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Government of Orissa

Off ice of the Chief Engineer -*'*;,-/1,,' t -z /'_r-'i /

Rural Works,.Btubaneswar t

No Lo3 66 t Date 03,12'24lOt


The Executive Engineer

R.W. Division, Kora put.

Sub:- Release of Security DeposiUConversion of Security Deposit- Clarification thse to

Ref:- Your Memo No.6398 dld.24.11.10.

It appears from ycur above conespondence that you are confused regading
conversion of security deposit. Please take a note that release or conversion oi sra:rity
deposit into any_interest bearing security of scheduleci commercial bank or Ndonai
Savings Cerlificates is possible only after completion of the package a1d payneni of

The performance security of 2.5% deducted from each running bill as p+r ',Iause
46.1 cannot be released or substituted unless the period of five vears fixed fo'r:utine
maintenance is over and the Engineer has certilied that the contractor has satisfaciorily
canied out the routine maintenance cf the works.

You are therefore requestec to take action accordingly.

Youfs faithfully,

rt r"
C$- - Chief Engiker, Rural works-ll
V'nU/,+* Memo No 2oi 6q / DaP 03'lz'2'il1
Copy forwarded to AII the Executive Engineers undel R.W. Organisarbr, fcr
information and necessary action,
Chief Engineer, Rural works-l'
Memo No 203V{ Dale 03'12 ' )alo I
Copy forwarded 'to All the Superintending engineersl;Gr R.W Crrie tc,r
information and necessary action. a
Chief Engineer, Rural works-lrt
1/emo No ) 02'-4 ) I Date 02.l2.Jatct

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