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Current Environmental Laws in the Philippines

P.D. 1151(1979) – Philippine Environmental Policy

– defines the general policies on the pursuit of a better quality of life for the present and
future generations and mandates the undertaking the environmental impact
assessments for all projects, which may significantly affect the environment.

P.D. 1152(1977) – Air Quality Management

– to achieve and maintain such levels of air quality as to protect public health and to
prevent to the greatest extent practicable, injury and or damage to plant and animal life
and property, and promote the social and economic development of the country.

P.D. 1586(1978) – Establishing an Environment Impact Statement System, Including

Other Environmental Management Related.

-Defines the framework for the implementation of the environmental impact assessment
as the mechanism to reconcile the impacts of development projects on society and the
physical environment.

P.D. 389(1974) (P.D. 705) – The Forestry Reform Code

– codifies, updates and raises forestry laws in the country. It emphasizes the sustainable
utilization of forest resources.

P.D. 330 & P.D. 953 – Laws on Penalizing Illegal Cutting of Trees

– Public forests and forest reserves are important natural resources of the country which
must be preserved and conserved for future generations it is the solemn duty of every
citizen to protect public forest and forest reserves from indiscriminate logging, senseless
denudation and wanton destruction to the detriment of the present and future

P.D. 953 & 1153 – Laws on Tree Planting

-The planting of trees on lands adjoining the edge of rivers and creeks in both a
measure of beautification and reforestation and the planting of trees along roads and
areas intended for the common use of owners of lots in subdivisions will provide shade
and healthful environment therein.

P.D. 331(1973) – Requiring that all Public Forests be developed, Managed, and Utilized
on a Sustainable Yield Basis with the Benefit of Technical Forestry know-how of
Registered Foresters.

-The Philippine forests are the patrimony of the Filipino people and as such they have to
be developed, managed, and utilized in such a manner as to insure their perpetuity in
productive condition for the benefit of all Filipinos, living or yet to be born

P.D. 704(1974) – Preservation of Optimum Productivity of Fishery Resources through

Conservation and Protection.

– there is a compelling need to increase the production of fish to bring down its price to
a level which will be within the reach of our people, and at the same time insure the
continuity of out fishery resources in productive condition through wise utilization and
proper conservation

P.D. 1015(1976) – Banning the Operation of Commercial Fishing within a Distance of 7

Kilometers from the Shoreline.

– It is the policy of the state to uplift the economic condition of the municipal and small-
scale fishermen

P.D. 1058(1976) – Increasing the Penalties for Illegal forms of Fishing.

-There is a need to increase the penalties for certain acts prohibited by existing penal
laws for a more effective protection of the nation’s fish resources

P.D. 1219(1977) – Providing for the Protection of Coral Ecosystems.

– It is necessary that the exploration, exploitation, utilization and conservation of these

resources be properly regulated to ensure the preservation of the country’s marine

P.D. 1067(1976) – Water Code of the Philippines

– adopts adequate measures to conserve and regulate the use of water in commercial,
industrial and residential areas. It also provides other policy guidelines in water quality
and management of water resources.
P.D. 463(1974) – Providing for a modernized system of administration and disposition of
mineral lands and to promote and encourage the development of exploitation.

-Mineral production is a major support of the national economy, and therefore the
intensified discovery, exploration, development and wise utilization of the country’s
mineral resources are urgently needed for national development.

P.D. 1198(1977) – Reinforces this provision for restoration of mined-out areas to this
original condition to the extent possible.

– it is the policy of the State to create, develop, maintain and improve conditions under
which man can be most productive and to insure the attainment of an environmental
quality that enhances his dignity and well-being

P.D. 1251(1977) – Imposing a fee on operating mining companies to be known as “mine

wastes and tailing fee” to compensate for damages to private landowners

-A semi-annual fee to be known as “Mine Wastes and Tailings Fee” is hereby imposed
on all operating mining companies at such amount/s to be determined by the Secretary
of National Resources, upon the recommendation of the Director of Mines.

P.D. 984(1976) – The Revision of Republic Act No. 3931, Commonly Known as the
Pollution Control Law.

-It is hereby declared a national policy to prevent, abate and control pollution of water,
air and land for the more effective utilization of the resources of this country.

P.D. 1181(1977) (supplements the provision of P.D. 984) – Providing for the Abatement,
Control and Prevention of Vehicular Pollution & Establishing the Maximum Allowance
Emissions of Specific air Pollutants from all Types of Vehicle.

-It is the purpose of this Decree to prevent, control, and abates the emission of air
pollution from motor vehicles in order to protect the health and welfare of the people
and to prevent or minimize damage to property and hazards to land transportation.

P.D. 600(1974) (amended by P.D. 979) – Water Pollution Control

– prohibits the discharge of oil, noxious liquid substances, and other harmful substances
into the country’s inland and territorial waters.

P.D. 825(1975) – Providing Penalty for Improper Disposal of Garbage and other forms of
-One of the principal aims of the New Society is to effect social, economic and political
reform through discipline and order;

P.D. 856(1975) – Sanitation Code

– Places the responsibility in the local government units for he solid waste management
in his area of production.

P.D. 1144(1977) – Control of Pesticides

– It is a Government policy to provide adequate assistance to the agricultural sector in

line with national objective of increasing food production;

R.A. 8749 – Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999

– provides for a comprehensive air pollution control policy

R.A. 7160 – Local Government Code of 1991

-Provides that local government should share with the national government the
responsibility in the management and maintenance of ecological balance within their
territorial jurisdiction subject to national policies and other pertinent provisions of the

R.A. 6969(1990) – Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Control Act

– Authorizes the DENR to establish a program to regulate, restrict or prohibit the

importation, manufacture, processing, sale, destruction, use and disposal of chemical
substances, and mixture that present unreasonable risk and/or injury to health or the

R.A. 8550(1998) – The Fisheries Code of the Philippines

-Defines the policies of the state in the protection, conservation and effective
management of fisheries stock as well as identifying allowable fishing methods in
Philippine coastal waters.

R.A. 9003 – The Solid Waste Management Act of 2001

-An act providing for an ecological solid waste management program, creating the
necessary institutional mechanisms and incentives, declaring certain acts prohibited and
providing penalties, appropriating funds therefore, and for other purposes.
R.A. 9275- Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004

-An act providing a comprehensive water quality management and for other purposes.

R.A. 9729 – Climate Change Act of 2009.

-An act mainstreaming climate change into government policy formulations,

establishing the framework strategy and program on climate change, creating for this
purpose the climate change commission, and for other purposes.

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