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Instructions for screen readers: Get more out of PivotTables. A simple PivotTable gives you an overall summary of your data, but sometimes
you need detailed answers to specific questions. That's where adding more column fields and row fields can help.
The instructions will indicate which cells to navigate to for use of a feature, or further reading.
To start, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.

Get more out of PivotTables

A simple PivotTable gives you an overall summary of your data,
but sometimes you need detailed answers to specific questions.
That's where adding more column fields and row fields can help.

Let's go >
Did you take the first tutorial? If not, go to File > New and find Make your first PivotTable.
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Did you take the first
tutorial? If not, go to
File > New and find
Make your first
In the first tutorial, we introduced you to the concept of a PivotTable. We also explained how a row field can be used as a cond
Cells the firstI14
through tutorial, we introduced
contain a PivotTable you the
which summarizes to data
theinconcept of The
cells B8 to E16. a PivotTable. We
PivotTable has two also exp
columns: Buye
how a row field can be used as a condition that breaks up a value field.
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Date Buyer Type Amount

This exampl01-Jan Dad Gifts $95 The row field...
...breaks up15-Jan Mom Food $325 Buyer Sum - Amount
17-Jan Mom Tickets $250 Dad $220
21-Jan Dad Food $125 Kelly $270
02-Feb Mom Food $235 Mom $810
20-Feb Kelly Music $20 Total Result $1,300
25-Feb Kelly Tickets $125
25-Feb Kelly Sports $125
...breaks up the value field.

eld can be used as a condition that breaks up a value field.
Table. We
ble has two also explained
columns: Buyer and Sum of Amount. The Buyer column contains the values Dad, Mom, Kelly, and Grand Total; The Sum of Amo

the value field.

nd Total; The Sum of Amount column contains the values $220, $270, $810, and $1,300. The Buyer column is made up of a Row field, and
de up of a Row field, and the Sum of Amount column is made up of a Value field.
But when you first look at a PivotTable, you might find that you need more answers out of it.
When you first look at a PivotTable, you might have questions like, "When did these purchases happen?", "What did each pers
In this whencellsyou F11first
to G15look at same
show the a PivotTable, you might
two column PivotTable find
as before. Thethat
Buyeryou need
column more
is a Row field,answers
and contain
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What did each person

spend money on?

When did these purchases What did Mom buy that

happen? Buyer Sum - Amount was so expensive?
Dad $220
Kelly $270
Mom $810
Total Result $1,300

Date Buyer Type Amount
01-Jan Dad Gifts $95
15-Jan Mom Food $325
17-Jan Mom Tickets $250
21-Jan Dad Food $125
02-Feb Mom Food $235
20-Feb Kelly Music $20
25-Feb Kelly Tickets $125
25-Feb Kelly Sports $125
s happen?", "What did each person spend money on?", "What did Mom buy that was so expensive?".
ou need
olumn more
is a Row field,answers out
and contains theof it. Dad, Mom, Kelly, and Grand Total; The Sum of Amount column is the Value field, and contain

What did Mom buy that

was so expensive?

n is the Value field, and contains the values $220, $270, $810, and $1,300.
These are all good questions but for the moment, lets focus on just one question.
What did each person spend money on?
ForThese are
reference, cellsall
F11good questions,
to G15 show but
the same two for the
column moment
PivotTable let's
as before. Thefocus on just
Buyer column is aone question...
Row field, and contains
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What did each person

spend money on?

Buyer Sum - Amount

Dad $220
Kelly $270
Mom $810
Total Result $1,300

Date Buyer Type Amount
01-Jan Dad Gifts $95
15-Jan Mom Food $325
17-Jan Mom Tickets $250
21-Jan Dad Food $125
02-Feb Mom Food $235
20-Feb Kelly Music $20
25-Feb Kelly Tickets $125
25-Feb Kelly Sports $125
is aone question...
Row field, and contains the values Dad, Mom, Kelly, and Grand Total; The Sum of Amount column is the Value field, and contains

s the Value field, and contains the values $220, $270, $810, and $1,300.
The last question we asked was "What did each person spend money on?"
WeWe answered
answered that
that question question
by adding a columnbyfield for Type.aAscolumn
adding a result, thefield . Asnow
PivotTable a result,
has five the PivotTable
new columns no
that show
new new columns that show us the type of purchase made by each person.
PivotTable now goes from cell C10 to I15, with columns for Buyer, Food, Music, Sports, Tickets, Gifts, and Grand Total.
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We added a column field here, which gave
us five new columns...

Sum - Amount Type

Buyer Food Music Sports Tickets Gifts Total Result
Dad $125 $95 $220
Kelly $20 $125 $125 $270
Mom $560 $250 $810
Total Result $685 $20 $125 $375 $95 $1,300

...and the value field is broken up even further.

Date Buyer Type Amount
01-Jan Dad Gifts $95
15-Jan Mom Food $325
17-Jan Mom Tickets $250
21-Jan Dad Food $125
02-Feb Mom Food $235
20-Feb Kelly Music $20
25-Feb Kelly Tickets $125
25-Feb Kelly Sports $125
he columns
new PivotTable now
that show hastype of purchase made by each person.
us the
, Gifts, and Grand Total. The Buyer and Grand Total are the same as before, and the new detail columns are in-between them.

If the PivotTable is hard to understand, try this: Read from the left, then from the top, and then down. In example below, Dad i
If the PivotTable
To continue with this tutorial,is hard
press to understand,
CTRL+PAGE DOWN. To go totry this: Read
the previous sheet, from the left,UP.
press CTRL+PAGE then from the to
Givethen down. The example below is for Dad, but it would work for Kelly or Mom too.
feedback on this tutorial

...spent this much on ...spent this much on ...spent a total

Food: $125. Gifts: $95. of $220.

Sum - Amount Type

Dad... Buyer Food Gifts Music Sports Tickets Total Result
Dad 125 95 220
Kelly 20 125 125 270
Mom 560 250 810
Total Result 685 95 20 125 375 1300

Date Buyer Type Amount
01-Jan Dad Gifts 95
15-Jan Mom Food 325
17-Jan Mom Tickets 250
21-Jan Dad Food 125
02-Feb Mom Food 235
20-Feb Kelly Music 20
25-Feb Kelly Tickets 125
25-Feb Kelly Sports 125
then down. In example below, Dad is in cell C12, Food for $125 in cell D12, Gifts for $95 in cell E12, and a Grand Total of $220 in cell I12. R
the left,UP.
mCTRL+PAGE then from the top, and
or Kelly or Mom too.

pent a total
of $220.

a Grand Total of $220 in cell I12. Rows 13 and 14 show the details for Kelly and Mom, and row 15 shows the Grand Total.
Don't do this now but in a couple steps, you'll work with a PivotTable. The first thing you'll do is create detail in the Columns fie
How did
A PivotTable we
Fields Listmake the an
image shows column field?
arrow cursor Wethedragged
dragging the Type
Type field tothe area. down to the Column
the PivotTable Fields list.
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create detail in the Columns field. You'll do that by placing the Type field in the Columns field area.
d, down to the Columns area in

move to
the Buyer
to any of
to add the
cells. field
to the ALT+JT, L to launch the PivotTable Fields List. Focus will default to the Search text box: "Type words to search for" edit.
2. Press
3. Press your arrow keys to select the Type field. Once selected, press SPACEBAR to add the Type field to the Rows area.
4. Press
Press ESCyour arrow
Click keys
inside theto select the TypeDo
field in see
you the the
Rows area. Press SPACEBAR In theto add the Type field to the Columns area. P
key 1to exit
To continue 2
with this tutorial, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN. To go 3
listto the previous Fields
PivotTablePivotTable below. PivotTable Fields drag the
Fieldsfeedback on this tutorial on the right? Good! (If Type field down to
pane. you don't see it, the Columns area.
right-click the (Like we showed you
3 PivotTable below and on the previous
choose Show Field sheet.)
Buyer Sum - Amount
Dad 220
Kelly 270
Mom 810
Total Result 1300

Date Buyer Type Amount
01-Jan Dad Gifts 95
15-Jan Mom Food 325
17-Jan Mom Tickets 250
21-Jan Dad Food 125
02-Feb Mom Food 235
20-Feb Kelly Music 20
25-Feb Kelly Tickets 125
25-Feb Kelly Sports 125
ox: "Type words to search for" edit. Do not type anything, instead, tab once. NOTE: if the Field List doesn't launch, press ALT+JT, L again.
e Type field to the Rows area.
he Type field to the Columns area. Press
The PivotTable belowESC key to exit PivotTable Fields pane.
CTRL+PAGE UP. 4 automatically expand to
include those six columns for

launch, press ALT+JT, L again.
Let's review the PivotTable you just made, but this time we've added some special colors to differentiate the row, column, and
TheLet's review
row field the
goes from cellPivotTable you
C10 to C13, and is shadedjust made, but this time we've added some special co
in yellow.
TheThe colors make it easy for you to see where
column field goes from cell D9 to H10, and is shaded in orange.the row, column, and value fields are locate
The value field goes from cell D11 to H13, and is shaded in blue.
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Row field Column field

Sum - Amount Type

Buyer Food Gifts Music Sports
Dad 125 95
Kelly 20 125
Mom 560
Total Result 685 95 20 125

Value field

Date Buyer Type Amount
01-Jan Dad Gifts 95
15-Jan Mom Food 325
17-Jan Mom Tickets 250
21-Jan Dad Food 125
02-Feb Mom Food 235
20-Feb Kelly Music 20
25-Feb Kelly Tickets 125
25-Feb Kelly Sports 125
o differentiate the row, column, and value fields.
've added some special colors.
and value fields are located.

Tickets Total Result

125 270
250 810
375 1300

Here's another way to think about it: The row field is on the left, and the column field at the top. Each of these provide a condi
Here's another
A conceptual image showsway to think
a 4-section about
rectangular it: The
area with row
the Row field
field is bottom-left
on the on the left, andthe
in yellow, theColumn
column field
field on the
top. Each of these provide a condition to the value field, which sums them up.
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...and the column field

provides a condition....

The row field provides

a condition.... ...and the value field
sums them up.

Each of these provide a condition to the value field, which sums them up.
, andthe
yellow, theColumn
column field
field on at the in orange, and the Value field on the bottom-right in blue.
the top-right
ms them up.

...and the column field

provides a condition....

...and the value field

sums them up.

Think of it that way when using the fields list. The row field is on the left, and the column field at the top. Each of these provide
Think of
A conceptual it that
image showsway when Field
the PivotTable using the fields
List displayed list.
with the Row The
on thefield is on inthe
bottom-left left,theand
yellow, thefield
Column co
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at the top. Each of these provide a condition to the value field, which sums them up.
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...and the column field

provides a condition....

The row field provides

a condition.... ...and the value field
sums them up.

top. Each of these provide a condition to the value field, which sums them up.
he left,theand
yellow, thefield
Column column field in orange, and the Value field on the bottom-right in blue.
on the top-right
sums them up.

...and the column field

provides a condition....

...and the value field

sums them up.

One thing to be aware of: If a column field adds a lot of columns to a PivotTable, it will make it very wide.
In this thing
example, theto be aware
PivotTable of: Iffrom
now ranges a column
cell C10 to field
X15, asadds a lotfield
the column of added
20 newto a PivotTable,
columns. it colu
That's a lot of wil
very wide.
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In this example, the column field added 20 new columns. That's a lot of colum
This will cause people to scroll a lot...

Sum - Amount Type

Buyer Books Food Fuel
Kelly $250
Mom $470 $74
Total Result $250 $470 $74

Date Buyer Type Amount
17-Jan Dad Sports $1,000
17-Jan Dad Airfare $500
17-Jan Dad Taxes $500
20-Feb Kelly Music $20
25-Feb Kelly Tickets $125
21-Jan Kelly Books $250
20-Feb Kelly Dining $20
25-Feb Kelly Clothes $125
21-Jan Kelly Music lessons $250
20-Feb Kelly Parking $20
25-Feb Kelly Electronics $125
1-Jan Mom Fuel $74
15-Jan Mom Food $235
21-Jan Mom Club dues $125
2-Feb Mom Food $235
1-Jan Mom Medical $74
15-Jan Mom Electricity $70
2-Feb Mom Dental $235
1-Jan Mom Auto insurance $74
15-Jan Mom Health insurance $70
2-Feb Mom Home insurance $235
ake it very wide.
d 20 newto a PivotTable,
columns. it will
That's a lot of make
columns! Thisitwill cause people to scroll a lot...

20 new columns. That's a lot of columns!

ople to scroll a lot...

Music Sports Tickets Dining Electricity

$20 $125 $20
$20 $1,000 $125 $20 $70

Medical Dental Taxes Auto insurance Parking
$74 $235 $74
$74 $235 $500 $74 $20
Electronics Airfare Clothes Music lessons Club dues
$125 $125 $250
$125 $500 $125 $250 $125
Health insurance Home insurance Total Result
$70 $235 $1,427
$70 $235 $4,362
There is an alternative to extra-wide PivotTables: you can use a second row field instead. A second row field will appear indent
GOOD Butexample,
this TOhere's
a PivotTable fromto cellthat: YouIt shows
D8 to E32. can useDad, a second
Kelly, row
and Mom field
as first rowinstead. A second
fields in column D. Then ro
second appear indented under the first row field.
row field makes a vertically-oriented PivotTable rather than horizontal. Some people find vertical PivotTables easer to
Sometimes people call a second row field a "secondary row field."
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Buyer Type Sum - Amount

First row field
Dad $2,000
Sports $1,000
Second row field Taxes $500 GOOD TO KN
Airfare $500 A second row field
First row field
Kelly $935 vertically-oriented
rather than horizo
Books $250 people find verti
Music $20 easer to read beca
Tickets $125 require as much s
Second row field Dining $20
Parking $20
Electronics $125
Clothes $125
First row field Music lessons $250
Food $470Sometimes people
Fuel $74row field a "second
Electricity $70
Medical $74
Second row field Dental $235
Auto insurance $74
Club dues $125
Health insurance $70
Home insurance $235
Total Result $4,362

Date Buyer Type Amount
17-Jan Dad Sports $1,000
17-Jan Dad Airfare $500
17-Jan Dad Taxes $500
20-Feb Kelly Music $20
25-Feb Kelly Tickets $125
21-Jan Kelly Books $250
20-Feb Kelly Dining $20
25-Feb Kelly Clothes $125
21-Jan Kelly Music lessons $250
20-Feb Kelly Parking $20
25-Feb Kelly Electronics $125
1-Jan Mom Fuel $74
15-Jan Mom Food $235
21-Jan Mom Club dues $125
2-Feb Mom Food $235
1-Jan Mom Medical $74
15-Jan Mom Electricity $70
2-Feb Mom Dental $235
1-Jan Mom Auto insurance $74
15-Jan Mom Health insurance $70
2-Feb Mom Home insurance $235
d row field will appear indented under the first row field.
winstead. A second
fields in column D. Then row field types are beneath them as second row fields with items such as Sports, Airfare, Dining, etc.
the spending
d vertical PivotTables easer to read because they don't require as much scrolling from side-to-side.

A second row field makes a
vertically-oriented PivotTable
rather than horizontal. Some
people find vertical PivotTables
easer to read because they don't
require as much scrolling from side-

Sometimes people call a second
row field a "secondary row field."

ports, Airfare, Dining, etc.
On the next sheet you'll add a second row field. And you'll do that by placing the Type field under the Buyer field in the Rows fi
On theFields
A PivotTable next Listsheet you'll
image shows addcursor
an arrow a second
draggingrow field.
the Type And
field to you'll
the Rows do that by dragging the
under the Buyer field.
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Buyer field in the Rows field.
t by dragging the Type field

1. The PivotTable Area for this example is in cells B13 through C17. Navigate to any of those cells.
2. Press ALT+JT, L to launch the PivotTable Fields List. Focus will default to the Search text box: "Type words to search for" edit.
3. Press your arrow keys to move to the Type field. Press SPACEBAR to add the Type field to the Rows area.
4. Press ESC keyinside
Click to exitthe
PivotTable Fields pane.
To continue with thisbelow.
2 Do
tutorial, press CTRL+PAGE
you see the
PivotTable To go
3 Insheet,
the PivotTable
listto the previous Fields press
drag the
Give feedback on this tutorial on the right? Good! (If Type field down and
Feedback you don't see it, place it under the
1 right-click the Buyer field. (Like we
2 PivotTable below and showed you on the
choose Show Field previous sheet).
Previous Buyer Sum - Amount
Dad $2,000
Kelly $935
Mom $1,427
Total Result $4,362

Date Buyer Type Amount
17-Jan Dad Sports $1,000
17-Jan Dad Airfare $500
17-Jan Dad Taxes $500
20-Feb Kelly Music $20
25-Feb Kelly Tickets $125
21-Jan Kelly Books $250
20-Feb Kelly Dining $20
25-Feb Kelly Clothes $125
21-Jan Kelly Music lesso $250
20-Feb Kelly Parking $20
25-Feb Kelly Electronics $125
1-Jan Mom Fuel $74
15-Jan Mom Food $235
21-Jan Mom Club dues $125
2-Feb Mom Food $235
1-Jan Mom Medical $74
15-Jan Mom Electricity $70
2-Feb Mom Dental $235
1-Jan Mom Auto insura $74
15-Jan Mom Health insu $70
2-Feb Mom Home insur $235
words to search for" edit. Do not type anything, instead, tab once. NOTE: if the Field List doesn't launch, press ALT+JT, L again.

If you need to simplify the PivotTable, you can collapse the data for the second row field "up" and out of the way.
you need for thisto simplify
example the
is in cells F7 PivotTable,
to G31. Select cellyou
F8 to can
choosecollapse the
the first row data
field forNext,
for Dad. thepress
> E to
and out of the way.
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TRY THIS Buyer Type Sum - Amount

Click the minus sign Dad $2,000
to collapse Dad's
data "up" and out of Sports $1,000
the way. Then click Taxes $500
the plus sign to
bring it back again. Airfare $500
Kelly $935
Books $250
Dining $20
Electronics $125
Music $20
Parking $20
Tickets $125
Clothes $125
Music lessons $250
Mom $1,427
Auto insurance $74
Dental $235
Electricity $70
Food $470
Fuel $74
Medical $74
Club dues $125
Health insurance $70
Home insurance $235
Total Result $4,362

Date Buyer Type Amount
17-Jan Dad Sports $1,000
17-Jan Dad Airfare $500
17-Jan Dad Taxes $500
20-Feb Kelly Music $20
25-Feb Kelly Tickets $125
21-Jan Kelly Books $250
20-Feb Kelly Dining $20
25-Feb Kelly Clothes $125
21-Jan Kelly Music lesso $250
20-Feb Kelly Parking $20
25-Feb Kelly Electronics $125
1-Jan Mom Fuel $74
15-Jan Mom Food $235
21-Jan Mom Club dues $125
2-Feb Mom Food $235
1-Jan Mom Medical $74
15-Jan Mom Electricity $70
2-Feb Mom Dental $235
1-Jan Mom Auto insura $74
15-Jan Mom Health insu $70
2-Feb Mom Home insur $235
nd out of the way.
ata forNext,
or Dad. the press
> E tofield
the second field, or X to collapse it.

Sum - Amount

You can also collapse or expand the entire second row field, to simplify the PivotTable even more.
Here's thecan
Key also collapse or expand the entire second row field, to simplify the PivotTa
Select the PivotTable data range from cells F7 to G31, then go to ALT+JT > P to collapse the entire group. Converseley, ALT+JT >
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HERE'S THE KEY Buyer Type Sum - Amount

Right-click Dad, and then
click Expand/Collapse > Dad $2,000
Collapse Entire Field. Sports $1,000
To bring back the data, do Taxes $500
that again but click Expand Airfare $500
Entire Field. Kelly $935
Books $250
Dining $20
Electronics $125
Music $20
Parking $20
Tickets $125
Clothes $125
Music lessons $250
Mom $1,427
Auto insurance $74
Dental $235
Electricity $70
Food $470
Fuel $74
Medical $74
Club dues $125
Health insurance $70
Home insurance $235
Total Result $4,362

Date Buyer Type Amount
17-Jan Dad Sports $1,000
17-Jan Dad Airfare $500
17-Jan Dad Taxes $500
20-Feb Kelly Music $20
25-Feb Kelly Tickets $125
21-Jan Kelly Books $250
20-Feb Kelly Dining $20
25-Feb Kelly Clothes $125
21-Jan Kelly Music lesso $250
20-Feb Kelly Parking $20
25-Feb Kelly Electronics $125
1-Jan Mom Fuel $74
15-Jan Mom Food $235
21-Jan Mom Club dues $125
2-Feb Mom Food $235
1-Jan Mom Medical $74
15-Jan Mom Electricity $70
2-Feb Mom Dental $235
1-Jan Mom Auto insura $74
15-Jan Mom Health insu $70
2-Feb Mom Home insur $235
to simplify the PivotTable even
re group. Converseley, ALT+JT > X will expand the entire group.

Sum - Amount

You can also have more than one column field. They can also be collapsed or expanded.
TRY canfor
THIS also have more
this example than
goes from one
cells B13 column
to M19. In this field.
case, weAnd
have athose column
Type category in thefields can
Columns alsowhic
section, be
collapsed or expanded.
Select Food in cell C14 and go to ALT+JT > P to collapse the entire field. ALT+JT > X will expand it.
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Click the minus sign next to Food, and the months under Food will
collapse "up" and out of the way. Click the plus sign to bring back the
months. (You can also collapse or expand the entire field like you did on
the previous sheet, by right-clicking.)

Sum - Amount Type Month

Food Food Result Utilities
Buyer Jan Feb Mar Apr Jan
Kelly $74 $74 $125 $125 $398
Dad $235 $235 $235 $74 $779
Mom $1,000
Total Result $309 $309 $360 $199 $1,177 $1,000

Month Buyer Type Amount
Jan Kelly Food $74
Jan Dad Food $235
Jan Mom Utilities $1,000
Feb Kelly Food $74
Feb Dad Food $235
Feb Mom Utilities $1,000
Mar Kelly Food $125
Mar Dad Food $235
Mar Mom Utilities $20
Apr Kelly Food $125
Apr Dad Food $74
Apr Mom Utilities $70
umn fields
y in the can
Columns alsowhich
section, be include items for Food and Utilities.

er Food will
bring back the
d like you did on

Utilities ResuTotal Result

Feb Mar Apr
$1,000 $20 $70 $2,090 $2,090
$1,000 $20 $70 $2,090 $3,267

Something to keep in mind: If you need more detail, it's possible to add many more row fields or columns fields. In this exampl
The Something
EXPERT TIP toexample
for this keepranges
in mind: If D8
from cell you need
to E29, and more detail,
has fields it's Buyer,
for Season, possible to add
and Type many
in column more
D, with Sum or
Justor columns fields. In this example, there are three row fields.
because you can add a bunch of fields, doesn't mean you should. In this example, it works fine. But sometimes too many fi
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First row field Season Buyer Type

Second row field
Insurance EXPERT TIP
Third row field Rent Just because you can add a
fields, doesn't mean you sh
Utilities this example, it works fine.
Spring sometimes too many fields,
Dad of their indentations, can m
PivotTable too complicated
Insurance people to understand.
Total Result

Buyer Season Type Amount
Dad Winter Insurance $300
Dad Winter Rent $200
Dad Winter Utilities $400
Dad Winter Insurance $300
Dad Winter Rent $800
Dad Winter Utilities $400
Dad Winter Insurance $200
Dad Winter Rent $300
Dad Winter Utilities $450
Dad Winter Insurance $230
Dad Winter Rent $120
Dad Winter Utilities $400
Dad Spring Insurance $210
Dad Spring Rent $300
Dad Spring Utilities $400
Dad Spring Insurance $230
Dad Spring Rent $900
Dad Spring Utilities $300
Dad Spring Insurance $200
Dad Spring Rent $1,000
Dad Spring Utilities $220
Dad Spring Insurance $400
Dad Spring Rent $200
Dad Spring Utilities $400
Mom Summer Insurance $100
Mom Summer Rent $30
Mom Summer Utilities $123
Mom Summer Insurance $300
Mom Summer Rent $350
Mom Summer Utilities $230
Mom Summer Insurance $120
Mom Summer Rent $640
Mom Summer Utilities $530
Mom Summer Insurance $560
Mom Summer Rent $240
Mom Summer Utilities $250
Mom Fall Insurance $62
Mom Fall Rent $600
Mom Fall Utilities $340
Mom Fall Insurance $205
Mom Fall Rent $500
Mom Fall Utilities $403
Mom Fall Insurance $503
Mom Fall Rent $2,000
Mom Fall Utilities $140
Mom Fall Insurance $502
Mom Fall Rent $120
Mom Fall Utilities 50
or columns fields. In this example, there are three row fields.
ble to add
nd Type many
in column more
D, with row
Sum of fields
Amount in column E.
s fine. But sometimes too many fields, with all of their indentations, can make the PivotTable too complicated for other people to understa

Sum - Amount
Just because you can add$3,220
a bunch of
fields, doesn't mean you should. In
this example, it works fine.$933
sometimes too many fields, with all
of their indentations, can$4,760
make the
PivotTable too complicated for other
people to understand. $1,040

r other people to understand.
Ready for more practice? Take a chance to review the data below in cells B7 to E55. When you're ready, go to the next sheet an
There's no need to review all the rows of data. Just review field names in the row 7. You'll be working with these on the next sh
To continue with this tutorial, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN. To go to the previous sheet, press CTRL+PAGE UP.
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Season Sales rep Product Units sold

Winter Jenny Oranges 300 LOOK HERE
No need to read all the rows of data. Just look at
Winter George Grapefruit 200 names in the first row. You'll be working with the
Winter Dave Apples 400 the next sheet. When you're ready, scroll down a
Winter Jenny Bananas 300 Next.
Winter George Oranges 800
Winter Dave Grapefruit 400
Winter Jenny Apples 200
Winter George Bananas 300
Winter Dave Oranges 450
Winter Jenny Grapefruit 230
Winter George Apples 120
Winter Dave Bananas 400
Spring Jenny Beets 210
Spring George Potatoes 300
Spring Dave Lettuce 400
Spring Jenny Radishes 230
Spring George Beets 900
Spring Dave Potatoes 300
Spring Jenny Lettuce 200
Spring George Radishes 1000
Spring Dave Beets 220
Spring Jenny Potatoes 400
Spring George Lettuce 200
Spring Dave Radishes 400
Summer Jenny Blueberries 100
Summer George Strawberries 30
Summer Dave Grapes 123
Summer Jenny Pumpkins 300
Summer George Blueberries 350
Summer Dave Strawberries 230
Summer Jenny Grapes 120
Summer George Pumpkins 640
Summer Dave Blueberries 530
Summer Jenny Strawberries 560
Summer George Grapes 240
Summer Dave Pumpkins 250
Fall Jenny Squash 62
Fall George Zucchini 600
Fall Dave Apples 340
Fall Jenny Oranges 205
Fall George Squash 500
Fall Dave Zucchini 403
Fall Jenny Apples 503
Fall George Oranges 2000
Fall Dave Squash 140
Fall Jenny Zucchini 502
Fall George Apples 120
Fall Dave Oranges 50

u're ready, go to the next sheet and you'll practice what you've learned so far.
working with these on the next sheet.

d all the rows of data. Just look at the field
st row. You'll be working with these on
When you're ready, scroll down and click
to any of

2. Press ALT+JT, L to launch the PivotTable Fields List. Focus will default to the Search text box: "Type words to search for" edit.
3. Press your arrow keys to move to the Sales Rep field. Press SPACEBAR to add the Sales Rep field to the Rows area. If you wan
4. Determine
We who
madesoldthe the most items in the
youthen make a selection in cell
see the In K8.
the field list, drag
To continue with thisbelow
tutorial, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.
PivotTable To go
listto the previousthe
field to UP.
Give feedback ononthis
previous on the right? Good! (If either Rows or
sheet's data. Click you don't see it, Columns so that you
anywhere inside the right-click the can answer: Who sold
PivotTable below. PivotTable below and the most during the
choose Show Field fall?

Season Sum - Units sold

Fall 5425
Spring 4760
Summer 3473
Winter 4100
Total Result 17758

Type words to search for" edit. Do not type anything, instead, tab once. NOTE: if the Field List doesn't launch, press ALT+JT, L again.
ld to the Rows area. If you want to display Sales Rep details in the Columns area, use your Tab keys to move to the Sales Rep field in the Ro

4 Who sold the most

during the fall?

Pick one:

aunch, press ALT+JT, L again.
move to the Sales Rep field in the Row section, then press SPACEBAR, and select "Move to Column Labels". Press ESC key to exit PivotTable
". Press ESC key to exit PivotTable Fields pane.
"Sum of

2. Press ALT+JT, L to launch the PivotTable Fields List. Focus will default to the Search text box: "Type words to search for" edit.
3. Use your arrow and SPACEBAR keys to expand the example into a vertical PivotTable that has seasons on the left, and the sa
To continue with
Click this tutorial,
anywhere insidepress CTRL+PAGE
Do youDOWN.
see theTo go to the previous sheet,
Now dragpress CTRL+PAGE UP.
the fields
Give feedback on this tutorial
the PivotTable below
2 PivotTable Fields list
3 into place so that
named Sum of Units on the right? Good! you make a vertical
sold. (If you don't see it, PivotTable that has
right-click the Seasons on the left,
PivotTable and and the Sales reps
choose Show Field indented under the
List.) seasons.

Sum - Units sold


pe words to search for" edit. Do not type anything, instead, tab once. NOTE: if the Field List doesn't launch, press ALT+JT, L again.
asons on the left, and the sales reps indented under the seasons.Press ESC key to exit PivotTable Fields pane.

ch, press ALT+JT, L again.
"Sum of
2. Press ALT+JT, L to launch the PivotTable Fields List. Focus will default to the Search text box: "Type words to search for" edit.
3. Use your arrow and SPACEBAR keys to modify the example so that it shows each product in its own row, and each season in
To continue with
Click this tutorial,
anywhere insidepress CTRL+PAGE
Do youDOWN.
see theTo go to the previous sheet,
Now dragpress CTRL+PAGE UP.
the fields
Give feedback on this tutorial
the PivotTable below
2 PivotTable Fields list
3 into place so that the
named Sum of Units on the right? Good! PivotTable shows
sold. (If you don't see it, each product in its
right-click the own row, and each
PivotTable and season in its own
choose Show Field column.

Sum - Units sold


pe words to search for" edit. Do not type anything, instead, tab once. NOTE: if the Field List doesn't launch, press ALT+JT, L again.
wn row, and each season in its own column.

ch, press ALT+JT, L again.
1. Click cell B13 to activate the PivotTable named "Sum of Units sold".

2. Press ALT+JT, L to launch the PivotTable Fields List. Focus will default to the Search text box: "Type words to search for" edit.
3. Use your Tab, arrow and SPACEBAR keys to modify the example so that it shows Sales Reps on the left with Seasons indented
To continue withanywhere
Click this tutorial,
insidepress CTRL+PAGE DOWN.
Do you To go to the previous This
see the sheet, press CTRL+PAGE
PivotTable is UP.
Give feedback on this tutorial
the PivotTable below.
2 PivotTable Fields list
3 simply too wide. Drag
on the right? Good! the fields into place
(If you don't see it, so that you see each
right-click the sales rep on the left,
PivotTable below and and the seasons
choose Show Field indented under each
List.) sales rep.

Sales rep Season

Dave Dave Result George
Fall Spring Summer Winter Fall Spring
933 1320 1133 1650 5036 3220 2400

ox: "Type words to search for" edit. Do not type anything, instead, tab once. NOTE: if the Field List doesn't launch, press ALT+JT, L again.
ps on the left with Seasons indented beneath them.

George ResulJenny Jenny Result

Summer Winter Fall Spring Summer Winter
1260 1420 8300 1272 1040 1080 1030 4422

launch, press ALT+JT, L again.

Total Result

1. Click cell B13 to activate the PivotTable named "Sum of Units sold".
2. Press ALT+JT, L to launch the PivotTable Fields List. Focus will default to the Search text box: "Type words to search for" edit.
3. Use your Tab, arrow and SPACEBAR keys to modify the example so that each Sales Reps has their own column fields with Sea
4. Select cell I9 anywhere
Click and pick how many grapefruit
inside Do Dave soldthe
you see in winter. Drag the fields into In the winter, h
To continue with this tutorial,
the PivotTable below press 2
PivotTable To
Fields go to
list the 3
previous sheet,
that you UP.4 many grapefrui
Give feedback
named on Sum
this tutorial
of Units on the right? Good! can see: Dave sell?
sold. (If you don't see it, • Each sales rep its
right-click the own column field.
PivotTable below and • Seasons on the left
choose Show Field • Products indented
List.) under the seasons.

Sum - Units sold


e words to search for" edit. Do not type anything, instead, tab once. NOTE: if the Field List doesn't launch, press ALT+JT, L again.
own column fields with Seasons on the left, and Products indented beneath them.
In the winter, how
many grapefruits did
Dave sell?

Pick one:

press ALT+JT, L again.
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