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Optimized centrifugation preparation of the platelet rich plasma:

Literature review
B. Croisé a,b,*, A. Paré a,b, A. Joly a, A. Louisy a, B. Laure a,b, D. Goga a,b
Department of Maxillofacial and Plastic Facial Surgery, Trousseau Hospital, CHU Trousseau, Avenvue de la république, 37170 Chambray-lès-Tours, France
School of medicine, University of François Rabelais, 370 Tours, France


Article history: Nowadays, the Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is frequently used for its therapeutic effects on wound healing,
Received 12 April 2019 and this due to secretion of many growth factors. However, no standardized procedure has been set up.
Accepted 2 July 2019 The aim of this article is to check the various preparations (centrifugation time and speed). This review
recorded all the international articles published between 2007 and 2018, for which the assessment
Keywords: criteria were the platelet concentration and/or the growth factor release rate. A multitude of protocols
Platelet Rich Plasma has been looked at with a simple or double centrifugation. All of them have shown an increase in the
platelet concentration allowing a therapeutic effect. However, when the centrifugation force is extended,
Platelet concentration
platelets can possibly be altered. The diversity of methods can be linked to the use of various centrifuges.
Maxillofacial surgery A procedure with simple centrifugation would be a good compromise for the day-to-day use of the PRP in
C 2019 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction mucosal healing: an important and essential step to avoid the main
complication linked to this surgery: infection. Indeed, a bad
The Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a plasma rich in platelets, mucosal healing is a source for higher infection probability, due to
obtained from venous blood. the fact that the graft is exposed in a so-called dirty environment
In order to get a therapeutic aimed PRP, the concentration must [3]. Moreover, PRP use allows a quicker haemostasis and a better
be between 200  103 and 1000  103 platelets/mL. A higher bone regeneration [4].
concentration would be unfavourable [1]. However, in spite of PRP substantial use in our specialities, no
Many studies showed that, during contact with collagen, PRP centrifugation protocol based on time, speed and centrifugation
released growth factors such as Platelet Derived Growth Factor numbers is defined to obtain a good quality PRP, leading to an
(PDGF), Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), Epidermal optimal effect on healing.
Growth Factor (EGF), Platelet Factor 4 (PF-4), Insulin like Growth It was a topical issue, since the first articles on the question
Factor-1 (IGF-1) and, Transforming Growth Factor Beta (TGF b) by dating back to the seventies disagreed.
their a-granules [2]. Slitcher et al. [5] drew up a double centrifugation protocol with
These growth factors play a key role in the early stage of wound a first centrifugation at 1000 G during 9 min (min), then 3000 G
healing by allowing a stem cell proliferation and, angiogenesis. during 20 min, while Kahn et al. [6], during the same year, set up a
Many medical specialities such as orthopedic, ophthalmic and protocol with only one centrifugation at 3800 RPM during 4 min.
maxillofacial surgery are looking for this tissue engineering effect. Therefore, many questions arise concerning the PRP prepara-
In our day-to-day practice in maxillo facial surgery, we use PRP tion: Is only one centrifugation enough to obtain a clinical effect on
in preimplant surgery during bone grafts, in order to get a good the healing? What are centrifugation time and speed to obtain a
good quality PRP?
The aim of this article is to draw up a literature review to define
* Corresponding author at: Department of Maxillofacial and Plastic Facial
a simple and reproducible protocol (centrifugation optimal time
Surgery, Trousseau Hospital, CHU Trousseau, Avenvue de la république,
37170 Chambray-lès-Tours, France. and speed) in PRP preparation to get an ideal platelet yield, whilst
E-mail address: (B. Croisé). avoiding its alteration.
2468-7855/ C 2019 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Croisé B, et al. Optimized centrifugation preparation of the platelet rich plasma: Literature review. J
Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg (2019),
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JORMAS-715; No. of Pages 5

2 B. Croisé et al. / J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg xxx (2019) xxx–xxx

2. Materials and Methods PRP preparation:

2.1. 1Selection  whole, non-anticoagulated blood collection in a citrated tube;

 first centrifugation (soft spin) in order to separate the red blood
This systematic literature review looked into all international cells (lower layer 45%) from the rich in platelets plasma (upper
articles published between 2007 and 2018 on Medline (PubMed). layer 55%). There is a middle leucocyte layer or buffy coat (<1%);
The used key words combination was ‘‘Platelet Rich Plasma’’ and  sample of the upper layer;
‘‘centrifugation’’ and ‘‘platelet concentration’’. All the titles and  then, there are two possible choices:
abstracts of the identified articles on the database have been  either we use this rich in platelets plasma,
analyzed in order to evaluate their eligibility. The review should  or we carry out a second centrifugation (hard spin) with a
study a precise protocol of centrifugation to obtain a platelet higher speed to obtain a platelet concentrated plasma or pure
concentration. The sought judging criteria are the platelet yield PRP, made of granules, which is represented by the lower
and/or the release rate of growth factors. The articles on studies layer. This coat is homogenized with plasma.
carried out on animals have been excluded from the study, as well
as articles dealing with other protocols than centrifugation.
Moreover only the English and French articles have been analyzed. 2.2. Various centrifuges
Among the 95 articles in the database searching, 21 articles were
eligible and after full-text analysis, 14 articles were included in this The most used centrifuges during these studies are presented in
systematic review (Fig. 1). this chapter:

Fig. 1. Systematic review study selection process: flow diagram of articles identified and excluded for the study.

Please cite this article in press as: Croisé B, et al. Optimized centrifugation preparation of the platelet rich plasma: Literature review. J
Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg (2019),
G Model
JORMAS-715; No. of Pages 5

B. Croisé et al. / J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg xxx (2019) xxx–xxx 3

 Eppendorf 5810 R [4] with a maximum speed of 14,000 RPM; centrifugation at 130 G for 15 min was decided in advance. Then,
 Rotina 380 R [7] with a maximum speed of 15,000 RPM; he studied several speeds 130, 250, 400 and 1000 G for the second
 Jouan BR4i [8] with a maximum speed of 14,000 RPM; step. The speed allowing to obtain the best platelet concentration
 Allegra X15R [9] with a maximum speed of 10,200 RPM; without platelet aggregation was 250 G for 15 min with a
 Kubota 5900 [2] with a maximum speed of 8500 RPM. significant difference (P = 0.02). The set up protocol consisted of
two serial 15-minute centrifugations of anticoagulated whole
blood at 130 G for the « soft » spin and, 250 G for the « hard » spin.
Formulae Ogundipe et al. [13] studied a double centrifugation with
30 healthy volunteers. The first centrifugation was 1000 RPM for
In our opinion, a formula must be defined, due to the language 10 min and the second one 1200 RPM for 10 min. The whole  -
difference noticed in these articles. Indeed, some authors draw up platelet concentration averaged 268,667 platelets/mL3. After this
their protocols by using the Gay (G) measure unit, while others use double centrifugation, it increased to 3,157,667 platelets/mL3,
the rotation/min unit (RPM) to speak of the centrifugation speed; 11.8 times more and, a growth factor enrichment of 1.086%.
G = 11,18  10 6  r (cm)  N2 5RPM) in which r is the rotor In his study, Franco et al. [14] carried out a first centrifugation at
rotation radius 400 G for 10 min. Then, he centrifuged the buffy coat at 800 G for
N= (G/(1.118  10 5  r)) 10 min and reduced the volume by two-thirds to obtain the PRP.
This protocol resulted in a platelet concentration 8.5 times higher
(6.03  108 platelets/mL).
Results Jo et al. [9] also studied the best protocol with 39 samples of
healthy subjects. The platelet concentration of these samples was
It has been decided that it is easier to use a chronological order 152.8  103  28.9 mL. A method of double centrifugation was
in this literature review to allow the study of practice develop- carried out. The first centrifugation was evaluated from 500 G to
ments. 1900 G for 5 min and, from 100 G to 1300 G for 10 min. Then, the most
Indeed, Tamimi et al. [10] in 2007 showed in his study that a efficient centrifugation was centrifuged a second time at different
double centrifugation enabled to obtain a PRP with higher platelet protocols (1000 G and, 1500 G for 15 min and, 10 min, 2000 G for
concentrations than during a simple centrifugation. However, the 5 min or 3000 G for 5 min).
double centrifugation system caused modifications in the platelet The first centrifugation allowing a high platelet concentration is
ultrastructure. He drew up a protocol of 160 G for 10 min, then 900 G for 5 min, namely an increase of 92% for a platelet
400 G for 10 min. concentration of 310.7  103  78.5 mL. The second centrifugation is
During the same year, Rutkowski et al. [11] carried out a study then carried out on these samples and the obtained protocol is 1500 G
to obtain a simple and reproducible method for PRP preparation. for 15 min, allowing to get a platelet concentration of
He based it on 7 subjects and his judging criteria were the platelet 633.2  91.6  103/mL, namely 4.2 times more.
concentration and whether the utilization time plays a lead role on Thus, the Jo protocol consisted in a double centrifugation,
its growth factors release. The set up protocol for a good quality namely 900 G for 5 min, then 1500 G for 15 min.
PRP without platelet alteration was 1350 G for 10 min. His study In his study, Amable et al. [8] wished to set up a repeatable and
also showed that a longer time (> 3 h) caused a decrease of TGF b optimal method for PRP preparation. Therefore, he checked up a
concentration but without alteration of the other growth factors. double centrifugation PRP preparation on 22 healthy subjects. The
Mazzocca et al. [1] set up a study with 8 healthy subjects to best result for platelet concentration was 300 G for 5 min in the
identify the best protocol among three standards, a low speed first centrifugation. The second centrifugation allowing a lower
centrifugation (1500 RPM during 5 min), a high speed centrifuga- platelet loss was 700 G for 17 min.
tion (3200 RPM during 15 min) and a double centrifugation with a In the Perez survey [7], the best double centrifugation protocol
soft pin of 1500 RPM during 5 min and a hard spin of 6300 RPM has been searched. The first centrifugation was made from 50 to
during 20 min. A significant difference has been noted for the high 820 G for 10 min. After this first centrifugation, the upper coat has
speed centrifugation with a platelet concentration of been taken out and centrifuged at various speeds (200, 400, 800,
873,8  207,2  103/mL (P < 0,05) compared with the low speed or 1200 and 1600 G) for 10 min.
the double centrifugation. This centrifugation protocol significantly The first centrifugation speed selected was 100 G for 10 min;
increases the growth factors production with a sole exception, the the selected speed for the second centrifugation was 400G for
VEGF-A production. Then, Mazzocca [1] concluded that the appro- 10 min. This protocol, after removal of two thirds of plasma after
priate protocol for a PRP production with respect to the required the second centrifugation allowed to get a 5 times higher platelet
clinical effect is 3200 RPM for 15 min. concentration and to keep the platelet vitality.
Araki et al. [2] studied several double centrifugation protocols. At Sabarish et al. [4] studied 3 double centrifugation methods with
first, he varied different speeds from 30 to 2330 G during 10 min to 20 healthy subjects. The first protocol was set up by Marx in 1999,
carry out the « soft » spin. He obtained the best platelet concentration namely a first centrifugation at 1000 RPM for 4 min and, a second
(3 times higher than whole blood concentration) with a protocol one at 800 RPM for 9 min. The second method by comparison was
from 230 to 270 G for 10 min. He noticed that platelet concentration the Okuda one in 2003, with 2400 RPM for 10 min, then 3600 RPM
decreased after 320 G and for a speed higher than 840 G, the for 15 min. The last method was the Landesberg one in 2000 with
removed blood cells precipitated. The obtained protocol for the 1400 RPM for 10 min, then 1600 RPM for 10 min.
« hard » spin was 2330 G for 10 min, which allowed a platelet The best results to have the highest platelet concentration were
concentration 7.4 times higher than the PRP with a one tenth PCP obtained with 1000 RPM for 4 min and, then 800 RPM for 9 min.
(Platelet Concentrated Plasma) reduced volume, i.e. 20 times more This method allows an increase of 1,6 times (2,18  108 to
than in whole blood. He also noticed that the addition of 3,5  108).
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic anticoagulant (EDTA) allowed to avoid In his article, Arora et al. [15] wanted to study the platelet
the platelet aggregation, then a better platelet concentration. concentration and the release rate of the various growth factors
In 2012, Bausset et al. [12] set up a double concentration through different double centrifugation protocols. He set up
protocol to obtain a PRP with the best platelet concentration. He 9 groups for the first centrifugation in terms of force (A: 100 G, B:
carried out his study with 54 healthy subjects. The first 208 G, C: 440 G) and time (1: 5 min, 2: 10 min, 3: 20 min).

Please cite this article in press as: Croisé B, et al. Optimized centrifugation preparation of the platelet rich plasma: Literature review. J
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JORMAS-715; No. of Pages 5

4 B. Croisé et al. / J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg xxx (2019) xxx–xxx

The highest platelet concentration was found in the C3 group. 250  15. In fact, the platelet enrichment factor of P-PRP obtained
He also noticed that, when the centrifugation time increased, the using 250  15 was significantly higher than that obtained using
platelet concentration became higher. Likewise, when the centri- 180  10 (P < 0.001), 180  15 (P < 0.001) and 250  10
fugation force increased at 10 min, the platelet concentration also (P < 0.001). However, the platelet enrichment factor did not
increased, but this causal link was not found, when the further increase by preparation using 450  10 (P > 0.999) and
centrifugation time was 20 min. 450  15 (P > 0.999) compared with 250  15. But
In order to study the growth factor release, the various tubes 250  15 allowed to have a concentration of growth factor more
were centrifuged at 172 G for 3 min and, after a night of incubation, important. P-PRP obtained by centrifugation at 250  15 had a
at 1552 G for 23 min. The study highlighted that there was no higher level of PDGF-AB compared to that obtained at 180  10
significant difference in the PDGF-AB release. The TGF B secretion (P = 0.001), 180  15 (P = 0.028), 250  10 (P = 0.008), 450  10
significantly increased in all the groups, except when time was (P = 0.011) and 450  15 (P = 0.004) (Table 1).
20 min. The VEGF release increased in all the groups, without any
significant difference between them.
Arora et al. [15] concluded that the best protocol was 208 G for 3. Discussion
20 min, because the increasing centrifugation force leaded to a
platelet aggregation and a bad release of growth factors. Many protocols were studied, allowing an increase of the PRP
The aim of Eren’s [16] article was to study the centrifugation platelet concentration. However, it is important to distinguish the
time effect on the growth factors release. He checked the platelet methods of simple and double centrifugation; the second one
concentration and the growth factors rate at different rest times on allowing to get a platelets concentrated plasma with a longer
20 healthy subjects (1 h, 24 h and 72 h), using 2 protocols, one at preparation.
2660 RPM for 10 min (Group A) or 12 min (Group B). The The platelet concentration allowing a therapeutic effect is
referenced platelet concentration was 235,3  52,3/mL  103, the obtained in all the simple centrifugation protocols.
result for the group A was 218,7  50,1/mL  103 and for the group B Moreover these articles also show that the platelets are fragile
214,7  52,1/mL  103: there is no significant difference. cells and whether the centrifugation force is too strong, there is a
As the growth factor rate, the VEGF rate was significantly higher risk of alteration and then inefficiency. However, the VEGF
after centrifugation during 12 min. concentration increases according to the centrifugation time.
This study showed that centrifugation time had no effect on A method of simple centrifugation would then be a good
platelet concentration and growth factors other than VEGF. compromise.
However VEGF being very important in the tissue healing process, In our day-to-day practice, we use a Sigma centrifuge and a
it would be preferable to increase the centrifugation time. protocol of simple centrifugation at 3000 RPM (or 1350 G) for
Yin et al. [17] in this study wanted to find an optimal of a double 3 min.
centrifugation in 80 volunteers patients. A new method described by Wu [18] would allow a more
For the first centrifugation he studied 6 different protocols standardized protocol, with a shorter preparation time. The use of
(110 G for 15 mn (110  15), 130  10, 130  15, 160  10, ultrasounds on the whole blood would result in a concentration
160  15, 180  10). comparable to that of centrifugation.
The second centrifugation was also studied by 6 various PRP indication in maxillofacial surgery is also contested. Indeed,
protocols (180  10, 180  15, 250  10, 250  15, 450  10, Betega et al. [19] shows in his article that the PRP clinical benefit is
450  15). not proven. However, in 2013, Albanese et al. [20] studied PRP use
The platelet concentration of PCP obtained using 160  10 was in several maxillofacial indications. This review points out that PRP
significantly higher than that of PCP obtained using 110  15 use after a tooth extraction allows to improve healing but does not
(P < 0.001), 130  10 (P < 0.001), 160  15 (P < 0.001) and contribute to bone regeneration. As to indication in periodontal
180  10 (P < 0.001), and comparable with that obtained using surgery, the results are heterogeneous. The review also shows
130  15 (P > 0.999). The result was similar for leukocytes and satisfactory results in pre-implant and implant surgery, depending
growth factor concentration. Therefore, 160  10 was designated on the type of material being used. This interesting outcome is also
as the optimal centrifugation conditions for the first spin. noted in osteonecrosis mandibular surgery. Fornaini et al. [21]
The second spin was realized in the sample where the first spin states a case with PRP treatment in osteonecrosis mandibular
was 160  10. The best result was obtained by the protocol surgery.

Table 1
Summary table of various protocols.

Study/Year 1ST centrifugation 2ND centrifugation Platelet concentration

Rutkowski/2007 1350 G for 10 min 6 times more concentrated

Tamimi/2007 160 G for 10 min 400 G for 10 min 630,2  103/mL
Mazzocca/2012 3200 RPM for 15 min 873,8  207,2  103/mL
Araki/2012 230 to 270 G for 10 min 2330 G for 10 min 7,4 higher
Bausset/2012 130 G for 15 min 250 G for 15 min 3,96 times higher
Ogundipe/2012 1000 RPM for 10 min 1200 RPM for 10 min 11,8 times higher
Franco/2012 400 G for 10 min 800 G for 10 min 8,5 times higher
Jo/2013 900 G for 5 min 1500 G for 15 min 633,2  91,6  103/mL
4,2 times higher
Amable/2013 300G for 5 min 700 G for 17 min 140 to 190  103/mL
Perez/2014 100 G for 10 min 400 G for 10 min 5 times higher
Sabarish/2015 1000 RPM for 4 min 800 RPM for 9 min 3,5  108
1,6 times higher
Arora/2016 208 G for 20 min 1552 G for 23 min 87% relative platelet concentration
Eren/2016 2660 RPM for 12 min 214,7  52,1/mL  103
Yin/2017 160 G for 10 min 250 G for 15 min More 1250  109/L

Please cite this article in press as: Croisé B, et al. Optimized centrifugation preparation of the platelet rich plasma: Literature review. J
Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg (2019),
G Model
JORMAS-715; No. of Pages 5

B. Croisé et al. / J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg xxx (2019) xxx–xxx 5

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Please cite this article in press as: Croisé B, et al. Optimized centrifugation preparation of the platelet rich plasma: Literature review. J
Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg (2019),

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