENIQ and especially its RI-ISI related activities.
the inspection programs of piping (RI-ISI). While drawing up
the risk informed inspection program, the systems of classes 60.6.1 European Network for Inspection and
1,2,3,4 and nonnuclear must be regarded as a whole. Combining Qualification
the information from PRA and the damage mechanisms of pipes The European Network for Inspection and Qualification is a
and the secondary impacts of damages, the inspections are network driven by European nuclear utilities and managed by the
focused on those pipes whose risk significance is greatest. European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) of Petten.
Similarly, the extent radiation doses can be reduced by focusing ENIQ was set up in 1992, as the importance of the issue of
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qualification of NDE inspection systems (procedures, equipment, principles that a body carrying out RI-ISI should follow. The
and personnel) used in ISI programs for NPPs was identified. decision on whether a risk-informed approach should or should
ENIQ was meant to be a network in which the available resources not be applied to devising an inspection strategy is a matter for
and expertise could be pooled at European level. The parties agreement between the parties involved.
involved in ENIQ also recognized that harmonization in the field The document was developed specifically for RI-ISI planning in
of codes and standards for inspection qualification would repre- the nuclear industry, but the general principles can be adapted to
sent important advantages for all, with the ultimate goal of other industrial fields as well. Although the main application area is
increasing the safety of European NPPs. ENIQ has a Steering envisaged to be piping systems, RI-ISI application to the reactor
Committee (SC) with one voting member for each European pressure vessel (RPV) and internals are not excluded. However, in
Union member country with nuclear plants, and for Switzerland. the case of the reactor pressure vessel and internals, the use of PRA
A significant milestone was reached with the publication in 1995 in consequence analysis is somewhat different from the applica-
of the first issue of the European Methodology for Qualification of tions related to other passive components and piping systems.
non-destructive tests. The European Qualification Methodology The document identifies the key principles that any RI-ISI
Document (EQMD) [22] contains guidelines for the qualification of approach needs to meet, regardless of the level of quantification in
NDT. Qualification as defined in that document is a combination of the assessment of failure probabilities and consequences.
technical justification, which involves assembling all supporting However, purely qualitative methods that do not use the PRA in
evidence for NDT system’s capability (results of capability evalua- order to define the consequences, or any form of structural assess-
tion exercises, feedback from site experience, applicable and vali- ment to determine the probability of failure, are not considered in
dated theoretical models, physical reasoning), and test piece trials the document. The document is intended to be flexible so that dif-
using deliberately defective test pieces. ENIQ has also produced a ferent countries can use it to develop RI-ISI programs that are
series of Recommended Practices, that is, documents supporting consistent throughout Europe but that also meet their different
the high level EQMD with more specific guidance. national legal, regulatory, and technical requirements.
The following key elements constituting the process of risk-
60.6.2 ENIQ Task Group Risk informed inspection planning are identified in the Framework
In 1996, ENIQ recognized the importance of addressing at Document:
European level the issue of optimizing inspection strategies on the
basis of risk. For this reason, ENIQ set up a subgroup (originally 1. assurance of the long-term commitment of senior manage-
called Task Group 4, or TG4) in order to homogenize the different ment to the risk-informed methodology;
activities on RI-ISI for nuclear reactor safety and to develop a 2. formation of the RI-ISI assessment team;
harmonized European approach to RI-ISI. In 1999, the ENIQ 3. definition of the scope of the equipment/structures to be
TG4 produced a discussion document [23] that represented a first considered in the application;
attempt at defining a European framework on RI-ISI. 4. collection and analysis of the information required to carry
At the end of 2001, ENIQ members emphasized the need to out the risk assessment;
strengthen the risk-related activities and to promote the full inte- 5. definition of the level of the evaluation;
gration of RI-ISI into ENIQ. In connection with the reorganization 6. assessment of the probability of failure for all the compo-
of ENIQ working groups, TG4 became the Task Group on Risk nents included in the scope of the application;
(TGR). At the kickoff meeting of TGR, it was decided that the task 7. assessment of the consequences of failure for all the com-
group would aim at establishing a common European framework ponents included in the scope of the application;
on RI-ISI. Currently, TGR has about 20 members representing 8. ranking the risk associated with all the components;
European nuclear utilities, research organizations, and consultants. 9. carrying out sensitivity studies to determine the impact of
As a result of the work of the TGR, the European Framework changes in key assumptions or data;
Document for Risk Informed In-Service Inspection [24] was pub- 10. choice of the components to be inspected according to cho-
lished in 2005. It is intended to serve as guidelines for both devel- sen criteria;
oping own RI-ISI approaches and using or adapting already estab- 11. assessment of implication on inspection qualification;
lished approaches to European environment taking into account 12. feedback of the information obtained after completing the
utility-specific characteristics and national regulatory requirements. inspection.
Since the publication of the Framework Document, the TGR has The European Framework Document for RI-ISI can be down-
been working on drafting more detailed documents on several spe- loaded from the ENIQ website.
cific issues related to risk-informed in-service inspections.
The activities of TGR have been complementary to the Task
Force of RI-ISI set up by Nuclear Regulators Working Group 60.6.4 ENIQ documents supporting the RI-ISI
(NRWG). The NRWG is an advisory expert group to the European framework document
Commission and is made up of representatives from nuclear safety As in the case of the European Methodology for Qualification of
authorities and technical support organizations from EU member Nondestructive Tests document, the RI-ISI Framework Document
and candidate countries, with Switzerland participating as observ- is to be supported with more specific guidance and discussion
er. In 2004 the NRWG published a document summarizing the documents.
common views of the European Regulators on RI-ISI [25]. Currently the documents published by ENIQ are categorized in
three document types:
60.6.3 European framework document for RI-ISI Type 1 – Consensus Document A consensus document con-
The European Framework Document [24] provides guidelines tains harmonized principles, methodologies, approaches and pro-
about the definition of a risk-informed in-service inspection cedures, and stresses the degree of harmonization on the subject
program. The scope of the document is limited to setting out the among ENIQ members.
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Type 2 – Position/Discussion Document A position/discussion on expert panels in RI-ISI is under final review, and it will be pub-
document may contain compilations of ideas, expressions of opin- lished in 2008 as a Type 1 consensus document. The document is
ion, reviews of practices, or conclusions and recommendations meant to assist a user involved in a RI-ISI application on how to
from technical projects. form, prepare, and facilitate an expert panel as a part of a RI-ISI
Type 3 – Technical Report A technical report is a document process. The main objectives of the document are to give guid-
containing results of investigations, compilations of data, reviews, ance on:
and procedures without expressing any specific opinion or valua-
tion on behalf of ENIQ. – Responsibilities of the expert panel.
In the following subsections two published documents and one – Composition of the expert panel.
in finalization phase are described. In addition, a discussion docu- – Planning and preparation of the expert panel.
ment on the application of risk-informed in-service inspection – Conduit of the expert panel.
methodology on the RPV is under preparation. – Documentation of the expert panel. ENIQ Recommended Practice 9: Verification and It is important to recognize that an expert panel can have a dif-
Validation of Structural Reliability Models and Associated ferent role and composition, depending on the organization and
Software to be Used in Risk-informed in-Service Inspection resources of the RI-ISI project. An expert panel can be an inde-
Programs The recommended practice on verification and vali- pendent review body, as described in the Framework Document
dation of structural reliability models and associated software to [24] in relation to the possible management structure, which so
be used in RI-ISI programs [26] is a Type 1 consensus document. far largely consists of members external to the RI-ISI project. On
Structural reliability models and associated software are essential the contrary, an expert panel can also be formed for an internal
tools in the evaluation of failure probabilities for components in review of the failure probability and consequence analyses, with-
nuclear power plants, and thus it is essential to verify and vali- out large external involvement. In such a case, it is a forum to
date any SRMs used in the evaluation of failure probabilities. ensure a systematic review of the analyses and a balanced utiliza-
The document lists following criteria that the SRM software tion of information and expertise from several disciplines in the
should meet: decision-making process.
Although the guidance offered in the document is mainly tar-
1. The basic programming can be shown to have suitable qual-
geted to an expert panel aimed at reviewing the risk ranking, a
ity assurance documentation.
similar approach can be adopted to form and conduct a panel
2. The scope, analytical assumptions and limitations of the
aimed at making the final selection of structural elements for
modeling capability are well defined.
inspection. Further, an expert panel can be used for reviewing and
3. The analytical assumptions in (2), above are well grounded
approving periodic reassessments and for assessing the impact of
and based on theory that is accepted as representative of the
PRA updates on the RI-ISI program.
situations considered by the given SRM.
4. The model is capable of reproducing the data on which its
60.6.5 Other Activities Within ENIQ TGR
analytical assumptions are based and examples are provided
that demonstrate its general agreement with available exper- RISMET RI-ISI Benchmark In 2005, a project for
imental data.
benchmarking RI-ISI methodologies was initiated by ENIQ TGR
5. Attempts have been made to show how the model compares
together with the European Commission Joint Research Centre
with the world or field data, accepting the inherent limita-
and OECD/NEA. This RISMET project is coordinated jointly by
tions of this data.
JRC and OECD/NEA, and has more than 20 participating organi-
6. The model has been benchmarked against other SRMs within
zations from Europe, United States, Canada, and Japan. More than
the same field or scope with differences adequately explained.
half of the participants are also members of the TGR.
The overall objective of the project is to apply various RI-ISI ENIQ TGR Discussion Document on the Role of methodologies to the same case, namely, four selected piping sys-
In-service Inspection Within the Philosophy of Defense in tems in one nuclear power plant. The analyzed systems are the
Depth The discussion document on the role of ISI within the phi- Reactor Coolant System, the Residual Heat Removal System, the
losophy of defense-in-depth [27] is a Type 2 position/discussion Main Steam System, and the Condensate System. These have
document. The document is intended as a basis for discussion on been selected so that they represent a good variety in safety
how to apply defense-in-depth concepts within a RI-ISI framework. classes, failure mechanisms, and consequences of pipe breaks.
The report discusses the role of the RI-ISI program (and related The comparative study aims at identifying the impact of the dif-
activities) within the entire reactor safety program, with a special ferences in methodologies on the final results, that is, the defini-
focus on the defense-in-depth philosophy for reactor safety. The tion of the risk-informed inspection program. Further, the selec-
report deals with such issues as: tion of structural elements for inspection based on deterministic
criteria is compared to the risk-informed approaches. The results
• role of ISI within the defense-in-depth concept; of the RISMET project will be published in 2008. The results of
• tools and the processes used to determine pipe break the benchmark will be used to identify possible future activities
frequencies; within ENIQ TGR and need for further guidance in the form of
• perspective on pipe break frequency’s contribution to core ENIQ documents.
damage frequency. Link Between RI-ISI and Inspection Qualification ENIQ Recommended Practice on Guidance on The link between inspection qualification that complies with the
Expert Panels in RI-ISI The recommended practice on guidance European Qualification Methodology [22] and a RI-ISI program
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has been identified by the TGR as an issue needing further programs and conducting the inspections at site. A special PRA
research efforts. In 2006, a separate project on this topic was initi- Info system has been developed in order to use the insights of PRA
ated with the funding from several European nuclear utilities. for training the inspectors, to upgrade their risk perception, and to
The project investigates and demonstrates approaches to pro- demonstrate the importance of most significant accident sequences.
vide some objective measure of confidence that comes from
inspection qualification that allows risk reduction associated with
a qualified inspection. 60.8 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
The objectives of the project are to:
Consideration of severe accidents beyond the traditional design
1. investigate approaches for quantifying the confidence associ- basis, including full core meltdown accidents, has become an
ated with inspection qualification; important ingredient of regulatory process in Finland. The regula-
2. produce guidelines on how to relate inspection qualification tory authority (STUK) and licensees have introduced PRA as a
results, risk reduction, and inspection intervals; widely used method in the nuclear safety regulation and safety
3. apply the guidelines in practice via a pilot study, and modify management. The possibilities of probabilistic methods in nuclear
them as required based on the experiences from the pilot safety management were recognized by the Finnish authorities and
study; and licensees in the early 1970s while the Loviisa and Olkiluoto NPPs
4. provide a forum for focused discussion and agreement on the were under construction. In 1984, STUK formally required the
approaches and guidelines Finnish licensees to perform PRA studies. STUK’s requirement
The work will be completed in 2008, and the guidelines should included that the licensee personnel perform the PRA studies as an
be published as an ENIQ document. in-house project. The goal was a living PRA model, which is easy
to use and keep constantly up-to-date. The underlying idea of this
approach was to make the plant personnel well committed to the
60.7 EXTENSION OF RISK-INFORMED efficient use of PRAs. These decisions laid the foundation for the
ACTIVITIES present use of PRA in risk-informed regulation by the authority
(STUK) and in risk-informed safety management by the licensees.
60.7.1 Analysis of Oil Spills Risk-informed regulation is interpreted as an approach where both
The number of marine oil transportation has been rapidly the PRA results and the deterministic criteria combined with engi-
increasing from Russia to Europe. An oil tanker accident in the neering judgment are considered and they complement each other
Finnish Gulf may threaten the safety of Finnish NPPs given that big in regulatory decision-making. The general aim of the risk-
amount of oil is drifting from the transportation route to the coast of informed methods is to use the available resources in the most effi-
Finland. The oil spills from tanker accidents can range from thou- cient way to maintain and increase the nuclear safety.
sands to hundred thousand tons of oil. The large amount of oil get- Living PRA models have been developed for both the
ting into the inlet channel of service water system may seriously Olkiluoto and Loviisa NPPs. The PRA studies include level 1 and
increase the accident rate of the plant [31]. The oil spills contribute level 2 models. Level 1 comprises the calculation of severe core
to the risk mostly during the annual refueling period when the damage frequency (probability per year) and level 2 the determi-
residual heat removal is entirely based on the function of service nation of the size and frequency of the release of radioactive sub-
water system. During the power operation the risk from oil spills is stances to the environment. At the moment, level 1 studies for full
pretty small due to different means to remove the residual heat. power operation cover internal events, area events (fires, floods),
Further research in the behavior and drifting of oil in the sea- and external events such as harsh weather conditions and seismic
water useful in order to ensure the frequency of initiating event in events. The shutdown and low power states of level 1 PRA cover
PRA is reduced. internal events, floods, fires (being studied for Loviisa NPP),
harsh weather conditions, oil, and seismic events. The LO level 2
60.7.2 Probabilistic Fire Simulation studies include internal events, flooding, and weather in full
A new probabilistic fire simulation method (PFS-TMMC com- power state and are being extended to cover fires as well as low
puter code) has been developed in the SAFIR nuclear safety power and shutdown states. The OL level 2 study includes the
research programme 2003–2006 [32]. This method is capable of same initiators as level 1 PRA.
computing the probability of damage of a component with a pilot The guidelines for applying Living PRA and its applications
fire in the proximity of the target component. The method analyses are set forth in the Regulatory Guide YVL 2.8 issued by STUK in
the growth of pilot fire and the possible spreading of it to the target 1987 and renewed in 1997 and 2003 . Living PRA is formally
component and the probability that the target component will be integrated in the regulatory process of NPPs, which are already in
damaged in a given time period. The fire alarm, actions of fire the early design phase and it is to run through the construction
brigade and operation of possible extinguishing systems are inte- and operation phases through the entire plant service time. The
grated in the method as random variables. Pilot application of the life cycle model of PRA depicted in the Guide YVL 2.8 forms the
fire spreading in a cable tunnel between two redundant cable trays concept of risk-informed regulation and safety management. In
is done, as well as the fire spreading between redundant instrumen- the life cycle model the risk-informed regulatory and safety man-
tation cabinets in a large instrumentation room [33]. The integration agement activities are closely connected.
of the PFS-TMMC program into the PRA models is to be imple- PRA insights are supposed to provide an improved basis for the
mented in the new nuclear safety research programme 2007–2010. resolution of typical safety issues such as approvals of plant modifi-
cations and resolutions of testing, inspection, and maintenance
60.7.3 Risk-Informed Regulatory Inspections strategies. Accordingly some specific risk-informed applications
STUK is in the process of training inspectors to understand and such as ISI, IST, Graded QA and details of Technical Specifications
use the PRA insights while planning the regulatory inspection have already been introduced or are in process for the operating
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plant units. As to the new designs, level 1 and level 2 design phase 12. ASME Code Case N-560, Alternative Examination Requirements for
PRA was developed for the application of construction license of Class 1, 1996.
OL 3 EPR. STUK reviewed the PRA and made an assessment of 13. ASME Code Case N-577, Risk-Informed Requirements for Class 1, 2,
the acceptability of the design phase PRA prior to giving a state- and 3 Piping, Method A, 1997.
ment about the construction license application.
14. ASME Code Case N-578, Risk-Informed Requirements for Class 1, 2
Both the deterministic and probabilistic analyses provided and 3 Piping, Method B, 1997.
valuable insights contributing effectively to the review process of
the construction license of OL 3 EPR unit. The assurance of ade- 15. Mononen, J., Niemelä, I., Virolainen, R., Rantala, R., Julin, A.,
quate level of safety was based on both qualitative and quantita- Valkeajärvi, O., Hinttala, J., A Pilot Study on Risk Informed In-Service
Inspection, PSAM5, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference
tive aspects of PRA modeling and assessment of design principles
on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management held on
presented in PSAR and other licensing documents because the November 27–December 1, 2000, Osaka, Japan.
detailed design of the plant was still ongoing. After the construc-
tion license was granted for OL3, STUK has continued regulatory 16. Gosselin, S. R., EPRI’s new inservice inspection programme, Nuclear
News, November 1997.
review process including reviews of aforementioned PRA appli-
cations such as Risk-Informed ISI/IST, Graded QA, safety classi- 17. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.178, An Approach For Plant-Specific Risk-
fication, and Technical Specifications. informed Decision making Inservice Inspection of Piping, July 1998.
PRA has been established as a useful tool to support the deci- 18. Simola, K., Pulkkinen, U., Mononen, J. and Virolainen, R., Expert Panel
sion making of the new nuclear power plant unit. The possibilities Approach for Supporting RI-ISI Evaluation, PSAM5, Proceedings of the
and limitations of risk analysis are well understood. Accordingly 5th International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and
many PRA applications are well established for a use in the Management held on November 27–December 1, 2000, Osaka, Japan.
licensing process. 19. ASME PRA standard. ASME RA-S-2002, Standard for Probabilistic
Risk Assessment for Nuclear Power Plant Applications. New York;
American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 2002
60.9 REFERENCES 20. Ari Julin, J. Marttila, J. Mononen, I. Niemelä, J. Rantakivi, J. Sandberg,
R. Virolainen, K. Valtonen, International Topical Meeting on
1. Guide YVL. 2.8, Probabilistic Safety Analysis (PSA) in the Probabilistic Safety Analysis, PSA'05, Sir Francis Drake Hotel, San
Regulation and Safety Management of NPPs, Finnish Centre for Francisco, USA, September 11–15, 2005.
Radiation and Nuclear Safety (STUK), Helsinki 2003.
21. Hietanen, O., Jänkälä, K., Bergroth, N., Paussu, R., Nikula, V., Risk-
2. Julin, A. and Virolainen, R., PRA Based Event Analysis of Incidents Informed Methodology of New ISI Program for Unit 1 of Loviisa
and Failures at TVO BWR, PSA’96- International Topical Meeting on NPP, Budapest, 2007.
PSA, Moving toward Risk-Based Regulation, Park City, Utah,
22. ENIQ, European Methodology for Qualification of non-Destructive
September 29–October 3, 1996.
Tests ( second issue), EUR 17299 EN, 1997,
3. Guide YVL. 2.8, Probabilistic Safety Analysis (PSA) in the Licensing 23. ENIQ , Discussion Document on Risk Informed In-service Inspection
and Regulation of Nuclear Power Plants, Finnish Centre for Radiation of Nuclear Power Plants in Europe, EUR 19742 EN, 2000.
and Nuclear Safety (STUK), Helsinki 1996.
24. Chapman, O. J. V., Gandossi, L., Mengolini, A., Simola, K., Eyre, T.,
4. Reiman, L., Expert Judgment in Analysis of Human and Organizational and Walker, A. E., (Eds.), European Framework Document for Risk
Behavior at Nuclear Power Plants, (Doctor Thesis), STUK-A118, Informed In-Service Inspection, EUR 21581 EN, 2005.
Finnish Centre for Radiation and Nuclear Safety, December 1994.
25. NRWG,Report on the Regulatory Experience of Risk-Informed In-
5. Guide YVL. 2.8, Probabilistic Risk Analysis (PRA) in the Licensing service Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components and Common
and Regulation of Nuclear Power Plants, Finnish Centre for Radiation Views, Final Report,” EUR 21320 EN, 2004.
and Nuclear Safety (STUK), Helsinki 1987.
26. ENIQ , ENIQ Recommended Practice 9– Verification and Validation
6. Sandberg, J., Virolainen, R. and Niemelä, I., On the Regulatory Review of Structural Reliability Models and Associated Software to be used
of the TVOI/II, Low Power and Shutdown Risk Assessment, in Risk-informed In-service Inspection Programmes,” EUR 22228
Proceedings of ESREL’96 - PSAM-III, June 24-28, 1996, Crete, Greece. EN, 2007.
7. Vaurio, J, and Jänkälä, K., Safety Management of a VVER Plant by 27. ENIQ, ENIQ TGR Discussion Document on the Role of In-service
Risk Assessment, PSA’96- International Topical Meeting on PSA, Inspection Within the Philosophy of Defense in Depth, EUR 22230 E,
Moving toward Risk-Based Regulation, Park City, Utah, September 2007.
29–October 3, 1996
28. Guide YVL 3.8, Nuclear Power Plant Pressure Equipment. In-service
8. Julin, A, Niemelä, I. and Virolainen, R., Risk informed regulation and Inspection With Non-destructive Testing Methods, Finnish Centre for
safety management of NPP’s– STUK’s policy and decision making, Radiation and Nuclear Safety (STUK), Helsinki, 2003.
the 6th International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment
and Management, 23-28 June 2002, Caribean Hilton Hotel, San Juan, 29. Virolainen, R. and Sandberg, J., Risk Informed Licensing, Regulation
Puerto Rico, USA and Safety Management of Nuclear Power Plants In Finland,
International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and
9. Julin, A., Niemelä, I. and Virolainen, R. Use Of Living PSA In Management– PSAM7/ ESREL04, Berlin, Germany, June 14–18 , 2004.
Regulatory Decision-Making , PSA’99, Washington DC,USA, 1999.
30. STUK YTV– Manual, Guide YTV 4.3.2, PSA analysis ( in Finnish),
10. Regulatory Guide YVL. 3.8, Pressure Components, Non Destructive Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK), 1.12.2006.
Tests, Finnish Centre for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (STUK),
Helsinki, 2003. 31. Nici, M. S., Bergroth, K., Jänkälä, E. and Ovsienko, S., Oil Spill Risk
Assessment for Loviisa Power Plant, the 8th International Conference
11. NUREG-1602, Use of PRA in Risk Informed Applications, USNRC, on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, New Orleans,
1998. Louisiana, USA, May 14–18, 2006.
ASME_Ch60_p519-534.qxd 6/3/09 12:21 PM Page 534

534 • Chapter 60

32. Hostikka, S., Keski-Rahkonen, O. and Korhonen, T,, Probabilistic EOP Emergency Operating Procedure
Fire simulator. Theory and User’s Manual for version 1.2. Espoo, EPR European Pressurized Reactor
VTT Building and Transport. 72 p.  app. 1p. 2003. VTT ISI In-service Inspection
Publications; 503 IST In-service Testing
33. Hostikka, S., Probabilistic Fire Simulation of Cable Room. Research JRC Joint Research Centre-European Union
Report, No VTT-R- 01101-07, May 23, 2007. LBB Leak before Break
34. ASME Code, Section XI, Nonmandatory Appendix R, Risk-Informed NDT Non Destructive Testing
Inspection Requirements for Piping, Addenda July 1, 2005. NPP Nuclear Power Plant
NRWG Nuclear Regulatory Working Group of European
35. Mononen, J., Virolainen, R., Niemelä, I. and Julin, A., Graded Quality Commission
assurance and safety Classification of Components, Systems and
OECD/NEA Organisation for Economic, Co-operation and
Services, Memorandum, Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority
(STUK), Nuclear Reactor Regulation, April 19th, 2002, (in Finnish). Development / Nuclear Energy Agency
OL3 EPR Olkiluoto 3 NPP unit
36. Holmberg, J., A Risk-Informed graded quality system – Principles and PFS-TMMC Probabilistic Fire Simulator- Two Model Monte
literature review. Espoo: VTT Industrial Systems, 2002. 33p. (Report Carlo
PSI Pre-service Inspection
37. PRA Review Manual, NUREG/CR-3485, USNRC, 1985. RC Risk Category of RI-ISI
38. Regulatory Review of Probabilistic Safety Assessments (PSA) Level 1
RC2 Risk Category 2 of RI-ISI
(IAEA-TECDOC-1135) Vienna. (in co-operation with NEA/OECD), RI Risk-Informed
2000. RI-PM Risk-Informed Preventive Maintenance
RI-TS Risk-Informed Technical Specification
39. Regulatory Review of Probabilistic Safety Assessments (PSA) Level 2 RISMET Research project by ENIQ for benchmarking RI-
(IAEA-TECDOC-1229) Vienna. (in co-operation with NEA/OECD),
ISI methods
RPV Reactor Pressure Vessel
40. Reer, B., Dang, V. and Hirshberg, S., Guidelines for the Regulatory SAFIR Finnish Nuclear Safety Research Program
Review of Human Reliability Analysis in PSA, Rep. HSK-AN-3584, SAM Severe Accident Management
Villigen (2000). SC2 Safety Class 2 of RI-ISI
SCC Stress Corrosion Cracking
ACRONYMS SSC Systems, Structures and Components
STUK Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK)
AOT Allowed Outage Time TG4 Task Group 4
AREVA NP (earlier Framatom ANP) is French-German TGR Task Group on Risk
Nuclear company (Siemens owns 34%) TVO Teollisuuden Voima Oy (Industrial Power Com-
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers pany) Finnish nuclear generating company
BWR Boiling Water Reactor VT-2 Visual examination to detect evidence of leakage
CCDP Conditional Core Damage Probability of pressure retaining components
CCF Common Cause Failure YVL Abbreviation of Finnish word “ydinvoimalaitos”
CLERP Conditional Large Early Release Probability (Nuclear power Plant)
EN473 Title of Standard -Non Destructive Testing YVL2.8 Regulatory Guide YVL2.8 “Probabilistic Safety
ENIQ European Network for Inspection and Quali- Analysis (PSA) in the Regulation and Safety
fication Management of NPPs”
ASME_Ch61_p535-552.qxd 6/3/09 12:48 PM Page 535


Luc H. Geraets
61.1 INTRODUCTION the coordinated text of all general and regulatory rules concerning
health and safety of the workers. The RGPT did specify the meth-
Belgium has been an important actor in the applications of ods to be used to ensure security and health at work; in order to
nuclear energy since the beginning. Very early, the availability of meet the requirement of the law, the employer had to apply the
uranium from the former Belgian colony has contributed to the rules of the RGPT.4
birth of both military and civil aspects of the same in the United The rulemaking process is made of the RGPT and the Royal
States. After the Second World War, scientists and industrialists Decrees of Authorization for Installation and Operation (see Section
participated to the development of the peaceful aspects of this new 61.3). The RGPT is made of various parties grouped in five titles as
industry; the Belgian utilities own and operate today seven nuclear follows:
power plants, which produce 55% of the electricity in the country.
Belgium has made the choice in 1975 to follow the United Title 1: Regime for dangerous, insalubrious, or bothersome
States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) rules for the establishments
construction of the latest four units (Doel 3 and 4, Tihange 2 and Title 2: General rules applicable to work hygiene and health
3); it was also ruled that some accidents of external origin (i.e., and safety at work
aircraft crash, gas explosion, toxic gases, large fire) ought to be Title 3: Peculiar rules applicable to specific industries
considered in the design. Title 4: Steam components specific rules
The whole design and safety analysis of these units have been Title 5: Conclusions
done applying the U.S. rules and all the associated documentation
(Regulatory Guides, Standard Review Plans, ASME Code, IEEE
Standards, ANSI, ANS, etc.) in order to ensure a consistent 61.2.1 RGPT Title 1
approach. The rules mentioned here have led to the award of RDs of
This chapter describes the rulemaking process, the major rules, Authorization for Installation and Operation (see Section 61.3).
and their application for repair and replacement activities. Chapter II of Title 1 lists installations, equipment and compo-
nents, and so on to be considered as dangerous, insalubrious, or
bothersome, with associated numbering (e.g., 38: pressure com-
ponents; 196: gas compression installations, and others). The RDs
61.2 BELGIUM PRESSURE EQUIPMENT of Authorization list those components explicitly and exhaustively
REGULATION for each nuclear power unit.
Historically, the basic frame of reference applicable in Belgium
for the construction of the currently operating nuclear power 61.2.2 RGPT Title 2
plants1 has been the “Règlement Général pour la Protection du
This chapter describes general rules for environmental, health,
Travail”2 (General Rules for Protection at Work) [1]. This docu-
and safety protection of workers; it applies to all sorts of indus-
ment has been initiated by a Belgian law dated 1888, issued and
tries and businesses.
enforced by Regent Decrees of February 11, 1946 and September
27, 1947, and complemented or modified through Royal Decrees
and Ministerial Decrees3 (RDs, MDs). It constituted since then

1 4
Between 1975 and 1985 Since 1993, the RGPT is progressively integrated into a broader pur-
RGPT pose set of laws and decrees addressing the well-being of workers at
Individual references will be given in the text below whenever appro- work and based on a prevention philosophy: the best knowledge of
priate. the risks linked with the techniques applied in a business lies in the
company itself, and hence also the methods to prevent the same.
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536 • Chapter 61

61.2.3 RGPT Title 3 • Steam storage vessels: any pressure equipment larger than
Title 3 regroups requirements specific to some components, 0.300 cum aimed at receiving or storing steam at a pressure
installations, and processes, among which are some rules specific above 0.5 bar (50 kPa) or water at a temperature above
to the following equipment: 111ºC
• Heat exchangers: any pressure equipment with two separate
• Start-up tanks of internal combustion engines sides, aimed at heating or cooling a fluid circulating on one
• Pressurized, liquefied, or dissolved gas vessels side with a fluid circulating on the other side, and the thermal
exchange happening through tubes or plates
Start-up tanks must be equipped with manometers, purging sys- • The primary side contains the fluid abandoning heat; the
tems, safety valves, and their setting pressure; it also imposes secondary side receives heat
requirements on materials (selection, allowable stress, minimal • Heat exchangers meet the following criteria
thickness, welding, and associated tests). – the primary side contains a fluid other than fumes
Pressurized, liquefied, or dissolved gas vessels requirements – the secondary side is larger than 0.025 cum in volume
apply only to mobile vessels with a pressure higher than 1.0 bar and contains steam above 0.5 bar or water above 111ºC
(100 kPa), which need to be transported outside of the establish- • The primary side of an exchanger will be considered as a
ment for refill. Accordingly, the corresponding liability is on the steam storage vessels if:
bottled gas (nitrogen, oxygen, etc.) suppliers. – the primary side is larger than 0.300 cum and contains
steam above 0.5 bar or water above 111ºC
61.2.4 RGPT Title 4 – the secondary side contains something else than steam
Title 4 regroups requirements applicable to steam components; above 0.5 bar or water above 111ºC; in such a case, the
those avail of a specific regime. secondary side is not subject to technical rules
• Other fixed steam components are as follows:
Steam components are sorted as follows: • Steam generators smaller than 0.025 cum (save for batteries
with a cumulated capacity larger than 0.025 cum)
• Steam generators, including • Heat exchangers with a secondary side smaller than
• Fixed boilers: components such as the reactor vessel, the 0.025 cum
steam generators, and the pressurizer of a pressurized water • Steam (pressure above 0.5 bar) and water (temperature
reactor (PWR) belong to this category above 111ºC) piping systems
• Mobile boilers: for reference only (not relevant in a nuclear • Steam piston engines and steam turbines with a capacity
plant) above 1 kW.
• Low pressure steam generators: for reference only (not rele-
vant in a nuclear plant) These definitions are important as they cover not only unclassi-
• Autoclave sterilizers and similar components in copper plates: fied components, but also classified equipment. Accordingly, any
for reference only (not relevant in a nuclear plant) Class B, C, D, or D-augmented component corresponding to
• Steam vessels those definitions shall be considered as a steam component
• Steam engines according to the Derogation MD (see below).
• Fixed engines: the main steam turbine and the turbines of the
main and auxiliary feedwater systems belong to this category
• Mobile engines: for reference only (not relevant in a nuclear
61.2.5 RGPT Title 5
plant) Title 5 applies not only to pressure equipment, but also to other
components (handling and lifting devices, electrical equipment);
Title 4 of the RGPT identifies design and construction require- it defines the conditions for authorization of authorized agencies
ments (including tests), overpressure protection rules (safety and of their inspectors, and so on.
valves and manometers), and rules for operation and maintenance
(annual inspection by an authorized agency). 61.2.6 Pressure Equipment Directive
In consideration of the technical evolution, the rulemaking In order to cope with the obsolescence of some rules and require-
body has replaced in 1991 the rules for pressure equipment ments, publication, and enforcement of European Directives by the
(RGPT Title 4) with a new two-part regulation: European Commission, the legislator has superseded the RGPT
with other rules.
• A Royal Decree dated October 18, 1991 for technical rules [2] A first change happened with the RD of February 1, 1980 [4],
• A Ministerial Decree dated October 28, 1991 for application related to pressure equipment originating from or to be routed to a
rules [3] country of the European Union. This rule change has no impact
on construction, repair/replacement, and in-service inspection of
The RD classifies pressure components into five categories: nuclear-related pressure equipment.
For steam components, Title 4 of the RGPT has been partially
• Steam generators: any pressure equipment larger than 0.025 modified by a RD dated October 18, 1991 [2] and its associated
cum aimed at MD dated October 28, 1991 [3] (see Section 61.2.4).
• producing steam above 0.5 bar (50 kPa) or water above Those decrees have in turn been replaced in 1999 by the RD
111ºC, or on pressure equipment dated June 13, 1999 [5], which endorses
• overheating steam through supply of heat the Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/CE (the PED) of the
• Low pressure generators: any pressure equipment larger than European Union [6]. The field of application of the latter goes far
0.100 cum aimed at producing steam through supply of heat beyond the steam components.
at a pressure between 0 and 0.5 bar It must be noted that
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• The PED is not a construction code; it defines basic safety • Nuclear equipment, that is, the components of the nuclear
rules that can be met using various ways: systems covered by the Regulatory Guides6 R.G. 1.26 [12]
• Application of “horizontal norms” (set of EN norms similar and R.G. 1.143 [13] of USNRC,7 defining the quality groups
to a construction code, e.g., EN 13445 for unfired pressure with respect to system functions and recommending associat-
vessels [7]) ed construction standards, subject to the Royal Decree of
• Application of a construction code integrating the require- October 18, 1991 on steam components [2] .
ments of the PED (e.g., CODAP, Ed. 2000, for vessels [8])
• Application of a recognized construction code (e.g., ASME Accordingly, the Derogation applies to the main components of
VIII for vessels) with the demonstration that the require- the nuclear steam supply system (NSSS) (reactor vessels, steam
ments of the PED are met generators, primary pumps, pressurizers, piping and valves)
• The construction follow-up is performed by a Notified together with nuclear components that would be covered under
Organization selected by the Vendor (the Owner cannot the RD of 1991.
impose the same)
• The component shall be CE stamped by the Vendor at the end 61.3.2 Construction Codes
of the construction, and the Vendor shall deliver the PED cer-
The rulemaking process requires that the various aspects of the
tificate of conformance
construction, that is, design, materials and fabrication, safety
• Nuclear systems (items specifically designed for nuclear use,
measures, controls and inspections, repairs and replacements,
the failure of which may cause an emission of radioactivity)
modifications, and the associated documents, meet the require-
are excluded from the PED.
ments of the following codes:

• ASME, Sections III, VIII, and XI, Division 1

61.3 THE DEROGATION • Note: Section III refers to Sections II, V, and IX, which
become applicable in turn.
None of the regulations mentioned above has ever addressed
• ANSI B31.1
explicitly the generation of steam by a nuclear reactor – nor
explicitly excluded either, at least for the RGPT and the Decrees
The relationship between safety classes and construction codes
of 1991 [1–3].
is presented hereafter (Section 61.4).
In application of the choice made by Belgium (see Section
61.1) to follow the USNRC rules for the construction of the latest
four units (Doel 3 and 4, Tihange 2 and 3), the whole design and 61.3.3 Transpositions
safety analysis of these units have been done applying the U.S. The following concepts and notions specific to the application
rules and all the associated documentation (Regulatory Guides, of the ASME Code Section III are transposed in the Belgian envi-
Standard Review Plans, NUREGs, ASME Code, IEEE Standards, ronment [10].
ANSI, ANS, etc.) in order to ensure a consistent approach.5 For
pressure vessels that are part of the nuclear installation, a deroga- • Registered Professional Engineer: In Belgium, graduated engi-
tion (the Derogation) [9] has been established in order to replace neer from a Belgian university or technical engineering college;
Belgian pressure vessel regulations described above (RGPT and abroad, graduated engineer from a university or equivalent.
later the PED) with the U.S. rules (ASME Code Sections III and • Authorized Inspection Agency: Mandated Organization (MO),
XI). Transpositions of the ASME Code have been written to cover a Belgian organization officially empowered to control steam
organizational aspects such as the definition of an inspector, the components (see RD of 1991).
Authorized Inspection Agency (AIA), and others [10, 11] • “Certificate of Authorization,” “Letter of Authorization,” or
“Interim Letter of Authorization” is delivered by the Owner or
61.3.1 Nuclear Boiler and Steam Components its Engineer, based on the report from the Mandated Organiz-
The Derogation applies to the following: ation issuing a positive advice after the qualification audit.
• “N-Stamps” and “U-Stamps” are replaced by hallmark
• Nuclear Steam Supply System made of stamps from the Mandated Organization.
• the primary system and its branch lines up to the second iso- • Subject to prior approval by the Mandated Organization,
lation component inclusively, rules and controls required by the codes (Section 61.2.2) may
• the secondary (main steam) system up to the first isolation be replaced by alternates providing for warranties at least as
component inclusively. good as the former: they shall be identified and justified in
– Note: The isolation component notion is linked neither to the documentation of the component. The Mandated
a “open/closed” criterion, nor to a component type: it can Organization shall verify the equivalence and issue the cor-
be an isolation valve, a check valve, or a flow restrictor responding certification.
(see Section 61.4). • Note: This statement introduces the derogation request.
• The Owner coordinates with the Mandated Organization to
set up the list of editions, modifications, and addenda to be
used, in order for the Mandated Organization to be able to
For Doel 1–2 and Tihange-1, commissioned in 1975, ASME Section perform its verification.
III, Ed. 1968, has been used for vessels; the draft issued end 1968 has
been used for pumps and valves; the ANSI B31.7, Ed. 1969, precur-
sor of the ASME Code Section III, Division 1, Subsection NB 3600
(where it was introduced in the 1974 edition), has been used for an ex R.G.
post justification of Class 1 piping systems. USNRC: United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
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538 • Chapter 61

• After each in-service inspection, and for any modification, 61.4 QUALITY GROUPS, CLASSES,
repair, or replacement, the Mandated Organization delivers a AND APPLICABLE CODES
certificate stating the conformance of the work with the
requirements of the Derogation. Quality Groups are defined by the U.S. regulation, namely, the
• For each major repair, modification, or replacement, a notifi- Code of Federal Regulations 10 CFR 50 and the R.G. 1.26 and
cation shall be submitted to the relevant ministry prior to the 1.143.
implementation; a copy of the conformance certificate men- The following additional Belgian concepts have been added to
tioned above shall be forwarded to the ministry prior to the the existing groups:
return to service of the system.
• Note: There is no definition of a “major” modification: the • Safety classes are indicated on Process Flow Diagrams
same will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the (PFDs), Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs), pip-
Owner and the Mandated Organization. ing isometrics, and so on, and derive from the application of
the relevant regulation. Note that a transition from Class 1 to
61.3.4 Application Class 2 can happen at a Ø 3/8⬙ restrictor, limiting the prima-
Additional rules for application of the MD specify how the ry leak to a level acceptable for the cooling of the core.
requirements of the RD of 1991, not addressed in the construction • R.G. 1.26 and 1.143 clarify that for safety-related components
codes mentioned in Section 61.3.2, and the control of which is per- not covered by the ASME Code, the ANSI B31.1 Code, and
formed by the Class 1 Approved Organization (AO-1), are handled others, the Owner shall define technical requirements com-
through the nuclear regulatory process. These requirements are patible with the function expected to be performed. This
mainly of general type; they address among others the following: yields usually into material requirements (valid certificates),
qualified welding procedures performed by operators quali-
• design and protection of systems from the instrumentation fied in accordance with acceptable rules (e.g., ASME IX),
and control standpoint (about level of measurements) welding inspection correctly sized, in accordance with cor-
• construction (e.g., check of data reports and stress reports by rectly defined criteria and accepted welding procedures (e.g.,
the MO) ASME V).
• return to service and its notification • D-augmented equipment is submitted in accordance with R.G.
• operation and maintenance (e.g., qualification of operators) 1.143 to a limited Quality Assurance (QA) program. This
• periodical controls, repairs, replacements, modifications, and requirement has been imposed way before the generalization
others by most suppliers of the deployment of QA systems in accor-
• Data Report of the component dance with ISO 9000; since 2007, a Letter of Authorization is
• operating conditions of pumps and valves required also for D-augmented components.


Quality Group Components Construction Code

A Primary system up to the second isolation valve ASME III – NB (Class 1 components)
B Secondary and auxiliary systems required to ASME III – NC (Class 2 components)
bring the nuclear reactor to cold shutdown
C Auxiliary systems connected to Category A and ASME III – ND (Class 3 components)
Category B systems
D Potentially radioactive systems not included ASME VIII (vessels and tanks)
in Quality Groups A, B, and C ANSI B 31.1 (piping)
D (augmented) Waste treatment systems ASME VIII (vessels and tanks)
ANSI B 31.1 (piping) + Limited QA
LS Safety-related nonpressure equipment Owner specifications
(safety related) (ASME Code does not apply), such as fuel + legal requirements (SRP, NUREG)
storage pools, nuclear polar crane, pipe + QA
whip restraints
NC Nonsafety-related pressure equipment Owner specifications
(unclassified) from non-nuclear pressurized systems + legal requirements (RD and MD
(feedwater and steam systems outside of 1991, PED), if any
containment and containment isolation,
fire protection, demineralized water,
nitrogen, and other fluids)
Nonsafety-related nonpressure equipment Owner specifications
(handling equipment, steelworks) + legal requirements (European
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• Table 1 does not show all sections and subsections of the To be able to do so, the Owner shall obtain the positive advice
ASME Code; some of them are called upon automatically by from the MO and/or the AO-1 in accordance with their relevant
Section III or are only variants applicable to specific compo- authority.
nents (e.g., containment penetrations.).
• Alternate rules mentioned in the Final Safety Analysis Report
(FSAR) of each unit remain applicable, such as
61.5 REPAIRS, REPLACEMENTS, • FSAR rules for in-service inspection of Class 1, 2, and 3 systems
AND MODIFICATIONS • FSAR rules for containment leak testing (A-type tests)
• Limits on operating conditions, mandatory actions, and
61.5.1 Introduction
inspections of the technical specifications
In parallel with Section III for design, a transposition of Section
• FSAR mandatory inspections of
XI, Division 1 of the ASME Code (Rules for Inspection and
• Safety valves
Testing of Components of Light-Water Cooled Plants) has been set
• Steam generator tubes
up [11].
• Snubbers
Section XI is applicable whenever all requirements of the con-
• Containment penetrations tested in accordance with 10
struction code are met (i.e., signature of the Data Report –
CFR 50, Appendix J
Manufacturing Data Report or N5 Data Report). Article numbers
• Structural integrity of the inner containment vessel
hereafter refer to the Edition 1992 of the ASME Code Section XI,
• Rules for locating components on drawings and in real during
the one used in the latest interval and is likely to be used in the
the fingerprint
next one.8
• FSAR rules applicable to QA in operation
Article IWA-4110 (b) of the Code specifies the notion of
“replacements” and the corresponding criteria for which Section
XI does not apply. If those criteria are met, the corresponding The documentation about preoperational and in-service
construction shall happen in accordance with Section III and its inspections is set up according to the 1980 edition of the Code
Belgian Transposition (see Section 61.3). and will not be modified. The whole documentation does not
Technical aspects of the Code will not be addressed here; they need to be revisited because of the use of a posterior version of
are handled in specific articles of the Safety Analysis Report or the Code.
Technical Specifications of the Relevant Unit, or on a case-by-
case basis with the competent authority.
61.5.5 Transposition of ASME Code Section XI,
61.5.2 Competent Authorities Ed. 1992
Competent authorities in Belgium for the responsibilities of the Introductory pages I to XXV (Forewords, Statements of Policy,
“Inspector” identified in the Code are Personnel) are documentation for reference only.
Subsection IWA “General Requirements,” transposed as fol-
• The Mandated Organization, a Belgian organization officially lows, defines the responsibilities of the various organizations
empowered to control steam components (see RD of 1991). under consideration.
Modifications to the original text are marked using the corre-
The Class 1 Approved Organization competent for the in- sponding paragraph number. Any reference in this document to a
service inspection of nuclear installations. code article refers automatically to the corresponding article of
If the Owner delegates the execution of a control (NDE) to a the transposition.
Mandated Organization, the latter shall perform by itself the
supervision defined by the Code (Article IWA-2110), without
additional intervention of a third party of the same nature.
The split of tasks between the two organizations (MO and AO-1) 61.6 SUBSECTION IWA – GENERAL
is given in Articles IWA-2110 and IWA-2111 of the transposition. REQUIREMENTS
61.5.3 Repair and Replacement 61.6.1 Article IWA-1000: Scope and Responsibility
If Section XI is applicable, it sends back in turn (IWA-4000) to
IWA-1310: Components Subject to Inspection and Testing
the construction code for repair and replacement (and the corre-
To be modified as follows:
sponding procurement).
“…subject to review by the Class 1 Approved Organization and
Rules applicable to those operations are defined in Appendix
the Mandated Organization.”
IX of this document.
In particular, the transposition of Section III used for the con-
struction of new components [10] does not apply in this case.
IWA-1400: Owner’s Responsibility
61.5.4 Derogations To be modified as follows:
In the “Belgian” application of Section XI, it is acceptable to (c) “… and submittal of these plans and reports to the Class 1
replace ASME rules with rules ensuring at least the same level of Approved Organization and the Mandated Organization.”
safety. (f) Possession of an arrangement with a Class 1 Approved
Organization, a Mandated Organization to provide inspec-
The 10-yearly safety revision process (see Section 61.14.1) allows the tion services. Separate arrangements may be concluded for
review of the ASME XI edition applicable for the next interval. repairs and replacements.
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540 • Chapter 61

61.6.2 Article IWA-2000: Examination and Inspection IWA-2111: Scope of Work of the Class 1 Approved Organi-
Article IWA-2110 to be replaced by the following IWA-2110 zation
and IWA-2111. (a) The scope of work of the Class 1 Approved Organization is:
IWA-2110: Duties of the Mandated Organization Inspector (1) to perform a detailed review of the inspection plan
(IWA-2420 (a)) prior to the start of preservice inspec-
(a) It is the duty of the Mandated Organization Inspector: tion and of each inspection interval. Review of the
(1) to perform a detailed review of the inspection plan and inspection plan shall cover any feature of the inspection
schedule (IWA-2420 (a) and (b)) prior to the start of pre- plan that is affected by the requirements of this
service inspection and each inspection interval. Shop Division, as applicable, and shall include the following:
and field preservice examinations (IWB-2200 (b), IWC- (a) examination categories and items,
2200 (b) and IWE-2200 (c)); these are exempt from (b) test and examination requirements,
prior review by the Mandated Organization Inspector. (c) examination methods,
Review of the inspection plan shall cover any features (d) percentage of parts selected for examination,
that are in the frame of the Mandated Organization duty (e) in-service test quantities,
(cf. Ministerial Decree V.4.087) and shall include the (f) disposition of test results,
following: (g) test frequency,
(a) examination categories and items, (h) system pressure tests, and
(b) test and examination requirements, (i) sequence of successive examinations;
(c) examination methods, (2) to review any revision to the inspection plan during the
(d) percentage of parts selected for examination, preservice inspection or the inspection interval;
(e) in-service test quantities, (3) to approve the items of the inspection plan identified in
(f) disposition of test results, IWA-2111 (a) (1) and (2) and the deviations related to
(g) test frequency, nuclear safety;
(h) system pressure test, and (4) to verify the required examinations (IWL);
(i) sequence of successive examinations; (5) to verify that the visual examinations (IWL) have been
(2) to verify the required examinations (IWB, IWC, performed and the results recorded;
IWD, IWE, IWF) and system hydrostatic test, where (6) to verify that all system pressure, where required for
applicable; class MC and class CC components, have been con-
(3) to verify that the required visual examinations VT1, ducted and the results recorded.
VT2, and VT3 (IWA-2210) have been performed and (b) The Class 1 Approved Organization Inspector shall also
the results recorded (scope of IWB, IWC, IWD, IWE, make any additional investigations necessary to verify that
IWF); all applicable requirements of IWA-2111 (a) have been
(4) to verify that the system pressure tests, other than the met.
system hydrostatic test, where required for Class 1, (c) The Class 1 Approved Organization shall verify that the
Class 2, and Class 3 components, have been conducted in-service tests required on pumps and valves (IWP and
and the results recorded. IWV) have been completed and the results recorded.
(b) The Mandated Organization Inspector shall also make any (d) The Class 1 Approved Organization shall verify that the
additional investigations necessary to verify that all applic- entire inspection plan has been carried out.
able requirements of IWA-2110 (a) have been met. (e) The Class 1 Approved Organization shall approve the exam-
(c) It is the duty of the Mandated Organization Inspector to ination records according to its usual formalities.
verify that the in-service tests required on safety valves
(IWV) and component supports (IWF) have been complet- IWA-2120: Qualification of Authorized Inspection Agencies,
ed and the results recorded. Inspectors, and Supervisors
(d) It is the duty of the Mandated Organization Inspector to ver- To be replaced by IWA-9000 and Article IX-1000.
ify that the non-destructive examination methods used fol-
low the techniques specified in this Division. The Mandated IWA-2300: Qualification of Non-Destructive Examination
Organization Inspector shall also verify that the examina- Personnel
tions are performed in accordance with written qualified To be modified as follows:
procedures and by personnel employed by the Owner or the “… SNT-TC-1A and the additional requirements of this section
Owner’s agent and qualified in accordance with IWA-2300. or equivalent.”
(e) The Mandated Organization Inspector may require at any This modification is valid for the whole Section XI of the Code.
time re-qualification of any procedure or operator if the
IWA-2311: NDE Methods Listed in SNT-TC-1A
Mandated Organization Inspector has reason to believe the
To be modified as follows:
requirements are not met.
(f) The examination records shall be certified by the Mandated (b) “… shall also comply with the requirements specified in
Organization Inspector only after verifying that the require- appendix VII or equivalent.”
ments have been met and that the records are correct.
(g) The Mandated Organization Inspector shall verify that IWA-2410: Application of Code Edition and Addenda
repairs are performed in accordance with the requirements To be replaced by Paragraph 61.5.1 above.
of the Owner’s repair program. Therefore, he shall review
IWA-2441: Section XI Codes Cases
the involved aspects of the Quality Assurance Program and
To be modified as follows:
their implementation.
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(c) “… is filed with the Class 1 Approved Organization and IWA-4910: Reports and Records
the Mandated Organization” … . To be replaced by:
(f) “to acceptance by the Class 1 Approved Organization and
(b) (5) “Manufacturer’s Data Report or Compliance Certificate
the Mandated Organization.”
to the Owner’s specification.”
IWA-2641: Layout of Component Reference Points
IWA-4920: Stamping for Installation
To be replaced by:
To be replaced by:
“The Owner shall provide to the approval of the Mandated
“The application of stamp is not required for installation.”
Organization an identification system of the different welds of
components to allow the recording without ambiguity of the
examination results.” 61.6.5 Article IWA-6000: Records and Reports

IWA-6210: Owner’s Responsibilities

61.6.3 Article IWA-3000: Standards for Examination To be complemented as follows:
Evaluation (d) “… and their support. He uses his own adapted NIS-1
IWA-3100: Evaluation (e) “… Form NIS-2. He uses his own adapted NIS-2 form.”
To be modified as follows:
(b) “… review by the AO-1 and the Mandated Organization.” IWA-6240: Summary Report Submittal
To be modified as follows:
“… submitted to the Class 1 Approved Organization and the
61.6.4 Article IWA-4000: Repair and Replacement Mandated Organization.”
IWA-4110: Scope
61.6.6 Article IWA-9000: Glossary
To be complemented as follows:
To be complemented or modified:
(a) “… or metal removal. This article does not apply to main-
tenance activities.” Steam Components
Components being part of:
IWA-4140: Repair / Replacement Program and Plan • the nuclear reactor vessel, the primary piping system and its
To be modified as follows: branch connections up to and including the second isolation
(c) “… to review by the Class 1 Approved Organization and valve, the secondary steam generation systems up to and
the Mandated Organization.” including the first isolation;
• nuclear components as per R.G 1.26 of USNRC and subject
IWA-4170: Code Applicability to the Belgian RD of October 18, 1991 on steam components.
To be modified as follows:
Authorized Inspection Agency (AIA)
(a) “… are acceptable to the Class 1 Approved Organization Belgian Mandated Organization (see hereafter) for the inspec-
and the Mandated Organization.” tion of steam components, or independent organization as defined
(b) “… and Code Cases may be used. Alternatively, other con- in Appendix X of this document for the applicable domain there-
struction Codes may be used subject to the conditions by defined.
identified in IWA-4170 (e) or (f). If repair … .”
(e) Alternatively, repairs, installation of replacement items and Authorized Inspector, Inspection Specialist, Authorized
corresponding items, replacements may meet the require- Nuclear Inspector, Inspector, Authorized Nuclear In-service
ments of the code accepted by the French authorities for Inspector, Authorized Supervisor, ASME Designee, Observer
construction of nuclear equipment (RCCM) provided that Inspector from the AO-1 or MO defined hereunder.
MO representatives are not subject to examination by ASME
(1) the requirements of IWA-4170 (d) (1) to (3) are met;
nor the “National Board” nor U.S. States nor Canadian Provinces.
(2) the Appendix IX is applied.
The AO-1 Inspector does not need to be a Class 1 Expert but
(f) Alternatively, repairs, installation of replacement items shall work under supervision of such an Expert.
and corresponding items, may meet the requirements of
Class 1 Approved Organization
another national or international code or of a specific and
Class 1 Approved Organization competent for the in-service
coherent set of rules defined by the Owner, provided that
inspection of nuclear installations, in accordance with the Belgian
(1) the proposed code or set of rules is reviewed and RD of February 28, 1963 and its revisions (Appendix D to the
accepted by the AO-1 and the Mandated Organisation; RGPT).
(2) the requirements of IWA-4170 (d) (1) to (3) are met;
Commercial Service
(3) the Appendix IX is applied.
Commercial operation of the NSSS system, or, if the same is
IWA-4310: Defect Removal Procedure not declared, 6 months after the beginning of the power ramp.
To be modified as follows: Derogation
“… of either the Construction Code, or Section III, when the Authorization not to meet one or more contractual technical
Construction Code was not Section III, or alternate Construction requirements. It can be the resolution of a non-conformance
Codes (IWA-4170 e or f) … .” report.
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542 • Chapter 61

Nota Bene: Administrative derogations can also exist, when IWB-3134: Review by Authorities
documents linked with a technical delivery (construction code, (a) and (b): To be replaced by:
Owner requirements) include administrative clauses. “The repair program, the re-examination results and their
evaluation shall be subject to review by the Class 1 Approved
Enforcement and Regulatory Authorities
Organization and the Mandated Organization.”
Means the competent Belgian Authorities, including the
Belgian Ministries competent according to the Royal Decree of IWB-3144: Review by Authorities
October 18, 1991, the Ministerial Decree of October 28, 1991 and (a) and (b): To be replaced by:
the Royal Decree of February 28, 1963. The corresponding mis- “The repair program, the re-examination results and their
sions are delegated to the AO-1 and the MO. evaluation shall be subject to review by the Class 1 Approved
Mandated Organization (MO) Organization and the Mandated Organization.”
Belgian Mandated Organization for the inspection of steam com-
ponents, in accordance with Article 1, § 2 of the Royal Decree of IWB-3610: Acceptance Criteria for Ferritic Steel Components 4
October 18, 1991. in. and Greater in Thickness
To be modified as follows:
Nonconformance “… to approval by the Class 1 Approved Organization and the
Realization not compliant with the applicable technical docu- Mandated Organization.”
Nota Bene: Administrative nonconformances can also exist, IWB-3630: Acceptance Criteria for Steam Generator Tubing
when documents linked with a technical delivery (construction To be modified as follows:
code, Owner requirements) include administrative clauses. “… acceptable to the Class 1 Approved Organization and the
Mandated Organization.”.
Organization responsible for the Class 1 installation, in accor- IWB-3640: Evaluation Procedures and Acceptance Criteria
dance with the Royal Decree of February 28, 1963 and its revisions. for Austenitic Piping
Owner’s Agent To be modified as follows:
Organization performing tasks under delegation and responsi- “… to approval by the Class 1 Approved Organization and the
bility of the Owner. Mandated Organization.”

Owner’s Report for In-Service Inspection IWB-3650: Evaluation Procedures and Acceptance Criteria
Owner Certification countersigned by an MO. for Ferritic Piping
Registered professional engineer / professional engineer / To be modified as follows:
responsible engineer “… to approval by the Class 1 Approved Organization and the
In Belgium, graduated engineer (University or Technical Mandated Organization.”
University level); abroad, university-level engineer or equivalent. The last statement:
Repair Organization “The evaluation shall be submitted to the enforcement authori-
Organization performing repairs or replacements according to ties having jurisdiction at the plant site.”
the Owner Quality Assurance Program (QAP). to be deleted.
Repair / Replacement Program IWB-3720: Unanticipated Operating Events
Program of operations to be performed by repair organization To be modified as follows:
in case of repair or replacement (see IWA-4140). This program
includes the applicable requirements from the QAP of the Owner. (c) “… to approval by the Class 1 Approved Organization and
the Mandated Organization.”

IWB-3730: Fracture Toughness Criteria for Protection

FOR CLASS 1 COMPONENTS OF To be modified as follows:
LIGHT-WATER COOLED PLANTS (b) “… to approval by the Class 1 Approved Organization and
61.7.1 Article IWB 3000: Acceptance Standards the Mandated Organization.”

IWB-3114: Review by Authorities 61.8 SUBSECTION IWC – REQUIREMENTS

(a) and (b): To be replaced by: FOR CLASS 2 COMPONENTS OF
“The repair program, the re-examination results and their
evaluation shall be subject to review by the Class 1 Approved
Organization and the Mandated Organization.” 61.8.1 Article IWC 3000: Acceptance Standards

IWB-3124: Review by Authorities IWC-3114: Review by Authorities

(a) and (b): To be replaced by: (a) and (b): To be replaced by:
“The repair program, the re-examination results and their “The repair program, the re-examination results and their
evaluation shall be subject to review by the Class 1 Approved evaluation shall be subject to review by the Class 1 Approved
Organization and the Mandated Organization.” Organization and the Mandated Organization.”
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IWC-3125: Review by Authorities “Alternatively, repairs may meet the requirements of another
(a) and (b): To be replaced by: national or international code, or a specific and coherent set of
“The repair program, the re-examination results and their rules defined by the Owner provided the same conditions are as
evaluation shall be subject to review by the Class 1 Approved defined in IWA-4170 (e) or (f).”
Organization and the Mandated Organization.”

IWC-3134: Review by Authorities

(a) and (b): To be replaced by: FOR IN-SERVICE INSPECTIONS
“The repair program, the re-examination results and their The Owner uses its own documents “form NIS-1” et “form
evaluation shall be subject to review by the Class 1 Approved NIS-2” (see. IWA-6210). Templates to be used are given in
Organization and the Mandated Organization.” Appendix A.


61.9.1 Article IWE 3000: Acceptance Standards OF COMPONENTS IN OPERATING
IWE-3115: Review by Authorities 61.12.1 Article IX-1000: Introduction
(a) and (b): To be replaced by: This Appendix defines the conditions for manufacture (in the
“The repair program, the re-examination results and their frame of a replacement) or reparation under the ASME Code or
evaluation shall be subject to review by the Class 1 Approved other rules (IWA-4170).
Organization and the Mandated Organization.”
61.12.2 Article IX-2000: Application of ASME
IWE-3122.4: Acceptance by Evaluation
To be modified as follows:
Code Section III
A component may be manufactured or repaired under a trans-
(c) “The engineering evaluation shall be subject to review by posed version of ASME Section III, according to Article IX-5000
the Class 1 Approved Organization and the Mandated hereafter.
Organization.” Components not covered by the documents hereafter may be
manufactured or repaired in the United States or elsewhere, in strict
IWE-3125: Review by Authorities compliance with the ASME Code and according to the U.S. com-
To be replaced by: mon practice (i.e., by a “Manufacturer” availing of a “N Stamp”
“The repair program, the re-examination results and their under control of an ASME certified “Authorized Inspector”):
evaluation shall be subject to review by the Class 1 Approved
Organization and the Mandated Organization.” • Ministerial Decree V.4.087 on the nuclear boiler and the
steam components;
61.9.2 Article IWE 5000: System Pressure Test • Royal Decree of Installation and Operation of each nuclear
unit, imposing specific requirements on, AO
IWE-5221: Leakage Test – pressure vessels and components (pressure higher than 1
To be modified as follows: bar and capacity larger than 0.300 cum) not submitted to
“… by the modification. The measures of leakage from this test regulatory requirements,
shall be included in the report to the Class 1 Approved Organiz- – compressed air storage vessels.
ation. The acceptance criteria. …”
This rule does not require any transposition.
61.10 SUBSECTION IWL – REQUIREMENTS 61.12.3 Article IX-3000: Application of Other Rules
COMPONENTS OF LIGHT-WATER A component may be manufactured or repaired under alternate
COOLED PLANTS rules and in compliance with conditions of Article IWA-4170 (e)
and (f), according to the following rules.
61.10.1 Article IWL 3000: Acceptance Standards
IX-3110 – Manufacturer Qualification
IWL-3320: Review by Authorities Qualification is awarded by the Owner in accordance with its
To be replaced by: Quality Assurance Program, and based on a positive audit by the
“The engineering evaluation report shall be subject to review AIA. The report documenting the basis for this qualification is
by the Class 1 Approved Organization.” available to the AO-1.
61.10.2 Article IWL 4000: Repair Procedures IX-3120 – Code Equivalence Report
The Code or set of rules selected for the items under considera-
IWL-4220: Repair of reinforcing steel tion (identified exhaustively) are evaluated by the Owner through
To be complemented with: comparison with the ASME Code (docket edition).
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544 • Chapter 61

This evaluation yields the equivalence report addressing mainly: • to the AIA in every case;
• to the AO-1 for potentially safety-related issues.
• compatibility conditions as per Article IWA-4170 (d) (1) to
(3) (for reference only); IX-4200 - Nonconformance
• compatibility with inspection requirements of ASME Code If an anomaly with respect to the selected code or set of rules is
Section XI (emphasis on acceptable non-compliances); noticed during manufacture or erection of a component, the
• for ferritic steel, the protection against brittle fracture; Owner shall notify the nonconformance:
• overpressure protection analysis (and comparison with exist-
ing protections); • to the AIA in every case;
• test pressure definition. • to the AO-1 for potentially safety-related issues.
This report is presented to the AO-1. IX-4300 - Exceptions
For the use of a non-French construction code (Article IWA- If the Owner does not comply with the ruling of the AIA, the
4170 (f)), prior acceptance of the AO-1 and the MO is required. latter shall demur in the “Manufacturing Data Report” or the
Additional requirements yielding from the evaluation shall be “Compliance Certificate” (IWA-4910 (b) (5)).
integrated into the Owner equipment specification. If the Owner does not comply with the ruling of the MO, the lat-
ter shall demur in the “Installation Data Report” or the “Owner’s
IX-3130 – Acceptance Program Report for Repairs or Replacements” (NIS-2/IWA-4910 (d)).
A component acceptance program defined by the Owner shall be
included or attached to the Owner’s Specification (IWA-4130 (b)). 61.12.5 Article IX-5000: Transposition of ASME Code
This program specifies the inspections to be performed in Section III
accordance with the selected code (or set of rules) together with:
Section XI of the ASME Code sends back to Section III for
• additional inspections proposed as a consequence of the eval- repairs and replacements. The use of ASME Section III in the
uation according to IX-3120; strictly limited frame of those operations requires replacing in the
• the intervention points of the AIA if any. applicable subsections of the various terms with their correspon-
dents as defined into Article IWA-9000.
The acceptance program is made available to the AO-1. Additionally, the following notions shall apply:
At the end of the manufacturing, the Compliance Certificate
(IWA-4910 (b) (5)) is signed by the AIA. • The term “National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Inspectors” is for documentation only.
IX-3200 – Additional Rules Applicable to the Components • The term “Society” shall not be transposed: quality assur-
Under IX-2000 ance audits are performed by the AIA, “Certificates of
For components under Article IX-2000, the following require- Authorization” and “Interim letters” are awarded by the
ments shall be needed in addition to Article IX-3100. Owner or its engineer based on the positive opinion of the
IX-3210 – Manufacturer Qualification • If the quality assurance program is fully or partly replaced
Qualification is awarded by the Owner in accordance with its with a specific follow-up program, the “Certificate of
Quality Assurance Program and based on a positive audit by the Authorization” is replaced with a “Letter of Authorization”
MO. The report documenting the basis for this qualification is awarded in similar conditions. Such authorization is valid for
available to the AO-1. one single order.

IX-3220 – Code Equivalence Report Appendix B includes templates for those certificates and letters.
This report is submitted to the MO for approval. Those documents can be used in other frameworks than ASME
Section III (components manufactured in accordance with other
IX-3230 – Acceptance Program construction codes or rules).
Procurement from the shelf is not allowed without additional The “Quality System Certificates for Materials” are awarded by
investigation. the Mandated Organization.
The program shall open room for interventions by the MO sim- Material procurement may take place under the responsibility
ilar to those provided for in the ASME Code. Interfaces between and in accordance with the QAP of the Manufacturer or the
the Owner, the Manufacturer and the MO shall be defined. Owner with no need for a “Quality System Certificate for
The acceptance program is submitted to the approval of the MO. Materials.”
At the end of the manufacturing, the Compliance Certificate
(IWA-4910 (b) (5)) is signed by the MO. • The qualification of the NDE personnel is made in accordance
with “SNT-TC-1A” or equivalent as accepted by the AIA.
61.12.4 Article IX-4000: Derogations • No certificate is required for the Owner nor the Owner’s
and Nonconformances Agent. Manufacturing follow up contracts executed with the
IX-4100 – Derogation AIA shall include the Code-required interventions at the for-
Practical application of the selected code or set of rules may mers’ premises.
require some requirements of the latter to be replaced with rules
offering the same level of assurance. Owner’s Contractors and all their direct and indirect sub-
In order to do so, the Owner shall present for approval a non- contractors shall obtain individually the above-mentioned autho-
conformance request: rizations.
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The Owner executes with the AIA a Contractors’ follow-up States. In application of the Council Directive dated July 27, 1976
contract for themselves and all their direct and indirect subcon- on the reconciliation of Member States rulemaking systems relative
tractors, covering the whole of their supply. to the common rules for pressure equipment and their inspection,
the EU has issued a list of Authorized Organizations for the atten-
• “Foreword” and “Statement of Policy on the use of Code tion of the Member States. This Mandated Organization shall act
Symbols in advertising” are for documentation only. only in the State where it has been registered, and shall have a suffi-
• Data Reports are used with the above-mentioned transposi- cient practice of the codes and rules applicable to nuclear equip-
tions, the deletion of the terms “as required by the Provisions ment and components.
of the ASME Code Rules” in the title, and the use of state-
ment in Appendix A instead of the corresponding statement Article X-3300: Inspection Service
of the Code Data Reports. The AIA mission may be delegated to the inspection service of
the Owner or its Engineer if:
A translation of the Data Reports in the local language at the
site is authorized. • there is an identified structure of the inspection service, with
reporting lines and methods inside the mother organization
61.12.6 Article IX-6000: General Requirements for the emphasizing and warranting it being unbiased;
• the inspection service is free from commercial, financial, or
Use of RCC-M Code
any other pressure susceptible of biasing its judgment. It shall
General requirements for the use of RCC-M Code are defined
not be responsible for design, fabrication, delivery, erection,
or operation of the component it is due to inspect, nor be
involved in any activity incompatible with the required inde-
pendence, freedom of judgment and integrity of its inspection
61.13 APPENDIX X – AN INDEPENDENT activities;
• the people in charge of inspection shall avail of:
BODY DISTINCT FROM THE – a significant professional experience of the whole set of
MANDATED ORGANIZATION assessment and verification operations delegated to the
61.13.1 Article X-1000: Introduction – a thorough knowledge of the rules applicable to the inspec-
This Appendix describes the field of application and the condi- tions to be performed, and a living practice of the surveil-
tions for an independent body to play the role of an AIA as pro- lance of those inspections,
vided for by the ASME Code. – the required ability to establish certifications, minutes and
reports documenting the inspections performed;
• the inspection service is organized in such a way that its abil-
61.13.2 Article X-2000: Field of Application ity to perform its functions is duly maintained in un accept-
The Owner may entrust an independent body with the AIA role able way.
only in the framework of repairs and replacements of Class 2 and
Class 3 components not covered by: Terms and conditions for the inspection service to intervene are
described in its Quality Assurance Program. The correct applica-
• the Ministerial Decree V.4.087 on the nuclear boiler and the tion of the same shall be assessed by the AO-1.
steam components;
• the Royal Decrees for Installation and Operation of the units,
mentioning specific requirements applicable to: 61.13.4 Article X-4000: Documentation
– pressure vessels and components (pressure higher than 1 The Owner shall submit to the MO for signature, the Owner’s
bar and capacity larger than 0.300 cum) not covered by reports, NIS-1 and NIS-2 relative to repairs and replacements.
Code regulatory requirements; For signing, the MO will rely on documents and reports issued
– compressed air storage vessels. for and during the work performed. These documents are listed in
the following table; the table indicates responsibilities of the
This clause does not apply to site activities wherein only the various bodies in their establishment and approval. Documents
MO may act as the AIA. requiring notification to the MO are mentioned also.

61.13.3 Article X-3000: Independent Bodies

Independent bodies mentioned hereafter may be entrusted with 61.14 EVOLUTION OF THE RULES
the AIA mission if the corresponding conditions are met.
61.14.1 Evolution of the Rules During Operation
Article X-3100: Authorized Inspection Agency Besides the rules followed during design and construction, the
The AIA mission may be delegated to an Authorized Royal Decree of Authorization for Installation and Operation (see
Inspection Agency as per ASME Code Section III, Article NCA- Section 61.3) of each nuclear unit makes it mandatory to conduct
5121. 10-yearly safety reviews. These reviews must “compare on the one
hand the conditions of the installation and the implementation of
Article X-3200: Mandated Organization the procedures that apply to them, and, on the other hand, the regu-
The AIA mission may be delegated to an Authorized lations, codes and practices in force in the United States and in the
Organization from one of the European Union (the “EU”) Member European Union. The differences found must be highlighted,
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546 • Chapter 61


Document Types (1) Owner (2) Contractor AIA MO

Evaluation report E N N A
Repair and replacement program A E N A
Equipment specification (5) E N N N (3)
Code equivalence report E A N (3)
Technical follow-up documents A E A (4) N (3)
(specifications, procedures, Quality Plans, CMTRs,
Requests for derogation, Overpressure Protection
Report, nonconformance reports)
Owner’s Review of Design Report E N N (3)
Manufacturing Data Report (N…) (6) E A N (3)
Installation Data Report (N5) (6) E A
Owner’s Reports NIS-1 and NIS-2 E A

(1) E ⫽ Establishment
A ⫽ Approval and/or signature
N ⫽ Notification
(2) The Owner may delegate the establishment of the mentioned documents.
(3) The notification happens through the final documentation.
(4) According to the procedure for circulation and handling of technical documents issued by Contractors.
(5) The equipment specification includes the acceptance program requirements (Articles IX-3130 and
(6) or Compliance Certificate.

together with the necessity and possibility of remedial action and, regulator if Belgium security of supply would be threatened by
as the case may be, the improvements that can be made and the closing the plants.
time schedule for their implementation.” Until such event happens, there will be no reason to question
New rules, codes, and practices at the international level will be about the rules that would be imposed for design and construc-
examined, and it will be decided on whether each of those ought tion. If it happens, and new plants are built in Belgium, it is likely
to be considered in the 10-yearly safety reviews. that the same philosophy as used for the currently operating
The feedback of operational experience of nuclear plants at the plants be applied, with the selection of a recent version of
international level is also considered; “Bulletins” and “Generic ASME Code Section III (and the other Sections called upon by
Letters” of the USNRC are examined (if their follow-up has not ASME III) and Section VIII, Division 1. Transpositions would
been required yet in the frame of the permanent supervision dur- be revised, but the general framework and the actors would
ing operation of the installation). remain the same: the owner and its representative (Owner’s
An example of new topics corresponding to international prac- Engineer), a body in charge of safety (Nuclear Agency or other),
tices introduced in the 10-yearly safety reviews is the analysis of a body controlling the respect of the Belgian law (Mandated
severe accidents. As a consequence of the introduction of this Organization), and someone verifying the (correct) application
topic in the 10-yearly safety reviews, it has become an obligation of the ASME Code (AIA).9 This system has shown its workabil-
to install autocatalytic recombiners in all Belgian plants. ity and efficiency.

61.14.2 Future Trends

By means of the Federal Act of January 31, 2003 [14], Belgium
has decided to abandon the use of fissile nuclear energy for industri- The author acknowledges and appreciates the help, the support,
al electricity production. This law prohibits the building of new and the precious contributions from Jacques Weverbergh of
nuclear power plants and limits the operational period of existing Tractebel Engineering in Brussels (Belgium).
nuclear power plants to 40 years. The operation of research facilities
is not affected, and fusion as a future technology is not ruled out.
The phaseout can only be overridden by new legislation or by a
government decision based on recommendations from the grid May be the same as the MO.
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61.16 REFERENCES 8. CODAP, French Code for the Construction of Pressure Vessels, edit-
ed by SNCT and AFIAP, 2000.
1. Règlement Général pour la Protection du Travail/Algemeen Reglement
voor ArbeidsBescherming, Belgian Government, Brussels, 1947. 9. Arrêté ministériel de dérogation à la réglementation applicable aux
appareils à vapeur (V 4.087), June 06, 1993, Belgian Government,
2. Arrêté royal concernant les appareils à vapeur, Oct. 18, 1991, Belgian Brussels, 1993.
Government, Brussels, 1991.
10. DOCGEN 4DE 111 001, Transposition sur le plan Belge des Aspects
3. Arrêté ministériel portant exécution de l’arrêté royal du 18 octobre Réglementaires de la Section III – Division 1 du Code ASME, Rev. 0,
1991 concernant les appareils à vapeur, Oct. 28, 1991, Belgian Tractebel, Brussels, 1993.
Government, Brussels, 1991.
11. DOCGEN 4DE 117 001, Transposition sur le plan Belge des Aspects
4. Arrêté royal relatif aux appareils à pression en provenance ou à des- Réglementaires de la Section XI – Division 1 du Code ASME, Rev. 1,
tination d’un des Etats membres de la Communauté économique Tractebel, Brussels, 1997.
européenne, Feb. 1st, 1980, updated on March 14, 2002, Belgian
Government, Brussels, 2002. 12. USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.26, Quality Group Classifications and
Standards for Water-, Steam-, and Radioactive- Waste-Containing
5. Arrêté royal portant exécution de la directive du Parlement européen Components of Nuclear Power Plants, Rev. 3, 1976.
et du Conseil de l’Union européenne du 29 mai 1997 relative au rap-
prochement des législations des Etats membres concernant les 13. USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.143, Design Guidance for Radioactive
équipements sous pression, June 13, 1999, Belgian Government, Waste Management Systems, Structures, and Components Installed in
Brussels, 1999. Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants, Rev. 2, 2001.

6. European Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) 97/23/EC, 1997. 14. Act on the Phase-out of Nuclear Energy for the Purposes of Industrial
Production of Electricity, Jan. 31, 2003, Belgian Government,
7. EN 13445, Unfired Pressure Vessels, edited by CEN, 2002. Brussels, 2003.
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548 • Chapter 61


61.17.1 Appendix 61.A [11]

Transposition of “Data Reports”

and “Owner’s Reports” (forms NIS-1 and NIS-2)
Templates to be used

A.1. Window to be completed by the Manufacturer (Data Reports) or the Owner (Owner’s Reports)

Certificate of shop/field compliance

We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that this…. (1) ……. conforms to the rules of
construction of the ……………….. (2) …………. amended by the document “Belgian Transposition of the
requirements of the ASME Code Section XI – Division 1 (Ed 92).”

Signed ………….. by …… (3) ……

Certificate of Authorization …………….. (6)

Delivered by ……………………. (6)

Expiration date ……………………. (6)

A.2. Window to be completed by the AIA

Certificate of shop/field inspection

I, ….. (3)….., the undersigned, employee at …… (4) ……, acting as Authorized Inspection Agency according to
document “Belgian Transposition of the requirements of the ASME Code Section XI – Division 1 (Ed 92)” have
inspected this ……. (1)……. described in this ….. (7) ….. on ……. (5) …….., and I state to the best of my
knowledge and belief, that the Manufacturer has constructed this ……. (1) …….. in accordance with the ……….
(2) …. amended by this transposition.

By signing this certificate, neither the inspector nor his employer makes any warranty concerning the …… (1) ……
described in this Report.

Date ………………. Signature ………………..

1: Component
2: Applicable code
3: Name
4: Designated AIA
5: Date for Data Report or period for Owner’s Report
6: Not applicable for the Owner
7: Data Report or Owner’s Report
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61.17.2 Appendix 61.B [11]

1/4 Certificate of Authorization

2/4 Interim Letter of Authorization
3/4 Letter of Authorization
4/4 Quality System Certificate (Materials)

Nr. 000

This is to certify that

company, location

is hereby authorized1 to act as

Manufacturer installer services repair organization

in accordance with the applicable rules of

10 CFR 50 Appendix B, ASME III Subsection NCA, and ASME XI

and the document (Transposition sur le plan belge des aspects réglementaires de la section III, division 1, du code ASME)

This authorization is granted on the basis of their Quality Assurance Manual ### which scope and implementation have
been reviewed and accepted by ### on ### (see audit report no. ###, ref. XXX) for the design, procurement, manufacturing,
installation, examination, testing, handling, packaging, storage, shipping of

Product, Class

at the above location only from ### until ###

Signature Signature

Qualification Manager Nuclear Executive Vice-President Nuclear

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550 • Chapter 61


Nr. 000

This is to certify that

company, location

is hereby authorized1 to act as

Manufacturer installer services repair organization

in accordance with the applicable rules of

10 CFR 50 Appendix B, ASME III Subsection NCA, and ASME XI

and the document «Transposition sur le plan belge des aspects réglementaires de la section III, division 1, du code ASME»

This authorization is granted on the basis of their Quality Assurance Manual ### which scope and implementation have been
reviewed and conditionally accepted by ### on ### (see audit report no. ###, ref. XXX) for the design, procurement, manufacturing,
installation, examination, testing, handling, packaging, storage, shipping of

Product, Class

at the above location only from ### until ###

This authorization is subject to the holder’s agreement to achieve the implementation of his Quality Assurance program and to have
it reviewed and accepted by the Owner prior to the expiration date of his Interim Letter, and prior to the issuance of a Certificate of

Signature Signature

Qualification Manager Nuclear Executive Vice-President Nuclear

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Nr. 000

PROJECT: XXXX Nuclear Power Plant





AUTHORIZED ACTIVITY1: manufacturer installer repair organization

SCOPE: design, procurement, installation, examination, testing, packaging, storage, handling, shipping

PRODUCT: product



and the document (Transposition sur le plan belge des aspects réglementaires de la section III,
division 1, du code ASME)



Signature Signature

Qualification Manager Nuclear Executive Vice-President Nuclear

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552 • Chapter 61


Nr. 000

This is to certify that the

of the

has been reviewed and accepted and that this Quality System Certificate (Materials) is granted by the inspection


The holder is hereby authorized to manufacture:

– for equipments subject to legal regulations for the Belgian nuclear plants

for which

act as the agent of the Owner.

– in accordance with the applicable rules of the Boiler Pressure Vessel Code of the American Society of Mechanical

Engineers and more particularly the ASME Section III and the “Transposition sur le plan belge des aspects

réglementaires de la section III - division 1 du code ASME.”

– for the following scope of work within the following limits

The holder of this certificate has agreed that this certificate will be used according to the rules of ASME Section III and the

“Transposition” and that the Certificate could be withdrawn by the Inspection Agency in case of nonconformity.

Date of issue :

This certificate expires on:


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Dieter Kreckel
62.1 INTRODUCTION In Germany the acceptance of Nuclear Energy was formulated
with the decree of 2002, “Gesetz zur geordneten Beendigung der
The Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) (97/23/EC) [1] was Atom- energienutzung zur Stromerzeugung” [4]. As a conse-
adopted by the European Parliament and the European Council in quence of the political agreement with the German Utilities,
May 1997. Initially came into force on November 29, 1999, from German Nuclear Power Plants that operate the plants are allowed
May 29, 2002 the Pressure Equipment Directive was obligatory to stretch the plant life up to defined production periods. The
throughout the European Union. nuclear power plant (NPP) operation activities may end in 2022,
Germany as a member of the European Union had to respect so that the updating of the codes and standards for nuclear appli-
the Directives issued by the EU and to transfer these to national cation may have minimal need.
law, so the PED came into effect. The German Nuclear Power Plants in operation are licensed by
As background information an extract of the official reference the German Codes and Standards for Pressure Vessels effective
of the EU home page is available [2]. from the construction time as defined in the operation license.
The Directive appears in the European Community’s Program These identify the potentials for the application of the Codes and
for the elimination of technical barriers to trade and is formulated Standard, as the state of the art.
under the “New Approach to Technical Harmonization and The effort spent in Germany for the development of the new
Standards” [3]. Its purpose is to harmonize national laws of Generation 3 of NPP, for example, the European Pressurized
Member States regarding the design, manufacture, testing, confor- Water Reactor (EPR) or the SWR1000 with respect to the code
mity assessment, and assemblies of pressure equipment. It there- and standard evolvement cannot be applied in Germany, since
fore aims to ensure the free placing on the market and putting into there is no chance to build a new NPP in the near future.
service equipment concerned within the European Union and the
European Economic Area. Formulated under the New Approach,
the Directive provides for a flexible regulatory environment that
does not impose any detailed technical solution. This approach 62.2 EUROPEAN DIRECTIVE (PED) AND
allows European industry to develop new techniques thereby GERMAN LEGAL ADAPTATIONS
increasing international competitiveness. The pressure equipment
directive is one of a series of technical harmonization directives Since May 29, 2002 the Pressure Equipment Directive
for machinery, electrical equipment, medical devices, simple pres- (97/23/EC) was obligatory throughout the European Union. Since
sure vessels, gas appliances, and so on. November 1999, this European Directive 97/23/EC (PED)
The Directive concerns manufacturers of items such as vessels became a national law in Germany via various legislative steps,
pressurized storage containers, heat exchangers, steam generators, such as GSG and “14. GSGV” that has been updated from March
boilers, industrial piping, safety devices, and pressure accessories. 10, 2002 to “14. GPSGV” [6], which is within the scope of GPSG
Such pressure equipment is widely used in the process industries [5]. The decree rules apply to introducing of the new pressure
(oil and gas, chemical, pharmaceutical, plastics and rubber, and equipment to the market.
the food and beverage industry), high temperature process indus- Since March 10, 2002 the maintenance and the OH&S rules
try (glass, paper, and board), energy production utilities, heating, contained in the BertrSichV [7] apply to the operating pressure
air-conditioning, and gas storage and transportation. vessels already installed and new installed pressure vessels have
Excluded from the scope of the PED according to Article 1 are: to conform to the mandatory PED category levels in addition.
3.8. Items specifically designed for nuclear use, failure of The presumption of conformity to the PED is ruled by the
which may cause an emission of radioactivity. Harmonized Standards used as a benchmark. (see Table 62.1 [8]
For Nuclear Power Plant Licensing in Europe the application and Fig. 62.3 [11]).
limits of the PED and the Nuclear Codes have to be agreed with In Germany the conformity to PED is alternately ruled by the AD
the National Nuclear Licensing Authorities, there is no harmo- 2000 Code [9] (see Table 62.2), which is adapted to the Harmonized
nization process agreed in the European Union. Standards and conservatively evolved from the earlier AD Code.
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554 • Chapter 62



PED ANNEX I Nationalized Harmonized Standards (DIN Substituted by e.g., AF, BS, SF, or . . .)
Essential Safety Unfired Pressure
Requirements Vessel Industrial Piping Harmonized Supporting Standards
General DIN EN 13445-1 DIN EN 13480-1
General General
Design DIN EN 13445-3 DIN EN 13480-3 DIN EN ISO 9001 Quality management systems
Design Design and
Manufacturing DIN EN 13445-4 DIN EN 13480-4 DIN EN ISO 9001 Quality management systems
Manufacturing Manufacturing and and approval by Notified Body
Routing DIN EN 287-1 Approval Testing of Welders -
Fusion Welding- Steel
DIN EN 288-1, Welding Procedure
-2, -3
DIN EN 13445-5 DIN EN 13480-5 DIN EN 473 Qualification and certification of
Inspection and Examination NDT personal
Examination DIN EN 12062 NDE of Fusion Welds
DIN EN 1289,
1291, 1435, 1712,
1713, 1714, etc.
Materials DIN EN 13445-2 DIN EN 13480-2 DIN EN ISO 9001 Quality management systems -with
Materials Materials specific evaluation-
DIN EN 10204 Types of Certificates
DIN EN 10028 Plates
DIN EN 10213 Casting
DIN EN 10222 Forging of Steel
DIN EN 10216 Seamless pipes
DIN EN 10217 Welded Steel Pipes
(Source: ref. [8])

The AD 2000 Code contains the safety requirements for service updating process of these Codes and Standards by voluntary
conditions of pressure vessels that apply to Europe. updating of component specifications to the need for mainte-
The manufacturer of the pressure equipment can choose nance, back fitting, or upgrading of plant safety or efficiency con-
between the two options, Harmonized Standards or AD 2000. sistent with the state-of-the-art. The KTA Code [13] and Standard
The equipment quality is displayed by the certificate of confor- adaptation is ongoing according to the evolvement.
mity and the application of the CE marking as shown in Fig. In Germany it was always required that the specific nuclear
62.1 [11]. design has to adhere to the basic requirements of the pressure
The goal of the EU New Approach has been achieved for vessel code, although an exclusion was formally expressed in
Germany that includes all activities of marketing such as national the conventional rules (as DruckbehV now replaced by 14.
import or export of pressure vessels. The surveillance by the GPSGV) [6].
Notified Body according to PED Article 12 assures the document- Almost the same exclusion for the scope of the PED according
ed quality of the equipment as defined in the PED Appendix mod- to Article 1 is provided by:
ules, Fig. 62.2 [12]. 3. The following are excluded from the scope of this Directive:
3.8. Items specifically designed for nuclear use, failure of
which may cause an emission of radioactivity; Illustration is
62.3 NUCLEAR REGULATIONS OF shown in Fig. 62.5 “Example of Grading Requirements in
TO GERMAN NPP For orientation to the ASME user the ASME Sections corre-
sponding German Code KTA [13] is shown in the Table 62.3.
The German Nuclear Power Plants in operation are licensed In addition the Component Specifications for the set of pressure
with the German Codes and Standard for Pressure Vessels in equipment provides the detailed requirements for procurement.
effect at construction time and defined in the operation license. Owing to the specific German situation on the acceptance
The German Utilities and the Licensing Authorities agreed on an of Nuclear Energy as formulated in the decree of 2002:
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Essential Safety Harmonized Supporting Standards (DIN Substituted
Requirements Index Sections by e.g., AF, BS, SF, or . . .)
General Fundamentals Equipment, G Series
installation and marking of A Series
pressure vessels Additional notes Z Series
Design Design General verification of B Series DIN EN ISO 9001 Quality management systems
stability for pressure vessels S Series
Manufacturing Manufacture and testing HP Series DIN EN ISO 9001 Quality management systems and
approval by Notified Body
DIN EN 287-1 Approval Testing of Welders -
Fusion Welding- Steel
DIN EN 288-1, Welding Procedure
-2, -3
Special pressure vessels HP Series DIN EN 473 Qualification and certification of
NDT personal
DIN EN 12062 NDE of Fusion Welds
DIN EN 1289,
1291, 1435, 1712,
1713, 1714 etc.
Materials Metallic materials W Series DIN EN ISO 9001 Quality management systems -with
specific evaluation-
DIN EN 10204 Types of Certificates
DIN EN 10028 Plates
DIN EN 10213 Casting
DIN EN 10222 Forging of Steel
DIN EN 10216 Seamless pipes
DIN EN 10217 Welded Steel Pipes
Pressure vessels made of N Series
nonmetallic materials
(Source: ref. [10])

“Gesetz zur geordneten Beendigung der Atomenergienutzung There are some detailed variations, particularly relating to man-
zur Stromerzeugung” [4] (see Fig. 62.4) the activities of updat- ufacture and surveillance procedures in the United States, France,
ing the codes and standards for nuclear application have mini- and Germany. The differences are between regulatory require-
mum necessities. ments and they reflect the manufacturing practices in the respec-
tive countries.
All these codes would need to be augmented to meet the addi-
62.4 NUCLEAR REGULATIONS FOR tional structural integrity related requirements specified for the
PRESSURE VESSELS APPLICABLE TO various NPP circuits. However, evidence from PWR vendors is
NEW NPP FOR POTENTIAL EXPORT that the importance of some of these supplementary requirements
in relation to improved assurance of structural integrity is being
The Nuclear Industry and the Manufacturers in Germany are recognized and incorporated in the specifications of advanced
globally active in the nuclear market. Therefore they act accord- PWR designs.
ing to the client requirements, as defined in the bid. In the United States, great emphasis is placed on the ASME
A detailed review of the ASME III, RCC-M [15] and KTA code, supplemented by additional licensing requirements imposed
codes [13] has been carried out in various studies in relation to by the regulatory body, United States Nuclear Regulatory
materials, design, and manufacturing requirements to ensure the Commission (USNRC). In Japan, MITI Notification 501 is used
structural integrity and safety of pressure components of pressur- for the structural design and manufacture of nuclear power plant
ized water reactor (PWR) systems. components. In France, the basis is the RCC-M code, while in
The overall conclusion is that the established ASME Section Germany the primary circuit design is embodied within the rules
III, RCC-M and KTA codes provide comprehensive procedures and criteria of the KTA safety standards. In the United Kingdom,
for the design and manufacturing of such components, which are the Sizewell B PWR was designed according to ASME Section
broadly equivalent, when associated specifications and procedures III but with significant supplementary requirements specified by
are considered. the utility to satisfy licensing.
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556 • Chapter 62


62.4.1 Nuclear Regulations of Pressure Vessels • Designed and manufactured according to EN standards
Applicable to New NPP for Potential Export – EN 13445 for vessels
Within European Union – EN 13480 for piping
The Nuclear Industry and the Manufacturers in Germany are • Nuclear-specific provisions included in the equipment
globally active in the nuclear market. In the frame of European specification
Licensing a variation of Nuclear Regulations is taken into account
(see Fig. 62.5 [16]). As a minimum they are orientated to the The evolutionary development of the European Pressurized
mandatory PED requirements. As Fig. 62.6 (Source [19]) shows Water Reactor merges the French and German developments to a
the main orientation is coming from the higher categories III and common design, based on the French N4 Plus and the German
IV of PED. KONVOI technologies.
The suppliers act according to the customer’s requirements, but As part of this project, an intensive work program on the com-
the established requirement profile is settled as a benchmark parison of the French code RCC-M and the German code KTA
according to the supplier’s main activities in their home market was undertaken between 1990 and 1999 to identify the harmo-
Figure 62.7 [17] indicates these interactions. nization potential for a common product. This was based on
The nuclear requirements are graded according to the potential detailed review of the ASME III, RCC-M, and KTA codes carried
effect on environmental contamination by release of radioactivity. out in various studies in relation to the materials, design, and
The safety classes are defined according to the International manufacturing requirements to ensure the structural integrity and
Atomic Energy Association (IAEA) classification system and safety of primary circuit components of advanced PWR systems.
requirements are assigned to these as shown in the Fig. 62.8 [18]. At the end of 1999 the complete set of the RCC-M code improve-
In the view of the availability of experienced suppliers, the fol- ments were identified to be applied in any future EPR project.
lowing orientations are retained in Europe: This has an accepted status to reflect the state-of-the-art for a
LWR to be built in Europe.
• QC 1 Equipment An analysis performed about the pressure vessels in the typi-
• Construction according to RCC-M code (+ EPR specific cal LWR and the dedicated categories of PED is shown in
provisions) Fig. 62.6 (Source [19]) and presents the main orientation to the
• QC 2 Equipment higher categories III and IV of the PED. According to the results
• Application of nuclear codes RCC-M or ASME III, or KTA of this study, the decision of basic requirement Category III in the
• Piping considered a single equipment submitted to RCC-M nuclear application for pressure vessels is obvious. The nuclear
• QC 3 Equipment design enforces in addition, the Nuclear Code requirements such
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Module D E1 G H H1
⫹BB1 ⫹H
Duties of Manufacturer

Affixes the CE marking M M M M

Draw up a written declaration of conformity M M M M

Draw up the technical documentation M M M ⫹

Draw up the technical docu for the EC type examination

Assessment of the conformity (design, manufacture) M M M

Final assessment of the pressure equipment M M M M

Affixes the identification number M M M M

Lodge an application for EC design examination with RA M

Must lodge an application for assessment of the quality system M M M

Duties of the Notified Body (RA) and

Surveillance of SUPPLIER

Assess the quality system RA RA RA

Carries out periodic audits with a full reassessment every 3 y RA RA RA

May pay unexpected visits (two visits during the first year) RA RA

Perform appropriate tests RA RA RA

Examine technical documentation RA RA RA RA

Issue an EC type examination certificate RA

Issue and EC design examination certificati RA RA

Pays unexpected visits for monitoring of final assessment RA

Manufacturer affix the Id-number of RA to the CE marking RA RA RA RA RA

MA Manufacturer
RA Responsible Authority according to PED (Article 12, 13 or 14)

as Material Selection, nondestructive examination (NDE), and I to XI) or in a mix as shown in Fig. 62.8. In any case the
Structure Analysis. national Licensee will be involved in the approval and surveil-
lance process. The full scope of ASME is mandatory in the
62.4.2 Nuclear Regulations of Pressure Vessels United States only. Some German suppliers are getting fully
Applicable to new NPP for Potential Export qualified according to ASME requirements to be accepted for
Within U.S. Oriented Markets such procurement.
The Nuclear Industry and the Manufacturers in Germany are
globally active in the nuclear market.
The Suppliers act according to the client requirements, but the 62.5 CONCLUSIONS
established requirement profile is settled as a benchmark accord-
ing to the supplier’s main activities in their home market. The application of the PED together with the Harmonized
The Licensee defines the Codes and Standards to be applied. Standards or AD 2000 is well established. The environment con-
This might result in a full scope of ASME application (Section ditions for the Manufacturer of Pressure Equipment and the acting
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558 • Chapter 62




ASME Section Subject Correspondence

Section I Power boilers PED and EN 13445
Section II Material specifications KTA 3201.1 / KTA 3211.1 / EN 13445
Section III NCA General requirements KTA 3201.1 / KTA 3211.1
Division1 NB Class 1 components KTA 3201.2 / KTA 3201.3
NC Class 2 components KTA 3211.2 / KTA 3211.3
ND Class 3 components Specification / EN 13445
NE Class MC components KTA 3401.1 / KTA 3401.2
NF Component supports KTA 3205.1 / KTA 3205.2
NG Core support structure KTA 3204
Appendices See tables ./.
Division 2 Concrete reactor vessels ./.
and containment
Section IV Heating boilers EN standards
Section V Nondestructive examination KTA 3201.2 / KTA 3201.3
KTA 3211.2 / KTA 3211.3
EN standards
Section VI Operation of heating boilers None (regulatory texts)
Section VII Care of power boilers None (regulatory texts)
Section VIII Pressure vessels (nonsafety related) PED or EN
Section IX Welding and brazing qualification ISO / EN Standards
Part QW Welding ISO / EN Standards
Part QB Brazing ISO / EN Standards
Section X Fiberglass-reinforced plastic PV Not used in NPP
Section XI In-Service inspection of NPP KTA 3201.4 / KTA 3211.4
(Source: ref. [13])
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Beginn des
Reststrommengen kommerziellen
ab 1.1.2000 Leistungs-
Anlage (TWh netto) betriebs

Obrigheim 8,70 1. 4. 1969

Stade 23,18 19. 5. 1972

Biblis A 62,00 26. 2. 1975

Neckarwestheim 1 57.35 1. 12. 1976

Biblis B 81,46 31. 1. 1977

Brunsbüttel 47,67 9. 2. 1977

Isar 1 78,35 21. 3. 1979

Unterweser 117,98 6. 9. 1979

Philippsburg 1 87,14 26. 3. 1980 TIONAL SAFETY CODES AND DEGREES SOURCE [16]

Grafenrheinfeld 150,03 17. 6. 1982

Krümmel 158,22 28. 3. 1984

Gundremmingen B 160,92 19. 7. 1984

Phillippsburg 2 198,61 18. 4. 1985

Grohnde 200,90 1. 2. 1985

Gundremmingen C 168,35 18. 1. 1985

Brokdorf 217,88 22. 12. 1986

Isar 2 231,21 9. 4. 1988

Emsland 230,07 20. 6. 1988

Neckarwestheim 2 236,04 15. 4. 1989

Summe 2516,06
Gesamtsumme 2623,31


Nevertheless in the operating NPP, the application of the state-
of-the-art standards increase safety in production with improve-
ment in quality. The human factor in the qualification profiles is
taken into account.
The worldwide activities on declining the climate change
of the Responsible Authority according to PED Articles 12, 13, or caused by CO2 gas expulsion cannot neglect the emission free
14 are in a process that will lead to conformity to the PED and Nuclear Power production. Let us help to save our environment
adequate levels of confidence. with state-of-the-art technologies.
For the export oriented German Industry these international In the international market the renaissance of Nuclear Power is
Directives and Standards are fruitful for the level of benchmark in notable. For this global demand, Europe has developed the
the public safety. Generation 3 types that facilitate benefits from the following goals:
The effort spent in Germany for the development of the new
Generation 3 of NPP, for example, the EPR or the SWR1000 with • The PED issued an order to suppress trade barriers
the corresponding code and standard evolvement cannot be • Nuclear specific equipment excluded from the PED
applied for the German region, since there is no chance to build a • Gives the right to countries to issue additional safety
new NPP in the near future. regulations
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560 • Chapter 62


ASME_Ch62_p553-562.qxd 6/3/09 12:52 PM Page 561


• Consensus on applying the PED approach to nuclear Non-Nuclear Safety classified

equipment K4 Conventional Systems (PED)
• Keep technical practices consistent with standards and K5 Low pressure systems (non-PED)
possibilities of potential suppliers
15. RCC-M Règles de Conception et de Construction des Matériels
• Restrict specificities to those justified for safety reasons Mécaniques des Ilots Nucléaires REP
• Choices made for French and Finnish EPR
• Class 1: specific practice for primary equipment: RCC-M 16. Overview on Nuclear and Conventional Safety Codes and Decrees
• Class 2: open attitude toward use of international nuclear National references addressed
codes: RCC-M, ASME III, KTA 17. Overview on Nuclear and Conventional Requirements in Europe
• Class 3: general reference to harmonized standards: EN 18. Example of Grading of Safety Requirements in NPP
• Compatibility with ASME III ensured for U.S. application
• Evolution of equipment specifications are required 19. Orientation of Pressure Vessels Categories in the Scope of a NPP
• Compatibility with in-service surveillance practices
• Grandemange, J. M., Kreckel, D., and Frank, H. J.,
62.6 REFERENCES Design and Construction Rules Applied to the EPR Project:
ETC-M, AFIAP, October 1995 Paris/France,
1. The Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) (97/23/EC). ICON, May 5, 1997 Nice/France.
2. EU home page at • Kreckel, D.,
ped/index_en.html Review and Approval of Software and Hardware,
3. EU home page, New Approach to Technical Harmonization and STUK, September 1991 Helsinki.
Standards. • Kreckel, D.,
4. Gesetz zur geordneten Beendigung der Atomenergienutzung zur – Preparation of Specifications and Structure and Contents of
Stromerzeugung, April 22, 2002. Specifications,
– Codes and Standards for Procurement of Mechanical Components,
5. Gerätesicherheitsgesetz (GSG) 1999 replaced 2004 by Geräte- und – Conversion of Specifications Requirements into Purchase Orders,
Produktsicherheitsgesetz, GPSG (BGBl. I S. 2 ff.). Egyption Atomic Energy Authority February 1987 Cairo.
6. Druckgeräteverordnung - 14. GPSGV 2002 (BGBl. I S. 3777, 3806). • Kreckel, D. and Becker, D.,
7 Betriebssicherheitsverordnung BetrSichV 2005 (BGBl. I S. 3758, 3813). Role of Nuclear Codes and Standards in Their Practical Application,
IAEA, October 1985 Karlsruhe.
8. PED Annex I and Harmonized Standards Providing Presumption of
Conformity • Kreckel, D.,
Einfluß der Druckgeräterichtlinie (97/23/EG) -14. GSGV- auf die
9. AD 2000 Code (2004). AD 2000-Regelwerk - Aufbau, Anwendung, Komponenten eines KKW, atw 43Jg (1998) Heft 11 - November.
• Kreckel, D. and Reijnders, R
10. PED Annex I and AD 2000 Rules Providing Conformity Application of Specifications Based on Nuclear Codes and Standards,
11. PED Article 5 Presumption of Conformity Approval Documents and Quality Documentation,
RWE, April 1999 Essen, EON, from 2003 in various NPP.
12. PED Appendix Modules Duties of Involved Parties
• Grandemange, J. M., Lambs, R., Kreckel, D., Faidy, C., and Paris, D.,
13. KTA Standards Der Kerntechnische Ausschuss (KTA) http://www The Current Developments of Codes for Nuclear Pressure Equipment, AFIAP ESOPE 2001, October 2001 Paris, France,
14. Example of Grading of Safety Requirements in German NPP AFIAP ESOPE 2004, September 2004 Paris, France.
Component Classes K1 to K5 • Kreckel, D.,
German Nuclear Safety classification: EPR Use of EN,
EPERC 9th AGM November 22, 2004 London.
K1 Primary Circuit Systems
K2 Main Secondary Systems • Kreckel, D.,
K3 Nuclear Auxiliary Systems ASME Prague Workshop, June 27–29, 2006.
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Carlos Cueto-Felgueroso
This Chapter presents the regulation of pressure equipment in
Spain, in the nonnuclear industry as well as the activities in the 63.2.1 Design and Construction
codes and standards in the nuclear field. In both cases, emphasis As stated above, the design, fabrication, and conformity assess-
is placed on periodic inspections and testing. ment of pressure equipment are currently regulated in Spain
The basic Spanish regulation on pressurized equipment in the according to PED.
nonnuclear industry may be found in the Regulation on The main provisions of the PED are summarized, and are
Pressurized Apparatus, published by the Ministry of Industry and covered in detail in Chapter 47.
Energy in 1979 [1]. The regulation consists of a set of general
standards and leaves the specifics to a set of Complementary
63.2.2 Inspections and Tests
Technical Instructions.
The basic requirements regarding the inspection and testing
Following Spain joining the European Community in 1986, a
of pressurized equipment are to be found in the Regulation
process of modification of this regulation began, with a view to
on Pressurised Apparatus and its Complementary Technical
bring it in line with those of the other Member States to facilitate
Instructions. The following are particularly significant:
the trade of goods and services within the European Union. An
important milestone in the process of European harmonization (a) ITC-MIE-AP1 [3]: referring to boilers, economizers, water
was the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) 97/23/EC issued by preheaters, superheaters, and steam reheaters
the European Parliament and Council. (b) ITC-MIE-AP2 [4]: referring to piping for fluids relating to
The purpose of this Directive is to harmonize the national boilers
laws of the European Union Member States regarding the (c) ITC-MIE-AP6 [5]: relating to oil refineries and petro-
design, manufacture, testing, and conformity assessment of chemical plants
pressure equipment and assemblies of pressure equipment. (d) ITC-MIE-AP10 [6]: referring to cryogenic tanks
Since May 29, 2002 the pressure equipment directive has been (e) ITC-MIE-AP16 [7]: relating to thermal power generation
obligatory throughout the European Union. The PED was plants using solid, liquid or gaseous fossil fuels of any
applied to the Spanish Legislation through Royal Decree R.D. type and quality. Nuclear power plants are excluded.
769/1999 [2]. This decree superseded the provisions of the
The following sections summarize the inspection and testing
Regulation on Pressurized Apparatus relating to the design and
requirements for fossil fuel power generation plants, and oil
refineries and petrochemical plants respectively.
In the nuclear field, and in the absence of a national regulation,
the codes and standards of the countries of origin of the design of Fossil Fuel Power Plants.
each reactor are applied. The Spanish nuclear fleet is currently
The requirements of ITC-MIE-AP16 [7] relating to inspection
made up of 7 pressurized water reactor (PWR) and boiling water
and testing are summarized below.
reactor (BWR) of U.S. design and one German designed PWR
(see Section 63.3). As a result, Section III of the ASME Code has (a) Classification for inspection and testing. Pressure systems
been applied in the design and construction of the Spanish nuclear and apparatus are classified through a combination of the
power plants, except in the case of the German designed PWR, concepts of hazard potential and fluid characteristics, as
for which the KTA rules were used. On the other hand, the rules defined below.
of Section XI of the ASME Code are applied to all the plants for The hazard potential is defined as the product of design
In-Service Inspection (ISI). pressure Pd in kg/cm2 by volume V in m3. The classification
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564 • Chapter 63

of pressurized apparatus in accordance with this concept is TABLE 63.4 CATEGORIES OF PRESSURE EQUIPMENT
shown in Table 63.1. All boilers located in fossil power (EXCERPT FROM ITC-MIE-AP16) [7]
plants, both main and auxiliary, shall be classified in hazard
potential Group 1. Fluid Characteristics
Hazard Potential A B C
TABLE 63.1 HAZARD POTENTIAL GROUPS [7] 1 Category I Category I Category II
2 Category II Category II Category III
Group Hazard Potential (Pd . V) 3 Category III Category III Category IV
1 Pd ·Di  1000 4 Category IV Category IV Category V
2 300  Pd . Di  1000 5 Category V Category V Category V
3 25  Pd . Di  300
4 10  Pd . Di  25
5 Pd . Di  10 (2) On site. This consists of a dimensional control, if not
already performed in the workshop or if there has been
any anomaly in transport making it advisable. A hydro-
In the case of piping, hazard potential is defined as the static test should also be performed if not already car-
product of maximum service pressure Pms in kg/cm2 by the ried out in the workshop.
inner diameter of the pipe Di in centimeters. The applica- (c) Periodic inspection and testing. The inspections are aimed
ble groups are shown in Table 63.2. at gaining insight into damage caused in service with
respect to corrosion, cracking and the state of welds. They
consist basically of visual inspections, checks by the sam-
pling of thicknesses and whatever nondestructive tests are
considered necessary.
The pressure or alternative tests consist of a hydraulic
Group Hazard Potential (Pms . Di) test or any special alternative test that has been previously
authorized. In the specific case of piping, examinations
1 Pms . Di  3000 should be carried out by means of nondestructive testing.
2 2000  Pms . Di  3000 The frequency of and competence for the different period-
3 1000  Pms . Di  2000 ic inspections and tests for the different categories of appa-
ratus are indicated in Table 63.5.
4 500  Pms . Di  1000 (d) Testing conditions:
5 Pms . Di  500 (1) Pressure values for the initial test. Except in the case of
boilers, the pressure should be such that 90% of the
yield strength of the material is not exceeded at the test
temperature, and furthermore the provisions of the
The classification of pressurized apparatus in accor- Design Code shall be applicable. By default the
dance with fluid characteristics is shown in Table 63.3. hydraulic test pressure shall be as follows:
Pp  1.5 . Pd
(ITC-MIE-16) [7]
Pd is the design pressure.
Group Fluid Characteristics d is the allowable stress in design conditions.
p is the allowable stress in test conditions.
A Fuel Toxic, acid, or caustic liquid gases Hydrogen
In the case of boilers, the hydraulic test pressure shall
B Steam water Innocuous or inert gases Air be as follows:
C Water at temperature  85 C and pressure  10 kg/cm2 p
Pd  1.25 . Pd . —

For straight-through forced circulation boilers with a

Table 63.4 summarizes the different categories of pres- variable point of vaporization and pressurized parts
surized apparatus. designed for different levels of pressure along the
(b) Inspection and testing prior to entry into service: water-steam flow path, the test pressure shall be the
(1) At the manufacturer’s workshop. These consist of visu- highest of the following values:
al inspection and dimensional control of the apparatus,
including the connections required for safety and con- Pp  1.5 . Pms-s
trol elements, along with hydrostatic testing. The latter or
may be carried out on site when this is technically jus-
tified and is contemplated in the design manual. Pp  1.25 . Pms-e
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Periodic Inspections and Tests

Category of the Equipment Inspection Pressure Test
I 6 years (by External 9 years (by External
Inspector) Inspector)
II 8 years (by External 12 years (by External
Inspector) Inspector)
III 10 years (by External 15 years (by External
Inspector) Inspector)
IV 12 years (by Own 18 years (by Own
Inspector) Inspector)
V Not required 18 years (by Own Inspector)

Where Pms-s is the maximum service pressure permit- (2) In the case of heat exchangers, except condensers,
ted at the outlet of the superheater and Pms-e is the when the length of the affected weld whatever the
maximum service pressure permitted at the economiz- chamber in question exceeds 10% of the total. Also,
er feedwater inlet. when heat treatments have been performed or more
(2) Subsequent test pressure values. Following major than 10% of the tubes have been replaced, this shall
repairs, as defined in paragraph (e) below, or the required also be considered as constituting a major repair.
periodic tests, the provisions of the Design Code will be Repairs affecting the condenser are not considered
fulfilled. If not specified, the test pressure for pressure to constitute a major repair for the purposes of
apparatus or systems, other than boilers, shall be: hydraulic testing.
p (3) In piping systems, when the number of welds per-
Pd  1.1 . Pd . —
 formed is greater than 2% of those in the system for
Categories I and II, and greater than 10% for
For boilers, the test pressure value shall be: Categories III and IV.
Pp  1.25 . Pd Oil Refineries and Petrochemical Plants
For straight-through forced circulation boilers with a The requirements of ITC-MIE-AP6 [5] relating to inspection
variable point of vaporization and pressurized parts and testing are summarized below.
designed for different levels of pressure along the water- (a) Classification for the purposes of inspection and testing.
steam flow path, the test pressure shall be as follows: Pressurized systems and apparatus are classified through a
Pp  1.1 . Pms-e combination of the concepts of hazard potential and fluid
characteristics, as defined below.
Following any repairs not having a scope defined as Hazard potential is defined as the product of the design
constituting a major repair, the only requirement will be a pressure Pd in kg/cm2 by volume V in m3, as indicated in
leak test of a value equal to the maximum service pres- Table 63.1.
sure, Pms. As regards fluid characteristics, the classification of
(e) Major repairs. These are defined as those affecting to pressure apparatus is shown in Table 63.6.
apparatus belonging to Categories I, II, III, and IV in Table 63.7 summarizes the different categories of pres-
accordance with the extent established below: surized apparatus.
(1) In boilers, when a surface area of the shroud of more (b) Inspections and testing prior to entry into service. The
than 2% has been replaced. Also, when drums or head- requirements are similar to those indicated in Section
ers are affected by the repair whatever the number of paragraph (b).
welds affected or a heat treatment has been required (c) Periodic inspections and testing. With the exception of
during the repair. piping, the scope of the periodic inspections and tests is as
The cutting of tubes or removal of header plugs to follows:
inspect the conditions of the interior of the boiler are (1) Exterior inspection. This will consists at least of a visu-
not considered to constitute major repairs. One hun- al inspection of the areas subjected to the highest
dred percent of the welds performed for these reasons stresses and corrosion, of the checking of thicknesses
shall be inspected by nondestructive testing techniques. by means of ultrasonic techniques and of any nonde-
Repairs affecting the reheater are not considered to structive test considered necessary, as long as the con-
constitute a major repair for the purposes of hydraulic ditions of the process allow. In order to perform this
testing, although in their place the radiographic inspec- inspection it will not be necessary to remove the appa-
tion of 100% of the welds is required. ratus or system to be inspected from service.
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566 • Chapter 63

TABLE 63.6 FLUID CHARACTERISTICS GROUPS In the case of piping, nondestructive testing inspections
(ITC-MIE-6) [5] shall be carried out every 10 years by an own inspector.
(d) Testing conditions. For the first pressure test the following
Group Fluid Characteristics minimum requirements shall in all cases be met, in addi-
tion to those established in the design manual and referring
A Flammable fluids in vapor, gas, or liquid phase and
to these values:
their mixtures at temperature equal to or
(1) Pressurized apparatus or systems. The hydrostatic test
higher than 200 C; gases and liquids
pressure shall be as follows:
of elevated toxicity; hydrogen at any temperature.
B Flammable fluids in vapor, gas ,or liquid phase Pp  1.25 . Pd . —
and their mixtures at temperature lower
than 200 C; and toxic liquids, acidic During pressure testing, and other than in exceptional
or caustic at any temperature. cases duly justified in the design manual, the value of
C Water steam (gas phase), inert or innocuous 90% of the yield strength of the material at the test
gases and air. temperature shall not be exceeded for the primary
membrane stresses.
D Water at temperature  85 C For subsequent pressure tests, the test pressure value
shall be at least that indicated for the initial test.
(2) Apparatus or systems subjected to vacuum. The test pres-
(2) Interior inspection. This will consist at least of a com- sure value shall be that defined in the design manual.
plete visual inspection of all parts subjected to pres- (e) Inspection and testing following repairs. After a major
sure, along with whatever nondestructive tests are con- repair (as defined below), a visual inspection of the repaired
sidered necessary. Whenever an interior inspection area and a pressure test shall be carried out. The test pres-
cannot be performed for reasons of physical impossi- sure will be equal to that of the first pressure test.
bility, it shall be replaced with a pressure test. Major repairs are defined as those affecting repaired
(3) Pressure test. This will consist of a hydrostatic test or apparatus belonging to Categories I, II, III, and IV with the
any special alternative test previously authorized, and scope indicated below:
will be combined to the extent possible with interior
(1) Columns, tanks, and reactors:
– When the length of the affected weld calculated
The frequency of and the competence for the different peri- in percentage of the total length of the equipment
odic inspections and tests for the different categories of is equal to or greater than the values indicated in
apparatus are indicated in Table 63.8. Table 63.9.


Fluid Characteristics
Hazard Potential A B C D
1 Category I Category I Category I Category II
2 Category I Category II Category II Category III
3 Category II Category III Category III Category IV
4 Category III Category IV Category IV Category V
5 Category IV Category V Category V Category V


Periodic Inspections and Tests

Category of the Equipment External Inspection Internal Inspection Pressure Test
I 3 years (by Own 6 years (by External 12 years (by External
Inspector) Inspector) Inspector)
II 4 years (by Own 8 years (by External 16 years (by External
Inspector) Inspector) Inspector)
III 5 years (by Own 10 years (by External Not required
Inspector) Inspector)
IV 6 years (by Own 12 years (by Own Not required
Inspector) Inspector)
V 7 years (by Own Not required Not required
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TABLE 63.9 MAJOR REPAIRS IN COLUMNS, TANKS, – The welding procedure includes heat treatment
AND REACTORS WELDS [5] or the thickness of both pipes to be joined exceeds
12 millimeters.
Type of Weld
Category Longitudinal Circumferential
I Any Any
II Any Any
III 15% 30% In the nuclear field, and in the absence of a national regulation,
IV 20% 40% the codes and standards of the countries of origin of the design of
each reactor are applied. The Spanish nuclear fleet is currently
made up of 7 PWR and BWR of U.S. design and one German
– In apparatus or systems subjected to vacuum, except designed PWR. The main characteristics of these plants are sum-
for those containing incombustible fluids or fluids marized in Table 63.11, which also includes the José Cabrera
not forming explosive mixtures. Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) (also known as Zorita after the village
(2) Heat exchangers. The conditions indicated in para- near which it is located), which was disconnected from the grid in
graph (1) above apply for the shell side and distributor. April 2006 after 38 years of operation and is currently in the dis-
(3) Air-coolers. Any replacement of tubes or weld repairs mantling process. Section III of the ASME Code was applied to
to headers. the design and construction of this plant for the first time in Spain,
(4) Furnaces. When the length of tubes replaced exceeds and subsequently Section XI was applied for in-service inspec-
of 10% of the full length of the complete drum circuit. tion, following its publication in 1971.
(5) Boilers and steam producing equipment. When the Before the start of the NPP construction programme in Spain,
length of tubes replaced exceeds of 10% of the full nuclear power was considered in the 1961 Rules on Uncomfortable,
length of the tube circuit. Unhealthy, and Dangerous Activities (now overruled by Law
(6) Piping. In this case, major repairs are defined as all those 34/2007 on Air Quality and Atmosphere Protection) [8] as an
fulfilling the following conditions simultaneously: industrial activity that required the enforcement of the specific mea-
– The number of pipe joining welds performed exceeds sures laid down by the competent Technical Bodies, and that urged
those indicated in Table 63.10. the Ministerial Departments with competence in the above areas to
issue the required provisions.
TABLE 63.10 MAJOR REPAIRS IN PIPING Fundamentally, the legal bases were established in 1964 Law
WELDS [5] on Nuclear Energy [9] adopting the Nuclear Act and Decree dated
July 21, 1972 on the Order of Nuclear and Radioactive
Category Number of Welds Installations [10]. The scope of the 1964 law cover the application
of nuclear power for peaceful purposes and its safety objectives
I Any
are the protection of life, health, and property. This law sets out
II 4 the framework for the definition of international agreements, des-
III 8 ignates the Ministry of Industry as the body responsible for the
IV 16 nuclear permits and designates the Junta de Energía Nuclear


Commercial Current
Plant Type NSSS Supplier Capacity (MWe) Operation Operation Permit
Almaraz I PWR Westinghouse 977 05/1981 06/2000

Almaraz II PWR Westinghouse 980 10/1983 06/2000

Ascó I PWR Westinghouse 1033 12/1984 10/2001

Ascó II PWR Westinghouse 1027 03/1986 10/2001

Cofrentes BWR/6 General Electric 1092 03/1985 03/2001

José Cabrera PWR Westinghouse 150 07/1968 Decommissioned


Santa María de BWR/3 General Electric 466 05/1971 07/1999


Trillo PWR Siemens/KWU 1066 08/1988 11/2004

Vandellós II PWR Westinghouse 1087 03/1988 07/2000
[Source: Spanish Nuclear Industry Forum (]
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568 • Chapter 63

(JEN) as the body responsible for the assessment of matters deal- by the OECD-NEA and completed in 1992, the European organiza-
ing with safety, inspections, and surveillance of nuclear and tions related to ISI and the nuclear utilities constituted the European
radioactive installations. In 1980 the Law [11] creating the Network for Inspection Qualification (ENIQ) to develop an harmo-
Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (CSN) was passed and this body nized qualification methodology as a recommendation to be imple-
was assigned the tasks previously carried out by the JEN, the mented at national level in the different European countries. The
development of regulations in this field, the definition of nuclear methodology was published in 1995 and revised later in 1997 [14].
safety-related research plans and international coordination. The Several technical documents, named Recommended Practices that
CSN is independent of government administration and is directly support this methodology have also been elaborated.
responsible to Parliament. On the contrary, the European Nuclear Regulators constituted
Apart from these basic laws there is additional applicable leg- in 1995 the “Nuclear Regulators Working Group” (NRWG-
islation such as the Regulations on Protection from Ionising TF-NDTQ) to analyze their position in relation to nondestructive
Radiations, Seismic Resistance, and Protection of the Environment examination (NDE) qualification and to evaluate the proposed
among others. methodology elaborated by ENIQ. In 1996 they issued the docu-
The legislation is completed by specific requirements in the ment “Common Position of European Regulators on Qualification
licensing process, which is similar to the one used in the United of NDT systems for Pre- and In-Service Inspection of Light Water
States and consists of three main stages [12]: Reactors Components,” revised later in 1997 [15]. In general
terms, their position is coincident with the ENIQ methodology.
(1) Prior authorization of the site and of the objectives of the
Both the Spanish Utilities and the CSN, the Spanish Nuclear
Regulator, agreed that in Spain, the European NDE qualification
(2) Authorization for construction including the Preliminary
methodology should be implemented, but in the framework of ISI
Safety Study.
scope of ASME Section XI.
(3) Authorization for startup of commercial operation.
As a consequence, UNESA, the Spanish Nuclear Association
Before the authorization of the construction, the CSN evaluates of Utilities, in 1996 started a project to develop the Spanish NDE
the Safety Study and forwards its evaluation to the Ministry of methodology based on ENIQ qualification principles within the
Industry and Energy along with a conditional permit that defines ISI scope of ASME Section XI. This methodology was completed
the safety limits and conditions to be incorporated in the project in 1999 and it was presented to the CSN for evaluation to regulate
or justifying studies to be provided by the applicant. in the near future the NDE qualification approach proposed.
The conditional permit issued by the CSN establishes the The regulator and the utilities agreed to perform a pilot project
Licensing Bases and rarely establishes requirements in addition to to verify the qualification process and the technical requirements
those stipulated in the nuclear safety Laws and Regulations or in defined in the methodology [16]. The pilot project, named
the codes and standards applicable in the country of origin. Some VENDE, started in 2000 and it was completed by the middle of
differences do, however, exist in the applicability of Code Cases 2002. It was jointly funded by the nuclear utilities throughout
in respect to the validity dates or specific regulatory requirements UNESA and the CSN.
that aim to harmonize the requirements of different countries of The inspection components in the pilot project were the output
origin of the nuclear reactor for the power plants of different nozzles of a PWR pressure vessel and the feedwater nozzles of a
designs existing in Spain. For instance, the authorities required BWR pressure vessel. The inspection areas were in both cases the
the German designed PWR plant to comply with the ISI require- nozzle to shell weld, the inner radius, and the adjacent nozzle
ments of the ASME Code Section XI. This represents a differen- body. For both components ultrasonic mechanized inspection
tial treatment with respect to the In-Service Inspection Manual were used, but the PWR nozzle was inspected from the inside sur-
applicable to similar German NPPs. face and the BWR nozzle from the outside surface.
Certain differences may be underlined, for example, the in-ser-
vice hydrostatic testing of the primary circuit at a German (a) Organisation of the pilot project. All parties involved in the
designed PWR plant, where the regulator established in the qualification process were created, by constituting working
licensing basis that this should be performed in accordance with groups. The NPP group, responsible of the ISI, had two
the KTA rules with respect to test pressure (1.3 times the design coordinators from the two pilot plants and representatives
pressure) and temperature (not less than RTNDT  33 C, nor of all other plants. The Independent Qualification Body
higher than RTNDT  55 C), but with a frequency of 10 years, as (IQB) group, responsible of the evaluation and certification
in the case of ASME Code Section XI, instead of the eight years of the qualification, had also two coordinators from the two
established in the KTA rules. pilot plants and representatives of all other plants.
Furthermore, the CSN monitors the safety of the plants during Observers from the CSN participated in each working
their operating life by means of Periodic Safety Reviews (PSR) group. A Quality group was also created with the same
carried out every 10 years. Basically, the scope of the PSR covers structure as the other two groups. On the contrary,
[13]: Tecnatom acted as the ISI vendor to be qualified in this
(1) Applicability of new regulations. exercise.
(2) Operating experience. (b) Qualification input data. According to the methodology,
(3) Safety of design modifications. the qualification input data was defined for each inspection
area including:
The following sections summarize the national projects on ISI. (1) Inspection area description
(2) Definition of type of qualification defects: postulated
63.3.1 Qualification of NDT for ISI and specific, which were the cases applicable to these Background As a consequence of the international areas
Programme for the Inspection of Steel Components (PISC) funded (3) Definition of qualification defects sizes
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(4) Defect detection rate in practical demonstrations (accord- on NDT Qualification for In-Service Inspection of LWR
ingly probability of detection and confidence level) Components” [17].
(5) False call detection rate in practical demonstrations Immediately after that, UNESA started a joint effort to
(accordingly probability of false call and confidence perform the required NDE qualification of the inspection
level) systems in a Qualification Programme that will last until
(6) Definition of measurements uncertainties the end of 2008.
Tecnatom prepared detailed eight inspection procedures for
detection and defect sizing according to the input data defini- Description of the Spanish NDE Qualification
tion and the requirement of the methodology Methodology The methodology [18] is described in a main docu-
(c) Qualification documentation. The following documents ment where the objectives, scope, principles of qualification, func-
were elaborated within the project: tions, and responsibilities of the parties are defined. Additionally,
(1) Qualification ISI Objectives report for each area. seven technical documents develop all technical aspects of a qual-
(2) Essential Variables report for each area, to define the ification process:
essential variables of component, defects, equipment,
procedures, techniques, and so on. (a) Guideline for the definition of ISI qualification objectives
(3) Technical Justifications for each area for the postulated (b) Guideline for the definition and analysis of essential
defect cases, including analysis of worst-case defects variables
in each area by simulation modeling. (c) Guideline for the definition of objectives and content
(4) Specification for defect manufacturing in PWR description of technical justifications
and BWR test specimen for open and blind qualifi- (d) Guideline for the specification of test specimens for practi-
cations. A total of 38 fatigue crack defects were cal demonstrations
manufactured. (e) Guideline for the definition of rules for the performance of
(d) Qualification performance demonstrations. Open demon- practical demonstrations
strations for inside surface inspection procedures qualifi- (f) Guideline for the definition of the final qualification report
cation were performed for PWR nozzle to shell weld, contents
inner radius, and adjacent nozzle body. The inner radius (g) Guideline for the definition of management and quality
area had a specific defect case and the other two had com- system for the qualification process
ponent design postulated defect cases. In the first case the
These guidelines constitute an alternative to the qualification
practical demonstration was a requisite, but after analysis
requirements for ultrasonic examinations in ASME Section XI
of technical justification the NPP group and the IQB
Appendices VII and VIII. The main features of the guideline
group concluded that additional performance demonstra-
are described below:
tion had also to be performed in the postulated defect
cases. (a) Scope. The basic scope is Section XI of ASME Code, but
Open demonstrations for outside inspection procedures also other areas requiring NDE examinations by the regu-
qualification were performed for BWR nozzle to shell lator, on basis to operating experience, etc.
weld, inner radius, and adjacent nozzle body. All areas had The methodology is applicable to the ultrasonic inspec-
component design postulated defect cases, but after analy- tions as well as to other NDE methods with capabilities for
sis of technical justification the NPP group and the IQB defect detection and through wall depth sizing, such as
group concluded that additional performance demonstra- eddy current techniques applied to the inspection of steam
tion had also to be performed in the postulated defect generator tubes.
cases. (b) Definition of qualification defects. Consistent with the
Blind practical demonstrations were performed for data ENIQ methodology, for each inspection area a qualifica-
qualification of analysts in the case of specific defect. tion defect shall be defined. The qualification requirements
(e) Final qualification reports. A Final Qualification report are based on the type of the qualification defect.
was prepared for all the inspection areas with the conclu- (1) Specific defect case. It is applicable when a defect has
sions on the qualification exercises and also the lessons been observed in a given area/component in the plant.
learned on the application of the methodology and the The defect to be detected, characterized and sized is
technical guidelines during the performance of the pilot known in location and morphology and a “fit-for-pur-
project. pose” inspection procedure can be elaborated.
(f) Revision of the Spanish ISI qualification methodology. (2) Postulated defect case. Applicable when there is a pos-
After completion of the pilot project, a revision of the tulated defect due to component design requirements.
methodology took place, with the aim of including the Degradation experiences in other similar NPP can be
practical experiences of the qualification exercise. The considered as postulated defects, if the situation is
main document and the seven technical guidelines were extendable to the component or area. The exact charac-
revised and this activity was completed by the middle of teristics of the postulated defect are not known and they
2003. The revision was made by the UNESA qualification- must also be postulated.
working group that held periodic meetings with the Nuclear For piping segments classified as High Safety
Regulator for consensus in the modifications. The revised Significance in the framework of a Risk-Informed
methodology was sent to the CSN for final approval and Inspection (RI-ISI) program according to the Spanish
ruling, which was completed in March 2004. As general RI-ISI methodology (see Section 63.3.2), the applica-
criteria for the evaluation of the methodology, the CSN ble qualification requirement are those corresponding
used also the document “Report on Regulator’s Experience to the postulated defect case.
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570 • Chapter 63

(3) Undefined defect case. Applicable when none of the (3) Component or area with undefined defect case. No
above cases exist in the component or inspection area. additional requisites are needed in this defect case.
(c) Qualification principles. As per ENIQ methodology, (f) Parties involved in the qualification process:
inspection qualification can be achieved by combination (1) Nuclear Power Plant. It has the responsibility of
of the following elements: preparing the specification of input data and NDT qual-
– Practical Demonstration (nonblind and blind). ification objectives. It has also the responsibility of
– Technical Justification. revising and the approval of all documents required for
(d) Requisites for qualification of inspection equipment and qualification (inspection procedures, technical justifi-
procedures. These are a function of the qualification defect cations, test specimen specification, practical demon-
case: stration results, etc.).
(1) Specific defect case. An open practical demonstration (2) Independent Qualification Body. An IQB, as per
is required on test specimen containing the specific Standard UNE EN 45004 type B Body [20], will be set
defects. Also, a technical justification must be prepared within the organizational structure of the nuclear power
to generalize and complete the results of the practical plant. A quality system will guarantee its full indepen-
demonstrations. dence. It has the responsibility of evaluating all qualifica-
(2) Component or area with postulated defect case. A tech- tion documents and that all qualification activities are
nical justification must be prepared to analyze in depth performed according to the Spanish NDT Qualification
the inspection techniques, the procedure and the equip- Methodology, and of the certification of the qualification.
ment performance and all the essential variables must (3) ISI Vendor. It has the responsibility of preparing the
be evaluated by physical reasoning, theoretical and inspection procedures, technical justifications, and of
practical experiences, validated mathematical and sim- performing all required practical demonstrations.
ulation modeling, and so on. (4) Nuclear Regulator (CSN). In relation to qualification,
In case the technical justification presents all the the CSN approve the methodology and will rule its
needed evidences, a practical demonstration will not be application in Spain. Then, the Nuclear Regulator
carried out. On the contrary, for the essential variables function will include NDT qualification follow-up as
that cannot be properly justified, a practical demon- part of their general evaluation of safety requirement of
stration will be performed on test specimens that repro- the nuclear power plant installations.
duce the essential variables under analysis.
(3) Component or area with undefined defect case. A sim- Implementation of the Methodology The Spanish
plified technical justification must be prepared to nuclear power plants decided to work together in a joint project to
demonstrate that the inspection is performed according perform the initial NDT qualifications. The objective is to optimize
to written instructions, standards, or codes. The techni- the resources to be dedicated to qualification from the viewpoint of
cal justification will include a demonstration of the technical experts, test specimens, ISI vendors, and so on, given the
sensitivity of the inspection techniques according to important synergy existing among the components in operating
the applicable codes and standards. nuclear power plants in Spain.
(e) Requisites for qualification of inspection personnel. All A working group was set up in 2002 with the participation of
inspection personnel must be in possession of their valid all the ISI managers in the plants, which was named GRUVAL, a
Nondestructive Testing (NDT) Certification according to the Spanish acronym for ’Group on Validation’. The function of this
inspection procedure requirements, and as a minimum req- group is to co-ordinate and to supervise the qualification activities
uisite, must be certified as Level II or III through Spanish defined in the methodology. In parallel, another working group
Standard UNE EN 473 [19] or equivalent. Additionally, the named GROIV was set up in 2003 with the participation of the
inspection personnel must accomplish with the following IQB managers of each plant to co-ordinate and evaluate the quali-
qualification requisites defined as a function of the qualifica- fication activities. GROIV is the Spanish acronym for ’Group of
tion defect case. Independent Validation Bodies’. The organisation organization
(1) Specific defect case. All inspection personnel perform- flow chart of the joint qualification project is shown in Fig. 63.1
ing equipment calibration and data acquisition must Several activities were performed by GRUVAL and GROIV
perform the open practical demonstration for equip- since 2003. In relation to the definition of the organization and
ment and procedures qualification. responsibilities of GRUVAL and GROIV, a Management Manual
All data analysts must perform a blind practical was elaborated. There, the final responsibilities of qualification of
demonstration on test specimen containing the specific each plant and its individual IQB, GRUVAL, and GROIV are stat-
defects. Previously acquired data can be used for data ed; the mission is to coordinate, manage, and evaluate the joint
analyst qualification. In all cases, selection of data to qualification exercises. Each nuclear plant and its IQB must later
be analyzed shall be selected by the Independent approve all documents and activities produced by GRUVAL and
Qualification Organisation. GROIV to officially assume the qualifications in each plant.
(2) Component or area with postulated defect case. All In relation to the technical activities, GRUVAL decided to cre-
inspection personnel performing equipment calibration ate Qualification Groups for all the inspection areas of the nuclear
and data acquisition must perform the open practical plants that required qualification of the ISI performed based on
demonstration for equipment and procedures qualifica- the synergy existing among them. Four technical documents were
tion, when it was necessary to be performed. elaborated for this purpose:
All data analysts must perform a blind practical
demonstration on test specimen containing the essen- (1) Definition of the grouping criteria
tial variables, when it was necessary to be performed. (2) Definition of all Qualification Groups
ASME_Ch63_p563-576.qxd 6/3/09 1:13 PM Page 571




(NPP ISI Working Group) (Working Group)

Methodology Engineering Technical

support Companies support



(3) Identification of inspection areas of all NPP in each and analyzing the different cases that might occur, to define
Qualification Groups the necessary steps to be followed and to identify and solve
(4) Calendar for all qualification activities the potential problems that might arise during the definition
of a full scope RI-ISI program for piping.
For the definition of grouping criteria several types of informa-
(c) To define the minimal requirements for the documentation
tion were needed: component geometries and dimensions, base
to be submitted and the basic steps of the CSN staff evalu-
material and weld materials, basic NDE methods, qualification
ation process, to allow for an agile implementation process
defect cases, access to the areas, inspection requirements, and so
for future applications.
on. A total of 53 Qualification Groups were defined encompass-
ing ferritic, austenitic and dissimilar metal welds in piping, reac- The project consisted of three main activities:
tor pressure vessel areas, including control rod drive mechanism
(CRDM) penetrations in PWR vessel heads and control rod drive (a) Revision and analysis of all the applicable and available
housing (CRDH) penetrations in BWR bottom heads, steam gen- documentation, to define the framework for the project for
erator tubes, and so on. More than 10,000 inspection areas were the Spanish approach. This activity was completed in
assigned to the Qualification Groups. December 1998.
For those welds in the ferritic, austenitic and dissimilar metal (b) Definition of a generic guideline applicable to Spanish
Qualification Groups inspected using manual ultrasonic proce- NPPs, for the establishment of an RI-ISI program for pip-
dures, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Performance ing. This guideline was issued in its first consensus draft in
Demonstration Initiative (PDI) qualified generic procedures have May 1999 and later revised to include the lessons learned
been selected for application to Spanish plants. Practical demon- from the pilot studies.
strations have been carried out at the EPRI facilities in Charlotte, (c) Application of the guideline defined to one or two pilot
NC using the existing PDI mock-ups. Further, the EPRI PDI per- plants. The objective of this activity was to check the tech-
sonnel also developed the technical justifications to analyze those nical consistency of the guideline. The pilot plants were
essential variables of the inspection procedures that could not be Ascó I (PWR) and Santa María de Garoña (BWR). In both
properly reproduced during the practical demonstrations. cases, only the quantitative approach was used. The scope
of the Ascó I study was all the Class 1 piping and selected
63.3.2 RI-ISI Applications for Piping portions of Class 2, 3, and Nonclass piping systems. In the Background Taking into account the U.S. develop- case of Santa María de Garoña, the scope covered selected
ments regarding Risk-Informed ISI, the Spanish utilities and the portions of Class 1, 2, and Nonclass piping systems.
Nuclear Regulator (CSN) have shown an increasing interest in any The Ascó I Class 1 piping application [21] was later
possible optimization of the ISI programs. Within this framework, submitted to and approved by the CSN with slight modifi-
a pilot study on risk-informed ISI was arranged in a cooperative cations in September 2001, becoming the first RI-ISI
R&D project between the CSN and UNESA (Spanish Utilities application licensed in Europe.
The objectives of the project were as follows: Description of Spanish RI-ISI Guideline for Piping
(a) To define the main characteristics of a suitable methodolo- The Guideline RI-ISI-02, rev. 0 [22] was issued in May 2000.
gy to define a risk-informed ISI program for piping, using The guideline develops general criteria for a risk-informed appli-
as reference, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission cation in nuclear class piping and particular criteria related to the
(USNRC) regulation. quantitative and the qualitative methods. The guideline, is mainly
(b) To apply the developed methodology to a Spanish NPP, based on USNRC Reg. Guides 1.174 and 1.178, NUREG-0800
defining the scope of systems to be included in the program Chapters 19 and 3.9.8; this guideline also considers methods from
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572 • Chapter 63

WCAP-14572, rev. 1-NP-A (for quantitative approach) and EPRI- TABLE 63.12 CLASS 1 PIPING SEGMENTS
TR-112657, rev. B (for qualitative approach) as well as ASME CLASSIFICATION FOR PWR PLANTS [24]
Section XI Code Cases N-560, N-577, and N-578; it is also based
on the conclusions and recommendations of the report EUR Number of Segments
19153 EN [23]. Plant Region In Region Total
The guideline has the following structure:
Ascó I 1 HSS/HFI 28
(a) A methodological part defining the general approach to be 2 HSS/LFI 23
applied, taking into account both quantitative and qualita- 102
tive approaches. 4 LSS/LFI 42
(b) A documentation requirement part defining the documen- Almaraz II 1 HSS/HFI 20
tation that should be maintained at the plant and the docu- 2 HSS/LFI 4
mentation to be submitted to the Nuclear Regulator as the 86
3 LSS/HFI 28
“Final Report.” 4 LSS/LFI 36
(c) An evaluation part that includes the process that is to be
Almaraz I 1 HSS/HFI 23
adhered to by the CSN Staff to review and approve an RI-
ISI program. All the activities that should be reviewed, and 86
3 LSS/HFI 30
the acceptance criteria for each, are included in this part of
4 LSS/LFI 28
the document.
(d) Attachments: One with the details of the quantitative Ascó II 1 HSS/HFI 19
methodology, another with details of the qualitative method- 2 HSS/LFI 28
ology, and a third with the type of report that has to be sub- 3 LSS/HFI 22
mitted. Each of these attachments develops the details of the 4 LSS/LFI 33
general body of the guideline.
HSS: High Safety Significant
The approach for the Spanish guideline is not to limit the scope LSS: Low Safety Significant
of the program only to Section XI but to attempt to include all the HFI: High Failure Importance
ISI programs (e.g., IGSCC, FAC) in place at the NPP, on a volun- LFI: Low Failure Importance
tary basis.
Another characteristic of the Spanish guideline is that it
includes the technical approach and the evaluation process in the
same document, due to its having been developed through cooper-
ative action. (b) NDT testing of a sample of piping segments greater than
NPS 3 located in Region 4. RI-ISI Applications at Spanish NPPs Concerning the (c) Improvements in the level of confidence required in the sta-
Spanish PWR plants, following Ascó I application, Almaraz II, tistical analysis for determining the number of inspections
Almaraz I, and Ascó II NPPs submitted and get licensed their RI- required in a given segment, raising it from 95 to 99%.
ISI programs for Class 1 piping [24]. (d) Use of qualified NDT procedures capable of detecting and
The degradation mechanisms applicable to the piping included sizing cracking due to thermal stratification, thermal strip-
in the scope are as follows [25]: ping, or SCC in segments prone to these mechanisms.
(e) Inclusion of all, or at least a representative sample of
(a) Thermal stratification in zones of possible mixing of water
welds showing a possibility of SCC degradation mecha-
at different temperatures
nisms, such as nozzle-to-pipe Alloy 82/182 welds in RCS
(b) Thermal fatigue due to normal heatup and cooldown
components (RPV, steam generators, and pressurizer).
(c) Vibrations in small piping close to the source of vibration
(d) Water hammer in the pressurizer auxiliary spray line when The final classification of segments for each plant is shown in
not prevented by the operating procedure in place Table 63.12. In addition, Table 63.13 shows the comparison
(e) Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) in areas containing sus- between the number of inspections required by the ASME Section
ceptible material XI programs and the corresponding RI-ISI programs.
Despite the significant reduction achieved in the number of
The results of failure probability due to these degradation
inspections, all RI-ISI programs resulted in slight reductions of
mechanisms have been as expected. Logical differences have been
risk in comparison with the previous ISI programs, both in terms
encountered between twin units, among other reasons, due to the
of the Core Damage Frequency (CDF) and of the Large Early
age of the plant, the results obtained from stress analysis (differ-
Release Frequency (LERF).
ences in piping supports, etc.) and the results of the inspections
On the contrary, the RI-ISI application of Cofrentes BWR plant
performed to date.
[26] shows differences in the scope with respect to the above PWR
In addition to the results obtained from the application of the
applications, since the latter cover only Class 1 piping whereas the
quantitative methodology, in accordance with the requirements of
scope of the former encompasses both Class 1 and 2 piping. Also,
the Spanish guideline, various locations have been selected for
the Cofrentes NPP application does not cover dissimilar metal
inspection to fulfill the defense in depth criterion. Other criteria
welds between the RPV nozzles and safe-ends and between the
that have been applied are as follows:
safe-end and extensions (ASME Section XI Category B-F welds).
(a) Relocation in Region 3 (LSS/HFI segments) of segments The total number of segments in the scope amounts to 728,
initially located in Region 4 (LSS/LFI), due to snubber from which only 182 belong to Class 1 piping. The total number
failure potential or water-hammer potential. of welds in the scope amounts to 6458.
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Areas in ASME Section XI Program

Plant B-F welds B-J welds Total Areas in RI-ISI Program Reduction (%)
Ascó I 42 178 220 103 53
Almaraz II 42 241 283 59 79
Almaraz I 42 233 275 76 72
Ascó II 42 178 220 82 62

Beside the fatigue, the Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking The analyses showed a significant influence of the FAC and
(IGSCC) degradation mechanism was postulated for austenitic IGSCC degradation mechanisms in the failure probabilities. In
stainless steel piping in contact with the reactor coolant. general, segments affected with either mechanism resulted in the
Consideration was given in the evaluation of failure probabilities High Failure Importance regions. In terms of risk, the contribution
to the mitigation measures implemented in these welds. Also, the of the FAC degradation to the CDF amounts to 51% of total CDF,
Flow Accelerated Corrosion (FAC) mechanism was postulated for whereas the contribution of the IGSCC degradation amounts to
the carbon steel piping in the steam and feedwater lines. The FAC 23% of total CDF.
mechanism was accounted for in the evaluation of the failure To fulfill the defense in depth criterion, the regulator required
probabilities, although the plant’s FAC program will continue to during the licensing process to include at least one location to
be governed basically by determinist criteria. This process identi- monitor those systems that did not warrant inspection according
fied High Safety Significant (HSS) segments due to the FAC to the RI-ISI program but had been required for inspection
degradation all of which deserve special consideration in the according to the Section XI program.
future implementation of the FAC program. The final segment classification and the number of elements
By contrast with the FAC program, other augmented inspection selected for inspection in each region are shown in Table 63.14. It
programs such as those of IGSCC and High Energy Line Breaks can be observed that 81% of HSS segments belong to Class 1 pip-
are included in the RI-ISI application. ing. These segments cover 93% of the total CDF.
In addition to the large number of segments, it is worth noting Table 63.15 shows a comparison between the number of
the effort dedicated to the development of criteria for the evalua- inspections according to RI-ISI and Section XI programs. Despite
tion of failure probabilities for small bore piping that lacked a for- the significant reduction on the number of inspections achieved
mal stress analysis since the design was based on guidelines. On (59%), the RI-ISI program resulted in being risk neutral in com-
the contrary, special emphasis was placed on the evaluation of parison with the previous deterministic ISI program, since the
indirect effects (flooding, jet effects, and pipe whipping) due to CDF reduction is 9.84 10
9 and the reduction of the LERF is
piping failures in the Break Exclusion Zone. 3.22 10



Number of Segments Number of Inspections

Piping Region In Region Total In Region Total
1 HSS/HFI 39 116
2 HSS/LFI – 182 – 130
Class 1
3 LSS/HFI 51 7
4 LSS/LFI 92 7
1 HSS/HFI 7 7
2 HSS/LFI – 546 – 21
Class 2
3 LSS/HFI 124 4
4 LSS/LFI 415 10
1 HSS/HFI 46 123
2 HSS/LFI – 728 – 151
Class 1 & 2
3 LSS/HFI 175 11
4 LSS/LFI 507 17

HSS: High Safety Significant

LSS: Low Safety Significant
HFI: High Failure Importance
LFI: Low Failure Importance
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574 • Chapter 63


Areas in ASME Section XI Program Areas in RI-ISI Program Reduction (%)

Existing Selected Existing Selected
2840 365 6458 151 59

63.4 CONCLUSIONS 3. ITC-MIE-AP1, Boilers, Economisers, Water Preheaters, Super-

heaters and Steam Reheaters, issued by the Ministry of Industry and
In Spain the basic regulation of the nonnuclear industry is Energy, Orders O. 17-3-1982 and O. 28-3-1985.
included in the Regulation on Pressurized Apparatus, published in 4. ITC-MIE-AP2, Piping for Fluids Relating to Boilers, issued by the
1979, and in its Complementary Technical Instructions, published Ministry of Industry and Energy, Order O. 6-10-1980.
in later years. Following Spain joining the European Community
in 1986, the regulation underwent a series of modifications with a 5. ITC-MIE-AP6, Oil Refineries and Petrochemical Plants, issued by the
Ministry of Industry and Energy, Order O. 30-8-1982 and O. 11-7-1983.
view to bringing it into line with those of the other European
Union countries. This regulation remains in force for in-service 6. ITC-MIE-AP10, Cryogenic Tanks, issued by the Ministry of Industry
testing and inspections, while aspects relating to the design, man- and Energy, Order O. 7-11-1983 and O. 5-6-1987.
ufacturing, and conformity assessment of pressure equipment are 7. ITC-MIE-AP16, Fossil Power Generating Plants, issued by the
governed by the PED. Ministry of Industry and Energy, Order O. 11-10-1987.
In the nuclear field, and in the absence of a national regulation,
8. Rules on Uncomfortable, Unhealthy and Dangerous Activities, Decree
the codes and standards of the countries of origin of the design of dated November 30, 1961 (now superseded by Law 34/2007 on Air
each reactor are applied, with certain modifications aimed at har- Quality and Atmosphere Protection, BOE 16-11-2007).
monizing requirements among the country’s different facilities.
This is the case, for example, as regards in-service inspection, 9. Law 25/1964 dated April 29 on Nuclear Energy (BOE 4-5-64), mod-
ified by Law 40/1994 dated December 30, 1994 for the Development
where Section XI of the ASME Code is applied in all cases.
of the National Electric System (BOE 31-12-94).
For the qualification of NDT tests applied for in-service
inspection, the Spanish industry developed a methodology based 10. Decree Law 2869/1972 dated July 21, issued by the Ministry of
on the ENIQ principles, as in other European countries. It should Industry and Energy, approving the Bylaw on Nuclear and
be pointed out, however, that in implementing this methodology Radioactive Facilities (BOE 24-10-72).
for the manual ultrasonic inspection of piping, the generic EPRI 11. Law 15/1980 dated April 22 on the Creation of the Consejo de
PDI procedures have been used, the practical demonstrations Seguridad Nuclear (BOE 25-5-80).
having been carried out at this institute’s facilities and using its 12. Colinet, M., Frank, H.-J., Morel, A., Hevia Rupérez, F. and Smith,
mock-ups. N.G., Survey of European Design Codes and Regulatory Requirements
Furthermore, in Spain the nuclear industry and the regulator Relating to the Structural Integrity of ALWR Nuclear Power Plants -
have jointly developed a guideline for the application of the risk- Final Report, AEAT-1506 for the CEC DG-XI, September 1997.
informed methodology to the in-service inspection of piping, 13. CSN Safety Guide 1.10, Periodic Safety Reviews in Nuclear Power
which is based mainly on the U.S. regulations and on ASME Plants, December 1995.
Code Cases N-577 and N-578.
On the European stage, the Spanish industry and regulator have 14. European Methodology for Qualification, EUR 17299 EN, Rev. 2,
prepared by the European Network on Inspection Qualification
contributed to the definition of a common framework for the appli-
(ENIQ), 1997.
cation of the RI-ISI methodology through their respective partici-
pations in the drawing up of the ENIQ’s European Framework 15. Common Position of European Regulators on Qualification of NDT
Document for Risk-Informed In-service Inspection [27] and the Systems for Pre-Service and In-Service Inspection of LWR
NRWG’s Report on Regulatory Experience on Risk-Informed Components, EUR 16802 EN, Rev. 1, prepared by the Task Force of
Nuclear Regulators Working Group (NRWG), 1997.
In-Service Inspection of Nuclear Power Plants Components and
Common Views [28]. 16. Francia, L., Bollini, G., Figueras, J.M., and Castelao, C., Spanish
Experience on NDT Qualification. Nuclear Industry and Regulator
Views, OECD/CSNI Symposium on International Developments and
Cooperation on RI-ISI and NDT Qualification, Stockholm, 2004.
17. Report on Regulator’s Experience on NDT Qualification for
1. Rules on Pressure Apparatus, issued by the Ministry of Industry and In-Service Inspection of LWR Components, EUR 20819 EN, prepared
Energy, Decree R.D. 1244 dated April 4, 1979 (BOE 128, May 29, by the Task Force of Nuclear Regulators Working Group (NRWG),
1979); R.D. 1504 dated November 23, 1990 (BOE 28-11-1990 and 2003.
BOE 24-1-1991. Modified by Decree R.D. 473 dated March 30, 1988
18. Qualification Methodology for Non-Destructive Examination Systems
(BOE 20-5-1988) and R.D. 1495/1991 (BOE 15-10-1991).
Applied in the In-Service Inspection of Spanish Nuclear Power Plants,
2. Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/CE, transposed by Decree R.D. UNESA CEX-120, Rev. 2, April 2003.
769/1999 dated May 7, 1999 (BOE 31-5-1999).
ASME_Ch63_p563-576.qxd 6/3/09 1:13 PM Page 575


19. Qualification and Certification of Personnel That Perform Non- on International Developments and Cooperation on RI-ISI and NDT
Destructive Examinations, UNE EN 473, AENOR, April 1993. Qualification, Stockholm, 2004.
20. General Criteria for the Performance of the Several Types of 25. Castelao, C., Mendoza, C., and Figueras, J.M., Lessons Learned
Organizations That Carry Out Inspection, UNE EN 45004, AENOR, from the Assessment and Review of Applications to Use RI-ISI
December 1995. in Spanish NPP, OECD/CSNI Symposium on International
21. López Ansorena, J.L., Ulloa, L., and Canton, M., Risk-Informed Developments and Cooperation on RI-ISI and NDT Qualification,
In-Service Inspection of Piping. Application to Ascó Nuclear Power Stockholm, 2004.
Plant, XXVI Annual Meeting of the Spanish Nuclear Society, León 26. Gutiérrez, E., Pérez Tejedor, P., García Sicilia, J., Gallego, F., Martín-
(Spain), October 2000. Serrano, C., Godoy, J., and Cueto-Felgueroso, C., Risk-Informed ISI
22. Guide for the Development and Evaluation of Risk-Informed Program for Cofrentes NPP, XXXII Annual Meeting of the Spanish
In-Service Inspection Programs, RI-ISI-02, Rev. 0, CSN-UNESA, Nuclear Society, Tarragona, Spain, October 2006.
May 2000. 27. European Framework Document for Risk-Informed In-service
23. Report on Risk-Informed In-Service Inspection and Testing, EUR Inspection, ENIQ Report Nr. 23, EUR 21581 EN, March 2005.
19153 EN, European Commission. Nuclear Safety and Environment,
28. Report on Regulatory Experience on Risk-Informed In-Service
June 1999.
Inspection of Nuclear Power Plants Components and Common Views,
24. Bros, J. and Francia, L., Experience of RI-ISI Applications in Spanish EUR 21320 EN, European Commission. Nuclear Safety and
NPPs. Results and Impact on ISI Programs, OECD/CSNI Symposium Environment, August 2004.
ASME_Ch64_p577-588.qxd 6/3/09 1:14 PM Page 577


Milan Brumovsky
64.1 SHORT HISTORY and were in most cases incorporated into new set of Soviet rules
AND INTRODUCTION and standards issued around 1989. These rules and standards
existed for service lifetime assessment of reactor components and
Nuclear power plants (NPPs) in Jaslovske Bohunice (440 MW) were limited only to design and manufacturing; in very special
in Slovakia and Dukovany (440 MW) and in Temelín (1000 MW) cases these rules were for operation also but not from the lifetime
in the Czech Republic (both in former Czechoslovakia) were built evaluation point of view. Thus, assessment of defects, found dur-
with an agreement between the former Czechoslovakia and Soviet ing in-service inspection, has to be based on acceptance levels
Union in context of mutual cooperation in building NPPs. Within valid for manufacturing and on special procedures, prepared by
this agreement, understanding was to use Soviet design and pro- the Nuclear Research Institute (NRI) Rez and manufacturers of
duction standards and rules [1, 2] as far as it was possible, while components; for case by case application, these had to be accepted
following the entire NPP design. Thus, for this case only, by the Czech State Office for Nuclear Safety (SONS).
Government decisions in 1978, 1980, and 1985 defined these
rules. Early in the eighties, extended project of the technical stan-
dard documentation of NPPs was organized by the International 64.2 SONS REQUIREMENTS FOR
Economic Association “Interatomenergo” in Moscow. The associ- LIFETIME EVALUATION
ation was set up to cooperate in the field of nuclear power between
individual member states of the Council of Mutual Economical In 1993, the SONS initiated a project “Requirements for
Co-operation (CMEA). After accident in the Chernobyl NPP, the Lifetime Evaluation of WWER Main Components”; (WWER are
whole project was managed by the “Gosatomenergonadzor” Water Energetical Reactors). Water Energetical Reactor is of pres-
(GAEN) of the Soviet Union. Under control of the GAEN, the surized water reactor type but designed and manufactured in
entire complex of technical standard documentation ended in accordance with former Soviet codes and rules). Within the scope
1990, when GAEN finished the whole project at international level of this project, preparation of regulatory requirements for lifetime
and consequently also in the Soviet Union. evaluation of reactor components, including all aspects of integrity
The most fundamental problem from the start of the project and degrading processes of these components, was performed.
was a question of legal obligation to CMEA standards. No satis- Responsibility of this project was given to the NRI Rez. These
factory and acceptable agreement was reached in this area. Last requirements focused on reactor pressure vessel (RPV) and reactor
version of legal obligation of the whole complex of technical internals and issued as a SONS document with recommendations
standards at the level of former member states of the CMEA was that included Operational Safety Reports. In this document, no
to provide rules: Elaboration of obligatory position of state regu- practical procedure for lifetime evaluation was given; only general
latory bodies among the members of the CMEA was done. This and some detailed technical requirements for evaluation of these
facilitated the possibility in determining the application of techni- two components were described.
cal standards documentation in the form of legal-agreement rela-
tions. From the point of view of the international relations, the
procedure could be considered as sufficient; but from the stand- 64.3 NTD ASI CODE FOR WWER
point of Czech NPPs, the effectiveness of utilizing these standard REACTOR COMPONENTS
complexes was at zero point, since effective steps were not orga-
nized to bring them into action. Approximately during the same time, a second activity was ini-
Moreover, neither Soviet standards nor CMEA-contained rules tiated by the Czech Association of Mechanical Engineers (ASI),
were directly applied for operating plants; CMEA rules and stan- which decided that a set of codes for reactor components, namely,
dards practically contained only documents similar to the former Normative Technical Documentation (NTD) was needed for
Soviet ones issued around 1973. Activities in preparation of these Czech nuclear industry. A plan for preparation of such codes was
CMEA rules resulted in upgrading of the Soviet rules and standards discussed, accepted, and put into action.
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578 • Chapter 64

A standard procedure for a preparation of this set of require- were designed and manufactured by different standards and rules
ments was developed that included three-step revisions and public that are not fully compatible with PWR ones. Later on, some-
discussion between SONS, utilities, expert organizations, as well what different safety rules, safety factors, as well as safety
as manufacturers. Also, a four-year revision plan has been accepted approaches were used for WWER reactors and this fact cannot
and implemented. be neglected. Preparation of these rules has to be based on the
To assure an effective and high-level expertise for the code former Soviet and CMEA rules and standards [1, 2] with maxi-
preparation, similar structure as in the ASME was accepted and mum possible implementation of PWR approaches without los-
accomplished: main committee for Code preparation, then com- ing latter’s advantages and larger safety factors if they can be
mittees for individual sections, and also committees for special defined and accomplished.
cases. These committees include practically all the main experts The main problems of the first two sections are focused on the
available in the field in the Czech Republic; they represent fact that only Soviet-type materials were allowed for use in
Technical Support Organizations (TSO), manufacturers, designers, WWER NPPs according to the former Soviet Codes. At the pre-
and also SONS. sent time, some of these materials are not produced any more by
Financing of individual parts of these Codes was different; for domestic factories and their import is sometimes complicated or
example, some of them were supported by the SONS (Section IV), even impossible. Thus, change of some materials manufactured
other by the Czech Power Company (CEZ) (Sections I and II), or according to Soviet standards into Czech or replacing these by
by NRI and SKODA Nuclear Machinery plc (Section V). other foreign ones is necessary.
Preparation of this code was initiated due to several facts and Section III is practically fully consistent with the Soviet
reasons: “Standard for Stress Analysis of Components and Piping in NPPs
(1989)” as all components in Czech NPPs were designed and
• Necessity for updating of former Soviet/Interatomenergo manufactured according to this Standard. Some small improve-
codes for WWER reactors ments were included, for example, in fatigue calculations and in
• Absence of Codes for NPP under operation the definition of pressure during pressure hydrotests.
• Necessity for including also Czech/foreign materials besides The principal differences of Sections I, II, and III of the
only Soviet ones WWER in comparison with corresponding Sections of the ASME
Code are as follows:
This Code was planned and realized in six sections, specifically
• Structural materials of WWER RPVs, piping, steam genera-
Section I - Welding and brazing of components and piping of tors, pressurizers, and so on. are not included in the ASME
WWER type NPPs Codes – generally they have different chemical composition
Section II- Characteristics of materials for components and (alloying base) and higher strength properties.
piping of WWER type NPPs • No nickel-based alloys are allowed in primary reactor
Section III- Strength assessment of components and piping of circuit.
WWER type NPPs • Both Codes are based on slightly different assumptions, mainly
Section IV- Evaluation of residual lifetime of components and regarding allowable stresses; stress intensities substantially
piping of WWER type NPPs differ due to different safety factors, n0.2 and nm (with respect
Section V- Material testing procedures and evaluation to yield and ultimate tensile strength, respectively), and also
Section VI- Air condition systems for WWER type NPPs absolute values of tensile properties in PWR and WWER
RPV materials (Table 64.1).
It was accepted that the proposal of individual sections should
follow the conventional format used for pressurized water reactors Thus, allowable stresses (stress intensities) in PWR RPVs are
(PWRs) where the specific features of the WWER reactors and generally lower than for WWER RPVs and are independent of
their materials are taken into account. Thus, in principle, it is not test temperature (Table 64.2).
possible to use any PWR rules or standards in their entirety – in (␴)1, stress intensities calculated from the general membrane
all cases it must be taken in account that WWER components stress components; (␴)2, stress intensities calculated from the sum


n0.2 (Safety Factor Based on nm (Safety Factor Based on Ultimate

Code Yield Strength) Tensile Strength)
Soviet “Rules . . .” 1.5 2.6
PN AE G-7-008-89 [1]
Section III 1.5 2.6
Version 2001 [3]
ASME, Section III, NB-6221 [4] 1.5 3.0
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Components Regimes (␴)1 (␴)2 (␴)3W (␴)4W (␴)RV

Normal operating (2.5 – RP0.2T/ RmT)
conditions [␴] [␴] – – RP0.2T
pressure vessels Upset conditions 1.2[␴] 1.6[␴] – – –
Emergency conditions 1.4[␴] 1.8[␴] – – –
Normal operating [␴]w – 1.3[␴]w 1.7[␴]w –
Bolting joints Upset conditions 1.2[␴]w – 1.6[␴]w 2.0[␴]w –
Emergency conditions 1.4[␴]w – 1.8[␴]w 2.4[␴]w –

of the general or local membrane and bending stress components; but by Tk (critical temperature of brittleness) reference tem-
(␴)3W, stress intensities calculated from the sum of the mean ten- perature based only on Charpy impact tests (and depending on
sile stresses in a bolted section, including the tightening loads and material yield strength), which means that different design
effect of temperature; (␴)4W, stress intensities caused by mechani- fracture toughness curves are applied (Fig. 64.1).
cal and temperature effects, including tensioned bolt loading and • Integrity of WWER components is based on initiation
calculated from stress components of tension, bending, and twist- approach only (i.e., no crack in initiation is allowed), where-
ing in bolts, while the stress intensity ranges for RPV are defined as ASME allows some initiation if arrest can be assured.
as follows: (␴)RV, the maximum stress intensity range calculated
from the sum of the general and local stress components, the gen- Comparison of the allowable WWER fracture toughness curves
eral and local bending stresses, the general temperature stresses, for low-alloy steels with the KIC and KIR reference fracture tough-
and the compensation stresses; RP0.2T, yield strength of the materi- ness curves in the ASME Code [KIC]1 is the allowable fracture
al at temperature T; RmT, ultimate tensile strength of the material toughness for normal operating conditions, [KIC]2 is the allowable
at temperature T. fracture toughness for hydraulic testing, and [KIC]3 is the allow-
able fracture toughness for emergency conditions.
• WWER Codes requires two steps of calculations:
• WWER RPV integrity and lifetime is based on deterministic
– Calculation of basic dimensions dealing with the procedure calculation of integrity during pressurized thermal shock
for choosing the component wall thickness, which provides (PTS) events in comparison with PWR where probabilistic
strength decrease coefficients and hole reinforcement values. approach is applied.
Further, formulas for analysis of flange and bolting joints are • Fatigue evaluation in WWER reactors is based on formulas
also given. for tensile properties and reduction of area, whereas ASME is
– Validating calculations are the most important part of the based on design fatigue curves.
Code. These detailed calculations contain rules for the classi- • Safety factors in fatigue calculation of WWER components
fication of stresses as well as steps for stress determination. are based on fatigue lower boundary curve with safety factors
n␴ ⫽ 2 and nN ⫽ 10, whereas ASME is based on mean curve
Further, detailed calculations for different possible failure mech- and safety factors n␴ ⫽ 2 and nN ⫽ 20.
anisms are required and their procedures and criteria are given: • Evaluation of aging of WWER components includes irradia-
tion damage, thermal aging, and fatigue damage, whereas
(1) calculation of static strength, ASME takes into account only irradiation damage.
(2) calculation of stability,
(3) calculation of cyclic strength (fatigue), The proposed procedure in Section IV was fully elaborated as a
(4) calculation of long-term cyclic strength (creep-fatigue) (not new material, based on the SONS “Requirements for Lifetime
applicable for WWER RPV) Evaluation of WWER Main Components,” but at the same time it
(5) calculation of resistance against brittle fracture, represents a maximum harmonization of WWER and PWR Codes
(6) calculation of long-term static strength (creep) (not applica- for component integrity evaluation; the procedure, of course, is
ble for WWER RPV), based on Soviet Code “Standard for Stress Analysis of Components
(7) calculation of progressive form change (not applicable for and Piping in NPPs (1989).” The procedure deals with the main
WWER RPV), parts of component integrity evaluation and its first version was fin-
(8) calculation of seismic effects, and ished in 1998.
(9) calculation of vibration strength (ultra-high frequency Section V has been already finalized and will be issued at the
fatigue). end of 2008. This section summarizes all necessary test procedures
for lifetime and integrity assessment of components and piping,
• WWER structural materials are not characterized by RTNDT that is, not only different nondestructive methods but also specific
(nil-ductility reference temperature) reference temperature testing of mechanical properties, such as fracture toughness,
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580 • Chapter 64



KIC, KIR, MPa.m0.5

150 [KIC]2


–100 –75 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100
Reference temperature,

able fracture toughness for normal operating conditions [1]; [KIC] 2, allowable fracture toughness for hydraulic testing [1]; [KIC]3, allow-
able fracture toughness for emergency conditions [1]; KIC(ASME), reference static fracture toughness curve according to ASME
Code, Section II, Appendix G [4]; KIR(ASME), reference arrest fracture toughness curve according to ASME Code, Section II,
Appendix G [4]).

fatigue, crack growth rate, corrosion resistance, and so on. Thus, it Further, harmonization with PWR codes allows results that will be
replaced not only ASME Section XI, but also some American comparable, reliable, and more sophisticated as similar approaches
Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standards and U.S. will be used in both types of reactors.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Regulatory Guides. The project was realized as the Concerted Action with a net-
It was felt that for such a new procedure as Section IV, an inter- work of the safety managers and experts of the plants, together
national cooperation would be useful and effective and experts with experts from TSO and national regulatory bodies. This was
from other WWER-operating countries, at least within the created to oversee the operation of WWER-type reactors within
European Union (EU), should be incorporated and their experi- the European Union during the first decades of this century.
ence and views should be taken into account. The project duration was planned and completed in 24 months;
the project was finished on September 30, 2003. The work was
organized along technical tasks.
64.4 VERLIFE PROCEDURE The Concerted Action was based on the partners’ meetings that
were the main method of sharing the status of procedures for life-
A proposal for the European Union 5th Framework Programmes time assessment of individual components and piping in WWER
was prepared and accepted with the aim to use proposals of the NPPs in member-countries.
Section IV as the first document to be discussed, changed, upgraded, The consortium was coordinated in such a way as to include
enlarged, and finally accepted. the following:
The main goal of the project was in the preparation, evaluation,
and mutual agreement of a “Unified Procedure for Lifetime • Group of experts from TSOs that are incorporated in the
Assessment of Components and Piping in WWER Type Nuclear WWER component lifetime assessment in Finland, Czech
Power Plants.” This procedure had to be based on former Soviet Republic, Slovak Republic, and Hungary. These included FOR-
rules and codes as WWER components were designed and manu- TUM Nuclear Services Ltd. in Finland, Nuclear Research
factured in accordance with requirements of these codes and from Institute Řež plc and Institute of Applied Mechanics in Czech
prescribed materials. Then, critical analysis of possible applica- Republic, VÚJE (Research Institute for NPPs) Trnava a.s. in
tion of some approaches used in PWR-type components was Slovak Republic, AEKI Atomic Energy Research Centre in
performed and such approaches have been incorporated into the Hungary, and Institute of Metal Science in Bulgaria.
prepared procedure as much as possible with the aim of harmo- • Experts from nuclear regulatory bodies that are connected
nizing the WWER and PWR codes and procedures. with evaluation of such assessments and/or their acceptance,
Preparation of a Unified Procedure for WWERs operating in such as State Office of Nuclear Safety of Czech Republic and
Finland, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Hungary, and Bulgaria Nuclear Regulatory Office of Slovak Republic.
can increase the level of lifetime/integrity evaluation in these • Specialists from NPPs that are responsible for component
countries and will help to elaborate a unified approach with fully lifetime assessment and/or plant life management, such as
compatible results between the individual plants and countries. FORTUM Nuclear Services Ltd. for Loviisa NPP in Finland,
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ČEZ a.s. for NPP Dukovany and for Temelin NPP in Czech • Latest developments in fracture mechanics and their applica-
Republic, Slovenske elektrárne a.s. for NPP Jaslovske tion to component integrity
Bohunice and Mochovce in Slovak Republic, and NPP Paks,
AEKI. Large-scale effort was focused on the creation and critical
• Use in components design, stress analysis, lifetime evalua- analysis of material databases of main WWER component materi-
tion, and manufacturing, the experience of ŠKODA JS a.s. in als such as fracture toughness, crack growth rate, corrosion resis-
Czech Republic (main manufacturer for WWER components tance, and radiation damage. On the basis of these databases, nec-
for Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, and Hungary, respec- essary design curves for individual material properties have been
tively, and also former Germany Democratic Republic, proposed and put into the Unified Procedure [12-18].
Poland, and Bulgaria). Main difference between original Soviet rules [1] and the
Unified Procedure can be found in the strict application of “Master
The practical work was carried out in principle in meetings of Curve” approach for component integrity assessment, since real
Task Groups. A common kick-off meeting of all partners started material properties are used without a need for any empirical cor-
the work and reviewed the current status. In the kick-off meeting, relations between different types of test results (traditional transi-
the structure of the Unified Procedure and expected results were tion temperatures based on Charpy impact test data are allowed as
proposed, discussed, and agreed. For evaluation of the Unified a secondary alternative). More than 1200 data for WWER-440
Procedure, Task Groups of experts have been organized in the RPV materials and more than 700 data for WWER-1000 RPV
following manner: materials from different WWER countries were collected.
Such advantage can be seen from a comparison of data; for
• Fracture – Application of fracture mechanics to ascertain example, considering base metal of 15Kh2MFA-type steel for
integrity and lifetime defect allowance RPV of WWER-440 units. Figure 64.2 shows large scatter of
• Corrosion causing mechanical damage, including corrosion fracture toughness data based on critical temperature of brittle-
problems related to integrity and lifetime assessment ness, Tk (based on Charpy impact test data), whereas Fig. 64.3
• Fatigue including mechanical and thermal fatigue evaluation shows the same data but correlated directly with reference tem-
based on design and real operating regimes perature, T0, using Master Curve approach. More than 1200 data
• Material aging, including definition, material testing, and from different WWER countries were collected.
damage evaluation; Analysis of this database showed that the so-called specific
• Reactor dosimetry, including determination of neutron flu- design fracture curves, as defined for individual RPV materials in
ences by calculations and measurements. Ref. [1], are not conservative as they cover no more than 90% of all
experimental data. Thus, if design fracture toughness curves in con-
To ensure that Task Groups work proceeds according to the nection with the transition temperature Tk are used, only generic
common aim of the participating organizations, a midterm review curves are reliable as they cover practically all experimental data.
meeting was scheduled. The objective of the meeting was to Database on corrosion mechanical damage was also created,
(1) discuss eventual needs to reorient the Task Group work and mainly for crack growth rate in primary water environment. Such
(2) discuss eventual reorganization of the Concerted Action by formulas are given for the following materials for air and primary
inviting new members. As a result, enlargement of the project by water environment:
inclusion of three new organizations from Czech Republic and
Bulgaria was successfully agreed. • Steels 15Kh2MFA and 15Kh2MFAA and their welding joints,
Four meetings of all Task Groups were carried out; they com- • Steels 15Kh2NMFA and 15Kh2NMFAA and their welding
pleted their work in discussion and agreement on text of individual joints,
parts of the Procedure. Their results were collected in the Final • Steel 22K and its welding joints,
Draft of the Unified Procedure and it was agreed in the final project • Austenitic steels of 08Kh18N10T type and their welding joints
meeting in the beginning of September 2003. Thus, the Unified
Procedure was taken as accepted by all participants and was pro- In the document, the following procedures were developed and
posed to individual national nuclear regulatory authorities for their given:
acceptance and approval as a basis document for lifetime evaluation
and preparation of Periodic Safety Reports. At the same time, this • Procedure for evaluation of surveillance specimens test data
document was released for public use by all of the parties. for their use in integrity assessment, which is the first attempt
Workshop on the scope and approach of the Unified Procedure for WWER-type RPVs
was prepared and organized at the end of September 2003 for • Procedure for assessment of material damage by radiation
end-users of the Procedure such as plant owners and operators, damage, thermal aging, and fatigue damage; also necessary
TSOs, and regulatory bodies in participating countries. This data were given
workshop was held for organizations from the Czech Republic, • Procedure for determination of design fracture toughness
Slovak Republic, Hungary, Finland, and Bulgaria. curves and Master Curves
In preparation of the Unified Procedure, the following princi-
ples and inputs have been agreed upon: Necessary material data were collected and analyzed and uni-
fied material properties for temperature and stress fields of RPVs
• WWER components were designed and manufactured in were summarized to make RPV integrity calculations more reli-
accordance with former Soviet rules and standards [1] able and comparable for the following:
• IAEA activities in the field of WWER components integrity
assessment [2] • Temperature dependencies of Young modulus, Poison ratio,
• Approaches applied in PWR components integrity and life- thermal expansion coefficient, thermal conductivity, specific
time evaluation heat, and density (specific mass) for base metals, weld metals,
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582 • Chapter 64



B = 10
300 B = 16
B = 25
250 B = 30
KCJ, MPa.m0.5

B = 37.5/40
200 B = 50
B = 75
150 B = 100
B = 125
100 B =150

–300 –250 –200 –150 –100 –50 0 50 100 150 200
T - Tk0, °C

TK0 [5] (B, specimen thickness; [KIC]3, generic design fracture toughness curve).

and cladding materials of WWER-440 and WWER-1000 however, it shall be also used for safety related components of other
RPVs, since these data are mostly missing in the document [1] circuits as well.
as well as in other available materials for PWR-type RPVs.

In the Unified Procedure, the following principal changes in 64.5 COVERS CONTINUATION
comparison with original rules [1] have been implemented:
In 2005, a new project within the EU 6th Framework Pro-
• Size of the postulated defect for fast fracture evaluation as grammes was opened:COVERS – WWER Safety Research that
well as for fatigue-and corrosion-induced mechanical damage has also been coordinated by the NRI. In this project, WP 4
is defined in correlation with in-service inspection methods deals with the upgrading and updating of the VERLIFE proce-
and qualification. dure to assure that the experience obtained as well as new
• Method for evaluation of allowance of defects found during developments will be appropriately included in the new ver-
in-service inspections is given. sion. Experts from nine countries are taking part in this project,
• Allowable sizes of defects found during in-service inspections in addition to WWER-operating countries such as Czech
are calculated on the bases of fracture mechanics and materi- Republic, Slovak Republic, Hungary, Finland, Spain, The
al properties. Netherlands, Germany, Russia, and Ukraine, as well as from
• Method for transformation of indications found during in- EU-JRC IE (Joint Research Center – Institute of Energy in
service inspections into calculated defects is described. Petten, The Netherlands) and ISTC (Institute for Scientific and
• Procedure for evaluation of surveillance specimens test data Technical Cooperation).
for their use in integrity assessment is given. Within this project, some improvements and upgrading/updating
• Method for evaluation of corrosion-induced mechanical dam- have been prepared and discussed in regular technical meetings
age in some specific components is described. twice a year. The main changes of the VERLIFE procedure can
• Material properties (crack growth rates) in primary water be described as under:
environment are summarized.
• Unified material properties for temperature and stress fields of • PTS evaluation including effect of shallow crack, biaxial
RPVs are summarized. loading, and warm prestressing
• Improved procedure for evaluation of underclad-type postu-
This Unified Procedure has been prepared for pressurized com- lated defects in PTS calculations [based on results from
ponents of primary circuit of WWER-440 and WWER-1000 units; PHARE (European project for support of new members) project
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500 B = 10
B = 16
B = 25
400 B = 30
B = 37.5/40
B = 50
KCJ-1T, MPa.m0.5

300 B = 75
B = 100
B = 125
200 B = 150
100 KCJ(1%)
–200 –150 –100 –50 0 50 100 150 200
T - Tk0, °C


and WWER Cladded Reactor Pressure Vessel Integrity standard procedure for acceptance of the code as NTD ASI has
Evaluation with Respect to Pressurized Thermal Shock initiated.
Events] Thus, this upgraded/updated Procedure will be in good agree-
• Integral approach in PTS calculations using Master Curve ment with the state-of-the-art knowledge in the field. At the same
approach time, some efforts are undertaken for a continuation of this activity,
• Improved procedure for evaluation of defect allowance in either under IAEA umbrella as a regional project or within a free-
components other than RPV Evaluation of P–T curves VERLIFE club.
• New procedure for probabilistic assessment of integrity of
• Fatigue damage calculation for components and piping during 64.6 CONCLUSION
The VERLIFE procedure is now fully accepted as a main regu-
• Corrosion-induced mechanical damage of components
latory document for lifetime assessment of WWER components
• Crack growth rate in water environment
in the Czech Republic and Slovakia and partially in Hungary and
• Improved formulas for radiation embrittlement of WWER-440
Finland. Negotiations are now in progress for its use in Ukraine
materials (based on International Atomic Energy Agency –
and also in China.
IAEA Co-ordinated Research Project 7 results) and of
WWER-1000 materials [based on Technical Aid to the
Commonwealth of Independent States (TACIS) project
results] 64.7 COMMENTS
• Evaluation of Tk and T0 from surveillance specimen sets There are several manufacturing companies in the Czech
• Evaluation of trend curves for radiation damage Republic and Slovakia that obtained (and periodically renew)
• Neutron dosimetry including neutron fluence determination ASME Certification for manufacturing reactor (and also nonreactor
by calculation and measurements components in accordance with ASME Section VIII) components
• Correction of unified data of material properties for PTS cal- for export to other countries where ASME Codes are required.
culations (based on results from PHARE project and WWER
Cladded Reactor Pressure Vessel Integrity Evaluation with
Respect to Pressurized Thermal Shock Events)
New version of the VERLIFE procedure has been finalized 1. Standard for Strength Calculations of Components and Piping in
and accepted by the participants by March 2008; thereafter, NPPs, PNAE G-7-002-86, Energoatomizdat, Moscow, 1989.
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584 • Chapter 64

2. Guidelines on Pressurized Thermal Shock Analysis for WWER SECTION I – WELDING OF COMPONENTS
Nuclear Power Plants, IAEA-EBP-WWER-08, Vienna, 1997. AND PIPING IN WWER TYPE NPPs [6]
3. VERLIFE – Unified Procedure for Lifetime Assessment of
Components and Piping in WWER NPPs During Operation, Prague, 1. Preface
2003. 2. Introduction
3. Principal definitions
4. ASME Code, Section III.
3.1. Declaration of the consistency
5. Brumovsky, M., Master Curve Application to WWER Reactor Pressure 3.2. Area of the use
Vessels, ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, 2000. 3.3. Symbols, abbreviations, definitions
6. NTD ASI, Section I, Welding of Components and Piping in WWER- 3.4. Connected standards and documents
Type NPPs, Prague, 2005. 3.5. Related standards, documents, and documentation
4. Welding technology and weld heat treatment
7. NTD ASI, Section II, Characteristics of Materials and Welds for
Components and Piping in WWER-Type NPPs, Prague, 2001. 5. Qualification of the manufacturer
5.1. Purpose
8. NTD ASI, Section III, Evaluation of Strength of Components and 5.2. Qualification requirements
Piping in WWER-Type NPPs, Prague, 2001. 5.3. Checking of the qualification
9. NTD ASI, Section IV, Evaluation of Residual Lifetime of 5.4. Validity and loss of the qualification
Components and Piping in WWER-Type NPPs, Prague, 2004. 6. Qualification of the welding personnel
10. NTD ASI, Section V, Material Testing, Prague, 2006. 6.1. Qualification of the welding supervisors
6.2. Qualification of welders
11. NTD ASI, Special Cases, Prague, 2006. 6.3. Qualification of personnel for heat treatment
12. Brumovsky, M., Unified Procedure for Lifetime Assessment of 6.4. Validity and loss of the qualification
Components and Piping in WWER NPPs (VERLIFE), ASME 7. Qualification of welding procedure
Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference, 2004. 7.1. General approach
13. Brumovsky, M., VERLIFE – Unified Procedure for Lifetime 7.2. Approval of the WPS for base welding joints
Assessment of Components and Piping in WWER NPPs, 13th 7.3. Approval of the WPS for specific welding joints
International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-13), 7.4. Approval of the WPS for welding of austenitic and
2005. nickel-base cladding
14. Brumovsky, M., Derivation of Design Fracture Toughness Curves for 7.5. Qualification of the WPS for repair of welding joints
WWER-Type Reactors, International Conference on Pressure Vessel and cladding
Technology, ICPVT-9, 1999. 7.6. Qualification of the WPS for welding joints of tempo-
rary and helping parts
15. Brumovsky, M., Master Curve Application to Embrittled RPVs of
WWER-Type Reactors, ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping 7.7. Qualification of technological procedure of welding
Conference, 2001. of nuclear components
8. Welding materials
16. Brumovsky, M., Check of Master Curve Application to Embrittled 8.1. Choice of welding materials
RPVs of WWER-Type Reactors, IAEA Specialists’ Meeting on
8.2. Original welding materials
Master Curve, Prague, 2001.
8.3. Replacement of original welding materials
17. Brumovsky, M. and Ballesteros, A., Application of Master Curve 8.4. New welding materials
Approach to WWER-1000 RPV Materials, ASME Pressure Vessel 8.5. Repeating tests
and Piping Conference, 2002. 8.6. Storage and manipulation with welding materials
18. Ballesteros, A., Bros, J., and Brumovsky, M., Application of the 9. Manufacturing and assembling welds
Master Curve Approach to Irradiated Steels, 12th International 9.1. Welding surfaces
Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-12), 2004. 9.2. Assembling of the welded component
9.3. Stitching
9.4. Helping and temporary parts
9.5. Manufacturing and assembling welds
64.9 STRUCTURE OF NTD ASI 9.6. Manufacturing weld testing coupon
9.7. Heat treatment regime of welding
Final version of the VERLIFE procedure in Czech translation 9.8. Heat treatment of welds
was accepted as a new version of the Section IV of the NTD ASI. 9.9. Checking of welding joints
Czech SONS accepted NTD ASI Sections I, II, III, and IV in 9.10. Repair of welding joints
2005 and recommended them for their use in the chosen safety 9.11. Documentation of manufacturing and assembling
important components in NPPs. welds
Similar situation is in the Slovak Republic, where Sections I 9.12. Identification of weldments and marking of welding
and II are practically identical (prepared by the Welding Institute joints
of Slovakia, but in cooperation with the Welding Institute of the 10. Repair by welding
Czech Republic) and were accepted by Slovak Office for Nuclear 10.1. General approach
Regulation. 10.2. Repair of faulted welding surfaces
Structure of the Sections I, II, and III is similar to the appropri- 10.3. Repair of faulted manufacturing and assembling
ate Sections of the ASME Code, Sections I, II, and III, and the welds and claddings
structure of the Sections IV and V is fully new. 10.4. Repair of operated components
ASME_Ch64_p577-588.qxd 6/3/09 1:14 PM Page 585


11. Special regulations Attachment A

11.1. Disputes A.0. Known physical properties of chosen steel marks and pro-
11.2. Revision of NTD ASI Section I cedure for determination of their physical properties by
12. Attachments calculation or by estimation
A.1. Values of coefficients of thermal extension ␣T of groups
of base materials allowed for use
SECTION II – CHARACTERISTICS OF A.2. Modulus of elasticity E of groups of base materials
COMPONENTS AND PIPING A.3. Known physical properties of material marks
IN WWER TYPE NPPs [7] A.4. Estimation of physical properties by comparison of chem-
ical composition
1. Introduction A.4.1. Carbon steels
2. Principal definitions A.4.2. Low alloyed steels
2.1. Area of the use A.4.3. High alloyed steels with high content of Cr
2.2. Extent of the use A.4.4. Austenitic Cr–Ni type corrosion resistant steels
2.3. Classification of components A.5. Calculation of heat transfer coefficient ␭
2.4. Used symbols A.5.1. Carbon steels
2.5. Abbreviations of definitions and organizations A.5.2. High alloyed steels with high content of Cr
2.6. Definitions related to characteristics of materials A.5.3. Austenitic Cr–Ni type corrosion resistant steels
3. Requirements to manufacturers and suppliers of materials A.5.4. Dependence of heat transfer coefficient on temper-
3.1. General requirements ature
3.2. Documentation´ A.6. Physical properties of structural phases in steel
4. Requirements to the choice of base material for manufactur-
ing, repair, and reconstruction of component parts and piping
4.1. General requirements
4.2. Requirements to quality checking of material semi- OF COMPONENTS AND PIPING IN
products WWER-TYPE NPPs [8]
5. Condition for inclusion of a new material into the list of Comments to the issuing of NTD ASI
allowable material standards for use
5.1. General requirements 1. Introduction
5.2. General data about material 2. General principles, terminology and definitions
5.3. Physical and base mechanical properties 2.1. Area of the use
5.4. Characteristics of material resistance against brittle 2.2. Classification of components
fracture 2.3. Base marking
5.5. Fatigue characteristics 2.4. General terms
5.6. Characteristics of corrosion resistance 2.5. Terms related to stress analysis
5.7. Evaluation of results from qualification tests 3. General requirements to the strength calculations
6. List of material marks allowed to use and their conventional 3.1. Operational conditions and limits
mechanical properties 3.2. General regulations to strength calculations
Table 6.1. List of base material marks allowed for the use 3.3. Documentation
Table 6.2. Carbon structural steels – conventional mechani- 3.4. Quality assurance system
cal properties 4. Allowable stresses
Table 6.3. Alloyed steels – conventional mechanical properties 4.1. General principles
Table 6.4. Cr-Mo-V type alloyed steels – conventional 4.2 Components excluding bolting joints
mechanical properties 4.3. Bolting joints
Table 6.5. Si-Mn type alloyed steels – conventional 5. Proposal of base dimensions of cylindrical, conical, spheri-
mechanical properties cal, elliptical, torospherical, and flat components loaded by
Table 6.6. High Cr alloyed steels – conventional mechanical internal and external pressure
properties 5.1. General principles
Table 6.7. Austenitic Cr–Ni alloyed corrosion resistant 5.2. Cylindrical and conical vessel shells and bottoms
steels – conventional mechanical properties loaded by internal and external pressure
Table 6.8. Fe–Ni type alloys – conventional mechanical 5.3. Cylindrical collectors, nozzles, tubes, and elbows
properties 5.4. Circular flat covers and bottoms
7. List of steel marks allowed to use and their equivalents 6. Proposal of base dimensions of flanges, pressed rings, and
according to EN standards, respectively ČSN EN standards connected parts
Table 7.1. Carbon steels 6.1. General principles
Table 7.2. Alloyed steels 6.2. Choice of the sealing
Table 7.3. Cr–Mo–V type alloyed steels 6.3. Determination of forces in bolting joints
Table 7.4. Si–Mn type alloyed steels 6.4. Determination of dimensions of flange joints
Table 7.5. High alloyed steels (with high content of Cr) 6.5. Bending moments
Table 7.6. Austenitic Cr–Ni type corrosion resistant steels 6.6. Height of the flange
Table 7.7. Fe–Ni type alloys 6.7. Checking of specific pressure on the sealing
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586 • Chapter 64

7. Proposal of base dimensions, opening reinforcement, and Appendices

coefficients of strength for openings and welding joints A. Piping systems
7.1. Marking B. Supports of components and piping
7.2. Decrease of the strength by alone opening C. Anchoring of components and piping into civil structures
7.3. Decrease of the strength by a row of openings D. Special requirements recommended for calculations of thin
7.4. Coefficient of decrease of the strength by welding joints structures and tanks
8. Checking calculation, categories of stresses E. Active components, pumps, and valves
8.1. Marking F. Reassembling joints
8.2. Procedure of checking calculation G. Comparison of NTS ASI Section III with ASME Code,
8.3. Stress categories and groups of stress categories Section III
8.4. Loading blocks
8.5. Reduced stress
8.7. Fictive stress in notch LIFETIME OF COMPONENTS AND
8.8. Stress cycles PIPING IN WWER – TYPE NPPs [9]
9. Checking calculation for static strength
9.1. General principles 1. Introduction
9.2. Reduced stresses 2. General principles
9.3. Limits for groups of stresses 2.1. Area of use
10. Checking calculation of strength during cyclic loading 2.2. List of main symbols and abbreviations
10.1. General principles 2.3. General terms
10.2. Components excluding bolting joints 2.4. Terms related to evaluation of residual lifetime
10.3. Bolting joints 3. General requirements to calculation of residual lifetime
10.4. Bi-frequencies loading 3.1. Operational conditions and limits
10.5. Damage cummulation 3.2. Damage mechanisms in materials
10.6. Experimental verification of strength during cyclic 3.3. General principles of calculation of residual lifetime
loading 3.4. System of quality assurance
10.7. Simplified calculation of strength during cyclic loading 4. Procedure for evaluation of component residual lifetime
11. Checking calculation of resistance against sudden (non- 4.1. General principles
stabile) failure 4.2. Evaluation of residual lifetime of the component from
11.1. General principles point of view of resistance against sudden failure (for
11.2. Stress intensity coefficients “postulated defect”)
11.3. Critical temperature of brittleness 4.3. Evaluation of residual lifetime of the component from
11.4. Allowable values of stress intensity coefficients point of view of fatigue
11.5. Normal operating conditions 4.4. Evaluation of residual lifetime of the component from
11.6. Minimum allowable component temperature during point of view of resistance against corrosion-mechani-
hydraulic (pneumatic) pressure tests cal damage
11.7. Abnormal operation conditions and emergency 4.5. Evaluation of residual lifetime of the components with
conditions non-homogeneities found during in-service inspections
12. Checking calculation of strength during vibrations 5. Evaluation of component resistance against sudden failure
12.1. General principles 5.1. General principles
12.2. Design period 5.2. Temperature and stress fields
12.3. Start-up period and operation period 5.3. Stress intensity coefficients
12.4. Stresses during vibrations 5.4. Material transition temperatures
12.5. Influence of vibrations on strength during cyclic 5.5. Procedure for determination of neutron fluence on
loading reactor pressure vessel
13. Checking calculation of stability 5.6. Allowable values of stress intensities
13.1. General principles 5.7. Calculated defects
13.2. Cylindrical shell loaded by external pressure 5.8. Evaluation of normal operating conditions
13.3. Cylindrical shell loaded by axial force 5.9. Evaluation of allowable temperatures of pressure tests
13.4. Cylindrical shell loaded simultaneously by external 5.10. Evaluation of emergency conditions and abnormal
pressure and axial force operating conditions
13.5. Bottom loaded by external pressure 5.11. Evaluation of residual lifetime of the component
13.6. Conical interpart loaded by external pressure with respect to resistance against sudden failure
13.7. Conical interpart loaded by axial force (with calculated defect)
13.8. Conical interpart loaded simultaneously by external 6. Residual lifetime of the component with respect to resis-
pressure and axial force tance against fatigue damage
14. Checking calculation of strength of seismic event effects 7. Residual lifetime of the component with respect to resis-
14.1. General principles tance against corrosion-mechanical damage
14.2. Requirements to strength calculations of seismic 8. Evaluation of allowance of non-homogeneities found dur-
event effects ing in-service inspections and residual lifetime of the com-
14.3. Limits for groups of stress categories, translations, ponent with such non-homogeneities
velocities, and accelerations 9. Summary evaluation of residual lifetime
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ATTACHMENTS 2.11. Testing during manufacturing and assembling

I Structure of the report with evaluation of component 2.11.1. Determination of chemical composition
residual lifetime 2.11.2. Base mechanical properties
II Procedure for determination of neutron fluence in reactor 2.11.3. Determination of critical temperature of brit-
pressure vessel tleness Tk
III Evaluation of degradation of material properties 2.11.4. Metallographical tests
IV Determination of stress intensity coefficients KI 2.11.5. Test of susceptibility to intercrystalline corro-
V Determination of reference/design curves of temperature sion
dependence of fracture toughness including “Master 2.11.6. Technological tests of tubes
Curve” approach 2.11.7. Welding joints
VI Requirements to choice of regimes of pressurized thermal 2.11.8. Determination of ␦-ferrite in austenitic steels
shock and thermal hydraulic calculations 2.12. Supplementary tests of materials
VII Residual lifetime of the components with fatigue damage 2.12.1. Fracture toughness
created by operational loading 2.12.2. Fatigue crack growth rate
VIII General requirements for temperature measurements in 2.12.3. Methods for determination of critical temper-
piping and components ature of brittleness shift as a result of thermal
IX Evaluation of corrosion-mechanical damage in materials ageing
X Schematisation of non-homogeneities 2.12.4. Methods for determination of critical temper-
XI Tables of allowable sizes of non-homogeneities found ature of brittleness shift as a result of fatigue
during in-service inspections damage
XII Tables of allowable non-homogeneities in components 2.12.5. Radiation embrittlement
XIII Calculation evaluation of allowance of non-homogeneities 2.12.6. Low-cycle and high-cycle fatigue
in piping from austenitic steels 2.12.7. Corrosion-mechanical tests
XIV Calculation evaluation of allowance of non-homogeneities 2.13. Test for evaluation of operational degradation
in piping from carbon steels 2.13.1. Evaluation of results of surveillance specimen
XV Material properties used for calculations of temperature testing
and stress fields in the framework of evaluation of resis- 2.13.2. Testing by instrumented hardness
tance of reactor pressure vessel against sudden failure 2.13.3. Methods for penetration tests
3. Non-destructive tests
3.1. Abbreviations, marks, and definitions for nondestruc-
3.2. Documentation of non-destructive tests (NDT)
1. Introduction 3.2.1. Procedures and instruction of NDT
2. General principles 3.2.2 Qualification and certification of NDT operators
2.1. Area of use 3.2.3. Qualification of methods and technical equip-
2.2. Extent of use ments of NDT
2.3. Prescription of tests during manufacturing, assem- 3.2.4. Documentation of performance and results
bling and repair of NDT
2.3.1. Choice of tests during manufacturing, assem- 3.3. Evaluation of allowance of found indications and non-
bling and repair homogeneities
2.3.2. Design and manufacturing documentation 3.3.1. Evaluation of found indications
2.3.3. Choice of test locations 3.3.2. Evaluation of found non-homogeneities
2.3.4. Choice of individual tests 3.4. Visual test (VT)
2.4. Prescription of tests before start-up and during operation 3.4.1. Classes of visual tests
2.4.1. Choice of tests before start-up and during 3.4.2. Direct visual test
operation 3.4.3. Indirect visual test
2.4.2. Inspection programme 3.4.4. Czech standards for VT
2.4.3. Periodicity of in-service inspection 3.5. Ultrasonic tests for finding non-homogeneities (UT)
2.5. Used tests 3.5.1. UT of rolled semi products and products
2.5.1. Used destructive tests 3.5.2. UT of forged semi products and products
2.5.2. Used non-destructive tests 3.5.3. UT of welding joints from pearlitic class of
2.6. Authorisation for test performance steels
2.7. Quality assurance during test performance 3.5.4. UT of austenitic welds
2.8. Used symbols, terms, and definitions 3.5.6. Documentation of performance and results
2.8.1. Abbreviations of terms and organisations of UT
2.8.2. Terms related to material characteristics 3.5.7. Czech standards for UT
2.9. Requirements to test laboratories, test equipment cali- 3.6. Ultrasonic tests for determination of wall thickness
bration, and personnel qualification 3.6.1. Performance of UT for determination of wall
2.10. Test block and test specimen cutting from ferritic steel thickness manually
materials 3.6.2. Performance of UT for determination of wall
2.10.1. Requirements to heat treatment thickness automatically by remote control
2.10.2. Procedures for test block and test specimen 3.6.3. Evaluation of UT results for determination of
cutting from quenched and tempered materials wall thickness
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588 • Chapter 64

3.6.4. Documentation of performance and results of 3.12. Tightness tests (LT)

UT for wall thickness determination 3.12.1. Methods of LT
3.6.5. Czech standards for UT determination of wall 3.12.2. Sensitivity of LT
thickness 3.12.3. Local LT
3.7. Eddy current tests for finding of non-homogeneities 3.12.4. Integral LT
(ET) 3.12.5. Czech standards for LT
3.7.1. ET of rods (during manufacturing) 3.13. Acoustic emission tests (AE)
3.7.2. ET of tubes (during manufacturing) 3.13.1. Finding of non-homogeneities by AE
3.7.3. ET of tubes during operation 3.13.2. Finding of leakage by AE
3.7.4. ET of tubes of other heat exchangers during 3.13.3. Standards and other rules for AE measurements
operation 3.14. Test of passage by calibre
3.7.5. ET of surfaces of operated components 3.14.1. Performance of the test by passage of calibre
3.7.6. Documentation of performance and results 3.14.2. Evaluation of the test of passage of calibre
of ET 3.14.3. Documentation of performance and results of
3.7.7. Czech standards for ET tests by calibre passage
3.8. ET for determination of ferritic phase 3.15. Test of dryness
3.8.1. Performance of ET for determination of ferritic 3.15.1. Performance of test of dryness
phase 3.15.2. Evaluation of test of dryness
3.8.2. Documentation of performance and results of 3.15.3. Documentation of performance and results of
ET for determination of ferritic phase tests of dryness
3.9. Dye-penetrant test (PT) 3.15.4. Regulations for test of dryness
3.9.1. PT of component surfaces during manufacturing 3.16. Pressure hydraulic tests (HT)
3.9.2. PT of component surfaces during operation 3.16.1. General requirements to hydraulic pressure
3.9.3. Documentation of performance and results of tests
PT 3.16.2. Responsibilities and work safety
3.9.4. Czech standards for PT 3.16.3. Manufacturing test
3.10. Test of magnetic powder methods (MT) 3.16.4. Pressure test
3.10.1. MT of surfaces during manufacturing 3.16.5. Evaluation of pressure test
3.10.2. MT of surfaces during operation 3.16.6. Documentation of pressure test
3.10.3. Documentation of performance and results 3.16.7. Czech standards for HT
of MT 3.17. Test by measuring vibrations
3.10.4. Czech standards for MT 3.18. Dynamic test of foundations of turbines and other
3.11. X-ray tests (RT) rotating machines
3.11.1. RT of steel castings 3.18.1. Performance of dynamic test
3.11.2. RT of welding joints 3.18.2. Evaluation of dynamic test
3.11.3. RT of other type of welds 3.18.3. Documentation of performance and results of
3.11.4. Documentation of performance and results dynamic test
of RT 3.18.4. Standards and other rules for dynamic tests
3.11.5. Czech standards for RT NTD ASI – SPECIAL CASES (I – VI) [11]
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Peter Trampus and Peter Pal Babics
65.1 INTRODUCTION Commission (USNCR) approach in license renewal according to
10 CFR 54. To ensure the consistency with this approach as well
65.1.1 Regulatory Framework as to strengthen Europe-wide acceptability of the life extension
Paks, Hungary’s sole Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) consisting of program the plant owner decided to adapt the ASME Code
four Russian designed VVER-440 model 213 units, was commis- requirements for those operations and inspection/maintenance
sioned in the mid-80s with a design life of 30 years. Water- activities where it is logical and objectively possible. The adapta-
cooled, water-moderated energy reactors (VVERs), 440 refers to tion’s most fundamental objectives are to review and adjust the
the original nominal electric capacity in MW, model 213 means plant’s In-Service Inspection (ISI) and In-Service Testing (IST)
that it is the second generation of the VVER-440s. programs to meet the ASME Code requirements. ISI and IST in
In Hungary in accordance with the Act of Atomic Energy, the conformance with ASME requirements will
control and supervision of the safe application of nuclear energy is
a governmental task, which is performed through the Hungarian (a) provide an opportunity to compare these activities with
Atomic Energy Authority (HAEA). Since 1990 there have been worldwide acceptable safety requirements,
significant changes in the Hungarian regulations. The HAEA had (b) allow to extend the current four-year inspection interval (for
to answer to the technical challenges such as safety upgrading, Class 1 components) up to an eight-year one, which will
power uprating, license renewal, but the changes in the political- contribute to a more cost-efficient operation and mainte-
economical environment have also been as important. In this sense nance regime.
the accession of Hungary to the European Union has to be men- As a consequence of the ASME adaptation it is firmly assumed
tioned. In 1999, the Western European Nuclear Regulators’ that structural and functional integrity assessment of long-lived
Association (WENRA) established a Reactor Harmonization and passive as well as of active components will achieve an
Working Group (RHWG). Since 2003 Hungary has also been tak- internationally acceptable level. Apart from this, the target ISI
ing part in the activity of the RHWG and has been planning to and IST system will create the basis for a proper ageing man-
adopt its recommendations to the Hungarian regulations. The struc- agement program in the operations period beyond the design
ture of the regulation (Act – Government Decree – Nuclear Safety life.
Regulation – Guidelines) is up-to-date, and in the forthcoming
rulemaking process the regulator will focus more on the impor-
tance of nuclear safety aspect. The safety regulations are open and 65.2 MOTIVATION OF THE ASME CODE
make it possible to adopt advanced requirements, for example, ADAPTATION IN HUNGARY
Western European and International Atomic Energy Agency
(IAEA)safety recommendations or ASME Code ISI requirements. 65.2.1 Operational Life Extension of Paks NPP
Based on the authorization, the Director General of the HAEA As it was mentioned earlier that the four units of Paks NPP
issues Guidelines for practical methods in the implementation of were put into operation between 1983 and 1987. Taking into
the Nuclear Safety Regulations. It is recommended that those account the design lifetime of 30 years of the units, they should
concerned should meet the Guidelines but this is not compulsory. be shut down between 2013 and 2017. In possession of the cur-
An ongoing activity of the HAEA is to ensure continuous devel- rent technical knowledge in general, and in relation to VVER
opment of its regulatory activities and periodical review and NPPs long-term operation in particular, it can be considered as a
updating of Guidelines that have already been issued. This activity real goal to extend the operational life of the units, that is, to oper-
is also related to ASME Code adaptation. ate them beyond their design lifetime. It requires a comprehensive
life management strategy, including systematic safety enhance-
65.1.2 Context and Objectives ment, as well as the insurance of proper operating, maintenance,
The owner of Paks NPP is now intensively preparing the opera- and ageing management activities.
tional life extension of the individual units up to 50 years. The In terms of technology, the operational life of the power plant is
Hungarian regulation’s licensing procedure of the extended period determined by the technical life of those heavy components that
[1] shows a vast similarity to the United StatesNuclear Regulatory are vital for safe operation and are not replaceable [e.g., the
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590 • Chapter 65

Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV)] or only replaceable at such high ized components and piping during operation. Also no periodic
cost, which is not reasonable (e.g., turbines). It has to be noted revision and upgrading of the NTDs (Soviet Codes) were foreseen
that replaceability and good operating conditions are not only a and realized1; thus they do not follow the development in the
question of technology but also economy and business. For exam- areas of fracture mechanics and nondestructive examination
ple, although a large number of steam generators have already (NDE) that are necessary for integrity evaluation. Based on these,
been replaced successfully worldwide, it is very improbable that it is hard to say that the current Hungarian rules are “authorita-
the 24 steam generators in the Paks NPP would ever be replaced. tive.” The ASME Code obviously meets this criterion.
From practical aspects this seems baseless and therefore the steam This fact gives, on one hand, a clear opportunity for the plant
generators belong to the group of components that also limit the owner because the regulatory rules [1] do not exclude the use of
plant technical life. Nevertheless, the factors that have an influ- any codes and, on the otherhand, a moral pressure for the owner
ence on or determine the operational life of the plant can be fol- underlying his plan to adapt the requirements of ASME a code
lowed, inspected and with proper tools controlled and thus the being “authoritative.” Using the term of adaptation refers to the
maximum possible lifetime can be achieved by appropriate strate- ASME requirements fitted in a special situation because Paks
gies for operation, maintenance, renewal, and so on. NPP has not been constructed, commissioned, and operated up to
The safety of the plant is an absolutely necessary but not suffi- now in-line with the relevant sections of ASME Code. Special
cient condition of the life extension. The plant owner has a goal to situation means another code replaces meeting a certain code
implement a comprehensive safety enhancement program. In this requirement. This procedure is not unique in the world, however,
way the safety criteria of continuous operability will be ensured. it is far from being routine and can not be applied for each code
An important factor in the safety aspects of operational life exten- criterion as well (e.g., selection of structural materials or manu-
sion is also taken into account: the safety requirements of the facturing processes).
2020s will have to be fulfilled if the units are operated after the Basic regulatory principles related to ASME adaptations are as
design lifetime. follows:
There are many economic aspects of life extension, as well. As
an example the possible reduction of the decommissioning costs (a) The first step of the adaptation is based on Section XI edi-
may be mentioned. By extending the operational life of the units, tion 2001, the decision regarding later edition is made after
the net present value of decommissioning might be decreased. the assessment of experience.
In spite of the expected legal and other problems and difficul- (b) The ISI program interval under execution must utilize cur-
ties, it is very probable that the licensing of the life extension of rent requirements, the modification can be implemented
the Paks NPP will be easier than the licensing of a new nuclear afterwards.
power plant would be. (c) Pressure vessels and pipelines, which are critical from the
There is a good chance that the Paks NPP will remain a pre- point of view of structural and functional integrity, must
dominant factor in the Hungarian electricity generation market as demonstrate the strength for design, operational, emergency,
a competitive alternative, since Paks has been a successfully oper- and test conditions.
ated NPP with a continuously high and stable energy availability (d) The adaptation of ISI program and the requirements are
factor. It can be operated safely and is fulfilling all the require- based on strength analysis according to Section III. If the
ments for many years ahead. It is therefore believed that, as a compliance cannot be verified because of VVER character-
clean source of energy, the plant is the most important factor in istics or other reasons, the ASME Code cannot be used for
completing the global environment and climate protection obliga- the ISI requirements (acceptance flaw size, inspection peri-
tions of the country. od, etc.) but extra requirements shall be developed and
applied. It may be the former ISI program requirement, or a
65.2.2 Regulatory Aspects new program based on the ASME that justifies the safety
The ASME Code is a systematic and logical structure of the requirements.
requirements. Its logic is based on that the components inspected in (e) Hungary does not apply the Appendix VIII of Section XI
accordance with its Section XI, and tested in accordance with the (performance demonstration) as a mandatory requirement.
OM Code during operations, were constructed in-line with other The qualification of ISI/NDE systems (procedures, equip-
Code sections mainly Section III requirements. To apply ISI and ment, and personnel) is carried out according to the
IST requirements for an NPP, which was constructed according to methodology developed by the European Network for
different codes, will require a systematic and in-depth review of the Inspection and Qualification (ENIQ) [6] as well as related
operational licensing conditions, and a comparative assessment of IAEA document [7].
the relevant ASME Code requirements and the existing ones. (f) The certification of NDE personnel shall conform to the
The Hungarian regulatory rules [1] do not explicitly determine requirements of the European standard EN 473 [8], but
the applicable codes and standards neither for plant construction additional requirements are applicable, for example, Eddy
nor for ISI and IST. The only statement is that codes and stan- Current Inspectors of steam generator heat exchanger tube
dards must be “authoritative.” The Hungarian regulatory practice shall take an EPRI QDA examination.
is based on the former Soviet regulatory document OPB-73 [2] (g) The adaptation of ASME Code makes its necessary to intro-
and the relevant Normative Technical Documents (NTDs) [3–5] duce a transition period in case of some components. The
issued in early seventies. The document OPB can be considered
as an equivalent to 10 CFR 50, and the NTDs as the equivalent
documents to the relevant sections of the ASME Code. The NTDs
contain requirements for design, manufacturing, commissioning, 1
A second set of the NTDs was published between 1987 and 1990 but
and operation, mainly from nuclear safety point of view. No docu- VVER-440 type reactors (including Paks NPP) were practically
ment, however, deals with the evaluation of integrity of pressur- designed in accordance with the first set.
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reason for this is that new ISI program may consists of new type Visual Examination in Section XI. There is no single Section
examinations or the new examinations may be used together XI like framework document at Hungary; instead individual docu-
with the old ones. For example, the UT Examination of the ments for the various systems entitled Technical Inspection Plans
RPV cylindrical part had to be performed from outside and a specific set of documents for the Periodic NDE exist.
according to the previous ISI program however according to
ASME it shall be done from inside. If the examination from
both outside and inside will be performed the results should
65.3.1 ISI/NDE Program
be harmonized. The roots of the initial ISI (more precisely the Periodic NDE)
(h) The safety classification of the component according to the program at Paks NPP go back to early 1980s, which was the
Hungarian regulation and that of the Section III should be period of the construction and commissioning of the units. First
assessed and, in a borderline case, individual evaluation is version of the program was summarized in a set of documents
necessary. consisting of two main parts. Part One was practically the NDE
(i) International experience related to the application of the program itself, and Part Two was a complementary document to
ASME requirements should be reviewed. the program describing the NDE methods used. Actually the
(j) A systematic training program shall be developed prior to entire program (Part One) consisted of 10 individual subprograms
the application of ASME requirements. (called Frame-programs) as follows:
(1) Reactor Pressure Vessel
65.2.3 Current Status of the Works (2) RPV Upper Unit
In parallel with the systematic and in-depth analysis of the legal (3) RPV Internals
and regulatory aspects, which is currently in progress, in some of (4) Main Coolant Piping
the technical areas the works conducted by technical support (5) Steam Generator
organizations and consultants have already been approaching their (6) Pressurizer
final stage. As a result of these works, the necessary modifications (7) Hydro-accumulator
were proposed on the relevant documents (programs, procedures, (8) Primary Piping
etc.), and also new documents were elaborated. The document (9) Containment Boundary
proposals have continuously been reviewed by competent inde- (10) Secondary Piping.
pendent consulting bodies, and the necessary corrections have
been added. The experts of the regulator are involved into the The Part Two document entitled Methodology and Criterion
process as observers. An application for the approval is expected Document was not yet a step-by-step procedure but included all
in the first half of 2008. important setting and calibration parameters, which were neces-
sary for ensuring the reproducibility of the examinations. It also
contained the acceptance criteria for each inspection area and NDE
method. These ISI/NDE rules had been applied during the validity
65.3 MAIN FEATURES OF THE CURRENT of the first Atomic Energy Act. The Frame-program and the
HUNGARIAN ISI SYSTEM Methodology and Criterion Document were subjected to the
65.3.1 General Aspects approval of regulatory authority, and had to be revised annually.
After issuing the second, modified Atomic Energy Act in 1996, the
NPPs with VVER type reactors were fully designed in accor-
regulator issued a guidance for Periodic Material Testing (focusing
dance with former Soviet rules and standards. These documents
on NDE) [9] requiring the restructuring of the existing NDE docu-
were developed practically independently from that of PWR ones
ments in three parts: NDE Program, Acceptance Standards, and
even though main safety principles are similar. Of course, differ-
NDE Procedures. Thus the NDE instructions became separate vol-
ences in the level of science, safety approaches, technical, and
umes with unified form and structure. These NDE procedures had
manufacturing capabilities and possibilities had a strong influence
also an extended and more detailed content in comparison with the
on their development. Moreover, some special technical approach-
former ones. According to the latest version of the regulatory rules
es, mainly in integrity evaluation, were based on specific structure
(in force since 2005) it is not necessary for the NDE procedures to
and independence of the Soviet research and design institutes.
be approved any more.
Thus, even some principal differences between the Soviet rules
One of the biggest differences between the Hungarian ISI/NDE
(NTDs) and the ASME Code exist that result in smaller or larger
rules and the Section XI lies in the conceptual difference of the
nonconsistency either in approaches and/or in final solutions.
acceptance standards. For UT, which has the primary importance
The currently used Hungarian ISI program differs both in its
within the ISI/NDE, the most significant difference is shown.
structure and technical parameters from that of the Section XI. Its
Section V and XI define a Primary Reference Response (PRR),
scope is narrower: it covers the planning, scheduling and imple-
which may be either a Side-Drilled Hole (SDH) or a notch. In
mentation of the inspections, and recording and evaluation of the
ASME Code editions before 1989, the recording level was 50%
results. Other items such as IST, repair and replacement are
PRR, after 1989 this value, as a consequence of the PISC2 results
included in different regulations and plant procedures in accor-
[10], was reduced to 20% PRR. Exceeding this level a sizing is nec-
dance with the Hungarian regulatory rules. The Hungarian ISI
essary. The 1995 and latter issues of Section XI require a qualified
program consists of three major components:
UT procedure. The fundamental difference between the Hungarian
(a) Periodic NDE, approach and the ASME lays in that Section XI acceptance
(b) Structural Examination,
(c) System Pressure Test.
Periodic NDE and System Pressure Test do not need further expla- 2
Plate Inspection Steering Committee, Later Programme for Inspection
nation; the Structural Examination may be equivalent to the VT-3 of Steel Components.
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592 • Chapter 65

criteria are determined for direct application in fracture mechanics NDE, and assume their prior accomplishment and results meeting
evaluation. the acceptance criteria. Structural Examinations contain the docu-
In Hungary, as a consequence of adoption of the Soviet approach, mentation control, and the visual examination of the accessible out-
evaluation of UT has been based on a comparison between the side and inside surfaces of the component or piping. Its objective is
amplitude and the amplitude given by a reference reflector. It is to check the general structural condition of the component or piping.
based on the fact that the relevant NTD [5] was originally developed Some differences appear in the qualification of NDE personnel
for plant construction. The reference reflectors are usually Flat doing the Structural Examination (VT-3) as well as System Pressure
Bottom Holes (FBHs). Thus, the acceptance level is characterized Test (VT-2), namely the current Hungarian rules do not require a
by an equivalent FBH diameter. The registration level is usually certification of the qualifications for these operations.
equal to that of the construction (component manufacturing); in the There are differences in the pressure test parameters, too.
beginning the acceptance level was equal to the reference level, and Pressure values of the system leakage and the hydrostatic tests, test
later, this level was increased by 12 dB. According to experimental condition holding time, and instrumentation parameters somewhat
results this increased level (plus 12 dB on FBH basis) is roughly differ. In general, pressure values currently used in Hungary are
equal to the 100% PRR (on SDH basis). Only if the UT signal higher than the values given by the Section XI. The biggest differ-
amplitude exceeds this acceptance level a sizing and fracture ence is that there is a periodic hydrostatic test for Class 1 compo-
mechanics evaluation have to be performed. nents (in fact the primary coolant pressure boundary) after every
This process shows an agreement with the process described in four-year inspection cycle, in an extremely high test pressure. Until
Subsection IWB-3000 of Section XI and suggests that the accep- 1992 the value of the test pressure was 19.1 MPa while the opera-
tance levels in both systems are the same. However, the agreement tions pressure is 12.3 MPa. In 1993 the regulatory body approved
is only a virtual one because there is just little if not any phys- the decrease of this value up to 16.4 MPa with an on-ine acoustic
ical content behind the amplitude-based acceptance level (equiva- emission test during the hydrotest.
lent FBH diameter) and, thus, it is not compatible with fracture Neither the ISI/NDE Frame-programs, the Methodology and
mechanics, being the tools of structural integrity assessment. This Criterion Document nor any of the Technical Inspection Plans
method may be called an “analogue” method referring to the anal- have a clear procedure for those situations when NDE and other
ogy between the amplitudes as well as expressing its limitations. A examination/test results exceed acceptance criteria. They only say
real acceptance level has to be formulated in the language of frac- that in case of a nonconformance the Outage Commission (a com-
ture mechanics (namely in crack size), which would exclude the mission steering outage implementation) should decide upon.
usage of the amplitude-based method. This simply means that
there is no acceptance level according to ASME terminology in the
current Hungarian ISI/NDE rule. The aforementioned are shown 65.4 INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCES
in Fig. 65.1. In case of Class 1 components, the ISI interval takes
four years, in case of lower safety classes it takes eight years. As it was mentioned before, a prerequisite expressed by the regu-
lator was to survey and analyze international practical experience
65.3.2 Technical Inspection Plans on usage of ASME requirements. The survey concentrated on
The Technical Inspection Plans consist of the conditions and European experience, and covered countries both with NPPs in
parameters of the so-called “Structural Examinations” and the operation designed and inspected/tested in accordance with ASME
System Pressure Tests. These documents just refer to the periodic Code, and with NPPs designed in accordance with another (former

Current approach ASME approach

LEVELS Critical

Repair/replacement, or Not-allowable
fracture mechanics analysis (IWB-3600)
Acceptance level
Indication size

Flaw size


+12 dB Acceptance level 100% DAC (SDH)

Recording (quality control)

100% PRR (FBH) Reference level

(recording level)
Evaluation based
20% DAC (SDH)
on flaw
Registration level


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Soviet) code, where Section XI requirements have been introduced and degradation processes, was performed. These requirements
in a later stage of the operation. In the group of the “homogeneous” were then concentrated into RPV and RPV internals and were
ASME application, experiences of Belgium, Switzerland and Spain issued as a SONS document. In this document no practical proce-
were analyzed. More relevant and valuable information could be dure for lifetime evaluation was given, only general, and some
collected in case of Finland and the Czech Republic. detailed technical requirements were described. About in the
In Finland, the Section XI requirements were adapted to the same time, a second activity was initiated by the Czech
pressurized components and piping ISI in Loviisa NPP (two units Association of Mechanical Engineers (ASI) that decided that a set
of VVER-440) from the beginning of the operation (late seventies). of Codes for Reactor Components was necessary for the Czech
It was originally required by STUK, the Finnish Radiation and nuclear industry. To assure an effective and high level expertise of
Safety Authority, through its nuclear safety guide YVL 3.8 [12]. the code preparation, a structure similar to ASME was accepted
This guide states that the ISI basic requirements shall be according and implemented: main committee for code preparation, commit-
to Section XI, and deviations from the Code shall be justified. In tees for the individual sections, and also committees for special
the early stage of the plant operation, comparative calculations cases. These committees included practically all main experts in
were carried out for the primary coolant piping as well as some the field that were available in the Czech Republic (TSOs, manu-
analyses were done for the secondary pipelines to check their flexi- facturers, designers, and also SONS). This ASI Code was planned
bility but without a complete fatigue analysis. The guide YVL 3.5 to be prepared in six sections, specifically:
gives the requirements for the strength analyses [13], which refers
to the chapters of Section III. The main coolant pumps in Loviisa • Section I: Welding and brazing of components and piping
NPP differ from the Russian design, and their design basis was in- of VVER type NPPs,
line with ASME requirements. In 1996, the pressurizer safety • Section II: Characteristics of materials for components and
valves were reconstructed and, in that connection, the pipelines piping of VVER type NPPs,
from the pressurizer to the relief tank were redesigned and analyzed • Section III: Strength assessment of components and piping
in accordance with Section III. In case of the RPV, Pressurized of VVER type NPPs,
Thermal Shock (PTS) analysis and a fatigue evaluation of the noz- • Section IV: Evaluation of residual lifetime of components
zles were carried out and compared with the Russian design and piping of VVER type NPPs,
requirements. In a few cases, in which the ASME Code require- • Section V: Material testing procedures and evaluation,
ments could not be fulfilled, STUK requested additional justifica- • Section VI: Air condition systems for VVER type NPPs.
tion (detailed calculations) and issued special approval.
The qualification of ISI systems , in accordance with the YVL It was accepted that the individual sections should follow the
3.8, shall follow the European methodology for qualification [6] conventional format used for PWRs, where the specific features
as the minimum requirement level. Consequently, the Appendix of the VVERs and their structural materials were taken into
VIII of Section XI is not used. In the qualification process, the account. The first two sections primarily concentrate on the fact
critical crack sizes for technical justifications have been assessed, that only Soviet type materials were allowed for use in VVER
however, in accordance with the Appendices A, C, and H of NPPs according to the former Soviet Codes. Change of some
Section XI. Qualification of Welding Procedure Specifications materials manufactured according to Soviet standards into Czech
(WPS) is carried out following the principles of Section IX weld- or other foreign ones was necessary. The Section III was practi-
ing regulations (essential welding parameters, test coupons, sam- cally fully consistent with the Soviet standard [15] as all compo-
pling, test specimens, testing requirements, and qualification nents in Czech NPPs were designed and manufactured according
areas). However, testing procedures and qualification of welders to this standard. The proposed procedure in Section IV was fully
are based on European standards (EN). elaborated as a new procedure based on the SONS “Requirements
In the former Czechoslovakia, the NPPs in Dukovany (four for Lifetime Evaluation of VVER Main Components” but, at the
units of VVER-440) and in Temelín (two units of VVER-1000) same time, it represented a maximum harmonization of VVER
were built under the agreement with the former Soviet Union in and PWR Codes for component integrity evaluation. Section V is
context of a mutual cooperation in building nuclear power plants. still under the process of finalization with the aim to issue it at the
Within this agreement, the main tendency was to use Soviet end of 2007.
design and manufacturing standards and rules [14, 15], as far as it Then it was felt that for such a new procedure as in Section IV,
was possible. In the early 1980s, there was an attempt under the an international cooperation would be useful and effective as
umbrella of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance experts from other VVER operating countries, at least within the
(COMECON) to develop technical standards for NPPs. A funda- European Union, should be incorporated and their experience and
mental problem of this project was the unsolved legal status of views should be taken into account. Within the European
these standards and the extremely low effectiveness of their uti- Commission’s 5th Framework Program, a document entitled
lization. Moreover, neither Soviet standards nor COMECON ones “Unified Procedure for Lifetime Assessment of Components and
contained rules directly applicable for operating plants. For exam- Piping in VVER NPPs – VERLIFE” was elaborated [16]. This
ple assessment of flaws, found during ISI, had to be based on procedure had to be based on former Soviet rules and codes, as
acceptance standards valid for manufacturing, and on special pro- VVER components were designed and manufactured in accor-
cedures, prepared by Technical Support Organizations (TSOs) dance with requirements of these codes and from prescribed mate-
and component manufacturers, and accepted by the Czech State rials. A critical analysis of applicability of some approaches used
Office for Nuclear Safety (SONS) in a case-by-case basis. in PWR components was performed, and such approaches have
Thus, in 1993, SONS initiated a project “Requirements for been incorporated into the prepared procedure as much as possible
Lifetime Evaluation of VVER Main Components.” Within this with the aim of a harmonization of VVER and PWR Codes and
project, a preparation of regulatory requirements for lifetime eval- procedures. The VERLIFE project was realized in a network of the
uation of reactor components, including all aspects of integrity safety managers and experts of the plants together with experts
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594 • Chapter 65

from TSOs and also from national regulatory bodies of Finland, (Operation and Maintenance Code Case Acceptability, ASME
Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Hungary, and Bulgaria [17]. OM Code) were analyzed.
The examples of Finland and the Czech Republic showed dif- The aforementioned documents were compared with their equiv-
ferent approaches of introducing new codes during the NPP oper- alent documents of the Hungarian legislative and nuclear regulatory
ating period. In Finland the regulator decided to adapt ASME system, mainly the Act of Atomic Energy, and the Government
requirements; the Czech approach was a joint effort of the regu- Decree in the procedure of the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority
lator and the domestic nuclear industry. In Finland Sections III regarding nuclear safety regulatory matters and the Nuclear Safety
and XI are in use and in Czech Republic the newly introduced Regulations [1] that are annexes to the Government Decree. The
code shows a strong similarity in format as well as in content to relevant orders issued by HAEA were also assessed. The compara-
ASME Code while retaining the technical features of VVER. tive assessment has underlined the feasibility of the adaptation from
Both approaches provide lessons learned for the ASME adapta- the legislative as well as regulatory point of view.
tion process in Hungary.


LEGISLATIVE/REGULATORY 65.6.1 Development of the New ISI System
FRAMEWORK Figure 65.2 shows the scheme of this part of the project. It can
be seen that basically two sets of documents were created: back-
The preparatory works started with studying parts of the U.S. ground studies and documents of the new ISI program. The back-
legal system, which rule the ASME Code application. It included ground studies cover the comparative assessment of the existing
the relevant parts of the Atomic Energy Act, the Energy Hungarian ISI program and those relevant to Section XI; the fea-
Reorganization Act, the Administrative Procedure Act and the sibility studies deal with the introduction of a risk-informed ISI
National Environmental Policy Act;, and the Code of Federal (RI-ISI) and the development and implementation of inspection
Regulations (CFR) with special regard to 10 CFR Part 50. Also qualification. The new ISI program documents include the modi-
relevant Regulatory Guides of the USNRC such as R.G. 1.26 fied ISI plans, the acceptance standards, a set of qualification tar-
(Quality Group Classifications and Standards for Water-, Steam-, get flaw configurations, and the NDE procedures.
and Radioactive-Waste-Containing Components of NPPs), R.G. The Section XI refers to Section III group classification criteria.
1.84 (Design, Fabrication, and Materials Code case Acceptability, The NCA-2110(c) states, however, that a detailed classification
ASME Section III), R.G. 1.147 (In-service Inspection Code case can be determined in accordance with the system level criteria of
Acceptability, ASME Section XI, Division 1), and R.G. 1.192 the regulatory authority (USNRC in the USA, and HAEA in


Acceptance Qualification ISI Plans

standards Requirements

Comparison of
current and
ASME based Qualification
Level1 Objectives RPV Upper Unit
ISI program
standards) RPV Internals
RPV belt line
region Main Coolant Piping
Feasibility of
piping RI-ISI Main coolant Steam Generator
program Level 2 piping
(ASME Pressurizer
standards) SG collector
Inspection Primary Piping
plan SG tubing
Containment Boundary

Secondary Piping
NDE procedures

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Hungary). This system level classification is the responsibility of All revised NDE procedures contain the same type of informa-
the plant owner, and the classification results have to be included tion under the same chapters and subchapters with the same
in the system design specifications. Accordingly, these criteria are degree of details and also with same quality of wording. In the
written in the USA in 10 CFR 50.55a, and in Hungary in the previous version acceptance standards were an inherent part of
Nuclear Safety Rules [1] and their relevant regulatory guideline the procedures, which have been maintained within the new ones
[18]. The Hungarian classification was developed on the basis of because of the NPP request. Besides the former criteria the accep-
the IAEA Safety Guide 50-SG-D1 [19]. Having thoroughly com- tance standards given in IWB, IWC, IWD-3500 of Section XI
pared all the information in both Section III and XI as well as in have also been introduced. Another new element of the revised
References [1] and [18], it can be concluded that no remarkable procedures is the application of different visual inspection cate-
difference between them exists. As a consequence of this the gories (VT-1, 2 and 3) according to Section XI, which was not
ASME Class 1, 2, and 3 are considered to be in compliance with taken into account before in Hungary.
Safety Classes 1, 2, and 3 in the Hungarian classification scheme. Regardless of the introduction of Section XI acceptance stan-
The containment ISI requirements in Hungary differ, however, sig- dards, Paks NPP decided on continued use of the original accep-
nificantly from the Section XI requirements as a consequence of tance level (pertaining to quality control level, see Fig. 65.1). The
the significantly different design of VVER-440 NPPs (active pres- idea means that NDE results would first be evaluated against cur-
sure-suppression function, without reinforced concrete). ISI of rent criteria (Level 1) and, only if the results could not meet the
pump casings and valve bodies are currently included in the scope criteria, they had to be evaluated according to the Section XI
of a predefined maintenance work bank (except for the main cool- (Level 2). This concept has been underpinned by the feasibility
ing pump and main gate valve3). studies that state that Section XI acceptance standards are usually
A comprehensive analysis and evaluation of both Section XI less rigorous than Hungarian ones.
and the relevant Hungarian documents (ISI/NDE program, Due to the fact that Section V uses SDHs as reference reflectors
Methodology and Criterion Document, Technical Inspection Plans, for UT calibration, a series of laboratory experiments was done.
various maintenance procedures, etc.) have been conducted by the The PRR values based on FBH were compared with the ones
plant’s contractors and consultants. As a result of this work the rele- based on SDH. The results intended to validate the equation for
vant documents were modified, and also new documents were converting the different types of reference reflector to each other:
elaborated. The documents have been reviewed by competent inde-
pendent consulting bodies, and necessary corrections were added. DFBH ⫽ 0.67 2l 1DSDH *S (65.1)
The ISI/NDE subprograms did not require a complete rewrite.
The necessary amendments such as inserting examinations of where
pump casing, valve bodies, and of welded attachments were
DFBH ⫽ equivalent reflector diameter, FBH (mm),
completed. While doing their modifications to the relevant
DSDH ⫽ equivalent reflector diameter, SDH (mm),
requirements in Subsection IWB, IWC, IWD-2500 of Section XI
␭ ⫽ wavelength (mm),
the results of component ageing assessment (and ageing manage-
s ⫽ sound path (mm).
ment in general) were taken into consideration. Instead of the
original four-year ISI cycle, an eight-year cycle was considered, Equation (65.1) is valid for s ⬎ 0.7 N (N ⫽Dp2Ⲑ4␭, length of
which is not contradictory to the Section XI inspection schedule, near field in mm), Dp ⫽ effective probe diameter in mm, and DSDH
and to which the transition from the current system can easily be ⬎ 1.5 ␭. Experimental results showed however that the validity
done. condition s ⬎ 0.7 N seems too rigorous and, thus, it often leads to
Preparation of the new NDE procedures needed a greater effort. inaccurate results. On the contrary, literature data says that results
In the course of their revision the main goal was not only to adapt with a sound path three to five times near field length are reason-
the Section V requirements but also to create a completely uni- able [20, 21].
form set of documents in terms of format, structure, and concept. Test blocks from carbon steel with model reflectors (SDH
Also the following requirements have been set up as basic aspects diameters of 3 mm and 6.3 mm; FBH diameters of 5 mm, 7 mm,
for the smooth transition from the old system to the new one: and 10 mm) were used for the UT measurements. The validity of
equation (65.1) could be justified for the range of FBHs ⫽ 5–7
(a) The NDE results had to be fully comparable with the mm, and s ⬎ N, using 2 MHz and 0⬚ probes, and Distance–
results of examinations performed when using previous Amplitude Correction (DAC). In other ranges of FBH, due to the
procedures. randomly variable influencing factors, instead of the exact
(b) The coordinate systems used by preceding versions of pro- results, it was better to evaluate the tendencies using DAC con-
cedures could not be changed. version according to equation (65.1) for large FBH reflectors (10
(c) The new procedures had to completely fulfill all applicable mm) that resulted in smaller than real diameters. Measurements
internal regulations at Paks NPP. of FBH reflectors based on DGS (Distance-Gain-Size) are cor-
(d) The environmental and technological conditions of the rect; however, the conversion to SDH diameters shows larger
given inspection should remain the same. than real values. The conversion does not seem to be correct
(e) The certification of NDE personnel should conform to the (some times even extremely incorrect) but results always remain
requirements of the relevant Hungarian standard, which is on the safer side. In case of both types of sensitivity calibration,
fully identical with the European standard EN 473 [8]. the measured and converted values with increasing sound path
tended to approach the real values.
Based on the results of these experiments and evaluating real UT
Main gate valve is a specific VVER feature; each loop contains two data according to Section XI, it was concluded that a good confor-
isolation valves with an isolation function mainly during maintenance mity with ASME requirements can be achieved for the Level 1
outage. evaluation if the reference level of 100% PRR (FBH) considered.
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596 • Chapter 65

65.6.1 Structural Examinations show strong similarity, see Section 65.4. These documents refer to
The Section XI does not speak about “structural examinations” USNRC regulations and ASME BPVC as “basic regulations.”
but the requirements of VT-3 visual examinations actually seem The significant difference in the content of the Hungarian guide-
to be equivalent to the requirements of the structural examina- line compared to YVL 3.5, covering new power plant facilities, is
tions. Taking this into account it was decided to leave the institu- that [22] supports only analyses relating to modification and sub-
tion of “structural examinations” as it was in the past. Those visu- stantiation of operating life extension of nuclear facilities.
al examinations where VT-1 requirements are prescribed, and Therefore, in guideline [22] questions arising in connection with
which previously were part of the structural examinations (in matching of more than 30 years old construction (based on Soviet
practice VT-3), will require NDE personnel having EN 473 certi- Codes and Standards) with the current U.S. safety requirements,
fication (welded attachments for vessels, piping, pumps and may gain wider ground.
valves, category D-A according to IWD-2500). In case of selected components (reactor coolant pressure bound-
ary, main steam line, feedwater system, residual heat removal sys-
tem, chemical and volume control system, emergency core cooling
65.6.2 Pressure Tests
system, and primary circuit purification system), a design review
Leakage tests are traditionally not parts of the Technical
process is now in progress covering the following aspects:
Inspection Plans; they are conducted by operations personnel dur-
ing restart of the units. The fundamental change is in the applica-
• Justification of strength calculation for design, operation,
tion of Section XI hydrostatic pressure test values with special
maintenance and test, and accident loading.
regard to the test of primary coolant pressure boundary. Until
• Justification of brittle fracture resistance by means of fracture
1993 the test pressure value was 19.1 MPa (operations pressure at
mechanics calculations (for relevant components).
nominal power is 12.2 MPa), which is extremely high, and does
• Justification of overpressure protection values.
not correspond to any safety rules, not even [3]. In 1993, the value
• Fatigue calculations for critical components for the entire 50
was allowed by the regulator to reduce to 16.6 MPa, which was
years of operation taking into consideration a power upgrade
still high enough compared with that of Section XI. This is
(for relevant components).
planned in the new ISI system, in line with the concept of ASME,
• Determination of operational monitoring parameters when
which gives the preference to NDE against unnecessary compo-
nent overloading with pressure test, that hydrostatic test of prima-
ry coolant pressure boundary will not be carried out unless any
As an example for the currently ongoing design review process,
repair or replacement occurs. This concept will be adapted in a
the comparison of Fatigue Strength Reduction Factors (FSRF) for
later phase of following ASME requirements.
welds in pressure vessels and piping is shown. The Russian
(Soviet) Codes [14, 15] contain FSRF of different types of weld-
65.6.3 Repair and Replacement Activities ing joints. According to this the allowable stress amplitude of
As it was previously mentioned repair and replacement was welding joints – except in the case of non full-penetration weld-
organized differently at Paks NPP from ASME approach. ing joint is specified by the following formula (eq. 65.2)
Procedures for the various activities (defect removal, welding
repair, etc.) exist but Section XI like repair/replacement program
and plan do not apply. To be in harmony with Section XI require-
[aF]s  s [aF]s (65.2)
ments, a unified structure for repair procedures were developed
using the existing ones as a basis. Also OM Code requirements
have been taken into consideration when updating the relevant where
[aF]s – postulated elastic stress allowable amplitude, specified
by Wöhler curve, or by a formula related to the base metal at a
65.7 DESIGN REVIEW OF SELECTED given cyclic number,
COMPONENTS s – factor that depends on the base metal, the welding process,
and the post weld heat treatment (s
IWA-1200 of Section XI states that its application begins The values of FSRF related to a given welded joint are listed in
when the requirements of the Construction Code have been sat- Table 65.1.
isfied. Therefore, it is necessary to justify the compliance with If the s value is not known, the data from Table 65.2 are
the design, material selection, manufacturing, quality assurance applicable.
criteria in accordance with Section III, and other relevant The ASME Codes does not give detailed guidance to specifica-
ASME sections. Since the Paks NPP used [3] a basis instead of tion of FSRF, so the WRC (Welding Research Council) reports
ASME Code, thus an absolute compliance cannot be achieved. shall be considered to be applicable. According to these reports
As an acceptable approach, the equivalence of the requirements there is a relationship between the NDE and the applied FSFR
has been assessed. To support the systematic performance of a factors. The WRC Bulletin 432 [24] showed one of these relation-
comparative assessment of the construction requirements in the ships. A matrix of FSRFs was developed based on welding type
U.S. and Hungarian system, the HAEA recently issued a spe- (full- or, partial-penetration, and fillet welds) versus the NDE that
cial regulatory guide on strength analysis of operating pressur- is applied. The basis of the WRC report is the requirement that
ized components [22]. mechanical properties of the welding joint cannot be worse than
As noted previously the Hungarian regulatory system is open those of the base metal. (it is fully adequate to the Russian
and receptive. This recent guidance [22] refers explicitly first to requirements). That is, according to the requirement FSRF would
ASME Code. The STUK Guides YVL 3.5 [13] and YVL 3.8 [12] be 1.0 in the case of full-penetration butt welds. The question is,
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Base Metal Welding Procedure Welding Material Post-Weld-Heat-Treatment s

12Ch2MFA, Manual Welding electrode: Annealing 1.0
15Ch2MFA, N-3, N-6, N-10
Mechanized fusion Welding rod and wire:   0.7 if
welding Sv-10ChMFT, (aF)  500 MPa;
Sv-10ChMFTU  1.34 10.241g(F)
if 70
(aF) 500
if (aF) 70 Mpa
Mechanized overlay Welding rod and wire Annealing 0.8
welding, strip Sv-07Ch25N13,
electrode with flux Sv-08Ch19N10G2B
Manual overlay Welding electrode: Annealing 0.8
welding with ZI0-8, EA-898/21B
Stainless steel Manual Welding electrode: Without PWHT 1.0
Argon arc welding Welding electrode: Annealing 0.8
EA-898/21B, ZI0-8
Welding rod and wire: Without PWHT,
SZv-04Ch19N11M3 Annealing 1.0

with which NDE method and in which volume the weld should be The results of the influence factors comparison can be seen in
inspected. Table 65.4. The relationship of the two systems cannot be estab-
The WRC document classifies the welds based on the follow- lished on the basis of this comparison. In the Hungarian practice
ing three main criteria: the determination of the quality level is necessary, if the WRC
documents are applied. For this, the design data and the NDE
• Type of welding joint (butt, fillet, penetration full-partial) documents are available.
• Weld surface machined (chipping, grinding) Assessing the Russian standard, it can be stated:
• Nondestructive examination.
• whether the welding process is mechanized or manual,
The method of PWHT is not discussed in WRC document. The considerably influences the form of weld, the undercut,
document claims that if there is no Post-Weld-Heat-Treatment the irregular surface and the weld preparation angle, and so
(PWHT) fatigue stress may be reduced. The Russian documents on,
suggest the PWHT for other consideration as well, for example, • the characteristic of the welding material are weld ripples, the
to reduce stress when welding of valve connection by cladding narrow weld run, the welding position and the weaving, and
material is applied. FSFR values are in Table 65.3. so on.


Welding Fatigue Reduction Factors, 

Base Metal (Steel) Annealing Without Annealing
Carbon-, manganese- 0.75 0.75
and alloy steel, RTm
380 Mpa
Steel alloy, 380
RTm 520 MPa 0.70 0.65
Steel alloy, 520
RTm 700 MPa 0.6 0.5
Austenitic steel 0.70 0.60
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598 • Chapter 65


FSRF Quality Level Definition

1.0 1 Machined or ground weld that receives a full volumetric and a surface (MT/PT)
and a VT
1.0–1.2 1 As-welded weld that receives a full volumetric and a surface (MT/PT) and a VT
1.2–1.5 2 Machined or ground weld that receives a partial volumetric and a surface
(MT/PT) and a VT
1.3–1.6 2 As-welded weld that receives a partial volumetric and a surface (MT/PT) and a
1.5 3 Machined or ground weld that receives a surface (MT/PT) and a VT, but the
weld receives no volumetric NDE
1.7 3 As-welded weld that receives a surface (MT/PT) and a VT, but the weld receives
no volumetric NDE
2.0 4 Weld has received a partial or full volumetric and the surface has received VT,
but no MT/PT.
2.0–2.5 5 VT only of the surface, neither volumetric nor MT/PT examination.
2.5–3.0 6 Volumetric only.
3.0–4.0 7 Weld backsides that are nondefinable and/or receive no inspection.

In the former Soviet Union it was the task of the Leading 65.8 CONCLUSIONS
Scientific Institute to select the welding materials and processes
and to certify them. The manufacturers had to prepare “control As a result of this large scale project upgrading to Section XI
welding joint tests” to demonstrate the adequacy of the welded and OM Code compatible ISI and IST program has been com-
joints. The ASME Code is based on the welding procedure speci- piled. As a basis for the new ISI program it was decided to keep
fication and qualification and manufacturers’ responsibility. The the main structure of the Technical Inspection Plans because it
selection of welding materials and processes is the manufacturers’ basically justified its applicability and was able to accommodate
task. the Section XI requirements. The Technical Inspection Plans were
Conclusion of the comparison of the FSRFs as given in WRC renamed to ISI Plans, which gives a greater emphasis on their
[24] and Russian documents [14, 15, 23] on representative weld- ageing management function and, at the same time, refers to
ing joints of pressure vessels and pipelines at Paks NPP is that, in the evolution of these documents. The new ISI Plans contain all
case of WRC, FSRFs are between 1 and 2.5 (the typical value is 1 periodic NDE, structural examinations, and pressure tests, which
– 1.2 – 1.6). The Russian documents approach the FSRFs of pres- were previously done in the framework of the Technical
sure vessels and piping welds in a totally different way, the Inspection Plans and the Section XI requirements as well.
FSRFs are between 1.0 and 0.6, based on Tables 65.1 and 65.2. An important issue is the transition from the current ISI system
Therefore it can be justified that if FSRF  1s, the results of 1 to the new one. Crucial thing is to keep all licensing condition
to 1.6 can be considered as equivalent. always valid, which means that a smooth transition without loos-
ing any examination is necessary. Since the Hungarian regulator
is expecting an overall concept on ASME adaptation, in which ISI
plays the substantial role, Paks NPP has to work on this, and the
TABLE 65.4 INFLUENCE FACTORS ACCORDING TO regulatory approval of the new system is expected only afterwards
RUSSIAN AND WRC DOCUMENTS including the way of transition.

FSRF Influence Factor Russian Documents WRCB 432

Welding procedure 65.9 REFERENCES
(manual, mechanized., etc.) ✓ 1. Nuclear Safety Regulations, Volumes 1–4, Hungarian Atomic Energy
Welding material ✓ Authority, Budapest, 2005 (in Hungarian).
2. OPB-73, Basic Regulation on NPP Safety Assurance, Gosgortechnadzor,
Penetration of weld
Moscow, 1973 (in Russian).
(full, partial, backsides) ✓
3. Rules for Construction and Safe Operation of NPP Pressurized
PWHT ✓ Components, Gosgortechnadzor, Moscow, 1972 (in Russian).
Machined or ground weld ✓ 4. OP-1513-72, Basic Rules for Welded Joints and Overlay Welding of
NDE techniques and volume ✓ NPP Pressurized Components, Gosgortechnadzor, Moscow, 1972 (in
ASME_Ch65_p589-600.qxd 6/3/09 1:32 PM Page 599


5. PK-1514-72, Rules for Control of Welded Joints and Overlay Welding 15. PNAE G-7-002-86, Standard for Strength Calculations of
of NPP Pressurized Components, Gosgortechnadzor, Moscow, 1972 Components and Piping in NPPs, Energoatomizdat, Moscow, 1989
(in Russian). (in Russian).
6. European Methodology for Qualification of Non-Destructive Testing 16. VERLIFE, Unified Procedure for Lifetime Assessment of Components
(third issue).; EUR 17299 EN, Luxembourg; 2007. and Piping in WWER NPPs, Version 5 – Final; 2003.
7. IAEA-EBP-WWER-11, Methodology for Qualification of In-Service 17. Brumovsky, M.: private communications.
Inspection Systems for WWER Nuclear Power Plants, IAEA, Vienna,
18. Regulatory Guide No. 3.1 Rev. 2, Basic Principles for the Safety
Classification of NPP Systems and Components, Hungarian Atomic
8. EN 473, Nondestructive testing – Qualification and Certification of Energy Authority, Budapest, 2007 (in Hungarian).
NDT Personnel – General Principles, CEN, Paris, 2000.
19. 50-SG-D1, Safety Functions and Component Classification for BWR,
9. Regulatory Guide No. 4.1, In-Service Inspection of NPP Components PWR, and PTR, Safety Guide, IAEA, Vienna, 1979.
(Material testing), Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority, Budapest,
20. Ermolov, I. N., The reflection of ultrasonic waves from targets of sim-
1997 (in Hungarian).
ple geometry, Non-destructive testing, April 1972, p. 87–91.
10. Summary of the Three Phases of the PISC Programme, PISC-Report
21. Walte F: Personal communication, IZFP, Saarbrücken, 2005.
No. 17; 1992.
22. Regulatory Guide No 3.25, Strength Analysis of Operating
11. Trampus, P., Janosi, B. A., Pammer, Z., Ratkai S. and Somogyi, G.,
Pressurized Components, Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority,
Adaptation of ASME Requirements for ISI/NDE at Paks NPP,
Budapest, 2007 (in Hungarian).
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on NDE in Relation
to Structural Integrity for Nuclear and Pressurized Components, San 23. PNAE G-7-008-89, Rules for Design and Safe Operation of
Diego, CA, USA, 2006. Components and Piping in Nuclear Power Installations,
Energoatomizdat, Moscow, 1990.
12. YVL 3.8 Rev. 3, Nuclear Power Plant Pressure Equipment, In-service
Inspection With Non-destructive Testing Methods, STUK, Helsinki, 24. Hechmer, J. L. and Kuhn, E. J., Fatigue Strength Reduction Factor for
2003. Welds Based on NDE, Welding Research Council, Bulletin 432, New
York, 1998.
13. YVL 3.5, Ensuring the Strength of Nuclear Power Plant Pressure
Devices, STUK, Helsinki, 2002.
14. Standards for Strength Calculations of Components, Steam
Generators, Pressure Vessels and Piping of NPPs and Research
Reactors, Gosgortechnadzor, Moscow, 1972 (in Russian).
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Victor V. Kostarev and Alexander V. Sudakov
66.1 BRIEF HISTORY OF REGULATORY Russia in the 18th and the beginning of 19 th centuries was in
ACTIVITY AND BOILER CODES IN agreement with European and American practice and followed
RUSSIA their main steps. As known, the American Society of Boiler
Engineers (ASME) was organized in 1880 and the first boiler
A first known historical example of safety regulation activity in code appeared in 1907 in Massachusetts and thereafter in other
Russia took place in the beginning of 18th century. On December 10, American states.
1719, Emperor Peter first founded a special Berg Board for regu- After the 1917 revolution, the Boiler Inspection that was a part
lation of booming mining business in Russia [1]. All state and pri- of the State Mining Regulatory Body became inefficient due to
vate business units were subjected to regulation procedures, poor management and organizational problems, including local
including safety issues of manpower and taxes. Before that problems in districts and parallel divisions, in many of the Soviet
responsibility for mining with different requirements and proce- ministries. For example, until 1954 common rules for inspection
dures was on local authorities. In 1804 Russian Empire was divi- and operation of boilers were not developed and did not exist.
ded into five mining administrative districts with Berg Inspectors This implies that situation in the USSR in the beginning of 1950s
as chief district officers. In 1734 an outstanding Russian geograph- in respect to safety regulation, particularly in boilers regulation,
er and captain of artillery Vassily Tatishchev and mining expert I. was similar to what existed in Russia before 1899. It was only in
Bijuer prepared first Mining Regulatory Guide that was used in 1954 that by a special decree of Soviet Government the All
regional districts up to 1804 when it was officially approved by Union State Gosgortechnadzor (State Mining and Technical)
the capital Saint-Petersburg City Administration. Inspection was founded. As a State Department it became
In the middle of 19th century, an extensive development of responsible for safety in mining industry as well as for boilers
boiler technology started and caused a lot of accidents every- inspection and regulation.
where in the world. Since 1843, a requirement for a special boi- In 1950s the nuclear power age became a reality and thus
ler inspection came into force. Earlier it was a responsibility of demanded a new approach in safety regulation of such systems.
local province engineers. Only in 1894 the Boiler Inspection Initially, all nuclear safety problems were considered by a special
became a separate body in the Russian Ministry of Trade and State Control Service created on the basis of Laboratory No. 2.
Industry. During last decade of 19th century, special rules for This laboratory marked the beginning of the All Russian Nuclear
design and operation of boilers were developed. To protect boil- Scientific Center, “Kurchatov Institute.” Until 1983, a safety regu-
ers from explosions, it was prescribed, for example, to make lation in nuclear industry had been performed by different depart-
inspection of boiler externals every two years and of internals. ments of the “Minsredmash” Ministry (USSR analogue of US
Every 6 years Until 1901, the State was vested with the respon- DOE). In July 1983, the State Committee for Safety Regulation in
sibility of boilers inspection. In 1901, in Warsaw (Poland that Atomic Power was created that was formally independent from
time was a part of Russian Empire), a Society of Steam Boilers design and manufacturer suppliers and authorities.
and Engine Engineers was founded and then in 1902 a Boiler In the1990s minor organizational changes were made in the
Owners Utility Group appeared. Since that time safety problems Russian nuclear safety regulation, with renaming of one state
of boilers became a responsibility of Boiler Society and Utility authority to another (USSR “Gosatomenergonadzor,” then USSR
Group with elimination of State obligations. Thereafter, in 1910 “Gospromatomnadzor,” RF “Gosatomnadzor,” and Federal
the Society and Utility Group began to give permissions for Service for Nuclear Regulation) until the new Federal
boilers operation with controlling of inspection process to local Commission for Ecology, Technology and Nuclear Regulation
workshop inspection engineers all over the Russian Empire. One “Rostechnadzor” was founded in 2006 with a department for
can notice that the development of boilers’ regulation activity in nuclear safety regulation.
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602 • Chapter 66

66.2 SYSTEM AND A LIST OF STANDARDS The whole system and structure of Russian nuclear normative
RELEVANT TO THE STATE SAFETY basis consists of the following three principal levels of documents:
REGULATION IN NUCLEAR POWER • Federal Norms and Rules in the Area of Nuclear Power
The provisions of Russian Nuclear Standards have changed • Safety Guidelines
many times due to political developments in Russia during the • Guideline Documents
past 20 years. Later, this was regulated by a special normative
document, Regulatory Guide RD-03-42-97 [2]. This Guide states The Federal Norms and Rules (NP) outlines the general princi-
that the provisions of all normative documents approved by the ples, criteria, and requirements for nuclear and radiological safety
Nuclear Regulatory Body are meant for providing nuclear and of nuclear installation for its entire life cycle.
radiological safety of nuclear power installations. The objective is The Safety Guidelines (RB) consists of approaches and meth-
to protect the personnel of nuclear installations, population, and ods for performing and fulfilling the Federal Norms and Rules
environment from radiation impact. requirements.
The Russian Nuclear Codes and Standards set forth the require- The Guideline Documents (RD) contains organizational prin-
ments for the safe use of atomic power. It is imperative that such ciples for any activity undertaken by technical and regional
requirements are met when operating any activity related to the departments of Nuclear Regulatory Body and also includes its
atomic energy application. The federal standards and amendments responsibility, interaction, and cooperation.
laid down in Regulatory Guide should be approved by the A complete list of all normative acts and normative documents
Russian Federation Government. relating to nuclear regulation was published in 2007 [3].
The Russian Federal Statute on Use of Nuclear Power No. The list consists of several principal chapters:
170-F3 states that all atomic energy codes and standards are
A. Major Regulation Acts (International Acts, Russian Federal
developed and affirmed in accordance with the procedure estab-
Laws, Presidential and Government Decrees).
lished by the Russian government [4]. This procedure provides
I. Nuclear Installations and Complexes with Experimental and
for publication of the standards in the official journals or newspa-
Investigation Reactors and Test Rigs (ship-based reactors,
pers, for example, Nuclear and Radiation Safety Magazine,
space, and other transport installations)
issued by NTC YaRB. Recommendations of recognized interna-
II. Nuclear Power Plants
tional bodies, for example, International Atomic Energy Agency
III. Fuel Cycle and Reprocessing Facilities, Transportation of
(IAEA), and leading nuclear states should also be considered.
Fuel and Radiation Materials, and Industrial Reactors.
Unfortunately, at the moment there are no effective and unified
IV. Radiation Sources, Storage Facilities, and Radiation Waste
engineering societies in Russia as it existed during the nineteenth
V. Nuclear Security for Nuclear Installations, Storages, and
and twentieth centuries. In contrast, ASME is now able to initi-
Radiation Materials
ate, perform, and maintain a normative activity as well as a
steady procedure for its development. Usually drafts of new doc- The total number of documents from Chapter A to I-V consists
uments are prepared by a limited group of experts nominated by of 320 issues; Chapter A has 82 documents of international and
Regulatory Body or other Russian authorities. Sometimes new national character, Chapter I has 136 documents, and Chapter II
documents are prepared without consulting recognized experts has161 documents.
from different engineering fields and interested social groups, The Federal Norms and Rules (NP) consists of 85 principal
which results in lack of significant details that may have influ- documents, the Safety Guidelines (RB) has 59 documents, and the
ence on its efficiency. Guideline Documents (RD) has 49 books.
After approval by Government authorities, Codes and Standards Of the documents, the most important ones relate to Nuclear
are officially published. These are mandatory for all organizations, Power Plants, especially those related to design procedure and
authorities, institutes, companies, and individuals of the Russian analysis of pressure vessels, piping, and components for NPPs,
Federation involved in the use of nuclear energy. An example of such as
the Russian power plants (NPPs) enforcing Nuclear Codes and
Standards is the State-owned organization named FGUP Concern • RF Federal Statute on Use of Atomic Power No. 170-F3,
Rosenergoatom, a division of a U.S. merger Rosatom. An index of November 21, 1995 [4]
main standards regulating the safe operation of power units and the • Federal Statute on Technical Regulation, No. 184-F3,
NPP’s entire life cycle–site selection, design, construction, opera- December 27, 2002 [5]
tion, and decommissioning is affirmed and put into effect by a spe- • General Provisions for Safety of Nuclear Power Plants, OPB-
cial order of this Concern. In all, 1789 regulations are included in 88/97 (PNAE G-01-011-97/NP-001-97), Gosatomnadzor RF,
the index. About 535 regulations relate to maintenance and repair 1997 [6]
procedures; 114 to materials technology and metal sensing; 61 to • NPPs Siting, Basic Safety Criteria and Requirements, NP-
modification, improvement, and lifetime extension; and only 4 reg- 032-01, Gosatomnadzor RF, 2001 [7]
ulations deal with decommissioning. The index contains regula- • Analysis of External Natural and Man-Caused Events on
tions of different levels, beginning from the most important NPPs, NP-064-05, Rostechnadzor, 2005 [8]
Federal-level documents and ending with specific guidelines (RD) • Norms for Seismic Design of NPPs, NP-031-01, Gosato-
and instructions issued by operational organization. For example, mnadzor RF, 2001 [9]
one such document required currently for the existing NPPs is RD • General Provisions for Quality Assurance Program for NPPs,
EO 01 86-00, “Procedure of Power Units’ Vessels Technical State NP-011-99, Gosatomnadzor RF, 1999 [10]
and Residual Life Assessment,” that regulates procedures for eval- • Nuclear Safety Rules for Reactor Installations of NPPs, PBYa
uation of NPPs residual life. This is the most relevant issue for RU AS-89 (PNAE G-1-024-90), USSR Gospromatomnadzor,
Russian NPPs for consideration of their total operating time. 1990, Gosatomnadzor RF, 1999 [11]
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• Norms for Strength Analysis of Equipment and Piping of plants, industrial reactors, as well as study of first prototype nuclear
Nuclear Installations, PNAE G-7-002—87, USSR Gosatomen- power plants had been instrumental in developing these new
ergonadzor, 1986 [12] nuclear design codes. For example, leading research institutions in
• PNAE G-7-009-89 Equipment and Piping of Nuclear Power the field of material science – CNII KM “Prometey” and CNIIT-
Plants. Welding and Hard-Facing. Fundamentals (as amend- MASH – were also engaged in that work. CKTI was responsible
ed of 1999, N 1) [13] for preparing the first draft of codes for selection of basic dimen-
• PNAE G-7-010-89 Equipment and Piping of Nuclear Power sions (design by rules), buckling analysis, piping analysis, as well
Plants. Weld Joints and Hard-Facing. Control Rules (as as allowable stress limits and material behavior. The 1973 norms
amended of 1999) [14] had no recommendations to deal with seismic and other external
• Rules for Design and Safety Operation of Equipment and extreme dynamic events that impact NPP’s safety.
Piping of Nuclear Installations,” PNAE G-7-008-89, USSR Initial USSR information concerning seismic events in NPP
Gosatomenergonadzor, 1989, RF Gosatomnadzor RF, 1999, design was issued by USSR Power Industry Ministry as a
Rostechnadzor RF, 2006 [15] “Temporary Norms for Design of Nuclear Installations for
Seismically Active Zones” – BCH15-78 [19]. Due to a limited
In addition, these documents deal with design and analysis of experience and access to recognized international experience,
systems, components, equipment, and piping of nuclear power these norms had some controversial statements that raised a hot
plants and correspond to ASME BPVC, Section III, that will be discussion and disagreement in engineering society.
discussed in detail. In 1981 appeared an Information Bulletin of Gosgotechnadzor
Technical Department No.8 (656)-81, “Norms for a Seismic
Analysis of Equipment and Piping of PWR (VVER) Nuclear
66.3 DEVELOPMENT AND ACTUAL STATE Power Plants,” approved by State Committee of Nuclear Power as
OF NUCLEAR CODES FOR DESIGN an Addendum to the Nuclear Norms 1973 [20]. It was the first
AND ANALYSIS OF NPPs EQUIPMENT official document with reference to extreme dynamic loads in
AND PIPING NPP design developed by experts of NIKIET and CKTI Institutes.
A regulatory guide, RTM 108.020.37-81 “PWR (VVER) NPPs
The first Russian (USSR) Boiler Code draft was developed by Power Equipment and Piping Seismic Analysis,” NPO CKTI,
Central Boiler and Turbine Institute (CKTI) in 1937 and was 1982, with Addendum No.1, 1985 [21], was issued by USSR
affirmed by the State Department Glavkotlturboprom (Boiler Ministry for Power and Heavy Industry in 1981. This guide con-
Industry Department) in 1939 [16]. tained some new approaches that are applied even now, especially
The first edition published post-World War II in 1950 was to seismic design of bigger turbines and rotational machines.
Codes of Boilers Strength Analysis, CKTI edition, Vol.17. Subsequent to publication of the first edition of NPP equipment
Following versions were issued by CKTI and approved by regula- strength analysis codes in 1973, a principal new version of NPP
tory body Gosgortechnadzor (Mining and Industrial Regulation) equipment and piping strength analysis codes (PNAE G-7-002-
in 1956 and 1965, respectively [17]. 86) was issued in 1986 and approved in 1987 [12]. Leading
These codes were used in the development of the USSR power experts from all over the USSR and from many industries were
industry in the 1930s through 1950s. It was therefore quite natural involved in the nuclear code creation. The Chairman of the Code
to involve these codes in the design of the first NPP piping and Group was Olga Schtaskaya from NIKIET and the main experts
equipment and its strength analysis. Actually the design of the in the group were E. Rivkin, V. Filatov (NIKIET), B. Zverkov,
first nuclear facilities in the USSR in 1950s and 1960s was based D. Kostovezki (CKTI), A. Schariy (OKB Hydropress), and others
on boiler and industrial codes valid at that time for equipment, including authors of this paper. These codes were enforced in
piping, and building codes for structures. 1987. Unlike the 1973 edition, this edition also covered the fast
The first specific USSR nuclear pressure vessel and piping code neutron reactors with core coolant’s temperature up to 873ºK.
with the name “Norms for strength analysis of reactor elements, Besides, this version gave much more attention to the dynamic
steam generators, vessels and piping for nuclear power plants, loads, including seismic effects, based on [20] and [21].
experimental and investigation nuclear facilities” was issued by It is worth noting that centralized industrial control in the
the Moscow Metallurgy Press in 1973. It was approved by State USSR made it possible with relative ease to manage the works on
Committee for Nuclear Power and the regulatory body codes and standards development and updating at the expense of
Gosgortechnadzor [18]. relevant ministries’ budgetary funds. By way of example, we refer
The technical background for developing of norms was a com- to the aforementioned PNAE codes development, particularly
bination of USSR national standards and design practice with strength analysis codes.
ideas and approaches obtained from the 1964 and 1969 editions As already noted, NIKIET was assigned by Minatom as a main
of ASME B&PV Code. The norms in USSR nuclear design prac- executor. Financial backing was obtained at the expense of
tice first installed general requirements and approaches for stress Ministry’s budgetary fund. In addition to Minatom, other leading
analysis, system of allowable stresses, load combinations, and institutions took part in development of codes and standards with
some service-level conditions for design procedure. their own budgetary funds.
The fundamentals of safety, regulations of equipment and device Member organizations were engaged in working out the drafts
production, codes of equipment and piping strength analysis, basic of codes and standards to assigned divisions, distributing them on
standards for welding, hard rules for welded joints, and other docu- approval to the bodies and persons concerned, processing
ments were included therein. Research and Design Institution for responses and comments, preparing follow-up editions, and sum-
Energy Technology (NIKIET) was assigned as developer of NPP marizing references.
equipment strength analysis codes. The entire previous experience The prepared revised versions were examined at the conciliatory
gained in thermal power engineering, research development, pilot meetings that took place in NIKIET. The entire work was carried
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604 • Chapter 66

out under the control and with the participation of regulatory body have not been revised (primarily because of lack of funds). For
Gosatomnadzor. several years all the required documents (for the most part
The foundation for analytical procedures accepted in PNAE Rosenergoatom Regulations and Working Instructions) had been
Regulations is an assessment by the following ultimate conditions developed at the level of Federal Atomic Energy Agency and then
[12]: approved by Gosatomnadzor. It was not until recent years that
Federal Atomic Energy Agency entered into discussion for devel-
(1) Short-term fractures (ductile and brittle) opment of the special-purpose program, Regulations for Power
(2) Static loading creep fracture Units Integrity Assurance. This program called for preparing a
(3) Plastic strain throughout the section of a component relevant Codes and Standards Sheet (SPiR) in the form of Federal
(4) Ultimate creep strain accumulation Law, “About the Technical Regulation.”
(5) Unallowable change in the dimensions or quasi-static From the mid-2003 the Federal Law No. 184-FZ, About the
fracture under cyclic plastic strain accumulating Technical Regulation (hereinafter referred to as Law) has come
(6) Initiation of macrocracks under cycling loading into force in Russia [24]. The Law has brought dramatic changes
(7) Buckling (loss of stability) in the system of standardization, safety and quality assurance, and
competitive capacity of production and governed for long a new
There are three main parts of the codes, namely, line in development of Russian economy.
According to the Law of Technical Regulation, relationships in
• general principles,
the field of development, use, and fulfillment of the mandatory
• basic dimensions choice analysis (design by rule), and
requirements, products, process of production, operation, storage,
• design stress analysis (design-by-analysis),
transportation, realization, recovery, rendering of services, and
and 12 enclosures, of which 2 enclosures are mandatory (proper- quality conformance are all regulated.
ties of materials and test procedures of mechanical properties) and The Law has been developed in compliance with routine prac-
10 are recommended enclosures, such as stress analysis proce- tices of countries with advanced market economy and demands
dure, component progressive form changing analysis, standard set by international economic bodies, including World Trade
joint calculation, long-term strength analysis, long-term cycle Organization (WTO). This is considered a necessary term for
stress analysis, vibration stress analysis, seismic effects analysis, Russia to be integrated in the world economic process. The Law
flange and fastener basic dimensions choice, bend wall thickness meets basic regulations of the “Agreement on Technical Barriers
increase estimation, and cycle stress shortcut calculation. in Trade” laid by WTO. Technical regulations for safety and qual-
When approaches accepted in Russian Stress Regulations are ity of products and services in Russia up to July 1, 2003 could not
compared with those used in other national codes and standards, it have been considered as a system of interrelated measures aimed
becomes apparent that actually only ASME Code covers the at products’ safety and quality assurance. The Law is revolution-
seven ultimate states mentioned above. In spite of some differ- ary in character. It lifts remaining tools of administrative regula-
ences in terms, the main analytical procedures referred in Russian tion of economy in regard to products (services), production
Regulations and ASME Code are closely related. Yield stress process, and utilization. It sets fundamentally new codification
safety factor for austenitic stainless steels is 1.35 times higher in and documentation systems and radically alters role and concern
Russian Regulations than in ASME Code, whereas load safety of codes and standards. The Law fully substitutes Russian laws on
factor is 1.05–1.15 times higher in ASME Code than in Russian certification and standardization that have lost their validity since
Regulations. Besides, bolt section choice safety factor is 1.5 times the Law came into force. In the context of the Law adoption, it
higher in ASME Code than in Russian Regulations [22, 23]. becomes necessary to change a number of federal legislative acts
There are some differences both in selection of main dimen- including scores of federal laws and codes.
sions and assessment of cyclic strength. However, both docu- The Law provides for the following sorts of regulations:
ments are more or less similar. At the same time Russian
Regulations usually set forth more conservative requirements. • Technical regulations (general, special, and mandatory
Sometimes, the ASME Code requirements may be considered as requirements for the products, production process, operation,
more conservative. In practice, the differences mentioned do not storage, transportation, use, and recovery)
give rise to any regular overload equipment failures of nuclear • State standards
power units designed either by Russian Regulations or by ASME • Standardization rules and regulations
Code. This ensures on the one hand enough safety margins by the • Classifications applicable in accordance with established pro-
regulating documents and the possibility for differentiation in cedure, and All-Russian class indexes of techno-economic
approaches and analysis of ultimate safety factors on the other; and social information
this is apparent both in the extension of lifetime of operating • Standards of organizations
equipment and development of equipment with lifetime of 50–60 It may be concluded that from the viewpoint of Codes and
years. Standards, including Nuclear Codes, Russia has now entered a
Nuclear power plants operating in Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, period of essential but not a simple transition. As to date, the fol-
Armenia, Eastern European countries, Finland, and China have lowing ongoing steps and efforts should be noted:
been designed and developed as per the Russian Regulations and
they even currently follow them. Even now the Russian regulatory (1) The Law has come to effect and the reforms are going on in
documents are used as a basis in the construction of nuclear compliance with requirements set by the Law and subordi-
power plants in India and other countries, as well as new genera- nate legislative acts of the Russian Government and
tion of NPP in Russia. Gosstandart (Russian State Standardization Organization).
Unfortunately, upon the transition to a market economy with a (2) All former Soviet Union and Russian state (GOST R) and
loss of centralized industrial control, federal regulating documents intergovernmental (GOST) standards valid as of July 1, 2003
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are considered state and mandatory safety requirements and (Safe Shutdown Earthquake) in terms of ASME BPVC, and S2
standards. (Extreme Design Earthquake) as in JEAG 4601. All these levels
(3) State standard requirements listed for a range of products of design earthquakes are roughly equivalent.
and services that are liable to mandatory certification also All analyses presented in this chapter have been carried out by
retain validity. the application of the most widespread design practice called
(4) Mandatory certification of services is canceled RSMAM method.
(5) Forms of conformity attestation are substantially defined, Thus, the intention of this comparative dynamic analysis of the
including conformity declaration and mandatory and volun- PCLS using PNAE Code and ASME BPVC is to show the actual
tary certifications differences in procedures and to get an idea of the margins pro-
(6) Fundamentals of the State audit for standards compliance at vided by using different codes.
the market circulation stage are determined. Those products
that definitely meet the requirements of technical regula- 66.4.1 Documentation of Guidelines for the Seismic
tions should be specially identified. Analysis of NPP Systems
The requirements for seismic analysis and capacity evaluation
Development of new Russian nuclear codes and standards of NPP systems are contained in the Russian normative docu-
based on these new principles of standardization and best recog- ments and standards [9, 12].
nized international practices and safety regulations is in progress. The design and analysis of NPP systems in the United States
The upgraded versions of the Russian Nuclear Codes should are performed according to ASME BPVC, Section III. The main
appear in the near future, consistent with the demand of the requirements for these procedures are given in the following sub-
nuclear power renaissance in the world. However, the old Russian sections and these have not changed much since 1993 through
nuclear codes [4–15] and others are still in force and will be used 2006 editions:
for years in NPPs design. That is why it is so important to make
practical comparison analysis of different national and interna- • NB-3600 – Design and analysis for Class 1 pipes. This sub-
tional nuclear codes for its future harmonization. The results of section covers Class 1 pipes of primary loop system [31].
such a study are presented in the following section. • NC-3600 – Design and analysis for Class 2 pipes. This class
includes the safety-related systems that are not attached to the
Class 1 piping and are operational, for example, in accident
66.4 COMPARISON OF RUSSIAN cooling of protection systems, steam and feedwater pipes, and
ASME BPVC IN APPLICATION TO • ND-3600 – Design and analysis for Class 3 pipes. For exam-
SEISMIC ANALYSIS OF A PRIMARY ple, a system of balance of plant water should be included in
LOOP OF PWR (VVER) REACTOR this class [33].
• The special requirements for piping supports design and
The international cooperation in safety and seismic upgrading of strength analysis are contained in the ASME BPVC,
existing and new nuclear power plants design leads to necessity of Subsection NF-3600 – Design Rules for Piping Supports [34].
clearer understanding of the criteria and standards used in different
Recommendations and requirements concerned with seismic
countries in earthquake protection design. On the other hand, since
analysis of safety-related NPP piping systems are given in detail
the breakup of the Soviet Union, there has been a considerable
in the following Appendices:
concern for the world community and international organizations
regarding the safety, capacity, and, particularly, seismic capacity • Appendix N – Dynamic Analysis Methods [35].
of Soviet (Russian)-designed reactors and NPPs in general. • Appendix F – Rules for Evaluation of Service Loading with
Sometimes this concern is substantiated and sometimes it is not. Level D Service Limits [36].
Previously, there were many attempts to compare different • Additionally, for the main parts of ASME BPVC, there are
national nuclear safety standards. Among these, one of the first Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) documents, such as
research units made in 1979 and in early 1980s deserves mention Regulatory Guide (RG) and Standard Revenue Plan (SRP).
[25, 26]. These and other efforts deal primarily with the contents These documents provide specification of requirements for
of the Guides and Standards only [27, 28]. The most effective way equipment classification and load combinations and describe
is to make comparative analysis of similar NPP representative sys- analysis methods. Until now, NRC has issued more than
tem using the given criteria, material properties, formulas, and 21 RG and 11 SRP regarding seismic analysis of piping sys-
methodology of national or international codes and guides [29]. tems [37–46].
This chapter has two comparative calculations of the PCLS
(Loop No. 4) of the Russian design PWR NPP: WWER-1000 In Japan, the rules for seismic design of Class As piping are
MWt Unit. These analyses are based on the application of two given in JEAG 4601 [30].
national codes: Russian PNAE and American ASME BPVC with
some references to Japan JEAG 4601 [30]. The comparison of 66.4.2 Equipment Classification
seismic analysis and calculation methodologies has been per- In PNAE as well as in ASME BPVC, all NPP equipment and
formed only for piping systems classified as PNAE Category I, piping systems are divided into Groups A, B, and C and Safety
ASME Class 1, and JEAG 4601 classes. All of these have identi- Classes 1, 2, and 3. The basis for such classification is of impor-
cal importance in their respective classification system. tance for nuclear safety of these systems [42, 47]. Taking into
Only sustained (pressure and weight) and seismic loads were account these circumstances, the current consideration contains
considered in present analysis. The seismic excitation was chosen the seismic comparative analysis of WWER-1000 PCLS, which is
as MRZ (Maximal Design Earthquake) according to PNAE, SSE classified as Class 2 of PNAE and as Class 1 of ASME BPVC.
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606 • Chapter 66

Russian Nuclear Code PNAE divides NPP equipment and pipes It should be noted that the values of allowable stresses, cal-
into two seismic Categories I and II. culated according to ASME BPVC, may be independent of
In contrast with PNAE, ASME BPVC contains only one seis- service temperature (as in the case, when (Sm = ST>3); thus,
mic Category I. This category includes all components and equip- comparative results are valid only for given material and ser-
ment designated to maintain their functionality, if an SSE occurs. vice temperature.
In JEAG, all major equipment is divided into four classes of The main difference between ASME BPVC and PNAE is iden-
Aseismic importance: Classifications As, A, B, and C. tification in accordance with ASME BPVC that has four levels of
The following table illustrates various classifications of the service limit loads for each component or support. These service
considered PCLS according to different codes. limits may be designated in the Design Specification and defined
as different levels (Levels A, B, C, and D). It should be pointed
Code Group Class Category that seismic loads are considered in strength analysis only for
Levels B and D (Appendix A, SRP 3.9.3 [46]).
PNAE B 2 I For further consideration, only the Level D service limits will
be applied for seismic analysis of PCLS. The NCA-2142.4 gives
the following definition of these service limits:
According to JEAG 4601, PCLS belongs to the highest As Class.
Level D Service Limit. Level D service limits are the sets of lim-
66.4.3 Piping Components Strength Analysis its that must be satisfied for all Level D service loadings identified
Both PNAE (for all classes) and ASME BPVC (for Class 1) in the Design Specification for which these service limits are des-
require performing of strength analysis by checking the primary ignated. These sets of limits permit gross general deformations
stresses on the basis of maximum shear stress theory of failure. with some consequent loss of dimensional stability and damage
These primary stresses consist of the general membrane stresses, requiring repair, which may require removal of the component
local membrane stresses, and bending stresses. The significant from service. Therefore, the selection of these limits shall be
aspect of primary stresses is that they are not self-limited and are reviewed by the owner for compatibility with established system
caused by external loads such as internal pressure, inertial and safety criteria (NCA-2141).
weight loads, seismic inertial loads, and so on. The PNAE does not postulate levels of service limits that per-
Taking into account that the strength analysis, as per ASME mit some damage of equipment and piping for a given set of
BPVC, is performed only on the basis of membrane stresses and gen- design loading. Different combinations of loading sets are
eral bending stresses, the comparative seismic strength analysis dis- defined in PNAE (NUE, NNUE, AS) as well as in ASME BPVC
cussed here has been carried out only for (s)2 PNAE stress category. (SL, LOCA, DBPB, MS/FWPB). So, in this discussion, only
Table 66.1 shows the nominal allowable stresses applied for influence of seismic loading (MRZ or SSE) will be considered
pipe elements [12, 48]. The JEAG allowable nominal stresses Sm further. Table 66.3 gives the comparison of allowable stresses
are roughly the same as in the ASME BPVC. for pipes.


Code Symbol Allowable nominal stresses Code Level Class Category Loading Sa

PNAE [s] for all steels – min {RTm>2.6; R Tp 0.2>1.5} PNAE — 2 I NUE+MRZ 1.8[s]

ASME D 1 I SL+SSE 3.0 Sm

ferrous steels min {ST>3; 1.1S TT>3; S TY>1.5}
ASME Sm JEAG — As SL+S2 3.0 Sm
austenitic steel min
{ST>3; 1.1STT>3; SY>1.5; 0.9STY}(1) The comparison of allowable stress values for different materi-
Note: als in accordance with ASME BPVC and PNAE is presented in
Table 66.4.
(1) Choosing of allowable stress according to this expression may result
in a permanent strain of as much as 0.1%. When this amount of defor-
mation is not acceptable, the designer should reduce the allowable
stress to obtain an acceptable amount of deformation. TABLE 66.4 ALLOWABLE STRESSES, MPa
The values of stresses defined above, for different materials, are St. 20 234 390 1.67
presented in Table 66.2.
15GS 270 450 1.67
08H18N10T 212 354 1.67
Material T ºC [ s] Sm
Table 66.4 shows that the level of allowable stresses calculated
St. 20 250 130 130
according to PNAE (Category 1) are essentially lower than the
15 GS 300 150 150 corresponding values obtained from ASME BPVC.
08H18N10T 300 118 118 Table 66.5 contains the formulas for stress calculations for
ASME_Ch66_p601-624.qxd 6/5/09 2:55 PM Page 607


TABLE 66.5 FORMULAS FOR PIPING scp scp 2 scp

STRESS CALCULATIONS ° = 1.0 - 0.0284a b - 0.29a b if 0 … a b … 1
[s] [s] [s]

CODE Stress Piping For Tee Pipe Elements, the Values of Stress (s)2 Category
category elements Formulas Should be Considered for Three Cross Sections: A-A, Б-Б,
B-B (see Fig. 5.1 of Addenda to PNAE [12]).
Straight (␴)2 ⫽ ␴equiv For cross sections A-A and B-B,
PNAE (␴)2 pipes and ␴equiv ⫽ ␴3 – ␴1
bends sz = s0zMN + 0.7s0zMN(s)K (s) + szp
Curve pipes For cross section Б-Б,
Æ 2M x + M y + M z
with 2 2 2
sc = scp ; 0.7sozMN(s)K (s)
l Ú 1.4 (s)2 =
c W
sz = sozMN + szp
ASME Sss Straight
pipes and PDo Do
Sss = B1 + B2 Mi K(s) – local bending stress intensity coefficient for tee elements.
bends 2t 2I It is defined according to chapter 2.7 of Appendix 5 PNAE [12].
Longitudinal stresses in the run pipe of tee sozMN and in
the branch pipe of tee sozMN(s) are calculated by the following
66.4.4 Formulas for Piping Stress Analysis According formulas:
The following formulas are given as a reference and only for M x sin £ - M y cos £ Nz
sozMN = +
the purpose of codes comparative analysis. W As PNAE Code G-7-002-86 2M 2x + M 2y ƒ Nz ƒ

sozMN(s) = +
W As
Principal Stresses in the Pipe Cross Section.
where:  is angle that defined the branch position (see Fig. 5.1

0.5 C sc + sz + - sz)2 + 4t2 D

of Addenda to PNAE [12]).
L sr M
s3 = max 0.5 C sc + sz - 2(sc - sz)2 + 4t2 D ASME BPVC, NB-3650, Equation (9)

Resulting Moment from Static and Dynamic Loads.

0.5 C sc + sz + 2(sc - sz)2 + 4t2 D M i = 2M 2xi + M 2yi + M 2zi

Ls M
s1 = min 0.5 C sc + sz - 2(sc - sz)2 + 4t2 D For Tee Elements, Equation (9) is Written in the Following
r Form (NB-3683.1 ASME BPVC).
PDo Mb Mr
where: sc = scp SSS = B1 + B2b + B2r
2Tr Zb Zr
2M 2x + M 2y Nz
sz = szp ⫾ + where:
W As
Tr ⫽ nominal wall thickness of designated run pipe
Mz Mr, Mb ⫽ resulting internal moments in the run and branch
t = pipes, respectively
P Zr, Zb ⫽ approximate section modulus of designated run and
sr = - attached branch pipes, respectively
Tangent and Longitudinal Stresses from Internal Pressure. Stress Indices B1 and B2 are Defined by the Table
P C Do - 2(s - c) D NB-3681(a)-1.
scp = For straight pipes: B1 ⫽ 0.5 and B2 ⫽ 1.0
2w(s - c) For curved pipes: B1 ⫽ ⫺0.1 ⫹ 0.4 h if 0.0 ⬍ B1 ⬍ 0.5
P C Do - 2(s - c) D 2
B2 = 1.30>h3 if B2 ⬎ 1.0
szp =
4(Do - s + c)(s - c) For tee elements, B2b and B2r are defined in accordance with
NB-3683.8 and NB-3683.9 /3/.
The values of Æ and ° are Defined by Tables in Addenda 5:
Ï.5.1 and Ï.5.2 of PNAE [12]. Characteristic Bend’s Parameter of a Curved Pipe
Also, these values may be calculated using following approxi- (Elbow)
mate expressions: t nR
ASME BPVC: h = 2 .
0.93 sR
Æ = when l Ú 0.05 PNAE: l = 2
l0.755 r
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608 • Chapter 66


Pipeline Element Do, mm s, mm c, mm R, mm Q ,N/mm

PCLS Straight pipe 990 70 3.5 – 21.82
Bend 995 73 3.65 1340 22.91
PCLS-Pressurizer Straight pipe 426 40 2 – 5.05
Bend 426 40 2 1700 5.05

The design parameters of internal medium: Design Pressure P = 18 MPa; Design Temperature: T = 350°C. The pipes are manufactured from
10GN2MFA steel.

For further consideration, it is useful to define the expressions The difference between PNAE and ASME BPVC allowable
for limit resulting moments Mi. Such formulas can be obtained stresses level results in about 70% increase of allowable moment
from Table 66.5. For example, Mi for bending elements may be Mi (ASME) in comparison with Mi (PNAE). It means that piping
presented as under: systems analyzed according to ASME BPVC have less conserva-
tive capacity and may withstand up to 70% higher than design
M i (PNAE) = k 1 # C s D # W #
earthquake level.
P # Do
ak b
2#I # # #
Mi (ASME) = 2 S m - B1 66.4.5 Definition of Seismic Loads
B2 # Do 2#t
The ASME BPVC has several subsections, especially oriented to
where: k1 and k2  coefficients that corresponded to the level of seismic analysis and design. One of the most important subsections
allowable stress. among them is the Appendix N, Dynamic Analysis Methods,
The numerical comparison of the limit allowable resulting which contains the article “Seismic Analysis” [35]. In this article
moment Mi ,which met the strength requirements for both codes, there are the following items:
has been carried out for PCLS. The main characteristics and para- N-1210 – Earthquake description This chapter contains the
meters of PCLS are given in Tables 66.6 and 66.7. detailed description and recommendations about applied input seis-
Figure 66.1 shows the comparison between values of limit allow- mic excitation in terms of the Response Spectrum and Time History.
able resulting moments calculated for straight pipes and bends with N-1220 – Methods of dynamic analysis This chapter gives a
the assumption that values of allowable stresses for both codes are full range of dynamic modeling and analysis technique descrip-
equal (k1  k2  1.8). One can recognize from these facts that level tions such as Time History Analysis (THA) and Response
of resulting moments for both codes is practically identical. Spectrum Method.
The other result from this stage of analysis is that for sharp- N-1230 – Damping The recommended damping values for dif-
bend pipe elements (short-radius elbow), the value of resulting ferent types of constructions are presented in this article. Also, the
moment calculated in accordance with PNAE is about 20–30% various methods of incorporating the damping in structural
higher than corresponding value for ASME BPVC. It can be dynamics are given.
explained by differences in formulas used for stress calculations It should be noted that the main influence in dynamic response
for these piping elements. of system, when all other conditions are identical (i.e., seismic
Thus, it can be concluded that formulas for stress calculation excitation, analysis method), is the level of system damping
according to PNAE and ASME BPVC give practically the same adopted for analysis.
result in the range of service pressures in spite of their slight dif- The PNAE postulates for piping systems and equipment damp-
ferences detailed in Appendix. ing ratio equal to 2%. This value is not dependent upon piping
However, the ratio between resulting moment values becomes diameter/design or the level of seismic excitation [12].
less than 1 when the differences between allowable stresses are Contrary to PNAE, the ASME BPVC provides different values
taken into account (k1  1.8, k2  3) (Fig. 66.2). For example, of damping that depend upon the seismic excitation level and pipe
when the pressure value P is equal to 0 MPa, the ratio between output diameter. In Japan, in JEAG 4601, the damping values
resulting moments is defined by allowable stress ratio (340/540  depend on the type of piping, number of supports, and insulation
0.63). For P  18 MPa, the minimum level of resulting moments parameter and vary from 0.5% to 2.5%.
ratio is equal to 0.58.


Material T,°C Rp0.2 Rm E [] 1.8[] S*m 3.Sm

10GN2MFA 20 343 540 2.14e5 208 375 180 540
350 294 491 1.94e5 189 340 180 540
Sm  St/3
ASME_Ch66_p601-624.qxd 6/3/09 2:07 PM Page 609



1.03 1.4
426/40 426/40
990/70 990/70




0.97 0.9
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
P, MPa P, MPa



0.64 0.85
426/40 426/40
990/70 0.8 990/70


0.56 0.6

0.54 0.55
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
P, MPa P, MPa


Table 66.8 demonstrates this influence of the damping ratio val- the allowable level of the design seismic excitation, when all
ues recommended for seismic analysis in PNAE and ASME BPVC. elements of piping system meet the requirements of correspond-
Application of the Case N-411-1 may significantly reduce the ing code.
seismic response up to 30–35% in comparison with values origi-
nally used in ASME BPVC. Brief Description of PCLS The main coolant
pipelines connect the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) with four hor-
66.4.6 Results of Comparative Analysis of PCLS by izontal steam generators (SG) and form four circulation loops.
PNAE and ASME BPVC Basically, all these loops are identical in arrangement and length.
The main goal of the comparative dynamic analysis of the Each of the loops consists of the hot and the cold legs.
PCLS with ASME BPVC and PNAE is to identify and compare Arrangement of loops differs from each other only in the con-
nected auxiliary pipelines.
TABLE 66.8 DAMPING VALUES FOR PIPES To provide coolant circulation between SGs and RPV, the cold
ACCORDING TO ASME BPVC leg of each loop is equipped with the main cooling pump (MCP).
Circulation loop equipment (MCP and SG) is supported by the
Pipe Level B Level D Case N-411-1 rolling-contact (spherical) bearings permitting free movements in
the horizontal plane and taking up the equipment weight.
OBE SSE 0–10 Hz 10–20 Hz >20 Hz
Due to methodological character of this approach, the PCLS
D > 305 mm 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.05 – 0.02 0.02 without any seismic upgrading devices has been adopted.
The main properties of PCLS pipelines are presented in
D < 305 mm 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.05 – 0.02 0.02
Table 66.9.
Note: Case N-411-1 is recommended for seismic analysis when The design parameters of internal medium: Design Pressure
RSMAM is used. P  18 MPa; Design Temperature: T  350
C. The pipes are
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610 • Chapter 66


Pipeline Element Do, mm s, mm c, mm R, mm Q, N/mm

PCLS Straight pipe 990 70 3.5 — 21.82

Bend 995 73 3.65 1340 22.91

Straight pipe 426 40 2 — 5.05

Bend 426 40 2 1700 5.05

manufactured from 10GN2MFA steel. The mechanical properties According to ASME BPVC, the following scaling coefficients
of this steel are given in Table 66.10. of response spectra were applied for comparative analysis: the
horizontal direction  0.6 and the vertical direction  0.4. Thus, PCLS Dynamic Analysis Model The dynamic calcu- for considered response spectra, the ZPA values for the PCLS
lation model of the Loop No. 4 consists of the hot and cold floor level were adopted as ZPAh  0.6g (the horizontal direction)
pipelines of PCLS, SG, MCP, and pipeline between hot leg and and ZPAv  0.4g (the vertical direction).
The finite element approximation of the pipelines and the ASME BPVC Seismic Analysis The seismic calcula-
attached equipment components have been used to create the cal- tions based on the ASME BPVC NB-3600 requirements have been
culation model of this piping system. The maximum length of performed using the “dPIPE” computer program developed by
pipe elements is defined by the requirements of an accurate mod- CKTI-Vibroseism [52].
eling of dynamic behavior of the system. All pipes have been The internal seismic loads for pipeline and equipment of PCLS
modeled by the straight (run) and the curved (bend) pipe finite were calculated using RSMAM with
elements. The SG has been modeled by means of the straight pipe
element with output diameter 4000 mm, wall thickness 110 mm, – SRSS rule for summation of mode shapes and spatial compo-
and corresponding lumped masses located at the center of gravity. nents of response;
It should be noted that for modeling of MCP, the equivalent beam – cut-off-frequency at 33 Hz; and
analytical model has been used. Boundary conditions for piping – missing mass effect.
systems (piping supports and anchorage) are modeled by the sup-
port and spring elements. The PCLS pipeline stress values have been obtained from
Figure 66.3 shows the dynamic calculation model of the Loop Equation (66.9) of NB-3650.
No. 4 of PCLS. The following output results have been obtained from analysis
performed according to ASME BPVC: Input Seismic Excitation The input seismic excita- – natural frequencies and modal properties;
tion for seismic analysis of PCLS has been chosen in terms of – nodal dynamic displacements and accelerations;
Response Spectra given in ASME BPVC, Appendix N, N-1211. – stress values for the straight pipe, bend, and tee elements;
The considered spectra have been modified according to damping – dynamic loads in piping and equipment supports and nozzles;
values for applicable codes (Fig. 66.4). The plot with 2% damping and
corresponds to PNAE case. For ASME BPVC, Case N-411-1 has – resulting static and dynamic internal element loads.
been used.
Figure 66.5 shows the stress values of weakest elements of the
Horizontal direction Vertical direction
PCLS Loop No. 4. The strength of these elements is critical for
The ratio between vertical and horizontal components of seis- seismic capacity of PCLS.
mic excitation according to ASME BPVC is equal to 2/3 [11, 14].
The PNAE does not specify the ratio between seismic vertical and PNAE Seismic Analysis The seismic calculations
horizontal components. However, PNAE contains items that according to PNAE G-7-002-86 requirements have also been per-
defined this ratio for building structures as 0.5 [5]. formed using the same “dPIPE” computer program.


Material T,
C Rp0.2 Rm E [] 1.8[] S(1)m 3.Sm

10GN2MFA 20 343 540 2.14e5 208 375 180 540

350 294 491 1.94e5 189 340 180 540

(1) Sm  St/3
ASME_Ch66_p601-624.qxd 6/3/09 2:07 PM Page 611


4G1 X Y
4P5 4G3

4G9 4GS1
4P8 4H6
4P9 4G6 YP15
4P10 4GS2
4GS3 4P3 4H4 4H3

4C8 4H2
YP13 4C9 4H1

4C1 YP11 4C10 R_1

4C11 RPV
4C4 YP10 YP8


The methodology used for determination of PCLS seismic is much higher than corresponding values from ASME BPVC.
response is based on ASME BPVC recommendations (see The calculated dynamic stress levels essentially exceed the levels
Section of allowable stress.
The dynamic and static stresses of the PCLS pipe elements
have been calculated in accordance with PNAE, Appendix 5,
Chapter 2, requirements [12]. Comparison of Analysis Results
Figure 66.6 shows the stress values of the weakest elements for The following parameters were chosen for comparative seismic
the PCLS Loop No. 4. The strength of these elements is critical analysis:
for seismic capacity of PCLS. It should be noted that for both
cases, according to different codes, these elements are the same. – dynamic displacements;
However, the level of stress values, obtained according to PNAE, – dynamic loads for supports and nozzles;


2 (PNAE) 2 (PNAE)
2.50 N-411-1 N-411-1



1.50 1.00


0.00 0.00
2 3 4 5 6 7 89 2 3 4 5 6 789 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 2 3 4 5 6 789 2 3 4 5
1 10 1 10
ASME_Ch66_p601-624.qxd 6/3/09 2:07 PM Page 612

612 • Chapter 66

800 782

600 590 556
540 540 540
100 68 75
Str. Pipe(4H1-4H2) Bend(4H4-4H5) Tee(Node 3)

Ssl Sss Sa

(Sa, allowable stress; Ssl, operation loading stress; Sss, resultant seismic + operation loading stress)

– stress level in the weakest elements; and The higher stress value for PNAE in comparison with ASME
– values of seismic margin capacity. BPVC is explained by higher magnitude (about 36%) of the
response spectra in the resonance frequency domain.
The response of pipeline strongly depends upon acceleration The ratio between maximal calculated stress values and allow-
level taken from the input response spectra. At the same time, able stresses for the weakest PCLS elements are shown in Fig. 66.8.
response spectra acceleration depends on damping values accep- For PNAE case, these values are about two times higher than the
ted for the analysis. Thus, for identical seismic excitation, the corresponding values for ASME BPVC (2.65/1.45  1.83).
response of piping system may be quite different when different In recent years the Seismic Margin Assessment Approach
damping values are chosen. For example, the ratio between maxi- (SMA) is used worldwide in the engineering practices and even
mal dynamic displacements (node 4p2, X-direction) calculated in Russian PWR (VVER) plants designed since 1992 [50, 51].
according to PNAE and ASME BPVC, respectively, is equal to This methodology is based on the analysis of probability of fail-
ure for safety-related structures, systems, and components. On the
D max(2%)/Dmax(5%)  431/320  1.35 basis of conservative deterministic failure margin (CDFM), the
values of high confidence low probability failure (HCLPF) seis-
It should be noted that this ratio for given system and seismic mic capacity have to be estimated in terms of maximum earth-
excitation corresponds to the ratio between spectral accelerations quake level. For the pipeline system considered, this value may be
at frequency 2.5 Hz from PNAE and ASME curves. defined according to the following equation:

A2.5(2%)/A2.5(5%)  4.25/3.13  1.35 Sa - Ssl

Sss - Ssl
Table 66.11 contains the comparative data of seismic loads for
supports and nozzles. In this expression, the value of HCLPF (CDFM) defines the
The ratio between dynamic load values for supports and noz- level of seismic excitation corresponding to the low probability
zles depends only upon the intensity of the given response spectra of pipeline failure. ZPA is the maximum intensity of seismic
and, as was mentioned above, is equal to 1.35. excitation on the pipeline floor level (only for consideration of
Figure 66.7 shows the comparison of stress values for weakest comparative purposes, the value of ZPA is used here instead of
PCLS elements. ZPGA value of traditional SMA).

902 870
900 806

400 340 340 340
200 123 123
100 3,3
Str. Pipe(4H1-4H2) Bend(4H4-4H5) Tee(Node 3)

Ssl Sss Sa

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Element of PCLS Damping Fz, kN MMx, NN•m My, N•m Mz, N•m
0.02 8070 4220 43400 2770
Hot leg nozzle
Case N-411-1 5950 3120 32100 2040
0.02 1970 2370 31400 821
Cold leg nozzle
Case N-411-1 1480 1800 23300 609
0.02 106 337 816 257
Pressurizer nozzle
Case N-411-1 79.3 250 639 191
0.02 1170 4030 8780 –
MCP support
Case N-411-1 1090 2970 6470 –
0.02 4110 – – –
SG support (4GS1)
Case N-411-1 3040 – – –
0.02 4310 – – –
SG support (4GS2)
Case N-411-1 3190 – – –
0.02 3940 – – –
SG support (4GS3)
Case N-411-1 2920 – – –
0.02 3740 – – –
SG support (4GS4)
Case N-411-1 2770 – – –

Figure 66.9 shows the HCLPF values of seismic capacity for The numerical value of results and ratios mentioned in this study
weakest elements of PCLS. can vary significantly depending on material properties, service
For both code cases, the minimum HCLPF seismic capacity is temperature, pressure, class and type of piping and piping ele-
lower than input ZPA level equal to 0.6 g, which means that the ments. Thus, for every specific case, it is necessary to carry out
seismic capacity of PCLS for considered analysis is insufficient. individual analysis to arrive at definitive conclusions about rela-
However, the seismic capacity of system analyzed by ASME tive degree of conservatism contained in each code.
BPVC is more than two times higher in comparison with values In Europe and other countries, for nuclear and conventional
obtained by PNAE (0.41/0.17  2.41). power plants viscoelastic damper technology (HVD) has some
It can be stated that the basic principles of ASME BPVC, benefits for seismic and vibration piping and components protec-
Section III, Subsection NB and Russian PNAE Code are identical. tion. It was shown that necessary seismic capacity of PWR/VVER
However, the principal distinctions between two codes are the val- PCLS could be achieved either by installation of snubbers or less
ues of allowable stresses and damping ratios for seismic analysis. number of high viscous dampers [53, 54].

1000 902
900 870
806 782

600 590 556
Str. Pipe(4H1-4H2) Bend (4H4-4H5) Tee (Node 3)


ASME_Ch66_p601-624.qxd 6/5/09 2:55 PM Page 614

614 • Chapter 66

2,65 2,56
2,5 2,37

1,5 1,45
1,1 1,03


Str. Pipe (4H1-4H2) Bend (4H4-4H5) Tee (Node 3)


OF PCLS [29]

0,6 0,6 0,58 0,6

0,6 0,54

0,19 0,22 0,17
Str. pipe (4H1-4H2) Bend (4H4-4H5) Tee (Node 3)



Figures 66.10 and 66.11 show an example of installation of why some additional explanation of this new technology for
dampers at PCLS (the same as shown in Fig. 66.3) and influence North America is quite appropriate.
of dampers on stress distribution in the system. Due to dampers,
the level of stresses drops down several folds.
Since 2007 high viscous dampers are included in the ASME
Section III, Subsection NF, standard support classification. That is 66.5 EUROPEAN HIGH VISCOUS
66.5.1 Background
Viscoelastic piping dampers, also known as High Viscous
Dampers (HVD) have been extensively used since the mid-1980s
in the seismic upgrading of nuclear power stations in Europe and
are currently being used in new nuclear power plant installations
in China and India [55–58].
In addition to their use as seismic dynamic restraints they have
been widely used throughout the world as a means to control and
reduce vibrations in piping systems during normal steady state
and transient operation. They have also been used to accommo-
date impulse and impact loads due to water and steam hammer or
postulated pipe break.
HVDs have recently been added to the types of dynamic
restraints (November 2007) covered by ASME BPVC, Section
III-Subsection NF. Hence, there is a need to address their preser-
FIGURE 66.10 INSTALLATION OF HVD AT THE PCLS OF vice and in-service inspection examinations and testing qualifica-
PWR/VVER-1000 [54] tion requirements.
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66.5.2 HVD General Operational Characteristics • High damping ability (up to critical damping values) provi-
As a dynamic restraint, HVD is a device that works in a softer ded to a system suppressing operational vibration, water and
manner than snubbers do, providing to the system essential addi- steam hammers, seismic, wind, tornado, blast, impulse, and
tional damping rather than stiffness. High damping in the device vehicle impact loads
is a result of deformation of a special extremely high viscous • Low maintenance, inspection requirement and costs, and
liquid that is located in the space between damper’s piston and unlimited service life
housing (Fig. 66.11). • Capable of Extending the service life of the distribution sys-
HVD does not carry static loads and should be installed in a tems and components it supports by reducing fatigue-type
vertical position. It works under atmospheric pressure. HVD has stress in piping systems during operation
nonlinear damping and stiffness parameters against frequency of • Green design: High temperature and radiation stability, using
excitation (Fig. 66.12). There are two principle types of HVD: nontoxic materials, effective reduction of vibration, and noise
VES type with temperature-dependant grease and VD type with to the environment
low temperature-dependant grease (Tables 66.12 and 66.14).
General features of HVD are following: A number of verification tests of HVDs have been implemented
to define its dynamic characteristics and behavior under different
• Reliable operation without dead band. Absence of internal dynamic loads, for example, operational vibration and seismic
high pressure, seals, friction, and corrosion-sensitive surfaces excitation. Figure 66.12 shows typical experimental characteris-
in operation tics of HVD with nonlinear dependence on the frequency and
• 6 DOF operation: dampening all system’s modes at the point analytical model of HVD developed on a basis of extensive test
of damper installation program. This model could be converted into a structural model

Vibration Control Systems, Inc., Lisle, IL,
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616 • Chapter 66


Snubbers HV Dampers

• Operates only in one direction at the point of attachment • Effective in 6 degrees of freedom at the point of
• Tends to have dead bands that increase in a vibration attachment
environment • Continuously active
• Limited increase in system damping • High system damping
• Hydraulic • No seals
• Have seals which that can leak • No orifices
• Have small orifices that which can plug • Incapable of lock up
• Mechanical • Any corrosion can be observed and does not effect
• Can lock up operation
• Can corrode internally

by standard FEM software or using special piping programs, for remembered that different configuration of placing dampers could
example, dPIPE [52]. exist.
The verification tests on a shaking table have been performed For example, dampers housing could be attached to structural ele-
to obtain properties of dampers for operational vibration and seis- ments (wall, floor and so on), as shown in Fig. 66.18 (upper middle
mic excitation (Figs. 66.13 and 66.14). The tests have shown that picture) as well as Figs. 66.19 and 66.20. Damper’s housing could
dampers cut off all resonance of the piping system and eliminate also be placed just at the piping, as shown in Figs. 66.18 (upper left
significantly any amplification of piping system under seismic picture) and 66.22. In addition, damper could also be located in the
loads (Fig. 66.15). space between two piping systems using their different dynamic
Figure 66.16 shows a method for modeling of operational properties and damping of both piping systems (Fig. 66.21).
vibration of NPP feedwater piping using dPIPE software Figure 66.18 also provides overall dimensions of dampers as
(PWR/VVER-440 Loviisa NPP). The results of analysis both in shown in Tables 66.13 and 66.14.
amplitudes and in spectra domain are quite close to experimental The effectiveness of dampers against operational vibration of
ones [60]. NPP piping is demonstrated by Fig. 66.23.
The model itself with two dampers on line is shown in Fig. Typical results of dampers’ influences on operational vibration
66.17a, while Fig. 66.17b gives results to predict efficiency of state of the piping in terms of PSD spectra are shown in Fig. 66.23.
dampers and its actual efficiency by a test at the plant in opera- HVD can also be used in vibration and seismic isolation sys-
tional conditions [60]. tems and dampening of different structures by connecting them
The general distinctions between snubbers and dampers are by dampers [61].
given in Table 66.12. It should also be noted that HVD as a Figure 66.24 illustrates such a possibility for PWR NPP. This
dynamic restraint device is much closer to the gap support pre- approach could essentially decrease design spectra from seismic,
sented in the ASME Subsection NF and QME/QDR rather than explosion, and plane crash loads.
snubbers. But due to a high viscous liquid in a gap between piston Since HVD has a wide range of sizes they have different capac-
and housing, it provides very high damping to the system, limit- ities and could be installed on different structures and piping
ing its displacements and acceleration without shocks in some diameters: 25–820 mm (1–32 in.).
proportion to relative velocity of damper’s piston and housing. Table 66.13 consists of the main parameters of VES-type
Typical examples of damper’s installations at NPP primary and dampers and Table 66.14 shows the same characteristics for VD
secondary systems are shown in Figs. 66.18–66.22. It should be dampers.

K1 K2

B1 B2

(K1, K2 – elastic springs

B1, B2 – ideal dampers)

ASME_Ch66_p601-624.qxd 6/3/09 2:07 PM Page 617



20 0.6
16 0.3
14 0.2
12 0.1
10 0.0
6 –0.3
4 –0.4
2 –0.5
0 –0.6
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

MIC IMPACT [59] (Courtesy of IHI, Japan)

25.0 0.45

Measurements 0.40
20.0 Analysis Measurements Analysis
RMS Vibrovelcities, mm/sec

PSD Vibrovelocities, mm^2/s




5.0 0.10

0.0 0.00
2512 2516 2504 2508 2518 2520 2523 2526 2534 2538 2540 2542 2545 2554 2558 2560 2562 2565 2569
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Nodes/Measurement Points Frequency, Hz
a) vibration distribution along the piping b) PSD spectra in the control point


Finally, it may be concluded that HVD technology provides to • Vibration
NPP distribution systems and components an extended life and • Rotating equipment unbalanced loads
protection from earthquake cyclic operational vibration, impulse, • Pulsating equipment loads
and impact loads in service listed below: • Flow- induced loads
• Sudden valve operation
• Seismic induced loads • Pipe break loads
• Water and steam hammer • Blast and vehicle impact response loads
ASME_Ch66_p601-624.qxd 6/5/09 3:11 PM Page 618

Without dampers

RMS of vibrovelocity, mm/sec

8 7
6 16.0 With dampers
5 14.0 (predicted)
12.0 With dampers
604 10.0 (actual)
1N08 DMP RL76N2
Em.Sup. 3 8.0
1N07 2
605 DMP RL76N1
Z 2.0
18 0.0
1N06 Em.Sup.
1N06 1N07 1N08
X 1 Nodes / Measurement Points

(a) (b)

Vibration Control Systems, Inc., Lisle, IL,

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66.7 NOMENCLATURE RTm , STT – minimum tensile strength at temperature, MPa

2 SY, ST – minimum yield strength and minimum tensile
As – piping cross-sectional area, mm
strength at room temperature, MPa
C – total additional wall thickness, mm
Sa – allowable stress, MPa
Do – nominal outside diameter of pipe, mm
Sm – allowable design stress intensity, MPa
E – Young Modulus, MPa
Ssl – operation loading stress, MPa
I – piping cross-sectional moment of inertia, mm4
Sss – resultant seismic + operation loading stress, MPa
Mi, Mx, My, Mz – internal bending and torsion moments, N•mm
S,t – nominal wall thickness, mm
W – section modulus of pipe, mm3
Ns – internal axial force due to weight loading, N
– strength-reducing coefficientt
Q – piping weight per length, N/mm
[] – nominal allowable stress, MPa
P – internal Design pressure, MPa
()2 – group of reduced stresses due to mechanical and
R – bend radius, mm
seismic loading. Defined as combination of
RTp0.2, STY – minimum yield strength at temperature, MPa
membrane and total bending stresses, MPa
Transducer 1


Without Dampers (RMS=11.5 mm/s)

PSD of Vibrovelocity, mm^2/s

With Dampers (RMS=3.4 mm/s)




0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Frequency, Hz
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TABLE 66.13 (Courtesy of GERB, GmbH, Berlin

The physical characteristics and the rated dynamic load capacities of GERB VES pipework dampers

Dimensions max. Displacements Service A Service D

Damper type B E D S Lo Vertical Horizontal Capacity Capacity Capacity
[mm] [+/-mm] [KN] [KN [Kips]]
VES-2,5/V40/H40 190 145 14 8 240 40 40 2.5 3.0 0.7
VES-2,5/V80/H40 225 180 14 10 380 80 40 2.5 3.0 0.7
VES-5/V40/H40 205 160 14 8 240 40 40 5.0 6.1 1.4
VES-5/V40/H100 374 290 26 16 320 40 100 5.0 6.1 1.4
VES-10/V40/H40 257 200 18 10 240 40 40 10.0 12.1 2.7
VES-10/V50/H50 317 245 22 13 280 50 50 10.0 12.1 2.7
VES-20/V40/H40 317 245 22 13 280 40 40 20.0 24.3 5.5
VES-20/V40/H60 436 330 32 20 350 40 60 20.0 24.3 5.5
VES-20/V40/H80 480 410 22 15 305 40 80 20.0 24.3 5.5
VES-20/V50/H50 374 290 26 16 320 50 50 20.0 24.3 5.5
VES-20/V80/H50 330 250 26 20 410 80 50 20.0 24.3 5.5
VES-30/V40/H40 374 290 26 16 320 40 40 30.0 36.4 8.2
VES-30/V40/H80 500 420 26 15 320 40 80 30.0 36.4 8.2
VES-40/V40/H40 394 310 26 18 335 40 40 40.0 48.6 10.9
VES-40/V40/H80 480 410 22 15 365 40 80 40.0 48.6 10.9
VES-50/V40/H40 436 330 32 20 350 40 40 50.0 60.7 13.6
VES-50/V40/H120 645 545 32 20 375 40 120 50.0 60.7 13.6
VES-75/V40/H40 491 365 38 25 390 40 40 75.0 91.1 20.5
VES-75/V40/H90 565 450 38 25 410 40 90 75.0 91.1 20.5
VES-75V40/H120 675 565 38 25 395 40 120 75.0 91.1 20.5
VES-100/V40/H40 511 385 38 30 405 40 40 100.0 121.4 27.3
VES-100/V40/H80 650 550 38 30 470 40 80 100.0 121.4 27.3
VES-300/V40/H40 745 565 62 50 580 40 40 300.0 364.3 81.9
VES-300/V80/H40 745 565 62 50 690 80 40 300.0 364.3 81.9
ASME B&PVC Section III Service Level D is based on Ultimate Load Capacity 1/1.4
ASME B&PVC Section III Service Level A and Design Load is based on Ultimate Load Capacity 1/1.7
1kip = 4.448kN
1kN = 0.225kips
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TABLE 66.14 (Courtesy of GER, GmbH, Berlin,

The physical characteristics and the rated dynamic load capacities of GERB VD pipework dampers

Dimensions max. Displacements Service A Service D

Damper type B E D S Lo Vertical Horizontal Capacity Capacity Capacity
[mm] [+/-mm] [KN] [KN [Kips]]
VD 108/57-3 130 106 14 8 152 13 13 1,4 1,8 0,4
VD 159/76-3 180 150 18 10 197 25 27 3,1 3,8 0,9
VD 159/76-7 180 150 18 10 197 25 25 6,7 8,1 1,8
VD 219/108-3 238 200 22 15 236 24 41 5,9 7,2 1,6
VD 219/108-7 238 200 22 15 236 24 39 12,8 15,5 3,5
VD 219/108-15 238 200 22 15 236 24 31 25,5 31,0 7,0
VD 219/159-3 238 200 22 15 236 24 15 8,2 10,0 2,2
VD 325/159-3 342 286 33 20 333 40 67 13,2 16,0 6,6
VD 325/159-7 342 286 33 20 333 40 64 28,0 34,0 7,6
VD 325/159-15 342 286 33 20 333 40 58 56,0 68,0 15,3
VD 325/219-3 342 286 33 20 333 40 37 17,3 21,0 4,7
VD 325/219-7 342 286 33 20 333 40 34 37,9 46,0 10,3
VD 325/219-15 342 286 33 20 333 40 22 74,2 90,0 20,2
VD 426/219-3 434 368 39 25 378 45 87 22,2 27,0 6,1
VD 426/219-7 434 368 39 25 378 45 84 47,8 58,0 13,0
VD 426/219-15 434 368 39 25 378 45 78 98,9 120,0 27,0
VD 426/325-3 434 368 39 25 378 45 34 29,7 36,0 8,1
VD 426/325-7 434 368 39 25 378 45 31 65,9 80,0 18,0
VD 426/325-15 434 368 39 25 378 45 19 123,6 150,0 33,7
VD 630/325-3 646 542 60 35 556 74 134 49,4 60,0 13,5
VD 630/325-7 646 542 60 35 556 74 13 107,1 130,0 29,2
VD 630/325-15 646 542 60 35 556 74 122 214,2 260,0 58,5
VD 630/426-3 646 542 60 35 556 74 84 65,9 80,0 18,0
VD 630/426-7 646 542 60 35 556 74 80 144,2 175.0 39,3
VD 630/426-15 646 542 60 35 556 74 72 288,4 350,0 78,7

ASME B&PVC Section III Service Level D is based on Ultimate Load Capacity 1/1.4
ASME B&PVC Section III Service Level A and Design Load is based on Ultimate Load Capacity 1/1.7

66.8 GLOSSARY PNAE – Rules and Standards in Atomic Energy

AS – Emergency Situation RF Russian Federation
ASME – American Society of Mechanical Engineers RG – Regulatory Guides
ASME BPVC – ASME Boiler and & Pressure Vessel Code RPV – Reactor Pressure Vessel
CDFM – Conservative Deterministic Failure Margin RSMAM – Response Spectrum Modal Analysis Method
DBPB – Design Basis Pipe Breaks SG – Steam Generator
HCLPF – High Confidence Low Probability Failure SL – Sustained Loads
IAEA – International Atomic Energy Agency SMA – Seismic Margin Assessment
LOCA – Loss of Coolant Accident SRP – Standard Review Plan
MCP – Main Coolant Pump SRSS – Square Root of Sum of Squares
MRZ – Maximum Design Earthquake SSE – Safe Shutdown Earthquake
MS/FWPB – Main Steam and Feedwater Pipe Breaks THA – Time History Analysis
NNUE – Violation of Normal Operating Conditions WWER – Water–Water Energetic Reactor
NPP – Nuclear Power Plant YEU – Nuclear Energetic Unit
NRC – Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USA) ZPA – Zero Period Acceleration
NUE – Normal Operating Conditions ZPGA – Zero Period Ground Acceleration
PCLS – Primary Coolant Loop System USSR – Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
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622 • Chapter 66

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ASME_Ch67_p625-634.qxd 6/3/09 2:08 PM Page 625


Malcolm J. Europa, Paul J. Brinkhurst, John Fletcher, and Neil Broom
An overview of the codes and standards for pressurized equip-
ment as used in the South African nuclear industry is presented.
The applicable legislation, regulatory requirements, and the roles 67.2.1 Regulatory Authority
of the respective regulatory bodies governing the use of pressur-
ized equipment will be discussed. The National Nuclear Regulator In the initial period
Two pressurized water reactor (PWR) units of Westinghouse of the development of nuclear technology in South Africa, the
design but constructed under license from Framatome are com- Atomic Energy Board (AEB) performed the nuclear regulatory
mercially in operation in the country. A historical perspective of function under the Atomic Energy Act [1]. This legislation pro-
the construction, licensing, and operational phases is given, with vided the legal framework for the licensing of the Koeberg Nuclear
emphasis on the design and quality rules used and risk considera- Power Station.
tions allowed by the licensing framework. The nuclear and non- The National Nuclear Regulator Act (NNRA) [2] currently pro-
nuclear codes used will be presented and the approach to and vides for the regulation of nuclear activities. The NNRA deals
deviations from the in-service inspection code requirements will exclusively with the regulation of the nuclear industry and pro-
be explained. vides for the separation of the nuclear industry regulatory func-
A pebble bed modular reactor (PBMR) is to be constructed for tion from the state nuclear research and development activities in
Eskom, the owner and licensee, by PBMR (Pty) Ltd, a largely South Africa. The nuclear research and development aspects of
state-owned and funded nuclear design company. nuclear activities in South Africa are legislated by the Nuclear
The PBMR is a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) Energy Act No. 46 of 1999 [3] that provides for the establishment
and is one of the next- generation nuclear power plants (NGNP), of the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (Necsa), which
characterized as a high temperature (900°C, 1832°F), helium- is a public company wholly owned by the State. Necsa carries out
cooled, graphite-moderated, pebble-fuelled, direct-power conver- a range of activities that includes industrial nuclear research and
sion cycle nuclear power plant. The PBMR is designed according storage of radioactive waste and irradiated nuclear fuel. Necsa
to the ASME Section III Codes, utilizing light water reactor operates two licensed sites. In addition to a number of research
(LWR) service conditions and materials. This has imposed certain laboratories and fuel facilities, a 20-MW tank, in pool-type
constraints on the design and required innovative design features, research reactor, SAFARI-l is in operation at the Pelindaba site,
such as the hot gas duct, to accommodate 900°C gases within northwest of Johannesburg. Necsa also operates a nuclear waste
LWR metal service conditions. depository for low and intermediate levels of waste at the
This paper will highlight some of the challenges encountered in Vaalputs site in the west of the country (refer to Fig. 67.1).
both design and licensing and how these have been addressed via The South African National Nuclear Regulator (NNR) regu-
a formal code selection process. It will also report on the Section lates nuclear activities in accordance with the NNRA that confers
XI, Division II, Code rewrite for HTGRs, which has been initiated upon the NNR the responsibility of, inter alia, providing technical
in response to an in-service inspection requirement identified by and administrative requirements for nuclear authorizations that
PBMR for HTGRs. include the exercising of regulatory control related to safety over
In conclusion, the paper discusses the stated intentions of the the design, construction, operation, and manufacture of compo-
South African Government in terms of the expansion of the nent parts of nuclear installations.
nuclear industry and the implications thereof. It will also review The NNR licensing requirements documents specify the sub-
the changes being made to the regulatory frameworks, the need mission of a safety case in support of an application for a nuclear
for change, and the implications with respect to code and stan- authorization. As a requirement, the safety case must demonstrate
dards usage in the industry. the adequacy of the plant design and operational procedures through
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626 • Chapter 67

formalized safety analyses. One aspect of the demonstration of regulations published. SANS 1-1:2003 [8] describes the underlying
safety adequacy that is assessed by the NNR is the appropriate principles of the preparation of national standards and serves as a
use of codes and standards in the design, manufacture, construc- guide for standards development.
tion, operation, inspection, modification, and repair of structures, Draft South African Standards is developed and established by
systems, and components. consensus in technical committees of experts on the subject mat-
The NNR does not specify the use of any specific design code ter, who are representatives of the national interest and are drawn
or standard. There are also no specific design codes and standards from industry, government, labor, professional, or technical orga-
developed in the Republic of South Africa for the safety of impor- nizations, and regulatory bodies. The aim of the standards is
tant components used in the South African nuclear industry. In the promotion of optimum community benefits, and the standards
principle, any design, construction, and inspection code or stan- are based on the results of science, proven technology, and experi-
dard that is internationally accepted for application at nuclear ence. Participants may constitute the technical committees as a
facilities can be proposed for design and construction. However, participative member with full voting rights or as an observer who
the codes and standards must be justified in terms of application may participate in various committee activities but without voting
and must be applied consistently, without omission of conditions rights. The draft standards are subject to public enquiry and com-
or embedded requirements. Alternatively, new or modified codes ment after acceptance by the technical committee. Comments
and standards can be developed, justified, and proposed for received from the public are reviewed and resolved as appropriate
approval by the relevant authority. While the NNR does not autho- by the technical committee. Thereafter, where substantial techni-
rize or regulate the use of specific equipment or components, the cal changes are required, the public comment on draft standards
NNR performs assurance-compliance-related monitoring activities are again obtained. However, in cases where no technical changes
with respect to the applicant’s code of choice from a list of codes are introduced, the standards are approved and forwarded to the
as contained in the relevant regulations (refer to and as Standards Approval Committee for ratification after which the doc-
agreed to by the NNR. This includes performing detailed assess- uments are released for publication. The SABS participates actively
ments of plant component and system design related material for in a number of international standardization organizations as a
structural adequacy during the review of safety cases. member body. Where appropriate, International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), International Electrotechnical Commission The Department of Labour The use of codes and stan- (IEC), and certain other international, regional, and national stan-
dards is regulated through the Occupational Health and Safety Act dards may be adopted as South African standards. In certain cases,
[4]. It provides for the promulgation of regulations that are necessary the use of specific national standards may be declared as compulso-
or expedient in the interest of the health and safety of persons at work ry specifications that must be complied with. As an example, the
or the health and safety of persons in connection with the use of plant draft PER [6] incorporates SANS 347 [9] (refer to into the
or machinery. In this respect, the Vessels under Pressure Regulations Regulations as a compulsory standard applicable to design, manu-
of 1996 (VUPR) [5] provides the regulations for the design, con- facture, operation, repair and modification, maintenance, and
struction, and use of pressurized equipment in industry. The main inspection and testing of pressure equipment.
purpose of the VUPR is to provide the essential safety requirements
with respect to the use of pressurized equipment or systems; hence, South African National Accreditation System The
the legal obligations and responsibilities of manufacturers and own- Occupational Health and Safety Act defines Approved Inspection
ers in respect of design, manufacture, registration, operation, inspec- Authority (AIA) as “an inspection authority approved by the Chief
tion, and maintenance are contained in the document. The VUPR Inspector.” The draft PER requires the intervention of AIA in a
does not provide design criteria, but rather incorporate a list of number of activities within the scope of the Regulations.
approved health and safety standards or codes that are required to be The South African National Accreditation System (SANAS) is
used for the design and construction of approved vessels under pres- the government-endorsed national accreditation body. Through its
sure. By definition, vessels under pressure regulations includes pres- accreditation process, it provides independent, third-party formal
surized systems. As it is the role of the Department of Labour under recognition to an authoritative body to carry out specific tasks within
South African Government to regulate occupational safety under the the regulatory domain. The criteria for bodies performing inspection
Occupational Health and Safety Act, it is also its role to regulate in terms of the PER are contained in SANS/ISO 17020 [10] and
pressurized systems and equipment both in nuclear and other SANS 10227 [11]. Once a certificate of accreditation is achieved,
conventional applications through the registration of boilers and approval may be conferred by the Chief Inspector to operate as an
pressure vessels, approval and regulation of approved inspection approved body if no additional requirements have been set.
authorities, and enforcement of the regulations. Currently, the only
nuclear code listed in the VUPR is the ASME III Code. At the time 67.2.2 Regulations and Standards Applicable to
of writing, however, the draft Pressure Equipment Regulations Pressurized Equipment
(PER) [6] was under review that would, when promulgated, replace
the VUPR. In this paper, therefore, all references to regulations The Pressure Equipment Regulations (Draft) and
governing activities on pressure equipment refer to the draft PER. SANS 347 The PER will (when promulgated) provide mandatory
requirements for the design, manufacture, operation, repair, modi- The South African Bureau of Standards The South fication, maintenance, and testing of pressure equipment where the
African Bureau of Standards (SABS) is a statutory body that was design pressure of the equipment is equal to or greater than 50 kPa.
initially established in 1945. It currently operates in terms of the lat- While there are a number of exclusions from the scope of applica-
est edition of the Standards Act [7] as the national institution for the tion, the Regulations are geared to include items such as vessels,
maintenance and publication of South African national standards piping systems, steam generators, pressure, and safety accessories.
on a variety of topics. The SABS is responsible for the development The PER specifies the duties of manufacturers, importers and sup-
of technical regulations, monitoring, and enforcing of the technical pliers, users, and approved inspection authorities and invokes the
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application of SANS 347 in terms of categorization and conformi- NNR oversight function and the future “nuclear AIA,” but it is
ty assessment of pressurized equipment and the requirements of an expected that the NNR will provide credit for the AIA function
applicable health and safety standard incorporated into SANS 347. during its compliance-related monitoring activities.
This presents one improvement of the PER over the VUPR. As
indicated previously, the VUPR incorporates a list of approved 67.3 NUCLEAR CODE AND STANDARDS
health and safety standards or codes in an appendix to the VUPR.
Due to the difficulty in updating the Regulations, this list has
become outdated. This is somewhat resolved by incorporating a SOUTH AFRICA
list of health and safety standards to a Standard that can be updat- The South African nuclear industry, although small, dates back to
ed with significantly less effort. In addition to ASME Section III, the early 1960s. Currently the number of commercial nuclear autho-
the French RCC-M Code has been incorporated into the Annex of rizations granted by the NNR exceeds 100. Most of these authoriza-
SANS 347, providing a second nuclear code that may be used for tion holders are from the mining industry where the handling of
pressurized equipment in nuclear use. In principle, the approach naturally occurring radioactive material requires authorization in
taken in the PER and SANS 347 is derived from the European terms of the NNRA. Other current authorization holders include the
Pressure Directive. Pressurized equipment is categorized into South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (Necsa), a public com-
hazard categories on the basis of the following: pany that operates the SAFARI-1 research reactor, and Eskom, the
South African electricity utility company that operates two 900-
• fluid characteristics, MWe PWR units at Koeberg near Cape Town (refer to Fig. 67.1).
• the product of the design pressure, and nominal diameter for However, currently, the PBMR company and Koeberg Nuclear
piping and Power Station are the only users of nuclear codes in South Africa.
• the product of the design pressure and volume for steam gen-
erators and vessels 67.3.1 Koeberg Power Station
The conformity assessment criteria applied is then in commen- Historic Information and Description South Africa is
suration with the hazard category of the equipment. The approach characterized by a geographically uneven distribution of fossil
is discussed in detail in Chapter 47 and will not be reproduced fuels and by a dearth of the readily transportable fossil fuels such
here. It is, however, important to note that the requirements of the as oil. As a result of these circumstances, the South African utility
applicable health and safety standard should also be complied. Eskom (Electricity Supply Commission) decided in the mid-1970s
to construct Africa’s first commercial nuclear power station, 30 km SANS 10227: 2007 and SANS/ISO 17020: 1998 The (19 miles) north of Cape Town on the South Atlantic coast. Cape
PER [6] and SANS 347 [9] require the intervention of an Town is the major urban area in the Western Cape province, and is
Approved Inspection Authority in the assessment of adequacy of situated nearly 1500 km (930 miles) away from the major coal
pressurized equipment, both during manufacturing and operation deposits in South Africa (refer to Fig. 67.1).
of the equipment. Areva (at that time Framatome), as part of a French consor-
The criteria for bodies performing inspection in terms of the PER tium, constructed two 922-MWe PWR units at Koeberg Power
are contained in SANS/ISO 17020 [10] and SANS 10227 [11]. Station under a turnkey contract. The design of the two Koeberg
These criteria include the applicable administrative requirements, PWRs was based on the existing EDF CP-1 units; Tricastin units
requirements on independence, impartiality, integrity, quality 1 and 2 in France being the reference station. The nuclear steam
systems and confidentiality, and others. SANS/ISO 17020 is a supply system (NSSS) design that was used was based on the
European standard that has been adopted for use in South Africa. It design of the Westinghouse units at North Anna in Virginia, USA.
is supplemented by SANS 10227 that provide the specific accredi- The two Koeberg units went into commercial operation in 1984
tation criteria to meet the South African Regulatory requirements (unit 1) and 1985 (unit 2).
that include the approval process (of inspection authorities), the
scope of activity, and the qualification requirements of personnel. Licensing and Authorization The initial licensing of
As is discussed in Section, except for a period during Koeberg was overseen by the then AEB of South Africa in terms
the first inspection interval at Koeberg Nuclear Power Station, of Section 3 of the Atomic Energy Act (Act 90 of 1967) [1]. The
the role of the AIA has been fulfilled by the Eskom Corporate AEB issued the first permit (KKS1) for Eskom to “produce nuclear
and the National Nuclear Regulator Inspectorate. However, given or atomic energy by means of a nuclear power station” in June
the future outlook of the nuclear industry in South Africa (refer to 1977. The provisions of this permit were based primarily on IAEA
Section 67.4), discussion has taken place between the Department requirements.
of Labour, SANAS, and the NNR that resulted in the compilation Later Licenses KTL5, KL1, and variations (revisions) thereof,
of requirements for the accreditation and approval of AIA to oper- issued by the Atomic Energy Corporation (AEC) in terms of the
ate in the nuclear industry. These requirements pertain specifically Nuclear Energy Act (1982), gave Eskom permission to store fuel
to the qualification of Authorized Nuclear Inspectors and on site, load fuel, perform precriticality testing, and authorized
Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisors and the qualification subsequent power operation.
and duties of Authorized Inspection Agencies, and follow the The NNR was established in terms of the NNRA of 1999 [2] to
principles of ASME QAI-1:2003. It is expected that these new regulate nuclear activities in South Africa. The NNR issued the cur-
requirements will be included into the next revision of SANS rent operating license (authorization) for Koeberg (NL-1) in terms
10227. While the focus is on the PBMR currently, other nuclear of the NNR Act. Although the NNR did not explicitly approve the
installations such as Koeberg and any new reactors will be subject use of specific codes for the design of Koeberg, the application of
to AIA approval to operate in the nuclear industry. There remains established codes with the requisite pedigree was an important
some debate on how to minimize the area of overlap between the aspect in presenting a sound case for the licensing of the plant.
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628 • Chapter 67

FIG. 67.1 MAP OF CURRENT AND PROPOSED NUCLEAR SITES IN SOUTH AFRICA Use of ASME Section III and the CPFC The design used to give Eskom an appropriate level of confidence in the man-
and manufacture of the large nuclear components for Koeberg ufacture and construction activities.
began in the second half of the 1970s. Based on the considerations For the vessels installed at Koeberg, nameplates were applied
outlined in the previous clause, ASME Section III was applied in in compliance with the South African Vessels under Pressure
the design of the Koeberg NSSS mechanical components. Also, Regulations; nameplates in compliance with the B&PV Code were
Framatome, the NSSS vendor, had already designed around a not used, and hence the Code symbol stamps were not applied. In
dozen virtually identical units in France using ASME Section III. any case, most manufacturers were not ASME accredited.
Most of the safety class components of the Koeberg NSSS were Similarly, data reports, as required by the B&PV Code were not
designed according to the 1971 Edition of ASME Section III, with completed; however, independent design reviews were completed
Addenda up to 1972 or 1973 [12]. and a comprehensive QA data package exists for each vessel.
In line with French practice, alternate rules were applied during The future role of inspection agencies in the South African
construction for the requirements related to materials, fabrication, nuclear industry is currently being debated, and is discussed in
and examination. In place of subsections Nx 2000, Nx 4000, and more detail in Section
Nx 5000 of Section III, the rules of the EDF document Cahier des
Prescriptions de Fabrication et de Contrôle (CPFC) [13] were Use of ASME Section XI Prior to the operational
applied during manufacture and fabrication. With regard to mater- phase, Koeberg Eskom needed to develop an appropriate approach
ial requirements, this did not represent a significant deviation to for preservice and in-service inspection. Eskom wished to use an
Section III requirements as the French material grades corre- established, well-documented set of rules, a view supported by the
sponded to equivalent Section II material grades, with, in many South African Regulator. Accordingly, ASME Section XI [14],
cases, supplementary requirements. Even the deviation to Nx 4000 1980 Edition, was applied for preservice inspection (PSI) and for
and Nx 5000 represents alternate practice details, rather than any the first inspection interval (ISI). The services of an AIA were used
fundamental difference in requirements. initially to provide an ANII; however, around the middle of the first
Currently, Koeberg apply the requirements of Section III, Nx inspection interval, the Eskom corporate engineering organization
2000, Nx 4000, and Nx 5000 when performing plant interventions assumed the code interpretation role, with the corporate QA func-
such as modifications. tion taking on the assurance role for ISI activities. This situation has
continued basically unchanged, with Eskom still utilizing an inter- ASME Section III Administration Requirements nal system of assurance of code compliance, with the NNR also
The services of an AIA were not utilized during the construc- performing independent regulatory inspections of ISI activities.
tion of Koeberg. However, the services of an experienced quality Along with the scope and periodicity specified in ASME
assurance (QA) contractor with extensive nuclear experience were Section XI (basic scope), ISI at Koeberg also includes examination
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requirements based on integrity concerns and/or appropriate oper- Deviations from ASME XI In circumstances where it
ating experience. This is based primarily on EDF operating expe- is necessary to deviate from ISIPRM requirements, a waiver and
rience and feedback on the equivalent units in France. exemption process is used for temporary and permanent changes,
As part of the adoption of Section XI, IWA 4000 is applied for respectively.
repair and replacement activities at Koeberg. Circumstances where areas of noncompliance to Section XI are
Certain enhancements were also made to Section XI require- already apparent at the start of the interval, these are included as
ments, for example, as part of the implementation strategy for the deviations in the ISIPRM that include appropriate justification for
ultrasonic examination of weldments. Eskom applied an the noncompliance.
increased examination sensitivity, utilizing 3% rather than 10%
notches. Approach to Risk-Informed Decision Making As
For the second inspection interval, Eskom adopted the 1992 discussed above, for the ISI third interval at Koeberg, Eskom have
Edition (A1993) of Section XI. In order to better document proposed the use of the 2001 Edition (A2003) of Section XI, with
the details of Section XI, as it had been transposed for use at a risk-informed selection for pipework welds, based on Code Case
Koeberg, an In-service Inspection Requirements Manual N-578 and the applicable EPRI topical reports.
(ISIPRM) was written and endorsed by the NNR. Although 1992
(A1993) was the most recent edition and addenda of Section XI 67.3.2 The Pebble Bed Modular Reactor
available at the time, it had not been approved by the NRC. This
was not seen as a major obstacle as Eskom had already elected, PBMR Origin and Description A PBMR is to be con-
with the support of the NNR, to adopt the ENIQ methodology for structed for Eskom, the future Owner and Licensee, by PBMR
the qualification of UT systems, rather than the rules of (Pty) Ltd., a largely state-owned and funded nuclear design com-
Appendix VIII. pany. The PBMR is a HTGR and is one of the Generation IV
For the third inspection interval, Eskom has proposed the 2001 nuclear power plants characterized as a high temperature 900°C,
Edition (A2003) of Section XI. This request is currently being helium-cooled, graphite-moderated, pebble-fuelled, direct-power
assessed by the NNR. conversion cycle nuclear power plant (~165 MWe). Figure 67.2
Nuclear Code Cases can be applied at Koeberg if approved by shows the layout of the primary components of the recuperative
the NRC in Regulatory Guides 1.84 and 1.147. Brayton cycle that collectively form the helium pressure boundary
(HPB). Use of Other Codes and Standards In the 1980s, The PBMR main power system (MPS) utilizes a recuperative
CPFC was superseded by the RCC-M [15], which is a complete Brayton cycle with helium as the working fluid. Once the Brayton
code for the design and fabrication of the mechanical components cycle is established, it becomes self-sustaining, thereby driving
of nuclear power stations. A number of components designed and the helium coolant around the cycle. The helium coolant flow path
manufactured to RCC-M have been installed as replacements at that constitutes the Brayton cycle is described as follows. The
Koeberg. Formally, such replacements are dealt with by reconcili- helium enters the reactor unit at 500°C, 9 MPa from the recupera-
ation of code requirements in accordance with IWA 4000. tor outlet, where it is heated to 900°C, 8.5 MPa in the pebble bed
Codes such as ASME Section VIII and ANSI/ASME B31.1 reactor core. Thereafter, the helium is channeled by the hot-gas-
have been used for nonnuclear components at Koeberg. ducted gas cycle piping (GCP) to the single stage helium power


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630 • Chapter 67

turbine. The helium exits the power turbine at 500°C, 5 MPa In both the design and materials selection process, PBMR
through ducted GCP, and enters the recuperator, where it reheats applies the following general approach, which is summarized in
pressurized cold helium returning to the reactor. order of preference:
On exiting the recuperator, the helium is precooled, compressed
by the low pressure compressor, intercooled, and compressed by • use of materials within the limits of a code or standard that the
the high pressure compressor to 9 MPa at 100°C, and returned to NRC has accepted, or
the recuperator. The power turbine, high and low pressure com- • use of materials within the limits of a code or standard that
pressors, and generator are driven by a single shaft at 6000 rpm. has been accepted by a standards body but which the NRC has
There is a reduction gearbox between the power turbine and the not yet accepted, or
electrical generator. • use of materials that are not incorporated in a code at this time
The HPB is analogous to the primary pressure boundary in a and design from first principles using sound engineering prac-
LWR. The primary safety function of the HPB differs, however, tices with appropriate supporting qualification programs.
from that of the LWR with consequences of a break being differ-
ent. The prevention of the loss of the primary helium coolant is Section III nuclear codes were written on the basis of LWR
not the primary safety function, rather it is the prevention of a requirements and did not consider HTGRs. Consequently, PBMR
release of activity that may result in dose in workers or public has faced a number of challenges in identifying appropriate
and the prevention of air ingress that may corrode the graphite codes, often for components not found in a LWR primary pres-
core structures and fuel pebbles. A large leak in the pressure sure boundary such as turbine and compressor casings. The South
boundary will cause the loss of all the helium together with the African NNR does not prescribe the design codes that the PBMR
entrained fission and activation products normally circulating design must comply to; however, selected codes are required to be
through the system. The fission products originate from a small internationally recognized, state of the art, conservative in
percentage of the several billion individual coated particles that approach, accepted for application at nuclear facilities and inte-
may have some manufacturing faults. This will allow certain fis- grated in an overall self-contained concept. For all structures, sys-
sion products that are highly mobile to escape the coated particle tems, and components (SSC) for which a code or standard has
and enter the gas stream. They settle to a large extent on graphite been selected, PMBR must provide a formal justification demon-
dust distributed in the main system and this dust is partly resus- strating the appropriateness of the selection. The code or standard
pended in a depressurization event and trapped in a dust filter in selection is done via a formal code selection justification process.
the stack. It is conceivable that a large double-ended guillotine Where no appropriate code or standard exists, the process identi-
break (DEGB) of the main piping would allow air to circulate fies the need to compile an “in-house” design methodology, or
through the core and cause corrosion of the fuel pebbles and/or where a code or standard cannot be applied in full, exceptions and
the supporting graphite structures. The circulating radioactive deviations are noted that can result in the identification of the
products and helium impurities such as CO2, H2O, CO, and CH4 need for a code case or a code inquiry or ultimately in the creation
are maintained at a low level by ensuring good quality fuel dur- of new code such as the In-service Inspection Rules for HTGRs,
ing operations by a helium purification system that provides the which are discussed subsequently.
required degree of helium purity by bleeding off a partial flow of The questions most often raised and least understood by LWR
helium and removing chemical gaseous contaminants from the practitioners are how PBMR is able to manage helium at 900°C
primary coolant by the use of catalysts, adsorbers, and so on. within LWR service conditions and why creep and creep fatigue
Graphite dust is generated within the pebble bed by friction are not damage mechanisms of concern?
between fuel spheres and friction between moving spheres and In those sections of the HPB where vessels or piping are poten-
the stationary core-facing graphite blocks of the center and side tially exposed to helium at temperatures greater than 371°C, the hot
reflectors. helium is prevented from coming into contact with the HPB by spe-
The PBMR is inherently safe by design. These design charac- cial design features. These SSC features for are discussed below:
teristics include the following:
• the fission products retained in coated particles; • Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV)
• the reactor geometry facilitates heat removal to heat sinks; • Core Barrel Assembly (CBA)
• the entire core and moderator are ceramic or carbon-based • Recuperator
material and hence tolerant to high temperatures and oxidation
resistance; The sections of the gas cycle pipes that carry the 900°C helium
• the strong negative temperature coefficient limits reactivity are constructed as double pipes with an insulated liner (refer to
excursions; Fig. 67.3). The 900°C helium is constrained to flow within the
• helium is chemically inert and serves only as a coolant for Incoloy 800H liner, while the HPB is cooled by a contraflow of
normal operation – no neutron absorber functionality; and helium in the annulus between the HPB and the inner pressure
• passive heat removal – the core cannot melt. pipe. The pressure differential between the annular flow and the
liner is such that any leak in the inner pressure pipe will result in Design Approach in Terms of Codes and Standards an inward flow of cool high-pressure helium, thereby protecting
and Regulatory Framework The PBMR is designed according to the HPB from any large temperature excursions. The sections of
the ASME Section III Codes, with corresponding pressure, tem- GCP that are constructed as double pipes include the reactor out-
perature limits, and materials analogous to LWRs. let to turbine inlet pipe (900°C), turbine outlet to recuperator inlet
Table 67.1 lists the codes and code cases that have been select- pipe (500°C), and the recuperator outlet to reactor inlet pipes
ed for the components that constitute the HPB. (500°C).
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Component Materials Applicable ASME design code

Reactor pressure vessel (RPV) SA-508 Grade 3, Class 1 forgings, Section III, Subsection NB (to 371°C) ⫹
SA-533 Type B, Class 1 plate, SA-540 ASME Code Case N-499-2 (above 371°C)
Grade B24 bolting

Core barrel assembly (Internal to RPV) 316H Section III, Subsection NH (to 371°C) ⫹
ASME Code Case N-201-5 (above 371°C)

Reactor pressure vessel (RPV) and SA-36 and SA-533 Section III, Subsection NF
power conversion unit (PCU) supports

Core conditioning system (CCS) vessel SA-508 Grade 3, Class 2 forgings, Section III, Subsection NB
SA-533 Type B, Class 2 plate,
SA-197 B7 bolting

Core barrel conditioning system (CBCS) SA-335 Grade P1, Class 2 Section III, Subsection NB

Precooler and intercooler vessels SA-508 Grade 3, Class 2 forgings, Section III, Subsection NB
SA-533 Type B, Class 2 plate,
SA-193 B7 bolting

Recuperator vessel SA-533 Type B, Class 2 forgings, Section III, Subsection NB

SA-533 Type B, Class 2 plate,
SA-193 B7 bolting

Turbine vessel SA-217 Grade WC9 casting Section III, Subsection NB ⫹ Section XI
Appendix G

Intercooled high- and low-pressure SA-217 Grade WC9 casting Section III, Subsection NB ⫹ Section XI
compressor vessel Appendix G

HPB Pipes connecting SA-335 Grade P1 seamless pipe Section III, Subsection NB
PCU components (to  600 mm) SA-672 Grade J90
welded pipe (made from SA-533 Type B,
Class 2 plate)

Within the RPV, the 500°C helium that enters the reactor treatment be applied to produce an oxidized surface with a high
through the two core inlet pipes is constrained to rise within emissivity level.
riser channels in the graphite side reflector. The entire core, con- The function of the reactor cavity conditioning system (RCCS)
sisting of the pebble bed, the center and side reflectors, and the is to remove all waste heat from the reactor cavity during normal
top and bottom reflectors, is contained within the CBA that is operation, thereby maintaining the concrete surfaces of the
supported on a bearing at the bottom and by seismic restraints at citadel below the design temperature limit of 65°C. The core bar-
the top. The CBA is separated from the RPV by an annulus con- rel conditioning circuit (CBCS) shown in Fig 67.2 operates dur-
ditioned by cooled helium. After being heated in the pebble bed, ing normal operation, and consists of a blower and a cooler and
the 900°C helium exits the graphite core and is conveyed into serves to apply forced helium cooling to the annulus between the
the hot gas duct of the core outlet pipe by the core connection, a RPV and the CBA to maintain a uniform temperature distribution
component that facilitates the sealing of the metal duct to the around the RPV and core barrel sides during normal operation.
graphite core. The RPV is not insulated in the beltline region to During upset conditions such as a loss of forced cooling, the
facilitate passive heat removal from the core via radiation and RPV wall temperature can rise up to 515°C and Code Case 499-2
convection cooling, as schematically illustrated in Fig. 67.4. The is invoked to provide limited temperature excursions above
RPV is an essential link in the passive decay heat removal path. 371°C. The function of the CBA is to locate and support the core
For this link to function as designed, it is necessary that the sur- structure ceramics (CSC) to maintain the geometry of the pebble
faces of the RPV (internal and external) maintain an emissivity bed and to act as a thermal barrier to the RPV by preventing hot
level of at least 0.85. Although this is not typically a difficult value gas from the core from overheating the RPV. Higher pressure in
to obtain on steels, it does require that a thermal or chemical the RPV volume ensures that any leak through the CBA will be
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632 • Chapter 67


from the cold gas region adjacent to the RPV to the hot gas of the helium pressure boundary. Section III does not currently provide
reactor core. appropriate design rules or materials for intermediate heat
The CBA also forms part of the passive heat transfer path by exchangers (IHX). The heat exchanger cores will be designed
providing material and emissivity properties that ensure a suffi- from first principles with appropriate supporting qualification
cient heat transfer path. ASME Section III, Subsection NG, pro- programs.
vides design rules for the construction of core support structures to
temperatures of up to 371°C for most ferritic steels (e.g., 21⁄4Cr- Challenges Encountered by Following the Above
1Mo) and to 427°C for all of the austenitic alloys, including Type Approach The PBMR is a HTGR and does not fit into the LWR
316 stainless steel. The normal maximum operating temperature mould. As such we cannot directly map LWR code selection crite-
for the CBA is 480°C on a conservative basis; however, peak ria onto HTGR regime. What follows are some of the challenges
temperatures approaching 600°C can be projected for limited peri- encountered in establishing a set of code selection rules for
ods of time during the enveloping depressurized loss of forced HTGRs.
cooling transient. Code Case N-201-5 is invoked to accommodate
these temperature excursions. • Knowledge of the history of the evolution of the codes to pro-
The two PBMR recuperators consist of diffusion-bonded com- vide an explanation for their existence and guidance for their
pact heat exchanger cores enclosed by Section III NB pressure appropriate use.
vessels. The principal function of the recuperator is to increase • Ingrained perceptions regarding the safety of nuclear versus
cycle efficiency by transferring heat energy available in the gas nonnuclear codes and between the different code classes of
stream, which leaves the power turbine (500°C), to the gas stream Section III and Section VIII, Divisions 1 and 2.
entering the reactor. Enclosing the heat exchanger cores in a pres- • Section III nuclear codes were written on the basis of LWR
sure vessel is driven by the requirement to provide a high integrity requirements and could not have considered HTGRs.

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• Lack of specific HTGR design codes for metallic components the next two decades. The implementation of this program
and graphite. The solution is to develop new codes. should see up to 20,000 MW of nuclear generating capacity
• Lack of suitable code-permitted materials with elevated tem- added to the South African electricity grid, comprising both the
perature properties. nationally developed PBMR technology and latest PWRs. In
• No precedence for the application of “nonnuclear codes” addition to the existing Koeberg site, four other potential sites
when most are suitable for proposed “nuclear” application. for nuclear units have been identified. These include two sites
• Strong U.S. Regulatory Framework for LWRs, which influ- (Brazil and Schulpfontein) on the west coast, and two (Bantamsklip
ences all code selection arguments. and Thyspunt) on the south coast of South Africa (refer to
• Embedded U.S. jurisdictional requirements within the code. Fig. 67.1).
A number of policy principles are contained in the document, Proposed Codes and Standards, Code Cases, not the least of which is the following excerpt, “South Africa shall
Deviations, and Identified New Standards strive to acquire technology know how and skill to enable design,
development, construction and marketing of its own nuclear reac- ASME B&PV Code Involvement to Address the tor and fuel cycle systems. To this end an industrial support base
Development of New Standards PBMR chairs the Section XI for the nuclear sector shall be developed as appropriate, taking
Special Working Group (SWG) on HTGR that has the Project into account the scale of the national programmes. Technology
Charter to develop a plan for a rewrite of Division 2 of Section XI transfer shall be optimised in any procurement of nuclear related
to address in-service inspection, evaluation, and repair/replace- equipment.”
ment activities for next generation HTGRs. The policy document describes three phases in terms of the
The SWG has developed a methodology to provide a basis for approach to meet its objectives. The main aspects of the first four-
the identification of Reliability and Integrity Management Program year phase from 2007 to 2010 include the acceleration of skills
(RIM). The purpose of a RIM Program is to select the combina- development initiatives to support the expanding nuclear industry,
tion of design, fabrication, inspection, surveillance, operation, and the continuation of research into advanced nuclear energy sys-
maintenance requirements, which meet the reliability goals in an tems, and the promotion of uranium exploration and mining. A
efficient and cost-effective manner. The RIM process includes second five-year phase from 2011 to 2015 includes the construc-
tion of new nuclear infrastructure and new power plants and the
• identifying the safety and economic reliability goals; initiation of local nuclear equipment and component manufactur-
• defining candidate combinations of design, fabrication, inspec- ing. An already well-developed nonnuclear industrial base exists,
tion, surveillance, operation, and maintenance procedures, making this objective one that is reasonably achievable. The main
which may be able to achieve and maintain the reliability obstacle is the successful transition of this industrial base to the
goals; use of internationally acceptable nuclear design codes and quality
• assessing the reliability of these combinations to determine standards. In this regard, the PBMR company together with
the combinations that provide an efficient and cost-effective industry have initiated certain forums to promote this transition.
means to achieve the reliability goals, and At the time of writing, this effort is very much in the initial
• selecting, implementing, and updating the final RIM strate- stages, with active participation from both industry and the vari-
gies that will provide the desired level of reliability in an ous regulatory bodies.
efficient and cost-effective manner and provide assurance that
the reliability performance will be maintained throughout the
lifetime of the plant.
The RIM methodology has been tested as a pilot study on 1. Atomic Energy Act, Act 90 of 1967.
PBMR. A limited scope of SSC, but representative in nature, was
chosen to apply the steps of the methodology and develop insights 2. National Nuclear Regulator Act Act 47 of 1999.
to assist the writing of the rules of the code for the RIM Program 3. Nuclear Energy Act Act 46 of 1999.
for HTGRs. The RIM methodology comprises of the following 4. Occupational Health and Safety Act Act 85 of 1993.
5. Department of Labour, Vessels under Pressure Regulations, 1996.
• Step 1: Determine scope of SSCs for RIM Program 6. Department of Labour, Pressure Equipment Regulations (Notice of
• Step 2: Evaluate SSC damage mechanisms Draft Amendment), 2007.
• Step 3: Determine plant and SSC level reliability and capa- 7. Standards Act, Act 29 of 1993.
bility requirements
• Step 4: Evaluate RIM strategies to achieve reliability targets 8. SANS 1-1, Standards for Standards. Part 1: The Development of
• Step 5: Evaluate uncertainties in reliability performance National Standards and Other Normative Documents, Standards
South Africa, 2003.
• Step 6: Determine scope and parameters of RIM Program
• Step 7: Monitor SSC reliability performance and update RIM 9. SANS 347, Categorization and Conformity Assessment Criteria for
Program all Pressure Equipment, Standards South Africa, 2007.
10. SANS 17020/ISO/IEC 17020, General Criteria for the Operation of
Various Types of Bodies Performing Inspection, International
67.4 FUTURE OUTLOOK Standard, 1998.
The South African Government in a draft energy policy docu- 11. SANS 10227, Criteria for the Operation of Inspection Authorities
ment [16], released for comment in July 2007, has expressed Performing Inspection in Terms of the Pressure Equipment
the intent to undertake an ambitious nuclear build program over Regulations, Standards South Africa, 2007.
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634 • Chapter 67

12. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, 1971 Edition 15. RCC-M, Règles de Conception et de Construction des Matériels
(1972/1973 Addenda) American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Méchaniques des Îlots Nucléaires PWR, 1983 – 2000 Editions.
New York.
16. Department of Minerals and Energy, Nuclear Energy Policy and
13. CPFC, Cahier des Prescriptions de Fabrication et de Contrôle, 1971. Strategy for the Republic of South Africa (Draft Document for Public
Comment), July 2007.
14. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, 1980, 1992, and
2001 Editions, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New
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H.S. Kushwaha, K.K. Vaze, and K.B. Dixit
68.1 INTRODUCTION provided of the development and the use of leak-before-break
(LBB) criterion to eliminate the need for installation of pipe
The Nuclear Power Program in India at present is based mainly whip restraints. Results of experiments conducted to determine
on a series of Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRs). load-carrying capacity of cracked pipes and the results of fatigue
Starting from Rajasthan Atomic Power Station, comprising of two crack growth rate tests in support of LBB criteria are discussed.
units of 200 MWe Canadian-designed PHWRs in 1973, the pro- As a further example of the research and development work con-
gram has come a long way with 15 PHWR units (which includes ducted in India related to nuclear power plant applications, the
two units of 540 MWe PHWRs) in operation and 3 units under development of a modified B2 stress index (used in NB-3600-
construction. Narora Atomic Power Station commissioned in type stress analyses) for pipe elbows and curved pipes and quan-
1991 marked major indigenization and standardization of PHWR tification of additional safety factors to account cyclic tearing in
designs. The current design plans include 700 MWe capacity LBB assessment are discussed.
units. The choice of PHWRs in the current stage of India’s
nuclear power program is based on long-term objectives to be
achieved in the available uranium resources and industrial infra- 68.2 INDIAN PHWR
structure. These reactors use natural uranium as fuel and heavy
water as moderator and coolant. The nuclear power stations in 68.2.1 Introduction to Indian PHWR [1]
India are generally planned as twin-unit modules, sharing com- The first PHWRs at Rajasthan Atomic Power Station #1 and 2
mon facilities such as service building, control building, turbine and Madras Atomic Power Station #1 and 2 were of Canadian
building, spent fuel storage bay, and so on. design (based on Douglas Point). When design work for the third
The Indian PHWR design has evolved through a series of PHWR station, Narora Atomic Power Station #1 and 2, was taken
improvements over the years in progressive projects. Such up in the early 1970s, major modifications were incorporated with
improvements have been driven by, among others, evolution in the objectives of upgrading the designs in line with the interna-
technology, feedback from experience in India and abroad, tionally evolving safety standards and to cater to the seismic load-
including lessons learnt from incidents and their precursors, ing. Narora Atomic Power Station design was the first opportunity
evolving regulatory requirements, and cost considerations. to apply India’s operating experience with PHWRs, including
Valuable experience gained in design, manufacture, construction, aspects such as ease of maintenance, in-service inspection (ISI)
operation, maintenance, and safety regulation has enabled contin- requirements, improved constructability, increased availability,
ual evolution, improvement, and refinement in the PHWR concept and standardization of the unit. In Narora Atomic Power Station,
in a progressive manner. some of the new designs were incorporated with the objective to
In Indian PHWRs, the design, fabrication, testing, and inspec- serve as stepping stones for the design of subsequent larger 540
tion of all mechanical components basically follow the require- MWe PHWR.
ments of appropriate sections of the ASME Boiler & Pressure Some of the significant design improvements made in Narora
Vessel Code (ASME B&PV Code). Atomic Power Station included adoption of an integral calandria
Other international codes used are (1) Canadian Code CAN/ (reactor vessel) and end shields assembly, two independent fast
CSA N285.4-05 and IAEA Safety Guide 50-SG-02 for ISI and acting reactor shutdown systems, a high-pressure Emergency
(2) French Code RCC-G for containment design. This chapter Core Cooling System, and a double containment with suppres-
first provides a general overview of the Indian PHWR design and sion pool.
its evolution. The design approach, material selection, and fabri- Subsequent to Narora Atomic Power Station, Kakrapar Atomic
cation practices are described for major components such as Power Station #1 and 2, Kaiga Atomic Power Station #1 and 2,
calandria, headers, steam generators, and piping. Details are and Rajasthan Atomic Power Station #3 and 4 saw further
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Design data
A. General
(i) Rated output thermal 756 MWt
(ii) Rated output electrical 220 MWe
(iii) Fuel Natural UO2
(iv) Moderator and reflector Heavy water
(v) Coolant Heavy water
(vi) Type Horizontal pressure tube
B. Reactor
(i) Calandria shell Horizontal stepped cylinder
welded to extensions of end
(ii) Calandria shell material SS-304L
1. Calandria shell 11. Main shell assembly
(iii) End shields Cylindrical box-type
2. Overpressure relief device(OPRD) 12. Tube sheet F/M side
structure integral with 3. Shutdown system #1 13. Tube sheet cal. side
calandria shell 4. Shut down system #1 14. Lattice tube
(iv) End shield material SS-304L 5. Moderator inlet 15. End-shield support plate
(v) Calandria tubes 6. Moderator outlet 16. End shield cooling inlet pipes
7. Vent pipe 17. End fitting assembly
(a) Quantity 306 8. Coolant channel assembly 18. Feeder pipes
(b) Material Zircaloy-2 9. End shield 19. Outer shell
(vi) Coolant tubes 10. End shield support structure 20. Support lug
(a) Quantity 306
(b) Material Zirconium–2.5% niobium FIG. 68.1 INTEGRAL ASSEMBLY OF CALANDRIA AND END
C. Steam generators
(i) No. of steam generators 4
(ii) Type Vertical U-tube with The calandria is housed in a steel-lined vault filled with light
integral steam drum water that serves as shielding as well as provides cooling to the
(mushroom-shaped) calandria.
(iii) Material Incoloy-800 The Primary Heat Transport (PHT) system uses heavy water
(iv) Steam pressure 3.923 MPa under forced circulation in a figure-of-eight loop. Figures 68.2
(v) No. of tubes per SG 1834 and 68.3 show the schematic of the system.
(vi) Total steam flow 370 kg/s The main circuit of 220 MWe units has four branches on
to turbine each side.
For the latest 220 MWe units, PHT system is valveless.
(vii) Steam temperature 25 ⬚C Elimination of these valves along with general reduction in the
(viii) Maximum moisture 0.25% number of components has helped to decongest the layout in the
content pump room, facilitating better maintenance approachability, less
maintenance, and lesser manrem.
The primary heat transport system pressure control in 220
MWe units is based on the “feed and bleed” concept. During nor-
mal operation, the average pressure of both outlet headers is con-
improvements leading to standardizations in design and layout for trolled at a set pressure of 8.53 MPa to keep the system “solid,”
220 MWe PHWRs. Table 68.1 lists the design features of Indian that is, no bulk boiling is permitted. Operational transients such
standard 220 MWe PHWR. as turbine trip, load rejection, boiler feed pump trip, reactor
power setback, and so on cause “swell” or “shrinkage.” The feed
68.2.2 Description IPHWR or bleed control valves actuate to counter these swells/shrink-
The reactor consists of a low-pressure horizontal reactor vessel ages. Though the system is ‘solid’ there is some finite compress-
(calandria) containing heavy water moderator at near ambient ibility of the system, which keeps the pressure changes within a
pressure and temperature. The calandria (Fig. 68.1) is pierced by fairly narrow band. The feed is provided by two feed control
a large number (306 in 220 MWe and 392 in 540 MWe PHWR) of valves located on the discharge side of primary pressurizing
coolant tubes, which contain the fuel bundles, and through which pumps, which take suction from storage tank. Two bleed control
pressurized heavy water coolant circulates. The calandria houses valves are connected to reactor inlet header. The hot bleed is
all reactivity and reactor shutoff devices in the low-pressure, low- depressurized, cooled and returned back to storage tank via
temperature environment. purification system.
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load combinations pertaining to both limit state of serviceability

and limit state of strength is checked. The various limit states
FIG. 68.2 PHWR SIMPLIFIED FLOW DIAGRAM [1] specified in the French Code RCC-G [4] along with the support-
ing documents BPEL [5] and BAEL [6] are adopted for design-
ing the structural elements of the inner and outer containment
In 540 MWe PHWR, a pressurizer has been introduced for pri-
mary heat transport system pressure control, while feed and bleed
is retained for inventory control.
68.2.4 Regulatory Structure [7]
Current Indian PHWRs use a double containment principle. The Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) is the national author-
annular space between the primary and secondary containment ity to ensure safety of nuclear power plants (NPPs). AERB fulfills
envelopes is provided with a purging arrangement to maintain a its mission by stipulating and enforcing rules and regulations
negative pressure in the space. This arrangement significantly concerned with nuclear and radiological safety. AERB has devel-
reduces the ground-level releases to the environment during acci- oped safety documents that lay down requirements for meeting
dents involving radioactivity release into the primary containment. safety criteria for activities related to nuclear energy and provide
Figure 68.4 shows the schematic of containment. guidance on methods for fulfilling the requirements.
The containment structures are made of concrete. The primary Safety documents published by the International Atomic
containment is a prestressed concrete structure, consisting of a Energy Agency (IAEA) and regulatory bodies of other countries
perimeter wall topped by a prestressed concrete dome. The outer are appropriately used as reference material for the purpose.
or secondary containment is a reinforced concrete cylindrical wall Safety Codes establish objectives and set minimum require-
topped by a reinforced concrete dome. The primary containment ments that have to be fulfilled to provide adequate assurance for
uses epoxy coating as liner on the inner surface for enhanced safety in nuclear and radiation facilities. Safety Guides provide
leak-tightness and ease while decontamination. Because of the guidelines and indicate methods for implementing specific
use of double containment, incorporation of a steel liner is not requirements as prescribed in the codes.
considered necessary. As on date, AERB has published 5 Safety Codes and 45 Safety
Guides concerning various aspects of NPPs and 51 other safety
support documents. Several other documents are under various
68.2.3 Design Codes stages of preparation. All these safety documents are being exten-
The design, fabrication, testing and inspection of all mechanical sively utilized in developing designs, operating procedures and in
components are as per the appropriate sections of ASME ASME regulation activities including safety reviews by AERB. A short
B&PV Code [2, 3]. list of documents related to NPPs is given in Table 68.2.
The design philosophy of the containment structure is based For design of mechanical components such as vessels, pumps,
on limit state concept where the response of the structure under and piping, use of appropriate ASME Codes is permitted.
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68.3 DESIGN OF INDIAN PRESSURIZED of the end shields in this condition is assessed in detail; from the
HEAVY WATER REACTOR second unit of Madras Atomic Power Station onward, the end-
COMPONENTS shield material has been changed to SS-304L, which is resistant to
radiation embrittlement due to fast neutrons.
68.3.1 Calandria End Shield Assembly In the current design (Narora Atomic Power Station onward)
The calandria end shield assembly consists of calandria vessel (Fig. 68.1), the calandria and two end shields constitute an integral
with main shell and small shell connected by an annular plate. assembly, supported from the reactor vault walls, unlike earlier
The vessel houses 306 coolant tubes, reactivity mechanisms, and designs wherein the calandria and end shields were separately sus-
shutdown assemblies. At the two ends, the calandria vessel is con- pended by support rods. This design allows common tube sheet
nected with end shields. The end shields limit the radiation dose between calandria and end shield. It also simplifies alignment
in the fuelling machine vaults adjoining the calandria vault. They requirement between calandria tubes and end-shield lattice tubes,
also support and locate the calandria tubes and primary coolant and is more suited to conditions at seismic site.
channel assemblies in which the fuel resides. In the original
design of end shield (Rajasthan Atomic Power Station #1 and 2
and Madras Atomic Power Station #1), the end-shield material of 68.3.2 Main PHT System Components
construction was 3.5% Ni-steel. However, it was found that nil The main PHT system consists of steam generators, primary
ductility transition temperature (NDTT) crossed the operating circulating pumps, pressurizer (for 540 MWe PHWR), headers,
temperature within a short period of operation. While the stability feeders, and interconnecting piping.
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TABLE 68.2 PARTIAL LIST OF REGULATORY DOCU- reduction in manufacturing time and lower D2O side pressure
MENTS RELATED TO NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS [7] drop. The shell of SG is provided with a manway. Secondary side
of the tube sheet is provided with suitable holes to blow off and
S. No. Title of Safety Document remove concentration of impurity in the secondary side water.
Both primary and secondary sides of the steam generators are
1. Code of practice on quality assurance for safety in
designed and manufactured to the requirements of the ASME
nuclear power plants
2. Code of practice on design for safety in pressurized Code Section III, Subsection NB, Class-1 components.
heavy water reactor-based nuclear power plants
3. Code of practice on safety in nuclear power plant operation Primary Coolant Pumps The primary coolant pumps
(PCP) are vertical, single stage, single suction, double discharge,
4. Code of practice on safety in nuclear power plant siting centrifugal pumps. Each pump is driven by a vertically, totally
5. Code of regulation of nuclear and radiation facilities enclosed, air and water cooled, squirrel cage induction motor.
6. Safety classification and seismic categorization of A spacer type rigid coupling connects the pump shaft to the
Structures, Systems, and Components (SSCs) motor shaft. Each motor is supplied with a single piece flywheel
so that the total rotational energy of pump motor unit prolongs the
7. Design basis events for pressurized heavy water reactors operation of the pump after loss of motor power and the rate of
8. Primary heat transport system flow approximately matches the power run down following a
9. Loss of coolant accident analysis for pressurized reactor trip.
heavy water reactors The pump has capability to operate without external injection
(gland coolant external injection) but with process water available
10. Safety guide for quality assurance in the design of from high pressure cooler. During hot standby condition when the
nuclear power plants pumps are unavailable, high pressure coolers which are located at
11. Safety guide for seismic studies and design basis an elevation higher than the seal location provide necessary ther-
ground motion for nuclear power plant sites mosyphon flow to ensure that temperature in seal areas do not
12. Civil engineering structures important to safety of
The pump casing design is in accordance with the requirements
nuclear facilities
for class-1 components of ASME B&PV Code Section III.
13. Design of concrete structures important to safety of Primary circulating pump motor unit is a vertical assembly, with
nuclear facilities dead weight being supported at two locations; 80% on two spring
14. Design, fabrication, and erection of steel structures hangers located on boiler room floor and 20% on pump room
important to safety of nuclear facilities floor through straight pipe piece attached to suction elbow. To
reduce stresses in heavy water pipes under operating conditions,
15. Design, fabrication, and erection of embedded parts and sliding support has been provided at the bottom of pump suction
penetrations important to safety of nuclear facilities elbow. To mitigate large displacements of pump motor unit under
earthquake, two horizontal snubbers each of 100 Te safe shut-
down earthquake (SSE) rating have been provided at pump motor
C.G. location in two mutually perpendicular directions. The pump Steam Generator The steam generator (SG) design is bottom support is designed to resist vertical loads during the
of mushroom type. This design has the advantage of a single inte- earthquake.
gral unit with provisions of manholes on primary head to enable
in-service inspection of the tubes. Four identical steam generators Pressurizer In 500 MWe PHWRs pressurizer is incor-
transfer heat from the heavy water reactor coolant on the primary porated into the PHT main circuit to reduce onerous demand on feed
side to the ordinary feedwater on the secondary side. The steam and bleed system to control inventory and pressure of the system. In
generators consist of an integral inverted vertical U-tube bundle in these reactors, feed and bleed system mainly acts as inventory con-
shell. Moisture separators and driers are housed in the upper end trol system and backup for pressure control when pressurizer is not
of the shell. available. Pressurizer is connected to Reactor Outlet Header (ROH)
The primary side of the steam generator consists of primary of each loop through one common isolation valve and two isolating
head, the primary side of the tube sheet and the primary side of valves, one for each loop. The flow path is from ROH to steam gen-
the tube bundle. A partition plate separates the inlet half of the erator to Primary Circulating Pump and then to Reactor Inlet Header
primary head from the outlet half. The U-tubes are welded to the (RIH). Pressurizer is located in the pump room.
primary side of the cladded carbon steel tube sheet and rolled into The heat transport medium is kept in a pressurized liquid state
the tube sheet. The steam generator primary shell and head are by a pressurizer (surge tank) backed up by control valves, which
made of low alloy steel. feed or bleed heavy water from the system including pressurizer.
The secondary side of the steam generators consists of the Pressurizers are fabricated and machined from carbon steel
shell, moisture separators and driers, the tube bundle shroud, the forgings with nonintegral nozzles for piping connections. The
secondary side of the tube sheet, the secondary side of the tube forgings of the vessel conform to SA 508 Cl.3 and in-house speci-
bundle, and tube support egg-crate grids. Low alloy carbon steel fication, and are made from vacuum degassed, Electro Slag
is the principal material of construction. Remelted (ESR), killed fine grained steel. The forgings are deliv-
The SG tubes are of 19-mm outer diameter (OD) and incoloy- ered in normalized heat-treated and fully machined condition. The
800 material. The 19-mm tubes, when compared to 16-mm tubes in-house specification imposes special requirements on chemical
of 220 MWe PHWR SG, offer advantages in ease of fabrication, composition and notch toughness for these forgings. Pressurizer is
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640 • Chapter 68

in accordance with the requirements for Class-1 components of Subsection NB requirements. SA 333 Gr.6 seamless carbon
ASME B&PV Code Section III, Subsection NB. steel pipes are intended even for the low-temperature application
and have been preferred over SA 106 Gr. B piping used in Headers In 540-MWe reactor there are four outlet NAPP and earlier reactors because of inherent fracture tough-
headers, two in each loop of PHT main circuit. Each outlet header ness property.
receives flow from 98 outlet feeders and directs the flow to the In all standardized 220-MWe and 540-MWe PHWRs, the three
steam generator via two inlet pipes. There are also four inlet head- important segments of PHT piping are running from ROH to SG
ers, two in each loop of PHT main circuit. Each inlet header inlet nozzle; SG outlet nozzle to suction nozzle of PCP, and from
receives flow from the primary coolant pump and distributes the discharge nozzle of PCP to RIH. The dead weight of outlet head-
flow to 98 inlet feeders. er, feeders, and heavy water SG inlet pipes would cause undue
Headers in 540-MWe PHWR are machined from single-piece large moments on SG inlet nozzle because of offset between SG
carbon steel forgings with integral nozzles for feeders and other and outlet header along N-S axis. To reduce these moments,
piping connections, and the ends are closed by ellipsoidal caps. sliding guide supports resisting vertical loads have been incorpo-
The single-piece forgings are made from the material conforming rated in heavy water pipes connecting outlet header to SG inlet
to SA 350 LF2 and in house specification. Also, these are made nozzles.
from vacuum degassed, Bohler Electro Slag hot topping process
(BEST) killed fine grained steel forgings and are delivered in nor- Design Philosophy All the components of main PHT
malized heat-treated and fully machined condition. The in-house system are categorized as Class I components and hence have been
specification imposes special requirements on chemical composi- designed in accordance with ASME Section III, Division I NB.
tion and notch toughness for these forgings. Reactor headers are Detailed design by analysis approach has been adopted for all
designed to meet the requirements for Class-1 components of Class I components. All the components have been designed for
ASME B&PV Code Section III, Subsection NB. six sets of conditions. These six service levels and the loads con-
In principle the reactor outlet headers are floating assemblies sidered for each of them are summarized below:
and govern the design/behavior of the rest of the circuit. Each out-
let header is mainly suspended through two steam generator inlet Design Conditions Internal pressure ⫹ Dead weight (cold
(SGI) lines connected to SG’s inlet nozzle and resting on sliding flooded)
guide supports. Each of the reactor inlet headers is suspended Level ‘A’ Service Loadings (Normal Operation) Internal
through two pump discharge lines (PDL) connected to discharge pressure ⫹ Thermal loads ⫹ Operating cycles.
nozzles of main circulating pump. Level ‘B’ Service Loadings (Up-set Condition) Internal pres-
To reduce large displacement due to inertial loading under sure ⫹ Thermal loads ⫹ operation basis earthquake (OBE)
earthquake, two snubbers each of 200 KN capacities have been (inertial) ⫹ OBE (Seismic anchor movement) loads ⫹ oper-
provided at each outlet header. ating cycles. Operation basis earthquake inertial and OBE
seismic anchor movement loads have been combined on
68.3.3 Feeders absolute sum basis.
There are 784 feeders in all, 392 at each end of the reactor, in Level ‘C’ Service Loadings (Emergency Condition) Internal
540-MWe PHWR. The 392 feeders at each end of the reactor run pressure ⫹ Dead weight
from the fuel channels vertically up the face of the reactor and Level ‘D’ Service Loadings (Faulted Condition) Internal
thereafter horizontally across and above the fuelling machine area pressure ⫹ Dead weight ⫹ SSE Inertial load.
to the reactor headers. Test Conditions Test pressure ⫹ Dead weight
In order to achieve uniform outlet temperature, the feeders
range in four sizes, namely, 80-mm Nominal Bore (NB), 65- mm 68.3.5 Coolant Channel Assembly
NB, 50-mm NB, and 40-mm NB. These are inside diameter (ID)- Coolant channel assemblies house the fuel bundles and contain
controlled pipes. the hot pressurized heavy water coolant flowing through them.
The feeders are of seamless carbon steel pipes conforming to Each coolant channel assembly consists of a Zr-2.5% Nb coolant
SA 333 Gr.6 material and in accordance with the requirements for tube, two martensitic stainless steel end fittings–one each at either
Class-1 components of the ASME B&PV Code Section III, end, and associated hardware. The coolant tube is rolled to end
Subsection NB. fittings at both ends. Each coolant tube is thermally isolated from
The feeder pipes are arranged in banks, with a maximum of 10 cold heavy water present in the calandria vessel by a seamless- or-
feeders in a bank. The feeders are connected to end fittings by seam-welded concentric Zircaloy-4 calandria tube, which is rolled
high-pressure pipe couplings at lower end and are welded to into the tube sheet of the end shield assembly at both ends.
header stubs at upper end. On the basis of analytical studies car- Calandria tube envelops coolant tube forming an annulus space
ried out on feeders, it is observed that maximum stress occurs, in between the two tubes. Calandria tubes are manufactured out of
general, either at elbow after the coupling or at the pipe bend Zircaloy-4 material either by seamless route involving hot extru-
location near header end. Thus, to take care of higher seismic sion and cold pilgering or by seam welding cylindrically formed
load, the elbows at these ends have been strengthened by increas- tubes from strips. Both types of tubes would meet the specified
ing the wall thickness. longitudinal and transverse mechanical properties such as ulti-
mate tensile strength (UTS), yield strength (YS), and elongation
68.3.4 Piping percentage. Calandria tubes are vacuum annealed to minimize
All of the piping in the main primary heat transport system is residual stresses.
of seamless carbon steel, ASME SA 333 Gr. 6, and designed and Coolant tubes that are the most important structural components
fabricated in accordance with ASME B&PV Code Section III, in the reactor core are manufactured from Zr-2.5% Nb alloy.
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Coolant tube is attached at either end to a stainless steel (type AISI- Coolant tube outlet pressure 115.82 Kg/cm2
403 modified) end fitting by a roll-expanded joint. These joints are Coolant tube outlet temperature 304 ⬚C
of zero-clearance type and this feature helps in controlling the
residual stresses in the joint region to a low level, providing neces- Since the pressure and temperature vary along the length of the
sary safeguard from delayed hydride cracking of coolant tube. coolant tube, the design condition is established by evaluating
Coolant tubes are seamless tubes produced by hot extrusion stresses at several locations along the length to determine which
and cold pilgering followed by stress relieving (autoclaving) in a location requires the largest wall thickness. Minimum required
steam atmosphere. The ends of the coolant tubes require special coolant tube wall thickness calculated on this basis works out to
finishing operations to obtain stringent dimensional control neces- 4.3 mm, inclusive of corrosion and wear allowance of 0.2 mm,
sary for zero-clearance rolled joints. The inlet and outlet end of with critical section of the tube being the inlet end.
coolant tube is roll expanded to end fittings made of martensitic Coolant tubes are designed in accordance with the intent of
stainless steel (type 403 modified) solid forgings. End fitting is an ASME Section III, Subsection NB requirements. As per ASME
open-ended tubular body of approximately 164 mm outside diam- Code, design stress intensity for coolant tubes should be the
eter and 2516 mm length. It has an integral side opening (feeder lowest of
hub) to which the feeder pipe is attached. (a) 1/3 of the specified minimum UTS at room temperature,
Although zirconium alloys are not ASME Code approved (b) 1/3 of UTS at temperature,
materials, attempts have been made to follow all the requirements (c) 2/3 of the specified minimum YS at room temperature, and
of the ASME Code for each component. Rolled joints are also not (d) 2/3 of YS at temperature.
covered by ASME Code. However, detailed development work
and evaluation have been carried out to qualify these joints for Of the above criteria, the governing quantity deciding coolant
reactor application and to establish that these joints satisfy all tube design stress is the 1/3 UTS at operating temperature.
design requirements. Neutron-irradiation-enhanced creep deformation is one of the
important factors deciding the life of coolant tube in PHWRs. Calandria Tube The ends of calandria tubes are joined Based on the present level of understanding, the coolant tube
with calandria side tube sheet of end shield assembly by means of is estimated to undergo a diametric creep strain of the order
a special type of rolled joint called sandwich rolled joint. This joint of 3% and an axial elongation of 2.5% during the life of the
is developed for a thin tube and low-pressure conditions. If the reactor. The potential life limiting concerns due to creep are as
calandria tube is directly rolled into a plain or grooved tube sheet, follows:
the joint would not develop the required seating pressure and hence (a) Diametral expansion causing bypass of coolant flow around
the required leak tightness. Due to this limitation, a sandwich type the fuel bundles, and
of joint is adopted where calandria tube is squeezed (sandwiched) (b) Relative sag between coolant tube and calandria tube caus-
between an inner-landed sleeve insert of stainless steel Type 410 in ing possible contact.
a full annealed condition and the outer stainless steel tube sheet.
The ends of the calandria tubes are flared to a larger diameter to Corrosion and Hydriding. Zr-2.5% Nb alloy has good corro-
accommodate the landed sleeve insert and to provide design clear- sion resistance in high temperature water as long as oxygen con-
ances between the coolant and calandria tubes anywhere along tent is held extremely low. The predicted corrosion rate is expected
the channel axis. Joint configuration with PIWR (percentage insert to be about 0.1 mm over the operating life of the reactor. A corro-
wall reduction) of 6.5 – 7.5 is selected after development work. sion and wear allowance of 0.2 mm is provided on the coolant
Calandria tube rolled joints have a minimum pullout load of tube. Moreover, finished tubes are autoclaved in steam atmosphere
31 metric tons and a leak tightness of 3 ⫻ 10⫺6 cm3/s. at 400 ⬚C for 24 h to form a protective layer on the tube surface.
During normal operation, calandria tubes are subjected to a The presence of 1% oxygen in the circulating annulus gas moni-
temperature of 75 oC and maximum external pressure of 1.45 toring system helps in maintaining a constant oxide layer thickness
Kg/cm2, corresponding to the lowermost row of calandria tubes in at the tube OD.
the calandria vessel (hydrostatic head of 0.85 Kg/cm2 ⫹ modera- The more complex part of the corrosion reaction is the absorp-
tor helium cover gas pressure of 0.6 Kg/cm2) . In addition, calan- tion of hydrogen evolved in the oxidation reaction of heavy water
dria tube is subjected to (i) garter spring loads, (ii) Buoyancy with zirconium. Hydrogen is evolved in this reaction and a portion
force, (iii) direct pressure load on the tube sheets causing a tensile of this hydrogen is absorbed by the zirconium alloy; this phenome-
loading on all tubes, and iv) stresses due to differential thermal non is termed “hydrogen pickup” by the alloy. If the hydrogen
expansion of calandria tubes and calandria shell. concentration in the tube exceeds the solubility limit, then it pre-
Calandria Tube Collapse Pressure. The calandria tubes are cipitates as zirconium hydrides.
designed on the basis of neutron economy and collapse due to The solid solubility of hydrogen in zirconium alloys is very low
external pressure. The wall thickness is set at a minimum value, – below 150 ⬚C. Hence, more zirconium hydrides will be present
satisfying the requirement of stability against collapse pressure. at lower temperatures. Hydrogen when in solid solution in zirco-
The design also caters for postulated accident conditions where nium alloys can be driven in directions of thermal stress and con-
overpressure of the calandria vessel is assumed. Calandria tube centration gradients. Hydrogen in excess of solubility limits pre-
collapse pressure works out to be 2.85 Kg/cm2. cipitates as zirconium hydrides. As zirconium hydrides are brittle,
this can lead to failure of coolant tube by initiation and propaga-
tion of a crack in the radial axial plane due to phenomenon of Coolant Tube The temperatures and pressures at the
delayed hydride cracking. Delayed hydride cracking is the
inlet and the outlet considered in design are as follows:
process of formation of hydrides and their cracking aided by the
Coolant tube inlet pressure 124.18 Kg/cm2 presence of tensile hoop stress (including residual stress) and
Coolant tube inlet temperature 260 ⬚C defects in the tube.
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642 • Chapter 68

Following remedial measures have been implemented in the 68.4 DEVIATIONS FROM ASME CODE
design of a coolant tube against embrittlement effects and hydriding:
All the Indian PHWR components are, in general, designed, fab-
(1) Zero-clearance rolled joints, which will significantly ricated, commissioned, and tested as per the ASME Code require-
reduce the tensile residual stresses in the neighborhood of ments. However, there are some areas in PHWRs where deviation
rolled joint region. from the ASME Code requirements is unavoidable due to the basic
(2) Stringent Inspection and quality control, consisting of both, design of the reactor. Still, in such areas, the basic intent of the
angle beam and normal beam ultrasonic examinations as ASME Code is maintained. The following are such areas:
well as a supplementary eddy current examination.
(3) Control of impurities, such as hydrogen, chlorine, phos-
phorous, and carbon. 68.4.1 Calandria
(4) Autoclaving of coolant tube that produces hard adherent
oxide layer of about 1 ␮m thick on the tubes, which acts as Material of Calandria Tubes Material of calandria
a barrier for hydrogen ingress from annulus gas side. tubes is Zircaloy-2/ Zircaloy-4. This material has not been
(5) Addition of oxygen in the annulus gas to avoid deteriora- approved by ASME Code Section III as Class I material. Since the
tion of the oxide film. calandria tubes are present in reactor core, due to neutron econo-
(6) Avoidance of cold pressurization to improve the flaw toler- my, choice of material for calandria tubes is restricted to
ance at low system temperatures. Zirconium alloys. ASME B&PVCode Section III has been devel-
oped for PWRs and boiling water reactors (BWRs) designed and
Leak-Before-Break Methodology. Achieving leak before built in the United States. These reactors do not have calandria
break depends on the difference between the time available to tubes. For heavy water reactors, calandria tubes are inherently pre-
detect a leaking crack and time required to detect a leaking crack. sent, and thus this violation of code is unavoidable. However, the
The time available to detect a leak is estimated from design, manufacturing, and inspection follow Section III, Class I
Time available Ta (in hours) is given by
(C ⫺ 7W ) Rolled Joints Between Calandria Tubes and
Ta ⫽ Calandria Side Tube Sheets This type of joint is not approved by
ASME Code Section III for Class I components. The reason for
using this type of joint is that Zircaloy-2 cannot be easily welded
where C is the critical crack length (CCL), 7 W is the leakage size
to stainless steel. This violation of code also takes place due to
crack and V is the delayed hydrogen cracking velocity in the axial
presence of calandria tubes and thus is unavoidable. However, this
joint has been so developed that its pullout strength is at least equal
During service, CCL reduces and the DHC velocity increases
to tensile strength of calandria tube. Moreover, this joint is so
and the time available to detect a leaking crack decreases. If
designed that it is not falling on boundary of heavy water–light
hydrides are present and a defect does initiate DHC, then the time
water. Moreover, this joint has been experimentally proven satis-
available to detect the leak would be in the range of 11 – 12 h.
factory for strength and leak-tightness requirements.
Thus, a sensitive leak detection system called annulus gas moni-
toring system is implemented in the design that enables leak Use of Rupture Disc for Overpressure Relief
detection and safe shutdown in less than 5 h.
Overpressure in calandria develops when rupture of a coolant
channel occurs in calandria vessel. During this condition, prima- End Fittings End fittings are manufactured out of
ry coolant that operates at high temperature and high pressure
AISI-403 (modified) stainless steel. coolant tube and end fittings
gets liberated in moderator that operates at low temperature and
are connected by means of a rolled joint. To have a leak tight rolled
pressure. This results in pressurization of calandria vessel. Four
joint at all temperatures, end fittings need to have coefficient of
relief pipes having diameter of 500 mm are provided on calandria
thermal expansion as close as possible to that of the coolant tube.
vessel for relieving the pressure. The ends of these pipes are
End fittings also require comparable values of mechanical proper-
closed by rupture disc assemblies. In case of a coolant channel
ties such as hardness with respect to coolant tube and liner tube for
rupture in calandria, these rupture discs break open and over-
rolled joint integrity. AISI-403 (modified) material can be heat
pressures in calandria are restricted.The use of rupture discs as
treated to attain the required mechanical properties.
the primary pressure relief device is not allowed by ASME
Results of fast neutron irradiation damage on AISI 403 materi-
B&PVCode Section III, Subsection NB. As per this subsection,
al at 304 ⬚C show that there is a change of NDTT from 40 ⬚C to
the rupture disc may be used in conjunction with safety valves.
about 100 ⬚C during the life of the reactor. The presence of trace
However, for the accident condition described above, the flow
elements such as copper, vanadium, antimony, aluminium, and
rate required for the pressure relief is so large that use of safety
arsenic can increase the shift in NDTT. Hence, these trace ele-
valves is not adequate.
ments are controlled to the extent possible in the end-fitting
It may be mentioned here that the reactors that are mainly
material. Presence of trace elements such as copper, vanadium,
addressed by ASME Code are light water reactors (LWRs). In
antimony, aluminium, and arsenic are controlled to a maximum
these reactors, the functions of moderator and coolant are per-
of 1450 ppm out of which copper alone is controlled to a maxi-
formed by the same fluid. There are no coolant channels in these
mum of 600 ppm.
reactors, so that the type of accident that is being considered for
End-fitting material is specified with the following impact
PHWR calandria is not relevant for these reactors. Overpressures
in the reactor vessels of these reactors occur mainly due to system
Longitudinal: 2.8 Kg/min at 20 ⬚C transients, and these can be relieved using safety valves and thus
Transverse: 2.1 Kg/min at 66 ⬚C the use of rupture disc is not necessary in these reactors.
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Normal operating pressure of the helium cover gas that is at the (0.65 mm) minimum in a Cv test conducted at lowest service tem-
top of the calandria is low, that is, 0.3 kg/cm2(g). There is a relief perature (LST).
valve in the system, which opens when the system pressure rises A series of tests were conducted jointly by Nuclear Power
above 0.5 kg/cm2(g). This relief valve has a capacity of 2348 stan- Corporation (NPC) and Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic
dard lpm, which is sufficient to take care of changes in volume of Research (IGCAR) to obtain data on this aspect of unirradiated
moderator due to swelling or other minor causes. The rupture disc end fitting material. From the results, it is clear that this material
set pressure is 1.4 kg/cm2(g), which is not close to the relief valve is capable of meeting this code requirement at temperatures above
setting. 60 ⬚C. Nil ductility transition temperature of this material in unir-
So, the OPRDs come into action only when there is an accident radiated condition corresponding to 15 ft. lb. absorbed energy in
involving coolant tube rupture. The size of opening is such that Cv test is 40 ⬚C. The shift in NDTT due to irradiation effect gets
one OPRD is sufficient to relieve the pressure in calandria in case saturated at a fluence of about 6.5E19 n/cm2. The maximum shift
of coolant tube rupture accident. For redundancy, four identical is about 55 ⬚C. Further, a test was conducted at low temperature
rupture discs have been provided for each calandria. to simulate radiation damage, in which an artificially produced
The sample rupture disks are tested in shop for burst pressure [electrical discharge machining (EDM)] notch defect in the high-
and cycle testing. The accepted range of burst pressure is 1.26–1.40 ly stressed rolled joint area was extended by fatigue and the end
kg/cm2(g). fitting was tested up to burst. The end fitting could withstand
nearly three times the design pressure.
68.4.2 End Shields Therefore, end-fitting material is safe for all conditions of reac-
tor operations, as it always operates at 265 ⬚C. However, as a pre- Tri-Junction Welds The design of end shield meets all caution, hydro-test during manufacture and at precommissioning
requirements of ASME Code Section III, Class 2 in all respects stage is conducted at a minimum temperature of 65 ⬚C and also
except for inspection of joint among lattice tubes, baffle plates, and cold pressurization is prohibited in the reactor, where during start-
calandria side tube sheet. However, ultrasonic technique has been up, pressurization starts at a temperature of 130 ⬚C.
developed for this purpose. In addition to ultrasonic examination, Inspection of End Fittings. There are some areas of end fitting
dye penetrant (DP) examinations are carried out after each weld- (at the top of the nozzle and some portion of side) that are not
ing pass. Mock-up weld passes are carried out everyday before covered by bidirectional ultrasonic examination during manufac-
start of welding to ensure good quality. These mock-ups are sec- ture. At these places only straight beam technique is used.
tioned and inspected if found necessary.
68.4.4 Inaccessibility for In-Service Inspection Monitoring of Intermetallic Joint (Diaphragm The reactor components such as end shields and calandria are
Plates) Diaphragm plates are provided in the calandria side tube not accessible to periodic ISI. However, during design and fabri-
sheet and the fuelling machine tube sheet. The diaphragm plates cation stage, all precautions are taken to see that no regular ISI is
have lower thickness compared to the tube sheets to provide the needed for this component. Stress analysis for all the components
flexibility required to allow thermal expansion of the calandria has been done as required by the code.
tubes. There are weld joints between the diaphragm plates and the
tube sheets. Total thermal neutron flux at this joint is 1.08 E11
n/cm2/s. This is not expected to cause embrittlement of the material
over a period of 30 FPY. Stress analysis shows that stress level in 68.5 SEISMIC QUALIFICATION,
this zone is very low. Quality control procedure assures no defect in LEAK-BEFORE-BREAK, ISI,
this joint (100% radiography in addition to root pass DP). Thus, no CONTAINMENT DESIGN
failure is expected during service. The water level in expansion tank
and makeup rate are monitored continuously. 68.5.1 Seismic Qualification
The various structures, systems, and components in NPP are
68.4.3 Coolant Channel Components classified into three categories [8]. Category I systems are those
Material of Coolant Tubes. Zirconium–Niobium alloy has not whose failure could lead to release of activity into containment or
been used as a material for the pressure-retaining components in in the environment (e.g., reactor containment structure, PHT sys-
LWRs. Here also, the intent of ASME Code is followed in the tem and so on) and are designed for S1 (equivalent to OBE)- and
design, manufacture, inspection, and testing of the tubes. S2 (equivalent to SSE)-level earthquakes [9]. Category II struc-
Rolled Joint Between Coolant Tubes and End Fittings. The tures (e.g., waste management building) are designed for S2-level
reasons for using rolled joint here are same as those for the joint earthquake and Category III structures (e.g., turbine building,
between calandria tube and the calandria tube sheet. turbo-generator and so on) are designed for earthquake resistance
Material of End Fitting. Material of end fittings is marten- as per national practice [10].
sitic stainless steel AISI 403 (modified), hardened and tempered. Due to the numerical difficulties associated with use of
The essential elements of modification are (i) controlled range of plate/shell elements for complex geometries, the present practice
C and Cr to achieve consistent mechanical properties with same is to carry out separate analysis for the entire reactor building
heat treatment parameters and (ii) low level of residuals to using 3D stick model, in which the inner containment (IC) is
reduce the shift in ductile to brittle transition temperature due to modeled using a separate 3D stick connected to the reactor build-
irradiation. ing raft. In this method, the structure is modeled using 3D beam
This material has been approved by ASME, vide Code Case properties based on strain energy equivalence between 3D finite
No. N-4-11 (approval date 13.7.81), as a pipe material, where the element model and 3D beam model. Lateral torsional coupling
toughness requirement as per NB-2332 applies. Accordingly, this and the effect of flexibility of floors, offset, and partial support of
material is required to exhibit a lateral expansion (LE) of 25 mils walls are accounted for. In this method, the beams are located at
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644 • Chapter 68

ICW 10
1 9
1 4
2 24 8

Damping Ratio
6 VT
3 8 EW 7
5 6
7 5
12 NS 4
9 14 3
11 19 2
13 24 IS
18 28 17 0
LINK 44700 16 45
23 35 20 0 10 20 30 40
15 21 25 Frequency in Hz
27 40 26 29
11 34
46 36 49
37 41 33 (ASME CODE CASE N 411-1)
39 71
56 50
42 48 38
45 30000
47 50 44
62 51
55 52 51 57 54
The floor-mounted equipment and piping are analyzed using
72 52 64 24000 60
67 66 63 74 floor response spectra. For this purpose, time history of the floor
59 70
71 78 58 81 82 motion is generated by performing a time history analysis of the
69 65
75 80
19000 76 RCB. The resulting spectra are broadened ⬰15% for use in equip-
77 58 83 86
88 79 57 ment design.
84 89 92
87 59 14250 For active equipment, such as electrical relays, switches, con-
94 85 60 95 101 tacts, shut-off rod drives and others, whose functioning solely
93 90 96
91 99 63 104 107 depends on the actuation of some parts within them, it is neces-
103 97
98 7500 81 sary to demonstrate their operability during an earthquake event
102 100 64 110
105 116
109 106 112 FLEXURAL CENTRE by testing on shake table. In addition, the equipment must with-
108 111 113
114 119 stand the effects of a number of OBEs prior to the SSE. The pro-
117 118 115 120 AREA CENTRE
cedures given in IEEE-344, 1987 for the assessment of integrity
23 44 121 69 126 000
122 NODES and operability are adopted for testing. For heavy equipment such
123 124 82
127 129 as primary heat transport pumps, it is acceptable to qualify by
RAFT 83 128 xxx ELEM detailed finite element analysis wherein the bearing stiffness, gap
between the casing and the impeller, and so on, must be consid-
FIG. 68.5 BEAM MODEL OF PHWR BUILDING ered in a mathematical model.

68.5.2 In-Service Inspection Philosophy

shear centers [11, 12] and the masses ate located at mass centers As an integral part of quality assurance during operation, a
with a rigid link joining the two (Fig. 68.5). Beam models are periodic program of in-service inspection has been instituted to
used for obtaining the global seismic responses. cover all critical items important to safety [17]. This program has
These are finally applied on the 3D finite element model for been formulated on the basis of guidelines given in IAEA Safety
evaluating the design stresses. The seismic analysis model was Guide 50-SG-02 entitled “In-service Inspection for Nuclear
supplemented by an axisymmetric model to evaluate the stresses Power Plants” [18] and the Canadian Code CAN/CSA N285.4-05
at the shell/dome interface. In the current design being carried out and 8-05 [19, 20].
for 700 MWe project, the seismic forces on the containment struc- In formulating this program, the following special characteris-
ture will be computed from a detailed 3D FE model developed tics of PHWRs have been taken into consideration:
using beam/shell/solid elements.
For aspects such as soil–structure interaction, decoupling crite- • Use of a large number of coolant channel assemblies (306 for
ria, and damping in concrete structures, guidelines of ASCE are 235 MWe unit and 392 for 500 MWe unit) in place of a reac-
followed. The application of the decoupling criteria has resulted tor pressure vessel and leading to a multicomponent primary
in a model of the reactor containment building, which includes cooling system.
beam elements representing calandria vault, calandria, and the • Use of a variety of material requiring different kinds of exam-
end shields. ination techniques.
The application of the decoupling criterion to the complex • Strict requirements in limiting leakage of primary coolant
structure such as containment structure is not straightforward. from the point of view of safety and economy.
Modifications have been suggested [13] that make the criteria applic- • On-power refueling, which reduces the frequency of outages.
able to the complex structure such as reactor containment structure.
This criterion is also not applicable for multiconnected equipment. Examples of the components and methods of examination nor-
A new criterion [14, 15] was developed that can be used for checking mally considered for the ISI program are listed in Table 68.3.
the decoupling requirement of multiconnected equipment. The inspection areas and degree of inspection required for each
For damping in piping, higher values such as the PVRC damp- system or component are determined by the inspection category,
ing [16], as shown in Fig. 68.6, are also used. which in turn is based on two factors: stress intensity (SI) ratio
ASME_Ch68_p635-654.qxd 6/3/09 2:26 PM Page 645



Low Medium High
Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue
Factor Factor Factor
Items to be Examined Methods

Stress Intensity Ratio, RS

Vessel and piping Visual, volumetric, and integrative
C1 B A Stress
Pump and valve. Intensity
– weld Visual, volumetric, and integrative Medium
– interior surface Visual and surface (if material is sub- C1 B B Stress
jected to stress corrosion or erosion) Intensity
Support Low
– weld Visual, surface, and volumetric C2 C1 C1 Stress
– others Visual Intensity

Rotating machinery Visual, surface, and volumetric 0 0.01 0.1 1.0

Mechanical couplings Fatigue Usage Factor

– bolt Visual, surface, volumetric, and
– stud
– nut
All components procedures adopted are generally in conformance with ASME
– corrosion UT Thickness gauging Section V and XI Codes.
– erosion The results of the preservice inspection (PSI) of the compo-
nents prior to the start of operation of the plant establish the base
Heat exchangers/steam line data required for comparison during subsequent ISI. This
generator examination is carried out using the same methods and techniques
– shell Visual, surface, and volumetric and types of inspection instruments as those, which are planned to
– tube Volumetric be used for in-service inspection. In the case of many components
and systems, the inspection data collected during manufacture
Coolant tube PT–CT Gap, Garter spring location,
serve as baseline data. PSI is performed either
volumetric, dimensional, and
hydrogen pickup (a) after the hydrostatic pressure test but before start up of the
reactor; or
Feeder pipe Visual, feeder gap, volumetric, and
(b) before the hydrostatic pressure test provided that a confir-
matory examination is performed after the component
hydrostatic pressure test and the results indicate no signifi-
cant change.
In order to minimize the radiation exposure of inspection per-
(Rs) and fatigue usage factor. There are three levels of stress
sonnel and keeping in view the fact that a large number of compo-
intensity, namely, high (ⱖ 2/3), medium, and low (ⱕ1/3).
nents used are identical, a sampling approach has been taken for
working out the inspection program. For identical welds of identi-
Calculated SI
cal components, the number of welds to be inspected may be
reduced to FA. The value FA is taken from Fig. 68.8.
SI Ratio (Rs) =
The in-service inspection intervals are chosen such that any dete-
Allowable SI rioration occurring in systems and components is detected well
before any failure takes place. The first inspection is carried out
Similarly, there are three levels of fatigue usage factor, namely, commencing from the end of the first year to the end of the fifth year
low (ⱕ0.01), medium, and high (ⱖ 0.1). Based on different after going into commercial operation with the examinations spread
combinations of stress intensity ratio and fatigue usage factor, as evenly as practicable over the period. The subsequent in-service
four levels of inspection categories A, B, C1, and C2 in the inspections are scheduled at intervals of 10 years (Table 68.4).
decreasing degree of examination requirements have been arrived Acceptance Standards for Visual, Surface, and Volumetric
at (Fig. 68.7). Examinations are Same as Those in ASME Code Section XI.
Inspection category A requires examination of all welded While the components of primary heat transport system do
points and adjacent base metal. Category B requires examination receive the inspection commensurate with their importance, the
of at least one-third of the inspection areas. For Category C1, no major challenges faced by the Indian PHWRs are (i) Life man-
examination is required if the metal is ductile and creep resistant agement of coolant channels, and (ii) thinning of feeders and sec-
and the effects of neutron irradiation are not significant. For cate- ondary side piping due to flow accelerated corrosion (FAC).
gory C2, no examination is required. The inspection methods are These challenges have been successfully met through ISI and
of non-destructive type such as visual, dye penetrant, ultrasonic, maintenance/replacement strategies. The coolant channels suffer
radiography, acoustic emission, and hydro and leak testing. The from degradation due to irradiation creep resulting in increase in
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646 • Chapter 68

As far as replacement is concerned, India has successfully

100 completed en masse coolant channel replacement in four reactors
where Zircaloy-2 pressure tubes were used. Also, feeder replace-
Number of Identical

ment has been successfully completed in three reactors.

10 68.5.3 Leak-Before-Break
Leak-before-break approach has been applied to primary heat
transport system piping of 500-MWe Indian PHWR as per
NUREG-CR-1061, Vol.3 [21], and IAEA TECDOC-710 [22].
Parallel to these analyses, a comprehensive Component Integrity
1 Test Program has been initiated to address some of the issues in
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
the fatigue and fracture analyses. These issues include the trans-
Number of Components to be inspected
ferability of the specimen fracture parameters to the component
level, the effect of cyclic/ dynamic load (that may occur during an
FIG. 68.8 INSPECTION SAMPLE FOR IDENTICAL COMPO- earthquake) on fracture properties, the effect of system compli-
NENTS/WELDS [17] ance on the load-bearing capacity of piping components and so
on. For in-depth understanding of these issues, 70 fatigue/fracture
tests have been conducted so far on full-scale piping components.
Apart from these, probabilistic methodology has also been used to
address the uncertainty associated with the input parameters used
in the LBB analysis. The present paper discusses the LBB qualifi-
Inspection period cation of PHT system piping of 500 MWe Indian PHWR and
indicated as Minimum addresses some of the issues not considered in LBB concepts by
calendar year of percentage of Maximum above standards.
plant service from examinations percentage of The LBB concept is basically demonstrated through fracture
Inspection commencement of required to be examinations mechanics analysis that there is negligible chance of catastrophic
Interval operation completed credited break of PHT pipes without giving prior indication of leakage. This
1st 0–2 16 34 involves detailed fracture mechanics studies of different piping
(5 years) 2–5 100 100 components such as straight pipe, elbow and branch tee. Leak-
before-break is ensured by demonstrating three levels of safety
2nd 5–8 16 34
assessment against sudden double-ended guillotine break (DEGB).
(10 years) 8–12 50 67
Level 1 is inherent in the design philosophy of ASME Code
12–15 100 100
Section III [2], which is normally followed in piping design.
3rd 15–18 16 34 Ductile and tough materials are widely used in nuclear power plant
(10 years) 18–22 50 67 piping due to their high resistance against nonductile rupture. The
22–25 100 100 design is done with a well-defined factor of safety of code- speci-
fied 95% exceedance probability on strength. It does not permit the
4th 25–28 16 34
presence of any defect larger in size than allowed in ASME Code
(10 years) 28–32 50 100
Section III for girth welds. The demonstration of Level 2 safety
32–35 100 100
consists of postulating a surface crack mostly in the weld, which
Note Plant life is assumed to be 40 years. may go undetected during the nondestructive examination. It is then
shown that there is insignificant crack growth of this surface crack
during the entire life period of the reactor. In this crack growth
study, one should consider all the possible crack growth mecha-
diameter and sag; deuterium pickup resulting from corrosion nisms such as corrosion, erosion, fatigue, creep, flow-induced
reaction lead to loss of fracture toughness. The ISI program for vibration, and so on, whichever may be operative for the particular
coolant channels consists of the following: piping system. From the operating experience of various PHWRs, it
has been observed that under the controlled environment of PHT
(a) Nondestructive examination for flaws including flaws in
piping system, fatigue is the only crack growth mechanism which
the rolled joint region.
cannot be totally ruled out. Hence, one should perform the fatigue
(b) Channel CT–PT gap, wall thickness, axial elongation,
crack growth study of the postulated surface flaw in the PHT pipes.
channel sag, and so on.
In the Level 3 safety assessment, a through-wall crack is postulated
(c) Eddy-current detection for location of garter springs.
at the maximum stress location with the worst material properties.
(d) Measurement of gap between coolant tube and calandria
The size of the crack is chosen so as to ensure the predicted leakage
is detected by the leak monitoring devices. Finally, it is shown that
(e) Sliver sampling for measurement of hydrogen content.
this crack will withstand the maximum credible load that may act
BARC In-service inspection System (BARCIS) and sliver sam- during a safe shutdown earthquake.
pling scraping tools are some of the important tools developed for
ISI of coolant channels. Fatigue Crack Growth Tests Fatigue crack growth
Flow accelerated corrosion has become another focused area tests [23] have been conducted on pipes till the crack depth has
following some recent incidents. Thickness measurement is regu- reached through-wall. During the tests, crack depth and number of
larly carried out at a large number of locations. cycles have been recorded. Maximum crack depth and number of
ASME_Ch68_p635-654.qxd 6/5/09 3:01 PM Page 647


cracked pipe under reversible cyclic loading conditions. The

experiments covers a wide range of pipe sizes (NPS: 6⬙, 8⬙, 12⬙,
16⬙), crack sizes (2␪: 60⬚, 90⬚, 120⬚), material (low carbon man-
ganese steel, stainless steel), crack location (base, weld), loading
mode (load controlled, displacement controlled), and loading para-
meters (load ratio, load amplitude, displacement increment etc.).
The cyclic test results have been compared with the corresponding
monotonic pipe fracture test results to quantify the damage (loss in
load-carrying capacity) due to cyclic loading as a function of num-
ber of load cycles, and a simplified master curve has been generat-
ed to include the cyclic tearing damage in LBB assessment. The
master curve is a plot of the cyclic load amplitude (given as per-
cent of maximum load recorded in corresponding monotonic frac-
ture test) versus number of load cycles to failure (Nf) as shown in
FIG. 68.9 MAXIMUM CRACK DEPTH VERSUS NUMBER Fig. 68.11. Few available results on similar tests (on 4⬙-pipe,
OF CYCLES FOR DIFFERENT INITIAL CRACK DEPTH AND STS410 Japanese carbon steel) from literature of Central Research
R ⴝ 0.5 [23] Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI), Japan [25] have also
been plotted in the master curve and are in good agreement with
the results of the present tests series. The curve is independent of
crack sizes as well as pipe sizes since all experiment data lie with-
406MM OD Pipe and pipe weld in a narrow scatter band.
20 PBSC16-1 This curve gives the load reduction factor as a function of num-
PBSC16-3 ber of load cycles and is applied on the monotonic critical load.
14 PBSC16-4 The curve suggests an additional safety factor “␤c” of 4/3 for SSE
PBSC16-5 loading and 3/2 for OBE loading over the monotonic critical load
for LLB assessment. For an OBE, the factor is relatively higher in

view of its higher frequency of occurrence than a SSE.

8 Compliance Effect on Load Carrying Capacity of

Piping Components A phenomenon mitigating the effect
described in the preceding section is the role of system compliance.
It means the stiffening effect of the connected piping on the cracked
section is negligible. Moreover, in these analyses the LBB assess-
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 ment is based on the maximum load, irrespective of the location at
a/t which they are acting. However, in the real situation, the local com-
FIG. 68.10 VARIATION IN ASPECT RATIO WITH CRACK- pliance of the cracked section and the global residual compliance of
GROWTH FOR 324-MM OUTER DIAMETER PIPE [23] the piping system may have significant effect on the load-carrying
capacity of the cracked pipe. These compliance effects must be
included while evaluating the safety margins. This is due to the fact
that the load acting on the cracked section changes, during crack
cycles for given stress ratio (R) and initial crack depth in pipes growth, because of indeterminacy of the piping system. Thus, a
have been shown in Fig. 68.9. Maximum crack depth and number purely load-controlled condition, representing the case of a piping
of cycles calculated analytically have also been shown in Fig. 68.9 system with infinite compliance, changes into a mixed mode, that
and shows a good comparison. Figure 68.10 shows that crack is, partly load-controlled and partly displacement-controlled. As a
growth in depth direction is more rapid compared with circumfer- result the crack section sheds some of the load during the crack
ential direction and the limiting value of the aspect ratio is between growth, and this load is picked up by the connecting piping system.
2.5and 5. This is essential for verification of Level 2 LBB. The load redistribution may increase safety margin. For simplified
fracture mechanics calculation, an analytical expression is pro- The Cyclic Loading Effect on Load-Carrying posed [26, 27] to evaluate actual moment at the cracked section in
Capacity of Piping Components Leak-before-break assessment a 3D piping system equation:
is based primarily on the monotonic fracture tearing instability.

Mu c 1 + L d
The effect of cyclic loading has generally not been considered in Lc
the fracture assessment of nuclear power plant piping. The pipe eff
fracture analysis used in present LBB considers the seismic load- Mc =
c1 + d
ing as a one-time applied load of magnitude equal to peak load at Lc I
the postulated flaw location during the earthquake event. The L eff Ieff
assessment of pipe with flaw (or crack) is based on the monotonic
tearing instability or Net Section Collapse (NSC). There is no
explicit consideration of the cyclic damage or the number of Here Mu is the uncracked moment and Mc is the actual moment at
applied load cycles during earthquake event. the cracked section. Lc and Ieff are the length and effective
An experimental and analytical investigation [24] was carried moment of inertia of the equivalent piping element used to simu-
out by conducting tests on full-scale circumferential through- wall late crack. The Leff is the equivalent length of the pipe modeled
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648 • Chapter 68

Basis of βc factor in Proposed LBB Design Criteria

QCSP-8-60-L3-CSB Load Controlled Cyclic Tearing Tests

C-4 (2θ=60) 90

Cyclic Tearing : Load Amplitude (Given as %

SA333 Gr.6 Carbon Steel

of Monotonic Experimental Fracture Load)

QCSP-6-60-L3-SSW Base Metal
C-1 (2θ=30°) SA333 Gr.6 Carbon Steel 85
Weld Metal
QCSP-8-60-L2-CSW QCSP-12-90-L6-CSB
QCSP-6-60-L1-SSB STS410 Japanese Carbon
QCSP-6-60-L3-SSW C-6 (2θ=60°)
Steel Base Metal 80
QCSP-8-60-L4-CSW QCSP-6-60-L4-SSB
QCSP-8-90-L6-CSB SS 304 L Stainless Steel
QCSP-8-60-L1-CSW C-2 (2θ=30°) Steel
βc = 0.75 QCSP-8-60-L5-CSB
C-6 (2θ=30°)

Safe LBB
Design 67
25 Tests were conducted on Straight
Pipes: 6 ″, 8 ″, 12 ″, & 16 ″ NB Pipes of
Carbon and Stainless Steel Material
0 20 50 80 100 120 140 160 180


with fixed-end conditions, which simulates piping system com- Load-Displacement Plot
pliance at the crack element. The I is moment of inertia of the 1
pipe. Crack initiation load
Actual tests were performed on reactor grade pipes to validate 0.8
theoretical studies regarding the effects of system compliance on System Test
fracture integrity. Seven fracture tests have been conducted in 0.6

which system compliance was simulated by fixed ends and it was Component Test
varied in terms of L/R parameters. The main conclusions of this
experimental study can be summarized as follows: 0.2
Crack initiation load
• Fracture load of a piping system having even very large 0
crack size is very near the collapse load of an uncracked pip- 0 50 100 150 200 250
ing system (as shown in Fig. 68.12), thereby proving that Actuator Disp. (mm)
large plastic straining occur at uncracked ends before the
system collapse.
• A large margin was observed between crack initiation load
and the maximum load that the piping system has sustained.
It is worth noting that in conventional fracture tests (infinite
compliance), crack initiation load is usually very near to the given in ASME Section XI [3] is used. Table 68.5 shows the var-
maximum collapse load. ious transient events and the number of excursions of each event
postulated for the entire design life period of the reactor. It was LBB ASSESSMENT of 500 MWe PHWR PIPING seen that the fatigue crack growth is very small (original crack
Fatigue Crack Growth Analysis of 500 MWe TAPP 3&4 depth of 25% increased to 27%) over the entire design life period
PHT Piping (Level 2). A part-through semi-elliptical circumfer- of the reactor.
ential flaw at the inside surface of pipe is postulated. The depth Fracture Assessment (Level 3). The fracture assessment of
of flaw is conservatively assumed to be 25% of wall thickness of PHT system pipes, with postulated through-wall circumferen-
pipe based on ASME Code Section III, Appendix G recommen- tial and axial flaws, was carried out using the concept of a
dation. The flaw aspect ratio is assumed to be six, which is repre- two-criteria failure assessment diagram (FAD) [28], which
sentative of typical flaw found in service. Cyclic loading due to describes the interaction between fracture and collapse and is
normal operating condition (Service Levels A and B) is consid- documented as the R-6 procedure. The results obtained have
ered to calculate the fatigue crack growth. Paris power law as been used to qualify leak-before-break criteria of PHT pipes.
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TABLE 68.5 VARIOUS TRANSIENT EVENTS POSTULATED The Section III of ASME B&PV Code allows for design by sim-
FOR ENTIRE DESIGN LIFE OF 500 MWe TAPP 3&4 plified analysis (NB-3600) using stress indices. The B2 index is used
for calculating the primary stress intensity due to bending load.
Sl. No. Event No. of cycles Using margin consistent definition, the ASME Code expression
for B2 can easily deduced as 1.3␭ /3 from the lower bound in-
1 Operation basis 50 (5 events, each
plane limit moment expression for the elbow as 0.8␭0.6MLPipe given
earthquake causing 10 cycles)
by Spence and Findlay [31]. However, The ASME Code has typi-
2 Heat-up from cold 1000 cally defined B2 as two-third of C2 index. Thus, the stress index
shutdown to hot standby value of 1.3 for B2 in the ASME Code is equal to 2/3 of 1.95. The
3 Start-up from hot 3500 ASME Code C2 index is based on Dodge and Moore [32] investi-
standby to full power gations on the stress intensities in curved pipe under combinations
of in-plane, out-of-plane, and torsional moments. He found that a
4 Power maneuvering 15,000 C2 index of 1.95/(h2/3) would conservatively predict the maximum
at full power stress intensity for any resultant moment.
ASME B2 index is found to be in good agreement for extra
large bend-radius elbows. However it is very conservative for
standard elbows (rb /R ⫽ 2 and 3). Based on these investigations,
The R-6 method was also used to perform sensitivity analysis a new B2 index (Eq. 68.1) is proposed, which eliminates undesir-
for reserve margins with respect to different input parameters able conservatism in the present ASME B2 index equation and it
such as material properties, material test temperature, initial can be used for elbows of any bend radius. Figure 68.13 shows
crack length and so on. the conservatism of present B2 index equation as well as com-
The margins (FL ⫽ critical load/applied load) obtained for the pares the limit load equation with other literature equations as
different piping segments using R-6 method and accounting for Caladine [33], Touboul [34], Chattopadhyay [35], and Kim [36].
the cyclic loading effect, range from 1.7 to 3.4 against a minimum Similar equations are also proposed for opening bending, clos-
required value of √2. ing, and opening bending for elbow with circumferential through-
wall crack. General Limit Load and B2 Stress Index Equation
for Pipe Bends under In-Plane Bending The limit load assess-
68.5.4 Containment Design
ment is essential to prevent the pipe or pipe bends to fail by
The containment design has evolved from single containment
excessive deformation or collapse. Currently available limit load
in Rajasthan Atomic Power Station to full double containment in
equations have a limited range of applicability and do not cover
all the current designs with the provision of openings in the dome
the wide range of bend geometries that are used in power plant
of reactor building for erection of steam generator. The design
piping. Ideally, the elbow limit load equation should approach
follows the guidelines of French Design Code RCC-G [4].
straight pipe limit load with increasing pipe bend radius. Keeping
this fact in mind, finite element analyses of around 65 elbows
having different geometric parameters were performed. The Design Against Membrane Stresses The major loads
parameters considered were elbow bend radius (rb) to mean considered for the design of containment structure are dead load,
radius (R) ratio (2, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 18) and pipe radius (R) to prestress loads with appropriate losses, internal pressure on account-
thickness (t) ratio (5, 7.5, 10, 15, 20, and 30). postulated design basis accident scenario, temperature loads under
One quarter of elbow was modeled using three-dimensional 20 test, normal operating and design basis accident conditions, envi-
nodded brick elements and elastic perfectly and a plastic analysis ronmental loads, namely, seismic (both operating basis earthquake
was performed, which included the geometric nonlinearity. The and safe shutdown earthquake) and wind loads. Appropriate live
analyses have been carried out for both in-plane closing and open- loads under normal operating condition as well as during construc-
ing bending, and limit load for each case was determined using tion process are also considered while carrying out the design of
the twice elastic slope method. A relational study was performed containment structure.
to understand the dependence of limit load on the R /t, rb /R and The prestress loads that are imparted on the structure to counter
elbow characteristic h. The study addressed the weakening factor the tensile stresses generated during design basis accident condi-
(Wf ), that is, the normalized limit loads (ratio of limit load of tion vary both spatially as well as in time domain on account of
elbow to limit load of corresponding pipe). A simple expression short-term and long-term losses. The short-term losses are due to
for weakening factor (or limit load) is proposed [29] for “closing friction and wobble effect, anchorage draw-in, and elastic short-
bending,” which covers the entire domain of the parameters and ening of concrete structure due to stagewise stressing of cables
provides a good prediction of limit load for nonstandard elbows. during the process of prestressing. Shrinkage and creep of con-
A margin consistent definition [30] for B2 index defines it as the crete and relaxation (creep) of prestressing steel contribute toward
ratio of the pipe collapse load to the collapse load of correspond- the long-term losses of prestress loads.
ing elbow. Finite element analysis is carried out in order to evaluate the
membrane forces due to various types of loads for the inner con-
M LElbow = Wf , M Pipe
L = Wf (4R2 ␴o) tainment structure. Normally, the IC structure can be modeled
using thick shell elements, which can take care of the shear defor-
Limit moment of an equivalent pipe 1
B2 = = mation. In order to obtain the stresses in the discontinuity areas
Limit moment of the elbow Wf more accurately due to irregular geometry and also discrete
0.2 anchorage forces because of prestress cable, the IC ring beam is
= 1 + (68.1) modeled using 8-noded 3D solid brick elements. The effect of the
h1.028 + 0.95rb /R
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650 • Chapter 68


1.7 rb/R = 6
rb/R = 3 rb/R = 18
R/t = 5 R/t = 10 rb/R = 12
R/t = 20 R/t = 30
l = 0.6 l = 0.6
l = 0.6 l = 0.6
Collapse Load of Eqv. Pipe
Collapse Load of Elbow
rb/R = 9
R/t = 15
l = 0.6

1.1 Elastic Perfectly Plastic FEM Solution

Propsed Equation

Iso 'λ' Lines ASME B2-Index [1]
forλ = 0.6
Calladine [2]
Touble [3]
Chattopadhaya [4]
Y. J. Kim [5]
0 5 10 15 20
Elbow Bend Radius / Mean radius (rb/R )



duct openings and the reinforcing/prestressing steel is accounted loads under construction stage. Working stress method of design
for appropriately at the design stage. is adopted for this.
The design of the prestressed concrete inner containment struc- In order to control cracking of concrete, the radial stresses are
ture is checked both under limit state of serviceability as well as limited to 0.67 times the tensile strength of concrete. The allowable
under limit state of strength (also called as ultimate limit state) as radial tensile stress is further reduced in order to take into account
per the provisions of RCC-G. It is ensured that a membrane com- the effect of membrane compressive stress field. The radial tensile
pressive stress of at least 1 MPa is available under accident condi- stress generated due to all the phenomena are considered for lim-
tion. Presence of voids in the concrete section due to cable duct iting the concrete tensile stress except that due to the effect of
openings led to development of special computer programs for stress concentration, since the radial stress generated due to this
carrying out the design check under limit state of serviceability phenomenon is secondary in nature and is balanced by the adja-
and limit state of strength. cent compressive stress field.
The entire inner containment is checked against the require- The radial reinforcements in the IC dome are designed to carry
ment of limit state of strength. In general, the load factor for the the radial tensile force resulting from the curvature effect and
permanent loads is 1.35 and that for the variable loads 1.5. transition effect where the cable spacing is sufficiently large.
However, where the cable spacing is close, reinforcements are Design Against Radial Stress in IC Dome The nor- provided to take care of the local tensile force due to stress con-
mal stress in the thickness direction, also called as radial stress, is centration effect also.
generated in the inner containment structure due to (i) Curvature A reduced value of permissible stress is considered while
effect, in which the curved prestressed cables embedded inside the designing the reinforcements to limit cracking in the concrete.
concrete exert pressure toward the center of curvature at the bot- The deflection and strains at certain locations in the IC are
tom of the cable sheath leading to development of radial stress, (ii) recorded during proof testing mainly to compare the deflection as
Transition effect, arising at locations where the shell thickness well as strains obtained from analytical study. The strain mea-
changes rapidly within a short distance, and (iii) Stress concentra- surements are also necessary to monitor the development of stress-
tion effect, in which the in-plane membrane compressive stresses es in the IC structure at different stages of prestressing during
in the IC dome also generate radial tensile stress around the cable construction.
duct openings. The strains are measured using vibrating wire strain gauges
Normally, the radial stresses in the prestressed concrete inner (VWSG) connected to automatic data-logger at locations covering
containment structure are maximum during the construction period the entire IC in order to capture both membrane as well as radial
since the prestress forces are maximum. With time, long-term stresses. Based on the recorded data the stresses developed in the
losses take place and thus, the residual prestress is reduced. In IC are compared with the specified allowable stress limits of the
view of this, the design against radial stress is carried out for the design code RCC-G.
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COMPANION GUIDE TO THE ASME BOILER & PRESSURE VESSEL CODE • 651 Equivalence Study with Respect to ASME Code structures design is by consultants such as M/s. STUP, Develop-
Section III, Division 2 As discussed in the preceding sections, ment Consultants Private Limited, Tata Consulting Engineers, and
the design of containment structures of Indian PHWRs has been others and quality assessment is done by NPCIL.
based on the methodology evolved considering the Indian con- NPCIL has developed a very high expertise in design of small-
struction practices. The design methodology is mainly based on and medium- sized PHWRs. It has its own R&D facilities where
the principles of the French Code RCC-G as the containment new and innovative designs are developed and tested. Besides this,
system adopted for the Indian PHWRs is a double containment NPCIL gets support from its sister concerns such as Bhabha
without metallic liner, similar to the one adopted in the French Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic
containments of PWRs. However, an attempt has been made to Research (IGCAR), and Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced
study the equivalence of the various provisions of design of pri- Technology (RRCAT) in the field of research and development. It
mary (inner) containment structure being followed in India with has a strong team of design engineers who look after all the design
respect to those adopted in various international standards in aspects starting from conceptual design to detailed structural design
order to assess the level of its safety under design basis accident and analysis, process design, and electrical, civil, and instrumenta-
scenario. The study has been carried out to establish the equiva- tion design of NPPs. International codes such as ASME, IEEE,
lent partial safety factor for accident pressure (Pa) in factored RCC, and others are followed for design of nuclear power plants.
load combination under limit state of strength. For this purpose, Further, safety codes and guides issued by IAEA, USNRC, and
a detailed design check has been carried out for some typical ele- AERB are also followed.
ments located in different regions of inner containment structure, Design of fast breeder reactors (FBRs) is done by IGCAR.
such as (i) IC dome thickened area near SG opening, (ii) IC dome They have all the facilities for design, analysis and R&D of FBRs.
general area, (iii) IC wall raft junction, (iv) IC wall general area, FBRs are totally looked after by IGCAR with the help of other
and (v) IC dome springing area under accidental load combina- sister organizations such as BARC, NPCIL, RRCAT and others.
tion as per the provisions of various international standards, One fast breeder test reactor is under operation. One Prototype
namely, Canadian Standard,ASME Section III, Division 2 and Fast Breeder Reactor of 500 MWe capacity is under construction
RCC-G. by Bhartiya Vidyut Nigam (BHAVINI).
Based on the equivalence study, the following conclusions are Design and development of thorium-based reactors, including
drawn: all the engineering, analysis, and related R&D activities, is done
by BARC. A 300-MWe Advanced Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR)
(i) Though the design philosophy and partial safety factors for is being designed by BARC.
material and loads, prestress loss computation, and others
are different in various international standards (such as 68.6.2 Fabrication
Canadian, ASME and RCC-G), the design provisions and India is one of the few countries in the world that has acquired
the associated design parameters suggested by various expertise in the entire range of nuclear fuel cycle activities. As
international codes pertaining to design of containment these activities are of special nature and did not form a part of
structure are laid down in such a balanced way that the the general industrial domain of the country, Department of
final design lies in the same range. Atomic Energy (DAE) established facilities for carrying them out
(ii) In general, it is noticed that the load combination involving in a proper phased manner. Over the years, significant efforts
accident pressure along with the design philosophy sug- were put by DAE/NPCIL to develop indigenous manufacturing
gested in RCC-G is equivalent to the design provisions capability to fabricate various equipment/components conform-
adopted in the Canadian standard as well as the ASME ing to stringent quality standard of nuclear power plants.
Code. Indigenous industrial infrastructure for nuclear power plants is
well developed. Indian industry has gained valuable experience
and reached a stage of maturity in manufacturing components for
68.6 ORGANIZATION OF DESIGN, these reactors. Indian industries are fully capable of manufactur-
FABRICATION, CONSTRUCTION, ing all the components, including large-size components such as
OPERATION, AND ISI OF NPPS calandria, end shields, steam generators, turbine, condenser, and
IN INDIA others. These Indian industries have developed capabilities to
manufacture all the nuclear as well as secondary side compo-
68.6.1 Design nents. All the Class I, II, and III nuclear components are fabricat-
India started its nuclear power program with two BWRs, which ed, inspected, and tested as per applicable ASME Codes. Raw
were constructed on turnkey basis by General Electric, USA materials are procured to meet the ASME specifications.
in 1969. Later on, India had collaboration with Canada for two Inspection is done by the Quality Assurance Group of these
220 MWe PHWRs. First PHWR was designed and constructed by industries. NPCIL has its own QA group, which does the surveil-
Canadians. However, during the construction of second reactor, lance job at the shops of manufacturers. Expertise for carrying
the collaboration ended and India took over the remaining con- out all the nondestructive examinations has been developed by
struction work. Subsequent to the end of collaboration with NPCIL as well as the manufacturers.
Canada, India has built 11 ⫻ 220 MWe PHWRs and 2 ⫻ 540
MWe PHWRs. Three more 220 MWe PHWRs are in the final 68.6.3 Construction
stages of completion. Design, construction and operation of Over the years, India has developed expertise in the construc-
all these reactors are totally done in India. All the PHWRs tion of nuclear power plants. At present India is constructing
are being designed, constructed, and operated by Nuclear nuclear power plants in less than five years. Advanced project
Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL), a Government of management techniques are being followed to cut down the
India Enterprise, under the Department of Atomic Energy. Civil gestation period. Further, the following improvements have been
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652 • Chapter 68

made in the construction methodology to cut down the gestation Indian PHWRs have very high availability factor over the entire
period. lifetime. This is made possible by strict scheduled outage for main-
tenance and in-service inspections. Biennial shutdown is taken only
• Concept of mega packages has been introduced for 18– 20 days. All the in-service inspections, containment testing,
• Vendor’s participation in analysis and decision making has and so on are done within this time. Unscheduled outages have
been increased. totally reduced and downtime is very much controlled. On redun-
• Integrated action plans are evolved to resolve issues related to dant systems, preventive maintenance is performed on power.
design, material, and construction activities. Radiological protection is enhanced by choosing cobalt-free materi-
• Targets and expectations are fully defined. als, providing adequate shielding thickness, and by optimized
• Open top construction, increased mechanization, and parallel design and layout of components and systems.
civil and mechanical erection are implemented. A comprehensive radiological surveillance program around
• Round the clock construction work is practiced. each NPP is pursued by well-equipped environmental survey lab-
• Use of project management tools, increased use of informa- oratories (ESLs). The basic objective of these laboratories is to
tion technology for prompt decision making and timely mid- assess the radiation doses to the public due to operation of NPPs
course corrections and revision of construction sequence have and to demonstrate the compliance with the applicable regulatory
been successfully implemented. limits set by national and international authorities.
The environmental survey laboratories at site periodically col-
There are a large number of civil construction companies in lect and analyze various environmental matrices, including
India, which take care of full construction of civil structures. dietary items such as water, cereals, pulses, meat, fish, milk, eggs
Prominent among them are M/s. Engineering Construction and and others for their radioactivity contents. Environmental sam-
Contracts (ECC), M/s. Gammon India Ltd., M/s Hindustan ples are collected on regular basis from various locations sur-
Construction Co., and others. In the early reactors, mechanical rounding the nuclear facility up to a distance of 30 km. The sam-
erection was done by NPCIL. But now there are many companies pling locations are selected on the basis of wind pattern,
that undertake engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) utilization of environment, and population clusters around the
contracts. Now, the construction of NPPs is being carried out facility. The type of samples are selected on the basis of potential
through mega packages. On the secondary side, mostly, there are pathways to man. Annually about 2500 environmental samples
EPC packages. On the nuclear side, there are PC packages. This are being collected and analyzed by ESL at each nuclear site.
has reduced the construction time drastically. The samples are analyzed for various biologically important
radionuclides. The data thus obtained are processed statistically
68.6.4 Operation and used to evaluate the dose annually to the members of public
At present India has 2 ⫻ 200 MWe BWRs, 13 ⫻ 220 MWe residing around NPPs.
PHWRs, and 2 ⫻ 540 PHWR NPPs in operation. All operations The well-defined and executed environmental radiological sur-
are done indigenously by NPCIL. Each twin station unit has veillance program around each nuclear power plant shows that
around 600 operating manpower, including Operation and radioactive contamination is insignificant. It also demonstrates
Maintenance (O&M) personnel. At each station, there are four that the NPP releases are well within the prescribed regulatory
operating crews, one for each operating shift and one extra crew limits. It is observed that the annual radiation doses at the site
for exigencies. All the engineers are trained and licensed and their boundary of the respective nuclear power plant are less than 7%
licenses are periodically updated. All the reactors are operated as of the annual regulatory limit of 1000 µSv during the period of
per their operating technical specifications, which cover all the operations. On comparing with the naturally occurring back-
operating limits as per IAEA safety standards. The technical spec- ground radiation of 2400 µSv/yr, it is almost negligible.
ifications are duly reviewed and approved by Atomic Energy The release of radioactivity to environment from the nuclear
Regulatory Board. power stations is in very small quantities and in any case well
NPCIL is a member of World Association of Nuclear Operators within the limits stipulated by AERB. For monitoring the compli-
(WANO), CANDU Owners Group (COG), and International ance to the prescribed regulatory requirements, environmental
Atomic Energy Agency. The peer reviews by expert teams of survey and meteorological laboratories are set up at each plant
WANO has been recognized internationally as major tool for site. These laboratories analyze samples of food, air, water,and so
sharing the best practices in operation and performance improve- on up to an area of 30-km radius from the plant to assure environ-
ment. Such reviews have been completed for all the reactors. mental security.
These reviews indicate that the condition and performance of sta-
tions matched with those at the world level. WANO members reg- 68.6.5 In-Service Inspection
ularly visit our plants and review the operation and safety aspects. In-service Inspection at all the operating plants is carried out peri-
In the recent reactors, even preoperation reviews have been car- odically as per station ISI program. Based on ISI documents, ISI
ried out by WANO before the criticality of newly constructed program is finalized, which meet the intent of ASME Section XI.
reactors. Regular seminars/meetings are held among members of India has developed all the special tools required for ISI of coolant
COG, during which the challenges faced in various PHWRs are channels and steam generators. BARCIS and Sliver sampling scrap-
shared and discussed. This helps in upgrading the safety standards ing tools are some of the important tools developed for ISI for pres-
further. sure tubes. Life management of coolant channels, flow accelerated
India has experience of 265 reactor operating years. Till now corrosion mainly on secondary side, and feeder thinning are the
there has not been any significant event wherein radioactivity is major challenges faced by the Indian PHWRs. These challenges
released to the public domain and no nuclear accident, as defined have been successfully met through ISI and maintenance.
by International Nuclear Event Scale (INES) of IAEA, has India has successfully completed en masse coolant channel
occurred. replacement in four reactors where Zircaloy-2 pressure tubes
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were used. All the tools and techniques were developed indige- 68.8 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
nously. Also, feeder replacement has been successfully completed
in three reactors. The authors gratefully acknowledge the contribution of Vivek
During the evolution of main circuit design, effort has been Bhasin, Rohit Rastogi, P.K. Singh, Suneel K. Gupta, and Imran
made at minimizing the weld joints and in turn the in-service Ali Khan of Reactor Safety Division of BARC, and K.P. Dwivedi,
requirement of such joints. This has been achieved by adopting A.G. Chhatre, Raghupati Roy, and Santosh Kumar of Nuclear
integral forging for the headers with pullout nozzles, main circuit Power Corporation (NPC).
piping with hockey stick combination for large pipe spools. The
steam generator shells have also been specified as ring forging to
eliminate longitudinal joints. 68.9 REFERENCES
1. Bajaj, S.S. and Gore, A.R., The Indian PHWR, Nuclear Engineering
68.6.6 Development of Codes, Guides, and and Design, Vol. 236, Nos 7–8, pp. 701–722, April 2006.
Standards 2. ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section III; also, Appendix G,
In order to fulfill its mission of stipulating and enforcing rules 1995.
and regulations concerned with nuclear and radiological safety,
3. ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, American Society
AERB is in the process of developing codes and guides for vari- of Mechanical Engineers, 1995.
ous aspects of nuclear reactor design. These guides will borrow
appropriate elements from ASME, ASCE, ACI, Canadian and 4. RCC-G (English Translation), Vols I & II, Design and Construction
French Codes and incorporate India’s experience in their usage, Rules for Civil Works of PWR Nuclear Islands, Drawn-up by
Electricite De France (EDF), July 1988.
Indian materials, and construction practices. One such effort aims
at developing a safety standard for “Design of Nuclear Power 5. BPEL-83 (English Translation by AFNOR, Association Francaise de
Plant Containment Structures” and is currently in draft stage [37]. Normalisation), Technical Rules for the Design of Prestressed
This is based on ASME Code Section III, Division 2 [38], ACI Concrete Structure Using the Limit State Method. 1983.
349 [39], RCC-G [4], CSA-N287.3 [40], and the Indian Code IS 6. BAEL-83 (English Translation by AFNOR, Association Francaise de
456 [41]. Another guide in draft stage is the one for “Seismic Normalisation), Technical Rules for the Design and Calculation of
Qualification of Structures, Systems and Components of Reinforced Concrete Structures and Buildings Using Limit State
Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors” [42]. This guide builds on the Method. 1983.
Indian experience gained during seismic design of reactor struc- 7. Koley, J., Harikumar, S., Ashraf, S.A.H., Chande, S.K., and Sharma,
tures and is based on ASCE [43], IEEE [44] JAEG 4601 [45], S.K., Regulatory Practices for Nuclear Power Plants in India, Nuclear
IAEA NS-G-1.6 [46], and IS 1893 [10]. Engineering and Design, Vol. 236, Nos 7–8, pp. 894–913, April 2006.
8. AERB/SG/D-1, Safety Classification and Seismic Categorization for
Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors, Atomic Regulatory Board,
Mumbai, India, 2000.
9. AERB/SG/S-11, Seismic Studies and Design Basis Ground Motion
1. Design of Indian PHWRs is based on ASME B&PV Code for Nuclear Power Plants Sites, Atomic Regulatory Board, Mumbai,
Section III. India,1990.
2. In those cases where the code rules could not be met in let- 10. IS: 1893, Criteria for Earthquake Resistance Design of Structures,
ter, they have been met in spirit by carrying out the required BIS, New Delhi, 1984.
material characterization and component qualification tests.
3. Indian PHWR program depends on leak-before-break crite- 11. Reddy, G.R., Kushwaha, H.S., and Kakodkar, A., Seismic Analysis of
Calandria End shield Assembly of 500 MWe Pressurised Water
rion for eliminating pipe whip restraints. Leak-before-
Reactor, Proceedings of ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping
break has been demonstrated by carrying out extensive tests Conference, Vol. 237, pp. 115–120,1992.
on specimens, pipes, and elbows.
4. The tests have demonstrated adequate margins with respect 12. Reddy, G.R., Kushwaha, H.S., Mahajan, S.C., Kelkar, S.P., and
to failure by fracture even when leakage size crack is present. Karandikar; G.V., Development of 3-D Beam Model for Seismic
Analysis of 500 MWe Reactor Building, BARC/1996/I/004, 1996.
5. The R&D program has explored effects of cyclic loading
and presence of connected piping on fracture behavior of 13. Reddy, G.R., Vaze, K.K., Kushwaha, H.S., Tandale, J.V.,
piping. Subramanian, K.V., and Kelkar, S.P., Procedure of Applying
6. A new B2 index is proposed which eliminates undesirable Decoupling Criteria for a Complex Primary and Secondary System,
conservatism in the present ASME B2 index equation and it Proceedings of ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference, Vol.
272, No.1, pp.129–139, 1994.
can be used for elbows of any bend radius.
7. In-service program follows a combined philosophy of 14. Neelwarne, A., Kushwaha, H.S, and Kakodkar, A., Seismic
ASME Code Section XI and the Canadian Code CSA/ Qualification of Nuclear Equipment under Multiple Support
N281.5-05. Excitations, Proceedings of 11th SMiRT, Japan, 1991.
8. Design of concrete containment is based on French Code 15. Reddy, G.R., Kohei, S., Kushwaha, H.S., and Mahajan, S.C.,
RCC-G. Decoupling Criteria for Multi-Connected Equipment, Journal of
9. In order to avoid a mixture of codes, a need has been felt to Pressure Vessel Technology, Vol.120:, pp. 93–98, 1999.
write our own codes and a beginning has been made in this 16. ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Code Case N-411-1,
respect. AERB has published 5 Safety Codes and 45 Safety Alternative Damping Values for Response Spectra Analysis of Class
Guides concerning various aspects of NPPs and 51 other 1, 2 and 3 Piping, Section III, Division 1, American Society of
safety support documents. A few others are in various stages Mechanical Engineers, New York, February 20, 1986.
of preparation.
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654 • Chapter 68

17. AERB Safety Guide AERB/SG/O-2, In-Service Inspection of Nuclear Vernon C. Matzen], Civil Engineering Department, North Carolina
Power Plants. State University, Raleigh, 2001.
18. IAEA Safety Guide 50-SG-02 entitled In-Service Inspection for 31. Spence, J. and Findley, G.E., Limit Load for Pipe Bends under In-
Nuclear Power Plants. Plane Bending Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on
Pressure Vessel Technology, San Antonio, Texas, pp. 393–399,1976.
19. CAN/CSA N285.4-05, Periodic Inspection of CANDU Nuclear
Power Plant Components, Canadian Standard Association, 2005. 32. Dodge, W.G. and Moore, S.E., Stress Indices and Flexibility Factors
for Moment Loadings on Elbows and Curved Pipes, Welding
20. CAN/CSA N285.8-05, Technical Requirements for In-Service
Research Council Bulletin No. 179, December 1972.
Evaluation of Zirconium Alloy Pressure Tubes in CANDU Reactors,
Canadian Standard Association, 2005. 33. Caladine, C.R., Limit Analysis of Curved Tubes, Journal of
Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 16, pp. 85–87,1974.
21. Report of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Piping
Review Committee, Evaluation of Potential for Pipe Breaks, 34. Touboul, F., Ben Djedidia, M., and Acker, D., Design Criteria for
NUREG/CR-1061, Vol.3, 1984. Piping Component Against Plastic Collapse: Application to Pipe
Bend Experiments, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on
22. International Atomic Energy Agency, Applicability of Leak-Before-
Pressure Vessel Technology, Beijing, China, pp.73–84,1989.
Break Concept, Report of the IAEA Extra Budgetary Programme
on the Safety of WWER-440 Model 230 Nuclear Plants, IAEA 35. Chattopadhyay, J., Tomar, A.K.S., Dutta, B.K., and Kushwaha, H.S.,
TECDOC-710, 1993. Closed Form Collapse Moment Equation of Through Wall
Circumferentially Cracked Elbows Subjected to In-Plane Bending
23. Singh, P.K., Vaze, K.K., Bhasin, V., Kushwaha, H.S., Gandhi, P., and
Moment, ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Vol.126, pp.
Murthy, D.S.R., Crack Initiation and Growth Behaviour of
Circumferentially Cracked Pipes under Cyclic and Monotonic
Loading, International Journal of Pressure Vessel and Piping, Vol. 80, 36. Kim, Y.J. and Chang, S.O., Closed Form Plastic Collapse Loads of
No. 9, pp. 629–640, September 2003. Pipe Bends under Combined Pressure and In-Plane Bending, Journal
of Engineering Fracture Mechanics. Vol. 73, Issue 11, pp. 1437–1454,
24. Gupta, S.K., Bhasin, V., Vaze, K.K., Ghosh, A.K., and Kushwaha,
July 2006.
H.S., Experimental Investigations on Effects of Simulated Seismic
Loading on LBB Assessment of High Energy Piping, ASME- 37. AERB/SS/CSE-3, Design of Nuclear Power Plant Containment
Journal of Pressure Vessel and Technology, Vol.129, February Structures (draft).
38. ASME Code Section III, Division 2.
25. Miura, N., Fujioka, T., Kashima, K., Kanno, S., Hayashi, M.,
39. ACI 349, Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety Related Concrete
Ishiwata, M., and Gotohm, N., Low Cycle Fatigue and Ductile
Fracture for Japanese Carbon Steel under Dynamic Loading, Nuclear
Engineering and Design, Vol.153, pp. 57–69, 1994. 40. CSA-N287.3-1983, Design Requirements for Concrete Containment
Structures for CANDU Nuclear Power Plant, Canadian Standard
26. Gupta, S.K., Bhasin, V., Vaze, K.K., and Kushwaha, H.S., Ductile
Fracture Assessment of Piping Systems Including the Compliance
Effects, Paper # 1427, SMiRT 16, Washington DC, August 2001 41. IS 456-2000, Plain and Reinforced Concrete – Code of Practice.
42. AERB Safety Guide No. AERB/SG/D-23, Seismic Qualification of
27. Khan, I.A., Bhasin, V., Vaze, K.K., Ghosh, and A.K., Kushwaha, H.S., Structures, Systems and Components of Pressurised Heavy Water
Significance of Finite Compliance of a Connected Piping System on Reactors (draft).
Fracture Integrity Assessment, American Society of Engineering
43. American Society of Civil Engineers, Seismic Analysis of Safety-
Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference (ASME-PVP-2005),
Related Nuclear Structures and Commentary, ASCE 4-98, Virginia,
Colorado, USA, July 2005.
USA, 2000.
28. Rastogi, R., Bhasin, V., and Kushwaha H.S., Qualification of PHT
44. IEEE Standard 344-1987, IEEE Recommended Practice for Seismic
Piping of Indian 500MW PHWR for LBB, Using R-6 method, Bhabha
Qualification of Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear Generating
Atomic Research Centre, External Report, BARC/1997/E/026, India,
45. Japan Electric Association, Technical Guidelines for Aseismic Design
29. Gupta, S.K., Bhasin, V.,. Vaze, K.K, Ghosh, A.K., and Kushwaha,
of Nuclear Power Plants, JEAG-4601, 1987.
H.S., General Limit Load and B2 Stress Index Equation for Pipe
Bends under In-Plane Bending, Paper # B04/5, SMiRT-19, Toronto, 46. International Atomic Energy Agency, Seismic Design and Component
Canada, August 12–17, 2007. Qualification for Nuclear Power Plants, IAEA Safety Guide NS-G-1.6,
Vienna, Austria, 2003.
30. Tan, Y., Experimental and Nonlinear FEA Investigation of Elbow
Leading to a new definition of the B2 Stress Index, [PhD Thesis, with
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Jong C. Jo and Howard H. Chung
69.1 INTRODUCTION In the early stage of the introduction of reactors into Korea, as
there was no well-established domestic regulatory framework for
This chapter describes the nuclear regulatory organizations, the safety regulation of operating reactors, the technical safety
aspects of the regulatory authority including licensing, status of requirements and safety standards of the countries from which a
nuclear installations, Korean nuclear reactor regulatory framework reactor was sourced were applied to the reactor concerned, as nec-
and regulations referring to domestic and/or international industri- essary. Since then, the Korean regulatory authority has made an
al codes and standards in the area of pressure vessels and piping, effort to establish its own effective and streamlining regulatory
and status of Korean Electric Power Industry Codes (KEPIC) that framework by making its own rules and regulations applicable to
covers standards for design, manufacturing, operation, mainte- domestic nuclear reactors and by amending them.
nance, and testing and inspection of nuclear and non-nuclear As a result of this effort, Korea has developed and issued, as of
mechanical components, including pressure vessels and piping. A December 2005, the following rules and regulations, the number
comparative assessment of the U.S. and Korean codes is also of articles contained in each of these rules and regulations are
addressed. Besides, a comparison between the KEPIC code and its shown in parenthesis:
reference to codes of other foreign countries is also provided.
The dependency of electricity production on nuclear energy is • Atomic Energy Act (122)
expected to increase continuously worldwide during next few • Enforcement Decree of the Act, Presidential Decree (337)
decades, at least until some available and economically competitive • Enforcement Regulation of the Act (137);
alternative energy sources and/or production technologies are • Enforcement Regulation Concerning the Technical Standards
secured. Also, in the near future, the nuclear energy may take up an of Reactor Facilities (101)
important position as a safe, environment-friendly, economically • Enforcement Regulation Concerning the Technical Standards
affordable, and sustainable energy source owing to various efforts of Radiation Safety Management (122)
to develop new evolutionary reactors that are underway in several • 26 cases of Notices by the Minister for Science and
countries. Since 1970s, Korea has been promoting the nuclear ener- Technology for the reactor regulation
gy industry to produce electricity needed for the rapidly expanding
industry and enhancing quality of human life. As a result of the Some Notices of the Minister of Education, Science and
intensive national program for nuclear energy promotion, at present Technology (MEST) concerning the reactor regulation have been
there are 20 nuclear power reactors in operation, 4 reactors under prepared by adopting or referring to the U.S. NRC’s technical
construction, and another 4 reactors under consideration for con- safety requirements as well as the Nuclear Safety Standards of the
struction in Korea. The reactor types and vendors are diverse and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). As is well known,
especially the first three units, Kori Units 1 and 2 of pressurized the detailed technical requirements of the reactor regulation are
water reactors (PWRs) by Westinghouse Co. and Wolsung Unit 1 referred to or endorsed to some proper industrial codes and stan-
of pressurized heavy water reactor (PHWR) by Atomic Energy of dards such as ASME B&PV codes in the United States, RCC-M
Canada Limited (AECL), were supplied in the form of a turnkey codes in France, JSME B&PV codes in Japan, and others.
system. To cope with this expected regulatory environment, the Korea applied, as needed, the technical safety requirements and
Korean nuclear regulatory authorities have been making effort to safety standards of the countries from which the reactors and/or
improve nuclear safety regulatory framework to establish new regu- technologies-related design, construction, and operation were
latory requirements, as necessary, and to streamline regulations. imported. Since the type and suppliers of these reactors are
ASME_Ch69_p655-678.qxd 6/3/09 2:29 PM Page 656

656 • Chapter 69

diverse and the supplying countries are different, it was hard to The authority and responsibilities of the governmental regula-
consistently apply same detailed regulatory requirements to these tory body MEST are prescribed in the Atomic Energy Act and the
reactors. This caused the designers, builders, and operators of Enforcement Decree of the National Government Organization
nuclear power plants (NPPs) in Korea to be perplexed. To resolve Act as follows:
this issue, a set of KEPIC for the application to the design, con-
struction, and operation of electric power facilities including • To issue, amend, and revoke licenses for the construction and
NPPs, has been developed on the basis of the prevailing U.S. operation of nuclear installations and to take the necessary
codes and standards by Korea Electric Association (KEA). regulatory enforcement actions on the cases where regulatory
The first edition of KEPIC was published in 1995 and the requirements are not met or regulations are violated.
Notice of the Minister of Education, Science and Technology • To conclude agreements with other domestic governmental or
“The Guidelines for the Application of the Korea Electric Power nongovernmental bodies and to delegate tasks to other organi-
Industry Code Issued by the KEA as the Technical Standards zations, where such delegation is directly essential for the per-
Related to the Construction and Operation of Nuclear Power formance of the regulatory body’s responsibilities.
Reactor and Related Facilities,” defined in Articles 12 and 22 of • To obtain documents and opinions from public or private orga-
the Atomic Energy Act, was notified publicly in 1996. KEPIC nizations or persons, which are necessary and appropriate.
was initially started to be applied to the design and construction • To maintain contact with foreign regulatory bodies and rele-
of Ulchin NPP Unit 5 and 6 in 1997 and its application has been vant international organizations.
extended to all NPPs either in operation, or in construction, or in • To access, at any time, premises of any nuclear installations
contemplation of construction in Korea. Accordingly, since the licensed or under review.
execution of the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT)
in 1995, the international trend of industrial codes and standards MEST is responsible for the establishment of the acceptance
has been changing. To line up with the tendency of changing criteria for constructing and operating nuclear installation and
international environment, KEA has been putting a great deal of technical standards for operational safety measures and for the
effort into the project of improving and expanding KEPIC. As a assurance of compliances with regulations at every stage of the
part of this effort, the 2005 Edition of KEPIC has been published selection of sites, design, construction, commissioning, operation,
to be retrofitted according to the ISO/IEC Guide 21 for the adop- and decommissioning of nuclear installations.
tion of international standards as regional or national standards.
69.2.2 Nuclear Safety Commission
69.2 NUCLEAR REGULATORY NSC is established under the jurisdiction of MEST to deliber-
ORGANIZATIONS ate and decide on important matters concerning nuclear safety,
pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act.
Nuclear safety regulatory organizations of Korea are mainly com- NSC is chaired by the Minister of Education, Science and
posed of the MEST with the Nuclear Safety Commission (NSC) as Technology and consists of nine members, including eight mem-
a safety regulatory authority and Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety bers appointed or commissioned by the Minister. NSC organizes
(KINS) as a safety regulatory expert body, as shown in Fig. 69.1. the Special Committee on Nuclear Safety to technically investi-
MEST, the nuclear safety regulatory body, has full independent gate and deliberate issues and concerns under its jurisdiction.
authority and responsibility for the safety regulations, including The Commission deliberates and decides on the following
the issuance of permits and licenses for nuclear installations. The matters:
Minister, as an official member of the Atomic Energy
Commission (AEC), participates in making decisions on major • Consolidation and coordination of matters concerning nuclear
national policies related to the development and utilization of safety control
nuclear energy. • Matters concerning the regulation of nuclear materials and
As shown in Fig. 69.1., NSC, under the jurisdiction of the reactors
Minister of Education, Science and Technology, is responsible for • Matters concerning the protection against hazards due to radi-
deliberating and making decisions on important matters concern- ation exposure
ing nuclear safety. The Vice Minister and the Director General in • Matters concerning the plan for estimation and allocation of
charge of the Atomic Energy Bureau are on a vertical organiza- expenditures for nuclear safety control
tion under the Minister. • Matters concerning the formulation of tests and research for
KINS pursues matters on nuclear safety regulation as entrusted nuclear safety control
by MEST in accordance with “Atomic Energy Act.” KINS also • Matters concerning the fostering and training of researchers
bears responsibility for various activities such as the development and engineers in the area of nuclear safety control
of nuclear safety regulatory technology, technical support to • Matters concerning the safety management of radioactive
MEST for policy development and radiation protection, informa- waste
tion management on safety regulation, and the monitoring and • Matters concerning the measures against radiation accidents
evaluation of environmental radioactivity. • Other matters deemed important by the chairman

69.2.1 Ministry of Education, Science and 69.2.3 Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety
Technology (MEST) KINS was founded in December 1981 and initially operated
The primary mission of MEST is to ensure adequate protection under the name of “Nuclear Safety Center” (NSC), which had
of the public health and the environment against radiation hazards been attached to Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI).
that are associated with the peaceful use of nuclear energy. It started to function as an independent expert organization
ASME_Ch69_p655-678.qxd 6/3/09 2:29 PM Page 657


Ministry of
Nuclear Safety
Education, Science
and Technology



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Applies for inspection

Korea Institute of
Nuclear Industries
Nuclear Safety (KINS)


in February 1990 according to “Korea Institute of Nuclear and radiation protection are prescribed in the Atomic Energy Act
Safety Act.” that was established as the main law concerning safety regulations
The following main technical activities for the MEST’s nuclear of nuclear installations. It also includes provisions of the AEC,
safety regulations have been entrusted to KINS: the NSC, nuclear energy promotion program, Construction Permit
(CP) and an Operating License (OL) of nuclear installations, and
• Safety reviews in relation to the licensing and approval of others. Table 69.1 shows the contents of the Atomic Energy Act
nuclear installations of Korea.
• Regulatory inspections during manufacturing, construction, The Enforcement Decree of Atomic Energy Act (presidential
and operation of nuclear installations decree) provides administrative matters and specific (technical)
• Research and development of the technical standards of safe- requirements necessary to enforce Atomic Energy Act.
ty regulation for nuclear installations The Enforcement Regulation of the Act (the MEST Ordinance
• License examinations for the handling of nuclear materials including Enforcement Regulations Concerning the Technical
and radioisotopes, and the operation of nuclear installations Standards of Reactor Facilities, and the Radiation Safety
• Receive and process notifications relevant to licensing for- Management) provides particulars including the detailed proce-
malities dure, format of documents, and technical standards, as entrusted
• Quality assurance examination and inspection by the Atomic Energy Act and the Enforcement Decree.
The Notice of the Minister of Education, Science and
Technology prescribe the detailed rules and procedural require-
69.3 LEGISLATION SYSTEM ments for regulatory actions, specific regulations, technical codes
and standards, and regulatory guidelines on the implementation of
The main legislation governing the safety of nuclear facilities regulatory requirements, as entrusted by the Atomic Energy Act,
in Korea is shown in Fig. 69.2. The figure shows the associated the Enforcement Decree, and the Enforcement Regulation. Table
statutory provisions of the Atomic Energy Act, the Enforcement 69.2 shows the list of 26 Notices of the Minister of Education,
Decree, the Enforcement Regulations, and the Notice of the Science and Technology applicable for the design, construction,
Minister of Education, Science and Technology. operation, inspection, testing, and so on of reactor facilities. The
The Atomic Energy Act enacted in 1958 (as amended) defines Notices of the Minister of Education, Science and Technology
fundamental issues and the general principles including require- and Regulatory Guidelines may endorse or incorporate the indus-
ments concerning the development, utilization, and safety regula- trial codes and standards developed by professional societies,
tion of nuclear energy. All provisions of nuclear safety regulation such as KEPIC Code, ASME B&PV Code, CSA/CAN3
ASME_Ch69_p655-678.qxd 6/3/09 2:29 PM Page 658

658 • Chapter 69

The Act provides the bases and the

Atomic fundamental matters concerning the
Energy development and utilization of atomic
Act energy and safety regulations

Enforcement The Decree provides the particulars

Decree of the Act entrusted by the Act, which are
(Presidential Decree)
necessary for the enforcement of the

Enforcement Regulation
of the Act

Enforcement Regulation
Concerning the Technical The Regulation provides the technical
Standards of Reactor Facilities, standards and particulars entrusted by the
Act and the Decree such as detailed
Enforcement Regulation procedures and format of documents
Concerning the Technical
Standards of Radiation Safety
Management, etc.

Notice of the Minister

of Education, Science and The Notice provides detailed particulars
for the technical standards and guidelines

Codes and Standards for materials, design,

Industrial Codes and Standards test, and inspection of components and


(Canadian Standards Association/ CANDU3), as detailed techni- licensing process. The SDA system will ensure the validation of
cal requirements for the design, operation, and inspection and approved standard design without imposing additional regulatory
testing of reactor pressure vessels and piping components. requirements for the multiple CP applications of the same design
Finally, the Regulatory Guidelines on safety reviews and regu- of NPP applied within 10 years of the SDA issuance, and the same
latory inspections developed by KINS and then endorsed by portions of NPP design that are approved as standard design will
MEST for their use for regulatory purpose provide advice for the be excluded in the process of safety review for the following CP
preparation of a license application and present acceptable imple- applications.
mentation methods of regulations, regulatory evaluation tech-
niques for specific problems, and data needed by the KINS staff Early Site Approval To obtain an early site approval
in its regulatory safety reviews. (ESA) with which a limited construction work on a proposed site
can be started prior to the issuance of a CP, an application for the
ESA with a site survey report and a radiological environmental
69.4 LICENSING SYSTEM AND SAFETY report shall be filed with the Minister of Education, Science and
ASSESSMENT Technology. Based on the results of the safety review by KINS of
the ESA application, the Minister will give an official approval.
69.4.1 Licensing System The objective of the safety review is to evaluate the adequacy of
The licensing process of nuclear installations consists of two the proposed nuclear site and the radiological impacts on the envi-
steps including issuance of a CP and an OL, which are prescribed ronment surrounding the nuclear installation. The Ministry of
in the Atomic Energy Act; the early site approval system is con- Environment (MOE) is in charge of reviewing nonradiological
sidered as a preparatory step of the CP application, as shown in environmental impacts.
Fig. 69.3. Construction Permit for Nuclear Installation To Standard Design Approval Standard Design obtain a CP for nuclear installation, a CP application with the radi-
Approval (SDA) system can be applied to a standard design of ological environmental report, the preliminary SAR, and the qual-
NPP with an enhanced level of safety to improve the efficiency of ity assurance program for design and construction shall be filed
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Title Major Contents

Chapter 1 General Provisions Purpose of this Act and definitions of the terminology used in this Act
Chapter 2 Atomic Energy Commission and Establishment, functions, and composition of the Atomic Energy Commission
Nuclear Safety Commission and the Nuclear Safety Commission
Chapter 3 Establishment and enforcement Establishment and enforcement of the comprehensive promotion plan for nuclear
of the overall nuclear energy energy, nuclear energy research and development institution, burden of cost for
promotion program, research nuclear energy research and development work
and development, etc., of
nuclear energy
Chapter 3-2 Nuclear energy research and Establishment, management, and operation of the fund
development fund
Chapter 4 Construction and operation of Criteria for permit (license), licensing procedures, license application documents
nuclear power reactors and to be submitted, regulatory inspection, records and keeping, appointment
related facilities (dismissal) and obligation of responsible persons for nuclear reactor operation,
notification of suspension or disuse of operation, transfer and inheritance,
measure for suspension, decommissioning and penalty surcharge
Section 1 Construction of nuclear power Criteria for permit (license), licensing procedures, license application documents
reactors and related facilities to be submitted, regulatory inspection, records and keeping, appointment
(dismissal) and obligation of responsible persons for nuclear reactor operation,
notification of suspension or disuse of operation, transfer and inheritance,
measure for suspension, and decommissioning
Section 2 Operation of nuclear power reac- Criteria for permit (license), licensing procedures, license application documents
tors and related facilities to be submitted, regulatory inspection, records and keeping, appointment
(dismissal) and obligation of responsible persons for nuclear reactor operation,
notification of suspension or disuse of operation, transfer and inheritance,
measure for suspension, and decommissioning
Section 3 Construction and operation of Criteria for permit (license), licensing procedures, license application documents
nuclear research reactors, etc. to be submitted, regulatory inspection, records and keeping, appointment
(dismissal) and obligation of responsible persons for nuclear reactor operation,
notification of suspension or disuse of operation, transfer and inheritance,
measure for suspension, and decommissioning
Chapter 6 Nuclear fuel cycle enterprise and Criteria for permit (license), licensing procedures, license application documents
use, etc., of nuclear materials to be submitted, and regulatory inspection
Section 1 Nuclear fuel cycle enterprise Criteria for permit (license), licensing procedures, license application documents
to be submitted, and regulatory inspection
Section 2 Use of nuclear materials Criteria for permit (license), licensing procedures, license application documents
to be submitted, and regulatory inspection
Chapter 7 Radioisotopes and radiation gen- Criteria for permit (license), licensing procedures, and regulatory inspection
erating devices
Chapter 8 Disposal and transport Permit for construction and operation of disposal facilities, and regulatory
Chapter 9 Personnel dosimetry service Registration of personnel dosimetry service and regulatory inspection
Chapter 10 License and examination License examination and certificate of license
Chapter 11 Regulation and supervision Establishment of exclusion area and preventive measures against radiation hazards
Chapter 12 Supplementary provisions Conditions for permit or designation, approval of report on specific technical
subjects, hearing, protection for the individual in charge of safety manage-
ment, education, and training
Chapter 13 Penal provisions Penal provisions, fine for negligence, and joint penal provisions
Addenda Enforcement date, transitional measures, and relations with other laws

with the Minister of Education, Science and Technology. KINS The KINS review of the CP application is performed to confirm
reviews the CP application with submittals, including Preliminary if the site and the preliminary design of the nuclear installation
Safety Analysis Report. Then the CP is issued by the Minister after comply with the relevant regulatory requirements and technical
NSC deliberation of the KINS review results. guidelines. It addresses the design principle and concept of the
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660 • Chapter 69


Numbers of
Notice no. Title Amendments
00-08 Technical Standards of the Location, Structures and Installation of Reactor Facilities 1
05-08 Regulation on Other Facilities Related to Nuclear Reactor Safety 3
05-04 Guidelines for the Application of the Korea Electric Power Industry Codes to the Technical 2
Standards of Reactor Facilities
05-19 Regulation on Preparation, etc. of Radiation Environmental Report of Nuclear Power Utilization 4
04-17 Regulation on Survey and Evaluation of Environmental Radiation in the Vicinity of Nuclear Power 3
Utilization Facilities
01-38 Technical Standards for Safety Valve and Relief Valve of Reactor Facilities 1
01-39 Standards for Performance of Emergency Core Cooling System of the Pressurized Water Reactor 1
01-40 Pressure Integrity Test Criteria for Major Components of Reactor Facilities 2
04-15 Standards for Leak Rate Test of Reactor Containment 1
01-43 Regulation on Disposition and Management of Inspection Findings from Nuclear Facilities 4
05-07 Regulation on the Reporting and Public Announcement of the Accident and Incident for Nuclear 4
01-46 Standard for Preparation of Operational Technical Specification 2
01-47 Detailed Standards for Quality Assurance of Reactor Facilities 0
05-09 Regulation on Pre-Service Inspection of Reactor Facilities 1
02-05 Regulation on the First Review Schedule for the Periodic Safety Review of Reactor Facilities 0
04-13 Regulation on In-Service Inspection of Reactor Facilities 3
04-14 Regulation on In-Service Testing of Safety-Related Pumps and Valves 0
02-21 Regulation on Safety Classifications and Applicable Codes & Standards for Reactor Facilities 1
05-03 Material Surveillance Criteria for Reactor Pressure Vessel 3
03-11 Technical Standards for Investigation and Evaluation of the Meteorological Conditions of Reactor 0
Facility Sites
03-12 Technical Standards for Investigation and Evaluation of the Hydrological and Oceanographic 0
Conditions of Reactor Facility Sites
05-10 Regulation on Items and Method of Periodic Inspection for Reactor Facilities 0
03-19 Regulation on Establishment and Implementation of Fire Protection Program 0
03-20 Technical Standards for Fire Hazards Analyses 0
06-05 Subjects to be Discussed According to Installation of Industrial Facilities etc. around the Nuclear 0
07-18 Guidelines on the Application of Technical Standards for Evaluating the Continued Operation of 0
Nuclear Facilities

nuclear installation, the implementation of the regulatory criteria, Education, Science and Technology. Based on the KINS review
the evaluation results of the effects of construction on the environ- results of the OL application and preoperational inspections, the
ment, and a proposal for minimizing those effects. Minister issues the OL after deliberation by the NSC.
A radiological environmental report submitted for the CP appli- The safety review of the OL application is conducted to confirm
cation or the ESA application should contain the public opinions if the final design of the nuclear installation complies with the rele-
from residents of the area surrounding the nuclear installation vant regulatory requirements and technical guidelines and if the
through a public hearing, if necessary. nuclear installation can continue to operate throughout its lifetime. Operating License (OL) for Nuclear Installation To Amendment to the OL for Nuclear Installation To
obtain an OL for a nuclear installation, the OL application should make modifications to the specifics for which the OL has been
have the operational technical specifications, the final SAR, the given, such as changes in the operational technical specifications
quality assurance program for operation, and the radiological or in the design that may affect the safety of operating nuclear
emergency plan. The application shall be filed with the Minister of installations, it is necessary to obtain approval from the Minister of
ASME_Ch69_p655-678.qxd 6/3/09 2:29 PM Page 661


Korea Hydro & Nuclear Ministry of Education, Korea Institute of

Power Co. Ltd. Company Science and Technology Nuclear Safety

Apply for early Site Request safety review for

Conduct safety review
approval (ESA) ESA
Construction permit Stage

Submit safety review

Launch foundation work Grant ESA

Apply for construction Request safety review for

Conduct safety review
permit (CP) CP

Commence construction Submit safety review

Issue CP
work report
<Nuclear Safety Commission Review>
Apply for preoperational
Request POIs Conduct POIs
inspections (POIs)
Operating license stage

Apply for operating license Request safety review for

Conduct safety review

Submit safety review

Load fuel Issue OL
Submit POIs report
<Nuclear Safety Commission Review> (construction,
Submit POI report
Start-up test
(Start-up test)

Inform the POI results

Commence commercial
Commercial operation


Reload fuel and apply for

Request PI Conduct PI
periodical inspections (PI)

Power operation Inform PI results Submit PI report


Education, Science and Technology. The procedure for the KINS conducts a safety review for the application of decommis-
approval for an amendment to the OL is the same as the applica- sioning approval. The review includes safety evaluations of the radi-
tion for an OL. A safety evaluation is performed to confirm if the ation protection during decommissioning, the radiological impacts
amendment to the OL affects the operational safety of nuclear on the environment surrounding the nuclear installation after decom-
installation. missioning, and the proposal for minimizing the impacts. Approval for Decommissioning of Nuclear 69.4.2 Regulatory Inspections

Installation In case where the operator (licensee) of a nuclear Regulatory inspections for a nuclear installation include the pre-
installation intends to decommission it, to obtain an approval of operational inspection for nuclear installations under construction,
the Minister of Education, Science and Technology, a decommis- the periodic inspection for operating nuclear installations, the qual-
sioning plan shall be submitted. ity assurance audit, the daily inspection by resident inspectors, and
ASME_Ch69_p655-678.qxd 6/3/09 2:29 PM Page 662

662 • Chapter 69

Korea Hydro & Nuclear Korea Institute of Ministry of Education,

Power Co. Ltd. Company Nuclear Safety Science and Technology

Submitting application Receiving Application

document for inspections document and reviewing

Reviewing and adjusting

Preparing inspection plan
inspection plan

Receiving inspection plan

Informing inspection plan
and preparing inspections

Holding Premeeting Resident Inspector

Attending premeeting (inspection items and attending premeeting to
method) comment

Conducting inspections

Reporting findings of Receiving and reviewing

inspections Findings of inspections

Corrective actions and Requesting corrective

reporting actions

Reviewing corrective Requesting review of

actions results corrective action results

Informing whether results

If unsatisfactory, re-action
are satisfactory

Preparing and submitting Receiving and reviewing

review report review report

Planning corrective actions Formally informing results

including any corrective
and reporting results actions

Closing after confirmation


the special inspection pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act. The conducted for the construction quality and the operational
general inspection procedure is given in Fig. 69.4. performance of the facilities by means of a document review and
a field inspection. Preoperational Inspection for the Nuclear
Installations under Construction The preoperational inspec- Periodic Inspection for Operating Nuclear
tion for the set up of nuclear installations is conducted to verify Installations The periodic inspection for a nuclear installation
if the nuclear installation is properly constructed in conformity in operation is conducted to confirm if the nuclear installation
with the conditions of the CP and if the constructed nuclear has been properly operating in conformity with the OL condi-
installation can be operated safely throughout its lifetime. It is tions, if it can be maintained to be continuously competent for
ASME_Ch69_p655-678.qxd 6/3/09 2:29 PM Page 663


the high pressure and radiation conditions or other operating It is prescribed in the Atomic Energy Act that any violation of
environments, and if the performance of the installation main- the relevant provisions specified in the Act shall cause a penalty
tains license-based conditions. To do this, a document review and/or a fine according to its seriousness of violation.
and a field inspection are performed for a PWR plant during the
refueling outage period and for a PHWR plant during the peri-
odic maintenance. 69.5 LOCATIONS OF THE NUCLEAR
POWER PLANTS IN KOREA Quality Assurance Audit The quality assurance audit
is performed to verify if all activities affecting the quality at every The status of the nuclear installations in Korea is shown in Fig.
stage of the design, construction, and operation of a nuclear instal- 69.5. As of January 2008, there are 20 units of NPPs in operation,
lation are being performed in conformity with the quality assur- which produce about 40% of the total electricity generation, 4
ance program approved by the regulatory body. It is performed units under construction, and another 4 units under consideration
periodically for nuclear installations in operation. for construction.
The 20 operating units consist of 16 PWR-type units and 4 Daily Inspection by Resident Inspectors The main PHWR-type units, while all 8 units under construction or under
purpose of the daily inspection is to daily check the nuclear instal- consideration for construction are of PWR type. Kori Unit 1, the
lations either under construction or in operation. It consists of a first NPP in Korea, started its commercial operation in April
field inspection on the surveillance tests, an investigation on the 1978. The reactor types, total installed capacity, and reactor sup-
measures taken when the reactor comes to reach an abnormal state, pliers of operating NPPs in Korea are shown in Table 69.3.
and a verification of the adequacy of the operator’s activity regard-
ing the radiation control.
69.6 INTRODUCTION TO THE NOTICES Special Inspection When a serious or potentially seri- OF THE MINISTER OF THE
ous safety issue is identified or encountered, the special inspection EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND
consisting of an examination of the issue and an in-depth field TECHNOLOGY RELATED TO
investigation is performed to obtain a resolution for preventing any NUCLEAR POWER REACTOR BOILER
potential accidents or recurrence of the occurred accidents. AND PRESSURE VESSELS IN KOREA
69.4.3 Enforcement Among the 26 Notices of the Minister of Education, Science
If the safety review results confirm that the CP application and Technology applicable for the design, construction, operation,
complies with the relevant requirements, the Minister of inspection, testing, and so on of reactor facilities, the following 5
Education, Science and Technology will issue a CP. The Minister Notices are related to the reactor boiler and pressure vessels,
may impose additional conditions on the issuance of CP to the including piping, pumps, valves, and heat exchangers. These
minimum, if judged necessary to secure safety. If any violation is endorse or refer to publicly authorized industrial codes and stan-
identified in the process of the regulatory inspection, the Minister dards such as detailed technical requirements or standards.
may order the license holder to take appropriate corrective mea-
sures in accordance with the Atomic Energy Act. • Notice No. 02-21, “Regulation on Safety Classifications
The Minister of Education, Science and Technology is autho- and Applicable Codes & Standards for Reactor Facilities”
rized to order the operators (licensees) to submit the needed docu- (issued in 1994 and amended in 2002) applied the ASME
ments concerning their business and supplemental materials, if B&PV Section III for the PWR plants and the CAN3/CSA-
considered necessary for the enforcement of the regulations. The N285.0 and N285.1 for the PHWR plants in prescribing the
Minister may also conduct a regulatory inspection to verify if the safety classification for the structures, systems, and compo-
documents comply with the field conditions and order the opera- nents important to safety and the applicable codes and stan-
tor to take appropriate corrective measures, if any, on the basis of dards in accordance with Article 12(1) of the Regulations on
the inspection results. Technical Standards for Nuclear Reactor Facilities, etc.
The Minister of Education, Science and Technology may order • Notice No. 00-08, “Technical Standards of the Location,
the revocation of the permit (or license) or the suspension of busi- Structures and Installation of Reactor Facilities” (issued in
ness during a period of not exceeding one year, if one or more of 1983 and amended in 2000) applied the ASME B&PV Code,
the following cases are applicable: Section III, Subsections NCA, NB, NC, and ND as the stan-
dards for safety valves and relief valves installed at the nuclear
• The case where the installer or operator has modified any mat- facilities, which was later replaced with the Notice No. 01-38,
ters concerning the permit (or license) without approval. “Technical Standards for Safety Valve and Relief Valve of
• The case where the installer or operator has failed to meet the Reactor Facilities” (issued in 2000 and amended in 2001).
criteria for permit (or license). • Notice No. 05-03, “Material Surveillance Criteria for
• The case where the installer or operator has violated an order Reactor Pressure Vessel” (issued in 1992 and amended in
of the Minister of Education, Science and Technology issued 2000, 2003, and 2005) referred to the term “reference nil-duc-
to take corrective measures on the basis of the results of reg- tility transition temperature (RTNDT)” defined in the ASME
ulatory inspection for the construction or operation of a B&PV Code, Section III, NB-2330.
nuclear installation. • Notice No. 04-13, “Regulation on In-Service Inspection of
• The case where the installer or operator has violated any of Reactor Facilities” (issued in 1995 and amended in 1998,
the permit (or license) conditions or regulations on safety 2002, and 2004) applied the inspection standards provided in
measures during the operation of a nuclear installation. the ASME B&PV Code, Section XI, Division 1, “Rules for
ASME_Ch69_p655-678.qxd 6/5/09 3:07 PM Page 664

664 • Chapter 69


: in operation
: under construction
: under consideration of


East Sea

Yellow Sea Ulchin 1,2,3,4,5,6
Shin-Ulchin 1,2


Wolsong 1,2,3,4
Daegu Shin-Wolsong 1,2
Yonggwang 1,2,3,4,5,6 Gwangju Kori 1,2,3,4
Shin-Kori 1,2,3,4

Jeju Island


In-Service Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components for Education, Science and Technology, which endorsed or referred
the PWR Plants” and the CAN/CSA-N285.4, “Periodic to the ASME B&PV and/or the CAN/CSA Codes as discussed
Inspection of CANDU Nuclear Power Plant Components” and above, are being amended to incorporate the KEPIC instead of the
CAN/CSA-N285.5, “Periodic Inspection of CANDU Nuclear corresponding ASME B&PV Codes or alternatively to apply the
Power Plant Containment Components” for the PHWR plants. ASME B&PV and/or the CAN/CSA Codes.
• Notice No. 04-14, “Regulation on In-Service Testing of
Safety-Related Pumps and Valves” (issued in 1995 and
amended in 1998, 2002, and 2004) applied the testing standards 69.7 GUIDELINES FOR THE APPLICATION
provided in the ASME B&PV Code, Section XI, Subsections OF THE KOREA ELECTRIC POWER
IWP (for pumps) and IWV (for valves) or ASME Operation and INDUSTRY CODES TO THE
Maintenance Code, ISTB (for pumps) and ISTC (for valves). TECHNICAL STANDARDS OF
Prior to the issue of each of the above five Notices, the regula-
tions and safety standards of the countries from which a reactor
was supplied were applied to the subject reactor, as necessary. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
The Notices endorsed or incorporated the ASME B&PV Code for NO. 05-04)
the PWR plants and the CAN/CSA and ASME B&PV Codes for The full text of the Notice No. 05-04 “Guidelines for the
the PHWR plants until the Notice of the Minister of Education, Application of the Korea Electric Power Industry Codes to the
Science and Technology No. 05-04 “Guidelines for the Technical Standards of Reactor Facilities” amended in 2005 is
Application of the Korea Electric Power Industry Codes to the discussed below:
Technical Standards of Reactor Facilities” became effective.
Since the Notice No. 05-04 of the Minister of Education, Notice of the Minister of Education, Science and Technology
Science and Technology was issued in 1996 for the first time and No. 2005-04 (MEST Reactor 021) The Guidelines for the
amended in 2000 and 2005, the Notices of the Minister of Application of the Korea Electric Power Industry Code issued by
ASME_Ch69_p655-678.qxd 6/3/09 2:29 PM Page 665



Issuance of
Reactor Capacity Operator NSSS Construction Initial First Commercial
Station name Type (MWe) (Owner) Supplier Permit Criticality Power Operation Status
Kori-1 PWR 573 KHNP WH 1972-05-31 1977-06-19 1977-06-26 1978-04-29 in operation
Kori-2 PWR 637 WH 1978-11-18 1983-04-09 1983-04-22 1983-07-25
Kori-3 PWR 963 WH 1979-12-24 1985-01-01 1985-01-22 1985-09-30
Kori-4 PWR 967 WH 1979-12-24 1985-10-26 1985-11-15 1986-04-29
ShinKori-1 PWR 960 DOOSAN 2005-07-01 - 2010-08-01 2010-12-31 under
ShinKori-2 PWR 960 DOOSAN 2005-07-01 - 2011-08-01 2011-12-31
ShinKori-3 APR 1400 DOOSAN - - - - construction
ShinKori-4 APR 1400 DOOSAN - - - -
Ulchin-1 PWR 939 FRAM 1983-01-25 1988-02-25 1988-04-07 1988-09-10 in operation
Ulchin-2 PWR 937 FRAM 1983-01-25 1989-02-25 1989-04-14 1989-09-30
Ulchin-3 PWR 994 KHI/KAERI/CE 1993-07-16 1997-12-21 1998-01-06 1998-08-11
Ulchin-4 PWR 993 KHI/KAERI/CE 1993-07-16 1998-12-14 1998-12-28 1999-12-31
Ulchin-5 PWR 994 DOOSAN 1999-05-17 2003-11-28 2003-12-18 2004-07-29
Ulchin-6 PWR 991 DOOSAN 1999-05-17 2004-12-16 2005-01-07 2005-06-01
Wolsong-1 PHWR 578 AECL 1978-02-15 1982-11-21 1982-12-31 1983-04-22
Wolsong-2 PHWR 684 AECL/KHI 1992-08-28 1997-01-29 1997-04-01 1997-07-01
Wolsong-3 PHWR 682 AECL/KHI 1994-02-26 1998-02-19 1998-03-25 1998-07-01
Wolsong-4 PHWR 685 AECL/KHI 1994-02-26 1999-04-10 1999-05-21 1999-10-01
ShinWolsong-1 PWR 1000 DOOSAN 2007-06-04 - - - under
ShinWolsong-2 PWR 1000 DOOSAN 2007-06-04 - - -
Yonggwang-1 PWR 945 WH 1981-12-17 1986-01-31 1986-03-05 1986-08-25 in operation
Yonggwang-2 PWR 939 WH 1981-12-17 1986-10-15 1986-11-11 1987-06-10
Yonggwang-3 PWR 985 KHI/KAERI/CE 1989-12-21 1994-10-13 1994-10-30 1995-03-31
Yonggwang-4 PWR 988 KHI/KARI/CE 1989-12-21 1995-07-07 1995-07-18 1996-01-01
Yonggwang-5 PWR 987 DOOSAN 1997-06-14 2001-11-24 2001-12-19 2002-05-21
Yonggwang-6 PWR 993 DOOSAN 1997-06-14 2002-09-01 2002-09-16 2002-12-24
AECL, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; CE, Asea Brown Boveri-Combustion Engineering; DOOSAN, Doosan Heavy Industries Co.; FRAM, Framatom;
KAERI, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute; KHI, Korea Heavy Industries Co.; KHNP, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co.; WH, Westinghouse
Electric Co.

the Korea Electric Association as the technical standards related to Code as the technical standard for the nuclear power reactor and its
the construction and operation of nuclear power reactor and related related facilities (hereinafter referred to as “nuclear reactor facili-
facilities, defined in Articles 12 and 22 of the Atomic Energy Act, ties”) defined in Articles 12 and 22 of the Atomic Energy Act.
are hereby notified publicly as follows:
Article 2 (Definitions of Terms) Definitions of the terms used in
March 22, 2005 this notice shall be as follows:
Minister of Education, Science and Technology
1. The term “technical standards for nuclear reactor facilities”
Guidelines for the Application of Korea Electric Power means the technical standards used to confirm safety of
Industry Code (KEPIC) as Technical Standards of Nuclear nuclear reactor facilities by the Minister of Education,
Reactor Facilities (Table 69.4) Article 1 (Purpose) The purpose Science and Technology, which are based on the standards of
of this notice is to prescribe the necessary requirements related to construction permit and operating license provided in Articles
scope, method, etc., in applying Korea Electric Power Industry 12 and 22 of the Atomic Energy Act and the technical
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666 • Chapter 69


Area Category Title Reference Standards Remarks

QAP Nuclear Quality Assurance ASME NQA-1

(‘1994 Edition 1995 Addenda)
QA QAI Authorized Inspection ASME QAI-1 KEPIC shall be prior
(Quality assurance) (1995 Edition 1996 Addenda)
QAR Certificate of Registered ASME Appendix XXIII KEPIC shall be prior
Professional Engineer (1996 Addenda)
MNA General Requirements ASME III NCA
(1995 Edition 2000 Addenda)
MNB Class 1 Components ASME III Div. 1 NB
(1995 Edition 2000 Addenda)
MNC Class 2 Components ASME III Div. 1 NC
(1995 Edition 2000 Addenda)
MND Class 3 Components ASME III Div. 1 ND KEPIC shall be prior for
(1995 Edition 2000 Addenda)
(Nuclear mechanical
components) MNE Class MC Components ASME III Div. 1 NE
(1995 Edition 2000 Addenda)
Table 2 shall be applied
MNF Component Supports ASME III Div. 1 NF
(1995 Edition 2000 Addenda)
MNG Core Support Structures ASME III Div. 1 NG
(1995 Edition 2000 Addenda)
MNZ Appendices ASME III Div. 1 NZ
(1995 Edition 2000 Addenda)
MI MIA General Requirements ASME XI Div. 1 IWA Table 2 shall be applied
(In-service inspection (1995 Edition 2000 Addenda)
of nuclear power MIB Class 1 Components ASME XI Div. 1 IWB
plant components) (1995 Edition 2000 Addenda)
MIC Class 2 Components ASME XI Div. 1 IWC
(1995 Edition 2000 Addenda)
MID Class 3 Components ASME XI Div. 1 IWD
(1995 Edition 2000 Addenda)
MIE Class MC and CC ASME XI Div. 1 IWE
Components (1995 Edition 2000 Addenda)
MIF Class 1, 2, 3, and MC ASME XI Div. 1 IWF
Component Supports (1995 Edition 2000 Addenda)
MIL Requirements for Class CC ASME XI Div. 1 IWL
Concrete Components (1995 Edition 2000 Addenda)
MIZ Appendices ASME XI Div. 1 Appendix
(1995 Edition 2000 Addenda)
MO MOA General Requirements ASME OM-ISTA Table 2 shall be applied
(In-service testing of (1995 Edition 1999 Addenda)
nuclear power plant MOB In-Service Testing of ASME OM-ISTB
components) Pumps (1995 Edition 2000 Addenda)
MOC In-Service Testing of Valves ASME OM-ISTC
(1995 Edition 2000 Addenda)
MOD In-Service Testing of ASME OM-Appendix I
Pressure Relief Devices (1995 Edition 2000 Addenda)
MOE In-Service Testing of ASME OM-lSTD
Snubbers (1995 Edition 2000 Addenda)
MOF Performance Testing of ASME OM-Part 2
Closed Cooling Water (1994 Edition 1999 Addenda)

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TABLE 69.4 Continued

Area Category Title Reference Standards Remarks

MOG Vibration Testing of Piping ASME OM-Part 3

Systems (1994 Edition 2000 Addenda)
MOH Performance Testing and ASME OM-Part 13
Monitoring of Power-Operated (1994 Edition 2000 Addenda)
Relief Valve (PORV)
MOI In-Service Testing and ASME OM-Part 16
Maintenance of Diesel (1994 Edition 1999 Addenda)
MON Code Cases ASME OMN Code Case
(1998 Edition 2000 Addenda)
MFA General Requirements ASME QME-1 Section QR
MF (1997 Edition 1998 Addenda)
(Functional MFB Functional Qualification of ASME QME-1 Section QP
qualification of mechan- Active Pump Assemblies (1997 Edition)
ical equipment used in MFC Functional Qualification of ASME QME-1 Section QV
nuclear power plants) Active Valve Assemblies (1997 Edition 2000 Addenda)
EN ENA General Requirements ANSI/ANS 51.1-1983
(Nuclear electrical (R1988)
components) ENB Design IEEE 279 (1971, R78), 308 (1991),
352 (1987, R93), 379 (1994, 2000),
384 (1992, R97), 420 (1982), 494
(1974, R9), 497 (1981), 577 (1976,
R92), 603 (1998), 7-4.3.2 (1993),
1023 (1988, R95), ANSI/ISA
S67.04 (1994, 2000)
END Qualification IEEE 323 (1983, R96), 344 (1987),
420 (1982), 627 (1980, R96)
ENF Periodic Surveillance Testing IEEE 338 (1987, R93)
SNA General Requirements ASME III, NCA KEPIC shall be prior
(1995 Edition 2000 Addenda)
SN SNB Concrete Containment ASME III, Div.2 CC (1995 Edition
(Nuclear structures) 2000 Addenda)
SNC Concrete Structures ACI 349 (1997)
SND Steel Structures AISC N690 (1994)
STA Design Loads ASCE 7 (1998)
Load criteria and interpretation
for architecture issued by the Table 2 shall be applied
ST Architectural Society of Korea
(Structure general) (2000)
STB Seismic Analysis ASCE 4 (1986), IEEE 344 (1987),
ASME QME-1 (1997), KEPIC shall be prior
ANSI/ANS-2.2 (1988)

standards provided in Articles 3 through 85 of the 3. The term “reference standards” means the technical stan-
Regulations on Technical Standards for Nuclear Reactor dards used as technical basis in developing KEPIC as defined
Facilities, etc; in the column of “reference standards” of Table 1.
2. The term “Korea Electric Power Industry Code” (KEPIC)
means the industrial technical standards developed and main- Article 3 (Scope of Application)
tained by the Korea Electric Association for applying to the 1. This notice may be applied to the safety-related facilities
electrical industry; and classified in accordance with “Regulation on Safety
ASME_Ch69_p655-678.qxd 6/5/09 3:04 PM Page 668

668 • Chapter 69

Classification and Applicable Codes and Standards for of the nuclear reactor facilities when the Minister of
Nuclear Reactor Facilities.” Education, Science and Technology deems it necessary for
2. The whole or partial portion of the KEPIC defined in this the safety of nuclear reactor facilities.
notice may be applied optionally to the specific nuclear reac-
tor facilities. In this case, the details such as applicable date, Article 7 (Application of Technical Contents Unverified)
scope of application, etc. of the KEPIC shall follow the licens- 1. The contents of KEPIC which have not been used in domestic
ing conditions or the related regulations for the facilities. or foreign nuclear reactor facilities, nor verified as suitable to
3. KEPIC applied as the technical standards of nuclear reactor assure the safety may be applied only in case the Ministry of
facilities in accordance with this notice shall be limited to Education, Science and Technology approves its suitability.
those corresponding standards in KEPIC 2000 Edition, 2001 2. The limitations defined in Table 2 shall be followed for the
Addenda, 2002 Addenda and 2003 Addenda to the reference application of KEPIC (Table 69.5).
standards of Table 1. However, Paragraph 2 may apply to the
Article 8 (Report)
technical standards, which are not included in Table 1.
1. The Korea Electric Association shall report the status of
development and maintenance of KEPIC, operation status
Article 4 (Application Method) Method of application of the
of certification system, etc. semi-annually to the Minister of
KEPIC to the technical standards for nuclear reactor facilities shall
Education, Science and Technology. The Minister may
follow Articles 5 through 8.
request the corrective action for the reported contents.
2. The Korea Electric Association shall take a corrective action for
Article 5 (Interpretation of Standard) If there is an argument
the request of Paragraph 1 unless there is any special reason.
among the related parties on the interpretation of KEPIC as tech-
nical standard for nuclear reactor facilities, the interpretation of the
Addenda Article 1 (Enforcement Date) This notice shall be
Minister of Education, Science and Technology shall prevail.
effective on the date of its promulgation.
Article 2 (Relationship with Other Existing Notices)
Article 6 (Application of Technical Contents Verified) The
Relationship between this notice and the other existing notices
KEPIC contents, which have been verified as suitable to assure the
shall be as follows, in spite of the enforcement of this notice.
safety of domestic or foreign nuclear reactor facilities shall be
applied as the technical standards of nuclear reactor facilities as
1. The KEPIC issued before this notice may be applied only if
such KEPIC meets requirements of this notice.
2. The detailed requirements for “Safety Classification and
1. The reference standards shall be applied in case there are any
Applicable Codes and Standards,” “In-Service Inspection,”
differences in technical contents between KEPIC and refer-
and “In-Service Test” shall be defined independent of this
ence standards. Provided, that KEPIC shall be applied when
the priority of KEPIC is stipulated in Remarks of Table 1 or
when the Minister of Education, Science and Technology Article 3 (Repeal of Notice) Notice of the MEST No.2000-17
deems KEPIC as applicable; and “Guidelines for the Application of KEPIC as the Technical
2. The technical contents of reference standards which are not Standards of Nuclear Reactor Facilities” is repealed at the time
included in KEPIC may be applied as the technical standards this notice becomes effective.


Area Limitations

Common (1) The requirements of KEPIC, which are not consistent with the quality assurance requirements of the
Atomic Energy Law and its subordinate law, shall not be applied.
(1) Weld leg dimensions
Licensees shall not apply Paragraph MNB-3683.4(3)(A), the equation of footnote (7) in
Figure MNC-3673.2-1 and Figure MND-3673.2-1.
MN (2) Seismic design
(Nuclear mechanical Licensees shall use Articles MNB-3200, MNB-3600, MNC-3600, and MND-3600 up to and
components) including the 1995 Edition. Licensees shall not use these Articles in the 1996 Edition through
the latest edition and its addenda.
(3) Independence of inspection
Licensees shall not apply MNA 4200.10(1).
(1) Licensees shall not apply the reference standards in MIA-1600-1.
(2) Licensees shall apply re-certification period of 3 years only for levels I and, II instead of 5 years
for levels I, II, and III defined in MIA 2314.
(3) The authorized inspector in MIA 4410, which allows the other procedure of welding material
control in case of acceptance by the authorized inspector, shall be changed to “regulatory agency.”
(4) The sentence of exemption of the periodic system pressure test for the penetrating piping
of containment vessel defined in MIA 5110(3) shall be deleted.
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TABLE 69.5 Continued

Area Limitations

(5) The in-service inspection program for steam generator tubing is governed by the relevant
requirements in the technical specifications for operation, etc.
MI (6) Examination of concrete containment structure.
(In-service inspection For the applications of MIL of KEPIC 2001/2002/2003 Addenda, the licensee shall apply the
of nuclear power following additionally.
plant components) (A) For Class CC applications, the licensee shall evaluate the acceptability of inaccessible areas
when conditions exist in accessible areas that could indicate the presence of or result in
degradation to such inaccessible areas. For each inaccessible area identified, the licensee
shall provide the following in the ISI Summary Report required by MIA-6000
(1) A description of the type and estimated extent of degradation, and the conditions that
led to the degradation.
(2) An evaluation of each area and the result of the evaluation.
(3) A description of necessary corrective actions.
(B) Personnel who examine containment concrete surfaces and tendon hardware, wires,
or strands shall meet the qualification provisions in MIA 2300. The “owner-defined”
personnel qualification provisions in MIL 2310(4) are not approved for use.
(7) Examination of metal containments and the liners of concrete containment licensees applying
Subsection IWE, KEPIC 2001/2002/2003 Addenda, shall satisfy the followings additionally.
(A) For Class MC applications, the licensee shall evaluate the acceptability of inaccessible areas
when conditions exist in accessible areas that could indicate the presence of or result in
degradation to such inaccessible areas. For each inaccessible area identified, the licensee
shall provide the following in the ISI Summary Report as required by MIA-6000:
(1) A description of the type and estimated extent of degradation, and the conditions
that led to the degradation.
(2) An evaluation of each area, and the result of the evaluation.
(3) A description of necessary corrective actions.
(B) The following requirements may be used as an alternative to the requirements of IWE-2430:
MI If the examinations reveal flaws or areas of degradation exceeding the acceptance standards
(In-service inspection of Table MIE-3410-1, an evaluation must be performed to determine whether additional
of nuclear power plant component examinations are required. For each flaw or area of degradation identified, which
components) exceeds acceptance standards, the licensee shall provide the following in the ISI Summary
Report required by MIA-6000:
(1) A description of each flaw or area, including the extent of degradation, and the
conditions that led to the degradation.
(2) The acceptability of each flaw or area, and the need for additional examinations to
verify that similar degradation does not exist in similar components.
(3) A description of necessary corrective actions.
(4) The type and number of additional examination to verify the similar degradation.
(C) A general visual examination must be performed once each period.
When performing remotely the visual examinations, the maximum direct examination
distance specified in Table MIA- 2210-1 may be extended and the minimum illumination
requirements specified in Table MIA- 2210-1 may be decreased provided that the
conditions or indications for which the visual examination is performed can be detected
at the chosen distance and illumination.
(D) VT-1 and VT-3 examinations must be conducted in accordance with MIA-2200. Personnel
conducting examinations in accordance with the VT-1 or VT-3 examination method shall be
qualified in accordance with MIA-2300. The “owner-defined” personnel qualification
provisions in MIE-2330(1) for personnel who conduct VT-1 and VT-3 examinations are not
approved for use.
(E) The VT-3 examination method shall be used for the examinations in Items E1.12 and E1.30
of Table MIE-2500-1, and the VT-1 examination method shall be used for the examination
in Item E4.11 of Table MIE-2500-1. An examination of the pressure-retaining bolted con-
nections in Item E1.11 of Table MIE-2500-1 shall be conducted once each period using the
VT-3 examination method. The “owner-defined” visual examination provisions in MIE-
2310(1) are not approved for use for VT-1 and VT-3 examinations.
(F) Containment bolted connections that are disassembled during the scheduled examinations in
Item E1.11 of Table MIE-2500-1 shall be examined using the VT-3 examination method.
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670 • Chapter 69

TABLE 69.5 Continued

Area Limitations

Flaws or degradation identified during the VT-3 examination must be examined using the
VT-1 examination method. The criteria in the material specification or MIB-3517.1 shall be
used to evaluate containment bolting flaws or degradation. As an alternative to performing
VT-3 examinations of containment bolted connections that are disassembled during the
scheduled performance of Item E1.11, VT-3 examinations of containment bolted connec-
tions may be conducted whenever containment bolted connections are disassembled for
any reason.
(G) The ultrasonic examination acceptance standard specified in MIE-3511.3 for Class MC
pressure-retaining components shall also be applied to metallic liners of Class CC
pressure-retaining components.
(In-service inspection (H) Following items shall be examined additionally:
of nuclear power plant (1) Circumferential welds of flued head and bellows seal penetration shall be examined in
components) addition to the item E1.10 of Table MIE 2500-1.
(2) Sealants, gaskets, dissimilar metal welds, and bolt connections shall be examined in
accordance with items E5.10, E5.20, E7.10, and E8.20 in Table MIE 2500-1 of KEPIC
2000 Edition, respectively.
(8) Class 1 piping
Licensees may not apply MIB-1220, “Components Exempt from Examination,” of KEPIC and
shall apply IWB-1220, 1989 Edition of ASME Code Section XI.
(9) Underwater Welding
The provisions in MIA-4660 “underwater welding” of KEPIC MI are not approved for use on
irradiated material.
(10) Flaws of Class 3 piping
ASME Code Case N-513 (Rev. 0), “Evaluation Criteria for Temporary Acceptance of Flaws in
Class 3 Piping,” and N-523-1, “Mechanical Clamping Devices for Class 2 and 3 Piping” may be
applied. For the applications of Code Case N-523-1, the licensee shall apply all the requirements
of this Code Case. For the applications of Code Case N-513, the licensee shall apply all the
requirements of this Code Case on the following conditions.
(A) For the applications of Code Case N-513, specific safety factors of Article 4.0 shall be met.
(B) Code Case N-513 may not be applied in the following cases:
MI (1) Components other than pipe and tube, such as pumps, valves, expansion joints, and heat
(In-service inspection exchangers.
of nuclear power plant (2) Leakage through flange gasket
components) (3) Nonstructural seal-welded threaded connections to prevent leakage (integrity of thread
shall be maintained even thought leak path of seal weld is not a structural flaw).
(4) Failed socket weld.
(11) MIZ, Appendix VIII personnel qualification
All personnel qualified for performing ultrasonic examinations in accordance with Appendix
VIII shall receive 8 h of annual hands-on training on specimens that contain cracks. Training
must be completed no earlier than 6 months prior to performing ultrasonic examinations at a
licensee’s facility. Training time requirement may not be applied in case that the personnel con-
tinuously performs ultrasonic examination continually.
(12) MIZ, Appendix VIII specimen set requirements
(A) When applying Supplements 2, 3, and 10 to Appendix VIII, the following
examination coverage criteria requirements must be used.
(1) Piping must be examined in two axial directions, and when examination in the
circumferential direction is required, the circumferential examination must be performed
in two directions, provided access is available. Dissimilar metal welds must be exam-
ined axially and circumferentially.
(2) Where examination from both sides is not possible, full coverage credit may be claimed
from a single side for ferritic welds. Where examination from both sides is not possible
on austenitic welds or dissimilar metal welds, full coverage credit from a single side
may be claimed only after completing a successful single-sided Appendix VIII demon-
stration using flaws on the opposite side of the weld. Dissimilar metal weld qualifica-
tions must be demonstrated from the austenitic side of the weld and may be used to per-
form examinations from either side of the weld.

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TABLE 69.5 Continued

Area Limitations

(B) The following provisions must be used in addition to the requirements of Supplement 4
to Appendix VIII:
(1) Related to Paragraph 3.1 (Detection acceptance criteria) of Supplement 4, personnel are
qualified for detection if the results of the performance demonstration satisfy the
detection requirements of Appendix VIII, Table VIII-S4-1 and no flaw greater than 0.25
in. through wall dimension is missed.
(2) Related to Paragraph 1.1(5) (Detection test matrix) of Supplement 4, flaws smaller than
the 50% of allowable flaw size, as defined in MIB-3500, need not be included as detec-
tion flaws. For procedures applied from the inside surface, use the minimum thickness
specified in the scope of the procedure to calculate a/t. For procedures applied from the
outside surface, the actual thickness of the test specimen is to be used to calculate a/t.
(C) When applying Supplement 4 to Appendix VIII, the following provisions must be used:
(1) A depth sizing requirement of 0.15 in. RMS must be used in lieu of the requirements in
Subparagraphs 3.2(1) of Supplement 4, and a length sizing requirement of 0.75 in. RMS
must be used in lieu of the requirement in Subparagraph 3.2(2).
(2) In lieu of the location acceptance criteria requirements of Subparagraph 2.1(2) of
MI Supplement 4, a flaw will be considered detected when reported within 1.0 in. or 10%
(In-service inspection of the metal path to the flaw, whichever is greater, of its true location in the X and Y
of nuclear power plant directions.
components) (3) In lieu of the flaw-type requirements of Subparagraph 1.1(5)(a) of Supplement 4, a min-
imum of 70% of the flaws in the detection and sizing tests shall be cracks. Notches, if
used, must be limited by the following:
(a) Notches must be limited to the case where examinations are performed from the
clad surface.
(b) Notches must be semielliptical with a tip width of less than or equal to 0.010 in.
(c) Notches must be perpendicular to the surface within ± 2 deg.
(4) In lieu of the detection test matrix requirements in Paragraphs 1.1(5)(b) and 1.1(5)(c) of
Supplement 4, personnel demonstration test sets must contain a representative
distribution of flaw orientations, sizes, and locations.
(D) The following provisions must be used in addition to the requirements of Supplement 6
to Appendix VIII:
(1) With regard to Paragraph 3.1(Detection Acceptance Criteria) of Supplement 6, the
following provisions must be met for the detection qualification of personnel:
(a) No surface-connected flaw greater than 0.25 in. through wall has been missed.
(b) No embedded flaw greater than 0.50 in. through wall has been missed.
(2) With regard to Paragraph 3.1(Detection Acceptance Criteria) of Supplement 6, all flaws
within the scope of the procedure are detected for procedure qualification.
(3) With regard to Paragraph 1.1(2) of Supplement 6, flaws smaller than the 50% of
allowable flaw size, as defined in MIB-3500, need not be included as detection flaws.
Flaws that are less than the allowable flaw size, as defined in MIB-3500, may be used as
detection and sizing flaws.
(4) Notches are not permitted.
(E) When applying Supplement 6 to Appendix VIII, the following provisions must be used:
(1) A depth sizing requirement of 0.25 in. RMS must be used in lieu of the requirements of
Subparagraphs 3.2(1), 3.2(3)(b), and 3.2(3)(c) of Supplement 6.
(2) With regard to the location acceptance criteria requirements in Subparagraph 2.1(2) of
Supplement 6, a flaw will be considered detected when reported within 1.0 in. or 10% of the
metal path to the flaw, whichever is greater, of its true location in the X and Y directions.
MI (3) In lieu of the length sizing criteria requirements of Subparagraph 3.2(2) of Supplement
(In-service inspection 6, a length sizing acceptance criteria of 0.75 in. RMS must be used.
of nuclear power plant (4) In lieu of the detection specimen requirements in Subparagraph 1.1(5)(a) of Supplement
components) 6, a minimum of 55% of the flaws must be cracks. The remaining flaws may be cracks
or fabrication-type flaws, such as slag and lack of fusion. The use of notches is not
(5) With regard to Paragraphs 1.1(5)(b) and 1.1(5)(c) detection test matrix of Supplement 6,
personnel demonstration test sets must contain a representative distribution of flaw ori-
entations, sizes, and locations.
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672 • Chapter 69

TABLE 69.5 Continued

Area Limitations

(F) The following provisions may be used for personnel qualification for combined
Supplements 4 and 6 to Appendix VIII. Licensees choosing to apply this combined
qualification shall apply all of the provisions of Supplements 4 and 6 including the
following provisions:
(1) For detection and sizing, the total number of flaws shall be at least 10. A minimum of 5
flaws shall be those from Supplement 4, and a minimum of 50% of the flaws shall be
those from Supplement 6. At least 50% of the flaws in any sizing must be cracks.
Notches are not acceptable for Supplement 6.
(2) Examination personnel are qualified for detection and length sizing when the results of
any combined performance demonstration satisfy the acceptance criteria of Supplement
4 to Appendix VIII.
(3) For examination of reactor pressure vessel nozzle-to-shell welds conducted from the
outside of the vessel.
(a) The clad to base metal interface and the adjacent metal to a depth of 15% T (thick-
ness measured from the clad to base metal interface) must be examined from one
radial and two opposing circumferential directions using a procedure and personnel
qualified in accordance with Supplement 4 to Appendix VIII, as modified by
(B) and (C) of (12) in this limitations, for examinations performed in the radial
direction, and Supplement 5 to Appendix VIII, as modified by (J) of (12) in this
limitations, for examinations performed in the circumferential direction.
(b) The examination volume not addressed by [(K)(3)(a)] in this paragraph must be
examined in a minimum of one radial direction using a procedure and personnel
qualified for single-sided examination in accordance with Supplement 6 to
Appendix VIII, as modified by (D), (E), (F), and (G) of (12) in this limitations.
(4) Table VIII-S7-1, “Flaw Locations and Orientations,” of Supplement 7 to Appendix VIII,
shall be modified as follows:

Table VIII S7-1 Flaw Locations and Orientation

Group Parallel to weld Perpendicular to weld

Inner 15 percent O O
OD Surface O
Subsurface O

MI (L) As a modification to the requirements of Supplement 8, Subparagraph 1.1(3) to Appendix

(In-service inspection VIII, notches may be located within one diameter of each end of the bolt or stud.
of nuclear power plant (M) When implementing Supplement 12 to Appendix VIII, only the provisions related to the
components) coordinated implementation of Supplement 3 to Supplement 2 performance demonstrations
are to be applied.
(13) MIZ, Appendix VIII single side ferritic vessel and piping and stainless steel piping examination.
(A) Examinations performed from one side of a ferritic vessel weld must be conducted with
equipment, procedures, and personnel who have demonstrated proficiency with single side
examinations. To demonstrate equivalency to two-sided examinations, the demonstration
must be performed to the requirements of Appendix VIII as modified by this paragraph and
(B) through (G) of (12) in this limitations, on specimens containing flaws with nonoptimum
sound energy reflecting characteristics or flaws similar to those in the vessel being exam-
(B) Examinations performed from one side of a ferritic or stainless steel pipe weld must be con-
ducted with equipment, procedures, and personnel that have demonstrated proficiency with
single side examinations. To demonstrate equivalency to two-sided examinations, the
demonstration must be performed to the requirements of Appendix VIII as modified by this
paragraph and (A) of (12) in this limitations.
(14) Certification of NDE personnel
(A) Level I and II nondestructive examination personnel shall be recertified on a 3-year interval
in lieu of the 5-year interval specified in MIA-2314 (1) and (2).

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TABLE 69.5 Continued

Area Limitations

(B) Paragraph MIA-2316 may only be used to qualify personnel that observe for leakage during
system leakage and hydrostatic tests conducted in accordance with MIA-5211(1) and (2).
(C) When qualifying visual examination personnel for VT-3 visual examinations under
Paragraph MIA-2317, the proficiency of the training must be demonstrated by administering
an initial qualification examination and administering subsequent examinations on a 3-year
MI (15) Alternative nondestructive examination methods
(In-service inspection The provisions for the substitution of alternative examination methods, a combination of
of nuclear power plant methods or newly developed techniques defined in MIA-2240 in KEPIC 2000 must be applied.
components) The provisions in MIA-2240 of KEPIC 2001 Addenda (including its later addenda) are not
approved for use. The provisions in MIA-4520(3), allowing the substitution of alternative
examination methods, a combination of methods or newly developed techniques for the
methods specified in the Construction Code are not approved for use.
(16) System leakage tests
When performing system leakage tests in accordance with MIA-5213(1), a 10-min hold time
after attaining test pressure is required for Class 2 and 3 components that are not in use during
normal operating conditions. No hold time is required for the remaining Class 2 and 3 compo-
nents provided that the system has been in operation for at least 4 h for insulated components or
10 min for un-insulated components.
(17) Table MIB-2500-1 examination requirements
(A) The provisions of Table MIB-2500-1, Examination Category B–D, Full Penetration Welded
Nozzles in Vessels, Items B3.120 and B3.140 (examination plan B) in the KEPIC 2000
Edition, must be applied when using the KEPIC 2002 Addenda (including its later edition
and addenda). A visual examination with enhanced magnification that has a resolution sensi-
tivity to detect a 1-mil width wire or crack, utilizing the allowable flaw length criteria in
Table IWB-3512-1, may be performed in lieu of an ultrasonic examination.
(B) The provisions of Table IWB-2500-1, Examination Category B–G-2, Item B7.80 in the
ASME 1995 Edition, are applicable only to reused bolting.
(C) The provisions of Table IWB-2500-1, Examination Category B–K, Item B10.10, in the
ASME 1995 Addenda must be applied.
(1) Motor-operated valve testing shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of in-ser-
vice operating test for category A, B defined in MOC 4200, KEPIC 2000, or the requirements of
valve testing defined in MOC 3500, KEPIC 2001/2002/2003 Addenda. And a program to ensure
that motor-operated valves continue to be capable of performing their design basis safety func-
MI tions shall be established.
(In-service inspection (2) Code Cases except MON-1 “Alternative Requirements for pre-service and in-service testing
of nuclear power plant of motor-operated valve assemblies used in nuclear power plants” may be applied through such
components) procedures as approval of relief request.
(3) When applying Appendix I, “Check Valve Condition Monitoring Program” of the MOC, follow-
ing requirements shall be satisfied.
(A) Valve opening and closing functions must be demonstrated when flow testing or examina-
tion methods (nonintrusive, or disassembly and inspection) are used.
(B) The initial test interval may not exceed two fuel cycles or 3 years, whichever is longer. Any
extension of this interval may not exceed one fuel cycle per extension with the maximum
interval not to exceed 10 years. Trending and evaluation of existing data must be used to
reduce or extend the time interval between tests.
(C) If the condition monitoring program is discontinued, then the test requirements of MOC
4510 through 4540, KEPIC 2000 Edition, or MOC 3510/3520/3540/5221, KEPIC
2001/2002/2003 Addenda must be applied.
(4) MOE “In-service testing for Snubbers” instead of the requirements of Snubbers defined in MIF
5200(1), (2) and MIF 5300(1), (2) may be applied by making appropriate changes to their
technical specifications or licensee-controlled documents.
ST (5) Manual valves shall be tested at 2 year interval instead of 5 year interval defined in MOC 3540,
(Structure general) KEPIC 2002 Addenda.
(1) STA 2000, STA 3270, STA 4000s for design load, which are standards for commercial facil-
ities, are not approved for use in nuclear reactor facilities.
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674 • Chapter 69

69.8 INDUSTRIAL CODE IN KOREA: In accordance with the Notice No. 05-04 of the Minister of
KOREA ELECTRIC POWER Education, Science and Technology, which was issued in 1996,
INDUSTRY CODE (KEPIC) [5, 6] part of KEPIC Code was initially applied for the construction of
Ulchin Nuclear Units 5 and 6 from the year of 1997. The Notice
69.8.1 Background and Status of KEPIC Development was amended in 2000 and 2005 to endorse the application of later
Since 1970s, Korea has been promoting the nuclear energy editions of KEPIC Code to all phases of nuclear power project
industry to secure a stable, economical, and environment-friendly such as the subsequent constructions of NPPs as well as to the
energy needed for the rapidly growing industry for increasing the designs of new reactor systems such as the SMART-P, an integral-
standard of living, which demands a lot of energy. In the early type PWR. KEPIC is also being applied to the design, construc-
stage of 1970s, when Kori Unit 1 and Wolsong Unit 1 were tion, and operation of fossil power plants.
imported and constructed on a turnkey basis, Korea had neither a Pursuant to the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade
matured technology needed for the design, construction, and (TBT) in 1995, the international trend of codes and standards has
operation of electric power plant nor had their own detailed regu- been changing rapidly. To keep abreast of such international envi-
latory technical codes and standards. ronment, the KEA has been trying to amend the KEPIC Code
During 1980s, as an engineering self-reliance program for elec- continuously (Table 69.6).
tric power plant systems and components was established, Korea
firstly accomplished the system standardizations of 500 MWE 69.8.2 Contents of the KEPIC
class for fossil power and 1000 MWE class for nuclear power. In The KEPIC consists of two main areas, technical requirements
the process, some action plans were devised and one of them was and administrative requirements. Technical requirements are
to develop Korean codes and standards with a detailed approach based on the U.S. codes and standards. They are same as the cor-
toward the engineering self-reliance in power plant materials and responding standards except for the use of KEPIC’s own number-
components. ing system. The administrative requirements of each standard
Korea Electric Power Corporation started a feasibility study have been developed by modifying the ASME Section III, NCA
of the program for developing a set of Korean codes and stan- General Requirements to be suitable for the industrial circum-
dards for power plant materials and components in 1987, at the stances and situation of each technical sector in Korea. The ISO
request of the Korean Government. As a result of the feasibili- 9001 quality management system and the authorized inspection
ty study, the title of the Korean codes and standards under con- system are adopted for the non-nuclear safety sector. The contents
sideration for development was proposed as Korea Electric of KEPIC developed so far, with the corresponding reference
Power Industry Code (KEPIC) and the following key princi- codes on which each KEPIC provisions are based, are given in
ples were suggested to be applied as the bases of the code Table 69.4.
development. While the subparts for nuclear structures, systems, and compo-
nents of KEPIC are applicable to all items and activities related to
• The scope of KEPIC should cover the safety and reliability- nuclear safety, those for non-nuclear structures, systems, and
related materials and components. components of KEPIC are applicable to nonsafety items of NPPs
• The part of KEPIC for the safety-related system of nuclear or fossil power plants. Both nuclear- and non-nuclear-related sub-
power unit should be based on those applied for the construc- parts can be identified respectively with the second letter, “N or G
tion of Younggwang nuclear power units 3 and 4. if any,” of two capital-lettered symbols representing the titles of
• The part of KEPIC for the fossil power system should be KEPIC subparts (area). For example, MN denotes the subpart for
based on those applied for the construction of Tae-An fossil nuclear mechanical components, whereas MG denotes the non-
power Units 1 and 2. nuclear mechanical components. Other subparts of the KEPIC
• The part of KEPIC for the nonsafety-related system of nuclear Code, such as MD (materials), ME (nondestructive examination),
unit should be applicable for the fossil power facilities. MQ (welding and brazing qualification), SW (structural welding),
• The technical requirements of KEPIC are basically the same and ST (extra provisions for structure) are applicable to either
as those of the authorized foreign and/or international indus- nuclear or non-nuclear items that are common to N or G. The sub-
trial codes and standards selected as references such as ASME part ET for the transmission, transformation, and distribution
B&PV Code, IEEE Code, and so on. standards are partially applicable to switchyard items at power
• The administrative requirements of KEPIC should be suit- plants.
able for the existing administrative elected systems of
Korea by modifying the authorized foreign and/or interna-
tional industrial codes and standards that are selected as 69.8.3 Development Procedure of the KEPIC
references. The first step of the KEPIC development process is to prepare a
• The structure of KEPIC concerning electricity and power preliminary draft of code, which is conducted by the working
facilities shall match with the existing codes and standards groups comprised of technical experts from the industry pertain-
that had been endorsed or referred in the regulations. ing to corresponding areas. The draft is reviewed by the subcom-
mittees, consisting of experts from the industry, academia,
In 1992, the development of KEPIC was initiated on the basis research sectors, and authorities; opinions and comments on it
of the above key principles. The first edition of KEPIC Codes from the relevant industry are also sought. The corresponding
composed of five parts in 33 volumes was published in 1995 by subcommittee revises the draft by considering or reflecting the
KEA. KEA was founded in 1965 for the purpose of promoting review comments and opinions and refers it to the relevant techni-
and advancing the technologies in the fields of electric power gen- cal committee. The final revised draft becomes effective on
eration, equipment manufacturing and construction, and electrical approval by the technical committee.
safety. Figure 69.6 shows the organization chart of KEPIC committees.
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Area Category Title Reference Standards

QA QAP Nuclear Quality Assurance ASME NQA
(Quality assurance) QAI Authorized Inspection ASME QAI-1
QAR Certificate of Registered Professional Engineer ASME Appendix. XXIII
MNA General Requirements ASME Section .III NCA
MNB Class 1 Components ASME Section III, Div. 1 NB
MN MNC Class 2 Components ASME Section III, Div. 1 NC
(Nuclear mechanical MND Class 3 Components ASME Section III, Div. 1 ND
components) MNE Class MC Components ASME Section III, Div. 1 NE
MNF Component Supports ASME Section III, Div. 1 NF
MNG Core Support Structures ASME Section III, Div. 1 NG
MNZ Appendices ASME Section III, Div. 1 NZ
MGA General Requirements ASME Section III NCA
MG MGB Pressure Vessel ASME Section VIII, Div. 1
(General mechanical MGC Heat Exchanger HEI, TEMA
components) MGD Storage Tank API 650
MGE Piping ASME B 31.1
MGG Valve ASME B 16.34
MGH Condenser HEI
MGI Feed water Heater HEI
MC MCN Crane for Nuclear Power Plants ASME NOG-1
(Crane) MCF Crane for Fossil Power Plants CMAA-70
MHA General Requirements ASME AG-1, Div.I
MH MHB Air Cleaning and Conditioning ASME AG-1, Div.II
(Air cleaner and con- MHD Testing Procedure ASME
ditioner) MDF Ferrous material ASME Section II, Part A
MDN Non ferrous metal ASME Section II, Part B
MD MDW Welding Rods, Electrodes, and Filler Metals ASME Section II, Part C
(Material) MDP Allowable Stress ASME Section II, Part D
MEN Non destructive Examination ASME Section V
ME (NDE) MQW Welding Qualification ASME Section IX, Part QW
MQ MQB Brazing Qualification ASME Section IX, Part QB
(Welding) MIA General Requirements ASME XI, Div. 1 IWA
MIB Class 1 Components ASME XI, Div. 1 IWB
MI MIC Class 2 Components ASME XI, Div. 1 IWC
(In-service inspection MID Class 3 Components ASME XI, Div. 1 IWD
of NPP compo- MIE Metallic Containment & Metallic Liner ASME XI, Div. 1 IWE
nents) MIF Class 1, 2, 3, and MC Component Supports ASME XI, Div. 1 IWF
MIL Class CC Concrete Containment Structure ASME XI, Div. 1 IWL
MIZ Appendices ASME XI, Div. 1 Appendix
MOA General Requirements ASME OM Subsection ISTA
MO MOB Pump ASME OM Subsection ISTB
(In-service testing of MOC Valve ASME OM Subsection ISTC
NPP components) MOD Pressure Relief Device ASME OM Mandatory Appendix 1
MOE Snubber ASME OM Subsection ISTD
MOF Cooling System Performance Test ASME OM S/G Part 2
MF MOG Piping System Vibration Test ASME OM S/G Part 3
(Functional qualifica- MOH Motor-Operated Pressure Relief Valve ASME OM S/G Part 13
tion of nuclear MOI Diesel-Driven Equipment ASME OM S/G Part 16
mechanical compo- MIA General Requirements ASME QME-1 Section QR
nents) MIB Active Pump Assembly ASME QME-1 Section QP
MIC Active Valve Assembly ASME QME-1 Section QV
MB (Boiler) MBB Boiler ASME Section I
MT MTG Turbine/Generator RRC-TA
(Turbine/Generator) SNA General Requirements ASME Section III NCA
SN SNB Containment Structure ASME Section III Div. 2
(NPP Structure) SNC Steel-Concrete Structure ACI 349, ACI 318
SND Steel Structure AISC-N690
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676 • Chapter 69

TABLE 69.6 Continued

Area Category Title Reference Standards

SGA General Requirements ASME Section III NCA

SG SGB Steel-Concrete Structure ACI-318
(Structure general) SGC Steel Structure-Allowable Stress Design Method AISC-ASD
SGD Steel Structure-Load Resistance Coefficient
ST Design Method AISC-LRFD
(General rules of struc- STA Design Loads ASCE 7
ture) STB Seismic Analysis ASCE 4
SW SWS Steel Structure AWS D 1.1
(Structure welding) SWT Thin Steel Plate Structure AWS D 1.3
FP FPC Common Requirements NFPA 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 24
(Fire protection) FPN Fire Protection of Nuclear Power Plants NFPA 20, 803, 804
FPF Fire Protection of Fossil Power Plants NFPA 850
ND (NPP Design) NDA Design of Nuclear Power Plants ANS-51.1
NF (Nuclear fuel) NFA Nuclear Fuel RCC-C
NR (Radiation) Radiation ANS
EN Class 1E Equipment IEEE, ANSI, ISA, etc.
KEPIC-E EM Measuring & Control Equipment IEEE, ISA, IEC, etc.
(Electrical) EE Electric Equipment NEMA, IEC, ANSI, etc.
EC Cables & Raceways ASTM, NEMA, IEEE, etc.
ET Transmission, Transformation, and Distribution IEC, IEEE
RRC-TA, French NPP Code-Turbine & Generator; RCC-C, French NPP Code- Nuclear Fuel.

69.8.4 Conformity Assessment System authorized inspectors /supervisors, registered Professional

It is required in the KEPIC that qualified organizations and Engineers (RPEs), and NDE personnel.
individuals should perform their appropriate functions to achieve The nuclear certification system including the N-type certifi-
the safety and reliability goals of the NPPs. This conformity cate, authorized nuclear inspection and pressure relief testing lab-
assessment system includes accreditation for nuclear safety-relat- oratory, and so on. is also very similar to that of ASME except
ed organizations and the qualification for personnel, such as that KEPIC includes the organizations related to class 1E items

Steering Committee

Quality Assurance Nuclear Mechanical Structural Electrical Fire Protection

Technical Committee Technical Committee Technical Committee Technical Committee Technical Committee Technical Committee

Subcommittee (1) Subcommittee (3) Subcommittee (8) Subcommittee (4) Subcommittee (5)

Quality system NPP design Nuclear mechanical Concrete Nuclear electrical

Nuclear fuel components containment Induced & rotating
Radiation Boiler & pressure Reinforced equipment
vessel concrete structure I&C
Materials Steel structures Breakers & isolators
Welding Seismic design Cables & raceways
Fluid components


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Description ASME Section.III, Div.1 KEPIC - MN

1 1N

Parts &
3 3NP


2 2NC


and seismic category I structures. KEPIC specifies that every for design, manufacturing, operation, maintenance, and testing
organization including the owner, designer, manufacturer, and inspection of nuclear and non-nuclear mechanical compo-
installer, and material organization shall obtain a certificate from nents including pressure vessels and piping.
KEA according to the general requirements of each nuclear stan-
dard. Especially, the nuclear mechanical items need the code data
report and stamping. The code symbol stamps of ASME Section 69.10 REFERENCES
III, Div.1 and KEPIC-MN are shown for comparison in Fig. 69.7.
1. Jo, J. C., Kim, H. J., Oh, K. M., and Cho, D. Y., Current Status of In-
KEPIC-MN (nuclear mechanical) and KEPIC-SNB (concrete
service Testing Program Development and Implementation in Korea.
containment) require that pressure-retaining items shall be The 5th NRC/ASME Symposium on Valve and Pump Testing, 1998,
inspected at both phases of manufacturing and site installation by U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission: NUREG/CP-0152: 3B/25-
authorized nuclear inspectors, who are affiliated with the autho- 3B/37.
rized inspection agency accredited by KEA in accordance with
2. C.W. Cho, Y.S. Kim, S.B. Kim, H.D. Chung (Ministry of Education,
the requirements of KEPIC-QAI (authorized inspection). Both
Science and Technology); Y.S. Eun, Y.W. Park, C.B. Kim, K.S. Choi,
authorized nuclear inspectors and authorized nuclear inspector D.K. Park, H.S. Chang, S.W. Kim, W.S. Kim, S.N. Choi, W.T. Kim,
supervisors shall be qualified by KEA. Pressure relief devices, S.H. Yang, G.T. Kim, C.H. Hyun, J.B. Lee, B.S. Lee, D.I. Kim, S.H.
such as safety valves, relief valves, rupture disks, and so on, shall Lee (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety); Y.S. Park, H.B. Cho, K.N.
comply with the requirements for overpressure protection of Kim and B.R. Park (Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.); K.H.
KEPIC-MN, and shall be tested at the place, wherever testing Chang (Korea Power Engineering Company); S.K. Kim, J.D. Kim
facilities, methods, procedures, and authorized observers are (Doosan Heavy Industry Co., Ltd.); S.C. Chang (Korea Atomic
required to meet the requirements of ASME PTC-25. KEA has Energy Research Institute), The 3rd National Report for the
certified Framatome-ANP in Germany as a KEA’s designee and Convention on Nuclear Safety, The Republic of Korea, 2004.
pressure relief device testing laboratory. The design drawings and 3. The Statute Book including the Atomic Energy Act, Enforcement
all test results of pressure relief devices shall be submitted to Decree of Atomic Energy Act, Enforcement Regulation of the Act,
KEA or any of KEA’s designees for review and acceptance. Enforcement Regulation Concerning the Technical Standards of
Reactor Facilities, and others., and the Enforcement Regulation
Concerning the Technical Standards of Radiation Safety
Management, and so on., Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety, 2006.
69.9 CONCLUSIONS 4. The Collection of Notices of the Minister of Education, Science and
This chapter has covered the Korean nuclear regulatory organi- Technology, Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety, 2005.
zations, aspects of the regulatory authority including licensing, 5. Kim, J. H. and Kim, N. H., Status of Korean Nuclear Codes and
status of nuclear installations, nuclear reactor regulatory frame- Standards, Proceedings of the 18th KAIF/KNS Annual Conference,
work and regulations that pertain to domestic and/or international 2003.
industrial codes and standards in the area of pressure vessels and 6. Park, T. J. and Ahn, Y. T., KEPIC Development Status and
piping. This chapter has also addressed the status of Korean Application of ISO/IEC Guide 21, Proceedings of the KSME Spring
Electric Power Industry Codes (KEPIC), which covers standards Conference, KSME 05S001: 3189-3194, 2005.
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Yi-Bin Chen, Shin Chang, and Ting Chow
70.1 INTRODUCTION shifted to nuclear reactor safety regulation, radiation protection,
RWA, environmental monitoring, and R&D for technology devel-
70.1.1 Historical Background opment and other civilian nuclear applications.
To support peaceful applications of atomic energy and to coor-
dinate international cooperation on nuclear energy, the Atomic 70.1.2 Existing Nuclear Facilities
Energy Council (AEC) in Taiwan was founded in 1955 at the There are four NPPs, each with two reactor units, in Taiwan.
ministerial level under the highest national administrative authori- These include six power units in operation and another two units
ty, Executive Yuan[1]. In 1961, an open-pool research reactor under construction. Table 70.1 [1] shows the basic design features
built by National Tsing Hua University reached its first criticality. of the aforementioned power plants. Among the three operating
The Atomic Energy Law was then enacted and the Institute of NPPs, Maanshan has two three-loop pressurized water reactors
Nuclear Energy Research (INER) was founded in 1968. (PWRs) with nuclear steam supply systems (NSSS) supplied by
In 1974, the Taiwan Radiation Monitoring Station (TRMS) was Westinghouse, whereas the other two plants, Chinshan and
established under AEC. Four years later, the state-owned power Kuosheng, each has two boiling water reactors (BWRs) with
utility Taiwan Power Company (TPC) connected its first nuclear NSSS supplied by General Electric (GE). Among these four
power plant (NPP) to the grid and started its commercial opera- BWRs, two Chinshan units are BWR-4 with Mark I contain-
tion. In 1981, Radwaste Administration (RWA) was formed ments, whereas the other two Kuosheng units are BWR-6 with
under AEC with an aim to regulate radioactive waste manage- Mark III containments. The Lungmen power plant is under con-
ment. TRMS and RWA were then renamed as the Radiation struction and will have two advanced BWRs with their NSSS
Monitoring Center (RMC) and the Fuel Cycle and Materials supplied by GE. Since the first nuclear reactor Chinshan Unit 1,
Administration (FCMA), respectively, in 1996. In 1999, AEC which was connected to the grid and started commercial operation
issued a construction permit to TPC for its fourth nuclear power in 1978, all the six reactors in operation have been operated over
(Lungmen) project. 20 years by TPC. Figure 70.1 shows the locations of these exist-
With six nuclear units in operation, two units under construc- ing nuclear installations in Taiwan. The real-time nuclear power
tion, and other peaceful applications of nuclear and radiation operational status can be found on AEC website as shown in
technology expanding at great pace, AEC’s mission has been Fig. 70.2.


Plant Chinshan Kuosheng Maanshan Lungmen

Reactor BWR-4 BWR-6 PWR ABWR
Turbine Westinghouse Westinghouse General Electric Mitsubishi
Large, dry Reinforced concrete
Containment Mark-I Mark-III post-tensioned containment vessel
Thermal 1775 MWt 2894 MWt 2785 MWt 3926 MWt
Electric 636 MWe 985 MWe 951 MWe 1350 MWe
Unit 1 12/6/1978 12/28/1981 7/27/1984 7/15/2009
Unit 2 7/16/1979 3/15/1983 5/18/1985 7/15/2010
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680 • Chapter 70

Kuosheng NPP
Chinshan NPP
Lungmen NPP (under



The five departments and three offices, working directly under

the Council’s administration, include the technical units such as
the Department of Planning, Department of Nuclear Regulation,
Department of Radiation Protection, and Department of Nuclear
Technology and also the administrative units such as the
Department of General Administration, Office of Personnel,
Office of Accounting, and Office of Security. The Office of
Maanshan NPP Congressional Liaison is another mission-oriented unit separated
from these departments.
The three affiliated agencies are the INER, FCMA, and RMC.
The major advisory committees are the Advisory Committee on
70. 2 ROLE OF REGULATORY AUTHORITY Nuclear Facility Safety, the Advisory Committee on Ionizing
Radiation Safety, the Advisory Committee on Radioactive
The AEC consists of more than 10 commissioners, mostly rep- Materials Safety, the Advisory Committee on Nuclear Safety for
resentatives of relevant ministries or agencies within the the Fourth Nuclear Power Station, and the Advisory Committee
Executive Yuan and experts from academia [2]. The Chairman on Nuclear Legislation. The organizational structure is shown in
presides over the Council with the assistance of two Vice Fig. 70.3 [1].
Chairmen and Secretary General to oversee the Council affairs. According to the Administrative Procedural Law, relevant
Directly under their supervision are five departments, three safety rules and regulations have been looked over again.
offices, and three affiliated agencies. The Council also has five Revision and/or development have been done continually since
advisory committees on nuclear policy and safety. 2002.


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Deputy Director

Nuclear Chinshan Kuosheng Maanshan Lungmen Lungmen

Safety Regulatory Regulatory Regulatory Regulatory Commissioning
Supervisory Task Force Task Force Task Force Task Force Test Regulatory
Section Task Force


70.2.1 Responsibility of the Department of Nuclear performance, regulation and inspection of the implementations
Regulation of Nuclear Emergency Response Act, serving as the secretariat of
The Department of Nuclear Regulation is the one responsible the National Nuclear Emergency Management Committee, and
to implement safety regulations for design, construction, and nuclear information management. The major tasks include inves-
operation of nuclear reactors and other nuclear facilities. The tigation and evaluation of abnormal reactor events; analysis and
major tasks include review and inspection of the design, construc- evaluation of nuclear power station operation; development of
tion, transport, operation, maintenance, and dismantling of regulations for nuclear emergency response; planning and evalua-
nuclear reactors; review of safety analysis of reactor design, con- tion of nuclear emergency preparedness and exercises; operation
struction, and operation; issuance of nuclear reactor licenses; and maintenance of National Nuclear Emergency Response
review of reactor system design modifications, equipment Center; coordination and integration of nuclear and radiological
changes, and revision of technical specifications; issuance of emergency; operation and maintenance of Nuclear Safety
licenses to nuclear reactor operators; review of nuclear fuel reload Monitoring Center; management and security of nuclear informa-
safety analysis; review, regulation, and inspection of nuclear reac- tion; and other assigned responsibilities.
tor decommissioning; and other regulatory tasks related to nuclear
energy. The organizational structure of the Department of Nuclear 70.2.4 Responsibility of the FCMA
Regulation is shown in Fig. 70.4. FCMA is responsible for the safety regulation of the treatment,
storage, transport, final disposal of radwastes and the import,
70.2.2 Responsibility of the Department of Radiation export, storage, and transfer of nuclear source materials and
Protection nuclear fuels. Its major tasks include licensing and certification of
The primary responsibility of the Department of Radiation facilities associated with the design, construction, operation, and
Protection is to ensure radiation safety of nuclear facilities, envi- decommissioning/closure of installations for radwaste treatment,
ronment, medical, and nonmedical applications of radioactive storage, and disposal; regulation and inspection of the treatment,
material and equipment capable of producing ionizing radiation. storage, transport, disposal, import, and export of radwaste; regu-
Its major tasks include radiation protection and environmental lation and inspection of the import, export, storage, utilization,
radiation control of nuclear reactors; radiation protection and discard, and transfer of nuclear source materials; regulation and
environmental radiation control of radioactive waste storage and inspection of the import, export, storage, discard, and transfer of
disposal sites; license issuance for radioactive material and equip- nuclear fuels; development of regulations and technical standards
ment capable of producing ionizing radiation and operating per- for the radioactive material; international cooperation with respect
sonnel; regulation of radiation safety for radioactive material and to radioactive material regulation; education and public communi-
equipment capable of producing ionizing radiation; inspection of cation with respect to radioactive material regulation; policy and
ionizing radiation site and its environmental radiation; regulation strategy development for the management of radioactive material;
of the safe transport of radioactive material; development of regu- promotion of the research and development on radwaste manage-
lations for radiation safety; issuance of radiation detection and ment technologies; and other matters related to radioactive mate-
measurement documents; regulation and assessment of nation- rial management.
wide radiation dose and background radiation; review of radiation
safety assessment reports; evaluation of the proficiency in radia-
tion protection of radiation workers, handling, and investigation 70.3 SEISMIC DESIGN
of radiation incidents; and other assigned responsibilities. Taiwan is located at a complex juncture between the Eurasian
plate and Philippine Sea plate [3], where earthquakes occur
70.2.3 Responsibility of the Department of Nuclear frequently. Figure 70.5 shows the tectonic plates around
Technology Taiwan. Due to the process of collision of these two plates, the
The primary responsibilities of the Department of Nuclear eastern part of Taiwan moves toward northwest at a rate of about
Technology are the evaluation and analysis of the nuclear reactor 2.5-8.0 cm/year based on actual GPS measurement starting from
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682 • Chapter 70

seismic design of the plants. Even the Chi-Chi earthquake of

magnitude 7.3, the severest earthquake during the past 100 years,
which occurred on September 21, 1999, had very little impact on
the existing three NPPs because the hypocenter distance (more
than 175 km) was not in proximity, as shown in Fig. 70.6. The
only earthquake that had any significance to the existing NPPs in
Taiwan was the Hengchun earthquake, which occurred on
December 26, 2006 in the southwestern seabed. Figure 70.7
shows the recorded earthquake data in nearby Maanshan NPP
(34 km away from the epicenter). From the response spectrum, it
can be seen that the striking earthquake almost reached the OBE
level in the frequency range of 1–2 Hz.
Distinct from the Japanese Decree that requires all the nuclear
units to install automatic seismic trip system (ASTS), all of the
Taiwan’s NPPs followed the U.S. regulation, which requires
orderly shutdown when the striking earthquake exceeds the
design earthquake OBE. Based upon the U.S. and Japan seismic
shutdown experiences, it took at least 3 months and even longer
for the inspection and review process. To avoid unnecessary plant
shutdown, the parameter called cumulative absolute velocity
(After Angelier 1986) [3]
(CAV) calculated from the earthquake acceleration histogram had
been introduced and adopted as one of the seismic shutdown
criteria [4].
1993. Hence, seismic design/qualification of structures, systems, Since every Japanese NPP unit as well as the two NPPs (Diablo
and components of NPPs in Taiwan is an important issue. The fol- Canyon and San Onofre) in California have installed the ASTS, it
lowing sections focus on some important aspects of seismic con- was the disastrous Chi-Chi earthquake that prompted Taiwan’s
sideration of Taiwan’s NPPs. nuclear authority AEC to request TPC to install the ASTS in all
the six existing nuclear units to further ensure the plant safety
70.3.1 Design Earthquakes following the Japanese practices, and it was the Hengchun earth-
Since all the current eight (6⫹2) nuclear units are of U.S. quake and recently Japan’s Niigataken Chuetsu-oki earthquake
origin, all the regulatory rules and guides used for design and experiences that really hastened the installation of the ASTS.
review are based on the U.S. NRC-related documents. There are There are three subunits in the ASTS, seismic sensors, data
two design earthquakes, the operating basis earthquake (OBE) processors, and trip control module. Seismic sensors are installed
and safe shutdown earthquake (SSE). All the structures, systems, on both basemat floor and operating floor in reactor and auxiliary
and components (SSC) designed against the OBE must be in the buildings. The number of seismic sensors on each floor depends
elastic range, whereas the safety-related SSCs should be designed on plant’s reactor protection system (RPS) trip logic, four at each
against the SSE without losing the intended functions by allowing floor for the BWR and three for the PWR. The trip threshold
plastic deformation of the structural materials. The SSE is the value is OBE’s ZPA value minus 0.05 g. Once the seismic sensors
maximum potential earthquake of the selected site and the OBE pick the filtered low pass filter of 10 Hz by a seismic wave that is
will be decided accordingly, usually OBE will be half of the SSE higher than the threshold value and pass the trip logic tree, then
although there is a conditional relaxation to the OBE/SSE ratio. the RPS will be initiated and shutdown the reactor immediately.
The determination of design earthquake for the NPP is based on Installations and tests of ASTS were completed for all the six
the requirement set forth in 10CFR100 Appendix A. Table 70.2 is operating units in November 2007 and have been put into service
the summary of the design earthquakes of Taiwan’s NPPs. It is ever since.
noted that control point of the design earthquake is the free sur-
face of the reactor foundation location. 70.3.3 Probabilistic Risk Assessment
and Seismic Hazard
70.3.2 Earthquake Experiences and Installation of Taiwan launched its first full-scope Probabilistic Risk
Automatic Seismic Trip System Assessment (PRA) in 1982, and completed all the three existing
Despite Taiwan’s proneness to earthquakes, its NPPs have not NPP PRA in 1985, 1987, and 1991, respectively. In addition, liv-
experienced any earthquake until now that has challenged the ing PRA for all the three existing NPPs and shutdown PRA for


Plant Chinshan Kuosheng Maanshan Lungmen

OBE 0.15g 0.2g 0.2g 0.2g
SSE 0.3g 0.4g 0.4g 0.4g
Design response Housner & Based on RG 1.60 Plant specific
spectrum shape Newmark western U.S. data
V/H ratio 2/3 2/3 1/1 1/1
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Damping ratio: 5 %

1.00 KS NPP site observed (N–S)

KS NPP site observed (E–W)

Spectral acceleration (g)

Spectral acceleration (g)
KS NPP design earthquake


Damping ratio: 5 %

KS NPP site observed (V)

0.10 KS NPP design earthquake


0.01 0.01
0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)


Maanshan NPP were also accomplished in 1995 and 1996, scheme D. Seismic risk contributing to the total risk is listed in
respectively. In 2000, INER and TPC developed a PC-based risk Table 70.3.
monitor “TIRM” (Taipower Integrated Risk Monitor) to assist
configuration risk evaluation and management for the operating 70.3.4 Seismic Dedication of Commercial Grade
NPPs. In the mean time, AEC contracted INER to develop a com- Items for the Replacement Items in the
puterized tool (PRiSE) for phase-2 significance determination Existing NPPs
process (SDP) to timely assess the safety significance of inspec- Since there is no new construction of NPP in the United States
tion findings. Until now, applications of PRA to regulatory deci- for several decades, most of the original manufacturers or suppli-
sions have been used in various issues such as fire barrier exemp- ers either no longer exist or cannot survive to maintain the
tion by risk-informed fire analysis, online maintenance for 10CFR50 Appendix B quality assurance program. There was a
selected systems, safety significance determination of inspection need to find a solution for the replacement of safety-related items in
findings, allowed outage time extension for start-up transformer the existing NPPs. Acceptance procedure and technical evaluation
replacement, and so on. process described in EPRI NP-5652 [6] and called Commercial
Seismic PRA is a part of external event in PRA study. The seis- Grade Item Dedication turned out to be an alternate solution.
mic PRA adopted the so-called Zion method, which mainly relied Seismic dedication is a key portion in technical evaluation. INER
on the existing seismic design/qualification documents and generic
earthquake test/experience fragility data. One set of seismic haz-
ard curves for the four NPPs are shown in Fig. 70.8; these curves
were derived on the basis of Taiwan’s earthquake catalog from 1E+000
1900 to 2007, using Campbell’s attenuation equations and zoning
Chin Shan
1E-001 Maanshan
Annual probability of exceedance





0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00
Peak ground acceleration (g)
SPECTRUM (20061226 Hengchun Earthquake) in Maanshan FIG. 70.8 ONE EXAMPLE OF SEISMIC HAZARD CURVE IN
NPP at Reactor Basemat Floor (NS Direction) TAIWAN’S NPP SITES (Earthquake Data up to February 2007)
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684 • Chapter 70


Plant Chinshan Kuosheng Maanshan Lungmen

Seismic contribution 23.5% 26.5% 13.9% 87.9%
Total CDF
(per reactor year) 2.1E-5 5.3E-5 6.0E-5 3.5E-6

therefore established its dedication center in 1994, and a depen- Reactor Coolant System Pressure Boundaries at Maanshan. Items
dent biaxial shake table system was also established for that pur- include reactor vessel head CRDM penetration nozzles, reactor
pose. The table size is 3 ft., ⫻ 3 ft., 45-degree -inclined actuator is vessel bottom-mounted instrumentation (BMI) penetrations,
17 in. double amplitude stroke with 20250 pounds rated dynamic steam generator tubes, pressurizer penetrations and steam space
force and two variable pumps each of which can supply 60 gpm piping connections, reactor vessel nozzle hot & cold leg welds,
flow at 3000 psi. Since then, more than hundreds of small to and steam generator nozzle welds. Current inspection results
medium mechanical components such as motor, transmitters, show the following:
pumps, as well as electrical devices such as printed circuit boards,
relays, and so on have been used in the existing NPP for the (1) Based on ECT, UT, and VT exams, no flaw indications in
replacement of their original items through the dedication vessel head penetrations are shown.
process. In conjunction with the shake table testing, EPRI’s (2) Based on VT exams, no leakage of the vessel BMI penetra-
G-STERI (Generic Seismic Technical Evaluation for Replacement tions is shown.
Items) document is also frequently used as a seismic evaluation (3) Based on ECT and UT exams, the plugging rate of the
reference. steam generator tubes is less than 1.78%.
(4) Based on UT, PT, and RT exams, flaw indications are not
70.3.5 Fatigue Analysis in License Renewal shown in pressurizer penetrations weld.
(5) Based on UT exams, flaw indications in reactor vessel hot
& cold leg weld are not shown.
Similar to most utilities of NPPs in the United States, TPC is
(6) Based on VT exams, no leakage of the steam generator noz-
currently working on the extension of another 20 years of plant
zle weld is shown.
life in its existing Chinshan NPP and Kuosheng NPP (both have
operated for more than 20 years) as per 10CFR54 Requirements Inspections of weld overlay on DM welds of pressurizer noz-
for Renewal of Operating Licenses for NPPs. Fatigue analysis is zles (spray nozzle, PSV nozzle, PORV nozzle, and surge line noz-
one of the approaches to ensure the piping system and mechanical zle) and RPV cold leg/hot leg nozzles are planned to be conduct-
components safety due to aging effect caused by cyclic loads such ed in the follow-up outages. Inspections of the pressurizer nozzles
as transient and seismic loads. Since all the class I piping stress (total of 12 for two units) will be completed during the two refuel-
analyses in Chinshan NPP followed ANSI B31.1 and B31.7 ing outages in the period of 2009–2012. Inspections of the RPV
power piping code, the fatigue usage factor calculation must be nozzles (total of 12 for two units) will be completed during the
analyzed to fulfill the requirement in the ASME NB section. We five refueling outages in the period of 2013–2020.
also anticipate that Kuosheng NPP will be facing the similar situ- During the Maanshan-2 16th refueling outage and Maanshan-1
ation if the existing piping analyses cannot demonstrate the extra 17th refueling outage, some minor axial cracks were identified on
50% margin. The BWR inherit hydrodynamic pool swell loads 69 and 34 steam generator tubes at the bottom 4 in. region of tube
(the so-called new loads) will complicate the load pair combina- sheet, respectively. TPC submitted a one-time basis technical
tion when calculating fatigue usage factor. specification change to AEC for approval to restart unit without
plugging those 69 or 34 tubes. For the succeeding Maanshan-2
17th refueling outage, a similar JCO was submitted by TPC too.
70.4 PRESSURE BOUNDARY INTEGRITY However, AEC did not approve the JCO due to lack of some sup-
porting information. In addition, in accordance with the PWR
TPC conducts in-service inspection (ISI) programs as per the Containment Recirculation Sump Strainer modifications (GSI-
ASME Section XI for the operating units during each scheduled 191) as per the requirement of GL 2004-02 in the United States,
outage to ensure the integrity of the SSCs. The scope of the Maanshan is scheduled to complete its sump modifications during
inspection embodies the safety- and nonsafety-related compo- the 18th refueling outage in 2009.
nents. If any flaw is detected during the refueling outage, licensee
must conduct the safety evaluation and/or repair/replacement 70.4.2 BWR Pressure Boundary Integrity
depending upon the condition. Recently, more attention has been Cracks were found on BWR recirculation piping from 1980s in
focused on the intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) in Taiwan. Since 1995, TPC established augmented ISI plans
BWRs and primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC) in according to GL 88-01 and NUREG-0313 Rev.2. All the relevant
PWRs especially at the dissimilar metal (DM) welds connecting welds in the recirculation piping were generally inspected every
vessel nozzle to austenitic stainless steel piping. This is also the two refueling cycles.
operating experience of both foreign and domestic NPPs. In 2005 and 2006, the TPC revised its ISI plans for both BWRs
by following NUREG-0313 Rev.2, citing EPRI BWRVIP-75-A
70.4.1 PWR Pressure Boundary Integrity [7] and considering the past inspection results. To mitigate
Several instances of PWSCC of nickel-based metal degradation IGSCC problems, the major betterment work included conducting
of U.S. PWR plants have prompted intense inspections of the IHSI for part of the welds, weld overlay for the cracked weld, and
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No. Plant %Uprate MWt Date approved Type

1 Kuosheng 2 1.70 (0.5)a 49 (14)a May 9, 2007 MUR
2 Kuosheng 1 1.70 (1.5)a 49 (43)a September 6, 2007 MUR
3 Chinshan 2 1.65b 29b 3. March 21, 2008 MUR
4 Chinshan 1 1.65b 29b September 30, 2008 MUR
5 Maanshan 2 1.7b 47b October 30, 2008 MUR
6 Maanshan 1 1.7b 47b April 27, 2009 MUR
Number in parenthesis means actual % uprate; b means tentative.

replacement of risers for Chinshan and Kuosheng. Besides, the Maanshan may be submitted sequentially in the near future,
personnel who perform ultrasonic examinations must meet the depending on the development of the domestic energy policy.
requirements of Appendix VIII of Section XI of the ASME
B&PV Code following the past requirements [8].
During the recent scheduled refueling outages for both plants,
crack indications were found at the DM welds connecting vessel 70.6 RADIOACTIVE WASTE
nozzle to austenitic stainless steel piping of the reactor recircula- MANAGEMENT OF NPPs
tion piping system of Chinshan Unit 1 and Kuosheng Unit 2 in The radioactive waste management policies include minimiza-
addition to the cracks seen at austenitic stainless steel piping tion of waste generation, reduction of waste volume, and on-site
welds. temporary storage for all radioactive waste except that having it
In response to crack indications, TPC usually uses weld overlay sent to Lan-Yu storage facility. The current policy for spent
reinforcement method to repair the welds. AEC has paid great nuclear fuel management strategy in Taiwan is “storage in spent
attention to the inspection results during outages. Generally, when fuel pools for near term, on-site dry storage for medium term, and
the crack was found, TPC was requested to conduct parallel final deep geological disposal for long term.” The final disposal
expansion for examining similar locations. In responding to the site may be selected within the domestic area or through an inter-
cracks found at the DM welds and the related foreign experience, national cooperation program. Radioactive waste management-
TPC was requested to review the adequacy of inspection frequency related acts and enforcement rules and various regulations have
and technique. After conducting weld overlay reinforcement, the been issued by AEC to enhance the safety management of spent
primary shrinkage stress evaluation must be performed before fuel and radioactive waste [9].
restart of the unit to ensure the structural integrity. The application submitted by TPC for the construction permit
of interim storage facility on Chinshan site is still under review.
Before any interim storage facility to be constructed is allowed,
70.5 POWER UPRATE AND LICENSE the on-site spent fuel storage pools are the existing facilities for
RENEWAL the spent fuel management at the NPPs. The spent fuel storage
pools were constructed as part of reactor facilities and have been
TPC has launched a power uprate project for its three NPPs. reracked with the neutron-poisoned high-density racks. AEC has
The power uprate considered is the measurement uncertainty reviewed and accepted the safety analysis of the spent fuel storage
recapture (MUR) type and up to 1.7% rated thermal power pools during the licensing application of reracking work. Follow-
increase for license application. According to the current sched- up inspections also show that the storage pools met the safety
ule, all the units will implement power uprate from the beginning standards. Nevertheless, for continued or extended operation of
of the cycle after a refueling outage except Maanshan Unit 2, the existing NPPs, the interim dry storage issue needs to be
which may involve power uprate in midcycle. The applications resolved in the near future.
are shown in Table 70.4. Both Kuosheng units have implemented
MUR power uprate in 2007. Chinshan 2 installed UFM in March
2008 and power ascension test is scheduled in June 2008.
Maanshan 2 installed UFM in April 2008. But, safety analysis is 70.7 REFERENCES
still under review. Chinshan 1 and Maanshan 1 are going to install 1. Atomic Energy Council, Executive Yuan Taiwan, Republic of China,
UFM respectively in October 2008 and May 2009. Besides the
MUR project, TPC is also working on the preliminary feasibility
study of a stretched power uprate. 2. Atomic Energy Council, Executive Yuan Taiwan, Republic of China,
The Republic of China National Report for the Convention on Nuclear
According to “Regulation on the Review and Approval of
Safety, September 2004.
Applications for Operating License of Nuclear Reactor Facilities”
in Taiwan, time line for license renewal (LR) application is from 3. Angelier, J., Preface. Geodynamics of the Eurasia-Philippine Sea
5 to 15 years before the expiration of the operating license. Plate Boundary. Tectonophysics, 125(Special Issue), IX-X, 1986.
The operating license of the first (Chinshan) NPP in Taiwan has 4. U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.166, Identification & Characteri-
been issued for over 29 years. So TPC organized an LR task force zation of Seismic Sources & Determination of SSE Ground Motion,
in July 2005. LR applications for Chinshan, Kuosheng, and 1997.
ASME_Ch70_p679-686.qxd 6/3/09 2:30 PM Page 686

686 • Chapter 70

5. Kao, T.M., Introduction to PSA Applications in the Nuclear and 8. Kao, B., Chang, S., and Chen, Y. B., Recent Regulatory Experiences
Petrochemical Industries, PSAM9 Pre-Conference Workshop, Taipei, on BWR Recirculation System Inspection Findings in Taiwan, Pacific
May 15–16, 2008. Basin Nuclear Conference (PBNC) 2006, Sydney, Australia, October
6. EPRI NP-5652, Guideline for the Utilization of Commercial Grade
Items in Nuclear Safety-Related Applications, 1988. 9. Atomic Energy Council, Executive Yuan, Taiwan, Republic of China,
Taiwan National Report under the Joint Convention on the Safety of
7. BWRVIP-75-A, BWR Vessel and Internals Project Technical Basis
Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste
for Revisions to Generic Letter 88-01 Inspections Schedules, EPRI,
Management, June 2007.
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Additional page numbers with information about individual ASME Specifications (SA and SB numbers) can be found under the headings
“American Society of Mechanical Engineers Ferrous Material Specifications” and “American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Nonferrous Material Specifications.” Referrals to Code Paragraphs and Sections can be located by their alphabetical code (NA, NB, etc.).

A1 and A2 values, radioactive material packaging, 348, 350, 351 AE. See Aging effect.
Q-system for calculation of, 345, 350, 353, 356 AEA. See Atomic Energy Act.
Abrasion, of pressure equipment, 153 AEC. See U.S. Atomic Energy Agency.
AC. See Alternating current. Aerospace Material Specifications, materials standards, 163
Accelerated intergranular corrosion test, French codes, 249, 253 A0 factor, 275
Acceptance criteria, of age management program, 58 AFCEN. See French association for design, construction and
Access door, in pressure equipment, 152 inservice inspection rules for nuclear island components.
Accident sequence analysis, 93 AFCEN Quality Manual, 197
Accreditation, of Canadian organizations developing standards, 160 AFIAP. See Association Française de Ingenieurs en Appareils à
Accredited standards-developing organizations (SDOs), 160 Pression.
Acetylene gas, compressed, 260 AFNOR. See French Standardization Organization.
ACI. See American Concrete Institute. AGA. See American Gas Association.
Acoustic circuit analyses, 6 Aging
Acoustic emission, 254 fitness-for-service rules (Japan), 276
CODAP future specifications, 208 indicators, 58
ACR®. See Advanced CANDU® Reactor. managing the effects of, 35
ACRS. See Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards. pressure equipment conformance, 142
Active component failure rate, 96 preventative action, 35
Active power plant structures/components, surveillance and Aging degradation, 58–59
maintenance programs, 31 Aging effect (AE), 58–59
ACVG. See Alternating current voltage gradient method. environmental, 38
Addenda to the Code Aging management, of pressurized water reactor (PWR) vessel
1972 Addenda to Section III, Appendix G, 44 internals, 57–60
1983 Addenda to Section XI, 116 Aging management program (AMP), 21, 30–31, 33–35, 39, 41, 58–59
1988 Addenda to Section XI, 7, 118 audits, 33–34, 36–37
1994 Addenda (2004 Edition as revision), 296, 298, 299 during extended operation, 38
1999 Addenda, 271, 307, 666, 667 elements, 35, 57
2001 Addenda, 298, 668, 673 environmental aging effect and, 41
2002 Addenda to Section XI, 118, 119, 121, GALL Report and, 33–34
Section XI, Appendix C, 19–20, 21, 22, 118, 126 license renewal and, 32
2003 Addenda, 668 plant-specific, 37–38, 57
Adjustment factor (Ke factor), 273. See also Ke factor. Aging management review (AMR), 30–35, 38, 41, 57
AD Merkblätter code, 316, 329, 330 Aging management strategies, 59–60
Administrative Procedure Act of 1946 (APA), 338, 594 AI. See Authorized Inspector.
AD 2000, 139, 553, 554, 555, 557, 561, AIA. See Authorized Inspection Agencies.
Advanced CANDU® Reactor (ACR®), 188 Air environments
Advisory Committee for Energy, Nuclear and Industrial Safety austenitic stainless steels fatigue crack growth rate, 21
Subcommittee, 259 ferritic steels fatigue crack growth rate, 21
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS), 505 Air conditioning, Japanese codes, 261
Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 350 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute, cooling equipment
Advantica (formerly BG Technology), 400 standards, 163
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688 • Index

Air transport, of radioactive materials, 347, 352, 353 American National Standards Institute/American Society of
AISC. See American Institute for Steel Construction. Mechanical Engineers B31 G Manual, 376, 397–398, 401
ALARA. See As Low as Reasonably Achievable. B31 G assessment criterion, 398–401
ALARP. See As Low As is Reasonably Practical region. American National Standards Institute Committee N14, 61, 351
Allowable flaw depth, 9, 118 American Nuclear Society (ANS)
Allowable pressure ANSI/ANS-56.8-2002 (Containment System Leakage Testing
brittle fracture and, 55 Requirements), 186, 189
equation for, 49 Nuclear Risk Management Coordinating Committee (NRMCC)
Allowable pressure operating curve, 48–49 with ASME and NRC, 108, 110
Allowable pressure temperature (P-T) limits, 49, 51 Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) Standards, 108, 109, 110
Allowable stresses, 149 risk-informed safety classification efforts, 108
austenitic stainless steel, PED and U.K., 310–311 Risk-Informed Standards committee (RISC), 103, 109
French codes, 191, 193, 196, 253, 653 PRA standards development, 109, 110
ferritic materials, U.K., 310 RISC-2, 103
in pressure equipment, 139, 143, 151–152, 157 Seismic and External Events Standard, 104
pressure equipment, Japanese codes, 44, 257, 258, 259 Subcommittee 28, 107
pressure equipment, PED and European codes, 148, 314 American Nuclear Society (ANS) Standards, specific types
pressure vessels, EN 13445, 326–327 53.1 (Nuclear Safety Criteria for the Design of Modular Helium
pressure vessel, French codes, 191, 193, 196, 253, 653 Cooled Reactor Plants), 109
seismic design, Japanese codes, 44, 257, 258, 259 58.21, 110, 112
transport tanks, 365, 366, 368 American Petroleum Institute (API), 162
welded joints, French codes, 246 American Petroleum Institute (API) Pressure Vessel Inspection Code
Alloy ductile iron castings, for pressure equipment, French codes, 242 standards, specific types
Alloy steels API 530, 162, 170, 188
for pressure equipment, French codes, 252 API 579, 121
for pressure equipment, Japanese codes, 286 API 1104 (Acceptance Standards of Production Welds), 400
Alternating current (AC), loss of power, 33, 42, 395 API 1160 (Managing System Integrity for Hazardous Liquid
Alternating current voltage gradient (ACVG) method, for pipeline Pipelines), 377, 380
system assessment, 395 American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT), 148, 264,
Alternating stress intensity ASNT TC 1A (Personnel Approval), 148
of containment vessels for radioactive materials, 346–347 Master Curve test method, 43
of pressure vessels, PD 5500 (U.K.), 321–324 materials for pressure equipment construction, 147
Aluminum steels, toughness conformance, 147
allowable stresses, pressure equipment, 139 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Special
non-alloyed, allowable stresses in pressure equipment, 157 Technical Publication (STP)
in pressure equipment, 157 STP514, 127, 128
for pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 311 STP 536, 127
for pressure vessels, French codes, 201, 202, 205, 208 STP 668, 127
for pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 263–264, 286 STP 803 (Deformation Plasticity Failure Assessment Diagram
Aluminum alloys Approach to Flaw Evaluation), 27, 127, 127
allowable stresses, pressure equipment, 139 STP 803, Vol. 2, 27, 127, 128
in pressure equipment, 157 STP 896 (Deformation Plasticity Failure Assessment Diagram),
for pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 311–312 114, 119, 123, 128, 648
for pressure equipment, PED codes, 311 STP 1046, 25
for pressure vessels, French codes, 201, 202, 205, 208 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Subcommittee,
for pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 263–264, 286 E 10.02, 54
Aluminum/nitrogen2 ratios, minimum values for pressure equipment, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) test methods,
143 specific types
Aluminum piping, Canadian standards, 172 A 240, 311
American Gas Association (AGA), 395 B 350, 177
American Institute for Steel Construction (AISC), AISC N-690, B 353, 177
Subsection NF, 247, 255, 667, 675, 676 C 597-02 (Pulse Velocity through Concrete), 186, 189
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 162–163. See also C 805-02 (Impact/Rebound Hammer Tests), 186, 189
American Society of Mechanical Engineers Codes and E-208 (Drop Weight Test), 360
Standards, specific types. E 208-87a (Drop Weight Test), 50
/ASQCZ1.4, 188 E 370-88a (Charpy V-Notch Test), 50
B16.34, 246 E 399 (Cleavage Fracture Toughness), 52
K61.1/CGAG-2.1, 188, E 813-81 (Standard Test Method for Fracture Toughness), 114, 127
N14.1, 351 E 900-02 (Guide for Predicting Radiation-Induced Transition
NB-23, 366 Temperature Shift in Reactor Vessel Materials), 54–55, 61
NGV2-2000 (Basic Requirements for Compressed Natural Gas E 900-87 (Standard Guide for Predicting Neutron Radiation
Vehicle (NGV) Fuel Containers), 170 Damage to Reactor Vessel Materials), 54, 61
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E 1921, 53 weld-overlay-type repairs, 18

E 1921-97, 61 weld repair criteria, 13
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 162, 163 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and
Class 1 ferritic piping, flaw evaluation procedures, 118 Pressure Vessel Committee, Risk-Informed Code Cases, 90
Code cases, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and
nameplate, removal of, 366 Pressure Vessel Standards Committee, 159, 324
safety factor, 149 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and
specifications, for steel, 149 Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) Working Group on Flaw
Subcommittee VIII, 208 Evaluation, 22, 127
Subcommittee XII, Transport Tanks, 357 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Codes and
American Society of Mechanical Engineers Board on Nuclear Codes Standards, 107
and Standards (BNCS), 103, 107, 109, 189 B 16.5, 316
Code cases, 109–110, 112 B 31G, 376, 397–400
Committee on Nuclear Risk Management (CNRM), 90, 108 B 31.1 (Power Piping), 34, 42, 103, 170, 172, 188, 191, 209, 246
environmental fatigue effects and, 21 vs. CODETI, 216
Independent Decision-Making Panels, 110 vs. Japanese codes, 270–271
non-mandatory appendices, revising risk-informed, 228, 358 B 31.3 (Process Piping Code), 170, 188,
Nuclear Air and Gas Treatment Equipment Committee, 107 vs. CODETI, 216
Nuclear Codes and Standards (NS&S) Task Team, 107, 108, 109, vs. EN 13445, 208
110, 112 Table 326.1, 169
Nuclear Cranes Committee, 107 B 31.4 (Pipeline System Repairs), 170, 188, 395, 405–406
Nuclear Quality Assurance Committee, 107 B 31.5 (Refrigeration Piping and Heat Transfer Components), 170,
Nuclear Risk Management Coordinating Committee (NRMCC), 188
108, 110 B 31.8 (Pipeline Repairs), 377, 395, 403, 405–406, 422
Qualifications of Mechanical Equipment Committee, 107 B 31.8S (Managing System Integrity of Gas Pipelines), 376–377,
RIP-50 TG (Risk-Informed Part 50 Task Group), 107 403, 422
risk-informed ISI and IST implementation, 90, 95 B 31.9 (Building Services Piping), 170, 188
risk initiatives, 110, 112 NQA, 101, 102, 108, 109
Risk Management Strategic Plan, 107, 108, 109 NQA-1, Appendix (Risk-Inform), 101, 102, 108
Standards Committees and, 107 RA-S, 110
Subcommittee, Nuclear Accreditation, 107 RA-S-2002, 90, 106–107, 110, 111
Subcommittee, Section III (Nuclear Power), 108 Addenda-2003, 106
Subcommittee Section III, Division 1, 108 RA-S-2003, 106, 110
Subcommittee Section III, Division 2, 108 RA-Sa-2003, 110
Subcommittee Section III, Division 3, 108 Table 1.3-1, 91
Subcommittee XI (Inservice Inspection), 107, 109, 111, 112 RA-Sa-2003 Addenda (PRA Standards), 91, 110, 111. See also
Working Group on Implementation of Risk-Based Examination American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
(IRBE), 94, 97 Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) Standards.
Working Group on Optimization, 97 SNT-TC-1A (Certification of NDE Personnel), 249
Working Group on Risk, 97 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Codes and
American Society of Mechanical Engineers Board on Pressure Standards Redesign Process, 90
Technology Codes and Standards (BPTCS), 107 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Code Section
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and XI Working Group on Flaw Evaluation, 46, 118
Pressure Vessel Code (Code), 25, 143, 168, 171, 181, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Code Section
adoption by USNRC, 353–354 XI Working Group on Operating Plant Criteria, 45
allowable crack depth, 24 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Commission paper
alternate inspection method for nozzle inner radii, 10 COMNJD-002 (On Probabilistic Risk Assessment [PRA]), 108
canister design requirements for radioactive materials, 349 COMNJD-03-0002 (On PRA Quality), 108
comparison of code structure with French codes, 196 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) construction
comparison with Pressure Equipment Directive, 144, 192 code, 169
design fatigue curves, 34, 42 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Council on
environmental fatigue effects, 21 Codes and Standards, 90
identification for Canadian pressure equipment, 169 Project Team, to develop PRA Standard, 90–91
initiatives, 108, 110 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Ferrous
Master Curve test method, 43 Material Specifications (SA specifications), specific types
pressure equipment directive perspectives, 129–157 SA 240, 142
vs. RCC-M French code, 228–230, 233, 236–243, 246 SA 312, 142
reactor vessel inspection requirements, 71–72 SA 370, 359
requirements quantifying U.S. Type B transportation requirements, SA 503 Cl.3 (Reactor Vessel Steel Composition), 243
334 SA-508-2, 44
risk-informed code cases, 107 SA-508-CLI, 19
stresses permitted in radioactive material packaging, 340, 341 SA-533-B1, 44
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690 • Index

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Innovative American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Research Task
Technologies Institute, 110 Force on risk-Based Inservice Testing Guidelines, CRTD-Vol.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Nonferrous 40-2, 103, 108
Material Specifications (SB specifications), SB-166,19 American Society of Mechanical Engineers PVHO-1 (Safety
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Operations and Standard for Pressure Vessels for Human Occupancy), 169,
Maintenance Code for Nuclear Power Plants (O&M Code) 188
Appendix II (Check Valve Condition Monitoring Program), 105 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Section
Code cases, 109 Subgroup on Range, 124
Inservice Inspection (ISI) code, 108 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) website
Inservice Testing (IST) code, 103, 109 (, 107
OMN-Code 1995 Edition-1996 Addenda, 105 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Working Group
OMN-1, 105 on Check Valves, 103
OMN-3 (Risk Categorization), 103, 104, 105, 106, 112 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Working Group
OMN-4 (Treatment of Check Valves), 103–106, 112 on Codes Strategy, 258
OMN-4 White Paper, 105, 112 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Working Group
OMN-7 (Treatment of Pumps), 103–106, 112 on Motor-Operated Valve, 103
OMN-10 (Snubbers), 103–106, 112 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Working Group
OMN-11 (Treatment of Motor-Operated Valves), 103–106, 112 on Pumps, 103
OMN-12 (Treatment of Pneumatic and Hydraulic Valves), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Working Group
103–106, 112 Pressure (WGP), Standing Committee, 131
risk-informed Code Cases, 90, 94, 106, 108, 109, 112 guideline for PED, 144
Subsection ISTC, code test, 105 American Welding Society (AWS), 163
Subsection ISTC, LSS check valve code test, 105 AMP. See Aging management program,
Subsection ISTD (Inservice Testing of Dynamic Restraints AMR. See Aging management review.
[Snubbers] in Light-Water Reactor Power Plants), 106 Anhydrous ammonia service, pressure vessels, 170
Subsection ISTE, 103 ANI. See Authorized Nuclear Inspector.
testing strategies for HSS/LSS components, 103 ANII. See Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspector.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Operations and Annex Z, 147, 149, 193
Maintenance Code for Nuclear Power Plants (O&M Code) Annulus spacers, 164
Code Committee, 103–104, 109 ANS. See American Nuclear Society.
Task Group on Component Importance Ranking, 103 ANSI. See American National Standards Institute.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Performance Anticipated transients without scram (ATWS), 31, 42
Test Codes, PTC25, Section 2, 359 APA. See Administrative Procedure Act.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Probabilistic API. See American Petroleum Institute.
Risk Assessment (PRA) Standard, 89–92, 107–110, 112 Appliances burning gaseous fuels, New Approach Directive, 145
Addenda to, 107 Approval of Type B Quantity and Fissile Material Packagings,
Addendum b, 111 341–342, 344
content additions, 109 Architectural Institute of Japan, stress analysis of concrete structures,
evolution of, 90–91 288–289
Figure 3.1-1 (Flow Chart for Evaluating PRA Capability), 93 Argonne National Laboratory, 21–23, 86
for external events, 110 Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 nuclear power plant, 97
flow chart for evaluating capability, 93 Arrhenius equation, 76
Independent Decision-Making Panel, 94, 100, 110 Asada, Yasuhide, 112, 257, 276, 292
integrate into other ASME risk-informed Codes and Standards, 107 Asbestos removal, 428, 431
for internal events, 110, 112 As Low As is Reasonably Achievable (ALARA), 440, 447, 450, 462,
Level 1, 91, 96 463, 471
Level 2, risk-informed, 91, 96, 110 As Low As is Reasonably Practical (ALARP) region, 385
Level 3, risk-informed, 110 ASME. See American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
objectives of, 90, 91 Asme Code at Paks Npp, Hungary 589
potential new standards, 162 ASNT. See American Society for Nondestructive Testing.
quality assurance of PRAs, 95 Asphalt enamel coatings, for pipeline systems, 409, 412–413
scope, 108, 110 Assemblies, in Pressure Equipment Directive, 130, 151, 153, 155
Section 1 (Introduction/Scope), 92 Assembly, definition, 218
Section 2 (Acronyms, Terms), 91 Association Française de Ingenieurs en Appareils à Pression
Section 3 (Application of), 91–92 (AFIAP), 255
Section 4 (Technical Requirements), 91–92 ASTM. See American Society for Testing and Materials.
Section 5 (Configuration Control), 92 Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (AEA), 29, 338, 341, 343, 591, 594, 625,
Section 6 (Peer Reviews), 92 627, 633, 655–659, 662–663, 665, 677
Table 1.3-1 (Capability Categories for PRA), 91 Atomic Energy Control Board, Ottawa, Canada, 188
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Pressure Vessel Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 187
Research Council (PVRC) Workshop on the Environmental Atomic Industrial Forum, 89
Effects on Fatigue Performance, 20 Attachment weld, 13, 72, 367
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ATWS. See Anticipated transients without scram. reactor pressure vessel (RPV) outlet nozzle butt weld
Audits, age management program/review (AMP/AMR), 34, 36–39 leakage, 70
Austenitic-ferritic stainless steels repair, 81
for industrial piping, French codes, 142, 191, 553, 554 as small leaks, 73, 96
for pressure equipment, French codes, 252, 253 through-wall, in Alloys 82/182 butt weld, 69–70
for pressure vessels, French codes, 205, 208 Axial shell welds, reactor pressure vessel inservice inspection, 8
for pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 263, 264 Axial shrinkage, in weld repairs, 18
Austenitic stainless steels Axial tension, of cylinders, 115
for calandria material, 163
chloride attack susceptibility, 63 Babcock and Wilcox (B&W) designed PWR power plants, 64–66
for containment vessels, 348 Back-wall echo criteria, 249
for containment vessels for radioactive materials, 345, 346 Bar, definition, 131
for cryogenic portable tanks, 367 Barenblatt model, 113
dissimilar metal welds, 19, 72 Barlow equation, 401
environmental fatigue effects, 21, 28 Baseline Assessment Plan, pipeline systems, 376
fatigue crack growth rate in air environments, 5, 21 Base metal, welds, examination of, 52
fatigue crack growth rate in water environment, 4–6, 9, 21–22, 24, Basic Safety Standards (BSS), 290
28 Batelle, 387, 398, 422
flaw evaluation, FFS code (Japan), 281–282 Beam flexural tests, 186
for industrial piping, French codes, 217, 222, 226, 229, 230 Beam lift-off tests, 186
irradiation embrittlement of, 59 Beltline material, 16
mechanical properties, 63 Bending moment, 4
piping flaw evaluation, 116–118, 121, 124 of cylinders, 116–117
piping, fracture evaluation method, Japanese codes, 281, 283 of supports, PD 5500 (U.K.), 319
piping, intergranular stress corrosion cracking, 25 Bending rupture energy, in pressure equipment, 157
piping, safety factors for evaluating flawed, 19–20 Bending stresses, 46, 116
piping, structural factors, 118 of containment vessels for radioactive materials, 345
for pressure equipment, French codes, 224, 229, 230, 234, 250 French codes, 191, 193, 196, 253, 653
for pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 311–320, 322–330 nuclear power plant piping, 296, 299
for pressure vessels, French codes, 224, 237, 253 nuclear pressure vessels, PD 5500 (U.K.), 324
for pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 263–264, 266–268, 271 Bending stress intensity factor, 46
primary system pressure boundary piping, repair of, 19 Bend test
similar metal weld overlays, 19 French codes, 253
stress corrosion cracking (SCC) analysis, 2, 63 pressure vessel, Japanese codes, 263–264
wrought, crack extension and plastic collapse, 117 Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory
Austenitic steels WAPD-BT-16, 85
allowable stresses, pressure equipment, 139, 157 WAPD-TM-944, 85
in pressure equipment, 157 B factor, 251
Authorized Inspection Agencies (AIA), 101, 366 BG Technology. See Advantica, British gas.
CANDU® nuclear power plants, 172, 175 Bidirectional exercise test, 105
Authorized Inspectors (AI), 365–637 Biofouling, 33
certification, 254 Blowoff systems, 169
Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspector (ANII), 102 Blowoff vessels, 169
Authorized Nuclear Inspector (ANI), 541, 627, 677 BMI. See Bottom-mounted instrument nozzle.
Automobiles, high-pressure cylinders for on-board natural gas fuel BNCS. See American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
storage, Canadian standards, 168, 170 Board on Nuclear Codes and Standards.
Automotive propane vessels, Canadian standards, 168 BNQ. See Bureau de normalization du Québec.
Aviation and Transportation Act (2001), 420 Boilers. See also Pressure vessels.
AWS. See American Welding Society. Canadian non-nuclear standards, 162
Axial flaws (cracks), 14–15, 17–18, 49, 74, 118 Canadian standards, 160–163, 168
applied stress intensity factor for pressure loading, 49 failure modes, French codes, 198, 218
causes of, 67 French codes, 191, 193, 196, 253,
in circumferential welds, 49 inservice inspection, Canadian, 181–187
in control rod drive mechanism (CRDM) nozzles, 76 in scope of PED, 130–131
deterministic crack growth rates, 76 Boiling water reactor (BWR)
leakage in boiling water reactor (BWR), 74 vs. CANDU® design, 163
nondestructive testing to determine, 72 control rod drive stub tube cracking, 12
piping, safety/structural factors, 118 feedwater nozzle, 8–10, 12
in plate material, 15 ferritic stainless steel fatigue crack growth, 22
in pressurized water reactor (PWR) inlet/outlet nozzles, 74 fitness-for-service code (Japanese), 280
in primary water SCC in alloy 600 CRDM nozzle, 69 inclusion criteria (Level A) for high-safety significant (HSS)
propagation, 69 snubbers, 106
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Boiling water reactor (BWR) (continued) Bolted connections

In-Core Housing, 12 alloy 286 failures, 59
intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) issue, 74, 81, 83, torqued, 59
85, 94, 97, 106 Bolted flange connections
internals, 1–6 CODAP future specifications, 208
jet pump recirculation system, 1, 4–7, 13, 24 CODETI future development, 216
licensing, 15 Bolting, for pressure equipment, 138
nozzles, 11, 17, 19 Bolt preload, 45
pressure boundary piping, service-induced degradation in, 24 Bolts, 129
shroud, 24 Boric acid
steam dryer, 14–15, 24 accumulation, from CRDM nozzle leakage, 69
stress corrosion cracking growth rate, 2–3, 13–14, 24–26, 28, 33, corrosion, 63, 69, 74
57, 59, 63 corrosion, cross-section of Davis-Besse reactor vessel head, 70, 72,
weld overlay, 1 74–75, 84
weld overlay repairs of dissimilar metal welds at nozzles, 81 deposit due to leakage, 72
Boiling water reactor (BWR) environment preexisting deposits, 71, 75
austenitic stainless steel, fatigue crack growth rate in, 21–22 wastage, 84
ferritic steels, SCC growth rate relationship, 23 wastage in large leaks, 71
Boiling water reactor/2 (BWR/2) material, 12–16 Boron
Boiling water reactor/2 (BWR/2) plant, shroud support geometry, 14 alloy presence and PWSCC, 67
Boiling water reactor/3 (BWR/3) material, 15–16 in primary coolant water in PWR plants, 68
Boiling water reactor/4 (BWR/4) material, 15–16 Boron corrosion, from stub tube cracking leakage, 12
Boiling water reactor/5 (BWR/5) material, 15–16 Borosilicate glass, 436
Boiling water reactor/6 (BWR/6) material, 15–16 Bottom-mounted instrument (BMI) nozzles, 65
Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) Owners Group effect of temperature on PWSCC, 82
analysis, 16 examination of, 70
flaw evaluation guidelines, 22 inspections, 71
objectives, 15 partial penetrations welds, 72
pipe cracking in boiling water reactors, 17 PWSCC leakage, 70–71
Topical Report, 15–16, 26, 41 strategic planning for PWSCC, 84
NEDO-32205, Revision 1, 25–26 Boundary collocation methods, 45
weld-overlay studies, 18 Bounding assumptions
Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) Owners Group Intergranular Stress for crack growth due to IASCC, 60
Corrosion Cracking Research Program, 17 for loss of toughness due to irradiation, 60
Boiling water reactor (BWR) plant, 16 Bounding crack growth evaluation, 24
design basis for, 20–21 Bounding curve, 53
personnel radiation exposure, 53 Bounding locations, in fatigue monitoring program, 37
plant safety, 53 BPTCS. See American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
use of alloy 600 base metal, 63 Board on Pressure Technology Codes and Standards.
Boiling water reactor (BWR) vessel, 1–6, 16 Branch Technical Position RSB 5-2, 45, 60
attachment weld cracking, 13–14 Brazing
hydrostatic test temperature, reference temperature, 45 code compliance, 80
service-induced degradation in, 24 joints, 140
Boiling Water Reactor Vessels and Internals Project (BWRVIP), 1–6, repair/replacement, 96
24 Brazing procedures, registration, Canadian, 169
BWRVIP-03, 25 Breaking pin devices, 359
BWRVIP-5 Report (BWR Reactor Pressure Vessel Shell Weld British Central Electricity Generating Board’s (CEGB) R-6
Inspection Recommendations), 7–8, 10–11, 25 two-criteria failure assessment program, 119, 128
BWRVIP-14 (Evaluation of Crack Growth in BWR Stainless Steel British Gas (BG technology), 387, 397
Internals), 2–3, 23, 25, 28 British R-6 method, 114, 119, 121
BWRVIP-17, 26 British Standards (BS), specific types, 259
BWRVIP-59, 23 1113 (water-tubesteam generating plant), 311, 314, 316
BWRVIP-60, 23, 26 1500 (fusion-welded pressure vessels for general purposes), 309,
BWRVIP-99, 25 314, 330
BWRVIP-100, 25 1501, 310–311
BWRVIP-108, 11, 26 1501-224-490A or 490B, 310
crack growth rate relationship, 23 1501-304-S61, 311
enhanced visual (VT) examinations for managing aging effect in, 1503, 311
60 1515, 309, 314–315, 330
flaw evaluation, 24 1560, 316
inspection systems, 7 2790 (shell boiler of welded construction), 311
roll expansion repair document, 13 3915 (steel vessels for primary circuits of nuclear reactors), 315
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4504, 316 large-diameter piping, deterministic crack growth rate predictions,

4975 (prestressed concrete pressure vessels for nuclear 77–78
engineering), 311 large diameter piping, residual stress in, 83
4994 (vessels and tanks in reinforced plastics), 311 large-diameter PWR pipe-to-nozzle, circumferential cracking, 74
5169 (fusion-welded steel air receivers), 311 nozzle-to-safe end, 72
5500 (unfired fusion-welded pressure vessels), 309, 311, 321, 324, outlet nozzle, 69–70
330–331 piping, PWSCC in, 74
7005 (carbon steel vessels for use in vapor compression PWR reactor vessel inlet/outlet, cracks/leaks in, 63, 66
refrigeration systems), 311 residual stress, 83
EN 286 (simple unfired pressure vessels designed to contain air or strategic planning for PWSCC, 83
nitrogen), 311, 314 weld shrinkage, 67
British Standards Guide, BS 7910, 121 BWR. See Boiling water reactors.
British Standards Institution (BSI), 309 BWRVIP. See Boiling Water Reactor Vessels and Internals Project.
Brittle fracture
allowable pressure-temperature and, 55 CAA. See Clean Air Act.
boilers, French codes, 222 Cadmium coating, French codes, 248
codes and regulations for prevention, 44–50 Calculation pressure, 325
at embrittled vessel beltline region, 55 Calculation temperature, 325
ferritic steels at lower shelf, 113 Calandria, 163–164
French codes, 253 assembly, CANDU® nuclear power plants, 174–175
industrial piping, French codes, 253 vessel, 174
of packaging of radioactive materials, 339 Californium-252, 343, 351
of pressure equipment, 156 Call before you dig (First call) program, 416
of pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 312 Canadian Boiler and Pressure Vessel Standards, 159–160
of pressure vessels, 200 Category A, 182
of pressurized water reactor vessels, 43, 49–50 class 1 components, 175–176, 195–196
prevention, Japanese codes, 270 class 1C components, 178
temperature and, 50 class 2 components, 176
toughness conformance of pressure equipment, 147 class 2C components, 178
Browns Ferry Unit 1, 29 class 3 components, 176
BS. See British Standard. BSI. class 3C components, 178
See British Standards Institution. class 4 components, 176
BSS. See Basic Safety Standards. development and implementation, 160
Buckling, 352 Figure 48.1 (CSA Standard-Developing Process), 160–161
containment vessels for radioactive materials, 346, 348 Figure 48.2 (CANDU® Primary Heat Transport System), 164
dished ends, and PD 5500 (U.K.), 312 Figure 48.3 (CANDU® Primary Heat Transport System), 165
French codes, 191, 193, 196, 253, 653 Figure 48.4 (CANDU® 6 Fuel Channel Assembly), 164–165
interstiffener, 313–314, Figure 48.5 (Simplified Schematic of CANDU® Fuel Channel
light stiffeners for shells, 318 Assembly), 164–165
nuclear pressure vessels, PD 5500 (U.K.), 323 Figure 48.6 (Schematic Overview of CANDU® Online Refueling
overall, 313 System), 176
as pipeline failure mode, 374 Table 48.1 (CSA B 51 Standard: Classification of Pipe Fittings), 169
pressure vessels, 200 Table 48.2 (CSA N285.5 and N287.7 Interfaces-Requirements for
pressure vessels, PD 5500 (U.K.), 313–321, 323–330 Inspection and Testing of Containment System Components),
of radioactive material packaging, 340–341 172, 174, 176
Buckling strain, theoretical, for a perfectly circular cylinder, 314–315 Canadian Boiler and Pressure Vessel Standards, specific types
Bugey 3 nuclear power plant, 69 A series (Construction Materials), 163
Bulk low specific activity materials, 347 B series (Tolerance Specifications and Pressure Boundary
Bureau de normalization du Québec (BNQ), 160 Standards), 163
Bureau of Explosives (Association of American Railroads) permits B51-03, Part 2, 170
for radioactive materials packages, 340 B51-03, Part 3, 170
Burnishing, to reduce potential PWSCC, 82 C series (Electrical Codes and Standards), 163
Bursting G series (Structural Steel Specification), 163
boilers, French codes, 222, 253 S Series (Construction and Structural Specifications), 163
nuclear pressure vessels, PD 5500 (U.K.), 323 W series (Welding Specifications), 163
pressure vessels, 200 Z series (Quality Assurance Programs), 163
Buttering, 65 CAN/CSA-B51 (Boilers, Pressure Vessels, and Pressure piping),
Butt welds, 63 162, 168, 172
Alloys 82/182, 66, 69 subcommittees for, 168
CRDM nozzles, examination of, 75 CAN/CSA-B51-03 (Pressure Vessel Design and Construction),
dissimilar metal, inspection requirements, 73 159, 162, 168, 172
inlet/outlet nozzle, examination of, 74 CAN/CSA-B52 (Mechanical Refrigeration Code), 162, 170
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694 • Index

Canadian Boiler and Pressure Vessel Standards, CAN/CSA-N286.0, 174, 177

specific types (continued) CAN/CSA-N286.1 (Procurement Quality Assurance Program
CAN/CSA-B149.1 (Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code), Requirements for Nuclear Power Plants), 174, 177
162, 170 CAN/CSA-286.2 (Design Quality Assurance for Nuclear Power
CAN/CSA-B 149.2 (Propane Storage and Handling Code), 162, Plants), 177
169–170, CAN/CSA-N286.3 (Construction Quality Assurance for Nuclear
CAN/CSA-B 149.5 (Installation Code for Propane Fuel Systems Power Plants), 177
and Tanks on Highway Vehicles), 162 CAN/CSA-N286.4 (Commissioning Quality Assurance for
CAN/CSA-N285(A) (Pressure-Retaining Components), 163 Nuclear Power Plants), 177
CAN/CSA-N285(B) (Periodic Inspection), 163 CAN/CSA-N286.5 (Operations Quality Assurance for Nuclear
CAN/CSA-N285.0 (Nuclear Boiler and Pressure Vessel Design Power Plants), 177
and Construction), Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 1C, 2C, 3C, 172, 179 CAN/CSA-N286.6 (Decommissioning Quality Assurance for
CAN/CSA-N285.0, revision, 162 Nuclear Power Plants), 177
CAN/CSA-N285.0-95 (General Requirements, Classification, CAN/CSA-N286.7 (Quality Assurance of Critical Computer
Registration, and Reporting), 159 Programs, Nuclear Power Plants), 177–178
CAN/CSA-N285.1 (Classes 1, 2, and 3 Components), 171 CAN/CSA-N287 (CANDU® Concrete Containment Structures and
CAN/CSA-N285.2, 172, 174, 175, 179 Systems), 163, 171, 176, 178
CAN/CSA-N285.2-99 (Mobile Online Refueling Machines CAN/CSA-N287.1 (General Requirements), 178
Guidelines), 169 CAN/CSA-N287.1-M82 (CANDU® Concrete Containment
CAN/CSA-285.3 (Requirements for Containment System Systems), 159
Components in CANDU® Nuclear Power Plants, 171, 176 CAN/CSA-N287.2 (Material Requirements), 178
CAN/CSA-N285.3-88 (CANDU® Containment Systems), 159 CAN/CSA-N287.3 (Design Requirements), 178
CAN/CSA-N285.4 (Periodic Inspection of CANDU® Nuclear CAN/CSA-N287.4 (Construction, Fabrication, and Installation
Power Plant Components, 174, 181–185, 187 Requirements), 178
CAN/CSA-285.4-94 (Periodic Inspection of Primary Nuclear CAN/CSA-N287.5 (Examination and Testing Requirements), 178
Systems), 159 CAN/CSA-N287.6 (Preoperational Proof and Leakage Rate
CAN/CSA-N285.5 (Periodic Inspection of CANDU® Nuclear Testing Requirements), 178, 186
Power Plant Containment Components), 174, 176, 181, 184, CAN/CSA-N287.7 (Inservice Examination and Testing
185, 187 Requirements for Concrete Containment Structures for
CAN/CSA-N285.5-M90 (Periodic Inspection of Containment CANDU® Nuclear Power Plants), 178–179, 184, 185–186
Components, Metallic and Plastic), 184 Appendix (Annex) A, 186
CAN/CSA-N285.6 Series (Reactor Core Internals, Material Appendix (Annex) B, 186
Fabrication and Testing), 159 Appendix (Annex) C, 186
CAN/CSA-N285.6 (Material Standards for Reactor Components Appendix (Annex) D, 186
for CANDU® Nuclear Power Plants), 174, 176–177 CAN/CSA-N287.7-96 (Periodic Inspection of Containment
CAN/CSA-N285.6, revision, 177 Components, Concrete and Structural), 159
CAN/CSA-285.6.1 (Pressure Tubes for Use in CANDU® Fuel CAN/CSA-N288 (Environmental Radiation Protection), 163
Channels), 177, 187 CAN/CSA-N289 (Seismic Qualification of CANDU® Nuclear
CAN/CSA-N285.6.2 (Seamless Zirconium Alloy Tubing for Power Plant Structures and Systems), 159, 163, 171, 179
Reactivity Control Units), 177 CAN/CSA-N289.1 (General Requirements for Identification and
CAN/CSA-N285.6.3 (Annealed Seamless Zirconium Alloy Tubing Qualification), 179
for Liquid-Injection System (LISS) Nozzles), 177 CAN/CSA-N289.2 (Ground Motion Determination), 179
CAN/CSA-N285.6.4 (Thin-Walled, Large-Diameter Zirconium CAN/CSA-N289.3 (Design Procedures), 179
Alloy Tubing), 177 CAN/CSA-N289.4 (Testing Procedures), 179
CAN/CSA-N285.6.5 (Zirconium Alloy Wire for Fuel Channel CAN/CSA-N289.5 (Instrumentation, Inspection, and Records), 179
Spacers), 177 CAN/CSA-N290 (Safety and Safety-Related Systems), 163
CAN/CSA-N285.6.6 (Nondestructive Examination Criteria for CAN/CSA-N291 (Safety-Related Structures), 163
Zirconium Alloys), 176 CAN/CSA-N292 (Waste Management), 163
CAN/CSA-N285.6.7 (Zirconium Alloy Design Data), 176–177 CAN/CSA-N293 (Fire Protection), 163
CAN/CSA-N285.6.8 (Martensitic Stainless Steel for Fuel Channel CAN/CSA-N294 (Decommissioning), 163
End Fittings), 177 CAN/CSA-Z180.1 (Compressed Breathing Air and Systems), 162,
CAN/CSA-N285.6.9 (Materials for Supports for Pressure-Retaining 170
Items), 177 CAN/CSA-Z299 (Canadian Quality Control Program), 168
CAN/CSA-N285.8 (Flaw Evaluation of CANDU® Zirconium CAN/CSA-Z305.1 (Nonflammable Medical Gas Piping Systems),
Alloy Pressure Tubes), 159, 181, 187 162, 170
Annex A, 186 CAN/CSA-Z305.3 (Pressure Regulators, Gauges, and Flow-Metering
Annex B, 186 Devices for Medical Gases), 170
Annex C, 186 CAN/CSA-Z662 (Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems), 162, 170, 403,
Annex D, 186 405–406
Annex E, 186 Appendix N, 376–377
CAN/CSA-N286 Series (Quality Assurance Program CAN/CSA-Z662-03 (Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems), 159, 170–171
Requirements), 159, 163, 177–178 Appendix K, 400
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CAN3-Z305.4 (Qualification Requirements for Agencies Testing piping, circumferential flaws, 118–119
Nonflammable Gas Piping Systems), 170 piping, flaw evaluation, 118, 127
CAN/ULC-S603.1 (Galvanic Corrosion Protection Systems for pressure equipment, EN 13445, 328
Underground Steel Tanks), 169, 189 for pressure equipment, French codes, 201–202, 236–237, 242, 250
RMA IP-2 (Rubber Manufacturer’s Association), 170 for pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 311, 324, 329
Canadian Deuterium Uranium (CANDU®) reactor design and for pressure equipment, U.K. and PED codes, 311
licensing basis, 159 for pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 282–283, 287, 297
CANDU® Owners Group (COG), 187 reactor vessel head, 84
CANDU® 6 reactor, 163–165, 169 for transport tanks, 359, 365
concrete containment structures, 178 weldments, piping, circumferential flaws, 118–119
design, 163 Carbon steels, specific types
fuel channel assembly, 164–165 SA-106, Grade B, 16
power reactors, 171 SA302Bmod, 16
Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB), 160 SA 302B, plates, 16
testing and construction materials standards, 162–163 SA-333, Grade 6, 16, 115
Canadian non-nuclear standards, 162 SA-376 304N, 81
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), 159, 171 A508, 28
Canadian nuclear standards, 163 SA-508 class 2, 81
Canadian Registration Numbers (CRNs), 159, 169 SA-516, Grade 70, 16
Canadian standards A533B, 28
NRCC 38726 (National Building Code of Canada), 179, 189 SA533B, plate, 16
NRCC 38727 (National Fire Code of Canada), 189 Carlsbad, New Mexico pipeline incident, 371, 374
Canadian Standards Association (CSA), 160 Carrier, 337
annexes, nonmandatory and mandatory, 162 Cask code, Japanese codes, 289–290
boiler and pressure vessel standards development, 161 Cask design
CSA-SDP-2.1-99, 188 for Type B radioactive materials, 348
CSA-SDP-2.2-98, 188 Casks, shipping, for radioactive materials, 340, 343–345, 347
format and structure of standards, 161–162 CASS. See Cast austenitic stainless steel.
headquarters address, to obtain standards, 168 Cast austenitic stainless steel (CASS)
non-nuclear boiler, pressure vessel, and piping design and irradiation embrittlement in, 59
construction standards, 168–171 thermal aging embrittlement in, 59
nuclear boiler and pressure vessel design and construction Castings, European standards, 236
standards, 171–181 Cast stainless steel, piping, fracture evaluation (Japanese codes), 281,
nuclear boiler and pressure vessel inservice inspection standards, 284
181–187 Cast steel, in pressure equipment, 157
nuclear standards, 161–162 Categorization of components strategy, 59
Nuclear Strategic Steering Committee (NSSC), 163 Category 0, 131, 133, 134
publications and updates, 162 Category I, 131, 133–136, 138, 143, 147, 153
standards developing process, 160–161 Category II, 131–138, 140, 143, 147, 152, 154
technical committees (TCs), 160 Category III, 133–138, 140, 142-143, 147, 152, 154
CSA N285B Technical Committee, 181 Category IV, 133–138, 140, 142–143, 145, 152, 154
CSA N287 Technical Committee, 180, 185 Cathodic protection
Web site and headquarters address, 160 for pipeline system assessment, 391–394
Canadian Transportation Safety Board, 372 for pipeline systems, 413, 410–411, 412–414
CANTEACH Web site, 166, 189 for pipeline systems, calculation of resistance values, 413–414
Capacity certification test report, 173 for pipeline systems, monitoring of, 415–416
Carbides, 16–17 CAVS. See Crack arrest/advance verification system.
PWSCC and density of, 68 CCDP. See Core damage probability.
Carbon, alloy presence and PWSCC, 67 CCV. See Concrete containment vessels.
Carbon-manganese steels CDA. See Copper Development Association.
fast breeder reactor material, 251 CDF. See Core damage frequency.
for industrial piping, French codes, 223–224 CE. See Combustion Engineering.
for pressure equipment, French codes, 201–202, 236–237 CEA. See Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique.
for pressure equipment PD 5500 (U.K.), 311–312 CEDM. See Control element drive mechanism.
Carbon steels CEGB. See British Central Electricity Generating Board.
boiling water reactor piping, 16 CEN (European Standardization Body for Mechanical Equipment),
for containment vessels for radioactive materials, 346 144, 150
dissimilar metal welds, 63 represented in Working Group Pressure Standing Committee, 144
environmental fatigue effects, 21 standard, 324
fatigue life in high-temperature reactor water, 21 Central Electricity Generating Board Reports
for industrial piping, French codes, 223–224 R/H/R6, 114, 127
J estimation, 114–115 R/H/R6, Revision 3, 121, 127
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696 • Index

CERCLA. See Comprehensive Environmental Response, tensile strength causes, 67

Compensation, and Liability Act. in top head nozzles, 72–73
Certificate of Authorization (ASME), 169 Circumferential reference flaw, 48–49
Certificate of Compliance (CoC), 350–355 Circumferential welds
Certificate of Conformity, 136, 144, 156 assumed axial flaws in, 49
Certification, CANDU® nuclear power plants, 174 BWR reactor pressure vessel examination requirements, 8
Certified Individual (CI), 365–366 BWR reactor pressure vessel failure frequency, 8
CFER Technology, 384, 385 BWR shroud cracking, 2
CFR. See United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) Civil Aeronautic Law, 260
Code of Federal Regulation. Cladding, 52, 56, 65, 66, 153, 460
CGR. See Crack growth rate. alloy 65, 66, 69
CGSB. See Canadian General Standards Board. alloys 82/182 crack detection, 70
Change-in-risk evaluation, 96 alloys 82/182 used for, 65
Charpy energy curve, 125 corrosion-resistant, 17
Charpy KV tests, pressure equipment, French codes, 235 stainless steel, on inside of pressurized water reactor vessel top
Charpy V-notch (CVN) absorbed energy, 118 head, 74
Charpy V-notch (CVN) impact test, 54 stress corrosion cracking initiation, 25
carbon steels, PD 5500 (U.K.), 312 Class 1 components, 174
fracture toughness transition due to temperature, 50 ASME Code requirement development, 103
monitoring changes in fracture toughness, 45 austenitic stainless steel piping, 26
of pressurized water reactor vessel materials, 44 BWR intervals, 1
surveillance data, 50–51 design control provisions, 102
transport tanks, 359–360 as high-safety significant (HSS), 100–101
Charpy V-notch (CVN) upper shelf energy (USE), 15, 121, 124 piping, flaws and continuing service, 18
pipeline systems, 397, 400 piping, RI-ISI requirements, 94–97
Check valves piping, Section XI inspections, 94
high-safety significant (HSS), testing strategy for, 100 piping, structural factors, 118
low-safety significant (LSS), 100 reactor coolant pressure boundary structures, systems, and
RI-IST, 100 components, 99
Chemical attack, of pressure equipment, 153 transport tanks, 366–367
Chemical plants, 110, 168 Class 2 components
Chemical resistance, pressure equipment conformance, 143 ASME Code requirements development, 103
Chemical testing, 248 austenitic stainless steel piping, 26
Chemical Volume and Control System (CVCS), risk-informed safety high-safety significance, 101
significance, 100 piping, RI-ISI requirements, 94–97
Chinese Daya Bay 1 and 2 contract, 193–194 piping, structural factors, 118
Chinese nuclear power plants, 193–194, 293 reactor coolant system SSC makeup, 99
Chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking, 63–64 transport tanks, 366–367
Chromium, solution heat treatment (SHT) and, 17 Class 3 components
Chromium alloys, for use in PWR vessels, 63–64 ASME Code requirement development, 103
Chromium carbide, 66 austenitic stainless steel piping, 26
boundary deposition in PWHT, 63 high-safety significance, 101
Chromium concentration, susceptibility to PWSCC and, 66–67 piping, RI-ISI requirements, 94–97
Chromium-molybdenum steels piping, structural factors, 118
fast breeder reactor material, 251 reactor coolant system, SSC function of removing heat from
for industrial piping, French codes, 222–223 support system, 99
for pressure equipment, French codes, 201–203, transport tanks, 366–367
236–237, 241 Class CC (concrete containment) components, 99
Chromium-molybdenum-vanadium steels Class MC (metal containment) components, 99
for industrial piping, French codes, 222 Cleanliness, French codes, 253
for pressure equipment, French codes, 201–203, 236–237, 251 Cleanup cost, crude oil pipeline break, 371
Chromium steels, for pressure equipment, Japanese codes, 287 CLERP. See Conditional large early release probability.
CI. See Certified Individual. Cleavage crack, from local brittle zone, 52
Circumferential cracks (flaws), 4, 15, 18, 49, 69–70, 118–120 Clock Spring(tm) repair, 404–405
in boiling water reactor (BWR), 74 Closure plugs, 174
crack growth predictions for, 76–77 CNRM. See American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
on control rod drive mechanism (CRDM) nozzles, 69 Committee on Nuclear Risk Management (CNRM).
flaw size for nozzle failure, 79 CNSC. See Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission.
nondestructive testing to determine, 73 Coal tar enamel coatings, for pipeline systems, 409–413
in plate material, 15 Coatings, 143, 409–413
in PWR RPV CRDM nozzles, 74–75, 77–78 for pipeline systems, property tests, 411–412
in PWR RPV inlet/outlet nozzles, 74 pressure vessels, PD 5500 (U.K.), 319
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CoC. See Certificate of Compliance. 1514, 44

CODAP. See Code de Construction des Appareils à Pression. 2260, 362
Code. See American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and OMN-1, 106
Pressure Vessel Code. OMN-3 (Risk Categorization), 103–106, 112
Code allowable stress, 113 OMN-4 (Treatment of Check Valves), 103–105, 112
Code Cases, 197 OMN-7 (Treatment of Pumps, Alternative Requirements for Pump
on environmental fatigue effects, 21 Testing), 103–106, 112
evaluation and repair of stainless steel pipe cracking, 21 OMN-10 (Snubbers), 103–106, 112
French codes, 197 OMN-11 (Treatment of Motor-Operated Valves), 103–106, 112
proposed, environmentally assisted fatigue crack growth in a BWR OMN-12 (Treatment of Pneumatic and Hydraulic Valves),
environment, 22 103–106, 112
risk-informed, 90 Code de construction des Appariels à Pression (CODAP), 138, 139,
Code Cases, specific types 190, 191, 195–198, 201–203, 207–208, 254–255, 314, 316
N-47, 193 Code de construction de générateurs de VAPeur (COVAP), 191–193,
N-XXX (Alternative Acceptance Criteria and Evaluation 195, 217–218, 220, 224, 226, 234, 254–255
Procedure for Ferritic Steel Component Flaws, Upper Shelf Annexes, 201, 222
Range), Revision 4, 124, 128 links with PED, 217, 229
N-432, 19, 27 nominal design stress, 213, 221
N-463, 118, 127 Part G, overheating risk of boilers, 217
N-494, 119, 121, 128 vs. Section I, 224
N-504-2, 27, 86 (Revision 3), 21 Code de construction de Tuyauteries Industrielles (CODETI), 139,
N-512, 15–16, 26 191–193, 195–220, 254–255
N-560 (Alternative Examination Requirements for Class 1, annexes, 212
Category B-J Welds), 94, 95, 111 Category A, 212, 220–222
Method B (Risk-Informed Process), 95 Category B, 212, 220–222
Table of Examining Categories for Category B-J, Class 1 Piping, Category C, 212, 220–222
96 Category D, 212, 220–222
N-560-1, Method A (Risk Ranking of Pipe Segments), 94 Category Ex, 212, 216, 220–222
N-560-2 (Alternative Examination Requirements for Class 1, conformity assessment procedures, 222, 233
Category B-J Welds), 94, 106 design, 208, 213, 215–223
N-577 (Risk-Informed Requirements for Classes 1, 2, & 3 Piping, Division 1, 216
Method A), 94–97, 99, 100, 106, 111 Division 1, scope, 209, 210
Table of Risk-Informed Piping Examinations, 97 Division 2, 216
N-577-1 (Appendix I), Method A, 94–97, 106, 111 Division 3, 216
N-578 (Risk-Informed Requirements for Classes 1, 2, and 3 fabrication, 216, 229
Piping) materials, 212, 223, 228
Method B, 94, 95, 97, 111 Pressure Equipment Directive links, 209, 217
N-578-1 (Risk-Informed Requirements for Classes 1, 2 and 3 Testing and inspection, 223–224, 231–232
Piping) CODETI. See Code de construction de Tuyauteries Industrielles.
Method B, 94, 97, 106, 111 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). See United States Nuclear
N-578-1 (Appendix 1), Method B, 97 Regulatory Commission (USNRC) Code of Federal
N-588, 61 Regulations (CFR).
N-606-1, 13, 26 Code of Record of ASME Section III (Nuclear Vessels), design
N-629, 53–54 risk-informed safety classification, 108
N-631, 53–54 Code stamped devices, on Code Stamped Transport Tanks, 359
N-638, 19, 27 Code year, 174
N-640, 51, 53, 61 COG. See CANDU® Owners Group.
N-641, 50 Cold leg temperatures, 67, 83
N-643, 22, 28 Cold springing stress, 18
N-648-1, 10, 26 Cold work, and Alloy 60 susceptibility to PWSCC, 68
N-660 (Risk-Informed Safety Classification for Use in Collapse, 403
Risk-Informed Repair/Replacement Activities), 98, 99, 100, by limit load, 113
108, 109, 112 of radioactive material packaging, 340–341
N-662 (Alternative Repair/Replacement Requirements for Items Collars, 131
Classified in Accordance with Risk-Informed Processes), Combination impact group assessment, 95
98–103, 113 Combined tension and bending, of cylinders, 115–116
N-662(3)(a), 101 Combustion Engineering (CE)-designed PWR plant, 64–66
N-720, 108 Combustion Engineering (CE) Marking, 129–131, 133–134, 136,
N-722 (Additional Examination for PWR Pressure-Retaining 138, 141, 143, 149
Welds in Class 1 Components Fabricated with Alloys Commercial grade classification, 98
600/82/182 Materials), 71 Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA), 193, 195
N-722, para. 44.5.1, 72 Committee of Enquiry into the Pressure Vessel Industry (U.K.), 309
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698 • Index

Competent Authority, regulation of hazardous material transportation, Construction specifications, Canadian standards, 163
334 Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (CSN), 568
Component Contact damage, causing pipeline incidents, 373
categories, 104 Containment boundary, definition, 185
failure, consequences of, 99 Containment building, 165, 461, 469, 528, 638, 644
failure potential, 99 Containment performance assessment, 95
metal fatigue of reactor coolant pressure boundary, 21 Containment surfaces, liner plate, 31, 34
Component designer, CANDU® nuclear power plants, 172 Containment system, 348, 351, 502, 524, 651
Component risk categorization, 104 Containment vessels
Component safety categorization, 104 ferritic steel shipping containers, fracture toughness,
Companion, 25, 41, 333, 347, 355, 513 348, 356
Composite coatings, for pipeline systems, 409–414, 416, 422 for radioactive materials, 345–346, 355
Composite wrap repairs, pipeline systems, 404 structure, cutting access openings, 84
Compressive residual stress, 84 Contaminated material, 339
Compressive stress(es), 67, 83 disposal of, 438, 681
French codes, 246 earth, transportation of, 348
Computational fluid dynamics analysis, 6 Contamination, 355
Computational pipeline monitoring, 416 identifying sources of, 507, 523, 529, 531, 630
Computer programs, quality assurance, for CANDU® nuclear power incidents in European countries, 434, 568, 604
plants, 177–178 Continued crack growth condition, 115
CONCAWE. See Conservation of Air and Water Environment. Continuous venting, prohibition for radioactive material packages,
Concrete components 336, 352–353, 355
load and resistance factor design (LRFD)/risk-informed methods, Control element drive mechanisms (CEDM)
108–109, 112, 400 location, 65
use of load and resistance factor design methods, 108 nozzle, 64, 71
use of risk-informed methods, 110 Control rod drive (CRD), 31, 63, 65, 169
Concrete casks, 269–270, 290, 443 boiling water reactor, cracking, 8
Japanese codes, 44, 257–259 boiling water reactor, return line nozzles, 9–10
Concrete containment, tendon prestress, 31, 34 stub tube design, 12
Concrete containment vessels (CCV), Japanese codes, 269–270, Control rod drive mechanism (CRDM), replacement, 84
287–288 Control rod drive mechanism (CRDM) nozzles
Conditional large early release probability (CLERP), 100 alloy 600 use, 63
Condition monitoring programs, 59 in Babcock & Wilcox, Westinghouse-designed power
effects of aging and, 56, 58–59 plants, 65
Conductivity, crack growth rate and, 24 boric acid leakage from, 69
Confidence/tolerance bound, 53 butt welds, examination of, 71
Confirmatory direct assessment, pipeline systems, 376 circumferential cracks, 67, 69, 70, 72
Conformity assessment modules, 131, 135–136, 310 examination methods, 71
without quality assurance, 137, 172, 177, 178, 380 leak, 69
with quality assurance, 137, 172, 177, 178, 380 nickel-based alloys used, 63–64
Conformity assessment procedures, 129–131, 133, 135–137s partial penetration welds, 72
boilers, French codes, 224, 253 probabilities of leakage and failure, 79–80
industrial piping, French codes, 142, 191, 554 PWSCC in, 69
manufacturer responsibility, 138–140, 144, 168 severe volume leakage,70, 73–74
Conical shells, 312–313 small volume leakage, 69, 72–73
EN 13445 vs. PD 5500 (U.K.), 328–330 top head, PWR vessel PWSCC, 63
Consequence assessment, ranking, 328 type of cracking observed, 71–73
Conservation integrals, 328 Control rod drive mechanism (CRDM) nozzle-to-head welds,
Conservation of Air and Water Environment (CONCAWE), 372 PWSCC of, 69
Constant amplitude stress, pressure vessels, PD 5500 (U.K.), 320 Coolant
Construction for CANDU® reactor, 159–160
boilers, French codes, 222 in hypothetical accident conditions, 288, 292, 336, 338, 339, 341,
industrial piping, French codes, 142, 191, 553–554 345
nuclear boiler and pressure vessels, Canadian standards, 168, 171, Coordinated Research Project (CRP) of IAEA, 352
253, 337, 655, 679 Copper
Construction code, 101 content, probability of vessel failure and, 55
alternatives, 102 content, upper shelf life and, 15
fracture toughness requirement, 102 for pressure equipment, Japanese codes, 258–259
technical requirements of replacement, 102 for pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 311
Construction materials, Canadian standards, 163 transition fracture toughness temperature shift, 54
Construction of spent nuclear fuel storage, 268–269, 345 Copper-64, 363
Construction products, New Approach Directive, 145 Copper-67, 363
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Copper alloys pipeline system breaks, 372

for pressure equipment, Japanese codes, 258 reporting minimal changes vs. preparing license amendments, 387
for pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 311 COVAP. See Code de construction des générateurs de VAPeur.
Copper Development Association (CDA), 162 Covers, 131
Core damage Crack. See also Flaws.
assessing risk of, 84 hydrogen water chemistry for, 17
reducing risk, 83 stress improvement remedies for, 17
Core damage frequency (CDF), 8 through-wall circumferential in pipe, 115–117
component high-safety significance and, 100 Crack arrest, 53, 69, 245
estimating, 99 Crack arrest/advance verification system (CAVS), 24
Level 1 PRA analysis for, 96 Crack detection, in boiling water reactors, Japanese codes, 278
probabilistic risk-assessment (PRA) Standard, 111 Crack driving force J, 115, 122–123
ranking according to contribution to, 90 Crack growth, 115–116
Core damage probability (CCDP), 100, 525 attachment weld to vessel material, 13
Core flow, 6 BWR evaluations, 6
predicted crack lengths for, 6 changes in pH and, 68
Core meltdown due to cyclic loading, 33, 647
initiators, 89 due to irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking
from loss of coolant accident, 89 (IASCC), 60
operator error, 89 due to SCC, 5, 22
from transients, 89 dynamic, 52–53
Core plate, BWR reactor intervals, 1, 6 environmentally-assisted, 22, 28
Core reactivity control, 74 in feedwater nozzle, 8-9
Core spray safe end to safe-end extension weld overlay, 19 fracture mechanics analysis, 24
Core support attachments, 66 hydrogen concentration, 67–68
Core weld, BWR shroud designations, 3 lithium concentration, 68
Correction factor, 34, 37–38 predicting, 84, 126, 397, 450
Corrective maintenance, 84 PWSCC in alloy 600 in PWRs, 69, 79
Corrosion vessel-to-shroud support weld, 14
age evaluation of, 33 welding residual stress contributing to, 77–78
CANDU® nuclear power plant components, 173 Crack growth rate (CGR)
causing pipeline incidents, oil and gas pipelines, 419, 421 in alloys 82/182 reactor vessel outlet nozzle butt welds, axial
piping failure, 96 cracks, 70
pressure vessels, EN 13445, 324 in BWR jet pumps, 4
pressure vessels, PD 5500 (U.K.), 319 BWR stainless steel intervals, 2–3
zirconium alloys, 159 in BWR water environment, 2–3
Corrosion allowance, in pressure equipment, 152 effect of hydrogen on PWSCC, 80
Corrosion control effect of lithium on, 82
Canadian standards, 172, 405-407, 409, 423 effect of temperature reduction on, 82
Pipeline systems, 405–407, 409, 423 effect of zinc on PWSCC, 83
Corrosion defects, in pipeline systems, assessment, 395–400, 403 irradiation and, 1
Corrosion fatigue monitoring, 24
as pipeline failure mode, 387, 507, 511–513 and plant monitoring, 20
of pressure vessels, 11 prediction model, 22
Corrosion inhibitors, 372 probability of PWSCC on alloy 600 in PWRs, 86
Corrosion protection, for pressure vessels, 169 reduction in, 23
Corrosion-related cracking, CANDU® nuclear power plant Cracking
components, 181 from aging, 57-58
Corrosion resistance causing pipeline incidents, 373
of alloy 600 in high temperature water environments, 63 detecting effects of, due to aging, 59
of pressure equipment, 151 Crack initiation, 9, 20, 25, 33, 55, 67–68, 113, 303
pressure equipment conformance, 142 compared to P-T limits for normal cooldown transient, 55
Corrosion-resistant cladding (CRC), of stainless steel piping, 17 in feedwater nozzles, 9
Cost modeling software, 87 irradiation embrittlement and, 59
Costs and primary water stress corrosion cracking, 63, 86-87, 94, 684
certificate of compliance holders, for recordkeeping and reporting P-T limit and deterministic analysis of conditional vessel failure,
regulations, 354 56
of Davis Besse RPV head wastage, 84 rate in alloy 82/182 PWSCC in butt welds, 70
of decommissioning a nuclear facility, 439, 590, 661 residual stresses and, 67
of NRC to monitor certificate holders and applicants, 354 steam-dryer-support-bracket, 14
pipeline corrosion damage, 399 Crack length, 115, 126, 396
pipeline system assessment methods, 386, 395-396 Crack-like discontinuities, French codes, 245–247, 264, 266
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700 • Index

Crack mouth opening displacement, 115 Cyclic loading, 20

Crack propagation, 4, 25, 28, 77, 509, 516 crack initiation/growth, 33
due to fatigue in low alloy and stainless steels, 69 for nuclear reactor vessels, 65
dynamic loading and, 51 Cyclic pressure tests, 397
fatigue, 4 Cylinders, circumferential through-wall flaws, 115–116
to through-wall, 73 Cylindrical shells
Crack stability, 44, 74, 122, 123 PD 5500 vs. EN 13445, 327
Crack tip as pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 299, 300
plastic deformation, 66
strain rate, 22-23 D&D. See Decontamination and decommissioning.
Crack tip opening displacement (CTOD), 113–114, 400 Dampers, 169
Crack tip stress intensity factor, 44 Damping constant, 295, 300
Crack tip temperature, 124 Dangerous goods, definition, 357
Creep, 139, 152, 157, 159, 186, 448 Data analysis, 93
Creep design, pressure vessels, EN 13445, 324 Davis Bacon Act (DBA), 202, 222, 326, 488, 494, 528
Creep regimes Davi-Besse nuclear power plant
French codes, 252 costs of RPV head wastage, 84
Japanese codes, 275 cross-section through reactor vessel head, 75
Creep rupture top head boric acid corrosion, 69–70, 73–76
boilers, French codes, 212 Daya Bay nuclear power plant, China, 193–194, 255
industrial piping, French codes, 198 DBA. See Davis Bacon Act.
pressure vessels, 188 DBA. See Design by analysis.
Creep rupture strength, industrial piping, French codes,213, 220 DBE, 32
Creep rupture stress, French codes, 312 DBF. See Design by formula.
Creep-strain laws, French codes, 251 DC. See Direct current.
Crevice corrosion, age evaluation, 33 DCRC. See Design and Construction Rules Committee.
Crevice corrosion cracking, 17 DCVG. See Direct current voltage gradient method.
Critical flaw size, 59 DE. See Designated equipment.
feedwater nozzle, 9 Deactivation (or Transition) Plan, for decommissioning, 425
Criticality safety, 342, 350, 351, 353, 447 Dead weight loading, 67
Criticality Safety Index (CSI), 350, 351, 353 Declaration of Conformity, 311
Critical stress, ferritic steels at lower shelf, 113, 374 Decommissioning, definition, 661
Critical zones, of pressure equipment, 152 Decommissioning of nuclear facilities, 656, 661
CRC. See Corrosion-resistant cladding. characterization planning, 428
CRD. See Control rod drive. clearance criteria, 642
CRDM. See Control rod drive mechanism. decontamination, 637
CRN. See Canadian Registration Numbers. demobilization, 390
CRP. See Coordinated Research Project. demolition of nonradioactive structures, 479
Crush test, 350, 353 evaluation of alternatives, 681
for Type B radioactive materials packaging, 345–350, 447, 478, evaluation of technologies, 388
681 facility characterization, 428
Cryogenic Cargo Tanks, 358 license termination, 420
Cryogenic portable tanks, 358, 361, 364, 367 life cycle factors, 425
Cryogenic temperatures, fusion reactors, Japanese codes, 293 management team, 428, 430–431
CSA. See Canadian Standards Association. operations phase, 344
CSA Info Update, 158 operations phase, NRC license termination plan, 344–345
CSI. See Criticality Safety Index. operations phase, work scope activities, 344
CTOD. See Crack tip opening displacement. phase of, 344
CUF. See Cumulative usage factor. post-decommissioning, 425
Cumulative usage factor (CUF), 20, 34, 180, 306 pre-planning, 378
Curies, 342–344 pre-planning regulatory requirements, 378–379
Current licensing basis (CLB), 32–33, 35, 39 public and stakeholders participation program, 357–358
design load, 58 quality assurance requirements, 352
detection of aging effects under, 58 plan, decommissioning cost planning, 590
extended operation maintenance and, 58 plan, decommissioning project plan (DP), 643, 661
Cushion tanks, Canadian standards, 169–170 plan, identification of detailed activities, 523
CVCS. See Chemical Volume and Control System. plan, preparation of, 531
CVN. See Charpy V-notch upper-shelf energy (USE). plan, project schedule, 530
CVN. See Charpy V-notch energy. plan, project scope, 530
CWA. See Clean Water Act. planned decommissioning details, 590
Cyclic bending stress, 14 records, 541
Cyclic events, design specifications and fatigue, 20 removal/dismantling, 567
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risk analysis, 533 Design and Construction Rules for Civil Works of PWR Nuclear
Security program, 421 Island (RCC-G), 191, 194, 255
site restoration, 257 Design and Construction Rules for Electrical Equipment of Nuclear
Table 55.1 (NRC and OSHA Regulatory Delegations), 299 Islands (RCC-E), 191, 194, 255
transition planning, 511 Design and Construction Rules for Fire Protection (RCC-I), 194
waste management, 685 Design and Construction Rules for Fuel Assemblies of Nuclear
worldwide liability, 655 Power Plants (RCC-C), 191, 194, 255
Decommissioning Operations Contractor (DOC), 659 Design and Construction Rules for Mechanical Components of FBR
Decommissioning Plan (DP), 590, 659 Nuclear Islands (RCC-MR), 191–196, 245, 250–253, 255
Decommissioning Trust Fund (DTF), 681 appendices, 243
DECON alternative, 636 Appendix A10, 251
DECON plan, 637 Appendix A11, 251
Decontamination, of nuclear facilities, 590, 656, 661 Appendix A1 2, 251
Decontamination and decommissioning (D&D), 590, 656, 661 Appendix A1 6, 251
Deep water immersion test, radioactive material packaging, 390, 425, class 1 pressure components, 251
590, 656, 661 class 2 pressure components, 251
Defect removal, 101 Design and Construction Rules for Mechanical Components of PWR
Defense-in-depth principles, 58 Nuclear Islands (RCC-M), 253–254
Deformation, weld-induced PWSCC of alloy 600, 66 vs. American Society of Mechanical Engineers Code, 254, 264,
Deformation plasticity-based J-integral analysis, 126 281
Deformation plasticity failure assessment diagram (DPFAD) method, ANNEX ZK (Inservice Surveillance Modification), 228
114, 118–121, 123 Appendix S.I, 248
Defueling, as part of decommissioning of nuclear facilities, 656, 661 Appendix S.II, 248
De-gas line nozzle, 65 Appendix S.III, 248
Degradation mechanisms of piping, 96 Appendix Z IV, 243
inservice inspection, 94 Appendix ZA (Reinforcement of Opening), 238, 242
piping classification and active, 94 Appendix ZD, 244, 245
piping segments, 97 Appendix ZE, 244, 245–246
Degradation predictions, 76–78 Appendix ZF, 244
DEIR. See Designated equipment inspection regulations. Appendix ZG, 244, 245
Delayed hydride cracking, 175, 183–184, 187 Appendix ZH, 244–245
Delivery pipeline, 372 Appendix ZS (Inservice Surveillance Provisions), 228, 247
Delta ferrite class 1 pressure components, design, 226, 237–247
content, thermal aging embrittlement and, 59 class 2 pressure components, 226, 233, 242, 246–247
requirements in weld reinforcement, 18 class 3 pressure components, 226, 233, 242, 246–247
Demands for Information, 392 design and construction rules, 191–192, 194–197, 226, 255
Demolition, of nonradioactive structures, 479 documents covered in A.3000, 241
Dents, in pipeline systems, assessment, 396–397 fabrication of parts, 247–248
Department of Public Safety, New Brunswick, Canada, 168 1974 Order, 237–238, 239, 244–246
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) (U.K.), 309 vs. PED, 248
Department of Transportation Act, 338–343 Design and Construction Rules for System Design, French Codes
Design (RCC-P), 194, 228
boilers, French codes, 217, 222-224, 225 Designated equipment (DE), 261, 263
Canadian oil and gas pipeline systems, 170 Classes 1 and 2, 261
CANDU® nuclear power plants, 172–174, 176 Designated equipment inspection regulations (DEIR), 259, 261, 267
CANDU® nuclear power plants, seismic qualification, 179 Design basis, analysis, 104
criteria for the facility, 33 acceptance criteria of AMP taken directly from, 58
expansion bellows, 208 component requirements, 105
explicit safety factor of PWR reactor vessels, 43 events, 33, 173
EN 13445, 324–329 for pressurized water reactors, 43
fast breeder reactors, French codes, 250 Design-by-analysis, 20, 202, 222, 246
French pressure equipment, 191–192, 208 calculation of loads of shells, PD 5500 (U.K.), 320
industrial piping, French codes, 209, 226 concrete casks, 289
nuclear boiler and pressure vessels, Canadian standards, 168, 171, concrete casks, Japanese codes, 290
181 EN 13445, 326–327
pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 310, 312–318, 320–323 Nuclear pressure vessels PD 5500 (U.K.), 323
pressure tubes, 174 Design by formula (DBF), 202, 222
pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 253–254, 257–260 Design-by-rule method, 314
of pressurized water reactor vessels, 43 PD 5500 (U.K.), 312
transport tanks, 360–364 Design damping constant, 294–295
tubesheet heat exchangers, 208 Design documentation, CANDU® nuclear power plants, 172
Design and Construction Rules Committee (DCRC), 193 Design factor (Japanese), 267, 269, 271, 275, 287, 307
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702 • Index

Design fatigue analysis, 35 DOC. See Decommissioning Operations Contractor.

Design fatigue usage factor, 35 Documentation
Design pressure, 314, 316–317, 325 justification of solutions adopted for ESRs, 147
Design of indian pressurized heavy water reactor components 316 material certification of pressure equipment, 143
Design specification, 20 DOD. See United States Department of Defense.
use for dismantling planning, DOE. See United States Department of Energy.
Design stress, 314, 315 DOE/OCRWM. See United States Department of Energy, Office of
ferritic piping, 119 Civilian Radioactive Waste Management.
PD 5500 vs. EN 13445, 327 Donnell’s formula for cylindrical shells, 262–263
Design stress intensity DOT. See United States Department of Transportation.
of containment vessels for radioactive materials, Double containment rule
pressure equipment, Japanese codes, 286–287 for plutonium, 344
Design temperature, 325 for plutonium, proposed rule elimination (1997), 349–352
Design tensile strength, pressure equipment, Japanese codes, 287 for plutonium, rule elimination (1998), 349–350
Design tensile stress, pressure equipment, Japanese codes, 286–287 for plutonium vitrified high level waste, elimination (1998 final
Design transients, 35 rule), 349–350
Design yield strength, pressure equipment, Japanese codes, 286–287 DP. See Decommissioning Plan.
Destructive examination DPFAD. See Deformation plasticity failure assessment diagram.
CANDU® nuclear power plant components, 187 DTF. See Decommissioning trust fund.
of commercial reactor pressure vessel welds, 52 DTI. See Department of Trade and Industry.
joint coefficients allowed, 139, 159 Dual-purpose packages, 354–355
Destructive failure analysis, of alloy 82/182 butt weld leak, 69 Ductile cast iron, for metal casks, Japanese codes, 289
Deterministic fracture mechanics (DFM), 11 Ductile collapse, 113
as alternative nozzle weld evaluation, 11–12 Ductile crack extension, 122–123, 124–125
predicting PWSCC on Alloy 600 in PWRs, 76–78 Ductile fracture, of pressurized water reactor vessels, 48
Deterministic insights Ductile overload, 113
for component safety categorization, 103 Ductile tearing, 125–126
low-safety significance classification, 100–103 Ductility
Det Norske Veritas (DnV), 400 of pressure equipment, 143, 156
DnV RP-F101 method, 400 temperature and, 50
Deuterium ingress, zirconium alloys, 159 Dugdale elastic plastic strip yield model, 398
DFM. See Deterministic fracture mechanics. DUPIC. See Direct use of spent pressurized water reactor fuel in
DIAL. See Differential Absorption LIDAR. CANDU®.
Differential Absorption LIDAR (DIAL), 417 Dupont, E.I., Savannah River Plant, 425
Differential thermal expansion Dye penetrant testing, 72
allowable stresses for reactor vessel components/structures, 67 Dynamic/arrest fracture toughness, crack propagation and, 51
clad-base metal, 51 Dynamic crack, 53
Diffusion treatment, French codes, 248 Dynamic crush test, 353. See also Crush test.
Dimensionless parameter h1, 115 of Type B radioactive material packages, 342, 345, 355
DIN standards, 259 Dynamic loads
Direct assessment, pipeline systems, 376–377, 385, 393 crack propagation and, 51
Direct current (DC) potential technology, 24 of transport tanks, 357–359, 365, 366, 368
Direct current voltage gradient (DCVG) method, for pipeline system Dynamic load test, bend of pipe, 297
assessment, 395
Directive (97/23/CE). See Pressure Equipment Directive. EA. See Environmental Assessment.
Direct use of spent pressurized water reactor fuel in CANDU® EAF. See Environmentally assisted fatigue evaluation.
(DUPIC), 163 EAM. See European Approval of Materials.
Discontinuities, welds, PD 5500 (U.K.), 323 Earthquake(s)
Discontinuity formation, CANDU® nuclear power plant components, piping seismic design codes, 294
185 PRA Standards and, 110
Discontinuity stresses, 124 Earthquake loads, public health risk, 14, 90
Dished ends, 312, 317 EC. See European Commission.
EN 13445, 327–328 Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, 333
Dissimilar metal welds (DMW) ECP. See Electrochemical corrosion potential.
butt weld inspection requirements for, 72 Eddy current inspection/examination, CANDU® nuclear power plant
examination methods, 72 components, 177
inspection of, 81, 83 French codes, 252
MSIP applied to PWR vessel nozzle, 83 as surface examination, 72
weld overlays, of wetted surface of each J-groove weld and RPV head penetration
Distribution pipeline, DMW. See Dissimilar metal weld. nozzle, 72
DN. See Nominal diameter. zirconium alloy components, 170–171
DnV. See Det Norske Veritas. EDF. See Electricit È de France.
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EDM. See Electrodischarge machining. Reactor Internals Issue Task Group (RI-ITG), 57, 59
EDYs. See Effective degradation years. Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Nondestructive (NDE)
Effective crack size, 113 Center, 72
Effective degradation Years (EDYs), 72 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Piping and Fitting
“Effective” fatigue life correction factor, 37 Reliability Program (PFDRP), 295, 296, 298
Effective flaw depth, 120 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Pressurized Water Reactor
Effective full-power years (EFPY), 72 (PWR) Primary Water Chemistry Guidelines, 82
Effective stress intensity factor, 120 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Reports, 115
Efficiency diagram method, 236, 237 EPRI 1003557, 26
EFPY. See Effective full-power years. EPRI NP-719-SR (Flaw Evaluation Procedures), 61, 127
EFR. See European Fast Reactor studies. EPRI NP-1406-SR, 126
EGIG. See European Gas Pipeline Incident Data Group. EPRI NP-1931, 127
EJMA (Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association, Inc.) Standard, EPRI NP-2431, 128
264 EPRI NP-2671-LD, 25
Elastic analysis of nuclear reactor vessels, 509 EPRI NP-3319, 61
Elastic compensation method, 226 EPRI NP-3607 (Advances in Elastic-Plastic Fracture Analysis),
Elastic component of J, 115 127
Elastic instability pressure, 314 EPRI NP-4273-SR, 26
Elastic-plastic analysis, 119, 272–275, 511 EPRI NP-4443, 27
of nuclear reactor vessels, 113–126 EPRI NP-4665S-Sr, 85
of piping, 295–296 EPRI NP-4690-SR (Flaw Evaluation in Austenitic Steel Piping),
Elastic-plastic ductile tearing, 118 127
Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics (EPFM), 113 EPRI NP-4767, 25
austenitic stainless steel piping, Japanese codes, 281 EPRI NP-4824M (Evaluation of Flaws in Carbon Steel Piping),
evaluation, 117 127
flow diagram, 119–120 EPRI NP-4824SP (Evaluation of Flaws in Carbon Steel Piping),
techniques, 124–125 127
Elastic stress analysis EPRI NP-5151, 61
methods for design analysis of concrete containment vessels, 287–288 EPRI NP-5596 (Cylinders, Elastic-Plastic Fracture Analysis of
nuclear pressure vessels, PD 5500 (U.K.), 309 Flaws), 127
Elastic stress intensity factor for an effective crack size, 115 EPRI NP-6045 (Evaluation of Flaws in Ferritic Piping), 127
Elastomer degradation, age evaluation, 33 EPRI NP-6301-D (Circumferential Throughwall Cracks), 25, 61,
Elastoplastic analysis, French pressure equipment, 243, 251 127
Electrical codes and standards, Canadian standards, 163 EPRI NP-6927-D, 26
Electrical equipment, New Approach Directive, 145 EPRI NP-7085-D, 27
Electrical equipment, nuclear power plant, environmental EPRI NP-7103-D, 27
qualifications, 31, 34 EPRINP-7492, 128
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), 22 EPRI NP-7493, 86
categorizing systems and components for inservice inspection (ISI) Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Technical Reports
programs, 100 EPRI TR-100251 (White Paper), 61
conditions causing high boric acid corrosion, 74, 75 EPRI TR-100852, 86
evaluation of draft radiation embrittlement trend equations, 54 EPRITR-101971, 28
NPV economic modeling software developed, 84 EPRITR-103345, 85
pipe cracking in BWRs, 17 EPRITR-103566, 86
piping reliability study, 294 EPRITR-103696, 86
primary water stress corrosion cracking causal testing, 68 EPRITR-103824, 86
probable rate of corrosion of low-alloy steel by boric acid, 74 EPRI TR-104030, 86
researching effect of zinc on crack growth, 80 EPRI TR-105396 (PSA Applications Guide), 111
risk-informed inservice testing, pilot program for snubbers, 100 EPRI TR-105406, 86
testing mechanical remedial measures for PWSCC of alloy 600 EPRITR-105696, 25
nozzles, 83 EPRITR-105873, 25
weld overlay repair studies, 18 EPRI TR-106589-VI (PWR Steam Generator Examination
white paper (Reactor Vessel Integrity Requirements for Levels A Guidelines, Revision 4, Vol.1: Guidelines), 189
and B conditions), 46 EPRITR-106712, 26
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Boric Acid Corrosion EPRI TR-108390-RI (Application of Master Curve Fracture
Guidebook, 74 Toughness Methodology for Ferritic Steel), 61
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Ductile Fracture Handbook, 48 EPRI TR-108709, 26
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)/General Electric (GE) EPRITR-110356, 28
project, 21, 22, 24 EPRI TR-112657 Rev. B-A (Revised Risk-Informed ISI
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) J estimation scheme, 114 Procedure), 96–97, 111, 572
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Materials Reliability Electric Utility Industry Law, 258–260, 263–264, 266, 268
Program (MRP) Ordinance 51, 268
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704 • Index

Electrochemical corrosion potential (ECP), 3, 17, 23–24, 67 Equivalent margin, review summary, 16
Electrode boilers, 156 Equivalent margin analysis, 15–16
Electrodes, 17, 188, 286, 395, 597, 675 ERDA. See Energy Resource and Development Agency.
Electrodischarge machining (EDM), skim cutting, as remedial Erosion
measure for PWSCC, 83 of pressure equipment, 153
Electroless nickel plating, as remedial measure for PWSCC, 83 provision for, 102
Electrolytic plating, French codes, 253 Erosion/corrosion, fuel channel feeder pipes, 183
Electromagnetic compatibility, New Approach Directive, 145 ES&H. See Environment, safety, and health.
Electro mechanical nickel brush plating, as remedial measure for ESRs. See Essential safety requirements.
PWSCC, 83 Essential safety requirements (ESRs), 129–130, 142–144, 147
Electroslag, 15–16 compliance with, 149–156
Elevated temperatures of Pressure Equipment Directive, 130–131, 133–134, 137–138
boilers, French codes, 237 ETC-M (EPR Technical Code-Mechanical Components), 193, 228
concrete containment vessels, 287 Ethylene oxide, 260
conformance of pressure equipment, 148 EU. See European Union.
fast breeder reactors, French codes, 250 Euler’s formula for tubes, 262–263
Japanese fast breeder reactor, 275 Euro Norm (EN), 255
pressure equipment conformance, 143–144, 149 Euro Norm (EN) Standards, 192, 255
Elongation after rupture, in pressure equipment, 157, 311 revisions and new developments, 330
Embrittlement, 50–51, 57 for steel, 149
Embrittlement trend curve prediction, 43, 54–55 Euro Norm (EN) Standards, specific types
Emergency/faulted conditions, structural factor, 118 EN 286, 314
Emergency Operating Procedures (EOP), 100 EN 287 (Personnel), 140, 148, 312, 330
Emergency responders, 352 EN 287-1, 248
EN. See Euro Norm. EN 288 (Procedures), 330
Enbridge Pipeline, 388 EN 288 Part 3 (Procedure Testing for Steels), 212, 222
End fittings, 164–165, 174, 177 EN 473 (Qualification of NDE Personnel), 140, 249, 526, 570,
Energy release rate, 114 590, 595, 596
Energy Resource and Development Agency (ERDA), 334 EN 571-1 (Penetrant Testing), 249
Enhanced immersion test, 323 EN 583 1-2-5 (Ultrasonic Testing/Examination (UT)), 249
Enquiry Case, 311 EN 895 (Tensile Tests), 249
Envelope defect, 245 EN 1043-1, 249
Environmental effects EN 1092, 316
causing PWSCC, 66–68, 77–78 EN 1418, 326
concrete casks, Japanese codes, 290 EN 1591 (Piping Flanges), 208, 216, 329
concrete containment vessels, Japanese codes, 287 EN 1594 (Functional Requirements for Pipeline Incident
on fatigue life, 39 Statistics), 372
fuel-handling equipment, CANDU® nuclear power plants, 176 EN 1713 (Ultrasonic Examination, Welded Joints), 249
on high-CUF components, 37 EN 1759, 316
to initiate PWSCC in PWR, 76 EN 2650, 248
Japanese codes, 276 EN 10002-1, 249
pipeline systems, 372–374 EN 10028 (Flat Products Made of Steels for Pressure Purposes,
of reactor coolant on components, 34–35, 37 French Codes), 142, 236, 310, 311, 554, 555
seismic design, Japanese codes, 290, 294–296, 298 EN 10160 (Ultrasonic Examination), 249
water and fatigue of pressure vessels, 212 EN 10204, 143, 554, 555
Environmentally-assisted cracking EN 10204: 2004-3.1, 143
fatigue crack initiation/growth, 24 EN 10204: 2004-3.2 Inspection Report, 143
as pipeline failure mode, 375, 390, 409 EN 10213, French codes, 236
of pressurized water reactor (PWR) vessels, 44 EN 10216, 142
stress-corrosion cracking, 24, 67–68 EN 10222 (Steel Forgings for Pressure Purposes) (French codes),
Environmentally assisted fatigue (EAF) evaluation, 35, 37 236, 310
Environmental Standard Review Plan, 31 EN 10246 6-7 (Ultrasonic Examination, Tube Defects), 249
EOP. See Emergency Operating Procedure. EN 10307 (Ultrasonic Examination, Flat Products), 249
EPA. See United States Environmental Protection Agency. EN 12223 (Ultrasonic Examination), 249
EPFM. See Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics. EN 12668 1-2-3 (Ultrasonic Examination), 249
EPR studies (project), 23, 193, 228, 245, 247 EN 12952, 142, 311
ETC-M (Paper 2488), 253 EN 12953, 142, 311
EPRG. See European Pipeline Research Group. EN 13445, 142, 208, 254, 309, 310, 314, 316, 320, 324–330, 537,
EPRI. See Electric Power Research Institute. 556, 558
EPU. See Extended power uprate. Annexes B and C, 326
Equivalency recommendation, 393 Annex G, 329, 330
Equivalent flat-bottom hole criteria, 249 Annex J, 329
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Annex K, 329 Executive Summary of the Reactor Safety Study, 89

Annex Z, 325 Expansion bellows
EN 13445-2, 326 EN 13445 standard, 329
EN 13445-3, 208, 312, 326 French code design rules, 206–208
EN 13480 (European Harmonized Standard for Piping), 142, 209, Expansion joints, 131, 216, 226, 262–264, 267
556 Explosive atmospheres, equipment and protective systems, New
EN 15614-1 (Procedure Testing for Steels), 148 Approach Directive, 146
EN 29001, 253 Explosives for civil uses, New Approach Directive, 145
EN 45004, 138, 570 Extended operation
EN 45012, 138 existing nuclear facilities, 679
EN ISO 3452-2 (Testing of Penetrant Materials), 249 age management programs (AMPs) and, 58, 59
EN ISO 6506 1-2-3, 249 license renewal application for, 29, 57
EN ISO 6507 1-2-3 test, 249 standards to evaluate programs, 41
EN ISO 6508 1-2-3, 249 Extended power uprate (EPU), 6
EN ISO 9000, 136, 137, 228, 253, 538 External events, 91, 104
EN ISO 9001, 554, 555 probabilistic risk assessment for treatment of, 105
EN ISO 9606-4, 248
EN NF 287-1, 248, 554, 555 Fabrication
EN NF 288-1, 554, 555 CANDU® nuclear power plants, 174
EN NF 288-3, 212, 222 failure due to defects in, 102
EN NF 10028-2 (Pressure Vessel Steels), 236 industrial piping, French codes, 228–229
NF EN 1591, 216 inspections, Canadian standards, 169
NF EN 9606-4, 248 pressure equipment, EN 13445, 330
European Approval of Materials (EAM), 139, 142–144, 148, 310 pressure vessels, French codes, 206–208
European Parliament and Council, 131, 563 shipping containers for radioactive materials, 347
European Network for Inspection Qualification (ENIQ)519, 520, 524, transport tanks, 358, 365
529–532, 568–570, 574, 590, 629 FAC. See Flow-assisted corrosion.
European Commission (EC), 130, 138, 142, 144, 375, 529, 530, 531, Factor MF, 122
536, 593 FAD. See Failure assessment program.
chairing Working Group Pressure Standing Committee, 144 Failure analysis, 69, 96, 264, 265
Guiding Principles issued by, 142 Failure Assessment Diagram Procedure, 121
Web site, 130 Failure Assessment Program (FAD), two-criteria (CEGB), 117
European Commission (EC) Declaration of Conformity, 133, 144 Failure modes
European Commission (EC) Design Examination Certificate, 136, pipeline systems, 374
137 pressure vessels, PD 5500 (U.K.) (EN 13445), 326
European Commission (EC) Type Examination Certificate, 136, 557 Faraday’s Law, 23
European Commission (EC) unit verification, 136 Fast breeder reactors (FBR), 59, 193
European consortium of gas pipeline companies (GERG), 417 French codes,193, 226, 250–253
European Court, legal authority for implementing PED Guidelines, rules on design and construction (Japanese), 275
144 Fast fracture, French codes, 245, 247
European Data Sheet, 310 Fatality rate, from pipeline incidents, 371–373, 421
EU 6th Framework Programmes, 582 Fatigue, 33, 34, 124
European Fast Reactor (EFR) studies, 193 crack propagation in low alloy and stainless steels, 69
European Federations, represented in Working Group Pressure environmental effects, 21, 34, 39
Standing Committee, 144 nozzles, PD 5500 (U.K.), 314
European Gas Pipeline Incident Data Group (EGIG), 372 as pipeline failure mode, 374
European Pipeline Research Group (EPRG), 397 in pressure equipment, 152
European Union (EU), 129–131, 133, 138, 148, 149, 310, 545, 553 of pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 310, 323
New Approach concept, 129 of supports, PD 5500 (U.K.), 319
Examination categories, specific types Fatigue analysis, 34, 37
B-A (Vessel Welds), 6, 96–98 of containment vessels for radioactive materials, 346, 347
B-D (Full Penetration Welded Nozzles in Vessels), 10, 11, 673 French codes, 208, 243–245, 251
B-F (Pressure-Retaining Dissimilar Metal Welds in Vessel Japanese codes, 271, 275, 287–289
Nozzles), 72, 96–98, 572, 573 seismic design, nuclear power plant piping, 296, 298
B-J (Pressure-Retaining Welds in Piping), 94–98, 573 Fatigue crack growth, 24
B-N-1 (Interior of Reactor Vessel), 72 in boiling water reactor jet pumps, 4–5
B-N-2 (Core Support Structures), 1 vessel-to-shroud support weld, 14
B-N-3 (Removable Core Support Structures), 60 Fatigue crack growth analysis
B-O (Control Rod Housing Welds), 72 evaluation methods, 5–6
B-P (Pressure Retaining Components), 72, 98 reference curves: austenitic stainless steels in air environment, 21
C-F-1, 96, 97, 98 reference curves: austenitic stainless steels in water environment,
C-F-2, 96, 97, 98 21–22
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706 • Index

Fatigue crack growth analysis (continued) in pressure equipment, 157

reference curves: ferritic stainless steels in air environment, 22 for pressure equipment, French codes, 223–224
reference curves: ferritic stainless steels in water environment, 22 Finite element analysis, 296, 323, 507, 510, 644, 649
Fatigue crack growth model, 402 of boiling water reactor steam dryer failure, 6
Fatigue crack growth rate, 5–6, 9, 281 for calculating semi-elliptical crack depth, 47
Fatigue cracking for calculating stresses of high-pressure vessels, 47
boilers, French codes, 212 vessels, PD 5500 (U.K.), 323
CANDU® nuclear power plant components, 177 for nuclear reactor vessels, 67
fitness-for-service code evaluation of BWR (Japan), 280, 286 of pipeline systems, 400–402
industrial piping, French codes, 198 Finite element models (FEM), 5, 18, 35, 644
pressure vessels, 198, 205 Finland nuclear power plants, surveillance programs, 229
Fatigue crack initiation, 20–24 Finland Olkiluoto 3 project, 193
Fatigue failure, 6, 20, 102 Fire conditions, 91
Fatigue life, 34, 37, 141 damage-limitation requirements, pressure equipment, 154
EN 13445 standard, 330 fire protection equipment, 30, 32–33, 104
piping, Japanese codes, 295–297 probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) standard, 92
pipeline systems, 397 public health risk, 89–90
pressure vessels, PD 5500 (U.K.), 310, 323 Fired-heater pressure coils, 168, 170
reactor component, 15, 21 Fired or otherwise heated equipment, categorization, 134
Fatigue life correction factor, 37 Fired pressure vessels, 157
Fatigue monitoring program (FMP), 35, 37–38 Firetube boilers, French codes, 217, 222, 236. See also COVAP.
Fatigue reduction factor, pressure vessels, PD 5500 (U.K.), 322 Fissile Classes, 336–338
Fatigue strain correction factors, 245 Fissile Class I, 338
Fatigue strength, of containment vessels for radioactive materials, Fissile Class II, 336, 337
346–347 Fissile Class III, 336, 337
Fatigue strength/life-property curves (S/N curves), pressure vessels, Fissile material, 335–338, 341,–342, 344, 347, 349–350, 352–354, 356
PD 5500 (U.K.), 320–321 Fissile-to-nonfissile mass ratio, 354
Fatigue strength reduction factor, 245, 596 Fitness-for-service code (Japanese Nuclear Safety), 276–281
Fatigue usage, 21, 34, 37, 245 Fitness-for-service demonstrations, of pressurized water reactor
Fatigue usage factor vessel internals, 59
calculation of, 34–35 FIV. See Flow-induced vibration.
seismic stress limiting requirements, 295, 298 Ferritic steels
FAVOR Code, pressurized thermal shock events, 56 allowable membrane stress, 144
FBE. See Fusion bonded epoxy coatings. allowable stresses, pressure equipment, 139
FBR. See Fast breeder reactor. dynamic or crack arrest condition, 53
Federal Aviation Act of 1958, 339 flaws in components operating in upper shelf range, 125
Federal Aviation Administration, 339 fracture toughness, 45, 50, 53
Federal Aviation Agency, 336–337 in pressure equipment, allowable stresses, 157
Federal Aviation Regulations, 339 for pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 311
Federal Highway Agency, corrosion costs and effects study in U.S., radiation embrittlement, 43
407 shipping container fracture toughness, 339
Federal Register. See United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission stress corrosion crack growth rate relationships, 26
(USNRC) Federal Register(FR). Ferritic stainless steels
Feedwater nozzle, 8–9, 11–12, 24 environmental fatigue crack growth rate, 22
Feedwater System (FWS), 99 failure mechanism prediction, 116
Ferrite content, French tests for, 249 flaw evaluation, FFS code (Japan), 114
Ferritic-austenitic stainless steels, for industrial piping, French codes, for industrial piping, French codes, 191
203 piping, default material properties and Z factor, 212
Fiber-optic sensors, 417 piping, dissimilar metal weld overlays, 19
50 ft.-lb. regulatory requirements, 121 piping, flaw evaluation, 123
Fillet weld, 322 piping, Japanese codes, 243
Filling stations, Canadian standards, 168 piping, structural factors, 118
Film/rupture model, 23 for pressure equipment, French codes, 181
Film thickness measurement, coatings and liners of CANDU® for pressure equipment, U.K. codes, 135
nuclear power plant components, 186 for transport tanks, 366
Filters, in scope of PED, 131 Ferrous materials
Final assessment/inspection, of pressure equipment, 154 for industrial piping, French codes, 191
Final safety analysis report (FSAR), 30, 32–33, 58–59, 539 for pressure equipment, French codes, 202
Financial planning, for decommissioning, for pressure equipment, Japanese codes, 258
Fine-grained steels Flanges, 66, 131, 286, 312, 316, 317, 319, 329, 359, 363, 405, 416
allowable membrane stress, 144 bolted joints, PD 5500 (U.K.), 316, 319, 324
for industrial piping, French codes, 212 EN 13445 standard, 324
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reactor vessel lower closure, use of alloy 600, 63–66 Forge welding, 365
welded to alloy 600 nozzle, 65, 72, 82, 83 Forgings, European standards, 236
Flapper wheel surface polishing, as remedial measure for PWSCC, Form NIS-2 (Owner’s Report for Repair/Replacement Activity), 102,
83 541, 543
Flaring test, French codes, 249 Forms, sample, Canadian standards (Annex D), 163
Flat ends, EN 13445 standard, 329 Form X, 311
Flat plates and covers, for pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 317 FR. See United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC)
Flattening test, French codes, 249 Federal Register.
Flaw (crack) Fracture, as pipeline failure mode, 374
allowable flaw size, 56, 78, 116, 280 Fracture design analysis, based on J integral, 114
axial, 14, 15, 17, 18, 49, 74, 118, 648 Fracture design handbook, 114
axial, leakage from, 17 Fracture mechanics analysis, 8, 9, 55, 400, 592, 646
axial, repair of, 81 for crack growth due to IASCC, 60
axial, through-wall in alloys 82/182 butt weld, 69, 73 flaw tolerance evaluation, 9
circumferential, 4, 15, 18, 49, 72, 74, 79, 118–120, 279, 281, 648 for loss of toughness due to irradiation, 60
crack growth rate monitoring, 24 plant-specific, 9
critical size, component failure and, 73 of pressurized water reactor vessels, 45
depth, 9, 13, 47, 55, 118, 122, 123, 400 Fracture resistance, 113, 121, 124, 512, 596
distribution, 12, 80 “Fracture-safe” design, 43
effect on integrity of PWR vessels, 66 Fracture test specimen geometries, 114
elliptical, 265, 401 Fracture toughness
end-of-life size, 45 determining median, 53
evaluation methods, 24, 46, 112 of ferritic steel, 53, 348
evaluation methods of Section XI, 46, 76 French codes, restrictions, 230
fatigue crack growth, 4 irradiation and, 1–3, 45, 57, 59, 60
inspection and, 258, 263 in light-water reactors, 45
length, 3, 4, 11, 49, 451, 452 lower bound curves, 52–54
as predicted failure mechanisms, 82 Master Curve approach, 43, 53, 581, 583
reference, 44–49, 55, 56, 59, 262 monitoring changes in, 45
semi-elliptical surface, 44–46 of nuclear pressure vessel steels, 114
shape factor, 48 pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 281
size, 44, 51, 53, 56, 59, 72, 77, 112, 114, 115, 116, 118, 120, 124, protection against pressurized thermal shocks, 33
175, 262, 263, 448, 452 reduction in, due to aging, 57
surface, 10, 15, 47, 48, 50, 52, 56, 78, 120, 444 static loading and, 51
through-wall, 4, 9, 114–116, 262, 450 temperature dependent, 50
Flaw acceptance criteria and evaluation, 10, 15, 124, 280 testing, 53
of carbon steel piping, 16, 573 transition temperature, 44, 53
Class 1 ferritic piping, 118 Fracture toughness curve index, 44
of ferritic piping, 118, 125, 281 Fracture toughness curves, referenced, 50–53
Japanese nuclear power plant components, 269 Framatome-ANP, 677
of stability/instability, 126 Framatome-EDF teams, 194
Flaw removal, 80 Freeze plugging, 405
Flexure forces, concrete containment vessels, 269, 270, 287–288 French association of design, construction, and inservice inspection
Flow-assisted corrosion (FAC), ISI programs for, 89 rules for nuclear island components (AFCEN), 191, 193–197,
Flow-induced vibration (FIV), 4–6 246
Flow-sensitization, of piping failure and, 96 working groups, 197
Flow stress, 4, 18, 113, 117, 118, 265, 281, 374, 396, 398, 399, 400, French codes dealing with pressure equipment, 191
513 Annex FA 1 (Permissible welded joints), 205
definition, 118 design, 193
ferritic piping, 119 Figure 49.1 (CODAP Committee Structures), 192
Fluence, 3, 12, 15, 43, 45, 51, 54, 55, 57, 124, 499, 500, 643 Figure 49.2 (Initial Pragmatic Approach for Establishing RCC-M),
crack tip, 59, 124 193
embrittlement and prediction-trend curves, 43, 50 Figure 49.3 (Organization of French Nuclear Codes), 194
neutron, 45, 55, 450 Figure 49.4 (AFCEN Structure), 195
Fluoride-induced stress corrosion cracking (SCC), 2–5, 13, 20, 22, Figure 49.5 (Structure of Subsections of RCC-M and Relations
23, 24, 57, 63, 64, 83, 160, 161, 278–281, 290, 373, 374, 386, among Sections), 196
387, 499, 500, 512, 526, 572 Figure 49.6 (Hazard Category Determination of a Vessel
Flux welds, failure mechanism, 118 Containing Dangerous Gas), 199
FMP. See Fatigue monitoring program. Figure 49.7 (Hazard Category Determination for Piping
Folias factor M (MT), 396, 398, 401, 402 Containing a Dangerous Gas), 218
“For a Use of Nuclear Energy in 21st Century of Japan”, 257 Figure 49.8 (Installation of Expansion Joints (Extracted from
Foreign national competent authority, 342, 343 Annex C3.A3)), 226
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708 • Index

French codes dealing with pressure equipment (continued) Table 49.35 (Materials for Boilers, Elevated Temperature
Figure 49.9 (Supports, Industrial Piping), 228 Considerations), 237
Figure 49.10 (Buried Piping, Industrial Piping), 228 Table 49.36 (Testing, Boilers), 238
Figure 49.11 (Dimensional Tolerances for Prefabricated Spools), Table 49.37 (Testing, Boilers), 239
229 Table 49.38 (Nondestructive Examination, Boilers), 240
Figure 49.12 (Set-on Branches with Reinforcing Ring), 230 Table 49.39 (Conformity Assessment Procedure, Boilers), 241
Figure 49.13 (Hazard Category for Heated Pressure Equipment, Table 49.40 (RCC-M: Correspondence Among Safety Class,
Overheating Risk), 234 RCC-M Class, and Operating Conditions), 241
Figure 49.14 (Firetube Boiler: Tubesheet Arrangements), 236 Table 49.41 (RCC-M Section 2 Structure), 242
Figure 49.15 (RCC-M Section 2 Structure), 242 Table 49.42a (Reactor Vessel Steel Comparison of Chemical
Figure 49.16 (Class 1 Design Rules and Nonmandatory Properties), 243
Appendices), 244 Table 49.42b (RCC-M Mandatory Appendices), 243
Figure 49.17 (Welding Qualification and Acceptance Criteria), 247 Table 49.43a (Reactor Vessel Steel Comparison of Impact Tests),
links with PED, 198 244
surveillance programs, 229 Table 49.44 (Correspondence among RCC-M B 3200, B 3500, and
Table 49.1 (French Pressure Equipment Codes), 192 B 3600 Criteria), 246
Table 49.2 (RCC-M Structure), 195 Table 49.45 (RCC-MR Technical Appendices), 250
Table 49.3 (Comparison of ASME Code Structure and French Table 49.46 (RSE-M Appendices), 252
Codes), 196 testing and inspection, 216
Table 49.4 (Contents of the RCC-MR Code), 197 French Association of Pump Manufacturers, 246
Table 49.5 (Risk Assessment for Pressure Vessels Falling Within French-German ETC-M rule, 253
the Scope of the PED), 200 French 1984 Order on Quality, 253
Table 49.6 (Risk Assessment for Pressure Vessels Beyond PED French Pressure Vessel Regulation, 254
Scope), 201 French Safety Authority, 193
Table 49.7 (Determination of the Construction Category in Fundamental Safety Rule, 197
CODAP), 202 Fundamental Safety Rule RFS V.2.C, 193
Table 49.8 (Nominal Design Stress in CODAP® 2000 (Excerpt)), Safety Authority Decision, 197
203 French Standardization Organization (AFNOR-Association Française
Table 49.9 (Weld joint Efficiency, Pressure Vessels), 203 de Normalisation), 192
Table 49.10 (Material Grouping), 204 AFNOR/SNCT Codes, 195
Table 49.11 (205), 205 French Standard Series NF E 32-100, 217
Table 49.12 (Design Rules), 206 French transposing regulations, Decree 99-1046, 222
Table 49.13 (Tolerances on Branches), 207 FSAR. See Final safety analysis report.
Table 49.14 (Permissible Joints (Exerpt)), 210 Fuel bundle design, 163
Table 49.15 (Extent of Nondestructive Examination), 213 Fuel channels, 174
Table 49.16 (Conformity Assessment Interventions), 214 Fuel cladding, 164
Table 49.17 (Conformity Assessment Procedure Selection), 217 Fuel deposit, reduction in, 83
Table 49.18 (Risk Assessment for Piping Falling Within the Scope Fuel fabrication plants, 343
of PED), 219 Fuel reprocessing, 343
Table 49.19 (Risk Assessment: Additional Criteria, Industrial Full penetration welds, 52
Piping, Beyond PED Scope), 220 Functionality analysis, as aging management strategy, 60
Table 49.20 (Construction Category Determination in CODETI), Fuse holder, age management program (AMP), 39
220 Fusion bonded epoxy (FBE) coatings, for pipeline systems, 410
Table 49.21 (Nominal Design Stress, Industrial Piping), 221 Fussell-Vesely (FV), 106
Table 49.22 (Nominal Design Stress/Piping Categories, Beyond FV. See Fussell-Vesely.
Material Creep Range), 221 FWS. See Feedwater System.
Table 49.23 (Welded Joint Coefficient, Industrial Piping), 222
Table 49.24 (Material Grouping, Industrial Piping), 223 Gadolinium-159, 475
Table 49.25 (Steel Grades and Maximum Permissible Thickness in GALL Report. See Generic Aging Lessons Learned Report.
Relation to Construction Categories), 224 Galvanic corrosion
Table 49.26 (Safety Factors), 224 age evaluation, 33
Table 49.27 (Components, Industrial Piping), 225 as pipeline failure mode, 374
Table 49.28 (Flexibility Characteristic, and Flexibility and Stress pressure equipment conformance, 143
Intensification Factors), 227 GAO. See Government Accounting Office reports.
Table 49.29 (Dimensional Tolerances for Prefabricated Spools), Gas, in sense of PED, 133
229 Gas distribution systems, Canadian standards, 171
Table 49.30 (Nondestructive Testing, Industrial Piping), 231 Gaskets, 131
Table 49.31 (Conformity Assessment Procedures), 233 Gas pipeline systems, 170
Table 49.32 (Nominal Design Stress in COVAP), 234 Gas Research Institute (GRI), 395
Table 49.33 (Boiler Acceptance, Design Stresses, and Welded Joint Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), 18
Efficiency by Category), 234 Gas Utility Industry Law, 258
Table 49.34 (Material Grouping, Boilers), 235 Gathering system, definition, 372
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GE. See General Electric. Harmonized European Product Standard, 139

GEIS. See Generic Environmental Impact Statement. Harmonized standards, 129, 137–142, 147, 150
General corrosion, as pipeline failure mode, 407 Annex Z, 147
General Electric (GE), 27 definition, 150
Pipeline Solutions, 388 Hazard analysis, 140
General Electric (GE) Reports Hazard categories
GEAP-24098, 28 boilers, French codes, 208, 212, 217, 222–224
GE-NE-523-A71-0594-A, Revision 1, 26 industrial piping, French codes, 191
NEDE-20364, 25 Hazard classes, transport tanks, 358
NEDO-21000, 26 Hazard identification, 138
NEDO-21821-A, 26 Hazardous material, 340
General Electric (GE) Service Information Letter 644, disposal of, 438
Supplement 1, 27 Hazardous Materials Regulations of the Department of
General Instruction (Canadian publication), 162 Transportation (49CFR171–178), 339
General membrane stress, of pressure equipment, 157 Hazardous Materials Transportation Regulations (49CFR170–190),
Generic Aging Lessons Learned (GALL) Report (USNRC), 21, 338
28–30, 42, 57, 61. See also United States Nuclear Regulatory Hazardous Material Transportation Act of 1990 (HMTA), 350
Commission (USNRC) Regulatory Guides, NUREG 1801 Hazard zone radius, 384
(GALL Report). HB test, 249
age management programs, 33, 35–38 HCAs. See High consequence areas.
age management review (AMR), 32, 35 Heads
Appendix X.M1, 28 reactor pressure vessel bottom head, 73, 86
elements, 58-59 reactor pressure vessel top-head, boric acid corrosion, 86, 114
exceptions to, 33 reactor pressure vessel top-head, PWSCC cracking issue, 86, 124
purpose, 41 replacement, 84
reactor coolant environment effects on component fatigue Head vent nozzle, 65
life, 34, 37 Health physics (HP), 461
second GALL Report, 30 Heat-affected zone (HAZ)
system groupings, 32 cracked welds and, 18
Vol. 2 System, 38 cracking, 1-2
Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS) for License impact testing, 249
Renewal of Nuclear Plants, 31 joining procedure qualifications, 140
Geographic information systems (GIS), database, 379 local brittle zones, 52
Geometry (deformation, caliper or band pigs), for pipeline system stress corrosion cracking initiated in cladding, 25
assessment, 391 toughness properties of circumferential welds, 49
Geotechnical issues, causing pipeline incidents, 373 weld sensitization in., 16
GERG. See European consortium of gas pipeline companies. of welds of pressure vessels, 26
German KTA provisions, 193 Heaters for chemical processes, 156
Girth weld, 17, 49 Heat exchanger examination, 108
GIS. See Geographic information systems. GL. See United States Heat exchangers
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) Generic Letter. Canadian standards, 187
Glass, structural factors, 125 design, EN 13445, 324
Gouges, in pipeline systems, assessment, 396–397 Japanese codes, 257
Grain size, French codes, 249 for pressure vessel components, French codes, 329
Grandfather clauses, radioactive material packaging, 340 in scope of PED, 131, 147
for special form radioactive material encapsulation, 340 Heat exchanger tubesheets
TS-R-1 provisions, 349–353, 355 EN 13445 standard, 329
GRI. See Gas Research Institute. Japanese codes, 257
Grinding, for removal of surface flaws, 80 Heat-sink welding (HSW), of stainless steel piping, 17
Ground storage vessels, compressed natural gas, Canadian standards, Heat treated steel, 144
168, 170 Heat treatments
Group 1 gas, 133 French codes, 253
Group 2 gas, 133 of pressure equipment, 138, 141
Group VII transport group, 340 of pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 257–261, 263
GTAW. See Gas tungsten arc welding. Heatup/cooldown limit curves, for pressurized water reactors, 43, 49–51
Guidance Documents, 333 High alloy steels, 360, 365
Guiding Principles, 142 for pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 259
Half-pipe coils, 318 High consequence areas (HCAs), of pipeline rupture, 375
Hanford and West Valley, 434 High consequence assessment, 100
Hardness testing High cycle fatigue, 6, 245
CANDU® nuclear power plant components, 181 High-fatigue lines, limiting welds, 38
French codes, 253 High-level requirements (HLR), PRA Standards, 93
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710 • Index

High-level waste (HLW) borosilicate glass, 349, 356 Hydrogen cyanide, liquefied, 260
High-level waste (HLW) containing plutonium, 349, 355–356 Hydrogen-induced cracking, 140
High Level Waste (HLW) Packages, 355 Hydrogen to fissile material atomic ratio (H/X), 335
High-pressure cylinders, for on-board storage of natural gas fuel for Hydrogen water chemistries (HWC), 3, 17
automobiles, Canadian standards, 168 Hydropneumatic tanks, Canadian standards, 169
High-pressure gases, definition, Japanese codes, 260 Hydrostatic pressure, PWR test limits, 45, 103, 155
High-Pressure Gas Safety Law (HPGSL), 258, 260 CANDU® nuclear power plant components, 184
High Pressure Institute of Japan, 271 in pressure equipment, 157
High-pressure polyethylene units, reactors for, 261 pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 263
High-safety significant (HSS) components, 90, 96 Hydrostatic testing, 45, See also Hydro testing.
High-strength steels, for pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 312 detecting PWSCC, 69
High temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGR), 505–506 pipeline systems, 376, 393
High-yield strength steels, 224 transport tanks, 366
HLR. See High-level requirements. Hydro testing, 376
HLW. See High-level waste. French codes, 253
HMR. See United States Hazardous Materials Regulations. pipeline systems, 376, 379, 393
HMTA. See Hazardous Material Transportation Act of 1990. of pressurized water reactor vessel, 45
Holiday, pipeline systems, 395 Hypothetical accident conditions, radioactive material incidents, 336,
Homeland security, risk-informed methods for protection, 89 338, 341
Homeland Security Act of 2002, 420 Hypothetical Accident Condition test, 339n
Hoop stress, 67, 315, 402 Hysteresis tests, piping, Japanese codes, 296
pipeline systems, 413
Hopper diagram, 324 IAEA. See International Atomic Energy Agency.
Hot cell test, 60 IASCC. See Irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking.
Hot cracks, as PWSCC initiators, 67 IATA. See International Air Transport Association.
Hot isostatic pressing unit, 261 ICAO. See International Civil Aviation Organization.
Hot-leg nozzle, weld overlay repair, 81 ICC. See Interstate Commerce Commission.
Hot-leg pipe, 69 ICDA. See Internal corrosion direct assessment.
Hot leg welds, 72 ICI. See Incore instrument nozzle.
Hot-water boilers, 156 ICRP. See International Commission on Radiological Protection.
New Approach Directive, 144 ID. See Inside diameter examination.
Hot-water generators, 156 Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) Oversight Program,
Hot-water tanks, Canadian standards, 169 506
HP. See Health physics. IDCOR. See Industry Degraded Core Rulemaking program.
HPGSL. See High-Pressure Gas Safety Law. Identification, for Canadian standards, for pressure
HRC test, 249 equipment, 169
HSA. See Historical Site Assessment. IDP. See Integrated decision-making panel.
HSS. See High-safety significant segments. IEC. See International Electrotechnical Commission.
HSW. See Heat-sink welding. IEC. See International Energy Consultants, Inc.
HTGR. See High temperature gas-cooled reactor. IEEE. See Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Human factors, 104 IGSCC. See Intergranular stress corrosion cracking.
Human reliability analysis, 93 Inhibitors, for pipeline systems, 416
Hungary’s sole Nuclear Power Plant 589 IHSI. See Induction heating stress improvement.
Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority (HAEA).589 ILI. See In-line inspection.
Hungarian regulatory rules 590–591 Immersion tests, of radioactive material packaging, 416
HV 10 for welds test, 249 Immersion-type electrically heated boilers, 156
HV test, 249 IMP. See Integrity management plan.
HWC. See Hydrogen water chemistries. H/X. See Hydrogen to fissile Impact limiters, 345
material atomic ratio. Impact resistance, pressure equipment conformance, 141–142
Hybrid containment vessels, Japanese codes, 288 Impact strength, pressure equipment conformance, 149
Hydraulic pressure test Impact testing, 144
EN 13445 standard, 329 French codes, 253
Japanese codes, 257 pressure vessels, Canadian standards, 169
of pressure vessels, PD 5500 (U.K.), 319 pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 263–264, 266
Hydraulic valves, inservice testing using risk-insights, 105 radioactive material packaging, 292, 350–356
Hydride blister formation, 183, 187 transport tanks, 365
Hydride cracking, 159 Imperfection, RCC-MR code, 251
Hydrogen Inaugural inspection, CANDU® nuclear power plant components, 182
crack growth rate and concentration, 67–68 INCO. See International Nickel Corporation.
pressurized water reactor primary coolant concentration, 85 Inconel alloys, 17, 63, 85. See also Nickel alloys, specific types;
refrigerated, hazard class, 358 Nickel-chromium alloys; Weld metals, specific types.
use in dissimilar metal weld overlays, 19 Incore instrument (ICI) nozzles, 65
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Incremental collapse Inservice Inspection Rules for Mechanical Components of PWR

boilers, French codes, 222 Nuclear Islands (RSE-M), 254–255
industrial piping, French codes, 209 appendices, 251–252
pressure vessels, 200 classes 1, 6, components, 251
Indirect assessment, pipeline systems, 380, 386 Inservice testing (IST), 677
Indian phwr 635 plant-specific risk-informed decision making, 94, 106
Industrial code in korea:korea electric power industry code (kepic) of pumps, 108
674 risk-informed, 90–92, 94–96, 98–112
Individual plant examination (IPE), for severe accident of snubbers, 105–106
vulnerabilities, 33 of valves, 105
Individual plant examination of external events (IPEEE), 33 Inspection
Induction heating stress improvement (IHSI), 17 of boilers, French codes, 217, 222–224
as remedial measure for IGSCC in boiling water reactors, 83 of boiling water reactors, 10
Industrial hazards, Japanese codes and standards Canadian requirements, 170
preventing, 259 effects on probability of crack growth leakage to failure, 79
Industrial piping French codes, 253
buried, French codes, 216, 228 improved capability by using weld overlay repair, 81
design, French codes, 213, 216, 221–222 industrial piping, French codes, 191
failure modes, 212 nuclear boilers and pressure vessels, Canadian, 181
French codes (CODETI), 197–198, 212, 218, 220 of nuclear reactor vessels, 86
materials, French codes, 216, 222 PD 5500 (U.K.), 319
nominal design stress, French codes, 213, 221 pressure equipment, EN 13445, 331
risk assessment, French codes, 212 pressure vessels, French codes, 205
in scope of PED, 147 transport tanks, 365–366
Industrial Safety and Health Law, 267 Inspection frequency
Industry Degraded Core Rulemaking (IDCOR) program, 89 feedwater nozzle, 9
INEL. See Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. future Section XI changes, 94
INGAA. See Interstate Natural Gas Association. Inspection interval, 13, 96
Initiating event impact group assessment, 95 alternate inspection frequency, 11
Inlet/outlet nozzles CANDU® nuclear power plants, 184–185
primary water stress corrosion cracking in, 79 for feedwater nozzle/sparger, 10
projected repair weld cracking, 81 for high susceptibility plants, 73
In-line inspection (ILI), of pipeline systems, 374, 378, 387, 401 for low susceptibility plants, 73
Inside diameter (ID) examination, of boiling water reactors, 7 for moderate susceptibility plants, 73
Inservice inspection (ISI), 110 and probability of leakage from a top-head nozzle, 79–80
access problems, 7 socket welds, 95
as aging management strategy, 60 Inspection personnel radiation dose expenditure, CANDU® nuclear
of boiling water reactor jet pump, 10 power plants, 185
CANDU® nuclear power plants, 171 Inspection schedules, 97
code, 108 Instability criterion, 116
and crack growth rate monitoring, 24 Installer, CANDU® nuclear power plants, 172
French codes, 253 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 110
French pressure equipment, 252 Institute of Universality of Japan, 109
Frequency/coverage, 59 Instrument nozzles, with PWSCC, 63, 68
implementation, 95 Instrument selection guide (ISG), 186
Japanese codes, 257–259 Instrument Society of America, 163
nuclear boiler and pressure vessels, Canadian, 181 Integrated decision-making panel (IDP), 100
as part of age management program (AMP), 57 Integrated plant assessment (IPA), 30, 32
of piping, 108 Integrity management plan (IMP), 380
plant-specific, risk-informed decision-making, 103, 106 development steps, 378
of pressure-retaining RPV shell welds, 6–7, 9 elements of, 378–379
of pressurized water reactor nozzles, 10 Integrity Management Program, pipeline systems, 407
primary water stress corrosion cracking detection, 79 Intelligent (smart) pig tool, 387
probabilistic risk assessment, 111 Interferometry, 418
of reactor pressure vessel axial shell welds, 8 Intergranular corrosion, French codes, restrictions, 233
of reactor pressure vessel nozzles, 11 Intergranular corrosion test, French codes, 249
of reactor pressure vessel-to-shroud support plate weld, 13 Intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC), 16
for reactor vessel nozzles, 11 boiling water reactor issue, 10
risk-informed (RI-IST), 90–92, 94–96, 98–112 initiation and propagation, 17, 66
of small bore piping, 39 inservice (ISI) inspection program for, 94
transport tanks, 358–359, 366, 368 piping, cracking conditions, 16–18
piping, remedial measures, 17, 82
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712 • Index

Intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) (continued) International Trade and Industry Ministerial Ordinance 123 (MITI
repair/replacement/mitigation of, 17 MO 123), 271–272
stainless steel for resistance to, 4 International Trade and Industry Ministry, Notification 501, 272–273
stub tube, 12 Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), 334–338, 340–341
weld overlay repair, 18, 81 Notice No. 58 in Docket No. 3666, 338
Interim staff guidance (ISG), 40 Order No. 70, 339
Interim storage facilities, 685 Order No. 74, 339
Internal components of BWR vessels, 1–2, 6 Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) Regulations, 338
Internal corrosion direct assessment (ICDA), 395 Interstate Natural Gas Association (INGAA), 420
Internal events, 104 Iodine-131, 437
probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) standard for, 111 Iodine-133, 478
Internal initiators, 90, IPA. See Integrated plant assessment.
Internal pressure, allowable stresses for reactor vessel IPE. See Individual plant examination.
components/structures, 67 IPEEE. See Individual plant examination of external events.
Internal pressure test, radioactive materials, 338 Iron castings, for pressure equipment, French codes, 252
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 333–334, 338–341, Irradiated fatigue curves, 174
349–353, 355–356 Irradiated metals, risk of piping failure and, 124
10CFR71 (1988 proposed changes), 347–348 Irradiated steels, 5, 44–45, 50
guidance documents, 42 Irradiation, 1–3
labeling system for radioactive materials, 339 loss of toughness due to, 60
no double-containment requirement, 355 personnel exposure, 13
revision cycle of two years, 355 shift in nil ductility, reference temperature due to, 51
Safety Series No. 6 (‘Regulations for the Safe Transport of Irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking (IASCC, 1, 57, 59
Radioactive Materials’), 338, 350, 352–353, 356 Irradiation embrittlement, 15, 45, 126
Safety Series No. 6 (Cross Index to Present and Proposed as aging mechanism, 57
Regulations), 338 Irradiation-enhanced stress relaxation, as aging mechanism, 59
Appendix II, 543 Irradiation-induced void swelling, as aging mechanism, 59
Appendix I, 180 Irwin plastic zone correction, 113
TS-G-1.1 (Advisory Material for the Regulations for the Safe ISG. See Instrument selection guide.
Transport of Radioactive Material), 338, 341 ISG. See Interim staff guidance.
TS-R-1 (ST-1) standard, 349, 350–353, 355–356 ISI. See Inservice inspection.
Appendix A, 351 ISMS. See Integrated safety management system.
International Atomic Energy Agency certificate, 342 ISO. See International Organization for Standardization.
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), 353 IST. See Inservice testing.
International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (8th), Proceedings, ITER. See International Thermo-Nuclear Experimental Reactor.
ICONE-8, 26
International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, Jacketed vessels, as pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 318
Proceedings, ICAPP03, 25 JAERI. See Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute.
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), Canadian James A. Fitzpatrick nuclear power plant, 97
participation, 160 Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (IAERI), 291
International Energy Consultants, Inc. (IEC), 349 Japan Electrical Association (JEA), 294
International Nickel Corporation (INCO), 63 Technical Guidelines for Seismic Design of Nuclear Power Plant,
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 162 294
Canadian participation, 160 Supplement (1984), 294–295
special form radioactive materials, 335 Japan Electrical Association Code (JEAC 4205-2000), 294
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Registrar, Japan Electrotechnical Standards and Codes Committee (JESC), 271
160, 162 Japanese boiler and pressure vessel codes and standards, 259
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards, class 1 components, flaw evaluation, 246
specific types class 2 components, 247
7195 (Packaging of Uranium Hexafluoride for Transport), 351 class 3 components, 247
9000 (Quality Assurance Rules of French Codes), 228, Figure 50.1 (Laws/JIS under the Mandatory Laws [Pressure Vessel
9001 (Quality Control Program), 169 Standards]), 266
11439: 2000 (Gas Cylinders—High-Pressure Cylinders for Figure 50.2 (Organization of JSME Committee on Power
On-Board Storage of Natural Gas for Automobiles), 170 Generation Facilities Codes), 269
17020, 138 Figure 50.3 (JSME Design and Construction Code Structure), 273
/DIS 2694 (International Pressure Vessel Standard), 309, 312 Figure 50.4 (Plastic Analysis Results for Nuclear Power Plant
International System of Units (SI), 350–351 Components), 274
International Thermo-Nuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) Code, 269 Figure 50.5 (JSME Fitness-for-Service Code Structure), 276
Committee, 269 Figure 50.6 (Flow Chart of Rules on Inspection and Flaw
project, 269 Evaluation), 277
International Trade and Industry Ministerial Ordinance 51 Figure 50.7 (Flow Chart to Determine the Extent of Ultrasonic Test
(MITI MO 51), 270 in ISI for General Inspection), 278
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Figure 50.8 (Extent of Examination and Inspection Period, G 3106-1999, 262, 264
Determination of), 279 G 3114-1998, 264
Figure 50.9 (Minimum Required Cross-Sectional Area, Fitness-for G 3115-2000, 264
Service), 279 G 3126-2000, 264
Figure 50.10 (Flow of Flaw Evaluation), 280 Z 3014 (Radiographic Testing and Classification of Steel Welds),
Figure 50.11 (Flaw Evaluation Procedure for Ferritic Vessel), 282 263–264
Figure 50.12 (Fracture Evaluation Method Selection for Pipe), 283 Z 3801-1997 (Qualification Procedure for Manual Welding
Figure 50.13 (Relation Between Design/Construction Codes and Technique), 263–264
Welding Codes), 284 Z 3805-1997 (Welding Technique of Titanium), 264
Figure 50.14 (Test Apparatus Sketches [Testing of Bend in Pipe]), 297 Z 3811-2000 (Welding Technique of Aluminum and Aluminum
nuclear power plant components, 268 Alloys), 264
nuclear-specific material specifications, 286 Z 3821-2001 (Welding Technique of Stainless Steel), 264
seismic design codes, 290 Z 3841-1997 (Semiautomatic Welding Procedure), 264
Table 50.1 (Suggested Codes), 258 Japan Maintenance Standard, 22–23
Table 50.2 (Publication of JIS on Construction of Pressure Vessel), Japan Power Engineering and Inspection Cooperation (JAPEIC),
267 fitness-for-service code, 280
Table 50.3 (Publication of JSME Committee on Power Generation Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME), 258
Facility Codes), 270 code and rule endorsement by government, 258
Table 50.4 (Comparison Between MO 51 and JSME Code on Codes Committee, 258
Power Boilers), 271 Committee on Power Generation Facilities Codes, 268–269
Table 50.5 (Comparison Between MO 123 and JSME Code on Concrete Containment Vessel Code, 287
Power Boilers), 272 Design and Construction Rules, 268–270, 272–273
Table 50.6 (Ultrasonic Examination in the JSME FFS Code), 278 Guideline on the Approval of new Materials (Nuclear Materials
Table 50.7 (Loads Posed on Concrete Portions), 288 Code), 286
Table 50.8 (Classification of Major ITER Components), 293 Nuclear Materials Code Appendix 1, 286
Table 50.9 (ITER Metallic Components, Requirements and Power Generation Facility Codes, 268–270, 272, 276
Technical Rules), 294 Rules on Concrete Casks, Canister Transfer Machines, Canister
Table 50.10 (Technical Guidelines for a Seismic Design of Nuclear Transport Casks for Nuclear Fuel, 289–290
Power Plant Allowable Stress of Piping), 296 Rules on Concrete Containment Vessels for Nuclear Power Plants,
Table 50.11 (Philosophy for the Future Revision of the Piping 287
Allowable Stress Standards), 299 Rules on Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components, 286
welding, 262–264, 266–270 “Rules on Design and Construction for Nuclear Power Plants”,
Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS), 257, 259, 266 268, 270, 272
Japanese Industrial Standards, specific types Rules on Design and Construction for Thermal Power Generation
B 8265-2000 (Pressure Vessel Structure), 261–264 Facilities, 286
class 2 vessels, 267 Rules on Fitness-for-Service for Nuclear Power Plants (2000), 268
class 3 vessels, 366 Rules on Materials for Nuclear Use, 287
B 8265-2003, 266, 286 Rules on Metal Casks, 289
B 8266 (Construction of Pressure Vessels, Requirements), Rules on Nuclear Design and Construction, 269
267–268, 286–287 Rules on Nuclear Power Generation Facilities, 268
class 1 vessel, 266–267 Rules on Thermal Power Generation Facilities, 268, 270, 286
B 8270-1993 (Pressure Vessels, Basic Standard), 266–267 Rules on Transportation/Storage Packaging for Spent Nuclear
class 1 vessels, 266–267 Fuel, 269
class 2 vessels, 267 Subcommittee on Fusion Power Generation Facilities, 268
class 3 vessels, 366 Subcommittee on Fusion Reactors, 291–292
B 8271 (Pressure Vessel Shell and End Plate), 267 Subcommittee on Nuclear Codes, 276
B 8273 (Bolting Flange of Pressure Vessel), 267 Subcommittee on Nuclear Power Generation Facilities, 268, 276
B 8274 (Pressure Vessel Tube Plate), 267 Subcommittee on Thermal Power Generation Facilities (SC-TP),
B 8275, 267 268–269
B 8277-1993 (Expansion Joint for Pressure Vessels), 267 Subgroup on Environmental Fatigue, 275
B 8278 (Horizontal Pressure Vessel with Saddle Type Support), 267 Subgroup on Materials (SG-M), 270
B 8279 (Pressure Vessel Jacket), 267 Subgroup on Structures Design (SG-SD), 270
B 8280 (Noncircular Shell Pressure Vessel), 267 Subgroup on Welding (SG-W), 270
B 8281, 267 thermal and nuclear plant component codes, 268
B 8282, 267 Welding Technical Standard, 281–282
B 8283, 267 Japan Society of Nondestructive Inspection, 267
B 8284 (Pressure Vessel Head Cover Quick Closing Mechanism) , 267 Japan Standard Association, 268
B 8285-1993 (Pressure Vessel Welding Procedures Qualification JAPEIC. See Japan Power Engineering and Inspection Cooperation.
Tests) , 267 J applied, evaluation procedure for calculation, 122
class 1 vessel, 267 J-controlled crack growth, 115
class 2 vessel, 267 JEA. See Japan Electrical Association.
class 3 vessel, 366 JEAC. See Japan Electrical Association Code.
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714 • Index

JESC. See Japan Electric Standards Committee. Ke501 factor in Notification 274
Jet pump, 4 KeA0, 275
boiling water reactor internals, 10 Kellogg Company method, 264
J-groove welds, 65 KHK. See Koatsu Gas Hoan Kyokai.
PWSCC detected, 65 Koatsu Gas Hoan Kyokai (KHK), 260
J integral, 15 Korean nuclear power plants, surveillance programs, 229
J integral estimation method, 114 Korean regulatory system and codes of nuclear boiler and pressure
J -integral fracture resistance curve equation, 124 vessels 655
J -Integral Material Resistance Curve, 126 Korean Ulchin 9–10 project, 193
J -Integral/Tearing Modulus Curve, 123 allowable release limit in a hypothetical accident, 336
J -Integral/Tearing Modulus Methodology, 114
J -Integral/Tearing Modulus (J-T) Procedure, 114 Labeling, of pressure equipment, 141
J -integral testing, 113 Labeling system, for radioactive materials packages, 340
JIS. See Japanese Industrial Standards. Labor cost, of decommissioning a nuclear facility, 460
Joining personnel, 140 Lamellar iron castings, for pressure equipment, French codes, 252
Joining procedures, 148 Lame’s equations, 312
materials for pressure equipment, 212 Large-diameter butt welds, 77
Joining procedures qualifications, of pressure equipment, 140 Large early release, definition, 91
Joint coefficients, 139 Large early release frequency (LERF), 8
French codes, 253 piping, failure probability/PRA consequence, 96
in pressure equipment, 157 PRA Standards for, 90
Joint efficiency, pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 262 probabilistic risk-assessment (PRA) Standard, 107
Joint efficiency factor, 312 Large quantity, 335
Joints “Large quantity”, of licensed material, definition, 335
for boilers, testing, French codes, 224 Large quantity shipments, radioactive materials, 345
bolted flanged, PD 5500 (U.K.), 316 Laser cladding, 83
brazed, 140 Laser weld repair, 83
French codes, 253 Last-pass heat sink welding (LPHSW), 17
lattice tube-to-calandria tubesheet, 175 LBB. See Leak-before-break analysis. LCM. See Life cycle
mechanical, French codes, 248 management. LDM. See Low Dispersible Material.
oil and gas pipeline systems, Canadian, 170 Lead-201, allowable release limit in a hypothetical accident, 348
permanent, 140 Lead shielding, 345
in pressure equipment, 157 Leakage, 9
pressure vessels, French codes, 205 boiling water reactor stub tube cracking, 12
pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 263 boric acid, 69
soldered, for air piping, 170 bottom-head nozzles PWSCC crack in, 70
welded joint coefficient, industrial piping, French codes, 222 from control rod drive housing, 26
welded, PD 5500 (U.K.), 318 from CRDM nozzle PWSCC, 87
Joint tensile test, pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 264 radioactive soil and water remediation, 486
JR curve, 115 probabilistic analysis to determine PWSCC behavior in alloys
J-R curve, 15 600/82/182, 70
J-R curve Crack Driving Force Diagram Procedure, 123 top head, from flange gaskets, 73
J-R curve test, 122 Leak-before-break (LBB) analysis, 9
JSME. See Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. of CANDU® nuclear power plants, 170
J-T. See J-Integral/Tearing Modulus Procedure. fast breeder reactors, French codes, 250
French pressure equipment, 252
KI, stress intensity factor, 46 fusion reactors, 292
KIA, reference fracture toughness curve, 53. See also KIR reference Leak testing (LT), 45
fracture toughness curve. of boiling water reactor components, 45
as lower bound, 51–53 of CANDU® nuclear power plants, 185
KIC, reference fracture toughness curve, 53 French codes, 253
lower bound, 52 pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 263
KIm, applied pressure stress intensity factor, 49 of pressurized water reactor components, 263
KIR, reference fracture toughness curve, 53 risk-informed initiatives, 45
index for, 44 as Section XI provision, 45
lower bound curve and high-rate loading, 53 Leak tightness, 329
KIt, applied thermal stress intensity factor, 46 of radioactive material packaging, 356
KJC, reference static fracture toughness curve, 51 Leckie/Penny calculation, 320
KAPA spread sheet, 400 Leckie/Penny formulation, 316
Ke coefficient, piping, Japanese codes, 300 LEFM. See Linear-elastic fracture mechanics.
Ke factor (simplified elastic-plastic analysis method), 269 LEFM/EPFM. See Linear-elastic fracture mechanics/elastic plastic
Ke’ factor, 275 fracture mechanics analysis.
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LER. See Licensee event report. inservice testing (IST), 104–105

LERF. See Large early release frequency. Japanese codes, 257–259
Level 1 Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA), 89 PRA Standard for, 90–92, 95, 97
Level 2 Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA), 91 RI-IST of check valves, 105
Level 3 Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA), 110 Limit load, 3, 113, 115–119, 121, 125
Level of confidence, maximum, 148 Limit load analysis, 113, 116, 279, 329–330
Levels A, B, C, D. See Service Level A, Service Level B, Service austenitic stainless steel piping, Japanese codes, 280–281
Level C, Service Level D. Limit load equation, 3–4
LFRD. See Load and Resistance Factor Design methodology. Limpet coils, 318
License applications, 336 Linalog magnetic flux leakage (MFL) pigs, 387
Licensee event reports (LERs), 30, 32 Linde 0091 flux, 54
License-exempt contractors, 342 Linde 80 weld material, 121
License renewal Linear elastic analysis, of containment vessels for radioactive
age management program and, 58–59 materials, 345–346
aging effects, 57 Linear-elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM), 3, 12, 55, 113–114, 116,
environmental review, 29, 31 118–119, 124
guidance documents, 29, 40–41 assessing flaws effects on nuclear components, 113
requirements, 31 evaluation, 124
TLAA identification/update, 31–32, 34, 35, 38, 41 methodology, 114
License renewal application (LRA), 29–35, 37–38, 41, 57 predicting conditions for brittle failure, 55
aging management program, 30–32, 35, 58 pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 257
aging management review (AMR), 30–32, 57 technique, 113
Appendix A (Final Safety Analysis Report Supplement), 32 Linear elastic fracture mechanics/elastic plastic fracture mechanics
Appendix B (Aging Management Programs and Activities), 32 (LEFM/EPFM) analysis, of irradiated stainless steel fracture
final safety analysis report (FSAR), supplement, 38 toughness, 3
guide for, 41 Linearized stress method, 46–47
requirements list, 31 Line loads, EN 13445 standard, 329–330
reviewing process, 39–40 Liners, 153
safety assessments for, 30 Ling Ao nuclear power plant, China, 255
scoping and screening methodology, 31–33 Ling Ao 1 and 2 contract, 193
Section 2.0 (Identifying Structures/Components Subject to Aging Linings, 143
Management Review), 31 pressure vessels, PD 5500 (U.K.), 311
Section 3.0 (Aging Management Review Results), 32 Liquefied gases, 170, 260
Section 4.0 (Time-Limited Aging Analyses), 32 Liquid, in sense of PED, 138
Table 3.X.1 (“Further Evaluation Recommended” and Liquid-injection system (LISS) nozzles, 177
“Discussion” Columns), 38 Liquid natural gas systems, 159, 168
USNRC review, 40–42 Canadian standards, 168
License renewal guidance (LRG) document, 40–41 Liquid penetrant test (PT)/examination, 400
License termination, 428 CANDU® nuclear power plant components, 159, 163–167,
License Termination Order, 428 171
License Termination Plan (LTP), 428 of feedwater nozzle/sparger, 10
Licensing requirements, 21 French codes, 196, 253
transfer of responsibilities from DOT to AEC, 341 pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 257, 264
Licensing restrictions, plutonium air transport, 352 transport tanks, 366
LIDAR. See Light Detection and Ranging. for vessel-to-shroud support weld cracking, 13
Life cycle management (LCM) approach, 84 zirconium alloy components, 176–177
Lifting and tiedown device requirements, radioactive materials, Liquids rule, 376
336 LISS. See Liquid-injection system nozzles.
Lifting attachments, radioactive materials, 338 Lithium, 68, 82
Lifting eyes, 329–330 LLS. See Low level solid radioactive material.
Lifts, New Approach Directive, 147 LLW. See Low level waste.
Ligament, evaluation with multiple indications, 3 LMFBR reactors, 193
Ligament efficiency factor, 316 Load
Light Detection And Ranging (LIDAR), 417 pressure vessels, EN 13445 (PD 5500, U.K.), 309–310
Light-water reactor (LWR), 104–105 stress on welds, PD 5500 (U.K.), 309
construction, French codes, 253 Load and resistance factor design (LRFD)
environment effects on fatigue crack growth rate, 21–22 for concrete components, 108
fitness-for-service code, 264 Level 2 analysis, 91
monitoring changes in fracture toughness, 45 methodology, 400
piping systems, flaw evaluation, ferritic piping, 118–119 reliability based, for piping, 108, 112
use of alloy 600 base metal, 63 use for nuclear service concrete components, 108
Light-water reactor (LWR) nuclear power plant with risk-informed safety classification, 108
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716 • Index

Load capacity, 173 LSA-II, 353

of pressurized water vessels, 43 LSA-III, 353
replacement component, requirements and, 104 Low temperature(s), for industrial piping, French codes, 223
Load capacity ratings, 53 Low-temperature overpressure (LTOP) protection system
Load category system, Japanese codes, 288 pressure-temperature (P-T) limits, 49
Load line displacement, 115 pressurized water reactor, 45, 60, 63, 85, 99
Load per unit thickness, 115 setpoints, 49–50
LOCA. See Loss of coolant accident. transient, 8–9, 14–15, 49, 51
Local brittle zones, 52 Low upper shelf energy (USE) evaluation, 15, 26, 121, 128
Localized corrosion, piping failure, 96 Low upper-shelf toughness, 121, 124–126
Log-normal distributions, in predicting initiation of PWSCC in Low voltage directive, 138, 141
PWRs, 76 Low water cut-off, 169
Log-normal model, 76 LPHSW. See Last-pass heat sink welding.
Log secant model, 398 LPSCC. See Low potential stress corrosion cracking.
Longitudinal flaw sizes, piping, 118 LRA. See License renewal application.
Longitudinal upper-shelf energy (USE), 15 LRFD. See Load and resistance factor design.
Longitudinal welds, 48 LRG. See License renewal guidance.
Long-lived structures/components, 31–32, 41 LSA. See Low specific activity material.
Loss of alternating current power, 33 LSS. See Low-safety-significance. LT. See Leak testing.
Loss of coolant accident (LOCA), 80, 89, 172 LTOP. See Low-temperature overpressure.
determining consequence categories, 100 LTP. See License Termination Plan.
large break, 99 LWR. See Light-water reactor.
small-break, 99
Loss of material, from aging, 57 Machinery directive, 136, 141
Lost production, 84 New Approach Directive, 129, 131, 137–138, 144
Low-alloy steel, 69 Machining
boric acid wastage, 74, 84 for removal of surface flaws, 81
butt welding, 65–66, 69 of repair surface for nondestructive examination (NDE), 94
for containment vessels for radioactive materials, 269 Magnesium-molybdenum-chromium-nickel steels, for industrial
corrosion rate by high temperature borated water onto a hot piping, French codes, 223
surface, 74 Magnesium-molybdenum steels
dissimilar metal welds, 19, 72 for industrial piping, French codes, 223, 224
fatigue effects, 13, 21, 69 for pressure equipment, French codes, 129, 130, 131, 133–141,
for pressure equipment, French codes, 234 Magnetic flux leakage (MFL), 387–388
for pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 311, 325 Magnetic particle examination, 248, 263
for pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 263–264 CANDU® nuclear power plant components, 181
for reactor coolant piping, 66 French codes, 253
repair/replacement/mitigation for IGSCC in, 17 pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 263
SCC initiated in cladding, 24 transport tanks, 366
for transport tanks, 358, 366 Maintenance, 90
weld cracking, 13 Maintenance pigging, 390
Low-carbon stainless steel, 1 Management Board, French codes, 191
Low consequence assessment, 99 Manganese-nickel-molybdenum steels, for pressure equipment,
Low-cycle fatigue, 245, 269, 296 French codes, 129
Japanese codes, 257 Manhole, sizing minimum, 169
Low-cycle fatigue tests, piping, Japanese codes, 296, 298 Manufacturer. See also Certificate of Conformity.
Low Dispersible Material (LDM), 350, 352 accreditation by ASME for meeting PED requirements, 149
Lower bound fracture toughness curves, 51 achieving overall level of safety, 138
Low level solid (LLS) radioactive material, 350–351 application to Notified Body, 152
Low-level waste (LLW), 436 assembly of pressure equipment, 131
Low potential stress corrosion cracking (LPSCC), 64 conformity assessment categories in PED, 310
Low power, probabilistic risk-assessment standard and, 91 conformity assessment modules without QA, 136
Low-safety significance (LSS) component classification as, 90, conformity assessment modules with QA, 136
96–97, 104–105 conformity assessment of pressure vessels, French codes, 320
components, testing requirements for, 105 conformity assessment procedures for pressure equipment, 154
exclusion criteria (Level B) for snubbers, 106 data report detailing inspections, for Canadian regulating authority,
non class, 101 181
piping segments, 95–97, 100 defining testing type and extent, pressure vessels, French codes, 253
repair/replacement codes and, 96 drawing up technical documentation, 137
safety-related items having, 100 industrial piping, testing and inspection, French codes, 142, 223
Low-specific activity (LSA) material, 340, 347 inspection of boilers, French codes, 260, 253
LSA-I, 353 material specifications of pressure equipment, 141
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New Approach principles for pressure equipment, 147 Maximum shear stress theory, 320
non-nuclear-specific equipment, French codes, 230 Maximum transport index, 351
PED requirements, 148 MC. See Metal containment vessels,
pressure equipment manufacturing procedures, final assessment, MDMT. See Minimum Design Metal Temperature.
marking, labeling, and operating instructions, 154 Mean fracture toughness curve, 53
product quality assurance, 137 Measured material toughness, 44
responsibility for design manufacture and conformity assessment, Measuring instruments, New Approach Directive, 147
pressure equipment, 144 Mechanical stress improvement (MSIP), 17
self certification, 136 as remedial measure for IGSCC in boiling water reactors, 83
testing definition and extent, boilers, French codes, 224 as remedial measure for PWSCC in PWRs, 76
Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valves and Fitting Mechanical testing, 283
Industry (MSS), 162, Medium consequence assessment, 99
MAOP. See Maximum allowable operating pressure. Medium voltage underground cable testing, 39
Marine Self Defense Force, 260 Membrane stress, 46–49. See also Stresses.
Market surveillance, 144 circumferential reference flaw, 48, 49
MARSSIM. See Multi-Agency Radioactive Site Survey and computing for pressure and thermal loading, 45, 122
Investigation Manual. concrete containment vessels, 31
Martensitic stainless steel nozzle reinforcement, 315
for containment vessels for radioactive materials, 346 of pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 330, 331
for end fitting material, 642 Membrane stress intensity factor (Mm factor), 47
for fuel channel end fittings, 177 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) (7/2/79), 337
for industrial piping, French codes, 191 between Interstate Commerce Commission and Atomic Energy
for pressure equipment, French codes, 212 Commission, 338
Master Curve reference fracture toughness, 44, 53 Mercury 428
Material certification, 143 Metal fatigue, 9, 21, 28, 34, 35
Material fatigue, primary water stress corrosion cracking, 63 environmental impact on nuclear power plant components, 42
Material flow stress, 118. See also Stresses. Metallography, crack detection by, 13
Material manufacturer, of pressure equipment, 139, 153 Metallurgical analysis, 14
Material reference fracture toughness, 43 Metal cracks, Japanese codes, 258, 259
Material Reliability Program (MRP) (EPRI sponsored), 57 Metal containment (MC) vessels, Japanese codes, 288
MRP-86 Metal structure examination, French codes, 249
Materials Methane, detection near pipeline systems, 417
for boilers, French codes, 224, 253 Methyl-bromide, liquefied, 260
for construction, PED vs. ASME code, 147 METI. See Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
industrial piping, French codes, 191, 253 Metrication Policy, 351
PD 5500 (U.K.), 311 MF factor, 124
for pressure equipment, 156 Mm factor. See Membrane stress intensity factor.
pressure equipment, Japanese codes, 259 MFL. See Magnetic flux leakage.
for pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 264, 311 MIC. See Microbial influenced corrosion.
for pressure vessels, French codes, 191, 201 Microbial influenced corrosion (MIC), as pipeline failure mode, 408
transport tanks, 365 Microcleavage pop-in, 53
Material specifications, of pressure equipment, 141 Midland reactor pressure vessel, 61
Material surveillance program, monitoring changes in fracture Milliroentgen per hour or equivalent, 337
toughness, 45 Miner’s Rule, 320
Material Tables and Allowable Stress Tables (Japanese codes), 275 Mine Safety Law, 260
Material transition temperature, 53 Minimum Design metal Temperature (MDMT), transport tanks, 360
MAWP. See Maximum Allowable Working Pressure. Maximum Minimum holding temperatures, Japanese codes, 263
allowable bending stress, of pressure vessels, Minimum holding time, Japanese codes, 263
Japanese codes, 262 Ministerial Council on Economic Measures (Japan), 266
Maximum allowable buckling stress, of pressure vessels, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), 258
Japanese codes, 262 Notification 97
Maximum allowable longitudinal compressive stress, pressure Notification 408 (Technical Standards on Structure for Concrete
vessels, Japanese codes, 262 Reactor Containment), 287
Maximum allowable longitudinal stress, of pressure vessels, Notification 97, 147, 258, 162, 187, 260, 261, 266
Japanese codes, 257 Ordinance 258
Maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP), 397 Ordinance 270 (Technical Standards for Nuclear Power
Maximum allowable tensile stress, pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 263 Generation), 270
Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP), 368 Ordinance 287
of transport tanks, 366 Ordinance 287, 288
Maximum elastic stress, nozzle reinforcement, 316 Standard Department, 258
Maximum membrane stress, 139 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology,
Maximum normal operating pressure (MNOP), 488 fusion reactor safety, Japanese codes, 292
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718 • Index

Mitigation programs, effects of aging and, 58 Natural gas fuel, high-pressure storage cylinders, automotive,
MITI MO 51. See International Trade and Industry Ministerial Canadian storage, 168
Ordinance 270. Natural gas liquids, 170
MITI MO 123. See International Trade and Industry Ministerial NB. See Notified Bodies.
Ordinance 272. NCT. See Normal conditions of transport.
Mitigation programs, effects of aging and, 58, 59 NDE. See Nondestructive evaluation/testing.
Mixed waste, classification of, 519 NDT. See Nil-ductility temperature.
Mixers, 141 NDTT. See Nil-ductility transition temperature.
MNOP. See Maximum normal operating pressure. NEB. See National Energy Board (Canada).
Model PAT-1 package, 334 NEI. See Nuclear Energy Institute.
Modulus of elasticity, of containment vessels for radioactive NEPA. See National Environmental Policy Act; National
materials, 363 Environmental Protection Act.
Molybdenum-250, 236, 351 Net positive suction head (NPSH), 45, 50
Molybdenum stainless steel casting grades, for French pressure Net present value (NPV) cost, 84–85
equipment, 236 Net present value (NPV) economic modeling software, 84
Molybdenum steels Net-section collapse, 84
for industrial piping, French codes, 191 prediction, 116–117
for pressure equipment, French codes, 212, 222 Neuber correction, 245
Moment loading, 320 Neutron efficiency, 164
Monitoring, of age management program, 34 Neutron embrittlement, 31, 34, 50, 512
Monitoring devices, for pressure equipment, 153 pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 281
Motor-operated valves (MOV), esting requirements for HSS and of PWR vessel materials, 50, 55
LSS, 105 Neutron fluence, 59
MOU. See Memorandum of Understanding. New Approach concept, 129
MOV. See Motor-operated valves. New Approach Directives, 138, 144–145
MRP. See Material reliability program. New Approach to Technical Harmonization and Standards, 129
MSIP. See Mechanical stress improvement process. fundamental principles, 129
MSS. See Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valves and New/one-time inspections, detecting aging effects, 58
Fitting Industry. NFPA. See National Fire Protection Association.
Multi-Agency Radioactive Site Survey and Investigation Manual NG18 surface flaw equation, 396
(MARSSIM), 431 Nickel
Multiple flaw indications, 3–4. See also Flaws. embrittlement prediction-trend curves, 50–51, 54–55
for pressure equipment, Japanese codes, 286
N4 studies, 245 for pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 311
N289 Technical Committee (TC), 180 for pressure vessels, French codes, 203–206
Nameplate, 169, 366 Nickel 201, EAM approvals issued, 310
NASA. See national Aeronautics and Space Administration. Nickel alloys
National Accreditation Body, 138 CODAP future specifications, 208
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), predicting EAM approvals issued, 310
effect of small component failures, 89 for industrial piping, French codes, 222–223
National Association of Corrosion Engineers Standards, for pressure equipment, Japanese codes, 286, 295
RP05052–2002 Item No. 21097 (Pipeline External Corrosion for pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 311
Direct Assessment Methodology), 394, 422 for pressure vessels, French codes, 203–206
National Board Inspection Code, 366 Nickel alloys, specific types
National Board Inspection Code (ANSI/NB-23), 366 alloy 142, 201, 287, 311, 500. See also Nickel-chromium alloys,
National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors (Canada), specific types; Weld metals, specific types.
162 alloy 600 (NC 15 Fe), 12, 15, 19–20, 23, 28, 85, 236
National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors in the United alloy 600, applications, 63–66
States, 168 alloy 600, coordinated maintenance program, 84
National Board Owner/User “R” Certificate of Authorization, 366 alloy 600, inspection methods/requirements, 71–72
National Board “R” Stamp, 366–367 alloy 600, locations in PWR vessel, 64–65
National Building Code (Canada), 163, 179, 189 alloy 600, primary water stress corrosion cracking of, 39, 63–64,
National Energy Board (NEB) (Canada), 374, 376 66, 68–69, 76–78
National Energy Board, Canada’s Safety and Performance Indicators, alloy 600, properties, 63
annual report, 372 alloy 600, properties compared to austenitic stainless steel, 63
National Energy Board Act (Canada), 420 alloy 600, related weld materials, 63–64
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), 31 alloy 600, repair processes for PWSCC, 80–82
National Fire Code (Canada), 163, 189 alloy 690 (NC 30 Fe), 64, 67, 84, 236
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 162 alloy 690, for pressure equipment, Japanese codes, 287
National Fire Protection Association Fire Code, 163 alloy 690, resistance to PWSCC, 67
National Regulations, 129–130 alloy 800, 64, 250
National Standards of Canada, 160–161 SB-166, 16
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Nickel-base alloys joints, 139–140, 152, 154–155, 157

for fast breeder reactor material, 251 personnel, 137–138
irradiation embrittlement, 59 mechanical components, French codes, 252
for pressure equipment, French codes, 242 of piping segments, 100
Nickel-chromium-iron alloys personnel approval in PED, 147
chromium content and PWSCC, 66 personnel qualification and certification, French codes, 248
for containment vessels for radioactive materials, 346 of pressure vessels, French codes, 205, 213
fatigue curve, 14 pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 264–267, 281
intergranular stress corrosion cracking, 1 reference flaw size, 44, 56
Nickel-chromium-iron alloys, specific types requirements, 102
alloy 52, 19–20 of RPV nozzles, 71, 72
alloy 82, 19–20. See also Weld metals, specific types. selection, 95
alloy 182, 12–15, 17, 19, 26, 28. See also Weld metals, specific types. transport tanks, 358, 364–366
alloy 600, 12, 15, 19–20, 23, 28, 39, 63–66, 68–69, 71–72, 76–80, of weld replacement repair, 82
236. See also Nickel alloys, specific types. welds, EN 13445, 326–327
Nickel-chromium-molybdenum steels, for pressure equipment, zirconium alloy components, CANDU® nuclear power plants, 176
French codes, 242 Nondimensional tearing moduli, 116
Nickel-chromium steels, for pressure equipment, French codes, 242 None consequence assessment, 99
Nickel steels, for pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 262, 286 Nonferrous materials
Nil ductility reference temperature, 44, 48–51, 53, 55 for pressure equipment, Japanese codes, 262–263
Nil-ductility reference temperature index, 43–44 for pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 311, 324
Nil-ductility temperature (NDT), steel containers for radioactive for pressure vessels, French codes, 203–205
materials, 346 for transport tanks, 365
Nil-ductility transition temperature (NDTT), 50 Non-Linde 80, 16
Niobium, alloy presence and PWSCC, 67 Non-nuclear boilers, Canadian standards, 168
Niobium alloys, UNS R60901, for pressure tube material, 164 Non-nuclear pressure vessels, Canadian standards, 168
NISA. See Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency. Non safety related (NSR) classification, low-safety significance
Nitric acid, 436 (LSS), 100
Nitrogen, addition to stainless steel for structural strength, 1 Non-stainless alloy steels, for industrial piping, French codes, 212,
NKK, 388 214, 221
Nobel metal, addition to mitigate cracking, 3 Non-stainless steels
Nominal design strength, of pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 312 for pressure equipment, French codes, 224, 234
Nominal design stress for pressure vessels, French codes, 201–204
boilers, French codes, 222, 234 Notified Bodies (NB), 129–131, 133, 136–139, 146, 149
industrial piping, French codes, 212, 221 appraisal of material for boilers, French codes, 212
Nominal diameter (DN), 132, 134 approval of design procedures of pressure equipment, 139–140,
Nominal pipe size (NPS), 4, 72 144, 148, 152
NON. See Notices of Nonconformance. conformity assessment of boilers, French codes, 224, 241
Non-alloy quenched-tempered steels, for industrial piping, French conformity assessment of pressure vessels, French codes, 208,
codes, 223 214–216
Non-alloy steels conformity assessment procedure, industrial piping, French codes,
for industrial piping, French codes, 221, 223 212
for pressure equipment, French codes, 203–204, 234–235 experimental design approval of pressure equipment, 139–140,
Nonaustenitic stainless steels 142, 147, 156
for pressure equipment, EN 13445, 327 identification number, 136–137, 141
for pressure equipment, French codes, 203–206, 224, 234 lists, and their scope of approval, 138
Non-austenitic steels, for industrial piping, French codes, 212, 216, monitoring by, 136–137
223 represented in Working Group Pressure Standing Committee, 144
Non-class classification, 101, 103 Web site providing lists and scope of approval, 138
Non-Cryogenic Portable Tanks, 358 Normal Conditions of Transport, 337–338
Nondestructive examination/testing (NDE), 85, 95, 101 of containment vessels for radioactive materials, 346–347
of alloys 600/82/182 locations, 71 Normal form, 343
boilers, French codes, 224, 240 of radionuclides, Type A package limits, 334
of BWR nozzles and their welds, 11 Normalized steel
of crack depth, 3 allowable membrane stress, 144
to detect vessel flaws, 55 in pressure equipment, 157
of effects of fatigue on nuclear power plant components, 38 for pressure vessels, French codes, 201–202
French codes, 240, 253–254 Normal operation/upset conditions (Levels A/B conditions), 14
frequent, to prevent boric acid corrosion, 84 structural factors, 118
future Section XI changes, 94 North Anna Unit 2 nuclear power plant, 74–75
industrial piping, French codes, 223, 231–232 NOV. See Notices of Violation.
information in technical documentation, 137 Novatome, 193–194
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720 • Index

Novetech, N 14–3, 61 Section 4.1 (Identification of Structures and Components

Nozzles, 68, 131, 320 Subject to an Aging Management Review and Intended
alloy 600 use in PWR vessels, 65 Functions), 32–33
bottom-mounted instrument, 63, 65 USNRC endorsement, 33
control-element drive mechanism, 65 Nuclear industry, risk-informed codes and standards, 107
control rod drive mechanism, 63, 65 Nuclear power plants (NPPs), 433
cracking, 8–10, 22, 74 Nuclear Power Engineering Corporation (NUPEC), 295–297
de-gas line, 65 Nuclear power plant
dissimilar metal weld overlay, 19 aging research, NRC, 29–30
effect of temperature on PWSCC, 82 detection of age effects in, 58
ejection danger, 74, 77–78, 82 extended operation period, 29–31
examination methods, 9–12, 71–72 license renewal, 40, 58
head vent, 65 maintenance program, 30–31
improved thermal sleeve design, 11 onsite NRC inspectors, 30
incore instrument (ICI), 65 outage extension, 63
inlet/outlet, 63–64, 66, 74, 78 plant shutdown, 63, 69, 83, 99–100, 104–106, 112–114, 165
J-groove welds for, 65 seismic design guidelines, Japanese codes, 290–300
liquid-injection shutdown system, 175 Nuclear Power Plant Components (ASME BPV Code Section III)
mechanical remedial measures for PWSCC, 82–83 age management program (AMP), 33–37
predicting time to PWSCC, 84 age management review (AMR), 33–35
probabilities of leakage and failure, 79 flaw evaluation during inservice inspection, 113–128
reinforcing, PD 5500 (U.K.), 314–316 indications evaluated from inservice inspection, 113–128
repair/replacement, 80–82 metal fatigue, 34–35
residual stresses and crack initiation, 67 passive/long-lived structures/components, 32
stainless steel, SCC in BWRs, 64 repair/replacement, 37–38
subsequent leakage following repair, 82 time-limited aging analysis, 31
thermocouple, 65 Nuclear reactor core, 164–165
top-head, 63, 84 irradiation embrittlement and, 59
water-jet conditioning, 84 Nuclear reactors
Nozzle to safe end socket welds, examination methods, 72 internal loose-parts monitoring program, 39
Nozzle-to-safe end butt welds, surface method plutonium recovery from fuel, 343
examinations, 72 risk analysis and security of, 110
NPS. See Nominal pipe size. Nuclear reactor vessels
NPSH. See Net positive suction head, 45 beltline welds, examination of, 72
NPV. See Net present value. flaw evaluation during inservice inspection, 113–128
NQA. See American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) indications evaluated from inservice inspection, 113–128
BNCS Nuclear Quality Assurance Committee. low upper-shelf energy evaluation, 121–124
NRC. See United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission. time-limited aging analysis and, 31, 34
NRMCC. See American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). See United States Nuclear
Nuclear Risk Management Coordinating Committee. Regulatory Commission.
NSC, 79 “Nuclear Regulators Working Group” (NRWG-TF-NDTQ) 530,
NSNRC, installation of LTOP systems, 49 568, 574
NSR. See Non safety related classification. Nuclear Risk Management Coordinating Committee (NRMCC),
NSSC. See Canadian Standards Association, Nuclear Strategic 108, 110
Steering Committee. Nuclear power plants in Spain, 567, 570
NTD ASI Code for VVER Reactor Components, 577 NUPEC. See Nuclear Power Engineering Corporation.
Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA), 258–259 NWC conditions, boiling water reactor crack growth rate,
Nuclear regulatory organizations, 655 23–24
Nuclear boilers and pressure vessels, inservice inspection, Canadian, NWPA. See Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982.
181–187 NYSEARCH group of the North East Gas Association, 417
Nuclear cranes, 107, 109, 112–113
Nuclear energy, history, 29–30 Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), 506
Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), 110 finite element stress analyses, 48
NEI-00–02 (Peer Review Process), 107 ORNL/NRC/LTR-93/15, 61
NEI-00–02, Rev. A3 (Probabilistic Risk Assessment Peer Review ORNL/NRC/LTR-93/33, Revision 1, finite element analysis for
Process Guidance), 91, 111 inside surface flaws, 61
NEI-00–04 (Draft-Rev. D), 10CFR50.69 SSC Categorization ORNL/NRC/LTR-94/26, 61
Guidelines, 98, 112 testing for microcleavage pop-ins, 53
NEI-95–10 (License Renewal Rule Guidance Document), 29, updated FAVOR code, 56
31–32, 41–42 Obrigheim steam generators, U-bend cracking, 68
Section 3.0 (Identify the SSCs Within the Scope of License Oconee Unit 2 nuclear power plant, 73
Renewal and Their Intended Function), 32 Office of pipeline Safety (OPS), 373–376
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Office of the Federal Register, 26, 42 PAT. See Plutonium Air Transport package.
Official Journal of the European Communities, 138, 142, 146, 148, 310 PCCV. See Prestressed concrete containments vessels.
97/23/EC, 130 PD 5500. See Published document (PD) 5500.
Offshore steel pipelines, Canadian standards, 171 PDD-63. See Presidential Decision Directive 63.
Oilfield steam distribution pipelines, Canadian standards, 171 Peak stress, 125–126
Oil pipeline systems, 170–171 welds, PD 5500 (U.K.), 322–323
Oil spill, 528 Peak stress strength, piping, Japanese codes, 300–301
Oil Refineries and Petrochemical Plants, 565 Pearson method, 395
On-power refueling, 165 PED. See Pressure Equipment Directive.
Onshore Piping Regulations (OPR) (Canada), 376 Peer review process, 92, 104
Operability, requirements for LTOP protection and, 50 Pellini test, French codes, 249
Operating condition stress/fabrication residual stress leading to Penalty factors, 117–118
PWSCC, 67 Penetrant testing (PT), 9, 72
Operating heatup and cooldown limit curves, 49–51 Penetration assembly, sleeve fatigue, 31, 34
Operating instructions, 148 Performance monitoring programs, 104
of pressure equipment, 141, 155 effects of aging and, 57–58
Operating pressure, use in predicting crack growth rate, 77 Performance testing, static and dynamic, of motor-operated valves,
Operating temperature 105
effect in predicting crack growth rate, 77, 79 Permanent joints, pressure equipment, 154
PWSCC in pressurized water reactors, 79–80, 83 Personnel
Operating time joining, qualified, 140
corrections for predicting time to PWSCC, 83 radiation exposure, 53, 182, 352, 355–356
and probability of nozzle cracking/leakage in RPV head, 79 Petroleum Association for the Conservation of the Canadian
Operating transients Environment (PACE), 162
design fatigue analysis and, 34 Petroleum gas, liquefied, 170, 260
level A, static load conditions, 51 Petroleum plants, fired-heater pressure coils, 168
level B, static load conditions, 51 PFM. See Probabilistic fracture mechanics.
level C, static load conditions, 51 PGE. See Portland General Electric Company.
level D, static load conditions, 51 pH
Operational insights, for component safety categorization, 104 crack growth rate and changes in, 68
OPR. See Onshore Piping Regulations. of PWR primary coolant, 82
OPS. See Office of Pipeline Safety. Phased array ultrasound, 388
Order on Life Cycle Asset Management, U.S. Department of Energy, Phosphorus
485 alloy presence and PWSCC, 67
ORNL. See Oak Ridge National Laboratory. causing hot cracks, 67
OSHA. See Occupational Safety and Health Administration. PHTS. See Primary heat transport system.
Overlay weld metal, 17–18 PHWR. See Pressurized heavy water reactor.
Overpressure protection, French codes, 249 Physical testing, 248
Overpressure Protection Devices, Canadian standards, 168 Physicochemical testing, 248
Overpressure Protection Report, 15, 172 Pigging, 386
CANDU® nuclear power plants, 172 Pipe fittings, Canadian standards, 168–169
“An Overview of R6 Revision 4”, 121, 128 Pipeline security, 371–410
Owner/Licensee Pipeline systems, 371–410. See also Piping.
CANDU® nuclear power plants, 172, 174 assessment methods, 386–394
repair program, 103 cathodic protection, 391–394, 409, 410–411, 413–415
Owner’s Design Specification, fatigue, 20 coatings, 409–414
Oxygen service, cryogenic portable tanks, 364 corrosion control, 405–408
defect assessment methods, 395–402
PAA. See Price Anderson Indemnification Act. defect assessment models, 384, 395–402
PACE. See Petroleum Association for the Conservation of the direct assessment, 376, 386, 390, 394–395
Canadian Environment. emergency response plans, 421
Paris law crack growth model, 401 environmental protection, 372–374
Partial penetration nozzles, examination method, 72 event tree model, 384–385
Partial penetration welds, 67 environmental protection, 372–374
for BMI nozzles, 73 failure modes, 373–374, 377
for control rod drive mechanism nozzles, 73 Figure 54.1 (Gas Pipeline Explosion in Carlsbad, N.M., August
Particular Material Appraisal (PMA), 137, 142–143, 146, 310 2000), 371
Part wall defect, 310 Figure 54.2 (Natural Gas System Network), 372
Passivation, 23 Figure 54.3 (Pipeline Construction [by decade]), 373
Passive power plant structures/components, 41 Figure 54.4 (Causes of Pipeline Incidents on U.S. Pipelines in
aging management, 31, 57 2000), 373
identification, 31–32 Figure 54.5 (Buckling, Gouging and Denting, Corrosion), 374
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722 • Index

Pipeline systems (continued) integrity assessment methods, 386–395

Figure 54.6 (Frequency of Occurrence of Various Threats to Gas integrity management plans, 375–378
Pipelines), 375 line marking and locating, 416
Figure 54.7 (Integrity Management Process Flow Diagrams liquid hydrocarbon, 372
[ASMEB31.8S]), 377 long-term repairs to pressure boundary piping, 19
Figure 54.8 (API 1160 Managing System Integrity for Hazardous magnetic flux leakage for assessment, 387–389
Liquid Pipelines), 377 natural gas, 372
Figure 54.9 (Simplified Risk Hierarchy), 381 pressure boundary risk, 19, 96
Figure 54.10 (Example of Relative Ratings of Potential Threats), probability of segment failure, 96
382 ranking process, 95
Figure 54.11 (Risk Matrix), 383 regulations, 374–377
Figure 54.12 (Risk Assessment and Mitigation Process Template), remote sensing of encroachment, 417–418
383 remote sensing of leaks, 416–417
Figure 54.13 (Calculating the Failure Probability from a Limit repair, 402–406
State Analysis), 384 right of way patrols, 416
Figure 54.14 (Simple Event Tree to Predict Ignition Probability risk assessment of failures, 376, 378–384
Following Rupture), 384 risk-informed-inservice inspection (RI-ISI) process, 95
Figure 54.15 (Possible Scenarios Following a Gas Pipeline risk mitigation, 384–386
Rupture), 385 safety, 372–374
Figure 54.16 (ALARP Figure), 385 security management programs, 418–420
Figure 54.17 (Effect of Three Integrity Strategies on Risk Table 54.2 (Fatality Rate by Mode, 2000), 373
Reduction), 386 Table 54.3 (Major Threats to Transmission Pipelines ASME
Figure 54.18 (Hydrotest Aftermath for Driving Out SCC), 386 B31.8S), 377
Figure 54.19 (Defect Assessment Curve), 387 Table 54.4 (Index Methods for Rating Annual Probability of
Figure 54.20 (Magnetic Flux Leakage), 387 Occurrence), 382
Figure 54.21 (Ultrasonic Tool in a Liquid Batch), 388 Table 54.5 (Matching Risk Severity with Level of Response), 383
Figure 54.22 (Four-Step Direct Assessment Process), 389 Table 54.6 (Defect Detection Capability of Various Inspection
Figure 54.23 (Part Wall [A] and Through Wall [B] Defects), 389 Tools), 388–389
Figure 54.24 ([a]Dimensions of a Longitudinal and [b]a Table 54.7 (Attributes of Various Pipe Protection Methods),
Circumferential Through Wall Crack Defect), 394 390–393
Figure 54.25 (Dents Under Pressure), 396 Table 54.8 (Methods for Assessing Corrosion), 401
Figure 54.26 (Method of Determining Longitudinal Extent of Table 54.9 (Codes and Standards for Making Repairs, Gas
Localized Corrosion and Interaction Distances), 396 Pipelines and Oil Pipelines), 403
Figure 54.27 (Determination of Nondimensional Variable B), 397 Table 54.10 (Permissibility of Corrosion Repair Technique), 405
Figure 54.28 (Simplified and Detailed RSTRENG Profiles), 398 Table 54.11 (Permissibility of Crack Repair Technique), 406
Figure 54.29 (Profile of Corrosion Depth Along the “River Table 54.12 (Permissibility of Mechanical Damage Repair
Bottom” Path), 399 Technique), 406
Figure 54.30 (Remaining Strength Assessment Representation of Table 54.13 (Pipeline Corrosion Prevention), 408
Metal Loss), 399 Table 54.14 (Galvanic Series of Common Commercial Metals and
Figure 54.31 (Type A and Type B Sleeves), 400 Alloys in Brine [approx. 25°C]), 408
Figure 54.32 (A Composite Wrap Repairs), 402 Table 54.15 (Advantages and Disadvantages of Pipeline Coatings),
Figure 54.33 (Clock Spring(tm) repair), 403 412
Figure 54.34 (Stopple(tm) Bypass Repair Method), 404 Table 54.16 (Classification of Pipeline Coating Tests), 413–414
Figure 54.35 (Schematic Showing a Differential Corrosion Cell on third party damage awareness and control, 416–418
a Pipeline Surface), 404 ultrasonic testing, 388–389, 391, 394, 400
Figure 54.36 (Factors Affecting Corrosion), 405 Pipeline Research Council International (PRCI), 395
Figure 54.37 (Timeline of Coating Development), 407 pipeline repair manual, for gas pipeline repairs, 403
Figure 54.38 (Special Purpose Multilayer Coatings), 409 pipeline repair manual, oil pipeline repairs, 403
Figure 54.39 (Cause of Pipeline Coating Breakdown in Australian Pipeline Safety Improvement Act of 2002, 374, 419
Pipelines), 409 Pipeline transportation, advantages and purposes, 371–372
Figure 54.40 (Vertical Anode Arrangement), 410 Pipe rupture, circumferential cracking and, 74
Figure 54.41 (Helicopter-Borne LIDAR Used for Surface Pipe steel
Topography and Leak Detection), 410 J estimation, 115
Figure 54.42 (Buried Fiberoptic Detection Device), 415 NRC/BCL 4111–1, 115
Figure 54.43 (Synthetic Aperture Radar Scanning Swaths from Pipetronix, 388
Orbiting Satellites), 417 Pipe welds
Figure 54.44 (Vandalized Attack on the Alyeska Pipeline Causing class 1, 96–97
Millions of Dollars of Environmental Damage), 418 class 1, Category B-F, 96–97
Figure 54.45 (Gas Pipeline System Dependencies Source Argonne class 1, category B-J, 94–97
national Laboratories), 419 class 1, category C-F-1, 96–97
hydro testing, 376, 386–392 class 1, category C-F-2, 96–97
inhibitors for protection, 409, 416 class 2, 96–97
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class 2, category B-F, 96–97 ultrasonic examination in FFS code (Japan), 278–279
class 2, category B-J, 96–97 welded, joining procedure qualifications, 140
class 2, category C-F-1, 96–97 weld overlay repair, 81–82
class 2, category C-F-2, 96–97 Piping and Fitting Dynamic Reliability Program, 294
class 3, 96–97 Piping element tests, Japanese codes, 297
large-diameter PWR pipe-to-nozzle butt weld, circumferential Piping seismic evaluation methodology, Japanese codes, 269
cracks in, 74 Pitting corrosion
repair/replacement/mitigation activities, 17 age evaluation, 33
Piping. See also Pipeline systems. as pipeline failure mode, 390–391, 395, 405–408
alloy 600 maintenance program, 84 Plane strain, in elastic component of J, 115
austenitic steel, flaw evaluation, 121 Plane stress, in elastic component of J, 115
austenitic steel, IGSCC, 17 Plant expert panel, 95, 104–106
austenitic stainless steel, flaw evaluation, 116–118 Plant overall safety, 53
austenitic stainless steels, weld overlay repair as long-term, 19 Plastic collapse, 116–118, 387
axial flaws, safety/structural factors, 18–19, 118 Plastic deformation, 113, 198
butt welds, cracks/leaks, 63 industrial piping, French codes, 212
Canadian standards, 162, 166–167, 171 prevention, French codes, 243
carbon steels, flaw evaluation, 118, 127 Plastic instability
categorization, 134 boilers, French codes, 222
circumferentially flawed, stress ratio, 118 bursting, pressure vessels, 198
crack growth rates, 22, 24 industrial piping, French codes, 209
degradation mechanisms, 96 Plasticity theory, 323
design, load and resistance factor design use, 108 Plastic load line displacement, 115
environmental fatigue effects in a BWR, 21 Plastic pipelines, Canadian standards, 171
failure rate, 96, 99 Plastic strain correction factor (Ke), 245
ferritic stainless steel, flaw evaluation, 118–119, 127 French codes, 247
of ferritic stainless steel, structural factors, 117 Plastic zone size, 47–48, 113, 122
fracture evaluation, Japanese codes, 281–284 Plastic zone size correction, 113
fracture evaluation method selection, Japanese codes, 281, 284 Plate-and-shell theory, 317
fuel channel feeder, 183 Plates
hazard categories if containing a dangerous gas, 133–134 center-cracked, loaded to failure, 113–114
high-consequence category, 100 construction materials, 149
high-safety significant classification, 100 European standards, 236
inservice inspection standards, 94 J-R curve parameters, 124
intergranular stress corrosion cracking with stainless steels, 1 for pressure equipment, Japanese codes, 263
load and resistance factor design, 109 Plutonium
longitudinal flaw sizes, allowable, 118 double containment, 343–348, 354–355
low consequence category, 96 double containment rule elimination petition (1998), 349–350
managing internal corrosion, 59–60 double containment rule elimination proposed (1997), 349–352
medium consequence category, 96 double containment rule for high level waste, elimination (1998
nominal diameter (DN), 134 final rule), 349–354, 349
none consequence category, 100 packaging of fissile material, 341
pressure boundary, 19, 24, 35, 96 sea transport, 352
primary water stress corrosion cracking in butt welds, 74 shipment and quality assurance, 343–348
probabilistic EPFM, 125–126 solid exemptions from double containment requirements,
probability of crack growth propagating to through-wall, 78 344–345
reactor coolant, 66 vitrified high level waste (1997 proposed rule), 349–352
risk-informed applications, 109 Plutonium isotopes, 337
risk-informed-inservice inspection, 98–100 Plutonium nitrate, 342–347
reliability-based load and resistance factor design, 108, 111 Plutonium oxide, 343
remedial measures for IGSCC in BWRs, 83 PMA. See Particular Material Appraisal.
remedial measures for PWSCC in PWRs, 83 Pneumatic testing, 141
residual stress in large diameter butt welds, 83 transport tanks, 366
risk-informed classification and exam requirements, 108 Pneumatic valves, inservice testing using risk insights, 105
in scope of PED, 130–131, 133–134, 142 P-No. 3, weld procedure, 13
segment degradation risk categories, 96 Poisson effect, 396
seismic design, Japanese codes, 290–300 Polyethylene tape coatings, for pipeline systems, 409–413
small bore, inservice inspection, 40 Portable tanks, 357–367
stainless steel, 17–18, 69, 116–117 Postulated flaw size, 122
submerged arc weld, crack instability, 117 Post-weld heat treatment (PWHT), 13
through-wall circumferential crack calculation, 115–117 for low-alloy steel parts, 63
true-stress true-strain curve, 115 of pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 312
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724 • Index

Post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) (continued) Article 5 (Presumption of Conformity), 131, 138, 270, 271, 272,
pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 262 368, 369, 561, 668
of welded components, 12, 17, 19 Article 6 (Committee on Technical Standard and Regulations),
Power boilers, Japanese codes, 271 271, 668
Power Generation Facilities Codes Committee, 258 Article 7 (Committee on “Pressure Equipment”), 271, 272, 668
Power uprate and license renewal, 685 Article 8 (Safeguard Clause), 131, 271, 668
PRA. See Probabilistic risk assessment/analysis. Article 9 (Classification of Pressure Equipment), 131, 133, 198,
PRA Standard. See American Society of Mechanical Engineers 209, 217, 271
Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) Standard. Article 10 (Conformity Assessment), 131, 135, 198, 209, 217
PRCI. See Pipeline Research Council International. Article 11 (European Approval for Materials), 131, 142, 156
PRDs. See Pressure relief devices. Article 12 (Notified Bodies), 131, 554, 557, 663
Precipitation-hardened austenitic steels, fast breeder reactor material, Article 13 (Recognized Third-Party Organizations), 154, 272
251 Article 14 (User Inspectorates), 271, 272
Precipitation hardening alloys, in pressure equipment, 157 Article 15 (CE Marking), 155
Precracked specimen tests loaded to failure, 44 Article 16 (Unduly Affixed CE Marking), 272
Predicted instability load, 116–117, 125 Article 17 (Appropriate Measures), 272
Predicted time to crack initiation, 84 Article 18 (Decisions Entailing Refusal or Restriction), 272
Predictive model, in determining PWR component performance, 60 Article 19 (Repeal), 272
Preheating, requirements of welds, 19 Article 20 (Transposition and Transitional Provisions), 131, 272
Preliminary Safety Analysis (PSA) Applications Guide, 96, 106 Article 21 (Addressees of the Directive), 272
Preload, 57, 59 articles, 272
Preservice examination, 103 category A, 201
Presidential Commission, to investigate Three Mile Island, 89 category B, 201
Presidential Decision Directive 63 (PDD-63), 420 category C, 201
Pressure category D, 201
of cylindrical shell, 313–314 category Ex (Exceptional), 201
designing for fluctuations in, 20–21 classification of pressure equipment, 131
low upper-shelf energy evaluation, 122 comparisons with ASME Code, 147
maximum allowable (PS), 132, 134 conformity assessment categories (I to IV), 310
Pressure accessories, 134 conformity assessment modules, 131, 135, 136, 310
in scope of PED, 130–132 conformity assessment procedures, 129, 130, 131, 133, 135, 136,
Pressure-area method, 314, 316, 329 137, 156, 198, 209, 212, 217, 222, 310
Pressure boundary piping, 1, 35, 55, 100 definition, 146
Pressure coils, fired-heater, 168 development of, 324
Pressure cookers, in scope of PED, 133, 154 and EN 13445, 129
Pressure equipment Figure 47.1 (PED Flow chart), 131, 132
components included, 310 Figure 47.2 (Hazard Categories for a Vessel Containing a
European system vs. U.S. System, 149 Dangerous Gas), 134
hazard, level of, 131–133, 135 Figure 47.3 (Determination of Hazard Category for a Piping
Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) ((97/23/EC), 129–155, Containing a Dangerous Gas), 134, 135
183–184, 196, 199, 206, 217–218, 220–221, 308, final assessment and proof test, 141
310, 321 flow chart, 120, 277, 278, 380, 570,591
Annex I (Essential Safety Requirements), 130–131, 133, 138–143, Fluid Group 1, 310
147, 151, 157, 198, 209, 212, 218, 259, 310, 554 Fluid Group 2, 310
basic principles, 135, 138, 599, 613 vs. French codes, 191, 193, 196, 253, 653
design, 138–139, 151–154 guidelines, 144
manufacturing, 139, 154, 173, 187, 226 hazard categories, 133, 134, 138, 198, 209, 212, 217, 218, 220,
Annex II (Conformity Assessment Tables), 131, 133, 134, 198, 627
209, 217, 218, 310, 452, industrial piping, 142, 191, 553, 554
Annex III (Conformity Assessment Procedures), 130, 131, 135, industrial piping risk assessment, 219
198, 209, 217 link with COVAP, 217
Annex IV (Criteria of the Notified Bodies), 138 link with codes and standards, 192, 193
Annex V (Criteria of the User Inspectorates), 144 material specifications, 141, 143, 148, 163, 177, 188
Annex VI (CE marking), 144 New Approach Directives, 129, 131, 138, 144, 145, 147
Annex VII (Declaration of Conformity), 144 Notified Bodies, 129, 137, 138, 142, 310
Annex Z, 147, 149, 193, 310, 325 objectives and requirements, 130
annexes, 131, 133, 153, 271, 361, 364, 368, 665, 668 vs. published document (PD 5500 (U.K.)), 309, 531
Article 1 (Scope and Definition), 131, 133, 153, 153, 271 vs. RCC-M, 248
Article 2 (Market Surveillance), 131, 260, 271, 272, 665 risk assessment of pressure vessels, 320
Article 3 (Technical Requirements), 131, 134, 138, 156, 201, 271, scope, equipment covered, and exclusions, 137
310, 368, 667, 668 technical documentation, 136
Article 4 (Free Movement), 131, 171, 368, 369, 668, 670 Table 47.4 (Selection of Conformity Assessment Procedures), 136
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Table 47.5 (List of New Approach Directives (as of January in CANDU® design, 163
2005)), 144, 145, 146 environmental fatigue effects, 21–22
Table 47.6 (European System vs. U.S. System Pressure “feed and bleed” items, safety significance of, 95
Equipment), 148–149 flaw effect on integrity of nuclear components, 43–50, 53, 55
Web site, 130 French codes, 226
Pressure Equipment Regulations 1999, 309, 330 hydrogen concentration in primary coolant, 82
Pressure excursions, 45 inclusion criteria (Level A) for (HSS) high-safety significant
Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) 97/23/EC, 547, 553, 561, 563 snubbers, 106
Pressure gauges, in scope of PED, 129, 148, 191, 259, 308 large-diameter pipe weld repair, 81
Pressure hazard level, 131, 133 lithium concentration and pH of primary coolant, 82
Pressure limiting devices, in pressure equipment, 141, 157 LTOP for brittle fracture protection, 43, 49
Pressure load, 44, 47, 49 nozzle cracking, 10
Pressure piping, Canadian standards, 162, 168, 170, 288, 422 operating cycle, 74
Pressure regulations, in scope of PED, 626, 628, 633 passive structural components, 57
Pressure relief devices (PRD), 169, 192, 357, 358,, 368, 370, 666, pressure-temperature heatup and cooldown curves, 43, 45–49
677 primary water stress corrosion cracking and, 69, 73, 78
Canadian standards, 160 primary coolant water chemistry, 67, 78
Pressure stress intensity factor, 47, 49 reactor coolant water chemistry changes, 67, 80
Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000, 310 risk-informed process, 98
Pressure-temperature (P-T), rate of temperature change affecting, 49 top-head nozzles, repairs, 81–82
Pressure-temperature (P-T) limit, 49 zinc added to coolant, 82
Pressure-temperature (P-T) limit curves, 49 Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) Owner’s Group,
pressurized water reactor heatup and cooldown curves, 45, 60, 63 aging mechanism study programs effects, 57
Pressure test, minimum internal, 249 Pressurized water reactor plant
Pressure testing, 18, 108, 148, 153, 171, 283, 308 personnel radiation exposure, 53
Canadian standards, 160 plant safety, 53
French codes, 191, 193, 196, 253 use of alloy 600 base metal, 63
pipeline systems, 372 Pressurized water reactor (PWR) vessel(s)
risk categories and, 96, 526 absence of inner surface flaws, 51–52
risk-informed initiatives, 107, 108 alloy 600 applications, 63–66
transport tanks, 357, 358 beltline material, 44–45, 49
Pressure tube, 159 beltline region, brittle failure at, 43, 55
containing pressurized coolant in CANDU® design, 163 beltline weld, 48
Pressure vessel degradation predictions of PWSCC, 76–79
boiling water reactor, 10, 25 embrittlement, 50
boiling water reactor probabilistic fracture mechanics for failure/fracture, 43–44
inspection exemption, 10 Figure 44.1 (Locations with Alloys 600/82/182 Materials in
burial, Canadian standards (Annex A), 159, 160 Typical PWR Vessel), 63–64
Canadian non-nuclear standards, 162 inspection methods of PWSCC and requirements, 71–72
Canadian standards, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 168 integrity analysis, 50, 54–55
categorization, 134 primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC), 63, 66–68
French codes, 191, 193, 196, 253, 653 primary water stress corrosion cracking of alloy 600 material,
hazard categories if containing a dangerous gas, 133 operating experience, 68–71
inservice inspection, Canadian,181 probability of failure as a function of pressure temperature, 55
inspection, French codes, 206 remedial measures of PWSCC, 80–81
Japanese codes, 257, 258, 259 repairs of PWSCC, 79–82
multilayer, Japanese codes, 262 safety considerations of PWSCC, 73–74
nondestructive examination, French codes, 240 strategic planning for PWSCC, 83–84
risk assessment, French codes, 198 surveillance program, 50
in scope of PED, 130, 131, 133, 134 top head insulation, 74, 75
Pressure Vessel Research Council (PVRC), EPRI/GE methodology, toughness level of plates, 50
adoption of, 21 Pressurized water reactor (PWR) vessel internals
Pressure Vessel Research Council (PVRC) Task Group, 54 aging management of, 57–60
Pressure Vessel Research Council Task Group on Toughness aging management strategies, 59–60
Requirements, 44 aging mechanisms, 57
Pressurized food processing equipment, 156 enhanced visual (VT) examinations, 60
Pressurized heavy water reactor (PHWR), 163 irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking, 59
Pressurized thermal shock (PTS), 30, 32, 44, 51, 56 irradiation embrittlement, 59
fracture toughness requirements, 33 stress corrosion cracking, 59
Pressurized water reactor (PWR), 1 stress relaxation, 59
austenitic stainless steel, fatigue crack growth rate, 21–22 structure/component, loss of material due to aging, 58
brittle fracture protection, 45, 49–50 support, in event of structural failure, 66
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726 • Index

Pressurized water reactor (PWR) vessel internals (continued) capability category II, 92–93
thermal aging embrittlement, 59 capability category III, 92–93
void swelling, 59 codes and standards guiding, 102–103, 106–107
Pressurizer heater sleeve, 84–85 component ranking, plant specific, 104
use of alloy 600, 63, 68 to determine allocation of resources, 89
Pressurizer welds, 73 to determine inservice activities, 89, 94, 107–108
Prestressed concrete containment vessels (PCCV), Japanese codes, to determine risk importance, 89
287 impact, 92
Primary bending stress, 18, 118–119, 121. See also Stresses. of Level 1, 106
containment vessels for radioactive materials, 346–347 Level 2, 106
transport tanks, 362 Level 3, 106
Primary bending stress intensity, 272 limitations, 100
Primary coolant system piping system examinations, 96–97
alloy 600/82/182 cracks/leaks, 63 plant-specific to determine safety significance of SSCs, 99
boron added in PWR plants, 73 ranking measures, 104
hydrogen concentration, 82 RI-IST and, 104
leaks, 63, 69, 72 shutdown, 104, 106, 114
lithium concentration and pH, 82 for valves, 115
zinc addition, 82, 84 Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) Standard. See American
Primary heat transport system (PHTS), 163–165, 174, 177 Society of Mechanical Engineers Probabilistic Risk
Primary loading, 109 Assessment Standard.
Primary membrane stress, 18, 118–119, 121. See also Stresses. Production from a well, measurement of, 372
French codes, 242, 253 Production weld test coupons, 248
nuclear power plant piping, 295, 299 Product verification, 135–136
nuclear pressure vessels, PD 5500 (U.K.), 324 Proof test, 141, 148
Primary membrane stress intensity, 273 for cast iron boilers, 169
Primary stress, 125 pipe fittings, 169
Primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC), 64 of pressure equipment, 154–155
of alloys 600/82/182 in PWR plants, 63–82 transport tanks, 366
as axial, 67 Property damage, from pipeline incidents, 371–374
causes: environmental, 66–68 PS. See Pressure, maximum allowable.
causes: material susceptibility, 66–67 PSA. See Preliminary safety analysis.
causes: tensile stresses, 66–67 PSAR. See Preliminary Safety Analysis Report.
conditions of PWSCC susceptibility, 68 PSDAR. See Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report.
crack arrest, 69 PT. See Liquid penetrant examination.
crack growth, 67 PT. See Penetrant testing.
crack growth behavior in alloy 600, 79 P-T. See Pressure-temperature.
cracking issue in pressurized water reactors, 74 PTS. See Pressurized thermal shock.
crack initiation, 67, 76, 79 Public Law 104, 358
description, 66 Public Law 104–113 (National Technology Transfer and
inspection methods/requirements to identify, 71–72 Advancement Act), 354–355
predicting time to crack initiation, 76, 84 Published Document (PD) 5500 (United Kingdom), 138–139,
in PWR RPV inlet/outlet nozzles, 74 309–314
remedial measures, 82–84 Annex A, 317, 320, 323–324
repair of RPV alloy 600 components, 80 Annex B, 313
resistant materials, 84 Annex C, 319–325, 330
small cracks, 73 Annex D, 325
susceptibility of alloys 81/182, 66 Annex G, 319–320, 324, 329–330
Principal (CODAP), 207 Annex G.2, 320
Principal, for boilers, French codes, 224 Annex G2.5, 315
Probabilistic EPFM, 126 Annex K, 312
Probabilistic failure mechanics (PFM), 94 Annex M, 313–314
Probabilistic fracture mechanics (PFM) analysis, 7, 55, 79 Annex Z, 310
as alternative for assessing margins in Appendix G method, 56 Appendix F, 316
code, VIPER, 11 bolted flanged joints, 316–317
for inspection exemption, 6 design, 312, 316–317
predicting PWSCC on Alloy 600/82/182 in PWRs, 76, 79 design for fatigue, 320–321
Probabilistic risk assessment analysis (PRA), 33 Enquiry case 5500/116, 329
applications, piping systems, 95 Enquiry case 5500/122, 330
to assess risk of leaks, 84 Enquiry case 5500/126, 318
background, 89 Enquiry case 5500/128, 318
capability category I, 92–93 Enquiry case 5500/130, 329
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Enquiry case 5500/133 (Rectangular, Narrow-Faced and Pure water stress corrosion cracking. See Primary water stress
Full-Faced Flanges), 317 corrosion cracking (PWSCC).
Figure 51.1 (Values of Coefficient _ for Cone/Cylinder Intersection PVE/Pressure Vessels, 309
without Knuckle), 313 PVE/1, Pressure Vessels (technical committee), 309
Figure 51.2 (Buckling Forms for Stiffener Cylindrical Shells), PVE/1/15 Design Methods, 309
313–314 PVRC. See Pressure Vessel Research Council.
Figure 51.3 (Theoretical Buckling Strain e as a Function of Shell PVRUF reactor pressure vessel, 52
Length, Radius, and Thickness), 314–315 PWHT. See Postweld heat treatment.
Figure 51.4 (Nondimensionalised Allowable External Pressure vs. PWR. See Pressurized water reactor.
Theoretical Collapse Load), 314, 316 PWSCC. See Primary water stress corrosion cracking.
Figure 51.5 (Jacketed Vessel Types), 318 Pyrophoric liquids, 340
Figure 51.6 (Limpet Coil Arrangement), 318
Figure 51.7 (Limpet Coil Arrangement for Use in Stiffening for QA. See Quality assurance.
External Pressure Loading), 318 QAPP. See Quality Assurance Program Plan.
Figure 51.8 (ASME-Based/Old BS 5500 Fatigue Design Curve), QC. See Quality control specialists.
321 QI. See Qualified Inspectors.
Figure 51.9 (Fatigue Design Curves from Annex C of PD 5500), QIO. See Qualified Inspection Organization.
321–322 Qualification of welders, oil and gas pipeline systems, Canadian, 170
Figure 51.10 (Annex A Stress Categories and Limits of Stress Qualified Inspectors (QI), 366
Intensity-Hopper Diagram), 324 Qualified Inspection Organizations (QIO), 366
Figure 51.11 (Dished End Thicknesses Compared for 2:1 Qualification of NDT for ISI, 568
Ellipsoidal Form), 328 Quality assurance (QA), 135–136, 144
Figure 51.12 (Dished End Thicknesses Compared for 10% focusing in CDF-vulnerable components, 90
Torispherical Form), 328 French codes, 229, 233–234, 241
Figure 51.13 (Dished End Thicknesses for 6% Torispherical Form pipe fittings, 169
Compared), 328 plutonium shipments, 343–345
flat plates and covers, 317 of pressure equipment, 156
Form X, 311 pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 268
inspection, 319 radioactive material packagings, 343–344, 345
jacketed vessels, 318 Quality assurance program, 101
loads, local, 319–320 Canadian standards, 163
materials, 311–312 CANDU® nuclear power plants, 171, 173, 177–178
nozzle reinforcing, 314–316 radioactive material packaging, 349–350
sections and appendices, 311 Quality Assurance Program (Z series), 162
shells under external pressure, 313–316 Quality Assurance Requirements for Transport Packages, 1978
shells under internal pressure, 312–313 effective rule, 345
supports, 319 Quality control
Table 51.1 (Comparison of the Bases of ASME and PD 5500 licensee of fissile material shipments, 338
Fatigue Methods), 321 spent fuel storage containers and transportation casks, 452
Table 51.2 (Fatigue Design Curves, Details of), 322–323 Quality Control Program, Canadian standards, 168–169
Table 51.3 (Nominal Design Stresses), 326 Quality Control Program Manufacturers of Fittings, Canadian
Table 51.4 (Testing Groups for Steel Pressure Vessels), 327 standards, 168
testing, 319 Quality Management Systems (CAN/CSA-ISO-9001-00), 162
tubesheets, 324 Quantitative risk analysis, of pipeline failure possibility, 382
Published Document (PD) 6439 (Stress Calculation Methods for Quenched and tempered non-alloy steels, for pressure vessels, French
Local Loads and Attachments of Pressure Vessels), 313 codes, 223–224
Published Document (PD) 6497 (Stresses in Horizontal Cylindrical Quenched and tempered steels
Pressure Vessels), 311, 319, 330 for industrial piping, French codes, 224
Published Document (PD) 6550 (Supplement to BS 5500), 311, 313, for pressure equipment, French codes, 223
324, 330–331
PUC. See Public Utility Commission. Radial/shear stress, concrete containment vessels, 288
Pumps Radial shrinkage, in weld repairs, 18
cavitation, 45 Radiation damage, on pressurized water reactor vessel materials, 43
group A, 105 Radiation embrittlement, 43, 54, 125
group B (standby), 105 Radiation exposure, 339
high-safety significant (HSS) category, 105 employees, 53
low-safety significant (LSS) category, 104, 108 Japanese codes, 292–294
OMN-Code testing program, 105 Off-site, 30
Risk-informed IST application, 103 Radiation shielding, 335
seal, 50 Radiation unit, 337
Pump sizing, French codes, 246–247 Radioactive materials, responsibility for cleaning up spills, 340
Puncture/tearing test, 336 Radioactive release, risk assessment of, 90
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728 • Index

Radiographic inspection failure probabilities, 55–56

Canadian standards, 171 ferritic steels, local brittle zones, 53
CANDU® nuclear power plant components, 184, 185, 187 integrity limits, 54–56
French codes, 240, 249 lowering head temperature, 84
pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 264–265 nozzles, 9–11, 65, 72, 77–79, 83
welds in calandria assemblies, Canadian, 175 pressure boundary, 57
zirconium alloy components, 176–177 repair/replacement activity, 78–80, 84
Radiography, 400 top head, 65, 69, 72, 84
Radiological exposure hazard models, 292 top head insulation, 72
Radiological impacts, fusion reactors, Japanese codes, 292–294 top head nozzle leak, 72–73, 80–82, 84
Radiotoxicity of isotope, 436 top head PWSCC, 69, 83
Radium, shipments of, 342 upper shelf energy, 15, 124
RAI. See Request for additional information. vessel-to-shroud support weld cracking, 13
Ramberg-Osgood curve, 114 wastage (Davis Besse) of low-alloy steel, 69
Ramberg-Osgood model, 121 weld examinations, 6–7, 69
Ramberg-Osgood parameters, 119 Reactor pressure vessel internals, French codes, 247
Ramberg-Osgood stress-strain equation, 121 Reactor pressure vessel outlet nozzle butt welds, 69–70
RAMSES committee, 193 Reactor Safety Study, 89
Random (sample) testing, joint coefficients allowed, 139 Redundancy principles, 58
Ratcheting Reference fracture toughness curves, 50–55, 59
nuclear pressure vessels, PD 5500 (U.K.), 323 Reference limit load bending stress, 118
prevention, French codes, 243, 251 Reference load, 115
thermal, in cylindrical containment vessels, 345 Refined hydrocarbon product, types, 371
Ratcheting fatigue, 299–300 Refineries, risk analysis and security of, 110
low-cycle, 299–300 Refrigeration, Japanese codes, 261
piping failure during earthquakes, Japanese codes, 295 Refrigeration equipment, Canadian standards, 168
seismic shakedown, Japan, 295–296 Refueling outage, 84
RAW. See Risk achievement worth. inservice examination during, 8, 71–72
RCC-C. See Design and Construction Rules for Fuel Assemblies of repair/replacement during, 13, 84
Nuclear Power Plants. Refueling station pressure piping systems, 170
RCC-E. See Design and Construction Rules for Electrical Equipment Registration
of Nuclear Islands. Canadian standards, 168–169
RCC-G. See Design and Construction Rules for Civil Works of PWR CANDU® nuclear power plants, 172, 174
Nuclear Islands. Registration numbers
RCC-I. See Design and Construction Rules for Fire Protection. Canadian, 169–170
RCC-M. See Design and Construction Rules for Mechanical CANDU® nuclear power plants, 174
Components of PWR Nuclear Islands. regulation of pressure equipment in Spain, 563
RCC-MR. See Design and Construction Rules for Mechanical Regulation on Pressurized Apparatus, 563
Components of FBR Nuclear Islands. Re-heaters, 156
RCC-P. See Design and Construction Rules for System Design, Reinforced concrete containments vessels (RCCV), Japanese codes, 287
French Codes. Reliability methods, first- and second-order, 126
RCCV. See Reinforced concrete containments vessels. Relief valves, 45
RCRA. See Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. repair guidelines, Canadian standards, 168–169
RCS. See Reactor coolant system. Remedial measures for PWSCC test program, 75, 82
Reactivity control units, CANDU® nuclear power plants, 175 Repair, 84
Reactor building, 165–166 of boiling water reactors, 1
Reactor coolant cost of, 84
environmental impact on components, 34–35, 37 of flaws, 17–19, 80–81
temperature, LTOP setpoint and, 50 of intergranular stress corrosion cracking in stainless
Reactor coolant system (RCS) steel piping, 17
aging mechanisms, 57 pipeline systems, 375, 402–407
levels of corrosion products in, 63 of pressurized water reactors, 79–82, 85
metal fatigue, 21 of primary water stress corrosion cracking, 63, 79–82
piping, 31 weld overlay, 81–82
pressure boundary, integrity, 30, 98–99, 104 weld replacement, 81–82
primary coolant system cracks/leaks, 63 Repair/replacement activities, 97, 100–101
PWSCC occurrences, 68 in age management programs, 59
Reactor pressure vessel (RPV), 1 plan document, 102
beltline materials, 126 of pressure boundary components, 80
bottom head, 65, 71–73, 77 reactor vessel heads, 65
end-of-life value, 55 RI-ISI programs, 95
environmental fatigue effects, 21 risk-informed, 98
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structural integrity treatment, 101 Risk studies, 90–91

technical requirements, 101–102 RMA. See Rubber Manufacturers Association.
Reportable incident, defined, 373 Roll expansion repair, 12–13
Request for additional information (RAI), 33, 36–37, 39 Role of regulatory authority, 83
Re-rounding, 397 Roll peening, to reduce potential PWSCC, 59
Residual stress, 22, 24, 125, 140 Root cause determination, 35, 59
from fabrication, 69 of component aging, 35
French codes, 253 RPV. See Reactor pressure vessel.
hoop, 67 R ratio, 5
reversing, 83 environmentally assisted fatigue crack growth in BWR
surface, from machining or grinding, 80, 83 environment, 22
susceptibility to PWSCC and, 66–67, 69 RRM, risk-informed, 109
from welds, 17–18, 51, 55, 73, 77, 81 RSE-M. See Inservice Inspection Rules for Mechanical Components
welds, PD 5500 (U.K.), 322–323 of PWR Nuclear Islands.
Residual stress improvement processes, as remedial measure for R-6 methodology, 114, 121
PWSCC, 83 “R” Stamp, 366–367
Residual stress improvement program, as remedial measure for RSTRENG, 376, 399–400
IGSCC, 83 RTNDT brittle to ductile transition temperature determination,
Response analysis method, 299–300 French codes, 249
RI-ISI. See Risk-informed inservice inspection. RTPO, 148
RI-IST. See Risk-informed inservice testing. approval of joining procedure qualifications, 140
Ring forgings, 49–50 approval of NDE examiners, 148
Ringhal 3 nuclear power plant, 70 Rubber Manufacturers Association (RMA), 162
Ringhal 4 nuclear power plant, 70 Rubber Manufacturers Association standards, RMA IP-2, 170
Ring stiffeners, 313–314 Rules on Design and Construction for Nuclear Power Plants, 275
RISC. See ANS Risk-Informed Standards Committee. Rules on Fitness-for-Service for Nuclear Power Plants
Rise-time-based model, for environmental fatigue effects, 22 (Japan, 2000), 275
Risk achievement worth (RAW), 106 Rules on Thermal Power Generation Facilities, 259
Risk assessment, 89 Rupture, 83–84
industrial piping, French codes, 212, 219–220 of radioactive material packaging, 352–353, 354
pipeline failure, 380–386 Rupture disks, 359
pipeline systems, 376 Russian Regulation and Codes in Nuclear Power, 601
pressure vessels, French codes, 198, 200–201
Risk-based criteria, 159 Sacrificial cathodic systems, 169, 189
Risk categorization, 96, 101 Safe-end welds, 17, 19, 24
of pipe segment risk evaluation, 95 Safeguard action, 144
Risk-informed (RI) analysis, 90 Safe operation, 145
applications, 103 Safe shutdown, 30, 98
capability of PRA to support application, 91–94 Safety
decommissioning of nuclear facilities, 425 different classes of packages of special nuclear material, 334
future plans for, 107–110 emergency response plans of pipeline companies, 421
HSS classification and, 100 identifying concerns using PRA, 89
IST application, 103 Japanese codes and standards, 259
preservice, 103 plant overall, 53
repair/replacement requirements, 97, 101, 108 RCC-M French codes, 228–229, 249
risk category and, 97 risk from boric acid corrosion, 74
safety classification, 98–100, 103, 108 Safety accessories, 134
security applications, 89, 110 in scope of PED, 130–131, 139, 153–154
standard for use of PRA, 90–93 Safety analysis, 32
in testing mechanical equipment, 103 Safety analysis report (SAR), 418
Risk-informed (RI) decision-making, PRA Standard application, 91 Safety classification, 100
Risk-informed (RI) fracture mechanics evaluations, 126 of HSS/LSS component categories, 100, 106
Risk-informed-inservice inspection (RI-ISI), 95, 96, 100 risk-informed, 96, 98–100, 103, 109–110
current scope, 93 safety-related (SR) vs. no safety related (NSR) classification, 100
future applications, 108 Safety coefficients, 151–152
overall process, 95 Safety devices
of piping, 99, 100 French codes, 249
reevaluation, 96 on pressure equipment, inspection, 141, 155, 168, 249
Risk-informed inservice testing (RI-IST), 103–105 Safety evaluation (SE), 32–33
Risk management, 107 of BWR stainless steel internals, 2–3
definition, 381 Safety evaluation report (SER), 33–34, 37, 39
Risk neutral situation, 97 Safety factors. See Structural factors.
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730 • Index

Safety functions Secondary bending stress, 118–119. See also Stresses.

core damage protection, 96 Secondary stresses, 124–125
large early release frequency, 96 in containment vessels for radioactive materials, 346
during shutdown, 104 membrane, French codes, 251–252
Safety hazards, radioactive material accidental release, 181 nuclear power plants, Japanese codes, 294–295
Safety lock, fuel-handling equipment, CANDU® nuclear power nuclear pressure vessels, PD 5500 (U.K.), 324
plants, 175 Section I (Power Boilers), 147, 169–170, 188, 258–259, 364
Safety margins, 100 vs. COVAP (French Boiler Code), 224
French codes, 238–239, 245 vs. Japanese codes, 268–270
of nuclear reactors, 43, 49–51 Section II (Materials), 267, 286
overall plant safety and, 53 Appendix 1, 287
pipeline systems, 384 Appendix 2, 287
for pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 321 Appendix 5, 287
of pressurized water reactor vessels, 43 vs. French codes, 230
probability fracture mechanics used, 56 vs. Japanese codes, 268–269, 286–287
Safety measures Part A (Materials: Ferrous Material Specifications), 169, 188
fusion reactors, Japanese codes, 292–294 PartB (Materials: Nonferrous Material Specifications), 169, 188
Japanese codes, 260–261 Part C (Materials: Specification for Welding Rods, Electrodes and
Safety objectives, 129–130, 138 Filler Materials), 169, 188
Safety related (SR) Part D (Materials: Properties), 169, 188, 275, 359, 362–363
definition, 98 Table U, 311
structures, systems, and components (SSC), special treatment, 98 vs. PD 5500 (U.K.), 311
Safety-related (SR) classification, 100 Section III (Power Piping Codes), 118, 124, 193
Safety/relief devices, Canadian standards, 169 Addenda, 295
Safety Report, French codes (RCC-M), 215, 230, 250 allowable stresses for reactor vessel components, 67
Safety requirements, 147–151 for Canadian nuclear construction standards, 159
Safety reviews, for license renewal, 30–31 Class 1 systems, 1, 6, 346
Safety significance categories Class 2 systems, 108
HSS (high-safety significance) as, 104 Class 3 systems, 108, 293, 295
LSS (low-safety significance) as, 104 Code cases, 108
Safety systems developing reliability-based load and resistance factor design
effects of aging on, 58 methods for piping, 107
low-safety significance of, 100 fatigue design curves, 21
Safety valves, 141 Figure 42.1 (Audit of AMPs Consistent with the GALL Report),
French codes, 249 36
repair guidelines, Canadian standards, 168 Figure 42.2 (Audit of Plant-Specific AMPs), 37
Sample package, 336 Figure 42.3 (AMP Review Process, Consistent with GALL
Sample size, 58 Report), 38
Sampling, as inspection method, 58 Figure 42.4 (AMR Review Process, Consistent with Precedent), 39
SAR. See Safety analysis report. Figure 42.5 (Interim Staff Guidance Process Flow Chart), 40–41
SAR. See Synthetic aperture radar imaging. Figure 43.8 (Charpy V-Notch Surveillance Data Showing RTNDT
SARA. See Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act. Shift Due to Irradiation), 50–51
Satellites-optical systems, 418 Figure 44.1 (Locations with Alloys 600/82/182 Materials in PWR
surveillance of pipeline systems, 418–419 Vessel), 64
SAW. See Submerged arc welding. Figure 44.2 (Typical Control Rod Drive Mechanism (CRDM)
SBC. See Systems-Based Code. Nozzle), 65
SCADA. See Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. Figure 44.3 (Bottom-Mounted Instrument (BMI) Nozzle), 65
Scale model testing, 6 Figure 44.4 (Typical Reactor Vessel Inlet/Outlet Nozzle), 66
SCC. See Standards Council of Canada. Figure 44.5 (Typical Core Support Lug), 66
SCC. See Stress corrosion cracking. Figure 44.6 (Alloy 600 Crack Growth Rate at 338°C Plotted vs.
SCO. See Surface contaminated object. Hydrogen Concentration), 67–68
Scoping methodology, 41 Figure 44.7 (Effects of Hydrogen Concentration on PWSCC
for license renewal, 32 Initiation and Growth), 68
review process, 32–33 Figure 44.8 (Typical Small Volume of Leakage from CRDM
SCRAM (rapid reactor shutdown), 20–21, 31, 32–33 Nozzle), 69, 71
Screening methodology, 41, 59 vs. French codes, 226, 229, 236–237, 246–247
for license renewal, 32 intergranular stress corrosion cracking, 1
review process, 32–33 vs. Japanese codes, 272–273, 275, 284
SCV. See Steel containment vessels. joint design with American Concrete Institute, 400
SDO. See Standards-developing organizations. material fracture toughness requirements, 348
SDWA. See Safe Drinking Water Act. nuclear requirements, 102
SE. See Safety evaluation. pressure-retaining components, 20
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pressurized water reactor vessel design requirements, 43 Section III, Division 2 (Code for Concrete Reactor Vessels and
service-induced degradation in BWR vessels, internals, and Containments), 171–172, 189
pressure boundary piping, 24 Class MC, components, provisions for, 172
Table 42.1 (Consistent with GALL Report Classification), 33–34 vs. Japanese codes, 270, 287, 289
Table 42.2 (Elements of an Aging Management Program), 35 Subsection NCA, 172–173
Table 44.1 (Factors on Crack Initiation and Growth Time at NCA-2142, 173
Typical PWR Temperatures), 67, 76 NCA-2143, 173
Task Group, environmental fatigue effects, 21 NCA-3250, 173
Section III, Division 1 (Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power NCA-3550, 173
Plant Components), 34, 42, 171–173, 188, 194, 259 NCA-3800, 102
Appendix I, 358 Section III, Division 3 (Containment Systems for Transport
Appendix III, 45 Packaging), 174
Appendix XIII, 237 adoption by USNRC, 354, 353
Appendix XIV, 237 vs. Japanese codes, 268–269
Appendix A, 37 Section III, Division 4, vs. Japanese codes, 291
Appendix B, 173 Section IV (Heating Boilers), 169
Appendix C, 173 Section V (Nondestructive Examination), 169, 177,
Appendix G (Protection Against Nonductile Failure), 43–46, 60, 183, 188
113, 124, 245 vs. Japanese codes, 270
Figure 43.9 (ASME Code’s KIR Toughness Curves), 51 Section VIII, 138–139, 317
G-2120 (Maximum Postulated Defect), 56 canister design requirements for radioactive materials,
KIR curve, 53 349
vs. EN 13445, 327 vs. Japanese codes, 270
fatigue design procedure, 20 nuclear requirements, 102
Figure 19.2 (Fatigue Design Curve for Ni-Cr-Fe), 14 pressurized water reactor vessel design requirements, 43
maximum postulated defect, related to allowable surface Section VIII, Division 1 (Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels),
indications (Section XI), 44 147, 169–170, 258–259, 347, 360, 364
vs. RCC-M, 254 compared to CODAP rules (French codes), 208
required weld overlay thickness, 20 vs. EN 13445, 328–329
Subsection NA, 347 vs. Japanese codes, 259, 272
Article III–2000, 347 production tests, 264
Subsection NB, 1, 172, 189, 248, 290, 347 Subsection A (General Requirements for All Methods of
NB-2300, 44, 60 Construction and All Materials), 151
NB-2330, 44 Part UD, 359
NB-2331, 50 Part UG, 359–360
NB-3000, 18 UG-22, 361
NB-3200, primary stress intensity limits, 20, 175, 238 Figure UG-31, 262
NB-3222.4, 245 UG-44, 169
NB-3228.5, 274 UG-46, 179
NB-3600, 239, 246 UG-90, 365
NB-3650, 18 UG-93, 366
NB-3661.2, 245 Section VIII, Division 1, Subsection B (Requirements Pertaining to
NB-4000, 238 Methods of Fabrication of Pressure Vessels)
Subsection NC, 172, 176, 236 Part UW, 365–367
NC-3200, 175, 237 UW-2, 364
NC-3300, 175 UW-3, 364
NC-3352.4(d), 175 Table UW-12, 262
NC-3671.2, 175 UW-40, 365
NC-3800, 247 UW-50, 366
NC-3900, 247 UW-51, 366
Subsection ND, 172, 248, 347 UW-52, 366
vs. Japanese codes, 294 Section VIII, Division 1, Subsection C
ND-3671.2, 175 Part UCS (Requirements for Pressure Vessels Constructed of
ND-3800, 247 Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels)
ND-3900, 247 Table UCS-23, 262–263
Subsection NE, 171, 176 UCS-56, 365
Subsection NF, 174, 347 UCS-85, 262
NF-2000, 177 Part UHA (Requirements for Pressure Vessels Constructed of
NF-3200, 175 High-Alloy Steel)
NF-3300, 175 Table UHA-23, 262–263
Subsection NG, 1, 347 Part UHX, 208
Subsection NH, 275 UHX-12, 208
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732 • Index

Section VIII, Division 1, Subsection C (continued) Figure 41.12 (BWR Feedwater Nozzle Inspection Zones), 12
Part UNF (Requirements for Pressure Vessels Constructed of Figure 41.13 (BWR Set-in CRD Stub Tube Design), 12
Nonferrous Materials) Figure 41.14 (Stub Tube Narrow Groove Welded Partial Design), 13
Table UNF-23, 262–263 Figure 41.15 (BWR-2 Shroud Support Geometry), 14
Section VIII, Division 1, Appendices 1–32 Figure 41.16 (Calculated Values of Total K and the Polynomial
Appendix 1, vs. PD 5500 (U.K.), 312 Fit), 14
Appendix 13, 329 Figure 41.17 (Predicted Crack Growth as Function of Operating
Appendix 26, 208 Hours), 14
Appendix L, 363 Figure 41.18 (Steam Dryer Support Bracket Crack), 14–15
Appendix EE, 318 Figure 41.19 (Temperature-Time Variations during Automatic
Section VIII, Division 2 (Alternate Rules for Pressure Vessels), 20, Blowdown Transient), 15–16
169,188–189, 288 Figure 41.20 (Assessment for Level C Conditions), 15–16
class 1 vessel, 266–267 Figure 41.21 (Weld Overlay Repair), 17
compared to CODAP rules (French codes), 208 Figure 41.22 (Dissimilar Metal Weld Overlay), 19
Section VIII, Division 2, Mandatory Appendices Figure 41.23 (Design versus Actual Number of Transient Events),
Appendix 4, 362 21
Appendix 5, 362 Figure 41.24 (Severity of Transient Actual Temperature Change
Section VIII, Division 3, 169, 188, 261 versus Percentage of Design Basis), 21
Section IX (Welding and Brazing Qualifications), 169, 188 Figure 41.25 (Effect of Loading Conditions on Environmentally
brazing and welding procedures, Canadian, 169 Assisted Fatigue Crack Growth and Comparison with ASME
vs. French codes, 253 Section XI Curves), 22, 24
vs. Japanese codes, 264, 270 Figure 41.26 (Crack Growth Rate Prediction Model), 22–23
Part QW, 248 Figure 41.27 (Comparison of BWRVIP-14 and Japan Maintenance
welding requirements, 148 Code Predictions), 23
Section X (Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels), 169, 188 Figure 41.28 (BWRVIP-60 Stress-Corrosion Cracking Deposition
Section XI (Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Reactor Cooling Lines), 23
Systems), 4, 87, 103, 127, 181, 187–188 Figure 41.29 (Crack Length versus Total Time-on-Test), 24
Addenda (2002 Edition), 118–119, 121 Figure 41.30 (Predicted Crack Growth in Safe End), 24
allowable surface indications, related to maximum postulated Section XI, Division 1, Nonmandatory Appendices
defect (Section III), 56 Figure 43.1 (Mm Factor for Membrane Stress Intensity Factor), 46
BWR requirements, 1 Figure 43.2 (Mt Factor vs. Thickness for Bending Stress Intensity
BWR steam dryer assembly/steam flow path, 6–7 Factor), 46
CANDU® equivalent, 159 Figure 43.3 (Linearized Representation of Stresses for Surface
Class 1 components Flaws), 46–47
fabricated with Alloys 600/82/182 materials, 71 Figure 43.4 (Examples of 50°F/hr. Cooldown Curves), 48
high-safety significance (HSS) items, 95 Figure 43.5 (Assumed Axial Flaws in Circumferential Welds), 49
piping, 98 Figure 43.6 (Circumferential Flaws in Girth Welds), 49
Class 2 components Figure 43.7 (Fixed LTOP Setpoint Affects Operating Window), 50
high-safety significance items, 95 Figure 43.8 (Charpy V-Notch Surveillance Data Showing RTNDT
piping, 98 Shift Due to Irradiation), 50
systems, 108 Figure 43.9 (ASME Code KIC Toughness Curves), 51
Class 3 components Figure 43.10 (Static Fracture Toughness Data (KJC) Now
high-safety significance items, 95 Available, Compared to KIC), 52
piping, 89, 98 Figure 43.11 (Original Reference Toughness Curve, with
systems, 108 Supporting Data), 52
Code Cases, 94–106, 108, 109 Figure 43.12 (KIC Reference Toughness Curve with Screened Data
code requirements for safety relation, 95 in the Lower Temperature Range), 52
conditional consequence of failure, 93 Figure 43.13 (Original ASME KIC Data and New Variable TKIC-T),
Figure 41.1 (Overview of BWR Pressure Vessel and Internal 53
Components), 1–2 Figure 43.14 (Original KIC Toughness Data versus T-T0), 54
Figure 41.2 (BWR Core Shroud Weld Designations), 3 Figure 43.15 (Fracture Toughness Data Normalized to 1T and
Figure 41.3 (A Distributed Ligament Length Example), 3 Compared to Code Case N-629 Curve), 54
Figure 41.4 (Typical Geometry of a BWR Jet Pump), 5 Figure 43.16 (Comparison of Residuals from ASTM E 900-02 and
Figure 41.5 (Sample of Stress Time History at Cracked Location), Recent NRC Embrittlement Trend Curve Equations), 55
5, 9 Figure 43.17 (Estimates of Crack Initiation Compared to P-T
Figure 41.6 (Crack Lengths for Core Flow Levels), 6 Limits for Normal Cooldown Transient), 55
Figure 41.7 (BWR Steam Dryer Assembly), 7 Figure 43.18 (Relationship Between Maximum Postulated Defect
Figure 41.8 (Steam Dryer Damage), 8 and Allowable Surface Indications), 56
Figure 41.9 (Feedwater Nozzle with Cracking Location), 9 Figure 43.19 (Framework for Implementation of Aging
Figure 41.10 (Improved Sleeve Design and Temperature Management Using Inspections and Flaw Evaluation), 59–60
Variation), 11 Figure 44.8 (Typical Small Volume of Leakage from CDRM
Figure 41.11 (Fracture Mechanics Results for BWRs), 9, 12 Nozzle), 69, 72
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Figure 44.9 (Large Volume of Wastage on Davis-Besse Reactor future inspection requirements of dissimilar metal butt welds, 72
Vessel Head), 70, 74 inspection requirements for alloy 600 components, 72
Figure 44.10 (Through-Wall Crack and Part-Depth Circumferential inspection requirements for alloys 82/182 welds, 72
Crack in V.C. Summer Reactor Vessel Hot-Leg Outlet inspection sample sizes, 182
Nozzle), 70 intergranular stress corrosion cracking, 1
Figure 44.11 (Leak from South Texas 1 BMI Nozzle), 71–73 vs. Japanese codes, 276, 278–280
Figure 44.12 (Schematic of RPV Top-Head Nozzle Geometry and Section XI (Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Reactor Cooling
Nature of Observed Cracking), 74 Systems)
Figure 44.13 (Plan and Cross-Section through Corroded Part of Main Committee, alternate inspection frequency, 11
Davis-Besse Reactor Vessel Head), 74–75 pressure testing, leakage, 108
Figure 44.14 (Cross-Section through Davis-Besse Reactor Vessel reactor pressure vessel inside surface flaws and, 51
Head), 75 repair and replacement, 97–99
Figure 44.15 (Distribution of Log-Mean CGR Power Law RI-ISI, 97
Constant for the 26 Heats of Alloy 600 Material with risk inform code design rules, 89
Log-Normal Fit to the Data), 77 risk inform code requirements for inservice testing, 89
Figure 44.16 (Typical Crack Growth Predictions for a service-induced degradation in BWR vessels, internals, and
Circumferential Crack in a Steep Angle RPV Top-Head pressure boundary piping, 24
(CRDM) Nozzle), 78 special treatment requirements, 98
Figure 44.17 (Crack Growth Predictions for a Postulated structural margins for crack growth, 24
Circumferential Crack in a Large-Diameter Nozzle Butt Table 41.1 (Jet Pump FIV Stress Range vs. Cycle Data), 6
Weld), 78 Table 41.2 (Feedwater Nozzle/Sparger Inspection
Figure 44.18 (Effect of Inspections on Probability of Nozzle Recommendations), 10
Failure for Head Operating Temperature Ranges), 79 Table 41.3 (BWR RPV Equivalent Margin Review Summary),
Figure 44.19 (Probability of Leakage from a Top-Head Nozzle), 15–16
79–80 Table 41.4 (Comparison of Required Thickness of Weld Overlay
Figure 44.20 (Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) Top-Head Nozzle Repair), 20
Flaw Embedment Repair), 81 Table 46.1 (Fully Plastic .3Integral for Circumferential
Figure 44.21 (Weld Overlay Repair Applied to RPV Outlet Through- Wall Flaws in Cylinders), 115, 117
Nozzle), 81 Table 46.2 (Safety/Structural Factors for Circumferential and Axial
Figure 44.22 (RPV Top-Head Nozzle Weld Replacement Repair), Flaws), 118
82 Table 46.3 (Default Material Properties and Z Factors for Ferritic
Figure 44.23 (Typical Results of Strategic Planning Economic Piping with Circumferential Flaws), 117
Analysis for PPV Head Nozzles), 85 Table 46.4 (Z Factors for Circumferential Flaws in Ferritic Piping),
Figure 45.2 (Overall Risk-Informed ISI Process), 90 120–121
Figure 45.3 (Potential Evolution to Nuclear Systems Code), 109 Table 46.5 (Appendix K Requirements), 122
Figure 46.1 (Effect of Fracture Toughness on the Governing Table H-4211–1 (46.3)(Material Properties for Carbon Steel Base
Failure Mechanism), 113–114 Metals and Weldments), 119
Figure 46.2 (The EPRI J Estimation Scheme), 115 Table H-5310-1, 119
Figure 46.3 (True-Stress True-Strain Curve for A333 Grade 6 Base Table H-5310-2, 120
Material in NRC/BCL 4111-1 Pipe), 115 Table H-6310-1 (Load Multipliers for Carbon Steel Base Metals
Figure 46.4 (Fully Plastic J Integral for Circumferential and Weldments), 119–120
Through-Wall Flaws in Cylinders), 115–116 Table H-6310-2 (Load Multipliers for Carbon Steel Base Metals
Figure 46.5 (Determination of Instability J, T, and Associated Load and Weldments for User-Specified Data), 119–120
for Load Control EPFM Analysis), 116–117 Table H-6320, 120
Figure 46.6 (Net-Section Collapse Load vs. Estimation Scheme Task Group for Piping Flaw Evaluation, flaw evaluation in
Maximum Load for Axially Loaded 304SS Pipe with austenitic steel piping, 127
Through-Wall Circumferential Crack), 117 Task Group of Subgroup on Welding, 19
Figure 46.7 (Determination of J and T at Crack Instability for Task Group on Risk-Based Examination, 94
Austenitic SAW at 550°F), 117 2001 Edition, 20
Figure 46.8 (DPFAD for Failure Mode Screening Criterion), 119 volumetric examination of RPV pressure-retaining shell welds, 7
Figure 46.9 (Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics Flow Chart for White Paper (Reactor Vessel Integrity Requirements for Levels A
Screening Criteria), 119–120 and B Conditions), 13, 55
Figure 46.10 (Ferritic Material J-T Curves used in EPFM Working Group on Flaw Evaluation, 15, 20, 118
Evaluation), 119–120 Working Group on Implementation of Risk-Based Examination, 95
Figure 46.11 (Instability Point Determination in DPFAD Space), Working Group on Operating Plant Criteria, 49–50, 55
121 Section XI, Division 1 (Revision 13), 26
Figure 46.12 (Ductile Crack Growth Stability Evaluation), 123 Section XI, Division 1, Subsection IWA (General Requirements)
Figure 46.13 (DPFAD for a 1/4T Flaw), 123 IWA-1400 (n), (Documentation of Quality Assurance Program),
Figure 46.14 (J Integral-Tearing Modulus (J-T) Procedure), 101
123–125 Table IWA-2210-1, 60
flaw evaluation procedures, 81, 113–128 IWA-3300, 125
vs. French codes, 229 IWA-4000 (Repair/Replacement Activities), 101–102
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734 • Index

Section XI, Division 1, Subsection IWA Section XI, Division 1, Nonmandatory Appendices
(General Requirements) (continued) Appendix C (Evaluation of Flaws in Austenitic Piping), 16, 21–22,
IWA-4110 (Scope), 101 119, 125–126
IWA-4120 (Applicability), 101 BWR shroud flaw evaluation guideline, 2
IWA-4130 (Alternate Requirements), 101 Figure C-3210-1 (Air Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Curves for
IWA-4131, 101 Austenitic Stainless Steel), 5
IWA-4140 (Responsibilities), 101 flaw evaluation guidelines, 6
IWA-4142, 101 flaw sizes allowable (2004 Edition), 118
IWA-4150 (Repair/Replacement Program), 102 limit load equations, 3, 4
IWA-4160 (Alternative Provisions [Similar to] Verification of source equations, 18–19
Acceptability), 102 2002 Addenda, 19–20
IWA-4170 (Inspection), 102 Appendix E (Evaluation of Unanticipated Operating Events), 8
IWA-4180 (Documentation), 102 Appendix G (Fracture Toughness Criteria for Protection Against
IWA-4200 (Items Used for Repair/Replacement Activities), 102 Failure), 15, 43, 46–47, 60, 113, 121–122, 128
IWA-4211(b), 103 determining LTOP setpoint, 50
IWA-4220 (Code Applicability), 103 excess conservatism in, 53
IWA-4300 (Design), 102 fracture toughness-based reference temperature, 45–49
IWA-4411, 102 future need for probabilistic P-T limit curves, 56–57
IWA-4411(e), 102–103 future need to reduce reference flaw size, 56
IWA-4411(f), 102 G-2120 (Reference Flaw Size), 48, 56
IWA-4422, 102 G-2215, 50
IWA-4460, 103 heatup and cooldown limit curves, 55
IWA-4500 (Examination and Test), 103 KIA, lower bound fracture toughness curve for high-rate
IWA-4520(c) 103 loading, 53
IWA-4600 (Alternative Welding Methods), 103 KIC curve, 53
IWA-5250(a)(3), 12 1996 Code Change, 49
IWA-6210(e) (Owner’s Report for Repair/Replacement Activities), for pressure stresses, 47–48
101 for thermal stress distribution, 48
Section XI, Division 1, Subsection IWB (Requirements for Class 1, vessel cooldown limits, 56
2, 3, MC and CC Components and Supports) Appendix H (Evaluation of Flaws in Ferritic Piping), 118–119, 127
Table IWB-2500-1 (Examination Category B-D), 6, Appendix K, 15, 128, 124–125, 128
10–11, 72 Appendix L, 21
Figure IWB-2500-7(a) (Surface M-N), 10 flaw tolerance evaluation, 9
Figure IWB-2500-7(b) (Surface M-N), 10 Appendix R (Risk-Informed Inspection Requirements for Piping),
Figure IWB-2500-7(c) (Surface M-N), 10 97
Figure IWB-2500-7(d) (Surface M-N), 10 Section XII (Transport Tank Code), 357–367
IWB-3142.2, 10 Section XII, Mandatory Appendices I-XII, 358
IWB-3142.3, 10 Appendix V, 366
IWB-3142.4, 10 Appendix VI, 366
Table IWB-3510 (Allowable Flaw Indication), 56 Appendix IX, 366
Table IWB-3510-3, 10 Section XII
Table IWB-3512-1, 11 fabrication and inspection rules, 364–367
IWB-3514.2, 127 marking certification, 358–359
IWB-3520.1, 60 Modal Appendices, 364–370
IWB-3520.2, 60 Modal Appendix 1 (Cargo Tanks), 358
IWB-3600 (Conditionally Acceptable Flaws), 1, 2, 13, 113, 116 Modal Appendix 2 (Rail Tank Cars), 358
IWB-3600 plus Appendix A, 124 Modal Appendix 3 (Portable Tanks), 358, 367
IWB-3610(d)(2), 18 Article 1 (Cryogenic Portable Tanks), 358, 361, 364
IWB-3611 (Normal/Upset Conditions), 9 Article 1, Table 1-5.2 (Fatigue Loads), 364
IWB-3640, 18–20, 27, 116 Article 2 (Non Cryogenic Portable Tanks), 358
IWB-3740, 21 Modal Appendix 4 (Ton Tanks), 358
Section XI, Division 1, Mandatory Appendices Non-Mandatory Appendices A-G, 358
Appendix VIII (Performance Demonstration for Ultrasonic Part TD (Design Requirements), 358
Examination Systems), 56, 253 TD-101 (Minimum Thickness Design Requirements of
Section XI, Division 1, Nonmandatory Appendices Transport Tanks), 360
Appendix A (Analysis of Flaws), 14, 22, 46–47, 113, 124 TD-102 (Thickness Tolerances of Plates and Piping), 360
A-3000, 46, 60 TD-103 (Thickness Tolerances of Plates and Piping), 360
fatigue crack growth in water environment, 9 TD-104 (Dimensional Symbols Representing Geometry in
ferritic stainless steel crack growth rates, 21 Corroded Condition), 360
KIA lower bound fracture toughness curve for high-rate loading, TD-140 (Maximum and Minimum Design Temperatures), 360
53 TD-150 (Design Pressure and Maximum Allowable Working
Table A-3320-1, 47 Pressure), 360
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TD-160 (Maximum Allowable Working Pressure), 360 TM-111 (CVN Impact Test Method), 359
TD-200 (Loadings of Transport Tanks), 360–362, 364 TM-112, 359
TD-210 (Maximum Allowable Stresses for Internal and External TM-113, 359
Pressure), 362–363 TM-114, 359
TD-301 (Internal Pressure Design), 362 TM-115, 359
TD-312 (Design of Formed Heads under Internal Pressure), TM-116 (Unidentified Materials), 359
362–364 TM-117, 359
TD-312-1 (Torispherical Heads), 362 TM-118 (Bolts and Studs), 359
TD-312-2 (Torispherical Heads), 362 TM-119, 359
TD-312-3, 362 TM-120, 359
Table TD-312 (M Values), 362 TM-121, 359
Table TD-312.1 (K Values), 363 TM-132, 359
TD-313 (Ellipsoidal Heads), 362–363 Table 132.1 (Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels for Transport Tanks),
TD-314 (Hemispherical Heads), 362–363 359
TD-315 (Crown and Knuckle Radii), 363 Table 132.2 (High-Alloy Steels for Transport Tanks), 359
TD-400 (External Pressure Design), 363 Table 132.3, 359
TD-500 (Flat Heads and Covers), 363 Table 132.4, 359
Figure TD-500, 363 Table 132.5, 359
TD-603 (Welded and Brazed Connections), 364 Table 132.6, 359
TD-650 (Rules on Strength of Reinforcement), 363 Table 132.7, 359
TD-680 (Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness), 364 TM-212 (Impact Test Specimens), 359
Table TD-680 (Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness), 364 TM-221 (CVN Acceptance Values), 359
Article TD-6 (Nozzle Reinforcement Rules and Strength Path Figure TM-221, 359
Determination), 363 TM-222 (Rules on Lateral Expansion Requirements), 359
Part TE (Examination Requirements), 366, 364–367 TM-241 (CVN Exemption Rules for Carbon and Low-Alloy
TE-120.1 (Testing Personnel Qualification and Certification), Steel), 359
366 Figure TM-241 (Allowable MDMT for a Given Material and
Article TE-1 (NDE Personnel and NDE Examination), 366 Thickness), 359–360
Article TE-2 (Rules for the Examination and Acceptance of Figure TM-241.2, 359
Welds), 366 TM-243 (Allowable Temperature Reduction in Design
Table TE-230.2 (Radiography of Butt Welded Joints), 366 Temperature), 359
TE-250 (Acceptance Criteria), 366 TM-244 (Impact Test Exemption Guidelines for Carbon Steels),
Part TF (Fabrication Requirements and Repairs of Materials, 359–360
Vessels, and Vessel Parts), 363, 364–365 TM-250 (Toughness Rules on High Alloy Steels), 360
Article TF-1 (General Requirements for Fabrication), 365 TM-260 (Ferritic Steels for Transport Tanks), 360
Article TF-2 (Requirements for Welding Fabrication), 365 TM-262, 360
Article TF-3, 365 Part TP (Requirements for Repair, Alteration, Testing and Inspection
Article TF-4, 365 for (Continued Service), 358, 366–367
Article TF-5, 365 TP-100, 367
Article TF-6, 365 TP-200, 366
Article TF-7 (Post Weld Heat Treatment), 365 Article TP-1 (General Requirements and Responsibilities), 366
Article TF-8 (Requirements for Vessels Lined for Article TP-2 (Use of National Board Inspection Code), 366
Corrosion/Erosion Control), 365 Article TP-3 (Rules for When Vessels Inspected), 366
Part TG (General Requirements), 358–359 Article TP-4 (Inspections and Tests for Transport Tanks), 366–367
TG-100 (Definitions), 358 Article TP-5 (Acceptance Criteria for Tests and Inspections), 367
TG-102, 363 Article TP-6 (Reports and Records from Inspections and Tests),
TG-110.2, 365 367
TG-130, 363 Part TR (Rules for Pressure Relief Devices), 358
Table TG-130, 364 Article TR-1 (Regulations on Set Points and Capacity), 358
TG-320 (Manufacturer’s Responsibilities), 365 Article TR-2 (“UV” Valves as Alternative to “TV” Valves), 358
TG-330 (Inspector’s Duties), 365 Article TR-3 (Nonreclosing Pressure Relief Devices), 358
TG-430, 366 Article TR-4 (Capacity Certification), 359
TG-440, 366 Article TR-5 (Marking and Certification), 359
Article TG-1 (Boundaries of Section XII), 358 Part TS (Stamping and Certification Requirements, Manufacturer’s
Article TG-2 (Organization of Section XII), 358 Data Reports and Other Records), 358–359
Article TG-3 (Requirements on Responsibilities and Duties of Article TS-1 (Content and Method of Stamping), 359
the Owner, User, and Manufacturer), 358, 365 Article TS-2 (Obtaining and Applying Code Symbol Stamps), 359
Article TG-4 (General Rules for Inspection), 358, 365–366 Article TS-3 (Data Reports), 359
Table 53.2 (Vessel Classification), 365–366 Article TS-4 (Special Requirements), 359
Part TM (Material Requirements), 358 Part TT (Testing Requirements), 358, 366
Article TM-2 (Rules on Toughness Requirements), 359 Article TT-1, 366
TM-110 (Nonpressure Parts), 359 Article TT-2 (Pneumatic and Hydrostatic Testing), 366
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736 • Index

Part TT (Testing Requirements) (continued) Service Level C (Emergency Conditions)

Article TT-3 (Proof Testing for Maximum Allowable Working analysis procedures, 15–16
Pressure), 366 inservice inspection of nuclear boilers and pressure vessels, 181
Article TT-4 (Spark Testing on Vessels with Elastomeric Lining), vs. Japanese seismic operation states, 294
366 static loading, fracture toughness and, 51
Part TW (Welded Construction Requirements), 358, 364–365 weld overlay thickness criterion, 20
TW-100.1 (Requirements for Specific Fluid Service), 364–365 Service Level C/D, 124, 126
Figure TW-100.1, 364 structural factor, 118
TW-130.3 (Weld Joint Categories), 364 Service Level D
TW-130.4 (Weld Joint Efficiencies), 364 analysis procedures, 15
Table TW-130.4, 364 French pressure equipment, 242
TW-130.5 (Rules on Weld Details, Shells and Flat Plates), 364 inservice inspection of nuclear boilers and pressure vessels, 181
Figure TW-130.5, 364 vs. Japanese seismic operation states, 294
Figure TW-130.5-1, 367 Service Limits, faulted conditions, 346
Figure TW-130.5-2, 364 static loading, fracture toughness and, 51
Figure TW-130.5-3, 364 stress allowable limit, Japanese codes, 273–274
TW-130.7 (Nozzle Attachment Rules), 364 Service load, of operating PWR plant, 59
Table TW-134, 362 Set-in stub tube design, 12–13
TW-140 (Nozzle Attachment Rules), 364 Severe Accident Management Guidelines, 100
Article TW-1 (General Requirements for Tanks Fabricated by Severe Accident Safety, 89
Welding), 357–359 SF. See Structural factor.
pressure relief devices, 357–359 SGHWR. See Steam-generating heavy-water reactor.
reports and records, 357–359 Shakedown, 124
requirements, 357–359 of containment vessels for radioactive materials, 346
rules on design requirements, 360–364 Shakedown factors, 316, 320
rules on materials requirements, 359–360 Shakedown limit, 320, 323
stamping, 357, 359 Shakedown loads, 320
Table 53.1 (Design Load Factors for Normal Operations in Shear stress, welds, PD 5500 (U.K.), 323
Specified Transportation Modes), 361 Shell welds, reactor pressure vessel, 6-8
Security seal, 340 Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), 15, 17, 65, 117
Seismic block, 14 upper shelf energy evaluation, 15–16
Seismic Design Review Guidelines, Japanese codes, 290–298 Z factor value, 117–118
Seismic design, 67, 104 Shielding, loss of, 336, 338
reliability-based load and resistance factor design, 108 Shipper, 340–341
Seismic Ordinance 515 (Seismic Design Standards for High-Pressure Shipping containers
Gas Equipment), 264–265 ferritic steel containment vessels, fracture toughness, 348–350
Self-assessment, 107 for radioactive materials, fabrication criteria, 346–347
Semi-ferritic stainless steels welding criteria for fabrication, for radioactive materials, 356–357
for industrial piping, French codes, 221, 223 Shipping paper, for radioactive materials, 340–341
for pressure equipment, French codes, 235 Ship Safety Law, 260
for pressure vessels, French codes, 203–204 Shot peening, 82
Sensitization, postweld heat treatment of Alloy 600, 63 Shroud, boiling water reactor internals, 13
SEP. See Sound engineering practice. core weld designations, 3
SER. See Safety evaluation report. flaw evaluation guideline, 1–4
Service level(s), limits, deformation, and plastic instability, 241 repair/replacement, 4
Service Level A, 45–46, 55, 60 support structure, 1–2, 24
evaluation procedures, 15–16 SHT. See Solution heat treatment.
French codes, piping, 245–246 Shutdown, 33, 63, 69, 100
French pressure equipment, 243 PRA analysis, 104
inclusion criteria for HSS snubbers, 106 PRA Standards and, 107–108
Service Limits, normal conditions, 346 probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) and, 104, 106
static loading, fracture toughness conditions, 51 reducing dose rates, 82
stress allowable limit, Japanese codes, 273–274 safe shutdown condition, 30, 99
Service Level A/B, 14, 124–125 safety functions during, 104
structural factor, 118 Shutdown system, CANDU® 6 reactor, 165
Service Level B (Upset Condition), 45–46, 55, 60 SI. See International System of units.
evaluation procedures, 15–16 Siemens, discontinuation of use of alloy 600, 64
exclusion criteria for low-safety significant snubbers, 106 Simple pressure vessels, New Approach Directive, 145
required weld overlay thickness values from acceptance criterion, Simplified elastic-plastic analysis (Notification 501), 272–273
20 SIN-TAP, 121
static loading, fracture toughness, 51 SKI Report TR 89:20 (Research Project 87116), 121, 128
stress allowable limit, Japanese codes, 273–274 Slenderness ratio, 262–267
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Small bore piping, inservice inspection, 40 crack growth rate, 2, 23

Small-scale yielding (SSY) condition, 113, 119, 120–121 crack propagation due to fatigue, 69
zone, 113, 120 fracture toughness of irradiated, 3
SMAW. See Shielded metal arc welding. SNCT. See Syndicat intergranular stress corrosion cracking, 1, 17
National de la Chaudronnerie Tôlerie et Tuyauterie. L-Grade, SCC, 25
SNM. See Special nuclear material. piping, 1, 16–17, 116–117
Snubbers pressure equipment, EN 13445, 327
component classification, 100, 105 for pressure equipment, Japanese codes, 263–265, 286
evaluating piping, 19 for pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 311–312,
inservice testing, 103, 105 327, 329
supporting requirements, 106 for transport tanks, 361, 365
Socket welds, 95–96 weldability, French codes, 233–234
Solution heat treatment (SHT), of stainless steel piping, 17 Stainless steels, specific types
Sound engineering practice (SEP), in PED, 310 304, crack growth rate monitoring, 24
South African Koeberg 900 MWe plant, 193 304, fast breeder reactor material, 1–2, 12, 25, 27, 250
South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company, 99 304, intergranular stress corrosion cracking, 16
South Texas Project (STP) Unit 1, 71–73, 83, 100 304, nuclear grade, 17
Sparger design, 9–10 304, pipe, predicted instability loads, 116–117
Spark test, 365–366 304, pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 311
Special form, 340, 342, 344 304L, fast breeder reactor material, 1–2, 16, 250
capsule requirement, 344 304LN, 1
of licensed material, definition, 335 304LN, piping, 16
of radionuclides, Type A package limits, 346 316, fast breeder reactor material, 1, 250, 251
Special Metals Corporation, 63 316, nuclear grade, 17
Special Permit No. 5000, for 6M package, 340 316, piping, 16–17
Special Permit No. 5300 for 7A package, 340 316, pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 311
Special Permit No. 5400, 340 316L, fast breeder reactor material, 1, 4, 16, 28, 250
Special Permit No. 5417, transportation of radioactively 316L(N), fast breeder reactor material, 1, 16, 250
contaminated items, 340 321, pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 311
Special treatment, of LSS items, 100–101 347, pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 311
Specification 2R, 341 Stakeholder
Specification 6L, 341 definition, 380
Specification 6M, 340 roll in decommissioning a nuclear facility, 380–382
Specification 7 A, 340 Standards Council of Canada (SCC), 160–162
Specification 55, 340 Standards-developing organizations (SDOs), 109, 110
Specification packages, 334–335, 337, 342, 340–341 risk-informed safety classification, 161
Spent nuclear fuel, 433, 350 supporting risk-informed approach, 109
storage, risk analysis and security of, 110 Standards Steering Committee (SSC), 160
Spot radiography, pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 262 Startup/shutdown events, 9, 20–21
Spring back, 397 Startup testing, of BWR jet pump, 5
SR. See Safety related. “State Plan” states, 425
SR. See Supporting requirements. Static cycling test, bend of pipe, 297–298
SRM. See Staff Requirements Memorandum. Static fracture toughness, 52–54
SRP-LR. See United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Static loading, 51
Standard Review Plan for review of License Renewal Station blackout, 30, 32
Applications for nuclear power plants. Steady state secondary stress, 18
SSC. See Standards Steering Committee. Steam, as group 2 fluid, 133
SSC. See System, structure, or component supports. Steam boilers, 156
SSY. See Small-scale yielding. French codes, 191, 217–218. See also COVAP.
Staff Requirements Memorandum (SRM) Steam dryer
00-0117, 349–350 boiling water reactor internals, 1, 6–8, 24
SECY-98-300, 98–99 support bracket cracking, 14–15
Option 1 (Risk-Informed Changes on a Case-by-Case Basis), 98 Steam flow path, BWR, 6–7
Option 2 (Risk-Informed Regulation Initiative), 98 Steam-generating heavy-water reactor (SGHWR), fracture resistance
Option 3 (Direct Risk-Inform the Technical Requirements in assessment, 121
10CFR50), 98 Steam generators, 82, 156
SECY-99-200, 350 piping, maintenance program, 83
Stainless steels Steam generator tubing, 39, 183
boiling water reactor piping cracks, 16 PWSCC cracks, 68, 73
butt welding, 65–66 use of nickel alloys in, 63–64
cladding, 12, 73, 83 Steel bolting, for pressure vessels, French codes, 201–202
crack arrest and, 69 Steel containment vessel (SCV), Japanese codes, 288
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738 • Index

Steel plates, ferrous and nonferrous material clad, for pressure of austenitic stainless steel, in BWR plants, 63–64
vessels, French codes, 201–202, 206 boiling water reactor, and fitness-for-service (Japanese), 277–279
Steels, for pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 262, 264 in boiling water reactor jet pumps, 5–6
Stiffeners, 313–314 Spanish Regulation in the Nonnuclear Industry, 563
light, 318 Spanish NDE Qualification Methodology, 569
Stiffener tripping, 314 caustic, 63
Stirrers, 141 chloride-induced, 63–64
Stoomwezen, 329 concrete casks, Japanese codes, 290
Stopple(tm) bypass repair method, pipeline systems, 405 controlled by hydro testing assessment, 386–387
Storage tanks crack growth rate relationship, 2–4, 20, 22–24, 281
French codes, 246 crack initiation/growth, 24, 33
Strain cycling, pressure vessels, PD 5500 (U.K.), 320 environmentally-assisted, 24
Strain hardening, 114 fatigue protection, nuclear power plants, 34
Strain-hardening exponent, 114 fluoride-induced, 64
Strain-rate, of local brittle zones, 53 intergranular, of piping, 66, 85, 233, 249, 499, 573, 684
Strategic planning as pipeline failure mode, 374
economic analysis, 81–82 Stress Corrosion Cracking in Pipelines (1996, Canada),
for RPV head nozzle PWSCC, 81 Stress function method, 45
Stray current corrosion, as pipeline failure mode, 407–408 Stress intensity, 20, 35
Stress of containment vessels for radioactive materials, 345, 348
and alloy 600 susceptibility to PWSCC, 68 limit, 273
alloy 600 resistance to, 68 nuclear pressure vessels, PD 5500 (U.K.), 44, 127, 159
bending, 46, 116, 117–118, 121, 239 Stress intensity factor (KI), 4, 44, 76, 118
cladding, 14, 24, 51, 55 calculating, 45, 46
Code allowable, 113 in circumferential crack growth predictions, 76, 77
compressive, 67, 83–84, 246 Code guidance, 18
critical, 113 due to pressure, 45, 47
flow, 113, 116–117, 399 industrial piping, French codes, 191, 553, 554
formula, 47 maximum value, 51
French codes, 242, 246–247, 248–249 for membrane, 45
hoop, 67, 315, 403 pressurized water reactors, 45
improvement remedies for cracks, 17 thermal, 45–49
limits, 124, 273 Stress intensity parameter, nonlinear, 114
membrane, 45–49, 288, 316, 312–313, 319 Stress ratio, 118
operating stresses above thresholds, 59 Stress reduction factor, 317
on pipeline systems, 115, 117, 395–396 Stress relaxation, 57, 59, 510
pressure, 14, 47, 55 irradiation enhanced, 57, 59
pressure equipment, EN 13445, 327 Stress risers, vibration stress at crack, 5
pressure equipment, French codes, 245 Stress strain, 114, 119
pressure equipment, Japanese codes, 263–264, 269, 271–272, 330 Strip yield model, 114
pressure vessels, PD 5500 (U.K.), 321–324 Structural factor (SF) (safety factor), 118
primary, in weld overlay repair, 18 boilers, French codes, 253
primary water stress corrosion cracking, 68, 76 CODAP (French codes), 208
residual, 14, 22, 24, 51, 84 circular cylinder, 314, 490
shrinkage, due to weld overlay, 18 fatigue stress intensity factors, 6, 96, 125, 529, 597
of supports, PD 5500 (U.K.), 319 industrial piping, French codes, 142, 191, 553, 554
sustained, 22–23 PD 5500 (U.K.), 312
thermal, 9, 14, 23, 45–47, 55, 75, 124–125, 245, 287 pressure vessels, French codes, 224
through wall, 47 pressure vessel, PD 5500 (U.K.), 319
Stress analysis, 314 Structural failure probabilities, for piping systems ranking, 95
industrial piping, French codes, 213, 224–225 Structural integrity treatment requirements, LSS safety-related items
local loads on cylindrical shells, PD 5500 (U.K.), 320 for, 101
Stress concentration factor Structural reliability model, risk evaluation, 95
of containment vessels for radioactive materials, 346–347 Structural reliability theory, 126
nozzle in a cylindrical vessel, 315–316 Structural specifications, Canadian standards, 163
PD 5500 (U.K.), 312 Structural steel specifications, Canadian standards, 163
pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 321 Stub tube, 12, 13, 24
pressure vessels, PD 5500 (U.K.), 321–323 Submerged arc welding (SAW), 15
spherical shells, PD 5500, 314–315 failure mechanism in welds, 117
Stress corrosion cracking (SCC), 140 Z factor value in welds, 117
as aging mechanism, 57, 59 Sulfur, 67
alloy 182 welds, 13 Superheated water boilers, French codes, 191, 217. See also COVAP.
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Super-heaters, 156 pressurized water reactor operation, 45

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), 393, 417, 420, of radioactive materials, packaging, 339, 348, 352
421 of radioactive materials, restrictions, 337–338
Supporting requirements (SR), 92, 94 rate of PWSCC initiation and growth, 67
defining, 94 reduction, as remedial measure for PWSCC, 82
PRA capability requirements for, 89 snubber service life and, 105–106
Supports stress intensity factor of safety, 45
CANDU® nuclear power plants, 172 transients, effect on fatigue life, 35
CODAP future specifications, 207 upper-shelf, 113
EN 13445 standard, 330 Temperature-dependent material properties, 15, 53
French codes, 246 Temperature indexing, 44
Japanese codes, 258 Temperature monitoring devices, in pressure equipment, 154
for pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 319 Temper-bead welding, ambient temperature, 19
Surface corrosion profiling, of pipeline systems, 325 TENPES. See Thermal and Nuclear Power Engineering Society.
Surface examination, 72, 98 Tensile strength, PED limit, 310–311
for detecting aging effects, 41, 58 Tensile stresses, 66–67, 288
of reactor pressure vessel welds, 51 Tensile testing, 249
Surface treatment piping, Japanese codes, 297
French codes, 191 of pressure equipment, 157
As remedial measure for PWSCC, 63–68 10th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 10-
Surry Power Station Unit 1, 100 22733), 98, 112
Surveillance program, French codes, 229 10-year in-service inspection outages, 72
Surveillance sample coupons, 43 Terrorism, acts of, risk-informed analysis to counter, 110
Sustained stress intensity factor, 23 Testing, 90
Swedish SKI Report TR 89:20 (Research Project 87116), 121 boilers, French codes, 223–224, 236–237
Syndicat national de la Chaudronnerie, Tôlerie et Tuyauterie (SNCT) French codes, 249
(French organization of pressure vessel and piping of motor-operated valves (MOVs), 105
manaufacturers association), 191–193, 195, 198, 209, 217, PD 5500 (U.K.), 319
254 pressure equipment, EN 13445, 330
description and purpose, 191 pressure vessels, French codes, 206, 240
headquarters address, 193 pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 263–264
Web site, 193 Testing programs, inservice testing (IST) program guidance, 104
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging, 418 Test interval, 105
System, structure or component (SSC), 92, 162 Test pressure, of pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 319
System-based code (SBC), using risk insights, 109 T0 fracture toughness reference temperature, 43, 53, 54
System classification list, CANDU® nuclear power plant, 174 TGL Standards (Germany), 328
System designer, CANDU® nuclear power plants, 172 Theoretical buckling pressure, 314
Thermal activation energy model, 83
Tadotsu Technical Test Center of NUPEC, 297 Thermal and Nuclear Power Engineering Society (TENPES)
Tangential shear stress, concrete containment vessels, 288 Committee for Environmental Fatigue Evaluation
Taylor Forge method, 317 Guidelines, 21
TCs. See Technical committees. Thermal and Nuclear Power Engineering Society (TENPES)
Tearing instability, 121, 647 Guideline, 275, 258
Tearing moduli, 116 Thermal and Nuclear Power Engineering Society (TENPES) (Japan),
Technical committees (TCs), 168 273–274, 276–277, 291
French codes, 191, 192 Thermal embrittlement, as aging mechanism, 57, 59
Technical documentation, of pressure equipment, 137 Thermal environments, of light-water reactors (LWR), 45
Technical Guidelines for Seismic Design of Nuclear Power Plant, Thermal expansion, 55, 63, 116
294, 295, 298 Thermal fatigue, piping failure, 96
Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA), 168 Thermal fluid boilers, French codes, 181, 226
Technical Standards on Thermal Facilities for Electricity Generation, Thermal fluid heaters, 169
270 Thermal loading, 15, 122
TEMA Standard, 262, 263 Thermal ratchetting, 346
Temperature Thermal shock, fracture toughness requirements for protection
corrosion rate of hot concentrated aerated boric acid on hot low- against pressurized, 30, 32
alloy steel surface, 74 Thermal sleeve bypass leakage detection system, 9
effect on PWSCC in hydrogen concentration variables, 67 Thermal stress(es), 14, 43, 45–47, 122–123, 245. See also Stresses.
ferritic steel fracture toughness and, 53 of containment vessels for radioactive materials, 346, 347
fluctuations in, 21 feedwater nozzle, 9
lowering RPV head, 79 Japanese codes, 287
lower range, fracture toughness and, 51 use in predicting crack growth rate, 76
potential for age-related degradation of internals, 57, 59 from vessel heatup/cooldown, 55
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740 • Index

Thermal stress intensity factor (KIT), 47–49 requirements for reduction of risk from, 33
Thermal stress ratchet rule, 243 selection for evaluation, 15
Thermal test, 336 Transient conditions, 14
Thermocouple nozzle, 63, 65 steam-dryer-support-bracket, 14
Thermo-mechanically treated steels Transient events, 20–21, 51, 648
for industrial piping, French codes, 202 Transient monitoring, effect on critical locations, 35
for pressure vessels, French codes, 203–205 Transient operation, 8, 9, 614
Thiosulfate ion content, radiographic film processing quality Transient temperature, 53
evaluation, 249 Transmission line, 170, 372, 373
Third party damage (TPD) index, 382 Transportable cylinders, Japanese codes, 261
Thorium-231, 651 Transportation of Explosives and Other Dangerous Articles Act, 335,
3-D influence coefficients, 48 337, 341
Three-layer polyolefin coatings, for pipeline systems, 409–414 Transportation Security Administration (TSA), 420, 421
Three Mile Island (TMI), 89 Transport Canada, regulating transportation of dangerous goods, 168
Three Mile Island Unit 1 nuclear power plant, 81 Transport Groups, radioactive materials, 342
3 Sm rule, 243 Transport Index (TI), 351, 352
Threshold level, distribution of times to occurrence at, 76 Transport tanks, 357. See also Section XII (Transport Tank Code).
Through-wall circumferential crack Transport unit, 337
calculation, 115–116 Transverse flux, for pipeline system assessment, 391
stainless steel pipe, predicted instability loads, 116–118 Transverse upper-shelf energy (USE), 15, 16, 121, 124, 318, 388
Through-wall cracks, 3–4, 6, 9, 76–77, 117, 396 To reference fracture toughness transition temperature, 44
pressure equipment, Japanese codes, 293 Trend curve prediction, for shifts in nil-ductility reference
Through-wall stress, 47 temperature, 43
Through-wall temperature gradient, 17–18 Trending, 58
TI. See Transport Index. Tresca yield criterion, 316
TIG. See Tungsten inert gas welding. Trigger-point temperature, 125
Time-history analysis, stress analysis at crack location, 5–6 Triple thermal sleeve design, 9
Time-limited aging analysis (TLAA), 30–32, 34–35, 38, 41 Tripping, stiffener, 314, 471
Titanium Tritium, total package limit, 172, 428, 437
for pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 311 Trunk line, 372
for pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 265, 286 TRVP. See Trojan Reactor Vessel Package.
Titanium alloys TSA. See Transportation Security Administration.
CODAP future specifications, 208 TSCA. See Toxic Substances Control Act.
for pressure equipment, Japanese codes, 286 TS-R-1. See International Atomic Energy Agency, TS-R-1.
TLAA. See Time-limited aging analysis. TSSA. See Technical Standards and Safety Authority.
TMI. See Three Mile Island. “T” Stamp, 367
TOFD, 254 Tsuruga-1 nuclear power plant, 13
Tokamak-type D-T facility (ITER) for fusion reaction, 291–293 stress-corrosion cracks in alloy 182 welds, 13–14
Tolerance specifications and pressure boundary standards, Canadian Tsuruga-2 nuclear power plant, 70
standards, 163 Tubes and tubing
Ton Tanks, 358 Alloy 600, crack initiation in, 68
Torqued bolts, 59 Japanese codes, 44, 257–259
Torsional stress, piping, Japanese codes, 300 steam generator, 63, 64
Toughness Tubesheet
at crack extension onset, 118 EN 13445 standard, 325
pressure equipment conformance, 147, 169 pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 325
Toughness tests, of pressurized water reactor (PWR) vessels, 44 Tubesheet heat exchangers, French code design rules, 208
Total applied stress intensity factor, 14 Tuboscope, 387
Total displacement, 115–116 Tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding, 65
“Towards the Performance-Based Technical Code of Nuclear “TV” mark, 359
Facilities and Utilization of Voluntary Standards”, 259 Two-parameter method, fracture evaluation of piping, Japanese
Tpc has launched a power, 685 codes, 281
TPD. See Third party damage index. 2004 ICONE-12 conference, 84
Traceability, 140 Type A(F) radioactive materials,
of pressure equipment components, 154 Type A radioactive materials, quantities allowed in packaging, 334,
Transient 340, 342, 343
accidents caused by, 89 Type A-Type B quantity provisions of IAEA regulations, 340
critical pressure, effect on fatigue life, 35 Type B containers, 342, 354
critical temperature, effect on fatigue life, 35 Type B(DP) dual-purpose packages, radioactive material, 339
heatup/cooldown, 48 Type B fissile shipping containers, 339
operating, 35 Type B(F) radioactive materials,
reduction of risk from anticipated, 31, 32 Type B(M)F radioactive materials, 346
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Type B(M) (Multilateral) packaging standards, 346 manual, 342

Type B quantity, definition, 342 Reactor Safety Study, 89
Type B radioactive materials, quantities allowed in packaging, 334, United States Bureau of Statistics, pipeline incidents and property
340, 342, 345, 355 damage, 372
Type B(U)F radioactive materials, United States Coast Guard, 339
Type B(U) (Unilateral) packaging standards, 346, 348 United States Code, sections 552 and 553, 341, 343
Type C packages, 350, 352, 353 United States Competent Authority, 340, 350, 357
for transport tanks, 357
U Certificate of Authorization, 264 United States Department of Defense (DOD), 89
ULC. See Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada. United States Department of Energy (DOE), 425, 443, 447, 449, 450
Ultimate strength, of pressure equipment, 157 decommissioning plan to remove radioactive material, 661
Ultimate stress, piping, 118 nuclear waste disposal, 685
Ultimate tensile strength (UTS) United States Department of Energy, Office of Civilian Radioactive
French codes, Waste Management (DOE/OCRWM), 349
PED limit, 310 United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare, 260
and plastic collapse of pipe, 387 United States Department of Homeland Security, 110
of pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 311–312 United States Department of Labor, 260
Ultrasonic test (UT) (examination), 59, 72 United States Department of Transportation, 357, 358
of BWR jet pump cracked weld, 6 Hazardous Materials Regulations, 339–341, 357
of BWR shrouds, 3 hazardous (including radioactive) material transportation, 350
calandria assembly, CANDU® nuclear power plants, 175 National Response Center
Canadian standards, 170 pipeline system assessment requirements, 390
CANDU® nuclear power plant components, 183, 184, 188 special permit, 340–343
as condition monitoring program, 59 transport tank code, 357, 359
and crack growth rate monitoring, 24 United States Department of Transportation Office of Pipeline Safety,
of dissimilar metal weld overlays, 19 property damage from oil pipeline incidents, 371
feedwater nozzles, 9 United States Department of Transportation/Pipeline and Hazardous
French codes, 191, 193, 196 Material Safety Administration (USDOT/PHMSA), 357
interval factor, 10 United States Department of Transportations, Research and Special
in Japanese fitness-for-service code, 276–278 Programs Administration (USDOT/RSPA), 357, 358
of pipeline systems, 388–389, 390, 395, 400 United States Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR), 357
pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 262–263, 290 United States National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 30
of RPV head penetration nozzle, 72 United States National Pipeline Mapping System initiative, 378
of RPV-to-shroud support plate weld, 13 United States Navy, refuel and defuel U.S. nuclear powered warships,
transport tanks, 366 43, 483
zirconium alloy components, 176–177 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) (USNRC), 3,
Uncracked ligament length, 115 306, 440, 441, 444, 446, 447, 448, 450, 512, 514
Underground cable, testing, 39 acceptable long-term repair, 19, 81
Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada (ULC), 160, 162 acceptance of weld overlay repairs, 17, 19
Unfired vessels, 133–134 adoption of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 357
Uniform Building Code, 461 Advanced Notice of Public Rulemaking (2000), 98
Unified Procedure, aging management program (AMP), 21, 32
Uniform dose basis, 351 allowable crack depth, 14
United Kingdom (U.K.) See also British standards, specific types AMP/AMR audits, 34
unfired pressure vessel rules, 309–330 approval of IST pilot programs, 103
United Kingdom Pipeline Regulator, 375 approval of weld overlay repair application, 19
United Kingdom’s Pipeline Safety Regulations, 375 boiling water reactor flaw evaluation, 23
United Nations, 365 boiling water reactor inspection, repair methods, 1, 3
labeling systems for radioactive materials, 364 boiling water reactor RPV equivalent margin review summary, 16
United Nations Hazard Classifications bounding crack growth rates for flaw evaluation, 22
2.1 (flammable gas), 365–366 defining decommissioning, 471–485
2.3 (toxic gas), 365–366 draft radiation embrittlement trend equations, 54
6.1 (toxic materials), 365–366 evaluating crack length direction, 2
United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous evaluation of existing plant AMPs, 58
Goods, Model Regulations, 357 Generic Aging Lessons Learned (GALL) Report, 21, 41
United Nations Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of inspection plans for PWSCC of alloy 600 base materials, 63, 68,
Dangerous Goods, 357 69, 83
United States Atomic Energy Act of 1954, 341, 343 inspection program to manage effects of fatigue, 38
United States Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), 339 inspection requirements for reactor pressure vessel (RPV) top head
Directorate of Licensing, 344 nozzles, 72
Directorate of Regulatory Operations, 344 letter to STP Nuclear Operating Company, 100
Division of Materials Licensing, 342 license renewal guideline updates, 41
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742 • Index

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Subpart B, 336

(USNRC) (continued) Subpart C, 336
license renewal process, 29, 30, 38 Subpart D, 336, 353
Metrication Policy, 351 Subpart H, 352–354
nuclear industry risk-informed activities, 107 Subpart I, 354
pressurized thermal shock (PTS) reevaluation study, 56 10CFR71 (31FR9941) (Packaging), 341
Proposed Rule for Public Comment (2003), 98 10CFR71 (33FR750), 339, 341,
regulatory process, 30 10CFR71 (33FR14918), 341
risks from nuclear power, 89 10CFR71 (36FR22184), 342
safety evaluation report (SER), 33 10CFR71 (38FR20482), 344
special inspections, 662, 663 10CFR71 (48FR35600) (Packing and Transportation of
standard review plans, 40 Radioactive Material), 350
Web site:, 42 10CFR71 (60FR50248), 350
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) (USNRC) 10CFR71 (61FR31169), 351
Bulletins, 3, 441, 444 10CFR71 (62FR5907) (Fissile Material Shipments), 341, 349
2003-02 (Leakage from Reactor Pressure Vessel Lower Head 10CFR71 (63FR8362), 349
Penetrations and Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary 10CFR71 (64FR72633), 350
Integrity), 73 10CFR71 (65FR44360), 349, 350
2003-02, Temporary Instruction 2515/152 (Reactor Pressure 10CFR71 (67FR21395-21396), 351
Vessel Lower Head Penetration Nozzles), 73 10CFR71.31, 337, 338
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) (USNRC) 10CFR71.53, 338, 354
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 10CFR71.61, 352
10CFR, 489, 502, 682–684 10CFR71.63, 354, 355
10CFR30 (30FR15748), 337, 338 10CFR71.88, 351
10CFR40 (Licensing of Source Material), 335 10CFR72 (Protection Against Radiation in the Shipment of
10CFR40(28FR2111), 335 Irradiated Fuel Elements), 334, 337
risk-inform plans, 107 10CFR72 (26FR8982), 335, 337
Appendix B, 98, 101, 683 10CFR72 (28FR2142), 335, 337
Appendix G (Fracture Toughness Requirements for Nuclear 14CFR103 (Hazardous Materials Regulations Applicable to
Power Reactors), 44 14CFR103 (33FR750), 339, 341
Appendix H (Reactor Vessel Surveillance Program 49CFR, 334, 335, 339–341, 351, 361, 366, 369, 390–393
Requirements), 44 49CFR (60FR50291), 350
10CFR50.48 (Fire Protection Regulations), 31 49CFR78, 335
10CFR50.49 (Environmental Qualifications), 31 49CFR170 (Rules of Procedure for the Hazardous Materials
10CFR50.54(f) (Individual Plant Examination (IPE) for Severe Regulations Board), 338, 339
Accident Vulnerabilities), 33 49CFR170 (33FR750), 339, 341
10CFR50.55 (Augmented Examination of Reactor Vessel), 7 49CFR171 (33FR750), 339, 341
10CFR50.61 (Pressurized Thermal Shock), 31 49CFR172 (33FR750), 339, 341
10CFR50.62 (Anticipated Transients Without Scram), 31 49CFR173, 334
10CFR50.63 (Station Blackout), 31 49CFR173 (33FR750), 339, 341
10CFR50.65 (Maintenance Rule), 30, 102 49CFR173.393, 339, 340
10CFR50.69 (Risk-Informed Categorization and Treatment of 49CFR173.417, 351
Structures, Systems, and Components for Nuclear Power 49CFR174, 334
Plants), 98, 102, 107, 108, 110 49CFR174 (33FR750), 339, 341
10CFR51 (Environmental Protection Regulations), 31 49CFR175, 334
10CFR54 (Renewal of Operating Licenses for Nuclear Power 49CFR175 (33FR750), 339, 341
Plants), 589 49CFR176, 334
10CFR54.3, 32 49CFR176 (33FR750), 339, 341
10CFR54.4, 32 49CFR177, 334
10CFR54.21, 35, 38, 59 49CFR177 (33FR750), 339, 341
10CFR71 (Packaging of Radioactive Material for Transport), 343–345 49CFR178, 334
10CFR71 (1983 Final Rule), 346 49CFR178 (33FR750), 339, 341
10CFR71 (1988 Proposed Rule, Major Changes),347, 348 49CFR178 (Revisions), 339
10CFR71 (1995 Final Rule), 348 49CFR179, 361
10CFR71 (2002 Proposed Rule), 349, 350 49CFR179 (33FR750), 339, 341
10CFR71 (2004 Final Rule), 350, 355 49CFR179.400-13, 361
Appendix B (Hypothetical Accident Conditions), 336, 341, 345, 49CFR180 (33CFR750), 339, 341
348, 354 49CFR181-185 (33FR750), 339, 341
exemptions, 341, 349 49CFR186-190 (33FR750), 339, 341
fabrication criteria for shipping containers, 347 49CFR192 (Subpart O) (Pipeline Integrity Management), 375
Issue 15 (Change Authorization Issue), 354 49CFR195 (Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Operators), 375
quality assurance requirements, 343–345 49CFR195.428 (Pipeline System Assessment, SCADA), 393
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United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) Document NUREG/CR-6260 (Component Fatigue Life), 21, 34, 35, 38
Control Desk, 594 NUREG/CR-6583 (Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Environmental
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) Draft Life), 21, 34, 37
Regulatory Analysis (Draft RA), 441 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) Regulatory
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) Draft Guides, 441
Regulatory Guide, DG-1.121, 594 risk-informed ISI and IST implementation, 90
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) Federal RG 1.26, 99
Register (FR), 350 RG1.99, 124
revisions of 10CFR71, 450 RG 1.147, 106, 594, 629
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) Generic RG 1.150, 52
Letters (GL), 546 RG 1.161, 15, 124
GL 81-11, 9 RG 1.174 (Using PR A in Risk-Informed Decisions on Plant-
GL 88-20 (Individual Plant Examination (IPE) for Severe Accident Specific Basis), 8
Vulnerabilities), 33 RG 1.175 (Plant-Specific Risk-Informed Decisionmaking:
GL 92-01, 15 Inservice Testing), 104
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) RG 1.178 (Plant-Specific Risk-Informed Decisionmaking: ISI of
Information Notices, 30 Piping), 94, 106, 571
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) Issuance of RG 1.192 (Operation and Maintenance Code Case Acceptability),
Order, EA-03-009 (Establishing Interim Inspection 106, 594
Requirements for Reactor Pressure Vessel Heads at RG 1.200, 107
Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR)), 72, 73 Appendix (Endorsement of NEI 00-02 Peer Review Process and
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) Self-Assessment Plans), 107
Maintenance Rule, 94 RG 7.4 (Leakage Tests on Packages for Shipment of Radioactive
plant expert panel, 96 materials), 335
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) Metrication RG 7.6, 345
Policy, 351 RG 7.6, Revision 1, 345
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) Operations RG 7.11 (Fracture Toughness of Base Material for Ferritic Steel
Center, 355 Shipping Cask Containment Vessel, Maximum 4 Inches
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) Regulatory Thick), 348
Guides (NUREGs), 333, 355, 537 RG 7.12 (Fracture Toughness Criteria), 348
NEI guidance document endorsement, 31 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) Safety
NUREG draft (results of PTS reevaluation study), 56 Goals, 8
NUREG-XXXX (Fracture Analysis of Vessels—Oak Ridge United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) Special
NUREG 1.124, 27 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC)
NUREG 1.130, 247 Standard Review Plan for Review of License Renewal (SRP-
NUREG-0224 (Reactor Vessel Pressure Transient Protection for LR) applications, 41
Pressurized Water Reactors), 45 Appendix A, 33
NUREG-0313, 3, 17, 22, 684 Renewal Applications for Nuclear Power Plants, 57
NUREG-0313, Revision 2, 684 Section 2.1.3, 34
NUREG-0360 (Qualification Criteria to Certify a Package for Air Section 5.2.2, 45
NUREG-0619, 9 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) TAC
Generic Letter 81-11, 9 numbers
Table 41.2 (Feedwater nozzle/sparger inspection TAC M89871/TAC M89493,
recommendations), 10 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC)
NUREG-0744, 15, 121 Technology-Neutral Framework, 109
NUREG-1150, 90 United States Office of Pipeline Safety, 371, 374, 374
NUREG-1800 (Standard Review Plan for Review of License Unresolved Safety Issue (USI) A-11 (USIA-11), 121
Renewal Applications for Nuclear Power Plants), 57 low-temperature overpressure (LTOP), 8, 43, 45, 49, 50
NUREG-1801 (Generic Aging Lessons Learned [GALL] Report), USI-A26, 45
58 Upper-shelf Charpy energy, 121
NUREG/CRs, 333, 346, 355 Upper-shelf energy (USE), 15
NUREG/CR-1815 (Protection Against Brittle Fracture Failure in end of life values, 55
Ferritic Steel Shipping Containers up to Four Inches Thick), Upper-shelf operation, 121–124
346, 348 Upper-shelf temperature, 113, 124–126
Table 1 (Radioactivity Limits for Each of Three Categories), 348 Upper-shelf trigger temperature, 125
NUREG/CR-3019 (Welding Criteria for Use in the Fabrication of Uranium
Shipping Containers for Radioactive Materials), 346–348 enriched, 340
NUREG/CR-3854 (Fabrication Criteria for Shipping Containers), natural, 163, 436, 437, 635
346–348 natural and depleted, 437
NUREG/CR-5704 (Austenitic Stainless Steel, Environmental unirradiated, 441
Life), 21, 34, 37 Uranium-233, 438
NUREG/CR-5999 (Interim Fatigue Curves), 34 Uranium-235, 351, 437, 438, 440, 474
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744 • Index

plus plutonium, 337, 343–345 of sparger, 9, 10

Uranium fuel pellets, 478 steam generator tubes,
Uranium hexafluoride, 350, 351 of vessel-to-shroud support weld cracking, 13
Uranium isotopes, 438 zirconium alloy components, 176–177
Uranium metal, 351 VNIR. See Visible spectrum and in the very near infrared. Void
Uranyl nitrate solutions, 436 swelling, irradiation-induced
URN 99/1147 (DTI Guidance Booklet on PED Requirements), 309 Volumetric examination, 10
Usage factor, French codes, 245 of BMI nozzles, 71
USDOT/PHMSA. See United States Department of to detect aging effects, 58
Transportation/Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety inservice use and, 56
Administration. of partial penetration nozzles, 72
USDOT/RSPA. See United States Department of Transportation, of permanent joints, 140
Research and Special Programs Administration. of reactor pressure vessel (RPV) shell welds, 7
USE. See Upper-shelf energy. of reactor pressure vessel welds,
USI. See Unresolved Safety Issue. risk category and, 97
“U” Stamp, 367 VR stamp, 359
UT. See Ultrasonic test (UT) (examination). VT-1 examination
UTS. See Ultimate tensile strength. as aging management strategy, 59–60
U-tubes, Japanese codes, 263 of BWR steam dryer, 6
“UV” mark, 359 character recognition height, 60
V. See Volume, internal, of chamber. enhanced, 59–60
Vacuum box testing, CANDU® nuclear power plant components, 181 of inner radii surface of nozzles, 10
Vaccum vessel (VV), Japanese codes, 292 maximum direct examination distance, 60
Valve(s) of welds in beltline region, 72
inservice testing (IST), 99 VT-2 examination
pressure-temperature rating, 246 as aging management strategy, 59–60
probabilistic methods in qualification standards, 109 of low-safety-significant (LSS) piping segments, 96
probabilistic risk assessment for, 519 of reactor vessel pressure-retaining boundary during the system
risk-informed IST application, 104 leak test, 72
in scope of PED, 129 VT-3 examination
Valve design rules, French codes, 246 as aging management strategy, 59-60
V.C. Summer nuclear power plant, 69 enhanced, 60
alloy 82/182 butt weld axial crack leakage, 70, 71 maximum direct examination distance, 60
VDEs. See Vertical displacement events. of welds outside the beltline region, 72
Vertical displacement events (VDEs), 292, 293 VV. See Vacuum vessel.
Vessel attachment, weld cracking, 13–15 WASH-1400 study, 89
Vessel design life, 15, 45 WASRD. See Waste Acceptance System Requirements Document.
Vessel-to-shroud support, weld cracking, 13 Waste Acceptance System Requirements Document (WASRD),
Vibration Waste disposal containers,
of snubbers, 106 Waste-heat boilers, 156
startup, 5 Waste incineration boilers, 156
stress range, steps in calculating, 5 Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Land Withdrawal Act,
Vibration tests, piping, seismic influences in Japan, 295, 296 Water chemistry
Visible spectrum and in the very near infrared (VNIR), 418 changes affecting PWSCC rate, 82
Visual examination/testing (Examination Level: VT-1, VT-2, VT-3), to mitigate piping internal corrosion, 59
72. See also VT-1 examination; VT-2 examination; VT-3 Water environment, 2–3
examination alloy 600 corrosion resistance in high temperature, 63
alloys 82/182 butt weld leakage, 70 austenitic stainless steels fatigue crack growth rate, 21–22
bare metal, 71–73 effects on reduction of fatigue life of light-water reactor
bare metal for PWSCC, 71, 75 components, 21
bare metal of BMI nozzles, 71 ferritic steels fatigue crack growth rate, 21
bare metal of RPV head surface, 71 high-temperature primary, alloy 600 SCC in, 64
of BWR shrouds, 3 high-temperature pure, alloy 600 SCC in, 64
CANDU® nuclear power plant components, 163 intergranular stress corrosion cracking of stub tube, 12
of crack repair, 15 Water gauges, visibility, 169
to detect aging effects, 58 Water hammer, and piping failure, 96
enhanced, as aging management strategy, 60 Water heaters, Canadian standards, 169–170
French codes, 250 Water-jet conditioning, 84
joint coefficients allowed, 139 Water-moderated reactors, long-term operation safety aspects, 42
of low-safety-significant (LSS) pipe segments, 90, 96, 100 Watertube boilers, French codes, 216–217. See also COVAP.
NRC requirements, 11 WBS. See Work Breakdown Structure.
as Section XI provision, 103 Weibull statistical distribution, 53, 79
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in predicting initiation of PWSCC in pressurized water reactors vessel-to-shroud support cracking, 13–14
(PWRs), 74–76 water-jet conditioning of, 82
Welds(s). See also Weld metals, specific types. Weldability
attachment, 72 French codes, stainless steels, 233
axial, 8 Weld-deposited hardfacing, French NF M 64-100 standard, 248
base metal, 52 Welded joint(s)
BMI, 72 defects during construction, 102
boric acid leakage, 69–71 efficiency, pressure vessels, French codes, 203
butt, alloy (82/182), 65 fracture evaluation, Japanese codes, 281
butt, outlet nozzle, through wall axial crack, 69–70 French codes, 252
Canadian standards, 170 In pressure vessels, design of, 65
circumferential, 7, 8, 48 Transport tanks, 364
CRDM, 74 Welded joint coefficient
crevice, 17 EN 13445 vs. PD 5500, 309, 310, 312
defects in pipeline systems, 400 French codes, 252
dissimilar metal, 19, 72, 83 industrial piping, French codes, 212
dissimilar metal, flaw evaluation, 277–279 Welded structures, fracture analysis, 114
fitness-for-service flaw evaluation, Japanese, 276–278 Weld efficiency factor, French codes, 246
flat ends and covers, PD 550 (U.K.), 317–318 Welding, 17–20. See also Gas tungsten arc welding; Shielded metal
full penetration, 52, 66 arc welding; Tungsten inert gas welding.
full penetration double bevel, ambient temperature temper-bead, 19
generic J-integral fracture resistance curve equation constants, 124 code compliance, 80
girth, 17, 49 cold temperatures and, 17
on high-fatigue lines, 38 criteria for fabrication of shipping containers for radioactive
hot-leg, 69 materials, 347
impact testing, 144 distortion avoidance, 65
inservice inspection of HSS segments, electroslag, 15
inspection in pressure coils exposed to direct radiant heat, field, 17
Canadian standards, 168 filler metals, 14
J-groove, 65, 69 French codes, 252
joint coefficients, 139 gas tungsten arc welding, 18
joint coefficients, industrial piping, French codes, 218 oil and gas pipeline systems, Canadian, 170–171
joint efficiency, pressure vessels, French codes, 201 postweld heat treating, 19
joint factors, U.K. rules, 309 preheating, 19
joints, 139–140 of pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 312
joints, PD 5500 (U.K.), 318–319 pressure vessels and piping, Japanese codes, 262, 268, 281
joints, pressure equipment, Japanese codes, 263, 264, 282, 290 repair/replacement, 110
laser repair, 83 residual stresses, 22, 77
local brittle zone, 52–53 shielded metal arc welding, 65
longitudinal, 48–49 submerged arc welding, 15
nozzle-to-safe end socket, 72 temper-bead, 19
permissible joints in pressure vessels, French codes, 210–211 transport tanks, 358, 359, 365, 366, 368
pipe-to-nozzle, 17 of weld overlay repairs, 17–20, 81
pipe-to-pipe, 17 Welding consumables, for pressure equipment, 143, 144, 201
postweld heat treatment requirements, 19 Welding Data Package, French codes, 247
preparations, 65 Welding Procedure Qualification Test (WPQT), 262, 263, 264
pressure boundary, 55 Welding procedures, registration, Canadian, 172
in pressure equipment, 157 Welding Research Council (WRC), 308
pressurizer, 73 Bulletin 175, 45
repair, 13, 17–18, 45, 74 Bulletin 404,
repair, cracking of, 78–79 Bulletin 413, 15, 122, 123
residual stress, 16–17, 51 Welding specifications, Canadian standards, 162, 163
RI-ISI of, 94 Welding Specifications, W series, 162, 163
safe-end, 17, 24 Weld joint efficiency, 201, 203, 208, 212, 222, 290, 363
shell, 6–8 boilers, French codes, 212, 234
socket, 96 pressure vessels, Japanese codes, 262
stresses, PD 5500 (U.K.), 322–323 Weldments, piping, carbon steel, circumferential flaws, 119
stub tube, 24 Weld metal
thickness measurement, 49 cladding with duplex, 17
toughness levels, 50 crack growth data, 21, 76
vertical, 8 in dissimilar metal weld overlay, 19
vessel attachment cracking, 13 requirements for weld overlay repairs, 18
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746 • Index

Weld metals, specific types use of alloy 82/182 butt welds, 65

alloy 52, 81, 82 Westinghouse Owners Group (WOG), 68
in PWSCC-resistant repairs, 82 WCAP-14572 Rev. 1-NP-A (Topical Report Applying
resistance to PWSCC, 81 Risk-Informed Methods to Piping ISI), 97, 572
alloy 82, 63, 65, 66, 67, 70–74, 76, 77, Method A application, 97
bare metal visual inspection of butt welds, 71 WGM. See Working Group Materials.
butt weld leak, 69 WGP. See Working Group Pressure.
chromium concentration, 66 WIPP. See Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.
composition, 65 WOG. See Westinghouse Owner’s Group.
crack growth behavior in PWSCC, 77 WOL. See Weld overlay.
crack growth rate testing, 76 WOR. See Weld overlay repairs.
crack initiation behavior in PWSCC, 79 Working Group Materials (WGM), 142
inspection methods/requirements, 71–72 Working Group Pressure (WGP), 131, 143, 144
location in PWR Vessel, 64 Guideline 7/17, 143
primary water stress corrosion cracking of, 63 Guideline 7/24, 143
PWSCC cracks in CRDM nozzles, 70 World Health Organization, 365
PWSCC cracks in inlet/outlet nozzle butt welds, 69–70 WPQT. See Welding Procedure Qualification Test.
PWSCC in, 66, 69 WRC. See Welding Research Council.
uses, 64–66 WTO/TBT Agreement, 257, 259, 260
weld overlay repair, 81 Yield (plastic collapse), as pipeline failure mode, 374
alloy 152, 65 Yield strength
resistance to PWSCC, 67 French codes, 252
alloy 182, 17, 65, 66, 69, 76, 77 and irradiated stainless steel fracture toughness, 3
bare metal visual inspection of butt welds, 73 of nuclear pressure vessel steels, 3
butt weld leakage, 69 of nuclear reactor vessels, 66
chromium concentration, 66 PED limit, 310
composition, 65 of pressure equipment, PD 5500 (U.K.), 311–312
crack growth behavior in PWSCC, 77 PWSCC susceptibility and, 67, 68
crack growth rate testing, 76 of steels for pressure vessels, French codes, 202
crack initiation behavior in PWSCC, 79 Yield stress, piping, 118
inspection methods/requirements, 71–72 Young’s modulus, 115, 123, 139, 304, 314, 448
location in PWR Vessel, 64 Z factors, 117–120
primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC) of, 63 ferritic piping, 118–120
PWSCC cracks in CRDM nozzles, 70 for shielded metal arc welds, 65, 117
PWSCC cracks in inlet/outlet nozzle butt joints, 69–70 for submerged arc welds, 117
PWSCC in, 66, 69 Zick method, 330
uses, 64–66 Zinc
visual inspection, 71 addition to primary coolant, 84, 118
weld overlay repair, 81 addition to reactor coolant, 104, 118
Weld overlay repair (WOR), 17–20, 25, 81 Zircaloy, for liquid-injection shutdown system nozzles, 175
Weld replacement, as a PWSCC repair, 81–82 Zircaloy-2, for calandria tubes, 636, 642
Weld shrinkage, 67 Zirconium alloys
Westinghouse, 193 for CANDU® components, 172, 177
Westinghouse designed PWR power plants, 456 for fuel channel pressure tubes, 174, 177, 182, 183
bottom-mounted instrument (BMI) nozzle, 65 for pressure tubes, 164, 183, 652
CRDM nozzles in, 65

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