Architectural Design Research

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Deconstructivism is a development of postmodern architecture that

began in the late 1980s. It is influenced by the theory of

"Deconstruction", which is a form of semiotic analysis. It is
characterized by fragmentation, an interest in manipulating a
structure's surface or skin, non-rectilinear shapes which appear to
distort and dislocate elements of architecture, such as structure
and envelope. The finished visual appearance of buildings that exhibit
deconstructivist "styles" is characterized by unpredictability and
controlled chaos.

A green roof or living roof is a roof of a building that is partially or

completely covered with vegetation and a growing medium, planted
over a waterproofing membrane. It may also include additional layers
such as a root barrier and drainage and irrigation systems. Container gardens on roofs, where
plants are maintained in pots, are not generally
considered to be true green roofs, although this is
debated. Rooftop ponds are another form of green
roofs which are used to treat greywater.

Green roofs serve several purposes for a

building, such as absorbing rainwater,
providing insulation, creating a habitat for
wildlife, and helping to lower urban air
temperatures and mitigate the heat island
effect. There are two types of green roofs:
intensive roofs, which are thicker and can support a wider variety of plants but are
heavier and require more maintenance, and extensive roofs, which are covered in a
light layer of vegetation and are lighter than an intensive green roof.
Dimensions Man (Percentiles) Women (Percentiles)
5% 95% 5% 95%
1- Height 1625 1855 1505 1710
2-Eye 1515 1745 1405 1610
3-Shoulder Height 1315 1535 1215 1405
4-Elbow Height 1005 1180 930 1085
5-Hip Height 840 1000 740 885
6-Knuckle Height 690 825 660 780
7-Fingertip Height 590 720 560 685
8-Sitting Height 850 965 795 910
9-Sitting Eye Height 735 845 685 795
10-Sitting Shoulder 540 645 505 610
11-Sitting Elbow Height 195 295 185 280
12-Thigh Thickness 135 185 125 180
13-Buttock-Knee Length 540 645 520 620
14-Buttock-popliteal 440 550 435 530
15-Knee Height 490 595 455 540
16-Popliteal Height 395 490 355 445
17-Shoulder Breadth 420 510 355 435
18-Shoulder Breadth 365 430 325 385
19-Hip Breadth 310 405 310 435
20-Chest Depth 215 285 210 295
21-Abdominal Depth 220 325 205 305
22-Shoulder-Elbow 330 395 300 360
23-Elbow Fingertip 440 510 400 460
24-Upper Limb Length 720 840 655 760
25-Shoulder Grip Length 610 715 555 650
26-Head Length 180 205 165 190
27-Head Breadth 145 165 135 150
28-Hand Length 175 205 160 190
29-Hand Breadth 80 95 70 85
30-Foot Length 240 285 215 255
31-Foot Breadth 85 110 80 100
32-Span 1655 1925 1490 1725
33-Elbow Span 865 1020 780 920
34-Vertical Reach 1925 2190 1790 2020
35-Vertical Reach (sit) 1145 1340 1060 1235
35-Forward Grip Reach 720 835 650 755

Whole House Ventilation

New homes are tightly built to save energy, but this can often times have a negative impact on the home
without proper ventilation Air within your home can
be up to 10 times more polluted than the air
outside. Microbial pollutants like mold, pet dander
and plant pollen along with chemicals such as
radon and volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
create a toxic environment in your home. The build-
up of pollutants such as these is shown to lead to
allergies, asthma and other health concerns.
To combat the issue of poor ventilation, many
studies from Building Science organizations,
government and independent building science
experts indicate that today’s homes need whole
house ventilation throughout the day to maintain a
healthy indoor environment.
A wide selection of innovative whole house
ventilation solutions to fit your every need.

Exhaust Only
An exhaust only system removes stale and moisture-laden air from the home. It works by extracting
indoor air from a house while make-up air infiltrates through leaks in the building shell and through
intentional, passive vents. Typically exhaust-only solutions remove air from rooms where moisture and
pollutants is most often generated (kitchen, bathrooms and perhaps the laundry room).

Supply Only
Supply ventilation systems involve the use of a fan to bring outside air into the home while air leaks out of
the home through holes in the shell, fan ducts and intentional vents (if any exist). A typical supply
ventilation system introduces fresh air into usually one or more rooms within the home that residents
occupy most often (e.g., bedrooms, living room).

Balanced Systems
Balanced ventilation systems, if properly designed and installed, neither pressurize nor depressurize a
home. Rather, they introduce and exhaust approximately equal quantities of fresh outside air and polluted
inside air, respectively.
A balanced ventilation system works within the home’s HVAC system to facilitate proper distribution of
fresh air throughout the living environment. Fresh air supply and exhaust vents can be installed in every
room but are primarily focused to supply fresh air to bedrooms and living rooms where people spend the
most time. It is also functional to exhaust air from rooms where moisture and pollutants are most often
generated (kitchen, bathrooms and perhaps the laundry room).

Balanced Systems with Energy Efficiency

Energy recovery ventilation systems provide a controlled way of ventilating a home while minimizing
energy loss. They reduce the costs of heating ventilated air in the winter by transferring heat and/or
humidity from the warm inside air being exhausted to the fresh (but cold) supply air. In the summer, the
inside air cools the warmer, incoming supply air to reduce ventilation cooling costs.
There are two types of energy-recovery systems: heat-recovery ventilators (HRV) and energy-recovery
ventilators (ERV). HRV systems draw fresh air into a home while simultaneously exhausting stale air from
the home. During this exchange, the two airstreams pass through a core within the unit where a portion of
heat from one air stream is transferred into the other (usually the indoor air in winter and the outdoor air in
An ERV works similarly to an HRV, except an ERV allows a portion of the moisture in the more humid air
stream (usually the indoor air in winter and the outdoor air in summer) to be transferred to the dryer air
Natural ventilation
Natural ventilation is the use of wind and temperature differences to
create airflows in and through buildings.
There are two basic types of natural ventilation effects: buoyancy and
wind. Buoyancy ventilation is more commonly referred to as
temperature-induced or stack ventilation. Wind ventilation supplies air
from a positive pressure through openings on the windward side of a
building and exhausts air to a negative pressure on the leeward side.
Airflow rate depends on the wind speed and direction as well as the
size of openings. In summer, the indoor-outdoor temperature
difference is not high enough to drive buoyancy ventilation, and wind
is used to supply as much fresh air as possible. In winter, however,
the indoor is much warmer than outdoors, providing an opportunity
for buoyancy ventilation.

Task ventilation
Traditional ventilation systems supply a mixture of outside and re-circulated air in high velocity jets so that
the indoor air in rooms is often well mixed. This can be an inefficient method of delivering outside air to an
occupant. Task-ambient conditioning (TAC) systems are a
ventilation technology with the potential for improved
ventilation to the occupant. TAC systems may supply air from
the floor, desk, or partitions and enable occupants to adjust the
supply flow rate, direction, or temperature so that thermal
conditions can be tailored to meet the individual's
Task or personalized ventilation is a method for providing
occupants with control of a local supply of air so that they can
adjust their individual thermal environment. Controlled
variables could be the supply-air temperature, velocity,
direction, the ratio of room air to outside in the supply air, and
the radiant temperature. These systems may provide all or part
of the conditioned air to the occupied space. Task or
personalized ventilation systems also have the potential to
improve ventilation at the occupant's breathing zone because
they can provide supply air preferentially toward the breathing
zone. Supply air from these systems usually contains a high
percentage of outside air, which generally does not contain a
high concentration of indoor-generated pollutants. The air supply outlets of current task or personalized
ventilation systems are located at the floor, mounted on the desk, or incorporated within the workstation

Mechanical ventilation
This system supplies the required air flow at a constant rate. Ventilation is supplied by forcing air through
the ducting with the use of a fan. The use of the fan however uses a lot of energy and consequently
greater CO2emissions.

Hybrid ventilation
Hybrid ventilation is the mix of natural and
mechanical ventilation. In this project there
is only one aspect of mechanical
ventilation, which contributes to the hybrid
one: the fan which enhances the natural
stack effect if the conditions are poor.

The fact the sun is lower in the sky in Winter than in Summer allows us to plan and construct buildings
that capture that free heat in Winter and reject the heat in Summer. The orientation of the whole building
plays an important part in ensuring such a 'passive' process works. See the diagram below.
The Sun rises in the East and sets in the West, no matter where you are in the world.
The Sun is higher in the Summer sky and lower in the Winter sky.

Ideal house orientation

The ideal house orientation is that the main long axis of the building runs
East-West, i.e the ridge line. You can move this by as much as 20
degrees without ill effect, but the most glass on the building
must be facing towards the Sun. When deciding the
building orientation also take into account the location of
landscape features on your plot , i.e. trees and walls,
etc which will impact on how you harness the Sun.
Ideally you do not want them blocking the sun light
as the sun tracks across the sky.

Solar orientation is different to magnetic

It is very important that you remember to orientate your
house with respect to the Sun and not to magnetic North
(or South), see the diagram below.

Apparent magnetic North can be very different to

where Solar North is (up to 20 degrees), this can make
all the difference between apassive solar design being
viable or not. Your local council should be able to give
you details of what the offset should be as this varies
from place to place.
Living Area placement
Also of importance is that the rooms most used must
be on the side of the house orientated towards the
Sun, i.e. the kitchen, lounge, etc. Also put the least
used rooms on the side of the house in shade, i.e.
garage, laundry; these will also act as
additional thermal mass, if properly insulated.
Design your house for the whole year
Since you live in your home through Summer and
Winter, you should design it for the entire year. It is
important to be comfortable all year long and not just
for a single season. Sometimes, solar homes are built
with large areas of upward, tilted, south-facing glass,
designed to catch every bit of sun, Winter or Summer.
While tilted glass does maximize heat gain during the winter months, it also maximizes that same heat
gain during the summer. If you understand that the rays of Sun's high Summer arc will bounce off vertical,
south-facing glass and reduce heat gain, you can let nature do the work for you in a passively designed
home, read this article on how to do it.
Design for orientation is a fundamental step to ensure that buildings work with the passage of the sun
across the sky. Knowledge of sunpaths for any site is fundamental in design building facades to let in light
and passive solar gain, as well as reducing glare and overheating to the building interior. It is important to
remember that the position of the sun in the sky is dynamic, changing according to time of day, time of
year and the site’s latitude.
Consideration in Building
Well-orientated buildings
maximise daylighting through
building facades reducing the
need for artificial lighting. Some
typologies especially housing can
be zoned to ensure different
functional uses receive sunlight at
different times of the day.
Buildings that maximise sunlight
are ideal for the incorporation of
passive solar collection
techniques that can reduce
carbon use and enhance user
comfort. A careful strategy can
also mitigate overheating and
glare when sunlight is excessive.
You should know how the sun
interacts with your building in high
summer and the depths of winter.

Keypoints in Designning Building Orientation

In the past the passage of the sun across the sky was plotted
with pre printed sunpath diagrams for specific latitudes.
Thankfully CAD packages can do this for you. Specifically
Google SketchUp is effective in setting up a model in any
global location and then able to simulate a sunpath across a

Housing in temperate regions can benefit from admitting the

sun into the building interior. Openings should be primarily
orientated southwards, consider the use of conservatories
and buffer spaces. Kitchens are better facing east, living
rooms to the south and west. Bedrooms are often better to
the north to avoid light disturbance.

Don’t be precious about orientating buildings exactly due

south to maximise solar gain. ±20 degrees is fine, ±30
degrees is still useful.
Remember to model solar paths dynamically to pick up on all
eventualities. Ensure you model context as overshadowing
can fundamentally change a building’s response.
Solar controls and shading
Daylight and sunlight are a single source of natural energy which we need to allow into our buildings
through glazed apertures, as daylight for visual tasks, and sometimes as thermal energy for useful heat
gains. Windows, also provide a vital connection with the world outside. However, the energy density of
daylight and sunlight varies over a huge range, and it has to be controlled to prevent overheating and
All too often, the control defaults to on/off – that is: if the sun is causing overheating – blinds down and
lights on. Artificial lighting is then being used when there is a surplus of luminous energy available. The
problem is to modulate it, and possibly to re-distribute it spatially to provide a glare-free working
illuminance for a minimum heat gain.
This is what solar control should address, and it is achieved by elements in or close to the window
opening that reduce the overall transmission of the window by obstruction or reduced transmission
through transparent or translucent layers.
It is important to understand that daylight (or sunlight) contains both visible and invisible radiation, in
about equal proportion. When they are absorbed in the room, both contribute to the heating effect. Most
shading controls do not separate the useful light from the unwanted invisible radiation. Only certain
special selective glasses can do this.
Lighting energy forms a large proportion of energy consumption in buildings, so it is vital to use daylight
whenever it is available. On the other hand, solar gains are the commonest cause of overheating in
buildings, and if the building is air-conditioned, it creates a large cooling energy demand. Shading and
solar control can resolve the challenge to get sufficient daylight into the building for the visual task,
without the massive over-illumination, causing glare and unwanted heat gains.
Direct sunlight typically carries between 5 and 10 times more energy intensity than diffuse light from the
sky – (between 300 and 800 W/m2); a window of 3m2 in an office for two people could easily generate
1.5 kW of heating effect. This is about 4 times the gains generated by the occupants and their equipment.
Also, the room would be grossly over-illuminated with illuminances in the direct sun of 30,000 lux, 100
times higher than necessary!
In warmer countries, where the penetration of direct sunlight is almost always unwanted, traditional
architecture often demonstrates elegant solutions – deep reveals overhangs, fins and louvres, and the
correct use of them is often part of the unconscious culture. That they were part of the norm, before
energy-rich mitigation in the form of air-conditioning became available, is a good indicator of their vital
role in passive architecture.

Solar controls should be considered for all glazed openings exposed to direct sunlight. Solar control is
particularly important on south to west-facing facades, since the solar gains will coincide with the hottest
part of the day. Solar control is also vital for lightweight buildings with large areas of glazing. Ironically, the
modernist buildings of the 60s and 70s were often like this, but didn’t incorporate the 'encumbrance' of
shading on aesthetic grounds.
There are some mitigating circumstances where it may not be necessary, even for exposed glazing. North
facing glazing, receives direct radiation in summer in the UK, but it is very oblique and glass has low
transmission at large angles. Heavyweight buildings with small areas of glazing, and low internal gains
may be able to cope with little other than curtains.

Designing solar controls and shading

1. Solar control devices can have two functions:

a. They reduce the total amount of radiation entering the

room by reflection and absorption.

b. They improve the distribution of the light in the room

(See figure 1)

2. Types of shading:
Shading can be placed into 4 categories
Type A Retractable - shutters, roller blinds and louvres
A moveable device which can adjust the total transmission of the glazed opening by partial obstruction
and or diffuse reflection, e.g. louvres or roller blinds. This allows the relatively fixed demand for light within
the room to be matched to the widely varying incident radiation intensity. They may also improve the
distribution of light within the room allowing a lower total, for a given minimum (at the back of the room).
At times of low sky brightness they can be withdrawn from the aperture completely.
Type B Fixed redistribution devices – overhangs, lightshelves etc.

A fixed structure obscures part of the sky through which the sun passes, e.g. reveals, overhangs, fins and
light shelves. It is selective due to the geometry of the device in relation to the facade and its orientation.
Lower intensity and more diffuse light is allowed into the room. Even the simple overhang improves
daylight distribution since at allows a greater proportion of ground reflected light to illuminate the ceiling
and thence the back of the room. However, it also obstructs a brighter part of the sky in diffuse conditions,
and since it is fixed, this has to be compensated with a larger glazing area.
Type C Fixed reduced transmission devices – fixed grids, perforated sheets, tinted, reflective and fritted

This category is where the glazed opening is made to have permanently reduced transmission. This
achieves no more than simply having a smaller opening in the first place since it cannot be modulated,
nor is it selective in the part of the sky it allow light from. Although it can be found in the work of notable
architects, it is not to be recommended.
Type D Selective high performance glazing.

A relatively recent development is glass that has a lower transmission for the invisible part of the
spectrum, than for the visible. This has the effect of improving the luminous efficacy of the daylight, rather
in the same way that light from a florescent lamp has greater luminous efficacy than a tungsten lamp. The
use of this is beneficial, but on its own it cannot respond to the wide variations of illuminance from the
sky. It is best to be used in conjunction with Type A or B. Note that conventional tinted and reflective
glass are not selectively transmittive to the visible light.

3. Location of shading devices:

Three options are possible: external, internal and mid-pane;
they all carry advantages and disadvantages.
The term greenhouse effect was coined long before the
application of the term to global warming, and refers to the
mechanism whereby short wavelength solar radiation (visible
and invisible) enters the room through the glass, to which it is
transparent. The radiation is then absorbed by the room
surfaces warming them up, and re-radiates, but due to the
relatively low temperature the radiation is of long wavelength, to
which the glass is opaque. Thus the energy gets trapped
behind the glass.
External shading devices are the most efficient thermally
because they intercept the solar energy before it has entered
the room. Thus, even if energy is absorbed by them, it is not
trapped behind the glass. They carry the disadvantage of
having to be weatherproof and are more difficult to control from
inside, figure 2.

Internal shading is generally much cheaper to install and is easy for users to control, but is less efficient,
for reasons outlined above, see figure. It is also vulnerable to damage.

Mid-pane shading devices have become more popular as technical problems have been overcome, and
now can be installed in sealed, gas-filed double glazing units. Control of the louvres can be achieved
through magnetic linkages. Or, they may be installed in much larger non-sealed cavities found in so-
called double skin buildings. They carry some of the advantages of both (the above), and are particularly
effective in double skin buildings where they are protected, but the cavity is large enough to be
independently ventilated, to remove any absorbed solar gains.

4. Related strategies and conflicts:

It is important that the design of shading devices is closely linked with the design of the daylighting. The
window, shading devices and room system must be seen as a single system for delivering daylight, view,
minimising unwanted heat gains in summer, and (possibly) maximising them in winter. It is quite likely that
the window will also be expected to provide ventilation air, and shading devices may interfer with this as
well. Figure 3 shows how different kinds of shading device affect view and ventilation. Figure 4 shows
how different blind materials have quite different optical and thermal performance.

We have already mentioned that shading devices can improve the uniformity of daylight distribution,
which is an essential part of daylight design. Figure 1 shows the effect on the daylight profile of a light
shelf – reducing the over-illumination at the front of the room, without diminishing it at the back.

There is growing evidence that view is a very important function of windows and this can be seriously
compromised by fixed devices, in particular medium scale grids and perforated sheets. Bearing in mind
that these are often the least effective ones – i.e. Type C, this is indefensible.

We have combined some of the many conflicting properties of different shading options in Table 1 . Note
that orientation refers to the suitability for shading on a particular facade, and is related to the sun angle
and selectivity of the geometry where it is present.

Finally, shading and solar control devices have a great potential for architectural expression, adding to
the texture and modulation of the facade. They also have the potential (and should) respond to the
orientation of the facade, thus visibly reflecting the building’s place in the natural world as well as its
urban setting.

Accessibility is an important factor in tool selection,

especially, in the paving category. It must be considered
when calibrating each specific project life safety and fire
codes shall always take place precedence over the use of
Studies critical to the success of light imprint include the
following: stormwater runoff quality, quantity discharge
volume rates, and percolation rates of aquafier in all these
categories. The planning principles of regional scaled,
context-sensitive design using transect-based and light
imprint techniques, when when combined with standard
hydrology practices including source control principles,
result in simple and inexpensive short-, mid-, and long term

Accessibility for Leisure Spaces (public spaces)

In contrast to the kitchen and baths, leisure spaces tend to
have fewer built in cabinets, as well as other elements that
can create barriers to those using wheel chair or walkers or
with mobility limitations.
Accessibility for Dining Room
Dining Tables require adequate space for each seated
individuals as well as for serving pieces, dishes, and table
decorations. The areas allotted for serving pieces, dishes,
and decorations are considered shared access zones. More
formal dining areas generally require more space in the
access zones in order to accommodate more formal dining as
well as room for more formal place setting.

Accessibility for Kitchen

Standard dishwashers require bending for loading and
unloading a higher-than-standard mounting location is
required for wheel chair accessible kitchen allows for more
open knee space is at a premium, in addition, drawer style
dish washers can be useful for some individuals with limited
mobility. Dirty kitchen should be provided in case of massive
use of kitchen. An access to dirty kitchen, maid’s quarter and
utilities should be provided for more convenient use.

Accessibility for Bathrooms

The designer must seriously consider the selection of lavatory faucets when
designing bathrooms for use by individuals with disability, the elderly, and small
children according to the center activation and side mounted option.
Accessibility for Laundry Rooms
Laundry rooms designed must grant clear space for access in front of the washer
and the dryer.

Accessibility for Library

During the years of life, the architect gathered
a considerable collection of books.
Organization of the book collection in a way
that was easier to find the necessary book,
and reading was fun. A wide traffic should be
considered to provide a carefree and comfortable movement.

Accessibility for Office/Den

The arrangement of any office/ Den is important. Clients frequently
visiting or only staying in the office should be considered. Office should
be habitable provided by sofas and office table to accommodate the
visiting clients.

Accessibility for Bedrooms

Provide spaces for a clear traffic to a provide an easy access with
relaxing and peaceful view in the bedroom. Each bedroom is provided
with its own toilet and bath for privacy of the user. Bedrooms are also
provided with balconies to enjoy the pleasing views of the outdoor from
inside the bedroom.

Accessibility for Swimming Pool, Garden and Lanai

Swimming pool should provide a pleasing view for the user. Therefore, an
access and a view to the garden and the pool is provided through the
lanai. The swimming pool can be viewed in some spaces inside the

Accessibility for Drafting Room

An appropriate circulation space should be
provided to avoid obstructions in the work

Accessibility for Guest House

There should be an aesthetically
pleasing accommodation for guests to provide a living
experience in the interiors of the house. A Sitting Room, 2
Bedrooms with T & B each is provided to truly experience the

Accessibility for the Master’s Bedroom

Master’s Bedroom is the most valued space in a
dwelling. Queen-sized bed, study table, and sitting
area with proper furniture clearances should be
provided to avoid obstructions.
Concrete is a composite construction material made primarily with aggregate, cement, and water. There
are many formulations of concrete, which provide varied properties, and concrete is the most used
man-made product in the world.[2][3]
Concrete is widely used for making architectural structures, foundations, brick/block walls, pavements,
bridges/overpasses, motorways/roads, runways,parking structures, dams, pools/reservoirs,
pipes, footings for gates, fences and poles and even boats.
The environmental impact of concrete is a complex mixture of not entirely negative effects; while
concrete is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, recycling of concrete is increasingly
common. Structures made of concrete can have a long service life. As concrete has a high thermal mass
and very low permeability, it can be used for energy efficient housing.

Steel is an alloy made by combining iron and other elements, the most common of these being carbon.
When carbon is used, its content in the steel is between 0.002% and 2.1% by weight, depending on
the grade. Other alloying elements sometimes used
are manganese, silicon, chromium,molybdenum, boron, titanium, vanadium and niobium.[1]
Carbon and other elements act as a hardening agent, preventing dislocations in the iron atom crystal
lattice from sliding past one another. Varying the amount of alloying elements and the form of their
presence in the steel (solute elements, precipitated phase) controls qualities such as
the hardness,ductility, and tensile strength of the resulting steel. Steel with increased carbon content can
be made harder and stronger than iron, but such steel is also less ductile than iron.
Rolling terrain is any combination of horizontal and
vertical alignment that causes
heavy vehicles to reduce their speeds substantially
below those of passenger cars.
However, the terrain does not cause heavy vehicles to
operate at crawl speeds for any
significant length of time or at frequent intervals.

The Lot the architect acquired is in a class “A”

Subdivision in Quezon City. It is a thru lot with rolling
terrain. The North Street is 10 meters higher to the
South Street. East and West sides are neighbor.


30.00 M X 80.00 M



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